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mufen mufenqwq
Learning java and rust right now

中南大学 Changsha, China

cher cherhh


曾怡寿 zengyishou

课官科技 广州

Wáng Wěi Tāo watonyweng
我是一张豆腐皮儿,又逗又腐又很皮。 我是一条土豆丝儿,又土又逗又屌丝。 我是一盘小炒肉,又小又吵又多肉。 我是一瓶二锅头,又二又乖又上头。

Unknown Company Beijing China


University of Science and Technology Beijing Haidian District, Beijing

Felix Septem FelixSeptem
I know there are several bugs, and I can fix it in few minutes, but I won't do unless you point it out.


C++/Rust/CMake Keep learning📚
King lispking
Full-stack Software Engineer, Good at language development such as Rust and Solidity. I have worked in many major companies such as Alibaba, Huawei and Tencent.

GuangDong, China

Lss ifcalm
Peace of mind, to go further. Regulatory own, higher achievement.


phial3 phial3
Software engineer, coding in Java, Go & Rust Expertise: Clean Architecture & Architecture design, Concurrent programming, Performance optimization, caching

JD Beijing · Chain