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This +alternative API is suitable when targetting the browser or serverless runtimes +and using a bundler to build your application since all unused functionality +will be tree-shaken away. This includes code for unused methods, Zod schemas, +encoding helpers and response handlers. The result is dramatically smaller +impact on the application's final bundle size which grows very slowly as you use +more and more functionality from this SDK. + +Calling methods through the main SDK class remains a valid and generally more +more ergonomic option. Standalone functions represent an optimisation for a +specific category of applications. + +## Example + +```typescript +import { PanoraCore } from "@panora/sdk/core.js"; +import { hello } from "@panora/sdk/funcs/hello.js"; +import { SDKValidationError } from "@panora/sdk/models/errors/sdkvalidationerror.js"; + +// Use `PanoraCore` for best tree-shaking performance. +// You can create one instance of it to use across an application. +const panora = new PanoraCore({ + apiKey: "", +}); + +async function run() { + const res = await hello(panora); + + switch (true) { + case res.ok: + // The success case will be handled outside of the switch block + break; + case res.error instanceof SDKValidationError: + // Pretty-print validation errors. + return console.log(res.error.pretty()); + case res.error instanceof Error: + return console.log(res.error); + default: + // TypeScript's type checking will fail on the following line if the above + // cases were not exhaustive. + res.error satisfies never; + throw new Error("Assertion failed: expected error checks to be exhaustive: " + res.error); + } + + + const { value: result } = res; + + // Handle the result + console.log(result) +} + +run(); +``` + +## Result types + +Standalone functions differ from SDK methods in that they return a +`Result` type to capture _known errors_ and document them using +the type system. By avoiding throwing errors, application code maintains clear +control flow and error-handling become part of the regular flow of application +code. + +> We use the term "known errors" because standalone functions, and JavaScript +> code in general, can still throw unexpected errors such as `TypeError`s, +> `RangeError`s and `DOMException`s. Exhaustively catching all errors may be +> something this SDK addresses in the future. Nevertheless, there is still a lot +> of benefit from capturing most errors and turning them into values. + +The second reason for this style of programming is because these functions will +typically be used in front-end applications where exception throwing is +sometimes discouraged or considered unidiomatic. React and similar ecosystems +and libraries tend to promote this style of programming so that components +render useful content under all states (loading, success, error and so on). + +The general pattern when calling standalone functions looks like this: + +```typescript +import { Core } from ""; +import { fetchSomething } from "/funcs/fetchSomething.js"; + +const client = new Core(); + +async function run() { + const result = await fetchSomething(client, { id: "123" }); + if (!result.ok) { + // You can throw the error or handle it. It's your choice now. + throw result.error; + } + + console.log(result.value); +} + +run(); +``` + +Notably, `result.error` above will have an explicit type compared to a try-catch +variation where the error in the catch block can only be of type `unknown` (or +`any` depending on your TypeScript settings). \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/README.md b/README.md index 235cf9d7..3c3d28d8 100644 --- a/README.md +++ b/README.md @@ -310,6 +310,12 @@ run(); * [list](docs/sdks/timeoffbalances/README.md#list) - List TimeoffBalances * [retrieve](docs/sdks/timeoffbalances/README.md#retrieve) - Retrieve Time off Balances +### [hris.timesheetentries](docs/sdks/timesheetentries/README.md) + +* [list](docs/sdks/timesheetentries/README.md#list) - List Timesheetentries +* [create](docs/sdks/timesheetentries/README.md#create) - Create Timesheetentrys +* [retrieve](docs/sdks/timesheetentries/README.md#retrieve) - Retrieve Timesheetentry + ### [marketingautomation.actions](docs/sdks/actions/README.md) @@ -896,6 +902,275 @@ run(); ``` + +## Standalone functions + +All the methods listed above are available as standalone functions. These +functions are ideal for use in applications running in the browser, serverless +runtimes or other environments where application bundle size is a primary +concern. When using a bundler to build your application, all unused +functionality will be either excluded from the final bundle or tree-shaken away. + +To read more about standalone functions, check [FUNCTIONS.md](./FUNCTIONS.md). + +
+ +Available standalone functions + +- [accountingAccountsCreate](docs/sdks/panoraaccounts/README.md#create) +- [accountingAccountsList](docs/sdks/panoraaccounts/README.md#list) +- [accountingAccountsRetrieve](docs/sdks/panoraaccounts/README.md#retrieve) +- [accountingAddressesList](docs/sdks/addresses/README.md#list) +- [accountingAddressesRetrieve](docs/sdks/addresses/README.md#retrieve) +- [accountingAttachmentsCreate](docs/sdks/panoraattachments/README.md#create) +- [accountingAttachmentsList](docs/sdks/panoraattachments/README.md#list) +- [accountingAttachmentsRetrieve](docs/sdks/panoraattachments/README.md#retrieve) +- [accountingBalancesheetsList](docs/sdks/balancesheets/README.md#list) +- [accountingBalancesheetsRetrieve](docs/sdks/balancesheets/README.md#retrieve) +- [accountingCashflowstatementsList](docs/sdks/cashflowstatements/README.md#list) +- [accountingCashflowstatementsRetrieve](docs/sdks/cashflowstatements/README.md#retrieve) +- [accountingCompanyinfosList](docs/sdks/companyinfos/README.md#list) +- [accountingCompanyinfosRetrieve](docs/sdks/companyinfos/README.md#retrieve) +- [accountingContactsCreate](docs/sdks/panoraaccountingcontacts/README.md#create) +- [accountingContactsList](docs/sdks/panoraaccountingcontacts/README.md#list) +- [accountingContactsRetrieve](docs/sdks/panoraaccountingcontacts/README.md#retrieve) +- [accountingCreditnotesList](docs/sdks/creditnotes/README.md#list) +- [accountingCreditnotesRetrieve](docs/sdks/creditnotes/README.md#retrieve) +- [accountingExpensesCreate](docs/sdks/expenses/README.md#create) +- [accountingExpensesList](docs/sdks/expenses/README.md#list) +- [accountingExpensesRetrieve](docs/sdks/expenses/README.md#retrieve) +- [accountingIncomestatementsList](docs/sdks/incomestatements/README.md#list) +- [accountingIncomestatementsRetrieve](docs/sdks/incomestatements/README.md#retrieve) +- [accountingInvoicesCreate](docs/sdks/invoices/README.md#create) +- [accountingInvoicesList](docs/sdks/invoices/README.md#list) +- [accountingInvoicesRetrieve](docs/sdks/invoices/README.md#retrieve) +- [accountingItemsList](docs/sdks/items/README.md#list) +- [accountingItemsRetrieve](docs/sdks/items/README.md#retrieve) +- [accountingJournalentriesCreate](docs/sdks/journalentries/README.md#create) +- [accountingJournalentriesList](docs/sdks/journalentries/README.md#list) +- [accountingJournalentriesRetrieve](docs/sdks/journalentries/README.md#retrieve) +- [accountingPaymentsCreate](docs/sdks/payments/README.md#create) +- [accountingPaymentsList](docs/sdks/payments/README.md#list) +- [accountingPaymentsRetrieve](docs/sdks/payments/README.md#retrieve) +- [accountingPhonenumbersList](docs/sdks/phonenumbers/README.md#list) +- [accountingPhonenumbersRetrieve](docs/sdks/phonenumbers/README.md#retrieve) +- [accountingPurchaseordersCreate](docs/sdks/purchaseorders/README.md#create) +- [accountingPurchaseordersList](docs/sdks/purchaseorders/README.md#list) +- [accountingPurchaseordersRetrieve](docs/sdks/purchaseorders/README.md#retrieve) +- [accountingTaxratesList](docs/sdks/taxrates/README.md#list) +- [accountingTaxratesRetrieve](docs/sdks/taxrates/README.md#retrieve) +- [accountingTrackingcategoriesList](docs/sdks/trackingcategories/README.md#list) +- [accountingTrackingcategoriesRetrieve](docs/sdks/trackingcategories/README.md#retrieve) +- [accountingTransactionsList](docs/sdks/transactions/README.md#list) +- [accountingTransactionsRetrieve](docs/sdks/transactions/README.md#retrieve) +- [accountingVendorcreditsList](docs/sdks/vendorcredits/README.md#list) +- [accountingVendorcreditsRetrieve](docs/sdks/vendorcredits/README.md#retrieve) +- [atsActivitiesCreate](docs/sdks/activities/README.md#create) +- [atsActivitiesList](docs/sdks/activities/README.md#list) +- [atsActivitiesRetrieve](docs/sdks/activities/README.md#retrieve) +- [atsApplicationsCreate](docs/sdks/applications/README.md#create) +- [atsApplicationsList](docs/sdks/applications/README.md#list) +- [atsApplicationsRetrieve](docs/sdks/applications/README.md#retrieve) +- [atsAttachmentsCreate](docs/sdks/attachments/README.md#create) +- [atsAttachmentsList](docs/sdks/attachments/README.md#list) +- [atsAttachmentsRetrieve](docs/sdks/attachments/README.md#retrieve) +- [atsCandidatesCreate](docs/sdks/candidates/README.md#create) +- [atsCandidatesList](docs/sdks/candidates/README.md#list) +- [atsCandidatesRetrieve](docs/sdks/candidates/README.md#retrieve) +- [atsDepartmentsList](docs/sdks/departments/README.md#list) +- [atsDepartmentsRetrieve](docs/sdks/departments/README.md#retrieve) +- [atsEeocsList](docs/sdks/eeocs/README.md#list) +- [atsEeocsRetrieve](docs/sdks/eeocs/README.md#retrieve) +- [atsInterviewsCreate](docs/sdks/interviews/README.md#create) +- [atsInterviewsList](docs/sdks/interviews/README.md#list) +- [atsInterviewsRetrieve](docs/sdks/interviews/README.md#retrieve) +- [atsJobinterviewstagesList](docs/sdks/jobinterviewstages/README.md#list) +- [atsJobinterviewstagesRetrieve](docs/sdks/jobinterviewstages/README.md#retrieve) +- [atsJobsList](docs/sdks/jobs/README.md#list) +- [atsJobsRetrieve](docs/sdks/jobs/README.md#retrieve) +- [atsOffersList](docs/sdks/offers/README.md#list) +- [atsOffersRetrieve](docs/sdks/offers/README.md#retrieve) +- [atsOfficesList](docs/sdks/offices/README.md#list) +- [atsOfficesRetrieve](docs/sdks/offices/README.md#retrieve) +- [atsRejectreasonsList](docs/sdks/rejectreasons/README.md#list) +- [atsRejectreasonsRetrieve](docs/sdks/rejectreasons/README.md#retrieve) +- [atsScorecardsList](docs/sdks/scorecards/README.md#list) +- [atsScorecardsRetrieve](docs/sdks/scorecards/README.md#retrieve) +- [atsTagsList](docs/sdks/panoratags/README.md#list) +- [atsTagsRetrieve](docs/sdks/panoratags/README.md#retrieve) +- [atsUsersList](docs/sdks/panoraatsusers/README.md#list) +- [atsUsersRetrieve](docs/sdks/panoraatsusers/README.md#retrieve) +- [authLoginSignIn](docs/sdks/login/README.md#signin) +- [connectionsGetConnections](docs/sdks/connections/README.md#getconnections) +- [crmCompaniesCreate](docs/sdks/companies/README.md#create) +- [crmCompaniesList](docs/sdks/companies/README.md#list) +- [crmCompaniesRetrieve](docs/sdks/companies/README.md#retrieve) +- [crmContactsCreate](docs/sdks/panoracontacts/README.md#create) +- [crmContactsList](docs/sdks/panoracontacts/README.md#list) +- [crmContactsRetrieve](docs/sdks/panoracontacts/README.md#retrieve) +- [crmDealsCreate](docs/sdks/deals/README.md#create) +- [crmDealsList](docs/sdks/deals/README.md#list) +- [crmDealsRetrieve](docs/sdks/deals/README.md#retrieve) +- [crmEngagementsCreate](docs/sdks/engagements/README.md#create) +- [crmEngagementsList](docs/sdks/engagements/README.md#list) +- [crmEngagementsRetrieve](docs/sdks/engagements/README.md#retrieve) +- [crmNotesCreate](docs/sdks/notes/README.md#create) +- [crmNotesList](docs/sdks/notes/README.md#list) +- [crmNotesRetrieve](docs/sdks/notes/README.md#retrieve) +- [crmStagesList](docs/sdks/stages/README.md#list) +- [crmStagesRetrieve](docs/sdks/stages/README.md#retrieve) +- [crmTasksCreate](docs/sdks/tasks/README.md#create) +- [crmTasksList](docs/sdks/tasks/README.md#list) +- [crmTasksRetrieve](docs/sdks/tasks/README.md#retrieve) +- [crmUsersList](docs/sdks/panorausers/README.md#list) +- [crmUsersRetrieve](docs/sdks/panorausers/README.md#retrieve) +- [ecommerceCustomersList](docs/sdks/customers/README.md#list) +- [ecommerceCustomersRetrieve](docs/sdks/customers/README.md#retrieve) +- [ecommerceFulfillmentsList](docs/sdks/fulfillments/README.md#list) +- [ecommerceFulfillmentsRetrieve](docs/sdks/fulfillments/README.md#retrieve) +- [ecommerceOrdersCreate](docs/sdks/orders/README.md#create) +- [ecommerceOrdersList](docs/sdks/orders/README.md#list) +- [ecommerceOrdersRetrieve](docs/sdks/orders/README.md#retrieve) +- [ecommerceProductsCreate](docs/sdks/products/README.md#create) +- [ecommerceProductsList](docs/sdks/products/README.md#list) +- [ecommerceProductsRetrieve](docs/sdks/products/README.md#retrieve) +- [eventsGetPanoraCoreEvents](docs/sdks/events/README.md#getpanoracoreevents) +- [fieldMappingsDefineCustomField](docs/sdks/fieldmappings/README.md#definecustomfield) +- [fieldMappingsDefinitions](docs/sdks/fieldmappings/README.md#definitions) +- [fieldMappingsGetFieldMappingValues](docs/sdks/fieldmappings/README.md#getfieldmappingvalues) +- [fieldMappingsGetFieldMappingsEntities](docs/sdks/fieldmappings/README.md#getfieldmappingsentities) +- [fieldMappingsGetFieldMappings](docs/sdks/fieldmappings/README.md#getfieldmappings) +- [fieldMappingsMap](docs/sdks/fieldmappings/README.md#map) +- [filestorageDrivesList](docs/sdks/drives/README.md#list) +- [filestorageDrivesRetrieve](docs/sdks/drives/README.md#retrieve) +- [filestorageFilesCreate](docs/sdks/files/README.md#create) +- [filestorageFilesList](docs/sdks/files/README.md#list) +- [filestorageFilesRetrieve](docs/sdks/files/README.md#retrieve) +- [filestorageFoldersCreate](docs/sdks/folders/README.md#create) +- [filestorageFoldersList](docs/sdks/folders/README.md#list) +- [filestorageFoldersRetrieve](docs/sdks/folders/README.md#retrieve) +- [filestorageGroupsList](docs/sdks/panoragroups/README.md#list) +- [filestorageGroupsRetrieve](docs/sdks/panoragroups/README.md#retrieve) +- [filestorageUsersList](docs/sdks/panorafilestorageusers/README.md#list) +- [filestorageUsersRetrieve](docs/sdks/panorafilestorageusers/README.md#retrieve) +- [health](docs/sdks/panora/README.md#health) +- [hello](docs/sdks/panora/README.md#hello) +- [hrisBankinfosList](docs/sdks/bankinfos/README.md#list) +- [hrisBankinfosRetrieve](docs/sdks/bankinfos/README.md#retrieve) +- [hrisBenefitsList](docs/sdks/benefits/README.md#list) +- [hrisBenefitsRetrieve](docs/sdks/benefits/README.md#retrieve) +- [hrisCompaniesList](docs/sdks/panoracompanies/README.md#list) +- [hrisCompaniesRetrieve](docs/sdks/panoracompanies/README.md#retrieve) +- [hrisDependentsList](docs/sdks/dependents/README.md#list) +- [hrisDependentsRetrieve](docs/sdks/dependents/README.md#retrieve) +- [hrisEmployeepayrollrunsList](docs/sdks/employeepayrollruns/README.md#list) +- [hrisEmployeepayrollrunsRetrieve](docs/sdks/employeepayrollruns/README.md#retrieve) +- [hrisEmployeesCreate](docs/sdks/employees/README.md#create) +- [hrisEmployeesList](docs/sdks/employees/README.md#list) +- [hrisEmployeesRetrieve](docs/sdks/employees/README.md#retrieve) +- [hrisEmployerbenefitsList](docs/sdks/employerbenefits/README.md#list) +- [hrisEmployerbenefitsRetrieve](docs/sdks/employerbenefits/README.md#retrieve) +- [hrisEmploymentsList](docs/sdks/employments/README.md#list) +- [hrisEmploymentsRetrieve](docs/sdks/employments/README.md#retrieve) +- [hrisGroupsList](docs/sdks/groups/README.md#list) +- [hrisGroupsRetrieve](docs/sdks/groups/README.md#retrieve) +- [hrisLocationsList](docs/sdks/locations/README.md#list) +- [hrisLocationsRetrieve](docs/sdks/locations/README.md#retrieve) +- [hrisPaygroupsList](docs/sdks/paygroups/README.md#list) +- [hrisPaygroupsRetrieve](docs/sdks/paygroups/README.md#retrieve) +- [hrisPayrollrunsList](docs/sdks/payrollruns/README.md#list) +- [hrisPayrollrunsRetrieve](docs/sdks/payrollruns/README.md#retrieve) +- [hrisTimeoffbalancesList](docs/sdks/timeoffbalances/README.md#list) +- [hrisTimeoffbalancesRetrieve](docs/sdks/timeoffbalances/README.md#retrieve) +- [hrisTimeoffsCreate](docs/sdks/timeoffs/README.md#create) +- [hrisTimeoffsList](docs/sdks/timeoffs/README.md#list) +- [hrisTimeoffsRetrieve](docs/sdks/timeoffs/README.md#retrieve) +- [hrisTimesheetentriesCreate](docs/sdks/timesheetentries/README.md#create) +- [hrisTimesheetentriesList](docs/sdks/timesheetentries/README.md#list) +- [hrisTimesheetentriesRetrieve](docs/sdks/timesheetentries/README.md#retrieve) +- [linkedUsersCreate](docs/sdks/linkedusers/README.md#create) +- [linkedUsersImportBatch](docs/sdks/linkedusers/README.md#importbatch) +- [linkedUsersList](docs/sdks/linkedusers/README.md#list) +- [linkedUsersRemoteId](docs/sdks/linkedusers/README.md#remoteid) +- [linkedUsersRetrieve](docs/sdks/linkedusers/README.md#retrieve) +- [marketingautomationActionsCreate](docs/sdks/actions/README.md#create) +- [marketingautomationActionsList](docs/sdks/actions/README.md#list) +- [marketingautomationActionsRetrieve](docs/sdks/actions/README.md#retrieve) +- [marketingautomationAutomationsCreate](docs/sdks/automations/README.md#create) +- [marketingautomationAutomationsList](docs/sdks/automations/README.md#list) +- [marketingautomationAutomationsRetrieve](docs/sdks/automations/README.md#retrieve) +- [marketingautomationCampaignsCreate](docs/sdks/campaigns/README.md#create) +- [marketingautomationCampaignsList](docs/sdks/campaigns/README.md#list) +- [marketingautomationCampaignsRetrieve](docs/sdks/campaigns/README.md#retrieve) +- [marketingautomationContactsCreate](docs/sdks/panoramarketingautomationcontacts/README.md#create) +- [marketingautomationContactsList](docs/sdks/panoramarketingautomationcontacts/README.md#list) +- [marketingautomationContactsRetrieve](docs/sdks/panoramarketingautomationcontacts/README.md#retrieve) +- [marketingautomationEmailsList](docs/sdks/emails/README.md#list) +- [marketingautomationEmailsRetrieve](docs/sdks/emails/README.md#retrieve) +- [marketingautomationEventsList](docs/sdks/panoraevents/README.md#list) +- [marketingautomationEventsRetrieve](docs/sdks/panoraevents/README.md#retrieve) +- [marketingautomationListsCreate](docs/sdks/lists/README.md#create) +- [marketingautomationListsList](docs/sdks/lists/README.md#list) +- [marketingautomationListsRetrieve](docs/sdks/lists/README.md#retrieve) +- [marketingautomationMessagesList](docs/sdks/messages/README.md#list) +- [marketingautomationMessagesRetrieve](docs/sdks/messages/README.md#retrieve) +- [marketingautomationTemplatesCreate](docs/sdks/templates/README.md#create) +- [marketingautomationTemplatesList](docs/sdks/templates/README.md#list) +- [marketingautomationTemplatesRetrieve](docs/sdks/templates/README.md#retrieve) +- [marketingautomationUsersList](docs/sdks/panoramarketingautomationusers/README.md#list) +- [marketingautomationUsersRetrieve](docs/sdks/panoramarketingautomationusers/README.md#retrieve) +- [passthroughRequest](docs/sdks/passthrough/README.md#request) +- [passthroughRetryidGetRetriedRequestResponse](docs/sdks/retryid/README.md#getretriedrequestresponse) +- [projectsCreate](docs/sdks/projects/README.md#create) +- [projectsGetProjects](docs/sdks/projects/README.md#getprojects) +- [syncResync](docs/sdks/sync/README.md#resync) +- [syncStatus](docs/sdks/sync/README.md#status) +- [ticketingAccountsList](docs/sdks/accounts/README.md#list) +- [ticketingAccountsRetrieve](docs/sdks/accounts/README.md#retrieve) +- [ticketingAttachmentsCreate](docs/sdks/panoraticketingattachments/README.md#create) +- [ticketingAttachmentsList](docs/sdks/panoraticketingattachments/README.md#list) +- [ticketingAttachmentsRetrieve](docs/sdks/panoraticketingattachments/README.md#retrieve) +- [ticketingCollectionsList](docs/sdks/collections/README.md#list) +- [ticketingCollectionsRetrieve](docs/sdks/collections/README.md#retrieve) +- [ticketingCommentsCreate](docs/sdks/comments/README.md#create) +- [ticketingCommentsList](docs/sdks/comments/README.md#list) +- [ticketingCommentsRetrieve](docs/sdks/comments/README.md#retrieve) +- [ticketingContactsList](docs/sdks/contacts/README.md#list) +- [ticketingContactsRetrieve](docs/sdks/contacts/README.md#retrieve) +- [ticketingTagsList](docs/sdks/tags/README.md#list) +- [ticketingTagsRetrieve](docs/sdks/tags/README.md#retrieve) +- [ticketingTeamsList](docs/sdks/teams/README.md#list) +- [ticketingTeamsRetrieve](docs/sdks/teams/README.md#retrieve) +- [ticketingTicketsCreate](docs/sdks/tickets/README.md#create) +- [ticketingTicketsList](docs/sdks/tickets/README.md#list) +- [ticketingTicketsRetrieve](docs/sdks/tickets/README.md#retrieve) +- [ticketingUsersList](docs/sdks/users/README.md#list) +- [ticketingUsersRetrieve](docs/sdks/users/README.md#retrieve) +- [webhooksCreate](docs/sdks/webhooks/README.md#create) +- [webhooksDelete](docs/sdks/webhooks/README.md#delete) +- [webhooksList](docs/sdks/webhooks/README.md#list) +- [webhooksUpdateStatus](docs/sdks/webhooks/README.md#updatestatus) +- [webhooksVerifyEvent](docs/sdks/webhooks/README.md#verifyevent) + + +
+ + + +## Debugging + +To log HTTP requests and responses, you can pass a logger that matches `console`'s interface as an SDK option. + +> [!WARNING] +> Beware that debug logging will reveal secrets, like API tokens in headers, in log messages printed to a console or files. It's recommended to use this feature only during local development and not in production. + +```typescript +import { Panora } from "@panora/sdk"; + +const sdk = new Panora({ debugLogger: console }); +``` + + # Development diff --git a/RELEASES.md b/RELEASES.md index 238894d6..5a980753 100644 --- a/RELEASES.md +++ b/RELEASES.md @@ -188,4 +188,14 @@ Based on: ### Generated - [typescript v0.10.0] . ### Releases -- [NPM v0.10.0] https://www.npmjs.com/package/@panora/sdk/v/0.10.0 - . \ No newline at end of file +- [NPM v0.10.0] https://www.npmjs.com/package/@panora/sdk/v/0.10.0 - . + +## 2024-08-14 03:15:22 +### Changes +Based on: +- OpenAPI Doc +- Speakeasy CLI 1.366.0 (2.396.0) https://github.com/speakeasy-api/speakeasy +### Generated +- [typescript v0.11.0] . +### Releases +- [NPM v0.11.0] https://www.npmjs.com/package/@panora/sdk/v/0.11.0 - . \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/codeSamples.yaml b/codeSamples.yaml index 1d1792bc..3a34e14b 100644 --- a/codeSamples.yaml +++ b/codeSamples.yaml @@ -3,11 +3,11 @@ info: title: CodeSamples overlay for typescript target version: 0.0.0 actions: - - target: $["paths"]["/linked_users/batch"]["post"] + - target: $["paths"]["/crm/engagements/{id}"]["get"] update: x-codeSamples: - lang: typescript - label: importBatch + label: retrieveCrmEngagement source: |- import { Panora } from "@panora/sdk"; @@ -16,11 +16,10 @@ actions: }); async function run() { - const result = await panora.linkedUsers.importBatch({ - linkedUserOriginIds: [ - "id_1", - ], - alias: "acme", + const result = await panora.crm.engagements.retrieve({ + xConnectionToken: "", + id: "801f9ede-c698-4e66-a7fc-48d19eebaa4f", + remoteData: false, }); // Handle the result @@ -28,37 +27,11 @@ actions: } run(); - - target: $["paths"]["/ats/activities"]["get"] - update: - x-codeSamples: - - lang: typescript - label: listAtsActivity - source: |- - import { Panora } from "@panora/sdk"; - - const panora = new Panora({ - apiKey: "", - }); - - async function run() { - const result = await panora.ats.activities.list({ - xConnectionToken: "", - remoteData: true, - limit: 10, - cursor: "1b8b05bb-5273-4012-b520-8657b0b90874", - }); - - for await (const page of result) { - // handle page - } - } - - run(); - - target: $["paths"]["/accounting/incomestatements/{id}"]["get"] + - target: $["paths"]["/marketingautomation/campaigns"]["post"] update: x-codeSamples: - lang: typescript - label: retrieveAccountingIncomeStatement + label: createMarketingautomationCampaign source: |- import { Panora } from "@panora/sdk"; @@ -67,10 +40,10 @@ actions: }); async function run() { - const result = await panora.accounting.incomestatements.retrieve({ + const result = await panora.marketingautomation.campaigns.create({ xConnectionToken: "", - id: "801f9ede-c698-4e66-a7fc-48d19eebaa4f", remoteData: false, + unifiedMarketingautomationCampaignInput: {}, }); // Handle the result @@ -78,11 +51,11 @@ actions: } run(); - - target: $["paths"]["/marketingautomation/contacts"]["get"] + - target: $["paths"]["/ats/candidates"]["get"] update: x-codeSamples: - lang: typescript - label: listMarketingAutomationContacts + label: listAtsCandidate source: |- import { Panora } from "@panora/sdk"; @@ -91,7 +64,7 @@ actions: }); async function run() { - const result = await panora.marketingautomation.contacts.list({ + const result = await panora.ats.candidates.list({ xConnectionToken: "", remoteData: true, limit: 10, @@ -104,11 +77,17 @@ actions: } run(); - - target: $["paths"]["/accounting/items"]["get"] + - target: $["paths"]["/auth/login"]["post"] update: x-codeSamples: - lang: typescript - label: listAccountingItem + label: signIn + source: "import { Panora } from \"@panora/sdk\";\n\nconst panora = new Panora({\n apiKey: \"\",\n});\n\nasync function run() {\n await panora.auth.login.signIn({\n email: \"Oda.Treutel97@hotmail.com\",\n passwordHash: \"\",\n });\n\n \n}\n\nrun();" + - target: $["paths"]["/crm/engagements"]["get"] + update: + x-codeSamples: + - lang: typescript + label: listCrmEngagements source: |- import { Panora } from "@panora/sdk"; @@ -117,7 +96,7 @@ actions: }); async function run() { - const result = await panora.accounting.items.list({ + const result = await panora.crm.engagements.list({ xConnectionToken: "", remoteData: true, limit: 10, @@ -130,23 +109,36 @@ actions: } run(); - - target: $["paths"]["/accounting/payments/{id}"]["get"] + - target: $["paths"]["/crm/tasks"]["post"] update: x-codeSamples: - lang: typescript - label: retrieveAccountingPayment + label: createCrmTask source: |- import { Panora } from "@panora/sdk"; + import { UnifiedCrmTaskInputStatus } from "@panora/sdk/models/components"; const panora = new Panora({ apiKey: "", }); async function run() { - const result = await panora.accounting.payments.retrieve({ + const result = await panora.crm.tasks.create({ xConnectionToken: "", - id: "801f9ede-c698-4e66-a7fc-48d19eebaa4f", - remoteData: false, + unifiedCrmTaskInput: { + subject: "Answer customers", + content: "Prepare email campaign", + status: UnifiedCrmTaskInputStatus.Pending, + dueDate: "2024-10-01T12:00:00Z", + finishedDate: "2024-10-01T12:00:00Z", + userId: "801f9ede-c698-4e66-a7fc-48d19eebaa4f", + companyId: "801f9ede-c698-4e66-a7fc-48d19eebaa4f", + dealId: "801f9ede-c698-4e66-a7fc-48d19eebaa4f", + fieldMappings: { + "fav_dish": "broccoli", + "fav_color": "red", + }, + }, }); // Handle the result @@ -154,11 +146,11 @@ actions: } run(); - - target: $["paths"]["/ats/activities/{id}"]["get"] + - target: $["paths"]["/hris/employees/{id}"]["get"] update: x-codeSamples: - lang: typescript - label: retrieveAtsActivity + label: retrieveHrisEmployee source: |- import { Panora } from "@panora/sdk"; @@ -167,7 +159,7 @@ actions: }); async function run() { - const result = await panora.ats.activities.retrieve({ + const result = await panora.hris.employees.retrieve({ xConnectionToken: "", id: "801f9ede-c698-4e66-a7fc-48d19eebaa4f", remoteData: false, @@ -178,11 +170,11 @@ actions: } run(); - - target: $["paths"]["/ats/tags/{id}"]["get"] + - target: $["paths"]["/hris/employments/{id}"]["get"] update: x-codeSamples: - lang: typescript - label: retrieveAtsTag + label: retrieveHrisEmployment source: |- import { Panora } from "@panora/sdk"; @@ -191,7 +183,7 @@ actions: }); async function run() { - const result = await panora.ats.tags.retrieve({ + const result = await panora.hris.employments.retrieve({ xConnectionToken: "", id: "801f9ede-c698-4e66-a7fc-48d19eebaa4f", remoteData: false, @@ -202,11 +194,11 @@ actions: } run(); - - target: $["paths"]["/ticketing/accounts"]["get"] + - target: $["paths"]["/accounting/contacts/{id}"]["get"] update: x-codeSamples: - lang: typescript - label: listTicketingAccount + label: retrieveAccountingContact source: |- import { Panora } from "@panora/sdk"; @@ -215,24 +207,22 @@ actions: }); async function run() { - const result = await panora.ticketing.accounts.list({ + const result = await panora.accounting.contacts.retrieve({ xConnectionToken: "", - remoteData: true, - limit: 10, - cursor: "1b8b05bb-5273-4012-b520-8657b0b90874", + id: "801f9ede-c698-4e66-a7fc-48d19eebaa4f", + remoteData: false, }); - for await (const page of result) { - // handle page - } + // Handle the result + console.log(result) } run(); - - target: $["paths"]["/ticketing/teams"]["get"] + - target: $["paths"]["/ats/jobs"]["get"] update: x-codeSamples: - lang: typescript - label: listTicketingTeams + label: listAtsJob source: |- import { Panora } from "@panora/sdk"; @@ -241,7 +231,7 @@ actions: }); async function run() { - const result = await panora.ticketing.teams.list({ + const result = await panora.ats.jobs.list({ xConnectionToken: "", remoteData: true, limit: 10, @@ -254,23 +244,59 @@ actions: } run(); - - target: $["paths"]["/marketingautomation/events/{id}"]["get"] + - target: $["paths"]["/accounting/invoices"]["post"] update: x-codeSamples: - lang: typescript - label: retrieveMarketingautomationEvent + label: createAccountingInvoice source: |- import { Panora } from "@panora/sdk"; + import { UnifiedAccountingInvoiceInputCurrency } from "@panora/sdk/models/components"; const panora = new Panora({ apiKey: "", }); async function run() { - const result = await panora.marketingautomation.events.retrieve({ + const result = await panora.accounting.invoices.create({ xConnectionToken: "", - id: "801f9ede-c698-4e66-a7fc-48d19eebaa4f", remoteData: false, + unifiedAccountingInvoiceInput: { + type: "Sales", + number: "INV-001", + issueDate: new Date("2024-06-15T12:00:00Z"), + dueDate: new Date("2024-07-15T12:00:00Z"), + paidOnDate: new Date("2024-07-10T12:00:00Z"), + memo: "Payment for services rendered", + currency: UnifiedAccountingInvoiceInputCurrency.Usd, + exchangeRate: "1.2", + totalDiscount: 1000, + subTotal: 10000, + status: "Paid", + totalTaxAmount: 1000, + totalAmount: 11000, + balance: 0, + contactId: "801f9ede-c698-4e66-a7fc-48d19eebaa4f", + accountingPeriodId: "801f9ede-c698-4e66-a7fc-48d19eebaa4f", + trackingCategories: [ + "801f9ede-c698-4e66-a7fc-48d19eebaa4f", + "801f9ede-c698-4e66-a7fc-48d19eebaa4f", + ], + lineItems: [ + { + name: "Net Income", + value: 100000, + type: "Operating Activities", + parentItem: "801f9ede-c698-4e66-a7fc-48d19eebaa4f", + remoteId: "report_item_1234", + remoteGeneratedAt: new Date("2024-07-01T12:00:00Z"), + companyInfoId: "801f9ede-c698-4e66-a7fc-48d19eebaa4f", + createdAt: new Date("2024-06-15T12:00:00Z"), + modifiedAt: new Date("2024-06-15T12:00:00Z"), + }, + ], + fieldMappings: {}, + }, }); // Handle the result @@ -278,37 +304,66 @@ actions: } run(); - - target: $["paths"]["/accounting/creditnotes"]["get"] + - target: $["paths"]["/ecommerce/orders"]["post"] update: x-codeSamples: - lang: typescript - label: listAccountingCreditNote + label: createEcommerceOrder source: |- import { Panora } from "@panora/sdk"; + import { + UnifiedEcommerceOrderInputCurrency, + UnifiedEcommerceOrderInputFulfillmentStatus, + UnifiedEcommerceOrderInputOrderStatus, + UnifiedEcommerceOrderInputPaymentStatus, + } from "@panora/sdk/models/components"; const panora = new Panora({ apiKey: "", }); async function run() { - const result = await panora.accounting.creditnotes.list({ + const result = await panora.ecommerce.orders.create({ xConnectionToken: "", - remoteData: true, - limit: 10, - cursor: "1b8b05bb-5273-4012-b520-8657b0b90874", + remoteData: false, + unifiedEcommerceOrderInput: { + orderStatus: UnifiedEcommerceOrderInputOrderStatus.Unshipped, + orderNumber: "19823838833", + paymentStatus: UnifiedEcommerceOrderInputPaymentStatus.Success, + currency: UnifiedEcommerceOrderInputCurrency.Aud, + totalPrice: 300, + totalDiscount: 10, + totalShipping: 120, + totalTax: 120, + fulfillmentStatus: UnifiedEcommerceOrderInputFulfillmentStatus.Pending, + customerId: "801f9ede-c698-4e66-a7fc-48d19eebaa4f", + items: [ + { + name: "Net Income", + value: 100000, + type: "Operating Activities", + parentItem: "801f9ede-c698-4e66-a7fc-48d19eebaa4f", + remoteId: "12345", + remoteGeneratedAt: new Date("2024-07-01T12:00:00Z"), + companyInfoId: "801f9ede-c698-4e66-a7fc-48d19eebaa4f", + createdAt: new Date("2024-06-15T12:00:00Z"), + modifiedAt: new Date("2024-06-15T12:00:00Z"), + }, + ], + fieldMappings: {}, + }, }); - for await (const page of result) { - // handle page - } + // Handle the result + console.log(result) } run(); - - target: $["paths"]["/accounting/creditnotes/{id}"]["get"] + - target: $["paths"]["/crm/companies/{id}"]["get"] update: x-codeSamples: - lang: typescript - label: retrieveAccountingCreditNote + label: retrieveCrmCompany source: |- import { Panora } from "@panora/sdk"; @@ -317,7 +372,7 @@ actions: }); async function run() { - const result = await panora.accounting.creditnotes.retrieve({ + const result = await panora.crm.companies.retrieve({ xConnectionToken: "", id: "801f9ede-c698-4e66-a7fc-48d19eebaa4f", remoteData: false, @@ -328,11 +383,11 @@ actions: } run(); - - target: $["paths"]["/ticketing/attachments/{id}"]["get"] + - target: $["paths"]["/ats/users"]["get"] update: x-codeSamples: - lang: typescript - label: retrieveTicketingAttachment + label: listAtsUsers source: |- import { Panora } from "@panora/sdk"; @@ -341,22 +396,24 @@ actions: }); async function run() { - const result = await panora.ticketing.attachments.retrieve({ + const result = await panora.ats.users.list({ xConnectionToken: "", - id: "801f9ede-c698-4e66-a7fc-48d19eebaa4f", - remoteData: false, + remoteData: true, + limit: 10, + cursor: "1b8b05bb-5273-4012-b520-8657b0b90874", }); - // Handle the result - console.log(result) + for await (const page of result) { + // handle page + } } run(); - - target: $["paths"]["/hris/timeoffs"]["get"] + - target: $["paths"]["/ats/applications"]["get"] update: x-codeSamples: - lang: typescript - label: listHrisTimeoffs + label: listAtsApplication source: |- import { Panora } from "@panora/sdk"; @@ -365,7 +422,7 @@ actions: }); async function run() { - const result = await panora.hris.timeoffs.list({ + const result = await panora.ats.applications.list({ xConnectionToken: "", remoteData: true, limit: 10, @@ -378,11 +435,11 @@ actions: } run(); - - target: $["paths"]["/ecommerce/customers/{id}"]["get"] + - target: $["paths"]["/crm/notes/{id}"]["get"] update: x-codeSamples: - lang: typescript - label: retrieveEcommerceCustomer + label: retrieveCrmNote source: |- import { Panora } from "@panora/sdk"; @@ -391,9 +448,10 @@ actions: }); async function run() { - const result = await panora.ecommerce.customers.retrieve({ + const result = await panora.crm.notes.retrieve({ xConnectionToken: "", - id: "", + id: "801f9ede-c698-4e66-a7fc-48d19eebaa4f", + remoteData: false, }); // Handle the result @@ -401,11 +459,17 @@ actions: } run(); - - target: $["paths"]["/accounting/expenses"]["post"] + - target: $["paths"]["/field_mappings/attributes"]["get"] update: x-codeSamples: - lang: typescript - label: createAccountingExpense + label: getFieldMappings + source: "import { Panora } from \"@panora/sdk\";\n\nconst panora = new Panora({\n apiKey: \"\",\n});\n\nasync function run() {\n await panora.fieldMappings.getFieldMappings();\n\n \n}\n\nrun();" + - target: $["paths"]["/hris/benefits"]["get"] + update: + x-codeSamples: + - lang: typescript + label: listHrisBenefits source: |- import { Panora } from "@panora/sdk"; @@ -414,22 +478,24 @@ actions: }); async function run() { - const result = await panora.accounting.expenses.create({ + const result = await panora.hris.benefits.list({ xConnectionToken: "", - remoteData: false, - unifiedAccountingExpenseInput: {}, + remoteData: true, + limit: 10, + cursor: "1b8b05bb-5273-4012-b520-8657b0b90874", }); - // Handle the result - console.log(result) + for await (const page of result) { + // handle page + } } run(); - - target: $["paths"]["/ticketing/collections/{id}"]["get"] + - target: $["paths"]["/marketingautomation/lists/{id}"]["get"] update: x-codeSamples: - lang: typescript - label: retrieveCollection + label: retrieveMarketingautomationList source: |- import { Panora } from "@panora/sdk"; @@ -438,7 +504,7 @@ actions: }); async function run() { - const result = await panora.ticketing.collections.retrieve({ + const result = await panora.marketingautomation.lists.retrieve({ xConnectionToken: "", id: "801f9ede-c698-4e66-a7fc-48d19eebaa4f", remoteData: false, @@ -449,23 +515,35 @@ actions: } run(); - - target: $["paths"]["/crm/tasks/{id}"]["get"] + - target: $["paths"]["/ats/activities"]["post"] update: x-codeSamples: - lang: typescript - label: retrieveCrmTask + label: createAtsActivity source: |- import { Panora } from "@panora/sdk"; + import { UnifiedAtsActivityInputActivityType, UnifiedAtsActivityInputVisibility } from "@panora/sdk/models/components"; const panora = new Panora({ apiKey: "", }); async function run() { - const result = await panora.crm.tasks.retrieve({ + const result = await panora.ats.activities.create({ xConnectionToken: "", - id: "801f9ede-c698-4e66-a7fc-48d19eebaa4f", remoteData: false, + unifiedAtsActivityInput: { + activityType: UnifiedAtsActivityInputActivityType.Note, + subject: "Email subject", + body: "Dear Diana, I love you", + visibility: UnifiedAtsActivityInputVisibility.Public, + candidateId: "801f9ede-c698-4e66-a7fc-48d19eebaa4f", + remoteCreatedAt: new Date("2024-10-01T12:00:00Z"), + fieldMappings: { + "fav_dish": "broccoli", + "fav_color": "red", + }, + }, }); // Handle the result @@ -473,11 +551,11 @@ actions: } run(); - - target: $["paths"]["/marketingautomation/users"]["get"] + - target: $["paths"]["/accounting/incomestatements/{id}"]["get"] update: x-codeSamples: - lang: typescript - label: listMarketingAutomationUsers + label: retrieveAccountingIncomeStatement source: |- import { Panora } from "@panora/sdk"; @@ -486,24 +564,22 @@ actions: }); async function run() { - const result = await panora.marketingautomation.users.list({ + const result = await panora.accounting.incomestatements.retrieve({ xConnectionToken: "", - remoteData: true, - limit: 10, - cursor: "1b8b05bb-5273-4012-b520-8657b0b90874", + id: "801f9ede-c698-4e66-a7fc-48d19eebaa4f", + remoteData: false, }); - for await (const page of result) { - // handle page - } + // Handle the result + console.log(result) } run(); - - target: $["paths"]["/accounting/incomestatements"]["get"] + - target: $["paths"]["/connections"]["get"] update: x-codeSamples: - lang: typescript - label: listAccountingIncomeStatement + label: getConnections source: |- import { Panora } from "@panora/sdk"; @@ -512,24 +588,18 @@ actions: }); async function run() { - const result = await panora.accounting.incomestatements.list({ - xConnectionToken: "", - remoteData: true, - limit: 10, - cursor: "1b8b05bb-5273-4012-b520-8657b0b90874", - }); + const result = await panora.connections.getConnections(); - for await (const page of result) { - // handle page - } + // Handle the result + console.log(result) } run(); - - target: $["paths"]["/filestorage/users"]["get"] + - target: $["paths"]["/linked_users/fromRemoteId"]["get"] update: x-codeSamples: - lang: typescript - label: listFilestorageUsers + label: remoteId source: |- import { Panora } from "@panora/sdk"; @@ -538,24 +608,20 @@ actions: }); async function run() { - const result = await panora.filestorage.users.list({ - xConnectionToken: "", - remoteData: true, - limit: 10, - cursor: "1b8b05bb-5273-4012-b520-8657b0b90874", + const result = await panora.linkedUsers.remoteId({ + remoteId: "id_1", }); - for await (const page of result) { - // handle page - } + // Handle the result + console.log(result) } run(); - - target: $["paths"]["/connections"]["get"] + - target: $["paths"]["/ats/applications/{id}"]["get"] update: x-codeSamples: - lang: typescript - label: getConnections + label: retrieveAtsApplication source: |- import { Panora } from "@panora/sdk"; @@ -564,18 +630,22 @@ actions: }); async function run() { - const result = await panora.connections.getConnections(); + const result = await panora.ats.applications.retrieve({ + xConnectionToken: "", + id: "801f9ede-c698-4e66-a7fc-48d19eebaa4f", + remoteData: false, + }); // Handle the result console.log(result) } run(); - - target: $["paths"]["/webhooks"]["get"] + - target: $["paths"]["/ats/rejectreasons/{id}"]["get"] update: x-codeSamples: - lang: typescript - label: listWebhooks + label: retrieveAtsRejectReason source: |- import { Panora } from "@panora/sdk"; @@ -584,18 +654,22 @@ actions: }); async function run() { - const result = await panora.webhooks.list(); + const result = await panora.ats.rejectreasons.retrieve({ + xConnectionToken: "", + id: "801f9ede-c698-4e66-a7fc-48d19eebaa4f", + remoteData: false, + }); // Handle the result console.log(result) } run(); - - target: $["paths"]["/accounting/taxrates"]["get"] + - target: $["paths"]["/accounting/accounts"]["get"] update: x-codeSamples: - lang: typescript - label: listAccountingTaxRate + label: listAccountingAccounts source: |- import { Panora } from "@panora/sdk"; @@ -604,7 +678,7 @@ actions: }); async function run() { - const result = await panora.accounting.taxrates.list({ + const result = await panora.accounting.accounts.list({ xConnectionToken: "", remoteData: true, limit: 10, @@ -617,11 +691,11 @@ actions: } run(); - - target: $["paths"]["/ticketing/tags"]["get"] + - target: $["paths"]["/ticketing/tickets/{id}"]["get"] update: x-codeSamples: - lang: typescript - label: listTicketingTags + label: retrieveTicketingTicket source: |- import { Panora } from "@panora/sdk"; @@ -630,50 +704,64 @@ actions: }); async function run() { - const result = await panora.ticketing.tags.list({ + const result = await panora.ticketing.tickets.retrieve({ xConnectionToken: "", - remoteData: true, - limit: 10, - cursor: "1b8b05bb-5273-4012-b520-8657b0b90874", + id: "801f9ede-c698-4e66-a7fc-48d19eebaa4f", + remoteData: false, }); - for await (const page of result) { - // handle page - } + // Handle the result + console.log(result) } run(); - - target: $["paths"]["/crm/deals"]["get"] + - target: $["paths"]["/ats/interviews"]["post"] update: x-codeSamples: - lang: typescript - label: listCrmDeals + label: createAtsInterview source: |- import { Panora } from "@panora/sdk"; + import { UnifiedAtsInterviewInputStatus } from "@panora/sdk/models/components"; const panora = new Panora({ apiKey: "", }); async function run() { - const result = await panora.crm.deals.list({ + const result = await panora.ats.interviews.create({ xConnectionToken: "", - remoteData: true, - limit: 10, - cursor: "1b8b05bb-5273-4012-b520-8657b0b90874", + remoteData: false, + unifiedAtsInterviewInput: { + status: UnifiedAtsInterviewInputStatus.Scheduled, + applicationId: "801f9ede-c698-4e66-a7fc-48d19eebaa4f", + jobInterviewStageId: "801f9ede-c698-4e66-a7fc-48d19eebaa4f", + organizedBy: "801f9ede-c698-4e66-a7fc-48d19eebaa4f", + interviewers: [ + "801f9ede-c698-4e66-a7fc-48d19eebaa4f", + ], + location: "San Francisco", + startAt: new Date("2024-10-01T12:00:00Z"), + endAt: new Date("2024-10-01T12:00:00Z"), + remoteCreatedAt: new Date("2024-10-01T12:00:00Z"), + remoteUpdatedAt: new Date("2024-10-01T12:00:00Z"), + fieldMappings: { + "fav_dish": "broccoli", + "fav_color": "red", + }, + }, }); - for await (const page of result) { - // handle page - } + // Handle the result + console.log(result) } run(); - - target: $["paths"]["/hris/paygroups"]["get"] + - target: $["paths"]["/accounting/trackingcategories/{id}"]["get"] update: x-codeSamples: - lang: typescript - label: listHrisPaygroups + label: retrieveAccountingTrackingCategory source: |- import { Panora } from "@panora/sdk"; @@ -682,7 +770,31 @@ actions: }); async function run() { - const result = await panora.hris.paygroups.list({ + const result = await panora.accounting.trackingcategories.retrieve({ + xConnectionToken: "", + id: "801f9ede-c698-4e66-a7fc-48d19eebaa4f", + remoteData: false, + }); + + // Handle the result + console.log(result) + } + + run(); + - target: $["paths"]["/ats/eeocs"]["get"] + update: + x-codeSamples: + - lang: typescript + label: listAtsEeocs + source: |- + import { Panora } from "@panora/sdk"; + + const panora = new Panora({ + apiKey: "", + }); + + async function run() { + const result = await panora.ats.eeocs.list({ xConnectionToken: "", remoteData: true, limit: 10, @@ -695,11 +807,11 @@ actions: } run(); - - target: $["paths"]["/ats/applications"]["get"] + - target: $["paths"]["/ticketing/teams"]["get"] update: x-codeSamples: - lang: typescript - label: listAtsApplication + label: listTicketingTeams source: |- import { Panora } from "@panora/sdk"; @@ -708,7 +820,7 @@ actions: }); async function run() { - const result = await panora.ats.applications.list({ + const result = await panora.ticketing.teams.list({ xConnectionToken: "", remoteData: true, limit: 10, @@ -721,51 +833,27 @@ actions: } run(); - - target: $["paths"]["/crm/contacts"]["post"] + - target: $["paths"]["/ticketing/attachments"]["post"] update: x-codeSamples: - lang: typescript - label: createCrmContact + label: createTicketingAttachment source: |- import { Panora } from "@panora/sdk"; - import { AddressType, EmailAddressType, PhoneType } from "@panora/sdk/models/components"; const panora = new Panora({ apiKey: "", }); async function run() { - const result = await panora.crm.contacts.create({ + const result = await panora.ticketing.attachments.create({ xConnectionToken: "", - remoteData: false, - unifiedCrmContactInput: { - firstName: "John", - lastName: "Doe", - emailAddresses: [ - { - emailAddress: "Jena.Nienow28@yahoo.com", - emailAddressType: EmailAddressType.Personal, - }, - ], - phoneNumbers: [ - { - phoneNumber: "", - phoneType: PhoneType.Work, - }, - ], - addresses: [ - { - street1: "5th Avenue", - street2: "Street 2", - city: "Anytown", - state: "CA", - postalCode: "10001", - country: "USA", - addressType: AddressType.Personal, - ownerType: "", - }, - ], - userId: "801f9ede-c698-4e66-a7fc-48d19eebaa4f", + unifiedTicketingAttachmentInput: { + fileName: "features_planning.pdf", + fileUrl: "https://example.com/features_planning.pdf", + uploader: "801f9ede-c698-4e66-a7fc-48d19eebaa4f", + ticketId: "801f9ede-c698-4e66-a7fc-48d19eebaa4f", + commentId: "801f9ede-c698-4e66-a7fc-48d19eebaa4f", fieldMappings: { "fav_dish": "broccoli", "fav_color": "red", @@ -778,17 +866,11 @@ actions: } run(); - - target: $["paths"]["/field_mappings/attributes"]["get"] - update: - x-codeSamples: - - lang: typescript - label: getFieldMappings - source: "import { Panora } from \"@panora/sdk\";\n\nconst panora = new Panora({\n apiKey: \"\",\n});\n\nasync function run() {\n await panora.fieldMappings.getFieldMappings();\n\n \n}\n\nrun();" - - target: $["paths"]["/marketingautomation/contacts"]["post"] + - target: $["paths"]["/hris/payrollruns/{id}"]["get"] update: x-codeSamples: - lang: typescript - label: createMarketingAutomationContact + label: retrieveHrisPayrollRun source: |- import { Panora } from "@panora/sdk"; @@ -797,10 +879,10 @@ actions: }); async function run() { - const result = await panora.marketingautomation.contacts.create({ + const result = await panora.hris.payrollruns.retrieve({ xConnectionToken: "", + id: "801f9ede-c698-4e66-a7fc-48d19eebaa4f", remoteData: false, - unifiedMarketingautomationContactInput: {}, }); // Handle the result @@ -808,23 +890,38 @@ actions: } run(); - - target: $["paths"]["/accounting/companyinfos/{id}"]["get"] + - target: $["paths"]["/hris/timeoffs"]["post"] update: x-codeSamples: - lang: typescript - label: retrieveAccountingCompanyInfo + label: createHrisTimeoff source: |- import { Panora } from "@panora/sdk"; + import { + UnifiedHrisTimeoffInputRequestType, + UnifiedHrisTimeoffInputStatus, + UnifiedHrisTimeoffInputUnits, + } from "@panora/sdk/models/components"; const panora = new Panora({ apiKey: "", }); async function run() { - const result = await panora.accounting.companyinfos.retrieve({ + const result = await panora.hris.timeoffs.create({ xConnectionToken: "", - id: "801f9ede-c698-4e66-a7fc-48d19eebaa4f", - remoteData: false, + unifiedHrisTimeoffInput: { + employee: "801f9ede-c698-4e66-a7fc-48d19eebaa4f", + approver: "801f9ede-c698-4e66-a7fc-48d19eebaa4f", + status: UnifiedHrisTimeoffInputStatus.Requested, + employeeNote: "Annual vacation", + units: UnifiedHrisTimeoffInputUnits.Days, + amount: 5, + requestType: UnifiedHrisTimeoffInputRequestType.Vacation, + startTime: new Date("2024-07-01T09:00:00Z"), + endTime: new Date("2024-07-05T17:00:00Z"), + fieldMappings: {}, + }, }); // Handle the result @@ -832,11 +929,11 @@ actions: } run(); - - target: $["paths"]["/accounting/purchaseorders/{id}"]["get"] + - target: $["paths"]["/marketingautomation/campaigns/{id}"]["get"] update: x-codeSamples: - lang: typescript - label: retrieveAccountingPurchaseOrder + label: retrieveMarketingautomationCampaign source: |- import { Panora } from "@panora/sdk"; @@ -845,7 +942,7 @@ actions: }); async function run() { - const result = await panora.accounting.purchaseorders.retrieve({ + const result = await panora.marketingautomation.campaigns.retrieve({ xConnectionToken: "", id: "801f9ede-c698-4e66-a7fc-48d19eebaa4f", remoteData: false, @@ -856,34 +953,22 @@ actions: } run(); - - target: $["paths"]["/ticketing/comments"]["post"] + - target: $["paths"]["/linked_users"]["post"] update: x-codeSamples: - lang: typescript - label: createTicketingComment + label: createLinkedUser source: |- import { Panora } from "@panora/sdk"; - import { UnifiedTicketingCommentInputCreatorType } from "@panora/sdk/models/components"; const panora = new Panora({ apiKey: "", }); async function run() { - const result = await panora.ticketing.comments.create({ - xConnectionToken: "", - unifiedTicketingCommentInput: { - body: "Assigned to Eric !", - htmlBody: "

Assigned to Eric !

", - isPrivate: false, - creatorType: UnifiedTicketingCommentInputCreatorType.User, - ticketId: "801f9ede-c698-4e66-a7fc-48d19eebaa4f", - contactId: "801f9ede-c698-4e66-a7fc-48d19eebaa4f", - userId: "801f9ede-c698-4e66-a7fc-48d19eebaa4f", - attachments: [ - "801f9ede-c698-4e66-a7fc-48d19eebaa4f", - ], - }, + const result = await panora.linkedUsers.create({ + linkedUserOriginId: "id_1", + alias: "acme", }); // Handle the result @@ -891,23 +976,36 @@ actions: } run(); - - target: $["paths"]["/crm/stages/{id}"]["get"] + - target: $["paths"]["/accounting/accounts"]["post"] update: x-codeSamples: - lang: typescript - label: retrieveCrmStage + label: createAccountingAccount source: |- import { Panora } from "@panora/sdk"; + import { UnifiedAccountingAccountInputCurrency } from "@panora/sdk/models/components"; const panora = new Panora({ apiKey: "", }); async function run() { - const result = await panora.crm.stages.retrieve({ + const result = await panora.accounting.accounts.create({ xConnectionToken: "", - id: "801f9ede-c698-4e66-a7fc-48d19eebaa4f", remoteData: false, + unifiedAccountingAccountInput: { + name: "Cash", + description: "Main cash account for daily operations", + classification: "Asset", + type: "Current Asset", + status: "Active", + currentBalance: 10000, + currency: UnifiedAccountingAccountInputCurrency.Usd, + accountNumber: "1000", + parentAccount: "801f9ede-c698-4e66-a7fc-48d19eebaa4f", + companyInfoId: "801f9ede-c698-4e66-a7fc-48d19eebaa4f", + fieldMappings: {}, + }, }); // Handle the result @@ -915,11 +1013,11 @@ actions: } run(); - - target: $["paths"]["/hris/bankinfos/{id}"]["get"] + - target: $["paths"]["/filestorage/files/{id}"]["get"] update: x-codeSamples: - lang: typescript - label: retrieveHrisBankInfo + label: retrieveFilestorageFile source: |- import { Panora } from "@panora/sdk"; @@ -928,7 +1026,7 @@ actions: }); async function run() { - const result = await panora.hris.bankinfos.retrieve({ + const result = await panora.filestorage.files.retrieve({ xConnectionToken: "", id: "801f9ede-c698-4e66-a7fc-48d19eebaa4f", remoteData: false, @@ -939,34 +1037,11 @@ actions: } run(); - - target: $["paths"]["/marketingautomation/templates"]["post"] - update: - x-codeSamples: - - lang: typescript - label: createMarketingautomationTemplate - source: |- - import { Panora } from "@panora/sdk"; - - const panora = new Panora({ - apiKey: "", - }); - - async function run() { - const result = await panora.marketingautomation.templates.create({ - xConnectionToken: "", - unifiedMarketingautomationTemplateInput: {}, - }); - - // Handle the result - console.log(result) - } - - run(); - - target: $["paths"]["/ats/jobinterviewstages/{id}"]["get"] + - target: $["paths"]["/ecommerce/fulfillments"]["get"] update: x-codeSamples: - lang: typescript - label: retrieveAtsJobInterviewStage + label: listEcommerceFulfillments source: |- import { Panora } from "@panora/sdk"; @@ -975,22 +1050,24 @@ actions: }); async function run() { - const result = await panora.ats.jobinterviewstages.retrieve({ + const result = await panora.ecommerce.fulfillments.list({ xConnectionToken: "", - id: "801f9ede-c698-4e66-a7fc-48d19eebaa4f", - remoteData: false, + remoteData: true, + limit: 10, + cursor: "1b8b05bb-5273-4012-b520-8657b0b90874", }); - // Handle the result - console.log(result) + for await (const page of result) { + // handle page + } } run(); - - target: $["paths"]["/filestorage/folders/{id}"]["get"] + - target: $["paths"]["/crm/tasks"]["get"] update: x-codeSamples: - lang: typescript - label: retrieveFilestorageFolder + label: listCrmTask source: |- import { Panora } from "@panora/sdk"; @@ -999,22 +1076,24 @@ actions: }); async function run() { - const result = await panora.filestorage.folders.retrieve({ + const result = await panora.crm.tasks.list({ xConnectionToken: "", - id: "801f9ede-c698-4e66-a7fc-48d19eebaa4f", - remoteData: false, + remoteData: true, + limit: 10, + cursor: "1b8b05bb-5273-4012-b520-8657b0b90874", }); - // Handle the result - console.log(result) + for await (const page of result) { + // handle page + } } run(); - - target: $["paths"]["/ticketing/accounts/{id}"]["get"] + - target: $["paths"]["/hris/companies"]["get"] update: x-codeSamples: - lang: typescript - label: retrieveTicketingAccount + label: listHrisCompanies source: |- import { Panora } from "@panora/sdk"; @@ -1023,21 +1102,24 @@ actions: }); async function run() { - const result = await panora.ticketing.accounts.retrieve({ + const result = await panora.hris.companies.list({ xConnectionToken: "", - id: "", + remoteData: true, + limit: 10, + cursor: "1b8b05bb-5273-4012-b520-8657b0b90874", }); - // Handle the result - console.log(result) + for await (const page of result) { + // handle page + } } run(); - - target: $["paths"]["/crm/companies"]["get"] + - target: $["paths"]["/marketingautomation/actions"]["get"] update: x-codeSamples: - lang: typescript - label: listCrmCompany + label: listMarketingautomationAction source: |- import { Panora } from "@panora/sdk"; @@ -1046,7 +1128,7 @@ actions: }); async function run() { - const result = await panora.crm.companies.list({ + const result = await panora.marketingautomation.actions.list({ xConnectionToken: "", remoteData: true, limit: 10, @@ -1059,11 +1141,11 @@ actions: } run(); - - target: $["paths"]["/hris/employerbenefits/{id}"]["get"] + - target: $["paths"]["/ats/attachments/{id}"]["get"] update: x-codeSamples: - lang: typescript - label: retrieveHrisEmployerBenefit + label: retrieveAtsAttachment source: |- import { Panora } from "@panora/sdk"; @@ -1072,7 +1154,7 @@ actions: }); async function run() { - const result = await panora.hris.employerbenefits.retrieve({ + const result = await panora.ats.attachments.retrieve({ xConnectionToken: "", id: "801f9ede-c698-4e66-a7fc-48d19eebaa4f", remoteData: false, @@ -1083,11 +1165,11 @@ actions: } run(); - - target: $["paths"]["/marketingautomation/templates"]["get"] + - target: $["paths"]["/ats/offices/{id}"]["get"] update: x-codeSamples: - lang: typescript - label: listMarketingautomationTemplates + label: retrieveAtsOffice source: |- import { Panora } from "@panora/sdk"; @@ -1096,24 +1178,22 @@ actions: }); async function run() { - const result = await panora.marketingautomation.templates.list({ + const result = await panora.ats.offices.retrieve({ xConnectionToken: "", - remoteData: true, - limit: 10, - cursor: "1b8b05bb-5273-4012-b520-8657b0b90874", + id: "801f9ede-c698-4e66-a7fc-48d19eebaa4f", + remoteData: false, }); - for await (const page of result) { - // handle page - } + // Handle the result + console.log(result) } run(); - - target: $["paths"]["/accounting/invoices/{id}"]["get"] + - target: $["paths"]["/ats/eeocs/{id}"]["get"] update: x-codeSamples: - lang: typescript - label: retrieveAccountingInvoice + label: retrieveAtsEeocs source: |- import { Panora } from "@panora/sdk"; @@ -1122,10 +1202,9 @@ actions: }); async function run() { - const result = await panora.accounting.invoices.retrieve({ + const result = await panora.ats.eeocs.retrieve({ xConnectionToken: "", - id: "801f9ede-c698-4e66-a7fc-48d19eebaa4f", - remoteData: false, + id: "", }); // Handle the result @@ -1133,11 +1212,11 @@ actions: } run(); - - target: $["paths"]["/filestorage/drives"]["get"] + - target: $["paths"]["/accounting/creditnotes"]["get"] update: x-codeSamples: - lang: typescript - label: listFilestorageDrives + label: listAccountingCreditNote source: |- import { Panora } from "@panora/sdk"; @@ -1146,7 +1225,7 @@ actions: }); async function run() { - const result = await panora.filestorage.drives.list({ + const result = await panora.accounting.creditnotes.list({ xConnectionToken: "", remoteData: true, limit: 10, @@ -1159,11 +1238,11 @@ actions: } run(); - - target: $["paths"]["/ecommerce/orders/{id}"]["get"] + - target: $["paths"]["/ecommerce/orders"]["get"] update: x-codeSamples: - lang: typescript - label: retrieveEcommerceOrder + label: listEcommerceOrders source: |- import { Panora } from "@panora/sdk"; @@ -1172,21 +1251,24 @@ actions: }); async function run() { - const result = await panora.ecommerce.orders.retrieve({ + const result = await panora.ecommerce.orders.list({ xConnectionToken: "", - id: "", + remoteData: true, + limit: 10, + cursor: "1b8b05bb-5273-4012-b520-8657b0b90874", }); - // Handle the result - console.log(result) + for await (const page of result) { + // handle page + } } run(); - - target: $["paths"]["/crm/engagements/{id}"]["get"] + - target: $["paths"]["/ecommerce/fulfillments/{id}"]["get"] update: x-codeSamples: - lang: typescript - label: retrieveCrmEngagement + label: retrieveEcommerceFulfillment source: |- import { Panora } from "@panora/sdk"; @@ -1195,10 +1277,9 @@ actions: }); async function run() { - const result = await panora.crm.engagements.retrieve({ + const result = await panora.ecommerce.fulfillments.retrieve({ xConnectionToken: "", - id: "801f9ede-c698-4e66-a7fc-48d19eebaa4f", - remoteData: false, + id: "", }); // Handle the result @@ -1206,11 +1287,11 @@ actions: } run(); - - target: $["paths"]["/hris/employeepayrollruns"]["get"] + - target: $["paths"]["/ats/tags"]["get"] update: x-codeSamples: - lang: typescript - label: listHrisEmployeePayrollRun + label: listAtsTags source: |- import { Panora } from "@panora/sdk"; @@ -1219,7 +1300,7 @@ actions: }); async function run() { - const result = await panora.hris.employeepayrollruns.list({ + const result = await panora.ats.tags.list({ xConnectionToken: "", remoteData: true, limit: 10, @@ -1232,33 +1313,23 @@ actions: } run(); - - target: $["paths"]["/passthrough"]["post"] + - target: $["paths"]["/accounting/taxrates/{id}"]["get"] update: x-codeSamples: - lang: typescript - label: request + label: retrieveAccountingTaxRate source: |- import { Panora } from "@panora/sdk"; - import { PassThroughRequestDtoMethod } from "@panora/sdk/models/components"; const panora = new Panora({ apiKey: "", }); async function run() { - const result = await panora.passthrough.request({ + const result = await panora.accounting.taxrates.retrieve({ xConnectionToken: "", - passThroughRequestDto: { - method: PassThroughRequestDtoMethod.Get, - path: "/dev", - data: {}, - requestFormat: { - "key": "", - }, - overrideBaseUrl: { - "key": "", - }, - }, + id: "801f9ede-c698-4e66-a7fc-48d19eebaa4f", + remoteData: false, }); // Handle the result @@ -1266,11 +1337,11 @@ actions: } run(); - - target: $["paths"]["/hris/companies/{id}"]["get"] + - target: $["paths"]["/health"]["get"] update: x-codeSamples: - lang: typescript - label: retrieveHrisCompany + label: health source: |- import { Panora } from "@panora/sdk"; @@ -1279,48 +1350,80 @@ actions: }); async function run() { - const result = await panora.hris.companies.retrieve({ - xConnectionToken: "", - id: "801f9ede-c698-4e66-a7fc-48d19eebaa4f", - remoteData: false, - }); + const result = await panora.health(); // Handle the result console.log(result) } run(); - - target: $["paths"]["/marketingautomation/lists"]["get"] + - target: $["paths"]["/hris/employees"]["post"] update: x-codeSamples: - lang: typescript - label: listMarketingautomationLists + label: createHrisEmployee source: |- import { Panora } from "@panora/sdk"; + import { + UnifiedHrisEmployeeInputEmploymentStatus, + UnifiedHrisEmployeeInputEthnicity, + UnifiedHrisEmployeeInputGender, + UnifiedHrisEmployeeInputMaritalStatus, + } from "@panora/sdk/models/components"; const panora = new Panora({ apiKey: "", }); async function run() { - const result = await panora.marketingautomation.lists.list({ + const result = await panora.hris.employees.create({ xConnectionToken: "", - remoteData: true, - limit: 10, - cursor: "1b8b05bb-5273-4012-b520-8657b0b90874", + unifiedHrisEmployeeInput: { + groups: [ + "Group1", + "Group2", + ], + locations: [ + "801f9ede-c698-4e66-a7fc-48d19eebaa4f", + ], + employeeNumber: "EMP001", + companyId: "801f9ede-c698-4e66-a7fc-48d19eebaa4f", + firstName: "John", + lastName: "Doe", + preferredName: "Johnny", + displayFullName: "John Doe", + username: "johndoe", + workEmail: "john.doe@company.com", + personalEmail: "john.doe@personal.com", + mobilePhoneNumber: "+1234567890", + employments: [ + "801f9ede-c698-4e66-a7fc-48d19eebaa4f", + "801f9ede-c698-4e66-a7fc-48d19eebaa4f", + ], + ssn: "123-45-6789", + gender: UnifiedHrisEmployeeInputGender.Male, + ethnicity: UnifiedHrisEmployeeInputEthnicity.AmericanIndianOrAlaskaNative, + maritalStatus: UnifiedHrisEmployeeInputMaritalStatus.MarriedFilingSeparately, + dateOfBirth: new Date("1990-01-01"), + startDate: new Date("2020-01-01"), + employmentStatus: UnifiedHrisEmployeeInputEmploymentStatus.Active, + terminationDate: new Date("2025-01-01"), + avatarUrl: "https://example.com/avatar.jpg", + managerId: "801f9ede-c698-4e66-a7fc-48d19eebaa4f", + fieldMappings: {}, + }, }); - for await (const page of result) { - // handle page - } + // Handle the result + console.log(result) } run(); - - target: $["paths"]["/accounting/purchaseorders"]["get"] + - target: $["paths"]["/hris/employerbenefits/{id}"]["get"] update: x-codeSamples: - lang: typescript - label: listAccountingPurchaseOrder + label: retrieveHrisEmployerBenefit source: |- import { Panora } from "@panora/sdk"; @@ -1329,24 +1432,22 @@ actions: }); async function run() { - const result = await panora.accounting.purchaseorders.list({ + const result = await panora.hris.employerbenefits.retrieve({ xConnectionToken: "", - remoteData: true, - limit: 10, - cursor: "1b8b05bb-5273-4012-b520-8657b0b90874", + id: "801f9ede-c698-4e66-a7fc-48d19eebaa4f", + remoteData: false, }); - for await (const page of result) { - // handle page - } + // Handle the result + console.log(result) } run(); - - target: $["paths"]["/marketingautomation/automations"]["post"] + - target: $["paths"]["/marketingautomation/actions/{id}"]["get"] update: x-codeSamples: - lang: typescript - label: createMarketingautomationAutomation + label: retrieveMarketingautomationAction source: |- import { Panora } from "@panora/sdk"; @@ -1355,10 +1456,10 @@ actions: }); async function run() { - const result = await panora.marketingautomation.automations.create({ + const result = await panora.marketingautomation.actions.retrieve({ xConnectionToken: "", + id: "801f9ede-c698-4e66-a7fc-48d19eebaa4f", remoteData: false, - unifiedMarketingautomationAutomationInput: {}, }); // Handle the result @@ -1366,11 +1467,11 @@ actions: } run(); - - target: $["paths"]["/marketingautomation/events"]["get"] + - target: $["paths"]["/ats/scorecards"]["get"] update: x-codeSamples: - lang: typescript - label: listMarketingAutomationEvents + label: listAtsScorecard source: |- import { Panora } from "@panora/sdk"; @@ -1379,7 +1480,7 @@ actions: }); async function run() { - const result = await panora.marketingautomation.events.list({ + const result = await panora.ats.scorecards.list({ xConnectionToken: "", remoteData: true, limit: 10, @@ -1392,11 +1493,11 @@ actions: } run(); - - target: $["paths"]["/ats/scorecards"]["get"] + - target: $["paths"]["/hris/groups"]["get"] update: x-codeSamples: - lang: typescript - label: listAtsScorecard + label: listHrisGroups source: |- import { Panora } from "@panora/sdk"; @@ -1405,7 +1506,7 @@ actions: }); async function run() { - const result = await panora.ats.scorecards.list({ + const result = await panora.hris.groups.list({ xConnectionToken: "", remoteData: true, limit: 10, @@ -1418,11 +1519,11 @@ actions: } run(); - - target: $["paths"]["/hris/payrollruns"]["get"] + - target: $["paths"]["/marketingautomation/automations"]["get"] update: x-codeSamples: - lang: typescript - label: listHrisPayrollRuns + label: listMarketingautomationAutomations source: |- import { Panora } from "@panora/sdk"; @@ -1431,7 +1532,7 @@ actions: }); async function run() { - const result = await panora.hris.payrollruns.list({ + const result = await panora.marketingautomation.automations.list({ xConnectionToken: "", remoteData: true, limit: 10, @@ -1444,11 +1545,11 @@ actions: } run(); - - target: $["paths"]["/hris/employees/{id}"]["get"] + - target: $["paths"]["/marketingautomation/users/{id}"]["get"] update: x-codeSamples: - lang: typescript - label: retrieveHrisEmployee + label: retrieveMarketingAutomationUser source: |- import { Panora } from "@panora/sdk"; @@ -1457,7 +1558,7 @@ actions: }); async function run() { - const result = await panora.hris.employees.retrieve({ + const result = await panora.marketingautomation.users.retrieve({ xConnectionToken: "", id: "801f9ede-c698-4e66-a7fc-48d19eebaa4f", remoteData: false, @@ -1468,11 +1569,11 @@ actions: } run(); - - target: $["paths"]["/ats/candidates/{id}"]["get"] + - target: $["paths"]["/accounting/cashflowstatements/{id}"]["get"] update: x-codeSamples: - lang: typescript - label: retrieveAtsCandidate + label: retrieveAccountingCashflowStatement source: |- import { Panora } from "@panora/sdk"; @@ -1481,7 +1582,7 @@ actions: }); async function run() { - const result = await panora.ats.candidates.retrieve({ + const result = await panora.accounting.cashflowstatements.retrieve({ xConnectionToken: "", id: "801f9ede-c698-4e66-a7fc-48d19eebaa4f", remoteData: false, @@ -1492,11 +1593,11 @@ actions: } run(); - - target: $["paths"]["/webhooks/{id}"]["put"] + - target: $["paths"]["/accounting/payments/{id}"]["get"] update: x-codeSamples: - lang: typescript - label: updateStatus + label: retrieveAccountingPayment source: |- import { Panora } from "@panora/sdk"; @@ -1505,8 +1606,10 @@ actions: }); async function run() { - const result = await panora.webhooks.updateStatus({ + const result = await panora.accounting.payments.retrieve({ + xConnectionToken: "", id: "801f9ede-c698-4e66-a7fc-48d19eebaa4f", + remoteData: false, }); // Handle the result @@ -1514,81 +1617,37 @@ actions: } run(); - - target: $["paths"]["/ticketing/tickets"]["post"] + - target: $["paths"]["/marketingautomation/events"]["get"] update: x-codeSamples: - lang: typescript - label: createTicketingTicket + label: listMarketingAutomationEvents source: |- import { Panora } from "@panora/sdk"; - import { - UnifiedTicketingTicketInputCreatorType, - UnifiedTicketingTicketInputPriority, - UnifiedTicketingTicketInputStatus, - UnifiedTicketingTicketInputType, - } from "@panora/sdk/models/components"; const panora = new Panora({ apiKey: "", }); async function run() { - const result = await panora.ticketing.tickets.create({ + const result = await panora.marketingautomation.events.list({ xConnectionToken: "", - remoteData: false, - unifiedTicketingTicketInput: { - name: "Customer Service Inquiry", - status: UnifiedTicketingTicketInputStatus.Open, - description: "Help customer", - dueDate: new Date("2024-10-01T12:00:00Z"), - type: UnifiedTicketingTicketInputType.Bug, - parentTicket: "801f9ede-c698-4e66-a7fc-48d19eebaa4f", - collections: [ - "801f9ede-c698-4e66-a7fc-48d19eebaa4f", - ], - tags: [ - "my_tag", - "urgent_tag", - ], - completedAt: new Date("2024-10-01T12:00:00Z"), - priority: UnifiedTicketingTicketInputPriority.High, - assignedTo: [ - "801f9ede-c698-4e66-a7fc-48d19eebaa4f", - ], - comment: { - body: "Assigned to Eric !", - htmlBody: "

Assigned to Eric !

", - isPrivate: false, - creatorType: UnifiedTicketingTicketInputCreatorType.User, - ticketId: "801f9ede-c698-4e66-a7fc-48d19eebaa4f", - contactId: "801f9ede-c698-4e66-a7fc-48d19eebaa4f", - userId: "801f9ede-c698-4e66-a7fc-48d19eebaa4f", - attachments: [ - "801f9ede-c698-4e66-a7fc-48d19eebaa4f", - ], - }, - accountId: "801f9ede-c698-4e66-a7fc-48d19eebaa4f", - contactId: "801f9ede-c698-4e66-a7fc-48d19eebaa4f", - attachments: [ - "801f9ede-c698-4e66-a7fc-48d19eebaa4f", - ], - fieldMappings: { - "fav_dish": "broccoli", - "fav_color": "red", - }, - }, + remoteData: true, + limit: 10, + cursor: "1b8b05bb-5273-4012-b520-8657b0b90874", }); - // Handle the result - console.log(result) + for await (const page of result) { + // handle page + } } run(); - - target: $["paths"]["/ticketing/comments/{id}"]["get"] + - target: $["paths"]["/accounting/purchaseorders/{id}"]["get"] update: x-codeSamples: - lang: typescript - label: retrieveTicketingComment + label: retrieveAccountingPurchaseOrder source: |- import { Panora } from "@panora/sdk"; @@ -1597,9 +1656,10 @@ actions: }); async function run() { - const result = await panora.ticketing.comments.retrieve({ + const result = await panora.accounting.purchaseorders.retrieve({ xConnectionToken: "", - id: "", + id: "801f9ede-c698-4e66-a7fc-48d19eebaa4f", + remoteData: false, }); // Handle the result @@ -1607,69 +1667,37 @@ actions: } run(); - - target: $["paths"]["/crm/companies"]["post"] + - target: $["paths"]["/accounting/trackingcategories"]["get"] update: x-codeSamples: - lang: typescript - label: createCrmCompany + label: listAccountingTrackingCategorys source: |- import { Panora } from "@panora/sdk"; - import { AddressType, EmailAddressType, PhoneType, UnifiedCrmCompanyInputIndustry } from "@panora/sdk/models/components"; const panora = new Panora({ apiKey: "", }); async function run() { - const result = await panora.crm.companies.create({ + const result = await panora.accounting.trackingcategories.list({ xConnectionToken: "", - remoteData: false, - unifiedCrmCompanyInput: { - name: "Acme", - industry: UnifiedCrmCompanyInputIndustry.Accounting, - numberOfEmployees: 10, - userId: "801f9ede-c698-4e66-a7fc-48d19eebaa4f", - emailAddresses: [ - { - emailAddress: "acme@gmail.com", - emailAddressType: EmailAddressType.Work, - }, - ], - addresses: [ - { - street1: "5th Avenue", - street2: "Street 2", - city: "New York", - state: "NY", - postalCode: "10001", - country: "USA", - addressType: AddressType.Work, - ownerType: "", - }, - ], - phoneNumbers: [ - { - phoneNumber: "+33660606067", - phoneType: PhoneType.Work, - }, - ], - fieldMappings: { - "fav_dish": "broccoli", - "fav_color": "red", - }, - }, + remoteData: true, + limit: 10, + cursor: "1b8b05bb-5273-4012-b520-8657b0b90874", }); - // Handle the result - console.log(result) + for await (const page of result) { + // handle page + } } run(); - - target: $["paths"]["/hris/timeoffs/{id}"]["get"] + - target: $["paths"]["/ticketing/contacts"]["get"] update: x-codeSamples: - lang: typescript - label: retrieveHrisTimeoff + label: listTicketingContacts source: |- import { Panora } from "@panora/sdk"; @@ -1678,22 +1706,24 @@ actions: }); async function run() { - const result = await panora.hris.timeoffs.retrieve({ + const result = await panora.ticketing.contacts.list({ xConnectionToken: "", - id: "801f9ede-c698-4e66-a7fc-48d19eebaa4f", - remoteData: false, + remoteData: true, + limit: 10, + cursor: "1b8b05bb-5273-4012-b520-8657b0b90874", }); - // Handle the result - console.log(result) + for await (const page of result) { + // handle page + } } run(); - - target: $["paths"]["/accounting/attachments"]["post"] + - target: $["paths"]["/ticketing/attachments/{id}"]["get"] update: x-codeSamples: - lang: typescript - label: createAccountingAttachment + label: retrieveTicketingAttachment source: |- import { Panora } from "@panora/sdk"; @@ -1702,10 +1732,10 @@ actions: }); async function run() { - const result = await panora.accounting.attachments.create({ + const result = await panora.ticketing.attachments.retrieve({ xConnectionToken: "", + id: "801f9ede-c698-4e66-a7fc-48d19eebaa4f", remoteData: false, - unifiedAccountingAttachmentInput: {}, }); // Handle the result @@ -1713,11 +1743,17 @@ actions: } run(); - - target: $["paths"]["/crm/stages"]["get"] + - target: $["paths"]["/sync/status/{vertical}"]["get"] update: x-codeSamples: - lang: typescript - label: listCrmStages + label: status + source: "import { Panora } from \"@panora/sdk\";\nimport { Vertical } from \"@panora/sdk/models/operations\";\n\nconst panora = new Panora({\n apiKey: \"\",\n});\n\nasync function run() {\n await panora.sync.status({\n vertical: Vertical.Ticketing,\n });\n\n \n}\n\nrun();" + - target: $["paths"]["/crm/companies"]["get"] + update: + x-codeSamples: + - lang: typescript + label: listCrmCompany source: |- import { Panora } from "@panora/sdk"; @@ -1726,7 +1762,7 @@ actions: }); async function run() { - const result = await panora.crm.stages.list({ + const result = await panora.crm.companies.list({ xConnectionToken: "", remoteData: true, limit: 10, @@ -1739,22 +1775,28 @@ actions: } run(); - - target: $["paths"]["/ats/eeocs/{id}"]["get"] + - target: $["paths"]["/field_mappings"]["post"] update: x-codeSamples: - lang: typescript - label: retrieveAtsEeocs + label: defineCustomField source: |- import { Panora } from "@panora/sdk"; + import { CustomFieldCreateDtoDataType, CustomFieldCreateDtoObjectTypeOwner } from "@panora/sdk/models/components"; const panora = new Panora({ apiKey: "", }); async function run() { - const result = await panora.ats.eeocs.retrieve({ - xConnectionToken: "", - id: "", + const result = await panora.fieldMappings.defineCustomField({ + objectTypeOwner: CustomFieldCreateDtoObjectTypeOwner.Company, + name: "my_favorite_dish", + description: "Favorite Dish", + dataType: CustomFieldCreateDtoDataType.String, + sourceCustomFieldId: "id_1", + sourceProvider: "hubspot", + linkedUserId: "801f9ede-c698-4e66-a7fc-48d19eebaa4f", }); // Handle the result @@ -1762,11 +1804,11 @@ actions: } run(); - - target: $["paths"]["/linked_users"]["post"] + - target: $["paths"]["/filestorage/drives"]["get"] update: x-codeSamples: - lang: typescript - label: createLinkedUser + label: listFilestorageDrives source: |- import { Panora } from "@panora/sdk"; @@ -1775,21 +1817,24 @@ actions: }); async function run() { - const result = await panora.linkedUsers.create({ - linkedUserOriginId: "id_1", - alias: "acme", + const result = await panora.filestorage.drives.list({ + xConnectionToken: "", + remoteData: true, + limit: 10, + cursor: "1b8b05bb-5273-4012-b520-8657b0b90874", }); - // Handle the result - console.log(result) + for await (const page of result) { + // handle page + } } run(); - - target: $["paths"]["/hris/employments"]["get"] + - target: $["paths"]["/filestorage/users"]["get"] update: x-codeSamples: - lang: typescript - label: listHrisEmployments + label: listFilestorageUsers source: |- import { Panora } from "@panora/sdk"; @@ -1798,7 +1843,7 @@ actions: }); async function run() { - const result = await panora.hris.employments.list({ + const result = await panora.filestorage.users.list({ xConnectionToken: "", remoteData: true, limit: 10, @@ -1811,11 +1856,11 @@ actions: } run(); - - target: $["paths"]["/hris/timeoffbalances"]["get"] + - target: $["paths"]["/hris/dependents"]["get"] update: x-codeSamples: - lang: typescript - label: listHrisTimeoffbalances + label: listHrisDependents source: |- import { Panora } from "@panora/sdk"; @@ -1824,7 +1869,7 @@ actions: }); async function run() { - const result = await panora.hris.timeoffbalances.list({ + const result = await panora.hris.dependents.list({ xConnectionToken: "", remoteData: true, limit: 10, @@ -1837,11 +1882,11 @@ actions: } run(); - - target: $["paths"]["/accounting/addresses"]["get"] + - target: $["paths"]["/hris/employerbenefits"]["get"] update: x-codeSamples: - lang: typescript - label: listAccountingAddress + label: listHrisEmployerBenefits source: |- import { Panora } from "@panora/sdk"; @@ -1850,7 +1895,7 @@ actions: }); async function run() { - const result = await panora.accounting.addresses.list({ + const result = await panora.hris.employerbenefits.list({ xConnectionToken: "", remoteData: true, limit: 10, @@ -1863,11 +1908,11 @@ actions: } run(); - - target: $["paths"]["/accounting/phonenumbers/{id}"]["get"] + - target: $["paths"]["/hris/employments"]["get"] update: x-codeSamples: - lang: typescript - label: retrieveAccountingPhonenumber + label: listHrisEmployments source: |- import { Panora } from "@panora/sdk"; @@ -1876,22 +1921,24 @@ actions: }); async function run() { - const result = await panora.accounting.phonenumbers.retrieve({ + const result = await panora.hris.employments.list({ xConnectionToken: "", - id: "801f9ede-c698-4e66-a7fc-48d19eebaa4f", - remoteData: false, + remoteData: true, + limit: 10, + cursor: "1b8b05bb-5273-4012-b520-8657b0b90874", }); - // Handle the result - console.log(result) + for await (const page of result) { + // handle page + } } run(); - - target: $["paths"]["/crm/deals"]["post"] + - target: $["paths"]["/accounting/phonenumbers/{id}"]["get"] update: x-codeSamples: - lang: typescript - label: createCrmDeal + label: retrieveAccountingPhonenumber source: |- import { Panora } from "@panora/sdk"; @@ -1900,20 +1947,10 @@ actions: }); async function run() { - const result = await panora.crm.deals.create({ + const result = await panora.accounting.phonenumbers.retrieve({ xConnectionToken: "", - unifiedCrmDealInput: { - name: "Huge Contract with Acme", - description: "Contract with Sales Operations Team", - amount: 1000, - userId: "801f9ede-c698-4e66-a7fc-48d19eebaa4f", - stageId: "801f9ede-c698-4e66-a7fc-48d19eebaa4f", - companyId: "801f9ede-c698-4e66-a7fc-48d19eebaa4f", - fieldMappings: { - "fav_dish": "broccoli", - "fav_color": "red", - }, - }, + id: "801f9ede-c698-4e66-a7fc-48d19eebaa4f", + remoteData: false, }); // Handle the result @@ -1921,36 +1958,23 @@ actions: } run(); - - target: $["paths"]["/crm/tasks"]["post"] + - target: $["paths"]["/accounting/vendorcredits/{id}"]["get"] update: x-codeSamples: - lang: typescript - label: createCrmTask + label: retrieveAccountingVendorCredit source: |- import { Panora } from "@panora/sdk"; - import { UnifiedCrmTaskInputStatus } from "@panora/sdk/models/components"; const panora = new Panora({ apiKey: "", }); async function run() { - const result = await panora.crm.tasks.create({ + const result = await panora.accounting.vendorcredits.retrieve({ xConnectionToken: "", - unifiedCrmTaskInput: { - subject: "Answer customers", - content: "Prepare email campaign", - status: UnifiedCrmTaskInputStatus.Pending, - dueDate: "2024-10-01T12:00:00Z", - finishedDate: "2024-10-01T12:00:00Z", - userId: "801f9ede-c698-4e66-a7fc-48d19eebaa4f", - companyId: "801f9ede-c698-4e66-a7fc-48d19eebaa4f", - dealId: "801f9ede-c698-4e66-a7fc-48d19eebaa4f", - fieldMappings: { - "fav_dish": "broccoli", - "fav_color": "red", - }, - }, + id: "801f9ede-c698-4e66-a7fc-48d19eebaa4f", + remoteData: false, }); // Handle the result @@ -1958,11 +1982,11 @@ actions: } run(); - - target: $["paths"]["/projects"]["post"] + - target: $["paths"]["/ats/activities"]["get"] update: x-codeSamples: - lang: typescript - label: createProject + label: listAtsActivity source: |- import { Panora } from "@panora/sdk"; @@ -1971,34 +1995,100 @@ actions: }); async function run() { - const result = await panora.projects.create({ - name: "Project Name", - idOrganization: "801f9ede-c698-4e66-a7fc-48d19eebaa4f", - idUser: "801f9ede-c698-4e66-a7fc-48d19eebaa4f", + const result = await panora.ats.activities.list({ + xConnectionToken: "", + remoteData: true, + limit: 10, + cursor: "1b8b05bb-5273-4012-b520-8657b0b90874", }); + for await (const page of result) { + // handle page + } + } + + run(); + - target: $["paths"]["/"]["get"] + update: + x-codeSamples: + - lang: typescript + label: hello + source: |- + import { Panora } from "@panora/sdk"; + + const panora = new Panora({ + apiKey: "", + }); + + async function run() { + const result = await panora.hello(); + // Handle the result console.log(result) } run(); - - target: $["paths"]["/hris/timeoffbalances/{id}"]["get"] + - target: $["paths"]["/ats/candidates"]["post"] update: x-codeSamples: - lang: typescript - label: retrieveHrisTimeoffbalance + label: createAtsCandidate source: |- import { Panora } from "@panora/sdk"; + import { EmailAddressType, PhoneType } from "@panora/sdk/models/components"; const panora = new Panora({ apiKey: "", }); async function run() { - const result = await panora.hris.timeoffbalances.retrieve({ + const result = await panora.ats.candidates.create({ xConnectionToken: "", - id: "801f9ede-c698-4e66-a7fc-48d19eebaa4f", remoteData: false, + unifiedAtsCandidateInput: { + firstName: "Joe", + lastName: "Doe", + company: "Acme", + title: "Analyst", + locations: "New York", + isPrivate: false, + emailReachable: true, + remoteCreatedAt: new Date("2024-10-01T12:00:00Z"), + remoteModifiedAt: new Date("2024-10-01T12:00:00Z"), + lastInteractionAt: new Date("2024-10-01T12:00:00Z"), + attachments: [ + "801f9ede-c698-4e66-a7fc-48d19eebaa4f", + ], + applications: [ + "801f9ede-c698-4e66-a7fc-48d19eebaa4f", + ], + tags: [ + "tag_1", + "tag_2", + ], + urls: [ + { + url: "mywebsite.com", + urlType: "WEBSITE", + }, + ], + phoneNumbers: [ + { + phoneNumber: "+33660688899", + phoneType: PhoneType.Work, + }, + ], + emailAddresses: [ + { + emailAddress: "joedoe@gmail.com", + emailAddressType: EmailAddressType.Work, + }, + ], + fieldMappings: { + "fav_dish": "broccoli", + "fav_color": "red", + }, + }, }); // Handle the result @@ -2006,11 +2096,11 @@ actions: } run(); - - target: $["paths"]["/ats/departments"]["get"] + - target: $["paths"]["/accounting/incomestatements"]["get"] update: x-codeSamples: - lang: typescript - label: listAtsDepartments + label: listAccountingIncomeStatement source: |- import { Panora } from "@panora/sdk"; @@ -2019,7 +2109,7 @@ actions: }); async function run() { - const result = await panora.ats.departments.list({ + const result = await panora.accounting.incomestatements.list({ xConnectionToken: "", remoteData: true, limit: 10, @@ -2032,11 +2122,11 @@ actions: } run(); - - target: $["paths"]["/accounting/addresses/{id}"]["get"] + - target: $["paths"]["/accounting/journalentries"]["get"] update: x-codeSamples: - lang: typescript - label: retrieveAccountingAddress + label: listAccountingJournalEntry source: |- import { Panora } from "@panora/sdk"; @@ -2045,22 +2135,24 @@ actions: }); async function run() { - const result = await panora.accounting.addresses.retrieve({ + const result = await panora.accounting.journalentries.list({ xConnectionToken: "", - id: "801f9ede-c698-4e66-a7fc-48d19eebaa4f", - remoteData: false, + remoteData: true, + limit: 10, + cursor: "1b8b05bb-5273-4012-b520-8657b0b90874", }); - // Handle the result - console.log(result) + for await (const page of result) { + // handle page + } } run(); - - target: $["paths"]["/ecommerce/orders"]["get"] + - target: $["paths"]["/crm/contacts"]["get"] update: x-codeSamples: - lang: typescript - label: listEcommerceOrders + label: listCrmContacts source: |- import { Panora } from "@panora/sdk"; @@ -2069,7 +2161,7 @@ actions: }); async function run() { - const result = await panora.ecommerce.orders.list({ + const result = await panora.crm.contacts.list({ xConnectionToken: "", remoteData: true, limit: 10, @@ -2082,23 +2174,26 @@ actions: } run(); - - target: $["paths"]["/accounting/balancesheets/{id}"]["get"] + - target: $["paths"]["/passthrough"]["post"] update: x-codeSamples: - lang: typescript - label: retrieveAccountingBalanceSheet + label: request source: |- import { Panora } from "@panora/sdk"; + import { PassThroughRequestDtoMethod } from "@panora/sdk/models/components"; const panora = new Panora({ apiKey: "", }); async function run() { - const result = await panora.accounting.balancesheets.retrieve({ + const result = await panora.passthrough.request({ xConnectionToken: "", - id: "801f9ede-c698-4e66-a7fc-48d19eebaa4f", - remoteData: false, + passThroughRequestDto: { + method: PassThroughRequestDtoMethod.Get, + path: "/dev", + }, }); // Handle the result @@ -2106,11 +2201,11 @@ actions: } run(); - - target: $["paths"]["/accounting/contacts"]["post"] + - target: $["paths"]["/marketingautomation/templates"]["get"] update: x-codeSamples: - lang: typescript - label: createAccountingContact + label: listMarketingautomationTemplates source: |- import { Panora } from "@panora/sdk"; @@ -2119,22 +2214,24 @@ actions: }); async function run() { - const result = await panora.accounting.contacts.create({ + const result = await panora.marketingautomation.templates.list({ xConnectionToken: "", - remoteData: false, - unifiedAccountingContactInput: {}, + remoteData: true, + limit: 10, + cursor: "1b8b05bb-5273-4012-b520-8657b0b90874", }); - // Handle the result - console.log(result) + for await (const page of result) { + // handle page + } } run(); - - target: $["paths"]["/filestorage/files/{id}"]["get"] + - target: $["paths"]["/ats/jobs/{id}"]["get"] update: x-codeSamples: - lang: typescript - label: retrieveFilestorageFile + label: retrieveAtsJob source: |- import { Panora } from "@panora/sdk"; @@ -2143,7 +2240,7 @@ actions: }); async function run() { - const result = await panora.filestorage.files.retrieve({ + const result = await panora.ats.jobs.retrieve({ xConnectionToken: "", id: "801f9ede-c698-4e66-a7fc-48d19eebaa4f", remoteData: false, @@ -2154,11 +2251,11 @@ actions: } run(); - - target: $["paths"]["/ticketing/tags/{id}"]["get"] + - target: $["paths"]["/linked_users"]["get"] update: x-codeSamples: - lang: typescript - label: retrieveTicketingTag + label: listLinkedUsers source: |- import { Panora } from "@panora/sdk"; @@ -2167,22 +2264,18 @@ actions: }); async function run() { - const result = await panora.ticketing.tags.retrieve({ - xConnectionToken: "", - id: "801f9ede-c698-4e66-a7fc-48d19eebaa4f", - remoteData: false, - }); + const result = await panora.linkedUsers.list(); // Handle the result console.log(result) } run(); - - target: $["paths"]["/crm/contacts"]["get"] + - target: $["paths"]["/crm/deals"]["get"] update: x-codeSamples: - lang: typescript - label: listCrmContacts + label: listCrmDeals source: |- import { Panora } from "@panora/sdk"; @@ -2191,7 +2284,7 @@ actions: }); async function run() { - const result = await panora.crm.contacts.list({ + const result = await panora.crm.deals.list({ xConnectionToken: "", remoteData: true, limit: 10, @@ -2204,11 +2297,11 @@ actions: } run(); - - target: $["paths"]["/marketingautomation/messages"]["get"] + - target: $["paths"]["/ats/activities/{id}"]["get"] update: x-codeSamples: - lang: typescript - label: listMarketingautomationMessages + label: retrieveAtsActivity source: |- import { Panora } from "@panora/sdk"; @@ -2217,24 +2310,22 @@ actions: }); async function run() { - const result = await panora.marketingautomation.messages.list({ + const result = await panora.ats.activities.retrieve({ xConnectionToken: "", - remoteData: true, - limit: 10, - cursor: "1b8b05bb-5273-4012-b520-8657b0b90874", + id: "801f9ede-c698-4e66-a7fc-48d19eebaa4f", + remoteData: false, }); - for await (const page of result) { - // handle page - } + // Handle the result + console.log(result) } run(); - - target: $["paths"]["/accounting/cashflowstatements"]["get"] + - target: $["paths"]["/webhooks/{id}"]["put"] update: x-codeSamples: - lang: typescript - label: listAccountingCashflowStatement + label: updateStatus source: |- import { Panora } from "@panora/sdk"; @@ -2243,24 +2334,20 @@ actions: }); async function run() { - const result = await panora.accounting.cashflowstatements.list({ - xConnectionToken: "", - remoteData: true, - limit: 10, - cursor: "1b8b05bb-5273-4012-b520-8657b0b90874", + const result = await panora.webhooks.updateStatus({ + id: "801f9ede-c698-4e66-a7fc-48d19eebaa4f", }); - for await (const page of result) { - // handle page - } + // Handle the result + console.log(result) } run(); - - target: $["paths"]["/marketingautomation/actions"]["get"] + - target: $["paths"]["/hris/groups/{id}"]["get"] update: x-codeSamples: - lang: typescript - label: listMarketingautomationAction + label: retrieveHrisGroup source: |- import { Panora } from "@panora/sdk"; @@ -2269,24 +2356,22 @@ actions: }); async function run() { - const result = await panora.marketingautomation.actions.list({ + const result = await panora.hris.groups.retrieve({ xConnectionToken: "", - remoteData: true, - limit: 10, - cursor: "1b8b05bb-5273-4012-b520-8657b0b90874", + id: "801f9ede-c698-4e66-a7fc-48d19eebaa4f", + remoteData: false, }); - for await (const page of result) { - // handle page - } + // Handle the result + console.log(result) } run(); - - target: $["paths"]["/accounting/phonenumbers"]["get"] + - target: $["paths"]["/ats/interviews/{id}"]["get"] update: x-codeSamples: - lang: typescript - label: listAccountingPhonenumber + label: retrieveAtsInterview source: |- import { Panora } from "@panora/sdk"; @@ -2295,24 +2380,22 @@ actions: }); async function run() { - const result = await panora.accounting.phonenumbers.list({ + const result = await panora.ats.interviews.retrieve({ xConnectionToken: "", - remoteData: true, - limit: 10, - cursor: "1b8b05bb-5273-4012-b520-8657b0b90874", + id: "801f9ede-c698-4e66-a7fc-48d19eebaa4f", + remoteData: false, }); - for await (const page of result) { - // handle page - } + // Handle the result + console.log(result) } run(); - - target: $["paths"]["/accounting/vendorcredits"]["get"] + - target: $["paths"]["/accounting/accounts/{id}"]["get"] update: x-codeSamples: - lang: typescript - label: listAccountingVendorCredit + label: retrieveAccountingAccount source: |- import { Panora } from "@panora/sdk"; @@ -2321,33 +2404,7 @@ actions: }); async function run() { - const result = await panora.accounting.vendorcredits.list({ - xConnectionToken: "", - remoteData: true, - limit: 10, - cursor: "1b8b05bb-5273-4012-b520-8657b0b90874", - }); - - for await (const page of result) { - // handle page - } - } - - run(); - - target: $["paths"]["/ticketing/users/{id}"]["get"] - update: - x-codeSamples: - - lang: typescript - label: retrieveTicketingUser - source: |- - import { Panora } from "@panora/sdk"; - - const panora = new Panora({ - apiKey: "", - }); - - async function run() { - const result = await panora.ticketing.users.retrieve({ + const result = await panora.accounting.accounts.retrieve({ xConnectionToken: "", id: "801f9ede-c698-4e66-a7fc-48d19eebaa4f", remoteData: false, @@ -2358,11 +2415,11 @@ actions: } run(); - - target: $["paths"]["/accounting/contacts/{id}"]["get"] + - target: $["paths"]["/accounting/creditnotes/{id}"]["get"] update: x-codeSamples: - lang: typescript - label: retrieveAccountingContact + label: retrieveAccountingCreditNote source: |- import { Panora } from "@panora/sdk"; @@ -2371,7 +2428,7 @@ actions: }); async function run() { - const result = await panora.accounting.contacts.retrieve({ + const result = await panora.accounting.creditnotes.retrieve({ xConnectionToken: "", id: "801f9ede-c698-4e66-a7fc-48d19eebaa4f", remoteData: false, @@ -2382,11 +2439,11 @@ actions: } run(); - - target: $["paths"]["/field_mappings/map"]["post"] + - target: $["paths"]["/ticketing/comments/{id}"]["get"] update: x-codeSamples: - lang: typescript - label: map + label: retrieveTicketingComment source: |- import { Panora } from "@panora/sdk"; @@ -2395,11 +2452,9 @@ actions: }); async function run() { - const result = await panora.fieldMappings.map({ - attributeId: "801f9ede-c698-4e66-a7fc-48d19eebaa4f", - sourceCustomFieldId: "id_1", - sourceProvider: "hubspot", - linkedUserId: "801f9ede-c698-4e66-a7fc-48d19eebaa4f", + const result = await panora.ticketing.comments.retrieve({ + xConnectionToken: "", + id: "", }); // Handle the result @@ -2407,11 +2462,11 @@ actions: } run(); - - target: $["paths"]["/events"]["get"] + - target: $["paths"]["/crm/contacts/{id}"]["get"] update: x-codeSamples: - lang: typescript - label: getPanoraCoreEvents + label: retrieveCrmContact source: |- import { Panora } from "@panora/sdk"; @@ -2420,18 +2475,22 @@ actions: }); async function run() { - const result = await panora.events.getPanoraCoreEvents({}); + const result = await panora.crm.contacts.retrieve({ + xConnectionToken: "", + id: "801f9ede-c698-4e66-a7fc-48d19eebaa4f", + remoteData: false, + }); // Handle the result console.log(result) } run(); - - target: $["paths"]["/ticketing/tickets/{id}"]["get"] + - target: $["paths"]["/hris/benefits/{id}"]["get"] update: x-codeSamples: - lang: typescript - label: retrieveTicketingTicket + label: retrieveHrisBenefit source: |- import { Panora } from "@panora/sdk"; @@ -2440,7 +2499,7 @@ actions: }); async function run() { - const result = await panora.ticketing.tickets.retrieve({ + const result = await panora.hris.benefits.retrieve({ xConnectionToken: "", id: "801f9ede-c698-4e66-a7fc-48d19eebaa4f", remoteData: false, @@ -2451,17 +2510,11 @@ actions: } run(); - - target: $["paths"]["/sync/status/{vertical}"]["get"] - update: - x-codeSamples: - - lang: typescript - label: status - source: "import { Panora } from \"@panora/sdk\";\nimport { Vertical } from \"@panora/sdk/models/operations\";\n\nconst panora = new Panora({\n apiKey: \"\",\n});\n\nasync function run() {\n await panora.sync.status({\n vertical: Vertical.Ticketing,\n });\n\n \n}\n\nrun();" - - target: $["paths"]["/hris/employeepayrollruns/{id}"]["get"] + - target: $["paths"]["/accounting/expenses"]["get"] update: x-codeSamples: - lang: typescript - label: retrieveHrisEmployeePayrollRun + label: listAccountingExpense source: |- import { Panora } from "@panora/sdk"; @@ -2470,22 +2523,24 @@ actions: }); async function run() { - const result = await panora.hris.employeepayrollruns.retrieve({ + const result = await panora.accounting.expenses.list({ xConnectionToken: "", - id: "801f9ede-c698-4e66-a7fc-48d19eebaa4f", - remoteData: false, + remoteData: true, + limit: 10, + cursor: "1b8b05bb-5273-4012-b520-8657b0b90874", }); - // Handle the result - console.log(result) + for await (const page of result) { + // handle page + } } run(); - - target: $["paths"]["/accounting/transactions/{id}"]["get"] + - target: $["paths"]["/ticketing/collections/{id}"]["get"] update: x-codeSamples: - lang: typescript - label: retrieveAccountingTransaction + label: retrieveCollection source: |- import { Panora } from "@panora/sdk"; @@ -2494,7 +2549,7 @@ actions: }); async function run() { - const result = await panora.accounting.transactions.retrieve({ + const result = await panora.ticketing.collections.retrieve({ xConnectionToken: "", id: "801f9ede-c698-4e66-a7fc-48d19eebaa4f", remoteData: false, @@ -2505,11 +2560,11 @@ actions: } run(); - - target: $["paths"]["/ecommerce/products"]["get"] + - target: $["paths"]["/accounting/taxrates"]["get"] update: x-codeSamples: - lang: typescript - label: listEcommerceProducts + label: listAccountingTaxRate source: |- import { Panora } from "@panora/sdk"; @@ -2518,7 +2573,7 @@ actions: }); async function run() { - const result = await panora.ecommerce.products.list({ + const result = await panora.accounting.taxrates.list({ xConnectionToken: "", remoteData: true, limit: 10, @@ -2531,11 +2586,11 @@ actions: } run(); - - target: $["paths"]["/accounting/accounts"]["get"] + - target: $["paths"]["/accounting/cashflowstatements"]["get"] update: x-codeSamples: - lang: typescript - label: listAccountingAccounts + label: listAccountingCashflowStatement source: |- import { Panora } from "@panora/sdk"; @@ -2544,7 +2599,7 @@ actions: }); async function run() { - const result = await panora.accounting.accounts.list({ + const result = await panora.accounting.cashflowstatements.list({ xConnectionToken: "", remoteData: true, limit: 10, @@ -2557,11 +2612,11 @@ actions: } run(); - - target: $["paths"]["/accounting/journalentries"]["get"] + - target: $["paths"]["/accounting/vendorcredits"]["get"] update: x-codeSamples: - lang: typescript - label: listAccountingJournalEntry + label: listAccountingVendorCredit source: |- import { Panora } from "@panora/sdk"; @@ -2570,7 +2625,7 @@ actions: }); async function run() { - const result = await panora.accounting.journalentries.list({ + const result = await panora.accounting.vendorcredits.list({ xConnectionToken: "", remoteData: true, limit: 10, @@ -2583,35 +2638,11 @@ actions: } run(); - - target: $["paths"]["/crm/companies/{id}"]["get"] - update: - x-codeSamples: - - lang: typescript - label: retrieveCrmCompany - source: |- - import { Panora } from "@panora/sdk"; - - const panora = new Panora({ - apiKey: "", - }); - - async function run() { - const result = await panora.crm.companies.retrieve({ - xConnectionToken: "", - id: "801f9ede-c698-4e66-a7fc-48d19eebaa4f", - remoteData: false, - }); - - // Handle the result - console.log(result) - } - - run(); - - target: $["paths"]["/hris/benefits"]["get"] + - target: $["paths"]["/marketingautomation/campaigns"]["get"] update: x-codeSamples: - lang: typescript - label: listHrisBenefits + label: listMarketingautomationCampaigns source: |- import { Panora } from "@panora/sdk"; @@ -2620,7 +2651,7 @@ actions: }); async function run() { - const result = await panora.hris.benefits.list({ + const result = await panora.marketingautomation.campaigns.list({ xConnectionToken: "", remoteData: true, limit: 10, @@ -2633,11 +2664,11 @@ actions: } run(); - - target: $["paths"]["/marketingautomation/automations/{id}"]["get"] + - target: $["paths"]["/marketingautomation/templates/{id}"]["get"] update: x-codeSamples: - lang: typescript - label: retrieveMarketingautomationAutomation + label: retrieveMarketingautomationTemplate source: |- import { Panora } from "@panora/sdk"; @@ -2646,7 +2677,7 @@ actions: }); async function run() { - const result = await panora.marketingautomation.automations.retrieve({ + const result = await panora.marketingautomation.templates.retrieve({ xConnectionToken: "", id: "801f9ede-c698-4e66-a7fc-48d19eebaa4f", remoteData: false, @@ -2657,11 +2688,11 @@ actions: } run(); - - target: $["paths"]["/ats/interviews"]["get"] + - target: $["paths"]["/ats/attachments"]["get"] update: x-codeSamples: - lang: typescript - label: listAtsInterview + label: listAtsAttachment source: |- import { Panora } from "@panora/sdk"; @@ -2670,7 +2701,7 @@ actions: }); async function run() { - const result = await panora.ats.interviews.list({ + const result = await panora.ats.attachments.list({ xConnectionToken: "", remoteData: true, limit: 10, @@ -2683,11 +2714,11 @@ actions: } run(); - - target: $["paths"]["/linked_users/fromRemoteId"]["get"] + - target: $["paths"]["/accounting/companyinfos"]["get"] update: x-codeSamples: - lang: typescript - label: remoteId + label: listAccountingCompanyInfos source: |- import { Panora } from "@panora/sdk"; @@ -2696,20 +2727,24 @@ actions: }); async function run() { - const result = await panora.linkedUsers.remoteId({ - remoteId: "id_1", + const result = await panora.accounting.companyinfos.list({ + xConnectionToken: "", + remoteData: true, + limit: 10, + cursor: "1b8b05bb-5273-4012-b520-8657b0b90874", }); - // Handle the result - console.log(result) + for await (const page of result) { + // handle page + } } run(); - - target: $["paths"]["/projects"]["get"] + - target: $["paths"]["/filestorage/folders/{id}"]["get"] update: x-codeSamples: - lang: typescript - label: getProjects + label: retrieveFilestorageFolder source: |- import { Panora } from "@panora/sdk"; @@ -2718,18 +2753,22 @@ actions: }); async function run() { - const result = await panora.projects.getProjects(); + const result = await panora.filestorage.folders.retrieve({ + xConnectionToken: "", + id: "801f9ede-c698-4e66-a7fc-48d19eebaa4f", + remoteData: false, + }); // Handle the result console.log(result) } run(); - - target: $["paths"]["/marketingautomation/campaigns"]["post"] + - target: $["paths"]["/hris/locations"]["get"] update: x-codeSamples: - lang: typescript - label: createMarketingautomationCampaign + label: listHrisLocations source: |- import { Panora } from "@panora/sdk"; @@ -2738,22 +2777,24 @@ actions: }); async function run() { - const result = await panora.marketingautomation.campaigns.create({ + const result = await panora.hris.locations.list({ xConnectionToken: "", - remoteData: false, - unifiedMarketingautomationCampaignInput: {}, + remoteData: true, + limit: 10, + cursor: "1b8b05bb-5273-4012-b520-8657b0b90874", }); - // Handle the result - console.log(result) + for await (const page of result) { + // handle page + } } run(); - - target: $["paths"]["/hris/paygroups/{id}"]["get"] + - target: $["paths"]["/marketingautomation/contacts"]["get"] update: x-codeSamples: - lang: typescript - label: retrieveHrisPaygroup + label: listMarketingAutomationContacts source: |- import { Panora } from "@panora/sdk"; @@ -2762,22 +2803,24 @@ actions: }); async function run() { - const result = await panora.hris.paygroups.retrieve({ + const result = await panora.marketingautomation.contacts.list({ xConnectionToken: "", - id: "801f9ede-c698-4e66-a7fc-48d19eebaa4f", - remoteData: false, + remoteData: true, + limit: 10, + cursor: "1b8b05bb-5273-4012-b520-8657b0b90874", }); - // Handle the result - console.log(result) + for await (const page of result) { + // handle page + } } run(); - - target: $["paths"]["/marketingautomation/messages/{id}"]["get"] + - target: $["paths"]["/ats/tags/{id}"]["get"] update: x-codeSamples: - lang: typescript - label: retrieveMarketingautomationMessage + label: retrieveAtsTag source: |- import { Panora } from "@panora/sdk"; @@ -2786,7 +2829,7 @@ actions: }); async function run() { - const result = await panora.marketingautomation.messages.retrieve({ + const result = await panora.ats.tags.retrieve({ xConnectionToken: "", id: "801f9ede-c698-4e66-a7fc-48d19eebaa4f", remoteData: false, @@ -2797,11 +2840,11 @@ actions: } run(); - - target: $["paths"]["/marketingautomation/templates/{id}"]["get"] + - target: $["paths"]["/webhooks"]["post"] update: x-codeSamples: - lang: typescript - label: retrieveMarketingautomationTemplate + label: createWebhookPublic source: |- import { Panora } from "@panora/sdk"; @@ -2810,10 +2853,12 @@ actions: }); async function run() { - const result = await panora.marketingautomation.templates.retrieve({ - xConnectionToken: "", - id: "801f9ede-c698-4e66-a7fc-48d19eebaa4f", - remoteData: false, + const result = await panora.webhooks.create({ + url: "https://acme.com/webhook_receiver", + description: "Webhook to receive connection events", + scope: [ + "connection.created", + ], }); // Handle the result @@ -2821,11 +2866,11 @@ actions: } run(); - - target: $["paths"]["/ats/jobinterviewstages"]["get"] + - target: $["paths"]["/ticketing/attachments"]["get"] update: x-codeSamples: - lang: typescript - label: listAtsJobInterviewStage + label: listTicketingAttachments source: |- import { Panora } from "@panora/sdk"; @@ -2834,7 +2879,7 @@ actions: }); async function run() { - const result = await panora.ats.jobinterviewstages.list({ + const result = await panora.ticketing.attachments.list({ xConnectionToken: "", remoteData: true, limit: 10, @@ -2847,11 +2892,11 @@ actions: } run(); - - target: $["paths"]["/accounting/attachments/{id}"]["get"] + - target: $["paths"]["/hris/timesheetentries/{id}"]["get"] update: x-codeSamples: - lang: typescript - label: retrieveAccountingAttachment + label: retrieveHrisTimesheetentry source: |- import { Panora } from "@panora/sdk"; @@ -2860,7 +2905,7 @@ actions: }); async function run() { - const result = await panora.accounting.attachments.retrieve({ + const result = await panora.hris.timesheetentries.retrieve({ xConnectionToken: "", id: "801f9ede-c698-4e66-a7fc-48d19eebaa4f", remoteData: false, @@ -2871,11 +2916,11 @@ actions: } run(); - - target: $["paths"]["/webhooks"]["post"] + - target: $["paths"]["/marketingautomation/messages"]["get"] update: x-codeSamples: - lang: typescript - label: createWebhookPublic + label: listMarketingautomationMessages source: |- import { Panora } from "@panora/sdk"; @@ -2884,24 +2929,24 @@ actions: }); async function run() { - const result = await panora.webhooks.create({ - url: "https://acme.com/webhook_receiver", - description: "Webhook to receive connection events", - scope: [ - "connection.created", - ], + const result = await panora.marketingautomation.messages.list({ + xConnectionToken: "", + remoteData: true, + limit: 10, + cursor: "1b8b05bb-5273-4012-b520-8657b0b90874", }); - // Handle the result - console.log(result) + for await (const page of result) { + // handle page + } } run(); - - target: $["paths"]["/ticketing/users"]["get"] + - target: $["paths"]["/ats/applications"]["post"] update: x-codeSamples: - lang: typescript - label: listTicketingUsers + label: createAtsApplication source: |- import { Panora } from "@panora/sdk"; @@ -2910,24 +2955,39 @@ actions: }); async function run() { - const result = await panora.ticketing.users.list({ + const result = await panora.ats.applications.create({ xConnectionToken: "", - remoteData: true, - limit: 10, - cursor: "1b8b05bb-5273-4012-b520-8657b0b90874", + remoteData: false, + unifiedAtsApplicationInput: { + appliedAt: new Date("2024-10-01T12:00:00Z"), + rejectedAt: new Date("2024-10-01T12:00:00Z"), + offers: [ + "801f9ede-c698-4e66-a7fc-48d19eebaa4f", + "12345678-1234-1234-1234-123456789012", + ], + source: "Source Name", + creditedTo: "801f9ede-c698-4e66-a7fc-48d19eebaa4f", + currentStage: "801f9ede-c698-4e66-a7fc-48d19eebaa4f", + rejectReason: "Candidate not experienced enough", + candidateId: "801f9ede-c698-4e66-a7fc-48d19eebaa4f", + jobId: "801f9ede-c698-4e66-a7fc-48d19eebaa4f", + fieldMappings: { + "fav_dish": "broccoli", + "fav_color": "red", + }, + }, }); - for await (const page of result) { - // handle page - } + // Handle the result + console.log(result) } run(); - - target: $["paths"]["/crm/notes"]["get"] + - target: $["paths"]["/ats/offers"]["get"] update: x-codeSamples: - lang: typescript - label: listCrmNote + label: listAtsOffer source: |- import { Panora } from "@panora/sdk"; @@ -2936,7 +2996,7 @@ actions: }); async function run() { - const result = await panora.crm.notes.list({ + const result = await panora.ats.offers.list({ xConnectionToken: "", remoteData: true, limit: 10, @@ -2949,11 +3009,11 @@ actions: } run(); - - target: $["paths"]["/hris/employerbenefits"]["get"] + - target: $["paths"]["/accounting/invoices/{id}"]["get"] update: x-codeSamples: - lang: typescript - label: listHrisEmployerBenefits + label: retrieveAccountingInvoice source: |- import { Panora } from "@panora/sdk"; @@ -2962,24 +3022,22 @@ actions: }); async function run() { - const result = await panora.hris.employerbenefits.list({ + const result = await panora.accounting.invoices.retrieve({ xConnectionToken: "", - remoteData: true, - limit: 10, - cursor: "1b8b05bb-5273-4012-b520-8657b0b90874", + id: "801f9ede-c698-4e66-a7fc-48d19eebaa4f", + remoteData: false, }); - for await (const page of result) { - // handle page - } + // Handle the result + console.log(result) } run(); - - target: $["paths"]["/ecommerce/customers"]["get"] + - target: $["paths"]["/sync/resync"]["post"] update: x-codeSamples: - lang: typescript - label: listEcommerceCustomers + label: resync source: |- import { Panora } from "@panora/sdk"; @@ -2988,24 +3046,24 @@ actions: }); async function run() { - const result = await panora.ecommerce.customers.list({ - xConnectionToken: "", - remoteData: true, - limit: 10, - cursor: "1b8b05bb-5273-4012-b520-8657b0b90874", - }); + const result = await panora.sync.resync(); - for await (const page of result) { - // handle page - } + // Handle the result + console.log(result) } run(); - - target: $["paths"]["/linked_users/{id}"]["get"] + - target: $["paths"]["/passthrough/{retryId}"]["get"] update: x-codeSamples: - lang: typescript - label: retrieveLinkedUser + label: getRetriedRequestResponse + source: "import { Panora } from \"@panora/sdk\";\n\nconst panora = new Panora({\n apiKey: \"\",\n});\n\nasync function run() {\n await panora.passthrough.retryid.getRetriedRequestResponse({\n retryId: \"\",\n });\n\n \n}\n\nrun();" + - target: $["paths"]["/hris/paygroups/{id}"]["get"] + update: + x-codeSamples: + - lang: typescript + label: retrieveHrisPaygroup source: |- import { Panora } from "@panora/sdk"; @@ -3014,8 +3072,10 @@ actions: }); async function run() { - const result = await panora.linkedUsers.retrieve({ + const result = await panora.hris.paygroups.retrieve({ + xConnectionToken: "", id: "801f9ede-c698-4e66-a7fc-48d19eebaa4f", + remoteData: false, }); // Handle the result @@ -3023,11 +3083,11 @@ actions: } run(); - - target: $["paths"]["/accounting/payments"]["get"] + - target: $["paths"]["/marketingautomation/lists"]["post"] update: x-codeSamples: - lang: typescript - label: listAccountingPayment + label: createMarketingautomationList source: |- import { Panora } from "@panora/sdk"; @@ -3036,24 +3096,21 @@ actions: }); async function run() { - const result = await panora.accounting.payments.list({ + const result = await panora.marketingautomation.lists.create({ xConnectionToken: "", - remoteData: true, - limit: 10, - cursor: "1b8b05bb-5273-4012-b520-8657b0b90874", + unifiedMarketingautomationListInput: {}, }); - for await (const page of result) { - // handle page - } + // Handle the result + console.log(result) } run(); - - target: $["paths"]["/accounting/trackingcategories/{id}"]["get"] + - target: $["paths"]["/marketingautomation/templates"]["post"] update: x-codeSamples: - lang: typescript - label: retrieveAccountingTrackingCategory + label: createMarketingautomationTemplate source: |- import { Panora } from "@panora/sdk"; @@ -3062,10 +3119,9 @@ actions: }); async function run() { - const result = await panora.accounting.trackingcategories.retrieve({ + const result = await panora.marketingautomation.templates.create({ xConnectionToken: "", - id: "801f9ede-c698-4e66-a7fc-48d19eebaa4f", - remoteData: false, + unifiedMarketingautomationTemplateInput: {}, }); // Handle the result @@ -3073,35 +3129,50 @@ actions: } run(); - - target: $["paths"]["/ecommerce/orders"]["post"] + - target: $["paths"]["/accounting/payments"]["post"] update: x-codeSamples: - lang: typescript - label: createEcommerceOrder + label: createAccountingPayment source: |- import { Panora } from "@panora/sdk"; - import { UnifiedEcommerceOrderInputCurrency } from "@panora/sdk/models/components"; + import { UnifiedAccountingPaymentInputCurrency } from "@panora/sdk/models/components"; const panora = new Panora({ apiKey: "", }); async function run() { - const result = await panora.ecommerce.orders.create({ + const result = await panora.accounting.payments.create({ xConnectionToken: "", remoteData: false, - unifiedEcommerceOrderInput: { - orderStatus: "PAID", - orderNumber: "19823838833", - paymentStatus: "SUCCESS", - currency: UnifiedEcommerceOrderInputCurrency.Aud, - totalPrice: 300, - totalDiscount: 10, - totalShipping: 120, - totalTax: 120, - fulfillmentStatus: "delivered", - customerId: "801f9ede-c698-4e66-a7fc-48d19eebaa4f", - items: {}, + unifiedAccountingPaymentInput: { + invoiceId: "801f9ede-c698-4e66-a7fc-48d19eebaa4f", + transactionDate: new Date("2024-06-15T12:00:00Z"), + contactId: "801f9ede-c698-4e66-a7fc-48d19eebaa4f", + accountId: "801f9ede-c698-4e66-a7fc-48d19eebaa4f", + currency: UnifiedAccountingPaymentInputCurrency.Usd, + exchangeRate: "1.2", + totalAmount: 10000, + type: "Credit Card", + companyInfoId: "801f9ede-c698-4e66-a7fc-48d19eebaa4f", + accountingPeriodId: "801f9ede-c698-4e66-a7fc-48d19eebaa4f", + trackingCategories: [ + "801f9ede-c698-4e66-a7fc-48d19eebaa4f", + ], + lineItems: [ + { + name: "Net Income", + value: 100000, + type: "Operating Activities", + parentItem: "801f9ede-c698-4e66-a7fc-48d19eebaa4f", + remoteId: "report_item_1234", + remoteGeneratedAt: new Date("2024-07-01T12:00:00Z"), + companyInfoId: "801f9ede-c698-4e66-a7fc-48d19eebaa4f", + createdAt: new Date("2024-06-15T12:00:00Z"), + modifiedAt: new Date("2024-06-15T12:00:00Z"), + }, + ], fieldMappings: {}, }, }); @@ -3111,37 +3182,11 @@ actions: } run(); - - target: $["paths"]["/crm/tasks"]["get"] - update: - x-codeSamples: - - lang: typescript - label: listCrmTask - source: |- - import { Panora } from "@panora/sdk"; - - const panora = new Panora({ - apiKey: "", - }); - - async function run() { - const result = await panora.crm.tasks.list({ - xConnectionToken: "", - remoteData: true, - limit: 10, - cursor: "1b8b05bb-5273-4012-b520-8657b0b90874", - }); - - for await (const page of result) { - // handle page - } - } - - run(); - - target: $["paths"]["/marketingautomation/lists"]["post"] + - target: $["paths"]["/filestorage/users/{id}"]["get"] update: x-codeSamples: - lang: typescript - label: createMarketingautomationList + label: retrieveFilestorageUser source: |- import { Panora } from "@panora/sdk"; @@ -3150,9 +3195,10 @@ actions: }); async function run() { - const result = await panora.marketingautomation.lists.create({ + const result = await panora.filestorage.users.retrieve({ xConnectionToken: "", - unifiedMarketingautomationListInput: {}, + id: "801f9ede-c698-4e66-a7fc-48d19eebaa4f", + remoteData: false, }); // Handle the result @@ -3160,30 +3206,30 @@ actions: } run(); - - target: $["paths"]["/ats/attachments"]["post"] + - target: $["paths"]["/filestorage/files"]["post"] update: x-codeSamples: - lang: typescript - label: createAtsAttachment + label: createFilestorageFile source: |- import { Panora } from "@panora/sdk"; - import { UnifiedAtsAttachmentInputAttachmentType } from "@panora/sdk/models/components"; const panora = new Panora({ apiKey: "", }); async function run() { - const result = await panora.ats.attachments.create({ + const result = await panora.filestorage.files.create({ xConnectionToken: "", remoteData: false, - unifiedAtsAttachmentInput: { - fileUrl: "https://example.com/file.pdf", - fileName: "file.pdf", - attachmentType: UnifiedAtsAttachmentInputAttachmentType.Resume, - remoteCreatedAt: new Date("2024-10-01T12:00:00Z"), - remoteModifiedAt: new Date("2024-10-01T12:00:00Z"), - candidateId: "801f9ede-c698-4e66-a7fc-48d19eebaa4f", + unifiedFilestorageFileInput: { + name: "my_paris_photo.png", + fileUrl: "https://example.com/my_paris_photo.png", + mimeType: "application/pdf", + size: "1024", + folderId: "801f9ede-c698-4e66-a7fc-48d19eebaa4f", + permission: "801f9ede-c698-4e66-a7fc-48d19eebaa4f", + sharedLink: "801f9ede-c698-4e66-a7fc-48d19eebaa4f", fieldMappings: { "fav_dish": "broccoli", "fav_color": "red", @@ -3196,11 +3242,11 @@ actions: } run(); - - target: $["paths"]["/accounting/expenses/{id}"]["get"] + - target: $["paths"]["/webhooks"]["get"] update: x-codeSamples: - lang: typescript - label: retrieveAccountingExpense + label: listWebhooks source: |- import { Panora } from "@panora/sdk"; @@ -3209,22 +3255,18 @@ actions: }); async function run() { - const result = await panora.accounting.expenses.retrieve({ - xConnectionToken: "", - id: "801f9ede-c698-4e66-a7fc-48d19eebaa4f", - remoteData: false, - }); + const result = await panora.webhooks.list(); // Handle the result console.log(result) } run(); - - target: $["paths"]["/ticketing/collections"]["get"] + - target: $["paths"]["/ticketing/tickets"]["get"] update: x-codeSamples: - lang: typescript - label: listTicketingCollections + label: listTicketingTicket source: |- import { Panora } from "@panora/sdk"; @@ -3233,7 +3275,7 @@ actions: }); async function run() { - const result = await panora.ticketing.collections.list({ + const result = await panora.ticketing.tickets.list({ xConnectionToken: "", remoteData: true, limit: 10, @@ -3246,11 +3288,11 @@ actions: } run(); - - target: $["paths"]["/hris/payrollruns/{id}"]["get"] + - target: $["paths"]["/ticketing/accounts"]["get"] update: x-codeSamples: - lang: typescript - label: retrieveHrisPayrollRun + label: listTicketingAccount source: |- import { Panora } from "@panora/sdk"; @@ -3259,22 +3301,24 @@ actions: }); async function run() { - const result = await panora.hris.payrollruns.retrieve({ + const result = await panora.ticketing.accounts.list({ xConnectionToken: "", - id: "801f9ede-c698-4e66-a7fc-48d19eebaa4f", - remoteData: false, + remoteData: true, + limit: 10, + cursor: "1b8b05bb-5273-4012-b520-8657b0b90874", }); - // Handle the result - console.log(result) + for await (const page of result) { + // handle page + } } run(); - - target: $["paths"]["/accounting/attachments"]["get"] + - target: $["paths"]["/ats/offices"]["get"] update: x-codeSamples: - lang: typescript - label: listAccountingAttachments + label: listAtsOffice source: |- import { Panora } from "@panora/sdk"; @@ -3283,7 +3327,7 @@ actions: }); async function run() { - const result = await panora.accounting.attachments.list({ + const result = await panora.ats.offices.list({ xConnectionToken: "", remoteData: true, limit: 10, @@ -3296,23 +3340,58 @@ actions: } run(); - - target: $["paths"]["/accounting/cashflowstatements/{id}"]["get"] + - target: $["paths"]["/accounting/journalentries"]["post"] update: x-codeSamples: - lang: typescript - label: retrieveAccountingCashflowStatement + label: createAccountingJournalEntry source: |- import { Panora } from "@panora/sdk"; + import { UnifiedAccountingJournalentryInputCurrency } from "@panora/sdk/models/components"; const panora = new Panora({ apiKey: "", }); async function run() { - const result = await panora.accounting.cashflowstatements.retrieve({ + const result = await panora.accounting.journalentries.create({ xConnectionToken: "", - id: "801f9ede-c698-4e66-a7fc-48d19eebaa4f", remoteData: false, + unifiedAccountingJournalentryInput: { + transactionDate: new Date("2024-06-15T12:00:00Z"), + payments: [ + "payment1", + "payment2", + ], + appliedPayments: [ + "appliedPayment1", + "appliedPayment2", + ], + memo: "Monthly expense journal entry", + currency: UnifiedAccountingJournalentryInputCurrency.Usd, + exchangeRate: "1.2", + idAccCompanyInfo: "801f9ede-c698-4e66-a7fc-48d19eebaa4f", + journalNumber: "JE-001", + trackingCategories: [ + "801f9ede-c698-4e66-a7fc-48d19eebaa4f", + ], + idAccAccountingPeriod: "801f9ede-c698-4e66-a7fc-48d19eebaa4f", + postingStatus: "Posted", + lineItems: [ + { + name: "Net Income", + value: 100000, + type: "Operating Activities", + parentItem: "801f9ede-c698-4e66-a7fc-48d19eebaa4f", + remoteId: "report_item_1234", + remoteGeneratedAt: new Date("2024-07-01T12:00:00Z"), + companyInfoId: "801f9ede-c698-4e66-a7fc-48d19eebaa4f", + createdAt: new Date("2024-06-15T12:00:00Z"), + modifiedAt: new Date("2024-06-15T12:00:00Z"), + }, + ], + fieldMappings: {}, + }, }); // Handle the result @@ -3320,55 +3399,52 @@ actions: } run(); - - target: $["paths"]["/accounting/taxrates/{id}"]["get"] + - target: $["paths"]["/crm/companies"]["post"] update: x-codeSamples: - lang: typescript - label: retrieveAccountingTaxRate + label: createCrmCompany source: |- import { Panora } from "@panora/sdk"; + import { AddressType, EmailAddressType, PhoneType, UnifiedCrmCompanyInputIndustry } from "@panora/sdk/models/components"; const panora = new Panora({ apiKey: "", }); async function run() { - const result = await panora.accounting.taxrates.retrieve({ + const result = await panora.crm.companies.create({ xConnectionToken: "", - id: "801f9ede-c698-4e66-a7fc-48d19eebaa4f", remoteData: false, - }); - - // Handle the result - console.log(result) - } - - run(); - - target: $["paths"]["/filestorage/folders"]["post"] - update: - x-codeSamples: - - lang: typescript - label: createFilestorageFolder - source: |- - import { Panora } from "@panora/sdk"; - - const panora = new Panora({ - apiKey: "", - }); - - async function run() { - const result = await panora.filestorage.folders.create({ - xConnectionToken: "", - remoteData: false, - unifiedFilestorageFolderInput: { - name: "school", - size: "2048", - folderUrl: "https://example.com/school", - description: "All things school related", - driveId: "801f9ede-c698-4e66-a7fc-48d19eebaa4f", - parentFolderId: "801f9ede-c698-4e66-a7fc-48d19eebaa4f", - sharedLink: "801f9ede-c698-4e66-a7fc-48d19eebaa4f", - permission: "801f9ede-c698-4e66-a7fc-48d19eebaa4f", + unifiedCrmCompanyInput: { + name: "Acme", + industry: UnifiedCrmCompanyInputIndustry.Accounting, + numberOfEmployees: 10, + userId: "801f9ede-c698-4e66-a7fc-48d19eebaa4f", + emailAddresses: [ + { + emailAddress: "acme@gmail.com", + emailAddressType: EmailAddressType.Work, + }, + ], + addresses: [ + { + street1: "5th Avenue", + street2: "Street 2", + city: "New York", + state: "NY", + postalCode: "10001", + country: "USA", + addressType: AddressType.Work, + ownerType: "", + }, + ], + phoneNumbers: [ + { + phoneNumber: "+33660606067", + phoneType: PhoneType.Work, + }, + ], fieldMappings: { "fav_dish": "broccoli", "fav_color": "red", @@ -3381,11 +3457,11 @@ actions: } run(); - - target: $["paths"]["/crm/users/{id}"]["get"] + - target: $["paths"]["/hris/bankinfos/{id}"]["get"] update: x-codeSamples: - lang: typescript - label: retrieveCrmUser + label: retrieveHrisBankInfo source: |- import { Panora } from "@panora/sdk"; @@ -3394,10 +3470,10 @@ actions: }); async function run() { - const result = await panora.crm.users.retrieve({ + const result = await panora.hris.bankinfos.retrieve({ xConnectionToken: "", - id: "b008e199-eda9-4629-bd41-a01b6195864a", - remoteData: true, + id: "801f9ede-c698-4e66-a7fc-48d19eebaa4f", + remoteData: false, }); // Handle the result @@ -3405,11 +3481,11 @@ actions: } run(); - - target: $["paths"]["/hris/groups"]["get"] + - target: $["paths"]["/ats/interviews"]["get"] update: x-codeSamples: - lang: typescript - label: listHrisGroups + label: listAtsInterview source: |- import { Panora } from "@panora/sdk"; @@ -3418,7 +3494,7 @@ actions: }); async function run() { - const result = await panora.hris.groups.list({ + const result = await panora.ats.interviews.list({ xConnectionToken: "", remoteData: true, limit: 10, @@ -3431,11 +3507,17 @@ actions: } run(); - - target: $["paths"]["/ats/jobs"]["get"] + - target: $["paths"]["/field_mappings/values"]["get"] update: x-codeSamples: - lang: typescript - label: listAtsJob + label: getFieldMappingValues + source: "import { Panora } from \"@panora/sdk\";\n\nconst panora = new Panora({\n apiKey: \"\",\n});\n\nasync function run() {\n await panora.fieldMappings.getFieldMappingValues();\n\n \n}\n\nrun();" + - target: $["paths"]["/hris/bankinfos"]["get"] + update: + x-codeSamples: + - lang: typescript + label: listHrisBankInfo source: |- import { Panora } from "@panora/sdk"; @@ -3444,7 +3526,7 @@ actions: }); async function run() { - const result = await panora.ats.jobs.list({ + const result = await panora.hris.bankinfos.list({ xConnectionToken: "", remoteData: true, limit: 10, @@ -3457,11 +3539,11 @@ actions: } run(); - - target: $["paths"]["/ats/offices"]["get"] + - target: $["paths"]["/accounting/expenses/{id}"]["get"] update: x-codeSamples: - lang: typescript - label: listAtsOffice + label: retrieveAccountingExpense source: |- import { Panora } from "@panora/sdk"; @@ -3470,62 +3552,131 @@ actions: }); async function run() { - const result = await panora.ats.offices.list({ + const result = await panora.accounting.expenses.retrieve({ xConnectionToken: "", - remoteData: true, - limit: 10, - cursor: "1b8b05bb-5273-4012-b520-8657b0b90874", + id: "801f9ede-c698-4e66-a7fc-48d19eebaa4f", + remoteData: false, }); - for await (const page of result) { - // handle page - } + // Handle the result + console.log(result) } run(); - - target: $["paths"]["/ats/rejectreasons"]["get"] + - target: $["paths"]["/accounting/purchaseorders"]["post"] update: x-codeSamples: - lang: typescript - label: listAtsRejectReasons + label: createAccountingPurchaseOrder source: |- import { Panora } from "@panora/sdk"; + import { UnifiedAccountingPurchaseorderInputCurrency } from "@panora/sdk/models/components"; const panora = new Panora({ apiKey: "", }); async function run() { - const result = await panora.ats.rejectreasons.list({ + const result = await panora.accounting.purchaseorders.create({ xConnectionToken: "", - remoteData: true, - limit: 10, - cursor: "1b8b05bb-5273-4012-b520-8657b0b90874", + remoteData: false, + unifiedAccountingPurchaseorderInput: { + status: "Pending", + issueDate: new Date("2024-06-15T12:00:00Z"), + purchaseOrderNumber: "PO-001", + deliveryDate: new Date("2024-07-15T12:00:00Z"), + deliveryAddress: "801f9ede-c698-4e66-a7fc-48d19eebaa4f", + customer: "801f9ede-c698-4e66-a7fc-48d19eebaa4f", + vendor: "801f9ede-c698-4e66-a7fc-48d19eebaa4f", + memo: "Purchase order for Q3 inventory", + companyId: "801f9ede-c698-4e66-a7fc-48d19eebaa4f", + totalAmount: 100000, + currency: UnifiedAccountingPurchaseorderInputCurrency.Usd, + exchangeRate: "1.2", + trackingCategories: [ + "801f9ede-c698-4e66-a7fc-48d19eebaa4f", + ], + accountingPeriodId: "801f9ede-c698-4e66-a7fc-48d19eebaa4f", + lineItems: [ + { + name: "Net Income", + value: 100000, + type: "Operating Activities", + parentItem: "801f9ede-c698-4e66-a7fc-48d19eebaa4f", + remoteId: "report_item_1234", + remoteGeneratedAt: new Date("2024-07-01T12:00:00Z"), + companyInfoId: "801f9ede-c698-4e66-a7fc-48d19eebaa4f", + createdAt: new Date("2024-06-15T12:00:00Z"), + modifiedAt: new Date("2024-06-15T12:00:00Z"), + }, + ], + fieldMappings: {}, + }, }); - for await (const page of result) { - // handle page - } + // Handle the result + console.log(result) } run(); - - target: $["paths"]["/accounting/vendorcredits/{id}"]["get"] + - target: $["paths"]["/ecommerce/products"]["post"] update: x-codeSamples: - lang: typescript - label: retrieveAccountingVendorCredit + label: createEcommerceProduct source: |- import { Panora } from "@panora/sdk"; + import { UnifiedEcommerceProductInputProductStatus } from "@panora/sdk/models/components"; const panora = new Panora({ apiKey: "", }); async function run() { - const result = await panora.accounting.vendorcredits.retrieve({ + const result = await panora.ecommerce.products.create({ + xConnectionToken: "", + remoteData: false, + unifiedEcommerceProductInput: { + productUrl: "https://product_url/tee", + productType: "teeshirt", + productStatus: UnifiedEcommerceProductInputProductStatus.Active, + imagesUrls: [ + "https://myproduct/image", + ], + description: "best tee ever", + vendor: "vendor_extern", + variants: [ + {}, + ], + tags: [ + "tag_1", + ], + fieldMappings: {}, + }, + }); + + // Handle the result + console.log(result) + } + + run(); + - target: $["paths"]["/marketingautomation/automations"]["post"] + update: + x-codeSamples: + - lang: typescript + label: createMarketingautomationAutomation + source: |- + import { Panora } from "@panora/sdk"; + + const panora = new Panora({ + apiKey: "", + }); + + async function run() { + const result = await panora.marketingautomation.automations.create({ xConnectionToken: "", - id: "801f9ede-c698-4e66-a7fc-48d19eebaa4f", remoteData: false, + unifiedMarketingautomationAutomationInput: {}, }); // Handle the result @@ -3533,11 +3684,11 @@ actions: } run(); - - target: $["paths"]["/filestorage/folders"]["get"] + - target: $["paths"]["/ecommerce/products"]["get"] update: x-codeSamples: - lang: typescript - label: listFilestorageFolder + label: listEcommerceProducts source: |- import { Panora } from "@panora/sdk"; @@ -3546,7 +3697,7 @@ actions: }); async function run() { - const result = await panora.filestorage.folders.list({ + const result = await panora.ecommerce.products.list({ xConnectionToken: "", remoteData: true, limit: 10, @@ -3559,17 +3710,11 @@ actions: } run(); - - target: $["paths"]["/field_mappings/entities"]["get"] - update: - x-codeSamples: - - lang: typescript - label: getFieldMappingsEntities - source: "import { Panora } from \"@panora/sdk\";\n\nconst panora = new Panora({\n apiKey: \"\",\n});\n\nasync function run() {\n await panora.fieldMappings.getFieldMappingsEntities();\n\n \n}\n\nrun();" - - target: $["paths"]["/linked_users"]["get"] + - target: $["paths"]["/hris/employeepayrollruns/{id}"]["get"] update: x-codeSamples: - lang: typescript - label: listLinkedUsers + label: retrieveHrisEmployeePayrollRun source: |- import { Panora } from "@panora/sdk"; @@ -3578,18 +3723,22 @@ actions: }); async function run() { - const result = await panora.linkedUsers.list(); + const result = await panora.hris.employeepayrollruns.retrieve({ + xConnectionToken: "", + id: "801f9ede-c698-4e66-a7fc-48d19eebaa4f", + remoteData: false, + }); // Handle the result console.log(result) } run(); - - target: $["paths"]["/marketingautomation/campaigns/{id}"]["get"] + - target: $["paths"]["/accounting/journalentries/{id}"]["get"] update: x-codeSamples: - lang: typescript - label: retrieveMarketingautomationCampaign + label: retrieveAccountingJournalEntry source: |- import { Panora } from "@panora/sdk"; @@ -3598,7 +3747,7 @@ actions: }); async function run() { - const result = await panora.marketingautomation.campaigns.retrieve({ + const result = await panora.accounting.journalentries.retrieve({ xConnectionToken: "", id: "801f9ede-c698-4e66-a7fc-48d19eebaa4f", remoteData: false, @@ -3609,11 +3758,11 @@ actions: } run(); - - target: $["paths"]["/marketingautomation/lists/{id}"]["get"] + - target: $["paths"]["/filestorage/folders"]["get"] update: x-codeSamples: - lang: typescript - label: retrieveMarketingautomationList + label: listFilestorageFolder source: |- import { Panora } from "@panora/sdk"; @@ -3622,22 +3771,24 @@ actions: }); async function run() { - const result = await panora.marketingautomation.lists.retrieve({ + const result = await panora.filestorage.folders.list({ xConnectionToken: "", - id: "801f9ede-c698-4e66-a7fc-48d19eebaa4f", - remoteData: false, + remoteData: true, + limit: 10, + cursor: "1b8b05bb-5273-4012-b520-8657b0b90874", }); - // Handle the result - console.log(result) + for await (const page of result) { + // handle page + } } run(); - - target: $["paths"]["/accounting/payments"]["post"] + - target: $["paths"]["/ticketing/tags/{id}"]["get"] update: x-codeSamples: - lang: typescript - label: createAccountingPayment + label: retrieveTicketingTag source: |- import { Panora } from "@panora/sdk"; @@ -3646,10 +3797,10 @@ actions: }); async function run() { - const result = await panora.accounting.payments.create({ + const result = await panora.ticketing.tags.retrieve({ xConnectionToken: "", + id: "801f9ede-c698-4e66-a7fc-48d19eebaa4f", remoteData: false, - unifiedAccountingPaymentInput: {}, }); // Handle the result @@ -3657,11 +3808,11 @@ actions: } run(); - - target: $["paths"]["/hris/employees"]["get"] + - target: $["paths"]["/accounting/phonenumbers"]["get"] update: x-codeSamples: - lang: typescript - label: listHrisEmployees + label: listAccountingPhonenumber source: |- import { Panora } from "@panora/sdk"; @@ -3670,7 +3821,7 @@ actions: }); async function run() { - const result = await panora.hris.employees.list({ + const result = await panora.accounting.phonenumbers.list({ xConnectionToken: "", remoteData: true, limit: 10, @@ -3683,11 +3834,11 @@ actions: } run(); - - target: $["paths"]["/accounting/accounts/{id}"]["get"] + - target: $["paths"]["/marketingautomation/messages/{id}"]["get"] update: x-codeSamples: - lang: typescript - label: retrieveAccountingAccount + label: retrieveMarketingautomationMessage source: |- import { Panora } from "@panora/sdk"; @@ -3696,7 +3847,7 @@ actions: }); async function run() { - const result = await panora.accounting.accounts.retrieve({ + const result = await panora.marketingautomation.messages.retrieve({ xConnectionToken: "", id: "801f9ede-c698-4e66-a7fc-48d19eebaa4f", remoteData: false, @@ -3707,11 +3858,11 @@ actions: } run(); - - target: $["paths"]["/filestorage/drives/{id}"]["get"] + - target: $["paths"]["/ats/candidates/{id}"]["get"] update: x-codeSamples: - lang: typescript - label: retrieveFilestorageDrive + label: retrieveAtsCandidate source: |- import { Panora } from "@panora/sdk"; @@ -3720,7 +3871,7 @@ actions: }); async function run() { - const result = await panora.filestorage.drives.retrieve({ + const result = await panora.ats.candidates.retrieve({ xConnectionToken: "", id: "801f9ede-c698-4e66-a7fc-48d19eebaa4f", remoteData: false, @@ -3731,11 +3882,11 @@ actions: } run(); - - target: $["paths"]["/filestorage/groups"]["get"] + - target: $["paths"]["/webhooks/verifyEvent"]["post"] update: x-codeSamples: - lang: typescript - label: listFilestorageGroup + label: verifyEvent source: |- import { Panora } from "@panora/sdk"; @@ -3744,24 +3895,24 @@ actions: }); async function run() { - const result = await panora.filestorage.groups.list({ - xConnectionToken: "", - remoteData: true, - limit: 10, - cursor: "1b8b05bb-5273-4012-b520-8657b0b90874", + const result = await panora.webhooks.verifyEvent({ + payload: { + "key": "", + }, + signature: "", + secret: "", }); - for await (const page of result) { - // handle page - } - } + // Handle the result + console.log(result) + } run(); - - target: $["paths"]["/marketingautomation/campaigns"]["get"] + - target: $["paths"]["/ticketing/teams/{id}"]["get"] update: x-codeSamples: - lang: typescript - label: listMarketingautomationCampaigns + label: retrieveTicketingTeam source: |- import { Panora } from "@panora/sdk"; @@ -3770,24 +3921,22 @@ actions: }); async function run() { - const result = await panora.marketingautomation.campaigns.list({ + const result = await panora.ticketing.teams.retrieve({ xConnectionToken: "", - remoteData: true, - limit: 10, - cursor: "1b8b05bb-5273-4012-b520-8657b0b90874", + id: "801f9ede-c698-4e66-a7fc-48d19eebaa4f", + remoteData: false, }); - for await (const page of result) { - // handle page - } + // Handle the result + console.log(result) } run(); - - target: $["paths"]["/crm/contacts/{id}"]["get"] + - target: $["paths"]["/ats/offers/{id}"]["get"] update: x-codeSamples: - lang: typescript - label: retrieveCrmContact + label: retrieveAtsOffer source: |- import { Panora } from "@panora/sdk"; @@ -3796,7 +3945,7 @@ actions: }); async function run() { - const result = await panora.crm.contacts.retrieve({ + const result = await panora.ats.offers.retrieve({ xConnectionToken: "", id: "801f9ede-c698-4e66-a7fc-48d19eebaa4f", remoteData: false, @@ -3807,11 +3956,11 @@ actions: } run(); - - target: $["paths"]["/ats/candidates"]["get"] + - target: $["paths"]["/accounting/contacts"]["get"] update: x-codeSamples: - lang: typescript - label: listAtsCandidate + label: listAccountingContacts source: |- import { Panora } from "@panora/sdk"; @@ -3820,7 +3969,7 @@ actions: }); async function run() { - const result = await panora.ats.candidates.list({ + const result = await panora.accounting.contacts.list({ xConnectionToken: "", remoteData: true, limit: 10, @@ -3833,79 +3982,37 @@ actions: } run(); - - target: $["paths"]["/ats/candidates"]["post"] + - target: $["paths"]["/filestorage/groups"]["get"] update: x-codeSamples: - lang: typescript - label: createAtsCandidate + label: listFilestorageGroup source: |- import { Panora } from "@panora/sdk"; - import { EmailAddressType, PhoneType } from "@panora/sdk/models/components"; const panora = new Panora({ apiKey: "", }); async function run() { - const result = await panora.ats.candidates.create({ + const result = await panora.filestorage.groups.list({ xConnectionToken: "", - remoteData: false, - unifiedAtsCandidateInput: { - firstName: "Joe", - lastName: "Doe", - company: "Acme", - title: "Analyst", - locations: "New York", - isPrivate: false, - emailReachable: true, - remoteCreatedAt: new Date("2024-10-01T12:00:00Z"), - remoteModifiedAt: new Date("2024-10-01T12:00:00Z"), - lastInteractionAt: new Date("2024-10-01T12:00:00Z"), - attachments: [ - "801f9ede-c698-4e66-a7fc-48d19eebaa4f", - ], - applications: [ - "801f9ede-c698-4e66-a7fc-48d19eebaa4f", - ], - tags: [ - "tag_1", - "tag_2", - ], - urls: [ - { - url: "mywebsite.com", - urlType: "WEBSITE", - }, - ], - phoneNumbers: [ - { - phoneNumber: "+33660688899", - phoneType: PhoneType.Work, - }, - ], - emailAddresses: [ - { - emailAddress: "joedoe@gmail.com", - emailAddressType: EmailAddressType.Work, - }, - ], - fieldMappings: { - "fav_dish": "broccoli", - "fav_color": "red", - }, - }, + remoteData: true, + limit: 10, + cursor: "1b8b05bb-5273-4012-b520-8657b0b90874", }); - // Handle the result - console.log(result) + for await (const page of result) { + // handle page + } } run(); - - target: $["paths"]["/ats/rejectreasons/{id}"]["get"] + - target: $["paths"]["/marketingautomation/contacts"]["post"] update: x-codeSamples: - lang: typescript - label: retrieveAtsRejectReason + label: createMarketingAutomationContact source: |- import { Panora } from "@panora/sdk"; @@ -3914,10 +4021,10 @@ actions: }); async function run() { - const result = await panora.ats.rejectreasons.retrieve({ + const result = await panora.marketingautomation.contacts.create({ xConnectionToken: "", - id: "801f9ede-c698-4e66-a7fc-48d19eebaa4f", remoteData: false, + unifiedMarketingautomationContactInput: {}, }); // Handle the result @@ -3925,23 +4032,11 @@ actions: } run(); - - target: $["paths"]["/auth/login"]["post"] - update: - x-codeSamples: - - lang: typescript - label: signIn - source: "import { Panora } from \"@panora/sdk\";\n\nconst panora = new Panora({\n apiKey: \"\",\n});\n\nasync function run() {\n await panora.auth.login.signIn({\n idUser: \"\",\n email: \"Oda.Treutel97@hotmail.com\",\n passwordHash: \"\",\n });\n\n \n}\n\nrun();" - - target: $["paths"]["/field_mappings/values"]["get"] - update: - x-codeSamples: - - lang: typescript - label: getFieldMappingValues - source: "import { Panora } from \"@panora/sdk\";\n\nconst panora = new Panora({\n apiKey: \"\",\n});\n\nasync function run() {\n await panora.fieldMappings.getFieldMappingValues();\n\n \n}\n\nrun();" - - target: $["paths"]["/marketingautomation/emails/{id}"]["get"] + - target: $["paths"]["/ats/users/{id}"]["get"] update: x-codeSamples: - lang: typescript - label: retrieveMarketingautomationEmail + label: retrieveAtsUser source: |- import { Panora } from "@panora/sdk"; @@ -3950,7 +4045,7 @@ actions: }); async function run() { - const result = await panora.marketingautomation.emails.retrieve({ + const result = await panora.ats.users.retrieve({ xConnectionToken: "", id: "801f9ede-c698-4e66-a7fc-48d19eebaa4f", remoteData: false, @@ -3961,11 +4056,11 @@ actions: } run(); - - target: $["paths"]["/ats/applications"]["post"] + - target: $["paths"]["/filestorage/groups/{id}"]["get"] update: x-codeSamples: - lang: typescript - label: createAtsApplication + label: retrieveFilestorageGroup source: |- import { Panora } from "@panora/sdk"; @@ -3974,27 +4069,10 @@ actions: }); async function run() { - const result = await panora.ats.applications.create({ + const result = await panora.filestorage.groups.retrieve({ xConnectionToken: "", + id: "801f9ede-c698-4e66-a7fc-48d19eebaa4f", remoteData: false, - unifiedAtsApplicationInput: { - appliedAt: new Date("2024-10-01T12:00:00Z"), - rejectedAt: new Date("2024-10-01T12:00:00Z"), - offers: [ - "801f9ede-c698-4e66-a7fc-48d19eebaa4f", - "12345678-1234-1234-1234-123456789012", - ], - source: "Source Name", - creditedTo: "801f9ede-c698-4e66-a7fc-48d19eebaa4f", - currentStage: "801f9ede-c698-4e66-a7fc-48d19eebaa4f", - rejectReason: "Candidate not experienced enough", - candidateId: "801f9ede-c698-4e66-a7fc-48d19eebaa4f", - jobId: "801f9ede-c698-4e66-a7fc-48d19eebaa4f", - fieldMappings: { - "fav_dish": "broccoli", - "fav_color": "red", - }, - }, }); // Handle the result @@ -4002,11 +4080,11 @@ actions: } run(); - - target: $["paths"]["/accounting/trackingcategories"]["get"] + - target: $["paths"]["/hris/paygroups"]["get"] update: x-codeSamples: - lang: typescript - label: listAccountingTrackingCategorys + label: listHrisPaygroups source: |- import { Panora } from "@panora/sdk"; @@ -4015,7 +4093,7 @@ actions: }); async function run() { - const result = await panora.accounting.trackingcategories.list({ + const result = await panora.hris.paygroups.list({ xConnectionToken: "", remoteData: true, limit: 10, @@ -4054,28 +4132,40 @@ actions: } run(); - - target: $["paths"]["/field_mappings"]["post"] + - target: $["paths"]["/crm/engagements"]["post"] update: x-codeSamples: - lang: typescript - label: defineCustomField + label: createCrmEngagement source: |- import { Panora } from "@panora/sdk"; - import { CustomFieldCreateDtoDataType, CustomFieldCreateDtoObjectTypeOwner } from "@panora/sdk/models/components"; + import { UnifiedCrmEngagementInputDirection, UnifiedCrmEngagementInputType } from "@panora/sdk/models/components"; const panora = new Panora({ apiKey: "", }); async function run() { - const result = await panora.fieldMappings.defineCustomField({ - objectTypeOwner: CustomFieldCreateDtoObjectTypeOwner.Company, - name: "my_favorite_dish", - description: "Favorite Dish", - dataType: CustomFieldCreateDtoDataType.String, - sourceCustomFieldId: "id_1", - sourceProvider: "hubspot", - linkedUserId: "801f9ede-c698-4e66-a7fc-48d19eebaa4f", + const result = await panora.crm.engagements.create({ + xConnectionToken: "", + remoteData: false, + unifiedCrmEngagementInput: { + content: "Meeting call with CTO", + direction: UnifiedCrmEngagementInputDirection.Inbound, + subject: "Technical features planning", + startAt: new Date("2024-10-01T12:00:00Z"), + endTime: new Date("2024-10-01T22:00:00Z"), + type: UnifiedCrmEngagementInputType.Meeting, + userId: "801f9ede-c698-4e66-a7fc-48d19eebaa4f", + companyId: "801f9ede-c698-4e66-a7fc-48d19eebaa4f", + contacts: [ + "801f9ede-c698-4e66-a7fc-48d19eebaa4f", + ], + fieldMappings: { + "fav_dish": "broccoli", + "fav_color": "red", + }, + }, }); // Handle the result @@ -4083,11 +4173,11 @@ actions: } run(); - - target: $["paths"]["/hris/employees"]["post"] + - target: $["paths"]["/crm/notes"]["get"] update: x-codeSamples: - lang: typescript - label: createHrisEmployee + label: listCrmNote source: |- import { Panora } from "@panora/sdk"; @@ -4096,21 +4186,24 @@ actions: }); async function run() { - const result = await panora.hris.employees.create({ + const result = await panora.crm.notes.list({ xConnectionToken: "", - unifiedHrisEmployeeInput: {}, + remoteData: true, + limit: 10, + cursor: "1b8b05bb-5273-4012-b520-8657b0b90874", }); - // Handle the result - console.log(result) + for await (const page of result) { + // handle page + } } run(); - - target: $["paths"]["/ats/tags"]["get"] + - target: $["paths"]["/marketingautomation/emails/{id}"]["get"] update: x-codeSamples: - lang: typescript - label: listAtsTags + label: retrieveMarketingautomationEmail source: |- import { Panora } from "@panora/sdk"; @@ -4119,24 +4212,22 @@ actions: }); async function run() { - const result = await panora.ats.tags.list({ + const result = await panora.marketingautomation.emails.retrieve({ xConnectionToken: "", - remoteData: true, - limit: 10, - cursor: "1b8b05bb-5273-4012-b520-8657b0b90874", + id: "801f9ede-c698-4e66-a7fc-48d19eebaa4f", + remoteData: false, }); - for await (const page of result) { - // handle page - } + // Handle the result + console.log(result) } run(); - - target: $["paths"]["/marketingautomation/users/{id}"]["get"] + - target: $["paths"]["/ats/departments"]["get"] update: x-codeSamples: - lang: typescript - label: retrieveMarketingAutomationUser + label: listAtsDepartments source: |- import { Panora } from "@panora/sdk"; @@ -4145,22 +4236,24 @@ actions: }); async function run() { - const result = await panora.marketingautomation.users.retrieve({ + const result = await panora.ats.departments.list({ xConnectionToken: "", - id: "801f9ede-c698-4e66-a7fc-48d19eebaa4f", - remoteData: false, + remoteData: true, + limit: 10, + cursor: "1b8b05bb-5273-4012-b520-8657b0b90874", }); - // Handle the result - console.log(result) + for await (const page of result) { + // handle page + } } run(); - - target: $["paths"]["/ats/interviews/{id}"]["get"] + - target: $["paths"]["/ats/jobinterviewstages/{id}"]["get"] update: x-codeSamples: - lang: typescript - label: retrieveAtsInterview + label: retrieveAtsJobInterviewStage source: |- import { Panora } from "@panora/sdk"; @@ -4169,7 +4262,7 @@ actions: }); async function run() { - const result = await panora.ats.interviews.retrieve({ + const result = await panora.ats.jobinterviewstages.retrieve({ xConnectionToken: "", id: "801f9ede-c698-4e66-a7fc-48d19eebaa4f", remoteData: false, @@ -4180,34 +4273,34 @@ actions: } run(); - - target: $["paths"]["/filestorage/files"]["post"] + - target: $["paths"]["/accounting/contacts"]["post"] update: x-codeSamples: - lang: typescript - label: createFilestorageFile + label: createAccountingContact source: |- import { Panora } from "@panora/sdk"; + import { UnifiedAccountingContactInputCurrency } from "@panora/sdk/models/components"; const panora = new Panora({ apiKey: "", }); async function run() { - const result = await panora.filestorage.files.create({ + const result = await panora.accounting.contacts.create({ xConnectionToken: "", remoteData: false, - unifiedFilestorageFileInput: { - name: "my_paris_photo.png", - fileUrl: "https://example.com/my_paris_photo.png", - mimeType: "application/pdf", - size: "1024", - folderId: "801f9ede-c698-4e66-a7fc-48d19eebaa4f", - permission: "801f9ede-c698-4e66-a7fc-48d19eebaa4f", - sharedLink: "801f9ede-c698-4e66-a7fc-48d19eebaa4f", - fieldMappings: { - "fav_dish": "broccoli", - "fav_color": "red", - }, + unifiedAccountingContactInput: { + name: "John Doe", + isSupplier: true, + isCustomer: false, + emailAddress: "john.doe@example.com", + taxNumber: "123456789", + status: "Active", + currency: UnifiedAccountingContactInputCurrency.Usd, + remoteUpdatedAt: "2024-06-15T12:00:00Z", + companyInfoId: "801f9ede-c698-4e66-a7fc-48d19eebaa4f", + fieldMappings: {}, }, }); @@ -4216,11 +4309,11 @@ actions: } run(); - - target: $["paths"]["/ecommerce/fulfillments"]["get"] + - target: $["paths"]["/hris/timeoffs/{id}"]["get"] update: x-codeSamples: - lang: typescript - label: listEcommerceFulfillments + label: retrieveHrisTimeoff source: |- import { Panora } from "@panora/sdk"; @@ -4229,38 +4322,10 @@ actions: }); async function run() { - const result = await panora.ecommerce.fulfillments.list({ + const result = await panora.hris.timeoffs.retrieve({ xConnectionToken: "", - remoteData: true, - limit: 10, - cursor: "1b8b05bb-5273-4012-b520-8657b0b90874", - }); - - for await (const page of result) { - // handle page - } - } - - run(); - - target: $["paths"]["/field_mappings/define"]["post"] - update: - x-codeSamples: - - lang: typescript - label: definitions - source: |- - import { Panora } from "@panora/sdk"; - import { DataType, ObjectTypeOwner } from "@panora/sdk/models/components"; - - const panora = new Panora({ - apiKey: "", - }); - - async function run() { - const result = await panora.fieldMappings.definitions({ - objectTypeOwner: ObjectTypeOwner.Company, - name: "fav_dish", - description: "My favorite dish", - dataType: DataType.String, + id: "801f9ede-c698-4e66-a7fc-48d19eebaa4f", + remoteData: false, }); // Handle the result @@ -4268,11 +4333,11 @@ actions: } run(); - - target: $["paths"]["/hris/bankinfos"]["get"] + - target: $["paths"]["/hris/timesheetentries"]["get"] update: x-codeSamples: - lang: typescript - label: listHrisBankInfo + label: listHrisTimesheetentries source: |- import { Panora } from "@panora/sdk"; @@ -4281,7 +4346,7 @@ actions: }); async function run() { - const result = await panora.hris.bankinfos.list({ + const result = await panora.hris.timesheetentries.list({ xConnectionToken: "", remoteData: true, limit: 10, @@ -4294,11 +4359,11 @@ actions: } run(); - - target: $["paths"]["/hris/dependents"]["get"] + - target: $["paths"]["/accounting/invoices"]["get"] update: x-codeSamples: - lang: typescript - label: listHrisDependents + label: listAccountingInvoice source: |- import { Panora } from "@panora/sdk"; @@ -4307,7 +4372,7 @@ actions: }); async function run() { - const result = await panora.hris.dependents.list({ + const result = await panora.accounting.invoices.list({ xConnectionToken: "", remoteData: true, limit: 10, @@ -4320,11 +4385,11 @@ actions: } run(); - - target: $["paths"]["/hris/locations"]["get"] + - target: $["paths"]["/accounting/transactions"]["get"] update: x-codeSamples: - lang: typescript - label: listHrisLocations + label: listAccountingTransaction source: |- import { Panora } from "@panora/sdk"; @@ -4333,7 +4398,7 @@ actions: }); async function run() { - const result = await panora.hris.locations.list({ + const result = await panora.accounting.transactions.list({ xConnectionToken: "", remoteData: true, limit: 10, @@ -4346,11 +4411,11 @@ actions: } run(); - - target: $["paths"]["/ats/attachments/{id}"]["get"] + - target: $["paths"]["/ats/scorecards/{id}"]["get"] update: x-codeSamples: - lang: typescript - label: retrieveAtsAttachment + label: retrieveAtsScorecard source: |- import { Panora } from "@panora/sdk"; @@ -4359,7 +4424,7 @@ actions: }); async function run() { - const result = await panora.ats.attachments.retrieve({ + const result = await panora.ats.scorecards.retrieve({ xConnectionToken: "", id: "801f9ede-c698-4e66-a7fc-48d19eebaa4f", remoteData: false, @@ -4370,11 +4435,11 @@ actions: } run(); - - target: $["paths"]["/accounting/accounts"]["post"] + - target: $["paths"]["/accounting/items"]["get"] update: x-codeSamples: - lang: typescript - label: createAccountingAccount + label: listAccountingItem source: |- import { Panora } from "@panora/sdk"; @@ -4383,22 +4448,24 @@ actions: }); async function run() { - const result = await panora.accounting.accounts.create({ + const result = await panora.accounting.items.list({ xConnectionToken: "", - remoteData: false, - unifiedAccountingAccountInput: {}, + remoteData: true, + limit: 10, + cursor: "1b8b05bb-5273-4012-b520-8657b0b90874", }); - // Handle the result - console.log(result) + for await (const page of result) { + // handle page + } } run(); - - target: $["paths"]["/ats/eeocs"]["get"] + - target: $["paths"]["/accounting/payments"]["get"] update: x-codeSamples: - lang: typescript - label: listAtsEeocs + label: listAccountingPayment source: |- import { Panora } from "@panora/sdk"; @@ -4407,7 +4474,7 @@ actions: }); async function run() { - const result = await panora.ats.eeocs.list({ + const result = await panora.accounting.payments.list({ xConnectionToken: "", remoteData: true, limit: 10, @@ -4420,11 +4487,11 @@ actions: } run(); - - target: $["paths"]["/accounting/contacts"]["get"] + - target: $["paths"]["/crm/notes"]["post"] update: x-codeSamples: - lang: typescript - label: listAccountingContacts + label: createCrmNote source: |- import { Panora } from "@panora/sdk"; @@ -4433,24 +4500,32 @@ actions: }); async function run() { - const result = await panora.accounting.contacts.list({ + const result = await panora.crm.notes.create({ xConnectionToken: "", - remoteData: true, - limit: 10, - cursor: "1b8b05bb-5273-4012-b520-8657b0b90874", + remoteData: false, + unifiedCrmNoteInput: { + content: "My notes taken during the meeting", + userId: "801f9ede-c698-4e66-a7fc-48d19eebaa4f", + companyId: "801f9ede-c698-4e66-a7fc-48d19eebaa4f", + contactId: "801f9ede-c698-4e66-a7fc-48d19eebaa4f", + dealId: "801f9ede-c698-4e66-a7fc-48d19eebaa4f", + fieldMappings: { + "fav_dish": "broccoli", + "fav_color": "red", + }, + }, }); - for await (const page of result) { - // handle page - } + // Handle the result + console.log(result) } run(); - - target: $["paths"]["/accounting/items/{id}"]["get"] + - target: $["paths"]["/linked_users/batch"]["post"] update: x-codeSamples: - lang: typescript - label: retrieveAccountingItem + label: importBatch source: |- import { Panora } from "@panora/sdk"; @@ -4459,10 +4534,11 @@ actions: }); async function run() { - const result = await panora.accounting.items.retrieve({ - xConnectionToken: "", - id: "801f9ede-c698-4e66-a7fc-48d19eebaa4f", - remoteData: false, + const result = await panora.linkedUsers.importBatch({ + linkedUserOriginIds: [ + "id_1", + ], + alias: "acme", }); // Handle the result @@ -4470,23 +4546,25 @@ actions: } run(); - - target: $["paths"]["/ats/jobs/{id}"]["get"] + - target: $["paths"]["/field_mappings/define"]["post"] update: x-codeSamples: - lang: typescript - label: retrieveAtsJob + label: definitions source: |- import { Panora } from "@panora/sdk"; + import { DataType, ObjectTypeOwner } from "@panora/sdk/models/components"; const panora = new Panora({ apiKey: "", }); async function run() { - const result = await panora.ats.jobs.retrieve({ - xConnectionToken: "", - id: "801f9ede-c698-4e66-a7fc-48d19eebaa4f", - remoteData: false, + const result = await panora.fieldMappings.definitions({ + objectTypeOwner: ObjectTypeOwner.Company, + name: "fav_dish", + description: "My favorite dish", + dataType: DataType.String, }); // Handle the result @@ -4494,11 +4572,11 @@ actions: } run(); - - target: $["paths"]["/accounting/companyinfos"]["get"] + - target: $["paths"]["/field_mappings/map"]["post"] update: x-codeSamples: - lang: typescript - label: listAccountingCompanyInfos + label: map source: |- import { Panora } from "@panora/sdk"; @@ -4507,7 +4585,32 @@ actions: }); async function run() { - const result = await panora.accounting.companyinfos.list({ + const result = await panora.fieldMappings.map({ + attributeId: "801f9ede-c698-4e66-a7fc-48d19eebaa4f", + sourceCustomFieldId: "id_1", + sourceProvider: "hubspot", + linkedUserId: "801f9ede-c698-4e66-a7fc-48d19eebaa4f", + }); + + // Handle the result + console.log(result) + } + + run(); + - target: $["paths"]["/marketingautomation/emails"]["get"] + update: + x-codeSamples: + - lang: typescript + label: listMarketingautomationEmails + source: |- + import { Panora } from "@panora/sdk"; + + const panora = new Panora({ + apiKey: "", + }); + + async function run() { + const result = await panora.marketingautomation.emails.list({ xConnectionToken: "", remoteData: true, limit: 10, @@ -4520,11 +4623,11 @@ actions: } run(); - - target: $["paths"]["/crm/deals/{id}"]["get"] + - target: $["paths"]["/accounting/transactions/{id}"]["get"] update: x-codeSamples: - lang: typescript - label: retrieveCrmDeal + label: retrieveAccountingTransaction source: |- import { Panora } from "@panora/sdk"; @@ -4533,7 +4636,7 @@ actions: }); async function run() { - const result = await panora.crm.deals.retrieve({ + const result = await panora.accounting.transactions.retrieve({ xConnectionToken: "", id: "801f9ede-c698-4e66-a7fc-48d19eebaa4f", remoteData: false, @@ -4544,11 +4647,11 @@ actions: } run(); - - target: $["paths"]["/accounting/invoices"]["post"] + - target: $["paths"]["/marketingautomation/users"]["get"] update: x-codeSamples: - lang: typescript - label: createAccountingInvoice + label: listMarketingAutomationUsers source: |- import { Panora } from "@panora/sdk"; @@ -4557,22 +4660,24 @@ actions: }); async function run() { - const result = await panora.accounting.invoices.create({ + const result = await panora.marketingautomation.users.list({ xConnectionToken: "", - remoteData: false, - unifiedAccountingInvoiceInput: {}, + remoteData: true, + limit: 10, + cursor: "1b8b05bb-5273-4012-b520-8657b0b90874", }); - // Handle the result - console.log(result) + for await (const page of result) { + // handle page + } } run(); - - target: $["paths"]["/filestorage/users/{id}"]["get"] + - target: $["paths"]["/ats/departments/{id}"]["get"] update: x-codeSamples: - lang: typescript - label: retrieveFilestorageUser + label: retrieveAtsDepartment source: |- import { Panora } from "@panora/sdk"; @@ -4581,7 +4686,7 @@ actions: }); async function run() { - const result = await panora.filestorage.users.retrieve({ + const result = await panora.ats.departments.retrieve({ xConnectionToken: "", id: "801f9ede-c698-4e66-a7fc-48d19eebaa4f", remoteData: false, @@ -4592,22 +4697,56 @@ actions: } run(); - - target: $["paths"]["/ecommerce/fulfillments/{id}"]["get"] + - target: $["paths"]["/crm/contacts"]["post"] update: x-codeSamples: - lang: typescript - label: retrieveEcommerceFulfillment + label: createCrmContact source: |- import { Panora } from "@panora/sdk"; + import { AddressType, EmailAddressType, PhoneType } from "@panora/sdk/models/components"; const panora = new Panora({ apiKey: "", }); async function run() { - const result = await panora.ecommerce.fulfillments.retrieve({ + const result = await panora.crm.contacts.create({ xConnectionToken: "", - id: "", + remoteData: false, + unifiedCrmContactInput: { + firstName: "John", + lastName: "Doe", + emailAddresses: [ + { + emailAddress: "Jena.Nienow28@yahoo.com", + emailAddressType: EmailAddressType.Personal, + }, + ], + phoneNumbers: [ + { + phoneNumber: "", + phoneType: PhoneType.Work, + }, + ], + addresses: [ + { + street1: "5th Avenue", + street2: "Street 2", + city: "Anytown", + state: "CA", + postalCode: "10001", + country: "USA", + addressType: AddressType.Personal, + ownerType: "", + }, + ], + userId: "801f9ede-c698-4e66-a7fc-48d19eebaa4f", + fieldMappings: { + "fav_dish": "broccoli", + "fav_color": "red", + }, + }, }); // Handle the result @@ -4615,11 +4754,11 @@ actions: } run(); - - target: $["paths"]["/ticketing/tickets"]["get"] + - target: $["paths"]["/marketingautomation/lists"]["get"] update: x-codeSamples: - lang: typescript - label: listTicketingTicket + label: listMarketingautomationLists source: |- import { Panora } from "@panora/sdk"; @@ -4628,7 +4767,7 @@ actions: }); async function run() { - const result = await panora.ticketing.tickets.list({ + const result = await panora.marketingautomation.lists.list({ xConnectionToken: "", remoteData: true, limit: 10, @@ -4641,11 +4780,11 @@ actions: } run(); - - target: $["paths"]["/ticketing/contacts/{id}"]["get"] + - target: $["paths"]["/filestorage/folders"]["post"] update: x-codeSamples: - lang: typescript - label: retrieveTicketingContact + label: createFilestorageFolder source: |- import { Panora } from "@panora/sdk"; @@ -4654,33 +4793,23 @@ actions: }); async function run() { - const result = await panora.ticketing.contacts.retrieve({ + const result = await panora.filestorage.folders.create({ xConnectionToken: "", - id: "", - }); - - // Handle the result - console.log(result) - } - - run(); - - target: $["paths"]["/hris/benefits/{id}"]["get"] - update: - x-codeSamples: - - lang: typescript - label: retrieveHrisBenefit - source: |- - import { Panora } from "@panora/sdk"; - - const panora = new Panora({ - apiKey: "", - }); - - async function run() { - const result = await panora.hris.benefits.retrieve({ - xConnectionToken: "", - id: "801f9ede-c698-4e66-a7fc-48d19eebaa4f", remoteData: false, + unifiedFilestorageFolderInput: { + name: "school", + size: "2048", + folderUrl: "https://example.com/school", + description: "All things school related", + driveId: "801f9ede-c698-4e66-a7fc-48d19eebaa4f", + parentFolderId: "801f9ede-c698-4e66-a7fc-48d19eebaa4f", + sharedLink: "801f9ede-c698-4e66-a7fc-48d19eebaa4f", + permission: "801f9ede-c698-4e66-a7fc-48d19eebaa4f", + fieldMappings: { + "fav_dish": "broccoli", + "fav_color": "red", + }, + }, }); // Handle the result @@ -4688,11 +4817,11 @@ actions: } run(); - - target: $["paths"]["/hris/timeoffs"]["post"] + - target: $["paths"]["/ticketing/comments"]["get"] update: x-codeSamples: - lang: typescript - label: createHrisTimeoff + label: listTicketingComments source: |- import { Panora } from "@panora/sdk"; @@ -4701,21 +4830,24 @@ actions: }); async function run() { - const result = await panora.hris.timeoffs.create({ + const result = await panora.ticketing.comments.list({ xConnectionToken: "", - unifiedHrisTimeoffInput: {}, + remoteData: true, + limit: 10, + cursor: "1b8b05bb-5273-4012-b520-8657b0b90874", }); - // Handle the result - console.log(result) + for await (const page of result) { + // handle page + } } run(); - - target: $["paths"]["/accounting/expenses"]["get"] + - target: $["paths"]["/ticketing/tags"]["get"] update: x-codeSamples: - lang: typescript - label: listAccountingExpense + label: listTicketingTags source: |- import { Panora } from "@panora/sdk"; @@ -4724,7 +4856,7 @@ actions: }); async function run() { - const result = await panora.accounting.expenses.list({ + const result = await panora.ticketing.tags.list({ xConnectionToken: "", remoteData: true, limit: 10, @@ -4737,11 +4869,11 @@ actions: } run(); - - target: $["paths"]["/filestorage/groups/{id}"]["get"] + - target: $["paths"]["/hris/timeoffbalances/{id}"]["get"] update: x-codeSamples: - lang: typescript - label: retrieveFilestorageGroup + label: retrieveHrisTimeoffbalance source: |- import { Panora } from "@panora/sdk"; @@ -4750,7 +4882,7 @@ actions: }); async function run() { - const result = await panora.filestorage.groups.retrieve({ + const result = await panora.hris.timeoffbalances.retrieve({ xConnectionToken: "", id: "801f9ede-c698-4e66-a7fc-48d19eebaa4f", remoteData: false, @@ -4761,11 +4893,11 @@ actions: } run(); - - target: $["paths"]["/ats/applications/{id}"]["get"] + - target: $["paths"]["/accounting/attachments/{id}"]["get"] update: x-codeSamples: - lang: typescript - label: retrieveAtsApplication + label: retrieveAccountingAttachment source: |- import { Panora } from "@panora/sdk"; @@ -4774,7 +4906,7 @@ actions: }); async function run() { - const result = await panora.ats.applications.retrieve({ + const result = await panora.accounting.attachments.retrieve({ xConnectionToken: "", id: "801f9ede-c698-4e66-a7fc-48d19eebaa4f", remoteData: false, @@ -4785,11 +4917,11 @@ actions: } run(); - - target: $["paths"]["/ats/scorecards/{id}"]["get"] + - target: $["paths"]["/accounting/companyinfos/{id}"]["get"] update: x-codeSamples: - lang: typescript - label: retrieveAtsScorecard + label: retrieveAccountingCompanyInfo source: |- import { Panora } from "@panora/sdk"; @@ -4798,7 +4930,31 @@ actions: }); async function run() { - const result = await panora.ats.scorecards.retrieve({ + const result = await panora.accounting.companyinfos.retrieve({ + xConnectionToken: "", + id: "801f9ede-c698-4e66-a7fc-48d19eebaa4f", + remoteData: false, + }); + + // Handle the result + console.log(result) + } + + run(); + - target: $["paths"]["/marketingautomation/contacts/{id}"]["get"] + update: + x-codeSamples: + - lang: typescript + label: retrieveMarketingAutomationContact + source: |- + import { Panora } from "@panora/sdk"; + + const panora = new Panora({ + apiKey: "", + }); + + async function run() { + const result = await panora.marketingautomation.contacts.retrieve({ xConnectionToken: "", id: "801f9ede-c698-4e66-a7fc-48d19eebaa4f", remoteData: false, @@ -4835,11 +4991,11 @@ actions: } run(); - - target: $["paths"]["/accounting/journalentries/{id}"]["get"] + - target: $["paths"]["/ecommerce/products/{id}"]["get"] update: x-codeSamples: - lang: typescript - label: retrieveAccountingJournalEntry + label: retrieveEcommerceProduct source: |- import { Panora } from "@panora/sdk"; @@ -4848,10 +5004,9 @@ actions: }); async function run() { - const result = await panora.accounting.journalentries.retrieve({ + const result = await panora.ecommerce.products.retrieve({ xConnectionToken: "", - id: "801f9ede-c698-4e66-a7fc-48d19eebaa4f", - remoteData: false, + id: "", }); // Handle the result @@ -4859,11 +5014,11 @@ actions: } run(); - - target: $["paths"]["/"]["get"] + - target: $["paths"]["/accounting/addresses/{id}"]["get"] update: x-codeSamples: - lang: typescript - label: hello + label: retrieveAccountingAddress source: |- import { Panora } from "@panora/sdk"; @@ -4872,18 +5027,22 @@ actions: }); async function run() { - const result = await panora.hello(); + const result = await panora.accounting.addresses.retrieve({ + xConnectionToken: "", + id: "801f9ede-c698-4e66-a7fc-48d19eebaa4f", + remoteData: false, + }); // Handle the result console.log(result) } run(); - - target: $["paths"]["/ticketing/attachments"]["get"] + - target: $["paths"]["/accounting/purchaseorders"]["get"] update: x-codeSamples: - lang: typescript - label: listTicketingAttachments + label: listAccountingPurchaseOrder source: |- import { Panora } from "@panora/sdk"; @@ -4892,7 +5051,7 @@ actions: }); async function run() { - const result = await panora.ticketing.attachments.list({ + const result = await panora.accounting.purchaseorders.list({ xConnectionToken: "", remoteData: true, limit: 10, @@ -4905,11 +5064,11 @@ actions: } run(); - - target: $["paths"]["/crm/users"]["get"] + - target: $["paths"]["/linked_users/{id}"]["get"] update: x-codeSamples: - lang: typescript - label: listCrmUsers + label: retrieveLinkedUser source: |- import { Panora } from "@panora/sdk"; @@ -4918,24 +5077,55 @@ actions: }); async function run() { - const result = await panora.crm.users.list({ + const result = await panora.linkedUsers.retrieve({ + id: "801f9ede-c698-4e66-a7fc-48d19eebaa4f", + }); + + // Handle the result + console.log(result) + } + + run(); + - target: $["paths"]["/field_mappings/entities"]["get"] + update: + x-codeSamples: + - lang: typescript + label: getFieldMappingsEntities + source: "import { Panora } from \"@panora/sdk\";\n\nconst panora = new Panora({\n apiKey: \"\",\n});\n\nasync function run() {\n await panora.fieldMappings.getFieldMappingsEntities();\n\n \n}\n\nrun();" + - target: $["paths"]["/accounting/attachments"]["post"] + update: + x-codeSamples: + - lang: typescript + label: createAccountingAttachment + source: |- + import { Panora } from "@panora/sdk"; + + const panora = new Panora({ + apiKey: "", + }); + + async function run() { + const result = await panora.accounting.attachments.create({ xConnectionToken: "", - remoteData: true, - limit: 10, - cursor: "1b8b05bb-5273-4012-b520-8657b0b90874", + remoteData: false, + unifiedAccountingAttachmentInput: { + fileName: "invoice.pdf", + fileUrl: "https://example.com/files/invoice.pdf", + accountId: "801f9ede-c698-4e66-a7fc-48d19eebaa4f", + fieldMappings: {}, + }, }); - for await (const page of result) { - // handle page - } + // Handle the result + console.log(result) } run(); - - target: $["paths"]["/ats/users"]["get"] + - target: $["paths"]["/ticketing/users"]["get"] update: x-codeSamples: - lang: typescript - label: listAtsUsers + label: listTicketingUsers source: |- import { Panora } from "@panora/sdk"; @@ -4944,7 +5134,7 @@ actions: }); async function run() { - const result = await panora.ats.users.list({ + const result = await panora.ticketing.users.list({ xConnectionToken: "", remoteData: true, limit: 10, @@ -4957,11 +5147,11 @@ actions: } run(); - - target: $["paths"]["/hris/groups/{id}"]["get"] + - target: $["paths"]["/crm/deals/{id}"]["get"] update: x-codeSamples: - lang: typescript - label: retrieveHrisGroup + label: retrieveCrmDeal source: |- import { Panora } from "@panora/sdk"; @@ -4970,7 +5160,7 @@ actions: }); async function run() { - const result = await panora.hris.groups.retrieve({ + const result = await panora.crm.deals.retrieve({ xConnectionToken: "", id: "801f9ede-c698-4e66-a7fc-48d19eebaa4f", remoteData: false, @@ -4981,23 +5171,52 @@ actions: } run(); - - target: $["paths"]["/marketingautomation/actions"]["post"] + - target: $["paths"]["/accounting/expenses"]["post"] update: x-codeSamples: - lang: typescript - label: createMarketingautomationAction + label: createAccountingExpense source: |- import { Panora } from "@panora/sdk"; + import { UnifiedAccountingExpenseInputCurrency } from "@panora/sdk/models/components"; const panora = new Panora({ apiKey: "", }); async function run() { - const result = await panora.marketingautomation.actions.create({ + const result = await panora.accounting.expenses.create({ xConnectionToken: "", remoteData: false, - unifiedMarketingautomationActionInput: {}, + unifiedAccountingExpenseInput: { + transactionDate: new Date("2024-06-15T12:00:00Z"), + totalAmount: 10000, + subTotal: 9000, + totalTaxAmount: 1000, + currency: UnifiedAccountingExpenseInputCurrency.Usd, + exchangeRate: "1.2", + memo: "Business lunch with client", + accountId: "801f9ede-c698-4e66-a7fc-48d19eebaa4f", + contactId: "801f9ede-c698-4e66-a7fc-48d19eebaa4f", + companyInfoId: "801f9ede-c698-4e66-a7fc-48d19eebaa4f", + trackingCategories: [ + "801f9ede-c698-4e66-a7fc-48d19eebaa4f", + ], + lineItems: [ + { + name: "Net Income", + value: 100000, + type: "Operating Activities", + parentItem: "801f9ede-c698-4e66-a7fc-48d19eebaa4f", + remoteId: "report_item_1234", + remoteGeneratedAt: new Date("2024-07-01T12:00:00Z"), + companyInfoId: "801f9ede-c698-4e66-a7fc-48d19eebaa4f", + createdAt: new Date("2024-06-15T12:00:00Z"), + modifiedAt: new Date("2024-06-15T12:00:00Z"), + }, + ], + fieldMappings: {}, + }, }); // Handle the result @@ -5005,11 +5224,11 @@ actions: } run(); - - target: $["paths"]["/marketingautomation/emails"]["get"] + - target: $["paths"]["/hris/employees"]["get"] update: x-codeSamples: - lang: typescript - label: listMarketingautomationEmails + label: listHrisEmployees source: |- import { Panora } from "@panora/sdk"; @@ -5018,7 +5237,7 @@ actions: }); async function run() { - const result = await panora.marketingautomation.emails.list({ + const result = await panora.hris.employees.list({ xConnectionToken: "", remoteData: true, limit: 10, @@ -5031,11 +5250,11 @@ actions: } run(); - - target: $["paths"]["/ticketing/teams/{id}"]["get"] + - target: $["paths"]["/hris/payrollruns"]["get"] update: x-codeSamples: - lang: typescript - label: retrieveTicketingTeam + label: listHrisPayrollRuns source: |- import { Panora } from "@panora/sdk"; @@ -5044,22 +5263,24 @@ actions: }); async function run() { - const result = await panora.ticketing.teams.retrieve({ + const result = await panora.hris.payrollruns.list({ xConnectionToken: "", - id: "801f9ede-c698-4e66-a7fc-48d19eebaa4f", - remoteData: false, + remoteData: true, + limit: 10, + cursor: "1b8b05bb-5273-4012-b520-8657b0b90874", }); - // Handle the result - console.log(result) + for await (const page of result) { + // handle page + } } run(); - - target: $["paths"]["/ats/offers/{id}"]["get"] + - target: $["paths"]["/hris/timesheetentries"]["post"] update: x-codeSamples: - lang: typescript - label: retrieveAtsOffer + label: createHrisTimesheetentry source: |- import { Panora } from "@panora/sdk"; @@ -5068,10 +5289,16 @@ actions: }); async function run() { - const result = await panora.ats.offers.retrieve({ + const result = await panora.hris.timesheetentries.create({ xConnectionToken: "", - id: "801f9ede-c698-4e66-a7fc-48d19eebaa4f", - remoteData: false, + unifiedHrisTimesheetEntryInput: { + hoursWorked: 40, + startTime: new Date("2024-10-01T08:00:00Z"), + endTime: new Date("2024-10-01T16:00:00Z"), + employeeId: "801f9ede-c698-4e66-a7fc-48d19eebaa4f", + remoteWasDeleted: false, + fieldMappings: {}, + }, }); // Handle the result @@ -5079,52 +5306,37 @@ actions: } run(); - - target: $["paths"]["/ecommerce/products"]["post"] + - target: $["paths"]["/accounting/addresses"]["get"] update: x-codeSamples: - lang: typescript - label: createEcommerceProduct + label: listAccountingAddress source: |- import { Panora } from "@panora/sdk"; - import { UnifiedEcommerceProductInputProductStatus } from "@panora/sdk/models/components"; const panora = new Panora({ apiKey: "", }); async function run() { - const result = await panora.ecommerce.products.create({ + const result = await panora.accounting.addresses.list({ xConnectionToken: "", - remoteData: false, - unifiedEcommerceProductInput: { - productUrl: "https://product_url/tee", - productType: "teeshirt", - productStatus: UnifiedEcommerceProductInputProductStatus.Active, - imagesUrls: [ - "https://myproduct/image", - ], - description: "best tee ever", - vendor: "vendor_extern", - variants: [ - {}, - ], - tags: [ - "tag_1", - ], - fieldMappings: {}, - }, + remoteData: true, + limit: 10, + cursor: "1b8b05bb-5273-4012-b520-8657b0b90874", }); - // Handle the result - console.log(result) + for await (const page of result) { + // handle page + } } run(); - - target: $["paths"]["/ecommerce/products/{id}"]["get"] + - target: $["paths"]["/ticketing/accounts/{id}"]["get"] update: x-codeSamples: - lang: typescript - label: retrieveEcommerceProduct + label: retrieveTicketingAccount source: |- import { Panora } from "@panora/sdk"; @@ -5133,7 +5345,7 @@ actions: }); async function run() { - const result = await panora.ecommerce.products.retrieve({ + const result = await panora.ticketing.accounts.retrieve({ xConnectionToken: "", id: "", }); @@ -5143,11 +5355,11 @@ actions: } run(); - - target: $["paths"]["/marketingautomation/contacts/{id}"]["get"] + - target: $["paths"]["/crm/users"]["get"] update: x-codeSamples: - lang: typescript - label: retrieveMarketingAutomationContact + label: listCrmUsers source: |- import { Panora } from "@panora/sdk"; @@ -5156,10 +5368,36 @@ actions: }); async function run() { - const result = await panora.marketingautomation.contacts.retrieve({ + const result = await panora.crm.users.list({ xConnectionToken: "", - id: "801f9ede-c698-4e66-a7fc-48d19eebaa4f", - remoteData: false, + remoteData: true, + limit: 10, + cursor: "1b8b05bb-5273-4012-b520-8657b0b90874", + }); + + for await (const page of result) { + // handle page + } + } + + run(); + - target: $["paths"]["/projects"]["post"] + update: + x-codeSamples: + - lang: typescript + label: createProject + source: |- + import { Panora } from "@panora/sdk"; + + const panora = new Panora({ + apiKey: "", + }); + + async function run() { + const result = await panora.projects.create({ + name: "Project Name", + idOrganization: "801f9ede-c698-4e66-a7fc-48d19eebaa4f", + idUser: "801f9ede-c698-4e66-a7fc-48d19eebaa4f", }); // Handle the result @@ -5167,11 +5405,11 @@ actions: } run(); - - target: $["paths"]["/ats/offices/{id}"]["get"] + - target: $["paths"]["/hris/dependents/{id}"]["get"] update: x-codeSamples: - lang: typescript - label: retrieveAtsOffice + label: retrieveHrisDependent source: |- import { Panora } from "@panora/sdk"; @@ -5180,7 +5418,7 @@ actions: }); async function run() { - const result = await panora.ats.offices.retrieve({ + const result = await panora.hris.dependents.retrieve({ xConnectionToken: "", id: "801f9ede-c698-4e66-a7fc-48d19eebaa4f", remoteData: false, @@ -5191,11 +5429,11 @@ actions: } run(); - - target: $["paths"]["/accounting/invoices"]["get"] + - target: $["paths"]["/hris/locations/{id}"]["get"] update: x-codeSamples: - lang: typescript - label: listAccountingInvoice + label: retrieveHrisLocation source: |- import { Panora } from "@panora/sdk"; @@ -5204,41 +5442,75 @@ actions: }); async function run() { - const result = await panora.accounting.invoices.list({ + const result = await panora.hris.locations.retrieve({ xConnectionToken: "", - remoteData: true, - limit: 10, - cursor: "1b8b05bb-5273-4012-b520-8657b0b90874", + id: "801f9ede-c698-4e66-a7fc-48d19eebaa4f", + remoteData: false, }); - for await (const page of result) { - // handle page - } + // Handle the result + console.log(result) } run(); - - target: $["paths"]["/crm/notes"]["post"] + - target: $["paths"]["/ticketing/tickets"]["post"] update: x-codeSamples: - lang: typescript - label: createCrmNote + label: createTicketingTicket source: |- import { Panora } from "@panora/sdk"; + import { + UnifiedTicketingTicketInputCreatorType, + UnifiedTicketingTicketInputPriority, + UnifiedTicketingTicketInputStatus, + UnifiedTicketingTicketInputType, + } from "@panora/sdk/models/components"; const panora = new Panora({ apiKey: "", }); async function run() { - const result = await panora.crm.notes.create({ + const result = await panora.ticketing.tickets.create({ xConnectionToken: "", remoteData: false, - unifiedCrmNoteInput: { - content: "My notes taken during the meeting", - userId: "801f9ede-c698-4e66-a7fc-48d19eebaa4f", - companyId: "801f9ede-c698-4e66-a7fc-48d19eebaa4f", + unifiedTicketingTicketInput: { + name: "Customer Service Inquiry", + status: UnifiedTicketingTicketInputStatus.Open, + description: "Help customer", + dueDate: new Date("2024-10-01T12:00:00Z"), + type: UnifiedTicketingTicketInputType.Bug, + parentTicket: "801f9ede-c698-4e66-a7fc-48d19eebaa4f", + collections: [ + "801f9ede-c698-4e66-a7fc-48d19eebaa4f", + ], + tags: [ + "my_tag", + "urgent_tag", + ], + completedAt: new Date("2024-10-01T12:00:00Z"), + priority: UnifiedTicketingTicketInputPriority.High, + assignedTo: [ + "801f9ede-c698-4e66-a7fc-48d19eebaa4f", + ], + comment: { + body: "Assigned to Eric !", + htmlBody: "

Assigned to Eric !

", + isPrivate: false, + creatorType: UnifiedTicketingTicketInputCreatorType.User, + ticketId: "801f9ede-c698-4e66-a7fc-48d19eebaa4f", + contactId: "801f9ede-c698-4e66-a7fc-48d19eebaa4f", + userId: "801f9ede-c698-4e66-a7fc-48d19eebaa4f", + attachments: [ + "801f9ede-c698-4e66-a7fc-48d19eebaa4f", + ], + }, + accountId: "801f9ede-c698-4e66-a7fc-48d19eebaa4f", contactId: "801f9ede-c698-4e66-a7fc-48d19eebaa4f", - dealId: "801f9ede-c698-4e66-a7fc-48d19eebaa4f", + attachments: [ + "801f9ede-c698-4e66-a7fc-48d19eebaa4f", + ], fieldMappings: { "fav_dish": "broccoli", "fav_color": "red", @@ -5251,11 +5523,11 @@ actions: } run(); - - target: $["paths"]["/hris/companies"]["get"] + - target: $["paths"]["/events"]["get"] update: x-codeSamples: - lang: typescript - label: listHrisCompanies + label: getPanoraCoreEvents source: |- import { Panora } from "@panora/sdk"; @@ -5264,7 +5536,27 @@ actions: }); async function run() { - const result = await panora.hris.companies.list({ + const result = await panora.events.getPanoraCoreEvents({}); + + // Handle the result + console.log(result) + } + + run(); + - target: $["paths"]["/ats/rejectreasons"]["get"] + update: + x-codeSamples: + - lang: typescript + label: listAtsRejectReasons + source: |- + import { Panora } from "@panora/sdk"; + + const panora = new Panora({ + apiKey: "", + }); + + async function run() { + const result = await panora.ats.rejectreasons.list({ xConnectionToken: "", remoteData: true, limit: 10, @@ -5277,11 +5569,11 @@ actions: } run(); - - target: $["paths"]["/marketingautomation/actions/{id}"]["get"] + - target: $["paths"]["/ecommerce/customers"]["get"] update: x-codeSamples: - lang: typescript - label: retrieveMarketingautomationAction + label: listEcommerceCustomers source: |- import { Panora } from "@panora/sdk"; @@ -5290,22 +5582,24 @@ actions: }); async function run() { - const result = await panora.marketingautomation.actions.retrieve({ + const result = await panora.ecommerce.customers.list({ xConnectionToken: "", - id: "801f9ede-c698-4e66-a7fc-48d19eebaa4f", - remoteData: false, + remoteData: true, + limit: 10, + cursor: "1b8b05bb-5273-4012-b520-8657b0b90874", }); - // Handle the result - console.log(result) + for await (const page of result) { + // handle page + } } run(); - - target: $["paths"]["/ats/departments/{id}"]["get"] + - target: $["paths"]["/ticketing/contacts/{id}"]["get"] update: x-codeSamples: - lang: typescript - label: retrieveAtsDepartment + label: retrieveTicketingContact source: |- import { Panora } from "@panora/sdk"; @@ -5314,10 +5608,9 @@ actions: }); async function run() { - const result = await panora.ats.departments.retrieve({ + const result = await panora.ticketing.contacts.retrieve({ xConnectionToken: "", - id: "801f9ede-c698-4e66-a7fc-48d19eebaa4f", - remoteData: false, + id: "", }); // Handle the result @@ -5325,11 +5618,11 @@ actions: } run(); - - target: $["paths"]["/health"]["get"] + - target: $["paths"]["/ticketing/collections"]["get"] update: x-codeSamples: - lang: typescript - label: health + label: listTicketingCollections source: |- import { Panora } from "@panora/sdk"; @@ -5338,18 +5631,24 @@ actions: }); async function run() { - const result = await panora.health(); + const result = await panora.ticketing.collections.list({ + xConnectionToken: "", + remoteData: true, + limit: 10, + cursor: "1b8b05bb-5273-4012-b520-8657b0b90874", + }); - // Handle the result - console.log(result) + for await (const page of result) { + // handle page + } } run(); - - target: $["paths"]["/hris/dependents/{id}"]["get"] + - target: $["paths"]["/crm/stages"]["get"] update: x-codeSamples: - lang: typescript - label: retrieveHrisDependent + label: listCrmStages source: |- import { Panora } from "@panora/sdk"; @@ -5358,22 +5657,24 @@ actions: }); async function run() { - const result = await panora.hris.dependents.retrieve({ + const result = await panora.crm.stages.list({ xConnectionToken: "", - id: "801f9ede-c698-4e66-a7fc-48d19eebaa4f", - remoteData: false, + remoteData: true, + limit: 10, + cursor: "1b8b05bb-5273-4012-b520-8657b0b90874", }); - // Handle the result - console.log(result) + for await (const page of result) { + // handle page + } } run(); - - target: $["paths"]["/ats/attachments"]["get"] + - target: $["paths"]["/crm/users/{id}"]["get"] update: x-codeSamples: - lang: typescript - label: listAtsAttachment + label: retrieveCrmUser source: |- import { Panora } from "@panora/sdk"; @@ -5382,24 +5683,22 @@ actions: }); async function run() { - const result = await panora.ats.attachments.list({ + const result = await panora.crm.users.retrieve({ xConnectionToken: "", + id: "b008e199-eda9-4629-bd41-a01b6195864a", remoteData: true, - limit: 10, - cursor: "1b8b05bb-5273-4012-b520-8657b0b90874", }); - for await (const page of result) { - // handle page - } + // Handle the result + console.log(result) } run(); - - target: $["paths"]["/webhooks/{id}"]["delete"] + - target: $["paths"]["/marketingautomation/events/{id}"]["get"] update: x-codeSamples: - lang: typescript - label: delete + label: retrieveMarketingautomationEvent source: |- import { Panora } from "@panora/sdk"; @@ -5408,8 +5707,10 @@ actions: }); async function run() { - const result = await panora.webhooks.delete({ + const result = await panora.marketingautomation.events.retrieve({ + xConnectionToken: "", id: "801f9ede-c698-4e66-a7fc-48d19eebaa4f", + remoteData: false, }); // Handle the result @@ -5417,11 +5718,11 @@ actions: } run(); - - target: $["paths"]["/ticketing/attachments"]["post"] + - target: $["paths"]["/ecommerce/customers/{id}"]["get"] update: x-codeSamples: - lang: typescript - label: createTicketingAttachment + label: retrieveEcommerceCustomer source: |- import { Panora } from "@panora/sdk"; @@ -5430,19 +5731,9 @@ actions: }); async function run() { - const result = await panora.ticketing.attachments.create({ + const result = await panora.ecommerce.customers.retrieve({ xConnectionToken: "", - unifiedTicketingAttachmentInput: { - fileName: "features_planning.pdf", - fileUrl: "https://example.com/features_planning.pdf", - uploader: "801f9ede-c698-4e66-a7fc-48d19eebaa4f", - ticketId: "801f9ede-c698-4e66-a7fc-48d19eebaa4f", - commentId: "801f9ede-c698-4e66-a7fc-48d19eebaa4f", - fieldMappings: { - "fav_dish": "broccoli", - "fav_color": "red", - }, - }, + id: "", }); // Handle the result @@ -5450,11 +5741,11 @@ actions: } run(); - - target: $["paths"]["/sync/resync"]["post"] + - target: $["paths"]["/projects"]["get"] update: x-codeSamples: - lang: typescript - label: resync + label: getProjects source: |- import { Panora } from "@panora/sdk"; @@ -5463,18 +5754,18 @@ actions: }); async function run() { - const result = await panora.sync.resync(); + const result = await panora.projects.getProjects(); // Handle the result console.log(result) } run(); - - target: $["paths"]["/crm/engagements"]["get"] + - target: $["paths"]["/accounting/attachments"]["get"] update: x-codeSamples: - lang: typescript - label: listCrmEngagements + label: listAccountingAttachments source: |- import { Panora } from "@panora/sdk"; @@ -5483,7 +5774,7 @@ actions: }); async function run() { - const result = await panora.crm.engagements.list({ + const result = await panora.accounting.attachments.list({ xConnectionToken: "", remoteData: true, limit: 10, @@ -5496,40 +5787,69 @@ actions: } run(); - - target: $["paths"]["/crm/engagements"]["post"] + - target: $["paths"]["/accounting/balancesheets/{id}"]["get"] update: x-codeSamples: - lang: typescript - label: createCrmEngagement + label: retrieveAccountingBalanceSheet + source: |- + import { Panora } from "@panora/sdk"; + + const panora = new Panora({ + apiKey: "", + }); + + async function run() { + const result = await panora.accounting.balancesheets.retrieve({ + xConnectionToken: "", + id: "801f9ede-c698-4e66-a7fc-48d19eebaa4f", + remoteData: false, + }); + + // Handle the result + console.log(result) + } + + run(); + - target: $["paths"]["/webhooks/{id}"]["delete"] + update: + x-codeSamples: + - lang: typescript + label: delete + source: |- + import { Panora } from "@panora/sdk"; + + const panora = new Panora({ + apiKey: "", + }); + + async function run() { + const result = await panora.webhooks.delete({ + id: "801f9ede-c698-4e66-a7fc-48d19eebaa4f", + }); + + // Handle the result + console.log(result) + } + + run(); + - target: $["paths"]["/crm/tasks/{id}"]["get"] + update: + x-codeSamples: + - lang: typescript + label: retrieveCrmTask source: |- import { Panora } from "@panora/sdk"; - import { UnifiedCrmEngagementInputDirection, UnifiedCrmEngagementInputType } from "@panora/sdk/models/components"; const panora = new Panora({ apiKey: "", }); async function run() { - const result = await panora.crm.engagements.create({ + const result = await panora.crm.tasks.retrieve({ xConnectionToken: "", + id: "801f9ede-c698-4e66-a7fc-48d19eebaa4f", remoteData: false, - unifiedCrmEngagementInput: { - content: "Meeting call with CTO", - direction: UnifiedCrmEngagementInputDirection.Inbound, - subject: "Technical features planning", - startAt: new Date("2024-10-01T12:00:00Z"), - endTime: new Date("2024-10-01T22:00:00Z"), - type: UnifiedCrmEngagementInputType.Meeting, - userId: "801f9ede-c698-4e66-a7fc-48d19eebaa4f", - companyId: "801f9ede-c698-4e66-a7fc-48d19eebaa4f", - contacts: [ - "801f9ede-c698-4e66-a7fc-48d19eebaa4f", - ], - fieldMappings: { - "fav_dish": "broccoli", - "fav_color": "red", - }, - }, }); // Handle the result @@ -5537,11 +5857,11 @@ actions: } run(); - - target: $["paths"]["/accounting/purchaseorders"]["post"] + - target: $["paths"]["/hris/companies/{id}"]["get"] update: x-codeSamples: - lang: typescript - label: createAccountingPurchaseOrder + label: retrieveHrisCompany source: |- import { Panora } from "@panora/sdk"; @@ -5550,10 +5870,10 @@ actions: }); async function run() { - const result = await panora.accounting.purchaseorders.create({ + const result = await panora.hris.companies.retrieve({ xConnectionToken: "", + id: "801f9ede-c698-4e66-a7fc-48d19eebaa4f", remoteData: false, - unifiedAccountingPurchaseorderInput: {}, }); // Handle the result @@ -5561,11 +5881,11 @@ actions: } run(); - - target: $["paths"]["/accounting/transactions"]["get"] + - target: $["paths"]["/hris/timeoffbalances"]["get"] update: x-codeSamples: - lang: typescript - label: listAccountingTransaction + label: listHrisTimeoffbalances source: |- import { Panora } from "@panora/sdk"; @@ -5574,7 +5894,7 @@ actions: }); async function run() { - const result = await panora.accounting.transactions.list({ + const result = await panora.hris.timeoffbalances.list({ xConnectionToken: "", remoteData: true, limit: 10, @@ -5587,11 +5907,11 @@ actions: } run(); - - target: $["paths"]["/ticketing/comments"]["get"] + - target: $["paths"]["/crm/deals"]["post"] update: x-codeSamples: - lang: typescript - label: listTicketingComments + label: createCrmDeal source: |- import { Panora } from "@panora/sdk"; @@ -5600,36 +5920,56 @@ actions: }); async function run() { - const result = await panora.ticketing.comments.list({ + const result = await panora.crm.deals.create({ xConnectionToken: "", - remoteData: true, - limit: 10, - cursor: "1b8b05bb-5273-4012-b520-8657b0b90874", + unifiedCrmDealInput: { + name: "Huge Contract with Acme", + description: "Contract with Sales Operations Team", + amount: 1000, + userId: "801f9ede-c698-4e66-a7fc-48d19eebaa4f", + stageId: "801f9ede-c698-4e66-a7fc-48d19eebaa4f", + companyId: "801f9ede-c698-4e66-a7fc-48d19eebaa4f", + fieldMappings: { + "fav_dish": "broccoli", + "fav_color": "red", + }, + }, }); - for await (const page of result) { - // handle page - } + // Handle the result + console.log(result) } run(); - - target: $["paths"]["/crm/notes/{id}"]["get"] + - target: $["paths"]["/ats/attachments"]["post"] update: x-codeSamples: - lang: typescript - label: retrieveCrmNote + label: createAtsAttachment source: |- import { Panora } from "@panora/sdk"; + import { UnifiedAtsAttachmentInputAttachmentType } from "@panora/sdk/models/components"; const panora = new Panora({ apiKey: "", }); async function run() { - const result = await panora.crm.notes.retrieve({ + const result = await panora.ats.attachments.create({ xConnectionToken: "", - id: "801f9ede-c698-4e66-a7fc-48d19eebaa4f", remoteData: false, + unifiedAtsAttachmentInput: { + fileUrl: "https://example.com/file.pdf", + fileName: "file.pdf", + attachmentType: UnifiedAtsAttachmentInputAttachmentType.Resume, + remoteCreatedAt: new Date("2024-10-01T12:00:00Z"), + remoteModifiedAt: new Date("2024-10-01T12:00:00Z"), + candidateId: "801f9ede-c698-4e66-a7fc-48d19eebaa4f", + fieldMappings: { + "fav_dish": "broccoli", + "fav_color": "red", + }, + }, }); // Handle the result @@ -5637,11 +5977,11 @@ actions: } run(); - - target: $["paths"]["/marketingautomation/automations"]["get"] + - target: $["paths"]["/ats/jobinterviewstages"]["get"] update: x-codeSamples: - lang: typescript - label: listMarketingautomationAutomations + label: listAtsJobInterviewStage source: |- import { Panora } from "@panora/sdk"; @@ -5650,7 +5990,7 @@ actions: }); async function run() { - const result = await panora.marketingautomation.automations.list({ + const result = await panora.ats.jobinterviewstages.list({ xConnectionToken: "", remoteData: true, limit: 10, @@ -5663,11 +6003,11 @@ actions: } run(); - - target: $["paths"]["/ticketing/contacts"]["get"] + - target: $["paths"]["/marketingautomation/automations/{id}"]["get"] update: x-codeSamples: - lang: typescript - label: listTicketingContacts + label: retrieveMarketingautomationAutomation source: |- import { Panora } from "@panora/sdk"; @@ -5676,30 +6016,22 @@ actions: }); async function run() { - const result = await panora.ticketing.contacts.list({ + const result = await panora.marketingautomation.automations.retrieve({ xConnectionToken: "", - remoteData: true, - limit: 10, - cursor: "1b8b05bb-5273-4012-b520-8657b0b90874", + id: "801f9ede-c698-4e66-a7fc-48d19eebaa4f", + remoteData: false, }); - for await (const page of result) { - // handle page - } + // Handle the result + console.log(result) } run(); - - target: $["paths"]["/passthrough/{retryId}"]["get"] - update: - x-codeSamples: - - lang: typescript - label: getRetriedRequestResponse - source: "import { Panora } from \"@panora/sdk\";\n\nconst panora = new Panora({\n apiKey: \"\",\n});\n\nasync function run() {\n await panora.passthrough.retryid.getRetriedRequestResponse({\n retryId: \"\",\n });\n\n \n}\n\nrun();" - - target: $["paths"]["/hris/employments/{id}"]["get"] + - target: $["paths"]["/filestorage/drives/{id}"]["get"] update: x-codeSamples: - lang: typescript - label: retrieveHrisEmployment + label: retrieveFilestorageDrive source: |- import { Panora } from "@panora/sdk"; @@ -5708,7 +6040,7 @@ actions: }); async function run() { - const result = await panora.hris.employments.retrieve({ + const result = await panora.filestorage.drives.retrieve({ xConnectionToken: "", id: "801f9ede-c698-4e66-a7fc-48d19eebaa4f", remoteData: false, @@ -5719,11 +6051,11 @@ actions: } run(); - - target: $["paths"]["/ats/offers"]["get"] + - target: $["paths"]["/ticketing/users/{id}"]["get"] update: x-codeSamples: - lang: typescript - label: listAtsOffer + label: retrieveTicketingUser source: |- import { Panora } from "@panora/sdk"; @@ -5732,38 +6064,45 @@ actions: }); async function run() { - const result = await panora.ats.offers.list({ + const result = await panora.ticketing.users.retrieve({ xConnectionToken: "", - remoteData: true, - limit: 10, - cursor: "1b8b05bb-5273-4012-b520-8657b0b90874", + id: "801f9ede-c698-4e66-a7fc-48d19eebaa4f", + remoteData: false, }); - for await (const page of result) { - // handle page - } + // Handle the result + console.log(result) } run(); - - target: $["paths"]["/webhooks/verifyEvent"]["post"] + - target: $["paths"]["/ticketing/comments"]["post"] update: x-codeSamples: - lang: typescript - label: verifyEvent + label: createTicketingComment source: |- import { Panora } from "@panora/sdk"; + import { UnifiedTicketingCommentInputCreatorType } from "@panora/sdk/models/components"; const panora = new Panora({ apiKey: "", }); async function run() { - const result = await panora.webhooks.verifyEvent({ - payload: { - "key": "", + const result = await panora.ticketing.comments.create({ + xConnectionToken: "", + unifiedTicketingCommentInput: { + body: "Assigned to Eric !", + htmlBody: "

Assigned to Eric !

", + isPrivate: false, + creatorType: UnifiedTicketingCommentInputCreatorType.User, + ticketId: "801f9ede-c698-4e66-a7fc-48d19eebaa4f", + contactId: "801f9ede-c698-4e66-a7fc-48d19eebaa4f", + userId: "801f9ede-c698-4e66-a7fc-48d19eebaa4f", + attachments: [ + "801f9ede-c698-4e66-a7fc-48d19eebaa4f", + ], }, - signature: "", - secret: "", }); // Handle the result @@ -5771,11 +6110,11 @@ actions: } run(); - - target: $["paths"]["/hris/locations/{id}"]["get"] + - target: $["paths"]["/crm/stages/{id}"]["get"] update: x-codeSamples: - lang: typescript - label: retrieveHrisLocation + label: retrieveCrmStage source: |- import { Panora } from "@panora/sdk"; @@ -5784,7 +6123,7 @@ actions: }); async function run() { - const result = await panora.hris.locations.retrieve({ + const result = await panora.crm.stages.retrieve({ xConnectionToken: "", id: "801f9ede-c698-4e66-a7fc-48d19eebaa4f", remoteData: false, @@ -5795,77 +6134,74 @@ actions: } run(); - - target: $["paths"]["/ats/activities"]["post"] + - target: $["paths"]["/hris/employeepayrollruns"]["get"] update: x-codeSamples: - lang: typescript - label: createAtsActivity + label: listHrisEmployeePayrollRun source: |- import { Panora } from "@panora/sdk"; - import { UnifiedAtsActivityInputActivityType, UnifiedAtsActivityInputVisibility } from "@panora/sdk/models/components"; const panora = new Panora({ apiKey: "", }); async function run() { - const result = await panora.ats.activities.create({ + const result = await panora.hris.employeepayrollruns.list({ xConnectionToken: "", - remoteData: false, - unifiedAtsActivityInput: { - activityType: UnifiedAtsActivityInputActivityType.Note, - subject: "Email subject", - body: "Dear Diana, I love you", - visibility: UnifiedAtsActivityInputVisibility.Public, - candidateId: "801f9ede-c698-4e66-a7fc-48d19eebaa4f", - remoteCreatedAt: new Date("2024-10-01T12:00:00Z"), - fieldMappings: { - "fav_dish": "broccoli", - "fav_color": "red", - }, - }, + remoteData: true, + limit: 10, + cursor: "1b8b05bb-5273-4012-b520-8657b0b90874", }); - // Handle the result - console.log(result) + for await (const page of result) { + // handle page + } } run(); - - target: $["paths"]["/ats/interviews"]["post"] + - target: $["paths"]["/hris/timeoffs"]["get"] update: x-codeSamples: - lang: typescript - label: createAtsInterview + label: listHrisTimeoffs source: |- import { Panora } from "@panora/sdk"; - import { UnifiedAtsInterviewInputStatus } from "@panora/sdk/models/components"; const panora = new Panora({ apiKey: "", }); async function run() { - const result = await panora.ats.interviews.create({ + const result = await panora.hris.timeoffs.list({ xConnectionToken: "", - remoteData: false, - unifiedAtsInterviewInput: { - status: UnifiedAtsInterviewInputStatus.Scheduled, - applicationId: "801f9ede-c698-4e66-a7fc-48d19eebaa4f", - jobInterviewStageId: "801f9ede-c698-4e66-a7fc-48d19eebaa4f", - organizedBy: "801f9ede-c698-4e66-a7fc-48d19eebaa4f", - interviewers: [ - "801f9ede-c698-4e66-a7fc-48d19eebaa4f", - ], - location: "San Francisco", - startAt: new Date("2024-10-01T12:00:00Z"), - endAt: new Date("2024-10-01T12:00:00Z"), - remoteCreatedAt: new Date("2024-10-01T12:00:00Z"), - remoteUpdatedAt: new Date("2024-10-01T12:00:00Z"), - fieldMappings: { - "fav_dish": "broccoli", - "fav_color": "red", - }, - }, + remoteData: true, + limit: 10, + cursor: "1b8b05bb-5273-4012-b520-8657b0b90874", + }); + + for await (const page of result) { + // handle page + } + } + + run(); + - target: $["paths"]["/ecommerce/orders/{id}"]["get"] + update: + x-codeSamples: + - lang: typescript + label: retrieveEcommerceOrder + source: |- + import { Panora } from "@panora/sdk"; + + const panora = new Panora({ + apiKey: "", + }); + + async function run() { + const result = await panora.ecommerce.orders.retrieve({ + xConnectionToken: "", + id: "", }); // Handle the result @@ -5873,11 +6209,11 @@ actions: } run(); - - target: $["paths"]["/ats/users/{id}"]["get"] + - target: $["paths"]["/marketingautomation/actions"]["post"] update: x-codeSamples: - lang: typescript - label: retrieveAtsUser + label: createMarketingautomationAction source: |- import { Panora } from "@panora/sdk"; @@ -5886,10 +6222,10 @@ actions: }); async function run() { - const result = await panora.ats.users.retrieve({ + const result = await panora.marketingautomation.actions.create({ xConnectionToken: "", - id: "801f9ede-c698-4e66-a7fc-48d19eebaa4f", remoteData: false, + unifiedMarketingautomationActionInput: {}, }); // Handle the result @@ -5897,11 +6233,11 @@ actions: } run(); - - target: $["paths"]["/accounting/journalentries"]["post"] + - target: $["paths"]["/accounting/items/{id}"]["get"] update: x-codeSamples: - lang: typescript - label: createAccountingJournalEntry + label: retrieveAccountingItem source: |- import { Panora } from "@panora/sdk"; @@ -5910,10 +6246,10 @@ actions: }); async function run() { - const result = await panora.accounting.journalentries.create({ + const result = await panora.accounting.items.retrieve({ xConnectionToken: "", + id: "801f9ede-c698-4e66-a7fc-48d19eebaa4f", remoteData: false, - unifiedAccountingJournalentryInput: {}, }); // Handle the result diff --git a/docs/models/components/accounttype.md b/docs/models/components/accounttype.md new file mode 100644 index 00000000..5c003d16 --- /dev/null +++ b/docs/models/components/accounttype.md @@ -0,0 +1,11 @@ +# AccountType + +The type of the bank account + + +## Values + +| Name | Value | +| ---------- | ---------- | +| `Savings` | SAVINGS | +| `Checking` | CHECKING | \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/docs/models/components/benefitplantype.md b/docs/models/components/benefitplantype.md new file mode 100644 index 00000000..ffe9bdf5 --- /dev/null +++ b/docs/models/components/benefitplantype.md @@ -0,0 +1,14 @@ +# BenefitPlanType + +The type of the benefit plan + + +## Values + +| Name | Value | +| --------------- | --------------- | +| `Medical` | MEDICAL | +| `HealthSavings` | HEALTH_SAVINGS | +| `Insurance` | INSURANCE | +| `Retirement` | RETIREMENT | +| `Other` | OTHER | \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/docs/models/components/currency.md b/docs/models/components/currency.md index b3e1e87d..249da7d5 100644 --- a/docs/models/components/currency.md +++ b/docs/models/components/currency.md @@ -1,6 +1,6 @@ # Currency -The currency of the order. Authorized value must be of type CurrencyCode (ISO 4217) +The currency of the account ## Values diff --git a/docs/models/components/deductionitem.md b/docs/models/components/deductionitem.md new file mode 100644 index 00000000..2e946598 --- /dev/null +++ b/docs/models/components/deductionitem.md @@ -0,0 +1,10 @@ +# DeductionItem + + +## Fields + +| Field | Type | Required | Description | Example | +| -------------------------------- | -------------------------------- | -------------------------------- | -------------------------------- | -------------------------------- | +| `name` | *string* | :heavy_minus_sign: | The name of the deduction | Health Insurance | +| `employeeDeduction` | *number* | :heavy_minus_sign: | The amount of employee deduction | 100 | +| `companyDeduction` | *number* | :heavy_minus_sign: | The amount of company deduction | 200 | \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/docs/models/components/earningitem.md b/docs/models/components/earningitem.md new file mode 100644 index 00000000..a36d1bb6 --- /dev/null +++ b/docs/models/components/earningitem.md @@ -0,0 +1,9 @@ +# EarningItem + + +## Fields + +| Field | Type | Required | Description | Example | +| ------------------------- | ------------------------- | ------------------------- | ------------------------- | ------------------------- | +| `amount` | *number* | :heavy_minus_sign: | The amount of the earning | 1000 | +| `type` | *string* | :heavy_minus_sign: | The type of the earning | Salary | \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/docs/models/components/employmentstatus.md b/docs/models/components/employmentstatus.md new file mode 100644 index 00000000..2d79a7d5 --- /dev/null +++ b/docs/models/components/employmentstatus.md @@ -0,0 +1,12 @@ +# EmploymentStatus + +The employment status of the employee + + +## Values + +| Name | Value | +| ---------- | ---------- | +| `Active` | ACTIVE | +| `Pending` | PENDING | +| `Inactive` | INACTIVE | \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/docs/models/components/employmenttype.md b/docs/models/components/employmenttype.md new file mode 100644 index 00000000..160faf7c --- /dev/null +++ b/docs/models/components/employmenttype.md @@ -0,0 +1,14 @@ +# EmploymentType + +The type of employment + + +## Values + +| Name | Value | +| ------------ | ------------ | +| `FullTime` | FULL_TIME | +| `PartTime` | PART_TIME | +| `Intern` | INTERN | +| `Contractor` | CONTRACTOR | +| `Freelance` | FREELANCE | \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/docs/models/components/ethnicity.md b/docs/models/components/ethnicity.md new file mode 100644 index 00000000..63677207 --- /dev/null +++ b/docs/models/components/ethnicity.md @@ -0,0 +1,17 @@ +# Ethnicity + +The ethnicity of the employee + + +## Values + +| Name | Value | +| ----------------------------------------- | ----------------------------------------- | +| `AmericanIndianOrAlaskaNative` | AMERICAN_INDIAN_OR_ALASKA_NATIVE | +| `AsianOrIndianSubcontinent` | ASIAN_OR_INDIAN_SUBCONTINENT | +| `BlackOrAfricanAmerican` | BLACK_OR_AFRICAN_AMERICAN | +| `HispanicOrLatino` | HISPANIC_OR_LATINO | +| `NativeHawaiianOrOtherPacificIslander` | NATIVE_HAWAIIAN_OR_OTHER_PACIFIC_ISLANDER | +| `TwoOrMoreRaces` | TWO_OR_MORE_RACES | +| `White` | WHITE | +| `PreferNotToDisclose` | PREFER_NOT_TO_DISCLOSE | \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/docs/models/components/flsastatus.md b/docs/models/components/flsastatus.md new file mode 100644 index 00000000..01d45d6a --- /dev/null +++ b/docs/models/components/flsastatus.md @@ -0,0 +1,13 @@ +# FlsaStatus + +The FLSA status of the employment + + +## Values + +| Name | Value | +| ------------------- | ------------------- | +| `Exempt` | EXEMPT | +| `SalariedNonexempt` | SALARIED_NONEXEMPT | +| `Nonexempt` | NONEXEMPT | +| `Owner` | OWNER | \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/docs/models/components/fulfillmentstatus.md b/docs/models/components/fulfillmentstatus.md new file mode 100644 index 00000000..288eca74 --- /dev/null +++ b/docs/models/components/fulfillmentstatus.md @@ -0,0 +1,12 @@ +# FulfillmentStatus + +The fulfillment status of the order + + +## Values + +| Name | Value | +| ----------- | ----------- | +| `Pending` | PENDING | +| `Fulfilled` | FULFILLED | +| `Canceled` | CANCELED | \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/docs/models/components/gender.md b/docs/models/components/gender.md index acf69ebb..935f5e12 100644 --- a/docs/models/components/gender.md +++ b/docs/models/components/gender.md @@ -1,14 +1,14 @@ # Gender -The gender of the candidate +The gender of the dependent ## Values -| Name | Value | -| ------------------------ | ------------------------ | -| `Male` | MALE | -| `Female` | FEMALE | -| `NonBinary` | NON_BINARY | -| `Other` | OTHER | -| `DeclineToSelfIdentify` | DECLINE_TO_SELF_IDENTIFY | \ No newline at end of file +| Name | Value | +| ---------------------- | ---------------------- | +| `Male` | MALE | +| `Female` | FEMALE | +| `NonBinary` | NON-BINARY | +| `Other` | OTHER | +| `PreferNotToDisclose` | PREFER_NOT_TO_DISCLOSE | \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/docs/models/components/unifiedecommerceorderinputitems.md b/docs/models/components/headers.md similarity index 68% rename from docs/models/components/unifiedecommerceorderinputitems.md rename to docs/models/components/headers.md index ea8e6e06..a95ff212 100644 --- a/docs/models/components/unifiedecommerceorderinputitems.md +++ b/docs/models/components/headers.md @@ -1,6 +1,4 @@ -# UnifiedEcommerceOrderInputItems - -The items in the order +# Headers ## Fields diff --git a/docs/models/components/items.md b/docs/models/components/items.md index 1311f9d1..e465d183 100644 --- a/docs/models/components/items.md +++ b/docs/models/components/items.md @@ -1,6 +1,6 @@ # Items -The items in the order +The items in the fulfilment ## Fields diff --git a/docs/models/components/lineitem.md b/docs/models/components/lineitem.md new file mode 100644 index 00000000..a3e4f0da --- /dev/null +++ b/docs/models/components/lineitem.md @@ -0,0 +1,16 @@ +# LineItem + + +## Fields + +| Field | Type | Required | Description | Example | +| --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | +| `name` | *string* | :heavy_minus_sign: | The name of the report item | Net Income | +| `value` | *number* | :heavy_minus_sign: | The value of the report item | 100000 | +| `type` | *string* | :heavy_minus_sign: | The type of the report item | Operating Activities | +| `parentItem` | *string* | :heavy_minus_sign: | The UUID of the parent item | 801f9ede-c698-4e66-a7fc-48d19eebaa4f | +| `remoteId` | *string* | :heavy_minus_sign: | The remote ID of the report item | report_item_1234 | +| `remoteGeneratedAt` | [Date](https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/JavaScript/Reference/Global_Objects/Date) | :heavy_minus_sign: | The date when the report item was generated in the remote system | 2024-07-01T12:00:00Z | +| `companyInfoId` | *string* | :heavy_minus_sign: | The UUID of the associated company info object | 801f9ede-c698-4e66-a7fc-48d19eebaa4f | +| `createdAt` | [Date](https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/JavaScript/Reference/Global_Objects/Date) | :heavy_minus_sign: | The created date of the report item | 2024-06-15T12:00:00Z | +| `modifiedAt` | [Date](https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/JavaScript/Reference/Global_Objects/Date) | :heavy_minus_sign: | The last modified date of the report item | 2024-06-15T12:00:00Z | \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/docs/models/components/locationtype.md b/docs/models/components/locationtype.md new file mode 100644 index 00000000..ce0b5b0a --- /dev/null +++ b/docs/models/components/locationtype.md @@ -0,0 +1,11 @@ +# LocationType + +The type of the location + + +## Values + +| Name | Value | +| ------ | ------ | +| `Work` | WORK | +| `Home` | HOME | \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/docs/models/components/logindto.md b/docs/models/components/logindto.md index 739c17ab..5faf5c63 100644 --- a/docs/models/components/logindto.md +++ b/docs/models/components/logindto.md @@ -5,6 +5,6 @@ | Field | Type | Required | Description | | ------------------ | ------------------ | ------------------ | ------------------ | -| `idUser` | *string* | :heavy_check_mark: | N/A | +| `idUser` | *string* | :heavy_minus_sign: | N/A | | `email` | *string* | :heavy_check_mark: | N/A | | `passwordHash` | *string* | :heavy_check_mark: | N/A | \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/docs/models/components/maritalstatus.md b/docs/models/components/maritalstatus.md new file mode 100644 index 00000000..e0510b4e --- /dev/null +++ b/docs/models/components/maritalstatus.md @@ -0,0 +1,14 @@ +# MaritalStatus + +The marital status of the employee + + +## Values + +| Name | Value | +| ------------------------------------------------ | ------------------------------------------------ | +| `Single` | SINGLE | +| `MarriedFilingJointly` | MARRIED_FILING_JOINTLY | +| `MarriedFilingSeparately` | MARRIED_FILING_SEPARATELY | +| `HeadOfHousehold` | HEAD_OF_HOUSEHOLD | +| `QualifyingWidowOrWidowerWithDependentChild` | QUALIFYING_WIDOW_OR_WIDOWER_WITH_DEPENDENT_CHILD | \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/docs/models/components/orderstatus.md b/docs/models/components/orderstatus.md new file mode 100644 index 00000000..cf03d34b --- /dev/null +++ b/docs/models/components/orderstatus.md @@ -0,0 +1,13 @@ +# OrderStatus + +The status of the order + + +## Values + +| Name | Value | +| ----------- | ----------- | +| `Pending` | PENDING | +| `Unshipped` | UNSHIPPED | +| `Shipped` | SHIPPED | +| `Canceled` | CANCELED | \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/docs/models/components/passthroughrequestdto.md b/docs/models/components/passthroughrequestdto.md index 59bb3a1b..5c5936a1 100644 --- a/docs/models/components/passthroughrequestdto.md +++ b/docs/models/components/passthroughrequestdto.md @@ -7,6 +7,7 @@ | ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ | ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ | ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ | ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ | | `method` | [components.PassThroughRequestDtoMethod](../../models/components/passthroughrequestdtomethod.md) | :heavy_check_mark: | N/A | | `path` | *string* | :heavy_check_mark: | N/A | -| `data` | [components.Data](../../models/components/data.md) | :heavy_check_mark: | N/A | -| `requestFormat` | *components.RequestFormat* | :heavy_check_mark: | N/A | -| `overrideBaseUrl` | Record | :heavy_check_mark: | N/A | \ No newline at end of file +| `data` | [components.Data](../../models/components/data.md) | :heavy_minus_sign: | N/A | +| `requestFormat` | *components.RequestFormat* | :heavy_minus_sign: | N/A | +| `overrideBaseUrl` | Record | :heavy_minus_sign: | N/A | +| `headers` | [components.Headers](../../models/components/headers.md) | :heavy_minus_sign: | N/A | \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/docs/models/components/paycurrency.md b/docs/models/components/paycurrency.md new file mode 100644 index 00000000..7ec802fa --- /dev/null +++ b/docs/models/components/paycurrency.md @@ -0,0 +1,171 @@ +# PayCurrency + +The currency of the pay + + +## Values + +| Name | Value | +| ----- | ----- | +| `Aed` | AED | +| `Afn` | AFN | +| `All` | ALL | +| `Amd` | AMD | +| `Ang` | ANG | +| `Aoa` | AOA | +| `Ars` | ARS | +| `Aud` | AUD | +| `Awg` | AWG | +| `Azn` | AZN | +| `Bam` | BAM | +| `Bbd` | BBD | +| `Bdt` | BDT | +| `Bgn` | BGN | +| `Bhd` | BHD | +| `Bif` | BIF | +| `Bmd` | BMD | +| `Bnd` | BND | +| `Bob` | BOB | +| `Brl` | BRL | +| `Bsd` | BSD | +| `Btn` | BTN | +| `Bwp` | BWP | +| `Byn` | BYN | +| `Bzd` | BZD | +| `Cad` | CAD | +| `Cdf` | CDF | +| `Chf` | CHF | +| `Clp` | CLP | +| `Cny` | CNY | +| `Cop` | COP | +| `Crc` | CRC | +| `Cup` | CUP | +| `Cve` | CVE | +| `Czk` | CZK | +| `Djf` | DJF | +| `Dkk` | DKK | +| `Dop` | DOP | +| `Dzd` | DZD | +| `Egp` | EGP | +| `Ern` | ERN | +| `Etb` | ETB | +| `Eur` | EUR | +| `Fjd` | FJD | +| `Fkp` | FKP | +| `Fok` | FOK | +| `Gbp` | GBP | +| `Gel` | GEL | +| `Ggp` | GGP | +| `Ghs` | GHS | +| `Gip` | GIP | +| `Gmd` | GMD | +| `Gnf` | GNF | +| `Gtq` | GTQ | +| `Gyd` | GYD | +| `Hkd` | HKD | +| `Hnl` | HNL | +| `Hrk` | HRK | +| `Htg` | HTG | +| `Huf` | HUF | +| `Idr` | IDR | +| `Ils` | ILS | +| `Imp` | IMP | +| `Inr` | INR | +| `Iqd` | IQD | +| `Irr` | IRR | +| `Isk` | ISK | +| `Jep` | JEP | +| `Jmd` | JMD | +| `Jod` | JOD | +| `Jpy` | JPY | +| `Kes` | KES | +| `Kgs` | KGS | +| `Khr` | KHR | +| `Kid` | KID | +| `Kmf` | KMF | +| `Krw` | KRW | +| `Kwd` | KWD | +| `Kyd` | KYD | +| `Kzt` | KZT | +| `Lak` | LAK | +| `Lbp` | LBP | +| `Lkr` | LKR | +| `Lrd` | LRD | +| `Lsl` | LSL | +| `Lyd` | LYD | +| `Mad` | MAD | +| `Mdl` | MDL | +| `Mga` | MGA | +| `Mkd` | MKD | +| `Mmk` | MMK | +| `Mnt` | MNT | +| `Mop` | MOP | +| `Mru` | MRU | +| `Mur` | MUR | +| `Mvr` | MVR | +| `Mwk` | MWK | +| `Mxn` | MXN | +| `Myr` | MYR | +| `Mzn` | MZN | +| `Nad` | NAD | +| `Ngn` | NGN | +| `Nio` | NIO | +| `Nok` | NOK | +| `Npr` | NPR | +| `Nzd` | NZD | +| `Omr` | OMR | +| `Pab` | PAB | +| `Pen` | PEN | +| `Pgk` | PGK | +| `Php` | PHP | +| `Pkr` | PKR | +| `Pln` | PLN | +| `Pyg` | PYG | +| `Qar` | QAR | +| `Ron` | RON | +| `Rsd` | RSD | +| `Rub` | RUB | +| `Rwf` | RWF | +| `Sar` | SAR | +| `Sbd` | SBD | +| `Scr` | SCR | +| `Sdg` | SDG | +| `Sek` | SEK | +| `Sgd` | SGD | +| `Shp` | SHP | +| `Sle` | SLE | +| `Sll` | SLL | +| `Sos` | SOS | +| `Srd` | SRD | +| `Ssp` | SSP | +| `Stn` | STN | +| `Syp` | SYP | +| `Szl` | SZL | +| `Thb` | THB | +| `Tjs` | TJS | +| `Tmt` | TMT | +| `Tnd` | TND | +| `Top` | TOP | +| `Try` | TRY | +| `Ttd` | TTD | +| `Tvd` | TVD | +| `Twd` | TWD | +| `Tzs` | TZS | +| `Uah` | UAH | +| `Ugx` | UGX | +| `Usd` | USD | +| `Uyu` | UYU | +| `Uzs` | UZS | +| `Ves` | VES | +| `Vnd` | VND | +| `Vuv` | VUV | +| `Wst` | WST | +| `Xaf` | XAF | +| `Xcd` | XCD | +| `Xdr` | XDR | +| `Xof` | XOF | +| `Xpf` | XPF | +| `Yer` | YER | +| `Zar` | ZAR | +| `Zmw` | ZMW | +| `Zwl` | ZWL | \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/docs/models/components/payfrequency.md b/docs/models/components/payfrequency.md new file mode 100644 index 00000000..fc048de7 --- /dev/null +++ b/docs/models/components/payfrequency.md @@ -0,0 +1,18 @@ +# PayFrequency + +The pay frequency of the employment + + +## Values + +| Name | Value | +| ----------------- | ----------------- | +| `Weekly` | WEEKLY | +| `Biweekly` | BIWEEKLY | +| `Monthly` | MONTHLY | +| `Quarterly` | QUARTERLY | +| `Semiannually` | SEMIANNUALLY | +| `Annually` | ANNUALLY | +| `ThirteenMonthly` | THIRTEEN-MONTHLY | +| `ProRata` | PRO_RATA | +| `Semimonthly` | SEMIMONTHLY | \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/docs/models/components/paymentstatus.md b/docs/models/components/paymentstatus.md new file mode 100644 index 00000000..92941bea --- /dev/null +++ b/docs/models/components/paymentstatus.md @@ -0,0 +1,11 @@ +# PaymentStatus + +The payment status of the order + + +## Values + +| Name | Value | +| --------- | --------- | +| `Success` | SUCCESS | +| `Fail` | FAIL | \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/docs/models/components/payperiod.md b/docs/models/components/payperiod.md new file mode 100644 index 00000000..da1c1b7a --- /dev/null +++ b/docs/models/components/payperiod.md @@ -0,0 +1,18 @@ +# PayPeriod + +The pay period of the employment + + +## Values + +| Name | Value | +| ---------------- | ---------------- | +| `Hour` | HOUR | +| `Day` | DAY | +| `Week` | WEEK | +| `EveryTwoWeeks` | EVERY_TWO_WEEKS | +| `Semimonthly` | SEMIMONTHLY | +| `Month` | MONTH | +| `Quarter` | QUARTER | +| `EverySixMonths` | EVERY_SIX_MONTHS | +| `Year` | YEAR | \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/docs/models/components/policytype.md b/docs/models/components/policytype.md new file mode 100644 index 00000000..309cc4fa --- /dev/null +++ b/docs/models/components/policytype.md @@ -0,0 +1,15 @@ +# PolicyType + +The type of time off policy + + +## Values + +| Name | Value | +| ------------- | ------------- | +| `Vacation` | VACATION | +| `Sick` | SICK | +| `Personal` | PERSONAL | +| `JuryDuty` | JURY_DUTY | +| `Volunteer` | VOLUNTEER | +| `Bereavement` | BEREAVEMENT | \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/docs/models/components/projectresponse.md b/docs/models/components/projectresponse.md index e4499ab5..7704e215 100644 --- a/docs/models/components/projectresponse.md +++ b/docs/models/components/projectresponse.md @@ -8,7 +8,7 @@ | `idProject` | *string* | :heavy_check_mark: | Unique identifier for the project | 123e4567-e89b-12d3-a456-426614174000 | | `name` | *string* | :heavy_check_mark: | Name of the project | My Project | | `syncMode` | *string* | :heavy_check_mark: | Synchronization mode of the project | automatic | -| `pullFrequency` | *number* | :heavy_check_mark: | Frequency of pulling data in seconds | 3600 | -| `redirectUrl` | *string* | :heavy_check_mark: | Redirect URL for the project | https://example.com/redirect | +| `pullFrequency` | *number* | :heavy_minus_sign: | Frequency of pulling data in seconds | 3600 | +| `redirectUrl` | *string* | :heavy_minus_sign: | Redirect URL for the project | https://example.com/redirect | | `idUser` | *string* | :heavy_check_mark: | User ID associated with the project | 123e4567-e89b-12d3-a456-426614174001 | | `idConnectorSet` | *string* | :heavy_check_mark: | Connector set ID associated with the project | 123e4567-e89b-12d3-a456-426614174002 | \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/docs/models/components/relationship.md b/docs/models/components/relationship.md new file mode 100644 index 00000000..6fd74054 --- /dev/null +++ b/docs/models/components/relationship.md @@ -0,0 +1,12 @@ +# Relationship + +The relationship of the dependent to the employee + + +## Values + +| Name | Value | +| ----------------- | ----------------- | +| `Child` | CHILD | +| `Spouse` | SPOUSE | +| `DomesticPartner` | DOMESTIC_PARTNER | \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/docs/models/components/remotedata.md b/docs/models/components/remotedata.md index cc4ce321..7eccb0d4 100644 --- a/docs/models/components/remotedata.md +++ b/docs/models/components/remotedata.md @@ -1,6 +1,6 @@ # RemoteData -The remote data of the customer in the context of the 3rd Party +The remote data of the bank info in the context of the 3rd Party ## Fields diff --git a/docs/models/components/requesttype.md b/docs/models/components/requesttype.md new file mode 100644 index 00000000..e453346a --- /dev/null +++ b/docs/models/components/requesttype.md @@ -0,0 +1,15 @@ +# RequestType + +The type of time off request + + +## Values + +| Name | Value | +| ------------- | ------------- | +| `Vacation` | VACATION | +| `Sick` | SICK | +| `Personal` | PERSONAL | +| `JuryDuty` | JURY_DUTY | +| `Volunteer` | VOLUNTEER | +| `Bereavement` | BEREAVEMENT | \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/docs/models/components/runstate.md b/docs/models/components/runstate.md new file mode 100644 index 00000000..591ad4ac --- /dev/null +++ b/docs/models/components/runstate.md @@ -0,0 +1,14 @@ +# RunState + +The state of the payroll run + + +## Values + +| Name | Value | +| ---------- | ---------- | +| `Paid` | PAID | +| `Draft` | DRAFT | +| `Approved` | APPROVED | +| `Failed` | FAILED | +| `Close` | CLOSE | \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/docs/models/components/runtype.md b/docs/models/components/runtype.md new file mode 100644 index 00000000..f0692f50 --- /dev/null +++ b/docs/models/components/runtype.md @@ -0,0 +1,14 @@ +# RunType + +The type of the payroll run + + +## Values + +| Name | Value | +| ------------- | ------------- | +| `Regular` | REGULAR | +| `OffCycle` | OFF_CYCLE | +| `Correction` | CORRECTION | +| `Termination` | TERMINATION | +| `SignOnBonus` | SIGN_ON_BONUS | \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/docs/models/components/taxitem.md b/docs/models/components/taxitem.md new file mode 100644 index 00000000..b5a3e966 --- /dev/null +++ b/docs/models/components/taxitem.md @@ -0,0 +1,10 @@ +# TaxItem + + +## Fields + +| Field | Type | Required | Description | Example | +| ------------------------------------ | ------------------------------------ | ------------------------------------ | ------------------------------------ | ------------------------------------ | +| `name` | *string* | :heavy_minus_sign: | The name of the tax | Federal Income Tax | +| `amount` | *number* | :heavy_minus_sign: | The amount of the tax | 250 | +| `employerTax` | *boolean* | :heavy_minus_sign: | Indicates if this is an employer tax | true | \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/docs/models/components/unifiedaccountingaccountinput.md b/docs/models/components/unifiedaccountingaccountinput.md index a5842895..36a78c81 100644 --- a/docs/models/components/unifiedaccountingaccountinput.md +++ b/docs/models/components/unifiedaccountingaccountinput.md @@ -3,5 +3,16 @@ ## Fields -| Field | Type | Required | Description | -| ----------- | ----------- | ----------- | ----------- | \ No newline at end of file +| Field | Type | Required | Description | Example | +| ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ | ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ | ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ | ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ | ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ | +| `name` | *string* | :heavy_minus_sign: | The name of the account | Cash | +| `description` | *string* | :heavy_minus_sign: | A description of the account | Main cash account for daily operations | +| `classification` | *string* | :heavy_minus_sign: | The classification of the account | Asset | +| `type` | *string* | :heavy_minus_sign: | The type of the account | Current Asset | +| `status` | *string* | :heavy_minus_sign: | The status of the account | Active | +| `currentBalance` | *number* | :heavy_minus_sign: | The current balance of the account | 10000 | +| `currency` | [components.UnifiedAccountingAccountInputCurrency](../../models/components/unifiedaccountingaccountinputcurrency.md) | :heavy_minus_sign: | The currency of the account | USD | +| `accountNumber` | *string* | :heavy_minus_sign: | The account number | 1000 | +| `parentAccount` | *string* | :heavy_minus_sign: | The UUID of the parent account | 801f9ede-c698-4e66-a7fc-48d19eebaa4f | +| `companyInfoId` | *string* | :heavy_minus_sign: | The UUID of the associated company info | 801f9ede-c698-4e66-a7fc-48d19eebaa4f | +| `fieldMappings` | [components.UnifiedAccountingAccountInputFieldMappings](../../models/components/unifiedaccountingaccountinputfieldmappings.md) | :heavy_minus_sign: | The custom field mappings of the object between the remote 3rd party & Panora | {
"custom_field_1": "value1",
"custom_field_2": "value2"
} | \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/docs/models/components/unifiedaccountingaccountinputcurrency.md b/docs/models/components/unifiedaccountingaccountinputcurrency.md new file mode 100644 index 00000000..6f013447 --- /dev/null +++ b/docs/models/components/unifiedaccountingaccountinputcurrency.md @@ -0,0 +1,171 @@ +# UnifiedAccountingAccountInputCurrency + +The currency of the account + + +## Values + +| Name | Value | +| ----- | ----- | +| `Aed` | AED | +| `Afn` | AFN | +| `All` | ALL | +| `Amd` | AMD | +| `Ang` | ANG | +| `Aoa` | AOA | +| `Ars` | ARS | +| `Aud` | AUD | +| `Awg` | AWG | +| `Azn` | AZN | +| `Bam` | BAM | +| `Bbd` | BBD | +| `Bdt` | BDT | +| `Bgn` | BGN | +| `Bhd` | BHD | +| `Bif` | BIF | +| `Bmd` | BMD | +| `Bnd` | BND | +| `Bob` | BOB | +| `Brl` | BRL | +| `Bsd` | BSD | +| `Btn` | BTN | +| `Bwp` | BWP | +| `Byn` | BYN | +| `Bzd` | BZD | +| `Cad` | CAD | +| `Cdf` | CDF | +| `Chf` | CHF | +| `Clp` | CLP | +| `Cny` | CNY | +| `Cop` | COP | +| `Crc` | CRC | +| `Cup` | CUP | +| `Cve` | CVE | +| `Czk` | CZK | +| `Djf` | DJF | +| `Dkk` | DKK | +| `Dop` | DOP | +| `Dzd` | DZD | +| `Egp` | EGP | +| `Ern` | ERN | +| `Etb` | ETB | +| `Eur` | EUR | +| `Fjd` | FJD | +| `Fkp` | FKP | +| `Fok` | FOK | +| `Gbp` | GBP | +| `Gel` | GEL | +| `Ggp` | GGP | +| `Ghs` | GHS | +| `Gip` | GIP | +| `Gmd` | GMD | +| `Gnf` | GNF | +| `Gtq` | GTQ | +| `Gyd` | GYD | +| `Hkd` | HKD | +| `Hnl` | HNL | +| `Hrk` | HRK | +| `Htg` | HTG | +| `Huf` | HUF | +| `Idr` | IDR | +| `Ils` | ILS | +| `Imp` | IMP | +| `Inr` | INR | +| `Iqd` | IQD | +| `Irr` | IRR | +| `Isk` | ISK | +| `Jep` | JEP | +| `Jmd` | JMD | +| `Jod` | JOD | +| `Jpy` | JPY | +| `Kes` | KES | +| `Kgs` | KGS | +| `Khr` | KHR | +| `Kid` | KID | +| `Kmf` | KMF | +| `Krw` | KRW | +| `Kwd` | KWD | +| `Kyd` | KYD | +| `Kzt` | KZT | +| `Lak` | LAK | +| `Lbp` | LBP | +| `Lkr` | LKR | +| `Lrd` | LRD | +| `Lsl` | LSL | +| `Lyd` | LYD | +| `Mad` | MAD | +| `Mdl` | MDL | +| `Mga` | MGA | +| `Mkd` | MKD | +| `Mmk` | MMK | +| `Mnt` | MNT | +| `Mop` | MOP | +| `Mru` | MRU | +| `Mur` | MUR | +| `Mvr` | MVR | +| `Mwk` | MWK | +| `Mxn` | MXN | +| `Myr` | MYR | +| `Mzn` | MZN | +| `Nad` | NAD | +| `Ngn` | NGN | +| `Nio` | NIO | +| `Nok` | NOK | +| `Npr` | NPR | +| `Nzd` | NZD | +| `Omr` | OMR | +| `Pab` | PAB | +| `Pen` | PEN | +| `Pgk` | PGK | +| `Php` | PHP | +| `Pkr` | PKR | +| `Pln` | PLN | +| `Pyg` | PYG | +| `Qar` | QAR | +| `Ron` | RON | +| `Rsd` | RSD | +| `Rub` | RUB | +| `Rwf` | RWF | +| `Sar` | SAR | +| `Sbd` | SBD | +| `Scr` | SCR | +| `Sdg` | SDG | +| `Sek` | SEK | +| `Sgd` | SGD | +| `Shp` | SHP | +| `Sle` | SLE | +| `Sll` | SLL | +| `Sos` | SOS | +| `Srd` | SRD | +| `Ssp` | SSP | +| `Stn` | STN | +| `Syp` | SYP | +| `Szl` | SZL | +| `Thb` | THB | +| `Tjs` | TJS | +| `Tmt` | TMT | +| `Tnd` | TND | +| `Top` | TOP | +| `Try` | TRY | +| `Ttd` | TTD | +| `Tvd` | TVD | +| `Twd` | TWD | +| `Tzs` | TZS | +| `Uah` | UAH | +| `Ugx` | UGX | +| `Usd` | USD | +| `Uyu` | UYU | +| `Uzs` | UZS | +| `Ves` | VES | +| `Vnd` | VND | +| `Vuv` | VUV | +| `Wst` | WST | +| `Xaf` | XAF | +| `Xcd` | XCD | +| `Xdr` | XDR | +| `Xof` | XOF | +| `Xpf` | XPF | +| `Yer` | YER | +| `Zar` | ZAR | +| `Zmw` | ZMW | +| `Zwl` | ZWL | \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/docs/models/components/unifiedaccountingaccountinputfieldmappings.md b/docs/models/components/unifiedaccountingaccountinputfieldmappings.md new file mode 100644 index 00000000..3d47f0e0 --- /dev/null +++ b/docs/models/components/unifiedaccountingaccountinputfieldmappings.md @@ -0,0 +1,9 @@ +# UnifiedAccountingAccountInputFieldMappings + +The custom field mappings of the object between the remote 3rd party & Panora + + +## Fields + +| Field | Type | Required | Description | +| ----------- | ----------- | ----------- | ----------- | \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/docs/models/components/unifiedaccountingaccountoutput.md b/docs/models/components/unifiedaccountingaccountoutput.md index 35de0434..319ebb54 100644 --- a/docs/models/components/unifiedaccountingaccountoutput.md +++ b/docs/models/components/unifiedaccountingaccountoutput.md @@ -3,5 +3,21 @@ ## Fields -| Field | Type | Required | Description | -| ----------- | ----------- | ----------- | ----------- | \ No newline at end of file +| Field | Type | Required | Description | Example | +| -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | +| `name` | *string* | :heavy_minus_sign: | The name of the account | Cash | +| `description` | *string* | :heavy_minus_sign: | A description of the account | Main cash account for daily operations | +| `classification` | *string* | :heavy_minus_sign: | The classification of the account | Asset | +| `type` | *string* | :heavy_minus_sign: | The type of the account | Current Asset | +| `status` | *string* | :heavy_minus_sign: | The status of the account | Active | +| `currentBalance` | *number* | :heavy_minus_sign: | The current balance of the account | 10000 | +| `currency` | [components.Currency](../../models/components/currency.md) | :heavy_minus_sign: | The currency of the account | USD | +| `accountNumber` | *string* | :heavy_minus_sign: | The account number | 1000 | +| `parentAccount` | *string* | :heavy_minus_sign: | The UUID of the parent account | 801f9ede-c698-4e66-a7fc-48d19eebaa4f | +| `companyInfoId` | *string* | :heavy_minus_sign: | The UUID of the associated company info | 801f9ede-c698-4e66-a7fc-48d19eebaa4f | +| `fieldMappings` | [components.UnifiedAccountingAccountOutputFieldMappings](../../models/components/unifiedaccountingaccountoutputfieldmappings.md) | :heavy_minus_sign: | The custom field mappings of the object between the remote 3rd party & Panora | {
"custom_field_1": "value1",
"custom_field_2": "value2"
} | +| `id` | *string* | :heavy_minus_sign: | The UUID of the account record | 801f9ede-c698-4e66-a7fc-48d19eebaa4f | +| `remoteId` | *string* | :heavy_minus_sign: | The remote ID of the account in the context of the 3rd Party | account_1234 | +| `remoteData` | [components.UnifiedAccountingAccountOutputRemoteData](../../models/components/unifiedaccountingaccountoutputremotedata.md) | :heavy_minus_sign: | The remote data of the account in the context of the 3rd Party | {
"raw_data": {
"additional_field": "some value"
} | +| `createdAt` | [Date](https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/JavaScript/Reference/Global_Objects/Date) | :heavy_minus_sign: | The created date of the account record | 2024-06-15T12:00:00Z | +| `modifiedAt` | [Date](https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/JavaScript/Reference/Global_Objects/Date) | :heavy_minus_sign: | The last modified date of the account record | 2024-06-15T12:00:00Z | \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/docs/models/components/unifiedaccountingaccountoutputfieldmappings.md b/docs/models/components/unifiedaccountingaccountoutputfieldmappings.md new file mode 100644 index 00000000..332aedc6 --- /dev/null +++ b/docs/models/components/unifiedaccountingaccountoutputfieldmappings.md @@ -0,0 +1,9 @@ +# UnifiedAccountingAccountOutputFieldMappings + +The custom field mappings of the object between the remote 3rd party & Panora + + +## Fields + +| Field | Type | Required | Description | +| ----------- | ----------- | ----------- | ----------- | \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/docs/models/components/unifiedaccountingaccountoutputremotedata.md b/docs/models/components/unifiedaccountingaccountoutputremotedata.md new file mode 100644 index 00000000..e4ce7f28 --- /dev/null +++ b/docs/models/components/unifiedaccountingaccountoutputremotedata.md @@ -0,0 +1,9 @@ +# UnifiedAccountingAccountOutputRemoteData + +The remote data of the account in the context of the 3rd Party + + +## Fields + +| Field | Type | Required | Description | +| ----------- | ----------- | ----------- | ----------- | \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/docs/models/components/unifiedaccountingaddressoutput.md b/docs/models/components/unifiedaccountingaddressoutput.md index 88327922..c4f7a92e 100644 --- a/docs/models/components/unifiedaccountingaddressoutput.md +++ b/docs/models/components/unifiedaccountingaddressoutput.md @@ -3,5 +3,21 @@ ## Fields -| Field | Type | Required | Description | -| ----------- | ----------- | ----------- | ----------- | \ No newline at end of file +| Field | Type | Required | Description | Example | +| -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | +| `type` | *string* | :heavy_minus_sign: | The type of the address | Billing | +| `street1` | *string* | :heavy_minus_sign: | The first line of the street address | 123 Main St | +| `street2` | *string* | :heavy_minus_sign: | The second line of the street address | Apt 4B | +| `city` | *string* | :heavy_minus_sign: | The city of the address | New York | +| `state` | *string* | :heavy_minus_sign: | The state of the address | NY | +| `countrySubdivision` | *string* | :heavy_minus_sign: | The country subdivision (e.g., province or state) of the address | New York | +| `country` | *string* | :heavy_minus_sign: | The country of the address | USA | +| `zip` | *string* | :heavy_minus_sign: | The zip or postal code of the address | 10001 | +| `contactId` | *string* | :heavy_minus_sign: | The UUID of the associated contact | 801f9ede-c698-4e66-a7fc-48d19eebaa4f | +| `companyInfoId` | *string* | :heavy_minus_sign: | The UUID of the associated company info | 801f9ede-c698-4e66-a7fc-48d19eebaa4f | +| `fieldMappings` | [components.UnifiedAccountingAddressOutputFieldMappings](../../models/components/unifiedaccountingaddressoutputfieldmappings.md) | :heavy_minus_sign: | The custom field mappings of the object between the remote 3rd party & Panora | {
"custom_field_1": "value1",
"custom_field_2": "value2"
} | +| `id` | *string* | :heavy_minus_sign: | The UUID of the address record | 801f9ede-c698-4e66-a7fc-48d19eebaa4f | +| `remoteId` | *string* | :heavy_minus_sign: | The remote ID of the address in the context of the 3rd Party | address_1234 | +| `remoteData` | [components.UnifiedAccountingAddressOutputRemoteData](../../models/components/unifiedaccountingaddressoutputremotedata.md) | :heavy_minus_sign: | The remote data of the address in the context of the 3rd Party | {
"raw_data": {
"additional_field": "some value"
} | +| `createdAt` | [Date](https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/JavaScript/Reference/Global_Objects/Date) | :heavy_minus_sign: | The created date of the address record | 2024-06-15T12:00:00Z | +| `modifiedAt` | [Date](https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/JavaScript/Reference/Global_Objects/Date) | :heavy_minus_sign: | The last modified date of the address record | 2024-06-15T12:00:00Z | \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/docs/models/components/unifiedaccountingaddressoutputfieldmappings.md b/docs/models/components/unifiedaccountingaddressoutputfieldmappings.md new file mode 100644 index 00000000..e760a5ea --- /dev/null +++ b/docs/models/components/unifiedaccountingaddressoutputfieldmappings.md @@ -0,0 +1,9 @@ +# UnifiedAccountingAddressOutputFieldMappings + +The custom field mappings of the object between the remote 3rd party & Panora + + +## Fields + +| Field | Type | Required | Description | +| ----------- | ----------- | ----------- | ----------- | \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/docs/models/components/unifiedaccountingaddressoutputremotedata.md b/docs/models/components/unifiedaccountingaddressoutputremotedata.md new file mode 100644 index 00000000..9d4c2b7d --- /dev/null +++ b/docs/models/components/unifiedaccountingaddressoutputremotedata.md @@ -0,0 +1,9 @@ +# UnifiedAccountingAddressOutputRemoteData + +The remote data of the address in the context of the 3rd Party + + +## Fields + +| Field | Type | Required | Description | +| ----------- | ----------- | ----------- | ----------- | \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/docs/models/components/unifiedaccountingattachmentinput.md b/docs/models/components/unifiedaccountingattachmentinput.md index 5d659fbb..f1d50359 100644 --- a/docs/models/components/unifiedaccountingattachmentinput.md +++ b/docs/models/components/unifiedaccountingattachmentinput.md @@ -3,5 +3,9 @@ ## Fields -| Field | Type | Required | Description | -| ----------- | ----------- | ----------- | ----------- | \ No newline at end of file +| Field | Type | Required | Description | Example | +| ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ | ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ | ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ | ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ | ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ | +| `fileName` | *string* | :heavy_minus_sign: | The name of the attached file | invoice.pdf | +| `fileUrl` | *string* | :heavy_minus_sign: | The URL where the file can be accessed | https://example.com/files/invoice.pdf | +| `accountId` | *string* | :heavy_minus_sign: | The UUID of the associated account | 801f9ede-c698-4e66-a7fc-48d19eebaa4f | +| `fieldMappings` | [components.UnifiedAccountingAttachmentInputFieldMappings](../../models/components/unifiedaccountingattachmentinputfieldmappings.md) | :heavy_minus_sign: | The custom field mappings of the object between the remote 3rd party & Panora | {
"custom_field_1": "value1",
"custom_field_2": "value2"
} | \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/docs/models/components/unifiedaccountingattachmentinputfieldmappings.md b/docs/models/components/unifiedaccountingattachmentinputfieldmappings.md new file mode 100644 index 00000000..0024e831 --- /dev/null +++ b/docs/models/components/unifiedaccountingattachmentinputfieldmappings.md @@ -0,0 +1,9 @@ +# UnifiedAccountingAttachmentInputFieldMappings + +The custom field mappings of the object between the remote 3rd party & Panora + + +## Fields + +| Field | Type | Required | Description | +| ----------- | ----------- | ----------- | ----------- | \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/docs/models/components/unifiedaccountingattachmentoutput.md b/docs/models/components/unifiedaccountingattachmentoutput.md index 634156fa..ca606127 100644 --- a/docs/models/components/unifiedaccountingattachmentoutput.md +++ b/docs/models/components/unifiedaccountingattachmentoutput.md @@ -3,5 +3,14 @@ ## Fields -| Field | Type | Required | Description | -| ----------- | ----------- | ----------- | ----------- | \ No newline at end of file +| Field | Type | Required | Description | Example | +| -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | +| `fileName` | *string* | :heavy_minus_sign: | The name of the attached file | invoice.pdf | +| `fileUrl` | *string* | :heavy_minus_sign: | The URL where the file can be accessed | https://example.com/files/invoice.pdf | +| `accountId` | *string* | :heavy_minus_sign: | The UUID of the associated account | 801f9ede-c698-4e66-a7fc-48d19eebaa4f | +| `fieldMappings` | [components.UnifiedAccountingAttachmentOutputFieldMappings](../../models/components/unifiedaccountingattachmentoutputfieldmappings.md) | :heavy_minus_sign: | The custom field mappings of the object between the remote 3rd party & Panora | {
"custom_field_1": "value1",
"custom_field_2": "value2"
} | +| `id` | *string* | :heavy_minus_sign: | The UUID of the attachment record | 801f9ede-c698-4e66-a7fc-48d19eebaa4f | +| `remoteId` | *string* | :heavy_minus_sign: | The remote ID of the attachment in the context of the 3rd Party | attachment_1234 | +| `remoteData` | [components.UnifiedAccountingAttachmentOutputRemoteData](../../models/components/unifiedaccountingattachmentoutputremotedata.md) | :heavy_minus_sign: | The remote data of the attachment in the context of the 3rd Party | {
"raw_data": {
"additional_field": "some value"
} | +| `createdAt` | [Date](https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/JavaScript/Reference/Global_Objects/Date) | :heavy_minus_sign: | The created date of the attachment record | 2024-06-15T12:00:00Z | +| `modifiedAt` | [Date](https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/JavaScript/Reference/Global_Objects/Date) | :heavy_minus_sign: | The last modified date of the attachment record | 2024-06-15T12:00:00Z | \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/docs/models/components/unifiedaccountingattachmentoutputfieldmappings.md b/docs/models/components/unifiedaccountingattachmentoutputfieldmappings.md new file mode 100644 index 00000000..ef0bb039 --- /dev/null +++ b/docs/models/components/unifiedaccountingattachmentoutputfieldmappings.md @@ -0,0 +1,9 @@ +# UnifiedAccountingAttachmentOutputFieldMappings + +The custom field mappings of the object between the remote 3rd party & Panora + + +## Fields + +| Field | Type | Required | Description | +| ----------- | ----------- | ----------- | ----------- | \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/docs/models/components/unifiedaccountingattachmentoutputremotedata.md b/docs/models/components/unifiedaccountingattachmentoutputremotedata.md new file mode 100644 index 00000000..949f6a0b --- /dev/null +++ b/docs/models/components/unifiedaccountingattachmentoutputremotedata.md @@ -0,0 +1,9 @@ +# UnifiedAccountingAttachmentOutputRemoteData + +The remote data of the attachment in the context of the 3rd Party + + +## Fields + +| Field | Type | Required | Description | +| ----------- | ----------- | ----------- | ----------- | \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/docs/models/components/unifiedaccountingbalancesheetoutput.md b/docs/models/components/unifiedaccountingbalancesheetoutput.md index a1eefa96..75434d29 100644 --- a/docs/models/components/unifiedaccountingbalancesheetoutput.md +++ b/docs/models/components/unifiedaccountingbalancesheetoutput.md @@ -3,5 +3,21 @@ ## Fields -| Field | Type | Required | Description | -| ----------- | ----------- | ----------- | ----------- | \ No newline at end of file +| Field | Type | Required | Description | Example | +| ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ | ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ | ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ | ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ | ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ | +| `name` | *string* | :heavy_minus_sign: | The name of the balance sheet | Q2 2024 Balance Sheet | +| `currency` | [components.UnifiedAccountingBalancesheetOutputCurrency](../../models/components/unifiedaccountingbalancesheetoutputcurrency.md) | :heavy_minus_sign: | The currency used in the balance sheet | USD | +| `companyInfoId` | *string* | :heavy_minus_sign: | The UUID of the associated company info | 801f9ede-c698-4e66-a7fc-48d19eebaa4f | +| `date` | [Date](https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/JavaScript/Reference/Global_Objects/Date) | :heavy_minus_sign: | The date of the balance sheet | 2024-06-30T23:59:59Z | +| `netAssets` | *number* | :heavy_minus_sign: | The net assets value | 1000000 | +| `assets` | *string*[] | :heavy_minus_sign: | The list of assets | [
"Accounts Receivable",
] | +| `liabilities` | *string*[] | :heavy_minus_sign: | The list of liabilities | [
"Accounts Payable",
"Long-term Debt"
] | +| `equity` | *string*[] | :heavy_minus_sign: | The list of equity items | [
"Common Stock",
"Retained Earnings"
] | +| `remoteGeneratedAt` | [Date](https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/JavaScript/Reference/Global_Objects/Date) | :heavy_minus_sign: | The date when the balance sheet was generated in the remote system | 2024-07-01T12:00:00Z | +| `lineItems` | [components.LineItem](../../models/components/lineitem.md)[] | :heavy_minus_sign: | The report items associated with this balance sheet | | +| `fieldMappings` | [components.UnifiedAccountingBalancesheetOutputFieldMappings](../../models/components/unifiedaccountingbalancesheetoutputfieldmappings.md) | :heavy_minus_sign: | The custom field mappings of the object between the remote 3rd party & Panora | {
"custom_field_1": "value1",
"custom_field_2": "value2"
} | +| `id` | *string* | :heavy_minus_sign: | The UUID of the balance sheet record | 801f9ede-c698-4e66-a7fc-48d19eebaa4f | +| `remoteId` | *string* | :heavy_minus_sign: | The remote ID of the balance sheet in the context of the 3rd Party | balancesheet_1234 | +| `remoteData` | [components.UnifiedAccountingBalancesheetOutputRemoteData](../../models/components/unifiedaccountingbalancesheetoutputremotedata.md) | :heavy_minus_sign: | The remote data of the balance sheet in the context of the 3rd Party | {
"raw_data": {
"additional_field": "some value"
} | +| `createdAt` | [Date](https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/JavaScript/Reference/Global_Objects/Date) | :heavy_minus_sign: | The created date of the balance sheet record | 2024-06-15T12:00:00Z | +| `modifiedAt` | [Date](https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/JavaScript/Reference/Global_Objects/Date) | :heavy_minus_sign: | The last modified date of the balance sheet record | 2024-06-15T12:00:00Z | \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/docs/models/components/unifiedaccountingbalancesheetoutputcurrency.md b/docs/models/components/unifiedaccountingbalancesheetoutputcurrency.md new file mode 100644 index 00000000..77c884c9 --- /dev/null +++ b/docs/models/components/unifiedaccountingbalancesheetoutputcurrency.md @@ -0,0 +1,171 @@ +# UnifiedAccountingBalancesheetOutputCurrency + +The currency used in the balance sheet + + +## Values + +| Name | Value | +| ----- | ----- | +| `Aed` | AED | +| `Afn` | AFN | +| `All` | ALL | +| `Amd` | AMD | +| `Ang` | ANG | +| `Aoa` | AOA | +| `Ars` | ARS | +| `Aud` | AUD | +| `Awg` | AWG | +| `Azn` | AZN | +| `Bam` | BAM | +| `Bbd` | BBD | +| `Bdt` | BDT | +| `Bgn` | BGN | +| `Bhd` | BHD | +| `Bif` | BIF | +| `Bmd` | BMD | +| `Bnd` | BND | +| `Bob` | BOB | +| `Brl` | BRL | +| `Bsd` | BSD | +| `Btn` | BTN | +| `Bwp` | BWP | +| `Byn` | BYN | +| `Bzd` | BZD | +| `Cad` | CAD | +| `Cdf` | CDF | +| `Chf` | CHF | +| `Clp` | CLP | +| `Cny` | CNY | +| `Cop` | COP | +| `Crc` | CRC | +| `Cup` | CUP | +| `Cve` | CVE | +| `Czk` | CZK | +| `Djf` | DJF | +| `Dkk` | DKK | +| `Dop` | DOP | +| `Dzd` | DZD | +| `Egp` | EGP | +| `Ern` | ERN | +| `Etb` | ETB | +| `Eur` | EUR | +| `Fjd` | FJD | +| `Fkp` | FKP | +| `Fok` | FOK | +| `Gbp` | GBP | +| `Gel` | GEL | +| `Ggp` | GGP | +| `Ghs` | GHS | +| `Gip` | GIP | +| `Gmd` | GMD | +| `Gnf` | GNF | +| `Gtq` | GTQ | +| `Gyd` | GYD | +| `Hkd` | HKD | +| `Hnl` | HNL | +| `Hrk` | HRK | +| `Htg` | HTG | +| `Huf` | HUF | +| `Idr` | IDR | +| `Ils` | ILS | +| `Imp` | IMP | +| `Inr` | INR | +| `Iqd` | IQD | +| `Irr` | IRR | +| `Isk` | ISK | +| `Jep` | JEP | +| `Jmd` | JMD | +| `Jod` | JOD | +| `Jpy` | JPY | +| `Kes` | KES | +| `Kgs` | KGS | +| `Khr` | KHR | +| `Kid` | KID | +| `Kmf` | KMF | +| `Krw` | KRW | +| `Kwd` | KWD | +| `Kyd` | KYD | +| `Kzt` | KZT | +| `Lak` | LAK | +| `Lbp` | LBP | +| `Lkr` | LKR | +| `Lrd` | LRD | +| `Lsl` | LSL | +| `Lyd` | LYD | +| `Mad` | MAD | +| `Mdl` | MDL | +| `Mga` | MGA | +| `Mkd` | MKD | +| `Mmk` | MMK | +| `Mnt` | MNT | +| `Mop` | MOP | +| `Mru` | MRU | +| `Mur` | MUR | +| `Mvr` | MVR | +| `Mwk` | MWK | +| `Mxn` | MXN | +| `Myr` | MYR | +| `Mzn` | MZN | +| `Nad` | NAD | +| `Ngn` | NGN | +| `Nio` | NIO | +| `Nok` | NOK | +| `Npr` | NPR | +| `Nzd` | NZD | +| `Omr` | OMR | +| `Pab` | PAB | +| `Pen` | PEN | +| `Pgk` | PGK | +| `Php` | PHP | +| `Pkr` | PKR | +| `Pln` | PLN | +| `Pyg` | PYG | +| `Qar` | QAR | +| `Ron` | RON | +| `Rsd` | RSD | +| `Rub` | RUB | +| `Rwf` | RWF | +| `Sar` | SAR | +| `Sbd` | SBD | +| `Scr` | SCR | +| `Sdg` | SDG | +| `Sek` | SEK | +| `Sgd` | SGD | +| `Shp` | SHP | +| `Sle` | SLE | +| `Sll` | SLL | +| `Sos` | SOS | +| `Srd` | SRD | +| `Ssp` | SSP | +| `Stn` | STN | +| `Syp` | SYP | +| `Szl` | SZL | +| `Thb` | THB | +| `Tjs` | TJS | +| `Tmt` | TMT | +| `Tnd` | TND | +| `Top` | TOP | +| `Try` | TRY | +| `Ttd` | TTD | +| `Tvd` | TVD | +| `Twd` | TWD | +| `Tzs` | TZS | +| `Uah` | UAH | +| `Ugx` | UGX | +| `Usd` | USD | +| `Uyu` | UYU | +| `Uzs` | UZS | +| `Ves` | VES | +| `Vnd` | VND | +| `Vuv` | VUV | +| `Wst` | WST | +| `Xaf` | XAF | +| `Xcd` | XCD | +| `Xdr` | XDR | +| `Xof` | XOF | +| `Xpf` | XPF | +| `Yer` | YER | +| `Zar` | ZAR | +| `Zmw` | ZMW | +| `Zwl` | ZWL | \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/docs/models/components/unifiedaccountingbalancesheetoutputfieldmappings.md b/docs/models/components/unifiedaccountingbalancesheetoutputfieldmappings.md new file mode 100644 index 00000000..b027e05b --- /dev/null +++ b/docs/models/components/unifiedaccountingbalancesheetoutputfieldmappings.md @@ -0,0 +1,9 @@ +# UnifiedAccountingBalancesheetOutputFieldMappings + +The custom field mappings of the object between the remote 3rd party & Panora + + +## Fields + +| Field | Type | Required | Description | +| ----------- | ----------- | ----------- | ----------- | \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/docs/models/components/unifiedaccountingbalancesheetoutputremotedata.md b/docs/models/components/unifiedaccountingbalancesheetoutputremotedata.md new file mode 100644 index 00000000..da3acd28 --- /dev/null +++ b/docs/models/components/unifiedaccountingbalancesheetoutputremotedata.md @@ -0,0 +1,9 @@ +# UnifiedAccountingBalancesheetOutputRemoteData + +The remote data of the balance sheet in the context of the 3rd Party + + +## Fields + +| Field | Type | Required | Description | +| ----------- | ----------- | ----------- | ----------- | \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/docs/models/components/unifiedaccountingcashflowstatementoutput.md b/docs/models/components/unifiedaccountingcashflowstatementoutput.md index 10d65881..e9a43aa1 100644 --- a/docs/models/components/unifiedaccountingcashflowstatementoutput.md +++ b/docs/models/components/unifiedaccountingcashflowstatementoutput.md @@ -3,5 +3,20 @@ ## Fields -| Field | Type | Required | Description | -| ----------- | ----------- | ----------- | ----------- | \ No newline at end of file +| Field | Type | Required | Description | Example | +| ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | +| `name` | *string* | :heavy_minus_sign: | The name of the cash flow statement | Q2 2024 Cash Flow Statement | +| `currency` | [components.UnifiedAccountingCashflowstatementOutputCurrency](../../models/components/unifiedaccountingcashflowstatementoutputcurrency.md) | :heavy_minus_sign: | The currency used in the cash flow statement | USD | +| `companyId` | *string* | :heavy_minus_sign: | The UUID of the associated company | 801f9ede-c698-4e66-a7fc-48d19eebaa4f | +| `startPeriod` | [Date](https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/JavaScript/Reference/Global_Objects/Date) | :heavy_minus_sign: | The start date of the period covered by the cash flow statement | 2024-04-01T00:00:00Z | +| `endPeriod` | [Date](https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/JavaScript/Reference/Global_Objects/Date) | :heavy_minus_sign: | The end date of the period covered by the cash flow statement | 2024-06-30T23:59:59Z | +| `cashAtBeginningOfPeriod` | *number* | :heavy_minus_sign: | The cash balance at the beginning of the period | 1000000 | +| `cashAtEndOfPeriod` | *number* | :heavy_minus_sign: | The cash balance at the end of the period | 1200000 | +| `remoteGeneratedAt` | [Date](https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/JavaScript/Reference/Global_Objects/Date) | :heavy_minus_sign: | The date when the cash flow statement was generated in the remote system | 2024-07-01T12:00:00Z | +| `lineItems` | [components.LineItem](../../models/components/lineitem.md)[] | :heavy_minus_sign: | The report items associated with this cash flow statement | | +| `fieldMappings` | [components.UnifiedAccountingCashflowstatementOutputFieldMappings](../../models/components/unifiedaccountingcashflowstatementoutputfieldmappings.md) | :heavy_minus_sign: | The custom field mappings of the object between the remote 3rd party & Panora | {
"custom_field_1": "value1",
"custom_field_2": "value2"
} | +| `id` | *string* | :heavy_minus_sign: | The UUID of the cash flow statement record | 801f9ede-c698-4e66-a7fc-48d19eebaa4f | +| `remoteId` | *string* | :heavy_minus_sign: | The remote ID of the cash flow statement in the context of the 3rd Party | cashflowstatement_1234 | +| `remoteData` | [components.UnifiedAccountingCashflowstatementOutputRemoteData](../../models/components/unifiedaccountingcashflowstatementoutputremotedata.md) | :heavy_minus_sign: | The remote data of the cash flow statement in the context of the 3rd Party | {
"raw_data": {
"additional_field": "some value"
} | +| `createdAt` | [Date](https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/JavaScript/Reference/Global_Objects/Date) | :heavy_minus_sign: | The created date of the cash flow statement record | 2024-06-15T12:00:00Z | +| `modifiedAt` | [Date](https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/JavaScript/Reference/Global_Objects/Date) | :heavy_minus_sign: | The last modified date of the cash flow statement record | 2024-06-15T12:00:00Z | \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/docs/models/components/unifiedaccountingcashflowstatementoutputcurrency.md b/docs/models/components/unifiedaccountingcashflowstatementoutputcurrency.md new file mode 100644 index 00000000..6cfab72a --- /dev/null +++ b/docs/models/components/unifiedaccountingcashflowstatementoutputcurrency.md @@ -0,0 +1,171 @@ +# UnifiedAccountingCashflowstatementOutputCurrency + +The currency used in the cash flow statement + + +## Values + +| Name | Value | +| ----- | ----- | +| `Aed` | AED | +| `Afn` | AFN | +| `All` | ALL | +| `Amd` | AMD | +| `Ang` | ANG | +| `Aoa` | AOA | +| `Ars` | ARS | +| `Aud` | AUD | +| `Awg` | AWG | +| `Azn` | AZN | +| `Bam` | BAM | +| `Bbd` | BBD | +| `Bdt` | BDT | +| `Bgn` | BGN | +| `Bhd` | BHD | +| `Bif` | BIF | +| `Bmd` | BMD | +| `Bnd` | BND | +| `Bob` | BOB | +| `Brl` | BRL | +| `Bsd` | BSD | +| `Btn` | BTN | +| `Bwp` | BWP | +| `Byn` | BYN | +| `Bzd` | BZD | +| `Cad` | CAD | +| `Cdf` | CDF | +| `Chf` | CHF | +| `Clp` | CLP | +| `Cny` | CNY | +| `Cop` | COP | +| `Crc` | CRC | +| `Cup` | CUP | +| `Cve` | CVE | +| `Czk` | CZK | +| `Djf` | DJF | +| `Dkk` | DKK | +| `Dop` | DOP | +| `Dzd` | DZD | +| `Egp` | EGP | +| `Ern` | ERN | +| `Etb` | ETB | +| `Eur` | EUR | +| `Fjd` | FJD | +| `Fkp` | FKP | +| `Fok` | FOK | +| `Gbp` | GBP | +| `Gel` | GEL | +| `Ggp` | GGP | +| `Ghs` | GHS | +| `Gip` | GIP | +| `Gmd` | GMD | +| `Gnf` | GNF | +| `Gtq` | GTQ | +| `Gyd` | GYD | +| `Hkd` | HKD | +| `Hnl` | HNL | +| `Hrk` | HRK | +| `Htg` | HTG | +| `Huf` | HUF | +| `Idr` | IDR | +| `Ils` | ILS | +| `Imp` | IMP | +| `Inr` | INR | +| `Iqd` | IQD | +| `Irr` | IRR | +| `Isk` | ISK | +| `Jep` | JEP | +| `Jmd` | JMD | +| `Jod` | JOD | +| `Jpy` | JPY | +| `Kes` | KES | +| `Kgs` | KGS | +| `Khr` | KHR | +| `Kid` | KID | +| `Kmf` | KMF | +| `Krw` | KRW | +| `Kwd` | KWD | +| `Kyd` | KYD | +| `Kzt` | KZT | +| `Lak` | LAK | +| `Lbp` | LBP | +| `Lkr` | LKR | +| `Lrd` | LRD | +| `Lsl` | LSL | +| `Lyd` | LYD | +| `Mad` | MAD | +| `Mdl` | MDL | +| `Mga` | MGA | +| `Mkd` | MKD | +| `Mmk` | MMK | +| `Mnt` | MNT | +| `Mop` | MOP | +| `Mru` | MRU | +| `Mur` | MUR | +| `Mvr` | MVR | +| `Mwk` | MWK | +| `Mxn` | MXN | +| `Myr` | MYR | +| `Mzn` | MZN | +| `Nad` | NAD | +| `Ngn` | NGN | +| `Nio` | NIO | +| `Nok` | NOK | +| `Npr` | NPR | +| `Nzd` | NZD | +| `Omr` | OMR | +| `Pab` | PAB | +| `Pen` | PEN | +| `Pgk` | PGK | +| `Php` | PHP | +| `Pkr` | PKR | +| `Pln` | PLN | +| `Pyg` | PYG | +| `Qar` | QAR | +| `Ron` | RON | +| `Rsd` | RSD | +| `Rub` | RUB | +| `Rwf` | RWF | +| `Sar` | SAR | +| `Sbd` | SBD | +| `Scr` | SCR | +| `Sdg` | SDG | +| `Sek` | SEK | +| `Sgd` | SGD | +| `Shp` | SHP | +| `Sle` | SLE | +| `Sll` | SLL | +| `Sos` | SOS | +| `Srd` | SRD | +| `Ssp` | SSP | +| `Stn` | STN | +| `Syp` | SYP | +| `Szl` | SZL | +| `Thb` | THB | +| `Tjs` | TJS | +| `Tmt` | TMT | +| `Tnd` | TND | +| `Top` | TOP | +| `Try` | TRY | +| `Ttd` | TTD | +| `Tvd` | TVD | +| `Twd` | TWD | +| `Tzs` | TZS | +| `Uah` | UAH | +| `Ugx` | UGX | +| `Usd` | USD | +| `Uyu` | UYU | +| `Uzs` | UZS | +| `Ves` | VES | +| `Vnd` | VND | +| `Vuv` | VUV | +| `Wst` | WST | +| `Xaf` | XAF | +| `Xcd` | XCD | +| `Xdr` | XDR | +| `Xof` | XOF | +| `Xpf` | XPF | +| `Yer` | YER | +| `Zar` | ZAR | +| `Zmw` | ZMW | +| `Zwl` | ZWL | \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/docs/models/components/unifiedaccountingcashflowstatementoutputfieldmappings.md b/docs/models/components/unifiedaccountingcashflowstatementoutputfieldmappings.md new file mode 100644 index 00000000..c614af1e --- /dev/null +++ b/docs/models/components/unifiedaccountingcashflowstatementoutputfieldmappings.md @@ -0,0 +1,9 @@ +# UnifiedAccountingCashflowstatementOutputFieldMappings + +The custom field mappings of the object between the remote 3rd party & Panora + + +## Fields + +| Field | Type | Required | Description | +| ----------- | ----------- | ----------- | ----------- | \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/docs/models/components/unifiedaccountingcashflowstatementoutputremotedata.md b/docs/models/components/unifiedaccountingcashflowstatementoutputremotedata.md new file mode 100644 index 00000000..afd5722e --- /dev/null +++ b/docs/models/components/unifiedaccountingcashflowstatementoutputremotedata.md @@ -0,0 +1,9 @@ +# UnifiedAccountingCashflowstatementOutputRemoteData + +The remote data of the cash flow statement in the context of the 3rd Party + + +## Fields + +| Field | Type | Required | Description | +| ----------- | ----------- | ----------- | ----------- | \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/docs/models/components/unifiedaccountingcompanyinfooutput.md b/docs/models/components/unifiedaccountingcompanyinfooutput.md index a7c3860e..d81d22fc 100644 --- a/docs/models/components/unifiedaccountingcompanyinfooutput.md +++ b/docs/models/components/unifiedaccountingcompanyinfooutput.md @@ -3,5 +3,20 @@ ## Fields -| Field | Type | Required | Description | -| ----------- | ----------- | ----------- | ----------- | \ No newline at end of file +| Field | Type | Required | Description | Example | +| ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | +| `name` | *string* | :heavy_minus_sign: | The name of the company | Acme Corporation | +| `legalName` | *string* | :heavy_minus_sign: | The legal name of the company | Acme Corporation LLC | +| `taxNumber` | *string* | :heavy_minus_sign: | The tax number of the company | 123456789 | +| `fiscalYearEndMonth` | *number* | :heavy_minus_sign: | The month of the fiscal year end (1-12) | 12 | +| `fiscalYearEndDay` | *number* | :heavy_minus_sign: | The day of the fiscal year end (1-31) | 31 | +| `currency` | [components.UnifiedAccountingCompanyinfoOutputCurrency](../../models/components/unifiedaccountingcompanyinfooutputcurrency.md) | :heavy_minus_sign: | The currency used by the company | USD | +| `urls` | *string*[] | :heavy_minus_sign: | The URLs associated with the company | [
] | +| `trackingCategories` | *string*[] | :heavy_minus_sign: | The UUIDs of the tracking categories used by the company | [
] | +| `fieldMappings` | [components.UnifiedAccountingCompanyinfoOutputFieldMappings](../../models/components/unifiedaccountingcompanyinfooutputfieldmappings.md) | :heavy_minus_sign: | The custom field mappings of the object between the remote 3rd party & Panora | {
"custom_field_1": "value1",
"custom_field_2": "value2"
} | +| `id` | *string* | :heavy_minus_sign: | The UUID of the company info record | 801f9ede-c698-4e66-a7fc-48d19eebaa4f | +| `remoteId` | *string* | :heavy_minus_sign: | The remote ID of the company info in the context of the 3rd Party | company_1234 | +| `remoteData` | [components.UnifiedAccountingCompanyinfoOutputRemoteData](../../models/components/unifiedaccountingcompanyinfooutputremotedata.md) | :heavy_minus_sign: | The remote data of the company info in the context of the 3rd Party | {
"raw_data": {
"additional_field": "some value"
} | +| `remoteCreatedAt` | [Date](https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/JavaScript/Reference/Global_Objects/Date) | :heavy_minus_sign: | The date when the company info was created in the remote system | 2024-06-15T12:00:00Z | +| `createdAt` | [Date](https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/JavaScript/Reference/Global_Objects/Date) | :heavy_minus_sign: | The created date of the company info record | 2024-06-15T12:00:00Z | +| `modifiedAt` | [Date](https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/JavaScript/Reference/Global_Objects/Date) | :heavy_minus_sign: | The last modified date of the company info record | 2024-06-15T12:00:00Z | \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/docs/models/components/unifiedaccountingcompanyinfooutputcurrency.md b/docs/models/components/unifiedaccountingcompanyinfooutputcurrency.md new file mode 100644 index 00000000..b5fa1514 --- /dev/null +++ b/docs/models/components/unifiedaccountingcompanyinfooutputcurrency.md @@ -0,0 +1,171 @@ +# UnifiedAccountingCompanyinfoOutputCurrency + +The currency used by the company + + +## Values + +| Name | Value | +| ----- | ----- | +| `Aed` | AED | +| `Afn` | AFN | +| `All` | ALL | +| `Amd` | AMD | +| `Ang` | ANG | +| `Aoa` | AOA | +| `Ars` | ARS | +| `Aud` | AUD | +| `Awg` | AWG | +| `Azn` | AZN | +| `Bam` | BAM | +| `Bbd` | BBD | +| `Bdt` | BDT | +| `Bgn` | BGN | +| `Bhd` | BHD | +| `Bif` | BIF | +| `Bmd` | BMD | +| `Bnd` | BND | +| `Bob` | BOB | +| `Brl` | BRL | +| `Bsd` | BSD | +| `Btn` | BTN | +| `Bwp` | BWP | +| `Byn` | BYN | +| `Bzd` | BZD | +| `Cad` | CAD | +| `Cdf` | CDF | +| `Chf` | CHF | +| `Clp` | CLP | +| `Cny` | CNY | +| `Cop` | COP | +| `Crc` | CRC | +| `Cup` | CUP | +| `Cve` | CVE | +| `Czk` | CZK | +| `Djf` | DJF | +| `Dkk` | DKK | +| `Dop` | DOP | +| `Dzd` | DZD | +| `Egp` | EGP | +| `Ern` | ERN | +| `Etb` | ETB | +| `Eur` | EUR | +| `Fjd` | FJD | +| `Fkp` | FKP | +| `Fok` | FOK | +| `Gbp` | GBP | +| `Gel` | GEL | +| `Ggp` | GGP | +| `Ghs` | GHS | +| `Gip` | GIP | +| `Gmd` | GMD | +| `Gnf` | GNF | +| `Gtq` | GTQ | +| `Gyd` | GYD | +| `Hkd` | HKD | +| `Hnl` | HNL | +| `Hrk` | HRK | +| `Htg` | HTG | +| `Huf` | HUF | +| `Idr` | IDR | +| `Ils` | ILS | +| `Imp` | IMP | +| `Inr` | INR | +| `Iqd` | IQD | +| `Irr` | IRR | +| `Isk` | ISK | +| `Jep` | JEP | +| `Jmd` | JMD | +| `Jod` | JOD | +| `Jpy` | JPY | +| `Kes` | KES | +| `Kgs` | KGS | +| `Khr` | KHR | +| `Kid` | KID | +| `Kmf` | KMF | +| `Krw` | KRW | +| `Kwd` | KWD | +| `Kyd` | KYD | +| `Kzt` | KZT | +| `Lak` | LAK | +| `Lbp` | LBP | +| `Lkr` | LKR | +| `Lrd` | LRD | +| `Lsl` | LSL | +| `Lyd` | LYD | +| `Mad` | MAD | +| `Mdl` | MDL | +| `Mga` | MGA | +| `Mkd` | MKD | +| `Mmk` | MMK | +| `Mnt` | MNT | +| `Mop` | MOP | +| `Mru` | MRU | +| `Mur` | MUR | +| `Mvr` | MVR | +| `Mwk` | MWK | +| `Mxn` | MXN | +| `Myr` | MYR | +| `Mzn` | MZN | +| `Nad` | NAD | +| `Ngn` | NGN | +| `Nio` | NIO | +| `Nok` | NOK | +| `Npr` | NPR | +| `Nzd` | NZD | +| `Omr` | OMR | +| `Pab` | PAB | +| `Pen` | PEN | +| `Pgk` | PGK | +| `Php` | PHP | +| `Pkr` | PKR | +| `Pln` | PLN | +| `Pyg` | PYG | +| `Qar` | QAR | +| `Ron` | RON | +| `Rsd` | RSD | +| `Rub` | RUB | +| `Rwf` | RWF | +| `Sar` | SAR | +| `Sbd` | SBD | +| `Scr` | SCR | +| `Sdg` | SDG | +| `Sek` | SEK | +| `Sgd` | SGD | +| `Shp` | SHP | +| `Sle` | SLE | +| `Sll` | SLL | +| `Sos` | SOS | +| `Srd` | SRD | +| `Ssp` | SSP | +| `Stn` | STN | +| `Syp` | SYP | +| `Szl` | SZL | +| `Thb` | THB | +| `Tjs` | TJS | +| `Tmt` | TMT | +| `Tnd` | TND | +| `Top` | TOP | +| `Try` | TRY | +| `Ttd` | TTD | +| `Tvd` | TVD | +| `Twd` | TWD | +| `Tzs` | TZS | +| `Uah` | UAH | +| `Ugx` | UGX | +| `Usd` | USD | +| `Uyu` | UYU | +| `Uzs` | UZS | +| `Ves` | VES | +| `Vnd` | VND | +| `Vuv` | VUV | +| `Wst` | WST | +| `Xaf` | XAF | +| `Xcd` | XCD | +| `Xdr` | XDR | +| `Xof` | XOF | +| `Xpf` | XPF | +| `Yer` | YER | +| `Zar` | ZAR | +| `Zmw` | ZMW | +| `Zwl` | ZWL | \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/docs/models/components/unifiedaccountingcompanyinfooutputfieldmappings.md b/docs/models/components/unifiedaccountingcompanyinfooutputfieldmappings.md new file mode 100644 index 00000000..75227c22 --- /dev/null +++ b/docs/models/components/unifiedaccountingcompanyinfooutputfieldmappings.md @@ -0,0 +1,9 @@ +# UnifiedAccountingCompanyinfoOutputFieldMappings + +The custom field mappings of the object between the remote 3rd party & Panora + + +## Fields + +| Field | Type | Required | Description | +| ----------- | ----------- | ----------- | ----------- | \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/docs/models/components/unifiedaccountingcompanyinfooutputremotedata.md b/docs/models/components/unifiedaccountingcompanyinfooutputremotedata.md new file mode 100644 index 00000000..fda8a76a --- /dev/null +++ b/docs/models/components/unifiedaccountingcompanyinfooutputremotedata.md @@ -0,0 +1,9 @@ +# UnifiedAccountingCompanyinfoOutputRemoteData + +The remote data of the company info in the context of the 3rd Party + + +## Fields + +| Field | Type | Required | Description | +| ----------- | ----------- | ----------- | ----------- | \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/docs/models/components/unifiedaccountingcontactinput.md b/docs/models/components/unifiedaccountingcontactinput.md index 4d1e071f..91a377fd 100644 --- a/docs/models/components/unifiedaccountingcontactinput.md +++ b/docs/models/components/unifiedaccountingcontactinput.md @@ -3,5 +3,15 @@ ## Fields -| Field | Type | Required | Description | -| ----------- | ----------- | ----------- | ----------- | \ No newline at end of file +| Field | Type | Required | Description | Example | +| ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ | ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ | ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ | ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ | ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ | +| `name` | *string* | :heavy_minus_sign: | The name of the contact | John Doe | +| `isSupplier` | *boolean* | :heavy_minus_sign: | Indicates if the contact is a supplier | true | +| `isCustomer` | *boolean* | :heavy_minus_sign: | Indicates if the contact is a customer | false | +| `emailAddress` | *string* | :heavy_minus_sign: | The email address of the contact | john.doe@example.com | +| `taxNumber` | *string* | :heavy_minus_sign: | The tax number of the contact | 123456789 | +| `status` | *string* | :heavy_minus_sign: | The status of the contact | Active | +| `currency` | [components.UnifiedAccountingContactInputCurrency](../../models/components/unifiedaccountingcontactinputcurrency.md) | :heavy_minus_sign: | The currency associated with the contact | USD | +| `remoteUpdatedAt` | *string* | :heavy_minus_sign: | The date when the contact was last updated in the remote system | 2024-06-15T12:00:00Z | +| `companyInfoId` | *string* | :heavy_minus_sign: | The UUID of the associated company info | 801f9ede-c698-4e66-a7fc-48d19eebaa4f | +| `fieldMappings` | [components.UnifiedAccountingContactInputFieldMappings](../../models/components/unifiedaccountingcontactinputfieldmappings.md) | :heavy_minus_sign: | The custom field mappings of the object between the remote 3rd party & Panora | {
"custom_field_1": "value1",
"custom_field_2": "value2"
} | \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/docs/models/components/unifiedaccountingcontactinputcurrency.md b/docs/models/components/unifiedaccountingcontactinputcurrency.md new file mode 100644 index 00000000..e7846909 --- /dev/null +++ b/docs/models/components/unifiedaccountingcontactinputcurrency.md @@ -0,0 +1,171 @@ +# UnifiedAccountingContactInputCurrency + +The currency associated with the contact + + +## Values + +| Name | Value | +| ----- | ----- | +| `Aed` | AED | +| `Afn` | AFN | +| `All` | ALL | +| `Amd` | AMD | +| `Ang` | ANG | +| `Aoa` | AOA | +| `Ars` | ARS | +| `Aud` | AUD | +| `Awg` | AWG | +| `Azn` | AZN | +| `Bam` | BAM | +| `Bbd` | BBD | +| `Bdt` | BDT | +| `Bgn` | BGN | +| `Bhd` | BHD | +| `Bif` | BIF | +| `Bmd` | BMD | +| `Bnd` | BND | +| `Bob` | BOB | +| `Brl` | BRL | +| `Bsd` | BSD | +| `Btn` | BTN | +| `Bwp` | BWP | +| `Byn` | BYN | +| `Bzd` | BZD | +| `Cad` | CAD | +| `Cdf` | CDF | +| `Chf` | CHF | +| `Clp` | CLP | +| `Cny` | CNY | +| `Cop` | COP | +| `Crc` | CRC | +| `Cup` | CUP | +| `Cve` | CVE | +| `Czk` | CZK | +| `Djf` | DJF | +| `Dkk` | DKK | +| `Dop` | DOP | +| `Dzd` | DZD | +| `Egp` | EGP | +| `Ern` | ERN | +| `Etb` | ETB | +| `Eur` | EUR | +| `Fjd` | FJD | +| `Fkp` | FKP | +| `Fok` | FOK | +| `Gbp` | GBP | +| `Gel` | GEL | +| `Ggp` | GGP | +| `Ghs` | GHS | +| `Gip` | GIP | +| `Gmd` | GMD | +| `Gnf` | GNF | +| `Gtq` | GTQ | +| `Gyd` | GYD | +| `Hkd` | HKD | +| `Hnl` | HNL | +| `Hrk` | HRK | +| `Htg` | HTG | +| `Huf` | HUF | +| `Idr` | IDR | +| `Ils` | ILS | +| `Imp` | IMP | +| `Inr` | INR | +| `Iqd` | IQD | +| `Irr` | IRR | +| `Isk` | ISK | +| `Jep` | JEP | +| `Jmd` | JMD | +| `Jod` | JOD | +| `Jpy` | JPY | +| `Kes` | KES | +| `Kgs` | KGS | +| `Khr` | KHR | +| `Kid` | KID | +| `Kmf` | KMF | +| `Krw` | KRW | +| `Kwd` | KWD | +| `Kyd` | KYD | +| `Kzt` | KZT | +| `Lak` | LAK | +| `Lbp` | LBP | +| `Lkr` | LKR | +| `Lrd` | LRD | +| `Lsl` | LSL | +| `Lyd` | LYD | +| `Mad` | MAD | +| `Mdl` | MDL | +| `Mga` | MGA | +| `Mkd` | MKD | +| `Mmk` | MMK | +| `Mnt` | MNT | +| `Mop` | MOP | +| `Mru` | MRU | +| `Mur` | MUR | +| `Mvr` | MVR | +| `Mwk` | MWK | +| `Mxn` | MXN | +| `Myr` | MYR | +| `Mzn` | MZN | +| `Nad` | NAD | +| `Ngn` | NGN | +| `Nio` | NIO | +| `Nok` | NOK | +| `Npr` | NPR | +| `Nzd` | NZD | +| `Omr` | OMR | +| `Pab` | PAB | +| `Pen` | PEN | +| `Pgk` | PGK | +| `Php` | PHP | +| `Pkr` | PKR | +| `Pln` | PLN | +| `Pyg` | PYG | +| `Qar` | QAR | +| `Ron` | RON | +| `Rsd` | RSD | +| `Rub` | RUB | +| `Rwf` | RWF | +| `Sar` | SAR | +| `Sbd` | SBD | +| `Scr` | SCR | +| `Sdg` | SDG | +| `Sek` | SEK | +| `Sgd` | SGD | +| `Shp` | SHP | +| `Sle` | SLE | +| `Sll` | SLL | +| `Sos` | SOS | +| `Srd` | SRD | +| `Ssp` | SSP | +| `Stn` | STN | +| `Syp` | SYP | +| `Szl` | SZL | +| `Thb` | THB | +| `Tjs` | TJS | +| `Tmt` | TMT | +| `Tnd` | TND | +| `Top` | TOP | +| `Try` | TRY | +| `Ttd` | TTD | +| `Tvd` | TVD | +| `Twd` | TWD | +| `Tzs` | TZS | +| `Uah` | UAH | +| `Ugx` | UGX | +| `Usd` | USD | +| `Uyu` | UYU | +| `Uzs` | UZS | +| `Ves` | VES | +| `Vnd` | VND | +| `Vuv` | VUV | +| `Wst` | WST | +| `Xaf` | XAF | +| `Xcd` | XCD | +| `Xdr` | XDR | +| `Xof` | XOF | +| `Xpf` | XPF | +| `Yer` | YER | +| `Zar` | ZAR | +| `Zmw` | ZMW | +| `Zwl` | ZWL | \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/docs/models/components/unifiedaccountingcontactinputfieldmappings.md b/docs/models/components/unifiedaccountingcontactinputfieldmappings.md new file mode 100644 index 00000000..7310a031 --- /dev/null +++ b/docs/models/components/unifiedaccountingcontactinputfieldmappings.md @@ -0,0 +1,9 @@ +# UnifiedAccountingContactInputFieldMappings + +The custom field mappings of the object between the remote 3rd party & Panora + + +## Fields + +| Field | Type | Required | Description | +| ----------- | ----------- | ----------- | ----------- | \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/docs/models/components/unifiedaccountingcontactoutput.md b/docs/models/components/unifiedaccountingcontactoutput.md index 84c216a4..89f69d32 100644 --- a/docs/models/components/unifiedaccountingcontactoutput.md +++ b/docs/models/components/unifiedaccountingcontactoutput.md @@ -3,5 +3,20 @@ ## Fields -| Field | Type | Required | Description | -| ----------- | ----------- | ----------- | ----------- | \ No newline at end of file +| Field | Type | Required | Description | Example | +| -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | +| `name` | *string* | :heavy_minus_sign: | The name of the contact | John Doe | +| `isSupplier` | *boolean* | :heavy_minus_sign: | Indicates if the contact is a supplier | true | +| `isCustomer` | *boolean* | :heavy_minus_sign: | Indicates if the contact is a customer | false | +| `emailAddress` | *string* | :heavy_minus_sign: | The email address of the contact | john.doe@example.com | +| `taxNumber` | *string* | :heavy_minus_sign: | The tax number of the contact | 123456789 | +| `status` | *string* | :heavy_minus_sign: | The status of the contact | Active | +| `currency` | [components.UnifiedAccountingContactOutputCurrency](../../models/components/unifiedaccountingcontactoutputcurrency.md) | :heavy_minus_sign: | The currency associated with the contact | USD | +| `remoteUpdatedAt` | *string* | :heavy_minus_sign: | The date when the contact was last updated in the remote system | 2024-06-15T12:00:00Z | +| `companyInfoId` | *string* | :heavy_minus_sign: | The UUID of the associated company info | 801f9ede-c698-4e66-a7fc-48d19eebaa4f | +| `fieldMappings` | [components.UnifiedAccountingContactOutputFieldMappings](../../models/components/unifiedaccountingcontactoutputfieldmappings.md) | :heavy_minus_sign: | The custom field mappings of the object between the remote 3rd party & Panora | {
"custom_field_1": "value1",
"custom_field_2": "value2"
} | +| `id` | *string* | :heavy_minus_sign: | The UUID of the contact record | 801f9ede-c698-4e66-a7fc-48d19eebaa4f | +| `remoteId` | *string* | :heavy_minus_sign: | The remote ID of the contact in the context of the 3rd Party | contact_1234 | +| `remoteData` | [components.UnifiedAccountingContactOutputRemoteData](../../models/components/unifiedaccountingcontactoutputremotedata.md) | :heavy_minus_sign: | The remote data of the contact in the context of the 3rd Party | {
"raw_data": {
"additional_field": "some value"
} | +| `createdAt` | [Date](https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/JavaScript/Reference/Global_Objects/Date) | :heavy_minus_sign: | The created date of the contact record | 2024-06-15T12:00:00Z | +| `modifiedAt` | [Date](https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/JavaScript/Reference/Global_Objects/Date) | :heavy_minus_sign: | The last modified date of the contact record | 2024-06-15T12:00:00Z | \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/docs/models/components/unifiedaccountingcontactoutputcurrency.md b/docs/models/components/unifiedaccountingcontactoutputcurrency.md new file mode 100644 index 00000000..e6c8588a --- /dev/null +++ b/docs/models/components/unifiedaccountingcontactoutputcurrency.md @@ -0,0 +1,171 @@ +# UnifiedAccountingContactOutputCurrency + +The currency associated with the contact + + +## Values + +| Name | Value | +| ----- | ----- | +| `Aed` | AED | +| `Afn` | AFN | +| `All` | ALL | +| `Amd` | AMD | +| `Ang` | ANG | +| `Aoa` | AOA | +| `Ars` | ARS | +| `Aud` | AUD | +| `Awg` | AWG | +| `Azn` | AZN | +| `Bam` | BAM | +| `Bbd` | BBD | +| `Bdt` | BDT | +| `Bgn` | BGN | +| `Bhd` | BHD | +| `Bif` | BIF | +| `Bmd` | BMD | +| `Bnd` | BND | +| `Bob` | BOB | +| `Brl` | BRL | +| `Bsd` | BSD | +| `Btn` | BTN | +| `Bwp` | BWP | +| `Byn` | BYN | +| `Bzd` | BZD | +| `Cad` | CAD | +| `Cdf` | CDF | +| `Chf` | CHF | +| `Clp` | CLP | +| `Cny` | CNY | +| `Cop` | COP | +| `Crc` | CRC | +| `Cup` | CUP | +| `Cve` | CVE | +| `Czk` | CZK | +| `Djf` | DJF | +| `Dkk` | DKK | +| `Dop` | DOP | +| `Dzd` | DZD | +| `Egp` | EGP | +| `Ern` | ERN | +| `Etb` | ETB | +| `Eur` | EUR | +| `Fjd` | FJD | +| `Fkp` | FKP | +| `Fok` | FOK | +| `Gbp` | GBP | +| `Gel` | GEL | +| `Ggp` | GGP | +| `Ghs` | GHS | +| `Gip` | GIP | +| `Gmd` | GMD | +| `Gnf` | GNF | +| `Gtq` | GTQ | +| `Gyd` | GYD | +| `Hkd` | HKD | +| `Hnl` | HNL | +| `Hrk` | HRK | +| `Htg` | HTG | +| `Huf` | HUF | +| `Idr` | IDR | +| `Ils` | ILS | +| `Imp` | IMP | +| `Inr` | INR | +| `Iqd` | IQD | +| `Irr` | IRR | +| `Isk` | ISK | +| `Jep` | JEP | +| `Jmd` | JMD | +| `Jod` | JOD | +| `Jpy` | JPY | +| `Kes` | KES | +| `Kgs` | KGS | +| `Khr` | KHR | +| `Kid` | KID | +| `Kmf` | KMF | +| `Krw` | KRW | +| `Kwd` | KWD | +| `Kyd` | KYD | +| `Kzt` | KZT | +| `Lak` | LAK | +| `Lbp` | LBP | +| `Lkr` | LKR | +| `Lrd` | LRD | +| `Lsl` | LSL | +| `Lyd` | LYD | +| `Mad` | MAD | +| `Mdl` | MDL | +| `Mga` | MGA | +| `Mkd` | MKD | +| `Mmk` | MMK | +| `Mnt` | MNT | +| `Mop` | MOP | +| `Mru` | MRU | +| `Mur` | MUR | +| `Mvr` | MVR | +| `Mwk` | MWK | +| `Mxn` | MXN | +| `Myr` | MYR | +| `Mzn` | MZN | +| `Nad` | NAD | +| `Ngn` | NGN | +| `Nio` | NIO | +| `Nok` | NOK | +| `Npr` | NPR | +| `Nzd` | NZD | +| `Omr` | OMR | +| `Pab` | PAB | +| `Pen` | PEN | +| `Pgk` | PGK | +| `Php` | PHP | +| `Pkr` | PKR | +| `Pln` | PLN | +| `Pyg` | PYG | +| `Qar` | QAR | +| `Ron` | RON | +| `Rsd` | RSD | +| `Rub` | RUB | +| `Rwf` | RWF | +| `Sar` | SAR | +| `Sbd` | SBD | +| `Scr` | SCR | +| `Sdg` | SDG | +| `Sek` | SEK | +| `Sgd` | SGD | +| `Shp` | SHP | +| `Sle` | SLE | +| `Sll` | SLL | +| `Sos` | SOS | +| `Srd` | SRD | +| `Ssp` | SSP | +| `Stn` | STN | +| `Syp` | SYP | +| `Szl` | SZL | +| `Thb` | THB | +| `Tjs` | TJS | +| `Tmt` | TMT | +| `Tnd` | TND | +| `Top` | TOP | +| `Try` | TRY | +| `Ttd` | TTD | +| `Tvd` | TVD | +| `Twd` | TWD | +| `Tzs` | TZS | +| `Uah` | UAH | +| `Ugx` | UGX | +| `Usd` | USD | +| `Uyu` | UYU | +| `Uzs` | UZS | +| `Ves` | VES | +| `Vnd` | VND | +| `Vuv` | VUV | +| `Wst` | WST | +| `Xaf` | XAF | +| `Xcd` | XCD | +| `Xdr` | XDR | +| `Xof` | XOF | +| `Xpf` | XPF | +| `Yer` | YER | +| `Zar` | ZAR | +| `Zmw` | ZMW | +| `Zwl` | ZWL | \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/docs/models/components/unifiedaccountingcontactoutputfieldmappings.md b/docs/models/components/unifiedaccountingcontactoutputfieldmappings.md new file mode 100644 index 00000000..a8e995e8 --- /dev/null +++ b/docs/models/components/unifiedaccountingcontactoutputfieldmappings.md @@ -0,0 +1,9 @@ +# UnifiedAccountingContactOutputFieldMappings + +The custom field mappings of the object between the remote 3rd party & Panora + + +## Fields + +| Field | Type | Required | Description | +| ----------- | ----------- | ----------- | ----------- | \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/docs/models/components/unifiedaccountingcontactoutputremotedata.md b/docs/models/components/unifiedaccountingcontactoutputremotedata.md new file mode 100644 index 00000000..8594d083 --- /dev/null +++ b/docs/models/components/unifiedaccountingcontactoutputremotedata.md @@ -0,0 +1,9 @@ +# UnifiedAccountingContactOutputRemoteData + +The remote data of the contact in the context of the 3rd Party + + +## Fields + +| Field | Type | Required | Description | +| ----------- | ----------- | ----------- | ----------- | \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/docs/models/components/unifiedaccountingcreditnoteoutput.md b/docs/models/components/unifiedaccountingcreditnoteoutput.md index 689eb466..26644181 100644 --- a/docs/models/components/unifiedaccountingcreditnoteoutput.md +++ b/docs/models/components/unifiedaccountingcreditnoteoutput.md @@ -3,5 +3,26 @@ ## Fields -| Field | Type | Required | Description | -| ----------- | ----------- | ----------- | ----------- | \ No newline at end of file +| Field | Type | Required | Description | Example | +| -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | +| `transactionDate` | [Date](https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/JavaScript/Reference/Global_Objects/Date) | :heavy_minus_sign: | The date of the credit note transaction | 2024-06-15T12:00:00Z | +| `status` | *string* | :heavy_minus_sign: | The status of the credit note | Issued | +| `number` | *string* | :heavy_minus_sign: | The number of the credit note | CN-001 | +| `contactId` | *string* | :heavy_minus_sign: | The UUID of the associated contact | 801f9ede-c698-4e66-a7fc-48d19eebaa4f | +| `companyId` | *string* | :heavy_minus_sign: | The UUID of the associated company | 801f9ede-c698-4e66-a7fc-48d19eebaa4f | +| `exchangeRate` | *string* | :heavy_minus_sign: | The exchange rate applied to the credit note | 1.2 | +| `totalAmount` | *number* | :heavy_minus_sign: | The total amount of the credit note | 10000 | +| `remainingCredit` | *number* | :heavy_minus_sign: | The remaining credit on the credit note | 5000 | +| `trackingCategories` | *string*[] | :heavy_minus_sign: | The UUIDs of the tracking categories associated with the credit note | [
] | +| `currency` | [components.UnifiedAccountingCreditnoteOutputCurrency](../../models/components/unifiedaccountingcreditnoteoutputcurrency.md) | :heavy_minus_sign: | The currency of the credit note | USD | +| `payments` | *string*[] | :heavy_minus_sign: | The payments associated with the credit note | [
] | +| `appliedPayments` | *string*[] | :heavy_minus_sign: | The applied payments associated with the credit note | [
] | +| `accountingPeriodId` | *string* | :heavy_minus_sign: | The UUID of the associated accounting period | 801f9ede-c698-4e66-a7fc-48d19eebaa4f | +| `fieldMappings` | [components.UnifiedAccountingCreditnoteOutputFieldMappings](../../models/components/unifiedaccountingcreditnoteoutputfieldmappings.md) | :heavy_minus_sign: | The custom field mappings of the object between the remote 3rd party & Panora | {
"custom_field_1": "value1",
"custom_field_2": "value2"
} | +| `id` | *string* | :heavy_minus_sign: | The UUID of the credit note record | 801f9ede-c698-4e66-a7fc-48d19eebaa4f | +| `remoteId` | *string* | :heavy_minus_sign: | The remote ID of the credit note in the context of the 3rd Party | creditnote_1234 | +| `remoteData` | [components.UnifiedAccountingCreditnoteOutputRemoteData](../../models/components/unifiedaccountingcreditnoteoutputremotedata.md) | :heavy_minus_sign: | The remote data of the credit note in the context of the 3rd Party | {
"raw_data": {
"additional_field": "some value"
} | +| `remoteCreatedAt` | [Date](https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/JavaScript/Reference/Global_Objects/Date) | :heavy_minus_sign: | The date when the credit note was created in the remote system | 2024-06-15T12:00:00Z | +| `remoteUpdatedAt` | [Date](https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/JavaScript/Reference/Global_Objects/Date) | :heavy_minus_sign: | The date when the credit note was last updated in the remote system | 2024-06-15T12:00:00Z | +| `createdAt` | [Date](https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/JavaScript/Reference/Global_Objects/Date) | :heavy_minus_sign: | The created date of the credit note record | 2024-06-15T12:00:00Z | +| `modifiedAt` | [Date](https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/JavaScript/Reference/Global_Objects/Date) | :heavy_minus_sign: | The last modified date of the credit note record | 2024-06-15T12:00:00Z | \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/docs/models/components/unifiedaccountingcreditnoteoutputcurrency.md b/docs/models/components/unifiedaccountingcreditnoteoutputcurrency.md new file mode 100644 index 00000000..dbd49ca7 --- /dev/null +++ b/docs/models/components/unifiedaccountingcreditnoteoutputcurrency.md @@ -0,0 +1,171 @@ +# UnifiedAccountingCreditnoteOutputCurrency + +The currency of the credit note + + +## Values + +| Name | Value | +| ----- | ----- | +| `Aed` | AED | +| `Afn` | AFN | +| `All` | ALL | +| `Amd` | AMD | +| `Ang` | ANG | +| `Aoa` | AOA | +| `Ars` | ARS | +| `Aud` | AUD | +| `Awg` | AWG | +| `Azn` | AZN | +| `Bam` | BAM | +| `Bbd` | BBD | +| `Bdt` | BDT | +| `Bgn` | BGN | +| `Bhd` | BHD | +| `Bif` | BIF | +| `Bmd` | BMD | +| `Bnd` | BND | +| `Bob` | BOB | +| `Brl` | BRL | +| `Bsd` | BSD | +| `Btn` | BTN | +| `Bwp` | BWP | +| `Byn` | BYN | +| `Bzd` | BZD | +| `Cad` | CAD | +| `Cdf` | CDF | +| `Chf` | CHF | +| `Clp` | CLP | +| `Cny` | CNY | +| `Cop` | COP | +| `Crc` | CRC | +| `Cup` | CUP | +| `Cve` | CVE | +| `Czk` | CZK | +| `Djf` | DJF | +| `Dkk` | DKK | +| `Dop` | DOP | +| `Dzd` | DZD | +| `Egp` | EGP | +| `Ern` | ERN | +| `Etb` | ETB | +| `Eur` | EUR | +| `Fjd` | FJD | +| `Fkp` | FKP | +| `Fok` | FOK | +| `Gbp` | GBP | +| `Gel` | GEL | +| `Ggp` | GGP | +| `Ghs` | GHS | +| `Gip` | GIP | +| `Gmd` | GMD | +| `Gnf` | GNF | +| `Gtq` | GTQ | +| `Gyd` | GYD | +| `Hkd` | HKD | +| `Hnl` | HNL | +| `Hrk` | HRK | +| `Htg` | HTG | +| `Huf` | HUF | +| `Idr` | IDR | +| `Ils` | ILS | +| `Imp` | IMP | +| `Inr` | INR | +| `Iqd` | IQD | +| `Irr` | IRR | +| `Isk` | ISK | +| `Jep` | JEP | +| `Jmd` | JMD | +| `Jod` | JOD | +| `Jpy` | JPY | +| `Kes` | KES | +| `Kgs` | KGS | +| `Khr` | KHR | +| `Kid` | KID | +| `Kmf` | KMF | +| `Krw` | KRW | +| `Kwd` | KWD | +| `Kyd` | KYD | +| `Kzt` | KZT | +| `Lak` | LAK | +| `Lbp` | LBP | +| `Lkr` | LKR | +| `Lrd` | LRD | +| `Lsl` | LSL | +| `Lyd` | LYD | +| `Mad` | MAD | +| `Mdl` | MDL | +| `Mga` | MGA | +| `Mkd` | MKD | +| `Mmk` | MMK | +| `Mnt` | MNT | +| `Mop` | MOP | +| `Mru` | MRU | +| `Mur` | MUR | +| `Mvr` | MVR | +| `Mwk` | MWK | +| `Mxn` | MXN | +| `Myr` | MYR | +| `Mzn` | MZN | +| `Nad` | NAD | +| `Ngn` | NGN | +| `Nio` | NIO | +| `Nok` | NOK | +| `Npr` | NPR | +| `Nzd` | NZD | +| `Omr` | OMR | +| `Pab` | PAB | +| `Pen` | PEN | +| `Pgk` | PGK | +| `Php` | PHP | +| `Pkr` | PKR | +| `Pln` | PLN | +| `Pyg` | PYG | +| `Qar` | QAR | +| `Ron` | RON | +| `Rsd` | RSD | +| `Rub` | RUB | +| `Rwf` | RWF | +| `Sar` | SAR | +| `Sbd` | SBD | +| `Scr` | SCR | +| `Sdg` | SDG | +| `Sek` | SEK | +| `Sgd` | SGD | +| `Shp` | SHP | +| `Sle` | SLE | +| `Sll` | SLL | +| `Sos` | SOS | +| `Srd` | SRD | +| `Ssp` | SSP | +| `Stn` | STN | +| `Syp` | SYP | +| `Szl` | SZL | +| `Thb` | THB | +| `Tjs` | TJS | +| `Tmt` | TMT | +| `Tnd` | TND | +| `Top` | TOP | +| `Try` | TRY | +| `Ttd` | TTD | +| `Tvd` | TVD | +| `Twd` | TWD | +| `Tzs` | TZS | +| `Uah` | UAH | +| `Ugx` | UGX | +| `Usd` | USD | +| `Uyu` | UYU | +| `Uzs` | UZS | +| `Ves` | VES | +| `Vnd` | VND | +| `Vuv` | VUV | +| `Wst` | WST | +| `Xaf` | XAF | +| `Xcd` | XCD | +| `Xdr` | XDR | +| `Xof` | XOF | +| `Xpf` | XPF | +| `Yer` | YER | +| `Zar` | ZAR | +| `Zmw` | ZMW | +| `Zwl` | ZWL | \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/docs/models/components/unifiedaccountingcreditnoteoutputfieldmappings.md b/docs/models/components/unifiedaccountingcreditnoteoutputfieldmappings.md new file mode 100644 index 00000000..7ef32458 --- /dev/null +++ b/docs/models/components/unifiedaccountingcreditnoteoutputfieldmappings.md @@ -0,0 +1,9 @@ +# UnifiedAccountingCreditnoteOutputFieldMappings + +The custom field mappings of the object between the remote 3rd party & Panora + + +## Fields + +| Field | Type | Required | Description | +| ----------- | ----------- | ----------- | ----------- | \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/docs/models/components/unifiedaccountingcreditnoteoutputremotedata.md b/docs/models/components/unifiedaccountingcreditnoteoutputremotedata.md new file mode 100644 index 00000000..96e2baed --- /dev/null +++ b/docs/models/components/unifiedaccountingcreditnoteoutputremotedata.md @@ -0,0 +1,9 @@ +# UnifiedAccountingCreditnoteOutputRemoteData + +The remote data of the credit note in the context of the 3rd Party + + +## Fields + +| Field | Type | Required | Description | +| ----------- | ----------- | ----------- | ----------- | \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/docs/models/components/unifiedaccountingexpenseinput.md b/docs/models/components/unifiedaccountingexpenseinput.md index d9c5bf46..f8ac1d63 100644 --- a/docs/models/components/unifiedaccountingexpenseinput.md +++ b/docs/models/components/unifiedaccountingexpenseinput.md @@ -3,5 +3,18 @@ ## Fields -| Field | Type | Required | Description | -| ----------- | ----------- | ----------- | ----------- | \ No newline at end of file +| Field | Type | Required | Description | Example | +| ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ | ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ | ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ | ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ | ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ | +| `transactionDate` | [Date](https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/JavaScript/Reference/Global_Objects/Date) | :heavy_minus_sign: | The date of the expense transaction | 2024-06-15T12:00:00Z | +| `totalAmount` | *number* | :heavy_minus_sign: | The total amount of the expense | 10000 | +| `subTotal` | *number* | :heavy_minus_sign: | The sub-total amount of the expense (before tax) | 9000 | +| `totalTaxAmount` | *number* | :heavy_minus_sign: | The total tax amount of the expense | 1000 | +| `currency` | [components.UnifiedAccountingExpenseInputCurrency](../../models/components/unifiedaccountingexpenseinputcurrency.md) | :heavy_minus_sign: | The currency of the expense | USD | +| `exchangeRate` | *string* | :heavy_minus_sign: | The exchange rate applied to the expense | 1.2 | +| `memo` | *string* | :heavy_minus_sign: | A memo or description for the expense | Business lunch with client | +| `accountId` | *string* | :heavy_minus_sign: | The UUID of the associated account | 801f9ede-c698-4e66-a7fc-48d19eebaa4f | +| `contactId` | *string* | :heavy_minus_sign: | The UUID of the associated contact | 801f9ede-c698-4e66-a7fc-48d19eebaa4f | +| `companyInfoId` | *string* | :heavy_minus_sign: | The UUID of the associated company info | 801f9ede-c698-4e66-a7fc-48d19eebaa4f | +| `trackingCategories` | *string*[] | :heavy_minus_sign: | The UUIDs of the tracking categories associated with the expense | [
] | +| `lineItems` | [components.LineItem](../../models/components/lineitem.md)[] | :heavy_minus_sign: | The line items associated with this expense | | +| `fieldMappings` | [components.UnifiedAccountingExpenseInputFieldMappings](../../models/components/unifiedaccountingexpenseinputfieldmappings.md) | :heavy_minus_sign: | The custom field mappings of the object between the remote 3rd party & Panora | {
"custom_field_1": "value1",
"custom_field_2": "value2"
} | \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/docs/models/components/unifiedaccountingexpenseinputcurrency.md b/docs/models/components/unifiedaccountingexpenseinputcurrency.md new file mode 100644 index 00000000..3de9b5f0 --- /dev/null +++ b/docs/models/components/unifiedaccountingexpenseinputcurrency.md @@ -0,0 +1,171 @@ +# UnifiedAccountingExpenseInputCurrency + +The currency of the expense + + +## Values + +| Name | Value | +| ----- | ----- | +| `Aed` | AED | +| `Afn` | AFN | +| `All` | ALL | +| `Amd` | AMD | +| `Ang` | ANG | +| `Aoa` | AOA | +| `Ars` | ARS | +| `Aud` | AUD | +| `Awg` | AWG | +| `Azn` | AZN | +| `Bam` | BAM | +| `Bbd` | BBD | +| `Bdt` | BDT | +| `Bgn` | BGN | +| `Bhd` | BHD | +| `Bif` | BIF | +| `Bmd` | BMD | +| `Bnd` | BND | +| `Bob` | BOB | +| `Brl` | BRL | +| `Bsd` | BSD | +| `Btn` | BTN | +| `Bwp` | BWP | +| `Byn` | BYN | +| `Bzd` | BZD | +| `Cad` | CAD | +| `Cdf` | CDF | +| `Chf` | CHF | +| `Clp` | CLP | +| `Cny` | CNY | +| `Cop` | COP | +| `Crc` | CRC | +| `Cup` | CUP | +| `Cve` | CVE | +| `Czk` | CZK | +| `Djf` | DJF | +| `Dkk` | DKK | +| `Dop` | DOP | +| `Dzd` | DZD | +| `Egp` | EGP | +| `Ern` | ERN | +| `Etb` | ETB | +| `Eur` | EUR | +| `Fjd` | FJD | +| `Fkp` | FKP | +| `Fok` | FOK | +| `Gbp` | GBP | +| `Gel` | GEL | +| `Ggp` | GGP | +| `Ghs` | GHS | +| `Gip` | GIP | +| `Gmd` | GMD | +| `Gnf` | GNF | +| `Gtq` | GTQ | +| `Gyd` | GYD | +| `Hkd` | HKD | +| `Hnl` | HNL | +| `Hrk` | HRK | +| `Htg` | HTG | +| `Huf` | HUF | +| `Idr` | IDR | +| `Ils` | ILS | +| `Imp` | IMP | +| `Inr` | INR | +| `Iqd` | IQD | +| `Irr` | IRR | +| `Isk` | ISK | +| `Jep` | JEP | +| `Jmd` | JMD | +| `Jod` | JOD | +| `Jpy` | JPY | +| `Kes` | KES | +| `Kgs` | KGS | +| `Khr` | KHR | +| `Kid` | KID | +| `Kmf` | KMF | +| `Krw` | KRW | +| `Kwd` | KWD | +| `Kyd` | KYD | +| `Kzt` | KZT | +| `Lak` | LAK | +| `Lbp` | LBP | +| `Lkr` | LKR | +| `Lrd` | LRD | +| `Lsl` | LSL | +| `Lyd` | LYD | +| `Mad` | MAD | +| `Mdl` | MDL | +| `Mga` | MGA | +| `Mkd` | MKD | +| `Mmk` | MMK | +| `Mnt` | MNT | +| `Mop` | MOP | +| `Mru` | MRU | +| `Mur` | MUR | +| `Mvr` | MVR | +| `Mwk` | MWK | +| `Mxn` | MXN | +| `Myr` | MYR | +| `Mzn` | MZN | +| `Nad` | NAD | +| `Ngn` | NGN | +| `Nio` | NIO | +| `Nok` | NOK | +| `Npr` | NPR | +| `Nzd` | NZD | +| `Omr` | OMR | +| `Pab` | PAB | +| `Pen` | PEN | +| `Pgk` | PGK | +| `Php` | PHP | +| `Pkr` | PKR | +| `Pln` | PLN | +| `Pyg` | PYG | +| `Qar` | QAR | +| `Ron` | RON | +| `Rsd` | RSD | +| `Rub` | RUB | +| `Rwf` | RWF | +| `Sar` | SAR | +| `Sbd` | SBD | +| `Scr` | SCR | +| `Sdg` | SDG | +| `Sek` | SEK | +| `Sgd` | SGD | +| `Shp` | SHP | +| `Sle` | SLE | +| `Sll` | SLL | +| `Sos` | SOS | +| `Srd` | SRD | +| `Ssp` | SSP | +| `Stn` | STN | +| `Syp` | SYP | +| `Szl` | SZL | +| `Thb` | THB | +| `Tjs` | TJS | +| `Tmt` | TMT | +| `Tnd` | TND | +| `Top` | TOP | +| `Try` | TRY | +| `Ttd` | TTD | +| `Tvd` | TVD | +| `Twd` | TWD | +| `Tzs` | TZS | +| `Uah` | UAH | +| `Ugx` | UGX | +| `Usd` | USD | +| `Uyu` | UYU | +| `Uzs` | UZS | +| `Ves` | VES | +| `Vnd` | VND | +| `Vuv` | VUV | +| `Wst` | WST | +| `Xaf` | XAF | +| `Xcd` | XCD | +| `Xdr` | XDR | +| `Xof` | XOF | +| `Xpf` | XPF | +| `Yer` | YER | +| `Zar` | ZAR | +| `Zmw` | ZMW | +| `Zwl` | ZWL | \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/docs/models/components/unifiedaccountingexpenseinputfieldmappings.md b/docs/models/components/unifiedaccountingexpenseinputfieldmappings.md new file mode 100644 index 00000000..34e60262 --- /dev/null +++ b/docs/models/components/unifiedaccountingexpenseinputfieldmappings.md @@ -0,0 +1,9 @@ +# UnifiedAccountingExpenseInputFieldMappings + +The custom field mappings of the object between the remote 3rd party & Panora + + +## Fields + +| Field | Type | Required | Description | +| ----------- | ----------- | ----------- | ----------- | \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/docs/models/components/unifiedaccountingexpenseoutput.md b/docs/models/components/unifiedaccountingexpenseoutput.md index 7401e50c..3249753f 100644 --- a/docs/models/components/unifiedaccountingexpenseoutput.md +++ b/docs/models/components/unifiedaccountingexpenseoutput.md @@ -3,5 +3,24 @@ ## Fields -| Field | Type | Required | Description | -| ----------- | ----------- | ----------- | ----------- | \ No newline at end of file +| Field | Type | Required | Description | Example | +| -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | +| `transactionDate` | [Date](https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/JavaScript/Reference/Global_Objects/Date) | :heavy_minus_sign: | The date of the expense transaction | 2024-06-15T12:00:00Z | +| `totalAmount` | *number* | :heavy_minus_sign: | The total amount of the expense | 10000 | +| `subTotal` | *number* | :heavy_minus_sign: | The sub-total amount of the expense (before tax) | 9000 | +| `totalTaxAmount` | *number* | :heavy_minus_sign: | The total tax amount of the expense | 1000 | +| `currency` | [components.UnifiedAccountingExpenseOutputCurrency](../../models/components/unifiedaccountingexpenseoutputcurrency.md) | :heavy_minus_sign: | The currency of the expense | USD | +| `exchangeRate` | *string* | :heavy_minus_sign: | The exchange rate applied to the expense | 1.2 | +| `memo` | *string* | :heavy_minus_sign: | A memo or description for the expense | Business lunch with client | +| `accountId` | *string* | :heavy_minus_sign: | The UUID of the associated account | 801f9ede-c698-4e66-a7fc-48d19eebaa4f | +| `contactId` | *string* | :heavy_minus_sign: | The UUID of the associated contact | 801f9ede-c698-4e66-a7fc-48d19eebaa4f | +| `companyInfoId` | *string* | :heavy_minus_sign: | The UUID of the associated company info | 801f9ede-c698-4e66-a7fc-48d19eebaa4f | +| `trackingCategories` | *string*[] | :heavy_minus_sign: | The UUIDs of the tracking categories associated with the expense | [
] | +| `lineItems` | [components.LineItem](../../models/components/lineitem.md)[] | :heavy_minus_sign: | The line items associated with this expense | | +| `fieldMappings` | [components.UnifiedAccountingExpenseOutputFieldMappings](../../models/components/unifiedaccountingexpenseoutputfieldmappings.md) | :heavy_minus_sign: | The custom field mappings of the object between the remote 3rd party & Panora | {
"custom_field_1": "value1",
"custom_field_2": "value2"
} | +| `id` | *string* | :heavy_minus_sign: | The UUID of the expense record | 801f9ede-c698-4e66-a7fc-48d19eebaa4f | +| `remoteId` | *string* | :heavy_minus_sign: | The remote ID of the expense in the context of the 3rd Party | expense_1234 | +| `remoteData` | [components.UnifiedAccountingExpenseOutputRemoteData](../../models/components/unifiedaccountingexpenseoutputremotedata.md) | :heavy_minus_sign: | The remote data of the expense in the context of the 3rd Party | {
"raw_data": {
"additional_field": "some value"
} | +| `remoteCreatedAt` | [Date](https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/JavaScript/Reference/Global_Objects/Date) | :heavy_minus_sign: | The date when the expense was created in the remote system | 2024-06-15T12:00:00Z | +| `createdAt` | [Date](https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/JavaScript/Reference/Global_Objects/Date) | :heavy_minus_sign: | The created date of the expense record | 2024-06-15T12:00:00Z | +| `modifiedAt` | [Date](https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/JavaScript/Reference/Global_Objects/Date) | :heavy_minus_sign: | The last modified date of the expense record | 2024-06-15T12:00:00Z | \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/docs/models/components/unifiedaccountingexpenseoutputcurrency.md b/docs/models/components/unifiedaccountingexpenseoutputcurrency.md new file mode 100644 index 00000000..ffbfcfa4 --- /dev/null +++ b/docs/models/components/unifiedaccountingexpenseoutputcurrency.md @@ -0,0 +1,171 @@ +# UnifiedAccountingExpenseOutputCurrency + +The currency of the expense + + +## Values + +| Name | Value | +| ----- | ----- | +| `Aed` | AED | +| `Afn` | AFN | +| `All` | ALL | +| `Amd` | AMD | +| `Ang` | ANG | +| `Aoa` | AOA | +| `Ars` | ARS | +| `Aud` | AUD | +| `Awg` | AWG | +| `Azn` | AZN | +| `Bam` | BAM | +| `Bbd` | BBD | +| `Bdt` | BDT | +| `Bgn` | BGN | +| `Bhd` | BHD | +| `Bif` | BIF | +| `Bmd` | BMD | +| `Bnd` | BND | +| `Bob` | BOB | +| `Brl` | BRL | +| `Bsd` | BSD | +| `Btn` | BTN | +| `Bwp` | BWP | +| `Byn` | BYN | +| `Bzd` | BZD | +| `Cad` | CAD | +| `Cdf` | CDF | +| `Chf` | CHF | +| `Clp` | CLP | +| `Cny` | CNY | +| `Cop` | COP | +| `Crc` | CRC | +| `Cup` | CUP | +| `Cve` | CVE | +| `Czk` | CZK | +| `Djf` | DJF | +| `Dkk` | DKK | +| `Dop` | DOP | +| `Dzd` | DZD | +| `Egp` | EGP | +| `Ern` | ERN | +| `Etb` | ETB | +| `Eur` | EUR | +| `Fjd` | FJD | +| `Fkp` | FKP | +| `Fok` | FOK | +| `Gbp` | GBP | +| `Gel` | GEL | +| `Ggp` | GGP | +| `Ghs` | GHS | +| `Gip` | GIP | +| `Gmd` | GMD | +| `Gnf` | GNF | +| `Gtq` | GTQ | +| `Gyd` | GYD | +| `Hkd` | HKD | +| `Hnl` | HNL | +| `Hrk` | HRK | +| `Htg` | HTG | +| `Huf` | HUF | +| `Idr` | IDR | +| `Ils` | ILS | +| `Imp` | IMP | +| `Inr` | INR | +| `Iqd` | IQD | +| `Irr` | IRR | +| `Isk` | ISK | +| `Jep` | JEP | +| `Jmd` | JMD | +| `Jod` | JOD | +| `Jpy` | JPY | +| `Kes` | KES | +| `Kgs` | KGS | +| `Khr` | KHR | +| `Kid` | KID | +| `Kmf` | KMF | +| `Krw` | KRW | +| `Kwd` | KWD | +| `Kyd` | KYD | +| `Kzt` | KZT | +| `Lak` | LAK | +| `Lbp` | LBP | +| `Lkr` | LKR | +| `Lrd` | LRD | +| `Lsl` | LSL | +| `Lyd` | LYD | +| `Mad` | MAD | +| `Mdl` | MDL | +| `Mga` | MGA | +| `Mkd` | MKD | +| `Mmk` | MMK | +| `Mnt` | MNT | +| `Mop` | MOP | +| `Mru` | MRU | +| `Mur` | MUR | +| `Mvr` | MVR | +| `Mwk` | MWK | +| `Mxn` | MXN | +| `Myr` | MYR | +| `Mzn` | MZN | +| `Nad` | NAD | +| `Ngn` | NGN | +| `Nio` | NIO | +| `Nok` | NOK | +| `Npr` | NPR | +| `Nzd` | NZD | +| `Omr` | OMR | +| `Pab` | PAB | +| `Pen` | PEN | +| `Pgk` | PGK | +| `Php` | PHP | +| `Pkr` | PKR | +| `Pln` | PLN | +| `Pyg` | PYG | +| `Qar` | QAR | +| `Ron` | RON | +| `Rsd` | RSD | +| `Rub` | RUB | +| `Rwf` | RWF | +| `Sar` | SAR | +| `Sbd` | SBD | +| `Scr` | SCR | +| `Sdg` | SDG | +| `Sek` | SEK | +| `Sgd` | SGD | +| `Shp` | SHP | +| `Sle` | SLE | +| `Sll` | SLL | +| `Sos` | SOS | +| `Srd` | SRD | +| `Ssp` | SSP | +| `Stn` | STN | +| `Syp` | SYP | +| `Szl` | SZL | +| `Thb` | THB | +| `Tjs` | TJS | +| `Tmt` | TMT | +| `Tnd` | TND | +| `Top` | TOP | +| `Try` | TRY | +| `Ttd` | TTD | +| `Tvd` | TVD | +| `Twd` | TWD | +| `Tzs` | TZS | +| `Uah` | UAH | +| `Ugx` | UGX | +| `Usd` | USD | +| `Uyu` | UYU | +| `Uzs` | UZS | +| `Ves` | VES | +| `Vnd` | VND | +| `Vuv` | VUV | +| `Wst` | WST | +| `Xaf` | XAF | +| `Xcd` | XCD | +| `Xdr` | XDR | +| `Xof` | XOF | +| `Xpf` | XPF | +| `Yer` | YER | +| `Zar` | ZAR | +| `Zmw` | ZMW | +| `Zwl` | ZWL | \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/docs/models/components/unifiedaccountingexpenseoutputfieldmappings.md b/docs/models/components/unifiedaccountingexpenseoutputfieldmappings.md new file mode 100644 index 00000000..1f3dd380 --- /dev/null +++ b/docs/models/components/unifiedaccountingexpenseoutputfieldmappings.md @@ -0,0 +1,9 @@ +# UnifiedAccountingExpenseOutputFieldMappings + +The custom field mappings of the object between the remote 3rd party & Panora + + +## Fields + +| Field | Type | Required | Description | +| ----------- | ----------- | ----------- | ----------- | \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/docs/models/components/unifiedaccountingexpenseoutputremotedata.md b/docs/models/components/unifiedaccountingexpenseoutputremotedata.md new file mode 100644 index 00000000..89f072ad --- /dev/null +++ b/docs/models/components/unifiedaccountingexpenseoutputremotedata.md @@ -0,0 +1,9 @@ +# UnifiedAccountingExpenseOutputRemoteData + +The remote data of the expense in the context of the 3rd Party + + +## Fields + +| Field | Type | Required | Description | +| ----------- | ----------- | ----------- | ----------- | \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/docs/models/components/unifiedaccountingincomestatementoutput.md b/docs/models/components/unifiedaccountingincomestatementoutput.md index 49848a2b..1472a5dc 100644 --- a/docs/models/components/unifiedaccountingincomestatementoutput.md +++ b/docs/models/components/unifiedaccountingincomestatementoutput.md @@ -3,5 +3,18 @@ ## Fields -| Field | Type | Required | Description | -| ----------- | ----------- | ----------- | ----------- | \ No newline at end of file +| Field | Type | Required | Description | Example | +| ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ | ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ | ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ | ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ | ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ | +| `name` | *string* | :heavy_minus_sign: | The name of the income statement | Q2 2024 Income Statement | +| `currency` | [components.UnifiedAccountingIncomestatementOutputCurrency](../../models/components/unifiedaccountingincomestatementoutputcurrency.md) | :heavy_minus_sign: | The currency used in the income statement | USD | +| `startPeriod` | [Date](https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/JavaScript/Reference/Global_Objects/Date) | :heavy_minus_sign: | The start date of the period covered by the income statement | 2024-04-01T00:00:00Z | +| `endPeriod` | [Date](https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/JavaScript/Reference/Global_Objects/Date) | :heavy_minus_sign: | The end date of the period covered by the income statement | 2024-06-30T23:59:59Z | +| `grossProfit` | *number* | :heavy_minus_sign: | The gross profit for the period | 1000000 | +| `netOperatingIncome` | *number* | :heavy_minus_sign: | The net operating income for the period | 800000 | +| `netIncome` | *number* | :heavy_minus_sign: | The net income for the period | 750000 | +| `fieldMappings` | [components.UnifiedAccountingIncomestatementOutputFieldMappings](../../models/components/unifiedaccountingincomestatementoutputfieldmappings.md) | :heavy_minus_sign: | The custom field mappings of the object between the remote 3rd party & Panora | {
"custom_field_1": "value1",
"custom_field_2": "value2"
} | +| `id` | *string* | :heavy_minus_sign: | The UUID of the income statement record | 801f9ede-c698-4e66-a7fc-48d19eebaa4f | +| `remoteId` | *string* | :heavy_minus_sign: | The remote ID of the income statement in the context of the 3rd Party | incomestatement_1234 | +| `remoteData` | [components.UnifiedAccountingIncomestatementOutputRemoteData](../../models/components/unifiedaccountingincomestatementoutputremotedata.md) | :heavy_minus_sign: | The remote data of the income statement in the context of the 3rd Party | {
"raw_data": {
"additional_field": "some value"
} | +| `createdAt` | [Date](https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/JavaScript/Reference/Global_Objects/Date) | :heavy_minus_sign: | The created date of the income statement record | 2024-06-15T12:00:00Z | +| `modifiedAt` | [Date](https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/JavaScript/Reference/Global_Objects/Date) | :heavy_minus_sign: | The last modified date of the income statement record | 2024-06-15T12:00:00Z | \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/docs/models/components/unifiedaccountingincomestatementoutputcurrency.md b/docs/models/components/unifiedaccountingincomestatementoutputcurrency.md new file mode 100644 index 00000000..6c1450cf --- /dev/null +++ b/docs/models/components/unifiedaccountingincomestatementoutputcurrency.md @@ -0,0 +1,171 @@ +# UnifiedAccountingIncomestatementOutputCurrency + +The currency used in the income statement + + +## Values + +| Name | Value | +| ----- | ----- | +| `Aed` | AED | +| `Afn` | AFN | +| `All` | ALL | +| `Amd` | AMD | +| `Ang` | ANG | +| `Aoa` | AOA | +| `Ars` | ARS | +| `Aud` | AUD | +| `Awg` | AWG | +| `Azn` | AZN | +| `Bam` | BAM | +| `Bbd` | BBD | +| `Bdt` | BDT | +| `Bgn` | BGN | +| `Bhd` | BHD | +| `Bif` | BIF | +| `Bmd` | BMD | +| `Bnd` | BND | +| `Bob` | BOB | +| `Brl` | BRL | +| `Bsd` | BSD | +| `Btn` | BTN | +| `Bwp` | BWP | +| `Byn` | BYN | +| `Bzd` | BZD | +| `Cad` | CAD | +| `Cdf` | CDF | +| `Chf` | CHF | +| `Clp` | CLP | +| `Cny` | CNY | +| `Cop` | COP | +| `Crc` | CRC | +| `Cup` | CUP | +| `Cve` | CVE | +| `Czk` | CZK | +| `Djf` | DJF | +| `Dkk` | DKK | +| `Dop` | DOP | +| `Dzd` | DZD | +| `Egp` | EGP | +| `Ern` | ERN | +| `Etb` | ETB | +| `Eur` | EUR | +| `Fjd` | FJD | +| `Fkp` | FKP | +| `Fok` | FOK | +| `Gbp` | GBP | +| `Gel` | GEL | +| `Ggp` | GGP | +| `Ghs` | GHS | +| `Gip` | GIP | +| `Gmd` | GMD | +| `Gnf` | GNF | +| `Gtq` | GTQ | +| `Gyd` | GYD | +| `Hkd` | HKD | +| `Hnl` | HNL | +| `Hrk` | HRK | +| `Htg` | HTG | +| `Huf` | HUF | +| `Idr` | IDR | +| `Ils` | ILS | +| `Imp` | IMP | +| `Inr` | INR | +| `Iqd` | IQD | +| `Irr` | IRR | +| `Isk` | ISK | +| `Jep` | JEP | +| `Jmd` | JMD | +| `Jod` | JOD | +| `Jpy` | JPY | +| `Kes` | KES | +| `Kgs` | KGS | +| `Khr` | KHR | +| `Kid` | KID | +| `Kmf` | KMF | +| `Krw` | KRW | +| `Kwd` | KWD | +| `Kyd` | KYD | +| `Kzt` | KZT | +| `Lak` | LAK | +| `Lbp` | LBP | +| `Lkr` | LKR | +| `Lrd` | LRD | +| `Lsl` | LSL | +| `Lyd` | LYD | +| `Mad` | MAD | +| `Mdl` | MDL | +| `Mga` | MGA | +| `Mkd` | MKD | +| `Mmk` | MMK | +| `Mnt` | MNT | +| `Mop` | MOP | +| `Mru` | MRU | +| `Mur` | MUR | +| `Mvr` | MVR | +| `Mwk` | MWK | +| `Mxn` | MXN | +| `Myr` | MYR | +| `Mzn` | MZN | +| `Nad` | NAD | +| `Ngn` | NGN | +| `Nio` | NIO | +| `Nok` | NOK | +| `Npr` | NPR | +| `Nzd` | NZD | +| `Omr` | OMR | +| `Pab` | PAB | +| `Pen` | PEN | +| `Pgk` | PGK | +| `Php` | PHP | +| `Pkr` | PKR | +| `Pln` | PLN | +| `Pyg` | PYG | +| `Qar` | QAR | +| `Ron` | RON | +| `Rsd` | RSD | +| `Rub` | RUB | +| `Rwf` | RWF | +| `Sar` | SAR | +| `Sbd` | SBD | +| `Scr` | SCR | +| `Sdg` | SDG | +| `Sek` | SEK | +| `Sgd` | SGD | +| `Shp` | SHP | +| `Sle` | SLE | +| `Sll` | SLL | +| `Sos` | SOS | +| `Srd` | SRD | +| `Ssp` | SSP | +| `Stn` | STN | +| `Syp` | SYP | +| `Szl` | SZL | +| `Thb` | THB | +| `Tjs` | TJS | +| `Tmt` | TMT | +| `Tnd` | TND | +| `Top` | TOP | +| `Try` | TRY | +| `Ttd` | TTD | +| `Tvd` | TVD | +| `Twd` | TWD | +| `Tzs` | TZS | +| `Uah` | UAH | +| `Ugx` | UGX | +| `Usd` | USD | +| `Uyu` | UYU | +| `Uzs` | UZS | +| `Ves` | VES | +| `Vnd` | VND | +| `Vuv` | VUV | +| `Wst` | WST | +| `Xaf` | XAF | +| `Xcd` | XCD | +| `Xdr` | XDR | +| `Xof` | XOF | +| `Xpf` | XPF | +| `Yer` | YER | +| `Zar` | ZAR | +| `Zmw` | ZMW | +| `Zwl` | ZWL | \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/docs/models/components/unifiedaccountingincomestatementoutputfieldmappings.md b/docs/models/components/unifiedaccountingincomestatementoutputfieldmappings.md new file mode 100644 index 00000000..4e7c4557 --- /dev/null +++ b/docs/models/components/unifiedaccountingincomestatementoutputfieldmappings.md @@ -0,0 +1,9 @@ +# UnifiedAccountingIncomestatementOutputFieldMappings + +The custom field mappings of the object between the remote 3rd party & Panora + + +## Fields + +| Field | Type | Required | Description | +| ----------- | ----------- | ----------- | ----------- | \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/docs/models/components/unifiedaccountingincomestatementoutputremotedata.md b/docs/models/components/unifiedaccountingincomestatementoutputremotedata.md new file mode 100644 index 00000000..3f86df67 --- /dev/null +++ b/docs/models/components/unifiedaccountingincomestatementoutputremotedata.md @@ -0,0 +1,9 @@ +# UnifiedAccountingIncomestatementOutputRemoteData + +The remote data of the income statement in the context of the 3rd Party + + +## Fields + +| Field | Type | Required | Description | +| ----------- | ----------- | ----------- | ----------- | \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/docs/models/components/unifiedaccountinginvoiceinput.md b/docs/models/components/unifiedaccountinginvoiceinput.md index 8ae130f6..626b1263 100644 --- a/docs/models/components/unifiedaccountinginvoiceinput.md +++ b/docs/models/components/unifiedaccountinginvoiceinput.md @@ -3,5 +3,24 @@ ## Fields -| Field | Type | Required | Description | -| ----------- | ----------- | ----------- | ----------- | \ No newline at end of file +| Field | Type | Required | Description | Example | +| ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ | ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ | ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ | ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ | ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ | +| `type` | *string* | :heavy_minus_sign: | The type of the invoice | Sales | +| `number` | *string* | :heavy_minus_sign: | The invoice number | INV-001 | +| `issueDate` | [Date](https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/JavaScript/Reference/Global_Objects/Date) | :heavy_minus_sign: | The date the invoice was issued | 2024-06-15T12:00:00Z | +| `dueDate` | [Date](https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/JavaScript/Reference/Global_Objects/Date) | :heavy_minus_sign: | The due date of the invoice | 2024-07-15T12:00:00Z | +| `paidOnDate` | [Date](https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/JavaScript/Reference/Global_Objects/Date) | :heavy_minus_sign: | The date the invoice was paid | 2024-07-10T12:00:00Z | +| `memo` | *string* | :heavy_minus_sign: | A memo or note on the invoice | Payment for services rendered | +| `currency` | [components.UnifiedAccountingInvoiceInputCurrency](../../models/components/unifiedaccountinginvoiceinputcurrency.md) | :heavy_minus_sign: | The currency of the invoice | USD | +| `exchangeRate` | *string* | :heavy_minus_sign: | The exchange rate applied to the invoice | 1.2 | +| `totalDiscount` | *number* | :heavy_minus_sign: | The total discount applied to the invoice | 1000 | +| `subTotal` | *number* | :heavy_minus_sign: | The subtotal of the invoice | 10000 | +| `status` | *string* | :heavy_minus_sign: | The status of the invoice | Paid | +| `totalTaxAmount` | *number* | :heavy_minus_sign: | The total tax amount on the invoice | 1000 | +| `totalAmount` | *number* | :heavy_minus_sign: | The total amount of the invoice | 11000 | +| `balance` | *number* | :heavy_minus_sign: | The remaining balance on the invoice | 0 | +| `contactId` | *string* | :heavy_minus_sign: | The UUID of the associated contact | 801f9ede-c698-4e66-a7fc-48d19eebaa4f | +| `accountingPeriodId` | *string* | :heavy_minus_sign: | The UUID of the associated accounting period | 801f9ede-c698-4e66-a7fc-48d19eebaa4f | +| `trackingCategories` | *string*[] | :heavy_minus_sign: | The UUIDs of the tracking categories associated with the invoice | [
] | +| `lineItems` | [components.LineItem](../../models/components/lineitem.md)[] | :heavy_minus_sign: | The line items associated with this invoice | | +| `fieldMappings` | [components.UnifiedAccountingInvoiceInputFieldMappings](../../models/components/unifiedaccountinginvoiceinputfieldmappings.md) | :heavy_minus_sign: | The custom field mappings of the object between the remote 3rd party & Panora | {
"custom_field_1": "value1",
"custom_field_2": "value2"
} | \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/docs/models/components/unifiedaccountinginvoiceinputcurrency.md b/docs/models/components/unifiedaccountinginvoiceinputcurrency.md new file mode 100644 index 00000000..8e3ee1fe --- /dev/null +++ b/docs/models/components/unifiedaccountinginvoiceinputcurrency.md @@ -0,0 +1,171 @@ +# UnifiedAccountingInvoiceInputCurrency + +The currency of the invoice + + +## Values + +| Name | Value | +| ----- | ----- | +| `Aed` | AED | +| `Afn` | AFN | +| `All` | ALL | +| `Amd` | AMD | +| `Ang` | ANG | +| `Aoa` | AOA | +| `Ars` | ARS | +| `Aud` | AUD | +| `Awg` | AWG | +| `Azn` | AZN | +| `Bam` | BAM | +| `Bbd` | BBD | +| `Bdt` | BDT | +| `Bgn` | BGN | +| `Bhd` | BHD | +| `Bif` | BIF | +| `Bmd` | BMD | +| `Bnd` | BND | +| `Bob` | BOB | +| `Brl` | BRL | +| `Bsd` | BSD | +| `Btn` | BTN | +| `Bwp` | BWP | +| `Byn` | BYN | +| `Bzd` | BZD | +| `Cad` | CAD | +| `Cdf` | CDF | +| `Chf` | CHF | +| `Clp` | CLP | +| `Cny` | CNY | +| `Cop` | COP | +| `Crc` | CRC | +| `Cup` | CUP | +| `Cve` | CVE | +| `Czk` | CZK | +| `Djf` | DJF | +| `Dkk` | DKK | +| `Dop` | DOP | +| `Dzd` | DZD | +| `Egp` | EGP | +| `Ern` | ERN | +| `Etb` | ETB | +| `Eur` | EUR | +| `Fjd` | FJD | +| `Fkp` | FKP | +| `Fok` | FOK | +| `Gbp` | GBP | +| `Gel` | GEL | +| `Ggp` | GGP | +| `Ghs` | GHS | +| `Gip` | GIP | +| `Gmd` | GMD | +| `Gnf` | GNF | +| `Gtq` | GTQ | +| `Gyd` | GYD | +| `Hkd` | HKD | +| `Hnl` | HNL | +| `Hrk` | HRK | +| `Htg` | HTG | +| `Huf` | HUF | +| `Idr` | IDR | +| `Ils` | ILS | +| `Imp` | IMP | +| `Inr` | INR | +| `Iqd` | IQD | +| `Irr` | IRR | +| `Isk` | ISK | +| `Jep` | JEP | +| `Jmd` | JMD | +| `Jod` | JOD | +| `Jpy` | JPY | +| `Kes` | KES | +| `Kgs` | KGS | +| `Khr` | KHR | +| `Kid` | KID | +| `Kmf` | KMF | +| `Krw` | KRW | +| `Kwd` | KWD | +| `Kyd` | KYD | +| `Kzt` | KZT | +| `Lak` | LAK | +| `Lbp` | LBP | +| `Lkr` | LKR | +| `Lrd` | LRD | +| `Lsl` | LSL | +| `Lyd` | LYD | +| `Mad` | MAD | +| `Mdl` | MDL | +| `Mga` | MGA | +| `Mkd` | MKD | +| `Mmk` | MMK | +| `Mnt` | MNT | +| `Mop` | MOP | +| `Mru` | MRU | +| `Mur` | MUR | +| `Mvr` | MVR | +| `Mwk` | MWK | +| `Mxn` | MXN | +| `Myr` | MYR | +| `Mzn` | MZN | +| `Nad` | NAD | +| `Ngn` | NGN | +| `Nio` | NIO | +| `Nok` | NOK | +| `Npr` | NPR | +| `Nzd` | NZD | +| `Omr` | OMR | +| `Pab` | PAB | +| `Pen` | PEN | +| `Pgk` | PGK | +| `Php` | PHP | +| `Pkr` | PKR | +| `Pln` | PLN | +| `Pyg` | PYG | +| `Qar` | QAR | +| `Ron` | RON | +| `Rsd` | RSD | +| `Rub` | RUB | +| `Rwf` | RWF | +| `Sar` | SAR | +| `Sbd` | SBD | +| `Scr` | SCR | +| `Sdg` | SDG | +| `Sek` | SEK | +| `Sgd` | SGD | +| `Shp` | SHP | +| `Sle` | SLE | +| `Sll` | SLL | +| `Sos` | SOS | +| `Srd` | SRD | +| `Ssp` | SSP | +| `Stn` | STN | +| `Syp` | SYP | +| `Szl` | SZL | +| `Thb` | THB | +| `Tjs` | TJS | +| `Tmt` | TMT | +| `Tnd` | TND | +| `Top` | TOP | +| `Try` | TRY | +| `Ttd` | TTD | +| `Tvd` | TVD | +| `Twd` | TWD | +| `Tzs` | TZS | +| `Uah` | UAH | +| `Ugx` | UGX | +| `Usd` | USD | +| `Uyu` | UYU | +| `Uzs` | UZS | +| `Ves` | VES | +| `Vnd` | VND | +| `Vuv` | VUV | +| `Wst` | WST | +| `Xaf` | XAF | +| `Xcd` | XCD | +| `Xdr` | XDR | +| `Xof` | XOF | +| `Xpf` | XPF | +| `Yer` | YER | +| `Zar` | ZAR | +| `Zmw` | ZMW | +| `Zwl` | ZWL | \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/docs/models/components/unifiedaccountinginvoiceinputfieldmappings.md b/docs/models/components/unifiedaccountinginvoiceinputfieldmappings.md new file mode 100644 index 00000000..c44b2cc3 --- /dev/null +++ b/docs/models/components/unifiedaccountinginvoiceinputfieldmappings.md @@ -0,0 +1,9 @@ +# UnifiedAccountingInvoiceInputFieldMappings + +The custom field mappings of the object between the remote 3rd party & Panora + + +## Fields + +| Field | Type | Required | Description | +| ----------- | ----------- | ----------- | ----------- | \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/docs/models/components/unifiedaccountinginvoiceoutput.md b/docs/models/components/unifiedaccountinginvoiceoutput.md index f90ed760..283672b9 100644 --- a/docs/models/components/unifiedaccountinginvoiceoutput.md +++ b/docs/models/components/unifiedaccountinginvoiceoutput.md @@ -3,5 +3,30 @@ ## Fields -| Field | Type | Required | Description | -| ----------- | ----------- | ----------- | ----------- | \ No newline at end of file +| Field | Type | Required | Description | Example | +| -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | +| `type` | *string* | :heavy_minus_sign: | The type of the invoice | Sales | +| `number` | *string* | :heavy_minus_sign: | The invoice number | INV-001 | +| `issueDate` | [Date](https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/JavaScript/Reference/Global_Objects/Date) | :heavy_minus_sign: | The date the invoice was issued | 2024-06-15T12:00:00Z | +| `dueDate` | [Date](https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/JavaScript/Reference/Global_Objects/Date) | :heavy_minus_sign: | The due date of the invoice | 2024-07-15T12:00:00Z | +| `paidOnDate` | [Date](https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/JavaScript/Reference/Global_Objects/Date) | :heavy_minus_sign: | The date the invoice was paid | 2024-07-10T12:00:00Z | +| `memo` | *string* | :heavy_minus_sign: | A memo or note on the invoice | Payment for services rendered | +| `currency` | [components.UnifiedAccountingInvoiceOutputCurrency](../../models/components/unifiedaccountinginvoiceoutputcurrency.md) | :heavy_minus_sign: | The currency of the invoice | USD | +| `exchangeRate` | *string* | :heavy_minus_sign: | The exchange rate applied to the invoice | 1.2 | +| `totalDiscount` | *number* | :heavy_minus_sign: | The total discount applied to the invoice | 1000 | +| `subTotal` | *number* | :heavy_minus_sign: | The subtotal of the invoice | 10000 | +| `status` | *string* | :heavy_minus_sign: | The status of the invoice | Paid | +| `totalTaxAmount` | *number* | :heavy_minus_sign: | The total tax amount on the invoice | 1000 | +| `totalAmount` | *number* | :heavy_minus_sign: | The total amount of the invoice | 11000 | +| `balance` | *number* | :heavy_minus_sign: | The remaining balance on the invoice | 0 | +| `contactId` | *string* | :heavy_minus_sign: | The UUID of the associated contact | 801f9ede-c698-4e66-a7fc-48d19eebaa4f | +| `accountingPeriodId` | *string* | :heavy_minus_sign: | The UUID of the associated accounting period | 801f9ede-c698-4e66-a7fc-48d19eebaa4f | +| `trackingCategories` | *string*[] | :heavy_minus_sign: | The UUIDs of the tracking categories associated with the invoice | [
] | +| `lineItems` | [components.LineItem](../../models/components/lineitem.md)[] | :heavy_minus_sign: | The line items associated with this invoice | | +| `fieldMappings` | [components.UnifiedAccountingInvoiceOutputFieldMappings](../../models/components/unifiedaccountinginvoiceoutputfieldmappings.md) | :heavy_minus_sign: | The custom field mappings of the object between the remote 3rd party & Panora | {
"custom_field_1": "value1",
"custom_field_2": "value2"
} | +| `id` | *string* | :heavy_minus_sign: | The UUID of the invoice record | 801f9ede-c698-4e66-a7fc-48d19eebaa4f | +| `remoteId` | *string* | :heavy_minus_sign: | The remote ID of the invoice in the context of the 3rd Party | invoice_1234 | +| `remoteData` | [components.UnifiedAccountingInvoiceOutputRemoteData](../../models/components/unifiedaccountinginvoiceoutputremotedata.md) | :heavy_minus_sign: | The remote data of the invoice in the context of the 3rd Party | {
"raw_data": {
"additional_field": "some value"
} | +| `remoteUpdatedAt` | [Date](https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/JavaScript/Reference/Global_Objects/Date) | :heavy_minus_sign: | The date when the invoice was last updated in the remote system | 2024-06-15T12:00:00Z | +| `createdAt` | [Date](https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/JavaScript/Reference/Global_Objects/Date) | :heavy_minus_sign: | The created date of the invoice record | 2024-06-15T12:00:00Z | +| `modifiedAt` | [Date](https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/JavaScript/Reference/Global_Objects/Date) | :heavy_minus_sign: | The last modified date of the invoice record | 2024-06-15T12:00:00Z | \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/docs/models/components/unifiedaccountinginvoiceoutputcurrency.md b/docs/models/components/unifiedaccountinginvoiceoutputcurrency.md new file mode 100644 index 00000000..f8d8de38 --- /dev/null +++ b/docs/models/components/unifiedaccountinginvoiceoutputcurrency.md @@ -0,0 +1,171 @@ +# UnifiedAccountingInvoiceOutputCurrency + +The currency of the invoice + + +## Values + +| Name | Value | +| ----- | ----- | +| `Aed` | AED | +| `Afn` | AFN | +| `All` | ALL | +| `Amd` | AMD | +| `Ang` | ANG | +| `Aoa` | AOA | +| `Ars` | ARS | +| `Aud` | AUD | +| `Awg` | AWG | +| `Azn` | AZN | +| `Bam` | BAM | +| `Bbd` | BBD | +| `Bdt` | BDT | +| `Bgn` | BGN | +| `Bhd` | BHD | +| `Bif` | BIF | +| `Bmd` | BMD | +| `Bnd` | BND | +| `Bob` | BOB | +| `Brl` | BRL | +| `Bsd` | BSD | +| `Btn` | BTN | +| `Bwp` | BWP | +| `Byn` | BYN | +| `Bzd` | BZD | +| `Cad` | CAD | +| `Cdf` | CDF | +| `Chf` | CHF | +| `Clp` | CLP | +| `Cny` | CNY | +| `Cop` | COP | +| `Crc` | CRC | +| `Cup` | CUP | +| `Cve` | CVE | +| `Czk` | CZK | +| `Djf` | DJF | +| `Dkk` | DKK | +| `Dop` | DOP | +| `Dzd` | DZD | +| `Egp` | EGP | +| `Ern` | ERN | +| `Etb` | ETB | +| `Eur` | EUR | +| `Fjd` | FJD | +| `Fkp` | FKP | +| `Fok` | FOK | +| `Gbp` | GBP | +| `Gel` | GEL | +| `Ggp` | GGP | +| `Ghs` | GHS | +| `Gip` | GIP | +| `Gmd` | GMD | +| `Gnf` | GNF | +| `Gtq` | GTQ | +| `Gyd` | GYD | +| `Hkd` | HKD | +| `Hnl` | HNL | +| `Hrk` | HRK | +| `Htg` | HTG | +| `Huf` | HUF | +| `Idr` | IDR | +| `Ils` | ILS | +| `Imp` | IMP | +| `Inr` | INR | +| `Iqd` | IQD | +| `Irr` | IRR | +| `Isk` | ISK | +| `Jep` | JEP | +| `Jmd` | JMD | +| `Jod` | JOD | +| `Jpy` | JPY | +| `Kes` | KES | +| `Kgs` | KGS | +| `Khr` | KHR | +| `Kid` | KID | +| `Kmf` | KMF | +| `Krw` | KRW | +| `Kwd` | KWD | +| `Kyd` | KYD | +| `Kzt` | KZT | +| `Lak` | LAK | +| `Lbp` | LBP | +| `Lkr` | LKR | +| `Lrd` | LRD | +| `Lsl` | LSL | +| `Lyd` | LYD | +| `Mad` | MAD | +| `Mdl` | MDL | +| `Mga` | MGA | +| `Mkd` | MKD | +| `Mmk` | MMK | +| `Mnt` | MNT | +| `Mop` | MOP | +| `Mru` | MRU | +| `Mur` | MUR | +| `Mvr` | MVR | +| `Mwk` | MWK | +| `Mxn` | MXN | +| `Myr` | MYR | +| `Mzn` | MZN | +| `Nad` | NAD | +| `Ngn` | NGN | +| `Nio` | NIO | +| `Nok` | NOK | +| `Npr` | NPR | +| `Nzd` | NZD | +| `Omr` | OMR | +| `Pab` | PAB | +| `Pen` | PEN | +| `Pgk` | PGK | +| `Php` | PHP | +| `Pkr` | PKR | +| `Pln` | PLN | +| `Pyg` | PYG | +| `Qar` | QAR | +| `Ron` | RON | +| `Rsd` | RSD | +| `Rub` | RUB | +| `Rwf` | RWF | +| `Sar` | SAR | +| `Sbd` | SBD | +| `Scr` | SCR | +| `Sdg` | SDG | +| `Sek` | SEK | +| `Sgd` | SGD | +| `Shp` | SHP | +| `Sle` | SLE | +| `Sll` | SLL | +| `Sos` | SOS | +| `Srd` | SRD | +| `Ssp` | SSP | +| `Stn` | STN | +| `Syp` | SYP | +| `Szl` | SZL | +| `Thb` | THB | +| `Tjs` | TJS | +| `Tmt` | TMT | +| `Tnd` | TND | +| `Top` | TOP | +| `Try` | TRY | +| `Ttd` | TTD | +| `Tvd` | TVD | +| `Twd` | TWD | +| `Tzs` | TZS | +| `Uah` | UAH | +| `Ugx` | UGX | +| `Usd` | USD | +| `Uyu` | UYU | +| `Uzs` | UZS | +| `Ves` | VES | +| `Vnd` | VND | +| `Vuv` | VUV | +| `Wst` | WST | +| `Xaf` | XAF | +| `Xcd` | XCD | +| `Xdr` | XDR | +| `Xof` | XOF | +| `Xpf` | XPF | +| `Yer` | YER | +| `Zar` | ZAR | +| `Zmw` | ZMW | +| `Zwl` | ZWL | \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/docs/models/components/unifiedaccountinginvoiceoutputfieldmappings.md b/docs/models/components/unifiedaccountinginvoiceoutputfieldmappings.md new file mode 100644 index 00000000..a7873a8b --- /dev/null +++ b/docs/models/components/unifiedaccountinginvoiceoutputfieldmappings.md @@ -0,0 +1,9 @@ +# UnifiedAccountingInvoiceOutputFieldMappings + +The custom field mappings of the object between the remote 3rd party & Panora + + +## Fields + +| Field | Type | Required | Description | +| ----------- | ----------- | ----------- | ----------- | \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/docs/models/components/unifiedaccountinginvoiceoutputremotedata.md b/docs/models/components/unifiedaccountinginvoiceoutputremotedata.md new file mode 100644 index 00000000..b6653500 --- /dev/null +++ b/docs/models/components/unifiedaccountinginvoiceoutputremotedata.md @@ -0,0 +1,9 @@ +# UnifiedAccountingInvoiceOutputRemoteData + +The remote data of the invoice in the context of the 3rd Party + + +## Fields + +| Field | Type | Required | Description | +| ----------- | ----------- | ----------- | ----------- | \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/docs/models/components/unifiedaccountingitemoutput.md b/docs/models/components/unifiedaccountingitemoutput.md index c24e41fc..bc0786c6 100644 --- a/docs/models/components/unifiedaccountingitemoutput.md +++ b/docs/models/components/unifiedaccountingitemoutput.md @@ -3,5 +3,19 @@ ## Fields -| Field | Type | Required | Description | -| ----------- | ----------- | ----------- | ----------- | \ No newline at end of file +| Field | Type | Required | Description | Example | +| -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | +| `name` | *string* | :heavy_minus_sign: | The name of the accounting item | Product A | +| `status` | *string* | :heavy_minus_sign: | The status of the accounting item | Active | +| `unitPrice` | *number* | :heavy_minus_sign: | The unit price of the item in cents | 1000 | +| `purchasePrice` | *number* | :heavy_minus_sign: | The purchase price of the item in cents | 800 | +| `salesAccount` | *string* | :heavy_minus_sign: | The UUID of the associated sales account | 801f9ede-c698-4e66-a7fc-48d19eebaa4f | +| `purchaseAccount` | *string* | :heavy_minus_sign: | The UUID of the associated purchase account | 801f9ede-c698-4e66-a7fc-48d19eebaa4f | +| `companyInfoId` | *string* | :heavy_minus_sign: | The UUID of the associated company info | 801f9ede-c698-4e66-a7fc-48d19eebaa4f | +| `fieldMappings` | [components.UnifiedAccountingItemOutputFieldMappings](../../models/components/unifiedaccountingitemoutputfieldmappings.md) | :heavy_minus_sign: | The custom field mappings of the object between the remote 3rd party & Panora | {
"custom_field_1": "value1",
"custom_field_2": "value2"
} | +| `id` | *string* | :heavy_minus_sign: | The UUID of the accounting item record | 801f9ede-c698-4e66-a7fc-48d19eebaa4f | +| `remoteId` | *string* | :heavy_minus_sign: | The remote ID of the item in the context of the 3rd Party | item_1234 | +| `remoteUpdatedAt` | [Date](https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/JavaScript/Reference/Global_Objects/Date) | :heavy_minus_sign: | The date when the item was last updated in the remote system | 2024-06-15T12:00:00Z | +| `remoteData` | [components.UnifiedAccountingItemOutputRemoteData](../../models/components/unifiedaccountingitemoutputremotedata.md) | :heavy_minus_sign: | The remote data of the item in the context of the 3rd Party | {
"raw_data": {
"additional_field": "some value"
} | +| `createdAt` | [Date](https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/JavaScript/Reference/Global_Objects/Date) | :heavy_minus_sign: | The created date of the accounting item record | 2024-06-15T12:00:00Z | +| `modifiedAt` | [Date](https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/JavaScript/Reference/Global_Objects/Date) | :heavy_minus_sign: | The last modified date of the accounting item record | 2024-06-15T12:00:00Z | \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/docs/models/components/unifiedaccountingitemoutputfieldmappings.md b/docs/models/components/unifiedaccountingitemoutputfieldmappings.md new file mode 100644 index 00000000..571f7577 --- /dev/null +++ b/docs/models/components/unifiedaccountingitemoutputfieldmappings.md @@ -0,0 +1,9 @@ +# UnifiedAccountingItemOutputFieldMappings + +The custom field mappings of the object between the remote 3rd party & Panora + + +## Fields + +| Field | Type | Required | Description | +| ----------- | ----------- | ----------- | ----------- | \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/docs/models/components/unifiedaccountingitemoutputremotedata.md b/docs/models/components/unifiedaccountingitemoutputremotedata.md new file mode 100644 index 00000000..f047e210 --- /dev/null +++ b/docs/models/components/unifiedaccountingitemoutputremotedata.md @@ -0,0 +1,9 @@ +# UnifiedAccountingItemOutputRemoteData + +The remote data of the item in the context of the 3rd Party + + +## Fields + +| Field | Type | Required | Description | +| ----------- | ----------- | ----------- | ----------- | \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/docs/models/components/unifiedaccountingjournalentryinput.md b/docs/models/components/unifiedaccountingjournalentryinput.md index 0fcf2c0f..7c0a36f8 100644 --- a/docs/models/components/unifiedaccountingjournalentryinput.md +++ b/docs/models/components/unifiedaccountingjournalentryinput.md @@ -3,5 +3,18 @@ ## Fields -| Field | Type | Required | Description | -| ----------- | ----------- | ----------- | ----------- | \ No newline at end of file +| Field | Type | Required | Description | Example | +| ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | +| `transactionDate` | [Date](https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/JavaScript/Reference/Global_Objects/Date) | :heavy_minus_sign: | The date of the transaction | 2024-06-15T12:00:00Z | +| `payments` | *string*[] | :heavy_minus_sign: | The payments associated with the journal entry | [
] | +| `appliedPayments` | *string*[] | :heavy_minus_sign: | The applied payments for the journal entry | [
] | +| `memo` | *string* | :heavy_minus_sign: | A memo or note for the journal entry | Monthly expense journal entry | +| `currency` | [components.UnifiedAccountingJournalentryInputCurrency](../../models/components/unifiedaccountingjournalentryinputcurrency.md) | :heavy_minus_sign: | The currency of the journal entry | USD | +| `exchangeRate` | *string* | :heavy_minus_sign: | The exchange rate applied to the journal entry | 1.2 | +| `idAccCompanyInfo` | *string* | :heavy_minus_sign: | The UUID of the associated company info | 801f9ede-c698-4e66-a7fc-48d19eebaa4f | +| `journalNumber` | *string* | :heavy_minus_sign: | The journal number | JE-001 | +| `trackingCategories` | *string*[] | :heavy_minus_sign: | The UUIDs of the tracking categories associated with the journal entry | [
] | +| `idAccAccountingPeriod` | *string* | :heavy_minus_sign: | The UUID of the associated accounting period | 801f9ede-c698-4e66-a7fc-48d19eebaa4f | +| `postingStatus` | *string* | :heavy_minus_sign: | The posting status of the journal entry | Posted | +| `lineItems` | [components.LineItem](../../models/components/lineitem.md)[] | :heavy_minus_sign: | The line items associated with this journal entry | | +| `fieldMappings` | [components.UnifiedAccountingJournalentryInputFieldMappings](../../models/components/unifiedaccountingjournalentryinputfieldmappings.md) | :heavy_minus_sign: | The custom field mappings of the object between the remote 3rd party & Panora | {
"custom_field_1": "value1",
"custom_field_2": "value2"
} | \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/docs/models/components/unifiedaccountingjournalentryinputcurrency.md b/docs/models/components/unifiedaccountingjournalentryinputcurrency.md new file mode 100644 index 00000000..527fec25 --- /dev/null +++ b/docs/models/components/unifiedaccountingjournalentryinputcurrency.md @@ -0,0 +1,171 @@ +# UnifiedAccountingJournalentryInputCurrency + +The currency of the journal entry + + +## Values + +| Name | Value | +| ----- | ----- | +| `Aed` | AED | +| `Afn` | AFN | +| `All` | ALL | +| `Amd` | AMD | +| `Ang` | ANG | +| `Aoa` | AOA | +| `Ars` | ARS | +| `Aud` | AUD | +| `Awg` | AWG | +| `Azn` | AZN | +| `Bam` | BAM | +| `Bbd` | BBD | +| `Bdt` | BDT | +| `Bgn` | BGN | +| `Bhd` | BHD | +| `Bif` | BIF | +| `Bmd` | BMD | +| `Bnd` | BND | +| `Bob` | BOB | +| `Brl` | BRL | +| `Bsd` | BSD | +| `Btn` | BTN | +| `Bwp` | BWP | +| `Byn` | BYN | +| `Bzd` | BZD | +| `Cad` | CAD | +| `Cdf` | CDF | +| `Chf` | CHF | +| `Clp` | CLP | +| `Cny` | CNY | +| `Cop` | COP | +| `Crc` | CRC | +| `Cup` | CUP | +| `Cve` | CVE | +| `Czk` | CZK | +| `Djf` | DJF | +| `Dkk` | DKK | +| `Dop` | DOP | +| `Dzd` | DZD | +| `Egp` | EGP | +| `Ern` | ERN | +| `Etb` | ETB | +| `Eur` | EUR | +| `Fjd` | FJD | +| `Fkp` | FKP | +| `Fok` | FOK | +| `Gbp` | GBP | +| `Gel` | GEL | +| `Ggp` | GGP | +| `Ghs` | GHS | +| `Gip` | GIP | +| `Gmd` | GMD | +| `Gnf` | GNF | +| `Gtq` | GTQ | +| `Gyd` | GYD | +| `Hkd` | HKD | +| `Hnl` | HNL | +| `Hrk` | HRK | +| `Htg` | HTG | +| `Huf` | HUF | +| `Idr` | IDR | +| `Ils` | ILS | +| `Imp` | IMP | +| `Inr` | INR | +| `Iqd` | IQD | +| `Irr` | IRR | +| `Isk` | ISK | +| `Jep` | JEP | +| `Jmd` | JMD | +| `Jod` | JOD | +| `Jpy` | JPY | +| `Kes` | KES | +| `Kgs` | KGS | +| `Khr` | KHR | +| `Kid` | KID | +| `Kmf` | KMF | +| `Krw` | KRW | +| `Kwd` | KWD | +| `Kyd` | KYD | +| `Kzt` | KZT | +| `Lak` | LAK | +| `Lbp` | LBP | +| `Lkr` | LKR | +| `Lrd` | LRD | +| `Lsl` | LSL | +| `Lyd` | LYD | +| `Mad` | MAD | +| `Mdl` | MDL | +| `Mga` | MGA | +| `Mkd` | MKD | +| `Mmk` | MMK | +| `Mnt` | MNT | +| `Mop` | MOP | +| `Mru` | MRU | +| `Mur` | MUR | +| `Mvr` | MVR | +| `Mwk` | MWK | +| `Mxn` | MXN | +| `Myr` | MYR | +| `Mzn` | MZN | +| `Nad` | NAD | +| `Ngn` | NGN | +| `Nio` | NIO | +| `Nok` | NOK | +| `Npr` | NPR | +| `Nzd` | NZD | +| `Omr` | OMR | +| `Pab` | PAB | +| `Pen` | PEN | +| `Pgk` | PGK | +| `Php` | PHP | +| `Pkr` | PKR | +| `Pln` | PLN | +| `Pyg` | PYG | +| `Qar` | QAR | +| `Ron` | RON | +| `Rsd` | RSD | +| `Rub` | RUB | +| `Rwf` | RWF | +| `Sar` | SAR | +| `Sbd` | SBD | +| `Scr` | SCR | +| `Sdg` | SDG | +| `Sek` | SEK | +| `Sgd` | SGD | +| `Shp` | SHP | +| `Sle` | SLE | +| `Sll` | SLL | +| `Sos` | SOS | +| `Srd` | SRD | +| `Ssp` | SSP | +| `Stn` | STN | +| `Syp` | SYP | +| `Szl` | SZL | +| `Thb` | THB | +| `Tjs` | TJS | +| `Tmt` | TMT | +| `Tnd` | TND | +| `Top` | TOP | +| `Try` | TRY | +| `Ttd` | TTD | +| `Tvd` | TVD | +| `Twd` | TWD | +| `Tzs` | TZS | +| `Uah` | UAH | +| `Ugx` | UGX | +| `Usd` | USD | +| `Uyu` | UYU | +| `Uzs` | UZS | +| `Ves` | VES | +| `Vnd` | VND | +| `Vuv` | VUV | +| `Wst` | WST | +| `Xaf` | XAF | +| `Xcd` | XCD | +| `Xdr` | XDR | +| `Xof` | XOF | +| `Xpf` | XPF | +| `Yer` | YER | +| `Zar` | ZAR | +| `Zmw` | ZMW | +| `Zwl` | ZWL | \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/docs/models/components/unifiedaccountingjournalentryinputfieldmappings.md b/docs/models/components/unifiedaccountingjournalentryinputfieldmappings.md new file mode 100644 index 00000000..f1956b47 --- /dev/null +++ b/docs/models/components/unifiedaccountingjournalentryinputfieldmappings.md @@ -0,0 +1,9 @@ +# UnifiedAccountingJournalentryInputFieldMappings + +The custom field mappings of the object between the remote 3rd party & Panora + + +## Fields + +| Field | Type | Required | Description | +| ----------- | ----------- | ----------- | ----------- | \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/docs/models/components/unifiedaccountingjournalentryoutput.md b/docs/models/components/unifiedaccountingjournalentryoutput.md index a52d973e..a9db49bf 100644 --- a/docs/models/components/unifiedaccountingjournalentryoutput.md +++ b/docs/models/components/unifiedaccountingjournalentryoutput.md @@ -3,5 +3,25 @@ ## Fields -| Field | Type | Required | Description | -| ----------- | ----------- | ----------- | ----------- | \ No newline at end of file +| Field | Type | Required | Description | Example | +| ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ | ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ | ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ | ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ | ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ | +| `transactionDate` | [Date](https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/JavaScript/Reference/Global_Objects/Date) | :heavy_minus_sign: | The date of the transaction | 2024-06-15T12:00:00Z | +| `payments` | *string*[] | :heavy_minus_sign: | The payments associated with the journal entry | [
] | +| `appliedPayments` | *string*[] | :heavy_minus_sign: | The applied payments for the journal entry | [
] | +| `memo` | *string* | :heavy_minus_sign: | A memo or note for the journal entry | Monthly expense journal entry | +| `currency` | [components.UnifiedAccountingJournalentryOutputCurrency](../../models/components/unifiedaccountingjournalentryoutputcurrency.md) | :heavy_minus_sign: | The currency of the journal entry | USD | +| `exchangeRate` | *string* | :heavy_minus_sign: | The exchange rate applied to the journal entry | 1.2 | +| `idAccCompanyInfo` | *string* | :heavy_minus_sign: | The UUID of the associated company info | 801f9ede-c698-4e66-a7fc-48d19eebaa4f | +| `journalNumber` | *string* | :heavy_minus_sign: | The journal number | JE-001 | +| `trackingCategories` | *string*[] | :heavy_minus_sign: | The UUIDs of the tracking categories associated with the journal entry | [
] | +| `idAccAccountingPeriod` | *string* | :heavy_minus_sign: | The UUID of the associated accounting period | 801f9ede-c698-4e66-a7fc-48d19eebaa4f | +| `postingStatus` | *string* | :heavy_minus_sign: | The posting status of the journal entry | Posted | +| `lineItems` | [components.LineItem](../../models/components/lineitem.md)[] | :heavy_minus_sign: | The line items associated with this journal entry | | +| `fieldMappings` | [components.UnifiedAccountingJournalentryOutputFieldMappings](../../models/components/unifiedaccountingjournalentryoutputfieldmappings.md) | :heavy_minus_sign: | The custom field mappings of the object between the remote 3rd party & Panora | {
"custom_field_1": "value1",
"custom_field_2": "value2"
} | +| `id` | *string* | :heavy_minus_sign: | The UUID of the journal entry record | 801f9ede-c698-4e66-a7fc-48d19eebaa4f | +| `remoteId` | *string* | :heavy_minus_sign: | The remote ID of the journal entry in the context of the 3rd Party | journal_entry_1234 | +| `remoteCreatedAt` | [Date](https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/JavaScript/Reference/Global_Objects/Date) | :heavy_minus_sign: | The date when the journal entry was created in the remote system | 2024-06-15T12:00:00Z | +| `remoteModiifiedAt` | [Date](https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/JavaScript/Reference/Global_Objects/Date) | :heavy_minus_sign: | The date when the journal entry was last modified in the remote system | 2024-06-15T12:00:00Z | +| `remoteData` | [components.UnifiedAccountingJournalentryOutputRemoteData](../../models/components/unifiedaccountingjournalentryoutputremotedata.md) | :heavy_minus_sign: | The remote data of the journal entry in the context of the 3rd Party | {
"raw_data": {
"additional_field": "some value"
} | +| `createdAt` | [Date](https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/JavaScript/Reference/Global_Objects/Date) | :heavy_minus_sign: | The created date of the journal entry record | 2024-06-15T12:00:00Z | +| `modifiedAt` | [Date](https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/JavaScript/Reference/Global_Objects/Date) | :heavy_minus_sign: | The last modified date of the journal entry record | 2024-06-15T12:00:00Z | \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/docs/models/components/unifiedaccountingjournalentryoutputcurrency.md b/docs/models/components/unifiedaccountingjournalentryoutputcurrency.md new file mode 100644 index 00000000..8bba8c75 --- /dev/null +++ b/docs/models/components/unifiedaccountingjournalentryoutputcurrency.md @@ -0,0 +1,171 @@ +# UnifiedAccountingJournalentryOutputCurrency + +The currency of the journal entry + + +## Values + +| Name | Value | +| ----- | ----- | +| `Aed` | AED | +| `Afn` | AFN | +| `All` | ALL | +| `Amd` | AMD | +| `Ang` | ANG | +| `Aoa` | AOA | +| `Ars` | ARS | +| `Aud` | AUD | +| `Awg` | AWG | +| `Azn` | AZN | +| `Bam` | BAM | +| `Bbd` | BBD | +| `Bdt` | BDT | +| `Bgn` | BGN | +| `Bhd` | BHD | +| `Bif` | BIF | +| `Bmd` | BMD | +| `Bnd` | BND | +| `Bob` | BOB | +| `Brl` | BRL | +| `Bsd` | BSD | +| `Btn` | BTN | +| `Bwp` | BWP | +| `Byn` | BYN | +| `Bzd` | BZD | +| `Cad` | CAD | +| `Cdf` | CDF | +| `Chf` | CHF | +| `Clp` | CLP | +| `Cny` | CNY | +| `Cop` | COP | +| `Crc` | CRC | +| `Cup` | CUP | +| `Cve` | CVE | +| `Czk` | CZK | +| `Djf` | DJF | +| `Dkk` | DKK | +| `Dop` | DOP | +| `Dzd` | DZD | +| `Egp` | EGP | +| `Ern` | ERN | +| `Etb` | ETB | +| `Eur` | EUR | +| `Fjd` | FJD | +| `Fkp` | FKP | +| `Fok` | FOK | +| `Gbp` | GBP | +| `Gel` | GEL | +| `Ggp` | GGP | +| `Ghs` | GHS | +| `Gip` | GIP | +| `Gmd` | GMD | +| `Gnf` | GNF | +| `Gtq` | GTQ | +| `Gyd` | GYD | +| `Hkd` | HKD | +| `Hnl` | HNL | +| `Hrk` | HRK | +| `Htg` | HTG | +| `Huf` | HUF | +| `Idr` | IDR | +| `Ils` | ILS | +| `Imp` | IMP | +| `Inr` | INR | +| `Iqd` | IQD | +| `Irr` | IRR | +| `Isk` | ISK | +| `Jep` | JEP | +| `Jmd` | JMD | +| `Jod` | JOD | +| `Jpy` | JPY | +| `Kes` | KES | +| `Kgs` | KGS | +| `Khr` | KHR | +| `Kid` | KID | +| `Kmf` | KMF | +| `Krw` | KRW | +| `Kwd` | KWD | +| `Kyd` | KYD | +| `Kzt` | KZT | +| `Lak` | LAK | +| `Lbp` | LBP | +| `Lkr` | LKR | +| `Lrd` | LRD | +| `Lsl` | LSL | +| `Lyd` | LYD | +| `Mad` | MAD | +| `Mdl` | MDL | +| `Mga` | MGA | +| `Mkd` | MKD | +| `Mmk` | MMK | +| `Mnt` | MNT | +| `Mop` | MOP | +| `Mru` | MRU | +| `Mur` | MUR | +| `Mvr` | MVR | +| `Mwk` | MWK | +| `Mxn` | MXN | +| `Myr` | MYR | +| `Mzn` | MZN | +| `Nad` | NAD | +| `Ngn` | NGN | +| `Nio` | NIO | +| `Nok` | NOK | +| `Npr` | NPR | +| `Nzd` | NZD | +| `Omr` | OMR | +| `Pab` | PAB | +| `Pen` | PEN | +| `Pgk` | PGK | +| `Php` | PHP | +| `Pkr` | PKR | +| `Pln` | PLN | +| `Pyg` | PYG | +| `Qar` | QAR | +| `Ron` | RON | +| `Rsd` | RSD | +| `Rub` | RUB | +| `Rwf` | RWF | +| `Sar` | SAR | +| `Sbd` | SBD | +| `Scr` | SCR | +| `Sdg` | SDG | +| `Sek` | SEK | +| `Sgd` | SGD | +| `Shp` | SHP | +| `Sle` | SLE | +| `Sll` | SLL | +| `Sos` | SOS | +| `Srd` | SRD | +| `Ssp` | SSP | +| `Stn` | STN | +| `Syp` | SYP | +| `Szl` | SZL | +| `Thb` | THB | +| `Tjs` | TJS | +| `Tmt` | TMT | +| `Tnd` | TND | +| `Top` | TOP | +| `Try` | TRY | +| `Ttd` | TTD | +| `Tvd` | TVD | +| `Twd` | TWD | +| `Tzs` | TZS | +| `Uah` | UAH | +| `Ugx` | UGX | +| `Usd` | USD | +| `Uyu` | UYU | +| `Uzs` | UZS | +| `Ves` | VES | +| `Vnd` | VND | +| `Vuv` | VUV | +| `Wst` | WST | +| `Xaf` | XAF | +| `Xcd` | XCD | +| `Xdr` | XDR | +| `Xof` | XOF | +| `Xpf` | XPF | +| `Yer` | YER | +| `Zar` | ZAR | +| `Zmw` | ZMW | +| `Zwl` | ZWL | \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/docs/models/components/unifiedaccountingjournalentryoutputfieldmappings.md b/docs/models/components/unifiedaccountingjournalentryoutputfieldmappings.md new file mode 100644 index 00000000..e75cb5c3 --- /dev/null +++ b/docs/models/components/unifiedaccountingjournalentryoutputfieldmappings.md @@ -0,0 +1,9 @@ +# UnifiedAccountingJournalentryOutputFieldMappings + +The custom field mappings of the object between the remote 3rd party & Panora + + +## Fields + +| Field | Type | Required | Description | +| ----------- | ----------- | ----------- | ----------- | \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/docs/models/components/unifiedaccountingjournalentryoutputremotedata.md b/docs/models/components/unifiedaccountingjournalentryoutputremotedata.md new file mode 100644 index 00000000..11eb0d19 --- /dev/null +++ b/docs/models/components/unifiedaccountingjournalentryoutputremotedata.md @@ -0,0 +1,9 @@ +# UnifiedAccountingJournalentryOutputRemoteData + +The remote data of the journal entry in the context of the 3rd Party + + +## Fields + +| Field | Type | Required | Description | +| ----------- | ----------- | ----------- | ----------- | \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/docs/models/components/unifiedaccountingpaymentinput.md b/docs/models/components/unifiedaccountingpaymentinput.md index 525489fd..a5927d7f 100644 --- a/docs/models/components/unifiedaccountingpaymentinput.md +++ b/docs/models/components/unifiedaccountingpaymentinput.md @@ -3,5 +3,18 @@ ## Fields -| Field | Type | Required | Description | -| ----------- | ----------- | ----------- | ----------- | \ No newline at end of file +| Field | Type | Required | Description | Example | +| ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ | ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ | ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ | ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ | ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ | +| `invoiceId` | *string* | :heavy_minus_sign: | The UUID of the associated invoice | 801f9ede-c698-4e66-a7fc-48d19eebaa4f | +| `transactionDate` | [Date](https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/JavaScript/Reference/Global_Objects/Date) | :heavy_minus_sign: | The date of the transaction | 2024-06-15T12:00:00Z | +| `contactId` | *string* | :heavy_minus_sign: | The UUID of the associated contact | 801f9ede-c698-4e66-a7fc-48d19eebaa4f | +| `accountId` | *string* | :heavy_minus_sign: | The UUID of the associated account | 801f9ede-c698-4e66-a7fc-48d19eebaa4f | +| `currency` | [components.UnifiedAccountingPaymentInputCurrency](../../models/components/unifiedaccountingpaymentinputcurrency.md) | :heavy_minus_sign: | The currency of the payment | USD | +| `exchangeRate` | *string* | :heavy_minus_sign: | The exchange rate applied to the payment | 1.2 | +| `totalAmount` | *number* | :heavy_minus_sign: | The total amount of the payment in cents | 10000 | +| `type` | *string* | :heavy_minus_sign: | The type of payment | Credit Card | +| `companyInfoId` | *string* | :heavy_minus_sign: | The UUID of the associated company info | 801f9ede-c698-4e66-a7fc-48d19eebaa4f | +| `accountingPeriodId` | *string* | :heavy_minus_sign: | The UUID of the associated accounting period | 801f9ede-c698-4e66-a7fc-48d19eebaa4f | +| `trackingCategories` | *string*[] | :heavy_minus_sign: | The UUIDs of the tracking categories associated with the payment | [
] | +| `lineItems` | [components.LineItem](../../models/components/lineitem.md)[] | :heavy_minus_sign: | The line items associated with this payment | | +| `fieldMappings` | [components.UnifiedAccountingPaymentInputFieldMappings](../../models/components/unifiedaccountingpaymentinputfieldmappings.md) | :heavy_minus_sign: | The custom field mappings of the object between the remote 3rd party & Panora | {
"custom_field_1": "value1",
"custom_field_2": "value2"
} | \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/docs/models/components/unifiedaccountingpaymentinputcurrency.md b/docs/models/components/unifiedaccountingpaymentinputcurrency.md new file mode 100644 index 00000000..20cda911 --- /dev/null +++ b/docs/models/components/unifiedaccountingpaymentinputcurrency.md @@ -0,0 +1,171 @@ +# UnifiedAccountingPaymentInputCurrency + +The currency of the payment + + +## Values + +| Name | Value | +| ----- | ----- | +| `Aed` | AED | +| `Afn` | AFN | +| `All` | ALL | +| `Amd` | AMD | +| `Ang` | ANG | +| `Aoa` | AOA | +| `Ars` | ARS | +| `Aud` | AUD | +| `Awg` | AWG | +| `Azn` | AZN | +| `Bam` | BAM | +| `Bbd` | BBD | +| `Bdt` | BDT | +| `Bgn` | BGN | +| `Bhd` | BHD | +| `Bif` | BIF | +| `Bmd` | BMD | +| `Bnd` | BND | +| `Bob` | BOB | +| `Brl` | BRL | +| `Bsd` | BSD | +| `Btn` | BTN | +| `Bwp` | BWP | +| `Byn` | BYN | +| `Bzd` | BZD | +| `Cad` | CAD | +| `Cdf` | CDF | +| `Chf` | CHF | +| `Clp` | CLP | +| `Cny` | CNY | +| `Cop` | COP | +| `Crc` | CRC | +| `Cup` | CUP | +| `Cve` | CVE | +| `Czk` | CZK | +| `Djf` | DJF | +| `Dkk` | DKK | +| `Dop` | DOP | +| `Dzd` | DZD | +| `Egp` | EGP | +| `Ern` | ERN | +| `Etb` | ETB | +| `Eur` | EUR | +| `Fjd` | FJD | +| `Fkp` | FKP | +| `Fok` | FOK | +| `Gbp` | GBP | +| `Gel` | GEL | +| `Ggp` | GGP | +| `Ghs` | GHS | +| `Gip` | GIP | +| `Gmd` | GMD | +| `Gnf` | GNF | +| `Gtq` | GTQ | +| `Gyd` | GYD | +| `Hkd` | HKD | +| `Hnl` | HNL | +| `Hrk` | HRK | +| `Htg` | HTG | +| `Huf` | HUF | +| `Idr` | IDR | +| `Ils` | ILS | +| `Imp` | IMP | +| `Inr` | INR | +| `Iqd` | IQD | +| `Irr` | IRR | +| `Isk` | ISK | +| `Jep` | JEP | +| `Jmd` | JMD | +| `Jod` | JOD | +| `Jpy` | JPY | +| `Kes` | KES | +| `Kgs` | KGS | +| `Khr` | KHR | +| `Kid` | KID | +| `Kmf` | KMF | +| `Krw` | KRW | +| `Kwd` | KWD | +| `Kyd` | KYD | +| `Kzt` | KZT | +| `Lak` | LAK | +| `Lbp` | LBP | +| `Lkr` | LKR | +| `Lrd` | LRD | +| `Lsl` | LSL | +| `Lyd` | LYD | +| `Mad` | MAD | +| `Mdl` | MDL | +| `Mga` | MGA | +| `Mkd` | MKD | +| `Mmk` | MMK | +| `Mnt` | MNT | +| `Mop` | MOP | +| `Mru` | MRU | +| `Mur` | MUR | +| `Mvr` | MVR | +| `Mwk` | MWK | +| `Mxn` | MXN | +| `Myr` | MYR | +| `Mzn` | MZN | +| `Nad` | NAD | +| `Ngn` | NGN | +| `Nio` | NIO | +| `Nok` | NOK | +| `Npr` | NPR | +| `Nzd` | NZD | +| `Omr` | OMR | +| `Pab` | PAB | +| `Pen` | PEN | +| `Pgk` | PGK | +| `Php` | PHP | +| `Pkr` | PKR | +| `Pln` | PLN | +| `Pyg` | PYG | +| `Qar` | QAR | +| `Ron` | RON | +| `Rsd` | RSD | +| `Rub` | RUB | +| `Rwf` | RWF | +| `Sar` | SAR | +| `Sbd` | SBD | +| `Scr` | SCR | +| `Sdg` | SDG | +| `Sek` | SEK | +| `Sgd` | SGD | +| `Shp` | SHP | +| `Sle` | SLE | +| `Sll` | SLL | +| `Sos` | SOS | +| `Srd` | SRD | +| `Ssp` | SSP | +| `Stn` | STN | +| `Syp` | SYP | +| `Szl` | SZL | +| `Thb` | THB | +| `Tjs` | TJS | +| `Tmt` | TMT | +| `Tnd` | TND | +| `Top` | TOP | +| `Try` | TRY | +| `Ttd` | TTD | +| `Tvd` | TVD | +| `Twd` | TWD | +| `Tzs` | TZS | +| `Uah` | UAH | +| `Ugx` | UGX | +| `Usd` | USD | +| `Uyu` | UYU | +| `Uzs` | UZS | +| `Ves` | VES | +| `Vnd` | VND | +| `Vuv` | VUV | +| `Wst` | WST | +| `Xaf` | XAF | +| `Xcd` | XCD | +| `Xdr` | XDR | +| `Xof` | XOF | +| `Xpf` | XPF | +| `Yer` | YER | +| `Zar` | ZAR | +| `Zmw` | ZMW | +| `Zwl` | ZWL | \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/docs/models/components/unifiedaccountingpaymentinputfieldmappings.md b/docs/models/components/unifiedaccountingpaymentinputfieldmappings.md new file mode 100644 index 00000000..08b9634b --- /dev/null +++ b/docs/models/components/unifiedaccountingpaymentinputfieldmappings.md @@ -0,0 +1,9 @@ +# UnifiedAccountingPaymentInputFieldMappings + +The custom field mappings of the object between the remote 3rd party & Panora + + +## Fields + +| Field | Type | Required | Description | +| ----------- | ----------- | ----------- | ----------- | \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/docs/models/components/unifiedaccountingpaymentoutput.md b/docs/models/components/unifiedaccountingpaymentoutput.md index 5f88f4e9..dd5b7351 100644 --- a/docs/models/components/unifiedaccountingpaymentoutput.md +++ b/docs/models/components/unifiedaccountingpaymentoutput.md @@ -3,5 +3,24 @@ ## Fields -| Field | Type | Required | Description | -| ----------- | ----------- | ----------- | ----------- | \ No newline at end of file +| Field | Type | Required | Description | Example | +| -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | +| `invoiceId` | *string* | :heavy_minus_sign: | The UUID of the associated invoice | 801f9ede-c698-4e66-a7fc-48d19eebaa4f | +| `transactionDate` | [Date](https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/JavaScript/Reference/Global_Objects/Date) | :heavy_minus_sign: | The date of the transaction | 2024-06-15T12:00:00Z | +| `contactId` | *string* | :heavy_minus_sign: | The UUID of the associated contact | 801f9ede-c698-4e66-a7fc-48d19eebaa4f | +| `accountId` | *string* | :heavy_minus_sign: | The UUID of the associated account | 801f9ede-c698-4e66-a7fc-48d19eebaa4f | +| `currency` | [components.UnifiedAccountingPaymentOutputCurrency](../../models/components/unifiedaccountingpaymentoutputcurrency.md) | :heavy_minus_sign: | The currency of the payment | USD | +| `exchangeRate` | *string* | :heavy_minus_sign: | The exchange rate applied to the payment | 1.2 | +| `totalAmount` | *number* | :heavy_minus_sign: | The total amount of the payment in cents | 10000 | +| `type` | *string* | :heavy_minus_sign: | The type of payment | Credit Card | +| `companyInfoId` | *string* | :heavy_minus_sign: | The UUID of the associated company info | 801f9ede-c698-4e66-a7fc-48d19eebaa4f | +| `accountingPeriodId` | *string* | :heavy_minus_sign: | The UUID of the associated accounting period | 801f9ede-c698-4e66-a7fc-48d19eebaa4f | +| `trackingCategories` | *string*[] | :heavy_minus_sign: | The UUIDs of the tracking categories associated with the payment | [
] | +| `lineItems` | [components.LineItem](../../models/components/lineitem.md)[] | :heavy_minus_sign: | The line items associated with this payment | | +| `fieldMappings` | [components.UnifiedAccountingPaymentOutputFieldMappings](../../models/components/unifiedaccountingpaymentoutputfieldmappings.md) | :heavy_minus_sign: | The custom field mappings of the object between the remote 3rd party & Panora | {
"custom_field_1": "value1",
"custom_field_2": "value2"
} | +| `id` | *string* | :heavy_minus_sign: | The UUID of the payment record | 801f9ede-c698-4e66-a7fc-48d19eebaa4f | +| `remoteId` | *string* | :heavy_minus_sign: | The remote ID of the payment in the context of the 3rd Party | payment_1234 | +| `remoteUpdatedAt` | [Date](https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/JavaScript/Reference/Global_Objects/Date) | :heavy_minus_sign: | The date when the payment was last updated in the remote system | 2024-06-15T12:00:00Z | +| `remoteData` | [components.UnifiedAccountingPaymentOutputRemoteData](../../models/components/unifiedaccountingpaymentoutputremotedata.md) | :heavy_minus_sign: | The remote data of the payment in the context of the 3rd Party | {
"raw_data": {
"additional_field": "some value"
} | +| `createdAt` | [Date](https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/JavaScript/Reference/Global_Objects/Date) | :heavy_minus_sign: | The created date of the payment record | 2024-06-15T12:00:00Z | +| `modifiedAt` | [Date](https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/JavaScript/Reference/Global_Objects/Date) | :heavy_minus_sign: | The last modified date of the payment record | 2024-06-15T12:00:00Z | \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/docs/models/components/unifiedaccountingpaymentoutputcurrency.md b/docs/models/components/unifiedaccountingpaymentoutputcurrency.md new file mode 100644 index 00000000..6a216a2f --- /dev/null +++ b/docs/models/components/unifiedaccountingpaymentoutputcurrency.md @@ -0,0 +1,171 @@ +# UnifiedAccountingPaymentOutputCurrency + +The currency of the payment + + +## Values + +| Name | Value | +| ----- | ----- | +| `Aed` | AED | +| `Afn` | AFN | +| `All` | ALL | +| `Amd` | AMD | +| `Ang` | ANG | +| `Aoa` | AOA | +| `Ars` | ARS | +| `Aud` | AUD | +| `Awg` | AWG | +| `Azn` | AZN | +| `Bam` | BAM | +| `Bbd` | BBD | +| `Bdt` | BDT | +| `Bgn` | BGN | +| `Bhd` | BHD | +| `Bif` | BIF | +| `Bmd` | BMD | +| `Bnd` | BND | +| `Bob` | BOB | +| `Brl` | BRL | +| `Bsd` | BSD | +| `Btn` | BTN | +| `Bwp` | BWP | +| `Byn` | BYN | +| `Bzd` | BZD | +| `Cad` | CAD | +| `Cdf` | CDF | +| `Chf` | CHF | +| `Clp` | CLP | +| `Cny` | CNY | +| `Cop` | COP | +| `Crc` | CRC | +| `Cup` | CUP | +| `Cve` | CVE | +| `Czk` | CZK | +| `Djf` | DJF | +| `Dkk` | DKK | +| `Dop` | DOP | +| `Dzd` | DZD | +| `Egp` | EGP | +| `Ern` | ERN | +| `Etb` | ETB | +| `Eur` | EUR | +| `Fjd` | FJD | +| `Fkp` | FKP | +| `Fok` | FOK | +| `Gbp` | GBP | +| `Gel` | GEL | +| `Ggp` | GGP | +| `Ghs` | GHS | +| `Gip` | GIP | +| `Gmd` | GMD | +| `Gnf` | GNF | +| `Gtq` | GTQ | +| `Gyd` | GYD | +| `Hkd` | HKD | +| `Hnl` | HNL | +| `Hrk` | HRK | +| `Htg` | HTG | +| `Huf` | HUF | +| `Idr` | IDR | +| `Ils` | ILS | +| `Imp` | IMP | +| `Inr` | INR | +| `Iqd` | IQD | +| `Irr` | IRR | +| `Isk` | ISK | +| `Jep` | JEP | +| `Jmd` | JMD | +| `Jod` | JOD | +| `Jpy` | JPY | +| `Kes` | KES | +| `Kgs` | KGS | +| `Khr` | KHR | +| `Kid` | KID | +| `Kmf` | KMF | +| `Krw` | KRW | +| `Kwd` | KWD | +| `Kyd` | KYD | +| `Kzt` | KZT | +| `Lak` | LAK | +| `Lbp` | LBP | +| `Lkr` | LKR | +| `Lrd` | LRD | +| `Lsl` | LSL | +| `Lyd` | LYD | +| `Mad` | MAD | +| `Mdl` | MDL | +| `Mga` | MGA | +| `Mkd` | MKD | +| `Mmk` | MMK | +| `Mnt` | MNT | +| `Mop` | MOP | +| `Mru` | MRU | +| `Mur` | MUR | +| `Mvr` | MVR | +| `Mwk` | MWK | +| `Mxn` | MXN | +| `Myr` | MYR | +| `Mzn` | MZN | +| `Nad` | NAD | +| `Ngn` | NGN | +| `Nio` | NIO | +| `Nok` | NOK | +| `Npr` | NPR | +| `Nzd` | NZD | +| `Omr` | OMR | +| `Pab` | PAB | +| `Pen` | PEN | +| `Pgk` | PGK | +| `Php` | PHP | +| `Pkr` | PKR | +| `Pln` | PLN | +| `Pyg` | PYG | +| `Qar` | QAR | +| `Ron` | RON | +| `Rsd` | RSD | +| `Rub` | RUB | +| `Rwf` | RWF | +| `Sar` | SAR | +| `Sbd` | SBD | +| `Scr` | SCR | +| `Sdg` | SDG | +| `Sek` | SEK | +| `Sgd` | SGD | +| `Shp` | SHP | +| `Sle` | SLE | +| `Sll` | SLL | +| `Sos` | SOS | +| `Srd` | SRD | +| `Ssp` | SSP | +| `Stn` | STN | +| `Syp` | SYP | +| `Szl` | SZL | +| `Thb` | THB | +| `Tjs` | TJS | +| `Tmt` | TMT | +| `Tnd` | TND | +| `Top` | TOP | +| `Try` | TRY | +| `Ttd` | TTD | +| `Tvd` | TVD | +| `Twd` | TWD | +| `Tzs` | TZS | +| `Uah` | UAH | +| `Ugx` | UGX | +| `Usd` | USD | +| `Uyu` | UYU | +| `Uzs` | UZS | +| `Ves` | VES | +| `Vnd` | VND | +| `Vuv` | VUV | +| `Wst` | WST | +| `Xaf` | XAF | +| `Xcd` | XCD | +| `Xdr` | XDR | +| `Xof` | XOF | +| `Xpf` | XPF | +| `Yer` | YER | +| `Zar` | ZAR | +| `Zmw` | ZMW | +| `Zwl` | ZWL | \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/docs/models/components/unifiedaccountingpaymentoutputfieldmappings.md b/docs/models/components/unifiedaccountingpaymentoutputfieldmappings.md new file mode 100644 index 00000000..1ca72bd6 --- /dev/null +++ b/docs/models/components/unifiedaccountingpaymentoutputfieldmappings.md @@ -0,0 +1,9 @@ +# UnifiedAccountingPaymentOutputFieldMappings + +The custom field mappings of the object between the remote 3rd party & Panora + + +## Fields + +| Field | Type | Required | Description | +| ----------- | ----------- | ----------- | ----------- | \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/docs/models/components/unifiedaccountingpaymentoutputremotedata.md b/docs/models/components/unifiedaccountingpaymentoutputremotedata.md new file mode 100644 index 00000000..a6c9f405 --- /dev/null +++ b/docs/models/components/unifiedaccountingpaymentoutputremotedata.md @@ -0,0 +1,9 @@ +# UnifiedAccountingPaymentOutputRemoteData + +The remote data of the payment in the context of the 3rd Party + + +## Fields + +| Field | Type | Required | Description | +| ----------- | ----------- | ----------- | ----------- | \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/docs/models/components/unifiedaccountingphonenumberoutput.md b/docs/models/components/unifiedaccountingphonenumberoutput.md index ba6a7942..3019317d 100644 --- a/docs/models/components/unifiedaccountingphonenumberoutput.md +++ b/docs/models/components/unifiedaccountingphonenumberoutput.md @@ -3,5 +3,15 @@ ## Fields -| Field | Type | Required | Description | -| ----------- | ----------- | ----------- | ----------- | \ No newline at end of file +| Field | Type | Required | Description | Example | +| ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | +| `number` | *string* | :heavy_minus_sign: | The phone number | +1234567890 | +| `type` | *string* | :heavy_minus_sign: | The type of phone number | Mobile | +| `companyInfoId` | *string* | :heavy_minus_sign: | The UUID of the associated company info | 801f9ede-c698-4e66-a7fc-48d19eebaa4f | +| `contactId` | *string* | :heavy_minus_sign: | The UUID of the associated contact | 801f9ede-c698-4e66-a7fc-48d19eebaa4f | +| `fieldMappings` | [components.UnifiedAccountingPhonenumberOutputFieldMappings](../../models/components/unifiedaccountingphonenumberoutputfieldmappings.md) | :heavy_minus_sign: | The custom field mappings of the object between the remote 3rd party & Panora | {
"custom_field_1": "value1",
"custom_field_2": "value2"
} | +| `id` | *string* | :heavy_minus_sign: | The UUID of the phone number record | 801f9ede-c698-4e66-a7fc-48d19eebaa4f | +| `remoteId` | *string* | :heavy_minus_sign: | The remote ID of the phone number in the context of the 3rd Party | phone_1234 | +| `remoteData` | [components.UnifiedAccountingPhonenumberOutputRemoteData](../../models/components/unifiedaccountingphonenumberoutputremotedata.md) | :heavy_minus_sign: | The remote data of the phone number in the context of the 3rd Party | {
"raw_data": {
"additional_field": "some value"
} | +| `createdAt` | [Date](https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/JavaScript/Reference/Global_Objects/Date) | :heavy_minus_sign: | The created date of the phone number record | 2024-06-15T12:00:00Z | +| `modifiedAt` | [Date](https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/JavaScript/Reference/Global_Objects/Date) | :heavy_minus_sign: | The last modified date of the phone number record | 2024-06-15T12:00:00Z | \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/docs/models/components/unifiedaccountingphonenumberoutputfieldmappings.md b/docs/models/components/unifiedaccountingphonenumberoutputfieldmappings.md new file mode 100644 index 00000000..c42fb673 --- /dev/null +++ b/docs/models/components/unifiedaccountingphonenumberoutputfieldmappings.md @@ -0,0 +1,9 @@ +# UnifiedAccountingPhonenumberOutputFieldMappings + +The custom field mappings of the object between the remote 3rd party & Panora + + +## Fields + +| Field | Type | Required | Description | +| ----------- | ----------- | ----------- | ----------- | \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/docs/models/components/unifiedaccountingphonenumberoutputremotedata.md b/docs/models/components/unifiedaccountingphonenumberoutputremotedata.md new file mode 100644 index 00000000..9a612518 --- /dev/null +++ b/docs/models/components/unifiedaccountingphonenumberoutputremotedata.md @@ -0,0 +1,9 @@ +# UnifiedAccountingPhonenumberOutputRemoteData + +The remote data of the phone number in the context of the 3rd Party + + +## Fields + +| Field | Type | Required | Description | +| ----------- | ----------- | ----------- | ----------- | \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/docs/models/components/unifiedaccountingpurchaseorderinput.md b/docs/models/components/unifiedaccountingpurchaseorderinput.md index 3f00bb14..6219cc8f 100644 --- a/docs/models/components/unifiedaccountingpurchaseorderinput.md +++ b/docs/models/components/unifiedaccountingpurchaseorderinput.md @@ -3,5 +3,21 @@ ## Fields -| Field | Type | Required | Description | -| ----------- | ----------- | ----------- | ----------- | \ No newline at end of file +| Field | Type | Required | Description | Example | +| ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ | ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ | ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ | ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ | ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ | +| `status` | *string* | :heavy_minus_sign: | The status of the purchase order | Pending | +| `issueDate` | [Date](https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/JavaScript/Reference/Global_Objects/Date) | :heavy_minus_sign: | The issue date of the purchase order | 2024-06-15T12:00:00Z | +| `purchaseOrderNumber` | *string* | :heavy_minus_sign: | The purchase order number | PO-001 | +| `deliveryDate` | [Date](https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/JavaScript/Reference/Global_Objects/Date) | :heavy_minus_sign: | The delivery date for the purchase order | 2024-07-15T12:00:00Z | +| `deliveryAddress` | *string* | :heavy_minus_sign: | The UUID of the delivery address | 801f9ede-c698-4e66-a7fc-48d19eebaa4f | +| `customer` | *string* | :heavy_minus_sign: | The UUID of the customer | 801f9ede-c698-4e66-a7fc-48d19eebaa4f | +| `vendor` | *string* | :heavy_minus_sign: | The UUID of the vendor | 801f9ede-c698-4e66-a7fc-48d19eebaa4f | +| `memo` | *string* | :heavy_minus_sign: | A memo or note for the purchase order | Purchase order for Q3 inventory | +| `companyId` | *string* | :heavy_minus_sign: | The UUID of the company | 801f9ede-c698-4e66-a7fc-48d19eebaa4f | +| `totalAmount` | *number* | :heavy_minus_sign: | The total amount of the purchase order in cents | 100000 | +| `currency` | [components.UnifiedAccountingPurchaseorderInputCurrency](../../models/components/unifiedaccountingpurchaseorderinputcurrency.md) | :heavy_minus_sign: | The currency of the purchase order | USD | +| `exchangeRate` | *string* | :heavy_minus_sign: | The exchange rate applied to the purchase order | 1.2 | +| `trackingCategories` | *string*[] | :heavy_minus_sign: | The UUIDs of the tracking categories associated with the purchase order | [
] | +| `accountingPeriodId` | *string* | :heavy_minus_sign: | The UUID of the associated accounting period | 801f9ede-c698-4e66-a7fc-48d19eebaa4f | +| `lineItems` | [components.LineItem](../../models/components/lineitem.md)[] | :heavy_minus_sign: | The line items associated with this purchase order | | +| `fieldMappings` | [components.UnifiedAccountingPurchaseorderInputFieldMappings](../../models/components/unifiedaccountingpurchaseorderinputfieldmappings.md) | :heavy_minus_sign: | The custom field mappings of the object between the remote 3rd party & Panora | {
"custom_field_1": "value1",
"custom_field_2": "value2"
} | \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/docs/models/components/unifiedaccountingpurchaseorderinputcurrency.md b/docs/models/components/unifiedaccountingpurchaseorderinputcurrency.md new file mode 100644 index 00000000..33a2e1cd --- /dev/null +++ b/docs/models/components/unifiedaccountingpurchaseorderinputcurrency.md @@ -0,0 +1,171 @@ +# UnifiedAccountingPurchaseorderInputCurrency + +The currency of the purchase order + + +## Values + +| Name | Value | +| ----- | ----- | +| `Aed` | AED | +| `Afn` | AFN | +| `All` | ALL | +| `Amd` | AMD | +| `Ang` | ANG | +| `Aoa` | AOA | +| `Ars` | ARS | +| `Aud` | AUD | +| `Awg` | AWG | +| `Azn` | AZN | +| `Bam` | BAM | +| `Bbd` | BBD | +| `Bdt` | BDT | +| `Bgn` | BGN | +| `Bhd` | BHD | +| `Bif` | BIF | +| `Bmd` | BMD | +| `Bnd` | BND | +| `Bob` | BOB | +| `Brl` | BRL | +| `Bsd` | BSD | +| `Btn` | BTN | +| `Bwp` | BWP | +| `Byn` | BYN | +| `Bzd` | BZD | +| `Cad` | CAD | +| `Cdf` | CDF | +| `Chf` | CHF | +| `Clp` | CLP | +| `Cny` | CNY | +| `Cop` | COP | +| `Crc` | CRC | +| `Cup` | CUP | +| `Cve` | CVE | +| `Czk` | CZK | +| `Djf` | DJF | +| `Dkk` | DKK | +| `Dop` | DOP | +| `Dzd` | DZD | +| `Egp` | EGP | +| `Ern` | ERN | +| `Etb` | ETB | +| `Eur` | EUR | +| `Fjd` | FJD | +| `Fkp` | FKP | +| `Fok` | FOK | +| `Gbp` | GBP | +| `Gel` | GEL | +| `Ggp` | GGP | +| `Ghs` | GHS | +| `Gip` | GIP | +| `Gmd` | GMD | +| `Gnf` | GNF | +| `Gtq` | GTQ | +| `Gyd` | GYD | +| `Hkd` | HKD | +| `Hnl` | HNL | +| `Hrk` | HRK | +| `Htg` | HTG | +| `Huf` | HUF | +| `Idr` | IDR | +| `Ils` | ILS | +| `Imp` | IMP | +| `Inr` | INR | +| `Iqd` | IQD | +| `Irr` | IRR | +| `Isk` | ISK | +| `Jep` | JEP | +| `Jmd` | JMD | +| `Jod` | JOD | +| `Jpy` | JPY | +| `Kes` | KES | +| `Kgs` | KGS | +| `Khr` | KHR | +| `Kid` | KID | +| `Kmf` | KMF | +| `Krw` | KRW | +| `Kwd` | KWD | +| `Kyd` | KYD | +| `Kzt` | KZT | +| `Lak` | LAK | +| `Lbp` | LBP | +| `Lkr` | LKR | +| `Lrd` | LRD | +| `Lsl` | LSL | +| `Lyd` | LYD | +| `Mad` | MAD | +| `Mdl` | MDL | +| `Mga` | MGA | +| `Mkd` | MKD | +| `Mmk` | MMK | +| `Mnt` | MNT | +| `Mop` | MOP | +| `Mru` | MRU | +| `Mur` | MUR | +| `Mvr` | MVR | +| `Mwk` | MWK | +| `Mxn` | MXN | +| `Myr` | MYR | +| `Mzn` | MZN | +| `Nad` | NAD | +| `Ngn` | NGN | +| `Nio` | NIO | +| `Nok` | NOK | +| `Npr` | NPR | +| `Nzd` | NZD | +| `Omr` | OMR | +| `Pab` | PAB | +| `Pen` | PEN | +| `Pgk` | PGK | +| `Php` | PHP | +| `Pkr` | PKR | +| `Pln` | PLN | +| `Pyg` | PYG | +| `Qar` | QAR | +| `Ron` | RON | +| `Rsd` | RSD | +| `Rub` | RUB | +| `Rwf` | RWF | +| `Sar` | SAR | +| `Sbd` | SBD | +| `Scr` | SCR | +| `Sdg` | SDG | +| `Sek` | SEK | +| `Sgd` | SGD | +| `Shp` | SHP | +| `Sle` | SLE | +| `Sll` | SLL | +| `Sos` | SOS | +| `Srd` | SRD | +| `Ssp` | SSP | +| `Stn` | STN | +| `Syp` | SYP | +| `Szl` | SZL | +| `Thb` | THB | +| `Tjs` | TJS | +| `Tmt` | TMT | +| `Tnd` | TND | +| `Top` | TOP | +| `Try` | TRY | +| `Ttd` | TTD | +| `Tvd` | TVD | +| `Twd` | TWD | +| `Tzs` | TZS | +| `Uah` | UAH | +| `Ugx` | UGX | +| `Usd` | USD | +| `Uyu` | UYU | +| `Uzs` | UZS | +| `Ves` | VES | +| `Vnd` | VND | +| `Vuv` | VUV | +| `Wst` | WST | +| `Xaf` | XAF | +| `Xcd` | XCD | +| `Xdr` | XDR | +| `Xof` | XOF | +| `Xpf` | XPF | +| `Yer` | YER | +| `Zar` | ZAR | +| `Zmw` | ZMW | +| `Zwl` | ZWL | \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/docs/models/components/unifiedaccountingpurchaseorderinputfieldmappings.md b/docs/models/components/unifiedaccountingpurchaseorderinputfieldmappings.md new file mode 100644 index 00000000..6fbc99b2 --- /dev/null +++ b/docs/models/components/unifiedaccountingpurchaseorderinputfieldmappings.md @@ -0,0 +1,9 @@ +# UnifiedAccountingPurchaseorderInputFieldMappings + +The custom field mappings of the object between the remote 3rd party & Panora + + +## Fields + +| Field | Type | Required | Description | +| ----------- | ----------- | ----------- | ----------- | \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/docs/models/components/unifiedaccountingpurchaseorderoutput.md b/docs/models/components/unifiedaccountingpurchaseorderoutput.md index 61b2af6b..6d3124d1 100644 --- a/docs/models/components/unifiedaccountingpurchaseorderoutput.md +++ b/docs/models/components/unifiedaccountingpurchaseorderoutput.md @@ -3,5 +3,28 @@ ## Fields -| Field | Type | Required | Description | -| ----------- | ----------- | ----------- | ----------- | \ No newline at end of file +| Field | Type | Required | Description | Example | +| -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | +| `status` | *string* | :heavy_minus_sign: | The status of the purchase order | Pending | +| `issueDate` | [Date](https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/JavaScript/Reference/Global_Objects/Date) | :heavy_minus_sign: | The issue date of the purchase order | 2024-06-15T12:00:00Z | +| `purchaseOrderNumber` | *string* | :heavy_minus_sign: | The purchase order number | PO-001 | +| `deliveryDate` | [Date](https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/JavaScript/Reference/Global_Objects/Date) | :heavy_minus_sign: | The delivery date for the purchase order | 2024-07-15T12:00:00Z | +| `deliveryAddress` | *string* | :heavy_minus_sign: | The UUID of the delivery address | 801f9ede-c698-4e66-a7fc-48d19eebaa4f | +| `customer` | *string* | :heavy_minus_sign: | The UUID of the customer | 801f9ede-c698-4e66-a7fc-48d19eebaa4f | +| `vendor` | *string* | :heavy_minus_sign: | The UUID of the vendor | 801f9ede-c698-4e66-a7fc-48d19eebaa4f | +| `memo` | *string* | :heavy_minus_sign: | A memo or note for the purchase order | Purchase order for Q3 inventory | +| `companyId` | *string* | :heavy_minus_sign: | The UUID of the company | 801f9ede-c698-4e66-a7fc-48d19eebaa4f | +| `totalAmount` | *number* | :heavy_minus_sign: | The total amount of the purchase order in cents | 100000 | +| `currency` | [components.UnifiedAccountingPurchaseorderOutputCurrency](../../models/components/unifiedaccountingpurchaseorderoutputcurrency.md) | :heavy_minus_sign: | The currency of the purchase order | USD | +| `exchangeRate` | *string* | :heavy_minus_sign: | The exchange rate applied to the purchase order | 1.2 | +| `trackingCategories` | *string*[] | :heavy_minus_sign: | The UUIDs of the tracking categories associated with the purchase order | [
] | +| `accountingPeriodId` | *string* | :heavy_minus_sign: | The UUID of the associated accounting period | 801f9ede-c698-4e66-a7fc-48d19eebaa4f | +| `lineItems` | [components.LineItem](../../models/components/lineitem.md)[] | :heavy_minus_sign: | The line items associated with this purchase order | | +| `fieldMappings` | [components.UnifiedAccountingPurchaseorderOutputFieldMappings](../../models/components/unifiedaccountingpurchaseorderoutputfieldmappings.md) | :heavy_minus_sign: | The custom field mappings of the object between the remote 3rd party & Panora | {
"custom_field_1": "value1",
"custom_field_2": "value2"
} | +| `id` | *string* | :heavy_minus_sign: | The UUID of the purchase order record | 801f9ede-c698-4e66-a7fc-48d19eebaa4f | +| `remoteId` | *string* | :heavy_minus_sign: | The remote ID of the purchase order in the context of the 3rd Party | po_1234 | +| `remoteCreatedAt` | [Date](https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/JavaScript/Reference/Global_Objects/Date) | :heavy_minus_sign: | The date when the purchase order was created in the remote system | 2024-06-15T12:00:00Z | +| `remoteUpdatedAt` | [Date](https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/JavaScript/Reference/Global_Objects/Date) | :heavy_minus_sign: | The date when the purchase order was last updated in the remote system | 2024-06-15T12:00:00Z | +| `remoteData` | [components.UnifiedAccountingPurchaseorderOutputRemoteData](../../models/components/unifiedaccountingpurchaseorderoutputremotedata.md) | :heavy_minus_sign: | The remote data of the purchase order in the context of the 3rd Party | {
"raw_data": {
"additional_field": "some value"
} | +| `createdAt` | [Date](https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/JavaScript/Reference/Global_Objects/Date) | :heavy_minus_sign: | The created date of the purchase order record | 2024-06-15T12:00:00Z | +| `modifiedAt` | [Date](https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/JavaScript/Reference/Global_Objects/Date) | :heavy_minus_sign: | The last modified date of the purchase order record | 2024-06-15T12:00:00Z | \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/docs/models/components/unifiedaccountingpurchaseorderoutputcurrency.md b/docs/models/components/unifiedaccountingpurchaseorderoutputcurrency.md new file mode 100644 index 00000000..9702c08b --- /dev/null +++ b/docs/models/components/unifiedaccountingpurchaseorderoutputcurrency.md @@ -0,0 +1,171 @@ +# UnifiedAccountingPurchaseorderOutputCurrency + +The currency of the purchase order + + +## Values + +| Name | Value | +| ----- | ----- | +| `Aed` | AED | +| `Afn` | AFN | +| `All` | ALL | +| `Amd` | AMD | +| `Ang` | ANG | +| `Aoa` | AOA | +| `Ars` | ARS | +| `Aud` | AUD | +| `Awg` | AWG | +| `Azn` | AZN | +| `Bam` | BAM | +| `Bbd` | BBD | +| `Bdt` | BDT | +| `Bgn` | BGN | +| `Bhd` | BHD | +| `Bif` | BIF | +| `Bmd` | BMD | +| `Bnd` | BND | +| `Bob` | BOB | +| `Brl` | BRL | +| `Bsd` | BSD | +| `Btn` | BTN | +| `Bwp` | BWP | +| `Byn` | BYN | +| `Bzd` | BZD | +| `Cad` | CAD | +| `Cdf` | CDF | +| `Chf` | CHF | +| `Clp` | CLP | +| `Cny` | CNY | +| `Cop` | COP | +| `Crc` | CRC | +| `Cup` | CUP | +| `Cve` | CVE | +| `Czk` | CZK | +| `Djf` | DJF | +| `Dkk` | DKK | +| `Dop` | DOP | +| `Dzd` | DZD | +| `Egp` | EGP | +| `Ern` | ERN | +| `Etb` | ETB | +| `Eur` | EUR | +| `Fjd` | FJD | +| `Fkp` | FKP | +| `Fok` | FOK | +| `Gbp` | GBP | +| `Gel` | GEL | +| `Ggp` | GGP | +| `Ghs` | GHS | +| `Gip` | GIP | +| `Gmd` | GMD | +| `Gnf` | GNF | +| `Gtq` | GTQ | +| `Gyd` | GYD | +| `Hkd` | HKD | +| `Hnl` | HNL | +| `Hrk` | HRK | +| `Htg` | HTG | +| `Huf` | HUF | +| `Idr` | IDR | +| `Ils` | ILS | +| `Imp` | IMP | +| `Inr` | INR | +| `Iqd` | IQD | +| `Irr` | IRR | +| `Isk` | ISK | +| `Jep` | JEP | +| `Jmd` | JMD | +| `Jod` | JOD | +| `Jpy` | JPY | +| `Kes` | KES | +| `Kgs` | KGS | +| `Khr` | KHR | +| `Kid` | KID | +| `Kmf` | KMF | +| `Krw` | KRW | +| `Kwd` | KWD | +| `Kyd` | KYD | +| `Kzt` | KZT | +| `Lak` | LAK | +| `Lbp` | LBP | +| `Lkr` | LKR | +| `Lrd` | LRD | +| `Lsl` | LSL | +| `Lyd` | LYD | +| `Mad` | MAD | +| `Mdl` | MDL | +| `Mga` | MGA | +| `Mkd` | MKD | +| `Mmk` | MMK | +| `Mnt` | MNT | +| `Mop` | MOP | +| `Mru` | MRU | +| `Mur` | MUR | +| `Mvr` | MVR | +| `Mwk` | MWK | +| `Mxn` | MXN | +| `Myr` | MYR | +| `Mzn` | MZN | +| `Nad` | NAD | +| `Ngn` | NGN | +| `Nio` | NIO | +| `Nok` | NOK | +| `Npr` | NPR | +| `Nzd` | NZD | +| `Omr` | OMR | +| `Pab` | PAB | +| `Pen` | PEN | +| `Pgk` | PGK | +| `Php` | PHP | +| `Pkr` | PKR | +| `Pln` | PLN | +| `Pyg` | PYG | +| `Qar` | QAR | +| `Ron` | RON | +| `Rsd` | RSD | +| `Rub` | RUB | +| `Rwf` | RWF | +| `Sar` | SAR | +| `Sbd` | SBD | +| `Scr` | SCR | +| `Sdg` | SDG | +| `Sek` | SEK | +| `Sgd` | SGD | +| `Shp` | SHP | +| `Sle` | SLE | +| `Sll` | SLL | +| `Sos` | SOS | +| `Srd` | SRD | +| `Ssp` | SSP | +| `Stn` | STN | +| `Syp` | SYP | +| `Szl` | SZL | +| `Thb` | THB | +| `Tjs` | TJS | +| `Tmt` | TMT | +| `Tnd` | TND | +| `Top` | TOP | +| `Try` | TRY | +| `Ttd` | TTD | +| `Tvd` | TVD | +| `Twd` | TWD | +| `Tzs` | TZS | +| `Uah` | UAH | +| `Ugx` | UGX | +| `Usd` | USD | +| `Uyu` | UYU | +| `Uzs` | UZS | +| `Ves` | VES | +| `Vnd` | VND | +| `Vuv` | VUV | +| `Wst` | WST | +| `Xaf` | XAF | +| `Xcd` | XCD | +| `Xdr` | XDR | +| `Xof` | XOF | +| `Xpf` | XPF | +| `Yer` | YER | +| `Zar` | ZAR | +| `Zmw` | ZMW | +| `Zwl` | ZWL | \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/docs/models/components/unifiedaccountingpurchaseorderoutputfieldmappings.md b/docs/models/components/unifiedaccountingpurchaseorderoutputfieldmappings.md new file mode 100644 index 00000000..be56d797 --- /dev/null +++ b/docs/models/components/unifiedaccountingpurchaseorderoutputfieldmappings.md @@ -0,0 +1,9 @@ +# UnifiedAccountingPurchaseorderOutputFieldMappings + +The custom field mappings of the object between the remote 3rd party & Panora + + +## Fields + +| Field | Type | Required | Description | +| ----------- | ----------- | ----------- | ----------- | \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/docs/models/components/unifiedaccountingpurchaseorderoutputremotedata.md b/docs/models/components/unifiedaccountingpurchaseorderoutputremotedata.md new file mode 100644 index 00000000..22ae8ce2 --- /dev/null +++ b/docs/models/components/unifiedaccountingpurchaseorderoutputremotedata.md @@ -0,0 +1,9 @@ +# UnifiedAccountingPurchaseorderOutputRemoteData + +The remote data of the purchase order in the context of the 3rd Party + + +## Fields + +| Field | Type | Required | Description | +| ----------- | ----------- | ----------- | ----------- | \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/docs/models/components/unifiedaccountingtaxrateoutput.md b/docs/models/components/unifiedaccountingtaxrateoutput.md index 888eaa3f..2dc0138b 100644 --- a/docs/models/components/unifiedaccountingtaxrateoutput.md +++ b/docs/models/components/unifiedaccountingtaxrateoutput.md @@ -3,5 +3,15 @@ ## Fields -| Field | Type | Required | Description | -| ----------- | ----------- | ----------- | ----------- | \ No newline at end of file +| Field | Type | Required | Description | Example | +| -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | +| `description` | *string* | :heavy_minus_sign: | The description of the tax rate | VAT 20% | +| `totalTaxRatge` | *number* | :heavy_minus_sign: | The total tax rate in basis points (e.g., 2000 for 20%) | 2000 | +| `effectiveTaxRate` | *number* | :heavy_minus_sign: | The effective tax rate in basis points (e.g., 1900 for 19%) | 1900 | +| `companyId` | *string* | :heavy_minus_sign: | The UUID of the associated company | 801f9ede-c698-4e66-a7fc-48d19eebaa4f | +| `fieldMappings` | [components.UnifiedAccountingTaxrateOutputFieldMappings](../../models/components/unifiedaccountingtaxrateoutputfieldmappings.md) | :heavy_minus_sign: | The custom field mappings of the object between the remote 3rd party & Panora | {
"custom_field_1": "value1",
"custom_field_2": "value2"
} | +| `id` | *string* | :heavy_minus_sign: | The UUID of the tax rate record | 801f9ede-c698-4e66-a7fc-48d19eebaa4f | +| `remoteId` | *string* | :heavy_minus_sign: | The remote ID of the tax rate in the context of the 3rd Party | tax_rate_1234 | +| `remoteData` | [components.UnifiedAccountingTaxrateOutputRemoteData](../../models/components/unifiedaccountingtaxrateoutputremotedata.md) | :heavy_minus_sign: | The remote data of the tax rate in the context of the 3rd Party | {
"raw_data": {
"additional_field": "some value"
} | +| `createdAt` | [Date](https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/JavaScript/Reference/Global_Objects/Date) | :heavy_minus_sign: | The created date of the tax rate record | 2024-06-15T12:00:00Z | +| `modifiedAt` | [Date](https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/JavaScript/Reference/Global_Objects/Date) | :heavy_minus_sign: | The last modified date of the tax rate record | 2024-06-15T12:00:00Z | \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/docs/models/components/unifiedaccountingtaxrateoutputfieldmappings.md b/docs/models/components/unifiedaccountingtaxrateoutputfieldmappings.md new file mode 100644 index 00000000..d7fa5415 --- /dev/null +++ b/docs/models/components/unifiedaccountingtaxrateoutputfieldmappings.md @@ -0,0 +1,9 @@ +# UnifiedAccountingTaxrateOutputFieldMappings + +The custom field mappings of the object between the remote 3rd party & Panora + + +## Fields + +| Field | Type | Required | Description | +| ----------- | ----------- | ----------- | ----------- | \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/docs/models/components/unifiedaccountingtaxrateoutputremotedata.md b/docs/models/components/unifiedaccountingtaxrateoutputremotedata.md new file mode 100644 index 00000000..bfc2c48a --- /dev/null +++ b/docs/models/components/unifiedaccountingtaxrateoutputremotedata.md @@ -0,0 +1,9 @@ +# UnifiedAccountingTaxrateOutputRemoteData + +The remote data of the tax rate in the context of the 3rd Party + + +## Fields + +| Field | Type | Required | Description | +| ----------- | ----------- | ----------- | ----------- | \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/docs/models/components/unifiedaccountingtrackingcategoryoutput.md b/docs/models/components/unifiedaccountingtrackingcategoryoutput.md index d88d8b38..916202b2 100644 --- a/docs/models/components/unifiedaccountingtrackingcategoryoutput.md +++ b/docs/models/components/unifiedaccountingtrackingcategoryoutput.md @@ -3,5 +3,15 @@ ## Fields -| Field | Type | Required | Description | -| ----------- | ----------- | ----------- | ----------- | \ No newline at end of file +| Field | Type | Required | Description | Example | +| -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | +| `name` | *string* | :heavy_minus_sign: | The name of the tracking category | Department | +| `status` | *string* | :heavy_minus_sign: | The status of the tracking category | Active | +| `categoryType` | *string* | :heavy_minus_sign: | The type of the tracking category | Expense | +| `parentCategory` | *string* | :heavy_minus_sign: | The UUID of the parent category, if applicable | 801f9ede-c698-4e66-a7fc-48d19eebaa4f | +| `fieldMappings` | [components.UnifiedAccountingTrackingcategoryOutputFieldMappings](../../models/components/unifiedaccountingtrackingcategoryoutputfieldmappings.md) | :heavy_minus_sign: | The custom field mappings of the object between the remote 3rd party & Panora | {
"custom_field_1": "value1",
"custom_field_2": "value2"
} | +| `id` | *string* | :heavy_minus_sign: | The UUID of the tracking category record | 801f9ede-c698-4e66-a7fc-48d19eebaa4f | +| `remoteId` | *string* | :heavy_minus_sign: | The remote ID of the tracking category in the context of the 3rd Party | tracking_category_1234 | +| `remoteData` | [components.UnifiedAccountingTrackingcategoryOutputRemoteData](../../models/components/unifiedaccountingtrackingcategoryoutputremotedata.md) | :heavy_minus_sign: | The remote data of the tracking category in the context of the 3rd Party | {
"raw_data": {
"additional_field": "some value"
} | +| `createdAt` | [Date](https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/JavaScript/Reference/Global_Objects/Date) | :heavy_minus_sign: | The created date of the tracking category record | 2024-06-15T12:00:00Z | +| `modifiedAt` | [Date](https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/JavaScript/Reference/Global_Objects/Date) | :heavy_minus_sign: | The last modified date of the tracking category record | 2024-06-15T12:00:00Z | \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/docs/models/components/unifiedaccountingtrackingcategoryoutputfieldmappings.md b/docs/models/components/unifiedaccountingtrackingcategoryoutputfieldmappings.md new file mode 100644 index 00000000..aaf1bc78 --- /dev/null +++ b/docs/models/components/unifiedaccountingtrackingcategoryoutputfieldmappings.md @@ -0,0 +1,9 @@ +# UnifiedAccountingTrackingcategoryOutputFieldMappings + +The custom field mappings of the object between the remote 3rd party & Panora + + +## Fields + +| Field | Type | Required | Description | +| ----------- | ----------- | ----------- | ----------- | \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/docs/models/components/unifiedaccountingtrackingcategoryoutputremotedata.md b/docs/models/components/unifiedaccountingtrackingcategoryoutputremotedata.md new file mode 100644 index 00000000..3f8a2029 --- /dev/null +++ b/docs/models/components/unifiedaccountingtrackingcategoryoutputremotedata.md @@ -0,0 +1,9 @@ +# UnifiedAccountingTrackingcategoryOutputRemoteData + +The remote data of the tracking category in the context of the 3rd Party + + +## Fields + +| Field | Type | Required | Description | +| ----------- | ----------- | ----------- | ----------- | \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/docs/models/components/unifiedaccountingtransactionoutput.md b/docs/models/components/unifiedaccountingtransactionoutput.md index e7b7151e..2ecad437 100644 --- a/docs/models/components/unifiedaccountingtransactionoutput.md +++ b/docs/models/components/unifiedaccountingtransactionoutput.md @@ -3,5 +3,24 @@ ## Fields -| Field | Type | Required | Description | -| ----------- | ----------- | ----------- | ----------- | \ No newline at end of file +| Field | Type | Required | Description | Example | +| ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | +| `transactionType` | *string* | :heavy_minus_sign: | The type of the transaction | Sale | +| `number` | *string* | :heavy_minus_sign: | The transaction number | 1001 | +| `transactionDate` | [Date](https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/JavaScript/Reference/Global_Objects/Date) | :heavy_minus_sign: | The date of the transaction | 2024-06-15T12:00:00Z | +| `totalAmount` | *string* | :heavy_minus_sign: | The total amount of the transaction | 1000 | +| `exchangeRate` | *string* | :heavy_minus_sign: | The exchange rate applied to the transaction | 1.2 | +| `currency` | [components.UnifiedAccountingTransactionOutputCurrency](../../models/components/unifiedaccountingtransactionoutputcurrency.md) | :heavy_minus_sign: | The currency of the transaction | USD | +| `trackingCategories` | *string*[] | :heavy_minus_sign: | The UUIDs of the tracking categories associated with the transaction | [
] | +| `accountId` | *string* | :heavy_minus_sign: | The UUID of the associated account | 801f9ede-c698-4e66-a7fc-48d19eebaa4f | +| `contactId` | *string* | :heavy_minus_sign: | The UUID of the associated contact | 801f9ede-c698-4e66-a7fc-48d19eebaa4f | +| `companyInfoId` | *string* | :heavy_minus_sign: | The UUID of the associated company info | 801f9ede-c698-4e66-a7fc-48d19eebaa4f | +| `accountingPeriodId` | *string* | :heavy_minus_sign: | The UUID of the associated accounting period | 801f9ede-c698-4e66-a7fc-48d19eebaa4f | +| `lineItems` | [components.LineItem](../../models/components/lineitem.md)[] | :heavy_minus_sign: | The line items associated with this transaction | | +| `fieldMappings` | [components.UnifiedAccountingTransactionOutputFieldMappings](../../models/components/unifiedaccountingtransactionoutputfieldmappings.md) | :heavy_minus_sign: | The custom field mappings of the object between the remote 3rd party & Panora | {
"custom_field_1": "value1",
"custom_field_2": "value2"
} | +| `id` | *string* | :heavy_minus_sign: | The UUID of the transaction record | 801f9ede-c698-4e66-a7fc-48d19eebaa4f | +| `remoteId` | *string* | :heavy_minus_sign: | The remote ID of the transaction | remote_id_1234 | +| `createdAt` | [Date](https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/JavaScript/Reference/Global_Objects/Date) | :heavy_minus_sign: | The created date of the transaction | 2024-06-15T12:00:00Z | +| `remoteData` | [components.UnifiedAccountingTransactionOutputRemoteData](../../models/components/unifiedaccountingtransactionoutputremotedata.md) | :heavy_minus_sign: | The remote data of the tracking category in the context of the 3rd Party | {
"raw_data": {
"additional_field": "some value"
} | +| `modifiedAt` | [Date](https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/JavaScript/Reference/Global_Objects/Date) | :heavy_minus_sign: | The last modified date of the transaction | 2024-06-15T12:00:00Z | +| `remoteUpdatedAt` | [Date](https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/JavaScript/Reference/Global_Objects/Date) | :heavy_minus_sign: | The date when the transaction was last updated in the remote system | 2024-06-15T12:00:00Z | \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/docs/models/components/unifiedaccountingtransactionoutputcurrency.md b/docs/models/components/unifiedaccountingtransactionoutputcurrency.md new file mode 100644 index 00000000..2ac41128 --- /dev/null +++ b/docs/models/components/unifiedaccountingtransactionoutputcurrency.md @@ -0,0 +1,171 @@ +# UnifiedAccountingTransactionOutputCurrency + +The currency of the transaction + + +## Values + +| Name | Value | +| ----- | ----- | +| `Aed` | AED | +| `Afn` | AFN | +| `All` | ALL | +| `Amd` | AMD | +| `Ang` | ANG | +| `Aoa` | AOA | +| `Ars` | ARS | +| `Aud` | AUD | +| `Awg` | AWG | +| `Azn` | AZN | +| `Bam` | BAM | +| `Bbd` | BBD | +| `Bdt` | BDT | +| `Bgn` | BGN | +| `Bhd` | BHD | +| `Bif` | BIF | +| `Bmd` | BMD | +| `Bnd` | BND | +| `Bob` | BOB | +| `Brl` | BRL | +| `Bsd` | BSD | +| `Btn` | BTN | +| `Bwp` | BWP | +| `Byn` | BYN | +| `Bzd` | BZD | +| `Cad` | CAD | +| `Cdf` | CDF | +| `Chf` | CHF | +| `Clp` | CLP | +| `Cny` | CNY | +| `Cop` | COP | +| `Crc` | CRC | +| `Cup` | CUP | +| `Cve` | CVE | +| `Czk` | CZK | +| `Djf` | DJF | +| `Dkk` | DKK | +| `Dop` | DOP | +| `Dzd` | DZD | +| `Egp` | EGP | +| `Ern` | ERN | +| `Etb` | ETB | +| `Eur` | EUR | +| `Fjd` | FJD | +| `Fkp` | FKP | +| `Fok` | FOK | +| `Gbp` | GBP | +| `Gel` | GEL | +| `Ggp` | GGP | +| `Ghs` | GHS | +| `Gip` | GIP | +| `Gmd` | GMD | +| `Gnf` | GNF | +| `Gtq` | GTQ | +| `Gyd` | GYD | +| `Hkd` | HKD | +| `Hnl` | HNL | +| `Hrk` | HRK | +| `Htg` | HTG | +| `Huf` | HUF | +| `Idr` | IDR | +| `Ils` | ILS | +| `Imp` | IMP | +| `Inr` | INR | +| `Iqd` | IQD | +| `Irr` | IRR | +| `Isk` | ISK | +| `Jep` | JEP | +| `Jmd` | JMD | +| `Jod` | JOD | +| `Jpy` | JPY | +| `Kes` | KES | +| `Kgs` | KGS | +| `Khr` | KHR | +| `Kid` | KID | +| `Kmf` | KMF | +| `Krw` | KRW | +| `Kwd` | KWD | +| `Kyd` | KYD | +| `Kzt` | KZT | +| `Lak` | LAK | +| `Lbp` | LBP | +| `Lkr` | LKR | +| `Lrd` | LRD | +| `Lsl` | LSL | +| `Lyd` | LYD | +| `Mad` | MAD | +| `Mdl` | MDL | +| `Mga` | MGA | +| `Mkd` | MKD | +| `Mmk` | MMK | +| `Mnt` | MNT | +| `Mop` | MOP | +| `Mru` | MRU | +| `Mur` | MUR | +| `Mvr` | MVR | +| `Mwk` | MWK | +| `Mxn` | MXN | +| `Myr` | MYR | +| `Mzn` | MZN | +| `Nad` | NAD | +| `Ngn` | NGN | +| `Nio` | NIO | +| `Nok` | NOK | +| `Npr` | NPR | +| `Nzd` | NZD | +| `Omr` | OMR | +| `Pab` | PAB | +| `Pen` | PEN | +| `Pgk` | PGK | +| `Php` | PHP | +| `Pkr` | PKR | +| `Pln` | PLN | +| `Pyg` | PYG | +| `Qar` | QAR | +| `Ron` | RON | +| `Rsd` | RSD | +| `Rub` | RUB | +| `Rwf` | RWF | +| `Sar` | SAR | +| `Sbd` | SBD | +| `Scr` | SCR | +| `Sdg` | SDG | +| `Sek` | SEK | +| `Sgd` | SGD | +| `Shp` | SHP | +| `Sle` | SLE | +| `Sll` | SLL | +| `Sos` | SOS | +| `Srd` | SRD | +| `Ssp` | SSP | +| `Stn` | STN | +| `Syp` | SYP | +| `Szl` | SZL | +| `Thb` | THB | +| `Tjs` | TJS | +| `Tmt` | TMT | +| `Tnd` | TND | +| `Top` | TOP | +| `Try` | TRY | +| `Ttd` | TTD | +| `Tvd` | TVD | +| `Twd` | TWD | +| `Tzs` | TZS | +| `Uah` | UAH | +| `Ugx` | UGX | +| `Usd` | USD | +| `Uyu` | UYU | +| `Uzs` | UZS | +| `Ves` | VES | +| `Vnd` | VND | +| `Vuv` | VUV | +| `Wst` | WST | +| `Xaf` | XAF | +| `Xcd` | XCD | +| `Xdr` | XDR | +| `Xof` | XOF | +| `Xpf` | XPF | +| `Yer` | YER | +| `Zar` | ZAR | +| `Zmw` | ZMW | +| `Zwl` | ZWL | \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/docs/models/components/unifiedaccountingtransactionoutputfieldmappings.md b/docs/models/components/unifiedaccountingtransactionoutputfieldmappings.md new file mode 100644 index 00000000..8fb2eb4f --- /dev/null +++ b/docs/models/components/unifiedaccountingtransactionoutputfieldmappings.md @@ -0,0 +1,9 @@ +# UnifiedAccountingTransactionOutputFieldMappings + +The custom field mappings of the object between the remote 3rd party & Panora + + +## Fields + +| Field | Type | Required | Description | +| ----------- | ----------- | ----------- | ----------- | \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/docs/models/components/unifiedaccountingtransactionoutputremotedata.md b/docs/models/components/unifiedaccountingtransactionoutputremotedata.md new file mode 100644 index 00000000..faba4503 --- /dev/null +++ b/docs/models/components/unifiedaccountingtransactionoutputremotedata.md @@ -0,0 +1,9 @@ +# UnifiedAccountingTransactionOutputRemoteData + +The remote data of the tracking category in the context of the 3rd Party + + +## Fields + +| Field | Type | Required | Description | +| ----------- | ----------- | ----------- | ----------- | \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/docs/models/components/unifiedaccountingvendorcreditoutput.md b/docs/models/components/unifiedaccountingvendorcreditoutput.md index 30f94fcd..4d967c9d 100644 --- a/docs/models/components/unifiedaccountingvendorcreditoutput.md +++ b/docs/models/components/unifiedaccountingvendorcreditoutput.md @@ -3,5 +3,22 @@ ## Fields -| Field | Type | Required | Description | -| ----------- | ----------- | ----------- | ----------- | \ No newline at end of file +| Field | Type | Required | Description | Example | +| ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ | ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ | ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ | ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ | ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ | +| `number` | *string* | :heavy_minus_sign: | The number of the vendor credit | VC-001 | +| `transactionDate` | [Date](https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/JavaScript/Reference/Global_Objects/Date) | :heavy_minus_sign: | The date of the transaction | 2024-06-15T12:00:00Z | +| `vendor` | *string* | :heavy_minus_sign: | The UUID of the vendor associated with the credit | 801f9ede-c698-4e66-a7fc-48d19eebaa4f | +| `totalAmount` | *string* | :heavy_minus_sign: | The total amount of the vendor credit | 1000 | +| `currency` | [components.UnifiedAccountingVendorcreditOutputCurrency](../../models/components/unifiedaccountingvendorcreditoutputcurrency.md) | :heavy_minus_sign: | The currency of the vendor credit | USD | +| `exchangeRate` | *string* | :heavy_minus_sign: | The exchange rate applied to the vendor credit | 1.2 | +| `companyId` | *string* | :heavy_minus_sign: | The UUID of the associated company | 801f9ede-c698-4e66-a7fc-48d19eebaa4f | +| `trackingCategories` | *string*[] | :heavy_minus_sign: | The UUID of the tracking categories associated with the vendor credit | [
] | +| `accountingPeriodId` | *string* | :heavy_minus_sign: | The UUID of the associated accounting period | 801f9ede-c698-4e66-a7fc-48d19eebaa4f | +| `lineItems` | [components.LineItem](../../models/components/lineitem.md)[] | :heavy_minus_sign: | The line items associated with this vendor credit | | +| `fieldMappings` | [components.UnifiedAccountingVendorcreditOutputFieldMappings](../../models/components/unifiedaccountingvendorcreditoutputfieldmappings.md) | :heavy_minus_sign: | The custom field mappings of the object between the remote 3rd party & Panora | {
"custom_field_1": "value1",
"custom_field_2": "value2"
} | +| `id` | *string* | :heavy_minus_sign: | The UUID of the vendor credit record | 801f9ede-c698-4e66-a7fc-48d19eebaa4f | +| `remoteId` | *string* | :heavy_minus_sign: | The remote ID of the vendor credit | remote_id_1234 | +| `createdAt` | [Date](https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/JavaScript/Reference/Global_Objects/Date) | :heavy_minus_sign: | The created date of the vendor credit | 2024-06-15T12:00:00Z | +| `modifiedAt` | [Date](https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/JavaScript/Reference/Global_Objects/Date) | :heavy_minus_sign: | The last modified date of the vendor credit | 2024-06-15T12:00:00Z | +| `remoteUpdatedAt` | [Date](https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/JavaScript/Reference/Global_Objects/Date) | :heavy_minus_sign: | The date when the vendor credit was last updated in the remote system | 2024-06-15T12:00:00Z | +| `remoteData` | [components.UnifiedAccountingVendorcreditOutputRemoteData](../../models/components/unifiedaccountingvendorcreditoutputremotedata.md) | :heavy_minus_sign: | The remote data of the vendor credit in the context of the 3rd Party | {
"raw_data": {
"additional_field": "some value"
} | \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/docs/models/components/unifiedaccountingvendorcreditoutputcurrency.md b/docs/models/components/unifiedaccountingvendorcreditoutputcurrency.md new file mode 100644 index 00000000..51fa5036 --- /dev/null +++ b/docs/models/components/unifiedaccountingvendorcreditoutputcurrency.md @@ -0,0 +1,171 @@ +# UnifiedAccountingVendorcreditOutputCurrency + +The currency of the vendor credit + + +## Values + +| Name | Value | +| ----- | ----- | +| `Aed` | AED | +| `Afn` | AFN | +| `All` | ALL | +| `Amd` | AMD | +| `Ang` | ANG | +| `Aoa` | AOA | +| `Ars` | ARS | +| `Aud` | AUD | +| `Awg` | AWG | +| `Azn` | AZN | +| `Bam` | BAM | +| `Bbd` | BBD | +| `Bdt` | BDT | +| `Bgn` | BGN | +| `Bhd` | BHD | +| `Bif` | BIF | +| `Bmd` | BMD | +| `Bnd` | BND | +| `Bob` | BOB | +| `Brl` | BRL | +| `Bsd` | BSD | +| `Btn` | BTN | +| `Bwp` | BWP | +| `Byn` | BYN | +| `Bzd` | BZD | +| `Cad` | CAD | +| `Cdf` | CDF | +| `Chf` | CHF | +| `Clp` | CLP | +| `Cny` | CNY | +| `Cop` | COP | +| `Crc` | CRC | +| `Cup` | CUP | +| `Cve` | CVE | +| `Czk` | CZK | +| `Djf` | DJF | +| `Dkk` | DKK | +| `Dop` | DOP | +| `Dzd` | DZD | +| `Egp` | EGP | +| `Ern` | ERN | +| `Etb` | ETB | +| `Eur` | EUR | +| `Fjd` | FJD | +| `Fkp` | FKP | +| `Fok` | FOK | +| `Gbp` | GBP | +| `Gel` | GEL | +| `Ggp` | GGP | +| `Ghs` | GHS | +| `Gip` | GIP | +| `Gmd` | GMD | +| `Gnf` | GNF | +| `Gtq` | GTQ | +| `Gyd` | GYD | +| `Hkd` | HKD | +| `Hnl` | HNL | +| `Hrk` | HRK | +| `Htg` | HTG | +| `Huf` | HUF | +| `Idr` | IDR | +| `Ils` | ILS | +| `Imp` | IMP | +| `Inr` | INR | +| `Iqd` | IQD | +| `Irr` | IRR | +| `Isk` | ISK | +| `Jep` | JEP | +| `Jmd` | JMD | +| `Jod` | JOD | +| `Jpy` | JPY | +| `Kes` | KES | +| `Kgs` | KGS | +| `Khr` | KHR | +| `Kid` | KID | +| `Kmf` | KMF | +| `Krw` | KRW | +| `Kwd` | KWD | +| `Kyd` | KYD | +| `Kzt` | KZT | +| `Lak` | LAK | +| `Lbp` | LBP | +| `Lkr` | LKR | +| `Lrd` | LRD | +| `Lsl` | LSL | +| `Lyd` | LYD | +| `Mad` | MAD | +| `Mdl` | MDL | +| `Mga` | MGA | +| `Mkd` | MKD | +| `Mmk` | MMK | +| `Mnt` | MNT | +| `Mop` | MOP | +| `Mru` | MRU | +| `Mur` | MUR | +| `Mvr` | MVR | +| `Mwk` | MWK | +| `Mxn` | MXN | +| `Myr` | MYR | +| `Mzn` | MZN | +| `Nad` | NAD | +| `Ngn` | NGN | +| `Nio` | NIO | +| `Nok` | NOK | +| `Npr` | NPR | +| `Nzd` | NZD | +| `Omr` | OMR | +| `Pab` | PAB | +| `Pen` | PEN | +| `Pgk` | PGK | +| `Php` | PHP | +| `Pkr` | PKR | +| `Pln` | PLN | +| `Pyg` | PYG | +| `Qar` | QAR | +| `Ron` | RON | +| `Rsd` | RSD | +| `Rub` | RUB | +| `Rwf` | RWF | +| `Sar` | SAR | +| `Sbd` | SBD | +| `Scr` | SCR | +| `Sdg` | SDG | +| `Sek` | SEK | +| `Sgd` | SGD | +| `Shp` | SHP | +| `Sle` | SLE | +| `Sll` | SLL | +| `Sos` | SOS | +| `Srd` | SRD | +| `Ssp` | SSP | +| `Stn` | STN | +| `Syp` | SYP | +| `Szl` | SZL | +| `Thb` | THB | +| `Tjs` | TJS | +| `Tmt` | TMT | +| `Tnd` | TND | +| `Top` | TOP | +| `Try` | TRY | +| `Ttd` | TTD | +| `Tvd` | TVD | +| `Twd` | TWD | +| `Tzs` | TZS | +| `Uah` | UAH | +| `Ugx` | UGX | +| `Usd` | USD | +| `Uyu` | UYU | +| `Uzs` | UZS | +| `Ves` | VES | +| `Vnd` | VND | +| `Vuv` | VUV | +| `Wst` | WST | +| `Xaf` | XAF | +| `Xcd` | XCD | +| `Xdr` | XDR | +| `Xof` | XOF | +| `Xpf` | XPF | +| `Yer` | YER | +| `Zar` | ZAR | +| `Zmw` | ZMW | +| `Zwl` | ZWL | \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/docs/models/components/unifiedaccountingvendorcreditoutputfieldmappings.md b/docs/models/components/unifiedaccountingvendorcreditoutputfieldmappings.md new file mode 100644 index 00000000..cad807fa --- /dev/null +++ b/docs/models/components/unifiedaccountingvendorcreditoutputfieldmappings.md @@ -0,0 +1,9 @@ +# UnifiedAccountingVendorcreditOutputFieldMappings + +The custom field mappings of the object between the remote 3rd party & Panora + + +## Fields + +| Field | Type | Required | Description | +| ----------- | ----------- | ----------- | ----------- | \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/docs/models/components/unifiedaccountingvendorcreditoutputremotedata.md b/docs/models/components/unifiedaccountingvendorcreditoutputremotedata.md new file mode 100644 index 00000000..74db2d86 --- /dev/null +++ b/docs/models/components/unifiedaccountingvendorcreditoutputremotedata.md @@ -0,0 +1,9 @@ +# UnifiedAccountingVendorcreditOutputRemoteData + +The remote data of the vendor credit in the context of the 3rd Party + + +## Fields + +| Field | Type | Required | Description | +| ----------- | ----------- | ----------- | ----------- | \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/docs/models/components/unifiedatseeocsoutput.md b/docs/models/components/unifiedatseeocsoutput.md index d7e458b3..a811c131 100644 --- a/docs/models/components/unifiedatseeocsoutput.md +++ b/docs/models/components/unifiedatseeocsoutput.md @@ -3,17 +3,17 @@ ## Fields -| Field | Type | Required | Description | Example | -| --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | -| `candidateId` | *string* | :heavy_minus_sign: | The UUID of the candidate | 801f9ede-c698-4e66-a7fc-48d19eebaa4f | -| `submittedAt` | [Date](https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/JavaScript/Reference/Global_Objects/Date) | :heavy_minus_sign: | The submission date of the EEOC | 2024-10-01T12:00:00Z | -| `race` | [components.Race](../../models/components/race.md) | :heavy_minus_sign: | The race of the candidate | AMERICAN_INDIAN_OR_ALASKAN_NATIVE | -| `gender` | [components.Gender](../../models/components/gender.md) | :heavy_minus_sign: | The gender of the candidate | MALE | -| `veteranStatus` | [components.VeteranStatus](../../models/components/veteranstatus.md) | :heavy_minus_sign: | The veteran status of the candidate | I_AM_NOT_A_PROTECTED_VETERAN | -| `disabilityStatus` | [components.DisabilityStatus](../../models/components/disabilitystatus.md) | :heavy_minus_sign: | The disability status of the candidate | YES_I_HAVE_A_DISABILITY_OR_PREVIOUSLY_HAD_A_DISABILITY | -| `fieldMappings` | Record | :heavy_minus_sign: | The custom field mappings of the object between the remote 3rd party & Panora | {
"fav_dish": "broccoli",
"fav_color": "red"
} | -| `id` | *string* | :heavy_minus_sign: | The UUID of the EEOC | 801f9ede-c698-4e66-a7fc-48d19eebaa4f | -| `remoteId` | *string* | :heavy_minus_sign: | The remote ID of the EEOC in the context of the 3rd Party | id_1 | -| `remoteData` | Record | :heavy_minus_sign: | The remote data of the EEOC in the context of the 3rd Party | {
"fav_dish": "broccoli",
"fav_color": "red"
} | -| `createdAt` | [Date](https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/JavaScript/Reference/Global_Objects/Date) | :heavy_minus_sign: | The created date of the object | 2024-10-01T12:00:00Z | -| `modifiedAt` | [Date](https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/JavaScript/Reference/Global_Objects/Date) | :heavy_minus_sign: | The modified date of the object | 2024-10-01T12:00:00Z | \ No newline at end of file +| Field | Type | Required | Description | Example | +| ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ | ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ | ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ | ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ | ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ | +| `candidateId` | *string* | :heavy_minus_sign: | The UUID of the candidate | 801f9ede-c698-4e66-a7fc-48d19eebaa4f | +| `submittedAt` | [Date](https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/JavaScript/Reference/Global_Objects/Date) | :heavy_minus_sign: | The submission date of the EEOC | 2024-10-01T12:00:00Z | +| `race` | [components.Race](../../models/components/race.md) | :heavy_minus_sign: | The race of the candidate | AMERICAN_INDIAN_OR_ALASKAN_NATIVE | +| `gender` | [components.UnifiedAtsEeocsOutputGender](../../models/components/unifiedatseeocsoutputgender.md) | :heavy_minus_sign: | The gender of the candidate | MALE | +| `veteranStatus` | [components.VeteranStatus](../../models/components/veteranstatus.md) | :heavy_minus_sign: | The veteran status of the candidate | I_AM_NOT_A_PROTECTED_VETERAN | +| `disabilityStatus` | [components.DisabilityStatus](../../models/components/disabilitystatus.md) | :heavy_minus_sign: | The disability status of the candidate | YES_I_HAVE_A_DISABILITY_OR_PREVIOUSLY_HAD_A_DISABILITY | +| `fieldMappings` | Record | :heavy_minus_sign: | The custom field mappings of the object between the remote 3rd party & Panora | {
"fav_dish": "broccoli",
"fav_color": "red"
} | +| `id` | *string* | :heavy_minus_sign: | The UUID of the EEOC | 801f9ede-c698-4e66-a7fc-48d19eebaa4f | +| `remoteId` | *string* | :heavy_minus_sign: | The remote ID of the EEOC in the context of the 3rd Party | id_1 | +| `remoteData` | Record | :heavy_minus_sign: | The remote data of the EEOC in the context of the 3rd Party | {
"fav_dish": "broccoli",
"fav_color": "red"
} | +| `createdAt` | [Date](https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/JavaScript/Reference/Global_Objects/Date) | :heavy_minus_sign: | The created date of the object | 2024-10-01T12:00:00Z | +| `modifiedAt` | [Date](https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/JavaScript/Reference/Global_Objects/Date) | :heavy_minus_sign: | The modified date of the object | 2024-10-01T12:00:00Z | \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/docs/models/components/unifiedatseeocsoutputgender.md b/docs/models/components/unifiedatseeocsoutputgender.md new file mode 100644 index 00000000..2240ebd1 --- /dev/null +++ b/docs/models/components/unifiedatseeocsoutputgender.md @@ -0,0 +1,14 @@ +# UnifiedAtsEeocsOutputGender + +The gender of the candidate + + +## Values + +| Name | Value | +| ------------------------ | ------------------------ | +| `Male` | MALE | +| `Female` | FEMALE | +| `NonBinary` | NON_BINARY | +| `Other` | OTHER | +| `DeclineToSelfIdentify` | DECLINE_TO_SELF_IDENTIFY | \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/docs/models/components/unifiedecommercefulfillmentoutput.md b/docs/models/components/unifiedecommercefulfillmentoutput.md index 8380a0d3..f53e50ad 100644 --- a/docs/models/components/unifiedecommercefulfillmentoutput.md +++ b/docs/models/components/unifiedecommercefulfillmentoutput.md @@ -8,7 +8,7 @@ | `carrier` | *string* | :heavy_minus_sign: | The carrier of the fulfilment | DHL | | `trackingUrls` | *string*[] | :heavy_minus_sign: | The tracking URLs of the fulfilment | [
] | | `trackingNumbers` | *string*[] | :heavy_minus_sign: | The tracking numbers of the fulfilment | [
] | -| `items` | [components.UnifiedEcommerceFulfillmentOutputItems](../../models/components/unifiedecommercefulfillmentoutputitems.md) | :heavy_minus_sign: | The items in the fulfilment | {} | +| `items` | [components.Items](../../models/components/items.md) | :heavy_minus_sign: | The items in the fulfilment | {} | | `orderId` | *string* | :heavy_minus_sign: | The UUID of the order associated with the fulfilment | 801f9ede-c698-4e66-a7fc-48d19eebaa4f | | `fieldMappings` | [components.UnifiedEcommerceFulfillmentOutputFieldMappings](../../models/components/unifiedecommercefulfillmentoutputfieldmappings.md) | :heavy_minus_sign: | The custom field mappings of the object between the remote 3rd party & Panora | {
"fav_dish": "broccoli",
"fav_color": "red"
} | | `id` | *string* | :heavy_minus_sign: | The UUID of the fulfilment | 801f9ede-c698-4e66-a7fc-48d19eebaa4f | diff --git a/docs/models/components/unifiedecommerceorderinput.md b/docs/models/components/unifiedecommerceorderinput.md index 0241d624..0d33b27b 100644 --- a/docs/models/components/unifiedecommerceorderinput.md +++ b/docs/models/components/unifiedecommerceorderinput.md @@ -3,17 +3,17 @@ ## Fields -| Field | Type | Required | Description | Example | -| ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ | ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ | ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ | ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ | ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ | -| `orderStatus` | *string* | :heavy_minus_sign: | The status of the order | PAID | -| `orderNumber` | *string* | :heavy_minus_sign: | The number of the order | 19823838833 | -| `paymentStatus` | *string* | :heavy_minus_sign: | The payment status of the order | SUCCESS | -| `currency` | [components.UnifiedEcommerceOrderInputCurrency](../../models/components/unifiedecommerceorderinputcurrency.md) | :heavy_minus_sign: | The currency of the order. Authorized value must be of type CurrencyCode (ISO 4217) | AUD | -| `totalPrice` | *number* | :heavy_minus_sign: | The total price of the order | 300 | -| `totalDiscount` | *number* | :heavy_minus_sign: | The total discount on the order | 10 | -| `totalShipping` | *number* | :heavy_minus_sign: | The total shipping cost of the order | 120 | -| `totalTax` | *number* | :heavy_minus_sign: | The total tax on the order | 120 | -| `fulfillmentStatus` | *string* | :heavy_minus_sign: | The fulfillment status of the order | delivered | -| `customerId` | *string* | :heavy_minus_sign: | The UUID of the customer associated with the order | 801f9ede-c698-4e66-a7fc-48d19eebaa4f | -| `items` | [components.UnifiedEcommerceOrderInputItems](../../models/components/unifiedecommerceorderinputitems.md) | :heavy_minus_sign: | The items in the order | {} | -| `fieldMappings` | [components.UnifiedEcommerceOrderInputFieldMappings](../../models/components/unifiedecommerceorderinputfieldmappings.md) | :heavy_minus_sign: | The custom field mappings of the object between the remote 3rd party & Panora | {
"fav_dish": "broccoli",
"fav_color": "red"
} | \ No newline at end of file +| Field | Type | Required | Description | Example | +| ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | +| `orderStatus` | [components.UnifiedEcommerceOrderInputOrderStatus](../../models/components/unifiedecommerceorderinputorderstatus.md) | :heavy_minus_sign: | The status of the order | UNSHIPPED | +| `orderNumber` | *string* | :heavy_minus_sign: | The number of the order | 19823838833 | +| `paymentStatus` | [components.UnifiedEcommerceOrderInputPaymentStatus](../../models/components/unifiedecommerceorderinputpaymentstatus.md) | :heavy_minus_sign: | The payment status of the order | SUCCESS | +| `currency` | [components.UnifiedEcommerceOrderInputCurrency](../../models/components/unifiedecommerceorderinputcurrency.md) | :heavy_minus_sign: | The currency of the order. Authorized value must be of type CurrencyCode (ISO 4217) | AUD | +| `totalPrice` | *number* | :heavy_minus_sign: | The total price of the order | 300 | +| `totalDiscount` | *number* | :heavy_minus_sign: | The total discount on the order | 10 | +| `totalShipping` | *number* | :heavy_minus_sign: | The total shipping cost of the order | 120 | +| `totalTax` | *number* | :heavy_minus_sign: | The total tax on the order | 120 | +| `fulfillmentStatus` | [components.UnifiedEcommerceOrderInputFulfillmentStatus](../../models/components/unifiedecommerceorderinputfulfillmentstatus.md) | :heavy_minus_sign: | The fulfillment status of the order | PENDING | +| `customerId` | *string* | :heavy_minus_sign: | The UUID of the customer associated with the order | 801f9ede-c698-4e66-a7fc-48d19eebaa4f | +| `items` | [components.LineItem](../../models/components/lineitem.md)[] | :heavy_minus_sign: | The items in the order | [
"remote_id": "12345",
"product_id": "prod_001",
"variant_id": "var_001",
"sku": "SKU123",
"title": "Sample Product",
"quantity": 2,
"price": "19.99",
"total": "39.98",
"fulfillment_status": "PENDING",
"requires_shipping": true,
"taxable": true,
"weight": 1.5,
"variant_title": "Size M",
"vendor": "Sample Vendor",
"properties": [
"name": "Color",
"value": "Red"
"tax_lines": [
"title": "Sales Tax",
"price": "3.00",
"rate": 0.075
"discount_allocations": [
"amount": "5.00",
"discount_application_index": 0
] | +| `fieldMappings` | [components.UnifiedEcommerceOrderInputFieldMappings](../../models/components/unifiedecommerceorderinputfieldmappings.md) | :heavy_minus_sign: | The custom field mappings of the object between the remote 3rd party & Panora | {
"fav_dish": "broccoli",
"fav_color": "red"
} | \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/docs/models/components/unifiedecommerceorderinputfulfillmentstatus.md b/docs/models/components/unifiedecommerceorderinputfulfillmentstatus.md new file mode 100644 index 00000000..d5543f61 --- /dev/null +++ b/docs/models/components/unifiedecommerceorderinputfulfillmentstatus.md @@ -0,0 +1,12 @@ +# UnifiedEcommerceOrderInputFulfillmentStatus + +The fulfillment status of the order + + +## Values + +| Name | Value | +| ----------- | ----------- | +| `Pending` | PENDING | +| `Fulfilled` | FULFILLED | +| `Canceled` | CANCELED | \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/docs/models/components/unifiedecommerceorderinputorderstatus.md b/docs/models/components/unifiedecommerceorderinputorderstatus.md new file mode 100644 index 00000000..212687d5 --- /dev/null +++ b/docs/models/components/unifiedecommerceorderinputorderstatus.md @@ -0,0 +1,13 @@ +# UnifiedEcommerceOrderInputOrderStatus + +The status of the order + + +## Values + +| Name | Value | +| ----------- | ----------- | +| `Pending` | PENDING | +| `Unshipped` | UNSHIPPED | +| `Shipped` | SHIPPED | +| `Canceled` | CANCELED | \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/docs/models/components/unifiedecommerceorderinputpaymentstatus.md b/docs/models/components/unifiedecommerceorderinputpaymentstatus.md new file mode 100644 index 00000000..59aaa928 --- /dev/null +++ b/docs/models/components/unifiedecommerceorderinputpaymentstatus.md @@ -0,0 +1,11 @@ +# UnifiedEcommerceOrderInputPaymentStatus + +The payment status of the order + + +## Values + +| Name | Value | +| --------- | --------- | +| `Success` | SUCCESS | +| `Fail` | FAIL | \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/docs/models/components/unifiedecommerceorderoutput.md b/docs/models/components/unifiedecommerceorderoutput.md index 50521b9c..b27aca83 100644 --- a/docs/models/components/unifiedecommerceorderoutput.md +++ b/docs/models/components/unifiedecommerceorderoutput.md @@ -3,22 +3,22 @@ ## Fields -| Field | Type | Required | Description | Example | -| -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | -| `orderStatus` | *string* | :heavy_minus_sign: | The status of the order | PAID | -| `orderNumber` | *string* | :heavy_minus_sign: | The number of the order | 19823838833 | -| `paymentStatus` | *string* | :heavy_minus_sign: | The payment status of the order | SUCCESS | -| `currency` | [components.Currency](../../models/components/currency.md) | :heavy_minus_sign: | The currency of the order. Authorized value must be of type CurrencyCode (ISO 4217) | AUD | -| `totalPrice` | *number* | :heavy_minus_sign: | The total price of the order | 300 | -| `totalDiscount` | *number* | :heavy_minus_sign: | The total discount on the order | 10 | -| `totalShipping` | *number* | :heavy_minus_sign: | The total shipping cost of the order | 120 | -| `totalTax` | *number* | :heavy_minus_sign: | The total tax on the order | 120 | -| `fulfillmentStatus` | *string* | :heavy_minus_sign: | The fulfillment status of the order | delivered | -| `customerId` | *string* | :heavy_minus_sign: | The UUID of the customer associated with the order | 801f9ede-c698-4e66-a7fc-48d19eebaa4f | -| `items` | [components.Items](../../models/components/items.md) | :heavy_minus_sign: | The items in the order | {} | -| `fieldMappings` | [components.UnifiedEcommerceOrderOutputFieldMappings](../../models/components/unifiedecommerceorderoutputfieldmappings.md) | :heavy_minus_sign: | The custom field mappings of the object between the remote 3rd party & Panora | {
"fav_dish": "broccoli",
"fav_color": "red"
} | -| `id` | *string* | :heavy_minus_sign: | The UUID of the order | 801f9ede-c698-4e66-a7fc-48d19eebaa4f | -| `remoteId` | *string* | :heavy_minus_sign: | The remote ID of the order in the context of the 3rd Party | id_1 | -| `remoteData` | [components.UnifiedEcommerceOrderOutputRemoteData](../../models/components/unifiedecommerceorderoutputremotedata.md) | :heavy_minus_sign: | The remote data of the customer in the context of the 3rd Party | {
"fav_dish": "broccoli",
"fav_color": "red"
} | -| `createdAt` | *string* | :heavy_minus_sign: | The created date of the object | 2024-10-01T12:00:00Z | -| `modifiedAt` | *string* | :heavy_minus_sign: | The modified date of the object | 2024-10-01T12:00:00Z | \ No newline at end of file +| Field | Type | Required | Description | Example | +| ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | +| `orderStatus` | [components.OrderStatus](../../models/components/orderstatus.md) | :heavy_minus_sign: | The status of the order | UNSHIPPED | +| `orderNumber` | *string* | :heavy_minus_sign: | The number of the order | 19823838833 | +| `paymentStatus` | [components.PaymentStatus](../../models/components/paymentstatus.md) | :heavy_minus_sign: | The payment status of the order | SUCCESS | +| `currency` | [components.UnifiedEcommerceOrderOutputCurrency](../../models/components/unifiedecommerceorderoutputcurrency.md) | :heavy_minus_sign: | The currency of the order. Authorized value must be of type CurrencyCode (ISO 4217) | AUD | +| `totalPrice` | *number* | :heavy_minus_sign: | The total price of the order | 300 | +| `totalDiscount` | *number* | :heavy_minus_sign: | The total discount on the order | 10 | +| `totalShipping` | *number* | :heavy_minus_sign: | The total shipping cost of the order | 120 | +| `totalTax` | *number* | :heavy_minus_sign: | The total tax on the order | 120 | +| `fulfillmentStatus` | [components.FulfillmentStatus](../../models/components/fulfillmentstatus.md) | :heavy_minus_sign: | The fulfillment status of the order | PENDING | +| `customerId` | *string* | :heavy_minus_sign: | The UUID of the customer associated with the order | 801f9ede-c698-4e66-a7fc-48d19eebaa4f | +| `items` | [components.LineItem](../../models/components/lineitem.md)[] | :heavy_minus_sign: | The items in the order | [
"remote_id": "12345",
"product_id": "prod_001",
"variant_id": "var_001",
"sku": "SKU123",
"title": "Sample Product",
"quantity": 2,
"price": "19.99",
"total": "39.98",
"fulfillment_status": "PENDING",
"requires_shipping": true,
"taxable": true,
"weight": 1.5,
"variant_title": "Size M",
"vendor": "Sample Vendor",
"properties": [
"name": "Color",
"value": "Red"
"tax_lines": [
"title": "Sales Tax",
"price": "3.00",
"rate": 0.075
"discount_allocations": [
"amount": "5.00",
"discount_application_index": 0
] | +| `fieldMappings` | [components.UnifiedEcommerceOrderOutputFieldMappings](../../models/components/unifiedecommerceorderoutputfieldmappings.md) | :heavy_minus_sign: | The custom field mappings of the object between the remote 3rd party & Panora | {
"fav_dish": "broccoli",
"fav_color": "red"
} | +| `id` | *string* | :heavy_minus_sign: | The UUID of the order | 801f9ede-c698-4e66-a7fc-48d19eebaa4f | +| `remoteId` | *string* | :heavy_minus_sign: | The remote ID of the order in the context of the 3rd Party | id_1 | +| `remoteData` | [components.UnifiedEcommerceOrderOutputRemoteData](../../models/components/unifiedecommerceorderoutputremotedata.md) | :heavy_minus_sign: | The remote data of the customer in the context of the 3rd Party | {
"fav_dish": "broccoli",
"fav_color": "red"
} | +| `createdAt` | *string* | :heavy_minus_sign: | The created date of the object | 2024-10-01T12:00:00Z | +| `modifiedAt` | *string* | :heavy_minus_sign: | The modified date of the object | 2024-10-01T12:00:00Z | \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/docs/models/components/unifiedecommerceorderoutputcurrency.md b/docs/models/components/unifiedecommerceorderoutputcurrency.md new file mode 100644 index 00000000..bc0b3ba6 --- /dev/null +++ b/docs/models/components/unifiedecommerceorderoutputcurrency.md @@ -0,0 +1,171 @@ +# UnifiedEcommerceOrderOutputCurrency + +The currency of the order. Authorized value must be of type CurrencyCode (ISO 4217) + + +## Values + +| Name | Value | +| ----- | ----- | +| `Aed` | AED | +| `Afn` | AFN | +| `All` | ALL | +| `Amd` | AMD | +| `Ang` | ANG | +| `Aoa` | AOA | +| `Ars` | ARS | +| `Aud` | AUD | +| `Awg` | AWG | +| `Azn` | AZN | +| `Bam` | BAM | +| `Bbd` | BBD | +| `Bdt` | BDT | +| `Bgn` | BGN | +| `Bhd` | BHD | +| `Bif` | BIF | +| `Bmd` | BMD | +| `Bnd` | BND | +| `Bob` | BOB | +| `Brl` | BRL | +| `Bsd` | BSD | +| `Btn` | BTN | +| `Bwp` | BWP | +| `Byn` | BYN | +| `Bzd` | BZD | +| `Cad` | CAD | +| `Cdf` | CDF | +| `Chf` | CHF | +| `Clp` | CLP | +| `Cny` | CNY | +| `Cop` | COP | +| `Crc` | CRC | +| `Cup` | CUP | +| `Cve` | CVE | +| `Czk` | CZK | +| `Djf` | DJF | +| `Dkk` | DKK | +| `Dop` | DOP | +| `Dzd` | DZD | +| `Egp` | EGP | +| `Ern` | ERN | +| `Etb` | ETB | +| `Eur` | EUR | +| `Fjd` | FJD | +| `Fkp` | FKP | +| `Fok` | FOK | +| `Gbp` | GBP | +| `Gel` | GEL | +| `Ggp` | GGP | +| `Ghs` | GHS | +| `Gip` | GIP | +| `Gmd` | GMD | +| `Gnf` | GNF | +| `Gtq` | GTQ | +| `Gyd` | GYD | +| `Hkd` | HKD | +| `Hnl` | HNL | +| `Hrk` | HRK | +| `Htg` | HTG | +| `Huf` | HUF | +| `Idr` | IDR | +| `Ils` | ILS | +| `Imp` | IMP | +| `Inr` | INR | +| `Iqd` | IQD | +| `Irr` | IRR | +| `Isk` | ISK | +| `Jep` | JEP | +| `Jmd` | JMD | +| `Jod` | JOD | +| `Jpy` | JPY | +| `Kes` | KES | +| `Kgs` | KGS | +| `Khr` | KHR | +| `Kid` | KID | +| `Kmf` | KMF | +| `Krw` | KRW | +| `Kwd` | KWD | +| `Kyd` | KYD | +| `Kzt` | KZT | +| `Lak` | LAK | +| `Lbp` | LBP | +| `Lkr` | LKR | +| `Lrd` | LRD | +| `Lsl` | LSL | +| `Lyd` | LYD | +| `Mad` | MAD | +| `Mdl` | MDL | +| `Mga` | MGA | +| `Mkd` | MKD | +| `Mmk` | MMK | +| `Mnt` | MNT | +| `Mop` | MOP | +| `Mru` | MRU | +| `Mur` | MUR | +| `Mvr` | MVR | +| `Mwk` | MWK | +| `Mxn` | MXN | +| `Myr` | MYR | +| `Mzn` | MZN | +| `Nad` | NAD | +| `Ngn` | NGN | +| `Nio` | NIO | +| `Nok` | NOK | +| `Npr` | NPR | +| `Nzd` | NZD | +| `Omr` | OMR | +| `Pab` | PAB | +| `Pen` | PEN | +| `Pgk` | PGK | +| `Php` | PHP | +| `Pkr` | PKR | +| `Pln` | PLN | +| `Pyg` | PYG | +| `Qar` | QAR | +| `Ron` | RON | +| `Rsd` | RSD | +| `Rub` | RUB | +| `Rwf` | RWF | +| `Sar` | SAR | +| `Sbd` | SBD | +| `Scr` | SCR | +| `Sdg` | SDG | +| `Sek` | SEK | +| `Sgd` | SGD | +| `Shp` | SHP | +| `Sle` | SLE | +| `Sll` | SLL | +| `Sos` | SOS | +| `Srd` | SRD | +| `Ssp` | SSP | +| `Stn` | STN | +| `Syp` | SYP | +| `Szl` | SZL | +| `Thb` | THB | +| `Tjs` | TJS | +| `Tmt` | TMT | +| `Tnd` | TND | +| `Top` | TOP | +| `Try` | TRY | +| `Ttd` | TTD | +| `Tvd` | TVD | +| `Twd` | TWD | +| `Tzs` | TZS | +| `Uah` | UAH | +| `Ugx` | UGX | +| `Usd` | USD | +| `Uyu` | UYU | +| `Uzs` | UZS | +| `Ves` | VES | +| `Vnd` | VND | +| `Vuv` | VUV | +| `Wst` | WST | +| `Xaf` | XAF | +| `Xcd` | XCD | +| `Xdr` | XDR | +| `Xof` | XOF | +| `Xpf` | XPF | +| `Yer` | YER | +| `Zar` | ZAR | +| `Zmw` | ZMW | +| `Zwl` | ZWL | \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/docs/models/components/unifiedecommerceproductoutput.md b/docs/models/components/unifiedecommerceproductoutput.md index 071dfd33..d9db830c 100644 --- a/docs/models/components/unifiedecommerceproductoutput.md +++ b/docs/models/components/unifiedecommerceproductoutput.md @@ -3,19 +3,19 @@ ## Fields -| Field | Type | Required | Description | Example | -| -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | -| `productUrl` | *string* | :heavy_minus_sign: | The URL of the product | https://product_url/tee | -| `productType` | *string* | :heavy_minus_sign: | The type of the product | teeshirt | -| `productStatus` | [components.ProductStatus](../../models/components/productstatus.md) | :heavy_minus_sign: | The status of the product. Either ACTIVE, DRAFT OR ARCHIVED. | ACTIVE | -| `imagesUrls` | *string*[] | :heavy_minus_sign: | The URLs of the product images | [
] | -| `description` | *string* | :heavy_minus_sign: | The description of the product | best tee ever | -| `vendor` | *string* | :heavy_minus_sign: | The vendor of the product | vendor_extern | -| `variants` | [components.Variant](../../models/components/variant.md)[] | :heavy_minus_sign: | The variants of the product | [
"title": "teeshirt",
"price": 20,
"sku": "3",
"options": null,
"weight": 10,
"inventory_quantity": 100
] | -| `tags` | *string*[] | :heavy_minus_sign: | The tags associated with the product | [
] | -| `fieldMappings` | [components.FieldMappings](../../models/components/fieldmappings.md) | :heavy_minus_sign: | The custom field mappings of the object between the remote 3rd party & Panora | {
"fav_dish": "broccoli",
"fav_color": "red"
} | -| `id` | *string* | :heavy_minus_sign: | The UUID of the product | 801f9ede-c698-4e66-a7fc-48d19eebaa4f | -| `remoteId` | *string* | :heavy_minus_sign: | The remote ID of the product in the context of the 3rd Party | id_1 | -| `remoteData` | [components.RemoteData](../../models/components/remotedata.md) | :heavy_minus_sign: | The remote data of the customer in the context of the 3rd Party | {
"fav_dish": "broccoli",
"fav_color": "red"
} | -| `createdAt` | *string* | :heavy_minus_sign: | The created date of the object | 2024-10-01T12:00:00Z | -| `modifiedAt` | *string* | :heavy_minus_sign: | The modified date of the object | 2024-10-01T12:00:00Z | \ No newline at end of file +| Field | Type | Required | Description | Example | +| ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ | ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ | ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ | ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ | ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ | +| `productUrl` | *string* | :heavy_minus_sign: | The URL of the product | https://product_url/tee | +| `productType` | *string* | :heavy_minus_sign: | The type of the product | teeshirt | +| `productStatus` | [components.ProductStatus](../../models/components/productstatus.md) | :heavy_minus_sign: | The status of the product. Either ACTIVE, DRAFT OR ARCHIVED. | ACTIVE | +| `imagesUrls` | *string*[] | :heavy_minus_sign: | The URLs of the product images | [
] | +| `description` | *string* | :heavy_minus_sign: | The description of the product | best tee ever | +| `vendor` | *string* | :heavy_minus_sign: | The vendor of the product | vendor_extern | +| `variants` | [components.Variant](../../models/components/variant.md)[] | :heavy_minus_sign: | The variants of the product | [
"title": "teeshirt",
"price": 20,
"sku": "3",
"options": null,
"weight": 10,
"inventory_quantity": 100
] | +| `tags` | *string*[] | :heavy_minus_sign: | The tags associated with the product | [
] | +| `fieldMappings` | [components.UnifiedEcommerceProductOutputFieldMappings](../../models/components/unifiedecommerceproductoutputfieldmappings.md) | :heavy_minus_sign: | The custom field mappings of the object between the remote 3rd party & Panora | {
"fav_dish": "broccoli",
"fav_color": "red"
} | +| `id` | *string* | :heavy_minus_sign: | The UUID of the product | 801f9ede-c698-4e66-a7fc-48d19eebaa4f | +| `remoteId` | *string* | :heavy_minus_sign: | The remote ID of the product in the context of the 3rd Party | id_1 | +| `remoteData` | [components.UnifiedEcommerceProductOutputRemoteData](../../models/components/unifiedecommerceproductoutputremotedata.md) | :heavy_minus_sign: | The remote data of the customer in the context of the 3rd Party | {
"fav_dish": "broccoli",
"fav_color": "red"
} | +| `createdAt` | *string* | :heavy_minus_sign: | The created date of the object | 2024-10-01T12:00:00Z | +| `modifiedAt` | *string* | :heavy_minus_sign: | The modified date of the object | 2024-10-01T12:00:00Z | \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/docs/models/components/unifiedecommerceproductoutputfieldmappings.md b/docs/models/components/unifiedecommerceproductoutputfieldmappings.md new file mode 100644 index 00000000..ce1af403 --- /dev/null +++ b/docs/models/components/unifiedecommerceproductoutputfieldmappings.md @@ -0,0 +1,9 @@ +# UnifiedEcommerceProductOutputFieldMappings + +The custom field mappings of the object between the remote 3rd party & Panora + + +## Fields + +| Field | Type | Required | Description | +| ----------- | ----------- | ----------- | ----------- | \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/docs/models/components/unifiedecommerceproductoutputremotedata.md b/docs/models/components/unifiedecommerceproductoutputremotedata.md new file mode 100644 index 00000000..86fd0ee6 --- /dev/null +++ b/docs/models/components/unifiedecommerceproductoutputremotedata.md @@ -0,0 +1,9 @@ +# UnifiedEcommerceProductOutputRemoteData + +The remote data of the customer in the context of the 3rd Party + + +## Fields + +| Field | Type | Required | Description | +| ----------- | ----------- | ----------- | ----------- | \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/docs/models/components/unifiedhrisbankinfooutput.md b/docs/models/components/unifiedhrisbankinfooutput.md index 34a9065b..f2b33336 100644 --- a/docs/models/components/unifiedhrisbankinfooutput.md +++ b/docs/models/components/unifiedhrisbankinfooutput.md @@ -3,5 +3,18 @@ ## Fields -| Field | Type | Required | Description | -| ----------- | ----------- | ----------- | ----------- | \ No newline at end of file +| Field | Type | Required | Description | Example | +| --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | +| `accountType` | [components.AccountType](../../models/components/accounttype.md) | :heavy_minus_sign: | The type of the bank account | CHECKING | +| `bankName` | *string* | :heavy_minus_sign: | The name of the bank | Bank of America | +| `accountNumber` | *string* | :heavy_minus_sign: | The account number | 1234567890 | +| `routingNumber` | *string* | :heavy_minus_sign: | The routing number of the bank | 021000021 | +| `employeeId` | *string* | :heavy_minus_sign: | The UUID of the associated employee | 801f9ede-c698-4e66-a7fc-48d19eebaa4f | +| `fieldMappings` | [components.FieldMappings](../../models/components/fieldmappings.md) | :heavy_minus_sign: | The custom field mappings of the object between the remote 3rd party & Panora | {
"custom_field_1": "value1",
"custom_field_2": "value2"
} | +| `id` | *string* | :heavy_check_mark: | The UUID of the bank info record | 801f9ede-c698-4e66-a7fc-48d19eebaa4f | +| `remoteId` | *string* | :heavy_minus_sign: | The remote ID of the bank info in the context of the 3rd Party | id_1 | +| `remoteData` | [components.RemoteData](../../models/components/remotedata.md) | :heavy_minus_sign: | The remote data of the bank info in the context of the 3rd Party | {
"raw_data": {
"additional_field": "some value"
} | +| `remoteCreatedAt` | [Date](https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/JavaScript/Reference/Global_Objects/Date) | :heavy_minus_sign: | The date when the bank info was created in the 3rd party system | 2024-10-01T12:00:00Z | +| `createdAt` | [Date](https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/JavaScript/Reference/Global_Objects/Date) | :heavy_check_mark: | The created date of the bank info record | 2024-10-01T12:00:00Z | +| `modifiedAt` | [Date](https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/JavaScript/Reference/Global_Objects/Date) | :heavy_check_mark: | The last modified date of the bank info record | 2024-10-01T12:00:00Z | +| `remoteWasDeleted` | *boolean* | :heavy_check_mark: | Indicates if the bank info was deleted in the remote system | false | \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/docs/models/components/unifiedhrisbenefitoutput.md b/docs/models/components/unifiedhrisbenefitoutput.md index 3124616a..c919eaf3 100644 --- a/docs/models/components/unifiedhrisbenefitoutput.md +++ b/docs/models/components/unifiedhrisbenefitoutput.md @@ -3,5 +3,20 @@ ## Fields -| Field | Type | Required | Description | -| ----------- | ----------- | ----------- | ----------- | \ No newline at end of file +| Field | Type | Required | Description | Example | +| -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | +| `providerName` | *string* | :heavy_minus_sign: | The name of the benefit provider | Health Insurance Provider | +| `employeeId` | *string* | :heavy_minus_sign: | The UUID of the associated employee | 801f9ede-c698-4e66-a7fc-48d19eebaa4f | +| `employeeContribution` | *number* | :heavy_minus_sign: | The employee contribution amount | 100 | +| `companyContribution` | *number* | :heavy_minus_sign: | The company contribution amount | 200 | +| `startDate` | [Date](https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/JavaScript/Reference/Global_Objects/Date) | :heavy_minus_sign: | The start date of the benefit | 2024-01-01T00:00:00Z | +| `endDate` | [Date](https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/JavaScript/Reference/Global_Objects/Date) | :heavy_minus_sign: | The end date of the benefit | 2024-12-31T23:59:59Z | +| `employerBenefitId` | *string* | :heavy_minus_sign: | The UUID of the associated employer benefit | 801f9ede-c698-4e66-a7fc-48d19eebaa4f | +| `fieldMappings` | [components.UnifiedHrisBenefitOutputFieldMappings](../../models/components/unifiedhrisbenefitoutputfieldmappings.md) | :heavy_minus_sign: | The custom field mappings of the object between the remote 3rd party & Panora | {
"custom_field_1": "value1",
"custom_field_2": "value2"
} | +| `id` | *string* | :heavy_minus_sign: | The UUID of the benefit record | 801f9ede-c698-4e66-a7fc-48d19eebaa4f | +| `remoteId` | *string* | :heavy_minus_sign: | The remote ID of the benefit in the context of the 3rd Party | benefit_1234 | +| `remoteData` | [components.UnifiedHrisBenefitOutputRemoteData](../../models/components/unifiedhrisbenefitoutputremotedata.md) | :heavy_minus_sign: | The remote data of the benefit in the context of the 3rd Party | {
"raw_data": {
"additional_field": "some value"
} | +| `remoteCreatedAt` | [Date](https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/JavaScript/Reference/Global_Objects/Date) | :heavy_minus_sign: | The date when the benefit was created in the 3rd party system | 2024-10-01T12:00:00Z | +| `createdAt` | [Date](https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/JavaScript/Reference/Global_Objects/Date) | :heavy_minus_sign: | The created date of the benefit record | 2024-10-01T12:00:00Z | +| `modifiedAt` | [Date](https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/JavaScript/Reference/Global_Objects/Date) | :heavy_minus_sign: | The last modified date of the benefit record | 2024-10-01T12:00:00Z | +| `remoteWasDeleted` | *boolean* | :heavy_minus_sign: | Indicates if the benefit was deleted in the remote system | false | \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/docs/models/components/unifiedhrisbenefitoutputfieldmappings.md b/docs/models/components/unifiedhrisbenefitoutputfieldmappings.md new file mode 100644 index 00000000..bfa0ba77 --- /dev/null +++ b/docs/models/components/unifiedhrisbenefitoutputfieldmappings.md @@ -0,0 +1,9 @@ +# UnifiedHrisBenefitOutputFieldMappings + +The custom field mappings of the object between the remote 3rd party & Panora + + +## Fields + +| Field | Type | Required | Description | +| ----------- | ----------- | ----------- | ----------- | \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/docs/models/components/unifiedhrisbenefitoutputremotedata.md b/docs/models/components/unifiedhrisbenefitoutputremotedata.md new file mode 100644 index 00000000..70d1765f --- /dev/null +++ b/docs/models/components/unifiedhrisbenefitoutputremotedata.md @@ -0,0 +1,9 @@ +# UnifiedHrisBenefitOutputRemoteData + +The remote data of the benefit in the context of the 3rd Party + + +## Fields + +| Field | Type | Required | Description | +| ----------- | ----------- | ----------- | ----------- | \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/docs/models/components/unifiedhriscompanyoutput.md b/docs/models/components/unifiedhriscompanyoutput.md index 521c0fef..5bdc661c 100644 --- a/docs/models/components/unifiedhriscompanyoutput.md +++ b/docs/models/components/unifiedhriscompanyoutput.md @@ -3,5 +3,17 @@ ## Fields -| Field | Type | Required | Description | -| ----------- | ----------- | ----------- | ----------- | \ No newline at end of file +| Field | Type | Required | Description | Example | +| -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | +| `legalName` | *string* | :heavy_minus_sign: | The legal name of the company | Acme Corporation | +| `locations` | *string*[] | :heavy_minus_sign: | UUIDs of the of the Location associated with the company | [
] | +| `displayName` | *string* | :heavy_minus_sign: | The display name of the company | Acme Corp | +| `eins` | *string*[] | :heavy_minus_sign: | The Employer Identification Numbers (EINs) of the company | [
] | +| `fieldMappings` | [components.UnifiedHrisCompanyOutputFieldMappings](../../models/components/unifiedhriscompanyoutputfieldmappings.md) | :heavy_minus_sign: | The custom field mappings of the object between the remote 3rd party & Panora | {
"custom_field_1": "value1",
"custom_field_2": "value2"
} | +| `id` | *string* | :heavy_minus_sign: | The UUID of the company record | 801f9ede-c698-4e66-a7fc-48d19eebaa4f | +| `remoteId` | *string* | :heavy_minus_sign: | The remote ID of the company in the context of the 3rd Party | company_1234 | +| `remoteData` | [components.UnifiedHrisCompanyOutputRemoteData](../../models/components/unifiedhriscompanyoutputremotedata.md) | :heavy_minus_sign: | The remote data of the company in the context of the 3rd Party | {
"raw_data": {
"additional_field": "some value"
} | +| `remoteCreatedAt` | [Date](https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/JavaScript/Reference/Global_Objects/Date) | :heavy_minus_sign: | The date when the company was created in the 3rd party system | 2024-10-01T12:00:00Z | +| `createdAt` | [Date](https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/JavaScript/Reference/Global_Objects/Date) | :heavy_minus_sign: | The created date of the company record | 2024-10-01T12:00:00Z | +| `modifiedAt` | [Date](https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/JavaScript/Reference/Global_Objects/Date) | :heavy_minus_sign: | The last modified date of the company record | 2024-10-01T12:00:00Z | +| `remoteWasDeleted` | *boolean* | :heavy_minus_sign: | Indicates if the company was deleted in the remote system | false | \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/docs/models/components/unifiedhriscompanyoutputfieldmappings.md b/docs/models/components/unifiedhriscompanyoutputfieldmappings.md new file mode 100644 index 00000000..19f6bef3 --- /dev/null +++ b/docs/models/components/unifiedhriscompanyoutputfieldmappings.md @@ -0,0 +1,9 @@ +# UnifiedHrisCompanyOutputFieldMappings + +The custom field mappings of the object between the remote 3rd party & Panora + + +## Fields + +| Field | Type | Required | Description | +| ----------- | ----------- | ----------- | ----------- | \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/docs/models/components/unifiedhriscompanyoutputremotedata.md b/docs/models/components/unifiedhriscompanyoutputremotedata.md new file mode 100644 index 00000000..79cf9165 --- /dev/null +++ b/docs/models/components/unifiedhriscompanyoutputremotedata.md @@ -0,0 +1,9 @@ +# UnifiedHrisCompanyOutputRemoteData + +The remote data of the company in the context of the 3rd Party + + +## Fields + +| Field | Type | Required | Description | +| ----------- | ----------- | ----------- | ----------- | \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/docs/models/components/unifiedhrisdependentoutput.md b/docs/models/components/unifiedhrisdependentoutput.md index 61c12952..3c60c63f 100644 --- a/docs/models/components/unifiedhrisdependentoutput.md +++ b/docs/models/components/unifiedhrisdependentoutput.md @@ -3,5 +3,24 @@ ## Fields -| Field | Type | Required | Description | -| ----------- | ----------- | ----------- | ----------- | \ No newline at end of file +| Field | Type | Required | Description | Example | +| ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ | ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ | ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ | ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ | ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ | +| `firstName` | *string* | :heavy_minus_sign: | The first name of the dependent | John | +| `lastName` | *string* | :heavy_minus_sign: | The last name of the dependent | Doe | +| `middleName` | *string* | :heavy_minus_sign: | The middle name of the dependent | Michael | +| `relationship` | [components.Relationship](../../models/components/relationship.md) | :heavy_minus_sign: | The relationship of the dependent to the employee | CHILD | +| `dateOfBirth` | [Date](https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/JavaScript/Reference/Global_Objects/Date) | :heavy_minus_sign: | The date of birth of the dependent | 2020-01-01 | +| `gender` | [components.Gender](../../models/components/gender.md) | :heavy_minus_sign: | The gender of the dependent | MALE | +| `phoneNumber` | *string* | :heavy_minus_sign: | The phone number of the dependent | +1234567890 | +| `homeLocation` | *string* | :heavy_minus_sign: | The UUID of the home location | 801f9ede-c698-4e66-a7fc-48d19eebaa4f | +| `isStudent` | *boolean* | :heavy_minus_sign: | Indicates if the dependent is a student | true | +| `ssn` | *string* | :heavy_minus_sign: | The Social Security Number of the dependent | 123-45-6789 | +| `employeeId` | *string* | :heavy_minus_sign: | The UUID of the associated employee | 801f9ede-c698-4e66-a7fc-48d19eebaa4f | +| `fieldMappings` | [components.UnifiedHrisDependentOutputFieldMappings](../../models/components/unifiedhrisdependentoutputfieldmappings.md) | :heavy_minus_sign: | The custom field mappings of the object between the remote 3rd party & Panora | {
"custom_field_1": "value1",
"custom_field_2": "value2"
} | +| `id` | *string* | :heavy_minus_sign: | The UUID of the dependent record | 801f9ede-c698-4e66-a7fc-48d19eebaa4f | +| `remoteId` | *string* | :heavy_minus_sign: | The remote ID of the dependent in the context of the 3rd Party | dependent_1234 | +| `remoteData` | [components.UnifiedHrisDependentOutputRemoteData](../../models/components/unifiedhrisdependentoutputremotedata.md) | :heavy_minus_sign: | The remote data of the dependent in the context of the 3rd Party | {
"raw_data": {
"additional_field": "some value"
} | +| `remoteCreatedAt` | [Date](https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/JavaScript/Reference/Global_Objects/Date) | :heavy_minus_sign: | The date when the dependent was created in the 3rd party system | 2024-10-01T12:00:00Z | +| `createdAt` | [Date](https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/JavaScript/Reference/Global_Objects/Date) | :heavy_minus_sign: | The created date of the dependent record | 2024-10-01T12:00:00Z | +| `modifiedAt` | [Date](https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/JavaScript/Reference/Global_Objects/Date) | :heavy_minus_sign: | The last modified date of the dependent record | 2024-10-01T12:00:00Z | +| `remoteWasDeleted` | *boolean* | :heavy_minus_sign: | Indicates if the dependent was deleted in the remote system | false | \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/docs/models/components/unifiedhrisdependentoutputfieldmappings.md b/docs/models/components/unifiedhrisdependentoutputfieldmappings.md new file mode 100644 index 00000000..b8b3944b --- /dev/null +++ b/docs/models/components/unifiedhrisdependentoutputfieldmappings.md @@ -0,0 +1,9 @@ +# UnifiedHrisDependentOutputFieldMappings + +The custom field mappings of the object between the remote 3rd party & Panora + + +## Fields + +| Field | Type | Required | Description | +| ----------- | ----------- | ----------- | ----------- | \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/docs/models/components/unifiedhrisdependentoutputremotedata.md b/docs/models/components/unifiedhrisdependentoutputremotedata.md new file mode 100644 index 00000000..df04b7a4 --- /dev/null +++ b/docs/models/components/unifiedhrisdependentoutputremotedata.md @@ -0,0 +1,9 @@ +# UnifiedHrisDependentOutputRemoteData + +The remote data of the dependent in the context of the 3rd Party + + +## Fields + +| Field | Type | Required | Description | +| ----------- | ----------- | ----------- | ----------- | \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/docs/models/components/unifiedhrisemployeeinput.md b/docs/models/components/unifiedhrisemployeeinput.md index 2736b8f1..1f45ec73 100644 --- a/docs/models/components/unifiedhrisemployeeinput.md +++ b/docs/models/components/unifiedhrisemployeeinput.md @@ -3,5 +3,29 @@ ## Fields -| Field | Type | Required | Description | -| ----------- | ----------- | ----------- | ----------- | \ No newline at end of file +| Field | Type | Required | Description | Example | +| -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | +| `groups` | *string*[] | :heavy_minus_sign: | The groups the employee belongs to | [
] | +| `locations` | *string*[] | :heavy_minus_sign: | UUIDs of the of the Location associated with the company | [
] | +| `employeeNumber` | *string* | :heavy_minus_sign: | The employee number | EMP001 | +| `companyId` | *string* | :heavy_minus_sign: | The UUID of the associated company | 801f9ede-c698-4e66-a7fc-48d19eebaa4f | +| `firstName` | *string* | :heavy_minus_sign: | The first name of the employee | John | +| `lastName` | *string* | :heavy_minus_sign: | The last name of the employee | Doe | +| `preferredName` | *string* | :heavy_minus_sign: | The preferred name of the employee | Johnny | +| `displayFullName` | *string* | :heavy_minus_sign: | The full display name of the employee | John Doe | +| `username` | *string* | :heavy_minus_sign: | The username of the employee | johndoe | +| `workEmail` | *string* | :heavy_minus_sign: | The work email of the employee | john.doe@company.com | +| `personalEmail` | *string* | :heavy_minus_sign: | The personal email of the employee | john.doe@personal.com | +| `mobilePhoneNumber` | *string* | :heavy_minus_sign: | The mobile phone number of the employee | +1234567890 | +| `employments` | *string*[] | :heavy_minus_sign: | The employments of the employee | [
] | +| `ssn` | *string* | :heavy_minus_sign: | The Social Security Number of the employee | 123-45-6789 | +| `gender` | [components.UnifiedHrisEmployeeInputGender](../../models/components/unifiedhrisemployeeinputgender.md) | :heavy_minus_sign: | The gender of the employee | MALE | +| `ethnicity` | [components.UnifiedHrisEmployeeInputEthnicity](../../models/components/unifiedhrisemployeeinputethnicity.md) | :heavy_minus_sign: | The ethnicity of the employee | AMERICAN_INDIAN_OR_ALASKA_NATIVE | +| `maritalStatus` | [components.UnifiedHrisEmployeeInputMaritalStatus](../../models/components/unifiedhrisemployeeinputmaritalstatus.md) | :heavy_minus_sign: | The marital status of the employee | Married | +| `dateOfBirth` | [Date](https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/JavaScript/Reference/Global_Objects/Date) | :heavy_minus_sign: | The date of birth of the employee | 1990-01-01 | +| `startDate` | [Date](https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/JavaScript/Reference/Global_Objects/Date) | :heavy_minus_sign: | The start date of the employee | 2020-01-01 | +| `employmentStatus` | [components.UnifiedHrisEmployeeInputEmploymentStatus](../../models/components/unifiedhrisemployeeinputemploymentstatus.md) | :heavy_minus_sign: | The employment status of the employee | ACTIVE | +| `terminationDate` | [Date](https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/JavaScript/Reference/Global_Objects/Date) | :heavy_minus_sign: | The termination date of the employee | 2025-01-01 | +| `avatarUrl` | *string* | :heavy_minus_sign: | The URL of the employee's avatar | https://example.com/avatar.jpg | +| `managerId` | *string* | :heavy_minus_sign: | UUID of the manager (employee) of the employee | 801f9ede-c698-4e66-a7fc-48d19eebaa4f | +| `fieldMappings` | [components.UnifiedHrisEmployeeInputFieldMappings](../../models/components/unifiedhrisemployeeinputfieldmappings.md) | :heavy_minus_sign: | The custom field mappings of the object between the remote 3rd party & Panora | {
"custom_field_1": "value1",
"custom_field_2": "value2"
} | \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/docs/models/components/unifiedhrisemployeeinputemploymentstatus.md b/docs/models/components/unifiedhrisemployeeinputemploymentstatus.md new file mode 100644 index 00000000..7e0eb77d --- /dev/null +++ b/docs/models/components/unifiedhrisemployeeinputemploymentstatus.md @@ -0,0 +1,12 @@ +# UnifiedHrisEmployeeInputEmploymentStatus + +The employment status of the employee + + +## Values + +| Name | Value | +| ---------- | ---------- | +| `Active` | ACTIVE | +| `Pending` | PENDING | +| `Inactive` | INACTIVE | \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/docs/models/components/unifiedhrisemployeeinputethnicity.md b/docs/models/components/unifiedhrisemployeeinputethnicity.md new file mode 100644 index 00000000..58147e42 --- /dev/null +++ b/docs/models/components/unifiedhrisemployeeinputethnicity.md @@ -0,0 +1,17 @@ +# UnifiedHrisEmployeeInputEthnicity + +The ethnicity of the employee + + +## Values + +| Name | Value | +| ----------------------------------------- | ----------------------------------------- | +| `AmericanIndianOrAlaskaNative` | AMERICAN_INDIAN_OR_ALASKA_NATIVE | +| `AsianOrIndianSubcontinent` | ASIAN_OR_INDIAN_SUBCONTINENT | +| `BlackOrAfricanAmerican` | BLACK_OR_AFRICAN_AMERICAN | +| `HispanicOrLatino` | HISPANIC_OR_LATINO | +| `NativeHawaiianOrOtherPacificIslander` | NATIVE_HAWAIIAN_OR_OTHER_PACIFIC_ISLANDER | +| `TwoOrMoreRaces` | TWO_OR_MORE_RACES | +| `White` | WHITE | +| `PreferNotToDisclose` | PREFER_NOT_TO_DISCLOSE | \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/docs/models/components/unifiedhrisemployeeinputfieldmappings.md b/docs/models/components/unifiedhrisemployeeinputfieldmappings.md new file mode 100644 index 00000000..c4e395d0 --- /dev/null +++ b/docs/models/components/unifiedhrisemployeeinputfieldmappings.md @@ -0,0 +1,9 @@ +# UnifiedHrisEmployeeInputFieldMappings + +The custom field mappings of the object between the remote 3rd party & Panora + + +## Fields + +| Field | Type | Required | Description | +| ----------- | ----------- | ----------- | ----------- | \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/docs/models/components/unifiedhrisemployeeinputgender.md b/docs/models/components/unifiedhrisemployeeinputgender.md new file mode 100644 index 00000000..8aa58f64 --- /dev/null +++ b/docs/models/components/unifiedhrisemployeeinputgender.md @@ -0,0 +1,14 @@ +# UnifiedHrisEmployeeInputGender + +The gender of the employee + + +## Values + +| Name | Value | +| ---------------------- | ---------------------- | +| `Male` | MALE | +| `Female` | FEMALE | +| `NonBinary` | NON-BINARY | +| `Other` | OTHER | +| `PreferNotToDisclose` | PREFER_NOT_TO_DISCLOSE | \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/docs/models/components/unifiedhrisemployeeinputmaritalstatus.md b/docs/models/components/unifiedhrisemployeeinputmaritalstatus.md new file mode 100644 index 00000000..e1b11469 --- /dev/null +++ b/docs/models/components/unifiedhrisemployeeinputmaritalstatus.md @@ -0,0 +1,14 @@ +# UnifiedHrisEmployeeInputMaritalStatus + +The marital status of the employee + + +## Values + +| Name | Value | +| ------------------------------------------------ | ------------------------------------------------ | +| `Single` | SINGLE | +| `MarriedFilingJointly` | MARRIED_FILING_JOINTLY | +| `MarriedFilingSeparately` | MARRIED_FILING_SEPARATELY | +| `HeadOfHousehold` | HEAD_OF_HOUSEHOLD | +| `QualifyingWidowOrWidowerWithDependentChild` | QUALIFYING_WIDOW_OR_WIDOWER_WITH_DEPENDENT_CHILD | \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/docs/models/components/unifiedhrisemployeeoutput.md b/docs/models/components/unifiedhrisemployeeoutput.md index ff675eef..8a9a108c 100644 --- a/docs/models/components/unifiedhrisemployeeoutput.md +++ b/docs/models/components/unifiedhrisemployeeoutput.md @@ -3,5 +3,36 @@ ## Fields -| Field | Type | Required | Description | -| ----------- | ----------- | ----------- | ----------- | \ No newline at end of file +| Field | Type | Required | Description | Example | +| ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | +| `groups` | *string*[] | :heavy_minus_sign: | The groups the employee belongs to | [
] | +| `locations` | *string*[] | :heavy_minus_sign: | UUIDs of the of the Location associated with the company | [
] | +| `employeeNumber` | *string* | :heavy_minus_sign: | The employee number | EMP001 | +| `companyId` | *string* | :heavy_minus_sign: | The UUID of the associated company | 801f9ede-c698-4e66-a7fc-48d19eebaa4f | +| `firstName` | *string* | :heavy_minus_sign: | The first name of the employee | John | +| `lastName` | *string* | :heavy_minus_sign: | The last name of the employee | Doe | +| `preferredName` | *string* | :heavy_minus_sign: | The preferred name of the employee | Johnny | +| `displayFullName` | *string* | :heavy_minus_sign: | The full display name of the employee | John Doe | +| `username` | *string* | :heavy_minus_sign: | The username of the employee | johndoe | +| `workEmail` | *string* | :heavy_minus_sign: | The work email of the employee | john.doe@company.com | +| `personalEmail` | *string* | :heavy_minus_sign: | The personal email of the employee | john.doe@personal.com | +| `mobilePhoneNumber` | *string* | :heavy_minus_sign: | The mobile phone number of the employee | +1234567890 | +| `employments` | *string*[] | :heavy_minus_sign: | The employments of the employee | [
] | +| `ssn` | *string* | :heavy_minus_sign: | The Social Security Number of the employee | 123-45-6789 | +| `gender` | [components.UnifiedHrisEmployeeOutputGender](../../models/components/unifiedhrisemployeeoutputgender.md) | :heavy_minus_sign: | The gender of the employee | MALE | +| `ethnicity` | [components.Ethnicity](../../models/components/ethnicity.md) | :heavy_minus_sign: | The ethnicity of the employee | AMERICAN_INDIAN_OR_ALASKA_NATIVE | +| `maritalStatus` | [components.MaritalStatus](../../models/components/maritalstatus.md) | :heavy_minus_sign: | The marital status of the employee | Married | +| `dateOfBirth` | [Date](https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/JavaScript/Reference/Global_Objects/Date) | :heavy_minus_sign: | The date of birth of the employee | 1990-01-01 | +| `startDate` | [Date](https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/JavaScript/Reference/Global_Objects/Date) | :heavy_minus_sign: | The start date of the employee | 2020-01-01 | +| `employmentStatus` | [components.EmploymentStatus](../../models/components/employmentstatus.md) | :heavy_minus_sign: | The employment status of the employee | ACTIVE | +| `terminationDate` | [Date](https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/JavaScript/Reference/Global_Objects/Date) | :heavy_minus_sign: | The termination date of the employee | 2025-01-01 | +| `avatarUrl` | *string* | :heavy_minus_sign: | The URL of the employee's avatar | https://example.com/avatar.jpg | +| `managerId` | *string* | :heavy_minus_sign: | UUID of the manager (employee) of the employee | 801f9ede-c698-4e66-a7fc-48d19eebaa4f | +| `fieldMappings` | [components.UnifiedHrisEmployeeOutputFieldMappings](../../models/components/unifiedhrisemployeeoutputfieldmappings.md) | :heavy_minus_sign: | The custom field mappings of the object between the remote 3rd party & Panora | {
"custom_field_1": "value1",
"custom_field_2": "value2"
} | +| `id` | *string* | :heavy_minus_sign: | The UUID of the employee record | 801f9ede-c698-4e66-a7fc-48d19eebaa4f | +| `remoteId` | *string* | :heavy_minus_sign: | The remote ID of the employee in the context of the 3rd Party | employee_1234 | +| `remoteData` | [components.UnifiedHrisEmployeeOutputRemoteData](../../models/components/unifiedhrisemployeeoutputremotedata.md) | :heavy_minus_sign: | The remote data of the employee in the context of the 3rd Party | {
"raw_data": {
"additional_field": "some value"
} | +| `remoteCreatedAt` | [Date](https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/JavaScript/Reference/Global_Objects/Date) | :heavy_minus_sign: | The date when the employee was created in the 3rd party system | 2024-10-01T12:00:00Z | +| `createdAt` | [Date](https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/JavaScript/Reference/Global_Objects/Date) | :heavy_minus_sign: | The created date of the employee record | 2024-10-01T12:00:00Z | +| `modifiedAt` | [Date](https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/JavaScript/Reference/Global_Objects/Date) | :heavy_minus_sign: | The last modified date of the employee record | 2024-10-01T12:00:00Z | +| `remoteWasDeleted` | *boolean* | :heavy_minus_sign: | Indicates if the employee was deleted in the remote system | false | \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/docs/models/components/unifiedhrisemployeeoutputfieldmappings.md b/docs/models/components/unifiedhrisemployeeoutputfieldmappings.md new file mode 100644 index 00000000..b4fe006f --- /dev/null +++ b/docs/models/components/unifiedhrisemployeeoutputfieldmappings.md @@ -0,0 +1,9 @@ +# UnifiedHrisEmployeeOutputFieldMappings + +The custom field mappings of the object between the remote 3rd party & Panora + + +## Fields + +| Field | Type | Required | Description | +| ----------- | ----------- | ----------- | ----------- | \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/docs/models/components/unifiedhrisemployeeoutputgender.md b/docs/models/components/unifiedhrisemployeeoutputgender.md new file mode 100644 index 00000000..ab74dd01 --- /dev/null +++ b/docs/models/components/unifiedhrisemployeeoutputgender.md @@ -0,0 +1,14 @@ +# UnifiedHrisEmployeeOutputGender + +The gender of the employee + + +## Values + +| Name | Value | +| ---------------------- | ---------------------- | +| `Male` | MALE | +| `Female` | FEMALE | +| `NonBinary` | NON-BINARY | +| `Other` | OTHER | +| `PreferNotToDisclose` | PREFER_NOT_TO_DISCLOSE | \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/docs/models/components/unifiedhrisemployeeoutputremotedata.md b/docs/models/components/unifiedhrisemployeeoutputremotedata.md new file mode 100644 index 00000000..54221223 --- /dev/null +++ b/docs/models/components/unifiedhrisemployeeoutputremotedata.md @@ -0,0 +1,9 @@ +# UnifiedHrisEmployeeOutputRemoteData + +The remote data of the employee in the context of the 3rd Party + + +## Fields + +| Field | Type | Required | Description | +| ----------- | ----------- | ----------- | ----------- | \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/docs/models/components/unifiedhrisemployeepayrollrunoutput.md b/docs/models/components/unifiedhrisemployeepayrollrunoutput.md index 7931ebb7..3e0efaaa 100644 --- a/docs/models/components/unifiedhrisemployeepayrollrunoutput.md +++ b/docs/models/components/unifiedhrisemployeepayrollrunoutput.md @@ -3,5 +3,23 @@ ## Fields -| Field | Type | Required | Description | -| ----------- | ----------- | ----------- | ----------- | \ No newline at end of file +| Field | Type | Required | Description | Example | +| ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ | ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ | ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ | ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ | ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ | +| `employeeId` | *string* | :heavy_minus_sign: | The UUID of the associated employee | 801f9ede-c698-4e66-a7fc-48d19eebaa4f | +| `payrollRunId` | *string* | :heavy_minus_sign: | The UUID of the associated payroll run | 801f9ede-c698-4e66-a7fc-48d19eebaa4f | +| `grossPay` | *number* | :heavy_minus_sign: | The gross pay amount | 5000 | +| `netPay` | *number* | :heavy_minus_sign: | The net pay amount | 4000 | +| `startDate` | [Date](https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/JavaScript/Reference/Global_Objects/Date) | :heavy_minus_sign: | The start date of the pay period | 2023-01-01T00:00:00Z | +| `endDate` | [Date](https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/JavaScript/Reference/Global_Objects/Date) | :heavy_minus_sign: | The end date of the pay period | 2023-01-15T23:59:59Z | +| `checkDate` | [Date](https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/JavaScript/Reference/Global_Objects/Date) | :heavy_minus_sign: | The date the check was issued | 2023-01-20T00:00:00Z | +| `deductions` | [components.DeductionItem](../../models/components/deductionitem.md)[] | :heavy_minus_sign: | The list of deductions for this payroll run | | +| `earnings` | [components.EarningItem](../../models/components/earningitem.md)[] | :heavy_minus_sign: | The list of earnings for this payroll run | | +| `taxes` | [components.TaxItem](../../models/components/taxitem.md)[] | :heavy_minus_sign: | The list of taxes for this payroll run | | +| `fieldMappings` | [components.UnifiedHrisEmployeepayrollrunOutputFieldMappings](../../models/components/unifiedhrisemployeepayrollrunoutputfieldmappings.md) | :heavy_minus_sign: | The custom field mappings of the object between the remote 3rd party & Panora | {
"custom_field_1": "value1",
"custom_field_2": "value2"
} | +| `id` | *string* | :heavy_minus_sign: | The UUID of the employee payroll run record | 801f9ede-c698-4e66-a7fc-48d19eebaa4f | +| `remoteId` | *string* | :heavy_minus_sign: | The remote ID of the employee payroll run in the context of the 3rd Party | payroll_run_1234 | +| `remoteData` | [components.UnifiedHrisEmployeepayrollrunOutputRemoteData](../../models/components/unifiedhrisemployeepayrollrunoutputremotedata.md) | :heavy_minus_sign: | The remote data of the employee payroll run in the context of the 3rd Party | {
"raw_data": {
"additional_field": "some value"
} | +| `remoteCreatedAt` | [Date](https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/JavaScript/Reference/Global_Objects/Date) | :heavy_minus_sign: | The date when the employee payroll run was created in the 3rd party system | 2024-10-01T12:00:00Z | +| `createdAt` | [Date](https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/JavaScript/Reference/Global_Objects/Date) | :heavy_minus_sign: | The created date of the employee payroll run record | 2024-10-01T12:00:00Z | +| `modifiedAt` | [Date](https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/JavaScript/Reference/Global_Objects/Date) | :heavy_minus_sign: | The last modified date of the employee payroll run record | 2024-10-01T12:00:00Z | +| `remoteWasDeleted` | *boolean* | :heavy_minus_sign: | Indicates if the employee payroll run was deleted in the remote system | false | \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/docs/models/components/unifiedhrisemployeepayrollrunoutputfieldmappings.md b/docs/models/components/unifiedhrisemployeepayrollrunoutputfieldmappings.md new file mode 100644 index 00000000..526ad8bb --- /dev/null +++ b/docs/models/components/unifiedhrisemployeepayrollrunoutputfieldmappings.md @@ -0,0 +1,9 @@ +# UnifiedHrisEmployeepayrollrunOutputFieldMappings + +The custom field mappings of the object between the remote 3rd party & Panora + + +## Fields + +| Field | Type | Required | Description | +| ----------- | ----------- | ----------- | ----------- | \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/docs/models/components/unifiedhrisemployeepayrollrunoutputremotedata.md b/docs/models/components/unifiedhrisemployeepayrollrunoutputremotedata.md new file mode 100644 index 00000000..ff5782b4 --- /dev/null +++ b/docs/models/components/unifiedhrisemployeepayrollrunoutputremotedata.md @@ -0,0 +1,9 @@ +# UnifiedHrisEmployeepayrollrunOutputRemoteData + +The remote data of the employee payroll run in the context of the 3rd Party + + +## Fields + +| Field | Type | Required | Description | +| ----------- | ----------- | ----------- | ----------- | \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/docs/models/components/unifiedhrisemployerbenefitoutput.md b/docs/models/components/unifiedhrisemployerbenefitoutput.md index d0dd4cf0..48500248 100644 --- a/docs/models/components/unifiedhrisemployerbenefitoutput.md +++ b/docs/models/components/unifiedhrisemployerbenefitoutput.md @@ -3,5 +3,17 @@ ## Fields -| Field | Type | Required | Description | -| ----------- | ----------- | ----------- | ----------- | \ No newline at end of file +| Field | Type | Required | Description | Example | +| ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ | ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ | ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ | ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ | ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ | +| `benefitPlanType` | [components.BenefitPlanType](../../models/components/benefitplantype.md) | :heavy_minus_sign: | The type of the benefit plan | Health Insurance | +| `name` | *string* | :heavy_minus_sign: | The name of the employer benefit | Company Health Plan | +| `description` | *string* | :heavy_minus_sign: | The description of the employer benefit | Comprehensive health insurance coverage for employees | +| `deductionCode` | *string* | :heavy_minus_sign: | The deduction code for the employer benefit | HEALTH-001 | +| `fieldMappings` | [components.UnifiedHrisEmployerbenefitOutputFieldMappings](../../models/components/unifiedhrisemployerbenefitoutputfieldmappings.md) | :heavy_minus_sign: | The custom field mappings of the object between the remote 3rd party & Panora | {
"custom_field_1": "value1",
"custom_field_2": "value2"
} | +| `id` | *string* | :heavy_minus_sign: | The UUID of the employer benefit record | 801f9ede-c698-4e66-a7fc-48d19eebaa4f | +| `remoteId` | *string* | :heavy_minus_sign: | The remote ID of the employer benefit in the context of the 3rd Party | benefit_1234 | +| `remoteData` | [components.UnifiedHrisEmployerbenefitOutputRemoteData](../../models/components/unifiedhrisemployerbenefitoutputremotedata.md) | :heavy_minus_sign: | The remote data of the employer benefit in the context of the 3rd Party | {
"raw_data": {
"additional_field": "some value"
} | +| `remoteCreatedAt` | [Date](https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/JavaScript/Reference/Global_Objects/Date) | :heavy_minus_sign: | The date when the employer benefit was created in the 3rd party system | 2024-10-01T12:00:00Z | +| `createdAt` | [Date](https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/JavaScript/Reference/Global_Objects/Date) | :heavy_minus_sign: | The created date of the employer benefit record | 2024-10-01T12:00:00Z | +| `modifiedAt` | [Date](https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/JavaScript/Reference/Global_Objects/Date) | :heavy_minus_sign: | The last modified date of the employer benefit record | 2024-10-01T12:00:00Z | +| `remoteWasDeleted` | *boolean* | :heavy_minus_sign: | Indicates if the employer benefit was deleted in the remote system | false | \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/docs/models/components/unifiedhrisemployerbenefitoutputfieldmappings.md b/docs/models/components/unifiedhrisemployerbenefitoutputfieldmappings.md new file mode 100644 index 00000000..f6c59187 --- /dev/null +++ b/docs/models/components/unifiedhrisemployerbenefitoutputfieldmappings.md @@ -0,0 +1,9 @@ +# UnifiedHrisEmployerbenefitOutputFieldMappings + +The custom field mappings of the object between the remote 3rd party & Panora + + +## Fields + +| Field | Type | Required | Description | +| ----------- | ----------- | ----------- | ----------- | \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/docs/models/components/unifiedhrisemployerbenefitoutputremotedata.md b/docs/models/components/unifiedhrisemployerbenefitoutputremotedata.md new file mode 100644 index 00000000..3f00e36b --- /dev/null +++ b/docs/models/components/unifiedhrisemployerbenefitoutputremotedata.md @@ -0,0 +1,9 @@ +# UnifiedHrisEmployerbenefitOutputRemoteData + +The remote data of the employer benefit in the context of the 3rd Party + + +## Fields + +| Field | Type | Required | Description | +| ----------- | ----------- | ----------- | ----------- | \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/docs/models/components/unifiedhrisemploymentoutput.md b/docs/models/components/unifiedhrisemploymentoutput.md index 519b1c45..c5b9ce76 100644 --- a/docs/models/components/unifiedhrisemploymentoutput.md +++ b/docs/models/components/unifiedhrisemploymentoutput.md @@ -3,5 +3,23 @@ ## Fields -| Field | Type | Required | Description | -| ----------- | ----------- | ----------- | ----------- | \ No newline at end of file +| Field | Type | Required | Description | Example | +| -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | +| `jobTitle` | *string* | :heavy_minus_sign: | The job title of the employment | Software Engineer | +| `payRate` | *number* | :heavy_minus_sign: | The pay rate of the employment | 100000 | +| `payPeriod` | [components.PayPeriod](../../models/components/payperiod.md) | :heavy_minus_sign: | The pay period of the employment | MONTHLY | +| `payFrequency` | [components.PayFrequency](../../models/components/payfrequency.md) | :heavy_minus_sign: | The pay frequency of the employment | WEEKLY | +| `payCurrency` | [components.PayCurrency](../../models/components/paycurrency.md) | :heavy_minus_sign: | The currency of the pay | USD | +| `flsaStatus` | [components.FlsaStatus](../../models/components/flsastatus.md) | :heavy_minus_sign: | The FLSA status of the employment | EXEMPT | +| `effectiveDate` | [Date](https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/JavaScript/Reference/Global_Objects/Date) | :heavy_minus_sign: | The effective date of the employment | 2023-01-01 | +| `employmentType` | [components.EmploymentType](../../models/components/employmenttype.md) | :heavy_minus_sign: | The type of employment | FULL_TIME | +| `payGroupId` | *string* | :heavy_minus_sign: | The UUID of the associated pay group | 801f9ede-c698-4e66-a7fc-48d19eebaa4f | +| `employeeId` | *string* | :heavy_minus_sign: | The UUID of the associated employee | 801f9ede-c698-4e66-a7fc-48d19eebaa4f | +| `fieldMappings` | [components.UnifiedHrisEmploymentOutputFieldMappings](../../models/components/unifiedhrisemploymentoutputfieldmappings.md) | :heavy_minus_sign: | The custom field mappings of the object between the remote 3rd party & Panora | {
"custom_field_1": "value1",
"custom_field_2": "value2"
} | +| `id` | *string* | :heavy_minus_sign: | The UUID of the employment record | 801f9ede-c698-4e66-a7fc-48d19eebaa4f | +| `remoteId` | *string* | :heavy_minus_sign: | The remote ID of the employment in the context of the 3rd Party | employment_1234 | +| `remoteData` | [components.UnifiedHrisEmploymentOutputRemoteData](../../models/components/unifiedhrisemploymentoutputremotedata.md) | :heavy_minus_sign: | The remote data of the employment in the context of the 3rd Party | {
"raw_data": {
"additional_field": "some value"
} | +| `remoteCreatedAt` | [Date](https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/JavaScript/Reference/Global_Objects/Date) | :heavy_minus_sign: | The date when the employment was created in the 3rd party system | 2024-10-01T12:00:00Z | +| `createdAt` | [Date](https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/JavaScript/Reference/Global_Objects/Date) | :heavy_minus_sign: | The created date of the employment record | 2024-10-01T12:00:00Z | +| `modifiedAt` | [Date](https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/JavaScript/Reference/Global_Objects/Date) | :heavy_minus_sign: | The last modified date of the employment record | 2024-10-01T12:00:00Z | +| `remoteWasDeleted` | *boolean* | :heavy_minus_sign: | Indicates if the employment was deleted in the remote system | false | \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/docs/models/components/unifiedhrisemploymentoutputfieldmappings.md b/docs/models/components/unifiedhrisemploymentoutputfieldmappings.md new file mode 100644 index 00000000..603772ee --- /dev/null +++ b/docs/models/components/unifiedhrisemploymentoutputfieldmappings.md @@ -0,0 +1,9 @@ +# UnifiedHrisEmploymentOutputFieldMappings + +The custom field mappings of the object between the remote 3rd party & Panora + + +## Fields + +| Field | Type | Required | Description | +| ----------- | ----------- | ----------- | ----------- | \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/docs/models/components/unifiedhrisemploymentoutputremotedata.md b/docs/models/components/unifiedhrisemploymentoutputremotedata.md new file mode 100644 index 00000000..3e7ef1fe --- /dev/null +++ b/docs/models/components/unifiedhrisemploymentoutputremotedata.md @@ -0,0 +1,9 @@ +# UnifiedHrisEmploymentOutputRemoteData + +The remote data of the employment in the context of the 3rd Party + + +## Fields + +| Field | Type | Required | Description | +| ----------- | ----------- | ----------- | ----------- | \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/docs/models/components/unifiedhrisgroupoutput.md b/docs/models/components/unifiedhrisgroupoutput.md index 43fee50f..a0ce6f09 100644 --- a/docs/models/components/unifiedhrisgroupoutput.md +++ b/docs/models/components/unifiedhrisgroupoutput.md @@ -3,5 +3,16 @@ ## Fields -| Field | Type | Required | Description | -| ----------- | ----------- | ----------- | ----------- | \ No newline at end of file +| Field | Type | Required | Description | Example | +| ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | +| `parentGroup` | *string* | :heavy_minus_sign: | The UUID of the parent group | 801f9ede-c698-4e66-a7fc-48d19eebaa4f | +| `name` | *string* | :heavy_minus_sign: | The name of the group | Engineering Team | +| `type` | [components.UnifiedHrisGroupOutputType](../../models/components/unifiedhrisgroupoutputtype.md) | :heavy_minus_sign: | The type of the group | DEPARTMENT | +| `fieldMappings` | [components.UnifiedHrisGroupOutputFieldMappings](../../models/components/unifiedhrisgroupoutputfieldmappings.md) | :heavy_minus_sign: | The custom field mappings of the object between the remote 3rd party & Panora | {
"custom_field_1": "value1",
"custom_field_2": "value2"
} | +| `id` | *string* | :heavy_minus_sign: | The UUID of the group record | 801f9ede-c698-4e66-a7fc-48d19eebaa4f | +| `remoteId` | *string* | :heavy_minus_sign: | The remote ID of the group in the context of the 3rd Party | group_1234 | +| `remoteData` | [components.UnifiedHrisGroupOutputRemoteData](../../models/components/unifiedhrisgroupoutputremotedata.md) | :heavy_minus_sign: | The remote data of the group in the context of the 3rd Party | {
"raw_data": {
"additional_field": "some value"
} | +| `remoteCreatedAt` | [Date](https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/JavaScript/Reference/Global_Objects/Date) | :heavy_minus_sign: | The date when the group was created in the 3rd party system | 2024-10-01T12:00:00Z | +| `createdAt` | [Date](https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/JavaScript/Reference/Global_Objects/Date) | :heavy_minus_sign: | The created date of the group record | 2024-10-01T12:00:00Z | +| `modifiedAt` | [Date](https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/JavaScript/Reference/Global_Objects/Date) | :heavy_minus_sign: | The last modified date of the group record | 2024-10-01T12:00:00Z | +| `remoteWasDeleted` | *boolean* | :heavy_minus_sign: | Indicates if the group was deleted in the remote system | false | \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/docs/models/components/unifiedhrisgroupoutputfieldmappings.md b/docs/models/components/unifiedhrisgroupoutputfieldmappings.md new file mode 100644 index 00000000..566f956f --- /dev/null +++ b/docs/models/components/unifiedhrisgroupoutputfieldmappings.md @@ -0,0 +1,9 @@ +# UnifiedHrisGroupOutputFieldMappings + +The custom field mappings of the object between the remote 3rd party & Panora + + +## Fields + +| Field | Type | Required | Description | +| ----------- | ----------- | ----------- | ----------- | \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/docs/models/components/unifiedecommercefulfillmentoutputitems.md b/docs/models/components/unifiedhrisgroupoutputremotedata.md similarity index 57% rename from docs/models/components/unifiedecommercefulfillmentoutputitems.md rename to docs/models/components/unifiedhrisgroupoutputremotedata.md index 5f50211f..50db238b 100644 --- a/docs/models/components/unifiedecommercefulfillmentoutputitems.md +++ b/docs/models/components/unifiedhrisgroupoutputremotedata.md @@ -1,6 +1,6 @@ -# UnifiedEcommerceFulfillmentOutputItems +# UnifiedHrisGroupOutputRemoteData -The items in the fulfilment +The remote data of the group in the context of the 3rd Party ## Fields diff --git a/docs/models/components/unifiedhrisgroupoutputtype.md b/docs/models/components/unifiedhrisgroupoutputtype.md new file mode 100644 index 00000000..8cfdd144 --- /dev/null +++ b/docs/models/components/unifiedhrisgroupoutputtype.md @@ -0,0 +1,14 @@ +# UnifiedHrisGroupOutputType + +The type of the group + + +## Values + +| Name | Value | +| -------------- | -------------- | +| `Team` | TEAM | +| `Department` | DEPARTMENT | +| `CostCenter` | COST_CENTER | +| `BusinessUnit` | BUSINESS_UNIT | +| `Group` | GROUP | \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/docs/models/components/unifiedhrislocationoutput.md b/docs/models/components/unifiedhrislocationoutput.md index 029d6e14..e3c291b4 100644 --- a/docs/models/components/unifiedhrislocationoutput.md +++ b/docs/models/components/unifiedhrislocationoutput.md @@ -3,5 +3,24 @@ ## Fields -| Field | Type | Required | Description | -| ----------- | ----------- | ----------- | ----------- | \ No newline at end of file +| Field | Type | Required | Description | Example | +| ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | +| `name` | *string* | :heavy_minus_sign: | The name of the location | Headquarters | +| `phoneNumber` | *string* | :heavy_minus_sign: | The phone number of the location | +1234567890 | +| `street1` | *string* | :heavy_minus_sign: | The first line of the street address | 123 Main St | +| `street2` | *string* | :heavy_minus_sign: | The second line of the street address | Suite 456 | +| `city` | *string* | :heavy_minus_sign: | The city of the location | San Francisco | +| `state` | *string* | :heavy_minus_sign: | The state or region of the location | CA | +| `zipCode` | *string* | :heavy_minus_sign: | The zip or postal code of the location | 94105 | +| `country` | *string* | :heavy_minus_sign: | The country of the location | USA | +| `locationType` | [components.LocationType](../../models/components/locationtype.md) | :heavy_minus_sign: | The type of the location | WORK | +| `companyId` | *string* | :heavy_minus_sign: | The UUID of the company associated with the location | 801f9ede-c698-4e66-a7fc-48d19eebaa4f | +| `employeeId` | *string* | :heavy_minus_sign: | The UUID of the employee associated with the location | 801f9ede-c698-4e66-a7fc-48d19eebaa4f | +| `fieldMappings` | [components.UnifiedHrisLocationOutputFieldMappings](../../models/components/unifiedhrislocationoutputfieldmappings.md) | :heavy_minus_sign: | The custom field mappings of the object between the remote 3rd party & Panora | {
"custom_field_1": "value1",
"custom_field_2": "value2"
} | +| `id` | *string* | :heavy_minus_sign: | The UUID of the location record | 801f9ede-c698-4e66-a7fc-48d19eebaa4f | +| `remoteId` | *string* | :heavy_minus_sign: | The remote ID of the location in the context of the 3rd Party | location_1234 | +| `remoteData` | [components.UnifiedHrisLocationOutputRemoteData](../../models/components/unifiedhrislocationoutputremotedata.md) | :heavy_minus_sign: | The remote data of the location in the context of the 3rd Party | {
"raw_data": {
"additional_field": "some value"
} | +| `remoteCreatedAt` | [Date](https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/JavaScript/Reference/Global_Objects/Date) | :heavy_minus_sign: | The date when the location was created in the 3rd party system | 2024-10-01T12:00:00Z | +| `createdAt` | [Date](https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/JavaScript/Reference/Global_Objects/Date) | :heavy_minus_sign: | The created date of the location record | 2024-10-01T12:00:00Z | +| `modifiedAt` | [Date](https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/JavaScript/Reference/Global_Objects/Date) | :heavy_minus_sign: | The last modified date of the location record | 2024-10-01T12:00:00Z | +| `remoteWasDeleted` | *boolean* | :heavy_minus_sign: | Indicates if the location was deleted in the remote system | false | \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/docs/models/components/unifiedhrislocationoutputfieldmappings.md b/docs/models/components/unifiedhrislocationoutputfieldmappings.md new file mode 100644 index 00000000..bb6939ff --- /dev/null +++ b/docs/models/components/unifiedhrislocationoutputfieldmappings.md @@ -0,0 +1,9 @@ +# UnifiedHrisLocationOutputFieldMappings + +The custom field mappings of the object between the remote 3rd party & Panora + + +## Fields + +| Field | Type | Required | Description | +| ----------- | ----------- | ----------- | ----------- | \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/docs/models/components/unifiedhrislocationoutputremotedata.md b/docs/models/components/unifiedhrislocationoutputremotedata.md new file mode 100644 index 00000000..f3164dae --- /dev/null +++ b/docs/models/components/unifiedhrislocationoutputremotedata.md @@ -0,0 +1,9 @@ +# UnifiedHrisLocationOutputRemoteData + +The remote data of the location in the context of the 3rd Party + + +## Fields + +| Field | Type | Required | Description | +| ----------- | ----------- | ----------- | ----------- | \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/docs/models/components/unifiedhrispaygroupoutput.md b/docs/models/components/unifiedhrispaygroupoutput.md index 9162e806..9d9c7981 100644 --- a/docs/models/components/unifiedhrispaygroupoutput.md +++ b/docs/models/components/unifiedhrispaygroupoutput.md @@ -3,5 +3,14 @@ ## Fields -| Field | Type | Required | Description | -| ----------- | ----------- | ----------- | ----------- | \ No newline at end of file +| Field | Type | Required | Description | Example | +| ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | +| `payGroupName` | *string* | :heavy_minus_sign: | The name of the pay group | Monthly Salaried | +| `fieldMappings` | [components.UnifiedHrisPaygroupOutputFieldMappings](../../models/components/unifiedhrispaygroupoutputfieldmappings.md) | :heavy_minus_sign: | The custom field mappings of the object between the remote 3rd party & Panora | {
"custom_field_1": "value1",
"custom_field_2": "value2"
} | +| `id` | *string* | :heavy_minus_sign: | The UUID of the pay group record | 801f9ede-c698-4e66-a7fc-48d19eebaa4f | +| `remoteId` | *string* | :heavy_minus_sign: | The remote ID of the pay group in the context of the 3rd Party | paygroup_1234 | +| `remoteData` | [components.UnifiedHrisPaygroupOutputRemoteData](../../models/components/unifiedhrispaygroupoutputremotedata.md) | :heavy_minus_sign: | The remote data of the pay group in the context of the 3rd Party | {
"raw_data": {
"additional_field": "some value"
} | +| `remoteCreatedAt` | [Date](https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/JavaScript/Reference/Global_Objects/Date) | :heavy_minus_sign: | The date when the pay group was created in the 3rd party system | 2024-10-01T12:00:00Z | +| `createdAt` | [Date](https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/JavaScript/Reference/Global_Objects/Date) | :heavy_minus_sign: | The created date of the pay group record | 2024-10-01T12:00:00Z | +| `modifiedAt` | [Date](https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/JavaScript/Reference/Global_Objects/Date) | :heavy_minus_sign: | The last modified date of the pay group record | 2024-10-01T12:00:00Z | +| `remoteWasDeleted` | *boolean* | :heavy_minus_sign: | Indicates if the pay group was deleted in the remote system | false | \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/docs/models/components/unifiedhrispaygroupoutputfieldmappings.md b/docs/models/components/unifiedhrispaygroupoutputfieldmappings.md new file mode 100644 index 00000000..e4988d20 --- /dev/null +++ b/docs/models/components/unifiedhrispaygroupoutputfieldmappings.md @@ -0,0 +1,9 @@ +# UnifiedHrisPaygroupOutputFieldMappings + +The custom field mappings of the object between the remote 3rd party & Panora + + +## Fields + +| Field | Type | Required | Description | +| ----------- | ----------- | ----------- | ----------- | \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/docs/models/components/unifiedhrispaygroupoutputremotedata.md b/docs/models/components/unifiedhrispaygroupoutputremotedata.md new file mode 100644 index 00000000..a1c4f5a9 --- /dev/null +++ b/docs/models/components/unifiedhrispaygroupoutputremotedata.md @@ -0,0 +1,9 @@ +# UnifiedHrisPaygroupOutputRemoteData + +The remote data of the pay group in the context of the 3rd Party + + +## Fields + +| Field | Type | Required | Description | +| ----------- | ----------- | ----------- | ----------- | \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/docs/models/components/unifiedhrispayrollrunoutput.md b/docs/models/components/unifiedhrispayrollrunoutput.md index 6cc9732d..8d3bd546 100644 --- a/docs/models/components/unifiedhrispayrollrunoutput.md +++ b/docs/models/components/unifiedhrispayrollrunoutput.md @@ -3,5 +3,19 @@ ## Fields -| Field | Type | Required | Description | -| ----------- | ----------- | ----------- | ----------- | \ No newline at end of file +| Field | Type | Required | Description | Example | +| -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | +| `runState` | [components.RunState](../../models/components/runstate.md) | :heavy_minus_sign: | The state of the payroll run | PAID | +| `runType` | [components.RunType](../../models/components/runtype.md) | :heavy_minus_sign: | The type of the payroll run | REGULAR | +| `startDate` | [Date](https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/JavaScript/Reference/Global_Objects/Date) | :heavy_minus_sign: | The start date of the payroll run | 2024-01-01T00:00:00Z | +| `endDate` | [Date](https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/JavaScript/Reference/Global_Objects/Date) | :heavy_minus_sign: | The end date of the payroll run | 2024-01-15T23:59:59Z | +| `checkDate` | [Date](https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/JavaScript/Reference/Global_Objects/Date) | :heavy_minus_sign: | The check date of the payroll run | 2024-01-20T00:00:00Z | +| `fieldMappings` | [components.UnifiedHrisPayrollrunOutputFieldMappings](../../models/components/unifiedhrispayrollrunoutputfieldmappings.md) | :heavy_minus_sign: | The custom field mappings of the object between the remote 3rd party & Panora | {
"custom_field_1": "value1",
"custom_field_2": "value2"
} | +| `id` | *string* | :heavy_minus_sign: | The UUID of the payroll run record | 801f9ede-c698-4e66-a7fc-48d19eebaa4f | +| `remoteId` | *string* | :heavy_minus_sign: | The remote ID of the payroll run in the context of the 3rd Party | payroll_run_1234 | +| `remoteData` | [components.UnifiedHrisPayrollrunOutputRemoteData](../../models/components/unifiedhrispayrollrunoutputremotedata.md) | :heavy_minus_sign: | The remote data of the payroll run in the context of the 3rd Party | {
"raw_data": {
"additional_field": "some value"
} | +| `remoteCreatedAt` | [Date](https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/JavaScript/Reference/Global_Objects/Date) | :heavy_minus_sign: | The date when the payroll run was created in the 3rd party system | 2024-10-01T12:00:00Z | +| `createdAt` | [Date](https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/JavaScript/Reference/Global_Objects/Date) | :heavy_minus_sign: | The created date of the payroll run record | 2024-10-01T12:00:00Z | +| `modifiedAt` | [Date](https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/JavaScript/Reference/Global_Objects/Date) | :heavy_minus_sign: | The last modified date of the payroll run record | 2024-10-01T12:00:00Z | +| `remoteWasDeleted` | *boolean* | :heavy_minus_sign: | Indicates if the payroll run was deleted in the remote system | false | +| `employeePayrollRuns` | *string*[] | :heavy_minus_sign: | The UUIDs of the employee payroll runs associated with this payroll run | [
] | \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/docs/models/components/unifiedhrispayrollrunoutputfieldmappings.md b/docs/models/components/unifiedhrispayrollrunoutputfieldmappings.md new file mode 100644 index 00000000..49551f60 --- /dev/null +++ b/docs/models/components/unifiedhrispayrollrunoutputfieldmappings.md @@ -0,0 +1,9 @@ +# UnifiedHrisPayrollrunOutputFieldMappings + +The custom field mappings of the object between the remote 3rd party & Panora + + +## Fields + +| Field | Type | Required | Description | +| ----------- | ----------- | ----------- | ----------- | \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/docs/models/components/unifiedhrispayrollrunoutputremotedata.md b/docs/models/components/unifiedhrispayrollrunoutputremotedata.md new file mode 100644 index 00000000..6879d893 --- /dev/null +++ b/docs/models/components/unifiedhrispayrollrunoutputremotedata.md @@ -0,0 +1,9 @@ +# UnifiedHrisPayrollrunOutputRemoteData + +The remote data of the payroll run in the context of the 3rd Party + + +## Fields + +| Field | Type | Required | Description | +| ----------- | ----------- | ----------- | ----------- | \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/docs/models/components/unifiedhristimeoffbalanceoutput.md b/docs/models/components/unifiedhristimeoffbalanceoutput.md index 36278b96..50e796dd 100644 --- a/docs/models/components/unifiedhristimeoffbalanceoutput.md +++ b/docs/models/components/unifiedhristimeoffbalanceoutput.md @@ -3,5 +3,17 @@ ## Fields -| Field | Type | Required | Description | -| ----------- | ----------- | ----------- | ----------- | \ No newline at end of file +| Field | Type | Required | Description | Example | +| ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | +| `balance` | *number* | :heavy_minus_sign: | The current balance of time off | 80 | +| `employeeId` | *string* | :heavy_minus_sign: | The UUID of the associated employee | 801f9ede-c698-4e66-a7fc-48d19eebaa4f | +| `used` | *number* | :heavy_minus_sign: | The amount of time off used | 40 | +| `policyType` | [components.PolicyType](../../models/components/policytype.md) | :heavy_minus_sign: | The type of time off policy | VACATION | +| `fieldMappings` | [components.UnifiedHrisTimeoffbalanceOutputFieldMappings](../../models/components/unifiedhristimeoffbalanceoutputfieldmappings.md) | :heavy_minus_sign: | The custom field mappings of the object between the remote 3rd party & Panora | {
"custom_field_1": "value1",
"custom_field_2": "value2"
} | +| `id` | *string* | :heavy_minus_sign: | The UUID of the time off balance record | 801f9ede-c698-4e66-a7fc-48d19eebaa4f | +| `remoteId` | *string* | :heavy_minus_sign: | The remote ID of the time off balance in the context of the 3rd Party | timeoff_balance_1234 | +| `remoteData` | [components.UnifiedHrisTimeoffbalanceOutputRemoteData](../../models/components/unifiedhristimeoffbalanceoutputremotedata.md) | :heavy_minus_sign: | The remote data of the time off balance in the context of the 3rd Party | {
"raw_data": {
"additional_field": "some value"
} | +| `remoteCreatedAt` | *string* | :heavy_minus_sign: | The date when the time off balance was created in the 3rd party system | 2024-06-15T12:00:00Z | +| `createdAt` | *string* | :heavy_minus_sign: | The created date of the time off balance record | 2024-06-15T12:00:00Z | +| `modifiedAt` | *string* | :heavy_minus_sign: | The last modified date of the time off balance record | 2024-06-15T12:00:00Z | +| `remoteWasDeleted` | *boolean* | :heavy_minus_sign: | Indicates if the time off balance was deleted in the remote system | false | \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/docs/models/components/unifiedhristimeoffbalanceoutputfieldmappings.md b/docs/models/components/unifiedhristimeoffbalanceoutputfieldmappings.md new file mode 100644 index 00000000..beb0dbd3 --- /dev/null +++ b/docs/models/components/unifiedhristimeoffbalanceoutputfieldmappings.md @@ -0,0 +1,9 @@ +# UnifiedHrisTimeoffbalanceOutputFieldMappings + +The custom field mappings of the object between the remote 3rd party & Panora + + +## Fields + +| Field | Type | Required | Description | +| ----------- | ----------- | ----------- | ----------- | \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/docs/models/components/unifiedhristimeoffbalanceoutputremotedata.md b/docs/models/components/unifiedhristimeoffbalanceoutputremotedata.md new file mode 100644 index 00000000..19d3b146 --- /dev/null +++ b/docs/models/components/unifiedhristimeoffbalanceoutputremotedata.md @@ -0,0 +1,9 @@ +# UnifiedHrisTimeoffbalanceOutputRemoteData + +The remote data of the time off balance in the context of the 3rd Party + + +## Fields + +| Field | Type | Required | Description | +| ----------- | ----------- | ----------- | ----------- | \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/docs/models/components/unifiedhristimeoffinput.md b/docs/models/components/unifiedhristimeoffinput.md index 81e801d8..2e7fdff4 100644 --- a/docs/models/components/unifiedhristimeoffinput.md +++ b/docs/models/components/unifiedhristimeoffinput.md @@ -3,5 +3,15 @@ ## Fields -| Field | Type | Required | Description | -| ----------- | ----------- | ----------- | ----------- | \ No newline at end of file +| Field | Type | Required | Description | Example | +| ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ | ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ | ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ | ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ | ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ | +| `employee` | *string* | :heavy_minus_sign: | The UUID of the employee taking time off | 801f9ede-c698-4e66-a7fc-48d19eebaa4f | +| `approver` | *string* | :heavy_minus_sign: | The UUID of the approver for the time off request | 801f9ede-c698-4e66-a7fc-48d19eebaa4f | +| `status` | [components.UnifiedHrisTimeoffInputStatus](../../models/components/unifiedhristimeoffinputstatus.md) | :heavy_minus_sign: | The status of the time off request | REQUESTED | +| `employeeNote` | *string* | :heavy_minus_sign: | A note from the employee about the time off request | Annual vacation | +| `units` | [components.UnifiedHrisTimeoffInputUnits](../../models/components/unifiedhristimeoffinputunits.md) | :heavy_minus_sign: | The units used for the time off (e.g., Days, Hours) | DAYS | +| `amount` | *number* | :heavy_minus_sign: | The amount of time off requested | 5 | +| `requestType` | [components.UnifiedHrisTimeoffInputRequestType](../../models/components/unifiedhristimeoffinputrequesttype.md) | :heavy_minus_sign: | The type of time off request | VACATION | +| `startTime` | [Date](https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/JavaScript/Reference/Global_Objects/Date) | :heavy_minus_sign: | The start time of the time off | 2024-07-01T09:00:00Z | +| `endTime` | [Date](https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/JavaScript/Reference/Global_Objects/Date) | :heavy_minus_sign: | The end time of the time off | 2024-07-05T17:00:00Z | +| `fieldMappings` | [components.UnifiedHrisTimeoffInputFieldMappings](../../models/components/unifiedhristimeoffinputfieldmappings.md) | :heavy_minus_sign: | The custom field mappings of the object between the remote 3rd party & Panora | {
"custom_field_1": "value1",
"custom_field_2": "value2"
} | \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/docs/models/components/unifiedhristimeoffinputfieldmappings.md b/docs/models/components/unifiedhristimeoffinputfieldmappings.md new file mode 100644 index 00000000..05eb4979 --- /dev/null +++ b/docs/models/components/unifiedhristimeoffinputfieldmappings.md @@ -0,0 +1,9 @@ +# UnifiedHrisTimeoffInputFieldMappings + +The custom field mappings of the object between the remote 3rd party & Panora + + +## Fields + +| Field | Type | Required | Description | +| ----------- | ----------- | ----------- | ----------- | \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/docs/models/components/unifiedhristimeoffinputrequesttype.md b/docs/models/components/unifiedhristimeoffinputrequesttype.md new file mode 100644 index 00000000..d024fe2c --- /dev/null +++ b/docs/models/components/unifiedhristimeoffinputrequesttype.md @@ -0,0 +1,15 @@ +# UnifiedHrisTimeoffInputRequestType + +The type of time off request + + +## Values + +| Name | Value | +| ------------- | ------------- | +| `Vacation` | VACATION | +| `Sick` | SICK | +| `Personal` | PERSONAL | +| `JuryDuty` | JURY_DUTY | +| `Volunteer` | VOLUNTEER | +| `Bereavement` | BEREAVEMENT | \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/docs/models/components/unifiedhristimeoffinputstatus.md b/docs/models/components/unifiedhristimeoffinputstatus.md new file mode 100644 index 00000000..92c6ddcf --- /dev/null +++ b/docs/models/components/unifiedhristimeoffinputstatus.md @@ -0,0 +1,14 @@ +# UnifiedHrisTimeoffInputStatus + +The status of the time off request + + +## Values + +| Name | Value | +| ----------- | ----------- | +| `Requested` | REQUESTED | +| `Approved` | APPROVED | +| `Declined` | DECLINED | +| `Cancelled` | CANCELLED | +| `Deleted` | DELETED | \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/docs/models/components/unifiedhristimeoffinputunits.md b/docs/models/components/unifiedhristimeoffinputunits.md new file mode 100644 index 00000000..f5ca3863 --- /dev/null +++ b/docs/models/components/unifiedhristimeoffinputunits.md @@ -0,0 +1,11 @@ +# UnifiedHrisTimeoffInputUnits + +The units used for the time off (e.g., Days, Hours) + + +## Values + +| Name | Value | +| ------- | ------- | +| `Hours` | HOURS | +| `Days` | DAYS | \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/docs/models/components/unifiedhristimeoffoutput.md b/docs/models/components/unifiedhristimeoffoutput.md index acde08e2..28b0a191 100644 --- a/docs/models/components/unifiedhristimeoffoutput.md +++ b/docs/models/components/unifiedhristimeoffoutput.md @@ -3,5 +3,22 @@ ## Fields -| Field | Type | Required | Description | -| ----------- | ----------- | ----------- | ----------- | \ No newline at end of file +| Field | Type | Required | Description | Example | +| -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | +| `employee` | *string* | :heavy_minus_sign: | The UUID of the employee taking time off | 801f9ede-c698-4e66-a7fc-48d19eebaa4f | +| `approver` | *string* | :heavy_minus_sign: | The UUID of the approver for the time off request | 801f9ede-c698-4e66-a7fc-48d19eebaa4f | +| `status` | [components.UnifiedHrisTimeoffOutputStatus](../../models/components/unifiedhristimeoffoutputstatus.md) | :heavy_minus_sign: | The status of the time off request | REQUESTED | +| `employeeNote` | *string* | :heavy_minus_sign: | A note from the employee about the time off request | Annual vacation | +| `units` | [components.Units](../../models/components/units.md) | :heavy_minus_sign: | The units used for the time off (e.g., Days, Hours) | DAYS | +| `amount` | *number* | :heavy_minus_sign: | The amount of time off requested | 5 | +| `requestType` | [components.RequestType](../../models/components/requesttype.md) | :heavy_minus_sign: | The type of time off request | VACATION | +| `startTime` | [Date](https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/JavaScript/Reference/Global_Objects/Date) | :heavy_minus_sign: | The start time of the time off | 2024-07-01T09:00:00Z | +| `endTime` | [Date](https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/JavaScript/Reference/Global_Objects/Date) | :heavy_minus_sign: | The end time of the time off | 2024-07-05T17:00:00Z | +| `fieldMappings` | [components.UnifiedHrisTimeoffOutputFieldMappings](../../models/components/unifiedhristimeoffoutputfieldmappings.md) | :heavy_minus_sign: | The custom field mappings of the object between the remote 3rd party & Panora | {
"custom_field_1": "value1",
"custom_field_2": "value2"
} | +| `id` | *string* | :heavy_minus_sign: | The UUID of the time off record | 801f9ede-c698-4e66-a7fc-48d19eebaa4f | +| `remoteId` | *string* | :heavy_minus_sign: | The remote ID of the time off in the context of the 3rd Party | timeoff_1234 | +| `remoteData` | [components.UnifiedHrisTimeoffOutputRemoteData](../../models/components/unifiedhristimeoffoutputremotedata.md) | :heavy_minus_sign: | The remote data of the time off in the context of the 3rd Party | {
"raw_data": {
"additional_field": "some value"
} | +| `remoteCreatedAt` | [Date](https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/JavaScript/Reference/Global_Objects/Date) | :heavy_minus_sign: | The date when the time off was created in the 3rd party system | 2024-06-15T12:00:00Z | +| `createdAt` | [Date](https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/JavaScript/Reference/Global_Objects/Date) | :heavy_minus_sign: | The created date of the time off record | 2024-06-15T12:00:00Z | +| `modifiedAt` | [Date](https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/JavaScript/Reference/Global_Objects/Date) | :heavy_minus_sign: | The last modified date of the time off record | 2024-06-15T12:00:00Z | +| `remoteWasDeleted` | *boolean* | :heavy_minus_sign: | Indicates if the time off was deleted in the remote system | false | \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/docs/models/components/unifiedhristimeoffoutputfieldmappings.md b/docs/models/components/unifiedhristimeoffoutputfieldmappings.md new file mode 100644 index 00000000..bfb804bc --- /dev/null +++ b/docs/models/components/unifiedhristimeoffoutputfieldmappings.md @@ -0,0 +1,9 @@ +# UnifiedHrisTimeoffOutputFieldMappings + +The custom field mappings of the object between the remote 3rd party & Panora + + +## Fields + +| Field | Type | Required | Description | +| ----------- | ----------- | ----------- | ----------- | \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/docs/models/components/unifiedhristimeoffoutputremotedata.md b/docs/models/components/unifiedhristimeoffoutputremotedata.md new file mode 100644 index 00000000..da0221e9 --- /dev/null +++ b/docs/models/components/unifiedhristimeoffoutputremotedata.md @@ -0,0 +1,9 @@ +# UnifiedHrisTimeoffOutputRemoteData + +The remote data of the time off in the context of the 3rd Party + + +## Fields + +| Field | Type | Required | Description | +| ----------- | ----------- | ----------- | ----------- | \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/docs/models/components/unifiedhristimeoffoutputstatus.md b/docs/models/components/unifiedhristimeoffoutputstatus.md new file mode 100644 index 00000000..8ef849ec --- /dev/null +++ b/docs/models/components/unifiedhristimeoffoutputstatus.md @@ -0,0 +1,14 @@ +# UnifiedHrisTimeoffOutputStatus + +The status of the time off request + + +## Values + +| Name | Value | +| ----------- | ----------- | +| `Requested` | REQUESTED | +| `Approved` | APPROVED | +| `Declined` | DECLINED | +| `Cancelled` | CANCELLED | +| `Deleted` | DELETED | \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/docs/models/components/unifiedhristimesheetentryinput.md b/docs/models/components/unifiedhristimesheetentryinput.md new file mode 100644 index 00000000..e7f96928 --- /dev/null +++ b/docs/models/components/unifiedhristimesheetentryinput.md @@ -0,0 +1,13 @@ +# UnifiedHrisTimesheetEntryInput + + +## Fields + +| Field | Type | Required | Description | Example | +| -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | +| `hoursWorked` | *number* | :heavy_minus_sign: | The number of hours worked | 40 | +| `startTime` | [Date](https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/JavaScript/Reference/Global_Objects/Date) | :heavy_minus_sign: | The start time of the timesheet entry | 2024-10-01T08:00:00Z | +| `endTime` | [Date](https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/JavaScript/Reference/Global_Objects/Date) | :heavy_minus_sign: | The end time of the timesheet entry | 2024-10-01T16:00:00Z | +| `employeeId` | *string* | :heavy_minus_sign: | The UUID of the associated employee | 801f9ede-c698-4e66-a7fc-48d19eebaa4f | +| `remoteWasDeleted` | *boolean* | :heavy_minus_sign: | Indicates if the timesheet entry was deleted in the remote system | false | +| `fieldMappings` | [components.UnifiedHrisTimesheetEntryInputFieldMappings](../../models/components/unifiedhristimesheetentryinputfieldmappings.md) | :heavy_minus_sign: | The custom field mappings of the object between the remote 3rd party & Panora | {
"custom_field_1": "value1",
"custom_field_2": "value2"
} | \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/docs/models/components/unifiedhristimesheetentryinputfieldmappings.md b/docs/models/components/unifiedhristimesheetentryinputfieldmappings.md new file mode 100644 index 00000000..ed122ca4 --- /dev/null +++ b/docs/models/components/unifiedhristimesheetentryinputfieldmappings.md @@ -0,0 +1,9 @@ +# UnifiedHrisTimesheetEntryInputFieldMappings + +The custom field mappings of the object between the remote 3rd party & Panora + + +## Fields + +| Field | Type | Required | Description | +| ----------- | ----------- | ----------- | ----------- | \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/docs/models/components/unifiedhristimesheetentryoutput.md b/docs/models/components/unifiedhristimesheetentryoutput.md new file mode 100644 index 00000000..4015a63b --- /dev/null +++ b/docs/models/components/unifiedhristimesheetentryoutput.md @@ -0,0 +1,19 @@ +# UnifiedHrisTimesheetEntryOutput + + +## Fields + +| Field | Type | Required | Description | Example | +| ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | +| `hoursWorked` | *number* | :heavy_minus_sign: | The number of hours worked | 40 | +| `startTime` | [Date](https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/JavaScript/Reference/Global_Objects/Date) | :heavy_minus_sign: | The start time of the timesheet entry | 2024-10-01T08:00:00Z | +| `endTime` | [Date](https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/JavaScript/Reference/Global_Objects/Date) | :heavy_minus_sign: | The end time of the timesheet entry | 2024-10-01T16:00:00Z | +| `employeeId` | *string* | :heavy_minus_sign: | The UUID of the associated employee | 801f9ede-c698-4e66-a7fc-48d19eebaa4f | +| `remoteWasDeleted` | *boolean* | :heavy_minus_sign: | Indicates if the timesheet entry was deleted in the remote system | false | +| `fieldMappings` | [components.UnifiedHrisTimesheetEntryOutputFieldMappings](../../models/components/unifiedhristimesheetentryoutputfieldmappings.md) | :heavy_minus_sign: | The custom field mappings of the object between the remote 3rd party & Panora | {
"custom_field_1": "value1",
"custom_field_2": "value2"
} | +| `id` | *string* | :heavy_minus_sign: | The UUID of the timesheet entry record | 801f9ede-c698-4e66-a7fc-48d19eebaa4f | +| `remoteId` | *string* | :heavy_minus_sign: | The remote ID of the timesheet entry | id_1 | +| `remoteCreatedAt` | [Date](https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/JavaScript/Reference/Global_Objects/Date) | :heavy_minus_sign: | The date when the timesheet entry was created in the remote system | 2024-10-01T12:00:00Z | +| `createdAt` | [Date](https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/JavaScript/Reference/Global_Objects/Date) | :heavy_minus_sign: | The created date of the timesheet entry | 2024-10-01T12:00:00Z | +| `modifiedAt` | [Date](https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/JavaScript/Reference/Global_Objects/Date) | :heavy_minus_sign: | The last modified date of the timesheet entry | 2024-10-01T12:00:00Z | +| `remoteData` | [components.UnifiedHrisTimesheetEntryOutputRemoteData](../../models/components/unifiedhristimesheetentryoutputremotedata.md) | :heavy_minus_sign: | The remote data of the timesheet entry in the context of the 3rd Party | {
"raw_data": {
"additional_field": "some value"
} | \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/docs/models/components/unifiedhristimesheetentryoutputfieldmappings.md b/docs/models/components/unifiedhristimesheetentryoutputfieldmappings.md new file mode 100644 index 00000000..f7121781 --- /dev/null +++ b/docs/models/components/unifiedhristimesheetentryoutputfieldmappings.md @@ -0,0 +1,9 @@ +# UnifiedHrisTimesheetEntryOutputFieldMappings + +The custom field mappings of the object between the remote 3rd party & Panora + + +## Fields + +| Field | Type | Required | Description | +| ----------- | ----------- | ----------- | ----------- | \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/docs/models/components/unifiedhristimesheetentryoutputremotedata.md b/docs/models/components/unifiedhristimesheetentryoutputremotedata.md new file mode 100644 index 00000000..99e84552 --- /dev/null +++ b/docs/models/components/unifiedhristimesheetentryoutputremotedata.md @@ -0,0 +1,9 @@ +# UnifiedHrisTimesheetEntryOutputRemoteData + +The remote data of the timesheet entry in the context of the 3rd Party + + +## Fields + +| Field | Type | Required | Description | +| ----------- | ----------- | ----------- | ----------- | \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/docs/models/components/units.md b/docs/models/components/units.md new file mode 100644 index 00000000..74f2f2c4 --- /dev/null +++ b/docs/models/components/units.md @@ -0,0 +1,11 @@ +# Units + +The units used for the time off (e.g., Days, Hours) + + +## Values + +| Name | Value | +| ------- | ------- | +| `Hours` | HOURS | +| `Days` | DAYS | \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/docs/models/components/webhookdto.md b/docs/models/components/webhookdto.md index 842d7b96..3f6fe9bb 100644 --- a/docs/models/components/webhookdto.md +++ b/docs/models/components/webhookdto.md @@ -6,5 +6,5 @@ | Field | Type | Required | Description | Example | | -------------------------------------- | -------------------------------------- | -------------------------------------- | -------------------------------------- | -------------------------------------- | | `url` | *string* | :heavy_check_mark: | The endpoint url of the webhook. | https://acme.com/webhook_receiver | -| `description` | *string* | :heavy_check_mark: | The description of the webhook. | Webhook to receive connection events | +| `description` | *string* | :heavy_minus_sign: | The description of the webhook. | Webhook to receive connection events | | `scope` | *string*[] | :heavy_check_mark: | The events that the webhook listen to. | [
] | \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/docs/models/operations/createhristimesheetentryrequest.md b/docs/models/operations/createhristimesheetentryrequest.md new file mode 100644 index 00000000..3278b7f5 --- /dev/null +++ b/docs/models/operations/createhristimesheetentryrequest.md @@ -0,0 +1,10 @@ +# CreateHrisTimesheetentryRequest + + +## Fields + +| Field | Type | Required | Description | +| ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ | ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ | ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ | ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ | +| `xConnectionToken` | *string* | :heavy_check_mark: | The connection token | +| `remoteData` | *boolean* | :heavy_minus_sign: | Set to true to include data from the original Hris software. | +| `unifiedHrisTimesheetEntryInput` | [components.UnifiedHrisTimesheetEntryInput](../../models/components/unifiedhristimesheetentryinput.md) | :heavy_check_mark: | N/A | \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/docs/models/operations/listhristimesheetentriesrequest.md b/docs/models/operations/listhristimesheetentriesrequest.md new file mode 100644 index 00000000..22073030 --- /dev/null +++ b/docs/models/operations/listhristimesheetentriesrequest.md @@ -0,0 +1,11 @@ +# ListHrisTimesheetentriesRequest + + +## Fields + +| Field | Type | Required | Description | Example | +| ------------------------------------------------------- | ------------------------------------------------------- | ------------------------------------------------------- | ------------------------------------------------------- | ------------------------------------------------------- | +| `xConnectionToken` | *string* | :heavy_check_mark: | The connection token | | +| `remoteData` | *boolean* | :heavy_minus_sign: | Set to true to include data from the original software. | true | +| `limit` | *number* | :heavy_minus_sign: | Set to get the number of records. | 10 | +| `cursor` | *string* | :heavy_minus_sign: | Set to get the number of records after this cursor. | 1b8b05bb-5273-4012-b520-8657b0b90874 | \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/docs/models/operations/listhristimesheetentriesresponse.md b/docs/models/operations/listhristimesheetentriesresponse.md new file mode 100644 index 00000000..9e2f5fb2 --- /dev/null +++ b/docs/models/operations/listhristimesheetentriesresponse.md @@ -0,0 +1,8 @@ +# ListHrisTimesheetentriesResponse + + +## Fields + +| Field | Type | Required | Description | +| ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ | ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ | ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ | ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ | +| `result` | [operations.ListHrisTimesheetentriesResponseBody](../../models/operations/listhristimesheetentriesresponsebody.md) | :heavy_check_mark: | N/A | \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/docs/models/operations/listhristimesheetentriesresponsebody.md b/docs/models/operations/listhristimesheetentriesresponsebody.md new file mode 100644 index 00000000..4d1016e3 --- /dev/null +++ b/docs/models/operations/listhristimesheetentriesresponsebody.md @@ -0,0 +1,10 @@ +# ListHrisTimesheetentriesResponseBody + + +## Fields + +| Field | Type | Required | Description | +| ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | +| `prevCursor` | *string* | :heavy_check_mark: | N/A | +| `nextCursor` | *string* | :heavy_check_mark: | N/A | +| `data` | [components.UnifiedHrisTimesheetEntryOutput](../../models/components/unifiedhristimesheetentryoutput.md)[] | :heavy_check_mark: | N/A | \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/docs/models/operations/retrievehristimesheetentryrequest.md b/docs/models/operations/retrievehristimesheetentryrequest.md new file mode 100644 index 00000000..4ef83839 --- /dev/null +++ b/docs/models/operations/retrievehristimesheetentryrequest.md @@ -0,0 +1,10 @@ +# RetrieveHrisTimesheetentryRequest + + +## Fields + +| Field | Type | Required | Description | Example | +| ------------------------------------------------------------ | ------------------------------------------------------------ | ------------------------------------------------------------ | ------------------------------------------------------------ | ------------------------------------------------------------ | +| `xConnectionToken` | *string* | :heavy_check_mark: | The connection token | | +| `id` | *string* | :heavy_check_mark: | id of the timesheetentry you want to retrieve. | 801f9ede-c698-4e66-a7fc-48d19eebaa4f | +| `remoteData` | *boolean* | :heavy_minus_sign: | Set to true to include data from the original Hris software. | false | \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/docs/sdks/accounts/README.md b/docs/sdks/accounts/README.md index 9a9766ed..d1ed4957 100644 --- a/docs/sdks/accounts/README.md +++ b/docs/sdks/accounts/README.md @@ -35,6 +35,43 @@ async function run() { run(); ``` + +### Standalone function + +The standalone function version of this method: + +```typescript +import { PanoraCore } from "@panora/sdk/core.js"; +import { ticketingAccountsList } from "@panora/sdk/funcs/ticketingAccountsList.js"; + +// Use `PanoraCore` for best tree-shaking performance. +// You can create one instance of it to use across an application. +const panora = new PanoraCore({ + apiKey: "", +}); + +async function run() { + const res = await ticketingAccountsList(panora, { + xConnectionToken: "", + remoteData: true, + limit: 10, + cursor: "1b8b05bb-5273-4012-b520-8657b0b90874", + }); + + if (!res.ok) { + throw res.error; + } + + const { value: result } = res; + + for await (const page of result) { + // handle page + } +} + +run(); +``` + ### Parameters | Parameter | Type | Required | Description | @@ -80,6 +117,40 @@ async function run() { run(); ``` + +### Standalone function + +The standalone function version of this method: + +```typescript +import { PanoraCore } from "@panora/sdk/core.js"; +import { ticketingAccountsRetrieve } from "@panora/sdk/funcs/ticketingAccountsRetrieve.js"; + +// Use `PanoraCore` for best tree-shaking performance. +// You can create one instance of it to use across an application. +const panora = new PanoraCore({ + apiKey: "", +}); + +async function run() { + const res = await ticketingAccountsRetrieve(panora, { + xConnectionToken: "", + id: "", + }); + + if (!res.ok) { + throw res.error; + } + + const { value: result } = res; + + // Handle the result + console.log(result) +} + +run(); +``` + ### Parameters | Parameter | Type | Required | Description | diff --git a/docs/sdks/actions/README.md b/docs/sdks/actions/README.md index 78dbb145..d13ea359 100644 --- a/docs/sdks/actions/README.md +++ b/docs/sdks/actions/README.md @@ -36,6 +36,43 @@ async function run() { run(); ``` + +### Standalone function + +The standalone function version of this method: + +```typescript +import { PanoraCore } from "@panora/sdk/core.js"; +import { marketingautomationActionsList } from "@panora/sdk/funcs/marketingautomationActionsList.js"; + +// Use `PanoraCore` for best tree-shaking performance. +// You can create one instance of it to use across an application. +const panora = new PanoraCore({ + apiKey: "", +}); + +async function run() { + const res = await marketingautomationActionsList(panora, { + xConnectionToken: "", + remoteData: true, + limit: 10, + cursor: "1b8b05bb-5273-4012-b520-8657b0b90874", + }); + + if (!res.ok) { + throw res.error; + } + + const { value: result } = res; + + for await (const page of result) { + // handle page + } +} + +run(); +``` + ### Parameters | Parameter | Type | Required | Description | @@ -82,6 +119,41 @@ async function run() { run(); ``` + +### Standalone function + +The standalone function version of this method: + +```typescript +import { PanoraCore } from "@panora/sdk/core.js"; +import { marketingautomationActionsCreate } from "@panora/sdk/funcs/marketingautomationActionsCreate.js"; + +// Use `PanoraCore` for best tree-shaking performance. +// You can create one instance of it to use across an application. +const panora = new PanoraCore({ + apiKey: "", +}); + +async function run() { + const res = await marketingautomationActionsCreate(panora, { + xConnectionToken: "", + remoteData: false, + unifiedMarketingautomationActionInput: {}, + }); + + if (!res.ok) { + throw res.error; + } + + const { value: result } = res; + + // Handle the result + console.log(result) +} + +run(); +``` + ### Parameters | Parameter | Type | Required | Description | @@ -128,6 +200,41 @@ async function run() { run(); ``` + +### Standalone function + +The standalone function version of this method: + +```typescript +import { PanoraCore } from "@panora/sdk/core.js"; +import { marketingautomationActionsRetrieve } from "@panora/sdk/funcs/marketingautomationActionsRetrieve.js"; + +// Use `PanoraCore` for best tree-shaking performance. +// You can create one instance of it to use across an application. +const panora = new PanoraCore({ + apiKey: "", +}); + +async function run() { + const res = await marketingautomationActionsRetrieve(panora, { + xConnectionToken: "", + id: "801f9ede-c698-4e66-a7fc-48d19eebaa4f", + remoteData: false, + }); + + if (!res.ok) { + throw res.error; + } + + const { value: result } = res; + + // Handle the result + console.log(result) +} + +run(); +``` + ### Parameters | Parameter | Type | Required | Description | diff --git a/docs/sdks/activities/README.md b/docs/sdks/activities/README.md index a69fcde7..3968c5d6 100644 --- a/docs/sdks/activities/README.md +++ b/docs/sdks/activities/README.md @@ -36,6 +36,43 @@ async function run() { run(); ``` + +### Standalone function + +The standalone function version of this method: + +```typescript +import { PanoraCore } from "@panora/sdk/core.js"; +import { atsActivitiesList } from "@panora/sdk/funcs/atsActivitiesList.js"; + +// Use `PanoraCore` for best tree-shaking performance. +// You can create one instance of it to use across an application. +const panora = new PanoraCore({ + apiKey: "", +}); + +async function run() { + const res = await atsActivitiesList(panora, { + xConnectionToken: "", + remoteData: true, + limit: 10, + cursor: "1b8b05bb-5273-4012-b520-8657b0b90874", + }); + + if (!res.ok) { + throw res.error; + } + + const { value: result } = res; + + for await (const page of result) { + // handle page + } +} + +run(); +``` + ### Parameters | Parameter | Type | Required | Description | @@ -94,6 +131,53 @@ async function run() { run(); ``` + +### Standalone function + +The standalone function version of this method: + +```typescript +import { PanoraCore } from "@panora/sdk/core.js"; +import { atsActivitiesCreate } from "@panora/sdk/funcs/atsActivitiesCreate.js"; +import { UnifiedAtsActivityInputActivityType, UnifiedAtsActivityInputVisibility } from "@panora/sdk/models/components"; + +// Use `PanoraCore` for best tree-shaking performance. +// You can create one instance of it to use across an application. +const panora = new PanoraCore({ + apiKey: "", +}); + +async function run() { + const res = await atsActivitiesCreate(panora, { + xConnectionToken: "", + remoteData: false, + unifiedAtsActivityInput: { + activityType: UnifiedAtsActivityInputActivityType.Note, + subject: "Email subject", + body: "Dear Diana, I love you", + visibility: UnifiedAtsActivityInputVisibility.Public, + candidateId: "801f9ede-c698-4e66-a7fc-48d19eebaa4f", + remoteCreatedAt: new Date("2024-10-01T12:00:00Z"), + fieldMappings: { + "fav_dish": "broccoli", + "fav_color": "red", + }, + }, + }); + + if (!res.ok) { + throw res.error; + } + + const { value: result } = res; + + // Handle the result + console.log(result) +} + +run(); +``` + ### Parameters | Parameter | Type | Required | Description | @@ -140,6 +224,41 @@ async function run() { run(); ``` + +### Standalone function + +The standalone function version of this method: + +```typescript +import { PanoraCore } from "@panora/sdk/core.js"; +import { atsActivitiesRetrieve } from "@panora/sdk/funcs/atsActivitiesRetrieve.js"; + +// Use `PanoraCore` for best tree-shaking performance. +// You can create one instance of it to use across an application. +const panora = new PanoraCore({ + apiKey: "", +}); + +async function run() { + const res = await atsActivitiesRetrieve(panora, { + xConnectionToken: "", + id: "801f9ede-c698-4e66-a7fc-48d19eebaa4f", + remoteData: false, + }); + + if (!res.ok) { + throw res.error; + } + + const { value: result } = res; + + // Handle the result + console.log(result) +} + +run(); +``` + ### Parameters | Parameter | Type | Required | Description | diff --git a/docs/sdks/addresses/README.md b/docs/sdks/addresses/README.md index 6ccbdeb0..0f22bf04 100644 --- a/docs/sdks/addresses/README.md +++ b/docs/sdks/addresses/README.md @@ -35,6 +35,43 @@ async function run() { run(); ``` + +### Standalone function + +The standalone function version of this method: + +```typescript +import { PanoraCore } from "@panora/sdk/core.js"; +import { accountingAddressesList } from "@panora/sdk/funcs/accountingAddressesList.js"; + +// Use `PanoraCore` for best tree-shaking performance. +// You can create one instance of it to use across an application. +const panora = new PanoraCore({ + apiKey: "", +}); + +async function run() { + const res = await accountingAddressesList(panora, { + xConnectionToken: "", + remoteData: true, + limit: 10, + cursor: "1b8b05bb-5273-4012-b520-8657b0b90874", + }); + + if (!res.ok) { + throw res.error; + } + + const { value: result } = res; + + for await (const page of result) { + // handle page + } +} + +run(); +``` + ### Parameters | Parameter | Type | Required | Description | @@ -81,6 +118,41 @@ async function run() { run(); ``` + +### Standalone function + +The standalone function version of this method: + +```typescript +import { PanoraCore } from "@panora/sdk/core.js"; +import { accountingAddressesRetrieve } from "@panora/sdk/funcs/accountingAddressesRetrieve.js"; + +// Use `PanoraCore` for best tree-shaking performance. +// You can create one instance of it to use across an application. +const panora = new PanoraCore({ + apiKey: "", +}); + +async function run() { + const res = await accountingAddressesRetrieve(panora, { + xConnectionToken: "", + id: "801f9ede-c698-4e66-a7fc-48d19eebaa4f", + remoteData: false, + }); + + if (!res.ok) { + throw res.error; + } + + const { value: result } = res; + + // Handle the result + console.log(result) +} + +run(); +``` + ### Parameters | Parameter | Type | Required | Description | diff --git a/docs/sdks/applications/README.md b/docs/sdks/applications/README.md index cca20549..d4fbfb50 100644 --- a/docs/sdks/applications/README.md +++ b/docs/sdks/applications/README.md @@ -36,6 +36,43 @@ async function run() { run(); ``` + +### Standalone function + +The standalone function version of this method: + +```typescript +import { PanoraCore } from "@panora/sdk/core.js"; +import { atsApplicationsList } from "@panora/sdk/funcs/atsApplicationsList.js"; + +// Use `PanoraCore` for best tree-shaking performance. +// You can create one instance of it to use across an application. +const panora = new PanoraCore({ + apiKey: "", +}); + +async function run() { + const res = await atsApplicationsList(panora, { + xConnectionToken: "", + remoteData: true, + limit: 10, + cursor: "1b8b05bb-5273-4012-b520-8657b0b90874", + }); + + if (!res.ok) { + throw res.error; + } + + const { value: result } = res; + + for await (const page of result) { + // handle page + } +} + +run(); +``` + ### Parameters | Parameter | Type | Required | Description | @@ -99,6 +136,58 @@ async function run() { run(); ``` + +### Standalone function + +The standalone function version of this method: + +```typescript +import { PanoraCore } from "@panora/sdk/core.js"; +import { atsApplicationsCreate } from "@panora/sdk/funcs/atsApplicationsCreate.js"; + +// Use `PanoraCore` for best tree-shaking performance. +// You can create one instance of it to use across an application. +const panora = new PanoraCore({ + apiKey: "", +}); + +async function run() { + const res = await atsApplicationsCreate(panora, { + xConnectionToken: "", + remoteData: false, + unifiedAtsApplicationInput: { + appliedAt: new Date("2024-10-01T12:00:00Z"), + rejectedAt: new Date("2024-10-01T12:00:00Z"), + offers: [ + "801f9ede-c698-4e66-a7fc-48d19eebaa4f", + "12345678-1234-1234-1234-123456789012", + ], + source: "Source Name", + creditedTo: "801f9ede-c698-4e66-a7fc-48d19eebaa4f", + currentStage: "801f9ede-c698-4e66-a7fc-48d19eebaa4f", + rejectReason: "Candidate not experienced enough", + candidateId: "801f9ede-c698-4e66-a7fc-48d19eebaa4f", + jobId: "801f9ede-c698-4e66-a7fc-48d19eebaa4f", + fieldMappings: { + "fav_dish": "broccoli", + "fav_color": "red", + }, + }, + }); + + if (!res.ok) { + throw res.error; + } + + const { value: result } = res; + + // Handle the result + console.log(result) +} + +run(); +``` + ### Parameters | Parameter | Type | Required | Description | @@ -145,6 +234,41 @@ async function run() { run(); ``` + +### Standalone function + +The standalone function version of this method: + +```typescript +import { PanoraCore } from "@panora/sdk/core.js"; +import { atsApplicationsRetrieve } from "@panora/sdk/funcs/atsApplicationsRetrieve.js"; + +// Use `PanoraCore` for best tree-shaking performance. +// You can create one instance of it to use across an application. +const panora = new PanoraCore({ + apiKey: "", +}); + +async function run() { + const res = await atsApplicationsRetrieve(panora, { + xConnectionToken: "", + id: "801f9ede-c698-4e66-a7fc-48d19eebaa4f", + remoteData: false, + }); + + if (!res.ok) { + throw res.error; + } + + const { value: result } = res; + + // Handle the result + console.log(result) +} + +run(); +``` + ### Parameters | Parameter | Type | Required | Description | diff --git a/docs/sdks/attachments/README.md b/docs/sdks/attachments/README.md index 25489038..8f46200e 100644 --- a/docs/sdks/attachments/README.md +++ b/docs/sdks/attachments/README.md @@ -36,6 +36,43 @@ async function run() { run(); ``` + +### Standalone function + +The standalone function version of this method: + +```typescript +import { PanoraCore } from "@panora/sdk/core.js"; +import { atsAttachmentsList } from "@panora/sdk/funcs/atsAttachmentsList.js"; + +// Use `PanoraCore` for best tree-shaking performance. +// You can create one instance of it to use across an application. +const panora = new PanoraCore({ + apiKey: "", +}); + +async function run() { + const res = await atsAttachmentsList(panora, { + xConnectionToken: "", + remoteData: true, + limit: 10, + cursor: "1b8b05bb-5273-4012-b520-8657b0b90874", + }); + + if (!res.ok) { + throw res.error; + } + + const { value: result } = res; + + for await (const page of result) { + // handle page + } +} + +run(); +``` + ### Parameters | Parameter | Type | Required | Description | @@ -94,6 +131,53 @@ async function run() { run(); ``` + +### Standalone function + +The standalone function version of this method: + +```typescript +import { PanoraCore } from "@panora/sdk/core.js"; +import { atsAttachmentsCreate } from "@panora/sdk/funcs/atsAttachmentsCreate.js"; +import { UnifiedAtsAttachmentInputAttachmentType } from "@panora/sdk/models/components"; + +// Use `PanoraCore` for best tree-shaking performance. +// You can create one instance of it to use across an application. +const panora = new PanoraCore({ + apiKey: "", +}); + +async function run() { + const res = await atsAttachmentsCreate(panora, { + xConnectionToken: "", + remoteData: false, + unifiedAtsAttachmentInput: { + fileUrl: "https://example.com/file.pdf", + fileName: "file.pdf", + attachmentType: UnifiedAtsAttachmentInputAttachmentType.Resume, + remoteCreatedAt: new Date("2024-10-01T12:00:00Z"), + remoteModifiedAt: new Date("2024-10-01T12:00:00Z"), + candidateId: "801f9ede-c698-4e66-a7fc-48d19eebaa4f", + fieldMappings: { + "fav_dish": "broccoli", + "fav_color": "red", + }, + }, + }); + + if (!res.ok) { + throw res.error; + } + + const { value: result } = res; + + // Handle the result + console.log(result) +} + +run(); +``` + ### Parameters | Parameter | Type | Required | Description | @@ -140,6 +224,41 @@ async function run() { run(); ``` + +### Standalone function + +The standalone function version of this method: + +```typescript +import { PanoraCore } from "@panora/sdk/core.js"; +import { atsAttachmentsRetrieve } from "@panora/sdk/funcs/atsAttachmentsRetrieve.js"; + +// Use `PanoraCore` for best tree-shaking performance. +// You can create one instance of it to use across an application. +const panora = new PanoraCore({ + apiKey: "", +}); + +async function run() { + const res = await atsAttachmentsRetrieve(panora, { + xConnectionToken: "", + id: "801f9ede-c698-4e66-a7fc-48d19eebaa4f", + remoteData: false, + }); + + if (!res.ok) { + throw res.error; + } + + const { value: result } = res; + + // Handle the result + console.log(result) +} + +run(); +``` + ### Parameters | Parameter | Type | Required | Description | diff --git a/docs/sdks/automations/README.md b/docs/sdks/automations/README.md index ba3b7ba9..fc9ebca1 100644 --- a/docs/sdks/automations/README.md +++ b/docs/sdks/automations/README.md @@ -36,6 +36,43 @@ async function run() { run(); ``` + +### Standalone function + +The standalone function version of this method: + +```typescript +import { PanoraCore } from "@panora/sdk/core.js"; +import { marketingautomationAutomationsList } from "@panora/sdk/funcs/marketingautomationAutomationsList.js"; + +// Use `PanoraCore` for best tree-shaking performance. +// You can create one instance of it to use across an application. +const panora = new PanoraCore({ + apiKey: "", +}); + +async function run() { + const res = await marketingautomationAutomationsList(panora, { + xConnectionToken: "", + remoteData: true, + limit: 10, + cursor: "1b8b05bb-5273-4012-b520-8657b0b90874", + }); + + if (!res.ok) { + throw res.error; + } + + const { value: result } = res; + + for await (const page of result) { + // handle page + } +} + +run(); +``` + ### Parameters | Parameter | Type | Required | Description | @@ -82,6 +119,41 @@ async function run() { run(); ``` + +### Standalone function + +The standalone function version of this method: + +```typescript +import { PanoraCore } from "@panora/sdk/core.js"; +import { marketingautomationAutomationsCreate } from "@panora/sdk/funcs/marketingautomationAutomationsCreate.js"; + +// Use `PanoraCore` for best tree-shaking performance. +// You can create one instance of it to use across an application. +const panora = new PanoraCore({ + apiKey: "", +}); + +async function run() { + const res = await marketingautomationAutomationsCreate(panora, { + xConnectionToken: "", + remoteData: false, + unifiedMarketingautomationAutomationInput: {}, + }); + + if (!res.ok) { + throw res.error; + } + + const { value: result } = res; + + // Handle the result + console.log(result) +} + +run(); +``` + ### Parameters | Parameter | Type | Required | Description | @@ -128,6 +200,41 @@ async function run() { run(); ``` + +### Standalone function + +The standalone function version of this method: + +```typescript +import { PanoraCore } from "@panora/sdk/core.js"; +import { marketingautomationAutomationsRetrieve } from "@panora/sdk/funcs/marketingautomationAutomationsRetrieve.js"; + +// Use `PanoraCore` for best tree-shaking performance. +// You can create one instance of it to use across an application. +const panora = new PanoraCore({ + apiKey: "", +}); + +async function run() { + const res = await marketingautomationAutomationsRetrieve(panora, { + xConnectionToken: "", + id: "801f9ede-c698-4e66-a7fc-48d19eebaa4f", + remoteData: false, + }); + + if (!res.ok) { + throw res.error; + } + + const { value: result } = res; + + // Handle the result + console.log(result) +} + +run(); +``` + ### Parameters | Parameter | Type | Required | Description | diff --git a/docs/sdks/balancesheets/README.md b/docs/sdks/balancesheets/README.md index 7e27170c..ce145508 100644 --- a/docs/sdks/balancesheets/README.md +++ b/docs/sdks/balancesheets/README.md @@ -35,6 +35,43 @@ async function run() { run(); ``` + +### Standalone function + +The standalone function version of this method: + +```typescript +import { PanoraCore } from "@panora/sdk/core.js"; +import { accountingBalancesheetsList } from "@panora/sdk/funcs/accountingBalancesheetsList.js"; + +// Use `PanoraCore` for best tree-shaking performance. +// You can create one instance of it to use across an application. +const panora = new PanoraCore({ + apiKey: "", +}); + +async function run() { + const res = await accountingBalancesheetsList(panora, { + xConnectionToken: "", + remoteData: true, + limit: 10, + cursor: "1b8b05bb-5273-4012-b520-8657b0b90874", + }); + + if (!res.ok) { + throw res.error; + } + + const { value: result } = res; + + for await (const page of result) { + // handle page + } +} + +run(); +``` + ### Parameters | Parameter | Type | Required | Description | @@ -81,6 +118,41 @@ async function run() { run(); ``` + +### Standalone function + +The standalone function version of this method: + +```typescript +import { PanoraCore } from "@panora/sdk/core.js"; +import { accountingBalancesheetsRetrieve } from "@panora/sdk/funcs/accountingBalancesheetsRetrieve.js"; + +// Use `PanoraCore` for best tree-shaking performance. +// You can create one instance of it to use across an application. +const panora = new PanoraCore({ + apiKey: "", +}); + +async function run() { + const res = await accountingBalancesheetsRetrieve(panora, { + xConnectionToken: "", + id: "801f9ede-c698-4e66-a7fc-48d19eebaa4f", + remoteData: false, + }); + + if (!res.ok) { + throw res.error; + } + + const { value: result } = res; + + // Handle the result + console.log(result) +} + +run(); +``` + ### Parameters | Parameter | Type | Required | Description | diff --git a/docs/sdks/bankinfos/README.md b/docs/sdks/bankinfos/README.md index 23c44414..cbb66721 100644 --- a/docs/sdks/bankinfos/README.md +++ b/docs/sdks/bankinfos/README.md @@ -35,6 +35,43 @@ async function run() { run(); ``` + +### Standalone function + +The standalone function version of this method: + +```typescript +import { PanoraCore } from "@panora/sdk/core.js"; +import { hrisBankinfosList } from "@panora/sdk/funcs/hrisBankinfosList.js"; + +// Use `PanoraCore` for best tree-shaking performance. +// You can create one instance of it to use across an application. +const panora = new PanoraCore({ + apiKey: "", +}); + +async function run() { + const res = await hrisBankinfosList(panora, { + xConnectionToken: "", + remoteData: true, + limit: 10, + cursor: "1b8b05bb-5273-4012-b520-8657b0b90874", + }); + + if (!res.ok) { + throw res.error; + } + + const { value: result } = res; + + for await (const page of result) { + // handle page + } +} + +run(); +``` + ### Parameters | Parameter | Type | Required | Description | @@ -81,6 +118,41 @@ async function run() { run(); ``` + +### Standalone function + +The standalone function version of this method: + +```typescript +import { PanoraCore } from "@panora/sdk/core.js"; +import { hrisBankinfosRetrieve } from "@panora/sdk/funcs/hrisBankinfosRetrieve.js"; + +// Use `PanoraCore` for best tree-shaking performance. +// You can create one instance of it to use across an application. +const panora = new PanoraCore({ + apiKey: "", +}); + +async function run() { + const res = await hrisBankinfosRetrieve(panora, { + xConnectionToken: "", + id: "801f9ede-c698-4e66-a7fc-48d19eebaa4f", + remoteData: false, + }); + + if (!res.ok) { + throw res.error; + } + + const { value: result } = res; + + // Handle the result + console.log(result) +} + +run(); +``` + ### Parameters | Parameter | Type | Required | Description | diff --git a/docs/sdks/benefits/README.md b/docs/sdks/benefits/README.md index 71069d6e..eb7d27d6 100644 --- a/docs/sdks/benefits/README.md +++ b/docs/sdks/benefits/README.md @@ -35,6 +35,43 @@ async function run() { run(); ``` + +### Standalone function + +The standalone function version of this method: + +```typescript +import { PanoraCore } from "@panora/sdk/core.js"; +import { hrisBenefitsList } from "@panora/sdk/funcs/hrisBenefitsList.js"; + +// Use `PanoraCore` for best tree-shaking performance. +// You can create one instance of it to use across an application. +const panora = new PanoraCore({ + apiKey: "", +}); + +async function run() { + const res = await hrisBenefitsList(panora, { + xConnectionToken: "", + remoteData: true, + limit: 10, + cursor: "1b8b05bb-5273-4012-b520-8657b0b90874", + }); + + if (!res.ok) { + throw res.error; + } + + const { value: result } = res; + + for await (const page of result) { + // handle page + } +} + +run(); +``` + ### Parameters | Parameter | Type | Required | Description | @@ -81,6 +118,41 @@ async function run() { run(); ``` + +### Standalone function + +The standalone function version of this method: + +```typescript +import { PanoraCore } from "@panora/sdk/core.js"; +import { hrisBenefitsRetrieve } from "@panora/sdk/funcs/hrisBenefitsRetrieve.js"; + +// Use `PanoraCore` for best tree-shaking performance. +// You can create one instance of it to use across an application. +const panora = new PanoraCore({ + apiKey: "", +}); + +async function run() { + const res = await hrisBenefitsRetrieve(panora, { + xConnectionToken: "", + id: "801f9ede-c698-4e66-a7fc-48d19eebaa4f", + remoteData: false, + }); + + if (!res.ok) { + throw res.error; + } + + const { value: result } = res; + + // Handle the result + console.log(result) +} + +run(); +``` + ### Parameters | Parameter | Type | Required | Description | diff --git a/docs/sdks/campaigns/README.md b/docs/sdks/campaigns/README.md index 31da92a4..e2f1714a 100644 --- a/docs/sdks/campaigns/README.md +++ b/docs/sdks/campaigns/README.md @@ -36,6 +36,43 @@ async function run() { run(); ``` + +### Standalone function + +The standalone function version of this method: + +```typescript +import { PanoraCore } from "@panora/sdk/core.js"; +import { marketingautomationCampaignsList } from "@panora/sdk/funcs/marketingautomationCampaignsList.js"; + +// Use `PanoraCore` for best tree-shaking performance. +// You can create one instance of it to use across an application. +const panora = new PanoraCore({ + apiKey: "", +}); + +async function run() { + const res = await marketingautomationCampaignsList(panora, { + xConnectionToken: "", + remoteData: true, + limit: 10, + cursor: "1b8b05bb-5273-4012-b520-8657b0b90874", + }); + + if (!res.ok) { + throw res.error; + } + + const { value: result } = res; + + for await (const page of result) { + // handle page + } +} + +run(); +``` + ### Parameters | Parameter | Type | Required | Description | @@ -82,6 +119,41 @@ async function run() { run(); ``` + +### Standalone function + +The standalone function version of this method: + +```typescript +import { PanoraCore } from "@panora/sdk/core.js"; +import { marketingautomationCampaignsCreate } from "@panora/sdk/funcs/marketingautomationCampaignsCreate.js"; + +// Use `PanoraCore` for best tree-shaking performance. +// You can create one instance of it to use across an application. +const panora = new PanoraCore({ + apiKey: "", +}); + +async function run() { + const res = await marketingautomationCampaignsCreate(panora, { + xConnectionToken: "", + remoteData: false, + unifiedMarketingautomationCampaignInput: {}, + }); + + if (!res.ok) { + throw res.error; + } + + const { value: result } = res; + + // Handle the result + console.log(result) +} + +run(); +``` + ### Parameters | Parameter | Type | Required | Description | @@ -128,6 +200,41 @@ async function run() { run(); ``` + +### Standalone function + +The standalone function version of this method: + +```typescript +import { PanoraCore } from "@panora/sdk/core.js"; +import { marketingautomationCampaignsRetrieve } from "@panora/sdk/funcs/marketingautomationCampaignsRetrieve.js"; + +// Use `PanoraCore` for best tree-shaking performance. +// You can create one instance of it to use across an application. +const panora = new PanoraCore({ + apiKey: "", +}); + +async function run() { + const res = await marketingautomationCampaignsRetrieve(panora, { + xConnectionToken: "", + id: "801f9ede-c698-4e66-a7fc-48d19eebaa4f", + remoteData: false, + }); + + if (!res.ok) { + throw res.error; + } + + const { value: result } = res; + + // Handle the result + console.log(result) +} + +run(); +``` + ### Parameters | Parameter | Type | Required | Description | diff --git a/docs/sdks/candidates/README.md b/docs/sdks/candidates/README.md index bcf1d05f..f4ab70d7 100644 --- a/docs/sdks/candidates/README.md +++ b/docs/sdks/candidates/README.md @@ -36,6 +36,43 @@ async function run() { run(); ``` + +### Standalone function + +The standalone function version of this method: + +```typescript +import { PanoraCore } from "@panora/sdk/core.js"; +import { atsCandidatesList } from "@panora/sdk/funcs/atsCandidatesList.js"; + +// Use `PanoraCore` for best tree-shaking performance. +// You can create one instance of it to use across an application. +const panora = new PanoraCore({ + apiKey: "", +}); + +async function run() { + const res = await atsCandidatesList(panora, { + xConnectionToken: "", + remoteData: true, + limit: 10, + cursor: "1b8b05bb-5273-4012-b520-8657b0b90874", + }); + + if (!res.ok) { + throw res.error; + } + + const { value: result } = res; + + for await (const page of result) { + // handle page + } +} + +run(); +``` + ### Parameters | Parameter | Type | Required | Description | @@ -126,6 +163,85 @@ async function run() { run(); ``` + +### Standalone function + +The standalone function version of this method: + +```typescript +import { PanoraCore } from "@panora/sdk/core.js"; +import { atsCandidatesCreate } from "@panora/sdk/funcs/atsCandidatesCreate.js"; +import { EmailAddressType, PhoneType } from "@panora/sdk/models/components"; + +// Use `PanoraCore` for best tree-shaking performance. +// You can create one instance of it to use across an application. +const panora = new PanoraCore({ + apiKey: "", +}); + +async function run() { + const res = await atsCandidatesCreate(panora, { + xConnectionToken: "", + remoteData: false, + unifiedAtsCandidateInput: { + firstName: "Joe", + lastName: "Doe", + company: "Acme", + title: "Analyst", + locations: "New York", + isPrivate: false, + emailReachable: true, + remoteCreatedAt: new Date("2024-10-01T12:00:00Z"), + remoteModifiedAt: new Date("2024-10-01T12:00:00Z"), + lastInteractionAt: new Date("2024-10-01T12:00:00Z"), + attachments: [ + "801f9ede-c698-4e66-a7fc-48d19eebaa4f", + ], + applications: [ + "801f9ede-c698-4e66-a7fc-48d19eebaa4f", + ], + tags: [ + "tag_1", + "tag_2", + ], + urls: [ + { + url: "mywebsite.com", + urlType: "WEBSITE", + }, + ], + phoneNumbers: [ + { + phoneNumber: "+33660688899", + phoneType: PhoneType.Work, + }, + ], + emailAddresses: [ + { + emailAddress: "joedoe@gmail.com", + emailAddressType: EmailAddressType.Work, + }, + ], + fieldMappings: { + "fav_dish": "broccoli", + "fav_color": "red", + }, + }, + }); + + if (!res.ok) { + throw res.error; + } + + const { value: result } = res; + + // Handle the result + console.log(result) +} + +run(); +``` + ### Parameters | Parameter | Type | Required | Description | @@ -172,6 +288,41 @@ async function run() { run(); ``` + +### Standalone function + +The standalone function version of this method: + +```typescript +import { PanoraCore } from "@panora/sdk/core.js"; +import { atsCandidatesRetrieve } from "@panora/sdk/funcs/atsCandidatesRetrieve.js"; + +// Use `PanoraCore` for best tree-shaking performance. +// You can create one instance of it to use across an application. +const panora = new PanoraCore({ + apiKey: "", +}); + +async function run() { + const res = await atsCandidatesRetrieve(panora, { + xConnectionToken: "", + id: "801f9ede-c698-4e66-a7fc-48d19eebaa4f", + remoteData: false, + }); + + if (!res.ok) { + throw res.error; + } + + const { value: result } = res; + + // Handle the result + console.log(result) +} + +run(); +``` + ### Parameters | Parameter | Type | Required | Description | diff --git a/docs/sdks/cashflowstatements/README.md b/docs/sdks/cashflowstatements/README.md index 5a922679..97bd57cb 100644 --- a/docs/sdks/cashflowstatements/README.md +++ b/docs/sdks/cashflowstatements/README.md @@ -35,6 +35,43 @@ async function run() { run(); ``` + +### Standalone function + +The standalone function version of this method: + +```typescript +import { PanoraCore } from "@panora/sdk/core.js"; +import { accountingCashflowstatementsList } from "@panora/sdk/funcs/accountingCashflowstatementsList.js"; + +// Use `PanoraCore` for best tree-shaking performance. +// You can create one instance of it to use across an application. +const panora = new PanoraCore({ + apiKey: "", +}); + +async function run() { + const res = await accountingCashflowstatementsList(panora, { + xConnectionToken: "", + remoteData: true, + limit: 10, + cursor: "1b8b05bb-5273-4012-b520-8657b0b90874", + }); + + if (!res.ok) { + throw res.error; + } + + const { value: result } = res; + + for await (const page of result) { + // handle page + } +} + +run(); +``` + ### Parameters | Parameter | Type | Required | Description | @@ -81,6 +118,41 @@ async function run() { run(); ``` + +### Standalone function + +The standalone function version of this method: + +```typescript +import { PanoraCore } from "@panora/sdk/core.js"; +import { accountingCashflowstatementsRetrieve } from "@panora/sdk/funcs/accountingCashflowstatementsRetrieve.js"; + +// Use `PanoraCore` for best tree-shaking performance. +// You can create one instance of it to use across an application. +const panora = new PanoraCore({ + apiKey: "", +}); + +async function run() { + const res = await accountingCashflowstatementsRetrieve(panora, { + xConnectionToken: "", + id: "801f9ede-c698-4e66-a7fc-48d19eebaa4f", + remoteData: false, + }); + + if (!res.ok) { + throw res.error; + } + + const { value: result } = res; + + // Handle the result + console.log(result) +} + +run(); +``` + ### Parameters | Parameter | Type | Required | Description | diff --git a/docs/sdks/collections/README.md b/docs/sdks/collections/README.md index e22b6e24..7b123849 100644 --- a/docs/sdks/collections/README.md +++ b/docs/sdks/collections/README.md @@ -35,6 +35,43 @@ async function run() { run(); ``` + +### Standalone function + +The standalone function version of this method: + +```typescript +import { PanoraCore } from "@panora/sdk/core.js"; +import { ticketingCollectionsList } from "@panora/sdk/funcs/ticketingCollectionsList.js"; + +// Use `PanoraCore` for best tree-shaking performance. +// You can create one instance of it to use across an application. +const panora = new PanoraCore({ + apiKey: "", +}); + +async function run() { + const res = await ticketingCollectionsList(panora, { + xConnectionToken: "", + remoteData: true, + limit: 10, + cursor: "1b8b05bb-5273-4012-b520-8657b0b90874", + }); + + if (!res.ok) { + throw res.error; + } + + const { value: result } = res; + + for await (const page of result) { + // handle page + } +} + +run(); +``` + ### Parameters | Parameter | Type | Required | Description | @@ -81,6 +118,41 @@ async function run() { run(); ``` + +### Standalone function + +The standalone function version of this method: + +```typescript +import { PanoraCore } from "@panora/sdk/core.js"; +import { ticketingCollectionsRetrieve } from "@panora/sdk/funcs/ticketingCollectionsRetrieve.js"; + +// Use `PanoraCore` for best tree-shaking performance. +// You can create one instance of it to use across an application. +const panora = new PanoraCore({ + apiKey: "", +}); + +async function run() { + const res = await ticketingCollectionsRetrieve(panora, { + xConnectionToken: "", + id: "801f9ede-c698-4e66-a7fc-48d19eebaa4f", + remoteData: false, + }); + + if (!res.ok) { + throw res.error; + } + + const { value: result } = res; + + // Handle the result + console.log(result) +} + +run(); +``` + ### Parameters | Parameter | Type | Required | Description | diff --git a/docs/sdks/comments/README.md b/docs/sdks/comments/README.md index a2a6b745..b721a1ab 100644 --- a/docs/sdks/comments/README.md +++ b/docs/sdks/comments/README.md @@ -36,6 +36,43 @@ async function run() { run(); ``` + +### Standalone function + +The standalone function version of this method: + +```typescript +import { PanoraCore } from "@panora/sdk/core.js"; +import { ticketingCommentsList } from "@panora/sdk/funcs/ticketingCommentsList.js"; + +// Use `PanoraCore` for best tree-shaking performance. +// You can create one instance of it to use across an application. +const panora = new PanoraCore({ + apiKey: "", +}); + +async function run() { + const res = await ticketingCommentsList(panora, { + xConnectionToken: "", + remoteData: true, + limit: 10, + cursor: "1b8b05bb-5273-4012-b520-8657b0b90874", + }); + + if (!res.ok) { + throw res.error; + } + + const { value: result } = res; + + for await (const page of result) { + // handle page + } +} + +run(); +``` + ### Parameters | Parameter | Type | Required | Description | @@ -93,6 +130,52 @@ async function run() { run(); ``` + +### Standalone function + +The standalone function version of this method: + +```typescript +import { PanoraCore } from "@panora/sdk/core.js"; +import { ticketingCommentsCreate } from "@panora/sdk/funcs/ticketingCommentsCreate.js"; +import { UnifiedTicketingCommentInputCreatorType } from "@panora/sdk/models/components"; + +// Use `PanoraCore` for best tree-shaking performance. +// You can create one instance of it to use across an application. +const panora = new PanoraCore({ + apiKey: "", +}); + +async function run() { + const res = await ticketingCommentsCreate(panora, { + xConnectionToken: "", + unifiedTicketingCommentInput: { + body: "Assigned to Eric !", + htmlBody: "

Assigned to Eric !

", + isPrivate: false, + creatorType: UnifiedTicketingCommentInputCreatorType.User, + ticketId: "801f9ede-c698-4e66-a7fc-48d19eebaa4f", + contactId: "801f9ede-c698-4e66-a7fc-48d19eebaa4f", + userId: "801f9ede-c698-4e66-a7fc-48d19eebaa4f", + attachments: [ + "801f9ede-c698-4e66-a7fc-48d19eebaa4f", + ], + }, + }); + + if (!res.ok) { + throw res.error; + } + + const { value: result } = res; + + // Handle the result + console.log(result) +} + +run(); +``` + ### Parameters | Parameter | Type | Required | Description | @@ -138,6 +221,40 @@ async function run() { run(); ``` + +### Standalone function + +The standalone function version of this method: + +```typescript +import { PanoraCore } from "@panora/sdk/core.js"; +import { ticketingCommentsRetrieve } from "@panora/sdk/funcs/ticketingCommentsRetrieve.js"; + +// Use `PanoraCore` for best tree-shaking performance. +// You can create one instance of it to use across an application. +const panora = new PanoraCore({ + apiKey: "", +}); + +async function run() { + const res = await ticketingCommentsRetrieve(panora, { + xConnectionToken: "", + id: "", + }); + + if (!res.ok) { + throw res.error; + } + + const { value: result } = res; + + // Handle the result + console.log(result) +} + +run(); +``` + ### Parameters | Parameter | Type | Required | Description | diff --git a/docs/sdks/companies/README.md b/docs/sdks/companies/README.md index 3cfb8ded..ca064bcb 100644 --- a/docs/sdks/companies/README.md +++ b/docs/sdks/companies/README.md @@ -36,6 +36,43 @@ async function run() { run(); ``` + +### Standalone function + +The standalone function version of this method: + +```typescript +import { PanoraCore } from "@panora/sdk/core.js"; +import { crmCompaniesList } from "@panora/sdk/funcs/crmCompaniesList.js"; + +// Use `PanoraCore` for best tree-shaking performance. +// You can create one instance of it to use across an application. +const panora = new PanoraCore({ + apiKey: "", +}); + +async function run() { + const res = await crmCompaniesList(panora, { + xConnectionToken: "", + remoteData: true, + limit: 10, + cursor: "1b8b05bb-5273-4012-b520-8657b0b90874", + }); + + if (!res.ok) { + throw res.error; + } + + const { value: result } = res; + + for await (const page of result) { + // handle page + } +} + +run(); +``` + ### Parameters | Parameter | Type | Required | Description | @@ -116,6 +153,75 @@ async function run() { run(); ``` + +### Standalone function + +The standalone function version of this method: + +```typescript +import { PanoraCore } from "@panora/sdk/core.js"; +import { crmCompaniesCreate } from "@panora/sdk/funcs/crmCompaniesCreate.js"; +import { AddressType, EmailAddressType, PhoneType, UnifiedCrmCompanyInputIndustry } from "@panora/sdk/models/components"; + +// Use `PanoraCore` for best tree-shaking performance. +// You can create one instance of it to use across an application. +const panora = new PanoraCore({ + apiKey: "", +}); + +async function run() { + const res = await crmCompaniesCreate(panora, { + xConnectionToken: "", + remoteData: false, + unifiedCrmCompanyInput: { + name: "Acme", + industry: UnifiedCrmCompanyInputIndustry.Accounting, + numberOfEmployees: 10, + userId: "801f9ede-c698-4e66-a7fc-48d19eebaa4f", + emailAddresses: [ + { + emailAddress: "acme@gmail.com", + emailAddressType: EmailAddressType.Work, + }, + ], + addresses: [ + { + street1: "5th Avenue", + street2: "Street 2", + city: "New York", + state: "NY", + postalCode: "10001", + country: "USA", + addressType: AddressType.Work, + ownerType: "", + }, + ], + phoneNumbers: [ + { + phoneNumber: "+33660606067", + phoneType: PhoneType.Work, + }, + ], + fieldMappings: { + "fav_dish": "broccoli", + "fav_color": "red", + }, + }, + }); + + if (!res.ok) { + throw res.error; + } + + const { value: result } = res; + + // Handle the result + console.log(result) +} + +run(); +``` + ### Parameters | Parameter | Type | Required | Description | @@ -162,6 +268,41 @@ async function run() { run(); ``` + +### Standalone function + +The standalone function version of this method: + +```typescript +import { PanoraCore } from "@panora/sdk/core.js"; +import { crmCompaniesRetrieve } from "@panora/sdk/funcs/crmCompaniesRetrieve.js"; + +// Use `PanoraCore` for best tree-shaking performance. +// You can create one instance of it to use across an application. +const panora = new PanoraCore({ + apiKey: "", +}); + +async function run() { + const res = await crmCompaniesRetrieve(panora, { + xConnectionToken: "", + id: "801f9ede-c698-4e66-a7fc-48d19eebaa4f", + remoteData: false, + }); + + if (!res.ok) { + throw res.error; + } + + const { value: result } = res; + + // Handle the result + console.log(result) +} + +run(); +``` + ### Parameters | Parameter | Type | Required | Description | diff --git a/docs/sdks/companyinfos/README.md b/docs/sdks/companyinfos/README.md index f02b4862..49732a45 100644 --- a/docs/sdks/companyinfos/README.md +++ b/docs/sdks/companyinfos/README.md @@ -35,6 +35,43 @@ async function run() { run(); ``` + +### Standalone function + +The standalone function version of this method: + +```typescript +import { PanoraCore } from "@panora/sdk/core.js"; +import { accountingCompanyinfosList } from "@panora/sdk/funcs/accountingCompanyinfosList.js"; + +// Use `PanoraCore` for best tree-shaking performance. +// You can create one instance of it to use across an application. +const panora = new PanoraCore({ + apiKey: "", +}); + +async function run() { + const res = await accountingCompanyinfosList(panora, { + xConnectionToken: "", + remoteData: true, + limit: 10, + cursor: "1b8b05bb-5273-4012-b520-8657b0b90874", + }); + + if (!res.ok) { + throw res.error; + } + + const { value: result } = res; + + for await (const page of result) { + // handle page + } +} + +run(); +``` + ### Parameters | Parameter | Type | Required | Description | @@ -81,6 +118,41 @@ async function run() { run(); ``` + +### Standalone function + +The standalone function version of this method: + +```typescript +import { PanoraCore } from "@panora/sdk/core.js"; +import { accountingCompanyinfosRetrieve } from "@panora/sdk/funcs/accountingCompanyinfosRetrieve.js"; + +// Use `PanoraCore` for best tree-shaking performance. +// You can create one instance of it to use across an application. +const panora = new PanoraCore({ + apiKey: "", +}); + +async function run() { + const res = await accountingCompanyinfosRetrieve(panora, { + xConnectionToken: "", + id: "801f9ede-c698-4e66-a7fc-48d19eebaa4f", + remoteData: false, + }); + + if (!res.ok) { + throw res.error; + } + + const { value: result } = res; + + // Handle the result + console.log(result) +} + +run(); +``` + ### Parameters | Parameter | Type | Required | Description | diff --git a/docs/sdks/connections/README.md b/docs/sdks/connections/README.md index c7b9ad93..e626e2c9 100644 --- a/docs/sdks/connections/README.md +++ b/docs/sdks/connections/README.md @@ -28,6 +28,37 @@ async function run() { run(); ``` + +### Standalone function + +The standalone function version of this method: + +```typescript +import { PanoraCore } from "@panora/sdk/core.js"; +import { connectionsGetConnections } from "@panora/sdk/funcs/connectionsGetConnections.js"; + +// Use `PanoraCore` for best tree-shaking performance. +// You can create one instance of it to use across an application. +const panora = new PanoraCore({ + apiKey: "", +}); + +async function run() { + const res = await connectionsGetConnections(panora); + + if (!res.ok) { + throw res.error; + } + + const { value: result } = res; + + // Handle the result + console.log(result) +} + +run(); +``` + ### Parameters | Parameter | Type | Required | Description | diff --git a/docs/sdks/contacts/README.md b/docs/sdks/contacts/README.md index 21363784..d02f0cf8 100644 --- a/docs/sdks/contacts/README.md +++ b/docs/sdks/contacts/README.md @@ -35,6 +35,43 @@ async function run() { run(); ``` + +### Standalone function + +The standalone function version of this method: + +```typescript +import { PanoraCore } from "@panora/sdk/core.js"; +import { ticketingContactsList } from "@panora/sdk/funcs/ticketingContactsList.js"; + +// Use `PanoraCore` for best tree-shaking performance. +// You can create one instance of it to use across an application. +const panora = new PanoraCore({ + apiKey: "", +}); + +async function run() { + const res = await ticketingContactsList(panora, { + xConnectionToken: "", + remoteData: true, + limit: 10, + cursor: "1b8b05bb-5273-4012-b520-8657b0b90874", + }); + + if (!res.ok) { + throw res.error; + } + + const { value: result } = res; + + for await (const page of result) { + // handle page + } +} + +run(); +``` + ### Parameters | Parameter | Type | Required | Description | @@ -80,6 +117,40 @@ async function run() { run(); ``` + +### Standalone function + +The standalone function version of this method: + +```typescript +import { PanoraCore } from "@panora/sdk/core.js"; +import { ticketingContactsRetrieve } from "@panora/sdk/funcs/ticketingContactsRetrieve.js"; + +// Use `PanoraCore` for best tree-shaking performance. +// You can create one instance of it to use across an application. +const panora = new PanoraCore({ + apiKey: "", +}); + +async function run() { + const res = await ticketingContactsRetrieve(panora, { + xConnectionToken: "", + id: "", + }); + + if (!res.ok) { + throw res.error; + } + + const { value: result } = res; + + // Handle the result + console.log(result) +} + +run(); +``` + ### Parameters | Parameter | Type | Required | Description | diff --git a/docs/sdks/creditnotes/README.md b/docs/sdks/creditnotes/README.md index 0b0cd1fa..ac70f4a3 100644 --- a/docs/sdks/creditnotes/README.md +++ b/docs/sdks/creditnotes/README.md @@ -35,6 +35,43 @@ async function run() { run(); ``` + +### Standalone function + +The standalone function version of this method: + +```typescript +import { PanoraCore } from "@panora/sdk/core.js"; +import { accountingCreditnotesList } from "@panora/sdk/funcs/accountingCreditnotesList.js"; + +// Use `PanoraCore` for best tree-shaking performance. +// You can create one instance of it to use across an application. +const panora = new PanoraCore({ + apiKey: "", +}); + +async function run() { + const res = await accountingCreditnotesList(panora, { + xConnectionToken: "", + remoteData: true, + limit: 10, + cursor: "1b8b05bb-5273-4012-b520-8657b0b90874", + }); + + if (!res.ok) { + throw res.error; + } + + const { value: result } = res; + + for await (const page of result) { + // handle page + } +} + +run(); +``` + ### Parameters | Parameter | Type | Required | Description | @@ -81,6 +118,41 @@ async function run() { run(); ``` + +### Standalone function + +The standalone function version of this method: + +```typescript +import { PanoraCore } from "@panora/sdk/core.js"; +import { accountingCreditnotesRetrieve } from "@panora/sdk/funcs/accountingCreditnotesRetrieve.js"; + +// Use `PanoraCore` for best tree-shaking performance. +// You can create one instance of it to use across an application. +const panora = new PanoraCore({ + apiKey: "", +}); + +async function run() { + const res = await accountingCreditnotesRetrieve(panora, { + xConnectionToken: "", + id: "801f9ede-c698-4e66-a7fc-48d19eebaa4f", + remoteData: false, + }); + + if (!res.ok) { + throw res.error; + } + + const { value: result } = res; + + // Handle the result + console.log(result) +} + +run(); +``` + ### Parameters | Parameter | Type | Required | Description | diff --git a/docs/sdks/customers/README.md b/docs/sdks/customers/README.md index 3575198c..0d08f4a6 100644 --- a/docs/sdks/customers/README.md +++ b/docs/sdks/customers/README.md @@ -35,6 +35,43 @@ async function run() { run(); ``` + +### Standalone function + +The standalone function version of this method: + +```typescript +import { PanoraCore } from "@panora/sdk/core.js"; +import { ecommerceCustomersList } from "@panora/sdk/funcs/ecommerceCustomersList.js"; + +// Use `PanoraCore` for best tree-shaking performance. +// You can create one instance of it to use across an application. +const panora = new PanoraCore({ + apiKey: "", +}); + +async function run() { + const res = await ecommerceCustomersList(panora, { + xConnectionToken: "", + remoteData: true, + limit: 10, + cursor: "1b8b05bb-5273-4012-b520-8657b0b90874", + }); + + if (!res.ok) { + throw res.error; + } + + const { value: result } = res; + + for await (const page of result) { + // handle page + } +} + +run(); +``` + ### Parameters | Parameter | Type | Required | Description | @@ -80,6 +117,40 @@ async function run() { run(); ``` + +### Standalone function + +The standalone function version of this method: + +```typescript +import { PanoraCore } from "@panora/sdk/core.js"; +import { ecommerceCustomersRetrieve } from "@panora/sdk/funcs/ecommerceCustomersRetrieve.js"; + +// Use `PanoraCore` for best tree-shaking performance. +// You can create one instance of it to use across an application. +const panora = new PanoraCore({ + apiKey: "", +}); + +async function run() { + const res = await ecommerceCustomersRetrieve(panora, { + xConnectionToken: "", + id: "", + }); + + if (!res.ok) { + throw res.error; + } + + const { value: result } = res; + + // Handle the result + console.log(result) +} + +run(); +``` + ### Parameters | Parameter | Type | Required | Description | diff --git a/docs/sdks/deals/README.md b/docs/sdks/deals/README.md index 51dd5b76..47fd5658 100644 --- a/docs/sdks/deals/README.md +++ b/docs/sdks/deals/README.md @@ -36,6 +36,43 @@ async function run() { run(); ``` + +### Standalone function + +The standalone function version of this method: + +```typescript +import { PanoraCore } from "@panora/sdk/core.js"; +import { crmDealsList } from "@panora/sdk/funcs/crmDealsList.js"; + +// Use `PanoraCore` for best tree-shaking performance. +// You can create one instance of it to use across an application. +const panora = new PanoraCore({ + apiKey: "", +}); + +async function run() { + const res = await crmDealsList(panora, { + xConnectionToken: "", + remoteData: true, + limit: 10, + cursor: "1b8b05bb-5273-4012-b520-8657b0b90874", + }); + + if (!res.ok) { + throw res.error; + } + + const { value: result } = res; + + for await (const page of result) { + // handle page + } +} + +run(); +``` + ### Parameters | Parameter | Type | Required | Description | @@ -92,6 +129,51 @@ async function run() { run(); ``` + +### Standalone function + +The standalone function version of this method: + +```typescript +import { PanoraCore } from "@panora/sdk/core.js"; +import { crmDealsCreate } from "@panora/sdk/funcs/crmDealsCreate.js"; + +// Use `PanoraCore` for best tree-shaking performance. +// You can create one instance of it to use across an application. +const panora = new PanoraCore({ + apiKey: "", +}); + +async function run() { + const res = await crmDealsCreate(panora, { + xConnectionToken: "", + unifiedCrmDealInput: { + name: "Huge Contract with Acme", + description: "Contract with Sales Operations Team", + amount: 1000, + userId: "801f9ede-c698-4e66-a7fc-48d19eebaa4f", + stageId: "801f9ede-c698-4e66-a7fc-48d19eebaa4f", + companyId: "801f9ede-c698-4e66-a7fc-48d19eebaa4f", + fieldMappings: { + "fav_dish": "broccoli", + "fav_color": "red", + }, + }, + }); + + if (!res.ok) { + throw res.error; + } + + const { value: result } = res; + + // Handle the result + console.log(result) +} + +run(); +``` + ### Parameters | Parameter | Type | Required | Description | @@ -138,6 +220,41 @@ async function run() { run(); ``` + +### Standalone function + +The standalone function version of this method: + +```typescript +import { PanoraCore } from "@panora/sdk/core.js"; +import { crmDealsRetrieve } from "@panora/sdk/funcs/crmDealsRetrieve.js"; + +// Use `PanoraCore` for best tree-shaking performance. +// You can create one instance of it to use across an application. +const panora = new PanoraCore({ + apiKey: "", +}); + +async function run() { + const res = await crmDealsRetrieve(panora, { + xConnectionToken: "", + id: "801f9ede-c698-4e66-a7fc-48d19eebaa4f", + remoteData: false, + }); + + if (!res.ok) { + throw res.error; + } + + const { value: result } = res; + + // Handle the result + console.log(result) +} + +run(); +``` + ### Parameters | Parameter | Type | Required | Description | diff --git a/docs/sdks/departments/README.md b/docs/sdks/departments/README.md index 71b3b870..79185887 100644 --- a/docs/sdks/departments/README.md +++ b/docs/sdks/departments/README.md @@ -35,6 +35,43 @@ async function run() { run(); ``` + +### Standalone function + +The standalone function version of this method: + +```typescript +import { PanoraCore } from "@panora/sdk/core.js"; +import { atsDepartmentsList } from "@panora/sdk/funcs/atsDepartmentsList.js"; + +// Use `PanoraCore` for best tree-shaking performance. +// You can create one instance of it to use across an application. +const panora = new PanoraCore({ + apiKey: "", +}); + +async function run() { + const res = await atsDepartmentsList(panora, { + xConnectionToken: "", + remoteData: true, + limit: 10, + cursor: "1b8b05bb-5273-4012-b520-8657b0b90874", + }); + + if (!res.ok) { + throw res.error; + } + + const { value: result } = res; + + for await (const page of result) { + // handle page + } +} + +run(); +``` + ### Parameters | Parameter | Type | Required | Description | @@ -81,6 +118,41 @@ async function run() { run(); ``` + +### Standalone function + +The standalone function version of this method: + +```typescript +import { PanoraCore } from "@panora/sdk/core.js"; +import { atsDepartmentsRetrieve } from "@panora/sdk/funcs/atsDepartmentsRetrieve.js"; + +// Use `PanoraCore` for best tree-shaking performance. +// You can create one instance of it to use across an application. +const panora = new PanoraCore({ + apiKey: "", +}); + +async function run() { + const res = await atsDepartmentsRetrieve(panora, { + xConnectionToken: "", + id: "801f9ede-c698-4e66-a7fc-48d19eebaa4f", + remoteData: false, + }); + + if (!res.ok) { + throw res.error; + } + + const { value: result } = res; + + // Handle the result + console.log(result) +} + +run(); +``` + ### Parameters | Parameter | Type | Required | Description | diff --git a/docs/sdks/dependents/README.md b/docs/sdks/dependents/README.md index 0dc11e8f..3abcd3f9 100644 --- a/docs/sdks/dependents/README.md +++ b/docs/sdks/dependents/README.md @@ -35,6 +35,43 @@ async function run() { run(); ``` + +### Standalone function + +The standalone function version of this method: + +```typescript +import { PanoraCore } from "@panora/sdk/core.js"; +import { hrisDependentsList } from "@panora/sdk/funcs/hrisDependentsList.js"; + +// Use `PanoraCore` for best tree-shaking performance. +// You can create one instance of it to use across an application. +const panora = new PanoraCore({ + apiKey: "", +}); + +async function run() { + const res = await hrisDependentsList(panora, { + xConnectionToken: "", + remoteData: true, + limit: 10, + cursor: "1b8b05bb-5273-4012-b520-8657b0b90874", + }); + + if (!res.ok) { + throw res.error; + } + + const { value: result } = res; + + for await (const page of result) { + // handle page + } +} + +run(); +``` + ### Parameters | Parameter | Type | Required | Description | @@ -81,6 +118,41 @@ async function run() { run(); ``` + +### Standalone function + +The standalone function version of this method: + +```typescript +import { PanoraCore } from "@panora/sdk/core.js"; +import { hrisDependentsRetrieve } from "@panora/sdk/funcs/hrisDependentsRetrieve.js"; + +// Use `PanoraCore` for best tree-shaking performance. +// You can create one instance of it to use across an application. +const panora = new PanoraCore({ + apiKey: "", +}); + +async function run() { + const res = await hrisDependentsRetrieve(panora, { + xConnectionToken: "", + id: "801f9ede-c698-4e66-a7fc-48d19eebaa4f", + remoteData: false, + }); + + if (!res.ok) { + throw res.error; + } + + const { value: result } = res; + + // Handle the result + console.log(result) +} + +run(); +``` + ### Parameters | Parameter | Type | Required | Description | diff --git a/docs/sdks/drives/README.md b/docs/sdks/drives/README.md index 363a34c1..83fd19e1 100644 --- a/docs/sdks/drives/README.md +++ b/docs/sdks/drives/README.md @@ -35,6 +35,43 @@ async function run() { run(); ``` + +### Standalone function + +The standalone function version of this method: + +```typescript +import { PanoraCore } from "@panora/sdk/core.js"; +import { filestorageDrivesList } from "@panora/sdk/funcs/filestorageDrivesList.js"; + +// Use `PanoraCore` for best tree-shaking performance. +// You can create one instance of it to use across an application. +const panora = new PanoraCore({ + apiKey: "", +}); + +async function run() { + const res = await filestorageDrivesList(panora, { + xConnectionToken: "", + remoteData: true, + limit: 10, + cursor: "1b8b05bb-5273-4012-b520-8657b0b90874", + }); + + if (!res.ok) { + throw res.error; + } + + const { value: result } = res; + + for await (const page of result) { + // handle page + } +} + +run(); +``` + ### Parameters | Parameter | Type | Required | Description | @@ -81,6 +118,41 @@ async function run() { run(); ``` + +### Standalone function + +The standalone function version of this method: + +```typescript +import { PanoraCore } from "@panora/sdk/core.js"; +import { filestorageDrivesRetrieve } from "@panora/sdk/funcs/filestorageDrivesRetrieve.js"; + +// Use `PanoraCore` for best tree-shaking performance. +// You can create one instance of it to use across an application. +const panora = new PanoraCore({ + apiKey: "", +}); + +async function run() { + const res = await filestorageDrivesRetrieve(panora, { + xConnectionToken: "", + id: "801f9ede-c698-4e66-a7fc-48d19eebaa4f", + remoteData: false, + }); + + if (!res.ok) { + throw res.error; + } + + const { value: result } = res; + + // Handle the result + console.log(result) +} + +run(); +``` + ### Parameters | Parameter | Type | Required | Description | diff --git a/docs/sdks/eeocs/README.md b/docs/sdks/eeocs/README.md index 47b9ea87..7557dd52 100644 --- a/docs/sdks/eeocs/README.md +++ b/docs/sdks/eeocs/README.md @@ -35,6 +35,43 @@ async function run() { run(); ``` + +### Standalone function + +The standalone function version of this method: + +```typescript +import { PanoraCore } from "@panora/sdk/core.js"; +import { atsEeocsList } from "@panora/sdk/funcs/atsEeocsList.js"; + +// Use `PanoraCore` for best tree-shaking performance. +// You can create one instance of it to use across an application. +const panora = new PanoraCore({ + apiKey: "", +}); + +async function run() { + const res = await atsEeocsList(panora, { + xConnectionToken: "", + remoteData: true, + limit: 10, + cursor: "1b8b05bb-5273-4012-b520-8657b0b90874", + }); + + if (!res.ok) { + throw res.error; + } + + const { value: result } = res; + + for await (const page of result) { + // handle page + } +} + +run(); +``` + ### Parameters | Parameter | Type | Required | Description | @@ -80,6 +117,40 @@ async function run() { run(); ``` + +### Standalone function + +The standalone function version of this method: + +```typescript +import { PanoraCore } from "@panora/sdk/core.js"; +import { atsEeocsRetrieve } from "@panora/sdk/funcs/atsEeocsRetrieve.js"; + +// Use `PanoraCore` for best tree-shaking performance. +// You can create one instance of it to use across an application. +const panora = new PanoraCore({ + apiKey: "", +}); + +async function run() { + const res = await atsEeocsRetrieve(panora, { + xConnectionToken: "", + id: "", + }); + + if (!res.ok) { + throw res.error; + } + + const { value: result } = res; + + // Handle the result + console.log(result) +} + +run(); +``` + ### Parameters | Parameter | Type | Required | Description | diff --git a/docs/sdks/emails/README.md b/docs/sdks/emails/README.md index 86d3da05..ab745973 100644 --- a/docs/sdks/emails/README.md +++ b/docs/sdks/emails/README.md @@ -35,6 +35,43 @@ async function run() { run(); ``` + +### Standalone function + +The standalone function version of this method: + +```typescript +import { PanoraCore } from "@panora/sdk/core.js"; +import { marketingautomationEmailsList } from "@panora/sdk/funcs/marketingautomationEmailsList.js"; + +// Use `PanoraCore` for best tree-shaking performance. +// You can create one instance of it to use across an application. +const panora = new PanoraCore({ + apiKey: "", +}); + +async function run() { + const res = await marketingautomationEmailsList(panora, { + xConnectionToken: "", + remoteData: true, + limit: 10, + cursor: "1b8b05bb-5273-4012-b520-8657b0b90874", + }); + + if (!res.ok) { + throw res.error; + } + + const { value: result } = res; + + for await (const page of result) { + // handle page + } +} + +run(); +``` + ### Parameters | Parameter | Type | Required | Description | @@ -81,6 +118,41 @@ async function run() { run(); ``` + +### Standalone function + +The standalone function version of this method: + +```typescript +import { PanoraCore } from "@panora/sdk/core.js"; +import { marketingautomationEmailsRetrieve } from "@panora/sdk/funcs/marketingautomationEmailsRetrieve.js"; + +// Use `PanoraCore` for best tree-shaking performance. +// You can create one instance of it to use across an application. +const panora = new PanoraCore({ + apiKey: "", +}); + +async function run() { + const res = await marketingautomationEmailsRetrieve(panora, { + xConnectionToken: "", + id: "801f9ede-c698-4e66-a7fc-48d19eebaa4f", + remoteData: false, + }); + + if (!res.ok) { + throw res.error; + } + + const { value: result } = res; + + // Handle the result + console.log(result) +} + +run(); +``` + ### Parameters | Parameter | Type | Required | Description | diff --git a/docs/sdks/employeepayrollruns/README.md b/docs/sdks/employeepayrollruns/README.md index 9a05b8ca..6095720b 100644 --- a/docs/sdks/employeepayrollruns/README.md +++ b/docs/sdks/employeepayrollruns/README.md @@ -35,6 +35,43 @@ async function run() { run(); ``` + +### Standalone function + +The standalone function version of this method: + +```typescript +import { PanoraCore } from "@panora/sdk/core.js"; +import { hrisEmployeepayrollrunsList } from "@panora/sdk/funcs/hrisEmployeepayrollrunsList.js"; + +// Use `PanoraCore` for best tree-shaking performance. +// You can create one instance of it to use across an application. +const panora = new PanoraCore({ + apiKey: "", +}); + +async function run() { + const res = await hrisEmployeepayrollrunsList(panora, { + xConnectionToken: "", + remoteData: true, + limit: 10, + cursor: "1b8b05bb-5273-4012-b520-8657b0b90874", + }); + + if (!res.ok) { + throw res.error; + } + + const { value: result } = res; + + for await (const page of result) { + // handle page + } +} + +run(); +``` + ### Parameters | Parameter | Type | Required | Description | @@ -81,6 +118,41 @@ async function run() { run(); ``` + +### Standalone function + +The standalone function version of this method: + +```typescript +import { PanoraCore } from "@panora/sdk/core.js"; +import { hrisEmployeepayrollrunsRetrieve } from "@panora/sdk/funcs/hrisEmployeepayrollrunsRetrieve.js"; + +// Use `PanoraCore` for best tree-shaking performance. +// You can create one instance of it to use across an application. +const panora = new PanoraCore({ + apiKey: "", +}); + +async function run() { + const res = await hrisEmployeepayrollrunsRetrieve(panora, { + xConnectionToken: "", + id: "801f9ede-c698-4e66-a7fc-48d19eebaa4f", + remoteData: false, + }); + + if (!res.ok) { + throw res.error; + } + + const { value: result } = res; + + // Handle the result + console.log(result) +} + +run(); +``` + ### Parameters | Parameter | Type | Required | Description | diff --git a/docs/sdks/employees/README.md b/docs/sdks/employees/README.md index 51ac67ab..a7c76d17 100644 --- a/docs/sdks/employees/README.md +++ b/docs/sdks/employees/README.md @@ -36,6 +36,43 @@ async function run() { run(); ``` + +### Standalone function + +The standalone function version of this method: + +```typescript +import { PanoraCore } from "@panora/sdk/core.js"; +import { hrisEmployeesList } from "@panora/sdk/funcs/hrisEmployeesList.js"; + +// Use `PanoraCore` for best tree-shaking performance. +// You can create one instance of it to use across an application. +const panora = new PanoraCore({ + apiKey: "", +}); + +async function run() { + const res = await hrisEmployeesList(panora, { + xConnectionToken: "", + remoteData: true, + limit: 10, + cursor: "1b8b05bb-5273-4012-b520-8657b0b90874", + }); + + if (!res.ok) { + throw res.error; + } + + const { value: result } = res; + + for await (const page of result) { + // handle page + } +} + +run(); +``` + ### Parameters | Parameter | Type | Required | Description | @@ -63,6 +100,12 @@ Create Employees in any supported Hris software ```typescript import { Panora } from "@panora/sdk"; +import { + UnifiedHrisEmployeeInputEmploymentStatus, + UnifiedHrisEmployeeInputEthnicity, + UnifiedHrisEmployeeInputGender, + UnifiedHrisEmployeeInputMaritalStatus, +} from "@panora/sdk/models/components"; const panora = new Panora({ apiKey: "", @@ -71,7 +114,40 @@ const panora = new Panora({ async function run() { const result = await panora.hris.employees.create({ xConnectionToken: "", - unifiedHrisEmployeeInput: {}, + unifiedHrisEmployeeInput: { + groups: [ + "Group1", + "Group2", + ], + locations: [ + "801f9ede-c698-4e66-a7fc-48d19eebaa4f", + ], + employeeNumber: "EMP001", + companyId: "801f9ede-c698-4e66-a7fc-48d19eebaa4f", + firstName: "John", + lastName: "Doe", + preferredName: "Johnny", + displayFullName: "John Doe", + username: "johndoe", + workEmail: "john.doe@company.com", + personalEmail: "john.doe@personal.com", + mobilePhoneNumber: "+1234567890", + employments: [ + "801f9ede-c698-4e66-a7fc-48d19eebaa4f", + "801f9ede-c698-4e66-a7fc-48d19eebaa4f", + ], + ssn: "123-45-6789", + gender: UnifiedHrisEmployeeInputGender.Male, + ethnicity: UnifiedHrisEmployeeInputEthnicity.AmericanIndianOrAlaskaNative, + maritalStatus: UnifiedHrisEmployeeInputMaritalStatus.MarriedFilingSeparately, + dateOfBirth: new Date("1990-01-01"), + startDate: new Date("2020-01-01"), + employmentStatus: UnifiedHrisEmployeeInputEmploymentStatus.Active, + terminationDate: new Date("2025-01-01"), + avatarUrl: "https://example.com/avatar.jpg", + managerId: "801f9ede-c698-4e66-a7fc-48d19eebaa4f", + fieldMappings: {}, + }, }); // Handle the result @@ -81,6 +157,79 @@ async function run() { run(); ``` + +### Standalone function + +The standalone function version of this method: + +```typescript +import { PanoraCore } from "@panora/sdk/core.js"; +import { hrisEmployeesCreate } from "@panora/sdk/funcs/hrisEmployeesCreate.js"; +import { + UnifiedHrisEmployeeInputEmploymentStatus, + UnifiedHrisEmployeeInputEthnicity, + UnifiedHrisEmployeeInputGender, + UnifiedHrisEmployeeInputMaritalStatus, +} from "@panora/sdk/models/components"; + +// Use `PanoraCore` for best tree-shaking performance. +// You can create one instance of it to use across an application. +const panora = new PanoraCore({ + apiKey: "", +}); + +async function run() { + const res = await hrisEmployeesCreate(panora, { + xConnectionToken: "", + unifiedHrisEmployeeInput: { + groups: [ + "Group1", + "Group2", + ], + locations: [ + "801f9ede-c698-4e66-a7fc-48d19eebaa4f", + ], + employeeNumber: "EMP001", + companyId: "801f9ede-c698-4e66-a7fc-48d19eebaa4f", + firstName: "John", + lastName: "Doe", + preferredName: "Johnny", + displayFullName: "John Doe", + username: "johndoe", + workEmail: "john.doe@company.com", + personalEmail: "john.doe@personal.com", + mobilePhoneNumber: "+1234567890", + employments: [ + "801f9ede-c698-4e66-a7fc-48d19eebaa4f", + "801f9ede-c698-4e66-a7fc-48d19eebaa4f", + ], + ssn: "123-45-6789", + gender: UnifiedHrisEmployeeInputGender.Male, + ethnicity: UnifiedHrisEmployeeInputEthnicity.AmericanIndianOrAlaskaNative, + maritalStatus: UnifiedHrisEmployeeInputMaritalStatus.HeadOfHousehold, + dateOfBirth: new Date("1990-01-01"), + startDate: new Date("2020-01-01"), + employmentStatus: UnifiedHrisEmployeeInputEmploymentStatus.Active, + terminationDate: new Date("2025-01-01"), + avatarUrl: "https://example.com/avatar.jpg", + managerId: "801f9ede-c698-4e66-a7fc-48d19eebaa4f", + fieldMappings: {}, + }, + }); + + if (!res.ok) { + throw res.error; + } + + const { value: result } = res; + + // Handle the result + console.log(result) +} + +run(); +``` + ### Parameters | Parameter | Type | Required | Description | @@ -127,6 +276,41 @@ async function run() { run(); ``` + +### Standalone function + +The standalone function version of this method: + +```typescript +import { PanoraCore } from "@panora/sdk/core.js"; +import { hrisEmployeesRetrieve } from "@panora/sdk/funcs/hrisEmployeesRetrieve.js"; + +// Use `PanoraCore` for best tree-shaking performance. +// You can create one instance of it to use across an application. +const panora = new PanoraCore({ + apiKey: "", +}); + +async function run() { + const res = await hrisEmployeesRetrieve(panora, { + xConnectionToken: "", + id: "801f9ede-c698-4e66-a7fc-48d19eebaa4f", + remoteData: false, + }); + + if (!res.ok) { + throw res.error; + } + + const { value: result } = res; + + // Handle the result + console.log(result) +} + +run(); +``` + ### Parameters | Parameter | Type | Required | Description | diff --git a/docs/sdks/employerbenefits/README.md b/docs/sdks/employerbenefits/README.md index 7581ff43..15ac134a 100644 --- a/docs/sdks/employerbenefits/README.md +++ b/docs/sdks/employerbenefits/README.md @@ -35,6 +35,43 @@ async function run() { run(); ``` + +### Standalone function + +The standalone function version of this method: + +```typescript +import { PanoraCore } from "@panora/sdk/core.js"; +import { hrisEmployerbenefitsList } from "@panora/sdk/funcs/hrisEmployerbenefitsList.js"; + +// Use `PanoraCore` for best tree-shaking performance. +// You can create one instance of it to use across an application. +const panora = new PanoraCore({ + apiKey: "", +}); + +async function run() { + const res = await hrisEmployerbenefitsList(panora, { + xConnectionToken: "", + remoteData: true, + limit: 10, + cursor: "1b8b05bb-5273-4012-b520-8657b0b90874", + }); + + if (!res.ok) { + throw res.error; + } + + const { value: result } = res; + + for await (const page of result) { + // handle page + } +} + +run(); +``` + ### Parameters | Parameter | Type | Required | Description | @@ -81,6 +118,41 @@ async function run() { run(); ``` + +### Standalone function + +The standalone function version of this method: + +```typescript +import { PanoraCore } from "@panora/sdk/core.js"; +import { hrisEmployerbenefitsRetrieve } from "@panora/sdk/funcs/hrisEmployerbenefitsRetrieve.js"; + +// Use `PanoraCore` for best tree-shaking performance. +// You can create one instance of it to use across an application. +const panora = new PanoraCore({ + apiKey: "", +}); + +async function run() { + const res = await hrisEmployerbenefitsRetrieve(panora, { + xConnectionToken: "", + id: "801f9ede-c698-4e66-a7fc-48d19eebaa4f", + remoteData: false, + }); + + if (!res.ok) { + throw res.error; + } + + const { value: result } = res; + + // Handle the result + console.log(result) +} + +run(); +``` + ### Parameters | Parameter | Type | Required | Description | diff --git a/docs/sdks/employments/README.md b/docs/sdks/employments/README.md index 447fdb84..e4c3d91a 100644 --- a/docs/sdks/employments/README.md +++ b/docs/sdks/employments/README.md @@ -35,6 +35,43 @@ async function run() { run(); ``` + +### Standalone function + +The standalone function version of this method: + +```typescript +import { PanoraCore } from "@panora/sdk/core.js"; +import { hrisEmploymentsList } from "@panora/sdk/funcs/hrisEmploymentsList.js"; + +// Use `PanoraCore` for best tree-shaking performance. +// You can create one instance of it to use across an application. +const panora = new PanoraCore({ + apiKey: "", +}); + +async function run() { + const res = await hrisEmploymentsList(panora, { + xConnectionToken: "", + remoteData: true, + limit: 10, + cursor: "1b8b05bb-5273-4012-b520-8657b0b90874", + }); + + if (!res.ok) { + throw res.error; + } + + const { value: result } = res; + + for await (const page of result) { + // handle page + } +} + +run(); +``` + ### Parameters | Parameter | Type | Required | Description | @@ -81,6 +118,41 @@ async function run() { run(); ``` + +### Standalone function + +The standalone function version of this method: + +```typescript +import { PanoraCore } from "@panora/sdk/core.js"; +import { hrisEmploymentsRetrieve } from "@panora/sdk/funcs/hrisEmploymentsRetrieve.js"; + +// Use `PanoraCore` for best tree-shaking performance. +// You can create one instance of it to use across an application. +const panora = new PanoraCore({ + apiKey: "", +}); + +async function run() { + const res = await hrisEmploymentsRetrieve(panora, { + xConnectionToken: "", + id: "801f9ede-c698-4e66-a7fc-48d19eebaa4f", + remoteData: false, + }); + + if (!res.ok) { + throw res.error; + } + + const { value: result } = res; + + // Handle the result + console.log(result) +} + +run(); +``` + ### Parameters | Parameter | Type | Required | Description | diff --git a/docs/sdks/engagements/README.md b/docs/sdks/engagements/README.md index 2d25b066..6c0d6de3 100644 --- a/docs/sdks/engagements/README.md +++ b/docs/sdks/engagements/README.md @@ -36,6 +36,43 @@ async function run() { run(); ``` + +### Standalone function + +The standalone function version of this method: + +```typescript +import { PanoraCore } from "@panora/sdk/core.js"; +import { crmEngagementsList } from "@panora/sdk/funcs/crmEngagementsList.js"; + +// Use `PanoraCore` for best tree-shaking performance. +// You can create one instance of it to use across an application. +const panora = new PanoraCore({ + apiKey: "", +}); + +async function run() { + const res = await crmEngagementsList(panora, { + xConnectionToken: "", + remoteData: true, + limit: 10, + cursor: "1b8b05bb-5273-4012-b520-8657b0b90874", + }); + + if (!res.ok) { + throw res.error; + } + + const { value: result } = res; + + for await (const page of result) { + // handle page + } +} + +run(); +``` + ### Parameters | Parameter | Type | Required | Description | @@ -99,6 +136,58 @@ async function run() { run(); ``` + +### Standalone function + +The standalone function version of this method: + +```typescript +import { PanoraCore } from "@panora/sdk/core.js"; +import { crmEngagementsCreate } from "@panora/sdk/funcs/crmEngagementsCreate.js"; +import { UnifiedCrmEngagementInputDirection, UnifiedCrmEngagementInputType } from "@panora/sdk/models/components"; + +// Use `PanoraCore` for best tree-shaking performance. +// You can create one instance of it to use across an application. +const panora = new PanoraCore({ + apiKey: "", +}); + +async function run() { + const res = await crmEngagementsCreate(panora, { + xConnectionToken: "", + remoteData: false, + unifiedCrmEngagementInput: { + content: "Meeting call with CTO", + direction: UnifiedCrmEngagementInputDirection.Inbound, + subject: "Technical features planning", + startAt: new Date("2024-10-01T12:00:00Z"), + endTime: new Date("2024-10-01T22:00:00Z"), + type: UnifiedCrmEngagementInputType.Meeting, + userId: "801f9ede-c698-4e66-a7fc-48d19eebaa4f", + companyId: "801f9ede-c698-4e66-a7fc-48d19eebaa4f", + contacts: [ + "801f9ede-c698-4e66-a7fc-48d19eebaa4f", + ], + fieldMappings: { + "fav_dish": "broccoli", + "fav_color": "red", + }, + }, + }); + + if (!res.ok) { + throw res.error; + } + + const { value: result } = res; + + // Handle the result + console.log(result) +} + +run(); +``` + ### Parameters | Parameter | Type | Required | Description | @@ -145,6 +234,41 @@ async function run() { run(); ``` + +### Standalone function + +The standalone function version of this method: + +```typescript +import { PanoraCore } from "@panora/sdk/core.js"; +import { crmEngagementsRetrieve } from "@panora/sdk/funcs/crmEngagementsRetrieve.js"; + +// Use `PanoraCore` for best tree-shaking performance. +// You can create one instance of it to use across an application. +const panora = new PanoraCore({ + apiKey: "", +}); + +async function run() { + const res = await crmEngagementsRetrieve(panora, { + xConnectionToken: "", + id: "801f9ede-c698-4e66-a7fc-48d19eebaa4f", + remoteData: false, + }); + + if (!res.ok) { + throw res.error; + } + + const { value: result } = res; + + // Handle the result + console.log(result) +} + +run(); +``` + ### Parameters | Parameter | Type | Required | Description | diff --git a/docs/sdks/events/README.md b/docs/sdks/events/README.md index 8f4f01a2..b3bdfd04 100644 --- a/docs/sdks/events/README.md +++ b/docs/sdks/events/README.md @@ -28,6 +28,37 @@ async function run() { run(); ``` + +### Standalone function + +The standalone function version of this method: + +```typescript +import { PanoraCore } from "@panora/sdk/core.js"; +import { eventsGetPanoraCoreEvents } from "@panora/sdk/funcs/eventsGetPanoraCoreEvents.js"; + +// Use `PanoraCore` for best tree-shaking performance. +// You can create one instance of it to use across an application. +const panora = new PanoraCore({ + apiKey: "", +}); + +async function run() { + const res = await eventsGetPanoraCoreEvents(panora, {}); + + if (!res.ok) { + throw res.error; + } + + const { value: result } = res; + + // Handle the result + console.log(result) +} + +run(); +``` + ### Parameters | Parameter | Type | Required | Description | diff --git a/docs/sdks/expenses/README.md b/docs/sdks/expenses/README.md index 34e86a4d..077f283e 100644 --- a/docs/sdks/expenses/README.md +++ b/docs/sdks/expenses/README.md @@ -36,6 +36,43 @@ async function run() { run(); ``` + +### Standalone function + +The standalone function version of this method: + +```typescript +import { PanoraCore } from "@panora/sdk/core.js"; +import { accountingExpensesList } from "@panora/sdk/funcs/accountingExpensesList.js"; + +// Use `PanoraCore` for best tree-shaking performance. +// You can create one instance of it to use across an application. +const panora = new PanoraCore({ + apiKey: "", +}); + +async function run() { + const res = await accountingExpensesList(panora, { + xConnectionToken: "", + remoteData: true, + limit: 10, + cursor: "1b8b05bb-5273-4012-b520-8657b0b90874", + }); + + if (!res.ok) { + throw res.error; + } + + const { value: result } = res; + + for await (const page of result) { + // handle page + } +} + +run(); +``` + ### Parameters | Parameter | Type | Required | Description | @@ -63,6 +100,7 @@ Create Expenses in any supported Accounting software ```typescript import { Panora } from "@panora/sdk"; +import { UnifiedAccountingExpenseInputCurrency } from "@panora/sdk/models/components"; const panora = new Panora({ apiKey: "", @@ -72,7 +110,35 @@ async function run() { const result = await panora.accounting.expenses.create({ xConnectionToken: "", remoteData: false, - unifiedAccountingExpenseInput: {}, + unifiedAccountingExpenseInput: { + transactionDate: new Date("2024-06-15T12:00:00Z"), + totalAmount: 10000, + subTotal: 9000, + totalTaxAmount: 1000, + currency: UnifiedAccountingExpenseInputCurrency.Usd, + exchangeRate: "1.2", + memo: "Business lunch with client", + accountId: "801f9ede-c698-4e66-a7fc-48d19eebaa4f", + contactId: "801f9ede-c698-4e66-a7fc-48d19eebaa4f", + companyInfoId: "801f9ede-c698-4e66-a7fc-48d19eebaa4f", + trackingCategories: [ + "801f9ede-c698-4e66-a7fc-48d19eebaa4f", + ], + lineItems: [ + { + name: "Net Income", + value: 100000, + type: "Operating Activities", + parentItem: "801f9ede-c698-4e66-a7fc-48d19eebaa4f", + remoteId: "report_item_1234", + remoteGeneratedAt: new Date("2024-07-01T12:00:00Z"), + companyInfoId: "801f9ede-c698-4e66-a7fc-48d19eebaa4f", + createdAt: new Date("2024-06-15T12:00:00Z"), + modifiedAt: new Date("2024-06-15T12:00:00Z"), + }, + ], + fieldMappings: {}, + }, }); // Handle the result @@ -82,6 +148,70 @@ async function run() { run(); ``` + +### Standalone function + +The standalone function version of this method: + +```typescript +import { PanoraCore } from "@panora/sdk/core.js"; +import { accountingExpensesCreate } from "@panora/sdk/funcs/accountingExpensesCreate.js"; +import { UnifiedAccountingExpenseInputCurrency } from "@panora/sdk/models/components"; + +// Use `PanoraCore` for best tree-shaking performance. +// You can create one instance of it to use across an application. +const panora = new PanoraCore({ + apiKey: "", +}); + +async function run() { + const res = await accountingExpensesCreate(panora, { + xConnectionToken: "", + remoteData: false, + unifiedAccountingExpenseInput: { + transactionDate: new Date("2024-06-15T12:00:00Z"), + totalAmount: 10000, + subTotal: 9000, + totalTaxAmount: 1000, + currency: UnifiedAccountingExpenseInputCurrency.Usd, + exchangeRate: "1.2", + memo: "Business lunch with client", + accountId: "801f9ede-c698-4e66-a7fc-48d19eebaa4f", + contactId: "801f9ede-c698-4e66-a7fc-48d19eebaa4f", + companyInfoId: "801f9ede-c698-4e66-a7fc-48d19eebaa4f", + trackingCategories: [ + "801f9ede-c698-4e66-a7fc-48d19eebaa4f", + ], + lineItems: [ + { + name: "Net Income", + value: 100000, + type: "Operating Activities", + parentItem: "801f9ede-c698-4e66-a7fc-48d19eebaa4f", + remoteId: "report_item_1234", + remoteGeneratedAt: new Date("2024-07-01T12:00:00Z"), + companyInfoId: "801f9ede-c698-4e66-a7fc-48d19eebaa4f", + createdAt: new Date("2024-06-15T12:00:00Z"), + modifiedAt: new Date("2024-06-15T12:00:00Z"), + }, + ], + fieldMappings: {}, + }, + }); + + if (!res.ok) { + throw res.error; + } + + const { value: result } = res; + + // Handle the result + console.log(result) +} + +run(); +``` + ### Parameters | Parameter | Type | Required | Description | @@ -128,6 +258,41 @@ async function run() { run(); ``` + +### Standalone function + +The standalone function version of this method: + +```typescript +import { PanoraCore } from "@panora/sdk/core.js"; +import { accountingExpensesRetrieve } from "@panora/sdk/funcs/accountingExpensesRetrieve.js"; + +// Use `PanoraCore` for best tree-shaking performance. +// You can create one instance of it to use across an application. +const panora = new PanoraCore({ + apiKey: "", +}); + +async function run() { + const res = await accountingExpensesRetrieve(panora, { + xConnectionToken: "", + id: "801f9ede-c698-4e66-a7fc-48d19eebaa4f", + remoteData: false, + }); + + if (!res.ok) { + throw res.error; + } + + const { value: result } = res; + + // Handle the result + console.log(result) +} + +run(); +``` + ### Parameters | Parameter | Type | Required | Description | diff --git a/docs/sdks/fieldmappings/README.md b/docs/sdks/fieldmappings/README.md index c347a2e7..bd57b0b6 100644 --- a/docs/sdks/fieldmappings/README.md +++ b/docs/sdks/fieldmappings/README.md @@ -27,6 +27,36 @@ async function run() { await panora.fieldMappings.getFieldMappingValues(); +} + +run(); +``` + + +### Standalone function + +The standalone function version of this method: + +```typescript +import { PanoraCore } from "@panora/sdk/core.js"; +import { fieldMappingsGetFieldMappingValues } from "@panora/sdk/funcs/fieldMappingsGetFieldMappingValues.js"; + +// Use `PanoraCore` for best tree-shaking performance. +// You can create one instance of it to use across an application. +const panora = new PanoraCore({ + apiKey: "", +}); + +async function run() { + const res = await fieldMappingsGetFieldMappingValues(panora); + + if (!res.ok) { + throw res.error; + } + + const { value: result } = res; + + } run(); @@ -67,6 +97,36 @@ async function run() { await panora.fieldMappings.getFieldMappingsEntities(); +} + +run(); +``` + + +### Standalone function + +The standalone function version of this method: + +```typescript +import { PanoraCore } from "@panora/sdk/core.js"; +import { fieldMappingsGetFieldMappingsEntities } from "@panora/sdk/funcs/fieldMappingsGetFieldMappingsEntities.js"; + +// Use `PanoraCore` for best tree-shaking performance. +// You can create one instance of it to use across an application. +const panora = new PanoraCore({ + apiKey: "", +}); + +async function run() { + const res = await fieldMappingsGetFieldMappingsEntities(panora); + + if (!res.ok) { + throw res.error; + } + + const { value: result } = res; + + } run(); @@ -107,6 +167,36 @@ async function run() { await panora.fieldMappings.getFieldMappings(); +} + +run(); +``` + + +### Standalone function + +The standalone function version of this method: + +```typescript +import { PanoraCore } from "@panora/sdk/core.js"; +import { fieldMappingsGetFieldMappings } from "@panora/sdk/funcs/fieldMappingsGetFieldMappings.js"; + +// Use `PanoraCore` for best tree-shaking performance. +// You can create one instance of it to use across an application. +const panora = new PanoraCore({ + apiKey: "", +}); + +async function run() { + const res = await fieldMappingsGetFieldMappings(panora); + + if (!res.ok) { + throw res.error; + } + + const { value: result } = res; + + } run(); @@ -159,6 +249,43 @@ async function run() { run(); ``` + +### Standalone function + +The standalone function version of this method: + +```typescript +import { PanoraCore } from "@panora/sdk/core.js"; +import { fieldMappingsDefinitions } from "@panora/sdk/funcs/fieldMappingsDefinitions.js"; +import { DataType, ObjectTypeOwner } from "@panora/sdk/models/components"; + +// Use `PanoraCore` for best tree-shaking performance. +// You can create one instance of it to use across an application. +const panora = new PanoraCore({ + apiKey: "", +}); + +async function run() { + const res = await fieldMappingsDefinitions(panora, { + objectTypeOwner: ObjectTypeOwner.Company, + name: "fav_dish", + description: "My favorite dish", + dataType: DataType.String, + }); + + if (!res.ok) { + throw res.error; + } + + const { value: result } = res; + + // Handle the result + console.log(result) +} + +run(); +``` + ### Parameters | Parameter | Type | Required | Description | @@ -210,6 +337,46 @@ async function run() { run(); ``` + +### Standalone function + +The standalone function version of this method: + +```typescript +import { PanoraCore } from "@panora/sdk/core.js"; +import { fieldMappingsDefineCustomField } from "@panora/sdk/funcs/fieldMappingsDefineCustomField.js"; +import { CustomFieldCreateDtoDataType, CustomFieldCreateDtoObjectTypeOwner } from "@panora/sdk/models/components"; + +// Use `PanoraCore` for best tree-shaking performance. +// You can create one instance of it to use across an application. +const panora = new PanoraCore({ + apiKey: "", +}); + +async function run() { + const res = await fieldMappingsDefineCustomField(panora, { + objectTypeOwner: CustomFieldCreateDtoObjectTypeOwner.Company, + name: "my_favorite_dish", + description: "Favorite Dish", + dataType: CustomFieldCreateDtoDataType.String, + sourceCustomFieldId: "id_1", + sourceProvider: "hubspot", + linkedUserId: "801f9ede-c698-4e66-a7fc-48d19eebaa4f", + }); + + if (!res.ok) { + throw res.error; + } + + const { value: result } = res; + + // Handle the result + console.log(result) +} + +run(); +``` + ### Parameters | Parameter | Type | Required | Description | @@ -257,6 +424,42 @@ async function run() { run(); ``` + +### Standalone function + +The standalone function version of this method: + +```typescript +import { PanoraCore } from "@panora/sdk/core.js"; +import { fieldMappingsMap } from "@panora/sdk/funcs/fieldMappingsMap.js"; + +// Use `PanoraCore` for best tree-shaking performance. +// You can create one instance of it to use across an application. +const panora = new PanoraCore({ + apiKey: "", +}); + +async function run() { + const res = await fieldMappingsMap(panora, { + attributeId: "801f9ede-c698-4e66-a7fc-48d19eebaa4f", + sourceCustomFieldId: "id_1", + sourceProvider: "hubspot", + linkedUserId: "801f9ede-c698-4e66-a7fc-48d19eebaa4f", + }); + + if (!res.ok) { + throw res.error; + } + + const { value: result } = res; + + // Handle the result + console.log(result) +} + +run(); +``` + ### Parameters | Parameter | Type | Required | Description | diff --git a/docs/sdks/files/README.md b/docs/sdks/files/README.md index 8d515c8a..4aa0201c 100644 --- a/docs/sdks/files/README.md +++ b/docs/sdks/files/README.md @@ -36,6 +36,43 @@ async function run() { run(); ``` + +### Standalone function + +The standalone function version of this method: + +```typescript +import { PanoraCore } from "@panora/sdk/core.js"; +import { filestorageFilesList } from "@panora/sdk/funcs/filestorageFilesList.js"; + +// Use `PanoraCore` for best tree-shaking performance. +// You can create one instance of it to use across an application. +const panora = new PanoraCore({ + apiKey: "", +}); + +async function run() { + const res = await filestorageFilesList(panora, { + xConnectionToken: "", + remoteData: true, + limit: 10, + cursor: "1b8b05bb-5273-4012-b520-8657b0b90874", + }); + + if (!res.ok) { + throw res.error; + } + + const { value: result } = res; + + for await (const page of result) { + // handle page + } +} + +run(); +``` + ### Parameters | Parameter | Type | Required | Description | @@ -94,6 +131,53 @@ async function run() { run(); ``` + +### Standalone function + +The standalone function version of this method: + +```typescript +import { PanoraCore } from "@panora/sdk/core.js"; +import { filestorageFilesCreate } from "@panora/sdk/funcs/filestorageFilesCreate.js"; + +// Use `PanoraCore` for best tree-shaking performance. +// You can create one instance of it to use across an application. +const panora = new PanoraCore({ + apiKey: "", +}); + +async function run() { + const res = await filestorageFilesCreate(panora, { + xConnectionToken: "", + remoteData: false, + unifiedFilestorageFileInput: { + name: "my_paris_photo.png", + fileUrl: "https://example.com/my_paris_photo.png", + mimeType: "application/pdf", + size: "1024", + folderId: "801f9ede-c698-4e66-a7fc-48d19eebaa4f", + permission: "801f9ede-c698-4e66-a7fc-48d19eebaa4f", + sharedLink: "801f9ede-c698-4e66-a7fc-48d19eebaa4f", + fieldMappings: { + "fav_dish": "broccoli", + "fav_color": "red", + }, + }, + }); + + if (!res.ok) { + throw res.error; + } + + const { value: result } = res; + + // Handle the result + console.log(result) +} + +run(); +``` + ### Parameters | Parameter | Type | Required | Description | @@ -140,6 +224,41 @@ async function run() { run(); ``` + +### Standalone function + +The standalone function version of this method: + +```typescript +import { PanoraCore } from "@panora/sdk/core.js"; +import { filestorageFilesRetrieve } from "@panora/sdk/funcs/filestorageFilesRetrieve.js"; + +// Use `PanoraCore` for best tree-shaking performance. +// You can create one instance of it to use across an application. +const panora = new PanoraCore({ + apiKey: "", +}); + +async function run() { + const res = await filestorageFilesRetrieve(panora, { + xConnectionToken: "", + id: "801f9ede-c698-4e66-a7fc-48d19eebaa4f", + remoteData: false, + }); + + if (!res.ok) { + throw res.error; + } + + const { value: result } = res; + + // Handle the result + console.log(result) +} + +run(); +``` + ### Parameters | Parameter | Type | Required | Description | diff --git a/docs/sdks/folders/README.md b/docs/sdks/folders/README.md index 9ff6aea2..cbab1a9c 100644 --- a/docs/sdks/folders/README.md +++ b/docs/sdks/folders/README.md @@ -36,6 +36,43 @@ async function run() { run(); ``` + +### Standalone function + +The standalone function version of this method: + +```typescript +import { PanoraCore } from "@panora/sdk/core.js"; +import { filestorageFoldersList } from "@panora/sdk/funcs/filestorageFoldersList.js"; + +// Use `PanoraCore` for best tree-shaking performance. +// You can create one instance of it to use across an application. +const panora = new PanoraCore({ + apiKey: "", +}); + +async function run() { + const res = await filestorageFoldersList(panora, { + xConnectionToken: "", + remoteData: true, + limit: 10, + cursor: "1b8b05bb-5273-4012-b520-8657b0b90874", + }); + + if (!res.ok) { + throw res.error; + } + + const { value: result } = res; + + for await (const page of result) { + // handle page + } +} + +run(); +``` + ### Parameters | Parameter | Type | Required | Description | @@ -95,6 +132,54 @@ async function run() { run(); ``` + +### Standalone function + +The standalone function version of this method: + +```typescript +import { PanoraCore } from "@panora/sdk/core.js"; +import { filestorageFoldersCreate } from "@panora/sdk/funcs/filestorageFoldersCreate.js"; + +// Use `PanoraCore` for best tree-shaking performance. +// You can create one instance of it to use across an application. +const panora = new PanoraCore({ + apiKey: "", +}); + +async function run() { + const res = await filestorageFoldersCreate(panora, { + xConnectionToken: "", + remoteData: false, + unifiedFilestorageFolderInput: { + name: "school", + size: "2048", + folderUrl: "https://example.com/school", + description: "All things school related", + driveId: "801f9ede-c698-4e66-a7fc-48d19eebaa4f", + parentFolderId: "801f9ede-c698-4e66-a7fc-48d19eebaa4f", + sharedLink: "801f9ede-c698-4e66-a7fc-48d19eebaa4f", + permission: "801f9ede-c698-4e66-a7fc-48d19eebaa4f", + fieldMappings: { + "fav_dish": "broccoli", + "fav_color": "red", + }, + }, + }); + + if (!res.ok) { + throw res.error; + } + + const { value: result } = res; + + // Handle the result + console.log(result) +} + +run(); +``` + ### Parameters | Parameter | Type | Required | Description | @@ -141,6 +226,41 @@ async function run() { run(); ``` + +### Standalone function + +The standalone function version of this method: + +```typescript +import { PanoraCore } from "@panora/sdk/core.js"; +import { filestorageFoldersRetrieve } from "@panora/sdk/funcs/filestorageFoldersRetrieve.js"; + +// Use `PanoraCore` for best tree-shaking performance. +// You can create one instance of it to use across an application. +const panora = new PanoraCore({ + apiKey: "", +}); + +async function run() { + const res = await filestorageFoldersRetrieve(panora, { + xConnectionToken: "", + id: "801f9ede-c698-4e66-a7fc-48d19eebaa4f", + remoteData: false, + }); + + if (!res.ok) { + throw res.error; + } + + const { value: result } = res; + + // Handle the result + console.log(result) +} + +run(); +``` + ### Parameters | Parameter | Type | Required | Description | diff --git a/docs/sdks/fulfillments/README.md b/docs/sdks/fulfillments/README.md index 975709c5..f6833254 100644 --- a/docs/sdks/fulfillments/README.md +++ b/docs/sdks/fulfillments/README.md @@ -35,6 +35,43 @@ async function run() { run(); ``` + +### Standalone function + +The standalone function version of this method: + +```typescript +import { PanoraCore } from "@panora/sdk/core.js"; +import { ecommerceFulfillmentsList } from "@panora/sdk/funcs/ecommerceFulfillmentsList.js"; + +// Use `PanoraCore` for best tree-shaking performance. +// You can create one instance of it to use across an application. +const panora = new PanoraCore({ + apiKey: "", +}); + +async function run() { + const res = await ecommerceFulfillmentsList(panora, { + xConnectionToken: "", + remoteData: true, + limit: 10, + cursor: "1b8b05bb-5273-4012-b520-8657b0b90874", + }); + + if (!res.ok) { + throw res.error; + } + + const { value: result } = res; + + for await (const page of result) { + // handle page + } +} + +run(); +``` + ### Parameters | Parameter | Type | Required | Description | @@ -80,6 +117,40 @@ async function run() { run(); ``` + +### Standalone function + +The standalone function version of this method: + +```typescript +import { PanoraCore } from "@panora/sdk/core.js"; +import { ecommerceFulfillmentsRetrieve } from "@panora/sdk/funcs/ecommerceFulfillmentsRetrieve.js"; + +// Use `PanoraCore` for best tree-shaking performance. +// You can create one instance of it to use across an application. +const panora = new PanoraCore({ + apiKey: "", +}); + +async function run() { + const res = await ecommerceFulfillmentsRetrieve(panora, { + xConnectionToken: "", + id: "", + }); + + if (!res.ok) { + throw res.error; + } + + const { value: result } = res; + + // Handle the result + console.log(result) +} + +run(); +``` + ### Parameters | Parameter | Type | Required | Description | diff --git a/docs/sdks/groups/README.md b/docs/sdks/groups/README.md index 7a0d9138..fb61b514 100644 --- a/docs/sdks/groups/README.md +++ b/docs/sdks/groups/README.md @@ -35,6 +35,43 @@ async function run() { run(); ``` + +### Standalone function + +The standalone function version of this method: + +```typescript +import { PanoraCore } from "@panora/sdk/core.js"; +import { hrisGroupsList } from "@panora/sdk/funcs/hrisGroupsList.js"; + +// Use `PanoraCore` for best tree-shaking performance. +// You can create one instance of it to use across an application. +const panora = new PanoraCore({ + apiKey: "", +}); + +async function run() { + const res = await hrisGroupsList(panora, { + xConnectionToken: "", + remoteData: true, + limit: 10, + cursor: "1b8b05bb-5273-4012-b520-8657b0b90874", + }); + + if (!res.ok) { + throw res.error; + } + + const { value: result } = res; + + for await (const page of result) { + // handle page + } +} + +run(); +``` + ### Parameters | Parameter | Type | Required | Description | @@ -81,6 +118,41 @@ async function run() { run(); ``` + +### Standalone function + +The standalone function version of this method: + +```typescript +import { PanoraCore } from "@panora/sdk/core.js"; +import { hrisGroupsRetrieve } from "@panora/sdk/funcs/hrisGroupsRetrieve.js"; + +// Use `PanoraCore` for best tree-shaking performance. +// You can create one instance of it to use across an application. +const panora = new PanoraCore({ + apiKey: "", +}); + +async function run() { + const res = await hrisGroupsRetrieve(panora, { + xConnectionToken: "", + id: "801f9ede-c698-4e66-a7fc-48d19eebaa4f", + remoteData: false, + }); + + if (!res.ok) { + throw res.error; + } + + const { value: result } = res; + + // Handle the result + console.log(result) +} + +run(); +``` + ### Parameters | Parameter | Type | Required | Description | diff --git a/docs/sdks/incomestatements/README.md b/docs/sdks/incomestatements/README.md index af5aa2e9..3fb50f63 100644 --- a/docs/sdks/incomestatements/README.md +++ b/docs/sdks/incomestatements/README.md @@ -35,6 +35,43 @@ async function run() { run(); ``` + +### Standalone function + +The standalone function version of this method: + +```typescript +import { PanoraCore } from "@panora/sdk/core.js"; +import { accountingIncomestatementsList } from "@panora/sdk/funcs/accountingIncomestatementsList.js"; + +// Use `PanoraCore` for best tree-shaking performance. +// You can create one instance of it to use across an application. +const panora = new PanoraCore({ + apiKey: "", +}); + +async function run() { + const res = await accountingIncomestatementsList(panora, { + xConnectionToken: "", + remoteData: true, + limit: 10, + cursor: "1b8b05bb-5273-4012-b520-8657b0b90874", + }); + + if (!res.ok) { + throw res.error; + } + + const { value: result } = res; + + for await (const page of result) { + // handle page + } +} + +run(); +``` + ### Parameters | Parameter | Type | Required | Description | @@ -81,6 +118,41 @@ async function run() { run(); ``` + +### Standalone function + +The standalone function version of this method: + +```typescript +import { PanoraCore } from "@panora/sdk/core.js"; +import { accountingIncomestatementsRetrieve } from "@panora/sdk/funcs/accountingIncomestatementsRetrieve.js"; + +// Use `PanoraCore` for best tree-shaking performance. +// You can create one instance of it to use across an application. +const panora = new PanoraCore({ + apiKey: "", +}); + +async function run() { + const res = await accountingIncomestatementsRetrieve(panora, { + xConnectionToken: "", + id: "801f9ede-c698-4e66-a7fc-48d19eebaa4f", + remoteData: false, + }); + + if (!res.ok) { + throw res.error; + } + + const { value: result } = res; + + // Handle the result + console.log(result) +} + +run(); +``` + ### Parameters | Parameter | Type | Required | Description | diff --git a/docs/sdks/interviews/README.md b/docs/sdks/interviews/README.md index 300c0faf..b3979e4c 100644 --- a/docs/sdks/interviews/README.md +++ b/docs/sdks/interviews/README.md @@ -36,6 +36,43 @@ async function run() { run(); ``` + +### Standalone function + +The standalone function version of this method: + +```typescript +import { PanoraCore } from "@panora/sdk/core.js"; +import { atsInterviewsList } from "@panora/sdk/funcs/atsInterviewsList.js"; + +// Use `PanoraCore` for best tree-shaking performance. +// You can create one instance of it to use across an application. +const panora = new PanoraCore({ + apiKey: "", +}); + +async function run() { + const res = await atsInterviewsList(panora, { + xConnectionToken: "", + remoteData: true, + limit: 10, + cursor: "1b8b05bb-5273-4012-b520-8657b0b90874", + }); + + if (!res.ok) { + throw res.error; + } + + const { value: result } = res; + + for await (const page of result) { + // handle page + } +} + +run(); +``` + ### Parameters | Parameter | Type | Required | Description | @@ -100,6 +137,59 @@ async function run() { run(); ``` + +### Standalone function + +The standalone function version of this method: + +```typescript +import { PanoraCore } from "@panora/sdk/core.js"; +import { atsInterviewsCreate } from "@panora/sdk/funcs/atsInterviewsCreate.js"; +import { UnifiedAtsInterviewInputStatus } from "@panora/sdk/models/components"; + +// Use `PanoraCore` for best tree-shaking performance. +// You can create one instance of it to use across an application. +const panora = new PanoraCore({ + apiKey: "", +}); + +async function run() { + const res = await atsInterviewsCreate(panora, { + xConnectionToken: "", + remoteData: false, + unifiedAtsInterviewInput: { + status: UnifiedAtsInterviewInputStatus.Scheduled, + applicationId: "801f9ede-c698-4e66-a7fc-48d19eebaa4f", + jobInterviewStageId: "801f9ede-c698-4e66-a7fc-48d19eebaa4f", + organizedBy: "801f9ede-c698-4e66-a7fc-48d19eebaa4f", + interviewers: [ + "801f9ede-c698-4e66-a7fc-48d19eebaa4f", + ], + location: "San Francisco", + startAt: new Date("2024-10-01T12:00:00Z"), + endAt: new Date("2024-10-01T12:00:00Z"), + remoteCreatedAt: new Date("2024-10-01T12:00:00Z"), + remoteUpdatedAt: new Date("2024-10-01T12:00:00Z"), + fieldMappings: { + "fav_dish": "broccoli", + "fav_color": "red", + }, + }, + }); + + if (!res.ok) { + throw res.error; + } + + const { value: result } = res; + + // Handle the result + console.log(result) +} + +run(); +``` + ### Parameters | Parameter | Type | Required | Description | @@ -146,6 +236,41 @@ async function run() { run(); ``` + +### Standalone function + +The standalone function version of this method: + +```typescript +import { PanoraCore } from "@panora/sdk/core.js"; +import { atsInterviewsRetrieve } from "@panora/sdk/funcs/atsInterviewsRetrieve.js"; + +// Use `PanoraCore` for best tree-shaking performance. +// You can create one instance of it to use across an application. +const panora = new PanoraCore({ + apiKey: "", +}); + +async function run() { + const res = await atsInterviewsRetrieve(panora, { + xConnectionToken: "", + id: "801f9ede-c698-4e66-a7fc-48d19eebaa4f", + remoteData: false, + }); + + if (!res.ok) { + throw res.error; + } + + const { value: result } = res; + + // Handle the result + console.log(result) +} + +run(); +``` + ### Parameters | Parameter | Type | Required | Description | diff --git a/docs/sdks/invoices/README.md b/docs/sdks/invoices/README.md index 44060811..63b60d27 100644 --- a/docs/sdks/invoices/README.md +++ b/docs/sdks/invoices/README.md @@ -36,6 +36,43 @@ async function run() { run(); ``` + +### Standalone function + +The standalone function version of this method: + +```typescript +import { PanoraCore } from "@panora/sdk/core.js"; +import { accountingInvoicesList } from "@panora/sdk/funcs/accountingInvoicesList.js"; + +// Use `PanoraCore` for best tree-shaking performance. +// You can create one instance of it to use across an application. +const panora = new PanoraCore({ + apiKey: "", +}); + +async function run() { + const res = await accountingInvoicesList(panora, { + xConnectionToken: "", + remoteData: true, + limit: 10, + cursor: "1b8b05bb-5273-4012-b520-8657b0b90874", + }); + + if (!res.ok) { + throw res.error; + } + + const { value: result } = res; + + for await (const page of result) { + // handle page + } +} + +run(); +``` + ### Parameters | Parameter | Type | Required | Description | @@ -63,6 +100,7 @@ Create invoices in any supported Accounting software ```typescript import { Panora } from "@panora/sdk"; +import { UnifiedAccountingInvoiceInputCurrency } from "@panora/sdk/models/components"; const panora = new Panora({ apiKey: "", @@ -72,7 +110,42 @@ async function run() { const result = await panora.accounting.invoices.create({ xConnectionToken: "", remoteData: false, - unifiedAccountingInvoiceInput: {}, + unifiedAccountingInvoiceInput: { + type: "Sales", + number: "INV-001", + issueDate: new Date("2024-06-15T12:00:00Z"), + dueDate: new Date("2024-07-15T12:00:00Z"), + paidOnDate: new Date("2024-07-10T12:00:00Z"), + memo: "Payment for services rendered", + currency: UnifiedAccountingInvoiceInputCurrency.Usd, + exchangeRate: "1.2", + totalDiscount: 1000, + subTotal: 10000, + status: "Paid", + totalTaxAmount: 1000, + totalAmount: 11000, + balance: 0, + contactId: "801f9ede-c698-4e66-a7fc-48d19eebaa4f", + accountingPeriodId: "801f9ede-c698-4e66-a7fc-48d19eebaa4f", + trackingCategories: [ + "801f9ede-c698-4e66-a7fc-48d19eebaa4f", + "801f9ede-c698-4e66-a7fc-48d19eebaa4f", + ], + lineItems: [ + { + name: "Net Income", + value: 100000, + type: "Operating Activities", + parentItem: "801f9ede-c698-4e66-a7fc-48d19eebaa4f", + remoteId: "report_item_1234", + remoteGeneratedAt: new Date("2024-07-01T12:00:00Z"), + companyInfoId: "801f9ede-c698-4e66-a7fc-48d19eebaa4f", + createdAt: new Date("2024-06-15T12:00:00Z"), + modifiedAt: new Date("2024-06-15T12:00:00Z"), + }, + ], + fieldMappings: {}, + }, }); // Handle the result @@ -82,6 +155,77 @@ async function run() { run(); ``` + +### Standalone function + +The standalone function version of this method: + +```typescript +import { PanoraCore } from "@panora/sdk/core.js"; +import { accountingInvoicesCreate } from "@panora/sdk/funcs/accountingInvoicesCreate.js"; +import { UnifiedAccountingInvoiceInputCurrency } from "@panora/sdk/models/components"; + +// Use `PanoraCore` for best tree-shaking performance. +// You can create one instance of it to use across an application. +const panora = new PanoraCore({ + apiKey: "", +}); + +async function run() { + const res = await accountingInvoicesCreate(panora, { + xConnectionToken: "", + remoteData: false, + unifiedAccountingInvoiceInput: { + type: "Sales", + number: "INV-001", + issueDate: new Date("2024-06-15T12:00:00Z"), + dueDate: new Date("2024-07-15T12:00:00Z"), + paidOnDate: new Date("2024-07-10T12:00:00Z"), + memo: "Payment for services rendered", + currency: UnifiedAccountingInvoiceInputCurrency.Usd, + exchangeRate: "1.2", + totalDiscount: 1000, + subTotal: 10000, + status: "Paid", + totalTaxAmount: 1000, + totalAmount: 11000, + balance: 0, + contactId: "801f9ede-c698-4e66-a7fc-48d19eebaa4f", + accountingPeriodId: "801f9ede-c698-4e66-a7fc-48d19eebaa4f", + trackingCategories: [ + "801f9ede-c698-4e66-a7fc-48d19eebaa4f", + "801f9ede-c698-4e66-a7fc-48d19eebaa4f", + ], + lineItems: [ + { + name: "Net Income", + value: 100000, + type: "Operating Activities", + parentItem: "801f9ede-c698-4e66-a7fc-48d19eebaa4f", + remoteId: "report_item_1234", + remoteGeneratedAt: new Date("2024-07-01T12:00:00Z"), + companyInfoId: "801f9ede-c698-4e66-a7fc-48d19eebaa4f", + createdAt: new Date("2024-06-15T12:00:00Z"), + modifiedAt: new Date("2024-06-15T12:00:00Z"), + }, + ], + fieldMappings: {}, + }, + }); + + if (!res.ok) { + throw res.error; + } + + const { value: result } = res; + + // Handle the result + console.log(result) +} + +run(); +``` + ### Parameters | Parameter | Type | Required | Description | @@ -128,6 +272,41 @@ async function run() { run(); ``` + +### Standalone function + +The standalone function version of this method: + +```typescript +import { PanoraCore } from "@panora/sdk/core.js"; +import { accountingInvoicesRetrieve } from "@panora/sdk/funcs/accountingInvoicesRetrieve.js"; + +// Use `PanoraCore` for best tree-shaking performance. +// You can create one instance of it to use across an application. +const panora = new PanoraCore({ + apiKey: "", +}); + +async function run() { + const res = await accountingInvoicesRetrieve(panora, { + xConnectionToken: "", + id: "801f9ede-c698-4e66-a7fc-48d19eebaa4f", + remoteData: false, + }); + + if (!res.ok) { + throw res.error; + } + + const { value: result } = res; + + // Handle the result + console.log(result) +} + +run(); +``` + ### Parameters | Parameter | Type | Required | Description | diff --git a/docs/sdks/items/README.md b/docs/sdks/items/README.md index 7380f76a..0a399f72 100644 --- a/docs/sdks/items/README.md +++ b/docs/sdks/items/README.md @@ -35,6 +35,43 @@ async function run() { run(); ``` + +### Standalone function + +The standalone function version of this method: + +```typescript +import { PanoraCore } from "@panora/sdk/core.js"; +import { accountingItemsList } from "@panora/sdk/funcs/accountingItemsList.js"; + +// Use `PanoraCore` for best tree-shaking performance. +// You can create one instance of it to use across an application. +const panora = new PanoraCore({ + apiKey: "", +}); + +async function run() { + const res = await accountingItemsList(panora, { + xConnectionToken: "", + remoteData: true, + limit: 10, + cursor: "1b8b05bb-5273-4012-b520-8657b0b90874", + }); + + if (!res.ok) { + throw res.error; + } + + const { value: result } = res; + + for await (const page of result) { + // handle page + } +} + +run(); +``` + ### Parameters | Parameter | Type | Required | Description | @@ -81,6 +118,41 @@ async function run() { run(); ``` + +### Standalone function + +The standalone function version of this method: + +```typescript +import { PanoraCore } from "@panora/sdk/core.js"; +import { accountingItemsRetrieve } from "@panora/sdk/funcs/accountingItemsRetrieve.js"; + +// Use `PanoraCore` for best tree-shaking performance. +// You can create one instance of it to use across an application. +const panora = new PanoraCore({ + apiKey: "", +}); + +async function run() { + const res = await accountingItemsRetrieve(panora, { + xConnectionToken: "", + id: "801f9ede-c698-4e66-a7fc-48d19eebaa4f", + remoteData: false, + }); + + if (!res.ok) { + throw res.error; + } + + const { value: result } = res; + + // Handle the result + console.log(result) +} + +run(); +``` + ### Parameters | Parameter | Type | Required | Description | diff --git a/docs/sdks/jobinterviewstages/README.md b/docs/sdks/jobinterviewstages/README.md index 8680d409..216b63c1 100644 --- a/docs/sdks/jobinterviewstages/README.md +++ b/docs/sdks/jobinterviewstages/README.md @@ -35,6 +35,43 @@ async function run() { run(); ``` + +### Standalone function + +The standalone function version of this method: + +```typescript +import { PanoraCore } from "@panora/sdk/core.js"; +import { atsJobinterviewstagesList } from "@panora/sdk/funcs/atsJobinterviewstagesList.js"; + +// Use `PanoraCore` for best tree-shaking performance. +// You can create one instance of it to use across an application. +const panora = new PanoraCore({ + apiKey: "", +}); + +async function run() { + const res = await atsJobinterviewstagesList(panora, { + xConnectionToken: "", + remoteData: true, + limit: 10, + cursor: "1b8b05bb-5273-4012-b520-8657b0b90874", + }); + + if (!res.ok) { + throw res.error; + } + + const { value: result } = res; + + for await (const page of result) { + // handle page + } +} + +run(); +``` + ### Parameters | Parameter | Type | Required | Description | @@ -81,6 +118,41 @@ async function run() { run(); ``` + +### Standalone function + +The standalone function version of this method: + +```typescript +import { PanoraCore } from "@panora/sdk/core.js"; +import { atsJobinterviewstagesRetrieve } from "@panora/sdk/funcs/atsJobinterviewstagesRetrieve.js"; + +// Use `PanoraCore` for best tree-shaking performance. +// You can create one instance of it to use across an application. +const panora = new PanoraCore({ + apiKey: "", +}); + +async function run() { + const res = await atsJobinterviewstagesRetrieve(panora, { + xConnectionToken: "", + id: "801f9ede-c698-4e66-a7fc-48d19eebaa4f", + remoteData: false, + }); + + if (!res.ok) { + throw res.error; + } + + const { value: result } = res; + + // Handle the result + console.log(result) +} + +run(); +``` + ### Parameters | Parameter | Type | Required | Description | diff --git a/docs/sdks/jobs/README.md b/docs/sdks/jobs/README.md index 406b4ad4..0ccab082 100644 --- a/docs/sdks/jobs/README.md +++ b/docs/sdks/jobs/README.md @@ -35,6 +35,43 @@ async function run() { run(); ``` + +### Standalone function + +The standalone function version of this method: + +```typescript +import { PanoraCore } from "@panora/sdk/core.js"; +import { atsJobsList } from "@panora/sdk/funcs/atsJobsList.js"; + +// Use `PanoraCore` for best tree-shaking performance. +// You can create one instance of it to use across an application. +const panora = new PanoraCore({ + apiKey: "", +}); + +async function run() { + const res = await atsJobsList(panora, { + xConnectionToken: "", + remoteData: true, + limit: 10, + cursor: "1b8b05bb-5273-4012-b520-8657b0b90874", + }); + + if (!res.ok) { + throw res.error; + } + + const { value: result } = res; + + for await (const page of result) { + // handle page + } +} + +run(); +``` + ### Parameters | Parameter | Type | Required | Description | @@ -81,6 +118,41 @@ async function run() { run(); ``` + +### Standalone function + +The standalone function version of this method: + +```typescript +import { PanoraCore } from "@panora/sdk/core.js"; +import { atsJobsRetrieve } from "@panora/sdk/funcs/atsJobsRetrieve.js"; + +// Use `PanoraCore` for best tree-shaking performance. +// You can create one instance of it to use across an application. +const panora = new PanoraCore({ + apiKey: "", +}); + +async function run() { + const res = await atsJobsRetrieve(panora, { + xConnectionToken: "", + id: "801f9ede-c698-4e66-a7fc-48d19eebaa4f", + remoteData: false, + }); + + if (!res.ok) { + throw res.error; + } + + const { value: result } = res; + + // Handle the result + console.log(result) +} + +run(); +``` + ### Parameters | Parameter | Type | Required | Description | diff --git a/docs/sdks/journalentries/README.md b/docs/sdks/journalentries/README.md index b72bced5..b9c9a89a 100644 --- a/docs/sdks/journalentries/README.md +++ b/docs/sdks/journalentries/README.md @@ -36,6 +36,43 @@ async function run() { run(); ``` + +### Standalone function + +The standalone function version of this method: + +```typescript +import { PanoraCore } from "@panora/sdk/core.js"; +import { accountingJournalentriesList } from "@panora/sdk/funcs/accountingJournalentriesList.js"; + +// Use `PanoraCore` for best tree-shaking performance. +// You can create one instance of it to use across an application. +const panora = new PanoraCore({ + apiKey: "", +}); + +async function run() { + const res = await accountingJournalentriesList(panora, { + xConnectionToken: "", + remoteData: true, + limit: 10, + cursor: "1b8b05bb-5273-4012-b520-8657b0b90874", + }); + + if (!res.ok) { + throw res.error; + } + + const { value: result } = res; + + for await (const page of result) { + // handle page + } +} + +run(); +``` + ### Parameters | Parameter | Type | Required | Description | @@ -63,6 +100,7 @@ Create Journal Entries in any supported Accounting software ```typescript import { Panora } from "@panora/sdk"; +import { UnifiedAccountingJournalentryInputCurrency } from "@panora/sdk/models/components"; const panora = new Panora({ apiKey: "", @@ -72,7 +110,41 @@ async function run() { const result = await panora.accounting.journalentries.create({ xConnectionToken: "", remoteData: false, - unifiedAccountingJournalentryInput: {}, + unifiedAccountingJournalentryInput: { + transactionDate: new Date("2024-06-15T12:00:00Z"), + payments: [ + "payment1", + "payment2", + ], + appliedPayments: [ + "appliedPayment1", + "appliedPayment2", + ], + memo: "Monthly expense journal entry", + currency: UnifiedAccountingJournalentryInputCurrency.Usd, + exchangeRate: "1.2", + idAccCompanyInfo: "801f9ede-c698-4e66-a7fc-48d19eebaa4f", + journalNumber: "JE-001", + trackingCategories: [ + "801f9ede-c698-4e66-a7fc-48d19eebaa4f", + ], + idAccAccountingPeriod: "801f9ede-c698-4e66-a7fc-48d19eebaa4f", + postingStatus: "Posted", + lineItems: [ + { + name: "Net Income", + value: 100000, + type: "Operating Activities", + parentItem: "801f9ede-c698-4e66-a7fc-48d19eebaa4f", + remoteId: "report_item_1234", + remoteGeneratedAt: new Date("2024-07-01T12:00:00Z"), + companyInfoId: "801f9ede-c698-4e66-a7fc-48d19eebaa4f", + createdAt: new Date("2024-06-15T12:00:00Z"), + modifiedAt: new Date("2024-06-15T12:00:00Z"), + }, + ], + fieldMappings: {}, + }, }); // Handle the result @@ -82,6 +154,76 @@ async function run() { run(); ``` + +### Standalone function + +The standalone function version of this method: + +```typescript +import { PanoraCore } from "@panora/sdk/core.js"; +import { accountingJournalentriesCreate } from "@panora/sdk/funcs/accountingJournalentriesCreate.js"; +import { UnifiedAccountingJournalentryInputCurrency } from "@panora/sdk/models/components"; + +// Use `PanoraCore` for best tree-shaking performance. +// You can create one instance of it to use across an application. +const panora = new PanoraCore({ + apiKey: "", +}); + +async function run() { + const res = await accountingJournalentriesCreate(panora, { + xConnectionToken: "", + remoteData: false, + unifiedAccountingJournalentryInput: { + transactionDate: new Date("2024-06-15T12:00:00Z"), + payments: [ + "payment1", + "payment2", + ], + appliedPayments: [ + "appliedPayment1", + "appliedPayment2", + ], + memo: "Monthly expense journal entry", + currency: UnifiedAccountingJournalentryInputCurrency.Usd, + exchangeRate: "1.2", + idAccCompanyInfo: "801f9ede-c698-4e66-a7fc-48d19eebaa4f", + journalNumber: "JE-001", + trackingCategories: [ + "801f9ede-c698-4e66-a7fc-48d19eebaa4f", + ], + idAccAccountingPeriod: "801f9ede-c698-4e66-a7fc-48d19eebaa4f", + postingStatus: "Posted", + lineItems: [ + { + name: "Net Income", + value: 100000, + type: "Operating Activities", + parentItem: "801f9ede-c698-4e66-a7fc-48d19eebaa4f", + remoteId: "report_item_1234", + remoteGeneratedAt: new Date("2024-07-01T12:00:00Z"), + companyInfoId: "801f9ede-c698-4e66-a7fc-48d19eebaa4f", + createdAt: new Date("2024-06-15T12:00:00Z"), + modifiedAt: new Date("2024-06-15T12:00:00Z"), + }, + ], + fieldMappings: {}, + }, + }); + + if (!res.ok) { + throw res.error; + } + + const { value: result } = res; + + // Handle the result + console.log(result) +} + +run(); +``` + ### Parameters | Parameter | Type | Required | Description | @@ -128,6 +270,41 @@ async function run() { run(); ``` + +### Standalone function + +The standalone function version of this method: + +```typescript +import { PanoraCore } from "@panora/sdk/core.js"; +import { accountingJournalentriesRetrieve } from "@panora/sdk/funcs/accountingJournalentriesRetrieve.js"; + +// Use `PanoraCore` for best tree-shaking performance. +// You can create one instance of it to use across an application. +const panora = new PanoraCore({ + apiKey: "", +}); + +async function run() { + const res = await accountingJournalentriesRetrieve(panora, { + xConnectionToken: "", + id: "801f9ede-c698-4e66-a7fc-48d19eebaa4f", + remoteData: false, + }); + + if (!res.ok) { + throw res.error; + } + + const { value: result } = res; + + // Handle the result + console.log(result) +} + +run(); +``` + ### Parameters | Parameter | Type | Required | Description | diff --git a/docs/sdks/linkedusers/README.md b/docs/sdks/linkedusers/README.md index 214f58e3..9af107de 100644 --- a/docs/sdks/linkedusers/README.md +++ b/docs/sdks/linkedusers/README.md @@ -35,6 +35,40 @@ async function run() { run(); ``` + +### Standalone function + +The standalone function version of this method: + +```typescript +import { PanoraCore } from "@panora/sdk/core.js"; +import { linkedUsersCreate } from "@panora/sdk/funcs/linkedUsersCreate.js"; + +// Use `PanoraCore` for best tree-shaking performance. +// You can create one instance of it to use across an application. +const panora = new PanoraCore({ + apiKey: "", +}); + +async function run() { + const res = await linkedUsersCreate(panora, { + linkedUserOriginId: "id_1", + alias: "acme", + }); + + if (!res.ok) { + throw res.error; + } + + const { value: result } = res; + + // Handle the result + console.log(result) +} + +run(); +``` + ### Parameters | Parameter | Type | Required | Description | @@ -77,6 +111,37 @@ async function run() { run(); ``` + +### Standalone function + +The standalone function version of this method: + +```typescript +import { PanoraCore } from "@panora/sdk/core.js"; +import { linkedUsersList } from "@panora/sdk/funcs/linkedUsersList.js"; + +// Use `PanoraCore` for best tree-shaking performance. +// You can create one instance of it to use across an application. +const panora = new PanoraCore({ + apiKey: "", +}); + +async function run() { + const res = await linkedUsersList(panora); + + if (!res.ok) { + throw res.error; + } + + const { value: result } = res; + + // Handle the result + console.log(result) +} + +run(); +``` + ### Parameters | Parameter | Type | Required | Description | @@ -123,6 +188,42 @@ async function run() { run(); ``` + +### Standalone function + +The standalone function version of this method: + +```typescript +import { PanoraCore } from "@panora/sdk/core.js"; +import { linkedUsersImportBatch } from "@panora/sdk/funcs/linkedUsersImportBatch.js"; + +// Use `PanoraCore` for best tree-shaking performance. +// You can create one instance of it to use across an application. +const panora = new PanoraCore({ + apiKey: "", +}); + +async function run() { + const res = await linkedUsersImportBatch(panora, { + linkedUserOriginIds: [ + "id_1", + ], + alias: "acme", + }); + + if (!res.ok) { + throw res.error; + } + + const { value: result } = res; + + // Handle the result + console.log(result) +} + +run(); +``` + ### Parameters | Parameter | Type | Required | Description | @@ -167,6 +268,39 @@ async function run() { run(); ``` + +### Standalone function + +The standalone function version of this method: + +```typescript +import { PanoraCore } from "@panora/sdk/core.js"; +import { linkedUsersRetrieve } from "@panora/sdk/funcs/linkedUsersRetrieve.js"; + +// Use `PanoraCore` for best tree-shaking performance. +// You can create one instance of it to use across an application. +const panora = new PanoraCore({ + apiKey: "", +}); + +async function run() { + const res = await linkedUsersRetrieve(panora, { + id: "801f9ede-c698-4e66-a7fc-48d19eebaa4f", + }); + + if (!res.ok) { + throw res.error; + } + + const { value: result } = res; + + // Handle the result + console.log(result) +} + +run(); +``` + ### Parameters | Parameter | Type | Required | Description | @@ -211,6 +345,39 @@ async function run() { run(); ``` + +### Standalone function + +The standalone function version of this method: + +```typescript +import { PanoraCore } from "@panora/sdk/core.js"; +import { linkedUsersRemoteId } from "@panora/sdk/funcs/linkedUsersRemoteId.js"; + +// Use `PanoraCore` for best tree-shaking performance. +// You can create one instance of it to use across an application. +const panora = new PanoraCore({ + apiKey: "", +}); + +async function run() { + const res = await linkedUsersRemoteId(panora, { + remoteId: "id_1", + }); + + if (!res.ok) { + throw res.error; + } + + const { value: result } = res; + + // Handle the result + console.log(result) +} + +run(); +``` + ### Parameters | Parameter | Type | Required | Description | diff --git a/docs/sdks/lists/README.md b/docs/sdks/lists/README.md index b8a1f200..cdfbf058 100644 --- a/docs/sdks/lists/README.md +++ b/docs/sdks/lists/README.md @@ -36,6 +36,43 @@ async function run() { run(); ``` + +### Standalone function + +The standalone function version of this method: + +```typescript +import { PanoraCore } from "@panora/sdk/core.js"; +import { marketingautomationListsList } from "@panora/sdk/funcs/marketingautomationListsList.js"; + +// Use `PanoraCore` for best tree-shaking performance. +// You can create one instance of it to use across an application. +const panora = new PanoraCore({ + apiKey: "", +}); + +async function run() { + const res = await marketingautomationListsList(panora, { + xConnectionToken: "", + remoteData: true, + limit: 10, + cursor: "1b8b05bb-5273-4012-b520-8657b0b90874", + }); + + if (!res.ok) { + throw res.error; + } + + const { value: result } = res; + + for await (const page of result) { + // handle page + } +} + +run(); +``` + ### Parameters | Parameter | Type | Required | Description | @@ -81,6 +118,40 @@ async function run() { run(); ``` + +### Standalone function + +The standalone function version of this method: + +```typescript +import { PanoraCore } from "@panora/sdk/core.js"; +import { marketingautomationListsCreate } from "@panora/sdk/funcs/marketingautomationListsCreate.js"; + +// Use `PanoraCore` for best tree-shaking performance. +// You can create one instance of it to use across an application. +const panora = new PanoraCore({ + apiKey: "", +}); + +async function run() { + const res = await marketingautomationListsCreate(panora, { + xConnectionToken: "", + unifiedMarketingautomationListInput: {}, + }); + + if (!res.ok) { + throw res.error; + } + + const { value: result } = res; + + // Handle the result + console.log(result) +} + +run(); +``` + ### Parameters | Parameter | Type | Required | Description | @@ -127,6 +198,41 @@ async function run() { run(); ``` + +### Standalone function + +The standalone function version of this method: + +```typescript +import { PanoraCore } from "@panora/sdk/core.js"; +import { marketingautomationListsRetrieve } from "@panora/sdk/funcs/marketingautomationListsRetrieve.js"; + +// Use `PanoraCore` for best tree-shaking performance. +// You can create one instance of it to use across an application. +const panora = new PanoraCore({ + apiKey: "", +}); + +async function run() { + const res = await marketingautomationListsRetrieve(panora, { + xConnectionToken: "", + id: "801f9ede-c698-4e66-a7fc-48d19eebaa4f", + remoteData: false, + }); + + if (!res.ok) { + throw res.error; + } + + const { value: result } = res; + + // Handle the result + console.log(result) +} + +run(); +``` + ### Parameters | Parameter | Type | Required | Description | diff --git a/docs/sdks/locations/README.md b/docs/sdks/locations/README.md index aa3cf31d..3e0dfc42 100644 --- a/docs/sdks/locations/README.md +++ b/docs/sdks/locations/README.md @@ -35,6 +35,43 @@ async function run() { run(); ``` + +### Standalone function + +The standalone function version of this method: + +```typescript +import { PanoraCore } from "@panora/sdk/core.js"; +import { hrisLocationsList } from "@panora/sdk/funcs/hrisLocationsList.js"; + +// Use `PanoraCore` for best tree-shaking performance. +// You can create one instance of it to use across an application. +const panora = new PanoraCore({ + apiKey: "", +}); + +async function run() { + const res = await hrisLocationsList(panora, { + xConnectionToken: "", + remoteData: true, + limit: 10, + cursor: "1b8b05bb-5273-4012-b520-8657b0b90874", + }); + + if (!res.ok) { + throw res.error; + } + + const { value: result } = res; + + for await (const page of result) { + // handle page + } +} + +run(); +``` + ### Parameters | Parameter | Type | Required | Description | @@ -81,6 +118,41 @@ async function run() { run(); ``` + +### Standalone function + +The standalone function version of this method: + +```typescript +import { PanoraCore } from "@panora/sdk/core.js"; +import { hrisLocationsRetrieve } from "@panora/sdk/funcs/hrisLocationsRetrieve.js"; + +// Use `PanoraCore` for best tree-shaking performance. +// You can create one instance of it to use across an application. +const panora = new PanoraCore({ + apiKey: "", +}); + +async function run() { + const res = await hrisLocationsRetrieve(panora, { + xConnectionToken: "", + id: "801f9ede-c698-4e66-a7fc-48d19eebaa4f", + remoteData: false, + }); + + if (!res.ok) { + throw res.error; + } + + const { value: result } = res; + + // Handle the result + console.log(result) +} + +run(); +``` + ### Parameters | Parameter | Type | Required | Description | diff --git a/docs/sdks/login/README.md b/docs/sdks/login/README.md index 254f9353..56b7fd60 100644 --- a/docs/sdks/login/README.md +++ b/docs/sdks/login/README.md @@ -20,12 +20,44 @@ const panora = new Panora({ async function run() { await panora.auth.login.signIn({ - idUser: "", email: "Oda.Treutel97@hotmail.com", passwordHash: "", }); +} + +run(); +``` + + +### Standalone function + +The standalone function version of this method: + +```typescript +import { PanoraCore } from "@panora/sdk/core.js"; +import { authLoginSignIn } from "@panora/sdk/funcs/authLoginSignIn.js"; + +// Use `PanoraCore` for best tree-shaking performance. +// You can create one instance of it to use across an application. +const panora = new PanoraCore({ + apiKey: "", +}); + +async function run() { + const res = await authLoginSignIn(panora, { + email: "Kennedi_Olson40@hotmail.com", + passwordHash: "", + }); + + if (!res.ok) { + throw res.error; + } + + const { value: result } = res; + + } run(); diff --git a/docs/sdks/messages/README.md b/docs/sdks/messages/README.md index 9772a6f2..eae840f0 100644 --- a/docs/sdks/messages/README.md +++ b/docs/sdks/messages/README.md @@ -35,6 +35,43 @@ async function run() { run(); ``` + +### Standalone function + +The standalone function version of this method: + +```typescript +import { PanoraCore } from "@panora/sdk/core.js"; +import { marketingautomationMessagesList } from "@panora/sdk/funcs/marketingautomationMessagesList.js"; + +// Use `PanoraCore` for best tree-shaking performance. +// You can create one instance of it to use across an application. +const panora = new PanoraCore({ + apiKey: "", +}); + +async function run() { + const res = await marketingautomationMessagesList(panora, { + xConnectionToken: "", + remoteData: true, + limit: 10, + cursor: "1b8b05bb-5273-4012-b520-8657b0b90874", + }); + + if (!res.ok) { + throw res.error; + } + + const { value: result } = res; + + for await (const page of result) { + // handle page + } +} + +run(); +``` + ### Parameters | Parameter | Type | Required | Description | @@ -81,6 +118,41 @@ async function run() { run(); ``` + +### Standalone function + +The standalone function version of this method: + +```typescript +import { PanoraCore } from "@panora/sdk/core.js"; +import { marketingautomationMessagesRetrieve } from "@panora/sdk/funcs/marketingautomationMessagesRetrieve.js"; + +// Use `PanoraCore` for best tree-shaking performance. +// You can create one instance of it to use across an application. +const panora = new PanoraCore({ + apiKey: "", +}); + +async function run() { + const res = await marketingautomationMessagesRetrieve(panora, { + xConnectionToken: "", + id: "801f9ede-c698-4e66-a7fc-48d19eebaa4f", + remoteData: false, + }); + + if (!res.ok) { + throw res.error; + } + + const { value: result } = res; + + // Handle the result + console.log(result) +} + +run(); +``` + ### Parameters | Parameter | Type | Required | Description | diff --git a/docs/sdks/notes/README.md b/docs/sdks/notes/README.md index 9ef833fc..53f9a3a6 100644 --- a/docs/sdks/notes/README.md +++ b/docs/sdks/notes/README.md @@ -36,6 +36,43 @@ async function run() { run(); ``` + +### Standalone function + +The standalone function version of this method: + +```typescript +import { PanoraCore } from "@panora/sdk/core.js"; +import { crmNotesList } from "@panora/sdk/funcs/crmNotesList.js"; + +// Use `PanoraCore` for best tree-shaking performance. +// You can create one instance of it to use across an application. +const panora = new PanoraCore({ + apiKey: "", +}); + +async function run() { + const res = await crmNotesList(panora, { + xConnectionToken: "", + remoteData: true, + limit: 10, + cursor: "1b8b05bb-5273-4012-b520-8657b0b90874", + }); + + if (!res.ok) { + throw res.error; + } + + const { value: result } = res; + + for await (const page of result) { + // handle page + } +} + +run(); +``` + ### Parameters | Parameter | Type | Required | Description | @@ -92,6 +129,51 @@ async function run() { run(); ``` + +### Standalone function + +The standalone function version of this method: + +```typescript +import { PanoraCore } from "@panora/sdk/core.js"; +import { crmNotesCreate } from "@panora/sdk/funcs/crmNotesCreate.js"; + +// Use `PanoraCore` for best tree-shaking performance. +// You can create one instance of it to use across an application. +const panora = new PanoraCore({ + apiKey: "", +}); + +async function run() { + const res = await crmNotesCreate(panora, { + xConnectionToken: "", + remoteData: false, + unifiedCrmNoteInput: { + content: "My notes taken during the meeting", + userId: "801f9ede-c698-4e66-a7fc-48d19eebaa4f", + companyId: "801f9ede-c698-4e66-a7fc-48d19eebaa4f", + contactId: "801f9ede-c698-4e66-a7fc-48d19eebaa4f", + dealId: "801f9ede-c698-4e66-a7fc-48d19eebaa4f", + fieldMappings: { + "fav_dish": "broccoli", + "fav_color": "red", + }, + }, + }); + + if (!res.ok) { + throw res.error; + } + + const { value: result } = res; + + // Handle the result + console.log(result) +} + +run(); +``` + ### Parameters | Parameter | Type | Required | Description | @@ -138,6 +220,41 @@ async function run() { run(); ``` + +### Standalone function + +The standalone function version of this method: + +```typescript +import { PanoraCore } from "@panora/sdk/core.js"; +import { crmNotesRetrieve } from "@panora/sdk/funcs/crmNotesRetrieve.js"; + +// Use `PanoraCore` for best tree-shaking performance. +// You can create one instance of it to use across an application. +const panora = new PanoraCore({ + apiKey: "", +}); + +async function run() { + const res = await crmNotesRetrieve(panora, { + xConnectionToken: "", + id: "801f9ede-c698-4e66-a7fc-48d19eebaa4f", + remoteData: false, + }); + + if (!res.ok) { + throw res.error; + } + + const { value: result } = res; + + // Handle the result + console.log(result) +} + +run(); +``` + ### Parameters | Parameter | Type | Required | Description | diff --git a/docs/sdks/offers/README.md b/docs/sdks/offers/README.md index fd107694..52d7404c 100644 --- a/docs/sdks/offers/README.md +++ b/docs/sdks/offers/README.md @@ -35,6 +35,43 @@ async function run() { run(); ``` + +### Standalone function + +The standalone function version of this method: + +```typescript +import { PanoraCore } from "@panora/sdk/core.js"; +import { atsOffersList } from "@panora/sdk/funcs/atsOffersList.js"; + +// Use `PanoraCore` for best tree-shaking performance. +// You can create one instance of it to use across an application. +const panora = new PanoraCore({ + apiKey: "", +}); + +async function run() { + const res = await atsOffersList(panora, { + xConnectionToken: "", + remoteData: true, + limit: 10, + cursor: "1b8b05bb-5273-4012-b520-8657b0b90874", + }); + + if (!res.ok) { + throw res.error; + } + + const { value: result } = res; + + for await (const page of result) { + // handle page + } +} + +run(); +``` + ### Parameters | Parameter | Type | Required | Description | @@ -81,6 +118,41 @@ async function run() { run(); ``` + +### Standalone function + +The standalone function version of this method: + +```typescript +import { PanoraCore } from "@panora/sdk/core.js"; +import { atsOffersRetrieve } from "@panora/sdk/funcs/atsOffersRetrieve.js"; + +// Use `PanoraCore` for best tree-shaking performance. +// You can create one instance of it to use across an application. +const panora = new PanoraCore({ + apiKey: "", +}); + +async function run() { + const res = await atsOffersRetrieve(panora, { + xConnectionToken: "", + id: "801f9ede-c698-4e66-a7fc-48d19eebaa4f", + remoteData: false, + }); + + if (!res.ok) { + throw res.error; + } + + const { value: result } = res; + + // Handle the result + console.log(result) +} + +run(); +``` + ### Parameters | Parameter | Type | Required | Description | diff --git a/docs/sdks/offices/README.md b/docs/sdks/offices/README.md index 24ff05ba..32e30f01 100644 --- a/docs/sdks/offices/README.md +++ b/docs/sdks/offices/README.md @@ -35,6 +35,43 @@ async function run() { run(); ``` + +### Standalone function + +The standalone function version of this method: + +```typescript +import { PanoraCore } from "@panora/sdk/core.js"; +import { atsOfficesList } from "@panora/sdk/funcs/atsOfficesList.js"; + +// Use `PanoraCore` for best tree-shaking performance. +// You can create one instance of it to use across an application. +const panora = new PanoraCore({ + apiKey: "", +}); + +async function run() { + const res = await atsOfficesList(panora, { + xConnectionToken: "", + remoteData: true, + limit: 10, + cursor: "1b8b05bb-5273-4012-b520-8657b0b90874", + }); + + if (!res.ok) { + throw res.error; + } + + const { value: result } = res; + + for await (const page of result) { + // handle page + } +} + +run(); +``` + ### Parameters | Parameter | Type | Required | Description | @@ -81,6 +118,41 @@ async function run() { run(); ``` + +### Standalone function + +The standalone function version of this method: + +```typescript +import { PanoraCore } from "@panora/sdk/core.js"; +import { atsOfficesRetrieve } from "@panora/sdk/funcs/atsOfficesRetrieve.js"; + +// Use `PanoraCore` for best tree-shaking performance. +// You can create one instance of it to use across an application. +const panora = new PanoraCore({ + apiKey: "", +}); + +async function run() { + const res = await atsOfficesRetrieve(panora, { + xConnectionToken: "", + id: "801f9ede-c698-4e66-a7fc-48d19eebaa4f", + remoteData: false, + }); + + if (!res.ok) { + throw res.error; + } + + const { value: result } = res; + + // Handle the result + console.log(result) +} + +run(); +``` + ### Parameters | Parameter | Type | Required | Description | diff --git a/docs/sdks/orders/README.md b/docs/sdks/orders/README.md index f818cb76..b03fd539 100644 --- a/docs/sdks/orders/README.md +++ b/docs/sdks/orders/README.md @@ -36,6 +36,43 @@ async function run() { run(); ``` + +### Standalone function + +The standalone function version of this method: + +```typescript +import { PanoraCore } from "@panora/sdk/core.js"; +import { ecommerceOrdersList } from "@panora/sdk/funcs/ecommerceOrdersList.js"; + +// Use `PanoraCore` for best tree-shaking performance. +// You can create one instance of it to use across an application. +const panora = new PanoraCore({ + apiKey: "", +}); + +async function run() { + const res = await ecommerceOrdersList(panora, { + xConnectionToken: "", + remoteData: true, + limit: 10, + cursor: "1b8b05bb-5273-4012-b520-8657b0b90874", + }); + + if (!res.ok) { + throw res.error; + } + + const { value: result } = res; + + for await (const page of result) { + // handle page + } +} + +run(); +``` + ### Parameters | Parameter | Type | Required | Description | @@ -63,7 +100,12 @@ Create Orders in any supported Ecommerce software ```typescript import { Panora } from "@panora/sdk"; -import { UnifiedEcommerceOrderInputCurrency } from "@panora/sdk/models/components"; +import { + UnifiedEcommerceOrderInputCurrency, + UnifiedEcommerceOrderInputFulfillmentStatus, + UnifiedEcommerceOrderInputOrderStatus, + UnifiedEcommerceOrderInputPaymentStatus, +} from "@panora/sdk/models/components"; const panora = new Panora({ apiKey: "", @@ -74,17 +116,29 @@ async function run() { xConnectionToken: "", remoteData: false, unifiedEcommerceOrderInput: { - orderStatus: "PAID", + orderStatus: UnifiedEcommerceOrderInputOrderStatus.Unshipped, orderNumber: "19823838833", - paymentStatus: "SUCCESS", + paymentStatus: UnifiedEcommerceOrderInputPaymentStatus.Success, currency: UnifiedEcommerceOrderInputCurrency.Aud, totalPrice: 300, totalDiscount: 10, totalShipping: 120, totalTax: 120, - fulfillmentStatus: "delivered", + fulfillmentStatus: UnifiedEcommerceOrderInputFulfillmentStatus.Pending, customerId: "801f9ede-c698-4e66-a7fc-48d19eebaa4f", - items: {}, + items: [ + { + name: "Net Income", + value: 100000, + type: "Operating Activities", + parentItem: "801f9ede-c698-4e66-a7fc-48d19eebaa4f", + remoteId: "12345", + remoteGeneratedAt: new Date("2024-07-01T12:00:00Z"), + companyInfoId: "801f9ede-c698-4e66-a7fc-48d19eebaa4f", + createdAt: new Date("2024-06-15T12:00:00Z"), + modifiedAt: new Date("2024-06-15T12:00:00Z"), + }, + ], fieldMappings: {}, }, }); @@ -96,6 +150,72 @@ async function run() { run(); ``` + +### Standalone function + +The standalone function version of this method: + +```typescript +import { PanoraCore } from "@panora/sdk/core.js"; +import { ecommerceOrdersCreate } from "@panora/sdk/funcs/ecommerceOrdersCreate.js"; +import { + UnifiedEcommerceOrderInputCurrency, + UnifiedEcommerceOrderInputFulfillmentStatus, + UnifiedEcommerceOrderInputOrderStatus, + UnifiedEcommerceOrderInputPaymentStatus, +} from "@panora/sdk/models/components"; + +// Use `PanoraCore` for best tree-shaking performance. +// You can create one instance of it to use across an application. +const panora = new PanoraCore({ + apiKey: "", +}); + +async function run() { + const res = await ecommerceOrdersCreate(panora, { + xConnectionToken: "", + remoteData: false, + unifiedEcommerceOrderInput: { + orderStatus: UnifiedEcommerceOrderInputOrderStatus.Unshipped, + orderNumber: "19823838833", + paymentStatus: UnifiedEcommerceOrderInputPaymentStatus.Success, + currency: UnifiedEcommerceOrderInputCurrency.Aud, + totalPrice: 300, + totalDiscount: 10, + totalShipping: 120, + totalTax: 120, + fulfillmentStatus: UnifiedEcommerceOrderInputFulfillmentStatus.Pending, + customerId: "801f9ede-c698-4e66-a7fc-48d19eebaa4f", + items: [ + { + name: "Net Income", + value: 100000, + type: "Operating Activities", + parentItem: "801f9ede-c698-4e66-a7fc-48d19eebaa4f", + remoteId: "12345", + remoteGeneratedAt: new Date("2024-07-01T12:00:00Z"), + companyInfoId: "801f9ede-c698-4e66-a7fc-48d19eebaa4f", + createdAt: new Date("2024-06-15T12:00:00Z"), + modifiedAt: new Date("2024-06-15T12:00:00Z"), + }, + ], + fieldMappings: {}, + }, + }); + + if (!res.ok) { + throw res.error; + } + + const { value: result } = res; + + // Handle the result + console.log(result) +} + +run(); +``` + ### Parameters | Parameter | Type | Required | Description | @@ -141,6 +261,40 @@ async function run() { run(); ``` + +### Standalone function + +The standalone function version of this method: + +```typescript +import { PanoraCore } from "@panora/sdk/core.js"; +import { ecommerceOrdersRetrieve } from "@panora/sdk/funcs/ecommerceOrdersRetrieve.js"; + +// Use `PanoraCore` for best tree-shaking performance. +// You can create one instance of it to use across an application. +const panora = new PanoraCore({ + apiKey: "", +}); + +async function run() { + const res = await ecommerceOrdersRetrieve(panora, { + xConnectionToken: "", + id: "", + }); + + if (!res.ok) { + throw res.error; + } + + const { value: result } = res; + + // Handle the result + console.log(result) +} + +run(); +``` + ### Parameters | Parameter | Type | Required | Description | diff --git a/docs/sdks/panora/README.md b/docs/sdks/panora/README.md index b779024b..259ce377 100644 --- a/docs/sdks/panora/README.md +++ b/docs/sdks/panora/README.md @@ -31,6 +31,37 @@ async function run() { run(); ``` + +### Standalone function + +The standalone function version of this method: + +```typescript +import { PanoraCore } from "@panora/sdk/core.js"; +import { hello } from "@panora/sdk/funcs/hello.js"; + +// Use `PanoraCore` for best tree-shaking performance. +// You can create one instance of it to use across an application. +const panora = new PanoraCore({ + apiKey: "", +}); + +async function run() { + const res = await hello(panora); + + if (!res.ok) { + throw res.error; + } + + const { value: result } = res; + + // Handle the result + console.log(result) +} + +run(); +``` + ### Parameters | Parameter | Type | Required | Description | @@ -70,6 +101,37 @@ async function run() { run(); ``` + +### Standalone function + +The standalone function version of this method: + +```typescript +import { PanoraCore } from "@panora/sdk/core.js"; +import { health } from "@panora/sdk/funcs/health.js"; + +// Use `PanoraCore` for best tree-shaking performance. +// You can create one instance of it to use across an application. +const panora = new PanoraCore({ + apiKey: "", +}); + +async function run() { + const res = await health(panora); + + if (!res.ok) { + throw res.error; + } + + const { value: result } = res; + + // Handle the result + console.log(result) +} + +run(); +``` + ### Parameters | Parameter | Type | Required | Description | diff --git a/docs/sdks/panoraaccountingcontacts/README.md b/docs/sdks/panoraaccountingcontacts/README.md index 7f229820..62b9073a 100644 --- a/docs/sdks/panoraaccountingcontacts/README.md +++ b/docs/sdks/panoraaccountingcontacts/README.md @@ -36,6 +36,43 @@ async function run() { run(); ``` + +### Standalone function + +The standalone function version of this method: + +```typescript +import { PanoraCore } from "@panora/sdk/core.js"; +import { accountingContactsList } from "@panora/sdk/funcs/accountingContactsList.js"; + +// Use `PanoraCore` for best tree-shaking performance. +// You can create one instance of it to use across an application. +const panora = new PanoraCore({ + apiKey: "", +}); + +async function run() { + const res = await accountingContactsList(panora, { + xConnectionToken: "", + remoteData: true, + limit: 10, + cursor: "1b8b05bb-5273-4012-b520-8657b0b90874", + }); + + if (!res.ok) { + throw res.error; + } + + const { value: result } = res; + + for await (const page of result) { + // handle page + } +} + +run(); +``` + ### Parameters | Parameter | Type | Required | Description | @@ -63,6 +100,7 @@ Create contacts in any supported Accounting software ```typescript import { Panora } from "@panora/sdk"; +import { UnifiedAccountingContactInputCurrency } from "@panora/sdk/models/components"; const panora = new Panora({ apiKey: "", @@ -72,7 +110,18 @@ async function run() { const result = await panora.accounting.contacts.create({ xConnectionToken: "", remoteData: false, - unifiedAccountingContactInput: {}, + unifiedAccountingContactInput: { + name: "John Doe", + isSupplier: true, + isCustomer: false, + emailAddress: "john.doe@example.com", + taxNumber: "123456789", + status: "Active", + currency: UnifiedAccountingContactInputCurrency.Usd, + remoteUpdatedAt: "2024-06-15T12:00:00Z", + companyInfoId: "801f9ede-c698-4e66-a7fc-48d19eebaa4f", + fieldMappings: {}, + }, }); // Handle the result @@ -82,6 +131,53 @@ async function run() { run(); ``` + +### Standalone function + +The standalone function version of this method: + +```typescript +import { PanoraCore } from "@panora/sdk/core.js"; +import { accountingContactsCreate } from "@panora/sdk/funcs/accountingContactsCreate.js"; +import { UnifiedAccountingContactInputCurrency } from "@panora/sdk/models/components"; + +// Use `PanoraCore` for best tree-shaking performance. +// You can create one instance of it to use across an application. +const panora = new PanoraCore({ + apiKey: "", +}); + +async function run() { + const res = await accountingContactsCreate(panora, { + xConnectionToken: "", + remoteData: false, + unifiedAccountingContactInput: { + name: "John Doe", + isSupplier: true, + isCustomer: false, + emailAddress: "john.doe@example.com", + taxNumber: "123456789", + status: "Active", + currency: UnifiedAccountingContactInputCurrency.Usd, + remoteUpdatedAt: "2024-06-15T12:00:00Z", + companyInfoId: "801f9ede-c698-4e66-a7fc-48d19eebaa4f", + fieldMappings: {}, + }, + }); + + if (!res.ok) { + throw res.error; + } + + const { value: result } = res; + + // Handle the result + console.log(result) +} + +run(); +``` + ### Parameters | Parameter | Type | Required | Description | @@ -128,6 +224,41 @@ async function run() { run(); ``` + +### Standalone function + +The standalone function version of this method: + +```typescript +import { PanoraCore } from "@panora/sdk/core.js"; +import { accountingContactsRetrieve } from "@panora/sdk/funcs/accountingContactsRetrieve.js"; + +// Use `PanoraCore` for best tree-shaking performance. +// You can create one instance of it to use across an application. +const panora = new PanoraCore({ + apiKey: "", +}); + +async function run() { + const res = await accountingContactsRetrieve(panora, { + xConnectionToken: "", + id: "801f9ede-c698-4e66-a7fc-48d19eebaa4f", + remoteData: false, + }); + + if (!res.ok) { + throw res.error; + } + + const { value: result } = res; + + // Handle the result + console.log(result) +} + +run(); +``` + ### Parameters | Parameter | Type | Required | Description | diff --git a/docs/sdks/panoraaccounts/README.md b/docs/sdks/panoraaccounts/README.md index f17bb228..6377a6c9 100644 --- a/docs/sdks/panoraaccounts/README.md +++ b/docs/sdks/panoraaccounts/README.md @@ -36,6 +36,43 @@ async function run() { run(); ``` + +### Standalone function + +The standalone function version of this method: + +```typescript +import { PanoraCore } from "@panora/sdk/core.js"; +import { accountingAccountsList } from "@panora/sdk/funcs/accountingAccountsList.js"; + +// Use `PanoraCore` for best tree-shaking performance. +// You can create one instance of it to use across an application. +const panora = new PanoraCore({ + apiKey: "", +}); + +async function run() { + const res = await accountingAccountsList(panora, { + xConnectionToken: "", + remoteData: true, + limit: 10, + cursor: "1b8b05bb-5273-4012-b520-8657b0b90874", + }); + + if (!res.ok) { + throw res.error; + } + + const { value: result } = res; + + for await (const page of result) { + // handle page + } +} + +run(); +``` + ### Parameters | Parameter | Type | Required | Description | @@ -63,6 +100,7 @@ Create accounts in any supported Accounting software ```typescript import { Panora } from "@panora/sdk"; +import { UnifiedAccountingAccountInputCurrency } from "@panora/sdk/models/components"; const panora = new Panora({ apiKey: "", @@ -72,7 +110,19 @@ async function run() { const result = await panora.accounting.accounts.create({ xConnectionToken: "", remoteData: false, - unifiedAccountingAccountInput: {}, + unifiedAccountingAccountInput: { + name: "Cash", + description: "Main cash account for daily operations", + classification: "Asset", + type: "Current Asset", + status: "Active", + currentBalance: 10000, + currency: UnifiedAccountingAccountInputCurrency.Usd, + accountNumber: "1000", + parentAccount: "801f9ede-c698-4e66-a7fc-48d19eebaa4f", + companyInfoId: "801f9ede-c698-4e66-a7fc-48d19eebaa4f", + fieldMappings: {}, + }, }); // Handle the result @@ -82,6 +132,54 @@ async function run() { run(); ``` + +### Standalone function + +The standalone function version of this method: + +```typescript +import { PanoraCore } from "@panora/sdk/core.js"; +import { accountingAccountsCreate } from "@panora/sdk/funcs/accountingAccountsCreate.js"; +import { UnifiedAccountingAccountInputCurrency } from "@panora/sdk/models/components"; + +// Use `PanoraCore` for best tree-shaking performance. +// You can create one instance of it to use across an application. +const panora = new PanoraCore({ + apiKey: "", +}); + +async function run() { + const res = await accountingAccountsCreate(panora, { + xConnectionToken: "", + remoteData: false, + unifiedAccountingAccountInput: { + name: "Cash", + description: "Main cash account for daily operations", + classification: "Asset", + type: "Current Asset", + status: "Active", + currentBalance: 10000, + currency: UnifiedAccountingAccountInputCurrency.Usd, + accountNumber: "1000", + parentAccount: "801f9ede-c698-4e66-a7fc-48d19eebaa4f", + companyInfoId: "801f9ede-c698-4e66-a7fc-48d19eebaa4f", + fieldMappings: {}, + }, + }); + + if (!res.ok) { + throw res.error; + } + + const { value: result } = res; + + // Handle the result + console.log(result) +} + +run(); +``` + ### Parameters | Parameter | Type | Required | Description | @@ -128,6 +226,41 @@ async function run() { run(); ``` + +### Standalone function + +The standalone function version of this method: + +```typescript +import { PanoraCore } from "@panora/sdk/core.js"; +import { accountingAccountsRetrieve } from "@panora/sdk/funcs/accountingAccountsRetrieve.js"; + +// Use `PanoraCore` for best tree-shaking performance. +// You can create one instance of it to use across an application. +const panora = new PanoraCore({ + apiKey: "", +}); + +async function run() { + const res = await accountingAccountsRetrieve(panora, { + xConnectionToken: "", + id: "801f9ede-c698-4e66-a7fc-48d19eebaa4f", + remoteData: false, + }); + + if (!res.ok) { + throw res.error; + } + + const { value: result } = res; + + // Handle the result + console.log(result) +} + +run(); +``` + ### Parameters | Parameter | Type | Required | Description | diff --git a/docs/sdks/panoraatsusers/README.md b/docs/sdks/panoraatsusers/README.md index 146f3c28..ab30a13a 100644 --- a/docs/sdks/panoraatsusers/README.md +++ b/docs/sdks/panoraatsusers/README.md @@ -35,6 +35,43 @@ async function run() { run(); ``` + +### Standalone function + +The standalone function version of this method: + +```typescript +import { PanoraCore } from "@panora/sdk/core.js"; +import { atsUsersList } from "@panora/sdk/funcs/atsUsersList.js"; + +// Use `PanoraCore` for best tree-shaking performance. +// You can create one instance of it to use across an application. +const panora = new PanoraCore({ + apiKey: "", +}); + +async function run() { + const res = await atsUsersList(panora, { + xConnectionToken: "", + remoteData: true, + limit: 10, + cursor: "1b8b05bb-5273-4012-b520-8657b0b90874", + }); + + if (!res.ok) { + throw res.error; + } + + const { value: result } = res; + + for await (const page of result) { + // handle page + } +} + +run(); +``` + ### Parameters | Parameter | Type | Required | Description | @@ -81,6 +118,41 @@ async function run() { run(); ``` + +### Standalone function + +The standalone function version of this method: + +```typescript +import { PanoraCore } from "@panora/sdk/core.js"; +import { atsUsersRetrieve } from "@panora/sdk/funcs/atsUsersRetrieve.js"; + +// Use `PanoraCore` for best tree-shaking performance. +// You can create one instance of it to use across an application. +const panora = new PanoraCore({ + apiKey: "", +}); + +async function run() { + const res = await atsUsersRetrieve(panora, { + xConnectionToken: "", + id: "801f9ede-c698-4e66-a7fc-48d19eebaa4f", + remoteData: false, + }); + + if (!res.ok) { + throw res.error; + } + + const { value: result } = res; + + // Handle the result + console.log(result) +} + +run(); +``` + ### Parameters | Parameter | Type | Required | Description | diff --git a/docs/sdks/panoraattachments/README.md b/docs/sdks/panoraattachments/README.md index 5cbfccbe..8eacaeaf 100644 --- a/docs/sdks/panoraattachments/README.md +++ b/docs/sdks/panoraattachments/README.md @@ -36,6 +36,43 @@ async function run() { run(); ``` + +### Standalone function + +The standalone function version of this method: + +```typescript +import { PanoraCore } from "@panora/sdk/core.js"; +import { accountingAttachmentsList } from "@panora/sdk/funcs/accountingAttachmentsList.js"; + +// Use `PanoraCore` for best tree-shaking performance. +// You can create one instance of it to use across an application. +const panora = new PanoraCore({ + apiKey: "", +}); + +async function run() { + const res = await accountingAttachmentsList(panora, { + xConnectionToken: "", + remoteData: true, + limit: 10, + cursor: "1b8b05bb-5273-4012-b520-8657b0b90874", + }); + + if (!res.ok) { + throw res.error; + } + + const { value: result } = res; + + for await (const page of result) { + // handle page + } +} + +run(); +``` + ### Parameters | Parameter | Type | Required | Description | @@ -72,7 +109,12 @@ async function run() { const result = await panora.accounting.attachments.create({ xConnectionToken: "", remoteData: false, - unifiedAccountingAttachmentInput: {}, + unifiedAccountingAttachmentInput: { + fileName: "invoice.pdf", + fileUrl: "https://example.com/files/invoice.pdf", + accountId: "801f9ede-c698-4e66-a7fc-48d19eebaa4f", + fieldMappings: {}, + }, }); // Handle the result @@ -82,6 +124,46 @@ async function run() { run(); ``` + +### Standalone function + +The standalone function version of this method: + +```typescript +import { PanoraCore } from "@panora/sdk/core.js"; +import { accountingAttachmentsCreate } from "@panora/sdk/funcs/accountingAttachmentsCreate.js"; + +// Use `PanoraCore` for best tree-shaking performance. +// You can create one instance of it to use across an application. +const panora = new PanoraCore({ + apiKey: "", +}); + +async function run() { + const res = await accountingAttachmentsCreate(panora, { + xConnectionToken: "", + remoteData: false, + unifiedAccountingAttachmentInput: { + fileName: "invoice.pdf", + fileUrl: "https://example.com/files/invoice.pdf", + accountId: "801f9ede-c698-4e66-a7fc-48d19eebaa4f", + fieldMappings: {}, + }, + }); + + if (!res.ok) { + throw res.error; + } + + const { value: result } = res; + + // Handle the result + console.log(result) +} + +run(); +``` + ### Parameters | Parameter | Type | Required | Description | @@ -128,6 +210,41 @@ async function run() { run(); ``` + +### Standalone function + +The standalone function version of this method: + +```typescript +import { PanoraCore } from "@panora/sdk/core.js"; +import { accountingAttachmentsRetrieve } from "@panora/sdk/funcs/accountingAttachmentsRetrieve.js"; + +// Use `PanoraCore` for best tree-shaking performance. +// You can create one instance of it to use across an application. +const panora = new PanoraCore({ + apiKey: "", +}); + +async function run() { + const res = await accountingAttachmentsRetrieve(panora, { + xConnectionToken: "", + id: "801f9ede-c698-4e66-a7fc-48d19eebaa4f", + remoteData: false, + }); + + if (!res.ok) { + throw res.error; + } + + const { value: result } = res; + + // Handle the result + console.log(result) +} + +run(); +``` + ### Parameters | Parameter | Type | Required | Description | diff --git a/docs/sdks/panoracompanies/README.md b/docs/sdks/panoracompanies/README.md index e39195ed..8ab5976a 100644 --- a/docs/sdks/panoracompanies/README.md +++ b/docs/sdks/panoracompanies/README.md @@ -35,6 +35,43 @@ async function run() { run(); ``` + +### Standalone function + +The standalone function version of this method: + +```typescript +import { PanoraCore } from "@panora/sdk/core.js"; +import { hrisCompaniesList } from "@panora/sdk/funcs/hrisCompaniesList.js"; + +// Use `PanoraCore` for best tree-shaking performance. +// You can create one instance of it to use across an application. +const panora = new PanoraCore({ + apiKey: "", +}); + +async function run() { + const res = await hrisCompaniesList(panora, { + xConnectionToken: "", + remoteData: true, + limit: 10, + cursor: "1b8b05bb-5273-4012-b520-8657b0b90874", + }); + + if (!res.ok) { + throw res.error; + } + + const { value: result } = res; + + for await (const page of result) { + // handle page + } +} + +run(); +``` + ### Parameters | Parameter | Type | Required | Description | @@ -81,6 +118,41 @@ async function run() { run(); ``` + +### Standalone function + +The standalone function version of this method: + +```typescript +import { PanoraCore } from "@panora/sdk/core.js"; +import { hrisCompaniesRetrieve } from "@panora/sdk/funcs/hrisCompaniesRetrieve.js"; + +// Use `PanoraCore` for best tree-shaking performance. +// You can create one instance of it to use across an application. +const panora = new PanoraCore({ + apiKey: "", +}); + +async function run() { + const res = await hrisCompaniesRetrieve(panora, { + xConnectionToken: "", + id: "801f9ede-c698-4e66-a7fc-48d19eebaa4f", + remoteData: false, + }); + + if (!res.ok) { + throw res.error; + } + + const { value: result } = res; + + // Handle the result + console.log(result) +} + +run(); +``` + ### Parameters | Parameter | Type | Required | Description | diff --git a/docs/sdks/panoracontacts/README.md b/docs/sdks/panoracontacts/README.md index 2a9b41ed..d1233176 100644 --- a/docs/sdks/panoracontacts/README.md +++ b/docs/sdks/panoracontacts/README.md @@ -36,6 +36,43 @@ async function run() { run(); ``` + +### Standalone function + +The standalone function version of this method: + +```typescript +import { PanoraCore } from "@panora/sdk/core.js"; +import { crmContactsList } from "@panora/sdk/funcs/crmContactsList.js"; + +// Use `PanoraCore` for best tree-shaking performance. +// You can create one instance of it to use across an application. +const panora = new PanoraCore({ + apiKey: "", +}); + +async function run() { + const res = await crmContactsList(panora, { + xConnectionToken: "", + remoteData: true, + limit: 10, + cursor: "1b8b05bb-5273-4012-b520-8657b0b90874", + }); + + if (!res.ok) { + throw res.error; + } + + const { value: result } = res; + + for await (const page of result) { + // handle page + } +} + +run(); +``` + ### Parameters | Parameter | Type | Required | Description | @@ -115,6 +152,74 @@ async function run() { run(); ``` + +### Standalone function + +The standalone function version of this method: + +```typescript +import { PanoraCore } from "@panora/sdk/core.js"; +import { crmContactsCreate } from "@panora/sdk/funcs/crmContactsCreate.js"; +import { AddressType, EmailAddressType, PhoneType } from "@panora/sdk/models/components"; + +// Use `PanoraCore` for best tree-shaking performance. +// You can create one instance of it to use across an application. +const panora = new PanoraCore({ + apiKey: "", +}); + +async function run() { + const res = await crmContactsCreate(panora, { + xConnectionToken: "", + remoteData: false, + unifiedCrmContactInput: { + firstName: "John", + lastName: "Doe", + emailAddresses: [ + { + emailAddress: "Cecelia71@yahoo.com", + emailAddressType: EmailAddressType.Work, + }, + ], + phoneNumbers: [ + { + phoneNumber: "", + phoneType: PhoneType.Work, + }, + ], + addresses: [ + { + street1: "5th Avenue", + street2: "Street 2", + city: "Anytown", + state: "CA", + postalCode: "10001", + country: "USA", + addressType: AddressType.Personal, + ownerType: "", + }, + ], + userId: "801f9ede-c698-4e66-a7fc-48d19eebaa4f", + fieldMappings: { + "fav_dish": "broccoli", + "fav_color": "red", + }, + }, + }); + + if (!res.ok) { + throw res.error; + } + + const { value: result } = res; + + // Handle the result + console.log(result) +} + +run(); +``` + ### Parameters | Parameter | Type | Required | Description | @@ -161,6 +266,41 @@ async function run() { run(); ``` + +### Standalone function + +The standalone function version of this method: + +```typescript +import { PanoraCore } from "@panora/sdk/core.js"; +import { crmContactsRetrieve } from "@panora/sdk/funcs/crmContactsRetrieve.js"; + +// Use `PanoraCore` for best tree-shaking performance. +// You can create one instance of it to use across an application. +const panora = new PanoraCore({ + apiKey: "", +}); + +async function run() { + const res = await crmContactsRetrieve(panora, { + xConnectionToken: "", + id: "801f9ede-c698-4e66-a7fc-48d19eebaa4f", + remoteData: false, + }); + + if (!res.ok) { + throw res.error; + } + + const { value: result } = res; + + // Handle the result + console.log(result) +} + +run(); +``` + ### Parameters | Parameter | Type | Required | Description | diff --git a/docs/sdks/panoraevents/README.md b/docs/sdks/panoraevents/README.md index 2466b002..7de34543 100644 --- a/docs/sdks/panoraevents/README.md +++ b/docs/sdks/panoraevents/README.md @@ -35,6 +35,43 @@ async function run() { run(); ``` + +### Standalone function + +The standalone function version of this method: + +```typescript +import { PanoraCore } from "@panora/sdk/core.js"; +import { marketingautomationEventsList } from "@panora/sdk/funcs/marketingautomationEventsList.js"; + +// Use `PanoraCore` for best tree-shaking performance. +// You can create one instance of it to use across an application. +const panora = new PanoraCore({ + apiKey: "", +}); + +async function run() { + const res = await marketingautomationEventsList(panora, { + xConnectionToken: "", + remoteData: true, + limit: 10, + cursor: "1b8b05bb-5273-4012-b520-8657b0b90874", + }); + + if (!res.ok) { + throw res.error; + } + + const { value: result } = res; + + for await (const page of result) { + // handle page + } +} + +run(); +``` + ### Parameters | Parameter | Type | Required | Description | @@ -81,6 +118,41 @@ async function run() { run(); ``` + +### Standalone function + +The standalone function version of this method: + +```typescript +import { PanoraCore } from "@panora/sdk/core.js"; +import { marketingautomationEventsRetrieve } from "@panora/sdk/funcs/marketingautomationEventsRetrieve.js"; + +// Use `PanoraCore` for best tree-shaking performance. +// You can create one instance of it to use across an application. +const panora = new PanoraCore({ + apiKey: "", +}); + +async function run() { + const res = await marketingautomationEventsRetrieve(panora, { + xConnectionToken: "", + id: "801f9ede-c698-4e66-a7fc-48d19eebaa4f", + remoteData: false, + }); + + if (!res.ok) { + throw res.error; + } + + const { value: result } = res; + + // Handle the result + console.log(result) +} + +run(); +``` + ### Parameters | Parameter | Type | Required | Description | diff --git a/docs/sdks/panorafilestorageusers/README.md b/docs/sdks/panorafilestorageusers/README.md index bc1a2013..0ae4fbb8 100644 --- a/docs/sdks/panorafilestorageusers/README.md +++ b/docs/sdks/panorafilestorageusers/README.md @@ -35,6 +35,43 @@ async function run() { run(); ``` + +### Standalone function + +The standalone function version of this method: + +```typescript +import { PanoraCore } from "@panora/sdk/core.js"; +import { filestorageUsersList } from "@panora/sdk/funcs/filestorageUsersList.js"; + +// Use `PanoraCore` for best tree-shaking performance. +// You can create one instance of it to use across an application. +const panora = new PanoraCore({ + apiKey: "", +}); + +async function run() { + const res = await filestorageUsersList(panora, { + xConnectionToken: "", + remoteData: true, + limit: 10, + cursor: "1b8b05bb-5273-4012-b520-8657b0b90874", + }); + + if (!res.ok) { + throw res.error; + } + + const { value: result } = res; + + for await (const page of result) { + // handle page + } +} + +run(); +``` + ### Parameters | Parameter | Type | Required | Description | @@ -81,6 +118,41 @@ async function run() { run(); ``` + +### Standalone function + +The standalone function version of this method: + +```typescript +import { PanoraCore } from "@panora/sdk/core.js"; +import { filestorageUsersRetrieve } from "@panora/sdk/funcs/filestorageUsersRetrieve.js"; + +// Use `PanoraCore` for best tree-shaking performance. +// You can create one instance of it to use across an application. +const panora = new PanoraCore({ + apiKey: "", +}); + +async function run() { + const res = await filestorageUsersRetrieve(panora, { + xConnectionToken: "", + id: "801f9ede-c698-4e66-a7fc-48d19eebaa4f", + remoteData: false, + }); + + if (!res.ok) { + throw res.error; + } + + const { value: result } = res; + + // Handle the result + console.log(result) +} + +run(); +``` + ### Parameters | Parameter | Type | Required | Description | diff --git a/docs/sdks/panoragroups/README.md b/docs/sdks/panoragroups/README.md index 1537a3e5..888ae660 100644 --- a/docs/sdks/panoragroups/README.md +++ b/docs/sdks/panoragroups/README.md @@ -35,6 +35,43 @@ async function run() { run(); ``` + +### Standalone function + +The standalone function version of this method: + +```typescript +import { PanoraCore } from "@panora/sdk/core.js"; +import { filestorageGroupsList } from "@panora/sdk/funcs/filestorageGroupsList.js"; + +// Use `PanoraCore` for best tree-shaking performance. +// You can create one instance of it to use across an application. +const panora = new PanoraCore({ + apiKey: "", +}); + +async function run() { + const res = await filestorageGroupsList(panora, { + xConnectionToken: "", + remoteData: true, + limit: 10, + cursor: "1b8b05bb-5273-4012-b520-8657b0b90874", + }); + + if (!res.ok) { + throw res.error; + } + + const { value: result } = res; + + for await (const page of result) { + // handle page + } +} + +run(); +``` + ### Parameters | Parameter | Type | Required | Description | @@ -81,6 +118,41 @@ async function run() { run(); ``` + +### Standalone function + +The standalone function version of this method: + +```typescript +import { PanoraCore } from "@panora/sdk/core.js"; +import { filestorageGroupsRetrieve } from "@panora/sdk/funcs/filestorageGroupsRetrieve.js"; + +// Use `PanoraCore` for best tree-shaking performance. +// You can create one instance of it to use across an application. +const panora = new PanoraCore({ + apiKey: "", +}); + +async function run() { + const res = await filestorageGroupsRetrieve(panora, { + xConnectionToken: "", + id: "801f9ede-c698-4e66-a7fc-48d19eebaa4f", + remoteData: false, + }); + + if (!res.ok) { + throw res.error; + } + + const { value: result } = res; + + // Handle the result + console.log(result) +} + +run(); +``` + ### Parameters | Parameter | Type | Required | Description | diff --git a/docs/sdks/panoramarketingautomationcontacts/README.md b/docs/sdks/panoramarketingautomationcontacts/README.md index 313c8396..d6420340 100644 --- a/docs/sdks/panoramarketingautomationcontacts/README.md +++ b/docs/sdks/panoramarketingautomationcontacts/README.md @@ -36,6 +36,43 @@ async function run() { run(); ``` + +### Standalone function + +The standalone function version of this method: + +```typescript +import { PanoraCore } from "@panora/sdk/core.js"; +import { marketingautomationContactsList } from "@panora/sdk/funcs/marketingautomationContactsList.js"; + +// Use `PanoraCore` for best tree-shaking performance. +// You can create one instance of it to use across an application. +const panora = new PanoraCore({ + apiKey: "", +}); + +async function run() { + const res = await marketingautomationContactsList(panora, { + xConnectionToken: "", + remoteData: true, + limit: 10, + cursor: "1b8b05bb-5273-4012-b520-8657b0b90874", + }); + + if (!res.ok) { + throw res.error; + } + + const { value: result } = res; + + for await (const page of result) { + // handle page + } +} + +run(); +``` + ### Parameters | Parameter | Type | Required | Description | @@ -82,6 +119,41 @@ async function run() { run(); ``` + +### Standalone function + +The standalone function version of this method: + +```typescript +import { PanoraCore } from "@panora/sdk/core.js"; +import { marketingautomationContactsCreate } from "@panora/sdk/funcs/marketingautomationContactsCreate.js"; + +// Use `PanoraCore` for best tree-shaking performance. +// You can create one instance of it to use across an application. +const panora = new PanoraCore({ + apiKey: "", +}); + +async function run() { + const res = await marketingautomationContactsCreate(panora, { + xConnectionToken: "", + remoteData: false, + unifiedMarketingautomationContactInput: {}, + }); + + if (!res.ok) { + throw res.error; + } + + const { value: result } = res; + + // Handle the result + console.log(result) +} + +run(); +``` + ### Parameters | Parameter | Type | Required | Description | @@ -128,6 +200,41 @@ async function run() { run(); ``` + +### Standalone function + +The standalone function version of this method: + +```typescript +import { PanoraCore } from "@panora/sdk/core.js"; +import { marketingautomationContactsRetrieve } from "@panora/sdk/funcs/marketingautomationContactsRetrieve.js"; + +// Use `PanoraCore` for best tree-shaking performance. +// You can create one instance of it to use across an application. +const panora = new PanoraCore({ + apiKey: "", +}); + +async function run() { + const res = await marketingautomationContactsRetrieve(panora, { + xConnectionToken: "", + id: "801f9ede-c698-4e66-a7fc-48d19eebaa4f", + remoteData: false, + }); + + if (!res.ok) { + throw res.error; + } + + const { value: result } = res; + + // Handle the result + console.log(result) +} + +run(); +``` + ### Parameters | Parameter | Type | Required | Description | diff --git a/docs/sdks/panoramarketingautomationusers/README.md b/docs/sdks/panoramarketingautomationusers/README.md index b29f0544..d696612e 100644 --- a/docs/sdks/panoramarketingautomationusers/README.md +++ b/docs/sdks/panoramarketingautomationusers/README.md @@ -35,6 +35,43 @@ async function run() { run(); ``` + +### Standalone function + +The standalone function version of this method: + +```typescript +import { PanoraCore } from "@panora/sdk/core.js"; +import { marketingautomationUsersList } from "@panora/sdk/funcs/marketingautomationUsersList.js"; + +// Use `PanoraCore` for best tree-shaking performance. +// You can create one instance of it to use across an application. +const panora = new PanoraCore({ + apiKey: "", +}); + +async function run() { + const res = await marketingautomationUsersList(panora, { + xConnectionToken: "", + remoteData: true, + limit: 10, + cursor: "1b8b05bb-5273-4012-b520-8657b0b90874", + }); + + if (!res.ok) { + throw res.error; + } + + const { value: result } = res; + + for await (const page of result) { + // handle page + } +} + +run(); +``` + ### Parameters | Parameter | Type | Required | Description | @@ -81,6 +118,41 @@ async function run() { run(); ``` + +### Standalone function + +The standalone function version of this method: + +```typescript +import { PanoraCore } from "@panora/sdk/core.js"; +import { marketingautomationUsersRetrieve } from "@panora/sdk/funcs/marketingautomationUsersRetrieve.js"; + +// Use `PanoraCore` for best tree-shaking performance. +// You can create one instance of it to use across an application. +const panora = new PanoraCore({ + apiKey: "", +}); + +async function run() { + const res = await marketingautomationUsersRetrieve(panora, { + xConnectionToken: "", + id: "801f9ede-c698-4e66-a7fc-48d19eebaa4f", + remoteData: false, + }); + + if (!res.ok) { + throw res.error; + } + + const { value: result } = res; + + // Handle the result + console.log(result) +} + +run(); +``` + ### Parameters | Parameter | Type | Required | Description | diff --git a/docs/sdks/panoratags/README.md b/docs/sdks/panoratags/README.md index f81fafb4..19f3bed8 100644 --- a/docs/sdks/panoratags/README.md +++ b/docs/sdks/panoratags/README.md @@ -35,6 +35,43 @@ async function run() { run(); ``` + +### Standalone function + +The standalone function version of this method: + +```typescript +import { PanoraCore } from "@panora/sdk/core.js"; +import { atsTagsList } from "@panora/sdk/funcs/atsTagsList.js"; + +// Use `PanoraCore` for best tree-shaking performance. +// You can create one instance of it to use across an application. +const panora = new PanoraCore({ + apiKey: "", +}); + +async function run() { + const res = await atsTagsList(panora, { + xConnectionToken: "", + remoteData: true, + limit: 10, + cursor: "1b8b05bb-5273-4012-b520-8657b0b90874", + }); + + if (!res.ok) { + throw res.error; + } + + const { value: result } = res; + + for await (const page of result) { + // handle page + } +} + +run(); +``` + ### Parameters | Parameter | Type | Required | Description | @@ -81,6 +118,41 @@ async function run() { run(); ``` + +### Standalone function + +The standalone function version of this method: + +```typescript +import { PanoraCore } from "@panora/sdk/core.js"; +import { atsTagsRetrieve } from "@panora/sdk/funcs/atsTagsRetrieve.js"; + +// Use `PanoraCore` for best tree-shaking performance. +// You can create one instance of it to use across an application. +const panora = new PanoraCore({ + apiKey: "", +}); + +async function run() { + const res = await atsTagsRetrieve(panora, { + xConnectionToken: "", + id: "801f9ede-c698-4e66-a7fc-48d19eebaa4f", + remoteData: false, + }); + + if (!res.ok) { + throw res.error; + } + + const { value: result } = res; + + // Handle the result + console.log(result) +} + +run(); +``` + ### Parameters | Parameter | Type | Required | Description | diff --git a/docs/sdks/panoraticketingattachments/README.md b/docs/sdks/panoraticketingattachments/README.md index 536a3907..abe492ff 100644 --- a/docs/sdks/panoraticketingattachments/README.md +++ b/docs/sdks/panoraticketingattachments/README.md @@ -36,6 +36,43 @@ async function run() { run(); ``` + +### Standalone function + +The standalone function version of this method: + +```typescript +import { PanoraCore } from "@panora/sdk/core.js"; +import { ticketingAttachmentsList } from "@panora/sdk/funcs/ticketingAttachmentsList.js"; + +// Use `PanoraCore` for best tree-shaking performance. +// You can create one instance of it to use across an application. +const panora = new PanoraCore({ + apiKey: "", +}); + +async function run() { + const res = await ticketingAttachmentsList(panora, { + xConnectionToken: "", + remoteData: true, + limit: 10, + cursor: "1b8b05bb-5273-4012-b520-8657b0b90874", + }); + + if (!res.ok) { + throw res.error; + } + + const { value: result } = res; + + for await (const page of result) { + // handle page + } +} + +run(); +``` + ### Parameters | Parameter | Type | Required | Description | @@ -91,6 +128,50 @@ async function run() { run(); ``` + +### Standalone function + +The standalone function version of this method: + +```typescript +import { PanoraCore } from "@panora/sdk/core.js"; +import { ticketingAttachmentsCreate } from "@panora/sdk/funcs/ticketingAttachmentsCreate.js"; + +// Use `PanoraCore` for best tree-shaking performance. +// You can create one instance of it to use across an application. +const panora = new PanoraCore({ + apiKey: "", +}); + +async function run() { + const res = await ticketingAttachmentsCreate(panora, { + xConnectionToken: "", + unifiedTicketingAttachmentInput: { + fileName: "features_planning.pdf", + fileUrl: "https://example.com/features_planning.pdf", + uploader: "801f9ede-c698-4e66-a7fc-48d19eebaa4f", + ticketId: "801f9ede-c698-4e66-a7fc-48d19eebaa4f", + commentId: "801f9ede-c698-4e66-a7fc-48d19eebaa4f", + fieldMappings: { + "fav_dish": "broccoli", + "fav_color": "red", + }, + }, + }); + + if (!res.ok) { + throw res.error; + } + + const { value: result } = res; + + // Handle the result + console.log(result) +} + +run(); +``` + ### Parameters | Parameter | Type | Required | Description | @@ -137,6 +218,41 @@ async function run() { run(); ``` + +### Standalone function + +The standalone function version of this method: + +```typescript +import { PanoraCore } from "@panora/sdk/core.js"; +import { ticketingAttachmentsRetrieve } from "@panora/sdk/funcs/ticketingAttachmentsRetrieve.js"; + +// Use `PanoraCore` for best tree-shaking performance. +// You can create one instance of it to use across an application. +const panora = new PanoraCore({ + apiKey: "", +}); + +async function run() { + const res = await ticketingAttachmentsRetrieve(panora, { + xConnectionToken: "", + id: "801f9ede-c698-4e66-a7fc-48d19eebaa4f", + remoteData: false, + }); + + if (!res.ok) { + throw res.error; + } + + const { value: result } = res; + + // Handle the result + console.log(result) +} + +run(); +``` + ### Parameters | Parameter | Type | Required | Description | diff --git a/docs/sdks/panorausers/README.md b/docs/sdks/panorausers/README.md index 7b770925..5d7d1f4c 100644 --- a/docs/sdks/panorausers/README.md +++ b/docs/sdks/panorausers/README.md @@ -35,6 +35,43 @@ async function run() { run(); ``` + +### Standalone function + +The standalone function version of this method: + +```typescript +import { PanoraCore } from "@panora/sdk/core.js"; +import { crmUsersList } from "@panora/sdk/funcs/crmUsersList.js"; + +// Use `PanoraCore` for best tree-shaking performance. +// You can create one instance of it to use across an application. +const panora = new PanoraCore({ + apiKey: "", +}); + +async function run() { + const res = await crmUsersList(panora, { + xConnectionToken: "", + remoteData: true, + limit: 10, + cursor: "1b8b05bb-5273-4012-b520-8657b0b90874", + }); + + if (!res.ok) { + throw res.error; + } + + const { value: result } = res; + + for await (const page of result) { + // handle page + } +} + +run(); +``` + ### Parameters | Parameter | Type | Required | Description | @@ -81,6 +118,41 @@ async function run() { run(); ``` + +### Standalone function + +The standalone function version of this method: + +```typescript +import { PanoraCore } from "@panora/sdk/core.js"; +import { crmUsersRetrieve } from "@panora/sdk/funcs/crmUsersRetrieve.js"; + +// Use `PanoraCore` for best tree-shaking performance. +// You can create one instance of it to use across an application. +const panora = new PanoraCore({ + apiKey: "", +}); + +async function run() { + const res = await crmUsersRetrieve(panora, { + xConnectionToken: "", + id: "b008e199-eda9-4629-bd41-a01b6195864a", + remoteData: true, + }); + + if (!res.ok) { + throw res.error; + } + + const { value: result } = res; + + // Handle the result + console.log(result) +} + +run(); +``` + ### Parameters | Parameter | Type | Required | Description | diff --git a/docs/sdks/passthrough/README.md b/docs/sdks/passthrough/README.md index 4ccaec06..5e13b245 100644 --- a/docs/sdks/passthrough/README.md +++ b/docs/sdks/passthrough/README.md @@ -25,13 +25,6 @@ async function run() { passThroughRequestDto: { method: PassThroughRequestDtoMethod.Get, path: "/dev", - data: {}, - requestFormat: { - "key": "", - }, - overrideBaseUrl: { - "key": "", - }, }, }); @@ -42,6 +35,44 @@ async function run() { run(); ``` + +### Standalone function + +The standalone function version of this method: + +```typescript +import { PanoraCore } from "@panora/sdk/core.js"; +import { passthroughRequest } from "@panora/sdk/funcs/passthroughRequest.js"; +import { PassThroughRequestDtoMethod } from "@panora/sdk/models/components"; + +// Use `PanoraCore` for best tree-shaking performance. +// You can create one instance of it to use across an application. +const panora = new PanoraCore({ + apiKey: "", +}); + +async function run() { + const res = await passthroughRequest(panora, { + xConnectionToken: "", + passThroughRequestDto: { + method: PassThroughRequestDtoMethod.Get, + path: "/usr/src", + }, + }); + + if (!res.ok) { + throw res.error; + } + + const { value: result } = res; + + // Handle the result + console.log(result) +} + +run(); +``` + ### Parameters | Parameter | Type | Required | Description | diff --git a/docs/sdks/paygroups/README.md b/docs/sdks/paygroups/README.md index adc1a883..6073341c 100644 --- a/docs/sdks/paygroups/README.md +++ b/docs/sdks/paygroups/README.md @@ -35,6 +35,43 @@ async function run() { run(); ``` + +### Standalone function + +The standalone function version of this method: + +```typescript +import { PanoraCore } from "@panora/sdk/core.js"; +import { hrisPaygroupsList } from "@panora/sdk/funcs/hrisPaygroupsList.js"; + +// Use `PanoraCore` for best tree-shaking performance. +// You can create one instance of it to use across an application. +const panora = new PanoraCore({ + apiKey: "", +}); + +async function run() { + const res = await hrisPaygroupsList(panora, { + xConnectionToken: "", + remoteData: true, + limit: 10, + cursor: "1b8b05bb-5273-4012-b520-8657b0b90874", + }); + + if (!res.ok) { + throw res.error; + } + + const { value: result } = res; + + for await (const page of result) { + // handle page + } +} + +run(); +``` + ### Parameters | Parameter | Type | Required | Description | @@ -81,6 +118,41 @@ async function run() { run(); ``` + +### Standalone function + +The standalone function version of this method: + +```typescript +import { PanoraCore } from "@panora/sdk/core.js"; +import { hrisPaygroupsRetrieve } from "@panora/sdk/funcs/hrisPaygroupsRetrieve.js"; + +// Use `PanoraCore` for best tree-shaking performance. +// You can create one instance of it to use across an application. +const panora = new PanoraCore({ + apiKey: "", +}); + +async function run() { + const res = await hrisPaygroupsRetrieve(panora, { + xConnectionToken: "", + id: "801f9ede-c698-4e66-a7fc-48d19eebaa4f", + remoteData: false, + }); + + if (!res.ok) { + throw res.error; + } + + const { value: result } = res; + + // Handle the result + console.log(result) +} + +run(); +``` + ### Parameters | Parameter | Type | Required | Description | diff --git a/docs/sdks/payments/README.md b/docs/sdks/payments/README.md index 9690e7c9..49811f34 100644 --- a/docs/sdks/payments/README.md +++ b/docs/sdks/payments/README.md @@ -36,6 +36,43 @@ async function run() { run(); ``` + +### Standalone function + +The standalone function version of this method: + +```typescript +import { PanoraCore } from "@panora/sdk/core.js"; +import { accountingPaymentsList } from "@panora/sdk/funcs/accountingPaymentsList.js"; + +// Use `PanoraCore` for best tree-shaking performance. +// You can create one instance of it to use across an application. +const panora = new PanoraCore({ + apiKey: "", +}); + +async function run() { + const res = await accountingPaymentsList(panora, { + xConnectionToken: "", + remoteData: true, + limit: 10, + cursor: "1b8b05bb-5273-4012-b520-8657b0b90874", + }); + + if (!res.ok) { + throw res.error; + } + + const { value: result } = res; + + for await (const page of result) { + // handle page + } +} + +run(); +``` + ### Parameters | Parameter | Type | Required | Description | @@ -63,6 +100,7 @@ Create Payments in any supported Accounting software ```typescript import { Panora } from "@panora/sdk"; +import { UnifiedAccountingPaymentInputCurrency } from "@panora/sdk/models/components"; const panora = new Panora({ apiKey: "", @@ -72,7 +110,35 @@ async function run() { const result = await panora.accounting.payments.create({ xConnectionToken: "", remoteData: false, - unifiedAccountingPaymentInput: {}, + unifiedAccountingPaymentInput: { + invoiceId: "801f9ede-c698-4e66-a7fc-48d19eebaa4f", + transactionDate: new Date("2024-06-15T12:00:00Z"), + contactId: "801f9ede-c698-4e66-a7fc-48d19eebaa4f", + accountId: "801f9ede-c698-4e66-a7fc-48d19eebaa4f", + currency: UnifiedAccountingPaymentInputCurrency.Usd, + exchangeRate: "1.2", + totalAmount: 10000, + type: "Credit Card", + companyInfoId: "801f9ede-c698-4e66-a7fc-48d19eebaa4f", + accountingPeriodId: "801f9ede-c698-4e66-a7fc-48d19eebaa4f", + trackingCategories: [ + "801f9ede-c698-4e66-a7fc-48d19eebaa4f", + ], + lineItems: [ + { + name: "Net Income", + value: 100000, + type: "Operating Activities", + parentItem: "801f9ede-c698-4e66-a7fc-48d19eebaa4f", + remoteId: "report_item_1234", + remoteGeneratedAt: new Date("2024-07-01T12:00:00Z"), + companyInfoId: "801f9ede-c698-4e66-a7fc-48d19eebaa4f", + createdAt: new Date("2024-06-15T12:00:00Z"), + modifiedAt: new Date("2024-06-15T12:00:00Z"), + }, + ], + fieldMappings: {}, + }, }); // Handle the result @@ -82,6 +148,70 @@ async function run() { run(); ``` + +### Standalone function + +The standalone function version of this method: + +```typescript +import { PanoraCore } from "@panora/sdk/core.js"; +import { accountingPaymentsCreate } from "@panora/sdk/funcs/accountingPaymentsCreate.js"; +import { UnifiedAccountingPaymentInputCurrency } from "@panora/sdk/models/components"; + +// Use `PanoraCore` for best tree-shaking performance. +// You can create one instance of it to use across an application. +const panora = new PanoraCore({ + apiKey: "", +}); + +async function run() { + const res = await accountingPaymentsCreate(panora, { + xConnectionToken: "", + remoteData: false, + unifiedAccountingPaymentInput: { + invoiceId: "801f9ede-c698-4e66-a7fc-48d19eebaa4f", + transactionDate: new Date("2024-06-15T12:00:00Z"), + contactId: "801f9ede-c698-4e66-a7fc-48d19eebaa4f", + accountId: "801f9ede-c698-4e66-a7fc-48d19eebaa4f", + currency: UnifiedAccountingPaymentInputCurrency.Usd, + exchangeRate: "1.2", + totalAmount: 10000, + type: "Credit Card", + companyInfoId: "801f9ede-c698-4e66-a7fc-48d19eebaa4f", + accountingPeriodId: "801f9ede-c698-4e66-a7fc-48d19eebaa4f", + trackingCategories: [ + "801f9ede-c698-4e66-a7fc-48d19eebaa4f", + ], + lineItems: [ + { + name: "Net Income", + value: 100000, + type: "Operating Activities", + parentItem: "801f9ede-c698-4e66-a7fc-48d19eebaa4f", + remoteId: "report_item_1234", + remoteGeneratedAt: new Date("2024-07-01T12:00:00Z"), + companyInfoId: "801f9ede-c698-4e66-a7fc-48d19eebaa4f", + createdAt: new Date("2024-06-15T12:00:00Z"), + modifiedAt: new Date("2024-06-15T12:00:00Z"), + }, + ], + fieldMappings: {}, + }, + }); + + if (!res.ok) { + throw res.error; + } + + const { value: result } = res; + + // Handle the result + console.log(result) +} + +run(); +``` + ### Parameters | Parameter | Type | Required | Description | @@ -128,6 +258,41 @@ async function run() { run(); ``` + +### Standalone function + +The standalone function version of this method: + +```typescript +import { PanoraCore } from "@panora/sdk/core.js"; +import { accountingPaymentsRetrieve } from "@panora/sdk/funcs/accountingPaymentsRetrieve.js"; + +// Use `PanoraCore` for best tree-shaking performance. +// You can create one instance of it to use across an application. +const panora = new PanoraCore({ + apiKey: "", +}); + +async function run() { + const res = await accountingPaymentsRetrieve(panora, { + xConnectionToken: "", + id: "801f9ede-c698-4e66-a7fc-48d19eebaa4f", + remoteData: false, + }); + + if (!res.ok) { + throw res.error; + } + + const { value: result } = res; + + // Handle the result + console.log(result) +} + +run(); +``` + ### Parameters | Parameter | Type | Required | Description | diff --git a/docs/sdks/payrollruns/README.md b/docs/sdks/payrollruns/README.md index a0834563..6aaf396c 100644 --- a/docs/sdks/payrollruns/README.md +++ b/docs/sdks/payrollruns/README.md @@ -35,6 +35,43 @@ async function run() { run(); ``` + +### Standalone function + +The standalone function version of this method: + +```typescript +import { PanoraCore } from "@panora/sdk/core.js"; +import { hrisPayrollrunsList } from "@panora/sdk/funcs/hrisPayrollrunsList.js"; + +// Use `PanoraCore` for best tree-shaking performance. +// You can create one instance of it to use across an application. +const panora = new PanoraCore({ + apiKey: "", +}); + +async function run() { + const res = await hrisPayrollrunsList(panora, { + xConnectionToken: "", + remoteData: true, + limit: 10, + cursor: "1b8b05bb-5273-4012-b520-8657b0b90874", + }); + + if (!res.ok) { + throw res.error; + } + + const { value: result } = res; + + for await (const page of result) { + // handle page + } +} + +run(); +``` + ### Parameters | Parameter | Type | Required | Description | @@ -81,6 +118,41 @@ async function run() { run(); ``` + +### Standalone function + +The standalone function version of this method: + +```typescript +import { PanoraCore } from "@panora/sdk/core.js"; +import { hrisPayrollrunsRetrieve } from "@panora/sdk/funcs/hrisPayrollrunsRetrieve.js"; + +// Use `PanoraCore` for best tree-shaking performance. +// You can create one instance of it to use across an application. +const panora = new PanoraCore({ + apiKey: "", +}); + +async function run() { + const res = await hrisPayrollrunsRetrieve(panora, { + xConnectionToken: "", + id: "801f9ede-c698-4e66-a7fc-48d19eebaa4f", + remoteData: false, + }); + + if (!res.ok) { + throw res.error; + } + + const { value: result } = res; + + // Handle the result + console.log(result) +} + +run(); +``` + ### Parameters | Parameter | Type | Required | Description | diff --git a/docs/sdks/phonenumbers/README.md b/docs/sdks/phonenumbers/README.md index cd0f9c3b..3d8f2ce0 100644 --- a/docs/sdks/phonenumbers/README.md +++ b/docs/sdks/phonenumbers/README.md @@ -35,6 +35,43 @@ async function run() { run(); ``` + +### Standalone function + +The standalone function version of this method: + +```typescript +import { PanoraCore } from "@panora/sdk/core.js"; +import { accountingPhonenumbersList } from "@panora/sdk/funcs/accountingPhonenumbersList.js"; + +// Use `PanoraCore` for best tree-shaking performance. +// You can create one instance of it to use across an application. +const panora = new PanoraCore({ + apiKey: "", +}); + +async function run() { + const res = await accountingPhonenumbersList(panora, { + xConnectionToken: "", + remoteData: true, + limit: 10, + cursor: "1b8b05bb-5273-4012-b520-8657b0b90874", + }); + + if (!res.ok) { + throw res.error; + } + + const { value: result } = res; + + for await (const page of result) { + // handle page + } +} + +run(); +``` + ### Parameters | Parameter | Type | Required | Description | @@ -81,6 +118,41 @@ async function run() { run(); ``` + +### Standalone function + +The standalone function version of this method: + +```typescript +import { PanoraCore } from "@panora/sdk/core.js"; +import { accountingPhonenumbersRetrieve } from "@panora/sdk/funcs/accountingPhonenumbersRetrieve.js"; + +// Use `PanoraCore` for best tree-shaking performance. +// You can create one instance of it to use across an application. +const panora = new PanoraCore({ + apiKey: "", +}); + +async function run() { + const res = await accountingPhonenumbersRetrieve(panora, { + xConnectionToken: "", + id: "801f9ede-c698-4e66-a7fc-48d19eebaa4f", + remoteData: false, + }); + + if (!res.ok) { + throw res.error; + } + + const { value: result } = res; + + // Handle the result + console.log(result) +} + +run(); +``` + ### Parameters | Parameter | Type | Required | Description | diff --git a/docs/sdks/products/README.md b/docs/sdks/products/README.md index e9bbda04..ff782f98 100644 --- a/docs/sdks/products/README.md +++ b/docs/sdks/products/README.md @@ -36,6 +36,43 @@ async function run() { run(); ``` + +### Standalone function + +The standalone function version of this method: + +```typescript +import { PanoraCore } from "@panora/sdk/core.js"; +import { ecommerceProductsList } from "@panora/sdk/funcs/ecommerceProductsList.js"; + +// Use `PanoraCore` for best tree-shaking performance. +// You can create one instance of it to use across an application. +const panora = new PanoraCore({ + apiKey: "", +}); + +async function run() { + const res = await ecommerceProductsList(panora, { + xConnectionToken: "", + remoteData: true, + limit: 10, + cursor: "1b8b05bb-5273-4012-b520-8657b0b90874", + }); + + if (!res.ok) { + throw res.error; + } + + const { value: result } = res; + + for await (const page of result) { + // handle page + } +} + +run(); +``` + ### Parameters | Parameter | Type | Required | Description | @@ -99,6 +136,58 @@ async function run() { run(); ``` + +### Standalone function + +The standalone function version of this method: + +```typescript +import { PanoraCore } from "@panora/sdk/core.js"; +import { ecommerceProductsCreate } from "@panora/sdk/funcs/ecommerceProductsCreate.js"; +import { UnifiedEcommerceProductInputProductStatus } from "@panora/sdk/models/components"; + +// Use `PanoraCore` for best tree-shaking performance. +// You can create one instance of it to use across an application. +const panora = new PanoraCore({ + apiKey: "", +}); + +async function run() { + const res = await ecommerceProductsCreate(panora, { + xConnectionToken: "", + remoteData: false, + unifiedEcommerceProductInput: { + productUrl: "https://product_url/tee", + productType: "teeshirt", + productStatus: UnifiedEcommerceProductInputProductStatus.Active, + imagesUrls: [ + "https://myproduct/image", + ], + description: "best tee ever", + vendor: "vendor_extern", + variants: [ + {}, + ], + tags: [ + "tag_1", + ], + fieldMappings: {}, + }, + }); + + if (!res.ok) { + throw res.error; + } + + const { value: result } = res; + + // Handle the result + console.log(result) +} + +run(); +``` + ### Parameters | Parameter | Type | Required | Description | @@ -144,6 +233,40 @@ async function run() { run(); ``` + +### Standalone function + +The standalone function version of this method: + +```typescript +import { PanoraCore } from "@panora/sdk/core.js"; +import { ecommerceProductsRetrieve } from "@panora/sdk/funcs/ecommerceProductsRetrieve.js"; + +// Use `PanoraCore` for best tree-shaking performance. +// You can create one instance of it to use across an application. +const panora = new PanoraCore({ + apiKey: "", +}); + +async function run() { + const res = await ecommerceProductsRetrieve(panora, { + xConnectionToken: "", + id: "", + }); + + if (!res.ok) { + throw res.error; + } + + const { value: result } = res; + + // Handle the result + console.log(result) +} + +run(); +``` + ### Parameters | Parameter | Type | Required | Description | diff --git a/docs/sdks/projects/README.md b/docs/sdks/projects/README.md index 9041fd93..099b4a52 100644 --- a/docs/sdks/projects/README.md +++ b/docs/sdks/projects/README.md @@ -29,6 +29,37 @@ async function run() { run(); ``` + +### Standalone function + +The standalone function version of this method: + +```typescript +import { PanoraCore } from "@panora/sdk/core.js"; +import { projectsGetProjects } from "@panora/sdk/funcs/projectsGetProjects.js"; + +// Use `PanoraCore` for best tree-shaking performance. +// You can create one instance of it to use across an application. +const panora = new PanoraCore({ + apiKey: "", +}); + +async function run() { + const res = await projectsGetProjects(panora); + + if (!res.ok) { + throw res.error; + } + + const { value: result } = res; + + // Handle the result + console.log(result) +} + +run(); +``` + ### Parameters | Parameter | Type | Required | Description | @@ -74,6 +105,41 @@ async function run() { run(); ``` + +### Standalone function + +The standalone function version of this method: + +```typescript +import { PanoraCore } from "@panora/sdk/core.js"; +import { projectsCreate } from "@panora/sdk/funcs/projectsCreate.js"; + +// Use `PanoraCore` for best tree-shaking performance. +// You can create one instance of it to use across an application. +const panora = new PanoraCore({ + apiKey: "", +}); + +async function run() { + const res = await projectsCreate(panora, { + name: "Project Name", + idOrganization: "801f9ede-c698-4e66-a7fc-48d19eebaa4f", + idUser: "801f9ede-c698-4e66-a7fc-48d19eebaa4f", + }); + + if (!res.ok) { + throw res.error; + } + + const { value: result } = res; + + // Handle the result + console.log(result) +} + +run(); +``` + ### Parameters | Parameter | Type | Required | Description | diff --git a/docs/sdks/purchaseorders/README.md b/docs/sdks/purchaseorders/README.md index c84d2cb8..ad2ad6d0 100644 --- a/docs/sdks/purchaseorders/README.md +++ b/docs/sdks/purchaseorders/README.md @@ -36,6 +36,43 @@ async function run() { run(); ``` + +### Standalone function + +The standalone function version of this method: + +```typescript +import { PanoraCore } from "@panora/sdk/core.js"; +import { accountingPurchaseordersList } from "@panora/sdk/funcs/accountingPurchaseordersList.js"; + +// Use `PanoraCore` for best tree-shaking performance. +// You can create one instance of it to use across an application. +const panora = new PanoraCore({ + apiKey: "", +}); + +async function run() { + const res = await accountingPurchaseordersList(panora, { + xConnectionToken: "", + remoteData: true, + limit: 10, + cursor: "1b8b05bb-5273-4012-b520-8657b0b90874", + }); + + if (!res.ok) { + throw res.error; + } + + const { value: result } = res; + + for await (const page of result) { + // handle page + } +} + +run(); +``` + ### Parameters | Parameter | Type | Required | Description | @@ -63,6 +100,7 @@ Create Purchase Orders in any supported Accounting software ```typescript import { Panora } from "@panora/sdk"; +import { UnifiedAccountingPurchaseorderInputCurrency } from "@panora/sdk/models/components"; const panora = new Panora({ apiKey: "", @@ -72,7 +110,38 @@ async function run() { const result = await panora.accounting.purchaseorders.create({ xConnectionToken: "", remoteData: false, - unifiedAccountingPurchaseorderInput: {}, + unifiedAccountingPurchaseorderInput: { + status: "Pending", + issueDate: new Date("2024-06-15T12:00:00Z"), + purchaseOrderNumber: "PO-001", + deliveryDate: new Date("2024-07-15T12:00:00Z"), + deliveryAddress: "801f9ede-c698-4e66-a7fc-48d19eebaa4f", + customer: "801f9ede-c698-4e66-a7fc-48d19eebaa4f", + vendor: "801f9ede-c698-4e66-a7fc-48d19eebaa4f", + memo: "Purchase order for Q3 inventory", + companyId: "801f9ede-c698-4e66-a7fc-48d19eebaa4f", + totalAmount: 100000, + currency: UnifiedAccountingPurchaseorderInputCurrency.Usd, + exchangeRate: "1.2", + trackingCategories: [ + "801f9ede-c698-4e66-a7fc-48d19eebaa4f", + ], + accountingPeriodId: "801f9ede-c698-4e66-a7fc-48d19eebaa4f", + lineItems: [ + { + name: "Net Income", + value: 100000, + type: "Operating Activities", + parentItem: "801f9ede-c698-4e66-a7fc-48d19eebaa4f", + remoteId: "report_item_1234", + remoteGeneratedAt: new Date("2024-07-01T12:00:00Z"), + companyInfoId: "801f9ede-c698-4e66-a7fc-48d19eebaa4f", + createdAt: new Date("2024-06-15T12:00:00Z"), + modifiedAt: new Date("2024-06-15T12:00:00Z"), + }, + ], + fieldMappings: {}, + }, }); // Handle the result @@ -82,6 +151,73 @@ async function run() { run(); ``` + +### Standalone function + +The standalone function version of this method: + +```typescript +import { PanoraCore } from "@panora/sdk/core.js"; +import { accountingPurchaseordersCreate } from "@panora/sdk/funcs/accountingPurchaseordersCreate.js"; +import { UnifiedAccountingPurchaseorderInputCurrency } from "@panora/sdk/models/components"; + +// Use `PanoraCore` for best tree-shaking performance. +// You can create one instance of it to use across an application. +const panora = new PanoraCore({ + apiKey: "", +}); + +async function run() { + const res = await accountingPurchaseordersCreate(panora, { + xConnectionToken: "", + remoteData: false, + unifiedAccountingPurchaseorderInput: { + status: "Pending", + issueDate: new Date("2024-06-15T12:00:00Z"), + purchaseOrderNumber: "PO-001", + deliveryDate: new Date("2024-07-15T12:00:00Z"), + deliveryAddress: "801f9ede-c698-4e66-a7fc-48d19eebaa4f", + customer: "801f9ede-c698-4e66-a7fc-48d19eebaa4f", + vendor: "801f9ede-c698-4e66-a7fc-48d19eebaa4f", + memo: "Purchase order for Q3 inventory", + companyId: "801f9ede-c698-4e66-a7fc-48d19eebaa4f", + totalAmount: 100000, + currency: UnifiedAccountingPurchaseorderInputCurrency.Usd, + exchangeRate: "1.2", + trackingCategories: [ + "801f9ede-c698-4e66-a7fc-48d19eebaa4f", + ], + accountingPeriodId: "801f9ede-c698-4e66-a7fc-48d19eebaa4f", + lineItems: [ + { + name: "Net Income", + value: 100000, + type: "Operating Activities", + parentItem: "801f9ede-c698-4e66-a7fc-48d19eebaa4f", + remoteId: "report_item_1234", + remoteGeneratedAt: new Date("2024-07-01T12:00:00Z"), + companyInfoId: "801f9ede-c698-4e66-a7fc-48d19eebaa4f", + createdAt: new Date("2024-06-15T12:00:00Z"), + modifiedAt: new Date("2024-06-15T12:00:00Z"), + }, + ], + fieldMappings: {}, + }, + }); + + if (!res.ok) { + throw res.error; + } + + const { value: result } = res; + + // Handle the result + console.log(result) +} + +run(); +``` + ### Parameters | Parameter | Type | Required | Description | @@ -128,6 +264,41 @@ async function run() { run(); ``` + +### Standalone function + +The standalone function version of this method: + +```typescript +import { PanoraCore } from "@panora/sdk/core.js"; +import { accountingPurchaseordersRetrieve } from "@panora/sdk/funcs/accountingPurchaseordersRetrieve.js"; + +// Use `PanoraCore` for best tree-shaking performance. +// You can create one instance of it to use across an application. +const panora = new PanoraCore({ + apiKey: "", +}); + +async function run() { + const res = await accountingPurchaseordersRetrieve(panora, { + xConnectionToken: "", + id: "801f9ede-c698-4e66-a7fc-48d19eebaa4f", + remoteData: false, + }); + + if (!res.ok) { + throw res.error; + } + + const { value: result } = res; + + // Handle the result + console.log(result) +} + +run(); +``` + ### Parameters | Parameter | Type | Required | Description | diff --git a/docs/sdks/rejectreasons/README.md b/docs/sdks/rejectreasons/README.md index 4bbe20ae..9f89d256 100644 --- a/docs/sdks/rejectreasons/README.md +++ b/docs/sdks/rejectreasons/README.md @@ -35,6 +35,43 @@ async function run() { run(); ``` + +### Standalone function + +The standalone function version of this method: + +```typescript +import { PanoraCore } from "@panora/sdk/core.js"; +import { atsRejectreasonsList } from "@panora/sdk/funcs/atsRejectreasonsList.js"; + +// Use `PanoraCore` for best tree-shaking performance. +// You can create one instance of it to use across an application. +const panora = new PanoraCore({ + apiKey: "", +}); + +async function run() { + const res = await atsRejectreasonsList(panora, { + xConnectionToken: "", + remoteData: true, + limit: 10, + cursor: "1b8b05bb-5273-4012-b520-8657b0b90874", + }); + + if (!res.ok) { + throw res.error; + } + + const { value: result } = res; + + for await (const page of result) { + // handle page + } +} + +run(); +``` + ### Parameters | Parameter | Type | Required | Description | @@ -81,6 +118,41 @@ async function run() { run(); ``` + +### Standalone function + +The standalone function version of this method: + +```typescript +import { PanoraCore } from "@panora/sdk/core.js"; +import { atsRejectreasonsRetrieve } from "@panora/sdk/funcs/atsRejectreasonsRetrieve.js"; + +// Use `PanoraCore` for best tree-shaking performance. +// You can create one instance of it to use across an application. +const panora = new PanoraCore({ + apiKey: "", +}); + +async function run() { + const res = await atsRejectreasonsRetrieve(panora, { + xConnectionToken: "", + id: "801f9ede-c698-4e66-a7fc-48d19eebaa4f", + remoteData: false, + }); + + if (!res.ok) { + throw res.error; + } + + const { value: result } = res; + + // Handle the result + console.log(result) +} + +run(); +``` + ### Parameters | Parameter | Type | Required | Description | diff --git a/docs/sdks/retryid/README.md b/docs/sdks/retryid/README.md index 803dd900..affb24f7 100644 --- a/docs/sdks/retryid/README.md +++ b/docs/sdks/retryid/README.md @@ -24,6 +24,38 @@ async function run() { }); +} + +run(); +``` + + +### Standalone function + +The standalone function version of this method: + +```typescript +import { PanoraCore } from "@panora/sdk/core.js"; +import { passthroughRetryidGetRetriedRequestResponse } from "@panora/sdk/funcs/passthroughRetryidGetRetriedRequestResponse.js"; + +// Use `PanoraCore` for best tree-shaking performance. +// You can create one instance of it to use across an application. +const panora = new PanoraCore({ + apiKey: "", +}); + +async function run() { + const res = await passthroughRetryidGetRetriedRequestResponse(panora, { + retryId: "", + }); + + if (!res.ok) { + throw res.error; + } + + const { value: result } = res; + + } run(); diff --git a/docs/sdks/scorecards/README.md b/docs/sdks/scorecards/README.md index 2dcbcc3d..abcffd65 100644 --- a/docs/sdks/scorecards/README.md +++ b/docs/sdks/scorecards/README.md @@ -35,6 +35,43 @@ async function run() { run(); ``` + +### Standalone function + +The standalone function version of this method: + +```typescript +import { PanoraCore } from "@panora/sdk/core.js"; +import { atsScorecardsList } from "@panora/sdk/funcs/atsScorecardsList.js"; + +// Use `PanoraCore` for best tree-shaking performance. +// You can create one instance of it to use across an application. +const panora = new PanoraCore({ + apiKey: "", +}); + +async function run() { + const res = await atsScorecardsList(panora, { + xConnectionToken: "", + remoteData: true, + limit: 10, + cursor: "1b8b05bb-5273-4012-b520-8657b0b90874", + }); + + if (!res.ok) { + throw res.error; + } + + const { value: result } = res; + + for await (const page of result) { + // handle page + } +} + +run(); +``` + ### Parameters | Parameter | Type | Required | Description | @@ -81,6 +118,41 @@ async function run() { run(); ``` + +### Standalone function + +The standalone function version of this method: + +```typescript +import { PanoraCore } from "@panora/sdk/core.js"; +import { atsScorecardsRetrieve } from "@panora/sdk/funcs/atsScorecardsRetrieve.js"; + +// Use `PanoraCore` for best tree-shaking performance. +// You can create one instance of it to use across an application. +const panora = new PanoraCore({ + apiKey: "", +}); + +async function run() { + const res = await atsScorecardsRetrieve(panora, { + xConnectionToken: "", + id: "801f9ede-c698-4e66-a7fc-48d19eebaa4f", + remoteData: false, + }); + + if (!res.ok) { + throw res.error; + } + + const { value: result } = res; + + // Handle the result + console.log(result) +} + +run(); +``` + ### Parameters | Parameter | Type | Required | Description | diff --git a/docs/sdks/stages/README.md b/docs/sdks/stages/README.md index 1814ec7b..100f0076 100644 --- a/docs/sdks/stages/README.md +++ b/docs/sdks/stages/README.md @@ -35,6 +35,43 @@ async function run() { run(); ``` + +### Standalone function + +The standalone function version of this method: + +```typescript +import { PanoraCore } from "@panora/sdk/core.js"; +import { crmStagesList } from "@panora/sdk/funcs/crmStagesList.js"; + +// Use `PanoraCore` for best tree-shaking performance. +// You can create one instance of it to use across an application. +const panora = new PanoraCore({ + apiKey: "", +}); + +async function run() { + const res = await crmStagesList(panora, { + xConnectionToken: "", + remoteData: true, + limit: 10, + cursor: "1b8b05bb-5273-4012-b520-8657b0b90874", + }); + + if (!res.ok) { + throw res.error; + } + + const { value: result } = res; + + for await (const page of result) { + // handle page + } +} + +run(); +``` + ### Parameters | Parameter | Type | Required | Description | @@ -81,6 +118,41 @@ async function run() { run(); ``` + +### Standalone function + +The standalone function version of this method: + +```typescript +import { PanoraCore } from "@panora/sdk/core.js"; +import { crmStagesRetrieve } from "@panora/sdk/funcs/crmStagesRetrieve.js"; + +// Use `PanoraCore` for best tree-shaking performance. +// You can create one instance of it to use across an application. +const panora = new PanoraCore({ + apiKey: "", +}); + +async function run() { + const res = await crmStagesRetrieve(panora, { + xConnectionToken: "", + id: "801f9ede-c698-4e66-a7fc-48d19eebaa4f", + remoteData: false, + }); + + if (!res.ok) { + throw res.error; + } + + const { value: result } = res; + + // Handle the result + console.log(result) +} + +run(); +``` + ### Parameters | Parameter | Type | Required | Description | diff --git a/docs/sdks/sync/README.md b/docs/sdks/sync/README.md index f0d92ac4..645761a3 100644 --- a/docs/sdks/sync/README.md +++ b/docs/sdks/sync/README.md @@ -26,6 +26,39 @@ async function run() { }); +} + +run(); +``` + + +### Standalone function + +The standalone function version of this method: + +```typescript +import { PanoraCore } from "@panora/sdk/core.js"; +import { syncStatus } from "@panora/sdk/funcs/syncStatus.js"; +import { Vertical } from "@panora/sdk/models/operations"; + +// Use `PanoraCore` for best tree-shaking performance. +// You can create one instance of it to use across an application. +const panora = new PanoraCore({ + apiKey: "", +}); + +async function run() { + const res = await syncStatus(panora, { + vertical: Vertical.Ticketing, + }); + + if (!res.ok) { + throw res.error; + } + + const { value: result } = res; + + } run(); @@ -73,6 +106,37 @@ async function run() { run(); ``` + +### Standalone function + +The standalone function version of this method: + +```typescript +import { PanoraCore } from "@panora/sdk/core.js"; +import { syncResync } from "@panora/sdk/funcs/syncResync.js"; + +// Use `PanoraCore` for best tree-shaking performance. +// You can create one instance of it to use across an application. +const panora = new PanoraCore({ + apiKey: "", +}); + +async function run() { + const res = await syncResync(panora); + + if (!res.ok) { + throw res.error; + } + + const { value: result } = res; + + // Handle the result + console.log(result) +} + +run(); +``` + ### Parameters | Parameter | Type | Required | Description | diff --git a/docs/sdks/tags/README.md b/docs/sdks/tags/README.md index a0491ef6..767f8742 100644 --- a/docs/sdks/tags/README.md +++ b/docs/sdks/tags/README.md @@ -35,6 +35,43 @@ async function run() { run(); ``` + +### Standalone function + +The standalone function version of this method: + +```typescript +import { PanoraCore } from "@panora/sdk/core.js"; +import { ticketingTagsList } from "@panora/sdk/funcs/ticketingTagsList.js"; + +// Use `PanoraCore` for best tree-shaking performance. +// You can create one instance of it to use across an application. +const panora = new PanoraCore({ + apiKey: "", +}); + +async function run() { + const res = await ticketingTagsList(panora, { + xConnectionToken: "", + remoteData: true, + limit: 10, + cursor: "1b8b05bb-5273-4012-b520-8657b0b90874", + }); + + if (!res.ok) { + throw res.error; + } + + const { value: result } = res; + + for await (const page of result) { + // handle page + } +} + +run(); +``` + ### Parameters | Parameter | Type | Required | Description | @@ -81,6 +118,41 @@ async function run() { run(); ``` + +### Standalone function + +The standalone function version of this method: + +```typescript +import { PanoraCore } from "@panora/sdk/core.js"; +import { ticketingTagsRetrieve } from "@panora/sdk/funcs/ticketingTagsRetrieve.js"; + +// Use `PanoraCore` for best tree-shaking performance. +// You can create one instance of it to use across an application. +const panora = new PanoraCore({ + apiKey: "", +}); + +async function run() { + const res = await ticketingTagsRetrieve(panora, { + xConnectionToken: "", + id: "801f9ede-c698-4e66-a7fc-48d19eebaa4f", + remoteData: false, + }); + + if (!res.ok) { + throw res.error; + } + + const { value: result } = res; + + // Handle the result + console.log(result) +} + +run(); +``` + ### Parameters | Parameter | Type | Required | Description | diff --git a/docs/sdks/tasks/README.md b/docs/sdks/tasks/README.md index ae741c8e..124c1ec6 100644 --- a/docs/sdks/tasks/README.md +++ b/docs/sdks/tasks/README.md @@ -36,6 +36,43 @@ async function run() { run(); ``` + +### Standalone function + +The standalone function version of this method: + +```typescript +import { PanoraCore } from "@panora/sdk/core.js"; +import { crmTasksList } from "@panora/sdk/funcs/crmTasksList.js"; + +// Use `PanoraCore` for best tree-shaking performance. +// You can create one instance of it to use across an application. +const panora = new PanoraCore({ + apiKey: "", +}); + +async function run() { + const res = await crmTasksList(panora, { + xConnectionToken: "", + remoteData: true, + limit: 10, + cursor: "1b8b05bb-5273-4012-b520-8657b0b90874", + }); + + if (!res.ok) { + throw res.error; + } + + const { value: result } = res; + + for await (const page of result) { + // handle page + } +} + +run(); +``` + ### Parameters | Parameter | Type | Required | Description | @@ -95,6 +132,54 @@ async function run() { run(); ``` + +### Standalone function + +The standalone function version of this method: + +```typescript +import { PanoraCore } from "@panora/sdk/core.js"; +import { crmTasksCreate } from "@panora/sdk/funcs/crmTasksCreate.js"; +import { UnifiedCrmTaskInputStatus } from "@panora/sdk/models/components"; + +// Use `PanoraCore` for best tree-shaking performance. +// You can create one instance of it to use across an application. +const panora = new PanoraCore({ + apiKey: "", +}); + +async function run() { + const res = await crmTasksCreate(panora, { + xConnectionToken: "", + unifiedCrmTaskInput: { + subject: "Answer customers", + content: "Prepare email campaign", + status: UnifiedCrmTaskInputStatus.Pending, + dueDate: "2024-10-01T12:00:00Z", + finishedDate: "2024-10-01T12:00:00Z", + userId: "801f9ede-c698-4e66-a7fc-48d19eebaa4f", + companyId: "801f9ede-c698-4e66-a7fc-48d19eebaa4f", + dealId: "801f9ede-c698-4e66-a7fc-48d19eebaa4f", + fieldMappings: { + "fav_dish": "broccoli", + "fav_color": "red", + }, + }, + }); + + if (!res.ok) { + throw res.error; + } + + const { value: result } = res; + + // Handle the result + console.log(result) +} + +run(); +``` + ### Parameters | Parameter | Type | Required | Description | @@ -141,6 +226,41 @@ async function run() { run(); ``` + +### Standalone function + +The standalone function version of this method: + +```typescript +import { PanoraCore } from "@panora/sdk/core.js"; +import { crmTasksRetrieve } from "@panora/sdk/funcs/crmTasksRetrieve.js"; + +// Use `PanoraCore` for best tree-shaking performance. +// You can create one instance of it to use across an application. +const panora = new PanoraCore({ + apiKey: "", +}); + +async function run() { + const res = await crmTasksRetrieve(panora, { + xConnectionToken: "", + id: "801f9ede-c698-4e66-a7fc-48d19eebaa4f", + remoteData: false, + }); + + if (!res.ok) { + throw res.error; + } + + const { value: result } = res; + + // Handle the result + console.log(result) +} + +run(); +``` + ### Parameters | Parameter | Type | Required | Description | diff --git a/docs/sdks/taxrates/README.md b/docs/sdks/taxrates/README.md index 8f265b82..e53af382 100644 --- a/docs/sdks/taxrates/README.md +++ b/docs/sdks/taxrates/README.md @@ -35,6 +35,43 @@ async function run() { run(); ``` + +### Standalone function + +The standalone function version of this method: + +```typescript +import { PanoraCore } from "@panora/sdk/core.js"; +import { accountingTaxratesList } from "@panora/sdk/funcs/accountingTaxratesList.js"; + +// Use `PanoraCore` for best tree-shaking performance. +// You can create one instance of it to use across an application. +const panora = new PanoraCore({ + apiKey: "", +}); + +async function run() { + const res = await accountingTaxratesList(panora, { + xConnectionToken: "", + remoteData: true, + limit: 10, + cursor: "1b8b05bb-5273-4012-b520-8657b0b90874", + }); + + if (!res.ok) { + throw res.error; + } + + const { value: result } = res; + + for await (const page of result) { + // handle page + } +} + +run(); +``` + ### Parameters | Parameter | Type | Required | Description | @@ -81,6 +118,41 @@ async function run() { run(); ``` + +### Standalone function + +The standalone function version of this method: + +```typescript +import { PanoraCore } from "@panora/sdk/core.js"; +import { accountingTaxratesRetrieve } from "@panora/sdk/funcs/accountingTaxratesRetrieve.js"; + +// Use `PanoraCore` for best tree-shaking performance. +// You can create one instance of it to use across an application. +const panora = new PanoraCore({ + apiKey: "", +}); + +async function run() { + const res = await accountingTaxratesRetrieve(panora, { + xConnectionToken: "", + id: "801f9ede-c698-4e66-a7fc-48d19eebaa4f", + remoteData: false, + }); + + if (!res.ok) { + throw res.error; + } + + const { value: result } = res; + + // Handle the result + console.log(result) +} + +run(); +``` + ### Parameters | Parameter | Type | Required | Description | diff --git a/docs/sdks/teams/README.md b/docs/sdks/teams/README.md index 7ed88376..5456da2e 100644 --- a/docs/sdks/teams/README.md +++ b/docs/sdks/teams/README.md @@ -35,6 +35,43 @@ async function run() { run(); ``` + +### Standalone function + +The standalone function version of this method: + +```typescript +import { PanoraCore } from "@panora/sdk/core.js"; +import { ticketingTeamsList } from "@panora/sdk/funcs/ticketingTeamsList.js"; + +// Use `PanoraCore` for best tree-shaking performance. +// You can create one instance of it to use across an application. +const panora = new PanoraCore({ + apiKey: "", +}); + +async function run() { + const res = await ticketingTeamsList(panora, { + xConnectionToken: "", + remoteData: true, + limit: 10, + cursor: "1b8b05bb-5273-4012-b520-8657b0b90874", + }); + + if (!res.ok) { + throw res.error; + } + + const { value: result } = res; + + for await (const page of result) { + // handle page + } +} + +run(); +``` + ### Parameters | Parameter | Type | Required | Description | @@ -81,6 +118,41 @@ async function run() { run(); ``` + +### Standalone function + +The standalone function version of this method: + +```typescript +import { PanoraCore } from "@panora/sdk/core.js"; +import { ticketingTeamsRetrieve } from "@panora/sdk/funcs/ticketingTeamsRetrieve.js"; + +// Use `PanoraCore` for best tree-shaking performance. +// You can create one instance of it to use across an application. +const panora = new PanoraCore({ + apiKey: "", +}); + +async function run() { + const res = await ticketingTeamsRetrieve(panora, { + xConnectionToken: "", + id: "801f9ede-c698-4e66-a7fc-48d19eebaa4f", + remoteData: false, + }); + + if (!res.ok) { + throw res.error; + } + + const { value: result } = res; + + // Handle the result + console.log(result) +} + +run(); +``` + ### Parameters | Parameter | Type | Required | Description | diff --git a/docs/sdks/templates/README.md b/docs/sdks/templates/README.md index 1e8d3868..60fa4492 100644 --- a/docs/sdks/templates/README.md +++ b/docs/sdks/templates/README.md @@ -36,6 +36,43 @@ async function run() { run(); ``` + +### Standalone function + +The standalone function version of this method: + +```typescript +import { PanoraCore } from "@panora/sdk/core.js"; +import { marketingautomationTemplatesList } from "@panora/sdk/funcs/marketingautomationTemplatesList.js"; + +// Use `PanoraCore` for best tree-shaking performance. +// You can create one instance of it to use across an application. +const panora = new PanoraCore({ + apiKey: "", +}); + +async function run() { + const res = await marketingautomationTemplatesList(panora, { + xConnectionToken: "", + remoteData: true, + limit: 10, + cursor: "1b8b05bb-5273-4012-b520-8657b0b90874", + }); + + if (!res.ok) { + throw res.error; + } + + const { value: result } = res; + + for await (const page of result) { + // handle page + } +} + +run(); +``` + ### Parameters | Parameter | Type | Required | Description | @@ -81,6 +118,40 @@ async function run() { run(); ``` + +### Standalone function + +The standalone function version of this method: + +```typescript +import { PanoraCore } from "@panora/sdk/core.js"; +import { marketingautomationTemplatesCreate } from "@panora/sdk/funcs/marketingautomationTemplatesCreate.js"; + +// Use `PanoraCore` for best tree-shaking performance. +// You can create one instance of it to use across an application. +const panora = new PanoraCore({ + apiKey: "", +}); + +async function run() { + const res = await marketingautomationTemplatesCreate(panora, { + xConnectionToken: "", + unifiedMarketingautomationTemplateInput: {}, + }); + + if (!res.ok) { + throw res.error; + } + + const { value: result } = res; + + // Handle the result + console.log(result) +} + +run(); +``` + ### Parameters | Parameter | Type | Required | Description | @@ -127,6 +198,41 @@ async function run() { run(); ``` + +### Standalone function + +The standalone function version of this method: + +```typescript +import { PanoraCore } from "@panora/sdk/core.js"; +import { marketingautomationTemplatesRetrieve } from "@panora/sdk/funcs/marketingautomationTemplatesRetrieve.js"; + +// Use `PanoraCore` for best tree-shaking performance. +// You can create one instance of it to use across an application. +const panora = new PanoraCore({ + apiKey: "", +}); + +async function run() { + const res = await marketingautomationTemplatesRetrieve(panora, { + xConnectionToken: "", + id: "801f9ede-c698-4e66-a7fc-48d19eebaa4f", + remoteData: false, + }); + + if (!res.ok) { + throw res.error; + } + + const { value: result } = res; + + // Handle the result + console.log(result) +} + +run(); +``` + ### Parameters | Parameter | Type | Required | Description | diff --git a/docs/sdks/tickets/README.md b/docs/sdks/tickets/README.md index 2f317de9..3b2c0c08 100644 --- a/docs/sdks/tickets/README.md +++ b/docs/sdks/tickets/README.md @@ -36,6 +36,43 @@ async function run() { run(); ``` + +### Standalone function + +The standalone function version of this method: + +```typescript +import { PanoraCore } from "@panora/sdk/core.js"; +import { ticketingTicketsList } from "@panora/sdk/funcs/ticketingTicketsList.js"; + +// Use `PanoraCore` for best tree-shaking performance. +// You can create one instance of it to use across an application. +const panora = new PanoraCore({ + apiKey: "", +}); + +async function run() { + const res = await ticketingTicketsList(panora, { + xConnectionToken: "", + remoteData: true, + limit: 10, + cursor: "1b8b05bb-5273-4012-b520-8657b0b90874", + }); + + if (!res.ok) { + throw res.error; + } + + const { value: result } = res; + + for await (const page of result) { + // handle page + } +} + +run(); +``` + ### Parameters | Parameter | Type | Required | Description | @@ -128,6 +165,87 @@ async function run() { run(); ``` + +### Standalone function + +The standalone function version of this method: + +```typescript +import { PanoraCore } from "@panora/sdk/core.js"; +import { ticketingTicketsCreate } from "@panora/sdk/funcs/ticketingTicketsCreate.js"; +import { + UnifiedTicketingTicketInputCreatorType, + UnifiedTicketingTicketInputPriority, + UnifiedTicketingTicketInputStatus, + UnifiedTicketingTicketInputType, +} from "@panora/sdk/models/components"; + +// Use `PanoraCore` for best tree-shaking performance. +// You can create one instance of it to use across an application. +const panora = new PanoraCore({ + apiKey: "", +}); + +async function run() { + const res = await ticketingTicketsCreate(panora, { + xConnectionToken: "", + remoteData: false, + unifiedTicketingTicketInput: { + name: "Customer Service Inquiry", + status: UnifiedTicketingTicketInputStatus.Open, + description: "Help customer", + dueDate: new Date("2024-10-01T12:00:00Z"), + type: UnifiedTicketingTicketInputType.Bug, + parentTicket: "801f9ede-c698-4e66-a7fc-48d19eebaa4f", + collections: [ + "801f9ede-c698-4e66-a7fc-48d19eebaa4f", + ], + tags: [ + "my_tag", + "urgent_tag", + ], + completedAt: new Date("2024-10-01T12:00:00Z"), + priority: UnifiedTicketingTicketInputPriority.High, + assignedTo: [ + "801f9ede-c698-4e66-a7fc-48d19eebaa4f", + ], + comment: { + body: "Assigned to Eric !", + htmlBody: "

Assigned to Eric !

", + isPrivate: false, + creatorType: UnifiedTicketingTicketInputCreatorType.User, + ticketId: "801f9ede-c698-4e66-a7fc-48d19eebaa4f", + contactId: "801f9ede-c698-4e66-a7fc-48d19eebaa4f", + userId: "801f9ede-c698-4e66-a7fc-48d19eebaa4f", + attachments: [ + "801f9ede-c698-4e66-a7fc-48d19eebaa4f", + ], + }, + accountId: "801f9ede-c698-4e66-a7fc-48d19eebaa4f", + contactId: "801f9ede-c698-4e66-a7fc-48d19eebaa4f", + attachments: [ + "801f9ede-c698-4e66-a7fc-48d19eebaa4f", + ], + fieldMappings: { + "fav_dish": "broccoli", + "fav_color": "red", + }, + }, + }); + + if (!res.ok) { + throw res.error; + } + + const { value: result } = res; + + // Handle the result + console.log(result) +} + +run(); +``` + ### Parameters | Parameter | Type | Required | Description | @@ -174,6 +292,41 @@ async function run() { run(); ``` + +### Standalone function + +The standalone function version of this method: + +```typescript +import { PanoraCore } from "@panora/sdk/core.js"; +import { ticketingTicketsRetrieve } from "@panora/sdk/funcs/ticketingTicketsRetrieve.js"; + +// Use `PanoraCore` for best tree-shaking performance. +// You can create one instance of it to use across an application. +const panora = new PanoraCore({ + apiKey: "", +}); + +async function run() { + const res = await ticketingTicketsRetrieve(panora, { + xConnectionToken: "", + id: "801f9ede-c698-4e66-a7fc-48d19eebaa4f", + remoteData: false, + }); + + if (!res.ok) { + throw res.error; + } + + const { value: result } = res; + + // Handle the result + console.log(result) +} + +run(); +``` + ### Parameters | Parameter | Type | Required | Description | diff --git a/docs/sdks/timeoffbalances/README.md b/docs/sdks/timeoffbalances/README.md index 9ed00f38..f185f358 100644 --- a/docs/sdks/timeoffbalances/README.md +++ b/docs/sdks/timeoffbalances/README.md @@ -35,6 +35,43 @@ async function run() { run(); ``` + +### Standalone function + +The standalone function version of this method: + +```typescript +import { PanoraCore } from "@panora/sdk/core.js"; +import { hrisTimeoffbalancesList } from "@panora/sdk/funcs/hrisTimeoffbalancesList.js"; + +// Use `PanoraCore` for best tree-shaking performance. +// You can create one instance of it to use across an application. +const panora = new PanoraCore({ + apiKey: "", +}); + +async function run() { + const res = await hrisTimeoffbalancesList(panora, { + xConnectionToken: "", + remoteData: true, + limit: 10, + cursor: "1b8b05bb-5273-4012-b520-8657b0b90874", + }); + + if (!res.ok) { + throw res.error; + } + + const { value: result } = res; + + for await (const page of result) { + // handle page + } +} + +run(); +``` + ### Parameters | Parameter | Type | Required | Description | @@ -81,6 +118,41 @@ async function run() { run(); ``` + +### Standalone function + +The standalone function version of this method: + +```typescript +import { PanoraCore } from "@panora/sdk/core.js"; +import { hrisTimeoffbalancesRetrieve } from "@panora/sdk/funcs/hrisTimeoffbalancesRetrieve.js"; + +// Use `PanoraCore` for best tree-shaking performance. +// You can create one instance of it to use across an application. +const panora = new PanoraCore({ + apiKey: "", +}); + +async function run() { + const res = await hrisTimeoffbalancesRetrieve(panora, { + xConnectionToken: "", + id: "801f9ede-c698-4e66-a7fc-48d19eebaa4f", + remoteData: false, + }); + + if (!res.ok) { + throw res.error; + } + + const { value: result } = res; + + // Handle the result + console.log(result) +} + +run(); +``` + ### Parameters | Parameter | Type | Required | Description | diff --git a/docs/sdks/timeoffs/README.md b/docs/sdks/timeoffs/README.md index 6fe7b3ec..569a8208 100644 --- a/docs/sdks/timeoffs/README.md +++ b/docs/sdks/timeoffs/README.md @@ -36,6 +36,43 @@ async function run() { run(); ``` + +### Standalone function + +The standalone function version of this method: + +```typescript +import { PanoraCore } from "@panora/sdk/core.js"; +import { hrisTimeoffsList } from "@panora/sdk/funcs/hrisTimeoffsList.js"; + +// Use `PanoraCore` for best tree-shaking performance. +// You can create one instance of it to use across an application. +const panora = new PanoraCore({ + apiKey: "", +}); + +async function run() { + const res = await hrisTimeoffsList(panora, { + xConnectionToken: "", + remoteData: true, + limit: 10, + cursor: "1b8b05bb-5273-4012-b520-8657b0b90874", + }); + + if (!res.ok) { + throw res.error; + } + + const { value: result } = res; + + for await (const page of result) { + // handle page + } +} + +run(); +``` + ### Parameters | Parameter | Type | Required | Description | @@ -63,6 +100,11 @@ Create Timeoffs in any supported Hris software ```typescript import { Panora } from "@panora/sdk"; +import { + UnifiedHrisTimeoffInputRequestType, + UnifiedHrisTimeoffInputStatus, + UnifiedHrisTimeoffInputUnits, +} from "@panora/sdk/models/components"; const panora = new Panora({ apiKey: "", @@ -71,7 +113,18 @@ const panora = new Panora({ async function run() { const result = await panora.hris.timeoffs.create({ xConnectionToken: "", - unifiedHrisTimeoffInput: {}, + unifiedHrisTimeoffInput: { + employee: "801f9ede-c698-4e66-a7fc-48d19eebaa4f", + approver: "801f9ede-c698-4e66-a7fc-48d19eebaa4f", + status: UnifiedHrisTimeoffInputStatus.Requested, + employeeNote: "Annual vacation", + units: UnifiedHrisTimeoffInputUnits.Days, + amount: 5, + requestType: UnifiedHrisTimeoffInputRequestType.Vacation, + startTime: new Date("2024-07-01T09:00:00Z"), + endTime: new Date("2024-07-05T17:00:00Z"), + fieldMappings: {}, + }, }); // Handle the result @@ -81,6 +134,56 @@ async function run() { run(); ``` + +### Standalone function + +The standalone function version of this method: + +```typescript +import { PanoraCore } from "@panora/sdk/core.js"; +import { hrisTimeoffsCreate } from "@panora/sdk/funcs/hrisTimeoffsCreate.js"; +import { + UnifiedHrisTimeoffInputRequestType, + UnifiedHrisTimeoffInputStatus, + UnifiedHrisTimeoffInputUnits, +} from "@panora/sdk/models/components"; + +// Use `PanoraCore` for best tree-shaking performance. +// You can create one instance of it to use across an application. +const panora = new PanoraCore({ + apiKey: "", +}); + +async function run() { + const res = await hrisTimeoffsCreate(panora, { + xConnectionToken: "", + unifiedHrisTimeoffInput: { + employee: "801f9ede-c698-4e66-a7fc-48d19eebaa4f", + approver: "801f9ede-c698-4e66-a7fc-48d19eebaa4f", + status: UnifiedHrisTimeoffInputStatus.Requested, + employeeNote: "Annual vacation", + units: UnifiedHrisTimeoffInputUnits.Days, + amount: 5, + requestType: UnifiedHrisTimeoffInputRequestType.Vacation, + startTime: new Date("2024-07-01T09:00:00Z"), + endTime: new Date("2024-07-05T17:00:00Z"), + fieldMappings: {}, + }, + }); + + if (!res.ok) { + throw res.error; + } + + const { value: result } = res; + + // Handle the result + console.log(result) +} + +run(); +``` + ### Parameters | Parameter | Type | Required | Description | @@ -127,6 +230,41 @@ async function run() { run(); ``` + +### Standalone function + +The standalone function version of this method: + +```typescript +import { PanoraCore } from "@panora/sdk/core.js"; +import { hrisTimeoffsRetrieve } from "@panora/sdk/funcs/hrisTimeoffsRetrieve.js"; + +// Use `PanoraCore` for best tree-shaking performance. +// You can create one instance of it to use across an application. +const panora = new PanoraCore({ + apiKey: "", +}); + +async function run() { + const res = await hrisTimeoffsRetrieve(panora, { + xConnectionToken: "", + id: "801f9ede-c698-4e66-a7fc-48d19eebaa4f", + remoteData: false, + }); + + if (!res.ok) { + throw res.error; + } + + const { value: result } = res; + + // Handle the result + console.log(result) +} + +run(); +``` + ### Parameters | Parameter | Type | Required | Description | diff --git a/docs/sdks/timesheetentries/README.md b/docs/sdks/timesheetentries/README.md new file mode 100644 index 00000000..9644c2e7 --- /dev/null +++ b/docs/sdks/timesheetentries/README.md @@ -0,0 +1,267 @@ +# Timesheetentries +(*hris.timesheetentries*) + +### Available Operations + +* [list](#list) - List Timesheetentries +* [create](#create) - Create Timesheetentrys +* [retrieve](#retrieve) - Retrieve Timesheetentry + +## list + +List Timesheetentries + +### Example Usage + +```typescript +import { Panora } from "@panora/sdk"; + +const panora = new Panora({ + apiKey: "", +}); + +async function run() { + const result = await panora.hris.timesheetentries.list({ + xConnectionToken: "", + remoteData: true, + limit: 10, + cursor: "1b8b05bb-5273-4012-b520-8657b0b90874", + }); + + for await (const page of result) { + // handle page + } +} + +run(); +``` + + +### Standalone function + +The standalone function version of this method: + +```typescript +import { PanoraCore } from "@panora/sdk/core.js"; +import { hrisTimesheetentriesList } from "@panora/sdk/funcs/hrisTimesheetentriesList.js"; + +// Use `PanoraCore` for best tree-shaking performance. +// You can create one instance of it to use across an application. +const panora = new PanoraCore({ + apiKey: "", +}); + +async function run() { + const res = await hrisTimesheetentriesList(panora, { + xConnectionToken: "", + remoteData: true, + limit: 10, + cursor: "1b8b05bb-5273-4012-b520-8657b0b90874", + }); + + if (!res.ok) { + throw res.error; + } + + const { value: result } = res; + + for await (const page of result) { + // handle page + } +} + +run(); +``` + +### Parameters + +| Parameter | Type | Required | Description | +| ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ | ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ | ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ | ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ | +| `request` | [operations.ListHrisTimesheetentriesRequest](../../models/operations/listhristimesheetentriesrequest.md) | :heavy_check_mark: | The request object to use for the request. | +| `options` | RequestOptions | :heavy_minus_sign: | Used to set various options for making HTTP requests. | +| `options.fetchOptions` | [RequestInit](https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/API/Request/Request#options) | :heavy_minus_sign: | Options that are passed to the underlying HTTP request. This can be used to inject extra headers for examples. All `Request` options, except `method` and `body`, are allowed. | +| `options.retries` | [RetryConfig](../../lib/utils/retryconfig.md) | :heavy_minus_sign: | Enables retrying HTTP requests under certain failure conditions. | + + +### Response + +**Promise\<[operations.ListHrisTimesheetentriesResponse](../../models/operations/listhristimesheetentriesresponse.md)\>** +### Errors + +| Error Object | Status Code | Content Type | +| --------------- | --------------- | --------------- | +| errors.SDKError | 4xx-5xx | */* | + +## create + +Create Timesheetentrys in any supported Hris software + +### Example Usage + +```typescript +import { Panora } from "@panora/sdk"; + +const panora = new Panora({ + apiKey: "", +}); + +async function run() { + const result = await panora.hris.timesheetentries.create({ + xConnectionToken: "", + unifiedHrisTimesheetEntryInput: { + hoursWorked: 40, + startTime: new Date("2024-10-01T08:00:00Z"), + endTime: new Date("2024-10-01T16:00:00Z"), + employeeId: "801f9ede-c698-4e66-a7fc-48d19eebaa4f", + remoteWasDeleted: false, + fieldMappings: {}, + }, + }); + + // Handle the result + console.log(result) +} + +run(); +``` + + +### Standalone function + +The standalone function version of this method: + +```typescript +import { PanoraCore } from "@panora/sdk/core.js"; +import { hrisTimesheetentriesCreate } from "@panora/sdk/funcs/hrisTimesheetentriesCreate.js"; + +// Use `PanoraCore` for best tree-shaking performance. +// You can create one instance of it to use across an application. +const panora = new PanoraCore({ + apiKey: "", +}); + +async function run() { + const res = await hrisTimesheetentriesCreate(panora, { + xConnectionToken: "", + unifiedHrisTimesheetEntryInput: { + hoursWorked: 40, + startTime: new Date("2024-10-01T08:00:00Z"), + endTime: new Date("2024-10-01T16:00:00Z"), + employeeId: "801f9ede-c698-4e66-a7fc-48d19eebaa4f", + remoteWasDeleted: false, + fieldMappings: {}, + }, + }); + + if (!res.ok) { + throw res.error; + } + + const { value: result } = res; + + // Handle the result + console.log(result) +} + +run(); +``` + +### Parameters + +| Parameter | Type | Required | Description | +| ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ | ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ | ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ | ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ | +| `request` | [operations.CreateHrisTimesheetentryRequest](../../models/operations/createhristimesheetentryrequest.md) | :heavy_check_mark: | The request object to use for the request. | +| `options` | RequestOptions | :heavy_minus_sign: | Used to set various options for making HTTP requests. | +| `options.fetchOptions` | [RequestInit](https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/API/Request/Request#options) | :heavy_minus_sign: | Options that are passed to the underlying HTTP request. This can be used to inject extra headers for examples. All `Request` options, except `method` and `body`, are allowed. | +| `options.retries` | [RetryConfig](../../lib/utils/retryconfig.md) | :heavy_minus_sign: | Enables retrying HTTP requests under certain failure conditions. | + + +### Response + +**Promise\<[components.UnifiedHrisTimesheetEntryOutput](../../models/components/unifiedhristimesheetentryoutput.md)\>** +### Errors + +| Error Object | Status Code | Content Type | +| --------------- | --------------- | --------------- | +| errors.SDKError | 4xx-5xx | */* | + +## retrieve + +Retrieve an Timesheetentry from any connected Hris software + +### Example Usage + +```typescript +import { Panora } from "@panora/sdk"; + +const panora = new Panora({ + apiKey: "", +}); + +async function run() { + const result = await panora.hris.timesheetentries.retrieve({ + xConnectionToken: "", + id: "801f9ede-c698-4e66-a7fc-48d19eebaa4f", + remoteData: false, + }); + + // Handle the result + console.log(result) +} + +run(); +``` + + +### Standalone function + +The standalone function version of this method: + +```typescript +import { PanoraCore } from "@panora/sdk/core.js"; +import { hrisTimesheetentriesRetrieve } from "@panora/sdk/funcs/hrisTimesheetentriesRetrieve.js"; + +// Use `PanoraCore` for best tree-shaking performance. +// You can create one instance of it to use across an application. +const panora = new PanoraCore({ + apiKey: "", +}); + +async function run() { + const res = await hrisTimesheetentriesRetrieve(panora, { + xConnectionToken: "", + id: "801f9ede-c698-4e66-a7fc-48d19eebaa4f", + remoteData: false, + }); + + if (!res.ok) { + throw res.error; + } + + const { value: result } = res; + + // Handle the result + console.log(result) +} + +run(); +``` + +### Parameters + +| Parameter | Type | Required | Description | +| ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ | ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ | ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ | ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ | +| `request` | [operations.RetrieveHrisTimesheetentryRequest](../../models/operations/retrievehristimesheetentryrequest.md) | :heavy_check_mark: | The request object to use for the request. | +| `options` | RequestOptions | :heavy_minus_sign: | Used to set various options for making HTTP requests. | +| `options.fetchOptions` | [RequestInit](https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/API/Request/Request#options) | :heavy_minus_sign: | Options that are passed to the underlying HTTP request. This can be used to inject extra headers for examples. All `Request` options, except `method` and `body`, are allowed. | +| `options.retries` | [RetryConfig](../../lib/utils/retryconfig.md) | :heavy_minus_sign: | Enables retrying HTTP requests under certain failure conditions. | + + +### Response + +**Promise\<[components.UnifiedHrisTimesheetEntryOutput](../../models/components/unifiedhristimesheetentryoutput.md)\>** +### Errors + +| Error Object | Status Code | Content Type | +| --------------- | --------------- | --------------- | +| errors.SDKError | 4xx-5xx | */* | diff --git a/docs/sdks/trackingcategories/README.md b/docs/sdks/trackingcategories/README.md index 967568bd..0500f231 100644 --- a/docs/sdks/trackingcategories/README.md +++ b/docs/sdks/trackingcategories/README.md @@ -35,6 +35,43 @@ async function run() { run(); ``` + +### Standalone function + +The standalone function version of this method: + +```typescript +import { PanoraCore } from "@panora/sdk/core.js"; +import { accountingTrackingcategoriesList } from "@panora/sdk/funcs/accountingTrackingcategoriesList.js"; + +// Use `PanoraCore` for best tree-shaking performance. +// You can create one instance of it to use across an application. +const panora = new PanoraCore({ + apiKey: "", +}); + +async function run() { + const res = await accountingTrackingcategoriesList(panora, { + xConnectionToken: "", + remoteData: true, + limit: 10, + cursor: "1b8b05bb-5273-4012-b520-8657b0b90874", + }); + + if (!res.ok) { + throw res.error; + } + + const { value: result } = res; + + for await (const page of result) { + // handle page + } +} + +run(); +``` + ### Parameters | Parameter | Type | Required | Description | @@ -81,6 +118,41 @@ async function run() { run(); ``` + +### Standalone function + +The standalone function version of this method: + +```typescript +import { PanoraCore } from "@panora/sdk/core.js"; +import { accountingTrackingcategoriesRetrieve } from "@panora/sdk/funcs/accountingTrackingcategoriesRetrieve.js"; + +// Use `PanoraCore` for best tree-shaking performance. +// You can create one instance of it to use across an application. +const panora = new PanoraCore({ + apiKey: "", +}); + +async function run() { + const res = await accountingTrackingcategoriesRetrieve(panora, { + xConnectionToken: "", + id: "801f9ede-c698-4e66-a7fc-48d19eebaa4f", + remoteData: false, + }); + + if (!res.ok) { + throw res.error; + } + + const { value: result } = res; + + // Handle the result + console.log(result) +} + +run(); +``` + ### Parameters | Parameter | Type | Required | Description | diff --git a/docs/sdks/transactions/README.md b/docs/sdks/transactions/README.md index 072f5b24..364f16b5 100644 --- a/docs/sdks/transactions/README.md +++ b/docs/sdks/transactions/README.md @@ -35,6 +35,43 @@ async function run() { run(); ``` + +### Standalone function + +The standalone function version of this method: + +```typescript +import { PanoraCore } from "@panora/sdk/core.js"; +import { accountingTransactionsList } from "@panora/sdk/funcs/accountingTransactionsList.js"; + +// Use `PanoraCore` for best tree-shaking performance. +// You can create one instance of it to use across an application. +const panora = new PanoraCore({ + apiKey: "", +}); + +async function run() { + const res = await accountingTransactionsList(panora, { + xConnectionToken: "", + remoteData: true, + limit: 10, + cursor: "1b8b05bb-5273-4012-b520-8657b0b90874", + }); + + if (!res.ok) { + throw res.error; + } + + const { value: result } = res; + + for await (const page of result) { + // handle page + } +} + +run(); +``` + ### Parameters | Parameter | Type | Required | Description | @@ -81,6 +118,41 @@ async function run() { run(); ``` + +### Standalone function + +The standalone function version of this method: + +```typescript +import { PanoraCore } from "@panora/sdk/core.js"; +import { accountingTransactionsRetrieve } from "@panora/sdk/funcs/accountingTransactionsRetrieve.js"; + +// Use `PanoraCore` for best tree-shaking performance. +// You can create one instance of it to use across an application. +const panora = new PanoraCore({ + apiKey: "", +}); + +async function run() { + const res = await accountingTransactionsRetrieve(panora, { + xConnectionToken: "", + id: "801f9ede-c698-4e66-a7fc-48d19eebaa4f", + remoteData: false, + }); + + if (!res.ok) { + throw res.error; + } + + const { value: result } = res; + + // Handle the result + console.log(result) +} + +run(); +``` + ### Parameters | Parameter | Type | Required | Description | diff --git a/docs/sdks/users/README.md b/docs/sdks/users/README.md index 6a4cf20a..02f62917 100644 --- a/docs/sdks/users/README.md +++ b/docs/sdks/users/README.md @@ -35,6 +35,43 @@ async function run() { run(); ``` + +### Standalone function + +The standalone function version of this method: + +```typescript +import { PanoraCore } from "@panora/sdk/core.js"; +import { ticketingUsersList } from "@panora/sdk/funcs/ticketingUsersList.js"; + +// Use `PanoraCore` for best tree-shaking performance. +// You can create one instance of it to use across an application. +const panora = new PanoraCore({ + apiKey: "", +}); + +async function run() { + const res = await ticketingUsersList(panora, { + xConnectionToken: "", + remoteData: true, + limit: 10, + cursor: "1b8b05bb-5273-4012-b520-8657b0b90874", + }); + + if (!res.ok) { + throw res.error; + } + + const { value: result } = res; + + for await (const page of result) { + // handle page + } +} + +run(); +``` + ### Parameters | Parameter | Type | Required | Description | @@ -81,6 +118,41 @@ async function run() { run(); ``` + +### Standalone function + +The standalone function version of this method: + +```typescript +import { PanoraCore } from "@panora/sdk/core.js"; +import { ticketingUsersRetrieve } from "@panora/sdk/funcs/ticketingUsersRetrieve.js"; + +// Use `PanoraCore` for best tree-shaking performance. +// You can create one instance of it to use across an application. +const panora = new PanoraCore({ + apiKey: "", +}); + +async function run() { + const res = await ticketingUsersRetrieve(panora, { + xConnectionToken: "", + id: "801f9ede-c698-4e66-a7fc-48d19eebaa4f", + remoteData: false, + }); + + if (!res.ok) { + throw res.error; + } + + const { value: result } = res; + + // Handle the result + console.log(result) +} + +run(); +``` + ### Parameters | Parameter | Type | Required | Description | diff --git a/docs/sdks/vendorcredits/README.md b/docs/sdks/vendorcredits/README.md index 148d2bc7..ae3d85c0 100644 --- a/docs/sdks/vendorcredits/README.md +++ b/docs/sdks/vendorcredits/README.md @@ -35,6 +35,43 @@ async function run() { run(); ``` + +### Standalone function + +The standalone function version of this method: + +```typescript +import { PanoraCore } from "@panora/sdk/core.js"; +import { accountingVendorcreditsList } from "@panora/sdk/funcs/accountingVendorcreditsList.js"; + +// Use `PanoraCore` for best tree-shaking performance. +// You can create one instance of it to use across an application. +const panora = new PanoraCore({ + apiKey: "", +}); + +async function run() { + const res = await accountingVendorcreditsList(panora, { + xConnectionToken: "", + remoteData: true, + limit: 10, + cursor: "1b8b05bb-5273-4012-b520-8657b0b90874", + }); + + if (!res.ok) { + throw res.error; + } + + const { value: result } = res; + + for await (const page of result) { + // handle page + } +} + +run(); +``` + ### Parameters | Parameter | Type | Required | Description | @@ -81,6 +118,41 @@ async function run() { run(); ``` + +### Standalone function + +The standalone function version of this method: + +```typescript +import { PanoraCore } from "@panora/sdk/core.js"; +import { accountingVendorcreditsRetrieve } from "@panora/sdk/funcs/accountingVendorcreditsRetrieve.js"; + +// Use `PanoraCore` for best tree-shaking performance. +// You can create one instance of it to use across an application. +const panora = new PanoraCore({ + apiKey: "", +}); + +async function run() { + const res = await accountingVendorcreditsRetrieve(panora, { + xConnectionToken: "", + id: "801f9ede-c698-4e66-a7fc-48d19eebaa4f", + remoteData: false, + }); + + if (!res.ok) { + throw res.error; + } + + const { value: result } = res; + + // Handle the result + console.log(result) +} + +run(); +``` + ### Parameters | Parameter | Type | Required | Description | diff --git a/docs/sdks/webhooks/README.md b/docs/sdks/webhooks/README.md index 4598d6b2..dee3d8f3 100644 --- a/docs/sdks/webhooks/README.md +++ b/docs/sdks/webhooks/README.md @@ -32,6 +32,37 @@ async function run() { run(); ``` + +### Standalone function + +The standalone function version of this method: + +```typescript +import { PanoraCore } from "@panora/sdk/core.js"; +import { webhooksList } from "@panora/sdk/funcs/webhooksList.js"; + +// Use `PanoraCore` for best tree-shaking performance. +// You can create one instance of it to use across an application. +const panora = new PanoraCore({ + apiKey: "", +}); + +async function run() { + const res = await webhooksList(panora); + + if (!res.ok) { + throw res.error; + } + + const { value: result } = res; + + // Handle the result + console.log(result) +} + +run(); +``` + ### Parameters | Parameter | Type | Required | Description | @@ -79,6 +110,43 @@ async function run() { run(); ``` + +### Standalone function + +The standalone function version of this method: + +```typescript +import { PanoraCore } from "@panora/sdk/core.js"; +import { webhooksCreate } from "@panora/sdk/funcs/webhooksCreate.js"; + +// Use `PanoraCore` for best tree-shaking performance. +// You can create one instance of it to use across an application. +const panora = new PanoraCore({ + apiKey: "", +}); + +async function run() { + const res = await webhooksCreate(panora, { + url: "https://acme.com/webhook_receiver", + description: "Webhook to receive connection events", + scope: [ + "connection.created", + ], + }); + + if (!res.ok) { + throw res.error; + } + + const { value: result } = res; + + // Handle the result + console.log(result) +} + +run(); +``` + ### Parameters | Parameter | Type | Required | Description | @@ -123,6 +191,39 @@ async function run() { run(); ``` + +### Standalone function + +The standalone function version of this method: + +```typescript +import { PanoraCore } from "@panora/sdk/core.js"; +import { webhooksDelete } from "@panora/sdk/funcs/webhooksDelete.js"; + +// Use `PanoraCore` for best tree-shaking performance. +// You can create one instance of it to use across an application. +const panora = new PanoraCore({ + apiKey: "", +}); + +async function run() { + const res = await webhooksDelete(panora, { + id: "801f9ede-c698-4e66-a7fc-48d19eebaa4f", + }); + + if (!res.ok) { + throw res.error; + } + + const { value: result } = res; + + // Handle the result + console.log(result) +} + +run(); +``` + ### Parameters | Parameter | Type | Required | Description | @@ -167,6 +268,39 @@ async function run() { run(); ``` + +### Standalone function + +The standalone function version of this method: + +```typescript +import { PanoraCore } from "@panora/sdk/core.js"; +import { webhooksUpdateStatus } from "@panora/sdk/funcs/webhooksUpdateStatus.js"; + +// Use `PanoraCore` for best tree-shaking performance. +// You can create one instance of it to use across an application. +const panora = new PanoraCore({ + apiKey: "", +}); + +async function run() { + const res = await webhooksUpdateStatus(panora, { + id: "801f9ede-c698-4e66-a7fc-48d19eebaa4f", + }); + + if (!res.ok) { + throw res.error; + } + + const { value: result } = res; + + // Handle the result + console.log(result) +} + +run(); +``` + ### Parameters | Parameter | Type | Required | Description | @@ -215,6 +349,43 @@ async function run() { run(); ``` + +### Standalone function + +The standalone function version of this method: + +```typescript +import { PanoraCore } from "@panora/sdk/core.js"; +import { webhooksVerifyEvent } from "@panora/sdk/funcs/webhooksVerifyEvent.js"; + +// Use `PanoraCore` for best tree-shaking performance. +// You can create one instance of it to use across an application. +const panora = new PanoraCore({ + apiKey: "", +}); + +async function run() { + const res = await webhooksVerifyEvent(panora, { + payload: { + "key": "", + }, + signature: "", + secret: "", + }); + + if (!res.ok) { + throw res.error; + } + + const { value: result } = res; + + // Handle the result + console.log(result) +} + +run(); +``` + ### Parameters | Parameter | Type | Required | Description | diff --git a/jsr.json b/jsr.json index ce483424..db8e6acc 100644 --- a/jsr.json +++ b/jsr.json @@ -2,7 +2,7 @@ { "name": "@panora/sdk", - "version": "0.10.0", + "version": "0.11.0", "exports": { ".": "./src/index.ts", "./models/errors": "./src/models/errors/index.ts", diff --git a/package-lock.json b/package-lock.json index 8726feaf..00528d95 100644 --- a/package-lock.json +++ b/package-lock.json @@ -1,12 +1,12 @@ { "name": "@panora/sdk", - "version": "0.10.0", + "version": "0.11.0", "lockfileVersion": 3, "requires": true, "packages": { "": { "name": "@panora/sdk", - "version": "0.10.0", + "version": "0.11.0", "devDependencies": { "@typescript-eslint/eslint-plugin": "^7.7.1", "@typescript-eslint/parser": "^7.7.1", diff --git a/package.json b/package.json index 317acb55..6eab5b0d 100644 --- a/package.json +++ b/package.json @@ -1,6 +1,6 @@ { "name": "@panora/sdk", - "version": "0.10.0", + "version": "0.11.0", "author": "Speakeasy", "main": "./index.js", "sideEffects": false, diff --git a/src/funcs/hrisTimesheetentriesCreate.ts b/src/funcs/hrisTimesheetentriesCreate.ts new file mode 100644 index 00000000..306f88ed --- /dev/null +++ b/src/funcs/hrisTimesheetentriesCreate.ts @@ -0,0 +1,135 @@ +/* + * Code generated by Speakeasy (https://speakeasy.com). DO NOT EDIT. + */ + +import { PanoraCore } from "../core.js"; +import { + encodeFormQuery as encodeFormQuery$, + encodeJSON as encodeJSON$, + encodeSimple as encodeSimple$, +} from "../lib/encodings.js"; +import * as m$ from "../lib/matchers.js"; +import * as schemas$ from "../lib/schemas.js"; +import { RequestOptions } from "../lib/sdks.js"; +import { extractSecurity, resolveGlobalSecurity } from "../lib/security.js"; +import { pathToFunc } from "../lib/url.js"; +import * as components from "../models/components/index.js"; +import { + ConnectionError, + InvalidRequestError, + RequestAbortedError, + RequestTimeoutError, + UnexpectedClientError, +} from "../models/errors/httpclienterrors.js"; +import { SDKError } from "../models/errors/sdkerror.js"; +import { SDKValidationError } from "../models/errors/sdkvalidationerror.js"; +import * as operations from "../models/operations/index.js"; +import { Result } from "../types/fp.js"; + +/** + * Create Timesheetentrys + * + * @remarks + * Create Timesheetentrys in any supported Hris software + */ +export async function hrisTimesheetentriesCreate( + client$: PanoraCore, + request: operations.CreateHrisTimesheetentryRequest, + options?: RequestOptions +): Promise< + Result< + components.UnifiedHrisTimesheetEntryOutput, + | SDKError + | SDKValidationError + | UnexpectedClientError + | InvalidRequestError + | RequestAbortedError + | RequestTimeoutError + | ConnectionError + > +> { + const input$ = request; + + const parsed$ = schemas$.safeParse( + input$, + (value$) => operations.CreateHrisTimesheetentryRequest$outboundSchema.parse(value$), + "Input validation failed" + ); + if (!parsed$.ok) { + return parsed$; + } + const payload$ = parsed$.value; + const body$ = encodeJSON$("body", payload$.UnifiedHrisTimesheetEntryInput, { explode: true }); + + const path$ = pathToFunc("/hris/timesheetentries")(); + + const query$ = encodeFormQuery$({ + remote_data: payload$.remote_data, + }); + + const headers$ = new Headers({ + "Content-Type": "application/json", + Accept: "application/json", + "x-connection-token": encodeSimple$("x-connection-token", payload$["x-connection-token"], { + explode: false, + charEncoding: "none", + }), + }); + + const apiKey$ = await extractSecurity(client$.options$.apiKey); + const security$ = apiKey$ == null ? {} : { apiKey: apiKey$ }; + const context = { + operationID: "createHrisTimesheetentry", + oAuth2Scopes: [], + securitySource: client$.options$.apiKey, + }; + const securitySettings$ = resolveGlobalSecurity(security$); + + const requestRes = client$.createRequest$( + context, + { + security: securitySettings$, + method: "POST", + path: path$, + headers: headers$, + query: query$, + body: body$, + timeoutMs: options?.timeoutMs || client$.options$.timeoutMs || -1, + }, + options + ); + if (!requestRes.ok) { + return requestRes; + } + const request$ = requestRes.value; + + const doResult = await client$.do$(request$, { + context, + errorCodes: ["4XX", "5XX"], + retryConfig: options?.retries || client$.options$.retryConfig, + retryCodes: options?.retryCodes || ["429", "500", "502", "503", "504"], + }); + if (!doResult.ok) { + return doResult; + } + const response = doResult.value; + + const [result$] = await m$.match< + components.UnifiedHrisTimesheetEntryOutput, + | SDKError + | SDKValidationError + | UnexpectedClientError + | InvalidRequestError + | RequestAbortedError + | RequestTimeoutError + | ConnectionError + >( + m$.json(201, components.UnifiedHrisTimesheetEntryOutput$inboundSchema), + m$.fail(["4XX", "5XX"]) + )(response); + if (!result$.ok) { + return result$; + } + + return result$; +} diff --git a/src/funcs/hrisTimesheetentriesList.ts b/src/funcs/hrisTimesheetentriesList.ts new file mode 100644 index 00000000..309fa0b8 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/funcs/hrisTimesheetentriesList.ts @@ -0,0 +1,171 @@ +/* + * Code generated by Speakeasy (https://speakeasy.com). DO NOT EDIT. + */ + +import { PanoraCore } from "../core.js"; +import { dlv } from "../lib/dlv.js"; +import { + encodeFormQuery as encodeFormQuery$, + encodeSimple as encodeSimple$, +} from "../lib/encodings.js"; +import * as m$ from "../lib/matchers.js"; +import * as schemas$ from "../lib/schemas.js"; +import { RequestOptions } from "../lib/sdks.js"; +import { extractSecurity, resolveGlobalSecurity } from "../lib/security.js"; +import { pathToFunc } from "../lib/url.js"; +import { + ConnectionError, + InvalidRequestError, + RequestAbortedError, + RequestTimeoutError, + UnexpectedClientError, +} from "../models/errors/httpclienterrors.js"; +import { SDKError } from "../models/errors/sdkerror.js"; +import { SDKValidationError } from "../models/errors/sdkvalidationerror.js"; +import * as operations from "../models/operations/index.js"; +import { Result } from "../types/fp.js"; +import { createPageIterator, haltIterator, PageIterator, Paginator } from "../types/operations.js"; + +/** + * List Timesheetentries + */ +export async function hrisTimesheetentriesList( + client$: PanoraCore, + request: operations.ListHrisTimesheetentriesRequest, + options?: RequestOptions +): Promise< + PageIterator< + Result< + operations.ListHrisTimesheetentriesResponse, + | SDKError + | SDKValidationError + | UnexpectedClientError + | InvalidRequestError + | RequestAbortedError + | RequestTimeoutError + | ConnectionError + > + > +> { + const input$ = request; + + const parsed$ = schemas$.safeParse( + input$, + (value$) => operations.ListHrisTimesheetentriesRequest$outboundSchema.parse(value$), + "Input validation failed" + ); + if (!parsed$.ok) { + return haltIterator(parsed$); + } + const payload$ = parsed$.value; + const body$ = null; + + const path$ = pathToFunc("/hris/timesheetentries")(); + + const query$ = encodeFormQuery$({ + cursor: payload$.cursor, + limit: payload$.limit, + remote_data: payload$.remote_data, + }); + + const headers$ = new Headers({ + Accept: "application/json", + "x-connection-token": encodeSimple$("x-connection-token", payload$["x-connection-token"], { + explode: false, + charEncoding: "none", + }), + }); + + const apiKey$ = await extractSecurity(client$.options$.apiKey); + const security$ = apiKey$ == null ? {} : { apiKey: apiKey$ }; + const context = { + operationID: "listHrisTimesheetentries", + oAuth2Scopes: [], + securitySource: client$.options$.apiKey, + }; + const securitySettings$ = resolveGlobalSecurity(security$); + + const requestRes = client$.createRequest$( + context, + { + security: securitySettings$, + method: "GET", + path: path$, + headers: headers$, + query: query$, + body: body$, + timeoutMs: options?.timeoutMs || client$.options$.timeoutMs || -1, + }, + options + ); + if (!requestRes.ok) { + return haltIterator(requestRes); + } + const request$ = requestRes.value; + + const doResult = await client$.do$(request$, { + context, + errorCodes: ["4XX", "5XX"], + retryConfig: options?.retries || client$.options$.retryConfig, + retryCodes: options?.retryCodes || ["429", "500", "502", "503", "504"], + }); + if (!doResult.ok) { + return haltIterator(doResult); + } + const response = doResult.value; + + const responseFields$ = { + HttpMeta: { Response: response, Request: request$ }, + }; + + const [result$, raw$] = await m$.match< + operations.ListHrisTimesheetentriesResponse, + | SDKError + | SDKValidationError + | UnexpectedClientError + | InvalidRequestError + | RequestAbortedError + | RequestTimeoutError + | ConnectionError + >( + m$.json(200, operations.ListHrisTimesheetentriesResponse$inboundSchema, { key: "Result" }), + m$.fail(["4XX", "5XX"]) + )(response, { extraFields: responseFields$ }); + if (!result$.ok) { + return haltIterator(result$); + } + + const nextFunc = ( + responseData: unknown + ): Paginator< + Result< + operations.ListHrisTimesheetentriesResponse, + | SDKError + | SDKValidationError + | UnexpectedClientError + | InvalidRequestError + | RequestAbortedError + | RequestTimeoutError + | ConnectionError + > + > => { + const nextCursor = dlv(responseData, "next_cursor"); + + if (nextCursor == null) { + return () => null; + } + + return () => + hrisTimesheetentriesList( + client$, + { + ...input$, + cursor: nextCursor, + }, + options + ); + }; + + const page$ = { ...result$, next: nextFunc(raw$) }; + return { ...page$, ...createPageIterator(page$, (v) => !v.ok) }; +} diff --git a/src/funcs/hrisTimesheetentriesRetrieve.ts b/src/funcs/hrisTimesheetentriesRetrieve.ts new file mode 100644 index 00000000..43cbcb83 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/funcs/hrisTimesheetentriesRetrieve.ts @@ -0,0 +1,137 @@ +/* + * Code generated by Speakeasy (https://speakeasy.com). DO NOT EDIT. + */ + +import { PanoraCore } from "../core.js"; +import { + encodeFormQuery as encodeFormQuery$, + encodeSimple as encodeSimple$, +} from "../lib/encodings.js"; +import * as m$ from "../lib/matchers.js"; +import * as schemas$ from "../lib/schemas.js"; +import { RequestOptions } from "../lib/sdks.js"; +import { extractSecurity, resolveGlobalSecurity } from "../lib/security.js"; +import { pathToFunc } from "../lib/url.js"; +import * as components from "../models/components/index.js"; +import { + ConnectionError, + InvalidRequestError, + RequestAbortedError, + RequestTimeoutError, + UnexpectedClientError, +} from "../models/errors/httpclienterrors.js"; +import { SDKError } from "../models/errors/sdkerror.js"; +import { SDKValidationError } from "../models/errors/sdkvalidationerror.js"; +import * as operations from "../models/operations/index.js"; +import { Result } from "../types/fp.js"; + +/** + * Retrieve Timesheetentry + * + * @remarks + * Retrieve an Timesheetentry from any connected Hris software + */ +export async function hrisTimesheetentriesRetrieve( + client$: PanoraCore, + request: operations.RetrieveHrisTimesheetentryRequest, + options?: RequestOptions +): Promise< + Result< + components.UnifiedHrisTimesheetEntryOutput, + | SDKError + | SDKValidationError + | UnexpectedClientError + | InvalidRequestError + | RequestAbortedError + | RequestTimeoutError + | ConnectionError + > +> { + const input$ = request; + + const parsed$ = schemas$.safeParse( + input$, + (value$) => operations.RetrieveHrisTimesheetentryRequest$outboundSchema.parse(value$), + "Input validation failed" + ); + if (!parsed$.ok) { + return parsed$; + } + const payload$ = parsed$.value; + const body$ = null; + + const pathParams$ = { + id: encodeSimple$("id", payload$.id, { explode: false, charEncoding: "percent" }), + }; + + const path$ = pathToFunc("/hris/timesheetentries/{id}")(pathParams$); + + const query$ = encodeFormQuery$({ + remote_data: payload$.remote_data, + }); + + const headers$ = new Headers({ + Accept: "application/json", + "x-connection-token": encodeSimple$("x-connection-token", payload$["x-connection-token"], { + explode: false, + charEncoding: "none", + }), + }); + + const apiKey$ = await extractSecurity(client$.options$.apiKey); + const security$ = apiKey$ == null ? {} : { apiKey: apiKey$ }; + const context = { + operationID: "retrieveHrisTimesheetentry", + oAuth2Scopes: [], + securitySource: client$.options$.apiKey, + }; + const securitySettings$ = resolveGlobalSecurity(security$); + + const requestRes = client$.createRequest$( + context, + { + security: securitySettings$, + method: "GET", + path: path$, + headers: headers$, + query: query$, + body: body$, + timeoutMs: options?.timeoutMs || client$.options$.timeoutMs || -1, + }, + options + ); + if (!requestRes.ok) { + return requestRes; + } + const request$ = requestRes.value; + + const doResult = await client$.do$(request$, { + context, + errorCodes: ["4XX", "5XX"], + retryConfig: options?.retries || client$.options$.retryConfig, + retryCodes: options?.retryCodes || ["429", "500", "502", "503", "504"], + }); + if (!doResult.ok) { + return doResult; + } + const response = doResult.value; + + const [result$] = await m$.match< + components.UnifiedHrisTimesheetEntryOutput, + | SDKError + | SDKValidationError + | UnexpectedClientError + | InvalidRequestError + | RequestAbortedError + | RequestTimeoutError + | ConnectionError + >( + m$.json(200, components.UnifiedHrisTimesheetEntryOutput$inboundSchema), + m$.fail(["4XX", "5XX"]) + )(response); + if (!result$.ok) { + return result$; + } + + return result$; +} diff --git a/src/lib/config.ts b/src/lib/config.ts index c7f585b9..ad15ed96 100644 --- a/src/lib/config.ts +++ b/src/lib/config.ts @@ -3,6 +3,7 @@ */ import { HTTPClient } from "./http.js"; +import { Logger } from "./logger.js"; import { RetryConfig } from "./retries.js"; import { Params, pathToFunc } from "./url.js"; @@ -41,6 +42,7 @@ export type SDKOptions = { */ retryConfig?: RetryConfig; timeoutMs?: number; + debugLogger?: Logger; }; export function serverURLFromOptions(options: SDKOptions): URL | null { @@ -63,7 +65,7 @@ export function serverURLFromOptions(options: SDKOptions): URL | null { export const SDK_METADATA = { language: "typescript", openapiDocVersion: "1.0", - sdkVersion: "0.10.0", - genVersion: "2.390.6", - userAgent: "speakeasy-sdk/typescript 0.10.0 2.390.6 1.0 @panora/sdk", + sdkVersion: "0.11.0", + genVersion: "2.396.0", + userAgent: "speakeasy-sdk/typescript 0.11.0 2.396.0 1.0 @panora/sdk", } as const; diff --git a/src/lib/http.ts b/src/lib/http.ts index f8c544db..13cf1fd7 100644 --- a/src/lib/http.ts +++ b/src/lib/http.ts @@ -157,7 +157,7 @@ export type StatusCodePredicate = number | string | (number | string)[]; // segments in a media type string. const mediaParamSeparator = /\s*;\s*/g; -function matchContentType(response: Response, pattern: string): boolean { +export function matchContentType(response: Response, pattern: string): boolean { // `*` is a special case which means anything is acceptable. if (pattern === "*") { return true; diff --git a/src/lib/logger.ts b/src/lib/logger.ts new file mode 100644 index 00000000..d181f293 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/lib/logger.ts @@ -0,0 +1,9 @@ +/* + * Code generated by Speakeasy (https://speakeasy.com). DO NOT EDIT. + */ + +export interface Logger { + group(label?: string): void; + groupEnd(): void; + log(message: any, ...args: any[]): void; +} diff --git a/src/lib/sdks.ts b/src/lib/sdks.ts index 0e92ce77..51b49bd0 100644 --- a/src/lib/sdks.ts +++ b/src/lib/sdks.ts @@ -4,6 +4,7 @@ import { HTTPClient, + matchContentType, matchStatusCode, isAbortError, isTimeoutError, @@ -11,6 +12,7 @@ import { } from "./http.js"; import { SecurityState } from "./security.js"; import { retry, RetryConfig } from "./retries.js"; +import { Logger } from "./logger.js"; import { encodeForm } from "./encodings.js"; import { stringToBase64 } from "./base64.js"; import { SDKOptions, SDK_METADATA, serverURLFromOptions } from "./config.js"; @@ -74,6 +76,7 @@ export class ClientSDK { private readonly httpClient: HTTPClient; protected readonly baseURL: URL | null; protected readonly hooks$: SDKHooks; + protected readonly logger?: Logger | undefined; public readonly options$: SDKOptions & { hooks?: SDKHooks }; constructor(options: SDKOptions = {}) { @@ -100,6 +103,7 @@ export class ClientSDK { }); this.baseURL = baseURL; this.httpClient = client; + this.logger = options.debugLogger; } public createRequest$( @@ -217,12 +221,13 @@ export class ClientSDK { return retry( async () => { - const req = request.clone(); - - let response = await this.httpClient.request( - await this.hooks$.beforeRequest(context, req) + const req = await this.hooks$.beforeRequest(context, request.clone()); + await logRequest(this.logger, req).catch((e) => + this.logger?.log("Failed to log request:", e) ); + let response = await this.httpClient.request(req); + if (matchStatusCode(response, errorCodes)) { const result = await this.hooks$.afterError(context, response, null); if (result.error) { @@ -233,6 +238,10 @@ export class ClientSDK { response = await this.hooks$.afterSuccess(context, response); } + await logResponse(this.logger, response, req).catch((e) => + this.logger?.log("Failed to log response:", e) + ); + return response; }, { config: retryConfig, statusCodes: retryCodes } @@ -259,3 +268,90 @@ export class ClientSDK { ); } } + +const jsonLikeContentTypeRE = /^application\/(?:.{0,100}\+)?json/; +async function logRequest(logger: Logger | undefined, req: Request) { + if (!logger) { + return; + } + + const contentType = req.headers.get("content-type"); + const ct = contentType?.split(";")[0] || ""; + + logger.group(`> Request: ${req.method} ${req.url}`); + + logger.group("Headers:"); + for (const [k, v] of req.headers.entries()) { + logger.log(`${k}: ${v}`); + } + logger.groupEnd(); + + logger.group("Body:"); + switch (true) { + case jsonLikeContentTypeRE.test(ct): + logger.log(await req.clone().json()); + break; + case ct.startsWith("text/"): + logger.log(await req.clone().text()); + break; + case ct === "multipart/form-data": { + const body = await req.clone().formData(); + for (const [k, v] of body) { + const vlabel = v instanceof Blob ? "" : v; + logger.log(`${k}: ${vlabel}`); + } + break; + } + default: + logger.log(`<${contentType}>`); + break; + } + logger.groupEnd(); + + logger.groupEnd(); +} + +async function logResponse(logger: Logger | undefined, res: Response, req: Request) { + if (!logger) { + return; + } + + const contentType = res.headers.get("content-type"); + const ct = contentType?.split(";")[0] || ""; + + logger.group(`< Response: ${req.method} ${req.url}`); + logger.log("Status Code:", res.status, res.statusText); + + logger.group("Headers:"); + for (const [k, v] of res.headers.entries()) { + logger.log(`${k}: ${v}`); + } + logger.groupEnd(); + + logger.group("Body:"); + switch (true) { + case matchContentType(res, "application/json") || jsonLikeContentTypeRE.test(ct): + logger.log(await res.clone().json()); + break; + case matchContentType(res, "text/event-stream"): + logger.log(`<${contentType}>`); + break; + case matchContentType(res, "text/*"): + logger.log(await res.clone().text()); + break; + case matchContentType(res, "multipart/form-data"): { + const body = await res.clone().formData(); + for (const [k, v] of body) { + const vlabel = v instanceof Blob ? "" : v; + logger.log(`${k}: ${vlabel}`); + } + break; + } + default: + logger.log(`<${contentType}>`); + break; + } + logger.groupEnd(); + + logger.groupEnd(); +} diff --git a/src/models/components/deductionitem.ts b/src/models/components/deductionitem.ts new file mode 100644 index 00000000..e40e6f3c --- /dev/null +++ b/src/models/components/deductionitem.ts @@ -0,0 +1,73 @@ +/* + * Code generated by Speakeasy (https://speakeasy.com). DO NOT EDIT. + */ + +import { remap as remap$ } from "../../lib/primitives.js"; +import * as z from "zod"; + +export type DeductionItem = { + /** + * The name of the deduction + */ + name?: string | null | undefined; + /** + * The amount of employee deduction + */ + employeeDeduction?: number | null | undefined; + /** + * The amount of company deduction + */ + companyDeduction?: number | null | undefined; +}; + +/** @internal */ +export const DeductionItem$inboundSchema: z.ZodType = z + .object({ + name: z.nullable(z.string()).optional(), + employee_deduction: z.nullable(z.number()).optional(), + company_deduction: z.nullable(z.number()).optional(), + }) + .transform((v) => { + return remap$(v, { + employee_deduction: "employeeDeduction", + company_deduction: "companyDeduction", + }); + }); + +/** @internal */ +export type DeductionItem$Outbound = { + name?: string | null | undefined; + employee_deduction?: number | null | undefined; + company_deduction?: number | null | undefined; +}; + +/** @internal */ +export const DeductionItem$outboundSchema: z.ZodType< + DeductionItem$Outbound, + z.ZodTypeDef, + DeductionItem +> = z + .object({ + name: z.nullable(z.string()).optional(), + employeeDeduction: z.nullable(z.number()).optional(), + companyDeduction: z.nullable(z.number()).optional(), + }) + .transform((v) => { + return remap$(v, { + employeeDeduction: "employee_deduction", + companyDeduction: "company_deduction", + }); + }); + +/** + * @internal + * @deprecated This namespace will be removed in future versions. Use schemas and types that are exported directly from this module. + */ +export namespace DeductionItem$ { + /** @deprecated use `DeductionItem$inboundSchema` instead. */ + export const inboundSchema = DeductionItem$inboundSchema; + /** @deprecated use `DeductionItem$outboundSchema` instead. */ + export const outboundSchema = DeductionItem$outboundSchema; + /** @deprecated use `DeductionItem$Outbound` instead. */ + export type Outbound = DeductionItem$Outbound; +} diff --git a/src/models/components/earningitem.ts b/src/models/components/earningitem.ts new file mode 100644 index 00000000..de7f4c4a --- /dev/null +++ b/src/models/components/earningitem.ts @@ -0,0 +1,51 @@ +/* + * Code generated by Speakeasy (https://speakeasy.com). DO NOT EDIT. + */ + +import * as z from "zod"; + +export type EarningItem = { + /** + * The amount of the earning + */ + amount?: number | null | undefined; + /** + * The type of the earning + */ + type?: string | null | undefined; +}; + +/** @internal */ +export const EarningItem$inboundSchema: z.ZodType = z.object({ + amount: z.nullable(z.number()).optional(), + type: z.nullable(z.string()).optional(), +}); + +/** @internal */ +export type EarningItem$Outbound = { + amount?: number | null | undefined; + type?: string | null | undefined; +}; + +/** @internal */ +export const EarningItem$outboundSchema: z.ZodType< + EarningItem$Outbound, + z.ZodTypeDef, + EarningItem +> = z.object({ + amount: z.nullable(z.number()).optional(), + type: z.nullable(z.string()).optional(), +}); + +/** + * @internal + * @deprecated This namespace will be removed in future versions. Use schemas and types that are exported directly from this module. + */ +export namespace EarningItem$ { + /** @deprecated use `EarningItem$inboundSchema` instead. */ + export const inboundSchema = EarningItem$inboundSchema; + /** @deprecated use `EarningItem$outboundSchema` instead. */ + export const outboundSchema = EarningItem$outboundSchema; + /** @deprecated use `EarningItem$Outbound` instead. */ + export type Outbound = EarningItem$Outbound; +} diff --git a/src/models/components/index.ts b/src/models/components/index.ts index 405168bc..7aeb2402 100644 --- a/src/models/components/index.ts +++ b/src/models/components/index.ts @@ -9,9 +9,12 @@ export * from "./createlinkeduserdto.js"; export * from "./createprojectdto.js"; export * from "./customfieldcreatedto.js"; export * from "./customfieldresponse.js"; +export * from "./deductionitem.js"; export * from "./definetargetfielddto.js"; +export * from "./earningitem.js"; export * from "./email.js"; export * from "./eventresponse.js"; +export * from "./lineitem.js"; export * from "./linkeduserresponse.js"; export * from "./logindto.js"; export * from "./mapfieldtoproviderdto.js"; @@ -21,6 +24,7 @@ export * from "./projectresponse.js"; export * from "./resyncstatusdto.js"; export * from "./security.js"; export * from "./signatureverificationdto.js"; +export * from "./taxitem.js"; export * from "./unifiedaccountingaccountinput.js"; export * from "./unifiedaccountingaccountoutput.js"; export * from "./unifiedaccountingaddressoutput.js"; @@ -112,6 +116,8 @@ export * from "./unifiedhrispayrollrunoutput.js"; export * from "./unifiedhristimeoffbalanceoutput.js"; export * from "./unifiedhristimeoffinput.js"; export * from "./unifiedhristimeoffoutput.js"; +export * from "./unifiedhristimesheetentryinput.js"; +export * from "./unifiedhristimesheetentryoutput.js"; export * from "./unifiedmarketingautomationactioninput.js"; export * from "./unifiedmarketingautomationactionoutput.js"; export * from "./unifiedmarketingautomationautomationinput.js"; diff --git a/src/models/components/lineitem.ts b/src/models/components/lineitem.ts new file mode 100644 index 00000000..803c43de --- /dev/null +++ b/src/models/components/lineitem.ts @@ -0,0 +1,140 @@ +/* + * Code generated by Speakeasy (https://speakeasy.com). DO NOT EDIT. + */ + +import { remap as remap$ } from "../../lib/primitives.js"; +import * as z from "zod"; + +export type LineItem = { + /** + * The name of the report item + */ + name?: string | null | undefined; + /** + * The value of the report item + */ + value?: number | null | undefined; + /** + * The type of the report item + */ + type?: string | null | undefined; + /** + * The UUID of the parent item + */ + parentItem?: string | null | undefined; + /** + * The remote ID of the report item + */ + remoteId?: string | null | undefined; + /** + * The date when the report item was generated in the remote system + */ + remoteGeneratedAt?: Date | null | undefined; + /** + * The UUID of the associated company info object + */ + companyInfoId?: string | null | undefined; + /** + * The created date of the report item + */ + createdAt?: Date | undefined; + /** + * The last modified date of the report item + */ + modifiedAt?: Date | undefined; +}; + +/** @internal */ +export const LineItem$inboundSchema: z.ZodType = z + .object({ + name: z.nullable(z.string()).optional(), + value: z.nullable(z.number()).optional(), + type: z.nullable(z.string()).optional(), + parent_item: z.nullable(z.string()).optional(), + remote_id: z.nullable(z.string()).optional(), + remote_generated_at: z + .nullable( + z + .string() + .datetime({ offset: true }) + .transform((v) => new Date(v)) + ) + .optional(), + company_info_id: z.nullable(z.string()).optional(), + created_at: z + .string() + .datetime({ offset: true }) + .transform((v) => new Date(v)) + .optional(), + modified_at: z + .string() + .datetime({ offset: true }) + .transform((v) => new Date(v)) + .optional(), + }) + .transform((v) => { + return remap$(v, { + parent_item: "parentItem", + remote_id: "remoteId", + remote_generated_at: "remoteGeneratedAt", + company_info_id: "companyInfoId", + created_at: "createdAt", + modified_at: "modifiedAt", + }); + }); + +/** @internal */ +export type LineItem$Outbound = { + name?: string | null | undefined; + value?: number | null | undefined; + type?: string | null | undefined; + parent_item?: string | null | undefined; + remote_id?: string | null | undefined; + remote_generated_at?: string | null | undefined; + company_info_id?: string | null | undefined; + created_at?: string | undefined; + modified_at?: string | undefined; +}; + +/** @internal */ +export const LineItem$outboundSchema: z.ZodType = z + .object({ + name: z.nullable(z.string()).optional(), + value: z.nullable(z.number()).optional(), + type: z.nullable(z.string()).optional(), + parentItem: z.nullable(z.string()).optional(), + remoteId: z.nullable(z.string()).optional(), + remoteGeneratedAt: z.nullable(z.date().transform((v) => v.toISOString())).optional(), + companyInfoId: z.nullable(z.string()).optional(), + createdAt: z + .date() + .transform((v) => v.toISOString()) + .optional(), + modifiedAt: z + .date() + .transform((v) => v.toISOString()) + .optional(), + }) + .transform((v) => { + return remap$(v, { + parentItem: "parent_item", + remoteId: "remote_id", + remoteGeneratedAt: "remote_generated_at", + companyInfoId: "company_info_id", + createdAt: "created_at", + modifiedAt: "modified_at", + }); + }); + +/** + * @internal + * @deprecated This namespace will be removed in future versions. Use schemas and types that are exported directly from this module. + */ +export namespace LineItem$ { + /** @deprecated use `LineItem$inboundSchema` instead. */ + export const inboundSchema = LineItem$inboundSchema; + /** @deprecated use `LineItem$outboundSchema` instead. */ + export const outboundSchema = LineItem$outboundSchema; + /** @deprecated use `LineItem$Outbound` instead. */ + export type Outbound = LineItem$Outbound; +} diff --git a/src/models/components/logindto.ts b/src/models/components/logindto.ts index 8bda4bbf..2718e453 100644 --- a/src/models/components/logindto.ts +++ b/src/models/components/logindto.ts @@ -6,7 +6,7 @@ import { remap as remap$ } from "../../lib/primitives.js"; import * as z from "zod"; export type LoginDto = { - idUser: string; + idUser?: string | undefined; email: string; passwordHash: string; }; @@ -14,7 +14,7 @@ export type LoginDto = { /** @internal */ export const LoginDto$inboundSchema: z.ZodType = z .object({ - id_user: z.string(), + id_user: z.string().optional(), email: z.string(), password_hash: z.string(), }) @@ -27,7 +27,7 @@ export const LoginDto$inboundSchema: z.ZodType /** @internal */ export type LoginDto$Outbound = { - id_user: string; + id_user?: string | undefined; email: string; password_hash: string; }; @@ -35,7 +35,7 @@ export type LoginDto$Outbound = { /** @internal */ export const LoginDto$outboundSchema: z.ZodType = z .object({ - idUser: z.string(), + idUser: z.string().optional(), email: z.string(), passwordHash: z.string(), }) diff --git a/src/models/components/passthroughrequestdto.ts b/src/models/components/passthroughrequestdto.ts index 4f559cfd..cdb5b6e6 100644 --- a/src/models/components/passthroughrequestdto.ts +++ b/src/models/components/passthroughrequestdto.ts @@ -14,12 +14,15 @@ export type Data = {}; export type RequestFormat = { [k: string]: any } | Array<{ [k: string]: any }>; +export type Headers = {}; + export type PassThroughRequestDto = { method: PassThroughRequestDtoMethod; path: string | null; - data: Data; - requestFormat: { [k: string]: any } | Array<{ [k: string]: any }> | null; - overrideBaseUrl: { [k: string]: any } | null; + data?: Data | undefined; + requestFormat?: { [k: string]: any } | Array<{ [k: string]: any }> | null | undefined; + overrideBaseUrl?: { [k: string]: any } | null | undefined; + headers?: Headers | undefined; }; /** @internal */ @@ -93,6 +96,30 @@ export namespace RequestFormat$ { export type Outbound = RequestFormat$Outbound; } +/** @internal */ +export const Headers$inboundSchema: z.ZodType = z.object({}); + +/** @internal */ +export type Headers$Outbound = {}; + +/** @internal */ +export const Headers$outboundSchema: z.ZodType = z.object( + {} +); + +/** + * @internal + * @deprecated This namespace will be removed in future versions. Use schemas and types that are exported directly from this module. + */ +export namespace Headers$ { + /** @deprecated use `Headers$inboundSchema` instead. */ + export const inboundSchema = Headers$inboundSchema; + /** @deprecated use `Headers$outboundSchema` instead. */ + export const outboundSchema = Headers$outboundSchema; + /** @deprecated use `Headers$Outbound` instead. */ + export type Outbound = Headers$Outbound; +} + /** @internal */ export const PassThroughRequestDto$inboundSchema: z.ZodType< PassThroughRequestDto, @@ -102,9 +129,12 @@ export const PassThroughRequestDto$inboundSchema: z.ZodType< .object({ method: PassThroughRequestDtoMethod$inboundSchema, path: z.nullable(z.string()), - data: z.lazy(() => Data$inboundSchema), - request_format: z.nullable(z.union([z.record(z.any()), z.array(z.record(z.any()))])), - overrideBaseUrl: z.nullable(z.record(z.any())), + data: z.lazy(() => Data$inboundSchema).optional(), + request_format: z + .nullable(z.union([z.record(z.any()), z.array(z.record(z.any()))])) + .optional(), + overrideBaseUrl: z.nullable(z.record(z.any())).optional(), + headers: z.lazy(() => Headers$inboundSchema).optional(), }) .transform((v) => { return remap$(v, { @@ -116,9 +146,10 @@ export const PassThroughRequestDto$inboundSchema: z.ZodType< export type PassThroughRequestDto$Outbound = { method: string; path: string | null; - data: Data$Outbound; - request_format: { [k: string]: any } | Array<{ [k: string]: any }> | null; - overrideBaseUrl: { [k: string]: any } | null; + data?: Data$Outbound | undefined; + request_format?: { [k: string]: any } | Array<{ [k: string]: any }> | null | undefined; + overrideBaseUrl?: { [k: string]: any } | null | undefined; + headers?: Headers$Outbound | undefined; }; /** @internal */ @@ -130,9 +161,12 @@ export const PassThroughRequestDto$outboundSchema: z.ZodType< .object({ method: PassThroughRequestDtoMethod$outboundSchema, path: z.nullable(z.string()), - data: z.lazy(() => Data$outboundSchema), - requestFormat: z.nullable(z.union([z.record(z.any()), z.array(z.record(z.any()))])), - overrideBaseUrl: z.nullable(z.record(z.any())), + data: z.lazy(() => Data$outboundSchema).optional(), + requestFormat: z + .nullable(z.union([z.record(z.any()), z.array(z.record(z.any()))])) + .optional(), + overrideBaseUrl: z.nullable(z.record(z.any())).optional(), + headers: z.lazy(() => Headers$outboundSchema).optional(), }) .transform((v) => { return remap$(v, { diff --git a/src/models/components/projectresponse.ts b/src/models/components/projectresponse.ts index 7d3f0973..bddfa778 100644 --- a/src/models/components/projectresponse.ts +++ b/src/models/components/projectresponse.ts @@ -21,11 +21,11 @@ export type ProjectResponse = { /** * Frequency of pulling data in seconds */ - pullFrequency: number; + pullFrequency?: number | undefined; /** * Redirect URL for the project */ - redirectUrl: string; + redirectUrl?: string | undefined; /** * User ID associated with the project */ @@ -42,8 +42,8 @@ export const ProjectResponse$inboundSchema: z.ZodType = z + .object({ + name: z.nullable(z.string()).optional(), + amount: z.nullable(z.number()).optional(), + employer_tax: z.nullable(z.boolean()).optional(), + }) + .transform((v) => { + return remap$(v, { + employer_tax: "employerTax", + }); + }); + +/** @internal */ +export type TaxItem$Outbound = { + name?: string | null | undefined; + amount?: number | null | undefined; + employer_tax?: boolean | null | undefined; +}; + +/** @internal */ +export const TaxItem$outboundSchema: z.ZodType = z + .object({ + name: z.nullable(z.string()).optional(), + amount: z.nullable(z.number()).optional(), + employerTax: z.nullable(z.boolean()).optional(), + }) + .transform((v) => { + return remap$(v, { + employerTax: "employer_tax", + }); + }); + +/** + * @internal + * @deprecated This namespace will be removed in future versions. Use schemas and types that are exported directly from this module. + */ +export namespace TaxItem$ { + /** @deprecated use `TaxItem$inboundSchema` instead. */ + export const inboundSchema = TaxItem$inboundSchema; + /** @deprecated use `TaxItem$outboundSchema` instead. */ + export const outboundSchema = TaxItem$outboundSchema; + /** @deprecated use `TaxItem$Outbound` instead. */ + export type Outbound = TaxItem$Outbound; +} diff --git a/src/models/components/unifiedaccountingaccountinput.ts b/src/models/components/unifiedaccountingaccountinput.ts index 4b4adf9b..bc819a43 100644 --- a/src/models/components/unifiedaccountingaccountinput.ts +++ b/src/models/components/unifiedaccountingaccountinput.ts @@ -2,26 +2,356 @@ * Code generated by Speakeasy (https://speakeasy.com). DO NOT EDIT. */ +import { remap as remap$ } from "../../lib/primitives.js"; import * as z from "zod"; -export type UnifiedAccountingAccountInput = {}; +/** + * The currency of the account + */ +export enum UnifiedAccountingAccountInputCurrency { + Aed = "AED", + Afn = "AFN", + All = "ALL", + Amd = "AMD", + Ang = "ANG", + Aoa = "AOA", + Ars = "ARS", + Aud = "AUD", + Awg = "AWG", + Azn = "AZN", + Bam = "BAM", + Bbd = "BBD", + Bdt = "BDT", + Bgn = "BGN", + Bhd = "BHD", + Bif = "BIF", + Bmd = "BMD", + Bnd = "BND", + Bob = "BOB", + Brl = "BRL", + Bsd = "BSD", + Btn = "BTN", + Bwp = "BWP", + Byn = "BYN", + Bzd = "BZD", + Cad = "CAD", + Cdf = "CDF", + Chf = "CHF", + Clp = "CLP", + Cny = "CNY", + Cop = "COP", + Crc = "CRC", + Cup = "CUP", + Cve = "CVE", + Czk = "CZK", + Djf = "DJF", + Dkk = "DKK", + Dop = "DOP", + Dzd = "DZD", + Egp = "EGP", + Ern = "ERN", + Etb = "ETB", + Eur = "EUR", + Fjd = "FJD", + Fkp = "FKP", + Fok = "FOK", + Gbp = "GBP", + Gel = "GEL", + Ggp = "GGP", + Ghs = "GHS", + Gip = "GIP", + Gmd = "GMD", + Gnf = "GNF", + Gtq = "GTQ", + Gyd = "GYD", + Hkd = "HKD", + Hnl = "HNL", + Hrk = "HRK", + Htg = "HTG", + Huf = "HUF", + Idr = "IDR", + Ils = "ILS", + Imp = "IMP", + Inr = "INR", + Iqd = "IQD", + Irr = "IRR", + Isk = "ISK", + Jep = "JEP", + Jmd = "JMD", + Jod = "JOD", + Jpy = "JPY", + Kes = "KES", + Kgs = "KGS", + Khr = "KHR", + Kid = "KID", + Kmf = "KMF", + Krw = "KRW", + Kwd = "KWD", + Kyd = "KYD", + Kzt = "KZT", + Lak = "LAK", + Lbp = "LBP", + Lkr = "LKR", + Lrd = "LRD", + Lsl = "LSL", + Lyd = "LYD", + Mad = "MAD", + Mdl = "MDL", + Mga = "MGA", + Mkd = "MKD", + Mmk = "MMK", + Mnt = "MNT", + Mop = "MOP", + Mru = "MRU", + Mur = "MUR", + Mvr = "MVR", + Mwk = "MWK", + Mxn = "MXN", + Myr = "MYR", + Mzn = "MZN", + Nad = "NAD", + Ngn = "NGN", + Nio = "NIO", + Nok = "NOK", + Npr = "NPR", + Nzd = "NZD", + Omr = "OMR", + Pab = "PAB", + Pen = "PEN", + Pgk = "PGK", + Php = "PHP", + Pkr = "PKR", + Pln = "PLN", + Pyg = "PYG", + Qar = "QAR", + Ron = "RON", + Rsd = "RSD", + Rub = "RUB", + Rwf = "RWF", + Sar = "SAR", + Sbd = "SBD", + Scr = "SCR", + Sdg = "SDG", + Sek = "SEK", + Sgd = "SGD", + Shp = "SHP", + Sle = "SLE", + Sll = "SLL", + Sos = "SOS", + Srd = "SRD", + Ssp = "SSP", + Stn = "STN", + Syp = "SYP", + Szl = "SZL", + Thb = "THB", + Tjs = "TJS", + Tmt = "TMT", + Tnd = "TND", + Top = "TOP", + Try = "TRY", + Ttd = "TTD", + Tvd = "TVD", + Twd = "TWD", + Tzs = "TZS", + Uah = "UAH", + Ugx = "UGX", + Usd = "USD", + Uyu = "UYU", + Uzs = "UZS", + Ves = "VES", + Vnd = "VND", + Vuv = "VUV", + Wst = "WST", + Xaf = "XAF", + Xcd = "XCD", + Xdr = "XDR", + Xof = "XOF", + Xpf = "XPF", + Yer = "YER", + Zar = "ZAR", + Zmw = "ZMW", + Zwl = "ZWL", +} + +/** + * The custom field mappings of the object between the remote 3rd party & Panora + */ +export type UnifiedAccountingAccountInputFieldMappings = {}; + +export type UnifiedAccountingAccountInput = { + /** + * The name of the account + */ + name?: string | null | undefined; + /** + * A description of the account + */ + description?: string | null | undefined; + /** + * The classification of the account + */ + classification?: string | null | undefined; + /** + * The type of the account + */ + type?: string | null | undefined; + /** + * The status of the account + */ + status?: string | null | undefined; + /** + * The current balance of the account + */ + currentBalance?: number | null | undefined; + /** + * The currency of the account + */ + currency?: UnifiedAccountingAccountInputCurrency | null | undefined; + /** + * The account number + */ + accountNumber?: string | null | undefined; + /** + * The UUID of the parent account + */ + parentAccount?: string | null | undefined; + /** + * The UUID of the associated company info + */ + companyInfoId?: string | null | undefined; + /** + * The custom field mappings of the object between the remote 3rd party & Panora + */ + fieldMappings?: UnifiedAccountingAccountInputFieldMappings | null | undefined; +}; + +/** @internal */ +export const UnifiedAccountingAccountInputCurrency$inboundSchema: z.ZodNativeEnum< + typeof UnifiedAccountingAccountInputCurrency +> = z.nativeEnum(UnifiedAccountingAccountInputCurrency); + +/** @internal */ +export const UnifiedAccountingAccountInputCurrency$outboundSchema: z.ZodNativeEnum< + typeof UnifiedAccountingAccountInputCurrency +> = UnifiedAccountingAccountInputCurrency$inboundSchema; + +/** + * @internal + * @deprecated This namespace will be removed in future versions. Use schemas and types that are exported directly from this module. + */ +export namespace UnifiedAccountingAccountInputCurrency$ { + /** @deprecated use `UnifiedAccountingAccountInputCurrency$inboundSchema` instead. */ + export const inboundSchema = UnifiedAccountingAccountInputCurrency$inboundSchema; + /** @deprecated use `UnifiedAccountingAccountInputCurrency$outboundSchema` instead. */ + export const outboundSchema = UnifiedAccountingAccountInputCurrency$outboundSchema; +} + +/** @internal */ +export const UnifiedAccountingAccountInputFieldMappings$inboundSchema: z.ZodType< + UnifiedAccountingAccountInputFieldMappings, + z.ZodTypeDef, + unknown +> = z.object({}); + +/** @internal */ +export type UnifiedAccountingAccountInputFieldMappings$Outbound = {}; + +/** @internal */ +export const UnifiedAccountingAccountInputFieldMappings$outboundSchema: z.ZodType< + UnifiedAccountingAccountInputFieldMappings$Outbound, + z.ZodTypeDef, + UnifiedAccountingAccountInputFieldMappings +> = z.object({}); + +/** + * @internal + * @deprecated This namespace will be removed in future versions. Use schemas and types that are exported directly from this module. + */ +export namespace UnifiedAccountingAccountInputFieldMappings$ { + /** @deprecated use `UnifiedAccountingAccountInputFieldMappings$inboundSchema` instead. */ + export const inboundSchema = UnifiedAccountingAccountInputFieldMappings$inboundSchema; + /** @deprecated use `UnifiedAccountingAccountInputFieldMappings$outboundSchema` instead. */ + export const outboundSchema = UnifiedAccountingAccountInputFieldMappings$outboundSchema; + /** @deprecated use `UnifiedAccountingAccountInputFieldMappings$Outbound` instead. */ + export type Outbound = UnifiedAccountingAccountInputFieldMappings$Outbound; +} /** @internal */ export const UnifiedAccountingAccountInput$inboundSchema: z.ZodType< UnifiedAccountingAccountInput, z.ZodTypeDef, unknown -> = z.object({}); +> = z + .object({ + name: z.nullable(z.string()).optional(), + description: z.nullable(z.string()).optional(), + classification: z.nullable(z.string()).optional(), + type: z.nullable(z.string()).optional(), + status: z.nullable(z.string()).optional(), + current_balance: z.nullable(z.number()).optional(), + currency: z.nullable(UnifiedAccountingAccountInputCurrency$inboundSchema).optional(), + account_number: z.nullable(z.string()).optional(), + parent_account: z.nullable(z.string()).optional(), + company_info_id: z.nullable(z.string()).optional(), + field_mappings: z + .nullable(z.lazy(() => UnifiedAccountingAccountInputFieldMappings$inboundSchema)) + .optional(), + }) + .transform((v) => { + return remap$(v, { + current_balance: "currentBalance", + account_number: "accountNumber", + parent_account: "parentAccount", + company_info_id: "companyInfoId", + field_mappings: "fieldMappings", + }); + }); /** @internal */ -export type UnifiedAccountingAccountInput$Outbound = {}; +export type UnifiedAccountingAccountInput$Outbound = { + name?: string | null | undefined; + description?: string | null | undefined; + classification?: string | null | undefined; + type?: string | null | undefined; + status?: string | null | undefined; + current_balance?: number | null | undefined; + currency?: string | null | undefined; + account_number?: string | null | undefined; + parent_account?: string | null | undefined; + company_info_id?: string | null | undefined; + field_mappings?: UnifiedAccountingAccountInputFieldMappings$Outbound | null | undefined; +}; /** @internal */ export const UnifiedAccountingAccountInput$outboundSchema: z.ZodType< UnifiedAccountingAccountInput$Outbound, z.ZodTypeDef, UnifiedAccountingAccountInput -> = z.object({}); +> = z + .object({ + name: z.nullable(z.string()).optional(), + description: z.nullable(z.string()).optional(), + classification: z.nullable(z.string()).optional(), + type: z.nullable(z.string()).optional(), + status: z.nullable(z.string()).optional(), + currentBalance: z.nullable(z.number()).optional(), + currency: z.nullable(UnifiedAccountingAccountInputCurrency$outboundSchema).optional(), + accountNumber: z.nullable(z.string()).optional(), + parentAccount: z.nullable(z.string()).optional(), + companyInfoId: z.nullable(z.string()).optional(), + fieldMappings: z + .nullable(z.lazy(() => UnifiedAccountingAccountInputFieldMappings$outboundSchema)) + .optional(), + }) + .transform((v) => { + return remap$(v, { + currentBalance: "current_balance", + accountNumber: "account_number", + parentAccount: "parent_account", + companyInfoId: "company_info_id", + fieldMappings: "field_mappings", + }); + }); /** * @internal diff --git a/src/models/components/unifiedaccountingaccountoutput.ts b/src/models/components/unifiedaccountingaccountoutput.ts index c87636f7..4b6603c6 100644 --- a/src/models/components/unifiedaccountingaccountoutput.ts +++ b/src/models/components/unifiedaccountingaccountoutput.ts @@ -2,26 +2,448 @@ * Code generated by Speakeasy (https://speakeasy.com). DO NOT EDIT. */ +import { remap as remap$ } from "../../lib/primitives.js"; import * as z from "zod"; -export type UnifiedAccountingAccountOutput = {}; +/** + * The currency of the account + */ +export enum Currency { + Aed = "AED", + Afn = "AFN", + All = "ALL", + Amd = "AMD", + Ang = "ANG", + Aoa = "AOA", + Ars = "ARS", + Aud = "AUD", + Awg = "AWG", + Azn = "AZN", + Bam = "BAM", + Bbd = "BBD", + Bdt = "BDT", + Bgn = "BGN", + Bhd = "BHD", + Bif = "BIF", + Bmd = "BMD", + Bnd = "BND", + Bob = "BOB", + Brl = "BRL", + Bsd = "BSD", + Btn = "BTN", + Bwp = "BWP", + Byn = "BYN", + Bzd = "BZD", + Cad = "CAD", + Cdf = "CDF", + Chf = "CHF", + Clp = "CLP", + Cny = "CNY", + Cop = "COP", + Crc = "CRC", + Cup = "CUP", + Cve = "CVE", + Czk = "CZK", + Djf = "DJF", + Dkk = "DKK", + Dop = "DOP", + Dzd = "DZD", + Egp = "EGP", + Ern = "ERN", + Etb = "ETB", + Eur = "EUR", + Fjd = "FJD", + Fkp = "FKP", + Fok = "FOK", + Gbp = "GBP", + Gel = "GEL", + Ggp = "GGP", + Ghs = "GHS", + Gip = "GIP", + Gmd = "GMD", + Gnf = "GNF", + Gtq = "GTQ", + Gyd = "GYD", + Hkd = "HKD", + Hnl = "HNL", + Hrk = "HRK", + Htg = "HTG", + Huf = "HUF", + Idr = "IDR", + Ils = "ILS", + Imp = "IMP", + Inr = "INR", + Iqd = "IQD", + Irr = "IRR", + Isk = "ISK", + Jep = "JEP", + Jmd = "JMD", + Jod = "JOD", + Jpy = "JPY", + Kes = "KES", + Kgs = "KGS", + Khr = "KHR", + Kid = "KID", + Kmf = "KMF", + Krw = "KRW", + Kwd = "KWD", + Kyd = "KYD", + Kzt = "KZT", + Lak = "LAK", + Lbp = "LBP", + Lkr = "LKR", + Lrd = "LRD", + Lsl = "LSL", + Lyd = "LYD", + Mad = "MAD", + Mdl = "MDL", + Mga = "MGA", + Mkd = "MKD", + Mmk = "MMK", + Mnt = "MNT", + Mop = "MOP", + Mru = "MRU", + Mur = "MUR", + Mvr = "MVR", + Mwk = "MWK", + Mxn = "MXN", + Myr = "MYR", + Mzn = "MZN", + Nad = "NAD", + Ngn = "NGN", + Nio = "NIO", + Nok = "NOK", + Npr = "NPR", + Nzd = "NZD", + Omr = "OMR", + Pab = "PAB", + Pen = "PEN", + Pgk = "PGK", + Php = "PHP", + Pkr = "PKR", + Pln = "PLN", + Pyg = "PYG", + Qar = "QAR", + Ron = "RON", + Rsd = "RSD", + Rub = "RUB", + Rwf = "RWF", + Sar = "SAR", + Sbd = "SBD", + Scr = "SCR", + Sdg = "SDG", + Sek = "SEK", + Sgd = "SGD", + Shp = "SHP", + Sle = "SLE", + Sll = "SLL", + Sos = "SOS", + Srd = "SRD", + Ssp = "SSP", + Stn = "STN", + Syp = "SYP", + Szl = "SZL", + Thb = "THB", + Tjs = "TJS", + Tmt = "TMT", + Tnd = "TND", + Top = "TOP", + Try = "TRY", + Ttd = "TTD", + Tvd = "TVD", + Twd = "TWD", + Tzs = "TZS", + Uah = "UAH", + Ugx = "UGX", + Usd = "USD", + Uyu = "UYU", + Uzs = "UZS", + Ves = "VES", + Vnd = "VND", + Vuv = "VUV", + Wst = "WST", + Xaf = "XAF", + Xcd = "XCD", + Xdr = "XDR", + Xof = "XOF", + Xpf = "XPF", + Yer = "YER", + Zar = "ZAR", + Zmw = "ZMW", + Zwl = "ZWL", +} + +/** + * The custom field mappings of the object between the remote 3rd party & Panora + */ +export type UnifiedAccountingAccountOutputFieldMappings = {}; + +/** + * The remote data of the account in the context of the 3rd Party + */ +export type UnifiedAccountingAccountOutputRemoteData = {}; + +export type UnifiedAccountingAccountOutput = { + /** + * The name of the account + */ + name?: string | null | undefined; + /** + * A description of the account + */ + description?: string | null | undefined; + /** + * The classification of the account + */ + classification?: string | null | undefined; + /** + * The type of the account + */ + type?: string | null | undefined; + /** + * The status of the account + */ + status?: string | null | undefined; + /** + * The current balance of the account + */ + currentBalance?: number | null | undefined; + /** + * The currency of the account + */ + currency?: Currency | null | undefined; + /** + * The account number + */ + accountNumber?: string | null | undefined; + /** + * The UUID of the parent account + */ + parentAccount?: string | null | undefined; + /** + * The UUID of the associated company info + */ + companyInfoId?: string | null | undefined; + /** + * The custom field mappings of the object between the remote 3rd party & Panora + */ + fieldMappings?: UnifiedAccountingAccountOutputFieldMappings | null | undefined; + /** + * The UUID of the account record + */ + id?: string | null | undefined; + /** + * The remote ID of the account in the context of the 3rd Party + */ + remoteId?: string | null | undefined; + /** + * The remote data of the account in the context of the 3rd Party + */ + remoteData?: UnifiedAccountingAccountOutputRemoteData | null | undefined; + /** + * The created date of the account record + */ + createdAt?: Date | null | undefined; + /** + * The last modified date of the account record + */ + modifiedAt?: Date | null | undefined; +}; + +/** @internal */ +export const Currency$inboundSchema: z.ZodNativeEnum = z.nativeEnum(Currency); + +/** @internal */ +export const Currency$outboundSchema: z.ZodNativeEnum = Currency$inboundSchema; + +/** + * @internal + * @deprecated This namespace will be removed in future versions. Use schemas and types that are exported directly from this module. + */ +export namespace Currency$ { + /** @deprecated use `Currency$inboundSchema` instead. */ + export const inboundSchema = Currency$inboundSchema; + /** @deprecated use `Currency$outboundSchema` instead. */ + export const outboundSchema = Currency$outboundSchema; +} + +/** @internal */ +export const UnifiedAccountingAccountOutputFieldMappings$inboundSchema: z.ZodType< + UnifiedAccountingAccountOutputFieldMappings, + z.ZodTypeDef, + unknown +> = z.object({}); + +/** @internal */ +export type UnifiedAccountingAccountOutputFieldMappings$Outbound = {}; + +/** @internal */ +export const UnifiedAccountingAccountOutputFieldMappings$outboundSchema: z.ZodType< + UnifiedAccountingAccountOutputFieldMappings$Outbound, + z.ZodTypeDef, + UnifiedAccountingAccountOutputFieldMappings +> = z.object({}); + +/** + * @internal + * @deprecated This namespace will be removed in future versions. Use schemas and types that are exported directly from this module. + */ +export namespace UnifiedAccountingAccountOutputFieldMappings$ { + /** @deprecated use `UnifiedAccountingAccountOutputFieldMappings$inboundSchema` instead. */ + export const inboundSchema = UnifiedAccountingAccountOutputFieldMappings$inboundSchema; + /** @deprecated use `UnifiedAccountingAccountOutputFieldMappings$outboundSchema` instead. */ + export const outboundSchema = UnifiedAccountingAccountOutputFieldMappings$outboundSchema; + /** @deprecated use `UnifiedAccountingAccountOutputFieldMappings$Outbound` instead. */ + export type Outbound = UnifiedAccountingAccountOutputFieldMappings$Outbound; +} + +/** @internal */ +export const UnifiedAccountingAccountOutputRemoteData$inboundSchema: z.ZodType< + UnifiedAccountingAccountOutputRemoteData, + z.ZodTypeDef, + unknown +> = z.object({}); + +/** @internal */ +export type UnifiedAccountingAccountOutputRemoteData$Outbound = {}; + +/** @internal */ +export const UnifiedAccountingAccountOutputRemoteData$outboundSchema: z.ZodType< + UnifiedAccountingAccountOutputRemoteData$Outbound, + z.ZodTypeDef, + UnifiedAccountingAccountOutputRemoteData +> = z.object({}); + +/** + * @internal + * @deprecated This namespace will be removed in future versions. Use schemas and types that are exported directly from this module. + */ +export namespace UnifiedAccountingAccountOutputRemoteData$ { + /** @deprecated use `UnifiedAccountingAccountOutputRemoteData$inboundSchema` instead. */ + export const inboundSchema = UnifiedAccountingAccountOutputRemoteData$inboundSchema; + /** @deprecated use `UnifiedAccountingAccountOutputRemoteData$outboundSchema` instead. */ + export const outboundSchema = UnifiedAccountingAccountOutputRemoteData$outboundSchema; + /** @deprecated use `UnifiedAccountingAccountOutputRemoteData$Outbound` instead. */ + export type Outbound = UnifiedAccountingAccountOutputRemoteData$Outbound; +} /** @internal */ export const UnifiedAccountingAccountOutput$inboundSchema: z.ZodType< UnifiedAccountingAccountOutput, z.ZodTypeDef, unknown -> = z.object({}); +> = z + .object({ + name: z.nullable(z.string()).optional(), + description: z.nullable(z.string()).optional(), + classification: z.nullable(z.string()).optional(), + type: z.nullable(z.string()).optional(), + status: z.nullable(z.string()).optional(), + current_balance: z.nullable(z.number()).optional(), + currency: z.nullable(Currency$inboundSchema).optional(), + account_number: z.nullable(z.string()).optional(), + parent_account: z.nullable(z.string()).optional(), + company_info_id: z.nullable(z.string()).optional(), + field_mappings: z + .nullable(z.lazy(() => UnifiedAccountingAccountOutputFieldMappings$inboundSchema)) + .optional(), + id: z.nullable(z.string()).optional(), + remote_id: z.nullable(z.string()).optional(), + remote_data: z + .nullable(z.lazy(() => UnifiedAccountingAccountOutputRemoteData$inboundSchema)) + .optional(), + created_at: z + .nullable( + z + .string() + .datetime({ offset: true }) + .transform((v) => new Date(v)) + ) + .optional(), + modified_at: z + .nullable( + z + .string() + .datetime({ offset: true }) + .transform((v) => new Date(v)) + ) + .optional(), + }) + .transform((v) => { + return remap$(v, { + current_balance: "currentBalance", + account_number: "accountNumber", + parent_account: "parentAccount", + company_info_id: "companyInfoId", + field_mappings: "fieldMappings", + remote_id: "remoteId", + remote_data: "remoteData", + created_at: "createdAt", + modified_at: "modifiedAt", + }); + }); /** @internal */ -export type UnifiedAccountingAccountOutput$Outbound = {}; +export type UnifiedAccountingAccountOutput$Outbound = { + name?: string | null | undefined; + description?: string | null | undefined; + classification?: string | null | undefined; + type?: string | null | undefined; + status?: string | null | undefined; + current_balance?: number | null | undefined; + currency?: string | null | undefined; + account_number?: string | null | undefined; + parent_account?: string | null | undefined; + company_info_id?: string | null | undefined; + field_mappings?: UnifiedAccountingAccountOutputFieldMappings$Outbound | null | undefined; + id?: string | null | undefined; + remote_id?: string | null | undefined; + remote_data?: UnifiedAccountingAccountOutputRemoteData$Outbound | null | undefined; + created_at?: string | null | undefined; + modified_at?: string | null | undefined; +}; /** @internal */ export const UnifiedAccountingAccountOutput$outboundSchema: z.ZodType< UnifiedAccountingAccountOutput$Outbound, z.ZodTypeDef, UnifiedAccountingAccountOutput -> = z.object({}); +> = z + .object({ + name: z.nullable(z.string()).optional(), + description: z.nullable(z.string()).optional(), + classification: z.nullable(z.string()).optional(), + type: z.nullable(z.string()).optional(), + status: z.nullable(z.string()).optional(), + currentBalance: z.nullable(z.number()).optional(), + currency: z.nullable(Currency$outboundSchema).optional(), + accountNumber: z.nullable(z.string()).optional(), + parentAccount: z.nullable(z.string()).optional(), + companyInfoId: z.nullable(z.string()).optional(), + fieldMappings: z + .nullable(z.lazy(() => UnifiedAccountingAccountOutputFieldMappings$outboundSchema)) + .optional(), + id: z.nullable(z.string()).optional(), + remoteId: z.nullable(z.string()).optional(), + remoteData: z + .nullable(z.lazy(() => UnifiedAccountingAccountOutputRemoteData$outboundSchema)) + .optional(), + createdAt: z.nullable(z.date().transform((v) => v.toISOString())).optional(), + modifiedAt: z.nullable(z.date().transform((v) => v.toISOString())).optional(), + }) + .transform((v) => { + return remap$(v, { + currentBalance: "current_balance", + accountNumber: "account_number", + parentAccount: "parent_account", + companyInfoId: "company_info_id", + fieldMappings: "field_mappings", + remoteId: "remote_id", + remoteData: "remote_data", + createdAt: "created_at", + modifiedAt: "modified_at", + }); + }); /** * @internal diff --git a/src/models/components/unifiedaccountingaddressoutput.ts b/src/models/components/unifiedaccountingaddressoutput.ts index 42d9bc37..faa60a79 100644 --- a/src/models/components/unifiedaccountingaddressoutput.ts +++ b/src/models/components/unifiedaccountingaddressoutput.ts @@ -2,26 +2,265 @@ * Code generated by Speakeasy (https://speakeasy.com). DO NOT EDIT. */ +import { remap as remap$ } from "../../lib/primitives.js"; import * as z from "zod"; -export type UnifiedAccountingAddressOutput = {}; +/** + * The custom field mappings of the object between the remote 3rd party & Panora + */ +export type UnifiedAccountingAddressOutputFieldMappings = {}; + +/** + * The remote data of the address in the context of the 3rd Party + */ +export type UnifiedAccountingAddressOutputRemoteData = {}; + +export type UnifiedAccountingAddressOutput = { + /** + * The type of the address + */ + type?: string | null | undefined; + /** + * The first line of the street address + */ + street1?: string | null | undefined; + /** + * The second line of the street address + */ + street2?: string | null | undefined; + /** + * The city of the address + */ + city?: string | null | undefined; + /** + * The state of the address + */ + state?: string | null | undefined; + /** + * The country subdivision (e.g., province or state) of the address + */ + countrySubdivision?: string | null | undefined; + /** + * The country of the address + */ + country?: string | null | undefined; + /** + * The zip or postal code of the address + */ + zip?: string | null | undefined; + /** + * The UUID of the associated contact + */ + contactId?: string | null | undefined; + /** + * The UUID of the associated company info + */ + companyInfoId?: string | null | undefined; + /** + * The custom field mappings of the object between the remote 3rd party & Panora + */ + fieldMappings?: UnifiedAccountingAddressOutputFieldMappings | null | undefined; + /** + * The UUID of the address record + */ + id?: string | null | undefined; + /** + * The remote ID of the address in the context of the 3rd Party + */ + remoteId?: string | null | undefined; + /** + * The remote data of the address in the context of the 3rd Party + */ + remoteData?: UnifiedAccountingAddressOutputRemoteData | null | undefined; + /** + * The created date of the address record + */ + createdAt?: Date | null | undefined; + /** + * The last modified date of the address record + */ + modifiedAt?: Date | null | undefined; +}; + +/** @internal */ +export const UnifiedAccountingAddressOutputFieldMappings$inboundSchema: z.ZodType< + UnifiedAccountingAddressOutputFieldMappings, + z.ZodTypeDef, + unknown +> = z.object({}); + +/** @internal */ +export type UnifiedAccountingAddressOutputFieldMappings$Outbound = {}; + +/** @internal */ +export const UnifiedAccountingAddressOutputFieldMappings$outboundSchema: z.ZodType< + UnifiedAccountingAddressOutputFieldMappings$Outbound, + z.ZodTypeDef, + UnifiedAccountingAddressOutputFieldMappings +> = z.object({}); + +/** + * @internal + * @deprecated This namespace will be removed in future versions. Use schemas and types that are exported directly from this module. + */ +export namespace UnifiedAccountingAddressOutputFieldMappings$ { + /** @deprecated use `UnifiedAccountingAddressOutputFieldMappings$inboundSchema` instead. */ + export const inboundSchema = UnifiedAccountingAddressOutputFieldMappings$inboundSchema; + /** @deprecated use `UnifiedAccountingAddressOutputFieldMappings$outboundSchema` instead. */ + export const outboundSchema = UnifiedAccountingAddressOutputFieldMappings$outboundSchema; + /** @deprecated use `UnifiedAccountingAddressOutputFieldMappings$Outbound` instead. */ + export type Outbound = UnifiedAccountingAddressOutputFieldMappings$Outbound; +} + +/** @internal */ +export const UnifiedAccountingAddressOutputRemoteData$inboundSchema: z.ZodType< + UnifiedAccountingAddressOutputRemoteData, + z.ZodTypeDef, + unknown +> = z.object({}); + +/** @internal */ +export type UnifiedAccountingAddressOutputRemoteData$Outbound = {}; + +/** @internal */ +export const UnifiedAccountingAddressOutputRemoteData$outboundSchema: z.ZodType< + UnifiedAccountingAddressOutputRemoteData$Outbound, + z.ZodTypeDef, + UnifiedAccountingAddressOutputRemoteData +> = z.object({}); + +/** + * @internal + * @deprecated This namespace will be removed in future versions. Use schemas and types that are exported directly from this module. + */ +export namespace UnifiedAccountingAddressOutputRemoteData$ { + /** @deprecated use `UnifiedAccountingAddressOutputRemoteData$inboundSchema` instead. */ + export const inboundSchema = UnifiedAccountingAddressOutputRemoteData$inboundSchema; + /** @deprecated use `UnifiedAccountingAddressOutputRemoteData$outboundSchema` instead. */ + export const outboundSchema = UnifiedAccountingAddressOutputRemoteData$outboundSchema; + /** @deprecated use `UnifiedAccountingAddressOutputRemoteData$Outbound` instead. */ + export type Outbound = UnifiedAccountingAddressOutputRemoteData$Outbound; +} /** @internal */ export const UnifiedAccountingAddressOutput$inboundSchema: z.ZodType< UnifiedAccountingAddressOutput, z.ZodTypeDef, unknown -> = z.object({}); +> = z + .object({ + type: z.nullable(z.string()).optional(), + street_1: z.nullable(z.string()).optional(), + street_2: z.nullable(z.string()).optional(), + city: z.nullable(z.string()).optional(), + state: z.nullable(z.string()).optional(), + country_subdivision: z.nullable(z.string()).optional(), + country: z.nullable(z.string()).optional(), + zip: z.nullable(z.string()).optional(), + contact_id: z.nullable(z.string()).optional(), + company_info_id: z.nullable(z.string()).optional(), + field_mappings: z + .nullable(z.lazy(() => UnifiedAccountingAddressOutputFieldMappings$inboundSchema)) + .optional(), + id: z.nullable(z.string()).optional(), + remote_id: z.nullable(z.string()).optional(), + remote_data: z + .nullable(z.lazy(() => UnifiedAccountingAddressOutputRemoteData$inboundSchema)) + .optional(), + created_at: z + .nullable( + z + .string() + .datetime({ offset: true }) + .transform((v) => new Date(v)) + ) + .optional(), + modified_at: z + .nullable( + z + .string() + .datetime({ offset: true }) + .transform((v) => new Date(v)) + ) + .optional(), + }) + .transform((v) => { + return remap$(v, { + street_1: "street1", + street_2: "street2", + country_subdivision: "countrySubdivision", + contact_id: "contactId", + company_info_id: "companyInfoId", + field_mappings: "fieldMappings", + remote_id: "remoteId", + remote_data: "remoteData", + created_at: "createdAt", + modified_at: "modifiedAt", + }); + }); /** @internal */ -export type UnifiedAccountingAddressOutput$Outbound = {}; +export type UnifiedAccountingAddressOutput$Outbound = { + type?: string | null | undefined; + street_1?: string | null | undefined; + street_2?: string | null | undefined; + city?: string | null | undefined; + state?: string | null | undefined; + country_subdivision?: string | null | undefined; + country?: string | null | undefined; + zip?: string | null | undefined; + contact_id?: string | null | undefined; + company_info_id?: string | null | undefined; + field_mappings?: UnifiedAccountingAddressOutputFieldMappings$Outbound | null | undefined; + id?: string | null | undefined; + remote_id?: string | null | undefined; + remote_data?: UnifiedAccountingAddressOutputRemoteData$Outbound | null | undefined; + created_at?: string | null | undefined; + modified_at?: string | null | undefined; +}; /** @internal */ export const UnifiedAccountingAddressOutput$outboundSchema: z.ZodType< UnifiedAccountingAddressOutput$Outbound, z.ZodTypeDef, UnifiedAccountingAddressOutput -> = z.object({}); +> = z + .object({ + type: z.nullable(z.string()).optional(), + street1: z.nullable(z.string()).optional(), + street2: z.nullable(z.string()).optional(), + city: z.nullable(z.string()).optional(), + state: z.nullable(z.string()).optional(), + countrySubdivision: z.nullable(z.string()).optional(), + country: z.nullable(z.string()).optional(), + zip: z.nullable(z.string()).optional(), + contactId: z.nullable(z.string()).optional(), + companyInfoId: z.nullable(z.string()).optional(), + fieldMappings: z + .nullable(z.lazy(() => UnifiedAccountingAddressOutputFieldMappings$outboundSchema)) + .optional(), + id: z.nullable(z.string()).optional(), + remoteId: z.nullable(z.string()).optional(), + remoteData: z + .nullable(z.lazy(() => UnifiedAccountingAddressOutputRemoteData$outboundSchema)) + .optional(), + createdAt: z.nullable(z.date().transform((v) => v.toISOString())).optional(), + modifiedAt: z.nullable(z.date().transform((v) => v.toISOString())).optional(), + }) + .transform((v) => { + return remap$(v, { + street1: "street_1", + street2: "street_2", + countrySubdivision: "country_subdivision", + contactId: "contact_id", + companyInfoId: "company_info_id", + fieldMappings: "field_mappings", + remoteId: "remote_id", + remoteData: "remote_data", + createdAt: "created_at", + modifiedAt: "modified_at", + }); + }); /** * @internal diff --git a/src/models/components/unifiedaccountingattachmentinput.ts b/src/models/components/unifiedaccountingattachmentinput.ts index 3ba0eea3..2598e3b4 100644 --- a/src/models/components/unifiedaccountingattachmentinput.ts +++ b/src/models/components/unifiedaccountingattachmentinput.ts @@ -2,26 +2,116 @@ * Code generated by Speakeasy (https://speakeasy.com). DO NOT EDIT. */ +import { remap as remap$ } from "../../lib/primitives.js"; import * as z from "zod"; -export type UnifiedAccountingAttachmentInput = {}; +/** + * The custom field mappings of the object between the remote 3rd party & Panora + */ +export type UnifiedAccountingAttachmentInputFieldMappings = {}; + +export type UnifiedAccountingAttachmentInput = { + /** + * The name of the attached file + */ + fileName?: string | null | undefined; + /** + * The URL where the file can be accessed + */ + fileUrl?: string | null | undefined; + /** + * The UUID of the associated account + */ + accountId?: string | null | undefined; + /** + * The custom field mappings of the object between the remote 3rd party & Panora + */ + fieldMappings?: UnifiedAccountingAttachmentInputFieldMappings | null | undefined; +}; + +/** @internal */ +export const UnifiedAccountingAttachmentInputFieldMappings$inboundSchema: z.ZodType< + UnifiedAccountingAttachmentInputFieldMappings, + z.ZodTypeDef, + unknown +> = z.object({}); + +/** @internal */ +export type UnifiedAccountingAttachmentInputFieldMappings$Outbound = {}; + +/** @internal */ +export const UnifiedAccountingAttachmentInputFieldMappings$outboundSchema: z.ZodType< + UnifiedAccountingAttachmentInputFieldMappings$Outbound, + z.ZodTypeDef, + UnifiedAccountingAttachmentInputFieldMappings +> = z.object({}); + +/** + * @internal + * @deprecated This namespace will be removed in future versions. Use schemas and types that are exported directly from this module. + */ +export namespace UnifiedAccountingAttachmentInputFieldMappings$ { + /** @deprecated use `UnifiedAccountingAttachmentInputFieldMappings$inboundSchema` instead. */ + export const inboundSchema = UnifiedAccountingAttachmentInputFieldMappings$inboundSchema; + /** @deprecated use `UnifiedAccountingAttachmentInputFieldMappings$outboundSchema` instead. */ + export const outboundSchema = UnifiedAccountingAttachmentInputFieldMappings$outboundSchema; + /** @deprecated use `UnifiedAccountingAttachmentInputFieldMappings$Outbound` instead. */ + export type Outbound = UnifiedAccountingAttachmentInputFieldMappings$Outbound; +} /** @internal */ export const UnifiedAccountingAttachmentInput$inboundSchema: z.ZodType< UnifiedAccountingAttachmentInput, z.ZodTypeDef, unknown -> = z.object({}); +> = z + .object({ + file_name: z.nullable(z.string()).optional(), + file_url: z.nullable(z.string()).optional(), + account_id: z.nullable(z.string()).optional(), + field_mappings: z + .nullable(z.lazy(() => UnifiedAccountingAttachmentInputFieldMappings$inboundSchema)) + .optional(), + }) + .transform((v) => { + return remap$(v, { + file_name: "fileName", + file_url: "fileUrl", + account_id: "accountId", + field_mappings: "fieldMappings", + }); + }); /** @internal */ -export type UnifiedAccountingAttachmentInput$Outbound = {}; +export type UnifiedAccountingAttachmentInput$Outbound = { + file_name?: string | null | undefined; + file_url?: string | null | undefined; + account_id?: string | null | undefined; + field_mappings?: UnifiedAccountingAttachmentInputFieldMappings$Outbound | null | undefined; +}; /** @internal */ export const UnifiedAccountingAttachmentInput$outboundSchema: z.ZodType< UnifiedAccountingAttachmentInput$Outbound, z.ZodTypeDef, UnifiedAccountingAttachmentInput -> = z.object({}); +> = z + .object({ + fileName: z.nullable(z.string()).optional(), + fileUrl: z.nullable(z.string()).optional(), + accountId: z.nullable(z.string()).optional(), + fieldMappings: z + .nullable(z.lazy(() => UnifiedAccountingAttachmentInputFieldMappings$outboundSchema)) + .optional(), + }) + .transform((v) => { + return remap$(v, { + fileName: "file_name", + fileUrl: "file_url", + accountId: "account_id", + fieldMappings: "field_mappings", + }); + }); /** * @internal diff --git a/src/models/components/unifiedaccountingattachmentoutput.ts b/src/models/components/unifiedaccountingattachmentoutput.ts index c9aa574e..00b22f1c 100644 --- a/src/models/components/unifiedaccountingattachmentoutput.ts +++ b/src/models/components/unifiedaccountingattachmentoutput.ts @@ -2,26 +2,212 @@ * Code generated by Speakeasy (https://speakeasy.com). DO NOT EDIT. */ +import { remap as remap$ } from "../../lib/primitives.js"; import * as z from "zod"; -export type UnifiedAccountingAttachmentOutput = {}; +/** + * The custom field mappings of the object between the remote 3rd party & Panora + */ +export type UnifiedAccountingAttachmentOutputFieldMappings = {}; + +/** + * The remote data of the attachment in the context of the 3rd Party + */ +export type UnifiedAccountingAttachmentOutputRemoteData = {}; + +export type UnifiedAccountingAttachmentOutput = { + /** + * The name of the attached file + */ + fileName?: string | null | undefined; + /** + * The URL where the file can be accessed + */ + fileUrl?: string | null | undefined; + /** + * The UUID of the associated account + */ + accountId?: string | null | undefined; + /** + * The custom field mappings of the object between the remote 3rd party & Panora + */ + fieldMappings?: UnifiedAccountingAttachmentOutputFieldMappings | null | undefined; + /** + * The UUID of the attachment record + */ + id?: string | null | undefined; + /** + * The remote ID of the attachment in the context of the 3rd Party + */ + remoteId?: string | null | undefined; + /** + * The remote data of the attachment in the context of the 3rd Party + */ + remoteData?: UnifiedAccountingAttachmentOutputRemoteData | null | undefined; + /** + * The created date of the attachment record + */ + createdAt?: Date | null | undefined; + /** + * The last modified date of the attachment record + */ + modifiedAt?: Date | null | undefined; +}; + +/** @internal */ +export const UnifiedAccountingAttachmentOutputFieldMappings$inboundSchema: z.ZodType< + UnifiedAccountingAttachmentOutputFieldMappings, + z.ZodTypeDef, + unknown +> = z.object({}); + +/** @internal */ +export type UnifiedAccountingAttachmentOutputFieldMappings$Outbound = {}; + +/** @internal */ +export const UnifiedAccountingAttachmentOutputFieldMappings$outboundSchema: z.ZodType< + UnifiedAccountingAttachmentOutputFieldMappings$Outbound, + z.ZodTypeDef, + UnifiedAccountingAttachmentOutputFieldMappings +> = z.object({}); + +/** + * @internal + * @deprecated This namespace will be removed in future versions. Use schemas and types that are exported directly from this module. + */ +export namespace UnifiedAccountingAttachmentOutputFieldMappings$ { + /** @deprecated use `UnifiedAccountingAttachmentOutputFieldMappings$inboundSchema` instead. */ + export const inboundSchema = UnifiedAccountingAttachmentOutputFieldMappings$inboundSchema; + /** @deprecated use `UnifiedAccountingAttachmentOutputFieldMappings$outboundSchema` instead. */ + export const outboundSchema = UnifiedAccountingAttachmentOutputFieldMappings$outboundSchema; + /** @deprecated use `UnifiedAccountingAttachmentOutputFieldMappings$Outbound` instead. */ + export type Outbound = UnifiedAccountingAttachmentOutputFieldMappings$Outbound; +} + +/** @internal */ +export const UnifiedAccountingAttachmentOutputRemoteData$inboundSchema: z.ZodType< + UnifiedAccountingAttachmentOutputRemoteData, + z.ZodTypeDef, + unknown +> = z.object({}); + +/** @internal */ +export type UnifiedAccountingAttachmentOutputRemoteData$Outbound = {}; + +/** @internal */ +export const UnifiedAccountingAttachmentOutputRemoteData$outboundSchema: z.ZodType< + UnifiedAccountingAttachmentOutputRemoteData$Outbound, + z.ZodTypeDef, + UnifiedAccountingAttachmentOutputRemoteData +> = z.object({}); + +/** + * @internal + * @deprecated This namespace will be removed in future versions. Use schemas and types that are exported directly from this module. + */ +export namespace UnifiedAccountingAttachmentOutputRemoteData$ { + /** @deprecated use `UnifiedAccountingAttachmentOutputRemoteData$inboundSchema` instead. */ + export const inboundSchema = UnifiedAccountingAttachmentOutputRemoteData$inboundSchema; + /** @deprecated use `UnifiedAccountingAttachmentOutputRemoteData$outboundSchema` instead. */ + export const outboundSchema = UnifiedAccountingAttachmentOutputRemoteData$outboundSchema; + /** @deprecated use `UnifiedAccountingAttachmentOutputRemoteData$Outbound` instead. */ + export type Outbound = UnifiedAccountingAttachmentOutputRemoteData$Outbound; +} /** @internal */ export const UnifiedAccountingAttachmentOutput$inboundSchema: z.ZodType< UnifiedAccountingAttachmentOutput, z.ZodTypeDef, unknown -> = z.object({}); +> = z + .object({ + file_name: z.nullable(z.string()).optional(), + file_url: z.nullable(z.string()).optional(), + account_id: z.nullable(z.string()).optional(), + field_mappings: z + .nullable(z.lazy(() => UnifiedAccountingAttachmentOutputFieldMappings$inboundSchema)) + .optional(), + id: z.nullable(z.string()).optional(), + remote_id: z.nullable(z.string()).optional(), + remote_data: z + .nullable(z.lazy(() => UnifiedAccountingAttachmentOutputRemoteData$inboundSchema)) + .optional(), + created_at: z + .nullable( + z + .string() + .datetime({ offset: true }) + .transform((v) => new Date(v)) + ) + .optional(), + modified_at: z + .nullable( + z + .string() + .datetime({ offset: true }) + .transform((v) => new Date(v)) + ) + .optional(), + }) + .transform((v) => { + return remap$(v, { + file_name: "fileName", + file_url: "fileUrl", + account_id: "accountId", + field_mappings: "fieldMappings", + remote_id: "remoteId", + remote_data: "remoteData", + created_at: "createdAt", + modified_at: "modifiedAt", + }); + }); /** @internal */ -export type UnifiedAccountingAttachmentOutput$Outbound = {}; +export type UnifiedAccountingAttachmentOutput$Outbound = { + file_name?: string | null | undefined; + file_url?: string | null | undefined; + account_id?: string | null | undefined; + field_mappings?: UnifiedAccountingAttachmentOutputFieldMappings$Outbound | null | undefined; + id?: string | null | undefined; + remote_id?: string | null | undefined; + remote_data?: UnifiedAccountingAttachmentOutputRemoteData$Outbound | null | undefined; + created_at?: string | null | undefined; + modified_at?: string | null | undefined; +}; /** @internal */ export const UnifiedAccountingAttachmentOutput$outboundSchema: z.ZodType< UnifiedAccountingAttachmentOutput$Outbound, z.ZodTypeDef, UnifiedAccountingAttachmentOutput -> = z.object({}); +> = z + .object({ + fileName: z.nullable(z.string()).optional(), + fileUrl: z.nullable(z.string()).optional(), + accountId: z.nullable(z.string()).optional(), + fieldMappings: z + .nullable(z.lazy(() => UnifiedAccountingAttachmentOutputFieldMappings$outboundSchema)) + .optional(), + id: z.nullable(z.string()).optional(), + remoteId: z.nullable(z.string()).optional(), + remoteData: z + .nullable(z.lazy(() => UnifiedAccountingAttachmentOutputRemoteData$outboundSchema)) + .optional(), + createdAt: z.nullable(z.date().transform((v) => v.toISOString())).optional(), + modifiedAt: z.nullable(z.date().transform((v) => v.toISOString())).optional(), + }) + .transform((v) => { + return remap$(v, { + fileName: "file_name", + fileUrl: "file_url", + accountId: "account_id", + fieldMappings: "field_mappings", + remoteId: "remote_id", + remoteData: "remote_data", + createdAt: "created_at", + modifiedAt: "modified_at", + }); + }); /** * @internal diff --git a/src/models/components/unifiedaccountingbalancesheetoutput.ts b/src/models/components/unifiedaccountingbalancesheetoutput.ts index 06f93355..3f34dfd4 100644 --- a/src/models/components/unifiedaccountingbalancesheetoutput.ts +++ b/src/models/components/unifiedaccountingbalancesheetoutput.ts @@ -2,26 +2,472 @@ * Code generated by Speakeasy (https://speakeasy.com). DO NOT EDIT. */ +import { remap as remap$ } from "../../lib/primitives.js"; +import { + LineItem, + LineItem$inboundSchema, + LineItem$Outbound, + LineItem$outboundSchema, +} from "./lineitem.js"; import * as z from "zod"; -export type UnifiedAccountingBalancesheetOutput = {}; +/** + * The currency used in the balance sheet + */ +export enum UnifiedAccountingBalancesheetOutputCurrency { + Aed = "AED", + Afn = "AFN", + All = "ALL", + Amd = "AMD", + Ang = "ANG", + Aoa = "AOA", + Ars = "ARS", + Aud = "AUD", + Awg = "AWG", + Azn = "AZN", + Bam = "BAM", + Bbd = "BBD", + Bdt = "BDT", + Bgn = "BGN", + Bhd = "BHD", + Bif = "BIF", + Bmd = "BMD", + Bnd = "BND", + Bob = "BOB", + Brl = "BRL", + Bsd = "BSD", + Btn = "BTN", + Bwp = "BWP", + Byn = "BYN", + Bzd = "BZD", + Cad = "CAD", + Cdf = "CDF", + Chf = "CHF", + Clp = "CLP", + Cny = "CNY", + Cop = "COP", + Crc = "CRC", + Cup = "CUP", + Cve = "CVE", + Czk = "CZK", + Djf = "DJF", + Dkk = "DKK", + Dop = "DOP", + Dzd = "DZD", + Egp = "EGP", + Ern = "ERN", + Etb = "ETB", + Eur = "EUR", + Fjd = "FJD", + Fkp = "FKP", + Fok = "FOK", + Gbp = "GBP", + Gel = "GEL", + Ggp = "GGP", + Ghs = "GHS", + Gip = "GIP", + Gmd = "GMD", + Gnf = "GNF", + Gtq = "GTQ", + Gyd = "GYD", + Hkd = "HKD", + Hnl = "HNL", + Hrk = "HRK", + Htg = "HTG", + Huf = "HUF", + Idr = "IDR", + Ils = "ILS", + Imp = "IMP", + Inr = "INR", + Iqd = "IQD", + Irr = "IRR", + Isk = "ISK", + Jep = "JEP", + Jmd = "JMD", + Jod = "JOD", + Jpy = "JPY", + Kes = "KES", + Kgs = "KGS", + Khr = "KHR", + Kid = "KID", + Kmf = "KMF", + Krw = "KRW", + Kwd = "KWD", + Kyd = "KYD", + Kzt = "KZT", + Lak = "LAK", + Lbp = "LBP", + Lkr = "LKR", + Lrd = "LRD", + Lsl = "LSL", + Lyd = "LYD", + Mad = "MAD", + Mdl = "MDL", + Mga = "MGA", + Mkd = "MKD", + Mmk = "MMK", + Mnt = "MNT", + Mop = "MOP", + Mru = "MRU", + Mur = "MUR", + Mvr = "MVR", + Mwk = "MWK", + Mxn = "MXN", + Myr = "MYR", + Mzn = "MZN", + Nad = "NAD", + Ngn = "NGN", + Nio = "NIO", + Nok = "NOK", + Npr = "NPR", + Nzd = "NZD", + Omr = "OMR", + Pab = "PAB", + Pen = "PEN", + Pgk = "PGK", + Php = "PHP", + Pkr = "PKR", + Pln = "PLN", + Pyg = "PYG", + Qar = "QAR", + Ron = "RON", + Rsd = "RSD", + Rub = "RUB", + Rwf = "RWF", + Sar = "SAR", + Sbd = "SBD", + Scr = "SCR", + Sdg = "SDG", + Sek = "SEK", + Sgd = "SGD", + Shp = "SHP", + Sle = "SLE", + Sll = "SLL", + Sos = "SOS", + Srd = "SRD", + Ssp = "SSP", + Stn = "STN", + Syp = "SYP", + Szl = "SZL", + Thb = "THB", + Tjs = "TJS", + Tmt = "TMT", + Tnd = "TND", + Top = "TOP", + Try = "TRY", + Ttd = "TTD", + Tvd = "TVD", + Twd = "TWD", + Tzs = "TZS", + Uah = "UAH", + Ugx = "UGX", + Usd = "USD", + Uyu = "UYU", + Uzs = "UZS", + Ves = "VES", + Vnd = "VND", + Vuv = "VUV", + Wst = "WST", + Xaf = "XAF", + Xcd = "XCD", + Xdr = "XDR", + Xof = "XOF", + Xpf = "XPF", + Yer = "YER", + Zar = "ZAR", + Zmw = "ZMW", + Zwl = "ZWL", +} + +/** + * The custom field mappings of the object between the remote 3rd party & Panora + */ +export type UnifiedAccountingBalancesheetOutputFieldMappings = {}; + +/** + * The remote data of the balance sheet in the context of the 3rd Party + */ +export type UnifiedAccountingBalancesheetOutputRemoteData = {}; + +export type UnifiedAccountingBalancesheetOutput = { + /** + * The name of the balance sheet + */ + name?: string | null | undefined; + /** + * The currency used in the balance sheet + */ + currency?: UnifiedAccountingBalancesheetOutputCurrency | null | undefined; + /** + * The UUID of the associated company info + */ + companyInfoId?: string | null | undefined; + /** + * The date of the balance sheet + */ + date?: Date | null | undefined; + /** + * The net assets value + */ + netAssets?: number | null | undefined; + /** + * The list of assets + */ + assets?: Array | null | undefined; + /** + * The list of liabilities + */ + liabilities?: Array | null | undefined; + /** + * The list of equity items + */ + equity?: Array | null | undefined; + /** + * The date when the balance sheet was generated in the remote system + */ + remoteGeneratedAt?: Date | null | undefined; + /** + * The report items associated with this balance sheet + */ + lineItems?: Array | undefined; + /** + * The custom field mappings of the object between the remote 3rd party & Panora + */ + fieldMappings?: UnifiedAccountingBalancesheetOutputFieldMappings | null | undefined; + /** + * The UUID of the balance sheet record + */ + id?: string | null | undefined; + /** + * The remote ID of the balance sheet in the context of the 3rd Party + */ + remoteId?: string | null | undefined; + /** + * The remote data of the balance sheet in the context of the 3rd Party + */ + remoteData?: UnifiedAccountingBalancesheetOutputRemoteData | null | undefined; + /** + * The created date of the balance sheet record + */ + createdAt?: Date | null | undefined; + /** + * The last modified date of the balance sheet record + */ + modifiedAt?: Date | null | undefined; +}; + +/** @internal */ +export const UnifiedAccountingBalancesheetOutputCurrency$inboundSchema: z.ZodNativeEnum< + typeof UnifiedAccountingBalancesheetOutputCurrency +> = z.nativeEnum(UnifiedAccountingBalancesheetOutputCurrency); + +/** @internal */ +export const UnifiedAccountingBalancesheetOutputCurrency$outboundSchema: z.ZodNativeEnum< + typeof UnifiedAccountingBalancesheetOutputCurrency +> = UnifiedAccountingBalancesheetOutputCurrency$inboundSchema; + +/** + * @internal + * @deprecated This namespace will be removed in future versions. Use schemas and types that are exported directly from this module. + */ +export namespace UnifiedAccountingBalancesheetOutputCurrency$ { + /** @deprecated use `UnifiedAccountingBalancesheetOutputCurrency$inboundSchema` instead. */ + export const inboundSchema = UnifiedAccountingBalancesheetOutputCurrency$inboundSchema; + /** @deprecated use `UnifiedAccountingBalancesheetOutputCurrency$outboundSchema` instead. */ + export const outboundSchema = UnifiedAccountingBalancesheetOutputCurrency$outboundSchema; +} + +/** @internal */ +export const UnifiedAccountingBalancesheetOutputFieldMappings$inboundSchema: z.ZodType< + UnifiedAccountingBalancesheetOutputFieldMappings, + z.ZodTypeDef, + unknown +> = z.object({}); + +/** @internal */ +export type UnifiedAccountingBalancesheetOutputFieldMappings$Outbound = {}; + +/** @internal */ +export const UnifiedAccountingBalancesheetOutputFieldMappings$outboundSchema: z.ZodType< + UnifiedAccountingBalancesheetOutputFieldMappings$Outbound, + z.ZodTypeDef, + UnifiedAccountingBalancesheetOutputFieldMappings +> = z.object({}); + +/** + * @internal + * @deprecated This namespace will be removed in future versions. Use schemas and types that are exported directly from this module. + */ +export namespace UnifiedAccountingBalancesheetOutputFieldMappings$ { + /** @deprecated use `UnifiedAccountingBalancesheetOutputFieldMappings$inboundSchema` instead. */ + export const inboundSchema = UnifiedAccountingBalancesheetOutputFieldMappings$inboundSchema; + /** @deprecated use `UnifiedAccountingBalancesheetOutputFieldMappings$outboundSchema` instead. */ + export const outboundSchema = UnifiedAccountingBalancesheetOutputFieldMappings$outboundSchema; + /** @deprecated use `UnifiedAccountingBalancesheetOutputFieldMappings$Outbound` instead. */ + export type Outbound = UnifiedAccountingBalancesheetOutputFieldMappings$Outbound; +} + +/** @internal */ +export const UnifiedAccountingBalancesheetOutputRemoteData$inboundSchema: z.ZodType< + UnifiedAccountingBalancesheetOutputRemoteData, + z.ZodTypeDef, + unknown +> = z.object({}); + +/** @internal */ +export type UnifiedAccountingBalancesheetOutputRemoteData$Outbound = {}; + +/** @internal */ +export const UnifiedAccountingBalancesheetOutputRemoteData$outboundSchema: z.ZodType< + UnifiedAccountingBalancesheetOutputRemoteData$Outbound, + z.ZodTypeDef, + UnifiedAccountingBalancesheetOutputRemoteData +> = z.object({}); + +/** + * @internal + * @deprecated This namespace will be removed in future versions. Use schemas and types that are exported directly from this module. + */ +export namespace UnifiedAccountingBalancesheetOutputRemoteData$ { + /** @deprecated use `UnifiedAccountingBalancesheetOutputRemoteData$inboundSchema` instead. */ + export const inboundSchema = UnifiedAccountingBalancesheetOutputRemoteData$inboundSchema; + /** @deprecated use `UnifiedAccountingBalancesheetOutputRemoteData$outboundSchema` instead. */ + export const outboundSchema = UnifiedAccountingBalancesheetOutputRemoteData$outboundSchema; + /** @deprecated use `UnifiedAccountingBalancesheetOutputRemoteData$Outbound` instead. */ + export type Outbound = UnifiedAccountingBalancesheetOutputRemoteData$Outbound; +} /** @internal */ export const UnifiedAccountingBalancesheetOutput$inboundSchema: z.ZodType< UnifiedAccountingBalancesheetOutput, z.ZodTypeDef, unknown -> = z.object({}); +> = z + .object({ + name: z.nullable(z.string()).optional(), + currency: z.nullable(UnifiedAccountingBalancesheetOutputCurrency$inboundSchema).optional(), + company_info_id: z.nullable(z.string()).optional(), + date: z + .nullable( + z + .string() + .datetime({ offset: true }) + .transform((v) => new Date(v)) + ) + .optional(), + net_assets: z.nullable(z.number()).optional(), + assets: z.nullable(z.array(z.string())).optional(), + liabilities: z.nullable(z.array(z.string())).optional(), + equity: z.nullable(z.array(z.string())).optional(), + remote_generated_at: z + .nullable( + z + .string() + .datetime({ offset: true }) + .transform((v) => new Date(v)) + ) + .optional(), + line_items: z.array(LineItem$inboundSchema).optional(), + field_mappings: z + .nullable(z.lazy(() => UnifiedAccountingBalancesheetOutputFieldMappings$inboundSchema)) + .optional(), + id: z.nullable(z.string()).optional(), + remote_id: z.nullable(z.string()).optional(), + remote_data: z + .nullable(z.lazy(() => UnifiedAccountingBalancesheetOutputRemoteData$inboundSchema)) + .optional(), + created_at: z + .nullable( + z + .string() + .datetime({ offset: true }) + .transform((v) => new Date(v)) + ) + .optional(), + modified_at: z + .nullable( + z + .string() + .datetime({ offset: true }) + .transform((v) => new Date(v)) + ) + .optional(), + }) + .transform((v) => { + return remap$(v, { + company_info_id: "companyInfoId", + net_assets: "netAssets", + remote_generated_at: "remoteGeneratedAt", + line_items: "lineItems", + field_mappings: "fieldMappings", + remote_id: "remoteId", + remote_data: "remoteData", + created_at: "createdAt", + modified_at: "modifiedAt", + }); + }); /** @internal */ -export type UnifiedAccountingBalancesheetOutput$Outbound = {}; +export type UnifiedAccountingBalancesheetOutput$Outbound = { + name?: string | null | undefined; + currency?: string | null | undefined; + company_info_id?: string | null | undefined; + date?: string | null | undefined; + net_assets?: number | null | undefined; + assets?: Array | null | undefined; + liabilities?: Array | null | undefined; + equity?: Array | null | undefined; + remote_generated_at?: string | null | undefined; + line_items?: Array | undefined; + field_mappings?: UnifiedAccountingBalancesheetOutputFieldMappings$Outbound | null | undefined; + id?: string | null | undefined; + remote_id?: string | null | undefined; + remote_data?: UnifiedAccountingBalancesheetOutputRemoteData$Outbound | null | undefined; + created_at?: string | null | undefined; + modified_at?: string | null | undefined; +}; /** @internal */ export const UnifiedAccountingBalancesheetOutput$outboundSchema: z.ZodType< UnifiedAccountingBalancesheetOutput$Outbound, z.ZodTypeDef, UnifiedAccountingBalancesheetOutput -> = z.object({}); +> = z + .object({ + name: z.nullable(z.string()).optional(), + currency: z.nullable(UnifiedAccountingBalancesheetOutputCurrency$outboundSchema).optional(), + companyInfoId: z.nullable(z.string()).optional(), + date: z.nullable(z.date().transform((v) => v.toISOString())).optional(), + netAssets: z.nullable(z.number()).optional(), + assets: z.nullable(z.array(z.string())).optional(), + liabilities: z.nullable(z.array(z.string())).optional(), + equity: z.nullable(z.array(z.string())).optional(), + remoteGeneratedAt: z.nullable(z.date().transform((v) => v.toISOString())).optional(), + lineItems: z.array(LineItem$outboundSchema).optional(), + fieldMappings: z + .nullable(z.lazy(() => UnifiedAccountingBalancesheetOutputFieldMappings$outboundSchema)) + .optional(), + id: z.nullable(z.string()).optional(), + remoteId: z.nullable(z.string()).optional(), + remoteData: z + .nullable(z.lazy(() => UnifiedAccountingBalancesheetOutputRemoteData$outboundSchema)) + .optional(), + createdAt: z.nullable(z.date().transform((v) => v.toISOString())).optional(), + modifiedAt: z.nullable(z.date().transform((v) => v.toISOString())).optional(), + }) + .transform((v) => { + return remap$(v, { + companyInfoId: "company_info_id", + netAssets: "net_assets", + remoteGeneratedAt: "remote_generated_at", + lineItems: "line_items", + fieldMappings: "field_mappings", + remoteId: "remote_id", + remoteData: "remote_data", + createdAt: "created_at", + modifiedAt: "modified_at", + }); + }); /** * @internal diff --git a/src/models/components/unifiedaccountingcashflowstatementoutput.ts b/src/models/components/unifiedaccountingcashflowstatementoutput.ts index 316e4cb0..88f1d557 100644 --- a/src/models/components/unifiedaccountingcashflowstatementoutput.ts +++ b/src/models/components/unifiedaccountingcashflowstatementoutput.ts @@ -2,26 +2,495 @@ * Code generated by Speakeasy (https://speakeasy.com). DO NOT EDIT. */ +import { remap as remap$ } from "../../lib/primitives.js"; +import { + LineItem, + LineItem$inboundSchema, + LineItem$Outbound, + LineItem$outboundSchema, +} from "./lineitem.js"; import * as z from "zod"; -export type UnifiedAccountingCashflowstatementOutput = {}; +/** + * The currency used in the cash flow statement + */ +export enum UnifiedAccountingCashflowstatementOutputCurrency { + Aed = "AED", + Afn = "AFN", + All = "ALL", + Amd = "AMD", + Ang = "ANG", + Aoa = "AOA", + Ars = "ARS", + Aud = "AUD", + Awg = "AWG", + Azn = "AZN", + Bam = "BAM", + Bbd = "BBD", + Bdt = "BDT", + Bgn = "BGN", + Bhd = "BHD", + Bif = "BIF", + Bmd = "BMD", + Bnd = "BND", + Bob = "BOB", + Brl = "BRL", + Bsd = "BSD", + Btn = "BTN", + Bwp = "BWP", + Byn = "BYN", + Bzd = "BZD", + Cad = "CAD", + Cdf = "CDF", + Chf = "CHF", + Clp = "CLP", + Cny = "CNY", + Cop = "COP", + Crc = "CRC", + Cup = "CUP", + Cve = "CVE", + Czk = "CZK", + Djf = "DJF", + Dkk = "DKK", + Dop = "DOP", + Dzd = "DZD", + Egp = "EGP", + Ern = "ERN", + Etb = "ETB", + Eur = "EUR", + Fjd = "FJD", + Fkp = "FKP", + Fok = "FOK", + Gbp = "GBP", + Gel = "GEL", + Ggp = "GGP", + Ghs = "GHS", + Gip = "GIP", + Gmd = "GMD", + Gnf = "GNF", + Gtq = "GTQ", + Gyd = "GYD", + Hkd = "HKD", + Hnl = "HNL", + Hrk = "HRK", + Htg = "HTG", + Huf = "HUF", + Idr = "IDR", + Ils = "ILS", + Imp = "IMP", + Inr = "INR", + Iqd = "IQD", + Irr = "IRR", + Isk = "ISK", + Jep = "JEP", + Jmd = "JMD", + Jod = "JOD", + Jpy = "JPY", + Kes = "KES", + Kgs = "KGS", + Khr = "KHR", + Kid = "KID", + Kmf = "KMF", + Krw = "KRW", + Kwd = "KWD", + Kyd = "KYD", + Kzt = "KZT", + Lak = "LAK", + Lbp = "LBP", + Lkr = "LKR", + Lrd = "LRD", + Lsl = "LSL", + Lyd = "LYD", + Mad = "MAD", + Mdl = "MDL", + Mga = "MGA", + Mkd = "MKD", + Mmk = "MMK", + Mnt = "MNT", + Mop = "MOP", + Mru = "MRU", + Mur = "MUR", + Mvr = "MVR", + Mwk = "MWK", + Mxn = "MXN", + Myr = "MYR", + Mzn = "MZN", + Nad = "NAD", + Ngn = "NGN", + Nio = "NIO", + Nok = "NOK", + Npr = "NPR", + Nzd = "NZD", + Omr = "OMR", + Pab = "PAB", + Pen = "PEN", + Pgk = "PGK", + Php = "PHP", + Pkr = "PKR", + Pln = "PLN", + Pyg = "PYG", + Qar = "QAR", + Ron = "RON", + Rsd = "RSD", + Rub = "RUB", + Rwf = "RWF", + Sar = "SAR", + Sbd = "SBD", + Scr = "SCR", + Sdg = "SDG", + Sek = "SEK", + Sgd = "SGD", + Shp = "SHP", + Sle = "SLE", + Sll = "SLL", + Sos = "SOS", + Srd = "SRD", + Ssp = "SSP", + Stn = "STN", + Syp = "SYP", + Szl = "SZL", + Thb = "THB", + Tjs = "TJS", + Tmt = "TMT", + Tnd = "TND", + Top = "TOP", + Try = "TRY", + Ttd = "TTD", + Tvd = "TVD", + Twd = "TWD", + Tzs = "TZS", + Uah = "UAH", + Ugx = "UGX", + Usd = "USD", + Uyu = "UYU", + Uzs = "UZS", + Ves = "VES", + Vnd = "VND", + Vuv = "VUV", + Wst = "WST", + Xaf = "XAF", + Xcd = "XCD", + Xdr = "XDR", + Xof = "XOF", + Xpf = "XPF", + Yer = "YER", + Zar = "ZAR", + Zmw = "ZMW", + Zwl = "ZWL", +} + +/** + * The custom field mappings of the object between the remote 3rd party & Panora + */ +export type UnifiedAccountingCashflowstatementOutputFieldMappings = {}; + +/** + * The remote data of the cash flow statement in the context of the 3rd Party + */ +export type UnifiedAccountingCashflowstatementOutputRemoteData = {}; + +export type UnifiedAccountingCashflowstatementOutput = { + /** + * The name of the cash flow statement + */ + name?: string | null | undefined; + /** + * The currency used in the cash flow statement + */ + currency?: UnifiedAccountingCashflowstatementOutputCurrency | null | undefined; + /** + * The UUID of the associated company + */ + companyId?: string | null | undefined; + /** + * The start date of the period covered by the cash flow statement + */ + startPeriod?: Date | null | undefined; + /** + * The end date of the period covered by the cash flow statement + */ + endPeriod?: Date | null | undefined; + /** + * The cash balance at the beginning of the period + */ + cashAtBeginningOfPeriod?: number | null | undefined; + /** + * The cash balance at the end of the period + */ + cashAtEndOfPeriod?: number | null | undefined; + /** + * The date when the cash flow statement was generated in the remote system + */ + remoteGeneratedAt?: Date | null | undefined; + /** + * The report items associated with this cash flow statement + */ + lineItems?: Array | undefined; + /** + * The custom field mappings of the object between the remote 3rd party & Panora + */ + fieldMappings?: UnifiedAccountingCashflowstatementOutputFieldMappings | null | undefined; + /** + * The UUID of the cash flow statement record + */ + id?: string | null | undefined; + /** + * The remote ID of the cash flow statement in the context of the 3rd Party + */ + remoteId?: string | null | undefined; + /** + * The remote data of the cash flow statement in the context of the 3rd Party + */ + remoteData?: UnifiedAccountingCashflowstatementOutputRemoteData | null | undefined; + /** + * The created date of the cash flow statement record + */ + createdAt?: Date | null | undefined; + /** + * The last modified date of the cash flow statement record + */ + modifiedAt?: Date | null | undefined; +}; + +/** @internal */ +export const UnifiedAccountingCashflowstatementOutputCurrency$inboundSchema: z.ZodNativeEnum< + typeof UnifiedAccountingCashflowstatementOutputCurrency +> = z.nativeEnum(UnifiedAccountingCashflowstatementOutputCurrency); + +/** @internal */ +export const UnifiedAccountingCashflowstatementOutputCurrency$outboundSchema: z.ZodNativeEnum< + typeof UnifiedAccountingCashflowstatementOutputCurrency +> = UnifiedAccountingCashflowstatementOutputCurrency$inboundSchema; + +/** + * @internal + * @deprecated This namespace will be removed in future versions. Use schemas and types that are exported directly from this module. + */ +export namespace UnifiedAccountingCashflowstatementOutputCurrency$ { + /** @deprecated use `UnifiedAccountingCashflowstatementOutputCurrency$inboundSchema` instead. */ + export const inboundSchema = UnifiedAccountingCashflowstatementOutputCurrency$inboundSchema; + /** @deprecated use `UnifiedAccountingCashflowstatementOutputCurrency$outboundSchema` instead. */ + export const outboundSchema = UnifiedAccountingCashflowstatementOutputCurrency$outboundSchema; +} + +/** @internal */ +export const UnifiedAccountingCashflowstatementOutputFieldMappings$inboundSchema: z.ZodType< + UnifiedAccountingCashflowstatementOutputFieldMappings, + z.ZodTypeDef, + unknown +> = z.object({}); + +/** @internal */ +export type UnifiedAccountingCashflowstatementOutputFieldMappings$Outbound = {}; + +/** @internal */ +export const UnifiedAccountingCashflowstatementOutputFieldMappings$outboundSchema: z.ZodType< + UnifiedAccountingCashflowstatementOutputFieldMappings$Outbound, + z.ZodTypeDef, + UnifiedAccountingCashflowstatementOutputFieldMappings +> = z.object({}); + +/** + * @internal + * @deprecated This namespace will be removed in future versions. Use schemas and types that are exported directly from this module. + */ +export namespace UnifiedAccountingCashflowstatementOutputFieldMappings$ { + /** @deprecated use `UnifiedAccountingCashflowstatementOutputFieldMappings$inboundSchema` instead. */ + export const inboundSchema = + UnifiedAccountingCashflowstatementOutputFieldMappings$inboundSchema; + /** @deprecated use `UnifiedAccountingCashflowstatementOutputFieldMappings$outboundSchema` instead. */ + export const outboundSchema = + UnifiedAccountingCashflowstatementOutputFieldMappings$outboundSchema; + /** @deprecated use `UnifiedAccountingCashflowstatementOutputFieldMappings$Outbound` instead. */ + export type Outbound = UnifiedAccountingCashflowstatementOutputFieldMappings$Outbound; +} + +/** @internal */ +export const UnifiedAccountingCashflowstatementOutputRemoteData$inboundSchema: z.ZodType< + UnifiedAccountingCashflowstatementOutputRemoteData, + z.ZodTypeDef, + unknown +> = z.object({}); + +/** @internal */ +export type UnifiedAccountingCashflowstatementOutputRemoteData$Outbound = {}; + +/** @internal */ +export const UnifiedAccountingCashflowstatementOutputRemoteData$outboundSchema: z.ZodType< + UnifiedAccountingCashflowstatementOutputRemoteData$Outbound, + z.ZodTypeDef, + UnifiedAccountingCashflowstatementOutputRemoteData +> = z.object({}); + +/** + * @internal + * @deprecated This namespace will be removed in future versions. Use schemas and types that are exported directly from this module. + */ +export namespace UnifiedAccountingCashflowstatementOutputRemoteData$ { + /** @deprecated use `UnifiedAccountingCashflowstatementOutputRemoteData$inboundSchema` instead. */ + export const inboundSchema = UnifiedAccountingCashflowstatementOutputRemoteData$inboundSchema; + /** @deprecated use `UnifiedAccountingCashflowstatementOutputRemoteData$outboundSchema` instead. */ + export const outboundSchema = UnifiedAccountingCashflowstatementOutputRemoteData$outboundSchema; + /** @deprecated use `UnifiedAccountingCashflowstatementOutputRemoteData$Outbound` instead. */ + export type Outbound = UnifiedAccountingCashflowstatementOutputRemoteData$Outbound; +} /** @internal */ export const UnifiedAccountingCashflowstatementOutput$inboundSchema: z.ZodType< UnifiedAccountingCashflowstatementOutput, z.ZodTypeDef, unknown -> = z.object({}); +> = z + .object({ + name: z.nullable(z.string()).optional(), + currency: z + .nullable(UnifiedAccountingCashflowstatementOutputCurrency$inboundSchema) + .optional(), + company_id: z.nullable(z.string()).optional(), + start_period: z + .nullable( + z + .string() + .datetime({ offset: true }) + .transform((v) => new Date(v)) + ) + .optional(), + end_period: z + .nullable( + z + .string() + .datetime({ offset: true }) + .transform((v) => new Date(v)) + ) + .optional(), + cash_at_beginning_of_period: z.nullable(z.number()).optional(), + cash_at_end_of_period: z.nullable(z.number()).optional(), + remote_generated_at: z + .nullable( + z + .string() + .datetime({ offset: true }) + .transform((v) => new Date(v)) + ) + .optional(), + line_items: z.array(LineItem$inboundSchema).optional(), + field_mappings: z + .nullable( + z.lazy(() => UnifiedAccountingCashflowstatementOutputFieldMappings$inboundSchema) + ) + .optional(), + id: z.nullable(z.string()).optional(), + remote_id: z.nullable(z.string()).optional(), + remote_data: z + .nullable( + z.lazy(() => UnifiedAccountingCashflowstatementOutputRemoteData$inboundSchema) + ) + .optional(), + created_at: z + .nullable( + z + .string() + .datetime({ offset: true }) + .transform((v) => new Date(v)) + ) + .optional(), + modified_at: z + .nullable( + z + .string() + .datetime({ offset: true }) + .transform((v) => new Date(v)) + ) + .optional(), + }) + .transform((v) => { + return remap$(v, { + company_id: "companyId", + start_period: "startPeriod", + end_period: "endPeriod", + cash_at_beginning_of_period: "cashAtBeginningOfPeriod", + cash_at_end_of_period: "cashAtEndOfPeriod", + remote_generated_at: "remoteGeneratedAt", + line_items: "lineItems", + field_mappings: "fieldMappings", + remote_id: "remoteId", + remote_data: "remoteData", + created_at: "createdAt", + modified_at: "modifiedAt", + }); + }); /** @internal */ -export type UnifiedAccountingCashflowstatementOutput$Outbound = {}; +export type UnifiedAccountingCashflowstatementOutput$Outbound = { + name?: string | null | undefined; + currency?: string | null | undefined; + company_id?: string | null | undefined; + start_period?: string | null | undefined; + end_period?: string | null | undefined; + cash_at_beginning_of_period?: number | null | undefined; + cash_at_end_of_period?: number | null | undefined; + remote_generated_at?: string | null | undefined; + line_items?: Array | undefined; + field_mappings?: + | UnifiedAccountingCashflowstatementOutputFieldMappings$Outbound + | null + | undefined; + id?: string | null | undefined; + remote_id?: string | null | undefined; + remote_data?: UnifiedAccountingCashflowstatementOutputRemoteData$Outbound | null | undefined; + created_at?: string | null | undefined; + modified_at?: string | null | undefined; +}; /** @internal */ export const UnifiedAccountingCashflowstatementOutput$outboundSchema: z.ZodType< UnifiedAccountingCashflowstatementOutput$Outbound, z.ZodTypeDef, UnifiedAccountingCashflowstatementOutput -> = z.object({}); +> = z + .object({ + name: z.nullable(z.string()).optional(), + currency: z + .nullable(UnifiedAccountingCashflowstatementOutputCurrency$outboundSchema) + .optional(), + companyId: z.nullable(z.string()).optional(), + startPeriod: z.nullable(z.date().transform((v) => v.toISOString())).optional(), + endPeriod: z.nullable(z.date().transform((v) => v.toISOString())).optional(), + cashAtBeginningOfPeriod: z.nullable(z.number()).optional(), + cashAtEndOfPeriod: z.nullable(z.number()).optional(), + remoteGeneratedAt: z.nullable(z.date().transform((v) => v.toISOString())).optional(), + lineItems: z.array(LineItem$outboundSchema).optional(), + fieldMappings: z + .nullable( + z.lazy(() => UnifiedAccountingCashflowstatementOutputFieldMappings$outboundSchema) + ) + .optional(), + id: z.nullable(z.string()).optional(), + remoteId: z.nullable(z.string()).optional(), + remoteData: z + .nullable( + z.lazy(() => UnifiedAccountingCashflowstatementOutputRemoteData$outboundSchema) + ) + .optional(), + createdAt: z.nullable(z.date().transform((v) => v.toISOString())).optional(), + modifiedAt: z.nullable(z.date().transform((v) => v.toISOString())).optional(), + }) + .transform((v) => { + return remap$(v, { + companyId: "company_id", + startPeriod: "start_period", + endPeriod: "end_period", + cashAtBeginningOfPeriod: "cash_at_beginning_of_period", + cashAtEndOfPeriod: "cash_at_end_of_period", + remoteGeneratedAt: "remote_generated_at", + lineItems: "line_items", + fieldMappings: "field_mappings", + remoteId: "remote_id", + remoteData: "remote_data", + createdAt: "created_at", + modifiedAt: "modified_at", + }); + }); /** * @internal diff --git a/src/models/components/unifiedaccountingcompanyinfooutput.ts b/src/models/components/unifiedaccountingcompanyinfooutput.ts index b8448899..a1907554 100644 --- a/src/models/components/unifiedaccountingcompanyinfooutput.ts +++ b/src/models/components/unifiedaccountingcompanyinfooutput.ts @@ -2,26 +2,456 @@ * Code generated by Speakeasy (https://speakeasy.com). DO NOT EDIT. */ +import { remap as remap$ } from "../../lib/primitives.js"; import * as z from "zod"; -export type UnifiedAccountingCompanyinfoOutput = {}; +/** + * The currency used by the company + */ +export enum UnifiedAccountingCompanyinfoOutputCurrency { + Aed = "AED", + Afn = "AFN", + All = "ALL", + Amd = "AMD", + Ang = "ANG", + Aoa = "AOA", + Ars = "ARS", + Aud = "AUD", + Awg = "AWG", + Azn = "AZN", + Bam = "BAM", + Bbd = "BBD", + Bdt = "BDT", + Bgn = "BGN", + Bhd = "BHD", + Bif = "BIF", + Bmd = "BMD", + Bnd = "BND", + Bob = "BOB", + Brl = "BRL", + Bsd = "BSD", + Btn = "BTN", + Bwp = "BWP", + Byn = "BYN", + Bzd = "BZD", + Cad = "CAD", + Cdf = "CDF", + Chf = "CHF", + Clp = "CLP", + Cny = "CNY", + Cop = "COP", + Crc = "CRC", + Cup = "CUP", + Cve = "CVE", + Czk = "CZK", + Djf = "DJF", + Dkk = "DKK", + Dop = "DOP", + Dzd = "DZD", + Egp = "EGP", + Ern = "ERN", + Etb = "ETB", + Eur = "EUR", + Fjd = "FJD", + Fkp = "FKP", + Fok = "FOK", + Gbp = "GBP", + Gel = "GEL", + Ggp = "GGP", + Ghs = "GHS", + Gip = "GIP", + Gmd = "GMD", + Gnf = "GNF", + Gtq = "GTQ", + Gyd = "GYD", + Hkd = "HKD", + Hnl = "HNL", + Hrk = "HRK", + Htg = "HTG", + Huf = "HUF", + Idr = "IDR", + Ils = "ILS", + Imp = "IMP", + Inr = "INR", + Iqd = "IQD", + Irr = "IRR", + Isk = "ISK", + Jep = "JEP", + Jmd = "JMD", + Jod = "JOD", + Jpy = "JPY", + Kes = "KES", + Kgs = "KGS", + Khr = "KHR", + Kid = "KID", + Kmf = "KMF", + Krw = "KRW", + Kwd = "KWD", + Kyd = "KYD", + Kzt = "KZT", + Lak = "LAK", + Lbp = "LBP", + Lkr = "LKR", + Lrd = "LRD", + Lsl = "LSL", + Lyd = "LYD", + Mad = "MAD", + Mdl = "MDL", + Mga = "MGA", + Mkd = "MKD", + Mmk = "MMK", + Mnt = "MNT", + Mop = "MOP", + Mru = "MRU", + Mur = "MUR", + Mvr = "MVR", + Mwk = "MWK", + Mxn = "MXN", + Myr = "MYR", + Mzn = "MZN", + Nad = "NAD", + Ngn = "NGN", + Nio = "NIO", + Nok = "NOK", + Npr = "NPR", + Nzd = "NZD", + Omr = "OMR", + Pab = "PAB", + Pen = "PEN", + Pgk = "PGK", + Php = "PHP", + Pkr = "PKR", + Pln = "PLN", + Pyg = "PYG", + Qar = "QAR", + Ron = "RON", + Rsd = "RSD", + Rub = "RUB", + Rwf = "RWF", + Sar = "SAR", + Sbd = "SBD", + Scr = "SCR", + Sdg = "SDG", + Sek = "SEK", + Sgd = "SGD", + Shp = "SHP", + Sle = "SLE", + Sll = "SLL", + Sos = "SOS", + Srd = "SRD", + Ssp = "SSP", + Stn = "STN", + Syp = "SYP", + Szl = "SZL", + Thb = "THB", + Tjs = "TJS", + Tmt = "TMT", + Tnd = "TND", + Top = "TOP", + Try = "TRY", + Ttd = "TTD", + Tvd = "TVD", + Twd = "TWD", + Tzs = "TZS", + Uah = "UAH", + Ugx = "UGX", + Usd = "USD", + Uyu = "UYU", + Uzs = "UZS", + Ves = "VES", + Vnd = "VND", + Vuv = "VUV", + Wst = "WST", + Xaf = "XAF", + Xcd = "XCD", + Xdr = "XDR", + Xof = "XOF", + Xpf = "XPF", + Yer = "YER", + Zar = "ZAR", + Zmw = "ZMW", + Zwl = "ZWL", +} + +/** + * The custom field mappings of the object between the remote 3rd party & Panora + */ +export type UnifiedAccountingCompanyinfoOutputFieldMappings = {}; + +/** + * The remote data of the company info in the context of the 3rd Party + */ +export type UnifiedAccountingCompanyinfoOutputRemoteData = {}; + +export type UnifiedAccountingCompanyinfoOutput = { + /** + * The name of the company + */ + name?: string | null | undefined; + /** + * The legal name of the company + */ + legalName?: string | null | undefined; + /** + * The tax number of the company + */ + taxNumber?: string | null | undefined; + /** + * The month of the fiscal year end (1-12) + */ + fiscalYearEndMonth?: number | null | undefined; + /** + * The day of the fiscal year end (1-31) + */ + fiscalYearEndDay?: number | null | undefined; + /** + * The currency used by the company + */ + currency?: UnifiedAccountingCompanyinfoOutputCurrency | null | undefined; + /** + * The URLs associated with the company + */ + urls?: Array | null | undefined; + /** + * The UUIDs of the tracking categories used by the company + */ + trackingCategories?: Array | null | undefined; + /** + * The custom field mappings of the object between the remote 3rd party & Panora + */ + fieldMappings?: UnifiedAccountingCompanyinfoOutputFieldMappings | null | undefined; + /** + * The UUID of the company info record + */ + id?: string | null | undefined; + /** + * The remote ID of the company info in the context of the 3rd Party + */ + remoteId?: string | null | undefined; + /** + * The remote data of the company info in the context of the 3rd Party + */ + remoteData?: UnifiedAccountingCompanyinfoOutputRemoteData | null | undefined; + /** + * The date when the company info was created in the remote system + */ + remoteCreatedAt?: Date | null | undefined; + /** + * The created date of the company info record + */ + createdAt?: Date | null | undefined; + /** + * The last modified date of the company info record + */ + modifiedAt?: Date | null | undefined; +}; + +/** @internal */ +export const UnifiedAccountingCompanyinfoOutputCurrency$inboundSchema: z.ZodNativeEnum< + typeof UnifiedAccountingCompanyinfoOutputCurrency +> = z.nativeEnum(UnifiedAccountingCompanyinfoOutputCurrency); + +/** @internal */ +export const UnifiedAccountingCompanyinfoOutputCurrency$outboundSchema: z.ZodNativeEnum< + typeof UnifiedAccountingCompanyinfoOutputCurrency +> = UnifiedAccountingCompanyinfoOutputCurrency$inboundSchema; + +/** + * @internal + * @deprecated This namespace will be removed in future versions. Use schemas and types that are exported directly from this module. + */ +export namespace UnifiedAccountingCompanyinfoOutputCurrency$ { + /** @deprecated use `UnifiedAccountingCompanyinfoOutputCurrency$inboundSchema` instead. */ + export const inboundSchema = UnifiedAccountingCompanyinfoOutputCurrency$inboundSchema; + /** @deprecated use `UnifiedAccountingCompanyinfoOutputCurrency$outboundSchema` instead. */ + export const outboundSchema = UnifiedAccountingCompanyinfoOutputCurrency$outboundSchema; +} + +/** @internal */ +export const UnifiedAccountingCompanyinfoOutputFieldMappings$inboundSchema: z.ZodType< + UnifiedAccountingCompanyinfoOutputFieldMappings, + z.ZodTypeDef, + unknown +> = z.object({}); + +/** @internal */ +export type UnifiedAccountingCompanyinfoOutputFieldMappings$Outbound = {}; + +/** @internal */ +export const UnifiedAccountingCompanyinfoOutputFieldMappings$outboundSchema: z.ZodType< + UnifiedAccountingCompanyinfoOutputFieldMappings$Outbound, + z.ZodTypeDef, + UnifiedAccountingCompanyinfoOutputFieldMappings +> = z.object({}); + +/** + * @internal + * @deprecated This namespace will be removed in future versions. Use schemas and types that are exported directly from this module. + */ +export namespace UnifiedAccountingCompanyinfoOutputFieldMappings$ { + /** @deprecated use `UnifiedAccountingCompanyinfoOutputFieldMappings$inboundSchema` instead. */ + export const inboundSchema = UnifiedAccountingCompanyinfoOutputFieldMappings$inboundSchema; + /** @deprecated use `UnifiedAccountingCompanyinfoOutputFieldMappings$outboundSchema` instead. */ + export const outboundSchema = UnifiedAccountingCompanyinfoOutputFieldMappings$outboundSchema; + /** @deprecated use `UnifiedAccountingCompanyinfoOutputFieldMappings$Outbound` instead. */ + export type Outbound = UnifiedAccountingCompanyinfoOutputFieldMappings$Outbound; +} + +/** @internal */ +export const UnifiedAccountingCompanyinfoOutputRemoteData$inboundSchema: z.ZodType< + UnifiedAccountingCompanyinfoOutputRemoteData, + z.ZodTypeDef, + unknown +> = z.object({}); + +/** @internal */ +export type UnifiedAccountingCompanyinfoOutputRemoteData$Outbound = {}; + +/** @internal */ +export const UnifiedAccountingCompanyinfoOutputRemoteData$outboundSchema: z.ZodType< + UnifiedAccountingCompanyinfoOutputRemoteData$Outbound, + z.ZodTypeDef, + UnifiedAccountingCompanyinfoOutputRemoteData +> = z.object({}); + +/** + * @internal + * @deprecated This namespace will be removed in future versions. Use schemas and types that are exported directly from this module. + */ +export namespace UnifiedAccountingCompanyinfoOutputRemoteData$ { + /** @deprecated use `UnifiedAccountingCompanyinfoOutputRemoteData$inboundSchema` instead. */ + export const inboundSchema = UnifiedAccountingCompanyinfoOutputRemoteData$inboundSchema; + /** @deprecated use `UnifiedAccountingCompanyinfoOutputRemoteData$outboundSchema` instead. */ + export const outboundSchema = UnifiedAccountingCompanyinfoOutputRemoteData$outboundSchema; + /** @deprecated use `UnifiedAccountingCompanyinfoOutputRemoteData$Outbound` instead. */ + export type Outbound = UnifiedAccountingCompanyinfoOutputRemoteData$Outbound; +} /** @internal */ export const UnifiedAccountingCompanyinfoOutput$inboundSchema: z.ZodType< UnifiedAccountingCompanyinfoOutput, z.ZodTypeDef, unknown -> = z.object({}); +> = z + .object({ + name: z.nullable(z.string()).optional(), + legal_name: z.nullable(z.string()).optional(), + tax_number: z.nullable(z.string()).optional(), + fiscal_year_end_month: z.nullable(z.number()).optional(), + fiscal_year_end_day: z.nullable(z.number()).optional(), + currency: z.nullable(UnifiedAccountingCompanyinfoOutputCurrency$inboundSchema).optional(), + urls: z.nullable(z.array(z.string())).optional(), + tracking_categories: z.nullable(z.array(z.string())).optional(), + field_mappings: z + .nullable(z.lazy(() => UnifiedAccountingCompanyinfoOutputFieldMappings$inboundSchema)) + .optional(), + id: z.nullable(z.string()).optional(), + remote_id: z.nullable(z.string()).optional(), + remote_data: z + .nullable(z.lazy(() => UnifiedAccountingCompanyinfoOutputRemoteData$inboundSchema)) + .optional(), + remote_created_at: z + .nullable( + z + .string() + .datetime({ offset: true }) + .transform((v) => new Date(v)) + ) + .optional(), + created_at: z + .nullable( + z + .string() + .datetime({ offset: true }) + .transform((v) => new Date(v)) + ) + .optional(), + modified_at: z + .nullable( + z + .string() + .datetime({ offset: true }) + .transform((v) => new Date(v)) + ) + .optional(), + }) + .transform((v) => { + return remap$(v, { + legal_name: "legalName", + tax_number: "taxNumber", + fiscal_year_end_month: "fiscalYearEndMonth", + fiscal_year_end_day: "fiscalYearEndDay", + tracking_categories: "trackingCategories", + field_mappings: "fieldMappings", + remote_id: "remoteId", + remote_data: "remoteData", + remote_created_at: "remoteCreatedAt", + created_at: "createdAt", + modified_at: "modifiedAt", + }); + }); /** @internal */ -export type UnifiedAccountingCompanyinfoOutput$Outbound = {}; +export type UnifiedAccountingCompanyinfoOutput$Outbound = { + name?: string | null | undefined; + legal_name?: string | null | undefined; + tax_number?: string | null | undefined; + fiscal_year_end_month?: number | null | undefined; + fiscal_year_end_day?: number | null | undefined; + currency?: string | null | undefined; + urls?: Array | null | undefined; + tracking_categories?: Array | null | undefined; + field_mappings?: UnifiedAccountingCompanyinfoOutputFieldMappings$Outbound | null | undefined; + id?: string | null | undefined; + remote_id?: string | null | undefined; + remote_data?: UnifiedAccountingCompanyinfoOutputRemoteData$Outbound | null | undefined; + remote_created_at?: string | null | undefined; + created_at?: string | null | undefined; + modified_at?: string | null | undefined; +}; /** @internal */ export const UnifiedAccountingCompanyinfoOutput$outboundSchema: z.ZodType< UnifiedAccountingCompanyinfoOutput$Outbound, z.ZodTypeDef, UnifiedAccountingCompanyinfoOutput -> = z.object({}); +> = z + .object({ + name: z.nullable(z.string()).optional(), + legalName: z.nullable(z.string()).optional(), + taxNumber: z.nullable(z.string()).optional(), + fiscalYearEndMonth: z.nullable(z.number()).optional(), + fiscalYearEndDay: z.nullable(z.number()).optional(), + currency: z.nullable(UnifiedAccountingCompanyinfoOutputCurrency$outboundSchema).optional(), + urls: z.nullable(z.array(z.string())).optional(), + trackingCategories: z.nullable(z.array(z.string())).optional(), + fieldMappings: z + .nullable(z.lazy(() => UnifiedAccountingCompanyinfoOutputFieldMappings$outboundSchema)) + .optional(), + id: z.nullable(z.string()).optional(), + remoteId: z.nullable(z.string()).optional(), + remoteData: z + .nullable(z.lazy(() => UnifiedAccountingCompanyinfoOutputRemoteData$outboundSchema)) + .optional(), + remoteCreatedAt: z.nullable(z.date().transform((v) => v.toISOString())).optional(), + createdAt: z.nullable(z.date().transform((v) => v.toISOString())).optional(), + modifiedAt: z.nullable(z.date().transform((v) => v.toISOString())).optional(), + }) + .transform((v) => { + return remap$(v, { + legalName: "legal_name", + taxNumber: "tax_number", + fiscalYearEndMonth: "fiscal_year_end_month", + fiscalYearEndDay: "fiscal_year_end_day", + trackingCategories: "tracking_categories", + fieldMappings: "field_mappings", + remoteId: "remote_id", + remoteData: "remote_data", + remoteCreatedAt: "remote_created_at", + createdAt: "created_at", + modifiedAt: "modified_at", + }); + }); /** * @internal diff --git a/src/models/components/unifiedaccountingcontactinput.ts b/src/models/components/unifiedaccountingcontactinput.ts index 1c580769..9b12fd1e 100644 --- a/src/models/components/unifiedaccountingcontactinput.ts +++ b/src/models/components/unifiedaccountingcontactinput.ts @@ -2,26 +2,353 @@ * Code generated by Speakeasy (https://speakeasy.com). DO NOT EDIT. */ +import { remap as remap$ } from "../../lib/primitives.js"; import * as z from "zod"; -export type UnifiedAccountingContactInput = {}; +/** + * The currency associated with the contact + */ +export enum UnifiedAccountingContactInputCurrency { + Aed = "AED", + Afn = "AFN", + All = "ALL", + Amd = "AMD", + Ang = "ANG", + Aoa = "AOA", + Ars = "ARS", + Aud = "AUD", + Awg = "AWG", + Azn = "AZN", + Bam = "BAM", + Bbd = "BBD", + Bdt = "BDT", + Bgn = "BGN", + Bhd = "BHD", + Bif = "BIF", + Bmd = "BMD", + Bnd = "BND", + Bob = "BOB", + Brl = "BRL", + Bsd = "BSD", + Btn = "BTN", + Bwp = "BWP", + Byn = "BYN", + Bzd = "BZD", + Cad = "CAD", + Cdf = "CDF", + Chf = "CHF", + Clp = "CLP", + Cny = "CNY", + Cop = "COP", + Crc = "CRC", + Cup = "CUP", + Cve = "CVE", + Czk = "CZK", + Djf = "DJF", + Dkk = "DKK", + Dop = "DOP", + Dzd = "DZD", + Egp = "EGP", + Ern = "ERN", + Etb = "ETB", + Eur = "EUR", + Fjd = "FJD", + Fkp = "FKP", + Fok = "FOK", + Gbp = "GBP", + Gel = "GEL", + Ggp = "GGP", + Ghs = "GHS", + Gip = "GIP", + Gmd = "GMD", + Gnf = "GNF", + Gtq = "GTQ", + Gyd = "GYD", + Hkd = "HKD", + Hnl = "HNL", + Hrk = "HRK", + Htg = "HTG", + Huf = "HUF", + Idr = "IDR", + Ils = "ILS", + Imp = "IMP", + Inr = "INR", + Iqd = "IQD", + Irr = "IRR", + Isk = "ISK", + Jep = "JEP", + Jmd = "JMD", + Jod = "JOD", + Jpy = "JPY", + Kes = "KES", + Kgs = "KGS", + Khr = "KHR", + Kid = "KID", + Kmf = "KMF", + Krw = "KRW", + Kwd = "KWD", + Kyd = "KYD", + Kzt = "KZT", + Lak = "LAK", + Lbp = "LBP", + Lkr = "LKR", + Lrd = "LRD", + Lsl = "LSL", + Lyd = "LYD", + Mad = "MAD", + Mdl = "MDL", + Mga = "MGA", + Mkd = "MKD", + Mmk = "MMK", + Mnt = "MNT", + Mop = "MOP", + Mru = "MRU", + Mur = "MUR", + Mvr = "MVR", + Mwk = "MWK", + Mxn = "MXN", + Myr = "MYR", + Mzn = "MZN", + Nad = "NAD", + Ngn = "NGN", + Nio = "NIO", + Nok = "NOK", + Npr = "NPR", + Nzd = "NZD", + Omr = "OMR", + Pab = "PAB", + Pen = "PEN", + Pgk = "PGK", + Php = "PHP", + Pkr = "PKR", + Pln = "PLN", + Pyg = "PYG", + Qar = "QAR", + Ron = "RON", + Rsd = "RSD", + Rub = "RUB", + Rwf = "RWF", + Sar = "SAR", + Sbd = "SBD", + Scr = "SCR", + Sdg = "SDG", + Sek = "SEK", + Sgd = "SGD", + Shp = "SHP", + Sle = "SLE", + Sll = "SLL", + Sos = "SOS", + Srd = "SRD", + Ssp = "SSP", + Stn = "STN", + Syp = "SYP", + Szl = "SZL", + Thb = "THB", + Tjs = "TJS", + Tmt = "TMT", + Tnd = "TND", + Top = "TOP", + Try = "TRY", + Ttd = "TTD", + Tvd = "TVD", + Twd = "TWD", + Tzs = "TZS", + Uah = "UAH", + Ugx = "UGX", + Usd = "USD", + Uyu = "UYU", + Uzs = "UZS", + Ves = "VES", + Vnd = "VND", + Vuv = "VUV", + Wst = "WST", + Xaf = "XAF", + Xcd = "XCD", + Xdr = "XDR", + Xof = "XOF", + Xpf = "XPF", + Yer = "YER", + Zar = "ZAR", + Zmw = "ZMW", + Zwl = "ZWL", +} + +/** + * The custom field mappings of the object between the remote 3rd party & Panora + */ +export type UnifiedAccountingContactInputFieldMappings = {}; + +export type UnifiedAccountingContactInput = { + /** + * The name of the contact + */ + name?: string | null | undefined; + /** + * Indicates if the contact is a supplier + */ + isSupplier?: boolean | null | undefined; + /** + * Indicates if the contact is a customer + */ + isCustomer?: boolean | null | undefined; + /** + * The email address of the contact + */ + emailAddress?: string | null | undefined; + /** + * The tax number of the contact + */ + taxNumber?: string | null | undefined; + /** + * The status of the contact + */ + status?: string | null | undefined; + /** + * The currency associated with the contact + */ + currency?: UnifiedAccountingContactInputCurrency | null | undefined; + /** + * The date when the contact was last updated in the remote system + */ + remoteUpdatedAt?: string | null | undefined; + /** + * The UUID of the associated company info + */ + companyInfoId?: string | null | undefined; + /** + * The custom field mappings of the object between the remote 3rd party & Panora + */ + fieldMappings?: UnifiedAccountingContactInputFieldMappings | null | undefined; +}; + +/** @internal */ +export const UnifiedAccountingContactInputCurrency$inboundSchema: z.ZodNativeEnum< + typeof UnifiedAccountingContactInputCurrency +> = z.nativeEnum(UnifiedAccountingContactInputCurrency); + +/** @internal */ +export const UnifiedAccountingContactInputCurrency$outboundSchema: z.ZodNativeEnum< + typeof UnifiedAccountingContactInputCurrency +> = UnifiedAccountingContactInputCurrency$inboundSchema; + +/** + * @internal + * @deprecated This namespace will be removed in future versions. Use schemas and types that are exported directly from this module. + */ +export namespace UnifiedAccountingContactInputCurrency$ { + /** @deprecated use `UnifiedAccountingContactInputCurrency$inboundSchema` instead. */ + export const inboundSchema = UnifiedAccountingContactInputCurrency$inboundSchema; + /** @deprecated use `UnifiedAccountingContactInputCurrency$outboundSchema` instead. */ + export const outboundSchema = UnifiedAccountingContactInputCurrency$outboundSchema; +} + +/** @internal */ +export const UnifiedAccountingContactInputFieldMappings$inboundSchema: z.ZodType< + UnifiedAccountingContactInputFieldMappings, + z.ZodTypeDef, + unknown +> = z.object({}); + +/** @internal */ +export type UnifiedAccountingContactInputFieldMappings$Outbound = {}; + +/** @internal */ +export const UnifiedAccountingContactInputFieldMappings$outboundSchema: z.ZodType< + UnifiedAccountingContactInputFieldMappings$Outbound, + z.ZodTypeDef, + UnifiedAccountingContactInputFieldMappings +> = z.object({}); + +/** + * @internal + * @deprecated This namespace will be removed in future versions. Use schemas and types that are exported directly from this module. + */ +export namespace UnifiedAccountingContactInputFieldMappings$ { + /** @deprecated use `UnifiedAccountingContactInputFieldMappings$inboundSchema` instead. */ + export const inboundSchema = UnifiedAccountingContactInputFieldMappings$inboundSchema; + /** @deprecated use `UnifiedAccountingContactInputFieldMappings$outboundSchema` instead. */ + export const outboundSchema = UnifiedAccountingContactInputFieldMappings$outboundSchema; + /** @deprecated use `UnifiedAccountingContactInputFieldMappings$Outbound` instead. */ + export type Outbound = UnifiedAccountingContactInputFieldMappings$Outbound; +} /** @internal */ export const UnifiedAccountingContactInput$inboundSchema: z.ZodType< UnifiedAccountingContactInput, z.ZodTypeDef, unknown -> = z.object({}); +> = z + .object({ + name: z.nullable(z.string()).optional(), + is_supplier: z.nullable(z.boolean()).optional(), + is_customer: z.nullable(z.boolean()).optional(), + email_address: z.nullable(z.string()).optional(), + tax_number: z.nullable(z.string()).optional(), + status: z.nullable(z.string()).optional(), + currency: z.nullable(UnifiedAccountingContactInputCurrency$inboundSchema).optional(), + remote_updated_at: z.nullable(z.string()).optional(), + company_info_id: z.nullable(z.string()).optional(), + field_mappings: z + .nullable(z.lazy(() => UnifiedAccountingContactInputFieldMappings$inboundSchema)) + .optional(), + }) + .transform((v) => { + return remap$(v, { + is_supplier: "isSupplier", + is_customer: "isCustomer", + email_address: "emailAddress", + tax_number: "taxNumber", + remote_updated_at: "remoteUpdatedAt", + company_info_id: "companyInfoId", + field_mappings: "fieldMappings", + }); + }); /** @internal */ -export type UnifiedAccountingContactInput$Outbound = {}; +export type UnifiedAccountingContactInput$Outbound = { + name?: string | null | undefined; + is_supplier?: boolean | null | undefined; + is_customer?: boolean | null | undefined; + email_address?: string | null | undefined; + tax_number?: string | null | undefined; + status?: string | null | undefined; + currency?: string | null | undefined; + remote_updated_at?: string | null | undefined; + company_info_id?: string | null | undefined; + field_mappings?: UnifiedAccountingContactInputFieldMappings$Outbound | null | undefined; +}; /** @internal */ export const UnifiedAccountingContactInput$outboundSchema: z.ZodType< UnifiedAccountingContactInput$Outbound, z.ZodTypeDef, UnifiedAccountingContactInput -> = z.object({}); +> = z + .object({ + name: z.nullable(z.string()).optional(), + isSupplier: z.nullable(z.boolean()).optional(), + isCustomer: z.nullable(z.boolean()).optional(), + emailAddress: z.nullable(z.string()).optional(), + taxNumber: z.nullable(z.string()).optional(), + status: z.nullable(z.string()).optional(), + currency: z.nullable(UnifiedAccountingContactInputCurrency$outboundSchema).optional(), + remoteUpdatedAt: z.nullable(z.string()).optional(), + companyInfoId: z.nullable(z.string()).optional(), + fieldMappings: z + .nullable(z.lazy(() => UnifiedAccountingContactInputFieldMappings$outboundSchema)) + .optional(), + }) + .transform((v) => { + return remap$(v, { + isSupplier: "is_supplier", + isCustomer: "is_customer", + emailAddress: "email_address", + taxNumber: "tax_number", + remoteUpdatedAt: "remote_updated_at", + companyInfoId: "company_info_id", + fieldMappings: "field_mappings", + }); + }); /** * @internal diff --git a/src/models/components/unifiedaccountingcontactoutput.ts b/src/models/components/unifiedaccountingcontactoutput.ts index 6cebc229..7df10626 100644 --- a/src/models/components/unifiedaccountingcontactoutput.ts +++ b/src/models/components/unifiedaccountingcontactoutput.ts @@ -2,26 +2,449 @@ * Code generated by Speakeasy (https://speakeasy.com). DO NOT EDIT. */ +import { remap as remap$ } from "../../lib/primitives.js"; import * as z from "zod"; -export type UnifiedAccountingContactOutput = {}; +/** + * The currency associated with the contact + */ +export enum UnifiedAccountingContactOutputCurrency { + Aed = "AED", + Afn = "AFN", + All = "ALL", + Amd = "AMD", + Ang = "ANG", + Aoa = "AOA", + Ars = "ARS", + Aud = "AUD", + Awg = "AWG", + Azn = "AZN", + Bam = "BAM", + Bbd = "BBD", + Bdt = "BDT", + Bgn = "BGN", + Bhd = "BHD", + Bif = "BIF", + Bmd = "BMD", + Bnd = "BND", + Bob = "BOB", + Brl = "BRL", + Bsd = "BSD", + Btn = "BTN", + Bwp = "BWP", + Byn = "BYN", + Bzd = "BZD", + Cad = "CAD", + Cdf = "CDF", + Chf = "CHF", + Clp = "CLP", + Cny = "CNY", + Cop = "COP", + Crc = "CRC", + Cup = "CUP", + Cve = "CVE", + Czk = "CZK", + Djf = "DJF", + Dkk = "DKK", + Dop = "DOP", + Dzd = "DZD", + Egp = "EGP", + Ern = "ERN", + Etb = "ETB", + Eur = "EUR", + Fjd = "FJD", + Fkp = "FKP", + Fok = "FOK", + Gbp = "GBP", + Gel = "GEL", + Ggp = "GGP", + Ghs = "GHS", + Gip = "GIP", + Gmd = "GMD", + Gnf = "GNF", + Gtq = "GTQ", + Gyd = "GYD", + Hkd = "HKD", + Hnl = "HNL", + Hrk = "HRK", + Htg = "HTG", + Huf = "HUF", + Idr = "IDR", + Ils = "ILS", + Imp = "IMP", + Inr = "INR", + Iqd = "IQD", + Irr = "IRR", + Isk = "ISK", + Jep = "JEP", + Jmd = "JMD", + Jod = "JOD", + Jpy = "JPY", + Kes = "KES", + Kgs = "KGS", + Khr = "KHR", + Kid = "KID", + Kmf = "KMF", + Krw = "KRW", + Kwd = "KWD", + Kyd = "KYD", + Kzt = "KZT", + Lak = "LAK", + Lbp = "LBP", + Lkr = "LKR", + Lrd = "LRD", + Lsl = "LSL", + Lyd = "LYD", + Mad = "MAD", + Mdl = "MDL", + Mga = "MGA", + Mkd = "MKD", + Mmk = "MMK", + Mnt = "MNT", + Mop = "MOP", + Mru = "MRU", + Mur = "MUR", + Mvr = "MVR", + Mwk = "MWK", + Mxn = "MXN", + Myr = "MYR", + Mzn = "MZN", + Nad = "NAD", + Ngn = "NGN", + Nio = "NIO", + Nok = "NOK", + Npr = "NPR", + Nzd = "NZD", + Omr = "OMR", + Pab = "PAB", + Pen = "PEN", + Pgk = "PGK", + Php = "PHP", + Pkr = "PKR", + Pln = "PLN", + Pyg = "PYG", + Qar = "QAR", + Ron = "RON", + Rsd = "RSD", + Rub = "RUB", + Rwf = "RWF", + Sar = "SAR", + Sbd = "SBD", + Scr = "SCR", + Sdg = "SDG", + Sek = "SEK", + Sgd = "SGD", + Shp = "SHP", + Sle = "SLE", + Sll = "SLL", + Sos = "SOS", + Srd = "SRD", + Ssp = "SSP", + Stn = "STN", + Syp = "SYP", + Szl = "SZL", + Thb = "THB", + Tjs = "TJS", + Tmt = "TMT", + Tnd = "TND", + Top = "TOP", + Try = "TRY", + Ttd = "TTD", + Tvd = "TVD", + Twd = "TWD", + Tzs = "TZS", + Uah = "UAH", + Ugx = "UGX", + Usd = "USD", + Uyu = "UYU", + Uzs = "UZS", + Ves = "VES", + Vnd = "VND", + Vuv = "VUV", + Wst = "WST", + Xaf = "XAF", + Xcd = "XCD", + Xdr = "XDR", + Xof = "XOF", + Xpf = "XPF", + Yer = "YER", + Zar = "ZAR", + Zmw = "ZMW", + Zwl = "ZWL", +} + +/** + * The custom field mappings of the object between the remote 3rd party & Panora + */ +export type UnifiedAccountingContactOutputFieldMappings = {}; + +/** + * The remote data of the contact in the context of the 3rd Party + */ +export type UnifiedAccountingContactOutputRemoteData = {}; + +export type UnifiedAccountingContactOutput = { + /** + * The name of the contact + */ + name?: string | null | undefined; + /** + * Indicates if the contact is a supplier + */ + isSupplier?: boolean | null | undefined; + /** + * Indicates if the contact is a customer + */ + isCustomer?: boolean | null | undefined; + /** + * The email address of the contact + */ + emailAddress?: string | null | undefined; + /** + * The tax number of the contact + */ + taxNumber?: string | null | undefined; + /** + * The status of the contact + */ + status?: string | null | undefined; + /** + * The currency associated with the contact + */ + currency?: UnifiedAccountingContactOutputCurrency | null | undefined; + /** + * The date when the contact was last updated in the remote system + */ + remoteUpdatedAt?: string | null | undefined; + /** + * The UUID of the associated company info + */ + companyInfoId?: string | null | undefined; + /** + * The custom field mappings of the object between the remote 3rd party & Panora + */ + fieldMappings?: UnifiedAccountingContactOutputFieldMappings | null | undefined; + /** + * The UUID of the contact record + */ + id?: string | null | undefined; + /** + * The remote ID of the contact in the context of the 3rd Party + */ + remoteId?: string | null | undefined; + /** + * The remote data of the contact in the context of the 3rd Party + */ + remoteData?: UnifiedAccountingContactOutputRemoteData | null | undefined; + /** + * The created date of the contact record + */ + createdAt?: Date | null | undefined; + /** + * The last modified date of the contact record + */ + modifiedAt?: Date | null | undefined; +}; + +/** @internal */ +export const UnifiedAccountingContactOutputCurrency$inboundSchema: z.ZodNativeEnum< + typeof UnifiedAccountingContactOutputCurrency +> = z.nativeEnum(UnifiedAccountingContactOutputCurrency); + +/** @internal */ +export const UnifiedAccountingContactOutputCurrency$outboundSchema: z.ZodNativeEnum< + typeof UnifiedAccountingContactOutputCurrency +> = UnifiedAccountingContactOutputCurrency$inboundSchema; + +/** + * @internal + * @deprecated This namespace will be removed in future versions. Use schemas and types that are exported directly from this module. + */ +export namespace UnifiedAccountingContactOutputCurrency$ { + /** @deprecated use `UnifiedAccountingContactOutputCurrency$inboundSchema` instead. */ + export const inboundSchema = UnifiedAccountingContactOutputCurrency$inboundSchema; + /** @deprecated use `UnifiedAccountingContactOutputCurrency$outboundSchema` instead. */ + export const outboundSchema = UnifiedAccountingContactOutputCurrency$outboundSchema; +} + +/** @internal */ +export const UnifiedAccountingContactOutputFieldMappings$inboundSchema: z.ZodType< + UnifiedAccountingContactOutputFieldMappings, + z.ZodTypeDef, + unknown +> = z.object({}); + +/** @internal */ +export type UnifiedAccountingContactOutputFieldMappings$Outbound = {}; + +/** @internal */ +export const UnifiedAccountingContactOutputFieldMappings$outboundSchema: z.ZodType< + UnifiedAccountingContactOutputFieldMappings$Outbound, + z.ZodTypeDef, + UnifiedAccountingContactOutputFieldMappings +> = z.object({}); + +/** + * @internal + * @deprecated This namespace will be removed in future versions. Use schemas and types that are exported directly from this module. + */ +export namespace UnifiedAccountingContactOutputFieldMappings$ { + /** @deprecated use `UnifiedAccountingContactOutputFieldMappings$inboundSchema` instead. */ + export const inboundSchema = UnifiedAccountingContactOutputFieldMappings$inboundSchema; + /** @deprecated use `UnifiedAccountingContactOutputFieldMappings$outboundSchema` instead. */ + export const outboundSchema = UnifiedAccountingContactOutputFieldMappings$outboundSchema; + /** @deprecated use `UnifiedAccountingContactOutputFieldMappings$Outbound` instead. */ + export type Outbound = UnifiedAccountingContactOutputFieldMappings$Outbound; +} + +/** @internal */ +export const UnifiedAccountingContactOutputRemoteData$inboundSchema: z.ZodType< + UnifiedAccountingContactOutputRemoteData, + z.ZodTypeDef, + unknown +> = z.object({}); + +/** @internal */ +export type UnifiedAccountingContactOutputRemoteData$Outbound = {}; + +/** @internal */ +export const UnifiedAccountingContactOutputRemoteData$outboundSchema: z.ZodType< + UnifiedAccountingContactOutputRemoteData$Outbound, + z.ZodTypeDef, + UnifiedAccountingContactOutputRemoteData +> = z.object({}); + +/** + * @internal + * @deprecated This namespace will be removed in future versions. Use schemas and types that are exported directly from this module. + */ +export namespace UnifiedAccountingContactOutputRemoteData$ { + /** @deprecated use `UnifiedAccountingContactOutputRemoteData$inboundSchema` instead. */ + export const inboundSchema = UnifiedAccountingContactOutputRemoteData$inboundSchema; + /** @deprecated use `UnifiedAccountingContactOutputRemoteData$outboundSchema` instead. */ + export const outboundSchema = UnifiedAccountingContactOutputRemoteData$outboundSchema; + /** @deprecated use `UnifiedAccountingContactOutputRemoteData$Outbound` instead. */ + export type Outbound = UnifiedAccountingContactOutputRemoteData$Outbound; +} /** @internal */ export const UnifiedAccountingContactOutput$inboundSchema: z.ZodType< UnifiedAccountingContactOutput, z.ZodTypeDef, unknown -> = z.object({}); +> = z + .object({ + name: z.nullable(z.string()).optional(), + is_supplier: z.nullable(z.boolean()).optional(), + is_customer: z.nullable(z.boolean()).optional(), + email_address: z.nullable(z.string()).optional(), + tax_number: z.nullable(z.string()).optional(), + status: z.nullable(z.string()).optional(), + currency: z.nullable(UnifiedAccountingContactOutputCurrency$inboundSchema).optional(), + remote_updated_at: z.nullable(z.string()).optional(), + company_info_id: z.nullable(z.string()).optional(), + field_mappings: z + .nullable(z.lazy(() => UnifiedAccountingContactOutputFieldMappings$inboundSchema)) + .optional(), + id: z.nullable(z.string()).optional(), + remote_id: z.nullable(z.string()).optional(), + remote_data: z + .nullable(z.lazy(() => UnifiedAccountingContactOutputRemoteData$inboundSchema)) + .optional(), + created_at: z + .nullable( + z + .string() + .datetime({ offset: true }) + .transform((v) => new Date(v)) + ) + .optional(), + modified_at: z + .nullable( + z + .string() + .datetime({ offset: true }) + .transform((v) => new Date(v)) + ) + .optional(), + }) + .transform((v) => { + return remap$(v, { + is_supplier: "isSupplier", + is_customer: "isCustomer", + email_address: "emailAddress", + tax_number: "taxNumber", + remote_updated_at: "remoteUpdatedAt", + company_info_id: "companyInfoId", + field_mappings: "fieldMappings", + remote_id: "remoteId", + remote_data: "remoteData", + created_at: "createdAt", + modified_at: "modifiedAt", + }); + }); /** @internal */ -export type UnifiedAccountingContactOutput$Outbound = {}; +export type UnifiedAccountingContactOutput$Outbound = { + name?: string | null | undefined; + is_supplier?: boolean | null | undefined; + is_customer?: boolean | null | undefined; + email_address?: string | null | undefined; + tax_number?: string | null | undefined; + status?: string | null | undefined; + currency?: string | null | undefined; + remote_updated_at?: string | null | undefined; + company_info_id?: string | null | undefined; + field_mappings?: UnifiedAccountingContactOutputFieldMappings$Outbound | null | undefined; + id?: string | null | undefined; + remote_id?: string | null | undefined; + remote_data?: UnifiedAccountingContactOutputRemoteData$Outbound | null | undefined; + created_at?: string | null | undefined; + modified_at?: string | null | undefined; +}; /** @internal */ export const UnifiedAccountingContactOutput$outboundSchema: z.ZodType< UnifiedAccountingContactOutput$Outbound, z.ZodTypeDef, UnifiedAccountingContactOutput -> = z.object({}); +> = z + .object({ + name: z.nullable(z.string()).optional(), + isSupplier: z.nullable(z.boolean()).optional(), + isCustomer: z.nullable(z.boolean()).optional(), + emailAddress: z.nullable(z.string()).optional(), + taxNumber: z.nullable(z.string()).optional(), + status: z.nullable(z.string()).optional(), + currency: z.nullable(UnifiedAccountingContactOutputCurrency$outboundSchema).optional(), + remoteUpdatedAt: z.nullable(z.string()).optional(), + companyInfoId: z.nullable(z.string()).optional(), + fieldMappings: z + .nullable(z.lazy(() => UnifiedAccountingContactOutputFieldMappings$outboundSchema)) + .optional(), + id: z.nullable(z.string()).optional(), + remoteId: z.nullable(z.string()).optional(), + remoteData: z + .nullable(z.lazy(() => UnifiedAccountingContactOutputRemoteData$outboundSchema)) + .optional(), + createdAt: z.nullable(z.date().transform((v) => v.toISOString())).optional(), + modifiedAt: z.nullable(z.date().transform((v) => v.toISOString())).optional(), + }) + .transform((v) => { + return remap$(v, { + isSupplier: "is_supplier", + isCustomer: "is_customer", + emailAddress: "email_address", + taxNumber: "tax_number", + remoteUpdatedAt: "remote_updated_at", + companyInfoId: "company_info_id", + fieldMappings: "field_mappings", + remoteId: "remote_id", + remoteData: "remote_data", + createdAt: "created_at", + modifiedAt: "modified_at", + }); + }); /** * @internal diff --git a/src/models/components/unifiedaccountingcreditnoteoutput.ts b/src/models/components/unifiedaccountingcreditnoteoutput.ts index 78802fa4..f3ea5ba3 100644 --- a/src/models/components/unifiedaccountingcreditnoteoutput.ts +++ b/src/models/components/unifiedaccountingcreditnoteoutput.ts @@ -2,26 +2,522 @@ * Code generated by Speakeasy (https://speakeasy.com). DO NOT EDIT. */ +import { remap as remap$ } from "../../lib/primitives.js"; import * as z from "zod"; -export type UnifiedAccountingCreditnoteOutput = {}; +/** + * The currency of the credit note + */ +export enum UnifiedAccountingCreditnoteOutputCurrency { + Aed = "AED", + Afn = "AFN", + All = "ALL", + Amd = "AMD", + Ang = "ANG", + Aoa = "AOA", + Ars = "ARS", + Aud = "AUD", + Awg = "AWG", + Azn = "AZN", + Bam = "BAM", + Bbd = "BBD", + Bdt = "BDT", + Bgn = "BGN", + Bhd = "BHD", + Bif = "BIF", + Bmd = "BMD", + Bnd = "BND", + Bob = "BOB", + Brl = "BRL", + Bsd = "BSD", + Btn = "BTN", + Bwp = "BWP", + Byn = "BYN", + Bzd = "BZD", + Cad = "CAD", + Cdf = "CDF", + Chf = "CHF", + Clp = "CLP", + Cny = "CNY", + Cop = "COP", + Crc = "CRC", + Cup = "CUP", + Cve = "CVE", + Czk = "CZK", + Djf = "DJF", + Dkk = "DKK", + Dop = "DOP", + Dzd = "DZD", + Egp = "EGP", + Ern = "ERN", + Etb = "ETB", + Eur = "EUR", + Fjd = "FJD", + Fkp = "FKP", + Fok = "FOK", + Gbp = "GBP", + Gel = "GEL", + Ggp = "GGP", + Ghs = "GHS", + Gip = "GIP", + Gmd = "GMD", + Gnf = "GNF", + Gtq = "GTQ", + Gyd = "GYD", + Hkd = "HKD", + Hnl = "HNL", + Hrk = "HRK", + Htg = "HTG", + Huf = "HUF", + Idr = "IDR", + Ils = "ILS", + Imp = "IMP", + Inr = "INR", + Iqd = "IQD", + Irr = "IRR", + Isk = "ISK", + Jep = "JEP", + Jmd = "JMD", + Jod = "JOD", + Jpy = "JPY", + Kes = "KES", + Kgs = "KGS", + Khr = "KHR", + Kid = "KID", + Kmf = "KMF", + Krw = "KRW", + Kwd = "KWD", + Kyd = "KYD", + Kzt = "KZT", + Lak = "LAK", + Lbp = "LBP", + Lkr = "LKR", + Lrd = "LRD", + Lsl = "LSL", + Lyd = "LYD", + Mad = "MAD", + Mdl = "MDL", + Mga = "MGA", + Mkd = "MKD", + Mmk = "MMK", + Mnt = "MNT", + Mop = "MOP", + Mru = "MRU", + Mur = "MUR", + Mvr = "MVR", + Mwk = "MWK", + Mxn = "MXN", + Myr = "MYR", + Mzn = "MZN", + Nad = "NAD", + Ngn = "NGN", + Nio = "NIO", + Nok = "NOK", + Npr = "NPR", + Nzd = "NZD", + Omr = "OMR", + Pab = "PAB", + Pen = "PEN", + Pgk = "PGK", + Php = "PHP", + Pkr = "PKR", + Pln = "PLN", + Pyg = "PYG", + Qar = "QAR", + Ron = "RON", + Rsd = "RSD", + Rub = "RUB", + Rwf = "RWF", + Sar = "SAR", + Sbd = "SBD", + Scr = "SCR", + Sdg = "SDG", + Sek = "SEK", + Sgd = "SGD", + Shp = "SHP", + Sle = "SLE", + Sll = "SLL", + Sos = "SOS", + Srd = "SRD", + Ssp = "SSP", + Stn = "STN", + Syp = "SYP", + Szl = "SZL", + Thb = "THB", + Tjs = "TJS", + Tmt = "TMT", + Tnd = "TND", + Top = "TOP", + Try = "TRY", + Ttd = "TTD", + Tvd = "TVD", + Twd = "TWD", + Tzs = "TZS", + Uah = "UAH", + Ugx = "UGX", + Usd = "USD", + Uyu = "UYU", + Uzs = "UZS", + Ves = "VES", + Vnd = "VND", + Vuv = "VUV", + Wst = "WST", + Xaf = "XAF", + Xcd = "XCD", + Xdr = "XDR", + Xof = "XOF", + Xpf = "XPF", + Yer = "YER", + Zar = "ZAR", + Zmw = "ZMW", + Zwl = "ZWL", +} + +/** + * The custom field mappings of the object between the remote 3rd party & Panora + */ +export type UnifiedAccountingCreditnoteOutputFieldMappings = {}; + +/** + * The remote data of the credit note in the context of the 3rd Party + */ +export type UnifiedAccountingCreditnoteOutputRemoteData = {}; + +export type UnifiedAccountingCreditnoteOutput = { + /** + * The date of the credit note transaction + */ + transactionDate?: Date | null | undefined; + /** + * The status of the credit note + */ + status?: string | null | undefined; + /** + * The number of the credit note + */ + number?: string | null | undefined; + /** + * The UUID of the associated contact + */ + contactId?: string | null | undefined; + /** + * The UUID of the associated company + */ + companyId?: string | null | undefined; + /** + * The exchange rate applied to the credit note + */ + exchangeRate?: string | null | undefined; + /** + * The total amount of the credit note + */ + totalAmount?: number | null | undefined; + /** + * The remaining credit on the credit note + */ + remainingCredit?: number | null | undefined; + /** + * The UUIDs of the tracking categories associated with the credit note + */ + trackingCategories?: Array | null | undefined; + /** + * The currency of the credit note + */ + currency?: UnifiedAccountingCreditnoteOutputCurrency | null | undefined; + /** + * The payments associated with the credit note + */ + payments?: Array | null | undefined; + /** + * The applied payments associated with the credit note + */ + appliedPayments?: Array | null | undefined; + /** + * The UUID of the associated accounting period + */ + accountingPeriodId?: string | null | undefined; + /** + * The custom field mappings of the object between the remote 3rd party & Panora + */ + fieldMappings?: UnifiedAccountingCreditnoteOutputFieldMappings | null | undefined; + /** + * The UUID of the credit note record + */ + id?: string | null | undefined; + /** + * The remote ID of the credit note in the context of the 3rd Party + */ + remoteId?: string | null | undefined; + /** + * The remote data of the credit note in the context of the 3rd Party + */ + remoteData?: UnifiedAccountingCreditnoteOutputRemoteData | null | undefined; + /** + * The date when the credit note was created in the remote system + */ + remoteCreatedAt?: Date | null | undefined; + /** + * The date when the credit note was last updated in the remote system + */ + remoteUpdatedAt?: Date | null | undefined; + /** + * The created date of the credit note record + */ + createdAt?: Date | null | undefined; + /** + * The last modified date of the credit note record + */ + modifiedAt?: Date | null | undefined; +}; + +/** @internal */ +export const UnifiedAccountingCreditnoteOutputCurrency$inboundSchema: z.ZodNativeEnum< + typeof UnifiedAccountingCreditnoteOutputCurrency +> = z.nativeEnum(UnifiedAccountingCreditnoteOutputCurrency); + +/** @internal */ +export const UnifiedAccountingCreditnoteOutputCurrency$outboundSchema: z.ZodNativeEnum< + typeof UnifiedAccountingCreditnoteOutputCurrency +> = UnifiedAccountingCreditnoteOutputCurrency$inboundSchema; + +/** + * @internal + * @deprecated This namespace will be removed in future versions. Use schemas and types that are exported directly from this module. + */ +export namespace UnifiedAccountingCreditnoteOutputCurrency$ { + /** @deprecated use `UnifiedAccountingCreditnoteOutputCurrency$inboundSchema` instead. */ + export const inboundSchema = UnifiedAccountingCreditnoteOutputCurrency$inboundSchema; + /** @deprecated use `UnifiedAccountingCreditnoteOutputCurrency$outboundSchema` instead. */ + export const outboundSchema = UnifiedAccountingCreditnoteOutputCurrency$outboundSchema; +} + +/** @internal */ +export const UnifiedAccountingCreditnoteOutputFieldMappings$inboundSchema: z.ZodType< + UnifiedAccountingCreditnoteOutputFieldMappings, + z.ZodTypeDef, + unknown +> = z.object({}); + +/** @internal */ +export type UnifiedAccountingCreditnoteOutputFieldMappings$Outbound = {}; + +/** @internal */ +export const UnifiedAccountingCreditnoteOutputFieldMappings$outboundSchema: z.ZodType< + UnifiedAccountingCreditnoteOutputFieldMappings$Outbound, + z.ZodTypeDef, + UnifiedAccountingCreditnoteOutputFieldMappings +> = z.object({}); + +/** + * @internal + * @deprecated This namespace will be removed in future versions. Use schemas and types that are exported directly from this module. + */ +export namespace UnifiedAccountingCreditnoteOutputFieldMappings$ { + /** @deprecated use `UnifiedAccountingCreditnoteOutputFieldMappings$inboundSchema` instead. */ + export const inboundSchema = UnifiedAccountingCreditnoteOutputFieldMappings$inboundSchema; + /** @deprecated use `UnifiedAccountingCreditnoteOutputFieldMappings$outboundSchema` instead. */ + export const outboundSchema = UnifiedAccountingCreditnoteOutputFieldMappings$outboundSchema; + /** @deprecated use `UnifiedAccountingCreditnoteOutputFieldMappings$Outbound` instead. */ + export type Outbound = UnifiedAccountingCreditnoteOutputFieldMappings$Outbound; +} + +/** @internal */ +export const UnifiedAccountingCreditnoteOutputRemoteData$inboundSchema: z.ZodType< + UnifiedAccountingCreditnoteOutputRemoteData, + z.ZodTypeDef, + unknown +> = z.object({}); + +/** @internal */ +export type UnifiedAccountingCreditnoteOutputRemoteData$Outbound = {}; + +/** @internal */ +export const UnifiedAccountingCreditnoteOutputRemoteData$outboundSchema: z.ZodType< + UnifiedAccountingCreditnoteOutputRemoteData$Outbound, + z.ZodTypeDef, + UnifiedAccountingCreditnoteOutputRemoteData +> = z.object({}); + +/** + * @internal + * @deprecated This namespace will be removed in future versions. Use schemas and types that are exported directly from this module. + */ +export namespace UnifiedAccountingCreditnoteOutputRemoteData$ { + /** @deprecated use `UnifiedAccountingCreditnoteOutputRemoteData$inboundSchema` instead. */ + export const inboundSchema = UnifiedAccountingCreditnoteOutputRemoteData$inboundSchema; + /** @deprecated use `UnifiedAccountingCreditnoteOutputRemoteData$outboundSchema` instead. */ + export const outboundSchema = UnifiedAccountingCreditnoteOutputRemoteData$outboundSchema; + /** @deprecated use `UnifiedAccountingCreditnoteOutputRemoteData$Outbound` instead. */ + export type Outbound = UnifiedAccountingCreditnoteOutputRemoteData$Outbound; +} /** @internal */ export const UnifiedAccountingCreditnoteOutput$inboundSchema: z.ZodType< UnifiedAccountingCreditnoteOutput, z.ZodTypeDef, unknown -> = z.object({}); +> = z + .object({ + transaction_date: z + .nullable( + z + .string() + .datetime({ offset: true }) + .transform((v) => new Date(v)) + ) + .optional(), + status: z.nullable(z.string()).optional(), + number: z.nullable(z.string()).optional(), + contact_id: z.nullable(z.string()).optional(), + company_id: z.nullable(z.string()).optional(), + exchange_rate: z.nullable(z.string()).optional(), + total_amount: z.nullable(z.number()).optional(), + remaining_credit: z.nullable(z.number()).optional(), + tracking_categories: z.nullable(z.array(z.string())).optional(), + currency: z.nullable(UnifiedAccountingCreditnoteOutputCurrency$inboundSchema).optional(), + payments: z.nullable(z.array(z.string())).optional(), + applied_payments: z.nullable(z.array(z.string())).optional(), + accounting_period_id: z.nullable(z.string()).optional(), + field_mappings: z + .nullable(z.lazy(() => UnifiedAccountingCreditnoteOutputFieldMappings$inboundSchema)) + .optional(), + id: z.nullable(z.string()).optional(), + remote_id: z.nullable(z.string()).optional(), + remote_data: z + .nullable(z.lazy(() => UnifiedAccountingCreditnoteOutputRemoteData$inboundSchema)) + .optional(), + remote_created_at: z + .nullable( + z + .string() + .datetime({ offset: true }) + .transform((v) => new Date(v)) + ) + .optional(), + remote_updated_at: z + .nullable( + z + .string() + .datetime({ offset: true }) + .transform((v) => new Date(v)) + ) + .optional(), + created_at: z + .nullable( + z + .string() + .datetime({ offset: true }) + .transform((v) => new Date(v)) + ) + .optional(), + modified_at: z + .nullable( + z + .string() + .datetime({ offset: true }) + .transform((v) => new Date(v)) + ) + .optional(), + }) + .transform((v) => { + return remap$(v, { + transaction_date: "transactionDate", + contact_id: "contactId", + company_id: "companyId", + exchange_rate: "exchangeRate", + total_amount: "totalAmount", + remaining_credit: "remainingCredit", + tracking_categories: "trackingCategories", + applied_payments: "appliedPayments", + accounting_period_id: "accountingPeriodId", + field_mappings: "fieldMappings", + remote_id: "remoteId", + remote_data: "remoteData", + remote_created_at: "remoteCreatedAt", + remote_updated_at: "remoteUpdatedAt", + created_at: "createdAt", + modified_at: "modifiedAt", + }); + }); /** @internal */ -export type UnifiedAccountingCreditnoteOutput$Outbound = {}; +export type UnifiedAccountingCreditnoteOutput$Outbound = { + transaction_date?: string | null | undefined; + status?: string | null | undefined; + number?: string | null | undefined; + contact_id?: string | null | undefined; + company_id?: string | null | undefined; + exchange_rate?: string | null | undefined; + total_amount?: number | null | undefined; + remaining_credit?: number | null | undefined; + tracking_categories?: Array | null | undefined; + currency?: string | null | undefined; + payments?: Array | null | undefined; + applied_payments?: Array | null | undefined; + accounting_period_id?: string | null | undefined; + field_mappings?: UnifiedAccountingCreditnoteOutputFieldMappings$Outbound | null | undefined; + id?: string | null | undefined; + remote_id?: string | null | undefined; + remote_data?: UnifiedAccountingCreditnoteOutputRemoteData$Outbound | null | undefined; + remote_created_at?: string | null | undefined; + remote_updated_at?: string | null | undefined; + created_at?: string | null | undefined; + modified_at?: string | null | undefined; +}; /** @internal */ export const UnifiedAccountingCreditnoteOutput$outboundSchema: z.ZodType< UnifiedAccountingCreditnoteOutput$Outbound, z.ZodTypeDef, UnifiedAccountingCreditnoteOutput -> = z.object({}); +> = z + .object({ + transactionDate: z.nullable(z.date().transform((v) => v.toISOString())).optional(), + status: z.nullable(z.string()).optional(), + number: z.nullable(z.string()).optional(), + contactId: z.nullable(z.string()).optional(), + companyId: z.nullable(z.string()).optional(), + exchangeRate: z.nullable(z.string()).optional(), + totalAmount: z.nullable(z.number()).optional(), + remainingCredit: z.nullable(z.number()).optional(), + trackingCategories: z.nullable(z.array(z.string())).optional(), + currency: z.nullable(UnifiedAccountingCreditnoteOutputCurrency$outboundSchema).optional(), + payments: z.nullable(z.array(z.string())).optional(), + appliedPayments: z.nullable(z.array(z.string())).optional(), + accountingPeriodId: z.nullable(z.string()).optional(), + fieldMappings: z + .nullable(z.lazy(() => UnifiedAccountingCreditnoteOutputFieldMappings$outboundSchema)) + .optional(), + id: z.nullable(z.string()).optional(), + remoteId: z.nullable(z.string()).optional(), + remoteData: z + .nullable(z.lazy(() => UnifiedAccountingCreditnoteOutputRemoteData$outboundSchema)) + .optional(), + remoteCreatedAt: z.nullable(z.date().transform((v) => v.toISOString())).optional(), + remoteUpdatedAt: z.nullable(z.date().transform((v) => v.toISOString())).optional(), + createdAt: z.nullable(z.date().transform((v) => v.toISOString())).optional(), + modifiedAt: z.nullable(z.date().transform((v) => v.toISOString())).optional(), + }) + .transform((v) => { + return remap$(v, { + transactionDate: "transaction_date", + contactId: "contact_id", + companyId: "company_id", + exchangeRate: "exchange_rate", + totalAmount: "total_amount", + remainingCredit: "remaining_credit", + trackingCategories: "tracking_categories", + appliedPayments: "applied_payments", + accountingPeriodId: "accounting_period_id", + fieldMappings: "field_mappings", + remoteId: "remote_id", + remoteData: "remote_data", + remoteCreatedAt: "remote_created_at", + remoteUpdatedAt: "remote_updated_at", + createdAt: "created_at", + modifiedAt: "modified_at", + }); + }); /** * @internal diff --git a/src/models/components/unifiedaccountingexpenseinput.ts b/src/models/components/unifiedaccountingexpenseinput.ts index b9dc1b1c..6d3a2100 100644 --- a/src/models/components/unifiedaccountingexpenseinput.ts +++ b/src/models/components/unifiedaccountingexpenseinput.ts @@ -2,26 +2,395 @@ * Code generated by Speakeasy (https://speakeasy.com). DO NOT EDIT. */ +import { remap as remap$ } from "../../lib/primitives.js"; +import { + LineItem, + LineItem$inboundSchema, + LineItem$Outbound, + LineItem$outboundSchema, +} from "./lineitem.js"; import * as z from "zod"; -export type UnifiedAccountingExpenseInput = {}; +/** + * The currency of the expense + */ +export enum UnifiedAccountingExpenseInputCurrency { + Aed = "AED", + Afn = "AFN", + All = "ALL", + Amd = "AMD", + Ang = "ANG", + Aoa = "AOA", + Ars = "ARS", + Aud = "AUD", + Awg = "AWG", + Azn = "AZN", + Bam = "BAM", + Bbd = "BBD", + Bdt = "BDT", + Bgn = "BGN", + Bhd = "BHD", + Bif = "BIF", + Bmd = "BMD", + Bnd = "BND", + Bob = "BOB", + Brl = "BRL", + Bsd = "BSD", + Btn = "BTN", + Bwp = "BWP", + Byn = "BYN", + Bzd = "BZD", + Cad = "CAD", + Cdf = "CDF", + Chf = "CHF", + Clp = "CLP", + Cny = "CNY", + Cop = "COP", + Crc = "CRC", + Cup = "CUP", + Cve = "CVE", + Czk = "CZK", + Djf = "DJF", + Dkk = "DKK", + Dop = "DOP", + Dzd = "DZD", + Egp = "EGP", + Ern = "ERN", + Etb = "ETB", + Eur = "EUR", + Fjd = "FJD", + Fkp = "FKP", + Fok = "FOK", + Gbp = "GBP", + Gel = "GEL", + Ggp = "GGP", + Ghs = "GHS", + Gip = "GIP", + Gmd = "GMD", + Gnf = "GNF", + Gtq = "GTQ", + Gyd = "GYD", + Hkd = "HKD", + Hnl = "HNL", + Hrk = "HRK", + Htg = "HTG", + Huf = "HUF", + Idr = "IDR", + Ils = "ILS", + Imp = "IMP", + Inr = "INR", + Iqd = "IQD", + Irr = "IRR", + Isk = "ISK", + Jep = "JEP", + Jmd = "JMD", + Jod = "JOD", + Jpy = "JPY", + Kes = "KES", + Kgs = "KGS", + Khr = "KHR", + Kid = "KID", + Kmf = "KMF", + Krw = "KRW", + Kwd = "KWD", + Kyd = "KYD", + Kzt = "KZT", + Lak = "LAK", + Lbp = "LBP", + Lkr = "LKR", + Lrd = "LRD", + Lsl = "LSL", + Lyd = "LYD", + Mad = "MAD", + Mdl = "MDL", + Mga = "MGA", + Mkd = "MKD", + Mmk = "MMK", + Mnt = "MNT", + Mop = "MOP", + Mru = "MRU", + Mur = "MUR", + Mvr = "MVR", + Mwk = "MWK", + Mxn = "MXN", + Myr = "MYR", + Mzn = "MZN", + Nad = "NAD", + Ngn = "NGN", + Nio = "NIO", + Nok = "NOK", + Npr = "NPR", + Nzd = "NZD", + Omr = "OMR", + Pab = "PAB", + Pen = "PEN", + Pgk = "PGK", + Php = "PHP", + Pkr = "PKR", + Pln = "PLN", + Pyg = "PYG", + Qar = "QAR", + Ron = "RON", + Rsd = "RSD", + Rub = "RUB", + Rwf = "RWF", + Sar = "SAR", + Sbd = "SBD", + Scr = "SCR", + Sdg = "SDG", + Sek = "SEK", + Sgd = "SGD", + Shp = "SHP", + Sle = "SLE", + Sll = "SLL", + Sos = "SOS", + Srd = "SRD", + Ssp = "SSP", + Stn = "STN", + Syp = "SYP", + Szl = "SZL", + Thb = "THB", + Tjs = "TJS", + Tmt = "TMT", + Tnd = "TND", + Top = "TOP", + Try = "TRY", + Ttd = "TTD", + Tvd = "TVD", + Twd = "TWD", + Tzs = "TZS", + Uah = "UAH", + Ugx = "UGX", + Usd = "USD", + Uyu = "UYU", + Uzs = "UZS", + Ves = "VES", + Vnd = "VND", + Vuv = "VUV", + Wst = "WST", + Xaf = "XAF", + Xcd = "XCD", + Xdr = "XDR", + Xof = "XOF", + Xpf = "XPF", + Yer = "YER", + Zar = "ZAR", + Zmw = "ZMW", + Zwl = "ZWL", +} + +/** + * The custom field mappings of the object between the remote 3rd party & Panora + */ +export type UnifiedAccountingExpenseInputFieldMappings = {}; + +export type UnifiedAccountingExpenseInput = { + /** + * The date of the expense transaction + */ + transactionDate?: Date | null | undefined; + /** + * The total amount of the expense + */ + totalAmount?: number | null | undefined; + /** + * The sub-total amount of the expense (before tax) + */ + subTotal?: number | null | undefined; + /** + * The total tax amount of the expense + */ + totalTaxAmount?: number | null | undefined; + /** + * The currency of the expense + */ + currency?: UnifiedAccountingExpenseInputCurrency | null | undefined; + /** + * The exchange rate applied to the expense + */ + exchangeRate?: string | null | undefined; + /** + * A memo or description for the expense + */ + memo?: string | null | undefined; + /** + * The UUID of the associated account + */ + accountId?: string | null | undefined; + /** + * The UUID of the associated contact + */ + contactId?: string | null | undefined; + /** + * The UUID of the associated company info + */ + companyInfoId?: string | null | undefined; + /** + * The UUIDs of the tracking categories associated with the expense + */ + trackingCategories?: Array | null | undefined; + /** + * The line items associated with this expense + */ + lineItems?: Array | undefined; + /** + * The custom field mappings of the object between the remote 3rd party & Panora + */ + fieldMappings?: UnifiedAccountingExpenseInputFieldMappings | null | undefined; +}; + +/** @internal */ +export const UnifiedAccountingExpenseInputCurrency$inboundSchema: z.ZodNativeEnum< + typeof UnifiedAccountingExpenseInputCurrency +> = z.nativeEnum(UnifiedAccountingExpenseInputCurrency); + +/** @internal */ +export const UnifiedAccountingExpenseInputCurrency$outboundSchema: z.ZodNativeEnum< + typeof UnifiedAccountingExpenseInputCurrency +> = UnifiedAccountingExpenseInputCurrency$inboundSchema; + +/** + * @internal + * @deprecated This namespace will be removed in future versions. Use schemas and types that are exported directly from this module. + */ +export namespace UnifiedAccountingExpenseInputCurrency$ { + /** @deprecated use `UnifiedAccountingExpenseInputCurrency$inboundSchema` instead. */ + export const inboundSchema = UnifiedAccountingExpenseInputCurrency$inboundSchema; + /** @deprecated use `UnifiedAccountingExpenseInputCurrency$outboundSchema` instead. */ + export const outboundSchema = UnifiedAccountingExpenseInputCurrency$outboundSchema; +} + +/** @internal */ +export const UnifiedAccountingExpenseInputFieldMappings$inboundSchema: z.ZodType< + UnifiedAccountingExpenseInputFieldMappings, + z.ZodTypeDef, + unknown +> = z.object({}); + +/** @internal */ +export type UnifiedAccountingExpenseInputFieldMappings$Outbound = {}; + +/** @internal */ +export const UnifiedAccountingExpenseInputFieldMappings$outboundSchema: z.ZodType< + UnifiedAccountingExpenseInputFieldMappings$Outbound, + z.ZodTypeDef, + UnifiedAccountingExpenseInputFieldMappings +> = z.object({}); + +/** + * @internal + * @deprecated This namespace will be removed in future versions. Use schemas and types that are exported directly from this module. + */ +export namespace UnifiedAccountingExpenseInputFieldMappings$ { + /** @deprecated use `UnifiedAccountingExpenseInputFieldMappings$inboundSchema` instead. */ + export const inboundSchema = UnifiedAccountingExpenseInputFieldMappings$inboundSchema; + /** @deprecated use `UnifiedAccountingExpenseInputFieldMappings$outboundSchema` instead. */ + export const outboundSchema = UnifiedAccountingExpenseInputFieldMappings$outboundSchema; + /** @deprecated use `UnifiedAccountingExpenseInputFieldMappings$Outbound` instead. */ + export type Outbound = UnifiedAccountingExpenseInputFieldMappings$Outbound; +} /** @internal */ export const UnifiedAccountingExpenseInput$inboundSchema: z.ZodType< UnifiedAccountingExpenseInput, z.ZodTypeDef, unknown -> = z.object({}); +> = z + .object({ + transaction_date: z + .nullable( + z + .string() + .datetime({ offset: true }) + .transform((v) => new Date(v)) + ) + .optional(), + total_amount: z.nullable(z.number()).optional(), + sub_total: z.nullable(z.number()).optional(), + total_tax_amount: z.nullable(z.number()).optional(), + currency: z.nullable(UnifiedAccountingExpenseInputCurrency$inboundSchema).optional(), + exchange_rate: z.nullable(z.string()).optional(), + memo: z.nullable(z.string()).optional(), + account_id: z.nullable(z.string()).optional(), + contact_id: z.nullable(z.string()).optional(), + company_info_id: z.nullable(z.string()).optional(), + tracking_categories: z.nullable(z.array(z.string())).optional(), + line_items: z.array(LineItem$inboundSchema).optional(), + field_mappings: z + .nullable(z.lazy(() => UnifiedAccountingExpenseInputFieldMappings$inboundSchema)) + .optional(), + }) + .transform((v) => { + return remap$(v, { + transaction_date: "transactionDate", + total_amount: "totalAmount", + sub_total: "subTotal", + total_tax_amount: "totalTaxAmount", + exchange_rate: "exchangeRate", + account_id: "accountId", + contact_id: "contactId", + company_info_id: "companyInfoId", + tracking_categories: "trackingCategories", + line_items: "lineItems", + field_mappings: "fieldMappings", + }); + }); /** @internal */ -export type UnifiedAccountingExpenseInput$Outbound = {}; +export type UnifiedAccountingExpenseInput$Outbound = { + transaction_date?: string | null | undefined; + total_amount?: number | null | undefined; + sub_total?: number | null | undefined; + total_tax_amount?: number | null | undefined; + currency?: string | null | undefined; + exchange_rate?: string | null | undefined; + memo?: string | null | undefined; + account_id?: string | null | undefined; + contact_id?: string | null | undefined; + company_info_id?: string | null | undefined; + tracking_categories?: Array | null | undefined; + line_items?: Array | undefined; + field_mappings?: UnifiedAccountingExpenseInputFieldMappings$Outbound | null | undefined; +}; /** @internal */ export const UnifiedAccountingExpenseInput$outboundSchema: z.ZodType< UnifiedAccountingExpenseInput$Outbound, z.ZodTypeDef, UnifiedAccountingExpenseInput -> = z.object({}); +> = z + .object({ + transactionDate: z.nullable(z.date().transform((v) => v.toISOString())).optional(), + totalAmount: z.nullable(z.number()).optional(), + subTotal: z.nullable(z.number()).optional(), + totalTaxAmount: z.nullable(z.number()).optional(), + currency: z.nullable(UnifiedAccountingExpenseInputCurrency$outboundSchema).optional(), + exchangeRate: z.nullable(z.string()).optional(), + memo: z.nullable(z.string()).optional(), + accountId: z.nullable(z.string()).optional(), + contactId: z.nullable(z.string()).optional(), + companyInfoId: z.nullable(z.string()).optional(), + trackingCategories: z.nullable(z.array(z.string())).optional(), + lineItems: z.array(LineItem$outboundSchema).optional(), + fieldMappings: z + .nullable(z.lazy(() => UnifiedAccountingExpenseInputFieldMappings$outboundSchema)) + .optional(), + }) + .transform((v) => { + return remap$(v, { + transactionDate: "transaction_date", + totalAmount: "total_amount", + subTotal: "sub_total", + totalTaxAmount: "total_tax_amount", + exchangeRate: "exchange_rate", + accountId: "account_id", + contactId: "contact_id", + companyInfoId: "company_info_id", + trackingCategories: "tracking_categories", + lineItems: "line_items", + fieldMappings: "field_mappings", + }); + }); /** * @internal diff --git a/src/models/components/unifiedaccountingexpenseoutput.ts b/src/models/components/unifiedaccountingexpenseoutput.ts index 949a4b5d..cdb896d4 100644 --- a/src/models/components/unifiedaccountingexpenseoutput.ts +++ b/src/models/components/unifiedaccountingexpenseoutput.ts @@ -2,26 +2,507 @@ * Code generated by Speakeasy (https://speakeasy.com). DO NOT EDIT. */ +import { remap as remap$ } from "../../lib/primitives.js"; +import { + LineItem, + LineItem$inboundSchema, + LineItem$Outbound, + LineItem$outboundSchema, +} from "./lineitem.js"; import * as z from "zod"; -export type UnifiedAccountingExpenseOutput = {}; +/** + * The currency of the expense + */ +export enum UnifiedAccountingExpenseOutputCurrency { + Aed = "AED", + Afn = "AFN", + All = "ALL", + Amd = "AMD", + Ang = "ANG", + Aoa = "AOA", + Ars = "ARS", + Aud = "AUD", + Awg = "AWG", + Azn = "AZN", + Bam = "BAM", + Bbd = "BBD", + Bdt = "BDT", + Bgn = "BGN", + Bhd = "BHD", + Bif = "BIF", + Bmd = "BMD", + Bnd = "BND", + Bob = "BOB", + Brl = "BRL", + Bsd = "BSD", + Btn = "BTN", + Bwp = "BWP", + Byn = "BYN", + Bzd = "BZD", + Cad = "CAD", + Cdf = "CDF", + Chf = "CHF", + Clp = "CLP", + Cny = "CNY", + Cop = "COP", + Crc = "CRC", + Cup = "CUP", + Cve = "CVE", + Czk = "CZK", + Djf = "DJF", + Dkk = "DKK", + Dop = "DOP", + Dzd = "DZD", + Egp = "EGP", + Ern = "ERN", + Etb = "ETB", + Eur = "EUR", + Fjd = "FJD", + Fkp = "FKP", + Fok = "FOK", + Gbp = "GBP", + Gel = "GEL", + Ggp = "GGP", + Ghs = "GHS", + Gip = "GIP", + Gmd = "GMD", + Gnf = "GNF", + Gtq = "GTQ", + Gyd = "GYD", + Hkd = "HKD", + Hnl = "HNL", + Hrk = "HRK", + Htg = "HTG", + Huf = "HUF", + Idr = "IDR", + Ils = "ILS", + Imp = "IMP", + Inr = "INR", + Iqd = "IQD", + Irr = "IRR", + Isk = "ISK", + Jep = "JEP", + Jmd = "JMD", + Jod = "JOD", + Jpy = "JPY", + Kes = "KES", + Kgs = "KGS", + Khr = "KHR", + Kid = "KID", + Kmf = "KMF", + Krw = "KRW", + Kwd = "KWD", + Kyd = "KYD", + Kzt = "KZT", + Lak = "LAK", + Lbp = "LBP", + Lkr = "LKR", + Lrd = "LRD", + Lsl = "LSL", + Lyd = "LYD", + Mad = "MAD", + Mdl = "MDL", + Mga = "MGA", + Mkd = "MKD", + Mmk = "MMK", + Mnt = "MNT", + Mop = "MOP", + Mru = "MRU", + Mur = "MUR", + Mvr = "MVR", + Mwk = "MWK", + Mxn = "MXN", + Myr = "MYR", + Mzn = "MZN", + Nad = "NAD", + Ngn = "NGN", + Nio = "NIO", + Nok = "NOK", + Npr = "NPR", + Nzd = "NZD", + Omr = "OMR", + Pab = "PAB", + Pen = "PEN", + Pgk = "PGK", + Php = "PHP", + Pkr = "PKR", + Pln = "PLN", + Pyg = "PYG", + Qar = "QAR", + Ron = "RON", + Rsd = "RSD", + Rub = "RUB", + Rwf = "RWF", + Sar = "SAR", + Sbd = "SBD", + Scr = "SCR", + Sdg = "SDG", + Sek = "SEK", + Sgd = "SGD", + Shp = "SHP", + Sle = "SLE", + Sll = "SLL", + Sos = "SOS", + Srd = "SRD", + Ssp = "SSP", + Stn = "STN", + Syp = "SYP", + Szl = "SZL", + Thb = "THB", + Tjs = "TJS", + Tmt = "TMT", + Tnd = "TND", + Top = "TOP", + Try = "TRY", + Ttd = "TTD", + Tvd = "TVD", + Twd = "TWD", + Tzs = "TZS", + Uah = "UAH", + Ugx = "UGX", + Usd = "USD", + Uyu = "UYU", + Uzs = "UZS", + Ves = "VES", + Vnd = "VND", + Vuv = "VUV", + Wst = "WST", + Xaf = "XAF", + Xcd = "XCD", + Xdr = "XDR", + Xof = "XOF", + Xpf = "XPF", + Yer = "YER", + Zar = "ZAR", + Zmw = "ZMW", + Zwl = "ZWL", +} + +/** + * The custom field mappings of the object between the remote 3rd party & Panora + */ +export type UnifiedAccountingExpenseOutputFieldMappings = {}; + +/** + * The remote data of the expense in the context of the 3rd Party + */ +export type UnifiedAccountingExpenseOutputRemoteData = {}; + +export type UnifiedAccountingExpenseOutput = { + /** + * The date of the expense transaction + */ + transactionDate?: Date | null | undefined; + /** + * The total amount of the expense + */ + totalAmount?: number | null | undefined; + /** + * The sub-total amount of the expense (before tax) + */ + subTotal?: number | null | undefined; + /** + * The total tax amount of the expense + */ + totalTaxAmount?: number | null | undefined; + /** + * The currency of the expense + */ + currency?: UnifiedAccountingExpenseOutputCurrency | null | undefined; + /** + * The exchange rate applied to the expense + */ + exchangeRate?: string | null | undefined; + /** + * A memo or description for the expense + */ + memo?: string | null | undefined; + /** + * The UUID of the associated account + */ + accountId?: string | null | undefined; + /** + * The UUID of the associated contact + */ + contactId?: string | null | undefined; + /** + * The UUID of the associated company info + */ + companyInfoId?: string | null | undefined; + /** + * The UUIDs of the tracking categories associated with the expense + */ + trackingCategories?: Array | null | undefined; + /** + * The line items associated with this expense + */ + lineItems?: Array | undefined; + /** + * The custom field mappings of the object between the remote 3rd party & Panora + */ + fieldMappings?: UnifiedAccountingExpenseOutputFieldMappings | null | undefined; + /** + * The UUID of the expense record + */ + id?: string | null | undefined; + /** + * The remote ID of the expense in the context of the 3rd Party + */ + remoteId?: string | null | undefined; + /** + * The remote data of the expense in the context of the 3rd Party + */ + remoteData?: UnifiedAccountingExpenseOutputRemoteData | null | undefined; + /** + * The date when the expense was created in the remote system + */ + remoteCreatedAt?: Date | null | undefined; + /** + * The created date of the expense record + */ + createdAt?: Date | null | undefined; + /** + * The last modified date of the expense record + */ + modifiedAt?: Date | null | undefined; +}; + +/** @internal */ +export const UnifiedAccountingExpenseOutputCurrency$inboundSchema: z.ZodNativeEnum< + typeof UnifiedAccountingExpenseOutputCurrency +> = z.nativeEnum(UnifiedAccountingExpenseOutputCurrency); + +/** @internal */ +export const UnifiedAccountingExpenseOutputCurrency$outboundSchema: z.ZodNativeEnum< + typeof UnifiedAccountingExpenseOutputCurrency +> = UnifiedAccountingExpenseOutputCurrency$inboundSchema; + +/** + * @internal + * @deprecated This namespace will be removed in future versions. Use schemas and types that are exported directly from this module. + */ +export namespace UnifiedAccountingExpenseOutputCurrency$ { + /** @deprecated use `UnifiedAccountingExpenseOutputCurrency$inboundSchema` instead. */ + export const inboundSchema = UnifiedAccountingExpenseOutputCurrency$inboundSchema; + /** @deprecated use `UnifiedAccountingExpenseOutputCurrency$outboundSchema` instead. */ + export const outboundSchema = UnifiedAccountingExpenseOutputCurrency$outboundSchema; +} + +/** @internal */ +export const UnifiedAccountingExpenseOutputFieldMappings$inboundSchema: z.ZodType< + UnifiedAccountingExpenseOutputFieldMappings, + z.ZodTypeDef, + unknown +> = z.object({}); + +/** @internal */ +export type UnifiedAccountingExpenseOutputFieldMappings$Outbound = {}; + +/** @internal */ +export const UnifiedAccountingExpenseOutputFieldMappings$outboundSchema: z.ZodType< + UnifiedAccountingExpenseOutputFieldMappings$Outbound, + z.ZodTypeDef, + UnifiedAccountingExpenseOutputFieldMappings +> = z.object({}); + +/** + * @internal + * @deprecated This namespace will be removed in future versions. Use schemas and types that are exported directly from this module. + */ +export namespace UnifiedAccountingExpenseOutputFieldMappings$ { + /** @deprecated use `UnifiedAccountingExpenseOutputFieldMappings$inboundSchema` instead. */ + export const inboundSchema = UnifiedAccountingExpenseOutputFieldMappings$inboundSchema; + /** @deprecated use `UnifiedAccountingExpenseOutputFieldMappings$outboundSchema` instead. */ + export const outboundSchema = UnifiedAccountingExpenseOutputFieldMappings$outboundSchema; + /** @deprecated use `UnifiedAccountingExpenseOutputFieldMappings$Outbound` instead. */ + export type Outbound = UnifiedAccountingExpenseOutputFieldMappings$Outbound; +} + +/** @internal */ +export const UnifiedAccountingExpenseOutputRemoteData$inboundSchema: z.ZodType< + UnifiedAccountingExpenseOutputRemoteData, + z.ZodTypeDef, + unknown +> = z.object({}); + +/** @internal */ +export type UnifiedAccountingExpenseOutputRemoteData$Outbound = {}; + +/** @internal */ +export const UnifiedAccountingExpenseOutputRemoteData$outboundSchema: z.ZodType< + UnifiedAccountingExpenseOutputRemoteData$Outbound, + z.ZodTypeDef, + UnifiedAccountingExpenseOutputRemoteData +> = z.object({}); + +/** + * @internal + * @deprecated This namespace will be removed in future versions. Use schemas and types that are exported directly from this module. + */ +export namespace UnifiedAccountingExpenseOutputRemoteData$ { + /** @deprecated use `UnifiedAccountingExpenseOutputRemoteData$inboundSchema` instead. */ + export const inboundSchema = UnifiedAccountingExpenseOutputRemoteData$inboundSchema; + /** @deprecated use `UnifiedAccountingExpenseOutputRemoteData$outboundSchema` instead. */ + export const outboundSchema = UnifiedAccountingExpenseOutputRemoteData$outboundSchema; + /** @deprecated use `UnifiedAccountingExpenseOutputRemoteData$Outbound` instead. */ + export type Outbound = UnifiedAccountingExpenseOutputRemoteData$Outbound; +} /** @internal */ export const UnifiedAccountingExpenseOutput$inboundSchema: z.ZodType< UnifiedAccountingExpenseOutput, z.ZodTypeDef, unknown -> = z.object({}); +> = z + .object({ + transaction_date: z + .nullable( + z + .string() + .datetime({ offset: true }) + .transform((v) => new Date(v)) + ) + .optional(), + total_amount: z.nullable(z.number()).optional(), + sub_total: z.nullable(z.number()).optional(), + total_tax_amount: z.nullable(z.number()).optional(), + currency: z.nullable(UnifiedAccountingExpenseOutputCurrency$inboundSchema).optional(), + exchange_rate: z.nullable(z.string()).optional(), + memo: z.nullable(z.string()).optional(), + account_id: z.nullable(z.string()).optional(), + contact_id: z.nullable(z.string()).optional(), + company_info_id: z.nullable(z.string()).optional(), + tracking_categories: z.nullable(z.array(z.string())).optional(), + line_items: z.array(LineItem$inboundSchema).optional(), + field_mappings: z + .nullable(z.lazy(() => UnifiedAccountingExpenseOutputFieldMappings$inboundSchema)) + .optional(), + id: z.nullable(z.string()).optional(), + remote_id: z.nullable(z.string()).optional(), + remote_data: z + .nullable(z.lazy(() => UnifiedAccountingExpenseOutputRemoteData$inboundSchema)) + .optional(), + remote_created_at: z + .nullable( + z + .string() + .datetime({ offset: true }) + .transform((v) => new Date(v)) + ) + .optional(), + created_at: z + .nullable( + z + .string() + .datetime({ offset: true }) + .transform((v) => new Date(v)) + ) + .optional(), + modified_at: z + .nullable( + z + .string() + .datetime({ offset: true }) + .transform((v) => new Date(v)) + ) + .optional(), + }) + .transform((v) => { + return remap$(v, { + transaction_date: "transactionDate", + total_amount: "totalAmount", + sub_total: "subTotal", + total_tax_amount: "totalTaxAmount", + exchange_rate: "exchangeRate", + account_id: "accountId", + contact_id: "contactId", + company_info_id: "companyInfoId", + tracking_categories: "trackingCategories", + line_items: "lineItems", + field_mappings: "fieldMappings", + remote_id: "remoteId", + remote_data: "remoteData", + remote_created_at: "remoteCreatedAt", + created_at: "createdAt", + modified_at: "modifiedAt", + }); + }); /** @internal */ -export type UnifiedAccountingExpenseOutput$Outbound = {}; +export type UnifiedAccountingExpenseOutput$Outbound = { + transaction_date?: string | null | undefined; + total_amount?: number | null | undefined; + sub_total?: number | null | undefined; + total_tax_amount?: number | null | undefined; + currency?: string | null | undefined; + exchange_rate?: string | null | undefined; + memo?: string | null | undefined; + account_id?: string | null | undefined; + contact_id?: string | null | undefined; + company_info_id?: string | null | undefined; + tracking_categories?: Array | null | undefined; + line_items?: Array | undefined; + field_mappings?: UnifiedAccountingExpenseOutputFieldMappings$Outbound | null | undefined; + id?: string | null | undefined; + remote_id?: string | null | undefined; + remote_data?: UnifiedAccountingExpenseOutputRemoteData$Outbound | null | undefined; + remote_created_at?: string | null | undefined; + created_at?: string | null | undefined; + modified_at?: string | null | undefined; +}; /** @internal */ export const UnifiedAccountingExpenseOutput$outboundSchema: z.ZodType< UnifiedAccountingExpenseOutput$Outbound, z.ZodTypeDef, UnifiedAccountingExpenseOutput -> = z.object({}); +> = z + .object({ + transactionDate: z.nullable(z.date().transform((v) => v.toISOString())).optional(), + totalAmount: z.nullable(z.number()).optional(), + subTotal: z.nullable(z.number()).optional(), + totalTaxAmount: z.nullable(z.number()).optional(), + currency: z.nullable(UnifiedAccountingExpenseOutputCurrency$outboundSchema).optional(), + exchangeRate: z.nullable(z.string()).optional(), + memo: z.nullable(z.string()).optional(), + accountId: z.nullable(z.string()).optional(), + contactId: z.nullable(z.string()).optional(), + companyInfoId: z.nullable(z.string()).optional(), + trackingCategories: z.nullable(z.array(z.string())).optional(), + lineItems: z.array(LineItem$outboundSchema).optional(), + fieldMappings: z + .nullable(z.lazy(() => UnifiedAccountingExpenseOutputFieldMappings$outboundSchema)) + .optional(), + id: z.nullable(z.string()).optional(), + remoteId: z.nullable(z.string()).optional(), + remoteData: z + .nullable(z.lazy(() => UnifiedAccountingExpenseOutputRemoteData$outboundSchema)) + .optional(), + remoteCreatedAt: z.nullable(z.date().transform((v) => v.toISOString())).optional(), + createdAt: z.nullable(z.date().transform((v) => v.toISOString())).optional(), + modifiedAt: z.nullable(z.date().transform((v) => v.toISOString())).optional(), + }) + .transform((v) => { + return remap$(v, { + transactionDate: "transaction_date", + totalAmount: "total_amount", + subTotal: "sub_total", + totalTaxAmount: "total_tax_amount", + exchangeRate: "exchange_rate", + accountId: "account_id", + contactId: "contact_id", + companyInfoId: "company_info_id", + trackingCategories: "tracking_categories", + lineItems: "line_items", + fieldMappings: "field_mappings", + remoteId: "remote_id", + remoteData: "remote_data", + remoteCreatedAt: "remote_created_at", + createdAt: "created_at", + modifiedAt: "modified_at", + }); + }); /** * @internal diff --git a/src/models/components/unifiedaccountingincomestatementoutput.ts b/src/models/components/unifiedaccountingincomestatementoutput.ts index 228ddb11..728f64c1 100644 --- a/src/models/components/unifiedaccountingincomestatementoutput.ts +++ b/src/models/components/unifiedaccountingincomestatementoutput.ts @@ -2,26 +2,459 @@ * Code generated by Speakeasy (https://speakeasy.com). DO NOT EDIT. */ +import { remap as remap$ } from "../../lib/primitives.js"; import * as z from "zod"; -export type UnifiedAccountingIncomestatementOutput = {}; +/** + * The currency used in the income statement + */ +export enum UnifiedAccountingIncomestatementOutputCurrency { + Aed = "AED", + Afn = "AFN", + All = "ALL", + Amd = "AMD", + Ang = "ANG", + Aoa = "AOA", + Ars = "ARS", + Aud = "AUD", + Awg = "AWG", + Azn = "AZN", + Bam = "BAM", + Bbd = "BBD", + Bdt = "BDT", + Bgn = "BGN", + Bhd = "BHD", + Bif = "BIF", + Bmd = "BMD", + Bnd = "BND", + Bob = "BOB", + Brl = "BRL", + Bsd = "BSD", + Btn = "BTN", + Bwp = "BWP", + Byn = "BYN", + Bzd = "BZD", + Cad = "CAD", + Cdf = "CDF", + Chf = "CHF", + Clp = "CLP", + Cny = "CNY", + Cop = "COP", + Crc = "CRC", + Cup = "CUP", + Cve = "CVE", + Czk = "CZK", + Djf = "DJF", + Dkk = "DKK", + Dop = "DOP", + Dzd = "DZD", + Egp = "EGP", + Ern = "ERN", + Etb = "ETB", + Eur = "EUR", + Fjd = "FJD", + Fkp = "FKP", + Fok = "FOK", + Gbp = "GBP", + Gel = "GEL", + Ggp = "GGP", + Ghs = "GHS", + Gip = "GIP", + Gmd = "GMD", + Gnf = "GNF", + Gtq = "GTQ", + Gyd = "GYD", + Hkd = "HKD", + Hnl = "HNL", + Hrk = "HRK", + Htg = "HTG", + Huf = "HUF", + Idr = "IDR", + Ils = "ILS", + Imp = "IMP", + Inr = "INR", + Iqd = "IQD", + Irr = "IRR", + Isk = "ISK", + Jep = "JEP", + Jmd = "JMD", + Jod = "JOD", + Jpy = "JPY", + Kes = "KES", + Kgs = "KGS", + Khr = "KHR", + Kid = "KID", + Kmf = "KMF", + Krw = "KRW", + Kwd = "KWD", + Kyd = "KYD", + Kzt = "KZT", + Lak = "LAK", + Lbp = "LBP", + Lkr = "LKR", + Lrd = "LRD", + Lsl = "LSL", + Lyd = "LYD", + Mad = "MAD", + Mdl = "MDL", + Mga = "MGA", + Mkd = "MKD", + Mmk = "MMK", + Mnt = "MNT", + Mop = "MOP", + Mru = "MRU", + Mur = "MUR", + Mvr = "MVR", + Mwk = "MWK", + Mxn = "MXN", + Myr = "MYR", + Mzn = "MZN", + Nad = "NAD", + Ngn = "NGN", + Nio = "NIO", + Nok = "NOK", + Npr = "NPR", + Nzd = "NZD", + Omr = "OMR", + Pab = "PAB", + Pen = "PEN", + Pgk = "PGK", + Php = "PHP", + Pkr = "PKR", + Pln = "PLN", + Pyg = "PYG", + Qar = "QAR", + Ron = "RON", + Rsd = "RSD", + Rub = "RUB", + Rwf = "RWF", + Sar = "SAR", + Sbd = "SBD", + Scr = "SCR", + Sdg = "SDG", + Sek = "SEK", + Sgd = "SGD", + Shp = "SHP", + Sle = "SLE", + Sll = "SLL", + Sos = "SOS", + Srd = "SRD", + Ssp = "SSP", + Stn = "STN", + Syp = "SYP", + Szl = "SZL", + Thb = "THB", + Tjs = "TJS", + Tmt = "TMT", + Tnd = "TND", + Top = "TOP", + Try = "TRY", + Ttd = "TTD", + Tvd = "TVD", + Twd = "TWD", + Tzs = "TZS", + Uah = "UAH", + Ugx = "UGX", + Usd = "USD", + Uyu = "UYU", + Uzs = "UZS", + Ves = "VES", + Vnd = "VND", + Vuv = "VUV", + Wst = "WST", + Xaf = "XAF", + Xcd = "XCD", + Xdr = "XDR", + Xof = "XOF", + Xpf = "XPF", + Yer = "YER", + Zar = "ZAR", + Zmw = "ZMW", + Zwl = "ZWL", +} + +/** + * The custom field mappings of the object between the remote 3rd party & Panora + */ +export type UnifiedAccountingIncomestatementOutputFieldMappings = {}; + +/** + * The remote data of the income statement in the context of the 3rd Party + */ +export type UnifiedAccountingIncomestatementOutputRemoteData = {}; + +export type UnifiedAccountingIncomestatementOutput = { + /** + * The name of the income statement + */ + name?: string | null | undefined; + /** + * The currency used in the income statement + */ + currency?: UnifiedAccountingIncomestatementOutputCurrency | null | undefined; + /** + * The start date of the period covered by the income statement + */ + startPeriod?: Date | null | undefined; + /** + * The end date of the period covered by the income statement + */ + endPeriod?: Date | null | undefined; + /** + * The gross profit for the period + */ + grossProfit?: number | null | undefined; + /** + * The net operating income for the period + */ + netOperatingIncome?: number | null | undefined; + /** + * The net income for the period + */ + netIncome?: number | null | undefined; + /** + * The custom field mappings of the object between the remote 3rd party & Panora + */ + fieldMappings?: UnifiedAccountingIncomestatementOutputFieldMappings | null | undefined; + /** + * The UUID of the income statement record + */ + id?: string | null | undefined; + /** + * The remote ID of the income statement in the context of the 3rd Party + */ + remoteId?: string | null | undefined; + /** + * The remote data of the income statement in the context of the 3rd Party + */ + remoteData?: UnifiedAccountingIncomestatementOutputRemoteData | null | undefined; + /** + * The created date of the income statement record + */ + createdAt?: Date | null | undefined; + /** + * The last modified date of the income statement record + */ + modifiedAt?: Date | null | undefined; +}; + +/** @internal */ +export const UnifiedAccountingIncomestatementOutputCurrency$inboundSchema: z.ZodNativeEnum< + typeof UnifiedAccountingIncomestatementOutputCurrency +> = z.nativeEnum(UnifiedAccountingIncomestatementOutputCurrency); + +/** @internal */ +export const UnifiedAccountingIncomestatementOutputCurrency$outboundSchema: z.ZodNativeEnum< + typeof UnifiedAccountingIncomestatementOutputCurrency +> = UnifiedAccountingIncomestatementOutputCurrency$inboundSchema; + +/** + * @internal + * @deprecated This namespace will be removed in future versions. Use schemas and types that are exported directly from this module. + */ +export namespace UnifiedAccountingIncomestatementOutputCurrency$ { + /** @deprecated use `UnifiedAccountingIncomestatementOutputCurrency$inboundSchema` instead. */ + export const inboundSchema = UnifiedAccountingIncomestatementOutputCurrency$inboundSchema; + /** @deprecated use `UnifiedAccountingIncomestatementOutputCurrency$outboundSchema` instead. */ + export const outboundSchema = UnifiedAccountingIncomestatementOutputCurrency$outboundSchema; +} + +/** @internal */ +export const UnifiedAccountingIncomestatementOutputFieldMappings$inboundSchema: z.ZodType< + UnifiedAccountingIncomestatementOutputFieldMappings, + z.ZodTypeDef, + unknown +> = z.object({}); + +/** @internal */ +export type UnifiedAccountingIncomestatementOutputFieldMappings$Outbound = {}; + +/** @internal */ +export const UnifiedAccountingIncomestatementOutputFieldMappings$outboundSchema: z.ZodType< + UnifiedAccountingIncomestatementOutputFieldMappings$Outbound, + z.ZodTypeDef, + UnifiedAccountingIncomestatementOutputFieldMappings +> = z.object({}); + +/** + * @internal + * @deprecated This namespace will be removed in future versions. Use schemas and types that are exported directly from this module. + */ +export namespace UnifiedAccountingIncomestatementOutputFieldMappings$ { + /** @deprecated use `UnifiedAccountingIncomestatementOutputFieldMappings$inboundSchema` instead. */ + export const inboundSchema = UnifiedAccountingIncomestatementOutputFieldMappings$inboundSchema; + /** @deprecated use `UnifiedAccountingIncomestatementOutputFieldMappings$outboundSchema` instead. */ + export const outboundSchema = + UnifiedAccountingIncomestatementOutputFieldMappings$outboundSchema; + /** @deprecated use `UnifiedAccountingIncomestatementOutputFieldMappings$Outbound` instead. */ + export type Outbound = UnifiedAccountingIncomestatementOutputFieldMappings$Outbound; +} + +/** @internal */ +export const UnifiedAccountingIncomestatementOutputRemoteData$inboundSchema: z.ZodType< + UnifiedAccountingIncomestatementOutputRemoteData, + z.ZodTypeDef, + unknown +> = z.object({}); + +/** @internal */ +export type UnifiedAccountingIncomestatementOutputRemoteData$Outbound = {}; + +/** @internal */ +export const UnifiedAccountingIncomestatementOutputRemoteData$outboundSchema: z.ZodType< + UnifiedAccountingIncomestatementOutputRemoteData$Outbound, + z.ZodTypeDef, + UnifiedAccountingIncomestatementOutputRemoteData +> = z.object({}); + +/** + * @internal + * @deprecated This namespace will be removed in future versions. Use schemas and types that are exported directly from this module. + */ +export namespace UnifiedAccountingIncomestatementOutputRemoteData$ { + /** @deprecated use `UnifiedAccountingIncomestatementOutputRemoteData$inboundSchema` instead. */ + export const inboundSchema = UnifiedAccountingIncomestatementOutputRemoteData$inboundSchema; + /** @deprecated use `UnifiedAccountingIncomestatementOutputRemoteData$outboundSchema` instead. */ + export const outboundSchema = UnifiedAccountingIncomestatementOutputRemoteData$outboundSchema; + /** @deprecated use `UnifiedAccountingIncomestatementOutputRemoteData$Outbound` instead. */ + export type Outbound = UnifiedAccountingIncomestatementOutputRemoteData$Outbound; +} /** @internal */ export const UnifiedAccountingIncomestatementOutput$inboundSchema: z.ZodType< UnifiedAccountingIncomestatementOutput, z.ZodTypeDef, unknown -> = z.object({}); +> = z + .object({ + name: z.nullable(z.string()).optional(), + currency: z + .nullable(UnifiedAccountingIncomestatementOutputCurrency$inboundSchema) + .optional(), + start_period: z + .nullable( + z + .string() + .datetime({ offset: true }) + .transform((v) => new Date(v)) + ) + .optional(), + end_period: z + .nullable( + z + .string() + .datetime({ offset: true }) + .transform((v) => new Date(v)) + ) + .optional(), + gross_profit: z.nullable(z.number()).optional(), + net_operating_income: z.nullable(z.number()).optional(), + net_income: z.nullable(z.number()).optional(), + field_mappings: z + .nullable( + z.lazy(() => UnifiedAccountingIncomestatementOutputFieldMappings$inboundSchema) + ) + .optional(), + id: z.nullable(z.string()).optional(), + remote_id: z.nullable(z.string()).optional(), + remote_data: z + .nullable(z.lazy(() => UnifiedAccountingIncomestatementOutputRemoteData$inboundSchema)) + .optional(), + created_at: z + .nullable( + z + .string() + .datetime({ offset: true }) + .transform((v) => new Date(v)) + ) + .optional(), + modified_at: z + .nullable( + z + .string() + .datetime({ offset: true }) + .transform((v) => new Date(v)) + ) + .optional(), + }) + .transform((v) => { + return remap$(v, { + start_period: "startPeriod", + end_period: "endPeriod", + gross_profit: "grossProfit", + net_operating_income: "netOperatingIncome", + net_income: "netIncome", + field_mappings: "fieldMappings", + remote_id: "remoteId", + remote_data: "remoteData", + created_at: "createdAt", + modified_at: "modifiedAt", + }); + }); /** @internal */ -export type UnifiedAccountingIncomestatementOutput$Outbound = {}; +export type UnifiedAccountingIncomestatementOutput$Outbound = { + name?: string | null | undefined; + currency?: string | null | undefined; + start_period?: string | null | undefined; + end_period?: string | null | undefined; + gross_profit?: number | null | undefined; + net_operating_income?: number | null | undefined; + net_income?: number | null | undefined; + field_mappings?: + | UnifiedAccountingIncomestatementOutputFieldMappings$Outbound + | null + | undefined; + id?: string | null | undefined; + remote_id?: string | null | undefined; + remote_data?: UnifiedAccountingIncomestatementOutputRemoteData$Outbound | null | undefined; + created_at?: string | null | undefined; + modified_at?: string | null | undefined; +}; /** @internal */ export const UnifiedAccountingIncomestatementOutput$outboundSchema: z.ZodType< UnifiedAccountingIncomestatementOutput$Outbound, z.ZodTypeDef, UnifiedAccountingIncomestatementOutput -> = z.object({}); +> = z + .object({ + name: z.nullable(z.string()).optional(), + currency: z + .nullable(UnifiedAccountingIncomestatementOutputCurrency$outboundSchema) + .optional(), + startPeriod: z.nullable(z.date().transform((v) => v.toISOString())).optional(), + endPeriod: z.nullable(z.date().transform((v) => v.toISOString())).optional(), + grossProfit: z.nullable(z.number()).optional(), + netOperatingIncome: z.nullable(z.number()).optional(), + netIncome: z.nullable(z.number()).optional(), + fieldMappings: z + .nullable( + z.lazy(() => UnifiedAccountingIncomestatementOutputFieldMappings$outboundSchema) + ) + .optional(), + id: z.nullable(z.string()).optional(), + remoteId: z.nullable(z.string()).optional(), + remoteData: z + .nullable(z.lazy(() => UnifiedAccountingIncomestatementOutputRemoteData$outboundSchema)) + .optional(), + createdAt: z.nullable(z.date().transform((v) => v.toISOString())).optional(), + modifiedAt: z.nullable(z.date().transform((v) => v.toISOString())).optional(), + }) + .transform((v) => { + return remap$(v, { + startPeriod: "start_period", + endPeriod: "end_period", + grossProfit: "gross_profit", + netOperatingIncome: "net_operating_income", + netIncome: "net_income", + fieldMappings: "field_mappings", + remoteId: "remote_id", + remoteData: "remote_data", + createdAt: "created_at", + modifiedAt: "modified_at", + }); + }); /** * @internal diff --git a/src/models/components/unifiedaccountinginvoiceinput.ts b/src/models/components/unifiedaccountinginvoiceinput.ts index 0e03d7b4..a10ec7d5 100644 --- a/src/models/components/unifiedaccountinginvoiceinput.ts +++ b/src/models/components/unifiedaccountinginvoiceinput.ts @@ -2,26 +2,455 @@ * Code generated by Speakeasy (https://speakeasy.com). DO NOT EDIT. */ +import { remap as remap$ } from "../../lib/primitives.js"; +import { + LineItem, + LineItem$inboundSchema, + LineItem$Outbound, + LineItem$outboundSchema, +} from "./lineitem.js"; import * as z from "zod"; -export type UnifiedAccountingInvoiceInput = {}; +/** + * The currency of the invoice + */ +export enum UnifiedAccountingInvoiceInputCurrency { + Aed = "AED", + Afn = "AFN", + All = "ALL", + Amd = "AMD", + Ang = "ANG", + Aoa = "AOA", + Ars = "ARS", + Aud = "AUD", + Awg = "AWG", + Azn = "AZN", + Bam = "BAM", + Bbd = "BBD", + Bdt = "BDT", + Bgn = "BGN", + Bhd = "BHD", + Bif = "BIF", + Bmd = "BMD", + Bnd = "BND", + Bob = "BOB", + Brl = "BRL", + Bsd = "BSD", + Btn = "BTN", + Bwp = "BWP", + Byn = "BYN", + Bzd = "BZD", + Cad = "CAD", + Cdf = "CDF", + Chf = "CHF", + Clp = "CLP", + Cny = "CNY", + Cop = "COP", + Crc = "CRC", + Cup = "CUP", + Cve = "CVE", + Czk = "CZK", + Djf = "DJF", + Dkk = "DKK", + Dop = "DOP", + Dzd = "DZD", + Egp = "EGP", + Ern = "ERN", + Etb = "ETB", + Eur = "EUR", + Fjd = "FJD", + Fkp = "FKP", + Fok = "FOK", + Gbp = "GBP", + Gel = "GEL", + Ggp = "GGP", + Ghs = "GHS", + Gip = "GIP", + Gmd = "GMD", + Gnf = "GNF", + Gtq = "GTQ", + Gyd = "GYD", + Hkd = "HKD", + Hnl = "HNL", + Hrk = "HRK", + Htg = "HTG", + Huf = "HUF", + Idr = "IDR", + Ils = "ILS", + Imp = "IMP", + Inr = "INR", + Iqd = "IQD", + Irr = "IRR", + Isk = "ISK", + Jep = "JEP", + Jmd = "JMD", + Jod = "JOD", + Jpy = "JPY", + Kes = "KES", + Kgs = "KGS", + Khr = "KHR", + Kid = "KID", + Kmf = "KMF", + Krw = "KRW", + Kwd = "KWD", + Kyd = "KYD", + Kzt = "KZT", + Lak = "LAK", + Lbp = "LBP", + Lkr = "LKR", + Lrd = "LRD", + Lsl = "LSL", + Lyd = "LYD", + Mad = "MAD", + Mdl = "MDL", + Mga = "MGA", + Mkd = "MKD", + Mmk = "MMK", + Mnt = "MNT", + Mop = "MOP", + Mru = "MRU", + Mur = "MUR", + Mvr = "MVR", + Mwk = "MWK", + Mxn = "MXN", + Myr = "MYR", + Mzn = "MZN", + Nad = "NAD", + Ngn = "NGN", + Nio = "NIO", + Nok = "NOK", + Npr = "NPR", + Nzd = "NZD", + Omr = "OMR", + Pab = "PAB", + Pen = "PEN", + Pgk = "PGK", + Php = "PHP", + Pkr = "PKR", + Pln = "PLN", + Pyg = "PYG", + Qar = "QAR", + Ron = "RON", + Rsd = "RSD", + Rub = "RUB", + Rwf = "RWF", + Sar = "SAR", + Sbd = "SBD", + Scr = "SCR", + Sdg = "SDG", + Sek = "SEK", + Sgd = "SGD", + Shp = "SHP", + Sle = "SLE", + Sll = "SLL", + Sos = "SOS", + Srd = "SRD", + Ssp = "SSP", + Stn = "STN", + Syp = "SYP", + Szl = "SZL", + Thb = "THB", + Tjs = "TJS", + Tmt = "TMT", + Tnd = "TND", + Top = "TOP", + Try = "TRY", + Ttd = "TTD", + Tvd = "TVD", + Twd = "TWD", + Tzs = "TZS", + Uah = "UAH", + Ugx = "UGX", + Usd = "USD", + Uyu = "UYU", + Uzs = "UZS", + Ves = "VES", + Vnd = "VND", + Vuv = "VUV", + Wst = "WST", + Xaf = "XAF", + Xcd = "XCD", + Xdr = "XDR", + Xof = "XOF", + Xpf = "XPF", + Yer = "YER", + Zar = "ZAR", + Zmw = "ZMW", + Zwl = "ZWL", +} + +/** + * The custom field mappings of the object between the remote 3rd party & Panora + */ +export type UnifiedAccountingInvoiceInputFieldMappings = {}; + +export type UnifiedAccountingInvoiceInput = { + /** + * The type of the invoice + */ + type?: string | null | undefined; + /** + * The invoice number + */ + number?: string | null | undefined; + /** + * The date the invoice was issued + */ + issueDate?: Date | null | undefined; + /** + * The due date of the invoice + */ + dueDate?: Date | null | undefined; + /** + * The date the invoice was paid + */ + paidOnDate?: Date | null | undefined; + /** + * A memo or note on the invoice + */ + memo?: string | null | undefined; + /** + * The currency of the invoice + */ + currency?: UnifiedAccountingInvoiceInputCurrency | null | undefined; + /** + * The exchange rate applied to the invoice + */ + exchangeRate?: string | null | undefined; + /** + * The total discount applied to the invoice + */ + totalDiscount?: number | null | undefined; + /** + * The subtotal of the invoice + */ + subTotal?: number | null | undefined; + /** + * The status of the invoice + */ + status?: string | null | undefined; + /** + * The total tax amount on the invoice + */ + totalTaxAmount?: number | null | undefined; + /** + * The total amount of the invoice + */ + totalAmount?: number | null | undefined; + /** + * The remaining balance on the invoice + */ + balance?: number | null | undefined; + /** + * The UUID of the associated contact + */ + contactId?: string | null | undefined; + /** + * The UUID of the associated accounting period + */ + accountingPeriodId?: string | null | undefined; + /** + * The UUIDs of the tracking categories associated with the invoice + */ + trackingCategories?: Array | null | undefined; + /** + * The line items associated with this invoice + */ + lineItems?: Array | undefined; + /** + * The custom field mappings of the object between the remote 3rd party & Panora + */ + fieldMappings?: UnifiedAccountingInvoiceInputFieldMappings | null | undefined; +}; + +/** @internal */ +export const UnifiedAccountingInvoiceInputCurrency$inboundSchema: z.ZodNativeEnum< + typeof UnifiedAccountingInvoiceInputCurrency +> = z.nativeEnum(UnifiedAccountingInvoiceInputCurrency); + +/** @internal */ +export const UnifiedAccountingInvoiceInputCurrency$outboundSchema: z.ZodNativeEnum< + typeof UnifiedAccountingInvoiceInputCurrency +> = UnifiedAccountingInvoiceInputCurrency$inboundSchema; + +/** + * @internal + * @deprecated This namespace will be removed in future versions. Use schemas and types that are exported directly from this module. + */ +export namespace UnifiedAccountingInvoiceInputCurrency$ { + /** @deprecated use `UnifiedAccountingInvoiceInputCurrency$inboundSchema` instead. */ + export const inboundSchema = UnifiedAccountingInvoiceInputCurrency$inboundSchema; + /** @deprecated use `UnifiedAccountingInvoiceInputCurrency$outboundSchema` instead. */ + export const outboundSchema = UnifiedAccountingInvoiceInputCurrency$outboundSchema; +} + +/** @internal */ +export const UnifiedAccountingInvoiceInputFieldMappings$inboundSchema: z.ZodType< + UnifiedAccountingInvoiceInputFieldMappings, + z.ZodTypeDef, + unknown +> = z.object({}); + +/** @internal */ +export type UnifiedAccountingInvoiceInputFieldMappings$Outbound = {}; + +/** @internal */ +export const UnifiedAccountingInvoiceInputFieldMappings$outboundSchema: z.ZodType< + UnifiedAccountingInvoiceInputFieldMappings$Outbound, + z.ZodTypeDef, + UnifiedAccountingInvoiceInputFieldMappings +> = z.object({}); + +/** + * @internal + * @deprecated This namespace will be removed in future versions. Use schemas and types that are exported directly from this module. + */ +export namespace UnifiedAccountingInvoiceInputFieldMappings$ { + /** @deprecated use `UnifiedAccountingInvoiceInputFieldMappings$inboundSchema` instead. */ + export const inboundSchema = UnifiedAccountingInvoiceInputFieldMappings$inboundSchema; + /** @deprecated use `UnifiedAccountingInvoiceInputFieldMappings$outboundSchema` instead. */ + export const outboundSchema = UnifiedAccountingInvoiceInputFieldMappings$outboundSchema; + /** @deprecated use `UnifiedAccountingInvoiceInputFieldMappings$Outbound` instead. */ + export type Outbound = UnifiedAccountingInvoiceInputFieldMappings$Outbound; +} /** @internal */ export const UnifiedAccountingInvoiceInput$inboundSchema: z.ZodType< UnifiedAccountingInvoiceInput, z.ZodTypeDef, unknown -> = z.object({}); +> = z + .object({ + type: z.nullable(z.string()).optional(), + number: z.nullable(z.string()).optional(), + issue_date: z + .nullable( + z + .string() + .datetime({ offset: true }) + .transform((v) => new Date(v)) + ) + .optional(), + due_date: z + .nullable( + z + .string() + .datetime({ offset: true }) + .transform((v) => new Date(v)) + ) + .optional(), + paid_on_date: z + .nullable( + z + .string() + .datetime({ offset: true }) + .transform((v) => new Date(v)) + ) + .optional(), + memo: z.nullable(z.string()).optional(), + currency: z.nullable(UnifiedAccountingInvoiceInputCurrency$inboundSchema).optional(), + exchange_rate: z.nullable(z.string()).optional(), + total_discount: z.nullable(z.number()).optional(), + sub_total: z.nullable(z.number()).optional(), + status: z.nullable(z.string()).optional(), + total_tax_amount: z.nullable(z.number()).optional(), + total_amount: z.nullable(z.number()).optional(), + balance: z.nullable(z.number()).optional(), + contact_id: z.nullable(z.string()).optional(), + accounting_period_id: z.nullable(z.string()).optional(), + tracking_categories: z.nullable(z.array(z.string())).optional(), + line_items: z.array(LineItem$inboundSchema).optional(), + field_mappings: z + .nullable(z.lazy(() => UnifiedAccountingInvoiceInputFieldMappings$inboundSchema)) + .optional(), + }) + .transform((v) => { + return remap$(v, { + issue_date: "issueDate", + due_date: "dueDate", + paid_on_date: "paidOnDate", + exchange_rate: "exchangeRate", + total_discount: "totalDiscount", + sub_total: "subTotal", + total_tax_amount: "totalTaxAmount", + total_amount: "totalAmount", + contact_id: "contactId", + accounting_period_id: "accountingPeriodId", + tracking_categories: "trackingCategories", + line_items: "lineItems", + field_mappings: "fieldMappings", + }); + }); /** @internal */ -export type UnifiedAccountingInvoiceInput$Outbound = {}; +export type UnifiedAccountingInvoiceInput$Outbound = { + type?: string | null | undefined; + number?: string | null | undefined; + issue_date?: string | null | undefined; + due_date?: string | null | undefined; + paid_on_date?: string | null | undefined; + memo?: string | null | undefined; + currency?: string | null | undefined; + exchange_rate?: string | null | undefined; + total_discount?: number | null | undefined; + sub_total?: number | null | undefined; + status?: string | null | undefined; + total_tax_amount?: number | null | undefined; + total_amount?: number | null | undefined; + balance?: number | null | undefined; + contact_id?: string | null | undefined; + accounting_period_id?: string | null | undefined; + tracking_categories?: Array | null | undefined; + line_items?: Array | undefined; + field_mappings?: UnifiedAccountingInvoiceInputFieldMappings$Outbound | null | undefined; +}; /** @internal */ export const UnifiedAccountingInvoiceInput$outboundSchema: z.ZodType< UnifiedAccountingInvoiceInput$Outbound, z.ZodTypeDef, UnifiedAccountingInvoiceInput -> = z.object({}); +> = z + .object({ + type: z.nullable(z.string()).optional(), + number: z.nullable(z.string()).optional(), + issueDate: z.nullable(z.date().transform((v) => v.toISOString())).optional(), + dueDate: z.nullable(z.date().transform((v) => v.toISOString())).optional(), + paidOnDate: z.nullable(z.date().transform((v) => v.toISOString())).optional(), + memo: z.nullable(z.string()).optional(), + currency: z.nullable(UnifiedAccountingInvoiceInputCurrency$outboundSchema).optional(), + exchangeRate: z.nullable(z.string()).optional(), + totalDiscount: z.nullable(z.number()).optional(), + subTotal: z.nullable(z.number()).optional(), + status: z.nullable(z.string()).optional(), + totalTaxAmount: z.nullable(z.number()).optional(), + totalAmount: z.nullable(z.number()).optional(), + balance: z.nullable(z.number()).optional(), + contactId: z.nullable(z.string()).optional(), + accountingPeriodId: z.nullable(z.string()).optional(), + trackingCategories: z.nullable(z.array(z.string())).optional(), + lineItems: z.array(LineItem$outboundSchema).optional(), + fieldMappings: z + .nullable(z.lazy(() => UnifiedAccountingInvoiceInputFieldMappings$outboundSchema)) + .optional(), + }) + .transform((v) => { + return remap$(v, { + issueDate: "issue_date", + dueDate: "due_date", + paidOnDate: "paid_on_date", + exchangeRate: "exchange_rate", + totalDiscount: "total_discount", + subTotal: "sub_total", + totalTaxAmount: "total_tax_amount", + totalAmount: "total_amount", + contactId: "contact_id", + accountingPeriodId: "accounting_period_id", + trackingCategories: "tracking_categories", + lineItems: "line_items", + fieldMappings: "field_mappings", + }); + }); /** * @internal diff --git a/src/models/components/unifiedaccountinginvoiceoutput.ts b/src/models/components/unifiedaccountinginvoiceoutput.ts index 7461353f..72b4896b 100644 --- a/src/models/components/unifiedaccountinginvoiceoutput.ts +++ b/src/models/components/unifiedaccountinginvoiceoutput.ts @@ -2,26 +2,567 @@ * Code generated by Speakeasy (https://speakeasy.com). DO NOT EDIT. */ +import { remap as remap$ } from "../../lib/primitives.js"; +import { + LineItem, + LineItem$inboundSchema, + LineItem$Outbound, + LineItem$outboundSchema, +} from "./lineitem.js"; import * as z from "zod"; -export type UnifiedAccountingInvoiceOutput = {}; +/** + * The currency of the invoice + */ +export enum UnifiedAccountingInvoiceOutputCurrency { + Aed = "AED", + Afn = "AFN", + All = "ALL", + Amd = "AMD", + Ang = "ANG", + Aoa = "AOA", + Ars = "ARS", + Aud = "AUD", + Awg = "AWG", + Azn = "AZN", + Bam = "BAM", + Bbd = "BBD", + Bdt = "BDT", + Bgn = "BGN", + Bhd = "BHD", + Bif = "BIF", + Bmd = "BMD", + Bnd = "BND", + Bob = "BOB", + Brl = "BRL", + Bsd = "BSD", + Btn = "BTN", + Bwp = "BWP", + Byn = "BYN", + Bzd = "BZD", + Cad = "CAD", + Cdf = "CDF", + Chf = "CHF", + Clp = "CLP", + Cny = "CNY", + Cop = "COP", + Crc = "CRC", + Cup = "CUP", + Cve = "CVE", + Czk = "CZK", + Djf = "DJF", + Dkk = "DKK", + Dop = "DOP", + Dzd = "DZD", + Egp = "EGP", + Ern = "ERN", + Etb = "ETB", + Eur = "EUR", + Fjd = "FJD", + Fkp = "FKP", + Fok = "FOK", + Gbp = "GBP", + Gel = "GEL", + Ggp = "GGP", + Ghs = "GHS", + Gip = "GIP", + Gmd = "GMD", + Gnf = "GNF", + Gtq = "GTQ", + Gyd = "GYD", + Hkd = "HKD", + Hnl = "HNL", + Hrk = "HRK", + Htg = "HTG", + Huf = "HUF", + Idr = "IDR", + Ils = "ILS", + Imp = "IMP", + Inr = "INR", + Iqd = "IQD", + Irr = "IRR", + Isk = "ISK", + Jep = "JEP", + Jmd = "JMD", + Jod = "JOD", + Jpy = "JPY", + Kes = "KES", + Kgs = "KGS", + Khr = "KHR", + Kid = "KID", + Kmf = "KMF", + Krw = "KRW", + Kwd = "KWD", + Kyd = "KYD", + Kzt = "KZT", + Lak = "LAK", + Lbp = "LBP", + Lkr = "LKR", + Lrd = "LRD", + Lsl = "LSL", + Lyd = "LYD", + Mad = "MAD", + Mdl = "MDL", + Mga = "MGA", + Mkd = "MKD", + Mmk = "MMK", + Mnt = "MNT", + Mop = "MOP", + Mru = "MRU", + Mur = "MUR", + Mvr = "MVR", + Mwk = "MWK", + Mxn = "MXN", + Myr = "MYR", + Mzn = "MZN", + Nad = "NAD", + Ngn = "NGN", + Nio = "NIO", + Nok = "NOK", + Npr = "NPR", + Nzd = "NZD", + Omr = "OMR", + Pab = "PAB", + Pen = "PEN", + Pgk = "PGK", + Php = "PHP", + Pkr = "PKR", + Pln = "PLN", + Pyg = "PYG", + Qar = "QAR", + Ron = "RON", + Rsd = "RSD", + Rub = "RUB", + Rwf = "RWF", + Sar = "SAR", + Sbd = "SBD", + Scr = "SCR", + Sdg = "SDG", + Sek = "SEK", + Sgd = "SGD", + Shp = "SHP", + Sle = "SLE", + Sll = "SLL", + Sos = "SOS", + Srd = "SRD", + Ssp = "SSP", + Stn = "STN", + Syp = "SYP", + Szl = "SZL", + Thb = "THB", + Tjs = "TJS", + Tmt = "TMT", + Tnd = "TND", + Top = "TOP", + Try = "TRY", + Ttd = "TTD", + Tvd = "TVD", + Twd = "TWD", + Tzs = "TZS", + Uah = "UAH", + Ugx = "UGX", + Usd = "USD", + Uyu = "UYU", + Uzs = "UZS", + Ves = "VES", + Vnd = "VND", + Vuv = "VUV", + Wst = "WST", + Xaf = "XAF", + Xcd = "XCD", + Xdr = "XDR", + Xof = "XOF", + Xpf = "XPF", + Yer = "YER", + Zar = "ZAR", + Zmw = "ZMW", + Zwl = "ZWL", +} + +/** + * The custom field mappings of the object between the remote 3rd party & Panora + */ +export type UnifiedAccountingInvoiceOutputFieldMappings = {}; + +/** + * The remote data of the invoice in the context of the 3rd Party + */ +export type UnifiedAccountingInvoiceOutputRemoteData = {}; + +export type UnifiedAccountingInvoiceOutput = { + /** + * The type of the invoice + */ + type?: string | null | undefined; + /** + * The invoice number + */ + number?: string | null | undefined; + /** + * The date the invoice was issued + */ + issueDate?: Date | null | undefined; + /** + * The due date of the invoice + */ + dueDate?: Date | null | undefined; + /** + * The date the invoice was paid + */ + paidOnDate?: Date | null | undefined; + /** + * A memo or note on the invoice + */ + memo?: string | null | undefined; + /** + * The currency of the invoice + */ + currency?: UnifiedAccountingInvoiceOutputCurrency | null | undefined; + /** + * The exchange rate applied to the invoice + */ + exchangeRate?: string | null | undefined; + /** + * The total discount applied to the invoice + */ + totalDiscount?: number | null | undefined; + /** + * The subtotal of the invoice + */ + subTotal?: number | null | undefined; + /** + * The status of the invoice + */ + status?: string | null | undefined; + /** + * The total tax amount on the invoice + */ + totalTaxAmount?: number | null | undefined; + /** + * The total amount of the invoice + */ + totalAmount?: number | null | undefined; + /** + * The remaining balance on the invoice + */ + balance?: number | null | undefined; + /** + * The UUID of the associated contact + */ + contactId?: string | null | undefined; + /** + * The UUID of the associated accounting period + */ + accountingPeriodId?: string | null | undefined; + /** + * The UUIDs of the tracking categories associated with the invoice + */ + trackingCategories?: Array | null | undefined; + /** + * The line items associated with this invoice + */ + lineItems?: Array | undefined; + /** + * The custom field mappings of the object between the remote 3rd party & Panora + */ + fieldMappings?: UnifiedAccountingInvoiceOutputFieldMappings | null | undefined; + /** + * The UUID of the invoice record + */ + id?: string | null | undefined; + /** + * The remote ID of the invoice in the context of the 3rd Party + */ + remoteId?: string | null | undefined; + /** + * The remote data of the invoice in the context of the 3rd Party + */ + remoteData?: UnifiedAccountingInvoiceOutputRemoteData | null | undefined; + /** + * The date when the invoice was last updated in the remote system + */ + remoteUpdatedAt?: Date | null | undefined; + /** + * The created date of the invoice record + */ + createdAt?: Date | null | undefined; + /** + * The last modified date of the invoice record + */ + modifiedAt?: Date | null | undefined; +}; + +/** @internal */ +export const UnifiedAccountingInvoiceOutputCurrency$inboundSchema: z.ZodNativeEnum< + typeof UnifiedAccountingInvoiceOutputCurrency +> = z.nativeEnum(UnifiedAccountingInvoiceOutputCurrency); + +/** @internal */ +export const UnifiedAccountingInvoiceOutputCurrency$outboundSchema: z.ZodNativeEnum< + typeof UnifiedAccountingInvoiceOutputCurrency +> = UnifiedAccountingInvoiceOutputCurrency$inboundSchema; + +/** + * @internal + * @deprecated This namespace will be removed in future versions. Use schemas and types that are exported directly from this module. + */ +export namespace UnifiedAccountingInvoiceOutputCurrency$ { + /** @deprecated use `UnifiedAccountingInvoiceOutputCurrency$inboundSchema` instead. */ + export const inboundSchema = UnifiedAccountingInvoiceOutputCurrency$inboundSchema; + /** @deprecated use `UnifiedAccountingInvoiceOutputCurrency$outboundSchema` instead. */ + export const outboundSchema = UnifiedAccountingInvoiceOutputCurrency$outboundSchema; +} + +/** @internal */ +export const UnifiedAccountingInvoiceOutputFieldMappings$inboundSchema: z.ZodType< + UnifiedAccountingInvoiceOutputFieldMappings, + z.ZodTypeDef, + unknown +> = z.object({}); + +/** @internal */ +export type UnifiedAccountingInvoiceOutputFieldMappings$Outbound = {}; + +/** @internal */ +export const UnifiedAccountingInvoiceOutputFieldMappings$outboundSchema: z.ZodType< + UnifiedAccountingInvoiceOutputFieldMappings$Outbound, + z.ZodTypeDef, + UnifiedAccountingInvoiceOutputFieldMappings +> = z.object({}); + +/** + * @internal + * @deprecated This namespace will be removed in future versions. Use schemas and types that are exported directly from this module. + */ +export namespace UnifiedAccountingInvoiceOutputFieldMappings$ { + /** @deprecated use `UnifiedAccountingInvoiceOutputFieldMappings$inboundSchema` instead. */ + export const inboundSchema = UnifiedAccountingInvoiceOutputFieldMappings$inboundSchema; + /** @deprecated use `UnifiedAccountingInvoiceOutputFieldMappings$outboundSchema` instead. */ + export const outboundSchema = UnifiedAccountingInvoiceOutputFieldMappings$outboundSchema; + /** @deprecated use `UnifiedAccountingInvoiceOutputFieldMappings$Outbound` instead. */ + export type Outbound = UnifiedAccountingInvoiceOutputFieldMappings$Outbound; +} + +/** @internal */ +export const UnifiedAccountingInvoiceOutputRemoteData$inboundSchema: z.ZodType< + UnifiedAccountingInvoiceOutputRemoteData, + z.ZodTypeDef, + unknown +> = z.object({}); + +/** @internal */ +export type UnifiedAccountingInvoiceOutputRemoteData$Outbound = {}; + +/** @internal */ +export const UnifiedAccountingInvoiceOutputRemoteData$outboundSchema: z.ZodType< + UnifiedAccountingInvoiceOutputRemoteData$Outbound, + z.ZodTypeDef, + UnifiedAccountingInvoiceOutputRemoteData +> = z.object({}); + +/** + * @internal + * @deprecated This namespace will be removed in future versions. Use schemas and types that are exported directly from this module. + */ +export namespace UnifiedAccountingInvoiceOutputRemoteData$ { + /** @deprecated use `UnifiedAccountingInvoiceOutputRemoteData$inboundSchema` instead. */ + export const inboundSchema = UnifiedAccountingInvoiceOutputRemoteData$inboundSchema; + /** @deprecated use `UnifiedAccountingInvoiceOutputRemoteData$outboundSchema` instead. */ + export const outboundSchema = UnifiedAccountingInvoiceOutputRemoteData$outboundSchema; + /** @deprecated use `UnifiedAccountingInvoiceOutputRemoteData$Outbound` instead. */ + export type Outbound = UnifiedAccountingInvoiceOutputRemoteData$Outbound; +} /** @internal */ export const UnifiedAccountingInvoiceOutput$inboundSchema: z.ZodType< UnifiedAccountingInvoiceOutput, z.ZodTypeDef, unknown -> = z.object({}); +> = z + .object({ + type: z.nullable(z.string()).optional(), + number: z.nullable(z.string()).optional(), + issue_date: z + .nullable( + z + .string() + .datetime({ offset: true }) + .transform((v) => new Date(v)) + ) + .optional(), + due_date: z + .nullable( + z + .string() + .datetime({ offset: true }) + .transform((v) => new Date(v)) + ) + .optional(), + paid_on_date: z + .nullable( + z + .string() + .datetime({ offset: true }) + .transform((v) => new Date(v)) + ) + .optional(), + memo: z.nullable(z.string()).optional(), + currency: z.nullable(UnifiedAccountingInvoiceOutputCurrency$inboundSchema).optional(), + exchange_rate: z.nullable(z.string()).optional(), + total_discount: z.nullable(z.number()).optional(), + sub_total: z.nullable(z.number()).optional(), + status: z.nullable(z.string()).optional(), + total_tax_amount: z.nullable(z.number()).optional(), + total_amount: z.nullable(z.number()).optional(), + balance: z.nullable(z.number()).optional(), + contact_id: z.nullable(z.string()).optional(), + accounting_period_id: z.nullable(z.string()).optional(), + tracking_categories: z.nullable(z.array(z.string())).optional(), + line_items: z.array(LineItem$inboundSchema).optional(), + field_mappings: z + .nullable(z.lazy(() => UnifiedAccountingInvoiceOutputFieldMappings$inboundSchema)) + .optional(), + id: z.nullable(z.string()).optional(), + remote_id: z.nullable(z.string()).optional(), + remote_data: z + .nullable(z.lazy(() => UnifiedAccountingInvoiceOutputRemoteData$inboundSchema)) + .optional(), + remote_updated_at: z + .nullable( + z + .string() + .datetime({ offset: true }) + .transform((v) => new Date(v)) + ) + .optional(), + created_at: z + .nullable( + z + .string() + .datetime({ offset: true }) + .transform((v) => new Date(v)) + ) + .optional(), + modified_at: z + .nullable( + z + .string() + .datetime({ offset: true }) + .transform((v) => new Date(v)) + ) + .optional(), + }) + .transform((v) => { + return remap$(v, { + issue_date: "issueDate", + due_date: "dueDate", + paid_on_date: "paidOnDate", + exchange_rate: "exchangeRate", + total_discount: "totalDiscount", + sub_total: "subTotal", + total_tax_amount: "totalTaxAmount", + total_amount: "totalAmount", + contact_id: "contactId", + accounting_period_id: "accountingPeriodId", + tracking_categories: "trackingCategories", + line_items: "lineItems", + field_mappings: "fieldMappings", + remote_id: "remoteId", + remote_data: "remoteData", + remote_updated_at: "remoteUpdatedAt", + created_at: "createdAt", + modified_at: "modifiedAt", + }); + }); /** @internal */ -export type UnifiedAccountingInvoiceOutput$Outbound = {}; +export type UnifiedAccountingInvoiceOutput$Outbound = { + type?: string | null | undefined; + number?: string | null | undefined; + issue_date?: string | null | undefined; + due_date?: string | null | undefined; + paid_on_date?: string | null | undefined; + memo?: string | null | undefined; + currency?: string | null | undefined; + exchange_rate?: string | null | undefined; + total_discount?: number | null | undefined; + sub_total?: number | null | undefined; + status?: string | null | undefined; + total_tax_amount?: number | null | undefined; + total_amount?: number | null | undefined; + balance?: number | null | undefined; + contact_id?: string | null | undefined; + accounting_period_id?: string | null | undefined; + tracking_categories?: Array | null | undefined; + line_items?: Array | undefined; + field_mappings?: UnifiedAccountingInvoiceOutputFieldMappings$Outbound | null | undefined; + id?: string | null | undefined; + remote_id?: string | null | undefined; + remote_data?: UnifiedAccountingInvoiceOutputRemoteData$Outbound | null | undefined; + remote_updated_at?: string | null | undefined; + created_at?: string | null | undefined; + modified_at?: string | null | undefined; +}; /** @internal */ export const UnifiedAccountingInvoiceOutput$outboundSchema: z.ZodType< UnifiedAccountingInvoiceOutput$Outbound, z.ZodTypeDef, UnifiedAccountingInvoiceOutput -> = z.object({}); +> = z + .object({ + type: z.nullable(z.string()).optional(), + number: z.nullable(z.string()).optional(), + issueDate: z.nullable(z.date().transform((v) => v.toISOString())).optional(), + dueDate: z.nullable(z.date().transform((v) => v.toISOString())).optional(), + paidOnDate: z.nullable(z.date().transform((v) => v.toISOString())).optional(), + memo: z.nullable(z.string()).optional(), + currency: z.nullable(UnifiedAccountingInvoiceOutputCurrency$outboundSchema).optional(), + exchangeRate: z.nullable(z.string()).optional(), + totalDiscount: z.nullable(z.number()).optional(), + subTotal: z.nullable(z.number()).optional(), + status: z.nullable(z.string()).optional(), + totalTaxAmount: z.nullable(z.number()).optional(), + totalAmount: z.nullable(z.number()).optional(), + balance: z.nullable(z.number()).optional(), + contactId: z.nullable(z.string()).optional(), + accountingPeriodId: z.nullable(z.string()).optional(), + trackingCategories: z.nullable(z.array(z.string())).optional(), + lineItems: z.array(LineItem$outboundSchema).optional(), + fieldMappings: z + .nullable(z.lazy(() => UnifiedAccountingInvoiceOutputFieldMappings$outboundSchema)) + .optional(), + id: z.nullable(z.string()).optional(), + remoteId: z.nullable(z.string()).optional(), + remoteData: z + .nullable(z.lazy(() => UnifiedAccountingInvoiceOutputRemoteData$outboundSchema)) + .optional(), + remoteUpdatedAt: z.nullable(z.date().transform((v) => v.toISOString())).optional(), + createdAt: z.nullable(z.date().transform((v) => v.toISOString())).optional(), + modifiedAt: z.nullable(z.date().transform((v) => v.toISOString())).optional(), + }) + .transform((v) => { + return remap$(v, { + issueDate: "issue_date", + dueDate: "due_date", + paidOnDate: "paid_on_date", + exchangeRate: "exchange_rate", + totalDiscount: "total_discount", + subTotal: "sub_total", + totalTaxAmount: "total_tax_amount", + totalAmount: "total_amount", + contactId: "contact_id", + accountingPeriodId: "accounting_period_id", + trackingCategories: "tracking_categories", + lineItems: "line_items", + fieldMappings: "field_mappings", + remoteId: "remote_id", + remoteData: "remote_data", + remoteUpdatedAt: "remote_updated_at", + createdAt: "created_at", + modifiedAt: "modified_at", + }); + }); /** * @internal diff --git a/src/models/components/unifiedaccountingitemoutput.ts b/src/models/components/unifiedaccountingitemoutput.ts index d7a6d3c8..a351d35b 100644 --- a/src/models/components/unifiedaccountingitemoutput.ts +++ b/src/models/components/unifiedaccountingitemoutput.ts @@ -2,26 +2,260 @@ * Code generated by Speakeasy (https://speakeasy.com). DO NOT EDIT. */ +import { remap as remap$ } from "../../lib/primitives.js"; import * as z from "zod"; -export type UnifiedAccountingItemOutput = {}; +/** + * The custom field mappings of the object between the remote 3rd party & Panora + */ +export type UnifiedAccountingItemOutputFieldMappings = {}; + +/** + * The remote data of the item in the context of the 3rd Party + */ +export type UnifiedAccountingItemOutputRemoteData = {}; + +export type UnifiedAccountingItemOutput = { + /** + * The name of the accounting item + */ + name?: string | null | undefined; + /** + * The status of the accounting item + */ + status?: string | null | undefined; + /** + * The unit price of the item in cents + */ + unitPrice?: number | null | undefined; + /** + * The purchase price of the item in cents + */ + purchasePrice?: number | null | undefined; + /** + * The UUID of the associated sales account + */ + salesAccount?: string | null | undefined; + /** + * The UUID of the associated purchase account + */ + purchaseAccount?: string | null | undefined; + /** + * The UUID of the associated company info + */ + companyInfoId?: string | null | undefined; + /** + * The custom field mappings of the object between the remote 3rd party & Panora + */ + fieldMappings?: UnifiedAccountingItemOutputFieldMappings | null | undefined; + /** + * The UUID of the accounting item record + */ + id?: string | null | undefined; + /** + * The remote ID of the item in the context of the 3rd Party + */ + remoteId?: string | null | undefined; + /** + * The date when the item was last updated in the remote system + */ + remoteUpdatedAt?: Date | null | undefined; + /** + * The remote data of the item in the context of the 3rd Party + */ + remoteData?: UnifiedAccountingItemOutputRemoteData | null | undefined; + /** + * The created date of the accounting item record + */ + createdAt?: Date | null | undefined; + /** + * The last modified date of the accounting item record + */ + modifiedAt?: Date | null | undefined; +}; + +/** @internal */ +export const UnifiedAccountingItemOutputFieldMappings$inboundSchema: z.ZodType< + UnifiedAccountingItemOutputFieldMappings, + z.ZodTypeDef, + unknown +> = z.object({}); + +/** @internal */ +export type UnifiedAccountingItemOutputFieldMappings$Outbound = {}; + +/** @internal */ +export const UnifiedAccountingItemOutputFieldMappings$outboundSchema: z.ZodType< + UnifiedAccountingItemOutputFieldMappings$Outbound, + z.ZodTypeDef, + UnifiedAccountingItemOutputFieldMappings +> = z.object({}); + +/** + * @internal + * @deprecated This namespace will be removed in future versions. Use schemas and types that are exported directly from this module. + */ +export namespace UnifiedAccountingItemOutputFieldMappings$ { + /** @deprecated use `UnifiedAccountingItemOutputFieldMappings$inboundSchema` instead. */ + export const inboundSchema = UnifiedAccountingItemOutputFieldMappings$inboundSchema; + /** @deprecated use `UnifiedAccountingItemOutputFieldMappings$outboundSchema` instead. */ + export const outboundSchema = UnifiedAccountingItemOutputFieldMappings$outboundSchema; + /** @deprecated use `UnifiedAccountingItemOutputFieldMappings$Outbound` instead. */ + export type Outbound = UnifiedAccountingItemOutputFieldMappings$Outbound; +} + +/** @internal */ +export const UnifiedAccountingItemOutputRemoteData$inboundSchema: z.ZodType< + UnifiedAccountingItemOutputRemoteData, + z.ZodTypeDef, + unknown +> = z.object({}); + +/** @internal */ +export type UnifiedAccountingItemOutputRemoteData$Outbound = {}; + +/** @internal */ +export const UnifiedAccountingItemOutputRemoteData$outboundSchema: z.ZodType< + UnifiedAccountingItemOutputRemoteData$Outbound, + z.ZodTypeDef, + UnifiedAccountingItemOutputRemoteData +> = z.object({}); + +/** + * @internal + * @deprecated This namespace will be removed in future versions. Use schemas and types that are exported directly from this module. + */ +export namespace UnifiedAccountingItemOutputRemoteData$ { + /** @deprecated use `UnifiedAccountingItemOutputRemoteData$inboundSchema` instead. */ + export const inboundSchema = UnifiedAccountingItemOutputRemoteData$inboundSchema; + /** @deprecated use `UnifiedAccountingItemOutputRemoteData$outboundSchema` instead. */ + export const outboundSchema = UnifiedAccountingItemOutputRemoteData$outboundSchema; + /** @deprecated use `UnifiedAccountingItemOutputRemoteData$Outbound` instead. */ + export type Outbound = UnifiedAccountingItemOutputRemoteData$Outbound; +} /** @internal */ export const UnifiedAccountingItemOutput$inboundSchema: z.ZodType< UnifiedAccountingItemOutput, z.ZodTypeDef, unknown -> = z.object({}); +> = z + .object({ + name: z.nullable(z.string()).optional(), + status: z.nullable(z.string()).optional(), + unit_price: z.nullable(z.number()).optional(), + purchase_price: z.nullable(z.number()).optional(), + sales_account: z.nullable(z.string()).optional(), + purchase_account: z.nullable(z.string()).optional(), + company_info_id: z.nullable(z.string()).optional(), + field_mappings: z + .nullable(z.lazy(() => UnifiedAccountingItemOutputFieldMappings$inboundSchema)) + .optional(), + id: z.nullable(z.string()).optional(), + remote_id: z.nullable(z.string()).optional(), + remote_updated_at: z + .nullable( + z + .string() + .datetime({ offset: true }) + .transform((v) => new Date(v)) + ) + .optional(), + remote_data: z + .nullable(z.lazy(() => UnifiedAccountingItemOutputRemoteData$inboundSchema)) + .optional(), + created_at: z + .nullable( + z + .string() + .datetime({ offset: true }) + .transform((v) => new Date(v)) + ) + .optional(), + modified_at: z + .nullable( + z + .string() + .datetime({ offset: true }) + .transform((v) => new Date(v)) + ) + .optional(), + }) + .transform((v) => { + return remap$(v, { + unit_price: "unitPrice", + purchase_price: "purchasePrice", + sales_account: "salesAccount", + purchase_account: "purchaseAccount", + company_info_id: "companyInfoId", + field_mappings: "fieldMappings", + remote_id: "remoteId", + remote_updated_at: "remoteUpdatedAt", + remote_data: "remoteData", + created_at: "createdAt", + modified_at: "modifiedAt", + }); + }); /** @internal */ -export type UnifiedAccountingItemOutput$Outbound = {}; +export type UnifiedAccountingItemOutput$Outbound = { + name?: string | null | undefined; + status?: string | null | undefined; + unit_price?: number | null | undefined; + purchase_price?: number | null | undefined; + sales_account?: string | null | undefined; + purchase_account?: string | null | undefined; + company_info_id?: string | null | undefined; + field_mappings?: UnifiedAccountingItemOutputFieldMappings$Outbound | null | undefined; + id?: string | null | undefined; + remote_id?: string | null | undefined; + remote_updated_at?: string | null | undefined; + remote_data?: UnifiedAccountingItemOutputRemoteData$Outbound | null | undefined; + created_at?: string | null | undefined; + modified_at?: string | null | undefined; +}; /** @internal */ export const UnifiedAccountingItemOutput$outboundSchema: z.ZodType< UnifiedAccountingItemOutput$Outbound, z.ZodTypeDef, UnifiedAccountingItemOutput -> = z.object({}); +> = z + .object({ + name: z.nullable(z.string()).optional(), + status: z.nullable(z.string()).optional(), + unitPrice: z.nullable(z.number()).optional(), + purchasePrice: z.nullable(z.number()).optional(), + salesAccount: z.nullable(z.string()).optional(), + purchaseAccount: z.nullable(z.string()).optional(), + companyInfoId: z.nullable(z.string()).optional(), + fieldMappings: z + .nullable(z.lazy(() => UnifiedAccountingItemOutputFieldMappings$outboundSchema)) + .optional(), + id: z.nullable(z.string()).optional(), + remoteId: z.nullable(z.string()).optional(), + remoteUpdatedAt: z.nullable(z.date().transform((v) => v.toISOString())).optional(), + remoteData: z + .nullable(z.lazy(() => UnifiedAccountingItemOutputRemoteData$outboundSchema)) + .optional(), + createdAt: z.nullable(z.date().transform((v) => v.toISOString())).optional(), + modifiedAt: z.nullable(z.date().transform((v) => v.toISOString())).optional(), + }) + .transform((v) => { + return remap$(v, { + unitPrice: "unit_price", + purchasePrice: "purchase_price", + salesAccount: "sales_account", + purchaseAccount: "purchase_account", + companyInfoId: "company_info_id", + fieldMappings: "field_mappings", + remoteId: "remote_id", + remoteUpdatedAt: "remote_updated_at", + remoteData: "remote_data", + createdAt: "created_at", + modifiedAt: "modified_at", + }); + }); /** * @internal diff --git a/src/models/components/unifiedaccountingjournalentryinput.ts b/src/models/components/unifiedaccountingjournalentryinput.ts index c2499bba..f96a2cdb 100644 --- a/src/models/components/unifiedaccountingjournalentryinput.ts +++ b/src/models/components/unifiedaccountingjournalentryinput.ts @@ -2,26 +2,393 @@ * Code generated by Speakeasy (https://speakeasy.com). DO NOT EDIT. */ +import { remap as remap$ } from "../../lib/primitives.js"; +import { + LineItem, + LineItem$inboundSchema, + LineItem$Outbound, + LineItem$outboundSchema, +} from "./lineitem.js"; import * as z from "zod"; -export type UnifiedAccountingJournalentryInput = {}; +/** + * The currency of the journal entry + */ +export enum UnifiedAccountingJournalentryInputCurrency { + Aed = "AED", + Afn = "AFN", + All = "ALL", + Amd = "AMD", + Ang = "ANG", + Aoa = "AOA", + Ars = "ARS", + Aud = "AUD", + Awg = "AWG", + Azn = "AZN", + Bam = "BAM", + Bbd = "BBD", + Bdt = "BDT", + Bgn = "BGN", + Bhd = "BHD", + Bif = "BIF", + Bmd = "BMD", + Bnd = "BND", + Bob = "BOB", + Brl = "BRL", + Bsd = "BSD", + Btn = "BTN", + Bwp = "BWP", + Byn = "BYN", + Bzd = "BZD", + Cad = "CAD", + Cdf = "CDF", + Chf = "CHF", + Clp = "CLP", + Cny = "CNY", + Cop = "COP", + Crc = "CRC", + Cup = "CUP", + Cve = "CVE", + Czk = "CZK", + Djf = "DJF", + Dkk = "DKK", + Dop = "DOP", + Dzd = "DZD", + Egp = "EGP", + Ern = "ERN", + Etb = "ETB", + Eur = "EUR", + Fjd = "FJD", + Fkp = "FKP", + Fok = "FOK", + Gbp = "GBP", + Gel = "GEL", + Ggp = "GGP", + Ghs = "GHS", + Gip = "GIP", + Gmd = "GMD", + Gnf = "GNF", + Gtq = "GTQ", + Gyd = "GYD", + Hkd = "HKD", + Hnl = "HNL", + Hrk = "HRK", + Htg = "HTG", + Huf = "HUF", + Idr = "IDR", + Ils = "ILS", + Imp = "IMP", + Inr = "INR", + Iqd = "IQD", + Irr = "IRR", + Isk = "ISK", + Jep = "JEP", + Jmd = "JMD", + Jod = "JOD", + Jpy = "JPY", + Kes = "KES", + Kgs = "KGS", + Khr = "KHR", + Kid = "KID", + Kmf = "KMF", + Krw = "KRW", + Kwd = "KWD", + Kyd = "KYD", + Kzt = "KZT", + Lak = "LAK", + Lbp = "LBP", + Lkr = "LKR", + Lrd = "LRD", + Lsl = "LSL", + Lyd = "LYD", + Mad = "MAD", + Mdl = "MDL", + Mga = "MGA", + Mkd = "MKD", + Mmk = "MMK", + Mnt = "MNT", + Mop = "MOP", + Mru = "MRU", + Mur = "MUR", + Mvr = "MVR", + Mwk = "MWK", + Mxn = "MXN", + Myr = "MYR", + Mzn = "MZN", + Nad = "NAD", + Ngn = "NGN", + Nio = "NIO", + Nok = "NOK", + Npr = "NPR", + Nzd = "NZD", + Omr = "OMR", + Pab = "PAB", + Pen = "PEN", + Pgk = "PGK", + Php = "PHP", + Pkr = "PKR", + Pln = "PLN", + Pyg = "PYG", + Qar = "QAR", + Ron = "RON", + Rsd = "RSD", + Rub = "RUB", + Rwf = "RWF", + Sar = "SAR", + Sbd = "SBD", + Scr = "SCR", + Sdg = "SDG", + Sek = "SEK", + Sgd = "SGD", + Shp = "SHP", + Sle = "SLE", + Sll = "SLL", + Sos = "SOS", + Srd = "SRD", + Ssp = "SSP", + Stn = "STN", + Syp = "SYP", + Szl = "SZL", + Thb = "THB", + Tjs = "TJS", + Tmt = "TMT", + Tnd = "TND", + Top = "TOP", + Try = "TRY", + Ttd = "TTD", + Tvd = "TVD", + Twd = "TWD", + Tzs = "TZS", + Uah = "UAH", + Ugx = "UGX", + Usd = "USD", + Uyu = "UYU", + Uzs = "UZS", + Ves = "VES", + Vnd = "VND", + Vuv = "VUV", + Wst = "WST", + Xaf = "XAF", + Xcd = "XCD", + Xdr = "XDR", + Xof = "XOF", + Xpf = "XPF", + Yer = "YER", + Zar = "ZAR", + Zmw = "ZMW", + Zwl = "ZWL", +} + +/** + * The custom field mappings of the object between the remote 3rd party & Panora + */ +export type UnifiedAccountingJournalentryInputFieldMappings = {}; + +export type UnifiedAccountingJournalentryInput = { + /** + * The date of the transaction + */ + transactionDate?: Date | null | undefined; + /** + * The payments associated with the journal entry + */ + payments?: Array | null | undefined; + /** + * The applied payments for the journal entry + */ + appliedPayments?: Array | null | undefined; + /** + * A memo or note for the journal entry + */ + memo?: string | null | undefined; + /** + * The currency of the journal entry + */ + currency?: UnifiedAccountingJournalentryInputCurrency | null | undefined; + /** + * The exchange rate applied to the journal entry + */ + exchangeRate?: string | null | undefined; + /** + * The UUID of the associated company info + */ + idAccCompanyInfo?: string | undefined; + /** + * The journal number + */ + journalNumber?: string | null | undefined; + /** + * The UUIDs of the tracking categories associated with the journal entry + */ + trackingCategories?: Array | null | undefined; + /** + * The UUID of the associated accounting period + */ + idAccAccountingPeriod?: string | null | undefined; + /** + * The posting status of the journal entry + */ + postingStatus?: string | null | undefined; + /** + * The line items associated with this journal entry + */ + lineItems?: Array | undefined; + /** + * The custom field mappings of the object between the remote 3rd party & Panora + */ + fieldMappings?: UnifiedAccountingJournalentryInputFieldMappings | null | undefined; +}; + +/** @internal */ +export const UnifiedAccountingJournalentryInputCurrency$inboundSchema: z.ZodNativeEnum< + typeof UnifiedAccountingJournalentryInputCurrency +> = z.nativeEnum(UnifiedAccountingJournalentryInputCurrency); + +/** @internal */ +export const UnifiedAccountingJournalentryInputCurrency$outboundSchema: z.ZodNativeEnum< + typeof UnifiedAccountingJournalentryInputCurrency +> = UnifiedAccountingJournalentryInputCurrency$inboundSchema; + +/** + * @internal + * @deprecated This namespace will be removed in future versions. Use schemas and types that are exported directly from this module. + */ +export namespace UnifiedAccountingJournalentryInputCurrency$ { + /** @deprecated use `UnifiedAccountingJournalentryInputCurrency$inboundSchema` instead. */ + export const inboundSchema = UnifiedAccountingJournalentryInputCurrency$inboundSchema; + /** @deprecated use `UnifiedAccountingJournalentryInputCurrency$outboundSchema` instead. */ + export const outboundSchema = UnifiedAccountingJournalentryInputCurrency$outboundSchema; +} + +/** @internal */ +export const UnifiedAccountingJournalentryInputFieldMappings$inboundSchema: z.ZodType< + UnifiedAccountingJournalentryInputFieldMappings, + z.ZodTypeDef, + unknown +> = z.object({}); + +/** @internal */ +export type UnifiedAccountingJournalentryInputFieldMappings$Outbound = {}; + +/** @internal */ +export const UnifiedAccountingJournalentryInputFieldMappings$outboundSchema: z.ZodType< + UnifiedAccountingJournalentryInputFieldMappings$Outbound, + z.ZodTypeDef, + UnifiedAccountingJournalentryInputFieldMappings +> = z.object({}); + +/** + * @internal + * @deprecated This namespace will be removed in future versions. Use schemas and types that are exported directly from this module. + */ +export namespace UnifiedAccountingJournalentryInputFieldMappings$ { + /** @deprecated use `UnifiedAccountingJournalentryInputFieldMappings$inboundSchema` instead. */ + export const inboundSchema = UnifiedAccountingJournalentryInputFieldMappings$inboundSchema; + /** @deprecated use `UnifiedAccountingJournalentryInputFieldMappings$outboundSchema` instead. */ + export const outboundSchema = UnifiedAccountingJournalentryInputFieldMappings$outboundSchema; + /** @deprecated use `UnifiedAccountingJournalentryInputFieldMappings$Outbound` instead. */ + export type Outbound = UnifiedAccountingJournalentryInputFieldMappings$Outbound; +} /** @internal */ export const UnifiedAccountingJournalentryInput$inboundSchema: z.ZodType< UnifiedAccountingJournalentryInput, z.ZodTypeDef, unknown -> = z.object({}); +> = z + .object({ + transaction_date: z + .nullable( + z + .string() + .datetime({ offset: true }) + .transform((v) => new Date(v)) + ) + .optional(), + payments: z.nullable(z.array(z.string())).optional(), + applied_payments: z.nullable(z.array(z.string())).optional(), + memo: z.nullable(z.string()).optional(), + currency: z.nullable(UnifiedAccountingJournalentryInputCurrency$inboundSchema).optional(), + exchange_rate: z.nullable(z.string()).optional(), + id_acc_company_info: z.string().optional(), + journal_number: z.nullable(z.string()).optional(), + tracking_categories: z.nullable(z.array(z.string())).optional(), + id_acc_accounting_period: z.nullable(z.string()).optional(), + posting_status: z.nullable(z.string()).optional(), + line_items: z.array(LineItem$inboundSchema).optional(), + field_mappings: z + .nullable(z.lazy(() => UnifiedAccountingJournalentryInputFieldMappings$inboundSchema)) + .optional(), + }) + .transform((v) => { + return remap$(v, { + transaction_date: "transactionDate", + applied_payments: "appliedPayments", + exchange_rate: "exchangeRate", + id_acc_company_info: "idAccCompanyInfo", + journal_number: "journalNumber", + tracking_categories: "trackingCategories", + id_acc_accounting_period: "idAccAccountingPeriod", + posting_status: "postingStatus", + line_items: "lineItems", + field_mappings: "fieldMappings", + }); + }); /** @internal */ -export type UnifiedAccountingJournalentryInput$Outbound = {}; +export type UnifiedAccountingJournalentryInput$Outbound = { + transaction_date?: string | null | undefined; + payments?: Array | null | undefined; + applied_payments?: Array | null | undefined; + memo?: string | null | undefined; + currency?: string | null | undefined; + exchange_rate?: string | null | undefined; + id_acc_company_info?: string | undefined; + journal_number?: string | null | undefined; + tracking_categories?: Array | null | undefined; + id_acc_accounting_period?: string | null | undefined; + posting_status?: string | null | undefined; + line_items?: Array | undefined; + field_mappings?: UnifiedAccountingJournalentryInputFieldMappings$Outbound | null | undefined; +}; /** @internal */ export const UnifiedAccountingJournalentryInput$outboundSchema: z.ZodType< UnifiedAccountingJournalentryInput$Outbound, z.ZodTypeDef, UnifiedAccountingJournalentryInput -> = z.object({}); +> = z + .object({ + transactionDate: z.nullable(z.date().transform((v) => v.toISOString())).optional(), + payments: z.nullable(z.array(z.string())).optional(), + appliedPayments: z.nullable(z.array(z.string())).optional(), + memo: z.nullable(z.string()).optional(), + currency: z.nullable(UnifiedAccountingJournalentryInputCurrency$outboundSchema).optional(), + exchangeRate: z.nullable(z.string()).optional(), + idAccCompanyInfo: z.string().optional(), + journalNumber: z.nullable(z.string()).optional(), + trackingCategories: z.nullable(z.array(z.string())).optional(), + idAccAccountingPeriod: z.nullable(z.string()).optional(), + postingStatus: z.nullable(z.string()).optional(), + lineItems: z.array(LineItem$outboundSchema).optional(), + fieldMappings: z + .nullable(z.lazy(() => UnifiedAccountingJournalentryInputFieldMappings$outboundSchema)) + .optional(), + }) + .transform((v) => { + return remap$(v, { + transactionDate: "transaction_date", + appliedPayments: "applied_payments", + exchangeRate: "exchange_rate", + idAccCompanyInfo: "id_acc_company_info", + journalNumber: "journal_number", + trackingCategories: "tracking_categories", + idAccAccountingPeriod: "id_acc_accounting_period", + postingStatus: "posting_status", + lineItems: "line_items", + fieldMappings: "field_mappings", + }); + }); /** * @internal diff --git a/src/models/components/unifiedaccountingjournalentryoutput.ts b/src/models/components/unifiedaccountingjournalentryoutput.ts index a090885e..6312c648 100644 --- a/src/models/components/unifiedaccountingjournalentryoutput.ts +++ b/src/models/components/unifiedaccountingjournalentryoutput.ts @@ -2,26 +2,521 @@ * Code generated by Speakeasy (https://speakeasy.com). DO NOT EDIT. */ +import { remap as remap$ } from "../../lib/primitives.js"; +import { + LineItem, + LineItem$inboundSchema, + LineItem$Outbound, + LineItem$outboundSchema, +} from "./lineitem.js"; import * as z from "zod"; -export type UnifiedAccountingJournalentryOutput = {}; +/** + * The currency of the journal entry + */ +export enum UnifiedAccountingJournalentryOutputCurrency { + Aed = "AED", + Afn = "AFN", + All = "ALL", + Amd = "AMD", + Ang = "ANG", + Aoa = "AOA", + Ars = "ARS", + Aud = "AUD", + Awg = "AWG", + Azn = "AZN", + Bam = "BAM", + Bbd = "BBD", + Bdt = "BDT", + Bgn = "BGN", + Bhd = "BHD", + Bif = "BIF", + Bmd = "BMD", + Bnd = "BND", + Bob = "BOB", + Brl = "BRL", + Bsd = "BSD", + Btn = "BTN", + Bwp = "BWP", + Byn = "BYN", + Bzd = "BZD", + Cad = "CAD", + Cdf = "CDF", + Chf = "CHF", + Clp = "CLP", + Cny = "CNY", + Cop = "COP", + Crc = "CRC", + Cup = "CUP", + Cve = "CVE", + Czk = "CZK", + Djf = "DJF", + Dkk = "DKK", + Dop = "DOP", + Dzd = "DZD", + Egp = "EGP", + Ern = "ERN", + Etb = "ETB", + Eur = "EUR", + Fjd = "FJD", + Fkp = "FKP", + Fok = "FOK", + Gbp = "GBP", + Gel = "GEL", + Ggp = "GGP", + Ghs = "GHS", + Gip = "GIP", + Gmd = "GMD", + Gnf = "GNF", + Gtq = "GTQ", + Gyd = "GYD", + Hkd = "HKD", + Hnl = "HNL", + Hrk = "HRK", + Htg = "HTG", + Huf = "HUF", + Idr = "IDR", + Ils = "ILS", + Imp = "IMP", + Inr = "INR", + Iqd = "IQD", + Irr = "IRR", + Isk = "ISK", + Jep = "JEP", + Jmd = "JMD", + Jod = "JOD", + Jpy = "JPY", + Kes = "KES", + Kgs = "KGS", + Khr = "KHR", + Kid = "KID", + Kmf = "KMF", + Krw = "KRW", + Kwd = "KWD", + Kyd = "KYD", + Kzt = "KZT", + Lak = "LAK", + Lbp = "LBP", + Lkr = "LKR", + Lrd = "LRD", + Lsl = "LSL", + Lyd = "LYD", + Mad = "MAD", + Mdl = "MDL", + Mga = "MGA", + Mkd = "MKD", + Mmk = "MMK", + Mnt = "MNT", + Mop = "MOP", + Mru = "MRU", + Mur = "MUR", + Mvr = "MVR", + Mwk = "MWK", + Mxn = "MXN", + Myr = "MYR", + Mzn = "MZN", + Nad = "NAD", + Ngn = "NGN", + Nio = "NIO", + Nok = "NOK", + Npr = "NPR", + Nzd = "NZD", + Omr = "OMR", + Pab = "PAB", + Pen = "PEN", + Pgk = "PGK", + Php = "PHP", + Pkr = "PKR", + Pln = "PLN", + Pyg = "PYG", + Qar = "QAR", + Ron = "RON", + Rsd = "RSD", + Rub = "RUB", + Rwf = "RWF", + Sar = "SAR", + Sbd = "SBD", + Scr = "SCR", + Sdg = "SDG", + Sek = "SEK", + Sgd = "SGD", + Shp = "SHP", + Sle = "SLE", + Sll = "SLL", + Sos = "SOS", + Srd = "SRD", + Ssp = "SSP", + Stn = "STN", + Syp = "SYP", + Szl = "SZL", + Thb = "THB", + Tjs = "TJS", + Tmt = "TMT", + Tnd = "TND", + Top = "TOP", + Try = "TRY", + Ttd = "TTD", + Tvd = "TVD", + Twd = "TWD", + Tzs = "TZS", + Uah = "UAH", + Ugx = "UGX", + Usd = "USD", + Uyu = "UYU", + Uzs = "UZS", + Ves = "VES", + Vnd = "VND", + Vuv = "VUV", + Wst = "WST", + Xaf = "XAF", + Xcd = "XCD", + Xdr = "XDR", + Xof = "XOF", + Xpf = "XPF", + Yer = "YER", + Zar = "ZAR", + Zmw = "ZMW", + Zwl = "ZWL", +} + +/** + * The custom field mappings of the object between the remote 3rd party & Panora + */ +export type UnifiedAccountingJournalentryOutputFieldMappings = {}; + +/** + * The remote data of the journal entry in the context of the 3rd Party + */ +export type UnifiedAccountingJournalentryOutputRemoteData = {}; + +export type UnifiedAccountingJournalentryOutput = { + /** + * The date of the transaction + */ + transactionDate?: Date | null | undefined; + /** + * The payments associated with the journal entry + */ + payments?: Array | null | undefined; + /** + * The applied payments for the journal entry + */ + appliedPayments?: Array | null | undefined; + /** + * A memo or note for the journal entry + */ + memo?: string | null | undefined; + /** + * The currency of the journal entry + */ + currency?: UnifiedAccountingJournalentryOutputCurrency | null | undefined; + /** + * The exchange rate applied to the journal entry + */ + exchangeRate?: string | null | undefined; + /** + * The UUID of the associated company info + */ + idAccCompanyInfo?: string | undefined; + /** + * The journal number + */ + journalNumber?: string | null | undefined; + /** + * The UUIDs of the tracking categories associated with the journal entry + */ + trackingCategories?: Array | null | undefined; + /** + * The UUID of the associated accounting period + */ + idAccAccountingPeriod?: string | null | undefined; + /** + * The posting status of the journal entry + */ + postingStatus?: string | null | undefined; + /** + * The line items associated with this journal entry + */ + lineItems?: Array | undefined; + /** + * The custom field mappings of the object between the remote 3rd party & Panora + */ + fieldMappings?: UnifiedAccountingJournalentryOutputFieldMappings | null | undefined; + /** + * The UUID of the journal entry record + */ + id?: string | null | undefined; + /** + * The remote ID of the journal entry in the context of the 3rd Party + */ + remoteId?: string | undefined; + /** + * The date when the journal entry was created in the remote system + */ + remoteCreatedAt?: Date | null | undefined; + /** + * The date when the journal entry was last modified in the remote system + */ + remoteModiifiedAt?: Date | null | undefined; + /** + * The remote data of the journal entry in the context of the 3rd Party + */ + remoteData?: UnifiedAccountingJournalentryOutputRemoteData | null | undefined; + /** + * The created date of the journal entry record + */ + createdAt?: Date | null | undefined; + /** + * The last modified date of the journal entry record + */ + modifiedAt?: Date | null | undefined; +}; + +/** @internal */ +export const UnifiedAccountingJournalentryOutputCurrency$inboundSchema: z.ZodNativeEnum< + typeof UnifiedAccountingJournalentryOutputCurrency +> = z.nativeEnum(UnifiedAccountingJournalentryOutputCurrency); + +/** @internal */ +export const UnifiedAccountingJournalentryOutputCurrency$outboundSchema: z.ZodNativeEnum< + typeof UnifiedAccountingJournalentryOutputCurrency +> = UnifiedAccountingJournalentryOutputCurrency$inboundSchema; + +/** + * @internal + * @deprecated This namespace will be removed in future versions. Use schemas and types that are exported directly from this module. + */ +export namespace UnifiedAccountingJournalentryOutputCurrency$ { + /** @deprecated use `UnifiedAccountingJournalentryOutputCurrency$inboundSchema` instead. */ + export const inboundSchema = UnifiedAccountingJournalentryOutputCurrency$inboundSchema; + /** @deprecated use `UnifiedAccountingJournalentryOutputCurrency$outboundSchema` instead. */ + export const outboundSchema = UnifiedAccountingJournalentryOutputCurrency$outboundSchema; +} + +/** @internal */ +export const UnifiedAccountingJournalentryOutputFieldMappings$inboundSchema: z.ZodType< + UnifiedAccountingJournalentryOutputFieldMappings, + z.ZodTypeDef, + unknown +> = z.object({}); + +/** @internal */ +export type UnifiedAccountingJournalentryOutputFieldMappings$Outbound = {}; + +/** @internal */ +export const UnifiedAccountingJournalentryOutputFieldMappings$outboundSchema: z.ZodType< + UnifiedAccountingJournalentryOutputFieldMappings$Outbound, + z.ZodTypeDef, + UnifiedAccountingJournalentryOutputFieldMappings +> = z.object({}); + +/** + * @internal + * @deprecated This namespace will be removed in future versions. Use schemas and types that are exported directly from this module. + */ +export namespace UnifiedAccountingJournalentryOutputFieldMappings$ { + /** @deprecated use `UnifiedAccountingJournalentryOutputFieldMappings$inboundSchema` instead. */ + export const inboundSchema = UnifiedAccountingJournalentryOutputFieldMappings$inboundSchema; + /** @deprecated use `UnifiedAccountingJournalentryOutputFieldMappings$outboundSchema` instead. */ + export const outboundSchema = UnifiedAccountingJournalentryOutputFieldMappings$outboundSchema; + /** @deprecated use `UnifiedAccountingJournalentryOutputFieldMappings$Outbound` instead. */ + export type Outbound = UnifiedAccountingJournalentryOutputFieldMappings$Outbound; +} + +/** @internal */ +export const UnifiedAccountingJournalentryOutputRemoteData$inboundSchema: z.ZodType< + UnifiedAccountingJournalentryOutputRemoteData, + z.ZodTypeDef, + unknown +> = z.object({}); + +/** @internal */ +export type UnifiedAccountingJournalentryOutputRemoteData$Outbound = {}; + +/** @internal */ +export const UnifiedAccountingJournalentryOutputRemoteData$outboundSchema: z.ZodType< + UnifiedAccountingJournalentryOutputRemoteData$Outbound, + z.ZodTypeDef, + UnifiedAccountingJournalentryOutputRemoteData +> = z.object({}); + +/** + * @internal + * @deprecated This namespace will be removed in future versions. Use schemas and types that are exported directly from this module. + */ +export namespace UnifiedAccountingJournalentryOutputRemoteData$ { + /** @deprecated use `UnifiedAccountingJournalentryOutputRemoteData$inboundSchema` instead. */ + export const inboundSchema = UnifiedAccountingJournalentryOutputRemoteData$inboundSchema; + /** @deprecated use `UnifiedAccountingJournalentryOutputRemoteData$outboundSchema` instead. */ + export const outboundSchema = UnifiedAccountingJournalentryOutputRemoteData$outboundSchema; + /** @deprecated use `UnifiedAccountingJournalentryOutputRemoteData$Outbound` instead. */ + export type Outbound = UnifiedAccountingJournalentryOutputRemoteData$Outbound; +} /** @internal */ export const UnifiedAccountingJournalentryOutput$inboundSchema: z.ZodType< UnifiedAccountingJournalentryOutput, z.ZodTypeDef, unknown -> = z.object({}); +> = z + .object({ + transaction_date: z + .nullable( + z + .string() + .datetime({ offset: true }) + .transform((v) => new Date(v)) + ) + .optional(), + payments: z.nullable(z.array(z.string())).optional(), + applied_payments: z.nullable(z.array(z.string())).optional(), + memo: z.nullable(z.string()).optional(), + currency: z.nullable(UnifiedAccountingJournalentryOutputCurrency$inboundSchema).optional(), + exchange_rate: z.nullable(z.string()).optional(), + id_acc_company_info: z.string().optional(), + journal_number: z.nullable(z.string()).optional(), + tracking_categories: z.nullable(z.array(z.string())).optional(), + id_acc_accounting_period: z.nullable(z.string()).optional(), + posting_status: z.nullable(z.string()).optional(), + line_items: z.array(LineItem$inboundSchema).optional(), + field_mappings: z + .nullable(z.lazy(() => UnifiedAccountingJournalentryOutputFieldMappings$inboundSchema)) + .optional(), + id: z.nullable(z.string()).optional(), + remote_id: z.string().optional(), + remote_created_at: z + .nullable( + z + .string() + .datetime({ offset: true }) + .transform((v) => new Date(v)) + ) + .optional(), + remote_modiified_at: z + .nullable( + z + .string() + .datetime({ offset: true }) + .transform((v) => new Date(v)) + ) + .optional(), + remote_data: z + .nullable(z.lazy(() => UnifiedAccountingJournalentryOutputRemoteData$inboundSchema)) + .optional(), + created_at: z + .nullable( + z + .string() + .datetime({ offset: true }) + .transform((v) => new Date(v)) + ) + .optional(), + modified_at: z + .nullable( + z + .string() + .datetime({ offset: true }) + .transform((v) => new Date(v)) + ) + .optional(), + }) + .transform((v) => { + return remap$(v, { + transaction_date: "transactionDate", + applied_payments: "appliedPayments", + exchange_rate: "exchangeRate", + id_acc_company_info: "idAccCompanyInfo", + journal_number: "journalNumber", + tracking_categories: "trackingCategories", + id_acc_accounting_period: "idAccAccountingPeriod", + posting_status: "postingStatus", + line_items: "lineItems", + field_mappings: "fieldMappings", + remote_id: "remoteId", + remote_created_at: "remoteCreatedAt", + remote_modiified_at: "remoteModiifiedAt", + remote_data: "remoteData", + created_at: "createdAt", + modified_at: "modifiedAt", + }); + }); /** @internal */ -export type UnifiedAccountingJournalentryOutput$Outbound = {}; +export type UnifiedAccountingJournalentryOutput$Outbound = { + transaction_date?: string | null | undefined; + payments?: Array | null | undefined; + applied_payments?: Array | null | undefined; + memo?: string | null | undefined; + currency?: string | null | undefined; + exchange_rate?: string | null | undefined; + id_acc_company_info?: string | undefined; + journal_number?: string | null | undefined; + tracking_categories?: Array | null | undefined; + id_acc_accounting_period?: string | null | undefined; + posting_status?: string | null | undefined; + line_items?: Array | undefined; + field_mappings?: UnifiedAccountingJournalentryOutputFieldMappings$Outbound | null | undefined; + id?: string | null | undefined; + remote_id?: string | undefined; + remote_created_at?: string | null | undefined; + remote_modiified_at?: string | null | undefined; + remote_data?: UnifiedAccountingJournalentryOutputRemoteData$Outbound | null | undefined; + created_at?: string | null | undefined; + modified_at?: string | null | undefined; +}; /** @internal */ export const UnifiedAccountingJournalentryOutput$outboundSchema: z.ZodType< UnifiedAccountingJournalentryOutput$Outbound, z.ZodTypeDef, UnifiedAccountingJournalentryOutput -> = z.object({}); +> = z + .object({ + transactionDate: z.nullable(z.date().transform((v) => v.toISOString())).optional(), + payments: z.nullable(z.array(z.string())).optional(), + appliedPayments: z.nullable(z.array(z.string())).optional(), + memo: z.nullable(z.string()).optional(), + currency: z.nullable(UnifiedAccountingJournalentryOutputCurrency$outboundSchema).optional(), + exchangeRate: z.nullable(z.string()).optional(), + idAccCompanyInfo: z.string().optional(), + journalNumber: z.nullable(z.string()).optional(), + trackingCategories: z.nullable(z.array(z.string())).optional(), + idAccAccountingPeriod: z.nullable(z.string()).optional(), + postingStatus: z.nullable(z.string()).optional(), + lineItems: z.array(LineItem$outboundSchema).optional(), + fieldMappings: z + .nullable(z.lazy(() => UnifiedAccountingJournalentryOutputFieldMappings$outboundSchema)) + .optional(), + id: z.nullable(z.string()).optional(), + remoteId: z.string().optional(), + remoteCreatedAt: z.nullable(z.date().transform((v) => v.toISOString())).optional(), + remoteModiifiedAt: z.nullable(z.date().transform((v) => v.toISOString())).optional(), + remoteData: z + .nullable(z.lazy(() => UnifiedAccountingJournalentryOutputRemoteData$outboundSchema)) + .optional(), + createdAt: z.nullable(z.date().transform((v) => v.toISOString())).optional(), + modifiedAt: z.nullable(z.date().transform((v) => v.toISOString())).optional(), + }) + .transform((v) => { + return remap$(v, { + transactionDate: "transaction_date", + appliedPayments: "applied_payments", + exchangeRate: "exchange_rate", + idAccCompanyInfo: "id_acc_company_info", + journalNumber: "journal_number", + trackingCategories: "tracking_categories", + idAccAccountingPeriod: "id_acc_accounting_period", + postingStatus: "posting_status", + lineItems: "line_items", + fieldMappings: "field_mappings", + remoteId: "remote_id", + remoteCreatedAt: "remote_created_at", + remoteModiifiedAt: "remote_modiified_at", + remoteData: "remote_data", + createdAt: "created_at", + modifiedAt: "modified_at", + }); + }); /** * @internal diff --git a/src/models/components/unifiedaccountingpaymentinput.ts b/src/models/components/unifiedaccountingpaymentinput.ts index a46446ad..fed375bd 100644 --- a/src/models/components/unifiedaccountingpaymentinput.ts +++ b/src/models/components/unifiedaccountingpaymentinput.ts @@ -2,26 +2,395 @@ * Code generated by Speakeasy (https://speakeasy.com). DO NOT EDIT. */ +import { remap as remap$ } from "../../lib/primitives.js"; +import { + LineItem, + LineItem$inboundSchema, + LineItem$Outbound, + LineItem$outboundSchema, +} from "./lineitem.js"; import * as z from "zod"; -export type UnifiedAccountingPaymentInput = {}; +/** + * The currency of the payment + */ +export enum UnifiedAccountingPaymentInputCurrency { + Aed = "AED", + Afn = "AFN", + All = "ALL", + Amd = "AMD", + Ang = "ANG", + Aoa = "AOA", + Ars = "ARS", + Aud = "AUD", + Awg = "AWG", + Azn = "AZN", + Bam = "BAM", + Bbd = "BBD", + Bdt = "BDT", + Bgn = "BGN", + Bhd = "BHD", + Bif = "BIF", + Bmd = "BMD", + Bnd = "BND", + Bob = "BOB", + Brl = "BRL", + Bsd = "BSD", + Btn = "BTN", + Bwp = "BWP", + Byn = "BYN", + Bzd = "BZD", + Cad = "CAD", + Cdf = "CDF", + Chf = "CHF", + Clp = "CLP", + Cny = "CNY", + Cop = "COP", + Crc = "CRC", + Cup = "CUP", + Cve = "CVE", + Czk = "CZK", + Djf = "DJF", + Dkk = "DKK", + Dop = "DOP", + Dzd = "DZD", + Egp = "EGP", + Ern = "ERN", + Etb = "ETB", + Eur = "EUR", + Fjd = "FJD", + Fkp = "FKP", + Fok = "FOK", + Gbp = "GBP", + Gel = "GEL", + Ggp = "GGP", + Ghs = "GHS", + Gip = "GIP", + Gmd = "GMD", + Gnf = "GNF", + Gtq = "GTQ", + Gyd = "GYD", + Hkd = "HKD", + Hnl = "HNL", + Hrk = "HRK", + Htg = "HTG", + Huf = "HUF", + Idr = "IDR", + Ils = "ILS", + Imp = "IMP", + Inr = "INR", + Iqd = "IQD", + Irr = "IRR", + Isk = "ISK", + Jep = "JEP", + Jmd = "JMD", + Jod = "JOD", + Jpy = "JPY", + Kes = "KES", + Kgs = "KGS", + Khr = "KHR", + Kid = "KID", + Kmf = "KMF", + Krw = "KRW", + Kwd = "KWD", + Kyd = "KYD", + Kzt = "KZT", + Lak = "LAK", + Lbp = "LBP", + Lkr = "LKR", + Lrd = "LRD", + Lsl = "LSL", + Lyd = "LYD", + Mad = "MAD", + Mdl = "MDL", + Mga = "MGA", + Mkd = "MKD", + Mmk = "MMK", + Mnt = "MNT", + Mop = "MOP", + Mru = "MRU", + Mur = "MUR", + Mvr = "MVR", + Mwk = "MWK", + Mxn = "MXN", + Myr = "MYR", + Mzn = "MZN", + Nad = "NAD", + Ngn = "NGN", + Nio = "NIO", + Nok = "NOK", + Npr = "NPR", + Nzd = "NZD", + Omr = "OMR", + Pab = "PAB", + Pen = "PEN", + Pgk = "PGK", + Php = "PHP", + Pkr = "PKR", + Pln = "PLN", + Pyg = "PYG", + Qar = "QAR", + Ron = "RON", + Rsd = "RSD", + Rub = "RUB", + Rwf = "RWF", + Sar = "SAR", + Sbd = "SBD", + Scr = "SCR", + Sdg = "SDG", + Sek = "SEK", + Sgd = "SGD", + Shp = "SHP", + Sle = "SLE", + Sll = "SLL", + Sos = "SOS", + Srd = "SRD", + Ssp = "SSP", + Stn = "STN", + Syp = "SYP", + Szl = "SZL", + Thb = "THB", + Tjs = "TJS", + Tmt = "TMT", + Tnd = "TND", + Top = "TOP", + Try = "TRY", + Ttd = "TTD", + Tvd = "TVD", + Twd = "TWD", + Tzs = "TZS", + Uah = "UAH", + Ugx = "UGX", + Usd = "USD", + Uyu = "UYU", + Uzs = "UZS", + Ves = "VES", + Vnd = "VND", + Vuv = "VUV", + Wst = "WST", + Xaf = "XAF", + Xcd = "XCD", + Xdr = "XDR", + Xof = "XOF", + Xpf = "XPF", + Yer = "YER", + Zar = "ZAR", + Zmw = "ZMW", + Zwl = "ZWL", +} + +/** + * The custom field mappings of the object between the remote 3rd party & Panora + */ +export type UnifiedAccountingPaymentInputFieldMappings = {}; + +export type UnifiedAccountingPaymentInput = { + /** + * The UUID of the associated invoice + */ + invoiceId?: string | null | undefined; + /** + * The date of the transaction + */ + transactionDate?: Date | null | undefined; + /** + * The UUID of the associated contact + */ + contactId?: string | null | undefined; + /** + * The UUID of the associated account + */ + accountId?: string | null | undefined; + /** + * The currency of the payment + */ + currency?: UnifiedAccountingPaymentInputCurrency | null | undefined; + /** + * The exchange rate applied to the payment + */ + exchangeRate?: string | null | undefined; + /** + * The total amount of the payment in cents + */ + totalAmount?: number | null | undefined; + /** + * The type of payment + */ + type?: string | null | undefined; + /** + * The UUID of the associated company info + */ + companyInfoId?: string | null | undefined; + /** + * The UUID of the associated accounting period + */ + accountingPeriodId?: string | null | undefined; + /** + * The UUIDs of the tracking categories associated with the payment + */ + trackingCategories?: Array | null | undefined; + /** + * The line items associated with this payment + */ + lineItems?: Array | undefined; + /** + * The custom field mappings of the object between the remote 3rd party & Panora + */ + fieldMappings?: UnifiedAccountingPaymentInputFieldMappings | null | undefined; +}; + +/** @internal */ +export const UnifiedAccountingPaymentInputCurrency$inboundSchema: z.ZodNativeEnum< + typeof UnifiedAccountingPaymentInputCurrency +> = z.nativeEnum(UnifiedAccountingPaymentInputCurrency); + +/** @internal */ +export const UnifiedAccountingPaymentInputCurrency$outboundSchema: z.ZodNativeEnum< + typeof UnifiedAccountingPaymentInputCurrency +> = UnifiedAccountingPaymentInputCurrency$inboundSchema; + +/** + * @internal + * @deprecated This namespace will be removed in future versions. Use schemas and types that are exported directly from this module. + */ +export namespace UnifiedAccountingPaymentInputCurrency$ { + /** @deprecated use `UnifiedAccountingPaymentInputCurrency$inboundSchema` instead. */ + export const inboundSchema = UnifiedAccountingPaymentInputCurrency$inboundSchema; + /** @deprecated use `UnifiedAccountingPaymentInputCurrency$outboundSchema` instead. */ + export const outboundSchema = UnifiedAccountingPaymentInputCurrency$outboundSchema; +} + +/** @internal */ +export const UnifiedAccountingPaymentInputFieldMappings$inboundSchema: z.ZodType< + UnifiedAccountingPaymentInputFieldMappings, + z.ZodTypeDef, + unknown +> = z.object({}); + +/** @internal */ +export type UnifiedAccountingPaymentInputFieldMappings$Outbound = {}; + +/** @internal */ +export const UnifiedAccountingPaymentInputFieldMappings$outboundSchema: z.ZodType< + UnifiedAccountingPaymentInputFieldMappings$Outbound, + z.ZodTypeDef, + UnifiedAccountingPaymentInputFieldMappings +> = z.object({}); + +/** + * @internal + * @deprecated This namespace will be removed in future versions. Use schemas and types that are exported directly from this module. + */ +export namespace UnifiedAccountingPaymentInputFieldMappings$ { + /** @deprecated use `UnifiedAccountingPaymentInputFieldMappings$inboundSchema` instead. */ + export const inboundSchema = UnifiedAccountingPaymentInputFieldMappings$inboundSchema; + /** @deprecated use `UnifiedAccountingPaymentInputFieldMappings$outboundSchema` instead. */ + export const outboundSchema = UnifiedAccountingPaymentInputFieldMappings$outboundSchema; + /** @deprecated use `UnifiedAccountingPaymentInputFieldMappings$Outbound` instead. */ + export type Outbound = UnifiedAccountingPaymentInputFieldMappings$Outbound; +} /** @internal */ export const UnifiedAccountingPaymentInput$inboundSchema: z.ZodType< UnifiedAccountingPaymentInput, z.ZodTypeDef, unknown -> = z.object({}); +> = z + .object({ + invoice_id: z.nullable(z.string()).optional(), + transaction_date: z + .nullable( + z + .string() + .datetime({ offset: true }) + .transform((v) => new Date(v)) + ) + .optional(), + contact_id: z.nullable(z.string()).optional(), + account_id: z.nullable(z.string()).optional(), + currency: z.nullable(UnifiedAccountingPaymentInputCurrency$inboundSchema).optional(), + exchange_rate: z.nullable(z.string()).optional(), + total_amount: z.nullable(z.number()).optional(), + type: z.nullable(z.string()).optional(), + company_info_id: z.nullable(z.string()).optional(), + accounting_period_id: z.nullable(z.string()).optional(), + tracking_categories: z.nullable(z.array(z.string())).optional(), + line_items: z.array(LineItem$inboundSchema).optional(), + field_mappings: z + .nullable(z.lazy(() => UnifiedAccountingPaymentInputFieldMappings$inboundSchema)) + .optional(), + }) + .transform((v) => { + return remap$(v, { + invoice_id: "invoiceId", + transaction_date: "transactionDate", + contact_id: "contactId", + account_id: "accountId", + exchange_rate: "exchangeRate", + total_amount: "totalAmount", + company_info_id: "companyInfoId", + accounting_period_id: "accountingPeriodId", + tracking_categories: "trackingCategories", + line_items: "lineItems", + field_mappings: "fieldMappings", + }); + }); /** @internal */ -export type UnifiedAccountingPaymentInput$Outbound = {}; +export type UnifiedAccountingPaymentInput$Outbound = { + invoice_id?: string | null | undefined; + transaction_date?: string | null | undefined; + contact_id?: string | null | undefined; + account_id?: string | null | undefined; + currency?: string | null | undefined; + exchange_rate?: string | null | undefined; + total_amount?: number | null | undefined; + type?: string | null | undefined; + company_info_id?: string | null | undefined; + accounting_period_id?: string | null | undefined; + tracking_categories?: Array | null | undefined; + line_items?: Array | undefined; + field_mappings?: UnifiedAccountingPaymentInputFieldMappings$Outbound | null | undefined; +}; /** @internal */ export const UnifiedAccountingPaymentInput$outboundSchema: z.ZodType< UnifiedAccountingPaymentInput$Outbound, z.ZodTypeDef, UnifiedAccountingPaymentInput -> = z.object({}); +> = z + .object({ + invoiceId: z.nullable(z.string()).optional(), + transactionDate: z.nullable(z.date().transform((v) => v.toISOString())).optional(), + contactId: z.nullable(z.string()).optional(), + accountId: z.nullable(z.string()).optional(), + currency: z.nullable(UnifiedAccountingPaymentInputCurrency$outboundSchema).optional(), + exchangeRate: z.nullable(z.string()).optional(), + totalAmount: z.nullable(z.number()).optional(), + type: z.nullable(z.string()).optional(), + companyInfoId: z.nullable(z.string()).optional(), + accountingPeriodId: z.nullable(z.string()).optional(), + trackingCategories: z.nullable(z.array(z.string())).optional(), + lineItems: z.array(LineItem$outboundSchema).optional(), + fieldMappings: z + .nullable(z.lazy(() => UnifiedAccountingPaymentInputFieldMappings$outboundSchema)) + .optional(), + }) + .transform((v) => { + return remap$(v, { + invoiceId: "invoice_id", + transactionDate: "transaction_date", + contactId: "contact_id", + accountId: "account_id", + exchangeRate: "exchange_rate", + totalAmount: "total_amount", + companyInfoId: "company_info_id", + accountingPeriodId: "accounting_period_id", + trackingCategories: "tracking_categories", + lineItems: "line_items", + fieldMappings: "field_mappings", + }); + }); /** * @internal diff --git a/src/models/components/unifiedaccountingpaymentoutput.ts b/src/models/components/unifiedaccountingpaymentoutput.ts index 735eaeb8..4bdbe613 100644 --- a/src/models/components/unifiedaccountingpaymentoutput.ts +++ b/src/models/components/unifiedaccountingpaymentoutput.ts @@ -2,26 +2,507 @@ * Code generated by Speakeasy (https://speakeasy.com). DO NOT EDIT. */ +import { remap as remap$ } from "../../lib/primitives.js"; +import { + LineItem, + LineItem$inboundSchema, + LineItem$Outbound, + LineItem$outboundSchema, +} from "./lineitem.js"; import * as z from "zod"; -export type UnifiedAccountingPaymentOutput = {}; +/** + * The currency of the payment + */ +export enum UnifiedAccountingPaymentOutputCurrency { + Aed = "AED", + Afn = "AFN", + All = "ALL", + Amd = "AMD", + Ang = "ANG", + Aoa = "AOA", + Ars = "ARS", + Aud = "AUD", + Awg = "AWG", + Azn = "AZN", + Bam = "BAM", + Bbd = "BBD", + Bdt = "BDT", + Bgn = "BGN", + Bhd = "BHD", + Bif = "BIF", + Bmd = "BMD", + Bnd = "BND", + Bob = "BOB", + Brl = "BRL", + Bsd = "BSD", + Btn = "BTN", + Bwp = "BWP", + Byn = "BYN", + Bzd = "BZD", + Cad = "CAD", + Cdf = "CDF", + Chf = "CHF", + Clp = "CLP", + Cny = "CNY", + Cop = "COP", + Crc = "CRC", + Cup = "CUP", + Cve = "CVE", + Czk = "CZK", + Djf = "DJF", + Dkk = "DKK", + Dop = "DOP", + Dzd = "DZD", + Egp = "EGP", + Ern = "ERN", + Etb = "ETB", + Eur = "EUR", + Fjd = "FJD", + Fkp = "FKP", + Fok = "FOK", + Gbp = "GBP", + Gel = "GEL", + Ggp = "GGP", + Ghs = "GHS", + Gip = "GIP", + Gmd = "GMD", + Gnf = "GNF", + Gtq = "GTQ", + Gyd = "GYD", + Hkd = "HKD", + Hnl = "HNL", + Hrk = "HRK", + Htg = "HTG", + Huf = "HUF", + Idr = "IDR", + Ils = "ILS", + Imp = "IMP", + Inr = "INR", + Iqd = "IQD", + Irr = "IRR", + Isk = "ISK", + Jep = "JEP", + Jmd = "JMD", + Jod = "JOD", + Jpy = "JPY", + Kes = "KES", + Kgs = "KGS", + Khr = "KHR", + Kid = "KID", + Kmf = "KMF", + Krw = "KRW", + Kwd = "KWD", + Kyd = "KYD", + Kzt = "KZT", + Lak = "LAK", + Lbp = "LBP", + Lkr = "LKR", + Lrd = "LRD", + Lsl = "LSL", + Lyd = "LYD", + Mad = "MAD", + Mdl = "MDL", + Mga = "MGA", + Mkd = "MKD", + Mmk = "MMK", + Mnt = "MNT", + Mop = "MOP", + Mru = "MRU", + Mur = "MUR", + Mvr = "MVR", + Mwk = "MWK", + Mxn = "MXN", + Myr = "MYR", + Mzn = "MZN", + Nad = "NAD", + Ngn = "NGN", + Nio = "NIO", + Nok = "NOK", + Npr = "NPR", + Nzd = "NZD", + Omr = "OMR", + Pab = "PAB", + Pen = "PEN", + Pgk = "PGK", + Php = "PHP", + Pkr = "PKR", + Pln = "PLN", + Pyg = "PYG", + Qar = "QAR", + Ron = "RON", + Rsd = "RSD", + Rub = "RUB", + Rwf = "RWF", + Sar = "SAR", + Sbd = "SBD", + Scr = "SCR", + Sdg = "SDG", + Sek = "SEK", + Sgd = "SGD", + Shp = "SHP", + Sle = "SLE", + Sll = "SLL", + Sos = "SOS", + Srd = "SRD", + Ssp = "SSP", + Stn = "STN", + Syp = "SYP", + Szl = "SZL", + Thb = "THB", + Tjs = "TJS", + Tmt = "TMT", + Tnd = "TND", + Top = "TOP", + Try = "TRY", + Ttd = "TTD", + Tvd = "TVD", + Twd = "TWD", + Tzs = "TZS", + Uah = "UAH", + Ugx = "UGX", + Usd = "USD", + Uyu = "UYU", + Uzs = "UZS", + Ves = "VES", + Vnd = "VND", + Vuv = "VUV", + Wst = "WST", + Xaf = "XAF", + Xcd = "XCD", + Xdr = "XDR", + Xof = "XOF", + Xpf = "XPF", + Yer = "YER", + Zar = "ZAR", + Zmw = "ZMW", + Zwl = "ZWL", +} + +/** + * The custom field mappings of the object between the remote 3rd party & Panora + */ +export type UnifiedAccountingPaymentOutputFieldMappings = {}; + +/** + * The remote data of the payment in the context of the 3rd Party + */ +export type UnifiedAccountingPaymentOutputRemoteData = {}; + +export type UnifiedAccountingPaymentOutput = { + /** + * The UUID of the associated invoice + */ + invoiceId?: string | null | undefined; + /** + * The date of the transaction + */ + transactionDate?: Date | null | undefined; + /** + * The UUID of the associated contact + */ + contactId?: string | null | undefined; + /** + * The UUID of the associated account + */ + accountId?: string | null | undefined; + /** + * The currency of the payment + */ + currency?: UnifiedAccountingPaymentOutputCurrency | null | undefined; + /** + * The exchange rate applied to the payment + */ + exchangeRate?: string | null | undefined; + /** + * The total amount of the payment in cents + */ + totalAmount?: number | null | undefined; + /** + * The type of payment + */ + type?: string | null | undefined; + /** + * The UUID of the associated company info + */ + companyInfoId?: string | null | undefined; + /** + * The UUID of the associated accounting period + */ + accountingPeriodId?: string | null | undefined; + /** + * The UUIDs of the tracking categories associated with the payment + */ + trackingCategories?: Array | null | undefined; + /** + * The line items associated with this payment + */ + lineItems?: Array | undefined; + /** + * The custom field mappings of the object between the remote 3rd party & Panora + */ + fieldMappings?: UnifiedAccountingPaymentOutputFieldMappings | null | undefined; + /** + * The UUID of the payment record + */ + id?: string | null | undefined; + /** + * The remote ID of the payment in the context of the 3rd Party + */ + remoteId?: string | null | undefined; + /** + * The date when the payment was last updated in the remote system + */ + remoteUpdatedAt?: Date | null | undefined; + /** + * The remote data of the payment in the context of the 3rd Party + */ + remoteData?: UnifiedAccountingPaymentOutputRemoteData | null | undefined; + /** + * The created date of the payment record + */ + createdAt?: Date | null | undefined; + /** + * The last modified date of the payment record + */ + modifiedAt?: Date | null | undefined; +}; + +/** @internal */ +export const UnifiedAccountingPaymentOutputCurrency$inboundSchema: z.ZodNativeEnum< + typeof UnifiedAccountingPaymentOutputCurrency +> = z.nativeEnum(UnifiedAccountingPaymentOutputCurrency); + +/** @internal */ +export const UnifiedAccountingPaymentOutputCurrency$outboundSchema: z.ZodNativeEnum< + typeof UnifiedAccountingPaymentOutputCurrency +> = UnifiedAccountingPaymentOutputCurrency$inboundSchema; + +/** + * @internal + * @deprecated This namespace will be removed in future versions. Use schemas and types that are exported directly from this module. + */ +export namespace UnifiedAccountingPaymentOutputCurrency$ { + /** @deprecated use `UnifiedAccountingPaymentOutputCurrency$inboundSchema` instead. */ + export const inboundSchema = UnifiedAccountingPaymentOutputCurrency$inboundSchema; + /** @deprecated use `UnifiedAccountingPaymentOutputCurrency$outboundSchema` instead. */ + export const outboundSchema = UnifiedAccountingPaymentOutputCurrency$outboundSchema; +} + +/** @internal */ +export const UnifiedAccountingPaymentOutputFieldMappings$inboundSchema: z.ZodType< + UnifiedAccountingPaymentOutputFieldMappings, + z.ZodTypeDef, + unknown +> = z.object({}); + +/** @internal */ +export type UnifiedAccountingPaymentOutputFieldMappings$Outbound = {}; + +/** @internal */ +export const UnifiedAccountingPaymentOutputFieldMappings$outboundSchema: z.ZodType< + UnifiedAccountingPaymentOutputFieldMappings$Outbound, + z.ZodTypeDef, + UnifiedAccountingPaymentOutputFieldMappings +> = z.object({}); + +/** + * @internal + * @deprecated This namespace will be removed in future versions. Use schemas and types that are exported directly from this module. + */ +export namespace UnifiedAccountingPaymentOutputFieldMappings$ { + /** @deprecated use `UnifiedAccountingPaymentOutputFieldMappings$inboundSchema` instead. */ + export const inboundSchema = UnifiedAccountingPaymentOutputFieldMappings$inboundSchema; + /** @deprecated use `UnifiedAccountingPaymentOutputFieldMappings$outboundSchema` instead. */ + export const outboundSchema = UnifiedAccountingPaymentOutputFieldMappings$outboundSchema; + /** @deprecated use `UnifiedAccountingPaymentOutputFieldMappings$Outbound` instead. */ + export type Outbound = UnifiedAccountingPaymentOutputFieldMappings$Outbound; +} + +/** @internal */ +export const UnifiedAccountingPaymentOutputRemoteData$inboundSchema: z.ZodType< + UnifiedAccountingPaymentOutputRemoteData, + z.ZodTypeDef, + unknown +> = z.object({}); + +/** @internal */ +export type UnifiedAccountingPaymentOutputRemoteData$Outbound = {}; + +/** @internal */ +export const UnifiedAccountingPaymentOutputRemoteData$outboundSchema: z.ZodType< + UnifiedAccountingPaymentOutputRemoteData$Outbound, + z.ZodTypeDef, + UnifiedAccountingPaymentOutputRemoteData +> = z.object({}); + +/** + * @internal + * @deprecated This namespace will be removed in future versions. Use schemas and types that are exported directly from this module. + */ +export namespace UnifiedAccountingPaymentOutputRemoteData$ { + /** @deprecated use `UnifiedAccountingPaymentOutputRemoteData$inboundSchema` instead. */ + export const inboundSchema = UnifiedAccountingPaymentOutputRemoteData$inboundSchema; + /** @deprecated use `UnifiedAccountingPaymentOutputRemoteData$outboundSchema` instead. */ + export const outboundSchema = UnifiedAccountingPaymentOutputRemoteData$outboundSchema; + /** @deprecated use `UnifiedAccountingPaymentOutputRemoteData$Outbound` instead. */ + export type Outbound = UnifiedAccountingPaymentOutputRemoteData$Outbound; +} /** @internal */ export const UnifiedAccountingPaymentOutput$inboundSchema: z.ZodType< UnifiedAccountingPaymentOutput, z.ZodTypeDef, unknown -> = z.object({}); +> = z + .object({ + invoice_id: z.nullable(z.string()).optional(), + transaction_date: z + .nullable( + z + .string() + .datetime({ offset: true }) + .transform((v) => new Date(v)) + ) + .optional(), + contact_id: z.nullable(z.string()).optional(), + account_id: z.nullable(z.string()).optional(), + currency: z.nullable(UnifiedAccountingPaymentOutputCurrency$inboundSchema).optional(), + exchange_rate: z.nullable(z.string()).optional(), + total_amount: z.nullable(z.number()).optional(), + type: z.nullable(z.string()).optional(), + company_info_id: z.nullable(z.string()).optional(), + accounting_period_id: z.nullable(z.string()).optional(), + tracking_categories: z.nullable(z.array(z.string())).optional(), + line_items: z.array(LineItem$inboundSchema).optional(), + field_mappings: z + .nullable(z.lazy(() => UnifiedAccountingPaymentOutputFieldMappings$inboundSchema)) + .optional(), + id: z.nullable(z.string()).optional(), + remote_id: z.nullable(z.string()).optional(), + remote_updated_at: z + .nullable( + z + .string() + .datetime({ offset: true }) + .transform((v) => new Date(v)) + ) + .optional(), + remote_data: z + .nullable(z.lazy(() => UnifiedAccountingPaymentOutputRemoteData$inboundSchema)) + .optional(), + created_at: z + .nullable( + z + .string() + .datetime({ offset: true }) + .transform((v) => new Date(v)) + ) + .optional(), + modified_at: z + .nullable( + z + .string() + .datetime({ offset: true }) + .transform((v) => new Date(v)) + ) + .optional(), + }) + .transform((v) => { + return remap$(v, { + invoice_id: "invoiceId", + transaction_date: "transactionDate", + contact_id: "contactId", + account_id: "accountId", + exchange_rate: "exchangeRate", + total_amount: "totalAmount", + company_info_id: "companyInfoId", + accounting_period_id: "accountingPeriodId", + tracking_categories: "trackingCategories", + line_items: "lineItems", + field_mappings: "fieldMappings", + remote_id: "remoteId", + remote_updated_at: "remoteUpdatedAt", + remote_data: "remoteData", + created_at: "createdAt", + modified_at: "modifiedAt", + }); + }); /** @internal */ -export type UnifiedAccountingPaymentOutput$Outbound = {}; +export type UnifiedAccountingPaymentOutput$Outbound = { + invoice_id?: string | null | undefined; + transaction_date?: string | null | undefined; + contact_id?: string | null | undefined; + account_id?: string | null | undefined; + currency?: string | null | undefined; + exchange_rate?: string | null | undefined; + total_amount?: number | null | undefined; + type?: string | null | undefined; + company_info_id?: string | null | undefined; + accounting_period_id?: string | null | undefined; + tracking_categories?: Array | null | undefined; + line_items?: Array | undefined; + field_mappings?: UnifiedAccountingPaymentOutputFieldMappings$Outbound | null | undefined; + id?: string | null | undefined; + remote_id?: string | null | undefined; + remote_updated_at?: string | null | undefined; + remote_data?: UnifiedAccountingPaymentOutputRemoteData$Outbound | null | undefined; + created_at?: string | null | undefined; + modified_at?: string | null | undefined; +}; /** @internal */ export const UnifiedAccountingPaymentOutput$outboundSchema: z.ZodType< UnifiedAccountingPaymentOutput$Outbound, z.ZodTypeDef, UnifiedAccountingPaymentOutput -> = z.object({}); +> = z + .object({ + invoiceId: z.nullable(z.string()).optional(), + transactionDate: z.nullable(z.date().transform((v) => v.toISOString())).optional(), + contactId: z.nullable(z.string()).optional(), + accountId: z.nullable(z.string()).optional(), + currency: z.nullable(UnifiedAccountingPaymentOutputCurrency$outboundSchema).optional(), + exchangeRate: z.nullable(z.string()).optional(), + totalAmount: z.nullable(z.number()).optional(), + type: z.nullable(z.string()).optional(), + companyInfoId: z.nullable(z.string()).optional(), + accountingPeriodId: z.nullable(z.string()).optional(), + trackingCategories: z.nullable(z.array(z.string())).optional(), + lineItems: z.array(LineItem$outboundSchema).optional(), + fieldMappings: z + .nullable(z.lazy(() => UnifiedAccountingPaymentOutputFieldMappings$outboundSchema)) + .optional(), + id: z.nullable(z.string()).optional(), + remoteId: z.nullable(z.string()).optional(), + remoteUpdatedAt: z.nullable(z.date().transform((v) => v.toISOString())).optional(), + remoteData: z + .nullable(z.lazy(() => UnifiedAccountingPaymentOutputRemoteData$outboundSchema)) + .optional(), + createdAt: z.nullable(z.date().transform((v) => v.toISOString())).optional(), + modifiedAt: z.nullable(z.date().transform((v) => v.toISOString())).optional(), + }) + .transform((v) => { + return remap$(v, { + invoiceId: "invoice_id", + transactionDate: "transaction_date", + contactId: "contact_id", + accountId: "account_id", + exchangeRate: "exchange_rate", + totalAmount: "total_amount", + companyInfoId: "company_info_id", + accountingPeriodId: "accounting_period_id", + trackingCategories: "tracking_categories", + lineItems: "line_items", + fieldMappings: "field_mappings", + remoteId: "remote_id", + remoteUpdatedAt: "remote_updated_at", + remoteData: "remote_data", + createdAt: "created_at", + modifiedAt: "modified_at", + }); + }); /** * @internal diff --git a/src/models/components/unifiedaccountingphonenumberoutput.ts b/src/models/components/unifiedaccountingphonenumberoutput.ts index 0ea4f39e..5f51f917 100644 --- a/src/models/components/unifiedaccountingphonenumberoutput.ts +++ b/src/models/components/unifiedaccountingphonenumberoutput.ts @@ -2,26 +2,217 @@ * Code generated by Speakeasy (https://speakeasy.com). DO NOT EDIT. */ +import { remap as remap$ } from "../../lib/primitives.js"; import * as z from "zod"; -export type UnifiedAccountingPhonenumberOutput = {}; +/** + * The custom field mappings of the object between the remote 3rd party & Panora + */ +export type UnifiedAccountingPhonenumberOutputFieldMappings = {}; + +/** + * The remote data of the phone number in the context of the 3rd Party + */ +export type UnifiedAccountingPhonenumberOutputRemoteData = {}; + +export type UnifiedAccountingPhonenumberOutput = { + /** + * The phone number + */ + number?: string | null | undefined; + /** + * The type of phone number + */ + type?: string | null | undefined; + /** + * The UUID of the associated company info + */ + companyInfoId?: string | null | undefined; + /** + * The UUID of the associated contact + */ + contactId?: string | undefined; + /** + * The custom field mappings of the object between the remote 3rd party & Panora + */ + fieldMappings?: UnifiedAccountingPhonenumberOutputFieldMappings | null | undefined; + /** + * The UUID of the phone number record + */ + id?: string | null | undefined; + /** + * The remote ID of the phone number in the context of the 3rd Party + */ + remoteId?: string | null | undefined; + /** + * The remote data of the phone number in the context of the 3rd Party + */ + remoteData?: UnifiedAccountingPhonenumberOutputRemoteData | null | undefined; + /** + * The created date of the phone number record + */ + createdAt?: Date | null | undefined; + /** + * The last modified date of the phone number record + */ + modifiedAt?: Date | null | undefined; +}; + +/** @internal */ +export const UnifiedAccountingPhonenumberOutputFieldMappings$inboundSchema: z.ZodType< + UnifiedAccountingPhonenumberOutputFieldMappings, + z.ZodTypeDef, + unknown +> = z.object({}); + +/** @internal */ +export type UnifiedAccountingPhonenumberOutputFieldMappings$Outbound = {}; + +/** @internal */ +export const UnifiedAccountingPhonenumberOutputFieldMappings$outboundSchema: z.ZodType< + UnifiedAccountingPhonenumberOutputFieldMappings$Outbound, + z.ZodTypeDef, + UnifiedAccountingPhonenumberOutputFieldMappings +> = z.object({}); + +/** + * @internal + * @deprecated This namespace will be removed in future versions. Use schemas and types that are exported directly from this module. + */ +export namespace UnifiedAccountingPhonenumberOutputFieldMappings$ { + /** @deprecated use `UnifiedAccountingPhonenumberOutputFieldMappings$inboundSchema` instead. */ + export const inboundSchema = UnifiedAccountingPhonenumberOutputFieldMappings$inboundSchema; + /** @deprecated use `UnifiedAccountingPhonenumberOutputFieldMappings$outboundSchema` instead. */ + export const outboundSchema = UnifiedAccountingPhonenumberOutputFieldMappings$outboundSchema; + /** @deprecated use `UnifiedAccountingPhonenumberOutputFieldMappings$Outbound` instead. */ + export type Outbound = UnifiedAccountingPhonenumberOutputFieldMappings$Outbound; +} + +/** @internal */ +export const UnifiedAccountingPhonenumberOutputRemoteData$inboundSchema: z.ZodType< + UnifiedAccountingPhonenumberOutputRemoteData, + z.ZodTypeDef, + unknown +> = z.object({}); + +/** @internal */ +export type UnifiedAccountingPhonenumberOutputRemoteData$Outbound = {}; + +/** @internal */ +export const UnifiedAccountingPhonenumberOutputRemoteData$outboundSchema: z.ZodType< + UnifiedAccountingPhonenumberOutputRemoteData$Outbound, + z.ZodTypeDef, + UnifiedAccountingPhonenumberOutputRemoteData +> = z.object({}); + +/** + * @internal + * @deprecated This namespace will be removed in future versions. Use schemas and types that are exported directly from this module. + */ +export namespace UnifiedAccountingPhonenumberOutputRemoteData$ { + /** @deprecated use `UnifiedAccountingPhonenumberOutputRemoteData$inboundSchema` instead. */ + export const inboundSchema = UnifiedAccountingPhonenumberOutputRemoteData$inboundSchema; + /** @deprecated use `UnifiedAccountingPhonenumberOutputRemoteData$outboundSchema` instead. */ + export const outboundSchema = UnifiedAccountingPhonenumberOutputRemoteData$outboundSchema; + /** @deprecated use `UnifiedAccountingPhonenumberOutputRemoteData$Outbound` instead. */ + export type Outbound = UnifiedAccountingPhonenumberOutputRemoteData$Outbound; +} /** @internal */ export const UnifiedAccountingPhonenumberOutput$inboundSchema: z.ZodType< UnifiedAccountingPhonenumberOutput, z.ZodTypeDef, unknown -> = z.object({}); +> = z + .object({ + number: z.nullable(z.string()).optional(), + type: z.nullable(z.string()).optional(), + company_info_id: z.nullable(z.string()).optional(), + contact_id: z.string().optional(), + field_mappings: z + .nullable(z.lazy(() => UnifiedAccountingPhonenumberOutputFieldMappings$inboundSchema)) + .optional(), + id: z.nullable(z.string()).optional(), + remote_id: z.nullable(z.string()).optional(), + remote_data: z + .nullable(z.lazy(() => UnifiedAccountingPhonenumberOutputRemoteData$inboundSchema)) + .optional(), + created_at: z + .nullable( + z + .string() + .datetime({ offset: true }) + .transform((v) => new Date(v)) + ) + .optional(), + modified_at: z + .nullable( + z + .string() + .datetime({ offset: true }) + .transform((v) => new Date(v)) + ) + .optional(), + }) + .transform((v) => { + return remap$(v, { + company_info_id: "companyInfoId", + contact_id: "contactId", + field_mappings: "fieldMappings", + remote_id: "remoteId", + remote_data: "remoteData", + created_at: "createdAt", + modified_at: "modifiedAt", + }); + }); /** @internal */ -export type UnifiedAccountingPhonenumberOutput$Outbound = {}; +export type UnifiedAccountingPhonenumberOutput$Outbound = { + number?: string | null | undefined; + type?: string | null | undefined; + company_info_id?: string | null | undefined; + contact_id?: string | undefined; + field_mappings?: UnifiedAccountingPhonenumberOutputFieldMappings$Outbound | null | undefined; + id?: string | null | undefined; + remote_id?: string | null | undefined; + remote_data?: UnifiedAccountingPhonenumberOutputRemoteData$Outbound | null | undefined; + created_at?: string | null | undefined; + modified_at?: string | null | undefined; +}; /** @internal */ export const UnifiedAccountingPhonenumberOutput$outboundSchema: z.ZodType< UnifiedAccountingPhonenumberOutput$Outbound, z.ZodTypeDef, UnifiedAccountingPhonenumberOutput -> = z.object({}); +> = z + .object({ + number: z.nullable(z.string()).optional(), + type: z.nullable(z.string()).optional(), + companyInfoId: z.nullable(z.string()).optional(), + contactId: z.string().optional(), + fieldMappings: z + .nullable(z.lazy(() => UnifiedAccountingPhonenumberOutputFieldMappings$outboundSchema)) + .optional(), + id: z.nullable(z.string()).optional(), + remoteId: z.nullable(z.string()).optional(), + remoteData: z + .nullable(z.lazy(() => UnifiedAccountingPhonenumberOutputRemoteData$outboundSchema)) + .optional(), + createdAt: z.nullable(z.date().transform((v) => v.toISOString())).optional(), + modifiedAt: z.nullable(z.date().transform((v) => v.toISOString())).optional(), + }) + .transform((v) => { + return remap$(v, { + companyInfoId: "company_info_id", + contactId: "contact_id", + fieldMappings: "field_mappings", + remoteId: "remote_id", + remoteData: "remote_data", + createdAt: "created_at", + modifiedAt: "modified_at", + }); + }); /** * @internal diff --git a/src/models/components/unifiedaccountingpurchaseorderinput.ts b/src/models/components/unifiedaccountingpurchaseorderinput.ts index 47edfa8f..764b4e1d 100644 --- a/src/models/components/unifiedaccountingpurchaseorderinput.ts +++ b/src/models/components/unifiedaccountingpurchaseorderinput.ts @@ -2,26 +2,423 @@ * Code generated by Speakeasy (https://speakeasy.com). DO NOT EDIT. */ +import { remap as remap$ } from "../../lib/primitives.js"; +import { + LineItem, + LineItem$inboundSchema, + LineItem$Outbound, + LineItem$outboundSchema, +} from "./lineitem.js"; import * as z from "zod"; -export type UnifiedAccountingPurchaseorderInput = {}; +/** + * The currency of the purchase order + */ +export enum UnifiedAccountingPurchaseorderInputCurrency { + Aed = "AED", + Afn = "AFN", + All = "ALL", + Amd = "AMD", + Ang = "ANG", + Aoa = "AOA", + Ars = "ARS", + Aud = "AUD", + Awg = "AWG", + Azn = "AZN", + Bam = "BAM", + Bbd = "BBD", + Bdt = "BDT", + Bgn = "BGN", + Bhd = "BHD", + Bif = "BIF", + Bmd = "BMD", + Bnd = "BND", + Bob = "BOB", + Brl = "BRL", + Bsd = "BSD", + Btn = "BTN", + Bwp = "BWP", + Byn = "BYN", + Bzd = "BZD", + Cad = "CAD", + Cdf = "CDF", + Chf = "CHF", + Clp = "CLP", + Cny = "CNY", + Cop = "COP", + Crc = "CRC", + Cup = "CUP", + Cve = "CVE", + Czk = "CZK", + Djf = "DJF", + Dkk = "DKK", + Dop = "DOP", + Dzd = "DZD", + Egp = "EGP", + Ern = "ERN", + Etb = "ETB", + Eur = "EUR", + Fjd = "FJD", + Fkp = "FKP", + Fok = "FOK", + Gbp = "GBP", + Gel = "GEL", + Ggp = "GGP", + Ghs = "GHS", + Gip = "GIP", + Gmd = "GMD", + Gnf = "GNF", + Gtq = "GTQ", + Gyd = "GYD", + Hkd = "HKD", + Hnl = "HNL", + Hrk = "HRK", + Htg = "HTG", + Huf = "HUF", + Idr = "IDR", + Ils = "ILS", + Imp = "IMP", + Inr = "INR", + Iqd = "IQD", + Irr = "IRR", + Isk = "ISK", + Jep = "JEP", + Jmd = "JMD", + Jod = "JOD", + Jpy = "JPY", + Kes = "KES", + Kgs = "KGS", + Khr = "KHR", + Kid = "KID", + Kmf = "KMF", + Krw = "KRW", + Kwd = "KWD", + Kyd = "KYD", + Kzt = "KZT", + Lak = "LAK", + Lbp = "LBP", + Lkr = "LKR", + Lrd = "LRD", + Lsl = "LSL", + Lyd = "LYD", + Mad = "MAD", + Mdl = "MDL", + Mga = "MGA", + Mkd = "MKD", + Mmk = "MMK", + Mnt = "MNT", + Mop = "MOP", + Mru = "MRU", + Mur = "MUR", + Mvr = "MVR", + Mwk = "MWK", + Mxn = "MXN", + Myr = "MYR", + Mzn = "MZN", + Nad = "NAD", + Ngn = "NGN", + Nio = "NIO", + Nok = "NOK", + Npr = "NPR", + Nzd = "NZD", + Omr = "OMR", + Pab = "PAB", + Pen = "PEN", + Pgk = "PGK", + Php = "PHP", + Pkr = "PKR", + Pln = "PLN", + Pyg = "PYG", + Qar = "QAR", + Ron = "RON", + Rsd = "RSD", + Rub = "RUB", + Rwf = "RWF", + Sar = "SAR", + Sbd = "SBD", + Scr = "SCR", + Sdg = "SDG", + Sek = "SEK", + Sgd = "SGD", + Shp = "SHP", + Sle = "SLE", + Sll = "SLL", + Sos = "SOS", + Srd = "SRD", + Ssp = "SSP", + Stn = "STN", + Syp = "SYP", + Szl = "SZL", + Thb = "THB", + Tjs = "TJS", + Tmt = "TMT", + Tnd = "TND", + Top = "TOP", + Try = "TRY", + Ttd = "TTD", + Tvd = "TVD", + Twd = "TWD", + Tzs = "TZS", + Uah = "UAH", + Ugx = "UGX", + Usd = "USD", + Uyu = "UYU", + Uzs = "UZS", + Ves = "VES", + Vnd = "VND", + Vuv = "VUV", + Wst = "WST", + Xaf = "XAF", + Xcd = "XCD", + Xdr = "XDR", + Xof = "XOF", + Xpf = "XPF", + Yer = "YER", + Zar = "ZAR", + Zmw = "ZMW", + Zwl = "ZWL", +} + +/** + * The custom field mappings of the object between the remote 3rd party & Panora + */ +export type UnifiedAccountingPurchaseorderInputFieldMappings = {}; + +export type UnifiedAccountingPurchaseorderInput = { + /** + * The status of the purchase order + */ + status?: string | null | undefined; + /** + * The issue date of the purchase order + */ + issueDate?: Date | null | undefined; + /** + * The purchase order number + */ + purchaseOrderNumber?: string | null | undefined; + /** + * The delivery date for the purchase order + */ + deliveryDate?: Date | null | undefined; + /** + * The UUID of the delivery address + */ + deliveryAddress?: string | null | undefined; + /** + * The UUID of the customer + */ + customer?: string | null | undefined; + /** + * The UUID of the vendor + */ + vendor?: string | null | undefined; + /** + * A memo or note for the purchase order + */ + memo?: string | null | undefined; + /** + * The UUID of the company + */ + companyId?: string | null | undefined; + /** + * The total amount of the purchase order in cents + */ + totalAmount?: number | null | undefined; + /** + * The currency of the purchase order + */ + currency?: UnifiedAccountingPurchaseorderInputCurrency | null | undefined; + /** + * The exchange rate applied to the purchase order + */ + exchangeRate?: string | null | undefined; + /** + * The UUIDs of the tracking categories associated with the purchase order + */ + trackingCategories?: Array | null | undefined; + /** + * The UUID of the associated accounting period + */ + accountingPeriodId?: string | null | undefined; + /** + * The line items associated with this purchase order + */ + lineItems?: Array | undefined; + /** + * The custom field mappings of the object between the remote 3rd party & Panora + */ + fieldMappings?: UnifiedAccountingPurchaseorderInputFieldMappings | null | undefined; +}; + +/** @internal */ +export const UnifiedAccountingPurchaseorderInputCurrency$inboundSchema: z.ZodNativeEnum< + typeof UnifiedAccountingPurchaseorderInputCurrency +> = z.nativeEnum(UnifiedAccountingPurchaseorderInputCurrency); + +/** @internal */ +export const UnifiedAccountingPurchaseorderInputCurrency$outboundSchema: z.ZodNativeEnum< + typeof UnifiedAccountingPurchaseorderInputCurrency +> = UnifiedAccountingPurchaseorderInputCurrency$inboundSchema; + +/** + * @internal + * @deprecated This namespace will be removed in future versions. Use schemas and types that are exported directly from this module. + */ +export namespace UnifiedAccountingPurchaseorderInputCurrency$ { + /** @deprecated use `UnifiedAccountingPurchaseorderInputCurrency$inboundSchema` instead. */ + export const inboundSchema = UnifiedAccountingPurchaseorderInputCurrency$inboundSchema; + /** @deprecated use `UnifiedAccountingPurchaseorderInputCurrency$outboundSchema` instead. */ + export const outboundSchema = UnifiedAccountingPurchaseorderInputCurrency$outboundSchema; +} + +/** @internal */ +export const UnifiedAccountingPurchaseorderInputFieldMappings$inboundSchema: z.ZodType< + UnifiedAccountingPurchaseorderInputFieldMappings, + z.ZodTypeDef, + unknown +> = z.object({}); + +/** @internal */ +export type UnifiedAccountingPurchaseorderInputFieldMappings$Outbound = {}; + +/** @internal */ +export const UnifiedAccountingPurchaseorderInputFieldMappings$outboundSchema: z.ZodType< + UnifiedAccountingPurchaseorderInputFieldMappings$Outbound, + z.ZodTypeDef, + UnifiedAccountingPurchaseorderInputFieldMappings +> = z.object({}); + +/** + * @internal + * @deprecated This namespace will be removed in future versions. Use schemas and types that are exported directly from this module. + */ +export namespace UnifiedAccountingPurchaseorderInputFieldMappings$ { + /** @deprecated use `UnifiedAccountingPurchaseorderInputFieldMappings$inboundSchema` instead. */ + export const inboundSchema = UnifiedAccountingPurchaseorderInputFieldMappings$inboundSchema; + /** @deprecated use `UnifiedAccountingPurchaseorderInputFieldMappings$outboundSchema` instead. */ + export const outboundSchema = UnifiedAccountingPurchaseorderInputFieldMappings$outboundSchema; + /** @deprecated use `UnifiedAccountingPurchaseorderInputFieldMappings$Outbound` instead. */ + export type Outbound = UnifiedAccountingPurchaseorderInputFieldMappings$Outbound; +} /** @internal */ export const UnifiedAccountingPurchaseorderInput$inboundSchema: z.ZodType< UnifiedAccountingPurchaseorderInput, z.ZodTypeDef, unknown -> = z.object({}); +> = z + .object({ + status: z.nullable(z.string()).optional(), + issue_date: z + .nullable( + z + .string() + .datetime({ offset: true }) + .transform((v) => new Date(v)) + ) + .optional(), + purchase_order_number: z.nullable(z.string()).optional(), + delivery_date: z + .nullable( + z + .string() + .datetime({ offset: true }) + .transform((v) => new Date(v)) + ) + .optional(), + delivery_address: z.nullable(z.string()).optional(), + customer: z.nullable(z.string()).optional(), + vendor: z.nullable(z.string()).optional(), + memo: z.nullable(z.string()).optional(), + company_id: z.nullable(z.string()).optional(), + total_amount: z.nullable(z.number()).optional(), + currency: z.nullable(UnifiedAccountingPurchaseorderInputCurrency$inboundSchema).optional(), + exchange_rate: z.nullable(z.string()).optional(), + tracking_categories: z.nullable(z.array(z.string())).optional(), + accounting_period_id: z.nullable(z.string()).optional(), + line_items: z.array(LineItem$inboundSchema).optional(), + field_mappings: z + .nullable(z.lazy(() => UnifiedAccountingPurchaseorderInputFieldMappings$inboundSchema)) + .optional(), + }) + .transform((v) => { + return remap$(v, { + issue_date: "issueDate", + purchase_order_number: "purchaseOrderNumber", + delivery_date: "deliveryDate", + delivery_address: "deliveryAddress", + company_id: "companyId", + total_amount: "totalAmount", + exchange_rate: "exchangeRate", + tracking_categories: "trackingCategories", + accounting_period_id: "accountingPeriodId", + line_items: "lineItems", + field_mappings: "fieldMappings", + }); + }); /** @internal */ -export type UnifiedAccountingPurchaseorderInput$Outbound = {}; +export type UnifiedAccountingPurchaseorderInput$Outbound = { + status?: string | null | undefined; + issue_date?: string | null | undefined; + purchase_order_number?: string | null | undefined; + delivery_date?: string | null | undefined; + delivery_address?: string | null | undefined; + customer?: string | null | undefined; + vendor?: string | null | undefined; + memo?: string | null | undefined; + company_id?: string | null | undefined; + total_amount?: number | null | undefined; + currency?: string | null | undefined; + exchange_rate?: string | null | undefined; + tracking_categories?: Array | null | undefined; + accounting_period_id?: string | null | undefined; + line_items?: Array | undefined; + field_mappings?: UnifiedAccountingPurchaseorderInputFieldMappings$Outbound | null | undefined; +}; /** @internal */ export const UnifiedAccountingPurchaseorderInput$outboundSchema: z.ZodType< UnifiedAccountingPurchaseorderInput$Outbound, z.ZodTypeDef, UnifiedAccountingPurchaseorderInput -> = z.object({}); +> = z + .object({ + status: z.nullable(z.string()).optional(), + issueDate: z.nullable(z.date().transform((v) => v.toISOString())).optional(), + purchaseOrderNumber: z.nullable(z.string()).optional(), + deliveryDate: z.nullable(z.date().transform((v) => v.toISOString())).optional(), + deliveryAddress: z.nullable(z.string()).optional(), + customer: z.nullable(z.string()).optional(), + vendor: z.nullable(z.string()).optional(), + memo: z.nullable(z.string()).optional(), + companyId: z.nullable(z.string()).optional(), + totalAmount: z.nullable(z.number()).optional(), + currency: z.nullable(UnifiedAccountingPurchaseorderInputCurrency$outboundSchema).optional(), + exchangeRate: z.nullable(z.string()).optional(), + trackingCategories: z.nullable(z.array(z.string())).optional(), + accountingPeriodId: z.nullable(z.string()).optional(), + lineItems: z.array(LineItem$outboundSchema).optional(), + fieldMappings: z + .nullable(z.lazy(() => UnifiedAccountingPurchaseorderInputFieldMappings$outboundSchema)) + .optional(), + }) + .transform((v) => { + return remap$(v, { + issueDate: "issue_date", + purchaseOrderNumber: "purchase_order_number", + deliveryDate: "delivery_date", + deliveryAddress: "delivery_address", + companyId: "company_id", + totalAmount: "total_amount", + exchangeRate: "exchange_rate", + trackingCategories: "tracking_categories", + accountingPeriodId: "accounting_period_id", + lineItems: "line_items", + fieldMappings: "field_mappings", + }); + }); /** * @internal diff --git a/src/models/components/unifiedaccountingpurchaseorderoutput.ts b/src/models/components/unifiedaccountingpurchaseorderoutput.ts index 68975d74..ebec3f75 100644 --- a/src/models/components/unifiedaccountingpurchaseorderoutput.ts +++ b/src/models/components/unifiedaccountingpurchaseorderoutput.ts @@ -2,26 +2,555 @@ * Code generated by Speakeasy (https://speakeasy.com). DO NOT EDIT. */ +import { remap as remap$ } from "../../lib/primitives.js"; +import { + LineItem, + LineItem$inboundSchema, + LineItem$Outbound, + LineItem$outboundSchema, +} from "./lineitem.js"; import * as z from "zod"; -export type UnifiedAccountingPurchaseorderOutput = {}; +/** + * The currency of the purchase order + */ +export enum UnifiedAccountingPurchaseorderOutputCurrency { + Aed = "AED", + Afn = "AFN", + All = "ALL", + Amd = "AMD", + Ang = "ANG", + Aoa = "AOA", + Ars = "ARS", + Aud = "AUD", + Awg = "AWG", + Azn = "AZN", + Bam = "BAM", + Bbd = "BBD", + Bdt = "BDT", + Bgn = "BGN", + Bhd = "BHD", + Bif = "BIF", + Bmd = "BMD", + Bnd = "BND", + Bob = "BOB", + Brl = "BRL", + Bsd = "BSD", + Btn = "BTN", + Bwp = "BWP", + Byn = "BYN", + Bzd = "BZD", + Cad = "CAD", + Cdf = "CDF", + Chf = "CHF", + Clp = "CLP", + Cny = "CNY", + Cop = "COP", + Crc = "CRC", + Cup = "CUP", + Cve = "CVE", + Czk = "CZK", + Djf = "DJF", + Dkk = "DKK", + Dop = "DOP", + Dzd = "DZD", + Egp = "EGP", + Ern = "ERN", + Etb = "ETB", + Eur = "EUR", + Fjd = "FJD", + Fkp = "FKP", + Fok = "FOK", + Gbp = "GBP", + Gel = "GEL", + Ggp = "GGP", + Ghs = "GHS", + Gip = "GIP", + Gmd = "GMD", + Gnf = "GNF", + Gtq = "GTQ", + Gyd = "GYD", + Hkd = "HKD", + Hnl = "HNL", + Hrk = "HRK", + Htg = "HTG", + Huf = "HUF", + Idr = "IDR", + Ils = "ILS", + Imp = "IMP", + Inr = "INR", + Iqd = "IQD", + Irr = "IRR", + Isk = "ISK", + Jep = "JEP", + Jmd = "JMD", + Jod = "JOD", + Jpy = "JPY", + Kes = "KES", + Kgs = "KGS", + Khr = "KHR", + Kid = "KID", + Kmf = "KMF", + Krw = "KRW", + Kwd = "KWD", + Kyd = "KYD", + Kzt = "KZT", + Lak = "LAK", + Lbp = "LBP", + Lkr = "LKR", + Lrd = "LRD", + Lsl = "LSL", + Lyd = "LYD", + Mad = "MAD", + Mdl = "MDL", + Mga = "MGA", + Mkd = "MKD", + Mmk = "MMK", + Mnt = "MNT", + Mop = "MOP", + Mru = "MRU", + Mur = "MUR", + Mvr = "MVR", + Mwk = "MWK", + Mxn = "MXN", + Myr = "MYR", + Mzn = "MZN", + Nad = "NAD", + Ngn = "NGN", + Nio = "NIO", + Nok = "NOK", + Npr = "NPR", + Nzd = "NZD", + Omr = "OMR", + Pab = "PAB", + Pen = "PEN", + Pgk = "PGK", + Php = "PHP", + Pkr = "PKR", + Pln = "PLN", + Pyg = "PYG", + Qar = "QAR", + Ron = "RON", + Rsd = "RSD", + Rub = "RUB", + Rwf = "RWF", + Sar = "SAR", + Sbd = "SBD", + Scr = "SCR", + Sdg = "SDG", + Sek = "SEK", + Sgd = "SGD", + Shp = "SHP", + Sle = "SLE", + Sll = "SLL", + Sos = "SOS", + Srd = "SRD", + Ssp = "SSP", + Stn = "STN", + Syp = "SYP", + Szl = "SZL", + Thb = "THB", + Tjs = "TJS", + Tmt = "TMT", + Tnd = "TND", + Top = "TOP", + Try = "TRY", + Ttd = "TTD", + Tvd = "TVD", + Twd = "TWD", + Tzs = "TZS", + Uah = "UAH", + Ugx = "UGX", + Usd = "USD", + Uyu = "UYU", + Uzs = "UZS", + Ves = "VES", + Vnd = "VND", + Vuv = "VUV", + Wst = "WST", + Xaf = "XAF", + Xcd = "XCD", + Xdr = "XDR", + Xof = "XOF", + Xpf = "XPF", + Yer = "YER", + Zar = "ZAR", + Zmw = "ZMW", + Zwl = "ZWL", +} + +/** + * The custom field mappings of the object between the remote 3rd party & Panora + */ +export type UnifiedAccountingPurchaseorderOutputFieldMappings = {}; + +/** + * The remote data of the purchase order in the context of the 3rd Party + */ +export type UnifiedAccountingPurchaseorderOutputRemoteData = {}; + +export type UnifiedAccountingPurchaseorderOutput = { + /** + * The status of the purchase order + */ + status?: string | null | undefined; + /** + * The issue date of the purchase order + */ + issueDate?: Date | null | undefined; + /** + * The purchase order number + */ + purchaseOrderNumber?: string | null | undefined; + /** + * The delivery date for the purchase order + */ + deliveryDate?: Date | null | undefined; + /** + * The UUID of the delivery address + */ + deliveryAddress?: string | null | undefined; + /** + * The UUID of the customer + */ + customer?: string | null | undefined; + /** + * The UUID of the vendor + */ + vendor?: string | null | undefined; + /** + * A memo or note for the purchase order + */ + memo?: string | null | undefined; + /** + * The UUID of the company + */ + companyId?: string | null | undefined; + /** + * The total amount of the purchase order in cents + */ + totalAmount?: number | null | undefined; + /** + * The currency of the purchase order + */ + currency?: UnifiedAccountingPurchaseorderOutputCurrency | null | undefined; + /** + * The exchange rate applied to the purchase order + */ + exchangeRate?: string | null | undefined; + /** + * The UUIDs of the tracking categories associated with the purchase order + */ + trackingCategories?: Array | null | undefined; + /** + * The UUID of the associated accounting period + */ + accountingPeriodId?: string | null | undefined; + /** + * The line items associated with this purchase order + */ + lineItems?: Array | undefined; + /** + * The custom field mappings of the object between the remote 3rd party & Panora + */ + fieldMappings?: UnifiedAccountingPurchaseorderOutputFieldMappings | null | undefined; + /** + * The UUID of the purchase order record + */ + id?: string | null | undefined; + /** + * The remote ID of the purchase order in the context of the 3rd Party + */ + remoteId?: string | null | undefined; + /** + * The date when the purchase order was created in the remote system + */ + remoteCreatedAt?: Date | null | undefined; + /** + * The date when the purchase order was last updated in the remote system + */ + remoteUpdatedAt?: Date | null | undefined; + /** + * The remote data of the purchase order in the context of the 3rd Party + */ + remoteData?: UnifiedAccountingPurchaseorderOutputRemoteData | null | undefined; + /** + * The created date of the purchase order record + */ + createdAt?: Date | null | undefined; + /** + * The last modified date of the purchase order record + */ + modifiedAt?: Date | null | undefined; +}; + +/** @internal */ +export const UnifiedAccountingPurchaseorderOutputCurrency$inboundSchema: z.ZodNativeEnum< + typeof UnifiedAccountingPurchaseorderOutputCurrency +> = z.nativeEnum(UnifiedAccountingPurchaseorderOutputCurrency); + +/** @internal */ +export const UnifiedAccountingPurchaseorderOutputCurrency$outboundSchema: z.ZodNativeEnum< + typeof UnifiedAccountingPurchaseorderOutputCurrency +> = UnifiedAccountingPurchaseorderOutputCurrency$inboundSchema; + +/** + * @internal + * @deprecated This namespace will be removed in future versions. Use schemas and types that are exported directly from this module. + */ +export namespace UnifiedAccountingPurchaseorderOutputCurrency$ { + /** @deprecated use `UnifiedAccountingPurchaseorderOutputCurrency$inboundSchema` instead. */ + export const inboundSchema = UnifiedAccountingPurchaseorderOutputCurrency$inboundSchema; + /** @deprecated use `UnifiedAccountingPurchaseorderOutputCurrency$outboundSchema` instead. */ + export const outboundSchema = UnifiedAccountingPurchaseorderOutputCurrency$outboundSchema; +} + +/** @internal */ +export const UnifiedAccountingPurchaseorderOutputFieldMappings$inboundSchema: z.ZodType< + UnifiedAccountingPurchaseorderOutputFieldMappings, + z.ZodTypeDef, + unknown +> = z.object({}); + +/** @internal */ +export type UnifiedAccountingPurchaseorderOutputFieldMappings$Outbound = {}; + +/** @internal */ +export const UnifiedAccountingPurchaseorderOutputFieldMappings$outboundSchema: z.ZodType< + UnifiedAccountingPurchaseorderOutputFieldMappings$Outbound, + z.ZodTypeDef, + UnifiedAccountingPurchaseorderOutputFieldMappings +> = z.object({}); + +/** + * @internal + * @deprecated This namespace will be removed in future versions. Use schemas and types that are exported directly from this module. + */ +export namespace UnifiedAccountingPurchaseorderOutputFieldMappings$ { + /** @deprecated use `UnifiedAccountingPurchaseorderOutputFieldMappings$inboundSchema` instead. */ + export const inboundSchema = UnifiedAccountingPurchaseorderOutputFieldMappings$inboundSchema; + /** @deprecated use `UnifiedAccountingPurchaseorderOutputFieldMappings$outboundSchema` instead. */ + export const outboundSchema = UnifiedAccountingPurchaseorderOutputFieldMappings$outboundSchema; + /** @deprecated use `UnifiedAccountingPurchaseorderOutputFieldMappings$Outbound` instead. */ + export type Outbound = UnifiedAccountingPurchaseorderOutputFieldMappings$Outbound; +} + +/** @internal */ +export const UnifiedAccountingPurchaseorderOutputRemoteData$inboundSchema: z.ZodType< + UnifiedAccountingPurchaseorderOutputRemoteData, + z.ZodTypeDef, + unknown +> = z.object({}); + +/** @internal */ +export type UnifiedAccountingPurchaseorderOutputRemoteData$Outbound = {}; + +/** @internal */ +export const UnifiedAccountingPurchaseorderOutputRemoteData$outboundSchema: z.ZodType< + UnifiedAccountingPurchaseorderOutputRemoteData$Outbound, + z.ZodTypeDef, + UnifiedAccountingPurchaseorderOutputRemoteData +> = z.object({}); + +/** + * @internal + * @deprecated This namespace will be removed in future versions. Use schemas and types that are exported directly from this module. + */ +export namespace UnifiedAccountingPurchaseorderOutputRemoteData$ { + /** @deprecated use `UnifiedAccountingPurchaseorderOutputRemoteData$inboundSchema` instead. */ + export const inboundSchema = UnifiedAccountingPurchaseorderOutputRemoteData$inboundSchema; + /** @deprecated use `UnifiedAccountingPurchaseorderOutputRemoteData$outboundSchema` instead. */ + export const outboundSchema = UnifiedAccountingPurchaseorderOutputRemoteData$outboundSchema; + /** @deprecated use `UnifiedAccountingPurchaseorderOutputRemoteData$Outbound` instead. */ + export type Outbound = UnifiedAccountingPurchaseorderOutputRemoteData$Outbound; +} /** @internal */ export const UnifiedAccountingPurchaseorderOutput$inboundSchema: z.ZodType< UnifiedAccountingPurchaseorderOutput, z.ZodTypeDef, unknown -> = z.object({}); +> = z + .object({ + status: z.nullable(z.string()).optional(), + issue_date: z + .nullable( + z + .string() + .datetime({ offset: true }) + .transform((v) => new Date(v)) + ) + .optional(), + purchase_order_number: z.nullable(z.string()).optional(), + delivery_date: z + .nullable( + z + .string() + .datetime({ offset: true }) + .transform((v) => new Date(v)) + ) + .optional(), + delivery_address: z.nullable(z.string()).optional(), + customer: z.nullable(z.string()).optional(), + vendor: z.nullable(z.string()).optional(), + memo: z.nullable(z.string()).optional(), + company_id: z.nullable(z.string()).optional(), + total_amount: z.nullable(z.number()).optional(), + currency: z.nullable(UnifiedAccountingPurchaseorderOutputCurrency$inboundSchema).optional(), + exchange_rate: z.nullable(z.string()).optional(), + tracking_categories: z.nullable(z.array(z.string())).optional(), + accounting_period_id: z.nullable(z.string()).optional(), + line_items: z.array(LineItem$inboundSchema).optional(), + field_mappings: z + .nullable(z.lazy(() => UnifiedAccountingPurchaseorderOutputFieldMappings$inboundSchema)) + .optional(), + id: z.nullable(z.string()).optional(), + remote_id: z.nullable(z.string()).optional(), + remote_created_at: z + .nullable( + z + .string() + .datetime({ offset: true }) + .transform((v) => new Date(v)) + ) + .optional(), + remote_updated_at: z + .nullable( + z + .string() + .datetime({ offset: true }) + .transform((v) => new Date(v)) + ) + .optional(), + remote_data: z + .nullable(z.lazy(() => UnifiedAccountingPurchaseorderOutputRemoteData$inboundSchema)) + .optional(), + created_at: z + .nullable( + z + .string() + .datetime({ offset: true }) + .transform((v) => new Date(v)) + ) + .optional(), + modified_at: z + .nullable( + z + .string() + .datetime({ offset: true }) + .transform((v) => new Date(v)) + ) + .optional(), + }) + .transform((v) => { + return remap$(v, { + issue_date: "issueDate", + purchase_order_number: "purchaseOrderNumber", + delivery_date: "deliveryDate", + delivery_address: "deliveryAddress", + company_id: "companyId", + total_amount: "totalAmount", + exchange_rate: "exchangeRate", + tracking_categories: "trackingCategories", + accounting_period_id: "accountingPeriodId", + line_items: "lineItems", + field_mappings: "fieldMappings", + remote_id: "remoteId", + remote_created_at: "remoteCreatedAt", + remote_updated_at: "remoteUpdatedAt", + remote_data: "remoteData", + created_at: "createdAt", + modified_at: "modifiedAt", + }); + }); /** @internal */ -export type UnifiedAccountingPurchaseorderOutput$Outbound = {}; +export type UnifiedAccountingPurchaseorderOutput$Outbound = { + status?: string | null | undefined; + issue_date?: string | null | undefined; + purchase_order_number?: string | null | undefined; + delivery_date?: string | null | undefined; + delivery_address?: string | null | undefined; + customer?: string | null | undefined; + vendor?: string | null | undefined; + memo?: string | null | undefined; + company_id?: string | null | undefined; + total_amount?: number | null | undefined; + currency?: string | null | undefined; + exchange_rate?: string | null | undefined; + tracking_categories?: Array | null | undefined; + accounting_period_id?: string | null | undefined; + line_items?: Array | undefined; + field_mappings?: UnifiedAccountingPurchaseorderOutputFieldMappings$Outbound | null | undefined; + id?: string | null | undefined; + remote_id?: string | null | undefined; + remote_created_at?: string | null | undefined; + remote_updated_at?: string | null | undefined; + remote_data?: UnifiedAccountingPurchaseorderOutputRemoteData$Outbound | null | undefined; + created_at?: string | null | undefined; + modified_at?: string | null | undefined; +}; /** @internal */ export const UnifiedAccountingPurchaseorderOutput$outboundSchema: z.ZodType< UnifiedAccountingPurchaseorderOutput$Outbound, z.ZodTypeDef, UnifiedAccountingPurchaseorderOutput -> = z.object({}); +> = z + .object({ + status: z.nullable(z.string()).optional(), + issueDate: z.nullable(z.date().transform((v) => v.toISOString())).optional(), + purchaseOrderNumber: z.nullable(z.string()).optional(), + deliveryDate: z.nullable(z.date().transform((v) => v.toISOString())).optional(), + deliveryAddress: z.nullable(z.string()).optional(), + customer: z.nullable(z.string()).optional(), + vendor: z.nullable(z.string()).optional(), + memo: z.nullable(z.string()).optional(), + companyId: z.nullable(z.string()).optional(), + totalAmount: z.nullable(z.number()).optional(), + currency: z + .nullable(UnifiedAccountingPurchaseorderOutputCurrency$outboundSchema) + .optional(), + exchangeRate: z.nullable(z.string()).optional(), + trackingCategories: z.nullable(z.array(z.string())).optional(), + accountingPeriodId: z.nullable(z.string()).optional(), + lineItems: z.array(LineItem$outboundSchema).optional(), + fieldMappings: z + .nullable( + z.lazy(() => UnifiedAccountingPurchaseorderOutputFieldMappings$outboundSchema) + ) + .optional(), + id: z.nullable(z.string()).optional(), + remoteId: z.nullable(z.string()).optional(), + remoteCreatedAt: z.nullable(z.date().transform((v) => v.toISOString())).optional(), + remoteUpdatedAt: z.nullable(z.date().transform((v) => v.toISOString())).optional(), + remoteData: z + .nullable(z.lazy(() => UnifiedAccountingPurchaseorderOutputRemoteData$outboundSchema)) + .optional(), + createdAt: z.nullable(z.date().transform((v) => v.toISOString())).optional(), + modifiedAt: z.nullable(z.date().transform((v) => v.toISOString())).optional(), + }) + .transform((v) => { + return remap$(v, { + issueDate: "issue_date", + purchaseOrderNumber: "purchase_order_number", + deliveryDate: "delivery_date", + deliveryAddress: "delivery_address", + companyId: "company_id", + totalAmount: "total_amount", + exchangeRate: "exchange_rate", + trackingCategories: "tracking_categories", + accountingPeriodId: "accounting_period_id", + lineItems: "line_items", + fieldMappings: "field_mappings", + remoteId: "remote_id", + remoteCreatedAt: "remote_created_at", + remoteUpdatedAt: "remote_updated_at", + remoteData: "remote_data", + createdAt: "created_at", + modifiedAt: "modified_at", + }); + }); /** * @internal diff --git a/src/models/components/unifiedaccountingtaxrateoutput.ts b/src/models/components/unifiedaccountingtaxrateoutput.ts index 9dbc5b32..cb4135b6 100644 --- a/src/models/components/unifiedaccountingtaxrateoutput.ts +++ b/src/models/components/unifiedaccountingtaxrateoutput.ts @@ -2,26 +2,219 @@ * Code generated by Speakeasy (https://speakeasy.com). DO NOT EDIT. */ +import { remap as remap$ } from "../../lib/primitives.js"; import * as z from "zod"; -export type UnifiedAccountingTaxrateOutput = {}; +/** + * The custom field mappings of the object between the remote 3rd party & Panora + */ +export type UnifiedAccountingTaxrateOutputFieldMappings = {}; + +/** + * The remote data of the tax rate in the context of the 3rd Party + */ +export type UnifiedAccountingTaxrateOutputRemoteData = {}; + +export type UnifiedAccountingTaxrateOutput = { + /** + * The description of the tax rate + */ + description?: string | null | undefined; + /** + * The total tax rate in basis points (e.g., 2000 for 20%) + */ + totalTaxRatge?: number | null | undefined; + /** + * The effective tax rate in basis points (e.g., 1900 for 19%) + */ + effectiveTaxRate?: number | null | undefined; + /** + * The UUID of the associated company + */ + companyId?: string | null | undefined; + /** + * The custom field mappings of the object between the remote 3rd party & Panora + */ + fieldMappings?: UnifiedAccountingTaxrateOutputFieldMappings | null | undefined; + /** + * The UUID of the tax rate record + */ + id?: string | null | undefined; + /** + * The remote ID of the tax rate in the context of the 3rd Party + */ + remoteId?: string | null | undefined; + /** + * The remote data of the tax rate in the context of the 3rd Party + */ + remoteData?: UnifiedAccountingTaxrateOutputRemoteData | null | undefined; + /** + * The created date of the tax rate record + */ + createdAt?: Date | null | undefined; + /** + * The last modified date of the tax rate record + */ + modifiedAt?: Date | null | undefined; +}; + +/** @internal */ +export const UnifiedAccountingTaxrateOutputFieldMappings$inboundSchema: z.ZodType< + UnifiedAccountingTaxrateOutputFieldMappings, + z.ZodTypeDef, + unknown +> = z.object({}); + +/** @internal */ +export type UnifiedAccountingTaxrateOutputFieldMappings$Outbound = {}; + +/** @internal */ +export const UnifiedAccountingTaxrateOutputFieldMappings$outboundSchema: z.ZodType< + UnifiedAccountingTaxrateOutputFieldMappings$Outbound, + z.ZodTypeDef, + UnifiedAccountingTaxrateOutputFieldMappings +> = z.object({}); + +/** + * @internal + * @deprecated This namespace will be removed in future versions. Use schemas and types that are exported directly from this module. + */ +export namespace UnifiedAccountingTaxrateOutputFieldMappings$ { + /** @deprecated use `UnifiedAccountingTaxrateOutputFieldMappings$inboundSchema` instead. */ + export const inboundSchema = UnifiedAccountingTaxrateOutputFieldMappings$inboundSchema; + /** @deprecated use `UnifiedAccountingTaxrateOutputFieldMappings$outboundSchema` instead. */ + export const outboundSchema = UnifiedAccountingTaxrateOutputFieldMappings$outboundSchema; + /** @deprecated use `UnifiedAccountingTaxrateOutputFieldMappings$Outbound` instead. */ + export type Outbound = UnifiedAccountingTaxrateOutputFieldMappings$Outbound; +} + +/** @internal */ +export const UnifiedAccountingTaxrateOutputRemoteData$inboundSchema: z.ZodType< + UnifiedAccountingTaxrateOutputRemoteData, + z.ZodTypeDef, + unknown +> = z.object({}); + +/** @internal */ +export type UnifiedAccountingTaxrateOutputRemoteData$Outbound = {}; + +/** @internal */ +export const UnifiedAccountingTaxrateOutputRemoteData$outboundSchema: z.ZodType< + UnifiedAccountingTaxrateOutputRemoteData$Outbound, + z.ZodTypeDef, + UnifiedAccountingTaxrateOutputRemoteData +> = z.object({}); + +/** + * @internal + * @deprecated This namespace will be removed in future versions. Use schemas and types that are exported directly from this module. + */ +export namespace UnifiedAccountingTaxrateOutputRemoteData$ { + /** @deprecated use `UnifiedAccountingTaxrateOutputRemoteData$inboundSchema` instead. */ + export const inboundSchema = UnifiedAccountingTaxrateOutputRemoteData$inboundSchema; + /** @deprecated use `UnifiedAccountingTaxrateOutputRemoteData$outboundSchema` instead. */ + export const outboundSchema = UnifiedAccountingTaxrateOutputRemoteData$outboundSchema; + /** @deprecated use `UnifiedAccountingTaxrateOutputRemoteData$Outbound` instead. */ + export type Outbound = UnifiedAccountingTaxrateOutputRemoteData$Outbound; +} /** @internal */ export const UnifiedAccountingTaxrateOutput$inboundSchema: z.ZodType< UnifiedAccountingTaxrateOutput, z.ZodTypeDef, unknown -> = z.object({}); +> = z + .object({ + description: z.nullable(z.string()).optional(), + total_tax_ratge: z.nullable(z.number()).optional(), + effective_tax_rate: z.nullable(z.number()).optional(), + company_id: z.nullable(z.string()).optional(), + field_mappings: z + .nullable(z.lazy(() => UnifiedAccountingTaxrateOutputFieldMappings$inboundSchema)) + .optional(), + id: z.nullable(z.string()).optional(), + remote_id: z.nullable(z.string()).optional(), + remote_data: z + .nullable(z.lazy(() => UnifiedAccountingTaxrateOutputRemoteData$inboundSchema)) + .optional(), + created_at: z + .nullable( + z + .string() + .datetime({ offset: true }) + .transform((v) => new Date(v)) + ) + .optional(), + modified_at: z + .nullable( + z + .string() + .datetime({ offset: true }) + .transform((v) => new Date(v)) + ) + .optional(), + }) + .transform((v) => { + return remap$(v, { + total_tax_ratge: "totalTaxRatge", + effective_tax_rate: "effectiveTaxRate", + company_id: "companyId", + field_mappings: "fieldMappings", + remote_id: "remoteId", + remote_data: "remoteData", + created_at: "createdAt", + modified_at: "modifiedAt", + }); + }); /** @internal */ -export type UnifiedAccountingTaxrateOutput$Outbound = {}; +export type UnifiedAccountingTaxrateOutput$Outbound = { + description?: string | null | undefined; + total_tax_ratge?: number | null | undefined; + effective_tax_rate?: number | null | undefined; + company_id?: string | null | undefined; + field_mappings?: UnifiedAccountingTaxrateOutputFieldMappings$Outbound | null | undefined; + id?: string | null | undefined; + remote_id?: string | null | undefined; + remote_data?: UnifiedAccountingTaxrateOutputRemoteData$Outbound | null | undefined; + created_at?: string | null | undefined; + modified_at?: string | null | undefined; +}; /** @internal */ export const UnifiedAccountingTaxrateOutput$outboundSchema: z.ZodType< UnifiedAccountingTaxrateOutput$Outbound, z.ZodTypeDef, UnifiedAccountingTaxrateOutput -> = z.object({}); +> = z + .object({ + description: z.nullable(z.string()).optional(), + totalTaxRatge: z.nullable(z.number()).optional(), + effectiveTaxRate: z.nullable(z.number()).optional(), + companyId: z.nullable(z.string()).optional(), + fieldMappings: z + .nullable(z.lazy(() => UnifiedAccountingTaxrateOutputFieldMappings$outboundSchema)) + .optional(), + id: z.nullable(z.string()).optional(), + remoteId: z.nullable(z.string()).optional(), + remoteData: z + .nullable(z.lazy(() => UnifiedAccountingTaxrateOutputRemoteData$outboundSchema)) + .optional(), + createdAt: z.nullable(z.date().transform((v) => v.toISOString())).optional(), + modifiedAt: z.nullable(z.date().transform((v) => v.toISOString())).optional(), + }) + .transform((v) => { + return remap$(v, { + totalTaxRatge: "total_tax_ratge", + effectiveTaxRate: "effective_tax_rate", + companyId: "company_id", + fieldMappings: "field_mappings", + remoteId: "remote_id", + remoteData: "remote_data", + createdAt: "created_at", + modifiedAt: "modified_at", + }); + }); /** * @internal diff --git a/src/models/components/unifiedaccountingtrackingcategoryoutput.ts b/src/models/components/unifiedaccountingtrackingcategoryoutput.ts index 94b65806..5307d5ef 100644 --- a/src/models/components/unifiedaccountingtrackingcategoryoutput.ts +++ b/src/models/components/unifiedaccountingtrackingcategoryoutput.ts @@ -2,26 +2,227 @@ * Code generated by Speakeasy (https://speakeasy.com). DO NOT EDIT. */ +import { remap as remap$ } from "../../lib/primitives.js"; import * as z from "zod"; -export type UnifiedAccountingTrackingcategoryOutput = {}; +/** + * The custom field mappings of the object between the remote 3rd party & Panora + */ +export type UnifiedAccountingTrackingcategoryOutputFieldMappings = {}; + +/** + * The remote data of the tracking category in the context of the 3rd Party + */ +export type UnifiedAccountingTrackingcategoryOutputRemoteData = {}; + +export type UnifiedAccountingTrackingcategoryOutput = { + /** + * The name of the tracking category + */ + name?: string | null | undefined; + /** + * The status of the tracking category + */ + status?: string | null | undefined; + /** + * The type of the tracking category + */ + categoryType?: string | null | undefined; + /** + * The UUID of the parent category, if applicable + */ + parentCategory?: string | null | undefined; + /** + * The custom field mappings of the object between the remote 3rd party & Panora + */ + fieldMappings?: UnifiedAccountingTrackingcategoryOutputFieldMappings | null | undefined; + /** + * The UUID of the tracking category record + */ + id?: string | null | undefined; + /** + * The remote ID of the tracking category in the context of the 3rd Party + */ + remoteId?: string | null | undefined; + /** + * The remote data of the tracking category in the context of the 3rd Party + */ + remoteData?: UnifiedAccountingTrackingcategoryOutputRemoteData | null | undefined; + /** + * The created date of the tracking category record + */ + createdAt?: Date | null | undefined; + /** + * The last modified date of the tracking category record + */ + modifiedAt?: Date | null | undefined; +}; + +/** @internal */ +export const UnifiedAccountingTrackingcategoryOutputFieldMappings$inboundSchema: z.ZodType< + UnifiedAccountingTrackingcategoryOutputFieldMappings, + z.ZodTypeDef, + unknown +> = z.object({}); + +/** @internal */ +export type UnifiedAccountingTrackingcategoryOutputFieldMappings$Outbound = {}; + +/** @internal */ +export const UnifiedAccountingTrackingcategoryOutputFieldMappings$outboundSchema: z.ZodType< + UnifiedAccountingTrackingcategoryOutputFieldMappings$Outbound, + z.ZodTypeDef, + UnifiedAccountingTrackingcategoryOutputFieldMappings +> = z.object({}); + +/** + * @internal + * @deprecated This namespace will be removed in future versions. Use schemas and types that are exported directly from this module. + */ +export namespace UnifiedAccountingTrackingcategoryOutputFieldMappings$ { + /** @deprecated use `UnifiedAccountingTrackingcategoryOutputFieldMappings$inboundSchema` instead. */ + export const inboundSchema = UnifiedAccountingTrackingcategoryOutputFieldMappings$inboundSchema; + /** @deprecated use `UnifiedAccountingTrackingcategoryOutputFieldMappings$outboundSchema` instead. */ + export const outboundSchema = + UnifiedAccountingTrackingcategoryOutputFieldMappings$outboundSchema; + /** @deprecated use `UnifiedAccountingTrackingcategoryOutputFieldMappings$Outbound` instead. */ + export type Outbound = UnifiedAccountingTrackingcategoryOutputFieldMappings$Outbound; +} + +/** @internal */ +export const UnifiedAccountingTrackingcategoryOutputRemoteData$inboundSchema: z.ZodType< + UnifiedAccountingTrackingcategoryOutputRemoteData, + z.ZodTypeDef, + unknown +> = z.object({}); + +/** @internal */ +export type UnifiedAccountingTrackingcategoryOutputRemoteData$Outbound = {}; + +/** @internal */ +export const UnifiedAccountingTrackingcategoryOutputRemoteData$outboundSchema: z.ZodType< + UnifiedAccountingTrackingcategoryOutputRemoteData$Outbound, + z.ZodTypeDef, + UnifiedAccountingTrackingcategoryOutputRemoteData +> = z.object({}); + +/** + * @internal + * @deprecated This namespace will be removed in future versions. Use schemas and types that are exported directly from this module. + */ +export namespace UnifiedAccountingTrackingcategoryOutputRemoteData$ { + /** @deprecated use `UnifiedAccountingTrackingcategoryOutputRemoteData$inboundSchema` instead. */ + export const inboundSchema = UnifiedAccountingTrackingcategoryOutputRemoteData$inboundSchema; + /** @deprecated use `UnifiedAccountingTrackingcategoryOutputRemoteData$outboundSchema` instead. */ + export const outboundSchema = UnifiedAccountingTrackingcategoryOutputRemoteData$outboundSchema; + /** @deprecated use `UnifiedAccountingTrackingcategoryOutputRemoteData$Outbound` instead. */ + export type Outbound = UnifiedAccountingTrackingcategoryOutputRemoteData$Outbound; +} /** @internal */ export const UnifiedAccountingTrackingcategoryOutput$inboundSchema: z.ZodType< UnifiedAccountingTrackingcategoryOutput, z.ZodTypeDef, unknown -> = z.object({}); +> = z + .object({ + name: z.nullable(z.string()).optional(), + status: z.nullable(z.string()).optional(), + category_type: z.nullable(z.string()).optional(), + parent_category: z.nullable(z.string()).optional(), + field_mappings: z + .nullable( + z.lazy(() => UnifiedAccountingTrackingcategoryOutputFieldMappings$inboundSchema) + ) + .optional(), + id: z.nullable(z.string()).optional(), + remote_id: z.nullable(z.string()).optional(), + remote_data: z + .nullable(z.lazy(() => UnifiedAccountingTrackingcategoryOutputRemoteData$inboundSchema)) + .optional(), + created_at: z + .nullable( + z + .string() + .datetime({ offset: true }) + .transform((v) => new Date(v)) + ) + .optional(), + modified_at: z + .nullable( + z + .string() + .datetime({ offset: true }) + .transform((v) => new Date(v)) + ) + .optional(), + }) + .transform((v) => { + return remap$(v, { + category_type: "categoryType", + parent_category: "parentCategory", + field_mappings: "fieldMappings", + remote_id: "remoteId", + remote_data: "remoteData", + created_at: "createdAt", + modified_at: "modifiedAt", + }); + }); /** @internal */ -export type UnifiedAccountingTrackingcategoryOutput$Outbound = {}; +export type UnifiedAccountingTrackingcategoryOutput$Outbound = { + name?: string | null | undefined; + status?: string | null | undefined; + category_type?: string | null | undefined; + parent_category?: string | null | undefined; + field_mappings?: + | UnifiedAccountingTrackingcategoryOutputFieldMappings$Outbound + | null + | undefined; + id?: string | null | undefined; + remote_id?: string | null | undefined; + remote_data?: UnifiedAccountingTrackingcategoryOutputRemoteData$Outbound | null | undefined; + created_at?: string | null | undefined; + modified_at?: string | null | undefined; +}; /** @internal */ export const UnifiedAccountingTrackingcategoryOutput$outboundSchema: z.ZodType< UnifiedAccountingTrackingcategoryOutput$Outbound, z.ZodTypeDef, UnifiedAccountingTrackingcategoryOutput -> = z.object({}); +> = z + .object({ + name: z.nullable(z.string()).optional(), + status: z.nullable(z.string()).optional(), + categoryType: z.nullable(z.string()).optional(), + parentCategory: z.nullable(z.string()).optional(), + fieldMappings: z + .nullable( + z.lazy(() => UnifiedAccountingTrackingcategoryOutputFieldMappings$outboundSchema) + ) + .optional(), + id: z.nullable(z.string()).optional(), + remoteId: z.nullable(z.string()).optional(), + remoteData: z + .nullable( + z.lazy(() => UnifiedAccountingTrackingcategoryOutputRemoteData$outboundSchema) + ) + .optional(), + createdAt: z.nullable(z.date().transform((v) => v.toISOString())).optional(), + modifiedAt: z.nullable(z.date().transform((v) => v.toISOString())).optional(), + }) + .transform((v) => { + return remap$(v, { + categoryType: "category_type", + parentCategory: "parent_category", + fieldMappings: "field_mappings", + remoteId: "remote_id", + remoteData: "remote_data", + createdAt: "created_at", + modifiedAt: "modified_at", + }); + }); /** * @internal diff --git a/src/models/components/unifiedaccountingtransactionoutput.ts b/src/models/components/unifiedaccountingtransactionoutput.ts index 39881dc8..09b16668 100644 --- a/src/models/components/unifiedaccountingtransactionoutput.ts +++ b/src/models/components/unifiedaccountingtransactionoutput.ts @@ -2,26 +2,507 @@ * Code generated by Speakeasy (https://speakeasy.com). DO NOT EDIT. */ +import { remap as remap$ } from "../../lib/primitives.js"; +import { + LineItem, + LineItem$inboundSchema, + LineItem$Outbound, + LineItem$outboundSchema, +} from "./lineitem.js"; import * as z from "zod"; -export type UnifiedAccountingTransactionOutput = {}; +/** + * The currency of the transaction + */ +export enum UnifiedAccountingTransactionOutputCurrency { + Aed = "AED", + Afn = "AFN", + All = "ALL", + Amd = "AMD", + Ang = "ANG", + Aoa = "AOA", + Ars = "ARS", + Aud = "AUD", + Awg = "AWG", + Azn = "AZN", + Bam = "BAM", + Bbd = "BBD", + Bdt = "BDT", + Bgn = "BGN", + Bhd = "BHD", + Bif = "BIF", + Bmd = "BMD", + Bnd = "BND", + Bob = "BOB", + Brl = "BRL", + Bsd = "BSD", + Btn = "BTN", + Bwp = "BWP", + Byn = "BYN", + Bzd = "BZD", + Cad = "CAD", + Cdf = "CDF", + Chf = "CHF", + Clp = "CLP", + Cny = "CNY", + Cop = "COP", + Crc = "CRC", + Cup = "CUP", + Cve = "CVE", + Czk = "CZK", + Djf = "DJF", + Dkk = "DKK", + Dop = "DOP", + Dzd = "DZD", + Egp = "EGP", + Ern = "ERN", + Etb = "ETB", + Eur = "EUR", + Fjd = "FJD", + Fkp = "FKP", + Fok = "FOK", + Gbp = "GBP", + Gel = "GEL", + Ggp = "GGP", + Ghs = "GHS", + Gip = "GIP", + Gmd = "GMD", + Gnf = "GNF", + Gtq = "GTQ", + Gyd = "GYD", + Hkd = "HKD", + Hnl = "HNL", + Hrk = "HRK", + Htg = "HTG", + Huf = "HUF", + Idr = "IDR", + Ils = "ILS", + Imp = "IMP", + Inr = "INR", + Iqd = "IQD", + Irr = "IRR", + Isk = "ISK", + Jep = "JEP", + Jmd = "JMD", + Jod = "JOD", + Jpy = "JPY", + Kes = "KES", + Kgs = "KGS", + Khr = "KHR", + Kid = "KID", + Kmf = "KMF", + Krw = "KRW", + Kwd = "KWD", + Kyd = "KYD", + Kzt = "KZT", + Lak = "LAK", + Lbp = "LBP", + Lkr = "LKR", + Lrd = "LRD", + Lsl = "LSL", + Lyd = "LYD", + Mad = "MAD", + Mdl = "MDL", + Mga = "MGA", + Mkd = "MKD", + Mmk = "MMK", + Mnt = "MNT", + Mop = "MOP", + Mru = "MRU", + Mur = "MUR", + Mvr = "MVR", + Mwk = "MWK", + Mxn = "MXN", + Myr = "MYR", + Mzn = "MZN", + Nad = "NAD", + Ngn = "NGN", + Nio = "NIO", + Nok = "NOK", + Npr = "NPR", + Nzd = "NZD", + Omr = "OMR", + Pab = "PAB", + Pen = "PEN", + Pgk = "PGK", + Php = "PHP", + Pkr = "PKR", + Pln = "PLN", + Pyg = "PYG", + Qar = "QAR", + Ron = "RON", + Rsd = "RSD", + Rub = "RUB", + Rwf = "RWF", + Sar = "SAR", + Sbd = "SBD", + Scr = "SCR", + Sdg = "SDG", + Sek = "SEK", + Sgd = "SGD", + Shp = "SHP", + Sle = "SLE", + Sll = "SLL", + Sos = "SOS", + Srd = "SRD", + Ssp = "SSP", + Stn = "STN", + Syp = "SYP", + Szl = "SZL", + Thb = "THB", + Tjs = "TJS", + Tmt = "TMT", + Tnd = "TND", + Top = "TOP", + Try = "TRY", + Ttd = "TTD", + Tvd = "TVD", + Twd = "TWD", + Tzs = "TZS", + Uah = "UAH", + Ugx = "UGX", + Usd = "USD", + Uyu = "UYU", + Uzs = "UZS", + Ves = "VES", + Vnd = "VND", + Vuv = "VUV", + Wst = "WST", + Xaf = "XAF", + Xcd = "XCD", + Xdr = "XDR", + Xof = "XOF", + Xpf = "XPF", + Yer = "YER", + Zar = "ZAR", + Zmw = "ZMW", + Zwl = "ZWL", +} + +/** + * The custom field mappings of the object between the remote 3rd party & Panora + */ +export type UnifiedAccountingTransactionOutputFieldMappings = {}; + +/** + * The remote data of the tracking category in the context of the 3rd Party + */ +export type UnifiedAccountingTransactionOutputRemoteData = {}; + +export type UnifiedAccountingTransactionOutput = { + /** + * The type of the transaction + */ + transactionType?: string | null | undefined; + /** + * The transaction number + */ + number?: string | null | undefined; + /** + * The date of the transaction + */ + transactionDate?: Date | null | undefined; + /** + * The total amount of the transaction + */ + totalAmount?: string | null | undefined; + /** + * The exchange rate applied to the transaction + */ + exchangeRate?: string | null | undefined; + /** + * The currency of the transaction + */ + currency?: UnifiedAccountingTransactionOutputCurrency | null | undefined; + /** + * The UUIDs of the tracking categories associated with the transaction + */ + trackingCategories?: Array | null | undefined; + /** + * The UUID of the associated account + */ + accountId?: string | null | undefined; + /** + * The UUID of the associated contact + */ + contactId?: string | null | undefined; + /** + * The UUID of the associated company info + */ + companyInfoId?: string | null | undefined; + /** + * The UUID of the associated accounting period + */ + accountingPeriodId?: string | null | undefined; + /** + * The line items associated with this transaction + */ + lineItems?: Array | undefined; + /** + * The custom field mappings of the object between the remote 3rd party & Panora + */ + fieldMappings?: UnifiedAccountingTransactionOutputFieldMappings | null | undefined; + /** + * The UUID of the transaction record + */ + id?: string | null | undefined; + /** + * The remote ID of the transaction + */ + remoteId?: string | undefined; + /** + * The created date of the transaction + */ + createdAt?: Date | undefined; + /** + * The remote data of the tracking category in the context of the 3rd Party + */ + remoteData?: UnifiedAccountingTransactionOutputRemoteData | null | undefined; + /** + * The last modified date of the transaction + */ + modifiedAt?: Date | undefined; + /** + * The date when the transaction was last updated in the remote system + */ + remoteUpdatedAt?: Date | null | undefined; +}; + +/** @internal */ +export const UnifiedAccountingTransactionOutputCurrency$inboundSchema: z.ZodNativeEnum< + typeof UnifiedAccountingTransactionOutputCurrency +> = z.nativeEnum(UnifiedAccountingTransactionOutputCurrency); + +/** @internal */ +export const UnifiedAccountingTransactionOutputCurrency$outboundSchema: z.ZodNativeEnum< + typeof UnifiedAccountingTransactionOutputCurrency +> = UnifiedAccountingTransactionOutputCurrency$inboundSchema; + +/** + * @internal + * @deprecated This namespace will be removed in future versions. Use schemas and types that are exported directly from this module. + */ +export namespace UnifiedAccountingTransactionOutputCurrency$ { + /** @deprecated use `UnifiedAccountingTransactionOutputCurrency$inboundSchema` instead. */ + export const inboundSchema = UnifiedAccountingTransactionOutputCurrency$inboundSchema; + /** @deprecated use `UnifiedAccountingTransactionOutputCurrency$outboundSchema` instead. */ + export const outboundSchema = UnifiedAccountingTransactionOutputCurrency$outboundSchema; +} + +/** @internal */ +export const UnifiedAccountingTransactionOutputFieldMappings$inboundSchema: z.ZodType< + UnifiedAccountingTransactionOutputFieldMappings, + z.ZodTypeDef, + unknown +> = z.object({}); + +/** @internal */ +export type UnifiedAccountingTransactionOutputFieldMappings$Outbound = {}; + +/** @internal */ +export const UnifiedAccountingTransactionOutputFieldMappings$outboundSchema: z.ZodType< + UnifiedAccountingTransactionOutputFieldMappings$Outbound, + z.ZodTypeDef, + UnifiedAccountingTransactionOutputFieldMappings +> = z.object({}); + +/** + * @internal + * @deprecated This namespace will be removed in future versions. Use schemas and types that are exported directly from this module. + */ +export namespace UnifiedAccountingTransactionOutputFieldMappings$ { + /** @deprecated use `UnifiedAccountingTransactionOutputFieldMappings$inboundSchema` instead. */ + export const inboundSchema = UnifiedAccountingTransactionOutputFieldMappings$inboundSchema; + /** @deprecated use `UnifiedAccountingTransactionOutputFieldMappings$outboundSchema` instead. */ + export const outboundSchema = UnifiedAccountingTransactionOutputFieldMappings$outboundSchema; + /** @deprecated use `UnifiedAccountingTransactionOutputFieldMappings$Outbound` instead. */ + export type Outbound = UnifiedAccountingTransactionOutputFieldMappings$Outbound; +} + +/** @internal */ +export const UnifiedAccountingTransactionOutputRemoteData$inboundSchema: z.ZodType< + UnifiedAccountingTransactionOutputRemoteData, + z.ZodTypeDef, + unknown +> = z.object({}); + +/** @internal */ +export type UnifiedAccountingTransactionOutputRemoteData$Outbound = {}; + +/** @internal */ +export const UnifiedAccountingTransactionOutputRemoteData$outboundSchema: z.ZodType< + UnifiedAccountingTransactionOutputRemoteData$Outbound, + z.ZodTypeDef, + UnifiedAccountingTransactionOutputRemoteData +> = z.object({}); + +/** + * @internal + * @deprecated This namespace will be removed in future versions. Use schemas and types that are exported directly from this module. + */ +export namespace UnifiedAccountingTransactionOutputRemoteData$ { + /** @deprecated use `UnifiedAccountingTransactionOutputRemoteData$inboundSchema` instead. */ + export const inboundSchema = UnifiedAccountingTransactionOutputRemoteData$inboundSchema; + /** @deprecated use `UnifiedAccountingTransactionOutputRemoteData$outboundSchema` instead. */ + export const outboundSchema = UnifiedAccountingTransactionOutputRemoteData$outboundSchema; + /** @deprecated use `UnifiedAccountingTransactionOutputRemoteData$Outbound` instead. */ + export type Outbound = UnifiedAccountingTransactionOutputRemoteData$Outbound; +} /** @internal */ export const UnifiedAccountingTransactionOutput$inboundSchema: z.ZodType< UnifiedAccountingTransactionOutput, z.ZodTypeDef, unknown -> = z.object({}); +> = z + .object({ + transaction_type: z.nullable(z.string()).optional(), + number: z.nullable(z.string()).optional(), + transaction_date: z + .nullable( + z + .string() + .datetime({ offset: true }) + .transform((v) => new Date(v)) + ) + .optional(), + total_amount: z.nullable(z.string()).optional(), + exchange_rate: z.nullable(z.string()).optional(), + currency: z.nullable(UnifiedAccountingTransactionOutputCurrency$inboundSchema).optional(), + tracking_categories: z.nullable(z.array(z.string())).optional(), + account_id: z.nullable(z.string()).optional(), + contact_id: z.nullable(z.string()).optional(), + company_info_id: z.nullable(z.string()).optional(), + accounting_period_id: z.nullable(z.string()).optional(), + line_items: z.array(LineItem$inboundSchema).optional(), + field_mappings: z + .nullable(z.lazy(() => UnifiedAccountingTransactionOutputFieldMappings$inboundSchema)) + .optional(), + id: z.nullable(z.string()).optional(), + remote_id: z.string().optional(), + created_at: z + .string() + .datetime({ offset: true }) + .transform((v) => new Date(v)) + .optional(), + remote_data: z + .nullable(z.lazy(() => UnifiedAccountingTransactionOutputRemoteData$inboundSchema)) + .optional(), + modified_at: z + .string() + .datetime({ offset: true }) + .transform((v) => new Date(v)) + .optional(), + remote_updated_at: z + .nullable( + z + .string() + .datetime({ offset: true }) + .transform((v) => new Date(v)) + ) + .optional(), + }) + .transform((v) => { + return remap$(v, { + transaction_type: "transactionType", + transaction_date: "transactionDate", + total_amount: "totalAmount", + exchange_rate: "exchangeRate", + tracking_categories: "trackingCategories", + account_id: "accountId", + contact_id: "contactId", + company_info_id: "companyInfoId", + accounting_period_id: "accountingPeriodId", + line_items: "lineItems", + field_mappings: "fieldMappings", + remote_id: "remoteId", + created_at: "createdAt", + remote_data: "remoteData", + modified_at: "modifiedAt", + remote_updated_at: "remoteUpdatedAt", + }); + }); /** @internal */ -export type UnifiedAccountingTransactionOutput$Outbound = {}; +export type UnifiedAccountingTransactionOutput$Outbound = { + transaction_type?: string | null | undefined; + number?: string | null | undefined; + transaction_date?: string | null | undefined; + total_amount?: string | null | undefined; + exchange_rate?: string | null | undefined; + currency?: string | null | undefined; + tracking_categories?: Array | null | undefined; + account_id?: string | null | undefined; + contact_id?: string | null | undefined; + company_info_id?: string | null | undefined; + accounting_period_id?: string | null | undefined; + line_items?: Array | undefined; + field_mappings?: UnifiedAccountingTransactionOutputFieldMappings$Outbound | null | undefined; + id?: string | null | undefined; + remote_id?: string | undefined; + created_at?: string | undefined; + remote_data?: UnifiedAccountingTransactionOutputRemoteData$Outbound | null | undefined; + modified_at?: string | undefined; + remote_updated_at?: string | null | undefined; +}; /** @internal */ export const UnifiedAccountingTransactionOutput$outboundSchema: z.ZodType< UnifiedAccountingTransactionOutput$Outbound, z.ZodTypeDef, UnifiedAccountingTransactionOutput -> = z.object({}); +> = z + .object({ + transactionType: z.nullable(z.string()).optional(), + number: z.nullable(z.string()).optional(), + transactionDate: z.nullable(z.date().transform((v) => v.toISOString())).optional(), + totalAmount: z.nullable(z.string()).optional(), + exchangeRate: z.nullable(z.string()).optional(), + currency: z.nullable(UnifiedAccountingTransactionOutputCurrency$outboundSchema).optional(), + trackingCategories: z.nullable(z.array(z.string())).optional(), + accountId: z.nullable(z.string()).optional(), + contactId: z.nullable(z.string()).optional(), + companyInfoId: z.nullable(z.string()).optional(), + accountingPeriodId: z.nullable(z.string()).optional(), + lineItems: z.array(LineItem$outboundSchema).optional(), + fieldMappings: z + .nullable(z.lazy(() => UnifiedAccountingTransactionOutputFieldMappings$outboundSchema)) + .optional(), + id: z.nullable(z.string()).optional(), + remoteId: z.string().optional(), + createdAt: z + .date() + .transform((v) => v.toISOString()) + .optional(), + remoteData: z + .nullable(z.lazy(() => UnifiedAccountingTransactionOutputRemoteData$outboundSchema)) + .optional(), + modifiedAt: z + .date() + .transform((v) => v.toISOString()) + .optional(), + remoteUpdatedAt: z.nullable(z.date().transform((v) => v.toISOString())).optional(), + }) + .transform((v) => { + return remap$(v, { + transactionType: "transaction_type", + transactionDate: "transaction_date", + totalAmount: "total_amount", + exchangeRate: "exchange_rate", + trackingCategories: "tracking_categories", + accountId: "account_id", + contactId: "contact_id", + companyInfoId: "company_info_id", + accountingPeriodId: "accounting_period_id", + lineItems: "line_items", + fieldMappings: "field_mappings", + remoteId: "remote_id", + createdAt: "created_at", + remoteData: "remote_data", + modifiedAt: "modified_at", + remoteUpdatedAt: "remote_updated_at", + }); + }); /** * @internal diff --git a/src/models/components/unifiedaccountingvendorcreditoutput.ts b/src/models/components/unifiedaccountingvendorcreditoutput.ts index da285a03..114eb767 100644 --- a/src/models/components/unifiedaccountingvendorcreditoutput.ts +++ b/src/models/components/unifiedaccountingvendorcreditoutput.ts @@ -2,26 +2,487 @@ * Code generated by Speakeasy (https://speakeasy.com). DO NOT EDIT. */ +import { remap as remap$ } from "../../lib/primitives.js"; +import { + LineItem, + LineItem$inboundSchema, + LineItem$Outbound, + LineItem$outboundSchema, +} from "./lineitem.js"; import * as z from "zod"; -export type UnifiedAccountingVendorcreditOutput = {}; +/** + * The currency of the vendor credit + */ +export enum UnifiedAccountingVendorcreditOutputCurrency { + Aed = "AED", + Afn = "AFN", + All = "ALL", + Amd = "AMD", + Ang = "ANG", + Aoa = "AOA", + Ars = "ARS", + Aud = "AUD", + Awg = "AWG", + Azn = "AZN", + Bam = "BAM", + Bbd = "BBD", + Bdt = "BDT", + Bgn = "BGN", + Bhd = "BHD", + Bif = "BIF", + Bmd = "BMD", + Bnd = "BND", + Bob = "BOB", + Brl = "BRL", + Bsd = "BSD", + Btn = "BTN", + Bwp = "BWP", + Byn = "BYN", + Bzd = "BZD", + Cad = "CAD", + Cdf = "CDF", + Chf = "CHF", + Clp = "CLP", + Cny = "CNY", + Cop = "COP", + Crc = "CRC", + Cup = "CUP", + Cve = "CVE", + Czk = "CZK", + Djf = "DJF", + Dkk = "DKK", + Dop = "DOP", + Dzd = "DZD", + Egp = "EGP", + Ern = "ERN", + Etb = "ETB", + Eur = "EUR", + Fjd = "FJD", + Fkp = "FKP", + Fok = "FOK", + Gbp = "GBP", + Gel = "GEL", + Ggp = "GGP", + Ghs = "GHS", + Gip = "GIP", + Gmd = "GMD", + Gnf = "GNF", + Gtq = "GTQ", + Gyd = "GYD", + Hkd = "HKD", + Hnl = "HNL", + Hrk = "HRK", + Htg = "HTG", + Huf = "HUF", + Idr = "IDR", + Ils = "ILS", + Imp = "IMP", + Inr = "INR", + Iqd = "IQD", + Irr = "IRR", + Isk = "ISK", + Jep = "JEP", + Jmd = "JMD", + Jod = "JOD", + Jpy = "JPY", + Kes = "KES", + Kgs = "KGS", + Khr = "KHR", + Kid = "KID", + Kmf = "KMF", + Krw = "KRW", + Kwd = "KWD", + Kyd = "KYD", + Kzt = "KZT", + Lak = "LAK", + Lbp = "LBP", + Lkr = "LKR", + Lrd = "LRD", + Lsl = "LSL", + Lyd = "LYD", + Mad = "MAD", + Mdl = "MDL", + Mga = "MGA", + Mkd = "MKD", + Mmk = "MMK", + Mnt = "MNT", + Mop = "MOP", + Mru = "MRU", + Mur = "MUR", + Mvr = "MVR", + Mwk = "MWK", + Mxn = "MXN", + Myr = "MYR", + Mzn = "MZN", + Nad = "NAD", + Ngn = "NGN", + Nio = "NIO", + Nok = "NOK", + Npr = "NPR", + Nzd = "NZD", + Omr = "OMR", + Pab = "PAB", + Pen = "PEN", + Pgk = "PGK", + Php = "PHP", + Pkr = "PKR", + Pln = "PLN", + Pyg = "PYG", + Qar = "QAR", + Ron = "RON", + Rsd = "RSD", + Rub = "RUB", + Rwf = "RWF", + Sar = "SAR", + Sbd = "SBD", + Scr = "SCR", + Sdg = "SDG", + Sek = "SEK", + Sgd = "SGD", + Shp = "SHP", + Sle = "SLE", + Sll = "SLL", + Sos = "SOS", + Srd = "SRD", + Ssp = "SSP", + Stn = "STN", + Syp = "SYP", + Szl = "SZL", + Thb = "THB", + Tjs = "TJS", + Tmt = "TMT", + Tnd = "TND", + Top = "TOP", + Try = "TRY", + Ttd = "TTD", + Tvd = "TVD", + Twd = "TWD", + Tzs = "TZS", + Uah = "UAH", + Ugx = "UGX", + Usd = "USD", + Uyu = "UYU", + Uzs = "UZS", + Ves = "VES", + Vnd = "VND", + Vuv = "VUV", + Wst = "WST", + Xaf = "XAF", + Xcd = "XCD", + Xdr = "XDR", + Xof = "XOF", + Xpf = "XPF", + Yer = "YER", + Zar = "ZAR", + Zmw = "ZMW", + Zwl = "ZWL", +} + +/** + * The custom field mappings of the object between the remote 3rd party & Panora + */ +export type UnifiedAccountingVendorcreditOutputFieldMappings = {}; + +/** + * The remote data of the vendor credit in the context of the 3rd Party + */ +export type UnifiedAccountingVendorcreditOutputRemoteData = {}; + +export type UnifiedAccountingVendorcreditOutput = { + /** + * The number of the vendor credit + */ + number?: string | null | undefined; + /** + * The date of the transaction + */ + transactionDate?: Date | null | undefined; + /** + * The UUID of the vendor associated with the credit + */ + vendor?: string | null | undefined; + /** + * The total amount of the vendor credit + */ + totalAmount?: string | null | undefined; + /** + * The currency of the vendor credit + */ + currency?: UnifiedAccountingVendorcreditOutputCurrency | null | undefined; + /** + * The exchange rate applied to the vendor credit + */ + exchangeRate?: string | null | undefined; + /** + * The UUID of the associated company + */ + companyId?: string | null | undefined; + /** + * The UUID of the tracking categories associated with the vendor credit + */ + trackingCategories?: Array | null | undefined; + /** + * The UUID of the associated accounting period + */ + accountingPeriodId?: string | null | undefined; + /** + * The line items associated with this vendor credit + */ + lineItems?: Array | undefined; + /** + * The custom field mappings of the object between the remote 3rd party & Panora + */ + fieldMappings?: UnifiedAccountingVendorcreditOutputFieldMappings | null | undefined; + /** + * The UUID of the vendor credit record + */ + id?: string | null | undefined; + /** + * The remote ID of the vendor credit + */ + remoteId?: string | null | undefined; + /** + * The created date of the vendor credit + */ + createdAt?: Date | undefined; + /** + * The last modified date of the vendor credit + */ + modifiedAt?: Date | undefined; + /** + * The date when the vendor credit was last updated in the remote system + */ + remoteUpdatedAt?: Date | null | undefined; + /** + * The remote data of the vendor credit in the context of the 3rd Party + */ + remoteData?: UnifiedAccountingVendorcreditOutputRemoteData | null | undefined; +}; + +/** @internal */ +export const UnifiedAccountingVendorcreditOutputCurrency$inboundSchema: z.ZodNativeEnum< + typeof UnifiedAccountingVendorcreditOutputCurrency +> = z.nativeEnum(UnifiedAccountingVendorcreditOutputCurrency); + +/** @internal */ +export const UnifiedAccountingVendorcreditOutputCurrency$outboundSchema: z.ZodNativeEnum< + typeof UnifiedAccountingVendorcreditOutputCurrency +> = UnifiedAccountingVendorcreditOutputCurrency$inboundSchema; + +/** + * @internal + * @deprecated This namespace will be removed in future versions. Use schemas and types that are exported directly from this module. + */ +export namespace UnifiedAccountingVendorcreditOutputCurrency$ { + /** @deprecated use `UnifiedAccountingVendorcreditOutputCurrency$inboundSchema` instead. */ + export const inboundSchema = UnifiedAccountingVendorcreditOutputCurrency$inboundSchema; + /** @deprecated use `UnifiedAccountingVendorcreditOutputCurrency$outboundSchema` instead. */ + export const outboundSchema = UnifiedAccountingVendorcreditOutputCurrency$outboundSchema; +} + +/** @internal */ +export const UnifiedAccountingVendorcreditOutputFieldMappings$inboundSchema: z.ZodType< + UnifiedAccountingVendorcreditOutputFieldMappings, + z.ZodTypeDef, + unknown +> = z.object({}); + +/** @internal */ +export type UnifiedAccountingVendorcreditOutputFieldMappings$Outbound = {}; + +/** @internal */ +export const UnifiedAccountingVendorcreditOutputFieldMappings$outboundSchema: z.ZodType< + UnifiedAccountingVendorcreditOutputFieldMappings$Outbound, + z.ZodTypeDef, + UnifiedAccountingVendorcreditOutputFieldMappings +> = z.object({}); + +/** + * @internal + * @deprecated This namespace will be removed in future versions. Use schemas and types that are exported directly from this module. + */ +export namespace UnifiedAccountingVendorcreditOutputFieldMappings$ { + /** @deprecated use `UnifiedAccountingVendorcreditOutputFieldMappings$inboundSchema` instead. */ + export const inboundSchema = UnifiedAccountingVendorcreditOutputFieldMappings$inboundSchema; + /** @deprecated use `UnifiedAccountingVendorcreditOutputFieldMappings$outboundSchema` instead. */ + export const outboundSchema = UnifiedAccountingVendorcreditOutputFieldMappings$outboundSchema; + /** @deprecated use `UnifiedAccountingVendorcreditOutputFieldMappings$Outbound` instead. */ + export type Outbound = UnifiedAccountingVendorcreditOutputFieldMappings$Outbound; +} + +/** @internal */ +export const UnifiedAccountingVendorcreditOutputRemoteData$inboundSchema: z.ZodType< + UnifiedAccountingVendorcreditOutputRemoteData, + z.ZodTypeDef, + unknown +> = z.object({}); + +/** @internal */ +export type UnifiedAccountingVendorcreditOutputRemoteData$Outbound = {}; + +/** @internal */ +export const UnifiedAccountingVendorcreditOutputRemoteData$outboundSchema: z.ZodType< + UnifiedAccountingVendorcreditOutputRemoteData$Outbound, + z.ZodTypeDef, + UnifiedAccountingVendorcreditOutputRemoteData +> = z.object({}); + +/** + * @internal + * @deprecated This namespace will be removed in future versions. Use schemas and types that are exported directly from this module. + */ +export namespace UnifiedAccountingVendorcreditOutputRemoteData$ { + /** @deprecated use `UnifiedAccountingVendorcreditOutputRemoteData$inboundSchema` instead. */ + export const inboundSchema = UnifiedAccountingVendorcreditOutputRemoteData$inboundSchema; + /** @deprecated use `UnifiedAccountingVendorcreditOutputRemoteData$outboundSchema` instead. */ + export const outboundSchema = UnifiedAccountingVendorcreditOutputRemoteData$outboundSchema; + /** @deprecated use `UnifiedAccountingVendorcreditOutputRemoteData$Outbound` instead. */ + export type Outbound = UnifiedAccountingVendorcreditOutputRemoteData$Outbound; +} /** @internal */ export const UnifiedAccountingVendorcreditOutput$inboundSchema: z.ZodType< UnifiedAccountingVendorcreditOutput, z.ZodTypeDef, unknown -> = z.object({}); +> = z + .object({ + number: z.nullable(z.string()).optional(), + transaction_date: z + .nullable( + z + .string() + .datetime({ offset: true }) + .transform((v) => new Date(v)) + ) + .optional(), + vendor: z.nullable(z.string()).optional(), + total_amount: z.nullable(z.string()).optional(), + currency: z.nullable(UnifiedAccountingVendorcreditOutputCurrency$inboundSchema).optional(), + exchange_rate: z.nullable(z.string()).optional(), + company_id: z.nullable(z.string()).optional(), + tracking_categories: z.nullable(z.array(z.string())).optional(), + accounting_period_id: z.nullable(z.string()).optional(), + line_items: z.array(LineItem$inboundSchema).optional(), + field_mappings: z + .nullable(z.lazy(() => UnifiedAccountingVendorcreditOutputFieldMappings$inboundSchema)) + .optional(), + id: z.nullable(z.string()).optional(), + remote_id: z.nullable(z.string()).optional(), + created_at: z + .string() + .datetime({ offset: true }) + .transform((v) => new Date(v)) + .optional(), + modified_at: z + .string() + .datetime({ offset: true }) + .transform((v) => new Date(v)) + .optional(), + remote_updated_at: z + .nullable( + z + .string() + .datetime({ offset: true }) + .transform((v) => new Date(v)) + ) + .optional(), + remote_data: z + .nullable(z.lazy(() => UnifiedAccountingVendorcreditOutputRemoteData$inboundSchema)) + .optional(), + }) + .transform((v) => { + return remap$(v, { + transaction_date: "transactionDate", + total_amount: "totalAmount", + exchange_rate: "exchangeRate", + company_id: "companyId", + tracking_categories: "trackingCategories", + accounting_period_id: "accountingPeriodId", + line_items: "lineItems", + field_mappings: "fieldMappings", + remote_id: "remoteId", + created_at: "createdAt", + modified_at: "modifiedAt", + remote_updated_at: "remoteUpdatedAt", + remote_data: "remoteData", + }); + }); /** @internal */ -export type UnifiedAccountingVendorcreditOutput$Outbound = {}; +export type UnifiedAccountingVendorcreditOutput$Outbound = { + number?: string | null | undefined; + transaction_date?: string | null | undefined; + vendor?: string | null | undefined; + total_amount?: string | null | undefined; + currency?: string | null | undefined; + exchange_rate?: string | null | undefined; + company_id?: string | null | undefined; + tracking_categories?: Array | null | undefined; + accounting_period_id?: string | null | undefined; + line_items?: Array | undefined; + field_mappings?: UnifiedAccountingVendorcreditOutputFieldMappings$Outbound | null | undefined; + id?: string | null | undefined; + remote_id?: string | null | undefined; + created_at?: string | undefined; + modified_at?: string | undefined; + remote_updated_at?: string | null | undefined; + remote_data?: UnifiedAccountingVendorcreditOutputRemoteData$Outbound | null | undefined; +}; /** @internal */ export const UnifiedAccountingVendorcreditOutput$outboundSchema: z.ZodType< UnifiedAccountingVendorcreditOutput$Outbound, z.ZodTypeDef, UnifiedAccountingVendorcreditOutput -> = z.object({}); +> = z + .object({ + number: z.nullable(z.string()).optional(), + transactionDate: z.nullable(z.date().transform((v) => v.toISOString())).optional(), + vendor: z.nullable(z.string()).optional(), + totalAmount: z.nullable(z.string()).optional(), + currency: z.nullable(UnifiedAccountingVendorcreditOutputCurrency$outboundSchema).optional(), + exchangeRate: z.nullable(z.string()).optional(), + companyId: z.nullable(z.string()).optional(), + trackingCategories: z.nullable(z.array(z.string())).optional(), + accountingPeriodId: z.nullable(z.string()).optional(), + lineItems: z.array(LineItem$outboundSchema).optional(), + fieldMappings: z + .nullable(z.lazy(() => UnifiedAccountingVendorcreditOutputFieldMappings$outboundSchema)) + .optional(), + id: z.nullable(z.string()).optional(), + remoteId: z.nullable(z.string()).optional(), + createdAt: z + .date() + .transform((v) => v.toISOString()) + .optional(), + modifiedAt: z + .date() + .transform((v) => v.toISOString()) + .optional(), + remoteUpdatedAt: z.nullable(z.date().transform((v) => v.toISOString())).optional(), + remoteData: z + .nullable(z.lazy(() => UnifiedAccountingVendorcreditOutputRemoteData$outboundSchema)) + .optional(), + }) + .transform((v) => { + return remap$(v, { + transactionDate: "transaction_date", + totalAmount: "total_amount", + exchangeRate: "exchange_rate", + companyId: "company_id", + trackingCategories: "tracking_categories", + accountingPeriodId: "accounting_period_id", + lineItems: "line_items", + fieldMappings: "field_mappings", + remoteId: "remote_id", + createdAt: "created_at", + modifiedAt: "modified_at", + remoteUpdatedAt: "remote_updated_at", + remoteData: "remote_data", + }); + }); /** * @internal diff --git a/src/models/components/unifiedatseeocsoutput.ts b/src/models/components/unifiedatseeocsoutput.ts index 07ab4ad2..b0abf526 100644 --- a/src/models/components/unifiedatseeocsoutput.ts +++ b/src/models/components/unifiedatseeocsoutput.ts @@ -22,7 +22,7 @@ export enum Race { /** * The gender of the candidate */ -export enum Gender { +export enum UnifiedAtsEeocsOutputGender { Male = "MALE", Female = "FEMALE", NonBinary = "NON_BINARY", @@ -64,7 +64,7 @@ export type UnifiedAtsEeocsOutput = { /** * The gender of the candidate */ - gender?: Gender | null | undefined; + gender?: UnifiedAtsEeocsOutputGender | null | undefined; /** * The veteran status of the candidate */ @@ -117,20 +117,24 @@ export namespace Race$ { } /** @internal */ -export const Gender$inboundSchema: z.ZodNativeEnum = z.nativeEnum(Gender); +export const UnifiedAtsEeocsOutputGender$inboundSchema: z.ZodNativeEnum< + typeof UnifiedAtsEeocsOutputGender +> = z.nativeEnum(UnifiedAtsEeocsOutputGender); /** @internal */ -export const Gender$outboundSchema: z.ZodNativeEnum = Gender$inboundSchema; +export const UnifiedAtsEeocsOutputGender$outboundSchema: z.ZodNativeEnum< + typeof UnifiedAtsEeocsOutputGender +> = UnifiedAtsEeocsOutputGender$inboundSchema; /** * @internal * @deprecated This namespace will be removed in future versions. Use schemas and types that are exported directly from this module. */ -export namespace Gender$ { - /** @deprecated use `Gender$inboundSchema` instead. */ - export const inboundSchema = Gender$inboundSchema; - /** @deprecated use `Gender$outboundSchema` instead. */ - export const outboundSchema = Gender$outboundSchema; +export namespace UnifiedAtsEeocsOutputGender$ { + /** @deprecated use `UnifiedAtsEeocsOutputGender$inboundSchema` instead. */ + export const inboundSchema = UnifiedAtsEeocsOutputGender$inboundSchema; + /** @deprecated use `UnifiedAtsEeocsOutputGender$outboundSchema` instead. */ + export const outboundSchema = UnifiedAtsEeocsOutputGender$outboundSchema; } /** @internal */ @@ -188,7 +192,7 @@ export const UnifiedAtsEeocsOutput$inboundSchema: z.ZodType< ) .optional(), race: z.nullable(Race$inboundSchema).optional(), - gender: z.nullable(Gender$inboundSchema).optional(), + gender: z.nullable(UnifiedAtsEeocsOutputGender$inboundSchema).optional(), veteran_status: z.nullable(VeteranStatus$inboundSchema).optional(), disability_status: z.nullable(DisabilityStatus$inboundSchema).optional(), field_mappings: z.nullable(z.record(z.any())).optional(), @@ -252,7 +256,7 @@ export const UnifiedAtsEeocsOutput$outboundSchema: z.ZodType< candidateId: z.nullable(z.string()).optional(), submittedAt: z.nullable(z.date().transform((v) => v.toISOString())).optional(), race: z.nullable(Race$outboundSchema).optional(), - gender: z.nullable(Gender$outboundSchema).optional(), + gender: z.nullable(UnifiedAtsEeocsOutputGender$outboundSchema).optional(), veteranStatus: z.nullable(VeteranStatus$outboundSchema).optional(), disabilityStatus: z.nullable(DisabilityStatus$outboundSchema).optional(), fieldMappings: z.nullable(z.record(z.any())).optional(), diff --git a/src/models/components/unifiedecommercefulfillmentoutput.ts b/src/models/components/unifiedecommercefulfillmentoutput.ts index 20c7184b..09013265 100644 --- a/src/models/components/unifiedecommercefulfillmentoutput.ts +++ b/src/models/components/unifiedecommercefulfillmentoutput.ts @@ -8,7 +8,7 @@ import * as z from "zod"; /** * The items in the fulfilment */ -export type UnifiedEcommerceFulfillmentOutputItems = {}; +export type Items = {}; /** * The custom field mappings of the object between the remote 3rd party & Panora @@ -36,7 +36,7 @@ export type UnifiedEcommerceFulfillmentOutput = { /** * The items in the fulfilment */ - items?: UnifiedEcommerceFulfillmentOutputItems | null | undefined; + items?: Items | null | undefined; /** * The UUID of the order associated with the fulfilment */ @@ -68,33 +68,25 @@ export type UnifiedEcommerceFulfillmentOutput = { }; /** @internal */ -export const UnifiedEcommerceFulfillmentOutputItems$inboundSchema: z.ZodType< - UnifiedEcommerceFulfillmentOutputItems, - z.ZodTypeDef, - unknown -> = z.object({}); +export const Items$inboundSchema: z.ZodType = z.object({}); /** @internal */ -export type UnifiedEcommerceFulfillmentOutputItems$Outbound = {}; +export type Items$Outbound = {}; /** @internal */ -export const UnifiedEcommerceFulfillmentOutputItems$outboundSchema: z.ZodType< - UnifiedEcommerceFulfillmentOutputItems$Outbound, - z.ZodTypeDef, - UnifiedEcommerceFulfillmentOutputItems -> = z.object({}); +export const Items$outboundSchema: z.ZodType = z.object({}); /** * @internal * @deprecated This namespace will be removed in future versions. Use schemas and types that are exported directly from this module. */ -export namespace UnifiedEcommerceFulfillmentOutputItems$ { - /** @deprecated use `UnifiedEcommerceFulfillmentOutputItems$inboundSchema` instead. */ - export const inboundSchema = UnifiedEcommerceFulfillmentOutputItems$inboundSchema; - /** @deprecated use `UnifiedEcommerceFulfillmentOutputItems$outboundSchema` instead. */ - export const outboundSchema = UnifiedEcommerceFulfillmentOutputItems$outboundSchema; - /** @deprecated use `UnifiedEcommerceFulfillmentOutputItems$Outbound` instead. */ - export type Outbound = UnifiedEcommerceFulfillmentOutputItems$Outbound; +export namespace Items$ { + /** @deprecated use `Items$inboundSchema` instead. */ + export const inboundSchema = Items$inboundSchema; + /** @deprecated use `Items$outboundSchema` instead. */ + export const outboundSchema = Items$outboundSchema; + /** @deprecated use `Items$Outbound` instead. */ + export type Outbound = Items$Outbound; } /** @internal */ @@ -167,9 +159,7 @@ export const UnifiedEcommerceFulfillmentOutput$inboundSchema: z.ZodType< carrier: z.nullable(z.string()).optional(), tracking_urls: z.nullable(z.array(z.string())).optional(), tracking_numbers: z.nullable(z.array(z.string())).optional(), - items: z - .nullable(z.lazy(() => UnifiedEcommerceFulfillmentOutputItems$inboundSchema)) - .optional(), + items: z.nullable(z.lazy(() => Items$inboundSchema)).optional(), order_id: z.nullable(z.string()).optional(), field_mappings: z .nullable(z.lazy(() => UnifiedEcommerceFulfillmentOutputFieldMappings$inboundSchema)) @@ -200,7 +190,7 @@ export type UnifiedEcommerceFulfillmentOutput$Outbound = { carrier?: string | null | undefined; tracking_urls?: Array | null | undefined; tracking_numbers?: Array | null | undefined; - items?: UnifiedEcommerceFulfillmentOutputItems$Outbound | null | undefined; + items?: Items$Outbound | null | undefined; order_id?: string | null | undefined; field_mappings?: UnifiedEcommerceFulfillmentOutputFieldMappings$Outbound | null | undefined; id?: string | null | undefined; @@ -220,9 +210,7 @@ export const UnifiedEcommerceFulfillmentOutput$outboundSchema: z.ZodType< carrier: z.nullable(z.string()).optional(), trackingUrls: z.nullable(z.array(z.string())).optional(), trackingNumbers: z.nullable(z.array(z.string())).optional(), - items: z - .nullable(z.lazy(() => UnifiedEcommerceFulfillmentOutputItems$outboundSchema)) - .optional(), + items: z.nullable(z.lazy(() => Items$outboundSchema)).optional(), orderId: z.nullable(z.string()).optional(), fieldMappings: z .nullable(z.lazy(() => UnifiedEcommerceFulfillmentOutputFieldMappings$outboundSchema)) diff --git a/src/models/components/unifiedecommerceorderinput.ts b/src/models/components/unifiedecommerceorderinput.ts index fdede4f0..89578d21 100644 --- a/src/models/components/unifiedecommerceorderinput.ts +++ b/src/models/components/unifiedecommerceorderinput.ts @@ -3,8 +3,32 @@ */ import { remap as remap$ } from "../../lib/primitives.js"; +import { + LineItem, + LineItem$inboundSchema, + LineItem$Outbound, + LineItem$outboundSchema, +} from "./lineitem.js"; import * as z from "zod"; +/** + * The status of the order + */ +export enum UnifiedEcommerceOrderInputOrderStatus { + Pending = "PENDING", + Unshipped = "UNSHIPPED", + Shipped = "SHIPPED", + Canceled = "CANCELED", +} + +/** + * The payment status of the order + */ +export enum UnifiedEcommerceOrderInputPaymentStatus { + Success = "SUCCESS", + Fail = "FAIL", +} + /** * The currency of the order. Authorized value must be of type CurrencyCode (ISO 4217) */ @@ -174,9 +198,13 @@ export enum UnifiedEcommerceOrderInputCurrency { } /** - * The items in the order + * The fulfillment status of the order */ -export type UnifiedEcommerceOrderInputItems = {}; +export enum UnifiedEcommerceOrderInputFulfillmentStatus { + Pending = "PENDING", + Fulfilled = "FULFILLED", + Canceled = "CANCELED", +} /** * The custom field mappings of the object between the remote 3rd party & Panora @@ -187,7 +215,7 @@ export type UnifiedEcommerceOrderInput = { /** * The status of the order */ - orderStatus?: string | null | undefined; + orderStatus?: UnifiedEcommerceOrderInputOrderStatus | null | undefined; /** * The number of the order */ @@ -195,7 +223,7 @@ export type UnifiedEcommerceOrderInput = { /** * The payment status of the order */ - paymentStatus?: string | null | undefined; + paymentStatus?: UnifiedEcommerceOrderInputPaymentStatus | null | undefined; /** * The currency of the order. Authorized value must be of type CurrencyCode (ISO 4217) */ @@ -219,7 +247,7 @@ export type UnifiedEcommerceOrderInput = { /** * The fulfillment status of the order */ - fulfillmentStatus?: string | null | undefined; + fulfillmentStatus?: UnifiedEcommerceOrderInputFulfillmentStatus | null | undefined; /** * The UUID of the customer associated with the order */ @@ -227,13 +255,55 @@ export type UnifiedEcommerceOrderInput = { /** * The items in the order */ - items?: UnifiedEcommerceOrderInputItems | null | undefined; + items?: Array | null | undefined; /** * The custom field mappings of the object between the remote 3rd party & Panora */ fieldMappings?: UnifiedEcommerceOrderInputFieldMappings | null | undefined; }; +/** @internal */ +export const UnifiedEcommerceOrderInputOrderStatus$inboundSchema: z.ZodNativeEnum< + typeof UnifiedEcommerceOrderInputOrderStatus +> = z.nativeEnum(UnifiedEcommerceOrderInputOrderStatus); + +/** @internal */ +export const UnifiedEcommerceOrderInputOrderStatus$outboundSchema: z.ZodNativeEnum< + typeof UnifiedEcommerceOrderInputOrderStatus +> = UnifiedEcommerceOrderInputOrderStatus$inboundSchema; + +/** + * @internal + * @deprecated This namespace will be removed in future versions. Use schemas and types that are exported directly from this module. + */ +export namespace UnifiedEcommerceOrderInputOrderStatus$ { + /** @deprecated use `UnifiedEcommerceOrderInputOrderStatus$inboundSchema` instead. */ + export const inboundSchema = UnifiedEcommerceOrderInputOrderStatus$inboundSchema; + /** @deprecated use `UnifiedEcommerceOrderInputOrderStatus$outboundSchema` instead. */ + export const outboundSchema = UnifiedEcommerceOrderInputOrderStatus$outboundSchema; +} + +/** @internal */ +export const UnifiedEcommerceOrderInputPaymentStatus$inboundSchema: z.ZodNativeEnum< + typeof UnifiedEcommerceOrderInputPaymentStatus +> = z.nativeEnum(UnifiedEcommerceOrderInputPaymentStatus); + +/** @internal */ +export const UnifiedEcommerceOrderInputPaymentStatus$outboundSchema: z.ZodNativeEnum< + typeof UnifiedEcommerceOrderInputPaymentStatus +> = UnifiedEcommerceOrderInputPaymentStatus$inboundSchema; + +/** + * @internal + * @deprecated This namespace will be removed in future versions. Use schemas and types that are exported directly from this module. + */ +export namespace UnifiedEcommerceOrderInputPaymentStatus$ { + /** @deprecated use `UnifiedEcommerceOrderInputPaymentStatus$inboundSchema` instead. */ + export const inboundSchema = UnifiedEcommerceOrderInputPaymentStatus$inboundSchema; + /** @deprecated use `UnifiedEcommerceOrderInputPaymentStatus$outboundSchema` instead. */ + export const outboundSchema = UnifiedEcommerceOrderInputPaymentStatus$outboundSchema; +} + /** @internal */ export const UnifiedEcommerceOrderInputCurrency$inboundSchema: z.ZodNativeEnum< typeof UnifiedEcommerceOrderInputCurrency @@ -256,33 +326,24 @@ export namespace UnifiedEcommerceOrderInputCurrency$ { } /** @internal */ -export const UnifiedEcommerceOrderInputItems$inboundSchema: z.ZodType< - UnifiedEcommerceOrderInputItems, - z.ZodTypeDef, - unknown -> = z.object({}); - -/** @internal */ -export type UnifiedEcommerceOrderInputItems$Outbound = {}; +export const UnifiedEcommerceOrderInputFulfillmentStatus$inboundSchema: z.ZodNativeEnum< + typeof UnifiedEcommerceOrderInputFulfillmentStatus +> = z.nativeEnum(UnifiedEcommerceOrderInputFulfillmentStatus); /** @internal */ -export const UnifiedEcommerceOrderInputItems$outboundSchema: z.ZodType< - UnifiedEcommerceOrderInputItems$Outbound, - z.ZodTypeDef, - UnifiedEcommerceOrderInputItems -> = z.object({}); +export const UnifiedEcommerceOrderInputFulfillmentStatus$outboundSchema: z.ZodNativeEnum< + typeof UnifiedEcommerceOrderInputFulfillmentStatus +> = UnifiedEcommerceOrderInputFulfillmentStatus$inboundSchema; /** * @internal * @deprecated This namespace will be removed in future versions. Use schemas and types that are exported directly from this module. */ -export namespace UnifiedEcommerceOrderInputItems$ { - /** @deprecated use `UnifiedEcommerceOrderInputItems$inboundSchema` instead. */ - export const inboundSchema = UnifiedEcommerceOrderInputItems$inboundSchema; - /** @deprecated use `UnifiedEcommerceOrderInputItems$outboundSchema` instead. */ - export const outboundSchema = UnifiedEcommerceOrderInputItems$outboundSchema; - /** @deprecated use `UnifiedEcommerceOrderInputItems$Outbound` instead. */ - export type Outbound = UnifiedEcommerceOrderInputItems$Outbound; +export namespace UnifiedEcommerceOrderInputFulfillmentStatus$ { + /** @deprecated use `UnifiedEcommerceOrderInputFulfillmentStatus$inboundSchema` instead. */ + export const inboundSchema = UnifiedEcommerceOrderInputFulfillmentStatus$inboundSchema; + /** @deprecated use `UnifiedEcommerceOrderInputFulfillmentStatus$outboundSchema` instead. */ + export const outboundSchema = UnifiedEcommerceOrderInputFulfillmentStatus$outboundSchema; } /** @internal */ @@ -322,17 +383,21 @@ export const UnifiedEcommerceOrderInput$inboundSchema: z.ZodType< unknown > = z .object({ - order_status: z.nullable(z.string()).optional(), + order_status: z.nullable(UnifiedEcommerceOrderInputOrderStatus$inboundSchema).optional(), order_number: z.nullable(z.string()).optional(), - payment_status: z.nullable(z.string()).optional(), + payment_status: z + .nullable(UnifiedEcommerceOrderInputPaymentStatus$inboundSchema) + .optional(), currency: z.nullable(UnifiedEcommerceOrderInputCurrency$inboundSchema).optional(), total_price: z.nullable(z.number()).optional(), total_discount: z.nullable(z.number()).optional(), total_shipping: z.nullable(z.number()).optional(), total_tax: z.nullable(z.number()).optional(), - fulfillment_status: z.nullable(z.string()).optional(), + fulfillment_status: z + .nullable(UnifiedEcommerceOrderInputFulfillmentStatus$inboundSchema) + .optional(), customer_id: z.nullable(z.string()).optional(), - items: z.nullable(z.lazy(() => UnifiedEcommerceOrderInputItems$inboundSchema)).optional(), + items: z.nullable(z.array(LineItem$inboundSchema)).optional(), field_mappings: z .nullable(z.lazy(() => UnifiedEcommerceOrderInputFieldMappings$inboundSchema)) .optional(), @@ -364,7 +429,7 @@ export type UnifiedEcommerceOrderInput$Outbound = { total_tax?: number | null | undefined; fulfillment_status?: string | null | undefined; customer_id?: string | null | undefined; - items?: UnifiedEcommerceOrderInputItems$Outbound | null | undefined; + items?: Array | null | undefined; field_mappings?: UnifiedEcommerceOrderInputFieldMappings$Outbound | null | undefined; }; @@ -375,17 +440,21 @@ export const UnifiedEcommerceOrderInput$outboundSchema: z.ZodType< UnifiedEcommerceOrderInput > = z .object({ - orderStatus: z.nullable(z.string()).optional(), + orderStatus: z.nullable(UnifiedEcommerceOrderInputOrderStatus$outboundSchema).optional(), orderNumber: z.nullable(z.string()).optional(), - paymentStatus: z.nullable(z.string()).optional(), + paymentStatus: z + .nullable(UnifiedEcommerceOrderInputPaymentStatus$outboundSchema) + .optional(), currency: z.nullable(UnifiedEcommerceOrderInputCurrency$outboundSchema).optional(), totalPrice: z.nullable(z.number()).optional(), totalDiscount: z.nullable(z.number()).optional(), totalShipping: z.nullable(z.number()).optional(), totalTax: z.nullable(z.number()).optional(), - fulfillmentStatus: z.nullable(z.string()).optional(), + fulfillmentStatus: z + .nullable(UnifiedEcommerceOrderInputFulfillmentStatus$outboundSchema) + .optional(), customerId: z.nullable(z.string()).optional(), - items: z.nullable(z.lazy(() => UnifiedEcommerceOrderInputItems$outboundSchema)).optional(), + items: z.nullable(z.array(LineItem$outboundSchema)).optional(), fieldMappings: z .nullable(z.lazy(() => UnifiedEcommerceOrderInputFieldMappings$outboundSchema)) .optional(), diff --git a/src/models/components/unifiedecommerceorderoutput.ts b/src/models/components/unifiedecommerceorderoutput.ts index 6fd9cd49..fbe29acc 100644 --- a/src/models/components/unifiedecommerceorderoutput.ts +++ b/src/models/components/unifiedecommerceorderoutput.ts @@ -3,12 +3,36 @@ */ import { remap as remap$ } from "../../lib/primitives.js"; +import { + LineItem, + LineItem$inboundSchema, + LineItem$Outbound, + LineItem$outboundSchema, +} from "./lineitem.js"; import * as z from "zod"; +/** + * The status of the order + */ +export enum OrderStatus { + Pending = "PENDING", + Unshipped = "UNSHIPPED", + Shipped = "SHIPPED", + Canceled = "CANCELED", +} + +/** + * The payment status of the order + */ +export enum PaymentStatus { + Success = "SUCCESS", + Fail = "FAIL", +} + /** * The currency of the order. Authorized value must be of type CurrencyCode (ISO 4217) */ -export enum Currency { +export enum UnifiedEcommerceOrderOutputCurrency { Aed = "AED", Afn = "AFN", All = "ALL", @@ -174,9 +198,13 @@ export enum Currency { } /** - * The items in the order + * The fulfillment status of the order */ -export type Items = {}; +export enum FulfillmentStatus { + Pending = "PENDING", + Fulfilled = "FULFILLED", + Canceled = "CANCELED", +} /** * The custom field mappings of the object between the remote 3rd party & Panora @@ -192,7 +220,7 @@ export type UnifiedEcommerceOrderOutput = { /** * The status of the order */ - orderStatus?: string | null | undefined; + orderStatus?: OrderStatus | null | undefined; /** * The number of the order */ @@ -200,11 +228,11 @@ export type UnifiedEcommerceOrderOutput = { /** * The payment status of the order */ - paymentStatus?: string | null | undefined; + paymentStatus?: PaymentStatus | null | undefined; /** * The currency of the order. Authorized value must be of type CurrencyCode (ISO 4217) */ - currency?: Currency | null | undefined; + currency?: UnifiedEcommerceOrderOutputCurrency | null | undefined; /** * The total price of the order */ @@ -224,7 +252,7 @@ export type UnifiedEcommerceOrderOutput = { /** * The fulfillment status of the order */ - fulfillmentStatus?: string | null | undefined; + fulfillmentStatus?: FulfillmentStatus | null | undefined; /** * The UUID of the customer associated with the order */ @@ -232,7 +260,7 @@ export type UnifiedEcommerceOrderOutput = { /** * The items in the order */ - items?: Items | null | undefined; + items?: Array | null | undefined; /** * The custom field mappings of the object between the remote 3rd party & Panora */ @@ -260,42 +288,81 @@ export type UnifiedEcommerceOrderOutput = { }; /** @internal */ -export const Currency$inboundSchema: z.ZodNativeEnum = z.nativeEnum(Currency); +export const OrderStatus$inboundSchema: z.ZodNativeEnum = + z.nativeEnum(OrderStatus); /** @internal */ -export const Currency$outboundSchema: z.ZodNativeEnum = Currency$inboundSchema; +export const OrderStatus$outboundSchema: z.ZodNativeEnum = + OrderStatus$inboundSchema; /** * @internal * @deprecated This namespace will be removed in future versions. Use schemas and types that are exported directly from this module. */ -export namespace Currency$ { - /** @deprecated use `Currency$inboundSchema` instead. */ - export const inboundSchema = Currency$inboundSchema; - /** @deprecated use `Currency$outboundSchema` instead. */ - export const outboundSchema = Currency$outboundSchema; +export namespace OrderStatus$ { + /** @deprecated use `OrderStatus$inboundSchema` instead. */ + export const inboundSchema = OrderStatus$inboundSchema; + /** @deprecated use `OrderStatus$outboundSchema` instead. */ + export const outboundSchema = OrderStatus$outboundSchema; } /** @internal */ -export const Items$inboundSchema: z.ZodType = z.object({}); +export const PaymentStatus$inboundSchema: z.ZodNativeEnum = + z.nativeEnum(PaymentStatus); + +/** @internal */ +export const PaymentStatus$outboundSchema: z.ZodNativeEnum = + PaymentStatus$inboundSchema; + +/** + * @internal + * @deprecated This namespace will be removed in future versions. Use schemas and types that are exported directly from this module. + */ +export namespace PaymentStatus$ { + /** @deprecated use `PaymentStatus$inboundSchema` instead. */ + export const inboundSchema = PaymentStatus$inboundSchema; + /** @deprecated use `PaymentStatus$outboundSchema` instead. */ + export const outboundSchema = PaymentStatus$outboundSchema; +} + +/** @internal */ +export const UnifiedEcommerceOrderOutputCurrency$inboundSchema: z.ZodNativeEnum< + typeof UnifiedEcommerceOrderOutputCurrency +> = z.nativeEnum(UnifiedEcommerceOrderOutputCurrency); + +/** @internal */ +export const UnifiedEcommerceOrderOutputCurrency$outboundSchema: z.ZodNativeEnum< + typeof UnifiedEcommerceOrderOutputCurrency +> = UnifiedEcommerceOrderOutputCurrency$inboundSchema; + +/** + * @internal + * @deprecated This namespace will be removed in future versions. Use schemas and types that are exported directly from this module. + */ +export namespace UnifiedEcommerceOrderOutputCurrency$ { + /** @deprecated use `UnifiedEcommerceOrderOutputCurrency$inboundSchema` instead. */ + export const inboundSchema = UnifiedEcommerceOrderOutputCurrency$inboundSchema; + /** @deprecated use `UnifiedEcommerceOrderOutputCurrency$outboundSchema` instead. */ + export const outboundSchema = UnifiedEcommerceOrderOutputCurrency$outboundSchema; +} /** @internal */ -export type Items$Outbound = {}; +export const FulfillmentStatus$inboundSchema: z.ZodNativeEnum = + z.nativeEnum(FulfillmentStatus); /** @internal */ -export const Items$outboundSchema: z.ZodType = z.object({}); +export const FulfillmentStatus$outboundSchema: z.ZodNativeEnum = + FulfillmentStatus$inboundSchema; /** * @internal * @deprecated This namespace will be removed in future versions. Use schemas and types that are exported directly from this module. */ -export namespace Items$ { - /** @deprecated use `Items$inboundSchema` instead. */ - export const inboundSchema = Items$inboundSchema; - /** @deprecated use `Items$outboundSchema` instead. */ - export const outboundSchema = Items$outboundSchema; - /** @deprecated use `Items$Outbound` instead. */ - export type Outbound = Items$Outbound; +export namespace FulfillmentStatus$ { + /** @deprecated use `FulfillmentStatus$inboundSchema` instead. */ + export const inboundSchema = FulfillmentStatus$inboundSchema; + /** @deprecated use `FulfillmentStatus$outboundSchema` instead. */ + export const outboundSchema = FulfillmentStatus$outboundSchema; } /** @internal */ @@ -365,17 +432,17 @@ export const UnifiedEcommerceOrderOutput$inboundSchema: z.ZodType< unknown > = z .object({ - order_status: z.nullable(z.string()).optional(), + order_status: z.nullable(OrderStatus$inboundSchema).optional(), order_number: z.nullable(z.string()).optional(), - payment_status: z.nullable(z.string()).optional(), - currency: z.nullable(Currency$inboundSchema).optional(), + payment_status: z.nullable(PaymentStatus$inboundSchema).optional(), + currency: z.nullable(UnifiedEcommerceOrderOutputCurrency$inboundSchema).optional(), total_price: z.nullable(z.number()).optional(), total_discount: z.nullable(z.number()).optional(), total_shipping: z.nullable(z.number()).optional(), total_tax: z.nullable(z.number()).optional(), - fulfillment_status: z.nullable(z.string()).optional(), + fulfillment_status: z.nullable(FulfillmentStatus$inboundSchema).optional(), customer_id: z.nullable(z.string()).optional(), - items: z.nullable(z.lazy(() => Items$inboundSchema)).optional(), + items: z.nullable(z.array(LineItem$inboundSchema)).optional(), field_mappings: z .nullable(z.lazy(() => UnifiedEcommerceOrderOutputFieldMappings$inboundSchema)) .optional(), @@ -418,7 +485,7 @@ export type UnifiedEcommerceOrderOutput$Outbound = { total_tax?: number | null | undefined; fulfillment_status?: string | null | undefined; customer_id?: string | null | undefined; - items?: Items$Outbound | null | undefined; + items?: Array | null | undefined; field_mappings?: UnifiedEcommerceOrderOutputFieldMappings$Outbound | null | undefined; id?: string | null | undefined; remote_id?: string | null | undefined; @@ -434,17 +501,17 @@ export const UnifiedEcommerceOrderOutput$outboundSchema: z.ZodType< UnifiedEcommerceOrderOutput > = z .object({ - orderStatus: z.nullable(z.string()).optional(), + orderStatus: z.nullable(OrderStatus$outboundSchema).optional(), orderNumber: z.nullable(z.string()).optional(), - paymentStatus: z.nullable(z.string()).optional(), - currency: z.nullable(Currency$outboundSchema).optional(), + paymentStatus: z.nullable(PaymentStatus$outboundSchema).optional(), + currency: z.nullable(UnifiedEcommerceOrderOutputCurrency$outboundSchema).optional(), totalPrice: z.nullable(z.number()).optional(), totalDiscount: z.nullable(z.number()).optional(), totalShipping: z.nullable(z.number()).optional(), totalTax: z.nullable(z.number()).optional(), - fulfillmentStatus: z.nullable(z.string()).optional(), + fulfillmentStatus: z.nullable(FulfillmentStatus$outboundSchema).optional(), customerId: z.nullable(z.string()).optional(), - items: z.nullable(z.lazy(() => Items$outboundSchema)).optional(), + items: z.nullable(z.array(LineItem$outboundSchema)).optional(), fieldMappings: z .nullable(z.lazy(() => UnifiedEcommerceOrderOutputFieldMappings$outboundSchema)) .optional(), diff --git a/src/models/components/unifiedecommerceproductoutput.ts b/src/models/components/unifiedecommerceproductoutput.ts index e52db02b..c61f4858 100644 --- a/src/models/components/unifiedecommerceproductoutput.ts +++ b/src/models/components/unifiedecommerceproductoutput.ts @@ -23,12 +23,12 @@ export enum ProductStatus { /** * The custom field mappings of the object between the remote 3rd party & Panora */ -export type FieldMappings = {}; +export type UnifiedEcommerceProductOutputFieldMappings = {}; /** * The remote data of the customer in the context of the 3rd Party */ -export type RemoteData = {}; +export type UnifiedEcommerceProductOutputRemoteData = {}; export type UnifiedEcommerceProductOutput = { /** @@ -66,7 +66,7 @@ export type UnifiedEcommerceProductOutput = { /** * The custom field mappings of the object between the remote 3rd party & Panora */ - fieldMappings?: FieldMappings | null | undefined; + fieldMappings?: UnifiedEcommerceProductOutputFieldMappings | null | undefined; /** * The UUID of the product */ @@ -78,7 +78,7 @@ export type UnifiedEcommerceProductOutput = { /** * The remote data of the customer in the context of the 3rd Party */ - remoteData?: RemoteData | null | undefined; + remoteData?: UnifiedEcommerceProductOutputRemoteData | null | undefined; /** * The created date of the object */ @@ -109,53 +109,63 @@ export namespace ProductStatus$ { } /** @internal */ -export const FieldMappings$inboundSchema: z.ZodType = - z.object({}); +export const UnifiedEcommerceProductOutputFieldMappings$inboundSchema: z.ZodType< + UnifiedEcommerceProductOutputFieldMappings, + z.ZodTypeDef, + unknown +> = z.object({}); /** @internal */ -export type FieldMappings$Outbound = {}; +export type UnifiedEcommerceProductOutputFieldMappings$Outbound = {}; /** @internal */ -export const FieldMappings$outboundSchema: z.ZodType< - FieldMappings$Outbound, +export const UnifiedEcommerceProductOutputFieldMappings$outboundSchema: z.ZodType< + UnifiedEcommerceProductOutputFieldMappings$Outbound, z.ZodTypeDef, - FieldMappings + UnifiedEcommerceProductOutputFieldMappings > = z.object({}); /** * @internal * @deprecated This namespace will be removed in future versions. Use schemas and types that are exported directly from this module. */ -export namespace FieldMappings$ { - /** @deprecated use `FieldMappings$inboundSchema` instead. */ - export const inboundSchema = FieldMappings$inboundSchema; - /** @deprecated use `FieldMappings$outboundSchema` instead. */ - export const outboundSchema = FieldMappings$outboundSchema; - /** @deprecated use `FieldMappings$Outbound` instead. */ - export type Outbound = FieldMappings$Outbound; +export namespace UnifiedEcommerceProductOutputFieldMappings$ { + /** @deprecated use `UnifiedEcommerceProductOutputFieldMappings$inboundSchema` instead. */ + export const inboundSchema = UnifiedEcommerceProductOutputFieldMappings$inboundSchema; + /** @deprecated use `UnifiedEcommerceProductOutputFieldMappings$outboundSchema` instead. */ + export const outboundSchema = UnifiedEcommerceProductOutputFieldMappings$outboundSchema; + /** @deprecated use `UnifiedEcommerceProductOutputFieldMappings$Outbound` instead. */ + export type Outbound = UnifiedEcommerceProductOutputFieldMappings$Outbound; } /** @internal */ -export const RemoteData$inboundSchema: z.ZodType = z.object({}); +export const UnifiedEcommerceProductOutputRemoteData$inboundSchema: z.ZodType< + UnifiedEcommerceProductOutputRemoteData, + z.ZodTypeDef, + unknown +> = z.object({}); /** @internal */ -export type RemoteData$Outbound = {}; +export type UnifiedEcommerceProductOutputRemoteData$Outbound = {}; /** @internal */ -export const RemoteData$outboundSchema: z.ZodType = - z.object({}); +export const UnifiedEcommerceProductOutputRemoteData$outboundSchema: z.ZodType< + UnifiedEcommerceProductOutputRemoteData$Outbound, + z.ZodTypeDef, + UnifiedEcommerceProductOutputRemoteData +> = z.object({}); /** * @internal * @deprecated This namespace will be removed in future versions. Use schemas and types that are exported directly from this module. */ -export namespace RemoteData$ { - /** @deprecated use `RemoteData$inboundSchema` instead. */ - export const inboundSchema = RemoteData$inboundSchema; - /** @deprecated use `RemoteData$outboundSchema` instead. */ - export const outboundSchema = RemoteData$outboundSchema; - /** @deprecated use `RemoteData$Outbound` instead. */ - export type Outbound = RemoteData$Outbound; +export namespace UnifiedEcommerceProductOutputRemoteData$ { + /** @deprecated use `UnifiedEcommerceProductOutputRemoteData$inboundSchema` instead. */ + export const inboundSchema = UnifiedEcommerceProductOutputRemoteData$inboundSchema; + /** @deprecated use `UnifiedEcommerceProductOutputRemoteData$outboundSchema` instead. */ + export const outboundSchema = UnifiedEcommerceProductOutputRemoteData$outboundSchema; + /** @deprecated use `UnifiedEcommerceProductOutputRemoteData$Outbound` instead. */ + export type Outbound = UnifiedEcommerceProductOutputRemoteData$Outbound; } /** @internal */ @@ -173,10 +183,14 @@ export const UnifiedEcommerceProductOutput$inboundSchema: z.ZodType< vendor: z.nullable(z.string()).optional(), variants: z.array(Variant$inboundSchema).optional(), tags: z.nullable(z.array(z.string())).optional(), - field_mappings: z.nullable(z.lazy(() => FieldMappings$inboundSchema)).optional(), + field_mappings: z + .nullable(z.lazy(() => UnifiedEcommerceProductOutputFieldMappings$inboundSchema)) + .optional(), id: z.nullable(z.string()).optional(), remote_id: z.nullable(z.string()).optional(), - remote_data: z.nullable(z.lazy(() => RemoteData$inboundSchema)).optional(), + remote_data: z + .nullable(z.lazy(() => UnifiedEcommerceProductOutputRemoteData$inboundSchema)) + .optional(), created_at: z.nullable(z.string()).optional(), modified_at: z.nullable(z.string()).optional(), }) @@ -204,10 +218,10 @@ export type UnifiedEcommerceProductOutput$Outbound = { vendor?: string | null | undefined; variants?: Array | undefined; tags?: Array | null | undefined; - field_mappings?: FieldMappings$Outbound | null | undefined; + field_mappings?: UnifiedEcommerceProductOutputFieldMappings$Outbound | null | undefined; id?: string | null | undefined; remote_id?: string | null | undefined; - remote_data?: RemoteData$Outbound | null | undefined; + remote_data?: UnifiedEcommerceProductOutputRemoteData$Outbound | null | undefined; created_at?: string | null | undefined; modified_at?: string | null | undefined; }; @@ -227,10 +241,14 @@ export const UnifiedEcommerceProductOutput$outboundSchema: z.ZodType< vendor: z.nullable(z.string()).optional(), variants: z.array(Variant$outboundSchema).optional(), tags: z.nullable(z.array(z.string())).optional(), - fieldMappings: z.nullable(z.lazy(() => FieldMappings$outboundSchema)).optional(), + fieldMappings: z + .nullable(z.lazy(() => UnifiedEcommerceProductOutputFieldMappings$outboundSchema)) + .optional(), id: z.nullable(z.string()).optional(), remoteId: z.nullable(z.string()).optional(), - remoteData: z.nullable(z.lazy(() => RemoteData$outboundSchema)).optional(), + remoteData: z + .nullable(z.lazy(() => UnifiedEcommerceProductOutputRemoteData$outboundSchema)) + .optional(), createdAt: z.nullable(z.string()).optional(), modifiedAt: z.nullable(z.string()).optional(), }) diff --git a/src/models/components/unifiedhrisbankinfooutput.ts b/src/models/components/unifiedhrisbankinfooutput.ts index 33e4d2a7..6be6596c 100644 --- a/src/models/components/unifiedhrisbankinfooutput.ts +++ b/src/models/components/unifiedhrisbankinfooutput.ts @@ -2,26 +2,260 @@ * Code generated by Speakeasy (https://speakeasy.com). DO NOT EDIT. */ +import { remap as remap$ } from "../../lib/primitives.js"; import * as z from "zod"; -export type UnifiedHrisBankinfoOutput = {}; +/** + * The type of the bank account + */ +export enum AccountType { + Savings = "SAVINGS", + Checking = "CHECKING", +} + +/** + * The custom field mappings of the object between the remote 3rd party & Panora + */ +export type FieldMappings = {}; + +/** + * The remote data of the bank info in the context of the 3rd Party + */ +export type RemoteData = {}; + +export type UnifiedHrisBankinfoOutput = { + /** + * The type of the bank account + */ + accountType?: AccountType | null | undefined; + /** + * The name of the bank + */ + bankName?: string | null | undefined; + /** + * The account number + */ + accountNumber?: string | null | undefined; + /** + * The routing number of the bank + */ + routingNumber?: string | null | undefined; + /** + * The UUID of the associated employee + */ + employeeId?: string | null | undefined; + /** + * The custom field mappings of the object between the remote 3rd party & Panora + */ + fieldMappings?: FieldMappings | null | undefined; + /** + * The UUID of the bank info record + */ + id: string | null; + /** + * The remote ID of the bank info in the context of the 3rd Party + */ + remoteId?: string | null | undefined; + /** + * The remote data of the bank info in the context of the 3rd Party + */ + remoteData?: RemoteData | null | undefined; + /** + * The date when the bank info was created in the 3rd party system + */ + remoteCreatedAt?: Date | null | undefined; + /** + * The created date of the bank info record + */ + createdAt: Date | null; + /** + * The last modified date of the bank info record + */ + modifiedAt: Date | null; + /** + * Indicates if the bank info was deleted in the remote system + */ + remoteWasDeleted: boolean | null; +}; + +/** @internal */ +export const AccountType$inboundSchema: z.ZodNativeEnum = + z.nativeEnum(AccountType); + +/** @internal */ +export const AccountType$outboundSchema: z.ZodNativeEnum = + AccountType$inboundSchema; + +/** + * @internal + * @deprecated This namespace will be removed in future versions. Use schemas and types that are exported directly from this module. + */ +export namespace AccountType$ { + /** @deprecated use `AccountType$inboundSchema` instead. */ + export const inboundSchema = AccountType$inboundSchema; + /** @deprecated use `AccountType$outboundSchema` instead. */ + export const outboundSchema = AccountType$outboundSchema; +} + +/** @internal */ +export const FieldMappings$inboundSchema: z.ZodType = + z.object({}); + +/** @internal */ +export type FieldMappings$Outbound = {}; + +/** @internal */ +export const FieldMappings$outboundSchema: z.ZodType< + FieldMappings$Outbound, + z.ZodTypeDef, + FieldMappings +> = z.object({}); + +/** + * @internal + * @deprecated This namespace will be removed in future versions. Use schemas and types that are exported directly from this module. + */ +export namespace FieldMappings$ { + /** @deprecated use `FieldMappings$inboundSchema` instead. */ + export const inboundSchema = FieldMappings$inboundSchema; + /** @deprecated use `FieldMappings$outboundSchema` instead. */ + export const outboundSchema = FieldMappings$outboundSchema; + /** @deprecated use `FieldMappings$Outbound` instead. */ + export type Outbound = FieldMappings$Outbound; +} + +/** @internal */ +export const RemoteData$inboundSchema: z.ZodType = z.object({}); + +/** @internal */ +export type RemoteData$Outbound = {}; + +/** @internal */ +export const RemoteData$outboundSchema: z.ZodType = + z.object({}); + +/** + * @internal + * @deprecated This namespace will be removed in future versions. Use schemas and types that are exported directly from this module. + */ +export namespace RemoteData$ { + /** @deprecated use `RemoteData$inboundSchema` instead. */ + export const inboundSchema = RemoteData$inboundSchema; + /** @deprecated use `RemoteData$outboundSchema` instead. */ + export const outboundSchema = RemoteData$outboundSchema; + /** @deprecated use `RemoteData$Outbound` instead. */ + export type Outbound = RemoteData$Outbound; +} /** @internal */ export const UnifiedHrisBankinfoOutput$inboundSchema: z.ZodType< UnifiedHrisBankinfoOutput, z.ZodTypeDef, unknown -> = z.object({}); +> = z + .object({ + account_type: z.nullable(AccountType$inboundSchema).optional(), + bank_name: z.nullable(z.string()).optional(), + account_number: z.nullable(z.string()).optional(), + routing_number: z.nullable(z.string()).optional(), + employee_id: z.nullable(z.string()).optional(), + field_mappings: z.nullable(z.lazy(() => FieldMappings$inboundSchema)).optional(), + id: z.nullable(z.string()), + remote_id: z.nullable(z.string()).optional(), + remote_data: z.nullable(z.lazy(() => RemoteData$inboundSchema)).optional(), + remote_created_at: z + .nullable( + z + .string() + .datetime({ offset: true }) + .transform((v) => new Date(v)) + ) + .optional(), + created_at: z.nullable( + z + .string() + .datetime({ offset: true }) + .transform((v) => new Date(v)) + ), + modified_at: z.nullable( + z + .string() + .datetime({ offset: true }) + .transform((v) => new Date(v)) + ), + remote_was_deleted: z.nullable(z.boolean()), + }) + .transform((v) => { + return remap$(v, { + account_type: "accountType", + bank_name: "bankName", + account_number: "accountNumber", + routing_number: "routingNumber", + employee_id: "employeeId", + field_mappings: "fieldMappings", + remote_id: "remoteId", + remote_data: "remoteData", + remote_created_at: "remoteCreatedAt", + created_at: "createdAt", + modified_at: "modifiedAt", + remote_was_deleted: "remoteWasDeleted", + }); + }); /** @internal */ -export type UnifiedHrisBankinfoOutput$Outbound = {}; +export type UnifiedHrisBankinfoOutput$Outbound = { + account_type?: string | null | undefined; + bank_name?: string | null | undefined; + account_number?: string | null | undefined; + routing_number?: string | null | undefined; + employee_id?: string | null | undefined; + field_mappings?: FieldMappings$Outbound | null | undefined; + id: string | null; + remote_id?: string | null | undefined; + remote_data?: RemoteData$Outbound | null | undefined; + remote_created_at?: string | null | undefined; + created_at: string | null; + modified_at: string | null; + remote_was_deleted: boolean | null; +}; /** @internal */ export const UnifiedHrisBankinfoOutput$outboundSchema: z.ZodType< UnifiedHrisBankinfoOutput$Outbound, z.ZodTypeDef, UnifiedHrisBankinfoOutput -> = z.object({}); +> = z + .object({ + accountType: z.nullable(AccountType$outboundSchema).optional(), + bankName: z.nullable(z.string()).optional(), + accountNumber: z.nullable(z.string()).optional(), + routingNumber: z.nullable(z.string()).optional(), + employeeId: z.nullable(z.string()).optional(), + fieldMappings: z.nullable(z.lazy(() => FieldMappings$outboundSchema)).optional(), + id: z.nullable(z.string()), + remoteId: z.nullable(z.string()).optional(), + remoteData: z.nullable(z.lazy(() => RemoteData$outboundSchema)).optional(), + remoteCreatedAt: z.nullable(z.date().transform((v) => v.toISOString())).optional(), + createdAt: z.nullable(z.date().transform((v) => v.toISOString())), + modifiedAt: z.nullable(z.date().transform((v) => v.toISOString())), + remoteWasDeleted: z.nullable(z.boolean()), + }) + .transform((v) => { + return remap$(v, { + accountType: "account_type", + bankName: "bank_name", + accountNumber: "account_number", + routingNumber: "routing_number", + employeeId: "employee_id", + fieldMappings: "field_mappings", + remoteId: "remote_id", + remoteData: "remote_data", + remoteCreatedAt: "remote_created_at", + createdAt: "created_at", + modifiedAt: "modified_at", + remoteWasDeleted: "remote_was_deleted", + }); + }); /** * @internal diff --git a/src/models/components/unifiedhrisbenefitoutput.ts b/src/models/components/unifiedhrisbenefitoutput.ts index 60fb5fef..c7002832 100644 --- a/src/models/components/unifiedhrisbenefitoutput.ts +++ b/src/models/components/unifiedhrisbenefitoutput.ts @@ -2,26 +2,287 @@ * Code generated by Speakeasy (https://speakeasy.com). DO NOT EDIT. */ +import { remap as remap$ } from "../../lib/primitives.js"; import * as z from "zod"; -export type UnifiedHrisBenefitOutput = {}; +/** + * The custom field mappings of the object between the remote 3rd party & Panora + */ +export type UnifiedHrisBenefitOutputFieldMappings = {}; + +/** + * The remote data of the benefit in the context of the 3rd Party + */ +export type UnifiedHrisBenefitOutputRemoteData = {}; + +export type UnifiedHrisBenefitOutput = { + /** + * The name of the benefit provider + */ + providerName?: string | null | undefined; + /** + * The UUID of the associated employee + */ + employeeId?: string | null | undefined; + /** + * The employee contribution amount + */ + employeeContribution?: number | null | undefined; + /** + * The company contribution amount + */ + companyContribution?: number | null | undefined; + /** + * The start date of the benefit + */ + startDate?: Date | null | undefined; + /** + * The end date of the benefit + */ + endDate?: Date | null | undefined; + /** + * The UUID of the associated employer benefit + */ + employerBenefitId?: string | null | undefined; + /** + * The custom field mappings of the object between the remote 3rd party & Panora + */ + fieldMappings?: UnifiedHrisBenefitOutputFieldMappings | null | undefined; + /** + * The UUID of the benefit record + */ + id?: string | null | undefined; + /** + * The remote ID of the benefit in the context of the 3rd Party + */ + remoteId?: string | null | undefined; + /** + * The remote data of the benefit in the context of the 3rd Party + */ + remoteData?: UnifiedHrisBenefitOutputRemoteData | null | undefined; + /** + * The date when the benefit was created in the 3rd party system + */ + remoteCreatedAt?: Date | null | undefined; + /** + * The created date of the benefit record + */ + createdAt?: Date | null | undefined; + /** + * The last modified date of the benefit record + */ + modifiedAt?: Date | null | undefined; + /** + * Indicates if the benefit was deleted in the remote system + */ + remoteWasDeleted?: boolean | null | undefined; +}; + +/** @internal */ +export const UnifiedHrisBenefitOutputFieldMappings$inboundSchema: z.ZodType< + UnifiedHrisBenefitOutputFieldMappings, + z.ZodTypeDef, + unknown +> = z.object({}); + +/** @internal */ +export type UnifiedHrisBenefitOutputFieldMappings$Outbound = {}; + +/** @internal */ +export const UnifiedHrisBenefitOutputFieldMappings$outboundSchema: z.ZodType< + UnifiedHrisBenefitOutputFieldMappings$Outbound, + z.ZodTypeDef, + UnifiedHrisBenefitOutputFieldMappings +> = z.object({}); + +/** + * @internal + * @deprecated This namespace will be removed in future versions. Use schemas and types that are exported directly from this module. + */ +export namespace UnifiedHrisBenefitOutputFieldMappings$ { + /** @deprecated use `UnifiedHrisBenefitOutputFieldMappings$inboundSchema` instead. */ + export const inboundSchema = UnifiedHrisBenefitOutputFieldMappings$inboundSchema; + /** @deprecated use `UnifiedHrisBenefitOutputFieldMappings$outboundSchema` instead. */ + export const outboundSchema = UnifiedHrisBenefitOutputFieldMappings$outboundSchema; + /** @deprecated use `UnifiedHrisBenefitOutputFieldMappings$Outbound` instead. */ + export type Outbound = UnifiedHrisBenefitOutputFieldMappings$Outbound; +} + +/** @internal */ +export const UnifiedHrisBenefitOutputRemoteData$inboundSchema: z.ZodType< + UnifiedHrisBenefitOutputRemoteData, + z.ZodTypeDef, + unknown +> = z.object({}); + +/** @internal */ +export type UnifiedHrisBenefitOutputRemoteData$Outbound = {}; + +/** @internal */ +export const UnifiedHrisBenefitOutputRemoteData$outboundSchema: z.ZodType< + UnifiedHrisBenefitOutputRemoteData$Outbound, + z.ZodTypeDef, + UnifiedHrisBenefitOutputRemoteData +> = z.object({}); + +/** + * @internal + * @deprecated This namespace will be removed in future versions. Use schemas and types that are exported directly from this module. + */ +export namespace UnifiedHrisBenefitOutputRemoteData$ { + /** @deprecated use `UnifiedHrisBenefitOutputRemoteData$inboundSchema` instead. */ + export const inboundSchema = UnifiedHrisBenefitOutputRemoteData$inboundSchema; + /** @deprecated use `UnifiedHrisBenefitOutputRemoteData$outboundSchema` instead. */ + export const outboundSchema = UnifiedHrisBenefitOutputRemoteData$outboundSchema; + /** @deprecated use `UnifiedHrisBenefitOutputRemoteData$Outbound` instead. */ + export type Outbound = UnifiedHrisBenefitOutputRemoteData$Outbound; +} /** @internal */ export const UnifiedHrisBenefitOutput$inboundSchema: z.ZodType< UnifiedHrisBenefitOutput, z.ZodTypeDef, unknown -> = z.object({}); +> = z + .object({ + provider_name: z.nullable(z.string()).optional(), + employee_id: z.nullable(z.string()).optional(), + employee_contribution: z.nullable(z.number()).optional(), + company_contribution: z.nullable(z.number()).optional(), + start_date: z + .nullable( + z + .string() + .datetime({ offset: true }) + .transform((v) => new Date(v)) + ) + .optional(), + end_date: z + .nullable( + z + .string() + .datetime({ offset: true }) + .transform((v) => new Date(v)) + ) + .optional(), + employer_benefit_id: z.nullable(z.string()).optional(), + field_mappings: z + .nullable(z.lazy(() => UnifiedHrisBenefitOutputFieldMappings$inboundSchema)) + .optional(), + id: z.nullable(z.string()).optional(), + remote_id: z.nullable(z.string()).optional(), + remote_data: z + .nullable(z.lazy(() => UnifiedHrisBenefitOutputRemoteData$inboundSchema)) + .optional(), + remote_created_at: z + .nullable( + z + .string() + .datetime({ offset: true }) + .transform((v) => new Date(v)) + ) + .optional(), + created_at: z + .nullable( + z + .string() + .datetime({ offset: true }) + .transform((v) => new Date(v)) + ) + .optional(), + modified_at: z + .nullable( + z + .string() + .datetime({ offset: true }) + .transform((v) => new Date(v)) + ) + .optional(), + remote_was_deleted: z.nullable(z.boolean()).optional(), + }) + .transform((v) => { + return remap$(v, { + provider_name: "providerName", + employee_id: "employeeId", + employee_contribution: "employeeContribution", + company_contribution: "companyContribution", + start_date: "startDate", + end_date: "endDate", + employer_benefit_id: "employerBenefitId", + field_mappings: "fieldMappings", + remote_id: "remoteId", + remote_data: "remoteData", + remote_created_at: "remoteCreatedAt", + created_at: "createdAt", + modified_at: "modifiedAt", + remote_was_deleted: "remoteWasDeleted", + }); + }); /** @internal */ -export type UnifiedHrisBenefitOutput$Outbound = {}; +export type UnifiedHrisBenefitOutput$Outbound = { + provider_name?: string | null | undefined; + employee_id?: string | null | undefined; + employee_contribution?: number | null | undefined; + company_contribution?: number | null | undefined; + start_date?: string | null | undefined; + end_date?: string | null | undefined; + employer_benefit_id?: string | null | undefined; + field_mappings?: UnifiedHrisBenefitOutputFieldMappings$Outbound | null | undefined; + id?: string | null | undefined; + remote_id?: string | null | undefined; + remote_data?: UnifiedHrisBenefitOutputRemoteData$Outbound | null | undefined; + remote_created_at?: string | null | undefined; + created_at?: string | null | undefined; + modified_at?: string | null | undefined; + remote_was_deleted?: boolean | null | undefined; +}; /** @internal */ export const UnifiedHrisBenefitOutput$outboundSchema: z.ZodType< UnifiedHrisBenefitOutput$Outbound, z.ZodTypeDef, UnifiedHrisBenefitOutput -> = z.object({}); +> = z + .object({ + providerName: z.nullable(z.string()).optional(), + employeeId: z.nullable(z.string()).optional(), + employeeContribution: z.nullable(z.number()).optional(), + companyContribution: z.nullable(z.number()).optional(), + startDate: z.nullable(z.date().transform((v) => v.toISOString())).optional(), + endDate: z.nullable(z.date().transform((v) => v.toISOString())).optional(), + employerBenefitId: z.nullable(z.string()).optional(), + fieldMappings: z + .nullable(z.lazy(() => UnifiedHrisBenefitOutputFieldMappings$outboundSchema)) + .optional(), + id: z.nullable(z.string()).optional(), + remoteId: z.nullable(z.string()).optional(), + remoteData: z + .nullable(z.lazy(() => UnifiedHrisBenefitOutputRemoteData$outboundSchema)) + .optional(), + remoteCreatedAt: z.nullable(z.date().transform((v) => v.toISOString())).optional(), + createdAt: z.nullable(z.date().transform((v) => v.toISOString())).optional(), + modifiedAt: z.nullable(z.date().transform((v) => v.toISOString())).optional(), + remoteWasDeleted: z.nullable(z.boolean()).optional(), + }) + .transform((v) => { + return remap$(v, { + providerName: "provider_name", + employeeId: "employee_id", + employeeContribution: "employee_contribution", + companyContribution: "company_contribution", + startDate: "start_date", + endDate: "end_date", + employerBenefitId: "employer_benefit_id", + fieldMappings: "field_mappings", + remoteId: "remote_id", + remoteData: "remote_data", + remoteCreatedAt: "remote_created_at", + createdAt: "created_at", + modifiedAt: "modified_at", + remoteWasDeleted: "remote_was_deleted", + }); + }); /** * @internal diff --git a/src/models/components/unifiedhriscompanyoutput.ts b/src/models/components/unifiedhriscompanyoutput.ts index fe0e2203..c14a6569 100644 --- a/src/models/components/unifiedhriscompanyoutput.ts +++ b/src/models/components/unifiedhriscompanyoutput.ts @@ -2,26 +2,242 @@ * Code generated by Speakeasy (https://speakeasy.com). DO NOT EDIT. */ +import { remap as remap$ } from "../../lib/primitives.js"; import * as z from "zod"; -export type UnifiedHrisCompanyOutput = {}; +/** + * The custom field mappings of the object between the remote 3rd party & Panora + */ +export type UnifiedHrisCompanyOutputFieldMappings = {}; + +/** + * The remote data of the company in the context of the 3rd Party + */ +export type UnifiedHrisCompanyOutputRemoteData = {}; + +export type UnifiedHrisCompanyOutput = { + /** + * The legal name of the company + */ + legalName?: string | null | undefined; + /** + * UUIDs of the of the Location associated with the company + */ + locations?: Array | null | undefined; + /** + * The display name of the company + */ + displayName?: string | null | undefined; + /** + * The Employer Identification Numbers (EINs) of the company + */ + eins?: Array | null | undefined; + /** + * The custom field mappings of the object between the remote 3rd party & Panora + */ + fieldMappings?: UnifiedHrisCompanyOutputFieldMappings | null | undefined; + /** + * The UUID of the company record + */ + id?: string | null | undefined; + /** + * The remote ID of the company in the context of the 3rd Party + */ + remoteId?: string | null | undefined; + /** + * The remote data of the company in the context of the 3rd Party + */ + remoteData?: UnifiedHrisCompanyOutputRemoteData | null | undefined; + /** + * The date when the company was created in the 3rd party system + */ + remoteCreatedAt?: Date | null | undefined; + /** + * The created date of the company record + */ + createdAt?: Date | null | undefined; + /** + * The last modified date of the company record + */ + modifiedAt?: Date | null | undefined; + /** + * Indicates if the company was deleted in the remote system + */ + remoteWasDeleted?: boolean | null | undefined; +}; + +/** @internal */ +export const UnifiedHrisCompanyOutputFieldMappings$inboundSchema: z.ZodType< + UnifiedHrisCompanyOutputFieldMappings, + z.ZodTypeDef, + unknown +> = z.object({}); + +/** @internal */ +export type UnifiedHrisCompanyOutputFieldMappings$Outbound = {}; + +/** @internal */ +export const UnifiedHrisCompanyOutputFieldMappings$outboundSchema: z.ZodType< + UnifiedHrisCompanyOutputFieldMappings$Outbound, + z.ZodTypeDef, + UnifiedHrisCompanyOutputFieldMappings +> = z.object({}); + +/** + * @internal + * @deprecated This namespace will be removed in future versions. Use schemas and types that are exported directly from this module. + */ +export namespace UnifiedHrisCompanyOutputFieldMappings$ { + /** @deprecated use `UnifiedHrisCompanyOutputFieldMappings$inboundSchema` instead. */ + export const inboundSchema = UnifiedHrisCompanyOutputFieldMappings$inboundSchema; + /** @deprecated use `UnifiedHrisCompanyOutputFieldMappings$outboundSchema` instead. */ + export const outboundSchema = UnifiedHrisCompanyOutputFieldMappings$outboundSchema; + /** @deprecated use `UnifiedHrisCompanyOutputFieldMappings$Outbound` instead. */ + export type Outbound = UnifiedHrisCompanyOutputFieldMappings$Outbound; +} + +/** @internal */ +export const UnifiedHrisCompanyOutputRemoteData$inboundSchema: z.ZodType< + UnifiedHrisCompanyOutputRemoteData, + z.ZodTypeDef, + unknown +> = z.object({}); + +/** @internal */ +export type UnifiedHrisCompanyOutputRemoteData$Outbound = {}; + +/** @internal */ +export const UnifiedHrisCompanyOutputRemoteData$outboundSchema: z.ZodType< + UnifiedHrisCompanyOutputRemoteData$Outbound, + z.ZodTypeDef, + UnifiedHrisCompanyOutputRemoteData +> = z.object({}); + +/** + * @internal + * @deprecated This namespace will be removed in future versions. Use schemas and types that are exported directly from this module. + */ +export namespace UnifiedHrisCompanyOutputRemoteData$ { + /** @deprecated use `UnifiedHrisCompanyOutputRemoteData$inboundSchema` instead. */ + export const inboundSchema = UnifiedHrisCompanyOutputRemoteData$inboundSchema; + /** @deprecated use `UnifiedHrisCompanyOutputRemoteData$outboundSchema` instead. */ + export const outboundSchema = UnifiedHrisCompanyOutputRemoteData$outboundSchema; + /** @deprecated use `UnifiedHrisCompanyOutputRemoteData$Outbound` instead. */ + export type Outbound = UnifiedHrisCompanyOutputRemoteData$Outbound; +} /** @internal */ export const UnifiedHrisCompanyOutput$inboundSchema: z.ZodType< UnifiedHrisCompanyOutput, z.ZodTypeDef, unknown -> = z.object({}); +> = z + .object({ + legal_name: z.nullable(z.string()).optional(), + locations: z.nullable(z.array(z.string())).optional(), + display_name: z.nullable(z.string()).optional(), + eins: z.nullable(z.array(z.string())).optional(), + field_mappings: z + .nullable(z.lazy(() => UnifiedHrisCompanyOutputFieldMappings$inboundSchema)) + .optional(), + id: z.nullable(z.string()).optional(), + remote_id: z.nullable(z.string()).optional(), + remote_data: z + .nullable(z.lazy(() => UnifiedHrisCompanyOutputRemoteData$inboundSchema)) + .optional(), + remote_created_at: z + .nullable( + z + .string() + .datetime({ offset: true }) + .transform((v) => new Date(v)) + ) + .optional(), + created_at: z + .nullable( + z + .string() + .datetime({ offset: true }) + .transform((v) => new Date(v)) + ) + .optional(), + modified_at: z + .nullable( + z + .string() + .datetime({ offset: true }) + .transform((v) => new Date(v)) + ) + .optional(), + remote_was_deleted: z.nullable(z.boolean()).optional(), + }) + .transform((v) => { + return remap$(v, { + legal_name: "legalName", + display_name: "displayName", + field_mappings: "fieldMappings", + remote_id: "remoteId", + remote_data: "remoteData", + remote_created_at: "remoteCreatedAt", + created_at: "createdAt", + modified_at: "modifiedAt", + remote_was_deleted: "remoteWasDeleted", + }); + }); /** @internal */ -export type UnifiedHrisCompanyOutput$Outbound = {}; +export type UnifiedHrisCompanyOutput$Outbound = { + legal_name?: string | null | undefined; + locations?: Array | null | undefined; + display_name?: string | null | undefined; + eins?: Array | null | undefined; + field_mappings?: UnifiedHrisCompanyOutputFieldMappings$Outbound | null | undefined; + id?: string | null | undefined; + remote_id?: string | null | undefined; + remote_data?: UnifiedHrisCompanyOutputRemoteData$Outbound | null | undefined; + remote_created_at?: string | null | undefined; + created_at?: string | null | undefined; + modified_at?: string | null | undefined; + remote_was_deleted?: boolean | null | undefined; +}; /** @internal */ export const UnifiedHrisCompanyOutput$outboundSchema: z.ZodType< UnifiedHrisCompanyOutput$Outbound, z.ZodTypeDef, UnifiedHrisCompanyOutput -> = z.object({}); +> = z + .object({ + legalName: z.nullable(z.string()).optional(), + locations: z.nullable(z.array(z.string())).optional(), + displayName: z.nullable(z.string()).optional(), + eins: z.nullable(z.array(z.string())).optional(), + fieldMappings: z + .nullable(z.lazy(() => UnifiedHrisCompanyOutputFieldMappings$outboundSchema)) + .optional(), + id: z.nullable(z.string()).optional(), + remoteId: z.nullable(z.string()).optional(), + remoteData: z + .nullable(z.lazy(() => UnifiedHrisCompanyOutputRemoteData$outboundSchema)) + .optional(), + remoteCreatedAt: z.nullable(z.date().transform((v) => v.toISOString())).optional(), + createdAt: z.nullable(z.date().transform((v) => v.toISOString())).optional(), + modifiedAt: z.nullable(z.date().transform((v) => v.toISOString())).optional(), + remoteWasDeleted: z.nullable(z.boolean()).optional(), + }) + .transform((v) => { + return remap$(v, { + legalName: "legal_name", + displayName: "display_name", + fieldMappings: "field_mappings", + remoteId: "remote_id", + remoteData: "remote_data", + remoteCreatedAt: "remote_created_at", + createdAt: "created_at", + modifiedAt: "modified_at", + remoteWasDeleted: "remote_was_deleted", + }); + }); /** * @internal diff --git a/src/models/components/unifiedhrisdependentoutput.ts b/src/models/components/unifiedhrisdependentoutput.ts index 86f53364..72c7dd9e 100644 --- a/src/models/components/unifiedhrisdependentoutput.ts +++ b/src/models/components/unifiedhrisdependentoutput.ts @@ -2,26 +2,366 @@ * Code generated by Speakeasy (https://speakeasy.com). DO NOT EDIT. */ +import { remap as remap$ } from "../../lib/primitives.js"; import * as z from "zod"; -export type UnifiedHrisDependentOutput = {}; +/** + * The relationship of the dependent to the employee + */ +export enum Relationship { + Child = "CHILD", + Spouse = "SPOUSE", + DomesticPartner = "DOMESTIC_PARTNER", +} + +/** + * The gender of the dependent + */ +export enum Gender { + Male = "MALE", + Female = "FEMALE", + NonBinary = "NON-BINARY", + Other = "OTHER", + PreferNotToDisclose = "PREFER_NOT_TO_DISCLOSE", +} + +/** + * The custom field mappings of the object between the remote 3rd party & Panora + */ +export type UnifiedHrisDependentOutputFieldMappings = {}; + +/** + * The remote data of the dependent in the context of the 3rd Party + */ +export type UnifiedHrisDependentOutputRemoteData = {}; + +export type UnifiedHrisDependentOutput = { + /** + * The first name of the dependent + */ + firstName?: string | null | undefined; + /** + * The last name of the dependent + */ + lastName?: string | null | undefined; + /** + * The middle name of the dependent + */ + middleName?: string | null | undefined; + /** + * The relationship of the dependent to the employee + */ + relationship?: Relationship | null | undefined; + /** + * The date of birth of the dependent + */ + dateOfBirth?: Date | null | undefined; + /** + * The gender of the dependent + */ + gender?: Gender | null | undefined; + /** + * The phone number of the dependent + */ + phoneNumber?: string | null | undefined; + /** + * The UUID of the home location + */ + homeLocation?: string | null | undefined; + /** + * Indicates if the dependent is a student + */ + isStudent?: boolean | null | undefined; + /** + * The Social Security Number of the dependent + */ + ssn?: string | null | undefined; + /** + * The UUID of the associated employee + */ + employeeId?: string | null | undefined; + /** + * The custom field mappings of the object between the remote 3rd party & Panora + */ + fieldMappings?: UnifiedHrisDependentOutputFieldMappings | null | undefined; + /** + * The UUID of the dependent record + */ + id?: string | null | undefined; + /** + * The remote ID of the dependent in the context of the 3rd Party + */ + remoteId?: string | null | undefined; + /** + * The remote data of the dependent in the context of the 3rd Party + */ + remoteData?: UnifiedHrisDependentOutputRemoteData | null | undefined; + /** + * The date when the dependent was created in the 3rd party system + */ + remoteCreatedAt?: Date | null | undefined; + /** + * The created date of the dependent record + */ + createdAt?: Date | null | undefined; + /** + * The last modified date of the dependent record + */ + modifiedAt?: Date | null | undefined; + /** + * Indicates if the dependent was deleted in the remote system + */ + remoteWasDeleted?: boolean | null | undefined; +}; + +/** @internal */ +export const Relationship$inboundSchema: z.ZodNativeEnum = + z.nativeEnum(Relationship); + +/** @internal */ +export const Relationship$outboundSchema: z.ZodNativeEnum = + Relationship$inboundSchema; + +/** + * @internal + * @deprecated This namespace will be removed in future versions. Use schemas and types that are exported directly from this module. + */ +export namespace Relationship$ { + /** @deprecated use `Relationship$inboundSchema` instead. */ + export const inboundSchema = Relationship$inboundSchema; + /** @deprecated use `Relationship$outboundSchema` instead. */ + export const outboundSchema = Relationship$outboundSchema; +} + +/** @internal */ +export const Gender$inboundSchema: z.ZodNativeEnum = z.nativeEnum(Gender); + +/** @internal */ +export const Gender$outboundSchema: z.ZodNativeEnum = Gender$inboundSchema; + +/** + * @internal + * @deprecated This namespace will be removed in future versions. Use schemas and types that are exported directly from this module. + */ +export namespace Gender$ { + /** @deprecated use `Gender$inboundSchema` instead. */ + export const inboundSchema = Gender$inboundSchema; + /** @deprecated use `Gender$outboundSchema` instead. */ + export const outboundSchema = Gender$outboundSchema; +} + +/** @internal */ +export const UnifiedHrisDependentOutputFieldMappings$inboundSchema: z.ZodType< + UnifiedHrisDependentOutputFieldMappings, + z.ZodTypeDef, + unknown +> = z.object({}); + +/** @internal */ +export type UnifiedHrisDependentOutputFieldMappings$Outbound = {}; + +/** @internal */ +export const UnifiedHrisDependentOutputFieldMappings$outboundSchema: z.ZodType< + UnifiedHrisDependentOutputFieldMappings$Outbound, + z.ZodTypeDef, + UnifiedHrisDependentOutputFieldMappings +> = z.object({}); + +/** + * @internal + * @deprecated This namespace will be removed in future versions. Use schemas and types that are exported directly from this module. + */ +export namespace UnifiedHrisDependentOutputFieldMappings$ { + /** @deprecated use `UnifiedHrisDependentOutputFieldMappings$inboundSchema` instead. */ + export const inboundSchema = UnifiedHrisDependentOutputFieldMappings$inboundSchema; + /** @deprecated use `UnifiedHrisDependentOutputFieldMappings$outboundSchema` instead. */ + export const outboundSchema = UnifiedHrisDependentOutputFieldMappings$outboundSchema; + /** @deprecated use `UnifiedHrisDependentOutputFieldMappings$Outbound` instead. */ + export type Outbound = UnifiedHrisDependentOutputFieldMappings$Outbound; +} + +/** @internal */ +export const UnifiedHrisDependentOutputRemoteData$inboundSchema: z.ZodType< + UnifiedHrisDependentOutputRemoteData, + z.ZodTypeDef, + unknown +> = z.object({}); + +/** @internal */ +export type UnifiedHrisDependentOutputRemoteData$Outbound = {}; + +/** @internal */ +export const UnifiedHrisDependentOutputRemoteData$outboundSchema: z.ZodType< + UnifiedHrisDependentOutputRemoteData$Outbound, + z.ZodTypeDef, + UnifiedHrisDependentOutputRemoteData +> = z.object({}); + +/** + * @internal + * @deprecated This namespace will be removed in future versions. Use schemas and types that are exported directly from this module. + */ +export namespace UnifiedHrisDependentOutputRemoteData$ { + /** @deprecated use `UnifiedHrisDependentOutputRemoteData$inboundSchema` instead. */ + export const inboundSchema = UnifiedHrisDependentOutputRemoteData$inboundSchema; + /** @deprecated use `UnifiedHrisDependentOutputRemoteData$outboundSchema` instead. */ + export const outboundSchema = UnifiedHrisDependentOutputRemoteData$outboundSchema; + /** @deprecated use `UnifiedHrisDependentOutputRemoteData$Outbound` instead. */ + export type Outbound = UnifiedHrisDependentOutputRemoteData$Outbound; +} /** @internal */ export const UnifiedHrisDependentOutput$inboundSchema: z.ZodType< UnifiedHrisDependentOutput, z.ZodTypeDef, unknown -> = z.object({}); +> = z + .object({ + first_name: z.nullable(z.string()).optional(), + last_name: z.nullable(z.string()).optional(), + middle_name: z.nullable(z.string()).optional(), + relationship: z.nullable(Relationship$inboundSchema).optional(), + date_of_birth: z + .nullable( + z + .string() + .datetime({ offset: true }) + .transform((v) => new Date(v)) + ) + .optional(), + gender: z.nullable(Gender$inboundSchema).optional(), + phone_number: z.nullable(z.string()).optional(), + home_location: z.nullable(z.string()).optional(), + is_student: z.nullable(z.boolean()).optional(), + ssn: z.nullable(z.string()).optional(), + employee_id: z.nullable(z.string()).optional(), + field_mappings: z + .nullable(z.lazy(() => UnifiedHrisDependentOutputFieldMappings$inboundSchema)) + .optional(), + id: z.nullable(z.string()).optional(), + remote_id: z.nullable(z.string()).optional(), + remote_data: z + .nullable(z.lazy(() => UnifiedHrisDependentOutputRemoteData$inboundSchema)) + .optional(), + remote_created_at: z + .nullable( + z + .string() + .datetime({ offset: true }) + .transform((v) => new Date(v)) + ) + .optional(), + created_at: z + .nullable( + z + .string() + .datetime({ offset: true }) + .transform((v) => new Date(v)) + ) + .optional(), + modified_at: z + .nullable( + z + .string() + .datetime({ offset: true }) + .transform((v) => new Date(v)) + ) + .optional(), + remote_was_deleted: z.nullable(z.boolean()).optional(), + }) + .transform((v) => { + return remap$(v, { + first_name: "firstName", + last_name: "lastName", + middle_name: "middleName", + date_of_birth: "dateOfBirth", + phone_number: "phoneNumber", + home_location: "homeLocation", + is_student: "isStudent", + employee_id: "employeeId", + field_mappings: "fieldMappings", + remote_id: "remoteId", + remote_data: "remoteData", + remote_created_at: "remoteCreatedAt", + created_at: "createdAt", + modified_at: "modifiedAt", + remote_was_deleted: "remoteWasDeleted", + }); + }); /** @internal */ -export type UnifiedHrisDependentOutput$Outbound = {}; +export type UnifiedHrisDependentOutput$Outbound = { + first_name?: string | null | undefined; + last_name?: string | null | undefined; + middle_name?: string | null | undefined; + relationship?: string | null | undefined; + date_of_birth?: string | null | undefined; + gender?: string | null | undefined; + phone_number?: string | null | undefined; + home_location?: string | null | undefined; + is_student?: boolean | null | undefined; + ssn?: string | null | undefined; + employee_id?: string | null | undefined; + field_mappings?: UnifiedHrisDependentOutputFieldMappings$Outbound | null | undefined; + id?: string | null | undefined; + remote_id?: string | null | undefined; + remote_data?: UnifiedHrisDependentOutputRemoteData$Outbound | null | undefined; + remote_created_at?: string | null | undefined; + created_at?: string | null | undefined; + modified_at?: string | null | undefined; + remote_was_deleted?: boolean | null | undefined; +}; /** @internal */ export const UnifiedHrisDependentOutput$outboundSchema: z.ZodType< UnifiedHrisDependentOutput$Outbound, z.ZodTypeDef, UnifiedHrisDependentOutput -> = z.object({}); +> = z + .object({ + firstName: z.nullable(z.string()).optional(), + lastName: z.nullable(z.string()).optional(), + middleName: z.nullable(z.string()).optional(), + relationship: z.nullable(Relationship$outboundSchema).optional(), + dateOfBirth: z.nullable(z.date().transform((v) => v.toISOString())).optional(), + gender: z.nullable(Gender$outboundSchema).optional(), + phoneNumber: z.nullable(z.string()).optional(), + homeLocation: z.nullable(z.string()).optional(), + isStudent: z.nullable(z.boolean()).optional(), + ssn: z.nullable(z.string()).optional(), + employeeId: z.nullable(z.string()).optional(), + fieldMappings: z + .nullable(z.lazy(() => UnifiedHrisDependentOutputFieldMappings$outboundSchema)) + .optional(), + id: z.nullable(z.string()).optional(), + remoteId: z.nullable(z.string()).optional(), + remoteData: z + .nullable(z.lazy(() => UnifiedHrisDependentOutputRemoteData$outboundSchema)) + .optional(), + remoteCreatedAt: z.nullable(z.date().transform((v) => v.toISOString())).optional(), + createdAt: z.nullable(z.date().transform((v) => v.toISOString())).optional(), + modifiedAt: z.nullable(z.date().transform((v) => v.toISOString())).optional(), + remoteWasDeleted: z.nullable(z.boolean()).optional(), + }) + .transform((v) => { + return remap$(v, { + firstName: "first_name", + lastName: "last_name", + middleName: "middle_name", + dateOfBirth: "date_of_birth", + phoneNumber: "phone_number", + homeLocation: "home_location", + isStudent: "is_student", + employeeId: "employee_id", + fieldMappings: "field_mappings", + remoteId: "remote_id", + remoteData: "remote_data", + remoteCreatedAt: "remote_created_at", + createdAt: "created_at", + modifiedAt: "modified_at", + remoteWasDeleted: "remote_was_deleted", + }); + }); /** * @internal diff --git a/src/models/components/unifiedhrisemployeeinput.ts b/src/models/components/unifiedhrisemployeeinput.ts index 479c2b40..6185c482 100644 --- a/src/models/components/unifiedhrisemployeeinput.ts +++ b/src/models/components/unifiedhrisemployeeinput.ts @@ -2,26 +2,436 @@ * Code generated by Speakeasy (https://speakeasy.com). DO NOT EDIT. */ +import { remap as remap$ } from "../../lib/primitives.js"; import * as z from "zod"; -export type UnifiedHrisEmployeeInput = {}; +/** + * The gender of the employee + */ +export enum UnifiedHrisEmployeeInputGender { + Male = "MALE", + Female = "FEMALE", + NonBinary = "NON-BINARY", + Other = "OTHER", + PreferNotToDisclose = "PREFER_NOT_TO_DISCLOSE", +} + +/** + * The ethnicity of the employee + */ +export enum UnifiedHrisEmployeeInputEthnicity { + AmericanIndianOrAlaskaNative = "AMERICAN_INDIAN_OR_ALASKA_NATIVE", + AsianOrIndianSubcontinent = "ASIAN_OR_INDIAN_SUBCONTINENT", + BlackOrAfricanAmerican = "BLACK_OR_AFRICAN_AMERICAN", + HispanicOrLatino = "HISPANIC_OR_LATINO", + NativeHawaiianOrOtherPacificIslander = "NATIVE_HAWAIIAN_OR_OTHER_PACIFIC_ISLANDER", + TwoOrMoreRaces = "TWO_OR_MORE_RACES", + White = "WHITE", + PreferNotToDisclose = "PREFER_NOT_TO_DISCLOSE", +} + +/** + * The marital status of the employee + */ +export enum UnifiedHrisEmployeeInputMaritalStatus { + Single = "SINGLE", + MarriedFilingJointly = "MARRIED_FILING_JOINTLY", + MarriedFilingSeparately = "MARRIED_FILING_SEPARATELY", + HeadOfHousehold = "HEAD_OF_HOUSEHOLD", + QualifyingWidowOrWidowerWithDependentChild = "QUALIFYING_WIDOW_OR_WIDOWER_WITH_DEPENDENT_CHILD", +} + +/** + * The employment status of the employee + */ +export enum UnifiedHrisEmployeeInputEmploymentStatus { + Active = "ACTIVE", + Pending = "PENDING", + Inactive = "INACTIVE", +} + +/** + * The custom field mappings of the object between the remote 3rd party & Panora + */ +export type UnifiedHrisEmployeeInputFieldMappings = {}; + +export type UnifiedHrisEmployeeInput = { + /** + * The groups the employee belongs to + */ + groups?: Array | null | undefined; + /** + * UUIDs of the of the Location associated with the company + */ + locations?: Array | null | undefined; + /** + * The employee number + */ + employeeNumber?: string | null | undefined; + /** + * The UUID of the associated company + */ + companyId?: string | null | undefined; + /** + * The first name of the employee + */ + firstName?: string | null | undefined; + /** + * The last name of the employee + */ + lastName?: string | null | undefined; + /** + * The preferred name of the employee + */ + preferredName?: string | null | undefined; + /** + * The full display name of the employee + */ + displayFullName?: string | null | undefined; + /** + * The username of the employee + */ + username?: string | null | undefined; + /** + * The work email of the employee + */ + workEmail?: string | null | undefined; + /** + * The personal email of the employee + */ + personalEmail?: string | null | undefined; + /** + * The mobile phone number of the employee + */ + mobilePhoneNumber?: string | null | undefined; + /** + * The employments of the employee + */ + employments?: Array | null | undefined; + /** + * The Social Security Number of the employee + */ + ssn?: string | null | undefined; + /** + * The gender of the employee + */ + gender?: UnifiedHrisEmployeeInputGender | null | undefined; + /** + * The ethnicity of the employee + */ + ethnicity?: UnifiedHrisEmployeeInputEthnicity | null | undefined; + /** + * The marital status of the employee + */ + maritalStatus?: UnifiedHrisEmployeeInputMaritalStatus | null | undefined; + /** + * The date of birth of the employee + */ + dateOfBirth?: Date | null | undefined; + /** + * The start date of the employee + */ + startDate?: Date | null | undefined; + /** + * The employment status of the employee + */ + employmentStatus?: UnifiedHrisEmployeeInputEmploymentStatus | null | undefined; + /** + * The termination date of the employee + */ + terminationDate?: Date | null | undefined; + /** + * The URL of the employee's avatar + */ + avatarUrl?: string | null | undefined; + /** + * UUID of the manager (employee) of the employee + */ + managerId?: string | null | undefined; + /** + * The custom field mappings of the object between the remote 3rd party & Panora + */ + fieldMappings?: UnifiedHrisEmployeeInputFieldMappings | null | undefined; +}; + +/** @internal */ +export const UnifiedHrisEmployeeInputGender$inboundSchema: z.ZodNativeEnum< + typeof UnifiedHrisEmployeeInputGender +> = z.nativeEnum(UnifiedHrisEmployeeInputGender); + +/** @internal */ +export const UnifiedHrisEmployeeInputGender$outboundSchema: z.ZodNativeEnum< + typeof UnifiedHrisEmployeeInputGender +> = UnifiedHrisEmployeeInputGender$inboundSchema; + +/** + * @internal + * @deprecated This namespace will be removed in future versions. Use schemas and types that are exported directly from this module. + */ +export namespace UnifiedHrisEmployeeInputGender$ { + /** @deprecated use `UnifiedHrisEmployeeInputGender$inboundSchema` instead. */ + export const inboundSchema = UnifiedHrisEmployeeInputGender$inboundSchema; + /** @deprecated use `UnifiedHrisEmployeeInputGender$outboundSchema` instead. */ + export const outboundSchema = UnifiedHrisEmployeeInputGender$outboundSchema; +} + +/** @internal */ +export const UnifiedHrisEmployeeInputEthnicity$inboundSchema: z.ZodNativeEnum< + typeof UnifiedHrisEmployeeInputEthnicity +> = z.nativeEnum(UnifiedHrisEmployeeInputEthnicity); + +/** @internal */ +export const UnifiedHrisEmployeeInputEthnicity$outboundSchema: z.ZodNativeEnum< + typeof UnifiedHrisEmployeeInputEthnicity +> = UnifiedHrisEmployeeInputEthnicity$inboundSchema; + +/** + * @internal + * @deprecated This namespace will be removed in future versions. Use schemas and types that are exported directly from this module. + */ +export namespace UnifiedHrisEmployeeInputEthnicity$ { + /** @deprecated use `UnifiedHrisEmployeeInputEthnicity$inboundSchema` instead. */ + export const inboundSchema = UnifiedHrisEmployeeInputEthnicity$inboundSchema; + /** @deprecated use `UnifiedHrisEmployeeInputEthnicity$outboundSchema` instead. */ + export const outboundSchema = UnifiedHrisEmployeeInputEthnicity$outboundSchema; +} + +/** @internal */ +export const UnifiedHrisEmployeeInputMaritalStatus$inboundSchema: z.ZodNativeEnum< + typeof UnifiedHrisEmployeeInputMaritalStatus +> = z.nativeEnum(UnifiedHrisEmployeeInputMaritalStatus); + +/** @internal */ +export const UnifiedHrisEmployeeInputMaritalStatus$outboundSchema: z.ZodNativeEnum< + typeof UnifiedHrisEmployeeInputMaritalStatus +> = UnifiedHrisEmployeeInputMaritalStatus$inboundSchema; + +/** + * @internal + * @deprecated This namespace will be removed in future versions. Use schemas and types that are exported directly from this module. + */ +export namespace UnifiedHrisEmployeeInputMaritalStatus$ { + /** @deprecated use `UnifiedHrisEmployeeInputMaritalStatus$inboundSchema` instead. */ + export const inboundSchema = UnifiedHrisEmployeeInputMaritalStatus$inboundSchema; + /** @deprecated use `UnifiedHrisEmployeeInputMaritalStatus$outboundSchema` instead. */ + export const outboundSchema = UnifiedHrisEmployeeInputMaritalStatus$outboundSchema; +} + +/** @internal */ +export const UnifiedHrisEmployeeInputEmploymentStatus$inboundSchema: z.ZodNativeEnum< + typeof UnifiedHrisEmployeeInputEmploymentStatus +> = z.nativeEnum(UnifiedHrisEmployeeInputEmploymentStatus); + +/** @internal */ +export const UnifiedHrisEmployeeInputEmploymentStatus$outboundSchema: z.ZodNativeEnum< + typeof UnifiedHrisEmployeeInputEmploymentStatus +> = UnifiedHrisEmployeeInputEmploymentStatus$inboundSchema; + +/** + * @internal + * @deprecated This namespace will be removed in future versions. Use schemas and types that are exported directly from this module. + */ +export namespace UnifiedHrisEmployeeInputEmploymentStatus$ { + /** @deprecated use `UnifiedHrisEmployeeInputEmploymentStatus$inboundSchema` instead. */ + export const inboundSchema = UnifiedHrisEmployeeInputEmploymentStatus$inboundSchema; + /** @deprecated use `UnifiedHrisEmployeeInputEmploymentStatus$outboundSchema` instead. */ + export const outboundSchema = UnifiedHrisEmployeeInputEmploymentStatus$outboundSchema; +} + +/** @internal */ +export const UnifiedHrisEmployeeInputFieldMappings$inboundSchema: z.ZodType< + UnifiedHrisEmployeeInputFieldMappings, + z.ZodTypeDef, + unknown +> = z.object({}); + +/** @internal */ +export type UnifiedHrisEmployeeInputFieldMappings$Outbound = {}; + +/** @internal */ +export const UnifiedHrisEmployeeInputFieldMappings$outboundSchema: z.ZodType< + UnifiedHrisEmployeeInputFieldMappings$Outbound, + z.ZodTypeDef, + UnifiedHrisEmployeeInputFieldMappings +> = z.object({}); + +/** + * @internal + * @deprecated This namespace will be removed in future versions. Use schemas and types that are exported directly from this module. + */ +export namespace UnifiedHrisEmployeeInputFieldMappings$ { + /** @deprecated use `UnifiedHrisEmployeeInputFieldMappings$inboundSchema` instead. */ + export const inboundSchema = UnifiedHrisEmployeeInputFieldMappings$inboundSchema; + /** @deprecated use `UnifiedHrisEmployeeInputFieldMappings$outboundSchema` instead. */ + export const outboundSchema = UnifiedHrisEmployeeInputFieldMappings$outboundSchema; + /** @deprecated use `UnifiedHrisEmployeeInputFieldMappings$Outbound` instead. */ + export type Outbound = UnifiedHrisEmployeeInputFieldMappings$Outbound; +} /** @internal */ export const UnifiedHrisEmployeeInput$inboundSchema: z.ZodType< UnifiedHrisEmployeeInput, z.ZodTypeDef, unknown -> = z.object({}); +> = z + .object({ + groups: z.nullable(z.array(z.string())).optional(), + locations: z.nullable(z.array(z.string())).optional(), + employee_number: z.nullable(z.string()).optional(), + company_id: z.nullable(z.string()).optional(), + first_name: z.nullable(z.string()).optional(), + last_name: z.nullable(z.string()).optional(), + preferred_name: z.nullable(z.string()).optional(), + display_full_name: z.nullable(z.string()).optional(), + username: z.nullable(z.string()).optional(), + work_email: z.nullable(z.string()).optional(), + personal_email: z.nullable(z.string()).optional(), + mobile_phone_number: z.nullable(z.string()).optional(), + employments: z.nullable(z.array(z.string())).optional(), + ssn: z.nullable(z.string()).optional(), + gender: z.nullable(UnifiedHrisEmployeeInputGender$inboundSchema).optional(), + ethnicity: z.nullable(UnifiedHrisEmployeeInputEthnicity$inboundSchema).optional(), + marital_status: z.nullable(UnifiedHrisEmployeeInputMaritalStatus$inboundSchema).optional(), + date_of_birth: z + .nullable( + z + .string() + .datetime({ offset: true }) + .transform((v) => new Date(v)) + ) + .optional(), + start_date: z + .nullable( + z + .string() + .datetime({ offset: true }) + .transform((v) => new Date(v)) + ) + .optional(), + employment_status: z + .nullable(UnifiedHrisEmployeeInputEmploymentStatus$inboundSchema) + .optional(), + termination_date: z + .nullable( + z + .string() + .datetime({ offset: true }) + .transform((v) => new Date(v)) + ) + .optional(), + avatar_url: z.nullable(z.string()).optional(), + manager_id: z.nullable(z.string()).optional(), + field_mappings: z + .nullable(z.lazy(() => UnifiedHrisEmployeeInputFieldMappings$inboundSchema)) + .optional(), + }) + .transform((v) => { + return remap$(v, { + employee_number: "employeeNumber", + company_id: "companyId", + first_name: "firstName", + last_name: "lastName", + preferred_name: "preferredName", + display_full_name: "displayFullName", + work_email: "workEmail", + personal_email: "personalEmail", + mobile_phone_number: "mobilePhoneNumber", + marital_status: "maritalStatus", + date_of_birth: "dateOfBirth", + start_date: "startDate", + employment_status: "employmentStatus", + termination_date: "terminationDate", + avatar_url: "avatarUrl", + manager_id: "managerId", + field_mappings: "fieldMappings", + }); + }); /** @internal */ -export type UnifiedHrisEmployeeInput$Outbound = {}; +export type UnifiedHrisEmployeeInput$Outbound = { + groups?: Array | null | undefined; + locations?: Array | null | undefined; + employee_number?: string | null | undefined; + company_id?: string | null | undefined; + first_name?: string | null | undefined; + last_name?: string | null | undefined; + preferred_name?: string | null | undefined; + display_full_name?: string | null | undefined; + username?: string | null | undefined; + work_email?: string | null | undefined; + personal_email?: string | null | undefined; + mobile_phone_number?: string | null | undefined; + employments?: Array | null | undefined; + ssn?: string | null | undefined; + gender?: string | null | undefined; + ethnicity?: string | null | undefined; + marital_status?: string | null | undefined; + date_of_birth?: string | null | undefined; + start_date?: string | null | undefined; + employment_status?: string | null | undefined; + termination_date?: string | null | undefined; + avatar_url?: string | null | undefined; + manager_id?: string | null | undefined; + field_mappings?: UnifiedHrisEmployeeInputFieldMappings$Outbound | null | undefined; +}; /** @internal */ export const UnifiedHrisEmployeeInput$outboundSchema: z.ZodType< UnifiedHrisEmployeeInput$Outbound, z.ZodTypeDef, UnifiedHrisEmployeeInput -> = z.object({}); +> = z + .object({ + groups: z.nullable(z.array(z.string())).optional(), + locations: z.nullable(z.array(z.string())).optional(), + employeeNumber: z.nullable(z.string()).optional(), + companyId: z.nullable(z.string()).optional(), + firstName: z.nullable(z.string()).optional(), + lastName: z.nullable(z.string()).optional(), + preferredName: z.nullable(z.string()).optional(), + displayFullName: z.nullable(z.string()).optional(), + username: z.nullable(z.string()).optional(), + workEmail: z.nullable(z.string()).optional(), + personalEmail: z.nullable(z.string()).optional(), + mobilePhoneNumber: z.nullable(z.string()).optional(), + employments: z.nullable(z.array(z.string())).optional(), + ssn: z.nullable(z.string()).optional(), + gender: z.nullable(UnifiedHrisEmployeeInputGender$outboundSchema).optional(), + ethnicity: z.nullable(UnifiedHrisEmployeeInputEthnicity$outboundSchema).optional(), + maritalStatus: z.nullable(UnifiedHrisEmployeeInputMaritalStatus$outboundSchema).optional(), + dateOfBirth: z.nullable(z.date().transform((v) => v.toISOString())).optional(), + startDate: z.nullable(z.date().transform((v) => v.toISOString())).optional(), + employmentStatus: z + .nullable(UnifiedHrisEmployeeInputEmploymentStatus$outboundSchema) + .optional(), + terminationDate: z.nullable(z.date().transform((v) => v.toISOString())).optional(), + avatarUrl: z.nullable(z.string()).optional(), + managerId: z.nullable(z.string()).optional(), + fieldMappings: z + .nullable(z.lazy(() => UnifiedHrisEmployeeInputFieldMappings$outboundSchema)) + .optional(), + }) + .transform((v) => { + return remap$(v, { + employeeNumber: "employee_number", + companyId: "company_id", + firstName: "first_name", + lastName: "last_name", + preferredName: "preferred_name", + displayFullName: "display_full_name", + workEmail: "work_email", + personalEmail: "personal_email", + mobilePhoneNumber: "mobile_phone_number", + maritalStatus: "marital_status", + dateOfBirth: "date_of_birth", + startDate: "start_date", + employmentStatus: "employment_status", + terminationDate: "termination_date", + avatarUrl: "avatar_url", + managerId: "manager_id", + fieldMappings: "field_mappings", + }); + }); /** * @internal diff --git a/src/models/components/unifiedhrisemployeeoutput.ts b/src/models/components/unifiedhrisemployeeoutput.ts index 4f77fc45..e9670df7 100644 --- a/src/models/components/unifiedhrisemployeeoutput.ts +++ b/src/models/components/unifiedhrisemployeeoutput.ts @@ -2,26 +2,545 @@ * Code generated by Speakeasy (https://speakeasy.com). DO NOT EDIT. */ +import { remap as remap$ } from "../../lib/primitives.js"; import * as z from "zod"; -export type UnifiedHrisEmployeeOutput = {}; +/** + * The gender of the employee + */ +export enum UnifiedHrisEmployeeOutputGender { + Male = "MALE", + Female = "FEMALE", + NonBinary = "NON-BINARY", + Other = "OTHER", + PreferNotToDisclose = "PREFER_NOT_TO_DISCLOSE", +} + +/** + * The ethnicity of the employee + */ +export enum Ethnicity { + AmericanIndianOrAlaskaNative = "AMERICAN_INDIAN_OR_ALASKA_NATIVE", + AsianOrIndianSubcontinent = "ASIAN_OR_INDIAN_SUBCONTINENT", + BlackOrAfricanAmerican = "BLACK_OR_AFRICAN_AMERICAN", + HispanicOrLatino = "HISPANIC_OR_LATINO", + NativeHawaiianOrOtherPacificIslander = "NATIVE_HAWAIIAN_OR_OTHER_PACIFIC_ISLANDER", + TwoOrMoreRaces = "TWO_OR_MORE_RACES", + White = "WHITE", + PreferNotToDisclose = "PREFER_NOT_TO_DISCLOSE", +} + +/** + * The marital status of the employee + */ +export enum MaritalStatus { + Single = "SINGLE", + MarriedFilingJointly = "MARRIED_FILING_JOINTLY", + MarriedFilingSeparately = "MARRIED_FILING_SEPARATELY", + HeadOfHousehold = "HEAD_OF_HOUSEHOLD", + QualifyingWidowOrWidowerWithDependentChild = "QUALIFYING_WIDOW_OR_WIDOWER_WITH_DEPENDENT_CHILD", +} + +/** + * The employment status of the employee + */ +export enum EmploymentStatus { + Active = "ACTIVE", + Pending = "PENDING", + Inactive = "INACTIVE", +} + +/** + * The custom field mappings of the object between the remote 3rd party & Panora + */ +export type UnifiedHrisEmployeeOutputFieldMappings = {}; + +/** + * The remote data of the employee in the context of the 3rd Party + */ +export type UnifiedHrisEmployeeOutputRemoteData = {}; + +export type UnifiedHrisEmployeeOutput = { + /** + * The groups the employee belongs to + */ + groups?: Array | null | undefined; + /** + * UUIDs of the of the Location associated with the company + */ + locations?: Array | null | undefined; + /** + * The employee number + */ + employeeNumber?: string | null | undefined; + /** + * The UUID of the associated company + */ + companyId?: string | null | undefined; + /** + * The first name of the employee + */ + firstName?: string | null | undefined; + /** + * The last name of the employee + */ + lastName?: string | null | undefined; + /** + * The preferred name of the employee + */ + preferredName?: string | null | undefined; + /** + * The full display name of the employee + */ + displayFullName?: string | null | undefined; + /** + * The username of the employee + */ + username?: string | null | undefined; + /** + * The work email of the employee + */ + workEmail?: string | null | undefined; + /** + * The personal email of the employee + */ + personalEmail?: string | null | undefined; + /** + * The mobile phone number of the employee + */ + mobilePhoneNumber?: string | null | undefined; + /** + * The employments of the employee + */ + employments?: Array | null | undefined; + /** + * The Social Security Number of the employee + */ + ssn?: string | null | undefined; + /** + * The gender of the employee + */ + gender?: UnifiedHrisEmployeeOutputGender | null | undefined; + /** + * The ethnicity of the employee + */ + ethnicity?: Ethnicity | null | undefined; + /** + * The marital status of the employee + */ + maritalStatus?: MaritalStatus | null | undefined; + /** + * The date of birth of the employee + */ + dateOfBirth?: Date | null | undefined; + /** + * The start date of the employee + */ + startDate?: Date | null | undefined; + /** + * The employment status of the employee + */ + employmentStatus?: EmploymentStatus | null | undefined; + /** + * The termination date of the employee + */ + terminationDate?: Date | null | undefined; + /** + * The URL of the employee's avatar + */ + avatarUrl?: string | null | undefined; + /** + * UUID of the manager (employee) of the employee + */ + managerId?: string | null | undefined; + /** + * The custom field mappings of the object between the remote 3rd party & Panora + */ + fieldMappings?: UnifiedHrisEmployeeOutputFieldMappings | null | undefined; + /** + * The UUID of the employee record + */ + id?: string | null | undefined; + /** + * The remote ID of the employee in the context of the 3rd Party + */ + remoteId?: string | null | undefined; + /** + * The remote data of the employee in the context of the 3rd Party + */ + remoteData?: UnifiedHrisEmployeeOutputRemoteData | null | undefined; + /** + * The date when the employee was created in the 3rd party system + */ + remoteCreatedAt?: Date | null | undefined; + /** + * The created date of the employee record + */ + createdAt?: Date | null | undefined; + /** + * The last modified date of the employee record + */ + modifiedAt?: Date | null | undefined; + /** + * Indicates if the employee was deleted in the remote system + */ + remoteWasDeleted?: boolean | null | undefined; +}; + +/** @internal */ +export const UnifiedHrisEmployeeOutputGender$inboundSchema: z.ZodNativeEnum< + typeof UnifiedHrisEmployeeOutputGender +> = z.nativeEnum(UnifiedHrisEmployeeOutputGender); + +/** @internal */ +export const UnifiedHrisEmployeeOutputGender$outboundSchema: z.ZodNativeEnum< + typeof UnifiedHrisEmployeeOutputGender +> = UnifiedHrisEmployeeOutputGender$inboundSchema; + +/** + * @internal + * @deprecated This namespace will be removed in future versions. Use schemas and types that are exported directly from this module. + */ +export namespace UnifiedHrisEmployeeOutputGender$ { + /** @deprecated use `UnifiedHrisEmployeeOutputGender$inboundSchema` instead. */ + export const inboundSchema = UnifiedHrisEmployeeOutputGender$inboundSchema; + /** @deprecated use `UnifiedHrisEmployeeOutputGender$outboundSchema` instead. */ + export const outboundSchema = UnifiedHrisEmployeeOutputGender$outboundSchema; +} + +/** @internal */ +export const Ethnicity$inboundSchema: z.ZodNativeEnum = z.nativeEnum(Ethnicity); + +/** @internal */ +export const Ethnicity$outboundSchema: z.ZodNativeEnum = Ethnicity$inboundSchema; + +/** + * @internal + * @deprecated This namespace will be removed in future versions. Use schemas and types that are exported directly from this module. + */ +export namespace Ethnicity$ { + /** @deprecated use `Ethnicity$inboundSchema` instead. */ + export const inboundSchema = Ethnicity$inboundSchema; + /** @deprecated use `Ethnicity$outboundSchema` instead. */ + export const outboundSchema = Ethnicity$outboundSchema; +} + +/** @internal */ +export const MaritalStatus$inboundSchema: z.ZodNativeEnum = + z.nativeEnum(MaritalStatus); + +/** @internal */ +export const MaritalStatus$outboundSchema: z.ZodNativeEnum = + MaritalStatus$inboundSchema; + +/** + * @internal + * @deprecated This namespace will be removed in future versions. Use schemas and types that are exported directly from this module. + */ +export namespace MaritalStatus$ { + /** @deprecated use `MaritalStatus$inboundSchema` instead. */ + export const inboundSchema = MaritalStatus$inboundSchema; + /** @deprecated use `MaritalStatus$outboundSchema` instead. */ + export const outboundSchema = MaritalStatus$outboundSchema; +} + +/** @internal */ +export const EmploymentStatus$inboundSchema: z.ZodNativeEnum = + z.nativeEnum(EmploymentStatus); + +/** @internal */ +export const EmploymentStatus$outboundSchema: z.ZodNativeEnum = + EmploymentStatus$inboundSchema; + +/** + * @internal + * @deprecated This namespace will be removed in future versions. Use schemas and types that are exported directly from this module. + */ +export namespace EmploymentStatus$ { + /** @deprecated use `EmploymentStatus$inboundSchema` instead. */ + export const inboundSchema = EmploymentStatus$inboundSchema; + /** @deprecated use `EmploymentStatus$outboundSchema` instead. */ + export const outboundSchema = EmploymentStatus$outboundSchema; +} + +/** @internal */ +export const UnifiedHrisEmployeeOutputFieldMappings$inboundSchema: z.ZodType< + UnifiedHrisEmployeeOutputFieldMappings, + z.ZodTypeDef, + unknown +> = z.object({}); + +/** @internal */ +export type UnifiedHrisEmployeeOutputFieldMappings$Outbound = {}; + +/** @internal */ +export const UnifiedHrisEmployeeOutputFieldMappings$outboundSchema: z.ZodType< + UnifiedHrisEmployeeOutputFieldMappings$Outbound, + z.ZodTypeDef, + UnifiedHrisEmployeeOutputFieldMappings +> = z.object({}); + +/** + * @internal + * @deprecated This namespace will be removed in future versions. Use schemas and types that are exported directly from this module. + */ +export namespace UnifiedHrisEmployeeOutputFieldMappings$ { + /** @deprecated use `UnifiedHrisEmployeeOutputFieldMappings$inboundSchema` instead. */ + export const inboundSchema = UnifiedHrisEmployeeOutputFieldMappings$inboundSchema; + /** @deprecated use `UnifiedHrisEmployeeOutputFieldMappings$outboundSchema` instead. */ + export const outboundSchema = UnifiedHrisEmployeeOutputFieldMappings$outboundSchema; + /** @deprecated use `UnifiedHrisEmployeeOutputFieldMappings$Outbound` instead. */ + export type Outbound = UnifiedHrisEmployeeOutputFieldMappings$Outbound; +} + +/** @internal */ +export const UnifiedHrisEmployeeOutputRemoteData$inboundSchema: z.ZodType< + UnifiedHrisEmployeeOutputRemoteData, + z.ZodTypeDef, + unknown +> = z.object({}); + +/** @internal */ +export type UnifiedHrisEmployeeOutputRemoteData$Outbound = {}; + +/** @internal */ +export const UnifiedHrisEmployeeOutputRemoteData$outboundSchema: z.ZodType< + UnifiedHrisEmployeeOutputRemoteData$Outbound, + z.ZodTypeDef, + UnifiedHrisEmployeeOutputRemoteData +> = z.object({}); + +/** + * @internal + * @deprecated This namespace will be removed in future versions. Use schemas and types that are exported directly from this module. + */ +export namespace UnifiedHrisEmployeeOutputRemoteData$ { + /** @deprecated use `UnifiedHrisEmployeeOutputRemoteData$inboundSchema` instead. */ + export const inboundSchema = UnifiedHrisEmployeeOutputRemoteData$inboundSchema; + /** @deprecated use `UnifiedHrisEmployeeOutputRemoteData$outboundSchema` instead. */ + export const outboundSchema = UnifiedHrisEmployeeOutputRemoteData$outboundSchema; + /** @deprecated use `UnifiedHrisEmployeeOutputRemoteData$Outbound` instead. */ + export type Outbound = UnifiedHrisEmployeeOutputRemoteData$Outbound; +} /** @internal */ export const UnifiedHrisEmployeeOutput$inboundSchema: z.ZodType< UnifiedHrisEmployeeOutput, z.ZodTypeDef, unknown -> = z.object({}); +> = z + .object({ + groups: z.nullable(z.array(z.string())).optional(), + locations: z.nullable(z.array(z.string())).optional(), + employee_number: z.nullable(z.string()).optional(), + company_id: z.nullable(z.string()).optional(), + first_name: z.nullable(z.string()).optional(), + last_name: z.nullable(z.string()).optional(), + preferred_name: z.nullable(z.string()).optional(), + display_full_name: z.nullable(z.string()).optional(), + username: z.nullable(z.string()).optional(), + work_email: z.nullable(z.string()).optional(), + personal_email: z.nullable(z.string()).optional(), + mobile_phone_number: z.nullable(z.string()).optional(), + employments: z.nullable(z.array(z.string())).optional(), + ssn: z.nullable(z.string()).optional(), + gender: z.nullable(UnifiedHrisEmployeeOutputGender$inboundSchema).optional(), + ethnicity: z.nullable(Ethnicity$inboundSchema).optional(), + marital_status: z.nullable(MaritalStatus$inboundSchema).optional(), + date_of_birth: z + .nullable( + z + .string() + .datetime({ offset: true }) + .transform((v) => new Date(v)) + ) + .optional(), + start_date: z + .nullable( + z + .string() + .datetime({ offset: true }) + .transform((v) => new Date(v)) + ) + .optional(), + employment_status: z.nullable(EmploymentStatus$inboundSchema).optional(), + termination_date: z + .nullable( + z + .string() + .datetime({ offset: true }) + .transform((v) => new Date(v)) + ) + .optional(), + avatar_url: z.nullable(z.string()).optional(), + manager_id: z.nullable(z.string()).optional(), + field_mappings: z + .nullable(z.lazy(() => UnifiedHrisEmployeeOutputFieldMappings$inboundSchema)) + .optional(), + id: z.nullable(z.string()).optional(), + remote_id: z.nullable(z.string()).optional(), + remote_data: z + .nullable(z.lazy(() => UnifiedHrisEmployeeOutputRemoteData$inboundSchema)) + .optional(), + remote_created_at: z + .nullable( + z + .string() + .datetime({ offset: true }) + .transform((v) => new Date(v)) + ) + .optional(), + created_at: z + .nullable( + z + .string() + .datetime({ offset: true }) + .transform((v) => new Date(v)) + ) + .optional(), + modified_at: z + .nullable( + z + .string() + .datetime({ offset: true }) + .transform((v) => new Date(v)) + ) + .optional(), + remote_was_deleted: z.nullable(z.boolean()).optional(), + }) + .transform((v) => { + return remap$(v, { + employee_number: "employeeNumber", + company_id: "companyId", + first_name: "firstName", + last_name: "lastName", + preferred_name: "preferredName", + display_full_name: "displayFullName", + work_email: "workEmail", + personal_email: "personalEmail", + mobile_phone_number: "mobilePhoneNumber", + marital_status: "maritalStatus", + date_of_birth: "dateOfBirth", + start_date: "startDate", + employment_status: "employmentStatus", + termination_date: "terminationDate", + avatar_url: "avatarUrl", + manager_id: "managerId", + field_mappings: "fieldMappings", + remote_id: "remoteId", + remote_data: "remoteData", + remote_created_at: "remoteCreatedAt", + created_at: "createdAt", + modified_at: "modifiedAt", + remote_was_deleted: "remoteWasDeleted", + }); + }); /** @internal */ -export type UnifiedHrisEmployeeOutput$Outbound = {}; +export type UnifiedHrisEmployeeOutput$Outbound = { + groups?: Array | null | undefined; + locations?: Array | null | undefined; + employee_number?: string | null | undefined; + company_id?: string | null | undefined; + first_name?: string | null | undefined; + last_name?: string | null | undefined; + preferred_name?: string | null | undefined; + display_full_name?: string | null | undefined; + username?: string | null | undefined; + work_email?: string | null | undefined; + personal_email?: string | null | undefined; + mobile_phone_number?: string | null | undefined; + employments?: Array | null | undefined; + ssn?: string | null | undefined; + gender?: string | null | undefined; + ethnicity?: string | null | undefined; + marital_status?: string | null | undefined; + date_of_birth?: string | null | undefined; + start_date?: string | null | undefined; + employment_status?: string | null | undefined; + termination_date?: string | null | undefined; + avatar_url?: string | null | undefined; + manager_id?: string | null | undefined; + field_mappings?: UnifiedHrisEmployeeOutputFieldMappings$Outbound | null | undefined; + id?: string | null | undefined; + remote_id?: string | null | undefined; + remote_data?: UnifiedHrisEmployeeOutputRemoteData$Outbound | null | undefined; + remote_created_at?: string | null | undefined; + created_at?: string | null | undefined; + modified_at?: string | null | undefined; + remote_was_deleted?: boolean | null | undefined; +}; /** @internal */ export const UnifiedHrisEmployeeOutput$outboundSchema: z.ZodType< UnifiedHrisEmployeeOutput$Outbound, z.ZodTypeDef, UnifiedHrisEmployeeOutput -> = z.object({}); +> = z + .object({ + groups: z.nullable(z.array(z.string())).optional(), + locations: z.nullable(z.array(z.string())).optional(), + employeeNumber: z.nullable(z.string()).optional(), + companyId: z.nullable(z.string()).optional(), + firstName: z.nullable(z.string()).optional(), + lastName: z.nullable(z.string()).optional(), + preferredName: z.nullable(z.string()).optional(), + displayFullName: z.nullable(z.string()).optional(), + username: z.nullable(z.string()).optional(), + workEmail: z.nullable(z.string()).optional(), + personalEmail: z.nullable(z.string()).optional(), + mobilePhoneNumber: z.nullable(z.string()).optional(), + employments: z.nullable(z.array(z.string())).optional(), + ssn: z.nullable(z.string()).optional(), + gender: z.nullable(UnifiedHrisEmployeeOutputGender$outboundSchema).optional(), + ethnicity: z.nullable(Ethnicity$outboundSchema).optional(), + maritalStatus: z.nullable(MaritalStatus$outboundSchema).optional(), + dateOfBirth: z.nullable(z.date().transform((v) => v.toISOString())).optional(), + startDate: z.nullable(z.date().transform((v) => v.toISOString())).optional(), + employmentStatus: z.nullable(EmploymentStatus$outboundSchema).optional(), + terminationDate: z.nullable(z.date().transform((v) => v.toISOString())).optional(), + avatarUrl: z.nullable(z.string()).optional(), + managerId: z.nullable(z.string()).optional(), + fieldMappings: z + .nullable(z.lazy(() => UnifiedHrisEmployeeOutputFieldMappings$outboundSchema)) + .optional(), + id: z.nullable(z.string()).optional(), + remoteId: z.nullable(z.string()).optional(), + remoteData: z + .nullable(z.lazy(() => UnifiedHrisEmployeeOutputRemoteData$outboundSchema)) + .optional(), + remoteCreatedAt: z.nullable(z.date().transform((v) => v.toISOString())).optional(), + createdAt: z.nullable(z.date().transform((v) => v.toISOString())).optional(), + modifiedAt: z.nullable(z.date().transform((v) => v.toISOString())).optional(), + remoteWasDeleted: z.nullable(z.boolean()).optional(), + }) + .transform((v) => { + return remap$(v, { + employeeNumber: "employee_number", + companyId: "company_id", + firstName: "first_name", + lastName: "last_name", + preferredName: "preferred_name", + displayFullName: "display_full_name", + workEmail: "work_email", + personalEmail: "personal_email", + mobilePhoneNumber: "mobile_phone_number", + maritalStatus: "marital_status", + dateOfBirth: "date_of_birth", + startDate: "start_date", + employmentStatus: "employment_status", + terminationDate: "termination_date", + avatarUrl: "avatar_url", + managerId: "manager_id", + fieldMappings: "field_mappings", + remoteId: "remote_id", + remoteData: "remote_data", + remoteCreatedAt: "remote_created_at", + createdAt: "created_at", + modifiedAt: "modified_at", + remoteWasDeleted: "remote_was_deleted", + }); + }); /** * @internal diff --git a/src/models/components/unifiedhrisemployeepayrollrunoutput.ts b/src/models/components/unifiedhrisemployeepayrollrunoutput.ts index 822dfb06..a2529ac3 100644 --- a/src/models/components/unifiedhrisemployeepayrollrunoutput.ts +++ b/src/models/components/unifiedhrisemployeepayrollrunoutput.ts @@ -2,26 +2,333 @@ * Code generated by Speakeasy (https://speakeasy.com). DO NOT EDIT. */ +import { remap as remap$ } from "../../lib/primitives.js"; +import { + DeductionItem, + DeductionItem$inboundSchema, + DeductionItem$Outbound, + DeductionItem$outboundSchema, +} from "./deductionitem.js"; +import { + EarningItem, + EarningItem$inboundSchema, + EarningItem$Outbound, + EarningItem$outboundSchema, +} from "./earningitem.js"; +import { + TaxItem, + TaxItem$inboundSchema, + TaxItem$Outbound, + TaxItem$outboundSchema, +} from "./taxitem.js"; import * as z from "zod"; -export type UnifiedHrisEmployeepayrollrunOutput = {}; +/** + * The custom field mappings of the object between the remote 3rd party & Panora + */ +export type UnifiedHrisEmployeepayrollrunOutputFieldMappings = {}; + +/** + * The remote data of the employee payroll run in the context of the 3rd Party + */ +export type UnifiedHrisEmployeepayrollrunOutputRemoteData = {}; + +export type UnifiedHrisEmployeepayrollrunOutput = { + /** + * The UUID of the associated employee + */ + employeeId?: string | null | undefined; + /** + * The UUID of the associated payroll run + */ + payrollRunId?: string | null | undefined; + /** + * The gross pay amount + */ + grossPay?: number | null | undefined; + /** + * The net pay amount + */ + netPay?: number | null | undefined; + /** + * The start date of the pay period + */ + startDate?: Date | null | undefined; + /** + * The end date of the pay period + */ + endDate?: Date | null | undefined; + /** + * The date the check was issued + */ + checkDate?: Date | null | undefined; + /** + * The list of deductions for this payroll run + */ + deductions?: Array | null | undefined; + /** + * The list of earnings for this payroll run + */ + earnings?: Array | null | undefined; + /** + * The list of taxes for this payroll run + */ + taxes?: Array | null | undefined; + /** + * The custom field mappings of the object between the remote 3rd party & Panora + */ + fieldMappings?: UnifiedHrisEmployeepayrollrunOutputFieldMappings | null | undefined; + /** + * The UUID of the employee payroll run record + */ + id?: string | null | undefined; + /** + * The remote ID of the employee payroll run in the context of the 3rd Party + */ + remoteId?: string | null | undefined; + /** + * The remote data of the employee payroll run in the context of the 3rd Party + */ + remoteData?: UnifiedHrisEmployeepayrollrunOutputRemoteData | null | undefined; + /** + * The date when the employee payroll run was created in the 3rd party system + */ + remoteCreatedAt?: Date | null | undefined; + /** + * The created date of the employee payroll run record + */ + createdAt?: Date | null | undefined; + /** + * The last modified date of the employee payroll run record + */ + modifiedAt?: Date | null | undefined; + /** + * Indicates if the employee payroll run was deleted in the remote system + */ + remoteWasDeleted?: boolean | null | undefined; +}; + +/** @internal */ +export const UnifiedHrisEmployeepayrollrunOutputFieldMappings$inboundSchema: z.ZodType< + UnifiedHrisEmployeepayrollrunOutputFieldMappings, + z.ZodTypeDef, + unknown +> = z.object({}); + +/** @internal */ +export type UnifiedHrisEmployeepayrollrunOutputFieldMappings$Outbound = {}; + +/** @internal */ +export const UnifiedHrisEmployeepayrollrunOutputFieldMappings$outboundSchema: z.ZodType< + UnifiedHrisEmployeepayrollrunOutputFieldMappings$Outbound, + z.ZodTypeDef, + UnifiedHrisEmployeepayrollrunOutputFieldMappings +> = z.object({}); + +/** + * @internal + * @deprecated This namespace will be removed in future versions. Use schemas and types that are exported directly from this module. + */ +export namespace UnifiedHrisEmployeepayrollrunOutputFieldMappings$ { + /** @deprecated use `UnifiedHrisEmployeepayrollrunOutputFieldMappings$inboundSchema` instead. */ + export const inboundSchema = UnifiedHrisEmployeepayrollrunOutputFieldMappings$inboundSchema; + /** @deprecated use `UnifiedHrisEmployeepayrollrunOutputFieldMappings$outboundSchema` instead. */ + export const outboundSchema = UnifiedHrisEmployeepayrollrunOutputFieldMappings$outboundSchema; + /** @deprecated use `UnifiedHrisEmployeepayrollrunOutputFieldMappings$Outbound` instead. */ + export type Outbound = UnifiedHrisEmployeepayrollrunOutputFieldMappings$Outbound; +} + +/** @internal */ +export const UnifiedHrisEmployeepayrollrunOutputRemoteData$inboundSchema: z.ZodType< + UnifiedHrisEmployeepayrollrunOutputRemoteData, + z.ZodTypeDef, + unknown +> = z.object({}); + +/** @internal */ +export type UnifiedHrisEmployeepayrollrunOutputRemoteData$Outbound = {}; + +/** @internal */ +export const UnifiedHrisEmployeepayrollrunOutputRemoteData$outboundSchema: z.ZodType< + UnifiedHrisEmployeepayrollrunOutputRemoteData$Outbound, + z.ZodTypeDef, + UnifiedHrisEmployeepayrollrunOutputRemoteData +> = z.object({}); + +/** + * @internal + * @deprecated This namespace will be removed in future versions. Use schemas and types that are exported directly from this module. + */ +export namespace UnifiedHrisEmployeepayrollrunOutputRemoteData$ { + /** @deprecated use `UnifiedHrisEmployeepayrollrunOutputRemoteData$inboundSchema` instead. */ + export const inboundSchema = UnifiedHrisEmployeepayrollrunOutputRemoteData$inboundSchema; + /** @deprecated use `UnifiedHrisEmployeepayrollrunOutputRemoteData$outboundSchema` instead. */ + export const outboundSchema = UnifiedHrisEmployeepayrollrunOutputRemoteData$outboundSchema; + /** @deprecated use `UnifiedHrisEmployeepayrollrunOutputRemoteData$Outbound` instead. */ + export type Outbound = UnifiedHrisEmployeepayrollrunOutputRemoteData$Outbound; +} /** @internal */ export const UnifiedHrisEmployeepayrollrunOutput$inboundSchema: z.ZodType< UnifiedHrisEmployeepayrollrunOutput, z.ZodTypeDef, unknown -> = z.object({}); +> = z + .object({ + employee_id: z.nullable(z.string()).optional(), + payroll_run_id: z.nullable(z.string()).optional(), + gross_pay: z.nullable(z.number()).optional(), + net_pay: z.nullable(z.number()).optional(), + start_date: z + .nullable( + z + .string() + .datetime({ offset: true }) + .transform((v) => new Date(v)) + ) + .optional(), + end_date: z + .nullable( + z + .string() + .datetime({ offset: true }) + .transform((v) => new Date(v)) + ) + .optional(), + check_date: z + .nullable( + z + .string() + .datetime({ offset: true }) + .transform((v) => new Date(v)) + ) + .optional(), + deductions: z.nullable(z.array(DeductionItem$inboundSchema)).optional(), + earnings: z.nullable(z.array(EarningItem$inboundSchema)).optional(), + taxes: z.nullable(z.array(TaxItem$inboundSchema)).optional(), + field_mappings: z + .nullable(z.lazy(() => UnifiedHrisEmployeepayrollrunOutputFieldMappings$inboundSchema)) + .optional(), + id: z.nullable(z.string()).optional(), + remote_id: z.nullable(z.string()).optional(), + remote_data: z + .nullable(z.lazy(() => UnifiedHrisEmployeepayrollrunOutputRemoteData$inboundSchema)) + .optional(), + remote_created_at: z + .nullable( + z + .string() + .datetime({ offset: true }) + .transform((v) => new Date(v)) + ) + .optional(), + created_at: z + .nullable( + z + .string() + .datetime({ offset: true }) + .transform((v) => new Date(v)) + ) + .optional(), + modified_at: z + .nullable( + z + .string() + .datetime({ offset: true }) + .transform((v) => new Date(v)) + ) + .optional(), + remote_was_deleted: z.nullable(z.boolean()).optional(), + }) + .transform((v) => { + return remap$(v, { + employee_id: "employeeId", + payroll_run_id: "payrollRunId", + gross_pay: "grossPay", + net_pay: "netPay", + start_date: "startDate", + end_date: "endDate", + check_date: "checkDate", + field_mappings: "fieldMappings", + remote_id: "remoteId", + remote_data: "remoteData", + remote_created_at: "remoteCreatedAt", + created_at: "createdAt", + modified_at: "modifiedAt", + remote_was_deleted: "remoteWasDeleted", + }); + }); /** @internal */ -export type UnifiedHrisEmployeepayrollrunOutput$Outbound = {}; +export type UnifiedHrisEmployeepayrollrunOutput$Outbound = { + employee_id?: string | null | undefined; + payroll_run_id?: string | null | undefined; + gross_pay?: number | null | undefined; + net_pay?: number | null | undefined; + start_date?: string | null | undefined; + end_date?: string | null | undefined; + check_date?: string | null | undefined; + deductions?: Array | null | undefined; + earnings?: Array | null | undefined; + taxes?: Array | null | undefined; + field_mappings?: UnifiedHrisEmployeepayrollrunOutputFieldMappings$Outbound | null | undefined; + id?: string | null | undefined; + remote_id?: string | null | undefined; + remote_data?: UnifiedHrisEmployeepayrollrunOutputRemoteData$Outbound | null | undefined; + remote_created_at?: string | null | undefined; + created_at?: string | null | undefined; + modified_at?: string | null | undefined; + remote_was_deleted?: boolean | null | undefined; +}; /** @internal */ export const UnifiedHrisEmployeepayrollrunOutput$outboundSchema: z.ZodType< UnifiedHrisEmployeepayrollrunOutput$Outbound, z.ZodTypeDef, UnifiedHrisEmployeepayrollrunOutput -> = z.object({}); +> = z + .object({ + employeeId: z.nullable(z.string()).optional(), + payrollRunId: z.nullable(z.string()).optional(), + grossPay: z.nullable(z.number()).optional(), + netPay: z.nullable(z.number()).optional(), + startDate: z.nullable(z.date().transform((v) => v.toISOString())).optional(), + endDate: z.nullable(z.date().transform((v) => v.toISOString())).optional(), + checkDate: z.nullable(z.date().transform((v) => v.toISOString())).optional(), + deductions: z.nullable(z.array(DeductionItem$outboundSchema)).optional(), + earnings: z.nullable(z.array(EarningItem$outboundSchema)).optional(), + taxes: z.nullable(z.array(TaxItem$outboundSchema)).optional(), + fieldMappings: z + .nullable(z.lazy(() => UnifiedHrisEmployeepayrollrunOutputFieldMappings$outboundSchema)) + .optional(), + id: z.nullable(z.string()).optional(), + remoteId: z.nullable(z.string()).optional(), + remoteData: z + .nullable(z.lazy(() => UnifiedHrisEmployeepayrollrunOutputRemoteData$outboundSchema)) + .optional(), + remoteCreatedAt: z.nullable(z.date().transform((v) => v.toISOString())).optional(), + createdAt: z.nullable(z.date().transform((v) => v.toISOString())).optional(), + modifiedAt: z.nullable(z.date().transform((v) => v.toISOString())).optional(), + remoteWasDeleted: z.nullable(z.boolean()).optional(), + }) + .transform((v) => { + return remap$(v, { + employeeId: "employee_id", + payrollRunId: "payroll_run_id", + grossPay: "gross_pay", + netPay: "net_pay", + startDate: "start_date", + endDate: "end_date", + checkDate: "check_date", + fieldMappings: "field_mappings", + remoteId: "remote_id", + remoteData: "remote_data", + remoteCreatedAt: "remote_created_at", + createdAt: "created_at", + modifiedAt: "modified_at", + remoteWasDeleted: "remote_was_deleted", + }); + }); /** * @internal diff --git a/src/models/components/unifiedhrisemployerbenefitoutput.ts b/src/models/components/unifiedhrisemployerbenefitoutput.ts index fac1fa38..8b8151e1 100644 --- a/src/models/components/unifiedhrisemployerbenefitoutput.ts +++ b/src/models/components/unifiedhrisemployerbenefitoutput.ts @@ -2,26 +2,272 @@ * Code generated by Speakeasy (https://speakeasy.com). DO NOT EDIT. */ +import { remap as remap$ } from "../../lib/primitives.js"; import * as z from "zod"; -export type UnifiedHrisEmployerbenefitOutput = {}; +/** + * The type of the benefit plan + */ +export enum BenefitPlanType { + Medical = "MEDICAL", + HealthSavings = "HEALTH_SAVINGS", + Insurance = "INSURANCE", + Retirement = "RETIREMENT", + Other = "OTHER", +} + +/** + * The custom field mappings of the object between the remote 3rd party & Panora + */ +export type UnifiedHrisEmployerbenefitOutputFieldMappings = {}; + +/** + * The remote data of the employer benefit in the context of the 3rd Party + */ +export type UnifiedHrisEmployerbenefitOutputRemoteData = {}; + +export type UnifiedHrisEmployerbenefitOutput = { + /** + * The type of the benefit plan + */ + benefitPlanType?: BenefitPlanType | null | undefined; + /** + * The name of the employer benefit + */ + name?: string | null | undefined; + /** + * The description of the employer benefit + */ + description?: string | null | undefined; + /** + * The deduction code for the employer benefit + */ + deductionCode?: string | null | undefined; + /** + * The custom field mappings of the object between the remote 3rd party & Panora + */ + fieldMappings?: UnifiedHrisEmployerbenefitOutputFieldMappings | null | undefined; + /** + * The UUID of the employer benefit record + */ + id?: string | null | undefined; + /** + * The remote ID of the employer benefit in the context of the 3rd Party + */ + remoteId?: string | null | undefined; + /** + * The remote data of the employer benefit in the context of the 3rd Party + */ + remoteData?: UnifiedHrisEmployerbenefitOutputRemoteData | null | undefined; + /** + * The date when the employer benefit was created in the 3rd party system + */ + remoteCreatedAt?: Date | null | undefined; + /** + * The created date of the employer benefit record + */ + createdAt?: Date | null | undefined; + /** + * The last modified date of the employer benefit record + */ + modifiedAt?: Date | null | undefined; + /** + * Indicates if the employer benefit was deleted in the remote system + */ + remoteWasDeleted?: boolean | null | undefined; +}; + +/** @internal */ +export const BenefitPlanType$inboundSchema: z.ZodNativeEnum = + z.nativeEnum(BenefitPlanType); + +/** @internal */ +export const BenefitPlanType$outboundSchema: z.ZodNativeEnum = + BenefitPlanType$inboundSchema; + +/** + * @internal + * @deprecated This namespace will be removed in future versions. Use schemas and types that are exported directly from this module. + */ +export namespace BenefitPlanType$ { + /** @deprecated use `BenefitPlanType$inboundSchema` instead. */ + export const inboundSchema = BenefitPlanType$inboundSchema; + /** @deprecated use `BenefitPlanType$outboundSchema` instead. */ + export const outboundSchema = BenefitPlanType$outboundSchema; +} + +/** @internal */ +export const UnifiedHrisEmployerbenefitOutputFieldMappings$inboundSchema: z.ZodType< + UnifiedHrisEmployerbenefitOutputFieldMappings, + z.ZodTypeDef, + unknown +> = z.object({}); + +/** @internal */ +export type UnifiedHrisEmployerbenefitOutputFieldMappings$Outbound = {}; + +/** @internal */ +export const UnifiedHrisEmployerbenefitOutputFieldMappings$outboundSchema: z.ZodType< + UnifiedHrisEmployerbenefitOutputFieldMappings$Outbound, + z.ZodTypeDef, + UnifiedHrisEmployerbenefitOutputFieldMappings +> = z.object({}); + +/** + * @internal + * @deprecated This namespace will be removed in future versions. Use schemas and types that are exported directly from this module. + */ +export namespace UnifiedHrisEmployerbenefitOutputFieldMappings$ { + /** @deprecated use `UnifiedHrisEmployerbenefitOutputFieldMappings$inboundSchema` instead. */ + export const inboundSchema = UnifiedHrisEmployerbenefitOutputFieldMappings$inboundSchema; + /** @deprecated use `UnifiedHrisEmployerbenefitOutputFieldMappings$outboundSchema` instead. */ + export const outboundSchema = UnifiedHrisEmployerbenefitOutputFieldMappings$outboundSchema; + /** @deprecated use `UnifiedHrisEmployerbenefitOutputFieldMappings$Outbound` instead. */ + export type Outbound = UnifiedHrisEmployerbenefitOutputFieldMappings$Outbound; +} + +/** @internal */ +export const UnifiedHrisEmployerbenefitOutputRemoteData$inboundSchema: z.ZodType< + UnifiedHrisEmployerbenefitOutputRemoteData, + z.ZodTypeDef, + unknown +> = z.object({}); + +/** @internal */ +export type UnifiedHrisEmployerbenefitOutputRemoteData$Outbound = {}; + +/** @internal */ +export const UnifiedHrisEmployerbenefitOutputRemoteData$outboundSchema: z.ZodType< + UnifiedHrisEmployerbenefitOutputRemoteData$Outbound, + z.ZodTypeDef, + UnifiedHrisEmployerbenefitOutputRemoteData +> = z.object({}); + +/** + * @internal + * @deprecated This namespace will be removed in future versions. Use schemas and types that are exported directly from this module. + */ +export namespace UnifiedHrisEmployerbenefitOutputRemoteData$ { + /** @deprecated use `UnifiedHrisEmployerbenefitOutputRemoteData$inboundSchema` instead. */ + export const inboundSchema = UnifiedHrisEmployerbenefitOutputRemoteData$inboundSchema; + /** @deprecated use `UnifiedHrisEmployerbenefitOutputRemoteData$outboundSchema` instead. */ + export const outboundSchema = UnifiedHrisEmployerbenefitOutputRemoteData$outboundSchema; + /** @deprecated use `UnifiedHrisEmployerbenefitOutputRemoteData$Outbound` instead. */ + export type Outbound = UnifiedHrisEmployerbenefitOutputRemoteData$Outbound; +} /** @internal */ export const UnifiedHrisEmployerbenefitOutput$inboundSchema: z.ZodType< UnifiedHrisEmployerbenefitOutput, z.ZodTypeDef, unknown -> = z.object({}); +> = z + .object({ + benefit_plan_type: z.nullable(BenefitPlanType$inboundSchema).optional(), + name: z.nullable(z.string()).optional(), + description: z.nullable(z.string()).optional(), + deduction_code: z.nullable(z.string()).optional(), + field_mappings: z + .nullable(z.lazy(() => UnifiedHrisEmployerbenefitOutputFieldMappings$inboundSchema)) + .optional(), + id: z.nullable(z.string()).optional(), + remote_id: z.nullable(z.string()).optional(), + remote_data: z + .nullable(z.lazy(() => UnifiedHrisEmployerbenefitOutputRemoteData$inboundSchema)) + .optional(), + remote_created_at: z + .nullable( + z + .string() + .datetime({ offset: true }) + .transform((v) => new Date(v)) + ) + .optional(), + created_at: z + .nullable( + z + .string() + .datetime({ offset: true }) + .transform((v) => new Date(v)) + ) + .optional(), + modified_at: z + .nullable( + z + .string() + .datetime({ offset: true }) + .transform((v) => new Date(v)) + ) + .optional(), + remote_was_deleted: z.nullable(z.boolean()).optional(), + }) + .transform((v) => { + return remap$(v, { + benefit_plan_type: "benefitPlanType", + deduction_code: "deductionCode", + field_mappings: "fieldMappings", + remote_id: "remoteId", + remote_data: "remoteData", + remote_created_at: "remoteCreatedAt", + created_at: "createdAt", + modified_at: "modifiedAt", + remote_was_deleted: "remoteWasDeleted", + }); + }); /** @internal */ -export type UnifiedHrisEmployerbenefitOutput$Outbound = {}; +export type UnifiedHrisEmployerbenefitOutput$Outbound = { + benefit_plan_type?: string | null | undefined; + name?: string | null | undefined; + description?: string | null | undefined; + deduction_code?: string | null | undefined; + field_mappings?: UnifiedHrisEmployerbenefitOutputFieldMappings$Outbound | null | undefined; + id?: string | null | undefined; + remote_id?: string | null | undefined; + remote_data?: UnifiedHrisEmployerbenefitOutputRemoteData$Outbound | null | undefined; + remote_created_at?: string | null | undefined; + created_at?: string | null | undefined; + modified_at?: string | null | undefined; + remote_was_deleted?: boolean | null | undefined; +}; /** @internal */ export const UnifiedHrisEmployerbenefitOutput$outboundSchema: z.ZodType< UnifiedHrisEmployerbenefitOutput$Outbound, z.ZodTypeDef, UnifiedHrisEmployerbenefitOutput -> = z.object({}); +> = z + .object({ + benefitPlanType: z.nullable(BenefitPlanType$outboundSchema).optional(), + name: z.nullable(z.string()).optional(), + description: z.nullable(z.string()).optional(), + deductionCode: z.nullable(z.string()).optional(), + fieldMappings: z + .nullable(z.lazy(() => UnifiedHrisEmployerbenefitOutputFieldMappings$outboundSchema)) + .optional(), + id: z.nullable(z.string()).optional(), + remoteId: z.nullable(z.string()).optional(), + remoteData: z + .nullable(z.lazy(() => UnifiedHrisEmployerbenefitOutputRemoteData$outboundSchema)) + .optional(), + remoteCreatedAt: z.nullable(z.date().transform((v) => v.toISOString())).optional(), + createdAt: z.nullable(z.date().transform((v) => v.toISOString())).optional(), + modifiedAt: z.nullable(z.date().transform((v) => v.toISOString())).optional(), + remoteWasDeleted: z.nullable(z.boolean()).optional(), + }) + .transform((v) => { + return remap$(v, { + benefitPlanType: "benefit_plan_type", + deductionCode: "deduction_code", + fieldMappings: "field_mappings", + remoteId: "remote_id", + remoteData: "remote_data", + remoteCreatedAt: "remote_created_at", + createdAt: "created_at", + modifiedAt: "modified_at", + remoteWasDeleted: "remote_was_deleted", + }); + }); /** * @internal diff --git a/src/models/components/unifiedhrisemploymentoutput.ts b/src/models/components/unifiedhrisemploymentoutput.ts index 979223e7..28fefd4b 100644 --- a/src/models/components/unifiedhrisemploymentoutput.ts +++ b/src/models/components/unifiedhrisemploymentoutput.ts @@ -2,26 +2,619 @@ * Code generated by Speakeasy (https://speakeasy.com). DO NOT EDIT. */ +import { remap as remap$ } from "../../lib/primitives.js"; import * as z from "zod"; -export type UnifiedHrisEmploymentOutput = {}; +/** + * The pay period of the employment + */ +export enum PayPeriod { + Hour = "HOUR", + Day = "DAY", + Week = "WEEK", + EveryTwoWeeks = "EVERY_TWO_WEEKS", + Semimonthly = "SEMIMONTHLY", + Month = "MONTH", + Quarter = "QUARTER", + EverySixMonths = "EVERY_SIX_MONTHS", + Year = "YEAR", +} + +/** + * The pay frequency of the employment + */ +export enum PayFrequency { + Weekly = "WEEKLY", + Biweekly = "BIWEEKLY", + Monthly = "MONTHLY", + Quarterly = "QUARTERLY", + Semiannually = "SEMIANNUALLY", + Annually = "ANNUALLY", + ThirteenMonthly = "THIRTEEN-MONTHLY", + ProRata = "PRO_RATA", + Semimonthly = "SEMIMONTHLY", +} + +/** + * The currency of the pay + */ +export enum PayCurrency { + Aed = "AED", + Afn = "AFN", + All = "ALL", + Amd = "AMD", + Ang = "ANG", + Aoa = "AOA", + Ars = "ARS", + Aud = "AUD", + Awg = "AWG", + Azn = "AZN", + Bam = "BAM", + Bbd = "BBD", + Bdt = "BDT", + Bgn = "BGN", + Bhd = "BHD", + Bif = "BIF", + Bmd = "BMD", + Bnd = "BND", + Bob = "BOB", + Brl = "BRL", + Bsd = "BSD", + Btn = "BTN", + Bwp = "BWP", + Byn = "BYN", + Bzd = "BZD", + Cad = "CAD", + Cdf = "CDF", + Chf = "CHF", + Clp = "CLP", + Cny = "CNY", + Cop = "COP", + Crc = "CRC", + Cup = "CUP", + Cve = "CVE", + Czk = "CZK", + Djf = "DJF", + Dkk = "DKK", + Dop = "DOP", + Dzd = "DZD", + Egp = "EGP", + Ern = "ERN", + Etb = "ETB", + Eur = "EUR", + Fjd = "FJD", + Fkp = "FKP", + Fok = "FOK", + Gbp = "GBP", + Gel = "GEL", + Ggp = "GGP", + Ghs = "GHS", + Gip = "GIP", + Gmd = "GMD", + Gnf = "GNF", + Gtq = "GTQ", + Gyd = "GYD", + Hkd = "HKD", + Hnl = "HNL", + Hrk = "HRK", + Htg = "HTG", + Huf = "HUF", + Idr = "IDR", + Ils = "ILS", + Imp = "IMP", + Inr = "INR", + Iqd = "IQD", + Irr = "IRR", + Isk = "ISK", + Jep = "JEP", + Jmd = "JMD", + Jod = "JOD", + Jpy = "JPY", + Kes = "KES", + Kgs = "KGS", + Khr = "KHR", + Kid = "KID", + Kmf = "KMF", + Krw = "KRW", + Kwd = "KWD", + Kyd = "KYD", + Kzt = "KZT", + Lak = "LAK", + Lbp = "LBP", + Lkr = "LKR", + Lrd = "LRD", + Lsl = "LSL", + Lyd = "LYD", + Mad = "MAD", + Mdl = "MDL", + Mga = "MGA", + Mkd = "MKD", + Mmk = "MMK", + Mnt = "MNT", + Mop = "MOP", + Mru = "MRU", + Mur = "MUR", + Mvr = "MVR", + Mwk = "MWK", + Mxn = "MXN", + Myr = "MYR", + Mzn = "MZN", + Nad = "NAD", + Ngn = "NGN", + Nio = "NIO", + Nok = "NOK", + Npr = "NPR", + Nzd = "NZD", + Omr = "OMR", + Pab = "PAB", + Pen = "PEN", + Pgk = "PGK", + Php = "PHP", + Pkr = "PKR", + Pln = "PLN", + Pyg = "PYG", + Qar = "QAR", + Ron = "RON", + Rsd = "RSD", + Rub = "RUB", + Rwf = "RWF", + Sar = "SAR", + Sbd = "SBD", + Scr = "SCR", + Sdg = "SDG", + Sek = "SEK", + Sgd = "SGD", + Shp = "SHP", + Sle = "SLE", + Sll = "SLL", + Sos = "SOS", + Srd = "SRD", + Ssp = "SSP", + Stn = "STN", + Syp = "SYP", + Szl = "SZL", + Thb = "THB", + Tjs = "TJS", + Tmt = "TMT", + Tnd = "TND", + Top = "TOP", + Try = "TRY", + Ttd = "TTD", + Tvd = "TVD", + Twd = "TWD", + Tzs = "TZS", + Uah = "UAH", + Ugx = "UGX", + Usd = "USD", + Uyu = "UYU", + Uzs = "UZS", + Ves = "VES", + Vnd = "VND", + Vuv = "VUV", + Wst = "WST", + Xaf = "XAF", + Xcd = "XCD", + Xdr = "XDR", + Xof = "XOF", + Xpf = "XPF", + Yer = "YER", + Zar = "ZAR", + Zmw = "ZMW", + Zwl = "ZWL", +} + +/** + * The FLSA status of the employment + */ +export enum FlsaStatus { + Exempt = "EXEMPT", + SalariedNonexempt = "SALARIED_NONEXEMPT", + Nonexempt = "NONEXEMPT", + Owner = "OWNER", +} + +/** + * The type of employment + */ +export enum EmploymentType { + FullTime = "FULL_TIME", + PartTime = "PART_TIME", + Intern = "INTERN", + Contractor = "CONTRACTOR", + Freelance = "FREELANCE", +} + +/** + * The custom field mappings of the object between the remote 3rd party & Panora + */ +export type UnifiedHrisEmploymentOutputFieldMappings = {}; + +/** + * The remote data of the employment in the context of the 3rd Party + */ +export type UnifiedHrisEmploymentOutputRemoteData = {}; + +export type UnifiedHrisEmploymentOutput = { + /** + * The job title of the employment + */ + jobTitle?: string | null | undefined; + /** + * The pay rate of the employment + */ + payRate?: number | null | undefined; + /** + * The pay period of the employment + */ + payPeriod?: PayPeriod | null | undefined; + /** + * The pay frequency of the employment + */ + payFrequency?: PayFrequency | null | undefined; + /** + * The currency of the pay + */ + payCurrency?: PayCurrency | null | undefined; + /** + * The FLSA status of the employment + */ + flsaStatus?: FlsaStatus | null | undefined; + /** + * The effective date of the employment + */ + effectiveDate?: Date | null | undefined; + /** + * The type of employment + */ + employmentType?: EmploymentType | null | undefined; + /** + * The UUID of the associated pay group + */ + payGroupId?: string | null | undefined; + /** + * The UUID of the associated employee + */ + employeeId?: string | null | undefined; + /** + * The custom field mappings of the object between the remote 3rd party & Panora + */ + fieldMappings?: UnifiedHrisEmploymentOutputFieldMappings | null | undefined; + /** + * The UUID of the employment record + */ + id?: string | null | undefined; + /** + * The remote ID of the employment in the context of the 3rd Party + */ + remoteId?: string | null | undefined; + /** + * The remote data of the employment in the context of the 3rd Party + */ + remoteData?: UnifiedHrisEmploymentOutputRemoteData | null | undefined; + /** + * The date when the employment was created in the 3rd party system + */ + remoteCreatedAt?: Date | null | undefined; + /** + * The created date of the employment record + */ + createdAt?: Date | null | undefined; + /** + * The last modified date of the employment record + */ + modifiedAt?: Date | null | undefined; + /** + * Indicates if the employment was deleted in the remote system + */ + remoteWasDeleted?: boolean | null | undefined; +}; + +/** @internal */ +export const PayPeriod$inboundSchema: z.ZodNativeEnum = z.nativeEnum(PayPeriod); + +/** @internal */ +export const PayPeriod$outboundSchema: z.ZodNativeEnum = PayPeriod$inboundSchema; + +/** + * @internal + * @deprecated This namespace will be removed in future versions. Use schemas and types that are exported directly from this module. + */ +export namespace PayPeriod$ { + /** @deprecated use `PayPeriod$inboundSchema` instead. */ + export const inboundSchema = PayPeriod$inboundSchema; + /** @deprecated use `PayPeriod$outboundSchema` instead. */ + export const outboundSchema = PayPeriod$outboundSchema; +} + +/** @internal */ +export const PayFrequency$inboundSchema: z.ZodNativeEnum = + z.nativeEnum(PayFrequency); + +/** @internal */ +export const PayFrequency$outboundSchema: z.ZodNativeEnum = + PayFrequency$inboundSchema; + +/** + * @internal + * @deprecated This namespace will be removed in future versions. Use schemas and types that are exported directly from this module. + */ +export namespace PayFrequency$ { + /** @deprecated use `PayFrequency$inboundSchema` instead. */ + export const inboundSchema = PayFrequency$inboundSchema; + /** @deprecated use `PayFrequency$outboundSchema` instead. */ + export const outboundSchema = PayFrequency$outboundSchema; +} + +/** @internal */ +export const PayCurrency$inboundSchema: z.ZodNativeEnum = + z.nativeEnum(PayCurrency); + +/** @internal */ +export const PayCurrency$outboundSchema: z.ZodNativeEnum = + PayCurrency$inboundSchema; + +/** + * @internal + * @deprecated This namespace will be removed in future versions. Use schemas and types that are exported directly from this module. + */ +export namespace PayCurrency$ { + /** @deprecated use `PayCurrency$inboundSchema` instead. */ + export const inboundSchema = PayCurrency$inboundSchema; + /** @deprecated use `PayCurrency$outboundSchema` instead. */ + export const outboundSchema = PayCurrency$outboundSchema; +} + +/** @internal */ +export const FlsaStatus$inboundSchema: z.ZodNativeEnum = + z.nativeEnum(FlsaStatus); + +/** @internal */ +export const FlsaStatus$outboundSchema: z.ZodNativeEnum = + FlsaStatus$inboundSchema; + +/** + * @internal + * @deprecated This namespace will be removed in future versions. Use schemas and types that are exported directly from this module. + */ +export namespace FlsaStatus$ { + /** @deprecated use `FlsaStatus$inboundSchema` instead. */ + export const inboundSchema = FlsaStatus$inboundSchema; + /** @deprecated use `FlsaStatus$outboundSchema` instead. */ + export const outboundSchema = FlsaStatus$outboundSchema; +} + +/** @internal */ +export const EmploymentType$inboundSchema: z.ZodNativeEnum = + z.nativeEnum(EmploymentType); + +/** @internal */ +export const EmploymentType$outboundSchema: z.ZodNativeEnum = + EmploymentType$inboundSchema; + +/** + * @internal + * @deprecated This namespace will be removed in future versions. Use schemas and types that are exported directly from this module. + */ +export namespace EmploymentType$ { + /** @deprecated use `EmploymentType$inboundSchema` instead. */ + export const inboundSchema = EmploymentType$inboundSchema; + /** @deprecated use `EmploymentType$outboundSchema` instead. */ + export const outboundSchema = EmploymentType$outboundSchema; +} + +/** @internal */ +export const UnifiedHrisEmploymentOutputFieldMappings$inboundSchema: z.ZodType< + UnifiedHrisEmploymentOutputFieldMappings, + z.ZodTypeDef, + unknown +> = z.object({}); + +/** @internal */ +export type UnifiedHrisEmploymentOutputFieldMappings$Outbound = {}; + +/** @internal */ +export const UnifiedHrisEmploymentOutputFieldMappings$outboundSchema: z.ZodType< + UnifiedHrisEmploymentOutputFieldMappings$Outbound, + z.ZodTypeDef, + UnifiedHrisEmploymentOutputFieldMappings +> = z.object({}); + +/** + * @internal + * @deprecated This namespace will be removed in future versions. Use schemas and types that are exported directly from this module. + */ +export namespace UnifiedHrisEmploymentOutputFieldMappings$ { + /** @deprecated use `UnifiedHrisEmploymentOutputFieldMappings$inboundSchema` instead. */ + export const inboundSchema = UnifiedHrisEmploymentOutputFieldMappings$inboundSchema; + /** @deprecated use `UnifiedHrisEmploymentOutputFieldMappings$outboundSchema` instead. */ + export const outboundSchema = UnifiedHrisEmploymentOutputFieldMappings$outboundSchema; + /** @deprecated use `UnifiedHrisEmploymentOutputFieldMappings$Outbound` instead. */ + export type Outbound = UnifiedHrisEmploymentOutputFieldMappings$Outbound; +} + +/** @internal */ +export const UnifiedHrisEmploymentOutputRemoteData$inboundSchema: z.ZodType< + UnifiedHrisEmploymentOutputRemoteData, + z.ZodTypeDef, + unknown +> = z.object({}); + +/** @internal */ +export type UnifiedHrisEmploymentOutputRemoteData$Outbound = {}; + +/** @internal */ +export const UnifiedHrisEmploymentOutputRemoteData$outboundSchema: z.ZodType< + UnifiedHrisEmploymentOutputRemoteData$Outbound, + z.ZodTypeDef, + UnifiedHrisEmploymentOutputRemoteData +> = z.object({}); + +/** + * @internal + * @deprecated This namespace will be removed in future versions. Use schemas and types that are exported directly from this module. + */ +export namespace UnifiedHrisEmploymentOutputRemoteData$ { + /** @deprecated use `UnifiedHrisEmploymentOutputRemoteData$inboundSchema` instead. */ + export const inboundSchema = UnifiedHrisEmploymentOutputRemoteData$inboundSchema; + /** @deprecated use `UnifiedHrisEmploymentOutputRemoteData$outboundSchema` instead. */ + export const outboundSchema = UnifiedHrisEmploymentOutputRemoteData$outboundSchema; + /** @deprecated use `UnifiedHrisEmploymentOutputRemoteData$Outbound` instead. */ + export type Outbound = UnifiedHrisEmploymentOutputRemoteData$Outbound; +} /** @internal */ export const UnifiedHrisEmploymentOutput$inboundSchema: z.ZodType< UnifiedHrisEmploymentOutput, z.ZodTypeDef, unknown -> = z.object({}); +> = z + .object({ + job_title: z.nullable(z.string()).optional(), + pay_rate: z.nullable(z.number()).optional(), + pay_period: z.nullable(PayPeriod$inboundSchema).optional(), + pay_frequency: z.nullable(PayFrequency$inboundSchema).optional(), + pay_currency: z.nullable(PayCurrency$inboundSchema).optional(), + flsa_status: z.nullable(FlsaStatus$inboundSchema).optional(), + effective_date: z + .nullable( + z + .string() + .datetime({ offset: true }) + .transform((v) => new Date(v)) + ) + .optional(), + employment_type: z.nullable(EmploymentType$inboundSchema).optional(), + pay_group_id: z.nullable(z.string()).optional(), + employee_id: z.nullable(z.string()).optional(), + field_mappings: z + .nullable(z.lazy(() => UnifiedHrisEmploymentOutputFieldMappings$inboundSchema)) + .optional(), + id: z.nullable(z.string()).optional(), + remote_id: z.nullable(z.string()).optional(), + remote_data: z + .nullable(z.lazy(() => UnifiedHrisEmploymentOutputRemoteData$inboundSchema)) + .optional(), + remote_created_at: z + .nullable( + z + .string() + .datetime({ offset: true }) + .transform((v) => new Date(v)) + ) + .optional(), + created_at: z + .nullable( + z + .string() + .datetime({ offset: true }) + .transform((v) => new Date(v)) + ) + .optional(), + modified_at: z + .nullable( + z + .string() + .datetime({ offset: true }) + .transform((v) => new Date(v)) + ) + .optional(), + remote_was_deleted: z.nullable(z.boolean()).optional(), + }) + .transform((v) => { + return remap$(v, { + job_title: "jobTitle", + pay_rate: "payRate", + pay_period: "payPeriod", + pay_frequency: "payFrequency", + pay_currency: "payCurrency", + flsa_status: "flsaStatus", + effective_date: "effectiveDate", + employment_type: "employmentType", + pay_group_id: "payGroupId", + employee_id: "employeeId", + field_mappings: "fieldMappings", + remote_id: "remoteId", + remote_data: "remoteData", + remote_created_at: "remoteCreatedAt", + created_at: "createdAt", + modified_at: "modifiedAt", + remote_was_deleted: "remoteWasDeleted", + }); + }); /** @internal */ -export type UnifiedHrisEmploymentOutput$Outbound = {}; +export type UnifiedHrisEmploymentOutput$Outbound = { + job_title?: string | null | undefined; + pay_rate?: number | null | undefined; + pay_period?: string | null | undefined; + pay_frequency?: string | null | undefined; + pay_currency?: string | null | undefined; + flsa_status?: string | null | undefined; + effective_date?: string | null | undefined; + employment_type?: string | null | undefined; + pay_group_id?: string | null | undefined; + employee_id?: string | null | undefined; + field_mappings?: UnifiedHrisEmploymentOutputFieldMappings$Outbound | null | undefined; + id?: string | null | undefined; + remote_id?: string | null | undefined; + remote_data?: UnifiedHrisEmploymentOutputRemoteData$Outbound | null | undefined; + remote_created_at?: string | null | undefined; + created_at?: string | null | undefined; + modified_at?: string | null | undefined; + remote_was_deleted?: boolean | null | undefined; +}; /** @internal */ export const UnifiedHrisEmploymentOutput$outboundSchema: z.ZodType< UnifiedHrisEmploymentOutput$Outbound, z.ZodTypeDef, UnifiedHrisEmploymentOutput -> = z.object({}); +> = z + .object({ + jobTitle: z.nullable(z.string()).optional(), + payRate: z.nullable(z.number()).optional(), + payPeriod: z.nullable(PayPeriod$outboundSchema).optional(), + payFrequency: z.nullable(PayFrequency$outboundSchema).optional(), + payCurrency: z.nullable(PayCurrency$outboundSchema).optional(), + flsaStatus: z.nullable(FlsaStatus$outboundSchema).optional(), + effectiveDate: z.nullable(z.date().transform((v) => v.toISOString())).optional(), + employmentType: z.nullable(EmploymentType$outboundSchema).optional(), + payGroupId: z.nullable(z.string()).optional(), + employeeId: z.nullable(z.string()).optional(), + fieldMappings: z + .nullable(z.lazy(() => UnifiedHrisEmploymentOutputFieldMappings$outboundSchema)) + .optional(), + id: z.nullable(z.string()).optional(), + remoteId: z.nullable(z.string()).optional(), + remoteData: z + .nullable(z.lazy(() => UnifiedHrisEmploymentOutputRemoteData$outboundSchema)) + .optional(), + remoteCreatedAt: z.nullable(z.date().transform((v) => v.toISOString())).optional(), + createdAt: z.nullable(z.date().transform((v) => v.toISOString())).optional(), + modifiedAt: z.nullable(z.date().transform((v) => v.toISOString())).optional(), + remoteWasDeleted: z.nullable(z.boolean()).optional(), + }) + .transform((v) => { + return remap$(v, { + jobTitle: "job_title", + payRate: "pay_rate", + payPeriod: "pay_period", + payFrequency: "pay_frequency", + payCurrency: "pay_currency", + flsaStatus: "flsa_status", + effectiveDate: "effective_date", + employmentType: "employment_type", + payGroupId: "pay_group_id", + employeeId: "employee_id", + fieldMappings: "field_mappings", + remoteId: "remote_id", + remoteData: "remote_data", + remoteCreatedAt: "remote_created_at", + createdAt: "created_at", + modifiedAt: "modified_at", + remoteWasDeleted: "remote_was_deleted", + }); + }); /** * @internal diff --git a/src/models/components/unifiedhrisgroupoutput.ts b/src/models/components/unifiedhrisgroupoutput.ts index 7f7a72fc..9b9b928b 100644 --- a/src/models/components/unifiedhrisgroupoutput.ts +++ b/src/models/components/unifiedhrisgroupoutput.ts @@ -2,26 +2,265 @@ * Code generated by Speakeasy (https://speakeasy.com). DO NOT EDIT. */ +import { remap as remap$ } from "../../lib/primitives.js"; import * as z from "zod"; -export type UnifiedHrisGroupOutput = {}; +/** + * The type of the group + */ +export enum UnifiedHrisGroupOutputType { + Team = "TEAM", + Department = "DEPARTMENT", + CostCenter = "COST_CENTER", + BusinessUnit = "BUSINESS_UNIT", + Group = "GROUP", +} + +/** + * The custom field mappings of the object between the remote 3rd party & Panora + */ +export type UnifiedHrisGroupOutputFieldMappings = {}; + +/** + * The remote data of the group in the context of the 3rd Party + */ +export type UnifiedHrisGroupOutputRemoteData = {}; + +export type UnifiedHrisGroupOutput = { + /** + * The UUID of the parent group + */ + parentGroup?: string | null | undefined; + /** + * The name of the group + */ + name?: string | null | undefined; + /** + * The type of the group + */ + type?: UnifiedHrisGroupOutputType | null | undefined; + /** + * The custom field mappings of the object between the remote 3rd party & Panora + */ + fieldMappings?: UnifiedHrisGroupOutputFieldMappings | null | undefined; + /** + * The UUID of the group record + */ + id?: string | null | undefined; + /** + * The remote ID of the group in the context of the 3rd Party + */ + remoteId?: string | null | undefined; + /** + * The remote data of the group in the context of the 3rd Party + */ + remoteData?: UnifiedHrisGroupOutputRemoteData | null | undefined; + /** + * The date when the group was created in the 3rd party system + */ + remoteCreatedAt?: Date | null | undefined; + /** + * The created date of the group record + */ + createdAt?: Date | null | undefined; + /** + * The last modified date of the group record + */ + modifiedAt?: Date | null | undefined; + /** + * Indicates if the group was deleted in the remote system + */ + remoteWasDeleted?: boolean | null | undefined; +}; + +/** @internal */ +export const UnifiedHrisGroupOutputType$inboundSchema: z.ZodNativeEnum< + typeof UnifiedHrisGroupOutputType +> = z.nativeEnum(UnifiedHrisGroupOutputType); + +/** @internal */ +export const UnifiedHrisGroupOutputType$outboundSchema: z.ZodNativeEnum< + typeof UnifiedHrisGroupOutputType +> = UnifiedHrisGroupOutputType$inboundSchema; + +/** + * @internal + * @deprecated This namespace will be removed in future versions. Use schemas and types that are exported directly from this module. + */ +export namespace UnifiedHrisGroupOutputType$ { + /** @deprecated use `UnifiedHrisGroupOutputType$inboundSchema` instead. */ + export const inboundSchema = UnifiedHrisGroupOutputType$inboundSchema; + /** @deprecated use `UnifiedHrisGroupOutputType$outboundSchema` instead. */ + export const outboundSchema = UnifiedHrisGroupOutputType$outboundSchema; +} + +/** @internal */ +export const UnifiedHrisGroupOutputFieldMappings$inboundSchema: z.ZodType< + UnifiedHrisGroupOutputFieldMappings, + z.ZodTypeDef, + unknown +> = z.object({}); + +/** @internal */ +export type UnifiedHrisGroupOutputFieldMappings$Outbound = {}; + +/** @internal */ +export const UnifiedHrisGroupOutputFieldMappings$outboundSchema: z.ZodType< + UnifiedHrisGroupOutputFieldMappings$Outbound, + z.ZodTypeDef, + UnifiedHrisGroupOutputFieldMappings +> = z.object({}); + +/** + * @internal + * @deprecated This namespace will be removed in future versions. Use schemas and types that are exported directly from this module. + */ +export namespace UnifiedHrisGroupOutputFieldMappings$ { + /** @deprecated use `UnifiedHrisGroupOutputFieldMappings$inboundSchema` instead. */ + export const inboundSchema = UnifiedHrisGroupOutputFieldMappings$inboundSchema; + /** @deprecated use `UnifiedHrisGroupOutputFieldMappings$outboundSchema` instead. */ + export const outboundSchema = UnifiedHrisGroupOutputFieldMappings$outboundSchema; + /** @deprecated use `UnifiedHrisGroupOutputFieldMappings$Outbound` instead. */ + export type Outbound = UnifiedHrisGroupOutputFieldMappings$Outbound; +} + +/** @internal */ +export const UnifiedHrisGroupOutputRemoteData$inboundSchema: z.ZodType< + UnifiedHrisGroupOutputRemoteData, + z.ZodTypeDef, + unknown +> = z.object({}); + +/** @internal */ +export type UnifiedHrisGroupOutputRemoteData$Outbound = {}; + +/** @internal */ +export const UnifiedHrisGroupOutputRemoteData$outboundSchema: z.ZodType< + UnifiedHrisGroupOutputRemoteData$Outbound, + z.ZodTypeDef, + UnifiedHrisGroupOutputRemoteData +> = z.object({}); + +/** + * @internal + * @deprecated This namespace will be removed in future versions. Use schemas and types that are exported directly from this module. + */ +export namespace UnifiedHrisGroupOutputRemoteData$ { + /** @deprecated use `UnifiedHrisGroupOutputRemoteData$inboundSchema` instead. */ + export const inboundSchema = UnifiedHrisGroupOutputRemoteData$inboundSchema; + /** @deprecated use `UnifiedHrisGroupOutputRemoteData$outboundSchema` instead. */ + export const outboundSchema = UnifiedHrisGroupOutputRemoteData$outboundSchema; + /** @deprecated use `UnifiedHrisGroupOutputRemoteData$Outbound` instead. */ + export type Outbound = UnifiedHrisGroupOutputRemoteData$Outbound; +} /** @internal */ export const UnifiedHrisGroupOutput$inboundSchema: z.ZodType< UnifiedHrisGroupOutput, z.ZodTypeDef, unknown -> = z.object({}); +> = z + .object({ + parent_group: z.nullable(z.string()).optional(), + name: z.nullable(z.string()).optional(), + type: z.nullable(UnifiedHrisGroupOutputType$inboundSchema).optional(), + field_mappings: z + .nullable(z.lazy(() => UnifiedHrisGroupOutputFieldMappings$inboundSchema)) + .optional(), + id: z.nullable(z.string()).optional(), + remote_id: z.nullable(z.string()).optional(), + remote_data: z + .nullable(z.lazy(() => UnifiedHrisGroupOutputRemoteData$inboundSchema)) + .optional(), + remote_created_at: z + .nullable( + z + .string() + .datetime({ offset: true }) + .transform((v) => new Date(v)) + ) + .optional(), + created_at: z + .nullable( + z + .string() + .datetime({ offset: true }) + .transform((v) => new Date(v)) + ) + .optional(), + modified_at: z + .nullable( + z + .string() + .datetime({ offset: true }) + .transform((v) => new Date(v)) + ) + .optional(), + remote_was_deleted: z.nullable(z.boolean()).optional(), + }) + .transform((v) => { + return remap$(v, { + parent_group: "parentGroup", + field_mappings: "fieldMappings", + remote_id: "remoteId", + remote_data: "remoteData", + remote_created_at: "remoteCreatedAt", + created_at: "createdAt", + modified_at: "modifiedAt", + remote_was_deleted: "remoteWasDeleted", + }); + }); /** @internal */ -export type UnifiedHrisGroupOutput$Outbound = {}; +export type UnifiedHrisGroupOutput$Outbound = { + parent_group?: string | null | undefined; + name?: string | null | undefined; + type?: string | null | undefined; + field_mappings?: UnifiedHrisGroupOutputFieldMappings$Outbound | null | undefined; + id?: string | null | undefined; + remote_id?: string | null | undefined; + remote_data?: UnifiedHrisGroupOutputRemoteData$Outbound | null | undefined; + remote_created_at?: string | null | undefined; + created_at?: string | null | undefined; + modified_at?: string | null | undefined; + remote_was_deleted?: boolean | null | undefined; +}; /** @internal */ export const UnifiedHrisGroupOutput$outboundSchema: z.ZodType< UnifiedHrisGroupOutput$Outbound, z.ZodTypeDef, UnifiedHrisGroupOutput -> = z.object({}); +> = z + .object({ + parentGroup: z.nullable(z.string()).optional(), + name: z.nullable(z.string()).optional(), + type: z.nullable(UnifiedHrisGroupOutputType$outboundSchema).optional(), + fieldMappings: z + .nullable(z.lazy(() => UnifiedHrisGroupOutputFieldMappings$outboundSchema)) + .optional(), + id: z.nullable(z.string()).optional(), + remoteId: z.nullable(z.string()).optional(), + remoteData: z + .nullable(z.lazy(() => UnifiedHrisGroupOutputRemoteData$outboundSchema)) + .optional(), + remoteCreatedAt: z.nullable(z.date().transform((v) => v.toISOString())).optional(), + createdAt: z.nullable(z.date().transform((v) => v.toISOString())).optional(), + modifiedAt: z.nullable(z.date().transform((v) => v.toISOString())).optional(), + remoteWasDeleted: z.nullable(z.boolean()).optional(), + }) + .transform((v) => { + return remap$(v, { + parentGroup: "parent_group", + fieldMappings: "field_mappings", + remoteId: "remote_id", + remoteData: "remote_data", + remoteCreatedAt: "remote_created_at", + createdAt: "created_at", + modifiedAt: "modified_at", + remoteWasDeleted: "remote_was_deleted", + }); + }); /** * @internal diff --git a/src/models/components/unifiedhrislocationoutput.ts b/src/models/components/unifiedhrislocationoutput.ts index ddeb413d..ce226d94 100644 --- a/src/models/components/unifiedhrislocationoutput.ts +++ b/src/models/components/unifiedhrislocationoutput.ts @@ -2,26 +2,328 @@ * Code generated by Speakeasy (https://speakeasy.com). DO NOT EDIT. */ +import { remap as remap$ } from "../../lib/primitives.js"; import * as z from "zod"; -export type UnifiedHrisLocationOutput = {}; +/** + * The type of the location + */ +export enum LocationType { + Work = "WORK", + Home = "HOME", +} + +/** + * The custom field mappings of the object between the remote 3rd party & Panora + */ +export type UnifiedHrisLocationOutputFieldMappings = {}; + +/** + * The remote data of the location in the context of the 3rd Party + */ +export type UnifiedHrisLocationOutputRemoteData = {}; + +export type UnifiedHrisLocationOutput = { + /** + * The name of the location + */ + name?: string | null | undefined; + /** + * The phone number of the location + */ + phoneNumber?: string | null | undefined; + /** + * The first line of the street address + */ + street1?: string | null | undefined; + /** + * The second line of the street address + */ + street2?: string | null | undefined; + /** + * The city of the location + */ + city?: string | null | undefined; + /** + * The state or region of the location + */ + state?: string | null | undefined; + /** + * The zip or postal code of the location + */ + zipCode?: string | null | undefined; + /** + * The country of the location + */ + country?: string | null | undefined; + /** + * The type of the location + */ + locationType?: LocationType | null | undefined; + /** + * The UUID of the company associated with the location + */ + companyId?: string | null | undefined; + /** + * The UUID of the employee associated with the location + */ + employeeId?: string | null | undefined; + /** + * The custom field mappings of the object between the remote 3rd party & Panora + */ + fieldMappings?: UnifiedHrisLocationOutputFieldMappings | null | undefined; + /** + * The UUID of the location record + */ + id?: string | null | undefined; + /** + * The remote ID of the location in the context of the 3rd Party + */ + remoteId?: string | null | undefined; + /** + * The remote data of the location in the context of the 3rd Party + */ + remoteData?: UnifiedHrisLocationOutputRemoteData | null | undefined; + /** + * The date when the location was created in the 3rd party system + */ + remoteCreatedAt?: Date | null | undefined; + /** + * The created date of the location record + */ + createdAt?: Date | null | undefined; + /** + * The last modified date of the location record + */ + modifiedAt?: Date | null | undefined; + /** + * Indicates if the location was deleted in the remote system + */ + remoteWasDeleted?: boolean | null | undefined; +}; + +/** @internal */ +export const LocationType$inboundSchema: z.ZodNativeEnum = + z.nativeEnum(LocationType); + +/** @internal */ +export const LocationType$outboundSchema: z.ZodNativeEnum = + LocationType$inboundSchema; + +/** + * @internal + * @deprecated This namespace will be removed in future versions. Use schemas and types that are exported directly from this module. + */ +export namespace LocationType$ { + /** @deprecated use `LocationType$inboundSchema` instead. */ + export const inboundSchema = LocationType$inboundSchema; + /** @deprecated use `LocationType$outboundSchema` instead. */ + export const outboundSchema = LocationType$outboundSchema; +} + +/** @internal */ +export const UnifiedHrisLocationOutputFieldMappings$inboundSchema: z.ZodType< + UnifiedHrisLocationOutputFieldMappings, + z.ZodTypeDef, + unknown +> = z.object({}); + +/** @internal */ +export type UnifiedHrisLocationOutputFieldMappings$Outbound = {}; + +/** @internal */ +export const UnifiedHrisLocationOutputFieldMappings$outboundSchema: z.ZodType< + UnifiedHrisLocationOutputFieldMappings$Outbound, + z.ZodTypeDef, + UnifiedHrisLocationOutputFieldMappings +> = z.object({}); + +/** + * @internal + * @deprecated This namespace will be removed in future versions. Use schemas and types that are exported directly from this module. + */ +export namespace UnifiedHrisLocationOutputFieldMappings$ { + /** @deprecated use `UnifiedHrisLocationOutputFieldMappings$inboundSchema` instead. */ + export const inboundSchema = UnifiedHrisLocationOutputFieldMappings$inboundSchema; + /** @deprecated use `UnifiedHrisLocationOutputFieldMappings$outboundSchema` instead. */ + export const outboundSchema = UnifiedHrisLocationOutputFieldMappings$outboundSchema; + /** @deprecated use `UnifiedHrisLocationOutputFieldMappings$Outbound` instead. */ + export type Outbound = UnifiedHrisLocationOutputFieldMappings$Outbound; +} + +/** @internal */ +export const UnifiedHrisLocationOutputRemoteData$inboundSchema: z.ZodType< + UnifiedHrisLocationOutputRemoteData, + z.ZodTypeDef, + unknown +> = z.object({}); + +/** @internal */ +export type UnifiedHrisLocationOutputRemoteData$Outbound = {}; + +/** @internal */ +export const UnifiedHrisLocationOutputRemoteData$outboundSchema: z.ZodType< + UnifiedHrisLocationOutputRemoteData$Outbound, + z.ZodTypeDef, + UnifiedHrisLocationOutputRemoteData +> = z.object({}); + +/** + * @internal + * @deprecated This namespace will be removed in future versions. Use schemas and types that are exported directly from this module. + */ +export namespace UnifiedHrisLocationOutputRemoteData$ { + /** @deprecated use `UnifiedHrisLocationOutputRemoteData$inboundSchema` instead. */ + export const inboundSchema = UnifiedHrisLocationOutputRemoteData$inboundSchema; + /** @deprecated use `UnifiedHrisLocationOutputRemoteData$outboundSchema` instead. */ + export const outboundSchema = UnifiedHrisLocationOutputRemoteData$outboundSchema; + /** @deprecated use `UnifiedHrisLocationOutputRemoteData$Outbound` instead. */ + export type Outbound = UnifiedHrisLocationOutputRemoteData$Outbound; +} /** @internal */ export const UnifiedHrisLocationOutput$inboundSchema: z.ZodType< UnifiedHrisLocationOutput, z.ZodTypeDef, unknown -> = z.object({}); +> = z + .object({ + name: z.nullable(z.string()).optional(), + phone_number: z.nullable(z.string()).optional(), + street_1: z.nullable(z.string()).optional(), + street_2: z.nullable(z.string()).optional(), + city: z.nullable(z.string()).optional(), + state: z.nullable(z.string()).optional(), + zip_code: z.nullable(z.string()).optional(), + country: z.nullable(z.string()).optional(), + location_type: z.nullable(LocationType$inboundSchema).optional(), + company_id: z.nullable(z.string()).optional(), + employee_id: z.nullable(z.string()).optional(), + field_mappings: z + .nullable(z.lazy(() => UnifiedHrisLocationOutputFieldMappings$inboundSchema)) + .optional(), + id: z.nullable(z.string()).optional(), + remote_id: z.nullable(z.string()).optional(), + remote_data: z + .nullable(z.lazy(() => UnifiedHrisLocationOutputRemoteData$inboundSchema)) + .optional(), + remote_created_at: z + .nullable( + z + .string() + .datetime({ offset: true }) + .transform((v) => new Date(v)) + ) + .optional(), + created_at: z + .nullable( + z + .string() + .datetime({ offset: true }) + .transform((v) => new Date(v)) + ) + .optional(), + modified_at: z + .nullable( + z + .string() + .datetime({ offset: true }) + .transform((v) => new Date(v)) + ) + .optional(), + remote_was_deleted: z.nullable(z.boolean()).optional(), + }) + .transform((v) => { + return remap$(v, { + phone_number: "phoneNumber", + street_1: "street1", + street_2: "street2", + zip_code: "zipCode", + location_type: "locationType", + company_id: "companyId", + employee_id: "employeeId", + field_mappings: "fieldMappings", + remote_id: "remoteId", + remote_data: "remoteData", + remote_created_at: "remoteCreatedAt", + created_at: "createdAt", + modified_at: "modifiedAt", + remote_was_deleted: "remoteWasDeleted", + }); + }); /** @internal */ -export type UnifiedHrisLocationOutput$Outbound = {}; +export type UnifiedHrisLocationOutput$Outbound = { + name?: string | null | undefined; + phone_number?: string | null | undefined; + street_1?: string | null | undefined; + street_2?: string | null | undefined; + city?: string | null | undefined; + state?: string | null | undefined; + zip_code?: string | null | undefined; + country?: string | null | undefined; + location_type?: string | null | undefined; + company_id?: string | null | undefined; + employee_id?: string | null | undefined; + field_mappings?: UnifiedHrisLocationOutputFieldMappings$Outbound | null | undefined; + id?: string | null | undefined; + remote_id?: string | null | undefined; + remote_data?: UnifiedHrisLocationOutputRemoteData$Outbound | null | undefined; + remote_created_at?: string | null | undefined; + created_at?: string | null | undefined; + modified_at?: string | null | undefined; + remote_was_deleted?: boolean | null | undefined; +}; /** @internal */ export const UnifiedHrisLocationOutput$outboundSchema: z.ZodType< UnifiedHrisLocationOutput$Outbound, z.ZodTypeDef, UnifiedHrisLocationOutput -> = z.object({}); +> = z + .object({ + name: z.nullable(z.string()).optional(), + phoneNumber: z.nullable(z.string()).optional(), + street1: z.nullable(z.string()).optional(), + street2: z.nullable(z.string()).optional(), + city: z.nullable(z.string()).optional(), + state: z.nullable(z.string()).optional(), + zipCode: z.nullable(z.string()).optional(), + country: z.nullable(z.string()).optional(), + locationType: z.nullable(LocationType$outboundSchema).optional(), + companyId: z.nullable(z.string()).optional(), + employeeId: z.nullable(z.string()).optional(), + fieldMappings: z + .nullable(z.lazy(() => UnifiedHrisLocationOutputFieldMappings$outboundSchema)) + .optional(), + id: z.nullable(z.string()).optional(), + remoteId: z.nullable(z.string()).optional(), + remoteData: z + .nullable(z.lazy(() => UnifiedHrisLocationOutputRemoteData$outboundSchema)) + .optional(), + remoteCreatedAt: z.nullable(z.date().transform((v) => v.toISOString())).optional(), + createdAt: z.nullable(z.date().transform((v) => v.toISOString())).optional(), + modifiedAt: z.nullable(z.date().transform((v) => v.toISOString())).optional(), + remoteWasDeleted: z.nullable(z.boolean()).optional(), + }) + .transform((v) => { + return remap$(v, { + phoneNumber: "phone_number", + street1: "street_1", + street2: "street_2", + zipCode: "zip_code", + locationType: "location_type", + companyId: "company_id", + employeeId: "employee_id", + fieldMappings: "field_mappings", + remoteId: "remote_id", + remoteData: "remote_data", + remoteCreatedAt: "remote_created_at", + createdAt: "created_at", + modifiedAt: "modified_at", + remoteWasDeleted: "remote_was_deleted", + }); + }); /** * @internal diff --git a/src/models/components/unifiedhrispaygroupoutput.ts b/src/models/components/unifiedhrispaygroupoutput.ts index 844d60eb..617884f0 100644 --- a/src/models/components/unifiedhrispaygroupoutput.ts +++ b/src/models/components/unifiedhrispaygroupoutput.ts @@ -2,26 +2,219 @@ * Code generated by Speakeasy (https://speakeasy.com). DO NOT EDIT. */ +import { remap as remap$ } from "../../lib/primitives.js"; import * as z from "zod"; -export type UnifiedHrisPaygroupOutput = {}; +/** + * The custom field mappings of the object between the remote 3rd party & Panora + */ +export type UnifiedHrisPaygroupOutputFieldMappings = {}; + +/** + * The remote data of the pay group in the context of the 3rd Party + */ +export type UnifiedHrisPaygroupOutputRemoteData = {}; + +export type UnifiedHrisPaygroupOutput = { + /** + * The name of the pay group + */ + payGroupName?: string | null | undefined; + /** + * The custom field mappings of the object between the remote 3rd party & Panora + */ + fieldMappings?: UnifiedHrisPaygroupOutputFieldMappings | null | undefined; + /** + * The UUID of the pay group record + */ + id?: string | null | undefined; + /** + * The remote ID of the pay group in the context of the 3rd Party + */ + remoteId?: string | null | undefined; + /** + * The remote data of the pay group in the context of the 3rd Party + */ + remoteData?: UnifiedHrisPaygroupOutputRemoteData | null | undefined; + /** + * The date when the pay group was created in the 3rd party system + */ + remoteCreatedAt?: Date | null | undefined; + /** + * The created date of the pay group record + */ + createdAt?: Date | null | undefined; + /** + * The last modified date of the pay group record + */ + modifiedAt?: Date | null | undefined; + /** + * Indicates if the pay group was deleted in the remote system + */ + remoteWasDeleted?: boolean | null | undefined; +}; + +/** @internal */ +export const UnifiedHrisPaygroupOutputFieldMappings$inboundSchema: z.ZodType< + UnifiedHrisPaygroupOutputFieldMappings, + z.ZodTypeDef, + unknown +> = z.object({}); + +/** @internal */ +export type UnifiedHrisPaygroupOutputFieldMappings$Outbound = {}; + +/** @internal */ +export const UnifiedHrisPaygroupOutputFieldMappings$outboundSchema: z.ZodType< + UnifiedHrisPaygroupOutputFieldMappings$Outbound, + z.ZodTypeDef, + UnifiedHrisPaygroupOutputFieldMappings +> = z.object({}); + +/** + * @internal + * @deprecated This namespace will be removed in future versions. Use schemas and types that are exported directly from this module. + */ +export namespace UnifiedHrisPaygroupOutputFieldMappings$ { + /** @deprecated use `UnifiedHrisPaygroupOutputFieldMappings$inboundSchema` instead. */ + export const inboundSchema = UnifiedHrisPaygroupOutputFieldMappings$inboundSchema; + /** @deprecated use `UnifiedHrisPaygroupOutputFieldMappings$outboundSchema` instead. */ + export const outboundSchema = UnifiedHrisPaygroupOutputFieldMappings$outboundSchema; + /** @deprecated use `UnifiedHrisPaygroupOutputFieldMappings$Outbound` instead. */ + export type Outbound = UnifiedHrisPaygroupOutputFieldMappings$Outbound; +} + +/** @internal */ +export const UnifiedHrisPaygroupOutputRemoteData$inboundSchema: z.ZodType< + UnifiedHrisPaygroupOutputRemoteData, + z.ZodTypeDef, + unknown +> = z.object({}); + +/** @internal */ +export type UnifiedHrisPaygroupOutputRemoteData$Outbound = {}; + +/** @internal */ +export const UnifiedHrisPaygroupOutputRemoteData$outboundSchema: z.ZodType< + UnifiedHrisPaygroupOutputRemoteData$Outbound, + z.ZodTypeDef, + UnifiedHrisPaygroupOutputRemoteData +> = z.object({}); + +/** + * @internal + * @deprecated This namespace will be removed in future versions. Use schemas and types that are exported directly from this module. + */ +export namespace UnifiedHrisPaygroupOutputRemoteData$ { + /** @deprecated use `UnifiedHrisPaygroupOutputRemoteData$inboundSchema` instead. */ + export const inboundSchema = UnifiedHrisPaygroupOutputRemoteData$inboundSchema; + /** @deprecated use `UnifiedHrisPaygroupOutputRemoteData$outboundSchema` instead. */ + export const outboundSchema = UnifiedHrisPaygroupOutputRemoteData$outboundSchema; + /** @deprecated use `UnifiedHrisPaygroupOutputRemoteData$Outbound` instead. */ + export type Outbound = UnifiedHrisPaygroupOutputRemoteData$Outbound; +} /** @internal */ export const UnifiedHrisPaygroupOutput$inboundSchema: z.ZodType< UnifiedHrisPaygroupOutput, z.ZodTypeDef, unknown -> = z.object({}); +> = z + .object({ + pay_group_name: z.nullable(z.string()).optional(), + field_mappings: z + .nullable(z.lazy(() => UnifiedHrisPaygroupOutputFieldMappings$inboundSchema)) + .optional(), + id: z.nullable(z.string()).optional(), + remote_id: z.nullable(z.string()).optional(), + remote_data: z + .nullable(z.lazy(() => UnifiedHrisPaygroupOutputRemoteData$inboundSchema)) + .optional(), + remote_created_at: z + .nullable( + z + .string() + .datetime({ offset: true }) + .transform((v) => new Date(v)) + ) + .optional(), + created_at: z + .nullable( + z + .string() + .datetime({ offset: true }) + .transform((v) => new Date(v)) + ) + .optional(), + modified_at: z + .nullable( + z + .string() + .datetime({ offset: true }) + .transform((v) => new Date(v)) + ) + .optional(), + remote_was_deleted: z.nullable(z.boolean()).optional(), + }) + .transform((v) => { + return remap$(v, { + pay_group_name: "payGroupName", + field_mappings: "fieldMappings", + remote_id: "remoteId", + remote_data: "remoteData", + remote_created_at: "remoteCreatedAt", + created_at: "createdAt", + modified_at: "modifiedAt", + remote_was_deleted: "remoteWasDeleted", + }); + }); /** @internal */ -export type UnifiedHrisPaygroupOutput$Outbound = {}; +export type UnifiedHrisPaygroupOutput$Outbound = { + pay_group_name?: string | null | undefined; + field_mappings?: UnifiedHrisPaygroupOutputFieldMappings$Outbound | null | undefined; + id?: string | null | undefined; + remote_id?: string | null | undefined; + remote_data?: UnifiedHrisPaygroupOutputRemoteData$Outbound | null | undefined; + remote_created_at?: string | null | undefined; + created_at?: string | null | undefined; + modified_at?: string | null | undefined; + remote_was_deleted?: boolean | null | undefined; +}; /** @internal */ export const UnifiedHrisPaygroupOutput$outboundSchema: z.ZodType< UnifiedHrisPaygroupOutput$Outbound, z.ZodTypeDef, UnifiedHrisPaygroupOutput -> = z.object({}); +> = z + .object({ + payGroupName: z.nullable(z.string()).optional(), + fieldMappings: z + .nullable(z.lazy(() => UnifiedHrisPaygroupOutputFieldMappings$outboundSchema)) + .optional(), + id: z.nullable(z.string()).optional(), + remoteId: z.nullable(z.string()).optional(), + remoteData: z + .nullable(z.lazy(() => UnifiedHrisPaygroupOutputRemoteData$outboundSchema)) + .optional(), + remoteCreatedAt: z.nullable(z.date().transform((v) => v.toISOString())).optional(), + createdAt: z.nullable(z.date().transform((v) => v.toISOString())).optional(), + modifiedAt: z.nullable(z.date().transform((v) => v.toISOString())).optional(), + remoteWasDeleted: z.nullable(z.boolean()).optional(), + }) + .transform((v) => { + return remap$(v, { + payGroupName: "pay_group_name", + fieldMappings: "field_mappings", + remoteId: "remote_id", + remoteData: "remote_data", + remoteCreatedAt: "remote_created_at", + createdAt: "created_at", + modifiedAt: "modified_at", + remoteWasDeleted: "remote_was_deleted", + }); + }); /** * @internal diff --git a/src/models/components/unifiedhrispayrollrunoutput.ts b/src/models/components/unifiedhrispayrollrunoutput.ts index 864abf81..4ba697f9 100644 --- a/src/models/components/unifiedhrispayrollrunoutput.ts +++ b/src/models/components/unifiedhrispayrollrunoutput.ts @@ -2,26 +2,341 @@ * Code generated by Speakeasy (https://speakeasy.com). DO NOT EDIT. */ +import { remap as remap$ } from "../../lib/primitives.js"; import * as z from "zod"; -export type UnifiedHrisPayrollrunOutput = {}; +/** + * The state of the payroll run + */ +export enum RunState { + Paid = "PAID", + Draft = "DRAFT", + Approved = "APPROVED", + Failed = "FAILED", + Close = "CLOSE", +} + +/** + * The type of the payroll run + */ +export enum RunType { + Regular = "REGULAR", + OffCycle = "OFF_CYCLE", + Correction = "CORRECTION", + Termination = "TERMINATION", + SignOnBonus = "SIGN_ON_BONUS", +} + +/** + * The custom field mappings of the object between the remote 3rd party & Panora + */ +export type UnifiedHrisPayrollrunOutputFieldMappings = {}; + +/** + * The remote data of the payroll run in the context of the 3rd Party + */ +export type UnifiedHrisPayrollrunOutputRemoteData = {}; + +export type UnifiedHrisPayrollrunOutput = { + /** + * The state of the payroll run + */ + runState?: RunState | null | undefined; + /** + * The type of the payroll run + */ + runType?: RunType | null | undefined; + /** + * The start date of the payroll run + */ + startDate?: Date | null | undefined; + /** + * The end date of the payroll run + */ + endDate?: Date | null | undefined; + /** + * The check date of the payroll run + */ + checkDate?: Date | null | undefined; + /** + * The custom field mappings of the object between the remote 3rd party & Panora + */ + fieldMappings?: UnifiedHrisPayrollrunOutputFieldMappings | null | undefined; + /** + * The UUID of the payroll run record + */ + id?: string | null | undefined; + /** + * The remote ID of the payroll run in the context of the 3rd Party + */ + remoteId?: string | null | undefined; + /** + * The remote data of the payroll run in the context of the 3rd Party + */ + remoteData?: UnifiedHrisPayrollrunOutputRemoteData | null | undefined; + /** + * The date when the payroll run was created in the 3rd party system + */ + remoteCreatedAt?: Date | null | undefined; + /** + * The created date of the payroll run record + */ + createdAt?: Date | null | undefined; + /** + * The last modified date of the payroll run record + */ + modifiedAt?: Date | null | undefined; + /** + * Indicates if the payroll run was deleted in the remote system + */ + remoteWasDeleted?: boolean | null | undefined; + /** + * The UUIDs of the employee payroll runs associated with this payroll run + */ + employeePayrollRuns?: Array | null | undefined; +}; + +/** @internal */ +export const RunState$inboundSchema: z.ZodNativeEnum = z.nativeEnum(RunState); + +/** @internal */ +export const RunState$outboundSchema: z.ZodNativeEnum = RunState$inboundSchema; + +/** + * @internal + * @deprecated This namespace will be removed in future versions. Use schemas and types that are exported directly from this module. + */ +export namespace RunState$ { + /** @deprecated use `RunState$inboundSchema` instead. */ + export const inboundSchema = RunState$inboundSchema; + /** @deprecated use `RunState$outboundSchema` instead. */ + export const outboundSchema = RunState$outboundSchema; +} + +/** @internal */ +export const RunType$inboundSchema: z.ZodNativeEnum = z.nativeEnum(RunType); + +/** @internal */ +export const RunType$outboundSchema: z.ZodNativeEnum = RunType$inboundSchema; + +/** + * @internal + * @deprecated This namespace will be removed in future versions. Use schemas and types that are exported directly from this module. + */ +export namespace RunType$ { + /** @deprecated use `RunType$inboundSchema` instead. */ + export const inboundSchema = RunType$inboundSchema; + /** @deprecated use `RunType$outboundSchema` instead. */ + export const outboundSchema = RunType$outboundSchema; +} + +/** @internal */ +export const UnifiedHrisPayrollrunOutputFieldMappings$inboundSchema: z.ZodType< + UnifiedHrisPayrollrunOutputFieldMappings, + z.ZodTypeDef, + unknown +> = z.object({}); + +/** @internal */ +export type UnifiedHrisPayrollrunOutputFieldMappings$Outbound = {}; + +/** @internal */ +export const UnifiedHrisPayrollrunOutputFieldMappings$outboundSchema: z.ZodType< + UnifiedHrisPayrollrunOutputFieldMappings$Outbound, + z.ZodTypeDef, + UnifiedHrisPayrollrunOutputFieldMappings +> = z.object({}); + +/** + * @internal + * @deprecated This namespace will be removed in future versions. Use schemas and types that are exported directly from this module. + */ +export namespace UnifiedHrisPayrollrunOutputFieldMappings$ { + /** @deprecated use `UnifiedHrisPayrollrunOutputFieldMappings$inboundSchema` instead. */ + export const inboundSchema = UnifiedHrisPayrollrunOutputFieldMappings$inboundSchema; + /** @deprecated use `UnifiedHrisPayrollrunOutputFieldMappings$outboundSchema` instead. */ + export const outboundSchema = UnifiedHrisPayrollrunOutputFieldMappings$outboundSchema; + /** @deprecated use `UnifiedHrisPayrollrunOutputFieldMappings$Outbound` instead. */ + export type Outbound = UnifiedHrisPayrollrunOutputFieldMappings$Outbound; +} + +/** @internal */ +export const UnifiedHrisPayrollrunOutputRemoteData$inboundSchema: z.ZodType< + UnifiedHrisPayrollrunOutputRemoteData, + z.ZodTypeDef, + unknown +> = z.object({}); + +/** @internal */ +export type UnifiedHrisPayrollrunOutputRemoteData$Outbound = {}; + +/** @internal */ +export const UnifiedHrisPayrollrunOutputRemoteData$outboundSchema: z.ZodType< + UnifiedHrisPayrollrunOutputRemoteData$Outbound, + z.ZodTypeDef, + UnifiedHrisPayrollrunOutputRemoteData +> = z.object({}); + +/** + * @internal + * @deprecated This namespace will be removed in future versions. Use schemas and types that are exported directly from this module. + */ +export namespace UnifiedHrisPayrollrunOutputRemoteData$ { + /** @deprecated use `UnifiedHrisPayrollrunOutputRemoteData$inboundSchema` instead. */ + export const inboundSchema = UnifiedHrisPayrollrunOutputRemoteData$inboundSchema; + /** @deprecated use `UnifiedHrisPayrollrunOutputRemoteData$outboundSchema` instead. */ + export const outboundSchema = UnifiedHrisPayrollrunOutputRemoteData$outboundSchema; + /** @deprecated use `UnifiedHrisPayrollrunOutputRemoteData$Outbound` instead. */ + export type Outbound = UnifiedHrisPayrollrunOutputRemoteData$Outbound; +} /** @internal */ export const UnifiedHrisPayrollrunOutput$inboundSchema: z.ZodType< UnifiedHrisPayrollrunOutput, z.ZodTypeDef, unknown -> = z.object({}); +> = z + .object({ + run_state: z.nullable(RunState$inboundSchema).optional(), + run_type: z.nullable(RunType$inboundSchema).optional(), + start_date: z + .nullable( + z + .string() + .datetime({ offset: true }) + .transform((v) => new Date(v)) + ) + .optional(), + end_date: z + .nullable( + z + .string() + .datetime({ offset: true }) + .transform((v) => new Date(v)) + ) + .optional(), + check_date: z + .nullable( + z + .string() + .datetime({ offset: true }) + .transform((v) => new Date(v)) + ) + .optional(), + field_mappings: z + .nullable(z.lazy(() => UnifiedHrisPayrollrunOutputFieldMappings$inboundSchema)) + .optional(), + id: z.nullable(z.string()).optional(), + remote_id: z.nullable(z.string()).optional(), + remote_data: z + .nullable(z.lazy(() => UnifiedHrisPayrollrunOutputRemoteData$inboundSchema)) + .optional(), + remote_created_at: z + .nullable( + z + .string() + .datetime({ offset: true }) + .transform((v) => new Date(v)) + ) + .optional(), + created_at: z + .nullable( + z + .string() + .datetime({ offset: true }) + .transform((v) => new Date(v)) + ) + .optional(), + modified_at: z + .nullable( + z + .string() + .datetime({ offset: true }) + .transform((v) => new Date(v)) + ) + .optional(), + remote_was_deleted: z.nullable(z.boolean()).optional(), + employee_payroll_runs: z.nullable(z.array(z.string())).optional(), + }) + .transform((v) => { + return remap$(v, { + run_state: "runState", + run_type: "runType", + start_date: "startDate", + end_date: "endDate", + check_date: "checkDate", + field_mappings: "fieldMappings", + remote_id: "remoteId", + remote_data: "remoteData", + remote_created_at: "remoteCreatedAt", + created_at: "createdAt", + modified_at: "modifiedAt", + remote_was_deleted: "remoteWasDeleted", + employee_payroll_runs: "employeePayrollRuns", + }); + }); /** @internal */ -export type UnifiedHrisPayrollrunOutput$Outbound = {}; +export type UnifiedHrisPayrollrunOutput$Outbound = { + run_state?: string | null | undefined; + run_type?: string | null | undefined; + start_date?: string | null | undefined; + end_date?: string | null | undefined; + check_date?: string | null | undefined; + field_mappings?: UnifiedHrisPayrollrunOutputFieldMappings$Outbound | null | undefined; + id?: string | null | undefined; + remote_id?: string | null | undefined; + remote_data?: UnifiedHrisPayrollrunOutputRemoteData$Outbound | null | undefined; + remote_created_at?: string | null | undefined; + created_at?: string | null | undefined; + modified_at?: string | null | undefined; + remote_was_deleted?: boolean | null | undefined; + employee_payroll_runs?: Array | null | undefined; +}; /** @internal */ export const UnifiedHrisPayrollrunOutput$outboundSchema: z.ZodType< UnifiedHrisPayrollrunOutput$Outbound, z.ZodTypeDef, UnifiedHrisPayrollrunOutput -> = z.object({}); +> = z + .object({ + runState: z.nullable(RunState$outboundSchema).optional(), + runType: z.nullable(RunType$outboundSchema).optional(), + startDate: z.nullable(z.date().transform((v) => v.toISOString())).optional(), + endDate: z.nullable(z.date().transform((v) => v.toISOString())).optional(), + checkDate: z.nullable(z.date().transform((v) => v.toISOString())).optional(), + fieldMappings: z + .nullable(z.lazy(() => UnifiedHrisPayrollrunOutputFieldMappings$outboundSchema)) + .optional(), + id: z.nullable(z.string()).optional(), + remoteId: z.nullable(z.string()).optional(), + remoteData: z + .nullable(z.lazy(() => UnifiedHrisPayrollrunOutputRemoteData$outboundSchema)) + .optional(), + remoteCreatedAt: z.nullable(z.date().transform((v) => v.toISOString())).optional(), + createdAt: z.nullable(z.date().transform((v) => v.toISOString())).optional(), + modifiedAt: z.nullable(z.date().transform((v) => v.toISOString())).optional(), + remoteWasDeleted: z.nullable(z.boolean()).optional(), + employeePayrollRuns: z.nullable(z.array(z.string())).optional(), + }) + .transform((v) => { + return remap$(v, { + runState: "run_state", + runType: "run_type", + startDate: "start_date", + endDate: "end_date", + checkDate: "check_date", + fieldMappings: "field_mappings", + remoteId: "remote_id", + remoteData: "remote_data", + remoteCreatedAt: "remote_created_at", + createdAt: "created_at", + modifiedAt: "modified_at", + remoteWasDeleted: "remote_was_deleted", + employeePayrollRuns: "employee_payroll_runs", + }); + }); /** * @internal diff --git a/src/models/components/unifiedhristimeoffbalanceoutput.ts b/src/models/components/unifiedhristimeoffbalanceoutput.ts index 0df9fcb5..0338d0ce 100644 --- a/src/models/components/unifiedhristimeoffbalanceoutput.ts +++ b/src/models/components/unifiedhristimeoffbalanceoutput.ts @@ -2,26 +2,252 @@ * Code generated by Speakeasy (https://speakeasy.com). DO NOT EDIT. */ +import { remap as remap$ } from "../../lib/primitives.js"; import * as z from "zod"; -export type UnifiedHrisTimeoffbalanceOutput = {}; +/** + * The type of time off policy + */ +export enum PolicyType { + Vacation = "VACATION", + Sick = "SICK", + Personal = "PERSONAL", + JuryDuty = "JURY_DUTY", + Volunteer = "VOLUNTEER", + Bereavement = "BEREAVEMENT", +} + +/** + * The custom field mappings of the object between the remote 3rd party & Panora + */ +export type UnifiedHrisTimeoffbalanceOutputFieldMappings = {}; + +/** + * The remote data of the time off balance in the context of the 3rd Party + */ +export type UnifiedHrisTimeoffbalanceOutputRemoteData = {}; + +export type UnifiedHrisTimeoffbalanceOutput = { + /** + * The current balance of time off + */ + balance?: number | null | undefined; + /** + * The UUID of the associated employee + */ + employeeId?: string | null | undefined; + /** + * The amount of time off used + */ + used?: number | null | undefined; + /** + * The type of time off policy + */ + policyType?: PolicyType | null | undefined; + /** + * The custom field mappings of the object between the remote 3rd party & Panora + */ + fieldMappings?: UnifiedHrisTimeoffbalanceOutputFieldMappings | null | undefined; + /** + * The UUID of the time off balance record + */ + id?: string | null | undefined; + /** + * The remote ID of the time off balance in the context of the 3rd Party + */ + remoteId?: string | null | undefined; + /** + * The remote data of the time off balance in the context of the 3rd Party + */ + remoteData?: UnifiedHrisTimeoffbalanceOutputRemoteData | null | undefined; + /** + * The date when the time off balance was created in the 3rd party system + */ + remoteCreatedAt?: string | null | undefined; + /** + * The created date of the time off balance record + */ + createdAt?: string | null | undefined; + /** + * The last modified date of the time off balance record + */ + modifiedAt?: string | null | undefined; + /** + * Indicates if the time off balance was deleted in the remote system + */ + remoteWasDeleted?: boolean | null | undefined; +}; + +/** @internal */ +export const PolicyType$inboundSchema: z.ZodNativeEnum = + z.nativeEnum(PolicyType); + +/** @internal */ +export const PolicyType$outboundSchema: z.ZodNativeEnum = + PolicyType$inboundSchema; + +/** + * @internal + * @deprecated This namespace will be removed in future versions. Use schemas and types that are exported directly from this module. + */ +export namespace PolicyType$ { + /** @deprecated use `PolicyType$inboundSchema` instead. */ + export const inboundSchema = PolicyType$inboundSchema; + /** @deprecated use `PolicyType$outboundSchema` instead. */ + export const outboundSchema = PolicyType$outboundSchema; +} + +/** @internal */ +export const UnifiedHrisTimeoffbalanceOutputFieldMappings$inboundSchema: z.ZodType< + UnifiedHrisTimeoffbalanceOutputFieldMappings, + z.ZodTypeDef, + unknown +> = z.object({}); + +/** @internal */ +export type UnifiedHrisTimeoffbalanceOutputFieldMappings$Outbound = {}; + +/** @internal */ +export const UnifiedHrisTimeoffbalanceOutputFieldMappings$outboundSchema: z.ZodType< + UnifiedHrisTimeoffbalanceOutputFieldMappings$Outbound, + z.ZodTypeDef, + UnifiedHrisTimeoffbalanceOutputFieldMappings +> = z.object({}); + +/** + * @internal + * @deprecated This namespace will be removed in future versions. Use schemas and types that are exported directly from this module. + */ +export namespace UnifiedHrisTimeoffbalanceOutputFieldMappings$ { + /** @deprecated use `UnifiedHrisTimeoffbalanceOutputFieldMappings$inboundSchema` instead. */ + export const inboundSchema = UnifiedHrisTimeoffbalanceOutputFieldMappings$inboundSchema; + /** @deprecated use `UnifiedHrisTimeoffbalanceOutputFieldMappings$outboundSchema` instead. */ + export const outboundSchema = UnifiedHrisTimeoffbalanceOutputFieldMappings$outboundSchema; + /** @deprecated use `UnifiedHrisTimeoffbalanceOutputFieldMappings$Outbound` instead. */ + export type Outbound = UnifiedHrisTimeoffbalanceOutputFieldMappings$Outbound; +} + +/** @internal */ +export const UnifiedHrisTimeoffbalanceOutputRemoteData$inboundSchema: z.ZodType< + UnifiedHrisTimeoffbalanceOutputRemoteData, + z.ZodTypeDef, + unknown +> = z.object({}); + +/** @internal */ +export type UnifiedHrisTimeoffbalanceOutputRemoteData$Outbound = {}; + +/** @internal */ +export const UnifiedHrisTimeoffbalanceOutputRemoteData$outboundSchema: z.ZodType< + UnifiedHrisTimeoffbalanceOutputRemoteData$Outbound, + z.ZodTypeDef, + UnifiedHrisTimeoffbalanceOutputRemoteData +> = z.object({}); + +/** + * @internal + * @deprecated This namespace will be removed in future versions. Use schemas and types that are exported directly from this module. + */ +export namespace UnifiedHrisTimeoffbalanceOutputRemoteData$ { + /** @deprecated use `UnifiedHrisTimeoffbalanceOutputRemoteData$inboundSchema` instead. */ + export const inboundSchema = UnifiedHrisTimeoffbalanceOutputRemoteData$inboundSchema; + /** @deprecated use `UnifiedHrisTimeoffbalanceOutputRemoteData$outboundSchema` instead. */ + export const outboundSchema = UnifiedHrisTimeoffbalanceOutputRemoteData$outboundSchema; + /** @deprecated use `UnifiedHrisTimeoffbalanceOutputRemoteData$Outbound` instead. */ + export type Outbound = UnifiedHrisTimeoffbalanceOutputRemoteData$Outbound; +} /** @internal */ export const UnifiedHrisTimeoffbalanceOutput$inboundSchema: z.ZodType< UnifiedHrisTimeoffbalanceOutput, z.ZodTypeDef, unknown -> = z.object({}); +> = z + .object({ + balance: z.nullable(z.number()).optional(), + employee_id: z.nullable(z.string()).optional(), + used: z.nullable(z.number()).optional(), + policy_type: z.nullable(PolicyType$inboundSchema).optional(), + field_mappings: z + .nullable(z.lazy(() => UnifiedHrisTimeoffbalanceOutputFieldMappings$inboundSchema)) + .optional(), + id: z.nullable(z.string()).optional(), + remote_id: z.nullable(z.string()).optional(), + remote_data: z + .nullable(z.lazy(() => UnifiedHrisTimeoffbalanceOutputRemoteData$inboundSchema)) + .optional(), + remote_created_at: z.nullable(z.string()).optional(), + created_at: z.nullable(z.string()).optional(), + modified_at: z.nullable(z.string()).optional(), + remote_was_deleted: z.nullable(z.boolean()).optional(), + }) + .transform((v) => { + return remap$(v, { + employee_id: "employeeId", + policy_type: "policyType", + field_mappings: "fieldMappings", + remote_id: "remoteId", + remote_data: "remoteData", + remote_created_at: "remoteCreatedAt", + created_at: "createdAt", + modified_at: "modifiedAt", + remote_was_deleted: "remoteWasDeleted", + }); + }); /** @internal */ -export type UnifiedHrisTimeoffbalanceOutput$Outbound = {}; +export type UnifiedHrisTimeoffbalanceOutput$Outbound = { + balance?: number | null | undefined; + employee_id?: string | null | undefined; + used?: number | null | undefined; + policy_type?: string | null | undefined; + field_mappings?: UnifiedHrisTimeoffbalanceOutputFieldMappings$Outbound | null | undefined; + id?: string | null | undefined; + remote_id?: string | null | undefined; + remote_data?: UnifiedHrisTimeoffbalanceOutputRemoteData$Outbound | null | undefined; + remote_created_at?: string | null | undefined; + created_at?: string | null | undefined; + modified_at?: string | null | undefined; + remote_was_deleted?: boolean | null | undefined; +}; /** @internal */ export const UnifiedHrisTimeoffbalanceOutput$outboundSchema: z.ZodType< UnifiedHrisTimeoffbalanceOutput$Outbound, z.ZodTypeDef, UnifiedHrisTimeoffbalanceOutput -> = z.object({}); +> = z + .object({ + balance: z.nullable(z.number()).optional(), + employeeId: z.nullable(z.string()).optional(), + used: z.nullable(z.number()).optional(), + policyType: z.nullable(PolicyType$outboundSchema).optional(), + fieldMappings: z + .nullable(z.lazy(() => UnifiedHrisTimeoffbalanceOutputFieldMappings$outboundSchema)) + .optional(), + id: z.nullable(z.string()).optional(), + remoteId: z.nullable(z.string()).optional(), + remoteData: z + .nullable(z.lazy(() => UnifiedHrisTimeoffbalanceOutputRemoteData$outboundSchema)) + .optional(), + remoteCreatedAt: z.nullable(z.string()).optional(), + createdAt: z.nullable(z.string()).optional(), + modifiedAt: z.nullable(z.string()).optional(), + remoteWasDeleted: z.nullable(z.boolean()).optional(), + }) + .transform((v) => { + return remap$(v, { + employeeId: "employee_id", + policyType: "policy_type", + fieldMappings: "field_mappings", + remoteId: "remote_id", + remoteData: "remote_data", + remoteCreatedAt: "remote_created_at", + createdAt: "created_at", + modifiedAt: "modified_at", + remoteWasDeleted: "remote_was_deleted", + }); + }); /** * @internal diff --git a/src/models/components/unifiedhristimeoffinput.ts b/src/models/components/unifiedhristimeoffinput.ts index b736038b..d197fc97 100644 --- a/src/models/components/unifiedhristimeoffinput.ts +++ b/src/models/components/unifiedhristimeoffinput.ts @@ -2,26 +2,268 @@ * Code generated by Speakeasy (https://speakeasy.com). DO NOT EDIT. */ +import { remap as remap$ } from "../../lib/primitives.js"; import * as z from "zod"; -export type UnifiedHrisTimeoffInput = {}; +/** + * The status of the time off request + */ +export enum UnifiedHrisTimeoffInputStatus { + Requested = "REQUESTED", + Approved = "APPROVED", + Declined = "DECLINED", + Cancelled = "CANCELLED", + Deleted = "DELETED", +} + +/** + * The units used for the time off (e.g., Days, Hours) + */ +export enum UnifiedHrisTimeoffInputUnits { + Hours = "HOURS", + Days = "DAYS", +} + +/** + * The type of time off request + */ +export enum UnifiedHrisTimeoffInputRequestType { + Vacation = "VACATION", + Sick = "SICK", + Personal = "PERSONAL", + JuryDuty = "JURY_DUTY", + Volunteer = "VOLUNTEER", + Bereavement = "BEREAVEMENT", +} + +/** + * The custom field mappings of the object between the remote 3rd party & Panora + */ +export type UnifiedHrisTimeoffInputFieldMappings = {}; + +export type UnifiedHrisTimeoffInput = { + /** + * The UUID of the employee taking time off + */ + employee?: string | null | undefined; + /** + * The UUID of the approver for the time off request + */ + approver?: string | null | undefined; + /** + * The status of the time off request + */ + status?: UnifiedHrisTimeoffInputStatus | null | undefined; + /** + * A note from the employee about the time off request + */ + employeeNote?: string | null | undefined; + /** + * The units used for the time off (e.g., Days, Hours) + */ + units?: UnifiedHrisTimeoffInputUnits | null | undefined; + /** + * The amount of time off requested + */ + amount?: number | null | undefined; + /** + * The type of time off request + */ + requestType?: UnifiedHrisTimeoffInputRequestType | null | undefined; + /** + * The start time of the time off + */ + startTime?: Date | null | undefined; + /** + * The end time of the time off + */ + endTime?: Date | null | undefined; + /** + * The custom field mappings of the object between the remote 3rd party & Panora + */ + fieldMappings?: UnifiedHrisTimeoffInputFieldMappings | null | undefined; +}; + +/** @internal */ +export const UnifiedHrisTimeoffInputStatus$inboundSchema: z.ZodNativeEnum< + typeof UnifiedHrisTimeoffInputStatus +> = z.nativeEnum(UnifiedHrisTimeoffInputStatus); + +/** @internal */ +export const UnifiedHrisTimeoffInputStatus$outboundSchema: z.ZodNativeEnum< + typeof UnifiedHrisTimeoffInputStatus +> = UnifiedHrisTimeoffInputStatus$inboundSchema; + +/** + * @internal + * @deprecated This namespace will be removed in future versions. Use schemas and types that are exported directly from this module. + */ +export namespace UnifiedHrisTimeoffInputStatus$ { + /** @deprecated use `UnifiedHrisTimeoffInputStatus$inboundSchema` instead. */ + export const inboundSchema = UnifiedHrisTimeoffInputStatus$inboundSchema; + /** @deprecated use `UnifiedHrisTimeoffInputStatus$outboundSchema` instead. */ + export const outboundSchema = UnifiedHrisTimeoffInputStatus$outboundSchema; +} + +/** @internal */ +export const UnifiedHrisTimeoffInputUnits$inboundSchema: z.ZodNativeEnum< + typeof UnifiedHrisTimeoffInputUnits +> = z.nativeEnum(UnifiedHrisTimeoffInputUnits); + +/** @internal */ +export const UnifiedHrisTimeoffInputUnits$outboundSchema: z.ZodNativeEnum< + typeof UnifiedHrisTimeoffInputUnits +> = UnifiedHrisTimeoffInputUnits$inboundSchema; + +/** + * @internal + * @deprecated This namespace will be removed in future versions. Use schemas and types that are exported directly from this module. + */ +export namespace UnifiedHrisTimeoffInputUnits$ { + /** @deprecated use `UnifiedHrisTimeoffInputUnits$inboundSchema` instead. */ + export const inboundSchema = UnifiedHrisTimeoffInputUnits$inboundSchema; + /** @deprecated use `UnifiedHrisTimeoffInputUnits$outboundSchema` instead. */ + export const outboundSchema = UnifiedHrisTimeoffInputUnits$outboundSchema; +} + +/** @internal */ +export const UnifiedHrisTimeoffInputRequestType$inboundSchema: z.ZodNativeEnum< + typeof UnifiedHrisTimeoffInputRequestType +> = z.nativeEnum(UnifiedHrisTimeoffInputRequestType); + +/** @internal */ +export const UnifiedHrisTimeoffInputRequestType$outboundSchema: z.ZodNativeEnum< + typeof UnifiedHrisTimeoffInputRequestType +> = UnifiedHrisTimeoffInputRequestType$inboundSchema; + +/** + * @internal + * @deprecated This namespace will be removed in future versions. Use schemas and types that are exported directly from this module. + */ +export namespace UnifiedHrisTimeoffInputRequestType$ { + /** @deprecated use `UnifiedHrisTimeoffInputRequestType$inboundSchema` instead. */ + export const inboundSchema = UnifiedHrisTimeoffInputRequestType$inboundSchema; + /** @deprecated use `UnifiedHrisTimeoffInputRequestType$outboundSchema` instead. */ + export const outboundSchema = UnifiedHrisTimeoffInputRequestType$outboundSchema; +} + +/** @internal */ +export const UnifiedHrisTimeoffInputFieldMappings$inboundSchema: z.ZodType< + UnifiedHrisTimeoffInputFieldMappings, + z.ZodTypeDef, + unknown +> = z.object({}); + +/** @internal */ +export type UnifiedHrisTimeoffInputFieldMappings$Outbound = {}; + +/** @internal */ +export const UnifiedHrisTimeoffInputFieldMappings$outboundSchema: z.ZodType< + UnifiedHrisTimeoffInputFieldMappings$Outbound, + z.ZodTypeDef, + UnifiedHrisTimeoffInputFieldMappings +> = z.object({}); + +/** + * @internal + * @deprecated This namespace will be removed in future versions. Use schemas and types that are exported directly from this module. + */ +export namespace UnifiedHrisTimeoffInputFieldMappings$ { + /** @deprecated use `UnifiedHrisTimeoffInputFieldMappings$inboundSchema` instead. */ + export const inboundSchema = UnifiedHrisTimeoffInputFieldMappings$inboundSchema; + /** @deprecated use `UnifiedHrisTimeoffInputFieldMappings$outboundSchema` instead. */ + export const outboundSchema = UnifiedHrisTimeoffInputFieldMappings$outboundSchema; + /** @deprecated use `UnifiedHrisTimeoffInputFieldMappings$Outbound` instead. */ + export type Outbound = UnifiedHrisTimeoffInputFieldMappings$Outbound; +} /** @internal */ export const UnifiedHrisTimeoffInput$inboundSchema: z.ZodType< UnifiedHrisTimeoffInput, z.ZodTypeDef, unknown -> = z.object({}); +> = z + .object({ + employee: z.nullable(z.string()).optional(), + approver: z.nullable(z.string()).optional(), + status: z.nullable(UnifiedHrisTimeoffInputStatus$inboundSchema).optional(), + employee_note: z.nullable(z.string()).optional(), + units: z.nullable(UnifiedHrisTimeoffInputUnits$inboundSchema).optional(), + amount: z.nullable(z.number()).optional(), + request_type: z.nullable(UnifiedHrisTimeoffInputRequestType$inboundSchema).optional(), + start_time: z + .nullable( + z + .string() + .datetime({ offset: true }) + .transform((v) => new Date(v)) + ) + .optional(), + end_time: z + .nullable( + z + .string() + .datetime({ offset: true }) + .transform((v) => new Date(v)) + ) + .optional(), + field_mappings: z + .nullable(z.lazy(() => UnifiedHrisTimeoffInputFieldMappings$inboundSchema)) + .optional(), + }) + .transform((v) => { + return remap$(v, { + employee_note: "employeeNote", + request_type: "requestType", + start_time: "startTime", + end_time: "endTime", + field_mappings: "fieldMappings", + }); + }); /** @internal */ -export type UnifiedHrisTimeoffInput$Outbound = {}; +export type UnifiedHrisTimeoffInput$Outbound = { + employee?: string | null | undefined; + approver?: string | null | undefined; + status?: string | null | undefined; + employee_note?: string | null | undefined; + units?: string | null | undefined; + amount?: number | null | undefined; + request_type?: string | null | undefined; + start_time?: string | null | undefined; + end_time?: string | null | undefined; + field_mappings?: UnifiedHrisTimeoffInputFieldMappings$Outbound | null | undefined; +}; /** @internal */ export const UnifiedHrisTimeoffInput$outboundSchema: z.ZodType< UnifiedHrisTimeoffInput$Outbound, z.ZodTypeDef, UnifiedHrisTimeoffInput -> = z.object({}); +> = z + .object({ + employee: z.nullable(z.string()).optional(), + approver: z.nullable(z.string()).optional(), + status: z.nullable(UnifiedHrisTimeoffInputStatus$outboundSchema).optional(), + employeeNote: z.nullable(z.string()).optional(), + units: z.nullable(UnifiedHrisTimeoffInputUnits$outboundSchema).optional(), + amount: z.nullable(z.number()).optional(), + requestType: z.nullable(UnifiedHrisTimeoffInputRequestType$outboundSchema).optional(), + startTime: z.nullable(z.date().transform((v) => v.toISOString())).optional(), + endTime: z.nullable(z.date().transform((v) => v.toISOString())).optional(), + fieldMappings: z + .nullable(z.lazy(() => UnifiedHrisTimeoffInputFieldMappings$outboundSchema)) + .optional(), + }) + .transform((v) => { + return remap$(v, { + employeeNote: "employee_note", + requestType: "request_type", + startTime: "start_time", + endTime: "end_time", + fieldMappings: "field_mappings", + }); + }); /** * @internal diff --git a/src/models/components/unifiedhristimeoffoutput.ts b/src/models/components/unifiedhristimeoffoutput.ts index 17c36610..cf06be1a 100644 --- a/src/models/components/unifiedhristimeoffoutput.ts +++ b/src/models/components/unifiedhristimeoffoutput.ts @@ -2,26 +2,383 @@ * Code generated by Speakeasy (https://speakeasy.com). DO NOT EDIT. */ +import { remap as remap$ } from "../../lib/primitives.js"; import * as z from "zod"; -export type UnifiedHrisTimeoffOutput = {}; +/** + * The status of the time off request + */ +export enum UnifiedHrisTimeoffOutputStatus { + Requested = "REQUESTED", + Approved = "APPROVED", + Declined = "DECLINED", + Cancelled = "CANCELLED", + Deleted = "DELETED", +} + +/** + * The units used for the time off (e.g., Days, Hours) + */ +export enum Units { + Hours = "HOURS", + Days = "DAYS", +} + +/** + * The type of time off request + */ +export enum RequestType { + Vacation = "VACATION", + Sick = "SICK", + Personal = "PERSONAL", + JuryDuty = "JURY_DUTY", + Volunteer = "VOLUNTEER", + Bereavement = "BEREAVEMENT", +} + +/** + * The custom field mappings of the object between the remote 3rd party & Panora + */ +export type UnifiedHrisTimeoffOutputFieldMappings = {}; + +/** + * The remote data of the time off in the context of the 3rd Party + */ +export type UnifiedHrisTimeoffOutputRemoteData = {}; + +export type UnifiedHrisTimeoffOutput = { + /** + * The UUID of the employee taking time off + */ + employee?: string | null | undefined; + /** + * The UUID of the approver for the time off request + */ + approver?: string | null | undefined; + /** + * The status of the time off request + */ + status?: UnifiedHrisTimeoffOutputStatus | null | undefined; + /** + * A note from the employee about the time off request + */ + employeeNote?: string | null | undefined; + /** + * The units used for the time off (e.g., Days, Hours) + */ + units?: Units | null | undefined; + /** + * The amount of time off requested + */ + amount?: number | null | undefined; + /** + * The type of time off request + */ + requestType?: RequestType | null | undefined; + /** + * The start time of the time off + */ + startTime?: Date | null | undefined; + /** + * The end time of the time off + */ + endTime?: Date | null | undefined; + /** + * The custom field mappings of the object between the remote 3rd party & Panora + */ + fieldMappings?: UnifiedHrisTimeoffOutputFieldMappings | null | undefined; + /** + * The UUID of the time off record + */ + id?: string | null | undefined; + /** + * The remote ID of the time off in the context of the 3rd Party + */ + remoteId?: string | null | undefined; + /** + * The remote data of the time off in the context of the 3rd Party + */ + remoteData?: UnifiedHrisTimeoffOutputRemoteData | null | undefined; + /** + * The date when the time off was created in the 3rd party system + */ + remoteCreatedAt?: Date | null | undefined; + /** + * The created date of the time off record + */ + createdAt?: Date | null | undefined; + /** + * The last modified date of the time off record + */ + modifiedAt?: Date | null | undefined; + /** + * Indicates if the time off was deleted in the remote system + */ + remoteWasDeleted?: boolean | null | undefined; +}; + +/** @internal */ +export const UnifiedHrisTimeoffOutputStatus$inboundSchema: z.ZodNativeEnum< + typeof UnifiedHrisTimeoffOutputStatus +> = z.nativeEnum(UnifiedHrisTimeoffOutputStatus); + +/** @internal */ +export const UnifiedHrisTimeoffOutputStatus$outboundSchema: z.ZodNativeEnum< + typeof UnifiedHrisTimeoffOutputStatus +> = UnifiedHrisTimeoffOutputStatus$inboundSchema; + +/** + * @internal + * @deprecated This namespace will be removed in future versions. Use schemas and types that are exported directly from this module. + */ +export namespace UnifiedHrisTimeoffOutputStatus$ { + /** @deprecated use `UnifiedHrisTimeoffOutputStatus$inboundSchema` instead. */ + export const inboundSchema = UnifiedHrisTimeoffOutputStatus$inboundSchema; + /** @deprecated use `UnifiedHrisTimeoffOutputStatus$outboundSchema` instead. */ + export const outboundSchema = UnifiedHrisTimeoffOutputStatus$outboundSchema; +} + +/** @internal */ +export const Units$inboundSchema: z.ZodNativeEnum = z.nativeEnum(Units); + +/** @internal */ +export const Units$outboundSchema: z.ZodNativeEnum = Units$inboundSchema; + +/** + * @internal + * @deprecated This namespace will be removed in future versions. Use schemas and types that are exported directly from this module. + */ +export namespace Units$ { + /** @deprecated use `Units$inboundSchema` instead. */ + export const inboundSchema = Units$inboundSchema; + /** @deprecated use `Units$outboundSchema` instead. */ + export const outboundSchema = Units$outboundSchema; +} + +/** @internal */ +export const RequestType$inboundSchema: z.ZodNativeEnum = + z.nativeEnum(RequestType); + +/** @internal */ +export const RequestType$outboundSchema: z.ZodNativeEnum = + RequestType$inboundSchema; + +/** + * @internal + * @deprecated This namespace will be removed in future versions. Use schemas and types that are exported directly from this module. + */ +export namespace RequestType$ { + /** @deprecated use `RequestType$inboundSchema` instead. */ + export const inboundSchema = RequestType$inboundSchema; + /** @deprecated use `RequestType$outboundSchema` instead. */ + export const outboundSchema = RequestType$outboundSchema; +} + +/** @internal */ +export const UnifiedHrisTimeoffOutputFieldMappings$inboundSchema: z.ZodType< + UnifiedHrisTimeoffOutputFieldMappings, + z.ZodTypeDef, + unknown +> = z.object({}); + +/** @internal */ +export type UnifiedHrisTimeoffOutputFieldMappings$Outbound = {}; + +/** @internal */ +export const UnifiedHrisTimeoffOutputFieldMappings$outboundSchema: z.ZodType< + UnifiedHrisTimeoffOutputFieldMappings$Outbound, + z.ZodTypeDef, + UnifiedHrisTimeoffOutputFieldMappings +> = z.object({}); + +/** + * @internal + * @deprecated This namespace will be removed in future versions. Use schemas and types that are exported directly from this module. + */ +export namespace UnifiedHrisTimeoffOutputFieldMappings$ { + /** @deprecated use `UnifiedHrisTimeoffOutputFieldMappings$inboundSchema` instead. */ + export const inboundSchema = UnifiedHrisTimeoffOutputFieldMappings$inboundSchema; + /** @deprecated use `UnifiedHrisTimeoffOutputFieldMappings$outboundSchema` instead. */ + export const outboundSchema = UnifiedHrisTimeoffOutputFieldMappings$outboundSchema; + /** @deprecated use `UnifiedHrisTimeoffOutputFieldMappings$Outbound` instead. */ + export type Outbound = UnifiedHrisTimeoffOutputFieldMappings$Outbound; +} + +/** @internal */ +export const UnifiedHrisTimeoffOutputRemoteData$inboundSchema: z.ZodType< + UnifiedHrisTimeoffOutputRemoteData, + z.ZodTypeDef, + unknown +> = z.object({}); + +/** @internal */ +export type UnifiedHrisTimeoffOutputRemoteData$Outbound = {}; + +/** @internal */ +export const UnifiedHrisTimeoffOutputRemoteData$outboundSchema: z.ZodType< + UnifiedHrisTimeoffOutputRemoteData$Outbound, + z.ZodTypeDef, + UnifiedHrisTimeoffOutputRemoteData +> = z.object({}); + +/** + * @internal + * @deprecated This namespace will be removed in future versions. Use schemas and types that are exported directly from this module. + */ +export namespace UnifiedHrisTimeoffOutputRemoteData$ { + /** @deprecated use `UnifiedHrisTimeoffOutputRemoteData$inboundSchema` instead. */ + export const inboundSchema = UnifiedHrisTimeoffOutputRemoteData$inboundSchema; + /** @deprecated use `UnifiedHrisTimeoffOutputRemoteData$outboundSchema` instead. */ + export const outboundSchema = UnifiedHrisTimeoffOutputRemoteData$outboundSchema; + /** @deprecated use `UnifiedHrisTimeoffOutputRemoteData$Outbound` instead. */ + export type Outbound = UnifiedHrisTimeoffOutputRemoteData$Outbound; +} /** @internal */ export const UnifiedHrisTimeoffOutput$inboundSchema: z.ZodType< UnifiedHrisTimeoffOutput, z.ZodTypeDef, unknown -> = z.object({}); +> = z + .object({ + employee: z.nullable(z.string()).optional(), + approver: z.nullable(z.string()).optional(), + status: z.nullable(UnifiedHrisTimeoffOutputStatus$inboundSchema).optional(), + employee_note: z.nullable(z.string()).optional(), + units: z.nullable(Units$inboundSchema).optional(), + amount: z.nullable(z.number()).optional(), + request_type: z.nullable(RequestType$inboundSchema).optional(), + start_time: z + .nullable( + z + .string() + .datetime({ offset: true }) + .transform((v) => new Date(v)) + ) + .optional(), + end_time: z + .nullable( + z + .string() + .datetime({ offset: true }) + .transform((v) => new Date(v)) + ) + .optional(), + field_mappings: z + .nullable(z.lazy(() => UnifiedHrisTimeoffOutputFieldMappings$inboundSchema)) + .optional(), + id: z.nullable(z.string()).optional(), + remote_id: z.nullable(z.string()).optional(), + remote_data: z + .nullable(z.lazy(() => UnifiedHrisTimeoffOutputRemoteData$inboundSchema)) + .optional(), + remote_created_at: z + .nullable( + z + .string() + .datetime({ offset: true }) + .transform((v) => new Date(v)) + ) + .optional(), + created_at: z + .nullable( + z + .string() + .datetime({ offset: true }) + .transform((v) => new Date(v)) + ) + .optional(), + modified_at: z + .nullable( + z + .string() + .datetime({ offset: true }) + .transform((v) => new Date(v)) + ) + .optional(), + remote_was_deleted: z.nullable(z.boolean()).optional(), + }) + .transform((v) => { + return remap$(v, { + employee_note: "employeeNote", + request_type: "requestType", + start_time: "startTime", + end_time: "endTime", + field_mappings: "fieldMappings", + remote_id: "remoteId", + remote_data: "remoteData", + remote_created_at: "remoteCreatedAt", + created_at: "createdAt", + modified_at: "modifiedAt", + remote_was_deleted: "remoteWasDeleted", + }); + }); /** @internal */ -export type UnifiedHrisTimeoffOutput$Outbound = {}; +export type UnifiedHrisTimeoffOutput$Outbound = { + employee?: string | null | undefined; + approver?: string | null | undefined; + status?: string | null | undefined; + employee_note?: string | null | undefined; + units?: string | null | undefined; + amount?: number | null | undefined; + request_type?: string | null | undefined; + start_time?: string | null | undefined; + end_time?: string | null | undefined; + field_mappings?: UnifiedHrisTimeoffOutputFieldMappings$Outbound | null | undefined; + id?: string | null | undefined; + remote_id?: string | null | undefined; + remote_data?: UnifiedHrisTimeoffOutputRemoteData$Outbound | null | undefined; + remote_created_at?: string | null | undefined; + created_at?: string | null | undefined; + modified_at?: string | null | undefined; + remote_was_deleted?: boolean | null | undefined; +}; /** @internal */ export const UnifiedHrisTimeoffOutput$outboundSchema: z.ZodType< UnifiedHrisTimeoffOutput$Outbound, z.ZodTypeDef, UnifiedHrisTimeoffOutput -> = z.object({}); +> = z + .object({ + employee: z.nullable(z.string()).optional(), + approver: z.nullable(z.string()).optional(), + status: z.nullable(UnifiedHrisTimeoffOutputStatus$outboundSchema).optional(), + employeeNote: z.nullable(z.string()).optional(), + units: z.nullable(Units$outboundSchema).optional(), + amount: z.nullable(z.number()).optional(), + requestType: z.nullable(RequestType$outboundSchema).optional(), + startTime: z.nullable(z.date().transform((v) => v.toISOString())).optional(), + endTime: z.nullable(z.date().transform((v) => v.toISOString())).optional(), + fieldMappings: z + .nullable(z.lazy(() => UnifiedHrisTimeoffOutputFieldMappings$outboundSchema)) + .optional(), + id: z.nullable(z.string()).optional(), + remoteId: z.nullable(z.string()).optional(), + remoteData: z + .nullable(z.lazy(() => UnifiedHrisTimeoffOutputRemoteData$outboundSchema)) + .optional(), + remoteCreatedAt: z.nullable(z.date().transform((v) => v.toISOString())).optional(), + createdAt: z.nullable(z.date().transform((v) => v.toISOString())).optional(), + modifiedAt: z.nullable(z.date().transform((v) => v.toISOString())).optional(), + remoteWasDeleted: z.nullable(z.boolean()).optional(), + }) + .transform((v) => { + return remap$(v, { + employeeNote: "employee_note", + requestType: "request_type", + startTime: "start_time", + endTime: "end_time", + fieldMappings: "field_mappings", + remoteId: "remote_id", + remoteData: "remote_data", + remoteCreatedAt: "remote_created_at", + createdAt: "created_at", + modifiedAt: "modified_at", + remoteWasDeleted: "remote_was_deleted", + }); + }); /** * @internal diff --git a/src/models/components/unifiedhristimesheetentryinput.ts b/src/models/components/unifiedhristimesheetentryinput.ts new file mode 100644 index 00000000..fbb2c716 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/models/components/unifiedhristimesheetentryinput.ts @@ -0,0 +1,159 @@ +/* + * Code generated by Speakeasy (https://speakeasy.com). DO NOT EDIT. + */ + +import { remap as remap$ } from "../../lib/primitives.js"; +import * as z from "zod"; + +/** + * The custom field mappings of the object between the remote 3rd party & Panora + */ +export type UnifiedHrisTimesheetEntryInputFieldMappings = {}; + +export type UnifiedHrisTimesheetEntryInput = { + /** + * The number of hours worked + */ + hoursWorked?: number | null | undefined; + /** + * The start time of the timesheet entry + */ + startTime?: Date | null | undefined; + /** + * The end time of the timesheet entry + */ + endTime?: Date | null | undefined; + /** + * The UUID of the associated employee + */ + employeeId?: string | null | undefined; + /** + * Indicates if the timesheet entry was deleted in the remote system + */ + remoteWasDeleted?: boolean | undefined; + /** + * The custom field mappings of the object between the remote 3rd party & Panora + */ + fieldMappings?: UnifiedHrisTimesheetEntryInputFieldMappings | null | undefined; +}; + +/** @internal */ +export const UnifiedHrisTimesheetEntryInputFieldMappings$inboundSchema: z.ZodType< + UnifiedHrisTimesheetEntryInputFieldMappings, + z.ZodTypeDef, + unknown +> = z.object({}); + +/** @internal */ +export type UnifiedHrisTimesheetEntryInputFieldMappings$Outbound = {}; + +/** @internal */ +export const UnifiedHrisTimesheetEntryInputFieldMappings$outboundSchema: z.ZodType< + UnifiedHrisTimesheetEntryInputFieldMappings$Outbound, + z.ZodTypeDef, + UnifiedHrisTimesheetEntryInputFieldMappings +> = z.object({}); + +/** + * @internal + * @deprecated This namespace will be removed in future versions. Use schemas and types that are exported directly from this module. + */ +export namespace UnifiedHrisTimesheetEntryInputFieldMappings$ { + /** @deprecated use `UnifiedHrisTimesheetEntryInputFieldMappings$inboundSchema` instead. */ + export const inboundSchema = UnifiedHrisTimesheetEntryInputFieldMappings$inboundSchema; + /** @deprecated use `UnifiedHrisTimesheetEntryInputFieldMappings$outboundSchema` instead. */ + export const outboundSchema = UnifiedHrisTimesheetEntryInputFieldMappings$outboundSchema; + /** @deprecated use `UnifiedHrisTimesheetEntryInputFieldMappings$Outbound` instead. */ + export type Outbound = UnifiedHrisTimesheetEntryInputFieldMappings$Outbound; +} + +/** @internal */ +export const UnifiedHrisTimesheetEntryInput$inboundSchema: z.ZodType< + UnifiedHrisTimesheetEntryInput, + z.ZodTypeDef, + unknown +> = z + .object({ + hours_worked: z.nullable(z.number()).optional(), + start_time: z + .nullable( + z + .string() + .datetime({ offset: true }) + .transform((v) => new Date(v)) + ) + .optional(), + end_time: z + .nullable( + z + .string() + .datetime({ offset: true }) + .transform((v) => new Date(v)) + ) + .optional(), + employee_id: z.nullable(z.string()).optional(), + remote_was_deleted: z.boolean().optional(), + field_mappings: z + .nullable(z.lazy(() => UnifiedHrisTimesheetEntryInputFieldMappings$inboundSchema)) + .optional(), + }) + .transform((v) => { + return remap$(v, { + hours_worked: "hoursWorked", + start_time: "startTime", + end_time: "endTime", + employee_id: "employeeId", + remote_was_deleted: "remoteWasDeleted", + field_mappings: "fieldMappings", + }); + }); + +/** @internal */ +export type UnifiedHrisTimesheetEntryInput$Outbound = { + hours_worked?: number | null | undefined; + start_time?: string | null | undefined; + end_time?: string | null | undefined; + employee_id?: string | null | undefined; + remote_was_deleted?: boolean | undefined; + field_mappings?: UnifiedHrisTimesheetEntryInputFieldMappings$Outbound | null | undefined; +}; + +/** @internal */ +export const UnifiedHrisTimesheetEntryInput$outboundSchema: z.ZodType< + UnifiedHrisTimesheetEntryInput$Outbound, + z.ZodTypeDef, + UnifiedHrisTimesheetEntryInput +> = z + .object({ + hoursWorked: z.nullable(z.number()).optional(), + startTime: z.nullable(z.date().transform((v) => v.toISOString())).optional(), + endTime: z.nullable(z.date().transform((v) => v.toISOString())).optional(), + employeeId: z.nullable(z.string()).optional(), + remoteWasDeleted: z.boolean().optional(), + fieldMappings: z + .nullable(z.lazy(() => UnifiedHrisTimesheetEntryInputFieldMappings$outboundSchema)) + .optional(), + }) + .transform((v) => { + return remap$(v, { + hoursWorked: "hours_worked", + startTime: "start_time", + endTime: "end_time", + employeeId: "employee_id", + remoteWasDeleted: "remote_was_deleted", + fieldMappings: "field_mappings", + }); + }); + +/** + * @internal + * @deprecated This namespace will be removed in future versions. Use schemas and types that are exported directly from this module. + */ +export namespace UnifiedHrisTimesheetEntryInput$ { + /** @deprecated use `UnifiedHrisTimesheetEntryInput$inboundSchema` instead. */ + export const inboundSchema = UnifiedHrisTimesheetEntryInput$inboundSchema; + /** @deprecated use `UnifiedHrisTimesheetEntryInput$outboundSchema` instead. */ + export const outboundSchema = UnifiedHrisTimesheetEntryInput$outboundSchema; + /** @deprecated use `UnifiedHrisTimesheetEntryInput$Outbound` instead. */ + export type Outbound = UnifiedHrisTimesheetEntryInput$Outbound; +} diff --git a/src/models/components/unifiedhristimesheetentryoutput.ts b/src/models/components/unifiedhristimesheetentryoutput.ts new file mode 100644 index 00000000..d7dac823 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/models/components/unifiedhristimesheetentryoutput.ts @@ -0,0 +1,271 @@ +/* + * Code generated by Speakeasy (https://speakeasy.com). DO NOT EDIT. + */ + +import { remap as remap$ } from "../../lib/primitives.js"; +import * as z from "zod"; + +/** + * The custom field mappings of the object between the remote 3rd party & Panora + */ +export type UnifiedHrisTimesheetEntryOutputFieldMappings = {}; + +/** + * The remote data of the timesheet entry in the context of the 3rd Party + */ +export type UnifiedHrisTimesheetEntryOutputRemoteData = {}; + +export type UnifiedHrisTimesheetEntryOutput = { + /** + * The number of hours worked + */ + hoursWorked?: number | null | undefined; + /** + * The start time of the timesheet entry + */ + startTime?: Date | null | undefined; + /** + * The end time of the timesheet entry + */ + endTime?: Date | null | undefined; + /** + * The UUID of the associated employee + */ + employeeId?: string | null | undefined; + /** + * Indicates if the timesheet entry was deleted in the remote system + */ + remoteWasDeleted?: boolean | undefined; + /** + * The custom field mappings of the object between the remote 3rd party & Panora + */ + fieldMappings?: UnifiedHrisTimesheetEntryOutputFieldMappings | null | undefined; + /** + * The UUID of the timesheet entry record + */ + id?: string | null | undefined; + /** + * The remote ID of the timesheet entry + */ + remoteId?: string | null | undefined; + /** + * The date when the timesheet entry was created in the remote system + */ + remoteCreatedAt?: Date | null | undefined; + /** + * The created date of the timesheet entry + */ + createdAt?: Date | undefined; + /** + * The last modified date of the timesheet entry + */ + modifiedAt?: Date | undefined; + /** + * The remote data of the timesheet entry in the context of the 3rd Party + */ + remoteData?: UnifiedHrisTimesheetEntryOutputRemoteData | null | undefined; +}; + +/** @internal */ +export const UnifiedHrisTimesheetEntryOutputFieldMappings$inboundSchema: z.ZodType< + UnifiedHrisTimesheetEntryOutputFieldMappings, + z.ZodTypeDef, + unknown +> = z.object({}); + +/** @internal */ +export type UnifiedHrisTimesheetEntryOutputFieldMappings$Outbound = {}; + +/** @internal */ +export const UnifiedHrisTimesheetEntryOutputFieldMappings$outboundSchema: z.ZodType< + UnifiedHrisTimesheetEntryOutputFieldMappings$Outbound, + z.ZodTypeDef, + UnifiedHrisTimesheetEntryOutputFieldMappings +> = z.object({}); + +/** + * @internal + * @deprecated This namespace will be removed in future versions. Use schemas and types that are exported directly from this module. + */ +export namespace UnifiedHrisTimesheetEntryOutputFieldMappings$ { + /** @deprecated use `UnifiedHrisTimesheetEntryOutputFieldMappings$inboundSchema` instead. */ + export const inboundSchema = UnifiedHrisTimesheetEntryOutputFieldMappings$inboundSchema; + /** @deprecated use `UnifiedHrisTimesheetEntryOutputFieldMappings$outboundSchema` instead. */ + export const outboundSchema = UnifiedHrisTimesheetEntryOutputFieldMappings$outboundSchema; + /** @deprecated use `UnifiedHrisTimesheetEntryOutputFieldMappings$Outbound` instead. */ + export type Outbound = UnifiedHrisTimesheetEntryOutputFieldMappings$Outbound; +} + +/** @internal */ +export const UnifiedHrisTimesheetEntryOutputRemoteData$inboundSchema: z.ZodType< + UnifiedHrisTimesheetEntryOutputRemoteData, + z.ZodTypeDef, + unknown +> = z.object({}); + +/** @internal */ +export type UnifiedHrisTimesheetEntryOutputRemoteData$Outbound = {}; + +/** @internal */ +export const UnifiedHrisTimesheetEntryOutputRemoteData$outboundSchema: z.ZodType< + UnifiedHrisTimesheetEntryOutputRemoteData$Outbound, + z.ZodTypeDef, + UnifiedHrisTimesheetEntryOutputRemoteData +> = z.object({}); + +/** + * @internal + * @deprecated This namespace will be removed in future versions. Use schemas and types that are exported directly from this module. + */ +export namespace UnifiedHrisTimesheetEntryOutputRemoteData$ { + /** @deprecated use `UnifiedHrisTimesheetEntryOutputRemoteData$inboundSchema` instead. */ + export const inboundSchema = UnifiedHrisTimesheetEntryOutputRemoteData$inboundSchema; + /** @deprecated use `UnifiedHrisTimesheetEntryOutputRemoteData$outboundSchema` instead. */ + export const outboundSchema = UnifiedHrisTimesheetEntryOutputRemoteData$outboundSchema; + /** @deprecated use `UnifiedHrisTimesheetEntryOutputRemoteData$Outbound` instead. */ + export type Outbound = UnifiedHrisTimesheetEntryOutputRemoteData$Outbound; +} + +/** @internal */ +export const UnifiedHrisTimesheetEntryOutput$inboundSchema: z.ZodType< + UnifiedHrisTimesheetEntryOutput, + z.ZodTypeDef, + unknown +> = z + .object({ + hours_worked: z.nullable(z.number()).optional(), + start_time: z + .nullable( + z + .string() + .datetime({ offset: true }) + .transform((v) => new Date(v)) + ) + .optional(), + end_time: z + .nullable( + z + .string() + .datetime({ offset: true }) + .transform((v) => new Date(v)) + ) + .optional(), + employee_id: z.nullable(z.string()).optional(), + remote_was_deleted: z.boolean().optional(), + field_mappings: z + .nullable(z.lazy(() => UnifiedHrisTimesheetEntryOutputFieldMappings$inboundSchema)) + .optional(), + id: z.nullable(z.string()).optional(), + remote_id: z.nullable(z.string()).optional(), + remote_created_at: z + .nullable( + z + .string() + .datetime({ offset: true }) + .transform((v) => new Date(v)) + ) + .optional(), + created_at: z + .string() + .datetime({ offset: true }) + .transform((v) => new Date(v)) + .optional(), + modified_at: z + .string() + .datetime({ offset: true }) + .transform((v) => new Date(v)) + .optional(), + remote_data: z + .nullable(z.lazy(() => UnifiedHrisTimesheetEntryOutputRemoteData$inboundSchema)) + .optional(), + }) + .transform((v) => { + return remap$(v, { + hours_worked: "hoursWorked", + start_time: "startTime", + end_time: "endTime", + employee_id: "employeeId", + remote_was_deleted: "remoteWasDeleted", + field_mappings: "fieldMappings", + remote_id: "remoteId", + remote_created_at: "remoteCreatedAt", + created_at: "createdAt", + modified_at: "modifiedAt", + remote_data: "remoteData", + }); + }); + +/** @internal */ +export type UnifiedHrisTimesheetEntryOutput$Outbound = { + hours_worked?: number | null | undefined; + start_time?: string | null | undefined; + end_time?: string | null | undefined; + employee_id?: string | null | undefined; + remote_was_deleted?: boolean | undefined; + field_mappings?: UnifiedHrisTimesheetEntryOutputFieldMappings$Outbound | null | undefined; + id?: string | null | undefined; + remote_id?: string | null | undefined; + remote_created_at?: string | null | undefined; + created_at?: string | undefined; + modified_at?: string | undefined; + remote_data?: UnifiedHrisTimesheetEntryOutputRemoteData$Outbound | null | undefined; +}; + +/** @internal */ +export const UnifiedHrisTimesheetEntryOutput$outboundSchema: z.ZodType< + UnifiedHrisTimesheetEntryOutput$Outbound, + z.ZodTypeDef, + UnifiedHrisTimesheetEntryOutput +> = z + .object({ + hoursWorked: z.nullable(z.number()).optional(), + startTime: z.nullable(z.date().transform((v) => v.toISOString())).optional(), + endTime: z.nullable(z.date().transform((v) => v.toISOString())).optional(), + employeeId: z.nullable(z.string()).optional(), + remoteWasDeleted: z.boolean().optional(), + fieldMappings: z + .nullable(z.lazy(() => UnifiedHrisTimesheetEntryOutputFieldMappings$outboundSchema)) + .optional(), + id: z.nullable(z.string()).optional(), + remoteId: z.nullable(z.string()).optional(), + remoteCreatedAt: z.nullable(z.date().transform((v) => v.toISOString())).optional(), + createdAt: z + .date() + .transform((v) => v.toISOString()) + .optional(), + modifiedAt: z + .date() + .transform((v) => v.toISOString()) + .optional(), + remoteData: z + .nullable(z.lazy(() => UnifiedHrisTimesheetEntryOutputRemoteData$outboundSchema)) + .optional(), + }) + .transform((v) => { + return remap$(v, { + hoursWorked: "hours_worked", + startTime: "start_time", + endTime: "end_time", + employeeId: "employee_id", + remoteWasDeleted: "remote_was_deleted", + fieldMappings: "field_mappings", + remoteId: "remote_id", + remoteCreatedAt: "remote_created_at", + createdAt: "created_at", + modifiedAt: "modified_at", + remoteData: "remote_data", + }); + }); + +/** + * @internal + * @deprecated This namespace will be removed in future versions. Use schemas and types that are exported directly from this module. + */ +export namespace UnifiedHrisTimesheetEntryOutput$ { + /** @deprecated use `UnifiedHrisTimesheetEntryOutput$inboundSchema` instead. */ + export const inboundSchema = UnifiedHrisTimesheetEntryOutput$inboundSchema; + /** @deprecated use `UnifiedHrisTimesheetEntryOutput$outboundSchema` instead. */ + export const outboundSchema = UnifiedHrisTimesheetEntryOutput$outboundSchema; + /** @deprecated use `UnifiedHrisTimesheetEntryOutput$Outbound` instead. */ + export type Outbound = UnifiedHrisTimesheetEntryOutput$Outbound; +} diff --git a/src/models/components/webhookdto.ts b/src/models/components/webhookdto.ts index aef85041..f69e9cda 100644 --- a/src/models/components/webhookdto.ts +++ b/src/models/components/webhookdto.ts @@ -12,7 +12,7 @@ export type WebhookDto = { /** * The description of the webhook. */ - description: string | null; + description?: string | null | undefined; /** * The events that the webhook listen to. */ @@ -22,14 +22,14 @@ export type WebhookDto = { /** @internal */ export const WebhookDto$inboundSchema: z.ZodType = z.object({ url: z.nullable(z.string()), - description: z.nullable(z.string()), + description: z.nullable(z.string()).optional(), scope: z.nullable(z.array(z.string())), }); /** @internal */ export type WebhookDto$Outbound = { url: string | null; - description: string | null; + description?: string | null | undefined; scope: Array | null; }; @@ -37,7 +37,7 @@ export type WebhookDto$Outbound = { export const WebhookDto$outboundSchema: z.ZodType = z.object({ url: z.nullable(z.string()), - description: z.nullable(z.string()), + description: z.nullable(z.string()).optional(), scope: z.nullable(z.array(z.string())), }); diff --git a/src/models/errors/index.ts b/src/models/errors/index.ts index ead269b0..900ee9d5 100644 --- a/src/models/errors/index.ts +++ b/src/models/errors/index.ts @@ -2,5 +2,6 @@ * Code generated by Speakeasy (https://speakeasy.com). DO NOT EDIT. */ +export * from "./httpclienterrors.js"; export * from "./sdkerror.js"; export * from "./sdkvalidationerror.js"; diff --git a/src/models/errors/sdkvalidationerror.ts b/src/models/errors/sdkvalidationerror.ts index 3030cd7f..16929b9e 100644 --- a/src/models/errors/sdkvalidationerror.ts +++ b/src/models/errors/sdkvalidationerror.ts @@ -10,15 +10,17 @@ export class SDKValidationError extends Error { */ public readonly rawValue: unknown; + /** + * The raw message that failed validation. + */ + public readonly rawMessage: unknown; + constructor(message: string, cause: unknown, rawValue: unknown) { - super(message); + super(`${message}: ${cause}`); this.name = "SDKValidationError"; this.cause = cause; this.rawValue = rawValue; - } - - public override toString(): string { - return `${this.message}: ${this.cause}`; + this.rawMessage = message; } /** @@ -28,7 +30,7 @@ export class SDKValidationError extends Error { */ public pretty(): string { if (this.cause instanceof z.ZodError) { - return `${this.message}\n${formatZodError(this.cause)}`; + return `${this.rawMessage}\n${formatZodError(this.cause)}`; } else { return this.toString(); } diff --git a/src/models/operations/createhristimesheetentry.ts b/src/models/operations/createhristimesheetentry.ts new file mode 100644 index 00000000..55ca5597 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/models/operations/createhristimesheetentry.ts @@ -0,0 +1,77 @@ +/* + * Code generated by Speakeasy (https://speakeasy.com). DO NOT EDIT. + */ + +import { remap as remap$ } from "../../lib/primitives.js"; +import * as components from "../components/index.js"; +import * as z from "zod"; + +export type CreateHrisTimesheetentryRequest = { + /** + * The connection token + */ + xConnectionToken: string; + /** + * Set to true to include data from the original Hris software. + */ + remoteData?: boolean | undefined; + unifiedHrisTimesheetEntryInput: components.UnifiedHrisTimesheetEntryInput; +}; + +/** @internal */ +export const CreateHrisTimesheetentryRequest$inboundSchema: z.ZodType< + CreateHrisTimesheetentryRequest, + z.ZodTypeDef, + unknown +> = z + .object({ + "x-connection-token": z.string(), + remote_data: z.boolean().optional(), + UnifiedHrisTimesheetEntryInput: components.UnifiedHrisTimesheetEntryInput$inboundSchema, + }) + .transform((v) => { + return remap$(v, { + "x-connection-token": "xConnectionToken", + remote_data: "remoteData", + UnifiedHrisTimesheetEntryInput: "unifiedHrisTimesheetEntryInput", + }); + }); + +/** @internal */ +export type CreateHrisTimesheetentryRequest$Outbound = { + "x-connection-token": string; + remote_data?: boolean | undefined; + UnifiedHrisTimesheetEntryInput: components.UnifiedHrisTimesheetEntryInput$Outbound; +}; + +/** @internal */ +export const CreateHrisTimesheetentryRequest$outboundSchema: z.ZodType< + CreateHrisTimesheetentryRequest$Outbound, + z.ZodTypeDef, + CreateHrisTimesheetentryRequest +> = z + .object({ + xConnectionToken: z.string(), + remoteData: z.boolean().optional(), + unifiedHrisTimesheetEntryInput: components.UnifiedHrisTimesheetEntryInput$outboundSchema, + }) + .transform((v) => { + return remap$(v, { + xConnectionToken: "x-connection-token", + remoteData: "remote_data", + unifiedHrisTimesheetEntryInput: "UnifiedHrisTimesheetEntryInput", + }); + }); + +/** + * @internal + * @deprecated This namespace will be removed in future versions. Use schemas and types that are exported directly from this module. + */ +export namespace CreateHrisTimesheetentryRequest$ { + /** @deprecated use `CreateHrisTimesheetentryRequest$inboundSchema` instead. */ + export const inboundSchema = CreateHrisTimesheetentryRequest$inboundSchema; + /** @deprecated use `CreateHrisTimesheetentryRequest$outboundSchema` instead. */ + export const outboundSchema = CreateHrisTimesheetentryRequest$outboundSchema; + /** @deprecated use `CreateHrisTimesheetentryRequest$Outbound` instead. */ + export type Outbound = CreateHrisTimesheetentryRequest$Outbound; +} diff --git a/src/models/operations/getpanoracoreevents.ts b/src/models/operations/getpanoracoreevents.ts index 425236f5..cc72b24a 100644 --- a/src/models/operations/getpanoracoreevents.ts +++ b/src/models/operations/getpanoracoreevents.ts @@ -15,14 +15,14 @@ export const GetPanoraCoreEventsRequest$inboundSchema: z.ZodType< z.ZodTypeDef, unknown > = z.object({ - page: z.number().optional(), - limit: z.number().optional(), + page: z.number().default(1), + limit: z.number().default(10), }); /** @internal */ export type GetPanoraCoreEventsRequest$Outbound = { - page?: number | undefined; - limit?: number | undefined; + page: number; + limit: number; }; /** @internal */ @@ -31,8 +31,8 @@ export const GetPanoraCoreEventsRequest$outboundSchema: z.ZodType< z.ZodTypeDef, GetPanoraCoreEventsRequest > = z.object({ - page: z.number().optional(), - limit: z.number().optional(), + page: z.number().default(1), + limit: z.number().default(10), }); /** diff --git a/src/models/operations/index.ts b/src/models/operations/index.ts index 88bf3f4d..b2680be1 100644 --- a/src/models/operations/index.ts +++ b/src/models/operations/index.ts @@ -27,6 +27,7 @@ export * from "./createfilestoragefile.js"; export * from "./createfilestoragefolder.js"; export * from "./createhrisemployee.js"; export * from "./createhristimeoff.js"; +export * from "./createhristimesheetentry.js"; export * from "./createmarketingautomationaction.js"; export * from "./createmarketingautomationautomation.js"; export * from "./createmarketingautomationcampaign.js"; @@ -105,6 +106,7 @@ export * from "./listhrispaygroups.js"; export * from "./listhrispayrollruns.js"; export * from "./listhristimeoffbalances.js"; export * from "./listhristimeoffs.js"; +export * from "./listhristimesheetentries.js"; export * from "./listmarketingautomationaction.js"; export * from "./listmarketingautomationautomations.js"; export * from "./listmarketingautomationcampaigns.js"; @@ -193,6 +195,7 @@ export * from "./retrievehrispaygroup.js"; export * from "./retrievehrispayrollrun.js"; export * from "./retrievehristimeoff.js"; export * from "./retrievehristimeoffbalance.js"; +export * from "./retrievehristimesheetentry.js"; export * from "./retrievelinkeduser.js"; export * from "./retrievemarketingautomationaction.js"; export * from "./retrievemarketingautomationautomation.js"; diff --git a/src/models/operations/listaccountingaccounts.ts b/src/models/operations/listaccountingaccounts.ts index 0ccb434e..76140a90 100644 --- a/src/models/operations/listaccountingaccounts.ts +++ b/src/models/operations/listaccountingaccounts.ts @@ -44,7 +44,7 @@ export const ListAccountingAccountsRequest$inboundSchema: z.ZodType< .object({ "x-connection-token": z.string(), remote_data: z.boolean().optional(), - limit: z.number().optional(), + limit: z.number().default(50), cursor: z.string().optional(), }) .transform((v) => { @@ -58,7 +58,7 @@ export const ListAccountingAccountsRequest$inboundSchema: z.ZodType< export type ListAccountingAccountsRequest$Outbound = { "x-connection-token": string; remote_data?: boolean | undefined; - limit?: number | undefined; + limit: number; cursor?: string | undefined; }; @@ -71,7 +71,7 @@ export const ListAccountingAccountsRequest$outboundSchema: z.ZodType< .object({ xConnectionToken: z.string(), remoteData: z.boolean().optional(), - limit: z.number().optional(), + limit: z.number().default(50), cursor: z.string().optional(), }) .transform((v) => { diff --git a/src/models/operations/listaccountingaddress.ts b/src/models/operations/listaccountingaddress.ts index 2c077fa0..189c3f48 100644 --- a/src/models/operations/listaccountingaddress.ts +++ b/src/models/operations/listaccountingaddress.ts @@ -44,7 +44,7 @@ export const ListAccountingAddressRequest$inboundSchema: z.ZodType< .object({ "x-connection-token": z.string(), remote_data: z.boolean().optional(), - limit: z.number().optional(), + limit: z.number().default(50), cursor: z.string().optional(), }) .transform((v) => { @@ -58,7 +58,7 @@ export const ListAccountingAddressRequest$inboundSchema: z.ZodType< export type ListAccountingAddressRequest$Outbound = { "x-connection-token": string; remote_data?: boolean | undefined; - limit?: number | undefined; + limit: number; cursor?: string | undefined; }; @@ -71,7 +71,7 @@ export const ListAccountingAddressRequest$outboundSchema: z.ZodType< .object({ xConnectionToken: z.string(), remoteData: z.boolean().optional(), - limit: z.number().optional(), + limit: z.number().default(50), cursor: z.string().optional(), }) .transform((v) => { diff --git a/src/models/operations/listaccountingattachments.ts b/src/models/operations/listaccountingattachments.ts index efc30879..28dc34d8 100644 --- a/src/models/operations/listaccountingattachments.ts +++ b/src/models/operations/listaccountingattachments.ts @@ -44,7 +44,7 @@ export const ListAccountingAttachmentsRequest$inboundSchema: z.ZodType< .object({ "x-connection-token": z.string(), remote_data: z.boolean().optional(), - limit: z.number().optional(), + limit: z.number().default(50), cursor: z.string().optional(), }) .transform((v) => { @@ -58,7 +58,7 @@ export const ListAccountingAttachmentsRequest$inboundSchema: z.ZodType< export type ListAccountingAttachmentsRequest$Outbound = { "x-connection-token": string; remote_data?: boolean | undefined; - limit?: number | undefined; + limit: number; cursor?: string | undefined; }; @@ -71,7 +71,7 @@ export const ListAccountingAttachmentsRequest$outboundSchema: z.ZodType< .object({ xConnectionToken: z.string(), remoteData: z.boolean().optional(), - limit: z.number().optional(), + limit: z.number().default(50), cursor: z.string().optional(), }) .transform((v) => { diff --git a/src/models/operations/listaccountingbalancesheets.ts b/src/models/operations/listaccountingbalancesheets.ts index 19994079..ae0bc5db 100644 --- a/src/models/operations/listaccountingbalancesheets.ts +++ b/src/models/operations/listaccountingbalancesheets.ts @@ -44,7 +44,7 @@ export const ListAccountingBalanceSheetsRequest$inboundSchema: z.ZodType< .object({ "x-connection-token": z.string(), remote_data: z.boolean().optional(), - limit: z.number().optional(), + limit: z.number().default(50), cursor: z.string().optional(), }) .transform((v) => { @@ -58,7 +58,7 @@ export const ListAccountingBalanceSheetsRequest$inboundSchema: z.ZodType< export type ListAccountingBalanceSheetsRequest$Outbound = { "x-connection-token": string; remote_data?: boolean | undefined; - limit?: number | undefined; + limit: number; cursor?: string | undefined; }; @@ -71,7 +71,7 @@ export const ListAccountingBalanceSheetsRequest$outboundSchema: z.ZodType< .object({ xConnectionToken: z.string(), remoteData: z.boolean().optional(), - limit: z.number().optional(), + limit: z.number().default(50), cursor: z.string().optional(), }) .transform((v) => { diff --git a/src/models/operations/listaccountingcashflowstatement.ts b/src/models/operations/listaccountingcashflowstatement.ts index 39604555..b02f7db3 100644 --- a/src/models/operations/listaccountingcashflowstatement.ts +++ b/src/models/operations/listaccountingcashflowstatement.ts @@ -44,7 +44,7 @@ export const ListAccountingCashflowStatementRequest$inboundSchema: z.ZodType< .object({ "x-connection-token": z.string(), remote_data: z.boolean().optional(), - limit: z.number().optional(), + limit: z.number().default(50), cursor: z.string().optional(), }) .transform((v) => { @@ -58,7 +58,7 @@ export const ListAccountingCashflowStatementRequest$inboundSchema: z.ZodType< export type ListAccountingCashflowStatementRequest$Outbound = { "x-connection-token": string; remote_data?: boolean | undefined; - limit?: number | undefined; + limit: number; cursor?: string | undefined; }; @@ -71,7 +71,7 @@ export const ListAccountingCashflowStatementRequest$outboundSchema: z.ZodType< .object({ xConnectionToken: z.string(), remoteData: z.boolean().optional(), - limit: z.number().optional(), + limit: z.number().default(50), cursor: z.string().optional(), }) .transform((v) => { diff --git a/src/models/operations/listaccountingcompanyinfos.ts b/src/models/operations/listaccountingcompanyinfos.ts index 37c000a3..af814fe2 100644 --- a/src/models/operations/listaccountingcompanyinfos.ts +++ b/src/models/operations/listaccountingcompanyinfos.ts @@ -44,7 +44,7 @@ export const ListAccountingCompanyInfosRequest$inboundSchema: z.ZodType< .object({ "x-connection-token": z.string(), remote_data: z.boolean().optional(), - limit: z.number().optional(), + limit: z.number().default(50), cursor: z.string().optional(), }) .transform((v) => { @@ -58,7 +58,7 @@ export const ListAccountingCompanyInfosRequest$inboundSchema: z.ZodType< export type ListAccountingCompanyInfosRequest$Outbound = { "x-connection-token": string; remote_data?: boolean | undefined; - limit?: number | undefined; + limit: number; cursor?: string | undefined; }; @@ -71,7 +71,7 @@ export const ListAccountingCompanyInfosRequest$outboundSchema: z.ZodType< .object({ xConnectionToken: z.string(), remoteData: z.boolean().optional(), - limit: z.number().optional(), + limit: z.number().default(50), cursor: z.string().optional(), }) .transform((v) => { diff --git a/src/models/operations/listaccountingcontacts.ts b/src/models/operations/listaccountingcontacts.ts index 507f29a7..5941b743 100644 --- a/src/models/operations/listaccountingcontacts.ts +++ b/src/models/operations/listaccountingcontacts.ts @@ -44,7 +44,7 @@ export const ListAccountingContactsRequest$inboundSchema: z.ZodType< .object({ "x-connection-token": z.string(), remote_data: z.boolean().optional(), - limit: z.number().optional(), + limit: z.number().default(50), cursor: z.string().optional(), }) .transform((v) => { @@ -58,7 +58,7 @@ export const ListAccountingContactsRequest$inboundSchema: z.ZodType< export type ListAccountingContactsRequest$Outbound = { "x-connection-token": string; remote_data?: boolean | undefined; - limit?: number | undefined; + limit: number; cursor?: string | undefined; }; @@ -71,7 +71,7 @@ export const ListAccountingContactsRequest$outboundSchema: z.ZodType< .object({ xConnectionToken: z.string(), remoteData: z.boolean().optional(), - limit: z.number().optional(), + limit: z.number().default(50), cursor: z.string().optional(), }) .transform((v) => { diff --git a/src/models/operations/listaccountingcreditnote.ts b/src/models/operations/listaccountingcreditnote.ts index 2fc27fc6..3a4617ce 100644 --- a/src/models/operations/listaccountingcreditnote.ts +++ b/src/models/operations/listaccountingcreditnote.ts @@ -44,7 +44,7 @@ export const ListAccountingCreditNoteRequest$inboundSchema: z.ZodType< .object({ "x-connection-token": z.string(), remote_data: z.boolean().optional(), - limit: z.number().optional(), + limit: z.number().default(50), cursor: z.string().optional(), }) .transform((v) => { @@ -58,7 +58,7 @@ export const ListAccountingCreditNoteRequest$inboundSchema: z.ZodType< export type ListAccountingCreditNoteRequest$Outbound = { "x-connection-token": string; remote_data?: boolean | undefined; - limit?: number | undefined; + limit: number; cursor?: string | undefined; }; @@ -71,7 +71,7 @@ export const ListAccountingCreditNoteRequest$outboundSchema: z.ZodType< .object({ xConnectionToken: z.string(), remoteData: z.boolean().optional(), - limit: z.number().optional(), + limit: z.number().default(50), cursor: z.string().optional(), }) .transform((v) => { diff --git a/src/models/operations/listaccountingexpense.ts b/src/models/operations/listaccountingexpense.ts index 19a29c35..ee6cde69 100644 --- a/src/models/operations/listaccountingexpense.ts +++ b/src/models/operations/listaccountingexpense.ts @@ -44,7 +44,7 @@ export const ListAccountingExpenseRequest$inboundSchema: z.ZodType< .object({ "x-connection-token": z.string(), remote_data: z.boolean().optional(), - limit: z.number().optional(), + limit: z.number().default(50), cursor: z.string().optional(), }) .transform((v) => { @@ -58,7 +58,7 @@ export const ListAccountingExpenseRequest$inboundSchema: z.ZodType< export type ListAccountingExpenseRequest$Outbound = { "x-connection-token": string; remote_data?: boolean | undefined; - limit?: number | undefined; + limit: number; cursor?: string | undefined; }; @@ -71,7 +71,7 @@ export const ListAccountingExpenseRequest$outboundSchema: z.ZodType< .object({ xConnectionToken: z.string(), remoteData: z.boolean().optional(), - limit: z.number().optional(), + limit: z.number().default(50), cursor: z.string().optional(), }) .transform((v) => { diff --git a/src/models/operations/listaccountingincomestatement.ts b/src/models/operations/listaccountingincomestatement.ts index 79269fea..88793c63 100644 --- a/src/models/operations/listaccountingincomestatement.ts +++ b/src/models/operations/listaccountingincomestatement.ts @@ -44,7 +44,7 @@ export const ListAccountingIncomeStatementRequest$inboundSchema: z.ZodType< .object({ "x-connection-token": z.string(), remote_data: z.boolean().optional(), - limit: z.number().optional(), + limit: z.number().default(50), cursor: z.string().optional(), }) .transform((v) => { @@ -58,7 +58,7 @@ export const ListAccountingIncomeStatementRequest$inboundSchema: z.ZodType< export type ListAccountingIncomeStatementRequest$Outbound = { "x-connection-token": string; remote_data?: boolean | undefined; - limit?: number | undefined; + limit: number; cursor?: string | undefined; }; @@ -71,7 +71,7 @@ export const ListAccountingIncomeStatementRequest$outboundSchema: z.ZodType< .object({ xConnectionToken: z.string(), remoteData: z.boolean().optional(), - limit: z.number().optional(), + limit: z.number().default(50), cursor: z.string().optional(), }) .transform((v) => { diff --git a/src/models/operations/listaccountinginvoice.ts b/src/models/operations/listaccountinginvoice.ts index 9cadf20c..a264fe67 100644 --- a/src/models/operations/listaccountinginvoice.ts +++ b/src/models/operations/listaccountinginvoice.ts @@ -44,7 +44,7 @@ export const ListAccountingInvoiceRequest$inboundSchema: z.ZodType< .object({ "x-connection-token": z.string(), remote_data: z.boolean().optional(), - limit: z.number().optional(), + limit: z.number().default(50), cursor: z.string().optional(), }) .transform((v) => { @@ -58,7 +58,7 @@ export const ListAccountingInvoiceRequest$inboundSchema: z.ZodType< export type ListAccountingInvoiceRequest$Outbound = { "x-connection-token": string; remote_data?: boolean | undefined; - limit?: number | undefined; + limit: number; cursor?: string | undefined; }; @@ -71,7 +71,7 @@ export const ListAccountingInvoiceRequest$outboundSchema: z.ZodType< .object({ xConnectionToken: z.string(), remoteData: z.boolean().optional(), - limit: z.number().optional(), + limit: z.number().default(50), cursor: z.string().optional(), }) .transform((v) => { diff --git a/src/models/operations/listaccountingitem.ts b/src/models/operations/listaccountingitem.ts index f6b7a353..cf9679f5 100644 --- a/src/models/operations/listaccountingitem.ts +++ b/src/models/operations/listaccountingitem.ts @@ -44,7 +44,7 @@ export const ListAccountingItemRequest$inboundSchema: z.ZodType< .object({ "x-connection-token": z.string(), remote_data: z.boolean().optional(), - limit: z.number().optional(), + limit: z.number().default(50), cursor: z.string().optional(), }) .transform((v) => { @@ -58,7 +58,7 @@ export const ListAccountingItemRequest$inboundSchema: z.ZodType< export type ListAccountingItemRequest$Outbound = { "x-connection-token": string; remote_data?: boolean | undefined; - limit?: number | undefined; + limit: number; cursor?: string | undefined; }; @@ -71,7 +71,7 @@ export const ListAccountingItemRequest$outboundSchema: z.ZodType< .object({ xConnectionToken: z.string(), remoteData: z.boolean().optional(), - limit: z.number().optional(), + limit: z.number().default(50), cursor: z.string().optional(), }) .transform((v) => { diff --git a/src/models/operations/listaccountingjournalentry.ts b/src/models/operations/listaccountingjournalentry.ts index 66c4e4c2..b3dbac99 100644 --- a/src/models/operations/listaccountingjournalentry.ts +++ b/src/models/operations/listaccountingjournalentry.ts @@ -44,7 +44,7 @@ export const ListAccountingJournalEntryRequest$inboundSchema: z.ZodType< .object({ "x-connection-token": z.string(), remote_data: z.boolean().optional(), - limit: z.number().optional(), + limit: z.number().default(50), cursor: z.string().optional(), }) .transform((v) => { @@ -58,7 +58,7 @@ export const ListAccountingJournalEntryRequest$inboundSchema: z.ZodType< export type ListAccountingJournalEntryRequest$Outbound = { "x-connection-token": string; remote_data?: boolean | undefined; - limit?: number | undefined; + limit: number; cursor?: string | undefined; }; @@ -71,7 +71,7 @@ export const ListAccountingJournalEntryRequest$outboundSchema: z.ZodType< .object({ xConnectionToken: z.string(), remoteData: z.boolean().optional(), - limit: z.number().optional(), + limit: z.number().default(50), cursor: z.string().optional(), }) .transform((v) => { diff --git a/src/models/operations/listaccountingpayment.ts b/src/models/operations/listaccountingpayment.ts index c7b5ce1f..862975f0 100644 --- a/src/models/operations/listaccountingpayment.ts +++ b/src/models/operations/listaccountingpayment.ts @@ -44,7 +44,7 @@ export const ListAccountingPaymentRequest$inboundSchema: z.ZodType< .object({ "x-connection-token": z.string(), remote_data: z.boolean().optional(), - limit: z.number().optional(), + limit: z.number().default(50), cursor: z.string().optional(), }) .transform((v) => { @@ -58,7 +58,7 @@ export const ListAccountingPaymentRequest$inboundSchema: z.ZodType< export type ListAccountingPaymentRequest$Outbound = { "x-connection-token": string; remote_data?: boolean | undefined; - limit?: number | undefined; + limit: number; cursor?: string | undefined; }; @@ -71,7 +71,7 @@ export const ListAccountingPaymentRequest$outboundSchema: z.ZodType< .object({ xConnectionToken: z.string(), remoteData: z.boolean().optional(), - limit: z.number().optional(), + limit: z.number().default(50), cursor: z.string().optional(), }) .transform((v) => { diff --git a/src/models/operations/listaccountingphonenumber.ts b/src/models/operations/listaccountingphonenumber.ts index b1b227b4..b2e5505a 100644 --- a/src/models/operations/listaccountingphonenumber.ts +++ b/src/models/operations/listaccountingphonenumber.ts @@ -44,7 +44,7 @@ export const ListAccountingPhonenumberRequest$inboundSchema: z.ZodType< .object({ "x-connection-token": z.string(), remote_data: z.boolean().optional(), - limit: z.number().optional(), + limit: z.number().default(50), cursor: z.string().optional(), }) .transform((v) => { @@ -58,7 +58,7 @@ export const ListAccountingPhonenumberRequest$inboundSchema: z.ZodType< export type ListAccountingPhonenumberRequest$Outbound = { "x-connection-token": string; remote_data?: boolean | undefined; - limit?: number | undefined; + limit: number; cursor?: string | undefined; }; @@ -71,7 +71,7 @@ export const ListAccountingPhonenumberRequest$outboundSchema: z.ZodType< .object({ xConnectionToken: z.string(), remoteData: z.boolean().optional(), - limit: z.number().optional(), + limit: z.number().default(50), cursor: z.string().optional(), }) .transform((v) => { diff --git a/src/models/operations/listaccountingpurchaseorder.ts b/src/models/operations/listaccountingpurchaseorder.ts index 5d1d106a..8512b879 100644 --- a/src/models/operations/listaccountingpurchaseorder.ts +++ b/src/models/operations/listaccountingpurchaseorder.ts @@ -44,7 +44,7 @@ export const ListAccountingPurchaseOrderRequest$inboundSchema: z.ZodType< .object({ "x-connection-token": z.string(), remote_data: z.boolean().optional(), - limit: z.number().optional(), + limit: z.number().default(50), cursor: z.string().optional(), }) .transform((v) => { @@ -58,7 +58,7 @@ export const ListAccountingPurchaseOrderRequest$inboundSchema: z.ZodType< export type ListAccountingPurchaseOrderRequest$Outbound = { "x-connection-token": string; remote_data?: boolean | undefined; - limit?: number | undefined; + limit: number; cursor?: string | undefined; }; @@ -71,7 +71,7 @@ export const ListAccountingPurchaseOrderRequest$outboundSchema: z.ZodType< .object({ xConnectionToken: z.string(), remoteData: z.boolean().optional(), - limit: z.number().optional(), + limit: z.number().default(50), cursor: z.string().optional(), }) .transform((v) => { diff --git a/src/models/operations/listaccountingtaxrate.ts b/src/models/operations/listaccountingtaxrate.ts index 500cd699..dc9a0033 100644 --- a/src/models/operations/listaccountingtaxrate.ts +++ b/src/models/operations/listaccountingtaxrate.ts @@ -44,7 +44,7 @@ export const ListAccountingTaxRateRequest$inboundSchema: z.ZodType< .object({ "x-connection-token": z.string(), remote_data: z.boolean().optional(), - limit: z.number().optional(), + limit: z.number().default(50), cursor: z.string().optional(), }) .transform((v) => { @@ -58,7 +58,7 @@ export const ListAccountingTaxRateRequest$inboundSchema: z.ZodType< export type ListAccountingTaxRateRequest$Outbound = { "x-connection-token": string; remote_data?: boolean | undefined; - limit?: number | undefined; + limit: number; cursor?: string | undefined; }; @@ -71,7 +71,7 @@ export const ListAccountingTaxRateRequest$outboundSchema: z.ZodType< .object({ xConnectionToken: z.string(), remoteData: z.boolean().optional(), - limit: z.number().optional(), + limit: z.number().default(50), cursor: z.string().optional(), }) .transform((v) => { diff --git a/src/models/operations/listaccountingtrackingcategorys.ts b/src/models/operations/listaccountingtrackingcategorys.ts index 3346d3c1..e0cc06cf 100644 --- a/src/models/operations/listaccountingtrackingcategorys.ts +++ b/src/models/operations/listaccountingtrackingcategorys.ts @@ -44,7 +44,7 @@ export const ListAccountingTrackingCategorysRequest$inboundSchema: z.ZodType< .object({ "x-connection-token": z.string(), remote_data: z.boolean().optional(), - limit: z.number().optional(), + limit: z.number().default(50), cursor: z.string().optional(), }) .transform((v) => { @@ -58,7 +58,7 @@ export const ListAccountingTrackingCategorysRequest$inboundSchema: z.ZodType< export type ListAccountingTrackingCategorysRequest$Outbound = { "x-connection-token": string; remote_data?: boolean | undefined; - limit?: number | undefined; + limit: number; cursor?: string | undefined; }; @@ -71,7 +71,7 @@ export const ListAccountingTrackingCategorysRequest$outboundSchema: z.ZodType< .object({ xConnectionToken: z.string(), remoteData: z.boolean().optional(), - limit: z.number().optional(), + limit: z.number().default(50), cursor: z.string().optional(), }) .transform((v) => { diff --git a/src/models/operations/listaccountingtransaction.ts b/src/models/operations/listaccountingtransaction.ts index 1b9ea9be..fb0f4fb0 100644 --- a/src/models/operations/listaccountingtransaction.ts +++ b/src/models/operations/listaccountingtransaction.ts @@ -44,7 +44,7 @@ export const ListAccountingTransactionRequest$inboundSchema: z.ZodType< .object({ "x-connection-token": z.string(), remote_data: z.boolean().optional(), - limit: z.number().optional(), + limit: z.number().default(50), cursor: z.string().optional(), }) .transform((v) => { @@ -58,7 +58,7 @@ export const ListAccountingTransactionRequest$inboundSchema: z.ZodType< export type ListAccountingTransactionRequest$Outbound = { "x-connection-token": string; remote_data?: boolean | undefined; - limit?: number | undefined; + limit: number; cursor?: string | undefined; }; @@ -71,7 +71,7 @@ export const ListAccountingTransactionRequest$outboundSchema: z.ZodType< .object({ xConnectionToken: z.string(), remoteData: z.boolean().optional(), - limit: z.number().optional(), + limit: z.number().default(50), cursor: z.string().optional(), }) .transform((v) => { diff --git a/src/models/operations/listaccountingvendorcredit.ts b/src/models/operations/listaccountingvendorcredit.ts index 61031590..edbeabe2 100644 --- a/src/models/operations/listaccountingvendorcredit.ts +++ b/src/models/operations/listaccountingvendorcredit.ts @@ -44,7 +44,7 @@ export const ListAccountingVendorCreditRequest$inboundSchema: z.ZodType< .object({ "x-connection-token": z.string(), remote_data: z.boolean().optional(), - limit: z.number().optional(), + limit: z.number().default(50), cursor: z.string().optional(), }) .transform((v) => { @@ -58,7 +58,7 @@ export const ListAccountingVendorCreditRequest$inboundSchema: z.ZodType< export type ListAccountingVendorCreditRequest$Outbound = { "x-connection-token": string; remote_data?: boolean | undefined; - limit?: number | undefined; + limit: number; cursor?: string | undefined; }; @@ -71,7 +71,7 @@ export const ListAccountingVendorCreditRequest$outboundSchema: z.ZodType< .object({ xConnectionToken: z.string(), remoteData: z.boolean().optional(), - limit: z.number().optional(), + limit: z.number().default(50), cursor: z.string().optional(), }) .transform((v) => { diff --git a/src/models/operations/listatsactivity.ts b/src/models/operations/listatsactivity.ts index bfae1fb4..0f76452b 100644 --- a/src/models/operations/listatsactivity.ts +++ b/src/models/operations/listatsactivity.ts @@ -44,7 +44,7 @@ export const ListAtsActivityRequest$inboundSchema: z.ZodType< .object({ "x-connection-token": z.string(), remote_data: z.boolean().optional(), - limit: z.number().optional(), + limit: z.number().default(50), cursor: z.string().optional(), }) .transform((v) => { @@ -58,7 +58,7 @@ export const ListAtsActivityRequest$inboundSchema: z.ZodType< export type ListAtsActivityRequest$Outbound = { "x-connection-token": string; remote_data?: boolean | undefined; - limit?: number | undefined; + limit: number; cursor?: string | undefined; }; @@ -71,7 +71,7 @@ export const ListAtsActivityRequest$outboundSchema: z.ZodType< .object({ xConnectionToken: z.string(), remoteData: z.boolean().optional(), - limit: z.number().optional(), + limit: z.number().default(50), cursor: z.string().optional(), }) .transform((v) => { diff --git a/src/models/operations/listatsapplication.ts b/src/models/operations/listatsapplication.ts index 325b402b..b2bee572 100644 --- a/src/models/operations/listatsapplication.ts +++ b/src/models/operations/listatsapplication.ts @@ -44,7 +44,7 @@ export const ListAtsApplicationRequest$inboundSchema: z.ZodType< .object({ "x-connection-token": z.string(), remote_data: z.boolean().optional(), - limit: z.number().optional(), + limit: z.number().default(50), cursor: z.string().optional(), }) .transform((v) => { @@ -58,7 +58,7 @@ export const ListAtsApplicationRequest$inboundSchema: z.ZodType< export type ListAtsApplicationRequest$Outbound = { "x-connection-token": string; remote_data?: boolean | undefined; - limit?: number | undefined; + limit: number; cursor?: string | undefined; }; @@ -71,7 +71,7 @@ export const ListAtsApplicationRequest$outboundSchema: z.ZodType< .object({ xConnectionToken: z.string(), remoteData: z.boolean().optional(), - limit: z.number().optional(), + limit: z.number().default(50), cursor: z.string().optional(), }) .transform((v) => { diff --git a/src/models/operations/listatsattachment.ts b/src/models/operations/listatsattachment.ts index a95e46da..5e4eea15 100644 --- a/src/models/operations/listatsattachment.ts +++ b/src/models/operations/listatsattachment.ts @@ -44,7 +44,7 @@ export const ListAtsAttachmentRequest$inboundSchema: z.ZodType< .object({ "x-connection-token": z.string(), remote_data: z.boolean().optional(), - limit: z.number().optional(), + limit: z.number().default(50), cursor: z.string().optional(), }) .transform((v) => { @@ -58,7 +58,7 @@ export const ListAtsAttachmentRequest$inboundSchema: z.ZodType< export type ListAtsAttachmentRequest$Outbound = { "x-connection-token": string; remote_data?: boolean | undefined; - limit?: number | undefined; + limit: number; cursor?: string | undefined; }; @@ -71,7 +71,7 @@ export const ListAtsAttachmentRequest$outboundSchema: z.ZodType< .object({ xConnectionToken: z.string(), remoteData: z.boolean().optional(), - limit: z.number().optional(), + limit: z.number().default(50), cursor: z.string().optional(), }) .transform((v) => { diff --git a/src/models/operations/listatscandidate.ts b/src/models/operations/listatscandidate.ts index 0c23fb8e..2bd9b271 100644 --- a/src/models/operations/listatscandidate.ts +++ b/src/models/operations/listatscandidate.ts @@ -44,7 +44,7 @@ export const ListAtsCandidateRequest$inboundSchema: z.ZodType< .object({ "x-connection-token": z.string(), remote_data: z.boolean().optional(), - limit: z.number().optional(), + limit: z.number().default(50), cursor: z.string().optional(), }) .transform((v) => { @@ -58,7 +58,7 @@ export const ListAtsCandidateRequest$inboundSchema: z.ZodType< export type ListAtsCandidateRequest$Outbound = { "x-connection-token": string; remote_data?: boolean | undefined; - limit?: number | undefined; + limit: number; cursor?: string | undefined; }; @@ -71,7 +71,7 @@ export const ListAtsCandidateRequest$outboundSchema: z.ZodType< .object({ xConnectionToken: z.string(), remoteData: z.boolean().optional(), - limit: z.number().optional(), + limit: z.number().default(50), cursor: z.string().optional(), }) .transform((v) => { diff --git a/src/models/operations/listatsdepartments.ts b/src/models/operations/listatsdepartments.ts index b45f21ae..3614560f 100644 --- a/src/models/operations/listatsdepartments.ts +++ b/src/models/operations/listatsdepartments.ts @@ -44,7 +44,7 @@ export const ListAtsDepartmentsRequest$inboundSchema: z.ZodType< .object({ "x-connection-token": z.string(), remote_data: z.boolean().optional(), - limit: z.number().optional(), + limit: z.number().default(50), cursor: z.string().optional(), }) .transform((v) => { @@ -58,7 +58,7 @@ export const ListAtsDepartmentsRequest$inboundSchema: z.ZodType< export type ListAtsDepartmentsRequest$Outbound = { "x-connection-token": string; remote_data?: boolean | undefined; - limit?: number | undefined; + limit: number; cursor?: string | undefined; }; @@ -71,7 +71,7 @@ export const ListAtsDepartmentsRequest$outboundSchema: z.ZodType< .object({ xConnectionToken: z.string(), remoteData: z.boolean().optional(), - limit: z.number().optional(), + limit: z.number().default(50), cursor: z.string().optional(), }) .transform((v) => { diff --git a/src/models/operations/listatseeocs.ts b/src/models/operations/listatseeocs.ts index a1f95191..fcfe9cae 100644 --- a/src/models/operations/listatseeocs.ts +++ b/src/models/operations/listatseeocs.ts @@ -44,7 +44,7 @@ export const ListAtsEeocsRequest$inboundSchema: z.ZodType< .object({ "x-connection-token": z.string(), remote_data: z.boolean().optional(), - limit: z.number().optional(), + limit: z.number().default(50), cursor: z.string().optional(), }) .transform((v) => { @@ -58,7 +58,7 @@ export const ListAtsEeocsRequest$inboundSchema: z.ZodType< export type ListAtsEeocsRequest$Outbound = { "x-connection-token": string; remote_data?: boolean | undefined; - limit?: number | undefined; + limit: number; cursor?: string | undefined; }; @@ -71,7 +71,7 @@ export const ListAtsEeocsRequest$outboundSchema: z.ZodType< .object({ xConnectionToken: z.string(), remoteData: z.boolean().optional(), - limit: z.number().optional(), + limit: z.number().default(50), cursor: z.string().optional(), }) .transform((v) => { diff --git a/src/models/operations/listatsinterview.ts b/src/models/operations/listatsinterview.ts index 1bb938e6..61c52f95 100644 --- a/src/models/operations/listatsinterview.ts +++ b/src/models/operations/listatsinterview.ts @@ -44,7 +44,7 @@ export const ListAtsInterviewRequest$inboundSchema: z.ZodType< .object({ "x-connection-token": z.string(), remote_data: z.boolean().optional(), - limit: z.number().optional(), + limit: z.number().default(50), cursor: z.string().optional(), }) .transform((v) => { @@ -58,7 +58,7 @@ export const ListAtsInterviewRequest$inboundSchema: z.ZodType< export type ListAtsInterviewRequest$Outbound = { "x-connection-token": string; remote_data?: boolean | undefined; - limit?: number | undefined; + limit: number; cursor?: string | undefined; }; @@ -71,7 +71,7 @@ export const ListAtsInterviewRequest$outboundSchema: z.ZodType< .object({ xConnectionToken: z.string(), remoteData: z.boolean().optional(), - limit: z.number().optional(), + limit: z.number().default(50), cursor: z.string().optional(), }) .transform((v) => { diff --git a/src/models/operations/listatsjob.ts b/src/models/operations/listatsjob.ts index 619dc07b..ccea7d70 100644 --- a/src/models/operations/listatsjob.ts +++ b/src/models/operations/listatsjob.ts @@ -41,7 +41,7 @@ export const ListAtsJobRequest$inboundSchema: z.ZodType { @@ -55,7 +55,7 @@ export const ListAtsJobRequest$inboundSchema: z.ZodType { diff --git a/src/models/operations/listatsjobinterviewstage.ts b/src/models/operations/listatsjobinterviewstage.ts index b56df1a0..1d5d9869 100644 --- a/src/models/operations/listatsjobinterviewstage.ts +++ b/src/models/operations/listatsjobinterviewstage.ts @@ -44,7 +44,7 @@ export const ListAtsJobInterviewStageRequest$inboundSchema: z.ZodType< .object({ "x-connection-token": z.string(), remote_data: z.boolean().optional(), - limit: z.number().optional(), + limit: z.number().default(50), cursor: z.string().optional(), }) .transform((v) => { @@ -58,7 +58,7 @@ export const ListAtsJobInterviewStageRequest$inboundSchema: z.ZodType< export type ListAtsJobInterviewStageRequest$Outbound = { "x-connection-token": string; remote_data?: boolean | undefined; - limit?: number | undefined; + limit: number; cursor?: string | undefined; }; @@ -71,7 +71,7 @@ export const ListAtsJobInterviewStageRequest$outboundSchema: z.ZodType< .object({ xConnectionToken: z.string(), remoteData: z.boolean().optional(), - limit: z.number().optional(), + limit: z.number().default(50), cursor: z.string().optional(), }) .transform((v) => { diff --git a/src/models/operations/listatsoffer.ts b/src/models/operations/listatsoffer.ts index 42840b4e..cd316490 100644 --- a/src/models/operations/listatsoffer.ts +++ b/src/models/operations/listatsoffer.ts @@ -44,7 +44,7 @@ export const ListAtsOfferRequest$inboundSchema: z.ZodType< .object({ "x-connection-token": z.string(), remote_data: z.boolean().optional(), - limit: z.number().optional(), + limit: z.number().default(50), cursor: z.string().optional(), }) .transform((v) => { @@ -58,7 +58,7 @@ export const ListAtsOfferRequest$inboundSchema: z.ZodType< export type ListAtsOfferRequest$Outbound = { "x-connection-token": string; remote_data?: boolean | undefined; - limit?: number | undefined; + limit: number; cursor?: string | undefined; }; @@ -71,7 +71,7 @@ export const ListAtsOfferRequest$outboundSchema: z.ZodType< .object({ xConnectionToken: z.string(), remoteData: z.boolean().optional(), - limit: z.number().optional(), + limit: z.number().default(50), cursor: z.string().optional(), }) .transform((v) => { diff --git a/src/models/operations/listatsoffice.ts b/src/models/operations/listatsoffice.ts index 86ebf257..d306de4c 100644 --- a/src/models/operations/listatsoffice.ts +++ b/src/models/operations/listatsoffice.ts @@ -44,7 +44,7 @@ export const ListAtsOfficeRequest$inboundSchema: z.ZodType< .object({ "x-connection-token": z.string(), remote_data: z.boolean().optional(), - limit: z.number().optional(), + limit: z.number().default(50), cursor: z.string().optional(), }) .transform((v) => { @@ -58,7 +58,7 @@ export const ListAtsOfficeRequest$inboundSchema: z.ZodType< export type ListAtsOfficeRequest$Outbound = { "x-connection-token": string; remote_data?: boolean | undefined; - limit?: number | undefined; + limit: number; cursor?: string | undefined; }; @@ -71,7 +71,7 @@ export const ListAtsOfficeRequest$outboundSchema: z.ZodType< .object({ xConnectionToken: z.string(), remoteData: z.boolean().optional(), - limit: z.number().optional(), + limit: z.number().default(50), cursor: z.string().optional(), }) .transform((v) => { diff --git a/src/models/operations/listatsrejectreasons.ts b/src/models/operations/listatsrejectreasons.ts index 4695590d..c230f3fd 100644 --- a/src/models/operations/listatsrejectreasons.ts +++ b/src/models/operations/listatsrejectreasons.ts @@ -44,7 +44,7 @@ export const ListAtsRejectReasonsRequest$inboundSchema: z.ZodType< .object({ "x-connection-token": z.string(), remote_data: z.boolean().optional(), - limit: z.number().optional(), + limit: z.number().default(50), cursor: z.string().optional(), }) .transform((v) => { @@ -58,7 +58,7 @@ export const ListAtsRejectReasonsRequest$inboundSchema: z.ZodType< export type ListAtsRejectReasonsRequest$Outbound = { "x-connection-token": string; remote_data?: boolean | undefined; - limit?: number | undefined; + limit: number; cursor?: string | undefined; }; @@ -71,7 +71,7 @@ export const ListAtsRejectReasonsRequest$outboundSchema: z.ZodType< .object({ xConnectionToken: z.string(), remoteData: z.boolean().optional(), - limit: z.number().optional(), + limit: z.number().default(50), cursor: z.string().optional(), }) .transform((v) => { diff --git a/src/models/operations/listatsscorecard.ts b/src/models/operations/listatsscorecard.ts index ee402a6c..9d5fa4dd 100644 --- a/src/models/operations/listatsscorecard.ts +++ b/src/models/operations/listatsscorecard.ts @@ -44,7 +44,7 @@ export const ListAtsScorecardRequest$inboundSchema: z.ZodType< .object({ "x-connection-token": z.string(), remote_data: z.boolean().optional(), - limit: z.number().optional(), + limit: z.number().default(50), cursor: z.string().optional(), }) .transform((v) => { @@ -58,7 +58,7 @@ export const ListAtsScorecardRequest$inboundSchema: z.ZodType< export type ListAtsScorecardRequest$Outbound = { "x-connection-token": string; remote_data?: boolean | undefined; - limit?: number | undefined; + limit: number; cursor?: string | undefined; }; @@ -71,7 +71,7 @@ export const ListAtsScorecardRequest$outboundSchema: z.ZodType< .object({ xConnectionToken: z.string(), remoteData: z.boolean().optional(), - limit: z.number().optional(), + limit: z.number().default(50), cursor: z.string().optional(), }) .transform((v) => { diff --git a/src/models/operations/listatstags.ts b/src/models/operations/listatstags.ts index d8d2c265..86518024 100644 --- a/src/models/operations/listatstags.ts +++ b/src/models/operations/listatstags.ts @@ -44,7 +44,7 @@ export const ListAtsTagsRequest$inboundSchema: z.ZodType< .object({ "x-connection-token": z.string(), remote_data: z.boolean().optional(), - limit: z.number().optional(), + limit: z.number().default(50), cursor: z.string().optional(), }) .transform((v) => { @@ -58,7 +58,7 @@ export const ListAtsTagsRequest$inboundSchema: z.ZodType< export type ListAtsTagsRequest$Outbound = { "x-connection-token": string; remote_data?: boolean | undefined; - limit?: number | undefined; + limit: number; cursor?: string | undefined; }; @@ -71,7 +71,7 @@ export const ListAtsTagsRequest$outboundSchema: z.ZodType< .object({ xConnectionToken: z.string(), remoteData: z.boolean().optional(), - limit: z.number().optional(), + limit: z.number().default(50), cursor: z.string().optional(), }) .transform((v) => { diff --git a/src/models/operations/listatsusers.ts b/src/models/operations/listatsusers.ts index 1d077ba7..700fe7a5 100644 --- a/src/models/operations/listatsusers.ts +++ b/src/models/operations/listatsusers.ts @@ -44,7 +44,7 @@ export const ListAtsUsersRequest$inboundSchema: z.ZodType< .object({ "x-connection-token": z.string(), remote_data: z.boolean().optional(), - limit: z.number().optional(), + limit: z.number().default(50), cursor: z.string().optional(), }) .transform((v) => { @@ -58,7 +58,7 @@ export const ListAtsUsersRequest$inboundSchema: z.ZodType< export type ListAtsUsersRequest$Outbound = { "x-connection-token": string; remote_data?: boolean | undefined; - limit?: number | undefined; + limit: number; cursor?: string | undefined; }; @@ -71,7 +71,7 @@ export const ListAtsUsersRequest$outboundSchema: z.ZodType< .object({ xConnectionToken: z.string(), remoteData: z.boolean().optional(), - limit: z.number().optional(), + limit: z.number().default(50), cursor: z.string().optional(), }) .transform((v) => { diff --git a/src/models/operations/listcrmcompany.ts b/src/models/operations/listcrmcompany.ts index af1bcb98..d791e9da 100644 --- a/src/models/operations/listcrmcompany.ts +++ b/src/models/operations/listcrmcompany.ts @@ -44,7 +44,7 @@ export const ListCrmCompanyRequest$inboundSchema: z.ZodType< .object({ "x-connection-token": z.string(), remote_data: z.boolean().optional(), - limit: z.number().optional(), + limit: z.number().default(50), cursor: z.string().optional(), }) .transform((v) => { @@ -58,7 +58,7 @@ export const ListCrmCompanyRequest$inboundSchema: z.ZodType< export type ListCrmCompanyRequest$Outbound = { "x-connection-token": string; remote_data?: boolean | undefined; - limit?: number | undefined; + limit: number; cursor?: string | undefined; }; @@ -71,7 +71,7 @@ export const ListCrmCompanyRequest$outboundSchema: z.ZodType< .object({ xConnectionToken: z.string(), remoteData: z.boolean().optional(), - limit: z.number().optional(), + limit: z.number().default(50), cursor: z.string().optional(), }) .transform((v) => { diff --git a/src/models/operations/listcrmcontacts.ts b/src/models/operations/listcrmcontacts.ts index b804c125..240c7300 100644 --- a/src/models/operations/listcrmcontacts.ts +++ b/src/models/operations/listcrmcontacts.ts @@ -44,7 +44,7 @@ export const ListCrmContactsRequest$inboundSchema: z.ZodType< .object({ "x-connection-token": z.string(), remote_data: z.boolean().optional(), - limit: z.number().optional(), + limit: z.number().default(50), cursor: z.string().optional(), }) .transform((v) => { @@ -58,7 +58,7 @@ export const ListCrmContactsRequest$inboundSchema: z.ZodType< export type ListCrmContactsRequest$Outbound = { "x-connection-token": string; remote_data?: boolean | undefined; - limit?: number | undefined; + limit: number; cursor?: string | undefined; }; @@ -71,7 +71,7 @@ export const ListCrmContactsRequest$outboundSchema: z.ZodType< .object({ xConnectionToken: z.string(), remoteData: z.boolean().optional(), - limit: z.number().optional(), + limit: z.number().default(50), cursor: z.string().optional(), }) .transform((v) => { diff --git a/src/models/operations/listcrmdeals.ts b/src/models/operations/listcrmdeals.ts index 9ddbb576..818daa8a 100644 --- a/src/models/operations/listcrmdeals.ts +++ b/src/models/operations/listcrmdeals.ts @@ -44,7 +44,7 @@ export const ListCrmDealsRequest$inboundSchema: z.ZodType< .object({ "x-connection-token": z.string(), remote_data: z.boolean().optional(), - limit: z.number().optional(), + limit: z.number().default(50), cursor: z.string().optional(), }) .transform((v) => { @@ -58,7 +58,7 @@ export const ListCrmDealsRequest$inboundSchema: z.ZodType< export type ListCrmDealsRequest$Outbound = { "x-connection-token": string; remote_data?: boolean | undefined; - limit?: number | undefined; + limit: number; cursor?: string | undefined; }; @@ -71,7 +71,7 @@ export const ListCrmDealsRequest$outboundSchema: z.ZodType< .object({ xConnectionToken: z.string(), remoteData: z.boolean().optional(), - limit: z.number().optional(), + limit: z.number().default(50), cursor: z.string().optional(), }) .transform((v) => { diff --git a/src/models/operations/listcrmengagements.ts b/src/models/operations/listcrmengagements.ts index 47e30053..828bf7be 100644 --- a/src/models/operations/listcrmengagements.ts +++ b/src/models/operations/listcrmengagements.ts @@ -44,7 +44,7 @@ export const ListCrmEngagementsRequest$inboundSchema: z.ZodType< .object({ "x-connection-token": z.string(), remote_data: z.boolean().optional(), - limit: z.number().optional(), + limit: z.number().default(50), cursor: z.string().optional(), }) .transform((v) => { @@ -58,7 +58,7 @@ export const ListCrmEngagementsRequest$inboundSchema: z.ZodType< export type ListCrmEngagementsRequest$Outbound = { "x-connection-token": string; remote_data?: boolean | undefined; - limit?: number | undefined; + limit: number; cursor?: string | undefined; }; @@ -71,7 +71,7 @@ export const ListCrmEngagementsRequest$outboundSchema: z.ZodType< .object({ xConnectionToken: z.string(), remoteData: z.boolean().optional(), - limit: z.number().optional(), + limit: z.number().default(50), cursor: z.string().optional(), }) .transform((v) => { diff --git a/src/models/operations/listcrmnote.ts b/src/models/operations/listcrmnote.ts index 84aa07fd..56bb1d81 100644 --- a/src/models/operations/listcrmnote.ts +++ b/src/models/operations/listcrmnote.ts @@ -44,7 +44,7 @@ export const ListCrmNoteRequest$inboundSchema: z.ZodType< .object({ "x-connection-token": z.string(), remote_data: z.boolean().optional(), - limit: z.number().optional(), + limit: z.number().default(50), cursor: z.string().optional(), }) .transform((v) => { @@ -58,7 +58,7 @@ export const ListCrmNoteRequest$inboundSchema: z.ZodType< export type ListCrmNoteRequest$Outbound = { "x-connection-token": string; remote_data?: boolean | undefined; - limit?: number | undefined; + limit: number; cursor?: string | undefined; }; @@ -71,7 +71,7 @@ export const ListCrmNoteRequest$outboundSchema: z.ZodType< .object({ xConnectionToken: z.string(), remoteData: z.boolean().optional(), - limit: z.number().optional(), + limit: z.number().default(50), cursor: z.string().optional(), }) .transform((v) => { diff --git a/src/models/operations/listcrmstages.ts b/src/models/operations/listcrmstages.ts index fa7c32d7..b40d8935 100644 --- a/src/models/operations/listcrmstages.ts +++ b/src/models/operations/listcrmstages.ts @@ -44,7 +44,7 @@ export const ListCrmStagesRequest$inboundSchema: z.ZodType< .object({ "x-connection-token": z.string(), remote_data: z.boolean().optional(), - limit: z.number().optional(), + limit: z.number().default(50), cursor: z.string().optional(), }) .transform((v) => { @@ -58,7 +58,7 @@ export const ListCrmStagesRequest$inboundSchema: z.ZodType< export type ListCrmStagesRequest$Outbound = { "x-connection-token": string; remote_data?: boolean | undefined; - limit?: number | undefined; + limit: number; cursor?: string | undefined; }; @@ -71,7 +71,7 @@ export const ListCrmStagesRequest$outboundSchema: z.ZodType< .object({ xConnectionToken: z.string(), remoteData: z.boolean().optional(), - limit: z.number().optional(), + limit: z.number().default(50), cursor: z.string().optional(), }) .transform((v) => { diff --git a/src/models/operations/listcrmtask.ts b/src/models/operations/listcrmtask.ts index a0a8daa3..01f38fa4 100644 --- a/src/models/operations/listcrmtask.ts +++ b/src/models/operations/listcrmtask.ts @@ -44,7 +44,7 @@ export const ListCrmTaskRequest$inboundSchema: z.ZodType< .object({ "x-connection-token": z.string(), remote_data: z.boolean().optional(), - limit: z.number().optional(), + limit: z.number().default(50), cursor: z.string().optional(), }) .transform((v) => { @@ -58,7 +58,7 @@ export const ListCrmTaskRequest$inboundSchema: z.ZodType< export type ListCrmTaskRequest$Outbound = { "x-connection-token": string; remote_data?: boolean | undefined; - limit?: number | undefined; + limit: number; cursor?: string | undefined; }; @@ -71,7 +71,7 @@ export const ListCrmTaskRequest$outboundSchema: z.ZodType< .object({ xConnectionToken: z.string(), remoteData: z.boolean().optional(), - limit: z.number().optional(), + limit: z.number().default(50), cursor: z.string().optional(), }) .transform((v) => { diff --git a/src/models/operations/listcrmusers.ts b/src/models/operations/listcrmusers.ts index 8ae7e2be..4c9ff0b3 100644 --- a/src/models/operations/listcrmusers.ts +++ b/src/models/operations/listcrmusers.ts @@ -44,7 +44,7 @@ export const ListCrmUsersRequest$inboundSchema: z.ZodType< .object({ "x-connection-token": z.string(), remote_data: z.boolean().optional(), - limit: z.number().optional(), + limit: z.number().default(50), cursor: z.string().optional(), }) .transform((v) => { @@ -58,7 +58,7 @@ export const ListCrmUsersRequest$inboundSchema: z.ZodType< export type ListCrmUsersRequest$Outbound = { "x-connection-token": string; remote_data?: boolean | undefined; - limit?: number | undefined; + limit: number; cursor?: string | undefined; }; @@ -71,7 +71,7 @@ export const ListCrmUsersRequest$outboundSchema: z.ZodType< .object({ xConnectionToken: z.string(), remoteData: z.boolean().optional(), - limit: z.number().optional(), + limit: z.number().default(50), cursor: z.string().optional(), }) .transform((v) => { diff --git a/src/models/operations/listecommercecustomers.ts b/src/models/operations/listecommercecustomers.ts index 79ffb8eb..b10a6a4a 100644 --- a/src/models/operations/listecommercecustomers.ts +++ b/src/models/operations/listecommercecustomers.ts @@ -44,7 +44,7 @@ export const ListEcommerceCustomersRequest$inboundSchema: z.ZodType< .object({ "x-connection-token": z.string(), remote_data: z.boolean().optional(), - limit: z.number().optional(), + limit: z.number().default(50), cursor: z.string().optional(), }) .transform((v) => { @@ -58,7 +58,7 @@ export const ListEcommerceCustomersRequest$inboundSchema: z.ZodType< export type ListEcommerceCustomersRequest$Outbound = { "x-connection-token": string; remote_data?: boolean | undefined; - limit?: number | undefined; + limit: number; cursor?: string | undefined; }; @@ -71,7 +71,7 @@ export const ListEcommerceCustomersRequest$outboundSchema: z.ZodType< .object({ xConnectionToken: z.string(), remoteData: z.boolean().optional(), - limit: z.number().optional(), + limit: z.number().default(50), cursor: z.string().optional(), }) .transform((v) => { diff --git a/src/models/operations/listecommercefulfillments.ts b/src/models/operations/listecommercefulfillments.ts index cf8315c9..48018e50 100644 --- a/src/models/operations/listecommercefulfillments.ts +++ b/src/models/operations/listecommercefulfillments.ts @@ -44,7 +44,7 @@ export const ListEcommerceFulfillmentsRequest$inboundSchema: z.ZodType< .object({ "x-connection-token": z.string(), remote_data: z.boolean().optional(), - limit: z.number().optional(), + limit: z.number().default(50), cursor: z.string().optional(), }) .transform((v) => { @@ -58,7 +58,7 @@ export const ListEcommerceFulfillmentsRequest$inboundSchema: z.ZodType< export type ListEcommerceFulfillmentsRequest$Outbound = { "x-connection-token": string; remote_data?: boolean | undefined; - limit?: number | undefined; + limit: number; cursor?: string | undefined; }; @@ -71,7 +71,7 @@ export const ListEcommerceFulfillmentsRequest$outboundSchema: z.ZodType< .object({ xConnectionToken: z.string(), remoteData: z.boolean().optional(), - limit: z.number().optional(), + limit: z.number().default(50), cursor: z.string().optional(), }) .transform((v) => { diff --git a/src/models/operations/listecommerceorders.ts b/src/models/operations/listecommerceorders.ts index 3c7b4cb2..585ff0c4 100644 --- a/src/models/operations/listecommerceorders.ts +++ b/src/models/operations/listecommerceorders.ts @@ -44,7 +44,7 @@ export const ListEcommerceOrdersRequest$inboundSchema: z.ZodType< .object({ "x-connection-token": z.string(), remote_data: z.boolean().optional(), - limit: z.number().optional(), + limit: z.number().default(50), cursor: z.string().optional(), }) .transform((v) => { @@ -58,7 +58,7 @@ export const ListEcommerceOrdersRequest$inboundSchema: z.ZodType< export type ListEcommerceOrdersRequest$Outbound = { "x-connection-token": string; remote_data?: boolean | undefined; - limit?: number | undefined; + limit: number; cursor?: string | undefined; }; @@ -71,7 +71,7 @@ export const ListEcommerceOrdersRequest$outboundSchema: z.ZodType< .object({ xConnectionToken: z.string(), remoteData: z.boolean().optional(), - limit: z.number().optional(), + limit: z.number().default(50), cursor: z.string().optional(), }) .transform((v) => { diff --git a/src/models/operations/listecommerceproducts.ts b/src/models/operations/listecommerceproducts.ts index 8bb4b21b..dffb66fa 100644 --- a/src/models/operations/listecommerceproducts.ts +++ b/src/models/operations/listecommerceproducts.ts @@ -44,7 +44,7 @@ export const ListEcommerceProductsRequest$inboundSchema: z.ZodType< .object({ "x-connection-token": z.string(), remote_data: z.boolean().optional(), - limit: z.number().optional(), + limit: z.number().default(50), cursor: z.string().optional(), }) .transform((v) => { @@ -58,7 +58,7 @@ export const ListEcommerceProductsRequest$inboundSchema: z.ZodType< export type ListEcommerceProductsRequest$Outbound = { "x-connection-token": string; remote_data?: boolean | undefined; - limit?: number | undefined; + limit: number; cursor?: string | undefined; }; @@ -71,7 +71,7 @@ export const ListEcommerceProductsRequest$outboundSchema: z.ZodType< .object({ xConnectionToken: z.string(), remoteData: z.boolean().optional(), - limit: z.number().optional(), + limit: z.number().default(50), cursor: z.string().optional(), }) .transform((v) => { diff --git a/src/models/operations/listfilestoragedrives.ts b/src/models/operations/listfilestoragedrives.ts index d87ddfdb..888c048a 100644 --- a/src/models/operations/listfilestoragedrives.ts +++ b/src/models/operations/listfilestoragedrives.ts @@ -44,7 +44,7 @@ export const ListFilestorageDrivesRequest$inboundSchema: z.ZodType< .object({ "x-connection-token": z.string(), remote_data: z.boolean().optional(), - limit: z.number().optional(), + limit: z.number().default(50), cursor: z.string().optional(), }) .transform((v) => { @@ -58,7 +58,7 @@ export const ListFilestorageDrivesRequest$inboundSchema: z.ZodType< export type ListFilestorageDrivesRequest$Outbound = { "x-connection-token": string; remote_data?: boolean | undefined; - limit?: number | undefined; + limit: number; cursor?: string | undefined; }; @@ -71,7 +71,7 @@ export const ListFilestorageDrivesRequest$outboundSchema: z.ZodType< .object({ xConnectionToken: z.string(), remoteData: z.boolean().optional(), - limit: z.number().optional(), + limit: z.number().default(50), cursor: z.string().optional(), }) .transform((v) => { diff --git a/src/models/operations/listfilestoragefile.ts b/src/models/operations/listfilestoragefile.ts index 26a7b6dc..0addf3ee 100644 --- a/src/models/operations/listfilestoragefile.ts +++ b/src/models/operations/listfilestoragefile.ts @@ -44,7 +44,7 @@ export const ListFilestorageFileRequest$inboundSchema: z.ZodType< .object({ "x-connection-token": z.string(), remote_data: z.boolean().optional(), - limit: z.number().optional(), + limit: z.number().default(50), cursor: z.string().optional(), }) .transform((v) => { @@ -58,7 +58,7 @@ export const ListFilestorageFileRequest$inboundSchema: z.ZodType< export type ListFilestorageFileRequest$Outbound = { "x-connection-token": string; remote_data?: boolean | undefined; - limit?: number | undefined; + limit: number; cursor?: string | undefined; }; @@ -71,7 +71,7 @@ export const ListFilestorageFileRequest$outboundSchema: z.ZodType< .object({ xConnectionToken: z.string(), remoteData: z.boolean().optional(), - limit: z.number().optional(), + limit: z.number().default(50), cursor: z.string().optional(), }) .transform((v) => { diff --git a/src/models/operations/listfilestoragefolder.ts b/src/models/operations/listfilestoragefolder.ts index e85cd6ea..fac58d99 100644 --- a/src/models/operations/listfilestoragefolder.ts +++ b/src/models/operations/listfilestoragefolder.ts @@ -44,7 +44,7 @@ export const ListFilestorageFolderRequest$inboundSchema: z.ZodType< .object({ "x-connection-token": z.string(), remote_data: z.boolean().optional(), - limit: z.number().optional(), + limit: z.number().default(50), cursor: z.string().optional(), }) .transform((v) => { @@ -58,7 +58,7 @@ export const ListFilestorageFolderRequest$inboundSchema: z.ZodType< export type ListFilestorageFolderRequest$Outbound = { "x-connection-token": string; remote_data?: boolean | undefined; - limit?: number | undefined; + limit: number; cursor?: string | undefined; }; @@ -71,7 +71,7 @@ export const ListFilestorageFolderRequest$outboundSchema: z.ZodType< .object({ xConnectionToken: z.string(), remoteData: z.boolean().optional(), - limit: z.number().optional(), + limit: z.number().default(50), cursor: z.string().optional(), }) .transform((v) => { diff --git a/src/models/operations/listfilestoragegroup.ts b/src/models/operations/listfilestoragegroup.ts index 6a540c0f..535f9d05 100644 --- a/src/models/operations/listfilestoragegroup.ts +++ b/src/models/operations/listfilestoragegroup.ts @@ -44,7 +44,7 @@ export const ListFilestorageGroupRequest$inboundSchema: z.ZodType< .object({ "x-connection-token": z.string(), remote_data: z.boolean().optional(), - limit: z.number().optional(), + limit: z.number().default(50), cursor: z.string().optional(), }) .transform((v) => { @@ -58,7 +58,7 @@ export const ListFilestorageGroupRequest$inboundSchema: z.ZodType< export type ListFilestorageGroupRequest$Outbound = { "x-connection-token": string; remote_data?: boolean | undefined; - limit?: number | undefined; + limit: number; cursor?: string | undefined; }; @@ -71,7 +71,7 @@ export const ListFilestorageGroupRequest$outboundSchema: z.ZodType< .object({ xConnectionToken: z.string(), remoteData: z.boolean().optional(), - limit: z.number().optional(), + limit: z.number().default(50), cursor: z.string().optional(), }) .transform((v) => { diff --git a/src/models/operations/listfilestorageusers.ts b/src/models/operations/listfilestorageusers.ts index c0326b9a..97b842ee 100644 --- a/src/models/operations/listfilestorageusers.ts +++ b/src/models/operations/listfilestorageusers.ts @@ -44,7 +44,7 @@ export const ListFilestorageUsersRequest$inboundSchema: z.ZodType< .object({ "x-connection-token": z.string(), remote_data: z.boolean().optional(), - limit: z.number().optional(), + limit: z.number().default(50), cursor: z.string().optional(), }) .transform((v) => { @@ -58,7 +58,7 @@ export const ListFilestorageUsersRequest$inboundSchema: z.ZodType< export type ListFilestorageUsersRequest$Outbound = { "x-connection-token": string; remote_data?: boolean | undefined; - limit?: number | undefined; + limit: number; cursor?: string | undefined; }; @@ -71,7 +71,7 @@ export const ListFilestorageUsersRequest$outboundSchema: z.ZodType< .object({ xConnectionToken: z.string(), remoteData: z.boolean().optional(), - limit: z.number().optional(), + limit: z.number().default(50), cursor: z.string().optional(), }) .transform((v) => { diff --git a/src/models/operations/listhrisbankinfo.ts b/src/models/operations/listhrisbankinfo.ts index 5f843c6f..403e6c16 100644 --- a/src/models/operations/listhrisbankinfo.ts +++ b/src/models/operations/listhrisbankinfo.ts @@ -44,7 +44,7 @@ export const ListHrisBankInfoRequest$inboundSchema: z.ZodType< .object({ "x-connection-token": z.string(), remote_data: z.boolean().optional(), - limit: z.number().optional(), + limit: z.number().default(50), cursor: z.string().optional(), }) .transform((v) => { @@ -58,7 +58,7 @@ export const ListHrisBankInfoRequest$inboundSchema: z.ZodType< export type ListHrisBankInfoRequest$Outbound = { "x-connection-token": string; remote_data?: boolean | undefined; - limit?: number | undefined; + limit: number; cursor?: string | undefined; }; @@ -71,7 +71,7 @@ export const ListHrisBankInfoRequest$outboundSchema: z.ZodType< .object({ xConnectionToken: z.string(), remoteData: z.boolean().optional(), - limit: z.number().optional(), + limit: z.number().default(50), cursor: z.string().optional(), }) .transform((v) => { diff --git a/src/models/operations/listhrisbenefits.ts b/src/models/operations/listhrisbenefits.ts index 42be29ad..a915a1c8 100644 --- a/src/models/operations/listhrisbenefits.ts +++ b/src/models/operations/listhrisbenefits.ts @@ -44,7 +44,7 @@ export const ListHrisBenefitsRequest$inboundSchema: z.ZodType< .object({ "x-connection-token": z.string(), remote_data: z.boolean().optional(), - limit: z.number().optional(), + limit: z.number().default(50), cursor: z.string().optional(), }) .transform((v) => { @@ -58,7 +58,7 @@ export const ListHrisBenefitsRequest$inboundSchema: z.ZodType< export type ListHrisBenefitsRequest$Outbound = { "x-connection-token": string; remote_data?: boolean | undefined; - limit?: number | undefined; + limit: number; cursor?: string | undefined; }; @@ -71,7 +71,7 @@ export const ListHrisBenefitsRequest$outboundSchema: z.ZodType< .object({ xConnectionToken: z.string(), remoteData: z.boolean().optional(), - limit: z.number().optional(), + limit: z.number().default(50), cursor: z.string().optional(), }) .transform((v) => { diff --git a/src/models/operations/listhriscompanies.ts b/src/models/operations/listhriscompanies.ts index cfea279c..9857977c 100644 --- a/src/models/operations/listhriscompanies.ts +++ b/src/models/operations/listhriscompanies.ts @@ -44,7 +44,7 @@ export const ListHrisCompaniesRequest$inboundSchema: z.ZodType< .object({ "x-connection-token": z.string(), remote_data: z.boolean().optional(), - limit: z.number().optional(), + limit: z.number().default(50), cursor: z.string().optional(), }) .transform((v) => { @@ -58,7 +58,7 @@ export const ListHrisCompaniesRequest$inboundSchema: z.ZodType< export type ListHrisCompaniesRequest$Outbound = { "x-connection-token": string; remote_data?: boolean | undefined; - limit?: number | undefined; + limit: number; cursor?: string | undefined; }; @@ -71,7 +71,7 @@ export const ListHrisCompaniesRequest$outboundSchema: z.ZodType< .object({ xConnectionToken: z.string(), remoteData: z.boolean().optional(), - limit: z.number().optional(), + limit: z.number().default(50), cursor: z.string().optional(), }) .transform((v) => { diff --git a/src/models/operations/listhrisdependents.ts b/src/models/operations/listhrisdependents.ts index 913b3f9f..088ae4da 100644 --- a/src/models/operations/listhrisdependents.ts +++ b/src/models/operations/listhrisdependents.ts @@ -44,7 +44,7 @@ export const ListHrisDependentsRequest$inboundSchema: z.ZodType< .object({ "x-connection-token": z.string(), remote_data: z.boolean().optional(), - limit: z.number().optional(), + limit: z.number().default(50), cursor: z.string().optional(), }) .transform((v) => { @@ -58,7 +58,7 @@ export const ListHrisDependentsRequest$inboundSchema: z.ZodType< export type ListHrisDependentsRequest$Outbound = { "x-connection-token": string; remote_data?: boolean | undefined; - limit?: number | undefined; + limit: number; cursor?: string | undefined; }; @@ -71,7 +71,7 @@ export const ListHrisDependentsRequest$outboundSchema: z.ZodType< .object({ xConnectionToken: z.string(), remoteData: z.boolean().optional(), - limit: z.number().optional(), + limit: z.number().default(50), cursor: z.string().optional(), }) .transform((v) => { diff --git a/src/models/operations/listhrisemployeepayrollrun.ts b/src/models/operations/listhrisemployeepayrollrun.ts index 54998e66..7f836bcc 100644 --- a/src/models/operations/listhrisemployeepayrollrun.ts +++ b/src/models/operations/listhrisemployeepayrollrun.ts @@ -44,7 +44,7 @@ export const ListHrisEmployeePayrollRunRequest$inboundSchema: z.ZodType< .object({ "x-connection-token": z.string(), remote_data: z.boolean().optional(), - limit: z.number().optional(), + limit: z.number().default(50), cursor: z.string().optional(), }) .transform((v) => { @@ -58,7 +58,7 @@ export const ListHrisEmployeePayrollRunRequest$inboundSchema: z.ZodType< export type ListHrisEmployeePayrollRunRequest$Outbound = { "x-connection-token": string; remote_data?: boolean | undefined; - limit?: number | undefined; + limit: number; cursor?: string | undefined; }; @@ -71,7 +71,7 @@ export const ListHrisEmployeePayrollRunRequest$outboundSchema: z.ZodType< .object({ xConnectionToken: z.string(), remoteData: z.boolean().optional(), - limit: z.number().optional(), + limit: z.number().default(50), cursor: z.string().optional(), }) .transform((v) => { diff --git a/src/models/operations/listhrisemployees.ts b/src/models/operations/listhrisemployees.ts index 10dc22c3..bac3fe19 100644 --- a/src/models/operations/listhrisemployees.ts +++ b/src/models/operations/listhrisemployees.ts @@ -44,7 +44,7 @@ export const ListHrisEmployeesRequest$inboundSchema: z.ZodType< .object({ "x-connection-token": z.string(), remote_data: z.boolean().optional(), - limit: z.number().optional(), + limit: z.number().default(50), cursor: z.string().optional(), }) .transform((v) => { @@ -58,7 +58,7 @@ export const ListHrisEmployeesRequest$inboundSchema: z.ZodType< export type ListHrisEmployeesRequest$Outbound = { "x-connection-token": string; remote_data?: boolean | undefined; - limit?: number | undefined; + limit: number; cursor?: string | undefined; }; @@ -71,7 +71,7 @@ export const ListHrisEmployeesRequest$outboundSchema: z.ZodType< .object({ xConnectionToken: z.string(), remoteData: z.boolean().optional(), - limit: z.number().optional(), + limit: z.number().default(50), cursor: z.string().optional(), }) .transform((v) => { diff --git a/src/models/operations/listhrisemployerbenefits.ts b/src/models/operations/listhrisemployerbenefits.ts index 854f38c6..326da741 100644 --- a/src/models/operations/listhrisemployerbenefits.ts +++ b/src/models/operations/listhrisemployerbenefits.ts @@ -44,7 +44,7 @@ export const ListHrisEmployerBenefitsRequest$inboundSchema: z.ZodType< .object({ "x-connection-token": z.string(), remote_data: z.boolean().optional(), - limit: z.number().optional(), + limit: z.number().default(50), cursor: z.string().optional(), }) .transform((v) => { @@ -58,7 +58,7 @@ export const ListHrisEmployerBenefitsRequest$inboundSchema: z.ZodType< export type ListHrisEmployerBenefitsRequest$Outbound = { "x-connection-token": string; remote_data?: boolean | undefined; - limit?: number | undefined; + limit: number; cursor?: string | undefined; }; @@ -71,7 +71,7 @@ export const ListHrisEmployerBenefitsRequest$outboundSchema: z.ZodType< .object({ xConnectionToken: z.string(), remoteData: z.boolean().optional(), - limit: z.number().optional(), + limit: z.number().default(50), cursor: z.string().optional(), }) .transform((v) => { diff --git a/src/models/operations/listhrisemployments.ts b/src/models/operations/listhrisemployments.ts index 0c319930..e620ddd7 100644 --- a/src/models/operations/listhrisemployments.ts +++ b/src/models/operations/listhrisemployments.ts @@ -44,7 +44,7 @@ export const ListHrisEmploymentsRequest$inboundSchema: z.ZodType< .object({ "x-connection-token": z.string(), remote_data: z.boolean().optional(), - limit: z.number().optional(), + limit: z.number().default(50), cursor: z.string().optional(), }) .transform((v) => { @@ -58,7 +58,7 @@ export const ListHrisEmploymentsRequest$inboundSchema: z.ZodType< export type ListHrisEmploymentsRequest$Outbound = { "x-connection-token": string; remote_data?: boolean | undefined; - limit?: number | undefined; + limit: number; cursor?: string | undefined; }; @@ -71,7 +71,7 @@ export const ListHrisEmploymentsRequest$outboundSchema: z.ZodType< .object({ xConnectionToken: z.string(), remoteData: z.boolean().optional(), - limit: z.number().optional(), + limit: z.number().default(50), cursor: z.string().optional(), }) .transform((v) => { diff --git a/src/models/operations/listhrisgroups.ts b/src/models/operations/listhrisgroups.ts index c81f8e74..358c199c 100644 --- a/src/models/operations/listhrisgroups.ts +++ b/src/models/operations/listhrisgroups.ts @@ -44,7 +44,7 @@ export const ListHrisGroupsRequest$inboundSchema: z.ZodType< .object({ "x-connection-token": z.string(), remote_data: z.boolean().optional(), - limit: z.number().optional(), + limit: z.number().default(50), cursor: z.string().optional(), }) .transform((v) => { @@ -58,7 +58,7 @@ export const ListHrisGroupsRequest$inboundSchema: z.ZodType< export type ListHrisGroupsRequest$Outbound = { "x-connection-token": string; remote_data?: boolean | undefined; - limit?: number | undefined; + limit: number; cursor?: string | undefined; }; @@ -71,7 +71,7 @@ export const ListHrisGroupsRequest$outboundSchema: z.ZodType< .object({ xConnectionToken: z.string(), remoteData: z.boolean().optional(), - limit: z.number().optional(), + limit: z.number().default(50), cursor: z.string().optional(), }) .transform((v) => { diff --git a/src/models/operations/listhrislocations.ts b/src/models/operations/listhrislocations.ts index ea4f1f59..cd14b037 100644 --- a/src/models/operations/listhrislocations.ts +++ b/src/models/operations/listhrislocations.ts @@ -44,7 +44,7 @@ export const ListHrisLocationsRequest$inboundSchema: z.ZodType< .object({ "x-connection-token": z.string(), remote_data: z.boolean().optional(), - limit: z.number().optional(), + limit: z.number().default(50), cursor: z.string().optional(), }) .transform((v) => { @@ -58,7 +58,7 @@ export const ListHrisLocationsRequest$inboundSchema: z.ZodType< export type ListHrisLocationsRequest$Outbound = { "x-connection-token": string; remote_data?: boolean | undefined; - limit?: number | undefined; + limit: number; cursor?: string | undefined; }; @@ -71,7 +71,7 @@ export const ListHrisLocationsRequest$outboundSchema: z.ZodType< .object({ xConnectionToken: z.string(), remoteData: z.boolean().optional(), - limit: z.number().optional(), + limit: z.number().default(50), cursor: z.string().optional(), }) .transform((v) => { diff --git a/src/models/operations/listhrispaygroups.ts b/src/models/operations/listhrispaygroups.ts index bb2eed65..295b3b56 100644 --- a/src/models/operations/listhrispaygroups.ts +++ b/src/models/operations/listhrispaygroups.ts @@ -44,7 +44,7 @@ export const ListHrisPaygroupsRequest$inboundSchema: z.ZodType< .object({ "x-connection-token": z.string(), remote_data: z.boolean().optional(), - limit: z.number().optional(), + limit: z.number().default(50), cursor: z.string().optional(), }) .transform((v) => { @@ -58,7 +58,7 @@ export const ListHrisPaygroupsRequest$inboundSchema: z.ZodType< export type ListHrisPaygroupsRequest$Outbound = { "x-connection-token": string; remote_data?: boolean | undefined; - limit?: number | undefined; + limit: number; cursor?: string | undefined; }; @@ -71,7 +71,7 @@ export const ListHrisPaygroupsRequest$outboundSchema: z.ZodType< .object({ xConnectionToken: z.string(), remoteData: z.boolean().optional(), - limit: z.number().optional(), + limit: z.number().default(50), cursor: z.string().optional(), }) .transform((v) => { diff --git a/src/models/operations/listhrispayrollruns.ts b/src/models/operations/listhrispayrollruns.ts index 2022beb8..114da9d4 100644 --- a/src/models/operations/listhrispayrollruns.ts +++ b/src/models/operations/listhrispayrollruns.ts @@ -44,7 +44,7 @@ export const ListHrisPayrollRunsRequest$inboundSchema: z.ZodType< .object({ "x-connection-token": z.string(), remote_data: z.boolean().optional(), - limit: z.number().optional(), + limit: z.number().default(50), cursor: z.string().optional(), }) .transform((v) => { @@ -58,7 +58,7 @@ export const ListHrisPayrollRunsRequest$inboundSchema: z.ZodType< export type ListHrisPayrollRunsRequest$Outbound = { "x-connection-token": string; remote_data?: boolean | undefined; - limit?: number | undefined; + limit: number; cursor?: string | undefined; }; @@ -71,7 +71,7 @@ export const ListHrisPayrollRunsRequest$outboundSchema: z.ZodType< .object({ xConnectionToken: z.string(), remoteData: z.boolean().optional(), - limit: z.number().optional(), + limit: z.number().default(50), cursor: z.string().optional(), }) .transform((v) => { diff --git a/src/models/operations/listhristimeoffbalances.ts b/src/models/operations/listhristimeoffbalances.ts index d3276a15..15c6475e 100644 --- a/src/models/operations/listhristimeoffbalances.ts +++ b/src/models/operations/listhristimeoffbalances.ts @@ -44,7 +44,7 @@ export const ListHrisTimeoffbalancesRequest$inboundSchema: z.ZodType< .object({ "x-connection-token": z.string(), remote_data: z.boolean().optional(), - limit: z.number().optional(), + limit: z.number().default(50), cursor: z.string().optional(), }) .transform((v) => { @@ -58,7 +58,7 @@ export const ListHrisTimeoffbalancesRequest$inboundSchema: z.ZodType< export type ListHrisTimeoffbalancesRequest$Outbound = { "x-connection-token": string; remote_data?: boolean | undefined; - limit?: number | undefined; + limit: number; cursor?: string | undefined; }; @@ -71,7 +71,7 @@ export const ListHrisTimeoffbalancesRequest$outboundSchema: z.ZodType< .object({ xConnectionToken: z.string(), remoteData: z.boolean().optional(), - limit: z.number().optional(), + limit: z.number().default(50), cursor: z.string().optional(), }) .transform((v) => { diff --git a/src/models/operations/listhristimeoffs.ts b/src/models/operations/listhristimeoffs.ts index 9207b73b..708eaa34 100644 --- a/src/models/operations/listhristimeoffs.ts +++ b/src/models/operations/listhristimeoffs.ts @@ -44,7 +44,7 @@ export const ListHrisTimeoffsRequest$inboundSchema: z.ZodType< .object({ "x-connection-token": z.string(), remote_data: z.boolean().optional(), - limit: z.number().optional(), + limit: z.number().default(50), cursor: z.string().optional(), }) .transform((v) => { @@ -58,7 +58,7 @@ export const ListHrisTimeoffsRequest$inboundSchema: z.ZodType< export type ListHrisTimeoffsRequest$Outbound = { "x-connection-token": string; remote_data?: boolean | undefined; - limit?: number | undefined; + limit: number; cursor?: string | undefined; }; @@ -71,7 +71,7 @@ export const ListHrisTimeoffsRequest$outboundSchema: z.ZodType< .object({ xConnectionToken: z.string(), remoteData: z.boolean().optional(), - limit: z.number().optional(), + limit: z.number().default(50), cursor: z.string().optional(), }) .transform((v) => { diff --git a/src/models/operations/listhristimesheetentries.ts b/src/models/operations/listhristimesheetentries.ts new file mode 100644 index 00000000..07ea8178 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/models/operations/listhristimesheetentries.ts @@ -0,0 +1,199 @@ +/* + * Code generated by Speakeasy (https://speakeasy.com). DO NOT EDIT. + */ + +import { remap as remap$ } from "../../lib/primitives.js"; +import * as components from "../components/index.js"; +import * as z from "zod"; + +export type ListHrisTimesheetentriesRequest = { + /** + * The connection token + */ + xConnectionToken: string; + /** + * Set to true to include data from the original software. + */ + remoteData?: boolean | undefined; + /** + * Set to get the number of records. + */ + limit?: number | undefined; + /** + * Set to get the number of records after this cursor. + */ + cursor?: string | undefined; +}; + +export type ListHrisTimesheetentriesResponseBody = { + prevCursor: string | null; + nextCursor: string | null; + data: Array; +}; + +export type ListHrisTimesheetentriesResponse = { + result: ListHrisTimesheetentriesResponseBody; +}; + +/** @internal */ +export const ListHrisTimesheetentriesRequest$inboundSchema: z.ZodType< + ListHrisTimesheetentriesRequest, + z.ZodTypeDef, + unknown +> = z + .object({ + "x-connection-token": z.string(), + remote_data: z.boolean().optional(), + limit: z.number().default(50), + cursor: z.string().optional(), + }) + .transform((v) => { + return remap$(v, { + "x-connection-token": "xConnectionToken", + remote_data: "remoteData", + }); + }); + +/** @internal */ +export type ListHrisTimesheetentriesRequest$Outbound = { + "x-connection-token": string; + remote_data?: boolean | undefined; + limit: number; + cursor?: string | undefined; +}; + +/** @internal */ +export const ListHrisTimesheetentriesRequest$outboundSchema: z.ZodType< + ListHrisTimesheetentriesRequest$Outbound, + z.ZodTypeDef, + ListHrisTimesheetentriesRequest +> = z + .object({ + xConnectionToken: z.string(), + remoteData: z.boolean().optional(), + limit: z.number().default(50), + cursor: z.string().optional(), + }) + .transform((v) => { + return remap$(v, { + xConnectionToken: "x-connection-token", + remoteData: "remote_data", + }); + }); + +/** + * @internal + * @deprecated This namespace will be removed in future versions. Use schemas and types that are exported directly from this module. + */ +export namespace ListHrisTimesheetentriesRequest$ { + /** @deprecated use `ListHrisTimesheetentriesRequest$inboundSchema` instead. */ + export const inboundSchema = ListHrisTimesheetentriesRequest$inboundSchema; + /** @deprecated use `ListHrisTimesheetentriesRequest$outboundSchema` instead. */ + export const outboundSchema = ListHrisTimesheetentriesRequest$outboundSchema; + /** @deprecated use `ListHrisTimesheetentriesRequest$Outbound` instead. */ + export type Outbound = ListHrisTimesheetentriesRequest$Outbound; +} + +/** @internal */ +export const ListHrisTimesheetentriesResponseBody$inboundSchema: z.ZodType< + ListHrisTimesheetentriesResponseBody, + z.ZodTypeDef, + unknown +> = z + .object({ + prev_cursor: z.nullable(z.string()), + next_cursor: z.nullable(z.string()), + data: z.array(components.UnifiedHrisTimesheetEntryOutput$inboundSchema), + }) + .transform((v) => { + return remap$(v, { + prev_cursor: "prevCursor", + next_cursor: "nextCursor", + }); + }); + +/** @internal */ +export type ListHrisTimesheetentriesResponseBody$Outbound = { + prev_cursor: string | null; + next_cursor: string | null; + data: Array; +}; + +/** @internal */ +export const ListHrisTimesheetentriesResponseBody$outboundSchema: z.ZodType< + ListHrisTimesheetentriesResponseBody$Outbound, + z.ZodTypeDef, + ListHrisTimesheetentriesResponseBody +> = z + .object({ + prevCursor: z.nullable(z.string()), + nextCursor: z.nullable(z.string()), + data: z.array(components.UnifiedHrisTimesheetEntryOutput$outboundSchema), + }) + .transform((v) => { + return remap$(v, { + prevCursor: "prev_cursor", + nextCursor: "next_cursor", + }); + }); + +/** + * @internal + * @deprecated This namespace will be removed in future versions. Use schemas and types that are exported directly from this module. + */ +export namespace ListHrisTimesheetentriesResponseBody$ { + /** @deprecated use `ListHrisTimesheetentriesResponseBody$inboundSchema` instead. */ + export const inboundSchema = ListHrisTimesheetentriesResponseBody$inboundSchema; + /** @deprecated use `ListHrisTimesheetentriesResponseBody$outboundSchema` instead. */ + export const outboundSchema = ListHrisTimesheetentriesResponseBody$outboundSchema; + /** @deprecated use `ListHrisTimesheetentriesResponseBody$Outbound` instead. */ + export type Outbound = ListHrisTimesheetentriesResponseBody$Outbound; +} + +/** @internal */ +export const ListHrisTimesheetentriesResponse$inboundSchema: z.ZodType< + ListHrisTimesheetentriesResponse, + z.ZodTypeDef, + unknown +> = z + .object({ + Result: z.lazy(() => ListHrisTimesheetentriesResponseBody$inboundSchema), + }) + .transform((v) => { + return remap$(v, { + Result: "result", + }); + }); + +/** @internal */ +export type ListHrisTimesheetentriesResponse$Outbound = { + Result: ListHrisTimesheetentriesResponseBody$Outbound; +}; + +/** @internal */ +export const ListHrisTimesheetentriesResponse$outboundSchema: z.ZodType< + ListHrisTimesheetentriesResponse$Outbound, + z.ZodTypeDef, + ListHrisTimesheetentriesResponse +> = z + .object({ + result: z.lazy(() => ListHrisTimesheetentriesResponseBody$outboundSchema), + }) + .transform((v) => { + return remap$(v, { + result: "Result", + }); + }); + +/** + * @internal + * @deprecated This namespace will be removed in future versions. Use schemas and types that are exported directly from this module. + */ +export namespace ListHrisTimesheetentriesResponse$ { + /** @deprecated use `ListHrisTimesheetentriesResponse$inboundSchema` instead. */ + export const inboundSchema = ListHrisTimesheetentriesResponse$inboundSchema; + /** @deprecated use `ListHrisTimesheetentriesResponse$outboundSchema` instead. */ + export const outboundSchema = ListHrisTimesheetentriesResponse$outboundSchema; + /** @deprecated use `ListHrisTimesheetentriesResponse$Outbound` instead. */ + export type Outbound = ListHrisTimesheetentriesResponse$Outbound; +} diff --git a/src/models/operations/listmarketingautomationaction.ts b/src/models/operations/listmarketingautomationaction.ts index e88464b4..15f0b9dd 100644 --- a/src/models/operations/listmarketingautomationaction.ts +++ b/src/models/operations/listmarketingautomationaction.ts @@ -44,7 +44,7 @@ export const ListMarketingautomationActionRequest$inboundSchema: z.ZodType< .object({ "x-connection-token": z.string(), remote_data: z.boolean().optional(), - limit: z.number().optional(), + limit: z.number().default(50), cursor: z.string().optional(), }) .transform((v) => { @@ -58,7 +58,7 @@ export const ListMarketingautomationActionRequest$inboundSchema: z.ZodType< export type ListMarketingautomationActionRequest$Outbound = { "x-connection-token": string; remote_data?: boolean | undefined; - limit?: number | undefined; + limit: number; cursor?: string | undefined; }; @@ -71,7 +71,7 @@ export const ListMarketingautomationActionRequest$outboundSchema: z.ZodType< .object({ xConnectionToken: z.string(), remoteData: z.boolean().optional(), - limit: z.number().optional(), + limit: z.number().default(50), cursor: z.string().optional(), }) .transform((v) => { diff --git a/src/models/operations/listmarketingautomationautomations.ts b/src/models/operations/listmarketingautomationautomations.ts index 9f75d23d..48f36f11 100644 --- a/src/models/operations/listmarketingautomationautomations.ts +++ b/src/models/operations/listmarketingautomationautomations.ts @@ -44,7 +44,7 @@ export const ListMarketingautomationAutomationsRequest$inboundSchema: z.ZodType< .object({ "x-connection-token": z.string(), remote_data: z.boolean().optional(), - limit: z.number().optional(), + limit: z.number().default(50), cursor: z.string().optional(), }) .transform((v) => { @@ -58,7 +58,7 @@ export const ListMarketingautomationAutomationsRequest$inboundSchema: z.ZodType< export type ListMarketingautomationAutomationsRequest$Outbound = { "x-connection-token": string; remote_data?: boolean | undefined; - limit?: number | undefined; + limit: number; cursor?: string | undefined; }; @@ -71,7 +71,7 @@ export const ListMarketingautomationAutomationsRequest$outboundSchema: z.ZodType .object({ xConnectionToken: z.string(), remoteData: z.boolean().optional(), - limit: z.number().optional(), + limit: z.number().default(50), cursor: z.string().optional(), }) .transform((v) => { diff --git a/src/models/operations/listmarketingautomationcampaigns.ts b/src/models/operations/listmarketingautomationcampaigns.ts index 9b8c8109..72a1978b 100644 --- a/src/models/operations/listmarketingautomationcampaigns.ts +++ b/src/models/operations/listmarketingautomationcampaigns.ts @@ -44,7 +44,7 @@ export const ListMarketingautomationCampaignsRequest$inboundSchema: z.ZodType< .object({ "x-connection-token": z.string(), remote_data: z.boolean().optional(), - limit: z.number().optional(), + limit: z.number().default(50), cursor: z.string().optional(), }) .transform((v) => { @@ -58,7 +58,7 @@ export const ListMarketingautomationCampaignsRequest$inboundSchema: z.ZodType< export type ListMarketingautomationCampaignsRequest$Outbound = { "x-connection-token": string; remote_data?: boolean | undefined; - limit?: number | undefined; + limit: number; cursor?: string | undefined; }; @@ -71,7 +71,7 @@ export const ListMarketingautomationCampaignsRequest$outboundSchema: z.ZodType< .object({ xConnectionToken: z.string(), remoteData: z.boolean().optional(), - limit: z.number().optional(), + limit: z.number().default(50), cursor: z.string().optional(), }) .transform((v) => { diff --git a/src/models/operations/listmarketingautomationcontacts.ts b/src/models/operations/listmarketingautomationcontacts.ts index abb1ce60..7ec8bc5a 100644 --- a/src/models/operations/listmarketingautomationcontacts.ts +++ b/src/models/operations/listmarketingautomationcontacts.ts @@ -44,7 +44,7 @@ export const ListMarketingAutomationContactsRequest$inboundSchema: z.ZodType< .object({ "x-connection-token": z.string(), remote_data: z.boolean().optional(), - limit: z.number().optional(), + limit: z.number().default(50), cursor: z.string().optional(), }) .transform((v) => { @@ -58,7 +58,7 @@ export const ListMarketingAutomationContactsRequest$inboundSchema: z.ZodType< export type ListMarketingAutomationContactsRequest$Outbound = { "x-connection-token": string; remote_data?: boolean | undefined; - limit?: number | undefined; + limit: number; cursor?: string | undefined; }; @@ -71,7 +71,7 @@ export const ListMarketingAutomationContactsRequest$outboundSchema: z.ZodType< .object({ xConnectionToken: z.string(), remoteData: z.boolean().optional(), - limit: z.number().optional(), + limit: z.number().default(50), cursor: z.string().optional(), }) .transform((v) => { diff --git a/src/models/operations/listmarketingautomationemails.ts b/src/models/operations/listmarketingautomationemails.ts index fc179479..957cee91 100644 --- a/src/models/operations/listmarketingautomationemails.ts +++ b/src/models/operations/listmarketingautomationemails.ts @@ -44,7 +44,7 @@ export const ListMarketingautomationEmailsRequest$inboundSchema: z.ZodType< .object({ "x-connection-token": z.string(), remote_data: z.boolean().optional(), - limit: z.number().optional(), + limit: z.number().default(50), cursor: z.string().optional(), }) .transform((v) => { @@ -58,7 +58,7 @@ export const ListMarketingautomationEmailsRequest$inboundSchema: z.ZodType< export type ListMarketingautomationEmailsRequest$Outbound = { "x-connection-token": string; remote_data?: boolean | undefined; - limit?: number | undefined; + limit: number; cursor?: string | undefined; }; @@ -71,7 +71,7 @@ export const ListMarketingautomationEmailsRequest$outboundSchema: z.ZodType< .object({ xConnectionToken: z.string(), remoteData: z.boolean().optional(), - limit: z.number().optional(), + limit: z.number().default(50), cursor: z.string().optional(), }) .transform((v) => { diff --git a/src/models/operations/listmarketingautomationevents.ts b/src/models/operations/listmarketingautomationevents.ts index 6427ea66..4f6cb3cb 100644 --- a/src/models/operations/listmarketingautomationevents.ts +++ b/src/models/operations/listmarketingautomationevents.ts @@ -44,7 +44,7 @@ export const ListMarketingAutomationEventsRequest$inboundSchema: z.ZodType< .object({ "x-connection-token": z.string(), remote_data: z.boolean().optional(), - limit: z.number().optional(), + limit: z.number().default(50), cursor: z.string().optional(), }) .transform((v) => { @@ -58,7 +58,7 @@ export const ListMarketingAutomationEventsRequest$inboundSchema: z.ZodType< export type ListMarketingAutomationEventsRequest$Outbound = { "x-connection-token": string; remote_data?: boolean | undefined; - limit?: number | undefined; + limit: number; cursor?: string | undefined; }; @@ -71,7 +71,7 @@ export const ListMarketingAutomationEventsRequest$outboundSchema: z.ZodType< .object({ xConnectionToken: z.string(), remoteData: z.boolean().optional(), - limit: z.number().optional(), + limit: z.number().default(50), cursor: z.string().optional(), }) .transform((v) => { diff --git a/src/models/operations/listmarketingautomationlists.ts b/src/models/operations/listmarketingautomationlists.ts index 7f80144c..e592e03f 100644 --- a/src/models/operations/listmarketingautomationlists.ts +++ b/src/models/operations/listmarketingautomationlists.ts @@ -44,7 +44,7 @@ export const ListMarketingautomationListsRequest$inboundSchema: z.ZodType< .object({ "x-connection-token": z.string(), remote_data: z.boolean().optional(), - limit: z.number().optional(), + limit: z.number().default(50), cursor: z.string().optional(), }) .transform((v) => { @@ -58,7 +58,7 @@ export const ListMarketingautomationListsRequest$inboundSchema: z.ZodType< export type ListMarketingautomationListsRequest$Outbound = { "x-connection-token": string; remote_data?: boolean | undefined; - limit?: number | undefined; + limit: number; cursor?: string | undefined; }; @@ -71,7 +71,7 @@ export const ListMarketingautomationListsRequest$outboundSchema: z.ZodType< .object({ xConnectionToken: z.string(), remoteData: z.boolean().optional(), - limit: z.number().optional(), + limit: z.number().default(50), cursor: z.string().optional(), }) .transform((v) => { diff --git a/src/models/operations/listmarketingautomationmessages.ts b/src/models/operations/listmarketingautomationmessages.ts index 263bc3d8..c72dddfe 100644 --- a/src/models/operations/listmarketingautomationmessages.ts +++ b/src/models/operations/listmarketingautomationmessages.ts @@ -44,7 +44,7 @@ export const ListMarketingautomationMessagesRequest$inboundSchema: z.ZodType< .object({ "x-connection-token": z.string(), remote_data: z.boolean().optional(), - limit: z.number().optional(), + limit: z.number().default(50), cursor: z.string().optional(), }) .transform((v) => { @@ -58,7 +58,7 @@ export const ListMarketingautomationMessagesRequest$inboundSchema: z.ZodType< export type ListMarketingautomationMessagesRequest$Outbound = { "x-connection-token": string; remote_data?: boolean | undefined; - limit?: number | undefined; + limit: number; cursor?: string | undefined; }; @@ -71,7 +71,7 @@ export const ListMarketingautomationMessagesRequest$outboundSchema: z.ZodType< .object({ xConnectionToken: z.string(), remoteData: z.boolean().optional(), - limit: z.number().optional(), + limit: z.number().default(50), cursor: z.string().optional(), }) .transform((v) => { diff --git a/src/models/operations/listmarketingautomationtemplates.ts b/src/models/operations/listmarketingautomationtemplates.ts index 08248de7..320364ba 100644 --- a/src/models/operations/listmarketingautomationtemplates.ts +++ b/src/models/operations/listmarketingautomationtemplates.ts @@ -44,7 +44,7 @@ export const ListMarketingautomationTemplatesRequest$inboundSchema: z.ZodType< .object({ "x-connection-token": z.string(), remote_data: z.boolean().optional(), - limit: z.number().optional(), + limit: z.number().default(50), cursor: z.string().optional(), }) .transform((v) => { @@ -58,7 +58,7 @@ export const ListMarketingautomationTemplatesRequest$inboundSchema: z.ZodType< export type ListMarketingautomationTemplatesRequest$Outbound = { "x-connection-token": string; remote_data?: boolean | undefined; - limit?: number | undefined; + limit: number; cursor?: string | undefined; }; @@ -71,7 +71,7 @@ export const ListMarketingautomationTemplatesRequest$outboundSchema: z.ZodType< .object({ xConnectionToken: z.string(), remoteData: z.boolean().optional(), - limit: z.number().optional(), + limit: z.number().default(50), cursor: z.string().optional(), }) .transform((v) => { diff --git a/src/models/operations/listmarketingautomationusers.ts b/src/models/operations/listmarketingautomationusers.ts index a585f7c1..582848ae 100644 --- a/src/models/operations/listmarketingautomationusers.ts +++ b/src/models/operations/listmarketingautomationusers.ts @@ -44,7 +44,7 @@ export const ListMarketingAutomationUsersRequest$inboundSchema: z.ZodType< .object({ "x-connection-token": z.string(), remote_data: z.boolean().optional(), - limit: z.number().optional(), + limit: z.number().default(50), cursor: z.string().optional(), }) .transform((v) => { @@ -58,7 +58,7 @@ export const ListMarketingAutomationUsersRequest$inboundSchema: z.ZodType< export type ListMarketingAutomationUsersRequest$Outbound = { "x-connection-token": string; remote_data?: boolean | undefined; - limit?: number | undefined; + limit: number; cursor?: string | undefined; }; @@ -71,7 +71,7 @@ export const ListMarketingAutomationUsersRequest$outboundSchema: z.ZodType< .object({ xConnectionToken: z.string(), remoteData: z.boolean().optional(), - limit: z.number().optional(), + limit: z.number().default(50), cursor: z.string().optional(), }) .transform((v) => { diff --git a/src/models/operations/listticketingaccount.ts b/src/models/operations/listticketingaccount.ts index 09afd57c..1f22ed8f 100644 --- a/src/models/operations/listticketingaccount.ts +++ b/src/models/operations/listticketingaccount.ts @@ -44,7 +44,7 @@ export const ListTicketingAccountRequest$inboundSchema: z.ZodType< .object({ "x-connection-token": z.string(), remote_data: z.boolean().optional(), - limit: z.number().optional(), + limit: z.number().default(50), cursor: z.string().optional(), }) .transform((v) => { @@ -58,7 +58,7 @@ export const ListTicketingAccountRequest$inboundSchema: z.ZodType< export type ListTicketingAccountRequest$Outbound = { "x-connection-token": string; remote_data?: boolean | undefined; - limit?: number | undefined; + limit: number; cursor?: string | undefined; }; @@ -71,7 +71,7 @@ export const ListTicketingAccountRequest$outboundSchema: z.ZodType< .object({ xConnectionToken: z.string(), remoteData: z.boolean().optional(), - limit: z.number().optional(), + limit: z.number().default(50), cursor: z.string().optional(), }) .transform((v) => { diff --git a/src/models/operations/listticketingattachments.ts b/src/models/operations/listticketingattachments.ts index 2089e404..99784b51 100644 --- a/src/models/operations/listticketingattachments.ts +++ b/src/models/operations/listticketingattachments.ts @@ -44,7 +44,7 @@ export const ListTicketingAttachmentsRequest$inboundSchema: z.ZodType< .object({ "x-connection-token": z.string(), remote_data: z.boolean().optional(), - limit: z.number().optional(), + limit: z.number().default(50), cursor: z.string().optional(), }) .transform((v) => { @@ -58,7 +58,7 @@ export const ListTicketingAttachmentsRequest$inboundSchema: z.ZodType< export type ListTicketingAttachmentsRequest$Outbound = { "x-connection-token": string; remote_data?: boolean | undefined; - limit?: number | undefined; + limit: number; cursor?: string | undefined; }; @@ -71,7 +71,7 @@ export const ListTicketingAttachmentsRequest$outboundSchema: z.ZodType< .object({ xConnectionToken: z.string(), remoteData: z.boolean().optional(), - limit: z.number().optional(), + limit: z.number().default(50), cursor: z.string().optional(), }) .transform((v) => { diff --git a/src/models/operations/listticketingcollections.ts b/src/models/operations/listticketingcollections.ts index a1d462a8..ed73da42 100644 --- a/src/models/operations/listticketingcollections.ts +++ b/src/models/operations/listticketingcollections.ts @@ -44,7 +44,7 @@ export const ListTicketingCollectionsRequest$inboundSchema: z.ZodType< .object({ "x-connection-token": z.string(), remote_data: z.boolean().optional(), - limit: z.number().optional(), + limit: z.number().default(50), cursor: z.string().optional(), }) .transform((v) => { @@ -58,7 +58,7 @@ export const ListTicketingCollectionsRequest$inboundSchema: z.ZodType< export type ListTicketingCollectionsRequest$Outbound = { "x-connection-token": string; remote_data?: boolean | undefined; - limit?: number | undefined; + limit: number; cursor?: string | undefined; }; @@ -71,7 +71,7 @@ export const ListTicketingCollectionsRequest$outboundSchema: z.ZodType< .object({ xConnectionToken: z.string(), remoteData: z.boolean().optional(), - limit: z.number().optional(), + limit: z.number().default(50), cursor: z.string().optional(), }) .transform((v) => { diff --git a/src/models/operations/listticketingcomments.ts b/src/models/operations/listticketingcomments.ts index 28b2feae..75083f5a 100644 --- a/src/models/operations/listticketingcomments.ts +++ b/src/models/operations/listticketingcomments.ts @@ -44,7 +44,7 @@ export const ListTicketingCommentsRequest$inboundSchema: z.ZodType< .object({ "x-connection-token": z.string(), remote_data: z.boolean().optional(), - limit: z.number().optional(), + limit: z.number().default(50), cursor: z.string().optional(), }) .transform((v) => { @@ -58,7 +58,7 @@ export const ListTicketingCommentsRequest$inboundSchema: z.ZodType< export type ListTicketingCommentsRequest$Outbound = { "x-connection-token": string; remote_data?: boolean | undefined; - limit?: number | undefined; + limit: number; cursor?: string | undefined; }; @@ -71,7 +71,7 @@ export const ListTicketingCommentsRequest$outboundSchema: z.ZodType< .object({ xConnectionToken: z.string(), remoteData: z.boolean().optional(), - limit: z.number().optional(), + limit: z.number().default(50), cursor: z.string().optional(), }) .transform((v) => { diff --git a/src/models/operations/listticketingcontacts.ts b/src/models/operations/listticketingcontacts.ts index 5fc03709..a9ffbac5 100644 --- a/src/models/operations/listticketingcontacts.ts +++ b/src/models/operations/listticketingcontacts.ts @@ -44,7 +44,7 @@ export const ListTicketingContactsRequest$inboundSchema: z.ZodType< .object({ "x-connection-token": z.string(), remote_data: z.boolean().optional(), - limit: z.number().optional(), + limit: z.number().default(50), cursor: z.string().optional(), }) .transform((v) => { @@ -58,7 +58,7 @@ export const ListTicketingContactsRequest$inboundSchema: z.ZodType< export type ListTicketingContactsRequest$Outbound = { "x-connection-token": string; remote_data?: boolean | undefined; - limit?: number | undefined; + limit: number; cursor?: string | undefined; }; @@ -71,7 +71,7 @@ export const ListTicketingContactsRequest$outboundSchema: z.ZodType< .object({ xConnectionToken: z.string(), remoteData: z.boolean().optional(), - limit: z.number().optional(), + limit: z.number().default(50), cursor: z.string().optional(), }) .transform((v) => { diff --git a/src/models/operations/listticketingtags.ts b/src/models/operations/listticketingtags.ts index 31ead65d..933266e6 100644 --- a/src/models/operations/listticketingtags.ts +++ b/src/models/operations/listticketingtags.ts @@ -44,7 +44,7 @@ export const ListTicketingTagsRequest$inboundSchema: z.ZodType< .object({ "x-connection-token": z.string(), remote_data: z.boolean().optional(), - limit: z.number().optional(), + limit: z.number().default(50), cursor: z.string().optional(), }) .transform((v) => { @@ -58,7 +58,7 @@ export const ListTicketingTagsRequest$inboundSchema: z.ZodType< export type ListTicketingTagsRequest$Outbound = { "x-connection-token": string; remote_data?: boolean | undefined; - limit?: number | undefined; + limit: number; cursor?: string | undefined; }; @@ -71,7 +71,7 @@ export const ListTicketingTagsRequest$outboundSchema: z.ZodType< .object({ xConnectionToken: z.string(), remoteData: z.boolean().optional(), - limit: z.number().optional(), + limit: z.number().default(50), cursor: z.string().optional(), }) .transform((v) => { diff --git a/src/models/operations/listticketingteams.ts b/src/models/operations/listticketingteams.ts index f85d9dee..14a195be 100644 --- a/src/models/operations/listticketingteams.ts +++ b/src/models/operations/listticketingteams.ts @@ -44,7 +44,7 @@ export const ListTicketingTeamsRequest$inboundSchema: z.ZodType< .object({ "x-connection-token": z.string(), remote_data: z.boolean().optional(), - limit: z.number().optional(), + limit: z.number().default(50), cursor: z.string().optional(), }) .transform((v) => { @@ -58,7 +58,7 @@ export const ListTicketingTeamsRequest$inboundSchema: z.ZodType< export type ListTicketingTeamsRequest$Outbound = { "x-connection-token": string; remote_data?: boolean | undefined; - limit?: number | undefined; + limit: number; cursor?: string | undefined; }; @@ -71,7 +71,7 @@ export const ListTicketingTeamsRequest$outboundSchema: z.ZodType< .object({ xConnectionToken: z.string(), remoteData: z.boolean().optional(), - limit: z.number().optional(), + limit: z.number().default(50), cursor: z.string().optional(), }) .transform((v) => { diff --git a/src/models/operations/listticketingticket.ts b/src/models/operations/listticketingticket.ts index 9dc60c25..35641ac2 100644 --- a/src/models/operations/listticketingticket.ts +++ b/src/models/operations/listticketingticket.ts @@ -44,7 +44,7 @@ export const ListTicketingTicketRequest$inboundSchema: z.ZodType< .object({ "x-connection-token": z.string(), remote_data: z.boolean().optional(), - limit: z.number().optional(), + limit: z.number().default(50), cursor: z.string().optional(), }) .transform((v) => { @@ -58,7 +58,7 @@ export const ListTicketingTicketRequest$inboundSchema: z.ZodType< export type ListTicketingTicketRequest$Outbound = { "x-connection-token": string; remote_data?: boolean | undefined; - limit?: number | undefined; + limit: number; cursor?: string | undefined; }; @@ -71,7 +71,7 @@ export const ListTicketingTicketRequest$outboundSchema: z.ZodType< .object({ xConnectionToken: z.string(), remoteData: z.boolean().optional(), - limit: z.number().optional(), + limit: z.number().default(50), cursor: z.string().optional(), }) .transform((v) => { diff --git a/src/models/operations/listticketingusers.ts b/src/models/operations/listticketingusers.ts index 488f7ac4..22735830 100644 --- a/src/models/operations/listticketingusers.ts +++ b/src/models/operations/listticketingusers.ts @@ -44,7 +44,7 @@ export const ListTicketingUsersRequest$inboundSchema: z.ZodType< .object({ "x-connection-token": z.string(), remote_data: z.boolean().optional(), - limit: z.number().optional(), + limit: z.number().default(50), cursor: z.string().optional(), }) .transform((v) => { @@ -58,7 +58,7 @@ export const ListTicketingUsersRequest$inboundSchema: z.ZodType< export type ListTicketingUsersRequest$Outbound = { "x-connection-token": string; remote_data?: boolean | undefined; - limit?: number | undefined; + limit: number; cursor?: string | undefined; }; @@ -71,7 +71,7 @@ export const ListTicketingUsersRequest$outboundSchema: z.ZodType< .object({ xConnectionToken: z.string(), remoteData: z.boolean().optional(), - limit: z.number().optional(), + limit: z.number().default(50), cursor: z.string().optional(), }) .transform((v) => { diff --git a/src/models/operations/retrievehristimesheetentry.ts b/src/models/operations/retrievehristimesheetentry.ts new file mode 100644 index 00000000..457a6992 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/models/operations/retrievehristimesheetentry.ts @@ -0,0 +1,77 @@ +/* + * Code generated by Speakeasy (https://speakeasy.com). DO NOT EDIT. + */ + +import { remap as remap$ } from "../../lib/primitives.js"; +import * as z from "zod"; + +export type RetrieveHrisTimesheetentryRequest = { + /** + * The connection token + */ + xConnectionToken: string; + /** + * id of the timesheetentry you want to retrieve. + */ + id: string; + /** + * Set to true to include data from the original Hris software. + */ + remoteData?: boolean | undefined; +}; + +/** @internal */ +export const RetrieveHrisTimesheetentryRequest$inboundSchema: z.ZodType< + RetrieveHrisTimesheetentryRequest, + z.ZodTypeDef, + unknown +> = z + .object({ + "x-connection-token": z.string(), + id: z.string(), + remote_data: z.boolean().optional(), + }) + .transform((v) => { + return remap$(v, { + "x-connection-token": "xConnectionToken", + remote_data: "remoteData", + }); + }); + +/** @internal */ +export type RetrieveHrisTimesheetentryRequest$Outbound = { + "x-connection-token": string; + id: string; + remote_data?: boolean | undefined; +}; + +/** @internal */ +export const RetrieveHrisTimesheetentryRequest$outboundSchema: z.ZodType< + RetrieveHrisTimesheetentryRequest$Outbound, + z.ZodTypeDef, + RetrieveHrisTimesheetentryRequest +> = z + .object({ + xConnectionToken: z.string(), + id: z.string(), + remoteData: z.boolean().optional(), + }) + .transform((v) => { + return remap$(v, { + xConnectionToken: "x-connection-token", + remoteData: "remote_data", + }); + }); + +/** + * @internal + * @deprecated This namespace will be removed in future versions. Use schemas and types that are exported directly from this module. + */ +export namespace RetrieveHrisTimesheetentryRequest$ { + /** @deprecated use `RetrieveHrisTimesheetentryRequest$inboundSchema` instead. */ + export const inboundSchema = RetrieveHrisTimesheetentryRequest$inboundSchema; + /** @deprecated use `RetrieveHrisTimesheetentryRequest$outboundSchema` instead. */ + export const outboundSchema = RetrieveHrisTimesheetentryRequest$outboundSchema; + /** @deprecated use `RetrieveHrisTimesheetentryRequest$Outbound` instead. */ + export type Outbound = RetrieveHrisTimesheetentryRequest$Outbound; +} diff --git a/src/sdk/hris.ts b/src/sdk/hris.ts index e8b0e727..9c3557d9 100644 --- a/src/sdk/hris.ts +++ b/src/sdk/hris.ts @@ -17,6 +17,7 @@ import { Paygroups } from "./paygroups.js"; import { Payrollruns } from "./payrollruns.js"; import { Timeoffbalances } from "./timeoffbalances.js"; import { Timeoffs } from "./timeoffs.js"; +import { Timesheetentries } from "./timesheetentries.js"; export class Hris extends ClientSDK { private _bankinfos?: Bankinfos; @@ -88,4 +89,9 @@ export class Hris extends ClientSDK { get timeoffbalances(): Timeoffbalances { return (this._timeoffbalances ??= new Timeoffbalances(this.options$)); } + + private _timesheetentries?: Timesheetentries; + get timesheetentries(): Timesheetentries { + return (this._timesheetentries ??= new Timesheetentries(this.options$)); + } } diff --git a/src/sdk/timesheetentries.ts b/src/sdk/timesheetentries.ts new file mode 100644 index 00000000..24f40c17 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/sdk/timesheetentries.ts @@ -0,0 +1,50 @@ +/* + * Code generated by Speakeasy (https://speakeasy.com). DO NOT EDIT. + */ + +import { hrisTimesheetentriesCreate } from "../funcs/hrisTimesheetentriesCreate.js"; +import { hrisTimesheetentriesList } from "../funcs/hrisTimesheetentriesList.js"; +import { hrisTimesheetentriesRetrieve } from "../funcs/hrisTimesheetentriesRetrieve.js"; +import { ClientSDK, RequestOptions } from "../lib/sdks.js"; +import * as components from "../models/components/index.js"; +import * as operations from "../models/operations/index.js"; +import { unwrapAsync } from "../types/fp.js"; +import { PageIterator, unwrapResultIterator } from "../types/operations.js"; + +export class Timesheetentries extends ClientSDK { + /** + * List Timesheetentries + */ + async list( + request: operations.ListHrisTimesheetentriesRequest, + options?: RequestOptions + ): Promise> { + return unwrapResultIterator(hrisTimesheetentriesList(this, request, options)); + } + + /** + * Create Timesheetentrys + * + * @remarks + * Create Timesheetentrys in any supported Hris software + */ + async create( + request: operations.CreateHrisTimesheetentryRequest, + options?: RequestOptions + ): Promise { + return unwrapAsync(hrisTimesheetentriesCreate(this, request, options)); + } + + /** + * Retrieve Timesheetentry + * + * @remarks + * Retrieve an Timesheetentry from any connected Hris software + */ + async retrieve( + request: operations.RetrieveHrisTimesheetentryRequest, + options?: RequestOptions + ): Promise { + return unwrapAsync(hrisTimesheetentriesRetrieve(this, request, options)); + } +} diff --git a/src/types/constdatetime.ts b/src/types/constdatetime.ts new file mode 100644 index 00000000..c0a4409c --- /dev/null +++ b/src/types/constdatetime.ts @@ -0,0 +1,15 @@ +/* + * Code generated by Speakeasy (https://speakeasy.com). DO NOT EDIT. + */ + +import * as z from "zod"; + +export function constDateTime( + val: string, +): z.ZodType { + return z.custom((v) => { + return ( + typeof v === "string" && new Date(v).getTime() === new Date(val).getTime() + ); + }, `Value must be equivelant to ${val}`); +}