This project is linux focusing as Windows has a lot issues with Virtual Functions. However, if Windows issue is solved, the plugin will mostly work fine.
Zombie-Sharp is a Zombie Mode plugin for CS2 referencing the features and functions from the previous SourcePawn Zombie:Reloaded plugin. You can say this is the Zombie:Reloaded remake but in C#. Here is the list of features.
- Basic Zombie Infection Initial with Timer
- Mother Zombie Cycle
- Infect and Human Command
- Respawn Toggle option
- Player Class Module
- Weapon Module with purchase command.
- Hitgroups Module
- Knockback Module
- ZTeleport Module
- Configuration for Infection Settings (ConVar)
- Repeat Killer Module (Obsolete now)
- Top Defender
- Cash on damage zombie
- API for external plugin
- Grenade Napalm Effect (NEW! More coming soon.)
- Player Stats (Work in progress now.)
- Metamode:Source Dev build (2.x).
- CounterStrikeSharp
- CSSharpFixes or MovementUnlocker plugin for knockback.
- Newtonsoft.Json (This is already included in Release)
- Dual Mounting for Custom Content for zombie mod.
- NoBlock for Zombie Escape mode.
- Install .NET 8.0 SDK and Git.
- Open up Windows Powershell and follow these command
git clone
cd ZombieSharp
dotnet build
- Install a Metamod and CounterStrikeSharp with Runtime build.
- Drag All files in zip to
. - Doing command setting and file configuration.
- Start server and enjoy.
It's recommend to set these Convar before using the plugin to prevent crashed and issues that may occur.
mp_limitteams 0 // set in server.cfg
mp_autoteambalance 0 // set in server.cfg
mp_disconnect_kills_players 1 // set in gamemode_casual_server.cfg if file is not existed copy gamemode_casual.cfg and rename it.
Check out ZombieTest for other API usages example.
using CounterStrikeSharp.API;
using CounterStrikeSharp.API.Core;
using CounterStrikeSharp.API.Core.Capabilities;
using ZombieSharpAPI;
namespace ZombieTest
public class ZombieTest : BasePlugin
public override string ModuleName => "Zombie Test";
public override string ModuleVersion => "1.0";
// Declare Capability First.
public static PluginCapability<IZombieSharpAPI> ZombieCapability { get; } = new("zombiesharp");
// Declare API class
IZombieSharpAPI? API;
public override void OnAllPluginsLoaded(bool hotReload)
// Get Capability.
API = ZombieCapability.Get()!;
// Excute Hook function
// Hook function is here.
public HookResult ZS_OnInfectClient(ref CCSPlayerController client, ref CCSPlayerController attacker, ref bool motherzombie, ref bool force, ref bool respawn)
// check which client is infect.
Server.PrintToChatAll($"{client.PlayerName} is infected");
// if client name is Oylsister
if (client.PlayerName == "Oylsister")
Server.PrintToChatAll("Oylsister is immunity");
// Blocking infected
return HookResult.Handled;
if (force)
Server.PrintToChatAll($"by forcing.");
// Always use HookResult.Continue to allowing other player get infect as usual.
return HookResult.Continue;
Here is a list of all the config files available and what they do.
weapons.json - Configure specific weapon settings. And purchase settings
"KnockbackMultiply": 1.0, // Knockback Multiply for all weapon
"glock": { // The weaponname get from event when get fired.
"WeaponName": "Glock", // weapon name you wish
"WeaponEntity": "weapon_glock", // weapon entity
"Knockback": 1.1, // knockback
"WeaponSlot": 1, // weaponslot (0 = Primary, 1 = Secondary, 2 = knife, 3 = grenade)
"Price": 200, // price you want
"MaxPurchase": 0, // Allowing how many time client to purchase in one live.
"Restrict": false, // Allow client to use or not.
"PurchaseCommand": [ "css_glock", "css_gs" ] // Purchase command. Set whatever you want.
playerclasses.json - Player Classes configuration.
Placing Custom model at game/csgo
for both server and client (player)
Example: game/csgo/characters/models/nozb1/2b_nier_automata_player_model/2b_nier_player_model.vmdl_c
"human_default": { // Class unique name
"Name": "Human Default", // class name
"Description": "Default Class for human", // description
"Enable": true, // enable it or not
"Default_Class": true, // If true then player will automatically be assigned with this class when join server for the first time.
"Team": 1, // Team 0 = zombie, Team 1 = human
"Model": "characters\\models\\nozb1\\2b_nier_automata_player_model\\2b_nier_player_model.vmdl", // Model path for this class change .vmdl_c to .vmdl in this config
"MotherZombie": false, // Specify if this class is for mother zombie.
"Health": 150, // class health
"Regen_Interval": 0.0, // Specify how much second to regen health
"Regen_Amount": 0, // Regen Health amount
"Napalm_Time": 0, // Duration of Napalm grenade, set to 0 meaning no burn.
"Speed": 250.0, // class speed (not work yet)
"Knockback": 0.0, // class knockback
"Jump_Height": 3.0, // Jump height
"Jump_Distance": 1.0, // Jump Distance
"Fall_Damage": false // Disable fall damage or not
hitgroups.json - Hitgroup configuration for knockback.
"HitGroupDatas": {
"Generic": { // name of the part, doesn't affect anything
"HitgroupIndex": 0, // hitgroup index DO NOT CHANGE THIS
"HitgroupKnockback": 1.0 // knockback multiply when get hit to this hitgroup
"Head": {
"HitgroupIndex": 1,
"HitgroupKnockback": 1.2