Releases: practo/k8s-worker-pod-autoscaler
Releases · practo/k8s-worker-pod-autoscaler
- #17 #20 Fixes race conditions
- Don't work with pointers across go-routines - mv *QueueSpec with QueueSpec to prevent race
- Use a deep copy of a map across go-routines as maps are always passed by reference
- Info formatted for queue status
- #18 Don't fatal for this issue and log as error. This was fixed in k8s 1.13.1
- #13 Fixes worker pod autoscaler crash when updating deployments by adding retry implmentation
- #15 Tuned worker pod autoscaler for the following changes
- Bug fix to wait for short poll interval when appoxMessagesVisible > 0
- Status of WPA should have current metric information
- Don't fatal when queue is not found as it is a central controller
- Desired replica calculation changed to prevent un-necessary scale ups #16
- #1 Init Project, vendor management, Makefile, build, format scripts, command line init code, init package and README defining briefly planned work.
- #2 #3 #5 CRD creations, Project made generic and renamed to worker pod autoscaler.
- #4 WPA API, generators, Core controller written following the standard set by sample-controller
- #6 Queue based autoscaling core code
- Queue package
- Controller package
- Generic Poller as the thread manager for all the queues polling
- QueuingService interface
- SQS implementation of QueuingService interface
- Major work on making every piece fast and concurrent using go channels
- Scale up and down logic changes and test cases(
- #7 Scale down related improvements
- #8 Cache empty receive sqs API call as it is refreshed only in 5 mins interval
- #9 Give control to control the speed and concurrency - Added following flags
- #10 #11 #12 Made workerpodautoscaler kubernetes ready. Build and deployment realated changes.