Project Settings -> Player -> Other Settings -> Configuration -> Scripting Define Symbols
to enable Spine utilities - UNITY_POST_PROCESSING_STACK_V2 to enable PostProcessingStack v2
- pdxpartyparrot.{project}.Loading.LoadingManager
- pdxpartyparrot.Core.Util.TimeManager
- pdxpartyparrot.Game.State.GameStateManager
- Default Scripts
- pdxpartyparrot.Core.Debug.DebugMenuManager must run last
- Create Assets/csc.rsp
- Copy Art/Core/pdxparrot.png
- Copy Art/Core/progress.png
- Texture Type: Sprite (2D and UI)
- Create Data/Audio/main.mixer
- 3 Master child groups
- Music
- Expose the Volume parameter and set it to -5db
- Rename it to MusicVolume
- Expose the Volume parameter and set it to -5db
- Expose the Volume parameter and set it to 0db
- Rename it to SFXVolume
- Expose the Volume parameter and set it to 0db
- Ambient
- Expose the Volume parameter and set it to -10db
- Rename it to AmbientVolume
- Expose the Volume parameter and set it to -10db
- Music
- Expose the Master Volume parameter and set it to 0db
- Rename it to MasterVolume
- 3 Master child groups
- Create Data/Physics/Frictionless.physicMaterial
- Static Friction: 0
- Dynamic Friction: 0
- Create Data/Physics/Frictionless 2D.physicsMaterial2D
- Friction: 0
- Create Data/Input/ServerSpectator.inputactions
- Generate C# Class
- File: Assets\Scripts\Game\Input\ServerSpectatorControls
- Need to create containing directory first
- Class Name: ServerSpectatorControls
- Namespace: pdxpartyparrot.Game.Input
- Generate Events
- Generate Interfaces
- File: Assets\Scripts\Game\Input\ServerSpectatorControls
- Action Maps
- ServerSpectator
- Actions
- move forward
- press and release w
- move backward
- press and release s
- move left
- press and release a
- move right
- press and release d
- move up
- press and release space
- move down
- press and release left shift
- look
- mouse delta
- move forward
- Actions
- ServerSpectator
- Generate C# Class
- Audio Settings
- Editor Settings
- Version Control Mode: Visible Meta Files
- Asset Serialization Mode: Force Text
- Default Behavior Mode: 3D for 3D, 2D for 2D
- Line Endings: Windows (or maybe Unix would be cleaner?)
- Graphics Settings
- Set the Render Pipeline Asset if desired (https://github.com/Unity-Technologies/ScriptableRenderPipeline)
- This will require creating the asset first, which itself may be configured as desired
- Set the Render Pipeline Asset if desired (https://github.com/Unity-Technologies/ScriptableRenderPipeline)
- Input Settings
- Tags and Layers
- Add a PostProcessing layer if it doesn't already exist
- Add a NoPhysics layer
- Add a Vfx layer
- Add a Viewer layer
- Add a Player layer
- Add a World layer
- Add a Weather layer
- Physics Settings
- Set the Default Material to frictionless if desired
- Only enable the minimum necessary collisions
- TODO: water?
- Vfx -> Vfx
- Viewer -> Weather
- Viewer -> World
- Player -> Weather
- Player -> World
- World -> Weather
- Physics 2D Settings
- Set the Default Material to frictionless if desired
- Only enable the minimum necessary collisions
- TODO: water?
- Vfx -> Vfx
- Viewer -> Weather
- Viewer -> World
- Player -> Weather
- Player -> World
- World -> Weather
- Player Settings
- Set the Company Name (PDX Party Parrot)
- Set the Product Name
- Set the Default Icon (Art/Core/pdxparrot.png)
- Set any desired Splash Images/Logos
- Color Space: Linear (or Gamma if targeting old mobile/console platforms)
- Fix up any Grahics API issues that this might cause (generally this means disabling Auto Graphics APIs on certain platforms)
- Enable Multithreaded Rendering on platforms that support it
- Enable Static and Dynamic Batching
- Set the Bundle Identifier
- Scripting Runtime: .NET 4.x
- Scripting Backend: IL2CPP
- API Compatability Level: .NET Standard 2.0
- Active Input Handling: Both
- Whenever the new InputSystem handles UI, this can be set to just InputSystem
- Minimum Android API: Marshmallow
- Preset Manager
- Quality
- Script Execution Order
- TextMesh Pro
- Import TMP Essentials if not already done
- Optionally import TMP Examples & Extras if desired
- Time Settings
- VFX Settings
- Update default packages
- Add release packages
- Asset Bundle Browser
- Cinemachine
- Post Processing
- ProBuilder
- Add preview packages
- Input System (https://github.com/Unity-Technologies/InputSystem)
- ProGrids
- Render-Pipelines.Core
- HD/Lightweight Render Pipeline (whichever best fits the project)
- Burst/Entities (if using ECS)
- Shader Graph
- Add desired assets
- ConsoleE (optional now that Unity has built-in recompile settings)
- DOTween (not Pro)
- Make sure to run the setup
- Add Keijiro Kino
- Add "jp.keijiro.kino.post-processing": "https://github.com/keijiro/kino.git#upm" to package manifest.json dependencies
- Data/Prefabs/Input/EventSystem.prefab
- Create using default EventSystem that gets added automatically when adding a UI object
- Scripts/Core/com.pdxpartyparrot.Core.asmdef
- References: Unity.InputSystem, Unity.Postprocessing.Runtime, Unity.TextMeshPro, Kino.Postprocessing
- Scripts/Core/Editor/com.pdxpartyparrot.Core.Editor
- Editor platform only
- References: com.pdxpartyparrot.Core.asmdef
- Scripts/Game/com.pdxpartyparrot.Game.asmdef
- References: com.pdxpartyparrot.Core.asmdef, Unity.InputSystem, Unity.TextMeshPro
- Scripts/Game/Editor/com.pdxpartyparrot.Game.Editor
- Editor platform only
- References: com.pdxpartyparrot.Game.asmdef
- Scripts/{project}/com.pdxpartyparrot.{project}.asmdef
- References: com.pdxpartyparrot.Core.asmdef, com.pdxpartyparrot.Game.asmdef, Unity.InputSystem, Unity.TextMeshPro
- Managers go in Data/Prefabs/Managers
- AudioManager
- Create an empty Prefab and add the AudioManager component to it
- Attach the main mixer to the prefab Mixer
- Add 4 Audio Sources to the prefab
- Disable Play on Awake
- Attach each audio source to an audio source on the AudioManager component
- DebugMenuManager
- Create an empty Prefab and add the DebugMenuManager component to it
- EngineManager
- Create an empty Prefab and add the PartyParrotManager component to it
- Attach the frictionless physics materials
- Set the UI layer to UI
- InputManager
- Create an empty Prefab and add the InputManager component to it
- Attach the EventSystem prefab
- NetworkManager
- Create an empty Prefab and add the (not Unity) NetworkManager component to it
- Uncheck Don't Destroy on Load
- ObjectPoolManager
- Create an empty Prefab and add the ObjectPoolManager component to it
- SceneManager
- Create an empty Prefab and add the SceneManager component to it
- ViewerManager
- Create an empty Prefab and add the ViewerManager component to it
- Create a new LoadingManager script that overrides Game LoadingManager
- Create a new GameStateManager script that overrides Game GameStateManager
- Implement the ShowLoadingScreen/UpdateLoadingScreen methods to call the LoadingManager methods
- Add a connection to the GameStateManager in the LoadingManager
- Override CreateManagers() in the loading manager to create the GameStateManager prefab
- Override OnLoad() in the loadin gmanager to have the GameStateManager transition to the initial state
- Create an empty Prefab and add the GameStateManager component to it
- Create a new MainMenuState script that overrides the Game GameState
- Create an empty Prefab and add the MainMenuState component to it
- Set the Scene Name to main_menu
- Set the MainMenuState as the Initial Game State Prefab in the GameStateManager
- Uncheck Make Scene Active
- Create a new UIManager script that overrides Core UIManager
- Create an empty Prefab and add the UIManager component to it
- Add the UIManager to the LoadingManager
- Create and save a new scene (Scenes/splash.unity)
- The only object in the scene should be a Main Camera
- Clear Flags: Solid Color
- Background: Opaque Black
- Culling Mask: Nothing
- Projection: Orthographic
- Uncheck Occlusion Culling
- Uncheck Allow HDR
- Uncheck Allow MSAA
- Leave the Audio Listener attached to the camera for audio to work
- Add the AspectRatio component to the camera
- Remove the Skybox Material
- Environment Lighting Source: Color
- Disable Realtime Global Illumination
- Disable Baked Global Illumination
- Disable Auto Generate lighting
- The only object in the scene should be a Main Camera
- Add the scene to the Build Settings and ensure that it is Scene 0
- Add a new GameObject to the scene (SplashScreen) and add the SplashScreen component to it
- Attach the camera to the Camera field of the SplashScreen component
- Add whatever splash screen videos to the list of Splash Screens on the SplashScreen component
- Set the Main Scene Name to match whatever the name of your main scene is
- The main scene should also have been added to the Build Settings along with any other required scenes
- Create and save a new scene (Scenes/main.unity)
- The only object in the scene should be a camera
- Setup the camera in the scene
- Clear Flags: Solid Color
- Background: Opaque Black
- Culling Mask: Nothing
- Projection: Orthographic
- Uncheck Occlusion Culling
- Uncheck Allow HDR
- Uncheck Allow MSAA
- Leave the Audio Listener attached to the camera for audio to work
- Environment Lighting Source: Color
- Disable Realtime Global Illumination
- Disable Baked Global Illumination
- Disable Auto Generate lighting
- Add a new Canvas object (LoadingScreen) to the scene
- UI Scale Mode: Scale With Screen Size
- Reference Resolution: 1280x720
- Match Width Or Height: 0.5
- Remove the Graphic Raycaster
- Add the LoadingScreen component
- Remove the EventSystem object that gets added (or turn it into a prefab if that hasn't been created yet)
- Add a Panel under the Canvas
- Disable Raycast Target
- Color: (255, 0, 255, 255)
- Add a TextMeshPro - Text (Name) under the Panel
- Text: "Placeholder"
- Center the text
- Disable Raycast Target
- Add an Empty GameObject (Progress) under the Panel and add the ProgressBar component to it
- Pos Y: -125
- Attach the ProgressBar component to the LoadingScreen component
- Add an Image under the Progress Bar (Background)
- Move the image below the Name text
- Color: (0, 0, 0, 255)
- Size: (500, 25)
- Source Image: Core Progress Image
- Disable Raycast Target
- And an Image under the Background Image (Foreground)
- Position: (0, 0, 0)
- Size: (500, 25)
- Source Image: Core Progress Image
- Disable Raycast Target
- Image Type: Filled
- Fill Method: Horizontal
- Fill Origin: Left
- Fill Amount: 0.25
- Attach the images to the ProgressBar component
- Add a TextMeshPro - Text (Status) under the Progress Bar
- Pos Y: -75
- Text: "Loading..."
- Center the text
- Disable Raycast Target
- Attach the Text to the ProgressBar component
- Add an empty GameObject (Loader) and add the override LoadingManager component to it
- Attach the LoadingScreen to the Loader
- Attach the Manager prefabs to the Loader
- Create a new MainMenu script that overrides the Game MenuPanel
- Add a public void OnPlay() method that does nothing
- Add a public void OnCredits() method that does nothing
- Add a public void OnQuitGame() method that calls Application.Quit()
- Create an empty Prefab and add the Game Menu component to it
- Layer: UI
- Render Mode: Screen Space - Overlay
- UI Scale Mode: Scale With Screen Size
- Reference Resolution: 1280x720
- Match Width Or Height: 0.5
- Add a Panel under the Canvas (Main)
- Remove the Image
- Add a Vertical Layout Group
- Spacing: 10
- Alignment: Middle Center
- Child Controls Width / Height
- Force Expand nothing
- Add the MainMenu script
- Set Owner to the Menu object
- Set the Main Panel on the Menu object to the Main panel
- Add a Button under the Main panel (Play)
- Normal Color: (255, 0, 255, 255)
- Highlight Color: (0, 255, 0, 255)
- Add an On Click handler that calls the MainMenu OnPlay method
- Add a Layout Element to the Button
- Preferred Width: 200
- Preferred Height: 50
- Replace the Text under the Button with a TextMeshPro - Text
- Text: "Play"
- Center the text
- Disable Raycast Target
- Set the Main Menu Initial Selection to the Play Button
- Duplicate the Play Button (Credits)
- Set the On Click handler to the MainMenu OnCredits method
- Set the Text to "Credits"
- Duplicate the Credits Button (Quit)
- Set the On Click handler to the MainMenu OnQuitGame method
- Set the Text to "Quit"
- Add a field for the MainMenu to the MainMenuState and connect it on the prefab
- OnEnter create the menu prefab with the UIManager
- OnExit destroy the menu prefab
- OnResume activate the menu prefab
- OnPause deactivate the menu prefab
- Do not add a Main Camera to these scenes
- Create and save a new scene (Scenes/main_menu.unity)
- Remove all default objects from the scene
- Environment Lighting Source: Color
- Disable Realtime Global Illumination
- Disable Baked Global Illumination
- Disable Auto Generate lighting
- Add a new Canvas object (TitleScreen) to the scene
- UI Scale Mode: Scale With Screen Size
- Reference Resolution: 1280x720
- Match Width Or Height: 0.5
- Remove the Graphic Raycaster
- Remove the EventSystem object that gets added (or turn it into a prefab if that hasn't been created yet)
- Add a Panel under the Canvas
- Disable Raycast Target
- Color: (255, 0, 0, 255)
- Add a TextMeshPro - Text (Status) under the Progress Bar
- Pos Y: 256
- Text: "Placeholder"
- Center the text
- Disable Raycast Target
- Add the scene to the Build Settings
- The scene should now load when the main scene is run as long as the name of the scene matches what was set in the MainMenuState prefab
- Create a new GameData script that overrides Game GameData and adds an Asset Menu item for it
- Create a new GameData data object
- Set the World Layer to World
- Create and attach a ServerSpectator prefab if desired
- TODO: Configure this
- TODO: Create a viewer prefab for it
- Create a new PlayerData script that overrides Game PlayerData and adds an Asset Menu item for it
- Create a new PlayerData data object
- Set the Player Layer to Player
- Set the Viewer Layer to Viewer
- TODO: Create a viewer prefab for it
- Create a new Viewer script that overrides a Core Viewer (? Core or Game?)
- Create an empty Prefab and add the Viewer component to it
- Add a camera under the prefab
- Clear Mode: Sky
- Background Color: Default
- Projection: Depends on viewer needs
- Remove the Audio Listener
- Add a Post Process Layer component to the Camera object
- Add an Aspect Ratio component to the Camera (UI) object
- Add another camera under the prefab (UI)
- Layer: UI
- Clear Mode: None
- Culling Mask: UI
- Projection: Orthographic
- Remove the AudioListener
- Add an Aspect Ratio component to the Camera (UI) object
- Add an empty GameObject under the prefab and add a Post Process Volume to it
- Attach the Cameras and the Post Process Volume to the Viewer component
- Create the Post Process Layer (one per-viewer, Viewer{N}_PostProcess)
- Add a camera under the prefab
- Create a new GameState subclass and attach it to a new empty Prefab
- This state should probably get the ViewerManager and InputManager state setup
- Attach the new GameState prefab to the GameStateManager prefab
- TODO: More GameStates
- TODO: Pause / Pause Menu
- TODO: Create the PlayerManager script/prefab
- This must be a prefab due to the abstract base class
- TODO: Create the Player script/prefab
- TODO: How to controls
- TODO: Creating Data
- TODO: Credits
- Mark all static objects as Static in their prefab editor