1.0.2-alpha.6 (2024-10-31)
- decryption: add decryption for eth and ar wallet (d23610b)
1.0.2-alpha.5 (2024-10-31)
1.0.2-alpha.4 (2024-10-29)
- imports: fix broken bullshit (998255d)
1.0.2-alpha.3 (2024-10-29)
1.0.2-alpha.2 (2024-10-28)
1.0.2-alpha.1 (2024-10-26)
- build: update exports in build (0999b52)
- build: update exports in build (1a42fd0)
- docs: add tool for deploying docs (f8561cd)
- docs: update docs config and tooling (044b400)
1.0.1-alpha.1 (2024-10-25)
- action: dont use build file in publish docs (746084a)
- action: remove concurrency from publish (f20c3d4)
- actions: update actions to inherits secrets (2c1017e)
- build: update build config (12652af)
- docs: add tool for deploying docs (f8561cd)
- node v: bump node version to 20 (c41545f)
- precommit: update precommit action (7a654f6)
- prettier: update lint staged prettier command (f3de73b)
- provider: rename provider (6593245)
- publish: add permaweb deploy (9cd4017)
- publish: add permaweb deploy (dbbc9e9)
- storybook: fix storybook build (c23ffaf)
- tsconfig: no emit (6094fee)
- types: remove DOM from tsconfig types (9577dd7)
1.0.0-alpha.2 (2024-10-25)
- action: dont use build file in publish docs (746084a)
- action: remove concurrency from publish (f20c3d4)
- actions: update actions to inherits secrets (2c1017e)
- build: update build config (12652af)
- node v: bump node version to 20 (c41545f)
- precommit: update precommit action (7a654f6)
- prettier: update lint staged prettier command (f3de73b)
- provider: rename provider (6593245)
- publish: add permaweb deploy (9cd4017)
- publish: add permaweb deploy (dbbc9e9)
- storybook: fix storybook build (c23ffaf)
- tsconfig: no emit (6094fee)
- types: remove DOM from tsconfig types (9577dd7)
- actions: add concurrency check (bf7d84a)
- add back node tsconfig (5734c80)
- Add error handling to ans profile fetch (64f2242)
- ans hook (f2e9f97)
- app icon (ed40480)
- ArConnect slogan (e0b881f)
- bump package version (0d4b49c)
- close modal if connected (3b822ab)
- connectin screen styles (3f41e2c)
- css (d4fa8af)
- Decode tags before sending to othent (7e977fd)
- dispatch dependencies (3c7a88e)
- ensurepermissions without disconnecting (108552e)
- exports (d3a8550)
- inidividual strategy typings (1576a70)
- lint: update code with fixes for errors shown by lint (ec7c73c)
- modal: prevent blurring by switching from transform properties to width, flex, and position (9891b92)
- Othent getPermissions recursive calls with addressListeners (7eb0d47)
- pkg (af6b88c)
- readme tables (25249c4)
- Resolve path to type declarations inside exports (b99b1ce)
- responsiveness (104a378)
- save strategy (7f515d2)
- typescript errors (5dcc8e8)
- useApi() hook (8ed566a)
- useMobile not working in nextjs (aa3a689)
- version: add version to exported files (a363d2d)
- version: update version script to target dist (1b12315)
- wallets: bump arweave-wallet-connector and implement signDataItem on class (4d66ad2)
- workflows: update workflows (da6dbeb)
- yarn (8f2d469)
- yarn: add yarn rc (5a4d8d3)
- "useApi" hook (cfe4607)
- active address (27fa0c8)
- active address sync (9573a91)
- add linaria (c08bb0d)
- add Othent functions (fee46ba)
- address hooks (2db7b3e)
- advanced API ID override (22b72be)
- allow theme overrides (9796fcb)
- api (fc876ae)
- application (f7cf401)
- arweave-based logos for strategies (b66453f)
- arweave.app support (fb3ac7d)
- basic browser wallet strategy (fe4466e)
- basic contexts and hooks (f594da3)
- basic modal wip (d260a8d)
- bottom modal for mobile devices (f8b9c48)
- brave paragraph (00e8a3f)
- button (4b4fdb0)
- check if strategy is available (2cf5512)
- client side components for nextjs (666584c)
- connect button docs (a10d318)
- connect button wip (547fb99)
- connect buttons ANS & "useAns" hook (efd04af)
- connecting screen wip (94c7baf)
- connecting wip (f0f004f)
- dispatch() Othent (3a8e794)
- display kit version (6693630)
- display strategy icon in profile window (97c644f)
- don't have a wallet section (a43d5b5)
- export usePermissions (388f03c)
- finish up ArConnect strategy (52c2e6f)
- finish up connect flow (7db4177)
- hanlde brave shields wip (0acb115)
- interop (59c5615)
- mobile optimizations wip (8a24f2b)
- modal head component (977b856)
- more config for the connect button (0111fd3)
- more config to connect button story (36b6e8e)
- othent base works (32d5e56)
- othent wip (23941f2)
- profile modal (d66dc55)
- radius support (1285fc1)
- remove active public key & signature (4cc5ca3)
- restore sessions (47020a2)
- selection (f478474)
- show profile modal for connect button (bfc84bb)
- sign() Othent (2f16fe2)
- simplify types (eb8b297)
- strategies wip (9967dba)
- strategies: add wagmi strategies (850ff11)
- strategy sync and config (8f44917)
- strategy wip (1805502)
- sync arweave.app (746f082)
- temporary fix (06c9a32)
- text (45f0931)
- theme transitions & dark theme fixes (c3d07dc)
- unavailable message (dcd49fa)
- update readme (dd2da96)
- usePermissions hook & sync permissions for better connection check (9020bc3)
- workaround withTheme (0d6f81d)