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Haster Sun Hastersun

Shandong Province

Y11 XiaomingX
Software Dev @ X | Linux, Java, Spring, Python, Go, Next.js | Open Source Enthusiast | LLM Innovator | M.Sc. in Software Engineering 🚀

uhaka japan

Jason MiderWong
Full Stack


Mikael Luxwarp Carlsson luxwarp
IT Consult and Web developer.

Connumin Gothenburg, Sweden

Rio Purnomo siriokun
Building sites with Drupal, Ghost and WordPress for more than a decade. Improving skills on No Code and AI.

VML Bandung, Indonesia

Elson Sartori Jr (McGuyverBR) McGuyverBR

MaxServer Web Technologies Brasil

Antonis Vakondios vakondios
Review my Linkedin profile at

Greece / UK

Antonio Faccioli antoniofaccioli
ICT Trainer

Faboci Srl - Soluzioni Open Academy Italy

Kevin kevin8181
Freelancing backend and web developer

The Red Planet

Scott Duensing sduensin
Scott has developed software for almost every computer, console, and handheld since teaching himself to program on a TI99/4a.

Jaeger Technologies, LLC. Smithton, IL, USA, Earth

Moulik Aggarwal aggmoulik
Software Enginner ex @deepsourcelabs | GSoC'19 @oclif
