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x thailand

Shu Sakata ssprettychill
Passionate about technology enablers Ex-HashiCorp, Microsoft OSS on Azure
Lena Yewon Kang dolylupec
Astar Network | Women Techmakers Ambassador | ex-Google Developer Student Clubs Core Member👩‍💻

Seoul, Republic of Korea

Andrei Silviu Dragnea andreisilviudragnea
🦀 Senior Rust Software Engineer • Contractor • Freelancer | Using Rust to build highly scalable web apps

Bucharest, Romania

Bobo bobo-k2
Software engineer

Block Zero Zagreb

Suraj Jadhav surajgjadhav
A Full Stack Developer with keen interest in the exciting world of Web3 🌐 JS ❤️
jhcoder yukiorita1117

CyberAgent, Inc. Tokyo

Sota sotawat

Startale Labs Tokyo

Kazumi Hirose kazumihirose

@microsoft Japan,Tokyo

kyohei_nft newt0
I've worked as CTO and Head of Development for several web3 startups, and have developed many dApps and enterprise web3 projects.

ARM3rd Tokyo