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Hüseyin Çavuş huseyincavusbi
Future researcher passionate about Computational Biomedicine, major in Biology at Trakya University

Trakya University Turkey

Co-Founder @FreeDoctr , Research Engineer Stealth #GraphML, #GeometricDL, #3DComputerVision, #DiffusionModels, #Generative AI #ML ,#RL, #LLM, #BioInformatic

New Delhi

Moein Heidari moeinheidari7829

The University of British Columbia Vancouver, Canada

TrishaChetani TrishaChetani
#devops #sre #softwaretester #leadership #agile #testautomation #networking #microservice #womenintech #WomenInSTEM #opensourceproject. Open for new opportunity


Hong-Yu Zhou funnyzhou
PostDoc at Harvard University

Harvard University Boston

Kirti Swagat Mohanty kirtiswagat
Multiple Years of Research and Development, Software development and Teaching experience in Computer Vision, Python, Machine Learning and Data Science

NIT Silchar


Stuttgart, Germany

Xiao Wang(王逍) wangxiao5791509
Associate Professor, School of Computer Science and Technology, Anhui University, Hefei, Anhui Province, China

Anhui University (安徽大学) Hefei, Anhui Province, China

Jihao Lang(郎吉豪) langjihao
Master's student in AI at TJNU. My research focuses on medical report generation.

Tianjin Normal University Qingdao,Shandong

Huamin Wang HuaminWang
PhD Stu @HiLab-git at UESTC

UESTC Chengdu, China

Xiaoben Li XiaobenLi00
Research assistant at Endless AI Lab, Westlake University.

Westlake University Hangzhou, Zhejiang

Bhimraj Yadav bhimrazy
💻 Software Engineer | 🧠 AI Engineer | 🌍 Opensource Contributor | 🌐 Research Enthusiast in Computer Vision & Generative AI


kuisu kuisu-GDUT
ML, Deep learning, CV, R

GDUT Chian guangzhou

Cameron Smith cameronraysmith

Harvard Medical School Boston, MA, USA

Alejandro Mora-Rubio MoraRubio
Biomedical and Electronics Engineer. Data scientist at @BIMCV-CSUSP. Interested in Machine Learning, Deep Learning and Computer Vision.

Unidad Mixta de Imagen Biomédica, Fisabio-CIPF Valencia, Spain

Yash Mehta yashsmehta
Cognitive Science PhD student, JHU Previously @HHMIJanelia, @automl, @GatsbyUCL, @NTUsingapore, @AmazonSDE

Johns Hopkins University Baltimore, MD

Deepanshu Gulia deepu2560
Software Developer

Anzo Controls New Delhi, India

Limber Cheng limberc
D.Phil@Oxford CS working on Application of Representation Learning

Oxford, UK

MaisyZhang MaisyZhang

@WebPrague 31°N, 121°E

Ankan Ganguly ankanganguly24
👋 Hello there! I'm Ankan an aspiring MERN stack developer 🌐On a mission to create robust and scalable web applications 🌟 Let's connect and learn together!
Feng Chen Chenfeng1271
Goodbye, Shinji. Goodbye Asuka. Goodbye, all of Evangelion. I already decided to grow up.

P.h.D student@University of Adelaide Melbourne, Australia

TopCodeBeast TopCodeBeast
Web full stack and Blockchain developer
爱可可-爱生活 fly51fly
BUPT prof | Sharing latest AI papers & insights | Join me in embracing the AI revolution! #MachineLearning #AI #Innovation

PRIS BeiJing

Craig John Parker Logic06183
I am a data scientist researching the effects of global warming on public health in Africa. I am involved in a wide range of projects, including the HEAT Centre

Wits Planetary Health, University of Witwatersrand Cape Town, South Africa

Lee Jong Bub bub3690

Inha university

Yi Xiong Byronxy
M.D./PhD. student in Xiangya School of Medicine, CSU. Visiting research student in Sickkids Hospital, UofT

Xiangya hospital, Central South University Changsha

Ningrong Ye nye0
Train Machine to Think as a Doctor

Xiangya Hospital, Central South University China

chaoyi-wu chaoyi-wu
I am a Ph.D. student working on medical image analysis and machine learning at Shanghai Jiao Tong University.

Shanghai Jiao Tong University Shanghai Shanghai

YOLO Liqq1

Shanghai, China