This guide talks about how to build centos image to support DHCP IP and import it to PowerVS workspace.
Build the image template
pvsadm image qcow2ova --prep-template-default > image-prep.template
Add the below lines to end of
file to customize network.mkdir -p /etc/cloud/cloud.cfg.d cat <<EOF >> /etc/cloud/cloud.cfg.d/99-custom-networking.cfg network: {config: disabled} EOF
Build OVA image
pvsadm image qcow2ova --image-name <name> --image-dist centos --image-url --prep-template image-prep.template
Note: Qcow2 CentOS images for ppc64le can be found here
Upload image to COS bucket
pvsadm image upload -b <bucket-name> -f <file-name> -r <region> --accesskey <access-key-value> --secretkey <secret-key-value>
Import OVA image to a PowerVS Workspace
pvsadm image import -n <service-instance-name> -b <bucket-name> -o <file-name> -r <region> --accesskey <access-key-value> --secretkey <secret-key-value> --pvs-image-name <final-image-name>