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Alisson Natan dos Anjos Pinheiro AlissonAnjos21
Estudante de programação desde 2019. Técnico em informática pelo IFBA. Atualmente cursando Ciência da Computação pela UESB.

BA, Brazil

Benlaiter Mohammed MohammedBenlaiter
Computer Science Master Degree Student at Université de M'sila, Software Engineer

Algeria, M'sila

Iwtem iwtem
FE developer

China Shanghai

Ana Sanches anasanchesdev
Python Developer | Técnica em Eletrônica (CEFET-MG ~ cursando)

Belo Horizonte, MG

Francois Gaascht fgaascht
I pick mushrooms, grow them and mine them by chemical and bioinformatic approaches for isolation of bioactive molecules and biocatalysts.

BioTechnology Institute - University of Minnesota Minnesota

Aakash alphacentauri1
just your local arch enjoyer
Nick Raziborsky werkamsus
Hey there 👋

Sonoma San Francisco

Isaac Woodruff isaacwoodruff
Data & Backend Engineer, DB Administrator, AI Dabbler


TheMicroscopicEngineThatCould Thalexander6
NCSU Bio-Engineering '20 Learning to code because all the jobs are online now.
Daniel Fang danielfang97

@SynBioHub Boulder, CO

James Sanders J-E-J-S
Synthetic Biologist at the University of Manchester.

University of Manchester