All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file.
The format is based on Keep a Changelog and this project adheres to Semantic Versioning.
function addedjewish_calendar.is_shabbos_mevorchim()
function addedjewish_calendar.significant_shabbos()
function added- New
calculator for Amud Yomi Bavli following the Dirshu learning schedule - Support for limudim containing fractional units (required for Amud Yomi)
- Bug in
returned the base JewishDate type even when inherited.
- repr() content for limudim structures
- Bug in
failed when wrapping around first Jewish month
- Limudim support for:
- Parsha
- DafYomiBavli
- DafYomiYerushalmi
- DafHashavuaBavli
- MishnaYomis
- PirkeiAvos
- TehillimMonthly
- Kviah function for JewishDate
- Memoization for better performance on common expensive JewishDate methods
- Support for python-dateutil pre-2.7.0
- Added Lag B'Omer as significant day / yom tov
- Reintroduced future annotations as quoted type
- Fixed bug on optimization branch for large increments/decrements
- Backward support for Python 3.6 (removed future annotations)
- Elevations used in shaos zmanios calculations if use_elevation property is set
- Hanetz and Shkia methods will use the appropriate calculation based on use_elevation setting
- Support Alos and Tzais offset using temporal minutes
- Various Assur Bemelacha related methods for calendar dates using JewishCalendar, as well as point-in-time using ZmanimCalendar.
- Delayed candle lighting
- README examples
- repr() content for standard classes
- This changelog :)
- Package license to reflect LGPLv2.1
- hebrew_calendar module now included in the package
- package includes required dependencies and python version