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Security in languages

I know what you're thinking. "Rust? But we already covered Rust in 330. Why don't we learn a new language?" To that I say, We are covering languages not because they are new, but because they have something interesting about them. As a 330 TA I know you covered Rust, but I also know which parts of Rust you covered. 330 focused on the Ownership, borrowing and the mixed syntax. Rust however doesn't just have these constructs because they felt like it. Rather, Rust was designed to incorporate an aspect of software engineering that many people overlook: security.

What does Security mean?

We hear in the news that Twitter got hacked. We hear that people's social security numbers got leaked. We hear when Facebook is down. What exactly does this entail? When an attack happens, I would say there are three things this could mean.

  • Attack 1: data which should not be read was read
  • Attack 2: data which should not be modified was modified
  • Attack 3: data which should be public was blocked.

Out of these attacks, most of these attacks are due to memory misuse (danging pointers, memory leak, old pointer access, multithreading problems). Security is merely the means to prevent these three things from happening (and proving it).

What makes a language secure?

Let us remember C, this a low level language with pointers and very little checking of security. There is not ArrayIndexOutOfBounds exception like we may see in java. If something is null, and you don't mean it to be, it will usually crash or continue. Any security that you want in a C application has to be built in the program. CMSC414 goes more into this, but for now I'll just say that security is important, and must be considered when building a program, not as a later security patch. Sure, as you go towards more higher level languages like java or swift, you get this security just due to how abstracted you are away from assembly. Rust is unique because it can give you the control you like with lower level languages, but also has the security we are looking for.


So for more in depth section about attacks see the bottom of the notes, but for the purpose of this course, I'll give a very brief explanation of attacks or vulnerabilities that can occur in C that Rust mitigates.

Buffer overflow

Let us consider the following C code:

char buffer[5];
scanf("%s", buffer);

If the input is something like "hackerman", then data past the end of the buffer will get overwritten. Depending on where buffer exists in memory, this could be devastating. Now, there are alternative functions like fgets() which account for buffer size, or you could even put "%4s" as the first argument to scanf to ensure no data is being overwritten. This is known as a buffer overflow attack. Rust can help mitigate this with the use of splices and vectors.


Let us consider the following C code:

struct Node{
	int value;
	struct Node* next;

struct Node *head = malloc(sizeof(struct Node);
struct Node *tail= malloc(sizeof(struct Node);
head->value = 10;
tail->value = 14;

head->next = tail;
if (head->next == NULL){

This is considered a dangling pointer and finding situations where this happens can be very difficult when debugging. Many vulnerabilities that exist can be traced back to some sort of memory issue like this. Rust can help prevent, but not fully stop vulnerabilities like this from occurring, through a combination of lifetimes and ownership.

Time Attacks

Let us consider the following C code:

if (access("/home/student/file.txt", R_OK) != 0) {
//comment 1
fd = open("/home/student/file.txt", R_WRONLY);
read(fd, buffer, 1023);

Do you remember way back when to 216 when we talked about multithreading? The idea is that the computer switches between tasks and execution could pause at any point. So what if I had the following C code running as a different process?

symlink("/secret/root/file", "/home/student/file.txt");

If the first segment of code had execution paused where ``//comment 1was, then the second program ran, thenfile.txt` now points to a different file. Potentially a password file or something with sensitive information. Then when the first program resumes execution, it will open the now symbolicly linked file and permissions do not matter. This is because the time of checking permissions is different than the time of actually opening the file. This is called a time-of-check, time-of-use vulnerability/attack. This can be mitigated by Rust due to the ownership and borrowing rules that exist in Rust.


Rust was created with security in mind, with parts of the language making it theoretically memory safe. This is all thanks to Rust's natual immutable state, its concepts of ownership, borrowing, and liftimes. I think, that once you get a good understanding of what is happening in memory, and what pointers are, everything else falls into place. Hopefully these notes help you understand what exactly memory looks like.

Ownership and Borrowing

Each piece of data in Rust has both an owner and a lifetime. The owner of data is the only entity that can change said data. The lifetime determines where the piece of data can be seen, or how long it exists in memory. Usually the lifetime is dependent on if the owner is in scope or not (although this can be overwritten). Ownership can be transfered if needed.

Yet what does ownership mean? Let us consider what we learned in 216. I find that if we act like boats and stay at C level, we get a good understanding of most things.

When we declare a primitive, something like int a, we are telling the compiler to allocate and reserve an int's size of data (sizeof(int)) on the stack. Data on the stack is addeded continously, so if I declare int a; int b, the places on the stack where I am to store the values of a and b are next to each other. This is no different when I declare a pointer, something like char *buffer, we are telling the compiler to allocate a pointer's size of data on the stack. Addionally, the computer keeps track of the memory address on the stack and associates a varialbe name for it. That is all that is happening. This is pretty boring in my opinion, but it's crucial to understand what is happening.

It is when when assign the data a value do things get really interesting. That is, when I say something like a = 32, then I am placing the value of 32 into the segment of memory on the stack the computer associates with the varaible name a. Yet then suppose, that I was playing around with pointers. When I say something like buffer = malloc(sizeof(char) * 80), then I am telling the computer to allocate space, not on the stack, but on the heap. The starting memory address of memory allocated is then placed on the stack where the space that is asscoiated with buffer is. Then when I say something like strcpy(buffer, "hello, world"); am I placing values into the place that has been allocated on the heap.

In Rust, when we speak of ownership, we mean which variable has the privledge of pointing to the data that it associated with its memory address. When we speak of a reference, or borrowing, we mean that this privlege is temporarily given to another variable, and then eventually, the privledge is revoked and the original varaible reclaims owenership.

It is important to note that ownership and references are by default, immutable. Should you want the owner to have the ability to change it's value, you must use the mut modifier. Consider the following pieces of code:

let x = 32;
x = 22; //not okay
let mut x = 32;
x = 23; //okay

To create a reference you can use the & symbol. This is like creating a pointer with * in C. To create a mutable refernce you use &mut. Remember that heap data is copied by refernce, while primitives are copied by value.

So consider the following segments of code:

let x = String::from("hello");
let y = x; //owernship transfered
println!("{}!", x) //not okay
// one piece of memory is allocated and y points to it. Once x lost ownership
// then it is 'freed'
let x = 42;
let y = x; //deepcopy made (cloning) so ownership is not ransfered
println!("{}", x) //okay
// two pieces of memory are allocated and y and x are independent
let x = 42;
let y = &x; //y is given  immutable reference to y.
println!("{}", x) //okay
// one piece of memory is allocated and both x and y point to it. X is the 
// owner though.

The intersting part is how mutable ownership and mutalbe references work. A reference 'inhereits' the abilities of the original, so should the original value be considered immutable, then the borrowed reference cannot modify the data. That is, you cannot make a mutable refernce from an immutable piece of data.

Consider the following:

let mut s1 = String::from("hello");
let s2 = &mut s1; 
// s1 is the mutable owner, then s2 is given a mutable reference.
//both s1 and s2 can modify data as long as s2 is not borrowed.
let s1 = String::from("hello");
let s2 = &mut s1; //not allowed as s1 is not mutable
let mut s1 = String::from("hello");
let s2 = &s1; 
// s1 is mutable owner, s2 is immutable reference, s1 con still modify
// but only as long as s2 is not modified.

Lifetimes --not in scope of this class

These are rules that Rust has that determines how long a reference is valid for. This is how control of ownership is passed around. For this class, lifetimes will coicide with scope as scope usually determines how long a variable lives.

Consider the following:

fn myfunc(data){
    let s = format!("{}", data);
    return &s

Here we are trying to return a reference to local varaible that will die when the function returns.


Remember when we talked about how things look in memory? Well, slices and vectors tell us where memory is held, and something about that memory. In otherwords, slices and vectors contian metadata about the data they are refering to. Let us consider the string slice. A string, in C, is a character array. Suppose I have a 6 character array ['h','e','l','l','o','\0']. A slice, is a segment of this array, with a start and ending index.

So consider the following:

let mystr = "Hello World".to_string();
let myslice = &mystr[4..9]; 
//mysplice is "o Wor" and notice that it must be a reference.

You can create mutable slices, as long as the original data is mutable.

let mut mystr = "Hello World".to_string();
let myslice = &mut mystr[4..9];  // this is fine
let mystr = "Hello World".to_string();
let myslice = &mut mystr[4..9]; //this is less fine


Okay sure, this is all well and good, and to be honest, a little confusing and maybe a tad boring. Yet, lets think about what we just learned and apply it to the attacks I described earlier. Even better, let's talk about ownership, borrowing and pointers in terms of attacks.

When a buffer overflw attack occurs, it is usually because the size of a buffer is not considered. In C this can usually befixed by used strncpy or something similar. At the very least, by doing some sorts of bounds checking. In Rust, due to smart pointers containing meta data like the size of a buffer, this check is not usually necessary as Rust will do it for you. Additionally, remember that all data is immutable, so if anything, an error will be raised, as a slice cannot be longer than the original.

On the other hand, memory attacks can occur for a variety of reasons, from not NULLing a pointer, for creating race conditions, or using pointer arithmetic to access data that should otherwise be hidden. By including an ownership and borrowing system, Rust has emliminated the possibility of a race condition, (in your program, assuming you are using safe Rust). Now technically, computers in general use multithreading and can get into data races. Your OS also probably gets in a plethora of data races all the time. So sure, Rust programs can go into deadlock or do something bad. However, because only one owner or mutable reference can exist at a time, memory safety is perserved. So if we consider the previous TICTOU example:

		if (access("file", R_OK) != 0) {
		//comment 1
		fd = open("file", R_WRONLY);
		read(fd, buffer, 1023);

Once "file" is defined in the rust program, nothing can change the state of the program except the owner. So attacker's code or interference cannot change where "file" points to in the scope of the program. The state of the machine is preserved and thus somewhat "sandboxed" away from any changes that could have occured.

More in depth sections that I cut out.

Buffer Overflow Attack

Buffer overflow attacks have to deal usually with how a stackframe is created and placed on a stack. We can remember from assembly that we have a few parts of a stack frame. We have the function parameters, a place to store where we return to, and we need stack pointer. A bufferoverflow attack usually tagets these values. But in this class we won't go that deep. I also find it easier to talk about this using an example.

Let's start by considering the buffer overflow attack that vuln.x has. A buffer overflow attack is when data is written past a buffer's defined bounds. In a language like C, this is pretty easy because you can just write data to memeory thanks to pointer arithmetic. Take for example, how strings are structed in C. There is a pointer to segment in memory. The programmer then decides to treat each byte starting at that address as a character and reads/writes until the null character (\0) is read. However with functions like printf and scanf there is no bounds checking which are a part of these functions.

The vuln.c program uses something similar thus if a malicius user attemts to input a very long password, other program data can be overwritten and thus the program could either crash, or print "Accepted." If this program was a website, if you crashed a website you could potentially perform aforementioned attack 3. If you logged in to an admin account on a data server or something similar, you could potentially perform attack 1 or 2.

If you want to get even deeper into a full attack, consider how a stack frame is created. When a stack frame is created, there is a piece of data that tells the computer where to return to. If you could overwite this return pointer, you could have it point to a malicious piece of code you wrote, or even perform a ROP attack. If you're more interested in this type of thing, you should take CMSC414.

Anyway, while there are built in functions like fread which you can then limit how much data can be written or read, Rust will do this automatically meaning that it is very difficult to be susceptible to such an attack. Again, if you care about security, you should incorporate it as you build your program, not afterwards. Might as well use a language with that philosophy to help you.


I once had a bug very similar to this in one of my 420 projects. Something like this could be paired up with buffer overflow attack or even using a printf incorrectly. Did you guys know that something like `printf("%n") as a format specifier will actually write data? Makes no sense. Anyway, let us consider the following C code:

struct Node{
	int value = 0;
	struct Node* next = NULL;

struct Node *head = malloc(sizeof(struct Node);
struct Node *tail	= malloc(sizeof(struct Node);
head->value = 10;
tail->value = 14;

head->next = tail;
tail = NULL;
tail = malloc(sizeof(struct Node);
//comment 1
if (head->next->value != 10)

Now the bug I was getting was an odd one. do_something() was being called. After hours of using GDB , I figured out exactly what was happening, I understood my mistake. Recall how ways that malloc worked. In 216, we talked about first and best fit. Also remember that when we call free, the data is not actually erased, but rather, a bit if flipped to tell the computer if the segment of memory is free or in use. Under very perticular conditions, I could free a segment of memory, call malloc, and get back the very original segment of memory. For anyone wondering, the solution was to initialize the struct's fields after malloc'ing. So tail->next = NULL; tail->value = 0; where //comment 1 was.

Dangling pointers similar, or even the same as this example can be a security concern. Rust can decrease the probability of this occuring with the ownership rules that exist.

Time Attacks

As we just saw, it canbe frustrating when it comes to C and memory leaks. The constant balancing act of malloc-ing and free-ing can be tiring. Additionaly pointer arithmetic and making sure you looking at the value the pointer points to rather than the pointer address can be hard to keep track of. This can be compounded when we talk about pointers to pointers, and pointers to pointers to pointers.

It is due to the complicated nature of pointers that many people don't even want to consider security when it comes to pointers. Yet, as a C or similar developer, when you consider security, you must think of not just how your program should work, but rather, what happens over time. The state of a computer is usually always changing during the lifetime of a program. Due to the nature of pointers, you must consider how the state changes. If I have a pointer to a secure file during a root call but hold onto that pointer when I no longer have root acces, I can still read that file. Consider the following code:

	char buffer[1028];
	int id = fork();
	if (id > 1){
		if (access("file", R_OK) != 0) {
			 printf("cannot access file \n")
		//comment 1
		fd = open("file", R_WRONLY);
		read(fd, buffer, 1023);

This is an example of a time-of-check time-of-use vulnerability. When we multithread, there is no garuntee when a process will be run or stopped. Suppose that "file" is something you can read. Then the process is put on hold at comment 1's position. Suppose the computer just performed another task: symlink("/etc/passwd", "file");. Then when I go to open the file, I am able to read the password file. Granted, I don't even need to fork to potentially do this, but the fork does make it easier, as well as more plausible. Web servers multithread most of thier work to deal with potentially thousands of users at a time.

Due to Rust's built in system, there will never be a data race in Rust should you use Rust correctly. This means this type of attack has a decreased chance of occuring. But even in Rust, don't do this, as timeing attacks like this still have a chance of occuring.