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This is now deprecated and these methods will cease to return a value in\nthe near future."]}),"\n",(0,t.jsx)(s.p,{children:"If you are doing something like this:"}),"\n",(0,t.jsx)(s.pre,{children:(0,t.jsx)(s.code,{className:"language-js",children:"app.get(podlet.js({ value: '/assets.js' }), (req, res) => {\n res.status(200).sendFile('./src/js/main.js', err => {});\n});\n"})}),"\n",(0,t.jsx)(s.p,{children:"You should rewrite it to the following:"}),"\n",(0,t.jsx)(s.pre,{children:(0,t.jsx)(s.code,{className:"language-js",children:"app.get('/assets.js', (req, res) => {\n res.status(200).sendFile('./src/js/main.js', err => {});\n});\n\npodlet.js({ value: '/assets.js' });\n"})}),"\n",(0,t.jsxs)(s.p,{children:["In addition to this ",(0,t.jsx)(s.code,{children:".js()"})," and ",(0,t.jsx)(s.code,{children:".css()"})," can now take an array of options\nobjects so its possible to set multiple assets in one go."]}),"\n",(0,t.jsx)(s.pre,{children:(0,t.jsx)(s.code,{className:"language-js",children:"app.use('/assets', express.static('./src/js'));\n\npodlet.js([\n { value: '/assets/main.js' },\n { value: '/assets/extra.js' },\n]);\n"})}),"\n",(0,t.jsx)(s.p,{children:"We will write more about our work on asset handling and bundling when we have\nsome more concrete code to show."}),"\n",(0,t.jsx)(s.h3,{id:"proxy",children:"Proxy"}),"\n",(0,t.jsx)(s.p,{children:"This release does also contains a small fix to the proxy preventing it from\nresolving a proxy request as successful after a failed proxy request has\noccurred."}),"\n",(0,t.jsx)(s.p,{children:"This mostly affected metrics causing failed proxy requests to also be counted\nas successfull requests."})]})}function u(e={}){const{wrapper:s}={...(0,r.R)(),...e.components};return s?(0,t.jsx)(s,{...e,children:(0,t.jsx)(c,{...e})}):c(e)}},8453:(e,s,n)=>{n.d(s,{R:()=>i,x:()=>a});var t=n(6540);const r={},o=t.createContext(r);function i(e){const s=t.useContext(o);return t.useMemo((function(){return"function"==typeof e?e(s):{...s,...e}}),[s,e])}function a(e){let s;return s=e.disableParentContext?"function"==typeof e.components?e.components(r):e.components||r:i(e.components),t.createElement(o.Provider,{value:s},e.children)}}}]); \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/assets/js/07ee3fee.10769ead.js b/assets/js/07ee3fee.10769ead.js deleted file mode 100644 index 5fad340..0000000 --- a/assets/js/07ee3fee.10769ead.js +++ /dev/null @@ -1 +0,0 @@ -"use strict";(self.webpackChunkwebsite=self.webpackChunkwebsite||[]).push([[6183],{8469:(e,n,i)=>{i.r(n),i.d(n,{assets:()=>a,contentTitle:()=>r,default:()=>l,frontMatter:()=>t,metadata:()=>d,toc:()=>c});var o=i(4848),s=i(8453);const t={title:"@podium/bridge"},r=void 0,d={id:"api/bridge",title:"@podium/bridge",description:"This package is a bridge designed to pass JSON-RPC 2.0 messages between a web application and a native web view.",source:"@site/docs/api/bridge.md",sourceDirName:"api",slug:"/api/bridge",permalink:"/docs/api/bridge",draft:!1,unlisted:!1,editUrl:"https://github.com/podium-lib/podium-lib.github.io/tree/source/docs/docs/api/bridge.md",tags:[],version:"current",frontMatter:{title:"@podium/bridge"},sidebar:"sidebar",previous:{title:"Assets",permalink:"/docs/api/assets"},next:{title:"@podium/browser",permalink:"/docs/api/browser"}},a={},c=[{value:"Usage",id:"usage",level:2},{value:"API",id:"api",level:2},{value:"bridge.on",id:"bridgeon",level:3},{value:"bridge.notification",id:"bridgenotification",level:3},{value:"bridge.call",id:"bridgecall",level:3}];function p(e){const n={a:"a",code:"code",h2:"h2",h3:"h3",p:"p",pre:"pre",...(0,s.R)(),...e.components};return(0,o.jsxs)(o.Fragment,{children:[(0,o.jsxs)(n.p,{children:["This package is a bridge designed to pass ",(0,o.jsx)(n.a,{href:"https://www.jsonrpc.org/specification",children:"JSON-RPC 2.0"})," messages between a web application and a native web view."]}),"\n",(0,o.jsx)(n.h2,{id:"usage",children:"Usage"}),"\n",(0,o.jsx)(n.p,{children:"To install:"}),"\n",(0,o.jsx)(n.pre,{children:(0,o.jsx)(n.code,{className:"language-sh",children:"npm install @podium/bridge\n"})}),"\n",(0,o.jsx)(n.p,{children:"Import the bridge in your client-side bundle:"}),"\n",(0,o.jsx)(n.pre,{children:(0,o.jsx)(n.code,{className:"language-js",children:'import "@podium/bridge";\n'})}),"\n",(0,o.jsxs)(n.p,{children:["You should probably send messages via ",(0,o.jsx)(n.a,{href:"/docs/api/browser",children:"@podium/browser"}),". 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When a layout composes podlets it has to include each podlet's assets in the final document. This poses some novel challenges."}),"\n",(0,i.jsxs)(s.ul,{children:["\n",(0,i.jsx)(s.li,{children:"Where to host the client-side assets?"}),"\n",(0,i.jsx)(s.li,{children:"How to handle duplication of shared libraries such as React?"}),"\n",(0,i.jsx)(s.li,{children:"How to isolate styling or behavior between podlets and layout?"}),"\n"]}),"\n",(0,i.jsx)(s.h2,{id:"hosting-assets",children:"Hosting assets"}),"\n",(0,i.jsx)(s.p,{children:"There are two main options for hosting assets:"}),"\n",(0,i.jsxs)(s.ul,{children:["\n",(0,i.jsx)(s.li,{children:"The podlet can serve its own assets"}),"\n",(0,i.jsx)(s.li,{children:"Use a separate asset server or CDN"}),"\n"]}),"\n",(0,i.jsx)(s.h3,{id:"podlet-serves-assets",children:"Podlet serves assets"}),"\n",(0,i.jsx)(s.p,{children:"Note: this will only work if your podlets are publicly available."}),"\n",(0,i.jsx)(s.p,{children:"This approach involves each podlet serving its assets so that the layout can then include these files in its HTML template."}),"\n",(0,i.jsx)(s.p,{children:(0,i.jsx)(s.strong,{children:"Step 1."})}),"\n",(0,i.jsx)(s.p,{children:"In your podlet, use the podlet asset helper functions to define inline client code."}),"\n",(0,i.jsx)(s.pre,{children:(0,i.jsx)(s.code,{className:"language-js",children:"podlet.js({ value: `http://my-podlet.com/assets/scripts.js` });\npodlet.css({ value: `http://my-podlet.com/assets/styles.js` });\n"})}),"\n",(0,i.jsx)(s.p,{children:"Each of these functions can be called multiple times to add additional assets. For each call, you may also set a type."}),"\n",(0,i.jsx)(s.pre,{children:(0,i.jsx)(s.code,{className:"language-js",children:'podlet.js({ value: `http://my-podlet.com/assets/scripts1.js`, type: "esm" });\npodlet.js({\n value: `http://my-podlet.com/assets/scripts2.js`,\n type: "default",\n});\n'})}),"\n",(0,i.jsx)(s.p,{children:(0,i.jsx)(s.strong,{children:"Step 2."})}),"\n",(0,i.jsxs)(s.p,{children:["Serve the assets from express.\nAssuming the podlets client side assets have been placed in a directory called ",(0,i.jsx)(s.code,{children:"assets"}),":"]}),"\n",(0,i.jsx)(s.pre,{children:(0,i.jsx)(s.code,{className:"language-js",children:'app.use("/assets", express.static("assets"));\n'})}),"\n",(0,i.jsxs)(s.p,{children:["See the ",(0,i.jsx)(s.a,{href:"https://expressjs.com/en/starter/static-files.html",children:"Express documentation"})," for more information on ",(0,i.jsx)(s.code,{children:"static"}),"."]}),"\n",(0,i.jsx)(s.p,{children:(0,i.jsx)(s.strong,{children:"Step 3."})}),"\n",(0,i.jsxs)(s.p,{children:["Set ",(0,i.jsx)(s.code,{children:"incoming.podlets"})," and use ",(0,i.jsx)(s.code,{children:"podiumSend"})," in your layout's request handler. This way the ",(0,i.jsx)(s.a,{href:"/docs/api/document",children:"document template"})," can include the CSS and JS assets served by the podlet."]}),"\n",(0,i.jsx)(s.pre,{children:(0,i.jsx)(s.code,{className:"language-js",children:"app.get(layout.pathname(), (req, res) => {\n const incoming = res.locals.podium;\n const response = await myPodlet.fetch(incoming);\n\n incoming.podlets = [response];\n res.podiumSend(`
Hello, Layout
`);\n});\n"})}),"\n",(0,i.jsx)(s.h3,{id:"use-a-cdn",children:"Use a CDN"}),"\n",(0,i.jsx)(s.p,{children:"This approach involves each podlet uploading its assets to a predefined CDN location so that the layout can then include the CDN URLs in its HTML response."}),"\n",(0,i.jsx)(s.p,{children:(0,i.jsx)(s.strong,{children:"Step 1."})}),"\n",(0,i.jsx)(s.p,{children:"In your podlet, upload your assets to a CDN. You might do this whenever your podlet server is built or starts up to ensure the latest version is available on the CDN."}),"\n",(0,i.jsx)(s.p,{children:(0,i.jsx)(s.strong,{children:"Step 2."})}),"\n",(0,i.jsx)(s.p,{children:"Next, tell the podlet the location of your assets so that it can populate the manifest file."}),"\n",(0,i.jsx)(s.pre,{children:(0,i.jsx)(s.code,{className:"language-js",children:'podlet.js({ value: "http://some-cdn.com/client.js" });\npodlet.css({ value: "http://some-cdn.com/style.css" });\n'})}),"\n",(0,i.jsx)(s.p,{children:(0,i.jsx)(s.strong,{children:"Step 3."})}),"\n",(0,i.jsxs)(s.p,{children:["Set ",(0,i.jsx)(s.code,{children:"incoming.podlets"})," and use ",(0,i.jsx)(s.code,{children:"podiumSend"})," in your layout's request handler. This way the ",(0,i.jsx)(s.a,{href:"/docs/api/document",children:"document template"})," can include the CSS and JS assets served by the podlet."]}),"\n",(0,i.jsx)(s.pre,{children:(0,i.jsx)(s.code,{className:"language-js",children:"app.get(layout.pathname(), (req, res) => {\n const incoming = res.locals.podium;\n const response = await myPodlet.fetch(incoming);\n\n incoming.podlets = [response];\n res.podiumSend(`
Hello, Layout
`);\n});\n"})}),"\n",(0,i.jsx)(s.h2,{id:"deduplicating-shared-dependencies",children:"Deduplicating shared dependencies"}),"\n",(0,i.jsx)(s.p,{children:"It's likely one or more of your podlets share a common dependency, such as React. Unless you take action each podlet will bundle its own complete copy of React, wasting bandwith and execution time."}),"\n",(0,i.jsx)(s.p,{children:"It's up to you to configure your build tools and infrastructure so you can avoid this duplication in your bundles and serve shared dependencies in a performant way."}),"\n",(0,i.jsxs)(s.p,{children:["You may want to look into ",(0,i.jsx)(s.a,{href:"https://eik.dev/docs/overview",children:"Eik"})," and its ",(0,i.jsx)(s.a,{href:"https://eik.dev/docs/mapping_plugins",children:"build tool plugins"}),", which were built by the same team that maintains Podium to solve this performance problem."]}),"\n",(0,i.jsx)(s.h2,{id:"isolation",children:"Isolation"}),"\n",(0,i.jsx)(s.p,{children:"A podlet should ideally not affect or be affected by the layout or other podlets. This can be tricky, particularly for CSS because of its global nature and the cascade."}),"\n",(0,i.jsx)(s.h3,{id:"unique-selectors",children:"Unique selectors"}),"\n",(0,i.jsx)(s.p,{children:"You can work around the isolation problem by adopting a namespacing convention for all CSS selectors. CSS modules and other similar tools that generate unique selectors can also help mitigate the isolation problem."}),"\n",(0,i.jsx)(s.p,{children:"Unique selectors can mitigate some of the isolation problems, but a podlet can still be affected by the layout's CSS."}),"\n",(0,i.jsx)(s.h3,{id:"declarative-shadow-dom",children:"Declarative shadow DOM"}),"\n",(0,i.jsxs)(s.p,{children:["Using the ",(0,i.jsx)(s.a,{href:"https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/API/Web_components/Using_shadow_DOM",children:"shadow DOM"})," you can isolate a podlet from its surroundings. By wrapping a podlet in a ",(0,i.jsx)(s.a,{href:"https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/API/Web_components/Using_shadow_DOM#declaratively_with_html",children:"declarative shadow DOM"})," you can still get the benefits of server-side rendering."]}),"\n",(0,i.jsxs)(s.h4,{id:"podletcss-cant-be-used-with-shadow-dom",children:[(0,i.jsx)(s.code,{children:"podlet.css()"})," can't be used with shadow DOM"]}),"\n",(0,i.jsxs)(s.p,{children:["With ",(0,i.jsx)(s.code,{children:"podlet.css()"})," the end result is a ",(0,i.jsx)(s.code,{children:""})," tag in the HTML document's ",(0,i.jsx)(s.code,{children:""}),". If your podlet's content renders inside a shadow DOM that CSS won't be able to reach the podlet."]}),"\n",(0,i.jsxs)(s.p,{children:["With a declarative shadow DOM you have to include your own ",(0,i.jsx)(s.code,{children:""})," to the CSS from inside the shadow DOM."]}),"\n",(0,i.jsx)(s.h3,{id:"islands-architecture",children:"Islands architecture"}),"\n",(0,i.jsxs)(s.p,{children:["Podium works well with ",(0,i.jsx)(s.a,{href:"https://jasonformat.com/islands-architecture/",children:"islands architecture"})," where interactivity on the client is handled by small, isolated applications."]}),"\n",(0,i.jsx)(s.p,{children:"Especially when building your layout:"}),"\n",(0,i.jsxs)(s.ul,{children:["\n",(0,i.jsx)(s.li,{children:"Consider how JavaScript libraries you use handle external content (external in the sense that it is not generated by your library)."}),"\n",(0,i.jsx)(s.li,{children:"Be mindful of how much of the document your JavaScript library hydrates."}),"\n"]})]})}function h(e={}){const{wrapper:s}={...(0,o.R)(),...e.components};return s?(0,i.jsx)(s,{...e,children:(0,i.jsx)(c,{...e})}):c(e)}},8453:(e,s,t)=>{t.d(s,{R:()=>l,x:()=>a});var n=t(6540);const i={},o=n.createContext(i);function l(e){const s=n.useContext(o);return n.useMemo((function(){return"function"==typeof e?e(s):{...s,...e}}),[s,e])}function a(e){let s;return s=e.disableParentContext?"function"==typeof e.components?e.components(i):e.components||i:l(e.components),n.createElement(o.Provider,{value:s},e.children)}}}]); \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/assets/js/0a966f68.ba237f1c.js b/assets/js/0a966f68.ba237f1c.js deleted file mode 100644 index 4a3c9c7..0000000 --- a/assets/js/0a966f68.ba237f1c.js +++ /dev/null @@ -1 +0,0 @@ -"use strict";(self.webpackChunkwebsite=self.webpackChunkwebsite||[]).push([[7289],{7914:(e,s,t)=>{t.r(s),t.d(s,{assets:()=>d,contentTitle:()=>l,default:()=>h,frontMatter:()=>o,metadata:()=>a,toc:()=>r});var n=t(4848),i=t(8453);const o={id:"assets",title:"Client-side assets"},l=void 0,a={id:"guides/assets",title:"Client-side assets",description:"A podlet will likely depend on some CSS and maybe client-side JavaScript to work properly. When a layout composes podlets it has to include each podlet's assets in the final document. This poses some novel challenges.",source:"@site/docs/guides/assets.md",sourceDirName:"guides",slug:"/guides/assets",permalink:"/docs/guides/assets",draft:!1,unlisted:!1,editUrl:"https://github.com/podium-lib/podium-lib.github.io/tree/source/docs/docs/guides/assets.md",tags:[],version:"current",frontMatter:{id:"assets",title:"Client-side assets"},sidebar:"sidebar",previous:{title:"Hello, Podium",permalink:"/docs/introduction/hello-podium"},next:{title:"Podium context",permalink:"/docs/guides/context"}},d={},r=[{value:"Hosting assets",id:"hosting-assets",level:2},{value:"Podlet serves assets",id:"podlet-serves-assets",level:3},{value:"Use a CDN",id:"use-a-cdn",level:3},{value:"Deduplicating shared dependencies",id:"deduplicating-shared-dependencies",level:2},{value:"Isolation",id:"isolation",level:2},{value:"Unique selectors",id:"unique-selectors",level:3},{value:"Declarative shadow DOM",id:"declarative-shadow-dom",level:3},{value:"podlet.css() can't be used with shadow DOM",id:"podletcss-cant-be-used-with-shadow-dom",level:4},{value:"Islands architecture",id:"islands-architecture",level:3}];function c(e){const s={a:"a",code:"code",h2:"h2",h3:"h3",h4:"h4",li:"li",p:"p",pre:"pre",strong:"strong",ul:"ul",...(0,i.R)(),...e.components};return(0,n.jsxs)(n.Fragment,{children:[(0,n.jsx)(s.p,{children:"A podlet will likely depend on some CSS and maybe client-side JavaScript to work properly. When a layout composes podlets it has to include each podlet's assets in the final document. This poses some novel challenges."}),"\n",(0,n.jsxs)(s.ul,{children:["\n",(0,n.jsx)(s.li,{children:"Where to host the client-side assets?"}),"\n",(0,n.jsx)(s.li,{children:"How to handle duplication of shared libraries such as React?"}),"\n",(0,n.jsx)(s.li,{children:"How to isolate styling or behavior between podlets and layout?"}),"\n"]}),"\n",(0,n.jsx)(s.h2,{id:"hosting-assets",children:"Hosting assets"}),"\n",(0,n.jsx)(s.p,{children:"There are two main options for hosting assets:"}),"\n",(0,n.jsxs)(s.ul,{children:["\n",(0,n.jsx)(s.li,{children:"The podlet can serve its own assets"}),"\n",(0,n.jsx)(s.li,{children:"Use a separate asset server or CDN"}),"\n"]}),"\n",(0,n.jsx)(s.h3,{id:"podlet-serves-assets",children:"Podlet serves assets"}),"\n",(0,n.jsx)(s.p,{children:"Note: this will only work if your podlets are publicly available."}),"\n",(0,n.jsx)(s.p,{children:"This approach involves each podlet serving its assets so that the layout can then include these files in its HTML template."}),"\n",(0,n.jsx)(s.p,{children:(0,n.jsx)(s.strong,{children:"Step 1."})}),"\n",(0,n.jsx)(s.p,{children:"In your podlet, use the podlet asset helper functions to define inline client code."}),"\n",(0,n.jsx)(s.pre,{children:(0,n.jsx)(s.code,{className:"language-js",children:"podlet.js({ value: `http://my-podlet.com/assets/scripts.js` });\npodlet.css({ value: `http://my-podlet.com/assets/styles.js` });\n"})}),"\n",(0,n.jsx)(s.p,{children:"Each of these functions can be called multiple times to add additional assets. For each call, you may also set a type."}),"\n",(0,n.jsx)(s.pre,{children:(0,n.jsx)(s.code,{className:"language-js",children:'podlet.js({ value: `http://my-podlet.com/assets/scripts1.js`, type: "esm" });\npodlet.js({\n value: `http://my-podlet.com/assets/scripts2.js`,\n type: "default",\n});\n'})}),"\n",(0,n.jsx)(s.p,{children:(0,n.jsx)(s.strong,{children:"Step 2."})}),"\n",(0,n.jsxs)(s.p,{children:["Serve the assets from express.\nAssuming the podlets client side assets have been placed in a directory called ",(0,n.jsx)(s.code,{children:"assets"}),":"]}),"\n",(0,n.jsx)(s.pre,{children:(0,n.jsx)(s.code,{className:"language-js",children:'app.use("/assets", express.static("assets"));\n'})}),"\n",(0,n.jsxs)(s.p,{children:["See the ",(0,n.jsx)(s.a,{href:"https://expressjs.com/en/starter/static-files.html",children:"Express documentation"})," for more information on ",(0,n.jsx)(s.code,{children:"static"}),"."]}),"\n",(0,n.jsx)(s.p,{children:(0,n.jsx)(s.strong,{children:"Step 3."})}),"\n",(0,n.jsxs)(s.p,{children:["Set ",(0,n.jsx)(s.code,{children:"incoming.podlets"})," and use ",(0,n.jsx)(s.code,{children:"podiumSend"})," in your layout's request handler. This way the ",(0,n.jsx)(s.a,{href:"/docs/api/document",children:"document template"})," can include the CSS and JS assets served by the podlet."]}),"\n",(0,n.jsx)(s.pre,{children:(0,n.jsx)(s.code,{className:"language-js",children:"app.get(layout.pathname(), (req, res) => {\n const incoming = res.locals.podium;\n const response = await myPodlet.fetch(incoming);\n\n incoming.podlets = [response];\n res.podiumSend(`
Hello, Layout
`);\n});\n"})}),"\n",(0,n.jsx)(s.h3,{id:"use-a-cdn",children:"Use a CDN"}),"\n",(0,n.jsx)(s.p,{children:"This approach involves each podlet uploading its assets to a predefined CDN location so that the layout can then include the CDN URLs in its HTML response."}),"\n",(0,n.jsx)(s.p,{children:(0,n.jsx)(s.strong,{children:"Step 1."})}),"\n",(0,n.jsx)(s.p,{children:"In your podlet, upload your assets to a CDN. You might do this whenever your podlet server is built or starts up to ensure the latest version is available on the CDN."}),"\n",(0,n.jsx)(s.p,{children:(0,n.jsx)(s.strong,{children:"Step 2."})}),"\n",(0,n.jsx)(s.p,{children:"Next, tell the podlet the location of your assets so that it can populate the manifest file."}),"\n",(0,n.jsx)(s.pre,{children:(0,n.jsx)(s.code,{className:"language-js",children:'podlet.js({ value: "http://some-cdn.com/client.js" });\npodlet.css({ value: "http://some-cdn.com/style.css" });\n'})}),"\n",(0,n.jsx)(s.p,{children:(0,n.jsx)(s.strong,{children:"Step 3."})}),"\n",(0,n.jsxs)(s.p,{children:["Set ",(0,n.jsx)(s.code,{children:"incoming.podlets"})," and use ",(0,n.jsx)(s.code,{children:"podiumSend"})," in your layout's request handler. This way the ",(0,n.jsx)(s.a,{href:"/docs/api/document",children:"document template"})," can include the CSS and JS assets served by the podlet."]}),"\n",(0,n.jsx)(s.pre,{children:(0,n.jsx)(s.code,{className:"language-js",children:"app.get(layout.pathname(), (req, res) => {\n const incoming = res.locals.podium;\n const response = await myPodlet.fetch(incoming);\n\n incoming.podlets = [response];\n res.podiumSend(`
Hello, Layout
`);\n});\n"})}),"\n",(0,n.jsx)(s.h2,{id:"deduplicating-shared-dependencies",children:"Deduplicating shared dependencies"}),"\n",(0,n.jsx)(s.p,{children:"It's likely one or more of your podlets share a common dependency, such as React. Unless you take action each podlet will bundle its own complete copy of React, wasting bandwith and execution time."}),"\n",(0,n.jsx)(s.p,{children:"It's up to you to configure your build tools and infrastructure so you can avoid this duplication in your bundles and serve shared dependencies in a performant way."}),"\n",(0,n.jsxs)(s.p,{children:["You may want to look into ",(0,n.jsx)(s.a,{href:"https://eik.dev/docs/overview",children:"Eik"})," and its ",(0,n.jsx)(s.a,{href:"https://eik.dev/docs/mapping_plugins",children:"build tool plugins"}),", which were built by the same team that maintains Podium to solve this performance problem."]}),"\n",(0,n.jsx)(s.h2,{id:"isolation",children:"Isolation"}),"\n",(0,n.jsx)(s.p,{children:"A podlet should ideally not affect or be affected by the layout or other podlets. This can be tricky, particularly for CSS because of its global nature and the cascade."}),"\n",(0,n.jsx)(s.h3,{id:"unique-selectors",children:"Unique selectors"}),"\n",(0,n.jsx)(s.p,{children:"You can work around the isolation problem by adopting a namespacing convention for all CSS selectors. CSS modules and other similar tools that generate unique selectors can also help mitigate the isolation problem."}),"\n",(0,n.jsx)(s.p,{children:"Unique selectors can mitigate some of the isolation problems, but a podlet can still be affected by the layout's CSS."}),"\n",(0,n.jsx)(s.h3,{id:"declarative-shadow-dom",children:"Declarative shadow DOM"}),"\n",(0,n.jsxs)(s.p,{children:["Using the ",(0,n.jsx)(s.a,{href:"https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/API/Web_components/Using_shadow_DOM",children:"shadow DOM"})," you can isolate a podlet from its surroundings. By wrapping a podlet in a ",(0,n.jsx)(s.a,{href:"https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/API/Web_components/Using_shadow_DOM#declaratively_with_html",children:"declarative shadow DOM"})," you can still get the benefits of server-side rendering."]}),"\n",(0,n.jsxs)(s.h4,{id:"podletcss-cant-be-used-with-shadow-dom",children:[(0,n.jsx)(s.code,{children:"podlet.css()"})," can't be used with shadow DOM"]}),"\n",(0,n.jsxs)(s.p,{children:["With ",(0,n.jsx)(s.code,{children:"podlet.css()"})," the end result is a ",(0,n.jsx)(s.code,{children:""})," tag in the HTML document's ",(0,n.jsx)(s.code,{children:""}),". If your podlet's content renders inside a shadow DOM that CSS won't be able to reach the podlet."]}),"\n",(0,n.jsxs)(s.p,{children:["With a declarative shadow DOM you have to include your own ",(0,n.jsx)(s.code,{children:""})," to the CSS from inside the shadow DOM."]}),"\n",(0,n.jsx)(s.h3,{id:"islands-architecture",children:"Islands architecture"}),"\n",(0,n.jsxs)(s.p,{children:["Podium works well with ",(0,n.jsx)(s.a,{href:"https://jasonformat.com/islands-architecture/",children:"islands architecture"})," where interactivity on the client is handled by small, isolated applications."]}),"\n",(0,n.jsx)(s.p,{children:"Especially when building your layout:"}),"\n",(0,n.jsxs)(s.ul,{children:["\n",(0,n.jsx)(s.li,{children:"Consider how JavaScript libraries you use handle external content (external in the sense that it is not generated by your library)."}),"\n",(0,n.jsx)(s.li,{children:"Be mindful of how much of the document your JavaScript library hydrates."}),"\n"]})]})}function 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n={a:"a",code:"code",em:"em",h2:"h2",h3:"h3",h4:"h4",h5:"h5",li:"li",p:"p",pre:"pre",strong:"strong",table:"table",tbody:"tbody",td:"td",th:"th",thead:"thead",tr:"tr",ul:"ul",...(0,r.R)(),...e.components};return(0,s.jsxs)(s.Fragment,{children:[(0,s.jsx)(n.p,{children:"In Podium a layout server is mainly responsible for fetching HTML fragments\n(podlets) and stitching these fragments together into an HTML page (a layout)."}),"\n",(0,s.jsxs)(n.p,{children:["The ",(0,s.jsx)(n.code,{children:"@podium/layout"})," module is used for composing HTML pages (layouts) out of\npage fragments (podlets)."]}),"\n",(0,s.jsxs)(n.p,{children:["The ",(0,s.jsx)(n.code,{children:"@podium/layout"})," module provide three core features:"]}),"\n",(0,s.jsxs)(n.ul,{children:["\n",(0,s.jsx)(n.li,{children:"A client used to fetch content from podlets"}),"\n",(0,s.jsx)(n.li,{children:"A context used to set request bound information on requests from a layout to its podlets when fetching content from them"}),"\n",(0,s.jsx)(n.li,{children:"A proxy that makes it possible to publicly expose podlet data endpoints (or any backend services) via the layout"}),"\n"]}),"\n",(0,s.jsx)(n.p,{children:"This module is to be used in conjunction with a Node.js HTTP server. For this,\nExpress js, Hapi and Fastify are all supported. It's also possible to write your\nserver using other HTTP frameworks or even just using the core Node.js HTTP\nlibraries."}),"\n",(0,s.jsxs)(n.p,{children:["Connect compatible middleware based frameworks (such as ",(0,s.jsx)(n.a,{href:"https://expressjs.com/",title:"Express",children:"Express"}),") are\nconsidered first class in Podium and as such the layout module provides a\n",(0,s.jsx)(n.code,{children:".middleware()"})," method for convenience."]}),"\n",(0,s.jsxs)(n.p,{children:["For writing layout servers with other HTTP frameworks, see ",(0,s.jsx)(n.a,{href:"/docs/api/http-framework-compatibility",children:"HTTP Framework Compatibility"}),"."]}),"\n",(0,s.jsx)(n.h2,{id:"installation",children:"Installation"}),"\n",(0,s.jsxs)(a.A,{groupId:"server-frameworks",children:[(0,s.jsx)(i.A,{value:"express",label:"Express",children:(0,s.jsx)(n.pre,{children:(0,s.jsx)(n.code,{className:"language-bash",children:"$ npm install @podium/layout\n"})})}),(0,s.jsx)(i.A,{value:"hapi",label:"Hapi",children:(0,s.jsx)(n.pre,{children:(0,s.jsx)(n.code,{className:"language-bash",children:"$ npm install @podium/layout\n$ npm install @podium/hapi-layout\n"})})}),(0,s.jsx)(i.A,{value:"fastify",label:"Fastify",children:(0,s.jsx)(n.pre,{children:(0,s.jsx)(n.code,{className:"language-bash",children:"$ npm install @podium/layout\n$ npm install @podium/fastify-layout\n"})})})]}),"\n",(0,s.jsx)(n.h2,{id:"getting-started",children:"Getting started"}),"\n",(0,s.jsx)(n.p,{children:"Building a simple layout server including two podlets:"}),"\n",(0,s.jsxs)(a.A,{groupId:"server-frameworks",children:[(0,s.jsx)(i.A,{value:"express",label:"Express",children:(0,s.jsx)(n.pre,{children:(0,s.jsx)(n.code,{className:"language-js",children:'import express from "express";\nimport Layout from "@podium/layout";\n\nconst layout = new Layout({\n name: "myLayout",\n pathname: "/",\n});\n\nconst podletA = layout.client.register({\n name: "myPodletA",\n uri: "http://localhost:7100/manifest.json",\n});\n\nconst podletB = layout.client.register({\n name: "myPodletB",\n uri: "http://localhost:7200/manifest.json",\n});\n\nconst app = express();\napp.use(layout.middleware());\n\napp.get(layout.pathname(), async (req, res, next) => {\n const incoming = res.locals.podium;\n\n const [a, b] = await Promise.all([\n podletA.fetch(incoming),\n podletB.fetch(incoming),\n ]);\n\n res.podiumSend(`\n
\n `);\n});\n\napp.listen(7000);\n'})})}),(0,s.jsx)(i.A,{value:"hapi",label:"Hapi",children:(0,s.jsx)(n.pre,{children:(0,s.jsx)(n.code,{className:"language-js",children:"import HapiLayout from '@podium/hapi-layout';\nimport Layout from '@podium/layout';\nimport Hapi from 'hapi';\n\nconst app = Hapi.Server({\n host: 'localhost',\n port: 7000,\n});\n\nconst layout = new Layout({\n name: 'myLayout',\n pathname: '/',\n});\n\nconst podletA = layout.client.register({\n name: 'myPodletA',\n uri: 'http://localhost:7100/manifest.json',\n});\n\nconst podletB = layout.client.register({\n name: 'myPodletB',\n uri: 'http://localhost:7200/manifest.json',\n});\n\napp.register({\n plugin: new HapiLayout(),\n options: layout,\n});\n\napp.route({\n method: 'GET',\n path: layout.pathname(),\n handler: (request, h) => {\n const incoming = request.app.podium;\n\n const [a, b] = await Promise.all([\n podletA.fetch(incoming),\n podletB.fetch(incoming),\n ]);\n\n h.podiumSend(`\n
\n `);\n\n },\n});\n\napp.start();\n"})})}),(0,s.jsx)(i.A,{value:"fastify",label:"Fastify",children:(0,s.jsx)(n.pre,{children:(0,s.jsx)(n.code,{className:"language-js",children:'import fastifyLayout from "@podium/fastify-layout";\nimport fastify from "fastify";\nimport Layout from "@podium/layout";\n\nconst app = fastify();\n\nconst layout = new Layout({\n name: "myLayout",\n pathname: "/",\n});\n\nconst podletA = layout.client.register({\n name: "myPodletA",\n uri: "http://localhost:7100/manifest.json",\n});\n\nconst podletB = layout.client.register({\n name: "myPodletB",\n uri: "http://localhost:7200/manifest.json",\n});\n\napp.register(fastifyLayout, layout);\n\napp.get(layout.pathname(), async (request, reply) => {\n const incoming = reply.app.podium;\n\n const [a, b] = await Promise.all([\n podletA.fetch(incoming),\n podletB.fetch(incoming),\n ]);\n\n reply.podiumSend(`\n
\n `);\n});\n\nconst start = async () => {\n try {\n await app.listen(7000);\n app.log.info(`server listening on ${app.server.address().port}`);\n } catch (err) {\n app.log.error(err);\n process.exit(1);\n }\n};\nstart();\n'})})}),(0,s.jsx)(i.A,{value:"http",label:"HTTP",children:(0,s.jsx)(n.pre,{children:(0,s.jsx)(n.code,{className:"language-js",children:'import { HttpIncoming } from "@podium/utils";\nimport Layout from "@podium/layout";\nimport http from "http";\n\nconst layout = new Layout({\n name: "myLayout",\n pathname: "/",\n});\n\nconst podletA = layout.client.register({\n name: "myPodletA",\n uri: "http://localhost:7100/manifest.json",\n});\n\nconst podletB = layout.client.register({\n name: "myPodletB",\n uri: "http://localhost:7200/manifest.json",\n});\n\nconst server = http.createServer(async (req, res) => {\n let incoming = new HttpIncoming(req, res);\n incoming = await layout.process(incoming);\n\n if (incoming.url.pathname === layout.pathname()) {\n const [a, b] = await Promise.all([\n podletA.fetch(incoming),\n podletB.fetch(incoming),\n ]);\n\n res.statusCode = 200;\n res.setHeader("Content-Type", "text/html");\n\n res.end(\n layout.render(\n incoming,\n `\n
\n `\n )\n );\n return;\n }\n\n res.statusCode = 404;\n res.setHeader("Content-Type", "text/plain");\n res.end("Not found");\n});\n\nserver.listen(7000);\n'})})})]}),"\n",(0,s.jsx)(n.h2,{id:"constructor",children:"Constructor"}),"\n",(0,s.jsx)(n.p,{children:"Create a new layout instance."}),"\n",(0,s.jsx)(n.pre,{children:(0,s.jsx)(n.code,{className:"language-js",children:"const layout = new Layout(options);\n"})}),"\n",(0,s.jsx)(n.h4,{id:"options",children:"options"}),"\n",(0,s.jsxs)(n.table,{children:[(0,s.jsx)(n.thead,{children:(0,s.jsxs)(n.tr,{children:[(0,s.jsx)(n.th,{children:"option"}),(0,s.jsx)(n.th,{children:"type"}),(0,s.jsx)(n.th,{children:"default"}),(0,s.jsx)(n.th,{children:"required"}),(0,s.jsx)(n.th,{children:"details"})]})}),(0,s.jsxs)(n.tbody,{children:[(0,s.jsxs)(n.tr,{children:[(0,s.jsx)(n.td,{children:"name"}),(0,s.jsx)(n.td,{children:(0,s.jsx)(n.code,{children:"string"})}),(0,s.jsx)(n.td,{children:(0,s.jsx)(n.code,{children:"null"})}),(0,s.jsx)(n.td,{children:"\u2713"}),(0,s.jsx)(n.td,{children:"Name that the layout identifies itself by"})]}),(0,s.jsxs)(n.tr,{children:[(0,s.jsx)(n.td,{children:"pathname"}),(0,s.jsx)(n.td,{children:(0,s.jsx)(n.code,{children:"string"})}),(0,s.jsx)(n.td,{children:(0,s.jsx)(n.code,{children:"null"})}),(0,s.jsx)(n.td,{children:"\u2713"}),(0,s.jsx)(n.td,{children:"Pathname of where a layout is mounted in an HTTP server"})]}),(0,s.jsxs)(n.tr,{children:[(0,s.jsx)(n.td,{children:"logger"}),(0,s.jsx)(n.td,{children:(0,s.jsx)(n.code,{children:"object"})}),(0,s.jsx)(n.td,{children:(0,s.jsx)(n.code,{children:"null"})}),(0,s.jsx)(n.td,{}),(0,s.jsx)(n.td,{children:"A logger which conforms to the log4j interface"})]}),(0,s.jsxs)(n.tr,{children:[(0,s.jsx)(n.td,{children:"context"}),(0,s.jsx)(n.td,{children:(0,s.jsx)(n.code,{children:"object"})}),(0,s.jsx)(n.td,{children:(0,s.jsx)(n.code,{children:"null"})}),(0,s.jsx)(n.td,{}),(0,s.jsx)(n.td,{children:"Options to be passed on to the internal @podium/context constructor"})]}),(0,s.jsxs)(n.tr,{children:[(0,s.jsx)(n.td,{children:"client"}),(0,s.jsx)(n.td,{children:(0,s.jsx)(n.code,{children:"object"})}),(0,s.jsx)(n.td,{children:(0,s.jsx)(n.code,{children:"null"})}),(0,s.jsx)(n.td,{}),(0,s.jsx)(n.td,{children:"Options to be passed on to the internal @podium/client constructor"})]}),(0,s.jsxs)(n.tr,{children:[(0,s.jsx)(n.td,{children:"proxy"}),(0,s.jsx)(n.td,{children:(0,s.jsx)(n.code,{children:"object"})}),(0,s.jsx)(n.td,{children:(0,s.jsx)(n.code,{children:"null"})}),(0,s.jsx)(n.td,{}),(0,s.jsx)(n.td,{children:"Options to be passed on to the internal @podium/proxy constructor"})]})]})]}),"\n",(0,s.jsx)(n.h5,{id:"name",children:"name"}),"\n",(0,s.jsx)(n.p,{children:"The name that the layout identifies itself by. This value must be in camelCase."}),"\n",(0,s.jsx)(n.p,{children:"Example:"}),"\n",(0,s.jsx)(n.pre,{children:(0,s.jsx)(n.code,{className:"language-js",children:'const layout = new Layout({\n name: "myLayoutName",\n pathname: "/foo",\n});\n'})}),"\n",(0,s.jsx)(n.h5,{id:"pathname",children:"pathname"}),"\n",(0,s.jsx)(n.p,{children:"The Pathname to where the layout is mounted in an HTTP server. It is important\nthat this value matches the entry point of the route where content is served in\nthe HTTP server since this value is used to mount the proxy and inform podlets\n(through the Podium context) where they are mounted and where the proxy is\nmounted."}),"\n",(0,s.jsxs)(n.p,{children:['If the layout is mounted at the server "root", set the ',(0,s.jsx)(n.code,{children:"pathname"})," to ",(0,s.jsx)(n.code,{children:"/"}),":"]}),"\n",(0,s.jsxs)(a.A,{groupId:"server-frameworks",children:[(0,s.jsx)(i.A,{value:"express",label:"Express",children:(0,s.jsx)(n.pre,{children:(0,s.jsx)(n.code,{className:"language-js",children:"const app = express();\nconst layout = new Layout({\n name: 'myLayout',\n pathname: '/',\n});\n\napp.use(layout.middleware());\n\napp.get('/', (req, res, next) => {\n [ ... ]\n});\n"})})}),(0,s.jsx)(i.A,{value:"hapi",label:"Hapi",children:(0,s.jsx)(n.pre,{children:(0,s.jsx)(n.code,{className:"language-js",children:"const app = Hapi.Server({\n host: 'localhost',\n port: 7000,\n});\n\nconst layout = new Layout({\n name: 'myLayout',\n pathname: '/',\n});\n\napp.register({\n plugin: new HapiLayout(),\n options: layout,\n});\n\napp.route({\n method: 'GET',\n path: '/',\n handler: (request, h) => {\n [ ... ]\n },\n});\n"})})}),(0,s.jsx)(i.A,{value:"fastify",label:"Fastify",children:(0,s.jsx)(n.pre,{children:(0,s.jsx)(n.code,{className:"language-js",children:"const app = fastify();\n\nconst layout = new Layout({\n name: 'myLayout',\n pathname: '/',\n});\n\napp.register(fastifyLayout, layout);\n\napp.get('/', async (request, reply) => {\n [ ... ]\n});\n"})})}),(0,s.jsx)(i.A,{value:"http",label:"HTTP",children:(0,s.jsx)(n.pre,{children:(0,s.jsx)(n.code,{className:"language-js",children:"const layout = new Layout({\n name: 'myLayout',\n pathname: '/',\n});\n\nconst server = http.createServer(async (req, res) => {\n let incoming = new HttpIncoming(req, res);\n incoming = await layout.process(incoming);\n\n if (incoming.url.pathname === '/') {\n [ ... ]\n }\n});\n"})})})]}),"\n",(0,s.jsxs)(n.p,{children:["If the layout is mounted at ",(0,s.jsx)(n.code,{children:"/foo"}),", set the ",(0,s.jsx)(n.code,{children:"pathname"})," to ",(0,s.jsx)(n.code,{children:"/foo"}),":"]}),"\n",(0,s.jsxs)(a.A,{groupId:"server-frameworks",children:[(0,s.jsx)(i.A,{value:"express",label:"Express",children:(0,s.jsx)(n.pre,{children:(0,s.jsx)(n.code,{className:"language-js",children:"const app = express();\nconst layout = new Layout({\n name: 'myLayout',\n pathname: '/foo',\n});\n\napp.use('/foo', layout.middleware());\n\napp.get('/foo', (req, res, next) => {\n [ ... ]\n});\n\napp.get('/foo/:id', (req, res, next) => {\n [ ... ]\n});\n"})})}),(0,s.jsx)(i.A,{value:"hapi",label:"Hapi",children:(0,s.jsx)(n.pre,{children:(0,s.jsx)(n.code,{className:"language-js",children:"const app = Hapi.Server({\n host: 'localhost',\n port: 7000,\n});\n\nconst layout = new Layout({\n name: 'myLayout',\n pathname: '/foo',\n});\n\napp.register({\n plugin: new HapiLayout(),\n options: layout,\n});\n\napp.route({\n method: 'GET',\n path: '/foo',\n handler: (request, h) => {\n [ ... ]\n },\n});\n\napp.route({\n method: 'GET',\n path: '/foo/{id}',\n handler: (request, h) => {\n [ ... ]\n },\n});\n"})})}),(0,s.jsx)(i.A,{value:"fastify",label:"Fastify",children:(0,s.jsx)(n.pre,{children:(0,s.jsx)(n.code,{className:"language-js",children:"const app = fastify();\n\nconst layout = new Layout({\n name: 'myLayout',\n pathname: '/foo',\n});\n\napp.register(fastifyLayout, layout);\n\napp.get('/foo', async (request, reply) => {\n [ ... ]\n});\n\napp.get('/foo/:id', async (request, reply) => {\n [ ... ]\n});\n"})})}),(0,s.jsx)(i.A,{value:"http",label:"HTTP",children:(0,s.jsx)(n.pre,{children:(0,s.jsx)(n.code,{className:"language-js",children:"const layout = new Layout({\n name: 'myLayout',\n pathname: '/foo',\n});\n\nconst server = http.createServer(async (req, res) => {\n let incoming = new HttpIncoming(req, res);\n incoming = await layout.process(incoming);\n\n if (incoming.url.pathname === '/foo') {\n [ ... ]\n }\n\n if (incoming.url.pathname.startsWith('/foo/')) {\n [ ... ]\n }\n});\n"})})})]}),"\n",(0,s.jsxs)(n.p,{children:["There is also a helper method for retrieving the set ",(0,s.jsx)(n.code,{children:"pathname"})," which can be\nused to get the pathname from the layout object when defining routes.\nSee ",(0,s.jsx)(n.a,{href:"#pathname-1",children:(0,s.jsx)(n.code,{children:".pathname()"})})," for further details."]}),"\n",(0,s.jsx)(n.h5,{id:"logger",children:"logger"}),"\n",(0,s.jsx)(n.p,{children:"Any log4j compatible logger can be passed in and will be used for logging.\nConsole is also supported for easy test / development."}),"\n",(0,s.jsx)(n.p,{children:"Example:"}),"\n",(0,s.jsx)(n.pre,{children:(0,s.jsx)(n.code,{className:"language-js",children:'const layout = new Layout({\n name: "myLayout",\n pathname: "/foo",\n logger: console,\n});\n'})}),"\n",(0,s.jsxs)(n.p,{children:["Under the hood ",(0,s.jsx)(n.a,{href:"https://github.com/trygve-lie/abslog",title:"abslog",children:"abslog"})," is used to abstract out logging. Please see ",(0,s.jsx)(n.a,{href:"https://github.com/trygve-lie/abslog",title:"abslog",children:"abslog"})," for\nfurther details."]}),"\n",(0,s.jsx)(n.h5,{id:"context",children:"context"}),"\n",(0,s.jsx)(n.p,{children:"Options to be passed on to the context parsers."}),"\n",(0,s.jsxs)(n.table,{children:[(0,s.jsx)(n.thead,{children:(0,s.jsxs)(n.tr,{children:[(0,s.jsx)(n.th,{children:"option"}),(0,s.jsx)(n.th,{children:"type"}),(0,s.jsx)(n.th,{children:"default"}),(0,s.jsx)(n.th,{children:"required"}),(0,s.jsx)(n.th,{children:"details"})]})}),(0,s.jsxs)(n.tbody,{children:[(0,s.jsxs)(n.tr,{children:[(0,s.jsx)(n.td,{children:"debug"}),(0,s.jsx)(n.td,{children:(0,s.jsx)(n.code,{children:"object"})}),(0,s.jsx)(n.td,{children:(0,s.jsx)(n.code,{children:"null"})}),(0,s.jsx)(n.td,{}),(0,s.jsx)(n.td,{children:"Config object passed on to the debug parser"})]}),(0,s.jsxs)(n.tr,{children:[(0,s.jsx)(n.td,{children:"locale"}),(0,s.jsx)(n.td,{children:(0,s.jsx)(n.code,{children:"object"})}),(0,s.jsx)(n.td,{children:(0,s.jsx)(n.code,{children:"null"})}),(0,s.jsx)(n.td,{}),(0,s.jsx)(n.td,{children:"Config object passed on to the locale parser"})]}),(0,s.jsxs)(n.tr,{children:[(0,s.jsx)(n.td,{children:"deviceType"}),(0,s.jsx)(n.td,{children:(0,s.jsx)(n.code,{children:"object"})}),(0,s.jsx)(n.td,{children:(0,s.jsx)(n.code,{children:"null"})}),(0,s.jsx)(n.td,{}),(0,s.jsx)(n.td,{children:"Config object passed on to the device type parser"})]}),(0,s.jsxs)(n.tr,{children:[(0,s.jsx)(n.td,{children:"mountOrigin"}),(0,s.jsx)(n.td,{children:(0,s.jsx)(n.code,{children:"object"})}),(0,s.jsx)(n.td,{children:(0,s.jsx)(n.code,{children:"null"})}),(0,s.jsx)(n.td,{}),(0,s.jsx)(n.td,{children:"Config object passed on to the mount origin parser"})]}),(0,s.jsxs)(n.tr,{children:[(0,s.jsx)(n.td,{children:"mountPathname"}),(0,s.jsx)(n.td,{children:(0,s.jsx)(n.code,{children:"object"})}),(0,s.jsx)(n.td,{children:(0,s.jsx)(n.code,{children:"null"})}),(0,s.jsx)(n.td,{}),(0,s.jsx)(n.td,{children:"Config object passed on to the mount pathname parser"})]}),(0,s.jsxs)(n.tr,{children:[(0,s.jsx)(n.td,{children:"publicPathname"}),(0,s.jsx)(n.td,{children:(0,s.jsx)(n.code,{children:"object"})}),(0,s.jsx)(n.td,{children:(0,s.jsx)(n.code,{children:"null"})}),(0,s.jsx)(n.td,{}),(0,s.jsx)(n.td,{children:"Config object passed on to the public pathname parser"})]})]})]}),"\n",(0,s.jsxs)(n.p,{children:["Example of setting the ",(0,s.jsx)(n.code,{children:"debug"})," context to default ",(0,s.jsx)(n.code,{children:"true"}),":"]}),"\n",(0,s.jsx)(n.pre,{children:(0,s.jsx)(n.code,{className:"language-js",children:'const layout = new Layout({\n name: "myLayout",\n pathname: "/foo",\n context: {\n debug: {\n enabled: true,\n },\n },\n});\n'})}),"\n",(0,s.jsx)(n.h5,{id:"client",children:"client"}),"\n",(0,s.jsx)(n.p,{children:"Options to be passed on to the client."}),"\n",(0,s.jsxs)(n.table,{children:[(0,s.jsx)(n.thead,{children:(0,s.jsxs)(n.tr,{children:[(0,s.jsx)(n.th,{children:"option"}),(0,s.jsx)(n.th,{children:"type"}),(0,s.jsx)(n.th,{children:"default"}),(0,s.jsx)(n.th,{children:"required"}),(0,s.jsx)(n.th,{children:"details"})]})}),(0,s.jsxs)(n.tbody,{children:[(0,s.jsxs)(n.tr,{children:[(0,s.jsx)(n.td,{children:"retries"}),(0,s.jsx)(n.td,{children:(0,s.jsx)(n.code,{children:"number"})}),(0,s.jsx)(n.td,{children:(0,s.jsx)(n.code,{children:"4"})}),(0,s.jsx)(n.td,{}),(0,s.jsx)(n.td,{children:"Number of times the client should retry settling a version number conflict before terminating"})]}),(0,s.jsxs)(n.tr,{children:[(0,s.jsx)(n.td,{children:"timeout"}),(0,s.jsx)(n.td,{children:(0,s.jsx)(n.code,{children:"number"})}),(0,s.jsx)(n.td,{children:(0,s.jsx)(n.code,{children:"1000"})}),(0,s.jsx)(n.td,{}),(0,s.jsx)(n.td,{children:"Default value, in milliseconds, for how long a request should wait before the connection is terminated"})]}),(0,s.jsxs)(n.tr,{children:[(0,s.jsx)(n.td,{children:"maxAge"}),(0,s.jsx)(n.td,{children:(0,s.jsx)(n.code,{children:"number"})}),(0,s.jsx)(n.td,{children:(0,s.jsx)(n.code,{children:"Infinity"})}),(0,s.jsx)(n.td,{}),(0,s.jsx)(n.td,{children:"Default value, in milliseconds, for how long manifests should be cached"})]})]})]}),"\n",(0,s.jsxs)(n.p,{children:["Example of setting ",(0,s.jsx)(n.code,{children:"retries"})," on the client to ",(0,s.jsx)(n.code,{children:"6"}),":"]}),"\n",(0,s.jsx)(n.pre,{children:(0,s.jsx)(n.code,{className:"language-js",children:'const layout = new Layout({\n name: "myLayout",\n pathname: "/foo",\n client: {\n retries: 6,\n },\n});\n'})}),"\n",(0,s.jsx)(n.h5,{id:"proxy",children:"proxy"}),"\n",(0,s.jsx)(n.p,{children:"Options to be passed on to the proxy."}),"\n",(0,s.jsxs)(n.table,{children:[(0,s.jsx)(n.thead,{children:(0,s.jsxs)(n.tr,{children:[(0,s.jsx)(n.th,{children:"option"}),(0,s.jsx)(n.th,{children:"type"}),(0,s.jsx)(n.th,{children:"default"}),(0,s.jsx)(n.th,{children:"required"}),(0,s.jsx)(n.th,{children:"details"})]})}),(0,s.jsxs)(n.tbody,{children:[(0,s.jsxs)(n.tr,{children:[(0,s.jsx)(n.td,{children:"prefix"}),(0,s.jsx)(n.td,{children:(0,s.jsx)(n.code,{children:"string"})}),(0,s.jsx)(n.td,{children:(0,s.jsx)(n.code,{children:"podium-resource"})}),(0,s.jsx)(n.td,{}),(0,s.jsx)(n.td,{children:"Prefix used to namespace the proxy so that it's isolated from other routes in the HTTP server"})]}),(0,s.jsxs)(n.tr,{children:[(0,s.jsx)(n.td,{children:"timeout"}),(0,s.jsx)(n.td,{children:(0,s.jsx)(n.code,{children:"number"})}),(0,s.jsx)(n.td,{children:(0,s.jsx)(n.code,{children:"6000"})}),(0,s.jsx)(n.td,{}),(0,s.jsx)(n.td,{children:"Default value, in milliseconds, for how long a request should wait before the connection is terminated"})]})]})]}),"\n",(0,s.jsxs)(n.p,{children:["Example of setting the ",(0,s.jsx)(n.code,{children:"timeout"})," on the proxy to 30 seconds:"]}),"\n",(0,s.jsx)(n.pre,{children:(0,s.jsx)(n.code,{className:"language-js",children:'const layout = new Layout({\n name: "myLayout",\n pathname: "/foo",\n proxy: {\n timeout: 30000,\n },\n});\n'})}),"\n",(0,s.jsx)(n.h2,{id:"layout-instance",children:"Layout Instance"}),"\n",(0,s.jsx)(n.p,{children:"The layout instance has the following API:"}),"\n",(0,s.jsx)(n.h3,{id:"middleware",children:".middleware()"}),"\n",(0,s.jsxs)(n.p,{children:["A Connect/Express compatible middleware function which takes care of the\nvarious operations needed for a layout to operate correctly. This function is\nmore or less just a wrapper for the ",(0,s.jsx)(n.code,{children:".process()"})," method."]}),"\n",(0,s.jsxs)(n.p,{children:[(0,s.jsx)(n.strong,{children:"Important:"})," This middleware must be mounted before defining any routes."]}),"\n",(0,s.jsx)(n.p,{children:"Example"}),"\n",(0,s.jsx)(a.A,{groupId:"server-frameworks",children:(0,s.jsx)(i.A,{value:"express",label:"Express",children:(0,s.jsx)(n.pre,{children:(0,s.jsx)(n.code,{className:"language-js",children:"const app = express();\napp.use(layout.middleware());\n"})})})}),"\n",(0,s.jsxs)(n.p,{children:["The middleware will create an ",(0,s.jsx)(n.a,{href:"/docs/api/incoming",children:(0,s.jsx)(n.code,{children:"HttpIncoming"})})," object for each\nrequest and place it on the response at ",(0,s.jsx)(n.code,{children:"res.locals.podium"}),"."]}),"\n",(0,s.jsx)(n.p,{children:"Returns an Array of middleware functions which perform the tasks described\nabove."}),"\n",(0,s.jsx)(n.h3,{id:"jsoptionsoptions",children:".js(options|[options])"}),"\n",(0,s.jsx)(n.p,{children:"Set relative or absolute URLs to JavaScript assets for the layout."}),"\n",(0,s.jsx)(n.p,{children:"When set, the values will be internally kept and made available for the document\ntemplate to include."}),"\n",(0,s.jsx)(n.p,{children:"This method can be called multiple times with a single options object to set\nmultiple assets or one can provide an array of options objects to set multiple\nassets."}),"\n",(0,s.jsx)(n.h4,{id:"options-1",children:"options"}),"\n",(0,s.jsxs)(n.table,{children:[(0,s.jsx)(n.thead,{children:(0,s.jsxs)(n.tr,{children:[(0,s.jsx)(n.th,{children:"option"}),(0,s.jsx)(n.th,{children:"type"}),(0,s.jsx)(n.th,{children:"default"}),(0,s.jsx)(n.th,{children:"required"}),(0,s.jsx)(n.th,{children:"details"})]})}),(0,s.jsxs)(n.tbody,{children:[(0,s.jsxs)(n.tr,{children:[(0,s.jsx)(n.td,{children:"value"}),(0,s.jsx)(n.td,{children:(0,s.jsx)(n.code,{children:"string"})}),(0,s.jsx)(n.td,{}),(0,s.jsx)(n.td,{children:"\u2713"}),(0,s.jsx)(n.td,{children:"Relative or absolute URL to the JavaScript asset"})]}),(0,s.jsxs)(n.tr,{children:[(0,s.jsx)(n.td,{children:"prefix"}),(0,s.jsx)(n.td,{children:(0,s.jsx)(n.code,{children:"boolean"})}),(0,s.jsx)(n.td,{children:(0,s.jsx)(n.code,{children:"false"})}),(0,s.jsx)(n.td,{}),(0,s.jsx)(n.td,{children:"Whether the pathname defined on the constructor should be prepend, if relative, to the value"})]}),(0,s.jsxs)(n.tr,{children:[(0,s.jsx)(n.td,{children:"type"}),(0,s.jsx)(n.td,{children:(0,s.jsx)(n.code,{children:"string"})}),(0,s.jsx)(n.td,{children:(0,s.jsx)(n.code,{children:"default"})}),(0,s.jsx)(n.td,{}),(0,s.jsx)(n.td,{children:"What type of JavaScript (eg. esm, default, cjs)"})]}),(0,s.jsxs)(n.tr,{children:[(0,s.jsx)(n.td,{children:"referrerpolicy"}),(0,s.jsx)(n.td,{children:(0,s.jsx)(n.code,{children:"string"})}),(0,s.jsx)(n.td,{}),(0,s.jsx)(n.td,{}),(0,s.jsxs)(n.td,{children:["Correlates to the same attribute on a HTML ",(0,s.jsx)(n.code,{children:" - + + + -
Skip to main content



Skip to main content



\ No newline at end of file diff --git a/blog/authors/index.html b/blog/authors/index.html index d3fc492..b2b4810 100644 --- a/blog/authors/index.html +++ b/blog/authors/index.html @@ -2,13 +2,13 @@ - + Authors | Podium.io - - - + + + -
Skip to main content
Skip to main content
\ No newline at end of file diff --git a/blog/first-blog-post/index.html b/blog/first-blog-post/index.html index 87c1c73..455bf83 100644 --- a/blog/first-blog-post/index.html +++ b/blog/first-blog-post/index.html @@ -2,14 +2,14 @@ - + New documentation site | Podium.io - - - + + + -
Skip to main content

New documentation site

· One min read
Trygve Lie
Lead maintainer

Welcome to our blog. Our documentation site has just gotten an refreshing update +

New documentation site

· One min read
Trygve Lie
Lead maintainer

Welcome to our blog. Our documentation site has just gotten an refreshing update which also give us a blog.

This space will be used to document version changes and give insight in tips and tricks not really belonging in the documentation itself.

diff --git a/blog/index.html b/blog/index.html index 00f35e3..bfb6dd8 100644 --- a/blog/index.html +++ b/blog/index.html @@ -2,14 +2,14 @@ - + Blog | Podium.io - - - + + + -

Version 5.0.0

· 4 min read
Richard Walker

The Podium team is pleased to annouce and make available the release of version 5.0.0 of Podium. 🥳 🎉


Version 5.0.0

· 4 min read
Richard Walker

The Podium team is pleased to annouce and make available the release of version 5.0.0 of Podium. 🥳 🎉

This is a breaking change from the v4.x line but since most of the changes are either under the hood or the removal of deprecations, upgrading, except in a couple notible exceptions, should be pretty simple for most users and may require no changes at all.

Version 4.0.0

· 5 min read
Trygve Lie
Lead maintainer

We are very happy to release version 4.0.0 of Podium. Both @podium/layout and @podium/podlet are now available at v4.0.0.

diff --git a/blog/tags/hello/index.html b/blog/tags/hello/index.html index 10d996d..9cdccc1 100644 --- a/blog/tags/hello/index.html +++ b/blog/tags/hello/index.html @@ -2,14 +2,14 @@ - + One post tagged with "hello" | Podium.io - - - + + + -

One post tagged with "hello"

View All Tags

New documentation site

· One min read
Trygve Lie
Lead maintainer

Welcome to our blog. Our documentation site has just gotten an refreshing update +

One post tagged with "hello"

View All Tags

New documentation site

· One min read
Trygve Lie
Lead maintainer

Welcome to our blog. Our documentation site has just gotten an refreshing update which also give us a blog.

This space will be used to document version changes and give insight in tips and tricks not really belonging in the documentation itself.

diff --git a/blog/tags/index.html b/blog/tags/index.html index 6f330bf..d5c3c75 100644 --- a/blog/tags/index.html +++ b/blog/tags/index.html @@ -2,13 +2,13 @@ - + Tags | Podium.io - - - + + + - + \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/blog/tags/podium/index.html b/blog/tags/podium/index.html index 7daf45e..c4127bf 100644 --- a/blog/tags/podium/index.html +++ b/blog/tags/podium/index.html @@ -2,14 +2,14 @@ - + 5 posts tagged with "podium" | Podium.io - - - + + + -

5 posts tagged with "podium"

View All Tags

Version 5.0.0

· 4 min read
Richard Walker

The Podium team is pleased to annouce and make available the release of version 5.0.0 of Podium. 🥳 🎉


5 posts tagged with "podium"

View All Tags

Version 5.0.0

· 4 min read
Richard Walker

The Podium team is pleased to annouce and make available the release of version 5.0.0 of Podium. 🥳 🎉

This is a breaking change from the v4.x line but since most of the changes are either under the hood or the removal of deprecations, upgrading, except in a couple notible exceptions, should be pretty simple for most users and may require no changes at all.

Version 4.0.0

· 5 min read
Trygve Lie
Lead maintainer

We are very happy to release version 4.0.0 of Podium. Both @podium/layout and @podium/podlet are now available at v4.0.0.

diff --git a/blog/tags/release/index.html b/blog/tags/release/index.html index 5dbdc02..428ecc5 100644 --- a/blog/tags/release/index.html +++ b/blog/tags/release/index.html @@ -2,14 +2,14 @@ - + 4 posts tagged with "release" | Podium.io - - - + + + -

4 posts tagged with "release"

View All Tags

Version 5.0.0

· 4 min read
Richard Walker

The Podium team is pleased to annouce and make available the release of version 5.0.0 of Podium. 🥳 🎉


4 posts tagged with "release"

View All Tags

Version 5.0.0

· 4 min read
Richard Walker

The Podium team is pleased to annouce and make available the release of version 5.0.0 of Podium. 🥳 🎉

This is a breaking change from the v4.x line but since most of the changes are either under the hood or the removal of deprecations, upgrading, except in a couple notible exceptions, should be pretty simple for most users and may require no changes at all.

Version 4.0.0

· 5 min read
Trygve Lie
Lead maintainer

We are very happy to release version 4.0.0 of Podium. Both @podium/layout and @podium/podlet are now available at v4.0.0.

diff --git a/blog/tags/version/index.html b/blog/tags/version/index.html index d377eeb..da82924 100644 --- a/blog/tags/version/index.html +++ b/blog/tags/version/index.html @@ -2,14 +2,14 @@ - + 4 posts tagged with "version" | Podium.io - - - + + + -

4 posts tagged with "version"

View All Tags

Version 5.0.0

· 4 min read
Richard Walker

The Podium team is pleased to annouce and make available the release of version 5.0.0 of Podium. 🥳 🎉


4 posts tagged with "version"

View All Tags

Version 5.0.0

· 4 min read
Richard Walker

The Podium team is pleased to annouce and make available the release of version 5.0.0 of Podium. 🥳 🎉

This is a breaking change from the v4.x line but since most of the changes are either under the hood or the removal of deprecations, upgrading, except in a couple notible exceptions, should be pretty simple for most users and may require no changes at all.

Version 4.0.0

· 5 min read
Trygve Lie
Lead maintainer

We are very happy to release version 4.0.0 of Podium. Both @podium/layout and @podium/podlet are now available at v4.0.0.

diff --git a/blog/version-4.0.0/index.html b/blog/version-4.0.0/index.html index 703dd75..917ae71 100644 --- a/blog/version-4.0.0/index.html +++ b/blog/version-4.0.0/index.html @@ -2,14 +2,14 @@ - + Version 4.0.0 | Podium.io - - - + + + -

Version 4.0.0

· 5 min read
Trygve Lie
Lead maintainer

We are very happy to release version 4.0.0 of Podium. Both @podium/layout and +

Version 4.0.0

· 5 min read
Trygve Lie
Lead maintainer

We are very happy to release version 4.0.0 of Podium. Both @podium/layout and @podium/podlet are now available at v4.0.0.

Version 4.0.0 attempts to be almost entirely backwards compatible with version 3.0.0.

This release contains the following changes:

diff --git a/blog/version-4.1.0/index.html b/blog/version-4.1.0/index.html index 6544ed8..2a06217 100644 --- a/blog/version-4.1.0/index.html +++ b/blog/version-4.1.0/index.html @@ -2,14 +2,14 @@ - + Version 4.1.0 | Podium.io - - - + + + -

Version 4.1.0

· 2 min read
Trygve Lie
Lead maintainer

Version 4.1.0 of @podium/layout and @podium/podlet are now available.


Version 4.1.0

· 2 min read
Trygve Lie
Lead maintainer

Version 4.1.0 of @podium/layout and @podium/podlet are now available.


This release contain some minor changes to the .js() and .css() methods in both @podium/layout and @podium/podlet paves ground for work we are doing to diff --git a/blog/version-4.2.0/index.html b/blog/version-4.2.0/index.html index f888bb4..d5eec95 100644 --- a/blog/version-4.2.0/index.html +++ b/blog/version-4.2.0/index.html @@ -2,14 +2,14 @@ - + Version 4.2.0 | Podium.io - - - + + + -

Version 4.2.0

· 2 min read
Trygve Lie
Lead maintainer

Version 4.2.0 of @podium/layout and @podium/podlet are now available.


Version 4.2.0

· 2 min read
Trygve Lie
Lead maintainer

Version 4.2.0 of @podium/layout and @podium/podlet are now available.


This release is shipped with TypeDefinitions for all public APIs.


diff --git a/blog/version-5.0.0/index.html b/blog/version-5.0.0/index.html index 2f96d9a..96a6138 100644 --- a/blog/version-5.0.0/index.html +++ b/blog/version-5.0.0/index.html @@ -2,14 +2,14 @@ - + Version 5.0.0 | Podium.io - - - + + + -

Version 5.0.0

· 4 min read
Richard Walker

The Podium team is pleased to annouce and make available the release of version 5.0.0 of Podium. 🥳 🎉


Version 5.0.0

· 4 min read
Richard Walker

The Podium team is pleased to annouce and make available the release of version 5.0.0 of Podium. 🥳 🎉

This is a breaking change from the v4.x line but since most of the changes are either under the hood or the removal of deprecations, upgrading, except in a couple notible exceptions, should be pretty simple for most users and may require no changes at all.

Breaking changes

diff --git a/docs/api/assets/index.html b/docs/api/assets/index.html index 8e1af01..b65f6b8 100644 --- a/docs/api/assets/index.html +++ b/docs/api/assets/index.html @@ -2,14 +2,14 @@ - + Assets | Podium.io - - - + + + -


When an asset is registered through the .css() or .js() methods in a podlet +


When an asset is registered through the .css() or .js() methods in a podlet or layout an appropriate AssetCSS or AssetJS object is created.

The AssetCSS or AssetJS objects are then available on the .css or .js properties of the HttpIncoming object on a request.

diff --git a/docs/api/bridge/index.html b/docs/api/bridge/index.html index a4c3261..361bdb5 100644 --- a/docs/api/bridge/index.html +++ b/docs/api/bridge/index.html @@ -2,14 +2,14 @@ - + @podium/bridge | Podium.io - - - + + + -


This package is a bridge designed to pass JSON-RPC 2.0 messages between a web application and a native web view.



This package is a bridge designed to pass JSON-RPC 2.0 messages between a web application and a native web view.


To install:

npm install @podium/bridge
diff --git a/docs/api/browser/index.html b/docs/api/browser/index.html index 295fff2..e543ba0 100644 --- a/docs/api/browser/index.html +++ b/docs/api/browser/index.html @@ -2,14 +2,14 @@ - + @podium/browser | Podium.io - - - + + + -


The @podium/browser module is a client-side library designed to simplify communication between a podlet and the layout, and between podlets. +


The @podium/browser module is a client-side library designed to simplify communication between a podlet and the layout, and between podlets. The module also supports applications running in a hybrid application when used with @podium/bridge.

For an API designed as reactive state, see @podium/store.


diff --git a/docs/api/document/index.html b/docs/api/document/index.html index a93a4fd..39917c0 100644 --- a/docs/api/document/index.html +++ b/docs/api/document/index.html @@ -2,14 +2,14 @@ - + Document Template | Podium.io - - - + + + -

Document Template

When developing podlets which are to be composed together with other podlets +

Document Template

When developing podlets which are to be composed together with other podlets into a full HTML page by a layout it is important that the development of the podlet happens under the same constraints when developing in isolation as when running inside a full layout.

diff --git a/docs/api/http-framework-compatibility/index.html b/docs/api/http-framework-compatibility/index.html index cf73a7e..50a312a 100644 --- a/docs/api/http-framework-compatibility/index.html +++ b/docs/api/http-framework-compatibility/index.html @@ -2,14 +2,14 @@ - + HTTP Framework Compatibility | Podium.io - - - + + + -

HTTP Framework Compatibility

Podium is HTTP framework agnostic with first class support for Express. In +

HTTP Framework Compatibility

Podium is HTTP framework agnostic with first class support for Express. In practise this means that core Podium works with the standard http.Server module in Node.js but the core modules also come with Express compatible middleware methods for ease of use.

diff --git a/docs/api/incoming/index.html b/docs/api/incoming/index.html index 11127d2..f266402 100644 --- a/docs/api/incoming/index.html +++ b/docs/api/incoming/index.html @@ -2,14 +2,14 @@ - + HttpIncoming | Podium.io - - - + + + -


In the request/response life cycle of an HTTP request handled by Podium, +


In the request/response life cycle of an HTTP request handled by Podium, different information needs to be accessible at different stages. To cater to this, Podium has an HttpIncoming object which is passed between the different parts of Podium throughout the request/response life cycle.

diff --git a/docs/api/layout/index.html b/docs/api/layout/index.html index 1173014..ec51f7b 100644 --- a/docs/api/layout/index.html +++ b/docs/api/layout/index.html @@ -2,14 +2,14 @@ - + @podium/layout | Podium.io - - - + + + -


In Podium a layout server is mainly responsible for fetching HTML fragments +


In Podium a layout server is mainly responsible for fetching HTML fragments (podlets) and stitching these fragments together into an HTML page (a layout).

The @podium/layout module is used for composing HTML pages (layouts) out of page fragments (podlets).

diff --git a/docs/api/manifest/index.html b/docs/api/manifest/index.html index 756a0ff..50b5a3c 100644 --- a/docs/api/manifest/index.html +++ b/docs/api/manifest/index.html @@ -2,14 +2,14 @@ - + manifest.json | Podium.io - - - + + + -


This page documents the JSON schema for a podlet /manifest.json route.



This page documents the JSON schema for a podlet /manifest.json route.

A manifest can include references to:

  • An HTTP endpoint to the podlet's main content.
  • diff --git a/docs/api/podlet/index.html b/docs/api/podlet/index.html index 64b66da..bac7ad4 100644 --- a/docs/api/podlet/index.html +++ b/docs/api/podlet/index.html @@ -2,14 +2,14 @@ - + @podium/podlet | Podium.io - - - + + + -


    Module for building page fragment servers for micro frontend architectures.



    Module for building page fragment servers for micro frontend architectures.

    A podlet server is responsible for generating HTML fragments which can then be used in a @podium/layout server to compose a full HTML page.

    This module can be used together with a plain Node.js HTTP server or any HTTP diff --git a/docs/api/store/index.html b/docs/api/store/index.html index 68c79af..3c7604d 100644 --- a/docs/api/store/index.html +++ b/docs/api/store/index.html @@ -2,14 +2,14 @@ - + @podium/store | Podium.io - - - + + + -


    This is a client-side library that provides a reactive data store using nanostores on top of @podium/browser's MessageBus. It includes some ready-made stores and helpers for you to make reactive stores for your own events.



    This is a client-side library that provides a reactive data store using nanostores on top of @podium/browser's MessageBus. It includes some ready-made stores and helpers for you to make reactive stores for your own events.

    By using reactive state backed by MessageBus you can seamlessly share state between different parts of a Podium application. If a podlet changes the value of shared state, all other podlets using that value can update.


    To install:

    diff --git a/docs/guides/assets/index.html b/docs/guides/assets/index.html index 5952652..0c452c1 100644 --- a/docs/guides/assets/index.html +++ b/docs/guides/assets/index.html @@ -2,14 +2,14 @@ - + Client-side assets | Podium.io - - - + + + -

    Client-side assets

    A podlet will likely depend on some CSS and maybe client-side JavaScript to work properly. When a layout composes podlets it has to include each podlet's assets in the final document. This poses some novel challenges.


    Client-side assets

    A podlet will likely depend on some CSS and maybe client-side JavaScript to work properly. When a layout composes podlets it has to include each podlet's assets in the final document. This poses some novel challenges.

    • Where to host the client-side assets?
    • How to handle duplication of shared libraries such as React?
    • diff --git a/docs/guides/browser-extension/index.html b/docs/guides/browser-extension/index.html index a5ab770..5fba6fc 100644 --- a/docs/guides/browser-extension/index.html +++ b/docs/guides/browser-extension/index.html @@ -2,14 +2,14 @@ - + Browser extension | Podium.io - - - + + + -

      Browser extension

      Developing layouts and podlets mostly works the same way as other web servers. Still, there are a couple of scenarios where the built-in developer tools in your browser can fall a bit short. The Podium Developer Tools browser extension can help.


      Browser extension

      Developing layouts and podlets mostly works the same way as other web servers. Still, there are a couple of scenarios where the built-in developer tools in your browser can fall a bit short. The Podium Developer Tools browser extension can help.

      Download the browser extension

      The Podium browser extension is available for Firefox and Chromium-based browsers.

        diff --git a/docs/guides/client-side-communication/index.html b/docs/guides/client-side-communication/index.html index 034facd..cad4a9d 100644 --- a/docs/guides/client-side-communication/index.html +++ b/docs/guides/client-side-communication/index.html @@ -2,14 +2,14 @@ - + Client-side communication | Podium.io - - - + + + -

        Client-side communication

        Podium's micro frontend architecture extends all the way to the browser. Each podlet can bring client-side JavaScript applications to add interactivity to the HTML, essentially an islands architecture.


        Client-side communication

        Podium's micro frontend architecture extends all the way to the browser. Each podlet can bring client-side JavaScript applications to add interactivity to the HTML, essentially an islands architecture.

        Say InputPodlet contains an input field where a user can input a new reminder and ListPodlet contains a list of all reminders.

        Two boxes stacked vertically where the first represents an input field, and the second a list of reminders

        When a user inputs a new reminder in InputPodlet they would expect that the reminders list in ListPodlet is updated immediately with the new reminder. However, since they are two separate applications InputPodlet can't directly add entries to ListPodlet's state.

        diff --git a/docs/guides/context/index.html b/docs/guides/context/index.html index 83f238a..b12c128 100644 --- a/docs/guides/context/index.html +++ b/docs/guides/context/index.html @@ -2,14 +2,14 @@ - + Podium context | Podium.io - - - + + + -

        Podium context

        The purpose of the Podium Context is to give a podlet access to information about each incoming HTTP request so that it can tailor its response accordingly.


        Podium context

        The purpose of the Podium Context is to give a podlet access to information about each incoming HTTP request so that it can tailor its response accordingly.

        More specifically, a podlet can use the context to:

        • Construct URLs specific to the layout where the request came from.
        • diff --git a/docs/guides/fallbacks/index.html b/docs/guides/fallbacks/index.html index dda6d72..d3b9cc6 100644 --- a/docs/guides/fallbacks/index.html +++ b/docs/guides/fallbacks/index.html @@ -2,14 +2,14 @@ - + Fallbacks | Podium.io - - - + + + -


          What happens to a layout if a podlet is down, unresponsive, or slow? By default the layout will render an empty string in its place. However, you might want to have control what gets shown, such as a simplified static version of a complex dynamic podlet. Fallbacks let you do this.



          What happens to a layout if a podlet is down, unresponsive, or slow? By default the layout will render an empty string in its place. However, you might want to have control what gets shown, such as a simplified static version of a complex dynamic podlet. Fallbacks let you do this.

          How do fallbacks work?

          On the first request to a podlet a layout will read the podlet’s manifest. The manifest includes the location of the fallback. The layout then makes a request to the fallback route and caches the response.

          Later, if the podlet server cannot be reached for any reason, or the request returns a non 200 response, the layout will use the podlet’s cached fallback content instead.

          diff --git a/docs/guides/hybrid/index.html b/docs/guides/hybrid/index.html index 39e444a..af75d8a 100644 --- a/docs/guides/hybrid/index.html +++ b/docs/guides/hybrid/index.html @@ -2,14 +2,14 @@ - + Hybrid apps | Podium.io - - - + + + -

          Hybrid apps

          Podium includes features for developers of hybrid applications, where parts of a (typically mobile) application are built using web technologies.


          Hybrid apps

          Podium includes features for developers of hybrid applications, where parts of a (typically mobile) application are built using web technologies.

          • Specification of HTTP headers that are passed to podlets on the context.
          • Client-side library for sending messages between web and native.
          • diff --git a/docs/guides/layout-development/index.html b/docs/guides/layout-development/index.html index 759b1cc..58b27e5 100644 --- a/docs/guides/layout-development/index.html +++ b/docs/guides/layout-development/index.html @@ -2,14 +2,14 @@ - + Layout development | Podium.io - - - + + + -

            Layout development

            Once you have built one or more podlets, you will want to be able to test them in the more realistic context of a layout server, thereby allowing you to see the complete page and make sure all the pieces work together correctly.


            Layout development

            Once you have built one or more podlets, you will want to be able to test them in the more realistic context of a layout server, thereby allowing you to see the complete page and make sure all the pieces work together correctly.

            The following examples show a somewhat contrived multi-podlet and layout setup in which our layout composes together a header, a navigation area, some content and a footer.

            Sample podlets

            Example: header

            diff --git a/docs/guides/passing-values-to-podlets/index.html b/docs/guides/passing-values-to-podlets/index.html index a477bb4..88855ca 100644 --- a/docs/guides/passing-values-to-podlets/index.html +++ b/docs/guides/passing-values-to-podlets/index.html @@ -2,14 +2,14 @@ - + Passing values to podlets | Podium.io - - - + + + -

            Passing values to podlets

            There are occasions where you will want user interaction in a podlet to inform the behavior of other podlets. A great example of this is search. You might have one podlet that handles user search input and another podlet that displays search results.


            Passing values to podlets

            There are occasions where you will want user interaction in a podlet to inform the behavior of other podlets. A great example of this is search. You might have one podlet that handles user search input and another podlet that displays search results.

            const searchField = layout.client.register({
            name: "searchField",
            uri: "http://localhost:7200",

            const searchResults = layout.client.register({
            name: "searchResults",
            uri: "http://localhost:7201",

            The recommended way for the searchResults podlet to react to user changes in the searchField is to manipulate the pages URL query string parameters or pathname param.

            Sending query params

            diff --git a/docs/guides/podlet-development/index.html b/docs/guides/podlet-development/index.html index 9cc78ef..b26f446 100644 --- a/docs/guides/podlet-development/index.html +++ b/docs/guides/podlet-development/index.html @@ -2,14 +2,14 @@ - + Podlet development | Podium.io - - - + + + -

            Podlet development

            It is intended that podlets be developed in isolation from layouts and other podlets. This isolation can introduce challenges into local development due to some components normally provided by a layout (such as headers and Assets) not being available.


            Podlet development

            It is intended that podlets be developed in isolation from layouts and other podlets. This isolation can introduce challenges into local development due to some components normally provided by a layout (such as headers and Assets) not being available.

            Podlet development setup

            The experience of developing a podlet on its own can be as simple as starting the podlet and visiting its URL in your favourite browser.

            Consider the following podlet server:

            diff --git a/docs/guides/proxying/index.html b/docs/guides/proxying/index.html index 6505044..9507db4 100644 --- a/docs/guides/proxying/index.html +++ b/docs/guides/proxying/index.html @@ -2,14 +2,14 @@ - + Proxies | Podium.io - - - + + + -


            Proxies are useful in cases where you decide to only expose layout servers directly to the Internet.



            Proxies are useful in cases where you decide to only expose layout servers directly to the Internet.

            Podium does not enforce a certain infrastructure setup. You can choose to have your podlets publicly available, in which case proxies aren't strictly needed.

            If you decide to not have podlets available publicly, proxies can help in two common scenarios:

              diff --git a/docs/guides/redirects/index.html b/docs/guides/redirects/index.html index 59e18c4..009fc7f 100644 --- a/docs/guides/redirects/index.html +++ b/docs/guides/redirects/index.html @@ -2,14 +2,14 @@ - + Redirects | Podium.io - - - + + + -


              Redirects in HTTP work by setting a status code and Location HTTP header on the response sent by the server to the browser. What happens if a podlet (which is not the one sending the HTTP response to the browser) wants to trigger a redirect?



              Redirects in HTTP work by setting a status code and Location HTTP header on the response sent by the server to the browser. What happens if a podlet (which is not the one sending the HTTP response to the browser) wants to trigger a redirect?

              The layout is the server sending the HTTP response to the browser. Only the layout can do the actual redirect, but a podlet can ask the layout to do a redirect on its behalf. Here is how it works.

              Define a podlet as redirectable

              If a podlet should trigger a redirect for the end user, or you want to handle redirects in a different way, you have to configure the client as redirectable:

              diff --git a/docs/index.html b/docs/index.html index 07d4130..73b2fa1 100644 --- a/docs/index.html +++ b/docs/index.html @@ -2,14 +2,14 @@ - + Introduction | Podium.io - - - + + + -


              Podium is a library for building micro frontends.



              Podium is a library for building micro frontends.

              Micro frontends is a concept that advocates letting go of the monolith. Pages are split into smaller independent servers, each server responsible for individual parts of the page in isolation (page fragments). These fragments are then composed to a whole page in a separate layer.

              Runtime composition

              In Podium the composition is done at runtime. One server handles the incoming request by fetching each independent fragment over HTTP before returning the finished page back to the user.

              diff --git a/docs/introduction/hello-podium/index.html b/docs/introduction/hello-podium/index.html index 8bb6371..0472cd5 100644 --- a/docs/introduction/hello-podium/index.html +++ b/docs/introduction/hello-podium/index.html @@ -2,14 +2,14 @@ - + Hello, Podium | Podium.io - - - + + + -

              Hello, Podium

              In Podium there are two types of servers:


              Hello, Podium

              In Podium there are two types of servers:

              • Podlets that serve page fragments
              • Layouts that compose podlets and serve the finished page
              • diff --git a/index.html b/index.html index 5a4932d..88e3538 100644 --- a/index.html +++ b/index.html @@ -2,14 +2,14 @@ - + Home | Podium.io - - - + + + -
                Podium logo


                Easy server side composition of microfrontends

                Autonomous development

                By adopting a simple manifest, teams can develop and serve parts of a web page in isolation as if one where developing and hosting a full site. These isolated parts, aka Podlets, can easily be developed in any technology stack or one can opt in to using the node.js Podium library with your favorite HTTP framework of choice.

                Powerful composition

                Podium makes it easy, yet flexible, to compose parts developed in isolation into full complex pages, aka Layouts. Page compostion is done programmatically instead of through config or markup providing much more power and freedom to make compostion suit every need one might have.

                Contract based

                Composition with Podium is done over HTTP but between the isolated parts and the composition layer there is a strong contract. This ensures that the isolated parts always has a set of key, request bound, properties which can be of value to them to operate while the composition layer has usefull info about each isolated part it can use when composing.


                Podium logo


                Easy server side composition of microfrontends

                Autonomous development

                By adopting a simple manifest, teams can develop and serve parts of a web page in isolation as if one where developing and hosting a full site. These isolated parts, aka Podlets, can easily be developed in any technology stack or one can opt in to using the node.js Podium library with your favorite HTTP framework of choice.

                Powerful composition

                Podium makes it easy, yet flexible, to compose parts developed in isolation into full complex pages, aka Layouts. Page compostion is done programmatically instead of through config or markup providing much more power and freedom to make compostion suit every need one might have.

                Contract based

                Composition with Podium is done over HTTP but between the isolated parts and the composition layer there is a strong contract. This ensures that the isolated parts always has a set of key, request bound, properties which can be of value to them to operate while the composition layer has usefull info about each isolated part it can use when composing.


                Podlets (page fragments) are standalone HTTP services developed and run in isolation. Podlets can be written in any language, but Podium comes with a @podium/podlet module for easy development of Podlets in node.js.

                This is a Podlet serving a HTML endpoint responding to the locale it get from a Layout:

                import express from 'express';
                diff --git a/lunr-index-1729863874507.json b/lunr-index-1729863874507.json
                deleted file mode 100644
                index a3fb6ad..0000000
                --- a/lunr-index-1729863874507.json
                +++ /dev/null
                @@ -1 +0,0 @@
                \ No newline at end of file
                diff --git a/lunr-index-1731300523714.json b/lunr-index-1731300523714.json
                new file mode 100644
                index 0000000..c348875
                --- /dev/null
                +++ b/lunr-index-1731300523714.json
                @@ -0,0 +1 @@
                \ No newline at end of file
                diff --git a/lunr-index.json b/lunr-index.json
                index a3fb6ad..c348875 100644
                --- a/lunr-index.json
                +++ b/lunr-index.json
                @@ -1 +1 @@
                \ No newline at end of file
                \ No newline at end of file
                diff --git a/search-doc-1729863874507.json b/search-doc-1729863874507.json
                deleted file mode 100644
                index 5fa6534..0000000
                --- a/search-doc-1729863874507.json
                +++ /dev/null
                @@ -1 +0,0 @@
                -{"searchDocs":[{"title":"New documentation site","type":0,"sectionRef":"#","url":"/blog/first-blog-post","content":"Welcome to our blog. Our documentation site has just gotten an refreshing update which also give us a blog. This space will be used to document version changes and give insight in tips and tricks not really belonging in the documentation itself.","keywords":"","version":null},{"title":"Version 4.2.0","type":0,"sectionRef":"#","url":"/blog/version-4.2.0","content":"","keywords":"","version":null},{"title":"TypeDefinitions​","type":1,"pageTitle":"Version 4.2.0","url":"/blog/version-4.2.0#typedefinitions","content":" This release is shipped with TypeDefinitions for all public APIs.  ","version":null,"tagName":"h3"},{"title":"Assets​","type":1,"pageTitle":"Version 4.2.0","url":"/blog/version-4.2.0#assets","content":" Version 4.1.0 was a step on the way to paving ground for improving the client side asset experience for developers building micro-frontends with Podium.  This release contains a number of changes to the .js() and .css()methods in both @podium/layout and @podium/podlet. Possible options to these methods now more or less correlate to the same attributes on the equalent HTML elements.  Example for how to flag a Javascript asset that it is an ES module so that it can be loaded async:  const podlet = new Podlet([ ... ]); podlet.js({ value: 'https://cdn.site.com/script.js', async: true, type: 'esm', })   When rendered by the document template the above will translate into the following HTML element:  <script src="https://cdn.site.com/script.js" type="module" async></script>   Please see the following documentation for the options the different methods can now take:  @podium/podlet .css() method@podium/podlet .js() method@podium/layout .css() method@podium/layout .js() method  For further information on how assets are handled in general, please see theasset section.  If you maintain a custom document template, please see this section on how to render registered assets into HTML elements appropriately. ","version":null,"tagName":"h3"},{"title":"Version 4.1.0","type":0,"sectionRef":"#","url":"/blog/version-4.1.0","content":"","keywords":"","version":null},{"title":"Assets​","type":1,"pageTitle":"Version 4.1.0","url":"/blog/version-4.1.0#assets","content":" This release contain some minor changes to the .js() and .css() methods in both @podium/layout and @podium/podlet paves ground for work we are doing to improve asset handling and bundling when building microfrontends with Podium.  These changes are:  Currently the .js() and .css() methods return theirs target value when called. This is now deprecated and these methods will cease to return a value in the near future.  If you are doing something like this:  app.get(podlet.js({ value: '/assets.js' }), (req, res) => { res.status(200).sendFile('./src/js/main.js', err => {}); });   You should rewrite it to the following:  app.get('/assets.js', (req, res) => { res.status(200).sendFile('./src/js/main.js', err => {}); }); podlet.js({ value: '/assets.js' });   In addition to this .js() and .css() can now take an array of options objects so its possible to set multiple assets in one go.  app.use('/assets', express.static('./src/js')); podlet.js([ { value: '/assets/main.js' }, { value: '/assets/extra.js' }, ]);   We will write more about our work on asset handling and bundling when we have some more concrete code to show.  ","version":null,"tagName":"h3"},{"title":"Proxy​","type":1,"pageTitle":"Version 4.1.0","url":"/blog/version-4.1.0#proxy","content":" This release does also contains a small fix to the proxy preventing it from resolving a proxy request as successful after a failed proxy request has occurred.  This mostly affected metrics causing failed proxy requests to also be counted as successfull requests. ","version":null,"tagName":"h3"},{"title":"Introduction","type":0,"sectionRef":"#","url":"/docs/","content":"","keywords":"","version":"Next"},{"title":"Runtime composition​","type":1,"pageTitle":"Introduction","url":"/docs/#runtime-composition","content":" In Podium the composition is done at runtime. One server handles the incoming request by fetching each independent fragment over HTTP before returning the finished page back to the user.    The example above shows a web page which has four fragments indicated by the red dotted lines:  a headera footera sidebara main content area.  In Podium each of these four fragments could be separate servers. A fifth server would be responsible for handling incoming requests, fetching fragments and composing them to a whole page.  ","version":"Next","tagName":"h2"},{"title":"Advantages of runtime composition​","type":1,"pageTitle":"Introduction","url":"/docs/#advantages-of-runtime-composition","content":" The advantages of Podium's architectural approach are:  Each individual fragment of a page can be built with different technologies and by independent teams.Each individual fragment can fail without the whole page being affected.Each individual fragment can be processed and built in parallel and each individual fragment can be scaled independently.Each individual fragment can be reused in multiple pages and when the fragment is updated, each page that includes it is instantly updated.  ","version":"Next","tagName":"h2"},{"title":"Runtime composition with Podium​","type":1,"pageTitle":"Introduction","url":"/docs/#runtime-composition-with-podium","content":" Podium mainly consists of two different types of servers:  Podlets serving page fragmentsLayouts composing podlets to finished pages  ","version":"Next","tagName":"h2"},{"title":"Podlets​","type":1,"pageTitle":"Introduction","url":"/docs/#podlets","content":" A podlet serves a fragment of a whole page. You might think of this as a component running as a service.  ","version":"Next","tagName":"h3"},{"title":"Layouts​","type":1,"pageTitle":"Introduction","url":"/docs/#layouts","content":" A layout is what handles incoming requests from site visitors.  The layout provides the structure of an HTML page. It fetches the contents of podlets and inserts each podlet's response into the appropriate location in the page before serving the finished page to the visitor. ","version":"Next","tagName":"h3"},{"title":"@podium/bridge","type":0,"sectionRef":"#","url":"/docs/api/bridge","content":"","keywords":"","version":"Next"},{"title":"Usage​","type":1,"pageTitle":"@podium/bridge","url":"/docs/api/bridge#usage","content":" To install:  npm install @podium/bridge   Import the bridge in your client-side bundle:  import "@podium/bridge";   You should probably send messages via @podium/browser. That said, the bridge is available on window['@podium'].bridge.  /** @type {import("@podium/bridge").PodiumBridge} */ const bridge = window["@podium"].bridge; // You can listen for incoming messages, which can either be RpcRequest or RpcResponse bridge.on("global/authentication", (message) => { const request = /** @type {import("@podium/bridge").RpcRequest<{ token?: string }>} */ ( message ); if (typeof request.token === "string") { // logged in } else { // logged out } }); // You can trigger notifications (one-way messages) bridge.notification({ method: "global/authentication", params: { token: null }, }); // And you can call methods and await the response /** @type {import("@podium/bridge").RpcResponse<{ c: string }>} */ const response = await bridge.call({ method: "document/native-feature", params: { a: "foo", b: "bar" }, });   ","version":"Next","tagName":"h2"},{"title":"API​","type":1,"pageTitle":"@podium/bridge","url":"/docs/api/bridge#api","content":" ","version":"Next","tagName":"h2"},{"title":"bridge.on​","type":1,"pageTitle":"@podium/bridge","url":"/docs/api/bridge#bridgeon","content":" Add a listener for incoming messages for a given method name.  import "@podium/bridge"; /** @type {import("@podium/bridge").PodiumBridge} */ const bridge = window["@podium"].bridge; bridge.on("global/authentication", (message) => { const request = /** @type {import("@podium/bridge").RpcRequest<{ token?: string }>} */ ( message ); if (typeof request.token === "string") { // logged in } else { // logged out } });   ","version":"Next","tagName":"h3"},{"title":"bridge.notification​","type":1,"pageTitle":"@podium/bridge","url":"/docs/api/bridge#bridgenotification","content":" Send a notification (one-way message).  import "@podium/bridge"; /** @type {import("@podium/bridge").PodiumBridge} */ const bridge = window["@podium"].bridge; bridge.notification({ method: "global/authentication", params: { token: null }, });   ","version":"Next","tagName":"h3"},{"title":"bridge.call​","type":1,"pageTitle":"@podium/bridge","url":"/docs/api/bridge#bridgecall","content":" Send a request and await a response.  import "@podium/bridge"; /** @type {import("@podium/bridge").PodiumBridge} */ const bridge = window["@podium"].bridge; /** @type {import("@podium/bridge").RpcResponse<{ c: string }>} */ const response = await bridge.call({ method: "document/native-feature", params: { a: "foo", b: "bar" }, });  ","version":"Next","tagName":"h3"},{"title":"Version 4.0.0","type":0,"sectionRef":"#","url":"/blog/version-4.0.0","content":"","keywords":"","version":null},{"title":"JSON Schema​","type":1,"pageTitle":"Version 4.0.0","url":"/blog/version-4.0.0#json-schema","content":" The manifest which defines the contract between layouts and podlets are now defined using JSON Schema. The main reason for this is to cater for Podium implementations in languages other than Node.js.  ","version":null,"tagName":"h3"},{"title":"Document template​","type":1,"pageTitle":"Version 4.0.0","url":"/blog/version-4.0.0#document-template","content":" This version introduces a concept we call a document template. A document template is intended to supply the necessary HTML for the page outside of the markup you need write to display your page content.  While a v4 ships with a default document template it's straight forward to build your own custom template and plug this into both layouts and podlets which helps make it easier to develop podlets in isolation (from layouts) while imposing the same constraints on it that it will have when included in a layout.  Please see the document template section for further information.  ","version":null,"tagName":"h3"},{"title":"HTTP framework free​","type":1,"pageTitle":"Version 4.0.0","url":"/blog/version-4.0.0#http-framework-free","content":" Originally Podium was bound to Express.js but with this release Podium is 100% HTTP framework free. It is even possible write Podium servers using only the core Node.js HTTP server module.  Having said this, Express.js is still first class in Podium which means it is still possible to use Podium in an Express.js server without anything more than the core Podium layout and podlet modules.  Besides supporting Express.js, Hapi and Fastify are supported through plugins maintained by the Podium team.  Serverless / cloud functions will also be supported in a future release.  ","version":null,"tagName":"h3"},{"title":"Multiple assets support​","type":1,"pageTitle":"Version 4.0.0","url":"/blog/version-4.0.0#multiple-assets-support","content":" It was previously only possible to set a single reference to JavaScript and CSS client side assets using a podlet's.js() and .css().  With version 4, it is now possible to call these methods multiple times to set multiple assets.  An additional type field has also been added to the .js() method making it possible to signal to layout servers what type of JavaScript file are being specified.  ","version":null,"tagName":"h3"},{"title":"Layout assets​","type":1,"pageTitle":"Version 4.0.0","url":"/blog/version-4.0.0#layout-assets","content":" The @podium/layout module now has .js() and .css() methods which work the same way as in @podium/podlet. The intent is to be able to set client side assets which are related specifically to the layout.  ","version":null,"tagName":"h3"},{"title":"HttpIncoming replaces context argument​","type":1,"pageTitle":"Version 4.0.0","url":"/blog/version-4.0.0#httpincoming-replaces-context-argument","content":" During the process of rewriting to HTTP framework free, an HttpIncoming object was introduced which is passed between the various parts of Podium.  You can read more about HttpIncoming and its role here.  Due to this, you should pass an instance of HttpIncoming (available at res.locals.podium in express) to the .client.fetch() and .client.stream() methods in a @podium/layout instead of the context.  Previously Podium expected you to pass a Podium context to the fetch method like so:  app.get('/', (req, res) => { const ctx = res.locals.podium.context; const content = await podlet.fetch(ctx); ... });   This will still work until Podium version 5 but it is expected that developers instead call fetch as follows:  app.get('/', (req, res) => { const incoming = res.locals.podium; const content = await podlet.fetch(incoming); ... });   The context is part of HttpIncoming.  ","version":null,"tagName":"h3"},{"title":"The fetch method now resolves with a response object​","type":1,"pageTitle":"Version 4.0.0","url":"/blog/version-4.0.0#the-fetch-method-now-resolves-with-a-response-object","content":" When a Layout retrieves the content from a podlet it will now resolve with a response object instead of just the content as a string.  Previously calling .client.fetch() would resolve with the content of a podlet as a string:  app.get('/', (req, res) => { const incoming = res.locals.podium; const content = await podlet.fetch(incoming); console.log(content); // <div> .... </div> });   Now the fetch method with resolve with and object containing the podlet's content, css, js and headers:  app.get('/', (req, res) => { const incoming = res.locals.podium; const content = await podlet.fetch(incoming); console.log(content); // {js: [], css: [], headers: {}, content: '<div> .... </div>'} });   For backwards compabillity, using the response in a template literal or in string concatenation will result in the content value in the string. This will still work until Podium version 5.  app.get('/', (req, res) => { const incoming = res.locals.podium; const content = await podlet.fetch(incoming); console.log(`${content}`); // <div> .... </div> });   The .client.stream() works as before, but there is now a beforeStream event which emits a response object:  app.get('/', (req, res, next) => { const incoming = res.locals.podium; const stream = component.stream(incoming); stream.once('beforeStream', data => { console.log(data); // {js: [], css: [], headers: {}, content: null} }); stream.pipe(res); });   ","version":null,"tagName":"h3"},{"title":"State events​","type":1,"pageTitle":"Version 4.0.0","url":"/blog/version-4.0.0#state-events","content":" The .client in @podium/layout now has an extended state event and .stateproperty can be used to determine what state a layout is in.  layout.client.on('state', state => { console.log(state); }); const podlet = layout.client.register({ uri: 'http://foo.site.com/manifest.json', name: 'foo', }); app.get('/', (req, res) => { const incoming = res.locals.podium; const content = await podlet.fetch(incoming); ... });   The state provides information about the "podlet update life cycle". This is useful for determining when a podlet is being updated and when an update is complete or if a podlet is in an unhealty state.  ","version":null,"tagName":"h3"},{"title":"Improved documentation​","type":1,"pageTitle":"Version 4.0.0","url":"/blog/version-4.0.0#improved-documentation","content":" In the process of making Podium HTTP framework free and supporting multiple HTTP framework our documentation site has received some polish.  This site will now hold all documentation for end users of Podium and eventually it will have code examples reflecting all HTTP frameworks which are officially supported.  From now on, the documentation found in the README's in each module is to be considered documentation for developing Podium and not end user documentation. ","version":null,"tagName":"h3"},{"title":"Version 5.0.0","type":0,"sectionRef":"#","url":"/blog/version-5.0.0","content":"","keywords":"","version":null},{"title":"Breaking changes​","type":1,"pageTitle":"Version 5.0.0","url":"/blog/version-5.0.0#breaking-changes","content":" There are a couple breaking changes in this release that will need to be addressed if they affect you.  1. The Podium codebase has been converted to ESM and no longer supports common JS.​  While you can still mix and match podlets and layouts on Podium version 4 and 5, you will need to convert your codebase to ESM before upgrading to Podium version 5 podlets and layouts. See this post for a guide if you need one.  2. An instance of HttpIncoming must now be passed as the first argument to the Podium client​  n.b. If you are currently not seeing any deprecation warnings in your Podium version 4 apps, this won't affect you.  The .fetch() and .stream() methods. Usage of the fetch/stream methods without passing in HttpIncoming was deprecated a long while ago.  In Podium version 4, the following was acceptable but will now throw with version 5.  const header = layout.client.register({...}); app.get("/", (req, res) => { await header.fetch(); });   In Podium version 5, you need to ensure you pass in an HttpIncoming object like so:  const header = layout.client.register({...}); app.get("/", (req, res) => { const incoming = res.locals.podium; await header.fetch(incoming); });   3. Removal of deprecated Podium v3 compatibility in the manifest file and codebase.​  n.b. If you are currently not seeing any deprecation warnings in your Podium version 4 apps, this won't affect you.  The assets key and its sub keys js and css have been removed from the manifest file.  Previously through all of Podium version 4, we maintained both the assets key and js and css keys for backwards compatibility with Podium version 3. The value for assets.js would always be the same as for js and the value for assets.css would always be the same as css.  Like so:  { "assets": { "js": [], "css": [] }, "js": [], "css": [] }   With Podium version 5, we've dropped the assets key (and therefore compatibility with Podium version 3) so that the manifest file will now look like:  { "js": [], "css": [] }   4. Support for Node v10 and lower has been intentionally dropped and we are now actively only testing against Node v16 and higher.​  Releases are now made against Node v20 and we actively run test suites against Node version 16 and up. Versions 12 and 14 should work but we make no guarantees.  5. .js and .css methods on the Podium layout and Podium podlet modules, which are used to set assets, no longer return a value​  n.b. If you are currently not seeing any deprecation warnings in your Podium version 4 apps, this won't affect you.  The podlet and layout .js and .css methods used to return a value. This was deprecated a long ways back and has now been removed.  const result = layout.js() // result is null const result = podlet.js() // result is null   6. Previously deprecated Podium client change and dispose events removed.​  These client registry events, emitted from the Podium client, were previously deprecated and have now been removed. You most likely aren't, but check your codebase to ensure you aren't relying on these events.  ","version":null,"tagName":"h3"},{"title":"Other notable changes​","type":1,"pageTitle":"Version 5.0.0","url":"/blog/version-5.0.0#other-notable-changes","content":" None of the following changes require any action when upgrading.  1. Under the hood, the Podium client request module has been replaced.​  The Request module is deprecated and we've opted to replace it with Undici, a fast modern alternative.  2. The podlet manifest file now supports an array of proxy endpoints instead of just an object.​  Previously, proxy entries in the podlet manifest were defined as an object and looked like this:  { "proxy": { "one": "/target/path/one", "two": "/target/path/two", } }   This has been changed to support an array syntax in which multiple proxies definitions can be added  { "proxy": [ { "name": "one": "target": "/target/path/one" }, { "name": "two": "target": "/target/path/two" }, ] }   The object syntax has been preserved for backwards compatibility.  3. Added prettier printing of Podium client responses when using console.log​  Log output used to look like:  PodiumClientResponse { [Symbol(podium:client:response:redirect)]: '', [Symbol(podium:client:response:content)]: '', [Symbol(podium:client:response:headers)]: {}, [Symbol(podium:client:response:css)]: [], [Symbol(podium:client:response:js)]: [] }   But now looks like:  { redirect: '', content: '', headers: {}, css: [], js: [] }  ","version":null,"tagName":"h3"},{"title":"@podium/browser","type":0,"sectionRef":"#","url":"/docs/api/browser","content":"","keywords":"","version":"Next"},{"title":"Installation​","type":1,"pageTitle":"@podium/browser","url":"/docs/api/browser#installation","content":" npm install @podium/browser   ","version":"Next","tagName":"h2"},{"title":"Usage​","type":1,"pageTitle":"@podium/browser","url":"/docs/api/browser#usage","content":" In your podlet's client side JavaScript code, import the MessageBus class from the browser package and create a new instance of the class.  import { MessageBus } from "@podium/browser"; const messageBus = new MessageBus();   ","version":"Next","tagName":"h2"},{"title":"Publishing messages​","type":1,"pageTitle":"@podium/browser","url":"/docs/api/browser#publishing-messages","content":" To publish a message, call the publish method and pass a channel, a topic and any data you want subscribers to receive.  messageBus.publish("reminders", "newReminder", reminder);   ","version":"Next","tagName":"h3"},{"title":"Subscribing to messages​","type":1,"pageTitle":"@podium/browser","url":"/docs/api/browser#subscribing-to-messages","content":" To subscribe to messages on a particular channel and topic, call the subscribe method passing it the channel, topic and a callback function to be executed whenever an event occurs. Whenever the callback is executed it gets passed an Event object which has the properties channel, topic and payload.  messageBus.subscribe("reminders", "newReminder", (event) => { const reminder = event.payload; });   ","version":"Next","tagName":"h3"},{"title":"API​","type":1,"pageTitle":"@podium/browser","url":"/docs/api/browser#api","content":" ","version":"Next","tagName":"h2"},{"title":"MessageBus​","type":1,"pageTitle":"@podium/browser","url":"/docs/api/browser#messagebus","content":" Cross podlet communication and message passing.  const messageBus = new MessageBus();   .publish(channel, topic, payload)​  Publish an event for a channel and topic combination. Returns the event object passed to subscribers.  This method takes the following arguments:  option\tdefault\ttype\trequired\tdetailschannel\tnull\tstring\ttrue\tName of the channel. Podium reserves system and view for built-in features. topic\tnull\tstring\ttrue\tName of the topic. payload\tnull\tany\tfalse\tThe payload for the event.  Examples:  messageBus.publish("search", "query", "laptop"); messageBus.publish("auth", "logout");   .subscribe(channel, topic, callback)​  Subscribe to events for a channel and topic combination.  This method takes the following arguments:  option\tdefault\ttype\trequired\tdetailschannel\tnull\tstring\ttrue\tName of the channel. topic\tnull\tstring\ttrue\tName of the topic callback\tnull\tFunction\ttrue\tCallback function to be invoked. Receives an event object  Example:  messageBus.subscribe("channel", "topic", (event) => { console.log(event.payload); });   .unsubscribe(channel, topic, callback)​  Unsubscribe to events for a channel and topic combination.  This method takes the following arguments:  option\tdefault\ttype\trequired\tdetailschannel\tnull\tstring\ttrue\tName of the channel topic\tnull\tstring\ttrue\tName of the topic callback\tnull\tFunction\ttrue\tCallback function to remove.  Example:  function cb(event) { console.log(event.payload); } messageBus.subscribe("channel", "topic", cb); messageBus.unsubscribe("channel", "topic", cb);   .peek(channel, topic)​  Get the latest event for a channel and topic combination.  This method takes the following arguments:  option\tdefault\ttype\trequired\tdetailschannel\tnull\tstring\ttrue\tName of the channel topic\tnull\tstring\ttrue\tName of the topic  .log(channel, topic)​  Returns an array of the 10 latest events for a channel and topic combination. The array is ordered such that the the latest/newest events is at the front of the array.  This method takes the following arguments:  option\tdefault\ttype\trequired\tdetailschannel\tnull\tstring\ttrue\tName of the channel topic\tnull\tstring\ttrue\tName of the topic  Example:  const events = messageBus.log("channel", "topic"); events.forEach((event) => { console.log(event.payload); });  ","version":"Next","tagName":"h3"},{"title":"HTTP Framework Compatibility","type":0,"sectionRef":"#","url":"/docs/api/http-framework-compatibility","content":"HTTP Framework Compatibility Podium is HTTP framework agnostic with first class support for Express. In practise this means that core Podium works with the standard http.Servermodule in Node.js but the core modules also come with Express compatible middleware methods for ease of use. Due to the fact that Podium is built for usage with the http.Server module in Node.js, it's pretty straight forward to get Podium to work with most HTTP frameworks. The most common way to support different HTTP framework is through plugins. Hapi and Fastify are both HTTP frameworks that the Podium team support by maintaining plugins for each. There are also user land plugins for other HTTP frameworks. Using Podium together with Hapi or Fastify requires that the plugin is handed an instance of the appropriate Podium module. To write a podlet server with Hapi; please see @podium/hapi-podletTo write a layout server with Hapi; please see @podium/hapi-layoutTo write a podlet server with Fastify; please see @podium/fastify-podletTo write a layout server with Fastify; please see @podium/fastify-layout Example of setting up a podlet server in all HTTP frameworks supported by the Podium team: ExpressHapiFastifyHTTP import express from 'express'; import Podlet from '@podium/podlet'; const app = express(); const podlet = new Podlet({ name: 'myPodlet', version: '1.0.0', pathname: '/', development: true, }); app.use(podlet.middleware()); app.get(podlet.content(), (req, res) => { if (res.locals.podium.context.locale === 'nb-NO') { return res.status(200).podiumSend('<h2>Hei verden</h2>'); } res.status(200).podiumSend(`<h2>Hello world</h2>`); }); app.get(podlet.manifest(), (req, res) => { res.status(200).json(podlet); }); app.listen(7100); ","keywords":"","version":"Next"},{"title":"Assets","type":0,"sectionRef":"#","url":"/docs/api/assets","content":"","keywords":"","version":"Next"},{"title":"AssetCSS​","type":1,"pageTitle":"Assets","url":"/docs/api/assets#assetcss","content":" An AssetCSS instance holds information about a Cascading Style Sheet related to a podlet or layout.  ","version":"Next","tagName":"h2"},{"title":"Properties​","type":1,"pageTitle":"Assets","url":"/docs/api/assets#properties","content":" An AssetCSS instance has the following properties:  property\ttype\tgetter\tsetter\tdefault\tdetailsvalue\tstring\t✓ ''\tRelative or absolute URL to the CSS asset href\tstring\t✓ ''\tAlias for the value property crossorigin\tstring\t✓\t✓\tundefined\tCorrelates to the same attribute on an HTML <link> element disabled\tboolean\t✓\t✓\tfalse\tCorrelates to the same attribute on an HTML <link> element hreflang\tstring\t✓\t✓\tundefined\tCorrelates to the same attribute on an HTML <link> element title\tstring\t✓\t✓\tundefined\tCorrelates to the same attribute on an HTML <link> element media\tstring\t✓\t✓\tundefined\tCorrelates to the same attribute on an HTML <link> element type\tstring\t✓\t✓\ttext/css\tCorrelates to the same attribute on an HTML <link> element rel\tstring\t✓\t✓\tstylesheet\tCorrelates to the same attribute on an HTML <link> element as\tstring\t✓\t✓\tundefined\tCorrelates to the same attribute on an HTML <link> element  ","version":"Next","tagName":"h2"},{"title":"Methods​","type":1,"pageTitle":"Assets","url":"/docs/api/assets#methods","content":" An AssetCSS instance has the following methods:  ","version":"Next","tagName":"h2"},{"title":".toJSON()​","type":1,"pageTitle":"Assets","url":"/docs/api/assets#tojson","content":" Returns a JSON representation of the AssetCSS instance.  ","version":"Next","tagName":"h3"},{"title":".toJsxAttributes()​","type":1,"pageTitle":"Assets","url":"/docs/api/assets#tojsxattributes","content":" Returns a JSON representation of the AssetCSS instance ready for use in a JSX link tag  <link {...css.toJsxAttributes()} />   ","version":"Next","tagName":"h3"},{"title":".toHTML()​","type":1,"pageTitle":"Assets","url":"/docs/api/assets#tohtml","content":" Returns an HTML <link> element as a string representation of the AssetCSSinstance.  ","version":"Next","tagName":"h3"},{"title":"AssetJS​","type":1,"pageTitle":"Assets","url":"/docs/api/assets#assetjs","content":" An AssetJS instance holds information about a podlet or layout's Javascript client side assets.  ","version":"Next","tagName":"h2"},{"title":"Properties​","type":1,"pageTitle":"Assets","url":"/docs/api/assets#properties-1","content":" An AssetJS instance has the following properties:  property\ttype\tgetter\tsetter\tdefault\tdetailsvalue\tstring\t✓ ''\tRelative or absolute URL to the CSS asset src\tstring\t✓ ''\tAlias for the value property referrerpolicy\tstring\t✓\t✓\tundefined\tCorrelates to the same attribute on an HTML <script> element crossorigin\tstring\t✓\t✓\tundefined\tCorrelates to the same attribute on an HTML <script> element integrity\tstring\t✓\t✓\tundefined\tCorrelates to the same attribute on an HTML <script> element nomodule\tboolean\t✓\t✓\tfalse\tCorrelates to the same attribute on an HTML <script> element async\tboolean\t✓\t✓\tfalse\tCorrelates to the same attribute on an HTML <script> element defer\tboolean\t✓\t✓\tfalse\tCorrelates to the same attribute on an HTML <script> element type\tstring\t✓\t✓\tundefined\tCorrelates to the same attribute on an HTML <script> element  ","version":"Next","tagName":"h2"},{"title":"Methods​","type":1,"pageTitle":"Assets","url":"/docs/api/assets#methods-1","content":" An AssetJS instance has the following methods:  ","version":"Next","tagName":"h2"},{"title":".toJSON()​","type":1,"pageTitle":"Assets","url":"/docs/api/assets#tojson-1","content":" Returns a JSON representation of the AssetJS instance.  ","version":"Next","tagName":"h3"},{"title":".toJsxAttributes()​","type":1,"pageTitle":"Assets","url":"/docs/api/assets#tojsxattributes-1","content":" Returns a JSON representation of the AssetJS instance ready for use in a JSX script tag.  <script {...js.toJsxAttributes()}></script>   ","version":"Next","tagName":"h3"},{"title":".toHTML()​","type":1,"pageTitle":"Assets","url":"/docs/api/assets#tohtml-1","content":" Returns an HTML <script> element as a string representation of the AssetJSinstance. ","version":"Next","tagName":"h3"},{"title":"manifest.json","type":0,"sectionRef":"#","url":"/docs/api/manifest","content":"","keywords":"","version":"Next"},{"title":"Schema​","type":1,"pageTitle":"manifest.json","url":"/docs/api/manifest#schema","content":" The schema for manifest.json is defined in @podium/schemas.  ","version":"Next","tagName":"h2"},{"title":"Example​","type":1,"pageTitle":"manifest.json","url":"/docs/api/manifest#example","content":" { "name": "my-podlet", "version": "1.0.0", "content": "/", "fallback": "/fallback", "css": [ { "value": "https://my.asset.server/my-podlet/styles.css", "type": "text/css", "rel": "stylesheet" } ], "js": [ { "value": "https://my.asset.server/my-podlet/client.js", "type": "module" } ], "proxy": { "api": "/api" } }  ","version":"Next","tagName":"h2"},{"title":"Document Template","type":0,"sectionRef":"#","url":"/docs/api/document","content":"","keywords":"","version":"Next"},{"title":"Rendering​","type":1,"pageTitle":"Document Template","url":"/docs/api/document#rendering","content":" A document template is used by calling the .render() methods in the podletand layout modules or the res.podiumSend() provided by whichever HTTP framework is being used.  ExpressHapiFastifyHTTP app.get(layout.pathname(), (req, res) => { const incoming = res.locals.podium; const document = podlet.render(incoming, '<div>content to render</div>'); res.send(document); });   ","version":"Next","tagName":"h2"},{"title":"Customizing​","type":1,"pageTitle":"Document Template","url":"/docs/api/document#customizing","content":" Podium ships with a default document template which should cover most use cases. It is possible, however, to set a custom document template which can then be plugged into both layout and podlet servers.  A custom document template is set by using the .view() method in thepodlet and layout modules.  layout.view((incoming, body, head) => `<!doctype html> <html lang="${incoming.context.locale}"> <head> <meta charset="${incoming.view.encoding}"> <title>${incoming.view.title}</title> ${head} </head> <body> ${body} </body> </html>`; );   ","version":"Next","tagName":"h2"},{"title":"Request Properties​","type":1,"pageTitle":"Document Template","url":"/docs/api/document#request-properties","content":" A document template will need properties which are request bound. This can be any type of property, but the value of the <title> element is one such example.  It is possible to pass on properties to the document template by using the.view property on HttpIncoming.  ExpressHapiFastifyHTTP app.get(layout.pathname(), (req, res) => { const incoming = res.locals.podium; incoming.view = { title: `My Site / ${someRequestValue}`, }; const document = layout.render(incoming, '<div>content to render</div>'); res.send(document); });   ","version":"Next","tagName":"h2"},{"title":"Assets​","type":1,"pageTitle":"Document Template","url":"/docs/api/document#assets","content":" On the HttpIncoming object which is passed on to the document template one can find an array of AssetCSS objects on the .css property and an array of AssetJS objects on the .js property . These properties hold the assets of a podlet or a layout. In a layout they can hold the assets of the requested podlets in addition to the assets of the layout itself.  Please see the asset documentation for more information.  The arrays of AssetCSS and AssetJS objects can easily be converted into HTML in a document template by running each object through the .buildLinkElement()or .buildScriptElement()methods found in the @podium/utils package:  import utils from '@podium/utils'; [ ... ] layout.view((incoming, body, head) => `<!doctype html> <html lang="${incoming.context.locale}"> <head> <meta charset="${incoming.view.encoding}"> ${incoming.css.map(utils.buildLinkElement).join('\\n')} ${incoming.js.map(utils.buildScriptElement).join('\\n')} <title>${incoming.view.title}</title> ${head} </head> <body> ${body} </body> </html>`; );   ","version":"Next","tagName":"h2"},{"title":"template(HttpIncoming, fragment, [args])​","type":1,"pageTitle":"Document Template","url":"/docs/api/document#templatehttpincoming-fragment-args","content":" A document template is implemented using a plain JavaScript function that returns a string.  The document template accepts, and will be called with, the following arguments:  HttpIncoming (required)​  An instance of the HttpIncoming class.  fragment​  A string that is intended to be a used as a fragment in the final HTML document.  [args]​  All following arguments given to the .render() or res.podiumSend() methods in the podlet and layout modules will be passed on to the document template.  The following is an example of how such additional arguments might be used to pass on parts of a page to the document template.  ExpressHapiFastifyHTTP layout.view = (incoming, body, head) => { return ` <html> <head>${head}</head> <body>${body}</body> </html> `; }; app.get(layout.pathname(), (req, res) => { const incoming = res.locals.podium; const head = `<meta ..... />`; const body = `<section>my content</section>`; const document = layout.render(incoming, body, head); res.send(document); });  ","version":"Next","tagName":"h2"},{"title":"@podium/store","type":0,"sectionRef":"#","url":"/docs/api/store","content":"","keywords":"","version":"Next"},{"title":"Usage​","type":1,"pageTitle":"@podium/store","url":"/docs/api/store#usage","content":" To install:  npm install @podium/store   Use the reactive store to do minimal updates of your UI when state changes. Nanostores supports multiple view frameworks:  React and PreactLitVueVanilla JS  This example shows a React component:  // components/user.jsx import { useStore } from "@nanostores/react"; import { $loggedIn } from "../stores/user.js"; export const User = () => { const loggedIn = useStore($loggedIn); return <p>{loggedIn ? "Welcome!" : "Please log in"}</p>; };   This is the same component in Lit:  // components/user.js import { StoreController } from "@nanostores/lit"; import { $loggedIn } from "../stores/user.js"; class User extends LitElement { loggedInController = new StoreController(this, $loggedIn); render() { return html`<p> ${this.loggedInController.value ? "Welcome!" : "Please log in"} </p>`; } } customElements.define("a-user", User);   ","version":"Next","tagName":"h2"},{"title":"Create your own reactive state​","type":1,"pageTitle":"@podium/store","url":"/docs/api/store#create-your-own-reactive-state","content":" By using the included helper you can make your reactive state sync between the different parts of a Podium application.  ","version":"Next","tagName":"h3"},{"title":"API​","type":1,"pageTitle":"@podium/store","url":"/docs/api/store#api","content":" ","version":"Next","tagName":"h2"},{"title":"atom(channel, topic, initialValue)​","type":1,"pageTitle":"@podium/store","url":"/docs/api/store#atomchannel-topic-initialvalue","content":" Create your own atom that syncs between parts of a Podium application using the MessageBus.  This method requires the following arguments:  option\ttype\tdetailschannel\tstring\tName of the channel topic\tstring\tName of the topic payload\tobject\tThe initial value. Replaced if peek(channel, topic) returns a value.  import { atom } from "@podium/store"; const $reminders = atom("reminders", "list", []);   ","version":"Next","tagName":"h3"},{"title":"map(channel, topic, initialValue)​","type":1,"pageTitle":"@podium/store","url":"/docs/api/store#mapchannel-topic-initialvalue","content":" Create your own map that syncs between parts of a Podium application using the MessageBus.  This method requires the following arguments:  option\ttype\tdetailschannel\tstring\tName of the channel topic\tstring\tName of the topic payload\tobject\tThe initial value. Replaced if peek(channel, topic) returns a value.  import { map } from "@podium/store"; const $user = map("user", "profile", { displayName: "foobar" });   ","version":"Next","tagName":"h3"},{"title":"deepMap(channel, topic, initialValue)​","type":1,"pageTitle":"@podium/store","url":"/docs/api/store#deepmapchannel-topic-initialvalue","content":" Create your own deepMap that syncs between parts of a Podium application using the MessageBus.  This method requires the following arguments:  option\ttype\tdetailschannel\tstring\tName of the channel topic\tstring\tName of the topic payload\tobject\tThe initial value. Replaced if peek(channel, topic) returns a value.  import { deepMap, listenKeys } from "@podium/store"; export const $profile = deepMap({ hobbies: [ { name: "woodworking", friends: [{ id: 123, name: "Ron Swanson" }], }, ], skills: [["Carpentry", "Sanding"], ["Varnishing"]], }); listenKeys($profile, ["hobbies[0].friends[0].name", "skills[0][0]"]);  ","version":"Next","tagName":"h3"},{"title":"Client-side assets","type":0,"sectionRef":"#","url":"/docs/guides/assets","content":"","keywords":"","version":"Next"},{"title":"HttpIncoming","type":0,"sectionRef":"#","url":"/docs/api/incoming","content":"","keywords":"","version":"Next"},{"title":"Constructor​","type":1,"pageTitle":"HttpIncoming","url":"/docs/api/incoming#constructor","content":" Create a new HttpIncoming instance.  import { HttpIncoming } from '@podium/utils'; const incoming = new HttpIncoming(request, response, params);   options​  option\ttype\tdefault\trequired\tdetailsrequest\thttp.IncomingMessage\tnull\t✓\tA raw Node.js HTTP request object response\thttp.ServerResponse\tnull\t✓\tA raw Node.js HTTP response object params\tobject\t{} Request scoped parameters  request​  A raw Node.js http.IncomingMessageobject.  If used with an HTTP framework please note that some frameworks operate with their own "request" objects as a wrapper around http.IncomingMessage. In such cases it is often necessary to gain access to the raw http.IncomingMessageobject through a property or method.  response​  A raw Node.js http.ServerResponseobject.  If used with an HTTP framework please note that some frameworks operate with their own "request" objects as a wrapper around http.IncomingMessage. In such cases it is often necessary to gain access to the raw http.IncomingMessageobject through a property or method.  params​  An object for passing arbitrary property values for Podium to use.  Note: When using any of the supported HTTP frameworks, params is usually picked up from a special properties object on the request (eg. res.locals in Express.js). Please see the the relevant plugin for the appropriate HTTP framework for further information.  One very common use case for this is to pass a request bound property to a context parser. There are cases where you may want to perform operations on requests prior to running the .middleware() or .process() methods in a layout or podlet and then pass the results of these operations on to a context parser.  The locale context parser does this when setting the request bound locale value:  ExpressHapiFastifyHTTP const app = express(); const layout = new Layout({ name: 'myLayout', pathname: '/', }); const podlet = layout.client.register({ name: 'myPodlet', uri: 'http://localhost:7100/manifest.json', }); // Set a locale param to 'nb-NO' on res.locals app.use((req, res, next) => { res.locals = { locale: 'nb-NO', }; next(); }); // Attach the middleware on Express. This will create HttpIncoming under the // hood plus generate the context where the locale param will be picked up from // res.locals app.use(layout.middleware()); app.get('/', (req, res) => { // Get the HttpIncoming object generated by the layout.middleware() let incoming = res.locals.podium; // Pass HttpIncoming on to the fetch method. This will pass the generated // context where locale now is `nb-NO` on to the request to the podlet. const { content } = await podlet.fetch(incoming); [ ... snip ...] });   ","version":"Next","tagName":"h2"},{"title":"Properties​","type":1,"pageTitle":"HttpIncoming","url":"/docs/api/incoming#properties","content":" An HttpIncoming instance has the following properties:  property\ttype\tgetter\tsetter\tdefault\tdetailsdevelopment\tboolean\t✓\t✓\tfalse\tHint regarding whether the podlet / layout are in development mode or not response\thttp.ServerResponse\t✓ null\tA raw Node.js HTTP response object set through the response argument in the constructor request\thttp.IncomingMessage\t✓ null\tA raw Node.js HTTP request object set through the request argument in the constructor context\tobject\t✓\t✓\t{}\tThe context created by the context parser podlets\tarray ✓\tnull\tArray of client response objects. Used in @podium/layout. params\tobject\t✓ {}\tParams set through the params argument in the constructor proxy\tboolean\t✓\t✓\tfalse\tWhether the request was handled by the proxy or not name\tstring\t✓\t✓\t''\tThe name of the podlet / layout view\tobject\t✓\t✓\t{}\tView parameters for the document template url\tURL\t✓ {}\tA URL object created out of the original request css\tarray\t✓\t✓\t[]\tAn array of AssetCSS objects js\tarray\t✓\t✓\t[]\tAn array of AssetJS objects  ","version":"Next","tagName":"h2"},{"title":"Methods​","type":1,"pageTitle":"HttpIncoming","url":"/docs/api/incoming#methods","content":" An HttpIncoming instance has the following methods:  ","version":"Next","tagName":"h2"},{"title":".toJSON()​","type":1,"pageTitle":"HttpIncoming","url":"/docs/api/incoming#tojson","content":" Returns JSON representation of the HttpIncoming instance. ","version":"Next","tagName":"h3"},{"title":"Hosting assets​","type":1,"pageTitle":"Client-side assets","url":"/docs/guides/assets#hosting-assets","content":" There are two main options for hosting assets:  The podlet can serve its own assetsUse a separate asset server or CDN  ","version":"Next","tagName":"h2"},{"title":"Podlet serves assets​","type":1,"pageTitle":"Client-side assets","url":"/docs/guides/assets#podlet-serves-assets","content":" Note: this will only work if your podlets are publicly available.  This approach involves each podlet serving its assets so that the layout can then include these files in its HTML template.  Step 1.  In your podlet, use the podlet asset helper functions to define inline client code.  podlet.js({ value: `http://my-podlet.com/assets/scripts.js` }); podlet.css({ value: `http://my-podlet.com/assets/styles.js` });   Each of these functions can be called multiple times to add additional assets. For each call, you may also set a type.  podlet.js({ value: `http://my-podlet.com/assets/scripts1.js`, type: "esm" }); podlet.js({ value: `http://my-podlet.com/assets/scripts2.js`, type: "default", });   Step 2.  Serve the assets from express. Assuming the podlets client side assets have been placed in a directory called assets:  app.use("/assets", express.static("assets"));   See the Express documentation for more information on static.  Step 3.  Set incoming.podlets and use podiumSend in your layout's request handler. This way the document template can include the CSS and JS assets served by the podlet.  app.get(layout.pathname(), (req, res) => { const incoming = res.locals.podium; const response = await myPodlet.fetch(incoming); incoming.podlets = [response]; res.podiumSend(`<div>Hello, Layout</div>`); });   ","version":"Next","tagName":"h3"},{"title":"Use a CDN​","type":1,"pageTitle":"Client-side assets","url":"/docs/guides/assets#use-a-cdn","content":" This approach involves each podlet uploading its assets to a predefined CDN location so that the layout can then include the CDN URLs in its HTML response.  Step 1.  In your podlet, upload your assets to a CDN. You might do this whenever your podlet server is built or starts up to ensure the latest version is available on the CDN.  Step 2.  Next, tell the podlet the location of your assets so that it can populate the manifest file.  podlet.js({ value: "http://some-cdn.com/client.js" }); podlet.css({ value: "http://some-cdn.com/style.css" });   Step 3.  Set incoming.podlets and use podiumSend in your layout's request handler. This way the document template can include the CSS and JS assets served by the podlet.  app.get(layout.pathname(), (req, res) => { const incoming = res.locals.podium; const response = await myPodlet.fetch(incoming); incoming.podlets = [response]; res.podiumSend(`<div>Hello, Layout</div>`); });   ","version":"Next","tagName":"h3"},{"title":"Deduplicating shared dependencies​","type":1,"pageTitle":"Client-side assets","url":"/docs/guides/assets#deduplicating-shared-dependencies","content":" It's likely one or more of your podlets share a common dependency, such as React. Unless you take action each podlet will bundle its own complete copy of React, wasting bandwith and execution time.  It's up to you to configure your build tools and infrastructure so you can avoid this duplication in your bundles and serve shared dependencies in a performant way.  You may want to look into Eik and its build tool plugins, which were built by the same team that maintains Podium to solve this performance problem.  ","version":"Next","tagName":"h2"},{"title":"Isolation​","type":1,"pageTitle":"Client-side assets","url":"/docs/guides/assets#isolation","content":" A podlet should ideally not affect or be affected by the layout or other podlets. This can be tricky, particularly for CSS because of its global nature and the cascade.  ","version":"Next","tagName":"h2"},{"title":"Unique selectors​","type":1,"pageTitle":"Client-side assets","url":"/docs/guides/assets#unique-selectors","content":" You can work around the isolation problem by adopting a namespacing convention for all CSS selectors. CSS modules and other similar tools that generate unique selectors can also help mitigate the isolation problem.  Unique selectors can mitigate some of the isolation problems, but a podlet can still be affected by the layout's CSS.  ","version":"Next","tagName":"h3"},{"title":"Declarative shadow DOM​","type":1,"pageTitle":"Client-side assets","url":"/docs/guides/assets#declarative-shadow-dom","content":" Using the shadow DOM you can isolate a podlet from its surroundings. By wrapping a podlet in a declarative shadow DOM you can still get the benefits of server-side rendering.  podlet.css() can't be used with shadow DOM​  With podlet.css() the end result is a <link /> tag in the HTML document's <head />. If your podlet's content renders inside a shadow DOM that CSS won't be able to reach the podlet.  With a declarative shadow DOM you have to include your own <link /> to the CSS from inside the shadow DOM.  ","version":"Next","tagName":"h3"},{"title":"Islands architecture​","type":1,"pageTitle":"Client-side assets","url":"/docs/guides/assets#islands-architecture","content":" Podium works well with islands architecture where interactivity on the client is handled by small, isolated applications.  Especially when building your layout:  Consider how JavaScript libraries you use handle external content (external in the sense that it is not generated by your library).Be mindful of how much of the document your JavaScript library hydrates. ","version":"Next","tagName":"h3"},{"title":"Browser extension","type":0,"sectionRef":"#","url":"/docs/guides/browser-extension","content":"","keywords":"","version":"Next"},{"title":"Download the browser extension​","type":1,"pageTitle":"Browser extension","url":"/docs/guides/browser-extension#download-the-browser-extension","content":" The Podium browser extension is available for Firefox and Chromium-based browsers.  FirefoxChromium based browsers  ","version":"Next","tagName":"h2"},{"title":"Using the browser extension​","type":1,"pageTitle":"Browser extension","url":"/docs/guides/browser-extension#using-the-browser-extension","content":" First, you may have to allow the extension to run on the page you're debugging. In Firefox this is shown with a mark by the extensions drawer, and on the extension itself.    The extension adds two new panes to your browser's developer tools that cover two main use-cases. You may have to open an overflow menu to see them.    ","version":"Next","tagName":"h2"},{"title":"The Podium Context pane​","type":1,"pageTitle":"Browser extension","url":"/docs/guides/browser-extension#the-podium-context-pane","content":" This pane is used when developing podlets to change the default values set on the Podium context. Say you want to test how your podlet behaves when given a different deviceType value. You could make changes in code, restart the server and then do your test, or you can use the extension and it's partner middleware to quickly swap values at runtime.  ","version":"Next","tagName":"h3"},{"title":"The Podium Headers pane​","type":1,"pageTitle":"Browser extension","url":"/docs/guides/browser-extension#the-podium-headers-pane","content":" This pane helps you set HTTP headers on requests to the server. It's mainly designed for use with Podium layouts, but can be used to set any header for any server. It comes with presets for hybrid HTTP headers, but you can add and remove any headers you might need.  ","version":"Next","tagName":"h3"},{"title":"Missing a feature?​","type":1,"pageTitle":"Browser extension","url":"/docs/guides/browser-extension#missing-a-feature","content":" If you have ideas for additional features that would help you develop and debug Podium applications, please open an issue in the dev-tool repo. If an issue allready exists, give it a thumbs-up. ","version":"Next","tagName":"h2"},{"title":"Client-side communication","type":0,"sectionRef":"#","url":"/docs/guides/client-side-communication","content":"","keywords":"","version":"Next"},{"title":"Podium client-side libraries​","type":1,"pageTitle":"Client-side communication","url":"/docs/guides/client-side-communication#podium-client-side-libraries","content":" Podium offers client side libraries to help communication between different applications running in the browser:  @podium/browser includes a message bus and methods to publish and subscribe to messages.@podium/store offers a reactive state API backed by the message bus, letting you sync state with ease.  The libraries are designed to make communication between podlets loosely coupled and resilient.  ","version":"Next","tagName":"h2"},{"title":"@podium/browser​","type":1,"pageTitle":"Client-side communication","url":"/docs/guides/client-side-communication#podiumbrowser","content":" This library contains the message bus that is the backbone of client-side communication in Podium. Podlets (or the layout) publish and subscribe to messages on the bus for loosely coupled synchronization of state.  tip @podium/store offers an alternative API that uses this message bus under the hood. You can use whichever you prefer.  In the example above, when InputPodlet accepts a new item it also publishes a message on the bus.  // input-podlet.js import { MessageBus } from "@podium/browser"; const messageBus = new MessageBus(); messageBus.publish("reminders", "newReminder", { title: "Buy milk", });   ListPodlet subscribes to the same reminders channel and newReminder topic that InputPodlet publishes to. When nes messages arrive, ListPodlet updates its internal state.  // list-podlet.js import { MessageBus } from "@podium/browser"; const messageBus = new MessageBus(); // Check to see if an initial value exists on the messageBus // and fall back to a default value. const reminders = messageBus.peek("reminders", "newReminder") || []; // ListPodlet listens for new reminders published on the message bus and updates its state messageBus.subscribe("reminders", "newReminder", (event) => { const reminder = event.payload; reminders.push(reminder); });   See @podium/browser for API documentation.  Possible race condition Your subscribe function might register after someone has already published an event. To make sure your application state is in sync, always do a peek first.  ","version":"Next","tagName":"h3"},{"title":"@podium/store​","type":1,"pageTitle":"Client-side communication","url":"/docs/guides/client-side-communication#podiumstore","content":" This library adds a reactive state API on top of the MessageBus using nanostores. It sets up publishing and subscribing (including the peek for the initial value) for you behind the scenes, leaving you with a reactive variable you read from and write to that will stay in sync between applications.  tip Using @podium/store you can trigger minimal UI updates using a nanostores integration for a given UI library.  Keeping with our example, when InputPodlet accepts a new item updates a reactive atom holding the list of reminders.  // input-podlet.js import { atom } from "@podium/store"; /** @type {import("@podium/store").WritableAtom<string[]>} */ const $reminders = atom("reminders", "list", []); // Replace the existing value with a new list to trigger reactive updates $reminders.set([...$reminders.value, "Buy milk"]);   ListPodlet would set up the same atom and use either a nanostores integration with an existing UI library, or subscribe and handle changes manually.  // list-podlet.js import { atom } from "@podium/store"; /** @type {import("@podium/store").WritableAtom<string[]>} */ const $reminders = atom("reminders", "list", []); // Perhaps fetch stored reminders from an API, // or populate the state with data included in a server-side render $reminders.set(storedReminders); // Update the UI when the reminders list changes $reminders.subscribe((value) => { console.log(value); });   See @podium/store and nanostores for API documentation. ","version":"Next","tagName":"h3"},{"title":"Podium context","type":0,"sectionRef":"#","url":"/docs/guides/context","content":"","keywords":"","version":"Next"},{"title":"The role of the layout​","type":1,"pageTitle":"Podium context","url":"/docs/guides/context#the-role-of-the-layout","content":" The context is created in the layout for each request. The @podium/layout module includes a set of default context parsers, which are functions that read the incoming request and return some kind of value that is placed on the context.  You must manually pass the context object on to podlets in the call to .fetch(ctx). The context object is serialized as HTTP headers which are then deserialized to a context object in the podlet.  app.get(layout.pathname(), (req, res) => { const incoming = res.locals.podium; const content = await myPodlet.fetch(incoming); });   ","version":"Next","tagName":"h2"},{"title":"Change the default context parsers​","type":1,"pageTitle":"Podium context","url":"/docs/guides/context#change-the-default-context-parsers","content":" The included context parsers have a default configuration which should cover most use cases. It is possible to overwrite default configuration when constructing a layout.  const layout = new Layout({ context: { debug: { enabled: true, }, }, });   See the @podium/layout reference for more detailed documentation regarding configuring the default context parsers.  ","version":"Next","tagName":"h3"},{"title":"Add custom context parsers​","type":1,"pageTitle":"Podium context","url":"/docs/guides/context#add-custom-context-parsers","content":" You can extend the Podium context by registering additional parsers.  import CustomContext from "my-custom-context-parser"; layout.context.register("my-custom-context", new CustomContext());   In the example above a new camelCased value myCustomContext will be available on the Podium context to podlets you fetch.  ","version":"Next","tagName":"h3"},{"title":"Default context variables​","type":1,"pageTitle":"Podium context","url":"/docs/guides/context#default-context-variables","content":" All requests made by @podium/layout include these variables on the context:  Name\tHeader Name\tContext Name\tDescriptionDebug\tpodium-debug\tdebug\tA boolean value informing the podlet whether the layout is in debug mode or not. Defaults to false Locale\tpodium-locale\tlocale\tA bcp47 compliant locale string with locale information from the layout. Defaults to en-US Device Type\tpodium-device-type\tdeviceType\tA guess (based on user-agent) as to the device type of the browser requesting the page from a layout server. Possible values are desktop, tablet and mobile. Defaults to desktop Mount Origin\tpodium-mount-origin\tmountOrigin\tURL origin of the inbound request to the layout server. For example, if the layout server is serving requests on the domain http://www.foo.com this value will be http://www.foo.com Mount Pathname\tpodium-mount-pathname\tmountPathname\tURL path to where a layout is mounted in an HTTP server. This value is the same as the layout's pathname option. For example, if the layout server has mounted a layout on the pathname /bar (http://www.foo.com/bar) this value will be /bar. Public Pathname\tpodium-public-pathname\tpublicPathname\tURL path to where a layout server has mounted a proxy in order to proxy public traffic to a podlet. The full public pathname is built up by joining together the value of Mount Pathname with a prefix value. The prefix value is there to define a namespace to isolate the proxy from other HTTP routes defined under the same mount pathname. The default prefix value is podium-resource. For example, if the layout server has mounted a layout on the pathname /bar (http://www.foo.com/bar) this value will be /bar/podium-resource/.  ","version":"Next","tagName":"h2"},{"title":"Fallbacks","type":0,"sectionRef":"#","url":"/docs/guides/fallbacks","content":"","keywords":"","version":"Next"},{"title":"How do fallbacks work?​","type":1,"pageTitle":"Fallbacks","url":"/docs/guides/fallbacks#how-do-fallbacks-work","content":" On the first request to a podlet a layout will read the podlet’s manifest. The manifest includes the location of the fallback. The layout then makes a request to the fallback route and caches the response.  Later, if the podlet server cannot be reached for any reason, or the request returns a non 200 response, the layout will use the podlet’s cached fallback content instead.  Note that the podlet’s assets will still be served, so the fallback can depend on both JS and CSS being present once it’s rendered. This assumes the assets are hosted on a server separate from the podlet.  ","version":"Next","tagName":"h2"},{"title":"Defining a fallback route​","type":1,"pageTitle":"Fallbacks","url":"/docs/guides/fallbacks#defining-a-fallback-route","content":" With a podlet instance you call the fallback function which will return the route from the manifest. By default this is at /fallback. You then attach your handler which receives a simplified version of the context and returns the fallback you want.  const podlet = new Podlet(/*...*/); const app = express(); app.get(podlet.fallback(), (req, res) => { res.status(200).podiumSend("<div>It didn't work :(</div>"); });   With a custom URL, which will be reflected in the manifest.  app.get(podlet.fallback("/my-custom-fallback-route"), (req, res) => { res.status(200).podiumSend("<div>It didn't work :(</div>"); });   You can also use some of the Podium context that's not request bound. This is useful if you need to serve a different fallback depending on where the podlet is mounted.  app.get(podlet.fallback(), (req, res) => { const { publicPathname } = res.locals.podium.context; res .status(200) .podiumSend( `<div data-public-path-name=${publicPathname}>It didn't work :(</div>` ); });   The fallback can also point to an external service.  const podlet = new Podlet(/*...*/); podlet.fallback("https://www.example.com/my-fallback");   ","version":"Next","tagName":"h2"},{"title":"Throwable podlets​","type":1,"pageTitle":"Fallbacks","url":"/docs/guides/fallbacks#throwable-podlets","content":" By default a layout will substitute a fallback (or empty string) for a podlet's content whenever the podlet either fails to respond with a 2xx status code or the podlet fails to respond within 1000 milliseconds.  In some cases it may make no sense to show a page at all if some of its content is not available. You may prefer to show an error page rather than fallback content or an empty string. This is especially true for dynamic content that is the main focus of a page. If all you can show is a header and footer, it might be better to show an error page explaining the situation to the user.  In order to facilitate this, it is possible to set a podlet as throwable when it is registered.  const gettingStarted = layout.client.register({ throwable: true, });   When the layout fetch the podlet, if that podlet is not available, then the fetch will reject with an error that you can then handle as you see fit.  Error objects are instances of Boom errors and are decorated with the HTTP status code from the podlet response.  app.get(layout.pathname(), (req, res, next) => { try { const content = await gettingStarted.fetch(res.locals.podium); } catch(err) { // you might respond to the error here // res.status(err.statusCode).end(); // or pass the error on to be handled in error handling middleware next(err); } });  ","version":"Next","tagName":"h2"},{"title":"Read context values in a podlet​","type":1,"pageTitle":"Podium context","url":"/docs/guides/context#read-context-values-in-a-podlet","content":" The @podium/podlet module converts context HTTP headers into keys and values and places them on the HTTP response object at res.locals.podium.context.  As shown in the table above, context names are converted from kebab case to camel case and the Podium prefix is removed. The podium-mount-origin header is named mountOrigin on res.locals.podium.context.  app.get(podlet.content(), (req, res) => { // res.locals.podium.context.mountOrigin });   ","version":"Next","tagName":"h2"},{"title":"Construct public URLs​","type":1,"pageTitle":"Podium context","url":"/docs/guides/context#construct-public-urls","content":" One thing the context is often used for is to construct URLs that need to include the public URL of the layout.  In a podlet, the origin of a layout server can be found at res.locals.podium.context.mountOriginand the pathname to the layout server can be found at res.locals.podium.context.mountPathname.  These adher to the WHATWG URL spec so you can easily compose full URLs by using the URL module in Node.js.  Example: using the URL module to construct urls from context values  import { URL } from "url"; const { mountOrigin, mountPathname } = res.locals.podium.context; const url = new URL(mountPathname, mountOrigin); // url.href => <mountOrigin>/<mountPathname> // eg. http://localhost:3040/cats   Example: using the URL module to construct proxy urls from context values  import { URL } from "url"; const { mountOrigin, publicPathname } = res.locals.podium.context; const url = new URL(publicPathname, mountOrigin); // url.href => <mountOrigin>/<publicPathname> // eg. http://localhost:3040/cats/podium-resource   ","version":"Next","tagName":"h3"},{"title":"Developing a podlet without a layout​","type":1,"pageTitle":"Podium context","url":"/docs/guides/context#developing-a-podlet-without-a-layout","content":" In a production environment the layout is responsible for providing the context. To simplify development of podlets there's a development mode which includes some sensible default values.  const podlet = new Podlet({ /* ... */ development: true, // This should be turned off in production });   You can change the default context values if you'd like by calling podlet.defaults().  podlet.defaults({ locale: "nb-NO", });   tip Get the browser extension and the accompanying dev-tool middleware to make it possible to change these defaults without changing code and restarting your server. ","version":"Next","tagName":"h3"},{"title":"Hybrid apps","type":0,"sectionRef":"#","url":"/docs/guides/hybrid","content":"","keywords":"","version":"Next"},{"title":"Initial request​","type":1,"pageTitle":"Hybrid apps","url":"/docs/guides/hybrid#initial-request","content":" Layouts and podlets need to be able to adapt to requests from a hybrid web view. To support this, Podium specifies a set of HTTP headers that the web view includes in requests:  ","version":"Next","tagName":"h2"},{"title":"Hybrid HTTP headers​","type":1,"pageTitle":"Hybrid apps","url":"/docs/guides/hybrid#hybrid-http-headers","content":" tip Get the browser extension to make it easier to set the hybrid HTTP headers when developing locally.  Header\tExample\tDescriptionx-podium-app-id\tcom.yourcompany.app@1.2.3\tTo identify clients in logs x-podium-base-font-size\t1rem\tTo set base font size variable in CSS based on accessibility settings in the native host. x-podium-device-type\thybrid-ios, hybrid-android\tTo give hints to the server what should be included in the response.  ","version":"Next","tagName":"h3"},{"title":"Podium context​","type":1,"pageTitle":"Hybrid apps","url":"/docs/guides/hybrid#podium-context","content":" Requests that include the hybrid HTTP headers have their values added to the Podium context, in addition to the default context variables.  Header\tContext name\tDescriptionx-podium-app-id\tappId x-podium-base-font-size\tbaseFontSize x-podium-device-type\tdeviceType\tOverrides the value that would otherwise be derived from User-Agent  ","version":"Next","tagName":"h3"},{"title":"Conditionally fetch podlets​","type":1,"pageTitle":"Hybrid apps","url":"/docs/guides/hybrid#conditionally-fetch-podlets","content":" In a hybrid web view setting your layout may want to exclude things like the header and footer. These are likely podlets, and Podium has an option when you register podlets to exclude them by device type.  const headerPodlet = layout.client.register({ name: "header", uri: "http://header/manifest.json", excludeBy: { deviceType: ["hybrid-ios", "hybrid-android"], }, });   In this case, if a request has the x-podium-device-type: hybrid-ios HTTP header, Podium will serve an empty response to the headerPodlet.fetch() call.  ","version":"Next","tagName":"h3"},{"title":"Client-side communcication​","type":1,"pageTitle":"Hybrid apps","url":"/docs/guides/hybrid#client-side-communcication","content":" @podium/bridge is a module that sets up a JSON RPC bridge for communication between a native application and a web application running in a webview.@podium/browser's message bus taps into this bridge to publish and subscribe to messages.  You use the API from @podium/browser or @podium/store, and messages seamlessly get sent across the bridge for you.  // Include this once, preferably in your layout before loading applications, // and before importing `@podium/browser` and `@podium/store`. import "@podium/bridge";   See @podium/bridge for API documentation.  ","version":"Next","tagName":"h2"},{"title":"Message format​","type":1,"pageTitle":"Hybrid apps","url":"/docs/guides/hybrid#message-format","content":" When you use the bridge with @podium/browser and @podium/store, behind the scenes, channel, topic and payload are combined to form a valid JSON RPC 2.0 message. Here's an example:  import "@podium/bridge"; import { MessageBus } from "@podium/browser"; const messageBus = new MessageBus(); messageBus.publish("system", "authentication", { token: null });   "system" and "authentication" are combined to "system/authentication", and the payload argument is used as params in JSON RPC terms.  { "jsonrpc": "2.0", "method": "system/authentication", "params": { "token": null } }   The same goes for @podium/store:  import "@podium/bridge"; import { map } from "@podium/store"; const $auth = map("system", "authentication", { token: null });   ","version":"Next","tagName":"h3"},{"title":"Reserved message names​","type":1,"pageTitle":"Hybrid apps","url":"/docs/guides/hybrid#reserved-message-names","content":" Podium reserves these topics for built-in features:  systemview  ","version":"Next","tagName":"h3"},{"title":"Message contracts​","type":1,"pageTitle":"Hybrid apps","url":"/docs/guides/hybrid#message-contracts","content":" system/authentication​  Logged out:  { "jsonrpc": "2.0", "method": "system/authentication", "params": { "token": null } }   Logged in:  { "jsonrpc": "2.0", "method": "system/authentication", "params": { "token": "eyJhbGciOiJIU..." } }  ","version":"Next","tagName":"h3"},{"title":"Passing values to podlets","type":0,"sectionRef":"#","url":"/docs/guides/passing-values-to-podlets","content":"","keywords":"","version":"Next"},{"title":"Sending query params​","type":1,"pageTitle":"Passing values to podlets","url":"/docs/guides/passing-values-to-podlets#sending-query-params","content":" The Podium context is not the only way for a layout to communicate with its podlets. Query params can be forwarded to podlets via .fetch() calls.  const content = podlet.fetch(incoming, { query: { search: req.query.search } });   Continuing with our search example, when a request comes in to the layout at http://localhost:7101?search=houses, we forward the query parameter search on to both podlets.  const content = await Promise.all([ searchField.fetch(incoming, { query: { search: req.query.search } }), searchResults.fetch(incoming, { query: { search: req.query.search } }), ]);   Our podlets will then have access to the value of search and be able to render content accordingly. Likewise, in order to trigger changes, all a podlet will need to do is navigate the page to http://localhost:7101?search=houses. The searchField podlet could do this by creating a form.  <form action="http://localhost:7101" method="GET"> <input type="text" name="search" /> <input type="submit" /> </form>   ","version":"Next","tagName":"h2"},{"title":"Sending a pathname​","type":1,"pageTitle":"Passing values to podlets","url":"/docs/guides/passing-values-to-podlets#sending-a-pathname","content":" Another way to send dynamic queries to podlets is by sending along a pathname option. This can be used, for example, to build podlet URLs that are defined using named route parameters.  Example: sending podlet content route with named parameter  In the layout.  const content = podlet.fetch(incoming, { pathname: "/andrew" });   In the podlet.  app.get("/:name", (req, res) => { // req.params.name => andrew });   It is important to note here that the pathname value is appended to the content route so if you were to serve your content route at /content instead of at / the final URL sent to the podlet would include this.  const podlet = new Podlet({ content: "/content", }); app.get("/content/:name", (req, res) => { // req.params.name => andrew });   You are, in fact, free to handle any routes you like under content namespace. The following is also valid.  // include `/name` when defining `pathname` const content = podlet.fetch(incoming, { pathname: "/name/andrew" }); const podlet = new Podlet({ content: "/content", }); app.get("/content/name/:name", (req, res) => { // req.params.name => andrew });  ","version":"Next","tagName":"h2"},{"title":"Layout development","type":0,"sectionRef":"#","url":"/docs/guides/layout-development","content":"","keywords":"","version":"Next"},{"title":"Sample podlets​","type":1,"pageTitle":"Layout development","url":"/docs/guides/layout-development#sample-podlets","content":" Example: header  Create a folder /podlets/header with a file index.js inside to hold the following podlet code.  import Podlet from "@podium/podlet"; import express from "express"; const app = express(); const podlet = new Podlet({ name: "header", version: "1.0.0", development: false, }); app.use(podlet.middleware()); app.get("/manifest.json", (req, res) => { res.json(podlet); }); app.get("/", (req, res) => { res.podiumSend(`<header>The Best Podium page ever</header>`); }); app.listen(7001);   Example: navigation bar  Create a folder /podlets/navigation with a file index.js inside to hold the following podlet code.  import Podlet from "@podium/podlet"; import express from "express"; const app = express(); const podlet = new Podlet({ name: "navigation", version: "1.0.0", development: false, }); app.use(podlet.middleware()); app.get("/manifest.json", (req, res) => { res.json(podlet); }); app.get("/", (req, res) => { res.podiumSend(`<nav> <ul> <li><a href="/home">home</a></li> <li><a href="/blog">blog</a></li> <li><a href="/about">about</a></li> <li><a href="/contact">contact</a></li> </ul> </nav>`); }); app.listen(7002);   Example: main home page content  Create a folder /podlets/home with a file index.js inside to hold the following podlet code.  import Podlet from "@podium/podlet"; import express from "express"; const app = express(); const podlet = new Podlet({ name: "homeContent", version: "1.0.0", development: false, }); app.use(podlet.middleware()); app.get("/manifest.json", (req, res) => { res.json(podlet); }); app.get("/", (req, res) => { res.podiumSend(`<section>Welcome to my Podium home page</section>`); }); app.listen(7003);   Example: page footer  Create a folder /podlets/footer with a file index.js inside to hold the following podlet code.  import Podlet from "@podium/podlet"; import express from "express"; const app = express(); const podlet = new Podlet({ name: "footer", version: "1.0.0", development: false, }); app.use(podlet.middleware()); app.get("/manifest.json", (req, res) => { res.json(podlet); }); app.get("/", (req, res) => { res.podiumSend(`<footer>&copy; 2018 - the Podium team</footer>`); }); app.listen(7004);   ","version":"Next","tagName":"h2"},{"title":"Sample layout​","type":1,"pageTitle":"Layout development","url":"/docs/guides/layout-development#sample-layout","content":" Example: the /home layout  Create a folder /layouts/home. Create a file index.js inside this folder to hold the following layout code.  import Layout from "@podium/layout"; import express from "express"; const app = express(); const layout = new Layout({ name: "homePage", pathname: "/home", }); const headerClient = layout.client.register({ name: "header", uri: "http://localhost:7001/manifest.json", }); const navigationClient = layout.client.register({ name: "navigation", uri: "http://localhost:7002/manifest.json", }); const contentClient = layout.client.register({ name: "content", uri: "http://localhost:7003/manifest.json", }); const footerClient = layout.client.register({ name: "footer", uri: "http://localhost:7004/manifest.json", }); app.use(layout.pathname(), layout.middleware()); app.get(layout.pathname(), async (req, res) => { const incoming = res.locals.podium; const [header, navigation, content, footer] = await Promise.all([ headerClient.fetch(incoming), navigationClient.fetch(incoming), contentClient.fetch(incoming), footerClient.fetch(incoming), ]); incoming.view.title = "Podium example - home"; res.podiumSend(` <section>${header}</section> <section>${navigation}</section> <section>${content}</section> <section>${footer}</section> `); }); app.listen(7000);   ","version":"Next","tagName":"h2"},{"title":"Running podlets and layout together​","type":1,"pageTitle":"Layout development","url":"/docs/guides/layout-development#running-podlets-and-layout-together","content":" Because each podlet and the layout have been configured to run on different ports you can safely start them all up together.  node podlets/header node podlets/navigation node podlets/home node podlets/footer   We can now start up our /home layout to consume and display our podlet content.  node layouts/home   Our layout has been configured to run on port 7000 so we should now be able to visit the url http://localhost:7000/home in a browser and see header, navigation, home page and footer content composed together.  ","version":"Next","tagName":"h2"},{"title":"Improving the development experience​","type":1,"pageTitle":"Layout development","url":"/docs/guides/layout-development#improving-the-development-experience","content":" The setup described above is a manual process requiring a number of repetitive operations by the developer to start up, restart or shut down processes. What follows are several suggestions for improving on this.  ","version":"Next","tagName":"h2"},{"title":"using forever​","type":1,"pageTitle":"Layout development","url":"/docs/guides/layout-development#using-forever","content":" One fairly simple way to manage all your podlets and layouts at once is to use a tool called forever which is available on npm.  Example: install forever  npm i -g forever   Forever allows you to pass it some json configuration describing your setup and have it manage the processes  Example: forever json configuration file  [ { "uid": "header", "append": true, "watch": true, "script": "index.js", "sourceDir": "/path/to/podlets/header" }, { "uid": "navigation", "append": true, "watch": true, "script": "index.js", "sourceDir": "/path/to/podlets/navigation" }, { "uid": "home", "append": true, "watch": true, "script": "index.js", "sourceDir": "/path/to/podlets/home" }, { "uid": "footer", "append": true, "watch": true, "script": "index.js", "sourceDir": "/path/to/podlets/footer" }, { "uid": "homePage", "append": true, "watch": true, "script": "index.js", "sourceDir": "/path/to/layouts/home" } ]   You can then pass the configuration file to forever to start everything up at once.  Example: running forever  forever start /path/to/development.json   Notice that every service has been configured to run in watch mode meaning that they will be automatically restarted any time a file change is detected.  You can read more about forever here.  ","version":"Next","tagName":"h3"},{"title":"using pm2​","type":1,"pageTitle":"Layout development","url":"/docs/guides/layout-development#using-pm2","content":" A great alternative to forever is pm2. Pm2 can also take a configuration file in json format, can aggregate logs, run services in watch mode, has great docs and more. ","version":"Next","tagName":"h3"},{"title":"Podlet development","type":0,"sectionRef":"#","url":"/docs/guides/podlet-development","content":"","keywords":"","version":"Next"},{"title":"Podlet development setup​","type":1,"pageTitle":"Podlet development","url":"/docs/guides/podlet-development#podlet-development-setup","content":" The experience of developing a podlet on its own can be as simple as starting the podlet and visiting its URL in your favourite browser.  Consider the following podlet server:  import express from "express"; import Podlet from "@podium/podlet"; const podlet = new Podlet({ name: "myPodlet", version: "1.0.0", pathname: "/", }); const app = express(); app.get(podlet.manifest(), (req, res) => { res.json(podlet); }); app.get(podlet.content(), (req, res) => { res.send(`<div>This is my content</div>`); }); app.listen(7100);   If this content were saved in a file called server.js and run with the command:  node server.js   then you could visit the following routes to test your changes  http://localhost:7100/manifest.json: the podlet's manifest routehttp://localhost:7100: the podlet's content route  ","version":"Next","tagName":"h2"},{"title":"Problems and solutions​","type":1,"pageTitle":"Podlet development","url":"/docs/guides/podlet-development#problems-and-solutions","content":" ","version":"Next","tagName":"h2"},{"title":"Restarting the server​","type":1,"pageTitle":"Podlet development","url":"/docs/guides/podlet-development#restarting-the-server","content":" The first problem with the basic setup described above is that every time you make a change to your server, you will need to stop and restart your server before refreshing your browser window in order to see changes.  This is not so much a Podium problem as it is a common Node.js problem and it's easily solved. A common way to do so is to use a module such as nodemon to monitor your file system and restart your server automatically anytime relevant files change.  npx nodemon server.js   See the nodemon docs for more information.  Node.js (v18 or newer) has a built-in --watch mode you can use:  node --watch server.js   See the Node.js docs for more information.  ","version":"Next","tagName":"h3"},{"title":"Missing context headers​","type":1,"pageTitle":"Podlet development","url":"/docs/guides/podlet-development#missing-context-headers","content":" When a podlet is being run in the context of a layout server, the layout server will send a number of Podium context headers with each request. If your podlet depends on these headers to work correctly you need to turn on development mode.  Consider a podlet with the following content route:  app.get(podlet.content(), (req, res) => { const { mountOrigin } = res.locals.podium.context; res.send(`<div>${mountOrigin}</div>`); });   This podlet will behave correctly when sent requests by a layout but it will throw an error if you try to visit / directly in your browser.  With development enabled, you can set defaults for Podium context values that will be overwritten, and therefore not used, when requests are sent from the layout to the podlet.  To enable this feature, pass development: true in the podlet constructor like so:  const podlet = new Podlet({ development: true, });   Podium includes some sensible defaults, but you can override them if you like.  podlet.defaults({ locale: "nb-NO", });   tip Get the browser extension and the accompanying dev-tool middleware to make it possible to change these defaults without changing code and restarting your server.  ","version":"Next","tagName":"h3"},{"title":"HTML pages and page fragments​","type":1,"pageTitle":"Podlet development","url":"/docs/guides/podlet-development#html-pages-and-page-fragments","content":" In production, your podlet's content route will be responding with an HTML fragment devoid of its wrapping <html> or <body> tags. However, in development you will want to wrap your fragment in a light HTML page, especially if your podlet makes use of client side assets such as JavaScript or CSS.  Once again, development mode can help us here.  If we set development to true in the constructor and use the res.podiumSend() method in our content and fallback routes then our HTML response will be decorated with an HTML page template. As soon as we set development to false, the decorating stops and the fragment is returned on its own.  const podlet = new Podlet({ development: true, }); app.get(podlet.content(), (req, res) => { res.podiumSend(`<div>The podlet's HTML content</div>`); });   Additionally, if you set JavaScript or CSS assets using the podlet.js() or podlet.css() methods, script and style tags will be included in page decoration when in development mode and omitted when not.  const podlet = new Podlet({ development: true, }); podlet.js({ value: "http://cdn.mysite.com/scripts.js" }); podlet.css({ value: "http://cdn.mysite.com/styles.css" }); app.get(podlet.content(), (req, res) => { res.podiumSend(`<div>The podlet's HTML content</div>`); });   ","version":"Next","tagName":"h3"},{"title":"Proxying to absolute URLs​","type":1,"pageTitle":"Podlet development","url":"/docs/guides/podlet-development#proxying-to-absolute-urls","content":" Another case you may encounter when working locally with proxying is that absolute URLs are proxied to directly from layouts bypassing podlets entirely.  podlet.proxy({ target: "http://google.com", name: "google" });   will generate the following entry in the podlet's manifest  { ... "proxy": { "google": "http://google.com" } }   When this is consumed by a layout, the layout will mount a proxy from the layout directly to http://google.com without sending any traffic to the podlet. When working locally on your podlet in isolation this will mean that the proxy is simply not available to you.  Fortunately, development mode takes care of this as well. When development is set to true, a dev only proxy will be mounted in the podlet. Furthermore, default development context values will reflect this so that your code can continue to dynamically calculate the location of the proxy's public address, even though this address now sits with the podlet and not the layout.  const podlet = new Podlet({ development: true, }); podlet.proxy({ target: "http://google.com", name: "google" }); app.get(podlet.content(), (req, res) => { const { mountOrigin, publicPathname } = res.locals.podium.context; const url = new URL(publicPathname, mountOrigin); res.status(200).podiumSend(` <div> The url being proxied to google is ${url.href + "google"} </div> `); }); app.listen(3000);   In development mode, the URL will be something like http://localhost:3000/podium-resource/myPodlet/google  When not in development mode, the URL will be be similar except that it will be pointing at the layout server instead of the podlet server. Something like http://localhost:8080/podium-resource/myPodlet/google  ","version":"Next","tagName":"h3"},{"title":"In summary​","type":1,"pageTitle":"Podlet development","url":"/docs/guides/podlet-development#in-summary","content":" For the best experience when developing podlets:  Install nodemon or use --watch so your podlet server restarts on changes.Turn on development mode when working locally, but keep it off in production. ","version":"Next","tagName":"h2"},{"title":"Redirects","type":0,"sectionRef":"#","url":"/docs/guides/redirects","content":"","keywords":"","version":"Next"},{"title":"Define a podlet as redirectable​","type":1,"pageTitle":"Redirects","url":"/docs/guides/redirects#define-a-podlet-as-redirectable","content":" If a podlet should trigger a redirect for the end user, or you want to handle redirects in a different way, you have to configure the client as redirectable:  const gettingStarted = layout.client.register({ redirectable: true, });   This configuration is required, otherwise the layout will follow the redirect and use the HTML response as if it came from the podlet directly.  With the podlet configured as redirectable, check the response in the request handler for the layout and forward the status code and Location:  app.get(layout.pathname(), async (req, res) => { const incoming = res.locals.podium; const response = await gettingStarted.fetch(incoming); if (response.redirect) { return res .status(response.redirect.statusCode) .setHeader("Location", response.redirect.location) .send(); } incoming.view.title = "Hello, Layout!"; res.podiumSend(`<div>${response}</div>`); });   ","version":"Next","tagName":"h2"},{"title":"Trigger the redirect from a podlet​","type":1,"pageTitle":"Redirects","url":"/docs/guides/redirects#trigger-the-redirect-from-a-podlet","content":" Once you have configured the layout to handle a redirectable podlet, the podlet can send a Location header and the correct HTTP status code.  app.get(podlet.content(), (req, res) => { const shouldRedirect = /* Determine whether a redirect should happen */; if (shouldRedirect) { return res .status(307) .setHeader("Location", "https://podium-lib.io") .send(); } res.status(200).podiumSend(` <div id="app">Hello, Podlet!</div> `); });  ","version":"Next","tagName":"h2"},{"title":"Proxies","type":0,"sectionRef":"#","url":"/docs/guides/proxying","content":"","keywords":"","version":"Next"},{"title":"Podium proxy​","type":1,"pageTitle":"Proxies","url":"/docs/guides/proxying#podium-proxy","content":" The Podium proxy is a transparent proxy that is mounted in the layout server based on a podlet's manifest, making it possible to send any HTTP request through the layout to the podlet server.  The Podium proxy is the recommended way for a podlet to inform any layout servers that consume it that there are additional routes and that they should be given public access via routes on the layout server.  ","version":"Next","tagName":"h2"},{"title":"How it works​","type":1,"pageTitle":"Proxies","url":"/docs/guides/proxying#how-it-works","content":" The podlet defines its proxy routes.The podlet lists the location of the proxy routes in its manifest.The layout reads the proxy information from the manifest.The layout creates namespaced proxy routes.The layout sends information to the podlet via the context about the public location of these routes.The podlet uses the context to construct URLs pointing to the public location of the layout's proxy.  ","version":"Next","tagName":"h3"},{"title":"The manifest​","type":1,"pageTitle":"Proxies","url":"/docs/guides/proxying#the-manifest","content":" The proxy field in a podlet's manifest can be used to define up to 4 proxy routes:  { "name": "myPodlet", "version": "1.0.0", "pathname": "/", "proxy": { "api": "/api" } }   A layout reading this manifest will mount a proxy at this location:  /<layout-pathname>/<prefix>/<podlet-name>/<proxy-namespace>   where  <layout-pathname> is the pathname option of the Layout constructor.<prefix> defaults to podium-resource, but can be configured in the Layout constructor<podlet-name> is the name value used when registering a podlet in a layout with layout.client.register().<proxy-namespace> is the key of the key/value pair defined in the manifest.  ","version":"Next","tagName":"h3"},{"title":"Defining proxy routes​","type":1,"pageTitle":"Proxies","url":"/docs/guides/proxying#defining-proxy-routes","content":" The podlet.proxy() method lets you define proxy routes that are listed in the manifest.  podlet.proxy({ target: "/api", name: "api" });   The method returns a string you can use to define the route itself at the same time:  app.get(podlet.proxy({ target: "/api", name: "api" }), (req, res) => { res.json({ key: "value" }); });   There are a maximum of 4 proxies, however it is possible to mount multiple routes under a single proxy.  podlet.proxy({ target: "/api", name: "api" }); app.get("/api/cats", (req, res) => { res.json([{ name: "fluffy" }]); }); // http://localhost:1337/myLayout/podium-resource/myPodlet/api/cats app.get("/api/dogs", (req, res) => { res.json([{ name: "rover" }]); }); // http://localhost:1337/myLayout/podium-resource/myPodlet/api/dogs   Specifying an absolute URL is also possible in which case the layout will mount a proxy directly to the URL, bypassing the podlet entirely.  podlet.proxy({ name: "remote-api", target: "http://<some-service:port>/api" }); // http://localhost:1337/myLayout/podium-resource/myPodlet/remote-api   ","version":"Next","tagName":"h2"},{"title":"Using the proxy​","type":1,"pageTitle":"Proxies","url":"/docs/guides/proxying#using-the-proxy","content":" When creating a podlet with proxy routes, it's necessary to be able to dynamically, programmatically determine the location of these proxy routes.  ","version":"Next","tagName":"h2"},{"title":"Constructing Proxy URLs​","type":1,"pageTitle":"Proxies","url":"/docs/guides/proxying#constructing-proxy-urls","content":" The base URL can be constructed by joining together values plucked from the Podium context like so.  import { URL } from "url"; // not required in node >= 10; app.get(podlet.content(), (req, res) => { const { mountOrigin, publicPathname } = res.locals.podium.context; const url = new URL(publicPathname, mountOrigin); // prints base URL under which all proxy routes are located console.log(url.href); });   The path to a given endpoint can then be constructed by joining this base URL together with the namespace key given to the podlet.proxy() method like so:  // define and create an API proxy route app.get(podlet.proxy({ target: '/api', name: 'api' }), (req, res) => { res.json({...}); }); app.get(podlet.content(), (req, res) => { // construct an absolute URL to the API proxy route const { mountOrigin, publicPathname } = res.locals.podium.context; const url = new URL(publicPathname, mountOrigin); // prints specific absolute URL to API proxy endpoint console.log(url.href + 'api'); });   ","version":"Next","tagName":"h3"},{"title":"Example: client side JavaScript fetching data from a /content route​","type":1,"pageTitle":"Proxies","url":"/docs/guides/proxying#example-client-side-javascript-fetching-data-from-a-content-route","content":" import express from "express"; import Podlet from "@podium/podlet"; const podlet = new Podlet({ name: "myPodlet", version: "1.0.0", pathname: "/", }); const app = express(); app.get(podlet.manifest(), (req, res) => { res.status(200).json(podlet); }); app.get(podlet.proxy({ target: "/content", name: "content" }), (req, res) => { res.send("This is the actual content for the page"); }); app.get(podlet.content(), (req, res) => { const { mountOrigin, publicPathname } = res.locals.podium.context; const url = new URL(publicPathname, mountOrigin); res.send(` <div id="content-placeholder"></div> <script> fetch('${url.href + "content"}') .then((response) => response.text()) .then(content => { const el = document.getElementById('content-placeholder'); el.innerHTML = content; }); </script> `); }); app.listen(7100);   ","version":"Next","tagName":"h3"},{"title":"Public podlets and cross-origin resource sharing​","type":1,"pageTitle":"Proxies","url":"/docs/guides/proxying#public-podlets-and-cross-origin-resource-sharing","content":" If your infrastructure is set up so podlet servers are publicly available you can choose to communicate with podlet servers directly by enabling cross-origin resource sharing (CORS). You can still use the Podium proxy if you prefer. ","version":"Next","tagName":"h2"},{"title":"Hello, Podium","type":0,"sectionRef":"#","url":"/docs/introduction/hello-podium","content":"","keywords":"","version":"Next"},{"title":"Prerequisites​","type":1,"pageTitle":"Hello, Podium","url":"/docs/introduction/hello-podium#prerequisites","content":" You should have some familiarity with building apps with JavaScript and Node.  You will need to have Node installed in a current Long Term Support release or higher. npm will be installed automatically when you install Node.js.  ","version":"Next","tagName":"h2"},{"title":"Your first podlet​","type":1,"pageTitle":"Hello, Podium","url":"/docs/introduction/hello-podium#your-first-podlet","content":" A podlet serves a fragment of a whole page. You might think of this as a component running as a service.  The contract between a podlet and a layout is defined in a JSON manifest. In its simplest form a podlet can be a static file server with two files:  the JSON manifesta static HTML file  In most cases you will want something a bit more dynamic. The @podium/podlet provides helpers to build the JSON manifest and request handlers for a web server.  ","version":"Next","tagName":"h2"},{"title":"Install @podium/podlet​","type":1,"pageTitle":"Hello, Podium","url":"/docs/introduction/hello-podium#install-podiumpodlet","content":" Make an empty directory to hold your podlet and create a default package.json so you can install dependencies:  mkdir my-podlet cd my-podlet npm init -y   Then run this command to install dependencies:  npm install express @podium/podlet   ","version":"Next","tagName":"h3"},{"title":"The podlet server​","type":1,"pageTitle":"Hello, Podium","url":"/docs/introduction/hello-podium#the-podlet-server","content":" Make an index.mjs file and set up the podlet using Express:  // index.mjs import express from "express"; import Podlet from "@podium/podlet"; const app = express(); const podlet = new Podlet({ name: "my-podlet", version: "1.0.0", pathname: "/", development: true, // this should be false in production }); app.use(podlet.middleware()); app.get(podlet.content(), (req, res) => { res.status(200).podiumSend(` <div> This is the podlet's HTML content </div> `); }); app.get(podlet.manifest(), (req, res) => { res.status(200).send(podlet); }); console.log("Server running at http://localhost:7100/"); app.listen(7100);   ","version":"Next","tagName":"h3"},{"title":"Start your podlet server​","type":1,"pageTitle":"Hello, Podium","url":"/docs/introduction/hello-podium#start-your-podlet-server","content":" Now you can run the server with Node:  node index.mjs   Open a browser and go to http://localhost:7100 to see the HTML content.  You can see the JSON manifest that makes up the contract between your podlet and a layout on http://localhost:7100/manifest.json.  ","version":"Next","tagName":"h3"},{"title":"Your first layout​","type":1,"pageTitle":"Hello, Podium","url":"/docs/introduction/hello-podium#your-first-layout","content":" A layout is responsible for supplying the structure of an HTML page, inserting each podlet into the appropriate location in the page's markup, and then serving the resulting page.  The layout is also responsible for providing a Podium context on requests made to each podlet. This context is a set of HTTP headers with information the podlet can use to generate dynamic content.  Like for podlets there is a @podium/layout module which helps you build layouts.  ","version":"Next","tagName":"h2"},{"title":"Install @podium/layout​","type":1,"pageTitle":"Hello, Podium","url":"/docs/introduction/hello-podium#install-podiumlayout","content":" Make a new empty directory to hold your layout and create a default package.json so you can install dependencies:  mkdir my-layout cd my-layout npm init -y   Then run this command to install dependencies:  npm install express @podium/layout   ","version":"Next","tagName":"h3"},{"title":"The layout server​","type":1,"pageTitle":"Hello, Podium","url":"/docs/introduction/hello-podium#the-layout-server","content":" Make an index.mjs file and set up the layout using Express:  // index.mjs import express from "express"; import Layout from "@podium/layout"; const app = express(); const layout = new Layout({ name: "my-layout", pathname: "/", }); // Podlets have to be registered with the layout before they can be fetched const myPodlet = layout.client.register({ name: "my-podlet", uri: "http://localhost:7100/manifest.json", }); app.use(layout.middleware()); app.get(layout.pathname(), async (req, res) => { const incoming = res.locals.podium; incoming.view.title = "My Super Page"; // Pass the Podium context to the podlet const response = await myPodlet.fetch(incoming); // Register the podlet's JS and CSS assets with the layout's HTML template incoming.podlets = [response]; res.podiumSend(` <div>This is the layout's HTML content</div> ${response} `); }); console.log("Server running at http://localhost:7000/"); app.listen(7000);   ","version":"Next","tagName":"h3"},{"title":"Start your layout server​","type":1,"pageTitle":"Hello, Podium","url":"/docs/introduction/hello-podium#start-your-layout-server","content":" Now you can run the server with Node:  node index.mjs   Open a browser and go to http://localhost:7000 to see the HTML content.  If you kept your podlet server running you should see its HTML content as well. Try closing the podlet server and refresh the page. What happens to your layout?  ","version":"Next","tagName":"h3"},{"title":"Next steps​","type":1,"pageTitle":"Hello, Podium","url":"/docs/introduction/hello-podium#next-steps","content":" Now that you've made both a layout and a podlet you have what it takes to build a micro frontend architecture with runtime composition.  Next you may want to include some CSS, and perhaps client-side JavaScript. Let's have a look at how you can do performant loading of assets in a micro frontend architecture. ","version":"Next","tagName":"h2"},{"title":"@podium/layout","type":0,"sectionRef":"#","url":"/docs/api/layout","content":"","keywords":"","version":"Next"},{"title":"Installation​","type":1,"pageTitle":"@podium/layout","url":"/docs/api/layout#installation","content":" ExpressHapiFastify $ npm install @podium/layout   ","version":"Next","tagName":"h2"},{"title":"Getting started​","type":1,"pageTitle":"@podium/layout","url":"/docs/api/layout#getting-started","content":" Building a simple layout server including two podlets:  ExpressHapiFastifyHTTP import express from "express"; import Layout from "@podium/layout"; const layout = new Layout({ name: "myLayout", pathname: "/", }); const podletA = layout.client.register({ name: "myPodletA", uri: "http://localhost:7100/manifest.json", }); const podletB = layout.client.register({ name: "myPodletB", uri: "http://localhost:7200/manifest.json", }); const app = express(); app.use(layout.middleware()); app.get(layout.pathname(), async (req, res, next) => { const incoming = res.locals.podium; const [a, b] = await Promise.all([ podletA.fetch(incoming), podletB.fetch(incoming), ]); res.podiumSend(` <section>${a.content}</section> <section>${b.content}</section> `); }); app.listen(7000);   ","version":"Next","tagName":"h2"},{"title":"Constructor​","type":1,"pageTitle":"@podium/layout","url":"/docs/api/layout#constructor","content":" Create a new layout instance.  const layout = new Layout(options);   options​  option\ttype\tdefault\trequired\tdetailsname\tstring\tnull\t✓\tName that the layout identifies itself by pathname\tstring\tnull\t✓\tPathname of where a layout is mounted in an HTTP server logger\tobject\tnull A logger which conforms to the log4j interface context\tobject\tnull Options to be passed on to the internal @podium/context constructor client\tobject\tnull Options to be passed on to the internal @podium/client constructor proxy\tobject\tnull Options to be passed on to the internal @podium/proxy constructor  name​  The name that the layout identifies itself by. This value must be in camelCase.  Example:  const layout = new Layout({ name: "myLayoutName", pathname: "/foo", });   pathname​  The Pathname to where the layout is mounted in an HTTP server. It is important that this value matches the entry point of the route where content is served in the HTTP server since this value is used to mount the proxy and inform podlets (through the Podium context) where they are mounted and where the proxy is mounted.  If the layout is mounted at the server "root", set the pathname to /:  ExpressHapiFastifyHTTP const app = express(); const layout = new Layout({ name: 'myLayout', pathname: '/', }); app.use(layout.middleware()); app.get('/', (req, res, next) => { [ ... ] });   If the layout is mounted at /foo, set the pathname to /foo:  ExpressHapiFastifyHTTP const app = express(); const layout = new Layout({ name: 'myLayout', pathname: '/foo', }); app.use('/foo', layout.middleware()); app.get('/foo', (req, res, next) => { [ ... ] }); app.get('/foo/:id', (req, res, next) => { [ ... ] });   There is also a helper method for retrieving the set pathname which can be used to get the pathname from the layout object when defining routes. See .pathname() for further details.  logger​  Any log4j compatible logger can be passed in and will be used for logging. Console is also supported for easy test / development.  Example:  const layout = new Layout({ name: "myLayout", pathname: "/foo", logger: console, });   Under the hood abslog is used to abstract out logging. Please see abslog for further details.  context​  Options to be passed on to the context parsers.  option\ttype\tdefault\trequired\tdetailsdebug\tobject\tnull Config object passed on to the debug parser locale\tobject\tnull Config object passed on to the locale parser deviceType\tobject\tnull Config object passed on to the device type parser mountOrigin\tobject\tnull Config object passed on to the mount origin parser mountPathname\tobject\tnull Config object passed on to the mount pathname parser publicPathname\tobject\tnull Config object passed on to the public pathname parser  Example of setting the debug context to default true:  const layout = new Layout({ name: "myLayout", pathname: "/foo", context: { debug: { enabled: true, }, }, });   client​  Options to be passed on to the client.  option\ttype\tdefault\trequired\tdetailsretries\tnumber\t4 Number of times the client should retry settling a version number conflict before terminating timeout\tnumber\t1000 Default value, in milliseconds, for how long a request should wait before the connection is terminated maxAge\tnumber\tInfinity Default value, in milliseconds, for how long manifests should be cached  Example of setting retries on the client to 6:  const layout = new Layout({ name: "myLayout", pathname: "/foo", client: { retries: 6, }, });   proxy​  Options to be passed on to the proxy.  option\ttype\tdefault\trequired\tdetailsprefix\tstring\tpodium-resource Prefix used to namespace the proxy so that it's isolated from other routes in the HTTP server timeout\tnumber\t6000 Default value, in milliseconds, for how long a request should wait before the connection is terminated  Example of setting the timeout on the proxy to 30 seconds:  const layout = new Layout({ name: "myLayout", pathname: "/foo", proxy: { timeout: 30000, }, });   ","version":"Next","tagName":"h2"},{"title":"Layout Instance​","type":1,"pageTitle":"@podium/layout","url":"/docs/api/layout#layout-instance","content":" The layout instance has the following API:  ","version":"Next","tagName":"h2"},{"title":".middleware()​","type":1,"pageTitle":"@podium/layout","url":"/docs/api/layout#middleware","content":" A Connect/Express compatible middleware function which takes care of the various operations needed for a layout to operate correctly. This function is more or less just a wrapper for the .process() method.  Important: This middleware must be mounted before defining any routes.  Example  Express const app = express(); app.use(layout.middleware());   The middleware will create an HttpIncoming object for each request and place it on the response at res.locals.podium.  Returns an Array of middleware functions which perform the tasks described above.  ","version":"Next","tagName":"h3"},{"title":".js(options|[options])​","type":1,"pageTitle":"@podium/layout","url":"/docs/api/layout#jsoptionsoptions","content":" Set relative or absolute URLs to JavaScript assets for the layout.  When set, the values will be internally kept and made available for the document template to include.  This method can be called multiple times with a single options object to set multiple assets or one can provide an array of options objects to set multiple assets.  options​  option\ttype\tdefault\trequired\tdetailsvalue\tstring ✓\tRelative or absolute URL to the JavaScript asset prefix\tboolean\tfalse Whether the pathname defined on the constructor should be prepend, if relative, to the value type\tstring\tdefault What type of JavaScript (eg. esm, default, cjs) referrerpolicy\tstring Correlates to the same attribute on a HTML <script> element crossorigin\tstring Correlates to the same attribute on a HTML <script> element integrity\tstring Correlates to the same attribute on a HTML <script> element nomodule\tboolean\tfalse Correlates to the same attribute on a HTML <script> element async\tboolean\tfalse Correlates to the same attribute on a HTML <script> element defer\tboolean\tfalse Correlates to the same attribute on a HTML <script> element  value​  Sets the pathname for the layout's JavaScript assets. This value is usually the [URL] at which the layouts's user facing JavaScript is served and can be either a URL [pathname] or an absolute URL.  Serve a javascript file at /assets/main.js:  ExpressHapiFastifyHTTP const app = express(); const layout = new Layout({ name: "myLayout", pathname: "/", }); app.get("/assets.js", (req, res) => { res.status(200).sendFile("./src/js/main.js", (err) => {}); }); layout.js({ value: "/assets.js" });   Serve assets from a static file server and set a relative URI to the JS files:  ExpressHapiFastifyHTTP const app = express(); const layout = new Layout({ name: "myLayout", pathname: "/", }); app.use("/assets", express.static("./src/js")); layout.js([{ value: "/assets/main.js" }, { value: "/assets/extra.js" }]);   Set an absolute URL to where the JavaScript file is located:  const layout = new Layout({ name: "myLayout", pathname: "/", }); layout.js({ value: "http://cdn.mysite.com/assets/js/e7rfg76.js" });   prefix​  Sets whether the method should prepend the value with the pathname value that was set in the constructor.  The prefix will be ignored if value is an absolute URL.  type​  Sets the type for the script which is set. If not set, default will be used.  The following are valid values:  esm or module for ECMAScript modulescjs for CommonJS modulesamd for AMD modulesumd for Universal Module Definitiondefault if the type is unknown.  The type field provides a hint for further use of the script in the layout. Typically this is used in the document template when including the <script> tags or when optimizing JavaScript assets with a bundler.  ","version":"Next","tagName":"h3"},{"title":".css(options|[options])​","type":1,"pageTitle":"@podium/layout","url":"/docs/api/layout#cssoptionsoptions","content":" Set relative or absolute URLs to Cascading Style Sheets (CSS) assets for the layout.  When set the values will be internally kept and made available for the document template to include.  This method can be called multiple times with a single options object to set multiple assets or one can provide an array of options objects to set multiple assets.  options​  option\ttype\tdefault\trequired\tdetailsvalue\tstring ✓\tRelative or absolute URL to the CSS asset prefix\tboolean\tfalse Whether the pathname defined on the constructor should be prepend, if relative, to the value crossorigin\tstring Correlates to the same attribute on a HTML <link> element disabled\tboolean\tfalse Correlates to the same attribute on a HTML <link> element hreflang\tstring Correlates to the same attribute on a HTML <link> element title\tstring Correlates to the same attribute on a HTML <link> element media\tstring Correlates to the same attribute on a HTML <link> element type\tstring\ttext/css Correlates to the same attribute on a HTML <link> element rel\tstring\tstylesheet Correlates to the same attribute on a HTML <link> element as\tstring Correlates to the same attribute on a HTML <link> element  value​  Sets the pathname to the layout's CSS assets. This value can be an relative or absolute URL at which the podlet's user facing CSS is served. . Serve a CSS file at /assets/main.css:  ExpressHapiFastifyHTTP const app = express(); const layout = new Layout({ name: "myLayout", pathname: "/", }); app.get("/assets.css", (req, res) => { res.status(200).sendFile("./src/js/main.css", (err) => {}); }); layout.css({ value: "/assets.css" });   Serve assets from a static file server and set a relative URI to the CSS files:  ExpressHapiFastifyHTTP const app = express(); const layout = new Layout({ name: "myLayout", pathname: "/", }); app.use("/assets", express.static("./src/css")); layout.css([{ value: "/assets/main.css" }, { value: "/assets/extra.css" }]);   Set an absolute URL to where the CSS file is located:  const layout = new Layout({ name: "myLayout", pathname: "/", }); layout.css({ value: "http://cdn.mysite.com/assets/css/3ru39ur.css" });   prefix​  Sets whether the method should prepend the value with the pathname value that was set in the constructor.  The prefix will be ignored if value is an absolute URL.  ","version":"Next","tagName":"h3"},{"title":".pathname()​","type":1,"pageTitle":"@podium/layout","url":"/docs/api/layout#pathname-1","content":" A helper method used to retrieve the pathname value that was set in the constructor. This can be handy when defining routes since the pathnameset in the constructor must also be the base path for the layout's main content route  Example:  ExpressHapiFastifyHTTP const layout = new Layout({ name: 'myLayout', pathname: '/foo', }); app.get(layout.pathname(), (req, res, next) => { [ ... ] }); app.get(`${layout.pathname()}/bar`, (req, res, next) => { [ ... ] }); app.get(`${layout.pathname()}/bar/:id`, (req, res, next) => { [ ... ] });   ","version":"Next","tagName":"h3"},{"title":".view(template)​","type":1,"pageTitle":"@podium/layout","url":"/docs/api/layout#viewtemplate","content":" Sets the default document template.  Takes a template function that accepts an instance of HttpIncoming, a content string as well as any additional markup for the document's head section:  (incoming, body, head) => `Return an HTML string here`;   In practice this might look something like:  layout.view((incoming, body, head) => `<!doctype html> <html lang="${incoming.context.locale}"> <head> <meta charset="${incoming.view.encoding}"> <title>${incoming.view.title}</title> ${head} </head> <body> ${body} </body> </html>`; );   ","version":"Next","tagName":"h3"},{"title":".render(HttpIncoming, fragment, [args])​","type":1,"pageTitle":"@podium/layout","url":"/docs/api/layout#renderhttpincoming-fragment-args","content":" Method to render the document template. By default this will render a default document template provided by Podium unless a custom one is set by using the .view method.  In most HTTP frameworks this method can be ignored in favour ofres.podiumSend(). If present, res.podiumSend() has the advantage that it's not necessary to pass in HttpIncoming as the first argument.  Returns a String.  This method takes the following arguments:  HttpIncoming (required)​  An instance of the HttpIncoming class.  fragment​  A String that is intended to be a fragment of the final HTML document (Everything to be displayed in the HTML body).  [args]​  All following arguments given to the method will be passed on to thedocument template.  Additional arguments could be used to pass on parts of a page to thedocument template as shown:  ExpressHapiFastifyHTTP layout.view = (incoming, body, head) => { return ` <html> <head>${head}</head> <body>${body}</body> </html> `; }; app.get(layout.pathname(), (req, res) => { const incoming = res.locals.podium; const head = `<meta ..... />`; const body = `<section>my content</section>`; const document = layout.render(incoming, body, head); res.send(document); });   ","version":"Next","tagName":"h3"},{"title":".process(HttpIncoming)​","type":1,"pageTitle":"@podium/layout","url":"/docs/api/layout#processhttpincoming","content":" Method for processing an incoming HTTP request. This method is intended to be used to implement support for multiple HTTP frameworks and in most cases it won't be necessary for layout developers to use this method directly when creating a layout server.  What it does:  Runs context parsers on the incoming request and sets an object with the context at HttpIncoming.context which can be passed on to the client when requesting content from podlets.Mounts a proxy so that each podlet can do transparent proxy requests as needed.  Returns a Promise which will resolve with the HttpIncomingobject that was passed in.  If the inbound request matches a proxy endpoint the returned Promise will resolve with a HttpIncoming object where the .proxy property is set to true.  This method takes the following arguments:  HttpIncoming (required)​  An instance of the HttpIncoming class.  ExpressHTTP  ","version":"Next","tagName":"h3"},{"title":".client​","type":1,"pageTitle":"@podium/layout","url":"/docs/api/layout#client-1","content":" A property that exposes an instance of the client for retrieving content from podlets.  Example of registering two podlets and retrieving their content:  ExpressHapiFastifyHTTP const layout = new Layout({ name: 'myLayout', pathname: '/', }); const podletA = layout.client.register({ name: 'myPodletA', uri: 'http://localhost:7100/manifest.json', }); const podletB = layout.client.register({ name: 'myPodletB', uri: 'http://localhost:7200/manifest.json', }); [ ... ] app.get(layout.pathname(), async (req, res, next) => { const incoming = res.locals.podium; const [a, b] = await Promise.all([ podletA.fetch(incoming), podletB.fetch(incoming), ]); [ ... ] });   ","version":"Next","tagName":"h3"},{"title":".client.register(options)​","type":1,"pageTitle":"@podium/layout","url":"/docs/api/layout#clientregisteroptions","content":" Registers a podlet such that the podlet's content can later be fetched.  Example:  const podlet = layout.client.register({ name: "myPodlet", uri: "http://localhost:7100/manifest.json", });   Returns a Podlet Resource which is also stored on the layout client instance using the registered name value as its property name.  Example:  const layout = new Layout({ name: "myLayout", pathname: "/", }); layout.client.register({ uri: "http://foo.site.com/manifest.json", name: "fooBar", }); layout.client.fooBar.fetch();   options (required)​  option\ttype\tdefault\trequired\tdetailsuri\tstring ✓\tUri to the manifest of a podlet name\tstring ✓\tName of the component. This is used to reference the component in your application, and does not have to match the name of the component itself retries\tnumber\t4 The number of times the client should retry to settle a version number conflict before terminating. Overrides the retries option in the layout constructor timeout\tnumber\t1000 Defines how long, in milliseconds, a request should wait before the connection is terminated. Overrides the timeout option in the layout constructor throwable\tboolean\tfalse Defines whether an error should be thrown if a failure occurs during the process of fetching a podlet. See Fallbacks. excludeBy\tobject Lets you define a set of rules where a fetch call will not be resolved if it matches. includeBy\tobject Inverse of excludeBy. Setting both at the same time will throw.  excludeBy and includeBy​  These options are used by fetch to conditionally skip fetching the podlet content based on values on the request. It's an alternative to conditionally fetching podlets in your request handler. Setting both at the same time will throw.  Example: exclude a header and footer in a hybrid web view.  import Client from "@podium/client"; const client = new Client(); const footer = client.register({ uri: "http://footer.site.com/manifest.json", name: "footer", excludeBy: { deviceType: ["hybrid-ios", "hybrid-android"], // when footer.fetch(incoming) is called, if the incoming request has the header `x-podium-device-type: hybrid-ios`, `fetch` will return an empty response. }, });   ","version":"Next","tagName":"h3"},{"title":".client.refreshManifests()​","type":1,"pageTitle":"@podium/layout","url":"/docs/api/layout#clientrefreshmanifests","content":" Refreshes the manifests of all registered resources. Does so by calling the.refresh() method on all resources under the hood.  layout.client.register({ uri: "http://foo.site.com/manifest.json", name: "foo", }); layout.client.register({ uri: "http://bar.site.com/manifest.json", name: "bar", }); await layout.client.refreshManifests();   ","version":"Next","tagName":"h3"},{"title":".client.state​","type":1,"pageTitle":"@podium/layout","url":"/docs/api/layout#clientstate","content":" What state the client is in.  The value will be one of the following values:  instantiated - When a Client has been instantiated but no requests to any podlets have been made.initializing - When one or more podlets are requested for the first time.unstable - When an update of a podlet is detected and the layout is in the process of re-fetching the manifest.stable - When all registered podlets are using cached manifests and only fetching content.unhealthy - When an podlet update never settled.  ","version":"Next","tagName":"h3"},{"title":".client Events​","type":1,"pageTitle":"@podium/layout","url":"/docs/api/layout#client-events","content":" The Client instance emits the following events:  state​  When there is a change in state.  layout.client.on("state", (state) => { console.log(state); }); const podlet = layout.client.register({ uri: "http://foo.site.com/manifest.json", name: "foo", }); podlet.fetch();   The event will fire with one the following values:  instantiated - When a Client has been instantiated but no requests to any podlets have been made.initializing - When one or multiple podlets are requested for the very first time.unstable - When an update of a podlet is detected and is in the process of refetching the manifest.stable - When all registered podlets are using cached manifests and only fetching content.unhealthy - When an update of a podlet never settled.  ","version":"Next","tagName":"h3"},{"title":".context​","type":1,"pageTitle":"@podium/layout","url":"/docs/api/layout#context-1","content":" A property that exposes the instance of the @podium/context used to create the context which is appended to the requests to each podlet.  ","version":"Next","tagName":"h3"},{"title":".context.register(name, parser)​","type":1,"pageTitle":"@podium/layout","url":"/docs/api/layout#contextregistername-parser","content":" The context is extensible so it is possible to register third party context parsers to it.  Example of registering a custom third party context parser to the context:  import Parser from "my-custom-parser"; const layout = new Layout({ name: "myLayout", pathname: "/", }); layout.context.register("customParser", new Parser("someConfig"));   name (required)​  A unique name for the parser. Used as the key for the parser's value in the context.  parser (required)​  The parser object to be registered.  ","version":"Next","tagName":"h3"},{"title":".metrics​","type":1,"pageTitle":"@podium/layout","url":"/docs/api/layout#metrics","content":" Property that exposes a metric stream. This stream joins all internal metrics streams into one stream resulting in all metrics from all sub modules being exposed here.  See @metrics/metric for full documentation.  ","version":"Next","tagName":"h3"},{"title":"Podlet Resource​","type":1,"pageTitle":"@podium/layout","url":"/docs/api/layout#podlet-resource","content":" A registered podlet is stored in a Podlet Resource object.  The podlet Resource object contains methods for retrieving the content of a podlet. The URI of the content of a component is defined in the component's manifest. This is the content root of the component.  A podlet resource object has the following API:  ","version":"Next","tagName":"h2"},{"title":".fetch(HttpIncoming, options)​","type":1,"pageTitle":"@podium/layout","url":"/docs/api/layout#fetchhttpincoming-options","content":" Fetches the content of the podlet. Returns a Promise which resolves with a Podlet Response object containing the keys content, headers, css and js.  HttpIncoming (required)​  An HttpIncoming object. This is normally provided by the "middleware" which runs on the incoming request to the layout prior to the process of fetching podlets.  The HttpIncoming object is normally found on a request bound property of the request or response object.  ExpressHapiFastifyHTTP const podlet = layout.client.register({ name: "myPodlet", uri: "http://localhost:7100/manifest.json", }); app.get(layout.pathname(), async (req, res, next) => { const incoming = res.locals.podium; const response = await podlet.fetch(incoming); res.podiumSend(` <section>${response.content}</section> `); });   options (optional)​  option\ttype\tdefault\trequired\tdetailspathname\tstring A path which will be appended to the content root of the podlet when requested headers\tobject An Object which will be appended as HTTP headers to the request to fetch the podlets's content query\tobject An Object which will be appended as query parameters to the request to fetch the podlets's content  return value​  const result = await component.fetch(); console.log(result.content); console.log(result.headers); console.log(result.js); console.log(result.css);   ","version":"Next","tagName":"h3"},{"title":".stream(HttpIncoming, options)​","type":1,"pageTitle":"@podium/layout","url":"/docs/api/layout#streamhttpincoming-options","content":" Streams the content of the component. Returns a ReadableStream which streams the content of the component. Before the stream starts flowing a beforeStreamevent with a Podlet Response object, containing headers, css and jsreferences is emitted.  HttpIncoming (required)​  An HttpIncoming object. This is normally provided by the middleware which runs on the incoming request to the layout prior to the process of fetching podlets.  The HttpIncoming object is normally found on a request bound property of the request or response object.  ExpressHapiFastifyHTTP const podlet = layout.client.register({ name: "myPodlet", uri: "http://localhost:7100/manifest.json", }); app.get(layout.pathname(), async (req, res, next) => { const incoming = res.locals.podium; const stream = podlet.stream(incoming); stream.pipe(res); });   options (optional)​  option\ttype\tdefault\trequired\tdetailspathname\tstring A path which will be appended to the content root of the podlet when requested headers\tobject An object which will be appended as HTTP headers to the request to fetch the podlets's content query\tobject An object which will be appended as query parameters to the request to fetch the podlets's content  Event: beforeStream​  A beforeStream event is emitted before the stream starts flowing. A response object with keys headers, js and css is emitted with the event.  headers will always contain the response headers from the podlet. If the resource manifest defines JavaScript assets, js will contain the value from the manifest file otherwise js will be an empty string. If the resource manifest defines CSS assets, css will contain the value from the manifest file otherwise css will be an empty string.  ExpressHapiFastifyHTTP const podlet = layout.client.register({ name: "myPodlet", uri: "http://localhost:7100/manifest.json", }); app.get(layout.pathname(), async (req, res, next) => { const incoming = res.locals.podium; const stream = podlet.stream(incoming); stream.once("beforeStream", (data) => { console.log(data.headers); console.log(data.css); console.log(data.js); }); stream.pipe(res); });   ","version":"Next","tagName":"h3"},{"title":".refresh()​","type":1,"pageTitle":"@podium/layout","url":"/docs/api/layout#refresh","content":" This method will refresh a resource by reading its manifest and fallback if defined in the manifest. The method will not call the content URI of a component.  If the internal cache in the client already has a manifest cached, this will be thrown away and replaced when the new manifest is successfully fetched. If a new manifest cannot be successfully fetched, the old manifest will be kept in cache.  If a manifest is successfully fetched, this method will resolve with a truevalue. If a manifest is not successfully fetched, it will resolve with false.  const podlet = layout.client.register({ uri: "http://foo.site.com/manifest.json", name: "foo", }); const status = await podlet.refresh(); console.log(status); // true   ","version":"Next","tagName":"h3"},{"title":".name​","type":1,"pageTitle":"@podium/layout","url":"/docs/api/layout#name-1","content":" A property returning the name of the Podium resource. This is the name provided during the call to register.  ","version":"Next","tagName":"h3"},{"title":".uri​","type":1,"pageTitle":"@podium/layout","url":"/docs/api/layout#uri","content":" A property returning the location of the Podium resource.  ","version":"Next","tagName":"h3"},{"title":"Podlet Response​","type":1,"pageTitle":"@podium/layout","url":"/docs/api/layout#podlet-response","content":" When a podlet is requested by the .client.fetch()method it will return a Promise which will resolve with a podlet response object. If a podlet is requested by the .client.stream()method a beforeStream event will emit a podlet response object.  This object hold the response of the HTTP request to the content URL of the podlet which was requested.  An podlet response instance has the following properties:  property\ttype\tgetter\tsetter\tdefault\tdetailscontent\tstring\t✓ The content of the podlet. Normally a string of HTML. headers\tobject\t✓ {}\tThe HTTP headers the content route of the podlet responded with. css\tarray\t✓ []\tAn array of AssetCSS objects holding the CSS references registered by the podlet. js\tarray\t✓ []\tAn array of AssetJS objects holding the JS references registered by the podlet.  ","version":"Next","tagName":"h2"},{"title":"res.podiumSend(fragment)​","type":1,"pageTitle":"@podium/layout","url":"/docs/api/layout#respodiumsendfragment","content":" Method on the http.ServerResponse object for sending HTML fragments. Calls the send / write method on the http.ServerResponse object.  This method wraps the provided fragment in a default HTML document before dispatching. You can use the .view() method to disable using a template or to set a custom template.  Example of sending an HTML fragment:  ExpressHapiFastifyHTTP app.get(layout.pathname(), (req, res) => { res.podiumSend("<h1>Hello World</h1>"); });  ","version":"Next","tagName":"h2"},{"title":"@podium/podlet","type":0,"sectionRef":"#","url":"/docs/api/podlet","content":"","keywords":"","version":"Next"},{"title":"Installation​","type":1,"pageTitle":"@podium/podlet","url":"/docs/api/podlet#installation","content":" ExpressHapiFastify $ npm install @podium/podlet   ","version":"Next","tagName":"h2"},{"title":"Getting started​","type":1,"pageTitle":"@podium/podlet","url":"/docs/api/podlet#getting-started","content":" Building a simple podlet server.  ExpressHapiFastifyHTTP import express from "express"; import Podlet from "@podium/podlet"; const app = express(); const podlet = new Podlet({ name: "myPodlet", version: "1.0.0", pathname: "/", development: true, }); app.use(podlet.middleware()); app.get(podlet.content(), (req, res) => { if (res.locals.podium.context.locale === "nb-NO") { return res.status(200).podiumSend("<h2>Hei verden</h2>"); } res.status(200).podiumSend(`<h2>Hello world</h2>`); }); app.get(podlet.manifest(), (req, res) => { res.status(200).send(podlet); }); app.listen(7100);   ","version":"Next","tagName":"h2"},{"title":"Constructor​","type":1,"pageTitle":"@podium/podlet","url":"/docs/api/podlet#constructor","content":" Create a new Podlet instance.  const podlet = new Podlet(options);   options​  option\ttype\tdefault\trequired\tdetailsname\tstring\tnull\t✓\tName that the Podlet identifies itself by pathname\tstring\tnull\t✓\tPathname of where a Podlet is mounted in an HTTP server version\tstring\tnull\t✓\tThe current version of the podlet manifest\tstring\t/manifest.json Defines the pathname for the manifest of the podlet content\tstring\t/ Defines the pathname for the content of the podlet fallback\tstring\tnull Defines the pathname for the fallback of the podlet logger\tobject\tnull A logger which conforms to a log4j interface development\tboolean\tfalse Turns development mode on or off  name​  The name that the podlet identifies itself by. This is used internally for things like metrics but can also be used by a layout server.  This value must be in camelCase.  Example:  const podlet = new Podlet({ name: 'myPodlet'; });   pathname​  Pathname for where a podlet is mounted in an HTTP server. It is important that this value matches where the entry point of a route is in an HTTP server since this value is used to define where the manifest is for the podlet.  If the podlet is mounted at the "root", set pathname to /:  ExpressHapiFastify const app = express(); const podlet = new Podlet({ name: 'myPodlet', version: '1.0.0', pathname: '/', }); app.use(podlet.middleware()); app.get('/', (req, res, next) => { [ ... ] });   If the podlet is to be mounted at /foo, set the pathname to /foo and mount middleware and routes at or under /foo  ExpressHapiFastify const app = express(); const podlet = new Podlet({ name: 'myPodlet', version: '1.0.0', pathname: '/foo', }); app.use('/foo', podlet.middleware()); app.get('/foo', (req, res, next) => { [ ... ] }); app.get('/foo/:id', (req, res, next) => { [ ... ] });   version​  The current version of the podlet. It is important that this value be updated when a new version of the podlet is deployed since the page (layout) that the podlet is displayed in uses this value to know whether to refresh the podlet's manifest and fallback content or not.  Example:  const podlet = new Podlet({ version: '1.1.0'; });   manifest​  Defines the pathname for the manifest of the podlet. Defaults to/manifest.json.  The value should be relative to the value set on the pathname argument. In other words if a podlet is mounted into an HTTP server at /foo and the manifest is at /foo/component.json, set the pathname and manifest as follows:  ExpressHapiFastify const app = express(); const podlet = new Podlet({ name: "myPodlet", version: "1.0.0", pathname: "/foo", manifest: "/component.json", }); app.get("/foo/component.json", (req, res, next) => { res.status(200).json(podlet); });   The .manifest() method can be used to retrieve the value after it has been set.  content​  Defines the pathname for the content of the Podlet. The value can be a relative or absolute URL. Defaults to /.  If the value is relative, the value should be relative to the value set using thepathname argument. For example, if a podlet is mounted into an HTTP server at /foo and the content is served at /foo/index.html, set pathname and content as follows:  ExpressHapiFastify const app = express(); const podlet = new Podlet({ name: 'myPodlet', version: '1.0.0', pathname: '/foo', content: '/index.html', }); app.get('/foo/index.html', (req, res, next) => { [ ... ] });   The .content() method can be used to retrieve the value after it has been set.  fallback​  Defines the pathname for the fallback of the Podlet. The value can be a relative or absolute URL. Defaults to an empty string.  If the value is relative, the value should be relative to the value set with thepathname argument. If a podlet is mounted into an HTTP server at /foo and the fallback is at /foo/fallback.html, set pathname and fallback as follows:  ExpressHapiFastify const app = express(); const podlet = new Podlet({ name: 'myPodlet', version: '1.0.0', pathname: '/foo', fallback: '/fallback.html', }); app.get('/foo/fallback.html', (req, res, next) => { [ ... ] });   The .fallback() method can be used to retrieve the value after it has been set.  logger​  Any log4j compatible logger can be passed in and will be used for logging. Console is also supported for easy test / development.  const podlet = new Podlet({ logger: console; });   Under the hood abslog is used to abstract out logging. Please see abslog for further details.  development​  Turns development mode on or off. See the section about development mode.  ","version":"Next","tagName":"h2"},{"title":"Podlet Instance​","type":1,"pageTitle":"@podium/podlet","url":"/docs/api/podlet#podlet-instance","content":" The podlet instance has the following API:  ","version":"Next","tagName":"h2"},{"title":".middleware()​","type":1,"pageTitle":"@podium/podlet","url":"/docs/api/podlet#middleware","content":" A Connect/Express compatible middleware function which takes care of the multiple operations needed for a podlet to operate correctly. This function is more or less a wrapper for the .process() method.  Important: This middleware must be mounted before defining any routes.  Express const app = express(); app.use(podlet.middleware());   The middleware will create an HttpIncoming object and store it at res.locals.podium.  Returns an Array of internal middleware that performs the tasks described above.  ","version":"Next","tagName":"h3"},{"title":".manifest(options)​","type":1,"pageTitle":"@podium/podlet","url":"/docs/api/podlet#manifestoptions","content":" This method returns the value of the manifest argument that has been set in the constructor.  Set the manifest using the default pathname which is /manifest.json:  ExpressHapiFastify const app = express(); const podlet = new Podlet({ name: "myPodlet", version: "1.0.0", pathname: "/", }); app.get(podlet.manifest(), (req, res, next) => { res.status(200).json(podlet); });   Set the manifest to /component.json using the manifest argument on the constructor:  ExpressHapiFastify const app = express(); const podlet = new Podlet({ name: "myPodlet", version: "1.0.0", pathname: "/", manifest: "/component.json", }); app.get(podlet.manifest(), (req, res, next) => { res.status(200).json(podlet); });   Podium expects the podlet's manifest route to return a JSON document describing the podlet. This can be achieved by simply serializing the podlet instance.  ExpressHapiFastify const app = express(); const podlet = new Podlet([ ... ]); app.get(podlet.manifest(), (req, res, next) => { res.status(200).json(podlet); });   The route will then respond with something like:  { "name": "myPodlet", "version": "1.0.0", "content": "/", "fallback": "/fallback", "css": [], "js": [], "proxy": {} }   options​  option\ttype\tdefault\trequiredprefix\tboolean\tfalse\t  prefix​  Sets whether the method should prefix the return value with the value forpathname that was set in the constructor.  Return the full pathname to the manifest (/foo/component.json):  const podlet = new Podlet({ name: "myPodlet", version: "1.0.0", pathname: "/foo", manifest: "/component.json", }); podlet.manifest({ prefix: true });   ","version":"Next","tagName":"h3"},{"title":".content(options)​","type":1,"pageTitle":"@podium/podlet","url":"/docs/api/podlet#contentoptions","content":" This method returns the value of the content argument set in the constructor.  Set the content using the default pathname (/):  ExpressHapiFastify const app = express(); const podlet = new Podlet({ name: 'myPodlet', version: '1.0.0', pathname: '/', }); app.get(podlet.content(), (req, res, next) => { [ ... ] });   Set the content path to /index.html:  ExpressHapiFastify const app = express(); const podlet = new Podlet({ name: 'myPodlet', version: '1.0.0', pathname: '/', content: '/index.html', }); app.get(podlet.content(), (req, res, next) => { [ ... ] });   Set the content path to /content and define multiple sub-routes each taking different URI parameters:  ExpressHapiFastify const app = express(); const podlet = new Podlet({ name: 'myPodlet', version: '1.0.0', pathname: '/', content: '/content', }); app.get('/content', (req, res) => { ... }); app.get('/content/info', (req, res) => { ... }); app.get('/content/info/:id', (req, res) => { ... });   options​  option\ttype\tdefault\trequiredprefix\tboolean\tfalse\t  prefix​  Specifies whether the method should prefix the return value with the pathname value that was set in the constructor.  Return the full pathname to the content (/foo/index.html):  const podlet = new Podlet({ name: "myPodlet", version: "1.0.0", pathname: "/foo", content: "/index.html", }); podlet.content({ prefix: true });   The prefix will be ignored if the returned value is an absolute URL.  ","version":"Next","tagName":"h3"},{"title":".fallback(options)​","type":1,"pageTitle":"@podium/podlet","url":"/docs/api/podlet#fallbackoptions","content":" This method returns the value of the fallback argument set in the constructor.  Set the fallback to /fallback.html:  ExpressHapiFastify const app = express(); const podlet = new Podlet({ name: 'myPodlet', version: '1.0.0', pathname: '/', fallback: '/fallback.html', }); app.get(podlet.fallback(), (req, res, next) => { [ ... ] });   options​  option\ttype\tdefault\trequiredprefix\tboolean\tfalse\t  prefix​  Specifies whether the fallback method should prefix the return value with the value for pathname set in the constructor.  Return the full pathname to the fallback (/foo/fallback.html):  const podlet = new Podlet({ name: "myPodlet", version: "1.0.0", pathname: "/foo", fallback: "/fallback.html", }); podlet.fallback({ prefix: true });   The prefix will be ignored if the returned value is an absolute URL.  ","version":"Next","tagName":"h3"},{"title":".js(options|[options])​","type":1,"pageTitle":"@podium/podlet","url":"/docs/api/podlet#jsoptionsoptions","content":" Set relative or absolute URLs to JavaScript assets for the podlet.  When set the values will be internally kept and made available for the document template to include. The assets set are also made available in the manifest for the layout to consume.  This method can be called multiple times with a single options object to set multiple assets or one can provide an array of options objects to set multiple assets.  options​  option\ttype\tdefault\trequired\tdetailsvalue\tstring ✓\tRelative or absolute URL to the JavaScript asset prefix\tboolean\tfalse Whether the pathname defined on the constructor should be prepend, if relative, to the value type\tstring\tdefault What type of JavaScript (eg. esm, default, cjs) referrerpolicy\tstring Correlates to the same attribute on a HTML <script> element crossorigin\tstring Correlates to the same attribute on a HTML <script> element integrity\tstring Correlates to the same attribute on a HTML <script> element nomodule\tboolean\tfalse Correlates to the same attribute on a HTML <script> element async\tboolean\tfalse Correlates to the same attribute on a HTML <script> element defer\tboolean\tfalse Correlates to the same attribute on a HTML <script> element  value​  Sets the pathname for the podlet's JavaScript assets. This value can be a URL at which the podlet's user facing JavaScript is served. The value can be either the pathname of a URL or an absolute URL.  Serve a javascript file at /assets/main.js:  ExpressHapiFastify const app = express(); const podlet = new Podlet({ name: "myPodlet", version: "1.0.0", pathname: "/", }); app.get("/assets.js", (req, res) => { res.status(200).sendFile("./src/js/main.js", (err) => {}); }); podlet.js({ value: "/assets.js" });   Serve assets statically along side the app and set a relative URI to the JavaScript file:  ExpressHapiFastify const app = express(); const podlet = new Podlet({ name: "myPodlet", version: "1.0.0", pathname: "/", }); app.use("/assets", express.static("./src/js")); podlet.js([{ value: "/assets/main.js" }, { value: "/assets/extra.js" }]);   Set an absolute URL to where the javascript file is located:  const podlet = new Podlet({ name: "myPodlet", version: "1.0.0", pathname: "/", }); podlet.js({ value: "http://cdn.mysite.com/assets/js/e7rfg76.js" });   prefix​  Sets whether the method should prepend the value with the pathname value that was set in the constructor.  The prefix will be ignored if value is an absolute URL.  type​  Set the type of script which is set. If not set, default will be used.  Use one of the following values:  esm for ECMAScript modulescjs for CommonJS modulesamd for AMD modulesumd for Universal Module Definitiondefault if the type is unknown.  The type is a hint for further use of the script. This is normally used by the document template to print correct <script> tag or to give a hint to a bundler when optimizing JavaScript assets.  ","version":"Next","tagName":"h3"},{"title":".css(options|[options])​","type":1,"pageTitle":"@podium/podlet","url":"/docs/api/podlet#cssoptionsoptions","content":" Set relative or absolute URLs to Cascading Style Sheets (CSS) assets for the podlet.  When set the values will be internally kept and made available for the document template to include. The assets set are also made available in the manifest for the layout to consume.  The method can be called multiple times with a single options object to set multiple assets or one can provide an array of options objects to set multiple assets.  options​  option\ttype\tdefault\trequired\tdetailsvalue\tstring ✓\tRelative or absolute URL to the CSS asset prefix\tboolean\tfalse Whether the pathname defined on the constructor should be prepend, if relative, to the value crossorigin\tstring Correlates to the same attribute on a HTML <link> element disabled\tboolean\tfalse Correlates to the same attribute on a HTML <link> element hreflang\tstring Correlates to the same attribute on a HTML <link> element title\tstring Correlates to the same attribute on a HTML <link> element media\tstring Correlates to the same attribute on a HTML <link> element type\tstring\ttext/css Correlates to the same attribute on a HTML <link> element rel\tstring\tstylesheet Correlates to the same attribute on a HTML <link> element as\tstring Correlates to the same attribute on a HTML <link> element  value​  Sets the pathname for the CSS assets for the Podlet. The value can be a URL at which the podlet's user facing CSS is served. The value can be the pathname of a URL or an absolute URL.  Serve a CSS file at /assets/main.css:  ExpressHapiFastify const app = express(); const podlet = new Podlet({ name: "myPodlet", version: "1.0.0", pathname: "/", }); app.get("/assets.css", (req, res) => { res.status(200).sendFile("./src/css/main.css", (err) => {}); }); podlet.css({ value: "/assets.css" });   Serve assets statically alongside the app and set a relative URI to the css file:  ExpressHapiFastify const app = express(); const podlet = new Podlet({ name: "myPodlet", version: "1.0.0", pathname: "/", }); app.use("/assets", express.static("./src/css")); podlet.css([{ value: "/assets/main.css" }, { value: "/assets/extra.css" }]);   Set an absolute URL to where the CSS file is located:  const podlet = new Podlet({ name: "myPodlet", version: "1.0.0", pathname: "/", }); podlet.css({ value: "http://cdn.mysite.com/assets/css/3ru39ur.css" });   prefix​  Sets whether the method should prepend the value with the pathname value that was set in the constructor.  The prefix will be ignored if value is an absolute URL.  ","version":"Next","tagName":"h3"},{"title":".proxy({ target, name })​","type":1,"pageTitle":"@podium/podlet","url":"/docs/api/podlet#proxy-target-name-","content":" Method for defining proxy targets to be mounted in a layout server. For a detailed overview of how proxying works, please see theproxying guide for further details.  When a podlet is put in development mode (development is set to true in the constructor) these proxy endpoints will also be mounted in the podlet for ease of development and you will then have the same proxy endpoints available in development as you do when working with a layout.  Proxying is intended to be used as a way to make podlet endpoints publicly available. A common use case for this is creating endpoints for client side code to interact with (ajax requests from the browser). One might also make use of proxying to pass form submissions from the browser back to the podlet.  This method returns the value of the target argument and internally keeps track of the value of target for use when the podlet instance is serialized into a manifest JSON string.  In a podlet it is possible to define up to 4 proxy targets and each target can be the pathname part of a URL or an absolute URL.  For each podlet, each proxy target must have a unique name.  Mounts one proxy target /api with the name api:  ExpressHapiFastify const app = express(); const podlet = new Podlet( ... ); app.get(podlet.proxy({ target: '/api', name: 'api' }), (req, res) => { ... });   Defines multiple endpoints on one proxy target /api with the name api:  ExpressHapiFastify const app = express(); const podlet = new Podlet( ... ); app.get('/api', (req, res) => { ... }); app.get('/api/foo', (req, res) => { ... }); app.post('/api/foo', (req, res) => { ... }); app.get('/api/bar/:id', (req, res) => { ... }); podlet.proxy({ target: '/api', name: 'api' });   Sets a remote target by defining an absolute URL:  podlet.proxy({ target: "http://remote.site.com/api/", name: "remoteApi" });   ","version":"Next","tagName":"h3"},{"title":".defaults(context)​","type":1,"pageTitle":"@podium/podlet","url":"/docs/api/podlet#defaultscontext","content":" Alters the default context set when in development mode.  By default this context has the following shape:  { debug: 'false', locale: 'en-EN', deviceType: 'desktop', requestedBy: 'the_name_of_the_podlet', mountOrigin: 'http://localhost:port', mountPathname: '/same/as/manifest/method', publicPathname: '/same/as/manifest/method', }   The default development mode context can be overridden by passing an object with the desired key / values to override.  Example of overriding deviceType:  const podlet = new Podlet({ name: "foo", version: "1.0.0", }); podlet.defaults({ deviceType: "mobile", });   Additional values not defined by Podium can also be appended to the default development mode context in the same way.  Example of adding a context value:  const podlet = new Podlet({ name: "foo", version: "1.0.0", }); podlet.defaults({ token: "9fc498984f3ewi", });   N.B. The default development mode context will only be appended to the response when the constructor option development is set to true.  ","version":"Next","tagName":"h3"},{"title":".pathname()​","type":1,"pageTitle":"@podium/podlet","url":"/docs/api/podlet#pathname-1","content":" A helper method used to retrieve the pathname value that was set in the constructor.  Example:  ExpressHapiFastifyHTTP const podlet = new Podlet({ name: 'myPodlet', pathname: '/foo', }); app.get(podlet.pathname(), (req, res, next) => { [ ... ] }); app.get(`${podlet.pathname()}/bar`, (req, res, next) => { [ ... ] }); app.get(`${podlet.pathname()}/bar/:id`, (req, res, next) => { [ ... ] });   ","version":"Next","tagName":"h3"},{"title":".view(template)​","type":1,"pageTitle":"@podium/podlet","url":"/docs/api/podlet#viewtemplate","content":" Sets the default encapsulating HTML document template.  Its worth noting that this document template is only applied to Podlets when in development mode. When a Layout requests a Podlet this document template will not be applied.  Takes a template function that accepts an instance of HttpIncoming, a content string as well as any additional markup for the document's head section:  (incoming, body, head) => `Return an HTML string here`;   In practice this might look something like:  layout.view((incoming, body, head) => `<!doctype html> <html lang="${incoming.context.locale}"> <head> <meta charset="${incoming.view.encoding}"> <title>${incoming.view.title}</title> ${head} </head> <body> ${body} </body> </html>`; );   ","version":"Next","tagName":"h3"},{"title":".render(HttpIncoming, fragment, [args])​","type":1,"pageTitle":"@podium/podlet","url":"/docs/api/podlet#renderhttpincoming-fragment-args","content":" Method to render the document template. Will, by default, render the document template provided by Podium unless a custom document template is set using the.view method.  In most HTTP frameworks this method can be ignored in favour ofres.podiumSend(). If present, res.podiumSend() has the advantage that it's not necessary to pass in an HttpIncoming object as the first argument.  Returns a String.  This method takes the following arguments:  HttpIncoming (required)​  An instance of the HttpIncoming class.  ExpressHapiFastify app.get(podlet.content(), (req, res) => { const incoming = res.locals.podium; const document = layout.render(incoming, "<div>content to render</div>"); res.send(document); });   fragment​  An String that is intended to be a fragment of the final HTML document.  layout.render(incoming, "<div>content to render</div>");   [args]​  All following arguments given to the method will be passed on to the document template. For example, this could be used to pass on parts of a page to the document template.  ExpressHapiFastify podlet.view = (incoming, body, head) => { return ` <html> <head>${head}</head> <body>${body}</body> </html> `; }; app.get(podlet.content(), async (req, res, next) => { const incoming = res.locals.podium; const head = `<meta ..... />`; const body = `<section>my content</section>`; const document = layout.render(incoming, body, head); res.send(document); });   ","version":"Next","tagName":"h3"},{"title":".process(HttpIncoming)​","type":1,"pageTitle":"@podium/podlet","url":"/docs/api/podlet#processhttpincoming","content":" Method for processing an incoming HTTP request. This method is intended to be used to implement support for multiple HTTP frameworks and in most cases will not need to be used directly by podlet developers when creating podlet servers.  What it does:  Handles detection of development mode and sets the appropriate defaultsRuns context deserializing on the incoming request and sets a context object at HttpIncoming.context.  Returns an HttpIncoming object.  This method takes the following arguments:  HttpIncoming (required)​  An instance of the HttpIncoming class.  import { HttpIncoming } from "@podium/utils"; import Podlet from "@podium/podlet"; const podlet = new Podlet({ name: "myPodlet", version: "1.0.0", pathname: podlet.content(), }); app.use(async (req, res, next) => { const incoming = new HttpIncoming(req, res, res.locals); try { await podlet.process(incoming); if (!incoming.proxy) { res.locals.podium = result; next(); } } catch (error) { next(error); } });   ","version":"Next","tagName":"h3"},{"title":"res.podiumSend(fragment)​","type":1,"pageTitle":"@podium/podlet","url":"/docs/api/podlet#respodiumsendfragment","content":" Method for dispatching an HTML fragment. Calls the .send() / .write() methods in the framework that's being used and serves the HTML fragment.  When in development mode, when the constructor option development is set totrue, this method will wrap the provided fragment in the given document template before dispatching. When not in development mode, this method will just dispatch the fragment.  Example of sending an HTML fragment:  ExpressHapiFastify app.get(podlet.content(), (req, res) => { res.podiumSend("<h1>Hello World</h1>"); });   ","version":"Next","tagName":"h2"},{"title":"Development mode​","type":1,"pageTitle":"@podium/podlet","url":"/docs/api/podlet#development-mode","content":" In most cases podlets are fragments of a whole HTML document. When a layout server is requesting a podlet's content or fallback, the podlet should serve just that fragment and not a whole HTML document with its <html>, <head>and <body>. Additionally, when a layout server requests a podlet it provides a Podium context to the podlet.  These things can prove challenging for local development since accessing a podlet directly, from a web browser, in local development will render the podlet without either an encapsulating HTML document or a Podium context that the podlet might need to function properly.  To solve this it is possible to switch a podlet to development mode by setting the development argument in the constructor to true.  When in development mode a default context on the HTTP response will be set and an encapsulating HTML document will be provided (so long as res.podiumSend()is used) when dispatching the content or fallback.  The default HTML document for encapsulating a fragment will reference the values set on .css() and .js() and use locale from the default context to set language on the document.  The default context in development mode can be altered by the .defaults()method of the podlet instance.  The default encapsulating HTML document used in development mode can be replaced by the .view() method of the podlet instance.  Note: Only turn on development mode during local development, ensure it is turned off when in production.  Example of turning on development mode only in local development:  const podlet = new Podlet({ development: process.env.NODE_ENV !== 'production'; });   When a layout server sends a request to a podlet in development mode, the default context will be overridden by the context from the layout server and the encapsulating HTML document will not be applied. ","version":"Next","tagName":"h2"}],"options":{"id":"default"}}
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                +{"searchDocs":[{"title":"New documentation site","type":0,"sectionRef":"#","url":"/blog/first-blog-post","content":"Welcome to our blog. Our documentation site has just gotten an refreshing update which also give us a blog. This space will be used to document version changes and give insight in tips and tricks not really belonging in the documentation itself.","keywords":"","version":null},{"title":"Version 4.1.0","type":0,"sectionRef":"#","url":"/blog/version-4.1.0","content":"","keywords":"","version":null},{"title":"Assets​","type":1,"pageTitle":"Version 4.1.0","url":"/blog/version-4.1.0#assets","content":" This release contain some minor changes to the .js() and .css() methods in both @podium/layout and @podium/podlet paves ground for work we are doing to improve asset handling and bundling when building microfrontends with Podium.  These changes are:  Currently the .js() and .css() methods return theirs target value when called. This is now deprecated and these methods will cease to return a value in the near future.  If you are doing something like this:  app.get(podlet.js({ value: '/assets.js' }), (req, res) => { res.status(200).sendFile('./src/js/main.js', err => {}); });   You should rewrite it to the following:  app.get('/assets.js', (req, res) => { res.status(200).sendFile('./src/js/main.js', err => {}); }); podlet.js({ value: '/assets.js' });   In addition to this .js() and .css() can now take an array of options objects so its possible to set multiple assets in one go.  app.use('/assets', express.static('./src/js')); podlet.js([ { value: '/assets/main.js' }, { value: '/assets/extra.js' }, ]);   We will write more about our work on asset handling and bundling when we have some more concrete code to show.  ","version":null,"tagName":"h3"},{"title":"Proxy​","type":1,"pageTitle":"Version 4.1.0","url":"/blog/version-4.1.0#proxy","content":" This release does also contains a small fix to the proxy preventing it from resolving a proxy request as successful after a failed proxy request has occurred.  This mostly affected metrics causing failed proxy requests to also be counted as successfull requests. ","version":null,"tagName":"h3"},{"title":"Version 4.2.0","type":0,"sectionRef":"#","url":"/blog/version-4.2.0","content":"","keywords":"","version":null},{"title":"TypeDefinitions​","type":1,"pageTitle":"Version 4.2.0","url":"/blog/version-4.2.0#typedefinitions","content":" This release is shipped with TypeDefinitions for all public APIs.  ","version":null,"tagName":"h3"},{"title":"Assets​","type":1,"pageTitle":"Version 4.2.0","url":"/blog/version-4.2.0#assets","content":" Version 4.1.0 was a step on the way to paving ground for improving the client side asset experience for developers building micro-frontends with Podium.  This release contains a number of changes to the .js() and .css()methods in both @podium/layout and @podium/podlet. Possible options to these methods now more or less correlate to the same attributes on the equalent HTML elements.  Example for how to flag a Javascript asset that it is an ES module so that it can be loaded async:  const podlet = new Podlet([ ... ]); podlet.js({ value: 'https://cdn.site.com/script.js', async: true, type: 'esm', })   When rendered by the document template the above will translate into the following HTML element:  <script src="https://cdn.site.com/script.js" type="module" async></script>   Please see the following documentation for the options the different methods can now take:  @podium/podlet .css() method@podium/podlet .js() method@podium/layout .css() method@podium/layout .js() method  For further information on how assets are handled in general, please see theasset section.  If you maintain a custom document template, please see this section on how to render registered assets into HTML elements appropriately. ","version":null,"tagName":"h3"},{"title":"Version 4.0.0","type":0,"sectionRef":"#","url":"/blog/version-4.0.0","content":"","keywords":"","version":null},{"title":"JSON Schema​","type":1,"pageTitle":"Version 4.0.0","url":"/blog/version-4.0.0#json-schema","content":" The manifest which defines the contract between layouts and podlets are now defined using JSON Schema. The main reason for this is to cater for Podium implementations in languages other than Node.js.  ","version":null,"tagName":"h3"},{"title":"Document template​","type":1,"pageTitle":"Version 4.0.0","url":"/blog/version-4.0.0#document-template","content":" This version introduces a concept we call a document template. A document template is intended to supply the necessary HTML for the page outside of the markup you need write to display your page content.  While a v4 ships with a default document template it's straight forward to build your own custom template and plug this into both layouts and podlets which helps make it easier to develop podlets in isolation (from layouts) while imposing the same constraints on it that it will have when included in a layout.  Please see the document template section for further information.  ","version":null,"tagName":"h3"},{"title":"HTTP framework free​","type":1,"pageTitle":"Version 4.0.0","url":"/blog/version-4.0.0#http-framework-free","content":" Originally Podium was bound to Express.js but with this release Podium is 100% HTTP framework free. It is even possible write Podium servers using only the core Node.js HTTP server module.  Having said this, Express.js is still first class in Podium which means it is still possible to use Podium in an Express.js server without anything more than the core Podium layout and podlet modules.  Besides supporting Express.js, Hapi and Fastify are supported through plugins maintained by the Podium team.  Serverless / cloud functions will also be supported in a future release.  ","version":null,"tagName":"h3"},{"title":"Multiple assets support​","type":1,"pageTitle":"Version 4.0.0","url":"/blog/version-4.0.0#multiple-assets-support","content":" It was previously only possible to set a single reference to JavaScript and CSS client side assets using a podlet's.js() and .css().  With version 4, it is now possible to call these methods multiple times to set multiple assets.  An additional type field has also been added to the .js() method making it possible to signal to layout servers what type of JavaScript file are being specified.  ","version":null,"tagName":"h3"},{"title":"Layout assets​","type":1,"pageTitle":"Version 4.0.0","url":"/blog/version-4.0.0#layout-assets","content":" The @podium/layout module now has .js() and .css() methods which work the same way as in @podium/podlet. The intent is to be able to set client side assets which are related specifically to the layout.  ","version":null,"tagName":"h3"},{"title":"HttpIncoming replaces context argument​","type":1,"pageTitle":"Version 4.0.0","url":"/blog/version-4.0.0#httpincoming-replaces-context-argument","content":" During the process of rewriting to HTTP framework free, an HttpIncoming object was introduced which is passed between the various parts of Podium.  You can read more about HttpIncoming and its role here.  Due to this, you should pass an instance of HttpIncoming (available at res.locals.podium in express) to the .client.fetch() and .client.stream() methods in a @podium/layout instead of the context.  Previously Podium expected you to pass a Podium context to the fetch method like so:  app.get('/', (req, res) => { const ctx = res.locals.podium.context; const content = await podlet.fetch(ctx); ... });   This will still work until Podium version 5 but it is expected that developers instead call fetch as follows:  app.get('/', (req, res) => { const incoming = res.locals.podium; const content = await podlet.fetch(incoming); ... });   The context is part of HttpIncoming.  ","version":null,"tagName":"h3"},{"title":"The fetch method now resolves with a response object​","type":1,"pageTitle":"Version 4.0.0","url":"/blog/version-4.0.0#the-fetch-method-now-resolves-with-a-response-object","content":" When a Layout retrieves the content from a podlet it will now resolve with a response object instead of just the content as a string.  Previously calling .client.fetch() would resolve with the content of a podlet as a string:  app.get('/', (req, res) => { const incoming = res.locals.podium; const content = await podlet.fetch(incoming); console.log(content); // <div> .... </div> });   Now the fetch method with resolve with and object containing the podlet's content, css, js and headers:  app.get('/', (req, res) => { const incoming = res.locals.podium; const content = await podlet.fetch(incoming); console.log(content); // {js: [], css: [], headers: {}, content: '<div> .... </div>'} });   For backwards compabillity, using the response in a template literal or in string concatenation will result in the content value in the string. This will still work until Podium version 5.  app.get('/', (req, res) => { const incoming = res.locals.podium; const content = await podlet.fetch(incoming); console.log(`${content}`); // <div> .... </div> });   The .client.stream() works as before, but there is now a beforeStream event which emits a response object:  app.get('/', (req, res, next) => { const incoming = res.locals.podium; const stream = component.stream(incoming); stream.once('beforeStream', data => { console.log(data); // {js: [], css: [], headers: {}, content: null} }); stream.pipe(res); });   ","version":null,"tagName":"h3"},{"title":"State events​","type":1,"pageTitle":"Version 4.0.0","url":"/blog/version-4.0.0#state-events","content":" The .client in @podium/layout now has an extended state event and .stateproperty can be used to determine what state a layout is in.  layout.client.on('state', state => { console.log(state); }); const podlet = layout.client.register({ uri: 'http://foo.site.com/manifest.json', name: 'foo', }); app.get('/', (req, res) => { const incoming = res.locals.podium; const content = await podlet.fetch(incoming); ... });   The state provides information about the "podlet update life cycle". This is useful for determining when a podlet is being updated and when an update is complete or if a podlet is in an unhealty state.  ","version":null,"tagName":"h3"},{"title":"Improved documentation​","type":1,"pageTitle":"Version 4.0.0","url":"/blog/version-4.0.0#improved-documentation","content":" In the process of making Podium HTTP framework free and supporting multiple HTTP framework our documentation site has received some polish.  This site will now hold all documentation for end users of Podium and eventually it will have code examples reflecting all HTTP frameworks which are officially supported.  From now on, the documentation found in the README's in each module is to be considered documentation for developing Podium and not end user documentation. ","version":null,"tagName":"h3"},{"title":"Introduction","type":0,"sectionRef":"#","url":"/docs/","content":"","keywords":"","version":"Next"},{"title":"Runtime composition​","type":1,"pageTitle":"Introduction","url":"/docs/#runtime-composition","content":" In Podium the composition is done at runtime. One server handles the incoming request by fetching each independent fragment over HTTP before returning the finished page back to the user.    The example above shows a web page which has four fragments indicated by the red dotted lines:  a headera footera sidebara main content area.  In Podium each of these four fragments could be separate servers. A fifth server would be responsible for handling incoming requests, fetching fragments and composing them to a whole page.  ","version":"Next","tagName":"h2"},{"title":"Advantages of runtime composition​","type":1,"pageTitle":"Introduction","url":"/docs/#advantages-of-runtime-composition","content":" The advantages of Podium's architectural approach are:  Each individual fragment of a page can be built with different technologies and by independent teams.Each individual fragment can fail without the whole page being affected.Each individual fragment can be processed and built in parallel and each individual fragment can be scaled independently.Each individual fragment can be reused in multiple pages and when the fragment is updated, each page that includes it is instantly updated.  ","version":"Next","tagName":"h2"},{"title":"Runtime composition with Podium​","type":1,"pageTitle":"Introduction","url":"/docs/#runtime-composition-with-podium","content":" Podium mainly consists of two different types of servers:  Podlets serving page fragmentsLayouts composing podlets to finished pages  ","version":"Next","tagName":"h2"},{"title":"Podlets​","type":1,"pageTitle":"Introduction","url":"/docs/#podlets","content":" A podlet serves a fragment of a whole page. You might think of this as a component running as a service.  ","version":"Next","tagName":"h3"},{"title":"Layouts​","type":1,"pageTitle":"Introduction","url":"/docs/#layouts","content":" A layout is what handles incoming requests from site visitors.  The layout provides the structure of an HTML page. It fetches the contents of podlets and inserts each podlet's response into the appropriate location in the page before serving the finished page to the visitor. ","version":"Next","tagName":"h3"},{"title":"Version 5.0.0","type":0,"sectionRef":"#","url":"/blog/version-5.0.0","content":"","keywords":"","version":null},{"title":"Breaking changes​","type":1,"pageTitle":"Version 5.0.0","url":"/blog/version-5.0.0#breaking-changes","content":" There are a couple breaking changes in this release that will need to be addressed if they affect you.  1. The Podium codebase has been converted to ESM and no longer supports common JS.​  While you can still mix and match podlets and layouts on Podium version 4 and 5, you will need to convert your codebase to ESM before upgrading to Podium version 5 podlets and layouts. See this post for a guide if you need one.  2. An instance of HttpIncoming must now be passed as the first argument to the Podium client​  n.b. If you are currently not seeing any deprecation warnings in your Podium version 4 apps, this won't affect you.  The .fetch() and .stream() methods. Usage of the fetch/stream methods without passing in HttpIncoming was deprecated a long while ago.  In Podium version 4, the following was acceptable but will now throw with version 5.  const header = layout.client.register({...}); app.get("/", (req, res) => { await header.fetch(); });   In Podium version 5, you need to ensure you pass in an HttpIncoming object like so:  const header = layout.client.register({...}); app.get("/", (req, res) => { const incoming = res.locals.podium; await header.fetch(incoming); });   3. Removal of deprecated Podium v3 compatibility in the manifest file and codebase.​  n.b. If you are currently not seeing any deprecation warnings in your Podium version 4 apps, this won't affect you.  The assets key and its sub keys js and css have been removed from the manifest file.  Previously through all of Podium version 4, we maintained both the assets key and js and css keys for backwards compatibility with Podium version 3. The value for assets.js would always be the same as for js and the value for assets.css would always be the same as css.  Like so:  { "assets": { "js": [], "css": [] }, "js": [], "css": [] }   With Podium version 5, we've dropped the assets key (and therefore compatibility with Podium version 3) so that the manifest file will now look like:  { "js": [], "css": [] }   4. Support for Node v10 and lower has been intentionally dropped and we are now actively only testing against Node v16 and higher.​  Releases are now made against Node v20 and we actively run test suites against Node version 16 and up. Versions 12 and 14 should work but we make no guarantees.  5. .js and .css methods on the Podium layout and Podium podlet modules, which are used to set assets, no longer return a value​  n.b. If you are currently not seeing any deprecation warnings in your Podium version 4 apps, this won't affect you.  The podlet and layout .js and .css methods used to return a value. This was deprecated a long ways back and has now been removed.  const result = layout.js() // result is null const result = podlet.js() // result is null   6. Previously deprecated Podium client change and dispose events removed.​  These client registry events, emitted from the Podium client, were previously deprecated and have now been removed. You most likely aren't, but check your codebase to ensure you aren't relying on these events.  ","version":null,"tagName":"h3"},{"title":"Other notable changes​","type":1,"pageTitle":"Version 5.0.0","url":"/blog/version-5.0.0#other-notable-changes","content":" None of the following changes require any action when upgrading.  1. Under the hood, the Podium client request module has been replaced.​  The Request module is deprecated and we've opted to replace it with Undici, a fast modern alternative.  2. The podlet manifest file now supports an array of proxy endpoints instead of just an object.​  Previously, proxy entries in the podlet manifest were defined as an object and looked like this:  { "proxy": { "one": "/target/path/one", "two": "/target/path/two", } }   This has been changed to support an array syntax in which multiple proxies definitions can be added  { "proxy": [ { "name": "one": "target": "/target/path/one" }, { "name": "two": "target": "/target/path/two" }, ] }   The object syntax has been preserved for backwards compatibility.  3. Added prettier printing of Podium client responses when using console.log​  Log output used to look like:  PodiumClientResponse { [Symbol(podium:client:response:redirect)]: '', [Symbol(podium:client:response:content)]: '', [Symbol(podium:client:response:headers)]: {}, [Symbol(podium:client:response:css)]: [], [Symbol(podium:client:response:js)]: [] }   But now looks like:  { redirect: '', content: '', headers: {}, css: [], js: [] }  ","version":null,"tagName":"h3"},{"title":"@podium/browser","type":0,"sectionRef":"#","url":"/docs/api/browser","content":"","keywords":"","version":"Next"},{"title":"Installation​","type":1,"pageTitle":"@podium/browser","url":"/docs/api/browser#installation","content":" npm install @podium/browser   ","version":"Next","tagName":"h2"},{"title":"Usage​","type":1,"pageTitle":"@podium/browser","url":"/docs/api/browser#usage","content":" In your podlet's client side JavaScript code, import the MessageBus class from the browser package and create a new instance of the class.  import { MessageBus } from "@podium/browser"; const messageBus = new MessageBus();   ","version":"Next","tagName":"h2"},{"title":"Publishing messages​","type":1,"pageTitle":"@podium/browser","url":"/docs/api/browser#publishing-messages","content":" To publish a message, call the publish method and pass a channel, a topic and any data you want subscribers to receive.  messageBus.publish("reminders", "newReminder", reminder);   ","version":"Next","tagName":"h3"},{"title":"Subscribing to messages​","type":1,"pageTitle":"@podium/browser","url":"/docs/api/browser#subscribing-to-messages","content":" To subscribe to messages on a particular channel and topic, call the subscribe method passing it the channel, topic and a callback function to be executed whenever an event occurs. Whenever the callback is executed it gets passed an Event object which has the properties channel, topic and payload.  messageBus.subscribe("reminders", "newReminder", (event) => { const reminder = event.payload; });   ","version":"Next","tagName":"h3"},{"title":"API​","type":1,"pageTitle":"@podium/browser","url":"/docs/api/browser#api","content":" ","version":"Next","tagName":"h2"},{"title":"MessageBus​","type":1,"pageTitle":"@podium/browser","url":"/docs/api/browser#messagebus","content":" Cross podlet communication and message passing.  const messageBus = new MessageBus();   .publish(channel, topic, payload)​  Publish an event for a channel and topic combination. Returns the event object passed to subscribers.  This method takes the following arguments:  option\tdefault\ttype\trequired\tdetailschannel\tnull\tstring\ttrue\tName of the channel. Podium reserves system and view for built-in features. topic\tnull\tstring\ttrue\tName of the topic. payload\tnull\tany\tfalse\tThe payload for the event.  Examples:  messageBus.publish("search", "query", "laptop"); messageBus.publish("auth", "logout");   .subscribe(channel, topic, callback)​  Subscribe to events for a channel and topic combination.  This method takes the following arguments:  option\tdefault\ttype\trequired\tdetailschannel\tnull\tstring\ttrue\tName of the channel. topic\tnull\tstring\ttrue\tName of the topic callback\tnull\tFunction\ttrue\tCallback function to be invoked. Receives an event object  Example:  messageBus.subscribe("channel", "topic", (event) => { console.log(event.payload); });   .unsubscribe(channel, topic, callback)​  Unsubscribe to events for a channel and topic combination.  This method takes the following arguments:  option\tdefault\ttype\trequired\tdetailschannel\tnull\tstring\ttrue\tName of the channel topic\tnull\tstring\ttrue\tName of the topic callback\tnull\tFunction\ttrue\tCallback function to remove.  Example:  function cb(event) { console.log(event.payload); } messageBus.subscribe("channel", "topic", cb); messageBus.unsubscribe("channel", "topic", cb);   .peek(channel, topic)​  Get the latest event for a channel and topic combination.  This method takes the following arguments:  option\tdefault\ttype\trequired\tdetailschannel\tnull\tstring\ttrue\tName of the channel topic\tnull\tstring\ttrue\tName of the topic  .log(channel, topic)​  Returns an array of the 10 latest events for a channel and topic combination. The array is ordered such that the the latest/newest events is at the front of the array.  This method takes the following arguments:  option\tdefault\ttype\trequired\tdetailschannel\tnull\tstring\ttrue\tName of the channel topic\tnull\tstring\ttrue\tName of the topic  Example:  const events = messageBus.log("channel", "topic"); events.forEach((event) => { console.log(event.payload); });  ","version":"Next","tagName":"h3"},{"title":"@podium/bridge","type":0,"sectionRef":"#","url":"/docs/api/bridge","content":"","keywords":"","version":"Next"},{"title":"Usage​","type":1,"pageTitle":"@podium/bridge","url":"/docs/api/bridge#usage","content":" To install:  npm install @podium/bridge   Import the bridge in your client-side bundle:  import "@podium/bridge";   You should probably send messages via @podium/browser. That said, the bridge is available on window['@podium'].bridge.  /** @type {import("@podium/bridge").PodiumBridge} */ const bridge = window["@podium"].bridge; // You can listen for incoming messages, which can either be RpcRequest or RpcResponse bridge.on("global/authentication", (message) => { const request = /** @type {import("@podium/bridge").RpcRequest<{ token?: string }>} */ ( message ); if (typeof request.token === "string") { // logged in } else { // logged out } }); // You can trigger notifications (one-way messages) bridge.notification({ method: "global/authentication", params: { token: null }, }); // And you can call methods and await the response /** @type {import("@podium/bridge").RpcResponse<{ c: string }>} */ const response = await bridge.call({ method: "document/native-feature", params: { a: "foo", b: "bar" }, });   ","version":"Next","tagName":"h2"},{"title":"API​","type":1,"pageTitle":"@podium/bridge","url":"/docs/api/bridge#api","content":" ","version":"Next","tagName":"h2"},{"title":"bridge.on​","type":1,"pageTitle":"@podium/bridge","url":"/docs/api/bridge#bridgeon","content":" Add a listener for incoming messages for a given method name.  import "@podium/bridge"; /** @type {import("@podium/bridge").PodiumBridge} */ const bridge = window["@podium"].bridge; bridge.on("global/authentication", (message) => { const request = /** @type {import("@podium/bridge").RpcRequest<{ token?: string }>} */ ( message ); if (typeof request.token === "string") { // logged in } else { // logged out } });   ","version":"Next","tagName":"h3"},{"title":"bridge.notification​","type":1,"pageTitle":"@podium/bridge","url":"/docs/api/bridge#bridgenotification","content":" Send a notification (one-way message).  import "@podium/bridge"; /** @type {import("@podium/bridge").PodiumBridge} */ const bridge = window["@podium"].bridge; bridge.notification({ method: "global/authentication", params: { token: null }, });   ","version":"Next","tagName":"h3"},{"title":"bridge.call​","type":1,"pageTitle":"@podium/bridge","url":"/docs/api/bridge#bridgecall","content":" Send a request and await a response.  import "@podium/bridge"; /** @type {import("@podium/bridge").PodiumBridge} */ const bridge = window["@podium"].bridge; /** @type {import("@podium/bridge").RpcResponse<{ c: string }>} */ const response = await bridge.call({ method: "document/native-feature", params: { a: "foo", b: "bar" }, });  ","version":"Next","tagName":"h3"},{"title":"HTTP Framework Compatibility","type":0,"sectionRef":"#","url":"/docs/api/http-framework-compatibility","content":"HTTP Framework Compatibility Podium is HTTP framework agnostic with first class support for Express. In practise this means that core Podium works with the standard http.Servermodule in Node.js but the core modules also come with Express compatible middleware methods for ease of use. Due to the fact that Podium is built for usage with the http.Server module in Node.js, it's pretty straight forward to get Podium to work with most HTTP frameworks. The most common way to support different HTTP framework is through plugins. Hapi and Fastify are both HTTP frameworks that the Podium team support by maintaining plugins for each. There are also user land plugins for other HTTP frameworks. Using Podium together with Hapi or Fastify requires that the plugin is handed an instance of the appropriate Podium module. To write a podlet server with Hapi; please see @podium/hapi-podletTo write a layout server with Hapi; please see @podium/hapi-layoutTo write a podlet server with Fastify; please see @podium/fastify-podletTo write a layout server with Fastify; please see @podium/fastify-layout Example of setting up a podlet server in all HTTP frameworks supported by the Podium team: ExpressHapiFastifyHTTP import express from 'express'; import Podlet from '@podium/podlet'; const app = express(); const podlet = new Podlet({ name: 'myPodlet', version: '1.0.0', pathname: '/', development: true, }); app.use(podlet.middleware()); app.get(podlet.content(), (req, res) => { if (res.locals.podium.context.locale === 'nb-NO') { return res.status(200).podiumSend('<h2>Hei verden</h2>'); } res.status(200).podiumSend(`<h2>Hello world</h2>`); }); app.get(podlet.manifest(), (req, res) => { res.status(200).json(podlet); }); app.listen(7100); ","keywords":"","version":"Next"},{"title":"Document Template","type":0,"sectionRef":"#","url":"/docs/api/document","content":"","keywords":"","version":"Next"},{"title":"Rendering​","type":1,"pageTitle":"Document Template","url":"/docs/api/document#rendering","content":" A document template is used by calling the .render() methods in the podletand layout modules or the res.podiumSend() provided by whichever HTTP framework is being used.  ExpressHapiFastifyHTTP app.get(layout.pathname(), (req, res) => { const incoming = res.locals.podium; const document = podlet.render(incoming, '<div>content to render</div>'); res.send(document); });   ","version":"Next","tagName":"h2"},{"title":"Customizing​","type":1,"pageTitle":"Document Template","url":"/docs/api/document#customizing","content":" Podium ships with a default document template which should cover most use cases. It is possible, however, to set a custom document template which can then be plugged into both layout and podlet servers.  A custom document template is set by using the .view() method in thepodlet and layout modules.  layout.view((incoming, body, head) => `<!doctype html> <html lang="${incoming.context.locale}"> <head> <meta charset="${incoming.view.encoding}"> <title>${incoming.view.title}</title> ${head} </head> <body> ${body} </body> </html>`; );   ","version":"Next","tagName":"h2"},{"title":"Request Properties​","type":1,"pageTitle":"Document Template","url":"/docs/api/document#request-properties","content":" A document template will need properties which are request bound. This can be any type of property, but the value of the <title> element is one such example.  It is possible to pass on properties to the document template by using the.view property on HttpIncoming.  ExpressHapiFastifyHTTP app.get(layout.pathname(), (req, res) => { const incoming = res.locals.podium; incoming.view = { title: `My Site / ${someRequestValue}`, }; const document = layout.render(incoming, '<div>content to render</div>'); res.send(document); });   ","version":"Next","tagName":"h2"},{"title":"Assets​","type":1,"pageTitle":"Document Template","url":"/docs/api/document#assets","content":" On the HttpIncoming object which is passed on to the document template one can find an array of AssetCSS objects on the .css property and an array of AssetJS objects on the .js property . These properties hold the assets of a podlet or a layout. In a layout they can hold the assets of the requested podlets in addition to the assets of the layout itself.  Please see the asset documentation for more information.  The arrays of AssetCSS and AssetJS objects can easily be converted into HTML in a document template by running each object through the .buildLinkElement()or .buildScriptElement()methods found in the @podium/utils package:  import utils from '@podium/utils'; [ ... ] layout.view((incoming, body, head) => `<!doctype html> <html lang="${incoming.context.locale}"> <head> <meta charset="${incoming.view.encoding}"> ${incoming.css.map(utils.buildLinkElement).join('\\n')} ${incoming.js.map(utils.buildScriptElement).join('\\n')} <title>${incoming.view.title}</title> ${head} </head> <body> ${body} </body> </html>`; );   ","version":"Next","tagName":"h2"},{"title":"template(HttpIncoming, fragment, [args])​","type":1,"pageTitle":"Document Template","url":"/docs/api/document#templatehttpincoming-fragment-args","content":" A document template is implemented using a plain JavaScript function that returns a string.  The document template accepts, and will be called with, the following arguments:  HttpIncoming (required)​  An instance of the HttpIncoming class.  fragment​  A string that is intended to be a used as a fragment in the final HTML document.  [args]​  All following arguments given to the .render() or res.podiumSend() methods in the podlet and layout modules will be passed on to the document template.  The following is an example of how such additional arguments might be used to pass on parts of a page to the document template.  ExpressHapiFastifyHTTP layout.view = (incoming, body, head) => { return ` <html> <head>${head}</head> <body>${body}</body> </html> `; }; app.get(layout.pathname(), (req, res) => { const incoming = res.locals.podium; const head = `<meta ..... />`; const body = `<section>my content</section>`; const document = layout.render(incoming, body, head); res.send(document); });  ","version":"Next","tagName":"h2"},{"title":"HttpIncoming","type":0,"sectionRef":"#","url":"/docs/api/incoming","content":"","keywords":"","version":"Next"},{"title":"Constructor​","type":1,"pageTitle":"HttpIncoming","url":"/docs/api/incoming#constructor","content":" Create a new HttpIncoming instance.  import { HttpIncoming } from '@podium/utils'; const incoming = new HttpIncoming(request, response, params);   options​  option\ttype\tdefault\trequired\tdetailsrequest\thttp.IncomingMessage\tnull\t✓\tA raw Node.js HTTP request object response\thttp.ServerResponse\tnull\t✓\tA raw Node.js HTTP response object params\tobject\t{} Request scoped parameters  request​  A raw Node.js http.IncomingMessageobject.  If used with an HTTP framework please note that some frameworks operate with their own "request" objects as a wrapper around http.IncomingMessage. In such cases it is often necessary to gain access to the raw http.IncomingMessageobject through a property or method.  response​  A raw Node.js http.ServerResponseobject.  If used with an HTTP framework please note that some frameworks operate with their own "request" objects as a wrapper around http.IncomingMessage. In such cases it is often necessary to gain access to the raw http.IncomingMessageobject through a property or method.  params​  An object for passing arbitrary property values for Podium to use.  Note: When using any of the supported HTTP frameworks, params is usually picked up from a special properties object on the request (eg. res.locals in Express.js). Please see the the relevant plugin for the appropriate HTTP framework for further information.  One very common use case for this is to pass a request bound property to a context parser. There are cases where you may want to perform operations on requests prior to running the .middleware() or .process() methods in a layout or podlet and then pass the results of these operations on to a context parser.  The locale context parser does this when setting the request bound locale value:  ExpressHapiFastifyHTTP const app = express(); const layout = new Layout({ name: 'myLayout', pathname: '/', }); const podlet = layout.client.register({ name: 'myPodlet', uri: 'http://localhost:7100/manifest.json', }); // Set a locale param to 'nb-NO' on res.locals app.use((req, res, next) => { res.locals = { locale: 'nb-NO', }; next(); }); // Attach the middleware on Express. This will create HttpIncoming under the // hood plus generate the context where the locale param will be picked up from // res.locals app.use(layout.middleware()); app.get('/', (req, res) => { // Get the HttpIncoming object generated by the layout.middleware() let incoming = res.locals.podium; // Pass HttpIncoming on to the fetch method. This will pass the generated // context where locale now is `nb-NO` on to the request to the podlet. const { content } = await podlet.fetch(incoming); [ ... snip ...] });   ","version":"Next","tagName":"h2"},{"title":"Properties​","type":1,"pageTitle":"HttpIncoming","url":"/docs/api/incoming#properties","content":" An HttpIncoming instance has the following properties:  property\ttype\tgetter\tsetter\tdefault\tdetailsdevelopment\tboolean\t✓\t✓\tfalse\tHint regarding whether the podlet / layout are in development mode or not response\thttp.ServerResponse\t✓ null\tA raw Node.js HTTP response object set through the response argument in the constructor request\thttp.IncomingMessage\t✓ null\tA raw Node.js HTTP request object set through the request argument in the constructor context\tobject\t✓\t✓\t{}\tThe context created by the context parser podlets\tarray ✓\tnull\tArray of client response objects. Used in @podium/layout. params\tobject\t✓ {}\tParams set through the params argument in the constructor proxy\tboolean\t✓\t✓\tfalse\tWhether the request was handled by the proxy or not name\tstring\t✓\t✓\t''\tThe name of the podlet / layout view\tobject\t✓\t✓\t{}\tView parameters for the document template url\tURL\t✓ {}\tA URL object created out of the original request css\tarray\t✓\t✓\t[]\tAn array of AssetCSS objects js\tarray\t✓\t✓\t[]\tAn array of AssetJS objects  ","version":"Next","tagName":"h2"},{"title":"Methods​","type":1,"pageTitle":"HttpIncoming","url":"/docs/api/incoming#methods","content":" An HttpIncoming instance has the following methods:  ","version":"Next","tagName":"h2"},{"title":".toJSON()​","type":1,"pageTitle":"HttpIncoming","url":"/docs/api/incoming#tojson","content":" Returns JSON representation of the HttpIncoming instance. ","version":"Next","tagName":"h3"},{"title":"manifest.json","type":0,"sectionRef":"#","url":"/docs/api/manifest","content":"","keywords":"","version":"Next"},{"title":"Schema​","type":1,"pageTitle":"manifest.json","url":"/docs/api/manifest#schema","content":" The schema for manifest.json is defined in @podium/schemas.  ","version":"Next","tagName":"h2"},{"title":"Example​","type":1,"pageTitle":"manifest.json","url":"/docs/api/manifest#example","content":" { "name": "my-podlet", "version": "1.0.0", "content": "/", "fallback": "/fallback", "css": [ { "value": "https://my.asset.server/my-podlet/styles.css", "type": "text/css", "rel": "stylesheet" } ], "js": [ { "value": "https://my.asset.server/my-podlet/client.js", "type": "module" } ], "proxy": { "api": "/api" } }  ","version":"Next","tagName":"h2"},{"title":"Assets","type":0,"sectionRef":"#","url":"/docs/api/assets","content":"","keywords":"","version":"Next"},{"title":"AssetCSS​","type":1,"pageTitle":"Assets","url":"/docs/api/assets#assetcss","content":" An AssetCSS instance holds information about a Cascading Style Sheet related to a podlet or layout.  ","version":"Next","tagName":"h2"},{"title":"Properties​","type":1,"pageTitle":"Assets","url":"/docs/api/assets#properties","content":" An AssetCSS instance has the following properties:  property\ttype\tgetter\tsetter\tdefault\tdetailsvalue\tstring\t✓ ''\tRelative or absolute URL to the CSS asset href\tstring\t✓ ''\tAlias for the value property crossorigin\tstring\t✓\t✓\tundefined\tCorrelates to the same attribute on an HTML <link> element disabled\tboolean\t✓\t✓\tfalse\tCorrelates to the same attribute on an HTML <link> element hreflang\tstring\t✓\t✓\tundefined\tCorrelates to the same attribute on an HTML <link> element title\tstring\t✓\t✓\tundefined\tCorrelates to the same attribute on an HTML <link> element media\tstring\t✓\t✓\tundefined\tCorrelates to the same attribute on an HTML <link> element type\tstring\t✓\t✓\ttext/css\tCorrelates to the same attribute on an HTML <link> element rel\tstring\t✓\t✓\tstylesheet\tCorrelates to the same attribute on an HTML <link> element as\tstring\t✓\t✓\tundefined\tCorrelates to the same attribute on an HTML <link> element  ","version":"Next","tagName":"h2"},{"title":"Methods​","type":1,"pageTitle":"Assets","url":"/docs/api/assets#methods","content":" An AssetCSS instance has the following methods:  ","version":"Next","tagName":"h2"},{"title":".toJSON()​","type":1,"pageTitle":"Assets","url":"/docs/api/assets#tojson","content":" Returns a JSON representation of the AssetCSS instance.  ","version":"Next","tagName":"h3"},{"title":".toJsxAttributes()​","type":1,"pageTitle":"Assets","url":"/docs/api/assets#tojsxattributes","content":" Returns a JSON representation of the AssetCSS instance ready for use in a JSX link tag  <link {...css.toJsxAttributes()} />   ","version":"Next","tagName":"h3"},{"title":".toHTML()​","type":1,"pageTitle":"Assets","url":"/docs/api/assets#tohtml","content":" Returns an HTML <link> element as a string representation of the AssetCSSinstance.  ","version":"Next","tagName":"h3"},{"title":"AssetJS​","type":1,"pageTitle":"Assets","url":"/docs/api/assets#assetjs","content":" An AssetJS instance holds information about a podlet or layout's Javascript client side assets.  ","version":"Next","tagName":"h2"},{"title":"Properties​","type":1,"pageTitle":"Assets","url":"/docs/api/assets#properties-1","content":" An AssetJS instance has the following properties:  property\ttype\tgetter\tsetter\tdefault\tdetailsvalue\tstring\t✓ ''\tRelative or absolute URL to the CSS asset src\tstring\t✓ ''\tAlias for the value property referrerpolicy\tstring\t✓\t✓\tundefined\tCorrelates to the same attribute on an HTML <script> element crossorigin\tstring\t✓\t✓\tundefined\tCorrelates to the same attribute on an HTML <script> element integrity\tstring\t✓\t✓\tundefined\tCorrelates to the same attribute on an HTML <script> element nomodule\tboolean\t✓\t✓\tfalse\tCorrelates to the same attribute on an HTML <script> element async\tboolean\t✓\t✓\tfalse\tCorrelates to the same attribute on an HTML <script> element defer\tboolean\t✓\t✓\tfalse\tCorrelates to the same attribute on an HTML <script> element type\tstring\t✓\t✓\tundefined\tCorrelates to the same attribute on an HTML <script> element  ","version":"Next","tagName":"h2"},{"title":"Methods​","type":1,"pageTitle":"Assets","url":"/docs/api/assets#methods-1","content":" An AssetJS instance has the following methods:  ","version":"Next","tagName":"h2"},{"title":".toJSON()​","type":1,"pageTitle":"Assets","url":"/docs/api/assets#tojson-1","content":" Returns a JSON representation of the AssetJS instance.  ","version":"Next","tagName":"h3"},{"title":".toJsxAttributes()​","type":1,"pageTitle":"Assets","url":"/docs/api/assets#tojsxattributes-1","content":" Returns a JSON representation of the AssetJS instance ready for use in a JSX script tag.  <script {...js.toJsxAttributes()}></script>   ","version":"Next","tagName":"h3"},{"title":".toHTML()​","type":1,"pageTitle":"Assets","url":"/docs/api/assets#tohtml-1","content":" Returns an HTML <script> element as a string representation of the AssetJSinstance. ","version":"Next","tagName":"h3"},{"title":"Client-side assets","type":0,"sectionRef":"#","url":"/docs/guides/assets","content":"","keywords":"","version":"Next"},{"title":"Hosting assets​","type":1,"pageTitle":"Client-side assets","url":"/docs/guides/assets#hosting-assets","content":" There are two main options for hosting assets:  The podlet can serve its own assetsUse a separate asset server or CDN  ","version":"Next","tagName":"h2"},{"title":"Podlet serves assets​","type":1,"pageTitle":"Client-side assets","url":"/docs/guides/assets#podlet-serves-assets","content":" Note: this will only work if your podlets are publicly available.  This approach involves each podlet serving its assets so that the layout can then include these files in its HTML template.  Step 1.  In your podlet, use the podlet asset helper functions to define inline client code.  podlet.js({ value: `http://my-podlet.com/assets/scripts.js` }); podlet.css({ value: `http://my-podlet.com/assets/styles.js` });   Each of these functions can be called multiple times to add additional assets. For each call, you may also set a type.  podlet.js({ value: `http://my-podlet.com/assets/scripts1.js`, type: "esm" }); podlet.js({ value: `http://my-podlet.com/assets/scripts2.js`, type: "default", });   Step 2.  Serve the assets from express. Assuming the podlets client side assets have been placed in a directory called assets:  app.use("/assets", express.static("assets"));   See the Express documentation for more information on static.  Step 3.  Set incoming.podlets and use podiumSend in your layout's request handler. This way the document template can include the CSS and JS assets served by the podlet.  app.get(layout.pathname(), (req, res) => { const incoming = res.locals.podium; const response = await myPodlet.fetch(incoming); incoming.podlets = [response]; res.podiumSend(`<div>Hello, Layout</div>`); });   ","version":"Next","tagName":"h3"},{"title":"Use a CDN​","type":1,"pageTitle":"Client-side assets","url":"/docs/guides/assets#use-a-cdn","content":" This approach involves each podlet uploading its assets to a predefined CDN location so that the layout can then include the CDN URLs in its HTML response.  Step 1.  In your podlet, upload your assets to a CDN. You might do this whenever your podlet server is built or starts up to ensure the latest version is available on the CDN.  Step 2.  Next, tell the podlet the location of your assets so that it can populate the manifest file.  podlet.js({ value: "http://some-cdn.com/client.js" }); podlet.css({ value: "http://some-cdn.com/style.css" });   Step 3.  Set incoming.podlets and use podiumSend in your layout's request handler. This way the document template can include the CSS and JS assets served by the podlet.  app.get(layout.pathname(), (req, res) => { const incoming = res.locals.podium; const response = await myPodlet.fetch(incoming); incoming.podlets = [response]; res.podiumSend(`<div>Hello, Layout</div>`); });   ","version":"Next","tagName":"h3"},{"title":"Deduplicating shared dependencies​","type":1,"pageTitle":"Client-side assets","url":"/docs/guides/assets#deduplicating-shared-dependencies","content":" It's likely one or more of your podlets share a common dependency, such as React. Unless you take action each podlet will bundle its own complete copy of React, wasting bandwith and execution time.  It's up to you to configure your build tools and infrastructure so you can avoid this duplication in your bundles and serve shared dependencies in a performant way.  You may want to look into Eik and its build tool plugins, which were built by the same team that maintains Podium to solve this performance problem.  ","version":"Next","tagName":"h2"},{"title":"Isolation​","type":1,"pageTitle":"Client-side assets","url":"/docs/guides/assets#isolation","content":" A podlet should ideally not affect or be affected by the layout or other podlets. This can be tricky, particularly for CSS because of its global nature and the cascade.  ","version":"Next","tagName":"h2"},{"title":"Unique selectors​","type":1,"pageTitle":"Client-side assets","url":"/docs/guides/assets#unique-selectors","content":" You can work around the isolation problem by adopting a namespacing convention for all CSS selectors. CSS modules and other similar tools that generate unique selectors can also help mitigate the isolation problem.  Unique selectors can mitigate some of the isolation problems, but a podlet can still be affected by the layout's CSS.  ","version":"Next","tagName":"h3"},{"title":"Declarative shadow DOM​","type":1,"pageTitle":"Client-side assets","url":"/docs/guides/assets#declarative-shadow-dom","content":" Using the shadow DOM you can isolate a podlet from its surroundings. By wrapping a podlet in a declarative shadow DOM you can still get the benefits of server-side rendering.  podlet.css() can't be used with shadow DOM​  With podlet.css() the end result is a <link /> tag in the HTML document's <head />. If your podlet's content renders inside a shadow DOM that CSS won't be able to reach the podlet.  With a declarative shadow DOM you have to include your own <link /> to the CSS from inside the shadow DOM.  ","version":"Next","tagName":"h3"},{"title":"Islands architecture​","type":1,"pageTitle":"Client-side assets","url":"/docs/guides/assets#islands-architecture","content":" Podium works well with islands architecture where interactivity on the client is handled by small, isolated applications.  Especially when building your layout:  Consider how JavaScript libraries you use handle external content (external in the sense that it is not generated by your library).Be mindful of how much of the document your JavaScript library hydrates. ","version":"Next","tagName":"h3"},{"title":"Browser extension","type":0,"sectionRef":"#","url":"/docs/guides/browser-extension","content":"","keywords":"","version":"Next"},{"title":"Download the browser extension​","type":1,"pageTitle":"Browser extension","url":"/docs/guides/browser-extension#download-the-browser-extension","content":" The Podium browser extension is available for Firefox and Chromium-based browsers.  FirefoxChromium based browsers  ","version":"Next","tagName":"h2"},{"title":"Using the browser extension​","type":1,"pageTitle":"Browser extension","url":"/docs/guides/browser-extension#using-the-browser-extension","content":" First, you may have to allow the extension to run on the page you're debugging. In Firefox this is shown with a mark by the extensions drawer, and on the extension itself.    The extension adds two new panes to your browser's developer tools that cover two main use-cases. You may have to open an overflow menu to see them.    ","version":"Next","tagName":"h2"},{"title":"The Podium Context pane​","type":1,"pageTitle":"Browser extension","url":"/docs/guides/browser-extension#the-podium-context-pane","content":" This pane is used when developing podlets to change the default values set on the Podium context. Say you want to test how your podlet behaves when given a different deviceType value. You could make changes in code, restart the server and then do your test, or you can use the extension and it's partner middleware to quickly swap values at runtime.  ","version":"Next","tagName":"h3"},{"title":"The Podium Headers pane​","type":1,"pageTitle":"Browser extension","url":"/docs/guides/browser-extension#the-podium-headers-pane","content":" This pane helps you set HTTP headers on requests to the server. It's mainly designed for use with Podium layouts, but can be used to set any header for any server. It comes with presets for hybrid HTTP headers, but you can add and remove any headers you might need.  ","version":"Next","tagName":"h3"},{"title":"Missing a feature?​","type":1,"pageTitle":"Browser extension","url":"/docs/guides/browser-extension#missing-a-feature","content":" If you have ideas for additional features that would help you develop and debug Podium applications, please open an issue in the dev-tool repo. If an issue allready exists, give it a thumbs-up. ","version":"Next","tagName":"h2"},{"title":"@podium/store","type":0,"sectionRef":"#","url":"/docs/api/store","content":"","keywords":"","version":"Next"},{"title":"Usage​","type":1,"pageTitle":"@podium/store","url":"/docs/api/store#usage","content":" To install:  npm install @podium/store   Use the reactive store to do minimal updates of your UI when state changes. Nanostores supports multiple view frameworks:  React and PreactLitVueVanilla JS  This example shows a React component:  // components/user.jsx import { useStore } from "@nanostores/react"; import { $loggedIn } from "../stores/user.js"; export const User = () => { const loggedIn = useStore($loggedIn); return <p>{loggedIn ? "Welcome!" : "Please log in"}</p>; };   This is the same component in Lit:  // components/user.js import { StoreController } from "@nanostores/lit"; import { $loggedIn } from "../stores/user.js"; class User extends LitElement { loggedInController = new StoreController(this, $loggedIn); render() { return html`<p> ${this.loggedInController.value ? "Welcome!" : "Please log in"} </p>`; } } customElements.define("a-user", User);   ","version":"Next","tagName":"h2"},{"title":"Create your own reactive state​","type":1,"pageTitle":"@podium/store","url":"/docs/api/store#create-your-own-reactive-state","content":" By using the included helper you can make your reactive state sync between the different parts of a Podium application.  ","version":"Next","tagName":"h3"},{"title":"API​","type":1,"pageTitle":"@podium/store","url":"/docs/api/store#api","content":" ","version":"Next","tagName":"h2"},{"title":"atom(channel, topic, initialValue)​","type":1,"pageTitle":"@podium/store","url":"/docs/api/store#atomchannel-topic-initialvalue","content":" Create your own atom that syncs between parts of a Podium application using the MessageBus.  This method requires the following arguments:  option\ttype\tdetailschannel\tstring\tName of the channel topic\tstring\tName of the topic payload\tobject\tThe initial value. Replaced if peek(channel, topic) returns a value.  import { atom } from "@podium/store"; const $reminders = atom("reminders", "list", []);   ","version":"Next","tagName":"h3"},{"title":"map(channel, topic, initialValue)​","type":1,"pageTitle":"@podium/store","url":"/docs/api/store#mapchannel-topic-initialvalue","content":" Create your own map that syncs between parts of a Podium application using the MessageBus.  This method requires the following arguments:  option\ttype\tdetailschannel\tstring\tName of the channel topic\tstring\tName of the topic payload\tobject\tThe initial value. Replaced if peek(channel, topic) returns a value.  import { map } from "@podium/store"; const $user = map("user", "profile", { displayName: "foobar" });   ","version":"Next","tagName":"h3"},{"title":"deepMap(channel, topic, initialValue)​","type":1,"pageTitle":"@podium/store","url":"/docs/api/store#deepmapchannel-topic-initialvalue","content":" Create your own deepMap that syncs between parts of a Podium application using the MessageBus.  This method requires the following arguments:  option\ttype\tdetailschannel\tstring\tName of the channel topic\tstring\tName of the topic payload\tobject\tThe initial value. Replaced if peek(channel, topic) returns a value.  import { deepMap, listenKeys } from "@podium/store"; export const $profile = deepMap({ hobbies: [ { name: "woodworking", friends: [{ id: 123, name: "Ron Swanson" }], }, ], skills: [["Carpentry", "Sanding"], ["Varnishing"]], }); listenKeys($profile, ["hobbies[0].friends[0].name", "skills[0][0]"]);  ","version":"Next","tagName":"h3"},{"title":"Client-side communication","type":0,"sectionRef":"#","url":"/docs/guides/client-side-communication","content":"","keywords":"","version":"Next"},{"title":"Podium client-side libraries​","type":1,"pageTitle":"Client-side communication","url":"/docs/guides/client-side-communication#podium-client-side-libraries","content":" Podium offers client side libraries to help communication between different applications running in the browser:  @podium/browser includes a message bus and methods to publish and subscribe to messages.@podium/store offers a reactive state API backed by the message bus, letting you sync state with ease.  The libraries are designed to make communication between podlets loosely coupled and resilient.  ","version":"Next","tagName":"h2"},{"title":"@podium/browser​","type":1,"pageTitle":"Client-side communication","url":"/docs/guides/client-side-communication#podiumbrowser","content":" This library contains the message bus that is the backbone of client-side communication in Podium. Podlets (or the layout) publish and subscribe to messages on the bus for loosely coupled synchronization of state.  tip @podium/store offers an alternative API that uses this message bus under the hood. You can use whichever you prefer.  In the example above, when InputPodlet accepts a new item it also publishes a message on the bus.  // input-podlet.js import { MessageBus } from "@podium/browser"; const messageBus = new MessageBus(); messageBus.publish("reminders", "newReminder", { title: "Buy milk", });   ListPodlet subscribes to the same reminders channel and newReminder topic that InputPodlet publishes to. When nes messages arrive, ListPodlet updates its internal state.  // list-podlet.js import { MessageBus } from "@podium/browser"; const messageBus = new MessageBus(); // Check to see if an initial value exists on the messageBus // and fall back to a default value. const reminders = messageBus.peek("reminders", "newReminder") || []; // ListPodlet listens for new reminders published on the message bus and updates its state messageBus.subscribe("reminders", "newReminder", (event) => { const reminder = event.payload; reminders.push(reminder); });   See @podium/browser for API documentation.  Possible race condition Your subscribe function might register after someone has already published an event. To make sure your application state is in sync, always do a peek first.  ","version":"Next","tagName":"h3"},{"title":"@podium/store​","type":1,"pageTitle":"Client-side communication","url":"/docs/guides/client-side-communication#podiumstore","content":" This library adds a reactive state API on top of the MessageBus using nanostores. It sets up publishing and subscribing (including the peek for the initial value) for you behind the scenes, leaving you with a reactive variable you read from and write to that will stay in sync between applications.  tip Using @podium/store you can trigger minimal UI updates using a nanostores integration for a given UI library.  Keeping with our example, when InputPodlet accepts a new item updates a reactive atom holding the list of reminders.  // input-podlet.js import { atom } from "@podium/store"; /** @type {import("@podium/store").WritableAtom<string[]>} */ const $reminders = atom("reminders", "list", []); // Replace the existing value with a new list to trigger reactive updates $reminders.set([...$reminders.value, "Buy milk"]);   ListPodlet would set up the same atom and use either a nanostores integration with an existing UI library, or subscribe and handle changes manually.  // list-podlet.js import { atom } from "@podium/store"; /** @type {import("@podium/store").WritableAtom<string[]>} */ const $reminders = atom("reminders", "list", []); // Perhaps fetch stored reminders from an API, // or populate the state with data included in a server-side render $reminders.set(storedReminders); // Update the UI when the reminders list changes $reminders.subscribe((value) => { console.log(value); });   See @podium/store and nanostores for API documentation. ","version":"Next","tagName":"h3"},{"title":"Fallbacks","type":0,"sectionRef":"#","url":"/docs/guides/fallbacks","content":"","keywords":"","version":"Next"},{"title":"How do fallbacks work?​","type":1,"pageTitle":"Fallbacks","url":"/docs/guides/fallbacks#how-do-fallbacks-work","content":" On the first request to a podlet a layout will read the podlet’s manifest. The manifest includes the location of the fallback. The layout then makes a request to the fallback route and caches the response.  Later, if the podlet server cannot be reached for any reason, or the request returns a non 200 response, the layout will use the podlet’s cached fallback content instead.  Note that the podlet’s assets will still be served, so the fallback can depend on both JS and CSS being present once it’s rendered. This assumes the assets are hosted on a server separate from the podlet.  ","version":"Next","tagName":"h2"},{"title":"Defining a fallback route​","type":1,"pageTitle":"Fallbacks","url":"/docs/guides/fallbacks#defining-a-fallback-route","content":" With a podlet instance you call the fallback function which will return the route from the manifest. By default this is at /fallback. You then attach your handler which receives a simplified version of the context and returns the fallback you want.  const podlet = new Podlet(/*...*/); const app = express(); app.get(podlet.fallback(), (req, res) => { res.status(200).podiumSend("<div>It didn't work :(</div>"); });   With a custom URL, which will be reflected in the manifest.  app.get(podlet.fallback("/my-custom-fallback-route"), (req, res) => { res.status(200).podiumSend("<div>It didn't work :(</div>"); });   You can also use some of the Podium context that's not request bound. This is useful if you need to serve a different fallback depending on where the podlet is mounted.  app.get(podlet.fallback(), (req, res) => { const { publicPathname } = res.locals.podium.context; res .status(200) .podiumSend( `<div data-public-path-name=${publicPathname}>It didn't work :(</div>` ); });   The fallback can also point to an external service.  const podlet = new Podlet(/*...*/); podlet.fallback("https://www.example.com/my-fallback");   ","version":"Next","tagName":"h2"},{"title":"Throwable podlets​","type":1,"pageTitle":"Fallbacks","url":"/docs/guides/fallbacks#throwable-podlets","content":" By default a layout will substitute a fallback (or empty string) for a podlet's content whenever the podlet either fails to respond with a 2xx status code or the podlet fails to respond within 1000 milliseconds.  In some cases it may make no sense to show a page at all if some of its content is not available. You may prefer to show an error page rather than fallback content or an empty string. This is especially true for dynamic content that is the main focus of a page. If all you can show is a header and footer, it might be better to show an error page explaining the situation to the user.  In order to facilitate this, it is possible to set a podlet as throwable when it is registered.  const gettingStarted = layout.client.register({ throwable: true, });   When the layout fetch the podlet, if that podlet is not available, then the fetch will reject with an error that you can then handle as you see fit.  Error objects are instances of Boom errors and are decorated with the HTTP status code from the podlet response.  app.get(layout.pathname(), (req, res, next) => { try { const content = await gettingStarted.fetch(res.locals.podium); } catch(err) { // you might respond to the error here // res.status(err.statusCode).end(); // or pass the error on to be handled in error handling middleware next(err); } });  ","version":"Next","tagName":"h2"},{"title":"Podium context","type":0,"sectionRef":"#","url":"/docs/guides/context","content":"","keywords":"","version":"Next"},{"title":"The role of the layout​","type":1,"pageTitle":"Podium context","url":"/docs/guides/context#the-role-of-the-layout","content":" The context is created in the layout for each request. The @podium/layout module includes a set of default context parsers, which are functions that read the incoming request and return some kind of value that is placed on the context.  You must manually pass the context object on to podlets in the call to .fetch(ctx). The context object is serialized as HTTP headers which are then deserialized to a context object in the podlet.  app.get(layout.pathname(), (req, res) => { const incoming = res.locals.podium; const content = await myPodlet.fetch(incoming); });   ","version":"Next","tagName":"h2"},{"title":"Change the default context parsers​","type":1,"pageTitle":"Podium context","url":"/docs/guides/context#change-the-default-context-parsers","content":" The included context parsers have a default configuration which should cover most use cases. It is possible to overwrite default configuration when constructing a layout.  const layout = new Layout({ context: { debug: { enabled: true, }, }, });   See the @podium/layout reference for more detailed documentation regarding configuring the default context parsers.  ","version":"Next","tagName":"h3"},{"title":"Add custom context parsers​","type":1,"pageTitle":"Podium context","url":"/docs/guides/context#add-custom-context-parsers","content":" You can extend the Podium context by registering additional parsers.  import CustomContext from "my-custom-context-parser"; layout.context.register("my-custom-context", new CustomContext());   In the example above a new camelCased value myCustomContext will be available on the Podium context to podlets you fetch.  ","version":"Next","tagName":"h3"},{"title":"Default context variables​","type":1,"pageTitle":"Podium context","url":"/docs/guides/context#default-context-variables","content":" All requests made by @podium/layout include these variables on the context:  Name\tHeader Name\tContext Name\tDescriptionDebug\tpodium-debug\tdebug\tA boolean value informing the podlet whether the layout is in debug mode or not. Defaults to false Locale\tpodium-locale\tlocale\tA bcp47 compliant locale string with locale information from the layout. Defaults to en-US Device Type\tpodium-device-type\tdeviceType\tA guess (based on user-agent) as to the device type of the browser requesting the page from a layout server. Possible values are desktop, tablet and mobile. Defaults to desktop Mount Origin\tpodium-mount-origin\tmountOrigin\tURL origin of the inbound request to the layout server. For example, if the layout server is serving requests on the domain http://www.foo.com this value will be http://www.foo.com Mount Pathname\tpodium-mount-pathname\tmountPathname\tURL path to where a layout is mounted in an HTTP server. This value is the same as the layout's pathname option. For example, if the layout server has mounted a layout on the pathname /bar (http://www.foo.com/bar) this value will be /bar. Public Pathname\tpodium-public-pathname\tpublicPathname\tURL path to where a layout server has mounted a proxy in order to proxy public traffic to a podlet. The full public pathname is built up by joining together the value of Mount Pathname with a prefix value. The prefix value is there to define a namespace to isolate the proxy from other HTTP routes defined under the same mount pathname. The default prefix value is podium-resource. For example, if the layout server has mounted a layout on the pathname /bar (http://www.foo.com/bar) this value will be /bar/podium-resource/.  ","version":"Next","tagName":"h2"},{"title":"Read context values in a podlet​","type":1,"pageTitle":"Podium context","url":"/docs/guides/context#read-context-values-in-a-podlet","content":" The @podium/podlet module converts context HTTP headers into keys and values and places them on the HTTP response object at res.locals.podium.context.  As shown in the table above, context names are converted from kebab case to camel case and the Podium prefix is removed. The podium-mount-origin header is named mountOrigin on res.locals.podium.context.  app.get(podlet.content(), (req, res) => { // res.locals.podium.context.mountOrigin });   ","version":"Next","tagName":"h2"},{"title":"Construct public URLs​","type":1,"pageTitle":"Podium context","url":"/docs/guides/context#construct-public-urls","content":" One thing the context is often used for is to construct URLs that need to include the public URL of the layout.  In a podlet, the origin of a layout server can be found at res.locals.podium.context.mountOriginand the pathname to the layout server can be found at res.locals.podium.context.mountPathname.  These adher to the WHATWG URL spec so you can easily compose full URLs by using the URL module in Node.js.  Example: using the URL module to construct urls from context values  import { URL } from "url"; const { mountOrigin, mountPathname } = res.locals.podium.context; const url = new URL(mountPathname, mountOrigin); // url.href => <mountOrigin>/<mountPathname> // eg. http://localhost:3040/cats   Example: using the URL module to construct proxy urls from context values  import { URL } from "url"; const { mountOrigin, publicPathname } = res.locals.podium.context; const url = new URL(publicPathname, mountOrigin); // url.href => <mountOrigin>/<publicPathname> // eg. http://localhost:3040/cats/podium-resource   ","version":"Next","tagName":"h3"},{"title":"Developing a podlet without a layout​","type":1,"pageTitle":"Podium context","url":"/docs/guides/context#developing-a-podlet-without-a-layout","content":" In a production environment the layout is responsible for providing the context. To simplify development of podlets there's a development mode which includes some sensible default values.  const podlet = new Podlet({ /* ... */ development: true, // This should be turned off in production });   You can change the default context values if you'd like by calling podlet.defaults().  podlet.defaults({ locale: "nb-NO", });   tip Get the browser extension and the accompanying dev-tool middleware to make it possible to change these defaults without changing code and restarting your server. ","version":"Next","tagName":"h3"},{"title":"Hybrid apps","type":0,"sectionRef":"#","url":"/docs/guides/hybrid","content":"","keywords":"","version":"Next"},{"title":"Initial request​","type":1,"pageTitle":"Hybrid apps","url":"/docs/guides/hybrid#initial-request","content":" Layouts and podlets need to be able to adapt to requests from a hybrid web view. To support this, Podium specifies a set of HTTP headers that the web view includes in requests:  ","version":"Next","tagName":"h2"},{"title":"Hybrid HTTP headers​","type":1,"pageTitle":"Hybrid apps","url":"/docs/guides/hybrid#hybrid-http-headers","content":" tip Get the browser extension to make it easier to set the hybrid HTTP headers when developing locally.  Header\tExample\tDescriptionx-podium-app-id\tcom.yourcompany.app@1.2.3\tTo identify clients in logs x-podium-base-font-size\t1rem\tTo set base font size variable in CSS based on accessibility settings in the native host. x-podium-device-type\thybrid-ios, hybrid-android\tTo give hints to the server what should be included in the response.  ","version":"Next","tagName":"h3"},{"title":"Podium context​","type":1,"pageTitle":"Hybrid apps","url":"/docs/guides/hybrid#podium-context","content":" Requests that include the hybrid HTTP headers have their values added to the Podium context, in addition to the default context variables.  Header\tContext name\tDescriptionx-podium-app-id\tappId x-podium-base-font-size\tbaseFontSize x-podium-device-type\tdeviceType\tOverrides the value that would otherwise be derived from User-Agent  ","version":"Next","tagName":"h3"},{"title":"Conditionally fetch podlets​","type":1,"pageTitle":"Hybrid apps","url":"/docs/guides/hybrid#conditionally-fetch-podlets","content":" In a hybrid web view setting your layout may want to exclude things like the header and footer. These are likely podlets, and Podium has an option when you register podlets to exclude them by device type.  const headerPodlet = layout.client.register({ name: "header", uri: "http://header/manifest.json", excludeBy: { deviceType: ["hybrid-ios", "hybrid-android"], }, });   In this case, if a request has the x-podium-device-type: hybrid-ios HTTP header, Podium will serve an empty response to the headerPodlet.fetch() call.  ","version":"Next","tagName":"h3"},{"title":"Client-side communcication​","type":1,"pageTitle":"Hybrid apps","url":"/docs/guides/hybrid#client-side-communcication","content":" @podium/bridge is a module that sets up a JSON RPC bridge for communication between a native application and a web application running in a webview.@podium/browser's message bus taps into this bridge to publish and subscribe to messages.  You use the API from @podium/browser or @podium/store, and messages seamlessly get sent across the bridge for you.  // Include this once, preferably in your layout before loading applications, // and before importing `@podium/browser` and `@podium/store`. import "@podium/bridge";   See @podium/bridge for API documentation.  ","version":"Next","tagName":"h2"},{"title":"Message format​","type":1,"pageTitle":"Hybrid apps","url":"/docs/guides/hybrid#message-format","content":" When you use the bridge with @podium/browser and @podium/store, behind the scenes, channel, topic and payload are combined to form a valid JSON RPC 2.0 message. Here's an example:  import "@podium/bridge"; import { MessageBus } from "@podium/browser"; const messageBus = new MessageBus(); messageBus.publish("system", "authentication", { token: null });   "system" and "authentication" are combined to "system/authentication", and the payload argument is used as params in JSON RPC terms.  { "jsonrpc": "2.0", "method": "system/authentication", "params": { "token": null } }   The same goes for @podium/store:  import "@podium/bridge"; import { map } from "@podium/store"; const $auth = map("system", "authentication", { token: null });   ","version":"Next","tagName":"h3"},{"title":"Reserved message names​","type":1,"pageTitle":"Hybrid apps","url":"/docs/guides/hybrid#reserved-message-names","content":" Podium reserves these topics for built-in features:  systemview  ","version":"Next","tagName":"h3"},{"title":"Message contracts​","type":1,"pageTitle":"Hybrid apps","url":"/docs/guides/hybrid#message-contracts","content":" system/authentication​  Logged out:  { "jsonrpc": "2.0", "method": "system/authentication", "params": { "token": null } }   Logged in:  { "jsonrpc": "2.0", "method": "system/authentication", "params": { "token": "eyJhbGciOiJIU..." } }  ","version":"Next","tagName":"h3"},{"title":"Passing values to podlets","type":0,"sectionRef":"#","url":"/docs/guides/passing-values-to-podlets","content":"","keywords":"","version":"Next"},{"title":"Sending query params​","type":1,"pageTitle":"Passing values to podlets","url":"/docs/guides/passing-values-to-podlets#sending-query-params","content":" The Podium context is not the only way for a layout to communicate with its podlets. Query params can be forwarded to podlets via .fetch() calls.  const content = podlet.fetch(incoming, { query: { search: req.query.search } });   Continuing with our search example, when a request comes in to the layout at http://localhost:7101?search=houses, we forward the query parameter search on to both podlets.  const content = await Promise.all([ searchField.fetch(incoming, { query: { search: req.query.search } }), searchResults.fetch(incoming, { query: { search: req.query.search } }), ]);   Our podlets will then have access to the value of search and be able to render content accordingly. Likewise, in order to trigger changes, all a podlet will need to do is navigate the page to http://localhost:7101?search=houses. The searchField podlet could do this by creating a form.  <form action="http://localhost:7101" method="GET"> <input type="text" name="search" /> <input type="submit" /> </form>   ","version":"Next","tagName":"h2"},{"title":"Sending a pathname​","type":1,"pageTitle":"Passing values to podlets","url":"/docs/guides/passing-values-to-podlets#sending-a-pathname","content":" Another way to send dynamic queries to podlets is by sending along a pathname option. This can be used, for example, to build podlet URLs that are defined using named route parameters.  Example: sending podlet content route with named parameter  In the layout.  const content = podlet.fetch(incoming, { pathname: "/andrew" });   In the podlet.  app.get("/:name", (req, res) => { // req.params.name => andrew });   It is important to note here that the pathname value is appended to the content route so if you were to serve your content route at /content instead of at / the final URL sent to the podlet would include this.  const podlet = new Podlet({ content: "/content", }); app.get("/content/:name", (req, res) => { // req.params.name => andrew });   You are, in fact, free to handle any routes you like under content namespace. The following is also valid.  // include `/name` when defining `pathname` const content = podlet.fetch(incoming, { pathname: "/name/andrew" }); const podlet = new Podlet({ content: "/content", }); app.get("/content/name/:name", (req, res) => { // req.params.name => andrew });  ","version":"Next","tagName":"h2"},{"title":"Podlet development","type":0,"sectionRef":"#","url":"/docs/guides/podlet-development","content":"","keywords":"","version":"Next"},{"title":"Podlet development setup​","type":1,"pageTitle":"Podlet development","url":"/docs/guides/podlet-development#podlet-development-setup","content":" The experience of developing a podlet on its own can be as simple as starting the podlet and visiting its URL in your favourite browser.  Consider the following podlet server:  import express from "express"; import Podlet from "@podium/podlet"; const podlet = new Podlet({ name: "myPodlet", version: "1.0.0", pathname: "/", }); const app = express(); app.get(podlet.manifest(), (req, res) => { res.json(podlet); }); app.get(podlet.content(), (req, res) => { res.send(`<div>This is my content</div>`); }); app.listen(7100);   If this content were saved in a file called server.js and run with the command:  node server.js   then you could visit the following routes to test your changes  http://localhost:7100/manifest.json: the podlet's manifest routehttp://localhost:7100: the podlet's content route  ","version":"Next","tagName":"h2"},{"title":"Problems and solutions​","type":1,"pageTitle":"Podlet development","url":"/docs/guides/podlet-development#problems-and-solutions","content":" ","version":"Next","tagName":"h2"},{"title":"Restarting the server​","type":1,"pageTitle":"Podlet development","url":"/docs/guides/podlet-development#restarting-the-server","content":" The first problem with the basic setup described above is that every time you make a change to your server, you will need to stop and restart your server before refreshing your browser window in order to see changes.  This is not so much a Podium problem as it is a common Node.js problem and it's easily solved. A common way to do so is to use a module such as nodemon to monitor your file system and restart your server automatically anytime relevant files change.  npx nodemon server.js   See the nodemon docs for more information.  Node.js (v18 or newer) has a built-in --watch mode you can use:  node --watch server.js   See the Node.js docs for more information.  ","version":"Next","tagName":"h3"},{"title":"Missing context headers​","type":1,"pageTitle":"Podlet development","url":"/docs/guides/podlet-development#missing-context-headers","content":" When a podlet is being run in the context of a layout server, the layout server will send a number of Podium context headers with each request. If your podlet depends on these headers to work correctly you need to turn on development mode.  Consider a podlet with the following content route:  app.get(podlet.content(), (req, res) => { const { mountOrigin } = res.locals.podium.context; res.send(`<div>${mountOrigin}</div>`); });   This podlet will behave correctly when sent requests by a layout but it will throw an error if you try to visit / directly in your browser.  With development enabled, you can set defaults for Podium context values that will be overwritten, and therefore not used, when requests are sent from the layout to the podlet.  To enable this feature, pass development: true in the podlet constructor like so:  const podlet = new Podlet({ development: true, });   Podium includes some sensible defaults, but you can override them if you like.  podlet.defaults({ locale: "nb-NO", });   tip Get the browser extension and the accompanying dev-tool middleware to make it possible to change these defaults without changing code and restarting your server.  ","version":"Next","tagName":"h3"},{"title":"HTML pages and page fragments​","type":1,"pageTitle":"Podlet development","url":"/docs/guides/podlet-development#html-pages-and-page-fragments","content":" In production, your podlet's content route will be responding with an HTML fragment devoid of its wrapping <html> or <body> tags. However, in development you will want to wrap your fragment in a light HTML page, especially if your podlet makes use of client side assets such as JavaScript or CSS.  Once again, development mode can help us here.  If we set development to true in the constructor and use the res.podiumSend() method in our content and fallback routes then our HTML response will be decorated with an HTML page template. As soon as we set development to false, the decorating stops and the fragment is returned on its own.  const podlet = new Podlet({ development: true, }); app.get(podlet.content(), (req, res) => { res.podiumSend(`<div>The podlet's HTML content</div>`); });   Additionally, if you set JavaScript or CSS assets using the podlet.js() or podlet.css() methods, script and style tags will be included in page decoration when in development mode and omitted when not.  const podlet = new Podlet({ development: true, }); podlet.js({ value: "http://cdn.mysite.com/scripts.js" }); podlet.css({ value: "http://cdn.mysite.com/styles.css" }); app.get(podlet.content(), (req, res) => { res.podiumSend(`<div>The podlet's HTML content</div>`); });   ","version":"Next","tagName":"h3"},{"title":"Proxying to absolute URLs​","type":1,"pageTitle":"Podlet development","url":"/docs/guides/podlet-development#proxying-to-absolute-urls","content":" Another case you may encounter when working locally with proxying is that absolute URLs are proxied to directly from layouts bypassing podlets entirely.  podlet.proxy({ target: "http://google.com", name: "google" });   will generate the following entry in the podlet's manifest  { ... "proxy": { "google": "http://google.com" } }   When this is consumed by a layout, the layout will mount a proxy from the layout directly to http://google.com without sending any traffic to the podlet. When working locally on your podlet in isolation this will mean that the proxy is simply not available to you.  Fortunately, development mode takes care of this as well. When development is set to true, a dev only proxy will be mounted in the podlet. Furthermore, default development context values will reflect this so that your code can continue to dynamically calculate the location of the proxy's public address, even though this address now sits with the podlet and not the layout.  const podlet = new Podlet({ development: true, }); podlet.proxy({ target: "http://google.com", name: "google" }); app.get(podlet.content(), (req, res) => { const { mountOrigin, publicPathname } = res.locals.podium.context; const url = new URL(publicPathname, mountOrigin); res.status(200).podiumSend(` <div> The url being proxied to google is ${url.href + "google"} </div> `); }); app.listen(3000);   In development mode, the URL will be something like http://localhost:3000/podium-resource/myPodlet/google  When not in development mode, the URL will be be similar except that it will be pointing at the layout server instead of the podlet server. Something like http://localhost:8080/podium-resource/myPodlet/google  ","version":"Next","tagName":"h3"},{"title":"In summary​","type":1,"pageTitle":"Podlet development","url":"/docs/guides/podlet-development#in-summary","content":" For the best experience when developing podlets:  Install nodemon or use --watch so your podlet server restarts on changes.Turn on development mode when working locally, but keep it off in production. ","version":"Next","tagName":"h2"},{"title":"Layout development","type":0,"sectionRef":"#","url":"/docs/guides/layout-development","content":"","keywords":"","version":"Next"},{"title":"Sample podlets​","type":1,"pageTitle":"Layout development","url":"/docs/guides/layout-development#sample-podlets","content":" Example: header  Create a folder /podlets/header with a file index.js inside to hold the following podlet code.  import Podlet from "@podium/podlet"; import express from "express"; const app = express(); const podlet = new Podlet({ name: "header", version: "1.0.0", development: false, }); app.use(podlet.middleware()); app.get("/manifest.json", (req, res) => { res.json(podlet); }); app.get("/", (req, res) => { res.podiumSend(`<header>The Best Podium page ever</header>`); }); app.listen(7001);   Example: navigation bar  Create a folder /podlets/navigation with a file index.js inside to hold the following podlet code.  import Podlet from "@podium/podlet"; import express from "express"; const app = express(); const podlet = new Podlet({ name: "navigation", version: "1.0.0", development: false, }); app.use(podlet.middleware()); app.get("/manifest.json", (req, res) => { res.json(podlet); }); app.get("/", (req, res) => { res.podiumSend(`<nav> <ul> <li><a href="/home">home</a></li> <li><a href="/blog">blog</a></li> <li><a href="/about">about</a></li> <li><a href="/contact">contact</a></li> </ul> </nav>`); }); app.listen(7002);   Example: main home page content  Create a folder /podlets/home with a file index.js inside to hold the following podlet code.  import Podlet from "@podium/podlet"; import express from "express"; const app = express(); const podlet = new Podlet({ name: "homeContent", version: "1.0.0", development: false, }); app.use(podlet.middleware()); app.get("/manifest.json", (req, res) => { res.json(podlet); }); app.get("/", (req, res) => { res.podiumSend(`<section>Welcome to my Podium home page</section>`); }); app.listen(7003);   Example: page footer  Create a folder /podlets/footer with a file index.js inside to hold the following podlet code.  import Podlet from "@podium/podlet"; import express from "express"; const app = express(); const podlet = new Podlet({ name: "footer", version: "1.0.0", development: false, }); app.use(podlet.middleware()); app.get("/manifest.json", (req, res) => { res.json(podlet); }); app.get("/", (req, res) => { res.podiumSend(`<footer>&copy; 2018 - the Podium team</footer>`); }); app.listen(7004);   ","version":"Next","tagName":"h2"},{"title":"Sample layout​","type":1,"pageTitle":"Layout development","url":"/docs/guides/layout-development#sample-layout","content":" Example: the /home layout  Create a folder /layouts/home. Create a file index.js inside this folder to hold the following layout code.  import Layout from "@podium/layout"; import express from "express"; const app = express(); const layout = new Layout({ name: "homePage", pathname: "/home", }); const headerClient = layout.client.register({ name: "header", uri: "http://localhost:7001/manifest.json", }); const navigationClient = layout.client.register({ name: "navigation", uri: "http://localhost:7002/manifest.json", }); const contentClient = layout.client.register({ name: "content", uri: "http://localhost:7003/manifest.json", }); const footerClient = layout.client.register({ name: "footer", uri: "http://localhost:7004/manifest.json", }); app.use(layout.pathname(), layout.middleware()); app.get(layout.pathname(), async (req, res) => { const incoming = res.locals.podium; const [header, navigation, content, footer] = await Promise.all([ headerClient.fetch(incoming), navigationClient.fetch(incoming), contentClient.fetch(incoming), footerClient.fetch(incoming), ]); incoming.view.title = "Podium example - home"; res.podiumSend(` <section>${header}</section> <section>${navigation}</section> <section>${content}</section> <section>${footer}</section> `); }); app.listen(7000);   ","version":"Next","tagName":"h2"},{"title":"Running podlets and layout together​","type":1,"pageTitle":"Layout development","url":"/docs/guides/layout-development#running-podlets-and-layout-together","content":" Because each podlet and the layout have been configured to run on different ports you can safely start them all up together.  node podlets/header node podlets/navigation node podlets/home node podlets/footer   We can now start up our /home layout to consume and display our podlet content.  node layouts/home   Our layout has been configured to run on port 7000 so we should now be able to visit the url http://localhost:7000/home in a browser and see header, navigation, home page and footer content composed together.  ","version":"Next","tagName":"h2"},{"title":"Improving the development experience​","type":1,"pageTitle":"Layout development","url":"/docs/guides/layout-development#improving-the-development-experience","content":" The setup described above is a manual process requiring a number of repetitive operations by the developer to start up, restart or shut down processes. What follows are several suggestions for improving on this.  ","version":"Next","tagName":"h2"},{"title":"using forever​","type":1,"pageTitle":"Layout development","url":"/docs/guides/layout-development#using-forever","content":" One fairly simple way to manage all your podlets and layouts at once is to use a tool called forever which is available on npm.  Example: install forever  npm i -g forever   Forever allows you to pass it some json configuration describing your setup and have it manage the processes  Example: forever json configuration file  [ { "uid": "header", "append": true, "watch": true, "script": "index.js", "sourceDir": "/path/to/podlets/header" }, { "uid": "navigation", "append": true, "watch": true, "script": "index.js", "sourceDir": "/path/to/podlets/navigation" }, { "uid": "home", "append": true, "watch": true, "script": "index.js", "sourceDir": "/path/to/podlets/home" }, { "uid": "footer", "append": true, "watch": true, "script": "index.js", "sourceDir": "/path/to/podlets/footer" }, { "uid": "homePage", "append": true, "watch": true, "script": "index.js", "sourceDir": "/path/to/layouts/home" } ]   You can then pass the configuration file to forever to start everything up at once.  Example: running forever  forever start /path/to/development.json   Notice that every service has been configured to run in watch mode meaning that they will be automatically restarted any time a file change is detected.  You can read more about forever here.  ","version":"Next","tagName":"h3"},{"title":"using pm2​","type":1,"pageTitle":"Layout development","url":"/docs/guides/layout-development#using-pm2","content":" A great alternative to forever is pm2. Pm2 can also take a configuration file in json format, can aggregate logs, run services in watch mode, has great docs and more. ","version":"Next","tagName":"h3"},{"title":"Proxies","type":0,"sectionRef":"#","url":"/docs/guides/proxying","content":"","keywords":"","version":"Next"},{"title":"Podium proxy​","type":1,"pageTitle":"Proxies","url":"/docs/guides/proxying#podium-proxy","content":" The Podium proxy is a transparent proxy that is mounted in the layout server based on a podlet's manifest, making it possible to send any HTTP request through the layout to the podlet server.  The Podium proxy is the recommended way for a podlet to inform any layout servers that consume it that there are additional routes and that they should be given public access via routes on the layout server.  ","version":"Next","tagName":"h2"},{"title":"How it works​","type":1,"pageTitle":"Proxies","url":"/docs/guides/proxying#how-it-works","content":" The podlet defines its proxy routes.The podlet lists the location of the proxy routes in its manifest.The layout reads the proxy information from the manifest.The layout creates namespaced proxy routes.The layout sends information to the podlet via the context about the public location of these routes.The podlet uses the context to construct URLs pointing to the public location of the layout's proxy.  ","version":"Next","tagName":"h3"},{"title":"The manifest​","type":1,"pageTitle":"Proxies","url":"/docs/guides/proxying#the-manifest","content":" The proxy field in a podlet's manifest can be used to define up to 4 proxy routes:  { "name": "myPodlet", "version": "1.0.0", "pathname": "/", "proxy": { "api": "/api" } }   A layout reading this manifest will mount a proxy at this location:  /<layout-pathname>/<prefix>/<podlet-name>/<proxy-namespace>   where  <layout-pathname> is the pathname option of the Layout constructor.<prefix> defaults to podium-resource, but can be configured in the Layout constructor<podlet-name> is the name value used when registering a podlet in a layout with layout.client.register().<proxy-namespace> is the key of the key/value pair defined in the manifest.  ","version":"Next","tagName":"h3"},{"title":"Defining proxy routes​","type":1,"pageTitle":"Proxies","url":"/docs/guides/proxying#defining-proxy-routes","content":" The podlet.proxy() method lets you define proxy routes that are listed in the manifest.  podlet.proxy({ target: "/api", name: "api" });   The method returns a string you can use to define the route itself at the same time:  app.get(podlet.proxy({ target: "/api", name: "api" }), (req, res) => { res.json({ key: "value" }); });   There are a maximum of 4 proxies, however it is possible to mount multiple routes under a single proxy.  podlet.proxy({ target: "/api", name: "api" }); app.get("/api/cats", (req, res) => { res.json([{ name: "fluffy" }]); }); // http://localhost:1337/myLayout/podium-resource/myPodlet/api/cats app.get("/api/dogs", (req, res) => { res.json([{ name: "rover" }]); }); // http://localhost:1337/myLayout/podium-resource/myPodlet/api/dogs   Specifying an absolute URL is also possible in which case the layout will mount a proxy directly to the URL, bypassing the podlet entirely.  podlet.proxy({ name: "remote-api", target: "http://<some-service:port>/api" }); // http://localhost:1337/myLayout/podium-resource/myPodlet/remote-api   ","version":"Next","tagName":"h2"},{"title":"Using the proxy​","type":1,"pageTitle":"Proxies","url":"/docs/guides/proxying#using-the-proxy","content":" When creating a podlet with proxy routes, it's necessary to be able to dynamically, programmatically determine the location of these proxy routes.  ","version":"Next","tagName":"h2"},{"title":"Constructing Proxy URLs​","type":1,"pageTitle":"Proxies","url":"/docs/guides/proxying#constructing-proxy-urls","content":" The base URL can be constructed by joining together values plucked from the Podium context like so.  import { URL } from "url"; // not required in node >= 10; app.get(podlet.content(), (req, res) => { const { mountOrigin, publicPathname } = res.locals.podium.context; const url = new URL(publicPathname, mountOrigin); // prints base URL under which all proxy routes are located console.log(url.href); });   The path to a given endpoint can then be constructed by joining this base URL together with the namespace key given to the podlet.proxy() method like so:  // define and create an API proxy route app.get(podlet.proxy({ target: '/api', name: 'api' }), (req, res) => { res.json({...}); }); app.get(podlet.content(), (req, res) => { // construct an absolute URL to the API proxy route const { mountOrigin, publicPathname } = res.locals.podium.context; const url = new URL(publicPathname, mountOrigin); // prints specific absolute URL to API proxy endpoint console.log(url.href + 'api'); });   ","version":"Next","tagName":"h3"},{"title":"Example: client side JavaScript fetching data from a /content route​","type":1,"pageTitle":"Proxies","url":"/docs/guides/proxying#example-client-side-javascript-fetching-data-from-a-content-route","content":" import express from "express"; import Podlet from "@podium/podlet"; const podlet = new Podlet({ name: "myPodlet", version: "1.0.0", pathname: "/", }); const app = express(); app.get(podlet.manifest(), (req, res) => { res.status(200).json(podlet); }); app.get(podlet.proxy({ target: "/content", name: "content" }), (req, res) => { res.send("This is the actual content for the page"); }); app.get(podlet.content(), (req, res) => { const { mountOrigin, publicPathname } = res.locals.podium.context; const url = new URL(publicPathname, mountOrigin); res.send(` <div id="content-placeholder"></div> <script> fetch('${url.href + "content"}') .then((response) => response.text()) .then(content => { const el = document.getElementById('content-placeholder'); el.innerHTML = content; }); </script> `); }); app.listen(7100);   ","version":"Next","tagName":"h3"},{"title":"Public podlets and cross-origin resource sharing​","type":1,"pageTitle":"Proxies","url":"/docs/guides/proxying#public-podlets-and-cross-origin-resource-sharing","content":" If your infrastructure is set up so podlet servers are publicly available you can choose to communicate with podlet servers directly by enabling cross-origin resource sharing (CORS). You can still use the Podium proxy if you prefer. ","version":"Next","tagName":"h2"},{"title":"Hello, Podium","type":0,"sectionRef":"#","url":"/docs/introduction/hello-podium","content":"","keywords":"","version":"Next"},{"title":"Prerequisites​","type":1,"pageTitle":"Hello, Podium","url":"/docs/introduction/hello-podium#prerequisites","content":" You should have some familiarity with building apps with JavaScript and Node.  You will need to have Node installed in a current Long Term Support release or higher. npm will be installed automatically when you install Node.js.  ","version":"Next","tagName":"h2"},{"title":"Your first podlet​","type":1,"pageTitle":"Hello, Podium","url":"/docs/introduction/hello-podium#your-first-podlet","content":" A podlet serves a fragment of a whole page. You might think of this as a component running as a service.  The contract between a podlet and a layout is defined in a JSON manifest. In its simplest form a podlet can be a static file server with two files:  the JSON manifesta static HTML file  In most cases you will want something a bit more dynamic. The @podium/podlet provides helpers to build the JSON manifest and request handlers for a web server.  ","version":"Next","tagName":"h2"},{"title":"Install @podium/podlet​","type":1,"pageTitle":"Hello, Podium","url":"/docs/introduction/hello-podium#install-podiumpodlet","content":" Make an empty directory to hold your podlet and create a default package.json so you can install dependencies:  mkdir my-podlet cd my-podlet npm init -y   Then run this command to install dependencies:  npm install express @podium/podlet   ","version":"Next","tagName":"h3"},{"title":"The podlet server​","type":1,"pageTitle":"Hello, Podium","url":"/docs/introduction/hello-podium#the-podlet-server","content":" Make an index.mjs file and set up the podlet using Express:  // index.mjs import express from "express"; import Podlet from "@podium/podlet"; const app = express(); const podlet = new Podlet({ name: "my-podlet", version: "1.0.0", pathname: "/", development: true, // this should be false in production }); app.use(podlet.middleware()); app.get(podlet.content(), (req, res) => { res.status(200).podiumSend(` <div> This is the podlet's HTML content </div> `); }); app.get(podlet.manifest(), (req, res) => { res.status(200).send(podlet); }); console.log("Server running at http://localhost:7100/"); app.listen(7100);   ","version":"Next","tagName":"h3"},{"title":"Start your podlet server​","type":1,"pageTitle":"Hello, Podium","url":"/docs/introduction/hello-podium#start-your-podlet-server","content":" Now you can run the server with Node:  node index.mjs   Open a browser and go to http://localhost:7100 to see the HTML content.  You can see the JSON manifest that makes up the contract between your podlet and a layout on http://localhost:7100/manifest.json.  ","version":"Next","tagName":"h3"},{"title":"Your first layout​","type":1,"pageTitle":"Hello, Podium","url":"/docs/introduction/hello-podium#your-first-layout","content":" A layout is responsible for supplying the structure of an HTML page, inserting each podlet into the appropriate location in the page's markup, and then serving the resulting page.  The layout is also responsible for providing a Podium context on requests made to each podlet. This context is a set of HTTP headers with information the podlet can use to generate dynamic content.  Like for podlets there is a @podium/layout module which helps you build layouts.  ","version":"Next","tagName":"h2"},{"title":"Install @podium/layout​","type":1,"pageTitle":"Hello, Podium","url":"/docs/introduction/hello-podium#install-podiumlayout","content":" Make a new empty directory to hold your layout and create a default package.json so you can install dependencies:  mkdir my-layout cd my-layout npm init -y   Then run this command to install dependencies:  npm install express @podium/layout   ","version":"Next","tagName":"h3"},{"title":"The layout server​","type":1,"pageTitle":"Hello, Podium","url":"/docs/introduction/hello-podium#the-layout-server","content":" Make an index.mjs file and set up the layout using Express:  // index.mjs import express from "express"; import Layout from "@podium/layout"; const app = express(); const layout = new Layout({ name: "my-layout", pathname: "/", }); // Podlets have to be registered with the layout before they can be fetched const myPodlet = layout.client.register({ name: "my-podlet", uri: "http://localhost:7100/manifest.json", }); app.use(layout.middleware()); app.get(layout.pathname(), async (req, res) => { const incoming = res.locals.podium; incoming.view.title = "My Super Page"; // Pass the Podium context to the podlet const response = await myPodlet.fetch(incoming); // Register the podlet's JS and CSS assets with the layout's HTML template incoming.podlets = [response]; res.podiumSend(` <div>This is the layout's HTML content</div> ${response} `); }); console.log("Server running at http://localhost:7000/"); app.listen(7000);   ","version":"Next","tagName":"h3"},{"title":"Start your layout server​","type":1,"pageTitle":"Hello, Podium","url":"/docs/introduction/hello-podium#start-your-layout-server","content":" Now you can run the server with Node:  node index.mjs   Open a browser and go to http://localhost:7000 to see the HTML content.  If you kept your podlet server running you should see its HTML content as well. Try closing the podlet server and refresh the page. What happens to your layout?  ","version":"Next","tagName":"h3"},{"title":"Next steps​","type":1,"pageTitle":"Hello, Podium","url":"/docs/introduction/hello-podium#next-steps","content":" Now that you've made both a layout and a podlet you have what it takes to build a micro frontend architecture with runtime composition.  Next you may want to include some CSS, and perhaps client-side JavaScript. Let's have a look at how you can do performant loading of assets in a micro frontend architecture. ","version":"Next","tagName":"h2"},{"title":"Redirects","type":0,"sectionRef":"#","url":"/docs/guides/redirects","content":"","keywords":"","version":"Next"},{"title":"Define a podlet as redirectable​","type":1,"pageTitle":"Redirects","url":"/docs/guides/redirects#define-a-podlet-as-redirectable","content":" If a podlet should trigger a redirect for the end user, or you want to handle redirects in a different way, you have to configure the client as redirectable:  const gettingStarted = layout.client.register({ redirectable: true, });   This configuration is required, otherwise the layout will follow the redirect and use the HTML response as if it came from the podlet directly.  With the podlet configured as redirectable, check the response in the request handler for the layout and forward the status code and Location:  app.get(layout.pathname(), async (req, res) => { const incoming = res.locals.podium; const response = await gettingStarted.fetch(incoming); if (response.redirect) { return res .status(response.redirect.statusCode) .setHeader("Location", response.redirect.location) .send(); } incoming.view.title = "Hello, Layout!"; res.podiumSend(`<div>${response}</div>`); });   ","version":"Next","tagName":"h2"},{"title":"Trigger the redirect from a podlet​","type":1,"pageTitle":"Redirects","url":"/docs/guides/redirects#trigger-the-redirect-from-a-podlet","content":" Once you have configured the layout to handle a redirectable podlet, the podlet can send a Location header and the correct HTTP status code.  app.get(podlet.content(), (req, res) => { const shouldRedirect = /* Determine whether a redirect should happen */; if (shouldRedirect) { return res .status(307) .setHeader("Location", "https://podium-lib.io") .send(); } res.status(200).podiumSend(` <div id="app">Hello, Podlet!</div> `); });  ","version":"Next","tagName":"h2"},{"title":"@podium/layout","type":0,"sectionRef":"#","url":"/docs/api/layout","content":"","keywords":"","version":"Next"},{"title":"Installation​","type":1,"pageTitle":"@podium/layout","url":"/docs/api/layout#installation","content":" ExpressHapiFastify $ npm install @podium/layout   ","version":"Next","tagName":"h2"},{"title":"Getting started​","type":1,"pageTitle":"@podium/layout","url":"/docs/api/layout#getting-started","content":" Building a simple layout server including two podlets:  ExpressHapiFastifyHTTP import express from "express"; import Layout from "@podium/layout"; const layout = new Layout({ name: "myLayout", pathname: "/", }); const podletA = layout.client.register({ name: "myPodletA", uri: "http://localhost:7100/manifest.json", }); const podletB = layout.client.register({ name: "myPodletB", uri: "http://localhost:7200/manifest.json", }); const app = express(); app.use(layout.middleware()); app.get(layout.pathname(), async (req, res, next) => { const incoming = res.locals.podium; const [a, b] = await Promise.all([ podletA.fetch(incoming), podletB.fetch(incoming), ]); res.podiumSend(` <section>${a.content}</section> <section>${b.content}</section> `); }); app.listen(7000);   ","version":"Next","tagName":"h2"},{"title":"Constructor​","type":1,"pageTitle":"@podium/layout","url":"/docs/api/layout#constructor","content":" Create a new layout instance.  const layout = new Layout(options);   options​  option\ttype\tdefault\trequired\tdetailsname\tstring\tnull\t✓\tName that the layout identifies itself by pathname\tstring\tnull\t✓\tPathname of where a layout is mounted in an HTTP server logger\tobject\tnull A logger which conforms to the log4j interface context\tobject\tnull Options to be passed on to the internal @podium/context constructor client\tobject\tnull Options to be passed on to the internal @podium/client constructor proxy\tobject\tnull Options to be passed on to the internal @podium/proxy constructor  name​  The name that the layout identifies itself by. This value must be in camelCase.  Example:  const layout = new Layout({ name: "myLayoutName", pathname: "/foo", });   pathname​  The Pathname to where the layout is mounted in an HTTP server. It is important that this value matches the entry point of the route where content is served in the HTTP server since this value is used to mount the proxy and inform podlets (through the Podium context) where they are mounted and where the proxy is mounted.  If the layout is mounted at the server "root", set the pathname to /:  ExpressHapiFastifyHTTP const app = express(); const layout = new Layout({ name: 'myLayout', pathname: '/', }); app.use(layout.middleware()); app.get('/', (req, res, next) => { [ ... ] });   If the layout is mounted at /foo, set the pathname to /foo:  ExpressHapiFastifyHTTP const app = express(); const layout = new Layout({ name: 'myLayout', pathname: '/foo', }); app.use('/foo', layout.middleware()); app.get('/foo', (req, res, next) => { [ ... ] }); app.get('/foo/:id', (req, res, next) => { [ ... ] });   There is also a helper method for retrieving the set pathname which can be used to get the pathname from the layout object when defining routes. See .pathname() for further details.  logger​  Any log4j compatible logger can be passed in and will be used for logging. Console is also supported for easy test / development.  Example:  const layout = new Layout({ name: "myLayout", pathname: "/foo", logger: console, });   Under the hood abslog is used to abstract out logging. Please see abslog for further details.  context​  Options to be passed on to the context parsers.  option\ttype\tdefault\trequired\tdetailsdebug\tobject\tnull Config object passed on to the debug parser locale\tobject\tnull Config object passed on to the locale parser deviceType\tobject\tnull Config object passed on to the device type parser mountOrigin\tobject\tnull Config object passed on to the mount origin parser mountPathname\tobject\tnull Config object passed on to the mount pathname parser publicPathname\tobject\tnull Config object passed on to the public pathname parser  Example of setting the debug context to default true:  const layout = new Layout({ name: "myLayout", pathname: "/foo", context: { debug: { enabled: true, }, }, });   client​  Options to be passed on to the client.  option\ttype\tdefault\trequired\tdetailsretries\tnumber\t4 Number of times the client should retry settling a version number conflict before terminating timeout\tnumber\t1000 Default value, in milliseconds, for how long a request should wait before the connection is terminated maxAge\tnumber\tInfinity Default value, in milliseconds, for how long manifests should be cached  Example of setting retries on the client to 6:  const layout = new Layout({ name: "myLayout", pathname: "/foo", client: { retries: 6, }, });   proxy​  Options to be passed on to the proxy.  option\ttype\tdefault\trequired\tdetailsprefix\tstring\tpodium-resource Prefix used to namespace the proxy so that it's isolated from other routes in the HTTP server timeout\tnumber\t6000 Default value, in milliseconds, for how long a request should wait before the connection is terminated  Example of setting the timeout on the proxy to 30 seconds:  const layout = new Layout({ name: "myLayout", pathname: "/foo", proxy: { timeout: 30000, }, });   ","version":"Next","tagName":"h2"},{"title":"Layout Instance​","type":1,"pageTitle":"@podium/layout","url":"/docs/api/layout#layout-instance","content":" The layout instance has the following API:  ","version":"Next","tagName":"h2"},{"title":".middleware()​","type":1,"pageTitle":"@podium/layout","url":"/docs/api/layout#middleware","content":" A Connect/Express compatible middleware function which takes care of the various operations needed for a layout to operate correctly. This function is more or less just a wrapper for the .process() method.  Important: This middleware must be mounted before defining any routes.  Example  Express const app = express(); app.use(layout.middleware());   The middleware will create an HttpIncoming object for each request and place it on the response at res.locals.podium.  Returns an Array of middleware functions which perform the tasks described above.  ","version":"Next","tagName":"h3"},{"title":".js(options|[options])​","type":1,"pageTitle":"@podium/layout","url":"/docs/api/layout#jsoptionsoptions","content":" Set relative or absolute URLs to JavaScript assets for the layout.  When set, the values will be internally kept and made available for the document template to include.  This method can be called multiple times with a single options object to set multiple assets or one can provide an array of options objects to set multiple assets.  options​  option\ttype\tdefault\trequired\tdetailsvalue\tstring ✓\tRelative or absolute URL to the JavaScript asset prefix\tboolean\tfalse Whether the pathname defined on the constructor should be prepend, if relative, to the value type\tstring\tdefault What type of JavaScript (eg. esm, default, cjs) referrerpolicy\tstring Correlates to the same attribute on a HTML <script> element crossorigin\tstring Correlates to the same attribute on a HTML <script> element integrity\tstring Correlates to the same attribute on a HTML <script> element nomodule\tboolean\tfalse Correlates to the same attribute on a HTML <script> element async\tboolean\tfalse Correlates to the same attribute on a HTML <script> element defer\tboolean\tfalse Correlates to the same attribute on a HTML <script> element  value​  Sets the pathname for the layout's JavaScript assets. This value is usually the [URL] at which the layouts's user facing JavaScript is served and can be either a URL [pathname] or an absolute URL.  Serve a javascript file at /assets/main.js:  ExpressHapiFastifyHTTP const app = express(); const layout = new Layout({ name: "myLayout", pathname: "/", }); app.get("/assets.js", (req, res) => { res.status(200).sendFile("./src/js/main.js", (err) => {}); }); layout.js({ value: "/assets.js" });   Serve assets from a static file server and set a relative URI to the JS files:  ExpressHapiFastifyHTTP const app = express(); const layout = new Layout({ name: "myLayout", pathname: "/", }); app.use("/assets", express.static("./src/js")); layout.js([{ value: "/assets/main.js" }, { value: "/assets/extra.js" }]);   Set an absolute URL to where the JavaScript file is located:  const layout = new Layout({ name: "myLayout", pathname: "/", }); layout.js({ value: "http://cdn.mysite.com/assets/js/e7rfg76.js" });   prefix​  Sets whether the method should prepend the value with the pathname value that was set in the constructor.  The prefix will be ignored if value is an absolute URL.  type​  Sets the type for the script which is set. If not set, default will be used.  The following are valid values:  esm or module for ECMAScript modulescjs for CommonJS modulesamd for AMD modulesumd for Universal Module Definitiondefault if the type is unknown.  The type field provides a hint for further use of the script in the layout. Typically this is used in the document template when including the <script> tags or when optimizing JavaScript assets with a bundler.  ","version":"Next","tagName":"h3"},{"title":".css(options|[options])​","type":1,"pageTitle":"@podium/layout","url":"/docs/api/layout#cssoptionsoptions","content":" Set relative or absolute URLs to Cascading Style Sheets (CSS) assets for the layout.  When set the values will be internally kept and made available for the document template to include.  This method can be called multiple times with a single options object to set multiple assets or one can provide an array of options objects to set multiple assets.  options​  option\ttype\tdefault\trequired\tdetailsvalue\tstring ✓\tRelative or absolute URL to the CSS asset prefix\tboolean\tfalse Whether the pathname defined on the constructor should be prepend, if relative, to the value crossorigin\tstring Correlates to the same attribute on a HTML <link> element disabled\tboolean\tfalse Correlates to the same attribute on a HTML <link> element hreflang\tstring Correlates to the same attribute on a HTML <link> element title\tstring Correlates to the same attribute on a HTML <link> element media\tstring Correlates to the same attribute on a HTML <link> element type\tstring\ttext/css Correlates to the same attribute on a HTML <link> element rel\tstring\tstylesheet Correlates to the same attribute on a HTML <link> element as\tstring Correlates to the same attribute on a HTML <link> element  value​  Sets the pathname to the layout's CSS assets. This value can be an relative or absolute URL at which the podlet's user facing CSS is served. . Serve a CSS file at /assets/main.css:  ExpressHapiFastifyHTTP const app = express(); const layout = new Layout({ name: "myLayout", pathname: "/", }); app.get("/assets.css", (req, res) => { res.status(200).sendFile("./src/js/main.css", (err) => {}); }); layout.css({ value: "/assets.css" });   Serve assets from a static file server and set a relative URI to the CSS files:  ExpressHapiFastifyHTTP const app = express(); const layout = new Layout({ name: "myLayout", pathname: "/", }); app.use("/assets", express.static("./src/css")); layout.css([{ value: "/assets/main.css" }, { value: "/assets/extra.css" }]);   Set an absolute URL to where the CSS file is located:  const layout = new Layout({ name: "myLayout", pathname: "/", }); layout.css({ value: "http://cdn.mysite.com/assets/css/3ru39ur.css" });   prefix​  Sets whether the method should prepend the value with the pathname value that was set in the constructor.  The prefix will be ignored if value is an absolute URL.  ","version":"Next","tagName":"h3"},{"title":".pathname()​","type":1,"pageTitle":"@podium/layout","url":"/docs/api/layout#pathname-1","content":" A helper method used to retrieve the pathname value that was set in the constructor. This can be handy when defining routes since the pathnameset in the constructor must also be the base path for the layout's main content route  Example:  ExpressHapiFastifyHTTP const layout = new Layout({ name: 'myLayout', pathname: '/foo', }); app.get(layout.pathname(), (req, res, next) => { [ ... ] }); app.get(`${layout.pathname()}/bar`, (req, res, next) => { [ ... ] }); app.get(`${layout.pathname()}/bar/:id`, (req, res, next) => { [ ... ] });   ","version":"Next","tagName":"h3"},{"title":".view(template)​","type":1,"pageTitle":"@podium/layout","url":"/docs/api/layout#viewtemplate","content":" Sets the default document template.  Takes a template function that accepts an instance of HttpIncoming, a content string as well as any additional markup for the document's head section:  (incoming, body, head) => `Return an HTML string here`;   In practice this might look something like:  layout.view((incoming, body, head) => `<!doctype html> <html lang="${incoming.context.locale}"> <head> <meta charset="${incoming.view.encoding}"> <title>${incoming.view.title}</title> ${head} </head> <body> ${body} </body> </html>`; );   ","version":"Next","tagName":"h3"},{"title":".render(HttpIncoming, fragment, [args])​","type":1,"pageTitle":"@podium/layout","url":"/docs/api/layout#renderhttpincoming-fragment-args","content":" Method to render the document template. By default this will render a default document template provided by Podium unless a custom one is set by using the .view method.  In most HTTP frameworks this method can be ignored in favour ofres.podiumSend(). If present, res.podiumSend() has the advantage that it's not necessary to pass in HttpIncoming as the first argument.  Returns a String.  This method takes the following arguments:  HttpIncoming (required)​  An instance of the HttpIncoming class.  fragment​  A String that is intended to be a fragment of the final HTML document (Everything to be displayed in the HTML body).  [args]​  All following arguments given to the method will be passed on to thedocument template.  Additional arguments could be used to pass on parts of a page to thedocument template as shown:  ExpressHapiFastifyHTTP layout.view = (incoming, body, head) => { return ` <html> <head>${head}</head> <body>${body}</body> </html> `; }; app.get(layout.pathname(), (req, res) => { const incoming = res.locals.podium; const head = `<meta ..... />`; const body = `<section>my content</section>`; const document = layout.render(incoming, body, head); res.send(document); });   ","version":"Next","tagName":"h3"},{"title":".process(HttpIncoming)​","type":1,"pageTitle":"@podium/layout","url":"/docs/api/layout#processhttpincoming","content":" Method for processing an incoming HTTP request. This method is intended to be used to implement support for multiple HTTP frameworks and in most cases it won't be necessary for layout developers to use this method directly when creating a layout server.  What it does:  Runs context parsers on the incoming request and sets an object with the context at HttpIncoming.context which can be passed on to the client when requesting content from podlets.Mounts a proxy so that each podlet can do transparent proxy requests as needed.  Returns a Promise which will resolve with the HttpIncomingobject that was passed in.  If the inbound request matches a proxy endpoint the returned Promise will resolve with a HttpIncoming object where the .proxy property is set to true.  This method takes the following arguments:  HttpIncoming (required)​  An instance of the HttpIncoming class.  ExpressHTTP  ","version":"Next","tagName":"h3"},{"title":".client​","type":1,"pageTitle":"@podium/layout","url":"/docs/api/layout#client-1","content":" A property that exposes an instance of the client for retrieving content from podlets.  Example of registering two podlets and retrieving their content:  ExpressHapiFastifyHTTP const layout = new Layout({ name: 'myLayout', pathname: '/', }); const podletA = layout.client.register({ name: 'myPodletA', uri: 'http://localhost:7100/manifest.json', }); const podletB = layout.client.register({ name: 'myPodletB', uri: 'http://localhost:7200/manifest.json', }); [ ... ] app.get(layout.pathname(), async (req, res, next) => { const incoming = res.locals.podium; const [a, b] = await Promise.all([ podletA.fetch(incoming), podletB.fetch(incoming), ]); [ ... ] });   ","version":"Next","tagName":"h3"},{"title":".client.register(options)​","type":1,"pageTitle":"@podium/layout","url":"/docs/api/layout#clientregisteroptions","content":" Registers a podlet such that the podlet's content can later be fetched.  Example:  const podlet = layout.client.register({ name: "myPodlet", uri: "http://localhost:7100/manifest.json", });   Returns a Podlet Resource which is also stored on the layout client instance using the registered name value as its property name.  Example:  const layout = new Layout({ name: "myLayout", pathname: "/", }); layout.client.register({ uri: "http://foo.site.com/manifest.json", name: "fooBar", }); layout.client.fooBar.fetch();   options (required)​  option\ttype\tdefault\trequired\tdetailsuri\tstring ✓\tUri to the manifest of a podlet name\tstring ✓\tName of the component. This is used to reference the component in your application, and does not have to match the name of the component itself retries\tnumber\t4 The number of times the client should retry to settle a version number conflict before terminating. Overrides the retries option in the layout constructor timeout\tnumber\t1000 Defines how long, in milliseconds, a request should wait before the connection is terminated. Overrides the timeout option in the layout constructor throwable\tboolean\tfalse Defines whether an error should be thrown if a failure occurs during the process of fetching a podlet. See Fallbacks. excludeBy\tobject Lets you define a set of rules where a fetch call will not be resolved if it matches. includeBy\tobject Inverse of excludeBy. Setting both at the same time will throw.  excludeBy and includeBy​  These options are used by fetch to conditionally skip fetching the podlet content based on values on the request. It's an alternative to conditionally fetching podlets in your request handler. Setting both at the same time will throw.  Example: exclude a header and footer in a hybrid web view.  import Client from "@podium/client"; const client = new Client(); const footer = client.register({ uri: "http://footer.site.com/manifest.json", name: "footer", excludeBy: { deviceType: ["hybrid-ios", "hybrid-android"], // when footer.fetch(incoming) is called, if the incoming request has the header `x-podium-device-type: hybrid-ios`, `fetch` will return an empty response. }, });   ","version":"Next","tagName":"h3"},{"title":".client.refreshManifests()​","type":1,"pageTitle":"@podium/layout","url":"/docs/api/layout#clientrefreshmanifests","content":" Refreshes the manifests of all registered resources. Does so by calling the.refresh() method on all resources under the hood.  layout.client.register({ uri: "http://foo.site.com/manifest.json", name: "foo", }); layout.client.register({ uri: "http://bar.site.com/manifest.json", name: "bar", }); await layout.client.refreshManifests();   ","version":"Next","tagName":"h3"},{"title":".client.state​","type":1,"pageTitle":"@podium/layout","url":"/docs/api/layout#clientstate","content":" What state the client is in.  The value will be one of the following values:  instantiated - When a Client has been instantiated but no requests to any podlets have been made.initializing - When one or more podlets are requested for the first time.unstable - When an update of a podlet is detected and the layout is in the process of re-fetching the manifest.stable - When all registered podlets are using cached manifests and only fetching content.unhealthy - When an podlet update never settled.  ","version":"Next","tagName":"h3"},{"title":".client Events​","type":1,"pageTitle":"@podium/layout","url":"/docs/api/layout#client-events","content":" The Client instance emits the following events:  state​  When there is a change in state.  layout.client.on("state", (state) => { console.log(state); }); const podlet = layout.client.register({ uri: "http://foo.site.com/manifest.json", name: "foo", }); podlet.fetch();   The event will fire with one the following values:  instantiated - When a Client has been instantiated but no requests to any podlets have been made.initializing - When one or multiple podlets are requested for the very first time.unstable - When an update of a podlet is detected and is in the process of refetching the manifest.stable - When all registered podlets are using cached manifests and only fetching content.unhealthy - When an update of a podlet never settled.  ","version":"Next","tagName":"h3"},{"title":".context​","type":1,"pageTitle":"@podium/layout","url":"/docs/api/layout#context-1","content":" A property that exposes the instance of the @podium/context used to create the context which is appended to the requests to each podlet.  ","version":"Next","tagName":"h3"},{"title":".context.register(name, parser)​","type":1,"pageTitle":"@podium/layout","url":"/docs/api/layout#contextregistername-parser","content":" The context is extensible so it is possible to register third party context parsers to it.  Example of registering a custom third party context parser to the context:  import Parser from "my-custom-parser"; const layout = new Layout({ name: "myLayout", pathname: "/", }); layout.context.register("customParser", new Parser("someConfig"));   name (required)​  A unique name for the parser. Used as the key for the parser's value in the context.  parser (required)​  The parser object to be registered.  ","version":"Next","tagName":"h3"},{"title":".metrics​","type":1,"pageTitle":"@podium/layout","url":"/docs/api/layout#metrics","content":" Property that exposes a metric stream. This stream joins all internal metrics streams into one stream resulting in all metrics from all sub modules being exposed here.  See @metrics/metric for full documentation.  ","version":"Next","tagName":"h3"},{"title":"Podlet Resource​","type":1,"pageTitle":"@podium/layout","url":"/docs/api/layout#podlet-resource","content":" A registered podlet is stored in a Podlet Resource object.  The podlet Resource object contains methods for retrieving the content of a podlet. The URI of the content of a component is defined in the component's manifest. This is the content root of the component.  A podlet resource object has the following API:  ","version":"Next","tagName":"h2"},{"title":".fetch(HttpIncoming, options)​","type":1,"pageTitle":"@podium/layout","url":"/docs/api/layout#fetchhttpincoming-options","content":" Fetches the content of the podlet. Returns a Promise which resolves with a Podlet Response object containing the keys content, headers, css and js.  HttpIncoming (required)​  An HttpIncoming object. This is normally provided by the "middleware" which runs on the incoming request to the layout prior to the process of fetching podlets.  The HttpIncoming object is normally found on a request bound property of the request or response object.  ExpressHapiFastifyHTTP const podlet = layout.client.register({ name: "myPodlet", uri: "http://localhost:7100/manifest.json", }); app.get(layout.pathname(), async (req, res, next) => { const incoming = res.locals.podium; const response = await podlet.fetch(incoming); res.podiumSend(` <section>${response.content}</section> `); });   options (optional)​  option\ttype\tdefault\trequired\tdetailspathname\tstring A path which will be appended to the content root of the podlet when requested headers\tobject An Object which will be appended as HTTP headers to the request to fetch the podlets's content query\tobject An Object which will be appended as query parameters to the request to fetch the podlets's content  return value​  const result = await component.fetch(); console.log(result.content); console.log(result.headers); console.log(result.js); console.log(result.css);   ","version":"Next","tagName":"h3"},{"title":".stream(HttpIncoming, options)​","type":1,"pageTitle":"@podium/layout","url":"/docs/api/layout#streamhttpincoming-options","content":" Streams the content of the component. Returns a ReadableStream which streams the content of the component. Before the stream starts flowing a beforeStreamevent with a Podlet Response object, containing headers, css and jsreferences is emitted.  HttpIncoming (required)​  An HttpIncoming object. This is normally provided by the middleware which runs on the incoming request to the layout prior to the process of fetching podlets.  The HttpIncoming object is normally found on a request bound property of the request or response object.  ExpressHapiFastifyHTTP const podlet = layout.client.register({ name: "myPodlet", uri: "http://localhost:7100/manifest.json", }); app.get(layout.pathname(), async (req, res, next) => { const incoming = res.locals.podium; const stream = podlet.stream(incoming); stream.pipe(res); });   options (optional)​  option\ttype\tdefault\trequired\tdetailspathname\tstring A path which will be appended to the content root of the podlet when requested headers\tobject An object which will be appended as HTTP headers to the request to fetch the podlets's content query\tobject An object which will be appended as query parameters to the request to fetch the podlets's content  Event: beforeStream​  A beforeStream event is emitted before the stream starts flowing. A response object with keys headers, js and css is emitted with the event.  headers will always contain the response headers from the podlet. If the resource manifest defines JavaScript assets, js will contain the value from the manifest file otherwise js will be an empty string. If the resource manifest defines CSS assets, css will contain the value from the manifest file otherwise css will be an empty string.  ExpressHapiFastifyHTTP const podlet = layout.client.register({ name: "myPodlet", uri: "http://localhost:7100/manifest.json", }); app.get(layout.pathname(), async (req, res, next) => { const incoming = res.locals.podium; const stream = podlet.stream(incoming); stream.once("beforeStream", (data) => { console.log(data.headers); console.log(data.css); console.log(data.js); }); stream.pipe(res); });   ","version":"Next","tagName":"h3"},{"title":".refresh()​","type":1,"pageTitle":"@podium/layout","url":"/docs/api/layout#refresh","content":" This method will refresh a resource by reading its manifest and fallback if defined in the manifest. The method will not call the content URI of a component.  If the internal cache in the client already has a manifest cached, this will be thrown away and replaced when the new manifest is successfully fetched. If a new manifest cannot be successfully fetched, the old manifest will be kept in cache.  If a manifest is successfully fetched, this method will resolve with a truevalue. If a manifest is not successfully fetched, it will resolve with false.  const podlet = layout.client.register({ uri: "http://foo.site.com/manifest.json", name: "foo", }); const status = await podlet.refresh(); console.log(status); // true   ","version":"Next","tagName":"h3"},{"title":".name​","type":1,"pageTitle":"@podium/layout","url":"/docs/api/layout#name-1","content":" A property returning the name of the Podium resource. This is the name provided during the call to register.  ","version":"Next","tagName":"h3"},{"title":".uri​","type":1,"pageTitle":"@podium/layout","url":"/docs/api/layout#uri","content":" A property returning the location of the Podium resource.  ","version":"Next","tagName":"h3"},{"title":"Podlet Response​","type":1,"pageTitle":"@podium/layout","url":"/docs/api/layout#podlet-response","content":" When a podlet is requested by the .client.fetch()method it will return a Promise which will resolve with a podlet response object. If a podlet is requested by the .client.stream()method a beforeStream event will emit a podlet response object.  This object hold the response of the HTTP request to the content URL of the podlet which was requested.  An podlet response instance has the following properties:  property\ttype\tgetter\tsetter\tdefault\tdetailscontent\tstring\t✓ The content of the podlet. Normally a string of HTML. headers\tobject\t✓ {}\tThe HTTP headers the content route of the podlet responded with. css\tarray\t✓ []\tAn array of AssetCSS objects holding the CSS references registered by the podlet. js\tarray\t✓ []\tAn array of AssetJS objects holding the JS references registered by the podlet.  ","version":"Next","tagName":"h2"},{"title":"res.podiumSend(fragment)​","type":1,"pageTitle":"@podium/layout","url":"/docs/api/layout#respodiumsendfragment","content":" Method on the http.ServerResponse object for sending HTML fragments. Calls the send / write method on the http.ServerResponse object.  This method wraps the provided fragment in a default HTML document before dispatching. You can use the .view() method to disable using a template or to set a custom template.  Example of sending an HTML fragment:  ExpressHapiFastifyHTTP app.get(layout.pathname(), (req, res) => { res.podiumSend("<h1>Hello World</h1>"); });  ","version":"Next","tagName":"h2"},{"title":"@podium/podlet","type":0,"sectionRef":"#","url":"/docs/api/podlet","content":"","keywords":"","version":"Next"},{"title":"Installation​","type":1,"pageTitle":"@podium/podlet","url":"/docs/api/podlet#installation","content":" ExpressHapiFastify $ npm install @podium/podlet   ","version":"Next","tagName":"h2"},{"title":"Getting started​","type":1,"pageTitle":"@podium/podlet","url":"/docs/api/podlet#getting-started","content":" Building a simple podlet server.  ExpressHapiFastifyHTTP import express from "express"; import Podlet from "@podium/podlet"; const app = express(); const podlet = new Podlet({ name: "myPodlet", version: "1.0.0", pathname: "/", development: true, }); app.use(podlet.middleware()); app.get(podlet.content(), (req, res) => { if (res.locals.podium.context.locale === "nb-NO") { return res.status(200).podiumSend("<h2>Hei verden</h2>"); } res.status(200).podiumSend(`<h2>Hello world</h2>`); }); app.get(podlet.manifest(), (req, res) => { res.status(200).send(podlet); }); app.listen(7100);   ","version":"Next","tagName":"h2"},{"title":"Constructor​","type":1,"pageTitle":"@podium/podlet","url":"/docs/api/podlet#constructor","content":" Create a new Podlet instance.  const podlet = new Podlet(options);   options​  option\ttype\tdefault\trequired\tdetailsname\tstring\tnull\t✓\tName that the Podlet identifies itself by pathname\tstring\tnull\t✓\tPathname of where a Podlet is mounted in an HTTP server version\tstring\tnull\t✓\tThe current version of the podlet manifest\tstring\t/manifest.json Defines the pathname for the manifest of the podlet content\tstring\t/ Defines the pathname for the content of the podlet fallback\tstring\tnull Defines the pathname for the fallback of the podlet logger\tobject\tnull A logger which conforms to a log4j interface development\tboolean\tfalse Turns development mode on or off  name​  The name that the podlet identifies itself by. This is used internally for things like metrics but can also be used by a layout server.  This value must be in camelCase.  Example:  const podlet = new Podlet({ name: 'myPodlet'; });   pathname​  Pathname for where a podlet is mounted in an HTTP server. It is important that this value matches where the entry point of a route is in an HTTP server since this value is used to define where the manifest is for the podlet.  If the podlet is mounted at the "root", set pathname to /:  ExpressHapiFastify const app = express(); const podlet = new Podlet({ name: 'myPodlet', version: '1.0.0', pathname: '/', }); app.use(podlet.middleware()); app.get('/', (req, res, next) => { [ ... ] });   If the podlet is to be mounted at /foo, set the pathname to /foo and mount middleware and routes at or under /foo  ExpressHapiFastify const app = express(); const podlet = new Podlet({ name: 'myPodlet', version: '1.0.0', pathname: '/foo', }); app.use('/foo', podlet.middleware()); app.get('/foo', (req, res, next) => { [ ... ] }); app.get('/foo/:id', (req, res, next) => { [ ... ] });   version​  The current version of the podlet. It is important that this value be updated when a new version of the podlet is deployed since the page (layout) that the podlet is displayed in uses this value to know whether to refresh the podlet's manifest and fallback content or not.  Example:  const podlet = new Podlet({ version: '1.1.0'; });   manifest​  Defines the pathname for the manifest of the podlet. Defaults to/manifest.json.  The value should be relative to the value set on the pathname argument. In other words if a podlet is mounted into an HTTP server at /foo and the manifest is at /foo/component.json, set the pathname and manifest as follows:  ExpressHapiFastify const app = express(); const podlet = new Podlet({ name: "myPodlet", version: "1.0.0", pathname: "/foo", manifest: "/component.json", }); app.get("/foo/component.json", (req, res, next) => { res.status(200).json(podlet); });   The .manifest() method can be used to retrieve the value after it has been set.  content​  Defines the pathname for the content of the Podlet. The value can be a relative or absolute URL. Defaults to /.  If the value is relative, the value should be relative to the value set using thepathname argument. For example, if a podlet is mounted into an HTTP server at /foo and the content is served at /foo/index.html, set pathname and content as follows:  ExpressHapiFastify const app = express(); const podlet = new Podlet({ name: 'myPodlet', version: '1.0.0', pathname: '/foo', content: '/index.html', }); app.get('/foo/index.html', (req, res, next) => { [ ... ] });   The .content() method can be used to retrieve the value after it has been set.  fallback​  Defines the pathname for the fallback of the Podlet. The value can be a relative or absolute URL. Defaults to an empty string.  If the value is relative, the value should be relative to the value set with thepathname argument. If a podlet is mounted into an HTTP server at /foo and the fallback is at /foo/fallback.html, set pathname and fallback as follows:  ExpressHapiFastify const app = express(); const podlet = new Podlet({ name: 'myPodlet', version: '1.0.0', pathname: '/foo', fallback: '/fallback.html', }); app.get('/foo/fallback.html', (req, res, next) => { [ ... ] });   The .fallback() method can be used to retrieve the value after it has been set.  logger​  Any log4j compatible logger can be passed in and will be used for logging. Console is also supported for easy test / development.  const podlet = new Podlet({ logger: console; });   Under the hood abslog is used to abstract out logging. Please see abslog for further details.  development​  Turns development mode on or off. See the section about development mode.  ","version":"Next","tagName":"h2"},{"title":"Podlet Instance​","type":1,"pageTitle":"@podium/podlet","url":"/docs/api/podlet#podlet-instance","content":" The podlet instance has the following API:  ","version":"Next","tagName":"h2"},{"title":".middleware()​","type":1,"pageTitle":"@podium/podlet","url":"/docs/api/podlet#middleware","content":" A Connect/Express compatible middleware function which takes care of the multiple operations needed for a podlet to operate correctly. This function is more or less a wrapper for the .process() method.  Important: This middleware must be mounted before defining any routes.  Express const app = express(); app.use(podlet.middleware());   The middleware will create an HttpIncoming object and store it at res.locals.podium.  Returns an Array of internal middleware that performs the tasks described above.  ","version":"Next","tagName":"h3"},{"title":".manifest(options)​","type":1,"pageTitle":"@podium/podlet","url":"/docs/api/podlet#manifestoptions","content":" This method returns the value of the manifest argument that has been set in the constructor.  Set the manifest using the default pathname which is /manifest.json:  ExpressHapiFastify const app = express(); const podlet = new Podlet({ name: "myPodlet", version: "1.0.0", pathname: "/", }); app.get(podlet.manifest(), (req, res, next) => { res.status(200).json(podlet); });   Set the manifest to /component.json using the manifest argument on the constructor:  ExpressHapiFastify const app = express(); const podlet = new Podlet({ name: "myPodlet", version: "1.0.0", pathname: "/", manifest: "/component.json", }); app.get(podlet.manifest(), (req, res, next) => { res.status(200).json(podlet); });   Podium expects the podlet's manifest route to return a JSON document describing the podlet. This can be achieved by simply serializing the podlet instance.  ExpressHapiFastify const app = express(); const podlet = new Podlet([ ... ]); app.get(podlet.manifest(), (req, res, next) => { res.status(200).json(podlet); });   The route will then respond with something like:  { "name": "myPodlet", "version": "1.0.0", "content": "/", "fallback": "/fallback", "css": [], "js": [], "proxy": {} }   options​  option\ttype\tdefault\trequiredprefix\tboolean\tfalse\t  prefix​  Sets whether the method should prefix the return value with the value forpathname that was set in the constructor.  Return the full pathname to the manifest (/foo/component.json):  const podlet = new Podlet({ name: "myPodlet", version: "1.0.0", pathname: "/foo", manifest: "/component.json", }); podlet.manifest({ prefix: true });   ","version":"Next","tagName":"h3"},{"title":".content(options)​","type":1,"pageTitle":"@podium/podlet","url":"/docs/api/podlet#contentoptions","content":" This method returns the value of the content argument set in the constructor.  Set the content using the default pathname (/):  ExpressHapiFastify const app = express(); const podlet = new Podlet({ name: 'myPodlet', version: '1.0.0', pathname: '/', }); app.get(podlet.content(), (req, res, next) => { [ ... ] });   Set the content path to /index.html:  ExpressHapiFastify const app = express(); const podlet = new Podlet({ name: 'myPodlet', version: '1.0.0', pathname: '/', content: '/index.html', }); app.get(podlet.content(), (req, res, next) => { [ ... ] });   Set the content path to /content and define multiple sub-routes each taking different URI parameters:  ExpressHapiFastify const app = express(); const podlet = new Podlet({ name: 'myPodlet', version: '1.0.0', pathname: '/', content: '/content', }); app.get('/content', (req, res) => { ... }); app.get('/content/info', (req, res) => { ... }); app.get('/content/info/:id', (req, res) => { ... });   options​  option\ttype\tdefault\trequiredprefix\tboolean\tfalse\t  prefix​  Specifies whether the method should prefix the return value with the pathname value that was set in the constructor.  Return the full pathname to the content (/foo/index.html):  const podlet = new Podlet({ name: "myPodlet", version: "1.0.0", pathname: "/foo", content: "/index.html", }); podlet.content({ prefix: true });   The prefix will be ignored if the returned value is an absolute URL.  ","version":"Next","tagName":"h3"},{"title":".fallback(options)​","type":1,"pageTitle":"@podium/podlet","url":"/docs/api/podlet#fallbackoptions","content":" This method returns the value of the fallback argument set in the constructor.  Set the fallback to /fallback.html:  ExpressHapiFastify const app = express(); const podlet = new Podlet({ name: 'myPodlet', version: '1.0.0', pathname: '/', fallback: '/fallback.html', }); app.get(podlet.fallback(), (req, res, next) => { [ ... ] });   options​  option\ttype\tdefault\trequiredprefix\tboolean\tfalse\t  prefix​  Specifies whether the fallback method should prefix the return value with the value for pathname set in the constructor.  Return the full pathname to the fallback (/foo/fallback.html):  const podlet = new Podlet({ name: "myPodlet", version: "1.0.0", pathname: "/foo", fallback: "/fallback.html", }); podlet.fallback({ prefix: true });   The prefix will be ignored if the returned value is an absolute URL.  ","version":"Next","tagName":"h3"},{"title":".js(options|[options])​","type":1,"pageTitle":"@podium/podlet","url":"/docs/api/podlet#jsoptionsoptions","content":" Set relative or absolute URLs to JavaScript assets for the podlet.  When set the values will be internally kept and made available for the document template to include. The assets set are also made available in the manifest for the layout to consume.  This method can be called multiple times with a single options object to set multiple assets or one can provide an array of options objects to set multiple assets.  options​  option\ttype\tdefault\trequired\tdetailsvalue\tstring ✓\tRelative or absolute URL to the JavaScript asset prefix\tboolean\tfalse Whether the pathname defined on the constructor should be prepend, if relative, to the value type\tstring\tdefault What type of JavaScript (eg. esm, default, cjs) referrerpolicy\tstring Correlates to the same attribute on a HTML <script> element crossorigin\tstring Correlates to the same attribute on a HTML <script> element integrity\tstring Correlates to the same attribute on a HTML <script> element nomodule\tboolean\tfalse Correlates to the same attribute on a HTML <script> element async\tboolean\tfalse Correlates to the same attribute on a HTML <script> element defer\tboolean\tfalse Correlates to the same attribute on a HTML <script> element  value​  Sets the pathname for the podlet's JavaScript assets. This value can be a URL at which the podlet's user facing JavaScript is served. The value can be either the pathname of a URL or an absolute URL.  Serve a javascript file at /assets/main.js:  ExpressHapiFastify const app = express(); const podlet = new Podlet({ name: "myPodlet", version: "1.0.0", pathname: "/", }); app.get("/assets.js", (req, res) => { res.status(200).sendFile("./src/js/main.js", (err) => {}); }); podlet.js({ value: "/assets.js" });   Serve assets statically along side the app and set a relative URI to the JavaScript file:  ExpressHapiFastify const app = express(); const podlet = new Podlet({ name: "myPodlet", version: "1.0.0", pathname: "/", }); app.use("/assets", express.static("./src/js")); podlet.js([{ value: "/assets/main.js" }, { value: "/assets/extra.js" }]);   Set an absolute URL to where the javascript file is located:  const podlet = new Podlet({ name: "myPodlet", version: "1.0.0", pathname: "/", }); podlet.js({ value: "http://cdn.mysite.com/assets/js/e7rfg76.js" });   prefix​  Sets whether the method should prepend the value with the pathname value that was set in the constructor.  The prefix will be ignored if value is an absolute URL.  type​  Set the type of script which is set. If not set, default will be used.  Use one of the following values:  esm for ECMAScript modulescjs for CommonJS modulesamd for AMD modulesumd for Universal Module Definitiondefault if the type is unknown.  The type is a hint for further use of the script. This is normally used by the document template to print correct <script> tag or to give a hint to a bundler when optimizing JavaScript assets.  ","version":"Next","tagName":"h3"},{"title":".css(options|[options])​","type":1,"pageTitle":"@podium/podlet","url":"/docs/api/podlet#cssoptionsoptions","content":" Set relative or absolute URLs to Cascading Style Sheets (CSS) assets for the podlet.  When set the values will be internally kept and made available for the document template to include. The assets set are also made available in the manifest for the layout to consume.  The method can be called multiple times with a single options object to set multiple assets or one can provide an array of options objects to set multiple assets.  options​  option\ttype\tdefault\trequired\tdetailsvalue\tstring ✓\tRelative or absolute URL to the CSS asset prefix\tboolean\tfalse Whether the pathname defined on the constructor should be prepend, if relative, to the value crossorigin\tstring Correlates to the same attribute on a HTML <link> element disabled\tboolean\tfalse Correlates to the same attribute on a HTML <link> element hreflang\tstring Correlates to the same attribute on a HTML <link> element title\tstring Correlates to the same attribute on a HTML <link> element media\tstring Correlates to the same attribute on a HTML <link> element type\tstring\ttext/css Correlates to the same attribute on a HTML <link> element rel\tstring\tstylesheet Correlates to the same attribute on a HTML <link> element as\tstring Correlates to the same attribute on a HTML <link> element  value​  Sets the pathname for the CSS assets for the Podlet. The value can be a URL at which the podlet's user facing CSS is served. The value can be the pathname of a URL or an absolute URL.  Serve a CSS file at /assets/main.css:  ExpressHapiFastify const app = express(); const podlet = new Podlet({ name: "myPodlet", version: "1.0.0", pathname: "/", }); app.get("/assets.css", (req, res) => { res.status(200).sendFile("./src/css/main.css", (err) => {}); }); podlet.css({ value: "/assets.css" });   Serve assets statically alongside the app and set a relative URI to the css file:  ExpressHapiFastify const app = express(); const podlet = new Podlet({ name: "myPodlet", version: "1.0.0", pathname: "/", }); app.use("/assets", express.static("./src/css")); podlet.css([{ value: "/assets/main.css" }, { value: "/assets/extra.css" }]);   Set an absolute URL to where the CSS file is located:  const podlet = new Podlet({ name: "myPodlet", version: "1.0.0", pathname: "/", }); podlet.css({ value: "http://cdn.mysite.com/assets/css/3ru39ur.css" });   prefix​  Sets whether the method should prepend the value with the pathname value that was set in the constructor.  The prefix will be ignored if value is an absolute URL.  ","version":"Next","tagName":"h3"},{"title":".proxy({ target, name })​","type":1,"pageTitle":"@podium/podlet","url":"/docs/api/podlet#proxy-target-name-","content":" Method for defining proxy targets to be mounted in a layout server. For a detailed overview of how proxying works, please see theproxying guide for further details.  When a podlet is put in development mode (development is set to true in the constructor) these proxy endpoints will also be mounted in the podlet for ease of development and you will then have the same proxy endpoints available in development as you do when working with a layout.  Proxying is intended to be used as a way to make podlet endpoints publicly available. A common use case for this is creating endpoints for client side code to interact with (ajax requests from the browser). One might also make use of proxying to pass form submissions from the browser back to the podlet.  This method returns the value of the target argument and internally keeps track of the value of target for use when the podlet instance is serialized into a manifest JSON string.  In a podlet it is possible to define up to 4 proxy targets and each target can be the pathname part of a URL or an absolute URL.  For each podlet, each proxy target must have a unique name.  Mounts one proxy target /api with the name api:  ExpressHapiFastify const app = express(); const podlet = new Podlet( ... ); app.get(podlet.proxy({ target: '/api', name: 'api' }), (req, res) => { ... });   Defines multiple endpoints on one proxy target /api with the name api:  ExpressHapiFastify const app = express(); const podlet = new Podlet( ... ); app.get('/api', (req, res) => { ... }); app.get('/api/foo', (req, res) => { ... }); app.post('/api/foo', (req, res) => { ... }); app.get('/api/bar/:id', (req, res) => { ... }); podlet.proxy({ target: '/api', name: 'api' });   Sets a remote target by defining an absolute URL:  podlet.proxy({ target: "http://remote.site.com/api/", name: "remoteApi" });   ","version":"Next","tagName":"h3"},{"title":".defaults(context)​","type":1,"pageTitle":"@podium/podlet","url":"/docs/api/podlet#defaultscontext","content":" Alters the default context set when in development mode.  By default this context has the following shape:  { debug: 'false', locale: 'en-EN', deviceType: 'desktop', requestedBy: 'the_name_of_the_podlet', mountOrigin: 'http://localhost:port', mountPathname: '/same/as/manifest/method', publicPathname: '/same/as/manifest/method', }   The default development mode context can be overridden by passing an object with the desired key / values to override.  Example of overriding deviceType:  const podlet = new Podlet({ name: "foo", version: "1.0.0", }); podlet.defaults({ deviceType: "mobile", });   Additional values not defined by Podium can also be appended to the default development mode context in the same way.  Example of adding a context value:  const podlet = new Podlet({ name: "foo", version: "1.0.0", }); podlet.defaults({ token: "9fc498984f3ewi", });   N.B. The default development mode context will only be appended to the response when the constructor option development is set to true.  ","version":"Next","tagName":"h3"},{"title":".pathname()​","type":1,"pageTitle":"@podium/podlet","url":"/docs/api/podlet#pathname-1","content":" A helper method used to retrieve the pathname value that was set in the constructor.  Example:  ExpressHapiFastifyHTTP const podlet = new Podlet({ name: 'myPodlet', pathname: '/foo', }); app.get(podlet.pathname(), (req, res, next) => { [ ... ] }); app.get(`${podlet.pathname()}/bar`, (req, res, next) => { [ ... ] }); app.get(`${podlet.pathname()}/bar/:id`, (req, res, next) => { [ ... ] });   ","version":"Next","tagName":"h3"},{"title":".view(template)​","type":1,"pageTitle":"@podium/podlet","url":"/docs/api/podlet#viewtemplate","content":" Sets the default encapsulating HTML document template.  Its worth noting that this document template is only applied to Podlets when in development mode. When a Layout requests a Podlet this document template will not be applied.  Takes a template function that accepts an instance of HttpIncoming, a content string as well as any additional markup for the document's head section:  (incoming, body, head) => `Return an HTML string here`;   In practice this might look something like:  layout.view((incoming, body, head) => `<!doctype html> <html lang="${incoming.context.locale}"> <head> <meta charset="${incoming.view.encoding}"> <title>${incoming.view.title}</title> ${head} </head> <body> ${body} </body> </html>`; );   ","version":"Next","tagName":"h3"},{"title":".render(HttpIncoming, fragment, [args])​","type":1,"pageTitle":"@podium/podlet","url":"/docs/api/podlet#renderhttpincoming-fragment-args","content":" Method to render the document template. Will, by default, render the document template provided by Podium unless a custom document template is set using the.view method.  In most HTTP frameworks this method can be ignored in favour ofres.podiumSend(). If present, res.podiumSend() has the advantage that it's not necessary to pass in an HttpIncoming object as the first argument.  Returns a String.  This method takes the following arguments:  HttpIncoming (required)​  An instance of the HttpIncoming class.  ExpressHapiFastify app.get(podlet.content(), (req, res) => { const incoming = res.locals.podium; const document = layout.render(incoming, "<div>content to render</div>"); res.send(document); });   fragment​  An String that is intended to be a fragment of the final HTML document.  layout.render(incoming, "<div>content to render</div>");   [args]​  All following arguments given to the method will be passed on to the document template. For example, this could be used to pass on parts of a page to the document template.  ExpressHapiFastify podlet.view = (incoming, body, head) => { return ` <html> <head>${head}</head> <body>${body}</body> </html> `; }; app.get(podlet.content(), async (req, res, next) => { const incoming = res.locals.podium; const head = `<meta ..... />`; const body = `<section>my content</section>`; const document = layout.render(incoming, body, head); res.send(document); });   ","version":"Next","tagName":"h3"},{"title":".process(HttpIncoming)​","type":1,"pageTitle":"@podium/podlet","url":"/docs/api/podlet#processhttpincoming","content":" Method for processing an incoming HTTP request. This method is intended to be used to implement support for multiple HTTP frameworks and in most cases will not need to be used directly by podlet developers when creating podlet servers.  What it does:  Handles detection of development mode and sets the appropriate defaultsRuns context deserializing on the incoming request and sets a context object at HttpIncoming.context.  Returns an HttpIncoming object.  This method takes the following arguments:  HttpIncoming (required)​  An instance of the HttpIncoming class.  import { HttpIncoming } from "@podium/utils"; import Podlet from "@podium/podlet"; const podlet = new Podlet({ name: "myPodlet", version: "1.0.0", pathname: podlet.content(), }); app.use(async (req, res, next) => { const incoming = new HttpIncoming(req, res, res.locals); try { await podlet.process(incoming); if (!incoming.proxy) { res.locals.podium = result; next(); } } catch (error) { next(error); } });   ","version":"Next","tagName":"h3"},{"title":"res.podiumSend(fragment)​","type":1,"pageTitle":"@podium/podlet","url":"/docs/api/podlet#respodiumsendfragment","content":" Method for dispatching an HTML fragment. Calls the .send() / .write() methods in the framework that's being used and serves the HTML fragment.  When in development mode, when the constructor option development is set totrue, this method will wrap the provided fragment in the given document template before dispatching. When not in development mode, this method will just dispatch the fragment.  Example of sending an HTML fragment:  ExpressHapiFastify app.get(podlet.content(), (req, res) => { res.podiumSend("<h1>Hello World</h1>"); });   ","version":"Next","tagName":"h2"},{"title":"Development mode​","type":1,"pageTitle":"@podium/podlet","url":"/docs/api/podlet#development-mode","content":" In most cases podlets are fragments of a whole HTML document. When a layout server is requesting a podlet's content or fallback, the podlet should serve just that fragment and not a whole HTML document with its <html>, <head>and <body>. Additionally, when a layout server requests a podlet it provides a Podium context to the podlet.  These things can prove challenging for local development since accessing a podlet directly, from a web browser, in local development will render the podlet without either an encapsulating HTML document or a Podium context that the podlet might need to function properly.  To solve this it is possible to switch a podlet to development mode by setting the development argument in the constructor to true.  When in development mode a default context on the HTTP response will be set and an encapsulating HTML document will be provided (so long as res.podiumSend()is used) when dispatching the content or fallback.  The default HTML document for encapsulating a fragment will reference the values set on .css() and .js() and use locale from the default context to set language on the document.  The default context in development mode can be altered by the .defaults()method of the podlet instance.  The default encapsulating HTML document used in development mode can be replaced by the .view() method of the podlet instance.  Note: Only turn on development mode during local development, ensure it is turned off when in production.  Example of turning on development mode only in local development:  const podlet = new Podlet({ development: process.env.NODE_ENV !== 'production'; });   When a layout server sends a request to a podlet in development mode, the default context will be overridden by the context from the layout server and the encapsulating HTML document will not be applied. ","version":"Next","tagName":"h2"}],"options":{"id":"default"}}
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                -{"searchDocs":[{"title":"New documentation site","type":0,"sectionRef":"#","url":"/blog/first-blog-post","content":"Welcome to our blog. Our documentation site has just gotten an refreshing update which also give us a blog. This space will be used to document version changes and give insight in tips and tricks not really belonging in the documentation itself.","keywords":"","version":null},{"title":"Version 4.2.0","type":0,"sectionRef":"#","url":"/blog/version-4.2.0","content":"","keywords":"","version":null},{"title":"TypeDefinitions​","type":1,"pageTitle":"Version 4.2.0","url":"/blog/version-4.2.0#typedefinitions","content":" This release is shipped with TypeDefinitions for all public APIs.  ","version":null,"tagName":"h3"},{"title":"Assets​","type":1,"pageTitle":"Version 4.2.0","url":"/blog/version-4.2.0#assets","content":" Version 4.1.0 was a step on the way to paving ground for improving the client side asset experience for developers building micro-frontends with Podium.  This release contains a number of changes to the .js() and .css()methods in both @podium/layout and @podium/podlet. Possible options to these methods now more or less correlate to the same attributes on the equalent HTML elements.  Example for how to flag a Javascript asset that it is an ES module so that it can be loaded async:  const podlet = new Podlet([ ... ]); podlet.js({ value: 'https://cdn.site.com/script.js', async: true, type: 'esm', })   When rendered by the document template the above will translate into the following HTML element:  <script src="https://cdn.site.com/script.js" type="module" async></script>   Please see the following documentation for the options the different methods can now take:  @podium/podlet .css() method@podium/podlet .js() method@podium/layout .css() method@podium/layout .js() method  For further information on how assets are handled in general, please see theasset section.  If you maintain a custom document template, please see this section on how to render registered assets into HTML elements appropriately. ","version":null,"tagName":"h3"},{"title":"Version 4.1.0","type":0,"sectionRef":"#","url":"/blog/version-4.1.0","content":"","keywords":"","version":null},{"title":"Assets​","type":1,"pageTitle":"Version 4.1.0","url":"/blog/version-4.1.0#assets","content":" This release contain some minor changes to the .js() and .css() methods in both @podium/layout and @podium/podlet paves ground for work we are doing to improve asset handling and bundling when building microfrontends with Podium.  These changes are:  Currently the .js() and .css() methods return theirs target value when called. This is now deprecated and these methods will cease to return a value in the near future.  If you are doing something like this:  app.get(podlet.js({ value: '/assets.js' }), (req, res) => { res.status(200).sendFile('./src/js/main.js', err => {}); });   You should rewrite it to the following:  app.get('/assets.js', (req, res) => { res.status(200).sendFile('./src/js/main.js', err => {}); }); podlet.js({ value: '/assets.js' });   In addition to this .js() and .css() can now take an array of options objects so its possible to set multiple assets in one go.  app.use('/assets', express.static('./src/js')); podlet.js([ { value: '/assets/main.js' }, { value: '/assets/extra.js' }, ]);   We will write more about our work on asset handling and bundling when we have some more concrete code to show.  ","version":null,"tagName":"h3"},{"title":"Proxy​","type":1,"pageTitle":"Version 4.1.0","url":"/blog/version-4.1.0#proxy","content":" This release does also contains a small fix to the proxy preventing it from resolving a proxy request as successful after a failed proxy request has occurred.  This mostly affected metrics causing failed proxy requests to also be counted as successfull requests. ","version":null,"tagName":"h3"},{"title":"Introduction","type":0,"sectionRef":"#","url":"/docs/","content":"","keywords":"","version":"Next"},{"title":"Runtime composition​","type":1,"pageTitle":"Introduction","url":"/docs/#runtime-composition","content":" In Podium the composition is done at runtime. One server handles the incoming request by fetching each independent fragment over HTTP before returning the finished page back to the user.    The example above shows a web page which has four fragments indicated by the red dotted lines:  a headera footera sidebara main content area.  In Podium each of these four fragments could be separate servers. A fifth server would be responsible for handling incoming requests, fetching fragments and composing them to a whole page.  ","version":"Next","tagName":"h2"},{"title":"Advantages of runtime composition​","type":1,"pageTitle":"Introduction","url":"/docs/#advantages-of-runtime-composition","content":" The advantages of Podium's architectural approach are:  Each individual fragment of a page can be built with different technologies and by independent teams.Each individual fragment can fail without the whole page being affected.Each individual fragment can be processed and built in parallel and each individual fragment can be scaled independently.Each individual fragment can be reused in multiple pages and when the fragment is updated, each page that includes it is instantly updated.  ","version":"Next","tagName":"h2"},{"title":"Runtime composition with Podium​","type":1,"pageTitle":"Introduction","url":"/docs/#runtime-composition-with-podium","content":" Podium mainly consists of two different types of servers:  Podlets serving page fragmentsLayouts composing podlets to finished pages  ","version":"Next","tagName":"h2"},{"title":"Podlets​","type":1,"pageTitle":"Introduction","url":"/docs/#podlets","content":" A podlet serves a fragment of a whole page. You might think of this as a component running as a service.  ","version":"Next","tagName":"h3"},{"title":"Layouts​","type":1,"pageTitle":"Introduction","url":"/docs/#layouts","content":" A layout is what handles incoming requests from site visitors.  The layout provides the structure of an HTML page. It fetches the contents of podlets and inserts each podlet's response into the appropriate location in the page before serving the finished page to the visitor. ","version":"Next","tagName":"h3"},{"title":"@podium/bridge","type":0,"sectionRef":"#","url":"/docs/api/bridge","content":"","keywords":"","version":"Next"},{"title":"Usage​","type":1,"pageTitle":"@podium/bridge","url":"/docs/api/bridge#usage","content":" To install:  npm install @podium/bridge   Import the bridge in your client-side bundle:  import "@podium/bridge";   You should probably send messages via @podium/browser. That said, the bridge is available on window['@podium'].bridge.  /** @type {import("@podium/bridge").PodiumBridge} */ const bridge = window["@podium"].bridge; // You can listen for incoming messages, which can either be RpcRequest or RpcResponse bridge.on("global/authentication", (message) => { const request = /** @type {import("@podium/bridge").RpcRequest<{ token?: string }>} */ ( message ); if (typeof request.token === "string") { // logged in } else { // logged out } }); // You can trigger notifications (one-way messages) bridge.notification({ method: "global/authentication", params: { token: null }, }); // And you can call methods and await the response /** @type {import("@podium/bridge").RpcResponse<{ c: string }>} */ const response = await bridge.call({ method: "document/native-feature", params: { a: "foo", b: "bar" }, });   ","version":"Next","tagName":"h2"},{"title":"API​","type":1,"pageTitle":"@podium/bridge","url":"/docs/api/bridge#api","content":" ","version":"Next","tagName":"h2"},{"title":"bridge.on​","type":1,"pageTitle":"@podium/bridge","url":"/docs/api/bridge#bridgeon","content":" Add a listener for incoming messages for a given method name.  import "@podium/bridge"; /** @type {import("@podium/bridge").PodiumBridge} */ const bridge = window["@podium"].bridge; bridge.on("global/authentication", (message) => { const request = /** @type {import("@podium/bridge").RpcRequest<{ token?: string }>} */ ( message ); if (typeof request.token === "string") { // logged in } else { // logged out } });   ","version":"Next","tagName":"h3"},{"title":"bridge.notification​","type":1,"pageTitle":"@podium/bridge","url":"/docs/api/bridge#bridgenotification","content":" Send a notification (one-way message).  import "@podium/bridge"; /** @type {import("@podium/bridge").PodiumBridge} */ const bridge = window["@podium"].bridge; bridge.notification({ method: "global/authentication", params: { token: null }, });   ","version":"Next","tagName":"h3"},{"title":"bridge.call​","type":1,"pageTitle":"@podium/bridge","url":"/docs/api/bridge#bridgecall","content":" Send a request and await a response.  import "@podium/bridge"; /** @type {import("@podium/bridge").PodiumBridge} */ const bridge = window["@podium"].bridge; /** @type {import("@podium/bridge").RpcResponse<{ c: string }>} */ const response = await bridge.call({ method: "document/native-feature", params: { a: "foo", b: "bar" }, });  ","version":"Next","tagName":"h3"},{"title":"Version 4.0.0","type":0,"sectionRef":"#","url":"/blog/version-4.0.0","content":"","keywords":"","version":null},{"title":"JSON Schema​","type":1,"pageTitle":"Version 4.0.0","url":"/blog/version-4.0.0#json-schema","content":" The manifest which defines the contract between layouts and podlets are now defined using JSON Schema. The main reason for this is to cater for Podium implementations in languages other than Node.js.  ","version":null,"tagName":"h3"},{"title":"Document template​","type":1,"pageTitle":"Version 4.0.0","url":"/blog/version-4.0.0#document-template","content":" This version introduces a concept we call a document template. A document template is intended to supply the necessary HTML for the page outside of the markup you need write to display your page content.  While a v4 ships with a default document template it's straight forward to build your own custom template and plug this into both layouts and podlets which helps make it easier to develop podlets in isolation (from layouts) while imposing the same constraints on it that it will have when included in a layout.  Please see the document template section for further information.  ","version":null,"tagName":"h3"},{"title":"HTTP framework free​","type":1,"pageTitle":"Version 4.0.0","url":"/blog/version-4.0.0#http-framework-free","content":" Originally Podium was bound to Express.js but with this release Podium is 100% HTTP framework free. It is even possible write Podium servers using only the core Node.js HTTP server module.  Having said this, Express.js is still first class in Podium which means it is still possible to use Podium in an Express.js server without anything more than the core Podium layout and podlet modules.  Besides supporting Express.js, Hapi and Fastify are supported through plugins maintained by the Podium team.  Serverless / cloud functions will also be supported in a future release.  ","version":null,"tagName":"h3"},{"title":"Multiple assets support​","type":1,"pageTitle":"Version 4.0.0","url":"/blog/version-4.0.0#multiple-assets-support","content":" It was previously only possible to set a single reference to JavaScript and CSS client side assets using a podlet's.js() and .css().  With version 4, it is now possible to call these methods multiple times to set multiple assets.  An additional type field has also been added to the .js() method making it possible to signal to layout servers what type of JavaScript file are being specified.  ","version":null,"tagName":"h3"},{"title":"Layout assets​","type":1,"pageTitle":"Version 4.0.0","url":"/blog/version-4.0.0#layout-assets","content":" The @podium/layout module now has .js() and .css() methods which work the same way as in @podium/podlet. The intent is to be able to set client side assets which are related specifically to the layout.  ","version":null,"tagName":"h3"},{"title":"HttpIncoming replaces context argument​","type":1,"pageTitle":"Version 4.0.0","url":"/blog/version-4.0.0#httpincoming-replaces-context-argument","content":" During the process of rewriting to HTTP framework free, an HttpIncoming object was introduced which is passed between the various parts of Podium.  You can read more about HttpIncoming and its role here.  Due to this, you should pass an instance of HttpIncoming (available at res.locals.podium in express) to the .client.fetch() and .client.stream() methods in a @podium/layout instead of the context.  Previously Podium expected you to pass a Podium context to the fetch method like so:  app.get('/', (req, res) => { const ctx = res.locals.podium.context; const content = await podlet.fetch(ctx); ... });   This will still work until Podium version 5 but it is expected that developers instead call fetch as follows:  app.get('/', (req, res) => { const incoming = res.locals.podium; const content = await podlet.fetch(incoming); ... });   The context is part of HttpIncoming.  ","version":null,"tagName":"h3"},{"title":"The fetch method now resolves with a response object​","type":1,"pageTitle":"Version 4.0.0","url":"/blog/version-4.0.0#the-fetch-method-now-resolves-with-a-response-object","content":" When a Layout retrieves the content from a podlet it will now resolve with a response object instead of just the content as a string.  Previously calling .client.fetch() would resolve with the content of a podlet as a string:  app.get('/', (req, res) => { const incoming = res.locals.podium; const content = await podlet.fetch(incoming); console.log(content); // <div> .... </div> });   Now the fetch method with resolve with and object containing the podlet's content, css, js and headers:  app.get('/', (req, res) => { const incoming = res.locals.podium; const content = await podlet.fetch(incoming); console.log(content); // {js: [], css: [], headers: {}, content: '<div> .... </div>'} });   For backwards compabillity, using the response in a template literal or in string concatenation will result in the content value in the string. This will still work until Podium version 5.  app.get('/', (req, res) => { const incoming = res.locals.podium; const content = await podlet.fetch(incoming); console.log(`${content}`); // <div> .... </div> });   The .client.stream() works as before, but there is now a beforeStream event which emits a response object:  app.get('/', (req, res, next) => { const incoming = res.locals.podium; const stream = component.stream(incoming); stream.once('beforeStream', data => { console.log(data); // {js: [], css: [], headers: {}, content: null} }); stream.pipe(res); });   ","version":null,"tagName":"h3"},{"title":"State events​","type":1,"pageTitle":"Version 4.0.0","url":"/blog/version-4.0.0#state-events","content":" The .client in @podium/layout now has an extended state event and .stateproperty can be used to determine what state a layout is in.  layout.client.on('state', state => { console.log(state); }); const podlet = layout.client.register({ uri: 'http://foo.site.com/manifest.json', name: 'foo', }); app.get('/', (req, res) => { const incoming = res.locals.podium; const content = await podlet.fetch(incoming); ... });   The state provides information about the "podlet update life cycle". This is useful for determining when a podlet is being updated and when an update is complete or if a podlet is in an unhealty state.  ","version":null,"tagName":"h3"},{"title":"Improved documentation​","type":1,"pageTitle":"Version 4.0.0","url":"/blog/version-4.0.0#improved-documentation","content":" In the process of making Podium HTTP framework free and supporting multiple HTTP framework our documentation site has received some polish.  This site will now hold all documentation for end users of Podium and eventually it will have code examples reflecting all HTTP frameworks which are officially supported.  From now on, the documentation found in the README's in each module is to be considered documentation for developing Podium and not end user documentation. ","version":null,"tagName":"h3"},{"title":"Version 5.0.0","type":0,"sectionRef":"#","url":"/blog/version-5.0.0","content":"","keywords":"","version":null},{"title":"Breaking changes​","type":1,"pageTitle":"Version 5.0.0","url":"/blog/version-5.0.0#breaking-changes","content":" There are a couple breaking changes in this release that will need to be addressed if they affect you.  1. The Podium codebase has been converted to ESM and no longer supports common JS.​  While you can still mix and match podlets and layouts on Podium version 4 and 5, you will need to convert your codebase to ESM before upgrading to Podium version 5 podlets and layouts. See this post for a guide if you need one.  2. An instance of HttpIncoming must now be passed as the first argument to the Podium client​  n.b. If you are currently not seeing any deprecation warnings in your Podium version 4 apps, this won't affect you.  The .fetch() and .stream() methods. Usage of the fetch/stream methods without passing in HttpIncoming was deprecated a long while ago.  In Podium version 4, the following was acceptable but will now throw with version 5.  const header = layout.client.register({...}); app.get("/", (req, res) => { await header.fetch(); });   In Podium version 5, you need to ensure you pass in an HttpIncoming object like so:  const header = layout.client.register({...}); app.get("/", (req, res) => { const incoming = res.locals.podium; await header.fetch(incoming); });   3. Removal of deprecated Podium v3 compatibility in the manifest file and codebase.​  n.b. If you are currently not seeing any deprecation warnings in your Podium version 4 apps, this won't affect you.  The assets key and its sub keys js and css have been removed from the manifest file.  Previously through all of Podium version 4, we maintained both the assets key and js and css keys for backwards compatibility with Podium version 3. The value for assets.js would always be the same as for js and the value for assets.css would always be the same as css.  Like so:  { "assets": { "js": [], "css": [] }, "js": [], "css": [] }   With Podium version 5, we've dropped the assets key (and therefore compatibility with Podium version 3) so that the manifest file will now look like:  { "js": [], "css": [] }   4. Support for Node v10 and lower has been intentionally dropped and we are now actively only testing against Node v16 and higher.​  Releases are now made against Node v20 and we actively run test suites against Node version 16 and up. Versions 12 and 14 should work but we make no guarantees.  5. .js and .css methods on the Podium layout and Podium podlet modules, which are used to set assets, no longer return a value​  n.b. If you are currently not seeing any deprecation warnings in your Podium version 4 apps, this won't affect you.  The podlet and layout .js and .css methods used to return a value. This was deprecated a long ways back and has now been removed.  const result = layout.js() // result is null const result = podlet.js() // result is null   6. Previously deprecated Podium client change and dispose events removed.​  These client registry events, emitted from the Podium client, were previously deprecated and have now been removed. You most likely aren't, but check your codebase to ensure you aren't relying on these events.  ","version":null,"tagName":"h3"},{"title":"Other notable changes​","type":1,"pageTitle":"Version 5.0.0","url":"/blog/version-5.0.0#other-notable-changes","content":" None of the following changes require any action when upgrading.  1. Under the hood, the Podium client request module has been replaced.​  The Request module is deprecated and we've opted to replace it with Undici, a fast modern alternative.  2. The podlet manifest file now supports an array of proxy endpoints instead of just an object.​  Previously, proxy entries in the podlet manifest were defined as an object and looked like this:  { "proxy": { "one": "/target/path/one", "two": "/target/path/two", } }   This has been changed to support an array syntax in which multiple proxies definitions can be added  { "proxy": [ { "name": "one": "target": "/target/path/one" }, { "name": "two": "target": "/target/path/two" }, ] }   The object syntax has been preserved for backwards compatibility.  3. Added prettier printing of Podium client responses when using console.log​  Log output used to look like:  PodiumClientResponse { [Symbol(podium:client:response:redirect)]: '', [Symbol(podium:client:response:content)]: '', [Symbol(podium:client:response:headers)]: {}, [Symbol(podium:client:response:css)]: [], [Symbol(podium:client:response:js)]: [] }   But now looks like:  { redirect: '', content: '', headers: {}, css: [], js: [] }  ","version":null,"tagName":"h3"},{"title":"@podium/browser","type":0,"sectionRef":"#","url":"/docs/api/browser","content":"","keywords":"","version":"Next"},{"title":"Installation​","type":1,"pageTitle":"@podium/browser","url":"/docs/api/browser#installation","content":" npm install @podium/browser   ","version":"Next","tagName":"h2"},{"title":"Usage​","type":1,"pageTitle":"@podium/browser","url":"/docs/api/browser#usage","content":" In your podlet's client side JavaScript code, import the MessageBus class from the browser package and create a new instance of the class.  import { MessageBus } from "@podium/browser"; const messageBus = new MessageBus();   ","version":"Next","tagName":"h2"},{"title":"Publishing messages​","type":1,"pageTitle":"@podium/browser","url":"/docs/api/browser#publishing-messages","content":" To publish a message, call the publish method and pass a channel, a topic and any data you want subscribers to receive.  messageBus.publish("reminders", "newReminder", reminder);   ","version":"Next","tagName":"h3"},{"title":"Subscribing to messages​","type":1,"pageTitle":"@podium/browser","url":"/docs/api/browser#subscribing-to-messages","content":" To subscribe to messages on a particular channel and topic, call the subscribe method passing it the channel, topic and a callback function to be executed whenever an event occurs. Whenever the callback is executed it gets passed an Event object which has the properties channel, topic and payload.  messageBus.subscribe("reminders", "newReminder", (event) => { const reminder = event.payload; });   ","version":"Next","tagName":"h3"},{"title":"API​","type":1,"pageTitle":"@podium/browser","url":"/docs/api/browser#api","content":" ","version":"Next","tagName":"h2"},{"title":"MessageBus​","type":1,"pageTitle":"@podium/browser","url":"/docs/api/browser#messagebus","content":" Cross podlet communication and message passing.  const messageBus = new MessageBus();   .publish(channel, topic, payload)​  Publish an event for a channel and topic combination. Returns the event object passed to subscribers.  This method takes the following arguments:  option\tdefault\ttype\trequired\tdetailschannel\tnull\tstring\ttrue\tName of the channel. Podium reserves system and view for built-in features. topic\tnull\tstring\ttrue\tName of the topic. payload\tnull\tany\tfalse\tThe payload for the event.  Examples:  messageBus.publish("search", "query", "laptop"); messageBus.publish("auth", "logout");   .subscribe(channel, topic, callback)​  Subscribe to events for a channel and topic combination.  This method takes the following arguments:  option\tdefault\ttype\trequired\tdetailschannel\tnull\tstring\ttrue\tName of the channel. topic\tnull\tstring\ttrue\tName of the topic callback\tnull\tFunction\ttrue\tCallback function to be invoked. Receives an event object  Example:  messageBus.subscribe("channel", "topic", (event) => { console.log(event.payload); });   .unsubscribe(channel, topic, callback)​  Unsubscribe to events for a channel and topic combination.  This method takes the following arguments:  option\tdefault\ttype\trequired\tdetailschannel\tnull\tstring\ttrue\tName of the channel topic\tnull\tstring\ttrue\tName of the topic callback\tnull\tFunction\ttrue\tCallback function to remove.  Example:  function cb(event) { console.log(event.payload); } messageBus.subscribe("channel", "topic", cb); messageBus.unsubscribe("channel", "topic", cb);   .peek(channel, topic)​  Get the latest event for a channel and topic combination.  This method takes the following arguments:  option\tdefault\ttype\trequired\tdetailschannel\tnull\tstring\ttrue\tName of the channel topic\tnull\tstring\ttrue\tName of the topic  .log(channel, topic)​  Returns an array of the 10 latest events for a channel and topic combination. The array is ordered such that the the latest/newest events is at the front of the array.  This method takes the following arguments:  option\tdefault\ttype\trequired\tdetailschannel\tnull\tstring\ttrue\tName of the channel topic\tnull\tstring\ttrue\tName of the topic  Example:  const events = messageBus.log("channel", "topic"); events.forEach((event) => { console.log(event.payload); });  ","version":"Next","tagName":"h3"},{"title":"HTTP Framework Compatibility","type":0,"sectionRef":"#","url":"/docs/api/http-framework-compatibility","content":"HTTP Framework Compatibility Podium is HTTP framework agnostic with first class support for Express. In practise this means that core Podium works with the standard http.Servermodule in Node.js but the core modules also come with Express compatible middleware methods for ease of use. Due to the fact that Podium is built for usage with the http.Server module in Node.js, it's pretty straight forward to get Podium to work with most HTTP frameworks. The most common way to support different HTTP framework is through plugins. Hapi and Fastify are both HTTP frameworks that the Podium team support by maintaining plugins for each. There are also user land plugins for other HTTP frameworks. Using Podium together with Hapi or Fastify requires that the plugin is handed an instance of the appropriate Podium module. To write a podlet server with Hapi; please see @podium/hapi-podletTo write a layout server with Hapi; please see @podium/hapi-layoutTo write a podlet server with Fastify; please see @podium/fastify-podletTo write a layout server with Fastify; please see @podium/fastify-layout Example of setting up a podlet server in all HTTP frameworks supported by the Podium team: ExpressHapiFastifyHTTP import express from 'express'; import Podlet from '@podium/podlet'; const app = express(); const podlet = new Podlet({ name: 'myPodlet', version: '1.0.0', pathname: '/', development: true, }); app.use(podlet.middleware()); app.get(podlet.content(), (req, res) => { if (res.locals.podium.context.locale === 'nb-NO') { return res.status(200).podiumSend('<h2>Hei verden</h2>'); } res.status(200).podiumSend(`<h2>Hello world</h2>`); }); app.get(podlet.manifest(), (req, res) => { res.status(200).json(podlet); }); app.listen(7100); ","keywords":"","version":"Next"},{"title":"Assets","type":0,"sectionRef":"#","url":"/docs/api/assets","content":"","keywords":"","version":"Next"},{"title":"AssetCSS​","type":1,"pageTitle":"Assets","url":"/docs/api/assets#assetcss","content":" An AssetCSS instance holds information about a Cascading Style Sheet related to a podlet or layout.  ","version":"Next","tagName":"h2"},{"title":"Properties​","type":1,"pageTitle":"Assets","url":"/docs/api/assets#properties","content":" An AssetCSS instance has the following properties:  property\ttype\tgetter\tsetter\tdefault\tdetailsvalue\tstring\t✓ ''\tRelative or absolute URL to the CSS asset href\tstring\t✓ ''\tAlias for the value property crossorigin\tstring\t✓\t✓\tundefined\tCorrelates to the same attribute on an HTML <link> element disabled\tboolean\t✓\t✓\tfalse\tCorrelates to the same attribute on an HTML <link> element hreflang\tstring\t✓\t✓\tundefined\tCorrelates to the same attribute on an HTML <link> element title\tstring\t✓\t✓\tundefined\tCorrelates to the same attribute on an HTML <link> element media\tstring\t✓\t✓\tundefined\tCorrelates to the same attribute on an HTML <link> element type\tstring\t✓\t✓\ttext/css\tCorrelates to the same attribute on an HTML <link> element rel\tstring\t✓\t✓\tstylesheet\tCorrelates to the same attribute on an HTML <link> element as\tstring\t✓\t✓\tundefined\tCorrelates to the same attribute on an HTML <link> element  ","version":"Next","tagName":"h2"},{"title":"Methods​","type":1,"pageTitle":"Assets","url":"/docs/api/assets#methods","content":" An AssetCSS instance has the following methods:  ","version":"Next","tagName":"h2"},{"title":".toJSON()​","type":1,"pageTitle":"Assets","url":"/docs/api/assets#tojson","content":" Returns a JSON representation of the AssetCSS instance.  ","version":"Next","tagName":"h3"},{"title":".toJsxAttributes()​","type":1,"pageTitle":"Assets","url":"/docs/api/assets#tojsxattributes","content":" Returns a JSON representation of the AssetCSS instance ready for use in a JSX link tag  <link {...css.toJsxAttributes()} />   ","version":"Next","tagName":"h3"},{"title":".toHTML()​","type":1,"pageTitle":"Assets","url":"/docs/api/assets#tohtml","content":" Returns an HTML <link> element as a string representation of the AssetCSSinstance.  ","version":"Next","tagName":"h3"},{"title":"AssetJS​","type":1,"pageTitle":"Assets","url":"/docs/api/assets#assetjs","content":" An AssetJS instance holds information about a podlet or layout's Javascript client side assets.  ","version":"Next","tagName":"h2"},{"title":"Properties​","type":1,"pageTitle":"Assets","url":"/docs/api/assets#properties-1","content":" An AssetJS instance has the following properties:  property\ttype\tgetter\tsetter\tdefault\tdetailsvalue\tstring\t✓ ''\tRelative or absolute URL to the CSS asset src\tstring\t✓ ''\tAlias for the value property referrerpolicy\tstring\t✓\t✓\tundefined\tCorrelates to the same attribute on an HTML <script> element crossorigin\tstring\t✓\t✓\tundefined\tCorrelates to the same attribute on an HTML <script> element integrity\tstring\t✓\t✓\tundefined\tCorrelates to the same attribute on an HTML <script> element nomodule\tboolean\t✓\t✓\tfalse\tCorrelates to the same attribute on an HTML <script> element async\tboolean\t✓\t✓\tfalse\tCorrelates to the same attribute on an HTML <script> element defer\tboolean\t✓\t✓\tfalse\tCorrelates to the same attribute on an HTML <script> element type\tstring\t✓\t✓\tundefined\tCorrelates to the same attribute on an HTML <script> element  ","version":"Next","tagName":"h2"},{"title":"Methods​","type":1,"pageTitle":"Assets","url":"/docs/api/assets#methods-1","content":" An AssetJS instance has the following methods:  ","version":"Next","tagName":"h2"},{"title":".toJSON()​","type":1,"pageTitle":"Assets","url":"/docs/api/assets#tojson-1","content":" Returns a JSON representation of the AssetJS instance.  ","version":"Next","tagName":"h3"},{"title":".toJsxAttributes()​","type":1,"pageTitle":"Assets","url":"/docs/api/assets#tojsxattributes-1","content":" Returns a JSON representation of the AssetJS instance ready for use in a JSX script tag.  <script {...js.toJsxAttributes()}></script>   ","version":"Next","tagName":"h3"},{"title":".toHTML()​","type":1,"pageTitle":"Assets","url":"/docs/api/assets#tohtml-1","content":" Returns an HTML <script> element as a string representation of the AssetJSinstance. ","version":"Next","tagName":"h3"},{"title":"manifest.json","type":0,"sectionRef":"#","url":"/docs/api/manifest","content":"","keywords":"","version":"Next"},{"title":"Schema​","type":1,"pageTitle":"manifest.json","url":"/docs/api/manifest#schema","content":" The schema for manifest.json is defined in @podium/schemas.  ","version":"Next","tagName":"h2"},{"title":"Example​","type":1,"pageTitle":"manifest.json","url":"/docs/api/manifest#example","content":" { "name": "my-podlet", "version": "1.0.0", "content": "/", "fallback": "/fallback", "css": [ { "value": "https://my.asset.server/my-podlet/styles.css", "type": "text/css", "rel": "stylesheet" } ], "js": [ { "value": "https://my.asset.server/my-podlet/client.js", "type": "module" } ], "proxy": { "api": "/api" } }  ","version":"Next","tagName":"h2"},{"title":"Document Template","type":0,"sectionRef":"#","url":"/docs/api/document","content":"","keywords":"","version":"Next"},{"title":"Rendering​","type":1,"pageTitle":"Document Template","url":"/docs/api/document#rendering","content":" A document template is used by calling the .render() methods in the podletand layout modules or the res.podiumSend() provided by whichever HTTP framework is being used.  ExpressHapiFastifyHTTP app.get(layout.pathname(), (req, res) => { const incoming = res.locals.podium; const document = podlet.render(incoming, '<div>content to render</div>'); res.send(document); });   ","version":"Next","tagName":"h2"},{"title":"Customizing​","type":1,"pageTitle":"Document Template","url":"/docs/api/document#customizing","content":" Podium ships with a default document template which should cover most use cases. It is possible, however, to set a custom document template which can then be plugged into both layout and podlet servers.  A custom document template is set by using the .view() method in thepodlet and layout modules.  layout.view((incoming, body, head) => `<!doctype html> <html lang="${incoming.context.locale}"> <head> <meta charset="${incoming.view.encoding}"> <title>${incoming.view.title}</title> ${head} </head> <body> ${body} </body> </html>`; );   ","version":"Next","tagName":"h2"},{"title":"Request Properties​","type":1,"pageTitle":"Document Template","url":"/docs/api/document#request-properties","content":" A document template will need properties which are request bound. This can be any type of property, but the value of the <title> element is one such example.  It is possible to pass on properties to the document template by using the.view property on HttpIncoming.  ExpressHapiFastifyHTTP app.get(layout.pathname(), (req, res) => { const incoming = res.locals.podium; incoming.view = { title: `My Site / ${someRequestValue}`, }; const document = layout.render(incoming, '<div>content to render</div>'); res.send(document); });   ","version":"Next","tagName":"h2"},{"title":"Assets​","type":1,"pageTitle":"Document Template","url":"/docs/api/document#assets","content":" On the HttpIncoming object which is passed on to the document template one can find an array of AssetCSS objects on the .css property and an array of AssetJS objects on the .js property . These properties hold the assets of a podlet or a layout. In a layout they can hold the assets of the requested podlets in addition to the assets of the layout itself.  Please see the asset documentation for more information.  The arrays of AssetCSS and AssetJS objects can easily be converted into HTML in a document template by running each object through the .buildLinkElement()or .buildScriptElement()methods found in the @podium/utils package:  import utils from '@podium/utils'; [ ... ] layout.view((incoming, body, head) => `<!doctype html> <html lang="${incoming.context.locale}"> <head> <meta charset="${incoming.view.encoding}"> ${incoming.css.map(utils.buildLinkElement).join('\\n')} ${incoming.js.map(utils.buildScriptElement).join('\\n')} <title>${incoming.view.title}</title> ${head} </head> <body> ${body} </body> </html>`; );   ","version":"Next","tagName":"h2"},{"title":"template(HttpIncoming, fragment, [args])​","type":1,"pageTitle":"Document Template","url":"/docs/api/document#templatehttpincoming-fragment-args","content":" A document template is implemented using a plain JavaScript function that returns a string.  The document template accepts, and will be called with, the following arguments:  HttpIncoming (required)​  An instance of the HttpIncoming class.  fragment​  A string that is intended to be a used as a fragment in the final HTML document.  [args]​  All following arguments given to the .render() or res.podiumSend() methods in the podlet and layout modules will be passed on to the document template.  The following is an example of how such additional arguments might be used to pass on parts of a page to the document template.  ExpressHapiFastifyHTTP layout.view = (incoming, body, head) => { return ` <html> <head>${head}</head> <body>${body}</body> </html> `; }; app.get(layout.pathname(), (req, res) => { const incoming = res.locals.podium; const head = `<meta ..... />`; const body = `<section>my content</section>`; const document = layout.render(incoming, body, head); res.send(document); });  ","version":"Next","tagName":"h2"},{"title":"@podium/store","type":0,"sectionRef":"#","url":"/docs/api/store","content":"","keywords":"","version":"Next"},{"title":"Usage​","type":1,"pageTitle":"@podium/store","url":"/docs/api/store#usage","content":" To install:  npm install @podium/store   Use the reactive store to do minimal updates of your UI when state changes. Nanostores supports multiple view frameworks:  React and PreactLitVueVanilla JS  This example shows a React component:  // components/user.jsx import { useStore } from "@nanostores/react"; import { $loggedIn } from "../stores/user.js"; export const User = () => { const loggedIn = useStore($loggedIn); return <p>{loggedIn ? "Welcome!" : "Please log in"}</p>; };   This is the same component in Lit:  // components/user.js import { StoreController } from "@nanostores/lit"; import { $loggedIn } from "../stores/user.js"; class User extends LitElement { loggedInController = new StoreController(this, $loggedIn); render() { return html`<p> ${this.loggedInController.value ? "Welcome!" : "Please log in"} </p>`; } } customElements.define("a-user", User);   ","version":"Next","tagName":"h2"},{"title":"Create your own reactive state​","type":1,"pageTitle":"@podium/store","url":"/docs/api/store#create-your-own-reactive-state","content":" By using the included helper you can make your reactive state sync between the different parts of a Podium application.  ","version":"Next","tagName":"h3"},{"title":"API​","type":1,"pageTitle":"@podium/store","url":"/docs/api/store#api","content":" ","version":"Next","tagName":"h2"},{"title":"atom(channel, topic, initialValue)​","type":1,"pageTitle":"@podium/store","url":"/docs/api/store#atomchannel-topic-initialvalue","content":" Create your own atom that syncs between parts of a Podium application using the MessageBus.  This method requires the following arguments:  option\ttype\tdetailschannel\tstring\tName of the channel topic\tstring\tName of the topic payload\tobject\tThe initial value. Replaced if peek(channel, topic) returns a value.  import { atom } from "@podium/store"; const $reminders = atom("reminders", "list", []);   ","version":"Next","tagName":"h3"},{"title":"map(channel, topic, initialValue)​","type":1,"pageTitle":"@podium/store","url":"/docs/api/store#mapchannel-topic-initialvalue","content":" Create your own map that syncs between parts of a Podium application using the MessageBus.  This method requires the following arguments:  option\ttype\tdetailschannel\tstring\tName of the channel topic\tstring\tName of the topic payload\tobject\tThe initial value. Replaced if peek(channel, topic) returns a value.  import { map } from "@podium/store"; const $user = map("user", "profile", { displayName: "foobar" });   ","version":"Next","tagName":"h3"},{"title":"deepMap(channel, topic, initialValue)​","type":1,"pageTitle":"@podium/store","url":"/docs/api/store#deepmapchannel-topic-initialvalue","content":" Create your own deepMap that syncs between parts of a Podium application using the MessageBus.  This method requires the following arguments:  option\ttype\tdetailschannel\tstring\tName of the channel topic\tstring\tName of the topic payload\tobject\tThe initial value. Replaced if peek(channel, topic) returns a value.  import { deepMap, listenKeys } from "@podium/store"; export const $profile = deepMap({ hobbies: [ { name: "woodworking", friends: [{ id: 123, name: "Ron Swanson" }], }, ], skills: [["Carpentry", "Sanding"], ["Varnishing"]], }); listenKeys($profile, ["hobbies[0].friends[0].name", "skills[0][0]"]);  ","version":"Next","tagName":"h3"},{"title":"Client-side assets","type":0,"sectionRef":"#","url":"/docs/guides/assets","content":"","keywords":"","version":"Next"},{"title":"HttpIncoming","type":0,"sectionRef":"#","url":"/docs/api/incoming","content":"","keywords":"","version":"Next"},{"title":"Constructor​","type":1,"pageTitle":"HttpIncoming","url":"/docs/api/incoming#constructor","content":" Create a new HttpIncoming instance.  import { HttpIncoming } from '@podium/utils'; const incoming = new HttpIncoming(request, response, params);   options​  option\ttype\tdefault\trequired\tdetailsrequest\thttp.IncomingMessage\tnull\t✓\tA raw Node.js HTTP request object response\thttp.ServerResponse\tnull\t✓\tA raw Node.js HTTP response object params\tobject\t{} Request scoped parameters  request​  A raw Node.js http.IncomingMessageobject.  If used with an HTTP framework please note that some frameworks operate with their own "request" objects as a wrapper around http.IncomingMessage. In such cases it is often necessary to gain access to the raw http.IncomingMessageobject through a property or method.  response​  A raw Node.js http.ServerResponseobject.  If used with an HTTP framework please note that some frameworks operate with their own "request" objects as a wrapper around http.IncomingMessage. In such cases it is often necessary to gain access to the raw http.IncomingMessageobject through a property or method.  params​  An object for passing arbitrary property values for Podium to use.  Note: When using any of the supported HTTP frameworks, params is usually picked up from a special properties object on the request (eg. res.locals in Express.js). Please see the the relevant plugin for the appropriate HTTP framework for further information.  One very common use case for this is to pass a request bound property to a context parser. There are cases where you may want to perform operations on requests prior to running the .middleware() or .process() methods in a layout or podlet and then pass the results of these operations on to a context parser.  The locale context parser does this when setting the request bound locale value:  ExpressHapiFastifyHTTP const app = express(); const layout = new Layout({ name: 'myLayout', pathname: '/', }); const podlet = layout.client.register({ name: 'myPodlet', uri: 'http://localhost:7100/manifest.json', }); // Set a locale param to 'nb-NO' on res.locals app.use((req, res, next) => { res.locals = { locale: 'nb-NO', }; next(); }); // Attach the middleware on Express. This will create HttpIncoming under the // hood plus generate the context where the locale param will be picked up from // res.locals app.use(layout.middleware()); app.get('/', (req, res) => { // Get the HttpIncoming object generated by the layout.middleware() let incoming = res.locals.podium; // Pass HttpIncoming on to the fetch method. This will pass the generated // context where locale now is `nb-NO` on to the request to the podlet. const { content } = await podlet.fetch(incoming); [ ... snip ...] });   ","version":"Next","tagName":"h2"},{"title":"Properties​","type":1,"pageTitle":"HttpIncoming","url":"/docs/api/incoming#properties","content":" An HttpIncoming instance has the following properties:  property\ttype\tgetter\tsetter\tdefault\tdetailsdevelopment\tboolean\t✓\t✓\tfalse\tHint regarding whether the podlet / layout are in development mode or not response\thttp.ServerResponse\t✓ null\tA raw Node.js HTTP response object set through the response argument in the constructor request\thttp.IncomingMessage\t✓ null\tA raw Node.js HTTP request object set through the request argument in the constructor context\tobject\t✓\t✓\t{}\tThe context created by the context parser podlets\tarray ✓\tnull\tArray of client response objects. Used in @podium/layout. params\tobject\t✓ {}\tParams set through the params argument in the constructor proxy\tboolean\t✓\t✓\tfalse\tWhether the request was handled by the proxy or not name\tstring\t✓\t✓\t''\tThe name of the podlet / layout view\tobject\t✓\t✓\t{}\tView parameters for the document template url\tURL\t✓ {}\tA URL object created out of the original request css\tarray\t✓\t✓\t[]\tAn array of AssetCSS objects js\tarray\t✓\t✓\t[]\tAn array of AssetJS objects  ","version":"Next","tagName":"h2"},{"title":"Methods​","type":1,"pageTitle":"HttpIncoming","url":"/docs/api/incoming#methods","content":" An HttpIncoming instance has the following methods:  ","version":"Next","tagName":"h2"},{"title":".toJSON()​","type":1,"pageTitle":"HttpIncoming","url":"/docs/api/incoming#tojson","content":" Returns JSON representation of the HttpIncoming instance. ","version":"Next","tagName":"h3"},{"title":"Hosting assets​","type":1,"pageTitle":"Client-side assets","url":"/docs/guides/assets#hosting-assets","content":" There are two main options for hosting assets:  The podlet can serve its own assetsUse a separate asset server or CDN  ","version":"Next","tagName":"h2"},{"title":"Podlet serves assets​","type":1,"pageTitle":"Client-side assets","url":"/docs/guides/assets#podlet-serves-assets","content":" Note: this will only work if your podlets are publicly available.  This approach involves each podlet serving its assets so that the layout can then include these files in its HTML template.  Step 1.  In your podlet, use the podlet asset helper functions to define inline client code.  podlet.js({ value: `http://my-podlet.com/assets/scripts.js` }); podlet.css({ value: `http://my-podlet.com/assets/styles.js` });   Each of these functions can be called multiple times to add additional assets. For each call, you may also set a type.  podlet.js({ value: `http://my-podlet.com/assets/scripts1.js`, type: "esm" }); podlet.js({ value: `http://my-podlet.com/assets/scripts2.js`, type: "default", });   Step 2.  Serve the assets from express. Assuming the podlets client side assets have been placed in a directory called assets:  app.use("/assets", express.static("assets"));   See the Express documentation for more information on static.  Step 3.  Set incoming.podlets and use podiumSend in your layout's request handler. This way the document template can include the CSS and JS assets served by the podlet.  app.get(layout.pathname(), (req, res) => { const incoming = res.locals.podium; const response = await myPodlet.fetch(incoming); incoming.podlets = [response]; res.podiumSend(`<div>Hello, Layout</div>`); });   ","version":"Next","tagName":"h3"},{"title":"Use a CDN​","type":1,"pageTitle":"Client-side assets","url":"/docs/guides/assets#use-a-cdn","content":" This approach involves each podlet uploading its assets to a predefined CDN location so that the layout can then include the CDN URLs in its HTML response.  Step 1.  In your podlet, upload your assets to a CDN. You might do this whenever your podlet server is built or starts up to ensure the latest version is available on the CDN.  Step 2.  Next, tell the podlet the location of your assets so that it can populate the manifest file.  podlet.js({ value: "http://some-cdn.com/client.js" }); podlet.css({ value: "http://some-cdn.com/style.css" });   Step 3.  Set incoming.podlets and use podiumSend in your layout's request handler. This way the document template can include the CSS and JS assets served by the podlet.  app.get(layout.pathname(), (req, res) => { const incoming = res.locals.podium; const response = await myPodlet.fetch(incoming); incoming.podlets = [response]; res.podiumSend(`<div>Hello, Layout</div>`); });   ","version":"Next","tagName":"h3"},{"title":"Deduplicating shared dependencies​","type":1,"pageTitle":"Client-side assets","url":"/docs/guides/assets#deduplicating-shared-dependencies","content":" It's likely one or more of your podlets share a common dependency, such as React. Unless you take action each podlet will bundle its own complete copy of React, wasting bandwith and execution time.  It's up to you to configure your build tools and infrastructure so you can avoid this duplication in your bundles and serve shared dependencies in a performant way.  You may want to look into Eik and its build tool plugins, which were built by the same team that maintains Podium to solve this performance problem.  ","version":"Next","tagName":"h2"},{"title":"Isolation​","type":1,"pageTitle":"Client-side assets","url":"/docs/guides/assets#isolation","content":" A podlet should ideally not affect or be affected by the layout or other podlets. This can be tricky, particularly for CSS because of its global nature and the cascade.  ","version":"Next","tagName":"h2"},{"title":"Unique selectors​","type":1,"pageTitle":"Client-side assets","url":"/docs/guides/assets#unique-selectors","content":" You can work around the isolation problem by adopting a namespacing convention for all CSS selectors. CSS modules and other similar tools that generate unique selectors can also help mitigate the isolation problem.  Unique selectors can mitigate some of the isolation problems, but a podlet can still be affected by the layout's CSS.  ","version":"Next","tagName":"h3"},{"title":"Declarative shadow DOM​","type":1,"pageTitle":"Client-side assets","url":"/docs/guides/assets#declarative-shadow-dom","content":" Using the shadow DOM you can isolate a podlet from its surroundings. By wrapping a podlet in a declarative shadow DOM you can still get the benefits of server-side rendering.  podlet.css() can't be used with shadow DOM​  With podlet.css() the end result is a <link /> tag in the HTML document's <head />. If your podlet's content renders inside a shadow DOM that CSS won't be able to reach the podlet.  With a declarative shadow DOM you have to include your own <link /> to the CSS from inside the shadow DOM.  ","version":"Next","tagName":"h3"},{"title":"Islands architecture​","type":1,"pageTitle":"Client-side assets","url":"/docs/guides/assets#islands-architecture","content":" Podium works well with islands architecture where interactivity on the client is handled by small, isolated applications.  Especially when building your layout:  Consider how JavaScript libraries you use handle external content (external in the sense that it is not generated by your library).Be mindful of how much of the document your JavaScript library hydrates. ","version":"Next","tagName":"h3"},{"title":"Browser extension","type":0,"sectionRef":"#","url":"/docs/guides/browser-extension","content":"","keywords":"","version":"Next"},{"title":"Download the browser extension​","type":1,"pageTitle":"Browser extension","url":"/docs/guides/browser-extension#download-the-browser-extension","content":" The Podium browser extension is available for Firefox and Chromium-based browsers.  FirefoxChromium based browsers  ","version":"Next","tagName":"h2"},{"title":"Using the browser extension​","type":1,"pageTitle":"Browser extension","url":"/docs/guides/browser-extension#using-the-browser-extension","content":" First, you may have to allow the extension to run on the page you're debugging. In Firefox this is shown with a mark by the extensions drawer, and on the extension itself.    The extension adds two new panes to your browser's developer tools that cover two main use-cases. You may have to open an overflow menu to see them.    ","version":"Next","tagName":"h2"},{"title":"The Podium Context pane​","type":1,"pageTitle":"Browser extension","url":"/docs/guides/browser-extension#the-podium-context-pane","content":" This pane is used when developing podlets to change the default values set on the Podium context. Say you want to test how your podlet behaves when given a different deviceType value. You could make changes in code, restart the server and then do your test, or you can use the extension and it's partner middleware to quickly swap values at runtime.  ","version":"Next","tagName":"h3"},{"title":"The Podium Headers pane​","type":1,"pageTitle":"Browser extension","url":"/docs/guides/browser-extension#the-podium-headers-pane","content":" This pane helps you set HTTP headers on requests to the server. It's mainly designed for use with Podium layouts, but can be used to set any header for any server. It comes with presets for hybrid HTTP headers, but you can add and remove any headers you might need.  ","version":"Next","tagName":"h3"},{"title":"Missing a feature?​","type":1,"pageTitle":"Browser extension","url":"/docs/guides/browser-extension#missing-a-feature","content":" If you have ideas for additional features that would help you develop and debug Podium applications, please open an issue in the dev-tool repo. If an issue allready exists, give it a thumbs-up. ","version":"Next","tagName":"h2"},{"title":"Client-side communication","type":0,"sectionRef":"#","url":"/docs/guides/client-side-communication","content":"","keywords":"","version":"Next"},{"title":"Podium client-side libraries​","type":1,"pageTitle":"Client-side communication","url":"/docs/guides/client-side-communication#podium-client-side-libraries","content":" Podium offers client side libraries to help communication between different applications running in the browser:  @podium/browser includes a message bus and methods to publish and subscribe to messages.@podium/store offers a reactive state API backed by the message bus, letting you sync state with ease.  The libraries are designed to make communication between podlets loosely coupled and resilient.  ","version":"Next","tagName":"h2"},{"title":"@podium/browser​","type":1,"pageTitle":"Client-side communication","url":"/docs/guides/client-side-communication#podiumbrowser","content":" This library contains the message bus that is the backbone of client-side communication in Podium. Podlets (or the layout) publish and subscribe to messages on the bus for loosely coupled synchronization of state.  tip @podium/store offers an alternative API that uses this message bus under the hood. You can use whichever you prefer.  In the example above, when InputPodlet accepts a new item it also publishes a message on the bus.  // input-podlet.js import { MessageBus } from "@podium/browser"; const messageBus = new MessageBus(); messageBus.publish("reminders", "newReminder", { title: "Buy milk", });   ListPodlet subscribes to the same reminders channel and newReminder topic that InputPodlet publishes to. When nes messages arrive, ListPodlet updates its internal state.  // list-podlet.js import { MessageBus } from "@podium/browser"; const messageBus = new MessageBus(); // Check to see if an initial value exists on the messageBus // and fall back to a default value. const reminders = messageBus.peek("reminders", "newReminder") || []; // ListPodlet listens for new reminders published on the message bus and updates its state messageBus.subscribe("reminders", "newReminder", (event) => { const reminder = event.payload; reminders.push(reminder); });   See @podium/browser for API documentation.  Possible race condition Your subscribe function might register after someone has already published an event. To make sure your application state is in sync, always do a peek first.  ","version":"Next","tagName":"h3"},{"title":"@podium/store​","type":1,"pageTitle":"Client-side communication","url":"/docs/guides/client-side-communication#podiumstore","content":" This library adds a reactive state API on top of the MessageBus using nanostores. It sets up publishing and subscribing (including the peek for the initial value) for you behind the scenes, leaving you with a reactive variable you read from and write to that will stay in sync between applications.  tip Using @podium/store you can trigger minimal UI updates using a nanostores integration for a given UI library.  Keeping with our example, when InputPodlet accepts a new item updates a reactive atom holding the list of reminders.  // input-podlet.js import { atom } from "@podium/store"; /** @type {import("@podium/store").WritableAtom<string[]>} */ const $reminders = atom("reminders", "list", []); // Replace the existing value with a new list to trigger reactive updates $reminders.set([...$reminders.value, "Buy milk"]);   ListPodlet would set up the same atom and use either a nanostores integration with an existing UI library, or subscribe and handle changes manually.  // list-podlet.js import { atom } from "@podium/store"; /** @type {import("@podium/store").WritableAtom<string[]>} */ const $reminders = atom("reminders", "list", []); // Perhaps fetch stored reminders from an API, // or populate the state with data included in a server-side render $reminders.set(storedReminders); // Update the UI when the reminders list changes $reminders.subscribe((value) => { console.log(value); });   See @podium/store and nanostores for API documentation. ","version":"Next","tagName":"h3"},{"title":"Podium context","type":0,"sectionRef":"#","url":"/docs/guides/context","content":"","keywords":"","version":"Next"},{"title":"The role of the layout​","type":1,"pageTitle":"Podium context","url":"/docs/guides/context#the-role-of-the-layout","content":" The context is created in the layout for each request. The @podium/layout module includes a set of default context parsers, which are functions that read the incoming request and return some kind of value that is placed on the context.  You must manually pass the context object on to podlets in the call to .fetch(ctx). The context object is serialized as HTTP headers which are then deserialized to a context object in the podlet.  app.get(layout.pathname(), (req, res) => { const incoming = res.locals.podium; const content = await myPodlet.fetch(incoming); });   ","version":"Next","tagName":"h2"},{"title":"Change the default context parsers​","type":1,"pageTitle":"Podium context","url":"/docs/guides/context#change-the-default-context-parsers","content":" The included context parsers have a default configuration which should cover most use cases. It is possible to overwrite default configuration when constructing a layout.  const layout = new Layout({ context: { debug: { enabled: true, }, }, });   See the @podium/layout reference for more detailed documentation regarding configuring the default context parsers.  ","version":"Next","tagName":"h3"},{"title":"Add custom context parsers​","type":1,"pageTitle":"Podium context","url":"/docs/guides/context#add-custom-context-parsers","content":" You can extend the Podium context by registering additional parsers.  import CustomContext from "my-custom-context-parser"; layout.context.register("my-custom-context", new CustomContext());   In the example above a new camelCased value myCustomContext will be available on the Podium context to podlets you fetch.  ","version":"Next","tagName":"h3"},{"title":"Default context variables​","type":1,"pageTitle":"Podium context","url":"/docs/guides/context#default-context-variables","content":" All requests made by @podium/layout include these variables on the context:  Name\tHeader Name\tContext Name\tDescriptionDebug\tpodium-debug\tdebug\tA boolean value informing the podlet whether the layout is in debug mode or not. Defaults to false Locale\tpodium-locale\tlocale\tA bcp47 compliant locale string with locale information from the layout. Defaults to en-US Device Type\tpodium-device-type\tdeviceType\tA guess (based on user-agent) as to the device type of the browser requesting the page from a layout server. Possible values are desktop, tablet and mobile. Defaults to desktop Mount Origin\tpodium-mount-origin\tmountOrigin\tURL origin of the inbound request to the layout server. For example, if the layout server is serving requests on the domain http://www.foo.com this value will be http://www.foo.com Mount Pathname\tpodium-mount-pathname\tmountPathname\tURL path to where a layout is mounted in an HTTP server. This value is the same as the layout's pathname option. For example, if the layout server has mounted a layout on the pathname /bar (http://www.foo.com/bar) this value will be /bar. Public Pathname\tpodium-public-pathname\tpublicPathname\tURL path to where a layout server has mounted a proxy in order to proxy public traffic to a podlet. The full public pathname is built up by joining together the value of Mount Pathname with a prefix value. The prefix value is there to define a namespace to isolate the proxy from other HTTP routes defined under the same mount pathname. The default prefix value is podium-resource. For example, if the layout server has mounted a layout on the pathname /bar (http://www.foo.com/bar) this value will be /bar/podium-resource/.  ","version":"Next","tagName":"h2"},{"title":"Fallbacks","type":0,"sectionRef":"#","url":"/docs/guides/fallbacks","content":"","keywords":"","version":"Next"},{"title":"How do fallbacks work?​","type":1,"pageTitle":"Fallbacks","url":"/docs/guides/fallbacks#how-do-fallbacks-work","content":" On the first request to a podlet a layout will read the podlet’s manifest. The manifest includes the location of the fallback. The layout then makes a request to the fallback route and caches the response.  Later, if the podlet server cannot be reached for any reason, or the request returns a non 200 response, the layout will use the podlet’s cached fallback content instead.  Note that the podlet’s assets will still be served, so the fallback can depend on both JS and CSS being present once it’s rendered. This assumes the assets are hosted on a server separate from the podlet.  ","version":"Next","tagName":"h2"},{"title":"Defining a fallback route​","type":1,"pageTitle":"Fallbacks","url":"/docs/guides/fallbacks#defining-a-fallback-route","content":" With a podlet instance you call the fallback function which will return the route from the manifest. By default this is at /fallback. You then attach your handler which receives a simplified version of the context and returns the fallback you want.  const podlet = new Podlet(/*...*/); const app = express(); app.get(podlet.fallback(), (req, res) => { res.status(200).podiumSend("<div>It didn't work :(</div>"); });   With a custom URL, which will be reflected in the manifest.  app.get(podlet.fallback("/my-custom-fallback-route"), (req, res) => { res.status(200).podiumSend("<div>It didn't work :(</div>"); });   You can also use some of the Podium context that's not request bound. This is useful if you need to serve a different fallback depending on where the podlet is mounted.  app.get(podlet.fallback(), (req, res) => { const { publicPathname } = res.locals.podium.context; res .status(200) .podiumSend( `<div data-public-path-name=${publicPathname}>It didn't work :(</div>` ); });   The fallback can also point to an external service.  const podlet = new Podlet(/*...*/); podlet.fallback("https://www.example.com/my-fallback");   ","version":"Next","tagName":"h2"},{"title":"Throwable podlets​","type":1,"pageTitle":"Fallbacks","url":"/docs/guides/fallbacks#throwable-podlets","content":" By default a layout will substitute a fallback (or empty string) for a podlet's content whenever the podlet either fails to respond with a 2xx status code or the podlet fails to respond within 1000 milliseconds.  In some cases it may make no sense to show a page at all if some of its content is not available. You may prefer to show an error page rather than fallback content or an empty string. This is especially true for dynamic content that is the main focus of a page. If all you can show is a header and footer, it might be better to show an error page explaining the situation to the user.  In order to facilitate this, it is possible to set a podlet as throwable when it is registered.  const gettingStarted = layout.client.register({ throwable: true, });   When the layout fetch the podlet, if that podlet is not available, then the fetch will reject with an error that you can then handle as you see fit.  Error objects are instances of Boom errors and are decorated with the HTTP status code from the podlet response.  app.get(layout.pathname(), (req, res, next) => { try { const content = await gettingStarted.fetch(res.locals.podium); } catch(err) { // you might respond to the error here // res.status(err.statusCode).end(); // or pass the error on to be handled in error handling middleware next(err); } });  ","version":"Next","tagName":"h2"},{"title":"Read context values in a podlet​","type":1,"pageTitle":"Podium context","url":"/docs/guides/context#read-context-values-in-a-podlet","content":" The @podium/podlet module converts context HTTP headers into keys and values and places them on the HTTP response object at res.locals.podium.context.  As shown in the table above, context names are converted from kebab case to camel case and the Podium prefix is removed. The podium-mount-origin header is named mountOrigin on res.locals.podium.context.  app.get(podlet.content(), (req, res) => { // res.locals.podium.context.mountOrigin });   ","version":"Next","tagName":"h2"},{"title":"Construct public URLs​","type":1,"pageTitle":"Podium context","url":"/docs/guides/context#construct-public-urls","content":" One thing the context is often used for is to construct URLs that need to include the public URL of the layout.  In a podlet, the origin of a layout server can be found at res.locals.podium.context.mountOriginand the pathname to the layout server can be found at res.locals.podium.context.mountPathname.  These adher to the WHATWG URL spec so you can easily compose full URLs by using the URL module in Node.js.  Example: using the URL module to construct urls from context values  import { URL } from "url"; const { mountOrigin, mountPathname } = res.locals.podium.context; const url = new URL(mountPathname, mountOrigin); // url.href => <mountOrigin>/<mountPathname> // eg. http://localhost:3040/cats   Example: using the URL module to construct proxy urls from context values  import { URL } from "url"; const { mountOrigin, publicPathname } = res.locals.podium.context; const url = new URL(publicPathname, mountOrigin); // url.href => <mountOrigin>/<publicPathname> // eg. http://localhost:3040/cats/podium-resource   ","version":"Next","tagName":"h3"},{"title":"Developing a podlet without a layout​","type":1,"pageTitle":"Podium context","url":"/docs/guides/context#developing-a-podlet-without-a-layout","content":" In a production environment the layout is responsible for providing the context. To simplify development of podlets there's a development mode which includes some sensible default values.  const podlet = new Podlet({ /* ... */ development: true, // This should be turned off in production });   You can change the default context values if you'd like by calling podlet.defaults().  podlet.defaults({ locale: "nb-NO", });   tip Get the browser extension and the accompanying dev-tool middleware to make it possible to change these defaults without changing code and restarting your server. ","version":"Next","tagName":"h3"},{"title":"Hybrid apps","type":0,"sectionRef":"#","url":"/docs/guides/hybrid","content":"","keywords":"","version":"Next"},{"title":"Initial request​","type":1,"pageTitle":"Hybrid apps","url":"/docs/guides/hybrid#initial-request","content":" Layouts and podlets need to be able to adapt to requests from a hybrid web view. To support this, Podium specifies a set of HTTP headers that the web view includes in requests:  ","version":"Next","tagName":"h2"},{"title":"Hybrid HTTP headers​","type":1,"pageTitle":"Hybrid apps","url":"/docs/guides/hybrid#hybrid-http-headers","content":" tip Get the browser extension to make it easier to set the hybrid HTTP headers when developing locally.  Header\tExample\tDescriptionx-podium-app-id\tcom.yourcompany.app@1.2.3\tTo identify clients in logs x-podium-base-font-size\t1rem\tTo set base font size variable in CSS based on accessibility settings in the native host. x-podium-device-type\thybrid-ios, hybrid-android\tTo give hints to the server what should be included in the response.  ","version":"Next","tagName":"h3"},{"title":"Podium context​","type":1,"pageTitle":"Hybrid apps","url":"/docs/guides/hybrid#podium-context","content":" Requests that include the hybrid HTTP headers have their values added to the Podium context, in addition to the default context variables.  Header\tContext name\tDescriptionx-podium-app-id\tappId x-podium-base-font-size\tbaseFontSize x-podium-device-type\tdeviceType\tOverrides the value that would otherwise be derived from User-Agent  ","version":"Next","tagName":"h3"},{"title":"Conditionally fetch podlets​","type":1,"pageTitle":"Hybrid apps","url":"/docs/guides/hybrid#conditionally-fetch-podlets","content":" In a hybrid web view setting your layout may want to exclude things like the header and footer. These are likely podlets, and Podium has an option when you register podlets to exclude them by device type.  const headerPodlet = layout.client.register({ name: "header", uri: "http://header/manifest.json", excludeBy: { deviceType: ["hybrid-ios", "hybrid-android"], }, });   In this case, if a request has the x-podium-device-type: hybrid-ios HTTP header, Podium will serve an empty response to the headerPodlet.fetch() call.  ","version":"Next","tagName":"h3"},{"title":"Client-side communcication​","type":1,"pageTitle":"Hybrid apps","url":"/docs/guides/hybrid#client-side-communcication","content":" @podium/bridge is a module that sets up a JSON RPC bridge for communication between a native application and a web application running in a webview.@podium/browser's message bus taps into this bridge to publish and subscribe to messages.  You use the API from @podium/browser or @podium/store, and messages seamlessly get sent across the bridge for you.  // Include this once, preferably in your layout before loading applications, // and before importing `@podium/browser` and `@podium/store`. import "@podium/bridge";   See @podium/bridge for API documentation.  ","version":"Next","tagName":"h2"},{"title":"Message format​","type":1,"pageTitle":"Hybrid apps","url":"/docs/guides/hybrid#message-format","content":" When you use the bridge with @podium/browser and @podium/store, behind the scenes, channel, topic and payload are combined to form a valid JSON RPC 2.0 message. Here's an example:  import "@podium/bridge"; import { MessageBus } from "@podium/browser"; const messageBus = new MessageBus(); messageBus.publish("system", "authentication", { token: null });   "system" and "authentication" are combined to "system/authentication", and the payload argument is used as params in JSON RPC terms.  { "jsonrpc": "2.0", "method": "system/authentication", "params": { "token": null } }   The same goes for @podium/store:  import "@podium/bridge"; import { map } from "@podium/store"; const $auth = map("system", "authentication", { token: null });   ","version":"Next","tagName":"h3"},{"title":"Reserved message names​","type":1,"pageTitle":"Hybrid apps","url":"/docs/guides/hybrid#reserved-message-names","content":" Podium reserves these topics for built-in features:  systemview  ","version":"Next","tagName":"h3"},{"title":"Message contracts​","type":1,"pageTitle":"Hybrid apps","url":"/docs/guides/hybrid#message-contracts","content":" system/authentication​  Logged out:  { "jsonrpc": "2.0", "method": "system/authentication", "params": { "token": null } }   Logged in:  { "jsonrpc": "2.0", "method": "system/authentication", "params": { "token": "eyJhbGciOiJIU..." } }  ","version":"Next","tagName":"h3"},{"title":"Passing values to podlets","type":0,"sectionRef":"#","url":"/docs/guides/passing-values-to-podlets","content":"","keywords":"","version":"Next"},{"title":"Sending query params​","type":1,"pageTitle":"Passing values to podlets","url":"/docs/guides/passing-values-to-podlets#sending-query-params","content":" The Podium context is not the only way for a layout to communicate with its podlets. Query params can be forwarded to podlets via .fetch() calls.  const content = podlet.fetch(incoming, { query: { search: req.query.search } });   Continuing with our search example, when a request comes in to the layout at http://localhost:7101?search=houses, we forward the query parameter search on to both podlets.  const content = await Promise.all([ searchField.fetch(incoming, { query: { search: req.query.search } }), searchResults.fetch(incoming, { query: { search: req.query.search } }), ]);   Our podlets will then have access to the value of search and be able to render content accordingly. Likewise, in order to trigger changes, all a podlet will need to do is navigate the page to http://localhost:7101?search=houses. The searchField podlet could do this by creating a form.  <form action="http://localhost:7101" method="GET"> <input type="text" name="search" /> <input type="submit" /> </form>   ","version":"Next","tagName":"h2"},{"title":"Sending a pathname​","type":1,"pageTitle":"Passing values to podlets","url":"/docs/guides/passing-values-to-podlets#sending-a-pathname","content":" Another way to send dynamic queries to podlets is by sending along a pathname option. This can be used, for example, to build podlet URLs that are defined using named route parameters.  Example: sending podlet content route with named parameter  In the layout.  const content = podlet.fetch(incoming, { pathname: "/andrew" });   In the podlet.  app.get("/:name", (req, res) => { // req.params.name => andrew });   It is important to note here that the pathname value is appended to the content route so if you were to serve your content route at /content instead of at / the final URL sent to the podlet would include this.  const podlet = new Podlet({ content: "/content", }); app.get("/content/:name", (req, res) => { // req.params.name => andrew });   You are, in fact, free to handle any routes you like under content namespace. The following is also valid.  // include `/name` when defining `pathname` const content = podlet.fetch(incoming, { pathname: "/name/andrew" }); const podlet = new Podlet({ content: "/content", }); app.get("/content/name/:name", (req, res) => { // req.params.name => andrew });  ","version":"Next","tagName":"h2"},{"title":"Layout development","type":0,"sectionRef":"#","url":"/docs/guides/layout-development","content":"","keywords":"","version":"Next"},{"title":"Sample podlets​","type":1,"pageTitle":"Layout development","url":"/docs/guides/layout-development#sample-podlets","content":" Example: header  Create a folder /podlets/header with a file index.js inside to hold the following podlet code.  import Podlet from "@podium/podlet"; import express from "express"; const app = express(); const podlet = new Podlet({ name: "header", version: "1.0.0", development: false, }); app.use(podlet.middleware()); app.get("/manifest.json", (req, res) => { res.json(podlet); }); app.get("/", (req, res) => { res.podiumSend(`<header>The Best Podium page ever</header>`); }); app.listen(7001);   Example: navigation bar  Create a folder /podlets/navigation with a file index.js inside to hold the following podlet code.  import Podlet from "@podium/podlet"; import express from "express"; const app = express(); const podlet = new Podlet({ name: "navigation", version: "1.0.0", development: false, }); app.use(podlet.middleware()); app.get("/manifest.json", (req, res) => { res.json(podlet); }); app.get("/", (req, res) => { res.podiumSend(`<nav> <ul> <li><a href="/home">home</a></li> <li><a href="/blog">blog</a></li> <li><a href="/about">about</a></li> <li><a href="/contact">contact</a></li> </ul> </nav>`); }); app.listen(7002);   Example: main home page content  Create a folder /podlets/home with a file index.js inside to hold the following podlet code.  import Podlet from "@podium/podlet"; import express from "express"; const app = express(); const podlet = new Podlet({ name: "homeContent", version: "1.0.0", development: false, }); app.use(podlet.middleware()); app.get("/manifest.json", (req, res) => { res.json(podlet); }); app.get("/", (req, res) => { res.podiumSend(`<section>Welcome to my Podium home page</section>`); }); app.listen(7003);   Example: page footer  Create a folder /podlets/footer with a file index.js inside to hold the following podlet code.  import Podlet from "@podium/podlet"; import express from "express"; const app = express(); const podlet = new Podlet({ name: "footer", version: "1.0.0", development: false, }); app.use(podlet.middleware()); app.get("/manifest.json", (req, res) => { res.json(podlet); }); app.get("/", (req, res) => { res.podiumSend(`<footer>&copy; 2018 - the Podium team</footer>`); }); app.listen(7004);   ","version":"Next","tagName":"h2"},{"title":"Sample layout​","type":1,"pageTitle":"Layout development","url":"/docs/guides/layout-development#sample-layout","content":" Example: the /home layout  Create a folder /layouts/home. Create a file index.js inside this folder to hold the following layout code.  import Layout from "@podium/layout"; import express from "express"; const app = express(); const layout = new Layout({ name: "homePage", pathname: "/home", }); const headerClient = layout.client.register({ name: "header", uri: "http://localhost:7001/manifest.json", }); const navigationClient = layout.client.register({ name: "navigation", uri: "http://localhost:7002/manifest.json", }); const contentClient = layout.client.register({ name: "content", uri: "http://localhost:7003/manifest.json", }); const footerClient = layout.client.register({ name: "footer", uri: "http://localhost:7004/manifest.json", }); app.use(layout.pathname(), layout.middleware()); app.get(layout.pathname(), async (req, res) => { const incoming = res.locals.podium; const [header, navigation, content, footer] = await Promise.all([ headerClient.fetch(incoming), navigationClient.fetch(incoming), contentClient.fetch(incoming), footerClient.fetch(incoming), ]); incoming.view.title = "Podium example - home"; res.podiumSend(` <section>${header}</section> <section>${navigation}</section> <section>${content}</section> <section>${footer}</section> `); }); app.listen(7000);   ","version":"Next","tagName":"h2"},{"title":"Running podlets and layout together​","type":1,"pageTitle":"Layout development","url":"/docs/guides/layout-development#running-podlets-and-layout-together","content":" Because each podlet and the layout have been configured to run on different ports you can safely start them all up together.  node podlets/header node podlets/navigation node podlets/home node podlets/footer   We can now start up our /home layout to consume and display our podlet content.  node layouts/home   Our layout has been configured to run on port 7000 so we should now be able to visit the url http://localhost:7000/home in a browser and see header, navigation, home page and footer content composed together.  ","version":"Next","tagName":"h2"},{"title":"Improving the development experience​","type":1,"pageTitle":"Layout development","url":"/docs/guides/layout-development#improving-the-development-experience","content":" The setup described above is a manual process requiring a number of repetitive operations by the developer to start up, restart or shut down processes. What follows are several suggestions for improving on this.  ","version":"Next","tagName":"h2"},{"title":"using forever​","type":1,"pageTitle":"Layout development","url":"/docs/guides/layout-development#using-forever","content":" One fairly simple way to manage all your podlets and layouts at once is to use a tool called forever which is available on npm.  Example: install forever  npm i -g forever   Forever allows you to pass it some json configuration describing your setup and have it manage the processes  Example: forever json configuration file  [ { "uid": "header", "append": true, "watch": true, "script": "index.js", "sourceDir": "/path/to/podlets/header" }, { "uid": "navigation", "append": true, "watch": true, "script": "index.js", "sourceDir": "/path/to/podlets/navigation" }, { "uid": "home", "append": true, "watch": true, "script": "index.js", "sourceDir": "/path/to/podlets/home" }, { "uid": "footer", "append": true, "watch": true, "script": "index.js", "sourceDir": "/path/to/podlets/footer" }, { "uid": "homePage", "append": true, "watch": true, "script": "index.js", "sourceDir": "/path/to/layouts/home" } ]   You can then pass the configuration file to forever to start everything up at once.  Example: running forever  forever start /path/to/development.json   Notice that every service has been configured to run in watch mode meaning that they will be automatically restarted any time a file change is detected.  You can read more about forever here.  ","version":"Next","tagName":"h3"},{"title":"using pm2​","type":1,"pageTitle":"Layout development","url":"/docs/guides/layout-development#using-pm2","content":" A great alternative to forever is pm2. Pm2 can also take a configuration file in json format, can aggregate logs, run services in watch mode, has great docs and more. ","version":"Next","tagName":"h3"},{"title":"Podlet development","type":0,"sectionRef":"#","url":"/docs/guides/podlet-development","content":"","keywords":"","version":"Next"},{"title":"Podlet development setup​","type":1,"pageTitle":"Podlet development","url":"/docs/guides/podlet-development#podlet-development-setup","content":" The experience of developing a podlet on its own can be as simple as starting the podlet and visiting its URL in your favourite browser.  Consider the following podlet server:  import express from "express"; import Podlet from "@podium/podlet"; const podlet = new Podlet({ name: "myPodlet", version: "1.0.0", pathname: "/", }); const app = express(); app.get(podlet.manifest(), (req, res) => { res.json(podlet); }); app.get(podlet.content(), (req, res) => { res.send(`<div>This is my content</div>`); }); app.listen(7100);   If this content were saved in a file called server.js and run with the command:  node server.js   then you could visit the following routes to test your changes  http://localhost:7100/manifest.json: the podlet's manifest routehttp://localhost:7100: the podlet's content route  ","version":"Next","tagName":"h2"},{"title":"Problems and solutions​","type":1,"pageTitle":"Podlet development","url":"/docs/guides/podlet-development#problems-and-solutions","content":" ","version":"Next","tagName":"h2"},{"title":"Restarting the server​","type":1,"pageTitle":"Podlet development","url":"/docs/guides/podlet-development#restarting-the-server","content":" The first problem with the basic setup described above is that every time you make a change to your server, you will need to stop and restart your server before refreshing your browser window in order to see changes.  This is not so much a Podium problem as it is a common Node.js problem and it's easily solved. A common way to do so is to use a module such as nodemon to monitor your file system and restart your server automatically anytime relevant files change.  npx nodemon server.js   See the nodemon docs for more information.  Node.js (v18 or newer) has a built-in --watch mode you can use:  node --watch server.js   See the Node.js docs for more information.  ","version":"Next","tagName":"h3"},{"title":"Missing context headers​","type":1,"pageTitle":"Podlet development","url":"/docs/guides/podlet-development#missing-context-headers","content":" When a podlet is being run in the context of a layout server, the layout server will send a number of Podium context headers with each request. If your podlet depends on these headers to work correctly you need to turn on development mode.  Consider a podlet with the following content route:  app.get(podlet.content(), (req, res) => { const { mountOrigin } = res.locals.podium.context; res.send(`<div>${mountOrigin}</div>`); });   This podlet will behave correctly when sent requests by a layout but it will throw an error if you try to visit / directly in your browser.  With development enabled, you can set defaults for Podium context values that will be overwritten, and therefore not used, when requests are sent from the layout to the podlet.  To enable this feature, pass development: true in the podlet constructor like so:  const podlet = new Podlet({ development: true, });   Podium includes some sensible defaults, but you can override them if you like.  podlet.defaults({ locale: "nb-NO", });   tip Get the browser extension and the accompanying dev-tool middleware to make it possible to change these defaults without changing code and restarting your server.  ","version":"Next","tagName":"h3"},{"title":"HTML pages and page fragments​","type":1,"pageTitle":"Podlet development","url":"/docs/guides/podlet-development#html-pages-and-page-fragments","content":" In production, your podlet's content route will be responding with an HTML fragment devoid of its wrapping <html> or <body> tags. However, in development you will want to wrap your fragment in a light HTML page, especially if your podlet makes use of client side assets such as JavaScript or CSS.  Once again, development mode can help us here.  If we set development to true in the constructor and use the res.podiumSend() method in our content and fallback routes then our HTML response will be decorated with an HTML page template. As soon as we set development to false, the decorating stops and the fragment is returned on its own.  const podlet = new Podlet({ development: true, }); app.get(podlet.content(), (req, res) => { res.podiumSend(`<div>The podlet's HTML content</div>`); });   Additionally, if you set JavaScript or CSS assets using the podlet.js() or podlet.css() methods, script and style tags will be included in page decoration when in development mode and omitted when not.  const podlet = new Podlet({ development: true, }); podlet.js({ value: "http://cdn.mysite.com/scripts.js" }); podlet.css({ value: "http://cdn.mysite.com/styles.css" }); app.get(podlet.content(), (req, res) => { res.podiumSend(`<div>The podlet's HTML content</div>`); });   ","version":"Next","tagName":"h3"},{"title":"Proxying to absolute URLs​","type":1,"pageTitle":"Podlet development","url":"/docs/guides/podlet-development#proxying-to-absolute-urls","content":" Another case you may encounter when working locally with proxying is that absolute URLs are proxied to directly from layouts bypassing podlets entirely.  podlet.proxy({ target: "http://google.com", name: "google" });   will generate the following entry in the podlet's manifest  { ... "proxy": { "google": "http://google.com" } }   When this is consumed by a layout, the layout will mount a proxy from the layout directly to http://google.com without sending any traffic to the podlet. When working locally on your podlet in isolation this will mean that the proxy is simply not available to you.  Fortunately, development mode takes care of this as well. When development is set to true, a dev only proxy will be mounted in the podlet. Furthermore, default development context values will reflect this so that your code can continue to dynamically calculate the location of the proxy's public address, even though this address now sits with the podlet and not the layout.  const podlet = new Podlet({ development: true, }); podlet.proxy({ target: "http://google.com", name: "google" }); app.get(podlet.content(), (req, res) => { const { mountOrigin, publicPathname } = res.locals.podium.context; const url = new URL(publicPathname, mountOrigin); res.status(200).podiumSend(` <div> The url being proxied to google is ${url.href + "google"} </div> `); }); app.listen(3000);   In development mode, the URL will be something like http://localhost:3000/podium-resource/myPodlet/google  When not in development mode, the URL will be be similar except that it will be pointing at the layout server instead of the podlet server. Something like http://localhost:8080/podium-resource/myPodlet/google  ","version":"Next","tagName":"h3"},{"title":"In summary​","type":1,"pageTitle":"Podlet development","url":"/docs/guides/podlet-development#in-summary","content":" For the best experience when developing podlets:  Install nodemon or use --watch so your podlet server restarts on changes.Turn on development mode when working locally, but keep it off in production. ","version":"Next","tagName":"h2"},{"title":"Redirects","type":0,"sectionRef":"#","url":"/docs/guides/redirects","content":"","keywords":"","version":"Next"},{"title":"Define a podlet as redirectable​","type":1,"pageTitle":"Redirects","url":"/docs/guides/redirects#define-a-podlet-as-redirectable","content":" If a podlet should trigger a redirect for the end user, or you want to handle redirects in a different way, you have to configure the client as redirectable:  const gettingStarted = layout.client.register({ redirectable: true, });   This configuration is required, otherwise the layout will follow the redirect and use the HTML response as if it came from the podlet directly.  With the podlet configured as redirectable, check the response in the request handler for the layout and forward the status code and Location:  app.get(layout.pathname(), async (req, res) => { const incoming = res.locals.podium; const response = await gettingStarted.fetch(incoming); if (response.redirect) { return res .status(response.redirect.statusCode) .setHeader("Location", response.redirect.location) .send(); } incoming.view.title = "Hello, Layout!"; res.podiumSend(`<div>${response}</div>`); });   ","version":"Next","tagName":"h2"},{"title":"Trigger the redirect from a podlet​","type":1,"pageTitle":"Redirects","url":"/docs/guides/redirects#trigger-the-redirect-from-a-podlet","content":" Once you have configured the layout to handle a redirectable podlet, the podlet can send a Location header and the correct HTTP status code.  app.get(podlet.content(), (req, res) => { const shouldRedirect = /* Determine whether a redirect should happen */; if (shouldRedirect) { return res .status(307) .setHeader("Location", "https://podium-lib.io") .send(); } res.status(200).podiumSend(` <div id="app">Hello, Podlet!</div> `); });  ","version":"Next","tagName":"h2"},{"title":"Proxies","type":0,"sectionRef":"#","url":"/docs/guides/proxying","content":"","keywords":"","version":"Next"},{"title":"Podium proxy​","type":1,"pageTitle":"Proxies","url":"/docs/guides/proxying#podium-proxy","content":" The Podium proxy is a transparent proxy that is mounted in the layout server based on a podlet's manifest, making it possible to send any HTTP request through the layout to the podlet server.  The Podium proxy is the recommended way for a podlet to inform any layout servers that consume it that there are additional routes and that they should be given public access via routes on the layout server.  ","version":"Next","tagName":"h2"},{"title":"How it works​","type":1,"pageTitle":"Proxies","url":"/docs/guides/proxying#how-it-works","content":" The podlet defines its proxy routes.The podlet lists the location of the proxy routes in its manifest.The layout reads the proxy information from the manifest.The layout creates namespaced proxy routes.The layout sends information to the podlet via the context about the public location of these routes.The podlet uses the context to construct URLs pointing to the public location of the layout's proxy.  ","version":"Next","tagName":"h3"},{"title":"The manifest​","type":1,"pageTitle":"Proxies","url":"/docs/guides/proxying#the-manifest","content":" The proxy field in a podlet's manifest can be used to define up to 4 proxy routes:  { "name": "myPodlet", "version": "1.0.0", "pathname": "/", "proxy": { "api": "/api" } }   A layout reading this manifest will mount a proxy at this location:  /<layout-pathname>/<prefix>/<podlet-name>/<proxy-namespace>   where  <layout-pathname> is the pathname option of the Layout constructor.<prefix> defaults to podium-resource, but can be configured in the Layout constructor<podlet-name> is the name value used when registering a podlet in a layout with layout.client.register().<proxy-namespace> is the key of the key/value pair defined in the manifest.  ","version":"Next","tagName":"h3"},{"title":"Defining proxy routes​","type":1,"pageTitle":"Proxies","url":"/docs/guides/proxying#defining-proxy-routes","content":" The podlet.proxy() method lets you define proxy routes that are listed in the manifest.  podlet.proxy({ target: "/api", name: "api" });   The method returns a string you can use to define the route itself at the same time:  app.get(podlet.proxy({ target: "/api", name: "api" }), (req, res) => { res.json({ key: "value" }); });   There are a maximum of 4 proxies, however it is possible to mount multiple routes under a single proxy.  podlet.proxy({ target: "/api", name: "api" }); app.get("/api/cats", (req, res) => { res.json([{ name: "fluffy" }]); }); // http://localhost:1337/myLayout/podium-resource/myPodlet/api/cats app.get("/api/dogs", (req, res) => { res.json([{ name: "rover" }]); }); // http://localhost:1337/myLayout/podium-resource/myPodlet/api/dogs   Specifying an absolute URL is also possible in which case the layout will mount a proxy directly to the URL, bypassing the podlet entirely.  podlet.proxy({ name: "remote-api", target: "http://<some-service:port>/api" }); // http://localhost:1337/myLayout/podium-resource/myPodlet/remote-api   ","version":"Next","tagName":"h2"},{"title":"Using the proxy​","type":1,"pageTitle":"Proxies","url":"/docs/guides/proxying#using-the-proxy","content":" When creating a podlet with proxy routes, it's necessary to be able to dynamically, programmatically determine the location of these proxy routes.  ","version":"Next","tagName":"h2"},{"title":"Constructing Proxy URLs​","type":1,"pageTitle":"Proxies","url":"/docs/guides/proxying#constructing-proxy-urls","content":" The base URL can be constructed by joining together values plucked from the Podium context like so.  import { URL } from "url"; // not required in node >= 10; app.get(podlet.content(), (req, res) => { const { mountOrigin, publicPathname } = res.locals.podium.context; const url = new URL(publicPathname, mountOrigin); // prints base URL under which all proxy routes are located console.log(url.href); });   The path to a given endpoint can then be constructed by joining this base URL together with the namespace key given to the podlet.proxy() method like so:  // define and create an API proxy route app.get(podlet.proxy({ target: '/api', name: 'api' }), (req, res) => { res.json({...}); }); app.get(podlet.content(), (req, res) => { // construct an absolute URL to the API proxy route const { mountOrigin, publicPathname } = res.locals.podium.context; const url = new URL(publicPathname, mountOrigin); // prints specific absolute URL to API proxy endpoint console.log(url.href + 'api'); });   ","version":"Next","tagName":"h3"},{"title":"Example: client side JavaScript fetching data from a /content route​","type":1,"pageTitle":"Proxies","url":"/docs/guides/proxying#example-client-side-javascript-fetching-data-from-a-content-route","content":" import express from "express"; import Podlet from "@podium/podlet"; const podlet = new Podlet({ name: "myPodlet", version: "1.0.0", pathname: "/", }); const app = express(); app.get(podlet.manifest(), (req, res) => { res.status(200).json(podlet); }); app.get(podlet.proxy({ target: "/content", name: "content" }), (req, res) => { res.send("This is the actual content for the page"); }); app.get(podlet.content(), (req, res) => { const { mountOrigin, publicPathname } = res.locals.podium.context; const url = new URL(publicPathname, mountOrigin); res.send(` <div id="content-placeholder"></div> <script> fetch('${url.href + "content"}') .then((response) => response.text()) .then(content => { const el = document.getElementById('content-placeholder'); el.innerHTML = content; }); </script> `); }); app.listen(7100);   ","version":"Next","tagName":"h3"},{"title":"Public podlets and cross-origin resource sharing​","type":1,"pageTitle":"Proxies","url":"/docs/guides/proxying#public-podlets-and-cross-origin-resource-sharing","content":" If your infrastructure is set up so podlet servers are publicly available you can choose to communicate with podlet servers directly by enabling cross-origin resource sharing (CORS). You can still use the Podium proxy if you prefer. ","version":"Next","tagName":"h2"},{"title":"Hello, Podium","type":0,"sectionRef":"#","url":"/docs/introduction/hello-podium","content":"","keywords":"","version":"Next"},{"title":"Prerequisites​","type":1,"pageTitle":"Hello, Podium","url":"/docs/introduction/hello-podium#prerequisites","content":" You should have some familiarity with building apps with JavaScript and Node.  You will need to have Node installed in a current Long Term Support release or higher. npm will be installed automatically when you install Node.js.  ","version":"Next","tagName":"h2"},{"title":"Your first podlet​","type":1,"pageTitle":"Hello, Podium","url":"/docs/introduction/hello-podium#your-first-podlet","content":" A podlet serves a fragment of a whole page. You might think of this as a component running as a service.  The contract between a podlet and a layout is defined in a JSON manifest. In its simplest form a podlet can be a static file server with two files:  the JSON manifesta static HTML file  In most cases you will want something a bit more dynamic. The @podium/podlet provides helpers to build the JSON manifest and request handlers for a web server.  ","version":"Next","tagName":"h2"},{"title":"Install @podium/podlet​","type":1,"pageTitle":"Hello, Podium","url":"/docs/introduction/hello-podium#install-podiumpodlet","content":" Make an empty directory to hold your podlet and create a default package.json so you can install dependencies:  mkdir my-podlet cd my-podlet npm init -y   Then run this command to install dependencies:  npm install express @podium/podlet   ","version":"Next","tagName":"h3"},{"title":"The podlet server​","type":1,"pageTitle":"Hello, Podium","url":"/docs/introduction/hello-podium#the-podlet-server","content":" Make an index.mjs file and set up the podlet using Express:  // index.mjs import express from "express"; import Podlet from "@podium/podlet"; const app = express(); const podlet = new Podlet({ name: "my-podlet", version: "1.0.0", pathname: "/", development: true, // this should be false in production }); app.use(podlet.middleware()); app.get(podlet.content(), (req, res) => { res.status(200).podiumSend(` <div> This is the podlet's HTML content </div> `); }); app.get(podlet.manifest(), (req, res) => { res.status(200).send(podlet); }); console.log("Server running at http://localhost:7100/"); app.listen(7100);   ","version":"Next","tagName":"h3"},{"title":"Start your podlet server​","type":1,"pageTitle":"Hello, Podium","url":"/docs/introduction/hello-podium#start-your-podlet-server","content":" Now you can run the server with Node:  node index.mjs   Open a browser and go to http://localhost:7100 to see the HTML content.  You can see the JSON manifest that makes up the contract between your podlet and a layout on http://localhost:7100/manifest.json.  ","version":"Next","tagName":"h3"},{"title":"Your first layout​","type":1,"pageTitle":"Hello, Podium","url":"/docs/introduction/hello-podium#your-first-layout","content":" A layout is responsible for supplying the structure of an HTML page, inserting each podlet into the appropriate location in the page's markup, and then serving the resulting page.  The layout is also responsible for providing a Podium context on requests made to each podlet. This context is a set of HTTP headers with information the podlet can use to generate dynamic content.  Like for podlets there is a @podium/layout module which helps you build layouts.  ","version":"Next","tagName":"h2"},{"title":"Install @podium/layout​","type":1,"pageTitle":"Hello, Podium","url":"/docs/introduction/hello-podium#install-podiumlayout","content":" Make a new empty directory to hold your layout and create a default package.json so you can install dependencies:  mkdir my-layout cd my-layout npm init -y   Then run this command to install dependencies:  npm install express @podium/layout   ","version":"Next","tagName":"h3"},{"title":"The layout server​","type":1,"pageTitle":"Hello, Podium","url":"/docs/introduction/hello-podium#the-layout-server","content":" Make an index.mjs file and set up the layout using Express:  // index.mjs import express from "express"; import Layout from "@podium/layout"; const app = express(); const layout = new Layout({ name: "my-layout", pathname: "/", }); // Podlets have to be registered with the layout before they can be fetched const myPodlet = layout.client.register({ name: "my-podlet", uri: "http://localhost:7100/manifest.json", }); app.use(layout.middleware()); app.get(layout.pathname(), async (req, res) => { const incoming = res.locals.podium; incoming.view.title = "My Super Page"; // Pass the Podium context to the podlet const response = await myPodlet.fetch(incoming); // Register the podlet's JS and CSS assets with the layout's HTML template incoming.podlets = [response]; res.podiumSend(` <div>This is the layout's HTML content</div> ${response} `); }); console.log("Server running at http://localhost:7000/"); app.listen(7000);   ","version":"Next","tagName":"h3"},{"title":"Start your layout server​","type":1,"pageTitle":"Hello, Podium","url":"/docs/introduction/hello-podium#start-your-layout-server","content":" Now you can run the server with Node:  node index.mjs   Open a browser and go to http://localhost:7000 to see the HTML content.  If you kept your podlet server running you should see its HTML content as well. Try closing the podlet server and refresh the page. What happens to your layout?  ","version":"Next","tagName":"h3"},{"title":"Next steps​","type":1,"pageTitle":"Hello, Podium","url":"/docs/introduction/hello-podium#next-steps","content":" Now that you've made both a layout and a podlet you have what it takes to build a micro frontend architecture with runtime composition.  Next you may want to include some CSS, and perhaps client-side JavaScript. Let's have a look at how you can do performant loading of assets in a micro frontend architecture. ","version":"Next","tagName":"h2"},{"title":"@podium/layout","type":0,"sectionRef":"#","url":"/docs/api/layout","content":"","keywords":"","version":"Next"},{"title":"Installation​","type":1,"pageTitle":"@podium/layout","url":"/docs/api/layout#installation","content":" ExpressHapiFastify $ npm install @podium/layout   ","version":"Next","tagName":"h2"},{"title":"Getting started​","type":1,"pageTitle":"@podium/layout","url":"/docs/api/layout#getting-started","content":" Building a simple layout server including two podlets:  ExpressHapiFastifyHTTP import express from "express"; import Layout from "@podium/layout"; const layout = new Layout({ name: "myLayout", pathname: "/", }); const podletA = layout.client.register({ name: "myPodletA", uri: "http://localhost:7100/manifest.json", }); const podletB = layout.client.register({ name: "myPodletB", uri: "http://localhost:7200/manifest.json", }); const app = express(); app.use(layout.middleware()); app.get(layout.pathname(), async (req, res, next) => { const incoming = res.locals.podium; const [a, b] = await Promise.all([ podletA.fetch(incoming), podletB.fetch(incoming), ]); res.podiumSend(` <section>${a.content}</section> <section>${b.content}</section> `); }); app.listen(7000);   ","version":"Next","tagName":"h2"},{"title":"Constructor​","type":1,"pageTitle":"@podium/layout","url":"/docs/api/layout#constructor","content":" Create a new layout instance.  const layout = new Layout(options);   options​  option\ttype\tdefault\trequired\tdetailsname\tstring\tnull\t✓\tName that the layout identifies itself by pathname\tstring\tnull\t✓\tPathname of where a layout is mounted in an HTTP server logger\tobject\tnull A logger which conforms to the log4j interface context\tobject\tnull Options to be passed on to the internal @podium/context constructor client\tobject\tnull Options to be passed on to the internal @podium/client constructor proxy\tobject\tnull Options to be passed on to the internal @podium/proxy constructor  name​  The name that the layout identifies itself by. This value must be in camelCase.  Example:  const layout = new Layout({ name: "myLayoutName", pathname: "/foo", });   pathname​  The Pathname to where the layout is mounted in an HTTP server. It is important that this value matches the entry point of the route where content is served in the HTTP server since this value is used to mount the proxy and inform podlets (through the Podium context) where they are mounted and where the proxy is mounted.  If the layout is mounted at the server "root", set the pathname to /:  ExpressHapiFastifyHTTP const app = express(); const layout = new Layout({ name: 'myLayout', pathname: '/', }); app.use(layout.middleware()); app.get('/', (req, res, next) => { [ ... ] });   If the layout is mounted at /foo, set the pathname to /foo:  ExpressHapiFastifyHTTP const app = express(); const layout = new Layout({ name: 'myLayout', pathname: '/foo', }); app.use('/foo', layout.middleware()); app.get('/foo', (req, res, next) => { [ ... ] }); app.get('/foo/:id', (req, res, next) => { [ ... ] });   There is also a helper method for retrieving the set pathname which can be used to get the pathname from the layout object when defining routes. See .pathname() for further details.  logger​  Any log4j compatible logger can be passed in and will be used for logging. Console is also supported for easy test / development.  Example:  const layout = new Layout({ name: "myLayout", pathname: "/foo", logger: console, });   Under the hood abslog is used to abstract out logging. Please see abslog for further details.  context​  Options to be passed on to the context parsers.  option\ttype\tdefault\trequired\tdetailsdebug\tobject\tnull Config object passed on to the debug parser locale\tobject\tnull Config object passed on to the locale parser deviceType\tobject\tnull Config object passed on to the device type parser mountOrigin\tobject\tnull Config object passed on to the mount origin parser mountPathname\tobject\tnull Config object passed on to the mount pathname parser publicPathname\tobject\tnull Config object passed on to the public pathname parser  Example of setting the debug context to default true:  const layout = new Layout({ name: "myLayout", pathname: "/foo", context: { debug: { enabled: true, }, }, });   client​  Options to be passed on to the client.  option\ttype\tdefault\trequired\tdetailsretries\tnumber\t4 Number of times the client should retry settling a version number conflict before terminating timeout\tnumber\t1000 Default value, in milliseconds, for how long a request should wait before the connection is terminated maxAge\tnumber\tInfinity Default value, in milliseconds, for how long manifests should be cached  Example of setting retries on the client to 6:  const layout = new Layout({ name: "myLayout", pathname: "/foo", client: { retries: 6, }, });   proxy​  Options to be passed on to the proxy.  option\ttype\tdefault\trequired\tdetailsprefix\tstring\tpodium-resource Prefix used to namespace the proxy so that it's isolated from other routes in the HTTP server timeout\tnumber\t6000 Default value, in milliseconds, for how long a request should wait before the connection is terminated  Example of setting the timeout on the proxy to 30 seconds:  const layout = new Layout({ name: "myLayout", pathname: "/foo", proxy: { timeout: 30000, }, });   ","version":"Next","tagName":"h2"},{"title":"Layout Instance​","type":1,"pageTitle":"@podium/layout","url":"/docs/api/layout#layout-instance","content":" The layout instance has the following API:  ","version":"Next","tagName":"h2"},{"title":".middleware()​","type":1,"pageTitle":"@podium/layout","url":"/docs/api/layout#middleware","content":" A Connect/Express compatible middleware function which takes care of the various operations needed for a layout to operate correctly. This function is more or less just a wrapper for the .process() method.  Important: This middleware must be mounted before defining any routes.  Example  Express const app = express(); app.use(layout.middleware());   The middleware will create an HttpIncoming object for each request and place it on the response at res.locals.podium.  Returns an Array of middleware functions which perform the tasks described above.  ","version":"Next","tagName":"h3"},{"title":".js(options|[options])​","type":1,"pageTitle":"@podium/layout","url":"/docs/api/layout#jsoptionsoptions","content":" Set relative or absolute URLs to JavaScript assets for the layout.  When set, the values will be internally kept and made available for the document template to include.  This method can be called multiple times with a single options object to set multiple assets or one can provide an array of options objects to set multiple assets.  options​  option\ttype\tdefault\trequired\tdetailsvalue\tstring ✓\tRelative or absolute URL to the JavaScript asset prefix\tboolean\tfalse Whether the pathname defined on the constructor should be prepend, if relative, to the value type\tstring\tdefault What type of JavaScript (eg. esm, default, cjs) referrerpolicy\tstring Correlates to the same attribute on a HTML <script> element crossorigin\tstring Correlates to the same attribute on a HTML <script> element integrity\tstring Correlates to the same attribute on a HTML <script> element nomodule\tboolean\tfalse Correlates to the same attribute on a HTML <script> element async\tboolean\tfalse Correlates to the same attribute on a HTML <script> element defer\tboolean\tfalse Correlates to the same attribute on a HTML <script> element  value​  Sets the pathname for the layout's JavaScript assets. This value is usually the [URL] at which the layouts's user facing JavaScript is served and can be either a URL [pathname] or an absolute URL.  Serve a javascript file at /assets/main.js:  ExpressHapiFastifyHTTP const app = express(); const layout = new Layout({ name: "myLayout", pathname: "/", }); app.get("/assets.js", (req, res) => { res.status(200).sendFile("./src/js/main.js", (err) => {}); }); layout.js({ value: "/assets.js" });   Serve assets from a static file server and set a relative URI to the JS files:  ExpressHapiFastifyHTTP const app = express(); const layout = new Layout({ name: "myLayout", pathname: "/", }); app.use("/assets", express.static("./src/js")); layout.js([{ value: "/assets/main.js" }, { value: "/assets/extra.js" }]);   Set an absolute URL to where the JavaScript file is located:  const layout = new Layout({ name: "myLayout", pathname: "/", }); layout.js({ value: "http://cdn.mysite.com/assets/js/e7rfg76.js" });   prefix​  Sets whether the method should prepend the value with the pathname value that was set in the constructor.  The prefix will be ignored if value is an absolute URL.  type​  Sets the type for the script which is set. If not set, default will be used.  The following are valid values:  esm or module for ECMAScript modulescjs for CommonJS modulesamd for AMD modulesumd for Universal Module Definitiondefault if the type is unknown.  The type field provides a hint for further use of the script in the layout. Typically this is used in the document template when including the <script> tags or when optimizing JavaScript assets with a bundler.  ","version":"Next","tagName":"h3"},{"title":".css(options|[options])​","type":1,"pageTitle":"@podium/layout","url":"/docs/api/layout#cssoptionsoptions","content":" Set relative or absolute URLs to Cascading Style Sheets (CSS) assets for the layout.  When set the values will be internally kept and made available for the document template to include.  This method can be called multiple times with a single options object to set multiple assets or one can provide an array of options objects to set multiple assets.  options​  option\ttype\tdefault\trequired\tdetailsvalue\tstring ✓\tRelative or absolute URL to the CSS asset prefix\tboolean\tfalse Whether the pathname defined on the constructor should be prepend, if relative, to the value crossorigin\tstring Correlates to the same attribute on a HTML <link> element disabled\tboolean\tfalse Correlates to the same attribute on a HTML <link> element hreflang\tstring Correlates to the same attribute on a HTML <link> element title\tstring Correlates to the same attribute on a HTML <link> element media\tstring Correlates to the same attribute on a HTML <link> element type\tstring\ttext/css Correlates to the same attribute on a HTML <link> element rel\tstring\tstylesheet Correlates to the same attribute on a HTML <link> element as\tstring Correlates to the same attribute on a HTML <link> element  value​  Sets the pathname to the layout's CSS assets. This value can be an relative or absolute URL at which the podlet's user facing CSS is served. . Serve a CSS file at /assets/main.css:  ExpressHapiFastifyHTTP const app = express(); const layout = new Layout({ name: "myLayout", pathname: "/", }); app.get("/assets.css", (req, res) => { res.status(200).sendFile("./src/js/main.css", (err) => {}); }); layout.css({ value: "/assets.css" });   Serve assets from a static file server and set a relative URI to the CSS files:  ExpressHapiFastifyHTTP const app = express(); const layout = new Layout({ name: "myLayout", pathname: "/", }); app.use("/assets", express.static("./src/css")); layout.css([{ value: "/assets/main.css" }, { value: "/assets/extra.css" }]);   Set an absolute URL to where the CSS file is located:  const layout = new Layout({ name: "myLayout", pathname: "/", }); layout.css({ value: "http://cdn.mysite.com/assets/css/3ru39ur.css" });   prefix​  Sets whether the method should prepend the value with the pathname value that was set in the constructor.  The prefix will be ignored if value is an absolute URL.  ","version":"Next","tagName":"h3"},{"title":".pathname()​","type":1,"pageTitle":"@podium/layout","url":"/docs/api/layout#pathname-1","content":" A helper method used to retrieve the pathname value that was set in the constructor. This can be handy when defining routes since the pathnameset in the constructor must also be the base path for the layout's main content route  Example:  ExpressHapiFastifyHTTP const layout = new Layout({ name: 'myLayout', pathname: '/foo', }); app.get(layout.pathname(), (req, res, next) => { [ ... ] }); app.get(`${layout.pathname()}/bar`, (req, res, next) => { [ ... ] }); app.get(`${layout.pathname()}/bar/:id`, (req, res, next) => { [ ... ] });   ","version":"Next","tagName":"h3"},{"title":".view(template)​","type":1,"pageTitle":"@podium/layout","url":"/docs/api/layout#viewtemplate","content":" Sets the default document template.  Takes a template function that accepts an instance of HttpIncoming, a content string as well as any additional markup for the document's head section:  (incoming, body, head) => `Return an HTML string here`;   In practice this might look something like:  layout.view((incoming, body, head) => `<!doctype html> <html lang="${incoming.context.locale}"> <head> <meta charset="${incoming.view.encoding}"> <title>${incoming.view.title}</title> ${head} </head> <body> ${body} </body> </html>`; );   ","version":"Next","tagName":"h3"},{"title":".render(HttpIncoming, fragment, [args])​","type":1,"pageTitle":"@podium/layout","url":"/docs/api/layout#renderhttpincoming-fragment-args","content":" Method to render the document template. By default this will render a default document template provided by Podium unless a custom one is set by using the .view method.  In most HTTP frameworks this method can be ignored in favour ofres.podiumSend(). If present, res.podiumSend() has the advantage that it's not necessary to pass in HttpIncoming as the first argument.  Returns a String.  This method takes the following arguments:  HttpIncoming (required)​  An instance of the HttpIncoming class.  fragment​  A String that is intended to be a fragment of the final HTML document (Everything to be displayed in the HTML body).  [args]​  All following arguments given to the method will be passed on to thedocument template.  Additional arguments could be used to pass on parts of a page to thedocument template as shown:  ExpressHapiFastifyHTTP layout.view = (incoming, body, head) => { return ` <html> <head>${head}</head> <body>${body}</body> </html> `; }; app.get(layout.pathname(), (req, res) => { const incoming = res.locals.podium; const head = `<meta ..... />`; const body = `<section>my content</section>`; const document = layout.render(incoming, body, head); res.send(document); });   ","version":"Next","tagName":"h3"},{"title":".process(HttpIncoming)​","type":1,"pageTitle":"@podium/layout","url":"/docs/api/layout#processhttpincoming","content":" Method for processing an incoming HTTP request. This method is intended to be used to implement support for multiple HTTP frameworks and in most cases it won't be necessary for layout developers to use this method directly when creating a layout server.  What it does:  Runs context parsers on the incoming request and sets an object with the context at HttpIncoming.context which can be passed on to the client when requesting content from podlets.Mounts a proxy so that each podlet can do transparent proxy requests as needed.  Returns a Promise which will resolve with the HttpIncomingobject that was passed in.  If the inbound request matches a proxy endpoint the returned Promise will resolve with a HttpIncoming object where the .proxy property is set to true.  This method takes the following arguments:  HttpIncoming (required)​  An instance of the HttpIncoming class.  ExpressHTTP  ","version":"Next","tagName":"h3"},{"title":".client​","type":1,"pageTitle":"@podium/layout","url":"/docs/api/layout#client-1","content":" A property that exposes an instance of the client for retrieving content from podlets.  Example of registering two podlets and retrieving their content:  ExpressHapiFastifyHTTP const layout = new Layout({ name: 'myLayout', pathname: '/', }); const podletA = layout.client.register({ name: 'myPodletA', uri: 'http://localhost:7100/manifest.json', }); const podletB = layout.client.register({ name: 'myPodletB', uri: 'http://localhost:7200/manifest.json', }); [ ... ] app.get(layout.pathname(), async (req, res, next) => { const incoming = res.locals.podium; const [a, b] = await Promise.all([ podletA.fetch(incoming), podletB.fetch(incoming), ]); [ ... ] });   ","version":"Next","tagName":"h3"},{"title":".client.register(options)​","type":1,"pageTitle":"@podium/layout","url":"/docs/api/layout#clientregisteroptions","content":" Registers a podlet such that the podlet's content can later be fetched.  Example:  const podlet = layout.client.register({ name: "myPodlet", uri: "http://localhost:7100/manifest.json", });   Returns a Podlet Resource which is also stored on the layout client instance using the registered name value as its property name.  Example:  const layout = new Layout({ name: "myLayout", pathname: "/", }); layout.client.register({ uri: "http://foo.site.com/manifest.json", name: "fooBar", }); layout.client.fooBar.fetch();   options (required)​  option\ttype\tdefault\trequired\tdetailsuri\tstring ✓\tUri to the manifest of a podlet name\tstring ✓\tName of the component. This is used to reference the component in your application, and does not have to match the name of the component itself retries\tnumber\t4 The number of times the client should retry to settle a version number conflict before terminating. Overrides the retries option in the layout constructor timeout\tnumber\t1000 Defines how long, in milliseconds, a request should wait before the connection is terminated. Overrides the timeout option in the layout constructor throwable\tboolean\tfalse Defines whether an error should be thrown if a failure occurs during the process of fetching a podlet. See Fallbacks. excludeBy\tobject Lets you define a set of rules where a fetch call will not be resolved if it matches. includeBy\tobject Inverse of excludeBy. Setting both at the same time will throw.  excludeBy and includeBy​  These options are used by fetch to conditionally skip fetching the podlet content based on values on the request. It's an alternative to conditionally fetching podlets in your request handler. Setting both at the same time will throw.  Example: exclude a header and footer in a hybrid web view.  import Client from "@podium/client"; const client = new Client(); const footer = client.register({ uri: "http://footer.site.com/manifest.json", name: "footer", excludeBy: { deviceType: ["hybrid-ios", "hybrid-android"], // when footer.fetch(incoming) is called, if the incoming request has the header `x-podium-device-type: hybrid-ios`, `fetch` will return an empty response. }, });   ","version":"Next","tagName":"h3"},{"title":".client.refreshManifests()​","type":1,"pageTitle":"@podium/layout","url":"/docs/api/layout#clientrefreshmanifests","content":" Refreshes the manifests of all registered resources. Does so by calling the.refresh() method on all resources under the hood.  layout.client.register({ uri: "http://foo.site.com/manifest.json", name: "foo", }); layout.client.register({ uri: "http://bar.site.com/manifest.json", name: "bar", }); await layout.client.refreshManifests();   ","version":"Next","tagName":"h3"},{"title":".client.state​","type":1,"pageTitle":"@podium/layout","url":"/docs/api/layout#clientstate","content":" What state the client is in.  The value will be one of the following values:  instantiated - When a Client has been instantiated but no requests to any podlets have been made.initializing - When one or more podlets are requested for the first time.unstable - When an update of a podlet is detected and the layout is in the process of re-fetching the manifest.stable - When all registered podlets are using cached manifests and only fetching content.unhealthy - When an podlet update never settled.  ","version":"Next","tagName":"h3"},{"title":".client Events​","type":1,"pageTitle":"@podium/layout","url":"/docs/api/layout#client-events","content":" The Client instance emits the following events:  state​  When there is a change in state.  layout.client.on("state", (state) => { console.log(state); }); const podlet = layout.client.register({ uri: "http://foo.site.com/manifest.json", name: "foo", }); podlet.fetch();   The event will fire with one the following values:  instantiated - When a Client has been instantiated but no requests to any podlets have been made.initializing - When one or multiple podlets are requested for the very first time.unstable - When an update of a podlet is detected and is in the process of refetching the manifest.stable - When all registered podlets are using cached manifests and only fetching content.unhealthy - When an update of a podlet never settled.  ","version":"Next","tagName":"h3"},{"title":".context​","type":1,"pageTitle":"@podium/layout","url":"/docs/api/layout#context-1","content":" A property that exposes the instance of the @podium/context used to create the context which is appended to the requests to each podlet.  ","version":"Next","tagName":"h3"},{"title":".context.register(name, parser)​","type":1,"pageTitle":"@podium/layout","url":"/docs/api/layout#contextregistername-parser","content":" The context is extensible so it is possible to register third party context parsers to it.  Example of registering a custom third party context parser to the context:  import Parser from "my-custom-parser"; const layout = new Layout({ name: "myLayout", pathname: "/", }); layout.context.register("customParser", new Parser("someConfig"));   name (required)​  A unique name for the parser. Used as the key for the parser's value in the context.  parser (required)​  The parser object to be registered.  ","version":"Next","tagName":"h3"},{"title":".metrics​","type":1,"pageTitle":"@podium/layout","url":"/docs/api/layout#metrics","content":" Property that exposes a metric stream. This stream joins all internal metrics streams into one stream resulting in all metrics from all sub modules being exposed here.  See @metrics/metric for full documentation.  ","version":"Next","tagName":"h3"},{"title":"Podlet Resource​","type":1,"pageTitle":"@podium/layout","url":"/docs/api/layout#podlet-resource","content":" A registered podlet is stored in a Podlet Resource object.  The podlet Resource object contains methods for retrieving the content of a podlet. The URI of the content of a component is defined in the component's manifest. This is the content root of the component.  A podlet resource object has the following API:  ","version":"Next","tagName":"h2"},{"title":".fetch(HttpIncoming, options)​","type":1,"pageTitle":"@podium/layout","url":"/docs/api/layout#fetchhttpincoming-options","content":" Fetches the content of the podlet. Returns a Promise which resolves with a Podlet Response object containing the keys content, headers, css and js.  HttpIncoming (required)​  An HttpIncoming object. This is normally provided by the "middleware" which runs on the incoming request to the layout prior to the process of fetching podlets.  The HttpIncoming object is normally found on a request bound property of the request or response object.  ExpressHapiFastifyHTTP const podlet = layout.client.register({ name: "myPodlet", uri: "http://localhost:7100/manifest.json", }); app.get(layout.pathname(), async (req, res, next) => { const incoming = res.locals.podium; const response = await podlet.fetch(incoming); res.podiumSend(` <section>${response.content}</section> `); });   options (optional)​  option\ttype\tdefault\trequired\tdetailspathname\tstring A path which will be appended to the content root of the podlet when requested headers\tobject An Object which will be appended as HTTP headers to the request to fetch the podlets's content query\tobject An Object which will be appended as query parameters to the request to fetch the podlets's content  return value​  const result = await component.fetch(); console.log(result.content); console.log(result.headers); console.log(result.js); console.log(result.css);   ","version":"Next","tagName":"h3"},{"title":".stream(HttpIncoming, options)​","type":1,"pageTitle":"@podium/layout","url":"/docs/api/layout#streamhttpincoming-options","content":" Streams the content of the component. Returns a ReadableStream which streams the content of the component. Before the stream starts flowing a beforeStreamevent with a Podlet Response object, containing headers, css and jsreferences is emitted.  HttpIncoming (required)​  An HttpIncoming object. This is normally provided by the middleware which runs on the incoming request to the layout prior to the process of fetching podlets.  The HttpIncoming object is normally found on a request bound property of the request or response object.  ExpressHapiFastifyHTTP const podlet = layout.client.register({ name: "myPodlet", uri: "http://localhost:7100/manifest.json", }); app.get(layout.pathname(), async (req, res, next) => { const incoming = res.locals.podium; const stream = podlet.stream(incoming); stream.pipe(res); });   options (optional)​  option\ttype\tdefault\trequired\tdetailspathname\tstring A path which will be appended to the content root of the podlet when requested headers\tobject An object which will be appended as HTTP headers to the request to fetch the podlets's content query\tobject An object which will be appended as query parameters to the request to fetch the podlets's content  Event: beforeStream​  A beforeStream event is emitted before the stream starts flowing. A response object with keys headers, js and css is emitted with the event.  headers will always contain the response headers from the podlet. If the resource manifest defines JavaScript assets, js will contain the value from the manifest file otherwise js will be an empty string. If the resource manifest defines CSS assets, css will contain the value from the manifest file otherwise css will be an empty string.  ExpressHapiFastifyHTTP const podlet = layout.client.register({ name: "myPodlet", uri: "http://localhost:7100/manifest.json", }); app.get(layout.pathname(), async (req, res, next) => { const incoming = res.locals.podium; const stream = podlet.stream(incoming); stream.once("beforeStream", (data) => { console.log(data.headers); console.log(data.css); console.log(data.js); }); stream.pipe(res); });   ","version":"Next","tagName":"h3"},{"title":".refresh()​","type":1,"pageTitle":"@podium/layout","url":"/docs/api/layout#refresh","content":" This method will refresh a resource by reading its manifest and fallback if defined in the manifest. The method will not call the content URI of a component.  If the internal cache in the client already has a manifest cached, this will be thrown away and replaced when the new manifest is successfully fetched. If a new manifest cannot be successfully fetched, the old manifest will be kept in cache.  If a manifest is successfully fetched, this method will resolve with a truevalue. If a manifest is not successfully fetched, it will resolve with false.  const podlet = layout.client.register({ uri: "http://foo.site.com/manifest.json", name: "foo", }); const status = await podlet.refresh(); console.log(status); // true   ","version":"Next","tagName":"h3"},{"title":".name​","type":1,"pageTitle":"@podium/layout","url":"/docs/api/layout#name-1","content":" A property returning the name of the Podium resource. This is the name provided during the call to register.  ","version":"Next","tagName":"h3"},{"title":".uri​","type":1,"pageTitle":"@podium/layout","url":"/docs/api/layout#uri","content":" A property returning the location of the Podium resource.  ","version":"Next","tagName":"h3"},{"title":"Podlet Response​","type":1,"pageTitle":"@podium/layout","url":"/docs/api/layout#podlet-response","content":" When a podlet is requested by the .client.fetch()method it will return a Promise which will resolve with a podlet response object. If a podlet is requested by the .client.stream()method a beforeStream event will emit a podlet response object.  This object hold the response of the HTTP request to the content URL of the podlet which was requested.  An podlet response instance has the following properties:  property\ttype\tgetter\tsetter\tdefault\tdetailscontent\tstring\t✓ The content of the podlet. Normally a string of HTML. headers\tobject\t✓ {}\tThe HTTP headers the content route of the podlet responded with. css\tarray\t✓ []\tAn array of AssetCSS objects holding the CSS references registered by the podlet. js\tarray\t✓ []\tAn array of AssetJS objects holding the JS references registered by the podlet.  ","version":"Next","tagName":"h2"},{"title":"res.podiumSend(fragment)​","type":1,"pageTitle":"@podium/layout","url":"/docs/api/layout#respodiumsendfragment","content":" Method on the http.ServerResponse object for sending HTML fragments. Calls the send / write method on the http.ServerResponse object.  This method wraps the provided fragment in a default HTML document before dispatching. You can use the .view() method to disable using a template or to set a custom template.  Example of sending an HTML fragment:  ExpressHapiFastifyHTTP app.get(layout.pathname(), (req, res) => { res.podiumSend("<h1>Hello World</h1>"); });  ","version":"Next","tagName":"h2"},{"title":"@podium/podlet","type":0,"sectionRef":"#","url":"/docs/api/podlet","content":"","keywords":"","version":"Next"},{"title":"Installation​","type":1,"pageTitle":"@podium/podlet","url":"/docs/api/podlet#installation","content":" ExpressHapiFastify $ npm install @podium/podlet   ","version":"Next","tagName":"h2"},{"title":"Getting started​","type":1,"pageTitle":"@podium/podlet","url":"/docs/api/podlet#getting-started","content":" Building a simple podlet server.  ExpressHapiFastifyHTTP import express from "express"; import Podlet from "@podium/podlet"; const app = express(); const podlet = new Podlet({ name: "myPodlet", version: "1.0.0", pathname: "/", development: true, }); app.use(podlet.middleware()); app.get(podlet.content(), (req, res) => { if (res.locals.podium.context.locale === "nb-NO") { return res.status(200).podiumSend("<h2>Hei verden</h2>"); } res.status(200).podiumSend(`<h2>Hello world</h2>`); }); app.get(podlet.manifest(), (req, res) => { res.status(200).send(podlet); }); app.listen(7100);   ","version":"Next","tagName":"h2"},{"title":"Constructor​","type":1,"pageTitle":"@podium/podlet","url":"/docs/api/podlet#constructor","content":" Create a new Podlet instance.  const podlet = new Podlet(options);   options​  option\ttype\tdefault\trequired\tdetailsname\tstring\tnull\t✓\tName that the Podlet identifies itself by pathname\tstring\tnull\t✓\tPathname of where a Podlet is mounted in an HTTP server version\tstring\tnull\t✓\tThe current version of the podlet manifest\tstring\t/manifest.json Defines the pathname for the manifest of the podlet content\tstring\t/ Defines the pathname for the content of the podlet fallback\tstring\tnull Defines the pathname for the fallback of the podlet logger\tobject\tnull A logger which conforms to a log4j interface development\tboolean\tfalse Turns development mode on or off  name​  The name that the podlet identifies itself by. This is used internally for things like metrics but can also be used by a layout server.  This value must be in camelCase.  Example:  const podlet = new Podlet({ name: 'myPodlet'; });   pathname​  Pathname for where a podlet is mounted in an HTTP server. It is important that this value matches where the entry point of a route is in an HTTP server since this value is used to define where the manifest is for the podlet.  If the podlet is mounted at the "root", set pathname to /:  ExpressHapiFastify const app = express(); const podlet = new Podlet({ name: 'myPodlet', version: '1.0.0', pathname: '/', }); app.use(podlet.middleware()); app.get('/', (req, res, next) => { [ ... ] });   If the podlet is to be mounted at /foo, set the pathname to /foo and mount middleware and routes at or under /foo  ExpressHapiFastify const app = express(); const podlet = new Podlet({ name: 'myPodlet', version: '1.0.0', pathname: '/foo', }); app.use('/foo', podlet.middleware()); app.get('/foo', (req, res, next) => { [ ... ] }); app.get('/foo/:id', (req, res, next) => { [ ... ] });   version​  The current version of the podlet. It is important that this value be updated when a new version of the podlet is deployed since the page (layout) that the podlet is displayed in uses this value to know whether to refresh the podlet's manifest and fallback content or not.  Example:  const podlet = new Podlet({ version: '1.1.0'; });   manifest​  Defines the pathname for the manifest of the podlet. Defaults to/manifest.json.  The value should be relative to the value set on the pathname argument. In other words if a podlet is mounted into an HTTP server at /foo and the manifest is at /foo/component.json, set the pathname and manifest as follows:  ExpressHapiFastify const app = express(); const podlet = new Podlet({ name: "myPodlet", version: "1.0.0", pathname: "/foo", manifest: "/component.json", }); app.get("/foo/component.json", (req, res, next) => { res.status(200).json(podlet); });   The .manifest() method can be used to retrieve the value after it has been set.  content​  Defines the pathname for the content of the Podlet. The value can be a relative or absolute URL. Defaults to /.  If the value is relative, the value should be relative to the value set using thepathname argument. For example, if a podlet is mounted into an HTTP server at /foo and the content is served at /foo/index.html, set pathname and content as follows:  ExpressHapiFastify const app = express(); const podlet = new Podlet({ name: 'myPodlet', version: '1.0.0', pathname: '/foo', content: '/index.html', }); app.get('/foo/index.html', (req, res, next) => { [ ... ] });   The .content() method can be used to retrieve the value after it has been set.  fallback​  Defines the pathname for the fallback of the Podlet. The value can be a relative or absolute URL. Defaults to an empty string.  If the value is relative, the value should be relative to the value set with thepathname argument. If a podlet is mounted into an HTTP server at /foo and the fallback is at /foo/fallback.html, set pathname and fallback as follows:  ExpressHapiFastify const app = express(); const podlet = new Podlet({ name: 'myPodlet', version: '1.0.0', pathname: '/foo', fallback: '/fallback.html', }); app.get('/foo/fallback.html', (req, res, next) => { [ ... ] });   The .fallback() method can be used to retrieve the value after it has been set.  logger​  Any log4j compatible logger can be passed in and will be used for logging. Console is also supported for easy test / development.  const podlet = new Podlet({ logger: console; });   Under the hood abslog is used to abstract out logging. Please see abslog for further details.  development​  Turns development mode on or off. See the section about development mode.  ","version":"Next","tagName":"h2"},{"title":"Podlet Instance​","type":1,"pageTitle":"@podium/podlet","url":"/docs/api/podlet#podlet-instance","content":" The podlet instance has the following API:  ","version":"Next","tagName":"h2"},{"title":".middleware()​","type":1,"pageTitle":"@podium/podlet","url":"/docs/api/podlet#middleware","content":" A Connect/Express compatible middleware function which takes care of the multiple operations needed for a podlet to operate correctly. This function is more or less a wrapper for the .process() method.  Important: This middleware must be mounted before defining any routes.  Express const app = express(); app.use(podlet.middleware());   The middleware will create an HttpIncoming object and store it at res.locals.podium.  Returns an Array of internal middleware that performs the tasks described above.  ","version":"Next","tagName":"h3"},{"title":".manifest(options)​","type":1,"pageTitle":"@podium/podlet","url":"/docs/api/podlet#manifestoptions","content":" This method returns the value of the manifest argument that has been set in the constructor.  Set the manifest using the default pathname which is /manifest.json:  ExpressHapiFastify const app = express(); const podlet = new Podlet({ name: "myPodlet", version: "1.0.0", pathname: "/", }); app.get(podlet.manifest(), (req, res, next) => { res.status(200).json(podlet); });   Set the manifest to /component.json using the manifest argument on the constructor:  ExpressHapiFastify const app = express(); const podlet = new Podlet({ name: "myPodlet", version: "1.0.0", pathname: "/", manifest: "/component.json", }); app.get(podlet.manifest(), (req, res, next) => { res.status(200).json(podlet); });   Podium expects the podlet's manifest route to return a JSON document describing the podlet. This can be achieved by simply serializing the podlet instance.  ExpressHapiFastify const app = express(); const podlet = new Podlet([ ... ]); app.get(podlet.manifest(), (req, res, next) => { res.status(200).json(podlet); });   The route will then respond with something like:  { "name": "myPodlet", "version": "1.0.0", "content": "/", "fallback": "/fallback", "css": [], "js": [], "proxy": {} }   options​  option\ttype\tdefault\trequiredprefix\tboolean\tfalse\t  prefix​  Sets whether the method should prefix the return value with the value forpathname that was set in the constructor.  Return the full pathname to the manifest (/foo/component.json):  const podlet = new Podlet({ name: "myPodlet", version: "1.0.0", pathname: "/foo", manifest: "/component.json", }); podlet.manifest({ prefix: true });   ","version":"Next","tagName":"h3"},{"title":".content(options)​","type":1,"pageTitle":"@podium/podlet","url":"/docs/api/podlet#contentoptions","content":" This method returns the value of the content argument set in the constructor.  Set the content using the default pathname (/):  ExpressHapiFastify const app = express(); const podlet = new Podlet({ name: 'myPodlet', version: '1.0.0', pathname: '/', }); app.get(podlet.content(), (req, res, next) => { [ ... ] });   Set the content path to /index.html:  ExpressHapiFastify const app = express(); const podlet = new Podlet({ name: 'myPodlet', version: '1.0.0', pathname: '/', content: '/index.html', }); app.get(podlet.content(), (req, res, next) => { [ ... ] });   Set the content path to /content and define multiple sub-routes each taking different URI parameters:  ExpressHapiFastify const app = express(); const podlet = new Podlet({ name: 'myPodlet', version: '1.0.0', pathname: '/', content: '/content', }); app.get('/content', (req, res) => { ... }); app.get('/content/info', (req, res) => { ... }); app.get('/content/info/:id', (req, res) => { ... });   options​  option\ttype\tdefault\trequiredprefix\tboolean\tfalse\t  prefix​  Specifies whether the method should prefix the return value with the pathname value that was set in the constructor.  Return the full pathname to the content (/foo/index.html):  const podlet = new Podlet({ name: "myPodlet", version: "1.0.0", pathname: "/foo", content: "/index.html", }); podlet.content({ prefix: true });   The prefix will be ignored if the returned value is an absolute URL.  ","version":"Next","tagName":"h3"},{"title":".fallback(options)​","type":1,"pageTitle":"@podium/podlet","url":"/docs/api/podlet#fallbackoptions","content":" This method returns the value of the fallback argument set in the constructor.  Set the fallback to /fallback.html:  ExpressHapiFastify const app = express(); const podlet = new Podlet({ name: 'myPodlet', version: '1.0.0', pathname: '/', fallback: '/fallback.html', }); app.get(podlet.fallback(), (req, res, next) => { [ ... ] });   options​  option\ttype\tdefault\trequiredprefix\tboolean\tfalse\t  prefix​  Specifies whether the fallback method should prefix the return value with the value for pathname set in the constructor.  Return the full pathname to the fallback (/foo/fallback.html):  const podlet = new Podlet({ name: "myPodlet", version: "1.0.0", pathname: "/foo", fallback: "/fallback.html", }); podlet.fallback({ prefix: true });   The prefix will be ignored if the returned value is an absolute URL.  ","version":"Next","tagName":"h3"},{"title":".js(options|[options])​","type":1,"pageTitle":"@podium/podlet","url":"/docs/api/podlet#jsoptionsoptions","content":" Set relative or absolute URLs to JavaScript assets for the podlet.  When set the values will be internally kept and made available for the document template to include. The assets set are also made available in the manifest for the layout to consume.  This method can be called multiple times with a single options object to set multiple assets or one can provide an array of options objects to set multiple assets.  options​  option\ttype\tdefault\trequired\tdetailsvalue\tstring ✓\tRelative or absolute URL to the JavaScript asset prefix\tboolean\tfalse Whether the pathname defined on the constructor should be prepend, if relative, to the value type\tstring\tdefault What type of JavaScript (eg. esm, default, cjs) referrerpolicy\tstring Correlates to the same attribute on a HTML <script> element crossorigin\tstring Correlates to the same attribute on a HTML <script> element integrity\tstring Correlates to the same attribute on a HTML <script> element nomodule\tboolean\tfalse Correlates to the same attribute on a HTML <script> element async\tboolean\tfalse Correlates to the same attribute on a HTML <script> element defer\tboolean\tfalse Correlates to the same attribute on a HTML <script> element  value​  Sets the pathname for the podlet's JavaScript assets. This value can be a URL at which the podlet's user facing JavaScript is served. The value can be either the pathname of a URL or an absolute URL.  Serve a javascript file at /assets/main.js:  ExpressHapiFastify const app = express(); const podlet = new Podlet({ name: "myPodlet", version: "1.0.0", pathname: "/", }); app.get("/assets.js", (req, res) => { res.status(200).sendFile("./src/js/main.js", (err) => {}); }); podlet.js({ value: "/assets.js" });   Serve assets statically along side the app and set a relative URI to the JavaScript file:  ExpressHapiFastify const app = express(); const podlet = new Podlet({ name: "myPodlet", version: "1.0.0", pathname: "/", }); app.use("/assets", express.static("./src/js")); podlet.js([{ value: "/assets/main.js" }, { value: "/assets/extra.js" }]);   Set an absolute URL to where the javascript file is located:  const podlet = new Podlet({ name: "myPodlet", version: "1.0.0", pathname: "/", }); podlet.js({ value: "http://cdn.mysite.com/assets/js/e7rfg76.js" });   prefix​  Sets whether the method should prepend the value with the pathname value that was set in the constructor.  The prefix will be ignored if value is an absolute URL.  type​  Set the type of script which is set. If not set, default will be used.  Use one of the following values:  esm for ECMAScript modulescjs for CommonJS modulesamd for AMD modulesumd for Universal Module Definitiondefault if the type is unknown.  The type is a hint for further use of the script. This is normally used by the document template to print correct <script> tag or to give a hint to a bundler when optimizing JavaScript assets.  ","version":"Next","tagName":"h3"},{"title":".css(options|[options])​","type":1,"pageTitle":"@podium/podlet","url":"/docs/api/podlet#cssoptionsoptions","content":" Set relative or absolute URLs to Cascading Style Sheets (CSS) assets for the podlet.  When set the values will be internally kept and made available for the document template to include. The assets set are also made available in the manifest for the layout to consume.  The method can be called multiple times with a single options object to set multiple assets or one can provide an array of options objects to set multiple assets.  options​  option\ttype\tdefault\trequired\tdetailsvalue\tstring ✓\tRelative or absolute URL to the CSS asset prefix\tboolean\tfalse Whether the pathname defined on the constructor should be prepend, if relative, to the value crossorigin\tstring Correlates to the same attribute on a HTML <link> element disabled\tboolean\tfalse Correlates to the same attribute on a HTML <link> element hreflang\tstring Correlates to the same attribute on a HTML <link> element title\tstring Correlates to the same attribute on a HTML <link> element media\tstring Correlates to the same attribute on a HTML <link> element type\tstring\ttext/css Correlates to the same attribute on a HTML <link> element rel\tstring\tstylesheet Correlates to the same attribute on a HTML <link> element as\tstring Correlates to the same attribute on a HTML <link> element  value​  Sets the pathname for the CSS assets for the Podlet. The value can be a URL at which the podlet's user facing CSS is served. The value can be the pathname of a URL or an absolute URL.  Serve a CSS file at /assets/main.css:  ExpressHapiFastify const app = express(); const podlet = new Podlet({ name: "myPodlet", version: "1.0.0", pathname: "/", }); app.get("/assets.css", (req, res) => { res.status(200).sendFile("./src/css/main.css", (err) => {}); }); podlet.css({ value: "/assets.css" });   Serve assets statically alongside the app and set a relative URI to the css file:  ExpressHapiFastify const app = express(); const podlet = new Podlet({ name: "myPodlet", version: "1.0.0", pathname: "/", }); app.use("/assets", express.static("./src/css")); podlet.css([{ value: "/assets/main.css" }, { value: "/assets/extra.css" }]);   Set an absolute URL to where the CSS file is located:  const podlet = new Podlet({ name: "myPodlet", version: "1.0.0", pathname: "/", }); podlet.css({ value: "http://cdn.mysite.com/assets/css/3ru39ur.css" });   prefix​  Sets whether the method should prepend the value with the pathname value that was set in the constructor.  The prefix will be ignored if value is an absolute URL.  ","version":"Next","tagName":"h3"},{"title":".proxy({ target, name })​","type":1,"pageTitle":"@podium/podlet","url":"/docs/api/podlet#proxy-target-name-","content":" Method for defining proxy targets to be mounted in a layout server. For a detailed overview of how proxying works, please see theproxying guide for further details.  When a podlet is put in development mode (development is set to true in the constructor) these proxy endpoints will also be mounted in the podlet for ease of development and you will then have the same proxy endpoints available in development as you do when working with a layout.  Proxying is intended to be used as a way to make podlet endpoints publicly available. A common use case for this is creating endpoints for client side code to interact with (ajax requests from the browser). One might also make use of proxying to pass form submissions from the browser back to the podlet.  This method returns the value of the target argument and internally keeps track of the value of target for use when the podlet instance is serialized into a manifest JSON string.  In a podlet it is possible to define up to 4 proxy targets and each target can be the pathname part of a URL or an absolute URL.  For each podlet, each proxy target must have a unique name.  Mounts one proxy target /api with the name api:  ExpressHapiFastify const app = express(); const podlet = new Podlet( ... ); app.get(podlet.proxy({ target: '/api', name: 'api' }), (req, res) => { ... });   Defines multiple endpoints on one proxy target /api with the name api:  ExpressHapiFastify const app = express(); const podlet = new Podlet( ... ); app.get('/api', (req, res) => { ... }); app.get('/api/foo', (req, res) => { ... }); app.post('/api/foo', (req, res) => { ... }); app.get('/api/bar/:id', (req, res) => { ... }); podlet.proxy({ target: '/api', name: 'api' });   Sets a remote target by defining an absolute URL:  podlet.proxy({ target: "http://remote.site.com/api/", name: "remoteApi" });   ","version":"Next","tagName":"h3"},{"title":".defaults(context)​","type":1,"pageTitle":"@podium/podlet","url":"/docs/api/podlet#defaultscontext","content":" Alters the default context set when in development mode.  By default this context has the following shape:  { debug: 'false', locale: 'en-EN', deviceType: 'desktop', requestedBy: 'the_name_of_the_podlet', mountOrigin: 'http://localhost:port', mountPathname: '/same/as/manifest/method', publicPathname: '/same/as/manifest/method', }   The default development mode context can be overridden by passing an object with the desired key / values to override.  Example of overriding deviceType:  const podlet = new Podlet({ name: "foo", version: "1.0.0", }); podlet.defaults({ deviceType: "mobile", });   Additional values not defined by Podium can also be appended to the default development mode context in the same way.  Example of adding a context value:  const podlet = new Podlet({ name: "foo", version: "1.0.0", }); podlet.defaults({ token: "9fc498984f3ewi", });   N.B. The default development mode context will only be appended to the response when the constructor option development is set to true.  ","version":"Next","tagName":"h3"},{"title":".pathname()​","type":1,"pageTitle":"@podium/podlet","url":"/docs/api/podlet#pathname-1","content":" A helper method used to retrieve the pathname value that was set in the constructor.  Example:  ExpressHapiFastifyHTTP const podlet = new Podlet({ name: 'myPodlet', pathname: '/foo', }); app.get(podlet.pathname(), (req, res, next) => { [ ... ] }); app.get(`${podlet.pathname()}/bar`, (req, res, next) => { [ ... ] }); app.get(`${podlet.pathname()}/bar/:id`, (req, res, next) => { [ ... ] });   ","version":"Next","tagName":"h3"},{"title":".view(template)​","type":1,"pageTitle":"@podium/podlet","url":"/docs/api/podlet#viewtemplate","content":" Sets the default encapsulating HTML document template.  Its worth noting that this document template is only applied to Podlets when in development mode. When a Layout requests a Podlet this document template will not be applied.  Takes a template function that accepts an instance of HttpIncoming, a content string as well as any additional markup for the document's head section:  (incoming, body, head) => `Return an HTML string here`;   In practice this might look something like:  layout.view((incoming, body, head) => `<!doctype html> <html lang="${incoming.context.locale}"> <head> <meta charset="${incoming.view.encoding}"> <title>${incoming.view.title}</title> ${head} </head> <body> ${body} </body> </html>`; );   ","version":"Next","tagName":"h3"},{"title":".render(HttpIncoming, fragment, [args])​","type":1,"pageTitle":"@podium/podlet","url":"/docs/api/podlet#renderhttpincoming-fragment-args","content":" Method to render the document template. Will, by default, render the document template provided by Podium unless a custom document template is set using the.view method.  In most HTTP frameworks this method can be ignored in favour ofres.podiumSend(). If present, res.podiumSend() has the advantage that it's not necessary to pass in an HttpIncoming object as the first argument.  Returns a String.  This method takes the following arguments:  HttpIncoming (required)​  An instance of the HttpIncoming class.  ExpressHapiFastify app.get(podlet.content(), (req, res) => { const incoming = res.locals.podium; const document = layout.render(incoming, "<div>content to render</div>"); res.send(document); });   fragment​  An String that is intended to be a fragment of the final HTML document.  layout.render(incoming, "<div>content to render</div>");   [args]​  All following arguments given to the method will be passed on to the document template. For example, this could be used to pass on parts of a page to the document template.  ExpressHapiFastify podlet.view = (incoming, body, head) => { return ` <html> <head>${head}</head> <body>${body}</body> </html> `; }; app.get(podlet.content(), async (req, res, next) => { const incoming = res.locals.podium; const head = `<meta ..... />`; const body = `<section>my content</section>`; const document = layout.render(incoming, body, head); res.send(document); });   ","version":"Next","tagName":"h3"},{"title":".process(HttpIncoming)​","type":1,"pageTitle":"@podium/podlet","url":"/docs/api/podlet#processhttpincoming","content":" Method for processing an incoming HTTP request. This method is intended to be used to implement support for multiple HTTP frameworks and in most cases will not need to be used directly by podlet developers when creating podlet servers.  What it does:  Handles detection of development mode and sets the appropriate defaultsRuns context deserializing on the incoming request and sets a context object at HttpIncoming.context.  Returns an HttpIncoming object.  This method takes the following arguments:  HttpIncoming (required)​  An instance of the HttpIncoming class.  import { HttpIncoming } from "@podium/utils"; import Podlet from "@podium/podlet"; const podlet = new Podlet({ name: "myPodlet", version: "1.0.0", pathname: podlet.content(), }); app.use(async (req, res, next) => { const incoming = new HttpIncoming(req, res, res.locals); try { await podlet.process(incoming); if (!incoming.proxy) { res.locals.podium = result; next(); } } catch (error) { next(error); } });   ","version":"Next","tagName":"h3"},{"title":"res.podiumSend(fragment)​","type":1,"pageTitle":"@podium/podlet","url":"/docs/api/podlet#respodiumsendfragment","content":" Method for dispatching an HTML fragment. Calls the .send() / .write() methods in the framework that's being used and serves the HTML fragment.  When in development mode, when the constructor option development is set totrue, this method will wrap the provided fragment in the given document template before dispatching. When not in development mode, this method will just dispatch the fragment.  Example of sending an HTML fragment:  ExpressHapiFastify app.get(podlet.content(), (req, res) => { res.podiumSend("<h1>Hello World</h1>"); });   ","version":"Next","tagName":"h2"},{"title":"Development mode​","type":1,"pageTitle":"@podium/podlet","url":"/docs/api/podlet#development-mode","content":" In most cases podlets are fragments of a whole HTML document. When a layout server is requesting a podlet's content or fallback, the podlet should serve just that fragment and not a whole HTML document with its <html>, <head>and <body>. Additionally, when a layout server requests a podlet it provides a Podium context to the podlet.  These things can prove challenging for local development since accessing a podlet directly, from a web browser, in local development will render the podlet without either an encapsulating HTML document or a Podium context that the podlet might need to function properly.  To solve this it is possible to switch a podlet to development mode by setting the development argument in the constructor to true.  When in development mode a default context on the HTTP response will be set and an encapsulating HTML document will be provided (so long as res.podiumSend()is used) when dispatching the content or fallback.  The default HTML document for encapsulating a fragment will reference the values set on .css() and .js() and use locale from the default context to set language on the document.  The default context in development mode can be altered by the .defaults()method of the podlet instance.  The default encapsulating HTML document used in development mode can be replaced by the .view() method of the podlet instance.  Note: Only turn on development mode during local development, ensure it is turned off when in production.  Example of turning on development mode only in local development:  const podlet = new Podlet({ development: process.env.NODE_ENV !== 'production'; });   When a layout server sends a request to a podlet in development mode, the default context will be overridden by the context from the layout server and the encapsulating HTML document will not be applied. ","version":"Next","tagName":"h2"}],"options":{"id":"default"}}
                \ No newline at end of file
                +{"searchDocs":[{"title":"New documentation site","type":0,"sectionRef":"#","url":"/blog/first-blog-post","content":"Welcome to our blog. Our documentation site has just gotten an refreshing update which also give us a blog. This space will be used to document version changes and give insight in tips and tricks not really belonging in the documentation itself.","keywords":"","version":null},{"title":"Version 4.1.0","type":0,"sectionRef":"#","url":"/blog/version-4.1.0","content":"","keywords":"","version":null},{"title":"Assets​","type":1,"pageTitle":"Version 4.1.0","url":"/blog/version-4.1.0#assets","content":" This release contain some minor changes to the .js() and .css() methods in both @podium/layout and @podium/podlet paves ground for work we are doing to improve asset handling and bundling when building microfrontends with Podium.  These changes are:  Currently the .js() and .css() methods return theirs target value when called. This is now deprecated and these methods will cease to return a value in the near future.  If you are doing something like this:  app.get(podlet.js({ value: '/assets.js' }), (req, res) => { res.status(200).sendFile('./src/js/main.js', err => {}); });   You should rewrite it to the following:  app.get('/assets.js', (req, res) => { res.status(200).sendFile('./src/js/main.js', err => {}); }); podlet.js({ value: '/assets.js' });   In addition to this .js() and .css() can now take an array of options objects so its possible to set multiple assets in one go.  app.use('/assets', express.static('./src/js')); podlet.js([ { value: '/assets/main.js' }, { value: '/assets/extra.js' }, ]);   We will write more about our work on asset handling and bundling when we have some more concrete code to show.  ","version":null,"tagName":"h3"},{"title":"Proxy​","type":1,"pageTitle":"Version 4.1.0","url":"/blog/version-4.1.0#proxy","content":" This release does also contains a small fix to the proxy preventing it from resolving a proxy request as successful after a failed proxy request has occurred.  This mostly affected metrics causing failed proxy requests to also be counted as successfull requests. ","version":null,"tagName":"h3"},{"title":"Version 4.2.0","type":0,"sectionRef":"#","url":"/blog/version-4.2.0","content":"","keywords":"","version":null},{"title":"TypeDefinitions​","type":1,"pageTitle":"Version 4.2.0","url":"/blog/version-4.2.0#typedefinitions","content":" This release is shipped with TypeDefinitions for all public APIs.  ","version":null,"tagName":"h3"},{"title":"Assets​","type":1,"pageTitle":"Version 4.2.0","url":"/blog/version-4.2.0#assets","content":" Version 4.1.0 was a step on the way to paving ground for improving the client side asset experience for developers building micro-frontends with Podium.  This release contains a number of changes to the .js() and .css()methods in both @podium/layout and @podium/podlet. Possible options to these methods now more or less correlate to the same attributes on the equalent HTML elements.  Example for how to flag a Javascript asset that it is an ES module so that it can be loaded async:  const podlet = new Podlet([ ... ]); podlet.js({ value: 'https://cdn.site.com/script.js', async: true, type: 'esm', })   When rendered by the document template the above will translate into the following HTML element:  <script src="https://cdn.site.com/script.js" type="module" async></script>   Please see the following documentation for the options the different methods can now take:  @podium/podlet .css() method@podium/podlet .js() method@podium/layout .css() method@podium/layout .js() method  For further information on how assets are handled in general, please see theasset section.  If you maintain a custom document template, please see this section on how to render registered assets into HTML elements appropriately. ","version":null,"tagName":"h3"},{"title":"Version 4.0.0","type":0,"sectionRef":"#","url":"/blog/version-4.0.0","content":"","keywords":"","version":null},{"title":"JSON Schema​","type":1,"pageTitle":"Version 4.0.0","url":"/blog/version-4.0.0#json-schema","content":" The manifest which defines the contract between layouts and podlets are now defined using JSON Schema. The main reason for this is to cater for Podium implementations in languages other than Node.js.  ","version":null,"tagName":"h3"},{"title":"Document template​","type":1,"pageTitle":"Version 4.0.0","url":"/blog/version-4.0.0#document-template","content":" This version introduces a concept we call a document template. A document template is intended to supply the necessary HTML for the page outside of the markup you need write to display your page content.  While a v4 ships with a default document template it's straight forward to build your own custom template and plug this into both layouts and podlets which helps make it easier to develop podlets in isolation (from layouts) while imposing the same constraints on it that it will have when included in a layout.  Please see the document template section for further information.  ","version":null,"tagName":"h3"},{"title":"HTTP framework free​","type":1,"pageTitle":"Version 4.0.0","url":"/blog/version-4.0.0#http-framework-free","content":" Originally Podium was bound to Express.js but with this release Podium is 100% HTTP framework free. It is even possible write Podium servers using only the core Node.js HTTP server module.  Having said this, Express.js is still first class in Podium which means it is still possible to use Podium in an Express.js server without anything more than the core Podium layout and podlet modules.  Besides supporting Express.js, Hapi and Fastify are supported through plugins maintained by the Podium team.  Serverless / cloud functions will also be supported in a future release.  ","version":null,"tagName":"h3"},{"title":"Multiple assets support​","type":1,"pageTitle":"Version 4.0.0","url":"/blog/version-4.0.0#multiple-assets-support","content":" It was previously only possible to set a single reference to JavaScript and CSS client side assets using a podlet's.js() and .css().  With version 4, it is now possible to call these methods multiple times to set multiple assets.  An additional type field has also been added to the .js() method making it possible to signal to layout servers what type of JavaScript file are being specified.  ","version":null,"tagName":"h3"},{"title":"Layout assets​","type":1,"pageTitle":"Version 4.0.0","url":"/blog/version-4.0.0#layout-assets","content":" The @podium/layout module now has .js() and .css() methods which work the same way as in @podium/podlet. The intent is to be able to set client side assets which are related specifically to the layout.  ","version":null,"tagName":"h3"},{"title":"HttpIncoming replaces context argument​","type":1,"pageTitle":"Version 4.0.0","url":"/blog/version-4.0.0#httpincoming-replaces-context-argument","content":" During the process of rewriting to HTTP framework free, an HttpIncoming object was introduced which is passed between the various parts of Podium.  You can read more about HttpIncoming and its role here.  Due to this, you should pass an instance of HttpIncoming (available at res.locals.podium in express) to the .client.fetch() and .client.stream() methods in a @podium/layout instead of the context.  Previously Podium expected you to pass a Podium context to the fetch method like so:  app.get('/', (req, res) => { const ctx = res.locals.podium.context; const content = await podlet.fetch(ctx); ... });   This will still work until Podium version 5 but it is expected that developers instead call fetch as follows:  app.get('/', (req, res) => { const incoming = res.locals.podium; const content = await podlet.fetch(incoming); ... });   The context is part of HttpIncoming.  ","version":null,"tagName":"h3"},{"title":"The fetch method now resolves with a response object​","type":1,"pageTitle":"Version 4.0.0","url":"/blog/version-4.0.0#the-fetch-method-now-resolves-with-a-response-object","content":" When a Layout retrieves the content from a podlet it will now resolve with a response object instead of just the content as a string.  Previously calling .client.fetch() would resolve with the content of a podlet as a string:  app.get('/', (req, res) => { const incoming = res.locals.podium; const content = await podlet.fetch(incoming); console.log(content); // <div> .... </div> });   Now the fetch method with resolve with and object containing the podlet's content, css, js and headers:  app.get('/', (req, res) => { const incoming = res.locals.podium; const content = await podlet.fetch(incoming); console.log(content); // {js: [], css: [], headers: {}, content: '<div> .... </div>'} });   For backwards compabillity, using the response in a template literal or in string concatenation will result in the content value in the string. This will still work until Podium version 5.  app.get('/', (req, res) => { const incoming = res.locals.podium; const content = await podlet.fetch(incoming); console.log(`${content}`); // <div> .... </div> });   The .client.stream() works as before, but there is now a beforeStream event which emits a response object:  app.get('/', (req, res, next) => { const incoming = res.locals.podium; const stream = component.stream(incoming); stream.once('beforeStream', data => { console.log(data); // {js: [], css: [], headers: {}, content: null} }); stream.pipe(res); });   ","version":null,"tagName":"h3"},{"title":"State events​","type":1,"pageTitle":"Version 4.0.0","url":"/blog/version-4.0.0#state-events","content":" The .client in @podium/layout now has an extended state event and .stateproperty can be used to determine what state a layout is in.  layout.client.on('state', state => { console.log(state); }); const podlet = layout.client.register({ uri: 'http://foo.site.com/manifest.json', name: 'foo', }); app.get('/', (req, res) => { const incoming = res.locals.podium; const content = await podlet.fetch(incoming); ... });   The state provides information about the "podlet update life cycle". This is useful for determining when a podlet is being updated and when an update is complete or if a podlet is in an unhealty state.  ","version":null,"tagName":"h3"},{"title":"Improved documentation​","type":1,"pageTitle":"Version 4.0.0","url":"/blog/version-4.0.0#improved-documentation","content":" In the process of making Podium HTTP framework free and supporting multiple HTTP framework our documentation site has received some polish.  This site will now hold all documentation for end users of Podium and eventually it will have code examples reflecting all HTTP frameworks which are officially supported.  From now on, the documentation found in the README's in each module is to be considered documentation for developing Podium and not end user documentation. ","version":null,"tagName":"h3"},{"title":"Introduction","type":0,"sectionRef":"#","url":"/docs/","content":"","keywords":"","version":"Next"},{"title":"Runtime composition​","type":1,"pageTitle":"Introduction","url":"/docs/#runtime-composition","content":" In Podium the composition is done at runtime. One server handles the incoming request by fetching each independent fragment over HTTP before returning the finished page back to the user.    The example above shows a web page which has four fragments indicated by the red dotted lines:  a headera footera sidebara main content area.  In Podium each of these four fragments could be separate servers. A fifth server would be responsible for handling incoming requests, fetching fragments and composing them to a whole page.  ","version":"Next","tagName":"h2"},{"title":"Advantages of runtime composition​","type":1,"pageTitle":"Introduction","url":"/docs/#advantages-of-runtime-composition","content":" The advantages of Podium's architectural approach are:  Each individual fragment of a page can be built with different technologies and by independent teams.Each individual fragment can fail without the whole page being affected.Each individual fragment can be processed and built in parallel and each individual fragment can be scaled independently.Each individual fragment can be reused in multiple pages and when the fragment is updated, each page that includes it is instantly updated.  ","version":"Next","tagName":"h2"},{"title":"Runtime composition with Podium​","type":1,"pageTitle":"Introduction","url":"/docs/#runtime-composition-with-podium","content":" Podium mainly consists of two different types of servers:  Podlets serving page fragmentsLayouts composing podlets to finished pages  ","version":"Next","tagName":"h2"},{"title":"Podlets​","type":1,"pageTitle":"Introduction","url":"/docs/#podlets","content":" A podlet serves a fragment of a whole page. You might think of this as a component running as a service.  ","version":"Next","tagName":"h3"},{"title":"Layouts​","type":1,"pageTitle":"Introduction","url":"/docs/#layouts","content":" A layout is what handles incoming requests from site visitors.  The layout provides the structure of an HTML page. It fetches the contents of podlets and inserts each podlet's response into the appropriate location in the page before serving the finished page to the visitor. ","version":"Next","tagName":"h3"},{"title":"Version 5.0.0","type":0,"sectionRef":"#","url":"/blog/version-5.0.0","content":"","keywords":"","version":null},{"title":"Breaking changes​","type":1,"pageTitle":"Version 5.0.0","url":"/blog/version-5.0.0#breaking-changes","content":" There are a couple breaking changes in this release that will need to be addressed if they affect you.  1. The Podium codebase has been converted to ESM and no longer supports common JS.​  While you can still mix and match podlets and layouts on Podium version 4 and 5, you will need to convert your codebase to ESM before upgrading to Podium version 5 podlets and layouts. See this post for a guide if you need one.  2. An instance of HttpIncoming must now be passed as the first argument to the Podium client​  n.b. If you are currently not seeing any deprecation warnings in your Podium version 4 apps, this won't affect you.  The .fetch() and .stream() methods. Usage of the fetch/stream methods without passing in HttpIncoming was deprecated a long while ago.  In Podium version 4, the following was acceptable but will now throw with version 5.  const header = layout.client.register({...}); app.get("/", (req, res) => { await header.fetch(); });   In Podium version 5, you need to ensure you pass in an HttpIncoming object like so:  const header = layout.client.register({...}); app.get("/", (req, res) => { const incoming = res.locals.podium; await header.fetch(incoming); });   3. Removal of deprecated Podium v3 compatibility in the manifest file and codebase.​  n.b. If you are currently not seeing any deprecation warnings in your Podium version 4 apps, this won't affect you.  The assets key and its sub keys js and css have been removed from the manifest file.  Previously through all of Podium version 4, we maintained both the assets key and js and css keys for backwards compatibility with Podium version 3. The value for assets.js would always be the same as for js and the value for assets.css would always be the same as css.  Like so:  { "assets": { "js": [], "css": [] }, "js": [], "css": [] }   With Podium version 5, we've dropped the assets key (and therefore compatibility with Podium version 3) so that the manifest file will now look like:  { "js": [], "css": [] }   4. Support for Node v10 and lower has been intentionally dropped and we are now actively only testing against Node v16 and higher.​  Releases are now made against Node v20 and we actively run test suites against Node version 16 and up. Versions 12 and 14 should work but we make no guarantees.  5. .js and .css methods on the Podium layout and Podium podlet modules, which are used to set assets, no longer return a value​  n.b. If you are currently not seeing any deprecation warnings in your Podium version 4 apps, this won't affect you.  The podlet and layout .js and .css methods used to return a value. This was deprecated a long ways back and has now been removed.  const result = layout.js() // result is null const result = podlet.js() // result is null   6. Previously deprecated Podium client change and dispose events removed.​  These client registry events, emitted from the Podium client, were previously deprecated and have now been removed. You most likely aren't, but check your codebase to ensure you aren't relying on these events.  ","version":null,"tagName":"h3"},{"title":"Other notable changes​","type":1,"pageTitle":"Version 5.0.0","url":"/blog/version-5.0.0#other-notable-changes","content":" None of the following changes require any action when upgrading.  1. Under the hood, the Podium client request module has been replaced.​  The Request module is deprecated and we've opted to replace it with Undici, a fast modern alternative.  2. The podlet manifest file now supports an array of proxy endpoints instead of just an object.​  Previously, proxy entries in the podlet manifest were defined as an object and looked like this:  { "proxy": { "one": "/target/path/one", "two": "/target/path/two", } }   This has been changed to support an array syntax in which multiple proxies definitions can be added  { "proxy": [ { "name": "one": "target": "/target/path/one" }, { "name": "two": "target": "/target/path/two" }, ] }   The object syntax has been preserved for backwards compatibility.  3. Added prettier printing of Podium client responses when using console.log​  Log output used to look like:  PodiumClientResponse { [Symbol(podium:client:response:redirect)]: '', [Symbol(podium:client:response:content)]: '', [Symbol(podium:client:response:headers)]: {}, [Symbol(podium:client:response:css)]: [], [Symbol(podium:client:response:js)]: [] }   But now looks like:  { redirect: '', content: '', headers: {}, css: [], js: [] }  ","version":null,"tagName":"h3"},{"title":"@podium/browser","type":0,"sectionRef":"#","url":"/docs/api/browser","content":"","keywords":"","version":"Next"},{"title":"Installation​","type":1,"pageTitle":"@podium/browser","url":"/docs/api/browser#installation","content":" npm install @podium/browser   ","version":"Next","tagName":"h2"},{"title":"Usage​","type":1,"pageTitle":"@podium/browser","url":"/docs/api/browser#usage","content":" In your podlet's client side JavaScript code, import the MessageBus class from the browser package and create a new instance of the class.  import { MessageBus } from "@podium/browser"; const messageBus = new MessageBus();   ","version":"Next","tagName":"h2"},{"title":"Publishing messages​","type":1,"pageTitle":"@podium/browser","url":"/docs/api/browser#publishing-messages","content":" To publish a message, call the publish method and pass a channel, a topic and any data you want subscribers to receive.  messageBus.publish("reminders", "newReminder", reminder);   ","version":"Next","tagName":"h3"},{"title":"Subscribing to messages​","type":1,"pageTitle":"@podium/browser","url":"/docs/api/browser#subscribing-to-messages","content":" To subscribe to messages on a particular channel and topic, call the subscribe method passing it the channel, topic and a callback function to be executed whenever an event occurs. Whenever the callback is executed it gets passed an Event object which has the properties channel, topic and payload.  messageBus.subscribe("reminders", "newReminder", (event) => { const reminder = event.payload; });   ","version":"Next","tagName":"h3"},{"title":"API​","type":1,"pageTitle":"@podium/browser","url":"/docs/api/browser#api","content":" ","version":"Next","tagName":"h2"},{"title":"MessageBus​","type":1,"pageTitle":"@podium/browser","url":"/docs/api/browser#messagebus","content":" Cross podlet communication and message passing.  const messageBus = new MessageBus();   .publish(channel, topic, payload)​  Publish an event for a channel and topic combination. Returns the event object passed to subscribers.  This method takes the following arguments:  option\tdefault\ttype\trequired\tdetailschannel\tnull\tstring\ttrue\tName of the channel. Podium reserves system and view for built-in features. topic\tnull\tstring\ttrue\tName of the topic. payload\tnull\tany\tfalse\tThe payload for the event.  Examples:  messageBus.publish("search", "query", "laptop"); messageBus.publish("auth", "logout");   .subscribe(channel, topic, callback)​  Subscribe to events for a channel and topic combination.  This method takes the following arguments:  option\tdefault\ttype\trequired\tdetailschannel\tnull\tstring\ttrue\tName of the channel. topic\tnull\tstring\ttrue\tName of the topic callback\tnull\tFunction\ttrue\tCallback function to be invoked. Receives an event object  Example:  messageBus.subscribe("channel", "topic", (event) => { console.log(event.payload); });   .unsubscribe(channel, topic, callback)​  Unsubscribe to events for a channel and topic combination.  This method takes the following arguments:  option\tdefault\ttype\trequired\tdetailschannel\tnull\tstring\ttrue\tName of the channel topic\tnull\tstring\ttrue\tName of the topic callback\tnull\tFunction\ttrue\tCallback function to remove.  Example:  function cb(event) { console.log(event.payload); } messageBus.subscribe("channel", "topic", cb); messageBus.unsubscribe("channel", "topic", cb);   .peek(channel, topic)​  Get the latest event for a channel and topic combination.  This method takes the following arguments:  option\tdefault\ttype\trequired\tdetailschannel\tnull\tstring\ttrue\tName of the channel topic\tnull\tstring\ttrue\tName of the topic  .log(channel, topic)​  Returns an array of the 10 latest events for a channel and topic combination. The array is ordered such that the the latest/newest events is at the front of the array.  This method takes the following arguments:  option\tdefault\ttype\trequired\tdetailschannel\tnull\tstring\ttrue\tName of the channel topic\tnull\tstring\ttrue\tName of the topic  Example:  const events = messageBus.log("channel", "topic"); events.forEach((event) => { console.log(event.payload); });  ","version":"Next","tagName":"h3"},{"title":"@podium/bridge","type":0,"sectionRef":"#","url":"/docs/api/bridge","content":"","keywords":"","version":"Next"},{"title":"Usage​","type":1,"pageTitle":"@podium/bridge","url":"/docs/api/bridge#usage","content":" To install:  npm install @podium/bridge   Import the bridge in your client-side bundle:  import "@podium/bridge";   You should probably send messages via @podium/browser. That said, the bridge is available on window['@podium'].bridge.  /** @type {import("@podium/bridge").PodiumBridge} */ const bridge = window["@podium"].bridge; // You can listen for incoming messages, which can either be RpcRequest or RpcResponse bridge.on("global/authentication", (message) => { const request = /** @type {import("@podium/bridge").RpcRequest<{ token?: string }>} */ ( message ); if (typeof request.token === "string") { // logged in } else { // logged out } }); // You can trigger notifications (one-way messages) bridge.notification({ method: "global/authentication", params: { token: null }, }); // And you can call methods and await the response /** @type {import("@podium/bridge").RpcResponse<{ c: string }>} */ const response = await bridge.call({ method: "document/native-feature", params: { a: "foo", b: "bar" }, });   ","version":"Next","tagName":"h2"},{"title":"API​","type":1,"pageTitle":"@podium/bridge","url":"/docs/api/bridge#api","content":" ","version":"Next","tagName":"h2"},{"title":"bridge.on​","type":1,"pageTitle":"@podium/bridge","url":"/docs/api/bridge#bridgeon","content":" Add a listener for incoming messages for a given method name.  import "@podium/bridge"; /** @type {import("@podium/bridge").PodiumBridge} */ const bridge = window["@podium"].bridge; bridge.on("global/authentication", (message) => { const request = /** @type {import("@podium/bridge").RpcRequest<{ token?: string }>} */ ( message ); if (typeof request.token === "string") { // logged in } else { // logged out } });   ","version":"Next","tagName":"h3"},{"title":"bridge.notification​","type":1,"pageTitle":"@podium/bridge","url":"/docs/api/bridge#bridgenotification","content":" Send a notification (one-way message).  import "@podium/bridge"; /** @type {import("@podium/bridge").PodiumBridge} */ const bridge = window["@podium"].bridge; bridge.notification({ method: "global/authentication", params: { token: null }, });   ","version":"Next","tagName":"h3"},{"title":"bridge.call​","type":1,"pageTitle":"@podium/bridge","url":"/docs/api/bridge#bridgecall","content":" Send a request and await a response.  import "@podium/bridge"; /** @type {import("@podium/bridge").PodiumBridge} */ const bridge = window["@podium"].bridge; /** @type {import("@podium/bridge").RpcResponse<{ c: string }>} */ const response = await bridge.call({ method: "document/native-feature", params: { a: "foo", b: "bar" }, });  ","version":"Next","tagName":"h3"},{"title":"HTTP Framework Compatibility","type":0,"sectionRef":"#","url":"/docs/api/http-framework-compatibility","content":"HTTP Framework Compatibility Podium is HTTP framework agnostic with first class support for Express. In practise this means that core Podium works with the standard http.Servermodule in Node.js but the core modules also come with Express compatible middleware methods for ease of use. Due to the fact that Podium is built for usage with the http.Server module in Node.js, it's pretty straight forward to get Podium to work with most HTTP frameworks. The most common way to support different HTTP framework is through plugins. Hapi and Fastify are both HTTP frameworks that the Podium team support by maintaining plugins for each. There are also user land plugins for other HTTP frameworks. Using Podium together with Hapi or Fastify requires that the plugin is handed an instance of the appropriate Podium module. To write a podlet server with Hapi; please see @podium/hapi-podletTo write a layout server with Hapi; please see @podium/hapi-layoutTo write a podlet server with Fastify; please see @podium/fastify-podletTo write a layout server with Fastify; please see @podium/fastify-layout Example of setting up a podlet server in all HTTP frameworks supported by the Podium team: ExpressHapiFastifyHTTP import express from 'express'; import Podlet from '@podium/podlet'; const app = express(); const podlet = new Podlet({ name: 'myPodlet', version: '1.0.0', pathname: '/', development: true, }); app.use(podlet.middleware()); app.get(podlet.content(), (req, res) => { if (res.locals.podium.context.locale === 'nb-NO') { return res.status(200).podiumSend('<h2>Hei verden</h2>'); } res.status(200).podiumSend(`<h2>Hello world</h2>`); }); app.get(podlet.manifest(), (req, res) => { res.status(200).json(podlet); }); app.listen(7100); ","keywords":"","version":"Next"},{"title":"Document Template","type":0,"sectionRef":"#","url":"/docs/api/document","content":"","keywords":"","version":"Next"},{"title":"Rendering​","type":1,"pageTitle":"Document Template","url":"/docs/api/document#rendering","content":" A document template is used by calling the .render() methods in the podletand layout modules or the res.podiumSend() provided by whichever HTTP framework is being used.  ExpressHapiFastifyHTTP app.get(layout.pathname(), (req, res) => { const incoming = res.locals.podium; const document = podlet.render(incoming, '<div>content to render</div>'); res.send(document); });   ","version":"Next","tagName":"h2"},{"title":"Customizing​","type":1,"pageTitle":"Document Template","url":"/docs/api/document#customizing","content":" Podium ships with a default document template which should cover most use cases. It is possible, however, to set a custom document template which can then be plugged into both layout and podlet servers.  A custom document template is set by using the .view() method in thepodlet and layout modules.  layout.view((incoming, body, head) => `<!doctype html> <html lang="${incoming.context.locale}"> <head> <meta charset="${incoming.view.encoding}"> <title>${incoming.view.title}</title> ${head} </head> <body> ${body} </body> </html>`; );   ","version":"Next","tagName":"h2"},{"title":"Request Properties​","type":1,"pageTitle":"Document Template","url":"/docs/api/document#request-properties","content":" A document template will need properties which are request bound. This can be any type of property, but the value of the <title> element is one such example.  It is possible to pass on properties to the document template by using the.view property on HttpIncoming.  ExpressHapiFastifyHTTP app.get(layout.pathname(), (req, res) => { const incoming = res.locals.podium; incoming.view = { title: `My Site / ${someRequestValue}`, }; const document = layout.render(incoming, '<div>content to render</div>'); res.send(document); });   ","version":"Next","tagName":"h2"},{"title":"Assets​","type":1,"pageTitle":"Document Template","url":"/docs/api/document#assets","content":" On the HttpIncoming object which is passed on to the document template one can find an array of AssetCSS objects on the .css property and an array of AssetJS objects on the .js property . These properties hold the assets of a podlet or a layout. In a layout they can hold the assets of the requested podlets in addition to the assets of the layout itself.  Please see the asset documentation for more information.  The arrays of AssetCSS and AssetJS objects can easily be converted into HTML in a document template by running each object through the .buildLinkElement()or .buildScriptElement()methods found in the @podium/utils package:  import utils from '@podium/utils'; [ ... ] layout.view((incoming, body, head) => `<!doctype html> <html lang="${incoming.context.locale}"> <head> <meta charset="${incoming.view.encoding}"> ${incoming.css.map(utils.buildLinkElement).join('\\n')} ${incoming.js.map(utils.buildScriptElement).join('\\n')} <title>${incoming.view.title}</title> ${head} </head> <body> ${body} </body> </html>`; );   ","version":"Next","tagName":"h2"},{"title":"template(HttpIncoming, fragment, [args])​","type":1,"pageTitle":"Document Template","url":"/docs/api/document#templatehttpincoming-fragment-args","content":" A document template is implemented using a plain JavaScript function that returns a string.  The document template accepts, and will be called with, the following arguments:  HttpIncoming (required)​  An instance of the HttpIncoming class.  fragment​  A string that is intended to be a used as a fragment in the final HTML document.  [args]​  All following arguments given to the .render() or res.podiumSend() methods in the podlet and layout modules will be passed on to the document template.  The following is an example of how such additional arguments might be used to pass on parts of a page to the document template.  ExpressHapiFastifyHTTP layout.view = (incoming, body, head) => { return ` <html> <head>${head}</head> <body>${body}</body> </html> `; }; app.get(layout.pathname(), (req, res) => { const incoming = res.locals.podium; const head = `<meta ..... />`; const body = `<section>my content</section>`; const document = layout.render(incoming, body, head); res.send(document); });  ","version":"Next","tagName":"h2"},{"title":"HttpIncoming","type":0,"sectionRef":"#","url":"/docs/api/incoming","content":"","keywords":"","version":"Next"},{"title":"Constructor​","type":1,"pageTitle":"HttpIncoming","url":"/docs/api/incoming#constructor","content":" Create a new HttpIncoming instance.  import { HttpIncoming } from '@podium/utils'; const incoming = new HttpIncoming(request, response, params);   options​  option\ttype\tdefault\trequired\tdetailsrequest\thttp.IncomingMessage\tnull\t✓\tA raw Node.js HTTP request object response\thttp.ServerResponse\tnull\t✓\tA raw Node.js HTTP response object params\tobject\t{} Request scoped parameters  request​  A raw Node.js http.IncomingMessageobject.  If used with an HTTP framework please note that some frameworks operate with their own "request" objects as a wrapper around http.IncomingMessage. In such cases it is often necessary to gain access to the raw http.IncomingMessageobject through a property or method.  response​  A raw Node.js http.ServerResponseobject.  If used with an HTTP framework please note that some frameworks operate with their own "request" objects as a wrapper around http.IncomingMessage. In such cases it is often necessary to gain access to the raw http.IncomingMessageobject through a property or method.  params​  An object for passing arbitrary property values for Podium to use.  Note: When using any of the supported HTTP frameworks, params is usually picked up from a special properties object on the request (eg. res.locals in Express.js). Please see the the relevant plugin for the appropriate HTTP framework for further information.  One very common use case for this is to pass a request bound property to a context parser. There are cases where you may want to perform operations on requests prior to running the .middleware() or .process() methods in a layout or podlet and then pass the results of these operations on to a context parser.  The locale context parser does this when setting the request bound locale value:  ExpressHapiFastifyHTTP const app = express(); const layout = new Layout({ name: 'myLayout', pathname: '/', }); const podlet = layout.client.register({ name: 'myPodlet', uri: 'http://localhost:7100/manifest.json', }); // Set a locale param to 'nb-NO' on res.locals app.use((req, res, next) => { res.locals = { locale: 'nb-NO', }; next(); }); // Attach the middleware on Express. This will create HttpIncoming under the // hood plus generate the context where the locale param will be picked up from // res.locals app.use(layout.middleware()); app.get('/', (req, res) => { // Get the HttpIncoming object generated by the layout.middleware() let incoming = res.locals.podium; // Pass HttpIncoming on to the fetch method. This will pass the generated // context where locale now is `nb-NO` on to the request to the podlet. const { content } = await podlet.fetch(incoming); [ ... snip ...] });   ","version":"Next","tagName":"h2"},{"title":"Properties​","type":1,"pageTitle":"HttpIncoming","url":"/docs/api/incoming#properties","content":" An HttpIncoming instance has the following properties:  property\ttype\tgetter\tsetter\tdefault\tdetailsdevelopment\tboolean\t✓\t✓\tfalse\tHint regarding whether the podlet / layout are in development mode or not response\thttp.ServerResponse\t✓ null\tA raw Node.js HTTP response object set through the response argument in the constructor request\thttp.IncomingMessage\t✓ null\tA raw Node.js HTTP request object set through the request argument in the constructor context\tobject\t✓\t✓\t{}\tThe context created by the context parser podlets\tarray ✓\tnull\tArray of client response objects. Used in @podium/layout. params\tobject\t✓ {}\tParams set through the params argument in the constructor proxy\tboolean\t✓\t✓\tfalse\tWhether the request was handled by the proxy or not name\tstring\t✓\t✓\t''\tThe name of the podlet / layout view\tobject\t✓\t✓\t{}\tView parameters for the document template url\tURL\t✓ {}\tA URL object created out of the original request css\tarray\t✓\t✓\t[]\tAn array of AssetCSS objects js\tarray\t✓\t✓\t[]\tAn array of AssetJS objects  ","version":"Next","tagName":"h2"},{"title":"Methods​","type":1,"pageTitle":"HttpIncoming","url":"/docs/api/incoming#methods","content":" An HttpIncoming instance has the following methods:  ","version":"Next","tagName":"h2"},{"title":".toJSON()​","type":1,"pageTitle":"HttpIncoming","url":"/docs/api/incoming#tojson","content":" Returns JSON representation of the HttpIncoming instance. ","version":"Next","tagName":"h3"},{"title":"manifest.json","type":0,"sectionRef":"#","url":"/docs/api/manifest","content":"","keywords":"","version":"Next"},{"title":"Schema​","type":1,"pageTitle":"manifest.json","url":"/docs/api/manifest#schema","content":" The schema for manifest.json is defined in @podium/schemas.  ","version":"Next","tagName":"h2"},{"title":"Example​","type":1,"pageTitle":"manifest.json","url":"/docs/api/manifest#example","content":" { "name": "my-podlet", "version": "1.0.0", "content": "/", "fallback": "/fallback", "css": [ { "value": "https://my.asset.server/my-podlet/styles.css", "type": "text/css", "rel": "stylesheet" } ], "js": [ { "value": "https://my.asset.server/my-podlet/client.js", "type": "module" } ], "proxy": { "api": "/api" } }  ","version":"Next","tagName":"h2"},{"title":"Assets","type":0,"sectionRef":"#","url":"/docs/api/assets","content":"","keywords":"","version":"Next"},{"title":"AssetCSS​","type":1,"pageTitle":"Assets","url":"/docs/api/assets#assetcss","content":" An AssetCSS instance holds information about a Cascading Style Sheet related to a podlet or layout.  ","version":"Next","tagName":"h2"},{"title":"Properties​","type":1,"pageTitle":"Assets","url":"/docs/api/assets#properties","content":" An AssetCSS instance has the following properties:  property\ttype\tgetter\tsetter\tdefault\tdetailsvalue\tstring\t✓ ''\tRelative or absolute URL to the CSS asset href\tstring\t✓ ''\tAlias for the value property crossorigin\tstring\t✓\t✓\tundefined\tCorrelates to the same attribute on an HTML <link> element disabled\tboolean\t✓\t✓\tfalse\tCorrelates to the same attribute on an HTML <link> element hreflang\tstring\t✓\t✓\tundefined\tCorrelates to the same attribute on an HTML <link> element title\tstring\t✓\t✓\tundefined\tCorrelates to the same attribute on an HTML <link> element media\tstring\t✓\t✓\tundefined\tCorrelates to the same attribute on an HTML <link> element type\tstring\t✓\t✓\ttext/css\tCorrelates to the same attribute on an HTML <link> element rel\tstring\t✓\t✓\tstylesheet\tCorrelates to the same attribute on an HTML <link> element as\tstring\t✓\t✓\tundefined\tCorrelates to the same attribute on an HTML <link> element  ","version":"Next","tagName":"h2"},{"title":"Methods​","type":1,"pageTitle":"Assets","url":"/docs/api/assets#methods","content":" An AssetCSS instance has the following methods:  ","version":"Next","tagName":"h2"},{"title":".toJSON()​","type":1,"pageTitle":"Assets","url":"/docs/api/assets#tojson","content":" Returns a JSON representation of the AssetCSS instance.  ","version":"Next","tagName":"h3"},{"title":".toJsxAttributes()​","type":1,"pageTitle":"Assets","url":"/docs/api/assets#tojsxattributes","content":" Returns a JSON representation of the AssetCSS instance ready for use in a JSX link tag  <link {...css.toJsxAttributes()} />   ","version":"Next","tagName":"h3"},{"title":".toHTML()​","type":1,"pageTitle":"Assets","url":"/docs/api/assets#tohtml","content":" Returns an HTML <link> element as a string representation of the AssetCSSinstance.  ","version":"Next","tagName":"h3"},{"title":"AssetJS​","type":1,"pageTitle":"Assets","url":"/docs/api/assets#assetjs","content":" An AssetJS instance holds information about a podlet or layout's Javascript client side assets.  ","version":"Next","tagName":"h2"},{"title":"Properties​","type":1,"pageTitle":"Assets","url":"/docs/api/assets#properties-1","content":" An AssetJS instance has the following properties:  property\ttype\tgetter\tsetter\tdefault\tdetailsvalue\tstring\t✓ ''\tRelative or absolute URL to the CSS asset src\tstring\t✓ ''\tAlias for the value property referrerpolicy\tstring\t✓\t✓\tundefined\tCorrelates to the same attribute on an HTML <script> element crossorigin\tstring\t✓\t✓\tundefined\tCorrelates to the same attribute on an HTML <script> element integrity\tstring\t✓\t✓\tundefined\tCorrelates to the same attribute on an HTML <script> element nomodule\tboolean\t✓\t✓\tfalse\tCorrelates to the same attribute on an HTML <script> element async\tboolean\t✓\t✓\tfalse\tCorrelates to the same attribute on an HTML <script> element defer\tboolean\t✓\t✓\tfalse\tCorrelates to the same attribute on an HTML <script> element type\tstring\t✓\t✓\tundefined\tCorrelates to the same attribute on an HTML <script> element  ","version":"Next","tagName":"h2"},{"title":"Methods​","type":1,"pageTitle":"Assets","url":"/docs/api/assets#methods-1","content":" An AssetJS instance has the following methods:  ","version":"Next","tagName":"h2"},{"title":".toJSON()​","type":1,"pageTitle":"Assets","url":"/docs/api/assets#tojson-1","content":" Returns a JSON representation of the AssetJS instance.  ","version":"Next","tagName":"h3"},{"title":".toJsxAttributes()​","type":1,"pageTitle":"Assets","url":"/docs/api/assets#tojsxattributes-1","content":" Returns a JSON representation of the AssetJS instance ready for use in a JSX script tag.  <script {...js.toJsxAttributes()}></script>   ","version":"Next","tagName":"h3"},{"title":".toHTML()​","type":1,"pageTitle":"Assets","url":"/docs/api/assets#tohtml-1","content":" Returns an HTML <script> element as a string representation of the AssetJSinstance. ","version":"Next","tagName":"h3"},{"title":"Client-side assets","type":0,"sectionRef":"#","url":"/docs/guides/assets","content":"","keywords":"","version":"Next"},{"title":"Hosting assets​","type":1,"pageTitle":"Client-side assets","url":"/docs/guides/assets#hosting-assets","content":" There are two main options for hosting assets:  The podlet can serve its own assetsUse a separate asset server or CDN  ","version":"Next","tagName":"h2"},{"title":"Podlet serves assets​","type":1,"pageTitle":"Client-side assets","url":"/docs/guides/assets#podlet-serves-assets","content":" Note: this will only work if your podlets are publicly available.  This approach involves each podlet serving its assets so that the layout can then include these files in its HTML template.  Step 1.  In your podlet, use the podlet asset helper functions to define inline client code.  podlet.js({ value: `http://my-podlet.com/assets/scripts.js` }); podlet.css({ value: `http://my-podlet.com/assets/styles.js` });   Each of these functions can be called multiple times to add additional assets. For each call, you may also set a type.  podlet.js({ value: `http://my-podlet.com/assets/scripts1.js`, type: "esm" }); podlet.js({ value: `http://my-podlet.com/assets/scripts2.js`, type: "default", });   Step 2.  Serve the assets from express. Assuming the podlets client side assets have been placed in a directory called assets:  app.use("/assets", express.static("assets"));   See the Express documentation for more information on static.  Step 3.  Set incoming.podlets and use podiumSend in your layout's request handler. This way the document template can include the CSS and JS assets served by the podlet.  app.get(layout.pathname(), (req, res) => { const incoming = res.locals.podium; const response = await myPodlet.fetch(incoming); incoming.podlets = [response]; res.podiumSend(`<div>Hello, Layout</div>`); });   ","version":"Next","tagName":"h3"},{"title":"Use a CDN​","type":1,"pageTitle":"Client-side assets","url":"/docs/guides/assets#use-a-cdn","content":" This approach involves each podlet uploading its assets to a predefined CDN location so that the layout can then include the CDN URLs in its HTML response.  Step 1.  In your podlet, upload your assets to a CDN. You might do this whenever your podlet server is built or starts up to ensure the latest version is available on the CDN.  Step 2.  Next, tell the podlet the location of your assets so that it can populate the manifest file.  podlet.js({ value: "http://some-cdn.com/client.js" }); podlet.css({ value: "http://some-cdn.com/style.css" });   Step 3.  Set incoming.podlets and use podiumSend in your layout's request handler. This way the document template can include the CSS and JS assets served by the podlet.  app.get(layout.pathname(), (req, res) => { const incoming = res.locals.podium; const response = await myPodlet.fetch(incoming); incoming.podlets = [response]; res.podiumSend(`<div>Hello, Layout</div>`); });   ","version":"Next","tagName":"h3"},{"title":"Deduplicating shared dependencies​","type":1,"pageTitle":"Client-side assets","url":"/docs/guides/assets#deduplicating-shared-dependencies","content":" It's likely one or more of your podlets share a common dependency, such as React. Unless you take action each podlet will bundle its own complete copy of React, wasting bandwith and execution time.  It's up to you to configure your build tools and infrastructure so you can avoid this duplication in your bundles and serve shared dependencies in a performant way.  You may want to look into Eik and its build tool plugins, which were built by the same team that maintains Podium to solve this performance problem.  ","version":"Next","tagName":"h2"},{"title":"Isolation​","type":1,"pageTitle":"Client-side assets","url":"/docs/guides/assets#isolation","content":" A podlet should ideally not affect or be affected by the layout or other podlets. This can be tricky, particularly for CSS because of its global nature and the cascade.  ","version":"Next","tagName":"h2"},{"title":"Unique selectors​","type":1,"pageTitle":"Client-side assets","url":"/docs/guides/assets#unique-selectors","content":" You can work around the isolation problem by adopting a namespacing convention for all CSS selectors. CSS modules and other similar tools that generate unique selectors can also help mitigate the isolation problem.  Unique selectors can mitigate some of the isolation problems, but a podlet can still be affected by the layout's CSS.  ","version":"Next","tagName":"h3"},{"title":"Declarative shadow DOM​","type":1,"pageTitle":"Client-side assets","url":"/docs/guides/assets#declarative-shadow-dom","content":" Using the shadow DOM you can isolate a podlet from its surroundings. By wrapping a podlet in a declarative shadow DOM you can still get the benefits of server-side rendering.  podlet.css() can't be used with shadow DOM​  With podlet.css() the end result is a <link /> tag in the HTML document's <head />. If your podlet's content renders inside a shadow DOM that CSS won't be able to reach the podlet.  With a declarative shadow DOM you have to include your own <link /> to the CSS from inside the shadow DOM.  ","version":"Next","tagName":"h3"},{"title":"Islands architecture​","type":1,"pageTitle":"Client-side assets","url":"/docs/guides/assets#islands-architecture","content":" Podium works well with islands architecture where interactivity on the client is handled by small, isolated applications.  Especially when building your layout:  Consider how JavaScript libraries you use handle external content (external in the sense that it is not generated by your library).Be mindful of how much of the document your JavaScript library hydrates. ","version":"Next","tagName":"h3"},{"title":"Browser extension","type":0,"sectionRef":"#","url":"/docs/guides/browser-extension","content":"","keywords":"","version":"Next"},{"title":"Download the browser extension​","type":1,"pageTitle":"Browser extension","url":"/docs/guides/browser-extension#download-the-browser-extension","content":" The Podium browser extension is available for Firefox and Chromium-based browsers.  FirefoxChromium based browsers  ","version":"Next","tagName":"h2"},{"title":"Using the browser extension​","type":1,"pageTitle":"Browser extension","url":"/docs/guides/browser-extension#using-the-browser-extension","content":" First, you may have to allow the extension to run on the page you're debugging. In Firefox this is shown with a mark by the extensions drawer, and on the extension itself.    The extension adds two new panes to your browser's developer tools that cover two main use-cases. You may have to open an overflow menu to see them.    ","version":"Next","tagName":"h2"},{"title":"The Podium Context pane​","type":1,"pageTitle":"Browser extension","url":"/docs/guides/browser-extension#the-podium-context-pane","content":" This pane is used when developing podlets to change the default values set on the Podium context. Say you want to test how your podlet behaves when given a different deviceType value. You could make changes in code, restart the server and then do your test, or you can use the extension and it's partner middleware to quickly swap values at runtime.  ","version":"Next","tagName":"h3"},{"title":"The Podium Headers pane​","type":1,"pageTitle":"Browser extension","url":"/docs/guides/browser-extension#the-podium-headers-pane","content":" This pane helps you set HTTP headers on requests to the server. It's mainly designed for use with Podium layouts, but can be used to set any header for any server. It comes with presets for hybrid HTTP headers, but you can add and remove any headers you might need.  ","version":"Next","tagName":"h3"},{"title":"Missing a feature?​","type":1,"pageTitle":"Browser extension","url":"/docs/guides/browser-extension#missing-a-feature","content":" If you have ideas for additional features that would help you develop and debug Podium applications, please open an issue in the dev-tool repo. If an issue allready exists, give it a thumbs-up. ","version":"Next","tagName":"h2"},{"title":"@podium/store","type":0,"sectionRef":"#","url":"/docs/api/store","content":"","keywords":"","version":"Next"},{"title":"Usage​","type":1,"pageTitle":"@podium/store","url":"/docs/api/store#usage","content":" To install:  npm install @podium/store   Use the reactive store to do minimal updates of your UI when state changes. Nanostores supports multiple view frameworks:  React and PreactLitVueVanilla JS  This example shows a React component:  // components/user.jsx import { useStore } from "@nanostores/react"; import { $loggedIn } from "../stores/user.js"; export const User = () => { const loggedIn = useStore($loggedIn); return <p>{loggedIn ? "Welcome!" : "Please log in"}</p>; };   This is the same component in Lit:  // components/user.js import { StoreController } from "@nanostores/lit"; import { $loggedIn } from "../stores/user.js"; class User extends LitElement { loggedInController = new StoreController(this, $loggedIn); render() { return html`<p> ${this.loggedInController.value ? "Welcome!" : "Please log in"} </p>`; } } customElements.define("a-user", User);   ","version":"Next","tagName":"h2"},{"title":"Create your own reactive state​","type":1,"pageTitle":"@podium/store","url":"/docs/api/store#create-your-own-reactive-state","content":" By using the included helper you can make your reactive state sync between the different parts of a Podium application.  ","version":"Next","tagName":"h3"},{"title":"API​","type":1,"pageTitle":"@podium/store","url":"/docs/api/store#api","content":" ","version":"Next","tagName":"h2"},{"title":"atom(channel, topic, initialValue)​","type":1,"pageTitle":"@podium/store","url":"/docs/api/store#atomchannel-topic-initialvalue","content":" Create your own atom that syncs between parts of a Podium application using the MessageBus.  This method requires the following arguments:  option\ttype\tdetailschannel\tstring\tName of the channel topic\tstring\tName of the topic payload\tobject\tThe initial value. Replaced if peek(channel, topic) returns a value.  import { atom } from "@podium/store"; const $reminders = atom("reminders", "list", []);   ","version":"Next","tagName":"h3"},{"title":"map(channel, topic, initialValue)​","type":1,"pageTitle":"@podium/store","url":"/docs/api/store#mapchannel-topic-initialvalue","content":" Create your own map that syncs between parts of a Podium application using the MessageBus.  This method requires the following arguments:  option\ttype\tdetailschannel\tstring\tName of the channel topic\tstring\tName of the topic payload\tobject\tThe initial value. Replaced if peek(channel, topic) returns a value.  import { map } from "@podium/store"; const $user = map("user", "profile", { displayName: "foobar" });   ","version":"Next","tagName":"h3"},{"title":"deepMap(channel, topic, initialValue)​","type":1,"pageTitle":"@podium/store","url":"/docs/api/store#deepmapchannel-topic-initialvalue","content":" Create your own deepMap that syncs between parts of a Podium application using the MessageBus.  This method requires the following arguments:  option\ttype\tdetailschannel\tstring\tName of the channel topic\tstring\tName of the topic payload\tobject\tThe initial value. Replaced if peek(channel, topic) returns a value.  import { deepMap, listenKeys } from "@podium/store"; export const $profile = deepMap({ hobbies: [ { name: "woodworking", friends: [{ id: 123, name: "Ron Swanson" }], }, ], skills: [["Carpentry", "Sanding"], ["Varnishing"]], }); listenKeys($profile, ["hobbies[0].friends[0].name", "skills[0][0]"]);  ","version":"Next","tagName":"h3"},{"title":"Client-side communication","type":0,"sectionRef":"#","url":"/docs/guides/client-side-communication","content":"","keywords":"","version":"Next"},{"title":"Podium client-side libraries​","type":1,"pageTitle":"Client-side communication","url":"/docs/guides/client-side-communication#podium-client-side-libraries","content":" Podium offers client side libraries to help communication between different applications running in the browser:  @podium/browser includes a message bus and methods to publish and subscribe to messages.@podium/store offers a reactive state API backed by the message bus, letting you sync state with ease.  The libraries are designed to make communication between podlets loosely coupled and resilient.  ","version":"Next","tagName":"h2"},{"title":"@podium/browser​","type":1,"pageTitle":"Client-side communication","url":"/docs/guides/client-side-communication#podiumbrowser","content":" This library contains the message bus that is the backbone of client-side communication in Podium. Podlets (or the layout) publish and subscribe to messages on the bus for loosely coupled synchronization of state.  tip @podium/store offers an alternative API that uses this message bus under the hood. You can use whichever you prefer.  In the example above, when InputPodlet accepts a new item it also publishes a message on the bus.  // input-podlet.js import { MessageBus } from "@podium/browser"; const messageBus = new MessageBus(); messageBus.publish("reminders", "newReminder", { title: "Buy milk", });   ListPodlet subscribes to the same reminders channel and newReminder topic that InputPodlet publishes to. When nes messages arrive, ListPodlet updates its internal state.  // list-podlet.js import { MessageBus } from "@podium/browser"; const messageBus = new MessageBus(); // Check to see if an initial value exists on the messageBus // and fall back to a default value. const reminders = messageBus.peek("reminders", "newReminder") || []; // ListPodlet listens for new reminders published on the message bus and updates its state messageBus.subscribe("reminders", "newReminder", (event) => { const reminder = event.payload; reminders.push(reminder); });   See @podium/browser for API documentation.  Possible race condition Your subscribe function might register after someone has already published an event. To make sure your application state is in sync, always do a peek first.  ","version":"Next","tagName":"h3"},{"title":"@podium/store​","type":1,"pageTitle":"Client-side communication","url":"/docs/guides/client-side-communication#podiumstore","content":" This library adds a reactive state API on top of the MessageBus using nanostores. It sets up publishing and subscribing (including the peek for the initial value) for you behind the scenes, leaving you with a reactive variable you read from and write to that will stay in sync between applications.  tip Using @podium/store you can trigger minimal UI updates using a nanostores integration for a given UI library.  Keeping with our example, when InputPodlet accepts a new item updates a reactive atom holding the list of reminders.  // input-podlet.js import { atom } from "@podium/store"; /** @type {import("@podium/store").WritableAtom<string[]>} */ const $reminders = atom("reminders", "list", []); // Replace the existing value with a new list to trigger reactive updates $reminders.set([...$reminders.value, "Buy milk"]);   ListPodlet would set up the same atom and use either a nanostores integration with an existing UI library, or subscribe and handle changes manually.  // list-podlet.js import { atom } from "@podium/store"; /** @type {import("@podium/store").WritableAtom<string[]>} */ const $reminders = atom("reminders", "list", []); // Perhaps fetch stored reminders from an API, // or populate the state with data included in a server-side render $reminders.set(storedReminders); // Update the UI when the reminders list changes $reminders.subscribe((value) => { console.log(value); });   See @podium/store and nanostores for API documentation. ","version":"Next","tagName":"h3"},{"title":"Fallbacks","type":0,"sectionRef":"#","url":"/docs/guides/fallbacks","content":"","keywords":"","version":"Next"},{"title":"How do fallbacks work?​","type":1,"pageTitle":"Fallbacks","url":"/docs/guides/fallbacks#how-do-fallbacks-work","content":" On the first request to a podlet a layout will read the podlet’s manifest. The manifest includes the location of the fallback. The layout then makes a request to the fallback route and caches the response.  Later, if the podlet server cannot be reached for any reason, or the request returns a non 200 response, the layout will use the podlet’s cached fallback content instead.  Note that the podlet’s assets will still be served, so the fallback can depend on both JS and CSS being present once it’s rendered. This assumes the assets are hosted on a server separate from the podlet.  ","version":"Next","tagName":"h2"},{"title":"Defining a fallback route​","type":1,"pageTitle":"Fallbacks","url":"/docs/guides/fallbacks#defining-a-fallback-route","content":" With a podlet instance you call the fallback function which will return the route from the manifest. By default this is at /fallback. You then attach your handler which receives a simplified version of the context and returns the fallback you want.  const podlet = new Podlet(/*...*/); const app = express(); app.get(podlet.fallback(), (req, res) => { res.status(200).podiumSend("<div>It didn't work :(</div>"); });   With a custom URL, which will be reflected in the manifest.  app.get(podlet.fallback("/my-custom-fallback-route"), (req, res) => { res.status(200).podiumSend("<div>It didn't work :(</div>"); });   You can also use some of the Podium context that's not request bound. This is useful if you need to serve a different fallback depending on where the podlet is mounted.  app.get(podlet.fallback(), (req, res) => { const { publicPathname } = res.locals.podium.context; res .status(200) .podiumSend( `<div data-public-path-name=${publicPathname}>It didn't work :(</div>` ); });   The fallback can also point to an external service.  const podlet = new Podlet(/*...*/); podlet.fallback("https://www.example.com/my-fallback");   ","version":"Next","tagName":"h2"},{"title":"Throwable podlets​","type":1,"pageTitle":"Fallbacks","url":"/docs/guides/fallbacks#throwable-podlets","content":" By default a layout will substitute a fallback (or empty string) for a podlet's content whenever the podlet either fails to respond with a 2xx status code or the podlet fails to respond within 1000 milliseconds.  In some cases it may make no sense to show a page at all if some of its content is not available. You may prefer to show an error page rather than fallback content or an empty string. This is especially true for dynamic content that is the main focus of a page. If all you can show is a header and footer, it might be better to show an error page explaining the situation to the user.  In order to facilitate this, it is possible to set a podlet as throwable when it is registered.  const gettingStarted = layout.client.register({ throwable: true, });   When the layout fetch the podlet, if that podlet is not available, then the fetch will reject with an error that you can then handle as you see fit.  Error objects are instances of Boom errors and are decorated with the HTTP status code from the podlet response.  app.get(layout.pathname(), (req, res, next) => { try { const content = await gettingStarted.fetch(res.locals.podium); } catch(err) { // you might respond to the error here // res.status(err.statusCode).end(); // or pass the error on to be handled in error handling middleware next(err); } });  ","version":"Next","tagName":"h2"},{"title":"Podium context","type":0,"sectionRef":"#","url":"/docs/guides/context","content":"","keywords":"","version":"Next"},{"title":"The role of the layout​","type":1,"pageTitle":"Podium context","url":"/docs/guides/context#the-role-of-the-layout","content":" The context is created in the layout for each request. The @podium/layout module includes a set of default context parsers, which are functions that read the incoming request and return some kind of value that is placed on the context.  You must manually pass the context object on to podlets in the call to .fetch(ctx). The context object is serialized as HTTP headers which are then deserialized to a context object in the podlet.  app.get(layout.pathname(), (req, res) => { const incoming = res.locals.podium; const content = await myPodlet.fetch(incoming); });   ","version":"Next","tagName":"h2"},{"title":"Change the default context parsers​","type":1,"pageTitle":"Podium context","url":"/docs/guides/context#change-the-default-context-parsers","content":" The included context parsers have a default configuration which should cover most use cases. It is possible to overwrite default configuration when constructing a layout.  const layout = new Layout({ context: { debug: { enabled: true, }, }, });   See the @podium/layout reference for more detailed documentation regarding configuring the default context parsers.  ","version":"Next","tagName":"h3"},{"title":"Add custom context parsers​","type":1,"pageTitle":"Podium context","url":"/docs/guides/context#add-custom-context-parsers","content":" You can extend the Podium context by registering additional parsers.  import CustomContext from "my-custom-context-parser"; layout.context.register("my-custom-context", new CustomContext());   In the example above a new camelCased value myCustomContext will be available on the Podium context to podlets you fetch.  ","version":"Next","tagName":"h3"},{"title":"Default context variables​","type":1,"pageTitle":"Podium context","url":"/docs/guides/context#default-context-variables","content":" All requests made by @podium/layout include these variables on the context:  Name\tHeader Name\tContext Name\tDescriptionDebug\tpodium-debug\tdebug\tA boolean value informing the podlet whether the layout is in debug mode or not. Defaults to false Locale\tpodium-locale\tlocale\tA bcp47 compliant locale string with locale information from the layout. Defaults to en-US Device Type\tpodium-device-type\tdeviceType\tA guess (based on user-agent) as to the device type of the browser requesting the page from a layout server. Possible values are desktop, tablet and mobile. Defaults to desktop Mount Origin\tpodium-mount-origin\tmountOrigin\tURL origin of the inbound request to the layout server. For example, if the layout server is serving requests on the domain http://www.foo.com this value will be http://www.foo.com Mount Pathname\tpodium-mount-pathname\tmountPathname\tURL path to where a layout is mounted in an HTTP server. This value is the same as the layout's pathname option. For example, if the layout server has mounted a layout on the pathname /bar (http://www.foo.com/bar) this value will be /bar. Public Pathname\tpodium-public-pathname\tpublicPathname\tURL path to where a layout server has mounted a proxy in order to proxy public traffic to a podlet. The full public pathname is built up by joining together the value of Mount Pathname with a prefix value. The prefix value is there to define a namespace to isolate the proxy from other HTTP routes defined under the same mount pathname. The default prefix value is podium-resource. For example, if the layout server has mounted a layout on the pathname /bar (http://www.foo.com/bar) this value will be /bar/podium-resource/.  ","version":"Next","tagName":"h2"},{"title":"Read context values in a podlet​","type":1,"pageTitle":"Podium context","url":"/docs/guides/context#read-context-values-in-a-podlet","content":" The @podium/podlet module converts context HTTP headers into keys and values and places them on the HTTP response object at res.locals.podium.context.  As shown in the table above, context names are converted from kebab case to camel case and the Podium prefix is removed. The podium-mount-origin header is named mountOrigin on res.locals.podium.context.  app.get(podlet.content(), (req, res) => { // res.locals.podium.context.mountOrigin });   ","version":"Next","tagName":"h2"},{"title":"Construct public URLs​","type":1,"pageTitle":"Podium context","url":"/docs/guides/context#construct-public-urls","content":" One thing the context is often used for is to construct URLs that need to include the public URL of the layout.  In a podlet, the origin of a layout server can be found at res.locals.podium.context.mountOriginand the pathname to the layout server can be found at res.locals.podium.context.mountPathname.  These adher to the WHATWG URL spec so you can easily compose full URLs by using the URL module in Node.js.  Example: using the URL module to construct urls from context values  import { URL } from "url"; const { mountOrigin, mountPathname } = res.locals.podium.context; const url = new URL(mountPathname, mountOrigin); // url.href => <mountOrigin>/<mountPathname> // eg. http://localhost:3040/cats   Example: using the URL module to construct proxy urls from context values  import { URL } from "url"; const { mountOrigin, publicPathname } = res.locals.podium.context; const url = new URL(publicPathname, mountOrigin); // url.href => <mountOrigin>/<publicPathname> // eg. http://localhost:3040/cats/podium-resource   ","version":"Next","tagName":"h3"},{"title":"Developing a podlet without a layout​","type":1,"pageTitle":"Podium context","url":"/docs/guides/context#developing-a-podlet-without-a-layout","content":" In a production environment the layout is responsible for providing the context. To simplify development of podlets there's a development mode which includes some sensible default values.  const podlet = new Podlet({ /* ... */ development: true, // This should be turned off in production });   You can change the default context values if you'd like by calling podlet.defaults().  podlet.defaults({ locale: "nb-NO", });   tip Get the browser extension and the accompanying dev-tool middleware to make it possible to change these defaults without changing code and restarting your server. ","version":"Next","tagName":"h3"},{"title":"Hybrid apps","type":0,"sectionRef":"#","url":"/docs/guides/hybrid","content":"","keywords":"","version":"Next"},{"title":"Initial request​","type":1,"pageTitle":"Hybrid apps","url":"/docs/guides/hybrid#initial-request","content":" Layouts and podlets need to be able to adapt to requests from a hybrid web view. To support this, Podium specifies a set of HTTP headers that the web view includes in requests:  ","version":"Next","tagName":"h2"},{"title":"Hybrid HTTP headers​","type":1,"pageTitle":"Hybrid apps","url":"/docs/guides/hybrid#hybrid-http-headers","content":" tip Get the browser extension to make it easier to set the hybrid HTTP headers when developing locally.  Header\tExample\tDescriptionx-podium-app-id\tcom.yourcompany.app@1.2.3\tTo identify clients in logs x-podium-base-font-size\t1rem\tTo set base font size variable in CSS based on accessibility settings in the native host. x-podium-device-type\thybrid-ios, hybrid-android\tTo give hints to the server what should be included in the response.  ","version":"Next","tagName":"h3"},{"title":"Podium context​","type":1,"pageTitle":"Hybrid apps","url":"/docs/guides/hybrid#podium-context","content":" Requests that include the hybrid HTTP headers have their values added to the Podium context, in addition to the default context variables.  Header\tContext name\tDescriptionx-podium-app-id\tappId x-podium-base-font-size\tbaseFontSize x-podium-device-type\tdeviceType\tOverrides the value that would otherwise be derived from User-Agent  ","version":"Next","tagName":"h3"},{"title":"Conditionally fetch podlets​","type":1,"pageTitle":"Hybrid apps","url":"/docs/guides/hybrid#conditionally-fetch-podlets","content":" In a hybrid web view setting your layout may want to exclude things like the header and footer. These are likely podlets, and Podium has an option when you register podlets to exclude them by device type.  const headerPodlet = layout.client.register({ name: "header", uri: "http://header/manifest.json", excludeBy: { deviceType: ["hybrid-ios", "hybrid-android"], }, });   In this case, if a request has the x-podium-device-type: hybrid-ios HTTP header, Podium will serve an empty response to the headerPodlet.fetch() call.  ","version":"Next","tagName":"h3"},{"title":"Client-side communcication​","type":1,"pageTitle":"Hybrid apps","url":"/docs/guides/hybrid#client-side-communcication","content":" @podium/bridge is a module that sets up a JSON RPC bridge for communication between a native application and a web application running in a webview.@podium/browser's message bus taps into this bridge to publish and subscribe to messages.  You use the API from @podium/browser or @podium/store, and messages seamlessly get sent across the bridge for you.  // Include this once, preferably in your layout before loading applications, // and before importing `@podium/browser` and `@podium/store`. import "@podium/bridge";   See @podium/bridge for API documentation.  ","version":"Next","tagName":"h2"},{"title":"Message format​","type":1,"pageTitle":"Hybrid apps","url":"/docs/guides/hybrid#message-format","content":" When you use the bridge with @podium/browser and @podium/store, behind the scenes, channel, topic and payload are combined to form a valid JSON RPC 2.0 message. Here's an example:  import "@podium/bridge"; import { MessageBus } from "@podium/browser"; const messageBus = new MessageBus(); messageBus.publish("system", "authentication", { token: null });   "system" and "authentication" are combined to "system/authentication", and the payload argument is used as params in JSON RPC terms.  { "jsonrpc": "2.0", "method": "system/authentication", "params": { "token": null } }   The same goes for @podium/store:  import "@podium/bridge"; import { map } from "@podium/store"; const $auth = map("system", "authentication", { token: null });   ","version":"Next","tagName":"h3"},{"title":"Reserved message names​","type":1,"pageTitle":"Hybrid apps","url":"/docs/guides/hybrid#reserved-message-names","content":" Podium reserves these topics for built-in features:  systemview  ","version":"Next","tagName":"h3"},{"title":"Message contracts​","type":1,"pageTitle":"Hybrid apps","url":"/docs/guides/hybrid#message-contracts","content":" system/authentication​  Logged out:  { "jsonrpc": "2.0", "method": "system/authentication", "params": { "token": null } }   Logged in:  { "jsonrpc": "2.0", "method": "system/authentication", "params": { "token": "eyJhbGciOiJIU..." } }  ","version":"Next","tagName":"h3"},{"title":"Passing values to podlets","type":0,"sectionRef":"#","url":"/docs/guides/passing-values-to-podlets","content":"","keywords":"","version":"Next"},{"title":"Sending query params​","type":1,"pageTitle":"Passing values to podlets","url":"/docs/guides/passing-values-to-podlets#sending-query-params","content":" The Podium context is not the only way for a layout to communicate with its podlets. Query params can be forwarded to podlets via .fetch() calls.  const content = podlet.fetch(incoming, { query: { search: req.query.search } });   Continuing with our search example, when a request comes in to the layout at http://localhost:7101?search=houses, we forward the query parameter search on to both podlets.  const content = await Promise.all([ searchField.fetch(incoming, { query: { search: req.query.search } }), searchResults.fetch(incoming, { query: { search: req.query.search } }), ]);   Our podlets will then have access to the value of search and be able to render content accordingly. Likewise, in order to trigger changes, all a podlet will need to do is navigate the page to http://localhost:7101?search=houses. The searchField podlet could do this by creating a form.  <form action="http://localhost:7101" method="GET"> <input type="text" name="search" /> <input type="submit" /> </form>   ","version":"Next","tagName":"h2"},{"title":"Sending a pathname​","type":1,"pageTitle":"Passing values to podlets","url":"/docs/guides/passing-values-to-podlets#sending-a-pathname","content":" Another way to send dynamic queries to podlets is by sending along a pathname option. This can be used, for example, to build podlet URLs that are defined using named route parameters.  Example: sending podlet content route with named parameter  In the layout.  const content = podlet.fetch(incoming, { pathname: "/andrew" });   In the podlet.  app.get("/:name", (req, res) => { // req.params.name => andrew });   It is important to note here that the pathname value is appended to the content route so if you were to serve your content route at /content instead of at / the final URL sent to the podlet would include this.  const podlet = new Podlet({ content: "/content", }); app.get("/content/:name", (req, res) => { // req.params.name => andrew });   You are, in fact, free to handle any routes you like under content namespace. The following is also valid.  // include `/name` when defining `pathname` const content = podlet.fetch(incoming, { pathname: "/name/andrew" }); const podlet = new Podlet({ content: "/content", }); app.get("/content/name/:name", (req, res) => { // req.params.name => andrew });  ","version":"Next","tagName":"h2"},{"title":"Podlet development","type":0,"sectionRef":"#","url":"/docs/guides/podlet-development","content":"","keywords":"","version":"Next"},{"title":"Podlet development setup​","type":1,"pageTitle":"Podlet development","url":"/docs/guides/podlet-development#podlet-development-setup","content":" The experience of developing a podlet on its own can be as simple as starting the podlet and visiting its URL in your favourite browser.  Consider the following podlet server:  import express from "express"; import Podlet from "@podium/podlet"; const podlet = new Podlet({ name: "myPodlet", version: "1.0.0", pathname: "/", }); const app = express(); app.get(podlet.manifest(), (req, res) => { res.json(podlet); }); app.get(podlet.content(), (req, res) => { res.send(`<div>This is my content</div>`); }); app.listen(7100);   If this content were saved in a file called server.js and run with the command:  node server.js   then you could visit the following routes to test your changes  http://localhost:7100/manifest.json: the podlet's manifest routehttp://localhost:7100: the podlet's content route  ","version":"Next","tagName":"h2"},{"title":"Problems and solutions​","type":1,"pageTitle":"Podlet development","url":"/docs/guides/podlet-development#problems-and-solutions","content":" ","version":"Next","tagName":"h2"},{"title":"Restarting the server​","type":1,"pageTitle":"Podlet development","url":"/docs/guides/podlet-development#restarting-the-server","content":" The first problem with the basic setup described above is that every time you make a change to your server, you will need to stop and restart your server before refreshing your browser window in order to see changes.  This is not so much a Podium problem as it is a common Node.js problem and it's easily solved. A common way to do so is to use a module such as nodemon to monitor your file system and restart your server automatically anytime relevant files change.  npx nodemon server.js   See the nodemon docs for more information.  Node.js (v18 or newer) has a built-in --watch mode you can use:  node --watch server.js   See the Node.js docs for more information.  ","version":"Next","tagName":"h3"},{"title":"Missing context headers​","type":1,"pageTitle":"Podlet development","url":"/docs/guides/podlet-development#missing-context-headers","content":" When a podlet is being run in the context of a layout server, the layout server will send a number of Podium context headers with each request. If your podlet depends on these headers to work correctly you need to turn on development mode.  Consider a podlet with the following content route:  app.get(podlet.content(), (req, res) => { const { mountOrigin } = res.locals.podium.context; res.send(`<div>${mountOrigin}</div>`); });   This podlet will behave correctly when sent requests by a layout but it will throw an error if you try to visit / directly in your browser.  With development enabled, you can set defaults for Podium context values that will be overwritten, and therefore not used, when requests are sent from the layout to the podlet.  To enable this feature, pass development: true in the podlet constructor like so:  const podlet = new Podlet({ development: true, });   Podium includes some sensible defaults, but you can override them if you like.  podlet.defaults({ locale: "nb-NO", });   tip Get the browser extension and the accompanying dev-tool middleware to make it possible to change these defaults without changing code and restarting your server.  ","version":"Next","tagName":"h3"},{"title":"HTML pages and page fragments​","type":1,"pageTitle":"Podlet development","url":"/docs/guides/podlet-development#html-pages-and-page-fragments","content":" In production, your podlet's content route will be responding with an HTML fragment devoid of its wrapping <html> or <body> tags. However, in development you will want to wrap your fragment in a light HTML page, especially if your podlet makes use of client side assets such as JavaScript or CSS.  Once again, development mode can help us here.  If we set development to true in the constructor and use the res.podiumSend() method in our content and fallback routes then our HTML response will be decorated with an HTML page template. As soon as we set development to false, the decorating stops and the fragment is returned on its own.  const podlet = new Podlet({ development: true, }); app.get(podlet.content(), (req, res) => { res.podiumSend(`<div>The podlet's HTML content</div>`); });   Additionally, if you set JavaScript or CSS assets using the podlet.js() or podlet.css() methods, script and style tags will be included in page decoration when in development mode and omitted when not.  const podlet = new Podlet({ development: true, }); podlet.js({ value: "http://cdn.mysite.com/scripts.js" }); podlet.css({ value: "http://cdn.mysite.com/styles.css" }); app.get(podlet.content(), (req, res) => { res.podiumSend(`<div>The podlet's HTML content</div>`); });   ","version":"Next","tagName":"h3"},{"title":"Proxying to absolute URLs​","type":1,"pageTitle":"Podlet development","url":"/docs/guides/podlet-development#proxying-to-absolute-urls","content":" Another case you may encounter when working locally with proxying is that absolute URLs are proxied to directly from layouts bypassing podlets entirely.  podlet.proxy({ target: "http://google.com", name: "google" });   will generate the following entry in the podlet's manifest  { ... "proxy": { "google": "http://google.com" } }   When this is consumed by a layout, the layout will mount a proxy from the layout directly to http://google.com without sending any traffic to the podlet. When working locally on your podlet in isolation this will mean that the proxy is simply not available to you.  Fortunately, development mode takes care of this as well. When development is set to true, a dev only proxy will be mounted in the podlet. Furthermore, default development context values will reflect this so that your code can continue to dynamically calculate the location of the proxy's public address, even though this address now sits with the podlet and not the layout.  const podlet = new Podlet({ development: true, }); podlet.proxy({ target: "http://google.com", name: "google" }); app.get(podlet.content(), (req, res) => { const { mountOrigin, publicPathname } = res.locals.podium.context; const url = new URL(publicPathname, mountOrigin); res.status(200).podiumSend(` <div> The url being proxied to google is ${url.href + "google"} </div> `); }); app.listen(3000);   In development mode, the URL will be something like http://localhost:3000/podium-resource/myPodlet/google  When not in development mode, the URL will be be similar except that it will be pointing at the layout server instead of the podlet server. Something like http://localhost:8080/podium-resource/myPodlet/google  ","version":"Next","tagName":"h3"},{"title":"In summary​","type":1,"pageTitle":"Podlet development","url":"/docs/guides/podlet-development#in-summary","content":" For the best experience when developing podlets:  Install nodemon or use --watch so your podlet server restarts on changes.Turn on development mode when working locally, but keep it off in production. ","version":"Next","tagName":"h2"},{"title":"Layout development","type":0,"sectionRef":"#","url":"/docs/guides/layout-development","content":"","keywords":"","version":"Next"},{"title":"Sample podlets​","type":1,"pageTitle":"Layout development","url":"/docs/guides/layout-development#sample-podlets","content":" Example: header  Create a folder /podlets/header with a file index.js inside to hold the following podlet code.  import Podlet from "@podium/podlet"; import express from "express"; const app = express(); const podlet = new Podlet({ name: "header", version: "1.0.0", development: false, }); app.use(podlet.middleware()); app.get("/manifest.json", (req, res) => { res.json(podlet); }); app.get("/", (req, res) => { res.podiumSend(`<header>The Best Podium page ever</header>`); }); app.listen(7001);   Example: navigation bar  Create a folder /podlets/navigation with a file index.js inside to hold the following podlet code.  import Podlet from "@podium/podlet"; import express from "express"; const app = express(); const podlet = new Podlet({ name: "navigation", version: "1.0.0", development: false, }); app.use(podlet.middleware()); app.get("/manifest.json", (req, res) => { res.json(podlet); }); app.get("/", (req, res) => { res.podiumSend(`<nav> <ul> <li><a href="/home">home</a></li> <li><a href="/blog">blog</a></li> <li><a href="/about">about</a></li> <li><a href="/contact">contact</a></li> </ul> </nav>`); }); app.listen(7002);   Example: main home page content  Create a folder /podlets/home with a file index.js inside to hold the following podlet code.  import Podlet from "@podium/podlet"; import express from "express"; const app = express(); const podlet = new Podlet({ name: "homeContent", version: "1.0.0", development: false, }); app.use(podlet.middleware()); app.get("/manifest.json", (req, res) => { res.json(podlet); }); app.get("/", (req, res) => { res.podiumSend(`<section>Welcome to my Podium home page</section>`); }); app.listen(7003);   Example: page footer  Create a folder /podlets/footer with a file index.js inside to hold the following podlet code.  import Podlet from "@podium/podlet"; import express from "express"; const app = express(); const podlet = new Podlet({ name: "footer", version: "1.0.0", development: false, }); app.use(podlet.middleware()); app.get("/manifest.json", (req, res) => { res.json(podlet); }); app.get("/", (req, res) => { res.podiumSend(`<footer>&copy; 2018 - the Podium team</footer>`); }); app.listen(7004);   ","version":"Next","tagName":"h2"},{"title":"Sample layout​","type":1,"pageTitle":"Layout development","url":"/docs/guides/layout-development#sample-layout","content":" Example: the /home layout  Create a folder /layouts/home. Create a file index.js inside this folder to hold the following layout code.  import Layout from "@podium/layout"; import express from "express"; const app = express(); const layout = new Layout({ name: "homePage", pathname: "/home", }); const headerClient = layout.client.register({ name: "header", uri: "http://localhost:7001/manifest.json", }); const navigationClient = layout.client.register({ name: "navigation", uri: "http://localhost:7002/manifest.json", }); const contentClient = layout.client.register({ name: "content", uri: "http://localhost:7003/manifest.json", }); const footerClient = layout.client.register({ name: "footer", uri: "http://localhost:7004/manifest.json", }); app.use(layout.pathname(), layout.middleware()); app.get(layout.pathname(), async (req, res) => { const incoming = res.locals.podium; const [header, navigation, content, footer] = await Promise.all([ headerClient.fetch(incoming), navigationClient.fetch(incoming), contentClient.fetch(incoming), footerClient.fetch(incoming), ]); incoming.view.title = "Podium example - home"; res.podiumSend(` <section>${header}</section> <section>${navigation}</section> <section>${content}</section> <section>${footer}</section> `); }); app.listen(7000);   ","version":"Next","tagName":"h2"},{"title":"Running podlets and layout together​","type":1,"pageTitle":"Layout development","url":"/docs/guides/layout-development#running-podlets-and-layout-together","content":" Because each podlet and the layout have been configured to run on different ports you can safely start them all up together.  node podlets/header node podlets/navigation node podlets/home node podlets/footer   We can now start up our /home layout to consume and display our podlet content.  node layouts/home   Our layout has been configured to run on port 7000 so we should now be able to visit the url http://localhost:7000/home in a browser and see header, navigation, home page and footer content composed together.  ","version":"Next","tagName":"h2"},{"title":"Improving the development experience​","type":1,"pageTitle":"Layout development","url":"/docs/guides/layout-development#improving-the-development-experience","content":" The setup described above is a manual process requiring a number of repetitive operations by the developer to start up, restart or shut down processes. What follows are several suggestions for improving on this.  ","version":"Next","tagName":"h2"},{"title":"using forever​","type":1,"pageTitle":"Layout development","url":"/docs/guides/layout-development#using-forever","content":" One fairly simple way to manage all your podlets and layouts at once is to use a tool called forever which is available on npm.  Example: install forever  npm i -g forever   Forever allows you to pass it some json configuration describing your setup and have it manage the processes  Example: forever json configuration file  [ { "uid": "header", "append": true, "watch": true, "script": "index.js", "sourceDir": "/path/to/podlets/header" }, { "uid": "navigation", "append": true, "watch": true, "script": "index.js", "sourceDir": "/path/to/podlets/navigation" }, { "uid": "home", "append": true, "watch": true, "script": "index.js", "sourceDir": "/path/to/podlets/home" }, { "uid": "footer", "append": true, "watch": true, "script": "index.js", "sourceDir": "/path/to/podlets/footer" }, { "uid": "homePage", "append": true, "watch": true, "script": "index.js", "sourceDir": "/path/to/layouts/home" } ]   You can then pass the configuration file to forever to start everything up at once.  Example: running forever  forever start /path/to/development.json   Notice that every service has been configured to run in watch mode meaning that they will be automatically restarted any time a file change is detected.  You can read more about forever here.  ","version":"Next","tagName":"h3"},{"title":"using pm2​","type":1,"pageTitle":"Layout development","url":"/docs/guides/layout-development#using-pm2","content":" A great alternative to forever is pm2. Pm2 can also take a configuration file in json format, can aggregate logs, run services in watch mode, has great docs and more. ","version":"Next","tagName":"h3"},{"title":"Proxies","type":0,"sectionRef":"#","url":"/docs/guides/proxying","content":"","keywords":"","version":"Next"},{"title":"Podium proxy​","type":1,"pageTitle":"Proxies","url":"/docs/guides/proxying#podium-proxy","content":" The Podium proxy is a transparent proxy that is mounted in the layout server based on a podlet's manifest, making it possible to send any HTTP request through the layout to the podlet server.  The Podium proxy is the recommended way for a podlet to inform any layout servers that consume it that there are additional routes and that they should be given public access via routes on the layout server.  ","version":"Next","tagName":"h2"},{"title":"How it works​","type":1,"pageTitle":"Proxies","url":"/docs/guides/proxying#how-it-works","content":" The podlet defines its proxy routes.The podlet lists the location of the proxy routes in its manifest.The layout reads the proxy information from the manifest.The layout creates namespaced proxy routes.The layout sends information to the podlet via the context about the public location of these routes.The podlet uses the context to construct URLs pointing to the public location of the layout's proxy.  ","version":"Next","tagName":"h3"},{"title":"The manifest​","type":1,"pageTitle":"Proxies","url":"/docs/guides/proxying#the-manifest","content":" The proxy field in a podlet's manifest can be used to define up to 4 proxy routes:  { "name": "myPodlet", "version": "1.0.0", "pathname": "/", "proxy": { "api": "/api" } }   A layout reading this manifest will mount a proxy at this location:  /<layout-pathname>/<prefix>/<podlet-name>/<proxy-namespace>   where  <layout-pathname> is the pathname option of the Layout constructor.<prefix> defaults to podium-resource, but can be configured in the Layout constructor<podlet-name> is the name value used when registering a podlet in a layout with layout.client.register().<proxy-namespace> is the key of the key/value pair defined in the manifest.  ","version":"Next","tagName":"h3"},{"title":"Defining proxy routes​","type":1,"pageTitle":"Proxies","url":"/docs/guides/proxying#defining-proxy-routes","content":" The podlet.proxy() method lets you define proxy routes that are listed in the manifest.  podlet.proxy({ target: "/api", name: "api" });   The method returns a string you can use to define the route itself at the same time:  app.get(podlet.proxy({ target: "/api", name: "api" }), (req, res) => { res.json({ key: "value" }); });   There are a maximum of 4 proxies, however it is possible to mount multiple routes under a single proxy.  podlet.proxy({ target: "/api", name: "api" }); app.get("/api/cats", (req, res) => { res.json([{ name: "fluffy" }]); }); // http://localhost:1337/myLayout/podium-resource/myPodlet/api/cats app.get("/api/dogs", (req, res) => { res.json([{ name: "rover" }]); }); // http://localhost:1337/myLayout/podium-resource/myPodlet/api/dogs   Specifying an absolute URL is also possible in which case the layout will mount a proxy directly to the URL, bypassing the podlet entirely.  podlet.proxy({ name: "remote-api", target: "http://<some-service:port>/api" }); // http://localhost:1337/myLayout/podium-resource/myPodlet/remote-api   ","version":"Next","tagName":"h2"},{"title":"Using the proxy​","type":1,"pageTitle":"Proxies","url":"/docs/guides/proxying#using-the-proxy","content":" When creating a podlet with proxy routes, it's necessary to be able to dynamically, programmatically determine the location of these proxy routes.  ","version":"Next","tagName":"h2"},{"title":"Constructing Proxy URLs​","type":1,"pageTitle":"Proxies","url":"/docs/guides/proxying#constructing-proxy-urls","content":" The base URL can be constructed by joining together values plucked from the Podium context like so.  import { URL } from "url"; // not required in node >= 10; app.get(podlet.content(), (req, res) => { const { mountOrigin, publicPathname } = res.locals.podium.context; const url = new URL(publicPathname, mountOrigin); // prints base URL under which all proxy routes are located console.log(url.href); });   The path to a given endpoint can then be constructed by joining this base URL together with the namespace key given to the podlet.proxy() method like so:  // define and create an API proxy route app.get(podlet.proxy({ target: '/api', name: 'api' }), (req, res) => { res.json({...}); }); app.get(podlet.content(), (req, res) => { // construct an absolute URL to the API proxy route const { mountOrigin, publicPathname } = res.locals.podium.context; const url = new URL(publicPathname, mountOrigin); // prints specific absolute URL to API proxy endpoint console.log(url.href + 'api'); });   ","version":"Next","tagName":"h3"},{"title":"Example: client side JavaScript fetching data from a /content route​","type":1,"pageTitle":"Proxies","url":"/docs/guides/proxying#example-client-side-javascript-fetching-data-from-a-content-route","content":" import express from "express"; import Podlet from "@podium/podlet"; const podlet = new Podlet({ name: "myPodlet", version: "1.0.0", pathname: "/", }); const app = express(); app.get(podlet.manifest(), (req, res) => { res.status(200).json(podlet); }); app.get(podlet.proxy({ target: "/content", name: "content" }), (req, res) => { res.send("This is the actual content for the page"); }); app.get(podlet.content(), (req, res) => { const { mountOrigin, publicPathname } = res.locals.podium.context; const url = new URL(publicPathname, mountOrigin); res.send(` <div id="content-placeholder"></div> <script> fetch('${url.href + "content"}') .then((response) => response.text()) .then(content => { const el = document.getElementById('content-placeholder'); el.innerHTML = content; }); </script> `); }); app.listen(7100);   ","version":"Next","tagName":"h3"},{"title":"Public podlets and cross-origin resource sharing​","type":1,"pageTitle":"Proxies","url":"/docs/guides/proxying#public-podlets-and-cross-origin-resource-sharing","content":" If your infrastructure is set up so podlet servers are publicly available you can choose to communicate with podlet servers directly by enabling cross-origin resource sharing (CORS). You can still use the Podium proxy if you prefer. ","version":"Next","tagName":"h2"},{"title":"Hello, Podium","type":0,"sectionRef":"#","url":"/docs/introduction/hello-podium","content":"","keywords":"","version":"Next"},{"title":"Prerequisites​","type":1,"pageTitle":"Hello, Podium","url":"/docs/introduction/hello-podium#prerequisites","content":" You should have some familiarity with building apps with JavaScript and Node.  You will need to have Node installed in a current Long Term Support release or higher. npm will be installed automatically when you install Node.js.  ","version":"Next","tagName":"h2"},{"title":"Your first podlet​","type":1,"pageTitle":"Hello, Podium","url":"/docs/introduction/hello-podium#your-first-podlet","content":" A podlet serves a fragment of a whole page. You might think of this as a component running as a service.  The contract between a podlet and a layout is defined in a JSON manifest. In its simplest form a podlet can be a static file server with two files:  the JSON manifesta static HTML file  In most cases you will want something a bit more dynamic. The @podium/podlet provides helpers to build the JSON manifest and request handlers for a web server.  ","version":"Next","tagName":"h2"},{"title":"Install @podium/podlet​","type":1,"pageTitle":"Hello, Podium","url":"/docs/introduction/hello-podium#install-podiumpodlet","content":" Make an empty directory to hold your podlet and create a default package.json so you can install dependencies:  mkdir my-podlet cd my-podlet npm init -y   Then run this command to install dependencies:  npm install express @podium/podlet   ","version":"Next","tagName":"h3"},{"title":"The podlet server​","type":1,"pageTitle":"Hello, Podium","url":"/docs/introduction/hello-podium#the-podlet-server","content":" Make an index.mjs file and set up the podlet using Express:  // index.mjs import express from "express"; import Podlet from "@podium/podlet"; const app = express(); const podlet = new Podlet({ name: "my-podlet", version: "1.0.0", pathname: "/", development: true, // this should be false in production }); app.use(podlet.middleware()); app.get(podlet.content(), (req, res) => { res.status(200).podiumSend(` <div> This is the podlet's HTML content </div> `); }); app.get(podlet.manifest(), (req, res) => { res.status(200).send(podlet); }); console.log("Server running at http://localhost:7100/"); app.listen(7100);   ","version":"Next","tagName":"h3"},{"title":"Start your podlet server​","type":1,"pageTitle":"Hello, Podium","url":"/docs/introduction/hello-podium#start-your-podlet-server","content":" Now you can run the server with Node:  node index.mjs   Open a browser and go to http://localhost:7100 to see the HTML content.  You can see the JSON manifest that makes up the contract between your podlet and a layout on http://localhost:7100/manifest.json.  ","version":"Next","tagName":"h3"},{"title":"Your first layout​","type":1,"pageTitle":"Hello, Podium","url":"/docs/introduction/hello-podium#your-first-layout","content":" A layout is responsible for supplying the structure of an HTML page, inserting each podlet into the appropriate location in the page's markup, and then serving the resulting page.  The layout is also responsible for providing a Podium context on requests made to each podlet. This context is a set of HTTP headers with information the podlet can use to generate dynamic content.  Like for podlets there is a @podium/layout module which helps you build layouts.  ","version":"Next","tagName":"h2"},{"title":"Install @podium/layout​","type":1,"pageTitle":"Hello, Podium","url":"/docs/introduction/hello-podium#install-podiumlayout","content":" Make a new empty directory to hold your layout and create a default package.json so you can install dependencies:  mkdir my-layout cd my-layout npm init -y   Then run this command to install dependencies:  npm install express @podium/layout   ","version":"Next","tagName":"h3"},{"title":"The layout server​","type":1,"pageTitle":"Hello, Podium","url":"/docs/introduction/hello-podium#the-layout-server","content":" Make an index.mjs file and set up the layout using Express:  // index.mjs import express from "express"; import Layout from "@podium/layout"; const app = express(); const layout = new Layout({ name: "my-layout", pathname: "/", }); // Podlets have to be registered with the layout before they can be fetched const myPodlet = layout.client.register({ name: "my-podlet", uri: "http://localhost:7100/manifest.json", }); app.use(layout.middleware()); app.get(layout.pathname(), async (req, res) => { const incoming = res.locals.podium; incoming.view.title = "My Super Page"; // Pass the Podium context to the podlet const response = await myPodlet.fetch(incoming); // Register the podlet's JS and CSS assets with the layout's HTML template incoming.podlets = [response]; res.podiumSend(` <div>This is the layout's HTML content</div> ${response} `); }); console.log("Server running at http://localhost:7000/"); app.listen(7000);   ","version":"Next","tagName":"h3"},{"title":"Start your layout server​","type":1,"pageTitle":"Hello, Podium","url":"/docs/introduction/hello-podium#start-your-layout-server","content":" Now you can run the server with Node:  node index.mjs   Open a browser and go to http://localhost:7000 to see the HTML content.  If you kept your podlet server running you should see its HTML content as well. Try closing the podlet server and refresh the page. What happens to your layout?  ","version":"Next","tagName":"h3"},{"title":"Next steps​","type":1,"pageTitle":"Hello, Podium","url":"/docs/introduction/hello-podium#next-steps","content":" Now that you've made both a layout and a podlet you have what it takes to build a micro frontend architecture with runtime composition.  Next you may want to include some CSS, and perhaps client-side JavaScript. Let's have a look at how you can do performant loading of assets in a micro frontend architecture. ","version":"Next","tagName":"h2"},{"title":"Redirects","type":0,"sectionRef":"#","url":"/docs/guides/redirects","content":"","keywords":"","version":"Next"},{"title":"Define a podlet as redirectable​","type":1,"pageTitle":"Redirects","url":"/docs/guides/redirects#define-a-podlet-as-redirectable","content":" If a podlet should trigger a redirect for the end user, or you want to handle redirects in a different way, you have to configure the client as redirectable:  const gettingStarted = layout.client.register({ redirectable: true, });   This configuration is required, otherwise the layout will follow the redirect and use the HTML response as if it came from the podlet directly.  With the podlet configured as redirectable, check the response in the request handler for the layout and forward the status code and Location:  app.get(layout.pathname(), async (req, res) => { const incoming = res.locals.podium; const response = await gettingStarted.fetch(incoming); if (response.redirect) { return res .status(response.redirect.statusCode) .setHeader("Location", response.redirect.location) .send(); } incoming.view.title = "Hello, Layout!"; res.podiumSend(`<div>${response}</div>`); });   ","version":"Next","tagName":"h2"},{"title":"Trigger the redirect from a podlet​","type":1,"pageTitle":"Redirects","url":"/docs/guides/redirects#trigger-the-redirect-from-a-podlet","content":" Once you have configured the layout to handle a redirectable podlet, the podlet can send a Location header and the correct HTTP status code.  app.get(podlet.content(), (req, res) => { const shouldRedirect = /* Determine whether a redirect should happen */; if (shouldRedirect) { return res .status(307) .setHeader("Location", "https://podium-lib.io") .send(); } res.status(200).podiumSend(` <div id="app">Hello, Podlet!</div> `); });  ","version":"Next","tagName":"h2"},{"title":"@podium/layout","type":0,"sectionRef":"#","url":"/docs/api/layout","content":"","keywords":"","version":"Next"},{"title":"Installation​","type":1,"pageTitle":"@podium/layout","url":"/docs/api/layout#installation","content":" ExpressHapiFastify $ npm install @podium/layout   ","version":"Next","tagName":"h2"},{"title":"Getting started​","type":1,"pageTitle":"@podium/layout","url":"/docs/api/layout#getting-started","content":" Building a simple layout server including two podlets:  ExpressHapiFastifyHTTP import express from "express"; import Layout from "@podium/layout"; const layout = new Layout({ name: "myLayout", pathname: "/", }); const podletA = layout.client.register({ name: "myPodletA", uri: "http://localhost:7100/manifest.json", }); const podletB = layout.client.register({ name: "myPodletB", uri: "http://localhost:7200/manifest.json", }); const app = express(); app.use(layout.middleware()); app.get(layout.pathname(), async (req, res, next) => { const incoming = res.locals.podium; const [a, b] = await Promise.all([ podletA.fetch(incoming), podletB.fetch(incoming), ]); res.podiumSend(` <section>${a.content}</section> <section>${b.content}</section> `); }); app.listen(7000);   ","version":"Next","tagName":"h2"},{"title":"Constructor​","type":1,"pageTitle":"@podium/layout","url":"/docs/api/layout#constructor","content":" Create a new layout instance.  const layout = new Layout(options);   options​  option\ttype\tdefault\trequired\tdetailsname\tstring\tnull\t✓\tName that the layout identifies itself by pathname\tstring\tnull\t✓\tPathname of where a layout is mounted in an HTTP server logger\tobject\tnull A logger which conforms to the log4j interface context\tobject\tnull Options to be passed on to the internal @podium/context constructor client\tobject\tnull Options to be passed on to the internal @podium/client constructor proxy\tobject\tnull Options to be passed on to the internal @podium/proxy constructor  name​  The name that the layout identifies itself by. This value must be in camelCase.  Example:  const layout = new Layout({ name: "myLayoutName", pathname: "/foo", });   pathname​  The Pathname to where the layout is mounted in an HTTP server. It is important that this value matches the entry point of the route where content is served in the HTTP server since this value is used to mount the proxy and inform podlets (through the Podium context) where they are mounted and where the proxy is mounted.  If the layout is mounted at the server "root", set the pathname to /:  ExpressHapiFastifyHTTP const app = express(); const layout = new Layout({ name: 'myLayout', pathname: '/', }); app.use(layout.middleware()); app.get('/', (req, res, next) => { [ ... ] });   If the layout is mounted at /foo, set the pathname to /foo:  ExpressHapiFastifyHTTP const app = express(); const layout = new Layout({ name: 'myLayout', pathname: '/foo', }); app.use('/foo', layout.middleware()); app.get('/foo', (req, res, next) => { [ ... ] }); app.get('/foo/:id', (req, res, next) => { [ ... ] });   There is also a helper method for retrieving the set pathname which can be used to get the pathname from the layout object when defining routes. See .pathname() for further details.  logger​  Any log4j compatible logger can be passed in and will be used for logging. Console is also supported for easy test / development.  Example:  const layout = new Layout({ name: "myLayout", pathname: "/foo", logger: console, });   Under the hood abslog is used to abstract out logging. Please see abslog for further details.  context​  Options to be passed on to the context parsers.  option\ttype\tdefault\trequired\tdetailsdebug\tobject\tnull Config object passed on to the debug parser locale\tobject\tnull Config object passed on to the locale parser deviceType\tobject\tnull Config object passed on to the device type parser mountOrigin\tobject\tnull Config object passed on to the mount origin parser mountPathname\tobject\tnull Config object passed on to the mount pathname parser publicPathname\tobject\tnull Config object passed on to the public pathname parser  Example of setting the debug context to default true:  const layout = new Layout({ name: "myLayout", pathname: "/foo", context: { debug: { enabled: true, }, }, });   client​  Options to be passed on to the client.  option\ttype\tdefault\trequired\tdetailsretries\tnumber\t4 Number of times the client should retry settling a version number conflict before terminating timeout\tnumber\t1000 Default value, in milliseconds, for how long a request should wait before the connection is terminated maxAge\tnumber\tInfinity Default value, in milliseconds, for how long manifests should be cached  Example of setting retries on the client to 6:  const layout = new Layout({ name: "myLayout", pathname: "/foo", client: { retries: 6, }, });   proxy​  Options to be passed on to the proxy.  option\ttype\tdefault\trequired\tdetailsprefix\tstring\tpodium-resource Prefix used to namespace the proxy so that it's isolated from other routes in the HTTP server timeout\tnumber\t6000 Default value, in milliseconds, for how long a request should wait before the connection is terminated  Example of setting the timeout on the proxy to 30 seconds:  const layout = new Layout({ name: "myLayout", pathname: "/foo", proxy: { timeout: 30000, }, });   ","version":"Next","tagName":"h2"},{"title":"Layout Instance​","type":1,"pageTitle":"@podium/layout","url":"/docs/api/layout#layout-instance","content":" The layout instance has the following API:  ","version":"Next","tagName":"h2"},{"title":".middleware()​","type":1,"pageTitle":"@podium/layout","url":"/docs/api/layout#middleware","content":" A Connect/Express compatible middleware function which takes care of the various operations needed for a layout to operate correctly. This function is more or less just a wrapper for the .process() method.  Important: This middleware must be mounted before defining any routes.  Example  Express const app = express(); app.use(layout.middleware());   The middleware will create an HttpIncoming object for each request and place it on the response at res.locals.podium.  Returns an Array of middleware functions which perform the tasks described above.  ","version":"Next","tagName":"h3"},{"title":".js(options|[options])​","type":1,"pageTitle":"@podium/layout","url":"/docs/api/layout#jsoptionsoptions","content":" Set relative or absolute URLs to JavaScript assets for the layout.  When set, the values will be internally kept and made available for the document template to include.  This method can be called multiple times with a single options object to set multiple assets or one can provide an array of options objects to set multiple assets.  options​  option\ttype\tdefault\trequired\tdetailsvalue\tstring ✓\tRelative or absolute URL to the JavaScript asset prefix\tboolean\tfalse Whether the pathname defined on the constructor should be prepend, if relative, to the value type\tstring\tdefault What type of JavaScript (eg. esm, default, cjs) referrerpolicy\tstring Correlates to the same attribute on a HTML <script> element crossorigin\tstring Correlates to the same attribute on a HTML <script> element integrity\tstring Correlates to the same attribute on a HTML <script> element nomodule\tboolean\tfalse Correlates to the same attribute on a HTML <script> element async\tboolean\tfalse Correlates to the same attribute on a HTML <script> element defer\tboolean\tfalse Correlates to the same attribute on a HTML <script> element  value​  Sets the pathname for the layout's JavaScript assets. This value is usually the [URL] at which the layouts's user facing JavaScript is served and can be either a URL [pathname] or an absolute URL.  Serve a javascript file at /assets/main.js:  ExpressHapiFastifyHTTP const app = express(); const layout = new Layout({ name: "myLayout", pathname: "/", }); app.get("/assets.js", (req, res) => { res.status(200).sendFile("./src/js/main.js", (err) => {}); }); layout.js({ value: "/assets.js" });   Serve assets from a static file server and set a relative URI to the JS files:  ExpressHapiFastifyHTTP const app = express(); const layout = new Layout({ name: "myLayout", pathname: "/", }); app.use("/assets", express.static("./src/js")); layout.js([{ value: "/assets/main.js" }, { value: "/assets/extra.js" }]);   Set an absolute URL to where the JavaScript file is located:  const layout = new Layout({ name: "myLayout", pathname: "/", }); layout.js({ value: "http://cdn.mysite.com/assets/js/e7rfg76.js" });   prefix​  Sets whether the method should prepend the value with the pathname value that was set in the constructor.  The prefix will be ignored if value is an absolute URL.  type​  Sets the type for the script which is set. If not set, default will be used.  The following are valid values:  esm or module for ECMAScript modulescjs for CommonJS modulesamd for AMD modulesumd for Universal Module Definitiondefault if the type is unknown.  The type field provides a hint for further use of the script in the layout. Typically this is used in the document template when including the <script> tags or when optimizing JavaScript assets with a bundler.  ","version":"Next","tagName":"h3"},{"title":".css(options|[options])​","type":1,"pageTitle":"@podium/layout","url":"/docs/api/layout#cssoptionsoptions","content":" Set relative or absolute URLs to Cascading Style Sheets (CSS) assets for the layout.  When set the values will be internally kept and made available for the document template to include.  This method can be called multiple times with a single options object to set multiple assets or one can provide an array of options objects to set multiple assets.  options​  option\ttype\tdefault\trequired\tdetailsvalue\tstring ✓\tRelative or absolute URL to the CSS asset prefix\tboolean\tfalse Whether the pathname defined on the constructor should be prepend, if relative, to the value crossorigin\tstring Correlates to the same attribute on a HTML <link> element disabled\tboolean\tfalse Correlates to the same attribute on a HTML <link> element hreflang\tstring Correlates to the same attribute on a HTML <link> element title\tstring Correlates to the same attribute on a HTML <link> element media\tstring Correlates to the same attribute on a HTML <link> element type\tstring\ttext/css Correlates to the same attribute on a HTML <link> element rel\tstring\tstylesheet Correlates to the same attribute on a HTML <link> element as\tstring Correlates to the same attribute on a HTML <link> element  value​  Sets the pathname to the layout's CSS assets. This value can be an relative or absolute URL at which the podlet's user facing CSS is served. . Serve a CSS file at /assets/main.css:  ExpressHapiFastifyHTTP const app = express(); const layout = new Layout({ name: "myLayout", pathname: "/", }); app.get("/assets.css", (req, res) => { res.status(200).sendFile("./src/js/main.css", (err) => {}); }); layout.css({ value: "/assets.css" });   Serve assets from a static file server and set a relative URI to the CSS files:  ExpressHapiFastifyHTTP const app = express(); const layout = new Layout({ name: "myLayout", pathname: "/", }); app.use("/assets", express.static("./src/css")); layout.css([{ value: "/assets/main.css" }, { value: "/assets/extra.css" }]);   Set an absolute URL to where the CSS file is located:  const layout = new Layout({ name: "myLayout", pathname: "/", }); layout.css({ value: "http://cdn.mysite.com/assets/css/3ru39ur.css" });   prefix​  Sets whether the method should prepend the value with the pathname value that was set in the constructor.  The prefix will be ignored if value is an absolute URL.  ","version":"Next","tagName":"h3"},{"title":".pathname()​","type":1,"pageTitle":"@podium/layout","url":"/docs/api/layout#pathname-1","content":" A helper method used to retrieve the pathname value that was set in the constructor. This can be handy when defining routes since the pathnameset in the constructor must also be the base path for the layout's main content route  Example:  ExpressHapiFastifyHTTP const layout = new Layout({ name: 'myLayout', pathname: '/foo', }); app.get(layout.pathname(), (req, res, next) => { [ ... ] }); app.get(`${layout.pathname()}/bar`, (req, res, next) => { [ ... ] }); app.get(`${layout.pathname()}/bar/:id`, (req, res, next) => { [ ... ] });   ","version":"Next","tagName":"h3"},{"title":".view(template)​","type":1,"pageTitle":"@podium/layout","url":"/docs/api/layout#viewtemplate","content":" Sets the default document template.  Takes a template function that accepts an instance of HttpIncoming, a content string as well as any additional markup for the document's head section:  (incoming, body, head) => `Return an HTML string here`;   In practice this might look something like:  layout.view((incoming, body, head) => `<!doctype html> <html lang="${incoming.context.locale}"> <head> <meta charset="${incoming.view.encoding}"> <title>${incoming.view.title}</title> ${head} </head> <body> ${body} </body> </html>`; );   ","version":"Next","tagName":"h3"},{"title":".render(HttpIncoming, fragment, [args])​","type":1,"pageTitle":"@podium/layout","url":"/docs/api/layout#renderhttpincoming-fragment-args","content":" Method to render the document template. By default this will render a default document template provided by Podium unless a custom one is set by using the .view method.  In most HTTP frameworks this method can be ignored in favour ofres.podiumSend(). If present, res.podiumSend() has the advantage that it's not necessary to pass in HttpIncoming as the first argument.  Returns a String.  This method takes the following arguments:  HttpIncoming (required)​  An instance of the HttpIncoming class.  fragment​  A String that is intended to be a fragment of the final HTML document (Everything to be displayed in the HTML body).  [args]​  All following arguments given to the method will be passed on to thedocument template.  Additional arguments could be used to pass on parts of a page to thedocument template as shown:  ExpressHapiFastifyHTTP layout.view = (incoming, body, head) => { return ` <html> <head>${head}</head> <body>${body}</body> </html> `; }; app.get(layout.pathname(), (req, res) => { const incoming = res.locals.podium; const head = `<meta ..... />`; const body = `<section>my content</section>`; const document = layout.render(incoming, body, head); res.send(document); });   ","version":"Next","tagName":"h3"},{"title":".process(HttpIncoming)​","type":1,"pageTitle":"@podium/layout","url":"/docs/api/layout#processhttpincoming","content":" Method for processing an incoming HTTP request. This method is intended to be used to implement support for multiple HTTP frameworks and in most cases it won't be necessary for layout developers to use this method directly when creating a layout server.  What it does:  Runs context parsers on the incoming request and sets an object with the context at HttpIncoming.context which can be passed on to the client when requesting content from podlets.Mounts a proxy so that each podlet can do transparent proxy requests as needed.  Returns a Promise which will resolve with the HttpIncomingobject that was passed in.  If the inbound request matches a proxy endpoint the returned Promise will resolve with a HttpIncoming object where the .proxy property is set to true.  This method takes the following arguments:  HttpIncoming (required)​  An instance of the HttpIncoming class.  ExpressHTTP  ","version":"Next","tagName":"h3"},{"title":".client​","type":1,"pageTitle":"@podium/layout","url":"/docs/api/layout#client-1","content":" A property that exposes an instance of the client for retrieving content from podlets.  Example of registering two podlets and retrieving their content:  ExpressHapiFastifyHTTP const layout = new Layout({ name: 'myLayout', pathname: '/', }); const podletA = layout.client.register({ name: 'myPodletA', uri: 'http://localhost:7100/manifest.json', }); const podletB = layout.client.register({ name: 'myPodletB', uri: 'http://localhost:7200/manifest.json', }); [ ... ] app.get(layout.pathname(), async (req, res, next) => { const incoming = res.locals.podium; const [a, b] = await Promise.all([ podletA.fetch(incoming), podletB.fetch(incoming), ]); [ ... ] });   ","version":"Next","tagName":"h3"},{"title":".client.register(options)​","type":1,"pageTitle":"@podium/layout","url":"/docs/api/layout#clientregisteroptions","content":" Registers a podlet such that the podlet's content can later be fetched.  Example:  const podlet = layout.client.register({ name: "myPodlet", uri: "http://localhost:7100/manifest.json", });   Returns a Podlet Resource which is also stored on the layout client instance using the registered name value as its property name.  Example:  const layout = new Layout({ name: "myLayout", pathname: "/", }); layout.client.register({ uri: "http://foo.site.com/manifest.json", name: "fooBar", }); layout.client.fooBar.fetch();   options (required)​  option\ttype\tdefault\trequired\tdetailsuri\tstring ✓\tUri to the manifest of a podlet name\tstring ✓\tName of the component. This is used to reference the component in your application, and does not have to match the name of the component itself retries\tnumber\t4 The number of times the client should retry to settle a version number conflict before terminating. Overrides the retries option in the layout constructor timeout\tnumber\t1000 Defines how long, in milliseconds, a request should wait before the connection is terminated. Overrides the timeout option in the layout constructor throwable\tboolean\tfalse Defines whether an error should be thrown if a failure occurs during the process of fetching a podlet. See Fallbacks. excludeBy\tobject Lets you define a set of rules where a fetch call will not be resolved if it matches. includeBy\tobject Inverse of excludeBy. Setting both at the same time will throw.  excludeBy and includeBy​  These options are used by fetch to conditionally skip fetching the podlet content based on values on the request. It's an alternative to conditionally fetching podlets in your request handler. Setting both at the same time will throw.  Example: exclude a header and footer in a hybrid web view.  import Client from "@podium/client"; const client = new Client(); const footer = client.register({ uri: "http://footer.site.com/manifest.json", name: "footer", excludeBy: { deviceType: ["hybrid-ios", "hybrid-android"], // when footer.fetch(incoming) is called, if the incoming request has the header `x-podium-device-type: hybrid-ios`, `fetch` will return an empty response. }, });   ","version":"Next","tagName":"h3"},{"title":".client.refreshManifests()​","type":1,"pageTitle":"@podium/layout","url":"/docs/api/layout#clientrefreshmanifests","content":" Refreshes the manifests of all registered resources. Does so by calling the.refresh() method on all resources under the hood.  layout.client.register({ uri: "http://foo.site.com/manifest.json", name: "foo", }); layout.client.register({ uri: "http://bar.site.com/manifest.json", name: "bar", }); await layout.client.refreshManifests();   ","version":"Next","tagName":"h3"},{"title":".client.state​","type":1,"pageTitle":"@podium/layout","url":"/docs/api/layout#clientstate","content":" What state the client is in.  The value will be one of the following values:  instantiated - When a Client has been instantiated but no requests to any podlets have been made.initializing - When one or more podlets are requested for the first time.unstable - When an update of a podlet is detected and the layout is in the process of re-fetching the manifest.stable - When all registered podlets are using cached manifests and only fetching content.unhealthy - When an podlet update never settled.  ","version":"Next","tagName":"h3"},{"title":".client Events​","type":1,"pageTitle":"@podium/layout","url":"/docs/api/layout#client-events","content":" The Client instance emits the following events:  state​  When there is a change in state.  layout.client.on("state", (state) => { console.log(state); }); const podlet = layout.client.register({ uri: "http://foo.site.com/manifest.json", name: "foo", }); podlet.fetch();   The event will fire with one the following values:  instantiated - When a Client has been instantiated but no requests to any podlets have been made.initializing - When one or multiple podlets are requested for the very first time.unstable - When an update of a podlet is detected and is in the process of refetching the manifest.stable - When all registered podlets are using cached manifests and only fetching content.unhealthy - When an update of a podlet never settled.  ","version":"Next","tagName":"h3"},{"title":".context​","type":1,"pageTitle":"@podium/layout","url":"/docs/api/layout#context-1","content":" A property that exposes the instance of the @podium/context used to create the context which is appended to the requests to each podlet.  ","version":"Next","tagName":"h3"},{"title":".context.register(name, parser)​","type":1,"pageTitle":"@podium/layout","url":"/docs/api/layout#contextregistername-parser","content":" The context is extensible so it is possible to register third party context parsers to it.  Example of registering a custom third party context parser to the context:  import Parser from "my-custom-parser"; const layout = new Layout({ name: "myLayout", pathname: "/", }); layout.context.register("customParser", new Parser("someConfig"));   name (required)​  A unique name for the parser. Used as the key for the parser's value in the context.  parser (required)​  The parser object to be registered.  ","version":"Next","tagName":"h3"},{"title":".metrics​","type":1,"pageTitle":"@podium/layout","url":"/docs/api/layout#metrics","content":" Property that exposes a metric stream. This stream joins all internal metrics streams into one stream resulting in all metrics from all sub modules being exposed here.  See @metrics/metric for full documentation.  ","version":"Next","tagName":"h3"},{"title":"Podlet Resource​","type":1,"pageTitle":"@podium/layout","url":"/docs/api/layout#podlet-resource","content":" A registered podlet is stored in a Podlet Resource object.  The podlet Resource object contains methods for retrieving the content of a podlet. The URI of the content of a component is defined in the component's manifest. This is the content root of the component.  A podlet resource object has the following API:  ","version":"Next","tagName":"h2"},{"title":".fetch(HttpIncoming, options)​","type":1,"pageTitle":"@podium/layout","url":"/docs/api/layout#fetchhttpincoming-options","content":" Fetches the content of the podlet. Returns a Promise which resolves with a Podlet Response object containing the keys content, headers, css and js.  HttpIncoming (required)​  An HttpIncoming object. This is normally provided by the "middleware" which runs on the incoming request to the layout prior to the process of fetching podlets.  The HttpIncoming object is normally found on a request bound property of the request or response object.  ExpressHapiFastifyHTTP const podlet = layout.client.register({ name: "myPodlet", uri: "http://localhost:7100/manifest.json", }); app.get(layout.pathname(), async (req, res, next) => { const incoming = res.locals.podium; const response = await podlet.fetch(incoming); res.podiumSend(` <section>${response.content}</section> `); });   options (optional)​  option\ttype\tdefault\trequired\tdetailspathname\tstring A path which will be appended to the content root of the podlet when requested headers\tobject An Object which will be appended as HTTP headers to the request to fetch the podlets's content query\tobject An Object which will be appended as query parameters to the request to fetch the podlets's content  return value​  const result = await component.fetch(); console.log(result.content); console.log(result.headers); console.log(result.js); console.log(result.css);   ","version":"Next","tagName":"h3"},{"title":".stream(HttpIncoming, options)​","type":1,"pageTitle":"@podium/layout","url":"/docs/api/layout#streamhttpincoming-options","content":" Streams the content of the component. Returns a ReadableStream which streams the content of the component. Before the stream starts flowing a beforeStreamevent with a Podlet Response object, containing headers, css and jsreferences is emitted.  HttpIncoming (required)​  An HttpIncoming object. This is normally provided by the middleware which runs on the incoming request to the layout prior to the process of fetching podlets.  The HttpIncoming object is normally found on a request bound property of the request or response object.  ExpressHapiFastifyHTTP const podlet = layout.client.register({ name: "myPodlet", uri: "http://localhost:7100/manifest.json", }); app.get(layout.pathname(), async (req, res, next) => { const incoming = res.locals.podium; const stream = podlet.stream(incoming); stream.pipe(res); });   options (optional)​  option\ttype\tdefault\trequired\tdetailspathname\tstring A path which will be appended to the content root of the podlet when requested headers\tobject An object which will be appended as HTTP headers to the request to fetch the podlets's content query\tobject An object which will be appended as query parameters to the request to fetch the podlets's content  Event: beforeStream​  A beforeStream event is emitted before the stream starts flowing. A response object with keys headers, js and css is emitted with the event.  headers will always contain the response headers from the podlet. If the resource manifest defines JavaScript assets, js will contain the value from the manifest file otherwise js will be an empty string. If the resource manifest defines CSS assets, css will contain the value from the manifest file otherwise css will be an empty string.  ExpressHapiFastifyHTTP const podlet = layout.client.register({ name: "myPodlet", uri: "http://localhost:7100/manifest.json", }); app.get(layout.pathname(), async (req, res, next) => { const incoming = res.locals.podium; const stream = podlet.stream(incoming); stream.once("beforeStream", (data) => { console.log(data.headers); console.log(data.css); console.log(data.js); }); stream.pipe(res); });   ","version":"Next","tagName":"h3"},{"title":".refresh()​","type":1,"pageTitle":"@podium/layout","url":"/docs/api/layout#refresh","content":" This method will refresh a resource by reading its manifest and fallback if defined in the manifest. The method will not call the content URI of a component.  If the internal cache in the client already has a manifest cached, this will be thrown away and replaced when the new manifest is successfully fetched. If a new manifest cannot be successfully fetched, the old manifest will be kept in cache.  If a manifest is successfully fetched, this method will resolve with a truevalue. If a manifest is not successfully fetched, it will resolve with false.  const podlet = layout.client.register({ uri: "http://foo.site.com/manifest.json", name: "foo", }); const status = await podlet.refresh(); console.log(status); // true   ","version":"Next","tagName":"h3"},{"title":".name​","type":1,"pageTitle":"@podium/layout","url":"/docs/api/layout#name-1","content":" A property returning the name of the Podium resource. This is the name provided during the call to register.  ","version":"Next","tagName":"h3"},{"title":".uri​","type":1,"pageTitle":"@podium/layout","url":"/docs/api/layout#uri","content":" A property returning the location of the Podium resource.  ","version":"Next","tagName":"h3"},{"title":"Podlet Response​","type":1,"pageTitle":"@podium/layout","url":"/docs/api/layout#podlet-response","content":" When a podlet is requested by the .client.fetch()method it will return a Promise which will resolve with a podlet response object. If a podlet is requested by the .client.stream()method a beforeStream event will emit a podlet response object.  This object hold the response of the HTTP request to the content URL of the podlet which was requested.  An podlet response instance has the following properties:  property\ttype\tgetter\tsetter\tdefault\tdetailscontent\tstring\t✓ The content of the podlet. Normally a string of HTML. headers\tobject\t✓ {}\tThe HTTP headers the content route of the podlet responded with. css\tarray\t✓ []\tAn array of AssetCSS objects holding the CSS references registered by the podlet. js\tarray\t✓ []\tAn array of AssetJS objects holding the JS references registered by the podlet.  ","version":"Next","tagName":"h2"},{"title":"res.podiumSend(fragment)​","type":1,"pageTitle":"@podium/layout","url":"/docs/api/layout#respodiumsendfragment","content":" Method on the http.ServerResponse object for sending HTML fragments. Calls the send / write method on the http.ServerResponse object.  This method wraps the provided fragment in a default HTML document before dispatching. You can use the .view() method to disable using a template or to set a custom template.  Example of sending an HTML fragment:  ExpressHapiFastifyHTTP app.get(layout.pathname(), (req, res) => { res.podiumSend("<h1>Hello World</h1>"); });  ","version":"Next","tagName":"h2"},{"title":"@podium/podlet","type":0,"sectionRef":"#","url":"/docs/api/podlet","content":"","keywords":"","version":"Next"},{"title":"Installation​","type":1,"pageTitle":"@podium/podlet","url":"/docs/api/podlet#installation","content":" ExpressHapiFastify $ npm install @podium/podlet   ","version":"Next","tagName":"h2"},{"title":"Getting started​","type":1,"pageTitle":"@podium/podlet","url":"/docs/api/podlet#getting-started","content":" Building a simple podlet server.  ExpressHapiFastifyHTTP import express from "express"; import Podlet from "@podium/podlet"; const app = express(); const podlet = new Podlet({ name: "myPodlet", version: "1.0.0", pathname: "/", development: true, }); app.use(podlet.middleware()); app.get(podlet.content(), (req, res) => { if (res.locals.podium.context.locale === "nb-NO") { return res.status(200).podiumSend("<h2>Hei verden</h2>"); } res.status(200).podiumSend(`<h2>Hello world</h2>`); }); app.get(podlet.manifest(), (req, res) => { res.status(200).send(podlet); }); app.listen(7100);   ","version":"Next","tagName":"h2"},{"title":"Constructor​","type":1,"pageTitle":"@podium/podlet","url":"/docs/api/podlet#constructor","content":" Create a new Podlet instance.  const podlet = new Podlet(options);   options​  option\ttype\tdefault\trequired\tdetailsname\tstring\tnull\t✓\tName that the Podlet identifies itself by pathname\tstring\tnull\t✓\tPathname of where a Podlet is mounted in an HTTP server version\tstring\tnull\t✓\tThe current version of the podlet manifest\tstring\t/manifest.json Defines the pathname for the manifest of the podlet content\tstring\t/ Defines the pathname for the content of the podlet fallback\tstring\tnull Defines the pathname for the fallback of the podlet logger\tobject\tnull A logger which conforms to a log4j interface development\tboolean\tfalse Turns development mode on or off  name​  The name that the podlet identifies itself by. This is used internally for things like metrics but can also be used by a layout server.  This value must be in camelCase.  Example:  const podlet = new Podlet({ name: 'myPodlet'; });   pathname​  Pathname for where a podlet is mounted in an HTTP server. It is important that this value matches where the entry point of a route is in an HTTP server since this value is used to define where the manifest is for the podlet.  If the podlet is mounted at the "root", set pathname to /:  ExpressHapiFastify const app = express(); const podlet = new Podlet({ name: 'myPodlet', version: '1.0.0', pathname: '/', }); app.use(podlet.middleware()); app.get('/', (req, res, next) => { [ ... ] });   If the podlet is to be mounted at /foo, set the pathname to /foo and mount middleware and routes at or under /foo  ExpressHapiFastify const app = express(); const podlet = new Podlet({ name: 'myPodlet', version: '1.0.0', pathname: '/foo', }); app.use('/foo', podlet.middleware()); app.get('/foo', (req, res, next) => { [ ... ] }); app.get('/foo/:id', (req, res, next) => { [ ... ] });   version​  The current version of the podlet. It is important that this value be updated when a new version of the podlet is deployed since the page (layout) that the podlet is displayed in uses this value to know whether to refresh the podlet's manifest and fallback content or not.  Example:  const podlet = new Podlet({ version: '1.1.0'; });   manifest​  Defines the pathname for the manifest of the podlet. Defaults to/manifest.json.  The value should be relative to the value set on the pathname argument. In other words if a podlet is mounted into an HTTP server at /foo and the manifest is at /foo/component.json, set the pathname and manifest as follows:  ExpressHapiFastify const app = express(); const podlet = new Podlet({ name: "myPodlet", version: "1.0.0", pathname: "/foo", manifest: "/component.json", }); app.get("/foo/component.json", (req, res, next) => { res.status(200).json(podlet); });   The .manifest() method can be used to retrieve the value after it has been set.  content​  Defines the pathname for the content of the Podlet. The value can be a relative or absolute URL. Defaults to /.  If the value is relative, the value should be relative to the value set using thepathname argument. For example, if a podlet is mounted into an HTTP server at /foo and the content is served at /foo/index.html, set pathname and content as follows:  ExpressHapiFastify const app = express(); const podlet = new Podlet({ name: 'myPodlet', version: '1.0.0', pathname: '/foo', content: '/index.html', }); app.get('/foo/index.html', (req, res, next) => { [ ... ] });   The .content() method can be used to retrieve the value after it has been set.  fallback​  Defines the pathname for the fallback of the Podlet. The value can be a relative or absolute URL. Defaults to an empty string.  If the value is relative, the value should be relative to the value set with thepathname argument. If a podlet is mounted into an HTTP server at /foo and the fallback is at /foo/fallback.html, set pathname and fallback as follows:  ExpressHapiFastify const app = express(); const podlet = new Podlet({ name: 'myPodlet', version: '1.0.0', pathname: '/foo', fallback: '/fallback.html', }); app.get('/foo/fallback.html', (req, res, next) => { [ ... ] });   The .fallback() method can be used to retrieve the value after it has been set.  logger​  Any log4j compatible logger can be passed in and will be used for logging. Console is also supported for easy test / development.  const podlet = new Podlet({ logger: console; });   Under the hood abslog is used to abstract out logging. Please see abslog for further details.  development​  Turns development mode on or off. See the section about development mode.  ","version":"Next","tagName":"h2"},{"title":"Podlet Instance​","type":1,"pageTitle":"@podium/podlet","url":"/docs/api/podlet#podlet-instance","content":" The podlet instance has the following API:  ","version":"Next","tagName":"h2"},{"title":".middleware()​","type":1,"pageTitle":"@podium/podlet","url":"/docs/api/podlet#middleware","content":" A Connect/Express compatible middleware function which takes care of the multiple operations needed for a podlet to operate correctly. This function is more or less a wrapper for the .process() method.  Important: This middleware must be mounted before defining any routes.  Express const app = express(); app.use(podlet.middleware());   The middleware will create an HttpIncoming object and store it at res.locals.podium.  Returns an Array of internal middleware that performs the tasks described above.  ","version":"Next","tagName":"h3"},{"title":".manifest(options)​","type":1,"pageTitle":"@podium/podlet","url":"/docs/api/podlet#manifestoptions","content":" This method returns the value of the manifest argument that has been set in the constructor.  Set the manifest using the default pathname which is /manifest.json:  ExpressHapiFastify const app = express(); const podlet = new Podlet({ name: "myPodlet", version: "1.0.0", pathname: "/", }); app.get(podlet.manifest(), (req, res, next) => { res.status(200).json(podlet); });   Set the manifest to /component.json using the manifest argument on the constructor:  ExpressHapiFastify const app = express(); const podlet = new Podlet({ name: "myPodlet", version: "1.0.0", pathname: "/", manifest: "/component.json", }); app.get(podlet.manifest(), (req, res, next) => { res.status(200).json(podlet); });   Podium expects the podlet's manifest route to return a JSON document describing the podlet. This can be achieved by simply serializing the podlet instance.  ExpressHapiFastify const app = express(); const podlet = new Podlet([ ... ]); app.get(podlet.manifest(), (req, res, next) => { res.status(200).json(podlet); });   The route will then respond with something like:  { "name": "myPodlet", "version": "1.0.0", "content": "/", "fallback": "/fallback", "css": [], "js": [], "proxy": {} }   options​  option\ttype\tdefault\trequiredprefix\tboolean\tfalse\t  prefix​  Sets whether the method should prefix the return value with the value forpathname that was set in the constructor.  Return the full pathname to the manifest (/foo/component.json):  const podlet = new Podlet({ name: "myPodlet", version: "1.0.0", pathname: "/foo", manifest: "/component.json", }); podlet.manifest({ prefix: true });   ","version":"Next","tagName":"h3"},{"title":".content(options)​","type":1,"pageTitle":"@podium/podlet","url":"/docs/api/podlet#contentoptions","content":" This method returns the value of the content argument set in the constructor.  Set the content using the default pathname (/):  ExpressHapiFastify const app = express(); const podlet = new Podlet({ name: 'myPodlet', version: '1.0.0', pathname: '/', }); app.get(podlet.content(), (req, res, next) => { [ ... ] });   Set the content path to /index.html:  ExpressHapiFastify const app = express(); const podlet = new Podlet({ name: 'myPodlet', version: '1.0.0', pathname: '/', content: '/index.html', }); app.get(podlet.content(), (req, res, next) => { [ ... ] });   Set the content path to /content and define multiple sub-routes each taking different URI parameters:  ExpressHapiFastify const app = express(); const podlet = new Podlet({ name: 'myPodlet', version: '1.0.0', pathname: '/', content: '/content', }); app.get('/content', (req, res) => { ... }); app.get('/content/info', (req, res) => { ... }); app.get('/content/info/:id', (req, res) => { ... });   options​  option\ttype\tdefault\trequiredprefix\tboolean\tfalse\t  prefix​  Specifies whether the method should prefix the return value with the pathname value that was set in the constructor.  Return the full pathname to the content (/foo/index.html):  const podlet = new Podlet({ name: "myPodlet", version: "1.0.0", pathname: "/foo", content: "/index.html", }); podlet.content({ prefix: true });   The prefix will be ignored if the returned value is an absolute URL.  ","version":"Next","tagName":"h3"},{"title":".fallback(options)​","type":1,"pageTitle":"@podium/podlet","url":"/docs/api/podlet#fallbackoptions","content":" This method returns the value of the fallback argument set in the constructor.  Set the fallback to /fallback.html:  ExpressHapiFastify const app = express(); const podlet = new Podlet({ name: 'myPodlet', version: '1.0.0', pathname: '/', fallback: '/fallback.html', }); app.get(podlet.fallback(), (req, res, next) => { [ ... ] });   options​  option\ttype\tdefault\trequiredprefix\tboolean\tfalse\t  prefix​  Specifies whether the fallback method should prefix the return value with the value for pathname set in the constructor.  Return the full pathname to the fallback (/foo/fallback.html):  const podlet = new Podlet({ name: "myPodlet", version: "1.0.0", pathname: "/foo", fallback: "/fallback.html", }); podlet.fallback({ prefix: true });   The prefix will be ignored if the returned value is an absolute URL.  ","version":"Next","tagName":"h3"},{"title":".js(options|[options])​","type":1,"pageTitle":"@podium/podlet","url":"/docs/api/podlet#jsoptionsoptions","content":" Set relative or absolute URLs to JavaScript assets for the podlet.  When set the values will be internally kept and made available for the document template to include. The assets set are also made available in the manifest for the layout to consume.  This method can be called multiple times with a single options object to set multiple assets or one can provide an array of options objects to set multiple assets.  options​  option\ttype\tdefault\trequired\tdetailsvalue\tstring ✓\tRelative or absolute URL to the JavaScript asset prefix\tboolean\tfalse Whether the pathname defined on the constructor should be prepend, if relative, to the value type\tstring\tdefault What type of JavaScript (eg. esm, default, cjs) referrerpolicy\tstring Correlates to the same attribute on a HTML <script> element crossorigin\tstring Correlates to the same attribute on a HTML <script> element integrity\tstring Correlates to the same attribute on a HTML <script> element nomodule\tboolean\tfalse Correlates to the same attribute on a HTML <script> element async\tboolean\tfalse Correlates to the same attribute on a HTML <script> element defer\tboolean\tfalse Correlates to the same attribute on a HTML <script> element  value​  Sets the pathname for the podlet's JavaScript assets. This value can be a URL at which the podlet's user facing JavaScript is served. The value can be either the pathname of a URL or an absolute URL.  Serve a javascript file at /assets/main.js:  ExpressHapiFastify const app = express(); const podlet = new Podlet({ name: "myPodlet", version: "1.0.0", pathname: "/", }); app.get("/assets.js", (req, res) => { res.status(200).sendFile("./src/js/main.js", (err) => {}); }); podlet.js({ value: "/assets.js" });   Serve assets statically along side the app and set a relative URI to the JavaScript file:  ExpressHapiFastify const app = express(); const podlet = new Podlet({ name: "myPodlet", version: "1.0.0", pathname: "/", }); app.use("/assets", express.static("./src/js")); podlet.js([{ value: "/assets/main.js" }, { value: "/assets/extra.js" }]);   Set an absolute URL to where the javascript file is located:  const podlet = new Podlet({ name: "myPodlet", version: "1.0.0", pathname: "/", }); podlet.js({ value: "http://cdn.mysite.com/assets/js/e7rfg76.js" });   prefix​  Sets whether the method should prepend the value with the pathname value that was set in the constructor.  The prefix will be ignored if value is an absolute URL.  type​  Set the type of script which is set. If not set, default will be used.  Use one of the following values:  esm for ECMAScript modulescjs for CommonJS modulesamd for AMD modulesumd for Universal Module Definitiondefault if the type is unknown.  The type is a hint for further use of the script. This is normally used by the document template to print correct <script> tag or to give a hint to a bundler when optimizing JavaScript assets.  ","version":"Next","tagName":"h3"},{"title":".css(options|[options])​","type":1,"pageTitle":"@podium/podlet","url":"/docs/api/podlet#cssoptionsoptions","content":" Set relative or absolute URLs to Cascading Style Sheets (CSS) assets for the podlet.  When set the values will be internally kept and made available for the document template to include. The assets set are also made available in the manifest for the layout to consume.  The method can be called multiple times with a single options object to set multiple assets or one can provide an array of options objects to set multiple assets.  options​  option\ttype\tdefault\trequired\tdetailsvalue\tstring ✓\tRelative or absolute URL to the CSS asset prefix\tboolean\tfalse Whether the pathname defined on the constructor should be prepend, if relative, to the value crossorigin\tstring Correlates to the same attribute on a HTML <link> element disabled\tboolean\tfalse Correlates to the same attribute on a HTML <link> element hreflang\tstring Correlates to the same attribute on a HTML <link> element title\tstring Correlates to the same attribute on a HTML <link> element media\tstring Correlates to the same attribute on a HTML <link> element type\tstring\ttext/css Correlates to the same attribute on a HTML <link> element rel\tstring\tstylesheet Correlates to the same attribute on a HTML <link> element as\tstring Correlates to the same attribute on a HTML <link> element  value​  Sets the pathname for the CSS assets for the Podlet. The value can be a URL at which the podlet's user facing CSS is served. The value can be the pathname of a URL or an absolute URL.  Serve a CSS file at /assets/main.css:  ExpressHapiFastify const app = express(); const podlet = new Podlet({ name: "myPodlet", version: "1.0.0", pathname: "/", }); app.get("/assets.css", (req, res) => { res.status(200).sendFile("./src/css/main.css", (err) => {}); }); podlet.css({ value: "/assets.css" });   Serve assets statically alongside the app and set a relative URI to the css file:  ExpressHapiFastify const app = express(); const podlet = new Podlet({ name: "myPodlet", version: "1.0.0", pathname: "/", }); app.use("/assets", express.static("./src/css")); podlet.css([{ value: "/assets/main.css" }, { value: "/assets/extra.css" }]);   Set an absolute URL to where the CSS file is located:  const podlet = new Podlet({ name: "myPodlet", version: "1.0.0", pathname: "/", }); podlet.css({ value: "http://cdn.mysite.com/assets/css/3ru39ur.css" });   prefix​  Sets whether the method should prepend the value with the pathname value that was set in the constructor.  The prefix will be ignored if value is an absolute URL.  ","version":"Next","tagName":"h3"},{"title":".proxy({ target, name })​","type":1,"pageTitle":"@podium/podlet","url":"/docs/api/podlet#proxy-target-name-","content":" Method for defining proxy targets to be mounted in a layout server. For a detailed overview of how proxying works, please see theproxying guide for further details.  When a podlet is put in development mode (development is set to true in the constructor) these proxy endpoints will also be mounted in the podlet for ease of development and you will then have the same proxy endpoints available in development as you do when working with a layout.  Proxying is intended to be used as a way to make podlet endpoints publicly available. A common use case for this is creating endpoints for client side code to interact with (ajax requests from the browser). One might also make use of proxying to pass form submissions from the browser back to the podlet.  This method returns the value of the target argument and internally keeps track of the value of target for use when the podlet instance is serialized into a manifest JSON string.  In a podlet it is possible to define up to 4 proxy targets and each target can be the pathname part of a URL or an absolute URL.  For each podlet, each proxy target must have a unique name.  Mounts one proxy target /api with the name api:  ExpressHapiFastify const app = express(); const podlet = new Podlet( ... ); app.get(podlet.proxy({ target: '/api', name: 'api' }), (req, res) => { ... });   Defines multiple endpoints on one proxy target /api with the name api:  ExpressHapiFastify const app = express(); const podlet = new Podlet( ... ); app.get('/api', (req, res) => { ... }); app.get('/api/foo', (req, res) => { ... }); app.post('/api/foo', (req, res) => { ... }); app.get('/api/bar/:id', (req, res) => { ... }); podlet.proxy({ target: '/api', name: 'api' });   Sets a remote target by defining an absolute URL:  podlet.proxy({ target: "http://remote.site.com/api/", name: "remoteApi" });   ","version":"Next","tagName":"h3"},{"title":".defaults(context)​","type":1,"pageTitle":"@podium/podlet","url":"/docs/api/podlet#defaultscontext","content":" Alters the default context set when in development mode.  By default this context has the following shape:  { debug: 'false', locale: 'en-EN', deviceType: 'desktop', requestedBy: 'the_name_of_the_podlet', mountOrigin: 'http://localhost:port', mountPathname: '/same/as/manifest/method', publicPathname: '/same/as/manifest/method', }   The default development mode context can be overridden by passing an object with the desired key / values to override.  Example of overriding deviceType:  const podlet = new Podlet({ name: "foo", version: "1.0.0", }); podlet.defaults({ deviceType: "mobile", });   Additional values not defined by Podium can also be appended to the default development mode context in the same way.  Example of adding a context value:  const podlet = new Podlet({ name: "foo", version: "1.0.0", }); podlet.defaults({ token: "9fc498984f3ewi", });   N.B. The default development mode context will only be appended to the response when the constructor option development is set to true.  ","version":"Next","tagName":"h3"},{"title":".pathname()​","type":1,"pageTitle":"@podium/podlet","url":"/docs/api/podlet#pathname-1","content":" A helper method used to retrieve the pathname value that was set in the constructor.  Example:  ExpressHapiFastifyHTTP const podlet = new Podlet({ name: 'myPodlet', pathname: '/foo', }); app.get(podlet.pathname(), (req, res, next) => { [ ... ] }); app.get(`${podlet.pathname()}/bar`, (req, res, next) => { [ ... ] }); app.get(`${podlet.pathname()}/bar/:id`, (req, res, next) => { [ ... ] });   ","version":"Next","tagName":"h3"},{"title":".view(template)​","type":1,"pageTitle":"@podium/podlet","url":"/docs/api/podlet#viewtemplate","content":" Sets the default encapsulating HTML document template.  Its worth noting that this document template is only applied to Podlets when in development mode. When a Layout requests a Podlet this document template will not be applied.  Takes a template function that accepts an instance of HttpIncoming, a content string as well as any additional markup for the document's head section:  (incoming, body, head) => `Return an HTML string here`;   In practice this might look something like:  layout.view((incoming, body, head) => `<!doctype html> <html lang="${incoming.context.locale}"> <head> <meta charset="${incoming.view.encoding}"> <title>${incoming.view.title}</title> ${head} </head> <body> ${body} </body> </html>`; );   ","version":"Next","tagName":"h3"},{"title":".render(HttpIncoming, fragment, [args])​","type":1,"pageTitle":"@podium/podlet","url":"/docs/api/podlet#renderhttpincoming-fragment-args","content":" Method to render the document template. Will, by default, render the document template provided by Podium unless a custom document template is set using the.view method.  In most HTTP frameworks this method can be ignored in favour ofres.podiumSend(). If present, res.podiumSend() has the advantage that it's not necessary to pass in an HttpIncoming object as the first argument.  Returns a String.  This method takes the following arguments:  HttpIncoming (required)​  An instance of the HttpIncoming class.  ExpressHapiFastify app.get(podlet.content(), (req, res) => { const incoming = res.locals.podium; const document = layout.render(incoming, "<div>content to render</div>"); res.send(document); });   fragment​  An String that is intended to be a fragment of the final HTML document.  layout.render(incoming, "<div>content to render</div>");   [args]​  All following arguments given to the method will be passed on to the document template. For example, this could be used to pass on parts of a page to the document template.  ExpressHapiFastify podlet.view = (incoming, body, head) => { return ` <html> <head>${head}</head> <body>${body}</body> </html> `; }; app.get(podlet.content(), async (req, res, next) => { const incoming = res.locals.podium; const head = `<meta ..... />`; const body = `<section>my content</section>`; const document = layout.render(incoming, body, head); res.send(document); });   ","version":"Next","tagName":"h3"},{"title":".process(HttpIncoming)​","type":1,"pageTitle":"@podium/podlet","url":"/docs/api/podlet#processhttpincoming","content":" Method for processing an incoming HTTP request. This method is intended to be used to implement support for multiple HTTP frameworks and in most cases will not need to be used directly by podlet developers when creating podlet servers.  What it does:  Handles detection of development mode and sets the appropriate defaultsRuns context deserializing on the incoming request and sets a context object at HttpIncoming.context.  Returns an HttpIncoming object.  This method takes the following arguments:  HttpIncoming (required)​  An instance of the HttpIncoming class.  import { HttpIncoming } from "@podium/utils"; import Podlet from "@podium/podlet"; const podlet = new Podlet({ name: "myPodlet", version: "1.0.0", pathname: podlet.content(), }); app.use(async (req, res, next) => { const incoming = new HttpIncoming(req, res, res.locals); try { await podlet.process(incoming); if (!incoming.proxy) { res.locals.podium = result; next(); } } catch (error) { next(error); } });   ","version":"Next","tagName":"h3"},{"title":"res.podiumSend(fragment)​","type":1,"pageTitle":"@podium/podlet","url":"/docs/api/podlet#respodiumsendfragment","content":" Method for dispatching an HTML fragment. Calls the .send() / .write() methods in the framework that's being used and serves the HTML fragment.  When in development mode, when the constructor option development is set totrue, this method will wrap the provided fragment in the given document template before dispatching. When not in development mode, this method will just dispatch the fragment.  Example of sending an HTML fragment:  ExpressHapiFastify app.get(podlet.content(), (req, res) => { res.podiumSend("<h1>Hello World</h1>"); });   ","version":"Next","tagName":"h2"},{"title":"Development mode​","type":1,"pageTitle":"@podium/podlet","url":"/docs/api/podlet#development-mode","content":" In most cases podlets are fragments of a whole HTML document. When a layout server is requesting a podlet's content or fallback, the podlet should serve just that fragment and not a whole HTML document with its <html>, <head>and <body>. Additionally, when a layout server requests a podlet it provides a Podium context to the podlet.  These things can prove challenging for local development since accessing a podlet directly, from a web browser, in local development will render the podlet without either an encapsulating HTML document or a Podium context that the podlet might need to function properly.  To solve this it is possible to switch a podlet to development mode by setting the development argument in the constructor to true.  When in development mode a default context on the HTTP response will be set and an encapsulating HTML document will be provided (so long as res.podiumSend()is used) when dispatching the content or fallback.  The default HTML document for encapsulating a fragment will reference the values set on .css() and .js() and use locale from the default context to set language on the document.  The default context in development mode can be altered by the .defaults()method of the podlet instance.  The default encapsulating HTML document used in development mode can be replaced by the .view() method of the podlet instance.  Note: Only turn on development mode during local development, ensure it is turned off when in production.  Example of turning on development mode only in local development:  const podlet = new Podlet({ development: process.env.NODE_ENV !== 'production'; });   When a layout server sends a request to a podlet in development mode, the default context will be overridden by the context from the layout server and the encapsulating HTML document will not be applied. ","version":"Next","tagName":"h2"}],"options":{"id":"default"}}
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