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Abrham Lakew abrhame
MERN Stack Developer | Mobile Developer | Python Developer

Africa to Silicon Valley Ethiopia

Gedion Teshome GedionT
~ All things tech

UNDP, HQ Earth

Juan Pablo Flores juanpflores
An analogue guy in a digital world. Open Science @github | Ex-Buga 🏳️‍🌈 | Putting romance back in necromance 🗡️

GitHub Seattle

Shehara Perera sheharaperera
PhD Student at University of Cambridge



Hewlett Packard Enterprise Bristol, UK

James R T jamestiotio
"Any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic." - Sir Arthur Charles Clarke

@aruba The edge of knowing

Jason Klebes jklebes

University of Edinburgh Edinburgh

Kyle Beggs kylebeggs
Scientific Software Developer

metalenz North Carolina, United States

A Chinese Guy Loves Lionel Messi

Yunnan University China

neelan pather neeland
actuary data scientist

æ Johannesburg, South Africa

Nikhil Yewale yewalenikhil65
My skills are Math, Fluid Dynamics, Julia programming language, and MATLAB scripting! I may survive C++ too.

PhD student at IIT Bombay India

Miren Radia mirenradia
Research Software Engineer @ University of Cambridge

University of Cambridge @RSE-Cambridge Cambridge, UK

Matthew Walker 09nwalkerm
PhD Candidate @ Cardiff University
Qingbiao Li QingbiaoLi

Computer Lab, The University of Cambridge Cambridge