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Balance of Power

Abhijith Prakash



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4 Context and literature review

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4.4.2 Scheduling

The purpose of scheduling is to produce efficient (or economic) generation and consumption schedules for the minutes to days ahead based on expected power system conditions. In a similar manner to Chow et al. (2005), I divide the scheduling problem into three phases: dispatch, unit commitment and longer-term scheduling. Dispatch


Dispatch involves assigning generation or consumption targets to already-committed power system resources in real-time (i.e. several minutes ahead of delivery). Dispatch is carried out by the monopoly utility in vertically-integrated electricity industries, the SO in central dispatch markets and is self-managed by market participants in self-dispatch markets. In the first two cases, the SO dispatches power system resources by running a process known as security-constrained economic dispatch. Security-constrained economic dispatch seeks to find a minimum cost operating configuration for committed generation and loads such that a short-term forecast of non-scheduled demand can be met subject to network constraints and stability and reliability requirements4 (Grainger, 1994). Some SOs solve this problem for a single interval (e.g. in the Australian NEM), whereas others, including the California and Midcontinent ISOs, solve a multi-period dispatch to procure and, to some extent, price capabilities to address expected non-scheduled demand ramps (Ela and O’Malley, 2016; Schiro, 2017). The dispatch solution for each dispatch interval (typically 5–15 minutes long (IRENA, 2019)) consists of generation and consumption setpoints, enablement quantities for resources providing frequency control services and, in central dispatch markets that integrate power system and market operation, real-time market locational marginal prices for energy and ancillary services (Cramton, 2017). If piecewise linear functions are used by vertically-integrated utilities to model resource cost curves, or are required by the real-time market bid format for a market participant’s energy offer curve5, the security-constrained economic dispatch problem can be efficiently solved using linear programming techniques (Wood et al., 2014).


Dispatch involves assigning generation or consumption targets to already-committed power system resources in real-time (i.e. several minutes ahead of delivery). Dispatch is carried out by the monopoly utility in vertically-integrated electricity industries, the SO in central dispatch markets and is self-managed by market participants in self-dispatch markets. In the first two cases, the SO dispatches power system resources by running a process known as security-constrained economic dispatch. Security-constrained economic dispatch seeks to find a minimum cost operating configuration for committed generation and loads such that a short-term forecast of non-scheduled demand can be met subject to network constraints and stability and reliability requirements4 (Grainger, 1994). Some SOs solve this problem for a single interval (e.g. in the Australian NEM), whereas others, including the California and Midcontinent ISOs, solve a multi-period dispatch to procure and, to some extent, price capabilities to address expected non-scheduled demand ramps (Ela and O’Malley, 2016; Schiro, 2017). The dispatch solution for each dispatch interval (typically 5–15 minutes long) consists of generation and consumption setpoints, enablement quantities for resources providing frequency control services and, in central dispatch markets that integrate power system and market operation, real-time market locational marginal prices for energy and ancillary services (Cramton, 2017). If piecewise linear functions are used by vertically-integrated utilities to model resource cost curves, or are required by the real-time market bid format for a market participant’s energy offer curve5, the security-constrained economic dispatch problem can be efficiently solved using linear programming techniques (Wood et al., 2014). Unit commitment

Thermal and hydroelectric generation, which historically dominated supply in many power systems, have inflexibility constraints (minimum load, start-up time, ramping limits and minimum up and down times) and costs (those attached to resource start-up, shut-down and operation at minimum load) that require SOs and market participants to make non-trivial unit commitment decisions (i.e. whether a resource should be online or offline). Depending on the resource, these decisions are made several minutes to hours ahead of power delivery (Agora Energiewende, 2017; Denholm et al., 2018). Unit commitment is: