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321 lines (241 loc) · 10.3 KB

File metadata and controls

321 lines (241 loc) · 10.3 KB

0.13.1 / 2014-01-07

  • Fix select with context in Cheerio function (@jugglinmike)
  • Remove unecessary DOM maintenance logic (@jugglinmike)
  • Deprecate support for node 0.6

0.13.0 / 2013-12-30

  • Remove "root" node (@jugglinmike)
  • Fix bug in prevAll, prev, nextAll, next, prevUntil, nextUntil (@jugglinmike)
  • Fix replaceWith method (@jugglinmike)
  • added nextUntil() and prevUntil() (@finspin)
  • Remove internal connect function (@jugglinmike)
  • Rename Cheerio#make to document private status (@jugginmike)
  • Remove extraneous call to _.uniq (@jugglinmike)
  • Use CSSselect library directly (@jugglinmike)
  • Run CI against Node v0.11 as an allowed failure (@jugginmike)
  • Correct bug in Cheerio#parents (@jugglinmike)
  • Implement $.fn.end (@jugginmike)
  • Ignore colons inside of url(.*) when parsing css (@Meekohi)
  • Introduce rudimentary benchmark suite (@jugglinmike)
  • Update HtmlParser2 version (@jugglinmike)
  • Correct inconsistency in $ (@jugglinmike)
  • fixed traversing tests (@finspin)
  • Simplify make method (@jugglinmike)
  • Avoid shadowing instance methods from arrays (@jugglinmike)

0.12.4 / 2013-11-12

  • Coerce JSON values returned by data (@jugglinmike)
  • issue #284: when rendering HTML, use original data attributes (@Trott)
  • Introduce JSHint for automated code linting (@jugglinmike)
  • Prevent find from returning duplicate elements (@jugglinmike)
  • Implement function signature of replaceWith (@jugglinmike)
  • Implement function signature of before (@jugglinmike)
  • Implement function signature of after (@jugglinmike)
  • Implement function signature of append/prepend (@jugglinmike)
  • Extend iteration methods to accept nodes (@jugglinmike)
  • Improve removeClass (@jugglinmike)
  • Complete function signature of addClass (@jugglinmike)
  • Fix bug in removeClass (@jugglinmike)
  • Improve (@jugglinmike)
  • Fix and document .css() (@jugglinmike)

0.12.3 / 2013-10-04

  • Add .toggleClass() function (@cyberthom)
  • Add contributing guidelines (@jugglinmike)
  • Fix bug in siblings (@jugglinmike)
  • Correct the implementation filter and is (@jugglinmike)
  • add .data() function (@andi-neck)
  • add .css() (@yields)
  • Implements contents() (@jlep)

0.12.2 / 2013-09-04

  • Correct implementation of $.fn.text (@jugglinmike)
  • Refactor Cheerio array creation (@jugglinmike)
  • Extend manipulation methods to accept Arrays (@jugglinmike)
  • support .attr(attributeName, function(index, attr)) (@xiaohwan)

0.12.1 / 2013-07-30

  • Correct behavior of Cheerio#parents (@jugglinmike)
  • Double quotes inside attributes kills HTML (@khoomeister)
  • Making next({}) and prev({}) return empty object (@absentTelegraph)
  • Implement $.parseHTML (@jugglinmike)
  • Correct bug in jQuery.fn.closest (@jugglinmike)
  • Correct behavior of $.fn.val on 'option' elements (@jugglinmike)

0.12.0 / 2013-06-09

  • Breaking Change: Changed context from parent to the actual passed one (@swissmanu)
  • Fixed: jquery checkbox val behavior (@jhubble)
  • Added: output xml with $.xml() (@Maciek416)
  • Bumped: htmlparser2 to 3.1.1
  • Fixed: bug in attr(key, val) on empty objects (@farhadi)
  • Added: prevAll, nextAll (@lessmind)
  • Fixed: Safety check in parents and closest (@zero21xxx)
  • Added: .is(sel) (@zero21xxx)

0.11.0 / 2013-04-22

  • Added: .closest() (@jeremy-dentel)
  • Added: .parents() (@zero21xxx)
  • Added: .val() (@rschmukler & @leahciMic)
  • Added: Travis support for node 0.10.0 (@jeremy-dentel)
  • Fixed: .find() if no selector (@davidchambers)
  • Fixed: Propagate syntax errors caused by invalid selectors (@davidchambers)

0.10.8 / 2013-03-11

  • Add slice method (SBoudrias)

0.10.7 / 2013-02-10

  • Code & doc cleanup (davidchambers)
  • Fixed bug in filter (jugglinmike)

0.10.6 / 2013-01-29

  • Added $.contains(...) (jugglinmike)
  • formatting cleanup (davidchambers)
  • Bug fix for .children() (jugglinmike & davidchambers)
  • Remove global render bug (wvl)

0.10.5 / 2012-12-18

  • Fixed botched publish from 0.10.4 - changes should now be present

0.10.4 / 2012-12-16

  • $.find should query descendants only (@jugglinmike)
  • Tighter underscore dependency

0.10.3 / 2012-11-18

  • fixed outer html bug
  • Updated documentation for $(...).html() and $.html()

0.10.2 / 2012-11-17

  • Added a toString() method (@bensheldon)
  • use _.each and to simplify cheerio namesakes (@davidchambers)
  • Added filter() with tests and updated readme (@bensheldon & @davidchambers)
  • Added spaces between attributes rewritten by removeClass (@jos3000)
  • updated docs to remove reference to size method (@ironchefpython)
  • removed tidy from cheerio

0.10.1 / 2012-10-04

  • Fixed regression, filtering with a context (#106)

0.10.0 / 2012-09-24

  • Greatly simplified and reorganized the library, reducing the loc by 30%
  • Now supports mocha's test-coverage
  • Deprecated self-closing tags (HTML5 doesn't require them)
  • Fixed error thrown in removeClass(...) @robashton

0.9.2 / 2012-08-10

  • added $(...).map(fn)
  • manipulation: refactor makeCheerioArray
  • make .removeClass() remove all occurrences (#64)

0.9.1 / 2012-08-03

  • fixed bug causing options not to make it to the parser

0.9.0 / 2012-07-24

  • Added node 8.x support
  • Removed node 4.x support
  • Add html(dom) support (@wvl)
  • fixed xss vulnerabilities on .attr(), .text(), & .html() (@benatkin, @FB55)
  • Rewrote tests into javascript, removing coffeescript dependency (@davidchambers)
  • Tons of cleanup (@davidchambers)

0.8.3 / 2012-06-12

  • Fixed minor package regression (closes #60)

0.8.2 / 2012-06-11

  • Now fails gracefully in cases that involve special chars, which is inline with jQuery (closes #59)
  • text() now decode special entities (closes #52)
  • updated travis.yml to test node 4.x

0.8.1 / 2012-06-02

  • fixed regression where if you created an element, it would update the root
  • compatible with node 4.x (again)

0.8.0 / 2012-05-27

  • Updated CSS parser to use FB55/CSSselect. Cheerio now supports most CSS3 psuedo selectors thanks to @FB55.
  • ignoreWhitespace now on by default again. See #55 for context.
  • Changed $(':root') to $.root(), cleaned up $.clone()
  • Support for .eq(i) thanks to @alexbardas
  • Removed support for node 0.4.x
  • Fixed memory leak where package.json was continually loaded
  • Tons more tests

0.7.0 / 2012-04-08

  • Now testing with node v0.7.7
  • Added travis-ci integration
  • Replaced should.js with expect.js. Browser testing to come
  • Fixed spacing between attributes and their values
  • Added HTML pretty print
  • Exposed node-htmlparser2 parsing options
  • Revert .replaceWith(...) to be consistent with jQuery

0.6.2 / 2012-02-12

  • Fixed .replaceWith(...) regression

0.6.1 / 2012-02-12

  • Added .first(), .last(), and .clone() commands.
  • Option to parse using whitespace added to .load.
  • Many bug fixes to make cheerio more aligned with jQuery.
  • Added $(':root') to select the highest level element.

Many thanks to the contributors that made this release happen: @ironchefpython and @siddMahen

0.6.0 / 2012-02-07

  • Important: $(...).html() now returns inner HTML, which is in line with the jQuery spec
  • $.html() returns the full HTML string. $.html([cheerioObject]) will return the outer(selected element's tag) and inner HTML of that object
  • Fixed bug that prevented HTML strings with depth (eg. append('<ul><li><li></ul>')) from getting parent, next, prev attributes.
  • Halted htmlparser2 at v2.2.2 until single attributes bug gets fixed.

0.5.1 / 2012-02-05

  • Fixed minor regression: $(...).text(fn) would fail

0.5.1 / 2012-02-05

  • Fixed regression: HTML pages with comments would fail

0.5.0 / 2012-02-04

  • Transitioned from Coffeescript back to Javascript
  • Parser now ignores whitespace
  • Fixed issue with double slashes on self-enclosing tags
  • Added boolean attributes to html rendering

0.4.2 / 2012-01-16

  • Multiple selectors support: $('.apple, .orange'). Thanks @siddMahen!
  • Update package.json to always use latest cheerio-soupselect
  • Fix memory leak in index.js

0.4.1 / 2011-12-19

  • Minor packaging changes to allow make test to work from npm installation

0.4.0 / 2011-12-19

  • Rewrote all unit tests as cheerio transitioned from vows -> mocha
  • Internally, renderer.render -> render(...), parser.parse -> parse(...)
  • Append, prepend, html, before, after all work with only text (no tags)
  • Bugfix: Attributes can now be removed from script and style tags
  • Added yield as a single tag
  • Cheerio now compatible with node >=0.4.7

0.3.2 / 2011-12-1

  • Fixed $(...).text(...) to work with "root" element

0.3.1 / 2011-11-25

  • Now relying on cheerio-soupselect instead of node-soupselect
  • Removed all lingering htmlparser dependencies
  • parser now returns parent "root" element. Root now never needs to be updated when there is multiple roots. This fixes ongoing issues with before(...), after(...) and other manipulation functions
  • Added jQuery's $(...).replaceWith(...)

0.3.0 / 2011-11-19

  • Now using htmlparser2 for parsing (2x speed increase, cleaner, actively developed)
  • Added benchmark directory for future speed tests
  • $('...').dom() was funky, so it was removed in favor of $('...').get(). $.dom() still works the same.
  • $.root now correctly static across all instances of $
  • Added a screencast

0.2.2 / 2011-11-9

  • Traversing will select <script> and <style> tags (Closes Issue: #8)
  • .text(string) now working with empty elements (Closes Issue: #7)
  • Fixed before(...) & after(...) again if there is no parent (Closes Issue: #2)

0.2.1 / 2011-11-5

  • Fixed before(...) & after(...) if there is no parent (Closes Issue: #2)
  • Comments now rendered correctly (Closes Issue: #5)

< 0.2.0 / 2011-10-31

  • Initial release (untracked development)