- KHR_materials_anisotropy
- KHR_materials_clearcoat
- KHR_materials_emissive_strength
- KHR_materials_transmission
- KHR_materials_volume
Wayfair AnisotropyBarnLamp model using anisotropy, clearcoat, emissive_strength, transmission, volume, and basisu extensions.
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(above) Screenshot from glTF Sample Viewer with the environment Studio Neutral and the tone map ACES Filmic Tone Mapping (Hill).
This model represents a real Wayfair product, an Antique Copper Barn Light with a brushed copper finish. This product was chosen as a stress-test for anisotropic reflections because it has multiple pieces with different directions of brushed-metal micro-grooves.
The use of real-world photographic reference is meant to help glTF developers with calibrating material features and renderer behavior, to more accurately represent e-commerce products. Additional photo reference is available on the Wayfair website.
(above) Photos of the real product.
The asset has three meshes, each using their own materials:
The incandescent filament inside the light bulb uses a PBR material with an emissive color and KHR_materials_emissive_strength to create high-dynamic range emission. If the renderer supports it, the filament should glow with a bloom effect.
The light bulb glass uses KHR_materials_transmission and KHR_materials_volume for clear glass with reflection and refraction.
The metal parts have multi-layer surface reflections. The copper is covered with fine grooves which cause anisotropic-stretched reflections, here replicated with KHR_materials_anisotropy. Some of the copper has oxidized in the corners reducing reflectivity and metalness. The grooves and oxidation are present in the baseColorTexture and in the roughnessTexture, which is in the green channel of the
. The metal parts have additionally been covered in a glossy clearcoat glaze which contributes non-anisotropic reflections, here simulated with KHR_materials_clearcoat.
(Above) Texture channels for the metal material, displayed on the model.
Anisotropy enabled (above left), compared with disabled (above right).
The anisotropy rotation is varied across the model using an anisotropyTexture
. The red channel and green channel control the rotation relative to the surface tangents, while the blue channel acts as a scalar or mask for the overall anisotropy. Radial gradient sweeps are used to create the radial anisotropy where the metal parts have been brushed in a circular pattern.
(above) A closeup of the anisotropyTexture
for the metal material. From left: RGB combined, red channel, green channel, and blue channel.
(above) A diagram to show which colors to use in the anisotropyTexture
to get specific results on different parts of the model.
- Ellipses show which colors will stretch reflections in various directions.
- Arrows indicate directions of microgrooves or hairs (perpendicular to anisotropy).
- Circle at bottom right is in front of the color to use for zero anisotropy (black in the blue channel). Yellowish green has been used in this area (0.5,1,0); more information on this choice below.
There is a close correlation between the texture coordinates and the anisotropyRotation
, because surface tangents are calculated from the UVs and the surface normals of the model. This is explained in a video from Babylon.js Unraveling Advanced Anisotropic Reflections.
(above) Texture coordinates for the metal material, displayed with the anisotropyTexture
The parts with vertical UV strips are assigned a pink color to stretch the anisotropy in a horizontal direction (perpendicular to the brushed pattern) while the horizontal UV strips use a cyan color to stretch the anisotropy in a vertical direction.
(above) The affect of each color channel in the anisotropyTexture
. Left to right: the full anisotropy texture, filling the red channel with black, filling the green channel with black, filling the blue channel with black.
Both the red and green channels are needed for well-shaped anisotropic reflections. The blue channel can be used to disable anisotropy where micro-grooves are not prominent on the surface.
When a bump texture is in use with anisotropy, high frequency bump details may need to have anisotropy disabled to achieve better bump lighting results. In this asset, the raised text and knurled grips use black in the blue channel to disable anisotropy.
A well-formed anisotropyTexture
needs to be normalized to ensure proper lighting. Each pixel creates a directional 2D vector whose unit length must be one. Without this, anisotropy is likely to yield incorrect results.
When normalizing an anisotropyTexture
, the blue channel should be omitted from normalization because it is used for anisotropyStrength
not rotation.
(above) Adobe Substance 3D Designer can be setup to ignore the blue channel anisotropyStrength
during normalization, and add it back in afterwards.
This graph can be downloaded as a SBSAR file: Substance_NormalizeRG.zip. This is a Substance 3D Asset which can be used to normalize anisotropy textures with Adobe Substance Player and other applications which support SBSAR.
When assigning zero anisotropy to high-frequency details like text, it is best to set the red and green channels of the anisotropy texture to the same color as the surrounding area. This can help avoid normalization artifacts where values produce NaNs from divide-by-zero errors, as shown in the bottom example.
Keeping high-frequency values in the blue channel and using homogenous colors in the red and green channels will produce a cleaner texture, which ultimately compresses better and makes a smaller asset size.
(Above) High frequency details in the blue channel should be paired with homogenous colors in the red and green channels to avoid normalization artifacts.
A variant of the asset is provided KTX2 textures using Basis Universal texture compression. The PNG textures were processed with UASTC compression using toktx
, then referenced in the glTF using the KHR_texture_basisu extension.
The KTX2 textures end up with smaller file sizes (about half) and crucially with much smaller GPU memory footprint (about one fifth) compared to the PNG textures. With careful attention to compression settings, there is virtually no visual difference between the PNG and KTX2 textures when the models are rendered side-by-side. For more information on compression settings, see the KTX Artist Guide.
toktx --t2 --encode uastc --uastc_quality 4 --uastc_rdo_l .25 --uastc_rdo_d 65536 --zcmp 22 --assign_oetf linear --assign_primaries none AnisotropyBarnLamp_anisotropy.ktx2 AnisotropyBarnLamp_anisotropy.png --verbose
toktx --t2 --encode uastc --uastc_quality 4 --uastc_rdo_l .25 --uastc_rdo_d 65536 --zcmp 22 --assign_oetf srgb --assign_primaries srgb AnisotropyBarnLamp_basecolor.ktx2 AnisotropyBarnLamp_basecolor.png --verbose
toktx --t2 --encode uastc --uastc_quality 4 --uastc_rdo_l .25 --uastc_rdo_d 65536 --zcmp 22 --assign_oetf linear --assign_primaries none AnisotropyBarnLamp_normalbump.ktx2 AnisotropyBarnLamp_normalbump.png --verbose
toktx --t2 --encode uastc --uastc_quality 4 --uastc_rdo_l .25 --uastc_rdo_d 65536 --zcmp 22 --assign_oetf linear --assign_primaries none AnisotropyBarnLamp_occlusionroughnessmetal.ktx2 AnisotropyBarnLamp_occlusionroughnessmetal.png --verbose
The asset was created using 3ds Max, exported to glTF using Max2Babylon, and materials were edited in Visual Studio Code with glTF Tools.
© 2023, Copyright 2023 Wayfair, LLC. CC BY 4.0 International
- Eric Chadwick for Everything