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New installation
After compression of archive file in the plugins directory of glpi, be connected on GLPI as administrator:
Menu: Setup / Plugins / OCS Inventory NG / Installation
This action create tables used by the plugin.
Don't forget to activate the plugin
Menu: Setup / Profiles / "Link OCSNG" tab for each profile
4 rights:
- OCSNG servers: Create and update OCSNG servers
- See OCSNG information: See OCSNG information on computer forms
- Manual synchronization: Import rights, synchronization and links OCSNG computers to GLPI
- Clean links between GLPI and OCSNG: right to clean links between GLPI and OCSNG
Menu : Plugin / ocsinventory NG
You can have how many OCS servers as needed. Each server has a form for its parameters.
Connect configuration to OCS server. By default, the server is defined to localhost. If connection information are corrects, others configuration tab will appear.
The user which be connected to the OCS database must have write rights on some tables:
- hardware: to update OCS checksum (field for modified data of the computer);
- deleted_equiv: table for deletions or computers keys changes in OCSNG.
- Web URL for OCSNG console: if URL is set, a link appears on computer form to directly open the computer form in OCSNG. Need to have Write OCSNG right. See Rights management;
- Limit the import to the following tags and Exclude the following tags are use to filter computers to be imported by TAG defined in OCSNG agent;
- Comportment on deconnection : define action done by GLPI for a link with connected item when this item is no more inventoried by OCSNG. By example: a monitor is no more inventoried by OCSNG like connected to the computer. Options can be Conserved, dustbin or purge the link with item;
- Peripherals - Monitors - Printers - Software - Disks - Registry - Virtual machines : define if GLPI must take this items from OCSNG or not. For some items, you must configure if import must be global or unique:
Global import: if an inventory item has the same name for many computers, it will be created only one time in GLPI and will appear connected on these many computers. By example: the printer1 is installed on computers PC1 and PC2, there will have only one printer in GLPI, connected to PC1 and PC2; Unique import: an item is created each time it's import from OCSNG. By example: the printer1 is installed on computers PC1 and PC2, there will have two printers in GLPI, one connected to PC1, the other connected to PC2; Unique import on serial number: only for monitors. Import the monitors in GLPI only if all monitors have a serial number. Unique import serial number only: only for monitors. Import in GLPI only monitors with serial number.
- Use OCSNG software dictionary : disabled by default. All software are imported from OCSNG. See OCSNG documentation to use OCSNG dictionary. If you use OCSNG dictionary, rules of GLPI dictionary are ignored. We recommand to use GLPI dictionary. If this option is defined to Yes and OCSNG dictionary not used, no software will be imported. To correct, set the option to No and re-synchronize all computers.
- Number of items to synchronize by OCSNG automatic task : number of computers that will by synchronized by GLPI automatic task.
- Comportment on deletion of a computer in OCSNG : action to do when a computer imported in GLPI disappears in OCSNG. You can put it in the dustbin, delete it from GLPI or change its status.
Which information from a computer must be imported in GLPI. By Example: serial number, manufacturer, processor... For OCSNG administrative information, if you use HARDWARE_ID, actions of lock fields are not allowed.
A black list of IP and MAC addresses to be ignored for network ports can by define in black lists (see dropdowns in core).
This dropdown defines many values that will be excluded during some processes: IP or MAC addresses to entity affectation of computer imported from OCSNG.
Rights: Administration / Profiles / "Link OCSNG" tab for each profile Menu : Administration / Rules
This engine defines rules to attribute the entity and/or the location of computers to import. Many criteria are available: criteria for generics fields (name, description, serial number, domain, IP address, network) and also specifics fields from inventory software, if proposed. The plugin has a default rule called 'Root' to affect all computers imported from OCSNG to the root entity. In a single entity environment, this rule make a transparent import. Available actions are :
- ignore import for the computer,
- affect to an entity* (static),
- affect to an entity by using a regex result
- affect to a defined location.
The engine stops on the first matched rule. So, the position of a rule is very important on the rules list. Put at the top of the list, the rules with most chance to match (by example for entities with lot of items). Rules to affect to an entity are only played during initial import of the computer in GLPI: so, when a computer is imported, there is no automatic process to change entity (except using automatic transfer in the GLPI's setup). In the rules engine, you can exclude some values of process, like IP or MAC addresses, with using the black list of GLPI (by example a IP).
This engine defines rules to import, link or refuse computers. Explanation of a computer import from OCSNG:
- the engine to affect an entity processes the OCSNG computer. If the rule doesn't return an entity, the computer won't be imported. Otherwise, the process go on,
- the engine to import and link processes the computer. According to rules, it will be imported in its entity or linked with an another one already present in GLPI or not imported, Some criteria are available: criteria using OCSNG fields (name, description, serial number, domain, IP address, network, TAG), also OCSNG server set in GLPI, entity for the computer as well as its status used to search a computer already in GLPI. The possibles actions are
- ignore import of the computer,
- link if possible otherwise import
- link if possible otherwise refuse import*.
The engine stops on the first matched rule. The search for a computer already present in GLPI is only in the computer entity.
By example: Refuse imports for all computers from a specific OCSNG server: if OCSNG server is server 1, refuse import Yes. Link between computers: if computer to import: serial number is already present in GLPI Yes AND Search in GLPI computers with status is Available so OCSNG link assignes Link if possible, otherwise no import.
Example to assign a default status :
Criterias : Element - Computer / Automatic Inventory : Yes Action : Assign Status
Menu : Administration / Dictionaries
The dictionaries allow to update data during import from OCSNG or already present in GLPI (by Replay dictionnary). They work with the rules engine and are available for some items (software, manufacturers, dropdowns). So, you can ignore import for some software or some printers from OCSNG by creating dictionaries for that.
This functionality allows to add or to update an inventory item if an another has a same value. This function is for manual add and import from external source like OCSNG. So you can deny duplicate generation by adding a unicity check on the name or on the serial number of a computer.
The link with OCSNG allow to import and to synchronize computers from OCSNG. You can link an OCSNG computer with a GLPI one (not already linked). This actions can be automatised. See also massive import section (expert mode).
Update in GLPI a computer modified in OCSNG. Only modified computers in OCSNG appear in this list. Select the one to synchronize and Submit.
Only existing computers in OCSNG but no present in GLPI appear. Select the one to import and Submit. A preview mode, available only in multi entities mode, allow to check in which entity the computer will be imported.
Allow to link computers manually created in GLPI with computers inventoried in OCSNG.
This functionality allow to purge broken links in the linked computers table (link between OCSNG computers and GLPI computers). A link in this table in broken if:
The linked computer doesn't exist in GLPI; The linked computer doesn't exist in OCSNG;
Tle list allow to select which must be clean. A view function by entity, available only in multi-entities mode, allow to see the last entity of a computer.
If you use GLPI with OCSNG, many information about import are available on the main form (inventory date, import date...).
You can see fields manually modified after computer import from OCSNG, by example: location update after computer move. Each automatic OCSNG fields manually modified by the user is locked (changes in OCSNG will not be imported). You can also unlock field to be change by OCSNG import. The Force synchronization button allows to update all data from OCSNG. All fields are synchronized, not only modified one since the last synchronization. Even in use Force synchronization, locked fields are not synchronized with OCSNG. The tab is empty if GLPI computer isn't linked whith OCSNG one.
You can import registry key from OCSNG.
- Enable registry inventory in OCSNG and register which keys must be inventoried,
- In OCSNG configuration server, Import options tab, enable registry synchronization.
- After computers synchronization, registry keys are visible in the tab. You can make searches on this keys via the GLPI search engine.