diff --git a/lib/papi-dts/papi.d.ts b/lib/papi-dts/papi.d.ts index 0934d8e789..dc69aebd6b 100644 --- a/lib/papi-dts/papi.d.ts +++ b/lib/papi-dts/papi.d.ts @@ -3042,6 +3042,10 @@ declare module 'shared/models/network-object-status.service-model' { /** * Get a promise that resolves when a network object is registered or rejects if a timeout is hit * + * @param objectDetailsToMatch Subset of object details on the network object to wait for. + * Compared to object details using {@link isSubset} + * @param timeoutInMS Max duration to wait for the network object. If not provided, it will wait + * indefinitely * @returns Promise that either resolves to the {@link NetworkObjectDetails} for a network object * once the network object is registered, or rejects if a timeout is provided and the timeout is * reached before the network object is registered diff --git a/lib/platform-bible-utils/dist/index.cjs b/lib/platform-bible-utils/dist/index.cjs index 0e748ed113..e2aa93b477 100644 --- a/lib/platform-bible-utils/dist/index.cjs +++ b/lib/platform-bible-utils/dist/index.cjs @@ -1,2 +1,2 @@ -"use strict";var Qe=Object.defineProperty;var Ye=(t,e,r)=>e in t?Qe(t,e,{enumerable:!0,configurable:!0,writable:!0,value:r}):t[e]=r;var d=(t,e,r)=>(Ye(t,typeof e!="symbol"?e+"":e,r),r);Object.defineProperty(exports,Symbol.toStringTag,{value:"Module"});const et=require("async-mutex");class tt{constructor(e,r=1e4){d(this,"variableName");d(this,"promiseToValue");d(this,"resolver");d(this,"rejecter");this.variableName=e,this.promiseToValue=new Promise((s,n)=>{this.resolver=s,this.rejecter=n}),r>0&&setTimeout(()=>{this.rejecter&&(this.rejecter(`Timeout reached when waiting for ${this.variableName} to settle`),this.complete())},r),Object.seal(this)}get promise(){return this.promiseToValue}get hasSettled(){return Object.isFrozen(this)}resolveToValue(e,r=!1){if(this.resolver)console.debug(`${this.variableName} is being resolved now`),this.resolver(e),this.complete();else{if(r)throw Error(`${this.variableName} was already settled`);console.debug(`Ignoring subsequent resolution of ${this.variableName}`)}}rejectWithReason(e,r=!1){if(this.rejecter)console.debug(`${this.variableName} is being rejected now`),this.rejecter(e),this.complete();else{if(r)throw Error(`${this.variableName} was already settled`);console.debug(`Ignoring subsequent rejection of ${this.variableName}`)}}complete(){this.resolver=void 0,this.rejecter=void 0,Object.freeze(this)}}class rt{constructor(e,r){d(this,"collator");this.collator=new Intl.Collator(e,r)}compare(e,r){return this.collator.compare(e,r)}resolvedOptions(){return this.collator.resolvedOptions()}}class he{constructor(e,r){d(this,"dateTimeFormatter");this.dateTimeFormatter=new Intl.DateTimeFormat(e,r)}format(e){return this.dateTimeFormatter.format(e)}formatRange(e,r){return this.dateTimeFormatter.formatRange(e,r)}formatRangeToParts(e,r){return this.dateTimeFormatter.formatRangeToParts(e,r)}formatToParts(e){return this.dateTimeFormatter.formatToParts(e)}resolvedOptions(){return this.dateTimeFormatter.resolvedOptions()}}class pe{constructor(){d(this,"subscribe",this.event);d(this,"subscriptions");d(this,"lazyEvent");d(this,"isDisposed",!1);d(this,"dispose",()=>this.disposeFn());d(this,"emit",e=>{this.emitFn(e)})}get event(){return this.assertNotDisposed(),this.lazyEvent||(this.lazyEvent=e=>{if(!e||typeof e!="function")throw new Error("Event handler callback must be a function!");return this.subscriptions||(this.subscriptions=[]),this.subscriptions.push(e),()=>{if(!this.subscriptions)return!1;const r=this.subscriptions.indexOf(e);return r<0?!1:(this.subscriptions.splice(r,1),!0)}}),this.lazyEvent}emitFn(e){var r;this.assertNotDisposed(),(r=this.subscriptions)==null||r.forEach(s=>s(e))}assertNotDisposed(){if(this.isDisposed)throw new Error("Emitter is disposed")}disposeFn(){return this.assertNotDisposed(),this.isDisposed=!0,this.subscriptions=void 0,this.lazyEvent=void 0,Promise.resolve(!0)}}function st(){return"00-0-4-1-000".replace(/[^-]/g,t=>((Math.random()+~~t)*65536>>t).toString(16).padStart(4,"0"))}function de(t){return typeof t=="string"||t instanceof String}function A(t){return JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(t))}function nt(t,e=300){if(de(t))throw new Error("Tried to debounce a string! Could be XSS");let r;return(...s)=>{clearTimeout(r),r=setTimeout(()=>t(...s),e)}}function it(t,e,r){const s=new Map;return t.forEach(n=>{const i=e(n),o=s.get(i),a=r?r(n,i):n;o?o.push(a):s.set(i,[a])}),s}function ot(t){return typeof t=="object"&&t!==null&&"message"in t&&typeof t.message=="string"}function at(t){if(ot(t))return t;try{return new Error(JSON.stringify(t))}catch{return new Error(String(t))}}function ut(t){return at(t).message}function me(t){return new Promise(e=>setTimeout(e,t))}function lt(t,e){const r=me(e).then(()=>{});return Promise.any([r,t()])}function ct(t,e="obj"){const r=new Set;Object.getOwnPropertyNames(t).forEach(n=>{try{typeof t[n]=="function"&&r.add(n)}catch(i){console.debug(`Skipping ${n} on ${e} due to error: ${i}`)}});let s=Object.getPrototypeOf(t);for(;s&&Object.getPrototypeOf(s);)Object.getOwnPropertyNames(s).forEach(n=>{try{typeof t[n]=="function"&&r.add(n)}catch(i){console.debug(`Skipping ${n} on ${e}'s prototype due to error: ${i}`)}}),s=Object.getPrototypeOf(s);return r}function ft(t,e={}){return new Proxy(e,{get(r,s){return s in r?r[s]:async(...n)=>(await t())[s](...n)}})}class ge{constructor(e,r){d(this,"baseDocument");d(this,"contributions",new Map);d(this,"latestOutput");d(this,"options");d(this,"onDidRebuildEmitter",new pe);d(this,"onDidRebuild",this.onDidRebuildEmitter.subscribe);this.baseDocument=e,this.options=r,this.updateBaseDocument(e)}updateBaseDocument(e){return this.validateBaseDocument(e),this.baseDocument=this.options.copyDocuments?A(e):e,this.baseDocument=this.transformBaseDocumentAfterValidation(this.baseDocument),this.rebuild()}addOrUpdateContribution(e,r){this.validateContribution(e,r);const s=this.contributions.get(e);let n=this.options.copyDocuments&&r?A(r):r;n=this.transformContributionAfterValidation(e,n),this.contributions.set(e,n);try{return this.rebuild()}catch(i){throw s?this.contributions.set(e,s):this.contributions.delete(e),new Error(`Error when setting the document named ${e}: ${i}`)}}deleteContribution(e){const r=this.contributions.get(e);if(!r)throw new Error(`${e} does not exist`);this.contributions.delete(e);try{return this.rebuild()}catch(s){throw this.contributions.set(e,r),new Error(`Error when deleting the document named ${e}: ${s}`)}}deleteAllContributions(){if(this.contributions.size<=0)return this.latestOutput;const e=[...this.contributions.entries()];e.forEach(([r])=>this.contributions.delete(r));try{return this.rebuild()}catch(r){throw e.forEach(([s,n])=>this.contributions.set(s,n)),new Error(`Error when deleting all contributions: ${r}`)}}rebuild(){if(this.contributions.size===0){let r=A(this.baseDocument);return r=this.transformFinalOutputBeforeValidation(r),this.validateOutput(r),this.latestOutput=r,this.onDidRebuildEmitter.emit(void 0),this.latestOutput}let e=this.baseDocument;return this.contributions.forEach(r=>{e=ht(e,r,this.options.ignoreDuplicateProperties),this.validateOutput(e)}),e=this.transformFinalOutputBeforeValidation(e),this.validateOutput(e),this.latestOutput=e,this.onDidRebuildEmitter.emit(void 0),this.latestOutput}transformBaseDocumentAfterValidation(e){return e}transformContributionAfterValidation(e,r){return r}validateBaseDocument(e){}validateContribution(e,r){}validateOutput(e){}transformFinalOutputBeforeValidation(e){return e}}function Q(...t){let e=!0;return t.forEach(r=>{(!r||typeof r!="object"||Array.isArray(r))&&(e=!1)}),e}function Y(...t){let e=!0;return t.forEach(r=>{(!r||typeof r!="object"||!Array.isArray(r))&&(e=!1)}),e}function ht(t,e,r){const s=A(t);return e?be(s,A(e),r):s}function be(t,e,r){if(!e)return t;if(Q(t,e)){const s=t,n=e;Object.keys(n).forEach(i=>{if(Object.hasOwn(s,i)){if(Q(s[i],n[i]))s[i]=be(s[i],n[i],r);else if(Y(s[i],n[i]))s[i]=s[i].concat(n[i]);else if(!r)throw new Error(`Cannot merge objects: key "${i}" already exists in the target object`)}else s[i]=n[i]})}else Y(t,e)&&t.push(...e);return t}class ye extends et.Mutex{}class pt{constructor(){d(this,"mutexesByID",new Map)}get(e){let r=this.mutexesByID.get(e);return r||(r=new ye,this.mutexesByID.set(e,r),r)}}class dt extends ge{constructor(e,r){super(e,r)}get output(){return this.latestOutput}}class mt{constructor(e,r){d(this,"numberFormatter");this.numberFormatter=new Intl.NumberFormat(e,r)}format(e){return this.numberFormatter.format(e)}formatRange(e,r){return this.numberFormatter.formatRange(e,r)}formatRangeToParts(e,r){return this.numberFormatter.formatRangeToParts(e,r)}formatToParts(e){return this.numberFormatter.formatToParts(e)}resolvedOptions(){return this.numberFormatter.resolvedOptions()}}class gt{constructor(e="Anonymous"){d(this,"unsubscribers",new Set);this.name=e}add(...e){e.forEach(r=>{"dispose"in r?this.unsubscribers.add(r.dispose):this.unsubscribers.add(r)})}async runAllUnsubscribers(){const e=[...this.unsubscribers].map(s=>s()),r=await Promise.all(e);return this.unsubscribers.clear(),r.every((s,n)=>(s||console.error(`UnsubscriberAsyncList ${this.name}: Unsubscriber at index ${n} failed!`),s))}}var bt=Object.defineProperty,yt=(t,e,r)=>e in t?bt(t,e,{enumerable:!0,configurable:!0,writable:!0,value:r}):t[e]=r,l=(t,e,r)=>(yt(t,typeof e!="symbol"?e+"":e,r),r);const j=["GEN","EXO","LEV","NUM","DEU","JOS","JDG","RUT","1SA","2SA","1KI","2KI","1CH","2CH","EZR","NEH","EST","JOB","PSA","PRO","ECC","SNG","ISA","JER","LAM","EZK","DAN","HOS","JOL","AMO","OBA","JON","MIC","NAM","HAB","ZEP","HAG","ZEC","MAL","MAT","MRK","LUK","JHN","ACT","ROM","1CO","2CO","GAL","EPH","PHP","COL","1TH","2TH","1TI","2TI","TIT","PHM","HEB","JAS","1PE","2PE","1JN","2JN","3JN","JUD","REV","TOB","JDT","ESG","WIS","SIR","BAR","LJE","S3Y","SUS","BEL","1MA","2MA","3MA","4MA","1ES","2ES","MAN","PS2","ODA","PSS","JSA","JDB","TBS","SST","DNT","BLT","XXA","XXB","XXC","XXD","XXE","XXF","XXG","FRT","BAK","OTH","3ES","EZA","5EZ","6EZ","INT","CNC","GLO","TDX","NDX","DAG","PS3","2BA","LBA","JUB","ENO","1MQ","2MQ","3MQ","REP","4BA","LAO"],G=["XXA","XXB","XXC","XXD","XXE","XXF","XXG","FRT","BAK","OTH","INT","CNC","GLO","TDX","NDX"],ve=["Genesis","Exodus","Leviticus","Numbers","Deuteronomy","Joshua","Judges","Ruth","1 Samuel","2 Samuel","1 Kings","2 Kings","1 Chronicles","2 Chronicles","Ezra","Nehemiah","Esther (Hebrew)","Job","Psalms","Proverbs","Ecclesiastes","Song of Songs","Isaiah","Jeremiah","Lamentations","Ezekiel","Daniel (Hebrew)","Hosea","Joel","Amos","Obadiah","Jonah","Micah","Nahum","Habakkuk","Zephaniah","Haggai","Zechariah","Malachi","Matthew","Mark","Luke","John","Acts","Romans","1 Corinthians","2 Corinthians","Galatians","Ephesians","Philippians","Colossians","1 Thessalonians","2 Thessalonians","1 Timothy","2 Timothy","Titus","Philemon","Hebrews","James","1 Peter","2 Peter","1 John","2 John","3 John","Jude","Revelation","Tobit","Judith","Esther Greek","Wisdom of Solomon","Sirach (Ecclesiasticus)","Baruch","Letter of Jeremiah","Song of 3 Young Men","Susanna","Bel and the Dragon","1 Maccabees","2 Maccabees","3 Maccabees","4 Maccabees","1 Esdras (Greek)","2 Esdras (Latin)","Prayer of Manasseh","Psalm 151","Odes","Psalms of Solomon","Joshua A. *obsolete*","Judges B. *obsolete*","Tobit S. *obsolete*","Susanna Th. *obsolete*","Daniel Th. *obsolete*","Bel Th. *obsolete*","Extra A","Extra B","Extra C","Extra D","Extra E","Extra F","Extra G","Front Matter","Back Matter","Other Matter","3 Ezra *obsolete*","Apocalypse of Ezra","5 Ezra (Latin Prologue)","6 Ezra (Latin Epilogue)","Introduction","Concordance ","Glossary ","Topical Index","Names Index","Daniel Greek","Psalms 152-155","2 Baruch (Apocalypse)","Letter of Baruch","Jubilees","Enoch","1 Meqabyan","2 Meqabyan","3 Meqabyan","Reproof (Proverbs 25-31)","4 Baruch (Rest of Baruch)","Laodiceans"],ee=It();function T(t,e=!0){return e&&(t=t.toUpperCase()),t in ee?ee[t]:0}function F(t){return T(t)>0}function vt(t){const e=typeof t=="string"?T(t):t;return e>=40&&e<=66}function Nt(t){return(typeof t=="string"?T(t):t)<=39}function Ne(t){return t<=66}function wt(t){const e=typeof t=="string"?T(t):t;return Se(e)&&!Ne(e)}function*Et(){for(let t=1;t<=j.length;t++)yield t}const St=1,we=j.length;function Ot(){return["XXA","XXB","XXC","XXD","XXE","XXF","XXG"]}function K(t,e="***"){const r=t-1;return r<0||r>=j.length?e:j[r]}function Ee(t){return t<=0||t>we?"******":ve[t-1]}function $t(t){return Ee(T(t))}function Se(t){const e=typeof t=="number"?K(t):t;return F(e)&&!G.includes(e)}function jt(t){const e=typeof t=="number"?K(t):t;return F(e)&&G.includes(e)}function Ct(t){return ve[t-1].includes("*obsolete*")}function It(){const t={};for(let e=0;e(t[t.Unknown=0]="Unknown",t[t.Original=1]="Original",t[t.Septuagint=2]="Septuagint",t[t.Vulgate=3]="Vulgate",t[t.English=4]="English",t[t.RussianProtestant=5]="RussianProtestant",t[t.RussianOrthodox=6]="RussianOrthodox",t))(S||{});const N=class{constructor(e){if(l(this,"name"),l(this,"fullPath"),l(this,"isPresent"),l(this,"hasVerseSegments"),l(this,"isCustomized"),l(this,"baseVersification"),l(this,"scriptureBooks"),l(this,"_type"),e!=null)typeof e=="string"?this.name=e:this._type=e;else throw new Error("Argument null")}get type(){return this._type}equals(e){return!e.type||!this.type?!1:e.type===this.type}};l(N,"Original",new N(S.Original)),l(N,"Septuagint",new N(S.Septuagint)),l(N,"Vulgate",new N(S.Vulgate)),l(N,"English",new N(S.English)),l(N,"RussianProtestant",new N(S.RussianProtestant)),l(N,"RussianOrthodox",new N(S.RussianOrthodox));let I=N;function te(t,e){const r=e[0];for(let s=1;s(t[t.Valid=0]="Valid",t[t.UnknownVersification=1]="UnknownVersification",t[t.OutOfRange=2]="OutOfRange",t[t.VerseOutOfOrder=3]="VerseOutOfOrder",t[t.VerseRepeated=4]="VerseRepeated",t))(Oe||{});const y=class f{constructor(e,r,s,n){if(l(this,"firstChapter"),l(this,"lastChapter"),l(this,"lastVerse"),l(this,"hasSegmentsDefined"),l(this,"text"),l(this,"BBBCCCVVVS"),l(this,"longHashCode"),l(this,"versification"),l(this,"rtlMark","‏"),l(this,"_bookNum",0),l(this,"_chapterNum",0),l(this,"_verseNum",0),l(this,"_verse"),s==null&&n==null)if(e!=null&&typeof e=="string"){const i=e,o=r!=null&&r instanceof I?r:void 0;this.setEmpty(o),this.parse(i)}else if(e!=null&&typeof e=="number"){const i=r!=null&&r instanceof I?r:void 0;this.setEmpty(i),this._verseNum=e%f.chapterDigitShifter,this._chapterNum=Math.floor(e%f.bookDigitShifter/f.chapterDigitShifter),this._bookNum=Math.floor(e/f.bookDigitShifter)}else if(r==null)if(e!=null&&e instanceof f){const i=e;this._bookNum=i.bookNum,this._chapterNum=i.chapterNum,this._verseNum=i.verseNum,this._verse=i.verse,this.versification=i.versification}else{if(e==null)return;const i=e instanceof I?e:f.defaultVersification;this.setEmpty(i)}else throw new Error("VerseRef constructor not supported.");else if(e!=null&&r!=null&&s!=null)if(typeof e=="string"&&typeof r=="string"&&typeof s=="string")this.setEmpty(n),this.updateInternal(e,r,s);else if(typeof e=="number"&&typeof r=="number"&&typeof s=="number")this._bookNum=e,this._chapterNum=r,this._verseNum=s,this.versification=n??f.defaultVersification;else throw new Error("VerseRef constructor not supported.");else throw new Error("VerseRef constructor not supported.")}static parse(e,r=f.defaultVersification){const s=new f(r);return s.parse(e),s}static isVerseParseable(e){return e.length>0&&"0123456789".includes(e[0])&&!e.endsWith(this.verseRangeSeparator)&&!e.endsWith(this.verseSequenceIndicator)}static tryParse(e){let r;try{return r=f.parse(e),{success:!0,verseRef:r}}catch(s){if(s instanceof R)return r=new f,{success:!1,verseRef:r};throw s}}static getBBBCCCVVV(e,r,s){return e%f.bcvMaxValue*f.bookDigitShifter+(r>=0?r%f.bcvMaxValue*f.chapterDigitShifter:0)+(s>=0?s%f.bcvMaxValue:0)}static tryGetVerseNum(e){let r;if(!e)return r=-1,{success:!0,vNum:r};r=0;let s;for(let n=0;n"9")return n===0&&(r=-1),{success:!1,vNum:r};if(r=r*10+ +s-+"0",r>f.bcvMaxValue)return r=-1,{success:!1,vNum:r}}return{success:!0,vNum:r}}get isDefault(){return this.bookNum===0&&this.chapterNum===0&&this.verseNum===0&&this.versification==null}get hasMultiple(){return this._verse!=null&&(this._verse.includes(f.verseRangeSeparator)||this._verse.includes(f.verseSequenceIndicator))}get book(){return E.bookNumberToId(this.bookNum,"")}set book(e){this.bookNum=E.bookIdToNumber(e)}get chapter(){return this.isDefault||this._chapterNum<0?"":this._chapterNum.toString()}set chapter(e){const r=+e;this._chapterNum=Number.isInteger(r)?r:-1}get verse(){return this._verse!=null?this._verse:this.isDefault||this._verseNum<0?"":this._verseNum.toString()}set verse(e){const{success:r,vNum:s}=f.tryGetVerseNum(e);this._verse=r?void 0:e.replace(this.rtlMark,""),this._verseNum=s,!(this._verseNum>=0)&&({vNum:this._verseNum}=f.tryGetVerseNum(this._verse))}get bookNum(){return this._bookNum}set bookNum(e){if(e<=0||e>E.lastBook)throw new R("BookNum must be greater than zero and less than or equal to last book");this._bookNum=e}get chapterNum(){return this._chapterNum}set chapterNum(e){this.chapterNum=e}get verseNum(){return this._verseNum}set verseNum(e){this._verseNum=e}get versificationStr(){var e;return(e=this.versification)==null?void 0:e.name}set versificationStr(e){this.versification=this.versification!=null?new I(e):void 0}get valid(){return this.validStatus===0}get validStatus(){return this.validateVerse(f.verseRangeSeparators,f.verseSequenceIndicators)}get BBBCCC(){return f.getBBBCCCVVV(this._bookNum,this._chapterNum,0)}get BBBCCCVVV(){return f.getBBBCCCVVV(this._bookNum,this._chapterNum,this._verseNum)}get isExcluded(){return!1}parse(e){if(e=e.replace(this.rtlMark,""),e.includes("/")){const i=e.split("/");if(e=i[0],i.length>1)try{const o=+i[1].trim();this.versification=new I(S[o])}catch{throw new R("Invalid reference : "+e)}}const r=e.trim().split(" ");if(r.length!==2)throw new R("Invalid reference : "+e);const s=r[1].split(":"),n=+s[0];if(s.length!==2||E.bookIdToNumber(r[0])===0||!Number.isInteger(n)||n<0||!f.isVerseParseable(s[1]))throw new R("Invalid reference : "+e);this.updateInternal(r[0],s[0],s[1])}simplify(){this._verse=void 0}clone(){return new f(this)}toString(){const e=this.book;return e===""?"":`${e} ${this.chapter}:${this.verse}`}equals(e){return e instanceof f?e._bookNum===this._bookNum&&e._chapterNum===this._chapterNum&&e._verseNum===this._verseNum&&e.verse===this.verse&&e.versification!=null&&this.versification!=null&&e.versification.equals(this.versification):!1}allVerses(e=!1,r=f.verseRangeSeparators,s=f.verseSequenceIndicators){if(this._verse==null||this.chapterNum<=0)return[this.clone()];const n=[],i=te(this._verse,s);for(const o of i.map(a=>te(a,r))){const a=this.clone();a.verse=o[0];const h=a.verseNum;if(n.push(a),o.length>1){const p=this.clone();if(p.verse=o[1],!e)for(let u=h+1;uo)return 3;if(s===o)return 4;s=o}return 0}get internalValid(){return this.versification==null?1:this._bookNum<=0||this._bookNum>E.lastBook?2:(E.isCanonical(this._bookNum),0)}setEmpty(e=f.defaultVersification){this._bookNum=0,this._chapterNum=-1,this._verse=void 0,this.versification=e}updateInternal(e,r,s){this.bookNum=E.bookIdToNumber(e),this.chapter=r,this.verse=s}};l(y,"defaultVersification",I.English),l(y,"verseRangeSeparator","-"),l(y,"verseSequenceIndicator",","),l(y,"verseRangeSeparators",[y.verseRangeSeparator]),l(y,"verseSequenceIndicators",[y.verseSequenceIndicator]),l(y,"chapterDigitShifter",1e3),l(y,"bookDigitShifter",y.chapterDigitShifter*y.chapterDigitShifter),l(y,"bcvMaxValue",y.chapterDigitShifter-1),l(y,"ValidStatusType",Oe);class R extends Error{}var re=typeof globalThis<"u"?globalThis:typeof window<"u"?window:typeof global<"u"?global:typeof self<"u"?self:{},C={},At=()=>{const t="\\ud800-\\udfff",e="\\u0300-\\u036f",r="\\ufe20-\\ufe2f",s="\\u20d0-\\u20ff",n="\\u1ab0-\\u1aff",i="\\u1dc0-\\u1dff",o=e+r+s+n+i,a="\\ufe0e\\ufe0f",h="\\uD83D\\uDC69\\uD83C\\uDFFB\\u200D\\uD83C\\uDF93",p=`[${t}]`,u=`[${o}]`,c="\\ud83c[\\udffb-\\udfff]",m=`(?:${u}|${c})`,v=`[^${t}]`,b="(?:\\uD83C[\\uDDE6-\\uDDFF]){2}",M="[\\ud800-\\udbff][\\udc00-\\udfff]",q="\\u200d",Le="(?:\\ud83c\\udff4\\udb40\\udc67\\udb40\\udc62\\udb40(?:\\udc65|\\udc73|\\udc77)\\udb40(?:\\udc6e|\\udc63|\\udc6c)\\udb40(?:\\udc67|\\udc74|\\udc73)\\udb40\\udc7f)",Ue=`[${h}]`,W=`${m}?`,Z=`[${a}]?`,He=`(?:${q}(?:${[v,b,M].join("|")})${Z+W})*`,We=Z+W+He,Ze=`(?:${[`${v}${u}?`,u,b,M,p,Ue].join("|")})`;return new RegExp(`${Le}|${c}(?=${c})|${Ze+We}`,"g")},Pt=re&&re.__importDefault||function(t){return t&&t.__esModule?t:{default:t}};Object.defineProperty(C,"__esModule",{value:!0});var k=Pt(At);function z(t){if(typeof t!="string")throw new Error("A string is expected as input");return t.match(k.default())||[]}var Tt=C.toArray=z;function X(t){if(typeof t!="string")throw new Error("Input must be a string");var e=t.match(k.default());return e===null?0:e.length}var Dt=C.length=X;function $e(t,e,r){if(e===void 0&&(e=0),typeof t!="string")throw new Error("Input must be a string");(typeof e!="number"||e<0)&&(e=0),typeof r=="number"&&r<0&&(r=0);var s=t.match(k.default());return s?s.slice(e,r).join(""):""}var Mt=C.substring=$e;function Rt(t,e,r){if(e===void 0&&(e=0),typeof t!="string")throw new Error("Input must be a string");var s=X(t);if(typeof e!="number"&&(e=parseInt(e,10)),e>=s)return"";e<0&&(e+=s);var n;typeof r>"u"?n=s:(typeof r!="number"&&(r=parseInt(r,10)),n=r>=0?r+e:e);var i=t.match(k.default());return i?i.slice(e,n).join(""):""}var Bt=C.substr=Rt;function xt(t,e,r,s){if(e===void 0&&(e=16),r===void 0&&(r="#"),s===void 0&&(s="right"),typeof t!="string"||typeof e!="number")throw new Error("Invalid arguments specified");if(["left","right"].indexOf(s)===-1)throw new Error("Pad position should be either left or right");typeof r!="string"&&(r=String(r));var n=X(t);if(n>e)return $e(t,0,e);if(n=s.length)return e===""?s.length:-1;if(e==="")return r;var n=z(e),i=!1,o;for(o=r;og(t)||e<-g(t)))return V(t,e,1)}function $(t,e){return e<0||e>g(t)-1?"":V(t,e,1)}function zt(t,e){if(!(e<0||e>g(t)-1))return V(t,e,1).codePointAt(0)}function Ce(t,e,r=g(t)){const s=Ae(t,e);return!(s===-1||s+g(e)!==r)}function _t(t,e,r){if(e<0)return-1;if(r){if($(t,e)==="}"&&$(t,e-1)==="\\")return e;const i=P(t,"\\}",e);return i>=0?i+1:i}let s=e;const n=g(t);for(;s=n?-1:s}function Jt(t,e){let r=t,s=0;for(;s=0){const i=w(r,s+1,n),o=i in e?e[i]:i;r=`${w(r,0,s)}${o}${w(r,n+1)}`,s=n+g(o)-g(i)-2}}else r=`${w(r,0,s-1)}${w(r,s)}`,s-=1;break;case"}":$(r,s-1)!=="\\"||(r=`${w(r,0,s-1)}${w(r,s)}`,s-=1);break}s+=1}return r}function Ie(t,e,r=0){const s=w(t,r);return P(s,e)!==-1}function P(t,e,r=0){return Vt(t,e,r)}function Ae(t,e,r){let s=r===void 0?g(t):r;s<0?s=0:s>=g(t)&&(s=g(t)-1);for(let n=s;n>=0;n--)if(V(t,n,g(e))===e)return n;return-1}function g(t){return Dt(t)}function Gt(t,e){const r=e.toUpperCase();return r==="NONE"?t:t.normalize(r)}function Ft(t,e,r){return t.localeCompare(e,"en",r)}function Kt(t,e,r=" "){return e<=g(t)?t:je(t,e,r,"right")}function Xt(t,e,r=" "){return e<=g(t)?t:je(t,e,r,"left")}function se(t,e){return e>t?t:e<-t?0:e<0?e+t:e}function Lt(t,e,r){const s=g(t);if(e>s||r&&(e>r&&!(e>=0&&e-s)||r<-s))return"";const n=se(s,e),i=r?se(s,r):void 0;return w(t,n,i)}function _(t,e,r){const s=[];if(r!==void 0&&r<=0)return[t];if(e==="")return Pe(t).slice(0,r);let n=e;(typeof e=="string"||e instanceof RegExp&&!Ie(e.flags,"g"))&&(n=new RegExp(e,"g"));const i=t.match(n);let o=0;if(!i)return[t];for(let a=0;a<(r?r-1:i.length);a++){const h=P(t,i[a],o),p=g(i[a]);if(s.push(w(t,o,h)),o=h+p,r!==void 0&&s.length===r)break}return s.push(w(t,o)),s}function L(t,e,r=0){return P(t,e,r)===r}function V(t,e=0,r=g(t)-e){return Bt(t,e,r)}function w(t,e,r=g(t)){return Mt(t,e,r)}function Pe(t){return Tt(t)}function Ut(t){return L(t,"%")&&Ce(t,"%")}function Ht(t){if(typeof t!="string")throw new TypeError("Expected a string");return t.replace(/[|\\{}()[\]^$+*?.]/g,"\\$&").replace(/-/g,"\\x2d")}const Te=[{shortName:"ERR",fullNames:["ERROR"],chapters:-1},{shortName:"GEN",fullNames:["Genesis"],chapters:50},{shortName:"EXO",fullNames:["Exodus"],chapters:40},{shortName:"LEV",fullNames:["Leviticus"],chapters:27},{shortName:"NUM",fullNames:["Numbers"],chapters:36},{shortName:"DEU",fullNames:["Deuteronomy"],chapters:34},{shortName:"JOS",fullNames:["Joshua"],chapters:24},{shortName:"JDG",fullNames:["Judges"],chapters:21},{shortName:"RUT",fullNames:["Ruth"],chapters:4},{shortName:"1SA",fullNames:["1 Samuel"],chapters:31},{shortName:"2SA",fullNames:["2 Samuel"],chapters:24},{shortName:"1KI",fullNames:["1 Kings"],chapters:22},{shortName:"2KI",fullNames:["2 Kings"],chapters:25},{shortName:"1CH",fullNames:["1 Chronicles"],chapters:29},{shortName:"2CH",fullNames:["2 Chronicles"],chapters:36},{shortName:"EZR",fullNames:["Ezra"],chapters:10},{shortName:"NEH",fullNames:["Nehemiah"],chapters:13},{shortName:"EST",fullNames:["Esther"],chapters:10},{shortName:"JOB",fullNames:["Job"],chapters:42},{shortName:"PSA",fullNames:["Psalm","Psalms"],chapters:150},{shortName:"PRO",fullNames:["Proverbs"],chapters:31},{shortName:"ECC",fullNames:["Ecclesiastes"],chapters:12},{shortName:"SNG",fullNames:["Song of Solomon","Song of Songs"],chapters:8},{shortName:"ISA",fullNames:["Isaiah"],chapters:66},{shortName:"JER",fullNames:["Jeremiah"],chapters:52},{shortName:"LAM",fullNames:["Lamentations"],chapters:5},{shortName:"EZK",fullNames:["Ezekiel"],chapters:48},{shortName:"DAN",fullNames:["Daniel"],chapters:12},{shortName:"HOS",fullNames:["Hosea"],chapters:14},{shortName:"JOL",fullNames:["Joel"],chapters:3},{shortName:"AMO",fullNames:["Amos"],chapters:9},{shortName:"OBA",fullNames:["Obadiah"],chapters:1},{shortName:"JON",fullNames:["Jonah"],chapters:4},{shortName:"MIC",fullNames:["Micah"],chapters:7},{shortName:"NAM",fullNames:["Nahum"],chapters:3},{shortName:"HAB",fullNames:["Habakkuk"],chapters:3},{shortName:"ZEP",fullNames:["Zephaniah"],chapters:3},{shortName:"HAG",fullNames:["Haggai"],chapters:2},{shortName:"ZEC",fullNames:["Zechariah"],chapters:14},{shortName:"MAL",fullNames:["Malachi"],chapters:4},{shortName:"MAT",fullNames:["Matthew"],chapters:28},{shortName:"MRK",fullNames:["Mark"],chapters:16},{shortName:"LUK",fullNames:["Luke"],chapters:24},{shortName:"JHN",fullNames:["John"],chapters:21},{shortName:"ACT",fullNames:["Acts"],chapters:28},{shortName:"ROM",fullNames:["Romans"],chapters:16},{shortName:"1CO",fullNames:["1 Corinthians"],chapters:16},{shortName:"2CO",fullNames:["2 Corinthians"],chapters:13},{shortName:"GAL",fullNames:["Galatians"],chapters:6},{shortName:"EPH",fullNames:["Ephesians"],chapters:6},{shortName:"PHP",fullNames:["Philippians"],chapters:4},{shortName:"COL",fullNames:["Colossians"],chapters:4},{shortName:"1TH",fullNames:["1 Thessalonians"],chapters:5},{shortName:"2TH",fullNames:["2 Thessalonians"],chapters:3},{shortName:"1TI",fullNames:["1 Timothy"],chapters:6},{shortName:"2TI",fullNames:["2 Timothy"],chapters:4},{shortName:"TIT",fullNames:["Titus"],chapters:3},{shortName:"PHM",fullNames:["Philemon"],chapters:1},{shortName:"HEB",fullNames:["Hebrews"],chapters:13},{shortName:"JAS",fullNames:["James"],chapters:5},{shortName:"1PE",fullNames:["1 Peter"],chapters:5},{shortName:"2PE",fullNames:["2 Peter"],chapters:3},{shortName:"1JN",fullNames:["1 John"],chapters:5},{shortName:"2JN",fullNames:["2 John"],chapters:1},{shortName:"3JN",fullNames:["3 John"],chapters:1},{shortName:"JUD",fullNames:["Jude"],chapters:1},{shortName:"REV",fullNames:["Revelation"],chapters:22}],De=1,Me=Te.length-1,Re=1,Be=1,xe=t=>{var e;return((e=Te[t])==null?void 0:e.chapters)??-1},Wt=(t,e)=>({bookNum:Math.max(De,Math.min(t.bookNum+e,Me)),chapterNum:1,verseNum:1}),Zt=(t,e)=>({...t,chapterNum:Math.min(Math.max(Re,t.chapterNum+e),xe(t.bookNum)),verseNum:1}),Qt=(t,e)=>({...t,verseNum:Math.max(Be,t.verseNum+e)});async function Yt(t,e,r){const s=E.bookNumberToId(t);if(!L(Intl.getCanonicalLocales(e)[0],"zh"))return r({localizeKey:`LocalizedId.${s}`,languagesToSearch:[e]});const n=await r({localizeKey:`Book.${s}`,languagesToSearch:[e]}),i=_(n,"-");return _(i[0],"ÿ08")[0].trim()}const er=t=>(...e)=>t.map(s=>s(...e)).every(s=>s),tr=t=>async(...e)=>{const r=t.map(async s=>s(...e));return(await Promise.all(r)).every(s=>s)};var rr=Object.getOwnPropertyNames,sr=Object.getOwnPropertySymbols,nr=Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty;function ne(t,e){return function(s,n,i){return t(s,n,i)&&e(s,n,i)}}function x(t){return function(r,s,n){if(!r||!s||typeof r!="object"||typeof s!="object")return t(r,s,n);var i=n.cache,o=i.get(r),a=i.get(s);if(o&&a)return o===s&&a===r;i.set(r,s),i.set(s,r);var h=t(r,s,n);return i.delete(r),i.delete(s),h}}function ie(t){return rr(t).concat(sr(t))}var ke=Object.hasOwn||function(t,e){return nr.call(t,e)};function D(t,e){return t||e?t===e:t===e||t!==t&&e!==e}var Ve="_owner",oe=Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor,ae=Object.keys;function ir(t,e,r){var s=t.length;if(e.length!==s)return!1;for(;s-- >0;)if(!r.equals(t[s],e[s],s,s,t,e,r))return!1;return!0}function or(t,e){return D(t.getTime(),e.getTime())}function ue(t,e,r){if(t.size!==e.size)return!1;for(var s={},n=t.entries(),i=0,o,a;(o=n.next())&&!o.done;){for(var h=e.entries(),p=!1,u=0;(a=h.next())&&!a.done;){var c=o.value,m=c[0],v=c[1],b=a.value,M=b[0],q=b[1];!p&&!s[u]&&(p=r.equals(m,M,i,u,t,e,r)&&r.equals(v,q,m,M,t,e,r))&&(s[u]=!0),u++}if(!p)return!1;i++}return!0}function ar(t,e,r){var s=ae(t),n=s.length;if(ae(e).length!==n)return!1;for(var i;n-- >0;)if(i=s[n],i===Ve&&(t.$$typeof||e.$$typeof)&&t.$$typeof!==e.$$typeof||!ke(e,i)||!r.equals(t[i],e[i],i,i,t,e,r))return!1;return!0}function B(t,e,r){var s=ie(t),n=s.length;if(ie(e).length!==n)return!1;for(var i,o,a;n-- >0;)if(i=s[n],i===Ve&&(t.$$typeof||e.$$typeof)&&t.$$typeof!==e.$$typeof||!ke(e,i)||!r.equals(t[i],e[i],i,i,t,e,r)||(o=oe(t,i),a=oe(e,i),(o||a)&&(!o||!a||o.configurable!==a.configurable||o.enumerable!==a.enumerable||o.writable!==a.writable)))return!1;return!0}function ur(t,e){return D(t.valueOf(),e.valueOf())}function lr(t,e){return t.source===e.source&&t.flags===e.flags}function le(t,e,r){if(t.size!==e.size)return!1;for(var s={},n=t.values(),i,o;(i=n.next())&&!i.done;){for(var a=e.values(),h=!1,p=0;(o=a.next())&&!o.done;)!h&&!s[p]&&(h=r.equals(i.value,o.value,i.value,o.value,t,e,r))&&(s[p]=!0),p++;if(!h)return!1}return!0}function cr(t,e){var r=t.length;if(e.length!==r)return!1;for(;r-- >0;)if(t[r]!==e[r])return!1;return!0}var fr="[object Arguments]",hr="[object Boolean]",pr="[object Date]",dr="[object Map]",mr="[object Number]",gr="[object Object]",br="[object RegExp]",yr="[object Set]",vr="[object String]",Nr=Array.isArray,ce=typeof ArrayBuffer=="function"&&ArrayBuffer.isView?ArrayBuffer.isView:null,fe=Object.assign,wr=Object.prototype.toString.call.bind(Object.prototype.toString);function Er(t){var e=t.areArraysEqual,r=t.areDatesEqual,s=t.areMapsEqual,n=t.areObjectsEqual,i=t.arePrimitiveWrappersEqual,o=t.areRegExpsEqual,a=t.areSetsEqual,h=t.areTypedArraysEqual;return function(u,c,m){if(u===c)return!0;if(u==null||c==null||typeof u!="object"||typeof c!="object")return u!==u&&c!==c;var v=u.constructor;if(v!==c.constructor)return!1;if(v===Object)return n(u,c,m);if(Nr(u))return e(u,c,m);if(ce!=null&&ce(u))return h(u,c,m);if(v===Date)return r(u,c,m);if(v===RegExp)return o(u,c,m);if(v===Map)return s(u,c,m);if(v===Set)return a(u,c,m);var b=wr(u);return b===pr?r(u,c,m):b===br?o(u,c,m):b===dr?s(u,c,m):b===yr?a(u,c,m):b===gr?typeof u.then!="function"&&typeof c.then!="function"&&n(u,c,m):b===fr?n(u,c,m):b===hr||b===mr||b===vr?i(u,c,m):!1}}function Sr(t){var e=t.circular,r=t.createCustomConfig,s=t.strict,n={areArraysEqual:s?B:ir,areDatesEqual:or,areMapsEqual:s?ne(ue,B):ue,areObjectsEqual:s?B:ar,arePrimitiveWrappersEqual:ur,areRegExpsEqual:lr,areSetsEqual:s?ne(le,B):le,areTypedArraysEqual:s?B:cr};if(r&&(n=fe({},n,r(n))),e){var i=x(n.areArraysEqual),o=x(n.areMapsEqual),a=x(n.areObjectsEqual),h=x(n.areSetsEqual);n=fe({},n,{areArraysEqual:i,areMapsEqual:o,areObjectsEqual:a,areSetsEqual:h})}return n}function Or(t){return function(e,r,s,n,i,o,a){return t(e,r,a)}}function $r(t){var e=t.circular,r=t.comparator,s=t.createState,n=t.equals,i=t.strict;if(s)return function(h,p){var u=s(),c=u.cache,m=c===void 0?e?new WeakMap:void 0:c,v=u.meta;return r(h,p,{cache:m,equals:n,meta:v,strict:i})};if(e)return function(h,p){return r(h,p,{cache:new WeakMap,equals:n,meta:void 0,strict:i})};var o={cache:void 0,equals:n,meta:void 0,strict:i};return function(h,p){return r(h,p,o)}}var jr=O();O({strict:!0});O({circular:!0});O({circular:!0,strict:!0});O({createInternalComparator:function(){return D}});O({strict:!0,createInternalComparator:function(){return D}});O({circular:!0,createInternalComparator:function(){return D}});O({circular:!0,createInternalComparator:function(){return D},strict:!0});function O(t){t===void 0&&(t={});var e=t.circular,r=e===void 0?!1:e,s=t.createInternalComparator,n=t.createState,i=t.strict,o=i===void 0?!1:i,a=Sr(t),h=Er(a),p=s?s(h):Or(h);return $r({circular:r,comparator:h,createState:n,equals:p,strict:o})}function qe(t,e){return jr(t,e)}function ze(t,e){if(typeof t!=typeof e)return!1;if(!t&&!e)return!0;if(Array.isArray(t)){const i=e,o=t;return i.length===0?!0:i.every(a=>o.includes(a))}if(typeof t!="object")return qe(t,e);const r=e,s=t;let n=!0;return Object.keys(r).forEach(i=>{n&&(Object.hasOwn(s,i)&&ze(s[i],r[i])||(n=!1))}),n}function J(t,e,r){return JSON.stringify(t,(n,i)=>{let o=i;return e&&(o=e(n,o)),o===void 0&&(o=null),o},r)}function _e(t,e){function r(n){return Object.keys(n).forEach(i=>{n[i]===null?n[i]=void 0:typeof n[i]=="object"&&(n[i]=r(n[i]))}),n}const s=JSON.parse(t,e);if(s!==null)return typeof s=="object"?r(s):s}function Cr(t){try{const e=J(t);return e===J(_e(e))}catch{return!1}}const Ir=t=>t.replace(/&/g,"&").replace(//g,">").replace(/"/g,""").replace(/'/g,"'").replace(/\//g,"/");function Ar(){return typeof navigator<"u"&&navigator.languages?navigator.languages[0]:new he().resolvedOptions().locale}const U={projectSettingsContribution:{description:"The data an extension provides to inform Platform.Bible of the project settings it provides",anyOf:[{$ref:"#/$defs/projectSettingsGroup"},{type:"array",items:{$ref:"#/$defs/projectSettingsGroup"}}]},projectSettingsGroup:{description:"Group of related settings definitions",type:"object",properties:{label:{description:"localizeKey that displays in the project settings dialog as the group name",$ref:"#/$defs/localizeKey"},description:{description:"localizeKey that displays in the project settings dialog to describe the group",$ref:"#/$defs/localizeKey"},properties:{$ref:"#/$defs/projectSettingProperties"}},required:["label","properties"]},projectSettingProperties:{description:"Object whose keys are setting IDs and whose values are settings objects",type:"object",patternProperties:{"^[\\w\\-]+\\.[\\w\\-]+$":{$ref:"#/$defs/projectSetting"}},additionalProperties:!1},projectSetting:{description:"A description of an extension's setting entry",anyOf:[{$ref:"#/$defs/extensionControlledProjectSetting"}]},extensionControlledProjectSetting:{description:"Setting definition that is validated by the extension.",allOf:[{$ref:"#/$defs/projectSettingBase"},{$ref:"#/$defs/modifierExtensionControlled"}]},projectSettingBase:{description:"Base information needed to describe a project setting entry",allOf:[{$ref:"#/$defs/settingBase"},{$ref:"#/$defs/modifierProject"}]},modifierProject:{description:"Modifies setting type to be project setting",type:"object",properties:{includeProjectInterfaces:{description:"String representation of `RegExp` pattern(s) to match against projects' `projectInterface`s (using the [`test`](https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/JavaScript/Reference/Global_Objects/RegExp/test) function) to determine if they should be included.\n\nIf this is one string, it will be matched against `projectInterface`s. If this is an array, each entry is handled based on its type (at least one entry must match for this filter condition to pass):\n\n- If the entry is a string, it will be matched against each `projectInterface`. If any match, the project will pass this filter condition\n- If the entry is an array of strings, each will be matched against each `projectInterface`. If every string matches against at least one `projectInterface`, the project will pass this filter condition\n\nIn other words, each entry in the first-level array is `OR`'ed together. Each entry in second-level arrays (arrays within the first-level array) are `AND`'ed together.\n\nDefaults to all {@link ProjectInterfaces}, so all projects that do not match `excludeProjectInterfaces` will be included\n\n@example\n\n```typescript\nincludeProjectInterfaces: ['one', ['two', 'three']];\n```\n\nThis filter condition will succeed on projects whose `projectInterface`s fulfill at least one of the following conditions (At least one entry in the array must match):\n\n- Include `one`\n- Include both `two` and `three`.",anyOf:[{type:"null"},{type:"string"},{type:"array",items:{anyOf:[{type:"string"},{type:"array",items:{type:"string"}}]}}]},excludeProjectInterfaces:{description:"String representation of `RegExp` pattern(s) to match against projects' `projectInterface`s (using the [`test`](https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/JavaScript/Reference/Global_Objects/RegExp/test) function) to determine if they should absolutely not be included even if they match with `includeProjectInterfaces`.\n\nIf this is one string, it will be matched against `projectInterface`s. If this is an array, each entry is handled based on its type (at least one entry must match for this filter condition to exclude the project):\n\n- If the entry is a string, it will be matched against each `projectInterface`. If any match, the project will pass this filter condition and exclude the project\n- If the entry is an array of strings, each will be matched against each `projectInterface`. If every string matches against at least one `projectInterface`, the project will pass this filter condition and exclude the project\n\nIn other words, each entry in the first-level array is `OR`'ed together. Each entry in second-level arrays (arrays within the first-level array) are `AND`'ed together.\n\nDefaults to no {@link ProjectInterfaces}, so all projects that match `includeProjectInterfaces` will be included\n\n@example\n\n```typescript\nexcludeProjectInterfaces: ['one', ['two', 'three']];\n```\n\nThis filter condition will succeed and exclude projects whose `projectInterface`s fulfill at least one of the following conditions (At least one entry in the array must match):\n\n- Include `one`\n- Include both `two` and `three`.",anyOf:[{type:"null"},{type:"string"},{type:"array",items:{anyOf:[{type:"string"},{type:"array",items:{type:"string"}}]}}]},includePdpFactoryIds:{description:"String representation of `RegExp` pattern(s) to match against the Project Data Provider Factory Ids that provided each project's metadata (using the [`test`](https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/JavaScript/Reference/Global_Objects/RegExp/test) function) to determine if the projects should be included.\n\nDefaults to all Project Data Provider Factory Ids, so all projects that do not match `excludePdpFactoryIds` will be included",anyOf:[{type:"null"},{type:"string"},{type:"array",items:{type:"string"}}]},excludePdpFactoryIds:{description:"String representation of `RegExp` pattern(s) to match against the Project Data Provider Factory Ids that provided each project's metadata (using the [`test`](https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/JavaScript/Reference/Global_Objects/RegExp/test) function) to determine if the projects should absolutely not be included even if they match with `includeProjectInterfaces`.\n\nDefaults to none, so all projects that match `includePdpFactoryIds` will be included",anyOf:[{type:"null"},{type:"string"},{type:"array",items:{type:"string"}}]}}},settingsContribution:{description:"The data an extension provides to inform Platform.Bible of the settings it provides",anyOf:[{$ref:"#/$defs/settingsGroup"},{type:"array",items:{$ref:"#/$defs/settingsGroup"}}]},settingsGroup:{description:"Group of related settings definitions",type:"object",properties:{label:{description:"localizeKey that displays in the settings dialog as the group name",$ref:"#/$defs/localizeKey"},description:{description:"localizeKey that displays in the settings dialog to describe the group",$ref:"#/$defs/localizeKey"},properties:{$ref:"#/$defs/settingProperties"}},required:["label","properties"]},settingProperties:{description:"Object whose keys are setting IDs and whose values are settings objects",type:"object",patternProperties:{"^[\\w-]+\\.[\\w-]+$":{$ref:"#/$defs/setting"}},additionalProperties:!1},setting:{description:"A description of an extension's setting entry",anyOf:[{$ref:"#/$defs/extensionControlledSetting"}]},extensionControlledSetting:{description:"Setting definition that is validated by the extension.",allOf:[{$ref:"#/$defs/settingBase"},{$ref:"#/$defs/modifierExtensionControlled"}]},settingBase:{description:"Base information needed to describe a setting entry",allOf:[{$ref:"#/$defs/stateBase"},{type:"object",properties:{label:{description:"localizeKey that displays in the settings dialog as the setting name",$ref:"#/$defs/localizeKey"},description:{description:"localizeKey that displays in the settings dialog to describe the setting",$ref:"#/$defs/localizeKey"}},required:["label"]}]},projectStateContribution:{description:"The data an extension provides to inform Platform.Bible of the project state it provides",$ref:"#/$defs/userStateProperties"},userStateContribution:{description:"The data an extension provides to inform Platform.Bible of the user state it provides",$ref:"#/$defs/userStateProperties"},userStateProperties:{description:"Object whose keys are state IDs and whose values are state objects",type:"object",patternProperties:{"^[\\w\\-]+\\.[\\w\\-]+$":{$ref:"#/$defs/userState"}},additionalProperties:!1},userState:{description:"A description of an extension's user state entry",anyOf:[{$ref:"#/$defs/extensionControlledState"}]},extensionControlledState:{description:"State definition that is validated by the extension.",allOf:[{$ref:"#/$defs/stateBase"},{$ref:"#/$defs/modifierExtensionControlled"}]},modifierExtensionControlled:{description:'Modifies state/setting type to be extension-controlled. "Extension-controlled" means the extension provides the component and the validator for the state/setting, so the state/setting is controlled by the extension.',not:{anyOf:[{type:"object",required:["platformType"]},{type:"object",required:["type"]}]}},stateBase:{description:"Base information needed to describe a state entry",type:"object",properties:{default:{description:"default value for the state/setting",type:"any"},derivesFrom:{description:"a state/setting ID whose value to set to this state/setting's starting value the first time this state/setting is loaded",$ref:"#/$defs/id"}},required:["default"]},localizeKey:{description:"Identifier for a string that will be localized based on the user's UI language",type:"string",pattern:"^%[\\w\\-\\.]+%$",tsType:"LocalizeKey"},id:{description:"",type:"string",pattern:"^[\\w\\-]+\\.[\\w\\-]+$",tsType:"Id"}};function H(t){t&&Object.values(t).forEach(e=>{if(e.type){if("tsType"in e&&delete e.tsType,e.type==="any"){delete e.type;return}e.type==="object"&&H(e.properties)}})}H(U);const Je={$schema:"https://json-schema.org/draft/2020-12/schema",title:"Project Settings Contribution",description:"The data an extension provides to inform Platform.Bible of the project settings it provides",anyOf:[{$ref:"#/$defs/projectSettingsGroup"},{type:"array",items:{$ref:"#/$defs/projectSettingsGroup"}}],$defs:U};Object.freeze(Je);const Ge={$schema:"https://json-schema.org/draft/2020-12/schema",title:"Settings Contribution",description:"The data an extension provides to inform Platform.Bible of the settings it provides",anyOf:[{$ref:"#/$defs/settingsGroup"},{type:"array",items:{$ref:"#/$defs/settingsGroup"}}],$defs:U};Object.freeze(Ge);const Fe={languageStrings:{description:"Map whose keys are localized string keys and whose values provide information about how to localize strings for the localized string key",type:"object",patternProperties:{"^%[\\w\\-\\.]+%$":{$ref:"#/$defs/localizedStringValue"}},additionalProperties:!1},localizedStringValue:{description:"Localized string value associated with this key",type:"string"},stringsMetadata:{description:"Map whose keys are localized string keys and whose values provide additional non-locale-specific information about the localized string key",type:"object",patternProperties:{"^%[\\w\\-\\.]+%$":{$ref:"#/$defs/stringMetadata"}},additionalProperties:!1},stringMetadata:{description:"Additional non-locale-specific information about a localized string key",type:"object",properties:{fallbackKey:{description:"Localized string key from which to get this value if one does not exist in the specified language. If a new key/value pair needs to be made to replace an existing one, this could help smooth over the transition if the meanings are close enough",$ref:"#/$defs/localizeKey"},notes:{description:"Additional information provided by developers in English to help the translator to know how to translate this localized string accurately",type:"string"}}},localizeKey:{description:"Identifier for a string that will be localized based on the user's UI language",type:"string",pattern:"^%[\\w\\-\\.]+%$",tsType:"LocalizeKey"}};H(Fe);const Ke={$schema:"https://json-schema.org/draft/2020-12/schema",title:"Localized String Data Contribution",description:"The data an extension provides to inform Platform.Bible of the localized strings it provides.",type:"object",properties:{metadata:{$ref:"#/$defs/stringsMetadata"},localizedStrings:{type:"object",additionalProperties:{$ref:"#/$defs/languageStrings"}}},$defs:Fe};Object.freeze(Ke);const Xe={title:"Platform.Bible menus",type:"object",properties:{mainMenu:{description:"Top level menu for the application",$ref:"#/$defs/multiColumnMenu"},defaultWebViewTopMenu:{description:"Default top menu for web views that don't specify their own",$ref:"#/$defs/multiColumnMenu"},defaultWebViewContextMenu:{description:"Default context menu for web views that don't specify their own",$ref:"#/$defs/singleColumnMenu"},webViewMenus:{description:"Menus that apply per web view in the application",type:"object",patternProperties:{"^[\\w\\-]+\\.[\\w\\-]+$":{$ref:"#/$defs/menusForOneWebView"}},additionalProperties:!1}},required:["mainMenu","defaultWebViewTopMenu","defaultWebViewContextMenu","webViewMenus"],additionalProperties:!1,$defs:{localizeKey:{description:"Identifier for a string that will be localized in a menu based on the user's UI language",type:"string",pattern:"^%[\\w\\-\\.]+%$"},referencedItem:{description:"Name of some UI element (i.e., tab, column, group, menu item) or some PAPI object (i.e., command)",type:"string",pattern:"^[\\w\\-]+\\.[\\w\\-]+$"},columnsWithHeaders:{description:"Group of columns that can be combined with other columns to form a multi-column menu",type:"object",patternProperties:{"^[\\w\\-]+\\.[\\w\\-]+$":{description:"Single column with a header string",type:"object",properties:{label:{description:"Header text for this this column in the UI",$ref:"#/$defs/localizeKey"},localizeNotes:{description:"Additional information provided by developers to help people who perform localization",type:"string"},order:{description:"Relative order of this column compared to other columns (sorted ascending)",type:"number"},isExtensible:{description:"Defines whether contributions are allowed to add menu groups to this column",type:"boolean"}},required:["label","order"],additionalProperties:!1}},properties:{isExtensible:{description:"Defines whether contributions are allowed to add columns to this multi-column menu",type:"boolean"}}},menuGroups:{description:"Group of menu items that can be combined with other groups to form a single menu/submenu. Groups are separated using a line within the menu/submenu.",type:"object",patternProperties:{"^[\\w\\-]+\\.[\\w\\-]+$":{description:"Single group that contains menu items",type:"object",oneOf:[{properties:{column:{description:"Column where this group belongs, not required for single column menus",$ref:"#/$defs/referencedItem"},order:{description:"Relative order of this group compared to other groups in the same column or submenu (sorted ascending)",type:"number"},isExtensible:{description:"Defines whether contributions are allowed to add menu items to this menu group",type:"boolean"}},required:["order"],additionalProperties:!1},{properties:{menuItem:{description:"Menu item that anchors the submenu where this group belongs",$ref:"#/$defs/referencedItem"},order:{description:"Relative order of this group compared to other groups in the same column or submenu (sorted ascending)",type:"number"},isExtensible:{description:"Defines whether contributions are allowed to add menu items to this menu group",type:"boolean"}},required:["menuItem","order"],additionalProperties:!1}]}},additionalProperties:!1},menuItem:{description:"Single item in a menu that can be clicked on to take an action or can be the parent of a submenu",type:"object",oneOf:[{properties:{id:{description:"ID for this menu item that holds a submenu",$ref:"#/$defs/referencedItem"}},required:["id"]},{properties:{command:{description:"Name of the PAPI command to run when this menu item is selected.",$ref:"#/$defs/referencedItem"},iconPathBefore:{description:"Path to the icon to display before the menu text",type:"string"},iconPathAfter:{description:"Path to the icon to display after the menu text",type:"string"}},required:["command"]}],properties:{label:{description:"Key that represents the text of this menu item to display",$ref:"#/$defs/localizeKey"},tooltip:{description:"Key that represents the text to display if a mouse pointer hovers over the menu item",$ref:"#/$defs/localizeKey"},searchTerms:{description:"Key that represents additional words the platform should reference when users are searching for menu items",$ref:"#/$defs/localizeKey"},localizeNotes:{description:"Additional information provided by developers to help people who perform localization",type:"string"},group:{description:"Group to which this menu item belongs",$ref:"#/$defs/referencedItem"},order:{description:"Relative order of this menu item compared to other menu items in the same group (sorted ascending)",type:"number"}},required:["label","group","order"],unevaluatedProperties:!1},groupsAndItems:{description:"Core schema for a column",type:"object",properties:{groups:{description:"Groups that belong in this menu",$ref:"#/$defs/menuGroups"},items:{description:"List of menu items that belong in this menu",type:"array",items:{$ref:"#/$defs/menuItem"},uniqueItems:!0}},required:["groups","items"]},singleColumnMenu:{description:"Menu that contains a column without a header",type:"object",allOf:[{$ref:"#/$defs/groupsAndItems"}],unevaluatedProperties:!1},multiColumnMenu:{description:"Menu that can contain multiple columns with headers",type:"object",allOf:[{$ref:"#/$defs/groupsAndItems"},{properties:{columns:{description:"Columns that belong in this menu",$ref:"#/$defs/columnsWithHeaders"}},required:["columns"]}],unevaluatedProperties:!1},menusForOneWebView:{description:"Set of menus that are associated with a single tab",type:"object",properties:{includeDefaults:{description:"Indicates whether the platform default menus should be included for this webview",type:"boolean"},topMenu:{description:"Menu that opens when you click on the top left corner of a tab",$ref:"#/$defs/multiColumnMenu"},contextMenu:{description:"Menu that opens when you right click on the main body/area of a tab",$ref:"#/$defs/singleColumnMenu"}},additionalProperties:!1}}};Object.freeze(Xe);exports.AsyncVariable=tt;exports.Collator=rt;exports.DateTimeFormat=he;exports.DocumentCombiner=ge;exports.FIRST_SCR_BOOK_NUM=De;exports.FIRST_SCR_CHAPTER_NUM=Re;exports.FIRST_SCR_VERSE_NUM=Be;exports.LAST_SCR_BOOK_NUM=Me;exports.Mutex=ye;exports.MutexMap=pt;exports.NonValidatingDocumentCombiner=dt;exports.NumberFormat=mt;exports.PlatformEventEmitter=pe;exports.UnsubscriberAsyncList=gt;exports.aggregateUnsubscriberAsyncs=tr;exports.aggregateUnsubscribers=er;exports.at=qt;exports.charAt=$;exports.codePointAt=zt;exports.createSyncProxyForAsyncObject=ft;exports.debounce=nt;exports.deepClone=A;exports.deepEqual=qe;exports.deserialize=_e;exports.endsWith=Ce;exports.escapeStringRegexp=Ht;exports.formatReplacementString=Jt;exports.getAllObjectFunctionNames=ct;exports.getChaptersForBook=xe;exports.getCurrentLocale=Ar;exports.getErrorMessage=ut;exports.getLocalizedIdFromBookNumber=Yt;exports.groupBy=it;exports.htmlEncode=Ir;exports.includes=Ie;exports.indexOf=P;exports.isLocalizeKey=Ut;exports.isSerializable=Cr;exports.isString=de;exports.isSubset=ze;exports.lastIndexOf=Ae;exports.localizedStringsDocumentSchema=Ke;exports.menuDocumentSchema=Xe;exports.newGuid=st;exports.normalize=Gt;exports.offsetBook=Wt;exports.offsetChapter=Zt;exports.offsetVerse=Qt;exports.ordinalCompare=Ft;exports.padEnd=Kt;exports.padStart=Xt;exports.projectSettingsDocumentSchema=Je;exports.serialize=J;exports.settingsDocumentSchema=Ge;exports.slice=Lt;exports.split=_;exports.startsWith=L;exports.stringLength=g;exports.substring=w;exports.toArray=Pe;exports.wait=me;exports.waitForDuration=lt; +"use strict";var Qe=Object.defineProperty;var Ye=(t,e,r)=>e in t?Qe(t,e,{enumerable:!0,configurable:!0,writable:!0,value:r}):t[e]=r;var d=(t,e,r)=>(Ye(t,typeof e!="symbol"?e+"":e,r),r);Object.defineProperty(exports,Symbol.toStringTag,{value:"Module"});const et=require("async-mutex");class tt{constructor(e,r=1e4){d(this,"variableName");d(this,"promiseToValue");d(this,"resolver");d(this,"rejecter");this.variableName=e,this.promiseToValue=new Promise((s,n)=>{this.resolver=s,this.rejecter=n}),r>0&&setTimeout(()=>{this.rejecter&&(this.rejecter(`Timeout reached when waiting for ${this.variableName} to settle`),this.complete())},r),Object.seal(this)}get promise(){return this.promiseToValue}get hasSettled(){return Object.isFrozen(this)}resolveToValue(e,r=!1){if(this.resolver)console.debug(`${this.variableName} is being resolved now`),this.resolver(e),this.complete();else{if(r)throw Error(`${this.variableName} was already settled`);console.debug(`Ignoring subsequent resolution of ${this.variableName}`)}}rejectWithReason(e,r=!1){if(this.rejecter)console.debug(`${this.variableName} is being rejected now`),this.rejecter(e),this.complete();else{if(r)throw Error(`${this.variableName} was already settled`);console.debug(`Ignoring subsequent rejection of ${this.variableName}`)}}complete(){this.resolver=void 0,this.rejecter=void 0,Object.freeze(this)}}class rt{constructor(e,r){d(this,"collator");this.collator=new Intl.Collator(e,r)}compare(e,r){return this.collator.compare(e,r)}resolvedOptions(){return this.collator.resolvedOptions()}}class he{constructor(e,r){d(this,"dateTimeFormatter");this.dateTimeFormatter=new Intl.DateTimeFormat(e,r)}format(e){return this.dateTimeFormatter.format(e)}formatRange(e,r){return this.dateTimeFormatter.formatRange(e,r)}formatRangeToParts(e,r){return this.dateTimeFormatter.formatRangeToParts(e,r)}formatToParts(e){return this.dateTimeFormatter.formatToParts(e)}resolvedOptions(){return this.dateTimeFormatter.resolvedOptions()}}class pe{constructor(){d(this,"subscribe",this.event);d(this,"subscriptions");d(this,"lazyEvent");d(this,"isDisposed",!1);d(this,"dispose",()=>this.disposeFn());d(this,"emit",e=>{this.emitFn(e)})}get event(){return this.assertNotDisposed(),this.lazyEvent||(this.lazyEvent=e=>{if(!e||typeof e!="function")throw new Error("Event handler callback must be a function!");return this.subscriptions||(this.subscriptions=[]),this.subscriptions.push(e),()=>{if(!this.subscriptions)return!1;const r=this.subscriptions.indexOf(e);return r<0?!1:(this.subscriptions.splice(r,1),!0)}}),this.lazyEvent}emitFn(e){this.assertNotDisposed(),[...this.subscriptions??[]].forEach(s=>s(e))}assertNotDisposed(){if(this.isDisposed)throw new Error("Emitter is disposed")}disposeFn(){return this.assertNotDisposed(),this.isDisposed=!0,this.subscriptions=void 0,this.lazyEvent=void 0,Promise.resolve(!0)}}function st(){return"00-0-4-1-000".replace(/[^-]/g,t=>((Math.random()+~~t)*65536>>t).toString(16).padStart(4,"0"))}function de(t){return typeof t=="string"||t instanceof String}function A(t){return JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(t))}function nt(t,e=300){if(de(t))throw new Error("Tried to debounce a string! Could be XSS");let r;return(...s)=>{clearTimeout(r),r=setTimeout(()=>t(...s),e)}}function it(t,e,r){const s=new Map;return t.forEach(n=>{const i=e(n),o=s.get(i),a=r?r(n,i):n;o?o.push(a):s.set(i,[a])}),s}function ot(t){return typeof t=="object"&&t!==null&&"message"in t&&typeof t.message=="string"}function at(t){if(ot(t))return t;try{return new Error(JSON.stringify(t))}catch{return new Error(String(t))}}function ut(t){return at(t).message}function me(t){return new Promise(e=>setTimeout(e,t))}function lt(t,e){const r=me(e).then(()=>{});return Promise.any([r,t()])}function ct(t,e="obj"){const r=new Set;Object.getOwnPropertyNames(t).forEach(n=>{try{typeof t[n]=="function"&&r.add(n)}catch(i){console.debug(`Skipping ${n} on ${e} due to error: ${i}`)}});let s=Object.getPrototypeOf(t);for(;s&&Object.getPrototypeOf(s);)Object.getOwnPropertyNames(s).forEach(n=>{try{typeof t[n]=="function"&&r.add(n)}catch(i){console.debug(`Skipping ${n} on ${e}'s prototype due to error: ${i}`)}}),s=Object.getPrototypeOf(s);return r}function ft(t,e={}){return new Proxy(e,{get(r,s){return s in r?r[s]:async(...n)=>(await t())[s](...n)}})}class ge{constructor(e,r){d(this,"baseDocument");d(this,"contributions",new Map);d(this,"latestOutput");d(this,"options");d(this,"onDidRebuildEmitter",new pe);d(this,"onDidRebuild",this.onDidRebuildEmitter.subscribe);this.baseDocument=e,this.options=r,this.updateBaseDocument(e)}updateBaseDocument(e){return this.validateBaseDocument(e),this.baseDocument=this.options.copyDocuments?A(e):e,this.baseDocument=this.transformBaseDocumentAfterValidation(this.baseDocument),this.rebuild()}addOrUpdateContribution(e,r){this.validateContribution(e,r);const s=this.contributions.get(e);let n=this.options.copyDocuments&&r?A(r):r;n=this.transformContributionAfterValidation(e,n),this.contributions.set(e,n);try{return this.rebuild()}catch(i){throw s?this.contributions.set(e,s):this.contributions.delete(e),new Error(`Error when setting the document named ${e}: ${i}`)}}deleteContribution(e){const r=this.contributions.get(e);if(!r)throw new Error(`${e} does not exist`);this.contributions.delete(e);try{return this.rebuild()}catch(s){throw this.contributions.set(e,r),new Error(`Error when deleting the document named ${e}: ${s}`)}}deleteAllContributions(){if(this.contributions.size<=0)return this.latestOutput;const e=[...this.contributions.entries()];e.forEach(([r])=>this.contributions.delete(r));try{return this.rebuild()}catch(r){throw e.forEach(([s,n])=>this.contributions.set(s,n)),new Error(`Error when deleting all contributions: ${r}`)}}rebuild(){if(this.contributions.size===0){let r=A(this.baseDocument);return r=this.transformFinalOutputBeforeValidation(r),this.validateOutput(r),this.latestOutput=r,this.onDidRebuildEmitter.emit(void 0),this.latestOutput}let e=this.baseDocument;return this.contributions.forEach(r=>{e=ht(e,r,this.options.ignoreDuplicateProperties),this.validateOutput(e)}),e=this.transformFinalOutputBeforeValidation(e),this.validateOutput(e),this.latestOutput=e,this.onDidRebuildEmitter.emit(void 0),this.latestOutput}transformBaseDocumentAfterValidation(e){return e}transformContributionAfterValidation(e,r){return r}validateBaseDocument(e){}validateContribution(e,r){}validateOutput(e){}transformFinalOutputBeforeValidation(e){return e}}function Q(...t){let e=!0;return t.forEach(r=>{(!r||typeof r!="object"||Array.isArray(r))&&(e=!1)}),e}function Y(...t){let e=!0;return t.forEach(r=>{(!r||typeof r!="object"||!Array.isArray(r))&&(e=!1)}),e}function ht(t,e,r){const s=A(t);return e?be(s,A(e),r):s}function be(t,e,r){if(!e)return t;if(Q(t,e)){const s=t,n=e;Object.keys(n).forEach(i=>{if(Object.hasOwn(s,i)){if(Q(s[i],n[i]))s[i]=be(s[i],n[i],r);else if(Y(s[i],n[i]))s[i]=s[i].concat(n[i]);else if(!r)throw new Error(`Cannot merge objects: key "${i}" already exists in the target object`)}else s[i]=n[i]})}else Y(t,e)&&t.push(...e);return t}class ye extends et.Mutex{}class pt{constructor(){d(this,"mutexesByID",new Map)}get(e){let r=this.mutexesByID.get(e);return r||(r=new ye,this.mutexesByID.set(e,r),r)}}class dt extends ge{constructor(e,r){super(e,r)}get output(){return this.latestOutput}}class mt{constructor(e,r){d(this,"numberFormatter");this.numberFormatter=new Intl.NumberFormat(e,r)}format(e){return this.numberFormatter.format(e)}formatRange(e,r){return this.numberFormatter.formatRange(e,r)}formatRangeToParts(e,r){return this.numberFormatter.formatRangeToParts(e,r)}formatToParts(e){return this.numberFormatter.formatToParts(e)}resolvedOptions(){return this.numberFormatter.resolvedOptions()}}class gt{constructor(e="Anonymous"){d(this,"unsubscribers",new Set);this.name=e}add(...e){e.forEach(r=>{"dispose"in r?this.unsubscribers.add(r.dispose):this.unsubscribers.add(r)})}async runAllUnsubscribers(){const e=[...this.unsubscribers].map(s=>s()),r=await Promise.all(e);return this.unsubscribers.clear(),r.every((s,n)=>(s||console.error(`UnsubscriberAsyncList ${this.name}: Unsubscriber at index ${n} failed!`),s))}}var bt=Object.defineProperty,yt=(t,e,r)=>e in t?bt(t,e,{enumerable:!0,configurable:!0,writable:!0,value:r}):t[e]=r,l=(t,e,r)=>(yt(t,typeof e!="symbol"?e+"":e,r),r);const j=["GEN","EXO","LEV","NUM","DEU","JOS","JDG","RUT","1SA","2SA","1KI","2KI","1CH","2CH","EZR","NEH","EST","JOB","PSA","PRO","ECC","SNG","ISA","JER","LAM","EZK","DAN","HOS","JOL","AMO","OBA","JON","MIC","NAM","HAB","ZEP","HAG","ZEC","MAL","MAT","MRK","LUK","JHN","ACT","ROM","1CO","2CO","GAL","EPH","PHP","COL","1TH","2TH","1TI","2TI","TIT","PHM","HEB","JAS","1PE","2PE","1JN","2JN","3JN","JUD","REV","TOB","JDT","ESG","WIS","SIR","BAR","LJE","S3Y","SUS","BEL","1MA","2MA","3MA","4MA","1ES","2ES","MAN","PS2","ODA","PSS","JSA","JDB","TBS","SST","DNT","BLT","XXA","XXB","XXC","XXD","XXE","XXF","XXG","FRT","BAK","OTH","3ES","EZA","5EZ","6EZ","INT","CNC","GLO","TDX","NDX","DAG","PS3","2BA","LBA","JUB","ENO","1MQ","2MQ","3MQ","REP","4BA","LAO"],G=["XXA","XXB","XXC","XXD","XXE","XXF","XXG","FRT","BAK","OTH","INT","CNC","GLO","TDX","NDX"],ve=["Genesis","Exodus","Leviticus","Numbers","Deuteronomy","Joshua","Judges","Ruth","1 Samuel","2 Samuel","1 Kings","2 Kings","1 Chronicles","2 Chronicles","Ezra","Nehemiah","Esther (Hebrew)","Job","Psalms","Proverbs","Ecclesiastes","Song of Songs","Isaiah","Jeremiah","Lamentations","Ezekiel","Daniel (Hebrew)","Hosea","Joel","Amos","Obadiah","Jonah","Micah","Nahum","Habakkuk","Zephaniah","Haggai","Zechariah","Malachi","Matthew","Mark","Luke","John","Acts","Romans","1 Corinthians","2 Corinthians","Galatians","Ephesians","Philippians","Colossians","1 Thessalonians","2 Thessalonians","1 Timothy","2 Timothy","Titus","Philemon","Hebrews","James","1 Peter","2 Peter","1 John","2 John","3 John","Jude","Revelation","Tobit","Judith","Esther Greek","Wisdom of Solomon","Sirach (Ecclesiasticus)","Baruch","Letter of Jeremiah","Song of 3 Young Men","Susanna","Bel and the Dragon","1 Maccabees","2 Maccabees","3 Maccabees","4 Maccabees","1 Esdras (Greek)","2 Esdras (Latin)","Prayer of Manasseh","Psalm 151","Odes","Psalms of Solomon","Joshua A. *obsolete*","Judges B. *obsolete*","Tobit S. *obsolete*","Susanna Th. *obsolete*","Daniel Th. *obsolete*","Bel Th. *obsolete*","Extra A","Extra B","Extra C","Extra D","Extra E","Extra F","Extra G","Front Matter","Back Matter","Other Matter","3 Ezra *obsolete*","Apocalypse of Ezra","5 Ezra (Latin Prologue)","6 Ezra (Latin Epilogue)","Introduction","Concordance ","Glossary ","Topical Index","Names Index","Daniel Greek","Psalms 152-155","2 Baruch (Apocalypse)","Letter of Baruch","Jubilees","Enoch","1 Meqabyan","2 Meqabyan","3 Meqabyan","Reproof (Proverbs 25-31)","4 Baruch (Rest of Baruch)","Laodiceans"],ee=It();function T(t,e=!0){return e&&(t=t.toUpperCase()),t in ee?ee[t]:0}function F(t){return T(t)>0}function vt(t){const e=typeof t=="string"?T(t):t;return e>=40&&e<=66}function Nt(t){return(typeof t=="string"?T(t):t)<=39}function Ne(t){return t<=66}function wt(t){const e=typeof t=="string"?T(t):t;return Se(e)&&!Ne(e)}function*Et(){for(let t=1;t<=j.length;t++)yield t}const St=1,we=j.length;function Ot(){return["XXA","XXB","XXC","XXD","XXE","XXF","XXG"]}function K(t,e="***"){const r=t-1;return r<0||r>=j.length?e:j[r]}function Ee(t){return t<=0||t>we?"******":ve[t-1]}function $t(t){return Ee(T(t))}function Se(t){const e=typeof t=="number"?K(t):t;return F(e)&&!G.includes(e)}function jt(t){const e=typeof t=="number"?K(t):t;return F(e)&&G.includes(e)}function Ct(t){return ve[t-1].includes("*obsolete*")}function It(){const t={};for(let e=0;e(t[t.Unknown=0]="Unknown",t[t.Original=1]="Original",t[t.Septuagint=2]="Septuagint",t[t.Vulgate=3]="Vulgate",t[t.English=4]="English",t[t.RussianProtestant=5]="RussianProtestant",t[t.RussianOrthodox=6]="RussianOrthodox",t))(S||{});const N=class{constructor(e){if(l(this,"name"),l(this,"fullPath"),l(this,"isPresent"),l(this,"hasVerseSegments"),l(this,"isCustomized"),l(this,"baseVersification"),l(this,"scriptureBooks"),l(this,"_type"),e!=null)typeof e=="string"?this.name=e:this._type=e;else throw new Error("Argument null")}get type(){return this._type}equals(e){return!e.type||!this.type?!1:e.type===this.type}};l(N,"Original",new N(S.Original)),l(N,"Septuagint",new N(S.Septuagint)),l(N,"Vulgate",new N(S.Vulgate)),l(N,"English",new N(S.English)),l(N,"RussianProtestant",new N(S.RussianProtestant)),l(N,"RussianOrthodox",new N(S.RussianOrthodox));let I=N;function te(t,e){const r=e[0];for(let s=1;s(t[t.Valid=0]="Valid",t[t.UnknownVersification=1]="UnknownVersification",t[t.OutOfRange=2]="OutOfRange",t[t.VerseOutOfOrder=3]="VerseOutOfOrder",t[t.VerseRepeated=4]="VerseRepeated",t))(Oe||{});const y=class f{constructor(e,r,s,n){if(l(this,"firstChapter"),l(this,"lastChapter"),l(this,"lastVerse"),l(this,"hasSegmentsDefined"),l(this,"text"),l(this,"BBBCCCVVVS"),l(this,"longHashCode"),l(this,"versification"),l(this,"rtlMark","‏"),l(this,"_bookNum",0),l(this,"_chapterNum",0),l(this,"_verseNum",0),l(this,"_verse"),s==null&&n==null)if(e!=null&&typeof e=="string"){const i=e,o=r!=null&&r instanceof I?r:void 0;this.setEmpty(o),this.parse(i)}else if(e!=null&&typeof e=="number"){const i=r!=null&&r instanceof I?r:void 0;this.setEmpty(i),this._verseNum=e%f.chapterDigitShifter,this._chapterNum=Math.floor(e%f.bookDigitShifter/f.chapterDigitShifter),this._bookNum=Math.floor(e/f.bookDigitShifter)}else if(r==null)if(e!=null&&e instanceof f){const i=e;this._bookNum=i.bookNum,this._chapterNum=i.chapterNum,this._verseNum=i.verseNum,this._verse=i.verse,this.versification=i.versification}else{if(e==null)return;const i=e instanceof I?e:f.defaultVersification;this.setEmpty(i)}else throw new Error("VerseRef constructor not supported.");else if(e!=null&&r!=null&&s!=null)if(typeof e=="string"&&typeof r=="string"&&typeof s=="string")this.setEmpty(n),this.updateInternal(e,r,s);else if(typeof e=="number"&&typeof r=="number"&&typeof s=="number")this._bookNum=e,this._chapterNum=r,this._verseNum=s,this.versification=n??f.defaultVersification;else throw new Error("VerseRef constructor not supported.");else throw new Error("VerseRef constructor not supported.")}static parse(e,r=f.defaultVersification){const s=new f(r);return s.parse(e),s}static isVerseParseable(e){return e.length>0&&"0123456789".includes(e[0])&&!e.endsWith(this.verseRangeSeparator)&&!e.endsWith(this.verseSequenceIndicator)}static tryParse(e){let r;try{return r=f.parse(e),{success:!0,verseRef:r}}catch(s){if(s instanceof R)return r=new f,{success:!1,verseRef:r};throw s}}static getBBBCCCVVV(e,r,s){return e%f.bcvMaxValue*f.bookDigitShifter+(r>=0?r%f.bcvMaxValue*f.chapterDigitShifter:0)+(s>=0?s%f.bcvMaxValue:0)}static tryGetVerseNum(e){let r;if(!e)return r=-1,{success:!0,vNum:r};r=0;let s;for(let n=0;n"9")return n===0&&(r=-1),{success:!1,vNum:r};if(r=r*10+ +s-+"0",r>f.bcvMaxValue)return r=-1,{success:!1,vNum:r}}return{success:!0,vNum:r}}get isDefault(){return this.bookNum===0&&this.chapterNum===0&&this.verseNum===0&&this.versification==null}get hasMultiple(){return this._verse!=null&&(this._verse.includes(f.verseRangeSeparator)||this._verse.includes(f.verseSequenceIndicator))}get book(){return E.bookNumberToId(this.bookNum,"")}set book(e){this.bookNum=E.bookIdToNumber(e)}get chapter(){return this.isDefault||this._chapterNum<0?"":this._chapterNum.toString()}set chapter(e){const r=+e;this._chapterNum=Number.isInteger(r)?r:-1}get verse(){return this._verse!=null?this._verse:this.isDefault||this._verseNum<0?"":this._verseNum.toString()}set verse(e){const{success:r,vNum:s}=f.tryGetVerseNum(e);this._verse=r?void 0:e.replace(this.rtlMark,""),this._verseNum=s,!(this._verseNum>=0)&&({vNum:this._verseNum}=f.tryGetVerseNum(this._verse))}get bookNum(){return this._bookNum}set bookNum(e){if(e<=0||e>E.lastBook)throw new R("BookNum must be greater than zero and less than or equal to last book");this._bookNum=e}get chapterNum(){return this._chapterNum}set chapterNum(e){this.chapterNum=e}get verseNum(){return this._verseNum}set verseNum(e){this._verseNum=e}get versificationStr(){var e;return(e=this.versification)==null?void 0:e.name}set versificationStr(e){this.versification=this.versification!=null?new I(e):void 0}get valid(){return this.validStatus===0}get validStatus(){return this.validateVerse(f.verseRangeSeparators,f.verseSequenceIndicators)}get BBBCCC(){return f.getBBBCCCVVV(this._bookNum,this._chapterNum,0)}get BBBCCCVVV(){return f.getBBBCCCVVV(this._bookNum,this._chapterNum,this._verseNum)}get isExcluded(){return!1}parse(e){if(e=e.replace(this.rtlMark,""),e.includes("/")){const i=e.split("/");if(e=i[0],i.length>1)try{const o=+i[1].trim();this.versification=new I(S[o])}catch{throw new R("Invalid reference : "+e)}}const r=e.trim().split(" ");if(r.length!==2)throw new R("Invalid reference : "+e);const s=r[1].split(":"),n=+s[0];if(s.length!==2||E.bookIdToNumber(r[0])===0||!Number.isInteger(n)||n<0||!f.isVerseParseable(s[1]))throw new R("Invalid reference : "+e);this.updateInternal(r[0],s[0],s[1])}simplify(){this._verse=void 0}clone(){return new f(this)}toString(){const e=this.book;return e===""?"":`${e} ${this.chapter}:${this.verse}`}equals(e){return e instanceof f?e._bookNum===this._bookNum&&e._chapterNum===this._chapterNum&&e._verseNum===this._verseNum&&e.verse===this.verse&&e.versification!=null&&this.versification!=null&&e.versification.equals(this.versification):!1}allVerses(e=!1,r=f.verseRangeSeparators,s=f.verseSequenceIndicators){if(this._verse==null||this.chapterNum<=0)return[this.clone()];const n=[],i=te(this._verse,s);for(const o of i.map(a=>te(a,r))){const a=this.clone();a.verse=o[0];const h=a.verseNum;if(n.push(a),o.length>1){const p=this.clone();if(p.verse=o[1],!e)for(let u=h+1;uo)return 3;if(s===o)return 4;s=o}return 0}get internalValid(){return this.versification==null?1:this._bookNum<=0||this._bookNum>E.lastBook?2:(E.isCanonical(this._bookNum),0)}setEmpty(e=f.defaultVersification){this._bookNum=0,this._chapterNum=-1,this._verse=void 0,this.versification=e}updateInternal(e,r,s){this.bookNum=E.bookIdToNumber(e),this.chapter=r,this.verse=s}};l(y,"defaultVersification",I.English),l(y,"verseRangeSeparator","-"),l(y,"verseSequenceIndicator",","),l(y,"verseRangeSeparators",[y.verseRangeSeparator]),l(y,"verseSequenceIndicators",[y.verseSequenceIndicator]),l(y,"chapterDigitShifter",1e3),l(y,"bookDigitShifter",y.chapterDigitShifter*y.chapterDigitShifter),l(y,"bcvMaxValue",y.chapterDigitShifter-1),l(y,"ValidStatusType",Oe);class R extends Error{}var re=typeof globalThis<"u"?globalThis:typeof window<"u"?window:typeof global<"u"?global:typeof self<"u"?self:{},C={},At=()=>{const t="\\ud800-\\udfff",e="\\u0300-\\u036f",r="\\ufe20-\\ufe2f",s="\\u20d0-\\u20ff",n="\\u1ab0-\\u1aff",i="\\u1dc0-\\u1dff",o=e+r+s+n+i,a="\\ufe0e\\ufe0f",h="\\uD83D\\uDC69\\uD83C\\uDFFB\\u200D\\uD83C\\uDF93",p=`[${t}]`,u=`[${o}]`,c="\\ud83c[\\udffb-\\udfff]",m=`(?:${u}|${c})`,v=`[^${t}]`,b="(?:\\uD83C[\\uDDE6-\\uDDFF]){2}",M="[\\ud800-\\udbff][\\udc00-\\udfff]",q="\\u200d",Le="(?:\\ud83c\\udff4\\udb40\\udc67\\udb40\\udc62\\udb40(?:\\udc65|\\udc73|\\udc77)\\udb40(?:\\udc6e|\\udc63|\\udc6c)\\udb40(?:\\udc67|\\udc74|\\udc73)\\udb40\\udc7f)",Ue=`[${h}]`,W=`${m}?`,Z=`[${a}]?`,He=`(?:${q}(?:${[v,b,M].join("|")})${Z+W})*`,We=Z+W+He,Ze=`(?:${[`${v}${u}?`,u,b,M,p,Ue].join("|")})`;return new RegExp(`${Le}|${c}(?=${c})|${Ze+We}`,"g")},Pt=re&&re.__importDefault||function(t){return t&&t.__esModule?t:{default:t}};Object.defineProperty(C,"__esModule",{value:!0});var k=Pt(At);function z(t){if(typeof t!="string")throw new Error("A string is expected as input");return t.match(k.default())||[]}var Tt=C.toArray=z;function X(t){if(typeof t!="string")throw new Error("Input must be a string");var e=t.match(k.default());return e===null?0:e.length}var Dt=C.length=X;function $e(t,e,r){if(e===void 0&&(e=0),typeof t!="string")throw new Error("Input must be a string");(typeof e!="number"||e<0)&&(e=0),typeof r=="number"&&r<0&&(r=0);var s=t.match(k.default());return s?s.slice(e,r).join(""):""}var Mt=C.substring=$e;function Rt(t,e,r){if(e===void 0&&(e=0),typeof t!="string")throw new Error("Input must be a string");var s=X(t);if(typeof e!="number"&&(e=parseInt(e,10)),e>=s)return"";e<0&&(e+=s);var n;typeof r>"u"?n=s:(typeof r!="number"&&(r=parseInt(r,10)),n=r>=0?r+e:e);var i=t.match(k.default());return i?i.slice(e,n).join(""):""}var Bt=C.substr=Rt;function xt(t,e,r,s){if(e===void 0&&(e=16),r===void 0&&(r="#"),s===void 0&&(s="right"),typeof t!="string"||typeof e!="number")throw new Error("Invalid arguments specified");if(["left","right"].indexOf(s)===-1)throw new Error("Pad position should be either left or right");typeof r!="string"&&(r=String(r));var n=X(t);if(n>e)return $e(t,0,e);if(n=s.length)return e===""?s.length:-1;if(e==="")return r;var n=z(e),i=!1,o;for(o=r;og(t)||e<-g(t)))return V(t,e,1)}function $(t,e){return e<0||e>g(t)-1?"":V(t,e,1)}function zt(t,e){if(!(e<0||e>g(t)-1))return V(t,e,1).codePointAt(0)}function Ce(t,e,r=g(t)){const s=Ae(t,e);return!(s===-1||s+g(e)!==r)}function _t(t,e,r){if(e<0)return-1;if(r){if($(t,e)==="}"&&$(t,e-1)==="\\")return e;const i=P(t,"\\}",e);return i>=0?i+1:i}let s=e;const n=g(t);for(;s=n?-1:s}function Jt(t,e){let r=t,s=0;for(;s=0){const i=w(r,s+1,n),o=i in e?e[i]:i;r=`${w(r,0,s)}${o}${w(r,n+1)}`,s=n+g(o)-g(i)-2}}else r=`${w(r,0,s-1)}${w(r,s)}`,s-=1;break;case"}":$(r,s-1)!=="\\"||(r=`${w(r,0,s-1)}${w(r,s)}`,s-=1);break}s+=1}return r}function Ie(t,e,r=0){const s=w(t,r);return P(s,e)!==-1}function P(t,e,r=0){return Vt(t,e,r)}function Ae(t,e,r){let s=r===void 0?g(t):r;s<0?s=0:s>=g(t)&&(s=g(t)-1);for(let n=s;n>=0;n--)if(V(t,n,g(e))===e)return n;return-1}function g(t){return Dt(t)}function Gt(t,e){const r=e.toUpperCase();return r==="NONE"?t:t.normalize(r)}function Ft(t,e,r){return t.localeCompare(e,"en",r)}function Kt(t,e,r=" "){return e<=g(t)?t:je(t,e,r,"right")}function Xt(t,e,r=" "){return e<=g(t)?t:je(t,e,r,"left")}function se(t,e){return e>t?t:e<-t?0:e<0?e+t:e}function Lt(t,e,r){const s=g(t);if(e>s||r&&(e>r&&!(e>=0&&e-s)||r<-s))return"";const n=se(s,e),i=r?se(s,r):void 0;return w(t,n,i)}function _(t,e,r){const s=[];if(r!==void 0&&r<=0)return[t];if(e==="")return Pe(t).slice(0,r);let n=e;(typeof e=="string"||e instanceof RegExp&&!Ie(e.flags,"g"))&&(n=new RegExp(e,"g"));const i=t.match(n);let o=0;if(!i)return[t];for(let a=0;a<(r?r-1:i.length);a++){const h=P(t,i[a],o),p=g(i[a]);if(s.push(w(t,o,h)),o=h+p,r!==void 0&&s.length===r)break}return s.push(w(t,o)),s}function L(t,e,r=0){return P(t,e,r)===r}function V(t,e=0,r=g(t)-e){return Bt(t,e,r)}function w(t,e,r=g(t)){return Mt(t,e,r)}function Pe(t){return Tt(t)}function Ut(t){return L(t,"%")&&Ce(t,"%")}function Ht(t){if(typeof t!="string")throw new TypeError("Expected a string");return t.replace(/[|\\{}()[\]^$+*?.]/g,"\\$&").replace(/-/g,"\\x2d")}const Te=[{shortName:"ERR",fullNames:["ERROR"],chapters:-1},{shortName:"GEN",fullNames:["Genesis"],chapters:50},{shortName:"EXO",fullNames:["Exodus"],chapters:40},{shortName:"LEV",fullNames:["Leviticus"],chapters:27},{shortName:"NUM",fullNames:["Numbers"],chapters:36},{shortName:"DEU",fullNames:["Deuteronomy"],chapters:34},{shortName:"JOS",fullNames:["Joshua"],chapters:24},{shortName:"JDG",fullNames:["Judges"],chapters:21},{shortName:"RUT",fullNames:["Ruth"],chapters:4},{shortName:"1SA",fullNames:["1 Samuel"],chapters:31},{shortName:"2SA",fullNames:["2 Samuel"],chapters:24},{shortName:"1KI",fullNames:["1 Kings"],chapters:22},{shortName:"2KI",fullNames:["2 Kings"],chapters:25},{shortName:"1CH",fullNames:["1 Chronicles"],chapters:29},{shortName:"2CH",fullNames:["2 Chronicles"],chapters:36},{shortName:"EZR",fullNames:["Ezra"],chapters:10},{shortName:"NEH",fullNames:["Nehemiah"],chapters:13},{shortName:"EST",fullNames:["Esther"],chapters:10},{shortName:"JOB",fullNames:["Job"],chapters:42},{shortName:"PSA",fullNames:["Psalm","Psalms"],chapters:150},{shortName:"PRO",fullNames:["Proverbs"],chapters:31},{shortName:"ECC",fullNames:["Ecclesiastes"],chapters:12},{shortName:"SNG",fullNames:["Song of Solomon","Song of Songs"],chapters:8},{shortName:"ISA",fullNames:["Isaiah"],chapters:66},{shortName:"JER",fullNames:["Jeremiah"],chapters:52},{shortName:"LAM",fullNames:["Lamentations"],chapters:5},{shortName:"EZK",fullNames:["Ezekiel"],chapters:48},{shortName:"DAN",fullNames:["Daniel"],chapters:12},{shortName:"HOS",fullNames:["Hosea"],chapters:14},{shortName:"JOL",fullNames:["Joel"],chapters:3},{shortName:"AMO",fullNames:["Amos"],chapters:9},{shortName:"OBA",fullNames:["Obadiah"],chapters:1},{shortName:"JON",fullNames:["Jonah"],chapters:4},{shortName:"MIC",fullNames:["Micah"],chapters:7},{shortName:"NAM",fullNames:["Nahum"],chapters:3},{shortName:"HAB",fullNames:["Habakkuk"],chapters:3},{shortName:"ZEP",fullNames:["Zephaniah"],chapters:3},{shortName:"HAG",fullNames:["Haggai"],chapters:2},{shortName:"ZEC",fullNames:["Zechariah"],chapters:14},{shortName:"MAL",fullNames:["Malachi"],chapters:4},{shortName:"MAT",fullNames:["Matthew"],chapters:28},{shortName:"MRK",fullNames:["Mark"],chapters:16},{shortName:"LUK",fullNames:["Luke"],chapters:24},{shortName:"JHN",fullNames:["John"],chapters:21},{shortName:"ACT",fullNames:["Acts"],chapters:28},{shortName:"ROM",fullNames:["Romans"],chapters:16},{shortName:"1CO",fullNames:["1 Corinthians"],chapters:16},{shortName:"2CO",fullNames:["2 Corinthians"],chapters:13},{shortName:"GAL",fullNames:["Galatians"],chapters:6},{shortName:"EPH",fullNames:["Ephesians"],chapters:6},{shortName:"PHP",fullNames:["Philippians"],chapters:4},{shortName:"COL",fullNames:["Colossians"],chapters:4},{shortName:"1TH",fullNames:["1 Thessalonians"],chapters:5},{shortName:"2TH",fullNames:["2 Thessalonians"],chapters:3},{shortName:"1TI",fullNames:["1 Timothy"],chapters:6},{shortName:"2TI",fullNames:["2 Timothy"],chapters:4},{shortName:"TIT",fullNames:["Titus"],chapters:3},{shortName:"PHM",fullNames:["Philemon"],chapters:1},{shortName:"HEB",fullNames:["Hebrews"],chapters:13},{shortName:"JAS",fullNames:["James"],chapters:5},{shortName:"1PE",fullNames:["1 Peter"],chapters:5},{shortName:"2PE",fullNames:["2 Peter"],chapters:3},{shortName:"1JN",fullNames:["1 John"],chapters:5},{shortName:"2JN",fullNames:["2 John"],chapters:1},{shortName:"3JN",fullNames:["3 John"],chapters:1},{shortName:"JUD",fullNames:["Jude"],chapters:1},{shortName:"REV",fullNames:["Revelation"],chapters:22}],De=1,Me=Te.length-1,Re=1,Be=1,xe=t=>{var e;return((e=Te[t])==null?void 0:e.chapters)??-1},Wt=(t,e)=>({bookNum:Math.max(De,Math.min(t.bookNum+e,Me)),chapterNum:1,verseNum:1}),Zt=(t,e)=>({...t,chapterNum:Math.min(Math.max(Re,t.chapterNum+e),xe(t.bookNum)),verseNum:1}),Qt=(t,e)=>({...t,verseNum:Math.max(Be,t.verseNum+e)});async function Yt(t,e,r){const s=E.bookNumberToId(t);if(!L(Intl.getCanonicalLocales(e)[0],"zh"))return r({localizeKey:`LocalizedId.${s}`,languagesToSearch:[e]});const n=await r({localizeKey:`Book.${s}`,languagesToSearch:[e]}),i=_(n,"-");return _(i[0],"ÿ08")[0].trim()}const er=t=>(...e)=>t.map(s=>s(...e)).every(s=>s),tr=t=>async(...e)=>{const r=t.map(async s=>s(...e));return(await Promise.all(r)).every(s=>s)};var rr=Object.getOwnPropertyNames,sr=Object.getOwnPropertySymbols,nr=Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty;function ne(t,e){return function(s,n,i){return t(s,n,i)&&e(s,n,i)}}function x(t){return function(r,s,n){if(!r||!s||typeof r!="object"||typeof s!="object")return t(r,s,n);var i=n.cache,o=i.get(r),a=i.get(s);if(o&&a)return o===s&&a===r;i.set(r,s),i.set(s,r);var h=t(r,s,n);return i.delete(r),i.delete(s),h}}function ie(t){return rr(t).concat(sr(t))}var ke=Object.hasOwn||function(t,e){return nr.call(t,e)};function D(t,e){return t||e?t===e:t===e||t!==t&&e!==e}var Ve="_owner",oe=Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor,ae=Object.keys;function ir(t,e,r){var s=t.length;if(e.length!==s)return!1;for(;s-- >0;)if(!r.equals(t[s],e[s],s,s,t,e,r))return!1;return!0}function or(t,e){return D(t.getTime(),e.getTime())}function ue(t,e,r){if(t.size!==e.size)return!1;for(var s={},n=t.entries(),i=0,o,a;(o=n.next())&&!o.done;){for(var h=e.entries(),p=!1,u=0;(a=h.next())&&!a.done;){var c=o.value,m=c[0],v=c[1],b=a.value,M=b[0],q=b[1];!p&&!s[u]&&(p=r.equals(m,M,i,u,t,e,r)&&r.equals(v,q,m,M,t,e,r))&&(s[u]=!0),u++}if(!p)return!1;i++}return!0}function ar(t,e,r){var s=ae(t),n=s.length;if(ae(e).length!==n)return!1;for(var i;n-- >0;)if(i=s[n],i===Ve&&(t.$$typeof||e.$$typeof)&&t.$$typeof!==e.$$typeof||!ke(e,i)||!r.equals(t[i],e[i],i,i,t,e,r))return!1;return!0}function B(t,e,r){var s=ie(t),n=s.length;if(ie(e).length!==n)return!1;for(var i,o,a;n-- >0;)if(i=s[n],i===Ve&&(t.$$typeof||e.$$typeof)&&t.$$typeof!==e.$$typeof||!ke(e,i)||!r.equals(t[i],e[i],i,i,t,e,r)||(o=oe(t,i),a=oe(e,i),(o||a)&&(!o||!a||o.configurable!==a.configurable||o.enumerable!==a.enumerable||o.writable!==a.writable)))return!1;return!0}function ur(t,e){return D(t.valueOf(),e.valueOf())}function lr(t,e){return t.source===e.source&&t.flags===e.flags}function le(t,e,r){if(t.size!==e.size)return!1;for(var s={},n=t.values(),i,o;(i=n.next())&&!i.done;){for(var a=e.values(),h=!1,p=0;(o=a.next())&&!o.done;)!h&&!s[p]&&(h=r.equals(i.value,o.value,i.value,o.value,t,e,r))&&(s[p]=!0),p++;if(!h)return!1}return!0}function cr(t,e){var r=t.length;if(e.length!==r)return!1;for(;r-- >0;)if(t[r]!==e[r])return!1;return!0}var fr="[object Arguments]",hr="[object Boolean]",pr="[object Date]",dr="[object Map]",mr="[object Number]",gr="[object Object]",br="[object RegExp]",yr="[object Set]",vr="[object String]",Nr=Array.isArray,ce=typeof ArrayBuffer=="function"&&ArrayBuffer.isView?ArrayBuffer.isView:null,fe=Object.assign,wr=Object.prototype.toString.call.bind(Object.prototype.toString);function Er(t){var e=t.areArraysEqual,r=t.areDatesEqual,s=t.areMapsEqual,n=t.areObjectsEqual,i=t.arePrimitiveWrappersEqual,o=t.areRegExpsEqual,a=t.areSetsEqual,h=t.areTypedArraysEqual;return function(u,c,m){if(u===c)return!0;if(u==null||c==null||typeof u!="object"||typeof c!="object")return u!==u&&c!==c;var v=u.constructor;if(v!==c.constructor)return!1;if(v===Object)return n(u,c,m);if(Nr(u))return e(u,c,m);if(ce!=null&&ce(u))return h(u,c,m);if(v===Date)return r(u,c,m);if(v===RegExp)return o(u,c,m);if(v===Map)return s(u,c,m);if(v===Set)return a(u,c,m);var b=wr(u);return b===pr?r(u,c,m):b===br?o(u,c,m):b===dr?s(u,c,m):b===yr?a(u,c,m):b===gr?typeof u.then!="function"&&typeof c.then!="function"&&n(u,c,m):b===fr?n(u,c,m):b===hr||b===mr||b===vr?i(u,c,m):!1}}function Sr(t){var e=t.circular,r=t.createCustomConfig,s=t.strict,n={areArraysEqual:s?B:ir,areDatesEqual:or,areMapsEqual:s?ne(ue,B):ue,areObjectsEqual:s?B:ar,arePrimitiveWrappersEqual:ur,areRegExpsEqual:lr,areSetsEqual:s?ne(le,B):le,areTypedArraysEqual:s?B:cr};if(r&&(n=fe({},n,r(n))),e){var i=x(n.areArraysEqual),o=x(n.areMapsEqual),a=x(n.areObjectsEqual),h=x(n.areSetsEqual);n=fe({},n,{areArraysEqual:i,areMapsEqual:o,areObjectsEqual:a,areSetsEqual:h})}return n}function Or(t){return function(e,r,s,n,i,o,a){return t(e,r,a)}}function $r(t){var e=t.circular,r=t.comparator,s=t.createState,n=t.equals,i=t.strict;if(s)return function(h,p){var u=s(),c=u.cache,m=c===void 0?e?new WeakMap:void 0:c,v=u.meta;return r(h,p,{cache:m,equals:n,meta:v,strict:i})};if(e)return function(h,p){return r(h,p,{cache:new WeakMap,equals:n,meta:void 0,strict:i})};var o={cache:void 0,equals:n,meta:void 0,strict:i};return function(h,p){return r(h,p,o)}}var jr=O();O({strict:!0});O({circular:!0});O({circular:!0,strict:!0});O({createInternalComparator:function(){return D}});O({strict:!0,createInternalComparator:function(){return D}});O({circular:!0,createInternalComparator:function(){return D}});O({circular:!0,createInternalComparator:function(){return D},strict:!0});function O(t){t===void 0&&(t={});var e=t.circular,r=e===void 0?!1:e,s=t.createInternalComparator,n=t.createState,i=t.strict,o=i===void 0?!1:i,a=Sr(t),h=Er(a),p=s?s(h):Or(h);return $r({circular:r,comparator:h,createState:n,equals:p,strict:o})}function qe(t,e){return jr(t,e)}function ze(t,e){if(typeof t!=typeof e)return!1;if(!t&&!e)return!0;if(Array.isArray(t)){const i=e,o=t;return i.length===0?!0:i.every(a=>o.includes(a))}if(typeof t!="object")return qe(t,e);const r=e,s=t;let n=!0;return Object.keys(r).forEach(i=>{n&&(Object.hasOwn(s,i)&&ze(s[i],r[i])||(n=!1))}),n}function J(t,e,r){return JSON.stringify(t,(n,i)=>{let o=i;return e&&(o=e(n,o)),o===void 0&&(o=null),o},r)}function _e(t,e){function r(n){return Object.keys(n).forEach(i=>{n[i]===null?n[i]=void 0:typeof n[i]=="object"&&(n[i]=r(n[i]))}),n}const s=JSON.parse(t,e);if(s!==null)return typeof s=="object"?r(s):s}function Cr(t){try{const e=J(t);return e===J(_e(e))}catch{return!1}}const Ir=t=>t.replace(/&/g,"&").replace(//g,">").replace(/"/g,""").replace(/'/g,"'").replace(/\//g,"/");function Ar(){return typeof navigator<"u"&&navigator.languages?navigator.languages[0]:new he().resolvedOptions().locale}const U={projectSettingsContribution:{description:"The data an extension provides to inform Platform.Bible of the project settings it provides",anyOf:[{$ref:"#/$defs/projectSettingsGroup"},{type:"array",items:{$ref:"#/$defs/projectSettingsGroup"}}]},projectSettingsGroup:{description:"Group of related settings definitions",type:"object",properties:{label:{description:"localizeKey that displays in the project settings dialog as the group name",$ref:"#/$defs/localizeKey"},description:{description:"localizeKey that displays in the project settings dialog to describe the group",$ref:"#/$defs/localizeKey"},properties:{$ref:"#/$defs/projectSettingProperties"}},required:["label","properties"]},projectSettingProperties:{description:"Object whose keys are setting IDs and whose values are settings objects",type:"object",patternProperties:{"^[\\w\\-]+\\.[\\w\\-]+$":{$ref:"#/$defs/projectSetting"}},additionalProperties:!1},projectSetting:{description:"A description of an extension's setting entry",anyOf:[{$ref:"#/$defs/extensionControlledProjectSetting"}]},extensionControlledProjectSetting:{description:"Setting definition that is validated by the extension.",allOf:[{$ref:"#/$defs/projectSettingBase"},{$ref:"#/$defs/modifierExtensionControlled"}]},projectSettingBase:{description:"Base information needed to describe a project setting entry",allOf:[{$ref:"#/$defs/settingBase"},{$ref:"#/$defs/modifierProject"}]},modifierProject:{description:"Modifies setting type to be project setting",type:"object",properties:{includeProjectInterfaces:{description:"String representation of `RegExp` pattern(s) to match against projects' `projectInterface`s (using the [`test`](https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/JavaScript/Reference/Global_Objects/RegExp/test) function) to determine if they should be included.\n\nIf this is one string, it will be matched against `projectInterface`s. If this is an array, each entry is handled based on its type (at least one entry must match for this filter condition to pass):\n\n- If the entry is a string, it will be matched against each `projectInterface`. If any match, the project will pass this filter condition\n- If the entry is an array of strings, each will be matched against each `projectInterface`. If every string matches against at least one `projectInterface`, the project will pass this filter condition\n\nIn other words, each entry in the first-level array is `OR`'ed together. Each entry in second-level arrays (arrays within the first-level array) are `AND`'ed together.\n\nDefaults to all {@link ProjectInterfaces}, so all projects that do not match `excludeProjectInterfaces` will be included\n\n@example\n\n```typescript\nincludeProjectInterfaces: ['one', ['two', 'three']];\n```\n\nThis filter condition will succeed on projects whose `projectInterface`s fulfill at least one of the following conditions (At least one entry in the array must match):\n\n- Include `one`\n- Include both `two` and `three`.",anyOf:[{type:"null"},{type:"string"},{type:"array",items:{anyOf:[{type:"string"},{type:"array",items:{type:"string"}}]}}]},excludeProjectInterfaces:{description:"String representation of `RegExp` pattern(s) to match against projects' `projectInterface`s (using the [`test`](https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/JavaScript/Reference/Global_Objects/RegExp/test) function) to determine if they should absolutely not be included even if they match with `includeProjectInterfaces`.\n\nIf this is one string, it will be matched against `projectInterface`s. If this is an array, each entry is handled based on its type (at least one entry must match for this filter condition to exclude the project):\n\n- If the entry is a string, it will be matched against each `projectInterface`. If any match, the project will pass this filter condition and exclude the project\n- If the entry is an array of strings, each will be matched against each `projectInterface`. If every string matches against at least one `projectInterface`, the project will pass this filter condition and exclude the project\n\nIn other words, each entry in the first-level array is `OR`'ed together. Each entry in second-level arrays (arrays within the first-level array) are `AND`'ed together.\n\nDefaults to no {@link ProjectInterfaces}, so all projects that match `includeProjectInterfaces` will be included\n\n@example\n\n```typescript\nexcludeProjectInterfaces: ['one', ['two', 'three']];\n```\n\nThis filter condition will succeed and exclude projects whose `projectInterface`s fulfill at least one of the following conditions (At least one entry in the array must match):\n\n- Include `one`\n- Include both `two` and `three`.",anyOf:[{type:"null"},{type:"string"},{type:"array",items:{anyOf:[{type:"string"},{type:"array",items:{type:"string"}}]}}]},includePdpFactoryIds:{description:"String representation of `RegExp` pattern(s) to match against the Project Data Provider Factory Ids that provided each project's metadata (using the [`test`](https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/JavaScript/Reference/Global_Objects/RegExp/test) function) to determine if the projects should be included.\n\nDefaults to all Project Data Provider Factory Ids, so all projects that do not match `excludePdpFactoryIds` will be included",anyOf:[{type:"null"},{type:"string"},{type:"array",items:{type:"string"}}]},excludePdpFactoryIds:{description:"String representation of `RegExp` pattern(s) to match against the Project Data Provider Factory Ids that provided each project's metadata (using the [`test`](https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/JavaScript/Reference/Global_Objects/RegExp/test) function) to determine if the projects should absolutely not be included even if they match with `includeProjectInterfaces`.\n\nDefaults to none, so all projects that match `includePdpFactoryIds` will be included",anyOf:[{type:"null"},{type:"string"},{type:"array",items:{type:"string"}}]}}},settingsContribution:{description:"The data an extension provides to inform Platform.Bible of the settings it provides",anyOf:[{$ref:"#/$defs/settingsGroup"},{type:"array",items:{$ref:"#/$defs/settingsGroup"}}]},settingsGroup:{description:"Group of related settings definitions",type:"object",properties:{label:{description:"localizeKey that displays in the settings dialog as the group name",$ref:"#/$defs/localizeKey"},description:{description:"localizeKey that displays in the settings dialog to describe the group",$ref:"#/$defs/localizeKey"},properties:{$ref:"#/$defs/settingProperties"}},required:["label","properties"]},settingProperties:{description:"Object whose keys are setting IDs and whose values are settings objects",type:"object",patternProperties:{"^[\\w-]+\\.[\\w-]+$":{$ref:"#/$defs/setting"}},additionalProperties:!1},setting:{description:"A description of an extension's setting entry",anyOf:[{$ref:"#/$defs/extensionControlledSetting"}]},extensionControlledSetting:{description:"Setting definition that is validated by the extension.",allOf:[{$ref:"#/$defs/settingBase"},{$ref:"#/$defs/modifierExtensionControlled"}]},settingBase:{description:"Base information needed to describe a setting entry",allOf:[{$ref:"#/$defs/stateBase"},{type:"object",properties:{label:{description:"localizeKey that displays in the settings dialog as the setting name",$ref:"#/$defs/localizeKey"},description:{description:"localizeKey that displays in the settings dialog to describe the setting",$ref:"#/$defs/localizeKey"}},required:["label"]}]},projectStateContribution:{description:"The data an extension provides to inform Platform.Bible of the project state it provides",$ref:"#/$defs/userStateProperties"},userStateContribution:{description:"The data an extension provides to inform Platform.Bible of the user state it provides",$ref:"#/$defs/userStateProperties"},userStateProperties:{description:"Object whose keys are state IDs and whose values are state objects",type:"object",patternProperties:{"^[\\w\\-]+\\.[\\w\\-]+$":{$ref:"#/$defs/userState"}},additionalProperties:!1},userState:{description:"A description of an extension's user state entry",anyOf:[{$ref:"#/$defs/extensionControlledState"}]},extensionControlledState:{description:"State definition that is validated by the extension.",allOf:[{$ref:"#/$defs/stateBase"},{$ref:"#/$defs/modifierExtensionControlled"}]},modifierExtensionControlled:{description:'Modifies state/setting type to be extension-controlled. "Extension-controlled" means the extension provides the component and the validator for the state/setting, so the state/setting is controlled by the extension.',not:{anyOf:[{type:"object",required:["platformType"]},{type:"object",required:["type"]}]}},stateBase:{description:"Base information needed to describe a state entry",type:"object",properties:{default:{description:"default value for the state/setting",type:"any"},derivesFrom:{description:"a state/setting ID whose value to set to this state/setting's starting value the first time this state/setting is loaded",$ref:"#/$defs/id"}},required:["default"]},localizeKey:{description:"Identifier for a string that will be localized based on the user's UI language",type:"string",pattern:"^%[\\w\\-\\.]+%$",tsType:"LocalizeKey"},id:{description:"",type:"string",pattern:"^[\\w\\-]+\\.[\\w\\-]+$",tsType:"Id"}};function H(t){t&&Object.values(t).forEach(e=>{if(e.type){if("tsType"in e&&delete e.tsType,e.type==="any"){delete e.type;return}e.type==="object"&&H(e.properties)}})}H(U);const Je={$schema:"https://json-schema.org/draft/2020-12/schema",title:"Project Settings Contribution",description:"The data an extension provides to inform Platform.Bible of the project settings it provides",anyOf:[{$ref:"#/$defs/projectSettingsGroup"},{type:"array",items:{$ref:"#/$defs/projectSettingsGroup"}}],$defs:U};Object.freeze(Je);const Ge={$schema:"https://json-schema.org/draft/2020-12/schema",title:"Settings Contribution",description:"The data an extension provides to inform Platform.Bible of the settings it provides",anyOf:[{$ref:"#/$defs/settingsGroup"},{type:"array",items:{$ref:"#/$defs/settingsGroup"}}],$defs:U};Object.freeze(Ge);const Fe={languageStrings:{description:"Map whose keys are localized string keys and whose values provide information about how to localize strings for the localized string key",type:"object",patternProperties:{"^%[\\w\\-\\.]+%$":{$ref:"#/$defs/localizedStringValue"}},additionalProperties:!1},localizedStringValue:{description:"Localized string value associated with this key",type:"string"},stringsMetadata:{description:"Map whose keys are localized string keys and whose values provide additional non-locale-specific information about the localized string key",type:"object",patternProperties:{"^%[\\w\\-\\.]+%$":{$ref:"#/$defs/stringMetadata"}},additionalProperties:!1},stringMetadata:{description:"Additional non-locale-specific information about a localized string key",type:"object",properties:{fallbackKey:{description:"Localized string key from which to get this value if one does not exist in the specified language. If a new key/value pair needs to be made to replace an existing one, this could help smooth over the transition if the meanings are close enough",$ref:"#/$defs/localizeKey"},notes:{description:"Additional information provided by developers in English to help the translator to know how to translate this localized string accurately",type:"string"}}},localizeKey:{description:"Identifier for a string that will be localized based on the user's UI language",type:"string",pattern:"^%[\\w\\-\\.]+%$",tsType:"LocalizeKey"}};H(Fe);const Ke={$schema:"https://json-schema.org/draft/2020-12/schema",title:"Localized String Data Contribution",description:"The data an extension provides to inform Platform.Bible of the localized strings it provides.",type:"object",properties:{metadata:{$ref:"#/$defs/stringsMetadata"},localizedStrings:{type:"object",additionalProperties:{$ref:"#/$defs/languageStrings"}}},$defs:Fe};Object.freeze(Ke);const Xe={title:"Platform.Bible menus",type:"object",properties:{mainMenu:{description:"Top level menu for the application",$ref:"#/$defs/multiColumnMenu"},defaultWebViewTopMenu:{description:"Default top menu for web views that don't specify their own",$ref:"#/$defs/multiColumnMenu"},defaultWebViewContextMenu:{description:"Default context menu for web views that don't specify their own",$ref:"#/$defs/singleColumnMenu"},webViewMenus:{description:"Menus that apply per web view in the application",type:"object",patternProperties:{"^[\\w\\-]+\\.[\\w\\-]+$":{$ref:"#/$defs/menusForOneWebView"}},additionalProperties:!1}},required:["mainMenu","defaultWebViewTopMenu","defaultWebViewContextMenu","webViewMenus"],additionalProperties:!1,$defs:{localizeKey:{description:"Identifier for a string that will be localized in a menu based on the user's UI language",type:"string",pattern:"^%[\\w\\-\\.]+%$"},referencedItem:{description:"Name of some UI element (i.e., tab, column, group, menu item) or some PAPI object (i.e., command)",type:"string",pattern:"^[\\w\\-]+\\.[\\w\\-]+$"},columnsWithHeaders:{description:"Group of columns that can be combined with other columns to form a multi-column menu",type:"object",patternProperties:{"^[\\w\\-]+\\.[\\w\\-]+$":{description:"Single column with a header string",type:"object",properties:{label:{description:"Header text for this this column in the UI",$ref:"#/$defs/localizeKey"},localizeNotes:{description:"Additional information provided by developers to help people who perform localization",type:"string"},order:{description:"Relative order of this column compared to other columns (sorted ascending)",type:"number"},isExtensible:{description:"Defines whether contributions are allowed to add menu groups to this column",type:"boolean"}},required:["label","order"],additionalProperties:!1}},properties:{isExtensible:{description:"Defines whether contributions are allowed to add columns to this multi-column menu",type:"boolean"}}},menuGroups:{description:"Group of menu items that can be combined with other groups to form a single menu/submenu. Groups are separated using a line within the menu/submenu.",type:"object",patternProperties:{"^[\\w\\-]+\\.[\\w\\-]+$":{description:"Single group that contains menu items",type:"object",oneOf:[{properties:{column:{description:"Column where this group belongs, not required for single column menus",$ref:"#/$defs/referencedItem"},order:{description:"Relative order of this group compared to other groups in the same column or submenu (sorted ascending)",type:"number"},isExtensible:{description:"Defines whether contributions are allowed to add menu items to this menu group",type:"boolean"}},required:["order"],additionalProperties:!1},{properties:{menuItem:{description:"Menu item that anchors the submenu where this group belongs",$ref:"#/$defs/referencedItem"},order:{description:"Relative order of this group compared to other groups in the same column or submenu (sorted ascending)",type:"number"},isExtensible:{description:"Defines whether contributions are allowed to add menu items to this menu group",type:"boolean"}},required:["menuItem","order"],additionalProperties:!1}]}},additionalProperties:!1},menuItem:{description:"Single item in a menu that can be clicked on to take an action or can be the parent of a submenu",type:"object",oneOf:[{properties:{id:{description:"ID for this menu item that holds a submenu",$ref:"#/$defs/referencedItem"}},required:["id"]},{properties:{command:{description:"Name of the PAPI command to run when this menu item is selected.",$ref:"#/$defs/referencedItem"},iconPathBefore:{description:"Path to the icon to display before the menu text",type:"string"},iconPathAfter:{description:"Path to the icon to display after the menu text",type:"string"}},required:["command"]}],properties:{label:{description:"Key that represents the text of this menu item to display",$ref:"#/$defs/localizeKey"},tooltip:{description:"Key that represents the text to display if a mouse pointer hovers over the menu item",$ref:"#/$defs/localizeKey"},searchTerms:{description:"Key that represents additional words the platform should reference when users are searching for menu items",$ref:"#/$defs/localizeKey"},localizeNotes:{description:"Additional information provided by developers to help people who perform localization",type:"string"},group:{description:"Group to which this menu item belongs",$ref:"#/$defs/referencedItem"},order:{description:"Relative order of this menu item compared to other menu items in the same group (sorted ascending)",type:"number"}},required:["label","group","order"],unevaluatedProperties:!1},groupsAndItems:{description:"Core schema for a column",type:"object",properties:{groups:{description:"Groups that belong in this menu",$ref:"#/$defs/menuGroups"},items:{description:"List of menu items that belong in this menu",type:"array",items:{$ref:"#/$defs/menuItem"},uniqueItems:!0}},required:["groups","items"]},singleColumnMenu:{description:"Menu that contains a column without a header",type:"object",allOf:[{$ref:"#/$defs/groupsAndItems"}],unevaluatedProperties:!1},multiColumnMenu:{description:"Menu that can contain multiple columns with headers",type:"object",allOf:[{$ref:"#/$defs/groupsAndItems"},{properties:{columns:{description:"Columns that belong in this menu",$ref:"#/$defs/columnsWithHeaders"}},required:["columns"]}],unevaluatedProperties:!1},menusForOneWebView:{description:"Set of menus that are associated with a single tab",type:"object",properties:{includeDefaults:{description:"Indicates whether the platform default menus should be included for this webview",type:"boolean"},topMenu:{description:"Menu that opens when you click on the top left corner of a tab",$ref:"#/$defs/multiColumnMenu"},contextMenu:{description:"Menu that opens when you right click on the main body/area of a tab",$ref:"#/$defs/singleColumnMenu"}},additionalProperties:!1}}};Object.freeze(Xe);exports.AsyncVariable=tt;exports.Collator=rt;exports.DateTimeFormat=he;exports.DocumentCombiner=ge;exports.FIRST_SCR_BOOK_NUM=De;exports.FIRST_SCR_CHAPTER_NUM=Re;exports.FIRST_SCR_VERSE_NUM=Be;exports.LAST_SCR_BOOK_NUM=Me;exports.Mutex=ye;exports.MutexMap=pt;exports.NonValidatingDocumentCombiner=dt;exports.NumberFormat=mt;exports.PlatformEventEmitter=pe;exports.UnsubscriberAsyncList=gt;exports.aggregateUnsubscriberAsyncs=tr;exports.aggregateUnsubscribers=er;exports.at=qt;exports.charAt=$;exports.codePointAt=zt;exports.createSyncProxyForAsyncObject=ft;exports.debounce=nt;exports.deepClone=A;exports.deepEqual=qe;exports.deserialize=_e;exports.endsWith=Ce;exports.escapeStringRegexp=Ht;exports.formatReplacementString=Jt;exports.getAllObjectFunctionNames=ct;exports.getChaptersForBook=xe;exports.getCurrentLocale=Ar;exports.getErrorMessage=ut;exports.getLocalizedIdFromBookNumber=Yt;exports.groupBy=it;exports.htmlEncode=Ir;exports.includes=Ie;exports.indexOf=P;exports.isLocalizeKey=Ut;exports.isSerializable=Cr;exports.isString=de;exports.isSubset=ze;exports.lastIndexOf=Ae;exports.localizedStringsDocumentSchema=Ke;exports.menuDocumentSchema=Xe;exports.newGuid=st;exports.normalize=Gt;exports.offsetBook=Wt;exports.offsetChapter=Zt;exports.offsetVerse=Qt;exports.ordinalCompare=Ft;exports.padEnd=Kt;exports.padStart=Xt;exports.projectSettingsDocumentSchema=Je;exports.serialize=J;exports.settingsDocumentSchema=Ge;exports.slice=Lt;exports.split=_;exports.startsWith=L;exports.stringLength=g;exports.substring=w;exports.toArray=Pe;exports.wait=me;exports.waitForDuration=lt; //# sourceMappingURL=index.cjs.map diff --git a/lib/platform-bible-utils/dist/index.cjs.map b/lib/platform-bible-utils/dist/index.cjs.map index 91ef74d1a9..9e45cf775b 100644 --- a/lib/platform-bible-utils/dist/index.cjs.map +++ b/lib/platform-bible-utils/dist/index.cjs.map @@ -1 +1 @@ -{"version":3,"file":"index.cjs","sources":["../src/async-variable.ts","../src/intl-collator.ts","../src/intl-date-time-format.ts","../src/platform-event-emitter.model.ts","../src/util.ts","../src/document-combiner.ts","../src/mutex.ts","../src/mutex-map.ts","../src/non-validating-document-combiner.ts","../src/intl-number-format.ts","../src/unsubscriber-async-list.ts","../../../node_modules/@sillsdev/scripture/dist/index.es.js","../../../node_modules/char-regex/index.js","../../../node_modules/stringz/dist/index.js","../src/string-util.ts","../src/scripture-util.ts","../src/unsubscriber.ts","../../../node_modules/fast-equals/dist/esm/index.mjs","../src/equality-checking.ts","../src/subset-checking.ts","../src/serialization.ts","../src/intl-util.ts","../src/settings.model.ts","../src/localized-strings.model.ts","../src/menus.model.ts"],"sourcesContent":["/** This class provides a convenient way for one task to wait on a variable that another task sets. */\nexport default class AsyncVariable {\n private readonly variableName: string;\n private readonly promiseToValue: Promise;\n private resolver: ((value: T) => void) | undefined;\n private rejecter: ((reason: string | undefined) => void) | undefined;\n\n /**\n * Creates an instance of the class\n *\n * @param variableName Name to use when logging about this variable\n * @param rejectIfNotSettledWithinMS Milliseconds to wait before verifying if the promise was\n * settled (resolved or rejected); will reject if it has not settled by that time. Use -1 if you\n * do not want a timeout at all.\n */\n constructor(variableName: string, rejectIfNotSettledWithinMS: number = 10000) {\n this.variableName = variableName;\n this.promiseToValue = new Promise((resolve, reject) => {\n this.resolver = resolve;\n this.rejecter = reject;\n });\n if (rejectIfNotSettledWithinMS > 0) {\n setTimeout(() => {\n if (this.rejecter) {\n this.rejecter(`Timeout reached when waiting for ${this.variableName} to settle`);\n this.complete();\n }\n }, rejectIfNotSettledWithinMS);\n }\n Object.seal(this);\n }\n\n /**\n * Get this variable's promise to a value. This always returns the same promise even after the\n * value has been resolved or rejected.\n *\n * @returns The promise for the value to be set\n */\n get promise(): Promise {\n return this.promiseToValue;\n }\n\n /**\n * A simple way to see if this variable's promise was resolved or rejected already\n *\n * @returns Whether the variable was already resolved or rejected\n */\n get hasSettled(): boolean {\n return Object.isFrozen(this);\n }\n\n /**\n * Resolve this variable's promise to the given value\n *\n * @param value This variable's promise will resolve to this value\n * @param throwIfAlreadySettled Determines whether to throw if the variable was already resolved\n * or rejected\n */\n resolveToValue(value: T, throwIfAlreadySettled: boolean = false): void {\n if (this.resolver) {\n console.debug(`${this.variableName} is being resolved now`);\n this.resolver(value);\n this.complete();\n } else {\n if (throwIfAlreadySettled) throw Error(`${this.variableName} was already settled`);\n console.debug(`Ignoring subsequent resolution of ${this.variableName}`);\n }\n }\n\n /**\n * Reject this variable's promise for the value with the given reason\n *\n * @param reason This variable's promise will be rejected with this reason\n * @param throwIfAlreadySettled Determines whether to throw if the variable was already resolved\n * or rejected\n */\n rejectWithReason(reason: string, throwIfAlreadySettled: boolean = false): void {\n if (this.rejecter) {\n console.debug(`${this.variableName} is being rejected now`);\n this.rejecter(reason);\n this.complete();\n } else {\n if (throwIfAlreadySettled) throw Error(`${this.variableName} was already settled`);\n console.debug(`Ignoring subsequent rejection of ${this.variableName}`);\n }\n }\n\n /** Prevent any further updates to this variable */\n private complete(): void {\n this.resolver = undefined;\n this.rejecter = undefined;\n Object.freeze(this);\n }\n}\n","/** Enables language-sensitive string comparison. Wraps Intl.Collator */\nexport default class Collator {\n private collator: Intl.Collator;\n\n constructor(locales?: string | string[], options?: Intl.CollatorOptions) {\n this.collator = new Intl.Collator(locales, options);\n }\n\n /**\n * Compares two strings according to the sort order of this Collator object\n *\n * @param string1 String to compare\n * @param string2 String to compare\n * @returns A number indicating how string1 and string2 compare to each other according to the\n * sort order of this Collator object. Negative value if string1 comes before string2. Positive\n * value if string1 comes after string2. 0 if they are considered equal.\n */\n compare(string1: string, string2: string): number {\n return this.collator.compare(string1, string2);\n }\n\n /**\n * Returns a new object with properties reflecting the locale and collation options computed\n * during initialization of this collator object.\n *\n * @returns ResolvedCollatorOptions object\n */\n resolvedOptions(): Intl.ResolvedCollatorOptions {\n return this.collator.resolvedOptions();\n }\n}\n","/** Enables language-sensitive data and time formatting. Wraps Intl.DateTimeFormat */\nexport default class DateTimeFormat {\n private dateTimeFormatter: Intl.DateTimeFormat;\n\n constructor(locales?: string | string[], options?: Intl.DateTimeFormatOptions) {\n this.dateTimeFormatter = new Intl.DateTimeFormat(locales, options);\n }\n\n /**\n * Formats a date according to the locale and formatting option for this DateTimeFormat object\n *\n * @param date The date to format\n * @returns String representing the given date formatted according to the locale and formatting\n * options of this DateTimeFormat object\n */\n format(date: Date): string {\n return this.dateTimeFormatter.format(date);\n }\n\n /**\n * Formats a date range in the most concise way based on the locales and options provided when\n * instantiating this DateTimeFormat object\n *\n * @param startDate Date object representing start of the date range\n * @param endDate Date object representing the end of the date range\n * @returns String representing the given date range formatted according to the locale and\n * formatting options of this DateTimeFormat object\n */\n formatRange(startDate: Date, endDate: Date): string {\n return this.dateTimeFormatter.formatRange(startDate, endDate);\n }\n\n /**\n * Returns an array of locale-specific tokens representing each part of the formatted date range\n * produced by this DateTimeFormat object\n *\n * @param startDate Date object representing start of the date range\n * @param endDate Date object representing the end of the date range\n * @returns Array of DateTimeRangeFormatPart objects\n */\n formatRangeToParts(startDate: Date, endDate: Date): Intl.DateTimeRangeFormatPart[] {\n return this.dateTimeFormatter.formatRangeToParts(startDate, endDate);\n }\n\n /**\n * Allows locale-aware formatting of strings produced by this DateTimeFormat object\n *\n * @param date The date to format\n * @returns Array of DateTimeFormatPart objects\n */\n formatToParts(date: Date): Intl.DateTimeFormatPart[] {\n return this.dateTimeFormatter.formatToParts(date);\n }\n\n /**\n * Returns a new object with properties reflecting the locale and date and time formatting options\n * computed during initialization of this DateTimeFormat object\n *\n * @returns ResolvedDateTimeFormatOptions object\n */\n resolvedOptions(): Intl.ResolvedDateTimeFormatOptions {\n return this.dateTimeFormatter.resolvedOptions();\n }\n}\n","/** Interfaces, classes, and functions related to events and event emitters */\n\nimport { Dispose } from './disposal.model';\nimport { PlatformEvent, PlatformEventHandler } from './platform-event';\n\n/**\n * Event manager - accepts subscriptions to an event and runs the subscription callbacks when the\n * event is emitted Use eventEmitter.event(callback) to subscribe to the event. Use\n * eventEmitter.emit(event) to run the subscriptions. Generally, this EventEmitter should be\n * private, and its event should be public. That way, the emitter is not publicized, but anyone can\n * subscribe to the event.\n */\nexport default class PlatformEventEmitter implements Dispose {\n /**\n * Subscribes a function to run when this event is emitted.\n *\n * @param callback Function to run with the event when it is emitted\n * @returns Unsubscriber function to run to stop calling the passed-in function when the event is\n * emitted\n * @alias event\n */\n subscribe = this.event;\n\n /** All callback functions that will run when this event is emitted. Lazy loaded */\n private subscriptions?: PlatformEventHandler[];\n /** Event for listeners to subscribe to. Lazy loaded */\n private lazyEvent?: PlatformEvent;\n /** Whether this emitter has been disposed */\n private isDisposed = false;\n\n /**\n * Event for listeners to subscribe to. Subscribes a function to run when this event is emitted.\n * Use like `const unsubscriber = event(callback)`\n *\n * @param callback Function to run with the event when it is emitted\n * @returns Unsubscriber function to run to stop calling the passed-in function when the event is\n * emitted\n */\n get event(): PlatformEvent {\n this.assertNotDisposed();\n\n if (!this.lazyEvent) {\n this.lazyEvent = (callback) => {\n if (!callback || typeof callback !== 'function')\n throw new Error(`Event handler callback must be a function!`);\n\n // Initialize this.subscriptions if it does not exist\n if (!this.subscriptions) this.subscriptions = [];\n\n this.subscriptions.push(callback);\n\n return () => {\n if (!this.subscriptions) return false; // Did not find any subscribed callbacks\n\n const callbackIndex = this.subscriptions.indexOf(callback);\n\n if (callbackIndex < 0) return false; // Did not find this callback in the subscriptions\n\n // Remove the callback\n this.subscriptions.splice(callbackIndex, 1);\n\n return true;\n };\n };\n }\n return this.lazyEvent;\n }\n\n /** Disposes of this event, preparing it to release from memory */\n dispose = () => {\n return this.disposeFn();\n };\n\n /**\n * Runs the subscriptions for the event\n *\n * @param event Event data to provide to subscribed callbacks\n */\n emit = (event: T) => {\n // Do not do anything other than emitFn here. This emit is just binding `this` to emitFn\n this.emitFn(event);\n };\n\n /**\n * Function that runs the subscriptions for the event. Added here so children can override emit\n * and still call the base functionality. See NetworkEventEmitter.emit for example\n */\n protected emitFn(event: T) {\n this.assertNotDisposed();\n\n this.subscriptions?.forEach((callback) => callback(event));\n }\n\n /** Check to make sure this emitter is not disposed. Throw if it is */\n protected assertNotDisposed() {\n if (this.isDisposed) throw new Error('Emitter is disposed');\n }\n\n /**\n * Disposes of this event, preparing it to release from memory. Added here so children can\n * override emit and still call the base functionality.\n */\n protected disposeFn() {\n this.assertNotDisposed();\n\n this.isDisposed = true;\n this.subscriptions = undefined;\n this.lazyEvent = undefined;\n return Promise.resolve(true);\n }\n}\n","/** Collection of functions, objects, and types that are used as helpers in other services. */\n\n// Thanks to blubberdiblub at https://stackoverflow.com/a/68141099/217579\nexport function newGuid(): string {\n return '00-0-4-1-000'.replace(/[^-]/g, (s) =>\n // @ts-expect-error ts(2363) this works fine\n // eslint-disable-next-line no-bitwise\n (((Math.random() + ~~s) * 0x10000) >> s).toString(16).padStart(4, '0'),\n );\n}\n\n// thanks to DRAX at https://stackoverflow.com/a/9436948\n/**\n * Determine whether the object is a string\n *\n * @param o Object to determine if it is a string\n * @returns True if the object is a string; false otherwise\n */\nexport function isString(o: unknown): o is string {\n return typeof o === 'string' || o instanceof String;\n}\n\n/**\n * If deepClone isn't used when copying properties between objects, you may be left with dangling\n * references between the source and target of property copying operations.\n *\n * @param obj Object to clone\n * @returns Duplicate copy of `obj` without any references back to the original one\n */\nexport function deepClone(obj: T): T {\n // Assert the return type matches what is expected\n // eslint-disable-next-line no-type-assertion/no-type-assertion\n return JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(obj)) as T;\n}\n\n/**\n * Get a function that reduces calls to the function passed in\n *\n * @param fn The function to debounce\n * @param delay How much delay in milliseconds after the most recent call to the debounced function\n * to call the function\n * @returns Function that, when called, only calls the function passed in at maximum every delay ms\n */\n// We don't know the parameter types since this function can be anything\n// eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/no-explicit-any\nexport function debounce void>(fn: T, delay = 300): T {\n if (isString(fn)) throw new Error('Tried to debounce a string! Could be XSS');\n let timeout: ReturnType;\n // Ensure the right return type.\n // eslint-disable-next-line no-type-assertion/no-type-assertion\n return ((...args) => {\n clearTimeout(timeout);\n timeout = setTimeout(() => fn(...args), delay);\n }) as T;\n}\n\n/**\n * Groups each item in the array of items into a map according to the keySelector\n *\n * @param items Array of items to group by\n * @param keySelector Function to run on each item to get the key for the group to which it belongs\n * @param valueSelector Function to run on each item to get the value it should have in the group\n * (like map function). If not provided, uses the item itself\n * @returns Map of keys to groups of values corresponding to each item\n */\nexport function groupBy(items: T[], keySelector: (item: T) => K): Map>;\nexport function groupBy(\n items: T[],\n keySelector: (item: T) => K,\n valueSelector: (item: T, key: K) => V,\n): Map>;\nexport function groupBy(\n items: T[],\n keySelector: (item: T) => K,\n valueSelector?: (item: T, key: K) => V,\n): Map> {\n const map = new Map>();\n items.forEach((item) => {\n const key = keySelector(item);\n const group = map.get(key);\n const value = valueSelector ? valueSelector(item, key) : item;\n if (group) group.push(value);\n else map.set(key, [value]);\n });\n return map;\n}\n\n// From https://kentcdodds.com/blog/get-a-catch-block-error-message-with-typescript\ntype ErrorWithMessage = {\n message: string;\n};\n\n// From https://kentcdodds.com/blog/get-a-catch-block-error-message-with-typescript\nfunction isErrorWithMessage(error: unknown): error is ErrorWithMessage {\n return (\n typeof error === 'object' &&\n // We're potentially dealing with objects we didn't create, so they might contain `null`\n // eslint-disable-next-line no-null/no-null\n error !== null &&\n 'message' in error &&\n // Type assert `error` to check it's `message`.\n // eslint-disable-next-line no-type-assertion/no-type-assertion\n typeof (error as Record).message === 'string'\n );\n}\n\n// From https://kentcdodds.com/blog/get-a-catch-block-error-message-with-typescript\n/**\n * Function to get an error from the object (useful for getting an error in a catch block)\n *\n * @param error Error object whose message to get\n * @returns Message of the error - if object has message, returns message. Otherwise tries to\n * stringify\n */\nfunction toErrorWithMessage(maybeError: unknown): ErrorWithMessage {\n if (isErrorWithMessage(maybeError)) return maybeError;\n\n try {\n return new Error(JSON.stringify(maybeError));\n } catch {\n // fallback in case there's an error stringifying the maybeError\n // like with circular references for example.\n return new Error(String(maybeError));\n }\n}\n\n// From https://kentcdodds.com/blog/get-a-catch-block-error-message-with-typescript\n/**\n * Function to get an error message from the object (useful for getting error message in a catch\n * block)\n *\n * @example `try {...} catch (e) { logger.info(getErrorMessage(e)) }`\n *\n * @param error Error object whose message to get\n * @returns Message of the error - if object has message, returns message. Otherwise tries to\n * stringify\n */\nexport function getErrorMessage(error: unknown) {\n return toErrorWithMessage(error).message;\n}\n\n/** Asynchronously waits for the specified number of milliseconds. (wraps setTimeout in a promise) */\nexport function wait(ms: number) {\n // eslint-disable-next-line no-promise-executor-return\n return new Promise((resolve) => setTimeout(resolve, ms));\n}\n\n/**\n * Runs the specified function and will timeout if it takes longer than the specified wait time\n *\n * @param fn The function to run\n * @param maxWaitTimeInMS The maximum amount of time to wait for the function to resolve\n * @returns Promise that resolves to the resolved value of the function or undefined if it ran\n * longer than the specified wait time\n */\nexport function waitForDuration(fn: () => Promise, maxWaitTimeInMS: number) {\n const timeout = wait(maxWaitTimeInMS).then(() => undefined);\n return Promise.any([timeout, fn()]);\n}\n\n/**\n * Get all functions on an object and its prototype chain (so we don't miss any class methods or any\n * object methods). Note that the functions on the final item in the prototype chain (i.e., Object)\n * are skipped to avoid including functions like `__defineGetter__`, `__defineSetter__`, `toString`,\n * etc.\n *\n * @param obj Object whose functions to get\n * @param objId Optional ID of the object to use for debug logging\n * @returns Array of all function names on an object\n */\n// Note: lodash has something that MIGHT do the same thing as this. Investigate for https://github.com/paranext/paranext-core/issues/134\nexport function getAllObjectFunctionNames(\n obj: { [property: string]: unknown },\n objId: string = 'obj',\n): Set {\n const objectFunctionNames = new Set();\n\n // Get all function properties directly defined on the object\n Object.getOwnPropertyNames(obj).forEach((property) => {\n try {\n if (typeof obj[property] === 'function') objectFunctionNames.add(property);\n } catch (error) {\n console.debug(`Skipping ${property} on ${objId} due to error: ${error}`);\n }\n });\n\n // Walk up the prototype chain and get additional function properties, skipping the functions\n // provided by the final (Object) prototype\n let objectPrototype = Object.getPrototypeOf(obj);\n while (objectPrototype && Object.getPrototypeOf(objectPrototype)) {\n Object.getOwnPropertyNames(objectPrototype).forEach((property) => {\n try {\n if (typeof obj[property] === 'function') objectFunctionNames.add(property);\n } catch (error) {\n console.debug(`Skipping ${property} on ${objId}'s prototype due to error: ${error}`);\n }\n });\n objectPrototype = Object.getPrototypeOf(objectPrototype);\n }\n\n return objectFunctionNames;\n}\n\n/**\n * Creates a synchronous proxy for an asynchronous object. The proxy allows calling methods on an\n * object that is asynchronously fetched using a provided asynchronous function.\n *\n * @param getObject - A function that returns a promise resolving to the object whose asynchronous\n * methods to call.\n * @param objectToProxy - An optional object that is the object that is proxied. If a property is\n * accessed that does exist on this object, it will be returned. If a property is accessed that\n * does not exist on this object, it will be considered to be an asynchronous method called on the\n * object returned from getObject.\n * @returns A synchronous proxy for the asynchronous object.\n */\nexport function createSyncProxyForAsyncObject(\n getObject: (args?: unknown[]) => Promise,\n objectToProxy: Partial = {},\n): T {\n // objectToProxy will have only the synchronously accessed properties of T on it, and this proxy\n // makes the async methods that do not exist yet available synchronously so we have all of T\n // eslint-disable-next-line no-type-assertion/no-type-assertion\n return new Proxy(objectToProxy as T, {\n get(target, prop) {\n // We don't have any type information for T, so we assume methodName exists on it and will let JavaScript throw if it doesn't exist\n // @ts-expect-error 7053\n if (prop in target) return target[prop];\n return async (...args: unknown[]) => {\n // 7053: We don't have any type information for T, so we assume methodName exists on it and will let JavaScript throw if it doesn't exist\n // 2556: The args here are the parameters for the method specified\n // @ts-expect-error 7053 2556\n return (await getObject())[prop](...args);\n };\n },\n });\n}\n\n/** Within type T, recursively change all properties to be optional */\nexport type DeepPartial = T extends object ? { [P in keyof T]?: DeepPartial } : T;\n\n/** Within type T, recursively change properties that were of type A to be of type B */\nexport type ReplaceType = T extends A\n ? B\n : T extends object\n ? { [K in keyof T]: ReplaceType }\n : T;\n\n// Thanks to jcalz at https://stackoverflow.com/a/50375286\n/**\n * Converts a union type to an intersection type (`|` to `&`).\n *\n * Note: this utility type is for use on object types. It may fail on other types.\n *\n * @example\n *\n * ```typescript\n * type TypeOne = { one: string };\n * type TypeTwo = { two: number };\n * type TypeThree = { three: string };\n *\n * type TypeNums = { one: TypeOne; two: TypeTwo; three: TypeThree };\n * const numNames = ['one', 'two'] as const;\n * type TypeNumNames = typeof numNames;\n *\n * // Same as `TypeOne | TypeTwo`\n * // `{ one: string } | { two: number }`\n * type TypeOneTwoUnion = TypeNums[TypeNumNames[number]];\n *\n * // Same as `TypeOne & TypeTwo`\n * // `{ one: string; two: number }`\n * type TypeOneTwoIntersection = UnionToIntersection;\n * ```\n */\n// eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/no-explicit-any\nexport type UnionToIntersection = (U extends any ? (x: U) => void : never) extends (\n x: infer I,\n) => void\n ? I\n : never;\n","import PlatformEventEmitter from './platform-event-emitter.model';\nimport { deepClone } from './util';\n\ntype JsonObjectLike = { [key: string]: unknown };\ntype JsonArrayLike = unknown[];\n\nexport type JsonDocumentLike = JsonObjectLike | JsonArrayLike;\n\n/**\n * Options for DocumentCombiner objects\n *\n * - `copyDocuments`: If true, this instance will perform a deep copy of all provided documents before\n * composing the output. If false, then changes made to provided documents after they are\n * contributed will be reflected in the next time output is composed.\n * - `ignoreDuplicateProperties`: If true, then duplicate properties are skipped if they are seen in\n * contributed documents. If false, then throw when duplicate properties are seen in contributed\n * documents.\n */\nexport type DocumentCombinerOptions = {\n copyDocuments: boolean;\n ignoreDuplicateProperties: boolean;\n};\n\n/**\n * Base class for any code that wants to compose JSON documents (primarily in the form of JS objects\n * or arrays) together into a single output document.\n */\nexport default class DocumentCombiner {\n protected baseDocument: JsonDocumentLike;\n protected readonly contributions = new Map();\n protected latestOutput: JsonDocumentLike | undefined;\n protected readonly options: DocumentCombinerOptions;\n private readonly onDidRebuildEmitter = new PlatformEventEmitter();\n /** Event that emits to announce that the document has been rebuilt and the output has been updated */\n // Need `onDidRebuildEmitter` to be instantiated before this line\n // eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/member-ordering\n readonly onDidRebuild = this.onDidRebuildEmitter.subscribe;\n\n /**\n * Create a DocumentCombiner instance\n *\n * @param baseDocument This is the first document that will be used when composing the output\n * @param options Options used by this object when combining documents\n */\n protected constructor(baseDocument: JsonDocumentLike, options: DocumentCombinerOptions) {\n // Setting baseDocument redundantly because TS doesn't understand that updateBaseDocument does it\n this.baseDocument = baseDocument;\n this.options = options;\n this.updateBaseDocument(baseDocument);\n }\n\n /**\n * Update the starting document for composition process\n *\n * @param baseDocument Base JSON document/JS object that all other documents are added to\n * @returns Recalculated output document given the new starting state and existing other documents\n */\n updateBaseDocument(baseDocument: JsonDocumentLike): JsonDocumentLike | undefined {\n this.validateBaseDocument(baseDocument);\n this.baseDocument = this.options.copyDocuments ? deepClone(baseDocument) : baseDocument;\n this.baseDocument = this.transformBaseDocumentAfterValidation(this.baseDocument);\n return this.rebuild();\n }\n\n /**\n * Add or update one of the contribution documents for the composition process\n *\n * Note: the order in which contribution documents are added can be considered to be indeterminate\n * as it is currently ordered by however `Map.forEach` provides the contributions. The order\n * matters when merging two arrays into one. Also, when `options.ignoreDuplicateProperties` is\n * `true`, the order also matters when adding the same property to an object that is already\n * provided previously. Please let us know if you have trouble because of indeterminate\n * contribution ordering.\n *\n * @param documentName Name of the contributed document to combine\n * @param document Content of the contributed document to combine\n * @returns Recalculated output document given the new or updated contribution and existing other\n * documents\n */\n addOrUpdateContribution(\n documentName: string,\n document: JsonDocumentLike,\n ): JsonDocumentLike | undefined {\n this.validateContribution(documentName, document);\n const previousDocumentVersion = this.contributions.get(documentName);\n let documentToSet = this.options.copyDocuments && !!document ? deepClone(document) : document;\n documentToSet = this.transformContributionAfterValidation(documentName, documentToSet);\n this.contributions.set(documentName, documentToSet);\n try {\n return this.rebuild();\n } catch (error) {\n // If the output isn't valid after adding/updating the contribution, put it back how it was\n if (previousDocumentVersion) this.contributions.set(documentName, previousDocumentVersion);\n else this.contributions.delete(documentName);\n throw new Error(`Error when setting the document named ${documentName}: ${error}`);\n }\n }\n\n /**\n * Delete one of the contribution documents for the composition process\n *\n * @param documentName Name of the contributed document to delete\n * @returns Recalculated output document given the remaining other documents\n */\n deleteContribution(documentName: string): JsonDocumentLike | undefined {\n const document = this.contributions.get(documentName);\n if (!document) throw new Error(`${documentName} does not exist`);\n this.contributions.delete(documentName);\n try {\n return this.rebuild();\n } catch (error) {\n // If the output isn't valid after deleting the contribution, put it back and rethrow\n this.contributions.set(documentName, document);\n throw new Error(`Error when deleting the document named ${documentName}: ${error}`);\n }\n }\n\n /**\n * Delete all present contribution documents for the composition process and return to the base\n * document\n *\n * @returns Recalculated output document consisting only of the base document\n */\n deleteAllContributions(): JsonDocumentLike | undefined {\n if (this.contributions.size <= 0) return this.latestOutput;\n\n // Save out all contributions\n const contributions = [...this.contributions.entries()];\n\n // Delete all contributions\n contributions.forEach(([contributionName]) => this.contributions.delete(contributionName));\n\n // Rebuild with no contributions\n try {\n return this.rebuild();\n } catch (error) {\n // If the output isn't valid after deleting all contributions, put them back and rethrow\n contributions.forEach(([contributionName, document]) =>\n this.contributions.set(contributionName, document),\n );\n throw new Error(`Error when deleting all contributions: ${error}`);\n }\n }\n\n /**\n * Run the document composition process given the starting document and all contributions. Throws\n * if the output document fails to validate properly.\n *\n * @returns Recalculated output document given the starting and contributed documents\n */\n rebuild(): JsonDocumentLike | undefined {\n // The starting document is the output if there are no other contributions\n if (this.contributions.size === 0) {\n let potentialOutput = deepClone(this.baseDocument);\n potentialOutput = this.transformFinalOutputBeforeValidation(potentialOutput);\n this.validateOutput(potentialOutput);\n this.latestOutput = potentialOutput;\n this.onDidRebuildEmitter.emit(undefined);\n return this.latestOutput;\n }\n\n // Compose the output by validating each document one at a time to pinpoint errors better\n let outputIteration = this.baseDocument;\n this.contributions.forEach((contribution: JsonDocumentLike) => {\n outputIteration = mergeObjects(\n outputIteration,\n contribution,\n this.options.ignoreDuplicateProperties,\n );\n this.validateOutput(outputIteration);\n });\n outputIteration = this.transformFinalOutputBeforeValidation(outputIteration);\n this.validateOutput(outputIteration);\n this.latestOutput = outputIteration;\n this.onDidRebuildEmitter.emit(undefined);\n return this.latestOutput;\n }\n\n /**\n * Transform the starting document that is given to the combiner. This transformation occurs after\n * validating the base document and before combining any contributions.\n *\n * WARNING: If you do not create the combiner with option `copyDocuments: true` or clone inside\n * this method, this method will directly modify the `baseDocument` passed in.\n *\n * @param baseDocument Initial input document. Already validated via `validateBaseDocument`\n * @returns Transformed base document\n */\n // We just don't need `this` here. This is basically a no-op function that is available to child\n // classes to override\n // eslint-disable-next-line class-methods-use-this\n protected transformBaseDocumentAfterValidation(baseDocument: JsonDocumentLike): JsonDocumentLike {\n return baseDocument;\n }\n\n /**\n * Transform the contributed document associated with `documentName`. This transformation occurs\n * after validating the contributed document and before combining with other documents.\n *\n * WARNING: If you do not create the combiner with option `copyDocuments: true` or clone inside\n * this method, this method will directly modify the contributed `document` passed in.\n *\n * @param documentName Name of the contributed document to combine\n * @param document Content of the contributed document to combine. Already validated via\n * `validateContribution`\n * @returns Transformed contributed document\n */\n // We just don't need `this` here. This is basically a no-op function that is available to child\n // classes to override\n // eslint-disable-next-line class-methods-use-this\n protected transformContributionAfterValidation(\n // @ts-expect-error this parameter is unused but may be used in child classes\n documentName: string,\n document: JsonDocumentLike,\n ): JsonDocumentLike {\n return document;\n }\n\n /**\n * Throw an error if the provided document is not a valid starting document.\n *\n * @param baseDocument Base JSON document/JS object that all other documents are added to\n */\n // no-op intended to be overridden by child classes. Can't be static\n // @ts-expect-error ts(6133) parameter doesn't need to be used but still needs the right name\n // eslint-disable-next-line class-methods-use-this, @typescript-eslint/no-unused-vars\n protected validateBaseDocument(baseDocument: JsonDocumentLike): void {}\n\n /**\n * Throw an error if the provided document is not a valid contribution document.\n *\n * @param documentName Name of the contributed document to combine\n * @param document Content of the contributed document to combine\n */\n // no-op intended to be overridden by child classes. Can't be static\n // @ts-expect-error ts(6133) parameter doesn't need to be used but still needs the right name\n // eslint-disable-next-line class-methods-use-this, @typescript-eslint/no-unused-vars\n protected validateContribution(documentName: string, document: JsonDocumentLike): void {}\n\n /**\n * Throw an error if the provided output is not valid.\n *\n * @param output Output document that could potentially be returned to callers\n */\n // no-op intended to be overridden by child classes. Can't be static\n // @ts-expect-error ts(6133) parameter doesn't need to be used but still needs the right name\n // eslint-disable-next-line class-methods-use-this, @typescript-eslint/no-unused-vars\n protected validateOutput(output: JsonDocumentLike): void {}\n\n /**\n * Transform the document that is the composition of the base document and all contribution\n * documents. This is the last step that will be run prior to validation via `validateOutput`\n * before `this.latestOutput` is updated to the new output.\n *\n * @param finalOutput Final output document that could potentially be returned to callers. \"Final\"\n * means no further contribution documents will be merged.\n */\n // no-op intended to be overridden by child classes. Can't be static\n // eslint-disable-next-line class-methods-use-this\n protected transformFinalOutputBeforeValidation(finalOutput: JsonDocumentLike): JsonDocumentLike {\n return finalOutput;\n }\n}\n\n// #region Helper functions\n\n/**\n * Determines if the input values are objects but not arrays\n *\n * @param values Objects to check\n * @returns True if all the values are objects but not arrays\n */\nfunction areNonArrayObjects(...values: unknown[]): boolean {\n let allMatch = true;\n values.forEach((value: unknown) => {\n if (!value || typeof value !== 'object' || Array.isArray(value)) allMatch = false;\n });\n return allMatch;\n}\n\n/**\n * Determines if the input values are arrays\n *\n * @param value Objects to check\n * @returns True if the values are arrays\n */\nfunction areArrayObjects(...values: unknown[]): boolean {\n let allMatch = true;\n values.forEach((value: unknown) => {\n if (!value || typeof value !== 'object' || !Array.isArray(value)) allMatch = false;\n });\n return allMatch;\n}\n\n/**\n * Deep clone and recursively merge the properties of one object (copyFrom) into another\n * (startingPoint). Throws if copyFrom would overwrite values already existing in startingPoint.\n *\n * Does not modify the objects passed in.\n *\n * @param startingPoint Object that is the starting point for the return value\n * @param copyFrom Object whose values are copied into the return value\n * @param ignoreDuplicateProperties Whether to ignore object properties that are present in\n * `copyFrom` that are already present in `startingPoint`. If `false`, throws when an object\n * property in `copyFrom` is already present in `startingPoint`\n * @returns Object that is the combination of the two documents\n */\nfunction mergeObjects(\n startingPoint: JsonDocumentLike,\n copyFrom: JsonDocumentLike,\n ignoreDuplicateProperties: boolean,\n): JsonDocumentLike {\n const retVal = deepClone(startingPoint);\n\n if (!copyFrom) return retVal;\n\n return mergeObjectsInternal(retVal, deepClone(copyFrom), ignoreDuplicateProperties);\n}\n\n/**\n * Recursively merge the properties of one object (copyFrom) into another (startingPoint). Throws if\n * copyFrom would overwrite values already existing in startingPoint.\n *\n * WARNING: Modifies the argument objects in some way. Recommended to use `mergeObjects`\n *\n * @param startingPoint Object that is the starting point for the return value\n * @param copyFrom Object whose values are copied into the return value\n * @param ignoreDuplicateProperties Whether to ignore object properties that are present in\n * `copyFrom` that are already present in `startingPoint`. If `false`, throws when an object\n * property in `copyFrom` is already present in `startingPoint`\n * @returns Object that is the combination of the two documents\n */\nfunction mergeObjectsInternal(\n startingPoint: JsonDocumentLike,\n copyFrom: JsonDocumentLike,\n ignoreDuplicateProperties: boolean,\n): JsonDocumentLike {\n if (!copyFrom) return startingPoint;\n\n if (areNonArrayObjects(startingPoint, copyFrom)) {\n // Merge properties since they are both objects\n\n // We know these are objects from the `if` check\n /* eslint-disable no-type-assertion/no-type-assertion */\n const startingPointObj = startingPoint as JsonObjectLike;\n const copyFromObj = copyFrom as JsonObjectLike;\n /* eslint-enable no-type-assertion/no-type-assertion */\n Object.keys(copyFromObj).forEach((key: string | number) => {\n if (Object.hasOwn(startingPointObj, key)) {\n if (areNonArrayObjects(startingPointObj[key], copyFromObj[key])) {\n startingPointObj[key] = mergeObjectsInternal(\n // We know these are objects from the `if` check\n /* eslint-disable no-type-assertion/no-type-assertion */\n startingPointObj[key] as JsonObjectLike,\n copyFromObj[key] as JsonObjectLike,\n ignoreDuplicateProperties,\n /* eslint-enable no-type-assertion/no-type-assertion */\n );\n } else if (areArrayObjects(startingPointObj[key], copyFromObj[key])) {\n // Concat the arrays since they are both arrays\n\n // We know these are arrays from the `else if` check\n /* eslint-disable no-type-assertion/no-type-assertion */\n startingPointObj[key] = (startingPointObj[key] as JsonArrayLike).concat(\n copyFromObj[key] as JsonArrayLike,\n );\n /* eslint-enable no-type-assertion/no-type-assertion */\n } else if (!ignoreDuplicateProperties)\n throw new Error(`Cannot merge objects: key \"${key}\" already exists in the target object`);\n // Note that the first non-object non-array value that gets placed in a property stays.\n // New values do not override existing ones\n } else {\n startingPointObj[key] = copyFromObj[key];\n }\n });\n } else if (areArrayObjects(startingPoint, copyFrom)) {\n // Concat the arrays since they are both arrays\n\n // Push the contents of copyFrom into startingPoint since it is a const and was already deep cloned\n // We know these are objects from the `else if` check\n /* eslint-disable no-type-assertion/no-type-assertion */\n (startingPoint as JsonArrayLike).push(...(copyFrom as JsonArrayLike));\n /* eslint-enable no-type-assertion/no-type-assertion */\n }\n\n // Note that nothing happens if `startingPoint` is not an object or an array or if `startingPoint`\n // and `copyFrom` are not both object or both arrays. Should we throw? Should we push `copyFrom`'s\n // values into the array? Other? Maybe one day we can add some options to decide what to do in\n // this situation, but YAGNI for now\n\n return startingPoint;\n}\n\n// #endregion\n","import { Mutex as AsyncMutex } from 'async-mutex';\n\n// Extending Mutex from async-mutex so we can add JSDoc\n\n/**\n * Class that allows calling asynchronous functions multiple times at once while only running one at\n * a time.\n *\n * @example\n *\n * ```typescript\n * const mutex = new Mutex();\n *\n * mutex.runExclusive(async () => {\n * // Do some asynchronous stuff\n * console.log('These run one-at-a-time');\n * });\n *\n * mutex.runExclusive(async () => {\n * // Do some asynchronous stuff\n * console.log('These run one-at-a-time');\n * });\n * ```\n *\n * See [`async-mutex`](https://www.npmjs.com/package/async-mutex) for more information.\n */\nclass Mutex extends AsyncMutex {}\n\nexport default Mutex;\n","import Mutex from './mutex';\n\n/** Map of {@link Mutex}es that automatically (lazily) generates a new {@link Mutex} for any new key */\nclass MutexMap {\n private mutexesByID = new Map();\n\n get(mutexID: string): Mutex {\n let retVal = this.mutexesByID.get(mutexID);\n if (retVal) return retVal;\n\n retVal = new Mutex();\n this.mutexesByID.set(mutexID, retVal);\n return retVal;\n }\n}\n\nexport default MutexMap;\n","import DocumentCombiner, { DocumentCombinerOptions, JsonDocumentLike } from './document-combiner';\n\nexport default class NonValidatingDocumentCombiner extends DocumentCombiner {\n // Making the protected base constructor public\n // eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/no-useless-constructor\n constructor(baseDocument: JsonDocumentLike, options: DocumentCombinerOptions) {\n super(baseDocument, options);\n }\n\n get output(): JsonDocumentLike | undefined {\n return this.latestOutput;\n }\n}\n","/** Enables language-sensitive number formatting. Wraps Intl.NumberFormat */\nexport default class NumberFormat {\n private numberFormatter: Intl.NumberFormat;\n\n constructor(locales?: string | string[], options?: Intl.NumberFormatOptions) {\n this.numberFormatter = new Intl.NumberFormat(locales, options);\n }\n\n /**\n * Formats a number according to the locale and formatting options of this NumberFormat object\n *\n * @param value Number or BigInt to format\n * @returns String representing the given number formatted according to the locale and formatting\n * options of this NumberFormat object\n */\n format(value: number | bigint): string {\n return this.numberFormatter.format(value);\n }\n\n /**\n * Formats a range of numbers according to the locale and formatting options of this NumberFormat\n * object\n *\n * @param startRange Number or bigint representing the start of the range\n * @param endRange Number or bigint representing the end of the range\n * @returns String representing the given range of numbers formatted according to the locale and\n * formatting options of this NumberFormat object\n */\n formatRange(startRange: number | bigint, endRange: number | bigint): string {\n return this.numberFormatter.formatRange(startRange, endRange);\n }\n\n /**\n * Returns an array of objects containing the locale-specific tokens from which it is possible to\n * build custom strings while preserving the locale-specific parts.\n *\n * @param startRange Number or bigint representing start of the range\n * @param endRange Number or bigint representing end of the range\n * @returns Array of NumberRangeFormatPart objects containing the formatted range of numbers in\n * parts\n */\n formatRangeToParts(\n startRange: number | bigint,\n endRange: number | bigint,\n ): Intl.NumberRangeFormatPart[] {\n return this.numberFormatter.formatRangeToParts(startRange, endRange);\n }\n\n /**\n * Allows locale-aware formatting of strings produced by this NumberFormat object\n *\n * @param value Number or bigint to format\n * @returns Array of NumberFormatPart objects containing the formatted number in parts\n */\n formatToParts(value: number | bigint): Intl.NumberFormatPart[] {\n return this.numberFormatter.formatToParts(value);\n }\n\n /**\n * Returns a new object with properties reflecting the locale and number formatting options\n * computed during initialization of this NumberFormat object\n *\n * @returns ResolvedNumberFormatOptions object\n */\n resolvedOptions(): Intl.ResolvedNumberFormatOptions {\n return this.numberFormatter.resolvedOptions();\n }\n}\n","import { Dispose } from './disposal.model';\nimport { Unsubscriber, UnsubscriberAsync } from './unsubscriber';\n\n/** Simple collection for UnsubscriberAsync objects that also provides an easy way to run them. */\nexport default class UnsubscriberAsyncList {\n readonly unsubscribers = new Set();\n\n constructor(private name = 'Anonymous') {}\n\n /**\n * Add unsubscribers to the list. Note that duplicates are not added twice.\n *\n * @param unsubscribers - Objects that were returned from a registration process.\n */\n add(...unsubscribers: (UnsubscriberAsync | Unsubscriber | Dispose)[]) {\n unsubscribers.forEach((unsubscriber) => {\n if ('dispose' in unsubscriber) this.unsubscribers.add(unsubscriber.dispose);\n else this.unsubscribers.add(unsubscriber);\n });\n }\n\n /**\n * Run all unsubscribers added to this list and then clear the list.\n *\n * @returns `true` if all unsubscribers succeeded, `false` otherwise.\n */\n async runAllUnsubscribers(): Promise {\n const unsubs = [...this.unsubscribers].map((unsubscriber) => unsubscriber());\n const results = await Promise.all(unsubs);\n this.unsubscribers.clear();\n return results.every((unsubscriberSucceeded, index) => {\n if (!unsubscriberSucceeded)\n console.error(`UnsubscriberAsyncList ${this.name}: Unsubscriber at index ${index} failed!`);\n\n return unsubscriberSucceeded;\n });\n }\n}\n","var P = Object.defineProperty;\nvar R = (t, e, s) => e in t ? P(t, e, { enumerable: !0, configurable: !0, writable: !0, value: s }) : t[e] = s;\nvar n = (t, e, s) => (R(t, typeof e != \"symbol\" ? e + \"\" : e, s), s);\nclass z {\n constructor() {\n n(this, \"books\");\n n(this, \"firstSelectedBookNum\");\n n(this, \"lastSelectedBookNum\");\n n(this, \"count\");\n n(this, \"selectedBookNumbers\");\n n(this, \"selectedBookIds\");\n }\n}\nconst m = [\n \"GEN\",\n \"EXO\",\n \"LEV\",\n \"NUM\",\n \"DEU\",\n \"JOS\",\n \"JDG\",\n \"RUT\",\n \"1SA\",\n \"2SA\",\n // 10\n \"1KI\",\n \"2KI\",\n \"1CH\",\n \"2CH\",\n \"EZR\",\n \"NEH\",\n \"EST\",\n \"JOB\",\n \"PSA\",\n \"PRO\",\n // 20\n \"ECC\",\n \"SNG\",\n \"ISA\",\n \"JER\",\n \"LAM\",\n \"EZK\",\n \"DAN\",\n \"HOS\",\n \"JOL\",\n \"AMO\",\n // 30\n \"OBA\",\n \"JON\",\n \"MIC\",\n \"NAM\",\n \"HAB\",\n \"ZEP\",\n \"HAG\",\n \"ZEC\",\n \"MAL\",\n \"MAT\",\n // 40\n \"MRK\",\n \"LUK\",\n \"JHN\",\n \"ACT\",\n \"ROM\",\n \"1CO\",\n \"2CO\",\n \"GAL\",\n \"EPH\",\n \"PHP\",\n // 50\n \"COL\",\n \"1TH\",\n \"2TH\",\n \"1TI\",\n \"2TI\",\n \"TIT\",\n \"PHM\",\n \"HEB\",\n \"JAS\",\n \"1PE\",\n // 60\n \"2PE\",\n \"1JN\",\n \"2JN\",\n \"3JN\",\n \"JUD\",\n \"REV\",\n \"TOB\",\n \"JDT\",\n \"ESG\",\n \"WIS\",\n // 70\n \"SIR\",\n \"BAR\",\n \"LJE\",\n \"S3Y\",\n \"SUS\",\n \"BEL\",\n \"1MA\",\n \"2MA\",\n \"3MA\",\n \"4MA\",\n // 80\n \"1ES\",\n \"2ES\",\n \"MAN\",\n \"PS2\",\n \"ODA\",\n \"PSS\",\n \"JSA\",\n // actual variant text for JOS, now in LXA text\n \"JDB\",\n // actual variant text for JDG, now in LXA text\n \"TBS\",\n // actual variant text for TOB, now in LXA text\n \"SST\",\n // actual variant text for SUS, now in LXA text // 90\n \"DNT\",\n // actual variant text for DAN, now in LXA text\n \"BLT\",\n // actual variant text for BEL, now in LXA text\n \"XXA\",\n \"XXB\",\n \"XXC\",\n \"XXD\",\n \"XXE\",\n \"XXF\",\n \"XXG\",\n \"FRT\",\n // 100\n \"BAK\",\n \"OTH\",\n \"3ES\",\n // Used previously but really should be 2ES\n \"EZA\",\n // Used to be called 4ES, but not actually in any known project\n \"5EZ\",\n // Used to be called 5ES, but not actually in any known project\n \"6EZ\",\n // Used to be called 6ES, but not actually in any known project\n \"INT\",\n \"CNC\",\n \"GLO\",\n \"TDX\",\n // 110\n \"NDX\",\n \"DAG\",\n \"PS3\",\n \"2BA\",\n \"LBA\",\n \"JUB\",\n \"ENO\",\n \"1MQ\",\n \"2MQ\",\n \"3MQ\",\n // 120\n \"REP\",\n \"4BA\",\n \"LAO\"\n], v = [\n \"XXA\",\n \"XXB\",\n \"XXC\",\n \"XXD\",\n \"XXE\",\n \"XXF\",\n \"XXG\",\n \"FRT\",\n \"BAK\",\n \"OTH\",\n \"INT\",\n \"CNC\",\n \"GLO\",\n \"TDX\",\n \"NDX\"\n], X = [\n \"Genesis\",\n \"Exodus\",\n \"Leviticus\",\n \"Numbers\",\n \"Deuteronomy\",\n \"Joshua\",\n \"Judges\",\n \"Ruth\",\n \"1 Samuel\",\n \"2 Samuel\",\n \"1 Kings\",\n \"2 Kings\",\n \"1 Chronicles\",\n \"2 Chronicles\",\n \"Ezra\",\n \"Nehemiah\",\n \"Esther (Hebrew)\",\n \"Job\",\n \"Psalms\",\n \"Proverbs\",\n \"Ecclesiastes\",\n \"Song of Songs\",\n \"Isaiah\",\n \"Jeremiah\",\n \"Lamentations\",\n \"Ezekiel\",\n \"Daniel (Hebrew)\",\n \"Hosea\",\n \"Joel\",\n \"Amos\",\n \"Obadiah\",\n \"Jonah\",\n \"Micah\",\n \"Nahum\",\n \"Habakkuk\",\n \"Zephaniah\",\n \"Haggai\",\n \"Zechariah\",\n \"Malachi\",\n \"Matthew\",\n \"Mark\",\n \"Luke\",\n \"John\",\n \"Acts\",\n \"Romans\",\n \"1 Corinthians\",\n \"2 Corinthians\",\n \"Galatians\",\n \"Ephesians\",\n \"Philippians\",\n \"Colossians\",\n \"1 Thessalonians\",\n \"2 Thessalonians\",\n \"1 Timothy\",\n \"2 Timothy\",\n \"Titus\",\n \"Philemon\",\n \"Hebrews\",\n \"James\",\n \"1 Peter\",\n \"2 Peter\",\n \"1 John\",\n \"2 John\",\n \"3 John\",\n \"Jude\",\n \"Revelation\",\n \"Tobit\",\n \"Judith\",\n \"Esther Greek\",\n \"Wisdom of Solomon\",\n \"Sirach (Ecclesiasticus)\",\n \"Baruch\",\n \"Letter of Jeremiah\",\n \"Song of 3 Young Men\",\n \"Susanna\",\n \"Bel and the Dragon\",\n \"1 Maccabees\",\n \"2 Maccabees\",\n \"3 Maccabees\",\n \"4 Maccabees\",\n \"1 Esdras (Greek)\",\n \"2 Esdras (Latin)\",\n \"Prayer of Manasseh\",\n \"Psalm 151\",\n \"Odes\",\n \"Psalms of Solomon\",\n // WARNING, if you change the spelling of the *obsolete* tag be sure to update\n // IsObsolete routine\n \"Joshua A. *obsolete*\",\n \"Judges B. *obsolete*\",\n \"Tobit S. *obsolete*\",\n \"Susanna Th. *obsolete*\",\n \"Daniel Th. *obsolete*\",\n \"Bel Th. *obsolete*\",\n \"Extra A\",\n \"Extra B\",\n \"Extra C\",\n \"Extra D\",\n \"Extra E\",\n \"Extra F\",\n \"Extra G\",\n \"Front Matter\",\n \"Back Matter\",\n \"Other Matter\",\n \"3 Ezra *obsolete*\",\n \"Apocalypse of Ezra\",\n \"5 Ezra (Latin Prologue)\",\n \"6 Ezra (Latin Epilogue)\",\n \"Introduction\",\n \"Concordance \",\n \"Glossary \",\n \"Topical Index\",\n \"Names Index\",\n \"Daniel Greek\",\n \"Psalms 152-155\",\n \"2 Baruch (Apocalypse)\",\n \"Letter of Baruch\",\n \"Jubilees\",\n \"Enoch\",\n \"1 Meqabyan\",\n \"2 Meqabyan\",\n \"3 Meqabyan\",\n \"Reproof (Proverbs 25-31)\",\n \"4 Baruch (Rest of Baruch)\",\n \"Laodiceans\"\n], C = K();\nfunction N(t, e = !0) {\n return e && (t = t.toUpperCase()), t in C ? C[t] : 0;\n}\nfunction B(t) {\n return N(t) > 0;\n}\nfunction x(t) {\n const e = typeof t == \"string\" ? N(t) : t;\n return e >= 40 && e <= 66;\n}\nfunction T(t) {\n return (typeof t == \"string\" ? N(t) : t) <= 39;\n}\nfunction O(t) {\n return t <= 66;\n}\nfunction V(t) {\n const e = typeof t == \"string\" ? N(t) : t;\n return I(e) && !O(e);\n}\nfunction* L() {\n for (let t = 1; t <= m.length; t++)\n yield t;\n}\nconst G = 1, S = m.length;\nfunction H() {\n return [\"XXA\", \"XXB\", \"XXC\", \"XXD\", \"XXE\", \"XXF\", \"XXG\"];\n}\nfunction k(t, e = \"***\") {\n const s = t - 1;\n return s < 0 || s >= m.length ? e : m[s];\n}\nfunction A(t) {\n return t <= 0 || t > S ? \"******\" : X[t - 1];\n}\nfunction y(t) {\n return A(N(t));\n}\nfunction I(t) {\n const e = typeof t == \"number\" ? k(t) : t;\n return B(e) && !v.includes(e);\n}\nfunction q(t) {\n const e = typeof t == \"number\" ? k(t) : t;\n return B(e) && v.includes(e);\n}\nfunction U(t) {\n return X[t - 1].includes(\"*obsolete*\");\n}\nfunction K() {\n const t = {};\n for (let e = 0; e < m.length; e++)\n t[m[e]] = e + 1;\n return t;\n}\nconst f = {\n allBookIds: m,\n nonCanonicalIds: v,\n bookIdToNumber: N,\n isBookIdValid: B,\n isBookNT: x,\n isBookOT: T,\n isBookOTNT: O,\n isBookDC: V,\n allBookNumbers: L,\n firstBook: G,\n lastBook: S,\n extraBooks: H,\n bookNumberToId: k,\n bookNumberToEnglishName: A,\n bookIdToEnglishName: y,\n isCanonical: I,\n isExtraMaterial: q,\n isObsolete: U\n};\nvar l = /* @__PURE__ */ ((t) => (t[t.Unknown = 0] = \"Unknown\", t[t.Original = 1] = \"Original\", t[t.Septuagint = 2] = \"Septuagint\", t[t.Vulgate = 3] = \"Vulgate\", t[t.English = 4] = \"English\", t[t.RussianProtestant = 5] = \"RussianProtestant\", t[t.RussianOrthodox = 6] = \"RussianOrthodox\", t))(l || {});\nconst u = class u {\n // private versInfo: Versification;\n constructor(e) {\n n(this, \"name\");\n n(this, \"fullPath\");\n n(this, \"isPresent\");\n n(this, \"hasVerseSegments\");\n n(this, \"isCustomized\");\n n(this, \"baseVersification\");\n n(this, \"scriptureBooks\");\n n(this, \"_type\");\n if (e != null)\n typeof e == \"string\" ? this.name = e : this._type = e;\n else\n throw new Error(\"Argument null\");\n }\n get type() {\n return this._type;\n }\n equals(e) {\n return !e.type || !this.type ? !1 : e.type === this.type;\n }\n};\nn(u, \"Original\", new u(l.Original)), n(u, \"Septuagint\", new u(l.Septuagint)), n(u, \"Vulgate\", new u(l.Vulgate)), n(u, \"English\", new u(l.English)), n(u, \"RussianProtestant\", new u(l.RussianProtestant)), n(u, \"RussianOrthodox\", new u(l.RussianOrthodox));\nlet c = u;\nfunction E(t, e) {\n const s = e[0];\n for (let r = 1; r < e.length; r++)\n t = t.split(e[r]).join(s);\n return t.split(s);\n}\nvar D = /* @__PURE__ */ ((t) => (t[t.Valid = 0] = \"Valid\", t[t.UnknownVersification = 1] = \"UnknownVersification\", t[t.OutOfRange = 2] = \"OutOfRange\", t[t.VerseOutOfOrder = 3] = \"VerseOutOfOrder\", t[t.VerseRepeated = 4] = \"VerseRepeated\", t))(D || {});\nconst i = class i {\n constructor(e, s, r, o) {\n /** Not yet implemented. */\n n(this, \"firstChapter\");\n /** Not yet implemented. */\n n(this, \"lastChapter\");\n /** Not yet implemented. */\n n(this, \"lastVerse\");\n /** Not yet implemented. */\n n(this, \"hasSegmentsDefined\");\n /** Not yet implemented. */\n n(this, \"text\");\n /** Not yet implemented. */\n n(this, \"BBBCCCVVVS\");\n /** Not yet implemented. */\n n(this, \"longHashCode\");\n /** The versification of the reference. */\n n(this, \"versification\");\n n(this, \"rtlMark\", \"‏\");\n n(this, \"_bookNum\", 0);\n n(this, \"_chapterNum\", 0);\n n(this, \"_verseNum\", 0);\n n(this, \"_verse\");\n if (r == null && o == null)\n if (e != null && typeof e == \"string\") {\n const a = e, h = s != null && s instanceof c ? s : void 0;\n this.setEmpty(h), this.parse(a);\n } else if (e != null && typeof e == \"number\") {\n const a = s != null && s instanceof c ? s : void 0;\n this.setEmpty(a), this._verseNum = e % i.chapterDigitShifter, this._chapterNum = Math.floor(\n e % i.bookDigitShifter / i.chapterDigitShifter\n ), this._bookNum = Math.floor(e / i.bookDigitShifter);\n } else if (s == null)\n if (e != null && e instanceof i) {\n const a = e;\n this._bookNum = a.bookNum, this._chapterNum = a.chapterNum, this._verseNum = a.verseNum, this._verse = a.verse, this.versification = a.versification;\n } else {\n if (e == null)\n return;\n const a = e instanceof c ? e : i.defaultVersification;\n this.setEmpty(a);\n }\n else\n throw new Error(\"VerseRef constructor not supported.\");\n else if (e != null && s != null && r != null)\n if (typeof e == \"string\" && typeof s == \"string\" && typeof r == \"string\")\n this.setEmpty(o), this.updateInternal(e, s, r);\n else if (typeof e == \"number\" && typeof s == \"number\" && typeof r == \"number\")\n this._bookNum = e, this._chapterNum = s, this._verseNum = r, this.versification = o ?? i.defaultVersification;\n else\n throw new Error(\"VerseRef constructor not supported.\");\n else\n throw new Error(\"VerseRef constructor not supported.\");\n }\n /**\n * @deprecated Will be removed in v2. Replace `VerseRef.parse('...')` with `new VerseRef('...')`\n * or refactor to use `VerseRef.tryParse('...')` which has a different return type.\n */\n static parse(e, s = i.defaultVersification) {\n const r = new i(s);\n return r.parse(e), r;\n }\n /**\n * Determines if the verse string is in a valid format (does not consider versification).\n */\n static isVerseParseable(e) {\n return e.length > 0 && \"0123456789\".includes(e[0]) && !e.endsWith(this.verseRangeSeparator) && !e.endsWith(this.verseSequenceIndicator);\n }\n /**\n * Tries to parse the specified string into a verse reference.\n * @param str - The string to attempt to parse.\n * @returns success: `true` if the specified string was successfully parsed, `false` otherwise.\n * @returns verseRef: The result of the parse if successful, or empty VerseRef if it failed\n */\n static tryParse(e) {\n let s;\n try {\n return s = i.parse(e), { success: !0, verseRef: s };\n } catch (r) {\n if (r instanceof d)\n return s = new i(), { success: !1, verseRef: s };\n throw r;\n }\n }\n /**\n * Gets the reference as a comparable integer where the book, chapter, and verse each occupy 3\n * digits.\n * @param bookNum - Book number (this is 1-based, not an index).\n * @param chapterNum - Chapter number.\n * @param verseNum - Verse number.\n * @returns The reference as a comparable integer where the book, chapter, and verse each occupy 3\n * digits.\n */\n static getBBBCCCVVV(e, s, r) {\n return e % i.bcvMaxValue * i.bookDigitShifter + (s >= 0 ? s % i.bcvMaxValue * i.chapterDigitShifter : 0) + (r >= 0 ? r % i.bcvMaxValue : 0);\n }\n /**\n * Parses a verse string and gets the leading numeric portion as a number.\n * @param verseStr - verse string to parse\n * @returns true if the entire string could be parsed as a single, simple verse number (1-999);\n * false if the verse string represented a verse bridge, contained segment letters, or was invalid\n */\n static tryGetVerseNum(e) {\n let s;\n if (!e)\n return s = -1, { success: !0, vNum: s };\n s = 0;\n let r;\n for (let o = 0; o < e.length; o++) {\n if (r = e[o], r < \"0\" || r > \"9\")\n return o === 0 && (s = -1), { success: !1, vNum: s };\n if (s = s * 10 + +r - +\"0\", s > i.bcvMaxValue)\n return s = -1, { success: !1, vNum: s };\n }\n return { success: !0, vNum: s };\n }\n /**\n * Checks to see if a VerseRef hasn't been set - all values are the default.\n */\n get isDefault() {\n return this.bookNum === 0 && this.chapterNum === 0 && this.verseNum === 0 && this.versification == null;\n }\n /**\n * Gets whether the verse contains multiple verses.\n */\n get hasMultiple() {\n return this._verse != null && (this._verse.includes(i.verseRangeSeparator) || this._verse.includes(i.verseSequenceIndicator));\n }\n /**\n * Gets or sets the book of the reference. Book is the 3-letter abbreviation in capital letters,\n * e.g. `'MAT'`.\n */\n get book() {\n return f.bookNumberToId(this.bookNum, \"\");\n }\n set book(e) {\n this.bookNum = f.bookIdToNumber(e);\n }\n /**\n * Gets or sets the chapter of the reference,. e.g. `'3'`.\n */\n get chapter() {\n return this.isDefault || this._chapterNum < 0 ? \"\" : this._chapterNum.toString();\n }\n set chapter(e) {\n const s = +e;\n this._chapterNum = Number.isInteger(s) ? s : -1;\n }\n /**\n * Gets or sets the verse of the reference, including range, segments, and sequences, e.g. `'4'`,\n * or `'4b-5a, 7'`.\n */\n get verse() {\n return this._verse != null ? this._verse : this.isDefault || this._verseNum < 0 ? \"\" : this._verseNum.toString();\n }\n set verse(e) {\n const { success: s, vNum: r } = i.tryGetVerseNum(e);\n this._verse = s ? void 0 : e.replace(this.rtlMark, \"\"), this._verseNum = r, !(this._verseNum >= 0) && ({ vNum: this._verseNum } = i.tryGetVerseNum(this._verse));\n }\n /**\n * Get or set Book based on book number, e.g. `42`.\n */\n get bookNum() {\n return this._bookNum;\n }\n set bookNum(e) {\n if (e <= 0 || e > f.lastBook)\n throw new d(\n \"BookNum must be greater than zero and less than or equal to last book\"\n );\n this._bookNum = e;\n }\n /**\n * Gets or sets the chapter number, e.g. `3`. `-1` if not valid.\n */\n get chapterNum() {\n return this._chapterNum;\n }\n set chapterNum(e) {\n this.chapterNum = e;\n }\n /**\n * Gets or sets verse start number, e.g. `4`. `-1` if not valid.\n */\n get verseNum() {\n return this._verseNum;\n }\n set verseNum(e) {\n this._verseNum = e;\n }\n /**\n * String representing the versification (should ONLY be used for serialization/deserialization).\n *\n * @remarks This is for backwards compatibility when ScrVers was an enumeration.\n */\n get versificationStr() {\n var e;\n return (e = this.versification) == null ? void 0 : e.name;\n }\n set versificationStr(e) {\n this.versification = this.versification != null ? new c(e) : void 0;\n }\n /**\n * Determines if the reference is valid.\n */\n get valid() {\n return this.validStatus === 0;\n }\n /**\n * Get the valid status for this reference.\n */\n get validStatus() {\n return this.validateVerse(i.verseRangeSeparators, i.verseSequenceIndicators);\n }\n /**\n * Gets the reference as a comparable integer where the book,\n * chapter, and verse each occupy three digits and the verse is 0.\n */\n get BBBCCC() {\n return i.getBBBCCCVVV(this._bookNum, this._chapterNum, 0);\n }\n /**\n * Gets the reference as a comparable integer where the book,\n * chapter, and verse each occupy three digits. If verse is not null\n * (i.e., this reference represents a complex reference with verse\n * segments or bridge) this cannot be used for an exact comparison.\n */\n get BBBCCCVVV() {\n return i.getBBBCCCVVV(this._bookNum, this._chapterNum, this._verseNum);\n }\n /**\n * Gets whether the verse is defined as an excluded verse in the versification.\n * Does not handle verse ranges.\n */\n // eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/class-literal-property-style\n get isExcluded() {\n return !1;\n }\n /**\n * Parses the reference in the specified string.\n * Optionally versification can follow reference as in GEN 3:11/4\n * Throw an exception if\n * - invalid book name\n * - chapter number is missing or not a number\n * - verse number is missing or does not start with a number\n * - versification is invalid\n * @param verseStr - string to parse e.g. 'MAT 3:11'\n */\n parse(e) {\n if (e = e.replace(this.rtlMark, \"\"), e.includes(\"/\")) {\n const a = e.split(\"/\");\n if (e = a[0], a.length > 1)\n try {\n const h = +a[1].trim();\n this.versification = new c(l[h]);\n } catch {\n throw new d(\"Invalid reference : \" + e);\n }\n }\n const s = e.trim().split(\" \");\n if (s.length !== 2)\n throw new d(\"Invalid reference : \" + e);\n const r = s[1].split(\":\"), o = +r[0];\n if (r.length !== 2 || f.bookIdToNumber(s[0]) === 0 || !Number.isInteger(o) || o < 0 || !i.isVerseParseable(r[1]))\n throw new d(\"Invalid reference : \" + e);\n this.updateInternal(s[0], r[0], r[1]);\n }\n /**\n * Simplifies this verse ref so that it has no bridging of verses or\n * verse segments like `'1a'`.\n */\n simplify() {\n this._verse = void 0;\n }\n /**\n * Makes a clone of the reference.\n *\n * @returns The cloned VerseRef.\n */\n clone() {\n return new i(this);\n }\n toString() {\n const e = this.book;\n return e === \"\" ? \"\" : `${e} ${this.chapter}:${this.verse}`;\n }\n /**\n * Compares this `VerseRef` with supplied one.\n * @param verseRef - object to compare this one to.\n * @returns `true` if this `VerseRef` is equal to the supplied on, `false` otherwise.\n */\n equals(e) {\n return e instanceof i ? e._bookNum === this._bookNum && e._chapterNum === this._chapterNum && e._verseNum === this._verseNum && e.verse === this.verse && e.versification != null && this.versification != null && e.versification.equals(this.versification) : !1;\n }\n /**\n * Enumerate all individual verses contained in a VerseRef.\n * Verse ranges are indicated by \"-\" and consecutive verses by \",\"s.\n * Examples:\n * GEN 1:2 returns GEN 1:2\n * GEN 1:1a-3b,5 returns GEN 1:1a, GEN 1:2, GEN 1:3b, GEN 1:5\n * GEN 1:2a-2c returns //! ??????\n *\n * @param specifiedVersesOnly - if set to true return only verses that are\n * explicitly specified only, not verses within a range. Defaults to `false`.\n * @param verseRangeSeparators - Verse range separators.\n * Defaults to `VerseRef.verseRangeSeparators`.\n * @param verseSequenceSeparators - Verse sequence separators.\n * Defaults to `VerseRef.verseSequenceIndicators`.\n * @returns An array of all single verse references in this VerseRef.\n */\n allVerses(e = !1, s = i.verseRangeSeparators, r = i.verseSequenceIndicators) {\n if (this._verse == null || this.chapterNum <= 0)\n return [this.clone()];\n const o = [], a = E(this._verse, r);\n for (const h of a.map((g) => E(g, s))) {\n const g = this.clone();\n g.verse = h[0];\n const w = g.verseNum;\n if (o.push(g), h.length > 1) {\n const p = this.clone();\n if (p.verse = h[1], !e)\n for (let b = w + 1; b < p.verseNum; b++) {\n const J = new i(\n this._bookNum,\n this._chapterNum,\n b,\n this.versification\n );\n this.isExcluded || o.push(J);\n }\n o.push(p);\n }\n }\n return o;\n }\n /**\n * Validates a verse number using the supplied separators rather than the defaults.\n */\n validateVerse(e, s) {\n if (!this.verse)\n return this.internalValid;\n let r = 0;\n for (const o of this.allVerses(!0, e, s)) {\n const a = o.internalValid;\n if (a !== 0)\n return a;\n const h = o.BBBCCCVVV;\n if (r > h)\n return 3;\n if (r === h)\n return 4;\n r = h;\n }\n return 0;\n }\n /**\n * Gets whether a single verse reference is valid.\n */\n get internalValid() {\n return this.versification == null ? 1 : this._bookNum <= 0 || this._bookNum > f.lastBook ? 2 : (f.isCanonical(this._bookNum), 0);\n }\n setEmpty(e = i.defaultVersification) {\n this._bookNum = 0, this._chapterNum = -1, this._verse = void 0, this.versification = e;\n }\n updateInternal(e, s, r) {\n this.bookNum = f.bookIdToNumber(e), this.chapter = s, this.verse = r;\n }\n};\nn(i, \"defaultVersification\", c.English), n(i, \"verseRangeSeparator\", \"-\"), n(i, \"verseSequenceIndicator\", \",\"), n(i, \"verseRangeSeparators\", [i.verseRangeSeparator]), n(i, \"verseSequenceIndicators\", [i.verseSequenceIndicator]), n(i, \"chapterDigitShifter\", 1e3), n(i, \"bookDigitShifter\", i.chapterDigitShifter * i.chapterDigitShifter), n(i, \"bcvMaxValue\", i.chapterDigitShifter - 1), /**\n * The valid status of the VerseRef.\n */\nn(i, \"ValidStatusType\", D);\nlet M = i;\nclass d extends Error {\n}\nexport {\n z as BookSet,\n f as Canon,\n c as ScrVers,\n l as ScrVersType,\n M as VerseRef,\n d as VerseRefException\n};\n//# sourceMappingURL=index.es.js.map\n","\"use strict\"\r\n\r\n// Based on: https://github.com/lodash/lodash/blob/6018350ac10d5ce6a5b7db625140b82aeab804df/.internal/unicodeSize.js\r\n\r\nmodule.exports = () => {\r\n\t// Used to compose unicode character classes.\r\n\tconst astralRange = \"\\\\ud800-\\\\udfff\"\r\n\tconst comboMarksRange = \"\\\\u0300-\\\\u036f\"\r\n\tconst comboHalfMarksRange = \"\\\\ufe20-\\\\ufe2f\"\r\n\tconst comboSymbolsRange = \"\\\\u20d0-\\\\u20ff\"\r\n\tconst comboMarksExtendedRange = \"\\\\u1ab0-\\\\u1aff\"\r\n\tconst comboMarksSupplementRange = \"\\\\u1dc0-\\\\u1dff\"\r\n\tconst comboRange = comboMarksRange + comboHalfMarksRange + comboSymbolsRange + comboMarksExtendedRange + comboMarksSupplementRange\r\n\tconst varRange = \"\\\\ufe0e\\\\ufe0f\"\r\n\tconst familyRange = \"\\\\uD83D\\\\uDC69\\\\uD83C\\\\uDFFB\\\\u200D\\\\uD83C\\\\uDF93\"\r\n\r\n\t// Used to compose unicode capture groups.\r\n\tconst astral = `[${astralRange}]`\r\n\tconst combo = `[${comboRange}]`\r\n\tconst fitz = \"\\\\ud83c[\\\\udffb-\\\\udfff]\"\r\n\tconst modifier = `(?:${combo}|${fitz})`\r\n\tconst nonAstral = `[^${astralRange}]`\r\n\tconst regional = \"(?:\\\\uD83C[\\\\uDDE6-\\\\uDDFF]){2}\"\r\n\tconst surrogatePair = \"[\\\\ud800-\\\\udbff][\\\\udc00-\\\\udfff]\"\r\n\tconst zwj = \"\\\\u200d\"\r\n\tconst blackFlag = \"(?:\\\\ud83c\\\\udff4\\\\udb40\\\\udc67\\\\udb40\\\\udc62\\\\udb40(?:\\\\udc65|\\\\udc73|\\\\udc77)\\\\udb40(?:\\\\udc6e|\\\\udc63|\\\\udc6c)\\\\udb40(?:\\\\udc67|\\\\udc74|\\\\udc73)\\\\udb40\\\\udc7f)\"\r\n\tconst family = `[${familyRange}]`\r\n\r\n\t// Used to compose unicode regexes.\r\n\tconst optModifier = `${modifier}?`\r\n\tconst optVar = `[${varRange}]?`\r\n\tconst optJoin = `(?:${zwj}(?:${[nonAstral, regional, surrogatePair].join(\"|\")})${optVar + optModifier})*`\r\n\tconst seq = optVar + optModifier + optJoin\r\n\tconst nonAstralCombo = `${nonAstral}${combo}?`\r\n\tconst symbol = `(?:${[nonAstralCombo, combo, regional, surrogatePair, astral, family].join(\"|\")})`\r\n\r\n\t// Used to match [String symbols](https://mathiasbynens.be/notes/javascript-unicode).\r\n\treturn new RegExp(`${blackFlag}|${fitz}(?=${fitz})|${symbol + seq}`, \"g\")\r\n}\r\n","\"use strict\";\nvar __importDefault = (this && this.__importDefault) || function (mod) {\n return (mod && mod.__esModule) ? mod : { \"default\": mod };\n};\nObject.defineProperty(exports, \"__esModule\", { value: true });\n// @ts-ignore\nvar char_regex_1 = __importDefault(require(\"char-regex\"));\n/**\n * Converts a string to an array of string chars\n * @param {string} str The string to turn into array\n * @returns {string[]}\n */\nfunction toArray(str) {\n if (typeof str !== 'string') {\n throw new Error('A string is expected as input');\n }\n return str.match(char_regex_1.default()) || [];\n}\nexports.toArray = toArray;\n/**\n * Returns the length of a string\n *\n * @export\n * @param {string} str\n * @returns {number}\n */\nfunction length(str) {\n // Check for input\n if (typeof str !== 'string') {\n throw new Error('Input must be a string');\n }\n var match = str.match(char_regex_1.default());\n return match === null ? 0 : match.length;\n}\nexports.length = length;\n/**\n * Returns a substring by providing start and end position\n *\n * @export\n * @param {string} str\n * @param {number} [begin=0] Starting position\n * @param {number} end End position\n * @returns {string}\n */\nfunction substring(str, begin, end) {\n if (begin === void 0) { begin = 0; }\n // Check for input\n if (typeof str !== 'string') {\n throw new Error('Input must be a string');\n }\n // Even though negative numbers work here, theyre not in the spec\n if (typeof begin !== 'number' || begin < 0) {\n begin = 0;\n }\n if (typeof end === 'number' && end < 0) {\n end = 0;\n }\n var match = str.match(char_regex_1.default());\n if (!match)\n return '';\n return match.slice(begin, end).join('');\n}\nexports.substring = substring;\n/**\n * Returns a substring by providing start position and length\n *\n * @export\n * @param {string} str\n * @param {number} [begin=0] Starting position\n * @param {number} len Desired length\n * @returns {string}\n */\nfunction substr(str, begin, len) {\n if (begin === void 0) { begin = 0; }\n // Check for input\n if (typeof str !== 'string') {\n throw new Error('Input must be a string');\n }\n var strLength = length(str);\n // Fix type\n if (typeof begin !== 'number') {\n begin = parseInt(begin, 10);\n }\n // Return zero-length string if got oversize number.\n if (begin >= strLength) {\n return '';\n }\n // Calculating postive version of negative value.\n if (begin < 0) {\n begin += strLength;\n }\n var end;\n if (typeof len === 'undefined') {\n end = strLength;\n }\n else {\n // Fix type\n if (typeof len !== 'number') {\n len = parseInt(len, 10);\n }\n end = len >= 0 ? len + begin : begin;\n }\n var match = str.match(char_regex_1.default());\n if (!match)\n return '';\n return match.slice(begin, end).join('');\n}\nexports.substr = substr;\n/**\n * Enforces a string to be a certain length by\n * adding or removing characters\n *\n * @export\n * @param {string} str\n * @param {number} [limit=16] Limit\n * @param {string} [padString='#'] The Pad String\n * @param {string} [padPosition='right'] The Pad Position\n * @returns {string}\n */\nfunction limit(str, limit, padString, padPosition) {\n if (limit === void 0) { limit = 16; }\n if (padString === void 0) { padString = '#'; }\n if (padPosition === void 0) { padPosition = 'right'; }\n // Input should be a string, limit should be a number\n if (typeof str !== 'string' || typeof limit !== 'number') {\n throw new Error('Invalid arguments specified');\n }\n // Pad position should be either left or right\n if (['left', 'right'].indexOf(padPosition) === -1) {\n throw new Error('Pad position should be either left or right');\n }\n // Pad string can be anything, we convert it to string\n if (typeof padString !== 'string') {\n padString = String(padString);\n }\n // Calculate string length considering astral code points\n var strLength = length(str);\n if (strLength > limit) {\n return substring(str, 0, limit);\n }\n else if (strLength < limit) {\n var padRepeats = padString.repeat(limit - strLength);\n return padPosition === 'left' ? padRepeats + str : str + padRepeats;\n }\n return str;\n}\nexports.limit = limit;\n/**\n * Returns the index of the first occurrence of a given string\n *\n * @export\n * @param {string} str\n * @param {string} [searchStr] the string to search\n * @param {number} [pos] starting position\n * @returns {number}\n */\nfunction indexOf(str, searchStr, pos) {\n if (pos === void 0) { pos = 0; }\n if (typeof str !== 'string') {\n throw new Error('Input must be a string');\n }\n if (str === '') {\n if (searchStr === '') {\n return 0;\n }\n return -1;\n }\n // fix type\n pos = Number(pos);\n pos = isNaN(pos) ? 0 : pos;\n searchStr = String(searchStr);\n var strArr = toArray(str);\n if (pos >= strArr.length) {\n if (searchStr === '') {\n return strArr.length;\n }\n return -1;\n }\n if (searchStr === '') {\n return pos;\n }\n var searchArr = toArray(searchStr);\n var finded = false;\n var index;\n for (index = pos; index < strArr.length; index += 1) {\n var searchIndex = 0;\n while (searchIndex < searchArr.length &&\n searchArr[searchIndex] === strArr[index + searchIndex]) {\n searchIndex += 1;\n }\n if (searchIndex === searchArr.length &&\n searchArr[searchIndex - 1] === strArr[index + searchIndex - 1]) {\n finded = true;\n break;\n }\n }\n return finded ? index : -1;\n}\nexports.indexOf = indexOf;\n","import { LocalizeKey } from 'menus.model';\nimport {\n indexOf as stringzIndexOf,\n substring as stringzSubstring,\n length as stringzLength,\n toArray as stringzToArray,\n limit as stringzLimit,\n substr as stringzSubstr,\n} from 'stringz';\n\n/**\n * This function mirrors the `at` function from the JavaScript Standard String object. It handles\n * Unicode code points instead of UTF-16 character codes.\n *\n * Finds the Unicode code point at the given index.\n *\n * @param string String to index\n * @param index Position of the character to be returned in range of -length(string) to\n * length(string)\n * @returns New string consisting of the Unicode code point located at the specified offset,\n * undefined if index is out of bounds\n */\nexport function at(string: string, index: number): string | undefined {\n if (index > stringLength(string) || index < -stringLength(string)) return undefined;\n return substr(string, index, 1);\n}\n\n/**\n * This function mirrors the `charAt` function from the JavaScript Standard String object. It\n * handles Unicode code points instead of UTF-16 character codes.\n *\n * Returns a new string consisting of the single unicode code point at the given index.\n *\n * @param string String to index\n * @param index Position of the string character to be returned, in the range of 0 to\n * length(string)-1\n * @returns New string consisting of the Unicode code point located at the specified offset, empty\n * string if index is out of bounds\n */\nexport function charAt(string: string, index: number): string {\n if (index < 0 || index > stringLength(string) - 1) return '';\n return substr(string, index, 1);\n}\n\n/**\n * This function mirrors the `codePointAt` function from the JavaScript Standard String object. It\n * handles Unicode code points instead of UTF-16 character codes.\n *\n * Returns a non-negative integer that is the Unicode code point value of the character starting at\n * the given index.\n *\n * @param string String to index\n * @param index Position of the string character to be returned, in the range of 0 to\n * length(string)-1\n * @returns Non-negative integer representing the code point value of the character at the given\n * index, or undefined if there is no element at that position\n */\nexport function codePointAt(string: string, index: number): number | undefined {\n if (index < 0 || index > stringLength(string) - 1) return undefined;\n return substr(string, index, 1).codePointAt(0);\n}\n\n/**\n * This function mirrors the `endsWith` function from the JavaScript Standard String object. It\n * handles Unicode code points instead of UTF-16 character codes.\n *\n * Determines whether a string ends with the characters of this string.\n *\n * @param string String to search through\n * @param searchString Characters to search for at the end of the string\n * @param endPosition End position where searchString is expected to be found. Default is\n * `length(string)`\n * @returns True if it ends with searchString, false if it does not\n */\nexport function endsWith(\n string: string,\n searchString: string,\n endPosition: number = stringLength(string),\n): boolean {\n const lastIndexOfSearchString = lastIndexOf(string, searchString);\n if (lastIndexOfSearchString === -1) return false;\n if (lastIndexOfSearchString + stringLength(searchString) !== endPosition) return false;\n return true;\n}\n\n/**\n * Get the index of the closest closing curly brace in a string.\n *\n * Note: when escaped, gets the index of the curly brace, not the backslash before it.\n *\n * @param str String to search\n * @param index Index at which to start searching. Inclusive of this index\n * @param escaped Whether to search for an escaped or an unescaped closing curly brace\n * @returns Index of closest closing curly brace or -1 if not found\n */\nfunction indexOfClosestClosingCurlyBrace(str: string, index: number, escaped: boolean) {\n if (index < 0) return -1;\n if (escaped) {\n if (charAt(str, index) === '}' && charAt(str, index - 1) === '\\\\') return index;\n const closeCurlyBraceIndex = indexOf(str, '\\\\}', index);\n return closeCurlyBraceIndex >= 0 ? closeCurlyBraceIndex + 1 : closeCurlyBraceIndex;\n }\n\n let i = index;\n const strLength = stringLength(str);\n while (i < strLength) {\n i = indexOf(str, '}', i);\n\n if (i === -1 || charAt(str, i - 1) !== '\\\\') break;\n\n // Didn't find an un-escaped close brace, so keep looking\n i += 1;\n }\n\n return i >= strLength ? -1 : i;\n}\n\n/**\n * Formats a string, replacing {localization key} with the localization (or multiple localizations\n * if there are multiple in the string). Will also remove \\ before curly braces if curly braces are\n * escaped with a backslash in order to preserve the curly braces. E.g. 'Hi, this is {name}! I like\n * `\\{curly braces\\}`! would become Hi, this is Jim! I like {curly braces}!\n *\n * If the key in unescaped braces is not found, just return the key without the braces. Empty\n * unescaped curly braces will just return a string without the braces e.g. ('I am {Nemo}', {\n * 'name': 'Jim'}) would return 'I am Nemo'.\n *\n * @param str String to format\n * @returns Formatted string\n */\nexport function formatReplacementString(str: string, replacers: { [key: string]: string }): string {\n let updatedStr = str;\n\n let i = 0;\n while (i < stringLength(updatedStr)) {\n switch (charAt(updatedStr, i)) {\n case '{':\n if (charAt(updatedStr, i - 1) !== '\\\\') {\n // This character is an un-escaped open curly brace. Try to match and replace\n const closeCurlyBraceIndex = indexOfClosestClosingCurlyBrace(updatedStr, i, false);\n if (closeCurlyBraceIndex >= 0) {\n // We have matching open and close indices. Try to replace the contents\n const replacerKey = substring(updatedStr, i + 1, closeCurlyBraceIndex);\n // Replace with the replacer string or just remove the curly braces\n const replacerString = replacerKey in replacers ? replacers[replacerKey] : replacerKey;\n\n updatedStr = `${substring(updatedStr, 0, i)}${replacerString}${substring(updatedStr, closeCurlyBraceIndex + 1)}`;\n // Put our index at the closing brace adjusted for the new string length minus two\n // because we are removing the curly braces\n // Ex: \"stuff {and} things\"\n // Replacer for and: n'\n // closeCurlyBraceIndex is 10\n // \"stuff n' things\"\n // i = 10 + 2 - 3 - 2 = 7\n i = closeCurlyBraceIndex + stringLength(replacerString) - stringLength(replacerKey) - 2;\n } else {\n // This is an unexpected un-escaped open curly brace with no matching closing curly\n // brace. Just ignore, I guess\n }\n } else {\n // This character is an escaped open curly brace. Remove the escape\n updatedStr = `${substring(updatedStr, 0, i - 1)}${substring(updatedStr, i)}`;\n // Adjust our index because we removed the escape\n i -= 1;\n }\n break;\n case '}':\n if (charAt(updatedStr, i - 1) !== '\\\\') {\n // This character is an un-escaped closing curly brace with no matching open curly\n // brace. Just ignore, I guess\n } else {\n // This character is an escaped closing curly brace. Remove the escape\n updatedStr = `${substring(updatedStr, 0, i - 1)}${substring(updatedStr, i)}`;\n // Adjust our index because we removed the escape\n i -= 1;\n }\n break;\n default:\n // No need to do anything with other characters at this point\n break;\n }\n\n i += 1;\n }\n\n return updatedStr;\n}\n/**\n * This function mirrors the `includes` function from the JavaScript Standard String object. It\n * handles Unicode code points instead of UTF-16 character codes.\n *\n * Performs a case-sensitive search to determine if searchString is found in string.\n *\n * @param string String to search through\n * @param searchString String to search for\n * @param position Position within the string to start searching for searchString. Default is `0`\n * @returns True if search string is found, false if it is not\n */\nexport function includes(string: string, searchString: string, position: number = 0): boolean {\n const partialString = substring(string, position);\n const indexOfSearchString = indexOf(partialString, searchString);\n if (indexOfSearchString === -1) return false;\n return true;\n}\n\n/**\n * This function mirrors the `indexOf` function from the JavaScript Standard String object. It\n * handles Unicode code points instead of UTF-16 character codes.\n *\n * Returns the index of the first occurrence of a given string.\n *\n * @param string String to search through\n * @param searchString The string to search for\n * @param position Start of searching. Default is `0`\n * @returns Index of the first occurrence of a given string\n */\nexport function indexOf(\n string: string,\n searchString: string,\n position: number | undefined = 0,\n): number {\n return stringzIndexOf(string, searchString, position);\n}\n\n/**\n * This function mirrors the `lastIndexOf` function from the JavaScript Standard String object. It\n * handles Unicode code points instead of UTF-16 character codes.\n *\n * Searches this string and returns the index of the last occurrence of the specified substring.\n *\n * @param string String to search through\n * @param searchString Substring to search for\n * @param position The index at which to begin searching. If omitted, the search begins at the end\n * of the string. Default is `undefined`\n * @returns Index of the last occurrence of searchString found, or -1 if not found.\n */\nexport function lastIndexOf(string: string, searchString: string, position?: number): number {\n let validatedPosition = position === undefined ? stringLength(string) : position;\n\n if (validatedPosition < 0) {\n validatedPosition = 0;\n } else if (validatedPosition >= stringLength(string)) {\n validatedPosition = stringLength(string) - 1;\n }\n\n for (let index = validatedPosition; index >= 0; index--) {\n if (substr(string, index, stringLength(searchString)) === searchString) {\n return index;\n }\n }\n\n return -1;\n}\n\n/**\n * This function mirrors the `length` function from the JavaScript Standard String object. It\n * handles Unicode code points instead of UTF-16 character codes. Since `length` appears to be a\n * reserved keyword, the function was renamed to `stringLength`\n *\n * Returns the length of a string.\n *\n * @param string String to return the length for\n * @returns Number that is length of the starting string\n */\nexport function stringLength(string: string): number {\n return stringzLength(string);\n}\n\n/**\n * This function mirrors the `normalize` function from the JavaScript Standard String object. It\n * handles Unicode code points instead of UTF-16 character codes.\n *\n * Returns the Unicode Normalization Form of this string.\n *\n * @param string The starting string\n * @param form Form specifying the Unicode Normalization Form. Default is `'NFC'`\n * @returns A string containing the Unicode Normalization Form of the given string.\n */\nexport function normalize(string: string, form: 'NFC' | 'NFD' | 'NFKC' | 'NFKD' | 'none'): string {\n const upperCaseForm = form.toUpperCase();\n if (upperCaseForm === 'NONE') {\n return string;\n }\n return string.normalize(upperCaseForm);\n}\n\n/**\n * Compares two strings using an ordinal comparison approach based on the specified collation\n * options. This function uses the built-in `localeCompare` method with the 'en' locale and the\n * provided collation options to compare the strings.\n *\n * @param string1 The first string to compare.\n * @param string2 The second string to compare.\n * @param options Optional. The collation options used for comparison.\n * @returns A number indicating the result of the comparison: - Negative value if string1 precedes\n * string2 in sorting order. - Zero if string1 and string2 are equivalent in sorting order. -\n * Positive value if string1 follows string2 in sorting order.\n */\nexport function ordinalCompare(\n string1: string,\n string2: string,\n options?: Intl.CollatorOptions,\n): number {\n return string1.localeCompare(string2, 'en', options);\n}\n\n/**\n * This function mirrors the `padEnd` function from the JavaScript Standard String object. It\n * handles Unicode code points instead of UTF-16 character codes.\n *\n * Pads this string with another string (multiple times, if needed) until the resulting string\n * reaches the given length. The padding is applied from the end of this string.\n *\n * @param string String to add padding too\n * @param targetLength The length of the resulting string once the starting string has been padded.\n * If value is less than or equal to length(string), then string is returned as is.\n * @param padString The string to pad the current string with. If padString is too long to stay\n * within targetLength, it will be truncated. Default is `\" \"`\n * @returns String with appropriate padding at the end\n */\n// Note: Limit with padString only works when length(padString) = 1, will be fixed with https://github.com/sallar/stringz/pull/59\nexport function padEnd(string: string, targetLength: number, padString: string = ' '): string {\n if (targetLength <= stringLength(string)) return string;\n return stringzLimit(string, targetLength, padString, 'right');\n}\n\n/**\n * This function mirrors the `padStart` function from the JavaScript Standard String object. It\n * handles Unicode code points instead of UTF-16 character codes.\n *\n * Pads this string with another string (multiple times, if needed) until the resulting string\n * reaches the given length. The padding is applied from the start of this string.\n *\n * @param string String to add padding too\n * @param targetLength The length of the resulting string once the starting string has been padded.\n * If value is less than or equal to length(string), then string is returned as is.\n * @param padString The string to pad the current string with. If padString is too long to stay\n * within the targetLength, it will be truncated from the end. Default is `\" \"`\n * @returns String with of specified targetLength with padString applied from the start\n */\n// Note: Limit with padString only works when length(padString) = 1, will be fixed with https://github.com/sallar/stringz/pull/59\nexport function padStart(string: string, targetLength: number, padString: string = ' '): string {\n if (targetLength <= stringLength(string)) return string;\n return stringzLimit(string, targetLength, padString, 'left');\n}\n\n// This is a helper function that performs a correction on the slice index to make sure it\n// cannot go out of bounds\nfunction correctSliceIndex(length: number, index: number) {\n if (index > length) return length;\n if (index < -length) return 0;\n if (index < 0) return index + length;\n return index;\n}\n\n/**\n * This function mirrors the `slice` function from the JavaScript Standard String object. It handles\n * Unicode code points instead of UTF-16 character codes.\n *\n * Extracts a section of this string and returns it as a new string, without modifying the original\n * string.\n *\n * @param string The starting string\n * @param indexStart The index of the first character to include in the returned substring.\n * @param indexEnd The index of the first character to exclude from the returned substring.\n * @returns A new string containing the extracted section of the string.\n */\nexport function slice(string: string, indexStart: number, indexEnd?: number): string {\n const length: number = stringLength(string);\n if (\n indexStart > length ||\n (indexEnd &&\n ((indexStart > indexEnd &&\n !(indexStart >= 0 && indexStart < length && indexEnd < 0 && indexEnd > -length)) ||\n indexEnd < -length))\n )\n return '';\n\n const newStart = correctSliceIndex(length, indexStart);\n const newEnd = indexEnd ? correctSliceIndex(length, indexEnd) : undefined;\n\n return substring(string, newStart, newEnd);\n}\n\n/**\n * This function mirrors the `split` function from the JavaScript Standard String object. It handles\n * Unicode code points instead of UTF-16 character codes.\n *\n * Takes a pattern and divides the string into an ordered list of substrings by searching for the\n * pattern, puts these substrings into an array, and returns the array.\n *\n * @param string The string to split\n * @param separator The pattern describing where each split should occur\n * @param splitLimit Limit on the number of substrings to be included in the array. Splits the\n * string at each occurrence of specified separator, but stops when limit entries have been placed\n * in the array.\n * @returns An array of strings, split at each point where separator occurs in the starting string.\n * Returns undefined if separator is not found in string.\n */\nexport function split(string: string, separator: string | RegExp, splitLimit?: number): string[] {\n const result: string[] = [];\n\n if (splitLimit !== undefined && splitLimit <= 0) {\n return [string];\n }\n\n if (separator === '') return toArray(string).slice(0, splitLimit);\n\n let regexSeparator = separator;\n if (\n typeof separator === 'string' ||\n (separator instanceof RegExp && !includes(separator.flags, 'g'))\n ) {\n regexSeparator = new RegExp(separator, 'g');\n }\n\n const matches: RegExpMatchArray | null = string.match(regexSeparator);\n\n let currentIndex = 0;\n\n if (!matches) return [string];\n\n for (let index = 0; index < (splitLimit ? splitLimit - 1 : matches.length); index++) {\n const matchIndex = indexOf(string, matches[index], currentIndex);\n const matchLength = stringLength(matches[index]);\n\n result.push(substring(string, currentIndex, matchIndex));\n currentIndex = matchIndex + matchLength;\n\n if (splitLimit !== undefined && result.length === splitLimit) {\n break;\n }\n }\n\n result.push(substring(string, currentIndex));\n\n return result;\n}\n\n/**\n * This function mirrors the `startsWith` function from the JavaScript Standard String object. It\n * handles Unicode code points instead of UTF-16 character codes.\n *\n * Determines whether the string begins with the characters of a specified string, returning true or\n * false as appropriate.\n *\n * @param string String to search through\n * @param searchString The characters to be searched for at the start of this string.\n * @param position The start position at which searchString is expected to be found (the index of\n * searchString's first character). Default is `0`\n * @returns True if the given characters are found at the beginning of the string, including when\n * searchString is an empty string; otherwise, false.\n */\nexport function startsWith(string: string, searchString: string, position: number = 0): boolean {\n const indexOfSearchString = indexOf(string, searchString, position);\n if (indexOfSearchString !== position) return false;\n return true;\n}\n\n/**\n * This function mirrors the `substr` function from the JavaScript Standard String object. It\n * handles Unicode code points instead of UTF-16 character codes.\n *\n * Returns a substring by providing start and length. This function is not exported because it is\n * considered deprecated, however it is still useful as a local helper function.\n *\n * @param string String to be divided\n * @param begin Start position. Default is `Start of string`\n * @param len Length of result. Default is `String length minus start parameter`. Default is `String\n * length minus start parameter`\n * @returns Substring from starting string\n */\nfunction substr(\n string: string,\n begin: number = 0,\n len: number = stringLength(string) - begin,\n): string {\n return stringzSubstr(string, begin, len);\n}\n\n/**\n * This function mirrors the `substring` function from the JavaScript Standard String object. It\n * handles Unicode code points instead of UTF-16 character codes.\n *\n * Returns a substring by providing start and end position.\n *\n * @param string String to be divided\n * @param begin Start position\n * @param end End position. Default is `End of string`\n * @returns Substring from starting string\n */\nexport function substring(\n string: string,\n begin: number,\n end: number = stringLength(string),\n): string {\n return stringzSubstring(string, begin, end);\n}\n\n/**\n * This function mirrors the `toArray` function from the JavaScript Standard String object. It\n * handles Unicode code points instead of UTF-16 character codes.\n *\n * Converts a string to an array of string characters.\n *\n * @param string String to convert to array\n * @returns An array of characters from the starting string\n */\nexport function toArray(string: string): string[] {\n return stringzToArray(string);\n}\n\n/** Determine whether the string is a `LocalizeKey` meant to be localized in Platform.Bible. */\nexport function isLocalizeKey(str: string): str is LocalizeKey {\n return startsWith(str, '%') && endsWith(str, '%');\n}\n\n/**\n * Escape RegExp special characters.\n *\n * You can also use this to escape a string that is inserted into the middle of a regex, for\n * example, into a character class.\n *\n * All credit to [`escape-string-regexp`](https://www.npmjs.com/package/escape-string-regexp) - this\n * function is simply copied directly from there to allow a common js export\n *\n * @example\n *\n * import escapeStringRegexp from 'platform-bible-utils';\n *\n * const escapedString = escapeStringRegexp('How much $ for a 🦄?');\n * //=> 'How much \\\\$ for a 🦄\\\\?'\n *\n * new RegExp(escapedString);\n */\nexport function escapeStringRegexp(string: string): string {\n if (typeof string !== 'string') {\n throw new TypeError('Expected a string');\n }\n\n // Escape characters with special meaning either inside or outside character sets.\n // Use a simple backslash escape when it’s always valid, and a `\\xnn` escape when the simpler form would be disallowed by Unicode patterns’ stricter grammar.\n return string.replace(/[|\\\\{}()[\\]^$+*?.]/g, '\\\\$&').replace(/-/g, '\\\\x2d');\n}\n\n/** This is an internal-only export for testing purposes and should not be used in development */\nexport const testingStringUtils = {\n indexOfClosestClosingCurlyBrace,\n};\n","import { Canon } from '@sillsdev/scripture';\nimport { BookInfo, ScriptureReference } from './scripture.model';\nimport { split, startsWith } from './string-util';\n\nconst scrBookData: BookInfo[] = [\n { shortName: 'ERR', fullNames: ['ERROR'], chapters: -1 },\n { shortName: 'GEN', fullNames: ['Genesis'], chapters: 50 },\n { shortName: 'EXO', fullNames: ['Exodus'], chapters: 40 },\n { shortName: 'LEV', fullNames: ['Leviticus'], chapters: 27 },\n { shortName: 'NUM', fullNames: ['Numbers'], chapters: 36 },\n { shortName: 'DEU', fullNames: ['Deuteronomy'], chapters: 34 },\n { shortName: 'JOS', fullNames: ['Joshua'], chapters: 24 },\n { shortName: 'JDG', fullNames: ['Judges'], chapters: 21 },\n { shortName: 'RUT', fullNames: ['Ruth'], chapters: 4 },\n { shortName: '1SA', fullNames: ['1 Samuel'], chapters: 31 },\n { shortName: '2SA', fullNames: ['2 Samuel'], chapters: 24 },\n { shortName: '1KI', fullNames: ['1 Kings'], chapters: 22 },\n { shortName: '2KI', fullNames: ['2 Kings'], chapters: 25 },\n { shortName: '1CH', fullNames: ['1 Chronicles'], chapters: 29 },\n { shortName: '2CH', fullNames: ['2 Chronicles'], chapters: 36 },\n { shortName: 'EZR', fullNames: ['Ezra'], chapters: 10 },\n { shortName: 'NEH', fullNames: ['Nehemiah'], chapters: 13 },\n { shortName: 'EST', fullNames: ['Esther'], chapters: 10 },\n { shortName: 'JOB', fullNames: ['Job'], chapters: 42 },\n { shortName: 'PSA', fullNames: ['Psalm', 'Psalms'], chapters: 150 },\n { shortName: 'PRO', fullNames: ['Proverbs'], chapters: 31 },\n { shortName: 'ECC', fullNames: ['Ecclesiastes'], chapters: 12 },\n { shortName: 'SNG', fullNames: ['Song of Solomon', 'Song of Songs'], chapters: 8 },\n { shortName: 'ISA', fullNames: ['Isaiah'], chapters: 66 },\n { shortName: 'JER', fullNames: ['Jeremiah'], chapters: 52 },\n { shortName: 'LAM', fullNames: ['Lamentations'], chapters: 5 },\n { shortName: 'EZK', fullNames: ['Ezekiel'], chapters: 48 },\n { shortName: 'DAN', fullNames: ['Daniel'], chapters: 12 },\n { shortName: 'HOS', fullNames: ['Hosea'], chapters: 14 },\n { shortName: 'JOL', fullNames: ['Joel'], chapters: 3 },\n { shortName: 'AMO', fullNames: ['Amos'], chapters: 9 },\n { shortName: 'OBA', fullNames: ['Obadiah'], chapters: 1 },\n { shortName: 'JON', fullNames: ['Jonah'], chapters: 4 },\n { shortName: 'MIC', fullNames: ['Micah'], chapters: 7 },\n { shortName: 'NAM', fullNames: ['Nahum'], chapters: 3 },\n { shortName: 'HAB', fullNames: ['Habakkuk'], chapters: 3 },\n { shortName: 'ZEP', fullNames: ['Zephaniah'], chapters: 3 },\n { shortName: 'HAG', fullNames: ['Haggai'], chapters: 2 },\n { shortName: 'ZEC', fullNames: ['Zechariah'], chapters: 14 },\n { shortName: 'MAL', fullNames: ['Malachi'], chapters: 4 },\n { shortName: 'MAT', fullNames: ['Matthew'], chapters: 28 },\n { shortName: 'MRK', fullNames: ['Mark'], chapters: 16 },\n { shortName: 'LUK', fullNames: ['Luke'], chapters: 24 },\n { shortName: 'JHN', fullNames: ['John'], chapters: 21 },\n { shortName: 'ACT', fullNames: ['Acts'], chapters: 28 },\n { shortName: 'ROM', fullNames: ['Romans'], chapters: 16 },\n { shortName: '1CO', fullNames: ['1 Corinthians'], chapters: 16 },\n { shortName: '2CO', fullNames: ['2 Corinthians'], chapters: 13 },\n { shortName: 'GAL', fullNames: ['Galatians'], chapters: 6 },\n { shortName: 'EPH', fullNames: ['Ephesians'], chapters: 6 },\n { shortName: 'PHP', fullNames: ['Philippians'], chapters: 4 },\n { shortName: 'COL', fullNames: ['Colossians'], chapters: 4 },\n { shortName: '1TH', fullNames: ['1 Thessalonians'], chapters: 5 },\n { shortName: '2TH', fullNames: ['2 Thessalonians'], chapters: 3 },\n { shortName: '1TI', fullNames: ['1 Timothy'], chapters: 6 },\n { shortName: '2TI', fullNames: ['2 Timothy'], chapters: 4 },\n { shortName: 'TIT', fullNames: ['Titus'], chapters: 3 },\n { shortName: 'PHM', fullNames: ['Philemon'], chapters: 1 },\n { shortName: 'HEB', fullNames: ['Hebrews'], chapters: 13 },\n { shortName: 'JAS', fullNames: ['James'], chapters: 5 },\n { shortName: '1PE', fullNames: ['1 Peter'], chapters: 5 },\n { shortName: '2PE', fullNames: ['2 Peter'], chapters: 3 },\n { shortName: '1JN', fullNames: ['1 John'], chapters: 5 },\n { shortName: '2JN', fullNames: ['2 John'], chapters: 1 },\n { shortName: '3JN', fullNames: ['3 John'], chapters: 1 },\n { shortName: 'JUD', fullNames: ['Jude'], chapters: 1 },\n { shortName: 'REV', fullNames: ['Revelation'], chapters: 22 },\n];\n\nexport const FIRST_SCR_BOOK_NUM = 1;\nexport const LAST_SCR_BOOK_NUM = scrBookData.length - 1;\nexport const FIRST_SCR_CHAPTER_NUM = 1;\nexport const FIRST_SCR_VERSE_NUM = 1;\n\nexport const getChaptersForBook = (bookNum: number): number => {\n return scrBookData[bookNum]?.chapters ?? -1;\n};\n\nexport const offsetBook = (scrRef: ScriptureReference, offset: number): ScriptureReference => ({\n bookNum: Math.max(FIRST_SCR_BOOK_NUM, Math.min(scrRef.bookNum + offset, LAST_SCR_BOOK_NUM)),\n chapterNum: 1,\n verseNum: 1,\n});\n\nexport const offsetChapter = (scrRef: ScriptureReference, offset: number): ScriptureReference => ({\n ...scrRef,\n chapterNum: Math.min(\n Math.max(FIRST_SCR_CHAPTER_NUM, scrRef.chapterNum + offset),\n getChaptersForBook(scrRef.bookNum),\n ),\n verseNum: 1,\n});\n\nexport const offsetVerse = (scrRef: ScriptureReference, offset: number): ScriptureReference => ({\n ...scrRef,\n verseNum: Math.max(FIRST_SCR_VERSE_NUM, scrRef.verseNum + offset),\n});\n\n/**\n * https://github.com/ubsicap/Paratext/blob/master/ParatextData/SILScriptureExtensions.cs#L72\n *\n * Convert book number to a localized Id (a short description of the book). This should be used\n * whenever a book ID (short code) is shown to the user. It is primarily needed for people who do\n * not read Roman script well and need to have books identified in a alternate script (e.g. Chinese\n * or Russian)\n *\n * @param bookNumber\n * @param localizationLanguage In BCP 47 format\n * @param getLocalizedString Function that provides the localized versions of the book ids and names\n * asynchronously.\n * @returns\n */\nexport async function getLocalizedIdFromBookNumber(\n bookNumber: number,\n localizationLanguage: string,\n getLocalizedString: (item: {\n localizeKey: string;\n languagesToSearch?: string[];\n }) => Promise,\n) {\n const id = Canon.bookNumberToId(bookNumber);\n\n if (!startsWith(Intl.getCanonicalLocales(localizationLanguage)[0], 'zh'))\n return getLocalizedString({\n localizeKey: `LocalizedId.${id}`,\n languagesToSearch: [localizationLanguage],\n });\n\n // For Chinese the normal book name is already fairly short.\n const bookName = await getLocalizedString({\n localizeKey: `Book.${id}`,\n languagesToSearch: [localizationLanguage],\n });\n const parts = split(bookName, '-');\n // some entries had a second name inside ideographic parenthesis\n const parts2 = split(parts[0], '\\xff08');\n const retVal = parts2[0].trim();\n return retVal;\n}\n","/** Function to run to dispose of something. Returns true if successfully unsubscribed */\nexport type Unsubscriber = () => boolean;\n\n/**\n * Returns an Unsubscriber function that combines all the unsubscribers passed in.\n *\n * @param unsubscribers All unsubscribers to aggregate into one unsubscriber\n * @returns Function that unsubscribes from all passed in unsubscribers when run\n */\nexport const aggregateUnsubscribers = (unsubscribers: Unsubscriber[]): Unsubscriber => {\n return (...args) => {\n // Run the unsubscriber for each handler\n const unsubs = unsubscribers.map((unsubscriber) => unsubscriber(...args));\n\n // If all the unsubscribers resolve to truthiness, we succeed\n return unsubs.every((success) => success);\n };\n};\n\n/**\n * Function to run to dispose of something that runs asynchronously. The promise resolves to true if\n * successfully unsubscribed\n */\nexport type UnsubscriberAsync = () => Promise;\n\n/**\n * Returns an UnsubscriberAsync function that combines all the unsubscribers passed in.\n *\n * @param unsubscribers - All unsubscribers to aggregate into one unsubscriber.\n * @returns Function that unsubscribes from all passed in unsubscribers when run\n */\nexport const aggregateUnsubscriberAsyncs = (\n unsubscribers: (UnsubscriberAsync | Unsubscriber)[],\n): UnsubscriberAsync => {\n return async (...args) => {\n // Run the unsubscriber for each handler\n const unsubPromises = unsubscribers.map(async (unsubscriber) => unsubscriber(...args));\n\n // If all the unsubscribers resolve to truthiness, we succeed\n return (await Promise.all(unsubPromises)).every((success) => success);\n };\n};\n","var getOwnPropertyNames = Object.getOwnPropertyNames, getOwnPropertySymbols = Object.getOwnPropertySymbols;\nvar hasOwnProperty = Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty;\n/**\n * Combine two comparators into a single comparators.\n */\nfunction combineComparators(comparatorA, comparatorB) {\n return function isEqual(a, b, state) {\n return comparatorA(a, b, state) && comparatorB(a, b, state);\n };\n}\n/**\n * Wrap the provided `areItemsEqual` method to manage the circular state, allowing\n * for circular references to be safely included in the comparison without creating\n * stack overflows.\n */\nfunction createIsCircular(areItemsEqual) {\n return function isCircular(a, b, state) {\n if (!a || !b || typeof a !== 'object' || typeof b !== 'object') {\n return areItemsEqual(a, b, state);\n }\n var cache = state.cache;\n var cachedA = cache.get(a);\n var cachedB = cache.get(b);\n if (cachedA && cachedB) {\n return cachedA === b && cachedB === a;\n }\n cache.set(a, b);\n cache.set(b, a);\n var result = areItemsEqual(a, b, state);\n cache.delete(a);\n cache.delete(b);\n return result;\n };\n}\n/**\n * Get the properties to strictly examine, which include both own properties that are\n * not enumerable and symbol properties.\n */\nfunction getStrictProperties(object) {\n return getOwnPropertyNames(object).concat(getOwnPropertySymbols(object));\n}\n/**\n * Whether the object contains the property passed as an own property.\n */\nvar hasOwn = Object.hasOwn ||\n (function (object, property) {\n return hasOwnProperty.call(object, property);\n });\n/**\n * Whether the values passed are strictly equal or both NaN.\n */\nfunction sameValueZeroEqual(a, b) {\n return a || b ? a === b : a === b || (a !== a && b !== b);\n}\n\nvar OWNER = '_owner';\nvar getOwnPropertyDescriptor = Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor, keys = Object.keys;\n/**\n * Whether the arrays are equal in value.\n */\nfunction areArraysEqual(a, b, state) {\n var index = a.length;\n if (b.length !== index) {\n return false;\n }\n while (index-- > 0) {\n if (!state.equals(a[index], b[index], index, index, a, b, state)) {\n return false;\n }\n }\n return true;\n}\n/**\n * Whether the dates passed are equal in value.\n */\nfunction areDatesEqual(a, b) {\n return sameValueZeroEqual(a.getTime(), b.getTime());\n}\n/**\n * Whether the `Map`s are equal in value.\n */\nfunction areMapsEqual(a, b, state) {\n if (a.size !== b.size) {\n return false;\n }\n var matchedIndices = {};\n var aIterable = a.entries();\n var index = 0;\n var aResult;\n var bResult;\n while ((aResult = aIterable.next())) {\n if (aResult.done) {\n break;\n }\n var bIterable = b.entries();\n var hasMatch = false;\n var matchIndex = 0;\n while ((bResult = bIterable.next())) {\n if (bResult.done) {\n break;\n }\n var _a = aResult.value, aKey = _a[0], aValue = _a[1];\n var _b = bResult.value, bKey = _b[0], bValue = _b[1];\n if (!hasMatch &&\n !matchedIndices[matchIndex] &&\n (hasMatch =\n state.equals(aKey, bKey, index, matchIndex, a, b, state) &&\n state.equals(aValue, bValue, aKey, bKey, a, b, state))) {\n matchedIndices[matchIndex] = true;\n }\n matchIndex++;\n }\n if (!hasMatch) {\n return false;\n }\n index++;\n }\n return true;\n}\n/**\n * Whether the objects are equal in value.\n */\nfunction areObjectsEqual(a, b, state) {\n var properties = keys(a);\n var index = properties.length;\n if (keys(b).length !== index) {\n return false;\n }\n var property;\n // Decrementing `while` showed faster results than either incrementing or\n // decrementing `for` loop and than an incrementing `while` loop. Declarative\n // methods like `some` / `every` were not used to avoid incurring the garbage\n // cost of anonymous callbacks.\n while (index-- > 0) {\n property = properties[index];\n if (property === OWNER &&\n (a.$$typeof || b.$$typeof) &&\n a.$$typeof !== b.$$typeof) {\n return false;\n }\n if (!hasOwn(b, property) ||\n !state.equals(a[property], b[property], property, property, a, b, state)) {\n return false;\n }\n }\n return true;\n}\n/**\n * Whether the objects are equal in value with strict property checking.\n */\nfunction areObjectsEqualStrict(a, b, state) {\n var properties = getStrictProperties(a);\n var index = properties.length;\n if (getStrictProperties(b).length !== index) {\n return false;\n }\n var property;\n var descriptorA;\n var descriptorB;\n // Decrementing `while` showed faster results than either incrementing or\n // decrementing `for` loop and than an incrementing `while` loop. Declarative\n // methods like `some` / `every` were not used to avoid incurring the garbage\n // cost of anonymous callbacks.\n while (index-- > 0) {\n property = properties[index];\n if (property === OWNER &&\n (a.$$typeof || b.$$typeof) &&\n a.$$typeof !== b.$$typeof) {\n return false;\n }\n if (!hasOwn(b, property)) {\n return false;\n }\n if (!state.equals(a[property], b[property], property, property, a, b, state)) {\n return false;\n }\n descriptorA = getOwnPropertyDescriptor(a, property);\n descriptorB = getOwnPropertyDescriptor(b, property);\n if ((descriptorA || descriptorB) &&\n (!descriptorA ||\n !descriptorB ||\n descriptorA.configurable !== descriptorB.configurable ||\n descriptorA.enumerable !== descriptorB.enumerable ||\n descriptorA.writable !== descriptorB.writable)) {\n return false;\n }\n }\n return true;\n}\n/**\n * Whether the primitive wrappers passed are equal in value.\n */\nfunction arePrimitiveWrappersEqual(a, b) {\n return sameValueZeroEqual(a.valueOf(), b.valueOf());\n}\n/**\n * Whether the regexps passed are equal in value.\n */\nfunction areRegExpsEqual(a, b) {\n return a.source === b.source && a.flags === b.flags;\n}\n/**\n * Whether the `Set`s are equal in value.\n */\nfunction areSetsEqual(a, b, state) {\n if (a.size !== b.size) {\n return false;\n }\n var matchedIndices = {};\n var aIterable = a.values();\n var aResult;\n var bResult;\n while ((aResult = aIterable.next())) {\n if (aResult.done) {\n break;\n }\n var bIterable = b.values();\n var hasMatch = false;\n var matchIndex = 0;\n while ((bResult = bIterable.next())) {\n if (bResult.done) {\n break;\n }\n if (!hasMatch &&\n !matchedIndices[matchIndex] &&\n (hasMatch = state.equals(aResult.value, bResult.value, aResult.value, bResult.value, a, b, state))) {\n matchedIndices[matchIndex] = true;\n }\n matchIndex++;\n }\n if (!hasMatch) {\n return false;\n }\n }\n return true;\n}\n/**\n * Whether the TypedArray instances are equal in value.\n */\nfunction areTypedArraysEqual(a, b) {\n var index = a.length;\n if (b.length !== index) {\n return false;\n }\n while (index-- > 0) {\n if (a[index] !== b[index]) {\n return false;\n }\n }\n return true;\n}\n\nvar ARGUMENTS_TAG = '[object Arguments]';\nvar BOOLEAN_TAG = '[object Boolean]';\nvar DATE_TAG = '[object Date]';\nvar MAP_TAG = '[object Map]';\nvar NUMBER_TAG = '[object Number]';\nvar OBJECT_TAG = '[object Object]';\nvar REG_EXP_TAG = '[object RegExp]';\nvar SET_TAG = '[object Set]';\nvar STRING_TAG = '[object String]';\nvar isArray = Array.isArray;\nvar isTypedArray = typeof ArrayBuffer === 'function' && ArrayBuffer.isView\n ? ArrayBuffer.isView\n : null;\nvar assign = Object.assign;\nvar getTag = Object.prototype.toString.call.bind(Object.prototype.toString);\n/**\n * Create a comparator method based on the type-specific equality comparators passed.\n */\nfunction createEqualityComparator(_a) {\n var areArraysEqual = _a.areArraysEqual, areDatesEqual = _a.areDatesEqual, areMapsEqual = _a.areMapsEqual, areObjectsEqual = _a.areObjectsEqual, arePrimitiveWrappersEqual = _a.arePrimitiveWrappersEqual, areRegExpsEqual = _a.areRegExpsEqual, areSetsEqual = _a.areSetsEqual, areTypedArraysEqual = _a.areTypedArraysEqual;\n /**\n * compare the value of the two objects and return true if they are equivalent in values\n */\n return function comparator(a, b, state) {\n // If the items are strictly equal, no need to do a value comparison.\n if (a === b) {\n return true;\n }\n // If the items are not non-nullish objects, then the only possibility\n // of them being equal but not strictly is if they are both `NaN`. Since\n // `NaN` is uniquely not equal to itself, we can use self-comparison of\n // both objects, which is faster than `isNaN()`.\n if (a == null ||\n b == null ||\n typeof a !== 'object' ||\n typeof b !== 'object') {\n return a !== a && b !== b;\n }\n var constructor = a.constructor;\n // Checks are listed in order of commonality of use-case:\n // 1. Common complex object types (plain object, array)\n // 2. Common data values (date, regexp)\n // 3. Less-common complex object types (map, set)\n // 4. Less-common data values (promise, primitive wrappers)\n // Inherently this is both subjective and assumptive, however\n // when reviewing comparable libraries in the wild this order\n // appears to be generally consistent.\n // Constructors should match, otherwise there is potential for false positives\n // between class and subclass or custom object and POJO.\n if (constructor !== b.constructor) {\n return false;\n }\n // `isPlainObject` only checks against the object's own realm. Cross-realm\n // comparisons are rare, and will be handled in the ultimate fallback, so\n // we can avoid capturing the string tag.\n if (constructor === Object) {\n return areObjectsEqual(a, b, state);\n }\n // `isArray()` works on subclasses and is cross-realm, so we can avoid capturing\n // the string tag or doing an `instanceof` check.\n if (isArray(a)) {\n return areArraysEqual(a, b, state);\n }\n // `isTypedArray()` works on all possible TypedArray classes, so we can avoid\n // capturing the string tag or comparing against all possible constructors.\n if (isTypedArray != null && isTypedArray(a)) {\n return areTypedArraysEqual(a, b, state);\n }\n // Try to fast-path equality checks for other complex object types in the\n // same realm to avoid capturing the string tag. Strict equality is used\n // instead of `instanceof` because it is more performant for the common\n // use-case. If someone is subclassing a native class, it will be handled\n // with the string tag comparison.\n if (constructor === Date) {\n return areDatesEqual(a, b, state);\n }\n if (constructor === RegExp) {\n return areRegExpsEqual(a, b, state);\n }\n if (constructor === Map) {\n return areMapsEqual(a, b, state);\n }\n if (constructor === Set) {\n return areSetsEqual(a, b, state);\n }\n // Since this is a custom object, capture the string tag to determing its type.\n // This is reasonably performant in modern environments like v8 and SpiderMonkey.\n var tag = getTag(a);\n if (tag === DATE_TAG) {\n return areDatesEqual(a, b, state);\n }\n if (tag === REG_EXP_TAG) {\n return areRegExpsEqual(a, b, state);\n }\n if (tag === MAP_TAG) {\n return areMapsEqual(a, b, state);\n }\n if (tag === SET_TAG) {\n return areSetsEqual(a, b, state);\n }\n if (tag === OBJECT_TAG) {\n // The exception for value comparison is custom `Promise`-like class instances. These should\n // be treated the same as standard `Promise` objects, which means strict equality, and if\n // it reaches this point then that strict equality comparison has already failed.\n return (typeof a.then !== 'function' &&\n typeof b.then !== 'function' &&\n areObjectsEqual(a, b, state));\n }\n // If an arguments tag, it should be treated as a standard object.\n if (tag === ARGUMENTS_TAG) {\n return areObjectsEqual(a, b, state);\n }\n // As the penultimate fallback, check if the values passed are primitive wrappers. This\n // is very rare in modern JS, which is why it is deprioritized compared to all other object\n // types.\n if (tag === BOOLEAN_TAG || tag === NUMBER_TAG || tag === STRING_TAG) {\n return arePrimitiveWrappersEqual(a, b, state);\n }\n // If not matching any tags that require a specific type of comparison, then we hard-code false because\n // the only thing remaining is strict equality, which has already been compared. This is for a few reasons:\n // - Certain types that cannot be introspected (e.g., `WeakMap`). For these types, this is the only\n // comparison that can be made.\n // - For types that can be introspected, but rarely have requirements to be compared\n // (`ArrayBuffer`, `DataView`, etc.), the cost is avoided to prioritize the common\n // use-cases (may be included in a future release, if requested enough).\n // - For types that can be introspected but do not have an objective definition of what\n // equality is (`Error`, etc.), the subjective decision is to be conservative and strictly compare.\n // In all cases, these decisions should be reevaluated based on changes to the language and\n // common development practices.\n return false;\n };\n}\n/**\n * Create the configuration object used for building comparators.\n */\nfunction createEqualityComparatorConfig(_a) {\n var circular = _a.circular, createCustomConfig = _a.createCustomConfig, strict = _a.strict;\n var config = {\n areArraysEqual: strict\n ? areObjectsEqualStrict\n : areArraysEqual,\n areDatesEqual: areDatesEqual,\n areMapsEqual: strict\n ? combineComparators(areMapsEqual, areObjectsEqualStrict)\n : areMapsEqual,\n areObjectsEqual: strict\n ? areObjectsEqualStrict\n : areObjectsEqual,\n arePrimitiveWrappersEqual: arePrimitiveWrappersEqual,\n areRegExpsEqual: areRegExpsEqual,\n areSetsEqual: strict\n ? combineComparators(areSetsEqual, areObjectsEqualStrict)\n : areSetsEqual,\n areTypedArraysEqual: strict\n ? areObjectsEqualStrict\n : areTypedArraysEqual,\n };\n if (createCustomConfig) {\n config = assign({}, config, createCustomConfig(config));\n }\n if (circular) {\n var areArraysEqual$1 = createIsCircular(config.areArraysEqual);\n var areMapsEqual$1 = createIsCircular(config.areMapsEqual);\n var areObjectsEqual$1 = createIsCircular(config.areObjectsEqual);\n var areSetsEqual$1 = createIsCircular(config.areSetsEqual);\n config = assign({}, config, {\n areArraysEqual: areArraysEqual$1,\n areMapsEqual: areMapsEqual$1,\n areObjectsEqual: areObjectsEqual$1,\n areSetsEqual: areSetsEqual$1,\n });\n }\n return config;\n}\n/**\n * Default equality comparator pass-through, used as the standard `isEqual` creator for\n * use inside the built comparator.\n */\nfunction createInternalEqualityComparator(compare) {\n return function (a, b, _indexOrKeyA, _indexOrKeyB, _parentA, _parentB, state) {\n return compare(a, b, state);\n };\n}\n/**\n * Create the `isEqual` function used by the consuming application.\n */\nfunction createIsEqual(_a) {\n var circular = _a.circular, comparator = _a.comparator, createState = _a.createState, equals = _a.equals, strict = _a.strict;\n if (createState) {\n return function isEqual(a, b) {\n var _a = createState(), _b = _a.cache, cache = _b === void 0 ? circular ? new WeakMap() : undefined : _b, meta = _a.meta;\n return comparator(a, b, {\n cache: cache,\n equals: equals,\n meta: meta,\n strict: strict,\n });\n };\n }\n if (circular) {\n return function isEqual(a, b) {\n return comparator(a, b, {\n cache: new WeakMap(),\n equals: equals,\n meta: undefined,\n strict: strict,\n });\n };\n }\n var state = {\n cache: undefined,\n equals: equals,\n meta: undefined,\n strict: strict,\n };\n return function isEqual(a, b) {\n return comparator(a, b, state);\n };\n}\n\n/**\n * Whether the items passed are deeply-equal in value.\n */\nvar deepEqual = createCustomEqual();\n/**\n * Whether the items passed are deeply-equal in value based on strict comparison.\n */\nvar strictDeepEqual = createCustomEqual({ strict: true });\n/**\n * Whether the items passed are deeply-equal in value, including circular references.\n */\nvar circularDeepEqual = createCustomEqual({ circular: true });\n/**\n * Whether the items passed are deeply-equal in value, including circular references,\n * based on strict comparison.\n */\nvar strictCircularDeepEqual = createCustomEqual({\n circular: true,\n strict: true,\n});\n/**\n * Whether the items passed are shallowly-equal in value.\n */\nvar shallowEqual = createCustomEqual({\n createInternalComparator: function () { return sameValueZeroEqual; },\n});\n/**\n * Whether the items passed are shallowly-equal in value based on strict comparison\n */\nvar strictShallowEqual = createCustomEqual({\n strict: true,\n createInternalComparator: function () { return sameValueZeroEqual; },\n});\n/**\n * Whether the items passed are shallowly-equal in value, including circular references.\n */\nvar circularShallowEqual = createCustomEqual({\n circular: true,\n createInternalComparator: function () { return sameValueZeroEqual; },\n});\n/**\n * Whether the items passed are shallowly-equal in value, including circular references,\n * based on strict comparison.\n */\nvar strictCircularShallowEqual = createCustomEqual({\n circular: true,\n createInternalComparator: function () { return sameValueZeroEqual; },\n strict: true,\n});\n/**\n * Create a custom equality comparison method.\n *\n * This can be done to create very targeted comparisons in extreme hot-path scenarios\n * where the standard methods are not performant enough, but can also be used to provide\n * support for legacy environments that do not support expected features like\n * `RegExp.prototype.flags` out of the box.\n */\nfunction createCustomEqual(options) {\n if (options === void 0) { options = {}; }\n var _a = options.circular, circular = _a === void 0 ? false : _a, createCustomInternalComparator = options.createInternalComparator, createState = options.createState, _b = options.strict, strict = _b === void 0 ? false : _b;\n var config = createEqualityComparatorConfig(options);\n var comparator = createEqualityComparator(config);\n var equals = createCustomInternalComparator\n ? createCustomInternalComparator(comparator)\n : createInternalEqualityComparator(comparator);\n return createIsEqual({ circular: circular, comparator: comparator, createState: createState, equals: equals, strict: strict });\n}\n\nexport { circularDeepEqual, circularShallowEqual, createCustomEqual, deepEqual, sameValueZeroEqual, shallowEqual, strictCircularDeepEqual, strictCircularShallowEqual, strictDeepEqual, strictShallowEqual };\n//# sourceMappingURL=index.mjs.map\n","// There is a circular version https://www.npmjs.com/package/fast-equals#circulardeepequal that I\n// think allows comparing React refs (which have circular references in particular places that this\n// library would ignore). Maybe we can change to that version sometime if needed.\nimport { deepEqual as isEqualDeep } from 'fast-equals';\n\n/**\n * Check that two objects are deeply equal, comparing members of each object and such\n *\n * @param a The first object to compare\n * @param b The second object to compare\n *\n * WARNING: Objects like arrays from different iframes have different constructor function\n * references even if they do the same thing, so this deep equality comparison fails objects that\n * look the same but have different constructors because different constructors could produce\n * false positives in [a few specific\n * situations](https://github.com/planttheidea/fast-equals/blob/a41afc0a240ad5a472e47b53791e9be017f52281/src/comparator.ts#L96).\n * This means that two objects like arrays from different iframes that look the same will fail\n * this check. Please use some other means to check deep equality in those situations.\n *\n * Note: This deep equality check considers `undefined` values on keys of objects NOT to be equal to\n * not specifying the key at all. For example, `{ stuff: 3, things: undefined }` and `{ stuff: 3\n * }` are not considered equal in this case\n *\n * - For more information and examples, see [this\n * CodeSandbox](https://codesandbox.io/s/deepequallibrarycomparison-4g4kk4?file=/src/index.mjs).\n *\n * @returns True if a and b are deeply equal; false otherwise\n */\nexport default function deepEqual(a: unknown, b: unknown) {\n return isEqualDeep(a, b);\n}\n","import deepEqual from './equality-checking';\n\n/**\n * Check if one object is a subset of the other object. \"Subset\" means that all properties of one\n * object are present in the other object, and if they are present that all values of those\n * properties are deeply equal. Sub-objects are also checked to be subsets of the corresponding\n * sub-object in the other object.\n *\n * @example ObjB is a subset of objA given these objects:\n *\n * ```ts\n * objA = { name: 'Alice', age: 30, address: { city: 'Seattle', state: 'Washington' } };\n * objB = { name: 'Alice', address: { city: 'Seattle' } };\n * ```\n *\n * It is important to note that only arrays of primitives (i.e., booleans, numbers, strings) are\n * supported. In particular, objects in arrays will not be checked for deep equality. Also, presence\n * in an array is all this checks, not the number of times that an item appears in an array. `[1,\n * 1]` is a subset of `[1]`.\n *\n * @param objectWithAllProperties Object to be checked if it is a superset of\n * `objectWithPartialProperties`\n * @param objectWithPartialProperties Object to be checked if it is a subset of\n * `objectWithAllProperties`\n * @returns True if `objectWithAllProperties` contains all the properties of\n * `objectWithPartialProperties` and all values of those properties are deeply equal\n */\nexport default function isSubset(\n objectWithAllProperties: unknown,\n objectWithPartialProperties: unknown,\n): boolean {\n if (typeof objectWithAllProperties !== typeof objectWithPartialProperties) return false;\n\n // For this function we're saying that all falsy things of the same type are equal to each other\n if (!objectWithAllProperties && !objectWithPartialProperties) return true;\n\n if (Array.isArray(objectWithAllProperties)) {\n // We know these are arrays from the line above\n /* eslint-disable no-type-assertion/no-type-assertion */\n const partialArray = objectWithPartialProperties as Array;\n const allArray = objectWithAllProperties as Array;\n /* eslint-enable no-type-assertion/no-type-assertion */\n\n if (partialArray.length === 0) return true;\n\n // This only works with arrays of primitives.\n // If someone cares about checking arrays of objects this needs updating.\n return partialArray.every((item) => allArray.includes(item));\n }\n\n if (typeof objectWithAllProperties !== 'object')\n return deepEqual(objectWithAllProperties, objectWithPartialProperties);\n\n // We know these are objects that potentially have properties because of the earlier checks\n /* eslint-disable no-type-assertion/no-type-assertion */\n const partialObj = objectWithPartialProperties as Record;\n const allObj = objectWithAllProperties as Record;\n /* eslint-enable no-type-assertion/no-type-assertion */\n\n let retVal = true;\n Object.keys(partialObj).forEach((key) => {\n if (!retVal) return;\n if (!Object.hasOwn(allObj, key)) retVal = false;\n else if (!isSubset(allObj[key], partialObj[key])) retVal = false;\n });\n return retVal;\n}\n","/**\n * Converts a JavaScript value to a JSON string, changing `undefined` properties in the JavaScript\n * object to `null` properties in the JSON string.\n *\n * WARNING: `null` values will become `undefined` values after passing through {@link serialize} then\n * {@link deserialize}. For example, `{ a: 1, b: undefined, c: null }` will become `{ a: 1, b:\n * undefined, c: undefined }`. If you are passing around user data that needs to retain `null`\n * values, you should wrap them yourself in a string before using this function. Alternatively, you\n * can write your own replacer that will preserve `null` in a way that you can recover later.\n *\n * @param value A JavaScript value, usually an object or array, to be converted.\n * @param replacer A function that transforms the results. Note that all `undefined` values returned\n * by the replacer will be further transformed into `null` in the JSON string.\n * @param space Adds indentation, white space, and line break characters to the return-value JSON\n * text to make it easier to read. See the `space` parameter of `JSON.stringify` for more\n * details.\n */\nexport function serialize(\n value: unknown,\n replacer?: (this: unknown, key: string, value: unknown) => unknown,\n space?: string | number,\n): string {\n const undefinedReplacer = (replacerKey: string, replacerValue: unknown) => {\n let newValue = replacerValue;\n if (replacer) newValue = replacer(replacerKey, newValue);\n // All `undefined` values become `null` on the way from JS objects into JSON strings\n // eslint-disable-next-line no-null/no-null\n if (newValue === undefined) newValue = null;\n return newValue;\n };\n return JSON.stringify(value, undefinedReplacer, space);\n}\n\n/**\n * Converts a JSON string into a value, converting all `null` properties from JSON into `undefined`\n * in the returned JavaScript value/object.\n *\n * WARNING: `null` values will become `undefined` values after passing through {@link serialize} then\n * {@link deserialize}. For example, `{ a: 1, b: undefined, c: null }` will become `{ a: 1, b:\n * undefined, c: undefined }`. If you are passing around user data that needs to retain `null`\n * values, you should wrap them yourself in a string before using this function. Alternatively, you\n * can write your own replacer that will preserve `null` in a way that you can recover later.\n *\n * @param value A valid JSON string.\n * @param reviver A function that transforms the results. This function is called for each member of\n * the object. If a member contains nested objects, the nested objects are transformed before the\n * parent object is. Note that `null` values are converted into `undefined` values after the\n * reviver has run.\n */\nexport function deserialize(\n value: string,\n reviver?: (this: unknown, key: string, value: unknown) => unknown,\n // Need to use `any` instead of `unknown` here to match the signature of JSON.parse\n // eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/no-explicit-any\n): any {\n // Helper function to replace `null` with `undefined` on a per property basis. This can't be done\n // with our own reviver because `JSON.parse` removes `undefined` properties from the return value.\n function replaceNull(obj: Record): Record {\n Object.keys(obj).forEach((key: string | number) => {\n // We only want to replace `null`, not other falsy values\n // eslint-disable-next-line no-null/no-null\n if (obj[key] === null) obj[key] = undefined;\n // If the property is an object, recursively call the helper function on it\n else if (typeof obj[key] === 'object')\n // Since the object came from a string, we know the keys will not be symbols\n // eslint-disable-next-line no-type-assertion/no-type-assertion\n obj[key] = replaceNull(obj[key] as Record);\n });\n return obj;\n }\n\n const parsedObject = JSON.parse(value, reviver);\n // Explicitly convert the value 'null' that isn't stored as a property on an object to 'undefined'\n // eslint-disable-next-line no-null/no-null\n if (parsedObject === null) return undefined;\n if (typeof parsedObject === 'object') return replaceNull(parsedObject);\n return parsedObject;\n}\n\n/**\n * Check to see if the value is serializable without losing information\n *\n * @param value Value to test\n * @returns True if serializable; false otherwise\n *\n * Note: the values `undefined` and `null` are serializable (on their own or in an array), but\n * `null` values get transformed into `undefined` when serializing/deserializing.\n *\n * WARNING: This is inefficient right now as it stringifies, parses, stringifies, and === the value.\n * Please only use this if you need to\n *\n * DISCLAIMER: this does not successfully detect that values are not serializable in some cases:\n *\n * - Losses of removed properties like functions and `Map`s\n * - Class instances (not deserializable into class instances without special code)\n *\n * We intend to improve this in the future if it becomes important to do so. See [`JSON.stringify`\n * documentation](https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/JavaScript/Reference/Global_Objects/JSON/stringify#description)\n * for more information.\n */\nexport function isSerializable(value: unknown): boolean {\n try {\n const serializedValue = serialize(value);\n return serializedValue === serialize(deserialize(serializedValue));\n } catch (e) {\n return false;\n }\n}\n\n/**\n * HTML Encodes the provided string. Thanks to ChatGPT\n *\n * @param str String to HTML encode\n * @returns HTML-encoded string\n */\nexport const htmlEncode = (str: string): string =>\n str\n .replace(/&/g, '&')\n .replace(//g, '>')\n .replace(/\"/g, '"')\n .replace(/'/g, ''')\n .replace(/\\//g, '/');\n","import DateTimeFormat from './intl-date-time-format';\n\n/**\n * Retrieves the current locale of the user's environment.\n *\n * @returns A string representing the current locale. If the locale cannot be determined, the\n * function returns an empty string.\n */\nexport default function getCurrentLocale(): string {\n // Use navigator when available\n if (typeof navigator !== 'undefined' && navigator.languages) {\n return navigator.languages[0];\n }\n // For Node.js\n return new DateTimeFormat().resolvedOptions().locale;\n}\n","//----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n// NOTE: If you change any of the types, make sure the JSON schema at the end of this file gets\n// changed so they align.\n//----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n\nimport { LocalizeKey, ReferencedItem } from 'menus.model';\n\n/** The data an extension provides to inform Platform.Bible of the settings it provides */\nexport type SettingsContribution = SettingsGroup | SettingsGroup[];\n/** A description of an extension's setting entry */\nexport type Setting = ExtensionControlledSetting;\n/** Setting definition that is validated by the extension. */\nexport type ExtensionControlledSetting = SettingBase & ModifierExtensionControlled;\n/** Base information needed to describe a setting entry */\nexport type SettingBase = StateBase & {\n [k: string]: unknown;\n /** LocalizeKey that displays in the settings dialog as the setting name */\n label: LocalizeKey;\n /** LocalizeKey that displays in the settings dialog to describe the setting */\n description?: LocalizeKey;\n};\n/** The data an extension provides to inform Platform.Bible of the project settings it provides */\nexport type ProjectSettingsContribution = ProjectSettingsGroup | ProjectSettingsGroup[];\n/** A description of an extension's setting entry */\nexport type ProjectSetting = ExtensionControlledProjectSetting;\n/** Setting definition that is validated by the extension. */\nexport type ExtensionControlledProjectSetting = ProjectSettingBase & ModifierExtensionControlled;\n/** Base information needed to describe a project setting entry */\nexport type ProjectSettingBase = SettingBase & ModifierProject;\n/** A description of an extension's user state entry */\nexport type UserState = ExtensionControlledState;\n/** State definition that is validated by the extension. */\nexport type ExtensionControlledState = StateBase & ModifierExtensionControlled;\n/** Group of related settings definitions */\nexport interface SettingsGroup {\n [k: string]: unknown;\n /** LocalizeKey that displays in the settings dialog as the group name */\n label: LocalizeKey;\n /** LocalizeKey that displays in the settings dialog to describe the group */\n description?: LocalizeKey;\n properties: SettingProperties;\n}\n/** Object whose keys are setting IDs and whose values are settings objects */\nexport interface SettingProperties {\n [k: ReferencedItem]: Setting;\n}\n/** Base information needed to describe a state entry */\nexport interface StateBase {\n [k: string]: unknown;\n /** Default value for the state/setting */\n default: unknown;\n /**\n * A state/setting ID whose value to set to this state/setting's starting value the first time\n * this state/setting is loaded\n */\n derivesFrom?: ReferencedItem;\n}\n/**\n * Modifies state/setting type to be extension-controlled. \"Extension-controlled\" means the\n * extension provides the component and the validator for the state/setting, so the state/setting is\n * controlled by the extension.\n */\nexport interface ModifierExtensionControlled {\n [k: string]: unknown;\n platformType?: undefined;\n type?: undefined;\n}\n/** Group of related settings definitions */\nexport interface ProjectSettingsGroup {\n [k: string]: unknown;\n /** LocalizeKey that displays in the project settings dialog as the group name */\n label: LocalizeKey;\n /** LocalizeKey that displays in the project settings dialog to describe the group */\n description?: LocalizeKey;\n properties: ProjectSettingProperties;\n}\n/** Object whose keys are setting IDs and whose values are settings objects */\nexport interface ProjectSettingProperties {\n [k: ReferencedItem]: ProjectSetting;\n}\n\n// Note: we removed the index signature on ModifierProject to avoid having it on\n// `ProjectMetadataFilterOptions`. Unfortunately adding \"additionalProperties\": false on the json\n// schema messes up validation. Please remove the index signature again in the future if you\n// regenerate types\nexport interface ModifierProject {\n /**\n * String representation of `RegExp` pattern(s) to match against projects' `projectInterface`s\n * (using the\n * [`test`](https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/JavaScript/Reference/Global_Objects/RegExp/test)\n * function) to determine if they should be included.\n *\n * If this is one string, it will be matched against `projectInterface`s. If this is an array,\n * each entry is handled based on its type (at least one entry must match for this filter\n * condition to pass):\n *\n * - If the entry is a string, it will be matched against each `projectInterface`. If any match, the\n * project will pass this filter condition\n * - If the entry is an array of strings, each will be matched against each `projectInterface`. If\n * every string matches against at least one `projectInterface`, the project will pass this\n * filter condition\n *\n * In other words, each entry in the first-level array is `OR`'ed together. Each entry in\n * second-level arrays (arrays within the first-level array) are `AND`'ed together.\n *\n * Defaults to all {@link ProjectInterfaces}, so all projects that do not match\n * `excludeProjectInterfaces` will be included\n *\n * @example\n *\n * ```typescript\n * includeProjectInterfaces: ['one', ['two', 'three']];\n * ```\n *\n * This filter condition will succeed on projects whose `projectInterface`s fulfill at least one\n * of the following conditions (At least one entry in the array must match):\n *\n * - Include `one`\n * - Include both `two` and `three`.\n */\n includeProjectInterfaces?: undefined | string | (string | string[])[];\n /**\n * String representation of `RegExp` pattern(s) to match against projects' `projectInterface`s\n * (using the\n * [`test`](https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/JavaScript/Reference/Global_Objects/RegExp/test)\n * function) to determine if they should absolutely not be included even if they match with\n * `includeProjectInterfaces`.\n *\n * If this is one string, it will be matched against `projectInterface`s. If this is an array,\n * each entry is handled based on its type (at least one entry must match for this filter\n * condition to exclude the project):\n *\n * - If the entry is a string, it will be matched against each `projectInterface`. If any match, the\n * project will pass this filter condition and exclude the project\n * - If the entry is an array of strings, each will be matched against each `projectInterface`. If\n * every string matches against at least one `projectInterface`, the project will pass this\n * filter condition and exclude the project\n *\n * In other words, each entry in the first-level array is `OR`'ed together. Each entry in\n * second-level arrays (arrays within the first-level array) are `AND`'ed together.\n *\n * Defaults to no {@link ProjectInterfaces}, so all projects that match `includeProjectInterfaces`\n * will be included\n *\n * @example\n *\n * ```typescript\n * excludeProjectInterfaces: ['one', ['two', 'three']];\n * ```\n *\n * This filter condition will succeed and exclude projects whose `projectInterface`s fulfill at\n * least one of the following conditions (At least one entry in the array must match):\n *\n * - Include `one`\n * - Include both `two` and `three`.\n */\n excludeProjectInterfaces?: undefined | string | (string | string[])[];\n /**\n * String representation of `RegExp` pattern(s) to match against the Project Data Provider Factory\n * Ids that provided each project's metadata (using the\n * [`test`](https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/JavaScript/Reference/Global_Objects/RegExp/test)\n * function) to determine if the projects should be included.\n *\n * Defaults to all Project Data Provider Factory Ids, so all projects that do not match\n * `excludePdpFactoryIds` will be included\n */\n includePdpFactoryIds?: undefined | string | string[];\n /**\n * String representation of `RegExp` pattern(s) to match against the Project Data Provider Factory\n * Ids that provided each project's metadata (using the\n * [`test`](https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/JavaScript/Reference/Global_Objects/RegExp/test)\n * function) to determine if the projects should absolutely not be included even if they match\n * with `includeProjectInterfaces`.\n *\n * Defaults to none, so all projects that match `includePdpFactoryIds` will be included\n */\n excludePdpFactoryIds?: undefined | string | string[];\n}\n\n/** The data an extension provides to inform Platform.Bible of the user state it provides */\nexport interface UserStateContribution {\n [k: ReferencedItem]: UserState;\n}\n/** The data an extension provides to inform Platform.Bible of the project state it provides */\nexport interface ProjectStateContribution {\n [k: ReferencedItem]: UserState;\n}\n\n//----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n// NOTE: If you change the schema below, make sure the TS types above get changed so they align.\n//----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------\nconst settingsDefs = {\n projectSettingsContribution: {\n description:\n 'The data an extension provides to inform Platform.Bible of the project settings it provides',\n anyOf: [\n {\n $ref: '#/$defs/projectSettingsGroup',\n },\n {\n type: 'array',\n items: {\n $ref: '#/$defs/projectSettingsGroup',\n },\n },\n ],\n },\n projectSettingsGroup: {\n description: 'Group of related settings definitions',\n type: 'object',\n properties: {\n label: {\n description: 'localizeKey that displays in the project settings dialog as the group name',\n $ref: '#/$defs/localizeKey',\n },\n description: {\n description:\n 'localizeKey that displays in the project settings dialog to describe the group',\n $ref: '#/$defs/localizeKey',\n },\n properties: {\n $ref: '#/$defs/projectSettingProperties',\n },\n },\n required: ['label', 'properties'],\n },\n projectSettingProperties: {\n description: 'Object whose keys are setting IDs and whose values are settings objects',\n type: 'object',\n patternProperties: {\n '^[\\\\w\\\\-]+\\\\.[\\\\w\\\\-]+$': {\n $ref: '#/$defs/projectSetting',\n },\n },\n additionalProperties: false,\n },\n projectSetting: {\n description: \"A description of an extension's setting entry\",\n anyOf: [\n {\n $ref: '#/$defs/extensionControlledProjectSetting',\n },\n ],\n },\n extensionControlledProjectSetting: {\n description: 'Setting definition that is validated by the extension.',\n allOf: [\n {\n $ref: '#/$defs/projectSettingBase',\n },\n {\n $ref: '#/$defs/modifierExtensionControlled',\n },\n ],\n },\n projectSettingBase: {\n description: 'Base information needed to describe a project setting entry',\n allOf: [\n {\n $ref: '#/$defs/settingBase',\n },\n {\n $ref: '#/$defs/modifierProject',\n },\n ],\n },\n modifierProject: {\n description: 'Modifies setting type to be project setting',\n type: 'object',\n properties: {\n includeProjectInterfaces: {\n description:\n \"String representation of `RegExp` pattern(s) to match against projects' `projectInterface`s (using the [`test`](https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/JavaScript/Reference/Global_Objects/RegExp/test) function) to determine if they should be included.\\n\\nIf this is one string, it will be matched against `projectInterface`s. If this is an array, each entry is handled based on its type (at least one entry must match for this filter condition to pass):\\n\\n- If the entry is a string, it will be matched against each `projectInterface`. If any match, the project will pass this filter condition\\n- If the entry is an array of strings, each will be matched against each `projectInterface`. If every string matches against at least one `projectInterface`, the project will pass this filter condition\\n\\nIn other words, each entry in the first-level array is `OR`'ed together. Each entry in second-level arrays (arrays within the first-level array) are `AND`'ed together.\\n\\nDefaults to all {@link ProjectInterfaces}, so all projects that do not match `excludeProjectInterfaces` will be included\\n\\n@example\\n\\n```typescript\\nincludeProjectInterfaces: ['one', ['two', 'three']];\\n```\\n\\nThis filter condition will succeed on projects whose `projectInterface`s fulfill at least one of the following conditions (At least one entry in the array must match):\\n\\n- Include `one`\\n- Include both `two` and `three`.\",\n anyOf: [\n {\n type: 'null',\n },\n {\n type: 'string',\n },\n {\n type: 'array',\n items: {\n anyOf: [\n {\n type: 'string',\n },\n {\n type: 'array',\n items: { type: 'string' },\n },\n ],\n },\n },\n ],\n },\n excludeProjectInterfaces: {\n description:\n \"String representation of `RegExp` pattern(s) to match against projects' `projectInterface`s (using the [`test`](https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/JavaScript/Reference/Global_Objects/RegExp/test) function) to determine if they should absolutely not be included even if they match with `includeProjectInterfaces`.\\n\\nIf this is one string, it will be matched against `projectInterface`s. If this is an array, each entry is handled based on its type (at least one entry must match for this filter condition to exclude the project):\\n\\n- If the entry is a string, it will be matched against each `projectInterface`. If any match, the project will pass this filter condition and exclude the project\\n- If the entry is an array of strings, each will be matched against each `projectInterface`. If every string matches against at least one `projectInterface`, the project will pass this filter condition and exclude the project\\n\\nIn other words, each entry in the first-level array is `OR`'ed together. Each entry in second-level arrays (arrays within the first-level array) are `AND`'ed together.\\n\\nDefaults to no {@link ProjectInterfaces}, so all projects that match `includeProjectInterfaces` will be included\\n\\n@example\\n\\n```typescript\\nexcludeProjectInterfaces: ['one', ['two', 'three']];\\n```\\n\\nThis filter condition will succeed and exclude projects whose `projectInterface`s fulfill at least one of the following conditions (At least one entry in the array must match):\\n\\n- Include `one`\\n- Include both `two` and `three`.\",\n anyOf: [\n {\n type: 'null',\n },\n {\n type: 'string',\n },\n {\n type: 'array',\n items: {\n anyOf: [\n {\n type: 'string',\n },\n {\n type: 'array',\n items: { type: 'string' },\n },\n ],\n },\n },\n ],\n },\n includePdpFactoryIds: {\n description:\n \"String representation of `RegExp` pattern(s) to match against the Project Data Provider Factory Ids that provided each project's metadata (using the [`test`](https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/JavaScript/Reference/Global_Objects/RegExp/test) function) to determine if the projects should be included.\\n\\nDefaults to all Project Data Provider Factory Ids, so all projects that do not match `excludePdpFactoryIds` will be included\",\n anyOf: [\n {\n type: 'null',\n },\n {\n type: 'string',\n },\n {\n type: 'array',\n items: { type: 'string' },\n },\n ],\n },\n excludePdpFactoryIds: {\n description:\n \"String representation of `RegExp` pattern(s) to match against the Project Data Provider Factory Ids that provided each project's metadata (using the [`test`](https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/JavaScript/Reference/Global_Objects/RegExp/test) function) to determine if the projects should absolutely not be included even if they match with `includeProjectInterfaces`.\\n\\nDefaults to none, so all projects that match `includePdpFactoryIds` will be included\",\n anyOf: [\n {\n type: 'null',\n },\n {\n type: 'string',\n },\n {\n type: 'array',\n items: { type: 'string' },\n },\n ],\n },\n },\n },\n settingsContribution: {\n description:\n 'The data an extension provides to inform Platform.Bible of the settings it provides',\n anyOf: [\n {\n $ref: '#/$defs/settingsGroup',\n },\n {\n type: 'array',\n items: {\n $ref: '#/$defs/settingsGroup',\n },\n },\n ],\n },\n settingsGroup: {\n description: 'Group of related settings definitions',\n type: 'object',\n properties: {\n label: {\n description: 'localizeKey that displays in the settings dialog as the group name',\n $ref: '#/$defs/localizeKey',\n },\n description: {\n description: 'localizeKey that displays in the settings dialog to describe the group',\n $ref: '#/$defs/localizeKey',\n },\n properties: {\n $ref: '#/$defs/settingProperties',\n },\n },\n required: ['label', 'properties'],\n },\n settingProperties: {\n description: 'Object whose keys are setting IDs and whose values are settings objects',\n type: 'object',\n patternProperties: {\n '^[\\\\w-]+\\\\.[\\\\w-]+$': {\n $ref: '#/$defs/setting',\n },\n },\n additionalProperties: false,\n },\n setting: {\n description: \"A description of an extension's setting entry\",\n anyOf: [\n {\n $ref: '#/$defs/extensionControlledSetting',\n },\n ],\n },\n extensionControlledSetting: {\n description: 'Setting definition that is validated by the extension.',\n allOf: [\n {\n $ref: '#/$defs/settingBase',\n },\n {\n $ref: '#/$defs/modifierExtensionControlled',\n },\n ],\n },\n settingBase: {\n description: 'Base information needed to describe a setting entry',\n allOf: [\n {\n $ref: '#/$defs/stateBase',\n },\n {\n type: 'object',\n properties: {\n label: {\n description: 'localizeKey that displays in the settings dialog as the setting name',\n $ref: '#/$defs/localizeKey',\n },\n description: {\n description: 'localizeKey that displays in the settings dialog to describe the setting',\n $ref: '#/$defs/localizeKey',\n },\n },\n required: ['label'],\n },\n ],\n },\n projectStateContribution: {\n description:\n 'The data an extension provides to inform Platform.Bible of the project state it provides',\n $ref: '#/$defs/userStateProperties',\n },\n userStateContribution: {\n description:\n 'The data an extension provides to inform Platform.Bible of the user state it provides',\n $ref: '#/$defs/userStateProperties',\n },\n userStateProperties: {\n description: 'Object whose keys are state IDs and whose values are state objects',\n type: 'object',\n patternProperties: {\n '^[\\\\w\\\\-]+\\\\.[\\\\w\\\\-]+$': {\n $ref: '#/$defs/userState',\n },\n },\n additionalProperties: false,\n },\n userState: {\n description: \"A description of an extension's user state entry\",\n anyOf: [\n {\n $ref: '#/$defs/extensionControlledState',\n },\n ],\n },\n extensionControlledState: {\n description: 'State definition that is validated by the extension.',\n allOf: [\n {\n $ref: '#/$defs/stateBase',\n },\n {\n $ref: '#/$defs/modifierExtensionControlled',\n },\n ],\n },\n modifierExtensionControlled: {\n description:\n 'Modifies state/setting type to be extension-controlled. \"Extension-controlled\" means the extension provides the component and the validator for the state/setting, so the state/setting is controlled by the extension.',\n not: {\n anyOf: [\n {\n type: 'object',\n required: ['platformType'],\n },\n {\n type: 'object',\n required: ['type'],\n },\n ],\n },\n },\n stateBase: {\n description: 'Base information needed to describe a state entry',\n type: 'object',\n properties: {\n default: {\n description: 'default value for the state/setting',\n type: 'any',\n },\n derivesFrom: {\n description:\n \"a state/setting ID whose value to set to this state/setting's starting value the first time this state/setting is loaded\",\n $ref: '#/$defs/id',\n },\n },\n required: ['default'],\n },\n localizeKey: {\n description: \"Identifier for a string that will be localized based on the user's UI language\",\n type: 'string',\n pattern: '^%[\\\\w\\\\-\\\\.]+%$',\n tsType: 'LocalizeKey',\n },\n id: {\n description: '',\n type: 'string',\n pattern: '^[\\\\w\\\\-]+\\\\.[\\\\w\\\\-]+$',\n tsType: 'Id',\n },\n};\n\n/**\n * Json-schema-to-typescript has some added stuff that isn't actually compatible with JSON schema,\n * so we remove them here\n *\n * @param defs The `$defs` property of a JSON schema (will be modified in place)\n */\n// JSON schema types are weird, so we'll just be careful\n// eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/no-explicit-any\nexport function removeJsonToTypeScriptTypesStuff(defs: any) {\n if (!defs) return;\n\n // JSON schema types are weird, so we'll just be careful\n // eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/no-explicit-any\n Object.values(defs).forEach((def: any) => {\n if (!def.type) return;\n\n if ('tsType' in def) delete def.tsType;\n\n if (def.type === 'any') {\n delete def.type;\n return;\n }\n\n if (def.type === 'object') {\n removeJsonToTypeScriptTypesStuff(def.properties);\n }\n });\n}\n\nremoveJsonToTypeScriptTypesStuff(settingsDefs);\n\n/** JSON schema object that aligns with the ProjectSettingsContribution type */\nexport const projectSettingsDocumentSchema = {\n $schema: 'https://json-schema.org/draft/2020-12/schema',\n title: 'Project Settings Contribution',\n description:\n 'The data an extension provides to inform Platform.Bible of the project settings it provides',\n anyOf: [\n {\n $ref: '#/$defs/projectSettingsGroup',\n },\n {\n type: 'array',\n items: {\n $ref: '#/$defs/projectSettingsGroup',\n },\n },\n ],\n\n $defs: settingsDefs,\n};\n\nObject.freeze(projectSettingsDocumentSchema);\n\n/** JSON schema object that aligns with the {@link SettingsContribution} type */\nexport const settingsDocumentSchema = {\n $schema: 'https://json-schema.org/draft/2020-12/schema',\n title: 'Settings Contribution',\n description:\n 'The data an extension provides to inform Platform.Bible of the settings it provides',\n anyOf: [\n {\n $ref: '#/$defs/settingsGroup',\n },\n {\n type: 'array',\n items: {\n $ref: '#/$defs/settingsGroup',\n },\n },\n ],\n\n $defs: settingsDefs,\n};\n\nObject.freeze(settingsDocumentSchema);\n","//----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n// NOTE: If you change any of the types, make sure the JSON schema at the end of this file gets\n// changed so they align.\n//----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n\nimport { LocalizeKey } from 'menus.model';\nimport { removeJsonToTypeScriptTypesStuff } from './settings.model';\n\n/** Localized string value associated with this key */\nexport type LocalizedStringValue = string;\n\n/** The data an extension provides to inform Platform.Bible of the localized strings it provides. */\nexport interface LocalizedStringDataContribution {\n [k: string]: unknown;\n metadata?: StringsMetadata;\n localizedStrings?: {\n [k: string]: LanguageStrings;\n };\n}\n/**\n * Map whose keys are localized string keys and whose values provide additional non-locale-specific\n * information about the localized string key\n */\nexport interface StringsMetadata {\n [k: LocalizeKey]: StringMetadata;\n}\n/** Additional non-locale-specific information about a localized string key */\nexport interface StringMetadata {\n [k: string]: unknown;\n /**\n * Localized string key from which to get this value if one does not exist in the specified\n * language. If a new key/value pair needs to be made to replace an existing one, this could help\n * smooth over the transition if the meanings are close enough\n */\n fallbackKey?: LocalizeKey;\n /**\n * Additional information provided by developers in English to help the translator to know how to\n * translate this localized string accurately\n */\n notes?: string;\n}\n/**\n * Map whose keys are localized string keys and whose values provide information about how to\n * localize strings for the localized string key\n */\nexport interface LanguageStrings {\n [k: LocalizeKey]: LocalizedStringValue;\n}\n\n//----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n// NOTE: If you change the schema below, make sure the TS types above get changed so they align.\n//----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n\nconst localizedStringsDefs = {\n languageStrings: {\n description:\n 'Map whose keys are localized string keys and whose values provide information about how to localize strings for the localized string key',\n type: 'object',\n patternProperties: {\n '^%[\\\\w\\\\-\\\\.]+%$': {\n $ref: '#/$defs/localizedStringValue',\n },\n },\n additionalProperties: false,\n },\n localizedStringValue: {\n description: 'Localized string value associated with this key',\n type: 'string',\n },\n stringsMetadata: {\n description:\n 'Map whose keys are localized string keys and whose values provide additional non-locale-specific information about the localized string key',\n type: 'object',\n patternProperties: {\n '^%[\\\\w\\\\-\\\\.]+%$': {\n $ref: '#/$defs/stringMetadata',\n },\n },\n additionalProperties: false,\n },\n stringMetadata: {\n description: 'Additional non-locale-specific information about a localized string key',\n type: 'object',\n properties: {\n fallbackKey: {\n description:\n 'Localized string key from which to get this value if one does not exist in the specified language. If a new key/value pair needs to be made to replace an existing one, this could help smooth over the transition if the meanings are close enough',\n $ref: '#/$defs/localizeKey',\n },\n notes: {\n description:\n 'Additional information provided by developers in English to help the translator to know how to translate this localized string accurately',\n type: 'string',\n },\n },\n },\n localizeKey: {\n description: \"Identifier for a string that will be localized based on the user's UI language\",\n type: 'string',\n pattern: '^%[\\\\w\\\\-\\\\.]+%$',\n tsType: 'LocalizeKey',\n },\n};\n\nremoveJsonToTypeScriptTypesStuff(localizedStringsDefs);\n\n/** JSON schema object that aligns with the LocalizedStringDataContribution type */\nexport const localizedStringsDocumentSchema = {\n $schema: 'https://json-schema.org/draft/2020-12/schema',\n title: 'Localized String Data Contribution',\n description:\n 'The data an extension provides to inform Platform.Bible of the localized strings it provides.',\n type: 'object',\n properties: {\n metadata: {\n $ref: '#/$defs/stringsMetadata',\n },\n localizedStrings: {\n type: 'object',\n additionalProperties: {\n $ref: '#/$defs/languageStrings',\n },\n },\n },\n $defs: localizedStringsDefs,\n};\n\nObject.freeze(localizedStringsDocumentSchema);\n","//----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n// NOTE: If you change any of the types, make sure the JSON schema at the end of this file gets\n// changed so they align.\n//----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n\nimport { ReplaceType } from './util';\n\n/** Identifier for a string that will be localized in a menu based on the user's UI language */\nexport type LocalizeKey = `%${string}%`;\n\n/** Name of some UI element (i.e., tab, column, group, menu item) or some PAPI object (i.e., command) */\nexport type ReferencedItem = `${string}.${string}`;\n\nexport type OrderedItem = {\n /** Relative order of this item compared to other items in the same parent/scope (sorted ascending) */\n order: number;\n};\n\nexport type OrderedExtensibleContainer = OrderedItem & {\n /** Determines whether other items can be added to this after it has been defined */\n isExtensible?: boolean;\n};\n\n/** Group of menu items that belongs in a column */\nexport type MenuGroupDetailsInColumn = OrderedExtensibleContainer & {\n /** ID of column in which this group resides */\n column: ReferencedItem;\n};\n\n/** Group of menu items that belongs in a submenu */\nexport type MenuGroupDetailsInSubMenu = OrderedExtensibleContainer & {\n /** ID of menu item hosting the submenu in which this group resides */\n menuItem: ReferencedItem;\n};\n\n/** Column that includes header text in a menu */\nexport type MenuColumnWithHeader = OrderedExtensibleContainer & {\n /** Key that represents the text of the header text of the column */\n label: LocalizeKey;\n};\n\nexport type MenuItemBase = OrderedItem & {\n /** Menu group to which this menu item belongs */\n group: ReferencedItem;\n /** Key that represents the text of this menu item to display */\n label: LocalizeKey;\n /** Key that represents words the platform should reference when users are searching for menu items */\n searchTerms?: LocalizeKey;\n /** Key that represents the text to display if a mouse pointer hovers over the menu item */\n tooltip?: LocalizeKey;\n /** Additional information provided by developers to help people who perform localization */\n localizeNotes: string;\n};\n\n/** Menu item that hosts a submenu */\nexport type MenuItemContainingSubmenu = MenuItemBase & {\n /** ID for this menu item that holds a submenu */\n id: ReferencedItem;\n};\n\n/** Menu item that runs a command */\nexport type MenuItemContainingCommand = MenuItemBase & {\n /** Name of the PAPI command to run when this menu item is selected. */\n command: ReferencedItem;\n /** Path to the icon to display after the menu text */\n iconPathAfter?: string;\n /** Path to the icon to display before the menu text */\n iconPathBefore?: string;\n};\n\n/**\n * Group of menu items that can be combined with other groups to form a single context menu/submenu.\n * Groups are separated using a line within the menu/submenu.\n */\nexport type GroupsInSingleColumnMenu = {\n /** Named menu group */\n [property: ReferencedItem]: OrderedExtensibleContainer | MenuGroupDetailsInSubMenu;\n};\n\n/**\n * Group of menu items that can be combined with other groups to form a single menu/submenu within a\n * multi-column menu. Groups are separated using a line within the menu/submenu.\n */\nexport type GroupsInMultiColumnMenu = {\n /** Named menu group */\n [property: ReferencedItem]: MenuGroupDetailsInColumn | MenuGroupDetailsInSubMenu;\n};\n\n/** Group of columns that can be combined with other columns to form a multi-column menu */\nexport type ColumnsWithHeaders = {\n /** Named column of a menu */\n [property: ReferencedItem]: MenuColumnWithHeader;\n /** Defines whether columns can be added to this multi-column menu */\n isExtensible?: boolean;\n};\n\n/** Menu that contains a column without a header */\nexport type SingleColumnMenu = {\n /** Groups that belong in this menu */\n groups: GroupsInSingleColumnMenu;\n /** List of menu items that belong in this menu */\n items: (MenuItemContainingCommand | MenuItemContainingSubmenu)[];\n};\n\n/** Menu that contains multiple columns with headers */\nexport type MultiColumnMenu = {\n /** Columns that belong in this menu */\n columns: ColumnsWithHeaders;\n /** Groups that belong in this menu */\n groups: GroupsInMultiColumnMenu;\n /** List of menu items that belong in this menu */\n items: (MenuItemContainingCommand | MenuItemContainingSubmenu)[];\n};\n\n/** Menus for one single web view */\nexport type WebViewMenu = {\n /** Indicates whether the platform default menus should be included for this webview */\n includeDefaults: boolean | undefined;\n /** Menu that opens when you click on the top left corner of a tab */\n topMenu: MultiColumnMenu | undefined;\n /** Menu that opens when you right click on the main body/area of a tab */\n contextMenu: SingleColumnMenu | undefined;\n};\n\n/** Menus for all web views */\nexport type WebViewMenus = {\n /** Named web view */\n [property: ReferencedItem]: WebViewMenu;\n};\n\n/** Platform.Bible menus before they are localized */\nexport type PlatformMenus = {\n /** Top level menu for the application */\n mainMenu: MultiColumnMenu;\n /** Menus that apply per web view in the application */\n webViewMenus: WebViewMenus;\n /** Default context menu for web views that don't specify their own */\n defaultWebViewContextMenu: SingleColumnMenu;\n /** Default top menu for web views that don't specify their own */\n defaultWebViewTopMenu: MultiColumnMenu;\n};\n\n/**\n * Type that converts any menu type before it is localized to what it is after it is localized. This\n * can be applied to any menu type as needed.\n */\nexport type Localized = ReplaceType, ReferencedItem, string>;\n\n//----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n// NOTE: If you change the schema below, make sure the TS types above get changed so they align.\n//----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n/** JSON schema object that aligns with the PlatformMenus type */\nexport const menuDocumentSchema = {\n title: 'Platform.Bible menus',\n type: 'object',\n properties: {\n mainMenu: {\n description: 'Top level menu for the application',\n $ref: '#/$defs/multiColumnMenu',\n },\n defaultWebViewTopMenu: {\n description: \"Default top menu for web views that don't specify their own\",\n $ref: '#/$defs/multiColumnMenu',\n },\n defaultWebViewContextMenu: {\n description: \"Default context menu for web views that don't specify their own\",\n $ref: '#/$defs/singleColumnMenu',\n },\n webViewMenus: {\n description: 'Menus that apply per web view in the application',\n type: 'object',\n patternProperties: {\n '^[\\\\w\\\\-]+\\\\.[\\\\w\\\\-]+$': {\n $ref: '#/$defs/menusForOneWebView',\n },\n },\n additionalProperties: false,\n },\n },\n required: ['mainMenu', 'defaultWebViewTopMenu', 'defaultWebViewContextMenu', 'webViewMenus'],\n additionalProperties: false,\n $defs: {\n localizeKey: {\n description:\n \"Identifier for a string that will be localized in a menu based on the user's UI language\",\n type: 'string',\n pattern: '^%[\\\\w\\\\-\\\\.]+%$',\n },\n referencedItem: {\n description:\n 'Name of some UI element (i.e., tab, column, group, menu item) or some PAPI object (i.e., command)',\n type: 'string',\n pattern: '^[\\\\w\\\\-]+\\\\.[\\\\w\\\\-]+$',\n },\n columnsWithHeaders: {\n description:\n 'Group of columns that can be combined with other columns to form a multi-column menu',\n type: 'object',\n patternProperties: {\n '^[\\\\w\\\\-]+\\\\.[\\\\w\\\\-]+$': {\n description: 'Single column with a header string',\n type: 'object',\n properties: {\n label: {\n description: 'Header text for this this column in the UI',\n $ref: '#/$defs/localizeKey',\n },\n localizeNotes: {\n description:\n 'Additional information provided by developers to help people who perform localization',\n type: 'string',\n },\n order: {\n description:\n 'Relative order of this column compared to other columns (sorted ascending)',\n type: 'number',\n },\n isExtensible: {\n description:\n 'Defines whether contributions are allowed to add menu groups to this column',\n type: 'boolean',\n },\n },\n required: ['label', 'order'],\n additionalProperties: false,\n },\n },\n properties: {\n isExtensible: {\n description:\n 'Defines whether contributions are allowed to add columns to this multi-column menu',\n type: 'boolean',\n },\n },\n },\n menuGroups: {\n description:\n 'Group of menu items that can be combined with other groups to form a single menu/submenu. Groups are separated using a line within the menu/submenu.',\n type: 'object',\n patternProperties: {\n '^[\\\\w\\\\-]+\\\\.[\\\\w\\\\-]+$': {\n description: 'Single group that contains menu items',\n type: 'object',\n oneOf: [\n {\n properties: {\n column: {\n description:\n 'Column where this group belongs, not required for single column menus',\n $ref: '#/$defs/referencedItem',\n },\n order: {\n description:\n 'Relative order of this group compared to other groups in the same column or submenu (sorted ascending)',\n type: 'number',\n },\n isExtensible: {\n description:\n 'Defines whether contributions are allowed to add menu items to this menu group',\n type: 'boolean',\n },\n },\n required: ['order'],\n additionalProperties: false,\n },\n {\n properties: {\n menuItem: {\n description: 'Menu item that anchors the submenu where this group belongs',\n $ref: '#/$defs/referencedItem',\n },\n order: {\n description:\n 'Relative order of this group compared to other groups in the same column or submenu (sorted ascending)',\n type: 'number',\n },\n isExtensible: {\n description:\n 'Defines whether contributions are allowed to add menu items to this menu group',\n type: 'boolean',\n },\n },\n required: ['menuItem', 'order'],\n additionalProperties: false,\n },\n ],\n },\n },\n additionalProperties: false,\n },\n menuItem: {\n description:\n 'Single item in a menu that can be clicked on to take an action or can be the parent of a submenu',\n type: 'object',\n oneOf: [\n {\n properties: {\n id: {\n description: 'ID for this menu item that holds a submenu',\n $ref: '#/$defs/referencedItem',\n },\n },\n required: ['id'],\n },\n {\n properties: {\n command: {\n description: 'Name of the PAPI command to run when this menu item is selected.',\n $ref: '#/$defs/referencedItem',\n },\n iconPathBefore: {\n description: 'Path to the icon to display before the menu text',\n type: 'string',\n },\n iconPathAfter: {\n description: 'Path to the icon to display after the menu text',\n type: 'string',\n },\n },\n required: ['command'],\n },\n ],\n properties: {\n label: {\n description: 'Key that represents the text of this menu item to display',\n $ref: '#/$defs/localizeKey',\n },\n tooltip: {\n description:\n 'Key that represents the text to display if a mouse pointer hovers over the menu item',\n $ref: '#/$defs/localizeKey',\n },\n searchTerms: {\n description:\n 'Key that represents additional words the platform should reference when users are searching for menu items',\n $ref: '#/$defs/localizeKey',\n },\n localizeNotes: {\n description:\n 'Additional information provided by developers to help people who perform localization',\n type: 'string',\n },\n group: {\n description: 'Group to which this menu item belongs',\n $ref: '#/$defs/referencedItem',\n },\n order: {\n description:\n 'Relative order of this menu item compared to other menu items in the same group (sorted ascending)',\n type: 'number',\n },\n },\n required: ['label', 'group', 'order'],\n unevaluatedProperties: false,\n },\n groupsAndItems: {\n description: 'Core schema for a column',\n type: 'object',\n properties: {\n groups: {\n description: 'Groups that belong in this menu',\n $ref: '#/$defs/menuGroups',\n },\n items: {\n description: 'List of menu items that belong in this menu',\n type: 'array',\n items: { $ref: '#/$defs/menuItem' },\n uniqueItems: true,\n },\n },\n required: ['groups', 'items'],\n },\n singleColumnMenu: {\n description: 'Menu that contains a column without a header',\n type: 'object',\n allOf: [{ $ref: '#/$defs/groupsAndItems' }],\n unevaluatedProperties: false,\n },\n multiColumnMenu: {\n description: 'Menu that can contain multiple columns with headers',\n type: 'object',\n allOf: [\n { $ref: '#/$defs/groupsAndItems' },\n {\n properties: {\n columns: {\n description: 'Columns that belong in this menu',\n $ref: '#/$defs/columnsWithHeaders',\n },\n },\n required: ['columns'],\n },\n ],\n unevaluatedProperties: false,\n },\n menusForOneWebView: {\n description: 'Set of menus that are associated with a single tab',\n type: 'object',\n properties: {\n includeDefaults: {\n description:\n 'Indicates whether the platform default menus should be included for this webview',\n type: 'boolean',\n },\n topMenu: {\n description: 'Menu that opens when you click on the top left corner of a tab',\n $ref: '#/$defs/multiColumnMenu',\n },\n contextMenu: {\n description: 'Menu that opens when you right click on the main body/area of a tab',\n $ref: '#/$defs/singleColumnMenu',\n },\n },\n additionalProperties: false,\n },\n 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QACN,MAAO,CACL,KAAM,uBACR,CACF,CACF,EAEA,MAAOL,CACT,EAEA,OAAO,OAAOK,EAAsB,ECniBpC,MAAMC,GAAuB,CAC3B,gBAAiB,CACf,YACE,2IACF,KAAM,SACN,kBAAmB,CACjB,mBAAoB,CAClB,KAAM,8BACR,CACF,EACA,qBAAsB,EACxB,EACA,qBAAsB,CACpB,YAAa,kDACb,KAAM,QACR,EACA,gBAAiB,CACf,YACE,8IACF,KAAM,SACN,kBAAmB,CACjB,mBAAoB,CAClB,KAAM,wBACR,CACF,EACA,qBAAsB,EACxB,EACA,eAAgB,CACd,YAAa,0EACb,KAAM,SACN,WAAY,CACV,YAAa,CACX,YACE,sPACF,KAAM,qBACR,EACA,MAAO,CACL,YACE,4IACF,KAAM,QACR,CACF,CACF,EACA,YAAa,CACX,YAAa,iFACb,KAAM,SACN,QAAS,mBACT,OAAQ,aACV,CACF,EAEAL,EAAiCK,EAAoB,EAG9C,MAAMC,GAAiC,CAC5C,QAAS,+CACT,MAAO,qCACP,YACE,gGACF,KAAM,SACN,WAAY,CACV,SAAU,CACR,KAAM,yBACR,EACA,iBAAkB,CAChB,KAAM,SACN,qBAAsB,CACpB,KAAM,yBACR,CACF,CACF,EACA,MAAOD,EACT,EAEA,OAAO,OAAOC,EAA8B,ECyBrC,MAAMC,GAAqB,CAChC,MAAO,uBACP,KAAM,SACN,WAAY,CACV,SAAU,CACR,YAAa,qCACb,KAAM,yBACR,EACA,sBAAuB,CACrB,YAAa,8DACb,KAAM,yBACR,EACA,0BAA2B,CACzB,YAAa,kEACb,KAAM,0BACR,EACA,aAAc,CACZ,YAAa,mDACb,KAAM,SACN,kBAAmB,CACjB,0BAA2B,CACzB,KAAM,4BACR,CACF,EACA,qBAAsB,EACxB,CACF,EACA,SAAU,CAAC,WAAY,wBAAyB,4BAA6B,cAAc,EAC3F,qBAAsB,GACtB,MAAO,CACL,YAAa,CACX,YACE,2FACF,KAAM,SACN,QAAS,kBACX,EACA,eAAgB,CACd,YACE,oGACF,KAAM,SACN,QAAS,yBACX,EACA,mBAAoB,CAClB,YACE,uFACF,KAAM,SACN,kBAAmB,CACjB,0BAA2B,CACzB,YAAa,qCACb,KAAM,SACN,WAAY,CACV,MAAO,CACL,YAAa,6CACb,KAAM,qBACR,EACA,cAAe,CACb,YACE,wFACF,KAAM,QACR,EACA,MAAO,CACL,YACE,6EACF,KAAM,QACR,EACA,aAAc,CACZ,YACE,8EACF,KAAM,SACR,CACF,EACA,SAAU,CAAC,QAAS,OAAO,EAC3B,qBAAsB,EACxB,CACF,EACA,WAAY,CACV,aAAc,CACZ,YACE,qFACF,KAAM,SACR,CACF,CACF,EACA,WAAY,CACV,YACE,uJACF,KAAM,SACN,kBAAmB,CACjB,0BAA2B,CACzB,YAAa,wCACb,KAAM,SACN,MAAO,CACL,CACE,WAAY,CACV,OAAQ,CACN,YACE,wEACF,KAAM,wBACR,EACA,MAAO,CACL,YACE,yGACF,KAAM,QACR,EACA,aAAc,CACZ,YACE,iFACF,KAAM,SACR,CACF,EACA,SAAU,CAAC,OAAO,EAClB,qBAAsB,EACxB,EACA,CACE,WAAY,CACV,SAAU,CACR,YAAa,8DACb,KAAM,wBACR,EACA,MAAO,CACL,YACE,yGACF,KAAM,QACR,EACA,aAAc,CACZ,YACE,iFACF,KAAM,SACR,CACF,EACA,SAAU,CAAC,WAAY,OAAO,EAC9B,qBAAsB,EACxB,CACF,CACF,CACF,EACA,qBAAsB,EACxB,EACA,SAAU,CACR,YACE,mGACF,KAAM,SACN,MAAO,CACL,CACE,WAAY,CACV,GAAI,CACF,YAAa,6CACb,KAAM,wBACR,CACF,EACA,SAAU,CAAC,IAAI,CACjB,EACA,CACE,WAAY,CACV,QAAS,CACP,YAAa,mEACb,KAAM,wBACR,EACA,eAAgB,CACd,YAAa,mDACb,KAAM,QACR,EACA,cAAe,CACb,YAAa,kDACb,KAAM,QACR,CACF,EACA,SAAU,CAAC,SAAS,CACtB,CACF,EACA,WAAY,CACV,MAAO,CACL,YAAa,4DACb,KAAM,qBACR,EACA,QAAS,CACP,YACE,uFACF,KAAM,qBACR,EACA,YAAa,CACX,YACE,6GACF,KAAM,qBACR,EACA,cAAe,CACb,YACE,wFACF,KAAM,QACR,EACA,MAAO,CACL,YAAa,wCACb,KAAM,wBACR,EACA,MAAO,CACL,YACE,qGACF,KAAM,QACR,CACF,EACA,SAAU,CAAC,QAAS,QAAS,OAAO,EACpC,sBAAuB,EACzB,EACA,eAAgB,CACd,YAAa,2BACb,KAAM,SACN,WAAY,CACV,OAAQ,CACN,YAAa,kCACb,KAAM,oBACR,EACA,MAAO,CACL,YAAa,8CACb,KAAM,QACN,MAAO,CAAE,KAAM,kBAAmB,EAClC,YAAa,EACf,CACF,EACA,SAAU,CAAC,SAAU,OAAO,CAC9B,EACA,iBAAkB,CAChB,YAAa,+CACb,KAAM,SACN,MAAO,CAAC,CAAE,KAAM,yBAA0B,EAC1C,sBAAuB,EACzB,EACA,gBAAiB,CACf,YAAa,sDACb,KAAM,SACN,MAAO,CACL,CAAE,KAAM,wBAAyB,EACjC,CACE,WAAY,CACV,QAAS,CACP,YAAa,mCACb,KAAM,4BACR,CACF,EACA,SAAU,CAAC,SAAS,CACtB,CACF,EACA,sBAAuB,EACzB,EACA,mBAAoB,CAClB,YAAa,qDACb,KAAM,SACN,WAAY,CACV,gBAAiB,CACf,YACE,mFACF,KAAM,SACR,EACA,QAAS,CACP,YAAa,iEACb,KAAM,yBACR,EACA,YAAa,CACX,YAAa,sEACb,KAAM,0BACR,CACF,EACA,qBAAsB,EACxB,CACF,CACF,EAEA,OAAO,OAAOA,EAAkB","x_google_ignoreList":[11,12,13,17]} \ No newline at end of file +{"version":3,"file":"index.cjs","sources":["../src/async-variable.ts","../src/intl-collator.ts","../src/intl-date-time-format.ts","../src/platform-event-emitter.model.ts","../src/util.ts","../src/document-combiner.ts","../src/mutex.ts","../src/mutex-map.ts","../src/non-validating-document-combiner.ts","../src/intl-number-format.ts","../src/unsubscriber-async-list.ts","../../../node_modules/@sillsdev/scripture/dist/index.es.js","../../../node_modules/char-regex/index.js","../../../node_modules/stringz/dist/index.js","../src/string-util.ts","../src/scripture-util.ts","../src/unsubscriber.ts","../../../node_modules/fast-equals/dist/esm/index.mjs","../src/equality-checking.ts","../src/subset-checking.ts","../src/serialization.ts","../src/intl-util.ts","../src/settings.model.ts","../src/localized-strings.model.ts","../src/menus.model.ts"],"sourcesContent":["/** This class provides a convenient way for one task to wait on a variable that another task sets. */\nexport default class AsyncVariable {\n private readonly variableName: string;\n private readonly promiseToValue: Promise;\n private resolver: ((value: T) => void) | undefined;\n private rejecter: ((reason: string | undefined) => void) | undefined;\n\n /**\n * Creates an instance of the class\n *\n * @param variableName Name to use when logging about this variable\n * @param rejectIfNotSettledWithinMS Milliseconds to wait before verifying if the promise was\n * settled (resolved or rejected); will reject if it has not settled by that time. Use -1 if you\n * do not want a timeout at all. Defaults to 10000 ms\n */\n constructor(variableName: string, rejectIfNotSettledWithinMS: number = 10000) {\n this.variableName = variableName;\n this.promiseToValue = new Promise((resolve, reject) => {\n this.resolver = resolve;\n this.rejecter = reject;\n });\n if (rejectIfNotSettledWithinMS > 0) {\n setTimeout(() => {\n if (this.rejecter) {\n this.rejecter(`Timeout reached when waiting for ${this.variableName} to settle`);\n this.complete();\n }\n }, rejectIfNotSettledWithinMS);\n }\n Object.seal(this);\n }\n\n /**\n * Get this variable's promise to a value. This always returns the same promise even after the\n * value has been resolved or rejected.\n *\n * @returns The promise for the value to be set\n */\n get promise(): Promise {\n return this.promiseToValue;\n }\n\n /**\n * A simple way to see if this variable's promise was resolved or rejected already\n *\n * @returns Whether the variable was already resolved or rejected\n */\n get hasSettled(): boolean {\n return Object.isFrozen(this);\n }\n\n /**\n * Resolve this variable's promise to the given value\n *\n * @param value This variable's promise will resolve to this value\n * @param throwIfAlreadySettled Determines whether to throw if the variable was already resolved\n * or rejected. Defaults to `false`\n */\n resolveToValue(value: T, throwIfAlreadySettled: boolean = false): void {\n if (this.resolver) {\n console.debug(`${this.variableName} is being resolved now`);\n this.resolver(value);\n this.complete();\n } else {\n if (throwIfAlreadySettled) throw Error(`${this.variableName} was already settled`);\n console.debug(`Ignoring subsequent resolution of ${this.variableName}`);\n }\n }\n\n /**\n * Reject this variable's promise for the value with the given reason\n *\n * @param reason This variable's promise will be rejected with this reason\n * @param throwIfAlreadySettled Determines whether to throw if the variable was already resolved\n * or rejected. Defaults to `false`\n */\n rejectWithReason(reason: string, throwIfAlreadySettled: boolean = false): void {\n if (this.rejecter) {\n console.debug(`${this.variableName} is being rejected now`);\n this.rejecter(reason);\n this.complete();\n } else {\n if (throwIfAlreadySettled) throw Error(`${this.variableName} was already settled`);\n console.debug(`Ignoring subsequent rejection of ${this.variableName}`);\n }\n }\n\n /** Prevent any further updates to this variable */\n private complete(): void {\n this.resolver = undefined;\n this.rejecter = undefined;\n Object.freeze(this);\n }\n}\n","/** Enables language-sensitive string comparison. Wraps Intl.Collator */\nexport default class Collator {\n private collator: Intl.Collator;\n\n constructor(locales?: string | string[], options?: Intl.CollatorOptions) {\n this.collator = new Intl.Collator(locales, options);\n }\n\n /**\n * Compares two strings according to the sort order of this Collator object\n *\n * @param string1 String to compare\n * @param string2 String to compare\n * @returns A number indicating how string1 and string2 compare to each other according to the\n * sort order of this Collator object. Negative value if string1 comes before string2. Positive\n * value if string1 comes after string2. 0 if they are considered equal.\n */\n compare(string1: string, string2: string): number {\n return this.collator.compare(string1, string2);\n }\n\n /**\n * Returns a new object with properties reflecting the locale and collation options computed\n * during initialization of this collator object.\n *\n * @returns ResolvedCollatorOptions object\n */\n resolvedOptions(): Intl.ResolvedCollatorOptions {\n return this.collator.resolvedOptions();\n }\n}\n","/** Enables language-sensitive data and time formatting. Wraps Intl.DateTimeFormat */\nexport default class DateTimeFormat {\n private dateTimeFormatter: Intl.DateTimeFormat;\n\n constructor(locales?: string | string[], options?: Intl.DateTimeFormatOptions) {\n this.dateTimeFormatter = new Intl.DateTimeFormat(locales, options);\n }\n\n /**\n * Formats a date according to the locale and formatting option for this DateTimeFormat object\n *\n * @param date The date to format\n * @returns String representing the given date formatted according to the locale and formatting\n * options of this DateTimeFormat object\n */\n format(date: Date): string {\n return this.dateTimeFormatter.format(date);\n }\n\n /**\n * Formats a date range in the most concise way based on the locales and options provided when\n * instantiating this DateTimeFormat object\n *\n * @param startDate Date object representing start of the date range\n * @param endDate Date object representing the end of the date range\n * @returns String representing the given date range formatted according to the locale and\n * formatting options of this DateTimeFormat object\n */\n formatRange(startDate: Date, endDate: Date): string {\n return this.dateTimeFormatter.formatRange(startDate, endDate);\n }\n\n /**\n * Returns an array of locale-specific tokens representing each part of the formatted date range\n * produced by this DateTimeFormat object\n *\n * @param startDate Date object representing start of the date range\n * @param endDate Date object representing the end of the date range\n * @returns Array of DateTimeRangeFormatPart objects\n */\n formatRangeToParts(startDate: Date, endDate: Date): Intl.DateTimeRangeFormatPart[] {\n return this.dateTimeFormatter.formatRangeToParts(startDate, endDate);\n }\n\n /**\n * Allows locale-aware formatting of strings produced by this DateTimeFormat object\n *\n * @param date The date to format\n * @returns Array of DateTimeFormatPart objects\n */\n formatToParts(date: Date): Intl.DateTimeFormatPart[] {\n return this.dateTimeFormatter.formatToParts(date);\n }\n\n /**\n * Returns a new object with properties reflecting the locale and date and time formatting options\n * computed during initialization of this DateTimeFormat object\n *\n * @returns ResolvedDateTimeFormatOptions object\n */\n resolvedOptions(): Intl.ResolvedDateTimeFormatOptions {\n return this.dateTimeFormatter.resolvedOptions();\n }\n}\n","/** Interfaces, classes, and functions related to events and event emitters */\n\nimport { Dispose } from './disposal.model';\nimport { PlatformEvent, PlatformEventHandler } from './platform-event';\n\n/**\n * Event manager - accepts subscriptions to an event and runs the subscription callbacks when the\n * event is emitted Use eventEmitter.event(callback) to subscribe to the event. Use\n * eventEmitter.emit(event) to run the subscriptions. Generally, this EventEmitter should be\n * private, and its event should be public. That way, the emitter is not publicized, but anyone can\n * subscribe to the event.\n */\nexport default class PlatformEventEmitter implements Dispose {\n /**\n * Subscribes a function to run when this event is emitted.\n *\n * @param callback Function to run with the event when it is emitted\n * @returns Unsubscriber function to run to stop calling the passed-in function when the event is\n * emitted\n * @alias event\n */\n subscribe = this.event;\n\n /** All callback functions that will run when this event is emitted. Lazy loaded */\n private subscriptions?: PlatformEventHandler[];\n /** Event for listeners to subscribe to. Lazy loaded */\n private lazyEvent?: PlatformEvent;\n /** Whether this emitter has been disposed */\n private isDisposed = false;\n\n /**\n * Event for listeners to subscribe to. Subscribes a function to run when this event is emitted.\n * Use like `const unsubscriber = event(callback)`\n *\n * @param callback Function to run with the event when it is emitted\n * @returns Unsubscriber function to run to stop calling the passed-in function when the event is\n * emitted\n */\n get event(): PlatformEvent {\n this.assertNotDisposed();\n\n if (!this.lazyEvent) {\n this.lazyEvent = (callback) => {\n if (!callback || typeof callback !== 'function')\n throw new Error(`Event handler callback must be a function!`);\n\n // Initialize this.subscriptions if it does not exist\n if (!this.subscriptions) this.subscriptions = [];\n\n this.subscriptions.push(callback);\n\n return () => {\n if (!this.subscriptions) return false; // Did not find any subscribed callbacks\n\n const callbackIndex = this.subscriptions.indexOf(callback);\n\n if (callbackIndex < 0) return false; // Did not find this callback in the subscriptions\n\n // Remove the callback\n this.subscriptions.splice(callbackIndex, 1);\n\n return true;\n };\n };\n }\n return this.lazyEvent;\n }\n\n /** Disposes of this event, preparing it to release from memory */\n dispose = () => {\n return this.disposeFn();\n };\n\n /**\n * Runs the subscriptions for the event\n *\n * @param event Event data to provide to subscribed callbacks\n */\n emit = (event: T) => {\n // Do not do anything other than emitFn here. This emit is just binding `this` to emitFn\n this.emitFn(event);\n };\n\n /**\n * Function that runs the subscriptions for the event. Added here so children can override emit\n * and still call the base functionality. See NetworkEventEmitter.emit for example\n */\n protected emitFn(event: T) {\n this.assertNotDisposed();\n\n // Clone the subscriptions array before iterating over the callbacks so the callback index\n // doesn't get messed up if someone subscribes or unsubscribes inside one of the callbacks\n const emitCallbacks = [...(this.subscriptions ?? [])];\n emitCallbacks.forEach((callback) => callback(event));\n }\n\n /** Check to make sure this emitter is not disposed. Throw if it is */\n protected assertNotDisposed() {\n if (this.isDisposed) throw new Error('Emitter is disposed');\n }\n\n /**\n * Disposes of this event, preparing it to release from memory. Added here so children can\n * override emit and still call the base functionality.\n */\n protected disposeFn() {\n this.assertNotDisposed();\n\n this.isDisposed = true;\n this.subscriptions = undefined;\n this.lazyEvent = undefined;\n return Promise.resolve(true);\n }\n}\n","/** Collection of functions, objects, and types that are used as helpers in other services. */\n\n// Thanks to blubberdiblub at https://stackoverflow.com/a/68141099/217579\nexport function newGuid(): string {\n return '00-0-4-1-000'.replace(/[^-]/g, (s) =>\n // @ts-expect-error ts(2363) this works fine\n // eslint-disable-next-line no-bitwise\n (((Math.random() + ~~s) * 0x10000) >> s).toString(16).padStart(4, '0'),\n );\n}\n\n// thanks to DRAX at https://stackoverflow.com/a/9436948\n/**\n * Determine whether the object is a string\n *\n * @param o Object to determine if it is a string\n * @returns True if the object is a string; false otherwise\n */\nexport function isString(o: unknown): o is string {\n return typeof o === 'string' || o instanceof String;\n}\n\n/**\n * If deepClone isn't used when copying properties between objects, you may be left with dangling\n * references between the source and target of property copying operations.\n *\n * @param obj Object to clone\n * @returns Duplicate copy of `obj` without any references back to the original one\n */\nexport function deepClone(obj: T): T {\n // Assert the return type matches what is expected\n // eslint-disable-next-line no-type-assertion/no-type-assertion\n return JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(obj)) as T;\n}\n\n/**\n * Get a function that reduces calls to the function passed in\n *\n * @param fn The function to debounce\n * @param delay How much delay in milliseconds after the most recent call to the debounced function\n * to call the function\n * @returns Function that, when called, only calls the function passed in at maximum every delay ms\n */\n// We don't know the parameter types since this function can be anything\n// eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/no-explicit-any\nexport function debounce void>(fn: T, delay = 300): T {\n if (isString(fn)) throw new Error('Tried to debounce a string! Could be XSS');\n let timeout: ReturnType;\n // Ensure the right return type.\n // eslint-disable-next-line no-type-assertion/no-type-assertion\n return ((...args) => {\n clearTimeout(timeout);\n timeout = setTimeout(() => fn(...args), delay);\n }) as T;\n}\n\n/**\n * Groups each item in the array of items into a map according to the keySelector\n *\n * @param items Array of items to group by\n * @param keySelector Function to run on each item to get the key for the group to which it belongs\n * @param valueSelector Function to run on each item to get the value it should have in the group\n * (like map function). If not provided, uses the item itself\n * @returns Map of keys to groups of values corresponding to each item\n */\nexport function groupBy(items: T[], keySelector: (item: T) => K): Map>;\nexport function groupBy(\n items: T[],\n keySelector: (item: T) => K,\n valueSelector: (item: T, key: K) => V,\n): Map>;\nexport function groupBy(\n items: T[],\n keySelector: (item: T) => K,\n valueSelector?: (item: T, key: K) => V,\n): Map> {\n const map = new Map>();\n items.forEach((item) => {\n const key = keySelector(item);\n const group = map.get(key);\n const value = valueSelector ? valueSelector(item, key) : item;\n if (group) group.push(value);\n else map.set(key, [value]);\n });\n return map;\n}\n\n// From https://kentcdodds.com/blog/get-a-catch-block-error-message-with-typescript\ntype ErrorWithMessage = {\n message: string;\n};\n\n// From https://kentcdodds.com/blog/get-a-catch-block-error-message-with-typescript\nfunction isErrorWithMessage(error: unknown): error is ErrorWithMessage {\n return (\n typeof error === 'object' &&\n // We're potentially dealing with objects we didn't create, so they might contain `null`\n // eslint-disable-next-line no-null/no-null\n error !== null &&\n 'message' in error &&\n // Type assert `error` to check it's `message`.\n // eslint-disable-next-line no-type-assertion/no-type-assertion\n typeof (error as Record).message === 'string'\n );\n}\n\n// From https://kentcdodds.com/blog/get-a-catch-block-error-message-with-typescript\n/**\n * Function to get an error from the object (useful for getting an error in a catch block)\n *\n * @param error Error object whose message to get\n * @returns Message of the error - if object has message, returns message. Otherwise tries to\n * stringify\n */\nfunction toErrorWithMessage(maybeError: unknown): ErrorWithMessage {\n if (isErrorWithMessage(maybeError)) return maybeError;\n\n try {\n return new Error(JSON.stringify(maybeError));\n } catch {\n // fallback in case there's an error stringifying the maybeError\n // like with circular references for example.\n return new Error(String(maybeError));\n }\n}\n\n// From https://kentcdodds.com/blog/get-a-catch-block-error-message-with-typescript\n/**\n * Function to get an error message from the object (useful for getting error message in a catch\n * block)\n *\n * @example `try {...} catch (e) { logger.info(getErrorMessage(e)) }`\n *\n * @param error Error object whose message to get\n * @returns Message of the error - if object has message, returns message. Otherwise tries to\n * stringify\n */\nexport function getErrorMessage(error: unknown) {\n return toErrorWithMessage(error).message;\n}\n\n/** Asynchronously waits for the specified number of milliseconds. (wraps setTimeout in a promise) */\nexport function wait(ms: number) {\n // eslint-disable-next-line no-promise-executor-return\n return new Promise((resolve) => setTimeout(resolve, ms));\n}\n\n/**\n * Runs the specified function and will timeout if it takes longer than the specified wait time\n *\n * @param fn The function to run\n * @param maxWaitTimeInMS The maximum amount of time to wait for the function to resolve\n * @returns Promise that resolves to the resolved value of the function or undefined if it ran\n * longer than the specified wait time\n */\nexport function waitForDuration(fn: () => Promise, maxWaitTimeInMS: number) {\n const timeout = wait(maxWaitTimeInMS).then(() => undefined);\n return Promise.any([timeout, fn()]);\n}\n\n/**\n * Get all functions on an object and its prototype chain (so we don't miss any class methods or any\n * object methods). Note that the functions on the final item in the prototype chain (i.e., Object)\n * are skipped to avoid including functions like `__defineGetter__`, `__defineSetter__`, `toString`,\n * etc.\n *\n * @param obj Object whose functions to get\n * @param objId Optional ID of the object to use for debug logging\n * @returns Array of all function names on an object\n */\n// Note: lodash has something that MIGHT do the same thing as this. Investigate for https://github.com/paranext/paranext-core/issues/134\nexport function getAllObjectFunctionNames(\n obj: { [property: string]: unknown },\n objId: string = 'obj',\n): Set {\n const objectFunctionNames = new Set();\n\n // Get all function properties directly defined on the object\n Object.getOwnPropertyNames(obj).forEach((property) => {\n try {\n if (typeof obj[property] === 'function') objectFunctionNames.add(property);\n } catch (error) {\n console.debug(`Skipping ${property} on ${objId} due to error: ${error}`);\n }\n });\n\n // Walk up the prototype chain and get additional function properties, skipping the functions\n // provided by the final (Object) prototype\n let objectPrototype = Object.getPrototypeOf(obj);\n while (objectPrototype && Object.getPrototypeOf(objectPrototype)) {\n Object.getOwnPropertyNames(objectPrototype).forEach((property) => {\n try {\n if (typeof obj[property] === 'function') objectFunctionNames.add(property);\n } catch (error) {\n console.debug(`Skipping ${property} on ${objId}'s prototype due to error: ${error}`);\n }\n });\n objectPrototype = Object.getPrototypeOf(objectPrototype);\n }\n\n return objectFunctionNames;\n}\n\n/**\n * Creates a synchronous proxy for an asynchronous object. The proxy allows calling methods on an\n * object that is asynchronously fetched using a provided asynchronous function.\n *\n * @param getObject - A function that returns a promise resolving to the object whose asynchronous\n * methods to call.\n * @param objectToProxy - An optional object that is the object that is proxied. If a property is\n * accessed that does exist on this object, it will be returned. If a property is accessed that\n * does not exist on this object, it will be considered to be an asynchronous method called on the\n * object returned from getObject.\n * @returns A synchronous proxy for the asynchronous object.\n */\nexport function createSyncProxyForAsyncObject(\n getObject: (args?: unknown[]) => Promise,\n objectToProxy: Partial = {},\n): T {\n // objectToProxy will have only the synchronously accessed properties of T on it, and this proxy\n // makes the async methods that do not exist yet available synchronously so we have all of T\n // eslint-disable-next-line no-type-assertion/no-type-assertion\n return new Proxy(objectToProxy as T, {\n get(target, prop) {\n // We don't have any type information for T, so we assume methodName exists on it and will let JavaScript throw if it doesn't exist\n // @ts-expect-error 7053\n if (prop in target) return target[prop];\n return async (...args: unknown[]) => {\n // 7053: We don't have any type information for T, so we assume methodName exists on it and will let JavaScript throw if it doesn't exist\n // 2556: The args here are the parameters for the method specified\n // @ts-expect-error 7053 2556\n return (await getObject())[prop](...args);\n };\n },\n });\n}\n\n/** Within type T, recursively change all properties to be optional */\nexport type DeepPartial = T extends object ? { [P in keyof T]?: DeepPartial } : T;\n\n/** Within type T, recursively change properties that were of type A to be of type B */\nexport type ReplaceType = T extends A\n ? B\n : T extends object\n ? { [K in keyof T]: ReplaceType }\n : T;\n\n// Thanks to jcalz at https://stackoverflow.com/a/50375286\n/**\n * Converts a union type to an intersection type (`|` to `&`).\n *\n * Note: this utility type is for use on object types. It may fail on other types.\n *\n * @example\n *\n * ```typescript\n * type TypeOne = { one: string };\n * type TypeTwo = { two: number };\n * type TypeThree = { three: string };\n *\n * type TypeNums = { one: TypeOne; two: TypeTwo; three: TypeThree };\n * const numNames = ['one', 'two'] as const;\n * type TypeNumNames = typeof numNames;\n *\n * // Same as `TypeOne | TypeTwo`\n * // `{ one: string } | { two: number }`\n * type TypeOneTwoUnion = TypeNums[TypeNumNames[number]];\n *\n * // Same as `TypeOne & TypeTwo`\n * // `{ one: string; two: number }`\n * type TypeOneTwoIntersection = UnionToIntersection;\n * ```\n */\n// eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/no-explicit-any\nexport type UnionToIntersection = (U extends any ? (x: U) => void : never) extends (\n x: infer I,\n) => void\n ? I\n : never;\n","import PlatformEventEmitter from './platform-event-emitter.model';\nimport { deepClone } from './util';\n\ntype JsonObjectLike = { [key: string]: unknown };\ntype JsonArrayLike = unknown[];\n\nexport type JsonDocumentLike = JsonObjectLike | JsonArrayLike;\n\n/**\n * Options for DocumentCombiner objects\n *\n * - `copyDocuments`: If true, this instance will perform a deep copy of all provided documents before\n * composing the output. If false, then changes made to provided documents after they are\n * contributed will be reflected in the next time output is composed.\n * - `ignoreDuplicateProperties`: If true, then duplicate properties are skipped if they are seen in\n * contributed documents. If false, then throw when duplicate properties are seen in contributed\n * documents.\n */\nexport type DocumentCombinerOptions = {\n copyDocuments: boolean;\n ignoreDuplicateProperties: boolean;\n};\n\n/**\n * Base class for any code that wants to compose JSON documents (primarily in the form of JS objects\n * or arrays) together into a single output document.\n */\nexport default class DocumentCombiner {\n protected baseDocument: JsonDocumentLike;\n protected readonly contributions = new Map();\n protected latestOutput: JsonDocumentLike | undefined;\n protected readonly options: DocumentCombinerOptions;\n private readonly onDidRebuildEmitter = new PlatformEventEmitter();\n /** Event that emits to announce that the document has been rebuilt and the output has been updated */\n // Need `onDidRebuildEmitter` to be instantiated before this line\n // eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/member-ordering\n readonly onDidRebuild = this.onDidRebuildEmitter.subscribe;\n\n /**\n * Create a DocumentCombiner instance\n *\n * @param baseDocument This is the first document that will be used when composing the output\n * @param options Options used by this object when combining documents\n */\n protected constructor(baseDocument: JsonDocumentLike, options: DocumentCombinerOptions) {\n // Setting baseDocument redundantly because TS doesn't understand that updateBaseDocument does it\n this.baseDocument = baseDocument;\n this.options = options;\n this.updateBaseDocument(baseDocument);\n }\n\n /**\n * Update the starting document for composition process\n *\n * @param baseDocument Base JSON document/JS object that all other documents are added to\n * @returns Recalculated output document given the new starting state and existing other documents\n */\n updateBaseDocument(baseDocument: JsonDocumentLike): JsonDocumentLike | undefined {\n this.validateBaseDocument(baseDocument);\n this.baseDocument = this.options.copyDocuments ? deepClone(baseDocument) : baseDocument;\n this.baseDocument = this.transformBaseDocumentAfterValidation(this.baseDocument);\n return this.rebuild();\n }\n\n /**\n * Add or update one of the contribution documents for the composition process\n *\n * Note: the order in which contribution documents are added can be considered to be indeterminate\n * as it is currently ordered by however `Map.forEach` provides the contributions. The order\n * matters when merging two arrays into one. Also, when `options.ignoreDuplicateProperties` is\n * `true`, the order also matters when adding the same property to an object that is already\n * provided previously. Please let us know if you have trouble because of indeterminate\n * contribution ordering.\n *\n * @param documentName Name of the contributed document to combine\n * @param document Content of the contributed document to combine\n * @returns Recalculated output document given the new or updated contribution and existing other\n * documents\n */\n addOrUpdateContribution(\n documentName: string,\n document: JsonDocumentLike,\n ): JsonDocumentLike | undefined {\n this.validateContribution(documentName, document);\n const previousDocumentVersion = this.contributions.get(documentName);\n let documentToSet = this.options.copyDocuments && !!document ? deepClone(document) : document;\n documentToSet = this.transformContributionAfterValidation(documentName, documentToSet);\n this.contributions.set(documentName, documentToSet);\n try {\n return this.rebuild();\n } catch (error) {\n // If the output isn't valid after adding/updating the contribution, put it back how it was\n if (previousDocumentVersion) this.contributions.set(documentName, previousDocumentVersion);\n else this.contributions.delete(documentName);\n throw new Error(`Error when setting the document named ${documentName}: ${error}`);\n }\n }\n\n /**\n * Delete one of the contribution documents for the composition process\n *\n * @param documentName Name of the contributed document to delete\n * @returns Recalculated output document given the remaining other documents\n */\n deleteContribution(documentName: string): JsonDocumentLike | undefined {\n const document = this.contributions.get(documentName);\n if (!document) throw new Error(`${documentName} does not exist`);\n this.contributions.delete(documentName);\n try {\n return this.rebuild();\n } catch (error) {\n // If the output isn't valid after deleting the contribution, put it back and rethrow\n this.contributions.set(documentName, document);\n throw new Error(`Error when deleting the document named ${documentName}: ${error}`);\n }\n }\n\n /**\n * Delete all present contribution documents for the composition process and return to the base\n * document\n *\n * @returns Recalculated output document consisting only of the base document\n */\n deleteAllContributions(): JsonDocumentLike | undefined {\n if (this.contributions.size <= 0) return this.latestOutput;\n\n // Save out all contributions\n const contributions = [...this.contributions.entries()];\n\n // Delete all contributions\n contributions.forEach(([contributionName]) => this.contributions.delete(contributionName));\n\n // Rebuild with no contributions\n try {\n return this.rebuild();\n } catch (error) {\n // If the output isn't valid after deleting all contributions, put them back and rethrow\n contributions.forEach(([contributionName, document]) =>\n this.contributions.set(contributionName, document),\n );\n throw new Error(`Error when deleting all contributions: ${error}`);\n }\n }\n\n /**\n * Run the document composition process given the starting document and all contributions. Throws\n * if the output document fails to validate properly.\n *\n * @returns Recalculated output document given the starting and contributed documents\n */\n rebuild(): JsonDocumentLike | undefined {\n // The starting document is the output if there are no other contributions\n if (this.contributions.size === 0) {\n let potentialOutput = deepClone(this.baseDocument);\n potentialOutput = this.transformFinalOutputBeforeValidation(potentialOutput);\n this.validateOutput(potentialOutput);\n this.latestOutput = potentialOutput;\n this.onDidRebuildEmitter.emit(undefined);\n return this.latestOutput;\n }\n\n // Compose the output by validating each document one at a time to pinpoint errors better\n let outputIteration = this.baseDocument;\n this.contributions.forEach((contribution: JsonDocumentLike) => {\n outputIteration = mergeObjects(\n outputIteration,\n contribution,\n this.options.ignoreDuplicateProperties,\n );\n this.validateOutput(outputIteration);\n });\n outputIteration = this.transformFinalOutputBeforeValidation(outputIteration);\n this.validateOutput(outputIteration);\n this.latestOutput = outputIteration;\n this.onDidRebuildEmitter.emit(undefined);\n return this.latestOutput;\n }\n\n /**\n * Transform the starting document that is given to the combiner. This transformation occurs after\n * validating the base document and before combining any contributions.\n *\n * WARNING: If you do not create the combiner with option `copyDocuments: true` or clone inside\n * this method, this method will directly modify the `baseDocument` passed in.\n *\n * @param baseDocument Initial input document. Already validated via `validateBaseDocument`\n * @returns Transformed base document\n */\n // We just don't need `this` here. This is basically a no-op function that is available to child\n // classes to override\n // eslint-disable-next-line class-methods-use-this\n protected transformBaseDocumentAfterValidation(baseDocument: JsonDocumentLike): JsonDocumentLike {\n return baseDocument;\n }\n\n /**\n * Transform the contributed document associated with `documentName`. This transformation occurs\n * after validating the contributed document and before combining with other documents.\n *\n * WARNING: If you do not create the combiner with option `copyDocuments: true` or clone inside\n * this method, this method will directly modify the contributed `document` passed in.\n *\n * @param documentName Name of the contributed document to combine\n * @param document Content of the contributed document to combine. Already validated via\n * `validateContribution`\n * @returns Transformed contributed document\n */\n // We just don't need `this` here. This is basically a no-op function that is available to child\n // classes to override\n // eslint-disable-next-line class-methods-use-this\n protected transformContributionAfterValidation(\n // @ts-expect-error this parameter is unused but may be used in child classes\n documentName: string,\n document: JsonDocumentLike,\n ): JsonDocumentLike {\n return document;\n }\n\n /**\n * Throw an error if the provided document is not a valid starting document.\n *\n * @param baseDocument Base JSON document/JS object that all other documents are added to\n */\n // no-op intended to be overridden by child classes. Can't be static\n // @ts-expect-error ts(6133) parameter doesn't need to be used but still needs the right name\n // eslint-disable-next-line class-methods-use-this, @typescript-eslint/no-unused-vars\n protected validateBaseDocument(baseDocument: JsonDocumentLike): void {}\n\n /**\n * Throw an error if the provided document is not a valid contribution document.\n *\n * @param documentName Name of the contributed document to combine\n * @param document Content of the contributed document to combine\n */\n // no-op intended to be overridden by child classes. Can't be static\n // @ts-expect-error ts(6133) parameter doesn't need to be used but still needs the right name\n // eslint-disable-next-line class-methods-use-this, @typescript-eslint/no-unused-vars\n protected validateContribution(documentName: string, document: JsonDocumentLike): void {}\n\n /**\n * Throw an error if the provided output is not valid.\n *\n * @param output Output document that could potentially be returned to callers\n */\n // no-op intended to be overridden by child classes. Can't be static\n // @ts-expect-error ts(6133) parameter doesn't need to be used but still needs the right name\n // eslint-disable-next-line class-methods-use-this, @typescript-eslint/no-unused-vars\n protected validateOutput(output: JsonDocumentLike): void {}\n\n /**\n * Transform the document that is the composition of the base document and all contribution\n * documents. This is the last step that will be run prior to validation via `validateOutput`\n * before `this.latestOutput` is updated to the new output.\n *\n * @param finalOutput Final output document that could potentially be returned to callers. \"Final\"\n * means no further contribution documents will be merged.\n */\n // no-op intended to be overridden by child classes. Can't be static\n // eslint-disable-next-line class-methods-use-this\n protected transformFinalOutputBeforeValidation(finalOutput: JsonDocumentLike): JsonDocumentLike {\n return finalOutput;\n }\n}\n\n// #region Helper functions\n\n/**\n * Determines if the input values are objects but not arrays\n *\n * @param values Objects to check\n * @returns True if all the values are objects but not arrays\n */\nfunction areNonArrayObjects(...values: unknown[]): boolean {\n let allMatch = true;\n values.forEach((value: unknown) => {\n if (!value || typeof value !== 'object' || Array.isArray(value)) allMatch = false;\n });\n return allMatch;\n}\n\n/**\n * Determines if the input values are arrays\n *\n * @param value Objects to check\n * @returns True if the values are arrays\n */\nfunction areArrayObjects(...values: unknown[]): boolean {\n let allMatch = true;\n values.forEach((value: unknown) => {\n if (!value || typeof value !== 'object' || !Array.isArray(value)) allMatch = false;\n });\n return allMatch;\n}\n\n/**\n * Deep clone and recursively merge the properties of one object (copyFrom) into another\n * (startingPoint). Throws if copyFrom would overwrite values already existing in startingPoint.\n *\n * Does not modify the objects passed in.\n *\n * @param startingPoint Object that is the starting point for the return value\n * @param copyFrom Object whose values are copied into the return value\n * @param ignoreDuplicateProperties Whether to ignore object properties that are present in\n * `copyFrom` that are already present in `startingPoint`. If `false`, throws when an object\n * property in `copyFrom` is already present in `startingPoint`\n * @returns Object that is the combination of the two documents\n */\nfunction mergeObjects(\n startingPoint: JsonDocumentLike,\n copyFrom: JsonDocumentLike,\n ignoreDuplicateProperties: boolean,\n): JsonDocumentLike {\n const retVal = deepClone(startingPoint);\n\n if (!copyFrom) return retVal;\n\n return mergeObjectsInternal(retVal, deepClone(copyFrom), ignoreDuplicateProperties);\n}\n\n/**\n * Recursively merge the properties of one object (copyFrom) into another (startingPoint). Throws if\n * copyFrom would overwrite values already existing in startingPoint.\n *\n * WARNING: Modifies the argument objects in some way. Recommended to use `mergeObjects`\n *\n * @param startingPoint Object that is the starting point for the return value\n * @param copyFrom Object whose values are copied into the return value\n * @param ignoreDuplicateProperties Whether to ignore object properties that are present in\n * `copyFrom` that are already present in `startingPoint`. If `false`, throws when an object\n * property in `copyFrom` is already present in `startingPoint`\n * @returns Object that is the combination of the two documents\n */\nfunction mergeObjectsInternal(\n startingPoint: JsonDocumentLike,\n copyFrom: JsonDocumentLike,\n ignoreDuplicateProperties: boolean,\n): JsonDocumentLike {\n if (!copyFrom) return startingPoint;\n\n if (areNonArrayObjects(startingPoint, copyFrom)) {\n // Merge properties since they are both objects\n\n // We know these are objects from the `if` check\n /* eslint-disable no-type-assertion/no-type-assertion */\n const startingPointObj = startingPoint as JsonObjectLike;\n const copyFromObj = copyFrom as JsonObjectLike;\n /* eslint-enable no-type-assertion/no-type-assertion */\n Object.keys(copyFromObj).forEach((key: string | number) => {\n if (Object.hasOwn(startingPointObj, key)) {\n if (areNonArrayObjects(startingPointObj[key], copyFromObj[key])) {\n startingPointObj[key] = mergeObjectsInternal(\n // We know these are objects from the `if` check\n /* eslint-disable no-type-assertion/no-type-assertion */\n startingPointObj[key] as JsonObjectLike,\n copyFromObj[key] as JsonObjectLike,\n ignoreDuplicateProperties,\n /* eslint-enable no-type-assertion/no-type-assertion */\n );\n } else if (areArrayObjects(startingPointObj[key], copyFromObj[key])) {\n // Concat the arrays since they are both arrays\n\n // We know these are arrays from the `else if` check\n /* eslint-disable no-type-assertion/no-type-assertion */\n startingPointObj[key] = (startingPointObj[key] as JsonArrayLike).concat(\n copyFromObj[key] as JsonArrayLike,\n );\n /* eslint-enable no-type-assertion/no-type-assertion */\n } else if (!ignoreDuplicateProperties)\n throw new Error(`Cannot merge objects: key \"${key}\" already exists in the target object`);\n // Note that the first non-object non-array value that gets placed in a property stays.\n // New values do not override existing ones\n } else {\n startingPointObj[key] = copyFromObj[key];\n }\n });\n } else if (areArrayObjects(startingPoint, copyFrom)) {\n // Concat the arrays since they are both arrays\n\n // Push the contents of copyFrom into startingPoint since it is a const and was already deep cloned\n // We know these are objects from the `else if` check\n /* eslint-disable no-type-assertion/no-type-assertion */\n (startingPoint as JsonArrayLike).push(...(copyFrom as JsonArrayLike));\n /* eslint-enable no-type-assertion/no-type-assertion */\n }\n\n // Note that nothing happens if `startingPoint` is not an object or an array or if `startingPoint`\n // and `copyFrom` are not both object or both arrays. Should we throw? Should we push `copyFrom`'s\n // values into the array? Other? Maybe one day we can add some options to decide what to do in\n // this situation, but YAGNI for now\n\n return startingPoint;\n}\n\n// #endregion\n","import { Mutex as AsyncMutex } from 'async-mutex';\n\n// Extending Mutex from async-mutex so we can add JSDoc\n\n/**\n * Class that allows calling asynchronous functions multiple times at once while only running one at\n * a time.\n *\n * @example\n *\n * ```typescript\n * const mutex = new Mutex();\n *\n * mutex.runExclusive(async () => {\n * // Do some asynchronous stuff\n * console.log('These run one-at-a-time');\n * });\n *\n * mutex.runExclusive(async () => {\n * // Do some asynchronous stuff\n * console.log('These run one-at-a-time');\n * });\n * ```\n *\n * See [`async-mutex`](https://www.npmjs.com/package/async-mutex) for more information.\n */\nclass Mutex extends AsyncMutex {}\n\nexport default Mutex;\n","import Mutex from './mutex';\n\n/** Map of {@link Mutex}es that automatically (lazily) generates a new {@link Mutex} for any new key */\nclass MutexMap {\n private mutexesByID = new Map();\n\n get(mutexID: string): Mutex {\n let retVal = this.mutexesByID.get(mutexID);\n if (retVal) return retVal;\n\n retVal = new Mutex();\n this.mutexesByID.set(mutexID, retVal);\n return retVal;\n }\n}\n\nexport default MutexMap;\n","import DocumentCombiner, { DocumentCombinerOptions, JsonDocumentLike } from './document-combiner';\n\nexport default class NonValidatingDocumentCombiner extends DocumentCombiner {\n // Making the protected base constructor public\n // eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/no-useless-constructor\n constructor(baseDocument: JsonDocumentLike, options: DocumentCombinerOptions) {\n super(baseDocument, options);\n }\n\n get output(): JsonDocumentLike | undefined {\n return this.latestOutput;\n }\n}\n","/** Enables language-sensitive number formatting. Wraps Intl.NumberFormat */\nexport default class NumberFormat {\n private numberFormatter: Intl.NumberFormat;\n\n constructor(locales?: string | string[], options?: Intl.NumberFormatOptions) {\n this.numberFormatter = new Intl.NumberFormat(locales, options);\n }\n\n /**\n * Formats a number according to the locale and formatting options of this NumberFormat object\n *\n * @param value Number or BigInt to format\n * @returns String representing the given number formatted according to the locale and formatting\n * options of this NumberFormat object\n */\n format(value: number | bigint): string {\n return this.numberFormatter.format(value);\n }\n\n /**\n * Formats a range of numbers according to the locale and formatting options of this NumberFormat\n * object\n *\n * @param startRange Number or bigint representing the start of the range\n * @param endRange Number or bigint representing the end of the range\n * @returns String representing the given range of numbers formatted according to the locale and\n * formatting options of this NumberFormat object\n */\n formatRange(startRange: number | bigint, endRange: number | bigint): string {\n return this.numberFormatter.formatRange(startRange, endRange);\n }\n\n /**\n * Returns an array of objects containing the locale-specific tokens from which it is possible to\n * build custom strings while preserving the locale-specific parts.\n *\n * @param startRange Number or bigint representing start of the range\n * @param endRange Number or bigint representing end of the range\n * @returns Array of NumberRangeFormatPart objects containing the formatted range of numbers in\n * parts\n */\n formatRangeToParts(\n startRange: number | bigint,\n endRange: number | bigint,\n ): Intl.NumberRangeFormatPart[] {\n return this.numberFormatter.formatRangeToParts(startRange, endRange);\n }\n\n /**\n * Allows locale-aware formatting of strings produced by this NumberFormat object\n *\n * @param value Number or bigint to format\n * @returns Array of NumberFormatPart objects containing the formatted number in parts\n */\n formatToParts(value: number | bigint): Intl.NumberFormatPart[] {\n return this.numberFormatter.formatToParts(value);\n }\n\n /**\n * Returns a new object with properties reflecting the locale and number formatting options\n * computed during initialization of this NumberFormat object\n *\n * @returns ResolvedNumberFormatOptions object\n */\n resolvedOptions(): Intl.ResolvedNumberFormatOptions {\n return this.numberFormatter.resolvedOptions();\n }\n}\n","import { Dispose } from './disposal.model';\nimport { Unsubscriber, UnsubscriberAsync } from './unsubscriber';\n\n/** Simple collection for UnsubscriberAsync objects that also provides an easy way to run them. */\nexport default class UnsubscriberAsyncList {\n readonly unsubscribers = new Set();\n\n constructor(private name = 'Anonymous') {}\n\n /**\n * Add unsubscribers to the list. Note that duplicates are not added twice.\n *\n * @param unsubscribers - Objects that were returned from a registration process.\n */\n add(...unsubscribers: (UnsubscriberAsync | Unsubscriber | Dispose)[]) {\n unsubscribers.forEach((unsubscriber) => {\n if ('dispose' in unsubscriber) this.unsubscribers.add(unsubscriber.dispose);\n else this.unsubscribers.add(unsubscriber);\n });\n }\n\n /**\n * Run all unsubscribers added to this list and then clear the list.\n *\n * @returns `true` if all unsubscribers succeeded, `false` otherwise.\n */\n async runAllUnsubscribers(): Promise {\n const unsubs = [...this.unsubscribers].map((unsubscriber) => unsubscriber());\n const results = await Promise.all(unsubs);\n this.unsubscribers.clear();\n return results.every((unsubscriberSucceeded, index) => {\n if (!unsubscriberSucceeded)\n console.error(`UnsubscriberAsyncList ${this.name}: Unsubscriber at index ${index} failed!`);\n\n return unsubscriberSucceeded;\n });\n }\n}\n","var P = Object.defineProperty;\nvar R = (t, e, s) => e in t ? P(t, e, { enumerable: !0, configurable: !0, writable: !0, value: s }) : t[e] = s;\nvar n = (t, e, s) => (R(t, typeof e != \"symbol\" ? e + \"\" : e, s), s);\nclass z {\n constructor() {\n n(this, \"books\");\n n(this, \"firstSelectedBookNum\");\n n(this, \"lastSelectedBookNum\");\n n(this, \"count\");\n n(this, \"selectedBookNumbers\");\n n(this, \"selectedBookIds\");\n }\n}\nconst m = [\n \"GEN\",\n \"EXO\",\n \"LEV\",\n \"NUM\",\n \"DEU\",\n \"JOS\",\n \"JDG\",\n \"RUT\",\n \"1SA\",\n \"2SA\",\n // 10\n \"1KI\",\n \"2KI\",\n \"1CH\",\n \"2CH\",\n \"EZR\",\n \"NEH\",\n \"EST\",\n \"JOB\",\n \"PSA\",\n \"PRO\",\n // 20\n \"ECC\",\n \"SNG\",\n \"ISA\",\n \"JER\",\n \"LAM\",\n \"EZK\",\n \"DAN\",\n \"HOS\",\n \"JOL\",\n \"AMO\",\n // 30\n \"OBA\",\n \"JON\",\n \"MIC\",\n \"NAM\",\n \"HAB\",\n \"ZEP\",\n \"HAG\",\n \"ZEC\",\n \"MAL\",\n \"MAT\",\n // 40\n \"MRK\",\n \"LUK\",\n \"JHN\",\n \"ACT\",\n \"ROM\",\n \"1CO\",\n \"2CO\",\n \"GAL\",\n \"EPH\",\n \"PHP\",\n // 50\n \"COL\",\n \"1TH\",\n \"2TH\",\n \"1TI\",\n \"2TI\",\n \"TIT\",\n \"PHM\",\n \"HEB\",\n \"JAS\",\n \"1PE\",\n // 60\n \"2PE\",\n \"1JN\",\n \"2JN\",\n \"3JN\",\n \"JUD\",\n \"REV\",\n \"TOB\",\n \"JDT\",\n \"ESG\",\n \"WIS\",\n // 70\n \"SIR\",\n \"BAR\",\n \"LJE\",\n \"S3Y\",\n \"SUS\",\n \"BEL\",\n \"1MA\",\n \"2MA\",\n \"3MA\",\n \"4MA\",\n // 80\n \"1ES\",\n \"2ES\",\n \"MAN\",\n \"PS2\",\n \"ODA\",\n \"PSS\",\n \"JSA\",\n // actual variant text for JOS, now in LXA text\n \"JDB\",\n // actual variant text for JDG, now in LXA text\n \"TBS\",\n // actual variant text for TOB, now in LXA text\n \"SST\",\n // actual variant text for SUS, now in LXA text // 90\n \"DNT\",\n // actual variant text for DAN, now in LXA text\n \"BLT\",\n // actual variant text for BEL, now in LXA text\n \"XXA\",\n \"XXB\",\n \"XXC\",\n \"XXD\",\n \"XXE\",\n \"XXF\",\n \"XXG\",\n \"FRT\",\n // 100\n \"BAK\",\n \"OTH\",\n \"3ES\",\n // Used previously but really should be 2ES\n \"EZA\",\n // Used to be called 4ES, but not actually in any known project\n \"5EZ\",\n // Used to be called 5ES, but not actually in any known project\n \"6EZ\",\n // Used to be called 6ES, but not actually in any known project\n \"INT\",\n \"CNC\",\n \"GLO\",\n \"TDX\",\n // 110\n \"NDX\",\n \"DAG\",\n \"PS3\",\n \"2BA\",\n \"LBA\",\n \"JUB\",\n \"ENO\",\n \"1MQ\",\n \"2MQ\",\n \"3MQ\",\n // 120\n \"REP\",\n \"4BA\",\n \"LAO\"\n], v = [\n \"XXA\",\n \"XXB\",\n \"XXC\",\n \"XXD\",\n \"XXE\",\n \"XXF\",\n \"XXG\",\n \"FRT\",\n \"BAK\",\n \"OTH\",\n \"INT\",\n \"CNC\",\n \"GLO\",\n \"TDX\",\n \"NDX\"\n], X = [\n \"Genesis\",\n \"Exodus\",\n \"Leviticus\",\n \"Numbers\",\n \"Deuteronomy\",\n \"Joshua\",\n \"Judges\",\n \"Ruth\",\n \"1 Samuel\",\n \"2 Samuel\",\n \"1 Kings\",\n \"2 Kings\",\n \"1 Chronicles\",\n \"2 Chronicles\",\n \"Ezra\",\n \"Nehemiah\",\n \"Esther (Hebrew)\",\n \"Job\",\n \"Psalms\",\n \"Proverbs\",\n \"Ecclesiastes\",\n \"Song of Songs\",\n \"Isaiah\",\n \"Jeremiah\",\n \"Lamentations\",\n \"Ezekiel\",\n \"Daniel (Hebrew)\",\n \"Hosea\",\n \"Joel\",\n \"Amos\",\n \"Obadiah\",\n \"Jonah\",\n \"Micah\",\n \"Nahum\",\n \"Habakkuk\",\n \"Zephaniah\",\n \"Haggai\",\n \"Zechariah\",\n \"Malachi\",\n \"Matthew\",\n \"Mark\",\n \"Luke\",\n \"John\",\n \"Acts\",\n \"Romans\",\n \"1 Corinthians\",\n \"2 Corinthians\",\n \"Galatians\",\n \"Ephesians\",\n \"Philippians\",\n \"Colossians\",\n \"1 Thessalonians\",\n \"2 Thessalonians\",\n \"1 Timothy\",\n \"2 Timothy\",\n \"Titus\",\n \"Philemon\",\n \"Hebrews\",\n \"James\",\n \"1 Peter\",\n \"2 Peter\",\n \"1 John\",\n \"2 John\",\n \"3 John\",\n \"Jude\",\n \"Revelation\",\n \"Tobit\",\n \"Judith\",\n \"Esther Greek\",\n \"Wisdom of Solomon\",\n \"Sirach (Ecclesiasticus)\",\n \"Baruch\",\n \"Letter of Jeremiah\",\n \"Song of 3 Young Men\",\n \"Susanna\",\n \"Bel and the Dragon\",\n \"1 Maccabees\",\n \"2 Maccabees\",\n \"3 Maccabees\",\n \"4 Maccabees\",\n \"1 Esdras (Greek)\",\n \"2 Esdras (Latin)\",\n \"Prayer of Manasseh\",\n \"Psalm 151\",\n \"Odes\",\n \"Psalms of Solomon\",\n // WARNING, if you change the spelling of the *obsolete* tag be sure to update\n // IsObsolete routine\n \"Joshua A. *obsolete*\",\n \"Judges B. *obsolete*\",\n \"Tobit S. *obsolete*\",\n \"Susanna Th. *obsolete*\",\n \"Daniel Th. *obsolete*\",\n \"Bel Th. *obsolete*\",\n \"Extra A\",\n \"Extra B\",\n \"Extra C\",\n \"Extra D\",\n \"Extra E\",\n \"Extra F\",\n \"Extra G\",\n \"Front Matter\",\n \"Back Matter\",\n \"Other Matter\",\n \"3 Ezra *obsolete*\",\n \"Apocalypse of Ezra\",\n \"5 Ezra (Latin Prologue)\",\n \"6 Ezra (Latin Epilogue)\",\n \"Introduction\",\n \"Concordance \",\n \"Glossary \",\n \"Topical Index\",\n \"Names Index\",\n \"Daniel Greek\",\n \"Psalms 152-155\",\n \"2 Baruch (Apocalypse)\",\n \"Letter of Baruch\",\n \"Jubilees\",\n \"Enoch\",\n \"1 Meqabyan\",\n \"2 Meqabyan\",\n \"3 Meqabyan\",\n \"Reproof (Proverbs 25-31)\",\n \"4 Baruch (Rest of Baruch)\",\n \"Laodiceans\"\n], C = K();\nfunction N(t, e = !0) {\n return e && (t = t.toUpperCase()), t in C ? C[t] : 0;\n}\nfunction B(t) {\n return N(t) > 0;\n}\nfunction x(t) {\n const e = typeof t == \"string\" ? N(t) : t;\n return e >= 40 && e <= 66;\n}\nfunction T(t) {\n return (typeof t == \"string\" ? N(t) : t) <= 39;\n}\nfunction O(t) {\n return t <= 66;\n}\nfunction V(t) {\n const e = typeof t == \"string\" ? N(t) : t;\n return I(e) && !O(e);\n}\nfunction* L() {\n for (let t = 1; t <= m.length; t++)\n yield t;\n}\nconst G = 1, S = m.length;\nfunction H() {\n return [\"XXA\", \"XXB\", \"XXC\", \"XXD\", \"XXE\", \"XXF\", \"XXG\"];\n}\nfunction k(t, e = \"***\") {\n const s = t - 1;\n return s < 0 || s >= m.length ? e : m[s];\n}\nfunction A(t) {\n return t <= 0 || t > S ? \"******\" : X[t - 1];\n}\nfunction y(t) {\n return A(N(t));\n}\nfunction I(t) {\n const e = typeof t == \"number\" ? k(t) : t;\n return B(e) && !v.includes(e);\n}\nfunction q(t) {\n const e = typeof t == \"number\" ? k(t) : t;\n return B(e) && v.includes(e);\n}\nfunction U(t) {\n return X[t - 1].includes(\"*obsolete*\");\n}\nfunction K() {\n const t = {};\n for (let e = 0; e < m.length; e++)\n t[m[e]] = e + 1;\n return t;\n}\nconst f = {\n allBookIds: m,\n nonCanonicalIds: v,\n bookIdToNumber: N,\n isBookIdValid: B,\n isBookNT: x,\n isBookOT: T,\n isBookOTNT: O,\n isBookDC: V,\n allBookNumbers: L,\n firstBook: G,\n lastBook: S,\n extraBooks: H,\n bookNumberToId: k,\n bookNumberToEnglishName: A,\n bookIdToEnglishName: y,\n isCanonical: I,\n isExtraMaterial: q,\n isObsolete: U\n};\nvar l = /* @__PURE__ */ ((t) => (t[t.Unknown = 0] = \"Unknown\", t[t.Original = 1] = \"Original\", t[t.Septuagint = 2] = \"Septuagint\", t[t.Vulgate = 3] = \"Vulgate\", t[t.English = 4] = \"English\", t[t.RussianProtestant = 5] = \"RussianProtestant\", t[t.RussianOrthodox = 6] = \"RussianOrthodox\", t))(l || {});\nconst u = class u {\n // private versInfo: Versification;\n constructor(e) {\n n(this, \"name\");\n n(this, \"fullPath\");\n n(this, \"isPresent\");\n n(this, \"hasVerseSegments\");\n n(this, \"isCustomized\");\n n(this, \"baseVersification\");\n n(this, \"scriptureBooks\");\n n(this, \"_type\");\n if (e != null)\n typeof e == \"string\" ? this.name = e : this._type = e;\n else\n throw new Error(\"Argument null\");\n }\n get type() {\n return this._type;\n }\n equals(e) {\n return !e.type || !this.type ? !1 : e.type === this.type;\n }\n};\nn(u, \"Original\", new u(l.Original)), n(u, \"Septuagint\", new u(l.Septuagint)), n(u, \"Vulgate\", new u(l.Vulgate)), n(u, \"English\", new u(l.English)), n(u, \"RussianProtestant\", new u(l.RussianProtestant)), n(u, \"RussianOrthodox\", new u(l.RussianOrthodox));\nlet c = u;\nfunction E(t, e) {\n const s = e[0];\n for (let r = 1; r < e.length; r++)\n t = t.split(e[r]).join(s);\n return t.split(s);\n}\nvar D = /* @__PURE__ */ ((t) => (t[t.Valid = 0] = \"Valid\", t[t.UnknownVersification = 1] = \"UnknownVersification\", t[t.OutOfRange = 2] = \"OutOfRange\", t[t.VerseOutOfOrder = 3] = \"VerseOutOfOrder\", t[t.VerseRepeated = 4] = \"VerseRepeated\", t))(D || {});\nconst i = class i {\n constructor(e, s, r, o) {\n /** Not yet implemented. */\n n(this, \"firstChapter\");\n /** Not yet implemented. */\n n(this, \"lastChapter\");\n /** Not yet implemented. */\n n(this, \"lastVerse\");\n /** Not yet implemented. */\n n(this, \"hasSegmentsDefined\");\n /** Not yet implemented. */\n n(this, \"text\");\n /** Not yet implemented. */\n n(this, \"BBBCCCVVVS\");\n /** Not yet implemented. */\n n(this, \"longHashCode\");\n /** The versification of the reference. */\n n(this, \"versification\");\n n(this, \"rtlMark\", \"‏\");\n n(this, \"_bookNum\", 0);\n n(this, \"_chapterNum\", 0);\n n(this, \"_verseNum\", 0);\n n(this, \"_verse\");\n if (r == null && o == null)\n if (e != null && typeof e == \"string\") {\n const a = e, h = s != null && s instanceof c ? s : void 0;\n this.setEmpty(h), this.parse(a);\n } else if (e != null && typeof e == \"number\") {\n const a = s != null && s instanceof c ? s : void 0;\n this.setEmpty(a), this._verseNum = e % i.chapterDigitShifter, this._chapterNum = Math.floor(\n e % i.bookDigitShifter / i.chapterDigitShifter\n ), this._bookNum = Math.floor(e / i.bookDigitShifter);\n } else if (s == null)\n if (e != null && e instanceof i) {\n const a = e;\n this._bookNum = a.bookNum, this._chapterNum = a.chapterNum, this._verseNum = a.verseNum, this._verse = a.verse, this.versification = a.versification;\n } else {\n if (e == null)\n return;\n const a = e instanceof c ? e : i.defaultVersification;\n this.setEmpty(a);\n }\n else\n throw new Error(\"VerseRef constructor not supported.\");\n else if (e != null && s != null && r != null)\n if (typeof e == \"string\" && typeof s == \"string\" && typeof r == \"string\")\n this.setEmpty(o), this.updateInternal(e, s, r);\n else if (typeof e == \"number\" && typeof s == \"number\" && typeof r == \"number\")\n this._bookNum = e, this._chapterNum = s, this._verseNum = r, this.versification = o ?? i.defaultVersification;\n else\n throw new Error(\"VerseRef constructor not supported.\");\n else\n throw new Error(\"VerseRef constructor not supported.\");\n }\n /**\n * @deprecated Will be removed in v2. Replace `VerseRef.parse('...')` with `new VerseRef('...')`\n * or refactor to use `VerseRef.tryParse('...')` which has a different return type.\n */\n static parse(e, s = i.defaultVersification) {\n const r = new i(s);\n return r.parse(e), r;\n }\n /**\n * Determines if the verse string is in a valid format (does not consider versification).\n */\n static isVerseParseable(e) {\n return e.length > 0 && \"0123456789\".includes(e[0]) && !e.endsWith(this.verseRangeSeparator) && !e.endsWith(this.verseSequenceIndicator);\n }\n /**\n * Tries to parse the specified string into a verse reference.\n * @param str - The string to attempt to parse.\n * @returns success: `true` if the specified string was successfully parsed, `false` otherwise.\n * @returns verseRef: The result of the parse if successful, or empty VerseRef if it failed\n */\n static tryParse(e) {\n let s;\n try {\n return s = i.parse(e), { success: !0, verseRef: s };\n } catch (r) {\n if (r instanceof d)\n return s = new i(), { success: !1, verseRef: s };\n throw r;\n }\n }\n /**\n * Gets the reference as a comparable integer where the book, chapter, and verse each occupy 3\n * digits.\n * @param bookNum - Book number (this is 1-based, not an index).\n * @param chapterNum - Chapter number.\n * @param verseNum - Verse number.\n * @returns The reference as a comparable integer where the book, chapter, and verse each occupy 3\n * digits.\n */\n static getBBBCCCVVV(e, s, r) {\n return e % i.bcvMaxValue * i.bookDigitShifter + (s >= 0 ? s % i.bcvMaxValue * i.chapterDigitShifter : 0) + (r >= 0 ? r % i.bcvMaxValue : 0);\n }\n /**\n * Parses a verse string and gets the leading numeric portion as a number.\n * @param verseStr - verse string to parse\n * @returns true if the entire string could be parsed as a single, simple verse number (1-999);\n * false if the verse string represented a verse bridge, contained segment letters, or was invalid\n */\n static tryGetVerseNum(e) {\n let s;\n if (!e)\n return s = -1, { success: !0, vNum: s };\n s = 0;\n let r;\n for (let o = 0; o < e.length; o++) {\n if (r = e[o], r < \"0\" || r > \"9\")\n return o === 0 && (s = -1), { success: !1, vNum: s };\n if (s = s * 10 + +r - +\"0\", s > i.bcvMaxValue)\n return s = -1, { success: !1, vNum: s };\n }\n return { success: !0, vNum: s };\n }\n /**\n * Checks to see if a VerseRef hasn't been set - all values are the default.\n */\n get isDefault() {\n return this.bookNum === 0 && this.chapterNum === 0 && this.verseNum === 0 && this.versification == null;\n }\n /**\n * Gets whether the verse contains multiple verses.\n */\n get hasMultiple() {\n return this._verse != null && (this._verse.includes(i.verseRangeSeparator) || this._verse.includes(i.verseSequenceIndicator));\n }\n /**\n * Gets or sets the book of the reference. Book is the 3-letter abbreviation in capital letters,\n * e.g. `'MAT'`.\n */\n get book() {\n return f.bookNumberToId(this.bookNum, \"\");\n }\n set book(e) {\n this.bookNum = f.bookIdToNumber(e);\n }\n /**\n * Gets or sets the chapter of the reference,. e.g. `'3'`.\n */\n get chapter() {\n return this.isDefault || this._chapterNum < 0 ? \"\" : this._chapterNum.toString();\n }\n set chapter(e) {\n const s = +e;\n this._chapterNum = Number.isInteger(s) ? s : -1;\n }\n /**\n * Gets or sets the verse of the reference, including range, segments, and sequences, e.g. `'4'`,\n * or `'4b-5a, 7'`.\n */\n get verse() {\n return this._verse != null ? this._verse : this.isDefault || this._verseNum < 0 ? \"\" : this._verseNum.toString();\n }\n set verse(e) {\n const { success: s, vNum: r } = i.tryGetVerseNum(e);\n this._verse = s ? void 0 : e.replace(this.rtlMark, \"\"), this._verseNum = r, !(this._verseNum >= 0) && ({ vNum: this._verseNum } = i.tryGetVerseNum(this._verse));\n }\n /**\n * Get or set Book based on book number, e.g. `42`.\n */\n get bookNum() {\n return this._bookNum;\n }\n set bookNum(e) {\n if (e <= 0 || e > f.lastBook)\n throw new d(\n \"BookNum must be greater than zero and less than or equal to last book\"\n );\n this._bookNum = e;\n }\n /**\n * Gets or sets the chapter number, e.g. `3`. `-1` if not valid.\n */\n get chapterNum() {\n return this._chapterNum;\n }\n set chapterNum(e) {\n this.chapterNum = e;\n }\n /**\n * Gets or sets verse start number, e.g. `4`. `-1` if not valid.\n */\n get verseNum() {\n return this._verseNum;\n }\n set verseNum(e) {\n this._verseNum = e;\n }\n /**\n * String representing the versification (should ONLY be used for serialization/deserialization).\n *\n * @remarks This is for backwards compatibility when ScrVers was an enumeration.\n */\n get versificationStr() {\n var e;\n return (e = this.versification) == null ? void 0 : e.name;\n }\n set versificationStr(e) {\n this.versification = this.versification != null ? new c(e) : void 0;\n }\n /**\n * Determines if the reference is valid.\n */\n get valid() {\n return this.validStatus === 0;\n }\n /**\n * Get the valid status for this reference.\n */\n get validStatus() {\n return this.validateVerse(i.verseRangeSeparators, i.verseSequenceIndicators);\n }\n /**\n * Gets the reference as a comparable integer where the book,\n * chapter, and verse each occupy three digits and the verse is 0.\n */\n get BBBCCC() {\n return i.getBBBCCCVVV(this._bookNum, this._chapterNum, 0);\n }\n /**\n * Gets the reference as a comparable integer where the book,\n * chapter, and verse each occupy three digits. If verse is not null\n * (i.e., this reference represents a complex reference with verse\n * segments or bridge) this cannot be used for an exact comparison.\n */\n get BBBCCCVVV() {\n return i.getBBBCCCVVV(this._bookNum, this._chapterNum, this._verseNum);\n }\n /**\n * Gets whether the verse is defined as an excluded verse in the versification.\n * Does not handle verse ranges.\n */\n // eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/class-literal-property-style\n get isExcluded() {\n return !1;\n }\n /**\n * Parses the reference in the specified string.\n * Optionally versification can follow reference as in GEN 3:11/4\n * Throw an exception if\n * - invalid book name\n * - chapter number is missing or not a number\n * - verse number is missing or does not start with a number\n * - versification is invalid\n * @param verseStr - string to parse e.g. 'MAT 3:11'\n */\n parse(e) {\n if (e = e.replace(this.rtlMark, \"\"), e.includes(\"/\")) {\n const a = e.split(\"/\");\n if (e = a[0], a.length > 1)\n try {\n const h = +a[1].trim();\n this.versification = new c(l[h]);\n } catch {\n throw new d(\"Invalid reference : \" + e);\n }\n }\n const s = e.trim().split(\" \");\n if (s.length !== 2)\n throw new d(\"Invalid reference : \" + e);\n const r = s[1].split(\":\"), o = +r[0];\n if (r.length !== 2 || f.bookIdToNumber(s[0]) === 0 || !Number.isInteger(o) || o < 0 || !i.isVerseParseable(r[1]))\n throw new d(\"Invalid reference : \" + e);\n this.updateInternal(s[0], r[0], r[1]);\n }\n /**\n * Simplifies this verse ref so that it has no bridging of verses or\n * verse segments like `'1a'`.\n */\n simplify() {\n this._verse = void 0;\n }\n /**\n * Makes a clone of the reference.\n *\n * @returns The cloned VerseRef.\n */\n clone() {\n return new i(this);\n }\n toString() {\n const e = this.book;\n return e === \"\" ? \"\" : `${e} ${this.chapter}:${this.verse}`;\n }\n /**\n * Compares this `VerseRef` with supplied one.\n * @param verseRef - object to compare this one to.\n * @returns `true` if this `VerseRef` is equal to the supplied on, `false` otherwise.\n */\n equals(e) {\n return e instanceof i ? e._bookNum === this._bookNum && e._chapterNum === this._chapterNum && e._verseNum === this._verseNum && e.verse === this.verse && e.versification != null && this.versification != null && e.versification.equals(this.versification) : !1;\n }\n /**\n * Enumerate all individual verses contained in a VerseRef.\n * Verse ranges are indicated by \"-\" and consecutive verses by \",\"s.\n * Examples:\n * GEN 1:2 returns GEN 1:2\n * GEN 1:1a-3b,5 returns GEN 1:1a, GEN 1:2, GEN 1:3b, GEN 1:5\n * GEN 1:2a-2c returns //! ??????\n *\n * @param specifiedVersesOnly - if set to true return only verses that are\n * explicitly specified only, not verses within a range. Defaults to `false`.\n * @param verseRangeSeparators - Verse range separators.\n * Defaults to `VerseRef.verseRangeSeparators`.\n * @param verseSequenceSeparators - Verse sequence separators.\n * Defaults to `VerseRef.verseSequenceIndicators`.\n * @returns An array of all single verse references in this VerseRef.\n */\n allVerses(e = !1, s = i.verseRangeSeparators, r = i.verseSequenceIndicators) {\n if (this._verse == null || this.chapterNum <= 0)\n return [this.clone()];\n const o = [], a = E(this._verse, r);\n for (const h of a.map((g) => E(g, s))) {\n const g = this.clone();\n g.verse = h[0];\n const w = g.verseNum;\n if (o.push(g), h.length > 1) {\n const p = this.clone();\n if (p.verse = h[1], !e)\n for (let b = w + 1; b < p.verseNum; b++) {\n const J = new i(\n this._bookNum,\n this._chapterNum,\n b,\n this.versification\n );\n this.isExcluded || o.push(J);\n }\n o.push(p);\n }\n }\n return o;\n }\n /**\n * Validates a verse number using the supplied separators rather than the defaults.\n */\n validateVerse(e, s) {\n if (!this.verse)\n return this.internalValid;\n let r = 0;\n for (const o of this.allVerses(!0, e, s)) {\n const a = o.internalValid;\n if (a !== 0)\n return a;\n const h = o.BBBCCCVVV;\n if (r > h)\n return 3;\n if (r === h)\n return 4;\n r = h;\n }\n return 0;\n }\n /**\n * Gets whether a single verse reference is valid.\n */\n get internalValid() {\n return this.versification == null ? 1 : this._bookNum <= 0 || this._bookNum > f.lastBook ? 2 : (f.isCanonical(this._bookNum), 0);\n }\n setEmpty(e = i.defaultVersification) {\n this._bookNum = 0, this._chapterNum = -1, this._verse = void 0, this.versification = e;\n }\n updateInternal(e, s, r) {\n this.bookNum = f.bookIdToNumber(e), this.chapter = s, this.verse = r;\n }\n};\nn(i, \"defaultVersification\", c.English), n(i, \"verseRangeSeparator\", \"-\"), n(i, \"verseSequenceIndicator\", \",\"), n(i, \"verseRangeSeparators\", [i.verseRangeSeparator]), n(i, \"verseSequenceIndicators\", [i.verseSequenceIndicator]), n(i, \"chapterDigitShifter\", 1e3), n(i, \"bookDigitShifter\", i.chapterDigitShifter * i.chapterDigitShifter), n(i, \"bcvMaxValue\", i.chapterDigitShifter - 1), /**\n * The valid status of the VerseRef.\n */\nn(i, \"ValidStatusType\", D);\nlet M = i;\nclass d extends Error {\n}\nexport {\n z as BookSet,\n f as Canon,\n c as ScrVers,\n l as ScrVersType,\n M as VerseRef,\n d as VerseRefException\n};\n//# sourceMappingURL=index.es.js.map\n","\"use strict\"\r\n\r\n// Based on: https://github.com/lodash/lodash/blob/6018350ac10d5ce6a5b7db625140b82aeab804df/.internal/unicodeSize.js\r\n\r\nmodule.exports = () => {\r\n\t// Used to compose unicode character classes.\r\n\tconst astralRange = \"\\\\ud800-\\\\udfff\"\r\n\tconst comboMarksRange = \"\\\\u0300-\\\\u036f\"\r\n\tconst comboHalfMarksRange = \"\\\\ufe20-\\\\ufe2f\"\r\n\tconst comboSymbolsRange = \"\\\\u20d0-\\\\u20ff\"\r\n\tconst comboMarksExtendedRange = \"\\\\u1ab0-\\\\u1aff\"\r\n\tconst comboMarksSupplementRange = \"\\\\u1dc0-\\\\u1dff\"\r\n\tconst comboRange = comboMarksRange + comboHalfMarksRange + comboSymbolsRange + comboMarksExtendedRange + comboMarksSupplementRange\r\n\tconst varRange = \"\\\\ufe0e\\\\ufe0f\"\r\n\tconst familyRange = \"\\\\uD83D\\\\uDC69\\\\uD83C\\\\uDFFB\\\\u200D\\\\uD83C\\\\uDF93\"\r\n\r\n\t// Used to compose unicode capture groups.\r\n\tconst astral = `[${astralRange}]`\r\n\tconst combo = `[${comboRange}]`\r\n\tconst fitz = \"\\\\ud83c[\\\\udffb-\\\\udfff]\"\r\n\tconst modifier = `(?:${combo}|${fitz})`\r\n\tconst nonAstral = `[^${astralRange}]`\r\n\tconst regional = \"(?:\\\\uD83C[\\\\uDDE6-\\\\uDDFF]){2}\"\r\n\tconst surrogatePair = \"[\\\\ud800-\\\\udbff][\\\\udc00-\\\\udfff]\"\r\n\tconst zwj = \"\\\\u200d\"\r\n\tconst blackFlag = \"(?:\\\\ud83c\\\\udff4\\\\udb40\\\\udc67\\\\udb40\\\\udc62\\\\udb40(?:\\\\udc65|\\\\udc73|\\\\udc77)\\\\udb40(?:\\\\udc6e|\\\\udc63|\\\\udc6c)\\\\udb40(?:\\\\udc67|\\\\udc74|\\\\udc73)\\\\udb40\\\\udc7f)\"\r\n\tconst family = `[${familyRange}]`\r\n\r\n\t// Used to compose unicode regexes.\r\n\tconst optModifier = `${modifier}?`\r\n\tconst optVar = `[${varRange}]?`\r\n\tconst optJoin = `(?:${zwj}(?:${[nonAstral, regional, surrogatePair].join(\"|\")})${optVar + optModifier})*`\r\n\tconst seq = optVar + optModifier + optJoin\r\n\tconst nonAstralCombo = `${nonAstral}${combo}?`\r\n\tconst symbol = `(?:${[nonAstralCombo, combo, regional, surrogatePair, astral, family].join(\"|\")})`\r\n\r\n\t// Used to match [String symbols](https://mathiasbynens.be/notes/javascript-unicode).\r\n\treturn new RegExp(`${blackFlag}|${fitz}(?=${fitz})|${symbol + seq}`, \"g\")\r\n}\r\n","\"use strict\";\nvar __importDefault = (this && this.__importDefault) || function (mod) {\n return (mod && mod.__esModule) ? mod : { \"default\": mod };\n};\nObject.defineProperty(exports, \"__esModule\", { value: true });\n// @ts-ignore\nvar char_regex_1 = __importDefault(require(\"char-regex\"));\n/**\n * Converts a string to an array of string chars\n * @param {string} str The string to turn into array\n * @returns {string[]}\n */\nfunction toArray(str) {\n if (typeof str !== 'string') {\n throw new Error('A string is expected as input');\n }\n return str.match(char_regex_1.default()) || [];\n}\nexports.toArray = toArray;\n/**\n * Returns the length of a string\n *\n * @export\n * @param {string} str\n * @returns {number}\n */\nfunction length(str) {\n // Check for input\n if (typeof str !== 'string') {\n throw new Error('Input must be a string');\n }\n var match = str.match(char_regex_1.default());\n return match === null ? 0 : match.length;\n}\nexports.length = length;\n/**\n * Returns a substring by providing start and end position\n *\n * @export\n * @param {string} str\n * @param {number} [begin=0] Starting position\n * @param {number} end End position\n * @returns {string}\n */\nfunction substring(str, begin, end) {\n if (begin === void 0) { begin = 0; }\n // Check for input\n if (typeof str !== 'string') {\n throw new Error('Input must be a string');\n }\n // Even though negative numbers work here, theyre not in the spec\n if (typeof begin !== 'number' || begin < 0) {\n begin = 0;\n }\n if (typeof end === 'number' && end < 0) {\n end = 0;\n }\n var match = str.match(char_regex_1.default());\n if (!match)\n return '';\n return match.slice(begin, end).join('');\n}\nexports.substring = substring;\n/**\n * Returns a substring by providing start position and length\n *\n * @export\n * @param {string} str\n * @param {number} [begin=0] Starting position\n * @param {number} len Desired length\n * @returns {string}\n */\nfunction substr(str, begin, len) {\n if (begin === void 0) { begin = 0; }\n // Check for input\n if (typeof str !== 'string') {\n throw new Error('Input must be a string');\n }\n var strLength = length(str);\n // Fix type\n if (typeof begin !== 'number') {\n begin = parseInt(begin, 10);\n }\n // Return zero-length string if got oversize number.\n if (begin >= strLength) {\n return '';\n }\n // Calculating postive version of negative value.\n if (begin < 0) {\n begin += strLength;\n }\n var end;\n if (typeof len === 'undefined') {\n end = strLength;\n }\n else {\n // Fix type\n if (typeof len !== 'number') {\n len = parseInt(len, 10);\n }\n end = len >= 0 ? len + begin : begin;\n }\n var match = str.match(char_regex_1.default());\n if (!match)\n return '';\n return match.slice(begin, end).join('');\n}\nexports.substr = substr;\n/**\n * Enforces a string to be a certain length by\n * adding or removing characters\n *\n * @export\n * @param {string} str\n * @param {number} [limit=16] Limit\n * @param {string} [padString='#'] The Pad String\n * @param {string} [padPosition='right'] The Pad Position\n * @returns {string}\n */\nfunction limit(str, limit, padString, padPosition) {\n if (limit === void 0) { limit = 16; }\n if (padString === void 0) { padString = '#'; }\n if (padPosition === void 0) { padPosition = 'right'; }\n // Input should be a string, limit should be a number\n if (typeof str !== 'string' || typeof limit !== 'number') {\n throw new Error('Invalid arguments specified');\n }\n // Pad position should be either left or right\n if (['left', 'right'].indexOf(padPosition) === -1) {\n throw new Error('Pad position should be either left or right');\n }\n // Pad string can be anything, we convert it to string\n if (typeof padString !== 'string') {\n padString = String(padString);\n }\n // Calculate string length considering astral code points\n var strLength = length(str);\n if (strLength > limit) {\n return substring(str, 0, limit);\n }\n else if (strLength < limit) {\n var padRepeats = padString.repeat(limit - strLength);\n return padPosition === 'left' ? padRepeats + str : str + padRepeats;\n }\n return str;\n}\nexports.limit = limit;\n/**\n * Returns the index of the first occurrence of a given string\n *\n * @export\n * @param {string} str\n * @param {string} [searchStr] the string to search\n * @param {number} [pos] starting position\n * @returns {number}\n */\nfunction indexOf(str, searchStr, pos) {\n if (pos === void 0) { pos = 0; }\n if (typeof str !== 'string') {\n throw new Error('Input must be a string');\n }\n if (str === '') {\n if (searchStr === '') {\n return 0;\n }\n return -1;\n }\n // fix type\n pos = Number(pos);\n pos = isNaN(pos) ? 0 : pos;\n searchStr = String(searchStr);\n var strArr = toArray(str);\n if (pos >= strArr.length) {\n if (searchStr === '') {\n return strArr.length;\n }\n return -1;\n }\n if (searchStr === '') {\n return pos;\n }\n var searchArr = toArray(searchStr);\n var finded = false;\n var index;\n for (index = pos; index < strArr.length; index += 1) {\n var searchIndex = 0;\n while (searchIndex < searchArr.length &&\n searchArr[searchIndex] === strArr[index + searchIndex]) {\n searchIndex += 1;\n }\n if (searchIndex === searchArr.length &&\n searchArr[searchIndex - 1] === strArr[index + searchIndex - 1]) {\n finded = true;\n break;\n }\n }\n return finded ? index : -1;\n}\nexports.indexOf = indexOf;\n","import { LocalizeKey } from 'menus.model';\nimport {\n indexOf as stringzIndexOf,\n substring as stringzSubstring,\n length as stringzLength,\n toArray as stringzToArray,\n limit as stringzLimit,\n substr as stringzSubstr,\n} from 'stringz';\n\n/**\n * This function mirrors the `at` function from the JavaScript Standard String object. It handles\n * Unicode code points instead of UTF-16 character codes.\n *\n * Finds the Unicode code point at the given index.\n *\n * @param string String to index\n * @param index Position of the character to be returned in range of -length(string) to\n * length(string)\n * @returns New string consisting of the Unicode code point located at the specified offset,\n * undefined if index is out of bounds\n */\nexport function at(string: string, index: number): string | undefined {\n if (index > stringLength(string) || index < -stringLength(string)) return undefined;\n return substr(string, index, 1);\n}\n\n/**\n * This function mirrors the `charAt` function from the JavaScript Standard String object. It\n * handles Unicode code points instead of UTF-16 character codes.\n *\n * Returns a new string consisting of the single unicode code point at the given index.\n *\n * @param string String to index\n * @param index Position of the string character to be returned, in the range of 0 to\n * length(string)-1\n * @returns New string consisting of the Unicode code point located at the specified offset, empty\n * string if index is out of bounds\n */\nexport function charAt(string: string, index: number): string {\n if (index < 0 || index > stringLength(string) - 1) return '';\n return substr(string, index, 1);\n}\n\n/**\n * This function mirrors the `codePointAt` function from the JavaScript Standard String object. It\n * handles Unicode code points instead of UTF-16 character codes.\n *\n * Returns a non-negative integer that is the Unicode code point value of the character starting at\n * the given index.\n *\n * @param string String to index\n * @param index Position of the string character to be returned, in the range of 0 to\n * length(string)-1\n * @returns Non-negative integer representing the code point value of the character at the given\n * index, or undefined if there is no element at that position\n */\nexport function codePointAt(string: string, index: number): number | undefined {\n if (index < 0 || index > stringLength(string) - 1) return undefined;\n return substr(string, index, 1).codePointAt(0);\n}\n\n/**\n * This function mirrors the `endsWith` function from the JavaScript Standard String object. It\n * handles Unicode code points instead of UTF-16 character codes.\n *\n * Determines whether a string ends with the characters of this string.\n *\n * @param string String to search through\n * @param searchString Characters to search for at the end of the string\n * @param endPosition End position where searchString is expected to be found. Default is\n * `length(string)`\n * @returns True if it ends with searchString, false if it does not\n */\nexport function endsWith(\n string: string,\n searchString: string,\n endPosition: number = stringLength(string),\n): boolean {\n const lastIndexOfSearchString = lastIndexOf(string, searchString);\n if (lastIndexOfSearchString === -1) return false;\n if (lastIndexOfSearchString + stringLength(searchString) !== endPosition) return false;\n return true;\n}\n\n/**\n * Get the index of the closest closing curly brace in a string.\n *\n * Note: when escaped, gets the index of the curly brace, not the backslash before it.\n *\n * @param str String to search\n * @param index Index at which to start searching. Inclusive of this index\n * @param escaped Whether to search for an escaped or an unescaped closing curly brace\n * @returns Index of closest closing curly brace or -1 if not found\n */\nfunction indexOfClosestClosingCurlyBrace(str: string, index: number, escaped: boolean) {\n if (index < 0) return -1;\n if (escaped) {\n if (charAt(str, index) === '}' && charAt(str, index - 1) === '\\\\') return index;\n const closeCurlyBraceIndex = indexOf(str, '\\\\}', index);\n return closeCurlyBraceIndex >= 0 ? closeCurlyBraceIndex + 1 : closeCurlyBraceIndex;\n }\n\n let i = index;\n const strLength = stringLength(str);\n while (i < strLength) {\n i = indexOf(str, '}', i);\n\n if (i === -1 || charAt(str, i - 1) !== '\\\\') break;\n\n // Didn't find an un-escaped close brace, so keep looking\n i += 1;\n }\n\n return i >= strLength ? -1 : i;\n}\n\n/**\n * Formats a string, replacing {localization key} with the localization (or multiple localizations\n * if there are multiple in the string). Will also remove \\ before curly braces if curly braces are\n * escaped with a backslash in order to preserve the curly braces. E.g. 'Hi, this is {name}! I like\n * `\\{curly braces\\}`! would become Hi, this is Jim! I like {curly braces}!\n *\n * If the key in unescaped braces is not found, just return the key without the braces. Empty\n * unescaped curly braces will just return a string without the braces e.g. ('I am {Nemo}', {\n * 'name': 'Jim'}) would return 'I am Nemo'.\n *\n * @param str String to format\n * @returns Formatted string\n */\nexport function formatReplacementString(str: string, replacers: { [key: string]: string }): string {\n let updatedStr = str;\n\n let i = 0;\n while (i < stringLength(updatedStr)) {\n switch (charAt(updatedStr, i)) {\n case '{':\n if (charAt(updatedStr, i - 1) !== '\\\\') {\n // This character is an un-escaped open curly brace. Try to match and replace\n const closeCurlyBraceIndex = indexOfClosestClosingCurlyBrace(updatedStr, i, false);\n if (closeCurlyBraceIndex >= 0) {\n // We have matching open and close indices. Try to replace the contents\n const replacerKey = substring(updatedStr, i + 1, closeCurlyBraceIndex);\n // Replace with the replacer string or just remove the curly braces\n const replacerString = replacerKey in replacers ? replacers[replacerKey] : replacerKey;\n\n updatedStr = `${substring(updatedStr, 0, i)}${replacerString}${substring(updatedStr, closeCurlyBraceIndex + 1)}`;\n // Put our index at the closing brace adjusted for the new string length minus two\n // because we are removing the curly braces\n // Ex: \"stuff {and} things\"\n // Replacer for and: n'\n // closeCurlyBraceIndex is 10\n // \"stuff n' things\"\n // i = 10 + 2 - 3 - 2 = 7\n i = closeCurlyBraceIndex + stringLength(replacerString) - stringLength(replacerKey) - 2;\n } else {\n // This is an unexpected un-escaped open curly brace with no matching closing curly\n // brace. Just ignore, I guess\n }\n } else {\n // This character is an escaped open curly brace. Remove the escape\n updatedStr = `${substring(updatedStr, 0, i - 1)}${substring(updatedStr, i)}`;\n // Adjust our index because we removed the escape\n i -= 1;\n }\n break;\n case '}':\n if (charAt(updatedStr, i - 1) !== '\\\\') {\n // This character is an un-escaped closing curly brace with no matching open curly\n // brace. Just ignore, I guess\n } else {\n // This character is an escaped closing curly brace. Remove the escape\n updatedStr = `${substring(updatedStr, 0, i - 1)}${substring(updatedStr, i)}`;\n // Adjust our index because we removed the escape\n i -= 1;\n }\n break;\n default:\n // No need to do anything with other characters at this point\n break;\n }\n\n i += 1;\n }\n\n return updatedStr;\n}\n/**\n * This function mirrors the `includes` function from the JavaScript Standard String object. It\n * handles Unicode code points instead of UTF-16 character codes.\n *\n * Performs a case-sensitive search to determine if searchString is found in string.\n *\n * @param string String to search through\n * @param searchString String to search for\n * @param position Position within the string to start searching for searchString. Default is `0`\n * @returns True if search string is found, false if it is not\n */\nexport function includes(string: string, searchString: string, position: number = 0): boolean {\n const partialString = substring(string, position);\n const indexOfSearchString = indexOf(partialString, searchString);\n if (indexOfSearchString === -1) return false;\n return true;\n}\n\n/**\n * This function mirrors the `indexOf` function from the JavaScript Standard String object. It\n * handles Unicode code points instead of UTF-16 character codes.\n *\n * Returns the index of the first occurrence of a given string.\n *\n * @param string String to search through\n * @param searchString The string to search for\n * @param position Start of searching. Default is `0`\n * @returns Index of the first occurrence of a given string\n */\nexport function indexOf(\n string: string,\n searchString: string,\n position: number | undefined = 0,\n): number {\n return stringzIndexOf(string, searchString, position);\n}\n\n/**\n * This function mirrors the `lastIndexOf` function from the JavaScript Standard String object. It\n * handles Unicode code points instead of UTF-16 character codes.\n *\n * Searches this string and returns the index of the last occurrence of the specified substring.\n *\n * @param string String to search through\n * @param searchString Substring to search for\n * @param position The index at which to begin searching. If omitted, the search begins at the end\n * of the string. Default is `undefined`\n * @returns Index of the last occurrence of searchString found, or -1 if not found.\n */\nexport function lastIndexOf(string: string, searchString: string, position?: number): number {\n let validatedPosition = position === undefined ? stringLength(string) : position;\n\n if (validatedPosition < 0) {\n validatedPosition = 0;\n } else if (validatedPosition >= stringLength(string)) {\n validatedPosition = stringLength(string) - 1;\n }\n\n for (let index = validatedPosition; index >= 0; index--) {\n if (substr(string, index, stringLength(searchString)) === searchString) {\n return index;\n }\n }\n\n return -1;\n}\n\n/**\n * This function mirrors the `length` function from the JavaScript Standard String object. It\n * handles Unicode code points instead of UTF-16 character codes. Since `length` appears to be a\n * reserved keyword, the function was renamed to `stringLength`\n *\n * Returns the length of a string.\n *\n * @param string String to return the length for\n * @returns Number that is length of the starting string\n */\nexport function stringLength(string: string): number {\n return stringzLength(string);\n}\n\n/**\n * This function mirrors the `normalize` function from the JavaScript Standard String object. It\n * handles Unicode code points instead of UTF-16 character codes.\n *\n * Returns the Unicode Normalization Form of this string.\n *\n * @param string The starting string\n * @param form Form specifying the Unicode Normalization Form. Default is `'NFC'`\n * @returns A string containing the Unicode Normalization Form of the given string.\n */\nexport function normalize(string: string, form: 'NFC' | 'NFD' | 'NFKC' | 'NFKD' | 'none'): string {\n const upperCaseForm = form.toUpperCase();\n if (upperCaseForm === 'NONE') {\n return string;\n }\n return string.normalize(upperCaseForm);\n}\n\n/**\n * Compares two strings using an ordinal comparison approach based on the specified collation\n * options. This function uses the built-in `localeCompare` method with the 'en' locale and the\n * provided collation options to compare the strings.\n *\n * @param string1 The first string to compare.\n * @param string2 The second string to compare.\n * @param options Optional. The collation options used for comparison.\n * @returns A number indicating the result of the comparison: - Negative value if string1 precedes\n * string2 in sorting order. - Zero if string1 and string2 are equivalent in sorting order. -\n * Positive value if string1 follows string2 in sorting order.\n */\nexport function ordinalCompare(\n string1: string,\n string2: string,\n options?: Intl.CollatorOptions,\n): number {\n return string1.localeCompare(string2, 'en', options);\n}\n\n/**\n * This function mirrors the `padEnd` function from the JavaScript Standard String object. It\n * handles Unicode code points instead of UTF-16 character codes.\n *\n * Pads this string with another string (multiple times, if needed) until the resulting string\n * reaches the given length. The padding is applied from the end of this string.\n *\n * @param string String to add padding too\n * @param targetLength The length of the resulting string once the starting string has been padded.\n * If value is less than or equal to length(string), then string is returned as is.\n * @param padString The string to pad the current string with. If padString is too long to stay\n * within targetLength, it will be truncated. Default is `\" \"`\n * @returns String with appropriate padding at the end\n */\n// Note: Limit with padString only works when length(padString) = 1, will be fixed with https://github.com/sallar/stringz/pull/59\nexport function padEnd(string: string, targetLength: number, padString: string = ' '): string {\n if (targetLength <= stringLength(string)) return string;\n return stringzLimit(string, targetLength, padString, 'right');\n}\n\n/**\n * This function mirrors the `padStart` function from the JavaScript Standard String object. It\n * handles Unicode code points instead of UTF-16 character codes.\n *\n * Pads this string with another string (multiple times, if needed) until the resulting string\n * reaches the given length. The padding is applied from the start of this string.\n *\n * @param string String to add padding too\n * @param targetLength The length of the resulting string once the starting string has been padded.\n * If value is less than or equal to length(string), then string is returned as is.\n * @param padString The string to pad the current string with. If padString is too long to stay\n * within the targetLength, it will be truncated from the end. Default is `\" \"`\n * @returns String with of specified targetLength with padString applied from the start\n */\n// Note: Limit with padString only works when length(padString) = 1, will be fixed with https://github.com/sallar/stringz/pull/59\nexport function padStart(string: string, targetLength: number, padString: string = ' '): string {\n if (targetLength <= stringLength(string)) return string;\n return stringzLimit(string, targetLength, padString, 'left');\n}\n\n// This is a helper function that performs a correction on the slice index to make sure it\n// cannot go out of bounds\nfunction correctSliceIndex(length: number, index: number) {\n if (index > length) return length;\n if (index < -length) return 0;\n if (index < 0) return index + length;\n return index;\n}\n\n/**\n * This function mirrors the `slice` function from the JavaScript Standard String object. It handles\n * Unicode code points instead of UTF-16 character codes.\n *\n * Extracts a section of this string and returns it as a new string, without modifying the original\n * string.\n *\n * @param string The starting string\n * @param indexStart The index of the first character to include in the returned substring.\n * @param indexEnd The index of the first character to exclude from the returned substring.\n * @returns A new string containing the extracted section of the string.\n */\nexport function slice(string: string, indexStart: number, indexEnd?: number): string {\n const length: number = stringLength(string);\n if (\n indexStart > length ||\n (indexEnd &&\n ((indexStart > indexEnd &&\n !(indexStart >= 0 && indexStart < length && indexEnd < 0 && indexEnd > -length)) ||\n indexEnd < -length))\n )\n return '';\n\n const newStart = correctSliceIndex(length, indexStart);\n const newEnd = indexEnd ? correctSliceIndex(length, indexEnd) : undefined;\n\n return substring(string, newStart, newEnd);\n}\n\n/**\n * This function mirrors the `split` function from the JavaScript Standard String object. It handles\n * Unicode code points instead of UTF-16 character codes.\n *\n * Takes a pattern and divides the string into an ordered list of substrings by searching for the\n * pattern, puts these substrings into an array, and returns the array.\n *\n * @param string The string to split\n * @param separator The pattern describing where each split should occur\n * @param splitLimit Limit on the number of substrings to be included in the array. Splits the\n * string at each occurrence of specified separator, but stops when limit entries have been placed\n * in the array.\n * @returns An array of strings, split at each point where separator occurs in the starting string.\n * Returns undefined if separator is not found in string.\n */\nexport function split(string: string, separator: string | RegExp, splitLimit?: number): string[] {\n const result: string[] = [];\n\n if (splitLimit !== undefined && splitLimit <= 0) {\n return [string];\n }\n\n if (separator === '') return toArray(string).slice(0, splitLimit);\n\n let regexSeparator = separator;\n if (\n typeof separator === 'string' ||\n (separator instanceof RegExp && !includes(separator.flags, 'g'))\n ) {\n regexSeparator = new RegExp(separator, 'g');\n }\n\n const matches: RegExpMatchArray | null = string.match(regexSeparator);\n\n let currentIndex = 0;\n\n if (!matches) return [string];\n\n for (let index = 0; index < (splitLimit ? splitLimit - 1 : matches.length); index++) {\n const matchIndex = indexOf(string, matches[index], currentIndex);\n const matchLength = stringLength(matches[index]);\n\n result.push(substring(string, currentIndex, matchIndex));\n currentIndex = matchIndex + matchLength;\n\n if (splitLimit !== undefined && result.length === splitLimit) {\n break;\n }\n }\n\n result.push(substring(string, currentIndex));\n\n return result;\n}\n\n/**\n * This function mirrors the `startsWith` function from the JavaScript Standard String object. It\n * handles Unicode code points instead of UTF-16 character codes.\n *\n * Determines whether the string begins with the characters of a specified string, returning true or\n * false as appropriate.\n *\n * @param string String to search through\n * @param searchString The characters to be searched for at the start of this string.\n * @param position The start position at which searchString is expected to be found (the index of\n * searchString's first character). Default is `0`\n * @returns True if the given characters are found at the beginning of the string, including when\n * searchString is an empty string; otherwise, false.\n */\nexport function startsWith(string: string, searchString: string, position: number = 0): boolean {\n const indexOfSearchString = indexOf(string, searchString, position);\n if (indexOfSearchString !== position) return false;\n return true;\n}\n\n/**\n * This function mirrors the `substr` function from the JavaScript Standard String object. It\n * handles Unicode code points instead of UTF-16 character codes.\n *\n * Returns a substring by providing start and length. This function is not exported because it is\n * considered deprecated, however it is still useful as a local helper function.\n *\n * @param string String to be divided\n * @param begin Start position. Default is `Start of string`\n * @param len Length of result. Default is `String length minus start parameter`. Default is `String\n * length minus start parameter`\n * @returns Substring from starting string\n */\nfunction substr(\n string: string,\n begin: number = 0,\n len: number = stringLength(string) - begin,\n): string {\n return stringzSubstr(string, begin, len);\n}\n\n/**\n * This function mirrors the `substring` function from the JavaScript Standard String object. It\n * handles Unicode code points instead of UTF-16 character codes.\n *\n * Returns a substring by providing start and end position.\n *\n * @param string String to be divided\n * @param begin Start position\n * @param end End position. Default is `End of string`\n * @returns Substring from starting string\n */\nexport function substring(\n string: string,\n begin: number,\n end: number = stringLength(string),\n): string {\n return stringzSubstring(string, begin, end);\n}\n\n/**\n * This function mirrors the `toArray` function from the JavaScript Standard String object. It\n * handles Unicode code points instead of UTF-16 character codes.\n *\n * Converts a string to an array of string characters.\n *\n * @param string String to convert to array\n * @returns An array of characters from the starting string\n */\nexport function toArray(string: string): string[] {\n return stringzToArray(string);\n}\n\n/** Determine whether the string is a `LocalizeKey` meant to be localized in Platform.Bible. */\nexport function isLocalizeKey(str: string): str is LocalizeKey {\n return startsWith(str, '%') && endsWith(str, '%');\n}\n\n/**\n * Escape RegExp special characters.\n *\n * You can also use this to escape a string that is inserted into the middle of a regex, for\n * example, into a character class.\n *\n * All credit to [`escape-string-regexp`](https://www.npmjs.com/package/escape-string-regexp) - this\n * function is simply copied directly from there to allow a common js export\n *\n * @example\n *\n * import escapeStringRegexp from 'platform-bible-utils';\n *\n * const escapedString = escapeStringRegexp('How much $ for a 🦄?');\n * //=> 'How much \\\\$ for a 🦄\\\\?'\n *\n * new RegExp(escapedString);\n */\nexport function escapeStringRegexp(string: string): string {\n if (typeof string !== 'string') {\n throw new TypeError('Expected a string');\n }\n\n // Escape characters with special meaning either inside or outside character sets.\n // Use a simple backslash escape when it’s always valid, and a `\\xnn` escape when the simpler form would be disallowed by Unicode patterns’ stricter grammar.\n return string.replace(/[|\\\\{}()[\\]^$+*?.]/g, '\\\\$&').replace(/-/g, '\\\\x2d');\n}\n\n/** This is an internal-only export for testing purposes and should not be used in development */\nexport const testingStringUtils = {\n indexOfClosestClosingCurlyBrace,\n};\n","import { Canon } from '@sillsdev/scripture';\nimport { BookInfo, ScriptureReference } from './scripture.model';\nimport { split, startsWith } from './string-util';\n\nconst scrBookData: BookInfo[] = [\n { shortName: 'ERR', fullNames: ['ERROR'], chapters: -1 },\n { shortName: 'GEN', fullNames: ['Genesis'], chapters: 50 },\n { shortName: 'EXO', fullNames: ['Exodus'], chapters: 40 },\n { shortName: 'LEV', fullNames: ['Leviticus'], chapters: 27 },\n { shortName: 'NUM', fullNames: ['Numbers'], chapters: 36 },\n { shortName: 'DEU', fullNames: ['Deuteronomy'], chapters: 34 },\n { shortName: 'JOS', fullNames: ['Joshua'], chapters: 24 },\n { shortName: 'JDG', fullNames: ['Judges'], chapters: 21 },\n { shortName: 'RUT', fullNames: ['Ruth'], chapters: 4 },\n { shortName: '1SA', fullNames: ['1 Samuel'], chapters: 31 },\n { shortName: '2SA', fullNames: ['2 Samuel'], chapters: 24 },\n { shortName: '1KI', fullNames: ['1 Kings'], chapters: 22 },\n { shortName: '2KI', fullNames: ['2 Kings'], chapters: 25 },\n { shortName: '1CH', fullNames: ['1 Chronicles'], chapters: 29 },\n { shortName: '2CH', fullNames: ['2 Chronicles'], chapters: 36 },\n { shortName: 'EZR', fullNames: ['Ezra'], chapters: 10 },\n { shortName: 'NEH', fullNames: ['Nehemiah'], chapters: 13 },\n { shortName: 'EST', fullNames: ['Esther'], chapters: 10 },\n { shortName: 'JOB', fullNames: ['Job'], chapters: 42 },\n { shortName: 'PSA', fullNames: ['Psalm', 'Psalms'], chapters: 150 },\n { shortName: 'PRO', fullNames: ['Proverbs'], chapters: 31 },\n { shortName: 'ECC', fullNames: ['Ecclesiastes'], chapters: 12 },\n { shortName: 'SNG', fullNames: ['Song of Solomon', 'Song of Songs'], chapters: 8 },\n { shortName: 'ISA', fullNames: ['Isaiah'], chapters: 66 },\n { shortName: 'JER', fullNames: ['Jeremiah'], chapters: 52 },\n { shortName: 'LAM', fullNames: ['Lamentations'], chapters: 5 },\n { shortName: 'EZK', fullNames: ['Ezekiel'], chapters: 48 },\n { shortName: 'DAN', fullNames: ['Daniel'], chapters: 12 },\n { shortName: 'HOS', fullNames: ['Hosea'], chapters: 14 },\n { shortName: 'JOL', fullNames: ['Joel'], chapters: 3 },\n { shortName: 'AMO', fullNames: ['Amos'], chapters: 9 },\n { shortName: 'OBA', fullNames: ['Obadiah'], chapters: 1 },\n { shortName: 'JON', fullNames: ['Jonah'], chapters: 4 },\n { shortName: 'MIC', fullNames: ['Micah'], chapters: 7 },\n { shortName: 'NAM', fullNames: ['Nahum'], chapters: 3 },\n { shortName: 'HAB', fullNames: ['Habakkuk'], chapters: 3 },\n { shortName: 'ZEP', fullNames: ['Zephaniah'], chapters: 3 },\n { shortName: 'HAG', fullNames: ['Haggai'], chapters: 2 },\n { shortName: 'ZEC', fullNames: ['Zechariah'], chapters: 14 },\n { shortName: 'MAL', fullNames: ['Malachi'], chapters: 4 },\n { shortName: 'MAT', fullNames: ['Matthew'], chapters: 28 },\n { shortName: 'MRK', fullNames: ['Mark'], chapters: 16 },\n { shortName: 'LUK', fullNames: ['Luke'], chapters: 24 },\n { shortName: 'JHN', fullNames: ['John'], chapters: 21 },\n { shortName: 'ACT', fullNames: ['Acts'], chapters: 28 },\n { shortName: 'ROM', fullNames: ['Romans'], chapters: 16 },\n { shortName: '1CO', fullNames: ['1 Corinthians'], chapters: 16 },\n { shortName: '2CO', fullNames: ['2 Corinthians'], chapters: 13 },\n { shortName: 'GAL', fullNames: ['Galatians'], chapters: 6 },\n { shortName: 'EPH', fullNames: ['Ephesians'], chapters: 6 },\n { shortName: 'PHP', fullNames: ['Philippians'], chapters: 4 },\n { shortName: 'COL', fullNames: ['Colossians'], chapters: 4 },\n { shortName: '1TH', fullNames: ['1 Thessalonians'], chapters: 5 },\n { shortName: '2TH', fullNames: ['2 Thessalonians'], chapters: 3 },\n { shortName: '1TI', fullNames: ['1 Timothy'], chapters: 6 },\n { shortName: '2TI', fullNames: ['2 Timothy'], chapters: 4 },\n { shortName: 'TIT', fullNames: ['Titus'], chapters: 3 },\n { shortName: 'PHM', fullNames: ['Philemon'], chapters: 1 },\n { shortName: 'HEB', fullNames: ['Hebrews'], chapters: 13 },\n { shortName: 'JAS', fullNames: ['James'], chapters: 5 },\n { shortName: '1PE', fullNames: ['1 Peter'], chapters: 5 },\n { shortName: '2PE', fullNames: ['2 Peter'], chapters: 3 },\n { shortName: '1JN', fullNames: ['1 John'], chapters: 5 },\n { shortName: '2JN', fullNames: ['2 John'], chapters: 1 },\n { shortName: '3JN', fullNames: ['3 John'], chapters: 1 },\n { shortName: 'JUD', fullNames: ['Jude'], chapters: 1 },\n { shortName: 'REV', fullNames: ['Revelation'], chapters: 22 },\n];\n\nexport const FIRST_SCR_BOOK_NUM = 1;\nexport const LAST_SCR_BOOK_NUM = scrBookData.length - 1;\nexport const FIRST_SCR_CHAPTER_NUM = 1;\nexport const FIRST_SCR_VERSE_NUM = 1;\n\nexport const getChaptersForBook = (bookNum: number): number => {\n return scrBookData[bookNum]?.chapters ?? -1;\n};\n\nexport const offsetBook = (scrRef: ScriptureReference, offset: number): ScriptureReference => ({\n bookNum: Math.max(FIRST_SCR_BOOK_NUM, Math.min(scrRef.bookNum + offset, LAST_SCR_BOOK_NUM)),\n chapterNum: 1,\n verseNum: 1,\n});\n\nexport const offsetChapter = (scrRef: ScriptureReference, offset: number): ScriptureReference => ({\n ...scrRef,\n chapterNum: Math.min(\n Math.max(FIRST_SCR_CHAPTER_NUM, scrRef.chapterNum + offset),\n getChaptersForBook(scrRef.bookNum),\n ),\n verseNum: 1,\n});\n\nexport const offsetVerse = (scrRef: ScriptureReference, offset: number): ScriptureReference => ({\n ...scrRef,\n verseNum: Math.max(FIRST_SCR_VERSE_NUM, scrRef.verseNum + offset),\n});\n\n/**\n * https://github.com/ubsicap/Paratext/blob/master/ParatextData/SILScriptureExtensions.cs#L72\n *\n * Convert book number to a localized Id (a short description of the book). This should be used\n * whenever a book ID (short code) is shown to the user. It is primarily needed for people who do\n * not read Roman script well and need to have books identified in a alternate script (e.g. Chinese\n * or Russian)\n *\n * @param bookNumber\n * @param localizationLanguage In BCP 47 format\n * @param getLocalizedString Function that provides the localized versions of the book ids and names\n * asynchronously.\n * @returns\n */\nexport async function getLocalizedIdFromBookNumber(\n bookNumber: number,\n localizationLanguage: string,\n getLocalizedString: (item: {\n localizeKey: string;\n languagesToSearch?: string[];\n }) => Promise,\n) {\n const id = Canon.bookNumberToId(bookNumber);\n\n if (!startsWith(Intl.getCanonicalLocales(localizationLanguage)[0], 'zh'))\n return getLocalizedString({\n localizeKey: `LocalizedId.${id}`,\n languagesToSearch: [localizationLanguage],\n });\n\n // For Chinese the normal book name is already fairly short.\n const bookName = await getLocalizedString({\n localizeKey: `Book.${id}`,\n languagesToSearch: [localizationLanguage],\n });\n const parts = split(bookName, '-');\n // some entries had a second name inside ideographic parenthesis\n const parts2 = split(parts[0], '\\xff08');\n const retVal = parts2[0].trim();\n return retVal;\n}\n","/** Function to run to dispose of something. Returns true if successfully unsubscribed */\nexport type Unsubscriber = () => boolean;\n\n/**\n * Returns an Unsubscriber function that combines all the unsubscribers passed in.\n *\n * @param unsubscribers All unsubscribers to aggregate into one unsubscriber\n * @returns Function that unsubscribes from all passed in unsubscribers when run\n */\nexport const aggregateUnsubscribers = (unsubscribers: Unsubscriber[]): Unsubscriber => {\n return (...args) => {\n // Run the unsubscriber for each handler\n const unsubs = unsubscribers.map((unsubscriber) => unsubscriber(...args));\n\n // If all the unsubscribers resolve to truthiness, we succeed\n return unsubs.every((success) => success);\n };\n};\n\n/**\n * Function to run to dispose of something that runs asynchronously. The promise resolves to true if\n * successfully unsubscribed\n */\nexport type UnsubscriberAsync = () => Promise;\n\n/**\n * Returns an UnsubscriberAsync function that combines all the unsubscribers passed in.\n *\n * @param unsubscribers - All unsubscribers to aggregate into one unsubscriber.\n * @returns Function that unsubscribes from all passed in unsubscribers when run\n */\nexport const aggregateUnsubscriberAsyncs = (\n unsubscribers: (UnsubscriberAsync | Unsubscriber)[],\n): UnsubscriberAsync => {\n return async (...args) => {\n // Run the unsubscriber for each handler\n const unsubPromises = unsubscribers.map(async (unsubscriber) => unsubscriber(...args));\n\n // If all the unsubscribers resolve to truthiness, we succeed\n return (await Promise.all(unsubPromises)).every((success) => success);\n };\n};\n","var getOwnPropertyNames = Object.getOwnPropertyNames, getOwnPropertySymbols = Object.getOwnPropertySymbols;\nvar hasOwnProperty = Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty;\n/**\n * Combine two comparators into a single comparators.\n */\nfunction combineComparators(comparatorA, comparatorB) {\n return function isEqual(a, b, state) {\n return comparatorA(a, b, state) && comparatorB(a, b, state);\n };\n}\n/**\n * Wrap the provided `areItemsEqual` method to manage the circular state, allowing\n * for circular references to be safely included in the comparison without creating\n * stack overflows.\n */\nfunction createIsCircular(areItemsEqual) {\n return function isCircular(a, b, state) {\n if (!a || !b || typeof a !== 'object' || typeof b !== 'object') {\n return areItemsEqual(a, b, state);\n }\n var cache = state.cache;\n var cachedA = cache.get(a);\n var cachedB = cache.get(b);\n if (cachedA && cachedB) {\n return cachedA === b && cachedB === a;\n }\n cache.set(a, b);\n cache.set(b, a);\n var result = areItemsEqual(a, b, state);\n cache.delete(a);\n cache.delete(b);\n return result;\n };\n}\n/**\n * Get the properties to strictly examine, which include both own properties that are\n * not enumerable and symbol properties.\n */\nfunction getStrictProperties(object) {\n return getOwnPropertyNames(object).concat(getOwnPropertySymbols(object));\n}\n/**\n * Whether the object contains the property passed as an own property.\n */\nvar hasOwn = Object.hasOwn ||\n (function (object, property) {\n return hasOwnProperty.call(object, property);\n });\n/**\n * Whether the values passed are strictly equal or both NaN.\n */\nfunction sameValueZeroEqual(a, b) {\n return a || b ? a === b : a === b || (a !== a && b !== b);\n}\n\nvar OWNER = '_owner';\nvar getOwnPropertyDescriptor = Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor, keys = Object.keys;\n/**\n * Whether the arrays are equal in value.\n */\nfunction areArraysEqual(a, b, state) {\n var index = a.length;\n if (b.length !== index) {\n return false;\n }\n while (index-- > 0) {\n if (!state.equals(a[index], b[index], index, index, a, b, state)) {\n return false;\n }\n }\n return true;\n}\n/**\n * Whether the dates passed are equal in value.\n */\nfunction areDatesEqual(a, b) {\n return sameValueZeroEqual(a.getTime(), b.getTime());\n}\n/**\n * Whether the `Map`s are equal in value.\n */\nfunction areMapsEqual(a, b, state) {\n if (a.size !== b.size) {\n return false;\n }\n var matchedIndices = {};\n var aIterable = a.entries();\n var index = 0;\n var aResult;\n var bResult;\n while ((aResult = aIterable.next())) {\n if (aResult.done) {\n break;\n }\n var bIterable = b.entries();\n var hasMatch = false;\n var matchIndex = 0;\n while ((bResult = bIterable.next())) {\n if (bResult.done) {\n break;\n }\n var _a = aResult.value, aKey = _a[0], aValue = _a[1];\n var _b = bResult.value, bKey = _b[0], bValue = _b[1];\n if (!hasMatch &&\n !matchedIndices[matchIndex] &&\n (hasMatch =\n state.equals(aKey, bKey, index, matchIndex, a, b, state) &&\n state.equals(aValue, bValue, aKey, bKey, a, b, state))) {\n matchedIndices[matchIndex] = true;\n }\n matchIndex++;\n }\n if (!hasMatch) {\n return false;\n }\n index++;\n }\n return true;\n}\n/**\n * Whether the objects are equal in value.\n */\nfunction areObjectsEqual(a, b, state) {\n var properties = keys(a);\n var index = properties.length;\n if (keys(b).length !== index) {\n return false;\n }\n var property;\n // Decrementing `while` showed faster results than either incrementing or\n // decrementing `for` loop and than an incrementing `while` loop. Declarative\n // methods like `some` / `every` were not used to avoid incurring the garbage\n // cost of anonymous callbacks.\n while (index-- > 0) {\n property = properties[index];\n if (property === OWNER &&\n (a.$$typeof || b.$$typeof) &&\n a.$$typeof !== b.$$typeof) {\n return false;\n }\n if (!hasOwn(b, property) ||\n !state.equals(a[property], b[property], property, property, a, b, state)) {\n return false;\n }\n }\n return true;\n}\n/**\n * Whether the objects are equal in value with strict property checking.\n */\nfunction areObjectsEqualStrict(a, b, state) {\n var properties = getStrictProperties(a);\n var index = properties.length;\n if (getStrictProperties(b).length !== index) {\n return false;\n }\n var property;\n var descriptorA;\n var descriptorB;\n // Decrementing `while` showed faster results than either incrementing or\n // decrementing `for` loop and than an incrementing `while` loop. Declarative\n // methods like `some` / `every` were not used to avoid incurring the garbage\n // cost of anonymous callbacks.\n while (index-- > 0) {\n property = properties[index];\n if (property === OWNER &&\n (a.$$typeof || b.$$typeof) &&\n a.$$typeof !== b.$$typeof) {\n return false;\n }\n if (!hasOwn(b, property)) {\n return false;\n }\n if (!state.equals(a[property], b[property], property, property, a, b, state)) {\n return false;\n }\n descriptorA = getOwnPropertyDescriptor(a, property);\n descriptorB = getOwnPropertyDescriptor(b, property);\n if ((descriptorA || descriptorB) &&\n (!descriptorA ||\n !descriptorB ||\n descriptorA.configurable !== descriptorB.configurable ||\n descriptorA.enumerable !== descriptorB.enumerable ||\n descriptorA.writable !== descriptorB.writable)) {\n return false;\n }\n }\n return true;\n}\n/**\n * Whether the primitive wrappers passed are equal in value.\n */\nfunction arePrimitiveWrappersEqual(a, b) {\n return sameValueZeroEqual(a.valueOf(), b.valueOf());\n}\n/**\n * Whether the regexps passed are equal in value.\n */\nfunction areRegExpsEqual(a, b) {\n return a.source === b.source && a.flags === b.flags;\n}\n/**\n * Whether the `Set`s are equal in value.\n */\nfunction areSetsEqual(a, b, state) {\n if (a.size !== b.size) {\n return false;\n }\n var matchedIndices = {};\n var aIterable = a.values();\n var aResult;\n var bResult;\n while ((aResult = aIterable.next())) {\n if (aResult.done) {\n break;\n }\n var bIterable = b.values();\n var hasMatch = false;\n var matchIndex = 0;\n while ((bResult = bIterable.next())) {\n if (bResult.done) {\n break;\n }\n if (!hasMatch &&\n !matchedIndices[matchIndex] &&\n (hasMatch = state.equals(aResult.value, bResult.value, aResult.value, bResult.value, a, b, state))) {\n matchedIndices[matchIndex] = true;\n }\n matchIndex++;\n }\n if (!hasMatch) {\n return false;\n }\n }\n return true;\n}\n/**\n * Whether the TypedArray instances are equal in value.\n */\nfunction areTypedArraysEqual(a, b) {\n var index = a.length;\n if (b.length !== index) {\n return false;\n }\n while (index-- > 0) {\n if (a[index] !== b[index]) {\n return false;\n }\n }\n return true;\n}\n\nvar ARGUMENTS_TAG = '[object Arguments]';\nvar BOOLEAN_TAG = '[object Boolean]';\nvar DATE_TAG = '[object Date]';\nvar MAP_TAG = '[object Map]';\nvar NUMBER_TAG = '[object Number]';\nvar OBJECT_TAG = '[object Object]';\nvar REG_EXP_TAG = '[object RegExp]';\nvar SET_TAG = '[object Set]';\nvar STRING_TAG = '[object String]';\nvar isArray = Array.isArray;\nvar isTypedArray = typeof ArrayBuffer === 'function' && ArrayBuffer.isView\n ? ArrayBuffer.isView\n : null;\nvar assign = Object.assign;\nvar getTag = Object.prototype.toString.call.bind(Object.prototype.toString);\n/**\n * Create a comparator method based on the type-specific equality comparators passed.\n */\nfunction createEqualityComparator(_a) {\n var areArraysEqual = _a.areArraysEqual, areDatesEqual = _a.areDatesEqual, areMapsEqual = _a.areMapsEqual, areObjectsEqual = _a.areObjectsEqual, arePrimitiveWrappersEqual = _a.arePrimitiveWrappersEqual, areRegExpsEqual = _a.areRegExpsEqual, areSetsEqual = _a.areSetsEqual, areTypedArraysEqual = _a.areTypedArraysEqual;\n /**\n * compare the value of the two objects and return true if they are equivalent in values\n */\n return function comparator(a, b, state) {\n // If the items are strictly equal, no need to do a value comparison.\n if (a === b) {\n return true;\n }\n // If the items are not non-nullish objects, then the only possibility\n // of them being equal but not strictly is if they are both `NaN`. Since\n // `NaN` is uniquely not equal to itself, we can use self-comparison of\n // both objects, which is faster than `isNaN()`.\n if (a == null ||\n b == null ||\n typeof a !== 'object' ||\n typeof b !== 'object') {\n return a !== a && b !== b;\n }\n var constructor = a.constructor;\n // Checks are listed in order of commonality of use-case:\n // 1. Common complex object types (plain object, array)\n // 2. Common data values (date, regexp)\n // 3. Less-common complex object types (map, set)\n // 4. Less-common data values (promise, primitive wrappers)\n // Inherently this is both subjective and assumptive, however\n // when reviewing comparable libraries in the wild this order\n // appears to be generally consistent.\n // Constructors should match, otherwise there is potential for false positives\n // between class and subclass or custom object and POJO.\n if (constructor !== b.constructor) {\n return false;\n }\n // `isPlainObject` only checks against the object's own realm. Cross-realm\n // comparisons are rare, and will be handled in the ultimate fallback, so\n // we can avoid capturing the string tag.\n if (constructor === Object) {\n return areObjectsEqual(a, b, state);\n }\n // `isArray()` works on subclasses and is cross-realm, so we can avoid capturing\n // the string tag or doing an `instanceof` check.\n if (isArray(a)) {\n return areArraysEqual(a, b, state);\n }\n // `isTypedArray()` works on all possible TypedArray classes, so we can avoid\n // capturing the string tag or comparing against all possible constructors.\n if (isTypedArray != null && isTypedArray(a)) {\n return areTypedArraysEqual(a, b, state);\n }\n // Try to fast-path equality checks for other complex object types in the\n // same realm to avoid capturing the string tag. Strict equality is used\n // instead of `instanceof` because it is more performant for the common\n // use-case. If someone is subclassing a native class, it will be handled\n // with the string tag comparison.\n if (constructor === Date) {\n return areDatesEqual(a, b, state);\n }\n if (constructor === RegExp) {\n return areRegExpsEqual(a, b, state);\n }\n if (constructor === Map) {\n return areMapsEqual(a, b, state);\n }\n if (constructor === Set) {\n return areSetsEqual(a, b, state);\n }\n // Since this is a custom object, capture the string tag to determing its type.\n // This is reasonably performant in modern environments like v8 and SpiderMonkey.\n var tag = getTag(a);\n if (tag === DATE_TAG) {\n return areDatesEqual(a, b, state);\n }\n if (tag === REG_EXP_TAG) {\n return areRegExpsEqual(a, b, state);\n }\n if (tag === MAP_TAG) {\n return areMapsEqual(a, b, state);\n }\n if (tag === SET_TAG) {\n return areSetsEqual(a, b, state);\n }\n if (tag === OBJECT_TAG) {\n // The exception for value comparison is custom `Promise`-like class instances. These should\n // be treated the same as standard `Promise` objects, which means strict equality, and if\n // it reaches this point then that strict equality comparison has already failed.\n return (typeof a.then !== 'function' &&\n typeof b.then !== 'function' &&\n areObjectsEqual(a, b, state));\n }\n // If an arguments tag, it should be treated as a standard object.\n if (tag === ARGUMENTS_TAG) {\n return areObjectsEqual(a, b, state);\n }\n // As the penultimate fallback, check if the values passed are primitive wrappers. This\n // is very rare in modern JS, which is why it is deprioritized compared to all other object\n // types.\n if (tag === BOOLEAN_TAG || tag === NUMBER_TAG || tag === STRING_TAG) {\n return arePrimitiveWrappersEqual(a, b, state);\n }\n // If not matching any tags that require a specific type of comparison, then we hard-code false because\n // the only thing remaining is strict equality, which has already been compared. This is for a few reasons:\n // - Certain types that cannot be introspected (e.g., `WeakMap`). For these types, this is the only\n // comparison that can be made.\n // - For types that can be introspected, but rarely have requirements to be compared\n // (`ArrayBuffer`, `DataView`, etc.), the cost is avoided to prioritize the common\n // use-cases (may be included in a future release, if requested enough).\n // - For types that can be introspected but do not have an objective definition of what\n // equality is (`Error`, etc.), the subjective decision is to be conservative and strictly compare.\n // In all cases, these decisions should be reevaluated based on changes to the language and\n // common development practices.\n return false;\n };\n}\n/**\n * Create the configuration object used for building comparators.\n */\nfunction createEqualityComparatorConfig(_a) {\n var circular = _a.circular, createCustomConfig = _a.createCustomConfig, strict = _a.strict;\n var config = {\n areArraysEqual: strict\n ? areObjectsEqualStrict\n : areArraysEqual,\n areDatesEqual: areDatesEqual,\n areMapsEqual: strict\n ? combineComparators(areMapsEqual, areObjectsEqualStrict)\n : areMapsEqual,\n areObjectsEqual: strict\n ? areObjectsEqualStrict\n : areObjectsEqual,\n arePrimitiveWrappersEqual: arePrimitiveWrappersEqual,\n areRegExpsEqual: areRegExpsEqual,\n areSetsEqual: strict\n ? combineComparators(areSetsEqual, areObjectsEqualStrict)\n : areSetsEqual,\n areTypedArraysEqual: strict\n ? areObjectsEqualStrict\n : areTypedArraysEqual,\n };\n if (createCustomConfig) {\n config = assign({}, config, createCustomConfig(config));\n }\n if (circular) {\n var areArraysEqual$1 = createIsCircular(config.areArraysEqual);\n var areMapsEqual$1 = createIsCircular(config.areMapsEqual);\n var areObjectsEqual$1 = createIsCircular(config.areObjectsEqual);\n var areSetsEqual$1 = createIsCircular(config.areSetsEqual);\n config = assign({}, config, {\n areArraysEqual: areArraysEqual$1,\n areMapsEqual: areMapsEqual$1,\n areObjectsEqual: areObjectsEqual$1,\n areSetsEqual: areSetsEqual$1,\n });\n }\n return config;\n}\n/**\n * Default equality comparator pass-through, used as the standard `isEqual` creator for\n * use inside the built comparator.\n */\nfunction createInternalEqualityComparator(compare) {\n return function (a, b, _indexOrKeyA, _indexOrKeyB, _parentA, _parentB, state) {\n return compare(a, b, state);\n };\n}\n/**\n * Create the `isEqual` function used by the consuming application.\n */\nfunction createIsEqual(_a) {\n var circular = _a.circular, comparator = _a.comparator, createState = _a.createState, equals = _a.equals, strict = _a.strict;\n if (createState) {\n return function isEqual(a, b) {\n var _a = createState(), _b = _a.cache, cache = _b === void 0 ? circular ? new WeakMap() : undefined : _b, meta = _a.meta;\n return comparator(a, b, {\n cache: cache,\n equals: equals,\n meta: meta,\n strict: strict,\n });\n };\n }\n if (circular) {\n return function isEqual(a, b) {\n return comparator(a, b, {\n cache: new WeakMap(),\n equals: equals,\n meta: undefined,\n strict: strict,\n });\n };\n }\n var state = {\n cache: undefined,\n equals: equals,\n meta: undefined,\n strict: strict,\n };\n return function isEqual(a, b) {\n return comparator(a, b, state);\n };\n}\n\n/**\n * Whether the items passed are deeply-equal in value.\n */\nvar deepEqual = createCustomEqual();\n/**\n * Whether the items passed are deeply-equal in value based on strict comparison.\n */\nvar strictDeepEqual = createCustomEqual({ strict: true });\n/**\n * Whether the items passed are deeply-equal in value, including circular references.\n */\nvar circularDeepEqual = createCustomEqual({ circular: true });\n/**\n * Whether the items passed are deeply-equal in value, including circular references,\n * based on strict comparison.\n */\nvar strictCircularDeepEqual = createCustomEqual({\n circular: true,\n strict: true,\n});\n/**\n * Whether the items passed are shallowly-equal in value.\n */\nvar shallowEqual = createCustomEqual({\n createInternalComparator: function () { return sameValueZeroEqual; },\n});\n/**\n * Whether the items passed are shallowly-equal in value based on strict comparison\n */\nvar strictShallowEqual = createCustomEqual({\n strict: true,\n createInternalComparator: function () { return sameValueZeroEqual; },\n});\n/**\n * Whether the items passed are shallowly-equal in value, including circular references.\n */\nvar circularShallowEqual = createCustomEqual({\n circular: true,\n createInternalComparator: function () { return sameValueZeroEqual; },\n});\n/**\n * Whether the items passed are shallowly-equal in value, including circular references,\n * based on strict comparison.\n */\nvar strictCircularShallowEqual = createCustomEqual({\n circular: true,\n createInternalComparator: function () { return sameValueZeroEqual; },\n strict: true,\n});\n/**\n * Create a custom equality comparison method.\n *\n * This can be done to create very targeted comparisons in extreme hot-path scenarios\n * where the standard methods are not performant enough, but can also be used to provide\n * support for legacy environments that do not support expected features like\n * `RegExp.prototype.flags` out of the box.\n */\nfunction createCustomEqual(options) {\n if (options === void 0) { options = {}; }\n var _a = options.circular, circular = _a === void 0 ? false : _a, createCustomInternalComparator = options.createInternalComparator, createState = options.createState, _b = options.strict, strict = _b === void 0 ? false : _b;\n var config = createEqualityComparatorConfig(options);\n var comparator = createEqualityComparator(config);\n var equals = createCustomInternalComparator\n ? createCustomInternalComparator(comparator)\n : createInternalEqualityComparator(comparator);\n return createIsEqual({ circular: circular, comparator: comparator, createState: createState, equals: equals, strict: strict });\n}\n\nexport { circularDeepEqual, circularShallowEqual, createCustomEqual, deepEqual, sameValueZeroEqual, shallowEqual, strictCircularDeepEqual, strictCircularShallowEqual, strictDeepEqual, strictShallowEqual };\n//# sourceMappingURL=index.mjs.map\n","// There is a circular version https://www.npmjs.com/package/fast-equals#circulardeepequal that I\n// think allows comparing React refs (which have circular references in particular places that this\n// library would ignore). Maybe we can change to that version sometime if needed.\nimport { deepEqual as isEqualDeep } from 'fast-equals';\n\n/**\n * Check that two objects are deeply equal, comparing members of each object and such\n *\n * @param a The first object to compare\n * @param b The second object to compare\n *\n * WARNING: Objects like arrays from different iframes have different constructor function\n * references even if they do the same thing, so this deep equality comparison fails objects that\n * look the same but have different constructors because different constructors could produce\n * false positives in [a few specific\n * situations](https://github.com/planttheidea/fast-equals/blob/a41afc0a240ad5a472e47b53791e9be017f52281/src/comparator.ts#L96).\n * This means that two objects like arrays from different iframes that look the same will fail\n * this check. Please use some other means to check deep equality in those situations.\n *\n * Note: This deep equality check considers `undefined` values on keys of objects NOT to be equal to\n * not specifying the key at all. For example, `{ stuff: 3, things: undefined }` and `{ stuff: 3\n * }` are not considered equal in this case\n *\n * - For more information and examples, see [this\n * CodeSandbox](https://codesandbox.io/s/deepequallibrarycomparison-4g4kk4?file=/src/index.mjs).\n *\n * @returns True if a and b are deeply equal; false otherwise\n */\nexport default function deepEqual(a: unknown, b: unknown) {\n return isEqualDeep(a, b);\n}\n","import deepEqual from './equality-checking';\n\n/**\n * Check if one object is a subset of the other object. \"Subset\" means that all properties of one\n * object are present in the other object, and if they are present that all values of those\n * properties are deeply equal. Sub-objects are also checked to be subsets of the corresponding\n * sub-object in the other object.\n *\n * @example ObjB is a subset of objA given these objects:\n *\n * ```ts\n * objA = { name: 'Alice', age: 30, address: { city: 'Seattle', state: 'Washington' } };\n * objB = { name: 'Alice', address: { city: 'Seattle' } };\n * ```\n *\n * It is important to note that only arrays of primitives (i.e., booleans, numbers, strings) are\n * supported. In particular, objects in arrays will not be checked for deep equality. Also, presence\n * in an array is all this checks, not the number of times that an item appears in an array. `[1,\n * 1]` is a subset of `[1]`.\n *\n * @param objectWithAllProperties Object to be checked if it is a superset of\n * `objectWithPartialProperties`\n * @param objectWithPartialProperties Object to be checked if it is a subset of\n * `objectWithAllProperties`\n * @returns True if `objectWithAllProperties` contains all the properties of\n * `objectWithPartialProperties` and all values of those properties are deeply equal\n */\nexport default function isSubset(\n objectWithAllProperties: unknown,\n objectWithPartialProperties: unknown,\n): boolean {\n if (typeof objectWithAllProperties !== typeof objectWithPartialProperties) return false;\n\n // For this function we're saying that all falsy things of the same type are equal to each other\n if (!objectWithAllProperties && !objectWithPartialProperties) return true;\n\n if (Array.isArray(objectWithAllProperties)) {\n // We know these are arrays from the line above\n /* eslint-disable no-type-assertion/no-type-assertion */\n const partialArray = objectWithPartialProperties as Array;\n const allArray = objectWithAllProperties as Array;\n /* eslint-enable no-type-assertion/no-type-assertion */\n\n if (partialArray.length === 0) return true;\n\n // This only works with arrays of primitives.\n // If someone cares about checking arrays of objects this needs updating.\n return partialArray.every((item) => allArray.includes(item));\n }\n\n if (typeof objectWithAllProperties !== 'object')\n return deepEqual(objectWithAllProperties, objectWithPartialProperties);\n\n // We know these are objects that potentially have properties because of the earlier checks\n /* eslint-disable no-type-assertion/no-type-assertion */\n const partialObj = objectWithPartialProperties as Record;\n const allObj = objectWithAllProperties as Record;\n /* eslint-enable no-type-assertion/no-type-assertion */\n\n let retVal = true;\n Object.keys(partialObj).forEach((key) => {\n if (!retVal) return;\n if (!Object.hasOwn(allObj, key)) retVal = false;\n else if (!isSubset(allObj[key], partialObj[key])) retVal = false;\n });\n return retVal;\n}\n","/**\n * Converts a JavaScript value to a JSON string, changing `undefined` properties in the JavaScript\n * object to `null` properties in the JSON string.\n *\n * WARNING: `null` values will become `undefined` values after passing through {@link serialize} then\n * {@link deserialize}. For example, `{ a: 1, b: undefined, c: null }` will become `{ a: 1, b:\n * undefined, c: undefined }`. If you are passing around user data that needs to retain `null`\n * values, you should wrap them yourself in a string before using this function. Alternatively, you\n * can write your own replacer that will preserve `null` in a way that you can recover later.\n *\n * @param value A JavaScript value, usually an object or array, to be converted.\n * @param replacer A function that transforms the results. Note that all `undefined` values returned\n * by the replacer will be further transformed into `null` in the JSON string.\n * @param space Adds indentation, white space, and line break characters to the return-value JSON\n * text to make it easier to read. See the `space` parameter of `JSON.stringify` for more\n * details.\n */\nexport function serialize(\n value: unknown,\n replacer?: (this: unknown, key: string, value: unknown) => unknown,\n space?: string | number,\n): string {\n const undefinedReplacer = (replacerKey: string, replacerValue: unknown) => {\n let newValue = replacerValue;\n if (replacer) newValue = replacer(replacerKey, newValue);\n // All `undefined` values become `null` on the way from JS objects into JSON strings\n // eslint-disable-next-line no-null/no-null\n if (newValue === undefined) newValue = null;\n return newValue;\n };\n return JSON.stringify(value, undefinedReplacer, space);\n}\n\n/**\n * Converts a JSON string into a value, converting all `null` properties from JSON into `undefined`\n * in the returned JavaScript value/object.\n *\n * WARNING: `null` values will become `undefined` values after passing through {@link serialize} then\n * {@link deserialize}. For example, `{ a: 1, b: undefined, c: null }` will become `{ a: 1, b:\n * undefined, c: undefined }`. If you are passing around user data that needs to retain `null`\n * values, you should wrap them yourself in a string before using this function. Alternatively, you\n * can write your own replacer that will preserve `null` in a way that you can recover later.\n *\n * @param value A valid JSON string.\n * @param reviver A function that transforms the results. This function is called for each member of\n * the object. If a member contains nested objects, the nested objects are transformed before the\n * parent object is. Note that `null` values are converted into `undefined` values after the\n * reviver has run.\n */\nexport function deserialize(\n value: string,\n reviver?: (this: unknown, key: string, value: unknown) => unknown,\n // Need to use `any` instead of `unknown` here to match the signature of JSON.parse\n // eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/no-explicit-any\n): any {\n // Helper function to replace `null` with `undefined` on a per property basis. This can't be done\n // with our own reviver because `JSON.parse` removes `undefined` properties from the return value.\n function replaceNull(obj: Record): Record {\n Object.keys(obj).forEach((key: string | number) => {\n // We only want to replace `null`, not other falsy values\n // eslint-disable-next-line no-null/no-null\n if (obj[key] === null) obj[key] = undefined;\n // If the property is an object, recursively call the helper function on it\n else if (typeof obj[key] === 'object')\n // Since the object came from a string, we know the keys will not be symbols\n // eslint-disable-next-line no-type-assertion/no-type-assertion\n obj[key] = replaceNull(obj[key] as Record);\n });\n return obj;\n }\n\n const parsedObject = JSON.parse(value, reviver);\n // Explicitly convert the value 'null' that isn't stored as a property on an object to 'undefined'\n // eslint-disable-next-line no-null/no-null\n if (parsedObject === null) return undefined;\n if (typeof parsedObject === 'object') return replaceNull(parsedObject);\n return parsedObject;\n}\n\n/**\n * Check to see if the value is serializable without losing information\n *\n * @param value Value to test\n * @returns True if serializable; false otherwise\n *\n * Note: the values `undefined` and `null` are serializable (on their own or in an array), but\n * `null` values get transformed into `undefined` when serializing/deserializing.\n *\n * WARNING: This is inefficient right now as it stringifies, parses, stringifies, and === the value.\n * Please only use this if you need to\n *\n * DISCLAIMER: this does not successfully detect that values are not serializable in some cases:\n *\n * - Losses of removed properties like functions and `Map`s\n * - Class instances (not deserializable into class instances without special code)\n *\n * We intend to improve this in the future if it becomes important to do so. See [`JSON.stringify`\n * documentation](https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/JavaScript/Reference/Global_Objects/JSON/stringify#description)\n * for more information.\n */\nexport function isSerializable(value: unknown): boolean {\n try {\n const serializedValue = serialize(value);\n return serializedValue === serialize(deserialize(serializedValue));\n } catch (e) {\n return false;\n }\n}\n\n/**\n * HTML Encodes the provided string. Thanks to ChatGPT\n *\n * @param str String to HTML encode\n * @returns HTML-encoded string\n */\nexport const htmlEncode = (str: string): string =>\n str\n .replace(/&/g, '&')\n .replace(//g, '>')\n .replace(/\"/g, '"')\n .replace(/'/g, ''')\n .replace(/\\//g, '/');\n","import DateTimeFormat from './intl-date-time-format';\n\n/**\n * Retrieves the current locale of the user's environment.\n *\n * @returns A string representing the current locale. If the locale cannot be determined, the\n * function returns an empty string.\n */\nexport default function getCurrentLocale(): string {\n // Use navigator when available\n if (typeof navigator !== 'undefined' && navigator.languages) {\n return navigator.languages[0];\n }\n // For Node.js\n return new DateTimeFormat().resolvedOptions().locale;\n}\n","//----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n// NOTE: If you change any of the types, make sure the JSON schema at the end of this file gets\n// changed so they align.\n//----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n\nimport { LocalizeKey, ReferencedItem } from 'menus.model';\n\n/** The data an extension provides to inform Platform.Bible of the settings it provides */\nexport type SettingsContribution = SettingsGroup | SettingsGroup[];\n/** A description of an extension's setting entry */\nexport type Setting = ExtensionControlledSetting;\n/** Setting definition that is validated by the extension. */\nexport type ExtensionControlledSetting = SettingBase & ModifierExtensionControlled;\n/** Base information needed to describe a setting entry */\nexport type SettingBase = StateBase & {\n [k: string]: unknown;\n /** LocalizeKey that displays in the settings dialog as the setting name */\n label: LocalizeKey;\n /** LocalizeKey that displays in the settings dialog to describe the setting */\n description?: LocalizeKey;\n};\n/** The data an extension provides to inform Platform.Bible of the project settings it provides */\nexport type ProjectSettingsContribution = ProjectSettingsGroup | ProjectSettingsGroup[];\n/** A description of an extension's setting entry */\nexport type ProjectSetting = ExtensionControlledProjectSetting;\n/** Setting definition that is validated by the extension. */\nexport type ExtensionControlledProjectSetting = ProjectSettingBase & ModifierExtensionControlled;\n/** Base information needed to describe a project setting entry */\nexport type ProjectSettingBase = SettingBase & ModifierProject;\n/** A description of an extension's user state entry */\nexport type UserState = ExtensionControlledState;\n/** State definition that is validated by the extension. */\nexport type ExtensionControlledState = StateBase & ModifierExtensionControlled;\n/** Group of related settings definitions */\nexport interface SettingsGroup {\n [k: string]: unknown;\n /** LocalizeKey that displays in the settings dialog as the group name */\n label: LocalizeKey;\n /** LocalizeKey that displays in the settings dialog to describe the group */\n description?: LocalizeKey;\n properties: SettingProperties;\n}\n/** Object whose keys are setting IDs and whose values are settings objects */\nexport interface SettingProperties {\n [k: ReferencedItem]: Setting;\n}\n/** Base information needed to describe a state entry */\nexport interface StateBase {\n [k: string]: unknown;\n /** Default value for the state/setting */\n default: unknown;\n /**\n * A state/setting ID whose value to set to this state/setting's starting value the first time\n * this state/setting is loaded\n */\n derivesFrom?: ReferencedItem;\n}\n/**\n * Modifies state/setting type to be extension-controlled. \"Extension-controlled\" means the\n * extension provides the component and the validator for the state/setting, so the state/setting is\n * controlled by the extension.\n */\nexport interface ModifierExtensionControlled {\n [k: string]: unknown;\n platformType?: undefined;\n type?: undefined;\n}\n/** Group of related settings definitions */\nexport interface ProjectSettingsGroup {\n [k: string]: unknown;\n /** LocalizeKey that displays in the project settings dialog as the group name */\n label: LocalizeKey;\n /** LocalizeKey that displays in the project settings dialog to describe the group */\n description?: LocalizeKey;\n properties: ProjectSettingProperties;\n}\n/** Object whose keys are setting IDs and whose values are settings objects */\nexport interface ProjectSettingProperties {\n [k: ReferencedItem]: ProjectSetting;\n}\n\n// Note: we removed the index signature on ModifierProject to avoid having it on\n// `ProjectMetadataFilterOptions`. Unfortunately adding \"additionalProperties\": false on the json\n// schema messes up validation. Please remove the index signature again in the future if you\n// regenerate types\nexport interface ModifierProject {\n /**\n * String representation of `RegExp` pattern(s) to match against projects' `projectInterface`s\n * (using the\n * [`test`](https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/JavaScript/Reference/Global_Objects/RegExp/test)\n * function) to determine if they should be included.\n *\n * If this is one string, it will be matched against `projectInterface`s. If this is an array,\n * each entry is handled based on its type (at least one entry must match for this filter\n * condition to pass):\n *\n * - If the entry is a string, it will be matched against each `projectInterface`. If any match, the\n * project will pass this filter condition\n * - If the entry is an array of strings, each will be matched against each `projectInterface`. If\n * every string matches against at least one `projectInterface`, the project will pass this\n * filter condition\n *\n * In other words, each entry in the first-level array is `OR`'ed together. Each entry in\n * second-level arrays (arrays within the first-level array) are `AND`'ed together.\n *\n * Defaults to all {@link ProjectInterfaces}, so all projects that do not match\n * `excludeProjectInterfaces` will be included\n *\n * @example\n *\n * ```typescript\n * includeProjectInterfaces: ['one', ['two', 'three']];\n * ```\n *\n * This filter condition will succeed on projects whose `projectInterface`s fulfill at least one\n * of the following conditions (At least one entry in the array must match):\n *\n * - Include `one`\n * - Include both `two` and `three`.\n */\n includeProjectInterfaces?: undefined | string | (string | string[])[];\n /**\n * String representation of `RegExp` pattern(s) to match against projects' `projectInterface`s\n * (using the\n * [`test`](https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/JavaScript/Reference/Global_Objects/RegExp/test)\n * function) to determine if they should absolutely not be included even if they match with\n * `includeProjectInterfaces`.\n *\n * If this is one string, it will be matched against `projectInterface`s. If this is an array,\n * each entry is handled based on its type (at least one entry must match for this filter\n * condition to exclude the project):\n *\n * - If the entry is a string, it will be matched against each `projectInterface`. If any match, the\n * project will pass this filter condition and exclude the project\n * - If the entry is an array of strings, each will be matched against each `projectInterface`. If\n * every string matches against at least one `projectInterface`, the project will pass this\n * filter condition and exclude the project\n *\n * In other words, each entry in the first-level array is `OR`'ed together. Each entry in\n * second-level arrays (arrays within the first-level array) are `AND`'ed together.\n *\n * Defaults to no {@link ProjectInterfaces}, so all projects that match `includeProjectInterfaces`\n * will be included\n *\n * @example\n *\n * ```typescript\n * excludeProjectInterfaces: ['one', ['two', 'three']];\n * ```\n *\n * This filter condition will succeed and exclude projects whose `projectInterface`s fulfill at\n * least one of the following conditions (At least one entry in the array must match):\n *\n * - Include `one`\n * - Include both `two` and `three`.\n */\n excludeProjectInterfaces?: undefined | string | (string | string[])[];\n /**\n * String representation of `RegExp` pattern(s) to match against the Project Data Provider Factory\n * Ids that provided each project's metadata (using the\n * [`test`](https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/JavaScript/Reference/Global_Objects/RegExp/test)\n * function) to determine if the projects should be included.\n *\n * Defaults to all Project Data Provider Factory Ids, so all projects that do not match\n * `excludePdpFactoryIds` will be included\n */\n includePdpFactoryIds?: undefined | string | string[];\n /**\n * String representation of `RegExp` pattern(s) to match against the Project Data Provider Factory\n * Ids that provided each project's metadata (using the\n * [`test`](https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/JavaScript/Reference/Global_Objects/RegExp/test)\n * function) to determine if the projects should absolutely not be included even if they match\n * with `includeProjectInterfaces`.\n *\n * Defaults to none, so all projects that match `includePdpFactoryIds` will be included\n */\n excludePdpFactoryIds?: undefined | string | string[];\n}\n\n/** The data an extension provides to inform Platform.Bible of the user state it provides */\nexport interface UserStateContribution {\n [k: ReferencedItem]: UserState;\n}\n/** The data an extension provides to inform Platform.Bible of the project state it provides */\nexport interface ProjectStateContribution {\n [k: ReferencedItem]: UserState;\n}\n\n//----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n// NOTE: If you change the schema below, make sure the TS types above get changed so they align.\n//----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------\nconst settingsDefs = {\n projectSettingsContribution: {\n description:\n 'The data an extension provides to inform Platform.Bible of the project settings it provides',\n anyOf: [\n {\n $ref: '#/$defs/projectSettingsGroup',\n },\n {\n type: 'array',\n items: {\n $ref: '#/$defs/projectSettingsGroup',\n },\n },\n ],\n },\n projectSettingsGroup: {\n description: 'Group of related settings definitions',\n type: 'object',\n properties: {\n label: {\n description: 'localizeKey that displays in the project settings dialog as the group name',\n $ref: '#/$defs/localizeKey',\n },\n description: {\n description:\n 'localizeKey that displays in the project settings dialog to describe the group',\n $ref: '#/$defs/localizeKey',\n },\n properties: {\n $ref: '#/$defs/projectSettingProperties',\n },\n },\n required: ['label', 'properties'],\n },\n projectSettingProperties: {\n description: 'Object whose keys are setting IDs and whose values are settings objects',\n type: 'object',\n patternProperties: {\n '^[\\\\w\\\\-]+\\\\.[\\\\w\\\\-]+$': {\n $ref: '#/$defs/projectSetting',\n },\n },\n additionalProperties: false,\n },\n projectSetting: {\n description: \"A description of an extension's setting entry\",\n anyOf: [\n {\n $ref: '#/$defs/extensionControlledProjectSetting',\n },\n ],\n },\n extensionControlledProjectSetting: {\n description: 'Setting definition that is validated by the extension.',\n allOf: [\n {\n $ref: '#/$defs/projectSettingBase',\n },\n {\n $ref: '#/$defs/modifierExtensionControlled',\n },\n ],\n },\n projectSettingBase: {\n description: 'Base information needed to describe a project setting entry',\n allOf: [\n {\n $ref: '#/$defs/settingBase',\n },\n {\n $ref: '#/$defs/modifierProject',\n },\n ],\n },\n modifierProject: {\n description: 'Modifies setting type to be project setting',\n type: 'object',\n properties: {\n includeProjectInterfaces: {\n description:\n \"String representation of `RegExp` pattern(s) to match against projects' `projectInterface`s (using the [`test`](https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/JavaScript/Reference/Global_Objects/RegExp/test) function) to determine if they should be included.\\n\\nIf this is one string, it will be matched against `projectInterface`s. If this is an array, each entry is handled based on its type (at least one entry must match for this filter condition to pass):\\n\\n- If the entry is a string, it will be matched against each `projectInterface`. If any match, the project will pass this filter condition\\n- If the entry is an array of strings, each will be matched against each `projectInterface`. If every string matches against at least one `projectInterface`, the project will pass this filter condition\\n\\nIn other words, each entry in the first-level array is `OR`'ed together. Each entry in second-level arrays (arrays within the first-level array) are `AND`'ed together.\\n\\nDefaults to all {@link ProjectInterfaces}, so all projects that do not match `excludeProjectInterfaces` will be included\\n\\n@example\\n\\n```typescript\\nincludeProjectInterfaces: ['one', ['two', 'three']];\\n```\\n\\nThis filter condition will succeed on projects whose `projectInterface`s fulfill at least one of the following conditions (At least one entry in the array must match):\\n\\n- Include `one`\\n- Include both `two` and `three`.\",\n anyOf: [\n {\n type: 'null',\n },\n {\n type: 'string',\n },\n {\n type: 'array',\n items: {\n anyOf: [\n {\n type: 'string',\n },\n {\n type: 'array',\n items: { type: 'string' },\n },\n ],\n },\n },\n ],\n },\n excludeProjectInterfaces: {\n description:\n \"String representation of `RegExp` pattern(s) to match against projects' `projectInterface`s (using the [`test`](https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/JavaScript/Reference/Global_Objects/RegExp/test) function) to determine if they should absolutely not be included even if they match with `includeProjectInterfaces`.\\n\\nIf this is one string, it will be matched against `projectInterface`s. If this is an array, each entry is handled based on its type (at least one entry must match for this filter condition to exclude the project):\\n\\n- If the entry is a string, it will be matched against each `projectInterface`. If any match, the project will pass this filter condition and exclude the project\\n- If the entry is an array of strings, each will be matched against each `projectInterface`. If every string matches against at least one `projectInterface`, the project will pass this filter condition and exclude the project\\n\\nIn other words, each entry in the first-level array is `OR`'ed together. Each entry in second-level arrays (arrays within the first-level array) are `AND`'ed together.\\n\\nDefaults to no {@link ProjectInterfaces}, so all projects that match `includeProjectInterfaces` will be included\\n\\n@example\\n\\n```typescript\\nexcludeProjectInterfaces: ['one', ['two', 'three']];\\n```\\n\\nThis filter condition will succeed and exclude projects whose `projectInterface`s fulfill at least one of the following conditions (At least one entry in the array must match):\\n\\n- Include `one`\\n- Include both `two` and `three`.\",\n anyOf: [\n {\n type: 'null',\n },\n {\n type: 'string',\n },\n {\n type: 'array',\n items: {\n anyOf: [\n {\n type: 'string',\n },\n {\n type: 'array',\n items: { type: 'string' },\n },\n ],\n },\n },\n ],\n },\n includePdpFactoryIds: {\n description:\n \"String representation of `RegExp` pattern(s) to match against the Project Data Provider Factory Ids that provided each project's metadata (using the [`test`](https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/JavaScript/Reference/Global_Objects/RegExp/test) function) to determine if the projects should be included.\\n\\nDefaults to all Project Data Provider Factory Ids, so all projects that do not match `excludePdpFactoryIds` will be included\",\n anyOf: [\n {\n type: 'null',\n },\n {\n type: 'string',\n },\n {\n type: 'array',\n items: { type: 'string' },\n },\n ],\n },\n excludePdpFactoryIds: {\n description:\n \"String representation of `RegExp` pattern(s) to match against the Project Data Provider Factory Ids that provided each project's metadata (using the [`test`](https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/JavaScript/Reference/Global_Objects/RegExp/test) function) to determine if the projects should absolutely not be included even if they match with `includeProjectInterfaces`.\\n\\nDefaults to none, so all projects that match `includePdpFactoryIds` will be included\",\n anyOf: [\n {\n type: 'null',\n },\n {\n type: 'string',\n },\n {\n type: 'array',\n items: { type: 'string' },\n },\n ],\n },\n },\n },\n settingsContribution: {\n description:\n 'The data an extension provides to inform Platform.Bible of the settings it provides',\n anyOf: [\n {\n $ref: '#/$defs/settingsGroup',\n },\n {\n type: 'array',\n items: {\n $ref: '#/$defs/settingsGroup',\n },\n },\n ],\n },\n settingsGroup: {\n description: 'Group of related settings definitions',\n type: 'object',\n properties: {\n label: {\n description: 'localizeKey that displays in the settings dialog as the group name',\n $ref: '#/$defs/localizeKey',\n },\n description: {\n description: 'localizeKey that displays in the settings dialog to describe the group',\n $ref: '#/$defs/localizeKey',\n },\n properties: {\n $ref: '#/$defs/settingProperties',\n },\n },\n required: ['label', 'properties'],\n },\n settingProperties: {\n description: 'Object whose keys are setting IDs and whose values are settings objects',\n type: 'object',\n patternProperties: {\n '^[\\\\w-]+\\\\.[\\\\w-]+$': {\n $ref: '#/$defs/setting',\n },\n },\n additionalProperties: false,\n },\n setting: {\n description: \"A description of an extension's setting entry\",\n anyOf: [\n {\n $ref: '#/$defs/extensionControlledSetting',\n },\n ],\n },\n extensionControlledSetting: {\n description: 'Setting definition that is validated by the extension.',\n allOf: [\n {\n $ref: '#/$defs/settingBase',\n },\n {\n $ref: '#/$defs/modifierExtensionControlled',\n },\n ],\n },\n settingBase: {\n description: 'Base information needed to describe a setting entry',\n allOf: [\n {\n $ref: '#/$defs/stateBase',\n },\n {\n type: 'object',\n properties: {\n label: {\n description: 'localizeKey that displays in the settings dialog as the setting name',\n $ref: '#/$defs/localizeKey',\n },\n description: {\n description: 'localizeKey that displays in the settings dialog to describe the setting',\n $ref: '#/$defs/localizeKey',\n },\n },\n required: ['label'],\n },\n ],\n },\n projectStateContribution: {\n description:\n 'The data an extension provides to inform Platform.Bible of the project state it provides',\n $ref: '#/$defs/userStateProperties',\n },\n userStateContribution: {\n description:\n 'The data an extension provides to inform Platform.Bible of the user state it provides',\n $ref: '#/$defs/userStateProperties',\n },\n userStateProperties: {\n description: 'Object whose keys are state IDs and whose values are state objects',\n type: 'object',\n patternProperties: {\n '^[\\\\w\\\\-]+\\\\.[\\\\w\\\\-]+$': {\n $ref: '#/$defs/userState',\n },\n },\n additionalProperties: false,\n },\n userState: {\n description: \"A description of an extension's user state entry\",\n anyOf: [\n {\n $ref: '#/$defs/extensionControlledState',\n },\n ],\n },\n extensionControlledState: {\n description: 'State definition that is validated by the extension.',\n allOf: [\n {\n $ref: '#/$defs/stateBase',\n },\n {\n $ref: '#/$defs/modifierExtensionControlled',\n },\n ],\n },\n modifierExtensionControlled: {\n description:\n 'Modifies state/setting type to be extension-controlled. \"Extension-controlled\" means the extension provides the component and the validator for the state/setting, so the state/setting is controlled by the extension.',\n not: {\n anyOf: [\n {\n type: 'object',\n required: ['platformType'],\n },\n {\n type: 'object',\n required: ['type'],\n },\n ],\n },\n },\n stateBase: {\n description: 'Base information needed to describe a state entry',\n type: 'object',\n properties: {\n default: {\n description: 'default value for the state/setting',\n type: 'any',\n },\n derivesFrom: {\n description:\n \"a state/setting ID whose value to set to this state/setting's starting value the first time this state/setting is loaded\",\n $ref: '#/$defs/id',\n },\n },\n required: ['default'],\n },\n localizeKey: {\n description: \"Identifier for a string that will be localized based on the user's UI language\",\n type: 'string',\n pattern: '^%[\\\\w\\\\-\\\\.]+%$',\n tsType: 'LocalizeKey',\n },\n id: {\n description: '',\n type: 'string',\n pattern: '^[\\\\w\\\\-]+\\\\.[\\\\w\\\\-]+$',\n tsType: 'Id',\n },\n};\n\n/**\n * Json-schema-to-typescript has some added stuff that isn't actually compatible with JSON schema,\n * so we remove them here\n *\n * @param defs The `$defs` property of a JSON schema (will be modified in place)\n */\n// JSON schema types are weird, so we'll just be careful\n// eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/no-explicit-any\nexport function removeJsonToTypeScriptTypesStuff(defs: any) {\n if (!defs) return;\n\n // JSON schema types are weird, so we'll just be careful\n // eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/no-explicit-any\n Object.values(defs).forEach((def: any) => {\n if (!def.type) return;\n\n if ('tsType' in def) delete def.tsType;\n\n if (def.type === 'any') {\n delete def.type;\n return;\n }\n\n if (def.type === 'object') {\n removeJsonToTypeScriptTypesStuff(def.properties);\n }\n });\n}\n\nremoveJsonToTypeScriptTypesStuff(settingsDefs);\n\n/** JSON schema object that aligns with the ProjectSettingsContribution type */\nexport const projectSettingsDocumentSchema = {\n $schema: 'https://json-schema.org/draft/2020-12/schema',\n title: 'Project Settings Contribution',\n description:\n 'The data an extension provides to inform Platform.Bible of the project settings it provides',\n anyOf: [\n {\n $ref: '#/$defs/projectSettingsGroup',\n },\n {\n type: 'array',\n items: {\n $ref: '#/$defs/projectSettingsGroup',\n },\n },\n ],\n\n $defs: settingsDefs,\n};\n\nObject.freeze(projectSettingsDocumentSchema);\n\n/** JSON schema object that aligns with the {@link SettingsContribution} type */\nexport const settingsDocumentSchema = {\n $schema: 'https://json-schema.org/draft/2020-12/schema',\n title: 'Settings Contribution',\n description:\n 'The data an extension provides to inform Platform.Bible of the settings it provides',\n anyOf: [\n {\n $ref: '#/$defs/settingsGroup',\n },\n {\n type: 'array',\n items: {\n $ref: '#/$defs/settingsGroup',\n },\n },\n ],\n\n $defs: settingsDefs,\n};\n\nObject.freeze(settingsDocumentSchema);\n","//----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n// NOTE: If you change any of the types, make sure the JSON schema at the end of this file gets\n// changed so they align.\n//----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n\nimport { LocalizeKey } from 'menus.model';\nimport { removeJsonToTypeScriptTypesStuff } from './settings.model';\n\n/** Localized string value associated with this key */\nexport type LocalizedStringValue = string;\n\n/** The data an extension provides to inform Platform.Bible of the localized strings it provides. */\nexport interface LocalizedStringDataContribution {\n [k: string]: unknown;\n metadata?: StringsMetadata;\n localizedStrings?: {\n [k: string]: LanguageStrings;\n };\n}\n/**\n * Map whose keys are localized string keys and whose values provide additional non-locale-specific\n * information about the localized string key\n */\nexport interface StringsMetadata {\n [k: LocalizeKey]: StringMetadata;\n}\n/** Additional non-locale-specific information about a localized string key */\nexport interface StringMetadata {\n [k: string]: unknown;\n /**\n * Localized string key from which to get this value if one does not exist in the specified\n * language. If a new key/value pair needs to be made to replace an existing one, this could help\n * smooth over the transition if the meanings are close enough\n */\n fallbackKey?: LocalizeKey;\n /**\n * Additional information provided by developers in English to help the translator to know how to\n * translate this localized string accurately\n */\n notes?: string;\n}\n/**\n * Map whose keys are localized string keys and whose values provide information about how to\n * localize strings for the localized string key\n */\nexport interface LanguageStrings {\n [k: LocalizeKey]: LocalizedStringValue;\n}\n\n//----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n// NOTE: If you change the schema below, make sure the TS types above get changed so they align.\n//----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n\nconst localizedStringsDefs = {\n languageStrings: {\n description:\n 'Map whose keys are localized string keys and whose values provide information about how to localize strings for the localized string key',\n type: 'object',\n patternProperties: {\n '^%[\\\\w\\\\-\\\\.]+%$': {\n $ref: '#/$defs/localizedStringValue',\n },\n },\n additionalProperties: false,\n },\n localizedStringValue: {\n description: 'Localized string value associated with this key',\n type: 'string',\n },\n stringsMetadata: {\n description:\n 'Map whose keys are localized string keys and whose values provide additional non-locale-specific information about the localized string key',\n type: 'object',\n patternProperties: {\n '^%[\\\\w\\\\-\\\\.]+%$': {\n $ref: '#/$defs/stringMetadata',\n },\n },\n additionalProperties: false,\n },\n stringMetadata: {\n description: 'Additional non-locale-specific information about a localized string key',\n type: 'object',\n properties: {\n fallbackKey: {\n description:\n 'Localized string key from which to get this value if one does not exist in the specified language. If a new key/value pair needs to be made to replace an existing one, this could help smooth over the transition if the meanings are close enough',\n $ref: '#/$defs/localizeKey',\n },\n notes: {\n description:\n 'Additional information provided by developers in English to help the translator to know how to translate this localized string accurately',\n type: 'string',\n },\n },\n },\n localizeKey: {\n description: \"Identifier for a string that will be localized based on the user's UI language\",\n type: 'string',\n pattern: '^%[\\\\w\\\\-\\\\.]+%$',\n tsType: 'LocalizeKey',\n },\n};\n\nremoveJsonToTypeScriptTypesStuff(localizedStringsDefs);\n\n/** JSON schema object that aligns with the LocalizedStringDataContribution type */\nexport const localizedStringsDocumentSchema = {\n $schema: 'https://json-schema.org/draft/2020-12/schema',\n title: 'Localized String Data Contribution',\n description:\n 'The data an extension provides to inform Platform.Bible of the localized strings it provides.',\n type: 'object',\n properties: {\n metadata: {\n $ref: '#/$defs/stringsMetadata',\n },\n localizedStrings: {\n type: 'object',\n additionalProperties: {\n $ref: '#/$defs/languageStrings',\n },\n },\n },\n $defs: localizedStringsDefs,\n};\n\nObject.freeze(localizedStringsDocumentSchema);\n","//----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n// NOTE: If you change any of the types, make sure the JSON schema at the end of this file gets\n// changed so they align.\n//----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n\nimport { ReplaceType } from './util';\n\n/** Identifier for a string that will be localized in a menu based on the user's UI language */\nexport type LocalizeKey = `%${string}%`;\n\n/** Name of some UI element (i.e., tab, column, group, menu item) or some PAPI object (i.e., command) */\nexport type ReferencedItem = `${string}.${string}`;\n\nexport type OrderedItem = {\n /** Relative order of this item compared to other items in the same parent/scope (sorted ascending) */\n order: number;\n};\n\nexport type OrderedExtensibleContainer = OrderedItem & {\n /** Determines whether other items can be added to this after it has been defined */\n isExtensible?: boolean;\n};\n\n/** Group of menu items that belongs in a column */\nexport type MenuGroupDetailsInColumn = OrderedExtensibleContainer & {\n /** ID of column in which this group resides */\n column: ReferencedItem;\n};\n\n/** Group of menu items that belongs in a submenu */\nexport type MenuGroupDetailsInSubMenu = OrderedExtensibleContainer & {\n /** ID of menu item hosting the submenu in which this group resides */\n menuItem: ReferencedItem;\n};\n\n/** Column that includes header text in a menu */\nexport type MenuColumnWithHeader = OrderedExtensibleContainer & {\n /** Key that represents the text of the header text of the column */\n label: LocalizeKey;\n};\n\nexport type MenuItemBase = OrderedItem & {\n /** Menu group to which this menu item belongs */\n group: ReferencedItem;\n /** Key that represents the text of this menu item to display */\n label: LocalizeKey;\n /** Key that represents words the platform should reference when users are searching for menu items */\n searchTerms?: LocalizeKey;\n /** Key that represents the text to display if a mouse pointer hovers over the menu item */\n tooltip?: LocalizeKey;\n /** Additional information provided by developers to help people who perform localization */\n localizeNotes: string;\n};\n\n/** Menu item that hosts a submenu */\nexport type MenuItemContainingSubmenu = MenuItemBase & {\n /** ID for this menu item that holds a submenu */\n id: ReferencedItem;\n};\n\n/** Menu item that runs a command */\nexport type MenuItemContainingCommand = MenuItemBase & {\n /** Name of the PAPI command to run when this menu item is selected. */\n command: ReferencedItem;\n /** Path to the icon to display after the menu text */\n iconPathAfter?: string;\n /** Path to the icon to display before the menu text */\n iconPathBefore?: string;\n};\n\n/**\n * Group of menu items that can be combined with other groups to form a single context menu/submenu.\n * Groups are separated using a line within the menu/submenu.\n */\nexport type GroupsInSingleColumnMenu = {\n /** Named menu group */\n [property: ReferencedItem]: OrderedExtensibleContainer | MenuGroupDetailsInSubMenu;\n};\n\n/**\n * Group of menu items that can be combined with other groups to form a single menu/submenu within a\n * multi-column menu. Groups are separated using a line within the menu/submenu.\n */\nexport type GroupsInMultiColumnMenu = {\n /** Named menu group */\n [property: ReferencedItem]: MenuGroupDetailsInColumn | MenuGroupDetailsInSubMenu;\n};\n\n/** Group of columns that can be combined with other columns to form a multi-column menu */\nexport type ColumnsWithHeaders = {\n /** Named column of a menu */\n [property: ReferencedItem]: MenuColumnWithHeader;\n /** Defines whether columns can be added to this multi-column menu */\n isExtensible?: boolean;\n};\n\n/** Menu that contains a column without a header */\nexport type SingleColumnMenu = {\n /** Groups that belong in this menu */\n groups: GroupsInSingleColumnMenu;\n /** List of menu items that belong in this menu */\n items: (MenuItemContainingCommand | MenuItemContainingSubmenu)[];\n};\n\n/** Menu that contains multiple columns with headers */\nexport type MultiColumnMenu = {\n /** Columns that belong in this menu */\n columns: ColumnsWithHeaders;\n /** Groups that belong in this menu */\n groups: GroupsInMultiColumnMenu;\n /** List of menu items that belong in this menu */\n items: (MenuItemContainingCommand | MenuItemContainingSubmenu)[];\n};\n\n/** Menus for one single web view */\nexport type WebViewMenu = {\n /** Indicates whether the platform default menus should be included for this webview */\n includeDefaults: boolean | undefined;\n /** Menu that opens when you click on the top left corner of a tab */\n topMenu: MultiColumnMenu | undefined;\n /** Menu that opens when you right click on the main body/area of a tab */\n contextMenu: SingleColumnMenu | undefined;\n};\n\n/** Menus for all web views */\nexport type WebViewMenus = {\n /** Named web view */\n [property: ReferencedItem]: WebViewMenu;\n};\n\n/** Platform.Bible menus before they are localized */\nexport type PlatformMenus = {\n /** Top level menu for the application */\n mainMenu: MultiColumnMenu;\n /** Menus that apply per web view in the application */\n webViewMenus: WebViewMenus;\n /** Default context menu for web views that don't specify their own */\n defaultWebViewContextMenu: SingleColumnMenu;\n /** Default top menu for web views that don't specify their own */\n defaultWebViewTopMenu: MultiColumnMenu;\n};\n\n/**\n * Type that converts any menu type before it is localized to what it is after it is localized. This\n * can be applied to any menu type as needed.\n */\nexport type Localized = ReplaceType, ReferencedItem, string>;\n\n//----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n// NOTE: If you change the schema below, make sure the TS types above get changed so they align.\n//----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n/** JSON schema object that aligns with the PlatformMenus type */\nexport const menuDocumentSchema = {\n title: 'Platform.Bible menus',\n type: 'object',\n properties: {\n mainMenu: {\n description: 'Top level menu for the application',\n $ref: '#/$defs/multiColumnMenu',\n },\n defaultWebViewTopMenu: {\n description: \"Default top menu for web views that don't specify their own\",\n $ref: '#/$defs/multiColumnMenu',\n },\n defaultWebViewContextMenu: {\n description: \"Default context menu for web views that don't specify their own\",\n $ref: '#/$defs/singleColumnMenu',\n },\n webViewMenus: {\n description: 'Menus that apply per web view in the application',\n type: 'object',\n patternProperties: {\n '^[\\\\w\\\\-]+\\\\.[\\\\w\\\\-]+$': {\n $ref: '#/$defs/menusForOneWebView',\n },\n },\n additionalProperties: false,\n },\n },\n required: ['mainMenu', 'defaultWebViewTopMenu', 'defaultWebViewContextMenu', 'webViewMenus'],\n additionalProperties: false,\n $defs: {\n localizeKey: {\n description:\n \"Identifier for a string that will be localized in a menu based on the user's UI language\",\n type: 'string',\n pattern: '^%[\\\\w\\\\-\\\\.]+%$',\n },\n referencedItem: {\n description:\n 'Name of some UI element (i.e., tab, column, group, menu item) or some PAPI object (i.e., command)',\n type: 'string',\n pattern: '^[\\\\w\\\\-]+\\\\.[\\\\w\\\\-]+$',\n },\n columnsWithHeaders: {\n description:\n 'Group of columns that can be combined with other columns to form a multi-column menu',\n type: 'object',\n patternProperties: {\n '^[\\\\w\\\\-]+\\\\.[\\\\w\\\\-]+$': {\n description: 'Single column with a header string',\n type: 'object',\n properties: {\n label: {\n description: 'Header text for this this column in the UI',\n $ref: '#/$defs/localizeKey',\n },\n localizeNotes: {\n description:\n 'Additional information provided by developers to help people who perform localization',\n type: 'string',\n },\n order: {\n description:\n 'Relative order of this column compared to other columns (sorted ascending)',\n type: 'number',\n },\n isExtensible: {\n description:\n 'Defines whether contributions are allowed to add menu groups to this column',\n type: 'boolean',\n },\n },\n required: ['label', 'order'],\n additionalProperties: false,\n },\n },\n properties: {\n isExtensible: {\n description:\n 'Defines whether contributions are allowed to add columns to this multi-column menu',\n type: 'boolean',\n },\n },\n },\n menuGroups: {\n description:\n 'Group of menu items that can be combined with other groups to form a single menu/submenu. Groups are separated using a line within the menu/submenu.',\n type: 'object',\n patternProperties: {\n '^[\\\\w\\\\-]+\\\\.[\\\\w\\\\-]+$': {\n description: 'Single group that contains menu items',\n type: 'object',\n oneOf: [\n {\n properties: {\n column: {\n description:\n 'Column where this group belongs, not required for single column menus',\n $ref: '#/$defs/referencedItem',\n },\n order: {\n description:\n 'Relative order of this group compared to other groups in the same column or submenu (sorted ascending)',\n type: 'number',\n },\n isExtensible: {\n description:\n 'Defines whether contributions are allowed to add menu items to this menu group',\n type: 'boolean',\n },\n },\n required: ['order'],\n additionalProperties: false,\n },\n {\n properties: {\n menuItem: {\n description: 'Menu item that anchors the submenu where this group belongs',\n $ref: '#/$defs/referencedItem',\n },\n order: {\n description:\n 'Relative order of this group compared to other groups in the same column or submenu (sorted ascending)',\n type: 'number',\n },\n isExtensible: {\n description:\n 'Defines whether contributions are allowed to add menu items to this menu group',\n type: 'boolean',\n },\n },\n required: ['menuItem', 'order'],\n additionalProperties: false,\n },\n ],\n },\n },\n additionalProperties: false,\n },\n menuItem: {\n description:\n 'Single item in a menu that can be clicked on to take an action or can be the parent of a submenu',\n type: 'object',\n oneOf: [\n {\n properties: {\n id: {\n description: 'ID for this menu item that holds a submenu',\n $ref: '#/$defs/referencedItem',\n },\n },\n required: ['id'],\n },\n {\n properties: {\n command: {\n description: 'Name of the PAPI command to run when this menu item is selected.',\n $ref: '#/$defs/referencedItem',\n },\n iconPathBefore: {\n description: 'Path to the icon to display before the menu text',\n type: 'string',\n },\n iconPathAfter: {\n description: 'Path to the icon to display after the menu text',\n type: 'string',\n },\n },\n required: ['command'],\n },\n ],\n properties: {\n label: {\n description: 'Key that represents the text of this menu item to display',\n $ref: '#/$defs/localizeKey',\n },\n tooltip: {\n description:\n 'Key that represents the text to display if a mouse pointer hovers over the menu item',\n $ref: '#/$defs/localizeKey',\n },\n searchTerms: {\n description:\n 'Key that represents additional words the platform should reference when users are searching for menu items',\n $ref: '#/$defs/localizeKey',\n },\n localizeNotes: {\n description:\n 'Additional information provided by developers to help people who perform localization',\n type: 'string',\n },\n group: {\n description: 'Group to which this menu item belongs',\n $ref: '#/$defs/referencedItem',\n },\n order: {\n description:\n 'Relative order of this menu item compared to other menu items in the same group (sorted ascending)',\n type: 'number',\n },\n },\n required: ['label', 'group', 'order'],\n unevaluatedProperties: false,\n },\n groupsAndItems: {\n description: 'Core schema for a column',\n type: 'object',\n properties: {\n groups: {\n description: 'Groups that belong in this menu',\n $ref: '#/$defs/menuGroups',\n },\n items: {\n description: 'List of menu items that belong in this menu',\n type: 'array',\n items: { $ref: '#/$defs/menuItem' },\n uniqueItems: true,\n },\n },\n required: ['groups', 'items'],\n },\n singleColumnMenu: {\n description: 'Menu that contains a column without a header',\n type: 'object',\n allOf: [{ $ref: '#/$defs/groupsAndItems' }],\n unevaluatedProperties: false,\n },\n multiColumnMenu: {\n description: 'Menu that can contain multiple columns with headers',\n type: 'object',\n allOf: [\n { $ref: '#/$defs/groupsAndItems' },\n {\n properties: {\n columns: {\n description: 'Columns that belong in this menu',\n $ref: '#/$defs/columnsWithHeaders',\n },\n },\n required: ['columns'],\n },\n ],\n unevaluatedProperties: false,\n },\n menusForOneWebView: {\n description: 'Set of menus that are associated with a single tab',\n type: 'object',\n properties: {\n includeDefaults: {\n description:\n 'Indicates whether the platform default menus should be included for this webview',\n type: 'boolean',\n },\n topMenu: {\n description: 'Menu that opens when you click on the top left corner of a tab',\n $ref: '#/$defs/multiColumnMenu',\n },\n contextMenu: {\n description: 'Menu that opens when you right click on the main body/area of a tab',\n $ref: '#/$defs/singleColumnMenu',\n },\n },\n additionalProperties: false,\n },\n 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AAyBO,CAAM,EAC5Cc,EAASI,EACPA,EAA+BN,CAAU,EACzCP,GAAiCO,CAAU,EACjD,OAAOD,GAAc,CAAE,SAAUd,EAAU,WAAYe,EAAY,YAAaC,EAAa,OAAQC,EAAQ,OAAQf,CAAQ,CAAA,CACjI,CC9fwB,SAAAiB,GAAU7N,EAAYK,EAAY,CACjD,OAAA2N,GAAYhO,EAAGK,CAAC,CACzB,CCHwB,SAAA4N,GACtBC,EACAC,EACS,CACL,GAAA,OAAOD,GAA4B,OAAOC,EAAoC,MAAA,GAG9E,GAAA,CAACD,GAA2B,CAACC,EAAoC,MAAA,GAEjE,GAAA,MAAM,QAAQD,CAAuB,EAAG,CAG1C,MAAME,EAAeD,EACfE,EAAWH,EAGjB,OAAIE,EAAa,SAAW,EAAU,GAI/BA,EAAa,MAAOnU,GAASoU,EAAS,SAASpU,CAAI,CAAC,CAC7D,CAEA,GAAI,OAAOiU,GAA4B,SAC9B,OAAAL,GAAUK,EAAyBC,CAA2B,EAIvE,MAAMG,EAAaH,EACbI,EAASL,EAGf,IAAItR,EAAS,GACb,cAAO,KAAK0R,CAAU,EAAE,QAASpU,GAAQ,CAClC0C,IACA,OAAO,OAAO2R,EAAQrU,CAAG,GACpB+T,GAASM,EAAOrU,CAAG,EAAGoU,EAAWpU,CAAG,CAAC,IAAY0C,EAAA,IAAA,CAC5D,EACMA,CACT,CCjDgB,SAAA4R,EACdvW,EACAwW,EACAC,EACQ,CASR,OAAO,KAAK,UAAUzW,EARI,CAACgN,EAAqB0J,IAA2B,CACzE,IAAIC,EAAWD,EACX,OAAAF,IAAqBG,EAAAH,EAASxJ,EAAa2J,CAAQ,GAGnDA,IAAa,SAAsBA,EAAA,MAChCA,CAAA,EAEuCF,CAAK,CACvD,CAkBgB,SAAAG,GACd5W,EACA6W,EAGK,CAGL,SAASC,EAAYzV,EAAyE,CAC5F,cAAO,KAAKA,CAAG,EAAE,QAASY,GAAyB,CAG7CZ,EAAIY,CAAG,IAAM,KAAMZ,EAAIY,CAAG,EAAI,OAEzB,OAAOZ,EAAIY,CAAG,GAAM,WAG3BZ,EAAIY,CAAG,EAAI6U,EAAYzV,EAAIY,CAAG,CAAqC,EAAA,CACtE,EACMZ,CACT,CAEA,MAAM0V,EAAe,KAAK,MAAM/W,EAAO6W,CAAO,EAG9C,GAAIE,IAAiB,KACrB,OAAI,OAAOA,GAAiB,SAAiBD,EAAYC,CAAY,EAC9DA,CACT,CAuBO,SAASC,GAAehX,EAAyB,CAClD,GAAA,CACI,MAAAiX,EAAkBV,EAAUvW,CAAK,EACvC,OAAOiX,IAAoBV,EAAUK,GAAYK,CAAe,CAAC,OACvD,CACH,MAAA,EACT,CACF,CAQa,MAAAC,GAAc5M,GACzBA,EACG,QAAQ,KAAM,OAAO,EACrB,QAAQ,KAAM,MAAM,EACpB,QAAQ,KAAM,MAAM,EACpB,QAAQ,KAAM,QAAQ,EACtB,QAAQ,KAAM,QAAQ,EACtB,QAAQ,MAAO,QAAQ,EClH5B,SAAwB6M,IAA2B,CAEjD,OAAI,OAAO,UAAc,KAAe,UAAU,UACzC,UAAU,UAAU,CAAC,EAGvB,IAAI3W,GAAA,EAAiB,gBAAA,EAAkB,MAChD,CCgLA,MAAM4W,EAAe,CACnB,4BAA6B,CAC3B,YACE,8FACF,MAAO,CACL,CACE,KAAM,8BACR,EACA,CACE,KAAM,QACN,MAAO,CACL,KAAM,8BACR,CACF,CACF,CACF,EACA,qBAAsB,CACpB,YAAa,wCACb,KAAM,SACN,WAAY,CACV,MAAO,CACL,YAAa,6EACb,KAAM,qBACR,EACA,YAAa,CACX,YACE,iFACF,KAAM,qBACR,EACA,WAAY,CACV,KAAM,kCACR,CACF,EACA,SAAU,CAAC,QAAS,YAAY,CAClC,EACA,yBAA0B,CACxB,YAAa,0EACb,KAAM,SACN,kBAAmB,CACjB,0BAA2B,CACzB,KAAM,wBACR,CACF,EACA,qBAAsB,EACxB,EACA,eAAgB,CACd,YAAa,gDACb,MAAO,CACL,CACE,KAAM,2CACR,CACF,CACF,EACA,kCAAmC,CACjC,YAAa,yDACb,MAAO,CACL,CACE,KAAM,4BACR,EACA,CACE,KAAM,qCACR,CACF,CACF,EACA,mBAAoB,CAClB,YAAa,8DACb,MAAO,CACL,CACE,KAAM,qBACR,EACA,CACE,KAAM,yBACR,CACF,CACF,EACA,gBAAiB,CACf,YAAa,8CACb,KAAM,SACN,WAAY,CACV,yBAA0B,CACxB,YACE,q4CACF,MAAO,CACL,CACE,KAAM,MACR,EACA,CACE,KAAM,QACR,EACA,CACE,KAAM,QACN,MAAO,CACL,MAAO,CACL,CACE,KAAM,QACR,EACA,CACE,KAAM,QACN,MAAO,CAAE,KAAM,QAAS,CAC1B,CACF,CACF,CACF,CACF,CACF,EACA,yBAA0B,CACxB,YACE,ugDACF,MAAO,CACL,CACE,KAAM,MACR,EACA,CACE,KAAM,QACR,EACA,CACE,KAAM,QACN,MAAO,CACL,MAAO,CACL,CACE,KAAM,QACR,EACA,CACE,KAAM,QACN,MAAO,CAAE,KAAM,QAAS,CAC1B,CACF,CACF,CACF,CACF,CACF,EACA,qBAAsB,CACpB,YACE,ybACF,MAAO,CACL,CACE,KAAM,MACR,EACA,CACE,KAAM,QACR,EACA,CACE,KAAM,QACN,MAAO,CAAE,KAAM,QAAS,CAC1B,CACF,CACF,EACA,qBAAsB,CACpB,YACE,mdACF,MAAO,CACL,CACE,KAAM,MACR,EACA,CACE,KAAM,QACR,EACA,CACE,KAAM,QACN,MAAO,CAAE,KAAM,QAAS,CAC1B,CACF,CACF,CACF,CACF,EACA,qBAAsB,CACpB,YACE,sFACF,MAAO,CACL,CACE,KAAM,uBACR,EACA,CACE,KAAM,QACN,MAAO,CACL,KAAM,uBACR,CACF,CACF,CACF,EACA,cAAe,CACb,YAAa,wCACb,KAAM,SACN,WAAY,CACV,MAAO,CACL,YAAa,qEACb,KAAM,qBACR,EACA,YAAa,CACX,YAAa,yEACb,KAAM,qBACR,EACA,WAAY,CACV,KAAM,2BACR,CACF,EACA,SAAU,CAAC,QAAS,YAAY,CAClC,EACA,kBAAmB,CACjB,YAAa,0EACb,KAAM,SACN,kBAAmB,CACjB,sBAAuB,CACrB,KAAM,iBACR,CACF,EACA,qBAAsB,EACxB,EACA,QAAS,CACP,YAAa,gDACb,MAAO,CACL,CACE,KAAM,oCACR,CACF,CACF,EACA,2BAA4B,CAC1B,YAAa,yDACb,MAAO,CACL,CACE,KAAM,qBACR,EACA,CACE,KAAM,qCACR,CACF,CACF,EACA,YAAa,CACX,YAAa,sDACb,MAAO,CACL,CACE,KAAM,mBACR,EACA,CACE,KAAM,SACN,WAAY,CACV,MAAO,CACL,YAAa,uEACb,KAAM,qBACR,EACA,YAAa,CACX,YAAa,2EACb,KAAM,qBACR,CACF,EACA,SAAU,CAAC,OAAO,CACpB,CACF,CACF,EACA,yBAA0B,CACxB,YACE,2FACF,KAAM,6BACR,EACA,sBAAuB,CACrB,YACE,wFACF,KAAM,6BACR,EACA,oBAAqB,CACnB,YAAa,qEACb,KAAM,SACN,kBAAmB,CACjB,0BAA2B,CACzB,KAAM,mBACR,CACF,EACA,qBAAsB,EACxB,EACA,UAAW,CACT,YAAa,mDACb,MAAO,CACL,CACE,KAAM,kCACR,CACF,CACF,EACA,yBAA0B,CACxB,YAAa,uDACb,MAAO,CACL,CACE,KAAM,mBACR,EACA,CACE,KAAM,qCACR,CACF,CACF,EACA,4BAA6B,CAC3B,YACE,0NACF,IAAK,CACH,MAAO,CACL,CACE,KAAM,SACN,SAAU,CAAC,cAAc,CAC3B,EACA,CACE,KAAM,SACN,SAAU,CAAC,MAAM,CACnB,CACF,CACF,CACF,EACA,UAAW,CACT,YAAa,oDACb,KAAM,SACN,WAAY,CACV,QAAS,CACP,YAAa,sCACb,KAAM,KACR,EACA,YAAa,CACX,YACE,2HACF,KAAM,YACR,CACF,EACA,SAAU,CAAC,SAAS,CACtB,EACA,YAAa,CACX,YAAa,iFACb,KAAM,SACN,QAAS,mBACT,OAAQ,aACV,EACA,GAAI,CACF,YAAa,GACb,KAAM,SACN,QAAS,0BACT,OAAQ,IACV,CACF,EAUO,SAASC,EAAiCC,EAAW,CACrDA,GAIL,OAAO,OAAOA,CAAI,EAAE,QAASC,GAAa,CACxC,GAAKA,EAAI,KAIL,IAFA,WAAYA,GAAK,OAAOA,EAAI,OAE5BA,EAAI,OAAS,MAAO,CACtB,OAAOA,EAAI,KACX,MACF,CAEIA,EAAI,OAAS,UACfF,EAAiCE,EAAI,UAAU,EACjD,CACD,CACH,CAEAF,EAAiCD,CAAY,EAGtC,MAAMI,GAAgC,CAC3C,QAAS,+CACT,MAAO,gCACP,YACE,8FACF,MAAO,CACL,CACE,KAAM,8BACR,EACA,CACE,KAAM,QACN,MAAO,CACL,KAAM,8BACR,CACF,CACF,EAEA,MAAOJ,CACT,EAEA,OAAO,OAAOI,EAA6B,EAGpC,MAAMC,GAAyB,CACpC,QAAS,+CACT,MAAO,wBACP,YACE,sFACF,MAAO,CACL,CACE,KAAM,uBACR,EACA,CACE,KAAM,QACN,MAAO,CACL,KAAM,uBACR,CACF,CACF,EAEA,MAAOL,CACT,EAEA,OAAO,OAAOK,EAAsB,ECniBpC,MAAMC,GAAuB,CAC3B,gBAAiB,CACf,YACE,2IACF,KAAM,SACN,kBAAmB,CACjB,mBAAoB,CAClB,KAAM,8BACR,CACF,EACA,qBAAsB,EACxB,EACA,qBAAsB,CACpB,YAAa,kDACb,KAAM,QACR,EACA,gBAAiB,CACf,YACE,8IACF,KAAM,SACN,kBAAmB,CACjB,mBAAoB,CAClB,KAAM,wBACR,CACF,EACA,qBAAsB,EACxB,EACA,eAAgB,CACd,YAAa,0EACb,KAAM,SACN,WAAY,CACV,YAAa,CACX,YACE,sPACF,KAAM,qBACR,EACA,MAAO,CACL,YACE,4IACF,KAAM,QACR,CACF,CACF,EACA,YAAa,CACX,YAAa,iFACb,KAAM,SACN,QAAS,mBACT,OAAQ,aACV,CACF,EAEAL,EAAiCK,EAAoB,EAG9C,MAAMC,GAAiC,CAC5C,QAAS,+CACT,MAAO,qCACP,YACE,gGACF,KAAM,SACN,WAAY,CACV,SAAU,CACR,KAAM,yBACR,EACA,iBAAkB,CAChB,KAAM,SACN,qBAAsB,CACpB,KAAM,yBACR,CACF,CACF,EACA,MAAOD,EACT,EAEA,OAAO,OAAOC,EAA8B,ECyBrC,MAAMC,GAAqB,CAChC,MAAO,uBACP,KAAM,SACN,WAAY,CACV,SAAU,CACR,YAAa,qCACb,KAAM,yBACR,EACA,sBAAuB,CACrB,YAAa,8DACb,KAAM,yBACR,EACA,0BAA2B,CACzB,YAAa,kEACb,KAAM,0BACR,EACA,aAAc,CACZ,YAAa,mDACb,KAAM,SACN,kBAAmB,CACjB,0BAA2B,CACzB,KAAM,4BACR,CACF,EACA,qBAAsB,EACxB,CACF,EACA,SAAU,CAAC,WAAY,wBAAyB,4BAA6B,cAAc,EAC3F,qBAAsB,GACtB,MAAO,CACL,YAAa,CACX,YACE,2FACF,KAAM,SACN,QAAS,kBACX,EACA,eAAgB,CACd,YACE,oGACF,KAAM,SACN,QAAS,yBACX,EACA,mBAAoB,CAClB,YACE,uFACF,KAAM,SACN,kBAAmB,CACjB,0BAA2B,CACzB,YAAa,qCACb,KAAM,SACN,WAAY,CACV,MAAO,CACL,YAAa,6CACb,KAAM,qBACR,EACA,cAAe,CACb,YACE,wFACF,KAAM,QACR,EACA,MAAO,CACL,YACE,6EACF,KAAM,QACR,EACA,aAAc,CACZ,YACE,8EACF,KAAM,SACR,CACF,EACA,SAAU,CAAC,QAAS,OAAO,EAC3B,qBAAsB,EACxB,CACF,EACA,WAAY,CACV,aAAc,CACZ,YACE,qFACF,KAAM,SACR,CACF,CACF,EACA,WAAY,CACV,YACE,uJACF,KAAM,SACN,kBAAmB,CACjB,0BAA2B,CACzB,YAAa,wCACb,KAAM,SACN,MAAO,CACL,CACE,WAAY,CACV,OAAQ,CACN,YACE,wEACF,KAAM,wBACR,EACA,MAAO,CACL,YACE,yGACF,KAAM,QACR,EACA,aAAc,CACZ,YACE,iFACF,KAAM,SACR,CACF,EACA,SAAU,CAAC,OAAO,EAClB,qBAAsB,EACxB,EACA,CACE,WAAY,CACV,SAAU,CACR,YAAa,8DACb,KAAM,wBACR,EACA,MAAO,CACL,YACE,yGACF,KAAM,QACR,EACA,aAAc,CACZ,YACE,iFACF,KAAM,SACR,CACF,EACA,SAAU,CAAC,WAAY,OAAO,EAC9B,qBAAsB,EACxB,CACF,CACF,CACF,EACA,qBAAsB,EACxB,EACA,SAAU,CACR,YACE,mGACF,KAAM,SACN,MAAO,CACL,CACE,WAAY,CACV,GAAI,CACF,YAAa,6CACb,KAAM,wBACR,CACF,EACA,SAAU,CAAC,IAAI,CACjB,EACA,CACE,WAAY,CACV,QAAS,CACP,YAAa,mEACb,KAAM,wBACR,EACA,eAAgB,CACd,YAAa,mDACb,KAAM,QACR,EACA,cAAe,CACb,YAAa,kDACb,KAAM,QACR,CACF,EACA,SAAU,CAAC,SAAS,CACtB,CACF,EACA,WAAY,CACV,MAAO,CACL,YAAa,4DACb,KAAM,qBACR,EACA,QAAS,CACP,YACE,uFACF,KAAM,qBACR,EACA,YAAa,CACX,YACE,6GACF,KAAM,qBACR,EACA,cAAe,CACb,YACE,wFACF,KAAM,QACR,EACA,MAAO,CACL,YAAa,wCACb,KAAM,wBACR,EACA,MAAO,CACL,YACE,qGACF,KAAM,QACR,CACF,EACA,SAAU,CAAC,QAAS,QAAS,OAAO,EACpC,sBAAuB,EACzB,EACA,eAAgB,CACd,YAAa,2BACb,KAAM,SACN,WAAY,CACV,OAAQ,CACN,YAAa,kCACb,KAAM,oBACR,EACA,MAAO,CACL,YAAa,8CACb,KAAM,QACN,MAAO,CAAE,KAAM,kBAAmB,EAClC,YAAa,EACf,CACF,EACA,SAAU,CAAC,SAAU,OAAO,CAC9B,EACA,iBAAkB,CAChB,YAAa,+CACb,KAAM,SACN,MAAO,CAAC,CAAE,KAAM,yBAA0B,EAC1C,sBAAuB,EACzB,EACA,gBAAiB,CACf,YAAa,sDACb,KAAM,SACN,MAAO,CACL,CAAE,KAAM,wBAAyB,EACjC,CACE,WAAY,CACV,QAAS,CACP,YAAa,mCACb,KAAM,4BACR,CACF,EACA,SAAU,CAAC,SAAS,CACtB,CACF,EACA,sBAAuB,EACzB,EACA,mBAAoB,CAClB,YAAa,qDACb,KAAM,SACN,WAAY,CACV,gBAAiB,CACf,YACE,mFACF,KAAM,SACR,EACA,QAAS,CACP,YAAa,iEACb,KAAM,yBACR,EACA,YAAa,CACX,YAAa,sEACb,KAAM,0BACR,CACF,EACA,qBAAsB,EACxB,CACF,CACF,EAEA,OAAO,OAAOA,EAAkB","x_google_ignoreList":[11,12,13,17]} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/lib/platform-bible-utils/dist/index.d.ts b/lib/platform-bible-utils/dist/index.d.ts index bc510b1343..d73c2a6fc9 100644 --- a/lib/platform-bible-utils/dist/index.d.ts +++ b/lib/platform-bible-utils/dist/index.d.ts @@ -14,7 +14,7 @@ export declare class AsyncVariable { * @param variableName Name to use when logging about this variable * @param rejectIfNotSettledWithinMS Milliseconds to wait before verifying if the promise was * settled (resolved or rejected); will reject if it has not settled by that time. Use -1 if you - * do not want a timeout at all. + * do not want a timeout at all. Defaults to 10000 ms */ constructor(variableName: string, rejectIfNotSettledWithinMS?: number); /** @@ -35,7 +35,7 @@ export declare class AsyncVariable { * * @param value This variable's promise will resolve to this value * @param throwIfAlreadySettled Determines whether to throw if the variable was already resolved - * or rejected + * or rejected. Defaults to `false` */ resolveToValue(value: T, throwIfAlreadySettled?: boolean): void; /** @@ -43,7 +43,7 @@ export declare class AsyncVariable { * * @param reason This variable's promise will be rejected with this reason * @param throwIfAlreadySettled Determines whether to throw if the variable was already resolved - * or rejected + * or rejected. Defaults to `false` */ rejectWithReason(reason: string, throwIfAlreadySettled?: boolean): void; /** Prevent any further updates to this variable */ diff --git a/lib/platform-bible-utils/dist/index.js b/lib/platform-bible-utils/dist/index.js index 24ad5d3742..a2cc85d06f 100644 --- a/lib/platform-bible-utils/dist/index.js +++ b/lib/platform-bible-utils/dist/index.js @@ -9,7 +9,7 @@ class tr { * @param variableName Name to use when logging about this variable * @param rejectIfNotSettledWithinMS Milliseconds to wait before verifying if the promise was * settled (resolved or rejected); will reject if it has not settled by that time. Use -1 if you - * do not want a timeout at all. + * do not want a timeout at all. Defaults to 10000 ms */ constructor(e, r = 1e4) { d(this, "variableName"); @@ -44,7 +44,7 @@ class tr { * * @param value This variable's promise will resolve to this value * @param throwIfAlreadySettled Determines whether to throw if the variable was already resolved - * or rejected + * or rejected. Defaults to `false` */ resolveToValue(e, r = !1) { if (this.resolver) @@ -60,7 +60,7 @@ class tr { * * @param reason This variable's promise will be rejected with this reason * @param throwIfAlreadySettled Determines whether to throw if the variable was already resolved - * or rejected + * or rejected. Defaults to `false` */ rejectWithReason(e, r = !1) { if (this.rejecter) @@ -213,8 +213,7 @@ class Re { * and still call the base functionality. See NetworkEventEmitter.emit for example */ emitFn(e) { - var r; - this.assertNotDisposed(), (r = this.subscriptions) == null || r.forEach((s) => s(e)); + this.assertNotDisposed(), [...this.subscriptions ?? []].forEach((s) => s(e)); } /** Check to make sure this emitter is not disposed. Throw if it is */ assertNotDisposed() { @@ -1033,7 +1032,7 @@ const N = class { } }; l(N, "Original", new N(O.Original)), l(N, "Septuagint", new N(O.Septuagint)), l(N, "Vulgate", new N(O.Vulgate)), l(N, "English", new N(O.English)), l(N, "RussianProtestant", new N(O.RussianProtestant)), l(N, "RussianOrthodox", new N(O.RussianOrthodox)); -let I = N; +let C = N; function Q(t, e) { const r = e[0]; for (let s = 1; s < e.length; s++) @@ -1045,10 +1044,10 @@ const y = class f { constructor(e, r, s, n) { if (l(this, "firstChapter"), l(this, "lastChapter"), l(this, "lastVerse"), l(this, "hasSegmentsDefined"), l(this, "text"), l(this, "BBBCCCVVVS"), l(this, "longHashCode"), l(this, "versification"), l(this, "rtlMark", "‏"), l(this, "_bookNum", 0), l(this, "_chapterNum", 0), l(this, "_verseNum", 0), l(this, "_verse"), s == null && n == null) if (e != null && typeof e == "string") { - const i = e, o = r != null && r instanceof I ? r : void 0; + const i = e, o = r != null && r instanceof C ? r : void 0; this.setEmpty(o), this.parse(i); } else if (e != null && typeof e == "number") { - const i = r != null && r instanceof I ? r : void 0; + const i = r != null && r instanceof C ? r : void 0; this.setEmpty(i), this._verseNum = e % f.chapterDigitShifter, this._chapterNum = Math.floor( e % f.bookDigitShifter / f.chapterDigitShifter ), this._bookNum = Math.floor(e / f.bookDigitShifter); @@ -1059,7 +1058,7 @@ const y = class f { } else { if (e == null) return; - const i = e instanceof I ? e : f.defaultVersification; + const i = e instanceof C ? e : f.defaultVersification; this.setEmpty(i); } else @@ -1220,7 +1219,7 @@ const y = class f { return (e = this.versification) == null ? void 0 : e.name; } set versificationStr(e) { - this.versification = this.versification != null ? new I(e) : void 0; + this.versification = this.versification != null ? new C(e) : void 0; } /** * Determines if the reference is valid. @@ -1274,7 +1273,7 @@ const y = class f { if (e = i[0], i.length > 1) try { const o = +i[1].trim(); - this.versification = new I(O[o]); + this.versification = new C(O[o]); } catch { throw new D("Invalid reference : " + e); } @@ -1388,15 +1387,15 @@ const y = class f { this.bookNum = E.bookIdToNumber(e), this.chapter = r, this.verse = s; } }; -l(y, "defaultVersification", I.English), l(y, "verseRangeSeparator", "-"), l(y, "verseSequenceIndicator", ","), l(y, "verseRangeSeparators", [y.verseRangeSeparator]), l(y, "verseSequenceIndicators", [y.verseSequenceIndicator]), l(y, "chapterDigitShifter", 1e3), l(y, "bookDigitShifter", y.chapterDigitShifter * y.chapterDigitShifter), l(y, "bcvMaxValue", y.chapterDigitShifter - 1), /** +l(y, "defaultVersification", C.English), l(y, "verseRangeSeparator", "-"), l(y, "verseSequenceIndicator", ","), l(y, "verseRangeSeparators", [y.verseRangeSeparator]), l(y, "verseSequenceIndicators", [y.verseSequenceIndicator]), l(y, "chapterDigitShifter", 1e3), l(y, "bookDigitShifter", y.chapterDigitShifter * y.chapterDigitShifter), l(y, "bcvMaxValue", y.chapterDigitShifter - 1), /** * The valid status of the VerseRef. */ l(y, "ValidStatusType", be); class D extends Error { } var Y = typeof globalThis < "u" ? globalThis : typeof window < "u" ? window : typeof global < "u" ? global : typeof self < "u" ? self : {}, j = {}, et = () => { - const t = "\\ud800-\\udfff", e = "\\u0300-\\u036f", r = "\\ufe20-\\ufe2f", s = "\\u20d0-\\u20ff", n = "\\u1ab0-\\u1aff", i = "\\u1dc0-\\u1dff", o = e + r + s + n + i, a = "\\ufe0e\\ufe0f", h = "\\uD83D\\uDC69\\uD83C\\uDFFB\\u200D\\uD83C\\uDF93", p = `[${t}]`, u = `[${o}]`, c = "\\ud83c[\\udffb-\\udfff]", m = `(?:${u}|${c})`, v = `[^${t}]`, b = "(?:\\uD83C[\\uDDE6-\\uDDFF]){2}", A = "[\\ud800-\\udbff][\\udc00-\\udfff]", q = "\\u200d", Se = "(?:\\ud83c\\udff4\\udb40\\udc67\\udb40\\udc62\\udb40(?:\\udc65|\\udc73|\\udc77)\\udb40(?:\\udc6e|\\udc63|\\udc6c)\\udb40(?:\\udc67|\\udc74|\\udc73)\\udb40\\udc7f)", je = `[${h}]`, H = `${m}?`, L = `[${a}]?`, Ie = `(?:${q}(?:${[v, b, A].join("|")})${L + H})*`, Ce = L + H + Ie, Pe = `(?:${[`${v}${u}?`, u, b, A, p, je].join("|")})`; - return new RegExp(`${Se}|${c}(?=${c})|${Pe + Ce}`, "g"); + const t = "\\ud800-\\udfff", e = "\\u0300-\\u036f", r = "\\ufe20-\\ufe2f", s = "\\u20d0-\\u20ff", n = "\\u1ab0-\\u1aff", i = "\\u1dc0-\\u1dff", o = e + r + s + n + i, a = "\\ufe0e\\ufe0f", h = "\\uD83D\\uDC69\\uD83C\\uDFFB\\u200D\\uD83C\\uDF93", p = `[${t}]`, u = `[${o}]`, c = "\\ud83c[\\udffb-\\udfff]", m = `(?:${u}|${c})`, v = `[^${t}]`, b = "(?:\\uD83C[\\uDDE6-\\uDDFF]){2}", A = "[\\ud800-\\udbff][\\udc00-\\udfff]", q = "\\u200d", Se = "(?:\\ud83c\\udff4\\udb40\\udc67\\udb40\\udc62\\udb40(?:\\udc65|\\udc73|\\udc77)\\udb40(?:\\udc6e|\\udc63|\\udc6c)\\udb40(?:\\udc67|\\udc74|\\udc73)\\udb40\\udc7f)", je = `[${h}]`, H = `${m}?`, L = `[${a}]?`, Ce = `(?:${q}(?:${[v, b, A].join("|")})${L + H})*`, Ie = L + H + Ce, Pe = `(?:${[`${v}${u}?`, u, b, A, p, je].join("|")})`; + return new RegExp(`${Se}|${c}(?=${c})|${Pe + Ie}`, "g"); }, tt = Y && Y.__importDefault || function(t) { return t && t.__esModule ? t : { default: t }; }; @@ -1479,7 +1478,7 @@ function mr(t, e) { if (!(e > g(t) || e < -g(t))) return V(t, e, 1); } -function C(t, e) { +function I(t, e) { return e < 0 || e > g(t) - 1 ? "" : V(t, e, 1); } function gr(t, e) { @@ -1494,23 +1493,23 @@ function ft(t, e, r) { if (e < 0) return -1; if (r) { - if (C(t, e) === "}" && C(t, e - 1) === "\\") + if (I(t, e) === "}" && I(t, e - 1) === "\\") return e; const i = B(t, "\\}", e); return i >= 0 ? i + 1 : i; } let s = e; const n = g(t); - for (; s < n && (s = B(t, "}", s), !(s === -1 || C(t, s - 1) !== "\\")); ) + for (; s < n && (s = B(t, "}", s), !(s === -1 || I(t, s - 1) !== "\\")); ) s += 1; return s >= n ? -1 : s; } function br(t, e) { let r = t, s = 0; for (; s < g(r); ) { - switch (C(r, s)) { + switch (I(r, s)) { case "{": - if (C(r, s - 1) !== "\\") { + if (I(r, s - 1) !== "\\") { const n = ft(r, s, !1); if (n >= 0) { const i = w(r, s + 1, n), o = i in e ? e[i] : i; @@ -1520,7 +1519,7 @@ function br(t, e) { r = `${w(r, 0, s - 1)}${w(r, s)}`, s -= 1; break; case "}": - C(r, s - 1) !== "\\" || (r = `${w(r, 0, s - 1)}${w(r, s)}`, s -= 1); + I(r, s - 1) !== "\\" || (r = `${w(r, 0, s - 1)}${w(r, s)}`, s -= 1); break; } s += 1; @@ -1689,11 +1688,11 @@ const we = [ vt(t.bookNum) ), verseNum: 1 -}), Ir = (t, e) => ({ +}), Cr = (t, e) => ({ ...t, verseNum: Math.max(yt, t.verseNum + e) }); -async function Cr(t, e, r) { +async function Ir(t, e, r) { const s = E.bookNumberToId(t); if (!Ne(Intl.getCanonicalLocales(e)[0], "zh")) return r({ @@ -1785,7 +1784,7 @@ function M(t, e, r) { function jt(t, e) { return T(t.valueOf(), e.valueOf()); } -function It(t, e) { +function Ct(t, e) { return t.source === e.source && t.flags === e.flags; } function ae(t, e, r) { @@ -1799,7 +1798,7 @@ function ae(t, e, r) { } return !0; } -function Ct(t, e) { +function It(t, e) { var r = t.length; if (e.length !== r) return !1; @@ -1844,9 +1843,9 @@ function Jt(t) { areMapsEqual: s ? re(oe, M) : oe, areObjectsEqual: s ? M : St, arePrimitiveWrappersEqual: jt, - areRegExpsEqual: It, + areRegExpsEqual: Ct, areSetsEqual: s ? re(ae, M) : ae, - areTypedArraysEqual: s ? M : Ct + areTypedArraysEqual: s ? M : It }; if (r && (n = le({}, n, r(n))), e) { var i = x(n.areArraysEqual), o = x(n.areMapsEqual), a = x(n.areObjectsEqual), h = x(n.areSetsEqual); @@ -2680,7 +2679,7 @@ export { Tr as aggregateUnsubscriberAsyncs, Pr as aggregateUnsubscribers, mr as at, - C as charAt, + I as charAt, gr as codePointAt, lr as createSyncProxyForAsyncObject, nr as debounce, @@ -2694,7 +2693,7 @@ export { vt as getChaptersForBook, Mr as getCurrentLocale, or as getErrorMessage, - Cr as getLocalizedIdFromBookNumber, + Ir as getLocalizedIdFromBookNumber, ir as groupBy, Dr as htmlEncode, ht as includes, @@ -2710,7 +2709,7 @@ export { yr as normalize, Sr as offsetBook, jr as offsetChapter, - Ir as offsetVerse, + Cr as offsetVerse, vr as ordinalCompare, Nr as padEnd, wr as padStart, diff --git a/lib/platform-bible-utils/dist/index.js.map b/lib/platform-bible-utils/dist/index.js.map index da0997147b..02eb5382c7 100644 --- a/lib/platform-bible-utils/dist/index.js.map +++ b/lib/platform-bible-utils/dist/index.js.map @@ -1 +1 @@ -{"version":3,"file":"index.js","sources":["../src/async-variable.ts","../src/intl-collator.ts","../src/intl-date-time-format.ts","../src/platform-event-emitter.model.ts","../src/util.ts","../src/document-combiner.ts","../src/mutex.ts","../src/mutex-map.ts","../src/non-validating-document-combiner.ts","../src/intl-number-format.ts","../src/unsubscriber-async-list.ts","../../../node_modules/@sillsdev/scripture/dist/index.es.js","../../../node_modules/char-regex/index.js","../../../node_modules/stringz/dist/index.js","../src/string-util.ts","../src/scripture-util.ts","../src/unsubscriber.ts","../../../node_modules/fast-equals/dist/esm/index.mjs","../src/equality-checking.ts","../src/subset-checking.ts","../src/serialization.ts","../src/intl-util.ts","../src/settings.model.ts","../src/localized-strings.model.ts","../src/menus.model.ts"],"sourcesContent":["/** This class provides a convenient way for one task to wait on a variable that another task sets. */\nexport default class AsyncVariable {\n private readonly variableName: string;\n private readonly promiseToValue: Promise;\n private resolver: ((value: T) => void) | undefined;\n private rejecter: ((reason: string | undefined) => void) | undefined;\n\n /**\n * Creates an instance of the class\n *\n * @param variableName Name to use when logging about this variable\n * @param rejectIfNotSettledWithinMS Milliseconds to wait before verifying if the promise was\n * settled (resolved or rejected); will reject if it has not settled by that time. Use -1 if you\n * do not want a timeout at all.\n */\n constructor(variableName: string, rejectIfNotSettledWithinMS: number = 10000) {\n this.variableName = variableName;\n this.promiseToValue = new Promise((resolve, reject) => {\n this.resolver = resolve;\n this.rejecter = reject;\n });\n if (rejectIfNotSettledWithinMS > 0) {\n setTimeout(() => {\n if (this.rejecter) {\n this.rejecter(`Timeout reached when waiting for ${this.variableName} to settle`);\n this.complete();\n }\n }, rejectIfNotSettledWithinMS);\n }\n Object.seal(this);\n }\n\n /**\n * Get this variable's promise to a value. This always returns the same promise even after the\n * value has been resolved or rejected.\n *\n * @returns The promise for the value to be set\n */\n get promise(): Promise {\n return this.promiseToValue;\n }\n\n /**\n * A simple way to see if this variable's promise was resolved or rejected already\n *\n * @returns Whether the variable was already resolved or rejected\n */\n get hasSettled(): boolean {\n return Object.isFrozen(this);\n }\n\n /**\n * Resolve this variable's promise to the given value\n *\n * @param value This variable's promise will resolve to this value\n * @param throwIfAlreadySettled Determines whether to throw if the variable was already resolved\n * or rejected\n */\n resolveToValue(value: T, throwIfAlreadySettled: boolean = false): void {\n if (this.resolver) {\n console.debug(`${this.variableName} is being resolved now`);\n this.resolver(value);\n this.complete();\n } else {\n if (throwIfAlreadySettled) throw Error(`${this.variableName} was already settled`);\n console.debug(`Ignoring subsequent resolution of ${this.variableName}`);\n }\n }\n\n /**\n * Reject this variable's promise for the value with the given reason\n *\n * @param reason This variable's promise will be rejected with this reason\n * @param throwIfAlreadySettled Determines whether to throw if the variable was already resolved\n * or rejected\n */\n rejectWithReason(reason: string, throwIfAlreadySettled: boolean = false): void {\n if (this.rejecter) {\n console.debug(`${this.variableName} is being rejected now`);\n this.rejecter(reason);\n this.complete();\n } else {\n if (throwIfAlreadySettled) throw Error(`${this.variableName} was already settled`);\n console.debug(`Ignoring subsequent rejection of ${this.variableName}`);\n }\n }\n\n /** Prevent any further updates to this variable */\n private complete(): void {\n this.resolver = undefined;\n this.rejecter = undefined;\n Object.freeze(this);\n }\n}\n","/** Enables language-sensitive string comparison. Wraps Intl.Collator */\nexport default class Collator {\n private collator: Intl.Collator;\n\n constructor(locales?: string | string[], options?: Intl.CollatorOptions) {\n this.collator = new Intl.Collator(locales, options);\n }\n\n /**\n * Compares two strings according to the sort order of this Collator object\n *\n * @param string1 String to compare\n * @param string2 String to compare\n * @returns A number indicating how string1 and string2 compare to each other according to the\n * sort order of this Collator object. Negative value if string1 comes before string2. Positive\n * value if string1 comes after string2. 0 if they are considered equal.\n */\n compare(string1: string, string2: string): number {\n return this.collator.compare(string1, string2);\n }\n\n /**\n * Returns a new object with properties reflecting the locale and collation options computed\n * during initialization of this collator object.\n *\n * @returns ResolvedCollatorOptions object\n */\n resolvedOptions(): Intl.ResolvedCollatorOptions {\n return this.collator.resolvedOptions();\n }\n}\n","/** Enables language-sensitive data and time formatting. Wraps Intl.DateTimeFormat */\nexport default class DateTimeFormat {\n private dateTimeFormatter: Intl.DateTimeFormat;\n\n constructor(locales?: string | string[], options?: Intl.DateTimeFormatOptions) {\n this.dateTimeFormatter = new Intl.DateTimeFormat(locales, options);\n }\n\n /**\n * Formats a date according to the locale and formatting option for this DateTimeFormat object\n *\n * @param date The date to format\n * @returns String representing the given date formatted according to the locale and formatting\n * options of this DateTimeFormat object\n */\n format(date: Date): string {\n return this.dateTimeFormatter.format(date);\n }\n\n /**\n * Formats a date range in the most concise way based on the locales and options provided when\n * instantiating this DateTimeFormat object\n *\n * @param startDate Date object representing start of the date range\n * @param endDate Date object representing the end of the date range\n * @returns String representing the given date range formatted according to the locale and\n * formatting options of this DateTimeFormat object\n */\n formatRange(startDate: Date, endDate: Date): string {\n return this.dateTimeFormatter.formatRange(startDate, endDate);\n }\n\n /**\n * Returns an array of locale-specific tokens representing each part of the formatted date range\n * produced by this DateTimeFormat object\n *\n * @param startDate Date object representing start of the date range\n * @param endDate Date object representing the end of the date range\n * @returns Array of DateTimeRangeFormatPart objects\n */\n formatRangeToParts(startDate: Date, endDate: Date): Intl.DateTimeRangeFormatPart[] {\n return this.dateTimeFormatter.formatRangeToParts(startDate, endDate);\n }\n\n /**\n * Allows locale-aware formatting of strings produced by this DateTimeFormat object\n *\n * @param date The date to format\n * @returns Array of DateTimeFormatPart objects\n */\n formatToParts(date: Date): Intl.DateTimeFormatPart[] {\n return this.dateTimeFormatter.formatToParts(date);\n }\n\n /**\n * Returns a new object with properties reflecting the locale and date and time formatting options\n * computed during initialization of this DateTimeFormat object\n *\n * @returns ResolvedDateTimeFormatOptions object\n */\n resolvedOptions(): Intl.ResolvedDateTimeFormatOptions {\n return this.dateTimeFormatter.resolvedOptions();\n }\n}\n","/** Interfaces, classes, and functions related to events and event emitters */\n\nimport { Dispose } from './disposal.model';\nimport { PlatformEvent, PlatformEventHandler } from './platform-event';\n\n/**\n * Event manager - accepts subscriptions to an event and runs the subscription callbacks when the\n * event is emitted Use eventEmitter.event(callback) to subscribe to the event. Use\n * eventEmitter.emit(event) to run the subscriptions. Generally, this EventEmitter should be\n * private, and its event should be public. That way, the emitter is not publicized, but anyone can\n * subscribe to the event.\n */\nexport default class PlatformEventEmitter implements Dispose {\n /**\n * Subscribes a function to run when this event is emitted.\n *\n * @param callback Function to run with the event when it is emitted\n * @returns Unsubscriber function to run to stop calling the passed-in function when the event is\n * emitted\n * @alias event\n */\n subscribe = this.event;\n\n /** All callback functions that will run when this event is emitted. Lazy loaded */\n private subscriptions?: PlatformEventHandler[];\n /** Event for listeners to subscribe to. Lazy loaded */\n private lazyEvent?: PlatformEvent;\n /** Whether this emitter has been disposed */\n private isDisposed = false;\n\n /**\n * Event for listeners to subscribe to. Subscribes a function to run when this event is emitted.\n * Use like `const unsubscriber = event(callback)`\n *\n * @param callback Function to run with the event when it is emitted\n * @returns Unsubscriber function to run to stop calling the passed-in function when the event is\n * emitted\n */\n get event(): PlatformEvent {\n this.assertNotDisposed();\n\n if (!this.lazyEvent) {\n this.lazyEvent = (callback) => {\n if (!callback || typeof callback !== 'function')\n throw new Error(`Event handler callback must be a function!`);\n\n // Initialize this.subscriptions if it does not exist\n if (!this.subscriptions) this.subscriptions = [];\n\n this.subscriptions.push(callback);\n\n return () => {\n if (!this.subscriptions) return false; // Did not find any subscribed callbacks\n\n const callbackIndex = this.subscriptions.indexOf(callback);\n\n if (callbackIndex < 0) return false; // Did not find this callback in the subscriptions\n\n // Remove the callback\n this.subscriptions.splice(callbackIndex, 1);\n\n return true;\n };\n };\n }\n return this.lazyEvent;\n }\n\n /** Disposes of this event, preparing it to release from memory */\n dispose = () => {\n return this.disposeFn();\n };\n\n /**\n * Runs the subscriptions for the event\n *\n * @param event Event data to provide to subscribed callbacks\n */\n emit = (event: T) => {\n // Do not do anything other than emitFn here. This emit is just binding `this` to emitFn\n this.emitFn(event);\n };\n\n /**\n * Function that runs the subscriptions for the event. Added here so children can override emit\n * and still call the base functionality. See NetworkEventEmitter.emit for example\n */\n protected emitFn(event: T) {\n this.assertNotDisposed();\n\n this.subscriptions?.forEach((callback) => callback(event));\n }\n\n /** Check to make sure this emitter is not disposed. Throw if it is */\n protected assertNotDisposed() {\n if (this.isDisposed) throw new Error('Emitter is disposed');\n }\n\n /**\n * Disposes of this event, preparing it to release from memory. Added here so children can\n * override emit and still call the base functionality.\n */\n protected disposeFn() {\n this.assertNotDisposed();\n\n this.isDisposed = true;\n this.subscriptions = undefined;\n this.lazyEvent = undefined;\n return Promise.resolve(true);\n }\n}\n","/** Collection of functions, objects, and types that are used as helpers in other services. */\n\n// Thanks to blubberdiblub at https://stackoverflow.com/a/68141099/217579\nexport function newGuid(): string {\n return '00-0-4-1-000'.replace(/[^-]/g, (s) =>\n // @ts-expect-error ts(2363) this works fine\n // eslint-disable-next-line no-bitwise\n (((Math.random() + ~~s) * 0x10000) >> s).toString(16).padStart(4, '0'),\n );\n}\n\n// thanks to DRAX at https://stackoverflow.com/a/9436948\n/**\n * Determine whether the object is a string\n *\n * @param o Object to determine if it is a string\n * @returns True if the object is a string; false otherwise\n */\nexport function isString(o: unknown): o is string {\n return typeof o === 'string' || o instanceof String;\n}\n\n/**\n * If deepClone isn't used when copying properties between objects, you may be left with dangling\n * references between the source and target of property copying operations.\n *\n * @param obj Object to clone\n * @returns Duplicate copy of `obj` without any references back to the original one\n */\nexport function deepClone(obj: T): T {\n // Assert the return type matches what is expected\n // eslint-disable-next-line no-type-assertion/no-type-assertion\n return JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(obj)) as T;\n}\n\n/**\n * Get a function that reduces calls to the function passed in\n *\n * @param fn The function to debounce\n * @param delay How much delay in milliseconds after the most recent call to the debounced function\n * to call the function\n * @returns Function that, when called, only calls the function passed in at maximum every delay ms\n */\n// We don't know the parameter types since this function can be anything\n// eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/no-explicit-any\nexport function debounce void>(fn: T, delay = 300): T {\n if (isString(fn)) throw new Error('Tried to debounce a string! Could be XSS');\n let timeout: ReturnType;\n // Ensure the right return type.\n // eslint-disable-next-line no-type-assertion/no-type-assertion\n return ((...args) => {\n clearTimeout(timeout);\n timeout = setTimeout(() => fn(...args), delay);\n }) as T;\n}\n\n/**\n * Groups each item in the array of items into a map according to the keySelector\n *\n * @param items Array of items to group by\n * @param keySelector Function to run on each item to get the key for the group to which it belongs\n * @param valueSelector Function to run on each item to get the value it should have in the group\n * (like map function). If not provided, uses the item itself\n * @returns Map of keys to groups of values corresponding to each item\n */\nexport function groupBy(items: T[], keySelector: (item: T) => K): Map>;\nexport function groupBy(\n items: T[],\n keySelector: (item: T) => K,\n valueSelector: (item: T, key: K) => V,\n): Map>;\nexport function groupBy(\n items: T[],\n keySelector: (item: T) => K,\n valueSelector?: (item: T, key: K) => V,\n): Map> {\n const map = new Map>();\n items.forEach((item) => {\n const key = keySelector(item);\n const group = map.get(key);\n const value = valueSelector ? valueSelector(item, key) : item;\n if (group) group.push(value);\n else map.set(key, [value]);\n });\n return map;\n}\n\n// From https://kentcdodds.com/blog/get-a-catch-block-error-message-with-typescript\ntype ErrorWithMessage = {\n message: string;\n};\n\n// From https://kentcdodds.com/blog/get-a-catch-block-error-message-with-typescript\nfunction isErrorWithMessage(error: unknown): error is ErrorWithMessage {\n return (\n typeof error === 'object' &&\n // We're potentially dealing with objects we didn't create, so they might contain `null`\n // eslint-disable-next-line no-null/no-null\n error !== null &&\n 'message' in error &&\n // Type assert `error` to check it's `message`.\n // eslint-disable-next-line no-type-assertion/no-type-assertion\n typeof (error as Record).message === 'string'\n );\n}\n\n// From https://kentcdodds.com/blog/get-a-catch-block-error-message-with-typescript\n/**\n * Function to get an error from the object (useful for getting an error in a catch block)\n *\n * @param error Error object whose message to get\n * @returns Message of the error - if object has message, returns message. Otherwise tries to\n * stringify\n */\nfunction toErrorWithMessage(maybeError: unknown): ErrorWithMessage {\n if (isErrorWithMessage(maybeError)) return maybeError;\n\n try {\n return new Error(JSON.stringify(maybeError));\n } catch {\n // fallback in case there's an error stringifying the maybeError\n // like with circular references for example.\n return new Error(String(maybeError));\n }\n}\n\n// From https://kentcdodds.com/blog/get-a-catch-block-error-message-with-typescript\n/**\n * Function to get an error message from the object (useful for getting error message in a catch\n * block)\n *\n * @example `try {...} catch (e) { logger.info(getErrorMessage(e)) }`\n *\n * @param error Error object whose message to get\n * @returns Message of the error - if object has message, returns message. Otherwise tries to\n * stringify\n */\nexport function getErrorMessage(error: unknown) {\n return toErrorWithMessage(error).message;\n}\n\n/** Asynchronously waits for the specified number of milliseconds. (wraps setTimeout in a promise) */\nexport function wait(ms: number) {\n // eslint-disable-next-line no-promise-executor-return\n return new Promise((resolve) => setTimeout(resolve, ms));\n}\n\n/**\n * Runs the specified function and will timeout if it takes longer than the specified wait time\n *\n * @param fn The function to run\n * @param maxWaitTimeInMS The maximum amount of time to wait for the function to resolve\n * @returns Promise that resolves to the resolved value of the function or undefined if it ran\n * longer than the specified wait time\n */\nexport function waitForDuration(fn: () => Promise, maxWaitTimeInMS: number) {\n const timeout = wait(maxWaitTimeInMS).then(() => undefined);\n return Promise.any([timeout, fn()]);\n}\n\n/**\n * Get all functions on an object and its prototype chain (so we don't miss any class methods or any\n * object methods). Note that the functions on the final item in the prototype chain (i.e., Object)\n * are skipped to avoid including functions like `__defineGetter__`, `__defineSetter__`, `toString`,\n * etc.\n *\n * @param obj Object whose functions to get\n * @param objId Optional ID of the object to use for debug logging\n * @returns Array of all function names on an object\n */\n// Note: lodash has something that MIGHT do the same thing as this. Investigate for https://github.com/paranext/paranext-core/issues/134\nexport function getAllObjectFunctionNames(\n obj: { [property: string]: unknown },\n objId: string = 'obj',\n): Set {\n const objectFunctionNames = new Set();\n\n // Get all function properties directly defined on the object\n Object.getOwnPropertyNames(obj).forEach((property) => {\n try {\n if (typeof obj[property] === 'function') objectFunctionNames.add(property);\n } catch (error) {\n console.debug(`Skipping ${property} on ${objId} due to error: ${error}`);\n }\n });\n\n // Walk up the prototype chain and get additional function properties, skipping the functions\n // provided by the final (Object) prototype\n let objectPrototype = Object.getPrototypeOf(obj);\n while (objectPrototype && Object.getPrototypeOf(objectPrototype)) {\n Object.getOwnPropertyNames(objectPrototype).forEach((property) => {\n try {\n if (typeof obj[property] === 'function') objectFunctionNames.add(property);\n } catch (error) {\n console.debug(`Skipping ${property} on ${objId}'s prototype due to error: ${error}`);\n }\n });\n objectPrototype = Object.getPrototypeOf(objectPrototype);\n }\n\n return objectFunctionNames;\n}\n\n/**\n * Creates a synchronous proxy for an asynchronous object. The proxy allows calling methods on an\n * object that is asynchronously fetched using a provided asynchronous function.\n *\n * @param getObject - A function that returns a promise resolving to the object whose asynchronous\n * methods to call.\n * @param objectToProxy - An optional object that is the object that is proxied. If a property is\n * accessed that does exist on this object, it will be returned. If a property is accessed that\n * does not exist on this object, it will be considered to be an asynchronous method called on the\n * object returned from getObject.\n * @returns A synchronous proxy for the asynchronous object.\n */\nexport function createSyncProxyForAsyncObject(\n getObject: (args?: unknown[]) => Promise,\n objectToProxy: Partial = {},\n): T {\n // objectToProxy will have only the synchronously accessed properties of T on it, and this proxy\n // makes the async methods that do not exist yet available synchronously so we have all of T\n // eslint-disable-next-line no-type-assertion/no-type-assertion\n return new Proxy(objectToProxy as T, {\n get(target, prop) {\n // We don't have any type information for T, so we assume methodName exists on it and will let JavaScript throw if it doesn't exist\n // @ts-expect-error 7053\n if (prop in target) return target[prop];\n return async (...args: unknown[]) => {\n // 7053: We don't have any type information for T, so we assume methodName exists on it and will let JavaScript throw if it doesn't exist\n // 2556: The args here are the parameters for the method specified\n // @ts-expect-error 7053 2556\n return (await getObject())[prop](...args);\n };\n },\n });\n}\n\n/** Within type T, recursively change all properties to be optional */\nexport type DeepPartial = T extends object ? { [P in keyof T]?: DeepPartial } : T;\n\n/** Within type T, recursively change properties that were of type A to be of type B */\nexport type ReplaceType = T extends A\n ? B\n : T extends object\n ? { [K in keyof T]: ReplaceType }\n : T;\n\n// Thanks to jcalz at https://stackoverflow.com/a/50375286\n/**\n * Converts a union type to an intersection type (`|` to `&`).\n *\n * Note: this utility type is for use on object types. It may fail on other types.\n *\n * @example\n *\n * ```typescript\n * type TypeOne = { one: string };\n * type TypeTwo = { two: number };\n * type TypeThree = { three: string };\n *\n * type TypeNums = { one: TypeOne; two: TypeTwo; three: TypeThree };\n * const numNames = ['one', 'two'] as const;\n * type TypeNumNames = typeof numNames;\n *\n * // Same as `TypeOne | TypeTwo`\n * // `{ one: string } | { two: number }`\n * type TypeOneTwoUnion = TypeNums[TypeNumNames[number]];\n *\n * // Same as `TypeOne & TypeTwo`\n * // `{ one: string; two: number }`\n * type TypeOneTwoIntersection = UnionToIntersection;\n * ```\n */\n// eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/no-explicit-any\nexport type UnionToIntersection = (U extends any ? (x: U) => void : never) extends (\n x: infer I,\n) => void\n ? I\n : never;\n","import PlatformEventEmitter from './platform-event-emitter.model';\nimport { deepClone } from './util';\n\ntype JsonObjectLike = { [key: string]: unknown };\ntype JsonArrayLike = unknown[];\n\nexport type JsonDocumentLike = JsonObjectLike | JsonArrayLike;\n\n/**\n * Options for DocumentCombiner objects\n *\n * - `copyDocuments`: If true, this instance will perform a deep copy of all provided documents before\n * composing the output. If false, then changes made to provided documents after they are\n * contributed will be reflected in the next time output is composed.\n * - `ignoreDuplicateProperties`: If true, then duplicate properties are skipped if they are seen in\n * contributed documents. If false, then throw when duplicate properties are seen in contributed\n * documents.\n */\nexport type DocumentCombinerOptions = {\n copyDocuments: boolean;\n ignoreDuplicateProperties: boolean;\n};\n\n/**\n * Base class for any code that wants to compose JSON documents (primarily in the form of JS objects\n * or arrays) together into a single output document.\n */\nexport default class DocumentCombiner {\n protected baseDocument: JsonDocumentLike;\n protected readonly contributions = new Map();\n protected latestOutput: JsonDocumentLike | undefined;\n protected readonly options: DocumentCombinerOptions;\n private readonly onDidRebuildEmitter = new PlatformEventEmitter();\n /** Event that emits to announce that the document has been rebuilt and the output has been updated */\n // Need `onDidRebuildEmitter` to be instantiated before this line\n // eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/member-ordering\n readonly onDidRebuild = this.onDidRebuildEmitter.subscribe;\n\n /**\n * Create a DocumentCombiner instance\n *\n * @param baseDocument This is the first document that will be used when composing the output\n * @param options Options used by this object when combining documents\n */\n protected constructor(baseDocument: JsonDocumentLike, options: DocumentCombinerOptions) {\n // Setting baseDocument redundantly because TS doesn't understand that updateBaseDocument does it\n this.baseDocument = baseDocument;\n this.options = options;\n this.updateBaseDocument(baseDocument);\n }\n\n /**\n * Update the starting document for composition process\n *\n * @param baseDocument Base JSON document/JS object that all other documents are added to\n * @returns Recalculated output document given the new starting state and existing other documents\n */\n updateBaseDocument(baseDocument: JsonDocumentLike): JsonDocumentLike | undefined {\n this.validateBaseDocument(baseDocument);\n this.baseDocument = this.options.copyDocuments ? deepClone(baseDocument) : baseDocument;\n this.baseDocument = this.transformBaseDocumentAfterValidation(this.baseDocument);\n return this.rebuild();\n }\n\n /**\n * Add or update one of the contribution documents for the composition process\n *\n * Note: the order in which contribution documents are added can be considered to be indeterminate\n * as it is currently ordered by however `Map.forEach` provides the contributions. The order\n * matters when merging two arrays into one. Also, when `options.ignoreDuplicateProperties` is\n * `true`, the order also matters when adding the same property to an object that is already\n * provided previously. Please let us know if you have trouble because of indeterminate\n * contribution ordering.\n *\n * @param documentName Name of the contributed document to combine\n * @param document Content of the contributed document to combine\n * @returns Recalculated output document given the new or updated contribution and existing other\n * documents\n */\n addOrUpdateContribution(\n documentName: string,\n document: JsonDocumentLike,\n ): JsonDocumentLike | undefined {\n this.validateContribution(documentName, document);\n const previousDocumentVersion = this.contributions.get(documentName);\n let documentToSet = this.options.copyDocuments && !!document ? deepClone(document) : document;\n documentToSet = this.transformContributionAfterValidation(documentName, documentToSet);\n this.contributions.set(documentName, documentToSet);\n try {\n return this.rebuild();\n } catch (error) {\n // If the output isn't valid after adding/updating the contribution, put it back how it was\n if (previousDocumentVersion) this.contributions.set(documentName, previousDocumentVersion);\n else this.contributions.delete(documentName);\n throw new Error(`Error when setting the document named ${documentName}: ${error}`);\n }\n }\n\n /**\n * Delete one of the contribution documents for the composition process\n *\n * @param documentName Name of the contributed document to delete\n * @returns Recalculated output document given the remaining other documents\n */\n deleteContribution(documentName: string): JsonDocumentLike | undefined {\n const document = this.contributions.get(documentName);\n if (!document) throw new Error(`${documentName} does not exist`);\n this.contributions.delete(documentName);\n try {\n return this.rebuild();\n } catch (error) {\n // If the output isn't valid after deleting the contribution, put it back and rethrow\n this.contributions.set(documentName, document);\n throw new Error(`Error when deleting the document named ${documentName}: ${error}`);\n }\n }\n\n /**\n * Delete all present contribution documents for the composition process and return to the base\n * document\n *\n * @returns Recalculated output document consisting only of the base document\n */\n deleteAllContributions(): JsonDocumentLike | undefined {\n if (this.contributions.size <= 0) return this.latestOutput;\n\n // Save out all contributions\n const contributions = [...this.contributions.entries()];\n\n // Delete all contributions\n contributions.forEach(([contributionName]) => this.contributions.delete(contributionName));\n\n // Rebuild with no contributions\n try {\n return this.rebuild();\n } catch (error) {\n // If the output isn't valid after deleting all contributions, put them back and rethrow\n contributions.forEach(([contributionName, document]) =>\n this.contributions.set(contributionName, document),\n );\n throw new Error(`Error when deleting all contributions: ${error}`);\n }\n }\n\n /**\n * Run the document composition process given the starting document and all contributions. Throws\n * if the output document fails to validate properly.\n *\n * @returns Recalculated output document given the starting and contributed documents\n */\n rebuild(): JsonDocumentLike | undefined {\n // The starting document is the output if there are no other contributions\n if (this.contributions.size === 0) {\n let potentialOutput = deepClone(this.baseDocument);\n potentialOutput = this.transformFinalOutputBeforeValidation(potentialOutput);\n this.validateOutput(potentialOutput);\n this.latestOutput = potentialOutput;\n this.onDidRebuildEmitter.emit(undefined);\n return this.latestOutput;\n }\n\n // Compose the output by validating each document one at a time to pinpoint errors better\n let outputIteration = this.baseDocument;\n this.contributions.forEach((contribution: JsonDocumentLike) => {\n outputIteration = mergeObjects(\n outputIteration,\n contribution,\n this.options.ignoreDuplicateProperties,\n );\n this.validateOutput(outputIteration);\n });\n outputIteration = this.transformFinalOutputBeforeValidation(outputIteration);\n this.validateOutput(outputIteration);\n this.latestOutput = outputIteration;\n this.onDidRebuildEmitter.emit(undefined);\n return this.latestOutput;\n }\n\n /**\n * Transform the starting document that is given to the combiner. This transformation occurs after\n * validating the base document and before combining any contributions.\n *\n * WARNING: If you do not create the combiner with option `copyDocuments: true` or clone inside\n * this method, this method will directly modify the `baseDocument` passed in.\n *\n * @param baseDocument Initial input document. Already validated via `validateBaseDocument`\n * @returns Transformed base document\n */\n // We just don't need `this` here. This is basically a no-op function that is available to child\n // classes to override\n // eslint-disable-next-line class-methods-use-this\n protected transformBaseDocumentAfterValidation(baseDocument: JsonDocumentLike): JsonDocumentLike {\n return baseDocument;\n }\n\n /**\n * Transform the contributed document associated with `documentName`. This transformation occurs\n * after validating the contributed document and before combining with other documents.\n *\n * WARNING: If you do not create the combiner with option `copyDocuments: true` or clone inside\n * this method, this method will directly modify the contributed `document` passed in.\n *\n * @param documentName Name of the contributed document to combine\n * @param document Content of the contributed document to combine. Already validated via\n * `validateContribution`\n * @returns Transformed contributed document\n */\n // We just don't need `this` here. This is basically a no-op function that is available to child\n // classes to override\n // eslint-disable-next-line class-methods-use-this\n protected transformContributionAfterValidation(\n // @ts-expect-error this parameter is unused but may be used in child classes\n documentName: string,\n document: JsonDocumentLike,\n ): JsonDocumentLike {\n return document;\n }\n\n /**\n * Throw an error if the provided document is not a valid starting document.\n *\n * @param baseDocument Base JSON document/JS object that all other documents are added to\n */\n // no-op intended to be overridden by child classes. Can't be static\n // @ts-expect-error ts(6133) parameter doesn't need to be used but still needs the right name\n // eslint-disable-next-line class-methods-use-this, @typescript-eslint/no-unused-vars\n protected validateBaseDocument(baseDocument: JsonDocumentLike): void {}\n\n /**\n * Throw an error if the provided document is not a valid contribution document.\n *\n * @param documentName Name of the contributed document to combine\n * @param document Content of the contributed document to combine\n */\n // no-op intended to be overridden by child classes. Can't be static\n // @ts-expect-error ts(6133) parameter doesn't need to be used but still needs the right name\n // eslint-disable-next-line class-methods-use-this, @typescript-eslint/no-unused-vars\n protected validateContribution(documentName: string, document: JsonDocumentLike): void {}\n\n /**\n * Throw an error if the provided output is not valid.\n *\n * @param output Output document that could potentially be returned to callers\n */\n // no-op intended to be overridden by child classes. Can't be static\n // @ts-expect-error ts(6133) parameter doesn't need to be used but still needs the right name\n // eslint-disable-next-line class-methods-use-this, @typescript-eslint/no-unused-vars\n protected validateOutput(output: JsonDocumentLike): void {}\n\n /**\n * Transform the document that is the composition of the base document and all contribution\n * documents. This is the last step that will be run prior to validation via `validateOutput`\n * before `this.latestOutput` is updated to the new output.\n *\n * @param finalOutput Final output document that could potentially be returned to callers. \"Final\"\n * means no further contribution documents will be merged.\n */\n // no-op intended to be overridden by child classes. Can't be static\n // eslint-disable-next-line class-methods-use-this\n protected transformFinalOutputBeforeValidation(finalOutput: JsonDocumentLike): JsonDocumentLike {\n return finalOutput;\n }\n}\n\n// #region Helper functions\n\n/**\n * Determines if the input values are objects but not arrays\n *\n * @param values Objects to check\n * @returns True if all the values are objects but not arrays\n */\nfunction areNonArrayObjects(...values: unknown[]): boolean {\n let allMatch = true;\n values.forEach((value: unknown) => {\n if (!value || typeof value !== 'object' || Array.isArray(value)) allMatch = false;\n });\n return allMatch;\n}\n\n/**\n * Determines if the input values are arrays\n *\n * @param value Objects to check\n * @returns True if the values are arrays\n */\nfunction areArrayObjects(...values: unknown[]): boolean {\n let allMatch = true;\n values.forEach((value: unknown) => {\n if (!value || typeof value !== 'object' || !Array.isArray(value)) allMatch = false;\n });\n return allMatch;\n}\n\n/**\n * Deep clone and recursively merge the properties of one object (copyFrom) into another\n * (startingPoint). Throws if copyFrom would overwrite values already existing in startingPoint.\n *\n * Does not modify the objects passed in.\n *\n * @param startingPoint Object that is the starting point for the return value\n * @param copyFrom Object whose values are copied into the return value\n * @param ignoreDuplicateProperties Whether to ignore object properties that are present in\n * `copyFrom` that are already present in `startingPoint`. If `false`, throws when an object\n * property in `copyFrom` is already present in `startingPoint`\n * @returns Object that is the combination of the two documents\n */\nfunction mergeObjects(\n startingPoint: JsonDocumentLike,\n copyFrom: JsonDocumentLike,\n ignoreDuplicateProperties: boolean,\n): JsonDocumentLike {\n const retVal = deepClone(startingPoint);\n\n if (!copyFrom) return retVal;\n\n return mergeObjectsInternal(retVal, deepClone(copyFrom), ignoreDuplicateProperties);\n}\n\n/**\n * Recursively merge the properties of one object (copyFrom) into another (startingPoint). Throws if\n * copyFrom would overwrite values already existing in startingPoint.\n *\n * WARNING: Modifies the argument objects in some way. Recommended to use `mergeObjects`\n *\n * @param startingPoint Object that is the starting point for the return value\n * @param copyFrom Object whose values are copied into the return value\n * @param ignoreDuplicateProperties Whether to ignore object properties that are present in\n * `copyFrom` that are already present in `startingPoint`. If `false`, throws when an object\n * property in `copyFrom` is already present in `startingPoint`\n * @returns Object that is the combination of the two documents\n */\nfunction mergeObjectsInternal(\n startingPoint: JsonDocumentLike,\n copyFrom: JsonDocumentLike,\n ignoreDuplicateProperties: boolean,\n): JsonDocumentLike {\n if (!copyFrom) return startingPoint;\n\n if (areNonArrayObjects(startingPoint, copyFrom)) {\n // Merge properties since they are both objects\n\n // We know these are objects from the `if` check\n /* eslint-disable no-type-assertion/no-type-assertion */\n const startingPointObj = startingPoint as JsonObjectLike;\n const copyFromObj = copyFrom as JsonObjectLike;\n /* eslint-enable no-type-assertion/no-type-assertion */\n Object.keys(copyFromObj).forEach((key: string | number) => {\n if (Object.hasOwn(startingPointObj, key)) {\n if (areNonArrayObjects(startingPointObj[key], copyFromObj[key])) {\n startingPointObj[key] = mergeObjectsInternal(\n // We know these are objects from the `if` check\n /* eslint-disable no-type-assertion/no-type-assertion */\n startingPointObj[key] as JsonObjectLike,\n copyFromObj[key] as JsonObjectLike,\n ignoreDuplicateProperties,\n /* eslint-enable no-type-assertion/no-type-assertion */\n );\n } else if (areArrayObjects(startingPointObj[key], copyFromObj[key])) {\n // Concat the arrays since they are both arrays\n\n // We know these are arrays from the `else if` check\n /* eslint-disable no-type-assertion/no-type-assertion */\n startingPointObj[key] = (startingPointObj[key] as JsonArrayLike).concat(\n copyFromObj[key] as JsonArrayLike,\n );\n /* eslint-enable no-type-assertion/no-type-assertion */\n } else if (!ignoreDuplicateProperties)\n throw new Error(`Cannot merge objects: key \"${key}\" already exists in the target object`);\n // Note that the first non-object non-array value that gets placed in a property stays.\n // New values do not override existing ones\n } else {\n startingPointObj[key] = copyFromObj[key];\n }\n });\n } else if (areArrayObjects(startingPoint, copyFrom)) {\n // Concat the arrays since they are both arrays\n\n // Push the contents of copyFrom into startingPoint since it is a const and was already deep cloned\n // We know these are objects from the `else if` check\n /* eslint-disable no-type-assertion/no-type-assertion */\n (startingPoint as JsonArrayLike).push(...(copyFrom as JsonArrayLike));\n /* eslint-enable no-type-assertion/no-type-assertion */\n }\n\n // Note that nothing happens if `startingPoint` is not an object or an array or if `startingPoint`\n // and `copyFrom` are not both object or both arrays. Should we throw? Should we push `copyFrom`'s\n // values into the array? Other? Maybe one day we can add some options to decide what to do in\n // this situation, but YAGNI for now\n\n return startingPoint;\n}\n\n// #endregion\n","import { Mutex as AsyncMutex } from 'async-mutex';\n\n// Extending Mutex from async-mutex so we can add JSDoc\n\n/**\n * Class that allows calling asynchronous functions multiple times at once while only running one at\n * a time.\n *\n * @example\n *\n * ```typescript\n * const mutex = new Mutex();\n *\n * mutex.runExclusive(async () => {\n * // Do some asynchronous stuff\n * console.log('These run one-at-a-time');\n * });\n *\n * mutex.runExclusive(async () => {\n * // Do some asynchronous stuff\n * console.log('These run one-at-a-time');\n * });\n * ```\n *\n * See [`async-mutex`](https://www.npmjs.com/package/async-mutex) for more information.\n */\nclass Mutex extends AsyncMutex {}\n\nexport default Mutex;\n","import Mutex from './mutex';\n\n/** Map of {@link Mutex}es that automatically (lazily) generates a new {@link Mutex} for any new key */\nclass MutexMap {\n private mutexesByID = new Map();\n\n get(mutexID: string): Mutex {\n let retVal = this.mutexesByID.get(mutexID);\n if (retVal) return retVal;\n\n retVal = new Mutex();\n this.mutexesByID.set(mutexID, retVal);\n return retVal;\n }\n}\n\nexport default MutexMap;\n","import DocumentCombiner, { DocumentCombinerOptions, JsonDocumentLike } from './document-combiner';\n\nexport default class NonValidatingDocumentCombiner extends DocumentCombiner {\n // Making the protected base constructor public\n // eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/no-useless-constructor\n constructor(baseDocument: JsonDocumentLike, options: DocumentCombinerOptions) {\n super(baseDocument, options);\n }\n\n get output(): JsonDocumentLike | undefined {\n return this.latestOutput;\n }\n}\n","/** Enables language-sensitive number formatting. Wraps Intl.NumberFormat */\nexport default class NumberFormat {\n private numberFormatter: Intl.NumberFormat;\n\n constructor(locales?: string | string[], options?: Intl.NumberFormatOptions) {\n this.numberFormatter = new Intl.NumberFormat(locales, options);\n }\n\n /**\n * Formats a number according to the locale and formatting options of this NumberFormat object\n *\n * @param value Number or BigInt to format\n * @returns String representing the given number formatted according to the locale and formatting\n * options of this NumberFormat object\n */\n format(value: number | bigint): string {\n return this.numberFormatter.format(value);\n }\n\n /**\n * Formats a range of numbers according to the locale and formatting options of this NumberFormat\n * object\n *\n * @param startRange Number or bigint representing the start of the range\n * @param endRange Number or bigint representing the end of the range\n * @returns String representing the given range of numbers formatted according to the locale and\n * formatting options of this NumberFormat object\n */\n formatRange(startRange: number | bigint, endRange: number | bigint): string {\n return this.numberFormatter.formatRange(startRange, endRange);\n }\n\n /**\n * Returns an array of objects containing the locale-specific tokens from which it is possible to\n * build custom strings while preserving the locale-specific parts.\n *\n * @param startRange Number or bigint representing start of the range\n * @param endRange Number or bigint representing end of the range\n * @returns Array of NumberRangeFormatPart objects containing the formatted range of numbers in\n * parts\n */\n formatRangeToParts(\n startRange: number | bigint,\n endRange: number | bigint,\n ): Intl.NumberRangeFormatPart[] {\n return this.numberFormatter.formatRangeToParts(startRange, endRange);\n }\n\n /**\n * Allows locale-aware formatting of strings produced by this NumberFormat object\n *\n * @param value Number or bigint to format\n * @returns Array of NumberFormatPart objects containing the formatted number in parts\n */\n formatToParts(value: number | bigint): Intl.NumberFormatPart[] {\n return this.numberFormatter.formatToParts(value);\n }\n\n /**\n * Returns a new object with properties reflecting the locale and number formatting options\n * computed during initialization of this NumberFormat object\n *\n * @returns ResolvedNumberFormatOptions object\n */\n resolvedOptions(): Intl.ResolvedNumberFormatOptions {\n return this.numberFormatter.resolvedOptions();\n }\n}\n","import { Dispose } from './disposal.model';\nimport { Unsubscriber, UnsubscriberAsync } from './unsubscriber';\n\n/** Simple collection for UnsubscriberAsync objects that also provides an easy way to run them. */\nexport default class UnsubscriberAsyncList {\n readonly unsubscribers = new Set();\n\n constructor(private name = 'Anonymous') {}\n\n /**\n * Add unsubscribers to the list. Note that duplicates are not added twice.\n *\n * @param unsubscribers - Objects that were returned from a registration process.\n */\n add(...unsubscribers: (UnsubscriberAsync | Unsubscriber | Dispose)[]) {\n unsubscribers.forEach((unsubscriber) => {\n if ('dispose' in unsubscriber) this.unsubscribers.add(unsubscriber.dispose);\n else this.unsubscribers.add(unsubscriber);\n });\n }\n\n /**\n * Run all unsubscribers added to this list and then clear the list.\n *\n * @returns `true` if all unsubscribers succeeded, `false` otherwise.\n */\n async runAllUnsubscribers(): Promise {\n const unsubs = [...this.unsubscribers].map((unsubscriber) => unsubscriber());\n const results = await Promise.all(unsubs);\n this.unsubscribers.clear();\n return results.every((unsubscriberSucceeded, index) => {\n if (!unsubscriberSucceeded)\n console.error(`UnsubscriberAsyncList ${this.name}: Unsubscriber at index ${index} failed!`);\n\n return unsubscriberSucceeded;\n });\n }\n}\n","var P = Object.defineProperty;\nvar R = (t, e, s) => e in t ? P(t, e, { enumerable: !0, configurable: !0, writable: !0, value: s }) : t[e] = s;\nvar n = (t, e, s) => (R(t, typeof e != \"symbol\" ? e + \"\" : e, s), s);\nclass z {\n constructor() {\n n(this, \"books\");\n n(this, \"firstSelectedBookNum\");\n n(this, \"lastSelectedBookNum\");\n n(this, \"count\");\n n(this, \"selectedBookNumbers\");\n n(this, \"selectedBookIds\");\n }\n}\nconst m = [\n \"GEN\",\n \"EXO\",\n \"LEV\",\n \"NUM\",\n \"DEU\",\n \"JOS\",\n \"JDG\",\n \"RUT\",\n \"1SA\",\n \"2SA\",\n // 10\n \"1KI\",\n \"2KI\",\n \"1CH\",\n \"2CH\",\n \"EZR\",\n \"NEH\",\n \"EST\",\n \"JOB\",\n \"PSA\",\n \"PRO\",\n // 20\n \"ECC\",\n \"SNG\",\n \"ISA\",\n \"JER\",\n \"LAM\",\n \"EZK\",\n \"DAN\",\n \"HOS\",\n \"JOL\",\n \"AMO\",\n // 30\n \"OBA\",\n \"JON\",\n \"MIC\",\n \"NAM\",\n \"HAB\",\n \"ZEP\",\n \"HAG\",\n \"ZEC\",\n \"MAL\",\n \"MAT\",\n // 40\n \"MRK\",\n \"LUK\",\n \"JHN\",\n \"ACT\",\n \"ROM\",\n \"1CO\",\n \"2CO\",\n \"GAL\",\n \"EPH\",\n \"PHP\",\n // 50\n \"COL\",\n \"1TH\",\n \"2TH\",\n \"1TI\",\n \"2TI\",\n \"TIT\",\n \"PHM\",\n \"HEB\",\n \"JAS\",\n \"1PE\",\n // 60\n \"2PE\",\n \"1JN\",\n \"2JN\",\n \"3JN\",\n \"JUD\",\n \"REV\",\n \"TOB\",\n \"JDT\",\n \"ESG\",\n \"WIS\",\n // 70\n \"SIR\",\n \"BAR\",\n \"LJE\",\n \"S3Y\",\n \"SUS\",\n \"BEL\",\n \"1MA\",\n \"2MA\",\n \"3MA\",\n \"4MA\",\n // 80\n \"1ES\",\n \"2ES\",\n \"MAN\",\n \"PS2\",\n \"ODA\",\n \"PSS\",\n \"JSA\",\n // actual variant text for JOS, now in LXA text\n \"JDB\",\n // actual variant text for JDG, now in LXA text\n \"TBS\",\n // actual variant text for TOB, now in LXA text\n \"SST\",\n // actual variant text for SUS, now in LXA text // 90\n \"DNT\",\n // actual variant text for DAN, now in LXA text\n \"BLT\",\n // actual variant text for BEL, now in LXA text\n \"XXA\",\n \"XXB\",\n \"XXC\",\n \"XXD\",\n \"XXE\",\n \"XXF\",\n \"XXG\",\n \"FRT\",\n // 100\n \"BAK\",\n \"OTH\",\n \"3ES\",\n // Used previously but really should be 2ES\n \"EZA\",\n // Used to be called 4ES, but not actually in any known project\n \"5EZ\",\n // Used to be called 5ES, but not actually in any known project\n \"6EZ\",\n // Used to be called 6ES, but not actually in any known project\n \"INT\",\n \"CNC\",\n \"GLO\",\n \"TDX\",\n // 110\n \"NDX\",\n \"DAG\",\n \"PS3\",\n \"2BA\",\n \"LBA\",\n \"JUB\",\n \"ENO\",\n \"1MQ\",\n \"2MQ\",\n \"3MQ\",\n // 120\n \"REP\",\n \"4BA\",\n \"LAO\"\n], v = [\n \"XXA\",\n \"XXB\",\n \"XXC\",\n \"XXD\",\n \"XXE\",\n \"XXF\",\n \"XXG\",\n \"FRT\",\n \"BAK\",\n \"OTH\",\n \"INT\",\n \"CNC\",\n \"GLO\",\n \"TDX\",\n \"NDX\"\n], X = [\n \"Genesis\",\n \"Exodus\",\n \"Leviticus\",\n \"Numbers\",\n \"Deuteronomy\",\n \"Joshua\",\n \"Judges\",\n \"Ruth\",\n \"1 Samuel\",\n \"2 Samuel\",\n \"1 Kings\",\n \"2 Kings\",\n \"1 Chronicles\",\n \"2 Chronicles\",\n \"Ezra\",\n \"Nehemiah\",\n \"Esther (Hebrew)\",\n \"Job\",\n \"Psalms\",\n \"Proverbs\",\n \"Ecclesiastes\",\n \"Song of Songs\",\n \"Isaiah\",\n \"Jeremiah\",\n \"Lamentations\",\n \"Ezekiel\",\n \"Daniel (Hebrew)\",\n \"Hosea\",\n \"Joel\",\n \"Amos\",\n \"Obadiah\",\n \"Jonah\",\n \"Micah\",\n \"Nahum\",\n \"Habakkuk\",\n \"Zephaniah\",\n \"Haggai\",\n \"Zechariah\",\n \"Malachi\",\n \"Matthew\",\n \"Mark\",\n \"Luke\",\n \"John\",\n \"Acts\",\n \"Romans\",\n \"1 Corinthians\",\n \"2 Corinthians\",\n \"Galatians\",\n \"Ephesians\",\n \"Philippians\",\n \"Colossians\",\n \"1 Thessalonians\",\n \"2 Thessalonians\",\n \"1 Timothy\",\n \"2 Timothy\",\n \"Titus\",\n \"Philemon\",\n \"Hebrews\",\n \"James\",\n \"1 Peter\",\n \"2 Peter\",\n \"1 John\",\n \"2 John\",\n \"3 John\",\n \"Jude\",\n \"Revelation\",\n \"Tobit\",\n \"Judith\",\n \"Esther Greek\",\n \"Wisdom of Solomon\",\n \"Sirach (Ecclesiasticus)\",\n \"Baruch\",\n \"Letter of Jeremiah\",\n \"Song of 3 Young Men\",\n \"Susanna\",\n \"Bel and the Dragon\",\n \"1 Maccabees\",\n \"2 Maccabees\",\n \"3 Maccabees\",\n \"4 Maccabees\",\n \"1 Esdras (Greek)\",\n \"2 Esdras (Latin)\",\n \"Prayer of Manasseh\",\n \"Psalm 151\",\n \"Odes\",\n \"Psalms of Solomon\",\n // WARNING, if you change the spelling of the *obsolete* tag be sure to update\n // IsObsolete routine\n \"Joshua A. *obsolete*\",\n \"Judges B. *obsolete*\",\n \"Tobit S. *obsolete*\",\n \"Susanna Th. *obsolete*\",\n \"Daniel Th. *obsolete*\",\n \"Bel Th. *obsolete*\",\n \"Extra A\",\n \"Extra B\",\n \"Extra C\",\n \"Extra D\",\n \"Extra E\",\n \"Extra F\",\n \"Extra G\",\n \"Front Matter\",\n \"Back Matter\",\n \"Other Matter\",\n \"3 Ezra *obsolete*\",\n \"Apocalypse of Ezra\",\n \"5 Ezra (Latin Prologue)\",\n \"6 Ezra (Latin Epilogue)\",\n \"Introduction\",\n \"Concordance \",\n \"Glossary \",\n \"Topical Index\",\n \"Names Index\",\n \"Daniel Greek\",\n \"Psalms 152-155\",\n \"2 Baruch (Apocalypse)\",\n \"Letter of Baruch\",\n \"Jubilees\",\n \"Enoch\",\n \"1 Meqabyan\",\n \"2 Meqabyan\",\n \"3 Meqabyan\",\n \"Reproof (Proverbs 25-31)\",\n \"4 Baruch (Rest of Baruch)\",\n \"Laodiceans\"\n], C = K();\nfunction N(t, e = !0) {\n return e && (t = t.toUpperCase()), t in C ? C[t] : 0;\n}\nfunction B(t) {\n return N(t) > 0;\n}\nfunction x(t) {\n const e = typeof t == \"string\" ? N(t) : t;\n return e >= 40 && e <= 66;\n}\nfunction T(t) {\n return (typeof t == \"string\" ? N(t) : t) <= 39;\n}\nfunction O(t) {\n return t <= 66;\n}\nfunction V(t) {\n const e = typeof t == \"string\" ? N(t) : t;\n return I(e) && !O(e);\n}\nfunction* L() {\n for (let t = 1; t <= m.length; t++)\n yield t;\n}\nconst G = 1, S = m.length;\nfunction H() {\n return [\"XXA\", \"XXB\", \"XXC\", \"XXD\", \"XXE\", \"XXF\", \"XXG\"];\n}\nfunction k(t, e = \"***\") {\n const s = t - 1;\n return s < 0 || s >= m.length ? e : m[s];\n}\nfunction A(t) {\n return t <= 0 || t > S ? \"******\" : X[t - 1];\n}\nfunction y(t) {\n return A(N(t));\n}\nfunction I(t) {\n const e = typeof t == \"number\" ? k(t) : t;\n return B(e) && !v.includes(e);\n}\nfunction q(t) {\n const e = typeof t == \"number\" ? k(t) : t;\n return B(e) && v.includes(e);\n}\nfunction U(t) {\n return X[t - 1].includes(\"*obsolete*\");\n}\nfunction K() {\n const t = {};\n for (let e = 0; e < m.length; e++)\n t[m[e]] = e + 1;\n return t;\n}\nconst f = {\n allBookIds: m,\n nonCanonicalIds: v,\n bookIdToNumber: N,\n isBookIdValid: B,\n isBookNT: x,\n isBookOT: T,\n isBookOTNT: O,\n isBookDC: V,\n allBookNumbers: L,\n firstBook: G,\n lastBook: S,\n extraBooks: H,\n bookNumberToId: k,\n bookNumberToEnglishName: A,\n bookIdToEnglishName: y,\n isCanonical: I,\n isExtraMaterial: q,\n isObsolete: U\n};\nvar l = /* @__PURE__ */ ((t) => (t[t.Unknown = 0] = \"Unknown\", t[t.Original = 1] = \"Original\", t[t.Septuagint = 2] = \"Septuagint\", t[t.Vulgate = 3] = \"Vulgate\", t[t.English = 4] = \"English\", t[t.RussianProtestant = 5] = \"RussianProtestant\", t[t.RussianOrthodox = 6] = \"RussianOrthodox\", t))(l || {});\nconst u = class u {\n // private versInfo: Versification;\n constructor(e) {\n n(this, \"name\");\n n(this, \"fullPath\");\n n(this, \"isPresent\");\n n(this, \"hasVerseSegments\");\n n(this, \"isCustomized\");\n n(this, \"baseVersification\");\n n(this, \"scriptureBooks\");\n n(this, \"_type\");\n if (e != null)\n typeof e == \"string\" ? this.name = e : this._type = e;\n else\n throw new Error(\"Argument null\");\n }\n get type() {\n return this._type;\n }\n equals(e) {\n return !e.type || !this.type ? !1 : e.type === this.type;\n }\n};\nn(u, \"Original\", new u(l.Original)), n(u, \"Septuagint\", new u(l.Septuagint)), n(u, \"Vulgate\", new u(l.Vulgate)), n(u, \"English\", new u(l.English)), n(u, \"RussianProtestant\", new u(l.RussianProtestant)), n(u, \"RussianOrthodox\", new u(l.RussianOrthodox));\nlet c = u;\nfunction E(t, e) {\n const s = e[0];\n for (let r = 1; r < e.length; r++)\n t = t.split(e[r]).join(s);\n return t.split(s);\n}\nvar D = /* @__PURE__ */ ((t) => (t[t.Valid = 0] = \"Valid\", t[t.UnknownVersification = 1] = \"UnknownVersification\", t[t.OutOfRange = 2] = \"OutOfRange\", t[t.VerseOutOfOrder = 3] = \"VerseOutOfOrder\", t[t.VerseRepeated = 4] = \"VerseRepeated\", t))(D || {});\nconst i = class i {\n constructor(e, s, r, o) {\n /** Not yet implemented. */\n n(this, \"firstChapter\");\n /** Not yet implemented. */\n n(this, \"lastChapter\");\n /** Not yet implemented. */\n n(this, \"lastVerse\");\n /** Not yet implemented. */\n n(this, \"hasSegmentsDefined\");\n /** Not yet implemented. */\n n(this, \"text\");\n /** Not yet implemented. */\n n(this, \"BBBCCCVVVS\");\n /** Not yet implemented. */\n n(this, \"longHashCode\");\n /** The versification of the reference. */\n n(this, \"versification\");\n n(this, \"rtlMark\", \"‏\");\n n(this, \"_bookNum\", 0);\n n(this, \"_chapterNum\", 0);\n n(this, \"_verseNum\", 0);\n n(this, \"_verse\");\n if (r == null && o == null)\n if (e != null && typeof e == \"string\") {\n const a = e, h = s != null && s instanceof c ? s : void 0;\n this.setEmpty(h), this.parse(a);\n } else if (e != null && typeof e == \"number\") {\n const a = s != null && s instanceof c ? s : void 0;\n this.setEmpty(a), this._verseNum = e % i.chapterDigitShifter, this._chapterNum = Math.floor(\n e % i.bookDigitShifter / i.chapterDigitShifter\n ), this._bookNum = Math.floor(e / i.bookDigitShifter);\n } else if (s == null)\n if (e != null && e instanceof i) {\n const a = e;\n this._bookNum = a.bookNum, this._chapterNum = a.chapterNum, this._verseNum = a.verseNum, this._verse = a.verse, this.versification = a.versification;\n } else {\n if (e == null)\n return;\n const a = e instanceof c ? e : i.defaultVersification;\n this.setEmpty(a);\n }\n else\n throw new Error(\"VerseRef constructor not supported.\");\n else if (e != null && s != null && r != null)\n if (typeof e == \"string\" && typeof s == \"string\" && typeof r == \"string\")\n this.setEmpty(o), this.updateInternal(e, s, r);\n else if (typeof e == \"number\" && typeof s == \"number\" && typeof r == \"number\")\n this._bookNum = e, this._chapterNum = s, this._verseNum = r, this.versification = o ?? i.defaultVersification;\n else\n throw new Error(\"VerseRef constructor not supported.\");\n else\n throw new Error(\"VerseRef constructor not supported.\");\n }\n /**\n * @deprecated Will be removed in v2. Replace `VerseRef.parse('...')` with `new VerseRef('...')`\n * or refactor to use `VerseRef.tryParse('...')` which has a different return type.\n */\n static parse(e, s = i.defaultVersification) {\n const r = new i(s);\n return r.parse(e), r;\n }\n /**\n * Determines if the verse string is in a valid format (does not consider versification).\n */\n static isVerseParseable(e) {\n return e.length > 0 && \"0123456789\".includes(e[0]) && !e.endsWith(this.verseRangeSeparator) && !e.endsWith(this.verseSequenceIndicator);\n }\n /**\n * Tries to parse the specified string into a verse reference.\n * @param str - The string to attempt to parse.\n * @returns success: `true` if the specified string was successfully parsed, `false` otherwise.\n * @returns verseRef: The result of the parse if successful, or empty VerseRef if it failed\n */\n static tryParse(e) {\n let s;\n try {\n return s = i.parse(e), { success: !0, verseRef: s };\n } catch (r) {\n if (r instanceof d)\n return s = new i(), { success: !1, verseRef: s };\n throw r;\n }\n }\n /**\n * Gets the reference as a comparable integer where the book, chapter, and verse each occupy 3\n * digits.\n * @param bookNum - Book number (this is 1-based, not an index).\n * @param chapterNum - Chapter number.\n * @param verseNum - Verse number.\n * @returns The reference as a comparable integer where the book, chapter, and verse each occupy 3\n * digits.\n */\n static getBBBCCCVVV(e, s, r) {\n return e % i.bcvMaxValue * i.bookDigitShifter + (s >= 0 ? s % i.bcvMaxValue * i.chapterDigitShifter : 0) + (r >= 0 ? r % i.bcvMaxValue : 0);\n }\n /**\n * Parses a verse string and gets the leading numeric portion as a number.\n * @param verseStr - verse string to parse\n * @returns true if the entire string could be parsed as a single, simple verse number (1-999);\n * false if the verse string represented a verse bridge, contained segment letters, or was invalid\n */\n static tryGetVerseNum(e) {\n let s;\n if (!e)\n return s = -1, { success: !0, vNum: s };\n s = 0;\n let r;\n for (let o = 0; o < e.length; o++) {\n if (r = e[o], r < \"0\" || r > \"9\")\n return o === 0 && (s = -1), { success: !1, vNum: s };\n if (s = s * 10 + +r - +\"0\", s > i.bcvMaxValue)\n return s = -1, { success: !1, vNum: s };\n }\n return { success: !0, vNum: s };\n }\n /**\n * Checks to see if a VerseRef hasn't been set - all values are the default.\n */\n get isDefault() {\n return this.bookNum === 0 && this.chapterNum === 0 && this.verseNum === 0 && this.versification == null;\n }\n /**\n * Gets whether the verse contains multiple verses.\n */\n get hasMultiple() {\n return this._verse != null && (this._verse.includes(i.verseRangeSeparator) || this._verse.includes(i.verseSequenceIndicator));\n }\n /**\n * Gets or sets the book of the reference. Book is the 3-letter abbreviation in capital letters,\n * e.g. `'MAT'`.\n */\n get book() {\n return f.bookNumberToId(this.bookNum, \"\");\n }\n set book(e) {\n this.bookNum = f.bookIdToNumber(e);\n }\n /**\n * Gets or sets the chapter of the reference,. e.g. `'3'`.\n */\n get chapter() {\n return this.isDefault || this._chapterNum < 0 ? \"\" : this._chapterNum.toString();\n }\n set chapter(e) {\n const s = +e;\n this._chapterNum = Number.isInteger(s) ? s : -1;\n }\n /**\n * Gets or sets the verse of the reference, including range, segments, and sequences, e.g. `'4'`,\n * or `'4b-5a, 7'`.\n */\n get verse() {\n return this._verse != null ? this._verse : this.isDefault || this._verseNum < 0 ? \"\" : this._verseNum.toString();\n }\n set verse(e) {\n const { success: s, vNum: r } = i.tryGetVerseNum(e);\n this._verse = s ? void 0 : e.replace(this.rtlMark, \"\"), this._verseNum = r, !(this._verseNum >= 0) && ({ vNum: this._verseNum } = i.tryGetVerseNum(this._verse));\n }\n /**\n * Get or set Book based on book number, e.g. `42`.\n */\n get bookNum() {\n return this._bookNum;\n }\n set bookNum(e) {\n if (e <= 0 || e > f.lastBook)\n throw new d(\n \"BookNum must be greater than zero and less than or equal to last book\"\n );\n this._bookNum = e;\n }\n /**\n * Gets or sets the chapter number, e.g. `3`. `-1` if not valid.\n */\n get chapterNum() {\n return this._chapterNum;\n }\n set chapterNum(e) {\n this.chapterNum = e;\n }\n /**\n * Gets or sets verse start number, e.g. `4`. `-1` if not valid.\n */\n get verseNum() {\n return this._verseNum;\n }\n set verseNum(e) {\n this._verseNum = e;\n }\n /**\n * String representing the versification (should ONLY be used for serialization/deserialization).\n *\n * @remarks This is for backwards compatibility when ScrVers was an enumeration.\n */\n get versificationStr() {\n var e;\n return (e = this.versification) == null ? void 0 : e.name;\n }\n set versificationStr(e) {\n this.versification = this.versification != null ? new c(e) : void 0;\n }\n /**\n * Determines if the reference is valid.\n */\n get valid() {\n return this.validStatus === 0;\n }\n /**\n * Get the valid status for this reference.\n */\n get validStatus() {\n return this.validateVerse(i.verseRangeSeparators, i.verseSequenceIndicators);\n }\n /**\n * Gets the reference as a comparable integer where the book,\n * chapter, and verse each occupy three digits and the verse is 0.\n */\n get BBBCCC() {\n return i.getBBBCCCVVV(this._bookNum, this._chapterNum, 0);\n }\n /**\n * Gets the reference as a comparable integer where the book,\n * chapter, and verse each occupy three digits. If verse is not null\n * (i.e., this reference represents a complex reference with verse\n * segments or bridge) this cannot be used for an exact comparison.\n */\n get BBBCCCVVV() {\n return i.getBBBCCCVVV(this._bookNum, this._chapterNum, this._verseNum);\n }\n /**\n * Gets whether the verse is defined as an excluded verse in the versification.\n * Does not handle verse ranges.\n */\n // eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/class-literal-property-style\n get isExcluded() {\n return !1;\n }\n /**\n * Parses the reference in the specified string.\n * Optionally versification can follow reference as in GEN 3:11/4\n * Throw an exception if\n * - invalid book name\n * - chapter number is missing or not a number\n * - verse number is missing or does not start with a number\n * - versification is invalid\n * @param verseStr - string to parse e.g. 'MAT 3:11'\n */\n parse(e) {\n if (e = e.replace(this.rtlMark, \"\"), e.includes(\"/\")) {\n const a = e.split(\"/\");\n if (e = a[0], a.length > 1)\n try {\n const h = +a[1].trim();\n this.versification = new c(l[h]);\n } catch {\n throw new d(\"Invalid reference : \" + e);\n }\n }\n const s = e.trim().split(\" \");\n if (s.length !== 2)\n throw new d(\"Invalid reference : \" + e);\n const r = s[1].split(\":\"), o = +r[0];\n if (r.length !== 2 || f.bookIdToNumber(s[0]) === 0 || !Number.isInteger(o) || o < 0 || !i.isVerseParseable(r[1]))\n throw new d(\"Invalid reference : \" + e);\n this.updateInternal(s[0], r[0], r[1]);\n }\n /**\n * Simplifies this verse ref so that it has no bridging of verses or\n * verse segments like `'1a'`.\n */\n simplify() {\n this._verse = void 0;\n }\n /**\n * Makes a clone of the reference.\n *\n * @returns The cloned VerseRef.\n */\n clone() {\n return new i(this);\n }\n toString() {\n const e = this.book;\n return e === \"\" ? \"\" : `${e} ${this.chapter}:${this.verse}`;\n }\n /**\n * Compares this `VerseRef` with supplied one.\n * @param verseRef - object to compare this one to.\n * @returns `true` if this `VerseRef` is equal to the supplied on, `false` otherwise.\n */\n equals(e) {\n return e instanceof i ? e._bookNum === this._bookNum && e._chapterNum === this._chapterNum && e._verseNum === this._verseNum && e.verse === this.verse && e.versification != null && this.versification != null && e.versification.equals(this.versification) : !1;\n }\n /**\n * Enumerate all individual verses contained in a VerseRef.\n * Verse ranges are indicated by \"-\" and consecutive verses by \",\"s.\n * Examples:\n * GEN 1:2 returns GEN 1:2\n * GEN 1:1a-3b,5 returns GEN 1:1a, GEN 1:2, GEN 1:3b, GEN 1:5\n * GEN 1:2a-2c returns //! ??????\n *\n * @param specifiedVersesOnly - if set to true return only verses that are\n * explicitly specified only, not verses within a range. Defaults to `false`.\n * @param verseRangeSeparators - Verse range separators.\n * Defaults to `VerseRef.verseRangeSeparators`.\n * @param verseSequenceSeparators - Verse sequence separators.\n * Defaults to `VerseRef.verseSequenceIndicators`.\n * @returns An array of all single verse references in this VerseRef.\n */\n allVerses(e = !1, s = i.verseRangeSeparators, r = i.verseSequenceIndicators) {\n if (this._verse == null || this.chapterNum <= 0)\n return [this.clone()];\n const o = [], a = E(this._verse, r);\n for (const h of a.map((g) => E(g, s))) {\n const g = this.clone();\n g.verse = h[0];\n const w = g.verseNum;\n if (o.push(g), h.length > 1) {\n const p = this.clone();\n if (p.verse = h[1], !e)\n for (let b = w + 1; b < p.verseNum; b++) {\n const J = new i(\n this._bookNum,\n this._chapterNum,\n b,\n this.versification\n );\n this.isExcluded || o.push(J);\n }\n o.push(p);\n }\n }\n return o;\n }\n /**\n * Validates a verse number using the supplied separators rather than the defaults.\n */\n validateVerse(e, s) {\n if (!this.verse)\n return this.internalValid;\n let r = 0;\n for (const o of this.allVerses(!0, e, s)) {\n const a = o.internalValid;\n if (a !== 0)\n return a;\n const h = o.BBBCCCVVV;\n if (r > h)\n return 3;\n if (r === h)\n return 4;\n r = h;\n }\n return 0;\n }\n /**\n * Gets whether a single verse reference is valid.\n */\n get internalValid() {\n return this.versification == null ? 1 : this._bookNum <= 0 || this._bookNum > f.lastBook ? 2 : (f.isCanonical(this._bookNum), 0);\n }\n setEmpty(e = i.defaultVersification) {\n this._bookNum = 0, this._chapterNum = -1, this._verse = void 0, this.versification = e;\n }\n updateInternal(e, s, r) {\n this.bookNum = f.bookIdToNumber(e), this.chapter = s, this.verse = r;\n }\n};\nn(i, \"defaultVersification\", c.English), n(i, \"verseRangeSeparator\", \"-\"), n(i, \"verseSequenceIndicator\", \",\"), n(i, \"verseRangeSeparators\", [i.verseRangeSeparator]), n(i, \"verseSequenceIndicators\", [i.verseSequenceIndicator]), n(i, \"chapterDigitShifter\", 1e3), n(i, \"bookDigitShifter\", i.chapterDigitShifter * i.chapterDigitShifter), n(i, \"bcvMaxValue\", i.chapterDigitShifter - 1), /**\n * The valid status of the VerseRef.\n */\nn(i, \"ValidStatusType\", D);\nlet M = i;\nclass d extends Error {\n}\nexport {\n z as BookSet,\n f as Canon,\n c as ScrVers,\n l as ScrVersType,\n M as VerseRef,\n d as VerseRefException\n};\n//# sourceMappingURL=index.es.js.map\n","\"use strict\"\r\n\r\n// Based on: https://github.com/lodash/lodash/blob/6018350ac10d5ce6a5b7db625140b82aeab804df/.internal/unicodeSize.js\r\n\r\nmodule.exports = () => {\r\n\t// Used to compose unicode character classes.\r\n\tconst astralRange = \"\\\\ud800-\\\\udfff\"\r\n\tconst comboMarksRange = \"\\\\u0300-\\\\u036f\"\r\n\tconst comboHalfMarksRange = \"\\\\ufe20-\\\\ufe2f\"\r\n\tconst comboSymbolsRange = \"\\\\u20d0-\\\\u20ff\"\r\n\tconst comboMarksExtendedRange = \"\\\\u1ab0-\\\\u1aff\"\r\n\tconst comboMarksSupplementRange = \"\\\\u1dc0-\\\\u1dff\"\r\n\tconst comboRange = comboMarksRange + comboHalfMarksRange + comboSymbolsRange + comboMarksExtendedRange + comboMarksSupplementRange\r\n\tconst varRange = \"\\\\ufe0e\\\\ufe0f\"\r\n\tconst familyRange = \"\\\\uD83D\\\\uDC69\\\\uD83C\\\\uDFFB\\\\u200D\\\\uD83C\\\\uDF93\"\r\n\r\n\t// Used to compose unicode capture groups.\r\n\tconst astral = `[${astralRange}]`\r\n\tconst combo = `[${comboRange}]`\r\n\tconst fitz = \"\\\\ud83c[\\\\udffb-\\\\udfff]\"\r\n\tconst modifier = `(?:${combo}|${fitz})`\r\n\tconst nonAstral = `[^${astralRange}]`\r\n\tconst regional = \"(?:\\\\uD83C[\\\\uDDE6-\\\\uDDFF]){2}\"\r\n\tconst surrogatePair = \"[\\\\ud800-\\\\udbff][\\\\udc00-\\\\udfff]\"\r\n\tconst zwj = \"\\\\u200d\"\r\n\tconst blackFlag = \"(?:\\\\ud83c\\\\udff4\\\\udb40\\\\udc67\\\\udb40\\\\udc62\\\\udb40(?:\\\\udc65|\\\\udc73|\\\\udc77)\\\\udb40(?:\\\\udc6e|\\\\udc63|\\\\udc6c)\\\\udb40(?:\\\\udc67|\\\\udc74|\\\\udc73)\\\\udb40\\\\udc7f)\"\r\n\tconst family = `[${familyRange}]`\r\n\r\n\t// Used to compose unicode regexes.\r\n\tconst optModifier = `${modifier}?`\r\n\tconst optVar = `[${varRange}]?`\r\n\tconst optJoin = `(?:${zwj}(?:${[nonAstral, regional, surrogatePair].join(\"|\")})${optVar + optModifier})*`\r\n\tconst seq = optVar + optModifier + optJoin\r\n\tconst nonAstralCombo = `${nonAstral}${combo}?`\r\n\tconst symbol = `(?:${[nonAstralCombo, combo, regional, surrogatePair, astral, family].join(\"|\")})`\r\n\r\n\t// Used to match [String symbols](https://mathiasbynens.be/notes/javascript-unicode).\r\n\treturn new RegExp(`${blackFlag}|${fitz}(?=${fitz})|${symbol + seq}`, \"g\")\r\n}\r\n","\"use strict\";\nvar __importDefault = (this && this.__importDefault) || function (mod) {\n return (mod && mod.__esModule) ? mod : { \"default\": mod };\n};\nObject.defineProperty(exports, \"__esModule\", { value: true });\n// @ts-ignore\nvar char_regex_1 = __importDefault(require(\"char-regex\"));\n/**\n * Converts a string to an array of string chars\n * @param {string} str The string to turn into array\n * @returns {string[]}\n */\nfunction toArray(str) {\n if (typeof str !== 'string') {\n throw new Error('A string is expected as input');\n }\n return str.match(char_regex_1.default()) || [];\n}\nexports.toArray = toArray;\n/**\n * Returns the length of a string\n *\n * @export\n * @param {string} str\n * @returns {number}\n */\nfunction length(str) {\n // Check for input\n if (typeof str !== 'string') {\n throw new Error('Input must be a string');\n }\n var match = str.match(char_regex_1.default());\n return match === null ? 0 : match.length;\n}\nexports.length = length;\n/**\n * Returns a substring by providing start and end position\n *\n * @export\n * @param {string} str\n * @param {number} [begin=0] Starting position\n * @param {number} end End position\n * @returns {string}\n */\nfunction substring(str, begin, end) {\n if (begin === void 0) { begin = 0; }\n // Check for input\n if (typeof str !== 'string') {\n throw new Error('Input must be a string');\n }\n // Even though negative numbers work here, theyre not in the spec\n if (typeof begin !== 'number' || begin < 0) {\n begin = 0;\n }\n if (typeof end === 'number' && end < 0) {\n end = 0;\n }\n var match = str.match(char_regex_1.default());\n if (!match)\n return '';\n return match.slice(begin, end).join('');\n}\nexports.substring = substring;\n/**\n * Returns a substring by providing start position and length\n *\n * @export\n * @param {string} str\n * @param {number} [begin=0] Starting position\n * @param {number} len Desired length\n * @returns {string}\n */\nfunction substr(str, begin, len) {\n if (begin === void 0) { begin = 0; }\n // Check for input\n if (typeof str !== 'string') {\n throw new Error('Input must be a string');\n }\n var strLength = length(str);\n // Fix type\n if (typeof begin !== 'number') {\n begin = parseInt(begin, 10);\n }\n // Return zero-length string if got oversize number.\n if (begin >= strLength) {\n return '';\n }\n // Calculating postive version of negative value.\n if (begin < 0) {\n begin += strLength;\n }\n var end;\n if (typeof len === 'undefined') {\n end = strLength;\n }\n else {\n // Fix type\n if (typeof len !== 'number') {\n len = parseInt(len, 10);\n }\n end = len >= 0 ? len + begin : begin;\n }\n var match = str.match(char_regex_1.default());\n if (!match)\n return '';\n return match.slice(begin, end).join('');\n}\nexports.substr = substr;\n/**\n * Enforces a string to be a certain length by\n * adding or removing characters\n *\n * @export\n * @param {string} str\n * @param {number} [limit=16] Limit\n * @param {string} [padString='#'] The Pad String\n * @param {string} [padPosition='right'] The Pad Position\n * @returns {string}\n */\nfunction limit(str, limit, padString, padPosition) {\n if (limit === void 0) { limit = 16; }\n if (padString === void 0) { padString = '#'; }\n if (padPosition === void 0) { padPosition = 'right'; }\n // Input should be a string, limit should be a number\n if (typeof str !== 'string' || typeof limit !== 'number') {\n throw new Error('Invalid arguments specified');\n }\n // Pad position should be either left or right\n if (['left', 'right'].indexOf(padPosition) === -1) {\n throw new Error('Pad position should be either left or right');\n }\n // Pad string can be anything, we convert it to string\n if (typeof padString !== 'string') {\n padString = String(padString);\n }\n // Calculate string length considering astral code points\n var strLength = length(str);\n if (strLength > limit) {\n return substring(str, 0, limit);\n }\n else if (strLength < limit) {\n var padRepeats = padString.repeat(limit - strLength);\n return padPosition === 'left' ? padRepeats + str : str + padRepeats;\n }\n return str;\n}\nexports.limit = limit;\n/**\n * Returns the index of the first occurrence of a given string\n *\n * @export\n * @param {string} str\n * @param {string} [searchStr] the string to search\n * @param {number} [pos] starting position\n * @returns {number}\n */\nfunction indexOf(str, searchStr, pos) {\n if (pos === void 0) { pos = 0; }\n if (typeof str !== 'string') {\n throw new Error('Input must be a string');\n }\n if (str === '') {\n if (searchStr === '') {\n return 0;\n }\n return -1;\n }\n // fix type\n pos = Number(pos);\n pos = isNaN(pos) ? 0 : pos;\n searchStr = String(searchStr);\n var strArr = toArray(str);\n if (pos >= strArr.length) {\n if (searchStr === '') {\n return strArr.length;\n }\n return -1;\n }\n if (searchStr === '') {\n return pos;\n }\n var searchArr = toArray(searchStr);\n var finded = false;\n var index;\n for (index = pos; index < strArr.length; index += 1) {\n var searchIndex = 0;\n while (searchIndex < searchArr.length &&\n searchArr[searchIndex] === strArr[index + searchIndex]) {\n searchIndex += 1;\n }\n if (searchIndex === searchArr.length &&\n searchArr[searchIndex - 1] === strArr[index + searchIndex - 1]) {\n finded = true;\n break;\n }\n }\n return finded ? index : -1;\n}\nexports.indexOf = indexOf;\n","import { LocalizeKey } from 'menus.model';\nimport {\n indexOf as stringzIndexOf,\n substring as stringzSubstring,\n length as stringzLength,\n toArray as stringzToArray,\n limit as stringzLimit,\n substr as stringzSubstr,\n} from 'stringz';\n\n/**\n * This function mirrors the `at` function from the JavaScript Standard String object. It handles\n * Unicode code points instead of UTF-16 character codes.\n *\n * Finds the Unicode code point at the given index.\n *\n * @param string String to index\n * @param index Position of the character to be returned in range of -length(string) to\n * length(string)\n * @returns New string consisting of the Unicode code point located at the specified offset,\n * undefined if index is out of bounds\n */\nexport function at(string: string, index: number): string | undefined {\n if (index > stringLength(string) || index < -stringLength(string)) return undefined;\n return substr(string, index, 1);\n}\n\n/**\n * This function mirrors the `charAt` function from the JavaScript Standard String object. It\n * handles Unicode code points instead of UTF-16 character codes.\n *\n * Returns a new string consisting of the single unicode code point at the given index.\n *\n * @param string String to index\n * @param index Position of the string character to be returned, in the range of 0 to\n * length(string)-1\n * @returns New string consisting of the Unicode code point located at the specified offset, empty\n * string if index is out of bounds\n */\nexport function charAt(string: string, index: number): string {\n if (index < 0 || index > stringLength(string) - 1) return '';\n return substr(string, index, 1);\n}\n\n/**\n * This function mirrors the `codePointAt` function from the JavaScript Standard String object. It\n * handles Unicode code points instead of UTF-16 character codes.\n *\n * Returns a non-negative integer that is the Unicode code point value of the character starting at\n * the given index.\n *\n * @param string String to index\n * @param index Position of the string character to be returned, in the range of 0 to\n * length(string)-1\n * @returns Non-negative integer representing the code point value of the character at the given\n * index, or undefined if there is no element at that position\n */\nexport function codePointAt(string: string, index: number): number | undefined {\n if (index < 0 || index > stringLength(string) - 1) return undefined;\n return substr(string, index, 1).codePointAt(0);\n}\n\n/**\n * This function mirrors the `endsWith` function from the JavaScript Standard String object. It\n * handles Unicode code points instead of UTF-16 character codes.\n *\n * Determines whether a string ends with the characters of this string.\n *\n * @param string String to search through\n * @param searchString Characters to search for at the end of the string\n * @param endPosition End position where searchString is expected to be found. Default is\n * `length(string)`\n * @returns True if it ends with searchString, false if it does not\n */\nexport function endsWith(\n string: string,\n searchString: string,\n endPosition: number = stringLength(string),\n): boolean {\n const lastIndexOfSearchString = lastIndexOf(string, searchString);\n if (lastIndexOfSearchString === -1) return false;\n if (lastIndexOfSearchString + stringLength(searchString) !== endPosition) return false;\n return true;\n}\n\n/**\n * Get the index of the closest closing curly brace in a string.\n *\n * Note: when escaped, gets the index of the curly brace, not the backslash before it.\n *\n * @param str String to search\n * @param index Index at which to start searching. Inclusive of this index\n * @param escaped Whether to search for an escaped or an unescaped closing curly brace\n * @returns Index of closest closing curly brace or -1 if not found\n */\nfunction indexOfClosestClosingCurlyBrace(str: string, index: number, escaped: boolean) {\n if (index < 0) return -1;\n if (escaped) {\n if (charAt(str, index) === '}' && charAt(str, index - 1) === '\\\\') return index;\n const closeCurlyBraceIndex = indexOf(str, '\\\\}', index);\n return closeCurlyBraceIndex >= 0 ? closeCurlyBraceIndex + 1 : closeCurlyBraceIndex;\n }\n\n let i = index;\n const strLength = stringLength(str);\n while (i < strLength) {\n i = indexOf(str, '}', i);\n\n if (i === -1 || charAt(str, i - 1) !== '\\\\') break;\n\n // Didn't find an un-escaped close brace, so keep looking\n i += 1;\n }\n\n return i >= strLength ? -1 : i;\n}\n\n/**\n * Formats a string, replacing {localization key} with the localization (or multiple localizations\n * if there are multiple in the string). Will also remove \\ before curly braces if curly braces are\n * escaped with a backslash in order to preserve the curly braces. E.g. 'Hi, this is {name}! I like\n * `\\{curly braces\\}`! would become Hi, this is Jim! I like {curly braces}!\n *\n * If the key in unescaped braces is not found, just return the key without the braces. Empty\n * unescaped curly braces will just return a string without the braces e.g. ('I am {Nemo}', {\n * 'name': 'Jim'}) would return 'I am Nemo'.\n *\n * @param str String to format\n * @returns Formatted string\n */\nexport function formatReplacementString(str: string, replacers: { [key: string]: string }): string {\n let updatedStr = str;\n\n let i = 0;\n while (i < stringLength(updatedStr)) {\n switch (charAt(updatedStr, i)) {\n case '{':\n if (charAt(updatedStr, i - 1) !== '\\\\') {\n // This character is an un-escaped open curly brace. Try to match and replace\n const closeCurlyBraceIndex = indexOfClosestClosingCurlyBrace(updatedStr, i, false);\n if (closeCurlyBraceIndex >= 0) {\n // We have matching open and close indices. Try to replace the contents\n const replacerKey = substring(updatedStr, i + 1, closeCurlyBraceIndex);\n // Replace with the replacer string or just remove the curly braces\n const replacerString = replacerKey in replacers ? replacers[replacerKey] : replacerKey;\n\n updatedStr = `${substring(updatedStr, 0, i)}${replacerString}${substring(updatedStr, closeCurlyBraceIndex + 1)}`;\n // Put our index at the closing brace adjusted for the new string length minus two\n // because we are removing the curly braces\n // Ex: \"stuff {and} things\"\n // Replacer for and: n'\n // closeCurlyBraceIndex is 10\n // \"stuff n' things\"\n // i = 10 + 2 - 3 - 2 = 7\n i = closeCurlyBraceIndex + stringLength(replacerString) - stringLength(replacerKey) - 2;\n } else {\n // This is an unexpected un-escaped open curly brace with no matching closing curly\n // brace. Just ignore, I guess\n }\n } else {\n // This character is an escaped open curly brace. Remove the escape\n updatedStr = `${substring(updatedStr, 0, i - 1)}${substring(updatedStr, i)}`;\n // Adjust our index because we removed the escape\n i -= 1;\n }\n break;\n case '}':\n if (charAt(updatedStr, i - 1) !== '\\\\') {\n // This character is an un-escaped closing curly brace with no matching open curly\n // brace. Just ignore, I guess\n } else {\n // This character is an escaped closing curly brace. Remove the escape\n updatedStr = `${substring(updatedStr, 0, i - 1)}${substring(updatedStr, i)}`;\n // Adjust our index because we removed the escape\n i -= 1;\n }\n break;\n default:\n // No need to do anything with other characters at this point\n break;\n }\n\n i += 1;\n }\n\n return updatedStr;\n}\n/**\n * This function mirrors the `includes` function from the JavaScript Standard String object. It\n * handles Unicode code points instead of UTF-16 character codes.\n *\n * Performs a case-sensitive search to determine if searchString is found in string.\n *\n * @param string String to search through\n * @param searchString String to search for\n * @param position Position within the string to start searching for searchString. Default is `0`\n * @returns True if search string is found, false if it is not\n */\nexport function includes(string: string, searchString: string, position: number = 0): boolean {\n const partialString = substring(string, position);\n const indexOfSearchString = indexOf(partialString, searchString);\n if (indexOfSearchString === -1) return false;\n return true;\n}\n\n/**\n * This function mirrors the `indexOf` function from the JavaScript Standard String object. It\n * handles Unicode code points instead of UTF-16 character codes.\n *\n * Returns the index of the first occurrence of a given string.\n *\n * @param string String to search through\n * @param searchString The string to search for\n * @param position Start of searching. Default is `0`\n * @returns Index of the first occurrence of a given string\n */\nexport function indexOf(\n string: string,\n searchString: string,\n position: number | undefined = 0,\n): number {\n return stringzIndexOf(string, searchString, position);\n}\n\n/**\n * This function mirrors the `lastIndexOf` function from the JavaScript Standard String object. It\n * handles Unicode code points instead of UTF-16 character codes.\n *\n * Searches this string and returns the index of the last occurrence of the specified substring.\n *\n * @param string String to search through\n * @param searchString Substring to search for\n * @param position The index at which to begin searching. If omitted, the search begins at the end\n * of the string. Default is `undefined`\n * @returns Index of the last occurrence of searchString found, or -1 if not found.\n */\nexport function lastIndexOf(string: string, searchString: string, position?: number): number {\n let validatedPosition = position === undefined ? stringLength(string) : position;\n\n if (validatedPosition < 0) {\n validatedPosition = 0;\n } else if (validatedPosition >= stringLength(string)) {\n validatedPosition = stringLength(string) - 1;\n }\n\n for (let index = validatedPosition; index >= 0; index--) {\n if (substr(string, index, stringLength(searchString)) === searchString) {\n return index;\n }\n }\n\n return -1;\n}\n\n/**\n * This function mirrors the `length` function from the JavaScript Standard String object. It\n * handles Unicode code points instead of UTF-16 character codes. Since `length` appears to be a\n * reserved keyword, the function was renamed to `stringLength`\n *\n * Returns the length of a string.\n *\n * @param string String to return the length for\n * @returns Number that is length of the starting string\n */\nexport function stringLength(string: string): number {\n return stringzLength(string);\n}\n\n/**\n * This function mirrors the `normalize` function from the JavaScript Standard String object. It\n * handles Unicode code points instead of UTF-16 character codes.\n *\n * Returns the Unicode Normalization Form of this string.\n *\n * @param string The starting string\n * @param form Form specifying the Unicode Normalization Form. Default is `'NFC'`\n * @returns A string containing the Unicode Normalization Form of the given string.\n */\nexport function normalize(string: string, form: 'NFC' | 'NFD' | 'NFKC' | 'NFKD' | 'none'): string {\n const upperCaseForm = form.toUpperCase();\n if (upperCaseForm === 'NONE') {\n return string;\n }\n return string.normalize(upperCaseForm);\n}\n\n/**\n * Compares two strings using an ordinal comparison approach based on the specified collation\n * options. This function uses the built-in `localeCompare` method with the 'en' locale and the\n * provided collation options to compare the strings.\n *\n * @param string1 The first string to compare.\n * @param string2 The second string to compare.\n * @param options Optional. The collation options used for comparison.\n * @returns A number indicating the result of the comparison: - Negative value if string1 precedes\n * string2 in sorting order. - Zero if string1 and string2 are equivalent in sorting order. -\n * Positive value if string1 follows string2 in sorting order.\n */\nexport function ordinalCompare(\n string1: string,\n string2: string,\n options?: Intl.CollatorOptions,\n): number {\n return string1.localeCompare(string2, 'en', options);\n}\n\n/**\n * This function mirrors the `padEnd` function from the JavaScript Standard String object. It\n * handles Unicode code points instead of UTF-16 character codes.\n *\n * Pads this string with another string (multiple times, if needed) until the resulting string\n * reaches the given length. The padding is applied from the end of this string.\n *\n * @param string String to add padding too\n * @param targetLength The length of the resulting string once the starting string has been padded.\n * If value is less than or equal to length(string), then string is returned as is.\n * @param padString The string to pad the current string with. If padString is too long to stay\n * within targetLength, it will be truncated. Default is `\" \"`\n * @returns String with appropriate padding at the end\n */\n// Note: Limit with padString only works when length(padString) = 1, will be fixed with https://github.com/sallar/stringz/pull/59\nexport function padEnd(string: string, targetLength: number, padString: string = ' '): string {\n if (targetLength <= stringLength(string)) return string;\n return stringzLimit(string, targetLength, padString, 'right');\n}\n\n/**\n * This function mirrors the `padStart` function from the JavaScript Standard String object. It\n * handles Unicode code points instead of UTF-16 character codes.\n *\n * Pads this string with another string (multiple times, if needed) until the resulting string\n * reaches the given length. The padding is applied from the start of this string.\n *\n * @param string String to add padding too\n * @param targetLength The length of the resulting string once the starting string has been padded.\n * If value is less than or equal to length(string), then string is returned as is.\n * @param padString The string to pad the current string with. If padString is too long to stay\n * within the targetLength, it will be truncated from the end. Default is `\" \"`\n * @returns String with of specified targetLength with padString applied from the start\n */\n// Note: Limit with padString only works when length(padString) = 1, will be fixed with https://github.com/sallar/stringz/pull/59\nexport function padStart(string: string, targetLength: number, padString: string = ' '): string {\n if (targetLength <= stringLength(string)) return string;\n return stringzLimit(string, targetLength, padString, 'left');\n}\n\n// This is a helper function that performs a correction on the slice index to make sure it\n// cannot go out of bounds\nfunction correctSliceIndex(length: number, index: number) {\n if (index > length) return length;\n if (index < -length) return 0;\n if (index < 0) return index + length;\n return index;\n}\n\n/**\n * This function mirrors the `slice` function from the JavaScript Standard String object. It handles\n * Unicode code points instead of UTF-16 character codes.\n *\n * Extracts a section of this string and returns it as a new string, without modifying the original\n * string.\n *\n * @param string The starting string\n * @param indexStart The index of the first character to include in the returned substring.\n * @param indexEnd The index of the first character to exclude from the returned substring.\n * @returns A new string containing the extracted section of the string.\n */\nexport function slice(string: string, indexStart: number, indexEnd?: number): string {\n const length: number = stringLength(string);\n if (\n indexStart > length ||\n (indexEnd &&\n ((indexStart > indexEnd &&\n !(indexStart >= 0 && indexStart < length && indexEnd < 0 && indexEnd > -length)) ||\n indexEnd < -length))\n )\n return '';\n\n const newStart = correctSliceIndex(length, indexStart);\n const newEnd = indexEnd ? correctSliceIndex(length, indexEnd) : undefined;\n\n return substring(string, newStart, newEnd);\n}\n\n/**\n * This function mirrors the `split` function from the JavaScript Standard String object. It handles\n * Unicode code points instead of UTF-16 character codes.\n *\n * Takes a pattern and divides the string into an ordered list of substrings by searching for the\n * pattern, puts these substrings into an array, and returns the array.\n *\n * @param string The string to split\n * @param separator The pattern describing where each split should occur\n * @param splitLimit Limit on the number of substrings to be included in the array. Splits the\n * string at each occurrence of specified separator, but stops when limit entries have been placed\n * in the array.\n * @returns An array of strings, split at each point where separator occurs in the starting string.\n * Returns undefined if separator is not found in string.\n */\nexport function split(string: string, separator: string | RegExp, splitLimit?: number): string[] {\n const result: string[] = [];\n\n if (splitLimit !== undefined && splitLimit <= 0) {\n return [string];\n }\n\n if (separator === '') return toArray(string).slice(0, splitLimit);\n\n let regexSeparator = separator;\n if (\n typeof separator === 'string' ||\n (separator instanceof RegExp && !includes(separator.flags, 'g'))\n ) {\n regexSeparator = new RegExp(separator, 'g');\n }\n\n const matches: RegExpMatchArray | null = string.match(regexSeparator);\n\n let currentIndex = 0;\n\n if (!matches) return [string];\n\n for (let index = 0; index < (splitLimit ? splitLimit - 1 : matches.length); index++) {\n const matchIndex = indexOf(string, matches[index], currentIndex);\n const matchLength = stringLength(matches[index]);\n\n result.push(substring(string, currentIndex, matchIndex));\n currentIndex = matchIndex + matchLength;\n\n if (splitLimit !== undefined && result.length === splitLimit) {\n break;\n }\n }\n\n result.push(substring(string, currentIndex));\n\n return result;\n}\n\n/**\n * This function mirrors the `startsWith` function from the JavaScript Standard String object. It\n * handles Unicode code points instead of UTF-16 character codes.\n *\n * Determines whether the string begins with the characters of a specified string, returning true or\n * false as appropriate.\n *\n * @param string String to search through\n * @param searchString The characters to be searched for at the start of this string.\n * @param position The start position at which searchString is expected to be found (the index of\n * searchString's first character). Default is `0`\n * @returns True if the given characters are found at the beginning of the string, including when\n * searchString is an empty string; otherwise, false.\n */\nexport function startsWith(string: string, searchString: string, position: number = 0): boolean {\n const indexOfSearchString = indexOf(string, searchString, position);\n if (indexOfSearchString !== position) return false;\n return true;\n}\n\n/**\n * This function mirrors the `substr` function from the JavaScript Standard String object. It\n * handles Unicode code points instead of UTF-16 character codes.\n *\n * Returns a substring by providing start and length. This function is not exported because it is\n * considered deprecated, however it is still useful as a local helper function.\n *\n * @param string String to be divided\n * @param begin Start position. Default is `Start of string`\n * @param len Length of result. Default is `String length minus start parameter`. Default is `String\n * length minus start parameter`\n * @returns Substring from starting string\n */\nfunction substr(\n string: string,\n begin: number = 0,\n len: number = stringLength(string) - begin,\n): string {\n return stringzSubstr(string, begin, len);\n}\n\n/**\n * This function mirrors the `substring` function from the JavaScript Standard String object. It\n * handles Unicode code points instead of UTF-16 character codes.\n *\n * Returns a substring by providing start and end position.\n *\n * @param string String to be divided\n * @param begin Start position\n * @param end End position. Default is `End of string`\n * @returns Substring from starting string\n */\nexport function substring(\n string: string,\n begin: number,\n end: number = stringLength(string),\n): string {\n return stringzSubstring(string, begin, end);\n}\n\n/**\n * This function mirrors the `toArray` function from the JavaScript Standard String object. It\n * handles Unicode code points instead of UTF-16 character codes.\n *\n * Converts a string to an array of string characters.\n *\n * @param string String to convert to array\n * @returns An array of characters from the starting string\n */\nexport function toArray(string: string): string[] {\n return stringzToArray(string);\n}\n\n/** Determine whether the string is a `LocalizeKey` meant to be localized in Platform.Bible. */\nexport function isLocalizeKey(str: string): str is LocalizeKey {\n return startsWith(str, '%') && endsWith(str, '%');\n}\n\n/**\n * Escape RegExp special characters.\n *\n * You can also use this to escape a string that is inserted into the middle of a regex, for\n * example, into a character class.\n *\n * All credit to [`escape-string-regexp`](https://www.npmjs.com/package/escape-string-regexp) - this\n * function is simply copied directly from there to allow a common js export\n *\n * @example\n *\n * import escapeStringRegexp from 'platform-bible-utils';\n *\n * const escapedString = escapeStringRegexp('How much $ for a 🦄?');\n * //=> 'How much \\\\$ for a 🦄\\\\?'\n *\n * new RegExp(escapedString);\n */\nexport function escapeStringRegexp(string: string): string {\n if (typeof string !== 'string') {\n throw new TypeError('Expected a string');\n }\n\n // Escape characters with special meaning either inside or outside character sets.\n // Use a simple backslash escape when it’s always valid, and a `\\xnn` escape when the simpler form would be disallowed by Unicode patterns’ stricter grammar.\n return string.replace(/[|\\\\{}()[\\]^$+*?.]/g, '\\\\$&').replace(/-/g, '\\\\x2d');\n}\n\n/** This is an internal-only export for testing purposes and should not be used in development */\nexport const testingStringUtils = {\n indexOfClosestClosingCurlyBrace,\n};\n","import { Canon } from '@sillsdev/scripture';\nimport { BookInfo, ScriptureReference } from './scripture.model';\nimport { split, startsWith } from './string-util';\n\nconst scrBookData: BookInfo[] = [\n { shortName: 'ERR', fullNames: ['ERROR'], chapters: -1 },\n { shortName: 'GEN', fullNames: ['Genesis'], chapters: 50 },\n { shortName: 'EXO', fullNames: ['Exodus'], chapters: 40 },\n { shortName: 'LEV', fullNames: ['Leviticus'], chapters: 27 },\n { shortName: 'NUM', fullNames: ['Numbers'], chapters: 36 },\n { shortName: 'DEU', fullNames: ['Deuteronomy'], chapters: 34 },\n { shortName: 'JOS', fullNames: ['Joshua'], chapters: 24 },\n { shortName: 'JDG', fullNames: ['Judges'], chapters: 21 },\n { shortName: 'RUT', fullNames: ['Ruth'], chapters: 4 },\n { shortName: '1SA', fullNames: ['1 Samuel'], chapters: 31 },\n { shortName: '2SA', fullNames: ['2 Samuel'], chapters: 24 },\n { shortName: '1KI', fullNames: ['1 Kings'], chapters: 22 },\n { shortName: '2KI', fullNames: ['2 Kings'], chapters: 25 },\n { shortName: '1CH', fullNames: ['1 Chronicles'], chapters: 29 },\n { shortName: '2CH', fullNames: ['2 Chronicles'], chapters: 36 },\n { shortName: 'EZR', fullNames: ['Ezra'], chapters: 10 },\n { shortName: 'NEH', fullNames: ['Nehemiah'], chapters: 13 },\n { shortName: 'EST', fullNames: ['Esther'], chapters: 10 },\n { shortName: 'JOB', fullNames: ['Job'], chapters: 42 },\n { shortName: 'PSA', fullNames: ['Psalm', 'Psalms'], chapters: 150 },\n { shortName: 'PRO', fullNames: ['Proverbs'], chapters: 31 },\n { shortName: 'ECC', fullNames: ['Ecclesiastes'], chapters: 12 },\n { shortName: 'SNG', fullNames: ['Song of Solomon', 'Song of Songs'], chapters: 8 },\n { shortName: 'ISA', fullNames: ['Isaiah'], chapters: 66 },\n { shortName: 'JER', fullNames: ['Jeremiah'], chapters: 52 },\n { shortName: 'LAM', fullNames: ['Lamentations'], chapters: 5 },\n { shortName: 'EZK', fullNames: ['Ezekiel'], chapters: 48 },\n { shortName: 'DAN', fullNames: ['Daniel'], chapters: 12 },\n { shortName: 'HOS', fullNames: ['Hosea'], chapters: 14 },\n { shortName: 'JOL', fullNames: ['Joel'], chapters: 3 },\n { shortName: 'AMO', fullNames: ['Amos'], chapters: 9 },\n { shortName: 'OBA', fullNames: ['Obadiah'], chapters: 1 },\n { shortName: 'JON', fullNames: ['Jonah'], chapters: 4 },\n { shortName: 'MIC', fullNames: ['Micah'], chapters: 7 },\n { shortName: 'NAM', fullNames: ['Nahum'], chapters: 3 },\n { shortName: 'HAB', fullNames: ['Habakkuk'], chapters: 3 },\n { shortName: 'ZEP', fullNames: ['Zephaniah'], chapters: 3 },\n { shortName: 'HAG', fullNames: ['Haggai'], chapters: 2 },\n { shortName: 'ZEC', fullNames: ['Zechariah'], chapters: 14 },\n { shortName: 'MAL', fullNames: ['Malachi'], chapters: 4 },\n { shortName: 'MAT', fullNames: ['Matthew'], chapters: 28 },\n { shortName: 'MRK', fullNames: ['Mark'], chapters: 16 },\n { shortName: 'LUK', fullNames: ['Luke'], chapters: 24 },\n { shortName: 'JHN', fullNames: ['John'], chapters: 21 },\n { shortName: 'ACT', fullNames: ['Acts'], chapters: 28 },\n { shortName: 'ROM', fullNames: ['Romans'], chapters: 16 },\n { shortName: '1CO', fullNames: ['1 Corinthians'], chapters: 16 },\n { shortName: '2CO', fullNames: ['2 Corinthians'], chapters: 13 },\n { shortName: 'GAL', fullNames: ['Galatians'], chapters: 6 },\n { shortName: 'EPH', fullNames: ['Ephesians'], chapters: 6 },\n { shortName: 'PHP', fullNames: ['Philippians'], chapters: 4 },\n { shortName: 'COL', fullNames: ['Colossians'], chapters: 4 },\n { shortName: '1TH', fullNames: ['1 Thessalonians'], chapters: 5 },\n { shortName: '2TH', fullNames: ['2 Thessalonians'], chapters: 3 },\n { shortName: '1TI', fullNames: ['1 Timothy'], chapters: 6 },\n { shortName: '2TI', fullNames: ['2 Timothy'], chapters: 4 },\n { shortName: 'TIT', fullNames: ['Titus'], chapters: 3 },\n { shortName: 'PHM', fullNames: ['Philemon'], chapters: 1 },\n { shortName: 'HEB', fullNames: ['Hebrews'], chapters: 13 },\n { shortName: 'JAS', fullNames: ['James'], chapters: 5 },\n { shortName: '1PE', fullNames: ['1 Peter'], chapters: 5 },\n { shortName: '2PE', fullNames: ['2 Peter'], chapters: 3 },\n { shortName: '1JN', fullNames: ['1 John'], chapters: 5 },\n { shortName: '2JN', fullNames: ['2 John'], chapters: 1 },\n { shortName: '3JN', fullNames: ['3 John'], chapters: 1 },\n { shortName: 'JUD', fullNames: ['Jude'], chapters: 1 },\n { shortName: 'REV', fullNames: ['Revelation'], chapters: 22 },\n];\n\nexport const FIRST_SCR_BOOK_NUM = 1;\nexport const LAST_SCR_BOOK_NUM = scrBookData.length - 1;\nexport const FIRST_SCR_CHAPTER_NUM = 1;\nexport const FIRST_SCR_VERSE_NUM = 1;\n\nexport const getChaptersForBook = (bookNum: number): number => {\n return scrBookData[bookNum]?.chapters ?? -1;\n};\n\nexport const offsetBook = (scrRef: ScriptureReference, offset: number): ScriptureReference => ({\n bookNum: Math.max(FIRST_SCR_BOOK_NUM, Math.min(scrRef.bookNum + offset, LAST_SCR_BOOK_NUM)),\n chapterNum: 1,\n verseNum: 1,\n});\n\nexport const offsetChapter = (scrRef: ScriptureReference, offset: number): ScriptureReference => ({\n ...scrRef,\n chapterNum: Math.min(\n Math.max(FIRST_SCR_CHAPTER_NUM, scrRef.chapterNum + offset),\n getChaptersForBook(scrRef.bookNum),\n ),\n verseNum: 1,\n});\n\nexport const offsetVerse = (scrRef: ScriptureReference, offset: number): ScriptureReference => ({\n ...scrRef,\n verseNum: Math.max(FIRST_SCR_VERSE_NUM, scrRef.verseNum + offset),\n});\n\n/**\n * https://github.com/ubsicap/Paratext/blob/master/ParatextData/SILScriptureExtensions.cs#L72\n *\n * Convert book number to a localized Id (a short description of the book). This should be used\n * whenever a book ID (short code) is shown to the user. It is primarily needed for people who do\n * not read Roman script well and need to have books identified in a alternate script (e.g. Chinese\n * or Russian)\n *\n * @param bookNumber\n * @param localizationLanguage In BCP 47 format\n * @param getLocalizedString Function that provides the localized versions of the book ids and names\n * asynchronously.\n * @returns\n */\nexport async function getLocalizedIdFromBookNumber(\n bookNumber: number,\n localizationLanguage: string,\n getLocalizedString: (item: {\n localizeKey: string;\n languagesToSearch?: string[];\n }) => Promise,\n) {\n const id = Canon.bookNumberToId(bookNumber);\n\n if (!startsWith(Intl.getCanonicalLocales(localizationLanguage)[0], 'zh'))\n return getLocalizedString({\n localizeKey: `LocalizedId.${id}`,\n languagesToSearch: [localizationLanguage],\n });\n\n // For Chinese the normal book name is already fairly short.\n const bookName = await getLocalizedString({\n localizeKey: `Book.${id}`,\n languagesToSearch: [localizationLanguage],\n });\n const parts = split(bookName, '-');\n // some entries had a second name inside ideographic parenthesis\n const parts2 = split(parts[0], '\\xff08');\n const retVal = parts2[0].trim();\n return retVal;\n}\n","/** Function to run to dispose of something. Returns true if successfully unsubscribed */\nexport type Unsubscriber = () => boolean;\n\n/**\n * Returns an Unsubscriber function that combines all the unsubscribers passed in.\n *\n * @param unsubscribers All unsubscribers to aggregate into one unsubscriber\n * @returns Function that unsubscribes from all passed in unsubscribers when run\n */\nexport const aggregateUnsubscribers = (unsubscribers: Unsubscriber[]): Unsubscriber => {\n return (...args) => {\n // Run the unsubscriber for each handler\n const unsubs = unsubscribers.map((unsubscriber) => unsubscriber(...args));\n\n // If all the unsubscribers resolve to truthiness, we succeed\n return unsubs.every((success) => success);\n };\n};\n\n/**\n * Function to run to dispose of something that runs asynchronously. The promise resolves to true if\n * successfully unsubscribed\n */\nexport type UnsubscriberAsync = () => Promise;\n\n/**\n * Returns an UnsubscriberAsync function that combines all the unsubscribers passed in.\n *\n * @param unsubscribers - All unsubscribers to aggregate into one unsubscriber.\n * @returns Function that unsubscribes from all passed in unsubscribers when run\n */\nexport const aggregateUnsubscriberAsyncs = (\n unsubscribers: (UnsubscriberAsync | Unsubscriber)[],\n): UnsubscriberAsync => {\n return async (...args) => {\n // Run the unsubscriber for each handler\n const unsubPromises = unsubscribers.map(async (unsubscriber) => unsubscriber(...args));\n\n // If all the unsubscribers resolve to truthiness, we succeed\n return (await Promise.all(unsubPromises)).every((success) => success);\n };\n};\n","var getOwnPropertyNames = Object.getOwnPropertyNames, getOwnPropertySymbols = Object.getOwnPropertySymbols;\nvar hasOwnProperty = Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty;\n/**\n * Combine two comparators into a single comparators.\n */\nfunction combineComparators(comparatorA, comparatorB) {\n return function isEqual(a, b, state) {\n return comparatorA(a, b, state) && comparatorB(a, b, state);\n };\n}\n/**\n * Wrap the provided `areItemsEqual` method to manage the circular state, allowing\n * for circular references to be safely included in the comparison without creating\n * stack overflows.\n */\nfunction createIsCircular(areItemsEqual) {\n return function isCircular(a, b, state) {\n if (!a || !b || typeof a !== 'object' || typeof b !== 'object') {\n return areItemsEqual(a, b, state);\n }\n var cache = state.cache;\n var cachedA = cache.get(a);\n var cachedB = cache.get(b);\n if (cachedA && cachedB) {\n return cachedA === b && cachedB === a;\n }\n cache.set(a, b);\n cache.set(b, a);\n var result = areItemsEqual(a, b, state);\n cache.delete(a);\n cache.delete(b);\n return result;\n };\n}\n/**\n * Get the properties to strictly examine, which include both own properties that are\n * not enumerable and symbol properties.\n */\nfunction getStrictProperties(object) {\n return getOwnPropertyNames(object).concat(getOwnPropertySymbols(object));\n}\n/**\n * Whether the object contains the property passed as an own property.\n */\nvar hasOwn = Object.hasOwn ||\n (function (object, property) {\n return hasOwnProperty.call(object, property);\n });\n/**\n * Whether the values passed are strictly equal or both NaN.\n */\nfunction sameValueZeroEqual(a, b) {\n return a || b ? a === b : a === b || (a !== a && b !== b);\n}\n\nvar OWNER = '_owner';\nvar getOwnPropertyDescriptor = Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor, keys = Object.keys;\n/**\n * Whether the arrays are equal in value.\n */\nfunction areArraysEqual(a, b, state) {\n var index = a.length;\n if (b.length !== index) {\n return false;\n }\n while (index-- > 0) {\n if (!state.equals(a[index], b[index], index, index, a, b, state)) {\n return false;\n }\n }\n return true;\n}\n/**\n * Whether the dates passed are equal in value.\n */\nfunction areDatesEqual(a, b) {\n return sameValueZeroEqual(a.getTime(), b.getTime());\n}\n/**\n * Whether the `Map`s are equal in value.\n */\nfunction areMapsEqual(a, b, state) {\n if (a.size !== b.size) {\n return false;\n }\n var matchedIndices = {};\n var aIterable = a.entries();\n var index = 0;\n var aResult;\n var bResult;\n while ((aResult = aIterable.next())) {\n if (aResult.done) {\n break;\n }\n var bIterable = b.entries();\n var hasMatch = false;\n var matchIndex = 0;\n while ((bResult = bIterable.next())) {\n if (bResult.done) {\n break;\n }\n var _a = aResult.value, aKey = _a[0], aValue = _a[1];\n var _b = bResult.value, bKey = _b[0], bValue = _b[1];\n if (!hasMatch &&\n !matchedIndices[matchIndex] &&\n (hasMatch =\n state.equals(aKey, bKey, index, matchIndex, a, b, state) &&\n state.equals(aValue, bValue, aKey, bKey, a, b, state))) {\n matchedIndices[matchIndex] = true;\n }\n matchIndex++;\n }\n if (!hasMatch) {\n return false;\n }\n index++;\n }\n return true;\n}\n/**\n * Whether the objects are equal in value.\n */\nfunction areObjectsEqual(a, b, state) {\n var properties = keys(a);\n var index = properties.length;\n if (keys(b).length !== index) {\n return false;\n }\n var property;\n // Decrementing `while` showed faster results than either incrementing or\n // decrementing `for` loop and than an incrementing `while` loop. Declarative\n // methods like `some` / `every` were not used to avoid incurring the garbage\n // cost of anonymous callbacks.\n while (index-- > 0) {\n property = properties[index];\n if (property === OWNER &&\n (a.$$typeof || b.$$typeof) &&\n a.$$typeof !== b.$$typeof) {\n return false;\n }\n if (!hasOwn(b, property) ||\n !state.equals(a[property], b[property], property, property, a, b, state)) {\n return false;\n }\n }\n return true;\n}\n/**\n * Whether the objects are equal in value with strict property checking.\n */\nfunction areObjectsEqualStrict(a, b, state) {\n var properties = getStrictProperties(a);\n var index = properties.length;\n if (getStrictProperties(b).length !== index) {\n return false;\n }\n var property;\n var descriptorA;\n var descriptorB;\n // Decrementing `while` showed faster results than either incrementing or\n // decrementing `for` loop and than an incrementing `while` loop. Declarative\n // methods like `some` / `every` were not used to avoid incurring the garbage\n // cost of anonymous callbacks.\n while (index-- > 0) {\n property = properties[index];\n if (property === OWNER &&\n (a.$$typeof || b.$$typeof) &&\n a.$$typeof !== b.$$typeof) {\n return false;\n }\n if (!hasOwn(b, property)) {\n return false;\n }\n if (!state.equals(a[property], b[property], property, property, a, b, state)) {\n return false;\n }\n descriptorA = getOwnPropertyDescriptor(a, property);\n descriptorB = getOwnPropertyDescriptor(b, property);\n if ((descriptorA || descriptorB) &&\n (!descriptorA ||\n !descriptorB ||\n descriptorA.configurable !== descriptorB.configurable ||\n descriptorA.enumerable !== descriptorB.enumerable ||\n descriptorA.writable !== descriptorB.writable)) {\n return false;\n }\n }\n return true;\n}\n/**\n * Whether the primitive wrappers passed are equal in value.\n */\nfunction arePrimitiveWrappersEqual(a, b) {\n return sameValueZeroEqual(a.valueOf(), b.valueOf());\n}\n/**\n * Whether the regexps passed are equal in value.\n */\nfunction areRegExpsEqual(a, b) {\n return a.source === b.source && a.flags === b.flags;\n}\n/**\n * Whether the `Set`s are equal in value.\n */\nfunction areSetsEqual(a, b, state) {\n if (a.size !== b.size) {\n return false;\n }\n var matchedIndices = {};\n var aIterable = a.values();\n var aResult;\n var bResult;\n while ((aResult = aIterable.next())) {\n if (aResult.done) {\n break;\n }\n var bIterable = b.values();\n var hasMatch = false;\n var matchIndex = 0;\n while ((bResult = bIterable.next())) {\n if (bResult.done) {\n break;\n }\n if (!hasMatch &&\n !matchedIndices[matchIndex] &&\n (hasMatch = state.equals(aResult.value, bResult.value, aResult.value, bResult.value, a, b, state))) {\n matchedIndices[matchIndex] = true;\n }\n matchIndex++;\n }\n if (!hasMatch) {\n return false;\n }\n }\n return true;\n}\n/**\n * Whether the TypedArray instances are equal in value.\n */\nfunction areTypedArraysEqual(a, b) {\n var index = a.length;\n if (b.length !== index) {\n return false;\n }\n while (index-- > 0) {\n if (a[index] !== b[index]) {\n return false;\n }\n }\n return true;\n}\n\nvar ARGUMENTS_TAG = '[object Arguments]';\nvar BOOLEAN_TAG = '[object Boolean]';\nvar DATE_TAG = '[object Date]';\nvar MAP_TAG = '[object Map]';\nvar NUMBER_TAG = '[object Number]';\nvar OBJECT_TAG = '[object Object]';\nvar REG_EXP_TAG = '[object RegExp]';\nvar SET_TAG = '[object Set]';\nvar STRING_TAG = '[object String]';\nvar isArray = Array.isArray;\nvar isTypedArray = typeof ArrayBuffer === 'function' && ArrayBuffer.isView\n ? ArrayBuffer.isView\n : null;\nvar assign = Object.assign;\nvar getTag = Object.prototype.toString.call.bind(Object.prototype.toString);\n/**\n * Create a comparator method based on the type-specific equality comparators passed.\n */\nfunction createEqualityComparator(_a) {\n var areArraysEqual = _a.areArraysEqual, areDatesEqual = _a.areDatesEqual, areMapsEqual = _a.areMapsEqual, areObjectsEqual = _a.areObjectsEqual, arePrimitiveWrappersEqual = _a.arePrimitiveWrappersEqual, areRegExpsEqual = _a.areRegExpsEqual, areSetsEqual = _a.areSetsEqual, areTypedArraysEqual = _a.areTypedArraysEqual;\n /**\n * compare the value of the two objects and return true if they are equivalent in values\n */\n return function comparator(a, b, state) {\n // If the items are strictly equal, no need to do a value comparison.\n if (a === b) {\n return true;\n }\n // If the items are not non-nullish objects, then the only possibility\n // of them being equal but not strictly is if they are both `NaN`. Since\n // `NaN` is uniquely not equal to itself, we can use self-comparison of\n // both objects, which is faster than `isNaN()`.\n if (a == null ||\n b == null ||\n typeof a !== 'object' ||\n typeof b !== 'object') {\n return a !== a && b !== b;\n }\n var constructor = a.constructor;\n // Checks are listed in order of commonality of use-case:\n // 1. Common complex object types (plain object, array)\n // 2. Common data values (date, regexp)\n // 3. Less-common complex object types (map, set)\n // 4. Less-common data values (promise, primitive wrappers)\n // Inherently this is both subjective and assumptive, however\n // when reviewing comparable libraries in the wild this order\n // appears to be generally consistent.\n // Constructors should match, otherwise there is potential for false positives\n // between class and subclass or custom object and POJO.\n if (constructor !== b.constructor) {\n return false;\n }\n // `isPlainObject` only checks against the object's own realm. Cross-realm\n // comparisons are rare, and will be handled in the ultimate fallback, so\n // we can avoid capturing the string tag.\n if (constructor === Object) {\n return areObjectsEqual(a, b, state);\n }\n // `isArray()` works on subclasses and is cross-realm, so we can avoid capturing\n // the string tag or doing an `instanceof` check.\n if (isArray(a)) {\n return areArraysEqual(a, b, state);\n }\n // `isTypedArray()` works on all possible TypedArray classes, so we can avoid\n // capturing the string tag or comparing against all possible constructors.\n if (isTypedArray != null && isTypedArray(a)) {\n return areTypedArraysEqual(a, b, state);\n }\n // Try to fast-path equality checks for other complex object types in the\n // same realm to avoid capturing the string tag. Strict equality is used\n // instead of `instanceof` because it is more performant for the common\n // use-case. If someone is subclassing a native class, it will be handled\n // with the string tag comparison.\n if (constructor === Date) {\n return areDatesEqual(a, b, state);\n }\n if (constructor === RegExp) {\n return areRegExpsEqual(a, b, state);\n }\n if (constructor === Map) {\n return areMapsEqual(a, b, state);\n }\n if (constructor === Set) {\n return areSetsEqual(a, b, state);\n }\n // Since this is a custom object, capture the string tag to determing its type.\n // This is reasonably performant in modern environments like v8 and SpiderMonkey.\n var tag = getTag(a);\n if (tag === DATE_TAG) {\n return areDatesEqual(a, b, state);\n }\n if (tag === REG_EXP_TAG) {\n return areRegExpsEqual(a, b, state);\n }\n if (tag === MAP_TAG) {\n return areMapsEqual(a, b, state);\n }\n if (tag === SET_TAG) {\n return areSetsEqual(a, b, state);\n }\n if (tag === OBJECT_TAG) {\n // The exception for value comparison is custom `Promise`-like class instances. These should\n // be treated the same as standard `Promise` objects, which means strict equality, and if\n // it reaches this point then that strict equality comparison has already failed.\n return (typeof a.then !== 'function' &&\n typeof b.then !== 'function' &&\n areObjectsEqual(a, b, state));\n }\n // If an arguments tag, it should be treated as a standard object.\n if (tag === ARGUMENTS_TAG) {\n return areObjectsEqual(a, b, state);\n }\n // As the penultimate fallback, check if the values passed are primitive wrappers. This\n // is very rare in modern JS, which is why it is deprioritized compared to all other object\n // types.\n if (tag === BOOLEAN_TAG || tag === NUMBER_TAG || tag === STRING_TAG) {\n return arePrimitiveWrappersEqual(a, b, state);\n }\n // If not matching any tags that require a specific type of comparison, then we hard-code false because\n // the only thing remaining is strict equality, which has already been compared. This is for a few reasons:\n // - Certain types that cannot be introspected (e.g., `WeakMap`). For these types, this is the only\n // comparison that can be made.\n // - For types that can be introspected, but rarely have requirements to be compared\n // (`ArrayBuffer`, `DataView`, etc.), the cost is avoided to prioritize the common\n // use-cases (may be included in a future release, if requested enough).\n // - For types that can be introspected but do not have an objective definition of what\n // equality is (`Error`, etc.), the subjective decision is to be conservative and strictly compare.\n // In all cases, these decisions should be reevaluated based on changes to the language and\n // common development practices.\n return false;\n };\n}\n/**\n * Create the configuration object used for building comparators.\n */\nfunction createEqualityComparatorConfig(_a) {\n var circular = _a.circular, createCustomConfig = _a.createCustomConfig, strict = _a.strict;\n var config = {\n areArraysEqual: strict\n ? areObjectsEqualStrict\n : areArraysEqual,\n areDatesEqual: areDatesEqual,\n areMapsEqual: strict\n ? combineComparators(areMapsEqual, areObjectsEqualStrict)\n : areMapsEqual,\n areObjectsEqual: strict\n ? areObjectsEqualStrict\n : areObjectsEqual,\n arePrimitiveWrappersEqual: arePrimitiveWrappersEqual,\n areRegExpsEqual: areRegExpsEqual,\n areSetsEqual: strict\n ? combineComparators(areSetsEqual, areObjectsEqualStrict)\n : areSetsEqual,\n areTypedArraysEqual: strict\n ? areObjectsEqualStrict\n : areTypedArraysEqual,\n };\n if (createCustomConfig) {\n config = assign({}, config, createCustomConfig(config));\n }\n if (circular) {\n var areArraysEqual$1 = createIsCircular(config.areArraysEqual);\n var areMapsEqual$1 = createIsCircular(config.areMapsEqual);\n var areObjectsEqual$1 = createIsCircular(config.areObjectsEqual);\n var areSetsEqual$1 = createIsCircular(config.areSetsEqual);\n config = assign({}, config, {\n areArraysEqual: areArraysEqual$1,\n areMapsEqual: areMapsEqual$1,\n areObjectsEqual: areObjectsEqual$1,\n areSetsEqual: areSetsEqual$1,\n });\n }\n return config;\n}\n/**\n * Default equality comparator pass-through, used as the standard `isEqual` creator for\n * use inside the built comparator.\n */\nfunction createInternalEqualityComparator(compare) {\n return function (a, b, _indexOrKeyA, _indexOrKeyB, _parentA, _parentB, state) {\n return compare(a, b, state);\n };\n}\n/**\n * Create the `isEqual` function used by the consuming application.\n */\nfunction createIsEqual(_a) {\n var circular = _a.circular, comparator = _a.comparator, createState = _a.createState, equals = _a.equals, strict = _a.strict;\n if (createState) {\n return function isEqual(a, b) {\n var _a = createState(), _b = _a.cache, cache = _b === void 0 ? circular ? new WeakMap() : undefined : _b, meta = _a.meta;\n return comparator(a, b, {\n cache: cache,\n equals: equals,\n meta: meta,\n strict: strict,\n });\n };\n }\n if (circular) {\n return function isEqual(a, b) {\n return comparator(a, b, {\n cache: new WeakMap(),\n equals: equals,\n meta: undefined,\n strict: strict,\n });\n };\n }\n var state = {\n cache: undefined,\n equals: equals,\n meta: undefined,\n strict: strict,\n };\n return function isEqual(a, b) {\n return comparator(a, b, state);\n };\n}\n\n/**\n * Whether the items passed are deeply-equal in value.\n */\nvar deepEqual = createCustomEqual();\n/**\n * Whether the items passed are deeply-equal in value based on strict comparison.\n */\nvar strictDeepEqual = createCustomEqual({ strict: true });\n/**\n * Whether the items passed are deeply-equal in value, including circular references.\n */\nvar circularDeepEqual = createCustomEqual({ circular: true });\n/**\n * Whether the items passed are deeply-equal in value, including circular references,\n * based on strict comparison.\n */\nvar strictCircularDeepEqual = createCustomEqual({\n circular: true,\n strict: true,\n});\n/**\n * Whether the items passed are shallowly-equal in value.\n */\nvar shallowEqual = createCustomEqual({\n createInternalComparator: function () { return sameValueZeroEqual; },\n});\n/**\n * Whether the items passed are shallowly-equal in value based on strict comparison\n */\nvar strictShallowEqual = createCustomEqual({\n strict: true,\n createInternalComparator: function () { return sameValueZeroEqual; },\n});\n/**\n * Whether the items passed are shallowly-equal in value, including circular references.\n */\nvar circularShallowEqual = createCustomEqual({\n circular: true,\n createInternalComparator: function () { return sameValueZeroEqual; },\n});\n/**\n * Whether the items passed are shallowly-equal in value, including circular references,\n * based on strict comparison.\n */\nvar strictCircularShallowEqual = createCustomEqual({\n circular: true,\n createInternalComparator: function () { return sameValueZeroEqual; },\n strict: true,\n});\n/**\n * Create a custom equality comparison method.\n *\n * This can be done to create very targeted comparisons in extreme hot-path scenarios\n * where the standard methods are not performant enough, but can also be used to provide\n * support for legacy environments that do not support expected features like\n * `RegExp.prototype.flags` out of the box.\n */\nfunction createCustomEqual(options) {\n if (options === void 0) { options = {}; }\n var _a = options.circular, circular = _a === void 0 ? false : _a, createCustomInternalComparator = options.createInternalComparator, createState = options.createState, _b = options.strict, strict = _b === void 0 ? false : _b;\n var config = createEqualityComparatorConfig(options);\n var comparator = createEqualityComparator(config);\n var equals = createCustomInternalComparator\n ? createCustomInternalComparator(comparator)\n : createInternalEqualityComparator(comparator);\n return createIsEqual({ circular: circular, comparator: comparator, createState: createState, equals: equals, strict: strict });\n}\n\nexport { circularDeepEqual, circularShallowEqual, createCustomEqual, deepEqual, sameValueZeroEqual, shallowEqual, strictCircularDeepEqual, strictCircularShallowEqual, strictDeepEqual, strictShallowEqual };\n//# sourceMappingURL=index.mjs.map\n","// There is a circular version https://www.npmjs.com/package/fast-equals#circulardeepequal that I\n// think allows comparing React refs (which have circular references in particular places that this\n// library would ignore). Maybe we can change to that version sometime if needed.\nimport { deepEqual as isEqualDeep } from 'fast-equals';\n\n/**\n * Check that two objects are deeply equal, comparing members of each object and such\n *\n * @param a The first object to compare\n * @param b The second object to compare\n *\n * WARNING: Objects like arrays from different iframes have different constructor function\n * references even if they do the same thing, so this deep equality comparison fails objects that\n * look the same but have different constructors because different constructors could produce\n * false positives in [a few specific\n * situations](https://github.com/planttheidea/fast-equals/blob/a41afc0a240ad5a472e47b53791e9be017f52281/src/comparator.ts#L96).\n * This means that two objects like arrays from different iframes that look the same will fail\n * this check. Please use some other means to check deep equality in those situations.\n *\n * Note: This deep equality check considers `undefined` values on keys of objects NOT to be equal to\n * not specifying the key at all. For example, `{ stuff: 3, things: undefined }` and `{ stuff: 3\n * }` are not considered equal in this case\n *\n * - For more information and examples, see [this\n * CodeSandbox](https://codesandbox.io/s/deepequallibrarycomparison-4g4kk4?file=/src/index.mjs).\n *\n * @returns True if a and b are deeply equal; false otherwise\n */\nexport default function deepEqual(a: unknown, b: unknown) {\n return isEqualDeep(a, b);\n}\n","import deepEqual from './equality-checking';\n\n/**\n * Check if one object is a subset of the other object. \"Subset\" means that all properties of one\n * object are present in the other object, and if they are present that all values of those\n * properties are deeply equal. Sub-objects are also checked to be subsets of the corresponding\n * sub-object in the other object.\n *\n * @example ObjB is a subset of objA given these objects:\n *\n * ```ts\n * objA = { name: 'Alice', age: 30, address: { city: 'Seattle', state: 'Washington' } };\n * objB = { name: 'Alice', address: { city: 'Seattle' } };\n * ```\n *\n * It is important to note that only arrays of primitives (i.e., booleans, numbers, strings) are\n * supported. In particular, objects in arrays will not be checked for deep equality. Also, presence\n * in an array is all this checks, not the number of times that an item appears in an array. `[1,\n * 1]` is a subset of `[1]`.\n *\n * @param objectWithAllProperties Object to be checked if it is a superset of\n * `objectWithPartialProperties`\n * @param objectWithPartialProperties Object to be checked if it is a subset of\n * `objectWithAllProperties`\n * @returns True if `objectWithAllProperties` contains all the properties of\n * `objectWithPartialProperties` and all values of those properties are deeply equal\n */\nexport default function isSubset(\n objectWithAllProperties: unknown,\n objectWithPartialProperties: unknown,\n): boolean {\n if (typeof objectWithAllProperties !== typeof objectWithPartialProperties) return false;\n\n // For this function we're saying that all falsy things of the same type are equal to each other\n if (!objectWithAllProperties && !objectWithPartialProperties) return true;\n\n if (Array.isArray(objectWithAllProperties)) {\n // We know these are arrays from the line above\n /* eslint-disable no-type-assertion/no-type-assertion */\n const partialArray = objectWithPartialProperties as Array;\n const allArray = objectWithAllProperties as Array;\n /* eslint-enable no-type-assertion/no-type-assertion */\n\n if (partialArray.length === 0) return true;\n\n // This only works with arrays of primitives.\n // If someone cares about checking arrays of objects this needs updating.\n return partialArray.every((item) => allArray.includes(item));\n }\n\n if (typeof objectWithAllProperties !== 'object')\n return deepEqual(objectWithAllProperties, objectWithPartialProperties);\n\n // We know these are objects that potentially have properties because of the earlier checks\n /* eslint-disable no-type-assertion/no-type-assertion */\n const partialObj = objectWithPartialProperties as Record;\n const allObj = objectWithAllProperties as Record;\n /* eslint-enable no-type-assertion/no-type-assertion */\n\n let retVal = true;\n Object.keys(partialObj).forEach((key) => {\n if (!retVal) return;\n if (!Object.hasOwn(allObj, key)) retVal = false;\n else if (!isSubset(allObj[key], partialObj[key])) retVal = false;\n });\n return retVal;\n}\n","/**\n * Converts a JavaScript value to a JSON string, changing `undefined` properties in the JavaScript\n * object to `null` properties in the JSON string.\n *\n * WARNING: `null` values will become `undefined` values after passing through {@link serialize} then\n * {@link deserialize}. For example, `{ a: 1, b: undefined, c: null }` will become `{ a: 1, b:\n * undefined, c: undefined }`. If you are passing around user data that needs to retain `null`\n * values, you should wrap them yourself in a string before using this function. Alternatively, you\n * can write your own replacer that will preserve `null` in a way that you can recover later.\n *\n * @param value A JavaScript value, usually an object or array, to be converted.\n * @param replacer A function that transforms the results. Note that all `undefined` values returned\n * by the replacer will be further transformed into `null` in the JSON string.\n * @param space Adds indentation, white space, and line break characters to the return-value JSON\n * text to make it easier to read. See the `space` parameter of `JSON.stringify` for more\n * details.\n */\nexport function serialize(\n value: unknown,\n replacer?: (this: unknown, key: string, value: unknown) => unknown,\n space?: string | number,\n): string {\n const undefinedReplacer = (replacerKey: string, replacerValue: unknown) => {\n let newValue = replacerValue;\n if (replacer) newValue = replacer(replacerKey, newValue);\n // All `undefined` values become `null` on the way from JS objects into JSON strings\n // eslint-disable-next-line no-null/no-null\n if (newValue === undefined) newValue = null;\n return newValue;\n };\n return JSON.stringify(value, undefinedReplacer, space);\n}\n\n/**\n * Converts a JSON string into a value, converting all `null` properties from JSON into `undefined`\n * in the returned JavaScript value/object.\n *\n * WARNING: `null` values will become `undefined` values after passing through {@link serialize} then\n * {@link deserialize}. For example, `{ a: 1, b: undefined, c: null }` will become `{ a: 1, b:\n * undefined, c: undefined }`. If you are passing around user data that needs to retain `null`\n * values, you should wrap them yourself in a string before using this function. Alternatively, you\n * can write your own replacer that will preserve `null` in a way that you can recover later.\n *\n * @param value A valid JSON string.\n * @param reviver A function that transforms the results. This function is called for each member of\n * the object. If a member contains nested objects, the nested objects are transformed before the\n * parent object is. Note that `null` values are converted into `undefined` values after the\n * reviver has run.\n */\nexport function deserialize(\n value: string,\n reviver?: (this: unknown, key: string, value: unknown) => unknown,\n // Need to use `any` instead of `unknown` here to match the signature of JSON.parse\n // eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/no-explicit-any\n): any {\n // Helper function to replace `null` with `undefined` on a per property basis. This can't be done\n // with our own reviver because `JSON.parse` removes `undefined` properties from the return value.\n function replaceNull(obj: Record): Record {\n Object.keys(obj).forEach((key: string | number) => {\n // We only want to replace `null`, not other falsy values\n // eslint-disable-next-line no-null/no-null\n if (obj[key] === null) obj[key] = undefined;\n // If the property is an object, recursively call the helper function on it\n else if (typeof obj[key] === 'object')\n // Since the object came from a string, we know the keys will not be symbols\n // eslint-disable-next-line no-type-assertion/no-type-assertion\n obj[key] = replaceNull(obj[key] as Record);\n });\n return obj;\n }\n\n const parsedObject = JSON.parse(value, reviver);\n // Explicitly convert the value 'null' that isn't stored as a property on an object to 'undefined'\n // eslint-disable-next-line no-null/no-null\n if (parsedObject === null) return undefined;\n if (typeof parsedObject === 'object') return replaceNull(parsedObject);\n return parsedObject;\n}\n\n/**\n * Check to see if the value is serializable without losing information\n *\n * @param value Value to test\n * @returns True if serializable; false otherwise\n *\n * Note: the values `undefined` and `null` are serializable (on their own or in an array), but\n * `null` values get transformed into `undefined` when serializing/deserializing.\n *\n * WARNING: This is inefficient right now as it stringifies, parses, stringifies, and === the value.\n * Please only use this if you need to\n *\n * DISCLAIMER: this does not successfully detect that values are not serializable in some cases:\n *\n * - Losses of removed properties like functions and `Map`s\n * - Class instances (not deserializable into class instances without special code)\n *\n * We intend to improve this in the future if it becomes important to do so. See [`JSON.stringify`\n * documentation](https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/JavaScript/Reference/Global_Objects/JSON/stringify#description)\n * for more information.\n */\nexport function isSerializable(value: unknown): boolean {\n try {\n const serializedValue = serialize(value);\n return serializedValue === serialize(deserialize(serializedValue));\n } catch (e) {\n return false;\n }\n}\n\n/**\n * HTML Encodes the provided string. Thanks to ChatGPT\n *\n * @param str String to HTML encode\n * @returns HTML-encoded string\n */\nexport const htmlEncode = (str: string): string =>\n str\n .replace(/&/g, '&')\n .replace(//g, '>')\n .replace(/\"/g, '"')\n .replace(/'/g, ''')\n .replace(/\\//g, '/');\n","import DateTimeFormat from './intl-date-time-format';\n\n/**\n * Retrieves the current locale of the user's environment.\n *\n * @returns A string representing the current locale. If the locale cannot be determined, the\n * function returns an empty string.\n */\nexport default function getCurrentLocale(): string {\n // Use navigator when available\n if (typeof navigator !== 'undefined' && navigator.languages) {\n return navigator.languages[0];\n }\n // For Node.js\n return new DateTimeFormat().resolvedOptions().locale;\n}\n","//----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n// NOTE: If you change any of the types, make sure the JSON schema at the end of this file gets\n// changed so they align.\n//----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n\nimport { LocalizeKey, ReferencedItem } from 'menus.model';\n\n/** The data an extension provides to inform Platform.Bible of the settings it provides */\nexport type SettingsContribution = SettingsGroup | SettingsGroup[];\n/** A description of an extension's setting entry */\nexport type Setting = ExtensionControlledSetting;\n/** Setting definition that is validated by the extension. */\nexport type ExtensionControlledSetting = SettingBase & ModifierExtensionControlled;\n/** Base information needed to describe a setting entry */\nexport type SettingBase = StateBase & {\n [k: string]: unknown;\n /** LocalizeKey that displays in the settings dialog as the setting name */\n label: LocalizeKey;\n /** LocalizeKey that displays in the settings dialog to describe the setting */\n description?: LocalizeKey;\n};\n/** The data an extension provides to inform Platform.Bible of the project settings it provides */\nexport type ProjectSettingsContribution = ProjectSettingsGroup | ProjectSettingsGroup[];\n/** A description of an extension's setting entry */\nexport type ProjectSetting = ExtensionControlledProjectSetting;\n/** Setting definition that is validated by the extension. */\nexport type ExtensionControlledProjectSetting = ProjectSettingBase & ModifierExtensionControlled;\n/** Base information needed to describe a project setting entry */\nexport type ProjectSettingBase = SettingBase & ModifierProject;\n/** A description of an extension's user state entry */\nexport type UserState = ExtensionControlledState;\n/** State definition that is validated by the extension. */\nexport type ExtensionControlledState = StateBase & ModifierExtensionControlled;\n/** Group of related settings definitions */\nexport interface SettingsGroup {\n [k: string]: unknown;\n /** LocalizeKey that displays in the settings dialog as the group name */\n label: LocalizeKey;\n /** LocalizeKey that displays in the settings dialog to describe the group */\n description?: LocalizeKey;\n properties: SettingProperties;\n}\n/** Object whose keys are setting IDs and whose values are settings objects */\nexport interface SettingProperties {\n [k: ReferencedItem]: Setting;\n}\n/** Base information needed to describe a state entry */\nexport interface StateBase {\n [k: string]: unknown;\n /** Default value for the state/setting */\n default: unknown;\n /**\n * A state/setting ID whose value to set to this state/setting's starting value the first time\n * this state/setting is loaded\n */\n derivesFrom?: ReferencedItem;\n}\n/**\n * Modifies state/setting type to be extension-controlled. \"Extension-controlled\" means the\n * extension provides the component and the validator for the state/setting, so the state/setting is\n * controlled by the extension.\n */\nexport interface ModifierExtensionControlled {\n [k: string]: unknown;\n platformType?: undefined;\n type?: undefined;\n}\n/** Group of related settings definitions */\nexport interface ProjectSettingsGroup {\n [k: string]: unknown;\n /** LocalizeKey that displays in the project settings dialog as the group name */\n label: LocalizeKey;\n /** LocalizeKey that displays in the project settings dialog to describe the group */\n description?: LocalizeKey;\n properties: ProjectSettingProperties;\n}\n/** Object whose keys are setting IDs and whose values are settings objects */\nexport interface ProjectSettingProperties {\n [k: ReferencedItem]: ProjectSetting;\n}\n\n// Note: we removed the index signature on ModifierProject to avoid having it on\n// `ProjectMetadataFilterOptions`. Unfortunately adding \"additionalProperties\": false on the json\n// schema messes up validation. Please remove the index signature again in the future if you\n// regenerate types\nexport interface ModifierProject {\n /**\n * String representation of `RegExp` pattern(s) to match against projects' `projectInterface`s\n * (using the\n * [`test`](https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/JavaScript/Reference/Global_Objects/RegExp/test)\n * function) to determine if they should be included.\n *\n * If this is one string, it will be matched against `projectInterface`s. If this is an array,\n * each entry is handled based on its type (at least one entry must match for this filter\n * condition to pass):\n *\n * - If the entry is a string, it will be matched against each `projectInterface`. If any match, the\n * project will pass this filter condition\n * - If the entry is an array of strings, each will be matched against each `projectInterface`. If\n * every string matches against at least one `projectInterface`, the project will pass this\n * filter condition\n *\n * In other words, each entry in the first-level array is `OR`'ed together. Each entry in\n * second-level arrays (arrays within the first-level array) are `AND`'ed together.\n *\n * Defaults to all {@link ProjectInterfaces}, so all projects that do not match\n * `excludeProjectInterfaces` will be included\n *\n * @example\n *\n * ```typescript\n * includeProjectInterfaces: ['one', ['two', 'three']];\n * ```\n *\n * This filter condition will succeed on projects whose `projectInterface`s fulfill at least one\n * of the following conditions (At least one entry in the array must match):\n *\n * - Include `one`\n * - Include both `two` and `three`.\n */\n includeProjectInterfaces?: undefined | string | (string | string[])[];\n /**\n * String representation of `RegExp` pattern(s) to match against projects' `projectInterface`s\n * (using the\n * [`test`](https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/JavaScript/Reference/Global_Objects/RegExp/test)\n * function) to determine if they should absolutely not be included even if they match with\n * `includeProjectInterfaces`.\n *\n * If this is one string, it will be matched against `projectInterface`s. If this is an array,\n * each entry is handled based on its type (at least one entry must match for this filter\n * condition to exclude the project):\n *\n * - If the entry is a string, it will be matched against each `projectInterface`. If any match, the\n * project will pass this filter condition and exclude the project\n * - If the entry is an array of strings, each will be matched against each `projectInterface`. If\n * every string matches against at least one `projectInterface`, the project will pass this\n * filter condition and exclude the project\n *\n * In other words, each entry in the first-level array is `OR`'ed together. Each entry in\n * second-level arrays (arrays within the first-level array) are `AND`'ed together.\n *\n * Defaults to no {@link ProjectInterfaces}, so all projects that match `includeProjectInterfaces`\n * will be included\n *\n * @example\n *\n * ```typescript\n * excludeProjectInterfaces: ['one', ['two', 'three']];\n * ```\n *\n * This filter condition will succeed and exclude projects whose `projectInterface`s fulfill at\n * least one of the following conditions (At least one entry in the array must match):\n *\n * - Include `one`\n * - Include both `two` and `three`.\n */\n excludeProjectInterfaces?: undefined | string | (string | string[])[];\n /**\n * String representation of `RegExp` pattern(s) to match against the Project Data Provider Factory\n * Ids that provided each project's metadata (using the\n * [`test`](https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/JavaScript/Reference/Global_Objects/RegExp/test)\n * function) to determine if the projects should be included.\n *\n * Defaults to all Project Data Provider Factory Ids, so all projects that do not match\n * `excludePdpFactoryIds` will be included\n */\n includePdpFactoryIds?: undefined | string | string[];\n /**\n * String representation of `RegExp` pattern(s) to match against the Project Data Provider Factory\n * Ids that provided each project's metadata (using the\n * [`test`](https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/JavaScript/Reference/Global_Objects/RegExp/test)\n * function) to determine if the projects should absolutely not be included even if they match\n * with `includeProjectInterfaces`.\n *\n * Defaults to none, so all projects that match `includePdpFactoryIds` will be included\n */\n excludePdpFactoryIds?: undefined | string | string[];\n}\n\n/** The data an extension provides to inform Platform.Bible of the user state it provides */\nexport interface UserStateContribution {\n [k: ReferencedItem]: UserState;\n}\n/** The data an extension provides to inform Platform.Bible of the project state it provides */\nexport interface ProjectStateContribution {\n [k: ReferencedItem]: UserState;\n}\n\n//----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n// NOTE: If you change the schema below, make sure the TS types above get changed so they align.\n//----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------\nconst settingsDefs = {\n projectSettingsContribution: {\n description:\n 'The data an extension provides to inform Platform.Bible of the project settings it provides',\n anyOf: [\n {\n $ref: '#/$defs/projectSettingsGroup',\n },\n {\n type: 'array',\n items: {\n $ref: '#/$defs/projectSettingsGroup',\n },\n },\n ],\n },\n projectSettingsGroup: {\n description: 'Group of related settings definitions',\n type: 'object',\n properties: {\n label: {\n description: 'localizeKey that displays in the project settings dialog as the group name',\n $ref: '#/$defs/localizeKey',\n },\n description: {\n description:\n 'localizeKey that displays in the project settings dialog to describe the group',\n $ref: '#/$defs/localizeKey',\n },\n properties: {\n $ref: '#/$defs/projectSettingProperties',\n },\n },\n required: ['label', 'properties'],\n },\n projectSettingProperties: {\n description: 'Object whose keys are setting IDs and whose values are settings objects',\n type: 'object',\n patternProperties: {\n '^[\\\\w\\\\-]+\\\\.[\\\\w\\\\-]+$': {\n $ref: '#/$defs/projectSetting',\n },\n },\n additionalProperties: false,\n },\n projectSetting: {\n description: \"A description of an extension's setting entry\",\n anyOf: [\n {\n $ref: '#/$defs/extensionControlledProjectSetting',\n },\n ],\n },\n extensionControlledProjectSetting: {\n description: 'Setting definition that is validated by the extension.',\n allOf: [\n {\n $ref: '#/$defs/projectSettingBase',\n },\n {\n $ref: '#/$defs/modifierExtensionControlled',\n },\n ],\n },\n projectSettingBase: {\n description: 'Base information needed to describe a project setting entry',\n allOf: [\n {\n $ref: '#/$defs/settingBase',\n },\n {\n $ref: '#/$defs/modifierProject',\n },\n ],\n },\n modifierProject: {\n description: 'Modifies setting type to be project setting',\n type: 'object',\n properties: {\n includeProjectInterfaces: {\n description:\n \"String representation of `RegExp` pattern(s) to match against projects' `projectInterface`s (using the [`test`](https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/JavaScript/Reference/Global_Objects/RegExp/test) function) to determine if they should be included.\\n\\nIf this is one string, it will be matched against `projectInterface`s. If this is an array, each entry is handled based on its type (at least one entry must match for this filter condition to pass):\\n\\n- If the entry is a string, it will be matched against each `projectInterface`. If any match, the project will pass this filter condition\\n- If the entry is an array of strings, each will be matched against each `projectInterface`. If every string matches against at least one `projectInterface`, the project will pass this filter condition\\n\\nIn other words, each entry in the first-level array is `OR`'ed together. Each entry in second-level arrays (arrays within the first-level array) are `AND`'ed together.\\n\\nDefaults to all {@link ProjectInterfaces}, so all projects that do not match `excludeProjectInterfaces` will be included\\n\\n@example\\n\\n```typescript\\nincludeProjectInterfaces: ['one', ['two', 'three']];\\n```\\n\\nThis filter condition will succeed on projects whose `projectInterface`s fulfill at least one of the following conditions (At least one entry in the array must match):\\n\\n- Include `one`\\n- Include both `two` and `three`.\",\n anyOf: [\n {\n type: 'null',\n },\n {\n type: 'string',\n },\n {\n type: 'array',\n items: {\n anyOf: [\n {\n type: 'string',\n },\n {\n type: 'array',\n items: { type: 'string' },\n },\n ],\n },\n },\n ],\n },\n excludeProjectInterfaces: {\n description:\n \"String representation of `RegExp` pattern(s) to match against projects' `projectInterface`s (using the [`test`](https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/JavaScript/Reference/Global_Objects/RegExp/test) function) to determine if they should absolutely not be included even if they match with `includeProjectInterfaces`.\\n\\nIf this is one string, it will be matched against `projectInterface`s. If this is an array, each entry is handled based on its type (at least one entry must match for this filter condition to exclude the project):\\n\\n- If the entry is a string, it will be matched against each `projectInterface`. If any match, the project will pass this filter condition and exclude the project\\n- If the entry is an array of strings, each will be matched against each `projectInterface`. If every string matches against at least one `projectInterface`, the project will pass this filter condition and exclude the project\\n\\nIn other words, each entry in the first-level array is `OR`'ed together. Each entry in second-level arrays (arrays within the first-level array) are `AND`'ed together.\\n\\nDefaults to no {@link ProjectInterfaces}, so all projects that match `includeProjectInterfaces` will be included\\n\\n@example\\n\\n```typescript\\nexcludeProjectInterfaces: ['one', ['two', 'three']];\\n```\\n\\nThis filter condition will succeed and exclude projects whose `projectInterface`s fulfill at least one of the following conditions (At least one entry in the array must match):\\n\\n- Include `one`\\n- Include both `two` and `three`.\",\n anyOf: [\n {\n type: 'null',\n },\n {\n type: 'string',\n },\n {\n type: 'array',\n items: {\n anyOf: [\n {\n type: 'string',\n },\n {\n type: 'array',\n items: { type: 'string' },\n },\n ],\n },\n },\n ],\n },\n includePdpFactoryIds: {\n description:\n \"String representation of `RegExp` pattern(s) to match against the Project Data Provider Factory Ids that provided each project's metadata (using the [`test`](https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/JavaScript/Reference/Global_Objects/RegExp/test) function) to determine if the projects should be included.\\n\\nDefaults to all Project Data Provider Factory Ids, so all projects that do not match `excludePdpFactoryIds` will be included\",\n anyOf: [\n {\n type: 'null',\n },\n {\n type: 'string',\n },\n {\n type: 'array',\n items: { type: 'string' },\n },\n ],\n },\n excludePdpFactoryIds: {\n description:\n \"String representation of `RegExp` pattern(s) to match against the Project Data Provider Factory Ids that provided each project's metadata (using the [`test`](https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/JavaScript/Reference/Global_Objects/RegExp/test) function) to determine if the projects should absolutely not be included even if they match with `includeProjectInterfaces`.\\n\\nDefaults to none, so all projects that match `includePdpFactoryIds` will be included\",\n anyOf: [\n {\n type: 'null',\n },\n {\n type: 'string',\n },\n {\n type: 'array',\n items: { type: 'string' },\n },\n ],\n },\n },\n },\n settingsContribution: {\n description:\n 'The data an extension provides to inform Platform.Bible of the settings it provides',\n anyOf: [\n {\n $ref: '#/$defs/settingsGroup',\n },\n {\n type: 'array',\n items: {\n $ref: '#/$defs/settingsGroup',\n },\n },\n ],\n },\n settingsGroup: {\n description: 'Group of related settings definitions',\n type: 'object',\n properties: {\n label: {\n description: 'localizeKey that displays in the settings dialog as the group name',\n $ref: '#/$defs/localizeKey',\n },\n description: {\n description: 'localizeKey that displays in the settings dialog to describe the group',\n $ref: '#/$defs/localizeKey',\n },\n properties: {\n $ref: '#/$defs/settingProperties',\n },\n },\n required: ['label', 'properties'],\n },\n settingProperties: {\n description: 'Object whose keys are setting IDs and whose values are settings objects',\n type: 'object',\n patternProperties: {\n '^[\\\\w-]+\\\\.[\\\\w-]+$': {\n $ref: '#/$defs/setting',\n },\n },\n additionalProperties: false,\n },\n setting: {\n description: \"A description of an extension's setting entry\",\n anyOf: [\n {\n $ref: '#/$defs/extensionControlledSetting',\n },\n ],\n },\n extensionControlledSetting: {\n description: 'Setting definition that is validated by the extension.',\n allOf: [\n {\n $ref: '#/$defs/settingBase',\n },\n {\n $ref: '#/$defs/modifierExtensionControlled',\n },\n ],\n },\n settingBase: {\n description: 'Base information needed to describe a setting entry',\n allOf: [\n {\n $ref: '#/$defs/stateBase',\n },\n {\n type: 'object',\n properties: {\n label: {\n description: 'localizeKey that displays in the settings dialog as the setting name',\n $ref: '#/$defs/localizeKey',\n },\n description: {\n description: 'localizeKey that displays in the settings dialog to describe the setting',\n $ref: '#/$defs/localizeKey',\n },\n },\n required: ['label'],\n },\n ],\n },\n projectStateContribution: {\n description:\n 'The data an extension provides to inform Platform.Bible of the project state it provides',\n $ref: '#/$defs/userStateProperties',\n },\n userStateContribution: {\n description:\n 'The data an extension provides to inform Platform.Bible of the user state it provides',\n $ref: '#/$defs/userStateProperties',\n },\n userStateProperties: {\n description: 'Object whose keys are state IDs and whose values are state objects',\n type: 'object',\n patternProperties: {\n '^[\\\\w\\\\-]+\\\\.[\\\\w\\\\-]+$': {\n $ref: '#/$defs/userState',\n },\n },\n additionalProperties: false,\n },\n userState: {\n description: \"A description of an extension's user state entry\",\n anyOf: [\n {\n $ref: '#/$defs/extensionControlledState',\n },\n ],\n },\n extensionControlledState: {\n description: 'State definition that is validated by the extension.',\n allOf: [\n {\n $ref: '#/$defs/stateBase',\n },\n {\n $ref: '#/$defs/modifierExtensionControlled',\n },\n ],\n },\n modifierExtensionControlled: {\n description:\n 'Modifies state/setting type to be extension-controlled. \"Extension-controlled\" means the extension provides the component and the validator for the state/setting, so the state/setting is controlled by the extension.',\n not: {\n anyOf: [\n {\n type: 'object',\n required: ['platformType'],\n },\n {\n type: 'object',\n required: ['type'],\n },\n ],\n },\n },\n stateBase: {\n description: 'Base information needed to describe a state entry',\n type: 'object',\n properties: {\n default: {\n description: 'default value for the state/setting',\n type: 'any',\n },\n derivesFrom: {\n description:\n \"a state/setting ID whose value to set to this state/setting's starting value the first time this state/setting is loaded\",\n $ref: '#/$defs/id',\n },\n },\n required: ['default'],\n },\n localizeKey: {\n description: \"Identifier for a string that will be localized based on the user's UI language\",\n type: 'string',\n pattern: '^%[\\\\w\\\\-\\\\.]+%$',\n tsType: 'LocalizeKey',\n },\n id: {\n description: '',\n type: 'string',\n pattern: '^[\\\\w\\\\-]+\\\\.[\\\\w\\\\-]+$',\n tsType: 'Id',\n },\n};\n\n/**\n * Json-schema-to-typescript has some added stuff that isn't actually compatible with JSON schema,\n * so we remove them here\n *\n * @param defs The `$defs` property of a JSON schema (will be modified in place)\n */\n// JSON schema types are weird, so we'll just be careful\n// eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/no-explicit-any\nexport function removeJsonToTypeScriptTypesStuff(defs: any) {\n if (!defs) return;\n\n // JSON schema types are weird, so we'll just be careful\n // eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/no-explicit-any\n Object.values(defs).forEach((def: any) => {\n if (!def.type) return;\n\n if ('tsType' in def) delete def.tsType;\n\n if (def.type === 'any') {\n delete def.type;\n return;\n }\n\n if (def.type === 'object') {\n removeJsonToTypeScriptTypesStuff(def.properties);\n }\n });\n}\n\nremoveJsonToTypeScriptTypesStuff(settingsDefs);\n\n/** JSON schema object that aligns with the ProjectSettingsContribution type */\nexport const projectSettingsDocumentSchema = {\n $schema: 'https://json-schema.org/draft/2020-12/schema',\n title: 'Project Settings Contribution',\n description:\n 'The data an extension provides to inform Platform.Bible of the project settings it provides',\n anyOf: [\n {\n $ref: '#/$defs/projectSettingsGroup',\n },\n {\n type: 'array',\n items: {\n $ref: '#/$defs/projectSettingsGroup',\n },\n },\n ],\n\n $defs: settingsDefs,\n};\n\nObject.freeze(projectSettingsDocumentSchema);\n\n/** JSON schema object that aligns with the {@link SettingsContribution} type */\nexport const settingsDocumentSchema = {\n $schema: 'https://json-schema.org/draft/2020-12/schema',\n title: 'Settings Contribution',\n description:\n 'The data an extension provides to inform Platform.Bible of the settings it provides',\n anyOf: [\n {\n $ref: '#/$defs/settingsGroup',\n },\n {\n type: 'array',\n items: {\n $ref: '#/$defs/settingsGroup',\n },\n },\n ],\n\n $defs: settingsDefs,\n};\n\nObject.freeze(settingsDocumentSchema);\n","//----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n// NOTE: If you change any of the types, make sure the JSON schema at the end of this file gets\n// changed so they align.\n//----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n\nimport { LocalizeKey } from 'menus.model';\nimport { removeJsonToTypeScriptTypesStuff } from './settings.model';\n\n/** Localized string value associated with this key */\nexport type LocalizedStringValue = string;\n\n/** The data an extension provides to inform Platform.Bible of the localized strings it provides. */\nexport interface LocalizedStringDataContribution {\n [k: string]: unknown;\n metadata?: StringsMetadata;\n localizedStrings?: {\n [k: string]: LanguageStrings;\n };\n}\n/**\n * Map whose keys are localized string keys and whose values provide additional non-locale-specific\n * information about the localized string key\n */\nexport interface StringsMetadata {\n [k: LocalizeKey]: StringMetadata;\n}\n/** Additional non-locale-specific information about a localized string key */\nexport interface StringMetadata {\n [k: string]: unknown;\n /**\n * Localized string key from which to get this value if one does not exist in the specified\n * language. If a new key/value pair needs to be made to replace an existing one, this could help\n * smooth over the transition if the meanings are close enough\n */\n fallbackKey?: LocalizeKey;\n /**\n * Additional information provided by developers in English to help the translator to know how to\n * translate this localized string accurately\n */\n notes?: string;\n}\n/**\n * Map whose keys are localized string keys and whose values provide information about how to\n * localize strings for the localized string key\n */\nexport interface LanguageStrings {\n [k: LocalizeKey]: LocalizedStringValue;\n}\n\n//----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n// NOTE: If you change the schema below, make sure the TS types above get changed so they align.\n//----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n\nconst localizedStringsDefs = {\n languageStrings: {\n description:\n 'Map whose keys are localized string keys and whose values provide information about how to localize strings for the localized string key',\n type: 'object',\n patternProperties: {\n '^%[\\\\w\\\\-\\\\.]+%$': {\n $ref: '#/$defs/localizedStringValue',\n },\n },\n additionalProperties: false,\n },\n localizedStringValue: {\n description: 'Localized string value associated with this key',\n type: 'string',\n },\n stringsMetadata: {\n description:\n 'Map whose keys are localized string keys and whose values provide additional non-locale-specific information about the localized string key',\n type: 'object',\n patternProperties: {\n '^%[\\\\w\\\\-\\\\.]+%$': {\n $ref: '#/$defs/stringMetadata',\n },\n },\n additionalProperties: false,\n },\n stringMetadata: {\n description: 'Additional non-locale-specific information about a localized string key',\n type: 'object',\n properties: {\n fallbackKey: {\n description:\n 'Localized string key from which to get this value if one does not exist in the specified language. If a new key/value pair needs to be made to replace an existing one, this could help smooth over the transition if the meanings are close enough',\n $ref: '#/$defs/localizeKey',\n },\n notes: {\n description:\n 'Additional information provided by developers in English to help the translator to know how to translate this localized string accurately',\n type: 'string',\n },\n },\n },\n localizeKey: {\n description: \"Identifier for a string that will be localized based on the user's UI language\",\n type: 'string',\n pattern: '^%[\\\\w\\\\-\\\\.]+%$',\n tsType: 'LocalizeKey',\n },\n};\n\nremoveJsonToTypeScriptTypesStuff(localizedStringsDefs);\n\n/** JSON schema object that aligns with the LocalizedStringDataContribution type */\nexport const localizedStringsDocumentSchema = {\n $schema: 'https://json-schema.org/draft/2020-12/schema',\n title: 'Localized String Data Contribution',\n description:\n 'The data an extension provides to inform Platform.Bible of the localized strings it provides.',\n type: 'object',\n properties: {\n metadata: {\n $ref: '#/$defs/stringsMetadata',\n },\n localizedStrings: {\n type: 'object',\n additionalProperties: {\n $ref: '#/$defs/languageStrings',\n },\n },\n },\n $defs: localizedStringsDefs,\n};\n\nObject.freeze(localizedStringsDocumentSchema);\n","//----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n// NOTE: If you change any of the types, make sure the JSON schema at the end of this file gets\n// changed so they align.\n//----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n\nimport { ReplaceType } from './util';\n\n/** Identifier for a string that will be localized in a menu based on the user's UI language */\nexport type LocalizeKey = `%${string}%`;\n\n/** Name of some UI element (i.e., tab, column, group, menu item) or some PAPI object (i.e., command) */\nexport type ReferencedItem = `${string}.${string}`;\n\nexport type OrderedItem = {\n /** Relative order of this item compared to other items in the same parent/scope (sorted ascending) */\n order: number;\n};\n\nexport type OrderedExtensibleContainer = OrderedItem & {\n /** Determines whether other items can be added to this after it has been defined */\n isExtensible?: boolean;\n};\n\n/** Group of menu items that belongs in a column */\nexport type MenuGroupDetailsInColumn = OrderedExtensibleContainer & {\n /** ID of column in which this group resides */\n column: ReferencedItem;\n};\n\n/** Group of menu items that belongs in a submenu */\nexport type MenuGroupDetailsInSubMenu = OrderedExtensibleContainer & {\n /** ID of menu item hosting the submenu in which this group resides */\n menuItem: ReferencedItem;\n};\n\n/** Column that includes header text in a menu */\nexport type MenuColumnWithHeader = OrderedExtensibleContainer & {\n /** Key that represents the text of the header text of the column */\n label: LocalizeKey;\n};\n\nexport type MenuItemBase = OrderedItem & {\n /** Menu group to which this menu item belongs */\n group: ReferencedItem;\n /** Key that represents the text of this menu item to display */\n label: LocalizeKey;\n /** Key that represents words the platform should reference when users are searching for menu items */\n searchTerms?: LocalizeKey;\n /** Key that represents the text to display if a mouse pointer hovers over the menu item */\n tooltip?: LocalizeKey;\n /** Additional information provided by developers to help people who perform localization */\n localizeNotes: string;\n};\n\n/** Menu item that hosts a submenu */\nexport type MenuItemContainingSubmenu = MenuItemBase & {\n /** ID for this menu item that holds a submenu */\n id: ReferencedItem;\n};\n\n/** Menu item that runs a command */\nexport type MenuItemContainingCommand = MenuItemBase & {\n /** Name of the PAPI command to run when this menu item is selected. */\n command: ReferencedItem;\n /** Path to the icon to display after the menu text */\n iconPathAfter?: string;\n /** Path to the icon to display before the menu text */\n iconPathBefore?: string;\n};\n\n/**\n * Group of menu items that can be combined with other groups to form a single context menu/submenu.\n * Groups are separated using a line within the menu/submenu.\n */\nexport type GroupsInSingleColumnMenu = {\n /** Named menu group */\n [property: ReferencedItem]: OrderedExtensibleContainer | MenuGroupDetailsInSubMenu;\n};\n\n/**\n * Group of menu items that can be combined with other groups to form a single menu/submenu within a\n * multi-column menu. Groups are separated using a line within the menu/submenu.\n */\nexport type GroupsInMultiColumnMenu = {\n /** Named menu group */\n [property: ReferencedItem]: MenuGroupDetailsInColumn | MenuGroupDetailsInSubMenu;\n};\n\n/** Group of columns that can be combined with other columns to form a multi-column menu */\nexport type ColumnsWithHeaders = {\n /** Named column of a menu */\n [property: ReferencedItem]: MenuColumnWithHeader;\n /** Defines whether columns can be added to this multi-column menu */\n isExtensible?: boolean;\n};\n\n/** Menu that contains a column without a header */\nexport type SingleColumnMenu = {\n /** Groups that belong in this menu */\n groups: GroupsInSingleColumnMenu;\n /** List of menu items that belong in this menu */\n items: (MenuItemContainingCommand | MenuItemContainingSubmenu)[];\n};\n\n/** Menu that contains multiple columns with headers */\nexport type MultiColumnMenu = {\n /** Columns that belong in this menu */\n columns: ColumnsWithHeaders;\n /** Groups that belong in this menu */\n groups: GroupsInMultiColumnMenu;\n /** List of menu items that belong in this menu */\n items: (MenuItemContainingCommand | MenuItemContainingSubmenu)[];\n};\n\n/** Menus for one single web view */\nexport type WebViewMenu = {\n /** Indicates whether the platform default menus should be included for this webview */\n includeDefaults: boolean | undefined;\n /** Menu that opens when you click on the top left corner of a tab */\n topMenu: MultiColumnMenu | undefined;\n /** Menu that opens when you right click on the main body/area of a tab */\n contextMenu: SingleColumnMenu | undefined;\n};\n\n/** Menus for all web views */\nexport type WebViewMenus = {\n /** Named web view */\n [property: ReferencedItem]: WebViewMenu;\n};\n\n/** Platform.Bible menus before they are localized */\nexport type PlatformMenus = {\n /** Top level menu for the application */\n mainMenu: MultiColumnMenu;\n /** Menus that apply per web view in the application */\n webViewMenus: WebViewMenus;\n /** Default context menu for web views that don't specify their own */\n defaultWebViewContextMenu: SingleColumnMenu;\n /** Default top menu for web views that don't specify their own */\n defaultWebViewTopMenu: MultiColumnMenu;\n};\n\n/**\n * Type that converts any menu type before it is localized to what it is after it is localized. This\n * can be applied to any menu type as needed.\n */\nexport type Localized = ReplaceType, ReferencedItem, string>;\n\n//----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n// NOTE: If you change the schema below, make sure the TS types above get changed so they align.\n//----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n/** JSON schema object that aligns with the PlatformMenus type */\nexport const menuDocumentSchema = {\n title: 'Platform.Bible menus',\n type: 'object',\n properties: {\n mainMenu: {\n description: 'Top level menu for the application',\n $ref: '#/$defs/multiColumnMenu',\n },\n defaultWebViewTopMenu: {\n description: \"Default top menu for web views that don't specify their own\",\n $ref: '#/$defs/multiColumnMenu',\n },\n defaultWebViewContextMenu: {\n description: \"Default context menu for web views that don't specify their own\",\n $ref: '#/$defs/singleColumnMenu',\n },\n webViewMenus: {\n description: 'Menus that apply per web view in the application',\n type: 'object',\n patternProperties: {\n '^[\\\\w\\\\-]+\\\\.[\\\\w\\\\-]+$': {\n $ref: '#/$defs/menusForOneWebView',\n },\n },\n additionalProperties: false,\n },\n },\n required: ['mainMenu', 'defaultWebViewTopMenu', 'defaultWebViewContextMenu', 'webViewMenus'],\n additionalProperties: false,\n $defs: {\n localizeKey: {\n description:\n \"Identifier for a string that will be localized in a menu based on the user's UI language\",\n type: 'string',\n pattern: '^%[\\\\w\\\\-\\\\.]+%$',\n },\n referencedItem: {\n description:\n 'Name of some UI element (i.e., tab, column, group, menu item) or some PAPI object (i.e., command)',\n type: 'string',\n pattern: '^[\\\\w\\\\-]+\\\\.[\\\\w\\\\-]+$',\n },\n columnsWithHeaders: {\n description:\n 'Group of columns that can be combined with other columns to form a multi-column menu',\n type: 'object',\n patternProperties: {\n '^[\\\\w\\\\-]+\\\\.[\\\\w\\\\-]+$': {\n description: 'Single column with a header string',\n type: 'object',\n properties: {\n label: {\n description: 'Header text for this this column in the UI',\n $ref: '#/$defs/localizeKey',\n },\n localizeNotes: {\n description:\n 'Additional information provided by developers to help people who perform localization',\n type: 'string',\n },\n order: {\n description:\n 'Relative order of this column compared to other columns (sorted ascending)',\n type: 'number',\n },\n isExtensible: {\n description:\n 'Defines whether contributions are allowed to add menu groups to this column',\n type: 'boolean',\n },\n },\n required: ['label', 'order'],\n additionalProperties: false,\n },\n },\n properties: {\n isExtensible: {\n description:\n 'Defines whether contributions are allowed to add columns to this multi-column menu',\n type: 'boolean',\n },\n },\n },\n menuGroups: {\n description:\n 'Group of menu items that can be combined with other groups to form a single menu/submenu. Groups are separated using a line within the menu/submenu.',\n type: 'object',\n patternProperties: {\n '^[\\\\w\\\\-]+\\\\.[\\\\w\\\\-]+$': {\n description: 'Single group that contains menu items',\n type: 'object',\n oneOf: [\n {\n properties: {\n column: {\n description:\n 'Column where this group belongs, not required for single column menus',\n $ref: '#/$defs/referencedItem',\n },\n order: {\n description:\n 'Relative order of this group compared to other groups in the same column or submenu (sorted ascending)',\n type: 'number',\n },\n isExtensible: {\n description:\n 'Defines whether contributions are allowed to add menu items to this menu group',\n type: 'boolean',\n },\n },\n required: ['order'],\n additionalProperties: false,\n },\n {\n properties: {\n menuItem: {\n description: 'Menu item that anchors the submenu where this group belongs',\n $ref: '#/$defs/referencedItem',\n },\n order: {\n description:\n 'Relative order of this group compared to other groups in the same column or submenu (sorted ascending)',\n type: 'number',\n },\n isExtensible: {\n description:\n 'Defines whether contributions are allowed to add menu items to this menu group',\n type: 'boolean',\n },\n },\n required: ['menuItem', 'order'],\n additionalProperties: false,\n },\n ],\n },\n },\n additionalProperties: false,\n },\n menuItem: {\n description:\n 'Single item in a menu that can be clicked on to take an action or can be the parent of a submenu',\n type: 'object',\n oneOf: [\n {\n properties: {\n id: {\n description: 'ID for this menu item that holds a submenu',\n $ref: '#/$defs/referencedItem',\n },\n },\n required: ['id'],\n },\n {\n properties: {\n command: {\n description: 'Name of the PAPI command to run when this menu item is selected.',\n $ref: '#/$defs/referencedItem',\n },\n iconPathBefore: {\n description: 'Path to the icon to display before the menu text',\n type: 'string',\n },\n iconPathAfter: {\n description: 'Path to the icon to display after the menu text',\n type: 'string',\n },\n },\n required: ['command'],\n },\n ],\n properties: {\n label: {\n description: 'Key that represents the text of this menu item to display',\n $ref: '#/$defs/localizeKey',\n },\n tooltip: {\n description:\n 'Key that represents the text to display if a mouse pointer hovers over the menu item',\n $ref: '#/$defs/localizeKey',\n },\n searchTerms: {\n description:\n 'Key that represents additional words the platform should reference when users are searching for menu items',\n $ref: '#/$defs/localizeKey',\n },\n localizeNotes: {\n description:\n 'Additional information provided by developers to help people who perform localization',\n type: 'string',\n },\n group: {\n description: 'Group to which this menu item belongs',\n $ref: '#/$defs/referencedItem',\n },\n order: {\n description:\n 'Relative order of this menu item compared to other menu items in the same group (sorted ascending)',\n type: 'number',\n },\n },\n required: ['label', 'group', 'order'],\n unevaluatedProperties: false,\n },\n groupsAndItems: {\n description: 'Core schema for a column',\n type: 'object',\n properties: {\n groups: {\n description: 'Groups that belong in this menu',\n $ref: '#/$defs/menuGroups',\n },\n items: {\n description: 'List of menu items that belong in this menu',\n type: 'array',\n items: { $ref: '#/$defs/menuItem' },\n uniqueItems: true,\n },\n },\n required: ['groups', 'items'],\n },\n singleColumnMenu: {\n description: 'Menu that contains a column without a header',\n type: 'object',\n allOf: [{ $ref: '#/$defs/groupsAndItems' }],\n unevaluatedProperties: false,\n },\n multiColumnMenu: {\n description: 'Menu that can contain multiple columns with headers',\n type: 'object',\n allOf: [\n { $ref: '#/$defs/groupsAndItems' },\n {\n properties: {\n columns: {\n description: 'Columns that belong in this menu',\n $ref: '#/$defs/columnsWithHeaders',\n },\n },\n required: ['columns'],\n },\n ],\n unevaluatedProperties: false,\n },\n menusForOneWebView: {\n description: 'Set of menus that are associated with a single tab',\n type: 'object',\n properties: {\n includeDefaults: {\n description:\n 'Indicates whether the platform default menus should be included for this webview',\n type: 'boolean',\n },\n topMenu: {\n description: 'Menu that opens when you click on the top left corner of a tab',\n $ref: '#/$defs/multiColumnMenu',\n },\n contextMenu: {\n description: 'Menu that opens when you right click on the main body/area of a tab',\n $ref: '#/$defs/singleColumnMenu',\n },\n },\n additionalProperties: false,\n },\n },\n};\n\nObject.freeze(menuDocumentSchema);\n"],"names":["AsyncVariable","variableName","rejectIfNotSettledWithinMS","__publicField","resolve","reject","value","throwIfAlreadySettled","reason","Collator","locales","options","string1","string2","DateTimeFormat","date","startDate","endDate","PlatformEventEmitter","event","callback","callbackIndex","_a","newGuid","s","isString","o","deepClone","obj","debounce","fn","delay","timeout","args","groupBy","items","keySelector","valueSelector","map","item","key","group","isErrorWithMessage","error","toErrorWithMessage","maybeError","getErrorMessage","wait","ms","waitForDuration","maxWaitTimeInMS","getAllObjectFunctionNames","objId","objectFunctionNames","property","objectPrototype","createSyncProxyForAsyncObject","getObject","objectToProxy","target","prop","DocumentCombiner","baseDocument","documentName","document","previousDocumentVersion","documentToSet","contributions","contributionName","potentialOutput","outputIteration","contribution","mergeObjects","output","finalOutput","areNonArrayObjects","values","allMatch","areArrayObjects","startingPoint","copyFrom","ignoreDuplicateProperties","retVal","mergeObjectsInternal","startingPointObj","copyFromObj","Mutex","AsyncMutex","MutexMap","mutexID","NonValidatingDocumentCombiner","NumberFormat","startRange","endRange","UnsubscriberAsyncList","name","unsubscribers","unsubscriber","unsubs","results","unsubscriberSucceeded","index","P","R","n","m","v","X","C","K","N","B","x","T","O","V","I","L","G","S","H","k","A","y","q","U","f","l","u","c","E","r","D","i","a","h","d","g","w","b","J","charRegex","astralRange","comboMarksRange","comboHalfMarksRange","comboSymbolsRange","comboMarksExtendedRange","comboMarksSupplementRange","comboRange","varRange","familyRange","astral","combo","fitz","modifier","nonAstral","regional","surrogatePair","zwj","blackFlag","family","optModifier","optVar","optJoin","seq","symbol","__importDefault","this","mod","dist","char_regex_1","require$$0","toArray","str","toArray_1","length","match","length_1","substring","begin","end","substring_1","substr","len","strLength","substr_1","limit","padString","padPosition","padRepeats","limit_1","indexOf","searchStr","pos","strArr","searchArr","finded","searchIndex","indexOf_1","at","string","stringLength","charAt","codePointAt","endsWith","searchString","endPosition","lastIndexOfSearchString","lastIndexOf","indexOfClosestClosingCurlyBrace","escaped","closeCurlyBraceIndex","formatReplacementString","replacers","updatedStr","replacerKey","replacerString","includes","position","partialString","stringzIndexOf","validatedPosition","stringzLength","normalize","form","upperCaseForm","ordinalCompare","padEnd","targetLength","stringzLimit","padStart","correctSliceIndex","slice","indexStart","indexEnd","newStart","newEnd","split","separator","splitLimit","result","regexSeparator","matches","currentIndex","matchIndex","matchLength","startsWith","stringzSubstr","stringzSubstring","stringzToArray","isLocalizeKey","escapeStringRegexp","scrBookData","FIRST_SCR_BOOK_NUM","LAST_SCR_BOOK_NUM","FIRST_SCR_CHAPTER_NUM","FIRST_SCR_VERSE_NUM","getChaptersForBook","bookNum","offsetBook","scrRef","offset","offsetChapter","offsetVerse","getLocalizedIdFromBookNumber","bookNumber","localizationLanguage","getLocalizedString","id","Canon","bookName","parts","aggregateUnsubscribers","success","aggregateUnsubscriberAsyncs","unsubPromises","getOwnPropertyNames","getOwnPropertySymbols","hasOwnProperty","combineComparators","comparatorA","comparatorB","state","createIsCircular","areItemsEqual","cache","cachedA","cachedB","getStrictProperties","object","hasOwn","sameValueZeroEqual","OWNER","getOwnPropertyDescriptor","keys","areArraysEqual","areDatesEqual","areMapsEqual","matchedIndices","aIterable","aResult","bResult","bIterable","hasMatch","aKey","aValue","_b","bKey","bValue","areObjectsEqual","properties","areObjectsEqualStrict","descriptorA","descriptorB","arePrimitiveWrappersEqual","areRegExpsEqual","areSetsEqual","areTypedArraysEqual","ARGUMENTS_TAG","BOOLEAN_TAG","DATE_TAG","MAP_TAG","NUMBER_TAG","OBJECT_TAG","REG_EXP_TAG","SET_TAG","STRING_TAG","isArray","isTypedArray","assign","getTag","createEqualityComparator","constructor","tag","createEqualityComparatorConfig","circular","createCustomConfig","strict","config","areArraysEqual$1","areMapsEqual$1","areObjectsEqual$1","areSetsEqual$1","createInternalEqualityComparator","compare","_indexOrKeyA","_indexOrKeyB","_parentA","_parentB","createIsEqual","comparator","createState","equals","meta","deepEqual","createCustomEqual","createCustomInternalComparator","isEqualDeep","isSubset","objectWithAllProperties","objectWithPartialProperties","partialArray","allArray","partialObj","allObj","serialize","replacer","space","replacerValue","newValue","deserialize","reviver","replaceNull","parsedObject","isSerializable","serializedValue","htmlEncode","getCurrentLocale","settingsDefs","removeJsonToTypeScriptTypesStuff","defs","def","projectSettingsDocumen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\ No newline at end of file +{"version":3,"file":"index.js","sources":["../src/async-variable.ts","../src/intl-collator.ts","../src/intl-date-time-format.ts","../src/platform-event-emitter.model.ts","../src/util.ts","../src/document-combiner.ts","../src/mutex.ts","../src/mutex-map.ts","../src/non-validating-document-combiner.ts","../src/intl-number-format.ts","../src/unsubscriber-async-list.ts","../../../node_modules/@sillsdev/scripture/dist/index.es.js","../../../node_modules/char-regex/index.js","../../../node_modules/stringz/dist/index.js","../src/string-util.ts","../src/scripture-util.ts","../src/unsubscriber.ts","../../../node_modules/fast-equals/dist/esm/index.mjs","../src/equality-checking.ts","../src/subset-checking.ts","../src/serialization.ts","../src/intl-util.ts","../src/settings.model.ts","../src/localized-strings.model.ts","../src/menus.model.ts"],"sourcesContent":["/** This class provides a convenient way for one task to wait on a variable that another task sets. */\nexport default class AsyncVariable {\n private readonly variableName: string;\n private readonly promiseToValue: Promise;\n private resolver: ((value: T) => void) | undefined;\n private rejecter: ((reason: string | undefined) => void) | undefined;\n\n /**\n * Creates an instance of the class\n *\n * @param variableName Name to use when logging about this variable\n * @param rejectIfNotSettledWithinMS Milliseconds to wait before verifying if the promise was\n * settled (resolved or rejected); will reject if it has not settled by that time. Use -1 if you\n * do not want a timeout at all. Defaults to 10000 ms\n */\n constructor(variableName: string, rejectIfNotSettledWithinMS: number = 10000) {\n this.variableName = variableName;\n this.promiseToValue = new Promise((resolve, reject) => {\n this.resolver = resolve;\n this.rejecter = reject;\n });\n if (rejectIfNotSettledWithinMS > 0) {\n setTimeout(() => {\n if (this.rejecter) {\n this.rejecter(`Timeout reached when waiting for ${this.variableName} to settle`);\n this.complete();\n }\n }, rejectIfNotSettledWithinMS);\n }\n Object.seal(this);\n }\n\n /**\n * Get this variable's promise to a value. This always returns the same promise even after the\n * value has been resolved or rejected.\n *\n * @returns The promise for the value to be set\n */\n get promise(): Promise {\n return this.promiseToValue;\n }\n\n /**\n * A simple way to see if this variable's promise was resolved or rejected already\n *\n * @returns Whether the variable was already resolved or rejected\n */\n get hasSettled(): boolean {\n return Object.isFrozen(this);\n }\n\n /**\n * Resolve this variable's promise to the given value\n *\n * @param value This variable's promise will resolve to this value\n * @param throwIfAlreadySettled Determines whether to throw if the variable was already resolved\n * or rejected. Defaults to `false`\n */\n resolveToValue(value: T, throwIfAlreadySettled: boolean = false): void {\n if (this.resolver) {\n console.debug(`${this.variableName} is being resolved now`);\n this.resolver(value);\n this.complete();\n } else {\n if (throwIfAlreadySettled) throw Error(`${this.variableName} was already settled`);\n console.debug(`Ignoring subsequent resolution of ${this.variableName}`);\n }\n }\n\n /**\n * Reject this variable's promise for the value with the given reason\n *\n * @param reason This variable's promise will be rejected with this reason\n * @param throwIfAlreadySettled Determines whether to throw if the variable was already resolved\n * or rejected. Defaults to `false`\n */\n rejectWithReason(reason: string, throwIfAlreadySettled: boolean = false): void {\n if (this.rejecter) {\n console.debug(`${this.variableName} is being rejected now`);\n this.rejecter(reason);\n this.complete();\n } else {\n if (throwIfAlreadySettled) throw Error(`${this.variableName} was already settled`);\n console.debug(`Ignoring subsequent rejection of ${this.variableName}`);\n }\n }\n\n /** Prevent any further updates to this variable */\n private complete(): void {\n this.resolver = undefined;\n this.rejecter = undefined;\n Object.freeze(this);\n }\n}\n","/** Enables language-sensitive string comparison. Wraps Intl.Collator */\nexport default class Collator {\n private collator: Intl.Collator;\n\n constructor(locales?: string | string[], options?: Intl.CollatorOptions) {\n this.collator = new Intl.Collator(locales, options);\n }\n\n /**\n * Compares two strings according to the sort order of this Collator object\n *\n * @param string1 String to compare\n * @param string2 String to compare\n * @returns A number indicating how string1 and string2 compare to each other according to the\n * sort order of this Collator object. Negative value if string1 comes before string2. Positive\n * value if string1 comes after string2. 0 if they are considered equal.\n */\n compare(string1: string, string2: string): number {\n return this.collator.compare(string1, string2);\n }\n\n /**\n * Returns a new object with properties reflecting the locale and collation options computed\n * during initialization of this collator object.\n *\n * @returns ResolvedCollatorOptions object\n */\n resolvedOptions(): Intl.ResolvedCollatorOptions {\n return this.collator.resolvedOptions();\n }\n}\n","/** Enables language-sensitive data and time formatting. Wraps Intl.DateTimeFormat */\nexport default class DateTimeFormat {\n private dateTimeFormatter: Intl.DateTimeFormat;\n\n constructor(locales?: string | string[], options?: Intl.DateTimeFormatOptions) {\n this.dateTimeFormatter = new Intl.DateTimeFormat(locales, options);\n }\n\n /**\n * Formats a date according to the locale and formatting option for this DateTimeFormat object\n *\n * @param date The date to format\n * @returns String representing the given date formatted according to the locale and formatting\n * options of this DateTimeFormat object\n */\n format(date: Date): string {\n return this.dateTimeFormatter.format(date);\n }\n\n /**\n * Formats a date range in the most concise way based on the locales and options provided when\n * instantiating this DateTimeFormat object\n *\n * @param startDate Date object representing start of the date range\n * @param endDate Date object representing the end of the date range\n * @returns String representing the given date range formatted according to the locale and\n * formatting options of this DateTimeFormat object\n */\n formatRange(startDate: Date, endDate: Date): string {\n return this.dateTimeFormatter.formatRange(startDate, endDate);\n }\n\n /**\n * Returns an array of locale-specific tokens representing each part of the formatted date range\n * produced by this DateTimeFormat object\n *\n * @param startDate Date object representing start of the date range\n * @param endDate Date object representing the end of the date range\n * @returns Array of DateTimeRangeFormatPart objects\n */\n formatRangeToParts(startDate: Date, endDate: Date): Intl.DateTimeRangeFormatPart[] {\n return this.dateTimeFormatter.formatRangeToParts(startDate, endDate);\n }\n\n /**\n * Allows locale-aware formatting of strings produced by this DateTimeFormat object\n *\n * @param date The date to format\n * @returns Array of DateTimeFormatPart objects\n */\n formatToParts(date: Date): Intl.DateTimeFormatPart[] {\n return this.dateTimeFormatter.formatToParts(date);\n }\n\n /**\n * Returns a new object with properties reflecting the locale and date and time formatting options\n * computed during initialization of this DateTimeFormat object\n *\n * @returns ResolvedDateTimeFormatOptions object\n */\n resolvedOptions(): Intl.ResolvedDateTimeFormatOptions {\n return this.dateTimeFormatter.resolvedOptions();\n }\n}\n","/** Interfaces, classes, and functions related to events and event emitters */\n\nimport { Dispose } from './disposal.model';\nimport { PlatformEvent, PlatformEventHandler } from './platform-event';\n\n/**\n * Event manager - accepts subscriptions to an event and runs the subscription callbacks when the\n * event is emitted Use eventEmitter.event(callback) to subscribe to the event. Use\n * eventEmitter.emit(event) to run the subscriptions. Generally, this EventEmitter should be\n * private, and its event should be public. That way, the emitter is not publicized, but anyone can\n * subscribe to the event.\n */\nexport default class PlatformEventEmitter implements Dispose {\n /**\n * Subscribes a function to run when this event is emitted.\n *\n * @param callback Function to run with the event when it is emitted\n * @returns Unsubscriber function to run to stop calling the passed-in function when the event is\n * emitted\n * @alias event\n */\n subscribe = this.event;\n\n /** All callback functions that will run when this event is emitted. Lazy loaded */\n private subscriptions?: PlatformEventHandler[];\n /** Event for listeners to subscribe to. Lazy loaded */\n private lazyEvent?: PlatformEvent;\n /** Whether this emitter has been disposed */\n private isDisposed = false;\n\n /**\n * Event for listeners to subscribe to. Subscribes a function to run when this event is emitted.\n * Use like `const unsubscriber = event(callback)`\n *\n * @param callback Function to run with the event when it is emitted\n * @returns Unsubscriber function to run to stop calling the passed-in function when the event is\n * emitted\n */\n get event(): PlatformEvent {\n this.assertNotDisposed();\n\n if (!this.lazyEvent) {\n this.lazyEvent = (callback) => {\n if (!callback || typeof callback !== 'function')\n throw new Error(`Event handler callback must be a function!`);\n\n // Initialize this.subscriptions if it does not exist\n if (!this.subscriptions) this.subscriptions = [];\n\n this.subscriptions.push(callback);\n\n return () => {\n if (!this.subscriptions) return false; // Did not find any subscribed callbacks\n\n const callbackIndex = this.subscriptions.indexOf(callback);\n\n if (callbackIndex < 0) return false; // Did not find this callback in the subscriptions\n\n // Remove the callback\n this.subscriptions.splice(callbackIndex, 1);\n\n return true;\n };\n };\n }\n return this.lazyEvent;\n }\n\n /** Disposes of this event, preparing it to release from memory */\n dispose = () => {\n return this.disposeFn();\n };\n\n /**\n * Runs the subscriptions for the event\n *\n * @param event Event data to provide to subscribed callbacks\n */\n emit = (event: T) => {\n // Do not do anything other than emitFn here. This emit is just binding `this` to emitFn\n this.emitFn(event);\n };\n\n /**\n * Function that runs the subscriptions for the event. Added here so children can override emit\n * and still call the base functionality. See NetworkEventEmitter.emit for example\n */\n protected emitFn(event: T) {\n this.assertNotDisposed();\n\n // Clone the subscriptions array before iterating over the callbacks so the callback index\n // doesn't get messed up if someone subscribes or unsubscribes inside one of the callbacks\n const emitCallbacks = [...(this.subscriptions ?? [])];\n emitCallbacks.forEach((callback) => callback(event));\n }\n\n /** Check to make sure this emitter is not disposed. Throw if it is */\n protected assertNotDisposed() {\n if (this.isDisposed) throw new Error('Emitter is disposed');\n }\n\n /**\n * Disposes of this event, preparing it to release from memory. Added here so children can\n * override emit and still call the base functionality.\n */\n protected disposeFn() {\n this.assertNotDisposed();\n\n this.isDisposed = true;\n this.subscriptions = undefined;\n this.lazyEvent = undefined;\n return Promise.resolve(true);\n }\n}\n","/** Collection of functions, objects, and types that are used as helpers in other services. */\n\n// Thanks to blubberdiblub at https://stackoverflow.com/a/68141099/217579\nexport function newGuid(): string {\n return '00-0-4-1-000'.replace(/[^-]/g, (s) =>\n // @ts-expect-error ts(2363) this works fine\n // eslint-disable-next-line no-bitwise\n (((Math.random() + ~~s) * 0x10000) >> s).toString(16).padStart(4, '0'),\n );\n}\n\n// thanks to DRAX at https://stackoverflow.com/a/9436948\n/**\n * Determine whether the object is a string\n *\n * @param o Object to determine if it is a string\n * @returns True if the object is a string; false otherwise\n */\nexport function isString(o: unknown): o is string {\n return typeof o === 'string' || o instanceof String;\n}\n\n/**\n * If deepClone isn't used when copying properties between objects, you may be left with dangling\n * references between the source and target of property copying operations.\n *\n * @param obj Object to clone\n * @returns Duplicate copy of `obj` without any references back to the original one\n */\nexport function deepClone(obj: T): T {\n // Assert the return type matches what is expected\n // eslint-disable-next-line no-type-assertion/no-type-assertion\n return JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(obj)) as T;\n}\n\n/**\n * Get a function that reduces calls to the function passed in\n *\n * @param fn The function to debounce\n * @param delay How much delay in milliseconds after the most recent call to the debounced function\n * to call the function\n * @returns Function that, when called, only calls the function passed in at maximum every delay ms\n */\n// We don't know the parameter types since this function can be anything\n// eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/no-explicit-any\nexport function debounce void>(fn: T, delay = 300): T {\n if (isString(fn)) throw new Error('Tried to debounce a string! Could be XSS');\n let timeout: ReturnType;\n // Ensure the right return type.\n // eslint-disable-next-line no-type-assertion/no-type-assertion\n return ((...args) => {\n clearTimeout(timeout);\n timeout = setTimeout(() => fn(...args), delay);\n }) as T;\n}\n\n/**\n * Groups each item in the array of items into a map according to the keySelector\n *\n * @param items Array of items to group by\n * @param keySelector Function to run on each item to get the key for the group to which it belongs\n * @param valueSelector Function to run on each item to get the value it should have in the group\n * (like map function). If not provided, uses the item itself\n * @returns Map of keys to groups of values corresponding to each item\n */\nexport function groupBy(items: T[], keySelector: (item: T) => K): Map>;\nexport function groupBy(\n items: T[],\n keySelector: (item: T) => K,\n valueSelector: (item: T, key: K) => V,\n): Map>;\nexport function groupBy(\n items: T[],\n keySelector: (item: T) => K,\n valueSelector?: (item: T, key: K) => V,\n): Map> {\n const map = new Map>();\n items.forEach((item) => {\n const key = keySelector(item);\n const group = map.get(key);\n const value = valueSelector ? valueSelector(item, key) : item;\n if (group) group.push(value);\n else map.set(key, [value]);\n });\n return map;\n}\n\n// From https://kentcdodds.com/blog/get-a-catch-block-error-message-with-typescript\ntype ErrorWithMessage = {\n message: string;\n};\n\n// From https://kentcdodds.com/blog/get-a-catch-block-error-message-with-typescript\nfunction isErrorWithMessage(error: unknown): error is ErrorWithMessage {\n return (\n typeof error === 'object' &&\n // We're potentially dealing with objects we didn't create, so they might contain `null`\n // eslint-disable-next-line no-null/no-null\n error !== null &&\n 'message' in error &&\n // Type assert `error` to check it's `message`.\n // eslint-disable-next-line no-type-assertion/no-type-assertion\n typeof (error as Record).message === 'string'\n );\n}\n\n// From https://kentcdodds.com/blog/get-a-catch-block-error-message-with-typescript\n/**\n * Function to get an error from the object (useful for getting an error in a catch block)\n *\n * @param error Error object whose message to get\n * @returns Message of the error - if object has message, returns message. Otherwise tries to\n * stringify\n */\nfunction toErrorWithMessage(maybeError: unknown): ErrorWithMessage {\n if (isErrorWithMessage(maybeError)) return maybeError;\n\n try {\n return new Error(JSON.stringify(maybeError));\n } catch {\n // fallback in case there's an error stringifying the maybeError\n // like with circular references for example.\n return new Error(String(maybeError));\n }\n}\n\n// From https://kentcdodds.com/blog/get-a-catch-block-error-message-with-typescript\n/**\n * Function to get an error message from the object (useful for getting error message in a catch\n * block)\n *\n * @example `try {...} catch (e) { logger.info(getErrorMessage(e)) }`\n *\n * @param error Error object whose message to get\n * @returns Message of the error - if object has message, returns message. Otherwise tries to\n * stringify\n */\nexport function getErrorMessage(error: unknown) {\n return toErrorWithMessage(error).message;\n}\n\n/** Asynchronously waits for the specified number of milliseconds. (wraps setTimeout in a promise) */\nexport function wait(ms: number) {\n // eslint-disable-next-line no-promise-executor-return\n return new Promise((resolve) => setTimeout(resolve, ms));\n}\n\n/**\n * Runs the specified function and will timeout if it takes longer than the specified wait time\n *\n * @param fn The function to run\n * @param maxWaitTimeInMS The maximum amount of time to wait for the function to resolve\n * @returns Promise that resolves to the resolved value of the function or undefined if it ran\n * longer than the specified wait time\n */\nexport function waitForDuration(fn: () => Promise, maxWaitTimeInMS: number) {\n const timeout = wait(maxWaitTimeInMS).then(() => undefined);\n return Promise.any([timeout, fn()]);\n}\n\n/**\n * Get all functions on an object and its prototype chain (so we don't miss any class methods or any\n * object methods). Note that the functions on the final item in the prototype chain (i.e., Object)\n * are skipped to avoid including functions like `__defineGetter__`, `__defineSetter__`, `toString`,\n * etc.\n *\n * @param obj Object whose functions to get\n * @param objId Optional ID of the object to use for debug logging\n * @returns Array of all function names on an object\n */\n// Note: lodash has something that MIGHT do the same thing as this. Investigate for https://github.com/paranext/paranext-core/issues/134\nexport function getAllObjectFunctionNames(\n obj: { [property: string]: unknown },\n objId: string = 'obj',\n): Set {\n const objectFunctionNames = new Set();\n\n // Get all function properties directly defined on the object\n Object.getOwnPropertyNames(obj).forEach((property) => {\n try {\n if (typeof obj[property] === 'function') objectFunctionNames.add(property);\n } catch (error) {\n console.debug(`Skipping ${property} on ${objId} due to error: ${error}`);\n }\n });\n\n // Walk up the prototype chain and get additional function properties, skipping the functions\n // provided by the final (Object) prototype\n let objectPrototype = Object.getPrototypeOf(obj);\n while (objectPrototype && Object.getPrototypeOf(objectPrototype)) {\n Object.getOwnPropertyNames(objectPrototype).forEach((property) => {\n try {\n if (typeof obj[property] === 'function') objectFunctionNames.add(property);\n } catch (error) {\n console.debug(`Skipping ${property} on ${objId}'s prototype due to error: ${error}`);\n }\n });\n objectPrototype = Object.getPrototypeOf(objectPrototype);\n }\n\n return objectFunctionNames;\n}\n\n/**\n * Creates a synchronous proxy for an asynchronous object. The proxy allows calling methods on an\n * object that is asynchronously fetched using a provided asynchronous function.\n *\n * @param getObject - A function that returns a promise resolving to the object whose asynchronous\n * methods to call.\n * @param objectToProxy - An optional object that is the object that is proxied. If a property is\n * accessed that does exist on this object, it will be returned. If a property is accessed that\n * does not exist on this object, it will be considered to be an asynchronous method called on the\n * object returned from getObject.\n * @returns A synchronous proxy for the asynchronous object.\n */\nexport function createSyncProxyForAsyncObject(\n getObject: (args?: unknown[]) => Promise,\n objectToProxy: Partial = {},\n): T {\n // objectToProxy will have only the synchronously accessed properties of T on it, and this proxy\n // makes the async methods that do not exist yet available synchronously so we have all of T\n // eslint-disable-next-line no-type-assertion/no-type-assertion\n return new Proxy(objectToProxy as T, {\n get(target, prop) {\n // We don't have any type information for T, so we assume methodName exists on it and will let JavaScript throw if it doesn't exist\n // @ts-expect-error 7053\n if (prop in target) return target[prop];\n return async (...args: unknown[]) => {\n // 7053: We don't have any type information for T, so we assume methodName exists on it and will let JavaScript throw if it doesn't exist\n // 2556: The args here are the parameters for the method specified\n // @ts-expect-error 7053 2556\n return (await getObject())[prop](...args);\n };\n },\n });\n}\n\n/** Within type T, recursively change all properties to be optional */\nexport type DeepPartial = T extends object ? { [P in keyof T]?: DeepPartial } : T;\n\n/** Within type T, recursively change properties that were of type A to be of type B */\nexport type ReplaceType = T extends A\n ? B\n : T extends object\n ? { [K in keyof T]: ReplaceType }\n : T;\n\n// Thanks to jcalz at https://stackoverflow.com/a/50375286\n/**\n * Converts a union type to an intersection type (`|` to `&`).\n *\n * Note: this utility type is for use on object types. It may fail on other types.\n *\n * @example\n *\n * ```typescript\n * type TypeOne = { one: string };\n * type TypeTwo = { two: number };\n * type TypeThree = { three: string };\n *\n * type TypeNums = { one: TypeOne; two: TypeTwo; three: TypeThree };\n * const numNames = ['one', 'two'] as const;\n * type TypeNumNames = typeof numNames;\n *\n * // Same as `TypeOne | TypeTwo`\n * // `{ one: string } | { two: number }`\n * type TypeOneTwoUnion = TypeNums[TypeNumNames[number]];\n *\n * // Same as `TypeOne & TypeTwo`\n * // `{ one: string; two: number }`\n * type TypeOneTwoIntersection = UnionToIntersection;\n * ```\n */\n// eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/no-explicit-any\nexport type UnionToIntersection = (U extends any ? (x: U) => void : never) extends (\n x: infer I,\n) => void\n ? I\n : never;\n","import PlatformEventEmitter from './platform-event-emitter.model';\nimport { deepClone } from './util';\n\ntype JsonObjectLike = { [key: string]: unknown };\ntype JsonArrayLike = unknown[];\n\nexport type JsonDocumentLike = JsonObjectLike | JsonArrayLike;\n\n/**\n * Options for DocumentCombiner objects\n *\n * - `copyDocuments`: If true, this instance will perform a deep copy of all provided documents before\n * composing the output. If false, then changes made to provided documents after they are\n * contributed will be reflected in the next time output is composed.\n * - `ignoreDuplicateProperties`: If true, then duplicate properties are skipped if they are seen in\n * contributed documents. If false, then throw when duplicate properties are seen in contributed\n * documents.\n */\nexport type DocumentCombinerOptions = {\n copyDocuments: boolean;\n ignoreDuplicateProperties: boolean;\n};\n\n/**\n * Base class for any code that wants to compose JSON documents (primarily in the form of JS objects\n * or arrays) together into a single output document.\n */\nexport default class DocumentCombiner {\n protected baseDocument: JsonDocumentLike;\n protected readonly contributions = new Map();\n protected latestOutput: JsonDocumentLike | undefined;\n protected readonly options: DocumentCombinerOptions;\n private readonly onDidRebuildEmitter = new PlatformEventEmitter();\n /** Event that emits to announce that the document has been rebuilt and the output has been updated */\n // Need `onDidRebuildEmitter` to be instantiated before this line\n // eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/member-ordering\n readonly onDidRebuild = this.onDidRebuildEmitter.subscribe;\n\n /**\n * Create a DocumentCombiner instance\n *\n * @param baseDocument This is the first document that will be used when composing the output\n * @param options Options used by this object when combining documents\n */\n protected constructor(baseDocument: JsonDocumentLike, options: DocumentCombinerOptions) {\n // Setting baseDocument redundantly because TS doesn't understand that updateBaseDocument does it\n this.baseDocument = baseDocument;\n this.options = options;\n this.updateBaseDocument(baseDocument);\n }\n\n /**\n * Update the starting document for composition process\n *\n * @param baseDocument Base JSON document/JS object that all other documents are added to\n * @returns Recalculated output document given the new starting state and existing other documents\n */\n updateBaseDocument(baseDocument: JsonDocumentLike): JsonDocumentLike | undefined {\n this.validateBaseDocument(baseDocument);\n this.baseDocument = this.options.copyDocuments ? deepClone(baseDocument) : baseDocument;\n this.baseDocument = this.transformBaseDocumentAfterValidation(this.baseDocument);\n return this.rebuild();\n }\n\n /**\n * Add or update one of the contribution documents for the composition process\n *\n * Note: the order in which contribution documents are added can be considered to be indeterminate\n * as it is currently ordered by however `Map.forEach` provides the contributions. The order\n * matters when merging two arrays into one. Also, when `options.ignoreDuplicateProperties` is\n * `true`, the order also matters when adding the same property to an object that is already\n * provided previously. Please let us know if you have trouble because of indeterminate\n * contribution ordering.\n *\n * @param documentName Name of the contributed document to combine\n * @param document Content of the contributed document to combine\n * @returns Recalculated output document given the new or updated contribution and existing other\n * documents\n */\n addOrUpdateContribution(\n documentName: string,\n document: JsonDocumentLike,\n ): JsonDocumentLike | undefined {\n this.validateContribution(documentName, document);\n const previousDocumentVersion = this.contributions.get(documentName);\n let documentToSet = this.options.copyDocuments && !!document ? deepClone(document) : document;\n documentToSet = this.transformContributionAfterValidation(documentName, documentToSet);\n this.contributions.set(documentName, documentToSet);\n try {\n return this.rebuild();\n } catch (error) {\n // If the output isn't valid after adding/updating the contribution, put it back how it was\n if (previousDocumentVersion) this.contributions.set(documentName, previousDocumentVersion);\n else this.contributions.delete(documentName);\n throw new Error(`Error when setting the document named ${documentName}: ${error}`);\n }\n }\n\n /**\n * Delete one of the contribution documents for the composition process\n *\n * @param documentName Name of the contributed document to delete\n * @returns Recalculated output document given the remaining other documents\n */\n deleteContribution(documentName: string): JsonDocumentLike | undefined {\n const document = this.contributions.get(documentName);\n if (!document) throw new Error(`${documentName} does not exist`);\n this.contributions.delete(documentName);\n try {\n return this.rebuild();\n } catch (error) {\n // If the output isn't valid after deleting the contribution, put it back and rethrow\n this.contributions.set(documentName, document);\n throw new Error(`Error when deleting the document named ${documentName}: ${error}`);\n }\n }\n\n /**\n * Delete all present contribution documents for the composition process and return to the base\n * document\n *\n * @returns Recalculated output document consisting only of the base document\n */\n deleteAllContributions(): JsonDocumentLike | undefined {\n if (this.contributions.size <= 0) return this.latestOutput;\n\n // Save out all contributions\n const contributions = [...this.contributions.entries()];\n\n // Delete all contributions\n contributions.forEach(([contributionName]) => this.contributions.delete(contributionName));\n\n // Rebuild with no contributions\n try {\n return this.rebuild();\n } catch (error) {\n // If the output isn't valid after deleting all contributions, put them back and rethrow\n contributions.forEach(([contributionName, document]) =>\n this.contributions.set(contributionName, document),\n );\n throw new Error(`Error when deleting all contributions: ${error}`);\n }\n }\n\n /**\n * Run the document composition process given the starting document and all contributions. Throws\n * if the output document fails to validate properly.\n *\n * @returns Recalculated output document given the starting and contributed documents\n */\n rebuild(): JsonDocumentLike | undefined {\n // The starting document is the output if there are no other contributions\n if (this.contributions.size === 0) {\n let potentialOutput = deepClone(this.baseDocument);\n potentialOutput = this.transformFinalOutputBeforeValidation(potentialOutput);\n this.validateOutput(potentialOutput);\n this.latestOutput = potentialOutput;\n this.onDidRebuildEmitter.emit(undefined);\n return this.latestOutput;\n }\n\n // Compose the output by validating each document one at a time to pinpoint errors better\n let outputIteration = this.baseDocument;\n this.contributions.forEach((contribution: JsonDocumentLike) => {\n outputIteration = mergeObjects(\n outputIteration,\n contribution,\n this.options.ignoreDuplicateProperties,\n );\n this.validateOutput(outputIteration);\n });\n outputIteration = this.transformFinalOutputBeforeValidation(outputIteration);\n this.validateOutput(outputIteration);\n this.latestOutput = outputIteration;\n this.onDidRebuildEmitter.emit(undefined);\n return this.latestOutput;\n }\n\n /**\n * Transform the starting document that is given to the combiner. This transformation occurs after\n * validating the base document and before combining any contributions.\n *\n * WARNING: If you do not create the combiner with option `copyDocuments: true` or clone inside\n * this method, this method will directly modify the `baseDocument` passed in.\n *\n * @param baseDocument Initial input document. Already validated via `validateBaseDocument`\n * @returns Transformed base document\n */\n // We just don't need `this` here. This is basically a no-op function that is available to child\n // classes to override\n // eslint-disable-next-line class-methods-use-this\n protected transformBaseDocumentAfterValidation(baseDocument: JsonDocumentLike): JsonDocumentLike {\n return baseDocument;\n }\n\n /**\n * Transform the contributed document associated with `documentName`. This transformation occurs\n * after validating the contributed document and before combining with other documents.\n *\n * WARNING: If you do not create the combiner with option `copyDocuments: true` or clone inside\n * this method, this method will directly modify the contributed `document` passed in.\n *\n * @param documentName Name of the contributed document to combine\n * @param document Content of the contributed document to combine. Already validated via\n * `validateContribution`\n * @returns Transformed contributed document\n */\n // We just don't need `this` here. This is basically a no-op function that is available to child\n // classes to override\n // eslint-disable-next-line class-methods-use-this\n protected transformContributionAfterValidation(\n // @ts-expect-error this parameter is unused but may be used in child classes\n documentName: string,\n document: JsonDocumentLike,\n ): JsonDocumentLike {\n return document;\n }\n\n /**\n * Throw an error if the provided document is not a valid starting document.\n *\n * @param baseDocument Base JSON document/JS object that all other documents are added to\n */\n // no-op intended to be overridden by child classes. Can't be static\n // @ts-expect-error ts(6133) parameter doesn't need to be used but still needs the right name\n // eslint-disable-next-line class-methods-use-this, @typescript-eslint/no-unused-vars\n protected validateBaseDocument(baseDocument: JsonDocumentLike): void {}\n\n /**\n * Throw an error if the provided document is not a valid contribution document.\n *\n * @param documentName Name of the contributed document to combine\n * @param document Content of the contributed document to combine\n */\n // no-op intended to be overridden by child classes. Can't be static\n // @ts-expect-error ts(6133) parameter doesn't need to be used but still needs the right name\n // eslint-disable-next-line class-methods-use-this, @typescript-eslint/no-unused-vars\n protected validateContribution(documentName: string, document: JsonDocumentLike): void {}\n\n /**\n * Throw an error if the provided output is not valid.\n *\n * @param output Output document that could potentially be returned to callers\n */\n // no-op intended to be overridden by child classes. Can't be static\n // @ts-expect-error ts(6133) parameter doesn't need to be used but still needs the right name\n // eslint-disable-next-line class-methods-use-this, @typescript-eslint/no-unused-vars\n protected validateOutput(output: JsonDocumentLike): void {}\n\n /**\n * Transform the document that is the composition of the base document and all contribution\n * documents. This is the last step that will be run prior to validation via `validateOutput`\n * before `this.latestOutput` is updated to the new output.\n *\n * @param finalOutput Final output document that could potentially be returned to callers. \"Final\"\n * means no further contribution documents will be merged.\n */\n // no-op intended to be overridden by child classes. Can't be static\n // eslint-disable-next-line class-methods-use-this\n protected transformFinalOutputBeforeValidation(finalOutput: JsonDocumentLike): JsonDocumentLike {\n return finalOutput;\n }\n}\n\n// #region Helper functions\n\n/**\n * Determines if the input values are objects but not arrays\n *\n * @param values Objects to check\n * @returns True if all the values are objects but not arrays\n */\nfunction areNonArrayObjects(...values: unknown[]): boolean {\n let allMatch = true;\n values.forEach((value: unknown) => {\n if (!value || typeof value !== 'object' || Array.isArray(value)) allMatch = false;\n });\n return allMatch;\n}\n\n/**\n * Determines if the input values are arrays\n *\n * @param value Objects to check\n * @returns True if the values are arrays\n */\nfunction areArrayObjects(...values: unknown[]): boolean {\n let allMatch = true;\n values.forEach((value: unknown) => {\n if (!value || typeof value !== 'object' || !Array.isArray(value)) allMatch = false;\n });\n return allMatch;\n}\n\n/**\n * Deep clone and recursively merge the properties of one object (copyFrom) into another\n * (startingPoint). Throws if copyFrom would overwrite values already existing in startingPoint.\n *\n * Does not modify the objects passed in.\n *\n * @param startingPoint Object that is the starting point for the return value\n * @param copyFrom Object whose values are copied into the return value\n * @param ignoreDuplicateProperties Whether to ignore object properties that are present in\n * `copyFrom` that are already present in `startingPoint`. If `false`, throws when an object\n * property in `copyFrom` is already present in `startingPoint`\n * @returns Object that is the combination of the two documents\n */\nfunction mergeObjects(\n startingPoint: JsonDocumentLike,\n copyFrom: JsonDocumentLike,\n ignoreDuplicateProperties: boolean,\n): JsonDocumentLike {\n const retVal = deepClone(startingPoint);\n\n if (!copyFrom) return retVal;\n\n return mergeObjectsInternal(retVal, deepClone(copyFrom), ignoreDuplicateProperties);\n}\n\n/**\n * Recursively merge the properties of one object (copyFrom) into another (startingPoint). Throws if\n * copyFrom would overwrite values already existing in startingPoint.\n *\n * WARNING: Modifies the argument objects in some way. Recommended to use `mergeObjects`\n *\n * @param startingPoint Object that is the starting point for the return value\n * @param copyFrom Object whose values are copied into the return value\n * @param ignoreDuplicateProperties Whether to ignore object properties that are present in\n * `copyFrom` that are already present in `startingPoint`. If `false`, throws when an object\n * property in `copyFrom` is already present in `startingPoint`\n * @returns Object that is the combination of the two documents\n */\nfunction mergeObjectsInternal(\n startingPoint: JsonDocumentLike,\n copyFrom: JsonDocumentLike,\n ignoreDuplicateProperties: boolean,\n): JsonDocumentLike {\n if (!copyFrom) return startingPoint;\n\n if (areNonArrayObjects(startingPoint, copyFrom)) {\n // Merge properties since they are both objects\n\n // We know these are objects from the `if` check\n /* eslint-disable no-type-assertion/no-type-assertion */\n const startingPointObj = startingPoint as JsonObjectLike;\n const copyFromObj = copyFrom as JsonObjectLike;\n /* eslint-enable no-type-assertion/no-type-assertion */\n Object.keys(copyFromObj).forEach((key: string | number) => {\n if (Object.hasOwn(startingPointObj, key)) {\n if (areNonArrayObjects(startingPointObj[key], copyFromObj[key])) {\n startingPointObj[key] = mergeObjectsInternal(\n // We know these are objects from the `if` check\n /* eslint-disable no-type-assertion/no-type-assertion */\n startingPointObj[key] as JsonObjectLike,\n copyFromObj[key] as JsonObjectLike,\n ignoreDuplicateProperties,\n /* eslint-enable no-type-assertion/no-type-assertion */\n );\n } else if (areArrayObjects(startingPointObj[key], copyFromObj[key])) {\n // Concat the arrays since they are both arrays\n\n // We know these are arrays from the `else if` check\n /* eslint-disable no-type-assertion/no-type-assertion */\n startingPointObj[key] = (startingPointObj[key] as JsonArrayLike).concat(\n copyFromObj[key] as JsonArrayLike,\n );\n /* eslint-enable no-type-assertion/no-type-assertion */\n } else if (!ignoreDuplicateProperties)\n throw new Error(`Cannot merge objects: key \"${key}\" already exists in the target object`);\n // Note that the first non-object non-array value that gets placed in a property stays.\n // New values do not override existing ones\n } else {\n startingPointObj[key] = copyFromObj[key];\n }\n });\n } else if (areArrayObjects(startingPoint, copyFrom)) {\n // Concat the arrays since they are both arrays\n\n // Push the contents of copyFrom into startingPoint since it is a const and was already deep cloned\n // We know these are objects from the `else if` check\n /* eslint-disable no-type-assertion/no-type-assertion */\n (startingPoint as JsonArrayLike).push(...(copyFrom as JsonArrayLike));\n /* eslint-enable no-type-assertion/no-type-assertion */\n }\n\n // Note that nothing happens if `startingPoint` is not an object or an array or if `startingPoint`\n // and `copyFrom` are not both object or both arrays. Should we throw? Should we push `copyFrom`'s\n // values into the array? Other? Maybe one day we can add some options to decide what to do in\n // this situation, but YAGNI for now\n\n return startingPoint;\n}\n\n// #endregion\n","import { Mutex as AsyncMutex } from 'async-mutex';\n\n// Extending Mutex from async-mutex so we can add JSDoc\n\n/**\n * Class that allows calling asynchronous functions multiple times at once while only running one at\n * a time.\n *\n * @example\n *\n * ```typescript\n * const mutex = new Mutex();\n *\n * mutex.runExclusive(async () => {\n * // Do some asynchronous stuff\n * console.log('These run one-at-a-time');\n * });\n *\n * mutex.runExclusive(async () => {\n * // Do some asynchronous stuff\n * console.log('These run one-at-a-time');\n * });\n * ```\n *\n * See [`async-mutex`](https://www.npmjs.com/package/async-mutex) for more information.\n */\nclass Mutex extends AsyncMutex {}\n\nexport default Mutex;\n","import Mutex from './mutex';\n\n/** Map of {@link Mutex}es that automatically (lazily) generates a new {@link Mutex} for any new key */\nclass MutexMap {\n private mutexesByID = new Map();\n\n get(mutexID: string): Mutex {\n let retVal = this.mutexesByID.get(mutexID);\n if (retVal) return retVal;\n\n retVal = new Mutex();\n this.mutexesByID.set(mutexID, retVal);\n return retVal;\n }\n}\n\nexport default MutexMap;\n","import DocumentCombiner, { DocumentCombinerOptions, JsonDocumentLike } from './document-combiner';\n\nexport default class NonValidatingDocumentCombiner extends DocumentCombiner {\n // Making the protected base constructor public\n // eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/no-useless-constructor\n constructor(baseDocument: JsonDocumentLike, options: DocumentCombinerOptions) {\n super(baseDocument, options);\n }\n\n get output(): JsonDocumentLike | undefined {\n return this.latestOutput;\n }\n}\n","/** Enables language-sensitive number formatting. Wraps Intl.NumberFormat */\nexport default class NumberFormat {\n private numberFormatter: Intl.NumberFormat;\n\n constructor(locales?: string | string[], options?: Intl.NumberFormatOptions) {\n this.numberFormatter = new Intl.NumberFormat(locales, options);\n }\n\n /**\n * Formats a number according to the locale and formatting options of this NumberFormat object\n *\n * @param value Number or BigInt to format\n * @returns String representing the given number formatted according to the locale and formatting\n * options of this NumberFormat object\n */\n format(value: number | bigint): string {\n return this.numberFormatter.format(value);\n }\n\n /**\n * Formats a range of numbers according to the locale and formatting options of this NumberFormat\n * object\n *\n * @param startRange Number or bigint representing the start of the range\n * @param endRange Number or bigint representing the end of the range\n * @returns String representing the given range of numbers formatted according to the locale and\n * formatting options of this NumberFormat object\n */\n formatRange(startRange: number | bigint, endRange: number | bigint): string {\n return this.numberFormatter.formatRange(startRange, endRange);\n }\n\n /**\n * Returns an array of objects containing the locale-specific tokens from which it is possible to\n * build custom strings while preserving the locale-specific parts.\n *\n * @param startRange Number or bigint representing start of the range\n * @param endRange Number or bigint representing end of the range\n * @returns Array of NumberRangeFormatPart objects containing the formatted range of numbers in\n * parts\n */\n formatRangeToParts(\n startRange: number | bigint,\n endRange: number | bigint,\n ): Intl.NumberRangeFormatPart[] {\n return this.numberFormatter.formatRangeToParts(startRange, endRange);\n }\n\n /**\n * Allows locale-aware formatting of strings produced by this NumberFormat object\n *\n * @param value Number or bigint to format\n * @returns Array of NumberFormatPart objects containing the formatted number in parts\n */\n formatToParts(value: number | bigint): Intl.NumberFormatPart[] {\n return this.numberFormatter.formatToParts(value);\n }\n\n /**\n * Returns a new object with properties reflecting the locale and number formatting options\n * computed during initialization of this NumberFormat object\n *\n * @returns ResolvedNumberFormatOptions object\n */\n resolvedOptions(): Intl.ResolvedNumberFormatOptions {\n return this.numberFormatter.resolvedOptions();\n }\n}\n","import { Dispose } from './disposal.model';\nimport { Unsubscriber, UnsubscriberAsync } from './unsubscriber';\n\n/** Simple collection for UnsubscriberAsync objects that also provides an easy way to run them. */\nexport default class UnsubscriberAsyncList {\n readonly unsubscribers = new Set();\n\n constructor(private name = 'Anonymous') {}\n\n /**\n * Add unsubscribers to the list. Note that duplicates are not added twice.\n *\n * @param unsubscribers - Objects that were returned from a registration process.\n */\n add(...unsubscribers: (UnsubscriberAsync | Unsubscriber | Dispose)[]) {\n unsubscribers.forEach((unsubscriber) => {\n if ('dispose' in unsubscriber) this.unsubscribers.add(unsubscriber.dispose);\n else this.unsubscribers.add(unsubscriber);\n });\n }\n\n /**\n * Run all unsubscribers added to this list and then clear the list.\n *\n * @returns `true` if all unsubscribers succeeded, `false` otherwise.\n */\n async runAllUnsubscribers(): Promise {\n const unsubs = [...this.unsubscribers].map((unsubscriber) => unsubscriber());\n const results = await Promise.all(unsubs);\n this.unsubscribers.clear();\n return results.every((unsubscriberSucceeded, index) => {\n if (!unsubscriberSucceeded)\n console.error(`UnsubscriberAsyncList ${this.name}: Unsubscriber at index ${index} failed!`);\n\n return unsubscriberSucceeded;\n });\n }\n}\n","var P = Object.defineProperty;\nvar R = (t, e, s) => e in t ? P(t, e, { enumerable: !0, configurable: !0, writable: !0, value: s }) : t[e] = s;\nvar n = (t, e, s) => (R(t, typeof e != \"symbol\" ? e + \"\" : e, s), s);\nclass z {\n constructor() {\n n(this, \"books\");\n n(this, \"firstSelectedBookNum\");\n n(this, \"lastSelectedBookNum\");\n n(this, \"count\");\n n(this, \"selectedBookNumbers\");\n n(this, \"selectedBookIds\");\n }\n}\nconst m = [\n \"GEN\",\n \"EXO\",\n \"LEV\",\n \"NUM\",\n \"DEU\",\n \"JOS\",\n \"JDG\",\n \"RUT\",\n \"1SA\",\n \"2SA\",\n // 10\n \"1KI\",\n \"2KI\",\n \"1CH\",\n \"2CH\",\n \"EZR\",\n \"NEH\",\n \"EST\",\n \"JOB\",\n \"PSA\",\n \"PRO\",\n // 20\n \"ECC\",\n \"SNG\",\n \"ISA\",\n \"JER\",\n \"LAM\",\n \"EZK\",\n \"DAN\",\n \"HOS\",\n \"JOL\",\n \"AMO\",\n // 30\n \"OBA\",\n \"JON\",\n \"MIC\",\n \"NAM\",\n \"HAB\",\n \"ZEP\",\n \"HAG\",\n \"ZEC\",\n \"MAL\",\n \"MAT\",\n // 40\n \"MRK\",\n \"LUK\",\n \"JHN\",\n \"ACT\",\n \"ROM\",\n \"1CO\",\n \"2CO\",\n \"GAL\",\n \"EPH\",\n \"PHP\",\n // 50\n \"COL\",\n \"1TH\",\n \"2TH\",\n \"1TI\",\n \"2TI\",\n \"TIT\",\n \"PHM\",\n \"HEB\",\n \"JAS\",\n \"1PE\",\n // 60\n \"2PE\",\n \"1JN\",\n \"2JN\",\n \"3JN\",\n \"JUD\",\n \"REV\",\n \"TOB\",\n \"JDT\",\n \"ESG\",\n \"WIS\",\n // 70\n \"SIR\",\n \"BAR\",\n \"LJE\",\n \"S3Y\",\n \"SUS\",\n \"BEL\",\n \"1MA\",\n \"2MA\",\n \"3MA\",\n \"4MA\",\n // 80\n \"1ES\",\n \"2ES\",\n \"MAN\",\n \"PS2\",\n \"ODA\",\n \"PSS\",\n \"JSA\",\n // actual variant text for JOS, now in LXA text\n \"JDB\",\n // actual variant text for JDG, now in LXA text\n \"TBS\",\n // actual variant text for TOB, now in LXA text\n \"SST\",\n // actual variant text for SUS, now in LXA text // 90\n \"DNT\",\n // actual variant text for DAN, now in LXA text\n \"BLT\",\n // actual variant text for BEL, now in LXA text\n \"XXA\",\n \"XXB\",\n \"XXC\",\n \"XXD\",\n \"XXE\",\n \"XXF\",\n \"XXG\",\n \"FRT\",\n // 100\n \"BAK\",\n \"OTH\",\n \"3ES\",\n // Used previously but really should be 2ES\n \"EZA\",\n // Used to be called 4ES, but not actually in any known project\n \"5EZ\",\n // Used to be called 5ES, but not actually in any known project\n \"6EZ\",\n // Used to be called 6ES, but not actually in any known project\n \"INT\",\n \"CNC\",\n \"GLO\",\n \"TDX\",\n // 110\n \"NDX\",\n \"DAG\",\n \"PS3\",\n \"2BA\",\n \"LBA\",\n \"JUB\",\n \"ENO\",\n \"1MQ\",\n \"2MQ\",\n \"3MQ\",\n // 120\n \"REP\",\n \"4BA\",\n \"LAO\"\n], v = [\n \"XXA\",\n \"XXB\",\n \"XXC\",\n \"XXD\",\n \"XXE\",\n \"XXF\",\n \"XXG\",\n \"FRT\",\n \"BAK\",\n \"OTH\",\n \"INT\",\n \"CNC\",\n \"GLO\",\n \"TDX\",\n \"NDX\"\n], X = [\n \"Genesis\",\n \"Exodus\",\n \"Leviticus\",\n \"Numbers\",\n \"Deuteronomy\",\n \"Joshua\",\n \"Judges\",\n \"Ruth\",\n \"1 Samuel\",\n \"2 Samuel\",\n \"1 Kings\",\n \"2 Kings\",\n \"1 Chronicles\",\n \"2 Chronicles\",\n \"Ezra\",\n \"Nehemiah\",\n \"Esther (Hebrew)\",\n \"Job\",\n \"Psalms\",\n \"Proverbs\",\n \"Ecclesiastes\",\n \"Song of Songs\",\n \"Isaiah\",\n \"Jeremiah\",\n \"Lamentations\",\n \"Ezekiel\",\n \"Daniel (Hebrew)\",\n \"Hosea\",\n \"Joel\",\n \"Amos\",\n \"Obadiah\",\n \"Jonah\",\n \"Micah\",\n \"Nahum\",\n \"Habakkuk\",\n \"Zephaniah\",\n \"Haggai\",\n \"Zechariah\",\n \"Malachi\",\n \"Matthew\",\n \"Mark\",\n \"Luke\",\n \"John\",\n \"Acts\",\n \"Romans\",\n \"1 Corinthians\",\n \"2 Corinthians\",\n \"Galatians\",\n \"Ephesians\",\n \"Philippians\",\n \"Colossians\",\n \"1 Thessalonians\",\n \"2 Thessalonians\",\n \"1 Timothy\",\n \"2 Timothy\",\n \"Titus\",\n \"Philemon\",\n \"Hebrews\",\n \"James\",\n \"1 Peter\",\n \"2 Peter\",\n \"1 John\",\n \"2 John\",\n \"3 John\",\n \"Jude\",\n \"Revelation\",\n \"Tobit\",\n \"Judith\",\n \"Esther Greek\",\n \"Wisdom of Solomon\",\n \"Sirach (Ecclesiasticus)\",\n \"Baruch\",\n \"Letter of Jeremiah\",\n \"Song of 3 Young Men\",\n \"Susanna\",\n \"Bel and the Dragon\",\n \"1 Maccabees\",\n \"2 Maccabees\",\n \"3 Maccabees\",\n \"4 Maccabees\",\n \"1 Esdras (Greek)\",\n \"2 Esdras (Latin)\",\n \"Prayer of Manasseh\",\n \"Psalm 151\",\n \"Odes\",\n \"Psalms of Solomon\",\n // WARNING, if you change the spelling of the *obsolete* tag be sure to update\n // IsObsolete routine\n \"Joshua A. *obsolete*\",\n \"Judges B. *obsolete*\",\n \"Tobit S. *obsolete*\",\n \"Susanna Th. *obsolete*\",\n \"Daniel Th. *obsolete*\",\n \"Bel Th. *obsolete*\",\n \"Extra A\",\n \"Extra B\",\n \"Extra C\",\n \"Extra D\",\n \"Extra E\",\n \"Extra F\",\n \"Extra G\",\n \"Front Matter\",\n \"Back Matter\",\n \"Other Matter\",\n \"3 Ezra *obsolete*\",\n \"Apocalypse of Ezra\",\n \"5 Ezra (Latin Prologue)\",\n \"6 Ezra (Latin Epilogue)\",\n \"Introduction\",\n \"Concordance \",\n \"Glossary \",\n \"Topical Index\",\n \"Names Index\",\n \"Daniel Greek\",\n \"Psalms 152-155\",\n \"2 Baruch (Apocalypse)\",\n \"Letter of Baruch\",\n \"Jubilees\",\n \"Enoch\",\n \"1 Meqabyan\",\n \"2 Meqabyan\",\n \"3 Meqabyan\",\n \"Reproof (Proverbs 25-31)\",\n \"4 Baruch (Rest of Baruch)\",\n \"Laodiceans\"\n], C = K();\nfunction N(t, e = !0) {\n return e && (t = t.toUpperCase()), t in C ? C[t] : 0;\n}\nfunction B(t) {\n return N(t) > 0;\n}\nfunction x(t) {\n const e = typeof t == \"string\" ? N(t) : t;\n return e >= 40 && e <= 66;\n}\nfunction T(t) {\n return (typeof t == \"string\" ? N(t) : t) <= 39;\n}\nfunction O(t) {\n return t <= 66;\n}\nfunction V(t) {\n const e = typeof t == \"string\" ? N(t) : t;\n return I(e) && !O(e);\n}\nfunction* L() {\n for (let t = 1; t <= m.length; t++)\n yield t;\n}\nconst G = 1, S = m.length;\nfunction H() {\n return [\"XXA\", \"XXB\", \"XXC\", \"XXD\", \"XXE\", \"XXF\", \"XXG\"];\n}\nfunction k(t, e = \"***\") {\n const s = t - 1;\n return s < 0 || s >= m.length ? e : m[s];\n}\nfunction A(t) {\n return t <= 0 || t > S ? \"******\" : X[t - 1];\n}\nfunction y(t) {\n return A(N(t));\n}\nfunction I(t) {\n const e = typeof t == \"number\" ? k(t) : t;\n return B(e) && !v.includes(e);\n}\nfunction q(t) {\n const e = typeof t == \"number\" ? k(t) : t;\n return B(e) && v.includes(e);\n}\nfunction U(t) {\n return X[t - 1].includes(\"*obsolete*\");\n}\nfunction K() {\n const t = {};\n for (let e = 0; e < m.length; e++)\n t[m[e]] = e + 1;\n return t;\n}\nconst f = {\n allBookIds: m,\n nonCanonicalIds: v,\n bookIdToNumber: N,\n isBookIdValid: B,\n isBookNT: x,\n isBookOT: T,\n isBookOTNT: O,\n isBookDC: V,\n allBookNumbers: L,\n firstBook: G,\n lastBook: S,\n extraBooks: H,\n bookNumberToId: k,\n bookNumberToEnglishName: A,\n bookIdToEnglishName: y,\n isCanonical: I,\n isExtraMaterial: q,\n isObsolete: U\n};\nvar l = /* @__PURE__ */ ((t) => (t[t.Unknown = 0] = \"Unknown\", t[t.Original = 1] = \"Original\", t[t.Septuagint = 2] = \"Septuagint\", t[t.Vulgate = 3] = \"Vulgate\", t[t.English = 4] = \"English\", t[t.RussianProtestant = 5] = \"RussianProtestant\", t[t.RussianOrthodox = 6] = \"RussianOrthodox\", t))(l || {});\nconst u = class u {\n // private versInfo: Versification;\n constructor(e) {\n n(this, \"name\");\n n(this, \"fullPath\");\n n(this, \"isPresent\");\n n(this, \"hasVerseSegments\");\n n(this, \"isCustomized\");\n n(this, \"baseVersification\");\n n(this, \"scriptureBooks\");\n n(this, \"_type\");\n if (e != null)\n typeof e == \"string\" ? this.name = e : this._type = e;\n else\n throw new Error(\"Argument null\");\n }\n get type() {\n return this._type;\n }\n equals(e) {\n return !e.type || !this.type ? !1 : e.type === this.type;\n }\n};\nn(u, \"Original\", new u(l.Original)), n(u, \"Septuagint\", new u(l.Septuagint)), n(u, \"Vulgate\", new u(l.Vulgate)), n(u, \"English\", new u(l.English)), n(u, \"RussianProtestant\", new u(l.RussianProtestant)), n(u, \"RussianOrthodox\", new u(l.RussianOrthodox));\nlet c = u;\nfunction E(t, e) {\n const s = e[0];\n for (let r = 1; r < e.length; r++)\n t = t.split(e[r]).join(s);\n return t.split(s);\n}\nvar D = /* @__PURE__ */ ((t) => (t[t.Valid = 0] = \"Valid\", t[t.UnknownVersification = 1] = \"UnknownVersification\", t[t.OutOfRange = 2] = \"OutOfRange\", t[t.VerseOutOfOrder = 3] = \"VerseOutOfOrder\", t[t.VerseRepeated = 4] = \"VerseRepeated\", t))(D || {});\nconst i = class i {\n constructor(e, s, r, o) {\n /** Not yet implemented. */\n n(this, \"firstChapter\");\n /** Not yet implemented. */\n n(this, \"lastChapter\");\n /** Not yet implemented. */\n n(this, \"lastVerse\");\n /** Not yet implemented. */\n n(this, \"hasSegmentsDefined\");\n /** Not yet implemented. */\n n(this, \"text\");\n /** Not yet implemented. */\n n(this, \"BBBCCCVVVS\");\n /** Not yet implemented. */\n n(this, \"longHashCode\");\n /** The versification of the reference. */\n n(this, \"versification\");\n n(this, \"rtlMark\", \"‏\");\n n(this, \"_bookNum\", 0);\n n(this, \"_chapterNum\", 0);\n n(this, \"_verseNum\", 0);\n n(this, \"_verse\");\n if (r == null && o == null)\n if (e != null && typeof e == \"string\") {\n const a = e, h = s != null && s instanceof c ? s : void 0;\n this.setEmpty(h), this.parse(a);\n } else if (e != null && typeof e == \"number\") {\n const a = s != null && s instanceof c ? s : void 0;\n this.setEmpty(a), this._verseNum = e % i.chapterDigitShifter, this._chapterNum = Math.floor(\n e % i.bookDigitShifter / i.chapterDigitShifter\n ), this._bookNum = Math.floor(e / i.bookDigitShifter);\n } else if (s == null)\n if (e != null && e instanceof i) {\n const a = e;\n this._bookNum = a.bookNum, this._chapterNum = a.chapterNum, this._verseNum = a.verseNum, this._verse = a.verse, this.versification = a.versification;\n } else {\n if (e == null)\n return;\n const a = e instanceof c ? e : i.defaultVersification;\n this.setEmpty(a);\n }\n else\n throw new Error(\"VerseRef constructor not supported.\");\n else if (e != null && s != null && r != null)\n if (typeof e == \"string\" && typeof s == \"string\" && typeof r == \"string\")\n this.setEmpty(o), this.updateInternal(e, s, r);\n else if (typeof e == \"number\" && typeof s == \"number\" && typeof r == \"number\")\n this._bookNum = e, this._chapterNum = s, this._verseNum = r, this.versification = o ?? i.defaultVersification;\n else\n throw new Error(\"VerseRef constructor not supported.\");\n else\n throw new Error(\"VerseRef constructor not supported.\");\n }\n /**\n * @deprecated Will be removed in v2. Replace `VerseRef.parse('...')` with `new VerseRef('...')`\n * or refactor to use `VerseRef.tryParse('...')` which has a different return type.\n */\n static parse(e, s = i.defaultVersification) {\n const r = new i(s);\n return r.parse(e), r;\n }\n /**\n * Determines if the verse string is in a valid format (does not consider versification).\n */\n static isVerseParseable(e) {\n return e.length > 0 && \"0123456789\".includes(e[0]) && !e.endsWith(this.verseRangeSeparator) && !e.endsWith(this.verseSequenceIndicator);\n }\n /**\n * Tries to parse the specified string into a verse reference.\n * @param str - The string to attempt to parse.\n * @returns success: `true` if the specified string was successfully parsed, `false` otherwise.\n * @returns verseRef: The result of the parse if successful, or empty VerseRef if it failed\n */\n static tryParse(e) {\n let s;\n try {\n return s = i.parse(e), { success: !0, verseRef: s };\n } catch (r) {\n if (r instanceof d)\n return s = new i(), { success: !1, verseRef: s };\n throw r;\n }\n }\n /**\n * Gets the reference as a comparable integer where the book, chapter, and verse each occupy 3\n * digits.\n * @param bookNum - Book number (this is 1-based, not an index).\n * @param chapterNum - Chapter number.\n * @param verseNum - Verse number.\n * @returns The reference as a comparable integer where the book, chapter, and verse each occupy 3\n * digits.\n */\n static getBBBCCCVVV(e, s, r) {\n return e % i.bcvMaxValue * i.bookDigitShifter + (s >= 0 ? s % i.bcvMaxValue * i.chapterDigitShifter : 0) + (r >= 0 ? r % i.bcvMaxValue : 0);\n }\n /**\n * Parses a verse string and gets the leading numeric portion as a number.\n * @param verseStr - verse string to parse\n * @returns true if the entire string could be parsed as a single, simple verse number (1-999);\n * false if the verse string represented a verse bridge, contained segment letters, or was invalid\n */\n static tryGetVerseNum(e) {\n let s;\n if (!e)\n return s = -1, { success: !0, vNum: s };\n s = 0;\n let r;\n for (let o = 0; o < e.length; o++) {\n if (r = e[o], r < \"0\" || r > \"9\")\n return o === 0 && (s = -1), { success: !1, vNum: s };\n if (s = s * 10 + +r - +\"0\", s > i.bcvMaxValue)\n return s = -1, { success: !1, vNum: s };\n }\n return { success: !0, vNum: s };\n }\n /**\n * Checks to see if a VerseRef hasn't been set - all values are the default.\n */\n get isDefault() {\n return this.bookNum === 0 && this.chapterNum === 0 && this.verseNum === 0 && this.versification == null;\n }\n /**\n * Gets whether the verse contains multiple verses.\n */\n get hasMultiple() {\n return this._verse != null && (this._verse.includes(i.verseRangeSeparator) || this._verse.includes(i.verseSequenceIndicator));\n }\n /**\n * Gets or sets the book of the reference. Book is the 3-letter abbreviation in capital letters,\n * e.g. `'MAT'`.\n */\n get book() {\n return f.bookNumberToId(this.bookNum, \"\");\n }\n set book(e) {\n this.bookNum = f.bookIdToNumber(e);\n }\n /**\n * Gets or sets the chapter of the reference,. e.g. `'3'`.\n */\n get chapter() {\n return this.isDefault || this._chapterNum < 0 ? \"\" : this._chapterNum.toString();\n }\n set chapter(e) {\n const s = +e;\n this._chapterNum = Number.isInteger(s) ? s : -1;\n }\n /**\n * Gets or sets the verse of the reference, including range, segments, and sequences, e.g. `'4'`,\n * or `'4b-5a, 7'`.\n */\n get verse() {\n return this._verse != null ? this._verse : this.isDefault || this._verseNum < 0 ? \"\" : this._verseNum.toString();\n }\n set verse(e) {\n const { success: s, vNum: r } = i.tryGetVerseNum(e);\n this._verse = s ? void 0 : e.replace(this.rtlMark, \"\"), this._verseNum = r, !(this._verseNum >= 0) && ({ vNum: this._verseNum } = i.tryGetVerseNum(this._verse));\n }\n /**\n * Get or set Book based on book number, e.g. `42`.\n */\n get bookNum() {\n return this._bookNum;\n }\n set bookNum(e) {\n if (e <= 0 || e > f.lastBook)\n throw new d(\n \"BookNum must be greater than zero and less than or equal to last book\"\n );\n this._bookNum = e;\n }\n /**\n * Gets or sets the chapter number, e.g. `3`. `-1` if not valid.\n */\n get chapterNum() {\n return this._chapterNum;\n }\n set chapterNum(e) {\n this.chapterNum = e;\n }\n /**\n * Gets or sets verse start number, e.g. `4`. `-1` if not valid.\n */\n get verseNum() {\n return this._verseNum;\n }\n set verseNum(e) {\n this._verseNum = e;\n }\n /**\n * String representing the versification (should ONLY be used for serialization/deserialization).\n *\n * @remarks This is for backwards compatibility when ScrVers was an enumeration.\n */\n get versificationStr() {\n var e;\n return (e = this.versification) == null ? void 0 : e.name;\n }\n set versificationStr(e) {\n this.versification = this.versification != null ? new c(e) : void 0;\n }\n /**\n * Determines if the reference is valid.\n */\n get valid() {\n return this.validStatus === 0;\n }\n /**\n * Get the valid status for this reference.\n */\n get validStatus() {\n return this.validateVerse(i.verseRangeSeparators, i.verseSequenceIndicators);\n }\n /**\n * Gets the reference as a comparable integer where the book,\n * chapter, and verse each occupy three digits and the verse is 0.\n */\n get BBBCCC() {\n return i.getBBBCCCVVV(this._bookNum, this._chapterNum, 0);\n }\n /**\n * Gets the reference as a comparable integer where the book,\n * chapter, and verse each occupy three digits. If verse is not null\n * (i.e., this reference represents a complex reference with verse\n * segments or bridge) this cannot be used for an exact comparison.\n */\n get BBBCCCVVV() {\n return i.getBBBCCCVVV(this._bookNum, this._chapterNum, this._verseNum);\n }\n /**\n * Gets whether the verse is defined as an excluded verse in the versification.\n * Does not handle verse ranges.\n */\n // eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/class-literal-property-style\n get isExcluded() {\n return !1;\n }\n /**\n * Parses the reference in the specified string.\n * Optionally versification can follow reference as in GEN 3:11/4\n * Throw an exception if\n * - invalid book name\n * - chapter number is missing or not a number\n * - verse number is missing or does not start with a number\n * - versification is invalid\n * @param verseStr - string to parse e.g. 'MAT 3:11'\n */\n parse(e) {\n if (e = e.replace(this.rtlMark, \"\"), e.includes(\"/\")) {\n const a = e.split(\"/\");\n if (e = a[0], a.length > 1)\n try {\n const h = +a[1].trim();\n this.versification = new c(l[h]);\n } catch {\n throw new d(\"Invalid reference : \" + e);\n }\n }\n const s = e.trim().split(\" \");\n if (s.length !== 2)\n throw new d(\"Invalid reference : \" + e);\n const r = s[1].split(\":\"), o = +r[0];\n if (r.length !== 2 || f.bookIdToNumber(s[0]) === 0 || !Number.isInteger(o) || o < 0 || !i.isVerseParseable(r[1]))\n throw new d(\"Invalid reference : \" + e);\n this.updateInternal(s[0], r[0], r[1]);\n }\n /**\n * Simplifies this verse ref so that it has no bridging of verses or\n * verse segments like `'1a'`.\n */\n simplify() {\n this._verse = void 0;\n }\n /**\n * Makes a clone of the reference.\n *\n * @returns The cloned VerseRef.\n */\n clone() {\n return new i(this);\n }\n toString() {\n const e = this.book;\n return e === \"\" ? \"\" : `${e} ${this.chapter}:${this.verse}`;\n }\n /**\n * Compares this `VerseRef` with supplied one.\n * @param verseRef - object to compare this one to.\n * @returns `true` if this `VerseRef` is equal to the supplied on, `false` otherwise.\n */\n equals(e) {\n return e instanceof i ? e._bookNum === this._bookNum && e._chapterNum === this._chapterNum && e._verseNum === this._verseNum && e.verse === this.verse && e.versification != null && this.versification != null && e.versification.equals(this.versification) : !1;\n }\n /**\n * Enumerate all individual verses contained in a VerseRef.\n * Verse ranges are indicated by \"-\" and consecutive verses by \",\"s.\n * Examples:\n * GEN 1:2 returns GEN 1:2\n * GEN 1:1a-3b,5 returns GEN 1:1a, GEN 1:2, GEN 1:3b, GEN 1:5\n * GEN 1:2a-2c returns //! ??????\n *\n * @param specifiedVersesOnly - if set to true return only verses that are\n * explicitly specified only, not verses within a range. Defaults to `false`.\n * @param verseRangeSeparators - Verse range separators.\n * Defaults to `VerseRef.verseRangeSeparators`.\n * @param verseSequenceSeparators - Verse sequence separators.\n * Defaults to `VerseRef.verseSequenceIndicators`.\n * @returns An array of all single verse references in this VerseRef.\n */\n allVerses(e = !1, s = i.verseRangeSeparators, r = i.verseSequenceIndicators) {\n if (this._verse == null || this.chapterNum <= 0)\n return [this.clone()];\n const o = [], a = E(this._verse, r);\n for (const h of a.map((g) => E(g, s))) {\n const g = this.clone();\n g.verse = h[0];\n const w = g.verseNum;\n if (o.push(g), h.length > 1) {\n const p = this.clone();\n if (p.verse = h[1], !e)\n for (let b = w + 1; b < p.verseNum; b++) {\n const J = new i(\n this._bookNum,\n this._chapterNum,\n b,\n this.versification\n );\n this.isExcluded || o.push(J);\n }\n o.push(p);\n }\n }\n return o;\n }\n /**\n * Validates a verse number using the supplied separators rather than the defaults.\n */\n validateVerse(e, s) {\n if (!this.verse)\n return this.internalValid;\n let r = 0;\n for (const o of this.allVerses(!0, e, s)) {\n const a = o.internalValid;\n if (a !== 0)\n return a;\n const h = o.BBBCCCVVV;\n if (r > h)\n return 3;\n if (r === h)\n return 4;\n r = h;\n }\n return 0;\n }\n /**\n * Gets whether a single verse reference is valid.\n */\n get internalValid() {\n return this.versification == null ? 1 : this._bookNum <= 0 || this._bookNum > f.lastBook ? 2 : (f.isCanonical(this._bookNum), 0);\n }\n setEmpty(e = i.defaultVersification) {\n this._bookNum = 0, this._chapterNum = -1, this._verse = void 0, this.versification = e;\n }\n updateInternal(e, s, r) {\n this.bookNum = f.bookIdToNumber(e), this.chapter = s, this.verse = r;\n }\n};\nn(i, \"defaultVersification\", c.English), n(i, \"verseRangeSeparator\", \"-\"), n(i, \"verseSequenceIndicator\", \",\"), n(i, \"verseRangeSeparators\", [i.verseRangeSeparator]), n(i, \"verseSequenceIndicators\", [i.verseSequenceIndicator]), n(i, \"chapterDigitShifter\", 1e3), n(i, \"bookDigitShifter\", i.chapterDigitShifter * i.chapterDigitShifter), n(i, \"bcvMaxValue\", i.chapterDigitShifter - 1), /**\n * The valid status of the VerseRef.\n */\nn(i, \"ValidStatusType\", D);\nlet M = i;\nclass d extends Error {\n}\nexport {\n z as BookSet,\n f as Canon,\n c as ScrVers,\n l as ScrVersType,\n M as VerseRef,\n d as VerseRefException\n};\n//# sourceMappingURL=index.es.js.map\n","\"use strict\"\r\n\r\n// Based on: https://github.com/lodash/lodash/blob/6018350ac10d5ce6a5b7db625140b82aeab804df/.internal/unicodeSize.js\r\n\r\nmodule.exports = () => {\r\n\t// Used to compose unicode character classes.\r\n\tconst astralRange = \"\\\\ud800-\\\\udfff\"\r\n\tconst comboMarksRange = \"\\\\u0300-\\\\u036f\"\r\n\tconst comboHalfMarksRange = \"\\\\ufe20-\\\\ufe2f\"\r\n\tconst comboSymbolsRange = \"\\\\u20d0-\\\\u20ff\"\r\n\tconst comboMarksExtendedRange = \"\\\\u1ab0-\\\\u1aff\"\r\n\tconst comboMarksSupplementRange = \"\\\\u1dc0-\\\\u1dff\"\r\n\tconst comboRange = comboMarksRange + comboHalfMarksRange + comboSymbolsRange + comboMarksExtendedRange + comboMarksSupplementRange\r\n\tconst varRange = \"\\\\ufe0e\\\\ufe0f\"\r\n\tconst familyRange = \"\\\\uD83D\\\\uDC69\\\\uD83C\\\\uDFFB\\\\u200D\\\\uD83C\\\\uDF93\"\r\n\r\n\t// Used to compose unicode capture groups.\r\n\tconst astral = `[${astralRange}]`\r\n\tconst combo = `[${comboRange}]`\r\n\tconst fitz = \"\\\\ud83c[\\\\udffb-\\\\udfff]\"\r\n\tconst modifier = `(?:${combo}|${fitz})`\r\n\tconst nonAstral = `[^${astralRange}]`\r\n\tconst regional = \"(?:\\\\uD83C[\\\\uDDE6-\\\\uDDFF]){2}\"\r\n\tconst surrogatePair = \"[\\\\ud800-\\\\udbff][\\\\udc00-\\\\udfff]\"\r\n\tconst zwj = \"\\\\u200d\"\r\n\tconst blackFlag = \"(?:\\\\ud83c\\\\udff4\\\\udb40\\\\udc67\\\\udb40\\\\udc62\\\\udb40(?:\\\\udc65|\\\\udc73|\\\\udc77)\\\\udb40(?:\\\\udc6e|\\\\udc63|\\\\udc6c)\\\\udb40(?:\\\\udc67|\\\\udc74|\\\\udc73)\\\\udb40\\\\udc7f)\"\r\n\tconst family = `[${familyRange}]`\r\n\r\n\t// Used to compose unicode regexes.\r\n\tconst optModifier = `${modifier}?`\r\n\tconst optVar = `[${varRange}]?`\r\n\tconst optJoin = `(?:${zwj}(?:${[nonAstral, regional, surrogatePair].join(\"|\")})${optVar + optModifier})*`\r\n\tconst seq = optVar + optModifier + optJoin\r\n\tconst nonAstralCombo = `${nonAstral}${combo}?`\r\n\tconst symbol = `(?:${[nonAstralCombo, combo, regional, surrogatePair, astral, family].join(\"|\")})`\r\n\r\n\t// Used to match [String symbols](https://mathiasbynens.be/notes/javascript-unicode).\r\n\treturn new RegExp(`${blackFlag}|${fitz}(?=${fitz})|${symbol + seq}`, \"g\")\r\n}\r\n","\"use strict\";\nvar __importDefault = (this && this.__importDefault) || function (mod) {\n return (mod && mod.__esModule) ? mod : { \"default\": mod };\n};\nObject.defineProperty(exports, \"__esModule\", { value: true });\n// @ts-ignore\nvar char_regex_1 = __importDefault(require(\"char-regex\"));\n/**\n * Converts a string to an array of string chars\n * @param {string} str The string to turn into array\n * @returns {string[]}\n */\nfunction toArray(str) {\n if (typeof str !== 'string') {\n throw new Error('A string is expected as input');\n }\n return str.match(char_regex_1.default()) || [];\n}\nexports.toArray = toArray;\n/**\n * Returns the length of a string\n *\n * @export\n * @param {string} str\n * @returns {number}\n */\nfunction length(str) {\n // Check for input\n if (typeof str !== 'string') {\n throw new Error('Input must be a string');\n }\n var match = str.match(char_regex_1.default());\n return match === null ? 0 : match.length;\n}\nexports.length = length;\n/**\n * Returns a substring by providing start and end position\n *\n * @export\n * @param {string} str\n * @param {number} [begin=0] Starting position\n * @param {number} end End position\n * @returns {string}\n */\nfunction substring(str, begin, end) {\n if (begin === void 0) { begin = 0; }\n // Check for input\n if (typeof str !== 'string') {\n throw new Error('Input must be a string');\n }\n // Even though negative numbers work here, theyre not in the spec\n if (typeof begin !== 'number' || begin < 0) {\n begin = 0;\n }\n if (typeof end === 'number' && end < 0) {\n end = 0;\n }\n var match = str.match(char_regex_1.default());\n if (!match)\n return '';\n return match.slice(begin, end).join('');\n}\nexports.substring = substring;\n/**\n * Returns a substring by providing start position and length\n *\n * @export\n * @param {string} str\n * @param {number} [begin=0] Starting position\n * @param {number} len Desired length\n * @returns {string}\n */\nfunction substr(str, begin, len) {\n if (begin === void 0) { begin = 0; }\n // Check for input\n if (typeof str !== 'string') {\n throw new Error('Input must be a string');\n }\n var strLength = length(str);\n // Fix type\n if (typeof begin !== 'number') {\n begin = parseInt(begin, 10);\n }\n // Return zero-length string if got oversize number.\n if (begin >= strLength) {\n return '';\n }\n // Calculating postive version of negative value.\n if (begin < 0) {\n begin += strLength;\n }\n var end;\n if (typeof len === 'undefined') {\n end = strLength;\n }\n else {\n // Fix type\n if (typeof len !== 'number') {\n len = parseInt(len, 10);\n }\n end = len >= 0 ? len + begin : begin;\n }\n var match = str.match(char_regex_1.default());\n if (!match)\n return '';\n return match.slice(begin, end).join('');\n}\nexports.substr = substr;\n/**\n * Enforces a string to be a certain length by\n * adding or removing characters\n *\n * @export\n * @param {string} str\n * @param {number} [limit=16] Limit\n * @param {string} [padString='#'] The Pad String\n * @param {string} [padPosition='right'] The Pad Position\n * @returns {string}\n */\nfunction limit(str, limit, padString, padPosition) {\n if (limit === void 0) { limit = 16; }\n if (padString === void 0) { padString = '#'; }\n if (padPosition === void 0) { padPosition = 'right'; }\n // Input should be a string, limit should be a number\n if (typeof str !== 'string' || typeof limit !== 'number') {\n throw new Error('Invalid arguments specified');\n }\n // Pad position should be either left or right\n if (['left', 'right'].indexOf(padPosition) === -1) {\n throw new Error('Pad position should be either left or right');\n }\n // Pad string can be anything, we convert it to string\n if (typeof padString !== 'string') {\n padString = String(padString);\n }\n // Calculate string length considering astral code points\n var strLength = length(str);\n if (strLength > limit) {\n return substring(str, 0, limit);\n }\n else if (strLength < limit) {\n var padRepeats = padString.repeat(limit - strLength);\n return padPosition === 'left' ? padRepeats + str : str + padRepeats;\n }\n return str;\n}\nexports.limit = limit;\n/**\n * Returns the index of the first occurrence of a given string\n *\n * @export\n * @param {string} str\n * @param {string} [searchStr] the string to search\n * @param {number} [pos] starting position\n * @returns {number}\n */\nfunction indexOf(str, searchStr, pos) {\n if (pos === void 0) { pos = 0; }\n if (typeof str !== 'string') {\n throw new Error('Input must be a string');\n }\n if (str === '') {\n if (searchStr === '') {\n return 0;\n }\n return -1;\n }\n // fix type\n pos = Number(pos);\n pos = isNaN(pos) ? 0 : pos;\n searchStr = String(searchStr);\n var strArr = toArray(str);\n if (pos >= strArr.length) {\n if (searchStr === '') {\n return strArr.length;\n }\n return -1;\n }\n if (searchStr === '') {\n return pos;\n }\n var searchArr = toArray(searchStr);\n var finded = false;\n var index;\n for (index = pos; index < strArr.length; index += 1) {\n var searchIndex = 0;\n while (searchIndex < searchArr.length &&\n searchArr[searchIndex] === strArr[index + searchIndex]) {\n searchIndex += 1;\n }\n if (searchIndex === searchArr.length &&\n searchArr[searchIndex - 1] === strArr[index + searchIndex - 1]) {\n finded = true;\n break;\n }\n }\n return finded ? index : -1;\n}\nexports.indexOf = indexOf;\n","import { LocalizeKey } from 'menus.model';\nimport {\n indexOf as stringzIndexOf,\n substring as stringzSubstring,\n length as stringzLength,\n toArray as stringzToArray,\n limit as stringzLimit,\n substr as stringzSubstr,\n} from 'stringz';\n\n/**\n * This function mirrors the `at` function from the JavaScript Standard String object. It handles\n * Unicode code points instead of UTF-16 character codes.\n *\n * Finds the Unicode code point at the given index.\n *\n * @param string String to index\n * @param index Position of the character to be returned in range of -length(string) to\n * length(string)\n * @returns New string consisting of the Unicode code point located at the specified offset,\n * undefined if index is out of bounds\n */\nexport function at(string: string, index: number): string | undefined {\n if (index > stringLength(string) || index < -stringLength(string)) return undefined;\n return substr(string, index, 1);\n}\n\n/**\n * This function mirrors the `charAt` function from the JavaScript Standard String object. It\n * handles Unicode code points instead of UTF-16 character codes.\n *\n * Returns a new string consisting of the single unicode code point at the given index.\n *\n * @param string String to index\n * @param index Position of the string character to be returned, in the range of 0 to\n * length(string)-1\n * @returns New string consisting of the Unicode code point located at the specified offset, empty\n * string if index is out of bounds\n */\nexport function charAt(string: string, index: number): string {\n if (index < 0 || index > stringLength(string) - 1) return '';\n return substr(string, index, 1);\n}\n\n/**\n * This function mirrors the `codePointAt` function from the JavaScript Standard String object. It\n * handles Unicode code points instead of UTF-16 character codes.\n *\n * Returns a non-negative integer that is the Unicode code point value of the character starting at\n * the given index.\n *\n * @param string String to index\n * @param index Position of the string character to be returned, in the range of 0 to\n * length(string)-1\n * @returns Non-negative integer representing the code point value of the character at the given\n * index, or undefined if there is no element at that position\n */\nexport function codePointAt(string: string, index: number): number | undefined {\n if (index < 0 || index > stringLength(string) - 1) return undefined;\n return substr(string, index, 1).codePointAt(0);\n}\n\n/**\n * This function mirrors the `endsWith` function from the JavaScript Standard String object. It\n * handles Unicode code points instead of UTF-16 character codes.\n *\n * Determines whether a string ends with the characters of this string.\n *\n * @param string String to search through\n * @param searchString Characters to search for at the end of the string\n * @param endPosition End position where searchString is expected to be found. Default is\n * `length(string)`\n * @returns True if it ends with searchString, false if it does not\n */\nexport function endsWith(\n string: string,\n searchString: string,\n endPosition: number = stringLength(string),\n): boolean {\n const lastIndexOfSearchString = lastIndexOf(string, searchString);\n if (lastIndexOfSearchString === -1) return false;\n if (lastIndexOfSearchString + stringLength(searchString) !== endPosition) return false;\n return true;\n}\n\n/**\n * Get the index of the closest closing curly brace in a string.\n *\n * Note: when escaped, gets the index of the curly brace, not the backslash before it.\n *\n * @param str String to search\n * @param index Index at which to start searching. Inclusive of this index\n * @param escaped Whether to search for an escaped or an unescaped closing curly brace\n * @returns Index of closest closing curly brace or -1 if not found\n */\nfunction indexOfClosestClosingCurlyBrace(str: string, index: number, escaped: boolean) {\n if (index < 0) return -1;\n if (escaped) {\n if (charAt(str, index) === '}' && charAt(str, index - 1) === '\\\\') return index;\n const closeCurlyBraceIndex = indexOf(str, '\\\\}', index);\n return closeCurlyBraceIndex >= 0 ? closeCurlyBraceIndex + 1 : closeCurlyBraceIndex;\n }\n\n let i = index;\n const strLength = stringLength(str);\n while (i < strLength) {\n i = indexOf(str, '}', i);\n\n if (i === -1 || charAt(str, i - 1) !== '\\\\') break;\n\n // Didn't find an un-escaped close brace, so keep looking\n i += 1;\n }\n\n return i >= strLength ? -1 : i;\n}\n\n/**\n * Formats a string, replacing {localization key} with the localization (or multiple localizations\n * if there are multiple in the string). Will also remove \\ before curly braces if curly braces are\n * escaped with a backslash in order to preserve the curly braces. E.g. 'Hi, this is {name}! I like\n * `\\{curly braces\\}`! would become Hi, this is Jim! I like {curly braces}!\n *\n * If the key in unescaped braces is not found, just return the key without the braces. Empty\n * unescaped curly braces will just return a string without the braces e.g. ('I am {Nemo}', {\n * 'name': 'Jim'}) would return 'I am Nemo'.\n *\n * @param str String to format\n * @returns Formatted string\n */\nexport function formatReplacementString(str: string, replacers: { [key: string]: string }): string {\n let updatedStr = str;\n\n let i = 0;\n while (i < stringLength(updatedStr)) {\n switch (charAt(updatedStr, i)) {\n case '{':\n if (charAt(updatedStr, i - 1) !== '\\\\') {\n // This character is an un-escaped open curly brace. Try to match and replace\n const closeCurlyBraceIndex = indexOfClosestClosingCurlyBrace(updatedStr, i, false);\n if (closeCurlyBraceIndex >= 0) {\n // We have matching open and close indices. Try to replace the contents\n const replacerKey = substring(updatedStr, i + 1, closeCurlyBraceIndex);\n // Replace with the replacer string or just remove the curly braces\n const replacerString = replacerKey in replacers ? replacers[replacerKey] : replacerKey;\n\n updatedStr = `${substring(updatedStr, 0, i)}${replacerString}${substring(updatedStr, closeCurlyBraceIndex + 1)}`;\n // Put our index at the closing brace adjusted for the new string length minus two\n // because we are removing the curly braces\n // Ex: \"stuff {and} things\"\n // Replacer for and: n'\n // closeCurlyBraceIndex is 10\n // \"stuff n' things\"\n // i = 10 + 2 - 3 - 2 = 7\n i = closeCurlyBraceIndex + stringLength(replacerString) - stringLength(replacerKey) - 2;\n } else {\n // This is an unexpected un-escaped open curly brace with no matching closing curly\n // brace. Just ignore, I guess\n }\n } else {\n // This character is an escaped open curly brace. Remove the escape\n updatedStr = `${substring(updatedStr, 0, i - 1)}${substring(updatedStr, i)}`;\n // Adjust our index because we removed the escape\n i -= 1;\n }\n break;\n case '}':\n if (charAt(updatedStr, i - 1) !== '\\\\') {\n // This character is an un-escaped closing curly brace with no matching open curly\n // brace. Just ignore, I guess\n } else {\n // This character is an escaped closing curly brace. Remove the escape\n updatedStr = `${substring(updatedStr, 0, i - 1)}${substring(updatedStr, i)}`;\n // Adjust our index because we removed the escape\n i -= 1;\n }\n break;\n default:\n // No need to do anything with other characters at this point\n break;\n }\n\n i += 1;\n }\n\n return updatedStr;\n}\n/**\n * This function mirrors the `includes` function from the JavaScript Standard String object. It\n * handles Unicode code points instead of UTF-16 character codes.\n *\n * Performs a case-sensitive search to determine if searchString is found in string.\n *\n * @param string String to search through\n * @param searchString String to search for\n * @param position Position within the string to start searching for searchString. Default is `0`\n * @returns True if search string is found, false if it is not\n */\nexport function includes(string: string, searchString: string, position: number = 0): boolean {\n const partialString = substring(string, position);\n const indexOfSearchString = indexOf(partialString, searchString);\n if (indexOfSearchString === -1) return false;\n return true;\n}\n\n/**\n * This function mirrors the `indexOf` function from the JavaScript Standard String object. It\n * handles Unicode code points instead of UTF-16 character codes.\n *\n * Returns the index of the first occurrence of a given string.\n *\n * @param string String to search through\n * @param searchString The string to search for\n * @param position Start of searching. Default is `0`\n * @returns Index of the first occurrence of a given string\n */\nexport function indexOf(\n string: string,\n searchString: string,\n position: number | undefined = 0,\n): number {\n return stringzIndexOf(string, searchString, position);\n}\n\n/**\n * This function mirrors the `lastIndexOf` function from the JavaScript Standard String object. It\n * handles Unicode code points instead of UTF-16 character codes.\n *\n * Searches this string and returns the index of the last occurrence of the specified substring.\n *\n * @param string String to search through\n * @param searchString Substring to search for\n * @param position The index at which to begin searching. If omitted, the search begins at the end\n * of the string. Default is `undefined`\n * @returns Index of the last occurrence of searchString found, or -1 if not found.\n */\nexport function lastIndexOf(string: string, searchString: string, position?: number): number {\n let validatedPosition = position === undefined ? stringLength(string) : position;\n\n if (validatedPosition < 0) {\n validatedPosition = 0;\n } else if (validatedPosition >= stringLength(string)) {\n validatedPosition = stringLength(string) - 1;\n }\n\n for (let index = validatedPosition; index >= 0; index--) {\n if (substr(string, index, stringLength(searchString)) === searchString) {\n return index;\n }\n }\n\n return -1;\n}\n\n/**\n * This function mirrors the `length` function from the JavaScript Standard String object. It\n * handles Unicode code points instead of UTF-16 character codes. Since `length` appears to be a\n * reserved keyword, the function was renamed to `stringLength`\n *\n * Returns the length of a string.\n *\n * @param string String to return the length for\n * @returns Number that is length of the starting string\n */\nexport function stringLength(string: string): number {\n return stringzLength(string);\n}\n\n/**\n * This function mirrors the `normalize` function from the JavaScript Standard String object. It\n * handles Unicode code points instead of UTF-16 character codes.\n *\n * Returns the Unicode Normalization Form of this string.\n *\n * @param string The starting string\n * @param form Form specifying the Unicode Normalization Form. Default is `'NFC'`\n * @returns A string containing the Unicode Normalization Form of the given string.\n */\nexport function normalize(string: string, form: 'NFC' | 'NFD' | 'NFKC' | 'NFKD' | 'none'): string {\n const upperCaseForm = form.toUpperCase();\n if (upperCaseForm === 'NONE') {\n return string;\n }\n return string.normalize(upperCaseForm);\n}\n\n/**\n * Compares two strings using an ordinal comparison approach based on the specified collation\n * options. This function uses the built-in `localeCompare` method with the 'en' locale and the\n * provided collation options to compare the strings.\n *\n * @param string1 The first string to compare.\n * @param string2 The second string to compare.\n * @param options Optional. The collation options used for comparison.\n * @returns A number indicating the result of the comparison: - Negative value if string1 precedes\n * string2 in sorting order. - Zero if string1 and string2 are equivalent in sorting order. -\n * Positive value if string1 follows string2 in sorting order.\n */\nexport function ordinalCompare(\n string1: string,\n string2: string,\n options?: Intl.CollatorOptions,\n): number {\n return string1.localeCompare(string2, 'en', options);\n}\n\n/**\n * This function mirrors the `padEnd` function from the JavaScript Standard String object. It\n * handles Unicode code points instead of UTF-16 character codes.\n *\n * Pads this string with another string (multiple times, if needed) until the resulting string\n * reaches the given length. The padding is applied from the end of this string.\n *\n * @param string String to add padding too\n * @param targetLength The length of the resulting string once the starting string has been padded.\n * If value is less than or equal to length(string), then string is returned as is.\n * @param padString The string to pad the current string with. If padString is too long to stay\n * within targetLength, it will be truncated. Default is `\" \"`\n * @returns String with appropriate padding at the end\n */\n// Note: Limit with padString only works when length(padString) = 1, will be fixed with https://github.com/sallar/stringz/pull/59\nexport function padEnd(string: string, targetLength: number, padString: string = ' '): string {\n if (targetLength <= stringLength(string)) return string;\n return stringzLimit(string, targetLength, padString, 'right');\n}\n\n/**\n * This function mirrors the `padStart` function from the JavaScript Standard String object. It\n * handles Unicode code points instead of UTF-16 character codes.\n *\n * Pads this string with another string (multiple times, if needed) until the resulting string\n * reaches the given length. The padding is applied from the start of this string.\n *\n * @param string String to add padding too\n * @param targetLength The length of the resulting string once the starting string has been padded.\n * If value is less than or equal to length(string), then string is returned as is.\n * @param padString The string to pad the current string with. If padString is too long to stay\n * within the targetLength, it will be truncated from the end. Default is `\" \"`\n * @returns String with of specified targetLength with padString applied from the start\n */\n// Note: Limit with padString only works when length(padString) = 1, will be fixed with https://github.com/sallar/stringz/pull/59\nexport function padStart(string: string, targetLength: number, padString: string = ' '): string {\n if (targetLength <= stringLength(string)) return string;\n return stringzLimit(string, targetLength, padString, 'left');\n}\n\n// This is a helper function that performs a correction on the slice index to make sure it\n// cannot go out of bounds\nfunction correctSliceIndex(length: number, index: number) {\n if (index > length) return length;\n if (index < -length) return 0;\n if (index < 0) return index + length;\n return index;\n}\n\n/**\n * This function mirrors the `slice` function from the JavaScript Standard String object. It handles\n * Unicode code points instead of UTF-16 character codes.\n *\n * Extracts a section of this string and returns it as a new string, without modifying the original\n * string.\n *\n * @param string The starting string\n * @param indexStart The index of the first character to include in the returned substring.\n * @param indexEnd The index of the first character to exclude from the returned substring.\n * @returns A new string containing the extracted section of the string.\n */\nexport function slice(string: string, indexStart: number, indexEnd?: number): string {\n const length: number = stringLength(string);\n if (\n indexStart > length ||\n (indexEnd &&\n ((indexStart > indexEnd &&\n !(indexStart >= 0 && indexStart < length && indexEnd < 0 && indexEnd > -length)) ||\n indexEnd < -length))\n )\n return '';\n\n const newStart = correctSliceIndex(length, indexStart);\n const newEnd = indexEnd ? correctSliceIndex(length, indexEnd) : undefined;\n\n return substring(string, newStart, newEnd);\n}\n\n/**\n * This function mirrors the `split` function from the JavaScript Standard String object. It handles\n * Unicode code points instead of UTF-16 character codes.\n *\n * Takes a pattern and divides the string into an ordered list of substrings by searching for the\n * pattern, puts these substrings into an array, and returns the array.\n *\n * @param string The string to split\n * @param separator The pattern describing where each split should occur\n * @param splitLimit Limit on the number of substrings to be included in the array. Splits the\n * string at each occurrence of specified separator, but stops when limit entries have been placed\n * in the array.\n * @returns An array of strings, split at each point where separator occurs in the starting string.\n * Returns undefined if separator is not found in string.\n */\nexport function split(string: string, separator: string | RegExp, splitLimit?: number): string[] {\n const result: string[] = [];\n\n if (splitLimit !== undefined && splitLimit <= 0) {\n return [string];\n }\n\n if (separator === '') return toArray(string).slice(0, splitLimit);\n\n let regexSeparator = separator;\n if (\n typeof separator === 'string' ||\n (separator instanceof RegExp && !includes(separator.flags, 'g'))\n ) {\n regexSeparator = new RegExp(separator, 'g');\n }\n\n const matches: RegExpMatchArray | null = string.match(regexSeparator);\n\n let currentIndex = 0;\n\n if (!matches) return [string];\n\n for (let index = 0; index < (splitLimit ? splitLimit - 1 : matches.length); index++) {\n const matchIndex = indexOf(string, matches[index], currentIndex);\n const matchLength = stringLength(matches[index]);\n\n result.push(substring(string, currentIndex, matchIndex));\n currentIndex = matchIndex + matchLength;\n\n if (splitLimit !== undefined && result.length === splitLimit) {\n break;\n }\n }\n\n result.push(substring(string, currentIndex));\n\n return result;\n}\n\n/**\n * This function mirrors the `startsWith` function from the JavaScript Standard String object. It\n * handles Unicode code points instead of UTF-16 character codes.\n *\n * Determines whether the string begins with the characters of a specified string, returning true or\n * false as appropriate.\n *\n * @param string String to search through\n * @param searchString The characters to be searched for at the start of this string.\n * @param position The start position at which searchString is expected to be found (the index of\n * searchString's first character). Default is `0`\n * @returns True if the given characters are found at the beginning of the string, including when\n * searchString is an empty string; otherwise, false.\n */\nexport function startsWith(string: string, searchString: string, position: number = 0): boolean {\n const indexOfSearchString = indexOf(string, searchString, position);\n if (indexOfSearchString !== position) return false;\n return true;\n}\n\n/**\n * This function mirrors the `substr` function from the JavaScript Standard String object. It\n * handles Unicode code points instead of UTF-16 character codes.\n *\n * Returns a substring by providing start and length. This function is not exported because it is\n * considered deprecated, however it is still useful as a local helper function.\n *\n * @param string String to be divided\n * @param begin Start position. Default is `Start of string`\n * @param len Length of result. Default is `String length minus start parameter`. Default is `String\n * length minus start parameter`\n * @returns Substring from starting string\n */\nfunction substr(\n string: string,\n begin: number = 0,\n len: number = stringLength(string) - begin,\n): string {\n return stringzSubstr(string, begin, len);\n}\n\n/**\n * This function mirrors the `substring` function from the JavaScript Standard String object. It\n * handles Unicode code points instead of UTF-16 character codes.\n *\n * Returns a substring by providing start and end position.\n *\n * @param string String to be divided\n * @param begin Start position\n * @param end End position. Default is `End of string`\n * @returns Substring from starting string\n */\nexport function substring(\n string: string,\n begin: number,\n end: number = stringLength(string),\n): string {\n return stringzSubstring(string, begin, end);\n}\n\n/**\n * This function mirrors the `toArray` function from the JavaScript Standard String object. It\n * handles Unicode code points instead of UTF-16 character codes.\n *\n * Converts a string to an array of string characters.\n *\n * @param string String to convert to array\n * @returns An array of characters from the starting string\n */\nexport function toArray(string: string): string[] {\n return stringzToArray(string);\n}\n\n/** Determine whether the string is a `LocalizeKey` meant to be localized in Platform.Bible. */\nexport function isLocalizeKey(str: string): str is LocalizeKey {\n return startsWith(str, '%') && endsWith(str, '%');\n}\n\n/**\n * Escape RegExp special characters.\n *\n * You can also use this to escape a string that is inserted into the middle of a regex, for\n * example, into a character class.\n *\n * All credit to [`escape-string-regexp`](https://www.npmjs.com/package/escape-string-regexp) - this\n * function is simply copied directly from there to allow a common js export\n *\n * @example\n *\n * import escapeStringRegexp from 'platform-bible-utils';\n *\n * const escapedString = escapeStringRegexp('How much $ for a 🦄?');\n * //=> 'How much \\\\$ for a 🦄\\\\?'\n *\n * new RegExp(escapedString);\n */\nexport function escapeStringRegexp(string: string): string {\n if (typeof string !== 'string') {\n throw new TypeError('Expected a string');\n }\n\n // Escape characters with special meaning either inside or outside character sets.\n // Use a simple backslash escape when it’s always valid, and a `\\xnn` escape when the simpler form would be disallowed by Unicode patterns’ stricter grammar.\n return string.replace(/[|\\\\{}()[\\]^$+*?.]/g, '\\\\$&').replace(/-/g, '\\\\x2d');\n}\n\n/** This is an internal-only export for testing purposes and should not be used in development */\nexport const testingStringUtils = {\n indexOfClosestClosingCurlyBrace,\n};\n","import { Canon } from '@sillsdev/scripture';\nimport { BookInfo, ScriptureReference } from './scripture.model';\nimport { split, startsWith } from './string-util';\n\nconst scrBookData: BookInfo[] = [\n { shortName: 'ERR', fullNames: ['ERROR'], chapters: -1 },\n { shortName: 'GEN', fullNames: ['Genesis'], chapters: 50 },\n { shortName: 'EXO', fullNames: ['Exodus'], chapters: 40 },\n { shortName: 'LEV', fullNames: ['Leviticus'], chapters: 27 },\n { shortName: 'NUM', fullNames: ['Numbers'], chapters: 36 },\n { shortName: 'DEU', fullNames: ['Deuteronomy'], chapters: 34 },\n { shortName: 'JOS', fullNames: ['Joshua'], chapters: 24 },\n { shortName: 'JDG', fullNames: ['Judges'], chapters: 21 },\n { shortName: 'RUT', fullNames: ['Ruth'], chapters: 4 },\n { shortName: '1SA', fullNames: ['1 Samuel'], chapters: 31 },\n { shortName: '2SA', fullNames: ['2 Samuel'], chapters: 24 },\n { shortName: '1KI', fullNames: ['1 Kings'], chapters: 22 },\n { shortName: '2KI', fullNames: ['2 Kings'], chapters: 25 },\n { shortName: '1CH', fullNames: ['1 Chronicles'], chapters: 29 },\n { shortName: '2CH', fullNames: ['2 Chronicles'], chapters: 36 },\n { shortName: 'EZR', fullNames: ['Ezra'], chapters: 10 },\n { shortName: 'NEH', fullNames: ['Nehemiah'], chapters: 13 },\n { shortName: 'EST', fullNames: ['Esther'], chapters: 10 },\n { shortName: 'JOB', fullNames: ['Job'], chapters: 42 },\n { shortName: 'PSA', fullNames: ['Psalm', 'Psalms'], chapters: 150 },\n { shortName: 'PRO', fullNames: ['Proverbs'], chapters: 31 },\n { shortName: 'ECC', fullNames: ['Ecclesiastes'], chapters: 12 },\n { shortName: 'SNG', fullNames: ['Song of Solomon', 'Song of Songs'], chapters: 8 },\n { shortName: 'ISA', fullNames: ['Isaiah'], chapters: 66 },\n { shortName: 'JER', fullNames: ['Jeremiah'], chapters: 52 },\n { shortName: 'LAM', fullNames: ['Lamentations'], chapters: 5 },\n { shortName: 'EZK', fullNames: ['Ezekiel'], chapters: 48 },\n { shortName: 'DAN', fullNames: ['Daniel'], chapters: 12 },\n { shortName: 'HOS', fullNames: ['Hosea'], chapters: 14 },\n { shortName: 'JOL', fullNames: ['Joel'], chapters: 3 },\n { shortName: 'AMO', fullNames: ['Amos'], chapters: 9 },\n { shortName: 'OBA', fullNames: ['Obadiah'], chapters: 1 },\n { shortName: 'JON', fullNames: ['Jonah'], chapters: 4 },\n { shortName: 'MIC', fullNames: ['Micah'], chapters: 7 },\n { shortName: 'NAM', fullNames: ['Nahum'], chapters: 3 },\n { shortName: 'HAB', fullNames: ['Habakkuk'], chapters: 3 },\n { shortName: 'ZEP', fullNames: ['Zephaniah'], chapters: 3 },\n { shortName: 'HAG', fullNames: ['Haggai'], chapters: 2 },\n { shortName: 'ZEC', fullNames: ['Zechariah'], chapters: 14 },\n { shortName: 'MAL', fullNames: ['Malachi'], chapters: 4 },\n { shortName: 'MAT', fullNames: ['Matthew'], chapters: 28 },\n { shortName: 'MRK', fullNames: ['Mark'], chapters: 16 },\n { shortName: 'LUK', fullNames: ['Luke'], chapters: 24 },\n { shortName: 'JHN', fullNames: ['John'], chapters: 21 },\n { shortName: 'ACT', fullNames: ['Acts'], chapters: 28 },\n { shortName: 'ROM', fullNames: ['Romans'], chapters: 16 },\n { shortName: '1CO', fullNames: ['1 Corinthians'], chapters: 16 },\n { shortName: '2CO', fullNames: ['2 Corinthians'], chapters: 13 },\n { shortName: 'GAL', fullNames: ['Galatians'], chapters: 6 },\n { shortName: 'EPH', fullNames: ['Ephesians'], chapters: 6 },\n { shortName: 'PHP', fullNames: ['Philippians'], chapters: 4 },\n { shortName: 'COL', fullNames: ['Colossians'], chapters: 4 },\n { shortName: '1TH', fullNames: ['1 Thessalonians'], chapters: 5 },\n { shortName: '2TH', fullNames: ['2 Thessalonians'], chapters: 3 },\n { shortName: '1TI', fullNames: ['1 Timothy'], chapters: 6 },\n { shortName: '2TI', fullNames: ['2 Timothy'], chapters: 4 },\n { shortName: 'TIT', fullNames: ['Titus'], chapters: 3 },\n { shortName: 'PHM', fullNames: ['Philemon'], chapters: 1 },\n { shortName: 'HEB', fullNames: ['Hebrews'], chapters: 13 },\n { shortName: 'JAS', fullNames: ['James'], chapters: 5 },\n { shortName: '1PE', fullNames: ['1 Peter'], chapters: 5 },\n { shortName: '2PE', fullNames: ['2 Peter'], chapters: 3 },\n { shortName: '1JN', fullNames: ['1 John'], chapters: 5 },\n { shortName: '2JN', fullNames: ['2 John'], chapters: 1 },\n { shortName: '3JN', fullNames: ['3 John'], chapters: 1 },\n { shortName: 'JUD', fullNames: ['Jude'], chapters: 1 },\n { shortName: 'REV', fullNames: ['Revelation'], chapters: 22 },\n];\n\nexport const FIRST_SCR_BOOK_NUM = 1;\nexport const LAST_SCR_BOOK_NUM = scrBookData.length - 1;\nexport const FIRST_SCR_CHAPTER_NUM = 1;\nexport const FIRST_SCR_VERSE_NUM = 1;\n\nexport const getChaptersForBook = (bookNum: number): number => {\n return scrBookData[bookNum]?.chapters ?? -1;\n};\n\nexport const offsetBook = (scrRef: ScriptureReference, offset: number): ScriptureReference => ({\n bookNum: Math.max(FIRST_SCR_BOOK_NUM, Math.min(scrRef.bookNum + offset, LAST_SCR_BOOK_NUM)),\n chapterNum: 1,\n verseNum: 1,\n});\n\nexport const offsetChapter = (scrRef: ScriptureReference, offset: number): ScriptureReference => ({\n ...scrRef,\n chapterNum: Math.min(\n Math.max(FIRST_SCR_CHAPTER_NUM, scrRef.chapterNum + offset),\n getChaptersForBook(scrRef.bookNum),\n ),\n verseNum: 1,\n});\n\nexport const offsetVerse = (scrRef: ScriptureReference, offset: number): ScriptureReference => ({\n ...scrRef,\n verseNum: Math.max(FIRST_SCR_VERSE_NUM, scrRef.verseNum + offset),\n});\n\n/**\n * https://github.com/ubsicap/Paratext/blob/master/ParatextData/SILScriptureExtensions.cs#L72\n *\n * Convert book number to a localized Id (a short description of the book). This should be used\n * whenever a book ID (short code) is shown to the user. It is primarily needed for people who do\n * not read Roman script well and need to have books identified in a alternate script (e.g. Chinese\n * or Russian)\n *\n * @param bookNumber\n * @param localizationLanguage In BCP 47 format\n * @param getLocalizedString Function that provides the localized versions of the book ids and names\n * asynchronously.\n * @returns\n */\nexport async function getLocalizedIdFromBookNumber(\n bookNumber: number,\n localizationLanguage: string,\n getLocalizedString: (item: {\n localizeKey: string;\n languagesToSearch?: string[];\n }) => Promise,\n) {\n const id = Canon.bookNumberToId(bookNumber);\n\n if (!startsWith(Intl.getCanonicalLocales(localizationLanguage)[0], 'zh'))\n return getLocalizedString({\n localizeKey: `LocalizedId.${id}`,\n languagesToSearch: [localizationLanguage],\n });\n\n // For Chinese the normal book name is already fairly short.\n const bookName = await getLocalizedString({\n localizeKey: `Book.${id}`,\n languagesToSearch: [localizationLanguage],\n });\n const parts = split(bookName, '-');\n // some entries had a second name inside ideographic parenthesis\n const parts2 = split(parts[0], '\\xff08');\n const retVal = parts2[0].trim();\n return retVal;\n}\n","/** Function to run to dispose of something. Returns true if successfully unsubscribed */\nexport type Unsubscriber = () => boolean;\n\n/**\n * Returns an Unsubscriber function that combines all the unsubscribers passed in.\n *\n * @param unsubscribers All unsubscribers to aggregate into one unsubscriber\n * @returns Function that unsubscribes from all passed in unsubscribers when run\n */\nexport const aggregateUnsubscribers = (unsubscribers: Unsubscriber[]): Unsubscriber => {\n return (...args) => {\n // Run the unsubscriber for each handler\n const unsubs = unsubscribers.map((unsubscriber) => unsubscriber(...args));\n\n // If all the unsubscribers resolve to truthiness, we succeed\n return unsubs.every((success) => success);\n };\n};\n\n/**\n * Function to run to dispose of something that runs asynchronously. The promise resolves to true if\n * successfully unsubscribed\n */\nexport type UnsubscriberAsync = () => Promise;\n\n/**\n * Returns an UnsubscriberAsync function that combines all the unsubscribers passed in.\n *\n * @param unsubscribers - All unsubscribers to aggregate into one unsubscriber.\n * @returns Function that unsubscribes from all passed in unsubscribers when run\n */\nexport const aggregateUnsubscriberAsyncs = (\n unsubscribers: (UnsubscriberAsync | Unsubscriber)[],\n): UnsubscriberAsync => {\n return async (...args) => {\n // Run the unsubscriber for each handler\n const unsubPromises = unsubscribers.map(async (unsubscriber) => unsubscriber(...args));\n\n // If all the unsubscribers resolve to truthiness, we succeed\n return (await Promise.all(unsubPromises)).every((success) => success);\n };\n};\n","var getOwnPropertyNames = Object.getOwnPropertyNames, getOwnPropertySymbols = Object.getOwnPropertySymbols;\nvar hasOwnProperty = Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty;\n/**\n * Combine two comparators into a single comparators.\n */\nfunction combineComparators(comparatorA, comparatorB) {\n return function isEqual(a, b, state) {\n return comparatorA(a, b, state) && comparatorB(a, b, state);\n };\n}\n/**\n * Wrap the provided `areItemsEqual` method to manage the circular state, allowing\n * for circular references to be safely included in the comparison without creating\n * stack overflows.\n */\nfunction createIsCircular(areItemsEqual) {\n return function isCircular(a, b, state) {\n if (!a || !b || typeof a !== 'object' || typeof b !== 'object') {\n return areItemsEqual(a, b, state);\n }\n var cache = state.cache;\n var cachedA = cache.get(a);\n var cachedB = cache.get(b);\n if (cachedA && cachedB) {\n return cachedA === b && cachedB === a;\n }\n cache.set(a, b);\n cache.set(b, a);\n var result = areItemsEqual(a, b, state);\n cache.delete(a);\n cache.delete(b);\n return result;\n };\n}\n/**\n * Get the properties to strictly examine, which include both own properties that are\n * not enumerable and symbol properties.\n */\nfunction getStrictProperties(object) {\n return getOwnPropertyNames(object).concat(getOwnPropertySymbols(object));\n}\n/**\n * Whether the object contains the property passed as an own property.\n */\nvar hasOwn = Object.hasOwn ||\n (function (object, property) {\n return hasOwnProperty.call(object, property);\n });\n/**\n * Whether the values passed are strictly equal or both NaN.\n */\nfunction sameValueZeroEqual(a, b) {\n return a || b ? a === b : a === b || (a !== a && b !== b);\n}\n\nvar OWNER = '_owner';\nvar getOwnPropertyDescriptor = Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor, keys = Object.keys;\n/**\n * Whether the arrays are equal in value.\n */\nfunction areArraysEqual(a, b, state) {\n var index = a.length;\n if (b.length !== index) {\n return false;\n }\n while (index-- > 0) {\n if (!state.equals(a[index], b[index], index, index, a, b, state)) {\n return false;\n }\n }\n return true;\n}\n/**\n * Whether the dates passed are equal in value.\n */\nfunction areDatesEqual(a, b) {\n return sameValueZeroEqual(a.getTime(), b.getTime());\n}\n/**\n * Whether the `Map`s are equal in value.\n */\nfunction areMapsEqual(a, b, state) {\n if (a.size !== b.size) {\n return false;\n }\n var matchedIndices = {};\n var aIterable = a.entries();\n var index = 0;\n var aResult;\n var bResult;\n while ((aResult = aIterable.next())) {\n if (aResult.done) {\n break;\n }\n var bIterable = b.entries();\n var hasMatch = false;\n var matchIndex = 0;\n while ((bResult = bIterable.next())) {\n if (bResult.done) {\n break;\n }\n var _a = aResult.value, aKey = _a[0], aValue = _a[1];\n var _b = bResult.value, bKey = _b[0], bValue = _b[1];\n if (!hasMatch &&\n !matchedIndices[matchIndex] &&\n (hasMatch =\n state.equals(aKey, bKey, index, matchIndex, a, b, state) &&\n state.equals(aValue, bValue, aKey, bKey, a, b, state))) {\n matchedIndices[matchIndex] = true;\n }\n matchIndex++;\n }\n if (!hasMatch) {\n return false;\n }\n index++;\n }\n return true;\n}\n/**\n * Whether the objects are equal in value.\n */\nfunction areObjectsEqual(a, b, state) {\n var properties = keys(a);\n var index = properties.length;\n if (keys(b).length !== index) {\n return false;\n }\n var property;\n // Decrementing `while` showed faster results than either incrementing or\n // decrementing `for` loop and than an incrementing `while` loop. Declarative\n // methods like `some` / `every` were not used to avoid incurring the garbage\n // cost of anonymous callbacks.\n while (index-- > 0) {\n property = properties[index];\n if (property === OWNER &&\n (a.$$typeof || b.$$typeof) &&\n a.$$typeof !== b.$$typeof) {\n return false;\n }\n if (!hasOwn(b, property) ||\n !state.equals(a[property], b[property], property, property, a, b, state)) {\n return false;\n }\n }\n return true;\n}\n/**\n * Whether the objects are equal in value with strict property checking.\n */\nfunction areObjectsEqualStrict(a, b, state) {\n var properties = getStrictProperties(a);\n var index = properties.length;\n if (getStrictProperties(b).length !== index) {\n return false;\n }\n var property;\n var descriptorA;\n var descriptorB;\n // Decrementing `while` showed faster results than either incrementing or\n // decrementing `for` loop and than an incrementing `while` loop. Declarative\n // methods like `some` / `every` were not used to avoid incurring the garbage\n // cost of anonymous callbacks.\n while (index-- > 0) {\n property = properties[index];\n if (property === OWNER &&\n (a.$$typeof || b.$$typeof) &&\n a.$$typeof !== b.$$typeof) {\n return false;\n }\n if (!hasOwn(b, property)) {\n return false;\n }\n if (!state.equals(a[property], b[property], property, property, a, b, state)) {\n return false;\n }\n descriptorA = getOwnPropertyDescriptor(a, property);\n descriptorB = getOwnPropertyDescriptor(b, property);\n if ((descriptorA || descriptorB) &&\n (!descriptorA ||\n !descriptorB ||\n descriptorA.configurable !== descriptorB.configurable ||\n descriptorA.enumerable !== descriptorB.enumerable ||\n descriptorA.writable !== descriptorB.writable)) {\n return false;\n }\n }\n return true;\n}\n/**\n * Whether the primitive wrappers passed are equal in value.\n */\nfunction arePrimitiveWrappersEqual(a, b) {\n return sameValueZeroEqual(a.valueOf(), b.valueOf());\n}\n/**\n * Whether the regexps passed are equal in value.\n */\nfunction areRegExpsEqual(a, b) {\n return a.source === b.source && a.flags === b.flags;\n}\n/**\n * Whether the `Set`s are equal in value.\n */\nfunction areSetsEqual(a, b, state) {\n if (a.size !== b.size) {\n return false;\n }\n var matchedIndices = {};\n var aIterable = a.values();\n var aResult;\n var bResult;\n while ((aResult = aIterable.next())) {\n if (aResult.done) {\n break;\n }\n var bIterable = b.values();\n var hasMatch = false;\n var matchIndex = 0;\n while ((bResult = bIterable.next())) {\n if (bResult.done) {\n break;\n }\n if (!hasMatch &&\n !matchedIndices[matchIndex] &&\n (hasMatch = state.equals(aResult.value, bResult.value, aResult.value, bResult.value, a, b, state))) {\n matchedIndices[matchIndex] = true;\n }\n matchIndex++;\n }\n if (!hasMatch) {\n return false;\n }\n }\n return true;\n}\n/**\n * Whether the TypedArray instances are equal in value.\n */\nfunction areTypedArraysEqual(a, b) {\n var index = a.length;\n if (b.length !== index) {\n return false;\n }\n while (index-- > 0) {\n if (a[index] !== b[index]) {\n return false;\n }\n }\n return true;\n}\n\nvar ARGUMENTS_TAG = '[object Arguments]';\nvar BOOLEAN_TAG = '[object Boolean]';\nvar DATE_TAG = '[object Date]';\nvar MAP_TAG = '[object Map]';\nvar NUMBER_TAG = '[object Number]';\nvar OBJECT_TAG = '[object Object]';\nvar REG_EXP_TAG = '[object RegExp]';\nvar SET_TAG = '[object Set]';\nvar STRING_TAG = '[object String]';\nvar isArray = Array.isArray;\nvar isTypedArray = typeof ArrayBuffer === 'function' && ArrayBuffer.isView\n ? ArrayBuffer.isView\n : null;\nvar assign = Object.assign;\nvar getTag = Object.prototype.toString.call.bind(Object.prototype.toString);\n/**\n * Create a comparator method based on the type-specific equality comparators passed.\n */\nfunction createEqualityComparator(_a) {\n var areArraysEqual = _a.areArraysEqual, areDatesEqual = _a.areDatesEqual, areMapsEqual = _a.areMapsEqual, areObjectsEqual = _a.areObjectsEqual, arePrimitiveWrappersEqual = _a.arePrimitiveWrappersEqual, areRegExpsEqual = _a.areRegExpsEqual, areSetsEqual = _a.areSetsEqual, areTypedArraysEqual = _a.areTypedArraysEqual;\n /**\n * compare the value of the two objects and return true if they are equivalent in values\n */\n return function comparator(a, b, state) {\n // If the items are strictly equal, no need to do a value comparison.\n if (a === b) {\n return true;\n }\n // If the items are not non-nullish objects, then the only possibility\n // of them being equal but not strictly is if they are both `NaN`. Since\n // `NaN` is uniquely not equal to itself, we can use self-comparison of\n // both objects, which is faster than `isNaN()`.\n if (a == null ||\n b == null ||\n typeof a !== 'object' ||\n typeof b !== 'object') {\n return a !== a && b !== b;\n }\n var constructor = a.constructor;\n // Checks are listed in order of commonality of use-case:\n // 1. Common complex object types (plain object, array)\n // 2. Common data values (date, regexp)\n // 3. Less-common complex object types (map, set)\n // 4. Less-common data values (promise, primitive wrappers)\n // Inherently this is both subjective and assumptive, however\n // when reviewing comparable libraries in the wild this order\n // appears to be generally consistent.\n // Constructors should match, otherwise there is potential for false positives\n // between class and subclass or custom object and POJO.\n if (constructor !== b.constructor) {\n return false;\n }\n // `isPlainObject` only checks against the object's own realm. Cross-realm\n // comparisons are rare, and will be handled in the ultimate fallback, so\n // we can avoid capturing the string tag.\n if (constructor === Object) {\n return areObjectsEqual(a, b, state);\n }\n // `isArray()` works on subclasses and is cross-realm, so we can avoid capturing\n // the string tag or doing an `instanceof` check.\n if (isArray(a)) {\n return areArraysEqual(a, b, state);\n }\n // `isTypedArray()` works on all possible TypedArray classes, so we can avoid\n // capturing the string tag or comparing against all possible constructors.\n if (isTypedArray != null && isTypedArray(a)) {\n return areTypedArraysEqual(a, b, state);\n }\n // Try to fast-path equality checks for other complex object types in the\n // same realm to avoid capturing the string tag. Strict equality is used\n // instead of `instanceof` because it is more performant for the common\n // use-case. If someone is subclassing a native class, it will be handled\n // with the string tag comparison.\n if (constructor === Date) {\n return areDatesEqual(a, b, state);\n }\n if (constructor === RegExp) {\n return areRegExpsEqual(a, b, state);\n }\n if (constructor === Map) {\n return areMapsEqual(a, b, state);\n }\n if (constructor === Set) {\n return areSetsEqual(a, b, state);\n }\n // Since this is a custom object, capture the string tag to determing its type.\n // This is reasonably performant in modern environments like v8 and SpiderMonkey.\n var tag = getTag(a);\n if (tag === DATE_TAG) {\n return areDatesEqual(a, b, state);\n }\n if (tag === REG_EXP_TAG) {\n return areRegExpsEqual(a, b, state);\n }\n if (tag === MAP_TAG) {\n return areMapsEqual(a, b, state);\n }\n if (tag === SET_TAG) {\n return areSetsEqual(a, b, state);\n }\n if (tag === OBJECT_TAG) {\n // The exception for value comparison is custom `Promise`-like class instances. These should\n // be treated the same as standard `Promise` objects, which means strict equality, and if\n // it reaches this point then that strict equality comparison has already failed.\n return (typeof a.then !== 'function' &&\n typeof b.then !== 'function' &&\n areObjectsEqual(a, b, state));\n }\n // If an arguments tag, it should be treated as a standard object.\n if (tag === ARGUMENTS_TAG) {\n return areObjectsEqual(a, b, state);\n }\n // As the penultimate fallback, check if the values passed are primitive wrappers. This\n // is very rare in modern JS, which is why it is deprioritized compared to all other object\n // types.\n if (tag === BOOLEAN_TAG || tag === NUMBER_TAG || tag === STRING_TAG) {\n return arePrimitiveWrappersEqual(a, b, state);\n }\n // If not matching any tags that require a specific type of comparison, then we hard-code false because\n // the only thing remaining is strict equality, which has already been compared. This is for a few reasons:\n // - Certain types that cannot be introspected (e.g., `WeakMap`). For these types, this is the only\n // comparison that can be made.\n // - For types that can be introspected, but rarely have requirements to be compared\n // (`ArrayBuffer`, `DataView`, etc.), the cost is avoided to prioritize the common\n // use-cases (may be included in a future release, if requested enough).\n // - For types that can be introspected but do not have an objective definition of what\n // equality is (`Error`, etc.), the subjective decision is to be conservative and strictly compare.\n // In all cases, these decisions should be reevaluated based on changes to the language and\n // common development practices.\n return false;\n };\n}\n/**\n * Create the configuration object used for building comparators.\n */\nfunction createEqualityComparatorConfig(_a) {\n var circular = _a.circular, createCustomConfig = _a.createCustomConfig, strict = _a.strict;\n var config = {\n areArraysEqual: strict\n ? areObjectsEqualStrict\n : areArraysEqual,\n areDatesEqual: areDatesEqual,\n areMapsEqual: strict\n ? combineComparators(areMapsEqual, areObjectsEqualStrict)\n : areMapsEqual,\n areObjectsEqual: strict\n ? areObjectsEqualStrict\n : areObjectsEqual,\n arePrimitiveWrappersEqual: arePrimitiveWrappersEqual,\n areRegExpsEqual: areRegExpsEqual,\n areSetsEqual: strict\n ? combineComparators(areSetsEqual, areObjectsEqualStrict)\n : areSetsEqual,\n areTypedArraysEqual: strict\n ? areObjectsEqualStrict\n : areTypedArraysEqual,\n };\n if (createCustomConfig) {\n config = assign({}, config, createCustomConfig(config));\n }\n if (circular) {\n var areArraysEqual$1 = createIsCircular(config.areArraysEqual);\n var areMapsEqual$1 = createIsCircular(config.areMapsEqual);\n var areObjectsEqual$1 = createIsCircular(config.areObjectsEqual);\n var areSetsEqual$1 = createIsCircular(config.areSetsEqual);\n config = assign({}, config, {\n areArraysEqual: areArraysEqual$1,\n areMapsEqual: areMapsEqual$1,\n areObjectsEqual: areObjectsEqual$1,\n areSetsEqual: areSetsEqual$1,\n });\n }\n return config;\n}\n/**\n * Default equality comparator pass-through, used as the standard `isEqual` creator for\n * use inside the built comparator.\n */\nfunction createInternalEqualityComparator(compare) {\n return function (a, b, _indexOrKeyA, _indexOrKeyB, _parentA, _parentB, state) {\n return compare(a, b, state);\n };\n}\n/**\n * Create the `isEqual` function used by the consuming application.\n */\nfunction createIsEqual(_a) {\n var circular = _a.circular, comparator = _a.comparator, createState = _a.createState, equals = _a.equals, strict = _a.strict;\n if (createState) {\n return function isEqual(a, b) {\n var _a = createState(), _b = _a.cache, cache = _b === void 0 ? circular ? new WeakMap() : undefined : _b, meta = _a.meta;\n return comparator(a, b, {\n cache: cache,\n equals: equals,\n meta: meta,\n strict: strict,\n });\n };\n }\n if (circular) {\n return function isEqual(a, b) {\n return comparator(a, b, {\n cache: new WeakMap(),\n equals: equals,\n meta: undefined,\n strict: strict,\n });\n };\n }\n var state = {\n cache: undefined,\n equals: equals,\n meta: undefined,\n strict: strict,\n };\n return function isEqual(a, b) {\n return comparator(a, b, state);\n };\n}\n\n/**\n * Whether the items passed are deeply-equal in value.\n */\nvar deepEqual = createCustomEqual();\n/**\n * Whether the items passed are deeply-equal in value based on strict comparison.\n */\nvar strictDeepEqual = createCustomEqual({ strict: true });\n/**\n * Whether the items passed are deeply-equal in value, including circular references.\n */\nvar circularDeepEqual = createCustomEqual({ circular: true });\n/**\n * Whether the items passed are deeply-equal in value, including circular references,\n * based on strict comparison.\n */\nvar strictCircularDeepEqual = createCustomEqual({\n circular: true,\n strict: true,\n});\n/**\n * Whether the items passed are shallowly-equal in value.\n */\nvar shallowEqual = createCustomEqual({\n createInternalComparator: function () { return sameValueZeroEqual; },\n});\n/**\n * Whether the items passed are shallowly-equal in value based on strict comparison\n */\nvar strictShallowEqual = createCustomEqual({\n strict: true,\n createInternalComparator: function () { return sameValueZeroEqual; },\n});\n/**\n * Whether the items passed are shallowly-equal in value, including circular references.\n */\nvar circularShallowEqual = createCustomEqual({\n circular: true,\n createInternalComparator: function () { return sameValueZeroEqual; },\n});\n/**\n * Whether the items passed are shallowly-equal in value, including circular references,\n * based on strict comparison.\n */\nvar strictCircularShallowEqual = createCustomEqual({\n circular: true,\n createInternalComparator: function () { return sameValueZeroEqual; },\n strict: true,\n});\n/**\n * Create a custom equality comparison method.\n *\n * This can be done to create very targeted comparisons in extreme hot-path scenarios\n * where the standard methods are not performant enough, but can also be used to provide\n * support for legacy environments that do not support expected features like\n * `RegExp.prototype.flags` out of the box.\n */\nfunction createCustomEqual(options) {\n if (options === void 0) { options = {}; }\n var _a = options.circular, circular = _a === void 0 ? false : _a, createCustomInternalComparator = options.createInternalComparator, createState = options.createState, _b = options.strict, strict = _b === void 0 ? false : _b;\n var config = createEqualityComparatorConfig(options);\n var comparator = createEqualityComparator(config);\n var equals = createCustomInternalComparator\n ? createCustomInternalComparator(comparator)\n : createInternalEqualityComparator(comparator);\n return createIsEqual({ circular: circular, comparator: comparator, createState: createState, equals: equals, strict: strict });\n}\n\nexport { circularDeepEqual, circularShallowEqual, createCustomEqual, deepEqual, sameValueZeroEqual, shallowEqual, strictCircularDeepEqual, strictCircularShallowEqual, strictDeepEqual, strictShallowEqual };\n//# sourceMappingURL=index.mjs.map\n","// There is a circular version https://www.npmjs.com/package/fast-equals#circulardeepequal that I\n// think allows comparing React refs (which have circular references in particular places that this\n// library would ignore). Maybe we can change to that version sometime if needed.\nimport { deepEqual as isEqualDeep } from 'fast-equals';\n\n/**\n * Check that two objects are deeply equal, comparing members of each object and such\n *\n * @param a The first object to compare\n * @param b The second object to compare\n *\n * WARNING: Objects like arrays from different iframes have different constructor function\n * references even if they do the same thing, so this deep equality comparison fails objects that\n * look the same but have different constructors because different constructors could produce\n * false positives in [a few specific\n * situations](https://github.com/planttheidea/fast-equals/blob/a41afc0a240ad5a472e47b53791e9be017f52281/src/comparator.ts#L96).\n * This means that two objects like arrays from different iframes that look the same will fail\n * this check. Please use some other means to check deep equality in those situations.\n *\n * Note: This deep equality check considers `undefined` values on keys of objects NOT to be equal to\n * not specifying the key at all. For example, `{ stuff: 3, things: undefined }` and `{ stuff: 3\n * }` are not considered equal in this case\n *\n * - For more information and examples, see [this\n * CodeSandbox](https://codesandbox.io/s/deepequallibrarycomparison-4g4kk4?file=/src/index.mjs).\n *\n * @returns True if a and b are deeply equal; false otherwise\n */\nexport default function deepEqual(a: unknown, b: unknown) {\n return isEqualDeep(a, b);\n}\n","import deepEqual from './equality-checking';\n\n/**\n * Check if one object is a subset of the other object. \"Subset\" means that all properties of one\n * object are present in the other object, and if they are present that all values of those\n * properties are deeply equal. Sub-objects are also checked to be subsets of the corresponding\n * sub-object in the other object.\n *\n * @example ObjB is a subset of objA given these objects:\n *\n * ```ts\n * objA = { name: 'Alice', age: 30, address: { city: 'Seattle', state: 'Washington' } };\n * objB = { name: 'Alice', address: { city: 'Seattle' } };\n * ```\n *\n * It is important to note that only arrays of primitives (i.e., booleans, numbers, strings) are\n * supported. In particular, objects in arrays will not be checked for deep equality. Also, presence\n * in an array is all this checks, not the number of times that an item appears in an array. `[1,\n * 1]` is a subset of `[1]`.\n *\n * @param objectWithAllProperties Object to be checked if it is a superset of\n * `objectWithPartialProperties`\n * @param objectWithPartialProperties Object to be checked if it is a subset of\n * `objectWithAllProperties`\n * @returns True if `objectWithAllProperties` contains all the properties of\n * `objectWithPartialProperties` and all values of those properties are deeply equal\n */\nexport default function isSubset(\n objectWithAllProperties: unknown,\n objectWithPartialProperties: unknown,\n): boolean {\n if (typeof objectWithAllProperties !== typeof objectWithPartialProperties) return false;\n\n // For this function we're saying that all falsy things of the same type are equal to each other\n if (!objectWithAllProperties && !objectWithPartialProperties) return true;\n\n if (Array.isArray(objectWithAllProperties)) {\n // We know these are arrays from the line above\n /* eslint-disable no-type-assertion/no-type-assertion */\n const partialArray = objectWithPartialProperties as Array;\n const allArray = objectWithAllProperties as Array;\n /* eslint-enable no-type-assertion/no-type-assertion */\n\n if (partialArray.length === 0) return true;\n\n // This only works with arrays of primitives.\n // If someone cares about checking arrays of objects this needs updating.\n return partialArray.every((item) => allArray.includes(item));\n }\n\n if (typeof objectWithAllProperties !== 'object')\n return deepEqual(objectWithAllProperties, objectWithPartialProperties);\n\n // We know these are objects that potentially have properties because of the earlier checks\n /* eslint-disable no-type-assertion/no-type-assertion */\n const partialObj = objectWithPartialProperties as Record;\n const allObj = objectWithAllProperties as Record;\n /* eslint-enable no-type-assertion/no-type-assertion */\n\n let retVal = true;\n Object.keys(partialObj).forEach((key) => {\n if (!retVal) return;\n if (!Object.hasOwn(allObj, key)) retVal = false;\n else if (!isSubset(allObj[key], partialObj[key])) retVal = false;\n });\n return retVal;\n}\n","/**\n * Converts a JavaScript value to a JSON string, changing `undefined` properties in the JavaScript\n * object to `null` properties in the JSON string.\n *\n * WARNING: `null` values will become `undefined` values after passing through {@link serialize} then\n * {@link deserialize}. For example, `{ a: 1, b: undefined, c: null }` will become `{ a: 1, b:\n * undefined, c: undefined }`. If you are passing around user data that needs to retain `null`\n * values, you should wrap them yourself in a string before using this function. Alternatively, you\n * can write your own replacer that will preserve `null` in a way that you can recover later.\n *\n * @param value A JavaScript value, usually an object or array, to be converted.\n * @param replacer A function that transforms the results. Note that all `undefined` values returned\n * by the replacer will be further transformed into `null` in the JSON string.\n * @param space Adds indentation, white space, and line break characters to the return-value JSON\n * text to make it easier to read. See the `space` parameter of `JSON.stringify` for more\n * details.\n */\nexport function serialize(\n value: unknown,\n replacer?: (this: unknown, key: string, value: unknown) => unknown,\n space?: string | number,\n): string {\n const undefinedReplacer = (replacerKey: string, replacerValue: unknown) => {\n let newValue = replacerValue;\n if (replacer) newValue = replacer(replacerKey, newValue);\n // All `undefined` values become `null` on the way from JS objects into JSON strings\n // eslint-disable-next-line no-null/no-null\n if (newValue === undefined) newValue = null;\n return newValue;\n };\n return JSON.stringify(value, undefinedReplacer, space);\n}\n\n/**\n * Converts a JSON string into a value, converting all `null` properties from JSON into `undefined`\n * in the returned JavaScript value/object.\n *\n * WARNING: `null` values will become `undefined` values after passing through {@link serialize} then\n * {@link deserialize}. For example, `{ a: 1, b: undefined, c: null }` will become `{ a: 1, b:\n * undefined, c: undefined }`. If you are passing around user data that needs to retain `null`\n * values, you should wrap them yourself in a string before using this function. Alternatively, you\n * can write your own replacer that will preserve `null` in a way that you can recover later.\n *\n * @param value A valid JSON string.\n * @param reviver A function that transforms the results. This function is called for each member of\n * the object. If a member contains nested objects, the nested objects are transformed before the\n * parent object is. Note that `null` values are converted into `undefined` values after the\n * reviver has run.\n */\nexport function deserialize(\n value: string,\n reviver?: (this: unknown, key: string, value: unknown) => unknown,\n // Need to use `any` instead of `unknown` here to match the signature of JSON.parse\n // eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/no-explicit-any\n): any {\n // Helper function to replace `null` with `undefined` on a per property basis. This can't be done\n // with our own reviver because `JSON.parse` removes `undefined` properties from the return value.\n function replaceNull(obj: Record): Record {\n Object.keys(obj).forEach((key: string | number) => {\n // We only want to replace `null`, not other falsy values\n // eslint-disable-next-line no-null/no-null\n if (obj[key] === null) obj[key] = undefined;\n // If the property is an object, recursively call the helper function on it\n else if (typeof obj[key] === 'object')\n // Since the object came from a string, we know the keys will not be symbols\n // eslint-disable-next-line no-type-assertion/no-type-assertion\n obj[key] = replaceNull(obj[key] as Record);\n });\n return obj;\n }\n\n const parsedObject = JSON.parse(value, reviver);\n // Explicitly convert the value 'null' that isn't stored as a property on an object to 'undefined'\n // eslint-disable-next-line no-null/no-null\n if (parsedObject === null) return undefined;\n if (typeof parsedObject === 'object') return replaceNull(parsedObject);\n return parsedObject;\n}\n\n/**\n * Check to see if the value is serializable without losing information\n *\n * @param value Value to test\n * @returns True if serializable; false otherwise\n *\n * Note: the values `undefined` and `null` are serializable (on their own or in an array), but\n * `null` values get transformed into `undefined` when serializing/deserializing.\n *\n * WARNING: This is inefficient right now as it stringifies, parses, stringifies, and === the value.\n * Please only use this if you need to\n *\n * DISCLAIMER: this does not successfully detect that values are not serializable in some cases:\n *\n * - Losses of removed properties like functions and `Map`s\n * - Class instances (not deserializable into class instances without special code)\n *\n * We intend to improve this in the future if it becomes important to do so. See [`JSON.stringify`\n * documentation](https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/JavaScript/Reference/Global_Objects/JSON/stringify#description)\n * for more information.\n */\nexport function isSerializable(value: unknown): boolean {\n try {\n const serializedValue = serialize(value);\n return serializedValue === serialize(deserialize(serializedValue));\n } catch (e) {\n return false;\n }\n}\n\n/**\n * HTML Encodes the provided string. Thanks to ChatGPT\n *\n * @param str String to HTML encode\n * @returns HTML-encoded string\n */\nexport const htmlEncode = (str: string): string =>\n str\n .replace(/&/g, '&')\n .replace(//g, '>')\n .replace(/\"/g, '"')\n .replace(/'/g, ''')\n .replace(/\\//g, '/');\n","import DateTimeFormat from './intl-date-time-format';\n\n/**\n * Retrieves the current locale of the user's environment.\n *\n * @returns A string representing the current locale. If the locale cannot be determined, the\n * function returns an empty string.\n */\nexport default function getCurrentLocale(): string {\n // Use navigator when available\n if (typeof navigator !== 'undefined' && navigator.languages) {\n return navigator.languages[0];\n }\n // For Node.js\n return new DateTimeFormat().resolvedOptions().locale;\n}\n","//----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n// NOTE: If you change any of the types, make sure the JSON schema at the end of this file gets\n// changed so they align.\n//----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n\nimport { LocalizeKey, ReferencedItem } from 'menus.model';\n\n/** The data an extension provides to inform Platform.Bible of the settings it provides */\nexport type SettingsContribution = SettingsGroup | SettingsGroup[];\n/** A description of an extension's setting entry */\nexport type Setting = ExtensionControlledSetting;\n/** Setting definition that is validated by the extension. */\nexport type ExtensionControlledSetting = SettingBase & ModifierExtensionControlled;\n/** Base information needed to describe a setting entry */\nexport type SettingBase = StateBase & {\n [k: string]: unknown;\n /** LocalizeKey that displays in the settings dialog as the setting name */\n label: LocalizeKey;\n /** LocalizeKey that displays in the settings dialog to describe the setting */\n description?: LocalizeKey;\n};\n/** The data an extension provides to inform Platform.Bible of the project settings it provides */\nexport type ProjectSettingsContribution = ProjectSettingsGroup | ProjectSettingsGroup[];\n/** A description of an extension's setting entry */\nexport type ProjectSetting = ExtensionControlledProjectSetting;\n/** Setting definition that is validated by the extension. */\nexport type ExtensionControlledProjectSetting = ProjectSettingBase & ModifierExtensionControlled;\n/** Base information needed to describe a project setting entry */\nexport type ProjectSettingBase = SettingBase & ModifierProject;\n/** A description of an extension's user state entry */\nexport type UserState = ExtensionControlledState;\n/** State definition that is validated by the extension. */\nexport type ExtensionControlledState = StateBase & ModifierExtensionControlled;\n/** Group of related settings definitions */\nexport interface SettingsGroup {\n [k: string]: unknown;\n /** LocalizeKey that displays in the settings dialog as the group name */\n label: LocalizeKey;\n /** LocalizeKey that displays in the settings dialog to describe the group */\n description?: LocalizeKey;\n properties: SettingProperties;\n}\n/** Object whose keys are setting IDs and whose values are settings objects */\nexport interface SettingProperties {\n [k: ReferencedItem]: Setting;\n}\n/** Base information needed to describe a state entry */\nexport interface StateBase {\n [k: string]: unknown;\n /** Default value for the state/setting */\n default: unknown;\n /**\n * A state/setting ID whose value to set to this state/setting's starting value the first time\n * this state/setting is loaded\n */\n derivesFrom?: ReferencedItem;\n}\n/**\n * Modifies state/setting type to be extension-controlled. \"Extension-controlled\" means the\n * extension provides the component and the validator for the state/setting, so the state/setting is\n * controlled by the extension.\n */\nexport interface ModifierExtensionControlled {\n [k: string]: unknown;\n platformType?: undefined;\n type?: undefined;\n}\n/** Group of related settings definitions */\nexport interface ProjectSettingsGroup {\n [k: string]: unknown;\n /** LocalizeKey that displays in the project settings dialog as the group name */\n label: LocalizeKey;\n /** LocalizeKey that displays in the project settings dialog to describe the group */\n description?: LocalizeKey;\n properties: ProjectSettingProperties;\n}\n/** Object whose keys are setting IDs and whose values are settings objects */\nexport interface ProjectSettingProperties {\n [k: ReferencedItem]: ProjectSetting;\n}\n\n// Note: we removed the index signature on ModifierProject to avoid having it on\n// `ProjectMetadataFilterOptions`. Unfortunately adding \"additionalProperties\": false on the json\n// schema messes up validation. Please remove the index signature again in the future if you\n// regenerate types\nexport interface ModifierProject {\n /**\n * String representation of `RegExp` pattern(s) to match against projects' `projectInterface`s\n * (using the\n * [`test`](https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/JavaScript/Reference/Global_Objects/RegExp/test)\n * function) to determine if they should be included.\n *\n * If this is one string, it will be matched against `projectInterface`s. If this is an array,\n * each entry is handled based on its type (at least one entry must match for this filter\n * condition to pass):\n *\n * - If the entry is a string, it will be matched against each `projectInterface`. If any match, the\n * project will pass this filter condition\n * - If the entry is an array of strings, each will be matched against each `projectInterface`. If\n * every string matches against at least one `projectInterface`, the project will pass this\n * filter condition\n *\n * In other words, each entry in the first-level array is `OR`'ed together. Each entry in\n * second-level arrays (arrays within the first-level array) are `AND`'ed together.\n *\n * Defaults to all {@link ProjectInterfaces}, so all projects that do not match\n * `excludeProjectInterfaces` will be included\n *\n * @example\n *\n * ```typescript\n * includeProjectInterfaces: ['one', ['two', 'three']];\n * ```\n *\n * This filter condition will succeed on projects whose `projectInterface`s fulfill at least one\n * of the following conditions (At least one entry in the array must match):\n *\n * - Include `one`\n * - Include both `two` and `three`.\n */\n includeProjectInterfaces?: undefined | string | (string | string[])[];\n /**\n * String representation of `RegExp` pattern(s) to match against projects' `projectInterface`s\n * (using the\n * [`test`](https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/JavaScript/Reference/Global_Objects/RegExp/test)\n * function) to determine if they should absolutely not be included even if they match with\n * `includeProjectInterfaces`.\n *\n * If this is one string, it will be matched against `projectInterface`s. If this is an array,\n * each entry is handled based on its type (at least one entry must match for this filter\n * condition to exclude the project):\n *\n * - If the entry is a string, it will be matched against each `projectInterface`. If any match, the\n * project will pass this filter condition and exclude the project\n * - If the entry is an array of strings, each will be matched against each `projectInterface`. If\n * every string matches against at least one `projectInterface`, the project will pass this\n * filter condition and exclude the project\n *\n * In other words, each entry in the first-level array is `OR`'ed together. Each entry in\n * second-level arrays (arrays within the first-level array) are `AND`'ed together.\n *\n * Defaults to no {@link ProjectInterfaces}, so all projects that match `includeProjectInterfaces`\n * will be included\n *\n * @example\n *\n * ```typescript\n * excludeProjectInterfaces: ['one', ['two', 'three']];\n * ```\n *\n * This filter condition will succeed and exclude projects whose `projectInterface`s fulfill at\n * least one of the following conditions (At least one entry in the array must match):\n *\n * - Include `one`\n * - Include both `two` and `three`.\n */\n excludeProjectInterfaces?: undefined | string | (string | string[])[];\n /**\n * String representation of `RegExp` pattern(s) to match against the Project Data Provider Factory\n * Ids that provided each project's metadata (using the\n * [`test`](https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/JavaScript/Reference/Global_Objects/RegExp/test)\n * function) to determine if the projects should be included.\n *\n * Defaults to all Project Data Provider Factory Ids, so all projects that do not match\n * `excludePdpFactoryIds` will be included\n */\n includePdpFactoryIds?: undefined | string | string[];\n /**\n * String representation of `RegExp` pattern(s) to match against the Project Data Provider Factory\n * Ids that provided each project's metadata (using the\n * [`test`](https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/JavaScript/Reference/Global_Objects/RegExp/test)\n * function) to determine if the projects should absolutely not be included even if they match\n * with `includeProjectInterfaces`.\n *\n * Defaults to none, so all projects that match `includePdpFactoryIds` will be included\n */\n excludePdpFactoryIds?: undefined | string | string[];\n}\n\n/** The data an extension provides to inform Platform.Bible of the user state it provides */\nexport interface UserStateContribution {\n [k: ReferencedItem]: UserState;\n}\n/** The data an extension provides to inform Platform.Bible of the project state it provides */\nexport interface ProjectStateContribution {\n [k: ReferencedItem]: UserState;\n}\n\n//----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n// NOTE: If you change the schema below, make sure the TS types above get changed so they align.\n//----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------\nconst settingsDefs = {\n projectSettingsContribution: {\n description:\n 'The data an extension provides to inform Platform.Bible of the project settings it provides',\n anyOf: [\n {\n $ref: '#/$defs/projectSettingsGroup',\n },\n {\n type: 'array',\n items: {\n $ref: '#/$defs/projectSettingsGroup',\n },\n },\n ],\n },\n projectSettingsGroup: {\n description: 'Group of related settings definitions',\n type: 'object',\n properties: {\n label: {\n description: 'localizeKey that displays in the project settings dialog as the group name',\n $ref: '#/$defs/localizeKey',\n },\n description: {\n description:\n 'localizeKey that displays in the project settings dialog to describe the group',\n $ref: '#/$defs/localizeKey',\n },\n properties: {\n $ref: '#/$defs/projectSettingProperties',\n },\n },\n required: ['label', 'properties'],\n },\n projectSettingProperties: {\n description: 'Object whose keys are setting IDs and whose values are settings objects',\n type: 'object',\n patternProperties: {\n '^[\\\\w\\\\-]+\\\\.[\\\\w\\\\-]+$': {\n $ref: '#/$defs/projectSetting',\n },\n },\n additionalProperties: false,\n },\n projectSetting: {\n description: \"A description of an extension's setting entry\",\n anyOf: [\n {\n $ref: '#/$defs/extensionControlledProjectSetting',\n },\n ],\n },\n extensionControlledProjectSetting: {\n description: 'Setting definition that is validated by the extension.',\n allOf: [\n {\n $ref: '#/$defs/projectSettingBase',\n },\n {\n $ref: '#/$defs/modifierExtensionControlled',\n },\n ],\n },\n projectSettingBase: {\n description: 'Base information needed to describe a project setting entry',\n allOf: [\n {\n $ref: '#/$defs/settingBase',\n },\n {\n $ref: '#/$defs/modifierProject',\n },\n ],\n },\n modifierProject: {\n description: 'Modifies setting type to be project setting',\n type: 'object',\n properties: {\n includeProjectInterfaces: {\n description:\n \"String representation of `RegExp` pattern(s) to match against projects' `projectInterface`s (using the [`test`](https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/JavaScript/Reference/Global_Objects/RegExp/test) function) to determine if they should be included.\\n\\nIf this is one string, it will be matched against `projectInterface`s. If this is an array, each entry is handled based on its type (at least one entry must match for this filter condition to pass):\\n\\n- If the entry is a string, it will be matched against each `projectInterface`. If any match, the project will pass this filter condition\\n- If the entry is an array of strings, each will be matched against each `projectInterface`. If every string matches against at least one `projectInterface`, the project will pass this filter condition\\n\\nIn other words, each entry in the first-level array is `OR`'ed together. Each entry in second-level arrays (arrays within the first-level array) are `AND`'ed together.\\n\\nDefaults to all {@link ProjectInterfaces}, so all projects that do not match `excludeProjectInterfaces` will be included\\n\\n@example\\n\\n```typescript\\nincludeProjectInterfaces: ['one', ['two', 'three']];\\n```\\n\\nThis filter condition will succeed on projects whose `projectInterface`s fulfill at least one of the following conditions (At least one entry in the array must match):\\n\\n- Include `one`\\n- Include both `two` and `three`.\",\n anyOf: [\n {\n type: 'null',\n },\n {\n type: 'string',\n },\n {\n type: 'array',\n items: {\n anyOf: [\n {\n type: 'string',\n },\n {\n type: 'array',\n items: { type: 'string' },\n },\n ],\n },\n },\n ],\n },\n excludeProjectInterfaces: {\n description:\n \"String representation of `RegExp` pattern(s) to match against projects' `projectInterface`s (using the [`test`](https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/JavaScript/Reference/Global_Objects/RegExp/test) function) to determine if they should absolutely not be included even if they match with `includeProjectInterfaces`.\\n\\nIf this is one string, it will be matched against `projectInterface`s. If this is an array, each entry is handled based on its type (at least one entry must match for this filter condition to exclude the project):\\n\\n- If the entry is a string, it will be matched against each `projectInterface`. If any match, the project will pass this filter condition and exclude the project\\n- If the entry is an array of strings, each will be matched against each `projectInterface`. If every string matches against at least one `projectInterface`, the project will pass this filter condition and exclude the project\\n\\nIn other words, each entry in the first-level array is `OR`'ed together. Each entry in second-level arrays (arrays within the first-level array) are `AND`'ed together.\\n\\nDefaults to no {@link ProjectInterfaces}, so all projects that match `includeProjectInterfaces` will be included\\n\\n@example\\n\\n```typescript\\nexcludeProjectInterfaces: ['one', ['two', 'three']];\\n```\\n\\nThis filter condition will succeed and exclude projects whose `projectInterface`s fulfill at least one of the following conditions (At least one entry in the array must match):\\n\\n- Include `one`\\n- Include both `two` and `three`.\",\n anyOf: [\n {\n type: 'null',\n },\n {\n type: 'string',\n },\n {\n type: 'array',\n items: {\n anyOf: [\n {\n type: 'string',\n },\n {\n type: 'array',\n items: { type: 'string' },\n },\n ],\n },\n },\n ],\n },\n includePdpFactoryIds: {\n description:\n \"String representation of `RegExp` pattern(s) to match against the Project Data Provider Factory Ids that provided each project's metadata (using the [`test`](https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/JavaScript/Reference/Global_Objects/RegExp/test) function) to determine if the projects should be included.\\n\\nDefaults to all Project Data Provider Factory Ids, so all projects that do not match `excludePdpFactoryIds` will be included\",\n anyOf: [\n {\n type: 'null',\n },\n {\n type: 'string',\n },\n {\n type: 'array',\n items: { type: 'string' },\n },\n ],\n },\n excludePdpFactoryIds: {\n description:\n \"String representation of `RegExp` pattern(s) to match against the Project Data Provider Factory Ids that provided each project's metadata (using the [`test`](https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/JavaScript/Reference/Global_Objects/RegExp/test) function) to determine if the projects should absolutely not be included even if they match with `includeProjectInterfaces`.\\n\\nDefaults to none, so all projects that match `includePdpFactoryIds` will be included\",\n anyOf: [\n {\n type: 'null',\n },\n {\n type: 'string',\n },\n {\n type: 'array',\n items: { type: 'string' },\n },\n ],\n },\n },\n },\n settingsContribution: {\n description:\n 'The data an extension provides to inform Platform.Bible of the settings it provides',\n anyOf: [\n {\n $ref: '#/$defs/settingsGroup',\n },\n {\n type: 'array',\n items: {\n $ref: '#/$defs/settingsGroup',\n },\n },\n ],\n },\n settingsGroup: {\n description: 'Group of related settings definitions',\n type: 'object',\n properties: {\n label: {\n description: 'localizeKey that displays in the settings dialog as the group name',\n $ref: '#/$defs/localizeKey',\n },\n description: {\n description: 'localizeKey that displays in the settings dialog to describe the group',\n $ref: '#/$defs/localizeKey',\n },\n properties: {\n $ref: '#/$defs/settingProperties',\n },\n },\n required: ['label', 'properties'],\n },\n settingProperties: {\n description: 'Object whose keys are setting IDs and whose values are settings objects',\n type: 'object',\n patternProperties: {\n '^[\\\\w-]+\\\\.[\\\\w-]+$': {\n $ref: '#/$defs/setting',\n },\n },\n additionalProperties: false,\n },\n setting: {\n description: \"A description of an extension's setting entry\",\n anyOf: [\n {\n $ref: '#/$defs/extensionControlledSetting',\n },\n ],\n },\n extensionControlledSetting: {\n description: 'Setting definition that is validated by the extension.',\n allOf: [\n {\n $ref: '#/$defs/settingBase',\n },\n {\n $ref: '#/$defs/modifierExtensionControlled',\n },\n ],\n },\n settingBase: {\n description: 'Base information needed to describe a setting entry',\n allOf: [\n {\n $ref: '#/$defs/stateBase',\n },\n {\n type: 'object',\n properties: {\n label: {\n description: 'localizeKey that displays in the settings dialog as the setting name',\n $ref: '#/$defs/localizeKey',\n },\n description: {\n description: 'localizeKey that displays in the settings dialog to describe the setting',\n $ref: '#/$defs/localizeKey',\n },\n },\n required: ['label'],\n },\n ],\n },\n projectStateContribution: {\n description:\n 'The data an extension provides to inform Platform.Bible of the project state it provides',\n $ref: '#/$defs/userStateProperties',\n },\n userStateContribution: {\n description:\n 'The data an extension provides to inform Platform.Bible of the user state it provides',\n $ref: '#/$defs/userStateProperties',\n },\n userStateProperties: {\n description: 'Object whose keys are state IDs and whose values are state objects',\n type: 'object',\n patternProperties: {\n '^[\\\\w\\\\-]+\\\\.[\\\\w\\\\-]+$': {\n $ref: '#/$defs/userState',\n },\n },\n additionalProperties: false,\n },\n userState: {\n description: \"A description of an extension's user state entry\",\n anyOf: [\n {\n $ref: '#/$defs/extensionControlledState',\n },\n ],\n },\n extensionControlledState: {\n description: 'State definition that is validated by the extension.',\n allOf: [\n {\n $ref: '#/$defs/stateBase',\n },\n {\n $ref: '#/$defs/modifierExtensionControlled',\n },\n ],\n },\n modifierExtensionControlled: {\n description:\n 'Modifies state/setting type to be extension-controlled. \"Extension-controlled\" means the extension provides the component and the validator for the state/setting, so the state/setting is controlled by the extension.',\n not: {\n anyOf: [\n {\n type: 'object',\n required: ['platformType'],\n },\n {\n type: 'object',\n required: ['type'],\n },\n ],\n },\n },\n stateBase: {\n description: 'Base information needed to describe a state entry',\n type: 'object',\n properties: {\n default: {\n description: 'default value for the state/setting',\n type: 'any',\n },\n derivesFrom: {\n description:\n \"a state/setting ID whose value to set to this state/setting's starting value the first time this state/setting is loaded\",\n $ref: '#/$defs/id',\n },\n },\n required: ['default'],\n },\n localizeKey: {\n description: \"Identifier for a string that will be localized based on the user's UI language\",\n type: 'string',\n pattern: '^%[\\\\w\\\\-\\\\.]+%$',\n tsType: 'LocalizeKey',\n },\n id: {\n description: '',\n type: 'string',\n pattern: '^[\\\\w\\\\-]+\\\\.[\\\\w\\\\-]+$',\n tsType: 'Id',\n },\n};\n\n/**\n * Json-schema-to-typescript has some added stuff that isn't actually compatible with JSON schema,\n * so we remove them here\n *\n * @param defs The `$defs` property of a JSON schema (will be modified in place)\n */\n// JSON schema types are weird, so we'll just be careful\n// eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/no-explicit-any\nexport function removeJsonToTypeScriptTypesStuff(defs: any) {\n if (!defs) return;\n\n // JSON schema types are weird, so we'll just be careful\n // eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/no-explicit-any\n Object.values(defs).forEach((def: any) => {\n if (!def.type) return;\n\n if ('tsType' in def) delete def.tsType;\n\n if (def.type === 'any') {\n delete def.type;\n return;\n }\n\n if (def.type === 'object') {\n removeJsonToTypeScriptTypesStuff(def.properties);\n }\n });\n}\n\nremoveJsonToTypeScriptTypesStuff(settingsDefs);\n\n/** JSON schema object that aligns with the ProjectSettingsContribution type */\nexport const projectSettingsDocumentSchema = {\n $schema: 'https://json-schema.org/draft/2020-12/schema',\n title: 'Project Settings Contribution',\n description:\n 'The data an extension provides to inform Platform.Bible of the project settings it provides',\n anyOf: [\n {\n $ref: '#/$defs/projectSettingsGroup',\n },\n {\n type: 'array',\n items: {\n $ref: '#/$defs/projectSettingsGroup',\n },\n },\n ],\n\n $defs: settingsDefs,\n};\n\nObject.freeze(projectSettingsDocumentSchema);\n\n/** JSON schema object that aligns with the {@link SettingsContribution} type */\nexport const settingsDocumentSchema = {\n $schema: 'https://json-schema.org/draft/2020-12/schema',\n title: 'Settings Contribution',\n description:\n 'The data an extension provides to inform Platform.Bible of the settings it provides',\n anyOf: [\n {\n $ref: '#/$defs/settingsGroup',\n },\n {\n type: 'array',\n items: {\n $ref: '#/$defs/settingsGroup',\n },\n },\n ],\n\n $defs: settingsDefs,\n};\n\nObject.freeze(settingsDocumentSchema);\n","//----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n// NOTE: If you change any of the types, make sure the JSON schema at the end of this file gets\n// changed so they align.\n//----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n\nimport { LocalizeKey } from 'menus.model';\nimport { removeJsonToTypeScriptTypesStuff } from './settings.model';\n\n/** Localized string value associated with this key */\nexport type LocalizedStringValue = string;\n\n/** The data an extension provides to inform Platform.Bible of the localized strings it provides. */\nexport interface LocalizedStringDataContribution {\n [k: string]: unknown;\n metadata?: StringsMetadata;\n localizedStrings?: {\n [k: string]: LanguageStrings;\n };\n}\n/**\n * Map whose keys are localized string keys and whose values provide additional non-locale-specific\n * information about the localized string key\n */\nexport interface StringsMetadata {\n [k: LocalizeKey]: StringMetadata;\n}\n/** Additional non-locale-specific information about a localized string key */\nexport interface StringMetadata {\n [k: string]: unknown;\n /**\n * Localized string key from which to get this value if one does not exist in the specified\n * language. If a new key/value pair needs to be made to replace an existing one, this could help\n * smooth over the transition if the meanings are close enough\n */\n fallbackKey?: LocalizeKey;\n /**\n * Additional information provided by developers in English to help the translator to know how to\n * translate this localized string accurately\n */\n notes?: string;\n}\n/**\n * Map whose keys are localized string keys and whose values provide information about how to\n * localize strings for the localized string key\n */\nexport interface LanguageStrings {\n [k: LocalizeKey]: LocalizedStringValue;\n}\n\n//----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n// NOTE: If you change the schema below, make sure the TS types above get changed so they align.\n//----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n\nconst localizedStringsDefs = {\n languageStrings: {\n description:\n 'Map whose keys are localized string keys and whose values provide information about how to localize strings for the localized string key',\n type: 'object',\n patternProperties: {\n '^%[\\\\w\\\\-\\\\.]+%$': {\n $ref: '#/$defs/localizedStringValue',\n },\n },\n additionalProperties: false,\n },\n localizedStringValue: {\n description: 'Localized string value associated with this key',\n type: 'string',\n },\n stringsMetadata: {\n description:\n 'Map whose keys are localized string keys and whose values provide additional non-locale-specific information about the localized string key',\n type: 'object',\n patternProperties: {\n '^%[\\\\w\\\\-\\\\.]+%$': {\n $ref: '#/$defs/stringMetadata',\n },\n },\n additionalProperties: false,\n },\n stringMetadata: {\n description: 'Additional non-locale-specific information about a localized string key',\n type: 'object',\n properties: {\n fallbackKey: {\n description:\n 'Localized string key from which to get this value if one does not exist in the specified language. If a new key/value pair needs to be made to replace an existing one, this could help smooth over the transition if the meanings are close enough',\n $ref: '#/$defs/localizeKey',\n },\n notes: {\n description:\n 'Additional information provided by developers in English to help the translator to know how to translate this localized string accurately',\n type: 'string',\n },\n },\n },\n localizeKey: {\n description: \"Identifier for a string that will be localized based on the user's UI language\",\n type: 'string',\n pattern: '^%[\\\\w\\\\-\\\\.]+%$',\n tsType: 'LocalizeKey',\n },\n};\n\nremoveJsonToTypeScriptTypesStuff(localizedStringsDefs);\n\n/** JSON schema object that aligns with the LocalizedStringDataContribution type */\nexport const localizedStringsDocumentSchema = {\n $schema: 'https://json-schema.org/draft/2020-12/schema',\n title: 'Localized String Data Contribution',\n description:\n 'The data an extension provides to inform Platform.Bible of the localized strings it provides.',\n type: 'object',\n properties: {\n metadata: {\n $ref: '#/$defs/stringsMetadata',\n },\n localizedStrings: {\n type: 'object',\n additionalProperties: {\n $ref: '#/$defs/languageStrings',\n },\n },\n },\n $defs: localizedStringsDefs,\n};\n\nObject.freeze(localizedStringsDocumentSchema);\n","//----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n// NOTE: If you change any of the types, make sure the JSON schema at the end of this file gets\n// changed so they align.\n//----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n\nimport { ReplaceType } from './util';\n\n/** Identifier for a string that will be localized in a menu based on the user's UI language */\nexport type LocalizeKey = `%${string}%`;\n\n/** Name of some UI element (i.e., tab, column, group, menu item) or some PAPI object (i.e., command) */\nexport type ReferencedItem = `${string}.${string}`;\n\nexport type OrderedItem = {\n /** Relative order of this item compared to other items in the same parent/scope (sorted ascending) */\n order: number;\n};\n\nexport type OrderedExtensibleContainer = OrderedItem & {\n /** Determines whether other items can be added to this after it has been defined */\n isExtensible?: boolean;\n};\n\n/** Group of menu items that belongs in a column */\nexport type MenuGroupDetailsInColumn = OrderedExtensibleContainer & {\n /** ID of column in which this group resides */\n column: ReferencedItem;\n};\n\n/** Group of menu items that belongs in a submenu */\nexport type MenuGroupDetailsInSubMenu = OrderedExtensibleContainer & {\n /** ID of menu item hosting the submenu in which this group resides */\n menuItem: ReferencedItem;\n};\n\n/** Column that includes header text in a menu */\nexport type MenuColumnWithHeader = OrderedExtensibleContainer & {\n /** Key that represents the text of the header text of the column */\n label: LocalizeKey;\n};\n\nexport type MenuItemBase = OrderedItem & {\n /** Menu group to which this menu item belongs */\n group: ReferencedItem;\n /** Key that represents the text of this menu item to display */\n label: LocalizeKey;\n /** Key that represents words the platform should reference when users are searching for menu items */\n searchTerms?: LocalizeKey;\n /** Key that represents the text to display if a mouse pointer hovers over the menu item */\n tooltip?: LocalizeKey;\n /** Additional information provided by developers to help people who perform localization */\n localizeNotes: string;\n};\n\n/** Menu item that hosts a submenu */\nexport type MenuItemContainingSubmenu = MenuItemBase & {\n /** ID for this menu item that holds a submenu */\n id: ReferencedItem;\n};\n\n/** Menu item that runs a command */\nexport type MenuItemContainingCommand = MenuItemBase & {\n /** Name of the PAPI command to run when this menu item is selected. */\n command: ReferencedItem;\n /** Path to the icon to display after the menu text */\n iconPathAfter?: string;\n /** Path to the icon to display before the menu text */\n iconPathBefore?: string;\n};\n\n/**\n * Group of menu items that can be combined with other groups to form a single context menu/submenu.\n * Groups are separated using a line within the menu/submenu.\n */\nexport type GroupsInSingleColumnMenu = {\n /** Named menu group */\n [property: ReferencedItem]: OrderedExtensibleContainer | MenuGroupDetailsInSubMenu;\n};\n\n/**\n * Group of menu items that can be combined with other groups to form a single menu/submenu within a\n * multi-column menu. Groups are separated using a line within the menu/submenu.\n */\nexport type GroupsInMultiColumnMenu = {\n /** Named menu group */\n [property: ReferencedItem]: MenuGroupDetailsInColumn | MenuGroupDetailsInSubMenu;\n};\n\n/** Group of columns that can be combined with other columns to form a multi-column menu */\nexport type ColumnsWithHeaders = {\n /** Named column of a menu */\n [property: ReferencedItem]: MenuColumnWithHeader;\n /** Defines whether columns can be added to this multi-column menu */\n isExtensible?: boolean;\n};\n\n/** Menu that contains a column without a header */\nexport type SingleColumnMenu = {\n /** Groups that belong in this menu */\n groups: GroupsInSingleColumnMenu;\n /** List of menu items that belong in this menu */\n items: (MenuItemContainingCommand | MenuItemContainingSubmenu)[];\n};\n\n/** Menu that contains multiple columns with headers */\nexport type MultiColumnMenu = {\n /** Columns that belong in this menu */\n columns: ColumnsWithHeaders;\n /** Groups that belong in this menu */\n groups: GroupsInMultiColumnMenu;\n /** List of menu items that belong in this menu */\n items: (MenuItemContainingCommand | MenuItemContainingSubmenu)[];\n};\n\n/** Menus for one single web view */\nexport type WebViewMenu = {\n /** Indicates whether the platform default menus should be included for this webview */\n includeDefaults: boolean | undefined;\n /** Menu that opens when you click on the top left corner of a tab */\n topMenu: MultiColumnMenu | undefined;\n /** Menu that opens when you right click on the main body/area of a tab */\n contextMenu: SingleColumnMenu | undefined;\n};\n\n/** Menus for all web views */\nexport type WebViewMenus = {\n /** Named web view */\n [property: ReferencedItem]: WebViewMenu;\n};\n\n/** Platform.Bible menus before they are localized */\nexport type PlatformMenus = {\n /** Top level menu for the application */\n mainMenu: MultiColumnMenu;\n /** Menus that apply per web view in the application */\n webViewMenus: WebViewMenus;\n /** Default context menu for web views that don't specify their own */\n defaultWebViewContextMenu: SingleColumnMenu;\n /** Default top menu for web views that don't specify their own */\n defaultWebViewTopMenu: MultiColumnMenu;\n};\n\n/**\n * Type that converts any menu type before it is localized to what it is after it is localized. This\n * can be applied to any menu type as needed.\n */\nexport type Localized = ReplaceType, ReferencedItem, string>;\n\n//----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n// NOTE: If you change the schema below, make sure the TS types above get changed so they align.\n//----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n/** JSON schema object that aligns with the PlatformMenus type */\nexport const menuDocumentSchema = {\n title: 'Platform.Bible menus',\n type: 'object',\n properties: {\n mainMenu: {\n description: 'Top level menu for the application',\n $ref: '#/$defs/multiColumnMenu',\n },\n defaultWebViewTopMenu: {\n description: \"Default top menu for web views that don't specify their own\",\n $ref: '#/$defs/multiColumnMenu',\n },\n defaultWebViewContextMenu: {\n description: \"Default context menu for web views that don't specify their own\",\n $ref: '#/$defs/singleColumnMenu',\n },\n webViewMenus: {\n description: 'Menus that apply per web view in the application',\n type: 'object',\n patternProperties: {\n '^[\\\\w\\\\-]+\\\\.[\\\\w\\\\-]+$': {\n $ref: '#/$defs/menusForOneWebView',\n },\n },\n additionalProperties: false,\n },\n },\n required: ['mainMenu', 'defaultWebViewTopMenu', 'defaultWebViewContextMenu', 'webViewMenus'],\n additionalProperties: false,\n $defs: {\n localizeKey: {\n description:\n \"Identifier for a string that will be localized in a menu based on the user's UI language\",\n type: 'string',\n pattern: '^%[\\\\w\\\\-\\\\.]+%$',\n },\n referencedItem: {\n description:\n 'Name of some UI element (i.e., tab, column, group, menu item) or some PAPI object (i.e., command)',\n type: 'string',\n pattern: '^[\\\\w\\\\-]+\\\\.[\\\\w\\\\-]+$',\n },\n columnsWithHeaders: {\n description:\n 'Group of columns that can be combined with other columns to form a multi-column menu',\n type: 'object',\n patternProperties: {\n '^[\\\\w\\\\-]+\\\\.[\\\\w\\\\-]+$': {\n description: 'Single column with a header string',\n type: 'object',\n properties: {\n label: {\n description: 'Header text for this this column in the UI',\n $ref: '#/$defs/localizeKey',\n },\n localizeNotes: {\n description:\n 'Additional information provided by developers to help people who perform localization',\n type: 'string',\n },\n order: {\n description:\n 'Relative order of this column compared to other columns (sorted ascending)',\n type: 'number',\n },\n isExtensible: {\n description:\n 'Defines whether contributions are allowed to add menu groups to this column',\n type: 'boolean',\n },\n },\n required: ['label', 'order'],\n additionalProperties: false,\n },\n },\n properties: {\n isExtensible: {\n description:\n 'Defines whether contributions are allowed to add columns to this multi-column menu',\n type: 'boolean',\n },\n },\n },\n menuGroups: {\n description:\n 'Group of menu items that can be combined with other groups to form a single menu/submenu. Groups are separated using a line within the menu/submenu.',\n type: 'object',\n patternProperties: {\n '^[\\\\w\\\\-]+\\\\.[\\\\w\\\\-]+$': {\n description: 'Single group that contains menu items',\n type: 'object',\n oneOf: [\n {\n properties: {\n column: {\n description:\n 'Column where this group belongs, not required for single column menus',\n $ref: '#/$defs/referencedItem',\n },\n order: {\n description:\n 'Relative order of this group compared to other groups in the same column or submenu (sorted ascending)',\n type: 'number',\n },\n isExtensible: {\n description:\n 'Defines whether contributions are allowed to add menu items to this menu group',\n type: 'boolean',\n },\n },\n required: ['order'],\n additionalProperties: false,\n },\n {\n properties: {\n menuItem: {\n description: 'Menu item that anchors the submenu where this group belongs',\n $ref: '#/$defs/referencedItem',\n },\n order: {\n description:\n 'Relative order of this group compared to other groups in the same column or submenu (sorted ascending)',\n type: 'number',\n },\n isExtensible: {\n description:\n 'Defines whether contributions are allowed to add menu items to this menu group',\n type: 'boolean',\n },\n },\n required: ['menuItem', 'order'],\n additionalProperties: false,\n },\n ],\n },\n },\n additionalProperties: false,\n },\n menuItem: {\n description:\n 'Single item in a menu that can be clicked on to take an action or can be the parent of a submenu',\n type: 'object',\n oneOf: [\n {\n properties: {\n id: {\n description: 'ID for this menu item that holds a submenu',\n $ref: '#/$defs/referencedItem',\n },\n },\n required: ['id'],\n },\n {\n properties: {\n command: {\n description: 'Name of the PAPI command to run when this menu item is selected.',\n $ref: '#/$defs/referencedItem',\n },\n iconPathBefore: {\n description: 'Path to the icon to display before the menu text',\n type: 'string',\n },\n iconPathAfter: {\n description: 'Path to the icon to display after the menu text',\n type: 'string',\n },\n },\n required: ['command'],\n },\n ],\n properties: {\n label: {\n description: 'Key that represents the text of this menu item to display',\n $ref: '#/$defs/localizeKey',\n },\n tooltip: {\n description:\n 'Key that represents the text to display if a mouse pointer hovers over the menu item',\n $ref: '#/$defs/localizeKey',\n },\n searchTerms: {\n description:\n 'Key that represents additional words the platform should reference when users are searching for menu items',\n $ref: '#/$defs/localizeKey',\n },\n localizeNotes: {\n description:\n 'Additional information provided by developers to help people who perform localization',\n type: 'string',\n },\n group: {\n description: 'Group to which this menu item belongs',\n $ref: '#/$defs/referencedItem',\n },\n order: {\n description:\n 'Relative order of this menu item compared to other menu items in the same group (sorted ascending)',\n type: 'number',\n },\n },\n required: ['label', 'group', 'order'],\n unevaluatedProperties: false,\n },\n groupsAndItems: {\n description: 'Core schema for a column',\n type: 'object',\n properties: {\n groups: {\n description: 'Groups that belong in this menu',\n $ref: '#/$defs/menuGroups',\n },\n items: {\n description: 'List of menu items that belong in this menu',\n type: 'array',\n items: { $ref: '#/$defs/menuItem' },\n uniqueItems: true,\n },\n },\n required: ['groups', 'items'],\n },\n singleColumnMenu: {\n description: 'Menu that contains a column without a header',\n type: 'object',\n allOf: [{ $ref: '#/$defs/groupsAndItems' }],\n unevaluatedProperties: false,\n },\n multiColumnMenu: {\n description: 'Menu that can contain multiple columns with headers',\n type: 'object',\n allOf: [\n { $ref: '#/$defs/groupsAndItems' },\n {\n properties: {\n columns: {\n description: 'Columns that belong in this menu',\n $ref: '#/$defs/columnsWithHeaders',\n },\n },\n required: ['columns'],\n },\n ],\n unevaluatedProperties: false,\n },\n menusForOneWebView: {\n description: 'Set of menus that are associated with a single tab',\n type: 'object',\n properties: {\n includeDefaults: {\n description:\n 'Indicates whether the platform default menus should be included for this webview',\n type: 'boolean',\n },\n topMenu: {\n description: 'Menu that opens when you click on the top left corner of a tab',\n $ref: '#/$defs/multiColumnMenu',\n },\n contextMenu: {\n description: 'Menu that opens when you right click on the main body/area of a tab',\n $ref: '#/$defs/singleColumnMenu',\n },\n },\n additionalProperties: false,\n },\n 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\ No newline at end of file diff --git a/lib/platform-bible-utils/src/async-variable.ts b/lib/platform-bible-utils/src/async-variable.ts index e817599070..6c6f7c7e55 100644 --- a/lib/platform-bible-utils/src/async-variable.ts +++ b/lib/platform-bible-utils/src/async-variable.ts @@ -11,7 +11,7 @@ export default class AsyncVariable { * @param variableName Name to use when logging about this variable * @param rejectIfNotSettledWithinMS Milliseconds to wait before verifying if the promise was * settled (resolved or rejected); will reject if it has not settled by that time. Use -1 if you - * do not want a timeout at all. + * do not want a timeout at all. Defaults to 10000 ms */ constructor(variableName: string, rejectIfNotSettledWithinMS: number = 10000) { this.variableName = variableName; @@ -54,7 +54,7 @@ export default class AsyncVariable { * * @param value This variable's promise will resolve to this value * @param throwIfAlreadySettled Determines whether to throw if the variable was already resolved - * or rejected + * or rejected. Defaults to `false` */ resolveToValue(value: T, throwIfAlreadySettled: boolean = false): void { if (this.resolver) { @@ -72,7 +72,7 @@ export default class AsyncVariable { * * @param reason This variable's promise will be rejected with this reason * @param throwIfAlreadySettled Determines whether to throw if the variable was already resolved - * or rejected + * or rejected. Defaults to `false` */ rejectWithReason(reason: string, throwIfAlreadySettled: boolean = false): void { if (this.rejecter) { diff --git a/lib/platform-bible-utils/src/platform-event-emitter.model.test.ts b/lib/platform-bible-utils/src/platform-event-emitter.model.test.ts new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..57936de2c7 --- /dev/null +++ b/lib/platform-bible-utils/src/platform-event-emitter.model.test.ts @@ -0,0 +1,56 @@ +import PlatformEventEmitter from './platform-event-emitter.model'; + +describe('unsubscribing', () => { + it('does not prevent other subscribers from running when unsubscribing in a callback', () => { + const shouldUnsubscribeSubscriptions = [false, true, false, true, true, false]; + // Map of event number to which event subscription indices ran for that event number + // Purposely making this an array, not a Set, to make sure we catch duplicate runs + const subscriptionResults: { [eventNum: string]: number[] } = {}; + + const numEventsToEmit = 3; + // Array of each event number that should have been run: [0, 1, 2, ..., numEventsToEdit - 1] + const eventNumArray = [...Array(numEventsToEmit).keys()]; + // Array of each event number that should have been run after unsubscribing + // (basically eventNumArray without the first event) + const [, ...eventNumArrayAfterUnsubscribing] = eventNumArray; + let nextEventNum = 0; + const emitter = new PlatformEventEmitter(); + const emitEvent = () => { + emitter.emit(nextEventNum); + nextEventNum += 1; + }; + const unsubscribers = shouldUnsubscribeSubscriptions.map((shouldUnsubscribe, i) => + emitter.subscribe((eventNum) => { + const subscriptionResultsForEventNum = subscriptionResults[eventNum] ?? []; + if (!subscriptionResults[eventNum]) + subscriptionResults[eventNum] = subscriptionResultsForEventNum; + + subscriptionResultsForEventNum.push(i); + + if (shouldUnsubscribe) unsubscribers[i](); + }), + ); + + for (let i = 0; i < numEventsToEmit; i += 1) emitEvent(); + + // There should be results for each event that was run + expect( + Object.keys(subscriptionResults) + .map((eventNumString) => parseInt(eventNumString, 10)) + .sort(), + ).toEqual(eventNumArray); + + // All should have run the first time + expect(subscriptionResults[0]).toEqual( + shouldUnsubscribeSubscriptions.map((_shouldUnsubscribe, i) => i), + ); + eventNumArrayAfterUnsubscribing.forEach((eventNum) => { + // Only the `false` ones (didn't unsubscribe) should have run after the first time + expect(subscriptionResults[eventNum]).toEqual( + shouldUnsubscribeSubscriptions + .map((shouldUnsubscribe, i) => (shouldUnsubscribe ? undefined : i)) + .filter((i) => i !== undefined), + ); + }); + }); +}); diff --git a/lib/platform-bible-utils/src/platform-event-emitter.model.ts b/lib/platform-bible-utils/src/platform-event-emitter.model.ts index b2d3986629..56242b1e8c 100644 --- a/lib/platform-bible-utils/src/platform-event-emitter.model.ts +++ b/lib/platform-bible-utils/src/platform-event-emitter.model.ts @@ -88,7 +88,10 @@ export default class PlatformEventEmitter implements Dispose { protected emitFn(event: T) { this.assertNotDisposed(); - this.subscriptions?.forEach((callback) => callback(event)); + // Clone the subscriptions array before iterating over the callbacks so the callback index + // doesn't get messed up if someone subscribes or unsubscribes inside one of the callbacks + const emitCallbacks = [...(this.subscriptions ?? [])]; + emitCallbacks.forEach((callback) => callback(event)); } /** Check to make sure this emitter is not disposed. Throw if it is */ diff --git a/src/shared/models/network-object-status.service-model.ts b/src/shared/models/network-object-status.service-model.ts index 058b185e76..e0accd8a26 100644 --- a/src/shared/models/network-object-status.service-model.ts +++ b/src/shared/models/network-object-status.service-model.ts @@ -1,4 +1,7 @@ import { NetworkObjectDetails } from '@shared/models/network-object.model'; +// Linked in TSDoc +// eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/no-unused-vars +import { isSubset } from 'platform-bible-utils'; // Functions that are exposed through the network object export interface NetworkObjectStatusRemoteServiceType { @@ -17,6 +20,10 @@ export interface NetworkObjectStatusServiceType extends NetworkObjectStatusRemot /** * Get a promise that resolves when a network object is registered or rejects if a timeout is hit * + * @param objectDetailsToMatch Subset of object details on the network object to wait for. + * Compared to object details using {@link isSubset} + * @param timeoutInMS Max duration to wait for the network object. If not provided, it will wait + * indefinitely * @returns Promise that either resolves to the {@link NetworkObjectDetails} for a network object * once the network object is registered, or rejects if a timeout is provided and the timeout is * reached before the network object is registered diff --git a/src/shared/models/project-lookup.service-model.ts b/src/shared/models/project-lookup.service-model.ts index cdad7c0ed4..e674ef7582 100644 --- a/src/shared/models/project-lookup.service-model.ts +++ b/src/shared/models/project-lookup.service-model.ts @@ -154,26 +154,38 @@ export const projectLookupServiceBase: ProjectLookupServiceType = { // Wait for an appropriate PDP factory to be registered const timeoutInMS = 20 * 1000; if (pdpFactoryId) { - await networkObjectStatusService.waitForNetworkObject( - { - objectType: PDP_FACTORY_OBJECT_TYPE, - id: getPDPFactoryNetworkObjectNameFromId(pdpFactoryId), - }, - timeoutInMS, - ); + try { + await networkObjectStatusService.waitForNetworkObject( + { + objectType: PDP_FACTORY_OBJECT_TYPE, + id: getPDPFactoryNetworkObjectNameFromId(pdpFactoryId), + }, + timeoutInMS, + ); + } catch (e) { + throw new Error(`getMetadataForProject wait for PDPF ${pdpFactoryId} threw! ${e}`); + } } else if (projectInterface) { - await networkObjectStatusService.waitForNetworkObject( - { - objectType: PDP_FACTORY_OBJECT_TYPE, - attributes: { projectInterfaces: [projectInterface] }, - }, - timeoutInMS, - ); + try { + await networkObjectStatusService.waitForNetworkObject( + { + objectType: PDP_FACTORY_OBJECT_TYPE, + attributes: { projectInterfaces: [projectInterface] }, + }, + timeoutInMS, + ); + } catch (e) { + throw new Error(`getMetadataForProject wait for PDPF with ${projectInterface} threw! ${e}`); + } } else { - await networkObjectStatusService.waitForNetworkObject( - { objectType: PDP_FACTORY_OBJECT_TYPE }, - timeoutInMS, - ); + try { + await networkObjectStatusService.waitForNetworkObject( + { objectType: PDP_FACTORY_OBJECT_TYPE }, + timeoutInMS, + ); + } catch (e) { + throw new Error(`getMetadataForProject wait for any PDPF threw! ${e}`); + } } const metadata = await internalGetMetadata( diff --git a/src/shared/services/network-object-status.service.ts b/src/shared/services/network-object-status.service.ts index 884fdf6138..5d32a229e7 100644 --- a/src/shared/services/network-object-status.service.ts +++ b/src/shared/services/network-object-status.service.ts @@ -56,19 +56,35 @@ async function waitForNetworkObject( objectDetailsToMatch: Partial, timeoutInMS?: number, ): Promise { - const asyncVar = new AsyncVariable(`wait-for-net-obj`, timeoutInMS ?? -1); - // Watch the stream of incoming network objects before getting a snapshot to avoid race conditions - const unsub = onDidCreateNetworkObject((networkObjectDetails) => { - if (isSubset(networkObjectDetails, objectDetailsToMatch)) - asyncVar.resolveToValue(networkObjectDetails, false); - if (asyncVar.hasSettled) unsub(); - }); - // Now check if the needed network object has already been created - const existingNetworkObjectDetails = await getAllNetworkObjectDetails(); - const match = Object.values(existingNetworkObjectDetails).find((networkObjectDetails) => - isSubset(networkObjectDetails, objectDetailsToMatch), + const asyncVar = new AsyncVariable( + `wait-for-net-obj with details ${JSON.stringify(objectDetailsToMatch)}`, + timeoutInMS ?? -1, ); - if (match) asyncVar.resolveToValue(match, false); + try { + // Watch the stream of incoming network objects before getting a snapshot to avoid race conditions + const unsub = onDidCreateNetworkObject((networkObjectDetails) => { + if (!asyncVar.hasSettled && isSubset(networkObjectDetails, objectDetailsToMatch)) { + asyncVar.resolveToValue(networkObjectDetails, false); + } + if (asyncVar.hasSettled) { + unsub(); + } + }); + // Now check if the needed network object has already been created + const existingNetworkObjectDetails = await getAllNetworkObjectDetails(); + if (!asyncVar.hasSettled) { + const match = Object.values(existingNetworkObjectDetails).find((networkObjectDetails) => + isSubset(networkObjectDetails, objectDetailsToMatch), + ); + if (match) { + asyncVar.resolveToValue(match, false); + } + } + } catch (e) { + const message = `waitForNetworkObject failed for details ${JSON.stringify(objectDetailsToMatch)}! ${e}`; + asyncVar.rejectWithReason(message, true); + throw e; + } return asyncVar.promise; } diff --git a/src/shared/utils/async-variable.test.ts b/src/shared/utils/async-variable.test.ts index b4ff9f5430..239d7cc82c 100644 --- a/src/shared/utils/async-variable.test.ts +++ b/src/shared/utils/async-variable.test.ts @@ -1,23 +1,27 @@ import { AsyncVariable } from 'platform-bible-utils'; -test('wait on other async tasks to set and notify variables', () => { +test('wait on other async tasks to set and notify variables', async () => { const VARIABLE_NAME: string = 'abc'; const TEST_VALUE: string = 'A1B2C3'; const testVariable: AsyncVariable = new AsyncVariable(VARIABLE_NAME); - (async () => { + const thing = (async () => { await expect(testVariable.promise).resolves.toBe(TEST_VALUE); })(); expect(testVariable.hasSettled).toBeFalsy(); testVariable.resolveToValue(TEST_VALUE); expect(testVariable.hasSettled).toBeTruthy(); + + await thing; }); -test('reject the promise for the value', () => { +test('reject the promise for the value', async () => { const VARIABLE_NAME: string = 'def'; const TEST_REASON: string = 'This is just a test'; const testVariable: AsyncVariable = new AsyncVariable(VARIABLE_NAME); - (async () => { + const thing = (async () => { await expect(testVariable.promise).rejects.toMatch(TEST_REASON); })(); testVariable.rejectWithReason(TEST_REASON); + + await thing; });