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Florian Schut florianschut
Poke me on Discord: Florian#9270

Triple Solar Wormer

Markus Fleschutz mfleschutz
Energy flexibility researcher, cleantech enthusiast, and Python developer from Germany

HKA Karlsruhe

Antouan Anguelov antouanbg
Father x4, Dr. Eng. in AI, REEM, ITC and tech entrepreneur. Creator of a patent model for data communication #2789U1 at Bulgarian Patent Registry.

Novacom Group. Sofia, Bulgaria

Samuel de Vries SamueldeVries
PhD candidate at Eindhoven university of technology. Interested in modeling and simulation advanced fenestration systems

Eindhoven university of technology Eindhoven, the Netherlands

Serge Morel MorelSerge
Computer scientist. Decentralising energy with @Powernaut

Powernaut Ghent, Belgium

Georg Hartner georghartner Waidhofen an der Ybbs, Austria

Sebastiaan la Fleur lfse-slafleur

la Fleur Software Engineering Bodegraven, Zuid-Holland, The Netherlands