Dredger is a docker tool to help automate local web development environments. It automatically starts a traefik proxy so you can run multiple environments at once with ease. No more remembering container hashes! Dredger also works with Eclipse Che.
By default, containers are made accessible at http://{foldername}.localhost
. You can override this by adding a HOST = ...
to a Makefile.local
in your projects root (see extending), for example http://mysite.
Run the command below to install dredger. Tested on Ubuntu 14.04, requires make
and netcat
$ wget -qO- https://raw.githubusercontent.com/outeredge/dredger/master/install.sh | sudo bash
To upgrade dredger to the latest version, simply run $ sudo dredger self-update
from your command line.
See $ dredger help
Usage: dredger [command]
build - Build the docker image
run - Run at http://{curdir}.*
bash - Enter running container with bash
status - Show the status of running container
logs - Show logs
restart - Restarts the running container
destroy - Stops the running container and deletes it
clean - Clean up all unused containers and images on this host
install - Run install scripts (i.e. composer)
To pass custom arguments to a command that supports it in the Makefile, simply append these to the end of the command like so:
$ dredger run -e APPLICATION_ENV=staging
Add your own commands by creating a Makefile.local
in your repositories root folder (i.e.):
HOST = {subdomain:[a-z]+}.$${DREDGER_NAME:-$(NAME).localhost}
.PHONY: test
@echo ''
@echo 'Custom targets:'
@echo ''
@echo ' test - Run unit tests'
@docker exec -i -t $(NAME) sudo -u www-data bash -c "phpunit --stop-on-failure"
Distributed under the MIT license