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Rafael Silva RafinhaPapa
Técnico em Automação e Técnico em Eletrotécnica. Cursando Engenharia de Mecatrônica. Áreas de Atuação: Sistemas Embarcados, Microcontroladores.


Chimipupu👾💜 Chimipupu


Bruno Vicente bruno3634-gif

ESTG - IPLeiria Leiria

wenjiu TimeKeepper

Shenzhen university Shenzhen

Peter Kerrigan advsig
C++ on embedded systems! Why, you can't do that, it has too much overhead! Besides, real men code in assembler!

Advanced Signal Processors, LLC Santa Clara, CA

Discrete-Mathematics Discrete-Mathematics
"Virtue and Excellence, Diligence and Integrity" -The Four Books.

China University of Mining and Technology, Beijing Beijing

Stanlee Cr4zyLee
I'm just relearning to code

Close to Montreal

BobSaidHi BobSaidHi
Member of @CalPolyWindPower at Cal Poly SLO. Former project lead for Mech Warfare in CP Robotics Club. Retired programmer and lead for @frc6506.

Cal Poly SLO California, USA

mii MiiGoto

Toyota Technological Institute

Omar Fayed Omarfayed412
A PCB designer and embedded hardware/Software systems engineer . You will find here some of my High-speed PCB designs besides various AVR peripheral drivers.

Hardware design engineer @AquaphotonAcademy Alexandria , Egypt

Pavan Simactricals pkyv004
Engineer BTech

Simactricals PVT Ltd

ROOT Tpj-root
We are all mirrors.


ONDO ABAGHE Rooly Marvin LeeMarvin94
Embedded Software Engineer | Linux Engineer | Cloud Solutions Architect

Fablab Moanda Gabon, Moanda