- setExpanded(
- expanded ? CalloutKey.CloudCredentials : undefined
- )
- }
- buttonProps={{
- 'data-phid': 'cloud-cred-see-docs',
- children: 'See the configuration docs',
- as: A,
- href: 'https://docs.plural.sh/getting-started/cloud-shell-quickstart#set-up-a-cloud-provider',
- target: '_blank',
- style: {
- textDecoration: 'none',
- color: 'inherit',
- },
- }}
- >
- Plural Cloud Shell uses your cloud credentials to create your
- infrastructure in your own cloud. Cloud credentials are stored
- securely using symmetric encryption. If you prefer, you can
- choose to use the Plural CLI which uses the cloud provider SDK
- on your local machine to connect to your cloud.
- setExpanded(expanded ? CalloutKey.CloudCost : undefined)
- }
- buttonProps={{
- 'data-phid': 'cloud-cost-learn-more',
- children: 'Learn more',
- as: A,
- href: 'https://docs.plural.sh/operations/cost-management',
- target: '_blank',
- style: {
- textDecoration: 'none',
- color: 'inherit',
- },
- }}
- >
- By default Plural will deploy 3 nodes, each with 2 vCPU/8 GB
- along with Kubernetes. Costs are attributable to running the
- EKS/AKS/GKE cluster and 3 additional nodes, as well as any
- additional applications deployed.