After installing the module a new CMS section will be created called SEO with a gridfield detailing essential Meta. If you would like to customise the Tabs and models shown use the YML config.
- MyPageClass
- MyObject
The SEO Admin section has modifed field settings which exports all major and minor SEO fields for the CSV export. The list includes the following:
- Created
- ID
- Class Name
- Title
- URL Segment
- Meta Title
- Meta Description
- Canonical
- Robots
- Priority
- Change Frequency
- Sitemap Hide
- Hide Social
- OG Type
- OG Locale
- Twitter Card
- Social Image
- Head Tags
- Sitemap Images
A few new fields will be added to the CMS settings. These are site wide configuration settings.
- Default Meta title to page title when Meta title empty? - Will use the Page title in the Meta <title></title> tag by default
- OG Site Name - Used in Open Graph Meta
- Twitter Handle - @{VALUE} used in Twitter Meta
- Twitter Creator Handle - @{VALUE} used in Twitter Meta
- Facebook App ID - Used in Facebook Meta
- Default Social Image - Used in og:image and twitter:image meta when social image not set on page / model
Within the SEO tab you can find the Google SERP preview field. This allows you to construct Meta while visually seeing how it will look on Google search results.