This package contains the CLI (command line interface) and reference client library for Blockstack Server. It talks to the Blockstack server and provides an interface for creating and managing names in decentralized namespaces and database tables on the blockchain.
Installing the command line interface and client library:
$ sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get install -y python-pip python-dev libssl-dev libffi-dev
$ sudo pip install blockstack --upgrade
$ brew install libffi openssl
$ sudo pip install blockstack --upgrade
We recommend installing the CLI inside of a virtual environment, in which case you can drop the "sudo" at the beginning like so:
$ pip install blockstack --upgrade
If the installation command above fails, see the troubleshooting section.
$ blockstack
usage: blockstack [-h]
Blockstack cli version
positional arguments:
balance Get the account balance
configure Interactively configure the client
deposit Display the address with which to receive bitcoins
import Display the address with which to receive names
info Get details about pending name commands
lookup Get the zone file and profile for a particular name
migrate Migrate a profile to the latest profile format
names Display the names owned by local addresses
ping Check server status and get server details
price Get the price of a name
register Register a name
renew Renew a name
revoke Revoke a name
set_advanced_mode Enable advanced commands
transfer Transfer a name to a new address
update Set the zone file for a name
whois Look up the blockchain info for a name
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
$ blockstack info
$ blockstack info
"advanced_mode": false,
"cli_version": "",
"consensus_hash": "106d4648661d49e16d103b071e26617e",
"last_block_processed": 420518,
"last_block_seen": 420596,
"server_alive": true,
"server_host": "",
"server_port": "6264",
"server_version": ""
$ blockstack configure
$ blockstack configure
Your client does not have enough information to connect
to a Blockstack server. Please supply the following
parameters, or press [ENTER] to select the default value.
blockchain_headers (default: '/home/jude/.blockstack/blockchain-headers.dat'):
blockchain_writer (default: 'blockcypher'):
api_endpoint_port (default: '6270'):
poll_interval (default: '300'):
metadata (default: '/home/jude/.blockstack/metadata'):
server (default: ''):
advanced_mode (default: 'False'):
blockchain_reader (default: 'blockcypher'):
email (default: ''):
rpc_token (default: '2dbf700c6c0d546be23ad7ae4e5e1bbb6cdaa10a3ae4deca8e598bf9ec58fc6a'):
storage_drivers_required_write (default: 'disk,blockstack_server'):
queue_path (default: '/home/jude/.blockstack/queues.db'):
storage_drivers (default: 'disk,blockstack_resolver,blockstack_server,http,dht'):
path (default: '/home/jude/.blockstack/client.ini'):
client_version (default: ''):
rpc_detach (default: 'True'):
port (default: '6264'):
dir (default: '/home/jude/.blockstack/client.ini'):
anonymous_statistics (default: 'True'):
Blockstack does not have enough information to connect
to bitcoind. Please supply the following parameters, or
press [ENTER] to select the default value.
mock (default: 'False'):
passwd (default: 'blockstacksystem'):
server (default: ''):
user (default: 'blockstack'):
timeout (default: '300.0'):
port (default: '8332'):
use_https (default: 'False'):
Blockchain reader configuration
Please enter your Blockcypher API token.
api_token (default: ''):
Blockchain writer configuration
Please enter your Blockcypher API token.
api_token (default: ''):
Saving configuration to /home/jude/.blockstack/client.ini
"path": "/home/jude/.blockstack/client.ini"
$ blockstack price <name>
$ blockstack price $(whoami).id
"name_price": 25000,
"preorder_tx_fee": 13255,
"register_tx_fee": 12309,
"total_estimated_cost": 71480,
"update_tx_fee": 20916
$ blockstack whois <name>
$ blockstack whois
"approx_expiration_date": "2016 Sep 11 09:02:31 UTC",
"block_preordered_at": 374084,
"block_renewed_at": 374084,
"expire_block": 426679,
"has_zonefile": true,
"last_transaction_id": "2986ec31ec957692d7f5bc58a3b02d2ac2d1a60039e9163365fc954ff51aeb5a",
"owner_address": "1F2nHEDLRJ39XxAvSxwQhJsaVzvS5RHDRM",
"owner_script": "76a91499e7f97f5d2c77b4f32b4ed9ae0f0385c45aa5c788ac",
"zonefile_hash": "1a587366368aaf8477d5ddcea2557dcbcc67073e"
$ blockstack whois $(whoami)_$(date +"%m_%d").id
Not found.
$ blockstack lookup <name>
$ blockstack lookup
"profile": {
"avatar": {
"url": ""
"bio": "I am a VC",
$ blockstack lookup $(whoami)_$(date +"%m_%d").id
Not found.
$ blockstack register <name>
$ blockstack register $(whoami)_$(date +"%m_%d").id
Registering will cost 0.0002225 BTC. Continue? (y/n): y
"message": "Added to registration queue. Takes several hours. You can check status at anytime.",
"success": true
$ blockstack register is already registered.
$ blockstack update <name> <data>
$ blockstack update '{"$origin": "", "$ttl": "3600", "uri": [{"name": "@", "priority": "10", "weight": "1", "target": "https://muneeb.ali/"}]}'
"message": "Added to update queue. Takes ~1 hour. You can check status at anytime.",
"success": true
$ blockstack update '{}'
Invalid $origin; must use your name
$ blockstack update '{"$origin": ""}'
Missing $ttl; please supply a positive integer
$ blockstack update '{"$origin": "", "$ttl": "3600"}'
Zonefile is missing or has invalid URI and/or TXT records
$ blockstack update '{"$origin": "", "$ttl": "3600", "uri": [{"name": "@", "priority": "10", "weight": "1", "target": ""}]}' is not in your possession.
$ blockstack transfer <name> <address>
$ blockstack transfer $(whoami)_$(date +"%m_%d").id 1Jbcrh9Lkwm73jXyxramFukViEtktwq8gt
"message": "Added to transfer queue. Takes ~1 hour. You can check status at anytime.",
"success": true
$ blockstack transfer 1Jbcrh9Lkwm73jXyxramFukViEtktwq8gt is not in your possession.
$ blockstack balance
$ blockstack balance
"addresses": [
"address": "16yE3e928JakaXbympwSywyrJPM9cuL4wZ",
"balance": 840500
"total_balance": 840500.0
$ blockstack names
$ blockstack names
"addresses": [
"address": "16CtpS8LhmW3bGtVC69UGZ3wSwvi95BE8E",
"names_owned": [
"names_owned": [
$ blockstack deposit
$ blockstack deposit
"address": "1EHgqHVpA1tjn6RhaVj8bx6y5NGvBwoMNS",
"message": "Send bitcoins to the address specified.",
$ blockstack import
$ blockstack import
"address": "1Jbcrh9Lkwm73jXyxramFukViEtktwq8gt"
"message": "Send the name you want to receive to the address specified.",
a) Error installing pycrypto
If you see the following error, while pycrpyto installs on OS X:
error: command 'cc' failed with exit status 1
Try installing it with the following:
$ ARCHFLAGS=-Wno-error=unused-command-line-argument-hard-error-in-future pip install pycrypto
b) Twisted error when running blockstack
If you see the following error, when you run '$ blockstack':
ImportError: Twisted requires zope.interface 3.6.0 or later.
Try upgrading zope.interface:
$ pip install zope.interface --upgrade
If this doesn't solve the issue and you're trying to install Blockstack inside a virtual environment, then Twisted is likely already installed outside of the virtual environment, so exit the virtual environment and uninstall Twisted:
$ deactivate
$ sudo pip uninstall twisted
Now, install blockstack in a new virtual environment.
If the issue you are experiencing is not listed here, please report it as a new issue.
The CLI by default talks to a remote server, but you can easily start your own server.
Open a new terminal window and run the following command:
$ blockstack-server start --foreground
You can now switch the cli to use the local server:
$ blockstack config --host=localhost
[More information on the Blockstack Server(
You can also import the blockstack client and write your own programs.
Here is some example code to get you started:
from blockstack_client import client
from blockstack_client.utils import print_result as pprint
client.session(server_host='', server_port=6264)
resp =