This is a Unity project I made to get a better understanding of implementation of Unity's ML-Agents library(v0.15)
- Unity 19.3.0f6
- MLAgents Toolkit 0.15
- Python 3.7
- Tensorflow 2.0.1
- A replica from the popular game Flappy Bird
- The bird can sort of fly up to avoid the obstacles
- The gravity pulls the bird down
- The obstacles are spawned randomly with variation in gaps between them
- The backgrounda and obstacles (pipes) created using GIMP
- The bird sprites used from xstrack1's assets
- Unity's mlagents toolkit, made for creating a game AI
- Please refer to the official description and setup here
- The Ai currently plays the game without crashing for about 400 seconds, still further training is required and more tweaking of the hyperparameters
- On the agent script in the editor make sure the model has been added just hit play andd watch it fly! Note: there are multiple models in the assets and currently i have added the model named FlappyBirdMoreSensorsMoreGravity.nn, not all the models are compatible as i have made changes in vector observations with different models to get the optimum performance