Backend for SCP Wallet app.
It exposes a simplified REST API which can be safely made public, since it shouldn't provide data related to the specific spd instance below.
Android App repo:
scpwalletapi communicates with the spd API to process data in a format useful to the SCP Wallet app.
To do so the following requirements must be met in order to run it:
- spd is listening on port 4280 or custom at localhost
- spd consensus module is synced
- spd explorer module is loaded
- spd transaction pool module is loaded
- TEMPORARY: spd.patch has been applied
scpwalletapi needs spd API to expose the endpoint /explorer/addresses/batch which is not included in the current version of spd.
A pull request has been made, but until approved you can apply spd.patch to ScPrime and build it from source.
Build the package
go build -o scpwalletapi ./api
Run it
./scpwalletapi [coinmarketcap api key] [ api key] [spd api port (default 4280)] [spd api password (default empty)] [custom port (default 14280)]
To provide a SCP to USD exchange rate to the clients, it is recommended although not mandatory to provide a Coinmarketcap API key.
Requests are made every 5 minutes and cached. The API key should be used only for scpwalletapi, so that the free Basic plan will be enough, and it will not be Rate limited.
To provide exchange rates for other fiat currencies (such as EUR, GBP, etc), it is also recommended to provide a api key.
A free api key will be enough since requests are made every 15 minutes and cached. We don't use the Coinmarketcap API convertion option since every additional currency conversion counts as an additional request and it would be hard to stay below the free tier.
I would like to clarify that I'm not against paying for good APIs, but for this particular project requiring a paid API key to run a server would limit the number of people willing to run one, which would be bad for the future of the project itself.