permalink | title |
pat/tinymce/ |
tinyMCE |
Use the TinyMCE editor for HTML editing.
Option | Type | Default | Description |
relatedItems | object | { attributes: ["UID", "Title", "Description", "getURL", "portal_type", "path", "ModificationDate"], batchSize: 20, basePath: "/", vocabularyUrl: null, width: 500, maximumSelectionSize: 1, placeholder: "Search for item on site..." } | Related items pattern options. |
upload | object | { attributes: look at upload pattern for getting the options list } | Upload pattern options. |
text | object | { insertBtn: "Insert", cancelBtn: "Cancel", insertHeading: "Insert link", title: "Title", internal: "Internal", external: "External", email: "Email", anchor: "Anchor", subject: "Subject" image: "Image", imageAlign: "Align", scale: "Size", alt: "Alternative Text", captionFromDescription: "Show Image Caption from Image Description", caption: "Image Caption", externalImage: "External Image URI"} | Translation strings |
imageScales | string | Image scale name/value object-array or JSON string for use in the image dialog. | |
targetList | array | [ {text: "Open in this window / frame", value: ""}, {text: "Open in new window", value: "_blank"}, {text: "Open in parent window / frame", value: "_parent"}, {text: "Open in top frame (replaces all frames)", value: "_top"}] | Possible targets for plonelink plugin |
imageTypes | string | 'Image' | Selectable Image types. Used in ploneimage plugin. |
folderTypes | string | 'Folder,Plone Site' | Browseable folderish types. Used for pat-relateditems in ploneimage and plonelink plugin. |
tiny | object | { plugins: [ "advlist", "autolink", "lists", "charmap", "print", "preview", "anchor", "searchreplace", "visualblocks", "code", "fullscreen", "insertdatetime", "media", "table", "contextmenu", "paste", "plonelink", "ploneimage" ], menubar: "edit table format tools view insert", toolbar: "undo redo | styles | bold italic | alignleft aligncenter alignright alignjustify | bullist numlist outdent indent | unlink plonelink ploneimage", autoresize_max_height: 1500 } | Default TinyMCE configuration options. These are set via configuration registry. |
prependToUrl | string | "" | Text to prepend to generated internal urls. |
appendToUrl | string | "" | Text to append to generated internal urls. |
prependToScalePart | string | "/imagescale/" | Text to prepend to generated image scale url part. |
appendToScalePart | string | "" | Text to append to generated image scale url part. |
linkAttribute | string | "path" | Ajax response data attribute to use for url. |
defaultScale | string | "Original" | Scale name to default to. |
inline | boolean | false | Show tinyMCE editor inline instead in an iframe. Use this on textarea inputs. If you want to use this pattern directly on a contenteditable, pass "inline: true" to the "tiny" options object. |
data-pat-tinymce='{"relatedItems": {
"vocabularyUrl": "/relateditems-test.json"
data-pat-tinymce='{"relatedItems": {"vocabularyUrl": "/relateditems-test.json" },
"upload": {"baseUrl": "/", "relativePath": "upload"}
Try to edit me!
<textarea class="pat-tinymce" data-pat-tinymce='{"inline": true}'>
<h3>I'm a content editable</h3>
<p>Try to edit me!</p>