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Cédric Foellmi onekiloparsec
Astrophysicist turned VP Engineering.

Grenoble, French Alps, France

Michael J. Roberts michealroberts
Amateur Astronomer. Previously Ground Products Engineer @ Loft Orbital. Software Engineer @ Spaceflux. CTO & Founder of

observerly London, United Kingdom

S. Alim Reza stephen256
A multifaceted author whose work explores the realms of weird, speculative fiction—blending cosmic horror, occult mystery, and sci-fi


Bryan Miller bryanmiller

Gemini Observatory/NSF's NOIRLab

Hibiki Seki hijiki51

Tokyo Institute of Technology / traP Tokyo, Japan

Jay Kalinani jaykalinani
Computational astrophysicist | I like compact objects, numerical relativity and MHD | Postdoc @ CCRG, RIT

Rochester Institute of Technology Rochester

A Chinese Guy Loves Lionel Messi

Yunnan University China