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Explore Talk Python To Me

If you don't already know Talk Python To Me maybe you should visit its page first, and take a look at its episodes.

Already done? Then you can take a look at the demo app at explore-talk-python-to-me, or take a look at the short video demo on the How it works section.

Streamlit App

🎬 See a demo here

This repository contains all the code behind the demo app explore-talk-python-to-me, a demo of how to look for episodes related to your preferences using natural language. Here you can read the code and an explanation on whats behind the app, including things like how to embed the podcast's episodes, the prefect flows to update the contents as new episodes are added, and the final streamlit app.

Table Of Content

How it works

To explore the different parts, lets start from the following figure representing the architecture:


The first task is obtaining the episodes' transcriptions, which Michael Kennedy is kind enough to offer on talk-python-transcripts.

Prefect flows

On a weekly basis (the frequency of new episodes in the podcast), new episodes are added to this repository. We can keep talk-python-transcripts as a git submodule and pull the contents regularly using cron on a github action, as can be seen in download-transcripts.yml. Two prefect flows are run every week through github actions:

  • download-transcripts.yml

    This github action, which corresponds to the point 1) in the figure, is in charge of running the prefect flow There we download the transcripts found in the submodule, clean the content (some simple preprocessing to remove unnecessary content for the final embeddings1), and add the new files in the /flow_results for posterior use (the repository itself works as storage, point 2)).

After this, a second GitHub action runs the second prefect flow:

  • embed.yml

    This github action is in charge of running the prefect flow in, 5 minutes after download_transcripts.yml and with the same frequency (point 3)). It downloads the latest chroma database released, embeds the new episodes that were added since the last run, and releases the new chroma database to the github's repo releases.

talking-python repo and the vector store

This repository works as a datastore in two ways:

  • When the first flow is run, some contents are stored in /flow_results folder. The cleaned transcripts are added (they are a processed version of the original transcripts to simplify the embedding, the content that is really embedded in point 3)), and a txt file (.embedded_files.txt) to keep track of the already embedded episodes. This corresponds to the point 2) in the figure.

  • After running the second flow (point 3)), the embedded episodes are stored locally using the default format provided by chroma. To store and share the data two (free) options came to mind. The first, git LFS was discarded due to the limits it imposes. Another one, inspired by Explosion's spacy models, uses github release assets to store its models, and the contents of the chroma database aren't much different to those of a deep learning model, so this seemed like a good choice for this use case.

So at the end of the second flow, the chroma database content is compressed and uploaded to GitHub releases in the repository.

We can deploy chroma, but this is a simple demo, so I had to come up with something simpler (and cheaper). Instead, the chroma content is persisted as parquet in disk, released to github as a compressed asset, and when we want to make queries to the data we can download the vector store and keep it at hand locally, just like we would do with any deep learning model. It allows us to keep track of the last chroma checkpoint (even though we will always be interested in the last release, which includes all the episodes up to the day of the last run).


The app is built using streamlit (point 5)), the code can be seen in the app folder. The layout is heavily inspired by KnowledgeGPT.

To start using the app, the first thing we must do is insert a Hugging Face API token. You have to get an account in Hugging Face (if you don't have one yet, its simple and free) and get an access token to use the inference API.

Now its just a matter of asking some question about the episodes' contents (some examples are given in the sidebar's FAQ). The question will be embedded using the inference API (point 6)), and chroma does its magic to find the episodes that are more likely to talk about the content you asked about. It extracts the table of episodes from talk python to me, and shows the subset of episodes sorted from most to less similar.

Advanced settings

You can see an expander section to play with two different fields.

  • maximum number of episodes.

    It limits the number of passages (pieces or lines of a given episode) to gather from the database (sorted from smallest to biggest distance).

  • aggregating function.

    The results from querying chroma are in the form of different passages that pertain to different (or the same) episodes, these results must be aggregated to offer just the list of relevant episodes for the user. Three different functions are available, but the default function should yield the best results.

For more information take a look at the Model behind the embeddings section.


Streamlit cloud offers free deployment for demo apps, its hard to beat that :) . We just have to prepare the data for streamlit cloud to find it.

Streamlit will look for a requirements.txt at the root of the repo, and we have two different internal libraries, so some unusual process must be done to go the streamlit way vs for example installing the libraries inside a Docker container. Pip allows us to install libraries directly from specific local distributions, so the libraries can be prebuilt and stored locally:

To build the UI code:

python -m build app --outdir=streamlit-dir/app

and the library:

python -m build src --outdir=streamlit-dir/src

Then streamlit will look at the requierments.txt at the root of the repo to install the dependencies. Once the app is succesfully uploaded to streamlit, the new changes are automatically redeployed.

Model behind the app

The transcripts of the episodes are long enough to embed all the content at once (13.000 words on average), so instead of embedding the whole episodes, a different route was taken.

Lets take a look at a piece of the transcription of episode 419-pystack.txt as an example:

- 00:01:29 And it's brought to you by Compiler from Red Hat.
- 00:01:31 Listen to an episode of their podcast as they demystify the tech industry over at
- 00:01:36 Hey, Pablo.
- 00:01:37 Hey, Matt.
- 00:01:38 Great to have you both here.

Which after the preprocessing (cleansing) becomes the following:

+ And it's brought to you by Compiler from Red Hat.
+ Listen to an episode of their podcast as they demystify the tech industry over at
+ Hey, Pablo.
+ Hey, Matt.
+ Great to have you both here.

We can embed each line (a turn in the conversation, or a passage) and store the reference of the episode it occurred at. The model chosen is sentence transformer's multi-qa-MiniLM-L6-cos-v1 (take a look at the intended uses section for background on its intended use). Its open source, integrated with chroma (the open source embedding database), and hugging face's inference API.

From the user perspective, the interaction with the model occurs when a query is made (point 6) in the figure), when it is embedded using the Hugging Face inference API, thats why you must supply the required api token.

After making a query, the response we obtain is formed by passages of the episodes, so to supply the table of episodes instead of the corresponding passages the response must be aggregated. Just 3 aggregation forms are used (these correspond to the aggregating_function expander in the app): raw (which returns the episodes each passage corresponds to), minimum (returns the episodes without repetitions, sorted by the minimun distance to the query), and the sum weighted option. This last function is the default (and maybe a bit more sensible than the others). When computing the distances between the query and the passages, it may occur that a single passage is very similar to the query made, then showing an episode that maybe is not that much similar. By using the sum passages weighted by the distance, we are trying to take into account this effect, and reward episodes which have more passages with similar content to the query made.

Running the app

In case streamlit cloud is not working by any reason, or if you want to test on your own, take a look at your preferred way of running the app locally:

With Docker

It can be built using docker directly:

docker build -t talking-python . && docker run -p 8501:8501 -it talking-python

Or docker compose if you prefer:

docker compose up --build

Visit the url that streamlit shows you in the console.

Without Docker

Basically we are going to follow the steps in the Dockerfile here (use a virtual environment please).

Install the dependencies (all the contents are contained in /src and /app folders as python packages):

python -m pip install --upgrade pip
pip install src/
pip install app/

The first time we run the app, it will download the chroma database if it isn't found in your local system. This is done to simplify the process when using streamlit cloud. To update the content its as easy as running the following command:

python -c "from talking_python.utilities import prepare_chroma; prepare_chroma()"

Then go to the /app directory, and run the following comand:

streamlit run

You should be able to visit the url that streamlit shows you in the console.


The process of embedding the episodes by embedding its different passages is kind of similar to the work shown on's article on wikipedia: embedding-archives-wikipedia, read it if you don't know it.

In this case the model used to create the embeddings is much simpler (it produces smaller vectors), and the type of text is quite different, but the approach is similar nevertheless.

Further steps

There are a lot of things to add/improve (the first fixing the original transcripts processing), but for a demo is good enough :).


  1. There is an error in the code and some transcripts are not being properly processed yet!.