These samples assume you have some familiarity with GraphQL (schemas, resolvers, middleware, etc.). If requested, a comprehensive example app might be posted in the future. But for now this should help get you started.
Sample schema:
export default `
type User {
phoneNumber: String!
type Session {
authToken: ID!
user: User!
type Mutation {
sendAuthCode(phoneNumber: String!): Boolean!
verifyAuthCode(phoneNumber: String!, authCode: String!): Session!
Sample mutation resolvers:
import jwtMongoSms from './jwtMongoSms'; // from wherever you instantiated JwtMongoSms
const sendAuthCode = (obj, { phoneNumber }) => {
// You can either create a user doc here with "phoneNumber" OR if your auth and
// users collections are the same, jwtMongoSms will create a user doc for you below
return jwtMongoSms.sendAuthCode(phoneNumber); // if successful, returns true
const verifyAuthCode = (obj, { phoneNumber, authCode }) => (
jwtMongoSms.verifyAuthCode({ phoneNumber, authCode }) // if successful, returns { user, authToken }
Sample auth token storage on client with Apollo:
mutation: gql`
mutation verifyAuthCode($phoneNumber: String!, $authCode: String!) {
verifyAuthCode(phoneNumber: $phoneNumber, authCode: $authCode) {
variables: {
phoneNumber: '+15555555555',
authCode: '1234',
.then(({ data }) => {
// NOTE: You can use another method (such as cookies) to store the token on the client
localStorage.setItem('authToken', data.verifyAuthCode.authToken);
Sample Apollo middleware that makes authorized requests:
applyMiddleware(request, next) {
const authToken = localStorage.getItem('authToken');
if (authToken) {
request.options.headers = {
authorization: `JWT ${authToken}`,
Setting context for resolvers that require authentication:
server.use('/graphql', bodyParser.json(), graphqlExpress((request) => ({
context: {
user: request.user, // Configure this key in JwtMongoSms with "requestKey" (defaults to "user")
Sample query resolver with authentication:
const guardedQuery = (obj, args, { user }) => {
if (!user) { // If empty, the user was not authenticated
throw new GraphQLError('Unauthorized');
return SomeCollectionWithPrivateuserData.findOne({ userId: user._id });