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Red NanoRed

China GuangZhou

Dmitry Selikhov idimetrix
💻ALWAYS HIRING, 🌍REMOTE JOBS, 💼HR, 🚀CTO, 🏗️Software Architect, 🧑‍💻Technical Lead, 👨‍💼3X Founder. 🔗Linking companies with top tech talents. @elevanceit

@elevanceit New York

Stratos Theodorou eeVoskos

Ex Machina Athens, Greece

Johnny Stenson JohnnyStenson
Full Stack LAMP App Developer & Salesforce Developer & Certified Admin

New Jersey

David Dada DADADAVE80
Blockchain | Mobile App Developer


bull susumutomita
Software Engineer

BULL Yokohama, Japan

Elise Liang eliseliangz
Quant Recruiting for tradefi and defi AI Lab researcher hiring WeChat: eliselll

Hong Kong

Ralf codebarista
Finest coding since 1999

@ScholzVolkmer Wiesbaden, Germany

Goke Pelemo gokepelemo

@DigitalOcean Austin, TX

Alice alicesin615
Software Engineer interested in blockchain technologies

Mitosis Singapore

Zach Collier zamicol Pueblo, Colorado

Alvar Laigna alvarlaigna
Revolutionizing tech with DX, DevOps & gamification – from idea to launch, we make development and play seamlessly intertwine.

@altos-engineering Tallinn, Estonia

Hawthorne Zou Armruo
Backend Developer & Web3 Practitioner

Hong Kong

Steve Witmer switmer

Roster San Diego, Ca

Evelynn Jones evelynnmimijae
Early Adopter and App Beta Tester. Cybersecurity student interested in securing web2 and web3.

Evelynn Jones Consulting San Diego, CA

Vadim Smakhtin smakhtin
Head of Product at Sovereign Nature Initiative. PhD candidate at University of Innsbruck (SLL, IOUD). ἐphemera ONE co-founder.

@sovereign-nature Innsbruck

Yifan Wu onefanwu
Ph.D. in Computer Science, interested in database systems, decentralized systems, and hardware acceleration.

Zhejiang University Hangzhou, China

lockedech lockedech
I focus on fixing typos.
Salman Dabbakuti Salmandabbakuti
A Fascinated Coder || Full stack and Blockchain Developer - Blockchain, Web3, Javascript, Typescript, React, Nextjs, Prisma, GraphQL, Cloud

MilkyWay Galaxy

Tyler Quiring tylerdq
Creative Solutions Consultant

Inquire Creative Solutions Tucson, AZ

Michael Perhats Mperhats
Building protocol networks.


Oliver Montes olivermontes
CTO @foundation-vision AI for B2B

@foundation-vision Spain / Alicante

Muhammad-Jibril B.A. (Khalifa MBA) balqaasem
Nothing is impossible for the faithful.

@slixonai | @openweb3-foundation | @Setheum-Labs Nanjing, Jiangsu, China

Biswarghya Biswas lazyfuhrer

Stealth Startup Kolkata, India

Yuriy Gavrilov YuriyGavrilov
love, peace and happiness

S7 Airlines Russia

Stephen Traiforos straiforos
Cat dad, music lover, outdoor fanatic, passionate cook. 🕸️ Your friendly neighborhood developer.

Boston MA

Stephane Tsana stephdgenius
Full stack developer, UI/UX Designer, Video director. Technology and music lover.


Giorgio giorgioma
Puzzles, puzzles everywhere!

Freelancer Milan, Italy

Dhanush R TheOnlyWayUp
🥪 Full Stack Developer 8️⃣ Years of experience 💬 Contact me at [email protected] / theonlywayup on discord 🔥 Love to Learn

ArchiveWP India

Tang Jetsada TangJetsada123
Hi, My name is Jetsada Jinaka,you can call me Tang. I am passionate about the program and coding. I am keen to continue learning new skills and enjoy working in


Richard Shea shearichard

Wellington, New Zealand

flash chrisarevalo11
Blockchain developer