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Olly Butters OllyButters
Mostly a university data & software nerd. Plenty of awesome.

University of Liverpool Liverpool

João Matos joamats
PhD student at Oxford

University of Oxford Oxford, UK

Rabia Ali Khan RabiaKhanPDE
Part-time DPhil student specializing in real world evidence at the University of Oxford. Principal Epidemiologist at UKHSA.
Andrew Allen Bruce andrewallenbruce
Healthcare Data Analyst


CE Barboza cebarboza
R developer for the Department of Medical Informatics at Erasmus MC


Jacob S. Zelko TheCedarPrince
Researcher in health informatics, applied mathematics, knowledge management, and open source/open science.

Northeastern University

Joe Zhu shajoezhu
Programmer, data scientist, statistician. Made in China, built in NZ, upgraded in Oxford

Roche Oxford

Tomas Lasys tomaslasys

Utrecht University Utrecht

Chungsoo ChungsooKim
PharmD, PhD in Medical Informatics

New Haven, CT

Mike Du ilovemane
used to love him
Data science developer
