Welcome to the Movehat documentation for Aptos.
Previously, executing entry
functions with Aptos's TypeScript SDK looked like this:
const payload: Types.TransactionPayload = {
type: "script_function_payload",
function: "0x1::coin::transfer",
type_arguments: ["0x1::aptos_coin::AptosCoin"],
arguments: [account2.address().hex(), "717"],
const txnRequest = await client.generateTransaction(account1.address(), payload);
const signedTxn = await client.signTransaction(account1, txnRequest);
const transactionRes = await client.submitTransaction(signedTxn);
await client.waitForTransaction(transactionRes.hash);
Now, with Movehat, it looks like this:
const coin = Movehat.getModule("coin", signer);
const moveCallTxn = await coin.transfer(
And most importantly, it has type coercion and type annotations in TypeScript!
import { Sui as Movehat } from `pentagonxyz/movehat`;
const coin = Movehat.getModule("coin", client, account);
Type arguments first, then function arguments second.
const moveCallTxn = await coin.transfer(
await coin.publish(client, account);