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Dan Archer DanArcherOnline
Full-Stack Software Engineer interested in Software Architecture, System Design, Cyber Security, AI, and tech in general (ง ◉ _ ◉)ง


Dean Gephart MarkLIyi
As a passionate coding enthusiast, I, Dean Gephart, excel in Python, Java, and C++. I eagerly participate in competitions and aspire to make an impact in the t
koyashiro koyashiro
Web developer. Rust / TypeScript / Go / C#

SODA Inc. @snkrdunk Saitama, Japan

koyasaeki koyasaeki

soeasy Kanagawa, Japan

Ezra Indrastata ezraisw
Perfectionist programmer. I like both front-end and back-end programming.

株式会社SODA Tokyo

ichiki.t hitotsu01ki

Think App, Inc. Tokyo, Japan.