A final description of NSIF group, code, and demo
The NSI group is the smallest distance among n^2 and multiple of p or q -1 , or p-q, or p , or q multiple to the nearest power.
If n is product of 2 primes :
The tool allow you to compare the result of Power Modular Factorization / Rsa Poisoning versus other factorization methods .
ex = 1826379812379156297616109238798712634987623891298419
{- | For result 0 is the period , if period is NSI is common factor of N. -}
tryperiod n period _ = (powMod 2 (ex * (modular_inverse ex period) - 1) n) - 1
{- | N is the pubkey, tries is the number of tries in the loop, until when try to sum 1, distance is the starting distance -}
nsif n tries distance
| d /=1 && d /= n = (div n d,d,divcar)
| otherwise = (0,0,0)
out2 = reverse ((1,1): take 1 (dropWhile (\(r,u)-> r==1 && r /= n ) $ map (\x-> (gcd (n) ((tryperiod ((n)) ((n)^2-x^2) x) ),x)) $ [distance..distance+tries]))
d = fst $ head out2
divcar = snd $ head out2
-- N, loops, distance
./nsif 377 0 3
100 % Pure dark math of Mas de Pascualet
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Blackhole Consulting
Enrique Santos (Intellectual author)
Vicent Nos Ripolles (Hacker)
Francisco Blas Izquierdo (Hacker) Phd Student , Chalmers Institute
Maestrazgo , computation center