diff --git a/oa.py b/oa.py
index 9a3d48e..c1723c5 100644
--- a/oa.py
+++ b/oa.py
@@ -1,24 +1,70 @@
import urllib
import urllib2
-for i in range(13000,13800):
- # Sending a get request to the URL
- html=urllib2.urlopen('http://oa.cc.iitk.ac.in:8181/Oa/Jsp/OAServices/IITk_SrchRes.jsp?typ=stud&numtxt=%d&sbm=Y' %i)
- # Reading the response
- html=html.read()
- # Finding the name for a roll number
- beg=html.find('Name: ')+len("Name: ")
- # If no result found
- if(beg==len("Name: ")-1):
- print "Something went wrong for roll No %d " %i
- continue
- end=html.find('
- print "Roll No :" + str(i)
- print "Name : "+html[beg:end].strip()
- # Find the hostel info for the current roll number
- beg=html.find('Hostel Info: ')+len("Hostel Info: ")
- if(beg==len("Hostel Info: ")-1):
- print "Roll No %d invalid" %i
- continue
- end=html.find('
- print "Address : "+html[beg:end].strip()+"\n\n"
+import sys
+import re
+if(len(sys.argv) != 3):
+ print ("Please run this as: python oa.py ")
+ print ("Use python2")
+ exit()
+ initial = int(sys.argv[1])
+ final = int(sys.argv[2])+1
+ assert initial < final
+ print ("Enter valid roll numbers")
+for i in range(initial,final):
+ # Sending a get request to the URL
+ html=urllib2.urlopen('http://oa.cc.iitk.ac.in/Oa/Jsp/OAServices/IITk_SrchRes.jsp?typ=stud&numtxt=%d&sbm=Y' %i)
+ # Reading the response
+ html=html.read()
+ # Finding the name for a roll number
+ beg=html.find('Name: ')+len("Name: ")
+ # If no result found
+ if(beg==len("Name: ")-1):
+ print ("Something went wrong for roll No %d " %i)
+ print ("\n\n")
+ continue
+ end=html.find('',beg)
+ print ("Roll No :" + str(i))
+ print ("Name : "+html[beg:end].strip())
+ beg=html.find('Program: ')+len("Program: ")
+ if(beg==len("Program: ")-1):
+ print ("Roll No %d invalid" %i)
+ print ("\n\n")
+ continue
+ end=html.find('',beg)
+ print ("Program: "+html[beg:end].strip())
+ beg=html.find('Department: ')+len("Department: ")
+ if(beg==len("Department: ")-1):
+ print ("Roll No %d invalid" %i)
+ print ("\n\n")
+ continue
+ end=html.find('',beg)
+ print ("Dept: "+html[beg:end].strip())
+ # Find the hostel info for the current roll number
+ beg=html.find('Hostel Info: ')+len("Hostel Info: ")
+ if(beg==len("Hostel Info: ")-1):
+ print ("Roll No %d invalid" %i)
+ print ("\n\n")
+ continue
+ end=html.find('
+ print ("Address : "+html[beg:end].strip())
+ beg=html.find(' E-Mail: ')+len(" E-Mail: ")
+ if(beg==len(" E-Mail: ")-1):
+ print ("Roll No %d invalid" %i)
+ print ("\n\n")
+ continue
+ end=html.find('',beg)
+ email = re.search('>(.*)', html[beg:end].strip()).group(1)
+ print ("Email: " + email)
+ print ("")