(["\- ][A-Z])([A-Z][A-Zé']+)
Merge conflicts:
<<<<<<< HEAD
Debugging (
MgbaPrintf(MGBA_LOG_WARN, "Friendship gain, modified: %d", mod);
255 0 0
0 255 0
0 0 255
255 255 0
255 0 255
0 255 255
- include/config.h:
- Uncomment
//#define NDEBUG
- Uncomment
- include/config/debug.h:
└─ textDecapitalization
└─ develop
└─ All hacks
- More simple modifications:
- Pret wiki tutorials:
- Combine two meta files ( and Include more changes, even if general like Battle Frontier edits
- Remove unused code
- Eventually remove RSE and/or BDSP teachable moves
- Give Absol Sharpness?
- Give Espeon Power Gem on level up or evolution?
- Give Zapdos, Tapu Koko, and Kilowattrel Bolt Beak?
- Edit Surskit mass outbreak?
- Map out progression of low/medium/high power moves for each type/move type and improve level up movesets for more STAB
- Implement changing Deoxys forms at Fallarbor or from bag
- Get Exp. Share from Steven instead of from Mr. Stone after
- Hyper Voice tutor->TM?
- Temper Flare (with better STAB distribution) could become a TM/tutor
- Aqua Tail could also become a TM since it now has 100% accuracy
- Ideally all SV TMs would be available if the bag was ever expanded greatly
- See if only some bag pockets can show up during battle (Key Items aren't needed in battle, for example)
- Include charms?
- Xaman's TM Case:
- Move unused trainers to bottom (
- Group rematches with original battles
- Readjust wild/trainer levels so that parties aren't overpowered?
- Go back and make rematch levels stronger/more consistent (don't forget to update evolutions)
- Elite Four rematches (wouldn't need to use Match Call, could probably do if statement in
- Update Elite Four palettes
- battle_transitions/*_bg.pal to better match types
- stadium/palette3-7.pal to better match ypes
- Brendan/May/Steven rematches? (Steven's would be the same team but re-battleable)
- Trainer customization:
- All rematches should have consistent values (gender, IVs (unless maxed), etc.)
- Calvin could have a good Nature/EV
- Leaders would have optimal Abilities/EVs/IVs/Natures
- Breeders should have good IVs/Natures/Abilities
- Triathlete would be Speed-focused (maybe endurance/HP too)
- Give Winstrates rematches?
- Vito can use TMs
- Fix Winona's rematches being male; Pelipper gets Drizzle for Hurricane?
- Gym leaders/Steven/Breeders can have Hidden Abilities
- Maxie/Archie use Mega Evolutions
- Aqua Leaders' signatures hold Deep Sea items (need to find equivalent for Magma. Mega Evo for Houndoom but unsure for Ninetales)
- Could swap out Huntail for Mega Gyarados and only it and Houndoom get items
- Replace Waterfall with an item, similar to Dive
- Edit moves that work in field
- Maybe edit so instead of "if has move" to "if can learn move"
- Might not be simple since it's .inc and not C
- Would really help with Surf, though
- Cut (only in Trick House):
- Moves boosted by Sharpness
- Strength (only in Trick House and Seafloor Cavern):
- Superpower?
- Close Combat?
- Maybe edit so instead of "if has move" to "if can learn move"
- Make Fly usuable after 2nd badge? Or maybe even aftering delivering goods in Slateport?
- Fly to routes:
- Route 121: Safari Zone
- Route 128: Where Steven flies to?
- Add accurate overworld sprites (,
- Overworld sprites to match trainer sprites (for example, Rangers red clothes, Dragon Tamers capes and correct hair color, or Rich Boys correct clothes and hair color)
- Add FRLG trainer sprites/overworld sprites
- Sprites are added but still need to be implemented. Overworld sprites may have duplicates for Pokémon and may need palettes
- Improve Pokémon overworld sprites
- Battle Tent Pokémon/EVs?
- Make pausing challenge not a soft save (CHALLENGE_STATUS_SAVING)
- Update rest of apprentice teams
- Pokémon
- EVs
- Moves
- Give BP after every battle?
- Do better with saving/resting
- Remove level 50? Or remove Open Level but lower Pokémon to level 50 if over?
- See if Poke Ball issue no longer occurs on a clean save
- Edit Battle Frontier messages for Fairy?
- Add new Pokémon to Frontier mons?
- Make teams more accurate to trainer classes?
- Make resting not a soft save (CHALLENGE_STATUS_SAVING)
- Make retiring not reset streak
- Perhaps combine the two to take a pause like in SwSh
- Battle Tower
- Apprentices
- Battle Factory
- Add new moves to moveStyles (sRequiredMoveCounts)
- Don't have both Open Level and Level 50 since the Pokémon are rentals anyways?
- Updated Battle Pyramid wild randomizer
- Infestation: 20->35
- Parabolic Charge: 65->75
- Poison Sting: 20->40
- Poison Fang: 60->65
- Prevent Slateport access before Brawly/Steven
- Railroad the post-Mossdeep water routes
- Might need to increase MAX_LEVEL_UP_MOVES and/or MAX_RELEARNER_MOVES
- Update palettes?:
- Pokédex (and HGSS Pokédex)
- look in graphics/ for more
- Trainer card
- Type effectiveness in battle:
- Add Hyper Training
- Get rid of low health constant beeping (
- Replace ifdefs for move stats with just one set of stats?
- Would likely cause merge conflicts going forward
- Add more EXP Candy
- PC in menu
- look at debug menu or at
- Add relearning moves to PC?
- More save space editing
- Medicine Pocket?
- See if it's possible to give item PC and decoration PC have more room
- Get PokeNav to work indoors?
- Stop trainers from calling you shortly after loading the game
- Edit contests?
- Stop daycare from deleting moves
- Simplify Walda codes?
- Get all the weird Mauville men at once?
- Update Favor Lady's items to include new items
- Add 3 other Regis?
- Add Regigigas to Sealed Chamber?
- Regieleki near New Mauville?
- Regidrago near Meteor Falls?
- Diversify water routes instead of just Tentacool/Wingull (definitely add more Carvanha; bring some fishing encounters to Surf)
- Add postgame Pokémon to Hoenn Pokédex? National Pokédex is useless due to no connectivity with other games
- Johto starters need Hoenn Pokédex completed to get, but could have them act similarly to Jirachi/Deoxys
- Could remove handing out of National Pokédex entirely, would need to see what checks if the National Pokédex exists (like Birch Lab state for Johto)
- Now that Frontier mons are registered in the Pokédex, the National Pokédex is a bit less useless
- In game trades
- Edit max money?
- Debug menu improvements
- Make inserting trainer sprites easier?
- Wrapper for src/data/graphics/trainers.h?
- Contests overhaul
- Change Rival brother back to one with glasses?
- Improve Old Lady house
- Remove IVs? Maybe make boolean for either 0 or 31 added to stat
- Would need to figure out Hidden Power
- Add Pokémon with dolls? (Togepi, Smoochum, Clefairy, Lapras, Snorlax, Venusaur, Charizard, Blastoise)
- Make seperate Pokédex for post-game similar to SwSh DLC Pokédexes (include Outbreaks like Elekid)?
- Fire Blast/Hydro Pump/Stone Edge accurate in respective weathers?
- Make Thunder also accurate in Electric Terrain?
- Calculate Electro Ball more similarly to Gyro Ball?
- Make Water Veil also up evasion like Sand Veil?
- Find way to get Hypnosis to always hit if Hypno is using it?
- Edit Slot odds (SLOT_MACHINE_)? Even though there's only three prizes?
- Add in Hoenn Pokédex regionals?
- Sun/Shiny Stone for Alolan Raichu
- Alolan Sandshrew/Vulpix at Shoal Cave
- Alolan Muk
- Shiny/Dawn Stone for Galarian Weezing
- Cursola
- Obstagoon
- Hisui Voltorb
- Post-game:
- Alolan Meowth
- Galarian Meowth
- Paldean Wooper
- Update level up/learnable movesets for them
- Sandslash, Ninetales, Cursola, and maybe Obstagoon can be used to diversify the Elite Four teams
All Yellow Pokémon: - Yellow shinies (Lickitung, Altaria, Luxray, Bellibolt, etc) replacing the regular palette - Change Pokédex colors to match - Give trainer mugshot yellow palette if possible (replace Wallace's yellow with something else) - Replace green with yellow on player sprites? - If not enough, could also add black (Charmander line would have shiny palettes as they're both yellow and black)