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Julian Galvez Serna Piaktipik
PhD Student - Queensland University of Technology. Machines crafter, Interested in UAVs for Planetary Exploration, Systems Engineering and Systems integration.

QUT Australia

Luke Smith LSgeo
I'm a geophysicist who stumbled into machine learning, and has been coding ever since.


Gregory H. Halverson gregory-halverson-jpl
Scientific Applications Software Engineer at NASA Jet Propulsion Laboratory

NASA Jet Propulsion Laboratory Pasadena, CA

Damien Ayers omad
Father, rock climber, programmer.

@csiro Canberra, Australia

Rivelle Rivétria rivelle
Python | PythonGIS |Analista em Geoprocessamento | Analista GIS | Produção de Mapas | Instrutor Geoprocessamento | Gestão de Projetos

Rivelle Rivétria - ZNTGEO Salvador

Sebastian Luna-Valero sebastian-luna-valero

EGI Foundation Amsterdam, The Netherlands

Mohammed El Amin Larabi westamine
PhD in computer science, ML/AI deep learning researcher with application in remote sensing and computer vision.

Beihang University (China) Algeria

Charlie Robbins indexzero
Early node person; herder of mammals. You probably "npm install" a module I created.

New York, NY

Andrés Camilo Zúñiga-González ancazugo

University of Cambridge Cambridge, UK

FermiQ FermiQ
Im an intergalactic dust particle; hanging on a limited lifespan; anticipating a lightYr. old ray of luv 2 consummate with QFT; QT; Statistical Probabilistic QC


Jiawei Gao IAGO1215

Politecnico di Milano | Università Bicocca Milano

Felipe Dantas felipedantas-pi

Instituto Federal do Piauí - Teresina Central Teresina

Daniel J. Dufour DanielJDufour
builds,, georaster, georaster-layer-for-leaflet, date-extractor, geotiff-stats, and xml-utils; built, and maintains proj4js/mgrs

@GeoSurge Chattanooga, TN

Emmanuel Jolaiya jeafreezy
Earth Observation & Geospatial Software Engineer.

Ex @IntegrationEE Germany | Spain

Paul Melloy PaulMelloy
Agroecological plant protection modeler for CSIRO in Australia

CSIRO Brisbane

Polina po1line
Environmental scientist and data analyst. Passionate about ecosystems resilience, biodiversity conservation, climate change action, and geospatial data 🌸
Hello! I’m about to graduate from university with a degree in Civil Engineering. Self-learning Developer.


Niranjan Anandkumar niranjanaryan
The Engineer, Founder <⚡> Deceptive AI | AI Obsession , Research ⚙️ Product 🔱 AGI | AI for Masses | Breaking Barriers and Boundaries

Deceptive AI Greater Bengaluru, India

Lee Beaton ActuallyACat
Does stuff, mostly with Javascript.

Hobart, Tasmania

Allan Irvine NewGraphEnvironment
The biggest lie is that we will never look after each other

New Graph Environment Ltd. Earth

Charlene Leong charleneleong-ai
Greetings human! I'm an AI/machine learning engineer/data scientist who likes to tinker, design and build interesting things.


Daniela Walch dmrwal
PhD Student at the AquaTel laboratories. Former Master's student at UNIS Svalbard and Universität Potsdam.

Université du Québec à Rimouski, Canada QUÉBEC, Canada

David Borges daveborges
Committee on Earth Observation Satellites (CEOS) Systems Engineering Office (SEO)


Tatiana Pará M de Freitas tatipara
Eng. Agrônoma, Especialista em Geotecnologias, Mestre em Desenvolvimento e Gestão, Pilota de Drone e Mãe da Maria e do Ben.


Pasquale Inglese pasing
GIS Specialist for Urban, Regional and Environmental Systems Planning

Naples, Italy

Olivier Bonte olivierbonte
Doctoral researcher @h-cel

Ghent University Ghent, Belgium

Liam Ekblad ekblad

California Department of Water Resources

Andres Herrera AndresHerrera
- Topographic Engineer(B.Eng) - Geomatics Specialist (PgD) - Master in Engineering with a Major in Computer Science (M.Sc)


Saheel Ahmed saheelBreezo
Master's Student @utwente, Prev - @blueskyanalytics, atlan

@utwente Netherlands

Sk Muzahid muzahid120
I'm a self-taught data science enthusiast driven by a story of resilience and relentless pursuit of knowledge.
