datepicky.js is a standalone JavaScript date picker for the only date format that matters, ISO 8601 (YYYY-MM-DD).
- IE6
- IE7
- IE8
- IE9
- FF5
- Chrome 14
- Safari 5
- Safari iOS 4.3
- Opera 11.5
Use createDatepicky()
to render the date picker and bind it to an input element of type text or date. The first parameter is the id of the input element, the second parameter is the id of a div which will contain the datepicker. The third parameter is a hash for customizations, it is optional.
createDatepicky(dateInputId, pickerDivId, {});
- defaultDate
- defaultMonth
- disabledDays
- disabledDates
- minDate
- maxDate
- firstDayOfWeek
- weekdayNames
- monthNames
- invalidDateClassName
Take a look at the demo to learn more about the customizations.