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Troubleshooting Docker Containers

If you are not using Docker, SKIP THIS PAGE

Use the docker ps command to list the running containers.

You should see all 5-6 containers running (again, postfix is optional).

# docker ps
CONTAINER ID        IMAGE                  COMMAND                  CREATED             STATUS              PORTS                                                              NAMES
2dd0cd671538        perfsonar/pwa-admin    "/"              2 weeks ago         Up 2 weeks          80/tcp, 8080/tcp                                                   pwa-admin1
f2227dd2ee2a        perfsonar/pwa-pub      "node /app/api/pwapub"   2 weeks ago         Up 2 weeks          8080/tcp                                                           pwa-pub1
36179bd10524        perfsonar/sca-auth     "/app/docker/"   2 weeks ago         Up 2 weeks          80/tcp, 8080/tcp                                                   sca-auth
c10b07ae72cc        nginx                  "nginx -g 'daemon off"   3 weeks ago         Up 5 days >80/tcp,>443/tcp,>9443/tcp   nginx
727dc2f5e528        mongo                  ""   8 months ago        Up 4 weeks          27017/tcp                                                          mongo
0c03b689c722        yorkshirekev/postfix   "/ mc"   3 weeks ago         Up 3 weeks>25/tcp                                                postfix

Note: sometimes, docker containers will initially not have connectivity to the outside world. Usually this can be resolved by running systemctl restart docker. If you are experiencing this issue, make sure your firewall rules are not being overridden by config management software (puppet, ansible, etc).

Note: sometimes, docker containers will initially not have connectivity to the outside world. Usually this can be resolved by running systemctl restart docker. If you are experiencing this issue, make sure your firewall rules are not being overridden by config management software (puppet, ansible, etc).

Troubleshooting Containers

Use the docker logs command to see logs for a container. Adjust --tail to change how many logs are displayed. Add the -f flag to watch the logs as new records come in (like tail)

# docker logs pwa-admin1 --tail 10
1|pwaadmin       | Tue Feb 12 2019 21:41:43 GMT+0000 (UTC) - info: HTTP POST /health/pwacache statusCode=200, url=/health/pwacache, host=, accept=application/json, content-type=application/json, content-length=14, connection=close, method=POST, httpVersion=1.1, originalUrl=/health/pwacache, , responseTime=1
2|pwacache       | Tue Feb 12 2019 21:42:43 GMT+0000 (UTC) - info: Host found in hostgroup; not expiring  5b05d426f895e94f17bef826
2|pwacache       | Tue Feb 12 2019 21:42:43 GMT+0000 (UTC) - info: Host found in hostgroup; not expiring  5b05d42af895e94f17bf0216
2|pwacache       | Tue Feb 12 2019 21:42:43 GMT+0000 (UTC) - info: All hosts have been processed successfully
2|pwacache       | Tue Feb 12 2019 21:42:43 GMT+0000 (UTC) - info: successfully deleted hosts
2|pwacache       | Tue Feb 12 2019 21:42:43 GMT+0000 (UTC) - info: processing datasource for expiration/duplication prevention:gls ................................................................................
2|pwacache       | Tue Feb 12 2019 21:42:43 GMT+0000 (UTC) - info: lookup service label=GLS, type=global-sls, activehosts_url=, query=?type=service, url=
2|pwacache       | Tue Feb 12 2019 21:42:43 GMT+0000 (UTC) - info: num result 2543
2|pwacache       | Tue Feb 12 2019 21:42:47 GMT+0000 (UTC) - info: done expiring/updating LS URLs for db hosts
3|ui             | [Tue Feb 12 2019 21:51:56 GMT+0000 (UTC)] "GET /" "undefined"

Interacting with containers

You can enter an interactive bash shell within a container like this:

[root@hostname ~]# docker exec -it pwa-admin1 bash
root@2dd0cd671538:/# ls
app  bin  boot  dev  etc  home  lib  lib64  media  mnt  opt  proc  root  run  sbin  srv  sys  tmp  usr  var
root@2dd0cd671538:/# ls -l app/api/config
total 12
drwxrwxr-x 2 11264 11264  146 Jan 24 22:06 auth
-rw-rw-r-- 1 11264 11264 6096 May 23  2018 index.js
drwxrwxr-x 4 11264 11264 4096 Jan 25 20:44 nginx
drwxrwxr-x 2 11264 11264   55 May 23  2018 shared

Or directly execute commands like this:

[root@hostname ~]# docker exec -it pwa-admin1 ls /app/api/config
auth  index.js  nginx  shared


Docker will take care of its own firewall rules, so you don't have to worry about opening ports manually.

By default, following are the ports used by nginx container:

  • 443 (For PWA administrative GUI)
  • 80 (For PWA configuration publisher)
  • 9443 (For x509 authentication to PWA administrative GUI)