Hui Zheng
I am interested in the mechanisms and treatment of addiction through MRI, EEG, TMS, TES, and model-based and model-free paradigms.
Shanghai Mental Health Center Shanghai
Johon Li Tuobang 李拓邦
Theoretical statistics & Biostatistics, Studied at Guangdong Technion-Israel Institute of Technology
University of California, Berkeley People's Republic of China
Leon Martin
Berlin Institute of Health at Charité University Medicine Berlin Berlin
Alexander Enge
PhD student in psychology, working with human fMRI and EEG data
Max Planck Institut for Human Cognitive and Brain Sciences Leipzig
Taylor Salo
I am a postdoctoral fellow at UPenn in the @PennLINC lab. I am interested in performing reproducible, transparent research with fMRI.
University of Pennsylvania Philadelphia, PA
Natasha Clarke
machine learning, neuroimaging, and natural language processing in clinical populations
@SIMEXP Montréal
George Hutchings
University of Oxford / Imperial College London United Kingdom