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179 lines (146 loc) · 5.32 KB

File metadata and controls

179 lines (146 loc) · 5.32 KB


Lean and customizable in-memory cache. Allows to restrict cache in size as well as time. Provides different replacement strategies

Build Status

Quick start

var LeanCache = require('lean-cache');
// how to get new entry
var loadFunc = function(id, callback){
  db.fetch(id, callback);  

var opts = {
  load: loadFunc 
var cacheObj = new LeanCache(opts); // instance

cacheObj.get('abc', function(err, value){
    // either fetched from memory or via <loadFunc>
    // err - db error from <loadFunc>
    console.log('my value = %s', value);



	size: 100000, // 100k records max
	ttl: (60 * 60), // 1 hour
	interval: 600, // 10 minutes
	strategy: 'fifo', // First in first out
	load: null, // Where to get missing data
	storage: 'memory' // where to store cache objects
att min max enum comment
size 0 5000000 5 mil
ttl 0 2592000 30 days
interval 0 86400 24 hours
strategy _ _ fifo, lru, none more
storage _ _ memory, node-cache more

.get(key, callback)

if availible - returns a value from cache, otherwise uses to fetch value (and stores it for next use)

.set(key, value)

explicitly set the tuple


returns amount of entries in the cache


	"count": 0,
	"strategy": "fifo",
	"head": null, // Key, for FiFo - the Oldest entry
	"headAdded": null, // Timestamp
	"tail": null, // Key, for FiFo - the Newest entry
	"tailAdded": null, // Timestamp
	"lastInterval": "2019-01-21T07:56:55.638Z", // Timestamp, when last check happened
	"lastExpiredCount": 5, // Number, how many entries were removed during the last check
	"lastExpiredAdded": "2019-01-21T07:56:52.642Z",
	"lastExpiredRemoved": "2019-01-21T07:56:55.638Z"


Array of availible keys


replacement strategy

  • 'fifo' - First in First out, when exceeds , removes an element starting from Head
  • 'lru' - Least Recently Used, on every get sorts elements by popularity (Tail - Least / Head - Most), when exceeds , removes an element starting from Tail
  • 'none' - No replacement, elements are removed only on Time to Live basis

custom strategy

// Demonstrates "None" strategy - when <count> exceeds <size>, returns False
var custom = function(opts, storage){
	this.opts = opts;
	var store = storage;
	this.set = function(key, obj){
		if(store.count >= this.opts.size){
			return false; //deny
		// add to Tail
		store.add(key, obj);
		return true;
	this.get = function(key){
		return store.table[key];

var cacheObj = new LeanCache({size:1, strategy:custom});
cacheObj.set('a', {}); //true
cacheObj.set('b', {}); //false
cacheObj.keys(); // ['a']


Debugging is done via "debug" library, add ENV variable to enable.

DEBUG=lean-cache node your-very-cool-app.js

storage options

  • 'memory' - Default, keeps objects in memory
  • 'node-cache' - keeps objects in memory, wrapping node-cache library ( node-cache restricts cache only in time, wrapping allows to limit size & to enable Load if missing
var opts = {
  load: loadFunc,
  storage: 'node-cache',
  strategy: 'none'

var cacheObj = new LeanCache(opts);


vs array

$ node --expose-gc benchmark/storageLoad.js

// benchmark - simple array
// n - amount of operations

*** Start - storageLoad.js ***
TimeAdd - 	benchmark 	- n = 1000000 	| t = 331 ms 	| mem = 89.24 mb
TimeAdd - 	storage 	- n = 1000000 	| t = 2061 ms 	| mem = 274.25 mb
TimeRead - 	benchmark	- n = 500000 	| t = 3 ms 		| mem = 274.27 mb
TimeRead - 	storage		- n = 500000 	| t = 3 ms 		| mem = 274.27 mb
TimeDelete - benchmark	- n = 1000 		| t = 2087 ms 	| mem = 274.27 mb
TimeDelete - storage	- n = 1000 		| t = 1 ms 		| mem = 274.28 mb


$ node --expose-gc benchmark/node-cache.js

*** Benchmark start - target = node-cache *** Benchmark limits - add = 1000000 | read = 500000 | delete = 1000

Idle - node-cache - mem = 6.12 mb TimeAdd - node-cache - n = 1000000 | t = 2271 ms | mem = 232.75 mb TimeRead - node-cache - n = 500000 | t = 292 ms | mem = 261.5 mb TimeDelete - node-cache - n = 1000 | t = 3 ms | mem = 261.68 mb


$ node --expose-gc benchmark/lru-cache.js

*** Benchmark start - target = lru-cache *** Benchmark limits - add = 1000000 | read = 500000 | delete = 1000

Idle - lru-cache - mem = 4.48 mb TimeAdd - lru-cache - n = 1000000 | t = 1351 ms | mem = 251.22 mb TimeRead - lru-cache - n = 500000 | t = 312 ms | mem = 275.93 mb TimeDelete - lru-cache - n = 1000 | t = 1 ms | mem = 275.99 mb


name add(1m) read(500k) remove(1k) limit-time limit-size load-missing
lean-cache 2061 ms 3 ms 1 ms + + +
node-cache 2271 ms 292 ms 3 ms + - -
lru-cache 1351 ms 312 ms 1 ms //.prune() + -