- upgrade - bump version to 18
- [NEW] - now using standalone component (not module)
- upgrade - bump to version 17
- chore - now using "ivy partial" mode
- upgrade - bump to version 13
- Fix - update peer deps #95
- Fix - fixes youtube types error #98
- [FIX] - apply pr #80 fix - allow multiple instances
- [CHORE] - upgrade to latest v12.0.
- [CHORE] - upgrade to latest v11.0.
- [CHORE] - upgrade to latest v10.2
- [CHORE] - upgrade to latest v9
- [FIX] - allow mutiple instances fix #80
- [CHORE] - adding scarf as a dependency
- [CHORE] - adding scarf to published package
- [CHORE] - updating package name to display info on npm
- [CHORE] - added scarf for stats
- [NEW] - now using "NgxYoutubePlayerModule" as the module name
- [NEW] - now using "forRoot" for module
- [UPGRADE] - official support for Angular 7, rxjs 6.3.3
- [CHORE] - now using official angular library
- [UPGRADE] - official support for Angular 6, rxjs 6
- [REFACTOR] - "@types/youtube" is a dependency now
- [REFACTOR] - Inputs height & width are assigned with the default sizes now
- [UPGRADE] - official support for Angular 5
- [UPDATE] - updated repo to ngx-youtube-player
- [REFACTOR] - added more unit tests and increased coverage
- [FIX] - fixes #27 - youtube player iframe api loaded with each instance
- RENAMED npm package to "ngx-youtube-player"
- updated to be usign Renderer2 for DOM Access to support NodeJS
- fixes #8
- updated to work with ng4
- auto setting for youtube player api protocol (http or https)
- using angular-library-starter
- added support for "http" method
- added examples
- First release