- Move predix-ui.com to Polymer 2
- added component gallery
- add chip to navigation
- add heatmap grid to navigation
- a few responsive usability tweaks
- fix spinner issue
- added px-hero-image component
- made hero image responsive
- Applied dark theme to side nav
- Rebuilt sass to take forms design fixes
- fix #64
- Ken's pr with animation and guidelines
- added shadows design
- Adding vis crosshair article
- Replace references to Predix UI Seed with Predix UI Web App Starter
- Perf tweaks
- Design changes to make it look like predix.io
- Remove px-catalog-footer
- Add px-demo
- Fix gulp git build to allow us to check in more assets
- removed px-input-group-design
- removed px-chart
- remove dead code
- remove legacy flexbox for IE10
- add 'noscript' handler if browser JS is switched of.
- added label for search input (a11y)
- added spacing-responsive and widths-responsive
- remove px-demo because it was causing an e2big error because of all the bower dependencies.
- added px-catalog-footer
- fixed header spacing per design feedback
- updated all pages' footers to px-demo footers
- updated description and links on the home page
- updated nav to include gauge and number-formatter
- Fixed placeholder text in search box
- added cloudflare cache reset on push
- fixed IE11 bug that was caused by an extra closing tag.
- added px-timeline
- fixed mobile nav issue
- optimized build process to include uglify JS
- organized gulpfile code and tasks
- updated link to px-polymer-font-awesome demo
- added keywords to forms design
- Fix scrolling issue on mobile in Chrome
- Hide side navigation when user clicks a menu item on mobile
- Show spinner when user clicks a menu item to indicate page is responding
- Ensure iFrame container doesn't show double scroll bar on mobile
- fixed typos, alphabetical order
- added px-typeahead
- added view header
- removed content from the README.md
- fixed typo
- added kpi, spark, inbox
- fixed link for polymer-font-awesome
- added some keywords
- added px-simple-win-loss-chart
- added keywords to charts
- added keywords to search
- vulcanize all the files
- added more sass repos to the nav
- added more sass repos to the nav
- added more sass repos to the nav
- added more sass repos to the nav
- added more sass repos to the nav
- made nav dynamic, added search, X now only appears when there's a search keyword
- fixed typo in nav bar
- added new charts
- bump version
- added additional links to sass libraries
- added dynamic menu with search function
- added new links for more updated sass libraries
- added new links for first few updated sass libraries
- added vulcanize and lnks in getting_started and landing page
- merged fix-menu-toggle
- removed jQuery
- fixed the menu staying open when goign to mobile bug
- separated out vis charts from charts
- Added percent circle & file upload
- changed timeseries naming
- Added px-vis, timeseries, and xy chart
- font fix
- Added spinner and updated datetime names
- Initial release