- Modified SqueezeDet Multi-Task Learning (MTL) for Face detection, Landmark, Age, and Pose in TensorFlow
- MTCNN face detection in TensorFlow
- CTPN text detection in TensorFlow, Caffe
- CRNN text recognition in PyTorch
- Faster RCNN object detection in TensorFlow
- YOLO object detection in TensorFlow (DarkFlow)
- DeepSort multiple person tracking in TensorFlow
- Softmax and Triplet person re-identification in TensorFlow
- Tracking by Re-Identification
- Face detection in RTSP stream
- Person detection and Bibnumber detection in Marathon
Examples using DLL: Please see the examples folder
Rest API:
DLL-RAPI$ sudo systemctl start apache2
DLL-RAPI$ redis-server
DLL-RAPI$ python model_RAPI.py
DLL-RAPI$ curl -X POST -F "image=@samples/000001.png" -F "rfid=@samples/rfid.csv" 'http://localhost/predict_bibnumber'
- Docker container
- DLL Trainer