diff --git a/Jenkinsfile b/Jenkinsfile
index ceaaf30c73..53e2fd333b 100644
--- a/Jenkinsfile
+++ b/Jenkinsfile
@@ -4,18 +4,16 @@ pipeline {
tools {
- nodejs 'Node14'
+ nodejs 'Node18'
- // STAGE_TAG will be {branch_name}_{timestamp}
environment {
BRANCH_NAME = sh(returnStdout: true, script: 'echo $GIT_BRANCH | sed "s#origin/##g"').trim()
GIT_COMMIT_MESSAGE = sh(returnStdout: true, script: 'git log -1 --pretty=%B').trim()
- // sed commands in order:
- // remove origin/ from the branch name
- // replace any hyphens (-) with underscores (_)
- // shorten to 18 characters to allow space for the timestamp at the end
- STAGE_TAG = sh(returnStdout: true, script: 'echo $(echo $GIT_BRANCH | sed "s#origin/##g" | sed "s/-/_/g" | sed -e "s/(.{18}).*/$1/g")_$(date +%s)').trim()
+ // Assumes commit messages follow this format: chore(release): 1.49.1 [skip ci]
+ VERSION = sh(returnStdout: true, script: "echo $GIT_COMMIT_MESSAGE | cut -d ':' -f2 | cut -d '[' -f1").trim()
stages {
@@ -26,39 +24,65 @@ pipeline {
node -v
npm -v
- npm i --reg https://npm.paypal.com -g @paypalcorp/web
+ npm i --reg $REGISTRY -g @paypalcorp/web
- // For non-release, auto-generate a stage build
- stage('Stage Tag') {
- when {
- not {
- branch 'release'
+ // For release, deploy existing build assets
+ stage('Bundle Stage') {
+ steps {
+ script {
+ if (GIT_COMMIT_MESSAGE.contains('chore(release)')) {
+ // Stage tags can only contain alphnumeric characters and underscores
+ VERSION=VERSION.replace('.', '_')
+ env.stageBundleId='up_stage_v' + VERSION + '_' + GIT_COMMIT_HASH
+ withCredentials([usernamePassword(credentialsId: 'web-cli-creds', passwordVariable: 'SVC_ACC_PASSWORD', usernameVariable: 'SVC_ACC_USERNAME')]) {
+ sh '''
+ rm -rf ./dist/bizcomponents/sandbox
+ rm -rf ./dist/bizcomponents/js
+ output=$(web stage --tag $stageBundleId)
+ web notify "$stageBundleId"
+ git checkout -- dist
+ '''
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ stage('Bundle Sandbox') {
steps {
- withCredentials([usernamePassword(credentialsId: 'web-cli-creds', passwordVariable: 'SVC_ACC_PASSWORD', usernameVariable: 'SVC_ACC_USERNAME')]) {
- sh '''
- npm i --reg https://npm.paypal.com
- npm run build -- -t $STAGE_TAG -s $TEST_ENV
- '''
+ script {
+ if (GIT_COMMIT_MESSAGE.contains('chore(release)')) {
+ env.sandboxBundleId='up_sb_v' + VERSION + '_' + GIT_COMMIT_HASH
+ withCredentials([usernamePassword(credentialsId: 'web-cli-creds', passwordVariable: 'SVC_ACC_PASSWORD', usernameVariable: 'SVC_ACC_USERNAME')]) {
+ sh '''
+ rm -rf ./dist/bizcomponents/stage
+ rm -rf ./dist/bizcomponents/js
+ output=$(web stage --tag $sandboxBundleId)
+ web notify "$sandboxBundleId"
+ git checkout -- dist
+ '''
+ }
+ }
- // For release, stage existing build assets and send notification
- stage('Deploy') {
- when {
- branch 'release'
- }
+ stage('Build Production') {
steps {
- withCredentials([usernamePassword(credentialsId: 'web-cli-creds', passwordVariable: 'SVC_ACC_PASSWORD', usernameVariable: 'SVC_ACC_USERNAME')]) {
- sh '''
- OUTPUT=$(web stage --json --tag $STAGE_TAG)
- web notify $STAGE_TAG
- '''
+ script {
+ if (GIT_COMMIT_MESSAGE.contains('chore(release)')) {
+ env.productionBundleId='up_prod_v' + VERSION + '_' + GIT_COMMIT_HASH
+ withCredentials([usernamePassword(credentialsId: 'web-cli-creds', passwordVariable: 'SVC_ACC_PASSWORD', usernameVariable: 'SVC_ACC_USERNAME')]) {
+ sh '''
+ rm -rf ./dist/bizcomponents/stage
+ rm -rf ./dist/bizcomponents/sandbox
+ output=$(web stage --tag $productionBundleId)
+ web notify "$productionBundleId"
+ git checkout -- dist
+ '''
+ }
+ }
@@ -72,15 +96,17 @@ pipeline {
// Single quotes on this so the variable makes it to the email plugin instead of Jenkins trying to replace
subject: "paypal-messaging-components - ${BRANCH_NAME} - Build #${env.BUILD_NUMBER} - SUCCESS!",
- // The ${FILE} similarly needs to be sent to the plugin to be replaced, so the $ is escaped
body: """
Build Succeeded!
- Build URL: ${env.BUILD_URL}
- Stage Tag: ${STAGE_TAG}
- CDN Bundle: https://UIDeploy--StaticContent--${STAGE_TAG}--ghe.preview.dev.paypalinc.com/upstream/bizcomponents/stage?cdn:list
- Test Page: ${TEST_URL}${STAGE_TAG}
+ Build URL: ${BUILD_URL}
+ Version ${env.VERSION} assets have been bundled and are ready for review.
+ Please approve and deploy:
+ 1. Stage: ${BUNDLE_URL}${stageBundleId}
+ 2. Sandbox: ${BUNDLE_URL}${sandboxBundleId}
+ 3. Production: ${BUNDLE_URL}${productionBundleId}
Your friendly neighborhood digital butler
diff --git a/content/modals/AU/gpl.json b/content/modals/AU/gpl.json
deleted file mode 100644
index 6d17d9e89c..0000000000
--- a/content/modals/AU/gpl.json
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,45 +0,0 @@
- "meta": {
- "offerCountry": "AU",
- "product": "GPL",
- "periodicPayment": "{formattedPeriodicPayment}",
- "minAmount": "{minAmount}",
- "maxAmount": "{maxAmount}",
- "qualifying": "{qualifying_offer}",
- "amount": "{transaction_amount}",
- "variables": {
- "transaction_amount": "${eval(transaction_amount ? transaction_amount : '-')}",
- "qualifying_offer": "${eval(CREDIT_OFFERS_DS.qualifying_offer ? CREDIT_OFFERS_DS.qualifying_offer : 'false')}",
- "financing_code": "${CREDIT_OFFERS_DS.financing_code}",
- "formattedPeriodicPayment": "${CREDIT_OFFERS_DS.formattedPeriodicPayment}",
- "total_payments": "${CREDIT_OFFERS_DS.total_payments}",
- "formattedMinAmount": "${CREDIT_OFFERS_DS.formattedMinAmount}",
- "formattedMaxAmount": "${CREDIT_OFFERS_DS.formattedMaxAmount}",
- "formattedTotalCost": "${CREDIT_OFFERS_DS.formattedTotalCost}",
- "formattedTransactionAmount": "${CREDIT_OFFERS_DS.formattedTransactionAmount}",
- "minAmount": "${CREDIT_OFFERS_DS.minAmount}",
- "maxAmount": "${CREDIT_OFFERS_DS.maxAmount}",
- "apr": "${CREDIT_OFFERS_DS.apr}",
- "nominal_rate": "${CREDIT_OFFERS_DS.nominal_rate}"
- }
- },
- "content": {
- "headline": {
- "singleProduct": "Pay in 4"
- },
- "subHeadline": {
- "unqualified": "Split your purchase into 4 interest-free payments. First one due at checkout, then pay every 2 weeks. Available for eligible purchases of {formattedMinAmount}-{formattedMaxAmount}.",
- "qualified": "Split your {formattedTransactionAmount} purchase into 4 interest-free payments of {formattedPeriodicPayment}. First one due at checkout, then pay every 2 weeks."
- },
- "instructions": {
- "title": ["Check out with", "PayPal", "and choose", "Pay in 4"]
- },
- "terms": [
- "PayPal Pay in 4 is available for eligible purchases of {formattedMinAmount}-{formattedMaxAmount}.",
- "Offer availability may depend on the merchant.",
- "When you apply, we may run a credit check to determine your eligibility.",
- "We don’t charge late fees, but late or missed payments could affect your PayPal account and credit score.",
- "You must live in Australia, have an Australian PayPal account, and be of legal age in Australia to use Pay in 4."
- ]
- }
diff --git a/content/modals/DE/gpl.json b/content/modals/DE/gpl.json
deleted file mode 100644
index 2aceed143b..0000000000
--- a/content/modals/DE/gpl.json
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,54 +0,0 @@
- "meta": {
- "product": "GPL",
- "periodicPayment": "{formattedPeriodicPayment}",
- "minAmount": "{minAmount}",
- "maxAmount": "{maxAmount}",
- "qualifying": "{qualifying_offer}",
- "amount": "{transaction_amount}",
- "apr": "{apr}",
- "variables": {
- "transaction_amount": "${eval(transaction_amount ? transaction_amount : '-')}",
- "qualifying_offer": "${eval(CREDIT_OFFERS_DS.qualifying_offer ? CREDIT_OFFERS_DS.qualifying_offer : 'false')}",
- "financing_code": "${CREDIT_OFFERS_DS.financing_code}",
- "formattedPeriodicPayment": "${CREDIT_OFFERS_DS.formattedPeriodicPayment}",
- "total_payments": "${CREDIT_OFFERS_DS.total_payments}",
- "formattedMinAmount": "${CREDIT_OFFERS_DS.formattedMinAmount}",
- "formattedMaxAmount": "${CREDIT_OFFERS_DS.formattedMaxAmount}",
- "formattedTotalCost": "${CREDIT_OFFERS_DS.formattedTotalCost}",
- "minAmount": "${CREDIT_OFFERS_DS.minAmount}",
- "maxAmount": "${CREDIT_OFFERS_DS.maxAmount}",
- "apr": "${CREDIT_OFFERS_DS.apr}",
- "nominal_rate": "${CREDIT_OFFERS_DS.nominal_rate}"
- }
- },
- "content": {
- "productButton": {
- "title": "PayPal Ratenzahlung",
- "subtitle": "Zahlen Sie Ihren Einkauf in monatlichen Raten.",
- "icon": "ratenzahlung-calendar"
- },
- "headline": "Später bezahlen in 3, 6, 12 oder 24 monatlichen Raten",
- "calculator": {
- "title": "Was kostet Ihr Einkauf?",
- "inputLabel": "Warenwert",
- "genericError": "Etwas ist schief gelaufen. Bitte versuchen Sie es später noch einmal.",
- "amountRange": "Verfügbar ab {formattedMinAmount} - {formattedMaxAmount}"
- },
- "terms": {
- "disclaimer": "Dies ist eine Beispielrechnung und kann vom tatsächlichen endgültigen Betrag abweichen."
- },
- "instructions": ["Wählen Sie", "PayPal", "als Bezahlmethode aus und zahlen Sie mit der PayPal Ratenzahlung."],
- "switchingText": ["Für andere Später Bezahlen Optionen ", "wählen Sie Bezahlung nach 30 Tagen."],
- "disclosure": {
- "nonZeroAPR": "Vorbehaltlich Kreditwürdigkeitsprüfung. Laufzeiten von 3, 6, 12 oder 24 Monaten. Ab 99 € und bis zu 5.000 € Bestellwert mit einem effektiven Jahreszins von 9,99% p.a. und einem festen Sollzinssatz von 9,48% p.a. bei 3 Monaten, von 9,48% p.a. bei 6 Monaten, von 9,50% p.a. bei 12 Monaten und von 9,51% p.a. bei 24 Monaten Laufzeit. Repräsentatives Beispiel gem. § 17 (4) PAngV: Nettodarlehensbetrag 1.000 €, Gesamtbetrag 1.101,98 €, 12 monatliche Raten à 87,67 €, fester Sollzinssatz 9.50% p.a., eff. Jahreszins 9.99% p.a. Der Kreditgeber ist PayPal (Europe) S.à r.l. et Cie, S.C.A., 22-24 Boulevard Royal, L-2449 Luxembourg",
- "zeroAPR": "Vorbehaltlich Kreditwürdigkeitsprüfung und nur für Transaktionen in Euro. Ab einem Bestellwert von {formattedMinAmount} bis {formattedMaxAmount} mit einem eff. Jahreszins von {apr}% p.a. und einem festen Sollzinssatz von {nominal_rate}% p.a. für Darlehensverträge, die im Angebotszeitraum abgeschlossen werden. Laufzeit 3, 6, 12 oder 24 Monate. Der Kreditgeber ist PayPal (Europe) S.à r.l. et Cie, S.C.A., 22-24 Boulevard Royal, L-2449 Luxembourg. Als Verbraucher steht Ihnen gemäß § 514 BGB bei unentgeltlichen Darlehensverträgen ab einem Finanzierungsbetrag von 200 € ein Widerrufsrecht zu. Anspruchsberechtigte Kunden müssen PayPal ein SEPA Lastschriftmandat erteilen sowie über ein deutsches PayPal Privat-Konto mit bestätigtem Bankkonto als Zahlungsquelle verfügen."
- }
- }
diff --git a/content/modals/DE/pi30.json b/content/modals/DE/pi30.json
deleted file mode 100644
index 6529879c19..0000000000
--- a/content/modals/DE/pi30.json
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,46 +0,0 @@
- "meta": {
- "product": "PI30",
- "periodicPayment": "{formattedPeriodicPayment}",
- "minAmount": "{minAmount}",
- "maxAmount": "{maxAmount}",
- "qualifying": "{qualifying_offer}",
- "amount": "{transaction_amount}",
- "apr": "{apr}",
- "variables": {
- "transaction_amount": "${eval(transaction_amount ? transaction_amount : '-')}",
- "qualifying_offer": "${eval(CREDIT_OFFERS_DS.qualifying_offer ? CREDIT_OFFERS_DS.qualifying_offer : 'false')}",
- "financing_code": "${CREDIT_OFFERS_DS.financing_code}",
- "formattedPeriodicPayment": "${CREDIT_OFFERS_DS.formattedPeriodicPayment}",
- "total_payments": "${CREDIT_OFFERS_DS.total_payments}",
- "formattedMinAmount": "${CREDIT_OFFERS_DS.formattedMinAmount}",
- "formattedMaxAmount": "${CREDIT_OFFERS_DS.formattedMaxAmount}",
- "formattedTotalCost": "${CREDIT_OFFERS_DS.formattedTotalCost}",
- "minAmount": "${CREDIT_OFFERS_DS.minAmount}",
- "maxAmount": "${CREDIT_OFFERS_DS.maxAmount}",
- "apr": "${CREDIT_OFFERS_DS.apr}",
- "nominal_rate": "${CREDIT_OFFERS_DS.nominal_rate}"
- }
- },
- "content": {
- "productButton": {
- "title": "Bezahlen Sie nach 30 Tagen",
- "subtitle": "Erhalten Sie mehr Zeit, um Ihren Einkauf zu bezahlen.",
- "icon": "pi30-hourglass"
- },
- "headline": "Kaufen Sie jetzt was Sie möchten, bezahlen Sie erst in 30 Tagen",
- "subHeadline": "Erhältlich für Einkäufe i.H.v. {formattedMinAmount} - {formattedMaxAmount}.",
- "stepsList": [
- "Wählen Sie PayPal als Bezahlmethode aus und nutzen Sie die Option, 30 Tage später zu bezahlen.",
- "Schließen Sie Ihren Einkauf in wenigen Schritten ab.",
- "Wir buchen die Zahlung automatisch nach 30 Tagen von Ihrem Bankkonto ab."
- ],
- "switchingText": ["Um Ihren Einkauf in monatlichen Raten zu zahlen, ", "wählen Sie die PayPal Ratenzahlung."],
- "legalTerms": "Erhältlich für Einkäufe i.Hv. {formattedMinAmount} - {formattedMaxAmount}. Vorbehaltlich Kreditwürdigkeitsprüfung. Anspruchsberechtigte Kunden müssen PayPal ein SEPA-Lastschriftmandat erteilen sowie über ein deutsches PayPal-Privatkonto mit einem Bankkonto als Zahlungsquelle verfügen."
- }
diff --git a/content/modals/ES/short_term_en.json b/content/modals/ES/short_term_en.json
index 30a08b376b..73f2a4cd7c 100644
--- a/content/modals/ES/short_term_en.json
+++ b/content/modals/ES/short_term_en.json
@@ -35,7 +35,7 @@
"instructions": [
- "Choose PayPal at checkout to pay later with Pay in 3. ",
+ "Choose PayPal at checkout to pay later with Pay in 3 installments. ",
"Complete your purchase with your first payment today. ",
"Any remaining payments are made automatically. It's easy!"
diff --git a/content/modals/FR/gpl.json b/content/modals/FR/gpl.json
deleted file mode 100644
index af2ee43249..0000000000
--- a/content/modals/FR/gpl.json
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,48 +0,0 @@
- "meta": {
- "product": "GPL",
- "periodicPayment": "{formattedPeriodicPayment}",
- "minAmount": "{minAmount}",
- "maxAmount": "{maxAmount}",
- "qualifying": "{qualifying_offer}",
- "amount": "{transaction_amount}",
- "variables": {
- "transaction_amount": "${eval(transaction_amount ? transaction_amount : '-')}",
- "qualifying_offer": "${eval(CREDIT_OFFERS_DS.qualifying_offer ? CREDIT_OFFERS_DS.qualifying_offer : 'false')}",
- "financing_code": "${CREDIT_OFFERS_DS.financing_code}",
- "formattedPeriodicPayment": "${CREDIT_OFFERS_DS.formattedPeriodicPayment}",
- "total_payments": "${CREDIT_OFFERS_DS.total_payments}",
- "formattedMinAmount": "${CREDIT_OFFERS_DS.formattedMinAmount}",
- "formattedMaxAmount": "${CREDIT_OFFERS_DS.formattedMaxAmount}",
- "formattedTotalCost": "${CREDIT_OFFERS_DS.formattedTotalCost}",
- "formattedTransactionAmount": "${CREDIT_OFFERS_DS.formattedTransactionAmount}",
- "minAmount": "${CREDIT_OFFERS_DS.minAmount}",
- "maxAmount": "${CREDIT_OFFERS_DS.maxAmount}",
- "apr": "${CREDIT_OFFERS_DS.apr}",
- "nominal_rate": "${CREDIT_OFFERS_DS.nominal_rate}"
- }
- },
- "content": {
- "headline": {
- "singleProduct": "Payez en 4X"
- },
- "subHeadline": {
- "unqualified": "4 échéances sans frais, pour les achats de {formattedMinAmount} à {formattedMaxAmount}. ",
- "qualified": "{formattedTransactionAmount} divisé en 4 échéances sans frais de {formattedPeriodicPayment}. "
- },
- "instructions": {
- "title": ["Payez avec", "PayPal", "et choisissez le", "Paiement en 4X."],
- "items": [
- "Uniquement pour les particuliers résidant en France",
- "Compte PayPal français obligatoire",
- "Le Paiement en 4X est disponible sous réserve d'acceptation, pour les achats de {formattedMinAmount} à {formattedMaxAmount}"
- ]
- },
- "terms": [
- "Un crédit est un engagement contraignant et doit être remboursé, vérifiez votre capacité de remboursement.",
- ["Voir les", "Conditions générales", "du Paiement en 4X."],
- "Crédit proposé par PayPal (Europe) S.à r.l. et Cie, S.C.A., 22-24 Boulevard Royal, L-2449, Luxembourg, R.C.S. Luxembourg B 118 349, qui est dûment licencié en tant qu'établissement de crédit du Luxembourg et est sous le contrôle prudentiel de l'autorité de surveillance du Luxembourg, la Commission de Surveillance du Secteur Financier. Cette information est fournie par PayPal."
- ]
- }
diff --git a/content/modals/GB/gpl.json b/content/modals/GB/gpl.json
deleted file mode 100644
index 5bc0e75cc3..0000000000
--- a/content/modals/GB/gpl.json
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,48 +0,0 @@
- "meta": {
- "offerCountry": "GB",
- "product": "GPL",
- "periodicPayment": "{formattedPeriodicPayment}",
- "minAmount": "{minAmount}",
- "maxAmount": "{maxAmount}",
- "qualifying": "{qualifying_offer}",
- "amount": "{transaction_amount}",
- "variables": {
- "transaction_amount": "${eval(transaction_amount ? transaction_amount : '-')}",
- "qualifying_offer": "${eval(CREDIT_OFFERS_DS.qualifying_offer ? CREDIT_OFFERS_DS.qualifying_offer : 'false')}",
- "financing_code": "${CREDIT_OFFERS_DS.financing_code}",
- "formattedPeriodicPayment": "${CREDIT_OFFERS_DS.formattedPeriodicPayment}",
- "total_payments": "${CREDIT_OFFERS_DS.total_payments}",
- "formattedMinAmount": "${CREDIT_OFFERS_DS.formattedMinAmount}",
- "formattedMaxAmount": "${CREDIT_OFFERS_DS.formattedMaxAmount}",
- "formattedTotalCost": "${CREDIT_OFFERS_DS.formattedTotalCost}",
- "minAmount": "${CREDIT_OFFERS_DS.minAmount}",
- "maxAmount": "${CREDIT_OFFERS_DS.maxAmount}",
- "apr": "${CREDIT_OFFERS_DS.apr}",
- "nominal_rate": "${CREDIT_OFFERS_DS.nominal_rate}"
- }
- },
- "content": {
- "headline": {
- "singleProduct": "Pay in 3"
- },
- "subHeadline": {
- "pay": {
- "start": "Make one payment",
- "amount": "of {formattedPeriodicPayment}",
- "end": "today, then pay the rest in two interest-free monthly payments."
- },
- "available": "Available on purchases from {formattedMinAmount} to {formattedMaxAmount}.",
- "apply": "Apply easily and get an instant decision."
- },
- "terms": [
- "Subject to status. Terms and Conditions apply. UK residents only.",
- "PayPal is a responsible lender. Pay in 3 performance may influence your credit score.",
- "PayPal Pay in 3 is a trading name of PayPal (Europe) S.à.r.l. et Cie, S.C.A.,",
- "22-24 Boulevard Royal, L-2449, Luxembourg."
- ],
- "instructions": {
- "title": ["Check out securely with", "PayPal", "and choose", "Pay in 3"]
- }
- }
diff --git a/content/modals/IT/short_term_en.json b/content/modals/IT/short_term_en.json
index 7ecf1dc57f..276bc5dc17 100644
--- a/content/modals/IT/short_term_en.json
+++ b/content/modals/IT/short_term_en.json
@@ -39,13 +39,13 @@
"instructions": [
- "Choose PayPal at checkout to pay later with Pay in 3. ",
+ "Choose PayPal at checkout to pay later with Pay in 3 installments. ",
"Complete your purchase by making your first payment today. ",
"The remaining payments will be taken automatically. It's easy! "
"disclosure": [
- "Only available on eligible purchases from {formattedMinAmount} to {formattedMaxAmount}. You must be a resident of Italy and have a PayPal account. 0% APR. Eligibility for Pay in 3 is subject to approval. See the "
+ "Only available on eligible purchases from {formattedMinAmount} to {formattedMaxAmount}. You must be a resident of Italy and have a PayPal account. 0% APR. Eligibility for Pay in 3 installments is subject to approval. See the "
["information sheet", "https://www.paypal.com/it/webapps/mpp/ua/pay-in-3-infosheet-full?locale.x=it_IT"],
[" and "],
diff --git a/content/modals/US/PL2GO/pl2go_long_term.json b/content/modals/US/PL2GO/pl2go_long_term.json
index 6ad6d67d55..ce154fde84 100644
--- a/content/modals/US/PL2GO/pl2go_long_term.json
+++ b/content/modals/US/PL2GO/pl2go_long_term.json
@@ -33,7 +33,7 @@
"Pay back what you spend in monthly installments. $0 due today."
"disclosure": [
- "Pay Monthly is subject to consumer credit approval. Payments may change based on shipping, taxes, updates to your purchase, or missed payments. Offer availability depends on the merchant and may not be available for subscriptions or recurring payments. Pay Monthly is currently not available to residents of AK, CO, HI, MA, NE, NV, NY, or TX. You must be of legal age in your U.S. state of residence. Missed payments may have an impact on your credit score. The lender for Pay Monthly is WebBank. PayPal, Inc. (NMLS #910457): CT Small Loan Licensee. RI Loan Broker Licensee. VT Loan Solicitation Licensee. VT residents:",
+ "Pay Monthly is subject to consumer credit approval. Payments may change based on shipping, taxes, updates to your purchase, or missed payments. Offer availability depends on the merchant and may not be available for subscriptions or recurring payments. Pay Monthly is currently not available to residents of Alaska, Colorado, Hawaii, Massachusetts, Nevada, New York, or Texas. You must be of legal age in your U.S. state of residence. Missed payments may have an impact on your credit score. The lender for Pay Monthly is WebBank. PayPal, Inc. (NMLS #910457): Connecticut Small Loan Licensee. Rhode Island Loan Broker Licensee. Vermont Loan Solicitation Licensee. Vermont residents:",
["Find more disclosures ", "https://www.paypal.com/us/digital-wallet/ways-to-pay/buy-now-pay-later"],
"by going to PayPal's page on Pay Later."
diff --git a/content/modals/US/PL2GO/pl2go_short_term.json b/content/modals/US/PL2GO/pl2go_short_term.json
index 26e75b30b1..f911b8f764 100644
--- a/content/modals/US/PL2GO/pl2go_short_term.json
+++ b/content/modals/US/PL2GO/pl2go_short_term.json
@@ -33,7 +33,7 @@
"Pay back what you spend in 4 payments, every 2 weeks, starting today."
"disclosure": [
- "Pay in 4 is available to consumers upon approval for purchases of {formattedMinAmount} to {formattedMaxAmount}. Pay in 4 is not currently available to residents of Missouri, Nevada, New Mexico, or North Dakota. Offer availability depends on the merchant and also may not be available for certain recurring, subscription services. When applying, a soft credit check may be needed, but will not affect your credit score. You must be of legal age in your U.S. state of residence to use Pay in 4. Loans to California residents are made or arranged pursuant to a California Financing Law License. PayPal, Inc. is a Georgia Installment Lender Licensee, NMLS #910457. Rhode Island Small Loan Lender Licensee."
+ "Pay in 4 is available to consumers upon approval for purchases of {formattedMinAmount} to {formattedMaxAmount}. Pay in 4 is not currently available to residents of Missouri, Nevada, or New Mexico. Offer availability depends on the merchant and also may not be available for certain recurring, subscription services. When applying, a soft credit check may be needed, but will not affect your credit score. You must be of legal age in your U.S. state of residence to use Pay in 4. Loans to California residents are made or arranged pursuant to a California Financing Law License. PayPal, Inc. is a Georgia Installment Lender Licensee, NMLS #910457. Rhode Island Small Loan Lender Licensee."
diff --git a/content/modals/US/PLHub/plhub_long_term.json b/content/modals/US/PLHub/plhub_long_term.json
index 4cb077cc03..8dd5632aa4 100644
--- a/content/modals/US/PLHub/plhub_long_term.json
+++ b/content/modals/US/PLHub/plhub_long_term.json
@@ -33,7 +33,7 @@
"Use autopay for your payments. It's easy!"
"disclosure": [
- "Pay Monthly is subject to consumer credit approval. Payments may change based on shipping, taxes, updates to your purchase, or missed payments. Offer availability depends on the merchant and may not be available for subscriptions or recurring payments. Pay Monthly is currently not available to residents of AK, CO, HI, MA, NE, NV, NY, or TX. You must be of legal age in your U.S. state of residence. Missed payments may have an impact on your credit score. The lender for Pay Monthly is WebBank. PayPal, Inc. (NMLS #910457): CT Small Loan Licensee. RI Loan Broker Licensee. VT Loan Solicitation Licensee. VT residents:",
+ "Pay Monthly is subject to consumer credit approval. Payments may change based on shipping, taxes, updates to your purchase, or missed payments. Offer availability depends on the merchant and may not be available for subscriptions or recurring payments. Pay Monthly is currently not available to residents of Alaska, Colorado, Hawaii, Massachusetts, Nevada, New York, or Texas. You must be of legal age in your U.S. state of residence. Missed payments may have an impact on your credit score. The lender for Pay Monthly is WebBank. PayPal, Inc. (NMLS #910457): Connecticut Small Loan Licensee. Rhode Island Loan Broker Licensee. Vermont Loan Solicitation Licensee. Vermont residents:",
["Find more disclosures ", "https://www.paypal.com/us/digital-wallet/ways-to-pay/buy-now-pay-later"],
"by going to PayPal's page on Pay Later."
diff --git a/content/modals/US/PLHub/plhub_short_term.json b/content/modals/US/PLHub/plhub_short_term.json
index a87998fba8..734f131508 100644
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"Use autopay for the rest of your payments. It's easy!"
"disclosure": [
- "Pay in 4 is available to consumers upon approval for purchases of {formattedMinAmount} to {formattedMaxAmount}. Pay in 4 is not currently available to residents of Missouri, Nevada, New Mexico, or North Dakota. Offer availability depends on the merchant and also may not be available for certain recurring, subscription services. When applying, a soft credit check may be needed, but will not affect your credit score. You must be of legal age in your U.S. state of residence to use Pay in 4. Loans to California residents are made or arranged pursuant to a California Financing Law License. PayPal, Inc. is a Georgia Installment Lender Licensee, NMLS #910457. Rhode Island Small Loan Lender Licensee."
+ "Pay in 4 is available to consumers upon approval for purchases of {formattedMinAmount} to {formattedMaxAmount}. Pay in 4 is not currently available to residents of Missouri, Nevada, or New Mexico. Offer availability depends on the merchant and also may not be available for certain recurring, subscription services. When applying, a soft credit check may be needed, but will not affect your credit score. You must be of legal age in your U.S. state of residence to use Pay in 4. Loans to California residents are made or arranged pursuant to a California Financing Law License. PayPal, Inc. is a Georgia Installment Lender Licensee, NMLS #910457. Rhode Island Small Loan Lender Licensee."
"linkToProductList": "See other ways to pay later"
diff --git a/content/modals/US/ppc_ni.json b/content/modals/US/ppc_ni.json
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- "minAmount": "{minAmount}",
- "maxAmount": "{maxAmount}",
- "qualifying": "{qualifying_offer}",
- "amount": "{transaction_amount}",
- "variables": {
- "transaction_amount": "${eval(transaction_amount ? transaction_amount : '-')}",
- "qualifying_offer": "${eval(CREDIT_OFFERS_DS.qualifying_offer ? CREDIT_OFFERS_DS.qualifying_offer : 'false')}",
- "financing_code": "${CREDIT_OFFERS_DS.financing_code}",
- "formattedPeriodicPayment": "${CREDIT_OFFERS_DS.formattedPeriodicPayment}",
- "total_payments": "${CREDIT_OFFERS_DS.total_payments}",
- "formattedMinAmount": "${CREDIT_OFFERS_DS.formattedMinAmount}",
- "formattedMaxAmount": "${CREDIT_OFFERS_DS.formattedMaxAmount}",
- "formattedTotalCost": "${CREDIT_OFFERS_DS.formattedTotalCost}",
- "minAmount": "${CREDIT_OFFERS_DS.minAmount}",
- "maxAmount": "${CREDIT_OFFERS_DS.maxAmount}"
- }
- },
- "content": {
- "headline": {
- "multiProduct": "6 months special financing",
- "singleProduct": "PayPal Credit"
- },
- "subHeadline": "Pay over time and get 6 months special financing on purchases of $99+ with no money due today.",
- "applyNow": {
- "headline": "Get a decision in seconds.",
- "subHeadline": "Subject to credit approval"
- },
- "terms": {
- "title": "No Interest if paid in full in 6 months on purchases of $99+",
- "items": [
- "Interest will be charged to your account from the purchase date if the balance is not paid in full within 6 months.",
- "A minimum monthly payment is required and may or may not pay off the promotional purchase by the end of the 6 month period.",
- "No interest will be charged on the purchase if you pay it off in full within 6 months. If you do not, interest will be charged on the purchase from the purchase date at the Purchase APR applicable to your account.",
- "For New Accounts: Variable Purchase APR is {aprEntry.apr}%. The APR is accurate as of {aprEntry.formattedDate} and will vary with the market based on the Prime Rate (as defined in your credit card agreement). Minimum interest charge is $2.00.",
- "Individual items that are less than $99 qualify for special financing when combined for a total of $99 or more in a single transaction.",
- "Multiple separate transactions of less than $99 per transaction cannot be combined to meet the minimum purchase amount."
- ]
- },
- "disclaimer": "PayPal Credit is subject to credit approval as determined by the lender, Synchrony Bank, and is available to US customers who are of legal age in their state of residence. You must pay with PayPal Credit to get the offers. Offers not valid on previous purchases, returns or exchanges. Minimum purchase required is before shipping and tax. For New Accounts: Variable Purchase APR is {aprEntry.apr}%. The APR is accurate as of {aprEntry.formattedDate} and will vary with the market based on the Prime Rate (as defined in your credit card agreement). Minimum interest charge is $2.00.",
- "copyright": "Copyright {fullYear} Bill Me Later, Inc. All rights reserved."
- }
diff --git a/content/modals/US/short_term.json b/content/modals/US/short_term.json
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- "amount": "{transaction_amount}",
- "variables": {
- "transaction_amount": "${eval(transaction_amount ? transaction_amount : '-')}",
- "qualifying_offer": "${eval(CREDIT_OFFERS_DS.qualifying_offer ? CREDIT_OFFERS_DS.qualifying_offer : 'false')}",
- "financing_code": "${CREDIT_OFFERS_DS.financing_code}",
- "formattedPeriodicPayment": "${CREDIT_OFFERS_DS.formattedPeriodicPayment}",
- "total_payments": "${CREDIT_OFFERS_DS.total_payments}",
- "formattedMinAmount": "${CREDIT_OFFERS_DS.formattedMinAmount}",
- "formattedMaxAmount": "${CREDIT_OFFERS_DS.formattedMaxAmount}",
- "formattedTotalCost": "${CREDIT_OFFERS_DS.formattedTotalCost}",
- "formattedTransactionAmount": "${CREDIT_OFFERS_DS.formattedTransactionAmount}",
- "minAmount": "${CREDIT_OFFERS_DS.minAmount}",
- "maxAmount": "${CREDIT_OFFERS_DS.maxAmount}",
- "apr": "${CREDIT_OFFERS_DS.apr}",
- "nominal_rate": "${CREDIT_OFFERS_DS.nominal_rate}",
- "estimated_installments | pick(path=total_payment::payment_date) | formatCurrency(locale=en-US, path=total_payment) | formatDate(type=DURATION_IN_WEEKS, offset=0, locale=en-US, path=payment_date) | escape(count=2)": "${CREDIT_OFFERS_DS.estimated_installments}"
- }
- },
- "content": {
- "headline": {
- "singleProduct": "Pay in 4",
- "multiProduct": "Simple, short-term installments"
- },
- "subHeadline": {
- "unqualified": "4 interest-free payments every 2 weeks, starting today, with no late fees and no impact to your credit score. Available on purchases from {formattedMinAmount}-{formattedMaxAmount}.",
- "qualified": "{formattedTransactionAmount} divided into 4 interest-free payments of {formattedPeriodicPayment} every 2 weeks, with no late fees and no impact to your credit score. Down payment due today."
- },
- "instructions": {
- "title": ["Check out securely with", "PayPal", "and choose", "Pay Later"],
- "purchaseAmount": "Pay in 4 is available to consumers upon approval for purchases of {formattedMinAmount}-{formattedMaxAmount}.",
- "items": [
- "Pay in 4 is not currently available to residents of Missouri, Nevada, New Mexico, North Dakota, Wisconsin, or any U.S. Territories. Offer availability depends on the merchant and also may not be available for certain recurring, subscription services.",
- "When applying, a soft credit check may be needed, but will not affect your credit score.",
- "You must be of legal age in your U.S. state of residence to use Pay in 4.",
- "Loans to California residents are made or arranged pursuant to a California Financing Law License.",
- "PayPal, Inc. is a Georgia Installment Lender Licensee, NMLS #910457.",
- "Rhode Island Small Loan Lender Licensee."
- ]
- }
- }
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"Use autopay for your payments. It's easy!"
"disclosure": [
- "Pay Monthly is subject to consumer credit approval. Payments may change based on shipping, taxes, updates to your purchase, or missed payments. Offer availability depends on the merchant and may not be available for subscriptions or recurring payments. Pay Monthly is currently not available to residents of AK, CO, HI, MA, NV, NY, or TX. You must be of legal age in your U.S. state of residence. Missed payments may have an impact on your credit score. The lender for Pay Monthly is WebBank. PayPal, Inc. (NMLS #910457): CT Small Loan Licensee. RI Loan Broker Licensee. VT Loan Solicitation Licensee. VT residents:",
+ "Pay Monthly is subject to consumer credit approval. Payments may change based on shipping, taxes, updates to your purchase, or missed payments. Offer availability depends on the merchant and may not be available for subscriptions or recurring payments. Pay Monthly is currently not available to residents of Alaska, Colorado, Hawaii, Massachusetts, Nevada, New York, or Texas. You must be of legal age in your U.S. state of residence. Missed payments may have an impact on your credit score. The lender for Pay Monthly is WebBank. PayPal, Inc. (NMLS #910457): Connecticut Small Loan Licensee. Rhode Island Loan Broker Licensee. Vermont Loan Solicitation Licensee. Vermont residents:",
["Find more disclosures ", "https://www.paypal.com/us/digital-wallet/ways-to-pay/buy-now-pay-later"],
"by going to PayPal's page on Pay Later."
diff --git a/content/modals/US/v2_long_term_xo.json b/content/modals/US/v2_long_term_xo.json
index af0001c7d0..fb49b87512 100644
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"link": "https://www.paypal.com/link/to/long-term-application"
"disclosure": [
- "Pay Monthly is subject to consumer credit approval. Payments may change based on shipping, taxes, updates to your purchase, or missed payments. Offer availability depends on the merchant and may not be available for subscriptions or recurring payments. Pay Monthly is currently not available to residents of AK, CO, HI, MA, NV, NY, or TX. You must be of legal age in your U.S. state of residence. Missed payments may have an impact on your credit score. The lender for Pay Monthly is WebBank. PayPal, Inc. (NMLS #910457): CT Small Loan Licensee. RI Loan Broker Licensee. VT Loan Solicitation Licensee. VT residents:",
+ "Pay Monthly is subject to consumer credit approval. Payments may change based on shipping, taxes, updates to your purchase, or missed payments. Offer availability depends on the merchant and may not be available for subscriptions or recurring payments. Pay Monthly is currently not available to residents of Alaska, Colorado, Hawaii, Massachusetts, Nevada, New York, or Texas. You must be of legal age in your U.S. state of residence. Missed payments may have an impact on your credit score. The lender for Pay Monthly is WebBank. PayPal, Inc. (NMLS #910457): Connecticut Small Loan Licensee. Rhode Island Loan Broker Licensee. Vermont Loan Solicitation Licensee. Vermont residents:",
["Find more disclosures ", "https://www.paypal.com/us/digital-wallet/ways-to-pay/buy-now-pay-later"],
"by going to PayPal's page on Pay Later."
diff --git a/content/modals/US/v2_short_term.json b/content/modals/US/v2_short_term.json
index a87998fba8..33c4cd6e77 100644
--- a/content/modals/US/v2_short_term.json
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@@ -33,7 +33,7 @@
"Use autopay for the rest of your payments. It's easy!"
"disclosure": [
- "Pay in 4 is available to consumers upon approval for purchases of {formattedMinAmount} to {formattedMaxAmount}. Pay in 4 is not currently available to residents of Missouri, Nevada, New Mexico, or North Dakota. Offer availability depends on the merchant and also may not be available for certain recurring, subscription services. When applying, a soft credit check may be needed, but will not affect your credit score. You must be of legal age in your U.S. state of residence to use Pay in 4. Loans to California residents are made or arranged pursuant to a California Financing Law License. PayPal, Inc. is a Georgia Installment Lender Licensee, NMLS #910457. Rhode Island Small Loan Lender Licensee."
+ "Pay in 4 is available to consumers upon approval for purchases of {formattedMinAmount} to {formattedMaxAmount}. Pay in 4 is currently not available to residents of Missouri, Nevada, or New Mexico. Offer availability depends on the merchant and also may not be available for certain recurring, subscription services. When applying, a soft credit check may be needed, but will not affect your credit score. You must be of legal age in your U.S. state of residence to use Pay in 4. PayPal, Inc.: Loans to California residents are made or arranged pursuant to California Financing Law License. Georgia Installment Lender Licensee, NMLS #910457. Rhode Island Small Loan Lender Licensee."
"linkToProductList": "See other ways to pay later"
diff --git a/demo/blank.html b/demo/blank.html
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