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Pablo Hinojosa Pablohn26
Changing the world while working at [your company]


Jesse SideControlJS
{espresso-fueled} web developer & programmer at your service.

ZIO Raleigh, NC

Like to listen rock & pop music. Favorite band is Fumon (previous. Formoza). Study in NTUST MIS master degree. Set a goal to use NLP in legal domain.

Taipei, Taiwan

Mike Foden MikeFoden
Software developer by day, music producer by night.


JMArts Design jmartsdesign
Artista e designer especializado em 2D/3D e Urban Sketching. Gosta de arte generativa e PenPlotter. Sempre explorar novas técnicas e ferramentas.
Ádám Jäger jagarinart
Nature & landscape photographer, experimental / noise music artist, SEO expert, web developer, blogger from Hungary.


Sabine Klare Sternenmaschinebine
Interests: Astronomy , Electronic Music . User of Winamp / WACUP and Milkdrop / BeatDrop / projectM Visualizer . Multi Artist ( Music Art Lyrics Videos ) .

Berlin, Germany

MagicLike MagicLike
I'm a Games 🎮, Tech 🤖 and Coding nerd 🤓. I like Open Source, web development, debloating, secure communication 🔐, etc....

@LinkStackOrg @openandroidinstaller-dev