Thanks for your interest.
If you search for terms like FIXME
you will find issues that I'm working on:
- Like re-engineering the state management.
- Unit tests.
- Adding a Footer to the app.
- Improving meta tags for the project.
- Add an about page.
All the features on the
Good pull requests, such as patches, improvements, and new features, are a fantastic help. They should remain focused in scope and avoid containing unrelated commits.
Please ask first, the easiest way to reach me is on Twitter, DMs are open.
Please also provide a test plan, i.e. specify how you verified that your addition works.
Please consider that this is a work in progress.
app-header/ # Just the header for the app.
context/ # Initial state and all functions that modify state are here. It is based on Context API and React Hooks.
converter-app/ # Main components for the app.
Forms/ # Basic styled form components.
utils/ # Utilities, like transformUnit() from kg to lbs.